;;One of this artist's works shows a heavily muscled man seizing a bare-breasted woman. This artist of The Abduction of Proserpina depicted a dog and a lizard between the legs of a horse, whose rider encounters a figure holding an hourglass and a creature with a long pig snout and a huge horn. Another of his works shows a sphere and weighing scale beside a winged angel. This artist of Knight, Death, and the Devil created another work whose title beings are trampling peasants at the bottom right. For 10 points, name creator of Melancholia I and Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a German renaissance engraver.;;(Albrecht) Durer ;;Russ Houghton's remix of this song features lyrics like "Politicians doing lots of nasty stuff" and "Only two of the Bee Gees are still Stayin' Alive." The original lyrics of this song mention that the title entity makes "the best of friends to fight" and that it "Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai." This song's chorus contains lines such as "History quickly crashing through your veins." The title phenomenon causes some to "stay dry," while "others feel the pain." This song's music video shows it being performed by a man in a white t-shirt, singing into a condenser microphone. For 10 points, name this song popularized on YouTube, by Tay Zonday.;;Chocolate Rain ;;Gibbs free energy is plotted against this quantity in Ellingham diagrams, and sudden jumps in this quantity on the order of 10^(-6) seconds are used in studying enzyme kinetics. Many of the cdc mutants in yeast are sensitive to this quantity and thus exhibit a conditional phenotype. A gradient in this causes the generation of a potential difference in a metal according to the Seebeck effect, and Wein's law suggests that the wavelength of a blackbody is inversely proportional to this quantity. The thermodynamic beta is inversely proportional to it. For 10 points, identify this quantity which describes the average kinetic energy of the molecules that make up the object, and which is measured in Kelvins.;;temperature ;;The Valves of Kirkring and Solitary Glands are found in this organ, as are the "Central Lacteal" portions of lymphatic vessels. Alpha-defensins secreted by the Paneth cells in this organ help defend the stem cells found within it, and Goblet cells make up the crypts of Lieberkuhn here. Protective alkaline substances are secreted by Brunner's glands in this organ, while other tissues found in this organ include Peyer's Patches. Bile and pancreatic juices from the ampulla of Vater enter this structure through the Sphincter of Oddi, and finger-like projections in this organ are called villi. For 10 points, name this organ containing the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, found between the stomach and the large intestine.;;small intestine ;;One character in this work leaves a club because she has already seen the play Cousin Kate, and members of that club later discuss whether they will perform Quality Street or The Yoeman of the Guard the following year. Its protagonist is upset after Major Callendar summons him and then leaves without a message. Two characters in this work consider Mrs. Turton's bridge party to be a failure. Professor Godbole is said to be unlike all other Decanni Brahmans, and later describes the Marabar Caves to one character in this novel, that also features Mrs. Moore. Dr. Aziz is accused of raping Adela Quested in, for 10 points, what novel by E. M. Forster?.;;(A) Passage to India ;;Ometepe and Solentiname are islands in this nation's largest lake, and the Corn islands are found to the east of this nation. The eastern portion of its border with its northern neighbor is marked by the Coco River, while the San Juan river makes up this country's southern border. The city of Ocotal is located near the Cordilera Isabelia mountain range in the northwest of this country, whose city of Matagalpa lies along the Rio Grande. The chief port of this nation is Bluefields. Puerto Cabezas lies along its Mosquito Coast with the Caribbean Sea. For 10 points, name this nation that borders Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south, which has its capitol at Managua.;;Nicaragua ;;Serge Koussevitsky commissioned this man to write his Symphony for Organ and Orchestra. He wrote an opera that opens with the arrival of Laurie Moss' graduation gown. Three ascending notes in the brass open a work by this man that debuted at tax time. He quoted folk songs like "Camptown Races" in a work that incorporates spoken-word readings of texts like the Gettysburg Address. He used themes from the Shaker hymn "Simple Gifts" for ballet choreographed by Martha Graham. Another of his ballets contains a "Hoe Down." He composed Fanfare for the Common Man and the ballets Rodeo and Billy the Kid. For 10 points, name this composer of Appalachian Spring.;;(Aaron) Copland ;;In electromigration theory, the median failure time is function of this quantity and current density according to Black's equation. In food processing engineering, it is proportional to the square of the mean temperature divided by a thermal "resistance constant." This quantity expresses the fact that the rate constant of a reactant is temperature dependent, since it is proportional to the derivative of the rate constant with respect to inverse temperature. It is often represented as a hump in a graph plotting the rate of reaction versus time. Catalysts speed up reactions by reducing this quantity. For 10 points, name this quantity that gives the minimum energy required in a system for a reaction to occur.;;activation energy ;;In a short story by this author, Senhora Nascimento disapproves of her daughter Maria Regina's extra English teacher. Magda builds a fire and tries to signal to an airplane at the end of one of his works. This author of "Adriana" and Age of Iron wrote about a Magistrate who is visited by Colonel Joll in one work. He wrote of a hair-lipped gardener who has a dying grandmother in another novel. He also wrote about an affair between Melanie Isaacs and her professor David Laurie and his eventual downfall. For 10 points, name this South African author of Disgrace, Waiting for the Barbarians and Life and Times of Michael K.;;(John) (Maxwell) (J(.)) (M(.)) Coetzee ;;One work by this thinker contrasted the natural differences between men with the artificial moral types that arise from property and the division of labor. This man described the perfect woman as "passive and weak" in a work that outlined the ideal schooling of the titular character. Another work by this author of Discourse on Inequality asserts that the government be separate from the sovereign whose concern is the general will of the people in order to enforce the titular political agreement. For 10 points, name this French philosopher who wrote Emile and argued that "man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" in The Social Contract.;;(Jean(-)Jacques) Rousseau ;;During this conflict, Lorenzo Battle replaced the president of one of the belligerents. In one battle of this war, Colonel Bruguez set up at Bella Vista while Captain Meza navigated his fleet in the namesake river. This war that included the Battle of Riachuelo began with an invasion of Mato Grosso. It was triggered when Atanasio Aguirre of the Blanco Party was ousted by General Flores of the Colorado Party in one country, with whom the Argentine president Bartolome Mitre formed a pact that was opposed by Francisco Solano Lopez. For 10 points, name this nineteenth-century South American war that saw the defeat of Paraguay by Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.;;(War) (of) (the) Triple Alliance ;;This figure accidentally killed a man while engaged to the daughter of King Pittheus, Aertha. Stheneboea, the wife of Proteus, accused him of raping her, and she later killed herself when she found out that this figure married her sister. This figure delivered a letter ordering his own death to King Iobates of Lycia. He consulted Polyidus before setting out to kill a monster plaguing that region. He became a wandering cripple after Zeus used a gadfly to thwart this husband of Philonoe in his attempt to enter Mount Olympus. Athena gave a golden bridle to this figure to help with his most notable task. For 10 points, name this slayer of the Chimera and tamer of Pegasus.;;Bellerophon ;;Gabriel explains a prophecy of Jeremiah to this work's title character, who is accompanied by Ananias, Misael, and Azarias. One character in this work dreams that the world is being filled up with pieces of a statue made of various materials that has been broken by a small stone. One tale in this book depicts a drunk king, who is startled upon seeing the words "Mene, mene, teke, upharsin." This book contains an episode detailing the frauds of "Bel and the Dragon" as well as the tale of Belshazzar's Feast. For 10 points, name this book of the Bible, whose title character is thrown into a den of lions.;;(The) (Book) (of) Daniel ;;Objects with a one-to-two resonance are found beyond this region's namesake cliff. Objects found in this region include Orcus and Varuna. Objects with circular objects such as Chaos and Quaoar, known as cubewanos, are not in resonance with the planet that this region lies beyond. A group of objects including pholus and nessus, known as the centaurs, originate here. Plutinos found here are in a two-to-three resonance with Neptune. It is located between thirty and fifty astronomical units from the Sun. Sedna can be found between this region and the Oort cloud. For 10 points, identify this source of many short-period comets, an eponymous astronomic "belt.".;;Kuiper (Belt) ;;This thinker defined religion as "society divinized." This man analyzed a difference between primitive societies, in which crime offends the "collective conscience," and modern societies, in which require moral and economic regulation to maintain order. This man theorized both "mechanical" and "organic" solidarity. Another of his works concludes that the titular phenomenon occurs more in Protestants than in Catholics, and is grouped into fatalistic, altruistic, anomic and egoistic varities. This man wrote The Elementary Forms of Religions Life and The Division of Labor in Society. For 10 points, name this French sociologist who wrote Suicide.;;(Emile) Durkheim ;;In statistics, this term describes the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is indeed false, or the probability of not committing a type II error; that quantity, which increases with sample size, is given by 1 minus beta. The square of the modulus of a Fourier transform gives the "spectrum" of this type, and the inverse fourier transform of that spectrum gives the autocorrelation function. In optics, this quantity has units called diopters which have dimensions of inverse length. In physics, this quantity is equal to the rate of energy dissipation, and is given by an object's force times its velocity. For 10 points, identify this quantity which is given in terms of watts.;;power ;;The use of difference in these entities to create meaning in Proto-Indo-European is called ablaut. "Clusters" lack them, and one follows a cluster and a glide in units characterized by Sievers' law. If one of them follows the second aspirate in a word, the first aspirate is lost by Grassman's law. "Strident" ones are characterized by an epiglottal trill. "Rhotic" ones occur when they follow the letter "R." The "gliding" variety of them occurs when they change quality during pronunciation, in which case they are called diphthongs. For 10 points, name these sounds that underwent a "great shift" in English, where examples of them include "A," "E," and sometimes "Y.".;;vowels ;;Characters in this play explain why their swords are drawn by inventing a story about "a whole herd of lions." At one point in this work, an engagement is celebrated by the appearances of Isis, Ceres, and Juno. In this play, the drunken servants Trinculo and Stephano plot malfeasance, but are driven off by spirits in the shape of dogs and hounds. The villains Sebastian and Antonio plan to kill Alonso, who had previously helped depose the proper Duke of Milan. One of the characters in this play is the son of the witch Sycorax and is a deformed monster who tries to rape Miranda. For 10 points, name this Shakespeare comedy featuring the master of Ariel and Caliban, Prospero.;;(The) Tempest ;;In one of this composer's operas, Zelim and Melindo are switched at birth by Mamud. The Opus No. 3 of this composer of Truth and Ordeal often features a solo cello, even though it is a set of twelve concerti for one, two, and four violins. His only surviving oratorio was inspired by the beheading of Holerfones. This composer of L'Estro Armanico and Judith Triumphant wrote a piece for solo violin and basso continuo that concerns "The Hunt," "Pleasure," and "The Sea Storm." His best-known works are contained in the larger work called The Contest Between Harmony and Invention. For 10 points, name this "Red Priest" whose contains The Four Seasons.;;(Antonio) (Lucio) Vivaldi ;;A siren is described as a "cacophony of twelve wailing bobcats" in this work, which also features a sign advertising "Twelve (12!) Inches of Paradise." In this novel, Miss Annie is addicted to headache medication because she can't stand her neighbor, a former student of Doctor Talc who often curses, "Fortuna, you tempestuous sprite" because of his obsession with Boethius. Near its end, a cockatoo that was supposed to remove Darlene's clothes attacks the main character, who flees New Orleans with his friend Myrna Minkoff. This novel details a revolt led at the Levy Pants factory. For 10 points, name this novel about Ignatius J. Reilly, by John Kennedy Toole.;;(A) Confederacy of Dunces ;;This man argued against American annexation of the Philippines in his speech "The Paralyzing Influence of Imperialism." A political cartoon depicted him as a snake swallowing a donkey. He founded a magazine which promoted Progressive viewpoints called The Commoner. His opposition to the U.S.'s handling of the Lusitania affair prompted his resignation as Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson. This man lost to William Howard Taft in the election of 1908, and had earlier won the nominations of the Populist and Democratic Parties in 1896 after a speech in favor of bimetallism. For 10 points, name this prosecutor in the Scopes Monkey Trial who gave the "Cross of Gold" speech.;;(William) (Jennings) Bryan ;;A generalization of Cayley's theorem named for this man gives the number of nonidentical spanning trees of a given graph as a cofactor of the admittance matrix . Besides the matrix-tree theorem, he developed a set of laws governing the continuous spectra of hot solid objects, emission-line spectra of gases, and the absorption spectra that result when hot objects are viewed through a cooler gas. With Robert Bunsen, he developed emission spectroscopy and discovered cesium and rubidium, while a set of relations governing the sum of currents and potentials in various branches of a circuit. For 10 points, name this German physicist who used conservation of charge and energy to develop his namesake loop and junction rules.;;(Gustav) (Robert) Kirchoff ;;This man created 3 standards of length by dropping 1 meter long strings on a canvas and cutting the canvas along the profile of the string, which are called his standard stoppages. One of his early work uses earth tones to depict chess players and marked his departure from "retinal art," and Man Ray took several photographs of a cross-dressing alter-ego of this artist. In addition to dressing as Rrose Selavy, he created Rotary Demisphere and Bicycle Wheel, which were some of his kinetic works. Another