CS5: Introduction to Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College
CS5 Web > Homework5Gold > AdvancedAdditionGold
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Lab 5: Addition Circuits!

[50 points; individual or pair] (filename: hw5 ...)   (These will be screenshots. The files will be online.)

Getting started with CircuitVerse and the hw5 starter circuits

This week you will design several circuits using an online digital-circuit design tool called CircuitVerse.
You'll use CircuitVerse throughout this week's hw (with the same online file, in fact).

Use Chrome (not Safari)

Mac user? For Circuitverse, Chrome (Google's browser) seems happier with the wire-drawing than Safari (Apple's browser).

Create a CircuitVerse account ...

First, coffee!

Then, do this:    Create an account with Circuitverse

Fork our hw5 "starting circuits" to create your own

Once you have an account and are logged in, you should be able to open this set of "starting circuits": https://circuitverse.org/users/26206/projects/95720

         Starting Circuits for cs5 hw5

From, there click the Fork button—and you will have your own copy on which to work.

Here's the screen inviting you to fork your own copy of the starter circuits:


Launch Simulator and you're circuit'ing!

Once you've "forked," there should be a Launch Simulator button. Here's what it will look like:


Click launch and you're developing your circuits!

Warning: Save often!

Circuitverse is a browser-based application... It's capable, but not perfect!

It has gotten stuck in the "saving" state before...    So, Save Often!:


The most common problem is short-circuits. Drawing wires upstream will avoid many of these!

Lab 5: Circuit addition !

There are three parts to this lab:

These three parts are detailed here:

Part 1:   Getting started with XOR

The XOR   exclusive or function is sometimes considered a building-block gate, along with AND, OR, and NOT.

Plus, this gives us a chance to get used to the Circuitverse interface!

Be sure to try out the four possible input patterns:

If this works, you're set! Take a screenshot (you'll submit it later, along with the next two...)

Part 2:   Designing and building a Full Adder

Part 3: Building a 4-bit ripple-carry Adder

Submitting your screenshots

Test your circuits and then be sure to save them using the Save Online option.

Take a screenshot of all three—and submit those three images (all at once) under hw5pr1

Gradescope allows submitting multiple files at once:

Continuing to the prime-tester and multiplier...

You're done with the lab! If you wish, continue on with the rest of the assignment, which is to create "prime-testing" and other circuits