CS5: Introduction to Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College
CS5 Web > Homework4Gold > Lab4Sum
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Lab 4    From Decimal to Binary and beyond...

This lab is all about converting numbers to and from base 10 (where most humans operate) from and to base 2 (where virtually all computers operate).

At the end of the lab, you'll extend this to ternary, or base 3, where fewer computers and humans, but many more aliens, operate!

Here's a header to start your hw4pr1.py file:

# CS5, hw4pr1
# Filename: hw4pr1.py
# Name: 
# Problem description: Binary <-> decimal conversions

Function #1    isOdd(N)    warm-up function!

As background, we'll recall how to determine whether values are even or odd in Python:

In [1]: isOdd(42)
Out[1]: False

In [2]: isOdd(43)
Out[2]: True

...and here are some tests. To emphasize seeing what each function is returning, we will use printing-type tests:

print("isOdd(42)    should be  False :", isOdd(42))
print("isOdd(43)    should be  True :", isOdd(43))


Function #2    numToBinary(N)

This part of the lab motivates converting decimal numbers into binary form one bit at a time, which may seem "odd" at first…!

Quick overview: you will end up writing a function numToBinary(N) that works as follows:

In [1]: numToBinary(5)
Out[1]: '101'

In [2]: numToBinary(12)
Out[2]: '1100'

Note that numToBinary returns a string; that's important because we need to manipulate the individual characters ("bits").

Starter code: If you'd like, we provide one starting point for your numToBinary function here. A useful first task is to write a docstring!

We've also included some tests, for later.

def numToBinary(N):
    if N == 0:
        return ''
    elif N%2 == 1:
        return   _____________________ + '1'
        return   _____________________ + '0'

print("numToBinary(0)      should be  '' :",  numToBinary(0))
print("numToBinary(42)     should be  '101010' :",  numToBinary(42))


More examples!:

In [1]: numToBinary(0)
Out[1]: ''              

In [2]: numToBinary(1)
Out[2]: '1'

In [3]: numToBinary(4)
Out[3]: '100'

In [4]: numToBinary(10)
Out[4]: '1010'

In [5]: numToBinary(42)
Out[5]: '101010'

In [6]: numToBinary(100)
Out[6]: '1100100'

Function #3    binaryToNum(S)

Next, you'll tackle the more challenging task of converting from base 2 to base 10, again from right to left. We'll represent a base-2 number as a string of 0's and 1's (bits).

Quick overview: you will end up writing a function binaryToNum(S) that works as follows:

In [1]: binaryToNum('101')
Out[1]: 5

In [2]: binaryToNum('101010')
Out[2]: 42

Starter code: If you'd like, we provide one starting point for your binaryToNum function here. Again, a useful first task is to write a docstring!

def binaryToNum(S):
    if S == '':
        return 0

    # if the last digit is a '1'...
    elif S[-1] ==  '1':
        return   _____________________ + 1

    else: # last digit must be '0'
        return   _____________________ + 0

# tests

print("binaryToNum('')     should be  0 :",  binaryToNum(''))
print("binaryToNum('101010') should be  42 :",  binaryToNum('101010'))


More examples!:

In [1]: binaryToNum("100")
Out[1]: 4

In [2]: binaryToNum("1011")
Out[1]: 11

In [3]: binaryToNum("00001011")
Out[1]: 11

In [4]: binaryToNum("")
Out[1]: 0

In [5]: binaryToNum("0")
Out[1]: 0

In [6]: binaryToNum("1100100")
Out[1]: 100

In [7]: binaryToNum("101010")
Out[1]: 42

Functions #4 and #5    increment(S) and count(S, n)

Binary Counting!

In this problem we'll write several functions to do counting in binary—use the two functions you wrote above for this!

Quick overview: you'll write increment(S), which

It's an old-school countdown-er! (Actually, count-upper!)

Here are some sample calls and their results:

In [1]: increment('00000010')
Out[1]: '00000011'

In [2]: increment('00001111')
Out[2]: '00010000'

In [3]: increment('00101001')
Out[3]: '00101010'

In [4]: increment('11111111')
Out[4]: '00000000'

Some tests to try (when you're ready - see below for strategies!)

print("increment('00101001')    should be  00101010 :", increment('00101001'))
print("increment('00000011')    should be  00000100 :", increment('00000011'))
print("increment('11111111')    should be  00000000 :", increment('11111111'))


Next function: here, you'll use the above function to write count(S, n), which accepts an 8-character binary string as its argument and then counts n times upward from S, printing as it goes. Here are some examples:

In [1]: count("00000000", 4)

In [2]: count("11111110", 5)

Since count is meant to print, rather than return a specific value, testing works via running the code!   (Be sure to try it out!)


Base-3: ternary and balanced ternary

There are 10 types of people in the world:

These next problems mean you will be able to tout your ternary powers!

(Caution: Touting ternary powers may not be recommended in every situation... .)

Functions #6 and #7    numToTernary(N) and ternaryToNum(S)

"Ordinary" Ternary

For this part of the lab, we extend these representational ideas from base 2 (binary) to base 3 (ternary). Just as binary numbers use the two digits 0 and 1, ternary numbers use the digits 0, 1, and 2. Consecutive columns in the ternary numbers represent consecutive powers of three. For example, the ternary number

when evaluated from right to left, evaluates as 1 twenty-seven, 1 nine, 2 threes, and 0 ones. Or, to summarize, it is 1*27 + 1*9 + 2*3 + 0*1 == 42.

In a comment or triple-quoted string, explain what the ternary representation is for the value 59, and why it is so.

Use the thought processes behind the conversion functions you have already written to create the following two functions:


In [1]: numToTernary(42)
Out[1]: '1120'

In [2]: numToTernary(4242)
Out[2]: '12211010'

In [3]: ternaryToNum('1120')
Out[3]: 42

In [4]: ternaryToNum('12211010')
Out[4]: 4242

Finale!    functions #8 and #9    balancedTernaryToNum(S) and numToBalancedTernary(N)

Balanced Ternary

It turns out that the use of positive digits is common, but not at all necessary. A variation on ternary numbers, called balanced ternary, uses three digits:

This leads to an unambiguous representation using the same power-of-three columns as ordinary ternary numbers. For example,
can be evaluated, from right to left, as +1 in the ones column, -1 in the threes column, 0 in the nines column, and +1 in the twenty-sevens column, for a total value of 1*27 + 0*9 -1*3 + 1*1 == 25.

For this problem, write functions that convert to and from balanced ternary analogous to the base-conversions above:

Again, a good strategy here is to start with copies of your numToTernary and ternaryToNum functions, and then alter them to handle balanced ternary instead.
Here are some examples with which to check your functions:

In [1]: balancedTernaryToNum('+---0')
Out[1]: 42

In [2]: balancedTernaryToNum('++-0+')
Out[2]: 100

In [3]: numToBalancedTernary(42)
Out[3]: '+---0'

In [4]: numToBalancedTernary(100)
Out[4]: '++-0+'

Though binary is the representation underlying all of today's digital machines, it was not always so—and who knows how long binary's predominance will continue? Qubits are lurking!


When you're finished with the lab (or the time is up!), go ahead and submit your hw4pr1.py file to the submission server?.

The rest of the homework will involve some additional conversion and compressions (image compression, in particular).