of his paintings contains a set of white dots to illustrate the titular motion, which was famously called an "explosion in a shingle factory." For 10 points, identify this artist who painted Nude Descending a Staircase, and proposed that an upside down urinal be called Fountain.;;(Marcel) Duchamp ;;This phylum may contain the extinct conulata, which may also belongs to its own phylum. This phylum is now thought to include Myxoza and Polypodiozoa, a parasite found in sturgeons' eggs. This phylum contains the class cubazoa, whose members move with a contractile tissue called velarium. Most members of this phylum have bodies made of mesoglea. Its members, like the sea wasp and sea pen, develop nematocysts, cells that fire a bulb-shaped projection on the end of a cord and deliver a toxic injection to prey. They go through polyp and medusa phases. For 10 points, name this phylum that contains stinging animals like anemone and jellyfish.;;cnidarians ;;This man's brother founded the city of Painted Stone, which was the site of the Alexander McKee-led Long Run massacre. He was one of the American commanders at the Battle of Blue Licks. This man's son James was ambushed by Indians in one of the first actions of Lord Dunmore's War. A town named for this man was besieged during the Revolutionary War after he was captured by the Shawnee leader Blackfish. This brother of Squires rescued his daughter Jemima in an action fictionalized in The Last of the Mohicans, For 10 points, name this man who blazed the Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap, a frontier hero and namesake of a coonskin cap.;;(Daniel) Boone ;;This author coined the phrase "poverty of the stimulus" in one of his works. If all production rules are of the form A implies BC, or A implies alpha, or S implies epsilon, a set of rules is said to be in this man's namesake "normal form." This thinker's criticism of B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior helped spark the cognitive movement in psychology. A theorem named for Schutzenberger and this man characterizes the relationship between parenthesis languages and context-free grammars. He devised the phrase "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" to advance the idea that grammar is innate. For 10 points, name this author of Syntactic Structures, an MIT-based linguist.;;(Avram) (Noam) Chomsky ;;In one scene in this novel, a character receives a letter from her love, who returns her lock of hair and informs her he is engaged to Miss Grey. These two lovers initially met after one character sprains her ankle while walking. The initial action of this novel is set at Barton Park, the home of the Middletons. Later, at the estate Cleveland, one character gets a cold from taking long walks in the rain, prompting the return of her caddish lover. At the end of this novel, the protagonists marry Colonel Brandon and Edward Ferrars. For 10 points, name this Jane Austen novel about Marianne and ElinorDashwood, which also features the philandering but dashing Mr. John Willoughby.;;Sense and Sensibility ;;The mass matrix of these particles has an eigenvalue on the Dirac scale, and another eigenvalue on the Majorana scale; the balance between those eigenvalues explains the seesaw mechanism for their unusual properties. A sine-squared of 2 theta term and a square of mass difference term are found in the equation which predicts the probability density of their flavors; the switching of these particles between flavors is called their namesake "oscillation." They were first postulated by Wolfgang Pauli, who sought to explain the violation of energy conservation in beta decay. For 10 points, identify these particles which come in the "electron," "muon," and "tau" varieties, and which are known to be extremely light.;;neutrino ;;One work by this writer asks "Whose sweet mortality stirs latent power?" and describes a "bell-rope that gathers God at dawn." This poet of "My Grandmother's Love Letters" dubbed cinemas "panoramic sleights" in a poem that imagines filing papers until "elevators drop us from our day" and asks the title object to descend with its "curveship" and "lend a myth to God." He imagines a seagull "shedding white rings of tumult, building high / over the chained bay waters" in the "Proem" to an epic based on a Brooklyn landmark. For 10 points, name this American poet who included sections like "Cape Hatteras" and "Cutty Sark" in his modernist epic The Bridge.;;(Harold) (Hart) Crane ;;This figure's daughter Benthesikyme rescued and raised his son Eumolpos. Zeus convinced a group of centaurs to trample to death a figure once raped by this deity, who changed that maiden into the invulnerable male warrior Caeneus after ravishing her. This figure's tryst on the floor of Athena's temple convinced Athena to turn Medusa into a hideous Gorgon. This deity loses a contest to Athena after she creates the first olive tree, making her the patron of Athens. He had sons like Polyphemus and Triton, who could control the waves with a conch shell. For 10 points, name this wielder of the Trident, the Greek god of the sea.;;Poseidon ;;The title character of one work by this author steals a pair of breeches from his friend in order to purchase more liquor. This author of "An Honest Thief" described Kirilov falsely confessing to shooting Shatov at the insistence of Pyotr Verhovensky in another work. The protagonist of one his novels dreams of taking revenge on an officer by shoving him, and is later abandoned by Liza. He described how Aglaya Epanchin is spurned by the title character in another work, whose title character is an epileptic whose friend Rogozhin kills Nastasya. For 10 points, name this author of The Possessed, Notes from Underground, and The Idiot, who also wrote about Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment.;;(Fyodor) (Mikhaylovich) Dostoyevsky ;;This man criticized a certain university as elitist after it failed to admit Laura Spence. He has pushed for a drug policy in which possession of cannabis results in five years in jail. He sent a letter filled with misspellings to the family of deceased Afghanistan veteran Jamie Janes. John Prescott said this man has the "worst smile in the world," a reference to his frequent grinning during Youtube videos in which he explains policy decisions. In 1999, he made the decision to sell much of his country's gold reserves while serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer, a post he held until 2007. For 10 points, name this head of the Labour Party, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.;;(James) (Gordon) Brown ;;In this opera, a woman sings "Tu che di gel sei sinta" to the title character before stabbing herself to escape torture. One character in this opera explains how her ancestor was violently raped and murdered by an invader in the aria "In Questa Reggia." At its premiere, after words calling for poetry, its conductor cut off and said "the maestro died." Characters in this opera include the blind Timur, the maid Liu, and the ministers Ping, Pang, and Pong. Calaf sings the aria "Nessun Dorma" in this opera, anticipating that no one will reveal his name to the title woman. For 10 points, name this opera based on a Carlo Gozzi text about a Chinese princess, composed by Giacomo Puccini.;;Turandot ;;Some examples of these structures has a 4 domain leader sequence whose looping changes with the concentration of the namesake compound; those loops can be called to repress these constructs via attenuation. The catabolite activator protein binds to other examples of these structures. A common example of these directs the synthesis of a protein that is detected by a colorimetric hydrolysis of X-Gal. The former is the trp [turp] one involved in tryptophan biosynthesis, while the latter codes for a permease and a transacetylase, and is only transcribed if glucose is absent. For 10 points, name these genetic structures that regulate gene expression in prokaryotes, whose lac type is involved in lactose metabolism.;;operons ;;This man wrote an unfinished poem that opens, "The beautiful, the fair, the elegant/ Is that which pleases us, says Kant/ without a thought of interest or advantage." He asks "But what of them buried profound?" in the poem, "As Bronze May Be Beautified." In one of this man's poems, the speaker states, "I am the enemy you killed, my friend" after observing a "dead smile" that signifies "were in Hell." This poet of "Strange Meeting" wrote a work that asks "What candles may be held to speed them all?" and "What passing-bells for those who die as cattle?" For 10 points, name this author of "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "Anthem for Doomed Youth," a World War I-era British poet.;;(Wilfred) (Edward) (Salter) Owen ;;Megacryst studies by Kyle and Kirsch suggest that this region under the Erebus province of Antarctica may contain unusually low amounts of iron oxide. The Chikyu Hakken probe aims to study this region, which can be measured by the Bullen parameter. An unexplained alteration in seismic velocity that occurs about 230 km into this region is called the Lehmann discontinuity, and this region's highest levels are rich in olivine. The D double-prime layer of this region lies above the Gutenberg discontinuity, which separates it from the outer core. For 10 points, name this layer of the earth whose upper bound is defined by the Moho discontinuity, which lies below the crust.;;mantle ;;The NBA league offices took away LeBron James's 52 point triple-double against this team. A foul committed by this team's Mardy Collins began a December 2006 brawl with the Nuggets that resulted in a long suspension for Carmelo Anthony. This team finally traded Jared Jeffries at the 2010 deadline, but was forced to give up 2009 first round pick Jordan Hill to jettison Jeffries's salary. A recent GM and coach of this team now coaches Florida International University. This team traded Nate Robinson to the Celtics at the 2010 deadline, and its current stars include Danilo Gallinari and David Lee. For 10 points, name this franchise coached by Mike D'Antoni, who took over for the fired Isiah Thomas.;;New York Knicks ;;This artist depicted two infant girls, one in a yellow and the other in a white dress, pursuing an insect in The Painter's Daughters Chasing a Butterfly. This artist twice depicted peasants riding in a cart in The Harvest Wagon. A man in a three-cornered hat rests his weight on his right leg with a dog by his side and rifle in his hand next to a bench where his wife in a blue dress sits in Mr. and Mrs. Andrews. This artist painted a work in homage to Van Dyck's portrait of Charles II, his portrait of Jonathan Buttal. For 10 points, name this eighteenth-century British painter, the rival of Joshua Reynolds who painted The Blue Boy.;;(Thomas) Gainsborough ;;This politician's first elected post was as an assemblyman for Erie County, and he selected as his second secretary of state a former president of Harvard, Edward Everett. He welcomed Hungarian revolutionary Lajos Kossuth upon his arrival to New Orleans. He appointed Brigham Young as first territorial governor of Utah, which led to the first territorial capital being named after this president. With running mate Andrew Jackson Donelson, he lost the election of 1856 while running as the "Know-Nothing" candidate. For 10 points, name this Whig President of the United States who supported the Compromise of 1850 and took office following the death of Zachary Taylor.;;(Millard) Fillmore ;;Hemond and Hechner-Levy use a value called this "capacity" which, multiplied by this quantity, gives the concentration of a chemical in a medium. This quantity for a mixture depends linearly on its components by the Lewis-Randall rule. The activity of a species is equal to this quantity over a reference value. The differential of the log of this quantity over a reference value is equal to one over RT times the differential of Gibbs free energy.This quantity's log times Boltzmann's constant times temperature equals mu. For 10 points, name this expression of chemical potential, an adjusted pressure that describes a substance's tendency to leave a phase.;;fugacity ;;In one work, this thinker produced a thought experiment in which people buy shares in other people's rights until a modern state develops, called "demoktesis." He introduced a "truth-tracking" approach to defining knowledge. This author of Philosophical Explanations also wrote a work that uses the fact that people are willing to pay to see Wilt Chamberlain play basketball to suggest that all centrally mandated income distributions are unjust. He contends in that work that the ideal state is a night-watchman. For 10 points, name this author of a work whose first chapter questions "Why State of Nature Theory" that counters Rawls entitled Anarchy, State, and Utopia.;;(Robert) Nozick ;;One author from this nation wrote a story which ends with the protagonist obsessively attempting to draw a perfect circle. That story features an everyman titular figure who deludes himself into believing every defeat in his life is a victory. Vikram Seth translated the works of three poets from this nation into English, including the poems "Ballad of the Ancient Cypress" and "Song of the Wagons." This nation of the author of "The True Story of Ah Q" is home to a man who wrote a poem that recalls how "At fourteen I married My Lord you," which was translated by Ezra Pound as "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter." For 10 points, name this nation home to Lu Xun, Du Fu, and Li Po.;;China ;;This author commented on the different varieties of the vision quest in an article called "The Vision in Plains Culture," and wrote a work along with Regina Weltfish that argues for environment as the major determining factor of intelligence. This editor of the Journal of American Folklore wrote a work that examines Native American societies characterized by Dionysian and Apollonian aspects. In another work, she contrasted the West's "guilt culture" with another country's "shame culture." For 10 points, name this student of Franz Boas who wrote Patterns of Culture and published her studies of Japanese culture in The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.;;(Ruth) Benedict ;;This nation was defeated at Koh Chang by the French. Khana Ratsadon led a bloodless revolution in this nation, one kingdom in which compiled the Dharmashastra. A kingdom in this nation succeeded the Kingdom of Hiran and was founded by Mangrai. This nation, once home to the kingdom of Lanna, was the site of a capital founded by General Taksin at Thonburi. The collapse of the Ayutthaya in this nation preceded the ascent of the Chakri dynasty of Rama I. It was invaded by Japan during World War II to access the Malay Peninsula. It was once dominated by the monarchs of Burma. For 10 points, name this nation, once known as Siam, whose capital is Bangkok.;;Thailand ;;A form of this phenomenon that results from interactions with sound waves in crystals is named for Schaefer and Bergmann, and one that occurs on sound waves in water is named for Debye and Sears. A form of this phenomenon in crystalls is named for Bragg. Fresnel names the near-field form of this phenomenon, while Fraunhofer names the other regime.The smearing of Airy disks produced during this phenomenon is a criterion for resolving the output proposed by Rayleigh, and it is based on the principle that a point on a propagating wavefront can produce smaller waves. For 10 points, name this phenomenon inn which light appears to bend around an obstacle.;;diffraction ;;This man included a long wing ending in a series of dovecotes for a Bagnolo building; that structure also includes a barrel-vaulted main room. One