;;In the pursuit phase of this battle, some of the victors forces were ambushed when they were slowed down by the Malfosse. The bard Taillefer initiated this battle by reciting the Chanson de Roland. Following this battle the losing force lost additional battles at Dover and Canterbury, while an earlier battle saw the loser of this battle defeat Harald (*) Hadrada at Stamford Bridge. Finally ending the sucession after Edward the Confessor's death, for 10 points, name this 1066 battle where Harold Godwinson lost to William the Conqueror.;;(Battle) (of) Hastings ;;This poet wrote about how "fountains mingle with the river" and "mountains kiss high heaven" in Love's Philosophy and Demogorgon praises the glory of the title titan in Prometheus Unbound. Another poem ends with a call to "the trumpet of a prophecy" and describes the "breath of Autumn's being." The speaker of one poem asks the title figure to "teach me (*) half the gladness that thy brain must know" and another poem by this man features an inscription near "two vast and trunkless legs of stone" in "an antique land." For 10 points, name this British poet of Ode to the West Wind, Ozymandias, and To a Skylark.;;(Percey) (Bysshe) Shelley ;;This body of of water is bordered by an eroded sandstone cliff known as Miner's Castle and it is fed by Bridalveil Falls; both of which are part of this body's Pictured Rocks Lakeshore. The Porcupine Mountains are found just off this lake's southern shore and this lake contains the heavily Finn-populated Copper Island. In 1975, it was the site of the wreck of the (*) Edmund Fitzgerald. The Canadian city of Thunder Bay lies on its north shore, while almost the whole of Michigan's Upper Peninsula abuts its south. Referred to as 'Gitcheegumee' by Longfellow, FTP, identify this largest freshwater lake by area; the largest of the American Great Lakes.;;(Lake) Superior ;;One character in this novel has a dream about a shrouded Arabian traveler chasing him to a protective city that he identifies with death. Chad King and Roland Major are friends of the narrator living in Denver, while Jane Lee is the drug addicted wife of Old Bull Lee. Terry sleeps with the protagonist who had earlier tried to convince Rita Bettencourt that sex is beautiful. One character is involved romantically with (*) Camille, Inez, and Marylou, and the narrator Sal Paradise worships that character, Dean Moriarty. For 10 points, name this beat novel about traveling west by Jack Kerouac.;;On the Road ;;Songs by this group include "The Girl from Yesterday" and "Learn to Be Still." This band's most recent album features the instrumental track "I Dreamed There Was No War," as well as the country hit "Busy Being Fabulous." In addition to Hell Freezes Over and The Long Road out of Eden, their best known album includes the song "Pretty (*) Maids All in a Row", "The New Kid in Town" and the title track, whose lyrics recall the "warn smell of colitas rising up through the air." FTP, name this rock band most famous for that song about a place where "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave," Hotel California.;;(The) Eagles ;;The introduction to the first published libretto of this musical work references Virgil's fourth Eclogue, and was complied by Charles Jennens. The text of this work's first section, The Annunciation, draws mostly from Isaiah, with notable exceptions being "Come unto Him" and "His yoke is easy, " which are both from Matthew. Though it was originally meant to be performed during (*) Lent, today it most often heard during Christmas with most of the Passion and the Aftermath excluded. Its most famous chorus takes its text from Revelation, and King George II's gout might explain one traditionally stands during that last movement. FTP, identify this oratorio by Handel, best known for its Hallelujah Chorus.;;Messiah ;;Works by this writer include Salutations and The Leader, as well as a satire of Macbeth and a work that one critic suggests may hold the record for most on-stage deaths, Killing Game. One of this author's better-known plays includes a discussion of a dead man whose name is (*) Bobby Watson, as is his wife's, before the Smiths and the Martins are interrupted by the entrance of the fire chief. That man causes Mrs. Smith to comment that the titular character "always wears her hair in the same style." FTP, name this French-Romanian absurdist playwright of The Chairs, Rhinoceros, and The Bald Soprano.;;(Eugene) Ionesco ;;Joyce Oates considers Answer to Job to be ths thinker's most important work. His interest in Hinduism led to his theory of synchronicity and he called the world maya to separate it from another construct he identified with the atman. This man's theory of personality would lead to the (*) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This man theorized that the anima was the feminine soul of man, and that women had a corresponding animus, and the shadow, mana, and the mother represent other universal symbols. For 10 points, name this student of Freud who posited archtypes that inhabited a collective unconscience.;;(Carl) Jung ;;These chemicals affect gene expression by binding to TIR1, and they leave the cell via PIN proteins. Examples such as 2,4 -D and 2,4,5 -T are used as selected herbicides and were used in agent orange. Boyson-Jensen's experiments identified the mechanism of these chemicals, but it was F W Went who first extracted them from avena sativa in agar. The acid (*) growth model explains their primary function, which is to promote stem elongation. For 10 points, name this class of plant hormones produced in the apical meristem and that causes apical dominance.;;Auxins ;;When combined with calcium hydroxide, this rock is called pozzolan and has industrial uses as a form of cement. This rock can form a namesake cone around volcanoes that is similar to a cinder cone, but is filled with vesicles. These igneous rocks are formed when lava high in (*) volatiles cools quickly above ground and are sometimes given the name "volcanic froth," and they are one of the few rocks to float in water. For 10 points, name this light colored spongy rock often used in concrete, but better known as a powder or an abrasive.;;Pumice ;;An old man in this work is unemotionally cradling his dead son in his arms. Another scene in this work sees three men in shadow, one of which has his hands clasped in prayer. One figure in the lower left hand corner of this painting is partially submerged in the ocean with a titanic wave behind him, and that (*) corpse's realistic treatment was based on the artist's study of the deceased at a nearby hospital. One of the central triangles in this work has a black man standing on a barrel and supported by some of his fellow passengers. FTP, name this most famous work of Theodore Gericault where the people on a titular vessel attempt to signal a passing ship.;;Raft of the Medusa ;;This author wrote a story which tells of a robber named Kandata who loses his chance at salvation when he forbids other residents of hell from climbing to heaven with him, "The Spider Thread." Like Gogol, this author wrote a story called "The Nose," as well as another story about the mad painter (*) Yoshihide watching his daughter burn in a carriage. He wrote a story told from multiple perspectives about the rape of a woman and the murder of her husband, but is probably best known for a story about a lowly servant who steals the clothes of a woman near the titular structure. FTP, name this author of "Hell Screen," "In a Grove," and "Rashomon.".;;Akutagawa (Ryunosuke) ;;Experience gained under Joaquin de Arrodondo helped shape this man's career, and he received accolades for his bravery at the battle of Medina. He lost his leg fighting the French at Vera Cruz in the Pastry War. In one of his seven stints as president, he put down a revolt in Zacateca and allowed his army to loot the state for two days, while in another term of office, he led the troops who perpetrated the (*) Goliad Massacre before losing the Battle of San Jacinto. The leader of the Mexican forces that lost to Zachary Taylor at the Battle of Buena Vista, for ten points, name this Mexican general and politician, perhaps best known for his victory at the Alamo.;;(Antonio) (Lopez) (de) Santa Anna ;;One ruler of this country advocated Prometheism and returned to power in 1926's May Coup. The Golden Liberty principles and Sarmatists culture of its nobility shaped its culture, while those nobles rallied after one of its kings made the Lvov Oath. One of its rulers took Galicia after the death of Dmitry Dedko in 1349, but later renounced this country's claim on Silesia. (*) Casimir III led this country, who under Jozef Pilsudski defeated the Soviets at the so-called "miracle" of its major river. Also ruled by Wadyslaw II Jagiello, FTP, name this European nation in which Lech Walesa led the Solidarity Movement, the subject of several notable partitions.;;Poland ;;During World War II, this franchise played one season as a combined team with the Cardinals, losing every game they played. This team's longest-tenured head coach retired after Neil O'Donnell's rookie season, four years before O'Donnell led them to Super Bowl XXX, where he threw two interceptions in this team's loss to the (*) Cowboys. Chuck Noll retired in 1991 after coaching this franchise for 22 years, a span during which he won four Super Bowls with the help of John Stallworth and Franco Harris. Led more recently by a QB known for sexual assault allegations, for ten points, name this NFL team of Terry Bradshaw and Ben Roethlisberger.;;(Pittsburgh) Steelers ;;One of this artist's paintings sees a patient having a stone extracted from his head by trepanation by a man with a funnel on his head. Another of this man's works is a scene of people singing, partying, and wasting their human existence in similar way on the titular vessel. In addition to The Cure of Folly and (*) Ship of fools, he also painted Christ in the sky looking down at the multitude of methods of corruption of humans who around the titular vehicle in his Haywain triptych. FTP, name this Northern renaissance painter of another triptych detailing a plethora of crazy animals, giant fruit, and lots of promiscuous humans, The Garden of Earthly Delights.;;(Hieronymus) Bosch ;;This work's protagonist is deeply scarred after his family is wracked with scarlet fever, while another death in this work is erroneously justified by the discovery of a locket. While writing four letters to his sister Margaret Walton Saville, Captain Robert Walton informs her about his quest to find (*) Hyperborea, and his experience meeting the titular character. The titular character is nursed for four months by his childhood friend, Henry Clerval. That character, Victor, is pursuing his creation across the arctic at the beginning of the novel. FTP name this book by Mary Shelley about a man who makes a monster.;;Frankenstein(:)|(The) (Modern) (Prometheus) ;;One sacred site in this nation constructed upon a massive rock in the ocean is guarded by sea snakes while another temple was said to be formed when Indra slew a demon; these temples are Tanah Lot and Tirta Empul. One cultural activity is the wayang kulit shadow puppet theatre and a metallic percussion ensemble known as the (*) gamelan. This nation occupies most of an island it shares with Malaysia and Brunei and another island of this nation is shared with Papua New Guinea. FTP, identify this Asian archipelagic nation that holds the islands of Borneo, Bali and Java and has its capital at Jakarta.;;Indonesia ;;This ruler ignored the Statute of Monopolies act passed under his father to raise money, and angered landlocked areas by assessing the ship money tax throughout England. His campaign against Alexander Leslie and the Coventers was hampered by lack of funds. His relationship with George (*) Villiers, the Duke of Buckingham, alienated Parliament until Villiers' death at the siege of New Rochelle in the 30 Year's War, and this man's losses in the Bishops' Wars with Scotland resulted in