;;One character in this play asks another to make love on a carpet while people are chopping turnips in the kitchen. One character was sentenced to six year in jail for burning the wreath of the Unknown Soldier in protest, and that character has a bowl of dip thrown at this face at the end of this play. This play contains a famous speech in which the art of writing is compared to hitting a ball with a cricket bat. This play ends with the protagonist listening to "I'm a Believer" by the Monkees, and a character named Billy has an affair with Annie on the way to Glasgow. At the opening of this work, a pyramid of cards collapses and a Charlotte's trip to Switzerland is revealed to be a lie when her passport is found in the recipe drawer. In this play Annie tries to convince the author of The House of Cards to ghost-write a play for the imprisoned political radical Brodie. 10 points, identify this Tom Stoppard play about the relationship struggles of the playwright Henry.;;(The) Real Thing ;;A versatile, mild method to access pterocarpans was achieved by the Evangelista group using a variant of this reaction in which an extra step sees a nucleophilic replacement by hydroxyl, which results in tetrahydrofuran derivatives. Cationic complexes may be used for this reaction in order to favor the more electropositive site despite steric hindrance. Oxidative variations on this reaction are named for Fujiwara and Moritani. This reaction can be carried out without phosphine ligands in ionic liquids like BMIM-PF6. Often compared mechanistically to the Wacker process, this reaction, unless silver salts are used, can result in the migration of double bonds due to the kinetics of beta-hydride elimination and requires stoichiometric amounts of a strong base for the final reductive elimination step. For 10 points, name this organometallic reaction, the palladium-catalyzed coupling of a halide or pseudohalide to an alkene.;;Mizoroki(-)Heck (reaction) ;;This artist included "Reincarnation of a Lovebird" in an album featuring narration by Jean Shepherd who describes a man "who tried to please most people . . . but nobody liked until he was dead" in "The Clown." This artist ran a group called "The Jazz Workshop" and often collaborated with drummer Dannie Richmond and pianist Jaki Byard. He had his psychotherapist Edmund Pollock to write the liner notes for his six-part suite The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady. This musician made an album titled after his name "Ah Um" that featured the track "Fables of Faubus" and a piece later called "Theme for Lester Young." The instruments imitate police whistles and car horns in his reimagining of a Gershwin classic "A Foggy Day" found on an album titled for a tone poem about humanity's evolution into a upright hominid and eventual downfall from pride. For 10 points, name this jazz musician who composed "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" and the album Pithecanthropus Erectus who played the bass.;;(Charles) Mingus ;;This work analyzes the interplay between vertreten and darstellen in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte and cites the anonymous monolithic subjects of "a Maoist" and "the workers' struggle" in a conversation between Foucault and Deleuze. This work was originally titled after a "three-stroke formula" to track Althusser's "philosophies of denegation," and its author elsewhere argues that those on university campuses who claim the title identity are capable of "using the hegemonic discourse"; therefore, the working class, though oppressed, aren't part of the title identity, which originally was used to refer to the South Asian dispossessed. For 10 points, name this essay asking about the communicative potential of those who have limited or no access to cultural imperialism, wirtten by Gayatri Spivak.;;Can the Subaltern Speak? ;;In one incident from this work an adult loves to dress up as a ghost with white face to scare little children, but unfortunately she is killed by a bolt of lightning while in costume. The teacher Lipiani takes his class on many field trips in the wilderness where he is able to coerce all his students to give him half their lunch money. In this work a white mare is poked by children while it lies dying in the town square after being beaten with a sickle, while the 95th chapter discusses how copper mines polluted the river of the central village. In this book the priest Don Jose throws stones at starving beggars and children who try to pick fruit from his vineyard, while Darbon is the veternaian for the title character of this book consisting of a series of vignettes from the village of Moguer in Andalusia. For 10 points, name this collection of prose poems in which the poet speaks to the titular silver donkey, written by Juan Rimon Jimenez.;;Platero y Yo ;;Swati employs one form of this feature on a noun prefix syllable to express the copula; that form of this feature can take the form of glottal friction and appears in Icelandic and Faroese after stressed vowels but before plosives. Words in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit with two consecutive consonants with this feature lost the first example. This feature, when voiced, is depicted in IPA with two subscripted dots and is called "murmur," and labial, dental, and velar stops with this feature became voiced in Proto-Germanic. For 10 points, name this feature depicted as a superscript h in IPA, the release of air following an obstruent.;;aspiration ;;One type of building found on this island are the conical "nuraghe," which can be found at the archeological site of Barumini, and the Maddalena Archipelago is located between this island and its northern neighbor. This island contains a plain called the "Nurra" which stretches to the Gulf of Asinara, and its city of Olbia is located on its so called "Emerald Coast." This island contains a type of vegetation known as "Macchia," and this island's Tirso River empties into its namesake gulf. Its highest point is called "La Marmora" and is located in its Gennargentu Mountains, and this island is bounded to the north by the Strait of Bonifacio. Containing cities such as Oristano and Sassari and having capital at Cagliari, for 10 points, identify this Italian island located west of the Tyrrhenian Sea which is often paired with its northern neighbor Corsica.;;Sardinia ;;One character in this work weaves a history of the reign of her late husband onto a series of eighteen shawls, and a coup d'etat against that leader was led by a general called "Old Razor Guts." A rumor about a white panther roaming the countryside is spread in this novel after four men are found decapitated with semen stains on their faces, a crime committed by a character who earlier bit the heads off of 218 turkeys. Another character in this work is the daughter of a theater manager who witnessed her father gruesomely killed. The protagonist is never told which of the sisters Chhunni, Munee, and Bunny is his real mother. Later, that character explodes into a fireball after beheading her husband. Political figures in this novel include Rani and her husband Iskander Harappa, who is deposed by General Raza Hyder. Set in a country called Q. and centering on the relationship between Sufiya Zenobia and Dr. Omar Khayyam Shakil, for 10 points, name this novel about the early politics of Pakistan, written by Salman Rushdie.;;Shame ;;This man was allied with the Tribune Lucius Appuleius Saturninus, and was bitterly opposed by the more conservative Quintus Caecilius Metellus. This man's final consulship was served alongside his ally Cinna. The supporters of this man were called the populares, and he was granted imperium to defeat the King of Numidia in the Juggurthic War. This winner of the battles of Vercellae and Aquae Sextiae saved Rome from the Cimbri and Teutones and served as consul seven times. For ten points, name this general who reformed the Roman army during the Late Republic, a rival of Lucius Cornelius Sulla.;;(Gaius) Marius ;;One of these figures took the form of a golden deer, but imitated the voice of its hunter when it was shot in its hide, and another one of these figures was made a king after he aided an opposing force by identifying many of these figures who were invisible. Another one of these creatures ate travelers in the Kamyaka forest but was strangled by Bhima, and one of these figures forced nearby villagers to deliver him human offerings for food. This group included Marica and the good Vibhishana, and these figures are said to be descended from Pulastya or Khasa. An army of 14,000 of them led by Khara were slaughtered in one day, and other accounts state that these figures were created from Brahma's foot, and these figures were divided into groups such as the Bhutas. These figures were defeated by the Vanaras at the Battle of Lanka, and they were led by a ten-headed figure who kidnapped Sita, for 10 points, name this demons from Hindu mythology who were led by Ravana and defeated by Rama in the Ramayana.;;Rakshasas ;;This poet addressed a "nameless Woman of the South" and invokes the fallen Eve, Mary Magdalene, and "simian Venus" in his piece "The Southern Cross." This author wrote a poem whose speaker declares, "I entered the broken world / to trace the visionary company of love" and claims he is the "sexton slave" of bells that swing "I know not where." That poem begins when the speaker asserts, "The bell-rope that gathers God at dawn / Dispatches me". This poet of "The Broken Tower" concluded, "This fabulous shadow only the sea keeps" in a poem that also discusses the "dice of drowned men's bones." He included the poems "For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen" and "At Melville's Tomb" in his collection White Buildings. This author's most famous work opens with the image of a flying seagull in the "Proem" of this work, which he said represented "consciousness spanning time and space" in a letter to his patron Otto Kahn. That work contained sections titled "Powhatan's Daughter," "Quaker Hill," and "Cutty Sark." For 10 points, name this American poet of the collection The Bridge.;;(Hart) Crane ;;An anisotropy in this effect results especially from planar configurations and is named for Goldansky and Karyagin; that anisotropy results from the anisotropy due to normal modes of the expected value of x2. This phenomenon occurs with frequency equal to the elastic incoherent structure factor, which corresponds to a value for neutrons or x-rays named for Debye and Waller. An enhanced signal-to-noise ratio is obtained when using the backscatter of conversion electrons instead of transmission in the form of spectroscopy associated with this effect. Lines observed in this effect occurs because the denominator in the expression h-bar squared k squared over 2M accounts for the mass of the whole lattice. For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which crystals absorb gamma rays without recoil.;;Mossbauer (effect) ;;In Afroyim v. Rusk, the Supreme Court held that this document overruled the Bancroft Treaties. One clause in this document allows a two-thirds majority of Congress to remove a person's ineligibility to hold public office. Another clause in this document was drafted by Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan and excludes "Indians not taxed". John Bingham was the primary drafter of this document, and in Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad, this document was said to grant legal personhood to corporations. Parts of this document include the Privileges and Immunities, Equal Protection, and Due Process clauses. For ten points, name this post-Civil War amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibits states from denying civil rights.;;14th Amendment (to) (the) (United) (States) (Constitution) ;;In this work one character is delighted that Negrillon is not punished for pretending to have burned his leg to get the day off from work. All the members of a family mentioned in this story purportedly fall in love "as if struck by a pistol shot" and one man takes his wife to live at his estate L'Abri. One character in this story discusses cutting finger nails with Zandrine and she was found as a toddler at a stone pillar abandoned by a party of Texans. A corbeille, a priceless layette, and a willow cradle are thrown into a bonfire at the end of this story during which one character discovers a letter from his mother praising God because he never learned about her heritage. One character of this story returns to live with Madame Valmonde after her husband Armand Aubigny throws her out when he discovers the title character is part black. For 10 points, name this short story by Kate Chopin.;;Desiree's Baby ;;This phenomenon is incorporated in a neuron model derived by Abbott and Kepler that, save for that feature and a time-dependent threshold factor, is a type of Hopfield model. One process that displays this phenomenon exhibits the Barkhausen effect. This phenomenon, displayed by Schmitt triggers and memristors, results, in latching relays, from their bistability. Agar displays a form of this phenomenon in freezing and thawing, though the best known form of this phenomenon can be quantified as remanence and occurs due to a nonlinear relationship between H and B. For 10 points, name this phenomenon, most commonly associated with the way in which objects will retain their dipole alignment after a magnetic field is removed, generally referring to objects and phenomena that display physical memory.;;hysteresis ;;This work cites the Icelandic saga Burnt Njal to describe the manner in with Mord assumes Thorgeir's suit against Flosi for the death of Helgi, and it offers the example that a parson can be bound by custom to own a bull and a boar. This work compares Bracton and Justinian's perspectives on borrowed objects. This work notes that some rules are "sufficiently accounted for" by their "manifest good sense," while others must be explained by means of reference to the "social condition of Rome under the Decemvirs." This work contradicts Sir Edward Coke by holding that "the life of the law... has been experience" rather than logic. For 10 points, name this work organized as a series of lectures on torts, contracts, and property law, written by Oliver Wendell Holmes.;;(The) Common Law ;;This artist showed a nobleman crossing a stream on the left fork of a road converging on the titular plant in The Great Oak. A boy standing next to a gnarled tree trunk on lower right hand corner looks at the ruined tower of the title structure in The Cloister. Sixteen pictures remain of this artist's series based on the Bentheim Castle in Westphalia. This artist used the dilapidated Egmond Castle as the basis for the ruins in his depiction of a site near Ouderkerk, which exists in two versions found in Dresden and The Detroit Institute of Arts. This teacher of Meindert Hobbema featured a rainbow on the upper left side of his most famous painting that shows a stream rushing by three tombs in the title location. For 10 points, name this Dutch landscape painter who created The Jewish Cemetery.;;(Jacob) (Isaackszon) van Ruisdael ;;Potentials named for their special treatment of this quantity include one named for Jerry Tersoff, and one model named for this quantity suggests that the two outermost layers of a nanoparticle experience the bulk of melting point depression. Stuart's extension of Brenner's potential was intended to better treat this concept. The Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model explains certain phenomena that occur in molecules like Zeise's salt that tend to decrease this quantity. This quantity is limited for late transition metals with oxygen in a phenomenon known as the oxo wall. Pairs of atoms for which this quantity exceeds unity are unlikely to include a bridgehead according to Bredt's rule. This quantity is three-halves for both carbon-oxygen bonds in a carboxylate ion, and rotation is inhibited whenever it's greater than one. For 10 points, name this quantity, which is formally calculated by half the number of bonding minus antibonding electrions, which is equal to two between the carbons in an alkene.;;bond order ;;Mario del Monaco was buried in the costume of a character from this opera. The tenor is plied with drink in "Inaffia, ugola" following the chorus "Fuoco di gioia" in which the villagers celebrate the return of the navy by lighting a bonfire. The soprano remembers her mother's maid Barbara who was abandoned by her lover and tells her maid she wants to be buried in her wedding dress in the "Willow Song". One character declares, "I believe in a cruel God" in his famous aria, "Credo in un Dio crudel" and in the aria "Era la notte" asserts he saw another character carrying a stolen handkerchief embroidered with strawberries. This opera begins with a famous storm as the chorus awaits the arrival of the title character who enters singing "Esultate" to celebrate the defeat of the "Mussulman" after becoming governor of Cyprus. For 10 points, name this opera in which Montano duels Cassio and Desdemona is killed by the title character, composed by Giuseppe Verdi.;;Otello ;;This nation's capital contains the St. George's Cathedral, which is the world's tallest wooden building. This nation's Rupununi River cuts through the Kunaku Mountains, and this nation's capital uses dikes from the Demerara River due to its position below sea level. This nation's Pakaraima Range contains its highest peak, Mt. Roraima, and its Potaro River contains Kaietur Falls. It is bounded on the east by the Courantyne River, and this nation's longest river is the Essequibo. The nation's city of Kaituma was the site of the death of Congressman Leo Ryan, and the subsequent Jonestown Massacre of the People's Temple Cult. Containing the city of New Amsterdam, for 10 points, name this former British colony, a nation located between Venezuela and Suriname which has capital at Georgetown.;;Guyana ;;One legend states that this man once escaped a siege when one of his commanders dressed up as him and led a suicidal cavalry charge to distract the besieging army. Another legend states that this opponent of General Liu Sheng owned a magical sword named "Heaven's Will". This man became a military leader after the collapse of his region's Ho dynasty, which led to an invasion from the north. Initially fighting to restore the Tran dynasty, this man eventually declared himself Emperor and founded his own namesake dynasty, which ruled until replaced by the Nguyen. Famed for fighting against the Xuande and Yongle emperors, for ten points name this rebel leader who led Vietnam against the Ming Dynasty.;;Le Loi ;;One protein of this family, when complexed with a kinase and contained in the p-TEFb [pee tehf bee] elongation factor, is a cofactor for the HIV-1 protein Tat. One of the "orphan" members of this family is characterized by a forty-residue F-box domain, and the D type is upregulated in the Ras-GTPase pathway and hypophosphorylates retinoblastoma protein. One protein activated by this group of compounds is the serine/threonine kinase p34; that compound binds to the B member of this family of proteins and forms a maturation promoting factor, which controls G2 to M transitions. Named for the periodic variation in their concentration, for 10 points, name this family of proteins that control cell cycle progression and which activate a family of kinases abbreviated cdk.;;cyclins ;;This author wrote a work where Croak tells characters named Music and Words that love is the theme of the evening. In another work Maddy Rooney goes to the station to pick up her blind husband before learning his train was delayed because a little girl was thrown under the tracks. This author of All That Fall and Not I wrote about The Director instructing The Assistant to position a stationary man called The Protagonist into a specific pose in his play Catastrophe. In the first act of another plays a woman tries to decipher the words on a toothbrush, which is one of the items she pulls out of her bag including a revolver named Brownie. Willie climbs the mound of sand where Winnie is imprisoned at the end of his play Happy Days. This man wrote a play whose title character cannot remember the definition of viduity, loves eating bananas, and listens to recordings of his younger self on his sixty-ninth birthday. For 10 points, name this Irish author of Krapp's Last Tape who also wrote about Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting for Godot.;;(Samuel) Beckett ;;On the album in which it appears, this song is followed by the songs "Nothin' Else" and "Last Night". As a single release, this song was followed by the same artist's less-successful "Senorita". This song's music video features female dancer Staci Flood. The male vocalist on this song informs the listener that he has been watching you, likes the way you move, and asks you to do that ass-shaking thing that you do. Vanessa Marquez sang the female vocals for this song, which consisted mostly of the repeated lyric "talk to me boy". The male singer can't wait to have you in his arms and will perform the titular action to the break of day. The third single from Justified, for ten points name this 2003 Justin Timberlake song that was playing during the Superbowl when Janet Jackson had her infamous wardrobe malfunction.;;Rock Your Body ;;This work's first cello entrance is a veiled allusion to the hymn 'They Who Leave All to God" leading the composer to comment later "Oh well, if nobody notices I suppose that's all right too." The first movement of this work does not use clarinets, piccolos, trumpets, tuba, timpani, and most strikingly violins and that movement ends with the entrance of the harp with the phrase "they that sow in tears." In the finale the harp reappears, after vanishing since the middle of the second movement, playing its lowest note while the singers are on their highest note. The sixth movement beginning "For here we have no continuing city" ends with a notable fugue drawing from the three note motif that unifies the work, while this work opens with the text, "blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted" rather than the traditional prayers for the dead. Partially inspired by Robert Schumann's suicide attempt this work was written after the death of the composer's mother. For 10 points, name this choral work deriving its text from the Lutheran Bible by Johannes Brahms.;;(A) German Requiem ;;Complex functions are constant wherever they are both analytic and have this property by the Maximum Modulus Principle, while every holomorphic function on the complex plane is constant if it has this property by Liouville's equation. A generalization of this concept is equivalent to requiring that an operator has an operator norm and requires only that f(x) is less than or equal to Mx for some M. A von Neumann algebra is a star-algebra of operators of this type on a Hilbert space, and the axiom of choice is equivalent to requiring every chain with this property to have a maximal element. A subsequence of functions that converges uniformly is given by the Arzela-Ascoli theorem so long as that sequence is equicontinuous and uniformly this, and every sequence with this property has a convergent subsequence by the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. A poset with this property has both a least and greatest element, and a Turing machine operates on a finite tape. For 10 points, name this condition, which, by the Heine-Borel theorem, on any subspace of R^n defines compactness together with closure.;;bounded ;;One of this author's works claims that no society can predict its future states of knowledge, thereby weakening the title theory. This author explained free will with a two-stage model in which quantum effects create a random set of new ideas and possible actions, and the mind exerts a "selective pressure" that eliminates all but one; that model was proposed in a book cowritten with John Eccles titled The Self and Its Brain. This author discussed the Quine-Duhem thesis in one work that claims that a theory with more general applications is less likely to be rejected in a test. One of this author's students attempted to reconcile his work with Thomas Kuhn and wrote abuot the falsification of research programs. For 10 points, name this teacher of Imre Lakatos who wrote The Open Society and Its Enemies and The Logic of Scientific Discovery.;;(Karl) Popper ;;At the end of this battle, Reginald of Boulogne and his 700 pikemen made a heroic last stand that allowed the losing army to retreat. The Portuguese-born Count of Flanders, Ferdinand, was captured at this battle. Eudes III, the Duke of Burgundy, fought for the winning side, while the losing force was commanded by the Earl of Salisbury. The losing army at this battle included a force under Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV and was vanquished by Philip Augustus. For ten points, name this 1214 battle in which King John lost Brittany and Normandy to France, whose name suggests cattle.;;(Battle) (of) Bouvines ;;This character discovers a pile of hidden love letters wrapped in a scarf in which an unnamed author begs Clarice to leave her husband Clive and marry him when after his invalid wife Florence dies. This character helps bury the body of the murdered Jack Fisher outside the town of Verona to cover up Harry Edwards' homicide, but later he helps Constable Farrell convict Edwards for the crime. He is arrested after hiding for four days in the guest room of an Ursuline convent trying to recover from an injury in which his right upper jaw was shot off by a group led by Dud Edmonds and Dowie Stead. His uncle Jackie Smoulders travels to give him his initiation tooth after learning he scandalously married the servant girl Gilda only to discover she is pregnant with another man's child. This character is eventually executed by Wallace Hyberry after going on a spree with his half-brother Mort that began after murdering Miss Petra Graf and the women of the Newby family on their Outback farm. For 10 points, name this aborigine who goes on a killing rampage in a novel titled after his "chant" by Thomas Keneally.;;Jimmie Blacksmith ;;One family in this novel lives in a hall called Plumstead Episcopi, while the poor Mr. Quiverful lives in the dilipated house called Puddingdale with fourteen children before he is given a job running a hospital. The main female character has two men propose to her during a party held at Ullathorne Court. The crippled yet seductive La Signora Madeline Vesey Neroni flirts with men while lying on her couch after she was forced to move from Italy when her father Vesey Stanhope was summoned. At the end of this novel Francis Arabin is appointed dean and marries Eleanor Bold, who scorns the advances of the chaplain Obadiah Slope, while Septimus Harding eventually resigns from his position as warden of Hiram's Hospital. This novel begins after the death of Bishop Grantly when Dr. Proudie is controversially appointed as the new bishop of the titular town. Preceded by The Warden, for 10 points, name this second novel in Anthony Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire.;;Barchester Towers ;;Static metrics on spacetime manifolds with nonzero first Betti number, such as an infinite rotating cylinder, give a family of solutions that are locally the same but globally distinct in a gravitational analogue of this effect reported by John Stachel. Resistance oscillations as a function of magnetic flux were observed in nanotubes by Bachtold as a consequence of this effect. This phenomenon emerges from gauge invariance much as charge quantization emerges from the existence of magnetic monopoles. Its magnetic type gives a phase shift proportional to the path integral of the vector potential sometimes named for Berry, and it is usually observed following a particle's motion around a solenoid, and it was verified when it was observed that the interference pattern of a beam of uniform energy electrons had changed. For 10 points, name this phenomenon predicted by Ehrenberg and Siday in which a charged particle in a region where the B and E fields are excluded is nonetheless affected by the vector potential.;;Ehrenberg(-)Siday(-)Aharonov(-)Bohm (effect) ;;This work's Theme Slav No. 6 turned out to be composed by Stanislaw Moniuszko. One character in this work dances with her friends because the advice "to listen to the wheat" disagrees with her choice of lover. The third act features dances like "L'Aurore" and "Le Discorde et la Guerre", while the first act features the first czardas used in ballet. One character drops a key while chasing boys away with a stick and gives sleeping powder to a villager who blew a kiss to the title character after she dropped her book and waved to him. That character, Franz, eventually marries the Burgomeister's daughter Swanilda. For 10 points, name this ballet with choreography by Arthur Saint-Leon, wherein a doctor creates the title mechanical doll to accompany him, all to music by Leo Delibes.;;Coppelia ;;This statement can be invoked to derive gravitational lensing from the entropy per wavelength of blackbody radiation. A statement similar to this one, advanced by Louis Crane, inspired Carlo Rovelli to develop a class of "relational" quantum theories. Erik Verlinde, in the context of this statement, provides a description of gravity as an entropic force. One formalism related to this statement relates the product of an anti-de Sitter space with a manifold to a conformal field theory and is also called the Maldacena duality. Its relation to the worldsheet description of string theory was outlined by Susskind. Its discoverer was motivated by finding that the bump on the event horizon of a black hole emitting Hawking radiation has a predictable logarithmic shape. This statement was motivated by the result that a region's maximal entropy is proportional to the squared radius. For 10 points, name this statement first advanced by 't Hooft (eht HOOFT), which holds that the information in a volume of space can be encoded on its boundary.;;holographic (principle) ;;This poet wrote, "our home which defines / us is elsewhere but not / so far away we have / forgotten it: / this is just a place" in his poem "In Memoriam Mae Noblitt." the speaker comments, "I have a life that did not become" in his poem "Easter Morning" from his collection A Coast of Trees. This poet concluded "the heart moves roomier" and "the dark work of the deepest cells is of a tune with May bushes / and fear lit by the breadth of such calmly turns to praise" in a poem that begins "When you consider the radiance". He comments, "today I / decided to write / a long / thin / poem" at the beginning of a book he wrote on adding machine tape that takes the form of a year long diary. This poet of "City Limits" and "Corsons Inlet" won the National Book Award for his collection Garbage and wrote the book-length poem Tape for the Turn of the Year. For 10 points, name this American poet known for his use of colons.;;(A(.)) (R(.)) Ammons ;;The country that started this war engineered the Cellamare Conspiracy, an attempt to assassinate an opposing country's regent. The aggressor in this war also invaded Scotland, but was laid low at the Battle of Glen Shiel. That aggressor won the Battle of Milazzo in this war, but saw its navy sent to the bottom of the Mediterranean at the Battle of Cape Passaro, a victory for the British Admiral Byng that took place near the island were most of this war was fought. Unlike the war that preceded it, this war saw an unlikely alliance of France and Austria. This war was planned by the villainous Cardinal Alberoni, who convinced Philip V to invade Sicily and unsuccessfully attempt to overturn the Treaty of Utrecht. For ten points, name this 1718-1720 sequel to the War of the Spanish Succession, named for the number of countries that joined together to stop Spain.;;(War) (of) (the) Quadruple Alliance ;;According to tradition, this figure helped Abraham regularly visit his wife Hagar. In art, this figure is traditionally depicted as having a woman's face and wearing a crown. In the Koran, this figure is so shamed by the criticism of the angel Jibril that he begins to sweat profusely. This figure is capable of taking steps equal to the range of human vision and is described as "bigger than a donkey, but smaller than a mule" and had wings attached to its thighs. This figure was most notably used to reach the farthest mosque in less than one day during the Night Journey. For ten points, name this steed on which Muhammad rode from Mecca to Jerusalem.;;al(-)Buraq ;;This man is the subject of a Peter Beilharz work subtitled "Dialectic of Modernity." In one work, this man argued that fragmentation, discontinuity, and inconsequentiality make planning for the long term risky. A recent work claims the welfare state is the last manifestation of Bentham's panopticon; that work is subtitled "conversations with Citlai Rovirosa-Madrazo." The author of Alone Again: Ethics After Certainty and Living on Borrowed Time, he drew upon Simmel's allegorical notion of "the stranger", who is at the root of both decreased trust in society and increasingly exciting choices. The author of Modernity and Ambivalence, this man skirts the notion of "postmodernity" by discussing "solid" and "liquid" modernity, a notion apparent in a work positing that procedural rationality in modern societies is linked to the massacre of the Jews. For 10 points, name this Polish sociologist, the author of Modernity and The Holocaust.;;(Zygmunt) Bauman ;;The Faro Strait separates this island from its closest neighbor to the north. Lake Basterask is the largest lake on this island, which is near the much smaller Karslo islands. This island is home to the Burgsvik beds, in which many fossilized sea creatures may be found. The Ireviken, Mulde, and Lau extinction events are named for towns on this island, which is an excellent source of Silurian sedimentary deposits. This island's capital and largest city is Visby, and this island formerly served as the headquarters of the Victual Brothers and the Likedeelers. Though closest to Latvia, this island is controlled by Sweden. For ten points, name this largest island in the Baltic Sea.;;Gotland ;;One member of this dynasty suppressed the revolt of Elpidios on Sciliy, and another member of this dynasty was a son of the princess Tzitzak. That leader made peace with the leader Telerig and was called "The Khazar." One member of this family fought a war against Artabasdos. Another ruler of this dynasty forced monks to marry nuns in in the Hippodrome. The final member of this dynasty lost the Battle of Pliska, where he was killed by Khan Krum of Bulgaria. For 10 points, name this dynasty of the Byzantine empire which included Nicephorus I, Constantine V, and Irene and saw the iconoclasm controversy, founded by a certain Leo from Syria.;;Isaurian (Dynasty) ;;This work's opening E-minor chord is oddly articulated so most of the orchestra plays G rather than E and B, the chord's root and fifth which are usually emphasized when writing a triad, which prefigures the movement's shocking end on a G-major chord. In this work's second section an instrumental fugue beginning on the oboes clashes with a "human fugue" of a capella singers in what the composer called "an upside down pyramid of fugues" before they unite to form a double fugue on the line, "Et immisit in os meum canticum novum." The composer's memoir Dialogues and a Diary revealed the triplets for trumpets and piano in the "allegro" section of the third movement represent horses carrying a chariot up to Heaven. This work's score omits violas, clarinets, and violins, and its three movements were written to symbolize the hortatory virtues love, hope, and faith because the composer had just converted to the Russian Orthodox Church. Commissioned by Serge Koussevitzky for the 50th anniversary of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, for 10 points, name this choral symphony taking its Latin text from its namesake biblical book, composed by Igor Stravinsky.;;Symphony of Psalms ;;The polymerization energy of one form of this protein is given in an assay using concentrated dextran, which decreases its solubility via crowding effects. One disease related to this protein can be detected by mixing the mutated form of this protein in a sodium dithionite solution, is treated with hydroxyurea, and involves a glutamate to valine mutation. Hydrops fetalis sees the formation of a form of this protein named for St. Bartholemew's Hospital. Various thalassemias arise when the synthesis of one component or another of this protein is inhibited, and two embryonic forms of this protein are named for Gower. Part of this protein's name comes from a fold of eight alpha helices common to each of its four subunits; the other part of this protein's name comes from the group with which that fold associates, a porphyrin ring surrounding an iron atom. For 10 points, name this protein that transports oxygen in the blood.;;hemoglobin ;;In one scene from this play a doctor discusses the process of "progressive donkeyification" to a group of medical students by showing a man who uses two muscles to wiggle his ears after forcing that man to catch a furious cat that the doctor dropped from an attic. A grandmother tells a fairy tale about an orphan who finds everything on Earth dead and goes to the Sun only to it is a withered sunflower. This play's opening scene sees the captain chiding the protagonist for "think[ing] too much" while getting a shave. Later the protagonist sees his lover dancing the Horse and Stars Tavern leading him to tell his friend Andres while they're sleeping in the barracks about his delirious dream where he heard the words, "Stab! Stab!" The title character of this play is paid to be a subject in a scientific experiment in which he can only eat peas and in the final scene he wades into a pond to look for a knife he threw into the water after stabbing his lover for her affair with the Drum Major. For 10 points, name this unfinished play about the lover of Marie that was written by Georg Buchner and was adapted into an opera by Alban Berg.;;Woyzeck ;;One generalization of this statement bounds a sum of the correlations between a, b, a', and b' between two and negative two. An inequality-free form of this statement concerns only perfectly correlated states and was developed by Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger. Doubt was cast on the former generalization, named for Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt, by the experiments of Alain Aspect, while the latter generalization of this statement, which attempts to explain wavefunction collapse when non-commuting variables are measured, is intended to explicitly distinguish entanglement and the possibility of hidden variables. For 10 points, name this statement, which suggests that no local hidden variables theory can reproduce all the results of quantum mechanics.;;Bell's (theorem) ;;As part of a counterargument against this concept, Blackburn gives the example of a man who worries that car tires will become square after January 1, 1984, suggesting that conforming to "bent rules" is more than just a dispositional fact, indeed having real behavioral implications. The epistemological problem of other minds can be phrased as the suggestion that our beliefs about other people's mental states constitutes one of these. One of its conceivers used the example of a diary about a sensation initially denoted S, and questions whether the author would be able to continue to make the same connection between the sign and sensation without a "criterion for correctness," which would have to be external. For 10 points, name this construct developed by Wittgenstein in Philosophical Investigations, the possibility of which he doubted because its creator couldn't possibly understand it.;;private language ;;N'mai and Mali rivers in Kachin Province. At one time this river flowed into the Sittoung and continued on to the Gulf of Martaban, and cities on its banks include Hinhada and Mogok. The first European to sail this river was a Venetian named Nicolo di Conti who was traveling to the city of Ava, and this body of water was the site of the golden barges of its kings. One city on this river was founded by King Mindon and was given a name meaning "Mound of Gems." This river is often the site of the transport of teak logs, and much of this river's traffic is due to the fact that the nearby Salween River is barely navigable. Emptying into the Andaman sea and passing through the city of Mandalay, for 10 points, identify this river which empties into the sea at Yangon, the principal river of Burma.;;Irrawaddy (River) ;;One collection by this author refers to guilt as "stowing heavy hearts," and contains a poem that repeats the phrase "I see" titled "Salute to the Third World." This author wrote a poem that mentions the Empress Josephine and repeats the phrases "The inert town" and "at the end of daybreak." One of his plays contains a character called "The Great Promoter" while the protagonist is only called "The Rebel." This author of the collection Shackles wrote a play in which the title character orders servants to build a royal Citadel like the pyramids as the title king of Haiti, while another play chronicles the death of Patrice Lumumba. In addition to writing And the Dogs Kept Quiet, The Tragedy of King Cristophe, and A Season in Congo, this author depicted Ariel as a mulatto and Caliban as a slave in a his reworking of The Tempest. For 10 points, name this author of Notebook of a Return to the Native Land, a writer from Martinique who along wide Leon Damas and Leopold Senghor co-founded the Negritude movement.;;Aime Cesaire ;;An occasional dining room in this building was named for four large black bodyguards assumed to be Ethiopians who guarded its owner; that room connected to a Concert Hall with life size plinths of the Muses. The Concert Hall, in turn, is part of the three room enfilade designed by Giacomo Quarenghi for this building, which contains Malachite and Gold drawing rooms. Domenico Trezzini designed its third incarnation, while this building's rotonda is lit by an oculus and was designed by Auguste de Montferrand, who also designed the Field Marshal's Hall. The Jordan Staircase and the Grand Church still have Rastrelli's rococo styling, much of which was destroyed by an 1837 fire, after which native architects such as Vasily Stasov were hired. For 10 points, name this building whose Great Throne Room is connected to the Hermitage, once the official residence of Russian tsars.;;Winter Palace ;;Leo Crowley became the first chairman of one agency created by this act. The Camp case saw the Supreme Court create a two-part test for interpreting this law, while in a 1984 case called SIA II, the Supreme Court held that this law extended to Commercial Paper. Part of this act was known as "Regulation Q" and allowed the federal government to control interest rates, and this also created the FDIC. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed this act in 1999, but Paul Volcker has suggested bringing it back. For ten points, name this 1933 act that prevented banks from serving both consumers and investors.;;Glass(-)Steagell (Act) ;;This composer adapted a poem ending with the line "Forever, hail!" for his collection based on poems titled "After a Dream," "Hymn," and "Barcarolle." He wrote an "allegro vivo" Gavotte for the third movement of a work ending with a section called "Pastorale: andante tranquillo" that was commissioned by the Prince of Monaco. Along with Masques et Bergamasques, the title character of an operas talks with the shepherd Eumee while standing on a hill looking for her husband's ship in the second act of his opera about the queen of Ithaca, Penelope. He composed a mass commemorating the fishermen of the village of Villerville, while he won first prize for composition at the École Niedermeyer when he was nineteen for a work based on the text "Verbe egal au Tres-Haut." In addition to Cantique de Jean Racine, he composed a choral work ending with the section "In Paradisum deducant angeli," which features the most famous setting of "Pie Jesu" and does not include the traditional "Dies Irae." For 10 points, name this French composer who mentored Maurice Ravel and wrote Requiem in D Minor.;;(Gabriel) Faure ;;This character recalls a walking trip he took to forget about a lover during which he was shunned by locals when he told them the real purpose of his trip, but was treated well and given free food whenever he claimed he was taking the trip to win a bet. Later this man claims to have a liver condition so a waitress will make him a beer milkshake. A boy is institutionalized after he breaks into a jewelry store to steal an onyx clock that he was going to offer as a gift to this character. He cares for the mentally handicapped boy Frankie and he gives advice to help nurse the prostitute Darling who lives in a brothel called the Bear Flag Restaurant that is run by Dora Flood. Mack and the boys go out collecting frogs for this character and they borrow money from Lee Chong to organize a birthday party for him. For 10 points, name this marine biologist who lives on the titular Monterey street in John Steinbeck's novel Cannery Row.;;Doc ;;This figure's wife was conceived when a deity changed into a red arrow and struck a maiden's genitals, and one man under the commander of this figure found a sword balancing on its hilt with its blade toward the sky in a storeroom after a thunder god visited him in a dream. After defeating one foe, this figure entertained his men by singing a song about how one should give his best beef to youngest wives and the leftovers to older wives. This figure found a winged man riding atop a turtle who became his guide, and this figure reached Kumano after receiving advice from a red three-legged bird. This wielder of the sword Futsu-no-mitama gained help from the bird Yatagarasu and fought against Nagasunekiho at Kusaka, which resulted in the death of this figure's brother Itsuse, who was buried at Mt. Kama. This figure set off on his quest at the age of forty-five, and this grandson of Hikohoho set out to establish imperial rule at Yamato. A descendent of the goddess Amaterasu, for 10 points, identify this legendary first emperor of Japan.;;(Emperor) Jimmu (Tenno) ;;The end of this novel features a game of checkers where pieces are substituted with small bottles of whiskey and whenever someone takes a piece he must drink the bottle. The protagonist is invited by Dr. Baum to give a speech at the blank club where he accidentally poisons the dog belonging to a waiter. Hawthorne gives the main character a copy of Charles Lamb's essays before Dr. Hasselbacher is shot. Captain Segura wants to marry the main character's daughter who precipitates the action of this novel by begging her father for a membership to Rotary Club to ride her horse. In this novel the secretary Beatrice Severn is assigned to assist the titular vacuum salesman who gets his second job to support his teenage daughter Milly. For 10 points, name this novel in which James Wormold works as a spy in Cuba, written by Graham Greene.;;Our Man in Havana ;;In one story, this figure defeated a lion by hiding in its den and distracting it with his steed, which was disguised as an elephant, and in another story this figure is confronted by a demon and asks to be thrown onto a mountain rather than into the sea. In his youth, this figure slayed a white elephant owned by King Manuchehr with only one blow from a mace, and this figure was so big at his birth that a caesarean section had to be performed on his mother Rudaba. This son of Zal rides the horse Rakhsh, and he performs seven labors culminating with the defeat of the White Demon and the rescue of Kay Kavus. He is perhaps most famous for a story in which after breaking a man's back during a fight, he discovered that he had mistakenly murdered his own son when the man reveals a piece of onyx. The father of Sohrab, for 10 points, identify this pre-Islamic hero of Persia whose deeds are recounted in Ferdowsi's epic Shahnameh.;;Rostam ;;This man led a faction of his state's democratic party called the "Family Party" which opposed the "Amalgamator" faction led by James Buchanan. This man began his career as a secretary to Albert Gallatin in Russia and at the Treaty of Ghent, and later on in life he served as a minister to Britain prior to the term of Charles Francis Adams. This man was a legal counsel to the Second Bank of the United States, and he served as the mayor of Philadelphia before serving as a senator from Pennsylvania. He was appointed to his most famous role after Silas Wright refused, and in that capacity he cast the deciding vote for the passage of the Walker Tariff. For 10 points, identify this man better known for serving as vice president under James K. Polk.;;(George) (Mifflin) Dallas ;;This author wrote about Giant Killer who is summoned by Mother Goose to rescue all of the children from her fairy tales who are being abused in child labor in the play The House in Blind Alley. Another play features a trial scene where the title character is acquitted for the murder Clark Redfield, as the first in a series of scenes dramatizing the fantasies of Georgina Allerton. In addition to writing Dream Girl, this author helped construct the "jackknife stage" where the stage is divided into two platforms to accommodate his pioneering use of flashbacks in the play In Trial. This author of Judgment Day and We, the People wrote a work in which the hotel manager Harry Easter attempts to seduce Rose who later refuses to run away with the law student Sam Kaplan after her father Frank Maurrant murdered her mother Anne and her lover Sankey. In his best known play the protagonist talks to Mr. Shrdlu and Daisy Diana Dorothea Devore in the Elysian Fields after he murdered his boss at a department store because he was being replaced by the title contraption. Kurt Weill created an opera based on his play Street Scene. For 10 