United States History;;He was a 10 term member of the House of Representatives signed a namesake act with Arthur Capper that is still in effect and enables farmers to form combines without fear of anti-trust prosecution. His House votes in favor of anti-lynching legislation were fostered during his time as Yellow Medicine County's prosecuting attorney. Entering politics after becoming mayor of Granite Falls, Minnesota, he is best remembered for writing a bill that was originally vetoed by President Wilson in 1919, but passed and would serve to enforce the 18th amendment. FTP identify this politician who authored the National Prohibition Act.;;(Andrew) (Joseph) Volstead Chemistry;;This equation is used to determine slopes of a phase diagram, and can also be applied to solids as well as liquids. One form neglects the volume of the liquid and assumes the ideal gas law, while its more common form is derived from the first law of thermodynamics and assumes that the change in Gibbs Free Energy is zero. This form is expressed as the derivative of pressure with respect to temperature equals the heat absorbed divided by the temperature times the change in volume. FTP, name this equation that describes transitions from one phase to another, named for two scientists?;;Clausius-Clapeyron (equation)|Clapeyron-Clausius (equation) Literature;;He has advocated independence from Great Britain for his nation, even writing a draft preamble for a proposed constitution. He authored a detective novel set on an Antarctic expedition entitled A Victim of the Aurora, while The Survivor, tells the story of a disastrous Arctic journey. Several of his novels concern the fate of regular people during the world wars, including By The Line, The Cut Rate Kingdom, and Season in Purgatory, while Gossip From the Forest concerns the negotiations at Versailles. Better known, however, are his novels concerning Aborigines, like Flying Hero Class and The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith. FTP, identify this Australian novelist best known for writing Schindler's Ark.;;(Thomas) Keneally Literature;;Tenorio's shooting of the title character's owl is what ultimately brings about her death. Earlier, the protagonist goes with his friend Cico to see the golden carp, though he cannot reconcile it with his Catholicism. He is also troubled by his older brothers' return from World War II, and their lack of respect for their father Gabriel. It is such moral questions that plague him, leading the title character to divine that he is fated to be a man of learning. FTP, identify this novel about Antonio Marez and the title faith healer, written by Rudolfo Anaya.;;Bless Me(,) Ultima Noncomputational Math;;The Miller-Jaeschke technique is only applicable for numbers less than 3 times ten to the fourteenth power, while Rabin's method is only probabilistic. In Lucas' technique, it is necessary to find a fixed primitive root, but Pocklington's gives more flexibility. The converse of Wilson's theorem is another test of what mathematical property, whose most simplistic test, FTP, is the sieve of Eratosthenes?;;primality |(testing) (for) prime(s) (numbers) World History;;Members revered their great ancestors who they identified as the Yasa and later leaders include Tokhtamysh and Emir Mamay Mizra, whose support of Islam spurred its division into two branches. At the battle of Kulikovo Russian princes won a major battle against Mamai who struggled to reach the military success that earlier rulers like Oz Beg and Batu had tasted. Also known as the Khipchak Khanate, it was dealt a final blow in 1395 when Tamerlane sacked Sarai Berke. FTP identify this western part of the Mongol empire that took its name from its founder's magnificent gleaming tent.;;Golden Horde|Ulus Juchi Geography;;Queen Elizabeth I gave this island the name "Meta Incognita" or "Limits Unknown" when she received word of its discovery by the English in 1578; that name is still used for a peninsula at its southwestern tip. Separated from Southampton Island by the Foxe Channel and from the mainland's Melville Peninsula by the Fury & Hecla Strait, it is home to eight official communities including Mittimitalik, Kimmirut, and Iqaluit (ih-KAL-oo-IT). For 10 points - name this largest island in Canada.;;Baffin (Island)|Qikiqtaaluk Literature;;The poet describes Venus walking upon the lava fields of Etna, comparing the heat with his passion, as the "pomegranates burst and murmur with bees". He also describes his breast, "though proofless, still attests a bite / Mysterious due to some august tooth". Beginning by contemplating some nymphs the poet would perpetuate, he wonders whether it was a dream he loved before scattering the sound coming from his pipes "in a waterless shower" and opting to open his mouth "to wine's potent star" and succumb to sleep. FTP, identify this Symbolist poem describing the forest revelries of a woodland creature, written by Stephan Mallarme that later inspired a musical work by Debussy.;;(The) Afternoon of a Faun World History;;This man first gained fame during the Megarian war, and organized a new party to vie with the factions of Lycurgus and Megacles, whose daughter he married. After twice briefly holding power and being expelled, he gathered allies and wealth before defeating the Athenian army during a surprise attack at Pallene. In addition to purifying Delos and gaining control of the Hellespont, he encouraged Miltiades to set up a tyranny over Chersonesus. Identify this tyrant succeeded by his sons Hippias and Hipparchus, who was, FTP, ruler of Athens from 561-527.;;Peisistratus Religion/Mythology;;The Rishi Vasishtah was said to have owned him before his more famous master took him into his family. Invoked as a divinity in the Puranas, he is usually described as the son of Kasyapa and Surabhi and he stands guard at the entrance of many temples. His musical ability becomes evident when Shiva takes the form of Nataraja and this leader of the Ganas provides the music for his master's wild dancing. Standing guard at the four corners of the world he looks after all four legged creatures, like himself. FTP identify this milk white bull who serves as Shiva's mount.;;Nandi Art;;This canvas features a small cross lit up on the left bank, while the right side features two trees that are about to fall into the sparkling river. When it was unveiled at New York's Lyrique Hall in 1859 it caused a sensation and thousands of patrons paid money to file past it every month in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the exotic terrain described in Humboldt's scientific writings. Painted on the artist's second trip to Ecuador, the titular mountains can be seen rising majestically in the distance. FTP identify this landscape painting by Frederick Edwin Church.;;Heart of the Andes Literature;;In 1651, Anna Weamys wrote a continuation of this literary work. After Dametas, the chief herdsman, suspects treachery, he informs the local citizens, who find the Duke supposedly murdered in a cave. He was lured to the cave by a prince disguised as the Amazon woman Zelmane, who with his friend Musidorus, are trying to woo Pamela and Philoclea, the Duke's daughters. When the Evarchus, king of Macedon, orders the death of Prince Pyrocles and Musidorus, Basilius, the Duke, awakens, and all is set right. FTP, identify this 1590 pastoral romance in five books, written by Sir Philip Sidney.;;Arcadia Philosophy;;Deeply influenced by Peter Peregrinus, this medieval thinker's epistemology stemmed from his attempts to understand visual perception, Patronized by Clement IV to do his work in secret, after the Pope's death he wrote two works, Communia Naturalium, and Communia Mathematica, but he is better known for his longer works. Those works, like his Opus Major and Opus Minor argued against the ideas of Aristotle. FTP, identify this English philosopher, known as Doctor Mirabilis, who advocated the scientific method.;;R(oger) Bacon;;Bacon Biology;;The velamentous variety may cause fatal bleeding, while the previa condition may occur if implantation occurs in the incorrect area. It avoids rejection by lacking MHC antigens and secreting prostaglandin E2. Hofbauer cells, Langerhans cells, and syn-cytio-trophoblasts are the primary cells found here, while it is divided into the decidua basalis and the villous chorion. Rubella and CMV have the ability to cross its membrane as well as di-ethyl-stil-besterol and thalidomide, but more importantly, its membranes allow for exchange of oxygen and nutrients. Expelled in the afterbirth, FTP, name this vascular organ that connects the umbilicus of the fetus to the mother.;;placenta Music;;Five years after its rather dismal premiere its composer decided to release this opera as a suite featuring such sections as "The Ridiculous People," "Scene from Hades," and "Flight:" which corresponds to Celio's appearance in the finale. It begins when the King of Clubs persuades his minister, Leandro, to cure his son's melancholy. Soon he has offended Fata Morganna and must go to the witch Creonte to find the title objects. Eventually Truffaldino saves the Ninetta from her fruity prison and she falls in love with the Prince in FTP what 1921 work based on a story by Gozzi, an opera by Prokofiev.;;Love for Three Oranges|Love of the Three Oranges Miscellaneous;;In 1917, this man engaged in a famous debate with Alfred Kroeber on the nature of the superorganic. While at the University of Chicago, he had a notable collaboration with Harry Stack Sullivan, during which he wrote his analysis Navajo Texts. Prior to this he was the chief ethnologist for the Geological Survey of Canada, this led to his methodological work, Time Perspective in Aboriginal American Culture. Other important works include the article "Sound Patterns in Language", and a more famous theoretical collaboration. FTP, identify this author of Language, best known for the linguistic theory he posited with his student Benjamin Wharf.;;(Edward) Sapir World History;;Grigory Vakulinchuk was one of the few men killed. The original group was joined by George the Conqueror which quickly ran itself aground. The remaining men fled to Romania fearing they would be attacked in their home country. Many people blame Matushenko for this incident which began when soldiers who refused to eat borscht made from rotten meat were ordered executed and the firing squad turned on their commanders. For 10 points, name this 1905 