the Short and Long Parliaments. Opposed by the Roundheads during the English Civil War, for ten points, name this English king who fell victim to regicide, the son of James I.;;Charles I ;;The Walrasian variety of this quantity satisfies the weak axiom of revealed preference, and Jevons paradox predicts a greater value for this with rising efficieny. A strong negative income effect in Giffin goods causes this quanity to rise with price, and the (*) subsitution effect occurs when two similar products are offered, like Coke and Pepsi The Slutsky equation relates two forms of this quantity named for Hicks and Marshall. Say's law states that this is created by supply. For 10 points, name this economic quanity which represents the amount of a good consumers desire for a given price.;;Demand ;;This president served as civil service commissioner under Benjamin Harrison, and was reappointed to the post by Grover Cleveland after the election of 1888. His successor dismissed a man who had overseen this President's "Midnight Forests" plan, Gifford Pinchot, and he earlier pursued (*) antitrust cases against Northern Securities and Standard Oil. His eponymous tenet of international diplomacy states the U.S. has the right to intervene and stabilize the financial affairs of Central American nations, modifying the Monroe Doctrine. Awarded the Nobel Prize for helping to end the Russo-Japanese War, FTP, name this 26th president.;;Theodore Roosevelt ;;This composer's often performed fourth symphony's fourth movement is entitled Finale con epilogo fugato. This composer's 1914 work for orchestra and violin uses that solo instrument to represent the titular bird of a George Meredith poem. The first movement of his eighth symphony in D minor was entitled "seven variations in search of a theme." He combined a swaying theme with a borrowed hymn in his Fantasia on a Theme by (*) Thomas Tallis, while he set poems from Whitman's Leaves of Grass to music in his Sea Symphony. For 10 points, name this British composer who borrowed material from his opera Sir John in Love for his song Greensleeves.;;(Ralph) Vaughan Williams ;;This man kneels and prays to the Virgin Mary so that he might find a church in which he could attend Christmas Mass. This man is given deer, a boar, and the hide of a fox from one host, with whom this figure remains until a New Year's day incident. He rides the horse Gringolet and wears the star of Solomon on his shield, and is given a green girdle by Lady (*) Bertilak which will protect him from his primary antagonist, who had earlier picked up his severed head after being decapitated by this character in front of the court of Camelot. FTP, identify this Arthurian knight who, in a work of the Pearl Poet, faces off against the Green Knight.;;(Sir) Gawain ;;This philosopher embraces ideas of Fechner and Bergson in one work and in another criticizes Spinoza's unity of all things and Hume's separateness--those works are A Pluralistic Universe and The Sentiment of Rationality. Walt Whitman is an example of a healthy person in a work which includes chapters like "The Sick Soul" and discusses the victory of Liberal Christianity over old hell-fire theology. This author of (*) The Varieties of Religious Experience defined the titular concept of his most famous work as the mediator between the tough and tender minded. For 10 points, name this thinker who wrote the textbook Principles of Psychology and drew from C.S. Pierce in his lecture series Pragmatism.;;(William) James ;;Novolin and Humulin are two commercial varieties of this hormone produced by E. coli and yeast respectively. This molecule starts a signaling cascade in which PI3K activates PDK1 and then the serine kinase AKT which upregulates glycogen synthesis, protein synthesis, and active transport of (*) glucose. Its alpha and beta subunit are connected by two disulfide bridges, and it is stored as a hexamer. This hormone opposes glucagon, and like amylin this hormone is secreted by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans. For 10 points, name this hormone that reduces blood glucose levels often taken by diabetics.;;Insulin ;;This founder of a namesake quinquennial festival established peace with the Parthian Empire and suppressed Boudica's uprising midway through his reign. This man's mother murdered his adoptive father Claudius with a poisoned mushroom so that he could come to power, and he finally succeeded in killing his mother, (*) Agrippina the Younger, five years later. The the subject of the 65 C.E. Pisonian conspiracy, this man forced his tutor Seneca to commit suicide for his involvement in that conspiracy. FTP, name this impetuous husband of Poppaea, last of the Julio-Claudian Roman emperors, who is said to have played the fiddle while Rome burned.;;Nero (Claudius) (Caesar) (Augustus) (Germanicus) ;;The only panel work by this man has angels kneeling before the Madonna while the prophets stand in the background, a reversal of a similar work by his teacher. This artist also built a bell tower that houses seven bells and stands as part of the Florence Cathedral complex. That Gothic tower, the (*) Campanile, and the Ognissanti Madonna were created by this artist who also painted the interior of the Scrovegni Chapel. One painting contained within features some biblical features performing the title action over the body of Christ. FTP, name the student of Cimabue who created the Lamentation which figures prominently in the Arena Chapel.;;Giotto (di) (Bondone) ;;One character in this novel returns from Europe married to the older man Gaston, but he eventually leaves her when she informs him of an affair with her nephew. That union results in a child with a pig's tail, realizing the fears of Ursula Iguaran. This novel ends with that boy being carried away by ants, fulfilling a prophecy made years earlier by the gypsy (*) Melquiades, who first introduced the wonder of ice about which Colonel Aureliano Buendia reminisces at the beginning of this novel. FTP, name this work chronicling the town of Macondo and the lives of several generations of the Buendia family over the titular period of time, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.;;One Hundred Years of Solitude|Cien Anos de Soledad ;;This man's first speech in the House of Commons ended with "though I sit down now, the time will come when you will hear me." This man was the chancellor of the exchequer during the Who-Who ministry of the Earl of Derby. He joined the Young England group along with George Smythe during the ministry of Robert Peel, and publicly opposed the (*) repeal of the Corn Laws. He named the Irish Question and claimed "peace with honor" when he attended the Congress of Berlin. For 10 points, name this Conservative who twice served as British Prime Minister and fueded with William Gladstone.;;(Benjamin) Disraeli ;;A music festival focusing on electronica is held annually in this city's commerce street, La Rambla and that festival is SONAR. This city's Montjuic or "Hill of the Jews" district is home to a light, music and water show at its Font Magica which is located in front of an art museum called The Palau National. This city is located between the mouths of the Besos and Llobregat rivers. A dragon staircase leads to this city's Park (*) Guell which like this city's ornate church, Sagrada Familia was created by the architect, Antoni Gaudi. Home to the rival soccer team of Real Madrid, FTP, identify this most populous city of the northeastern province of Catalonia; the second largest in Spain.;;Barcelona ;;This author's first novel tells the story of a man who adopts a twelve year old girl with the intent to marry her. In addition to Watch and Word, one of this man's novels sees Winterbourne become enchanted with the title unconventional American woman. In one novel Isabel (*) Archer rejects Lord Warburton and Casper Goodwood to marry Gilbert Osmond, and in another a governess believes the ghosts of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel are seeking Flora and Miles. For 10 points, name this British auther of Daisy Miller, The Portrait of a Lady and The Turn of the Screw.;;(Henry) James ;;One team from this city was coached by Kevin Constantine in the 1991 season to win the Turner Cup. The Comets are a defunct MISL team from this city who, after folding in 1991 were revived as the Attack in 2001. The MLB team from this city draws from the minor league teams of the Northwest Arkansas Naturals and a team from (*) Omaha who shares its mascot with them. That major league team from this city tied the Cleavland Indians for last place in the Center Division of the American League last year and won its only World Series title in 1985 with players including Bret Saberhagen, and manager Dick Howser. FTP, name this city, whose major teams include the NBA's Kings, the MLB's Royals, and the NFL's Chiefs.;;Kansas City ;;At one point in this opera, Spanish matadors boast of their prowess to gypsies from a distant land at a party thrown by Flora. At that party, the title character is publicly shamed and humiliated by her lover in "Questa donna conoscete?" That lover's father (*) Giorgio denounces his son's behavior, for earlier in "Pura siccome un angelo" he asked the title character to separate herself from his son due to her reputation as a loose woman. She is reunited with her lover Alfredo in the opera's final scene, moments before she dies of consumption. FTP, name this Verdi opera about Violetta, a woman gone astray.;;(La) Traviata ;;One character in this novel is approached by a Gypsy while walking with Miss Bickerton, and is subsequently surrounded by a mob of Gypsies before she is rescued by Frank. Frank lavishes affection on the title character, causing her to be worried about the lack of a relationship between him and (*) Harriet, he reveals at the end of this novel that he has secretly been engaged to Jane, and his attention to the title character has been a ploy, which suits Harriet who is in love with Robert Martin. That couple's marriage accompanies that of the title character's with Mr. Knightley in, FTP, which Jane Austen novel about a titular wannabe matchmaker?.;;Emma ;;In this belief system, the star Vega is identified with the being Vanant, and a hymn to that minor deity is one of a collection of 21 hymns in this religion called the yashts. This religion's myth system includes a dragon named Azi Dahaka, the first man Gayomart, and deceased members of this religion are not buried, but instead placed on ceremonial towers of (*) silence. One variant of this religion is worships a time-god named Zurvan, and certain hostile spirits in this religion, the Daevas, are described in its primary text, the Avesta. FTP, name this religion that venerates the counterpart of the evil Ahriman, Ahura Mazda, named after an ancient Iranian prophet.;;Zoroastrianism ;;Pedro de Valdivia was the first European to subjugate parts of this nation, whose later leaders include the liberal Manual Mott and the Christian Democrat Eduardo Frei Montalva. Carlos Ibanez attempted several coups before being elected to the presidency of this nation in 1952, while the independence of this nation was achieved by San Martin and O'Higgins at the battles of (*) Chacabuco and Maipu. This nation won a war over the Atacama desert against Peru and Bolivia, the War of the Pacific. For 10 points, name this South American country in which the Marxist Salvador Allende was ousted by the CIA-backed Augusto Pinochet.;;Chile ;;This thinker divided laws into repressive and restitutive forms in the chapter Mechanical Solidarity or Solidarity in Similarity in one of his works. He compared totems to national flags in one work and developed a theory of functionalism from social facts in another. In addition to The Elementary Forms of (*) Religious Life and The Rules of Sociological Method, another work compares the altruistic kind of the title concept to soldiers, while another kind was associated with an abrupt removal from an established group. For 10 points, name this French sociologist