points, name this American dramatist who wrote about Mr. Zero in The Adding Machine.;;(Elmer) Rice ;;In an episode from this novel a man traveling under the assumed identity Alphonse d'Alvarada stays the night at Baptiste's cottage where he narrowly escapes a trap because Marguerite makes his bed with bloody sheets as a warning. In another incident a man plans to escape from a castle with his lover by making her dress up as the legendary ghost of a bleeding nun, but he accidentally escapes with the actual ghost instead. One character is nursed back to health by Virginia de Villa Franca after she had been tortured by the prioress Mother St. Agatha, who discovered a letter from the Marquis Raymond de las Cisternas revealing her illegitimate pregnancy. In this novel Lorenzo de Medina leads an angry mob to storm the Convent of St. Clare where he rescues his imprisoned sister Agnes. At the end of this novel the title character learns that Antonia, the girl he seduced and murdered, actually was his niece after a ghost of the evil sorceress Matilda convinces him to sell his soul to Lucifer to escape from the Inquisition. For 10 points, name this novel whose title character is the corrupt clergyman Father Ambrosio, written by Matthew Lewis.;;(The) Monk ;;On the northern border of this province is Lugu Lake, homeland of the Mosuo people, who are matrilineal and engage in so-called "walking marriages." Another ethnic group from this region writes in a pictographic script called the Dongba and are centered around the city of Lijiang. In addition to being the home of the Naxi people, the northernmost county in this province is Shangri-La, renamed in 2001 to attract tourists to its Tiger Leaping Gorge. Another important city in this province is Dali, which was once the capital of the Nanzhao kingdom of the Bai ethnic group as well as the locus of the Muslim Panthay Rebellion in the 19th century. Bordered to the east by Guizhou and Guangxi, this province is administered from its capital at Kunming. Located immediately south of Sichuan and east of Tibet, this is, FTP, which southern Chinese province that borders Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar?.;;Yunnan ;;In one scene from this film a family takes their crazy uncle out the asylum for a picnic, but he climbs up a tree yelling, "I want a woman!" and throws rocks at anyone who to get him down. Biscein tells a story about sneaking into The Grand Hotel to sleep with all twenty-nine women in a sultan's visiting harem. In another episode from this movie many villagers row out to sea at midnight on small boats waiting to catch a glimpse of the luxury cruiser the SS Rex. The film opens with the townspeople noticing the arrival of puffballs signaling the coming of spring, and the protagonist and his gang of friends flirt with the prostitute Volpina and are infatuated with the hairdresser Gradisca. This film is set in the fictional town of Borgo based on the director's childhood home of Rimini. For 10 points, name this Fellini film about the coming of age of Titta Biondi, which Andrew Hart may know best as Dana Gioia's favorite movie.;;Amarcord ;;The Finnsh title of this song translates as "It's Like a Night", while the German title is "A Dream Come True". During this song, which ends with a visit to a small marble building on an island and a fireworks show, we see images of sailboats on a river and a herd of white horses, one of which gets petted. While singing this song, characters disrupt a flock of storks and note that there is nobody to tell them no or where to go. The Acropolis is one of many landmarks in this song which may be "shining, shimmering splendid" and is seen from "a new fantastic point of view". In another scene, the two people singing this song wave to a chisel-wielding sculptor, causing the nose to fall off the sphinx. For ten points, name this Disney song that Alladin and Jasmine sing while taking a romantic magic carpet ride.;;(A) Whole New World ;;This author gave an account of a boy who declared "Boy, I can do anything now" after his circumcision in a work that claims that boys long for circumcision and that that longing is due to menstruation and vagina envy; that is his essay "Symbolic Wounds." This author analyzed the effects on emigration of communal child rearing in The Children of the Dream. Alan Dundes criticizes this author for claiming that most cultures do not distinguish myth from folktale in one work; in that work, he ignores the masturbatory implications of Jack acquiring a harp that plays by itself and neglects Roheim's reading of oral fixation into Little Red Riding Hood. This author of "Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations" claimed that maternal frigidity led to autism in The Empty Fortress and suggested that the title stories would provide children a way to cope with life's problems in his most famous work. For 10 points, name this author of a Freudian analysis of fairy titles entitled The Uses of Enchantment.;;(Bruno) Bettelheim ;;One algorithm in this field was proved Probably Approximately Correct by Littman et al.; that algorithm waits for m sample updates before making internal changes to average out random effects and is very optimistic. The aforementioned is one of a class of "model-free" algorithms, such as forms developed by Watkins and Dayan. The study of the multi-armed bandit in this field elucidates the tradeoff between exploitation and exploration. One form of this process is named for the function that calculates the desirability of a state-action pair, the quality function. When "supervised," this process usually requires a human to select a training set. For 10 points, name this discipline of computer science which features the design of algorithms that allow computer agents to modify their behavior in accordance with gathered data.;;(machine) learning ;;In one essay, this philosopher discusses a figure who could "do with evil precisely what he does with Rahab or with the shades" and concludes that that figure, who "sees in unity what you see in fragments," suffers, thus resolving "The Problem of Job." One chapter of one of his works traces its subject back to the second definition of knowledge given by Theaetetus and defines its subject as an "incomplete thought" that failed in its purpose according to a higher thought. Another chapter by this author explains the World of Interpretation using Pierce's "doctrine of Signs." The former work is "The Possibility of Error" and requires the existence of "an infinite unity of conscious thought." One of this author's works rejects conceptions of being such as mysticism, critical rationalism, and realism in its first volume, and then goes on to consider "Nature, Man, and the Moral Order"; that work is The World and the Individual. Ubiquitous to this author's work is the existence of an Absolute Knower. For 10 points, name this American idealist and author of The Problem of Christianity.;;(Josiah) Royce ;;Prior to this battle, the eventual victors were recovering from the loss of Sakuma Morishige, who had been killed while unsuccessfully defending the fortress of Marune. At the beginning of this battle, the eventual losers were positioned in the Dengaku gorge. The winning commander at this battle began with his forces stationed at the Zensho-ji temple, but rejected a defensive strategy in favor of attacking through the woods. That winning commander was aided by a sudden rainstorm and was able to storm the enemy camp and quickly kill its leader. This battle saw a force of 35,000 samurai loyal to the Imagawa clan defeated by a mere 2,500 samurai loyal to an upstart warlord from Owari Province. For ten points, name this 1560 battle in which Oda Nobunaga established himself as the most powerful warlord in Japan.;;(Battle) (of) Okehazama ;;In one paper, Brieger et al. model coherent states as collections of in-phase precession states which each have initial sublevel populations proportional to these quantities. Harmut Schlosser offers a recursive method of computing these quantities. Analogues to these quantities that apply to more complex conditions are named for Fano and Racah, and these quantities are related to Wigner 3j symbols. One of these quantities appears in a statement along with an orientation-independent term; that statement is the Wigner-Eckhart theorem. These quantities permit the possibly-reducible representation that follows the tensor product of quantities such as spin to be given as the direct sum of an irreducible representation, and are symbolized as the bra j-one m-one j-two m-two times the ket J M. For 10 points, name these quantities central to calculating angular momentum coupling.;;Clebsch(-)Gordan (coefficients) ;;Either a sextuplet or a grace note is used in almost every measure of a polka dedicated to Lina Schmalhausen that is sometimes listed in this group of works. The third one of these compositions features many phrases with descending minor triads that are a semitone apart and is dedicated to the musician Marie Jaell. The second one is written in E-flat but switches abruptly in the last fifteen measures to repeatedly playing notes in the B-F tritone and features a dream-inspired middle section written in "Quasi L'istesso tempo." In addition to the second one of these pieces, which is dedicated to Saint-Saens, the Bagatelle without Tonality is sometimes grouped as the fourth member. The most famous member of this group of works was composed in conjunction with another piece titled Midnight Procession and is subtitled "The Dance in the Village Inn," which was inspired by a scene from Nicholas Lenau's Faust. For 10 points, name this group of four devilish dances by Franz Liszt.;;Mephisto Waltzes ;;This author wrote about the titular former prostitute who is murdered by her husband Lesego when he catches her sleeping with the neighbor in the story "Life," which is grouped along with "Heaven is Not Closed" and "Snapshots of a Wedding" in a collection titled after a story in which Garesego's refusal to pay for the tuition of his son Banabothe leads his wife Dikeledi to fatally castrate him. This author of The Collector of Treasures wrote about Paulina Sebeso, who helps Gilbert Balfour bring agricultural innovations to the village of Golema Mmidi and falls in love with Makhaya. Along with A Bewitched Crossroad and Maru, this author wrote about Elizabeth who has hallucinations featuring Sello and Dan Molomo while she struggles with her mental health after moving the village of Motabung, which is based on the real village of Serowe. For 10 points, name this author When Rain Clouds Gather and A Question of Power, who wrote most of her work while living in Botswana.;;(Bessie) Head ;;The total radiative loss rate predicted by this equation exhibits drops proportional to gamma squared, with which namesake "steps" are associated; those steps are sudden increases in the equilibrium spectrum of certain cosmic ray particles. Chao's experiments to test this equation, which seemed to find deviations in heavy elements, were later found to have been early evidence of pair production and annihilation. A primitive and incorrect form of this equation derived separately by Dirac and by Gordon omitted its final two terms since it neglected spin. This equation's classical precursor gives sigma as eight thirds pi times the square of quantity e squared over m c squared and was developed by J. J. Thomson. The differential form of this equation contains terms cubic, quadratic, and linear in the ratio of before and after photon energy. For 10 points, name this early result of quantum electrodynamics, which gives the differential cross section of photon scattering from a free electron.;;Klein(-)Nishina (formula) ;;In this novel a poet writes the lines, "Knit hands and beat the ground / In a light fantastic round" to express the achievements of local historical figures named Epaminondas and Zephyr. In addition to Raoul Innerarity another character in this book is sometimes referred to as "f.m.c." to avoid confusion with another character. After a mob breaks the windows of one man's drug store, Clotilde allows Joseph Frowenfeld to run his apothecary shop in her house. One character in this novel acquires the De Grapion family fortune by killing the heir in a duel over an accusation of cheating at cards, and he is later stabbed by Palmyre for his role in helping to capture the African prince Bras Coupe. Agricola Fusilier reveals on his deathbed that he had promised to promote a marriage between Aurora and Honore. For 10 points, name this novel about the titular Creole family written by George Washington Cable.;;(The) Grandissimes ;;This organization beat up Benjamin Hough using their traditional weapon, the blue beech goad. Leaders of this organization included Pegleg Sunderland. This organization's first major martyr was William French, who was killed while storming a courthouse in which members of this group were being tried. This group was first formed to oppose New York's attempt to control their home state. Remember Baker and Seth Warner were other leaders of this group, which took orders from Governor Chittenden. In their most famous deed, this organization captured Ft. Ticonderoga. For ten points, name this militia led by Ethan Allen, which hails from Vermont.;;Green Mountain Boys ;;This artist showed a bald man standing in front of a table holding two laurels wreaths in The Distributor of Crowns. Neptune appears on the right side of one painting with his eyes closed wearing a red robe surrounded by blurred anemones and seahorses. This painter of Underwater Vision depicted a skeleton with roots growing out of its skull and feet in The Spirit of the Forest. A human head grows on a vine in The Marsh Flower, which he grouped with Strange Juggler and The Goddess of the Unintelligible in his lithograph series Homage to Goya. This artist painted a work in which a nude human hides behind a green hill while the titular one-eyed creature looms above, and he was influenced by Edgar Allen Poe to create works such as The Smiling Spider and Eye-Balloon. For 10 points, name this French Symbolist painter who created The Cyclops.;;(Odilon) Redon ;;One essay by this author claims that diseases may have non-genetic origins in "trauma," and makes the claim that it is not sufficiently defined as the "nurture" of nature versus nurture nor as Varela's "embodied mind." In that essay, he supposes that gender differences might be all that separate us from machines and cites Michel Houellebecq's Elementary Particles. This author of "No Sex Please, We're Post-Human!" wrote about The Perverse Core of Christianity in his The Puppet and the Dwarf. Another of this author's works is titled after a quote from Morpheus in The Matrix and discusses cultural foreshadowings of and results of catastrophes such as 9/11. This author postulated that one can perceive the Real by seeing its symbolic interpretations and moving between vantage points, a process he dubs The Parallax View. For 10 points, name this neoMarxist and author of Welcome to the Desert of the Real and How to Read Lacan, a Slovenian cultural theorist.;;(Slavoj) Zizek ;;The biosynthesis of this class of proteins requires scaffold proteins like, in E. coli, NfuA. That scaffold protein transfers a group to one of these compounds with an unusual function, which is the target of the poison sodium fluoroacetate, has a homologue called 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase, and is called aconitase. A broken example of one of these compounds employs an auxiliary nickel atom to reduce carbon dioxide. One of these compounds binds ubiquinol or plastoquinol anion before shuttling the electron to cytochrome c or f; that example is Rieske protein. Often erroneously classified as members of this family include rubredoxins. Members of this family are involved in the synthesis of biotin and lipoic acid, the latter of which has two heteroatoms that originate in this family's namesake group. For 10 points, name this family of proteins, which derive its name from the type of two-element cluster compound they all contain and which include the ferredoxins.;;iron(-)sulfur (proteins) ;;This ruler was crowned by Hildebert of Mainz, while Bruno of Cologne was a brother of this man who became Duke of Lorraine. In one of his early wars, this man defeated Eberhard of Bavaria. This man won the Battle of Rechnitz near modern day Mecklenburg. This man invaded Italy after the villainous Berengar of Ivrea kidnapped this man's wife, Adelaide. In his most famous battle, which took place near Augsburg, this king laid low the forces of Grand Prince Taksony and drove a certain barbarian tribe back to Pannonia. For ten points, name this victor at the Battle of Lechfeld and son of Henry the Fowler, a German prince who became the first leader of the Holy Roman Empire.;;Otto I ;;This presnt-day country contains the Kibiro Saltworks, which were a source of wealth for the Bunyoro kingdom until its king, Kabalega, was exiled to the Seychelles and its territory annexed by Britain. Much of the westernmost part of this country is ruled autonomously by the Toro kingdom, which like all kingdoms in this country was abolished in 1967 but restored in 1993. One of this country's chief port cities, the heavily Indian-influenced Jinja, suffered economically after all of this country's Asians were expelled in 1972. Another port city in this country was the site of Jonathan Netanyahu's 1976 raid on a highjacked Air France plane. Entebbe is a city in, FTP, what African country on the northern shore of Lake Victoria whose capital is Kampala?.;;(Republic) (of) Uganda ;;Early in his career, this MP from the Constituency of Tavistock man sought the impeachment of Roger Maynwaring and Robert Sibthrope, two clergymen whose views this man disagreed with. Later, this man's agenda included passing the Militia Ordinance and the Nineteen Ordinances, as well as creating the Committee of Safety that he led. After this man uncovered a conspiracy to accuse him of treason, he successfully passed a Bill of Attainder against the Earl of Strafford. A long speech by this man led to the dismissal of the Short Parliament, and it was he who proposed the Grand Remonstrance. For ten points, name this Puritan member of the Long Parliament, who led opposition to Charles I before the English Civil War.;;(John) Pym ;;This poet writes "[we] have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise" in a work that begins, "When in the chronicle of wasted time / I see descriptions of the fairest wights, / And beauty making beautiful old rhyme" In one work this poet famously asserts, "my nature is subdued / To what it works in, like the dyer's hand." The speaker of another poem says the reader can see in him "that time of year" when yellow leaves "hang upon those boughs which shake against the cold, / Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang." This poet asserts that neither Mars nor "war's quick fire shall burn / The living record of your memory" in a poem that begins, "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments / Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme." The speaker of one of his poems comments, "Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines" and ends with the assertion, "So long as men can breath, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." "The Fair Youth" and "The Dark Lady," for 10 points, are recurring figures in the poetry of this man who asked, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" in one of his sonnets.;;(William) Shakespeare ;;A popular but flawed strategy for this game is called the "Iron Cross". The name of this game derives from a French word for "toad" and it was brought to Louisiana by French gamblers. Certain events in this game may cause the dealer to yell "boxcars" or "yo". Types of bets in this game include the "horn", the "place", and the "field" bet. The only possible casino bet in which there is no house advantage is an "odds bet" placed behind the pass line in this game. This game's namesake condition occurs on a 2, 3, or 12. For ten points, name this popular casino game played using dice.;;Craps ;;In one work, this author denounced Marxism for failing to point out to workers that they can reject the idea that they are a source of labor power. William Merrin's book on this author "and the Media" complements his response to Christopher Norris's attack on this author in Uncritical Theory. The beginning of one work by this author of The Mirror of Production examines Michael Jackson's "androgynous, Frankensteinian charm" and claims "We Are All Transsexuals Now." In aernot work, this author of Screened Out constructs three orders of the first title entity, which come into being as technological progress creates them; third-order examples of that title construct are so ubiquitous that they "precede" the real, thereby defining it. This author argued the titular event was the "continuation of the absence of politics by other means," in a work that claims that the violence that occurred as Iraqi troops died did not constitute an armed engagement. For 10 points, name this author of Simulcra and Simulation and The Gulf War Did Not Take Place.;;(Jean) Baudrillard ;;A man in this play asks "what is a jewel to pigs?" before responding to one character's threat to "pulp" his brain by asserting that scientists have proved "women have a smaller brain than men [and] that's why they are called the weaker sex." The third act opens with a speech proclaiming it is "the hour of victory" for women before warning men "We'll scotch you in the end." In one scene from this play a chorus acts out the story in which a gang of prisoner workers is scared away with a bull-roarer, so one character can bribe a surveyor to change the direction where railroad tracks are being laid. In this play's final act the main female is enamored by a stamp printing press, which one character offers to use to issue stamps featuring a picture of her from a magazine. Sadiku reveals that one character is impotent giving another character the bravery to taunt the Bale while he is wrestling in his palace. In this play the marriage between the two title characters in the town of Ilujinle is opposed by the Westernized schoolteacher Lakunle. For 10 points, name this comedy ending when Sidi marches off to be married to the chief Baroka by Wole Soyinka.;;(The) Lion and the Jewel ;;After World War II, President Bermejo became President of this country and promised to enact policies based on "Christian Socialism". During the 1870's, Justo Rufino Barrios enacted liberal reforms in this country. At the turn of the century, this country's dictator Manuel Estrada, attempted to introduce Greco-Roman neo-paganism by instituting a cult of the goddess Minerva. This country's civil war ended in 1996 and was followed by a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Earlier, President Jacobo Arbenz was overthrown here with the help of the United Fruit Company. Notable for its large population of Quiche Mayans, for ten points name this Central American country just south of Mexico.;;Guatemala ;;When this process is induced by a magnetic field in a paramagnetic system, the critical field for the onset of instability decreases with layer thickness. Two types of this phenomenon are related by the Archimedes number; when that number is very small one of its forms is described by the Peclet number. This phenomenon can be quantified, as long as the product of the Prandtl and Reynolds numbers are greater than one-fifth, by the Churchill-Bernstein equation. A compositional form of this phenomenon generates the earth's magnetic field. Its natural type is governed by the ratio of density difference times little g times length scale cubed to diffusivity times dynamic viscosity, the Rayleigh number. For a boundary, the ratio of this to conduction is given by the Nusselt number. For 10 points, name this mode of heat transfer that relies on the motion of currents in a fluid.;;convection ;;A figure from Veronese's Rape of Europa was the basis for a woman on the right side of this painting who lets liquid spill from a golden vessel she is holding. The artist accidentally mistranscribed an inscription in this painting organizing the letters in columns rather than right to left. The central figure's right arm knocks over a holy silver chalice that was stolen from the Jewish Temple and blasphemously filled with wine. The main figure wears small crescent-moon earrings and a bejeweled turban topped by a crown. Rabbi Menasseh ben Israel gave the artist the Aramaic text "MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN" that was used as the mystical inscription drawn by a floating hand in this painting based on a scene from the Book of Daniel. Featuring several figures based on the artist's studies of Jews in Amsterdam, for 10 points, name this Rembrandt painting showing a Babylonian king disturbed by writing on the wall.;;Belshazzar's Feast ;;This author noted that a sheet of papyrus was his play thing and his dice box at the beginning