Miscellaneous;;Typically, before it is made, the constituent materials need to be purified through zone refining. Its physical properties stem from the fact that when its two parts are brought together, the chemical potentials must equalize. In the past, it was often made by heating a substrate in the presence of a dopant gas, but today epitaxial growth and ion implantation are popular methods of creating it. Three of them make a thyristor, two make a transistor, and one of them makes a diode. FTP, Name this basic component of semiconductor circuit elements which is created by joining two differently doped pieces of semiconductor material.;;PN junction;;diode World History;;One of the richest nobles in his country, he was made Commander-in-Chief of the army for helping expel the Swedes. His granddaughter Clementina married James Edward Stuart and was the mother of "Bonnie Prince Charlie". Following his exploits at Chocim, he was elected King John III following the death of King Michael, but he fought his most famous battle in July of 1683 when he came to the aid of Count Stahremberg and pitted his 75,000 men against an army of more than 200,000. FTP, name this Polish king who lifted the Turkish siege of Vienna and ruled Poland until 1696.;;(Jan) Sobieski;;J(oh|a){1}?n (III|the Third) Literature;;He requests a prologue in "eight and eight" to reassure the ladies in the audience that he will not really die, and suggests that the man playing the lion should tell the ladies that he is really only a man pretending to be a lion. He was in the wood in preparation for the Duke’s wedding, but is subject to an embarrassment greater than his fellow tradesman. He tries to claim all the parts in the play for himself, but in the end, the only part he plays is Pyramus. FTP, name this Rude Mechanical in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the weaver who gets stuck in an ass’ head.;;(Nick) Bottom Art;;The subject is unknown, but from the description in the upper right-hand corner, it is known that he was 26 years old when he was painted. The light source seems to come from the left from beyond the painting and the broad brush strokes on the subject’s black overcoat are thought to have influenced many Impressionists. The subject stands with his left hand on his hip, the sleeves of his shirt are painstakingly detailed, and he wears a short beard and a mustache curled upwards. Inaccurately titled since the subject’s facial expression probably conveys haughtiness or pride rather than mirth, this is, FTP, what most famous painting of Franz Hals?;;(The) Laughing Cavalier Religion/Mythology;;In Aztec mythology, they were associated with Tonatiuh, who was responsible for supporting the universe, and Coatlicue, a mother goddess and the giver of life. In Irish myth, one was associated with Bel while the other was associated with either Aine of Knockaine or with Anu, both healer goddesses. In Nordic myth, they were guided by the children of Mundilfari, who had the temerity to name his children after them, and were pursued by the wolves Hati and Skoll. Identified in Greek myth most often with the siblings Apollo and Artemis, FTP, name these celestial bodies, visible most every day and night.;;sun (and|&) moon Noncomputational Math;;A notion of kernel and cokernel exists for abelian ones, which allows the definition of an exact sequence to be defined. Maps between them are called functors, and they consist of objects with morphisms between them. Introduced by Eilenberg and Maclane, these are, FTP, what very general algebraic structures that share their name with an unrelated topological object described by Baire’s theorem and a 12-fold classification by Immanuel Kant?;;category World History;;One side had managed to acquire numerous Vickers and Curtiss aircraft as well as numerous armor, it was the other side, advised by General Belaieff which took the most prisoners, while the war cost over 100,000 lives. The territory in question was settled in the early 19th century and its only habitable part is the eastern Austral. A virtual stalemate that ended in 1935 with the exhaustion of both sides, FTP, name this South American war, fought between Bolivia and Paraguay over its namesake region.;;(The) (War of) (the) (Gran) Chaco|Gran Chaco War Literature;;An 1896 version featured such language changes as "kick d’face off im" for "kick deh damn guts out of im.’" The title character can’t compete with Nellie, and her drunkard mother Mary curses her out of home. Her