who wrote The Division of Labor and coined the term Anomie in his work Suicide.;;(Emile) Durkheim ;;Barney Biggard, Jack Teagarden, and Big Sid Catlett were members of this musician's All Stars, and early in his career this musician played with Kid Ory, Fate Marable, and Zutty Singleton. With Bessie Smith he recorded St. Louis Blues, and he led his Hot Five and later the Hot Seven to produce such tracks as My Heart, (*) Cornet Chop Suey, and Heebie Jeebies which was first instance of Scat Singing. For 10 points, name this jazz musician from New Orleans who recorded "Hello Dolly" and "What A Wonderful World", a trumpeter nicknamed "Satchmo.".;;(Louis) (Satchmo) Armstrong ;;One poem by this man laments his immobility and the "beauties and feelings" he has lost, and that poem is addressed to Charles Lamb. A third poem by this man contains "the dull sobbing draft, that maoas and rakes upon the strings off this aeolian lute," because "now afflictions bow [the speaker] down to earth." This poet wrote another poem in which a (*) "sacred river" meandered "with a mazy motion," that sacred river is the Alph and it leads to a "sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice." For 10 points, name this nineteenth century poet of This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison, Dejction: An Ode, and Kubla Khan.;;(Samuel) (Taylor) Coleridge ;;This battle saw Sedgewick break past the confederate lines until a delaying action on the Orange Plank Road eventually halted him at Salem church. This engagement began when Union troops crossed the Eli and Kelly fords of the Rapidan and Rappahannock rivers, and it saw divisions under Anderson and McLaws hold the entire federal force while (*) Jackson circled to the Union right flank. One confederate general was shot by his own sharpshooters while scouting at this engagement in which the inept Union general Hooker outnumbered Lee nearly two to one. For 10 points, name this May 1862 battle east of Fredericksburg which saw the death of Stonewall Jackson to friendly fire.;;(Battle) (of) Chancellorsville ;;In one of his travels, this figure turned Atlas into a mountain for trying to prevent him from entering the garden of the Hesperides. On another occasion he started a bloodbath at his wedding when Phineas tried to reclaim his bride, killing the beautiful Indian youth Athis, his lover. This figure received his bride after killing the (*) sea monster Cetus,which had been attacking the realm of the Ethiopian king, Cephus. Using a pair of winged sandals and the Hades' helm of invisibility, this figure brought about the birth of Chrysaor and Pegasus. For 10 points, name this son of Zeus that married Andromeda and killed the gorgon Medusa.;;Perseus ;;In one work by this author, Captain MacWhirr makes the decision to go into the titular event instead of around it after consulting textbooks on proper naval procedure. This man also wrote a short story that saw a nameless Captain help the deserter Leggatt escape from the H.M.S. Sephora. In addition to writing Typhoon and (*) The Secret Sharer, this man also penned a novel in which four men lounge on the H.M.S. Nellie as Marlow tells them the story of his trip to Africa. In that story Marlow enters the titular location looking for the famed ivory trader Kurtz. FTP, name this Polish-born, English author of Heart of Darkness.;;(Joseph) Conrad ;;This mathematical entity was used in aiding the work of Yuri Matiyasevich in solving Hilbert's tenth problem through its definition via a Diophantine equation. A notable feature, discovered by Johannes Kepler, was the convergence of the ratio of adjacent elements of it to a number eventually shown to be the (*) golden ratio. This fact is also apparent in Binet's formula for them, obtainable via solving its associated difference equation. For 10 points, name this mathematical sequence often found in nature where each element is obtained by adding the previous two.;;Fibonacci (Numbers) ;;This man's second symphony features two tam-tams of contrasting timbres being played against one another in its final movement. He used poems by Friedrich Ruckert as the basis of his Kindertotenlieder, or "Songs on the (*) Death of Children", and one of his most famous works features sections based on the hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus" and on the final scene of Goethe's Faust. These works were written by, FTP, what Austrian composer of "Symphony of a Thousand" as well symphonies commonly known as "Titan" and "Resurrection"?.;;(Gustav) Mahler ;;In one famous scene in this battle, artillery fire blew off the leg of Lord Uxbridge. The prelude to this battle was the Battle of Ligny which saw Blucher retreat in the direction of this battle after the Prussians were broken. Ney attempted an assault on the British middle in this battle because much of the French's infantry was tied up fighting at the farmhouse at (*) Hougoumont and the church at Placenoit. The Imperial Guard suffered its first defeat at the hands of British succession of defensive lines. FTP, name this battle where Blucher and Wellington fought against Napoleon, the last battle of the Napoleonic Wars.;;(Battle) (of) Waterloo ;;The Gibbs paradox follows from this equation by failing to treat entropy as an extensive variable, and this equation implies that internal energy is independent of volume. One modification includes a term for molecular size and interactions, while a common approximation using this equation gives a volume of (*) twenty two point four liters. The namesake constant of proportionality is equal to the product of Avogadro's number and Boltzman's constant. Applying in the limit of high temperature and low pressure, for 10 points, name this equation that states P V equals N R T and describes a particular state of matter.;;Ideal Gas (Law) ;;Saul Kripke's book Naming and Necessity refutes a theory of proper names that he names after Frege and this man, who addressed the problem of negative existentials and classified names as "disguised" definite descriptions in an essay where he addressed the sentence "the present (*) King of France is not bald," his essay On Denoting. This thinker is also known for an essay stating "Religion is based... primarily and mainly upon fear," but may be best known for cowriting a work about a titular logical discipline. FTP, name this author of Why I Am Not a Christian, who cowrote Principia Mathematica with Alfred Whitehead.;;(Bertrand) Russell ;;In one story by this author, a boy lies about his name and drowns himself after being baptized, and in another story, three boys burn down Mrs. Cope's forest. In addition to The River and A Circle in the Fire, this author wrote a story in which Mr. Shiftlet marries a deaf girl, then leaves her in a diner and steals her car, and another in which a (*) bible salesman steals Hulga's artificial leg. In another story by this author, grandma recognizes the Misfit, who proceeds to kill her family. For 10 points, name this author of The Life You Save May Be Your Own, Good Country People and A Good Man is Hard to Find.;;(Flannery) O'Connor ;;This man's animation credits include a cameo as voice of the HIV victim Todd in an episode of Captain Planet and the Planeteers, and an appearance as himself on an episode of The Simpsons in which he is cast as Bart in The Bart Simpson Story. In a film appearance, this man nearly crashes a car after exclaiming "Did you see that (*) unicorn!?" after he references a more famous appearance by saying "Dude, I was able to perform an appendectomy at age 14." FTP, name this actor who played the title role of a teenage doctor in Doogie Howser, MD, and the womanizing Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother.;;(Neil) (Patrick) Harris ;;One conflict primarily in this nation saw the Zairean province of Shaba invaded twice by the FNLA, but both times the invasion was repulsed with aid from Western forces. American military aid to one side in that conflict was made illegal by the Clark Amendment. Communist forces from this country, including Cuban troops and SWAPO rebels turned back a South African invasion at the battle of Battle of (*) Cuito Cuanavale. FTP, name this country, the site of a Cold War proxy war which saw the communist MPLA pitted against the US-backed UNTIA for control of this African country, with capital at Luanda.;;Angola ;;This city's oldest standing building was originally the Al Fahidi Fort though that structure is now incorporated into a namesake maritime history museum. Wooden boats called abras transport people across this city's namesake saltwater creek and allow access to the Deira sub-area. This city is home a set of (*) artificial islands shaped like palm trees and another like a map of the world. As of December 2009, this nation is home to the world's tallest building and is known as the Burj Khalifa. FTP, identify this extremely wealthy tourist city of the Middle East which is after Abu Dhabi the second-largest city in the United Arab Emirates.;;Dubai ;;The linearity of this equation is a theoretical proof of homogeneity and isotropy of the universe and measurements suggest we are close to the critical density at which it would asymptotically approach zero. The peculiar velocity derived from this equation suggests the existence of the Virgo supercluster, Its namesake parameter can be measured using (*) Cepheid variables and is approximately seventy kilometers per second per megaparsec. For 10 points, name this law named after an astronomer which gives the speed at which distant galaxies are travelling away from us.;;Hubble's (Law) ;;The title character leaves the city to live like St. Francis of Assisi in this author's Peter Camenzind, and another novel is a biography of a man from decadent Castalia. The narrator of another novel by this author, Emil Sinclair, is taught unconventional ways of thinking and eventually is wounded in the First World War. In another novel, (*) Hermine introduces the title character to the prostitute Maria and the artist Pablo. That work takes place at the Magic Theater and sees Harry Haller try to overcome his despair with humanity. For 10 points, name this German author of Magister Ludi, Demian and Steppenwolf.;;(Hermann) Hesse ;;His support of Andrew Jackson earned him the nickname "Young Hickory," and Jackson eventually secured this man's nomination along with his running mate George M. Dallas. James G. Birney ran against this former governor of Tennessee and thus helped him win the ballot because the successful third party campaign drew votes from (*) Henry Clay. This president stopped the Wilmot proviso from passing, negotiated an end to the Oregon Question at the forty-ninth parallel, and fought the Mexican-American war. For 10 points, name this dark horse, the eleventh president of the United States.;;(James) (Knox) Polk ;;In the last work of this artist, the titular action is performed on a Roman when Cupid unlaces his sandals and he loosens of his grip on his spear. He also created a sketch of the third estate gathering to begin the revolution. In addition to Mars being disarmed by Venus and (*) The Tennis Court Oath, he painted a group of women standing in the middle of a battleground with their babies, making Romulus and other soldiers uneasy about continuing their battle, The Intervention of the Sabine Women. FTP, name this French revolutionary and neoclassicist who painted several portrayals of Napoleon, The Death of Socrates, and the Oath of the Horatii.;;(Jacques(-)Louis) David ;;In the Book of Acts, the distance from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem is named after this observance, and during a ceremony most commonly used to conclude this holiday, women and girls may recite the prayer "God of Abraham." That ceremony sees the lighting of a namesake braided candle and the use of spices, and is called (*) Havdalah. A "ha gadol" version of this holiday is observed before Passover, and this holiday sees the blessing of the motzi over the challah. FTP, name this holiday that observers were