building designed by this man includes frescoes by Battista Franco and was nicknamed "La Malcontenta," his Villa Foscari. He also designed an edifice whose bell tower collapsed in 1774, the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. One of this man's most famous structures is a dome whose design was altered by his fellow architect Scamozzi after his death. That villa contains a large central dome. For 10 points, name this architect of the Villa Rotunda who wrote the Four Books of Architecture.;;(Andrea) Palladio ;;This title character was first introduced to English-speakers by the efforts of Thomas Shelton. He concludes that the modern world is all "machinations and schemes" after he falls out of a boat that strikes a floating mill. This character's books are burned by a priest and Nicholas the Barber. He confuses a barber's washbin for the Golden Helmet of Mambrino. A character dresses as the Knight of the White Moon to convince this owner of the horse Rocinante to abandon his quest, which is fueled by his thought that Dulcinea is a princess. For 10 points, name this companion of Sanco Panza created by Miguel de Cervantes.;;(Don) Quixote ;;In one poem, this poet recounts riding on a moonlit night to the cottage of his lover, when the wayward thought strikes him that she may be dead. In another poem, this author describes a maid who asks "Sisters and brothers...How many may you be? / How many?" This author of "Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known" and "We are Seven," described objects "beside the lake, beneath the trees / fluttering and dancing in the breeze." Another of his works states "Five years have past; five summers with the length / of five long winters." For 10 points, name this author of "I wandered lonely as a cloud" and "Tintern Abbey," the co-author of Lyrical Ballads with Coleridge.;;(William) Wordsworth ;;One member of this family was taken as the mistress of a Nazi general in Vichy France, and that character had earlier married Sydney Head; in an earlier scene, that character muddies her underwear after she is slapped by her brother. One member of this family attempts to rescue an immigrant girl, for which he's charged with molestation, and that character commits suicide after he learns of his sister's marriage to a "blackguard." Another one of them is castrated by Jason after he fondles a young girl, and that character is very close with his sister Caddy. For 10 points, identify this disgraced Southern family which includes Quentin, and Benjy, who appear in The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner.;;Compson (family) ;;He described a "lordly pleasure house" whose "great rooms" were "fit for every mood and change of my still soul" in his poem "The Palace of Art." One of his poems describes a creature who sleeps a "dreamless, uninvaded sleep" in a region "far, far beneath in the abysmal sea," and he wrote about a a figure whom "only cruel immortality consumes." In addition to "Tithonus" and "The Kraken," he wrote a set of 131 poems in iambic tetrameter after the death of his friend A. H. Hallam. Another of his poems described a group who rode "Half a league, half a league" "into the valley of death." For 10 points, identify this British poet who wrote In Memoriam and "The Charge of the Light Brigade.".;;(Alfred(,)) (Lord) Tennyson ;;In one of his paintings a being with bright red hair and cloven hoofs, who is thought to represent Meyer de Haan, looks over two seated women. One painting by this man shows a figure plucking a fruit from a tree at the center while a baby and an old woman are used to illustrate the progression of life, and another work shows pious Breton women who have a vision of the title event. In addition to Jacob Wrestling the Angel and Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?, he painted two works depicting the colorful subject of a crucifixion. For 10 points, identify this post-impressionist artist who painted The Green Christ and The Yellow Christ and spent many years in Tahiti.;;(Paul) Gauguin ;;The eastern border of this state lies along the Unaka range and the Bald Mountains. The "highland rim" surrounds the "central basin" of this state, and the seat of its Rutherford county is Murfressboro, which saw the battle of the Stones River during the Civil War. Near its border with North Carolina lies Clingman's dome. This state's namesake river begins at the confluence of the French Broad and the Hoiston Rivers, and passes through a city which is home to the Sunsphere. Another city in this state is home to the Grand Ole Opry and is called the "Music City." For 10 points, identify this state which includes cities such as Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Nashville.;;Tennessee ;;In one of his works, a former Greek slave falsely translates the words of an orator to provoke mercenaries lodging in Sicca. That slave, Spendius, tricks a giant into stealing the veil of Tanit in an attempt to demoralize their enemy. Matho is tortured to death in that work, which ends with the death of the titular Carthaginian princess. In another of his works, a surgery that goes awry results in the title character's husband losing prestige, after which he racks up huge debts. The title character of that work is dissatisfied with Charles and has affairs with Rodolphe and Leon, after which she commits suicide by consuming arsenic. For 10 points, identify this French author who wrote Salammbo and Madame Bovary.;;(Gustave) Flaubert ;;One of this man's theories was inspired by the work of Dollard and Miller, and proposed that attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation were the four steps involved in learning. Later work by him focused on the importance of "self-efficacy" in therapy. An experiment conducted by this man included a model who assembled tinker toys as a part of its design, and initially included subjects playing with potato prints. That experiments shows that subjects were more likely to violently attack a namesake object when shown films of adults performing the same action. For 10 points, identify this psychologist best known for his work in the social learning theory as well as his Bobo Doll experiment.;;(Albert) Bandura ;;One work by this thinker rejected the Catholic view of the titular concepts as preventers of fornication and argues that weddings should not be binding until the birth of a child. This man rebuked Meinong for not distinguishing between meaning and notation and outlines three forms of the titular distinguishing phrases in an essay that examined the phrase "the King of France is bald." Another work by this author of Marriage and Morals and On Denoting responded to naive set theory formulated namesake paradox. For 10 points, name this co-author of Principia Mathematica with Alfred Whitehead.;;(Bertrand) Russell ;;David Rees of Get Your War On fame criticized this company when it plagiarized his "Cubicle Picnic" cartoon to promote its "Summer Bliss is Back" program. Flavors such as white gummi bear and strawberry shortcake may be found on this company's secret menu, and it has expanded its non-dairy menu to contain items like the Chimichurri chicken wrap and a line of oat meals. Its products are available in sizes called "sixteen," "original," and "power" and come with one of six free "boosts." For 10 points, identify this company which sells such concoctions as Razzmatazz, Strawberry Nirvana, and Peach Perfection, all of which are blended smoothies.;;Jamba Juice ;;In the measurement of this property, Taylor vortices are eliminated in "Cup and bob" instruments, and for ideal gases, this quantity scales with the three-halves power of relative temperature. It is related to thermal diffusivity by the Prandtl number. The drag force on a body is proportional to this quantity, the body's radius, and its velocity according to the Stokes law. Another form of this quantity is equal to the ration of the shear stress and the shear velocity, and the Reynolds number is inversely proportional to this quantity. Fluids for which this property is constant are called Newtonian. For 10 points, identify this property of fluids which describes their ability to resist flow.;;viscosity ;;Joachim Quantz wrote a treatise on playing this instrument and composed over 300 concerti for it. Cecile Chaminade's most often performed composition is a concertina for this instrument, while Kryzstof Penderecki wrote a concerto for this instrument which was dedicated to a virtuoso named Jean Pierre Rampal. Theodore Boehm introduced many variations to this instrument in the 1830s. This instrument is used to represent Pan in Debussy's incidental music to Syrinx, and an unaccompanied solo for this instrument forms the opening measures of Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. For 10 points, identify this woodwind instrument which is usually side-blown or end-blown.;;flute ;;A 2 by 4 rectangle in a 4 variable Karnaugh map may be expressed as an expression with this many variables. This is the number of output lines that a multiplexer has, and algorithms that have constant run time are often said to be big O of this value. Boolean logic demands that a term plus its complement equals this value. This value plus the inverse of n raised to the n, as n approaches infinity, equals e. Injective functions map values from their domain to their codomain at most this many times. For 10 points, name this number that is the length of a unit vector, and can be produced when multiplying a non-zero number with its reciprocal.;;One ;;One member of this family was a prolific artist of still lifes who depicted a woman's hand emerging from behind a sheet in Venus Rising from the Sea: A Deception. This family ran a natural history museum, whose curator was a depicted next to a plant, wearing tiny glasses and holding another pair of glasses in his hand. Another member of this family was a portraitist who depicted George Washington in an oval window in Patria Pater. The patriarch of this clan showed a waterwheel removing mud from a pit in his The Exhumation of the First American Mastodon. For 10 points, name this family of American artists including Raphaelle, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Charles Willson.;;Peale ;;One of this man's poems has a speaker who listens to the "Vala-song of liberty." That poem contains the "Song of the Negro Boatmen" and is entitled "At Port Royal 1861." Another of his poems describes the creation of a sacred Vedic drink and inspired the hymn "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind." This author of The Brewing of Soma wrote a poem whose titular character waves a Union flag at Stonewall Jackson and says "Shoot, if you must, this old gray head." This man wrote a long narrative poem which sees a New England family tell stories around a "homestead hearth" during a winter storm. For 10 points, name this American "Fireside Poet" who wrote Barbara Fritchie and Snow-Bound.;;(John) (Greenleaf) Whittier ;;Their formulator confirmed the predictions of these relations by showing that a non-linear profile of specific gravity versus distance was obtained for water when it was placed in flasks containing sodium chloride with varying funnel areas. One of these expressions is analogous to Fourier's law of heat conduction. The second of these relations can be obtained by substituting the first into the continuity equation, and the first one describes the linear dependence of mass flux on the molar average velocity of the species. For 10 points, identify these laws which relate the diffusive flux to a phenomenological diffusion coefficient, and which were developed after Graham's law of effusion.;;(Adolph) Fick's (Laws) (of) (diffusion) ;;Hao Wang used the letter "B" to indicate a simplified variety of these objects, while Martin Davis appended Emil Post's name to another reduced variety of them. One version of these objects features a black box with the capability to decide any problem in a single operation called an oracle, while Tibor Rado developed a function to determine the maximum operational time of one of them called the "busy beaver." They are formally defined as seven-tuples that contain a partial "transition" function that directs their heads right and left on their tapes. For 10 points, identify these theoretical devices used to represent computational logic, named for a computer scientist who also names a test for artificial intelligence.;;Turing machines ;;This author wrote about the politician Harbans, whose campaign manager, Foam, alarms superstitious villagers of the titular community by bringing home the black puppy Tiger. One of his characters eats too many bananas and ends up relieving himself on a handkerchief, which he accidentally throws on a cherished oleander tree. This author of The Suffrage of Elvira wrote about Salim, who sets up shop in an African nation ruled by the Big Man. This man wrote A Bend in the River, but his best-known character has an extra finger and lives with the Tulsi family, although he desires the titular structure. For 10 points, name this Trinidadian author of A House for Mr. Biswas.;;(Vidiadhar) (Surajprasad) (V(.)S(.)) Naipaul ;;In 2008, a cabinet minister from this country was banned for failing to seek parliamentary approval to support the recognition of Cambodia's Praeh Vihar temple as a World Heritage site, and that event led to the resignation of Samak Sundaravej. Supporters of a former leader of this country rioted at the 2009 ASEAN meeting held in its city of Pattaya. More recently, this country's Supreme Court ordered the seizure of $1.4 billion in assets of that leader who sold the Manchester United Football club in 2008. It is currently led by Abhijit Vejjajiva, and in 2006 coup, a military junta overthrew Thaksin Shinawatra in this country. For 10 points, identify this country whose government based is in Bangkok.;;Thailand ;;One actor with this surname played Ku Klux Klan lawyer Roy Payne on an episode of Law and Order. A fictional character with this surname continually made tape recordings to an unseen woman named Diane. A female character with this surname appeared in the original inspiration for SNL's "Dear Sister" digital short, in which she shot Trey while the song "Hide and Seek" played in the background. The actor with this surname won an Oscar for playing the titular subject of Susan Orlean's book The Orchid Thief. It is the surname of the protagonist of Twin Peaks and of Marissa on The O.C.. For 10 points, give this surname of Adaptation actor Chris and of CNN newsman Anderson.;;Cooper ;;It wasn't performed by Rutherford, but this experiment was independently verified by George Thomson, who observed weak edges of an Airy disk. The detector in this experiment was a Faraday box that measured a peak intensity at a 50 degree angle, and it utilized particles which were accelerated in a 54 volt potential. Its setup involved the firing of electrons at a crystalline nickel target, and its results showed that the diffraction pattern obeyed Bragg's law, and thus confirmed the de Broglie hypothesis of wave particle duality. For 10 points, identify this experiment which was performed by two Americans working for Bell Labs.;;Davisson Germer (experiment) ;;This man's work was used to formulate James Rests's "Defining Issues Test." A critique of this author's work posits a "selfish" group of people, some of whom may become "responsibility-oriented," and argues that he failed to consider that possibility when he claimed a difference between girls and boys. This author, who was critiqued in Carol Gilligan's In a Different Voice, proposed a quandary centered on Heinz, who is mired in a dilemma of whether to steal a cancer drug. His theory is based on pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional stages. For 10 points, name this American psychologist who reworked Piaget's theories into the stages of moral development.;;(Lawrence) Kohlberg ;;After an American speaking engagement, the U.S. president allegedly grabbed this man by the lapels and screamed "Don't you come into my living room and piss on my rug!" He won his first term by campaigning for "Sixty Days of Decision" and accepting Bomarc nuclear missiles into his country. Tommy Douglas's New Democrats were crucial to this man's two minority coalitions, which pushed through the Canada Pension Plan. As Prime Minister, he pushed for the adoption of the Maple Leaf flag, and had earlier won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating an end to the Suez Crisis. For 10 points, name this Canadian who served as a Liberal Party PM from 1963 to 1968.;;(Lester) (Bowles) (Mike) Pearson ;;This man wrote a story where a baker becomes irritated at Jesus' miracle of the loaves for his collection of Apocryphal Tales. In one of his plays, Dr. Galen tries to promote peace and stop the titular White Disease. He wrote a book where Captain von Toch discovers a new life form in Sumatra, which is soon exploited by Mr. Bondy. He wrote a play featuring Harry Domin, who falls in love with Helena Glory, the president of the Humanity League. This author of War with the Newts ended his best known play with almost all of humanity slain by the titular creations, which were invented by Rossum. For 10 points, name this Czech author of R.U.R., the play that introduced the term "robot.".;;(Karel) Capek ;;One of this composer's tone poems represents the title bird, a musical wren. He composed fourteen pieces in the style of street music called Choros. The fifth work in one genre by this composer is scored for soprano voice and eight cellos, and pairs the Aria "Cantilena" with the Danca "Martelo." This composer depicted a group of country peasants riding a passenger car to the city in the movement "The Little Train of Caipira," which features a percussion instrument known as the guiro and takes the form of a toccata to imitate a German composer. For 10 points, name this composer of the Bachianas brasileiras, a twentieth-century composer from Brazil.;;(Heitor) Villa(-)Lobos ;;CLASP proteins bind one end of these structures and help inhibit a process called "catastrophe." These structures can have persistence lengths of 3-4 mm, which is several orders of magnitude higher than the average cellular diameter. These structures can be severed by katanin. Drugs such as paclitaxel stabilize these structures and prevent their depolymerization, where colchicine prevents its dimeric subunits from coming together. Shortening of these structure at the kinetochore ends of the spindle apparatus helps chromosomes walk towards poles during mitosis and meiosis. For 10 points, identify these structures which are components of the cytoskeleton and which are made of tubulin proteins.;;microtubules ;;One figure in this myth system, known as The Earthquake, is lured into eating a gypsum-prepared bird when he is promised to be led to a giant mountain that keeps growing. One figure in this myth system loses his arm, after which he instructs two gods disguised as elderly dentists to replace a rebellious figure's teeth with white corn. This myth system contains a story about the downfall of Seven Macaw. The rain deity in this mythos is Chaac. Central to this mythos are figures called Hunahpu and Xbalanque, the "Hero Twins." Its underworld is known as Xibalba. For 10 points, name this Mesoamerican culture whose myths are recounted in the Popul Vuh.;;Mayans ;;In one work, this thinker contrasted two concepts, one of which is merely pleasing, while the other is pleasing in its terrible destructive power. This philosopher questioned the use of "discussing a man's abstract right to food or to medicine" in a work that was written as a response to Charles-Jean-Francois Depont. In that work, this thinker argued for a government based on enumerated rights and not on abstract concepts like "freedom" and "rights of man," which he argued could easily be used to incite dictatorship. For 10 points, name this British philosopher who pondered the origins of the sublime and beautiful, and wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France.;;(Edmund) Burke ;;This actor played a character who works at Knox Business Machines and lives next door to Shep and Milly. In another film, this man played a character who falls in love with a nurse played by Amy Adams and flirts with a call girl played by Jennifer Garner. In still another of his roles, he kills Happy Jack Mulraney and is the son of a priest played by Liam Neeson. This man has played such characters as frustrated suburbanite Frank Wheeler, the vengeance seeking Amsterdam Vallon, and Frank Abagnale Jr., who poses as a pilot. For 10 points, name this star of Gangs of New York, Revolutionary Road, and Catch Me If You Can, who can currently be seen in Shutter Island.;;(Leonardo) (Wilhelm) DiCaprio ;;Ottone was an archbishop who founded the rule of one family in this city by winning the Battle of Desio and ousting the Della Torre family. A three-year democracy in this city was established between the rules of its two most notable families, and was called the Golden Ambrosian Republic. This city fought wars with a neighboring city that were marked by the shifting allegiances of Florence, which ended when this city signed the Peace Lodi with Venice. A man who ruled as duke of this city took the nickname "Il Moro," was named Ludovico, and was the son of Francesco I. For 10 points, name this Italian city-state in Lombardy that was ruled by the Viscontis and Sforzas.;;Milano ;;This idea is based on the assumptions that linkage disequilibria must frequently oscillate, and it was originally described it as a corollary to the law of constant extinction. Serial passage experiments support this statement as they show attenuation of the pathogenic species infecting host cell lines. It was formulated by Leigh Van Valen, and it suggests that advantages in one species gained by genetic variations are offset by those gained by another species. It is frequently invoked to explain the evolution of sex. For 10 points, identify this hypothesis which states that species must evolve continually to maintain their fitness, which derives its name from a Lewis Carroll character.;;Red Queen (hypothesis) ;;Along with George Grant, this man wrote the book Kids Who Kill, although his own son was fired from a Boy Scout camp for his involvement in a dog's death. He plays bass in the rock band Capitol Offense, but his playing of "More Than a Feeling" resulted in Boston's Tom Scholz write a personal letter objecting to that practice. He wrote the book Quit Digging Your Grave With a Knife and Fork which referenced his successful attempt at losing over a hundred pounds. This man replaced Jim Guy Tucker in his most noted office after Tucker was convicted for fraud in the Whitewater affair. For 10 points, name this Republican presidential candidate and former governor of Arkansas.;;(Michael) (Dale) (Mike) Huckabee ;;Zygmunt Stojowski quipped that this composer's second piano concerto "begins with Bach and ends with Offenbach." One of his last compositions was a film score for The Assassination of the Duke of Guise. He dedicated to Franz Liszt his third symphony, which features an instrument mastered by Charles-Marie Widor. One of his works sets to music an Henri Cazalis poem that begins "Zig, Zig, Zig!" This composer used xylophones to mimic the rattling of bones in his Danse Macabre, which is similar to the "Fossils" movement of a work that also uses a slow can-can dance in the "Tortoises" movement. For 10 points, name this composer of The Carnival of the Animals.;;(Charles(-)Camille) Saint(-)Saens ;;This figure started a festival where people put beans in their mouth to ward off angry ghosts of relatives. This founder of the festival Lemuria had a personal guard known as the Celeres. His grandfather was Numitor, the ruler of a nearby city. After his own death, he was venerated as the god Quirinus. He once saw a vision of twelve crows and he later killed a relative who had mocked him by jumping over his low walls. This figure tricked the Sabine women into attending a festival in order to abduct them. He was raised by the she-wolf Lupa and, along with his brother, was the son of Rhea Silvia and Mars. For 10 points, name this mythological founder of Rome whose brother was Remus.;;Romulus ;;In one scene in this novel, a character's fears are allayed when she hears her husband recite "The Charge of the Light Brigade." In another scene, a character reacts rudely when the poet Augustus Carmichael asks for a second plate of soup. Another character in this work, the philosopher Charles Tansley, claims women cannot be artistic. This book is divided into three sections, the first two of which are "The Window" and "Time Passes." It ends with Lily Briscoe putting the finishing touches on her painting of a deceased matriarch. For 10 points, name this Virginia Woolf novel set on the Hebrides, which ends with the Ramsays finally taking the trip to see the titular structure.;;To the Lighthouse ;;In one of this man's plays, a character muses that there is "nothing so evil as money" when he thinks one of his sentries has been bribed. One of this author's titular characters kills travelers after being jostled by a charioteer and was previously heckled that he was not the "true son of thy sire," prompting a trip to the Oracle of Delphi. In one of his plays, the titular character stabs his eyes with pins to blind himself after discovering that his wife, Jocasta, has hung herself. In his best-known play, the titular character defies Creon and attempts to give her brother Polynices a proper burial. For 10 points, name this Greek author of the plays Antigone and Oedipus Rex.;;Sophocles ;;One observer quipped that the only difference between this man and his Republican opponent was "a shave." This president formed a group that trained "Four Minute Men" to give propaganda speeches; that group was the Creel Committee. He pushed for such legislation as the Keating-Owen act and the Underwood Tariff during his first term, as a realization of his program of "New Freedom." He defeated Charles Evans Hughes using the slogan "he kept us out of the war," and he previously defeated a Republican party fractured by Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose candidacy. For 10 points, name this man who issued the Fourteen Points while serving as president during World War I.;;(Thomas) (Woodrow) Wilson ;;The Shah function consists of a set of uniformly spaced functions named for this man. That function is the derivative of the Heaviside step function, and is frequently used for its "sifting" property. He developed a notation whose two components can be used to denote the inner product, and he also proposed the existence of a "sea" of negative energy eigenstates. An equation developed by this man describes the relativistic motion of spin 1/2 particles based on 4-component wavefunctions, and is a relativistic generalization of the Schrodinger wavefunction. That equation also suggested the existence of positrons. For 10 points, identify this scientist who proposed the existence of antiparticles.;;(Paul) (Adrien) (Maurice) Dirac ;;One of this author's characters contracts gonorrhea from a sales girl while riding in a taxicab. Another of his characters is an American tourist in Italy who wishes to rescue the titular feline of the story she appears in. This author of "A Very Short Story" and "Cat in the Rain" wrote a story in which the protagonist returns from World War I to a place in Michigan where he used to fish. That story features this man's recurring character of Nick Adams and appeared in his collection In Our Time. In one of his novels, Robert Jordan fights in the Spanish Civil War, while in another, Santiago hooks a gigantic marlin. For 10 points, name this author of For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea.;;(Ernest) (Miller) Hemingway ;;This man wrote a one-act dialogue in which a man who has missed his train converses on a terrace with a man dying of epithelioma. That play was aired by the BBC as a TV experiment and is called The Man With the Flower in His Mouth. In one of his plays, Frida dresses like Matilda in an attempt to cure an aristocrat who believes himself to be a medieval king. One of this author's characters employs seamstresses and prostitutes and is named Madame Pace. In his most famous play, the Father, the Boy, and the Stepdaughter interrupt a work to tell their story to a stage Manager. For 10 points, name this Italian playwright who wrote Henry IV and Six Characters in Search of an Author.;;(Luigi) Pirandello ;;One story in this work is that of a man who once attacked his mother in law with a chair after she sent his naked wife to see him as part of a botched attempt to reconcile the couple. A four part story in this work features the patriarch Jesse Bentley and his grandson David. That story is entitled "Godliness." Another story in this work features schoolteacher Wing Biddlebaum, who was accused of molesting his students. A recurring character in this work is the town's reporter George Willard, who appears in such stories as "Mother" and "Hands." For 10 points, name this collection of short stories about the residents of the titular small town, written by Sherwood Anderson.;;Winesburg(,) Ohio ;;In one of his stories the protagonist referees a contest wherein a boy must work a lighter ten times in a row or he will lose his finger. In one of his works, the titular character and his father ruin Mr. Hazell's shooting party by drugging pheasants. In another work, the titular character goes to live with Miss Honey after using her psychic powers to defeat Miss Trunchbull. This author of Danny, the Champion of the World wrote about a character who shrinks after playing with television equipment. This man created Veruca Salt, a spoiled girl who clashes with a candy industrialist. For 10 points, name this author of Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.;;(Roald) Dahl ;;This author created the bank manager Henry Pulling, who finds out his real mother is his traveling companion Augusta. One of his works features the dentist Mr. Tench, who discovers the protagonist's Latin devotional and hides it in an oven. This author of Travels With My Aunt wrote about a man who ultimately marries his secretary, Beatrice Severn after outwitting Captain Segura. This man created such characters as James Wormold, a vacuum cleaner salesman turned fake spy, and an unnamed "whisky priest" who labors in a Mexican area where Catholicism is outlawed. For 10 points, name this English author of The Power and the Glory and Our Man in Havana.;;(Graham) Greene ;;The longest-serving holder of this position was a Pennsylvanian who helped map out the territory explored by Lewis and Clark. One holder of this position argued that the implied powers of the Presidency allowed the creation of a federal institution that was led by Thomas Willing and later disbanded by another holder of this position, Oliver Wolcott Jr. One occupant of this office proposed a strong protective tariff and assumption of the states' debts in his Report on Manufactures and the first and second Reports on Public Credit. For 10 points, name this cabinet position held by Albert Gallatin and Alexander Hamilton, which oversees U.S. finances.;;(Secretary) (of) (the) Treasury ;;In 1965, the U.S. government rejected a proposal to rename this peak after Winston Churchill. While eating his lunch here, Byrd Surby was killed