of one work, and he notes that he "doesn't waste nuts" in a work depicting politicians wearing holiday caps. Those two works were a series of inscriptions for holiday presents called Xenia and Apophoreta. In one poem, he wrote that his farm was so small that it could fit under the wing of an insect, and another of his works concerns a woman with four teeth who coughed them out two at a time. Another poem offers an account of the opening of a stadium with descriptions of a rhinoceros, and in another work this poet notes that he lives in a tiny room that is so cold that Boreas would not want to live there. This author of the Liber Spectaculorum accused Tongilianus of burning down his own house, and wrote poems deriding Dr. Symmachus, Flora, and Aelia. The author wrote a poem to Domitian about censorship, and his sole collection consists of twelve books and over 1500 short poems. For 10 points, name this Silver Age Latin poet known for his epigrams.;;(Marcus) (Valerius) Martialis ;;This text compares true religion to choice wine whose seal has been broken and invites the addressee to have a drink. This text states its purpose as "vindicating equity and justice", to which end it recounts a story about a revelation in a Tehran dungeon. This text eulogizes two martyrs whom it calls the Twin Shining Lights. This text was written to protest the murder of two of the author's followers in Isfahan and it summarizes the author's earlier work, which included the Four Hidden Valleys and the Book of Certitude. For ten points, name this Baha'i holy text and last written work of Bahaullah, a letter to a man whose father had a lupine nickname.;;Epistle to the Son of the Wolf ;;One section of this mountain range contains the Great Alpine Road located between Eildon and Omeo, a stretch which contains Mt. Buller and Mt. Beauty. Another section of this system is home to Wollemi National Park, which is fed by the Hawkesbury River. Another part of this system contains the Liverpool Range and the Tweed Range south of Toowoomba and is known as the "Scenic Rim" of this mountain range. The Grampians National Park is located to the west of this system, and its subranges include a range called the Alps, the Snowy Mountains, and the Blue Mountains. Located east of the Great Artesian Basin and the source of the Murray-Darling River system, it extends from Victoria to the Cape York Peninsula. For 10 points, identify this mountain range which contains Mt. Kosciuszko and runs along the Eastern coast of Australia.;;Great Dividing Range ;;This man was once released from debtor's prison because his admirer Joseph Martin paid his debt. Along with Henry Timberlake and an Indian named Chief Kanagatucko, this man once took a dangerous journey over a frozen river from Fort Robinson, Virginia to Knoxville, Tennessee. This man succeeded Charles Pinkney as Senator, and during the Revolutionary War he won he lost the Battle of Fishing Creek but won the Battle of Hanging Rock. At the Battle of Blackstock, this man defeated General Tarleton. This man was nicknamed the "Gamecock of the Revolution", the inspiration for his home state university's mascot. For ten points name this early American general from South Carolina, for whom a fort in Charleston Harbor is named.;;(Thomas) Sumter ;;One character in this novel almost dies as a baby because he shoves pebbles up his ass, and another character thinks his fingers grow "in a higgledy-piggledy fashion like Jack's beanstalk." One woman in this novel only has one leg, which she always covers with expensive stockings, and she eventually lights her adopted son on fire. Another character walks around the town with a cowbell and a noose every year on January 3rd, which he declares as National Suicide Day. In this book Plum is killed by Eva, who later jumps out of a window trying to save her daughter Hannah. The protagonist has an affair with her best friend's husband Jude Greene, after she grows apart from her friend when they accidentally drown a boy named Chicken Little by throwing him into a river. The title character of this novel lives in an area of Medallion, Ohio called "the Bottom" and becomes lifelong friends with Nel Wright. For 10 points, identify this novel about the title girl from the Peace family, written by Toni Morrison.;;Sula ;;One of this thinker's works divided another philosopher's conception of love into cupiditas and three types of caritas. Another of this thinker's works asserts that its central subject "can destroy power[; but] is utterly incapable of creating it." In addition to writing On Violence, this philosopher distinguished vita contemplativa from vita activa and arranged labor, work, and action in ascending order of importance another work. This thinker's doctoral thesis, written under Karl Jaspers, was titled Love and Saint Augustine. One book by this author of The Human Condition work contains an epilogue that examines the Hungarian revolution. That book analyzes anti-Semitism and imperialism before considering its title subject, and it contends that while Italian fascism glorified the state, Nazism and Stalinism both opposed the state. Another work by her concludes that the title figure appeared more a clown than a monster, having displayed little evidence of anti-Semitism or even mental instability during his trial. For 10 points, name this political theorist who coined the phrase "banality of evil" and wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism and Eichmann in Jerusalem.;;(Hannah) Arendt ;;The last member of this group of works includes an "Arietta" movement that features a theme called the "boogie-woogie" variation. One of these works includes a second movement titled "Introduzione," which replaced a planned longer second movement that was later adapted into the piece Andante Favori. Donald Tovey has argued that the seventeenth one was not inspired by a Shakespeare play making its nickname "The Tempest" erroneous. One of these works begins with an "allegro assai" movement written in 12/8 time that legendarily takes its rhythm from the English folk song "On the Banks of Allan Water," while the twenty-sixth has movements titled "The Farewell," "The Absence," and "The Return" and was written to honor the composer's patron who was being to forced to leave Vienna. In addition to works called "Les Adieux" and "Appassionata" the best known one is subtitled "quasi una fantasia" and takes its title from Ludwig Rellstab. For 10 points, name this group of pieces for a certain instrument that include works titled "Waldstein," "Hammerklavier" and "Moonlight," which were composed by Beethoven.;;Beethoven Piano Sonatas ;;This author wrote a play ending at Princess Calantha's betrothal banquet when she receives three messengers announcing the death of her father King Amyclas, her friend Penthea who starved herself, and her fiancee Ithocles, who was trapped in a mechanical chair by Orgilus. In another of his works Lord Huntley is furious when Katherine does not marry Daliell instead choosing the title character who is executed after leading an unsuccessful revolt against Henry VII. In addition to writing The Broken Heart and Perkin Warbeck, this author wrote a play in which Grimaldi accidentally stabs Berghetto mistaking him for Soranzo, who plots with Vasques for vengeance when he discovers his new wife has been impregnated by her brother. For 10 points, name this dramatist who wrote about the incestuous romance between Giovanni and Annabella in Tis Pity She's a Whore.;;(John) Ford ;;A 1996 paper by this man concluded that holding rule of law, free markets, and human capital constant, democracy has a slight negative impact on a country's economic growth. He collaborated on a paper concluding that popes don't experience saint-making fatigue, part of his recent turn towards writing papers on religion with his wife Rachel McLeary. He collaborated with Gary Becker on "A Reformulation of the Economic Theory of Fertility", while the textbook Economic Growth was the product of his collaboration with Xavier Sala-i-Martin. He drew on Sargent and Lucas for his 1976 paper "Rational Expectations and the Role of Monetary Policy", while another paper argued that bond financing of deficits implies an anticipated future tax increase, in turn implying that an increase in government spending will not increase demand for goods. For 10 points, name this author of "Are Government Bonds Net Wealth", a Harvard professor who expanded on the Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis.;;(Robert) Barro ;;This man controversially ordered the bombing of the village of Katyr-Yurt, despite the fact that its inhabitants were waving white flags. This man organized his country's 83 sub-divisions into eight "Federal Districts" whose Presidents were appointed directly by him, and during his first term he had to deal with the Beslan massacre. This man unexpectedly became Head of State when his predecessor resigned on New Years Eve. During this man's term in office, the government prosecuted many "oligarchs" such as the head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. For ten points, name this current Prime Minister of Russia, who succeeded Boris Yeltsin as President.;;(Vladimir) Putin ;;Theories that do not include this substance include John Moffat's theory that G over c holds constant over time but neither quantity does individually and one proposed by Bekenstein called TeVeS. Its presence explains the formation of stellar structure through the Jeans instability. It may be accounted for by certain leptons with the opposite helicity from experimental prediction, called "sterile." One model of this substance suffers from the "cuspy halo problem" and cannot explain the lack of many satellite galaxies a thousandth the size of the Milky Way. One hypothesized example of this substance is the Nambu-Goldstone boson that results from spontaneously broken Peccei-Quinn symmetry; that particle accounts for the theta-bar term in strong CP violation and is called the axion. Its baryonic forms include brown dwarfs and MACHOs. For 10 points, name this hypothetical substance postulated by Fritz Zwicky, which is classified based on its speed as hot, warm, or cold and is detectable only by its gravitational effects, not by emitted radiation.;;dark matter ;;This mother of Cestrinus was worshipped at Pergamum, a town allegedly named after one of her sons. While at Epirus, she gave birth to that city's future king, Molossus, and was accused of casting spells that led to barrenness of Hermione. This figure's father Eetion was the king of Thebes and would be killed by the same man who would eventually kill her husband. In a work of Euripides, this figure laments that death is better than life in bitterness because one feels no pain in death before she is ultimately consigned to be the war prize of her son's killer, Neoptolemus. In her most famous appearance, this figure holds that aforementioned son, Astyanax, as he cries in front of her husband in Book 6 of the Iliad. For ten points, name this Trojan princess, the wife of Hector.;;Andromache ;;One member of this family was shot by an Army cook when he tried to steal anchovies from a mess hall. Another member places Grumby's severed hand on his grandmother's grave to prove he avenged her death, while years later Ringo informs him that his father was killed in a duel with his railroad partner Ben J. Redmond. One member of this family dies testing an airplane in Akron, Ohio the same day his wife gives birth to his son Benbow. That man is guilty over the death of his twin John while flying in the Canadian Air Corps and gives his grandfather a fatal heart attack due to his reckless driving. Byron Snopes works at the Merchants and Farmers Bank established by one leader of this family, Bayard who later became mayor of Jefferson. For 10 points, name this family of Yoknapatawpha County that William Faulkner described in the novels The Unvanquished and a namesake novel that was originally titled Flags in the Dust.;;Sartoris (Family) ;;Stephen Rees Jones identified numerous thumb-prints covering the surface of this painting which were mysteriously applied during the priming. On the lower left hand corner a putti blows bubbles, while on the right hand corner a cherub plays with an hourglass. This painting in the Wallace Collection was commissioned by Cardinal Rospigliosi as a "moral poem" serving as an allegory for the "Wheel of Fortune" afflicting mankind and much of its iconography was explicated by the artist's biographer Giovanni Bellori. The left side features a two-faced statue of Janus, and above Apollo drives is chariot through the circle of the zodiac to announce the dawn. At the center of this painting four women symbolizing Poverty, Labor, Riches, and Pleasure swing in a circle while listening to a winged old man playing the lyre. For 10 points, name this painting by Nicholas Poussin that provides its name to a series of twelve novels by Anthony Powell (POLE).;;A Dance to the Music of Time ;;Early in this man's career, he represented slaves in the case of the Christiana Riot, and as a result of his policies, this man's ironworks were burnt down. This man was once of four to vote against the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, and he once stated that certain states should be treated as "conquered provinces." This figure served as the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and with John Bingham he introduced a resolution to impeach president Andrew Johnson. His stance in favor of racial equality led him to be known as "The Great Commoner." For 10 points, identify this congressman from Pennsylvania who, along with Charles Sumner, led the Radical Republicans during Reconstruction.;;(Thaddeus) Stevens ;;During the 2002-2003 season, this NBA team became the first to not dress twelve players for a single game. Alvin Robertson scored this franchise's first points, although that season saw a Rookie of the Year performance by a point guard from the University of Arizona. On draft day in 1998, this team traded their first-round pick Antawn Jamison for a guard from North Carolina. With the ninth pick in 2009, they picked Demar DeRozan, and in 2006, this team took the Italian seven-footer Andrea Bargnani [barn-YA-nee] with the first pick in the draft. Recently signing Hedo Turkoglu as a free agent, for ten points identify this team captained by Chris Bosh, the only Canadian NBA franchise.;;(Toronto) Raptors ;;In the 20th century, this religion and its practices were reformed by a woman nicknamed "Mama Olga". The peji is an altar used in this religion, while the terreiro is this religion's house of worship. Sects of this religion include Ketu, which focuses on the worship of the goddess Oxum [osh-um] as well as Jeje. This religion's ceremonies include the worship of Baba Egum, or ancestor spirits. Practitioners of this religion call themselves "povo de santo", which means people of the Saint. Some followers of them may practice a form of dance-fighting known as capoeira, and most speak Portuguese. For ten points, name this African-based religion practiced in Brazil.;;Candomble ;;This nation's Alajuela Province is the site of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, and this nation is home to the Barra Honda Caverns. Volcanos in this nation include Irazu and Rincon, which is located in this nation's Guanacaste Province. This country's city of Puntarenas is located on its Gulf of Nicoya, and the southern portion of this nation is home to the Osa Peninsula, which is separated from Golfito by the Gulfo Dulce. Separated from its northern neighbor by the San Juan River, This nation's president Jose Ferrer abolished its military in 1948, and both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean are visible from this nation's Cerro Chirripo volcano. Containing the port city of Limon, for 10 points, identify this Central American nation located between Nicaragua and Panama, which has capital at San Jose.;;Costa Rica ;;Chunyu Zhang was murdered by Emperor Cheng as a result of this man's actions, and one rebellion against this leader was led by Wang Kuang and Wang Feng, who were part of the Lulin Mountain group. This ruler was given an albino chicken that he used to gain the title Duke of Anhan, and Some of this ruler's reforms included the well-field system, and in addition to changes geographical names this ruler established a sloth tax for unused land, which prompted the revolt of Mother Lu. This ruler served as a regent for the infant Ping and appointed Ruzi as his successor, and he seized power from the Liu family. Ousted by the revolt of the Red Eyebrows, he was succeeded by Guangwu. For 10 points, identify this usurper whose Xin dynasty interrupted the Han dynasty.;;Wang Mang ;;This architect compared the 1,000 skylights of one project to a "sunflower turning toward the light" and a "Magritte moment." He claimed his "most proud work" was a "jelly" wristwatch for Swatch, while his designs include a huge commercial center in the shape of a volcano. He modified the Woodruff center at Richard Meier's High Museum in Atlanta and his other expansion projects include that of the Whitney Museum's downtown building and Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. His recent projects include The Shard and design featuring a hovering sunscreen called a "flying carpet." This architect of the Modern Wing at the Chicago Institute of Art designed a building based on the shape of a landing hand-glider located on an artificial island. He collaborated with Richard Rogers on a building characterized by multicolored tubes marking the structural elements. For 10 points, name this Italian architect who worked on the Centre Pompidou and the Kansai Airport Terminal.;;(Renzo) Piano ;;This type of spectroscopy was the original type used in a method to find the equilibrium constant for association in host-guest chemistry named for Benesi and Hildebrand, which has since then been generalized. Wavelength shifts in this form of spectroscopy are described as bathochromic or hypsochromic. Bands of transitions measured with this technique are denoted R, K, B, and E. Many devices marketed for flash chromatography use a photodiode array or charge-coupled device to simultaneously perform this form of spectroscopy on the analyte. The emissions lines in this spectral range due to charge-transfer complexes are allowed by all selection rules. A selection rule that governs transitions in this wavelength requires transitions not to conserve symmetry with respect to an inversion center; that rule is named for Laporte. The wavelength of maximum absorption in this technique is computed by a set of rules that add thirty nanometers for a tertiary amine and start from two different base values, for homo- and heteroannular dienes; those rules are named for Woodward and Fieser. For 10 points, name this form of spectroscopy, which can also apply to transitions in transition metal complexes and which employs a range of the EM spectrum a bit shorter than infrared.;;UV(-)visible (light) (spectroscopy) ;;This work denies the existence of a "species of murderers" that perform sham killings on stage in a section on "The Theory of Special Status Pictures." This work touches on the cash value of the specialized verbs used by some proponents of the sense-datum theory by suggesting that one must perceive an endless chain of ever-more-primitive stimuli. One section of this work dismisses the possibility of solipsism by considering the work of oculists, doctors, and psychoanalysts, and another considers "The Systematic Elusiveness of 'I'." This work gives the example of a foreigner who wonders what type of cricket player contributes team spirit and explains that John Doe cannot be friends with the Average Taxpayer to illustrate a type of semantic mistake, and its second chapter distinguishes "knowing how" from "knowing that." This work contends that construing a certain pair of ideas as polar opposites constitutes a category error. For 10 points, name this work that smears Cartesian dualism as the "ghost in the machine," written by Gilbert Ryle.;;(The) Concept of Mind ;;This composer wrote the word "sonorous" in the score of his Cello Concerto No. 2 to describe the opening pizzicato cello solo playing against a "scruffy" timpani roll. This composer wrote Violin Concerto in C as one of three concertos to serve as advanced study pieces for young players, and his second symphony borrows themes from his opera The Sisters. Pizzicato strings play against the piano in the second movement of his Piano Concerto No. 3 subtitled "Youth" and his fourth piano concerto is dubbed "Prague Concerto." He used xylophones to imitate stumbling clowns in a section called "The Galop" of his suite The Comedians, and he became famous for the overture of an opera about a wood sculptor who falls in love with Selina based on a Romain Rolland novel. The hardships of the innocent girl Nastia are presented in this composer's Symphony No. 4, subtitled "Requiem for Lenin" which is based on themes from his opera The Taras Family. For 10 points, name this Russian composer who wrote Colas Breugnon.;;(Dmitry) Kabalevsky ;;The "locality-sensitive" form of this procedure is used to implement what Knuth called the post-office problem, nearest neighbor search. Examples named for Zobrist are used for artificial intelligence in games like Chess and Go to implement transposition tables. One data structure that requires k of these objects cannot effectively remove elements; Trachtenberg and Agarwal found that to minimize the probability of false positives, the number of bits in that structure, a Bloom filter, must be ln [ell en] two times the number of elements. One named for Pearson may be used in conjunction with a permutation table customized so that it is perfect over a subset of the input. A rolling one is applied to optimize the Rabin-Karp algorithm for searching strings. The coalesced type of this combines methods called "separate chaining" and "open addressing." Sometimes linked lists are used to account for the collisions that result from the application of these. For 10 points, name these functions that process an object and return an index for its storage.;;hash (functions) ;;This man pointed out that "localisms and particularisms" defend power assertions in the real world much as universalisms do in an essay which asks if global culture is "salvation, menace, or myth" and is collected in The Uncertainties of Knowledge. He worked with Etienne Balibar on Race, Nation, Class and considered racism's relation to the author of An American Dilemma in "The Myrdal Legacy", one of the essays in Unthinking Social Science. His work with Terence Hopkins led to Antisystemic Movements, while Dynamics of Global Crisis came out of work with Giovanni Arrighi and Samir Amin, theorists of the intellectual movement associated with this man. That movement discusses semiperiphery, periphery and core nations. For 10 points, name this founder of World Systems theory.;;(Immanuel) Wallerstein ;;This poet writes, "Each morning the sunlight comes into your house . . . And you know what it's like to see face-to-face, / and that tempts you to be kind" in "The Blindman's Song." In another poem he asserts, "This laboring through what is still undone, / as though, legs bound we hobbled along the way/" is like the "awkward walking" of the title animal. This poet wrote about a creature who thinks "there are a thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world" while he "paces in cramped circles" in his zoo cage. His collection New Poems features his "thing-poems" including "The Swan" and "The Panther" and another poem about an object that is "still suffused with brilliance from the inside, / like a lamp" and has eyes "like ripening fruit." This poet asserts, "you must change your life" at the end of "The Archaic Torso of Apollo" and wrote another collection including a poem that asks, "O trees of life, when does your winter come?" and poems dedicated to Gaspara Stampa and Rudolf Kasner. For 10 points, name this German poet who asked, "Who, is I cried out, would hear me among the Angelic Orders?" in the first of his Duino Elegies.;;(Rainer) (Maria) Rilke ;;Germain Chauvelin was a bellicose foreign minister who served this king. The first three years of this king's reign are sometimes termed "the Polysynody", because important government ministers were replaced by councils of nobles. This king married a Polish princess named Marie Leszczynska, which led to him intervening in the War of the Polish Succession. This king appointed the Scottish economist John Law as both controller-general and head of the national bank, but Law's policies would lead to the disastrous Mississippi Bubble. This king's chief minister was Cardinal Fleury, but he was also notably controlled by his mistress, the Madame de Pompadour. For ten points, name this King of France from 1715 to 1744.;;Louis XV ;;One modification to the Hunsdiecker reaction uses molybdenum (VI) and one of these compounds. Following the addition of bromine and water and then