instructed to remember and keep holy in the Ten Commandments, which for Jews is observed on Saturday rather than Sunday.;;Shabbat|(the) Sabbath ;;In one scene of the work in which this character appears, he wanders around a forest during a storm cataloging the different kinds of trees. This man is described as a knight "too solemne sad" which is demonstrated when he almost commits suicide because of the monologue of Despair. He was tricked by Archimago into thinking that his traveling companion, (*) Una, was not being chaste and then starts guarding Duessa. When at the House of Holiness he is revealed by Contemplation to be St. George. FTP, name this knight who was sent by Gloriana to kill a dragon, the protagonist of the first book of Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene.;;(The) Redcrosse (Knight) ;;This leader signed a treaty that gave his country the fortress of Noteborg, ending the Ingrian War with Russia via the Peace of Stolbovo. An arrow pierced this man's shoulder during the battle of Dirschau, which left two of his fingers paralyzed and prevented him from wearing iron armor. Prior to this man's greatest victory, the opposing side perpetrated the sack of (*) Magdeburg, killing many of its Protestant inhabitants under the leadership of the Count of Tilly. The victor at the Battle of Breitenfield, for ten points, name this Swedish king and general during the 30 Years' War, nicknamed "The Lion of the North.".;;(ANSWER) (Gustavus) Adolphus|Gustav II ;;One work by this thinker included the essays Myth in Primitive Psychology and Baloma, and that work's title essay notes that magic rituals were most important during times of stress, such as just before sailing into coral reefs. In addition to (*) Magic, Science, and Religion, he studied mwali and souvali in the Kula Ring Exchange of the Trobriand Islanders. For 10 points, name this champion of participant observation, a Polish structuralist anthropologist who authored Argonauts of the Western Pacific.;;(Bronislaw) (Kasper) Malinowki ;;One side in this battle supported the Treaty of Stanwix and was led by Buckongahelas and the Shawnee chief Blue Jacket, who staked out a position along the Maumee River, and after this battle that side attempted to retreat to the British Fort Miami. The victors forced the signing of the Treaty of (*) Greenville, which granted it most of present-day Ohio. The last battle of the Northwest Indian War, for ten points, name this 1794 battle that saw Americans under Mad Anthony Wayne beat back Indian opposition in the Northwest Territory, named for the trees blown down by a storm.;;(Battle) (of) Fallen Timbers ;;This work's very slow opening chords are, according to Robert Kapilow, "centered in the earth" and should be accompanied by a suffused light on stage. Unison strings burst in A-major arpeggios to begin the action of such characters as a revivalist and his flock, and two newlyweds. The work's most memorable tune is first played on the clarinet and then arranged for other parts of the orchestra in the work's seventh section which features five variations on a (*) Shaker theme. That theme is "Simple Gifts". FTP, name this 1944 work which takes its title from a Hart Crane poem, a ballet by Aaron Copland.;;Appalachian Spring ;;Jenson's triangle plots chemical species using two values derived from a version of this quantity developed by Martynov and Batsanov. Sanderson's work on this quanity suggested it should be proportional to the compactness of the atom, explaining why it decreases down a period. One measure for this quantity comes from bond energy, while another is simply the average of the electron (*) affinity and ionization energy; those are named for Pauling and Mulliken. Flourine has the highest value of, for 10 points, what quantity that predicts polar bonds by measures the tendency of a nucleus to attract electrons?.;;Electronegativity ;;Rivers in this state include the Stroudwater River, which flows into the Fore River and is spanned by the Casco Bay Bridge. George Lonrezo Noyes, known as the thoreauvian of this state, has a mountain named for him in this state's town of Greenwood but himself lived in Oxford County in this state's town of Norway. Mount (*) Desert Island in this state is home to the town of Bar Harbor, which itself contains the only national park in New England, Acadia National Park. Also known as the state containing the Bush family's summer home in the city of Kennebunkport, this is, FTP, what U.S. state with capital at Augusta?.;;Maine ;;One of this man's early papers, "The Proustian theme in a letter from Keats to Benjamin Bailey" went largely unnoticed by critics, though his textbook on French literature was used at Beardsley College. During his first marriage he lived at 342 Lawn Street, and notably stayed in a hotel room of that number at the Enchanted Hunters with his young (*) stepdaughter. In his manuscript he notes that had he not loved a "certain initial girl-child," Annabel Leigh, he would not have fallen for that stepdaughter or murdered the playwright Clare Quilty. FTP, name this man who is obsessed with the titular nymphet of Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita.;;(Humbert) Humbert ;;Titus Oates was released from prison following this event and it occurred after use of the Dispensing Power which was made illegal immediately following this event. This conflict, which was preceded by Argyle's and Monmoth's rebellions, saw the king try to flee the country after the defeat of his army at (*) Reading, and his replacement accepted the terms of the Coronation Oath Act, including adherence to the Protestant faith. Ending the reign of James II, for ten points, name this event that saw the passage of the English Bill of Rights after William of Orange assumed the throne.;;Glorious Revolution|(the) Revolution of 1688 ;;This figure appeared in court only once, for the murder of Halirrhothius. He was once captured by the Aleoids Otus and Ephialtes and held in a giant urn for thirteen months until freed by Hermes. Cadmus slew a water serpent of this diety before creating the Sparti, who were said to be his sons. This killer of (*) Adonis defaulted on payment for marriage gifts after Hephaestus caught this god with a gold net while he was sleeping with Aphrodite. This diety, whose sister was Eris, was attended by Phobos and Deimos, and he sometimes shared his domain with Athena. For 10 points, name this Greek god of war.;;Ares ;;This number names the route in the Pokemon franchise that passes by the entrances to Mt. Mortar in the Johto region, and this number also names Buzz Lightyear's spaceship in the animated series Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. An episode of Doctor Who with this number as its title is set in real time, and it is both the name of the only numerically titled track on Coldplay's album (*) Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends and the largest of "The Numbers" on Lost. The only jersey number retired by all MLB teams, since it was worn by Jackie Robinson, is, FTP, this number, popularized by Douglas Adams, which is also 6 times 7.;;42 ;;A book by Jurgen Habermas that describes the interaction between philosophy and science is titled after this idea "and human interests," and a causal condition was added to the definition of this concept by Alvin Goldman in response to problems such as that of "the cow in the field." That problem was suggested by Edmund Gettier in response to the traditional definition of this concept, possible dilutions of which are suggested by the (*) "evil demon" and "brain in a vat" problems. Traditionally understood as "justified, true belief," this is, FTP, what philosophical concept that is studied in the field of epistemology?.;;knowledge ;;In the upper left of this work, 4 men in a long boat row a passenger. Surrounding this ship are two steam ships which are billowing smoke. A man standing front of two men in uniform appears to be playing the trumpet near the center of this work. The only person in this painting who is sleeveless is an older man who has a mustache and is smoking a pipe at the bottom left of this work. The bottom right features a couple who holds onto the (*) leash of a monkey. The center of this painting sees a woman and child walking among the loungers of the titular location. FTP name this work of pointillism, the most famous painting of Georges Seurat.;;(A) (Sunday) (Afternoon) (on) (the) (Island) (of) La Grande Jatte ;;Alpha fetoprotein and alpha-one globulin are often used to diagnose cancer in this organ. Kupffer cells are found in this organ, and other cells in this organ have an unusual level of polyploidy. Cholesterol is synthesized in this organ, as well albumin, clotting factors, and angiotensinogen. One pathway in the organ synthesizes pyruvic acid from lactic acid and is called the (*) Cori cycle. The portal vein enters this structure where it spreads into vascular channels called sinusoids, and this organ shares the billiary tree with the nearby gall bladder. Hepatocytes store glycogen in, for 10 points, this largest gland which filters alcohol from blood and secretes bile.;;Liver ;;One story about this woman claims that she caused the reappearance of three miraculous phenomena that had previously ended upon the death of her mother-in-law, and a blessing recited upon this woman's departure to be married is still repeated at wedding ceremonies today. She was chosen by the servant Eliezer to be a wife to his master's son in an occurrence in which this woman, the sister of (*) Laban, offered water to Eliezer and his camels. However, her most famous deed may be assisting of one of her twin sons in stealing the other's birthright. FTP, name this Jewish matriarch, the mother of Esau and Jacob and wife of Isaac.;;Rebecca ;;At the outset of this event, an attack made on a certain city despite the protests of Simon de Montfort helped one side satisfy a deal made with the Dandolo, the Doge of Venice. After that attack on (*) Zara and excommunication of a large group of soldiers by Pope Innocent III, a power struggle between Alexius III Angelus and his brother Isaac lead forces under Boniface of Montferrat and Otto IV to divert their troops. Resulting in the creation of the Latin Empire, for ten points, name this crusade that ended with the sacking of Constantinople.;;Fourth Crusade ;;This man used a specially created episode of Medical Center to test the effects of television on anti-social behavior. In one experiment, he placed letters addressed to favorable and stigmatized institutions in public locations to see if anyone would mail them, and in a different experiment he mailed 160 packages to random people in Omaha, Nebraska and discovered (*) six degrees of separation. In addition to his Lost Letter and Small World experiments, his most famous experiment tested the impact of Nazi control on the actions of German citizens. FTP name this psychologist whose namesake experiment tests a person's obedience to authority when "shocking" an actor.;;(Stanley) Milgram ;;In one scene from this work, the protagonist and his companion escape a giant's castle with a key that opens any door in the castle. The boy Mathew falls ill after stealing fruit, and his sister Mercy's suitor rejects her because of her charity work. The protagonist meets an (*) interpreter, who reads deep meaning in ordinary objects in his Significant Rooms. In the second part of this work, the protagonist's wife Christiana follows the protagonist to a city in the land of Beulah. The protagonist defeats Apollyon, but later Faithful is killed in Vanity Fair. For 10 points, name this allegory about Christian, written by John Bunyan.;;Pilgrim's Progress ;;The decline of this empire was hastened by the raids from the Mossi. This empire was founded after a battle that saw the Mema, Mandinka and Wagadou armies combine to defeat the Sosso Empire led by Sumanguru Kante at Kirina. Founded by (*) Sundiata Kieta in the 13th century, it reached its greatest height under the Laye dynasty, including