mutiny in Odessa harbor that was famously portrayed in a movie by Eisenstein.;;Potemkin (Mutiny) Physics;;This effect is responsible for the hydrogen line at 21 centimeters or 1420 Megahertz observed in radio astronomy. It can also be used in studying coordination complexes to determine delocalization of electrons from the central ion onto ligands. It occurs because a magnetic nucleus with nonzero spin I can adopt different orientations, giving rise to 2I+1 contributions to the local magnetic field. Occurring on a much smaller order than a similarly named effect, this is, FTP, what type of splitting structure created by nucleon-electron spin interaction?;;hyperfine (structure)|hyperfine (splitting) Literature;;The second piece centers on the ways that whiteness means a "morally superior Christian citizen" and forwards the idea that "whatever white people do not know about Negroes reveals… what they do not know about themselves," it then goes on to critique the Nation of Islam and the author's experiences in Harlem. That section, "Down at the Cross: Letter from a Region in my mind," is preceded by the opening section, which argues for self-acceptance over societal acceptance as the key to black power, and is written as a letter addressed to the author's nephew. FTP identify this 1963 book that begins with the essay "My Dungeon Shook" that warns whites about the potential for violence to come, a work by James Baldwin.;;The Fire Next Time Physics;;In quantum mechanics, this may be used to obtain first order corrections for relativistic effects using h-bar-to-the-fourth p-hat-to-the-fourth over eight m-cubed c-squared as the namesake type of operator. This theory arises from consideration of an analytically unsolvable problem as the superposition of a spectral problem with known solution and a power series in an "order of approximation" parameter, which is generally symbolized lambda. Fermi's Golden Rules are statements of the asymptotic transition rates that the time-dependent variety of this gives in the sudden approximation. FTP name the theory whose non-degenerate form states that the first order correction to the energy of an eigenstate is simply the expectation of P-hat, a namesake operator introduced to alter the Hamiltonian slightly.;;(quantum) (mechanical) perturbation (theory) United States History;;While working for Congressman Richard Kleberg he was elected speaker of the "Little Congress", and two years later became the youngest state director of the National Youth Administration. Elected to the 10th Congressional District to fill the seat of the late James P. Buchanan and held the seat until being elected to the Senate in 1948. He first gained national attention as chairman of the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee during the Korean War. Particularly proud of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and his work on the US space program, this is, for 10 points, what Texan who served as Kennedy's first vice-president?;;(Lyndon) (Baines) Johnson Music;;He composed the scores for Pare Lorentz' The Plow That Broke the Plains and The River and Robert Flaherty's Louisiana Story. He composed a Sonata de chiesa for his graduation from study with Nadia Boulanger and soon after composed the Symphony on a Hymn Tune and a ballet called Filling Station. Jack Larson wrote the libretto for his third most important opera Lord Byron. His songs "Susie Asado", "Preciosilla", and his early success "Capital, Capitals" were all based on Gertrude Stein as were his two most famous works. For 10 points, name this American composer of Four Saints in Three Acts and The Mother of Us All.;;(Virgil) Thompson Literature;;At the end the author compares art to a natural phenomenon, though this work begins by arguing for the superiority of feeling and describing a novice trying to paint a scene from perspective. Later, the essay discusses the instinct of self-preservation by quoting a line from Paradise Lost, "the fear of instant death smites him ‘with its petrific mace,'" and further explains how the title activity brings sympathy to the murderer instead of the victim. The key point describes a woman's sigh before she faints and notes how the sound of wheels that break the silence at a funeral procession mirror the title event. FTP, identify this work of criticism about a noise in Shakespeare's Scottish play, written by Thomas De Quincey.;;On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth World History;;He led a successful railroad strike in Tomsk and as a result was imprisoned in the Caucuses. After the revolution he worked in Azerbaijan where he organized the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic and rose in the ranks until being named head of the Leningrad party. A charismatic leader, his 1934 policy of reconciliation for prisoners and support of Trotsky put him at odds with his friend and mentor, and on December 1, 1934, Leonid Nikolayev walked into Party Headquarters and killed him. FTP identify this man whose murder was used as a pretext by Stalin to purge the Communist party.;;(Sergei) (Mironovich) Kirov Economics;;Along with the labor theory of value, this theory was refuted by Eugen Bohm-Bawerk in his monumental Theory of Capital, while Karl Marx criticized Lassalle's advocacy of the Gotha Programme on account of it. It was initially used in order to criticize the Poor Laws, on the grounds that they would increase the population of labor, which would ultimately lead to more workers, and would both make the workers poorer and rich bankrupt. Assuming that workers are infinitely available, replaceable and interchangeable, this idea built on the work of Malthus. FTP, identify this theory that states that salaries would always converge to subsistence levels, posited by David Ricardo.;;Iron Law of Wages Art;;Cabanel's Birth of Venus, shown near the original at the Musee d'Orsay, is often taken as a point of departure for discussing this work. A second version painted in 1873 moves the title figure to the background as a gentleman with a cane looks on and a black servant hurries to cover her with a white sheet. That "Modern" version by Cezanne is in sharp contrast to the original, where the title woman wears a flower behind her left ear, a black string around her neck, and little else, and brazenly stares out of the canvas. FTP identify this nude which caused an uproar at the Salon of 1865, a work by Manet.;;(Modern) Olympia Literature;;Luke Breckinridge catches Shippy with incriminating papers in his boots, much to the consternation of the hotel employee Sophy. While one of the main characters is on the run, he impregnates Melora Vilas, who later travels around with a creaking cart looking for him. Another of the main characters ultimately spurns Lucy Weatherby for Sally Dupre, after his mansion is accidentally burned by Sherman. Tracing the lives of Clay Wingate and Jack Ellyat, FTP ,name this poetic work whose title refers to the leader of a raid on Harper's Ferry, written by Stephen Vincent Benet.;;John Brown's Body Chemistry;;Boranes are uncommonly used to reduce members of this class of organic compounds to primary alcohols, while bromination can done using the Hunsdiecker reaction. With alcohols, they undergo the Fischer esterification. Their most reactive products are the acyl halides, which are often used in Friedel-Crafts reactions, while their second most reactive products are the anhydrides, which form from two members of this class of organic compounds. FTP, name this class of organic compounds which contain an alcohol connected to a ketone, members of which include formic acid and acetic acid.;;carboxylic acid(s) World History;;During the reign of the eleventh and last king with this name, Herihor, high priest of Karnar, effectively ruled at Thebes and was succeeded by Smendes, a merchant prince. Libyan marauders were present in Thebes during the ninth and tenth ruler's reigns, while the fourth and fifth completed great projects like the two temples at Dayr al-Bahri. The third saved Egypt for the confederation of the sea peoples, while the first ruled for only two years and was succeeded by his son Seti. FTP, identify these Egyptian kings of the 19th and 20th dynasties, the second of whom built temples at Luxor and Abu Simbel.;;Ramses|Ramesside (kings) Religion/Mythology;;When she died of old age Hermes was sent to bring her body to the Elysian Fields. Earlier, her brothers were killed by Comaetho and his Taphian warriors and she refused to marry any man who could not avenge their death. Her future husband accomplished this feat and even though he also accidentally killed her father, Electryon, she consummated her relationship with him. Or so she thought. Actually Zeus had taken the shape of her husband, Amphitryon, and impregnated her. FTP identify this princess of Mycenae who gave birth to the twins Iphicles and Heracles.;;Alcmene Geography;;The major ethnic groups indigenous to the northern part of this country include the Gurma and Kabre; the southeast is home to the Ewe (you-AY) people. Its coastline was held by Denmark during the 18th century; its only port at that time was Anécho (a-nay-ho). It was conquered by the British and French in 19 days in 1914; the northwestern part of the nation was integrated into the Gold Coast and eventually became part of an independent Ghana. For 10 points - name this small African nation located between Ghana and Benin.;;Togo|(République) Togo(laise) Philosophy;;Section VI, "Of Probability" argues that there is a concept of probability as distinct from that of Chance, which the author attributes to an ignorance of causes. In "Of Liberty and Necessity", the author advances the compatiblist doctrine of free will, while the work begins by drawing the distinction between ideas and impressions. Containing tangential sections on the analogy between human and animal reason as well as a refutation of divine force in the world,"Of Miracles", this is FTP, what 1748 work, a shorter version of the author's Treatise of Human Nature, written by David Hume.;;(An) Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Noncomputational Math;;The mathematician Bhaksara solved the special case where d equals 61. Although William Brounker provided a first proof to Fermat's conjecture regarding this equation, Euler mistakenly misattributed it to another British mathematician. Euler solved other special cases, but Lagrange fully proved in 1768 that