by a lightning strike, prompting the construction of the Smithsonian Institution Shelter. A 1969 Hawthorne Nevada Airlines flight crashed into this mountain, killing 35 people. It was named after a man who referred to John Muir as "a mere sheepherder" while serving as the head of the Geological Survey of the state where this peak is located. The Badwater Ultramarathon begins at Death Valley and ends at the trailhead to this peak near Sequoia National Park. For 10 points, name this mountain, the highest in the contiguous United States.;;(Mt(.)) Whitney ;;The probability of absorption via this effect is proportional to the cube of the atomic number and linearly with the mass density. An early observation of this effect was due to Heinrich Hertz, who observed stronger emissions from a spark gap in a dark box with a quartz lid compared to one with a glass lid. Robert Millikan's experiments with this effect gave the Planck's constant within 0.5% accuracy. It only occurs when the energy of the causative particles is greater than the work function of the target, and Albert Einstein won the Nobel prize for his work on this effect. For 10 points, identify this effect that sees the emission of charged particles from materials when high-frequency light is shone on them.;;photoelectric (effect) ;;This man made a speech claiming "the great questions of the times will not be resolved by speeches and majority decidisions." A battleship named for him joined the Prince Eugen to sink the HMS Hood, after which the British Navy pursued it until they sank it. He appointed Adalbart Falk to pass laws against Catholics called the May Laws. His country joined Austro-Hungary in the Dual Alliance, which became the Triple Alliance once Italy joined. The Franco-Prussian war started in part because this man edited the Ems Dispatch. For 10 points, name this leader of Germany and proponent of Kulturkampf colloquially called the "Iron Chancellor.".;;(Otto) (von) Bismarck ;;An equation that relates the product of the mass density and the velocity of a fluid to the divergence of the stress tensor is called this man's "momentum equation." A theorem named for him states that the integral of a holomorphic function over a closed loop is equal to zero, and he also co-names a pair of equations that must be satisfied by the real and imaginary parts of a holomorphic function. In addition, he co-names a relation which states that the inner product of two vectors is less than or equal to the product of their norms, of which the triangle inequality is a special case. For 10 points, identify this mathematician who lends his name to an inequality along with Hermann Schwarz.;;(Augustin) (Louis) Cauchy ;;On one episode of this show, Jerry creates a beautiful work of art which he accidentally dubs a "murinal." Another character secretly moonlights as a jazz saxophonist named "Duke Silver," while another character intentionally loses at online Scrabble to his boss. One character on this show got in trouble for marrying two male penguins and once dated a police officer played by Louis C.K. The original plot of this show was about the attempts to fill in a giant pit, which Andy had fallen into. Featuring such characters as Rashida Jones' Ann Perkins and Aziz Ansari's Tom Haverford, for 10 points, name this television program about Leslie Knope, an earnest government official in the titular department, played by Amy Poehler.;;Parks and Recreation ;;One source says that this god learned how to have sex by mimicking a pair of wagtails. One of this god's journeys led him through the "country of deep roots," where he found a peach tree whose fruit he used to ward off the thunder gods and shikome, foul women who chased him out of Yomi. After an encounter with his wife's worm-eaten corpse, he took a bath, and the dirt that sloughed off of him became his children. His wife died after giving birth to the fire god HiKagutsuchi, and this figure had previously passed twice around a pillar in a courtship ritual. For 10 points, name this Shinto progenitor of the islands of Japan and the siblings Tsukuyomi, Susano'o and Amaterasu, the former husband of Izanami.;;Izanagi(-)(no)(-)(Mikoto) ;;One of his work centers on a man who feels a compulsion to kill women he's sexually involved with, and ends up killing Severine after having an affair with her. He also wrote of a concubine who humiliates rich men such as the banker Steiner and Count Muffat, but dies after contract smallpox. In addition to The Human Beast and Nana, he wrote of another character who begins to detest Catherine Maheu after she is seduced by Chaval, and resolves to continue his Marxist work after organizing many strikes in the coal mines of Montsou; that character, Etienne Lantier, appears in his Germinal. For 10 points, identify this author who wrote a letter criticizing the French government for its anti-Semitism in "J'accuse.".;;(Emile) Zola ;;In one of this artist's works, a two-faced statue overlooks the scene at left while one infant plays a flute and another infant holds an hourglass. Romulus stands wearing a red cape at the left and gives the instructions for the title action in this artist's two representations of the Rape of the Sabine Women, which depict historically accurate architecture. In another of his works, four people form a circle at center while a godly procession observes in the clouds above. In another of his works, four shepherds gather around a grave, which is marked by the title inscription. For 10 points, name this classical French painter of A Dance to the Music of Time and Et En Arcadia Ego.;;(Nicolas) Poussin ;;One character in this work contemplates painting his wife under the title "Distant Music." Earlier, after an uncomfortable mention of weddings, that character tries to end a conversation by giving Lily a large tip. One scene in this work sees Miss Ivors use the insult "West Briton." In this story, Freddy Mahlins arrives drunk to a Christmas party, which features the tenor Bartell D'Arcy singing "The Lass of Aughrim." This story ends with Gretta telling her husband about a boy who got sick after waiting in the rain for her. For 10 points, name this last story from James Joyce's Dubliners, in which Michael Furey's sad fate causes Gabriel Conroy to contemplate his own mortality.;;(The) Dead ;;This thinker first made the claim that phrases like "the greatest integer" are "nondenoting" because they do not correspond to a real meaning. Saul Kripke piggybacked off of this philosopher's treatment of "Hesperus" and "Phosphorus" as two names for Venus. He claimed that an expression expresses a "sense" but stands in for its "reference" in his treatise on naming. This thinker proposed a mathematic system that succumbs to the paradox that a set of all sets cannot logically contain both itself and other sets. For 10 points, name this German logician and philosopher who laid out naive set theory in his The Foundation of Arithmetic.;;(Friedrich) (Ludwig) (Gottlob) Frege ;;The tumultuous "Age of the Princes" in this country came to an end with the Battle of Desrage. James Bruce was a European explorer who discovered the source of a river in this country. This nation was the subject of the Hoare-Leval Pact. One emperor of this nation died at Gallabat during the Sudanese Mahdist Wars, and was known to westerners as John IV. This nation experienced a succession crisis after that death, which resulted in the ascent of an emperor who defeated Oreste Baratieri in battle. Another emperor of this nation succeeded Empress Zewditu and was deposed during its second war with Italy. For 10 points, name this nation once ruled by Haile Selassie.;;(Federal) (Democratic) (Republic) (of) Ethiopia ;;The Alvars were a mystical sect who worshipped this figure, and devotees of this figures followed scholars such as Ramanujacharya and Chaitanya, the latter of whom founded the Gaudiya school. Those devotees of this figure revered the Bhagavata Purana. The Vijayanagaras built the Ranganatha temple dedicated to this deity at Srirangam, and this deity possesses a conch called Panchajanya. He is depicted resting on Ananta, and he uses the naga-hating Garuda as his mount. He is yet to descend onto the earth in his form as Kalki. For 10 points, identify this God who took on the form of a fish, a turtle, and seven other beings, a member of the Trimurti who is known as the "preserver God" of Hinduism.;;Vishnu ;;This man, who was nicknamed "the Big Drunk," withdrew from his residence among the Cherokees after he had beaten up the man who adopted him, Chief John Jolly. He also replaced William Carroll as the Governor of Tennessee, but he was ousted from his position as the governor of another state after he refused to swear allegiance to the Confederacy. Mirabeau Lamar succeeded this man in another position. He forced an enemy to sign the Treaty of Velasco after defeating that enemy, Santa Anna, at the Battle of San Jacinto. For 10 points, identify this man who served as the first president of the Republic of Texas, and who names Texas' largest city.;;(Samuel) Houston ;;This statement implies that for the liquid drop model, isotopes with unequal numbers of protons and neutrons will have a lower binding energy that decreases with the square of the number difference. This statement can be mathematically represented by determinants composed of spin orbitals, which change sign upon permutation of rows. Another consequence of it is the electron degeneracy pressure that supports the formation of white dwarfs, and it implies that electrons occupying the same orbital must have opposite spins. For 10 points, identify this statement which implies that no two fermions can possess the same quantum numbers, developed by an Austria physicist.;;Pauli exclusion (principle) ;;The chiming of church bells forms the theme of the "Carillon" section of one work titled after a resident of this location; that work is paired with another that includes a rousing Farandole and has a theme based on the folk song "The March of the Kings." Those works were written as incidental music for a play by Alphonse Daudet. A set of three works that show different paintings hanging in over the artist's bed were painted during their artist's stay in this city, along with a painting showing a prominent pool table and three man having a drink. Paul Gauguin visited the artist of those works in this city prior to an incident which left that resident earless. For 10 points, identify this city in Southwestern France which was home to Vincent Van Gogh from 1888 to 1889.;;Arles ;;This thinker called upon readers to imagine watching men of different races at the docks in Liverpool in one work. This author postulated a theory of "survivals," outdated customs that persist through sheer force of habit. He labeled his discipline a "reformer's science" at the end of one of his works. He defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." This author of 1881's Anthropology based his theories on fieldwork in Mexico that produced his work Anahuac. For 10 points, name this pioneering British anthropologist of Primitive Culture.;;(Edward) (Burnett) Tylor ;;This man briefly wrote for a children's magazine titled The Golden Age, and his poems "Mischievous Muse" and "I Dream Awake" appear in his poetry collection Ismaelillo. This man also published a play titled Adulterous Thoughts. One of his essays advocates people to avoid antipathy to the "fair-skinned nation" and "spread the seed of the new America over the romantic nations of the continent," and is called "Our America." The lyrics to a Guajira song were published in his Versos Sencillos, and were popularized by Jose Fernandez Diaz's song adaptation. For 10 points, identify this Cuban author who composed a patriotic song about a girl from Guantanamo.;;(Jose) Marti ;;The phrase "Only connect..." appears in the epigraph of this novel, and that phrase summarizes the protagonist's intention of helping her husband overcome his limitations. A drunk Jacky claims to be the mistress of one character at his wedding celebrations, and Jacky is the wife of a character who is murdered by Charles with a sabre. Helen bears the child of Leonard Bast in this novel, in which Ruth bequeaths the title structure to the protagonist. Henry Wilcox later changes his heart and resolves to give the titular house to his second wife, Margaret Schelgel. For 10 points, identify this novel in which the Wilcoxes and the Schlegels vie for the title residence, a work by E. M. Forster.;;Howards End ;;He's not George Bush, but he was also the victim of a shoe throwing incident in February 2009 when he was giving a lecture at Cambridge University. This man was never purged from party ranks despite his involvement in the June 4 movement. His popularity skyrocketed after he traveled to a quake-hit zone in May 2008, and he has maintained that his government has no interest in appreciating the Renminbi. He was trained as a geologist, and this man succeeded Zhu Rongji. Unlike the General Secretary Hu Jintao, he is the head of the government. For 10 points, identify this man who currently serves as the Premier of the People's Republic of China.;;Wen (Jiabao) ;;In Hebrew myth, Lilith brings one of these items, which had previously been in a demon's den, into her daughter's room, causing her daughter to desire young men and prompting the saying that Lilith resides in all of these items. In another myth, a goddess is encouraged to look at one of these items after another goddess turns over a washtub and does a breast-exposing dance. In that myth, a goddess exclaims "white face!" after viewing one of them. Tezcatlipoca's name signifies a "smoking obsidian" variety of this item, one of which was placed across from Amaterasu's cave. For 10 points, name these objects, glassy surfaces that Narcissus would probably like a lot.;;mirrors ;;One character in this film sings a harmonized version of "Sweet Child of Mine" with his family. Horatio Sanz has a cameo at the end of this film as a singer who will only perform 1980's Billy Joel songs. That forces another character to sing a stirring rendition of "Por ti Volare," a success for his group, Prestige Worldwide. One character in this film is very possessive of his drum set, which causes another character to rub part of his genitals on it. The events in this movie begin after Robert marries Nancy, which greatly upsets Dale and Brennan. For 10 points, name this movie which features John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell as idiotic men who have recently become related.;;Step Brothers ;;One of his poems describes houses "haunted by white night-gowns" and laments that its residents won't "dream of baboons and periwinkles." Another of his works ends noting that "a casual flock of pigeons make ambiguous undulations as they sink" and describes a figure with "complacencies of the peignoir." This author of "Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock" and "Sunday Morning" entreats a figure to explain why "the glassy lights" "mastered the night and portioned out the sea" after noting that the subject "sang beyond the genius of the sea" in his poem "Idea of Order at Key West." For 10 points, identify this author who called "the roller of big cigars" in his poem "The Emperor of Ice Cream.".;;(Wallace) Stevens ;;Edward Hill was propped up as governor of this polity after which William Claiborne attempted to rouse residents of Kent Island against its governmnet. That period of anarchy saw much looting by Richard Ingle and is called the "plundering time." William Fuller defeated a small force organized by William Stone which led to a Puritan government in this region. Issues with the Articles of Confederation were discussed in a convention that