the reformation of the university of Sankore into a Muslim madrasah. Including the gold fields of Bure and cities such as Djenne, Gao and Timbuktu, for ten points, name this western African empire located along the Niger River, most famously ruled by Mansa Musa.;;Mali (Empire) ;;This character was raised and educated by the poet Amergin and in one tale this figure slices in twain the Stone of Destiny after it fails to cry out the crowning of a new king. In another story, Scathach slips this character a sleeping potion in order to keep him from battling against Aife. This hero meets his demise after eating meat offered to him by an old crone which leads him to be weakened and then decapitated in a battle with (*) Lugaid. This figure undergoes raging warp-spasms that allow him to accomplish such battle feats as single-handedly defeating the army of Queen Medb during the Cattle Raid of Cooley. The husband of Emer and holder of the spear, Gae Bolg, FTP, identify this hero of the Celtic Ulster cycle who obtained his named after slaying the hounds of Culann.;;Cuchulainn|Setanta ;;This ruler took personal command in the wars against the Cantabri and sent Aelius Gallus on an expedition across the Red Sea to battle the Sabaeans in what is modern Yemen. The ruler's reign saw the abolishment of private tax farming in favor of appointed civil service tax collectors. This man put down a revolt lead by a man who titled himself "The Son of Neptune" in order to end a blockade on grain shipments from Sicily. In 31 BC, this man commanded 250 warships to surround his enemy's ships near the (*) Ambracian Gulf; marking this man's victory at Actium. With Lepidus and Marc Antony, he earlier formed the Second Triumvirate in BC 43. The man who established the Praetorian Guard, FTP, identify this ruler who was succeeded by his stepson Tiberius, the first ruler of the Roman Empire.;;(Gaius) (Julius) Caesar Augustus|Octavian ;;This character is given frequent floggings by the servant, Joseph for skipping church on Sundays. After this character returns after three years, another character suggests that his "upright carriage" hints that he spent time in the army. As an adult, he teaches the son of the deceased Frances how to swear and later in the novel he runs off with and takes advantage of the sister of a rival suitor, (*) Isabella. This character exclaims that he would "paint the front of the house with" his foster brother's blood and he later swindles that brother, Hindley, out of his home by gambling the deed away. He is described as a "gypsy brat" with "black, ratty hair" when he is adopted after Mr. Earnshaw's trip to Liverpool. The father of Linton, FTP, identify this former lover of Catherine, the antihero of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.;;Heathcliff ;;The appendix to the first portion of this work is titled as an "amphiboly" and introduces the idea of 'concepts of reflection' which can be used to compare and judge objects. The second portion of this work includes a section in which the author disproves the Cartesian paralogisms that the soul is simple, substantial and is separated from the material world. The author uses the example of 'seven plus five equals twelve' to claim that mathematics is synthetically constructed. This work also establishes the idea of (*) "the thing in itself" and uses schematas to relate phenomena to twelve a priori concepts or 'categories'. FTP, identify this 1781 work of Immanuel Kant that would later be succeeded by a similarly titled work concerning a 'practical' version of the title concept.;;Critique of Pure Reason ;;William Butler Yeats wrote a four line response to this poem in his "The Nineteenth Century and After". The speaker of this poem states "the world lies before us like a land of dreams" but does not have joy, certainty or help from pain. The third stanza relates a "melancholy, long, withdrawing roar" that retreats to "the breath of the night-wind". The speaker mentions "the turbid ebb and flow of...misery" which was thought of by (*) Sophocles on the Aegean. The first stanza mentions pebbles being drawn back and flung "up the high strand" and this poem ends discussing a place "where ignorant armies clash by night". Notably parodied in poem by Anthony Hecht, FTP, identify this work in which the speaker muses over the titular seascape, a poem by Matthew Arnold.;;Dover Beach ;;One pattern sometimes found in this molecule adopts a stem-loop formation and is known as the SECIS element and aids in the production of selenocysteine. In mammals, this molecule can be degraded when its AU-rich portions are bound to and in most eukaryotes, this molecule can be destroyed after being triggered by EJCs, a process known as (*) nonsense mediated decay. This molecule is capped with a modified guanine at its 5-prime end and its opposite end is dominated by a poly-A tail. After this molecule is synthesized, it exits from the nuclear pores into the cytoplasm. Transcribed directly from a DNA template, FTP, identify this variety of RNA whose codons signal for various amino acids to be brought to the ribosome by the tRNA.;;messenger RNA ;;One side of this battle staged an advance up Queen Street to retake their redoubt site while a second regiment would wait at the end of the nearby King Street. During the night before this engagement, the winning side was told to fire after hearing the phrase "Victory or Death!" That side prevented enemy escape when the bridge over Assunpink Creek was taken by General John Sullivan. After retreating to an apple orchard, the losing general, Johann Rall was badly wounded during a second offense. This site saw the Americans successfully (*) ambush a group of Hessian mercenaries who were exhausted from a Christmas celebration. Occurring just after Washington's crossing of the Delaware, FTP, identify this 1776 American victory in what is now the capital of New Jersey.;;(Battle) (of) Trenton ;;This country's capital is home to a Witches Market where one can notably purchase soapstone figurines and dried llama fetuses for Aymara rituals. The town of Coroico in this nation is home to the steep, high altitude Yungus Road and is colloquially known as "death road" by bikers. A train cemetery and the giant cactus-filled Incahuasi "Island" are found in this nation's Salar de (*) Uyuni, the world's largest salt flats. The north of this nation is home to a body of water that contains artificial islands called uros made from floating reeds and that lake is the highest navigable body of water on Earth. Home to the hilariously named Lakes Poopo and Titicaca, FTP, identify this South American country with capitals as La Paz and Sucre.;;Bolivia ;;This building was the first tall structure to combine the use of a moment frame and a brace frame and the window blinds of this structure can only be drawn into three distinct positions. Near the front entrance of this building once stood a symmetric structure with red, yellow, black and blue triangular panels hanging from metal rods; that was Alexander Calder's Ordinary. A bronze sculpture by Richard Lippold can be found above a bar in one part of this building that Mark (*) Rothko was originally commissioned to paint a series of works, The Four Seasons Restaurant. Located at 375 Park Avenue in New York City, FTP, identify this skyscraper completed in 1958 for a Canadian distillery company by Philip Johnson and Ludwig Mies van der Roh.;;Seagram (Building) ;;This man composed a piece that is based off of the song "Hark, hark! the lark" from Shakespeare's Cymbeline and an opera by this man concerns the imprisonment of the titular Moorish prince by Charlemagne in Fierrabras. Sections such as "The Linden Tree" and "The Hurdy-Gurdy Man" make up this man's twenty-four song cycle entitled Winterreise. His sixth and ninth symphonies are referred to respectively as the Little (*) C and Great C symphonies. This composer wrote a notable piano quintet in A major whose fourth movement is a set of themes and variations on his earlier song "Die Forelle", and is known as the "Trout Quintet". With works catalogued by the Deutsch number, FTP, identify this 19th century Austrian composer whose 8th Symphony in B minor is called the "Unfinished".;;(Franz) (the) (Manz) Schubert ;;This author lampooned French politics in a work in which the titular motor scooter riding astronomy buff suddenly becomes king and is shortly dethroned. Another work by this author features a cake-loving teenager nicknamed "Pimples" who works for Juan, the mechanic and driver of the titular conveyance. In addition to The Wayward Bus, this author wrote a 1962 travelogue in which he recounts his journey across America in a camper called "Rocinante" along with the titular poodle in (*) Travels with Charley. His Sweet Thursday is a sequel to a better known work in which marine biologist Doc's lab is trashed by the wild parties on the titular street in Cannery Row. FTP, identify this author who wrote about the Trasks and the Hamiltons in East of Eden and about George and Lenny in Of Mice and Men.;;(John) Steinbeck ;;Independently with Oliver Heaviside, this man used concepts from quaternion analysis to develop modern vector analysis and his namesake phenomenon can produce 'ringing' effects in signal processing. With a Frenchman, this man names an equation relating the change in the chemical potential of a system with changes in temperature and pressure. He also developed a formula relating the number of (*) degrees of freedom to the number of components in a mixture, his namesake phase rule.This man names a quantity equal to the enthalpy minus the product of temperature and entropy which indicates reaction spontaneity. FTP, identify this American physical chemist who is probably best known for a namesake type of free energy symbolized 'G'.;;(Josiah) (Willard) Gibbs ;;In Islamic tradition, this figure is said to have been given half of mankind's beauty and Sura 12 of the Quran is dedicated to this character. He is thrown in prison after unwillingly having an affair with Potiphar's wife and this figure later orders a silver cup placed in the sack of his brother. One event involving this character has him sold to a band of (*) Ishmaelites for twenty silver pieces and his death is framed by dipping his garments in goat's blood. He rises to great power after interpreting dreams of seven cows and seven ears of grain for the Egyptian pharaoh. The eleventh son of Jacob, FTP, identify this figure from Genesis who was, much to the chagrin of his brothers, given a "coat of many colors".;;Joseph ;;One character in this play is called a little cucumber just before dropping the saucer she was holding after being strongly embraced. Early in the second act of this play, Yepikodov states that being an 'enamoured madman' makes his guitar a mandolin and later in that act, Pyotr Trofimov is chided for being an 'eternal student'. During a party in the third act, card tricks are performed by the German governess, Charlotta who earlier returned from (*) Paris with two others at the play's outset. The billiards-loving character Gayev is stunned silent by the announcement that Lopakhin has bought the titular place in an auction and drunkenly threatens to attack that place with an axe. FTP, identify this 1904 play by Anton Chekov in which Madame Ranevskaya's estate and titular grove are sold to pay debts.;;(The) Cherry Orchard ;;This object's interactions with the magnetosphere of its host body create a plasma torus and its crossing of magnetic field lines creates an arc of current to its host's poles called the flux tube. This body has a tenuous atmosphere of sulfur dioxide and pockets of hydrated minerals have been identified on this body's Gish Bar Mons. Other notable features include crater-like depressions called paterae; notable examples of which include (*) Tvashtar, Loki and Pele. This object is subject to a 4:2:1 orbital resonance with Europa and Ganymede which results in the tidal heating of this moon's interior. The innermost satellite of Jupiter, FTP, identify this