this equation always has nontrivial solutions for positive nonsquare integers d. FTP, identify this Diophantine equation of the form x squared minus d times y squared equals one.;;Pell(')s (equation) Literature;;The trouble in this novel begins when the protagonist's wife asks him for permission to go study economics at the University in London. When their son John dies, the protagonist sends his friend Jock Grant-Menzies to break the news to his wife, who then demands a divorce. He refuses to give her one, and she must ask her lover's mother, Mrs. Beaver for a job. Meanwhile, the protagonist goes to South America, where his friend Messinger dies and he is held captive by Todd, who makes him read aloud the novels of Dickens. FTP, identify this novel about the lord of Hetton Abbey, Tony Last, a novel by Evelyn Waugh.;;A Handful of Dust World History;;Jan Bruegel portrayed the people involved in this event as monkeys. Resulting from an expedition by Conrad Guestner in 1559, a similar event occurred in the Ottoman Empire until Ahmed III. An example of ‘windhandel', the Carolus Clusius and his assistant Cluyt began it at the "hortus" at the University of Leiden. One of the Brasserie type was exchanged for a French brewery and tavern owner Wouter Winkel made his children wealthy by leaving them a flowerbed full of them. In 1637 the Dutch government brought an end to, for 10 points, what period of speculation on bulbs of a certain flower?;;Tulip(mania)|Tulip (Craze)|Tulip (Madness)|Tulpenwoede Biology;;The site of the rare diseases Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, and Budd-Chiari syndrome, it is surrounded by the Glisson capsule. This organ is divided into lobules which are hexagonal masses of tissue consisting of plates of cells surrounding a central vein. These lobules are also crisscrossed by sinusoids which also contain Kupffer cells. At each corner of the hexagon lies the portal veins, arteries, and bile ducts. FTP, name this organ, producer of bile and plasma proteins and best known as the site of the diseases hepatitis and cirrhosis.;;liver Music;;Its second section invites the listener to feel the brass roar of the lion and uses a series of dotted notes to represent a stag bounding through a thicket. It begins with a series of unfocused harmonic textures and an atmosphere of vague formlessness, known as "Representation of Chaos," followed by the arrival of the three soloists Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. The third and final part of this 1795 work with a libretto by Gottfried von Swieten depicts the stirring of Adam and Eve in the Garden. FTP identify this oratorio based on Paradise Lost, featuring the famous "There was light" eruption, composed by Haydn.;;(The) Creation|(Der) Schopfung Literature;;Because one of the senators judging the case is a Darwinist, he finds the protagonist's morality disgusting and thus refuses to commute the sentence. The protagonist is inspired by a visit to Vera Doukhova, who sacrifices everything for revolution. He contrasts Vera's morality with his friend the corrupted civil servant Selenin. The main character thus ends his engagement to Princess Korchagin and moves to Siberia, where the woman he loves ultimately marries Simonson. FTP, identify this novel in which Nekhludoff tries to save the life of Katusha after seducing her and finding her accused of murder, a novel about spiritual renewal by Leo Tolstoy.;;Resurrection Physics;;This phenomenon reduces the resolution of detectors doped with cerium three at room temperature, because cerium three creates shallow traps in the phase space at which thermally activated electron-hole recombination occurs. In an organic molecule with pi-structure, intersystem crossing can allow radiation-free electron transfer from an excited singlet state to an excited triplet state, eventually resulting in this. This process is generally undesirable in a scintillation detector, as it places significant restrictions on the maximum count rate and results in "afterglow" due to its long duration. FTP name this form of electronic de-excitation through spontaneous photon emission, a term first used to describe the persistent luminescence of its namesake.;;phosphorescence Religion/Mythology;;The tradition originated with the 84 mahasiddas, and two general types of them exist: the sprul-sku, and the "developed" ones, who have achieved recognition for piety in their lifetime. The state oracle at Nechung is consulted in order to determine the succession of some of them, Of the two most important, one is considered to be the reincarnation of Amitbha, while another is the reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara. One is the traditional head of the Tashilhunpo monastery, while another is the head of the Yellow Hat order, though he has been in exile since 1959. FTP, identify this term for a teacher or leader in Tibetan Buddhism.;;lama United States History;;He took over John Quincy Adams' congressional seat in 1848. As a Massachusetts senator he led a movement to establish a state hospital for the insane at Worcester, the first of its kind in the country. Largely self-educated, he attended Brown and later Litchfield Law School and finished his life as the president of Ohio's Antioch College where he attempted to implement the plans he had made as secretary of Massachusetts' state board of education. For 10 points name this founder of the Common School Journal, the "father of American education".;;(Horace) Mann Literature;;The epigraph to this short story comes from The Anatomy of Melancholy, and it discusses a book that contains the letters M C V repeated as well as the phrase "O Time Thy Pyramids". The author also describes the possibility of what he terms "Vindications", which tell the future. In a footnote, the author states that the title entity is unnecessary, as Alvarez de Toledo noted it would be equivalent so a single volume of infinite pages, all infinitely thin. FTP, identify this short story about a building housing every combination of possible books, written by Jorge Luis Borges.;;(The) Library of Babel Chemistry;;The Linde process is a prime industrial example that takes advantage of this effect. A deviation of Boyle's law, this effect allows gases to be cooled beyond their inversion temperature. Ideal gases avoid this effect, which is caused by the conversion of heat into work necessary to overcome the van der Waals forces between molecules as they move apart. FTP, identify this effect which states that temperature of a gas falls when it expands without expending energy, named after the two British scientists who discovered it, and demonstrated when air escapes a tire.;;Joule-Thomson (effect)|Joule-Kelvin (effect) United States History;;Four years after becoming editor of the Newburyport Herald in 1824 he was appointed editor of the National Philanthropist in Boston. He adopted a quote by Thomas Paine: "Our country is the world - our countrymen are mankind" as the motto of his paper. In 1828 he began working with Benjamin Lundy on the Genius of Universal Emancipation. The Tappan brothers broke away from his Anti-Slavery Society because of his attacks on the Constitution and the prominent role of women in the organization. For 10 points name this American abolitionist known for his newspaper The Liberator.;;(William) (Lloyd) Garrison Art;;At the extreme left, a group of two men, a woman and her child wind around a column opposite from a man perched on a throne. In the background is a Greek Temple-style building with caryatids. St. Mark plunges down contrasting with a man in a turban who raises his hammer and chisel with his back turned to a half-naked man lying on the ground. Spectators turn towards the incapacitated servant in, for 10 points, what 1548 painting by Tintoretto?;;Miracle of the Slave Chemistry;;It is the prime example of positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. Full separation of toluene from water is accomplished through the use of Dean-Stark trap, which circumvents the problem presented by a mixture in this state. Most often involving ethers, the Gibbs-Konovalov theorem describes its condition at the maximum and minimum of a vapor pressure curve, and states that, as long as pressure is constant, both the vapor and solution have the same composition while the mixture is in this state. FTP, identify the state in which two mixed liquids boil at constant composition, the bane of fractional distillation.;;azeotrope Miscellaneous;;Goya's depiction of one was located in the "Deaf Man's Villa", while the works of Apulius and Petronius may have inspired later depictions. Pierre de Lancre wrote about attending one in 1610, and seeing a feast eaten without salt. Some of them were said to take place in the Harz Mountains, and the Blocula in Sweden, and one religious tradition has them held on solstices and equinoxes. The most famous occurred on a night named for Abbess of Heidenheim, and German townspeople would make noise during the night to ward off evil spirits. Said to consist of sacrifices, initiation rites, and sexual congress with Satan, FTP, name these festivals, the most famous of which took place on Walpurgisnacht.;;Witches(')(s) Sabbath World History;;The lex Plautie Papiria was passed as a result of this conflict. After forming a republic with capital at Corfinium, the insurgents won victories in the northern sector until Marius and Strabo managed to suppress them, but Lucius Julius Caesar suffered reverses in the south that forced him to pass a law to dissuade the Estruscans and Umbrians from seceding. Spurred by the assassination of Livius Drusus, FTP, identify the 91-88 BC conflict in which the Marsi, Samnites, and other disenfranchised Italians fought for independence from Rome.;;Social (War)|Marsic (War)|War of the Allies|Italic War Literature;;His collected essays were released in 2002 with the title Another Day at the Front: Dispatches from the Race War. Later novels like Reckless Eyeballing and The Terrible Threes were written in response to feminist criticism of early works such as Yellow Back Radio Broke Down. Henry Gates' Signifying Monkey cites his use of Hoodoo conventions in works like The Freelance Pall Bearers as a primary example of black literature's transformative style. The detective Papa LaBas (La-Bahh) is featured in two of his most famous works The Last Days of Louisiana Red and Mumbo Jumbo. FTP identify this author whose satires