brother Jimmie is first seen fighting urchins from Devil’s Row, and, like the title character, is rescued by Pete the bartender. After Pete leaves her, she becomes a prostitute, then dies. FTP, name this Stephen Crane story about a girl of the Bowery.;;Maggie(:) (A Girl of the Streets) Geography;;First climbed in 1933, this craggy mountain has been scaled many times since with June, July, and August being the best climbing months. Fortambek, Moskvin, and Valter glaciers flow down its northern slope, while its base camp, Moskvin meadow, lies at 4100 meters above a dry, barren region. It was called Pik Garmo until 1933, when its name was changed for the first time. FTP, name this mountain in northern Tajikistan that from 1962 to 1998 was associated with a political ideology.;;Communism Peak|Pik (Imeni) (Ismail) Samani Chemistry;;His rule of greatest simplicity postulated that if two elements form only one compound, than the compound has the simplest composition: one atom of each element. His most famous theory includes Lavoisier’s postulate of the conservation of mass and explains Proust’s law of definite proportions. His law states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the partial pressures. FTP, name this English chemist who proposed the atomic theory of matter.;;(John) Dalton World History;;British conquest in Ceylon and Mauritius was recognized as a result of it. One representative was so hard of hearing that he needed the exchanges shouted into his ears, and another would commit suicide seven years later for fear of having his homosexuality exposed. Prince Hardenberg represented Prussia and Viscount Castlereagh represented Britain, but it was Alexander I who suggested a Holy Alliance. Talleyrand allowed for French borders to be returned to those of 1792 in, FTP, what meeting called by Metternich in 1815?;;Congress of Vienna Literature;;It ends with a declaration of ignorance followed by a journey home from Cherbourg. Quoting Lucretius, it explains America’s shame as a reduction of natural power to sentiment and taste. Stopping before St. Gauden’s General Sherman, its author marvels at the attractive force of the title subjects on his own mind. Coming between Indian summer and twilight, FTP, name these two symbols of human progress also known as the machine and the woman, a chapter from The Education of Henry Adams.;;(The) Dynamo and the Virgin|(The) Virgin and the Dynamo Music;;In the book from which it was adapted, the character in this opera who claims to be impoverished student Gualtier Maldé was originally François I, king of France. However, censors wouldn’t allow such an overtly political statement, and further denied use of the proposed title "The Curse". Also not chosen for the title was Le roi s’amuse, the title of the Victor Hugo work from which it was taken. The unhappy title character recalls a curse after his daughter is abducted, after she loses her virginity, and after she sacrifices herself to save the libertine Duke of Mantua. FTP, name this Verdi opera about a hunchbacked court jester.;;Rigoletto Miscellaneous;;The lovers exchange names at the end of this film. One is an architect who becomes the only person who knows the story. The other is a French actress who arrives to do a documentary on peace. She shares with him her unexplainable madness and her dead German lover, who promised her to take her to Bavaria. Her name is Nevers, and his name is, FTP, what title location in a New Wave film by Alain Resnais dealing with love in the Atomic age?;;Hiroshima mon amour Earth Science;;It is believed that there are about 50 of these around the world, and that they are anchored by the topography of the D double prime layer. Decompression melting occurs near the surface, and they can originate at the 670-km discontinuity or at the core-mantle boundary. The inferred buoyancy flux moving through channels approximately 50 to 100 kilometers wide indicates that they transport less than 10% of the mantle’s heat budget. They may be capable of triggering ridge jumps or even major plate rifting. FTP, name these columns of hot, buoyant material, which can produce hotspots.;;(mantle) plume(s) United States History;;He was editor and co-owner of the Kennebec Journal, a crusading political newspaper. Eight years after being elected speaker of the House, his good friend Robert Ingersoll called him the "Plumed Night" in offering up this man’s name for a presidential nomination. His later career was marked by his association with