Galilean moon, the most actively volcanic object in the solar system.;;Io ;;The bottom-right corner of one of these works depicts a man aiming a rifle at two floating men at the center who in turn point towards a large white plateau in the background. A pair of these works show crowds of people extending through mountain paths in the backgrounds in both a "Pilgrimage" to and "Peregrination" from San Isidro. Another of these paintings features a horde of hooded women gathering around a shadowy goat-headed figure and yet another shows two men knee-deep in mud vigorously wielding the titular objects. In addition to The Witches Sabbath and (*) Fight with Cudgels, this collection includes a particularly gruesome image of Saturn Devouring his Son. FTP, identify this series of fifteen paintings named for their dark, haunting moods and themes which were created by Francisco Goya.;;(The) Black Paintings ;;This man was first hired by Joseph Lyman Silsbee, with whom he had previously collaborated on Unity Church. Afterwards, this man apprenticed himself to the firm of Adler and Sullivan, though he took independent commissions for such projects as the Walter Gale house. However, he may be better known for structures including one that survived the Great (*) Kanto earthquake of 1923, a personal home named after a Welsh bard, and a home for Edgar Kaufmann with cantilevered floors built over a namesake cascade. FTP, name this architect of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Taliesin, and Pennsylvania's Fallingwater.;;(Frank) (Lloyd) Wright ;;This game appears as the finals round in the "Video Armageddon" tournament in the 1989 Fred Savage movie The Wizard. In a recent episode of Glee, Puck erroneously claims that this game has "star worlds". Players are able to skip stages using the Jugem's Cloud item, crush enemies using the green wind-up Kuribo's (*) Shoe and can take to the skies with the Power Leaf which grants the hero a raccoon's tail. This game marks the first appearance of the seven Koopalings, Bowser's children. FTP, identify this video game which hit the states in 1990, the last title featuring a certain plumber on the NES.;;(Super) Mario (Bros(.)) 3 ;;Nicolas Rubenstein, the dedicatee of this man's first piano concerto in B minor, declared that piece unplayable. His first symphony, "Winter Dreams," and his second, "Little Russian," were composed at the Moscow Conservatory, while his operas Mazeppa and The Sorceress were composed under the patronage of Madame von Meck. One symphony by this composer was inspired by Byron's poem (*) Manfred, and his third in D major is nicknamed Polish. His most famous ouverture took themes from the folk song "By The Gates" and the Marseilleise. For 10 points, name this Russian composer of the Pathetique symphony, the 1812 Overture, and the ballet The Nutcracker.;;(Piotr) (Ilyitch) Tchaikovsky ;;This novel was disparaged by Lionel Trilling as lacking in ethical or moral significance, though its author encourages readers to view it as a cautionary tale. A young woman in this work wearing a cherry-red fascinator is the secret subject of the protagonist's attention when that woman is dancing with Denis Eady, the son of an Irish grocer, who is deemed fit for a horse-whipping. A major turning point in this work is when a cat breaks Aunt Philura's wedding gift, a glass pickle dish, which eventually prompts the ill-fated escape attempt of the title character with Mattie Silver. Set in snowy Starkfield, Massachusetts, FTP, name this Edith Wharton novella in which the title character is disabled in a sledding accident.;;Ethan Frome ;;It caused Ebenezer MacIntosh, a cobbler, to lead a raid on the home of Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, and the Virginia House of Burgesses passed a series of resolutions written by Patrick Henry protesting this piece of legislation. Among other items, colonists protested its reference to ecclesiastical courts and its granting (*) admiralty courts jurisdiction to try violators. Including taxes placed on land grants, dice and playing cards, for ten points, name this 1765 British bill that caused a colonial outcry for taxing most printed materials in the colony through a namesake item.;;Stamp (Act) (of) (1765) ;;One peak in this range is home to the Larkya La glacial saddle while another range is known as the "Shining Wall"; these are Manaslu and Gasherbrum. A natural Shiva lingam of ice can be found in their Amarnath caves, while this range's Jelepla Pass leads to the northern Chumbi Valley and the Baltoro glacier runs through a subrange of these mountains knowns as the (*) Karakorams. Rivers that have their source here include the Tarim, Irrawaddy and the Ganges. Formed when the Indian Subcontinent converged with the Eurasian plate, FTP, identify this range containing K2 and Mount Everest; the highest mountain range in the world.;;(The) Himalayan (Mountains)|(The) Himalayas ;;One publication by this group is called The Final Call, and identifies an object called a Mother Plane with the wheel described in the Book of Ezekiel. One legend about the founder of this religion claims that he escaped a murder plot and boarded that object, which is said to have been built in ancient Japan by "Original scientists." One of those scientists was a member of the Tribe of Shabazz named (*) Yakub, and was responsible for the creation of the white and Asian races. Currently led by Louis Farrakhan, this is, FTP, what theology of which Malcolm X became a member while in prison, that shares some similarities with the more widespread religion for which it was named, including a belief in Allah?.;;Nation of Islam ;;He's not Jonathan Swift, but this author did write a play entitled A Tale of a Tub and another work by this man follows characters like Diaphanous Silkworm and Lady Lodestone in The Magnetic Lady. At the end of another of this man's plays, Dauphine strips the dress off of the titular character revealing that she is actually a boy in The (*) Silent Woman. A more famous work by ends with the hiding in a tortoise shell by Sir Politic after being accused of sedition by titular 'fox', Volpone. FTP name this playwright who also wrote about Captain Face in The Alchemist.;;(Ben) Jonson ;;One figure in this work with a slightly bent right knee, the relative of the artist in the background, may be coming to take two figures away from the room adorned with paintings of Minerva. The center figure's chaperon stands with a bodyguard on the right side of this painting, behind the titular dwarves. That young girl is (*) curtsying to her parents who are being painted by an artist with the emblem of the Order of Santiago on the breast of his doublet. FTP, name this painting which sees the King and Queen of Spain reflected in a mirror, the most famous work of Diego Velasquez titled after the princess's attendants.;;Maids of Honor|(Las) Meninas ;;This figure once failed at the task of including draining Utgarda's drinking horn and was wrestled to one knee by the crone Elli. In another story, this figure disguised himself as Frejya to pretend to marry the giant Thrym, king of the Thurse. The goats (*) Tanngrisni and Tanngnost carry this figure, who once went fishing with Hymir for the midgard serpent that this figure is fated to kill at Ragnorak. The guantlet, Jarngriper allows this god to wield his famous weapon, the hammer Mjolnir. The father of Magni and Modi, for 10 points, name this husband of Sif, the Norse thunder god.;;Thor ;;During World War one, this man's reputation was tarnished by the Shell Crisis and involvement in the Dardanelles campaign. One theory of his death involves the German spy Duquesne, but more likely he died when the H.M.S Hampshire hit a German mine. Earlier, he had led the assault on Paardeburg and after a lenient treaty was rejected he conducted (*) scortched earth tactics against the Boers. As commander of the Egyption army, he defeatd the Mahdi at Omdurman and later would become governor of the Sudan. For 10 points, name this British general opposite of Marchand during the Fashoda incident.;;(Lord) (Horatio) (Herbert) Kitchener(,) (first) (Earl) (Kitchene) ;;This quantity represents the volume of an n-dimensional parallelpiped given n vectors, while a similarly named quantity can be found by evaluating the Alexander polynomial at minus one. The infintesimal change in area is given by this operation applied to the Jacobean, and this quantity is equal to the product of the eigenvalues of a linear transformation. This value can be calculated by the levi-cevita permutation symbol or Laplace expansion. (*) Cramer's rule uses this operation to solve systems of linear equations, which is singular if it is equal to zero. For 10 points, name this scalar operation on a square matrix, which for two by two matrices is given by A D minus B C.;;Determinant ;;In one story by this author, a nine year old boy is convinced he will die after mistaking degrees fahrenheit for celsius. He also wrote a story in which Ruiz Cayetano insists he was shot in the back. In addition to A Day's Wait and The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio, he wrote a story in which (*) Harry dies of a leg wound while on a safari, and another story in which Margot sleeps with her guide, Wilson, before shooting her husband who has just avenged his shame by killing a lion. For 10 points name this author of The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber and The Snows of Kilimanjaro.;;(Ernest) Hemingway ;;One passage in this work notes that accomplishments are more perfect when designed individuals, rather than groups, and the author is careful to only apply his four principles and four moral maxims to individuals. The fifth section discusses the creation of the world and the intelligence of animals. It begins with the assertion that all men are equally (*) rational, and continues with the thesis that reading ancient texts can distance oneself from his present time. Appearing before the author's Meditations on First Philosophy, for 10 points, name this philosophical tract containing "I think, therefore I am" written by Rene Descartes.;;Discourse on (the) Method (of) (Rightly) (Conducting) (the) (Reason(,)) (and) (Seeking) (the) (Truth) (in) (the) (Sciences) ;;In this work, Vanderdendur steals much of the protagonist's fortune, but his ship later sinks. Cacambo is sent with some of that fortune to buy the freedom of a slave from Don Fernando, but that slave is later found in Constantinople. Earlier the protagonist had killed the Jew Don Isaachar and the Grand Inquisitor of (*) Lisbon. The title character's teacher contracts syphilis from Paquette and believes that we live in the best of all possibly worlds, Pangloss, and much of the story is spent in search of a woman who was raped by the Bulgars and sold into several kinds of slavery, Cunegonde. For 10 points, name this work by Voltaire.;;Candide ;;The missionary Thomas Kendall invited rulers from this country to England to produce a vernacular bible, while some fighters from this country believed that the archangel Michael would protect them from bullets. The musket wars erupted her as a result of the head-for-musket trade and a later conflicted ended with the Dog Tax War. The most important battle in that later conflict occured at (*) Gate Pa and it began when the Wakefield brothers squared off against the Napoleon of the South Te Rauparaha at the Wairau confrontation. For 10 points, name this country in which the Treay of Waitangi was signed with the indiginous Maori.;;New Zealand ;;On one occasion, this figure drew water from at rock at Cyphanta while fainting from thirst, and this figure killed the centaurs Hylaeus and Rhecus when they tried to rape her. She was turned into a lion after defiling a temple to Zeus, and this daughter of Iasus and Clymene was exposed and suckled by a bear sent by Artemis. (*) Meleager fell in love with this woman during a hunt and presented her with the hide, but her best known suitor used three golden apples to distract her. For 10 points, name