include Flight to Canada.;;(Ishmael) Reed Miscellaneous;;In Altruistic Love, he wrote that the study of altruistic love was needed to avert worldwide chaos. He famously distinguished between sensate cultures that were based on empirical science, and ideational cultures based on mysticism. A member of the Kerensky government, he was forced to emigrate after he was sentenced to death by the Bolsheviks, which he wrote about in his autobiography Leaves from a Russian Diary. Following this, he taught at the University of Minnesota until 1930, when he took up his most famous position. FTP, identify this sociologist and author of Social and Cultural Dynamics best known for founding Harvard's sociology department.;;(Pitirim) Sorokin Miscellaneous;;The Heiskanen hypothesis of this principle is a compromise between the earlier Airy and Pratt hypotheses. The Hayford-Bowie concept estimates the depth of compensation to be roughly 70 kilometers, a depth at which the total weight per unit area is equal around all the Earth. Coined in 1889 by Clarence Dutton from the Greek for "equal balance," FTP, identify this geological idea that continents are less dense and float on a mantle.;;isostasy|isostatic (principle) Religion/Mythology;;As a child he was bathed three times on a summer night and nine times on an autumn night in order to insure that he would be wise. Though he eventually married Kyllikki, her decision to sneak out for a dance confirmed this deity's belief in bachelorhood and romance and he left her to pursue other women in Pohjola. His greatest exploit involved capturing the swan of Tuonela, subsequently being dismembered, but then being restored to life by his sorcerer mom. FTP identify this sworn enemy of Lempo and friend of Vainamoinen, the lovable rake of Finnish myth.;;Lemminkainen Literature;;Minor characters in this work include a French doctor whose parrot tells patients "Its nothing" and Darbon, the veterinarian. Due to small chairs, the central figure in this work is not sent to kindergarten. Described as having eyes like two scarabs of black crystal, the author promises not to throw him into a pit when he dies, and recounts the story of Anilla, who would dress as a ghost to scare local children. Set in the author's home town of Moguer, it is subtitled "Andalusian Elegy". FTP, identify this prose work about a man and his eponymous donkey, written by Juan Ramon Jimenez.;;Platero and I|Platero y Yo World History;;The site of this battle has been silted up by the river Eede. Part of one of the fleets consisted of Genoese galleys under Barbavera. Ships under Sir Robert Morley came to the assistance of the English fleet shortly before fighting began. The English anchored at Blankenberghe, but the French commanders Nicholas Bhuchet and Hugh Querat decided not to attack. The result of Edward III's attempt to prevent a French invasion, this is, for 10 points, what June 30, 1340 naval battle of the Hundred Years War.;;Sluys Biology;;This anatomic structure lies at the upper end of the crista terminalis near the opening of the superior vena cava, and is supplied by a branch of the right coronary artery. The only part of the heart that is responsive to acetylcholine from the vagus nerve, its resting membrane potential is -55mV, leading this area to have greater automaticity. A major site of action for norepinephrine and beta blockers, FTP, name this primary pacemaker of the heart, located in the right atrium.;;sinoatrial node|SA node Music;;The second one may have been inspired by Nicholas II's visit to Paris and frames an increasingly insistent march with frenzied flourishes. That piece, "Celebrations," is preceded by the first of them wherein a wispy string chord oscillates around a floating English horn solo. Both "Clouds" and the final piece, featuring a woman's choir, which is called "Sirens," owe inspiration to the poetry of Henri de Regnier and to the paintings of James Whistler, for which they were named, FTP, identify this trio of tone pictures by Claude Debussy.;;(Three) Nocturnes World History;;This family was divided into two lines, those "of the doe" and "of the lily," based on their coat of arms. They were nearly bankrupted when their partnership in the spice trade with Prince Bishop of Brixen floundered, but the secret purchase of Charles the Bold's crown jewels kept them solvent. Founded by a weaver from Augsburg named Hans, they made much of their fortune through mines in Guadalcanal, Neusohl, and Tyrol. Jakob, nicknamed "the Rich," funded Charles V's defeat of Francis I for the title of Holy Roman Emperor, while their influence with the clergy was denounced by Luther. FTP identify this German banking dynasty that dominated Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries.;;Fugger(s) (Family) Literature;;It contains a number of two line poems, including "The Definition of Beauty". At Cambridge the author added "His Fare-well to Sack," while his apprenticeship to a goldsmith uncle inspired "A Country Life". "To Bacchus, a Canticle" is one of the many classically themed poems, while "The Argument of His Book"" summarizes the author's poetic interests from pastoral themes to Heaven and Hell. Also containing the poems to Julia and Corrina, it was published with His Noble Numbers. FTP, identify this poetry collection that contains "To Daffodils" and "To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time", written by Robert Herrick.;;Hesperides Physics;;The formula for this is derived by truncating to two terms a Taylor expansion of the exponential of minus q phi over k T, so the most important dependence of this property is on the square root of the ratio of temperature to particle number density. The total version of this to the minus two is equal to the version for electrons to the minus two plus the version for cations to the minus two, and the lower bound in the integral for total Rutherford scattering cross section is equal to the sine of the arctangent of the ratio of the scattering length to this. FTP name this measure of self-shielding in; and, hence, fundamental characterization of; a plasma; a distance symbolized lambda-d.;;Debye (shielding) length Art;;One of this artist's masterpieces inspired William Vaughn Moody's An Ode in the Time of Hesitation. With John LaFarge he created two caryatids for a fireplace in Vanderbilt's residence and a bronze Amor Caritas now housed at the Art Institute in Chicago. His final sculpture was 1903's Sherman Monument at the edge of Central Park, and throughout his life he designed medallions and coins. While the Farragut Memorial and Marian Adams Memorials have never been moved, his most famous piece, a Civil War work built on Beacon Hill, is now in the Smithsonian. FTP identify this sculptor who designed the Shaw Memorial.;;(Augustus) Saint-Gaudens Geography;;The Dreadnought Bank lies just to the north of this channel's wider entrance, while its southern entrance is marked by the Riau Archipelago. A civil war in the province of Aceh, located northwest of the strait, has brought about an increase in pirate attacks in recent years. Recognized as an "international strait" by the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, its major ports include Belawan on its western shore and Penang on its eastern. For 10 points - name this strait that separates Sumatra from the Malay Peninsula.;;(Strait) (of) Malacca|(Strait) (of) Melaka Literature;;The title character laments the fate of his mother-in-law Tennie, who is left by her playboy ex-husband. The protagonist is equally appalled at the Freudian analysis his therapist, Edvig, offers him. Before returning to his house in Ludeyville, he gets into a car accident while taking his daughter June to the zoo and gets arrested for carrying a gun. He contemplates his relationships with Daisy, Zipporah, Sono, and Ramona as well as his friend Valentine Gersbach, who cuckolded him. FTP, identify this novel about a man who pens letters to historical personages while worrying about his divorce from Madeline, written by Saul Bellow.;;Herzog World History;;Berstett did his best to bring them on and Friedrich Gentz suggested that the government revoke Article XVIII of the Confederation Act. Adam Mueller made significant contributions to the deliberations. The diet ordered the dissolution of the Burschenshaften and set up an investigative commission at Mainz. Adopted by a diet dominated by Metternich after the assassination of August von Kotzebue, they provided for press censorship and close supervision of the Universities. For 10 points, name these laws aimed at suppressing liberal agitation.;;Carlsbad Decrees Philosophy;;Lesser known works of this philosopher includes Plato's Progress and Dilemmas. He made the distinction between categories and types, arguing that the goal of philosophy is to correct "category mistakes". In his 1922 paper, "Systematically Misleading Expressions" he argued that philosophical problems arise from improper uses of language. In his most famous work, he claimed that all the talk regarding the mental was no more than a certain way of talking about bodies, although he denied that his work was behaviorist. FTP, identify this man who succeeded G.E. Moore as editor of Mind, most famous for his 1949 work, The Concept of Mind.;;(Gilbert) Ryle United States History;;Henry Ford met a force under Joachim de la Torre near Petaluma ranch. Later, they defeated Jose Castro at Olompai. The constitution signed at Mokelumne River created posts like chief justice which was held by John Nash. Ezekiel Merrit captured General Vallejo and several family members in a pre-dawn raid at Sonoma. Within a few weeks, its first leader, William Ide, was forced from power by John Fremont and it surrendered to Admiral Sloat. For 10 points, name this nation that broke away from Mexico in 1846.;;Bear Flag Republic Literature;;The preface features sections called "The Yahoo and the Angry Ape," "Revolution on the Shelf," and a suggestion that the only alternative is "Horseback Hall". Characters milling about include Nurse Guiness and Randall Utterwood, meanwhile Marcus briefly captures the heroine's interest with his romantic outlook. When her fancy turns to an ageing capitalist instead, Hesione Hushabye tries to step in. Eventually Mazzini Dunn's daughter decides she doesn't want to be with Boss Mangan and then the title location is bombed. Subtitled "A Fantasia in the Russian Manner on English Themes," FTP what is