the Pan-American Movement, whose first conference he chaired. However, the death of that movement and ill health caused him to leave public office in 1892. FTP, name this failed Republican presidential candidate in 1884 and two-time secretary of state, a politician from Maine.;;(James) (G(.)) Blaine Literature;;The lines "Leave me here alone / In this dark corner with my gloomy heart" may reflect the playwright’s growing pessimism. Rousseau called this work immoral and vicious, since it ridicules virtue and approves vice in the character of the compromiser Philinte. The title character gets in trouble for disparaging a sonnet written by Oronte. Prudish Arsinoe and sincere Eliante both love him, but he loves the flirtatious Celimene, who refuses to follow him into solitude. Honest at all costs, Alceste is the title character of what Moliere play?;;(Le|The) Misanthrope Philosophy;;Its dedication is actually a letter to the author’s patron. Chapter 15 attacks the Aristotelian concept of living a "good life," because as the author states in the concluding part fortune more important than virtue. In Chapter 19, Septimius Severus is appraised as an emulator of "the lion and the fox," right after Alexander VI is criticized for his relationship with his mother and perceived effeminacy. Its famous edicts include the notion that it is better to be feared than loved, and more famously, the end justifies the means. FTP, name this philosophical tract by Machiavelli.;;The Prince Miscellaneous;;Among its tenets is that vocal gesture or language is the mechanism through which development occurs. In addition the mind, or intelligence, is an instrument developed by the individual to rationally solve problems, and is thus a social product. Its creator argued that the self emerges out of a social process in which the organism becomes self-conscious. This self-consciousness arises as a result of the organism’s interaction with its environment. FTP, name this social theory associated with George Herbert Mead.;;symbolic interaction(ism) Biology;;The activated plasma protein angiotensin II acts on these organs, stimulating the release of a hormone that stimulates reabsorption of sodium, increasing blood volume and blood pressure. One portion of it is divided into such parts as the reticularis and fasciculata. Its medulla is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, and its cortex produces steroids as well as mineralocorticoids like aldosterone. Lying atop the kidneys, FTP name these glands whose products include epinephrine.;;adrenal (gland(s)) Miscellaneous;;Dan Slobin is one of its early and current pioneers. This field studies semantic priming, spoonerisms, and lexical decision tasks. Event-related potentials and regressive saccades are correlated with automatic parsing and mis-parsing. Garden paths and ambiguity provide difficulty for the syntactic model that is embodied in the conceptualizer, formulator, and articulator modules. FTP name this subfield of linguistics concerned with how we process language.;;psycholinguistics Biology;;This biphasic substance damages neurons of the superior frontal cortex, Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, and pyramidal cells of the hippocampus. Abstinence from it causes an increase in cortical gray matter and a decrease in ventricular volume while its breakdown products, aldehydes, diminish. Chronic use causes thiamine deficiency and Korsakoff's syndrome. Raising the number of GABA-A receptors, it opens chloride channels and causes postsynaptic inhibition. FTP, name this substance not to be used when driving.;;alcohol United States History;;He is currently the UN’s Envoy for Western Sahara. He was a Houston lawyer before he managed the 1970 Senate campaign of George Bush and the 1976 presidential campaign of Gerald Ford; he’d already been serving as Ford’s Secretary of Commerce, and later was Reagan’s chief of staff and Secretary of the Treasury. More recently he headed the George W. Bush team during the Florida recount fiasco. FTP--name the man who helped build the Gulf War coalition as George Bush’s Secretary of State.;;(James) (Addison) Baker (III) Literature;;The poem’s persona ponders "How dull it is to pause, to make an end, / To rust unburnished, not to shine in use". Very old now, he notes that "Though much is taken, much abides," and currently he "mete[s] and dole[s]/Unequal laws unto a savage race". FTP, name this poem in which the title character longs "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield," a