calcium hydroxide, iron (III) acetate and one of these compounds is added in a sugar degradation, while it's iron (II) that is paired with one of these to process organic wastes like tetrachloro-ethylene or to hydroxylate arenes. These compounds rearrange into an alcohol and a ketone in a reaction observed in prostaglandin synthesis. Bottles of ether become dangerous to open after a few years due to the formation of these compounds. These compounds are used in the Fenton reagent and the Ruff degradation and they rearrange to a ketone and alcohol in the Kornblum-DeLaMare reaction. An acyl example of one of these compounds react by a butterfly mechanism with alkenes to give epoxides in the Prilazhaev reaction, and a meta-chloro benzene derivative reacts with ketones to give esters in the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation. Reactions using the simplest example of this functionality are essential to green chemistry. For 10 points, name this functional group containing an oxygen-oxygen single bond, whose simplest example is H2O2.;;peroxides ;;This class of drugs, as well as methylxanthines like caffeine, should be avoided by individuals with glucose transporter type I deficiency syndrome. The compound that is the namesake of this class of drugs is hydrolyzed and its ring opened in the second step of oxidative pyrimidine degradation, is involved in riboflavin synthesis, and forms other members of this class of compounds through the Knoevenagel condensation; that compound can be formed by a reaction between malonic acid and urea. This class of compounds increase the number of glycogen granules in astrocytes. Drugs in this class include the long-acting anticonvulsant phenobarbital and a compound that finds its major therapeutic use as an ultrashort anaesthetic but is better known as a truth serum drug, sodium thiopental. This class of drugs, which blocks the glutamate receptor AMPA, also increases the frequency of chloride channel opening when it binds to the alpha subunit of the GABAA receptor. For 10 points, name this class of central nervous system depressant drugs.;;barbiturates ;;Leon P. Alford unsuccessfully attempted to stop one of this man's books from being published. This man's ideas were independently developed in France by Henri Fayol. Carl Barth pioneered a way to use slide rules to carry out this man's ideas, and this man and Barth eventually worked together at the William Sellers company. In the Eastern Rate Case, Louis Brandeis coined the term for this man's most notable concept. This man worked for the Midvale Steele Company, where he gave workers discrete tasks and instituted new practices based on empirical analysis, and his first book was Shop Management. For ten points, name this founder of scientific management.;;(Frederick) (Winslow) Taylor ;;The nondimensional volumetric flux of this quantity is proportional to the three-halves power of boundary shear stress minus critical boundary shear stress. Those relations were improved by employing a "hiding function" by Wilcock and Crowe. A conservation of mass equation that often includes a subsidence term that applies to its transport is called the Exner equation. It may be entrained in different manners according to the value of the Rouse number. One form of this material forms paha and greda ridges and is called loess, and its deposition can form mouth bars and oxbow lakes, the former of which creates distributary networks at river deltas. This material can be transported through saltation as part of the bed load. For 10 points, name this material transported by rivers whose buildup and compression forms a namesake kind of rock.;;sediment ;;In the so-called "Regent's Eulogy", this man was said to have "never feared any flesh". This man's most notable teacher was George Wishart. This man quoted from the Book of Jeremiah in his "Spare No Arrows" speech, which criticized church corruption. This man's Book of Discipline advocated democratic elections for church offices. This pastor of St. Giles Cathedral authored a tract titled First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, in which man argued that only men could inherit the throne, an attack on his enemy, the Catholic Queen Mary I. This man's ideas were adopted by the Covenanters and the Kirk. For ten points, name this Scottish Calvinist, the founder of Presbyterianism.;;(John) Knox ;;This poetry collection features a poem beginning; "Oh, but it is dirty!" titled "Filling Station." Another poem concerns a sandpiper running along a beach staring down at his toes "looking for something, something, something." The title poem of this collection ends when the speaker wonders, "Is it lack of imagination that makes us come to imagined places, not just stay at home? / Or could Pascal have been not entirely right" after asserting, "There are too many waterfalls here". The speaker of another poem laments "a weak mailed fist / clenched ignorant against the sky!" after watching the title creature run away while people throw fire balloons into the sky to celebrate a religious festival. This poetry collection includes a poem dedicated to Robert Lowell titled "Armadillo" while in the first poem "Arrival at Santos" is based on the poet's long sabbatical in South America. Published nineteen years after North and South, for 10 points, name this poetry collection by Elizabeth Bishop divided into sections titled "Elsewhere" and "Brazil.".;;Questions of Travel ;;This island contains its own 210 day calendar called the "pawukon" and upon European exploration of this island, many inhabitants committed a mass suicide known as "puputan." The two types of marriage common on this island are called "mapadik" and "ngorod," and a resistance force during World War II on this island was named for general Ngurah Rai. Many inhabitants of this island fled after the eruption of Mount Agung, and other mountains on this island include Mount Batur. This site of the Bukit Peninsula contains the upscale Nusa Dua peninsula, and this island's capital was once the center of the Badung Kingdom. Situated between Lombok and Java and having a capital at Denpasar, for 10 points, identify this only Indonesian island with a Hindu majority, whose Kuta district was the site of a 2002 terrorist bombing.;;Bali ;;A common source of these particles is a device named for Farnsworth and Hirsch. Direct observation of magnons and phonons is possible via Brockhouse's triple-axis spectroscopy, which employs inelastic scattering events of these particles. Due to these particles, metastable structures called intimate Frenkel pairs can develop in materials like graphite; those materials must be heated in a process called annealing to relieve the Wigner energy that builds up when bombarded by these particles. Violation of CP symmetry by the strong force would require an electric dipole moment for this particle a trillion times greater than the maximum current prediction. The emission of energetic examples of these particles sustain fission reactions, and their number is different for an element's isotopes. For 10 points, name these particles composed of one up and two down quarks, the chargeless component of the nucleus.;;neutrons ;;One work in this series sees a monkey dashing across the floor because a woman flipped over a table shattering several cups. In another work a Passover wafer is used as a flytrap and a boy picks lice out of his hair and throws them into the fireplace. This cycle's third piece depicts three men entering on a room on the right who stare at birch rods and a witch's hat mounted on the wall. In the last section a coffin is used as a counter to serve drinks, while in the previous part Dr. Misaubin argues with Dr. Rork about their methods of treating syphilis. The fourth work in this series depicts the title character beating hemp to make nooses in Bridewell Prison after she was arrested by Sir John Gonson in the previous section. The first engraving shows the title character arriving at Bell Inn where she is evaluated by the procuress Elizabeth Needham as a potential courtesan. For 10 points, name this series of engravings by William Hogarth depicting Moll Hackabout's descent into prostitution.;;Harlot's Progress ;;Herodotus reports that a temple to Hephaestus in Egypt featured a statue dedicated to these creatures after they helped the pharaoh Sethos defeat the armies of Sennacherib by destroying their weapons. According to Aelian, these creatures were worshipped at Hamaxitus, where they were fed at the temple of the deity with whom they are most often associated. That deity was Apollo Smintheus, whose epithet may have referred to his relationship with these creatures. While these animals were routing their most famous foe, Zeus sent an army of crabs to prevent these creatures from totally annihilating their enemies. That battle was precipitated when the king of these creatures was drowned while crossing a river on back of the king of their future enemies. That war was known as the Batrachomyomachia. For ten points, name these creatures, who, in a mock epic allegedly written by Homer, do battle with frogs and like eating cheese.;;Mouse|mice ;;This actor received an Oscar nomination for playing the roles of "Duane" and "Lightfoot", and he later played Jack Lucas, a radio DJ who helps a homeless man named Parry find the Holy Grail in the movie The Fisher King. He also played gymnastics coach Burt Vickerman in Stick It and received another Best Supporting Actor nomination for his portrayal of President Evans in The Contender. He also played the titular role in Starman and Bad Blake in Crazy Heart. In arguably his most famous role, he tries to get a new rug after Wu pisses on his floor. For 10 points, name this actor who played Bill Django in The Men Who Stare at Goats, Obadiah Stane in Iron Man, and the Dude in The Big Lebowski.;;(Jeff) Bridges ;;A pair of works this philosopher edited, one with Herbert Feigl and another with John Hospers, brought American pragmatism and logical positivism together with elements of analytic philosophy. This philosopher contrasted the "manifest" and the "scientific" image, but he is better known for a critique of a phenomenon whose manifestations include the idea that one's access to one's own mental states is privileged, the idea that empirical knowledge has any kind of foundation, and the classical sense-datum theory. This philosopher, whose early essays are collected in Pure Pragmatics and Possible Worlds, explicated his support for a flavor of transcendental idealism in Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes. For 10 points, name this originator of "psychological nominalism" who attacked the "myth of the given" and wrote Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man and Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind.;;(Wilfrid) Sellars ;;This composer was inspired by the journey of the Shroud of Turin to write La Sindone, and his pieces "Pilgrim Songs" and "Como Cierva Sedienta" are often grouped with his "Orient Occident." This composer wrote Da Pacem Domine as a prayer piece for the Madrid bombing, while another work is dedicated to a friend's daughter who is leaving to study in London and is written with the tempo "peacefully, in an exalted and introspective manner" and features no time signature. Every instrument's part is divided into two (except for the viola) with one group playing a descending A-minor scale, while the other half plays notes from an A-minor chord in his Cantus In Memoriam Benjamin Britten. In addition to writing the Berlin Mass and Fur Alina, this composer wrote a piece consisting of nine chord sequences separated by a percussion theme illustrating his "tintinnabuli" style that he also used in "Spiegel im Spiegel," and he also wrote a work divided into movements titled "Ludus" and "Silentium" that exemplifies Holy Minimalism. For 10 points, name this name composer of Fratres and Tabula Rasa who was born in Estonia.;;(Arvo) Part ;;One character in this play asserts that every sweet-roll he has ever eaten was turned into "ground glass" after one of his friends insultingly commented "Help Yourself" when he took a piece of toast from her plate. Later one man mistakenly calls Masonic Hospital looking for a person who was actually taken to Columbus Hospital. One character starts wildly smashing things with a pig iron while yelling, "There is no Right and Wrong. The World is Lies." At the end of this play's second act, while earlier he complained about his breakfast at the Riverside Cafe with the lesbian couple Ruth and Gracie. In this play's second act a man worries when Fletch does not show up and beats Bobby when he shows up to the resale shop trying to appraise the value of an antique with Don Dubrow. For 10 points, name this play in which Teach plots to steal the titular antique nickel, written by David Mamet.;;American Buffalo ;;During the Year of the Six Emperors, this city was the site of a battle in which the general Capelianus defeated the emperors Gordian I and Gordian II. One general hired by this city captured Marcus Atilius Regulus, and that Spartan named Xanthippus was victorious at the Battle of the Bagradas River. Another figure from this city used guerilla tactics from his stronghold on Mt. Eryx, but could not capture Lilybaeum, and another general from this city was beheaded by Claudius Nero, who tossed his head into his brother's camp after a victory at the Battle of the Metaurus. This polity was defeated at the Battle of Baecula, and this city sought peace after their defeat at Campi Magni. This city's citadel was called the Byrsa, and Gaius Gracchus founded a new colony here called Junonia, despite the fact that its land was salted during its defeat at the hands of Scipio Aemilianus. For 10 points, identify this city, whose leaders included Hanno the Great and Hamilcar Barca, and who fought the Punic Wars against the Roman Empire.;;Carthage ;;Nirali Bhatia dies at the opening location in this game, and later your character can help her husband by getting her body released by the authorities. Barla Von is an agent of the Shadow Broker, a powerful information dealer. The protagonist meets two characters who state their intended tone at the beginning of their sentences on account of their monotone voice and are members of the Velcor race. By performing such actions as saving civilians, the protagonist earns Paragon points, while making violent choices generally leads to Renegade points. Thirty-five years before the beginning of this game, humanity finds Prothean technology on Mars and eventually meets up with the Turians, Asari, and Salarians, among others. For 10 points, identify this space RPG from Bioware in which Commander Shepard must stop Saren, the Geth, and Sovereign from destroying the galaxy.;;Mass Effect ;;In one of this composer's works a theme played by the glockenspiels and marimbas is juxtaposed against an organ and women's chorus who only sing the sound "ee" and play gradually lengthening chord cadences. Daniel Hamm is quoted in a work commemorating six boys who were convicted of murder during the Harlem race riots, and Beryl Knot wrote the libretto of an opera featuring the songs "Who is Hagar?" and "Who is Ishmael" that is titled The Cave. He pioneered a technique where the same musical segment is played on two different instruments at different tempos called "phasing," which is featured in his pieces Come Out, It's Gonna Rain, and Drumming. One of his works features sections called "Pulses," while he featured his governess Virginia Davis in a movement called "America-Before the War," which is part of a string quartet that uses tape recordings of interview with Holocaust survivors. For 10 points, name this minimalist composer who wrote Music for 18 Musicians and Different Trains.;;(Steve) Reich ;;This region was formerly the site of a kingdom called Egrisi and later called Lazica after the Laz tribe, and a later kingdom established at this place was led by the Anosid Dynasty. This region is the site of the Voronya Cave system, and this site of the Kodori valley is separated from the province of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti by the Inguri River. One conflict in this region saw battles at Gagra and Eshera and saw the participation of separatist Shamil Basayev. This region was the site of a short lived civil war involving the CMPC, which came to an end with an agreement signed in nearby Sochi between Eduard Shevardnadze and Vladimir Putin. For 10 points, identify this territory with capital Sukhumi on the Black Sea, which like Ajaria and South Ossetia is an autonomous republic within Georgia.;;Abkhazia ;;A simplification of the Frobenius criterion on space groups that gives the degeneracies that double under this statement's corresponding operator is named for Herring. The square of that operator is plus one for integral spin and minus one for half-integral spin. A criterion given by Wolfenstein for this property was applied by Sehgal and van Leusen to analyze CPLEAR, an experiment at CERN that showed a difference between the rates of antikaon to kaon transitions and kaon to antikaon transitions. Loschmidt's paradox concerns its violation in the molecular chaos assumption of Boltzmann's H-theorem. Noether's theorem relates this property to energy conservation. A theorem which would be violated were neutrons to have nonzero electric dipole moment holds that the product of this property with charge conjugation and parity is always preserved. Applying that to a black hole gives a white hole. For 10 points, name statemen, whose corresponding operator would cause events to happen backwards.;;time reversal (symmetry) ;;This author wrote about a rheumatic Count living in Naples who is mugged by a member of the criminal group Camorra in "Il Conde." One of this writer's characters burns down his house on the Pantai River after his daughter Nina runs away with Dain Maroola. In one novel Mr. Jukes pacifies the Chinese passengers who had their silver dollars scattered across the hull of the Nan-Shan when Tom MacWhir navigates the ship through a storm. He wrote a novel ending when Winnie stabs her husband after Inspector Heat gets him to admit he trained Winnie's retarded brother Stevie to blow up the Greenwich Observatory. In addition to writing Typhoon and The Secret Agent he described Charles Gould entrusting Giovanni Fidanza to hide silver found in the San Tome mines of Costaguana in his novel Nostromo. For 10 points, name this writer who described Marlow going down the Congo to find Kurtz in Heart of Darkness.;;(Joseph) Conrad ;;The sum of certain quantities that arise in this field gives the entropy by Pesin's theorem. Those quantities are involved in a matrix defined as the limit as t increases without bound of the Jacobian times its transpose all raised to one-half t; that limit is guaranteed to exist by the Oseledec theorem and those quantities are Lyapunov exponents. A result about one-dimensional systems in this field is Sharkovskii's theorem, and as two complex eigenvalues of a system emerge, a Hopf bifurcation can occur; the aforementioned theorem gives a result about systems with three-cycles. Three-cycles appear briefly on a plot of the behavior of the logistic map, which experiences period-doubling with a frequency that approaches the Feigenbaum constant. This field studies systems like the Roessler map, the double pendulum, and a result of a weather model called the Lorenz attractor; each of those objects often traces out enormously different trajectories after only small changes in initial conditions. For 10 points, name this field colloquially described by the metaphor of the butterfly effect.;;chaos (theory) ;;One of this author's poems repeats the phrase "Praise be to you, Marie," and features a mother who undertakes the title healing journey with her sick son William, and another poem by this author tells of a character who steals the pharaoh's treasure and daughter. In addition to writing "The Pilgraimage to Kevlaar" and "Rhampsenit," one poem by this author begins "Once did I dream of Love's wild-glowing sighs, of shining locks, myrtle and mignonette." This author of "The Sorrows of Youth" wrote of his travels in "Journey in the Harz" and described a dancing bear that escapes captivity and attempts to lead a revolution against the human race in his satiric epic Atta Troll. He discussed a large coffin that he would use to lower his sorrows into a river in the "Lyrical Intermezzo" of a poetry collection that features the two "North Sea" cycles, the "Homecoming" sequence and includes "The Grenadiers." For 10 points, identify this German author of the collections Romanzero and Book of Songs, who wrote about a maiden who lures sailors to death in his poem "Die Lorelei.".;;(Heinrich) Heine ;;Juvenile hemochromatosis is an iron overload condition caused by mutations in hemojuvelin, which Babitt et al. believe is a cofactor for these proteins. Inhibition of the Wnt signaling pathway by one factor antagonizes the action of these proteins; that aforementioned factor binds to LRP5/6 receptors and is called sclerostin. The expression of fibroblast growth factors and sonic hedgehog require the inhibition of these compounds by gremlin-1. The tenth of these is thought to facilitate heart tabeculation, and the seventh of these triggers SMAD phosphorylation. A metalloprotease in this group cleaves laminin five and three procollagen forms. Noggin and chordin maintain fetus polarity by inhibiting the fourth one of these, which, like many others, is a TGF-beta family protein. For 10 points, name these proteins that can induce new bone to form.;;bone morphogenic protein ;;This work points out that "real peasants do not engage in ecstatic babble" in "The Myth of the Soil." This work argues Lucien Levy-Bruhl's work supports its thesis of the uniformity of the logical structure of mind. That uniformity underlies the criticism of "Marxian polylogism" on the grounds that Marx arrogated to himself the right to find absolute truth; hence his polylogism is part of the "revolt against reason" discussed in the third chapter. This work draws on its author's argument against the time preference theories of his mentor Eugene Bohm-Bawerk and also considers the delimitation of the problems of catallactics. Socialism is criticized because it renders impossible the activity of monetary calculation, vital to entrepreneurship. Published seven years before The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, this work contrasts its central concept with "contentment." For 10 points, name this work deeming the study of its title concept "praxeology", the magnum opus of Ludwig von Mises.;;Human Action ;;One work by this author explores the sexual practices of Tahiti through the eyes of a French explorer, and one drama sees the title character divided by his love for Constance and Rosalie. In addition to writing Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage and Dorval, he wrote a play in which the Commander imprisons the poor girl Sophie to separate her from Saint-Albin. This author of The Father of the Family wrote a work in which the illegitimate Suzanne Simonon is the subject of lesbian advances from her superior, and wrote another work in which the title character believes everything is written on a great scroll while driving a nobleman to an unspecified location. This author of The Nun wrote a novel subtitled "The Second Satire" that opens with a conversation between Moi and Lui over a chess match and is titled for the relative of a French composer. For 10 points, identify this French author of Jacques the Fatalist and Rameau's Nephew, who worked as the editor of the Encyclopedie.;;(Denis) Diderot ;;This theorem was extended to unbounded operators by Avron, Seiler, and Yaffe and to a segment of that operator's spectrum, rather than an isolated eigenvalue, by Nenciu. This theorem gives a small error term given by the exponential of negative 2pi times lambda, where lambda is a squared over h-bar times the magnitude of alpha and a is the half-distance between the unperturbed energies at the avoided crossing; that is the Lander-Zener formula and gives the probability of transitions not of this type. This theorem holds that the eigenstates of a quantum harmonic oscillator can change in time as the spring constant varies slowly. For 10 points, name this theorem of quantum mechanics that shares its name with a term describing processes in which monatomic ideal gases change such that pressure times volume to the five-thirds is constant, those with no heat transfer.;;adiabatic (theorem) ;;"Camara's Flying Relief Column" is the name given to a large military force that set out to reverse the outcome of this battle, but failed to complete its journey. Prior to this battle, the winning force took up a position in Subic Bay, while the losers retreated to Bacoor Bay. The winning force launched its attack at midnight by navigating a channel previously thought unnavigable at night. Notable ships sunk at this battle include the Cristina and the Ulloa. The decisive moment