this allegorical work about Ellie Dunn, a Shaw work named for Captain Shotover's abode.;;Heartbreak House Religion/Mythology;;He went to ask for forgiveness at the sanctuary at Montserrat and he left his sword and dagger suspended over Our Lady's alter there. Upon his departure Ines Pascual showed him a cavern in Manresa where he could enjoy quiet meditation. While a professor at the University of Alcala he was imprisoned by the inquisitor Figueroa forcing him to Salamanca where he was fettered to his companion Calisto in a common prison. All his experiences with the inquisition led to his journey to Rome in 1537 when he founded the Society of Jesus. For 10 points, name this author of The Spiritual Exercises and founder of the Jesuits.;;Ignatius (of Loyola) United States History;;Before this battle began Deaf Smith had been dispatched to destroy Vince's bridge: this cut off the enemy's supply lines, but also cut off all avenues of retreat. The stealthy advance of the "Twin Sisters," a pair of six pound cannons, up over the crest that hid one side's camp helped the fighting to be over in 18 minutes. According to Col. Delgado's eyewitness account, the close range of the American settlers' artillery coupled with cries echoing Sidney Sherman's command to "Remember the Alamo" was too much for Santa Anna's forces. FTP name this 1836 battle won by the forces of Sam Houston that secured Texan independence.;;San Jacinto Literature;;The final section describes the "dialectic" of the title condition and quotes Toynbee. The fourth discusses the importance of Guadelupe, the Virgin, and La Malinche and argues that incarnations of femininity embody the complications of a nation. Beginning with a quote about the untenability of "the other" from Antonio Machado, the author turns to the pachuco, who practices an extreme form of self-identification. This is followed by an argument about colonialism and the various masks, ranging from machismo to the cult of death, that citizens now wear in Mexico. FTP identify this essay that prescribes love and creativity to escape the titular structure, a work by Octavio Paz.;;(The) Labyrinth of Solitude|(El) Laberinto de Soledad Philosophy;;This thinker classified knowledge into accidental and eternal, the latter of which is available to God alone. Trained as a legal scholar in the Ash'arite tradition, his autobiography Deliverance from Error discusses his spiritual crises. His monumental Revival of Religious Sciences outlines his views, while earlier works like Incoherence of the Philosophers dismisses the problems of philosophy. FTP, identify this Islamic anti-philosopher whose religious views were later challenged and refuted by Averroes and Avicenna.;;(Abu) (Hamid) (Muhammed) Al Ghazali Biology;;Recent developments in therapy for this disease have included BLyS [bliss] antagonists and DR5 agonists which act on B cells. The cause of Libman-Sacks endocarditis, serum markers of this disease include increased antinuclear antibodies, deposits of which are increased with renal diseases such as membranous glomerulonephritis. A disease that primarily affects women, massive joint inflammation and degeneration is often the most dehabilitating part of the disease. FTP, name this autoimmune disorder that often presents initially with a photosensitive butterfly rash on the face that can sometimes be described as a wolf bite.;;(systemic) lupus (erythrematosus)|SLE Psychology;;It begins with a discussion of sensory, secretory, and motor faculties, and subdivides them into further categories like paradoxia and anaesthesia, which are used as case headings in the second part of this work. Many are described without what the author calls "noticeable tain". Number 99 concerns a person who loves only men with mustaches, while number 118 concerns a boy who masturbates only with furs. Consisting of two parts, "General Pathology" and 237 "Case Histories" it often described homosexuality as a deviation. FTP, identify this 1886 work detailing sexual deviants, written by Richard von Krafft-Ebing.;;Psychopathia Sexualis World History;;Henry Barth discovered its Royal Chronicles or Diwan in 1850, four years after its late struggles with the Fulani caused it to be absorbed by the Wadai Kingdom. Trade allowed their first capital, Njimi, to grow wealthy and under rulers like Umme they converted to Islam. Idris Alooma came to power in 1575 and extended their kingdom with his wars. It was the rise of the upstart Bulala people that forced the capital to move west of Lake Chad resulting in this empire's oddly hyphenated name. FTP identify this African kingdom ruled by the Seyf dynasty.;;Kanem-Bornu Literature;;It features a billiard ball swallowing contest and a visit to the Orpheum theater that results in young Auguste peeing his pants. A subplot involves the crazy Central American woman Maria Capa and her relationship to the junk-dealer Zerkow. Those two characters live in the same building as the title character's wife, whose fingers are gnawed off as the book goes on. The trouble begins when a member of the Sieppe family wins the lottery and Marcus Schouler tries to claim the winnings and Trina for himself. It ends in Death Valley with two men chasing a mule to get money not water. Eventually the pet canary dies as does the huge dentist in, FTP what novel, subtitled A Story of San Francisco, by Frank Norris.;;McTeague Astronomy;;This scientist helped Bessel publish a paper on the orbit of Halley's comet. In 1832, he predicted that the Earth would pass through the tail of Biela's comet, although there were no visible effect. A physician in Bremen, he set up an observatory in the upper portion of his house, and discovered the asteroids Pallas and Vesta. He formed a theory on why the tail of a comet always points away from the sun, but he is better known for an 1826 proposal. FTP, identify this German astronomer whose paradox asks why the sky is dark at night.;;(Heinrich) (Wilhelm) (Matthaus) Olbers Literature;;When Jasperino's friend is killed after a corrupt bargain is struck at the court of Alicant Alonzo's ring finger is produced as proof. Another murder takes place after the maid, Diaphanta, switches places with her mistress on the latter's wedding night and enjoys the love making too much. And although the title figure, a wannabe madman named Antonio, is accused of the crime, the evil DeFlores and Beatrice-Joanna are eventually found out and punished by Alsemero in, FTP, what noted 1622 collaboration by William Rowley and Thomas Middleton.;;(The) Changeling Religion/Mythology;;This deity's name curiously means "victory giver," this seems odd because her only son, Narvi, is killed to atone for crimes he did not commit and then his entrails are used as a rope and passed through three slabs of rock to immobilize his father. This successor to Glut and Angr-Boda inadvertently causes earthquakes whenever she goes to dispose of the venom that drips from Skadi's serpent on top of her imprisoned husband's head. FTP identify this long suffering, but steadfast, wife of Loki.;;Sigyn Physics;;While liquids such as hydrogen sulfide obey it, exceptions exist due to the presence of intraliquid structure; such substances include methane and water. Predicted by the Boltzmann relation, which states that entropy increases during phase changes, it allows the heat of vaporization to be estimated from boiling temperatures. With an approximate value of 90 joules per Kelvin mole, FTP, identify this rule of thermodynamics that states that most liquids have the same entropy of vaporization.;;Trouton('s) (Rule) Religion/Mythology;;In number 29, Eno ends the argument about whether the wind or the flag is moving. In number 36, Goso claims that a Man of the Way must be greeted with neither words nor silence. The second one describes a monk turned into a fox who is finally released from rebirth by the words of Hyakujo, while the fourth one asks why Bodhidharma lacks a beard. Beginning with Joshu's famous answer to the question of the Buddha nature of a dog, this work is often paired with the Blue Cliff Record. FTP, identify this collection of Zen koans written by Wu-men Hui-hai whose title is itself a paradox.;;Gateless Gate|Gateless Barrier|Mumon Ekai Literature;;The main character in this novel collects real flowers that resemble artificial ones, and his favorite painting is a Moreau of Salome and the head of John the Baptist. He has a farewell dinner for his virility, where he is served by naked African women. As a youth, he has two lovers: a ventriloquist whom he has perform Flaubert's dialogue between the Sphinx and Chimera, and an American Acrobat, Miss Urania. At the end of the novel, a doctor orders him to return to social life in Paris, and in fear of death, he gives up his decadent ways. FTP, identify this novel about the aesthete Des Esseintes, written by Joris Karl Huysmans.;;Against the Grain|Against Nature|A Rebours Music;;His building, the Opera-Nationale, had to be shut down during the Revolutions of 1848 prompting him to work as a music critic to pay off his debts. His later works include minor successes like The Toreador and If I was King, though his attempt at grand opera, Richard in Palestine, failed. Beginning a successful career at the Opera Comique with works like Pierre et Catherine and La Chalet, other compositions include the Le Postillon de Longjumeau and a series of ballets: Faust, The Girl from the Danube, and his most famous piece, a supernatural love story inspired by Gautier, FTP, identify this composer of Giselle.;;(Adolphe) Adam World History;;This battle occurred due to a salient in the Russian lines between Orel and Kharkov which the other side planned to break with Operation Citadel. The heaviest fighting occurred around the small village of Prohorovka where the Totenkopf, Adolf Hitler and Das Reich SS units were deployed along with five Panzer divisions, Gross Deutschland and three infantry divisions against the Fifth Guards Tank army. In the end the maneuverability of the T-34 was more useful than the heavy armor of the German Tiger tank and the German 586 tanks in the first day alone. For 10 points, name this battle of July 5, 1943, the largest tank battle ever known.;;Kursk Literature;;Helen Vendler argues that the speaker's intimate addresses in the poem are all about the love of one creator for another. It reflects on the passing of time in the lines "the gray glaze of the past attacks all know how/secrets