CS5: Introduction to Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College
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Lab 9: The Game of Life

Submission: Submit your hw9pr1.py file to Gradescope

John Conway's Game of Life

Download this starter folder:


The Game of Life is a cellular automaton invented by John Conway, a mathematician from Cambridge, England. The Game of Life is not so much a "game" in the traditional sense, but rather a process that transitions over time according to a few simple rules. The process is set up as a grid of cells, each of which is "alive" or "dead" at a given point in time. At each time step, the cells live or die according to the following rules:

  1. A cell that has fewer than two live neighbors dies (because of isolation).
  2. A cell that has more than 3 live neighbors dies (because of overcrowding).
  3. A cell that is dead and has exactly 3 live neighbors comes to life.
  4. All other cells maintain their state.

Although these rules seem simple, they give rise to complex and interesting patterns. For more information and a number of interesting patterns see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life.

In this lab, you will implement a Python program to run the Game of Life.

Thinking about life

As always, it is important to break the problem down into pieces and develop the program in stages so that others can understand the code and so that you can ensure that each piece is correct before building on top of it. We will break this problem down into the following steps:

Before you start, you need to develop a scheme for keeping track of your data. Basically, the data you need to maintain are the states of all of the cells in the board. To do this, you should keep track of this data in a 2D array of integer values, where 0 represents an empty (off) cell and 1 represents a live (on) cell.

Files to start with…

Start by downloading the .zip file from the following link:


It will be easiest to place this zip file on the desktop and extract it there. There is some support code for graphically displaying your life generations, but that's the final piece of the lab.

First, you'll implement the essential functionality for creating 2D arrays of data, changing them, and having them evolve according to the rules of Life.

Part 1:   Creating a 2D "board" of cells: createOneRow and createBoard

In the hw9pr1.py file, you will see this example function:

def createOneRow(width):
    """Returns one row of zeros of width "width".
       You might use this in your createBoard(width, height) function."""
    row = []
    for col in range(width):
        row += [0]
    return row
This function offers a starting point for creating one-dimensional lists—but the same idea applies for building arbitrarily deep nested list structures. (Note: this function can be written in other, more concise, ways. However, the approach given here is a good prototype for creating a more complex list without getting into trouble with how Python works internally.)

Test out the provided createOneRow function:

In [1]: run hw9pr1.py

In [2]: createOneRow(5)
Out[2]: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

In [3]: createOneRow(42)
Out[3]: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Now, we'll leap from this one-dimensional row of data...

... to a two-dimensional grid of data:   an array

createBoard(width, height)

Building on this example, write a function named createBoard(width, height) that creates and returns a new 2D list of height rows and width columns, in which all of the data elements are 0 (no graphics quite yet, just a Python list!).

Avoid re-implementing the createOneRow function!

Rather, use createOneRow inside your createBoard in the same way that 0 is used to accumulate individual elements in createOneRow. Here is a template—copy and paste this and then fill in the parts you'll need to complete it:

def createBoard(width, height):
    """Returns a 2D array with "height" rows and "width" columns."""
    A = []
    for row in range(height):
        A += [SOMETHING]  # Use the above function so that SOMETHING is one row!
    return A

That's all you'll need! Again, the idea is to follow the example of createOneRow—but instead of adding a 0 each time, the function would add a whole row of 0s, namely the result from createOneRow!

Test out your createBoard function!

In [1]: A = createBoard(5, 3)
In [2]: A
Out[2]: [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

Part 2:   Printing your 2D board of cells:   printBoard

You no doubt noticed that when Python prints a 2D list, it blithely ignores its 2D structure and flattens it out into one line (perhaps wrapping, if needed). To print your board in 2D using ASCII, copy this function into your file:

Note: there's one line missing! Perhaps you already see it...

def printBoard(A):
    """This function prints the 2D list-of-lists A."""
    for row in A:                # row is the whole row
        for col in row:          # col is the individual element
            print(col, end = '') # Print that element

Next, try out printBoard. As-is, it's not quite right:

In [1]: A = createBoard(5, 3)
In [2]: printBoard(A)

Your task   Add one line so that printBoard shows our 2D array as two-dimensional!

The line is print()—an empty print statement. Where should it go?!