occurred in this state that led to the Philadelphia convention. In 1649, this colony passed the Act of Toleration which allowed Catholics to practice their religion. For 10 points, identify this colony which was established by George Calvert, 1st Lord Baltimore.;;Maryland ;;He wrote an opera in which Satan asks for forgiveness from God entitled Play of the End of Time. This man's Schulwerk is his method of teaching music education to children. This man's composition Trionfo di Afrodite is part of his Trionfi trilogy. In one of his works, a singer asks a shopkeeper to give him color to redden his cheeks. One of his arias is entitled Cignus Ustus Cantat, which describes a roasting swan. His most famous work features such sections as "In the Tavern," and "The Court of Love." That work begins with his adaptation of a medieval poem about luck. For 10 points, name this German composer, whose "O Fortuna" appears in his cantata Carmina Burana.;;(Carl) Orff ;;One ruler of this dynasty signed a conciliatory treaty of Varad in which he was recognized as the successor of Janos Zapolyai, and another ruler of this dynasty fought a war against the Swiss Confederacy that ended with the bloody Battle at Dornach. An early ruler from this dynasty defeated Ottokar of Bohemia in the Battle of Marchfeld, after which that ruler came to possess Styria. This house gets its name from a castle constructed by an ancestor in Aargau that is called the Hawk's castle. The last male successor of this line was Charles VI, whose death triggered the War of Austrian Succession. For 10 points, identify this dynasty, which ruled over the Holy Roman Empire for a long time.;;Hapsburg (dynasty) ;;This man argued that environmental preservation was economically beneficial in a textbook that was later modified to become more egalitarian. Another work by him proposed five namesake methods of inductive reasoning. This author of A System of Logic and Principles of Political Economy argued that freedoms good for men were also good for women in a work possibly written by his wife, Harriet Taylor. Another book by him argued that one must act according to the "greatest happiness principle" and was inspired by the philosophy of Jeremy Bentham. For 10 points, name this English philosopher, author of The Subjection of Women and Utilitarianism.;;(John) (Stuart) Mill ;;Daniel Nugent, an Irish fisherman, is called on as a witness in this work after which the title character is indicted for murder due to his untimely arrival at the scene. One character attempts to befriend the blind Monsieur de Lacey but is discovered by his children Agatha and Felix. Justine Moritz is falsely accused of William's murder in this work, and this epistolary novel is written from the perspective of Robert Walton who meets the title character at the Arctic circle. The title character's wife Elizabeth is killed on their wedding night as the protagonist's creation seeks to exact revenge. For 10 points, identify this work subtitled "The Modern Prometheus," a novel by Mary Shelley.;;Frankenstein(;) (or(,)) (the) (Modern) (Prometheus) ;;The ruins of the city of Gedi are found at the coastal town of Watamu, and during World War I, the kipande system was implemented to coerce its natives into forced labor. Its FORD movement sought to reinstate democracy during the term of its second president, Daniel arap Moi. Its independence movement saw a massacre at the village of Lari, but lost steam after the murder of its leader Dedan Kimathi. The Meru and Embu ethnicities joined the Kikuyu majority in that rebellion, which came to be called the Mau Mau. More recently, it has seen a power-sharing agreement between Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki. For 10 points identify this country whose independence movement was led by Jomo Kenyatta.;;(Republic) (of) Kenya ;;One artist from this movement produced a set of painted reliefs called the Sculpto-Peintures. In addition to Alexander Archipenko, another proponent of this movement painted The Chessboard in addition to pioneering the use of papier-colle in its "synthetic" style. This movement was led by a man who created collages such as Musical Forms and by another figure whose portrait was executed by Juan Gris, and who included African masks in a painting depicting prostitutes from a namesake street in Barcelona For 10 points, identify this art movement whose participants sought to depict forms using basic geometric shapes, and whose most notable proponents were Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso.;;cubism ;;In one of this man's works, the protagonist meets a prisoner who talks about "a sinister game of musical chairs" before being executed. That character, Bernal, is the brother of the protagonist's future wife. This author also wrote about a schoolteacher whose father had a Cuban mistress. This creator of Harriet Winslow wrote about a man who loves Regina but is in a loveless marriage with Catalina. One of this man's titular characters is a journalist looking for Pancho Villa and is based on Ambrose Bierce. Another is a corrupt newspaper tycoon who thinks of Mexico's history as he lays on his deathbed. For 10 points, name this Mexican author of The Old Gringo and The Death of Artemio Cruz.;;(Carlos) Fuentes ;;This man devised a set of 18 functions for the brain, which can be divided into "affective," "intellectual," and "practical" types. In his most famous works, he argued for the evolution of science into philosophy and of philosophy into religion, while in another of his theories, humanity see the evolution from fetishism to polytheism and eventually ends with monotheism.That stage is the theological stage, which precedes the metaphysical stage in his three-stage theory of social development. He is also known for his contributions to positivist thought and for his six-volume opus Course of Positive Philosophy. For 10 points, identify this thinker who is regarded as the founder of Sociology.;;(Auguste) Comte ;;In one depiction of this figure, a muscular, shirtless man reaches up to him in a pose that mimics Adam in Michelangelo's Creation, while a child below him clutches at a gray woman whose lap contains a sprawling gray baby. In another depiction, this figure journeys past a writing snake near a solitary dead tree in front of a wooden fence. In that depiction, this figure is going the wrong way along a race track. He is the half-brother of Sleep in a Waterhouse painting, and a renaissance motif sees him sneaking up on a maiden. For 10 points, name this figure, depicted by Benjamin West and Albert Pinkham Ryder "on a pale horse.".;;Death ;;One close election saw this city's first black mayor, the former drug czar Lee Brown, edge out Orlando Sanchez for reelection. Before becoming Secretary of Education, Rod Paige served as superintendant of this city's schools, helping to achieve its so-called "Miracle" of higher test scores. On December 12, 2009, a runoff election to replace Bill White saw Annise Parker become this city's mayor, making her the first openly gay mayor of a city with a million residents. This city contains George Bush Intercontinental Airport and was the corporate home of Enron. For 10 points, name this Texas city, the home to NASA's Johnson Space Center and to the Astrodome.;;Houston ;;The fact that a parameter commonly analyzed in this discipline is downward biased towards zero if orthogonality is violated is called the "iron law" of this discipline. "Within-differencing," "first-differencing," and "long-differencing" are methods of panel analysis in this discipline. The "probabilistic approach" towards this discipline was pioneered by Trygve Haavelmo, and Ragnar Frisch is considered the founder of this discipline. It often employs time series data and it uses OLS methods to model data from economic variables. For 10 points, identify this discipline which attempts to elucidate quantitative relationships between economic variables using tools from mathematics and statistics.;;econometrics ;;This author wrote about a scar-faced man who ultimately reveals himself to be the traitorous Vincent Moon. In another of his stories, a wizard conspires with the god Fire to create a son, but discovers that he is actually someone else's dream. This author of "The Form of the Sword" and "The Circular Ruins" wrote about a man who murders Stephen Albert to pass information on to his German superiors. That character, Dr. Yu Tsun, has an ancestor who created a mysterious book that is actually a labyrinth of infinite futures. For 10 points, name this author of "The Garden of Forking Paths," a surrealist Argentinean author who collected his stories in Ficciones and El Aleph.;;(Jorge) (Luis) Borges ;;Jonathan Harris plays a minor character in this film, a repairman named Geri. It's not Recess: School's Out, but one character in this movie has the surprise singing voice of Robert Goulet. The ending credits to this movie see a cameo by Heimlich and Flik, whose branch is cut down. One character becomes distraught when his arm rips at the beginning of this movie, while another character is stunned to discover that his father is Emperor Zurg. The main plot of this movie sees a character kidnapped by Al to complete a collection with Stinky Pete the Prospector and Jessie the Cowgirl. For 10 points, name this Pixar film, the second to feature Woody and Buzz Lightyear.;;Toy Story 2 ;;This Democrat holds a gavel and gestures towards a man atop a pedestal in a cartoon captioned "Ready for Business," which depicts the Irish Tammany Hall vote "for sale." He lost an election after decrying tariffs as contrary to "American fairness." George Osgoodby posed as an expatriate Brit to get the British to admit that this man was their favored candidate in the Murchison letter. He was jeered with the catchphrase "Ma, ma, where's my pa?," but defeated a man who suffered from the "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" speech. For 10 points, name this president who lost to Benjamin Harrison, who served between this man's two non-consecutive terms.;;(Grover) Cleveland ;;A character in this play talks about "agricultural depression," an epidemic among the aristocracy. Another character has refuted Anabaptist views in four unpublished sermons. That character, Dr. Chasuble, is in love with the governess Miss Prism, who eventually reveals that she once lost a baby by placing it in a handbag. Gwendolen's cousin loves Cecily and later reveals that he escapes obligations by visiting a fictitious friend named Bunbury, while at the end of this play Lady Bracknell reveals Jack's real name. For 10 points, name this comedy in which Jack and Algernon Moncrieff both pretend to be the character referenced in the title, a comedy by Oscar Wilde.;;(The) Importance of Being Earnest ;;This man designed a "double-cube" room at the Wilton House that contains portraits of the Pembroke family. One of his designs has tiny rusticated basement windows, atop which are two stories of windows, the lower flanked by Ionic columns and the higher by Corinthian ones. His other double-cube room contains a ceiling with nine fresco segments, the central of which is ovular and depicts the Apotheosis of James I as executed by Peter Paul Rubens. This disciple of Palladio designed Britain's first classically inspired building, the Queen's House in Greenwich, in the 1610s. For 10 points, name this British architect who designed the Banqueting House at Whitehall.;;(Inigo) Jones ;;The two sides of this conflict briefly reconciled on Lady Day in what was called the "Love Day procession." During this conflict, Parliament instituted the Titulus Regius by declaring one ruler's marriage to Elizabeth Woodville invalid. The enmity between the Neville and Percy families spilled over into this conflict. One battle during this war was fought near a namesake abbey, and saw Edward IV defeat the forces of Margaret of Anjou. In addition to the Battle of Tewksbury and two battles fought at Saint Albans, this war included the defeat of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. For 10 points, name this series of English wars between the houses of Lancaster and York.;;(Wars) (of) (the) Roses ;;This author claimed that there is no right to hold a bird of prey accountable for being a bird of prey. Ernst Haeckel latched onto this philosopher's idea of the "world riddle." A renowned translator and interpreter of this philosopher's works was Walter Kaufman. This thinker chastised his prior love of Wagner in an "attempt at self-criticism" appended to a work in which he contrasted the Dionysian and Apollonian aspects of the title art form. He described the "blond beast" in his treatment of ethics, On the Genealogy of Morals. For 10 points, name this philosopher who proclaimed "God is Dead" in The Gay Science and wrote The Birth of Tragedy.;;(Friedrich) (Wilhelm) Nietzsche ;;This man lends his name to a U-shaped apparatus which gives the viscosity as a function of the time required for a volume to flow through the capillary tube. Another relation derived by this man shows that the law of mass action holds for solutions of weak electrolytes, and gives the electrical conductivities for those solutions at very dilute conditions. An industrial process named for him uses a platinum-rhodium gauze as a catalyst and made the Birdeland-Eyde Arc process obsolete; that process uses the product of the Haber process and oxidizes it to give one of the components of aqua regia. For 10 points, identify this German chemist who names a process used to produce nitric acid.;;(Wilhelm) Ostwald ;;This religion's believers practice the Four Restraints and they adhere to right vision, knowledge, and conduct, or the ratnatraya. Followers perform the five-fold bow when they recite this religion's primary prayer, the Namokar Mantra. This religion reserves the highest level of its seven-tiered heaven for those who have obtained liberation, or moksha. It reveres twenty-four figures who have recaptured dharma and lead others towards enlightenment, and this religion requires adherence to ahimsa, or non-violence. For 10 points, name this non-violent Indian religion founded by the last tirthankara, Mahavira.;;Jainism ;;An Indian character on this show provokes one of the central characters to slam his hand in a car door to escape his domineering father. Characters on this show were stalked by a rapist dubbed "The Carver" on its third season. One character on this show, Ava Moore, is revealed to be transgendered after she sleeps with her boyfriend Matt's biological father. Promos for the final season of this show used Kanye West's song "Flashing Lights," and that season saw lesbian anesthesiologist Liz Cruz become heterosexually married to one of the main characters, who is dying of cancer. For 10 points, name this F/X series about plastic surgeons Sean McNamara and Christian Troy.;;Nip/Tuck ;;One character in this novel murders Faye and had previously killed her own parents for their money. Another character makes thousands selling beans to starving Europeans. The housekeeper Lee discusses the concept of timshel, which means "thou mayest" and offers a counterpoint to one character's fatalism. A key scene in this novel sees a character going off to fight in World War I in the wake of the mental trauma he suffered when he visited his mother's brothel. In this novel, Caleb becomes jealous of his brother Aron, who is more loved by their father Adam. For 10 points, name this John Steinbeck novel about the Trask family who reenact the story of Cain and Abel.;;East of Eden ;;One act regulating this product prompted a test based on whether legislation was aimed at "discrete and insular minorities." That act banning a type of this product prompted the case