of wash and finish are reduced to the status of black and white," and it ends with the speaker beseeching the removal of a large hand and bemoaning the limits of memory. The first of the six parts includes quotes from Greenberg and Vasari about Francesco's composition of the title piece, that also names the title poem of a 1975 collection that won the Pulitzer and the National Book Award. FTP identify this poem that takes its name from a distorted Parmagianino painting, a work by John Ashbery.;;Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror Biology;;Extant as G monomers, they require a critical concentration before forming long double-helix F polymers for function. Along with ankyrin and spectrin, this protein stabilizes red blood cell membranes, while bundles of these proteins are required for formation of filopodia and microvilli, as well as for intracellular transport. Present in thin filaments along with tropomyosin and troponin, FTP, name this protein, polymers of which interact with myosin during muscular contraction.;;actin Literature;;The Valkryies describes his time as part of the "Alternative Society," an anti-capitalist group that dabbled in mysticism, which he joined after his partnership with the rock star Raul Seixas had ended. His experience as a pilgrim on the road to Santiago marks his first novel The Diary of a Magus. Other works include By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, The Fifth Mountain, and Veronika Decides to Die, He is most well known for his second novel concerning an shepherd boy's journey across North Africa in search of treasure. FTP identify this Brazilian, the best selling novelist in the Portugese language, who wrote The Alchemist.;;(Paulo) Coehlo World History;;It drew support from men like the clerks of Dallington and Wartling, the rector of Mayfield and the Prior of St Pancras in Lewes. They opposed the Duke of Suffolk and asked that he be replaced with men like the Dukes of Exeter, Buckingham and Norfolk. Following the defeat of Royalist at Sevenoaks, rebels entered London and killed the Archbishop of Canterbury and the king's treasurer. London tired of the rebels and their leader was forced to flee, but Alexander Iden killed him at Heathfield. For 10 points, name this 1450 uprising against the taxes and corruption of Henry VI in southeastern England.;;(Jack) Cade ('s) (Rebellion)|(the) Kentish Revolt (of) (1450) United States History;;This organization took its current name in 1927 after the St. Louis businessman who encouraged it to concentrate on economic research. Its early work concluded that FDR's National Recovery Administration had done more harm than good; however, it was also involved in establishing Social Security's accounting system and organizing the Marshall Plan. Established in 1916 as the "Institute for Government Research," in recent years it has come to be considered slightly left-of-center. For 10 points - identify this nonpartisan public policy institution, the oldest of the "think tanks".;;Brookings (Institution) Art;;The gardens were expanded in the 1770s by Johann Procopius Mayer, who was summoned by the site's second owner Adam von Seinsheim. Built for the Schonborn family under the direction of Balthasar Neumann, its altarpieces include The Fall of the Angels, while its many frescoes include a cycle on the life of Frederick Barbarossa and scenes from Tasso, like Rinaldo and Armida. But it is the enormous allegory of the Four Continents in the Stairway Hall that marked Tiepolo's crowning achievement at, FTP, what baroque palace that lies in Bavaria.;;Wurzburg (Residence)|Wurzburg (Castle)|Wurzburg (Palace) United States History;;He relieved Jackson at Harpers Ferry and organized the Army of the Shenandoah. He fooled General Patterson in the Valley and moved back towards Richmond. Later reinforcing John Magruder on the Peninsula, he was wounded at Fair Oaks. He failed to relieve Pemberton at Vicksburg and prevented the capture of Atlanta for several months before he was replaces with Hood who eventually evacuated the city. He again failed to defeat Sherman at Bentonville and was forced to surrender a month later at Durham Station. For 10 points, name this Civil War general who commanded Confederate troops on the Peninsula before being replaced by Lee.;;J(oseph) (Eggleston) Johnston;;Johnston Literature;;The turning point in the novel occurs during a streetcar strike, which leads to the death of a one-handed socialist, Mr. Lindau, and the death of Conrad by a stray bullet. This follows the success of Every Other Week, a literary magazine, whose art direction, Angus Beaton, is eventually spurned by Christina. During this time Mr. Fulkerson is off wooing the daughter of a Virginia colonel who dreams of publishes a pro-slavery magazine. In the end, Dryfoos takes his family to Paris and sells the magazine's interest. FTP, identify this novel about the erstwhile editor Basil March, written by William Deal Howells.;;A Hazard of New Fortunes Geography;;This region's coast is indented by the Gulf of Khambhai (cam-bye) and the Gulf of Kutch; the land between the two gulfs is called the Kathiawar (ca-the-ah-wahr) peninsula. Harappan ruins have been found throughout this state, whose capital, Gandhinagar (gahn-DEE-nah-gahr), lies on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, its largest city. Along with Maharashtra, it became a separate state on May 1, 1960; both states had previously been part of Bombay state. For 10 points - name this western Indian state located between Bombay and the Pakistani border.;;Gujarat Art;;That museum displays his illustrations of Shakespeare's The Tempest, Homer's Odyssey, lithographs published in Derriere le mirroir, and numerous Biblical stories showing his "Biblical Message" which included beliefs in communion with God through dance and music. His The Soldier Drinks reflects his memories from the Russo-Japanese War, painted years before his first work of Orphic Cubism named by Blaise Cendrars, Paris Through a Window. For 10 points, name this artist of Green Violinist and I and the Village.;;(Marc) Chagall Philosophy;;One section discusses Kant's confusion of predication with synthesis. This work also presents the example of the Antipodeans, who lack the words to describe their conscious states, in the section "Persons Without Minds". Contrasting the edifying projects of Heidegger, Dewey, and Wittgenstein with more systematic philosophers, this work argues that one should view philosophy as a culturally bound conversation. FTP, identify this work which argues against the metaphor of mind as reflecting the world, written by Richard Rorty.;;Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature World History;;Rica writes about this event three times in the Persian Letters and in letter 142, Montesquieu allegorizes it with the story of an obsessed classicist. The Royal Bank was modeled after the Wisselbank of Amsterdam and the Duke of Orleans' influence was the greatest cause for its start. Two years after its creation the Compagnie d'Occident was re-organized as the Compagnie des Indes. Despite monopolies on a number of products, the inflation of stock price led to worthless money and the loss of public confidence in John Law's policies. For 10 points, name this French financial scandal of the 1710's.;;Mississippi Bubble Chemistry;;The primary use of this principle is in making band assignments and deducing the relative shapes of two different electronic states. It allows the prediction of vertical transitions from classical turning points, and assumes that nuclear locations do not change until after their electrons have adopted their final distributions. An extension of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, FTP, name this principle which states that in fast reactions such as transitions of electron states, there is no time for geometry to change.;;Franck-Condon (principle) Literature;;In the sixth stanza, the speaker states that "The words are purposes, the words are maps" and then in the next stanza clarifies that her interest is in "the thing itself and not the myth," despite the opening of the poem, which describes her as "first having read the book of myths". The second stanza describes the ladder, and following the poet's descent, she describes "the drowned face always staring towards the sun", an allusion to the masthead. Following this, she describes herself as mermaid and merman, and compares herself to the ship she is examining. FTP, identify this poem that uses a metaphor of undersea exploration, a work written by Adrienne Rich.;;Diving Into The Wreck Philosophy;;This work offers a refutation of reductionism, in that it argues for the primacy of chunking more inclusive concepts instead of breaking things down analytically. Using examples like calculating the area of a parallelogram, this work posits four fundamental mental processes: "reorganization", ‘restructuring", "insight", and "understanding". Also using anecdotal examples like Einstein's discovery of relativity, this work demonstrates how one goes from a "bad gestalt" in seeing a problem, to a "good gestalt". FTP, identify this posthumously published work on human creativity, written by Max Wertheimer.;;Productive Thinking Biology;;An autosomal dominant genetic disease, it is caused by a defect in FBN-1, a fibrillin extracellular glycoprotein. Manifestations of this disease include bilateral dislocation of the lens and increased axial length of the globe leading to retinal detachment, mitral valve prolapse, and cystic medionecrosis leading to aortic aneurysm and rupture. However, its best known symptoms are associated with ligaments, leading to laxity of joint, kyphosis, scoliosis, and long tapering fingers and toes. FTP, name this genetic disease, whose most striking manifestation, excessively tall stature, was demonstrated by Abraham Lincoln.;;Marfan (syndrome) World History;;Late in his life, while living at his palace in Fassolo, he broke up a plot on his life led by the Fieschi family. This prince of Melfi actually began his career in the service of Innocent VIII and King Ferdinand of Naples. His capture of the Barbary corsair Cadolin and his quelling of the Corsican Revolt led him to work for Francis I under who he raised the Siege of Marseilles. Eventually Charles V made him de facto ruler of his hometown of Genoa. FTP identify this Italian admiral whose name graced a luxury liner that famously