work by Alfred, Lord Tennyson about a hero of the Trojan War.;;Ulysses United States History;;The document that led to the plaintiff’s arrest quoted the first section of the Thirteenth Amendment and included the line, "a conscript is little better than a convict". The Court’s decision cited an earlier case, Patterson v. Colorado, as precedent for the restraint of certain types of expression. Just six months afterward, in Abrams v. U.S. Justice Holmes modified his famous decision in this case. Adjudicated in March, 1919, the majority decision famously argued that shouting fire in a crowded theater is an example of dangerous speech. FTP name this case that established the doctrine of "clear and present danger".;;Schenk (v(.)(ersus)) (U(.)(nited)) (S(.)(tates)) Biology;;The term for these regions was coined in 1936 by horticulturalist Cyril Dean Darlington, and research shows a surprising lack of conservation between organisms. Adjectives such as metacentric and acrocentric have been coined to identify its location. In karyotypes it appears as a narrow area, but its properties are diffused along the length of the chromosome. FTP, name this cytogenetic region where spindle fibers attach during cell division and which is named for its usually central location.;;centromere Religion/Mythology;;Born at a site called Pieria at the foot of Mt. Olympus, they were raised by their nurse Eupheme [YOO-fuh-mee] and her son, Crotus the hunter. Otus and Ephialtes were the first to sacrifice to them. Some early myths counted three of them including Melete and Aoede and it was not until later that they were worshipped solely at their sacred home of Mt. Helicon. Their mother was the goddess of memory, Mnemosyne [neh-MOZ-uh-nee]. FTP, name these daughters of Zeus who preside over various arts and sciences.;;Muses Geography;;This nation’s highest point, Mount Moco, is located in the series of highlands in the center of the nation, the Planalto da Bie and Planalto da Hulla. Those mountainous regions give rise to the Kwango and Cubango Rivers, but most of the nation’s population is concentrated along the Atlantic Coast. Its city of Namibe borders the Nanib Desert to the south, but, FTP, what strife-torn nation’s largest city is the northern city of Luanda?;;Angola Literature;;Doubling the Point is a book of his essays and other works include Age of Iron and The Master of St. Petersburg. His most recent work is a second installation of autobiography, Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II. His first novel, Dusklands, was followed by In the Heart of the Country, which is less famous than Waiting for the Barbarians. FTP, name this two-time winner of the Booker Prize for The Life and Times of Michael K and Disgrace.;;(J(.)M(.)) Coetzee United States History;;One of the provisions of the last one was to disband the klaverns and weaken the newly sprung Ku Klux Klan. That was the second of a set that allowed Radical Republicans to strengthen their programs by imposing severe penalties on those who tried to obstruct Reconstruction. They were passed in 1870 and 1871, while the first was an act of March 2, 1833. It was passed in response to the nullification ordinance of South Carolina. FTP, name these bills having to do with action, the last of which allowed the president to suspend the privilege of habeas corpus in lawless areas.;;Force (Bill) Physics;;The detector employed, called a Faraday box, was mounted on arc so that it could be rotated to observe particles at different angles. Those particles were accelerated from a heated filament with voltage, and the surprising result was interpreted with the Bragg law to give values for the lattice spacing in the nickel crystal. As a result of it de Broglie’s hypothesis was confirmed. FTP, name this experiment that confirmed the wave nature of the electron.;;Davisson-Germer (experiment);;(Davidsson|Germer){1}? (experiment) Miscellaneous;;Pauline Kael’s book Raising Kane argues that Citizen Kane, usually considered the best example of this concept, was too much of a collaborative effort to exemplify it. First coined by Francois Truffaut in the 1954 article "A General Tendency of the French Cinema," it was fully developed by critic Andrew Sarris into a theory that extolled the greatness of directors like Ford, Hawks, Welles, and Hitchcock. FTP, what is this theory that argues that individual directors stamp their uniqueness onto their films and which is designated by the French word