Be sure to test your improved printBoard:

In [1]: A = createBoard(5, 3)
In [2]: printBoard(A)

Part 3:   Adding patterns to 2D arrays:   diagonalize, innerCells, and randomCells

To get used to looping over 2D arrays of data, copy this function named diagonalize(A) into your file:

def diagonalize(width, height):
    """Creates an empty board and then modifies it
       so that it has a diagonal strip of "on" cells.
       But it does that only in the *interior* of the 2D array.
    A = createBoard(width, height)

    for row in range(1, height - 1):
        for col in range(1, width - 1):
            if row == col:
                A[row][col] = 1
                A[row][col] = 0

    return A

This function diagonalize accepts a desired width and height. It then creates an array A and sets A's data so that its elements are all 0 except for the interior diagonal where row == col.

Try displaying the result with these commands:

In [1]: A = diagonalize(7, 6)

In [2]: A
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

In [3]: printBoard(A)

Take a moment to note the direction the diagonal is running—that indicates which way the rows of the board are being displayed: top-to-bottom, in this case.

Note that this code uses range(1, height - 1) and range(1, width - 1) in order to avoid changing the edges.

Also, this example shows that the height and width do not have to be the same—though it's certainly OK if they are.

More patterns:   innerCells(w, h)

Based on the example of diagonalize, write a variation named innerCells(w, h) that returns a 2D array that has all live cells—with a value of 1except for a one-cell-wide border of empty cells (with a value of 0) around the edge of the 2D array.

For example, you might try:

In [1]: A = innerCells(5, 5)

In [2]: printBoard(A)            # Remember: up-arrow for this!

This is only a small variation on diagonalize!

More patterns:   randomCells(w, h)

Next, create a function named randomCells(w, h), which returns an array of randomly-assigned 1's and 0's except that the outer edge of the array is still completely empty (all 0's) as in the case of innerCells.

Here is one of our runs:

In [1]: A = randomCells(10, 10)

In [2]: printBoard(A)  # Up-arrow!

Of course, your output will be different because it's random.

You might recall that random.choice([0, 1]) will return either a 0 or a 1. You will need to import random to use it!

Part 4:   Evolving patterns:   copy(A) and innerReverse(A)

Each of the updating functions so far creates a new set of cells without regard to an old "generation" that it might depend on. Conway's Game of Life, on the other hand, follows a set of cells by changing one generation into the next.

To see why copy(A) is a crucial helper function for this process, try the following commands:

In [1]: A = innerCells(5, 5)  # create a 5x5 innerCells board

In [2]: printBoard(A)         # Up-arrow

In [3]: newA = A              # Creates a false ("shallow") copy

In [4]: printBoard(newA)      # Up-arrow and edit... LOOKS the same...!

In [5]: A[2][2] = 5           # Set old A's center to 5

In [6]: printBoard(A)         # There's a 5 in the middle...

In [7]: printBoard(newA)      # Note that newA changed, too--Aargh!

Here we have made a "shallow copy" of A, naming that shallow copy newA.

However, newA is simply a copy of the reference to the original data in A!

As a result, when A's data changes, so does newA's data, even though we never touched newA's data! (It's similar to telling your friend that you left the address to meet at on the Shanahan chalkboard. If somebody changes the chalkboard before your friend sees it, they'll go to the wrong place! You should have just told your friend the address...)

The above example shows shallow copying: the copying of a reference to data, rather than making a full copy of all of the data.

Making a full copy of all of the data is called deep copying.

Writing copy(A), a "deep" copier...

Starting with this code:

def copy(A):
    """Returns a DEEP copy of the 2D array A."""
    height = len(A)
    width = len(A[0])
    newA = createBoard(width, height)

    for row in range(1, height - 1):
        for col in range(1, width - 1):
            newA[row][col] = ____________ # What should be here, in order to
            # ..copy each element of A into the corresponding spot in newA?

    return newA

Finish its implementation to create a function named copy(A), which will make a deep copy of the 2D array A.

As usual, don't worry about the outside edges: they'll always stay 0. The loops only touch the non-edge cells.

Thus, copy will accept a 2D array A as its argument. And, copy will return a brand-new 2D array of data that has the same pattern as the original array.

You can make sure your copy function is working properly with this example:

In [1]: A = innerCells(5, 5)  # Create a 5x5 innerCells board

In [2]: printBoard(A)         # Up-arrow

In [3]: newA = copy(A)

In [4]: printBoard(newA)

In [5]: A[2][2] = 5

In [6]: printBoard(A)         # Changes it!

In [7]: printBoard(newA)      # UNchanged!

This time, newA has not changed even though A did: it's a true, "deep" copy.

Aside: Python's built-in deepcopy

Your copy function returns a deep copy of its argument. This is useful enough to be part of Python. To use that version, you can run

from copy import deepcopy   # in file or terminal

newA = deepcopy(A)          # needs to be in the terminal

Now you've seen how it's implemented: element-by-element! Feel free to use either one.