collided with the S.S. Stockholm in 1956.;;(Andrea) Doria Art;;The two kneeling donors, dressed in flowing, red and blue robes respectively, flank the entrance to the barrel vault that houses the main scene. The lowest section of the work, linked with a tomb below, shows the words "What you are, I once was, what I am, you will become" inscribed above a skeleton on a sarcophagus. In the main scene, the Virgin extends her hand, while St. John stares up at God the Father who stands on a ledge behind Jesus in, FTP, what 1425 fresco in the Santa Maria de Novella by Massacio.;;(The) Holy Trinity (with) (the) (Virgin)(,) (St.) (John) (and) (Two) (Donors) World History;;Key moments in this battle included the deployment of secretly stashed harquebuses and the decision by various commanders to turn against their purported general for being a commoner. After marching to Gifu, only to find out it had fallen, one side set up a defensive position at the title location near the Fuji River. The battle began with the charge of Fukushima and the treachery of Shimazu, eventually Ishida's forces were driven back towards Mount Nangu where Toyatomi's former general mopped them up. FTP identify this battle of the year 1600 after which Tokugawa Ieyasu took power.;;Sekigahara Miscellaneous;;This mineral can be synthetically created by the Verneuil process by means of an inverted oxyhydrogen torch. Often containing a small amount of iron oxide, it often weathers to other minerals like margarite and sillimanite. With a hexagonal crystal structure, its common varieties are often used as abrasives in mixtures called emery. FTP, name this aluminum oxide mineral whose varieties include aquamarine, sapphire, and ruby.;;corundum Literature;;The novel comes to a close after a call is placed to Mr. Geoffroy that identifies one of the protagonists, which then allows Miss Ferry to express her disapproval of the whole adventure. Eric Lyles and his "mum" are continually intruding on a couple that try to distinguish themselves from their fellow tourists by claiming that they are travelers. After leaving Tunner behind in the second section, The Earth's Sharp Edge, one character falls ill, while the other is kidnapped by Belqassim and forced to join his harem. The innocent fun of the first part, Tea in the Sahara, is shattered as Kit and Port Moresby lose themselves in, FTP, what 1949 work by Paul Bowles.;;(The) Sheltering Sky World History;;This Queen is the only royal in English history whose funeral effigy shows a sitting figure. The daughter of Anne Hyde, early in her life she was advised in matters of the treasury by the ‘duumvirs', her olds Godolphin, and corresponded with another of her favorites under the pseudonym Mrs. Morley. Later she depended heavily on the guidance of Abigail Masham and Robert Hartley whose policies eventually brought on the South Sea Bubble. The mother of seventeen children who all died before maturity, she was succeeded by the Hanovers. For 10 points name this English Queen who succeeded William and Mary and was followed by George I.;;(Queen) Anne Literature;;The climax occurs during a heated argument between two servants, as one threatens to turn the other into a meatball, the other threatens to twitch the lashes off the other's eyes. The slaves' owner, Demus, owns Nicias and Demosthenes, but favors the hypocritical Paphlagonian, yet by the end the roles are reversed as Agoracritus, the Sausage-Seller, bests the fawning slave who is really meant to represent a tyrant of Athens. FTP, identify this play by Aristophanes, written to satirize Cleon.;;The Knights Geography;;The Trinity Islands, visible off this island's southwest coast, are part of the wildlife refuge that comprises two-thirds of the island. Fort Abercrombie was built on the island during World War II, when its population peaked at about 25,000. Home to the reliquary of the Russian Orthodox saint Herman, its first settlement was founded at Three Saint's Bay in 1794 by Grigory Shelikof, whose namesake strait separates the island from the Alaska Peninsula. For 10 points - name this island, home to a particular species of brown bear.;;Kodiak (Island) Literature;;A subplot in this novel involves the discovery of corruption in Algiers that precipitates the death of Adeline's uncle. Baron Montes and Monsieur Crevel both fight over the randy Mme. Marneffe who initially aids the main character in getting back at the Baron, who ends up in the slums for a brief time. The need for revenge is precipitated by Hortense's decision to pursue Count Steinbock, a Polish sculptor and the imaginary boyfriend of the title figure. Eventually the Hulots are all made to pay but Lisbeth dies lonely and depressed in, FTP, what work about a family relation by Balzac.;;Cousin Bette|La Cousine Bette Religion/Mythology;;This theologian's lesser known works include Christ the Center and Meditations on the Cross, while his first work was on the sociology of religion, Sanctorum Communio. He tried to trace the influence of transcendental philosophy on Christianity in his monumental Act and Being, while his most famous work examines what it means to be a follower of Jesus. A founder of the Confessing Church with Karl Barth, his involvement in protests as well as a later plot to murder Hitler led to his execution. FTP, identify this German theologian and author of The Cost of Discipleship.;;(Dietrich) Bonhoeffer Religion/Mythology;;In one story he was chased from Asterius' court and fled to Asia Minor where he founded Miletus. Another story describes him as the son of Laodameia who ruled Lycia and helped his brother Priam during the Trojan War. In a memorable scene from the Iliad, Apollo anointed him with ambrosia and cleaned his body after he was killed by Patroclus causing his father, Zeus, to weep for him. FTP identify this brother of Minos and Europa.;;Sarpedon World History;;Its namesake was known as "Radical Jack" and served as British ambassador to Russia from 1835 to 1837; however he is more famous for the six-month visit that produced this report. The report condemned the Family Compact, which it described as a "Tory Clique," and recommended reorganizing the government to counter American influence and to solve the problem of "two nations warring in the bosom of a single state". For 10 points - name this 1841 document that recommended the merger of Upper and Lower Canada.;;Durham (Report)|Report on the Affairs of British North America United States History;;Many members of the losing side in this war ended up fighting the plains Indians and living in Bracketville, Texas where their rare dialect of Gullah survives today. The war began when a force under Micanopy, Jumper and Alligator attacked an army moving from Fort Brooke to Fort King under the command of Major Dade. Angry over the 1832 treaty of Payne's Landing, the war did not end until 1842, four years after the death of the insurgent's most important leader. For 10 points, name this conflict between Native Americans under Osceola and U.S. forces in Florida.;;(Second) Seminole War Chemistry;;This reaction generally cannot be used for alpha-hydroxy-ketones and sterically hindered ketones, since a reaction involving these would likely form significant side products, such as pinacols. An important reaction intermediate involves a carbon-zinc bond at a metal surface, which avoids reaction between zinc and chloride. Overcoming the limitations of Freidel-Crafts alkylations, it takes the result from a Freidel-Crafts acylation and treats it in mercury-amalgamated zinc and excess aqueous hydrochloric acid, resulting in a reduced end product. FTP, name this organic chemistry reaction that is used to reduce acylbenzenes to alkylbenzenes.;;Clemmensen (reduction) Literature;;As this work's protagonist dejectedly leaves his sister-in-law's Rue Palatine address he ponders how "the snow of 29, wasn't real snow. If you didn't want it to be snow you just paid some money" as he recalls the stupid fights that he and Helen had in the previous decade. Solvent again after getting on his feet in Prague, the main character's initial drop-in at the Ritz bar to have his daily drink and check out the scene proves to be his undoing when Lorraine Quarles and Duncan Schaeffer, former friends, drunkenly stumble into the Peters' home just as they are ready to give him custody of his daughter Honoria. FTP identify this Fitzgerald short story named for an ancient city whose luxury approximated Paris during the Roaring Twenties.;;Babylon Revisited World History;;The Straits of La Perouse and Tartary were declared open. Negotiations were originally to be held at Oyster Bay, but John McClane suggested a location change to Wenworth-by-the-Sea. The cause of the Hibiya riots, the agreement ordered the lease of Talien and Port Arthur on the Liaodong Peninsula, as well as the mutual evacuation of Manchuria by both Russia and Japan. For 10 points, name this treaty ending the Russo-Japanese War that earned Theodore Roosevent a Nobel Prize, signed in a New Hampshire city.;;(Treaty) (of) Portsmouth Psychology;;An opponent of Frederic Bartlett, this man's namesake illusion consists of a circle surrounded by larger circles, which appears larger than the same circle flanked by smaller circles. He tried to apply Fechner's theories to higher mental processes in works like The Intelligence of Schoolchildren and he wrote a treatise on color vision based on a double pyramid. He is best known, however ,for his innovations in psychological experimentation, discovering the serial position curve, and devising the word completion test. FTP, identify this psychologist, best known for his work On Memory.;;(Hermann) Ebbinghaus Religion/Mythology;;Sometimes confused with the Marid, it was rumored that the Old Man of the Mountain was half this type of creature. They were once humans who'd been corrupted by Iblis and rebelled against heaven. They now live in desolate places and ruins and although they may take the shape of great dogs, they are usually encountered as enormous, winged humanoids composed of smoke. FTP identify this second most powerful class of djinn, diabolic spirits who war against the righteous in Arab myth.;;Ifrit|Efreet|Afrit Noncomputational Math;;The generating function for the number of weakly binary trees on a given number of nodes provides a sequence named for Etherington and this man. His first published paper in 1905 proved important results on hypercomplex numbers. By