for "author"?;;auteur (theory) Music;;This musician died in 1976 in seclusion at the New Jersey estate of Pannonica de Koenigswarter, his patron, after whom he named one of his songs. He was house pianist at Minton’s in Harlem in the early 1940s, where he greatly influenced the playing of Bud Powell. Known for his odd habit of getting up and doing a shuffling dance when moved by his or his sidemen’s playing, his studio album Brilliant Corners gave a boost to John Coltrane’s career. FTP name this composer of "’Round Midnight" and subject of the film Straight, No Chaser.;;(Thelonius) Monk Literature;;Narrated by Theodor Fischer, it is set in late 16th-century Austria. The fate of Theodor and Seppi’s friend Nikolaus is changed by the title character’s magic, causing Nikolaus to drown while saving a girl. Though the title character asks the boys to refer to him as Philip Traum, he tells them that his name is Satan, and that he is the nephew of the famous fallen angel. Completed in 1916 by A.B. Paine and Frederick Duneka from manuscripts left unfinished by the author, FTP, name this posthumously published Twain novella.;;(The) Mysterious Stranger World History;;With a name meaning "wiseacre," this leader struck a deal with Hildebrand, the influential advisor to Pope Nicholas II, at the Council of Melfi. He later repaid the Vatican by expelling Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV from Rome. The son of the Tancred of literary fame, he assisted his brothers, William Bras-de-Fer, Drogo, and Humphrey, in ending Byzantine influence over Southern Italy, and later led his sons in repeated, unsuccessful attempts to take Constantinople. FTP, name this Norman knight who founded the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.;;(Robert) Guiscard Chemistry;;It is frequently used to measure lattice energies, and is solely dependent upon the final state of the reactants and products. It is even more useful in calculating the enthalpy change of a reaction that can not be measured directly. Also known as the law of heat summation, FTP, name this law that states that the total energy change for a chemical reaction is the same regardless of the route that is taken.;;Hess(') (law) Miscellaneous;;Like Charles Oakley he is a graduate of Virginia Union College. In 1996, he hooked up with the Washington Wizards, averaging only five minutes and 1.7 rebounds per game. By 1998-99, he was averaging about 25 minutes and 8 boards a game, and building a reputation as a terror on the boards, in spite of his 6-9 frame, though he measures 7-foot when his hair is in full afro. FTP, name this player, who led the NBA in rebounding and won Defensive Player of the Year honors for the Detroit Pistons [in 2002].;;(Ben) Wallace Philosophy;;In its second part the author calls for a modern Socrates to help us understand complex concepts. That second part includes an appendix stating that Christianity is founded on the absurd premise that an individual can have a personal relationship with God. It opens by stating that religious books should strive to reach the reader on a personal level, and contains a second half discussion of sin. FTP, name this work written under the pseudonym of Anti-Climacus and which states that despair is the title malady, a work by Soren Kierkegaard.;;Sickness Unto Death Literature;;Much of this novel had been written and thrown aside but the author returned to it after the long poem The Bridal of Triermain. Its hero is fortunate to save Colonel Talbot, and is able to rehabilitate the reputation of the baron of Bradwardine, his uncle’s friend. Other characters include Flora, the daughter of Fergus Mac-Ivor and his fellow conspirator Donald Bean Lean. It is shrouded in Jacobite intrigue and includes a description of Culloden Moor. FTP, identify this Sir Walter Scott novel that lent its name to a whole series of Scott’s novels.;;Waverly World History;;It began with a series of daytime convoy raids along the southern coast and a series of nighttime attacks on Guisborough, Canewdon, Hertford, Welwyn, and other Scottish population centers. Conducted under the command of Sir Cyril Newall and Sir Hugh Dowding it lasted approximately three and a half months. It is considered part of Operation Sea Lion and resulted in the destruction of 2,698 Luftwaffe aircraft at the cost of only 915 Royal Air Force planes. FTP, name this aerial engagement that resulted in the Nazis abandoning plans to invade the United Kingdom.;;(The) Battle of Britain;;Blitz