in this battle was the destruction of the shore battery The winning commander spent this battle on board his flagship, the USS Olympia and started this battle by saying "You may fire when ready". For ten points, name this opening battle of the Spanish-American War, when Admiral Dewey captured the capital of the Philippines.;;(Battle) (of) Manila Bay ;;This painter showed an ostrich egg hanging from a dome that overlooks the Virgin sitting on an oriental rug while surrounded by saints in the Montefeltro Altarpiece, which is sometimes called the Brera Madonna. One of this artist's paintings was originally in a frame with the inscription, "Convenerunt in Unum" leading some scholars to suggest it is an allegory for the reconciliation between the Byzantine and Roman Churches. In one work this artist showed a king sleeping in a yellow and red tent while an angel descends from the top left. Adoration of the Holy Wood, The Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and Constantine's Dream are frescoes in his series The Legend of the True Cross. This teacher of Luca Signorelli painted a scene whose right side shows three men in contemporary dress in an outdoor courtyard, while the left side is set inside a classical temple and depicts Pontius Pilate watching guards whip Christ. For 10 points, name this early Renaissance master who painted The Flagellation.;;(Piero) della Francesca ;;This man is credited with convincing Beryllus of Bostra to renounce adoptionism, and this man's father, Leonides, is celebrated as a martyr. After this man's death, his beliefs were spread by the monks of Nitria. This man was ordained a priest by Theoctistus of Caesarea, which sparked this man's spat with Patriarch Demetrius of Alexandria. This man is associated with the doctrine of Apocatastasis, and in his theology he subordinated the Logos, or Christ, to the First Principle of God the Father and taught the transmigration of souls, for which he was anathamized by the later church. For ten points, name this third century AD theologian from Egypt, who combined Neo-Platonism with Christianity.;;Origen ;;One chloride of this element may be used with dibromomethane and zinc metal to convert ketenes to allenes in a method found independently by Lombardo and Takai. This element's affinity for oxygen is essential to the second step of the McMurry reaction; another chloride of this element is used to activate silyl enol ethers. This element's trichloride is used in polypropylene production. The two processes used to obtain this element use reduction with coke and fractional distillation followed by liquid metal reduction; the first used sodium and the second used more easily recycled liquid magnesium. Impurities of this element's dioxide give star sapphires their asterism. This metal is the center of the Petasis reagent, and it is also found in Tebbe's reagent, which is an aluminum-containing metallocene of this element. This element is found with aluminum in Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Isolated by the Hunter and Kroll processes, for 10 points, name this strong metal which is extracted from ores called ilmenite and rutile.;;titanium ;;In a novelization that provides this character's backstory, an attack by the Calamarain is interrupted while this character recounts a civil war begun by Gorgan and furthered by the Beta XII-A [twelve a] entity and The One; that civil war ends with the destruction of the Tkon empire at the hands of 0 [zero]. In one episode, this character assumes the role of the Sheriff of Nottingham, while Vash is Maid Marian. In this character's first appearance, he attempts to convince another character to punish the Bandi for their enslavement of a jellyfish-like lifeform. In addition to his role in "Encounter at Farpoint," this character gives humanity advance warning of a powerful race that destroyed Guinan's people and that comes from the Delta Quadrant. For 10 points, name this character who transports the Enterprise to its first meeting with the Borg, an omnipotent member of a namesake Continuum.;;Q ;;This city is home to the Torre Tagle Palace and the Paramonga Fortress, and under its mayor Luis Lossio, this city's Park of the Reserve was the site of a fountain project called the "Magical Circle of Water." Located on the Chillon and Rimac Rivers in the middle of a desert region, this city's walls were torn down by President Jose Balta, and this city's Plaza Mayor contains most of its important government buildings. This city's port was the namesake of a victory by Mariano Prado, and contains the Fronton prison which houses Abimael Guzman. That city is cooled by the Humboldt current and is centered around a district called La Punta. Containing the port city of Callao, this city's Miraflores District shares its name with a similar place in its country's city of Arequipa. For 10 points, identify this city founded by Francisco Pizarro, the capital of Peru.;;Lima ;;In one story by this author, Professor Logrus and Madame Betz are visited by the clairvoyant Ella Bend Hess and in another story a woman's house is invaded by black bugs, but the mother comes to find them fascinating. In addition to writing The Cartesian Sonata, "The Order of Insects," and "Icicles," this author wrote a story in which a poet retires to write caricatures of elderly citizens in a town referred to as "B." He wrote a novel about a history professor who writes Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany and uncovers facts about his lovers "Mad Meg" and Martha while working on the title project. In another novel Henry Pimber injures himself shooting a fox in a well, but hangs himself after he recovers since he is unable to relate to the title character. This author of In the Heart of the Heart of the Country wrote about a man named Brackett, who moved with his wife Lucy to the town of Gilean, Ohio in the 1890s. For 10 points, identify this author of The Tunnel and Omensetter's Luck.;;(William) (Howard) Gass ;;One of this director's movies begins with a child turning on TV to find a doctor examining a stutterer. A writer travels to Italy where he meets a madman who wants to walk over a mineral spring while holding a lit candle and sets himself on fire while playing Beethoven's 9th in his film Nostalghia. The title character of one of his films serves a guide who leads The Professor and The Writer through a dangerous region called "The Zone" to a secret room that will grant people their deepest wishes. Along with Mirror and Stalker this director made a film about an artist who breaks his vow of silence to speak to a boy who miraculously is able to cast a working bell after lying to villagers he knew how to construct one. In another film Dr. Kris Kelvin encounters reincarnations of his dead wife Hari while staying aboard a space station observing the titular planet that has the power to project hallucinations. For 10 points, name this Russian director created Andrei Rublev and Solaris.;;(Andrei) Tarkovsky ;;A King of Wessex by this name won the Battle of Tettenhall against the Northumbrians, ending Danish all raids south of the river Humber. That king was the son and successor of Alfred the Great and nicknamed "the Elder". One prince by this name was a son of Edmund Ironside who spent most of his life in Hungary, earning the nickname "the Exile". An English king by this name was unseated by Aethelred the Unready and thus nicknamed "Martyr". Another English King by this name had a royal court dominated by Earl Godwin and was canonized after his death. For ten points, name this common name for English kings, such as one nicknamed "the Confessor".;;Edward ;;Pierre Hadot's "The Myth of Narcissus" refutes the notion that this man's work is "autoerotic." Ambrose's "On Jacob" draws on a tract wherein this man compared the earthly body of the sage to a lyre that will be used while serviceable though eventually the sage must sing without it. He also compared the process of self-purification to a sculptor chiseling pieces of stone off his work until it is perfect. He claimed the divine love was gentle, unlike "Beauty", which would ultimately be terrifying; that line of argument is the foundation of his Against the Gnostics. He was the subject of a biography by the author of the Isagoge and in this man's philosophy, both Soul and Intellect are progressive emanations of The One, to which he is devoted. For 10 points, name this teacher of Porphyry, a Neoplatonic philosopher who wrote The Enneads.;;Plotinus ;;Holzgang proposed a method for measuring this quantity using a handheld radiometer, and Niklas and Enquist studied its partitioning. This term is paired with "recalcitrance" to describe the resistance of plant fibers to degradation by microbes. A study of the relationship between this quantity, alpha diversity, and functional biodiversity found that its increase with alpha diversity was highest for small, isolated ecosystems while its increase with functional diversity was constant as ecosystem size. Its vertical distribution is a major determinant of plant fitness. Primary productivity is defined as the rate at which this quantity increases among autotrophs. This quantity decreases sharply as one ascends an ecological pyramid, and in some applications excludes water or mineral tissue like bone; in other cases it is measured in terms of organically bound carbon atoms. For 10 points, name this term that refers to the total quantity of living organisms in an ecosystem, often measured in grams.;;biomass ;;One poem from this collection contains sections titled "The Death of the Hare" and "First Love" before the speaker finally gains "the secrets of the old." Another poem notes that "longing for the tomb" is what "disturbs our blood." In addition to "A Man Young and Old" and "The Wheel," the speaker of title poem of this collection notes that he created Hanrahan and asks "what shall I do with this absurdity" while confronting "decrepit age," and this collection contains a poem that asks "how can we know the dancer from the dance" and sees the speaker led by "a kind old nun in a white hood." The speaker discusses the "white rush" and the feel of "a strange heart beating where it lies" in a poem that begins "A sudden blow, the great wings beating still / Above the staggering girl." This poetry collection featuring "Among School Children" opens with a poem about a voyage to a place "that is no country for old men." Containing "Leda and the Swan" and "Sailing to Byzantium," for 10 points, identify this poetry collection by William Butler Yeats, which refers to the title part of Thoor Ballylee castle.;;(The) Tower ;;An early theory of phenomena linked to these particles, supposed that they involved a cascade of gamma ray and positron-electron pair production. The Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula arises from the former's study of these particles. The strong magnetic field that follows a coronal mass ejection leads to a decrease in their intensity. Clear plastic sheets are etched by warm sodium hydroxide to detect these particles; the sheets are etched faster at the locations of collisions with them. Some isotopes of chlorine and aluminum form through a process involving these particles. Pions would be produced through the delta process via interactions with the CMB were any of these particles to exceed fifty million teraelectronvolts, an energy called the GZK limit. The proportion of these particles that are the endproducts of stellar fusion are spallated into "secondary" ones, which are lighter and less commonly stellar synthesis endpoints. For 10 points, name these energetic particles from outer space, mostly protons.;;cosmic rays ;;This quantity is given by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation near the glass transition temperature. This quantity is given as lambda times T to the three-halves over T plus Sutherland's constant in one model. Dashpots are combined with springs to model systems for which its contributions matter at the same conditions as elasticity, such as the Kelvin-Voigt model, which accurately measures polymer creep. It decreases following the sustained application of sheer stress for thixotropic materials. The contributions of this quantity is negligible when the Euler equations apply and when the Reynolds number is large. This quantity is constant for Newtonian fluids. For 10 points, name this quantity, which is zero for superfluids.;;viscosity ;;According to legend, on the day that one of the traditional authors of this text died, a large palm tree was uprooted and fell down, while another traditional author of this text was said to be great for being able to say "I don't know". Abot, Kinnim, Middot, and Tamid are the four masechtot or tractates missing from this text. This text is traditionally attributed to either Oshaya or Hiyya bar Abba. The baraitot in this text are more varied and less concise than those in its more notable companion text. With a name meaning "appendix", name this secondary collection of Jewish oral law that supplements the Mishnah.;;Tosefta|Tosefata ;;This product was first introduced by the Taggert Company, which also ran a bank in Indianapolis. The credit for inventing this product is usually given to Elmer Cline. The makers of this product sponsored the TV show Howdy Doody, whose host often told the audience that this product builds strong bodies in 8 ways, a reference to the minerals and nutrients added to this product during the 1940's, which helped decrease pellagra. This product notably has no holes, because it is made from batter and not dough. The first product of its kind to come pre-sliced, for ten points name this brand of white bread, whose packaging features red, yellow, and blue balloons.;;Wonder Bread ;;In one story, this figure doesn't approach a man yelling "bring the booty" and "beat them up," because he confuses the first phrase for a prayer to Shiva, and servants of this figure got into a quarrel with Vishnu over Ajamila, who had a son named Narayana. This figure was kicked to death after pulling the faithful Markandeya away from his lingam, and this figure was part of the first pair of humans according to the Vedas. This deity's twin sister was the goddess of the Yamuna River, and this owner of two four-eyed dogs was aided by Chitragupta, who read from his records called the Agrasamdhana. This deity represents south on a compass, and this figure's steed is a water buffalo, which he rides carrying a rope and a mace. He lives in a palace called Kalichi in a realm called Naraka, and according to the Vedas this figure gained his position by being the first mortal to die. For 10 points, name this Hindu god of death.;;Yama ;;During this monarch's reign, the Dutchman Guilliam Boonen introduced the spring-suspension couch to England. Also during this monarch's reign, Parliament passed the Statute of Artificers, which abolished the power of gilds. This monarch signed the Treaty of Nonsuch with the Netherlands. Rebellions against this ruler include the Desmond Rebellions in Ireland and the Northern Rebellion by English Catholics. Francis Walsingham discovered the Throckmorton and Babington plots against this ruler, who knighted Sir Francis Drake. For ten points, name this last Tudor monarch of England, nicknamed the "Virgin Queen.".;;(Queen) Elizabeth (I|the First){1}? (of) (England);;(Queen) Elizabeth ;;In this novel Mr. Isaacs produces a historical film titled A Brand from the Burning in which John Wesley and George Whitefield duel over the affection of Countess Selina played by Effie La Touche. The protagonist of this novel invents people such as the Polish sculptor Provna and the society lady Imogen Quest, while later he tries to find a major who owes him 35,000 pounds because he had accidentally given the major 1,000 pounds to bet on a horse named Indian Runner who ended up winning the race. Divine Discontent and Chastity are in a band of girls who dress up as "angels" while accompanying the evangelist Mrs. Ape in this book, while Agatha Runcible is put in a nursing home after injuring herself while filling in as a spare driver during a car race. The protagonist of this novel loses his job at The Daily Excess newspaper writing a gossip column called "Mr. Chatterbox" to Miles Malpractice and he ultimately never marries his fiancee Nina Blount. Featuring some of the same characters as its author's first novel Decline and Fall, for 10 points, name this novel about Adam Fenwick-Symes, written by Evelyn Waugh.;;Vile Bodies ;;This work demonstrates in one chapter how the Cora-Indians associate the stars with the underworld and logically conclude the sky is a place of fertility before describing how Brahmins spend three days taking a posture related to the title event. A subsequent discussion of the softening inherent to aesthetic treatment, as in Lucas Cranach's Crucifixion, expands on representations of the central "concept of punishment." Besides those chapters on "Religious Sublimation" and "Artistic Idealization," this work examines the anxiety of a child left in a dark room, and attempts to use similar explanations of fear of animals. It catalyzed a separation with Freud by claiming the existence of a pre-Oedipal stage, and sought to claim that the titular event was the source of all anxieties. For 10 points, identify this work of Otto Rank, which argues that neuroses all stem from the titular phenomenon, a seminal work of perinatal psychology.;;(The) Trauma of Birth ;;This commander laid low the Franks at the Battle of Casilinum. He slew King Teias of the Goths at the Siege of Mons Lactarius. This member of the Kamsarakan noble family traced his heritage to the Arsacid Dynasty of his native Armenia. At the Battle of Taginae, this man defeated King Totila of the Ostrogoths and reclaimed Rome for his master. During one uprising, this commander was sent to bribe the Blue faction into abandoning the pretender Hypatius, allowing for the crushing of the Nika Riots. For ten points, name this Byzantine eunuch who served Justinian as a general and was the great rival of Belisarius.;;Narses ;;One section of this poem asks, "How do you know who shall come from the offspring of his offspring through the centuries," after mentioning "the same red-running blood" which "swells and jets a heart." One line from this poem mentions "dull-faced immigrants" and notes that everyone is part of a procession, and "the universe is a procession with measured and perfect motion." Another section of this poem ends, "pause, listen, count" after noting the "bent head, the curv'd neck, and the counting" in a part which discusses firemen who march in their own costumes and a swimmer who goes through the "transparent green-shine." Another section of this poem notes the "immeasurable meaning" of the black eyes of a "common farmer," who is eighty years old and has five handsome sons. That section ends with the hope, "that you and he might touch each other." This poem from the "Children of Adam" series ends with the line, "O I say now these are the soul," after discussing reproductive systems and launching into a catalogue of body parts. Containing the line, "and if the body were not the soul, what is the soul?" for 10 points, identify this poem by Walt Whitman that praises the human form.;;I Sing the Body Electric ;;In this work's last chapter, the author cites Karl-Otto Apel's comparison of Wittgenstein and Heidegger's questioning of metaphysics and considers the difference between mainstream and peripheral thinkers in contrasting "systematic" and "edifying" forms of the first title entity. In a section on psychology, this work cites the confusion between causation and inference in cognitive psychology contra Fodor. This work contrasts Sellars's criticism of the idea of givenness with Quine's criticism of the structure-content distinction, claiming that a premise of both arguments is that knowledge is "a matter of conversation and of social practice." The author of this work describes his position as "epistemological behaviorism." For 10 points, name this attack on representationalism and "truth as correspondence" that called epistemological questions about the accuracy of the title reflector of reality unanswerable and irrelevant to social theory, a work by Richard Rorty.;;Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature ;;Computational models of MHD that must include a term for the fourth power of this operator applied to the magnetic field generally reduce that term to a biharmonic operator that requires 220 degrees of freedom per element. Following a starquake, the region around a neutron star is separated into regions called "cavity" and "j-bundle" depending on the value of this operator. Generally, this operation may be expressed using the exterior derivative with respect to a field F as the sharp of the Hodge dual of d F flat. Any smooth, rapidly-decaying vector field in three dimensions can be expressed as the sum of a solenoidal field and a field for which this operator is zero by Helmholtz's theorem. This operator applied twice to a field F is equal to grad div F minus div grad F. This operator of the gradient of a scalar field is zero, and applied to a velocity field, this operator gives the vorticity. It can be defined relative to a normal vector as the limit of the loop integral over the area of the loop as the loop becomes infinitesimal. For 10 points, name this operator symbolized del cross, which represents a vector field's rotation.;;curl ;;One character in this novel is disturbed by a song about a child named Walter Wildflower. The protagonist of this work has a memory of being aboard the Peter Stuyvesant, where his father subsequently throws his hat into a river. Later, that protagonist becomes obsessed with a biblical passage in which an angel touches a fiery coal to Isaiah's lips. That image is recalled when electrical power is unleashed when the protagonist drops a piece of zinc onto an active trolley rail. The main character of this novel meets a boy named Leo who makes love with Esther in the basement of a candy store owned by Aunt Bertha and Nathan Sternowitz. Disturbed by this action, the protagonist causes trouble by making up his family history in a meeting with Yidel Pankower. Albert becomes angered when Genya's affair with a gentile is brought up, and the protagonist uses a milk ladle to strike the trolley rail and is almost electrocuted, which brings the family together. For 10 points, identify this novel about David Schearl, written by Henry Roth.;;Call it Sleep ;;This group controlled forts at Pentagoet and Jemben before Aernoutsz captured them and this group captured John Rhoades, but they were returned as a part of the Treaty of Nijmegen. Some members of this group died on the Violet and Prince William, and many of these people came form Poitou and Aunis. Joseph Broussard led a resistance movement of this people, and many became assimilated into the Mikmaq tribe. Under Lieutenant Governor Charles Lawrence, this group was subject to the Great Upheaval. For 10 points, name this group of French speakers of Nova Scotia who were expelled from their homeland, many of which came to Louisiana and were the ancestors of the Cajuns.;;Acadians ;;This composer offered twenty variations of the song "The leaves be green" in his work Browning that is often paired with a work titled Goodnight Ground. He contributed eight pieces to a collection of twenty-one piano compositions honoring the marriage of Frederick V that was called Parthenia. He featured "The Soldiers Summons" and "The March of the Footmen" in a piece featuring some of his only use of program music called "The Battell," which was grouped in a cycle along with ten pavanes, ten galliardes, and the song "The Carman's Whistle." One of his works is a setting of the "proprium" section of the mass for each of the major feasts in the Church calendar. In addition to Gradualia and Lady Nevells' Book, this composer contributed the "Passamezzo Pavana" and "All in a Garden Grine" to the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, which also featured the work of his contemporary John Bull. For 10 points, name this English Renaissance composer who was a student of Thomas Tallis.;;(William) Byrd ;;de Haas and Biermasz found an expression for this quantity for phonons. The dominant spin-flip mechanism in semiconductors is independent of this quantity, while in metals the spin flip length is linearly proportional to this quantity in the Elliot-Yafet mechanism. Precise pressure and temperature conditions are maintained in the apparatus named for Franck and Hertz to control this quantity. In acoustics, this quantity is estimated as four times a container's volume over its surface area. In fission, the radius of a spherical critical mass is equal to the product of this quantity with the square root of one plus the number of scattering events per fission event. This quantity is not small relative to the container when the Knudsen number is high. For 10 points, name this quantity equal to the reciprocal of particle density times effective cross section, a