this woman who Melanion beat her in a footrace, and hunted the Calydonina boar.;;Atalanta ;;He was picked in the 1987 draft out of UCLA ahead of Steve Alford, a move that upset local fans of this man's future franchise. During one famous playoff appearance against his team's rival, this man's taunting provoked opposing two-guard John Starks to headbutt him, earning Starks an ejection. The following year, the two teams met again in the playoffs, where this man scored 25 points in the fourth quarter of game 5, making the choke sign at (*) Spike Lee. In perhaps his most famous clutch performance, he scored 8 points in 8.9 seconds to beat the Knicks at Madison Square Garden. The younger brother of Cheryl, for ten points, name this former Pacers great and subject of the ESPN documentary Winning Time.;;(Reggie) Miller ;;Independently of Le Bel, this man developed a stereochemical model of the optical activity of certain compounds. This chemist's name is sometimes appended to Le Chatlier's principle and he used a system of a piston with two semi-permeable membranes to derive an equation for osmotic pressure. He gives his name to an equation relating the change in temperature, equilibrium constant, and (*) Gibbs free energy, but he is most notable for a factor appearing in equations involving colligative properties For 10 points, name this Dutch chemist who names the factor i representing dissociation, the first Nobel laureate in chemistry.;;(Jacobus) (Henricus) van 't Hoff ;;In one story in this collection, a street committee meets on Ivy Day and discussed the late Charles Stuary Parnell, and in another Jimmy Doyle goes broke after a night of partying after the race. One story sees Eveline choose not to elope to Argentina with Frank and another sees Farrington beat his son after pawning his watch to pay for drinking, that is called Counterparts. In one story Mrs (*) Mooney intercedes so that Mr. Doran marries Polly, and in another story, a boy goes to the titular fair only to find it closing. Containing such sections as The Boarding House, The Dead, and Araby, for 10 points, name this collection of stories by James Joyce.;;Dubliners ;;Execution under this monarch was called "Stolypin's necktie" after one of his chief ministers, and uprisings at the Lena gold mines were brutally put down. This ruler's general Kuropatkin lost the battle of Mukden, and the later battle of Tsushima Straits led to this ruler giving up Port (*) Arthur. His secretary of the interior, Vyacheslav Plehve, secretely organized Jewish progroms, and in response to the unrest following Bloody Sunday and the Potemkin his chief minister Sergei Witte persuaded this ruler to promulgate the October Manifesto. Ending his life at Ekaterinburg, for 10 points, name this last Russian Tzar murdured by the Bolsheviks.;;Nicholas II ;;This process is upregulated when TBP binds to the TATA box, and can be mediated by riboswitches. In prokaryotes it proceeds via abortive initiative cycle, while in eukaryotes immediately following this step, introns are removed from the product by splicesomes and a modified guanine cap and a poly A tail are added. This process begins when namesake factors bind to (*) promoter sites, and then RNA polymerases copy DNA into a new RNA strand. For 10 points, name this process in DNA expression which makes up the central dogma of genetics along with translation.;;Transcription ;;This man's translations are responsible for the volumes Gypsy Ballads by Garcia Lorca and Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral.. Other works by this poet include Fine Clothes to the Jew and Dear Lovely Death, but he may be better known for a work that laments, "they send me to (*) eat in the kitchen when company comes." In addition to "I, Too, Sing America", this man's most famous work asks if the title concept "stink[s] like rotten meat or crust[s] and sugar[s] over like a syrupy sweet." FTP, name this poet of the Harlem Renaissance who asked "does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" in his "Dream Deferred.".;;(Langston) Hughes ;;Nok terracotta was unearthed in this country, while in the nineteenth century Usman dan Fodio established his capital at Sokoto. In the 1960s, Odumegwu Ojukwu led rebellion in the eastern region of this country by disgruntled Ibo generals that exploded in the (*) Biafran war. Playwright Ken Saro-Wiwa was hanged in 1995 when Yoruba candidate Moshood Abiola was barred from taking office, but democracy was tentatively restored with the election of Christian Olusegun Obasanjo. For 10 points, name this country in which Goodluck Jonathan became president after the death of Umaru Yar'Adua from the capitol at Abuja.;;Nigeria ;;A northern county of Scotland known as Wester [this name] is home to the sandstone mountain, Slioch which is just south of the Fisherfield forest. The Gould Coast forms the southernmost portion of the Sea of this name which is home a namesake island that contains the volcanic Mount (*) Bird, Abbot Peak and the scientifc facilities at McMurdo Sound. New Zealand claims the Antartic dependancy with this name which is dominated by a massive ice shelf also bearing this name. FTP, identify this common geographical name; many of which are named after the Scottish Antarctic explorer who commanded the ships Terror and Erebus.;;Ross ;;In of this artists's works, a tax collector garbed in a Roman military uniform lies under a horse who appears to be ready to stomp on him during the titular event. In addition to Conversion on the Way to Damascus, this man also painted a blasphemous depiction of the Assumption of Mary where Mary's corpse is garbed in red and lies ungracefully in the midst of the mourning disciples, a work entitled (*) Death of the Virgin. FTP name this Italian Baroque painter who utilized tenebrism to emphasize the contemporaneous setting used in his painting of Jesus converting the titular tax collector, The Calling of St. Matthew.;;(Michelangelo) (Marisi) (da) Caravaggio ;;This man wrote a work translated alternatively as Last Poem or Farewell Song. That latter work, originally called Shesher Kobita, details the romance between Oxford-educated Amit Ray and Labannya, whom he meets in a car accident. This man also composed and scored a hymn that ends "victory, victory, victory to thee," and is called (*) "Jana Gana Mana." Besides that song, the Indian national anthem, the best known work by this author was published in England in 1913 with a prefix by W.B. Yeats, and translates as "song offerings." FTP, name this Nobel Prizewinning Bengali poet who wrote that work, Gitanjali.;;(Rabindranath) Tagore ;;In one section of this work, the narrator discusses how another character should wait until the birth of Christianity, despite how his condition began "ten years before the flood." The narrator also compares his state to vegetables which "should grow vaster than (*) empires, and more slow." Another image in this poem is the depiction of worms eating the hymen of a dead girl, which follows the imagery of "Time's winged chariot drawing near." Containing the longing "had we but world enough, and time," for 10 points, name this poem in which the speaker entreats the titular prudish woman to sleep with him, a work by Andrew Marvell.;;To His Coy Mistress ;;A parody of one of this artist's works was a sculpture of a seal with a face similar to a seemingly unfinished depiction of a contemporaneous literary figure. In another work, this man sculpted a naked titular religious figure walking toward the viewer. In addition to Saint John the Baptist Preaching and (*) Balzac, this man also sculpted "a man arising from nature" in his Age of Bronze. Six noblemen are about to be martyred for the titular city in his The Burghers of Calais. FTP, name this French post-impressionistic sculptor of the Gates of Hell which includes a Dante as The Thinker.;;(Auguste) Rodin ;;This character paid his way through St. Olaf College by working as a janitor until he dropping out. A Major in World War I, he was awarded medals of valor for bravely commanding heavy machine guns in the American army. This man worked for a copper tycoon named Dan Cody from whom he learned about the manners of the upper class. This man drives a (*) yellow car with which his love interest kills Myrtle in the valley of ashes, leading to his murder in his swimming pool because of Tom's manipulations of Wilson. FTP, name this man who is in love with Daisy Buchanan and who throws some crazy parties, a titular character of a F. Scott Fitzgerald novel.;;Jay Gatsby|James Jimmy Gatz ;;This religion boasts sizable representation in Yuba City, California, which holds an annual parade to commemorate the receipt of a sacred text. That text contains a compilation of hymns from fifteen bhagats, and more famous contributors include a man who was known as a "soldier saint;" that text was elevated in importance upon the nomination of (*) Gobind Singh. Another contributor to that text, the Adi Granth, was this religion's founder, whose body turned into flowers upon his death so that it could be neither cremated nor buried, and who notably asserted "there is no Hindu, there is no Muslim." FTP, name this religion, founded by Nanak, the first of its ten Gurus.;;Sikhism ;;His political beliefs are set forth in his tract Memorial to the Citizens of Nueva Granada by a Caraqueno, which was published after he escaped from the capture of Puerto Cabello by royalists. From Trujillo he issued a proclamation calling for a War to the Death, though after defeat by Jose Tomas Boves he would later write the Jamaica letter. This victor at the battle of (*) Ayachucho organized the convetion which created Gran Colombia though he fought the battle of Boyaca to liberate Nueva Granada and the battle of Carabobo to liberate Venezuela. For 10 points, name this liberator, called the "George Washington of South America.".;;(Simon) Bolivar ;;A rock formation known as this nation's 'Sphinx' as well as a pair of massive mushroom-shaped rocks known as "Babele" are located in this nation's Bucegi Mountains. This country's Iron Gates National Park is near the largest European hydroelectric dam outside of Russia and those gorges are shared with Serbia. The Roman province of (*) Dacia was found in southern region of this nation which is now often referred to as Wallachia and the Carpathian Mountains run throguh this country's Western portion, Transylvania. Bordered by Bulgaria to the south and the Black Sea on the East, FTP, identify this European nation with its capital at Bucharest.;;Romania ;;The long range asymmetry of this interaction was measured by the E158 experiment, while the CKM matrix parametrizes this interaction with the Cabibbo angle. Experiments with Kaon physics by Madame Wu show that this interaction violation P and CP symmetry. This force, which can change flavor and cause beta decay, has a very limited range because it is mediated by massive (*) W and Z bosons. For 10 points, what force did Weinberg, Salam, and Glashow unify with electromagnetism, named for its low strength in comparison to the strong force?.;;Weak (Nuclear) (Force)|(Interaction) ;;In one work by this artist, a glowing angel awakes the title figure and sneaks him past some sleeping guards on the right scene of that majestic overdoor. Another of his works features eighteen poets from both antiquity and his contemporaneous era as well as nine muses and Apollo at the titular location. In addition to The Deliverance of Saint Peter and (*) Parnassus, he also painted a red and blue clad Mary with an infant St. John the Baptist who holds a cross for which baby Jesus reaches called Madonna of the Meadow. FTP, name the artist who painted Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and many other ancient Greeks in his work located in the Vatican, The School of Athens.;;Raphael ;;One section of this work proclaims, "The nymphs are departed," and its fourth section paraphrases its author's earlier poem "Dans le Restaurant" in saying that Phlebas "was once handsome and tall as you." The