Biology;;Among vertebrates it appears only in a small number of marsupials and primates. The goblet cells that line it secrete an antibacterial mucus to control organismal growth in the surrounding region. Other than in rudimentary versions this structure of the alimentary canal is absent in all invertebrates. It is seemingly vestigial, but it can possibly affect the health of the adjacent cecum [SEE-kum]. Attached to the ileum, FTP, name this organ preceded by the adjective "vermiform," and which can inflame and burst in humans.;;appendix Art;;This canvas was an expansion of an earlier work by the artist, a conte crayon on paper entitled The Couple, which is featured prominently in this work. In the background can be seen two steamships and four men in red hats in a rowboat. A black dog plays at the bottom center and to its right a small brown dog and a monkey on a leash are playing as well. More noticeable are the men in tophats and the women in long dresses who carry parasols. FTP, name this idyllic masterpiece of pointillism painted by Georges Seraut.;;(A) Sunday Afternoon (on the Island of La Grande Jatte) Literature;;His vocal reading of Emily Bronte’s poem "Remembrance" is lauded in another writer’s autobiography A Backward Glance. Another anecdote relates how this writer gave the idea for the novel Trilby to George DuMaurier. His own critical writings include French Poets and Novelists and a series of prefaces to the New York Edition revisions of his earlier novels. Some of those novels include Watch and Ward, The Spoils of Poynton, and The Princess Casamassima. FTP, name this American novelist of The American, The Golden Bowl, and The Portrait of a Lady.;;H(enry) James;;James Literature;;Estranged from his corporate lawyer father and his mother, things have not been the same since his brother Allie died of leukemia. His older brother D.B., is a writer in Hollywood but became a prostitute, and his younger sister Phoebe is ten. He lives with roommate Stradlater who has been going out with his childhood friend Jane Galangher. FTP, name this 16-year-old main character who returns home to New York City after being kicked out of Pencey Prep in a book by J. D. Salinger.;;Holden Caulfield Biology;;It was the dominant phylum in the late Precambrian period. Creatures in it phylum have bodies consisting of an internal gastrovascular cavity, a soft, pliable middle body layer known as the mesoglea, and an external dermis. Its members often live in two phases, a sessile, asexual polyp and a free-moving, sexual medusa. FTP, name this phylum that includes hydra and jellyfish.;;Cnidaria|Coelenterata Miscellaneous;;Her older sister Margot is hardly mentioned, even though she is smart and pretty. Peter Schiff was her first love since she was in sixth grade, though she has also had romantic feelings for Harry Goldberg a.k.a., Hello Silberberg and received her first kiss from Peter van Pels or van Daan. FTP, name this daughter of Otto and Edith who died at age 15 in Bergen-Belsen, best known for documenting hiding from the Nazis in her diary.;;Anne Frank Literature;;Among the people betrayed by the protagonist were the idealistic young Richard and the union leader, Little Loewy. He also arranged to leave the country on a mission when his lover, Arlova, was denounced for being critical of No. 1. The conversations with the sympathetic Ivanov and his cell neighbor, #402, are interrupted by the interrogator Gleitkin who successfully breaks the protagonist before his execution. FTP, name this tale of the aging revolutionary Nicolas Rubashov, written by Arthur Koestler.;;Darkness at Noon World History;;According to the chronicler, Hocsem of Liege, they originated in Germany in the late 13th century. Their name is either a reference to a method of singing or is derived from the Latin for "tare", and it appears in such contemporary dramas as The Plowman’s Tale and Pierce, the Plowman’s Crede. The title was most famously ascribed by the Oxford professor Henry Crumpe, who applied it to Nicolas Hereford and several knights associated with John of Gaunt; while John Oldcastle was probably the most famous adherent at a later date. FTP, name this itinerant, anti-clerical European religious movement, today generally associated with the followers of John Wycliffe.;;Lollards Chemistry;;Including entropic effects such as hydrophobicity, their theorization was based on Laplace’s theory of capillarity. The distances over which they act are proportional to the inverse of the