More building blocks:   innerReverse(A)

Copying is a straightforward way that a new "generation" of array elements might depend on a previous one.

Next you'll write a function that changes one generation of cells into a new generation.

To that end, write a function innerReverse(A) that takes an old 2D array A (an old "generation") and then creates a new generation newA of the same shape and size, using createBoard or copy.

However, with innerReverse the new generation should be the "opposite" of A's cells everywhere except on the outer edge.

In the same spirit as innerCells, you should make sure that the new generation's outer edge of cells is always all 0.

However, for inner cells—those not on the edge—where A[row][col] is a 1, the new array's value will be a 0—and vice versa.

Try out your innerReverse function by displaying an example. This one uses randomCells:

In [1]: A = randomCells(8, 8)

In [2]: printBoard(A)

In [3]: A2 = innerReverse(A)

In [4]: printBoard(A2)

Aside:   You might point out that it would be possible to simply change the old argument A, rather than create and return new data—this is true for simply reversing the pattern of array elements, but it is not true when implementing the rules of Conway's Game of Life—there, changing cells without copying would change the number of neighbors of other cells!

The Game of Life

The Conway version, not the boardgame version!

To implement the Game of Life's full set of rules, you'll create two functions:

Helper function:   countNeighbors(row, col, A)

It will help to write a helper function, countNeighbors(row, col, A), which should return the number of live neighbors for a cell in the board A at a particular row and col.

There are two basic approaches to countNeighbors:

  1. Write two small "for" loops to examine the nine cells centered at A[row][col].
    • You'll naturally add the center. This is OK—just be sure to subtract it before returning!
  2. OR, write eight if statements to check all eight possible neighbors...
    • Note that you want ALL eight to run. So, use if for all of them—don't use elif: it's too "exclusive." smile

Checking countNeighbors    Define or paste this 5x5 array A and then check a few cells' neighbor counts:

In [1]: run hw9pr1

In [2]: A = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]  # Vertical bar

In [3]: printBoard(A)

In [4]: countNeighbors(2, 1, A)
Out[4]: 3                # Correct! There are 3 live neighbors here

In [5]: countNeighbors(2, 2, A)
Out[5]: 2                # Be sure not to count the cell itself!

In [6]: countNeighbors(0, 1, A)
Out[6]: 1

Main function:   next_life_generation(A)

Finally, you'll write next_life_generation, which implements the rules of Life.

This will be most similar to innerReverse, so you might use that as a template.

Here is a starting signature for next_life_generation:

def next_life_generation(A):
    """Makes a copy of A and then advances one
       generation of Conway's Game of Life within
       the *inner cells* of that copy.
       The outer edge always stays at 0.

This next_life_generation function should accept a 2D array A, representing the "old" generation of cells, and it should return a new generation of cells, each either 0 or 1, based on John Conway's rules for the Game of Life:

  1. Be sure to create a newA, the new generation, which is of the same size as A, the old generation.
  2. All edge cells stay zero (0), as usual (but see the extra challenges, below).
  3. A cell that has fewer than two live neighbors dies (because of loneliness).
  4. A cell that has more than 3 live neighbors dies (because of overcrowding).
  5. A cell that is dead and has exactly 3 live neighbors comes to life.
  6. All other cells maintain their existing state (are given the value of the corresponding old cell).

For concreteness, let's call the new generation of cells you're returning newA in order to contrast it with A.

As suggested in innerReverse, always keep all of the outer-edge cells empty!. This is simply a matter of limiting your loops to an appropriate range. However, it greatly simplifies the four update rules, above, because it means that you will only update the interior cells, each of which has a full set of eight neighbors without going out of bounds.

Warnings and hints: There are a few things to keep in mind:

Here is a set of tests to try based on the last suggestion in the list above:

In [1]: A = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]  # vertical bar

In [2]: printBoard(A)

In [3]: A2 = next_life_generation(A)

In [4]: printBoard(A2)

In [5]: A3 = next_life_generation(A2)

In [6]: printBoard(A3)

and so on.

Once your Game of Life is working, look for some of the other common patterns, e.g., other statically stable forms ("rocks"), as well as oscillators ("plants") and others that will move across the screen, known as gliders ("animals" or "birds").

Terminal-graphics Life:    lifedemo()

To get a smoother animation of your evolving Life-generations, run


You should have that function at the bottom of your hw9pr1.py file. If you don't, they're below for copy-and-paste.