U.S. v. Carolene Products, which contained Justice Stone's "footnote four," an expansion of the "preferred freedoms" doctrine. A Congressional act banned the "filled" variety of it. A man with this surname styled himself the "Mayor of Castro Street." That man with this surname was murdered, prompting the "Twinkie defense" of Dan White, who killed a man with this surname and George Moscone. For 10 points, give this surname of openly gay San Francisco city supervisor Harvey.;;milk ;;The protagonist of this author's most recent novel is diagnosed with thyroid cancer and, after treatment, takes a trip to a wildlife preserve to see a breeding pair of black eagles, which he dubs Cain and Abel. This author of Get a Life wrote about a man who gets his foot stuck in deep mud and believes a dead man is pulling him down. In addition to writing about Mehring in The Conservationist, he wrote a novel that follows Maureen and Bamford Smales, an educated white couple hiding for their lives with their long-time former servant. For 10 points, name this author who imagined a bloody South African revolution against the apartheid government in July's People.;;(Nadine) Gordimer ;;In this city, False Creek is an inlet to the east of English Bay that separates downtown from the rest of the city. It enacted "View Protection Guidelines" in 1990, establishing height limits on buildings to protect views of the North Shore Mountains that overlook this city. Lost Lagoon an artificial lake at the entrance of Stanley Park in this city, which is one of the largest urban parks in North America. This city's southern boundary is created by the Fraser River, which separates it from Richmond. For 10 points, name this city that is home to the CFL's BC Lions and the NHL's Canucks, the largest city in British Columbia and home of the 2010 Winter Olympics.;;Vancouver ;;In squamous cell carcinomas, layers of these proteins form concentric rings resulting in a structure called a namesake "pearl." A fragile skin that is extremely sensitive to pressure is characteristic of Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex, which is often caused by mutations in genes for these proteins. Leucine and glycine are prevalent in the helix-forming alpha forms of these proteins, and most of these proteins are made of an acidic chain and a neutral chain. They also have a large proportion of cysteine residues which form disulfide bonds. For 10 points, identify these proteins which are found in dead tissue such as hair and nails.;;keratin ;;In one myth, Zeus struck this figure's lover Iasion in the face with a thunderbolt after he saw mud on her back from their tryst in a field. Though she hid among the mares of Onkios, Poseidon was still able to find her and impregnate her, resulting in the birth of Despoine. In another myth, this deity disguised herself as the nurse Doso and attempted to burn away Demophon's immortality, but after Metanira stopped her, she taught her skills to Triptolemus. However, this deity is perhaps most famous for ending the harvest after her brother, Hades, took her daughter while she was picking flowers in a field. For 10 points, name this goddess of the seasons and the harvest, the mother of Persephone.;;Demeter ;;This man created the comedic innkeeper Robin and his clownish friend Rafe, who dabble in basic magic. In another of his plays, the titular character tricks Mathias and Lodowick into dueling. This man opens one of his plays with a prologue parodying Machiavelli. He created a character who poisons his daughter Abigail for entering a convent and who traitorously allies with the Turks. That character is the merchant Barabbas, who is boiled to death in a cauldron. One of his other characters asks "was this the face that launched a thousand ships?" and sells his soul to Mephistopheles. For 10 points, name this English playwright who wrote The Jew of Malta and Doctor Faustus.;;(Christopher) Marlowe ;;This man wrote a novel where a nobleman spying on an English project to research longitude becomes shipwrecked on the International Date Line. He wrote another work in which characters use the phrase "Minnie Mouse is Mickey Mouse's fiancee" as an example of neutral data. This author created a character who believes laughter to be the worst heresy and is named Jorge of Burgos. This author of The Island of the Day Before wrote about three friends who invent a fictional conspiracy theory called "The Plan," while another sees William of Baskerville investigate a murder at a monastery. For 10 points, name this Italian author of Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose.;;(Umberto) Eco ;;This man developed a statement which gives the probability of the occurrence of a transition during a perturbation. A boundary that separates unfilled orbitals from filled ones at absolute zero is a constant energy surface in k-space named for this man. An energy level named for him is equal the chemical potential at absolute zero. Particles named for him obey the statistics named for this man and Paul Dirac, and he is also the namesake of certain "problems" which involve the approximation of quantities within an appropriate order of magnitude. For 10 points, identify this Italian-America physicist who lends his name to a laboratory located near Chicago.;;(Enrico) Fermi ;;One of this composer's works sees the oboe play the only melody in the adagio second movement which frustrating Pablo de Sarasate, who refused to play it. In addition to this man's Violin Concerto in D Major, one of his works sometimes has Handel's Messiah inserted into it, as its libretto does not mention the sacrifice of Jesus. One of this man's compositions was based on the csardas of Keler Bela. The drinking song "Gaudemus Igitur" appears in one of the overtures of this composer, whose first symphony is sometimes dubbed "Beethoven's Tenth." For 10 points, name this composer of the Academic Festival Overture, A German Requiem, and the Hungarian Dances.;;(Johannes) Brahms ;;This philosopher's dissertation explained four classes, three of which are "Becoming," "Knowing," and "Being." This man argued that neither theistic commandments nor categorical imperatives will bring human beings to behave morally and that humans must cultivate their natural tendency for compassion in his On the Basis of Morality. This thinker posits that humans perceive their bodies by means of the two title concepts, which only differ due to human perspective. For 10 points, name this philosopher who introduced the concept of the "thing-in-itself" to correct Immanuel Kant's metaphysics in his work The World as Will and Representation.;;(Arthur) Schopenhauer ;;This man dropped letters addressed to fictitious groups whose names indicate preference on various issues, to test which letters were mailed most frequently. This conductor of the "lost-letter experiment" sent packages to 160 random people in Omaha, Nebraska, asking them to forward it to a friend or acquaintance they thought could bring it closer to the final individual, prompting his theory of "six degrees of separation." For 10 points, name this Yale researcher that found that sixty percent of subjects were willing to administer a lethal electric shock in order to satisfy the demands of the researcher in his "obedience to authority" experiment.;;(Stanley) Milgram ;;Objects near the center of this structure are subject to the "paradox of youth." Bertil Lindblad attempted to explain the dynamics of this structure. It is the nearest object to which the Lin-Shu density wave theory applies. The center of this structure is visible through Baade's Window. The portion of the sky obscured by this structure is called the Zone of Avoidance. The massive radio source called Sagittarius A-Star is located in the center of this structure, which is a member of the Local Group that will eventually collide with Andromeda. For 10 points, name this spiral galaxy in which you currently reside.;;(the) Milky Way (Galaxy) ;;One work by this man contains a tarantella male variation and a pas de deux whose major theme is a descending G Major scale. Another of his works contains the Neapolitan Dance and a second pas de deux by Ludwig Minkus in which the ballerina traditionally performs 32 fouettes [fwa-TAYS] to seduce her lover Sigfried. Another ballet by him contains the Bluebird Pas de Deux and a variation performed by the Lilac Fairy before she grants the gift of sleep to Princess Aurora. He composed the Dance of the Reed Flutes and the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy for a ballet about Clara and her titular toy. For 10 points, name this Russian composer of Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and The Nutcracker.;;(Pyotr) (Illych) Tchaikovsky ;;In one scene in this play, one character says another character will suffer consequences "because you listened." Another character discovers to his horror the truth about Bruce and Harriet Nyborg. Offstage characters in this play include rival Jerry Graff and the protagonists' superiors, Mitch and Murray. The first scenes in this play are set in a Chinese restaurant, and one scene sees Moss and Aaronow hypothetically talking about staging a robbery. At the end of this play, Shelley "the Machine" Levene is taken away for questioning, prompting Ricky Roma to demand his action. For 10 points, name this David Mamet play about desperate real estate agents and their quest for "leads.".;;Glengarry Glen Ross ;;In the preface to one work, this philosopher discussed the paradox of evaluating knowledge based on knowing the absolute, when we have no idea what the absolute is. This thinker attacked Karl Ludwig von Haller's claim that laws were artificial in a work that divides ethics into three spheres: abstract right, morality, and ethical life. He claimed that the "world spirit" progressed from east to west in his Philosophy of History. He only got around to writing the first volume of his proposed "System of Science," which contains an expansion of his "master-slave dialectic." For 10 points, name this thinker who wrote The Philosophy of Right and The Phenomenology of Spirit.;;(Georg) (Wilhelm) (Friedrich) Hegel ;;John Wheeler proposed a modified thought experiment based on this investigation in which the observer can choose the method of measuring the result, and is called the "delayed choice" experiment. A variant of this experiment performed by Shariar Afshar involved a grid of wires placed before a lense, and it was first performed with electrons by Claus Jonnson. Setups in which one of the paths is closed off provides an illustration of Bohr's complementarity principle, and in its original form, light passing through the namesake setup produced a series of interference fringes. It was the first experiment to demonstrate the wave-nature of light. For 10 points, identify this experiment which was performed by a British Egyptologist.;;(Young's) double slit (experiment) ;;In one solo piano suite, this composer used a Spanish melody and a persistent upper register F-sharp and A to represent a "Boat on the Ocean." That suite by this composer also contains the movement "The Night Moths." This composer was inspired by a Liszt piece to compose a solo piano piece that he dedicated to his teacher, Gabriel Faure. This composer of Mirrors and Jeux d'eau wrote another piece for solo piano to one-up the extreme difficulty of Balakirev's Islamy, his Gaspard de la Nuit. An extended ostinato snare drum rhythm punctuates the repetitive Spanish dance in another of his works. For 10 points, name this French composer of Bolero.;;(Joseph(-)Maurice) Ravel ;;Edward Moskal, the head of the Polish American Congress, once called this man a "millionaire carpetbagger" and claimed he had dual citizenship. He choreographed the handshake between Rabin and Arafat at the signing of the Oslo Accords in his role as a Clinton adviser. During his time in Congress, he excused himself from voting on Freddie Mac issues because he sat on the board of that institution. This man was offered a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet, but ended up going to Sarah Lawrence instead. He recently apologized for using the word "retards" to describe uncooperative liberals. For 10 points, name this sharp-spoken Chief of Staff of Barack Obama.;;(Rahm) Emanuel ;;This artist was inspired to found a movement in his correspondences with Eva Watson-Schutze. In one exhibition of his work, he claimed "I am an American...the search for truth is my obsession." He executed a series of abstract, subject-free works called Equivalents. One of his works shows a narrow gangway that separates an upper deck of men from a lower deck of women and children on a boat. This artist of The Steerage and founder of the journal Camera Work also depicted a certain woman holding her hands to her face and clutching a cattle skull in many photos. For 10 points, name this Photo Secession founder who took many pictures of his wife, Georgia O'Keeffe.;;(Alfred) Stieglitz ;;This author created a character who loves the country girl "Bet Bouncer," while another of this man's characters has his marriage to Arabella Wilmot broken up by her father's financial prudence. This creator of Tony Lumpkin ended one of his plays with the female lead betrothed to Charles Marlow, while another novel by this man ends with the revelation that Olivia is really married to the libertine Squire Thornhill. This author created such characters as Dr. Charles Primrose, a clergyman who goes bankrupt, and Kate Hardcastle, who engages in the titular action of one work by posing as a barmaid. For 10 points, name this British author of She Stoops to Conquer and The Vicar of Wakefield.;;(Oliver) Goldsmith ;;One scene in this city shows a broom and a bucket in the lower right corner of a canvas that depicts a woman in blue holding the hand of a child wearing yellow. Another depiction of this city shows two women apart from a group of five other people who stand next to a boat moored on a brown embankment. A painting of this city omitted a large gap created by the explosion of a gunpowder store. A courtyard in this city was depicted by Pieter de Hooch, and another depiction made use of an inverted Galilean telescope to render this city, which is shown on the banks of the Schie canal. For 10 points, name this city, a "View" of which was painted by Jan Vermeer.;;Delft ;;A cartoon endorsed by this political party claims "Elephants in front of them / and nothing but the people back of them." The political boss Leander Perez tried to keep this party going after its sole presidential campaign. A vice presidential candidate for this party replaced Thomas Bailey as governor of his state. Members had earlier walked out of another party's convention after a speech by Hubert Humphrey. This political party opposed Harry Truman by selecting Fielding Wright and Strom Thurmond as their candidates to promote their Jim Crow policies. For 10 points, name this secessionist group of Democrats nicknamed for the part of the country south of the Mason-Dixon.;;States' Rights (Democratic) (Party)|Dixiecrats ;;Duhring plots, which relate the boiling point of a solution to the boiling point of water, can only be applied in conditions where this relation holds. Its namesake also names the cryoscopic and ebullioscopic constants used in Van't Hoff's rule. Positive and negative deviations from it are characteristic of azeotropes, and another formulation of this statement, which applies to components whose concentration limits to zero, is called Henry's law. For 10 points, identify this eponymous law which states that for an ideal solution, the vapor pressure can be described as a sum of the products of the pressure for each component times the mole fraction.;;Raoult's (law) ;;Thomas de la Warre was granted a charter to construct this city's cathedral, and its economy prospered after the construction of a canal which connected it to the mouth of the Mersey River. Along with a neighboring city, it was a target of the Luftwaffe's "Christmas Blitz," and Friedrich Engels' The Condition of the Working Class in England was a study of this city's textile workers during the industrial revolution. Another event occurred in this city when protesters were massacred in 1819 when they had gathered to listen to Henry Hunt while demonstrating against the Corn Laws. For 10 points, identify this industrial city in Northern England, which was the setting of the Peterloo massacre.;;Manchester ;;The title character of this short story is deceived to return after he is told that a silver-mounted rifle awaits him. One character in this work laments that sand isn't a "palatable substitute" for oats after that man's companion goes to Poplar Cove to gather news. The title character plays games such as "Black Scout" and frequently causes trouble in a hideout outside the town of Summit.The titular event is planned in order to finance a two-lot scheme, though Bill and Sam are exhausted by the title character's mischief and return him to Mr. Dorset. For 10 points, identify this work in which Bill and Sam pay Ebenzer Dorset to take back their kidnapped son, a short story by O. Henry.;;(The) Ransom of Red Chief ;;The Wadi Hadramawt Oasis is a popular tourist attraction in this country. Hadiboh and Qulansiyah are the major towns found in an archipelago off the coast of this country. This country, which owns the Socotra archipelago, and the FLOSY and NLF waged war during the independence of this country, whose northern and southern portions were united during the rule of Ali Abdullah Saleh. This country is situated to the east of the Bab el Mandeb, and like its eastern neighbor Oman, it shares a portion of the Rub al Khali with its northern neighbor, Saudi Arabia. For 10 points, identify this country located at the southwest corner of the Arabian peninsula, whose capital is Sana'a and which has a large seaport named Aden.;;Yemen ;;The protagonist of this work shows that he can control the mind of an elderly Samana. Along with A Child's Soul, Klein and Wagner, and Klingsor's Last Summer, this work forms a set of novellas called The Way Within. Early in this work the title character's travels lead him to a lover who, towards the work's end dies of a snake-bite. The title character adopts his unruly son during his stay with the ferryman Vasudeva, from whom he discovers the eternal nature of the River. This work ends when Govinda kisses the title character's face, during which he has a vision of the transitory nature of the world. For 10 points, identify this novella about a figure whose story parallels that of Gautama the Buddha, written by Hermann Hesse.;;Siddhartha ;;In the music video for this song, the singer is disgusted to find out that a man is wearing a toupee, which the singer promptly stuffs in its owner's mouth, while an earlier scene shows the singer sending text messages such as "TOOLBAG ALERT!" and "What a mega douche MASTER!!!" The singer asks the addressee to "cut to the chase kid" and claims "I wanna be naked and you're wasted." The line "I don't care who you are in this bar" is sung by 3OH!3 in this song. The singer claims that the addressee won't get lucky "in the back of my car" and requests men to stop talking in the titular fashion. For 10 points, identify this song with a repetitive title, the second single off of Animal for Ke$ha.;;Blah Blah Blah ;;The narrator of one of his poems rides down in a boat into an "immeasurable void" after traveling through ancient ruins in his poem "Alastor." The Peterloo massacre inspired this man's "The Masque of Anarchy" and the title phenomenon is described as "the awful shadow of some unseen power / Floats though unseen among us" in his "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty." He called the title entity the "breath of Autumn's being" and asked "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind" in one poem, and a traveler described a statue with a "sneer of cold command" whose pedestal reads "'Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'" For 10 points, identify this poet who wrote "Ode to the West Wind" and "Ozymandias.".;;(Percy) (Bysshe) Shelley ;;Every one-percent increase in this quantity corresponds to a two-percent loss in potential GDP in the "gap version" of Okun's law. Keynes's attacks of Pigou's work about a "theory" of it led Pigou to formulate the "real balance effect" whereby a rise in this quantity leads to a drop in prices, which eventually results in this quantity becoming zero. Phelps theorized that in the long run, it can be represented by a vertical line called the NAIRU. As inflation increases, this quantity decreases, according to the Phillips Curve. Types of this phenomenon include frictional and seasonal. For 10 points, name this phenomenon that occurs when people are willing to work but can't find a job.;;unemployment ;;Two of this man's compositions are based on poems from Heine's Lyrisches Intermezzo, and one of those ends with the titular poet constructing a coffin to house his misfortunes. In addition to Die Lotosblume and Dichterliebe, he created another set of fantasy pieces based on a mad kappelmeister created by E. T. A. Hoffman, and "Traumerei" and "Of Foreign Lands and Peoples" are movements of another of his works dedicated to Chopin. In addition to Kreisleriana and Kinderszenen, he, he composed another work after a visit to the Cologne Cathedral. For 10 points, identify this composer who married Clara Weick and composed the Spring and Rhenish symphonies.;;(Robert) Schumann ;;In one scene in this story, the protagonist threatens to put one character in a field with the ram Goliath. At the end of this story, the protagonist kicks a "lantern-jawed, fortune-telling note shaver" out the door. One character in this story has a handkerchief with the trapped voice of Miser Stevens. At the end of this story, the titular character learns his sons will die in war and that he will never become president. This story famously sees Simon Girty, King Philip, and Blackbeard as part of a group assembled by Mr. Scratch. For 10 points, name this Stephen Vincent Benet short story about Jabez Stone, whose soul is saved in a trial won by the titular New England politician.;;(The) Devil and Daniel Webster ;;A local legend about this mountain tells how Saghalie transformed Wy'east into it as a punishment for defying him. Lakes near this mountain include Burnt Lake, Trillium Lake and Lost Lake. One of the ways to climb this mountain is by using the dangerous Muddy Forks trail. Points of interest at this mountain include Ramona Falls, which flows into Sandy Creek, and the Eliot Creek. This mountain's passes include Zigzag Canyon and it is located nearby the polis of Parkdale. Iit was named by William Broughton, a member of George Vancouver's expedition. For 10 points, name this extinct volcano that has caused multiple climbing accidents in Oregon, its highest point.;;(Mount) Hood ;;In one work by this author, one character describes watching a gay black man frequently walk to the bathroom in a kimono and describes his encounters with his landlady's dog. In another of his plays, one character admits to having eloped with a gardener after another character brings up the topic of a dead child. In the former play, Peter hears the story of a "permanent transient" who impales himself on a knife after lunging at Peter, and in the latter play by this author, various games are concocted to entertain Nick and Honey. For 10 points, identify this author who wrote about Jerry's contact with humanity in The Zoo Story and about George and Martha's marital problems in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?.;;(Edward) Albee ;;Among this man's influential essays include "Bertrand Russell's Searchlight" and "The Philosophy of Travel." Inone work, he claimed that truth, matter, spirit, and essence are the four qualities of reality, and he drew upon Hegel in a work subtitled "The Phases of Human Progress." In his most famous work, this man took a pragmatic approach to epistemology and invoked his theory of essence in claiming that knowledge cannot be acquired in infinitesmal "instants of awareness." For 10 points, identify this philosopher who wrote Skepticism and Animal Faith, but is best known for coining the phrase "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.".;;(Georges) Santayana ;;Its music video shows the headlines of The Evening Star, after which the singer attempts to walk with crutches, and in another scene, one figure dies after he is served Neurosonic laced with poison that was stored in a ring. After stating that "My lashes are dry, purple teardrops I cry," the singer claims that "loving you is cherry-pie." It also describes a figure that will be "starting between the sets" when she is "backstage at your show" and makes promises like "Baby you'll be famous" and "there's no other superstar." For 10 points, identify this song about the relationship between the singer and a fan who vows "I'll follow you until you love me," a hit by Lady GaGa that shares its title with people who like to take pictures of celebrities.;;Paparazzi ;;This artist's father Benjamin is depicted in his painting The Writing Master, and can be seen observing Bertrand Gardel and George Holmes play a game of chess in his The Chess Players. Many of his works show a sculptor studying nude models for his sculptures. In addition to his portraits of William Rush, he showed six nude men taking a dip in Dove lake in his The Swimming Hole. Another of his works features the title figure dressed in white, who addresses students as a masectomy is being performed, which contrasts with another work set in the Jefferson Medical College. For 10 points, identify this artist who depicted the change in medical practice in his works The Agnew Clinic and The Gross Clinic.;;(Thomas) (Cowperthwait) Eakins ;;In beam theory, the bending moment is given by this quantity times the moment of inertia times the curvature of the beam. The limit to which this quantity can be applied is squared and divided by twice this quantity to give the resilience. The quantity 1 plus Poisson's ratio times twice the shear modulus gives this quantity, and it can be used over ranges where the stress is less than the yield strength. According to the generalized Hooke's law, this tensor quantity is the ratio between the uniaxial stress and uniaxial strain, and can thus be found from the slope of a stress-strain curve. For 10 points, identify this quantity which has units of pressure and which describes the stiffness of a material.;;Young's (modulus) ;;He composed a set of works dedicated to Grand Duke Paul of Russia that includes pieces such as "The Birds" and "How Do You Do?" and one finale contains various pauses to confuse the audience, titled "The Joke." One of his works contains the "Ewiger, machtiger Gott" chorus towards the end of its "Spring" movement. Another set of his works are occaisonally named for his collaborator Johann Salomon, including one whose second movement contains an 8-note accompaniment by the bassoons that imitates the ticking of the title device, and another which derives its name from the loud G chord in its sixteenth measure. For 10 points, identify this composer of the Clock and Surprise symphonies.;;(Franz) (Joseph) Haydn ;;One of his short stories describes an expert huntsman who is attracted to Arina Timofeyevna, and in another short story, Vassily Vasilych describes his suffering to the narrator before comparing himself to the titular Shakespearean character. In another work one of the protagonists feuds with his companion's uncle Pavel, and that protagonist is earlier rejected when he confesses his love for Anna Sergeevna. The former collection contains such stories as "Yermolai and the Miller's Wife" and "Hamlet of the Schigrovsky District," while in the latter novel, Arkady is enthralled with the nihilistic theories of Bazarov. For 10 points, identify this author of A Sportsman's Sketches and Fathers and Sons.;;(Ivan) Turgenev ;;The leaders of the anti-Western Boko Haram operating in this country were targeted in an attack on its Bauchi state. Recently this country saw deadly sectarian violence in the city of Jos. David Mark presides over this country's senate. In November 2009, its president went to Saudi Arabia to treat his pericarditis, which resulted in Good Luck Jonathan being named its acting President in February 2010. Between November and February, the MEND called off a cease-fire in a contested oil-rich region, and one of its citizens boarded a flight to Detroit with explosives in his underwear. For 10 points, identify this country currently led by Umaru Yar'Adua, whose capital is Lagos.;;(Federal) (Republic) (of) Nigeria ;;An alternative method of stating this law is that its namesake substances must have a compressibility factor of unity. Deviations from it tend to zero at a temperature named for Boyle, at which the first order approximation to the virial equation is equivalent to this statement. It assumes that particles of the namesake substances have zero volume, participate in perfectly elastic collisions, and have no intermolecular attractions; those assumptions were first corrected for by the van der Waals equation of state. For 10 points, identify this law which states that certain substances can be described by the equation of state PV=nRT.;;ideal gas (law) ;;In one story, Hera sent horses belonging to this god all around the earth to threaten any town that would let Leto in to give birth to Apollo and Artemis. One of this god's sons attempted to construct a temple to him made of the skulls and bones of murdered travelers; that son, Cycnus, was killed by Heracles.This god was often accompanied by such figures as Polemos's daughter Alala and the goddess Enyo. Hermes once rescued this god from an urn in which he had been imprisoned by Otus and Ephialtes. Children of this god include Penthesilea, Eros, Phobos, and Deimos. For 10 points, name this Olympian deity, a son of Zeus and Hera, who served as the Greek god of war.;;Ares ;;One character in this work claims that she works as a traveler's aid at an airport by helping misdirect them, and that character is teased by her lover when she admits to jumping naked in a fountain in Rome. One character in this film discovers that her father had died at Fawcett farm and had his eyes gouged out, and that character's daughter Cathy sees the death of her teacher Annie Hayworth in a similar fashion. It ends with Mitch allowing Cathy to bring along a birthday present as they take Melanie to San Francisco for treatment. For 10 points, identify this movie based on a story by Du Maurier in which Bodega Bay sees several attacks by the title avians, a film directed by Alfred Hitchcock.;;(The) Birds ;;The protagonist of this work meets John and Isabella during her stay in Bath, and becomes disturbed by Isabella's conduct with after Isabella deserts her lover James. John lies about the protagonist's wealth in this novel, and takes revenge after his advances are spurned by the protagonist. The protagonist is delighted to be invited to the titular location, and suspects that one of its residents was killed by her husband, but her stay is abruptly cut off after she is forced to leave by General Tilney. Henry Tilney apologizes to the protagonist and proposes the protagonist's hand in marriage For 10 points, identify this novel about Catherine Morland, who is interested in Gothic romances, a work by Jane Austen.;;Northanger Abbey