seventh power of the intermolecular distances and they explain the viscosity, surface tension and adhesion of gases and liquids. Based on Andrews’ discovery of critical temperatures, they were described by the theorizer of the law of binary mixtures as well as a namesake state equation. FTP, including dipole-dipole and London dispersion forces, name these weak, long-range forces of attraction between real gases.;;van der Waals (Forces) Music;;The composer’s sense of diablerie is palpable in the driving energy of number’s eight and nine. The cavalry charge in number fourteen is meant to evoke the Romantic period of its inspiration, while the actual theme appears only by the second variation and appropriately in the violins. There are 24 parts in all to this concerto for piano and orchestra, in accordance with the 24 Caprices by the musician who inspired it. FTP, name this work by Rachmaninoff inspired by an Italian violin virtuoso.;;Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Miscellaneous;;In his final year in 1990 he played in only 43 games and batted a miserable .200. After breaking into the majors with St. Louis in 1974, four years later he began a streak of eleven gold gloves at the same position. He won the two World Series he played in, in 1982 and 1986, and tied for first in the NL MVP race in 1979 with Willie Stargell. FTP, name this longtime first baseman for the Cardinals and the New York Mets who famously guest starred on Seinfeld.;;(Keith) Hernandez Literature;;In this literary work, "bouquets", "ribbon’d wreaths", "bugle trills" and the "swaying mass" of the gathered crowd all call for resurrection. The poet’s arm beneath the head is not felt as there is "no pulse nor will" and the poet walks with "mournful tread" but the "ship is anchor’d safe and sound…with object won". FTP, name this Whitman poem concerning the "Fallen cold and dead" Lincoln.;;O Captain(!) My Captain(!) United States History;;Organized by George S. Gaines using steamboats after the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, the title came from a Choctaw chief’s interview with the Arkansas Gazette. It was then applied to a later event precipitated by the Treaty of New Echota and was opposed by John Ross. Ignoring the Supreme Court’s decision in Worcester v. Georgia, President Jackson began enforcing the Indian Removal Act in 1838. FTP, give the title most famously used for the forcible eviction and deaths of 4,000 Cherokee.;;Trail of Tears Noncomputational Math;;Derived from the midpoint rule it should be chosen over its less-complicated analogue when the curvature of the function of "x" is high. Not very similar to its namesake’s 3/8 rule, it approximates a quadratic as opposed to a straight line within each subinterval, differentiating it from the trapezoidal rule. Requiring the integer to be even, FTP, name this method for approximating integrals.;;Simpson'(s) (Rule) Religion/Mythology;;When fleeing from his enemy he transferred himself into a hare, a fish, and a bird, before finally being eaten as a grain of wheat. He fled due to a mishap with a potion of when he had gone by the name of Gwion Bach. His story is always linked with that of the witch Ceridwen, whom he served as servant and who would later rename him due to his shining brow. FTP, name this figure who was gifted with skill of prophecy, a famous Welsh wizard and bard.;;Taliesin Geography;;It lends its name to a now extinct culture that has been mostly incorporated into the Aymara. It lies between the south bend of the Loa River and the mountains separating the Salado-Copiapo drainage basins. To the north it continues into another nation and the region of Tarapaca. This region lies mainly within its namesake province and Antofagasta province. FTP, name this cool and extremely dry desert in northern Chile.;;Atacama (Desert) World History;;The Legend of the White Hair-Pin relates how when this monarch courted a young woman whose husband died on their wedding day working for him, she jumped into the Bohai Sea. Extending his empire’s control over the Ordos Steppes, he ordered the "Burning of the Books", after consolidating control in the time following the Spring and Autumn Periods. Eventually buried with a bunch of slaves and terra cotta statutes, during his life he began the building of the Great Wall. FTP, name this monarch who founded the Chin dynasty and was known as First Emperor. .;;(Qin) Shihuang|Shihuang-(d|t){1}?i;;First Emperor|Qin Literature;;The dramatist in residence