Here is one "frame" of the default terminal animation, with a glider and two "air dancers." Plenty of room to customize!


Living Life to the fullest…

Requires doing more than CS. (Alas!)

If your Game of Life is happily "lifing," you've reached the end of lab—we hope it has provided a new lease on Life—or at least has been lively… Be sure to submit your hw9pr1.py file!

Variations on the Game of Life [Optional - these may be better to wait until the final project option...]

That said, there's always more!

If you'd like, you might try implementing a variation on the Game of Life:

Variation One: the doughnut    For this variation, remove the margin of empty cells around the board. In this case, the board should have the topology of a doughnut—so that the left and right edges of the board become neighbors, as do the top and bottom edges. This makes neighbor-counting and avoiding out-of-bounds errors trickier. Yet with a single function that "looks up" the actual location of any given row and col coordinate pair, it's not too bad…

Variation Two: alien life    Life is considered a 23/3 cellular automaton, because cells survive with 2 or 3 neighbors (the two digits before the slash) and they are born with 3 neighbors (the digit after the slash). Many (perhaps all) of the other survival/birth possibilities have been studied, as well. Some even have names: for example, 1358/357 is called "Amoeba" and 1/1 is called "Gnarl." For this variation on life, choose a different set of survival/birth rules, perhaps from this reference of them and implement a key or function that switches between John Conway's Game of Life and your chosen set of rules (with another key or function to go back…).

Variation Three: More cells!    You can also create rules that allow for cells of more than two types. You might set colors for up to 8 types of cells, as well, numbered 0 through 7.

What's up with HMC's concrete Game of Life configuration... ?

We're happy you asked!


Here are those terminal-graphics functions ...

Here are the functions you'll need in hw9pr1.py file to run lifedemo()

# +++ Helper functions for when Life has been completed! +++

These functions allow for "terminal-graphics animation."

Once next_life_generation is complete, run:


You may need to adjust your terminal's shape or size to 
    create a smooth animation.

def printBoard_with_d(A, d = None):
    """This function prints the 2d list-of-lists A
       using the dictionary d 
    if (d == None) or (0 not in d) or (1 not in d): # Can we use d?
        for row in A:
            for col in row:
                print(col, end = '')                # Use raw contents
        for row in A:
            for col in row:
                print(d[col], end = '')             # Look each value up

def placeObject(row, col, A, offsets):
    """Creates an arbitrary object whose upper-left corner
       is at row row and column col.  1's are placed at the
       coordinates given by offsets, which is a list of
       coordinate pairs."""
    H = len(A)
    W = len(A[0])
    for row_offset, col_offset in offsets:
        r = row + row_offset
        c = col + col_offset
        if 0 < r < H-1 and 0 < c < W-1:
            A[r][c] = 1
    # No need to return A; A is changed in place!

def placeGlider(row, col, A):
    """Creates a glider with a bounding box
       whose upper-left corner is at row row and column col
    OFFSETS = [[+0,+1], [+1,+2], [+2,+0], [+2,+1], [+2,+2]]
    placeObject(row, col, A, OFFSETS)
    # No need to return A; A is changed in place!

def placeAirDancer(row, col, A):
    """Creates an up-down air dancer (also known as a
       stoplight) with its upper-left corner at row row
       and column col
    OFFSETS = [[+0,+0], [+1,+0], [+2,+0]]
    placeObject(row, col, A, OFFSETS)
    # No need to return A; A is changed in place!

import time

def lifedemo():
    """ASCII demo! 
    W = 42                    # Alter to suit!
    H = 21                    # Alter to suit!
    A = createBoard(W, H)     # Empty grid
    placeGlider(2, 2, A)
    placeAirDancer(2, 20, A)
    placeAirDancer(3, 36, A)

    # A = randomCells(W, H)   # Random grid
    # dictionaries to indicate what to print
    # d = {0: 0,    1: 1}
    # d = {0: 0,    1: " "}
    d = {0: ".",  1: "X"}
    # d = {0: " ",  1: "0"}
    # d = {0: " ",  1: "#"}
    # d = {0: "&#9647;", 1: "&#9646;"}
    # d = {0: " ",  1: "&#128578;"} 

    while True:

        printBoard_with_d(A, d)
        A = next_life_generation(A)

# The terminal colors don't seem as successful
# d = { 0: "\033[6;36;47m0\033[0m", 1: "\033[6;37;40m1\033[0m" }
# www.cs.hmc.edu/twiki/bin/view/CS5/TerminalColorsInPython