refrain "HURRY UP PLEASE IT'S TIME" interrupts the proceedings of the work's second section and Madame Sosostris appears "with a wicked pack of cards" in (*) "The Burial of the Dead." The speaker of this poem goes to the Unreal City and quotes the Upanishads in "What the Thunder Said." FTP, name this poem which ends with the line "Shantih shantih shantih" and opens with "April is the cruelest month, " a work by T. S. Eliot.;;(The) Waste Land ;;The Cologne War was fought over a provision in the document, the ecclesiastic reservation, which had confiscated the offices of bishops who had converted during the preceeding conflict. Prince Maurice of Albertine-Saxony fought on both sides of the conflict ended by this agreement, which replaced an earlier Interim Creed, and confirmed the Peace of (*) Passau. This document allowed for the free movement of serfs, but did not recognize Calvinism. Creating the doctrine of cuius regio, eius religio, for 10 points, name this 1555 peace between Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League which promised religious toleration to Lutherans.;;(Peace) (of) Augsburg ;;One triangular model of this concept posits built-in, cost-push, and demand-pull as its three types, while the Austrian school claims that, along with taxation and borrowing, this is a way for the state to fund its activities. Rational expectations theory predicts actors will cause an increase in this value by anticipating decisions of the central bank. This quantity is used along with the real and nominal (*) interest rates in the Fisher equation and is also plotted against unemployment in the Phillips curve. FTP, name this economic concept whose "hyper" variety recently struck Zimbabwe, the rise in prices of goods and services.;;Inflation ;;One institution in this show is responsible for the capture of Barry Horowitz, and employs the claustrophobic Hugo. That organization was led by Theodore Newlin before his mysterious murder, and is called the Fellowship of the Sun. An agitator for that murder was Stan Davis, who is a nest mate of Godric. The invention of this show's (*) titular product by Japanese scientists was responsible for the "Great Revelation," and that substance is consumed by characters like Bill Compton. Featuring the exploits of Bill and his telepathic, human lover Sookie Stackhouse in Louisiana, this is, FTP, what HBO drama based on The Southern Vampire Mysteries?.;;True Blood ;;In the fourth act, characters mourn the death of Aunt Rina. Aunt Julle raised the husband of the central character, who studies the domestic industries of medieval Brabant on his honeymoon. The central plot of the play revolves around a missing manuscript written by a rival of that scholar, Jurgen (*) Tesman. At the beginning of the second act, the title character is playing with pistols, and a the end of the third acts tells Ejlert Lovborg to shoot himself. Judge Brack attempts to blackmail the title character of, for 10 points, which Ibsen play about a titular women who has a beautiful death?.;;Hedda Gabler ;;This woman's most familiar incarnation is a composite of two wives who appear in Holinshed's Chronicles. A. C. Bradley claims she is is "denied the dignity of verse" in the last appearance she makes before her unexpected death, which prompts a line saying "she should have died hereafter." Had the old man in the first act not looked so much like her father, she claims she would have (*) killed him herself. Her failure to do so does not stop her from believing that all the perfumes of Arabia could not remove the "damned spot" that torments her as she sleepwalks. FTP, identify this Shakespearean character, the wife of a certain Scottish murderer.;;Lady Macbeth ;;An early version of the first movement of one of these works can be found in the composer's cantata Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht without the violino piccolo. One of these pieces contains a movement that only consists of a two-chord Phrygian half cadence, around which a harpsichord or violin improvises a long cadenza. The sixth one has no violins, but has two (*) violas da gamba. The first movement of the fifth one, in D major, contains a lengthy solo harpsichord cadenza that may have been performed by the composer himself at the works' premiere. FTP, name this collection of six musical works by J. S. Bach, named for a certain margave.;;Brandenburg concertos ;;The faith Din-i-Ilahi was established by this dynasty in an attempt to blend Islam with Hinduism, while one ruler from this dynasty executed Arjun Dev for aiding Khusrau. Dara Shikoh lost one war of sucession, while the execution of Shahryar ended another sucession crisis. Its last ruler, (*) Bahadur Shah, was put on trial for formenting the Sepoy Mutiny. This dynasty was established at the Battle of Panipat, where Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babar. For 10 points, name this Muslim empire ruled variously by Aurangzeb, Shah Jahan, Humayun, and Akbar the Great.;;Mughal (Empire) ;;His ghost, along with Helen's, inhabits the island of Leuce on the Black Sea. He was not bound by the oath of Tyndareus, but rather Calchus prophesized Troy could not fall without this warrior. Therefore this man hid at Sycros disguised as his sister until Odysseus discovered him by sounding a trumpet. This son of Thetis and Peleus slew (*) Hector and dragged the body around Troy for nine days. His most distinguishing feature is ascribed either to treatment by ambrosia and fire, or being dipped into the river Styx. For 10 points, name this invulnerable Greek warrior with a weakness in his heel.;;Achilles ;;This club was founded in 1878 in Newton Heath as a works team for rail yard workers, but did not gain it's current name until it moved to it's current city in 1902. It's winning squad in the mid to late 1950s was nicked-named "the Busby Babes" due to their youth, and they were the first English team to compete in the European Cup, however about half that squad was (*) killed in 1958 in the notorious Munich air disaster. Famous players from this club include Bobby Charlton, Gary Neville, Ryan Giggs, and David Beckham. FTP, name this English soccer club, which recently finished second in the English Premier League, behind rivals Chelsea.;;Manchester United F(.)C(.) ;;One image in this poem is "an ignorant fighter [laughing] who has never lost a battle," and another is "a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities." The speaker has "seen marks of wanton hunger" on "the faces of women and children" and has also "seen your painted women under the (*) gas lamps luring the farm boys." The titular location is called "crooked" because "the gunman kill and go free to kill again." Called "Hog Butcher for the World" and "the Nation's Freight Handler," for 10 points, name this Sandburg poem about a titular midwestern "City of the Big Shoulders.".;;Chicago ;;This thinker attacked sciencism, the tendancy of social scientists to behave like physical scientists, in his work The Counter-Revolution of Science. He compared classical liberalism to conservatism in the essay Why I am Not a Conservative, a postscript to The (*) Constitution of Liberty. He argued against planned economies by noting that the data central planners would use is created by the market, and in his most famous work argues that government economic controls amounts to totalitarianism. For 10 points, name this Austrian economist who wrote The Road to Serfdom and shared the 1974 Nobel with Myrdal.;;(Friedrich) (August) Hayek ;;At the bottom of this work, a flower sits behind an arm that clutches a broken sword. The left side of this painting features a volcano billowing smoke while the right has a building with a lit window under which a figure a raises his hands. Another arm appears from a stairwell and holds a candle next to the head of a (*) wounded animal. That horse has a gaping wound caused by a spear which is located to the right of the head of a bull and under an eye with light bulb as the pupil. FTP, name this representation of the bombing of the titular Basque town in the Spanish Civil War, a painting of Pablo Picasso.;;Guernica ;;Disease in one part of this structure is associated with Friedrich's ataxia. This structure is connected to the rest of the brain by three peduncles, including the brachium pontis which connects it to the pons. The dentate nucleus is located in this structure, which also contains Purkinje cells and is divided into two hemispheres by a (*) central vermis. Intention tremor, ataxia, and abnormal eye movements are symptons of damage to this brain structure, because it is responsible for balance and involuntary motor movements. For 10 points, name this brain structure located at the back of the brain, contrasted with the cerebrum.;;Cerebellum ;;Sharp limestone spires known as tsingy make up this nation's Bemaraha national park and the Avenue of the Baobabs is a tree-lined dirt road in this country's western Menabe region. This country's major rice-growing area is centered at Lake Alaotra and its capital, which in the 17th century saw the rule of the Merina kings is now served by the Ivato Airport. This country was once the home of (*) Aepyornis, the now-extinct elephant bird, and its largest mammalian carnivore is the fossa which preys on this island's population of lemurs. The place where Malagasy is spoken, FTP, identify this large island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa with its capital at Antananarivo.;;Madagascar ;;He attempted to prove that the debt of original sin could only be discharged through a fully divine and fully mortal sacrifice in Why God Became A Human Being, and he discussed the angel's will to happiness and will to justice in De Casu Diaboli. He promoted the doctrine of (*) "faith seeking understanding," and his most famous result posited that the greatest thing possible must surely be greater if it actually existed. For 10 points, name this eleventh century theologian and archbishop of Canturbury whose Proslogion contains the ontological proof of the existance of god.;;(St(.)) Anselm ;;Groups formed by this sort of operation are subgroups of symmetric groups, notable examples of which include Sylow subgroups. For any finite group, there is a group of this type to which it is isomorphic according to Cayley's Theorem. Cycle notation is often used to denote these operations that map a set to itself, examples of which include (*) shuffles. This operation is also often used to refer to the quantity n!/(n-r)! which is the number of different ways to select r items from a group of n items. For 10 point, name this selection in which order matters, unlike combinations.;;Permutation ;;This man accommodated rebellious Belgian nationalists by partitioning Dutch lands to create the Antwerp Free state. At the Congress of Erfurt, this figure tried to weaken his nation's new alliance with the Russian tsar. He was also instrumental in the creation of a document which stopped war between the UK and France for a year, the Treaty of (*) Amiens. This man was also implicated in a diplomatic crisis where he tried to extort the Americans for money, which escalated the Quasi War. FTP, what man at the center of the XYZ affair was France's representative to the Congress of Vienna, and was foreign minister under Napoleon?.;;(Prince) (Charles) (Maurice) (de) Talleyrand(-)Perigord ;;Waldemar Fitzurse carries out a failed ambush in this novel, which also includes a tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouche. In one scene, the crone Ulrica burned down a castle which had earlier been stormed by Locksley and the Black Knight. Cedric of Rotherwood intends to reawaken the (*) Saxon royal line by marrying his ward to Athelstane, but the King wants that ward, Rowena, to marry de Bracy instead. The Jew Rebecca falls in love with the protagonist, who wins a trial by combat against the Knights Templar after Bois-Guilbert dies of internal conflicts. For 10 points, name this Sir Walter Scott novel about a titular disinherited son.;;Ivanhoe