measure of how far a particle will travel, on average, between collisions.;;mean free path ;;This work establishes that a beggar has the security and peace of mind a king goes to war for, thus defending Providence and the deception Nature practices on humans. It also points out that, though a European man may seem indifferent towards an earthquake that swallowed all of China, he would never trade those Chinese lives to save himself from paltry misfortune, thus distinguishing between passive and active feelings of conscience. Besides considering the relation between beauty and utility and that of self-approbation, this work features chapters such as "Of the amiable and respectable virtues" and "Of the pleasure of mutual sympathy" in the section "Of the Sense of Propriety." That latter section introduces the notion of the "impartial spectator" central to this work, which was influenced by its author's teacher Francis Hutcheson. For 10 points, name this work, the first to mention "the invisible hand", a tract by Adam Smith.;;Theory of Moral Sentiments ;;In the fourth stanza the speaker declares "the world's green age then was a rotting lime / whose stench became the charnel galleon's text" before concluding the stanza "My eyes burned from the ashen prose of Donne." Earlier the speaker muses, "Marble as Greece, like Faulkner's south in stone, / Deciduous beauty prospered and is gone" and the poem ends with the summation, "All in compassion ends / so differently from what the heart arranged."This poem's epigram is taken from Thomas Browne's "Urn Burial," while in the first stanza the speaker comments "A smell of dead limes quickens in the nose / The leprosy of the Empire" before bidding goodbye to the title location by saying 'Farewell, green fields' / 'Farwell, ye happy groves!' This poem begins by asserting that "Stones only, the disjecta membra" of the title residence "Remain to file the lizard's dragonish claws." Published in the collection In a Green Night along with "A Far Cry From Africa," for 10 points, name this poem about the remains of a by Derek Walcott.;;Ruins of a Great House ;;One tattoo on this artist is a quote by a German poet, an author whose "philosophy of solitude" made him the favorite philosopher of this artist. In addition to that quote by Rilke on her arm, a song by this artist claims that she "won't stop until that boy is mine," and that she will "be your girl backstage at your show." In one music video released by this artist, she is bailed out of jail and proceeds to shoot everyone eating breakfast in a diner with her partner in crime, and another music video features dancers dressed in all white emerging from pods with read "monster." A more recent single sees her claim that she "wants your psycho your vertigo stick," and that song features the start of the chorus being sung in French as part of the bridge. In a song about this singer's bisexuality she claims that she is "bluffin with her muffin" and that Russian Roulette "is not the same without a gun." For 10 points, name this often oddly dressed singer of "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance," named for a Queen song.;;Lady Gaga ;;Out of her love for this figure, the girl Comaetho cut the golden hair of her father Pterelaus which made him invincible. That allowed this man to conquer the Taphians, who he handed over to Cephalus, and this figure's house was constructed by Trophonius and Agamedes. This figure threw his club at a disobediant cow, which rebounded and killed his uncle Electryon, leading to this man's banishment. This figure wasn't allowed to marry his future wife until he avenged the death of all of her brothers, and he accomplished this by borrowing the dog Laelaps and defeating the Teumessian fox for the king Creon. This son of Alcaeus fathered the boy Iphicles, and Zeus visited his wife in the form of this man during a night which he made three times its normal length. An opponent of the Euboeans and the Minyans, for 10 points, identify this general from Thebes, the husband of Alcmena and the foster father of Heracles.;;Amphitryon ;;After an unsuccessful siege of this man's capital, he signed the Treaty of Lyubutsk with the villainous Grand Duke Algirdas of Lithuania, who had supported this man's arch-nemesis, Mikhail II of Tver. Prior to his battles, this man had his army blessed by St. Sergius of Radonezh. This man defeated Murza Begich at the Battle of the Vozha River. In his most-sung deed, this man laid low the army of Mamai Khan and helped lift the Mongol Yoke from Muscovy. For ten points, name this Russian prince who defeated the Golden Horde at the Battle of Kulikovo, whose name refers to a Russian river.;;Dmitry Donskoi ;;One character in this play says that "The youth of American is their oldest tradition" and that because of this, "As far as civilization goes they are in their second." That character is slapped across the face with his own glove in this play's final scene. The first act of this play contains a character often called "Kettle," Mr. Kelvil, and Lady Caroline nags Sir John while sitting on the terrace at Hunstanton Chase. The title phrase of this work is first mentioned to Mrs. Allonby after a question about the handwriting on a certain letter, and later the central character is almost killed due to his advances towards Hester Worley. The protagonist of this play offers the post of secretary to Gerald, whom he later realizes is his son by the title woman, Rachel Arbuthnot. The author featured "absolutely no action at all" in the first act of this play, responding to criticism about little action in his Lady Windermere's Fan. For 10 points, identify this play about Lord Illingworth, a work of Oscar Wilde.;;(A) Woman of No Importance ;;A book titled after this work's "unfinished semantic agenda" covers "Ambiguity and Indexicality" and "Millian Meaning and Pseudo-Fregean Attitudes" and was written by Scott Soames. Joseph Almog plays on this work's title in a paper that denounces a "strong" and "weak" distinction that this work draws, required by a specific "modal orientation" of a concept from this work. That Almog work claims linguistic arguments might be more suitable, complaining that "the offspring of gametes G" is the "syntactic ally" of "the president involved in the Watergate affair." The third part of this work examines the mind-body problem and natural kinds, and its second part discusses the "cluster theory" of names. This work is a compilation of three lectures given at Princeton in 1970. To replace Russell's theory of definite descriptions, this work develops the idea of phrases that mean the same thing in all possible worlds. For 10 points, name this book that introduced "rigid designators" by Saul Kripke.;;Naming and Necessity ;;One story by this author sees a farmer go crazy after he realizes he will lose his land at his death leading him to slaughter all of his ducks and turkeys, while another story features the barber Manica and the hairdresser Arlia, who trade their lottery tickets for brandy. In addition to writing "Property" and "Consolation," this author wrote a novel about the titular member of the Motta family whose bridge construction collapses and leaves Diodatta for Bianca. This writer described a fisherman who own the boat Provvidenza and owes money to Goosefoot and Crucifix Dumbbell. In addition to writing "The She-Wolf" and Mastro-don Gesualdo, he wrote a novel in which Padron 'Ntoni tries to keep his family together in Aci Trezza by mortgaging the title abode. For 10 points, name this Italian author associated with the verismo movement, who wrote the short story "Cavelleria Rusticana" and the novel The House by the Medlar Tree.;;(Giovanni) Verga ;;Bendern is the largest city in the Gamprin district of this polity. The Valunerbach river has its source in this polity and forms this polity's Valuna valley. This polity is home to the resort village of Malbun and the scenic Sassweg trail, while the municipality of Balzers forms the westernmost point in this polity. The Rhine forms the western border of this polity, which is with St. Gallen. Fuchs and Feldkirche are the border towns at which this polity is usually entered. Schaan is the largest city of this polity and is located just north of the capital and east of Switzerland. For ten points, name this doubly-landlocked European microstate with capital at Vaduz.;;Liechtenstein ;;One work in this series shows two mouth-less lovers staring at each other who are separated by a tree, which is titled Eye to Eye. In one piece a virgin in a white gown looks out to sea on the left, while in the center a nude woman with red hair stands with her legs spread apart staring at the viewer. Another work in this cycle is titled for a burnt out log on the edge of the canvas and shows a man with his head in his arms on the bottom left, who is disappointed about ending an affair. Woman in Three Stages and Ashes are members of this series that includes a sexualized portrait of Mary with a red halo surrounded by an embryo, which is titled Madonna. This group of paintings features the death of the artist's sister Sophie in Death in the Sickroom, and the paintings Anxiety and Despair feature the swirling red sky and Oslo Bridge that are also seen in this series' best-known work. For 10 points, name this series of 22 paintings including The Scream created by Edvard Munch.;;(The) Frieze of Life(-)A (Poem) (about) (Life(,)) (Love(,)) (and) (Death) ;;This treaty was signed in a mansion that formerly belonged to George Jesse Heys, the Melrose House. The Maritz Rebellion was an unsuccessful attempt to reverse the outcome of this treaty. Deneys Reitz went into exile rather than accept the terms of this treaty. Schalk W. Burger lost his position as President because of this treaty, which he was forced to sign. Opponents of this treaty were known as "bitter enders" because of their desire to instead fight to the bitter end. One party to this treaty agreed to accept British sovereignty in exchange for the promise of eventual autonomy for the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. For ten points, name this 1902 treaty that ended the Boer War.;;(Treaty) (of) Vereeniging ;;This man's father was a royal advisor who was appointed military governor of the region surrounding the village of Hampi. This man came to power by exploiting a power vacuum created when Emperor Veera Ballala III was killed in battle against the Sultan of Madurai. This member of the Sangama dynasty was succeeded by his son Bukka I. Under the leadership of future rulers such as Krishnadevaraya, the polity that this man established would hold off the attacks of the Deccan Sultanates and become the most powerful state in south India since the preceding Hoysala dynasty. For ten points, name this founder of the Vijaynagara Empire.;;Harihara I ;;This character wrote a joking letter to pay back a loan to Madame Mollie Arlington in which he suggests she should take advantage of a bargain deal on baby carriages for her brothel. After this character exits in the first act one man attributes his behavior to "overwork" before telling a story about a quack doctor who claimed work was "the deadliest habit known to science" and sold rattlesnake oil as a medicine. This character gave Hugo Kalmar the nickname "De old Foolosopher" and he tries to convince another character to go outside and take a walk for the first time in twenty years. In the fourth act this character says he felt so guilty because his wife forgave all of his faults that he shot his wife Evelyn while she was sleeping. The policeman Lieb and Moran arrest this character after he confesses to murder, which drives Don Parritt to admit he betrayed his Anarchist mother to Larry Slade. This character announces he has given up drinking and that he plans to make people give up their "pipe dreams" when he enters Harry Hope's saloon. For 10 points, name this salesman who is the title character of Eugene O'Neil's Iceman Cometh.;;Hickey|Theodore Hickman ;;The magnetization of the free layer of a ferromagnet is given as the sum of four forms of this quantity, including the Slonczewski form and the Landau-Lifshitz form. The measurement of this quantity allowed R. A. Beth to conclude that Laguerre-Gaussian lasers conferred a related quantity to light. The maximum of this quantity over field strength gives the magnetic moment in the Kennelly approach, and Liouville's generalization of Euler's equations to nonrigid motion gives this quantity for each of three axes. Its presence in a system can induce precession. For 10 points, name this quantity, equal to the cross product of force and lever arm, which is the time derivative of angular momentum and the rotational analogue of force.;;torque ;;This thinker discussed non-humans and super-humans in an essay with a frame story about Robert Fox's group and a door in La Villette. This author of "Where Are the Missing Masses?" discussed the "shilly-shallying in the seventies" prior to a 1984 decision to halt the construction of a personal rapid transit system. In addition to Aramis, this thinker partnered with Steve Woolgar to discuss the selenium content of water and the presence of peptide TRF(H) as components in an anthropological study of Roger Guillemin's lab at the Salk Institute. Aside from authoring Laboratory Life, We Have Never Been Modern, and Science in Action, this thinker joins John Law and Michel Callon as the foremost developer of action-network theory. For 10 points, identify this French sociologist of science and technology studies.;;(Bruno) Latour ;;This country controls the Bazaruto Archipelago which contains the city of Vilanculos, and this nation is the site og Gorongosa National Park. The capital city of this nation is indented by Delagoa Bay, and its Central Railway Station was designed by Gustave Eiffel. This nation's Tete province contains Lake Cahora Bassa, and the southern Gaza Province contains the port of Xai-Xai. Bounded on the north by the Ruvuma River, this nation is the site of the mouths of both the Limpopo and Zambezi Rivers, and its second most populous city is the port city of Beira. Containing Matola and formerly known as Portuguese East Africa, for 10 points, name this Southern African nation with capital at Maputo, which has a namesake Channel that separates the African mainland from Madagascar.;;Mozambique ;;This philosopher called pictorial symbol systems "syntactically and semantically dense" and elucidated two categories of works of art, based on whether it could be said that they were forged, allographic and autographic, and contrasts the relationships of "resemblance" and "representation." The doctoral thesis of this author of Languages of Art was reworked into The Structure of Appearance and outlined a calculus of individuals that did not invoke set theory. He did, however, use set theory in a work written with Leonard that has provided the starting point for much of American mereology; that decision reflects his work with Lesniewski in founding contemporary nominalism. This philosopher is best known for an argument given contra Hempel's confirmation theory that introduced two concepts that were lacking in projectibility, but otherwise seemed as natural as other qualifiers. For 10 points, name this philosopher who addressed a "new riddle of induction" in Fact, Fiction, and Forecast and introduced the hypothetical colors "grue" and "bleen.".;;(Nelson) Goodman ;;A natural analogue of this process features the reaction between olivine, water, and carbonic acid to give serpentine, magnetite, and the products of this process. A variation of this process that employs water gives highly branched products and is named for Kolbel and Engelhardt. The mechanism proposed by Ponec for this reaction explains the deviations of its products from a Schulz-Flory distribution. The commonly accepted mechanism for this reaction was proposed by Cheryl Rofer-DePoorter and, unlike the earlier Pichler-Schulz mechanism, includes chain growth steps besides alkyl migration to carbonyl. Nickel is avoided for this procedure because of its tendency to favor the formation of methyl, which is the source of one of its starting materials through steam reforming. The distribution of chain length for the products of this reaction is given by the weight fraction of n-length chains over n equals the square of one minus chain growth probability alpha, all times alpha to the n-1. For 10 points, name this process by which carbon monoxide and hydrogen are converted to hydrocarbons.;;Fischer(-)Tropsch ;;This band sings "Golden soldiers born much older than they'll ever live to be." In a video for this band, a black radio DJ says that his radio station is named after "the last American hero to whom speed means freedom of the soul." That song begins "And with the early dawn moving right along" and continues "Is this a cure, or is this a disease?" This band also sings "In your house, I long to be, room by room, patiently" and "Go and save yourself//Take it out on me." For 10 points, identify this rock group, comprised of the musical members of Rage Against the Machine and Chris Cornell, with hits like "Show Me How to Live," "Doesn't Remind Me," and "Like a Stone.".;;Audioslave ;;This novel's protagonist had a childhood vision of an elastic ball turning into a round fat man who would recite "Pepp... Pepp" before exploding. Another character makes a pun about how anyone who grew up on a farm must have had a "harrowing" experience. This novel's section "Squares, Parallelopipeds, Cubes" sees a major character appreciating the rectilinear streets of the city while driving in a carriage. One character in this book is found next to the body of the man, who he had murdered the previous night with a pair of scissors and mounted. That character kills the double agent Lippanchenko, shrieks in a falsetto whenever he sees a mouse, and has a woman's neck. The character Dudkin appears in this novel in which Apollon Ableukhov is killed by a time bomb in a sardine can by his son. In this novel Nikolai Apollonovich has ears that are large and greenish and is followed by the hooves of an equestrian statue. For 10 points, name this Symbolist masterpiece set in the title city in 1905, written by Andrei Bely.;;(St(.)) Petersburg ;;Some figures in this painting were partially based on the artist's earlier study Orphan Girl at the Cemetery and a man wearing a red fez on the left was based on sketches the artist drew of men wearing Suliots. The artist repainted the dark cloudy background after seeing Constable's The Haywain and on the bottom right hand corner a baby grabs the nipple of the corpse of a dead woman. In the center of this work a shadowed figure holding a rifle looms over an embracing couple. This painting was exhibited in the Salon opposite The Oath of Louis XIII, which triggered a rivalry between two artists and Antoine-Jean Gros was so offended by how it borrowed from his piece The Plague of Jaffa that he dubbed this work "The Massacre of Painting." On the right side of this painting a nude woman is tied to the horse of a turbaned soldier who participates in the title event. For 10 points, name this painting depicting Ottoman soldiers slaughtering Greek civilians, created by Eugene Delacroix.;;(The) Massacre at Chios ;;The Ashbourne Act, also called the Purchase of Land Act, was an attempt to get this man to switch political affiliation. This man was released from prison after signing the so-called "Kilmainham Treaty". This man authored the No Rent Manifesto and the Tenant's Relief Bill, and at the height of his power he was a coalition partner of William Gladstone. The Piggott forgeries attempted to link this man to extremists. This man was driven from politics because of his scandalous affair with Kitty O'Shea. For ten points, name this leader of the Home Rule League, who represented Ireland in Parliament in the late 19th century.;;(Charles) Parnell ;;According to Apollonius of Rhodes, the only person who was immune to the effects of this place was a son of Hermes of Eupolemia named Aethalides, who was the herald of the Argonauts. In Valerius Flaccus's Argonatuica, Medea uses a bough from this place to incapacitate the guardian of the Golden Fleece. This place was allegedly surrounded by its namesake poppies and was located near the mountain Cimmeria, the home of Hypnos. Just beyond this place was the "second" Elysium, a resting place for souls that the Fates had decided to reincarnate. According to Plato, the effects of this place were only felt if one consumed more than a measured amount. In order to be reincarnated, these souls were required to drink the waters of this place so that they would not remember their prior life. For ten points, name this river of forgetfulness in the underworld.;;Lethe ;;When this character arrives at a tea party he graciously gives the collar stud of his shirt to another man who broke his button. He delivers ointment to the brother-in-law of a former friend who is injured after entering the Shrine of the Head, which is full of beehives. This character skips the "Bridge Party" organized by Mr. Turton because it was held on the anniversary of his wife's death. After his bike wheel deflates he rents a "tonga" to answer an emergency summons, only to find Major Callendar's bungalow empty. Mr. Amritrao represents this character in a trial presided over by Mr. Das after he is arrested by Mr. McBryde. At the end of the novel in which appears, he crashes his rowboat into the boat of Cyril Fielding, who he scorned for supporting Adela Quested who falsely accused him of rape after a trip to the Marabar Caves. For 10 points, name this Indian doctor from E. M. Forster's A Passage to India.;;(Doctor) Aziz ;;Matveev developed a two-parameter model to predict which type of these objects will form. One model of the formation of these objects has been extended to organic seeds by Pandis, and they may form in response to orographic uplift. One process that occurs in these objects is named for Bergeron. The formation of these objects are studied in Kohler theory. Ice caps are a type of this object that form over nuclear detonations. These objects may have "overshooting tops" that, if they are present continuously, indicate that these objects are part of a supercell. Noctilucent examples may contain thin sodium and iron coats, leading to their unusually high tendency to reflect radar. Large-scale organizations of these entities include actinoform, open-cell, and closed-cell. Nacreous ones sequester nitric acid, altering nitrogen and chlorine cycles and damaging the ozone layer. For 10 points, name these objects studied in nephology, which come in forms like cirrus and cumulus.;;clouds ;;According to Herodotus, the general of the winning side of this battle held his troops until he could get a favorable omen for a goat sacrifice, wich occurred just as his Tegean troops came under arrow fire. According to one story, the one side was persuaded to forsake a festival to Hyacinthus and fight in this battle by a persuasive speech of a dinner guest. One force in this battle was led by the general Amompharetus, and one side in this battle camped near the River Asopus. The opposing force waited near Mount Cithaeron, and the general Artabazus retreated from this battle with all of his Bactrian forces. Often paired with the later Battle of Mycale, the winning side was led into battle by the half-blind Aristodemus, who was the sole survivor of the earlier Battle of Thermopylae. For 10 points, identify this battle which saw the death of Mardonius, a victory for the Greek Pausanias which was the final land battle of the Persian Wars.;;(Battle) (of) Plataea ;;One artist associated with this movement created sculptures consisting of metal cords hanging from grids that form a maze, which he called "penetrables." Another practitioner created a type of print called an "agamograph." One leader of this movement named different aspects of his style after the geographical regions that inspired him including series titled Denfert, Belles Isles, and Gordes/Cristal. Early influences on this movement include the "Pandora" series and "Dazzle" panels designed by John McHale for the This is Tomorrow Exhibition and a painting titled Zebras. Yaacov Agam and Jesus Soto are artists associated with this movement that took its name from a Julian Stanczak exhibition. William Seitz organized this movement's premiere exhibition, The Responsive Eye, which featured the work of Victor Vasarely and Richard Anuszkiewicz. For 10 points, name this twentieth-century art movement associated with Bridget Riley that tries to create art filled with perceptual illusions.;;Op Art ;;In this novel a husband is mocked for joining the Three Bells Christmas Club, which annually sends his family a parcel during the holidays. In one scene from this book a hitchhiker, who works as an usher at a movie theatre called the Elite 300 in Starland City, talks annoyingly tries to convince the driver to see the cowboy film Trinity is Still My Name. This novel takes its epigraph from Richard Shelton's poem "The