an investigation of skew fields with a finite number of elements, he proved his second namesake theorem, which states that a central-simple algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of all n by n algebras. FTP, identify this Scottish mathematician, whose first theorem states that a finite division ring is a field.;;(Joseph) (Henry) (Maclagan) Wedderburn Art;;Experience with stage design allowed him to abandon the idea of a central viewpoint and work with multiple axes. His only completed building was Santa Maria del Priorato, but producing "Vedutas" in Vasi's studio earned him enough time to complete "On the Magnificence of Roman Architecture" which argued for the superiority of ruins. While Walter Scott purchased a complete set of his "Roman Antiquities," it was De Quincey's Confessions that best articulated the terror and mystery of his most famous etchings: a series of fantastic, immeasurable dungeons. FTP identify this 18th century etcher best known for his Prison Caprices.;;(Giovanni) (Batista) Piranesi Literature;;Set in Trumpington, it begins with the description of a man who wears loud clothing, always carries a knife, and has a flattened nose. Based on a fabliau, it features the "cradle trick" and the action is precipitated by the release of a horse, for while the two men from Cambridge try to secure the beast, their corn is taken. Although Molly shows them where it is, John and Alan want revenge and fool Symkin's wife and daughter into sleeping with them before running away with all the grain. FTP identify this Canterbury tale told by Oswald to rebuke the Miller for badmouthing carpenters in an earlier story.;;(The) Reeve's Tale Philosophy;;The definition of this concept was called into question by Edmund Gettier, who attacked the established doctrine that had dated back to Plato's Theaetetus. Externalists argue that it is possible to possess it unawares, while internalists deem it a matter of the correct relation of ideas in the mind. Foundationalists claim that one must have correct basic beliefs to possess it, while coherentists argue that it is a matter of the interlocking of beliefs. FTP, identify this concept which, according to Cartesian skepticism, humans entirely lack.;;Knowledge Biology;;While it generally causes immunosuppression through expression of an IL-10 receptor antagonist, this virus can paradoxically cause autoimmune disease through polyclonal B cell expansion. A cause of oral hairy leukoplakia and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, this herpesvirus may be better known as a cause of Burkitt lymphoma. Primarily infecting B cells, its spread most commonly occurs via body fluids, especially saliva. FTP, name this virus, the cause of infectious mononucleosis.;;Epstein-Barr (Virus)|EBV Literature;;It concludes with Dr. Monygham's observations on love and its action develops against the backdrop of a political struggle between the forces of Pedrito Moreno and General Sotillo. After Martin Decoud and the protagonist lose their ship near Great Isabel island the former commits suicide while the latter buries a treasure. The novel ends when a love triangle involving Linda, Giselle, and the title figure, results in old Viola mistaking the hero for an intruder and shooting him. Thus ends the life of Charles Gould's most trusted silver mine employee on the nation of Costaguana. FTP identify this novel that takes its name from Gian Batista's nickname, a Latinized version of "our man," written by Joseph Conrad.;;Nostromo United States History;;As an aide to Curtis LeMay during World War II, he helped plan the fire-bombing of Tokyo. A San Francisco native, he joined Ford in 1946 after reading a Life magazine article about how few college educated managers there were in the company. Rising rapidly, he became the first President of Ford to come from outside of Henry Ford's family, named to that position in 1960. Serving as President of the World Bank from 1968-1981, he is best known for his Cabinet tenure, discussed in his 1995 biography In Retrospect. For 10 points-name this subject of Errol Morris' documentary The Fog of War, Secretary of Defense under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.;;(Robert) (Strange) McNamara Chemistry;;First proposed by Lewis, it is related logarithmically to a gas's standard Gibbs free energy divided by the temperature and gas constant. At equilibrium, this quantity must be equal in both gas and liquid phases. Taking the derivative of the natural log of this function is equates it to the derivative of a reaction's chemical potential. Equal to the gas' pressure when the gas is ideal, FTP, identify this thermodynamic quantity which replaces partial pressure when working with real gases and describes the tendency of a substance to escape from its current phase, symbolized by f.;;fugacity Music;;The unusual instrumentation required for this work was inspired by Johann Hummel's earlier work in the same form. It begins with a long sonata-allegro and, as it continues, an andante is followed by a "dance poem" containing Austrian folk tunes. Commissioned as a piece of Hausmusik by Sylvester Paumgartner during the composer's stay in Steyr, it ends with an energetic Hungarian style finale that sets off the fourth movement's variations on the title song. FTP identify this 1819 composition for strings and piano, a quintet by Franz Schubert.;;(The) Trout (Quintet) (in) (A.) (D.) (667) Literature;;The hero runs into an old woman who gives him her dead son's cap. This magical cap of discipline enables him to bring his companions under control. They then travel to Mount Emerald Cloud to acquire an Iron Fan to put out the Flaming Mountain so they can pass. In the end, the protagonist is able to get past the Bull Demon with the help of Sandy, Pigsy, and the Dragon. After many adventures, they are able to fulfill the sacred quest of Kwan-Yin. FTP, identify this novel about Tripitaka's delivery of the Buddhist scriptures, written by Wu Cheng En, and alternately named for a primate.;;(Record) (of) (a) Journey to the West|Monkey Religion/Mythology;;His poetic works in Punjabi include the Chandi Di Var, which concerns a contest between the gods and demons. His sons Zorawar and Fateh were betrayed to the faujdar of Sirhind, who had them executed. Opposing the Mughals, he was assassinated at Nanded in 1708. Known for organizing the Khalsa as well as transferring the line of succession to the Adi Granth, he rose to power after his father, Teg Bahadur was murdered. FTP identify this 10th and last Guru of Sikhism.;;Gobind (Singh) Geography;;This city's regional government consists of two separate areas: the city of half a million itself, and the city's port, which was founded in 1827 about 60 kilometers downstream and is now among the busiest in Europe. Located on the Weser river, it was recognized as an imperial free city in 1646, and joined the German Confederation as an autonomous republic in 1815; today it is the smallest of the sixteen Länder. For 10 points - identify this "free Hanseatic city" near the North Sea in northern Germany.;;(Free) (Hanseatic) (City) (of) Bremen|(Freie) (Hansestadt) Bremen World History;;After publishing a study of native languages he began his administrative career under Lord Minto in Penang, but after a nearby colony was wrested from French control he was promoted to Lt. Governor and instituted numerous reforms. That period of his life is recounted in The History of Java, which earned him election to the Royal Society and would pave the way for his founding of the London Zoo. His greatest achievement occurred in 1819 when he crossed the Straits of Malacca and established a port on the southern tip of Malaya. FTP identify this explorer and statesman who founded Singapore.;;(Sir) (Thomas) (Stamford) Raffles Physics;;The theory utitizing and sharing its namesake with this object is a version of the Reynolds energy transport theory for The Aether, but it is valid nonetheless. Given electric and magnetic field strength phasors, the time-averaged value of this vector at a point is equal to half the real part of the vector product of the electric field phasor with the complex conjugate of the magnetic field strength phasor, and the absorptive radiation pressure at a point is the magnitude of this vector divided by the speed of light. FTP name the vector with a normal surface integral equal to the power due to electromagnetic radiation crossing the surface of integration and which is defined by the familiar formula E cross B over mu.;;Poynting (vector) World History;;With this man's help, Alioune Diop founded a noted cultural journal and this author joined the Academie francais in 1983. His wrote that his poems should be accompanied by musical instruments to be complete. Some of his poetry collections include Songs of Naett, Letters in the Season of Hivernage, and Nocturnes. His collection Shadow Songs, written during his rise to political power, contains his best known poem, an homage to Africa entitled "Black Woman". FTP, identify this author of Ethiopiques, the first president of Senegal, who was a part of the Negritude movement.;;(Leopold) Senghor Art;;Among the artists to join later were Otto Müller, Cuno Amiet, the Akseli Gallén-Kallela, and Kees van Dongen. Their lasting value was their revival of graphic arts, in particular the woodcut. Characteristic works include Sleeping Negress and Crouching Girl by Erich Heckel, Self-Portrait with Monacle by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, and Bathers at Moritzburg by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner whose writings in their Chronicle led to the groups break up in 1913. For 10 points, name this twentieth-century association of German painters that also included Max Pechstein and Emil Nolde whose name means "the Bridge".;;(Die) Brucke Religion/Mythology;;He lives alone in a leafy palace deep in the primal forest and as his name, which means "the wide ruling one," indicates he represents the imperishable power of nature. Also known as "the silent one" this son of the frost giantess Grid was the second strongest of the gods and would survive Ragnarok with his brother Vali. One of his shoes was made from material collected over all time and when the time comes, he shoves that well-shod foot against the lower jaw of Fenrir and tears the beast apart. FTP identify this avenger of Odin, a god who lives in the hall Vidi.;;Vidar|Vidur|Vithar