Tattooed Desert" and begins with the protagonist watching children play with "pale freckled eggs," while its chapters are interspersed with quotes from Reverend Henry Callaway. The main character discovers the book Eros Himself, an anthology of gay literature, in the knapsack of his son Terry, and this novel begins with the discovery of a dead body on a farm that is buried in the last chapter by a group of men including Phineas and Solomon. The title character of this novel helps his liberal mistress Antonia Mancebo flee the country, and has Jacobus take care of the four hundred acre farm he purchased as a getaway from his life as an industrialist . For 10 points, name this novel about the industrialist Mehring by Nadine Gordimer.;;The Conservationist ;;This work notes that Tyndall was on the verge of an incredible discovery of ether in a section titled "Astral Light," while another chapter from this work, "Blind Leaders of the Blind," references Huxley's theories involving the Orohippus. This work's second section discusses esoteric aspects of Buddhism parodied in Christianity, and the opening of this work notes that scientific hypotheses are "built on sand" and its relationship with theology is a "conflict for the ages." This work was divided into two sections titled after the infallibility of modern science and modern religion, which are preceded by a section describing the wisdom present before modern society. Subtitled "A Master Key to the Mysteries," and preceding the author's later work The Secret Doctrine, for ten points, identify this first work of Theosophy written by Helena Blavatsky which refers to an Egyptian goddess.;;Isis Unveiled ;;One character in this work has a dream about a man with a skull-face carrying a baby skewered on his bayonet and a bucket marked poison who throws the poison into her family's ancestral well. Another vision in this work centers on a "forest of inhuman voices" whose songs become arrows that pierce the heart of one woman's lover. The main character lets Chuck Rouncivale write her theatre review and earlier commiserates with her co-worker Mary Townsend about being coerced into buying a Liberty Bond. The protagonist compares the hands of Nurse Tanner to white tarantulas while she is being treated by Dr. Hildesheim, and this work begins with a dream in which a lady rides on her pony Graylie alongside a mysterious stranger. The protagonist of this novella recovers from influenza and resumes her job working at the Blue Mountain News only to discover her lover Adam Barclay has ironically died of influenza during her illness. Grouped as the title work of a collection of three novellas including Old Mortality and Noon Wine, for 10 points, name this novella about Miranda, written by Katherine Anne Porter.;;Pale Horse(,) Pale Rider ;;This man's lemma states that if a denominator of a polynomial quotient has a degree of one or more higher than the numerator, than the limit of contour integral of any upper half circle approaches zero. The expression of a linear operator as its semi-simple component and its nilpotent component is a decomposition named for this man and Claude Chevalley. One theorem which states that two composition series of a given are equivalent is named for this figure and Holder, and another theorem named for this man states that any simple closed contour separates the plane into an interior and exterior domain which both have the curve as its boundary. He names a form for operators whose characteristic polynomials split that consists of generalized eigenspaces for T-invariant subspaces. For 10 points, identify this French mathematician who gives his name to this canonical form, and who gives his name to a square matrix with eigenvalues in the diagonal and ones in the superdiagonal with zeroes everywhere else, known as his namesake "block.".;;(Marie) (Ennemond) (Camille) Jordan ;;One figure from this nation, Jimmy Stevens, led a rebellion on its main island known as the "Coconut War," and one leader of this nation inspired Julius Nyerere with a new form of socialism and was named Walter Lini. One island in this archipelago, Pentecost, is the site of a ritual in which men tied to vines dive from wooden towers in a ceremony called the Naghol. This nation's Tafea Province contains the site of the Traitor's Head Peninsula, Erromango, and the island of Tanna, which contains Mount Yasur and is the site of the John Frum cargo cult. The Portugese explorer Pedro Fernandes de Queiros discovered this archipelago and named its largest island Espiritu Santo, but it was James Cook who called the islands New Hebrides. For 10 points, identify this Pacific island archipelago located between Fiji and the Solomon Islands, whose capital is at Port Vila.;;Vanuatu ;;In one of this composer's symphonies all the instruments except the percussion and the piano drop out during a scherzo part called "the Masque" found in the second movement, which begins with a section called "The Dirge." He included movements titled "Agathon," "Phaedrus: Pausanias," and "Socrates" in a work written for solo violin, strings, harp, and percussion titled Serenade after Plato's Symposium. His second symphony's first movement features fourteen variations divided into two parts called "The Seven Ages" and "The Seven Stages," while his first symphony begins with the "Amidah" theme in the first movement titled "Prophecy" followed by sections called "Profanation" and "Lamentation." This composer's third symphony features a speaker who wakes up a sleeping God from his naive dream of human happiness, and that symphony is dedicated to the memory of John F. Kennedy. For 10 points, name this American composer who wrote the Jeremiah Symphony and the Kaddish Symphony in addition to writing the music for West Side Story.;;(Leonard) Bernstein ;;The seventh section of this work centers on a boy "six years' darling of a pigmy size," who is "shaped by himself with newly-learned art" and notes, "as if his whole vocation were endless imitation." This poem's final stanza remarks on the loveliness of "the innocent brightness of a new-born Day" and that "the meanest flowers" gives thoughts "too deep for tears." The fifth section of this work opens with the line, "our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting," and the author calls youth "radiance which was once so bright," in years featuring "the philosophic mind." This poem first appeared with an epigraph from Vergil's Fourth Eclogue, and many versions of this poem had the epigraph beginning "The Child is father of the Man" from an earlier poem by its author. This poem notes that "heaven lies about us in our infancy," and the poem opens with the realization that, "There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream" seemed "apparell'd in celestial light." Subtitled "From Recollections of Early Childhood," for 10 points, name this eleven part poem by William Wordsworth, an ode about memories and wisdom.;;Ode(:) Intimations of Immortality (From) (Recollections) (of) (Early) (Childhood) ;;After leaving office, this man attempted to launch a rebellion against one of his successors, Nicolas Avellaneda. As a general, this man won the Battle of Pavon, which followed the San Jose de Flores Pact. This man had earlier lost the Second Battle of Cepeda against his rival, Justo Jose de Urquiza. During his country's civil war, this man led the Unitarian Party. During this man's Presidency, he expanded his country's territory all the way to the Pilcomayo river by signing an alliance with Venancio Flores and Pedro II. That alliance was victorious at the Battle of Riachuelo and defeated Francisco Solano Lopez, this man's northern neighbor. For ten points, name this President of Argentina during the War of the Triple Alliance.;;(Bartolome) Mitre ;;This author collected several lectures given to physicians in The Enigma of Health. This author of an essay entitled "Who Am I and Who Are You" on Paul Celan also paired essays about "The speechless image" and "The festive character of theatre" with a longer work that claims that the "effective historical consciousness" from different eras comes together in the "fusion of horizons." Many works of this author of The Relevance of the Beautiful, are inspired by Plato's dialogic understanding and the concept of phronesis from Nicomachean Ethics. He objected both to approaches to the humanities based on natural sciences and to the methods of Dilthey and Schleiermacher. In his best-known work. A debate regarding how to critique society objectively, despite history and culture, occurred between Jurgen Habermas and this figure, who wrote of the distinction between "explanation" and "understanding" and whose magnum opus addressed what ends up happening, rather than what one ought to do, when one interprets a text. For 10 points, name this central figure in twentieth century hermeneutics, the author of Truth and Method.;;(Hans(-)Georg) Gadamer ;;This author wrote a story in which a funeral procession is interrupted when the corpse starts banging on the coffin so he can tell his wife Jokeh about a debt of forty-five pounds that she needs to collect. This author of "The Great Beyond" wrote a novel about the pharmacist Wilson Iyari who is involved in a movement for Malagasy Solidarity, while in the title story of one collection the protagonist wrestles many spirits before losing to his own chi. In addition to writing Beautiful Feathers and "Ikolo the Wrestler," this author wrote about Rikku, who is helped by Kantuma in adjusting from a world of cattle to city life, and in another work the streetwalker Aina falls in love with the band member and crime reporter Amusa Sango. This author of Burning Grass and The People of the City wrote a novel in which Uncle Taiwo and Chief Ofubara both long for the titular employee of the Tropicana Bar, who has an affair with Freddie Nammu while working as a prostitute. For 10 points, identify this Nigerian author of Jagua Nana.;;(Cyprian) Ekwensi ;;This figure was almost killed by the Calydonian Boar, but he used his spear to pole vault into a tree, saving himself. One brother of this figure changed into the form of a bee but was shot by an arrow from Heracles. That brother, Periclymenus, died as a part of the eleven brothers of this figure, who was spared because he was raised in Gerenia. This figure had a son named Pisistratus, and Zeus sent Agamemnon a false dream in the form of this figure during the Trojan War. This figure's son won the chariot race at the funeral games of Patroclus, and another of this figure's sons gave his armor to Diomedes before their night raid. This son of Neleus and Chloris fought against neighboring Elis and the Moliones, and in the Odyssey, Telemachus visited thing figure before continuing on to Sparta. This man fathered Thrasymedes and Antilochus, and during the Trojan war this man mediated the dispute between Agamemnon and Achilles. The ruler of Pylos, for 10 points, identify this old figure, the wisest man at Troy.;;Nestor ;;This body of water is bounded by the Konkori Scarp to the west and the Gambaga Scarp to the north, and much of this body of water lies in the Kwahu Plateau. The Afram River flows into this body of water, and cities on its banks include Yeji and Kete Krachi. Fed by the Daka and Oti Rivers, this lake supplies water to the nearby cities of Kpandu and Koforidua, and on its shores lies Digya National Park. This body of water was originally part of a plan to supply electricity to aluminum refineries in the city of Tema. Eventually created when Kwame Nkrumah ordered the construction of the Akosombo Dam, this body of water was created by damming its namesake White, Black, and Red Rivers in the Ashanti Uplands. For 10 points, name this largest artificially created lake in the world, which is located in Ghana.;;(Lake) Volta ;;This artist was inspired by Picasso's depictions of bull testicles to a heart shape appearing on the right side of Little Attic. This artist was inspired by the closing of Wanamaker's Department Store to paint Attic, and the color pink recurs in early pieces such as Elegy, Pink Lady, and Pink Angels. A skull lies next to a ladder and a door on the bottom right hand corner of a work that is otherwise completely abstract. Another one of this artist's works has displaced body parts scattered throughout the canvas including a giant eye, gnashing teeth, a box of charred matches, and two hooves quoted from Guernica. This artist painted his wife in Portrait of Elaine and he used black and white enamels for works such as Black Friday, Zurich, and Light in August. His time at Black Mountain College influenced his piece Asheville and he created a series of six paintings exhibited at the Sidney Janis Gallery inspired by Mesopotamian fertility idols. For 10 points, name this Dutch Abstract Expressionist who painted the Woman series.;;(Willem) de Kooning ;;One character in this novel has an argument with Bartle Massey in which he asserts that he will not chosen as the new timber manager after its former occupant had a stroke, due to an old feud with an official over the price of a frame for Miss Lydia. Earlier the protagonist angrily stays up all night finishing a coffin his missing father was supposed to make, only to discover his father Thias has drowned in a creek. The title character of this novel is accompanied by his dog Gyp and works for Jonathan Burge in Hayslope where Rachel and Martin Poyser runs Hall Farm. One character is imprisoned in Stoniton for abandoning her illegitimate child in the forest before Arthur Donnithorne arrives with a reprieve moments before her hanging. The title character eventually marries Dinah Morris after the deportation of Hetty Sorrel. For 10 points, name this novel about the titular carpenter by George Eliot.;;Adam Bede ;;This phenomenon can be modeled for surfaces with parallel grooves by a distribution named for Heidrich and Seidel. One model of this phenomenon uses the microfacet approach of Torrance and Sparrow to deal with surface roughness, which assumes the slopes of surface cavities follow a normal distribution. That formulation, due to Oren and Nayar, simplifies in the case of uniform facet slope to a an approximation that exhibits a radiant intensity proportional to the cosine of the angle between observer line of sight and surface normal. Certain "highlights" in this phenomenon were introduced by Phong, and the aforementioned model is called Lambertian. The previously described type of this phenomenon contrasts with the behavior of perfectly "glossy" surfaces where radiant intensity is nonzero at only one angle, called specular. For 10 points, name this phenomenon exhibited by mirrors.;;reflection ;;In "Essay on Legislation and Grain Commerce", this man criticized free trade. This man's daughter married a Swedish ambassador and became Madame de Stael. This man was once briefly replaced by Calonne. A notable political cartoon shows this man being carried on a throne by a mob in contrast to Pitt the Younger. After becoming a government minister, this man published "Report to the King", which attempted to conceal the large interest payments that France owed after the American Revolution. Serving before Turgot, for ten points name this finance minister fired by Louis XVI and returned to his position by the French revolution.;;(Jacques) Necker ;;One character in this opera sings "To love all ages are obedient", prompting another character to sing "Alas, there is no doubt." The composer inserted the peasant song "My nimble feet are sore from walking" near the beginning of this work, while the Company Commander's waltz precedes a quintet and the issuing of a duel. The 12 minute aria "Even if it means I perish" occurs during the Letter Scene and is sung by a character who eventually marries Prince Gremin and tearfully rejects the title character. The title character chooses his valet as his second for a duel with Zaretsky and his friend Lensky. For 10 points, name this opera where the title ennui saturated dandy rejects Tatyana, a work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky based on a Pushkin work.;;Eugene Onegin ;;This book is the only source we have for a lost history text known as the Chihrdad. This book contains a dialogue with Bokht-Mara on the issue of ritual purity, and the fifth section of this book is written as a response to a curious man named Yaqub. This text is divided into sections called nasks, and its authorship is traditionally ascribed to somebody named Adurfarnbag. This book does not enjoy the status of scripture, and unlike earlier texts from its religion such as the Fravarane or the Vendidad, it was composed under Islamic rule. Summarizing the Avesta and describing ways to worship Ahura Mazda, for ten points name this official encyclopedia of the Zoroastrian religion.;;Denkard ;;One character in this play remarks that she put up with the "emancipated womanhood" of another character who enters playing an accordion. Another character asserts, "I find my liking you has limits... BUT THOSE ARE MY LIMITS!" in a speech called his "aria." One character remembers his old cat, who stopped paying attention to him and was subsequently euthanized. This play opens with a discussion of what it would be like to go mad. The first scene of the second act ends when two characters appear with coats over their arms to announce they are going home and will return shortly with suitcases. The action of this play begins when two characters visit the central home because they fear an unnamed "terror," and won't go home. Other characters in this play include the alcoholic Claire and a daughter separated from her fourth husband named Julia. Harry and Edna move into Julia's room and disturb the title condition in, for 10 points, what play set at the home of Tobias and Agnes, written by Edward Albee.;;(A) Delicate Balance ;;This man analyzed the collapse of high level sculpture in the Fertile Crescent and the spread of centers of high value culture to increasingly marginal areas in his Huxley lecture "The Ancient Oikoumene as an Historic Culture Aggregate. His children recently collaborated on a collection studying this man's most famous work "in Three Centuries." He emphasized the conceptual distance between "reality culture" and "value culture" and his work on grouping of native languages led to such groupings as Hokan. He collaborated with Erik Erikson in studying the Yurok Indians, and with his wife, this man used salvage ethnography to examine the testimonies of the supposed last member of an indigenous nation. For 10 points, name this American anthropologist, who with his wife Theodora studied the supposed last of the Yahi Indians, Ishi.;;(Alfred) (Louis) Kroeber ;;This technique is employed by the algorithm used to account for rain stoppages in one-game cricket matches and by an algorithm that finds the most likely trajectory of hidden states to result in a given sequence of observations named for Viterbi. A major result in this technique was employed in Robert C. Merton's paper on the intertemporal capital asset pricing model and is, in a continuous-time formulation, also named for Hamilton and Jacobi. The Needleman-Wunsch algorithm employs this process for sequence alignment in bioinformatics; one implementation of that algorithm uses only big oh of n plus m space by using an optimization common in this technique first used in Hirschberg's algorithm. An equation governing this technique gives the value function of a state x as the max over all actions a available in x of F of x and a plus the discount factor times the value function of the state to which a takes x. This technique is employed to solve the knapsack problem and in a shortest-path algorithm partly named for Ford. The Bellman equation governs, for 10 points, what essential technique in computer science, in which one decomposes a problem into manageable, usually overlapping subproblems, which can often involve recursion?.;;dynamic programming ;;In the exposition of the second theme in this work's first movement the flutes, high strings, and oboes play a version of the "Arab" theme in parallel triads, while the bass clarinet, first harp, and first clarinet play a version of the "germinal" motif that recurs throughout the piece. Conductor Georg Solti corrected a manuscript mistake so the tempo of one section was correctly marked "Allegro Scherzando" rather than "Allegretto Scherzando." A solo for the side drum both begins and ends this piece's second movement in which a theme is played at different intervals first by two bassoons and then by duos of oboes, clarinets, flutes, and finally trumpets. This work's third section is considered representative of the composer's "night music," while it quotes Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony in its fourth movement titled "Intermezzo Interrotto." This work's third movement is titled "Elegia" and its second is called "Giuoco delle coppie" or "A Game of Pairs." For 10 points, name this concerto in five movements by Bela Bartok.;;Concerto for Orchestra ;;In an anecdote from one of this author's works a man relates how a group of African dock workers were sued after they ceremonially cast a curse on their boss by mutilating his photo after he refused to serve them food conforming to their religious diets. In that work the narrator listens to a story about a monkey that was trained to operate heavy machinery to help build an oil derrick told by the steel worker Libertino Fausonne. One of this writer's novels ends with the birth of White Rokhele's child after Gedaleh's band of resistance fighters is joined by Leonid and Mendel Dajcher. Along with The Monkey's Wrench and If Not Now, When? this author wrote the essay collection The Drowned and the Saved. He described the languid doctor Barbarico who exemplifies how people "so satisfied with their condition" are like inert gases in a chapter titled "Argon" of a book whose sections are named after elements. For 10 points, name this author of The Periodic Table, an Italian-Jewish chemist, who wrote the Holocaust memoir Survival in Auschwitz.;;(Primo) Levi ;;One song by this band begins "When you're back in your old neighborhood, The cigarettes taste so good," and another song by this band repeats the phrase "on a private beach in Michigan." Those songs are "Misunderstood," off of their album Being There, and "Spiders." One album by this band has a single egg on the cover and opens with the song "At Least That's What You Said," while another of their songs notes "I've got reservations about so many things, but not about you." One song by this band notes "unlikely Japan" after the title, "Impossible Germany," and that song appears on the album Sky Blue Sky, the first to feature the guitar work of Nels Cline. Another album by this band contains songs such as "War on War," "Heavy Metal Drummer" and "Jesus, etc." That album contains a picture of Chicago's Marina City building complex, and its creation was the subject of the documentary I am Trying to Break Your Heart. For 10 points, identify this Chicago based rock band fronted by Jeff Tweedy who released the albums A Ghost is Born and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.;;Wilco ;;During this offensive, General Sosabowski commanded the Polish forces, which saw action near the village of Driel. The never-executed Operation Comet was a less ambitious version of this offensive. Lt. Colonel John Frost led the First Division during this offensive, and when the 30th Corps failed to meet up with him he was forced to surrender due to lack of ammunition, though some of his men continued fighting with knives. This offensive saw its most bloody fighting at Arhem and Nijmegen, where the Germans were able to stop the Allied advance and hold the Siegfried Line. For ten points, name this 1944 allied offensive, which attempted to capture bridges in the Netherlands using paratroopers.;;(Operation) Market Garden ;;A reagent with two atoms of this element and two of chlorine appears in the Herz reaction, used in dye chemistry. Aryl ketones give amides using an ammonium salt of this element in a reaction whose Kindler modification uses morpholine and its elemental form and which is named for Willgerodt. One method of hydrogen production is a cycle named for this element and iodine. Catalysts with an aromatic ring that includes nitrogen and this heteroatom permits aliphatic aldehydes to undergo a condensation reaction analogous to the benzoin condensation; another example of umpolung is employing the formation of an acetal analogue that includes this element. Bonds between two atoms of this element are cleaved in a reaction named for Zincke. The pseudohalide tosylate is an acid of this element that includes a toluene group. Ylides containing this element are used to form epoxides in the Corey-Chaykovsky reaction. An acid containing this element is synthesized in the contact process. Another functional group containing this element is found in cysteine and was once called mercaptan. For 10 points, name this element in the same group as oxygen with a terrible smell.;;sulfur