at the Royal Court Theater during the late 1950’s, his prison experiences were commemorated in The Man Died. Also author of poetic volumes such as A Shuttle in the Crypt, he is also noted for his novel, The Interpreters and as the founder of both the Orisun Theater Company and the group known as the 1960 Masks. With his serious plays including Requiem for a Futurologist, Madmen and Specialists, The Swampdwellers, and Kongi’s Harvest, he has also written the comedic Brother Jero series. FTP, name this Nigerian playwright and author of The Lion and the Jewel.;;(Wole) Soyinka Biology;;One cytotoxic reaction to it is the Type II hypersensitivity reaction in newborns known as erythroblastosis fetalis. When blood-donors are not properly screened for its presence, hemolysis can result in transfusion recipients as a result of their bodies producing agglutinins in response to its introduction. First described when rabbits were injected by Wiener and Landsteiner with a different animal’s blood, FTP, identify this blood protein, separate from the ABO group and which was named for a certain type of monkey.;;Rh|Rhesus (Factor) Art;;In this tempera and gesso on panel a hitching cart and a chicken wire supported by black posts can be seen in the distance. The central figure wears white socks and possesses unnaturally lean arms. Two buildings can be seen at the top, though it is unclear which one the title character looks at. She is dressed in a pink dress and the wind blows at her hair, as she lies in the field that dominates this painting. FTP, name this 1948 painting, the most famous of Andrew Wyeth.;;Christina's World Philosophy;;In the final section its author writes "No false doctrine is part of philosophy," and rails against the elements of "heathen" religions like demonology, disembodied spirits, and exorcism. By then the author has articulated his concept of a "Confederacy of Deceivers," in the section on the "Kingdom of Darknesse". Other parts of its four books including "Of Man" introduce the author’s notion of an ideal commonwealth ruled by a sovereign. FTP, name this 1651 text, the masterwork of Thomas Hobbes.;;Leviathan Literature;;While most of his public opinions were expressed in his journal the Rambler, this intellectual carried on a famous private correspondence with Mary Gladstone. Generally credited with introducing the critical method of von Ranke to Anglo-Saxon academia, this Chair of Modern History at Cambridge never graduated from high school or earned any sort of academic degree. Ironically, as a student he had been barred from Cambridge due to his Catholicism, a fact that probably led to his ambition to write a "History of Liberty". FTP, name this historian probably most noted for articulating that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".;;(Lord) (John) (Emerich) (Edward) (Dalberg) Acton(,) (First) (Baron of Aldenham) Literature;;At the end of this play a soothsayer favorably interprets Jove’s message on a tablet. In addition Arviragus and Guiderius are returned to their father, who forgives Belarius for his former treachery. Due to Iachimo’s falsehood, Pisanio is sent on a murderous mission but he is unable to carry it out. As a result the heroine is saved, and she is able to be reunited with Posthumus, and her father concludes a peace with Rome. FTP, identify this work centering on Imogen, a Shakesperean play named after a king of England.;;Cymbeline Chemistry;;Simply put it allows us, given one point on a coexistence line, to discover other points on that line. Formally it can be stated as dP over dT equals delta S over delta V, which gives the P-T trajectory of equilibrium states for a reaction as a function of the entropy and volume changes. FTP, identify this equation that explains the inexact relationship of the temperature of a liquid and its vapor pressure and which is named for its two discoverers.;;(Clausius)-Clapeyron (equation) Psychology;;As a college student, he was one of ten people selected to attend the "World Student Christian Federation Conference" in China. After switching professions he embarked on a detailed study of Otto Rank’s theories and created a theory expounded upon in his A Way of Being and On Becoming a Person. He introduced the notion of organismal valuing and positive regard on his way to advocating a plan that minimized the psychologist’s talking in counseling. FTP, name this creator of nondirective or client-centered therapy.;;(Carl) Rogers World History;;One of its notable battles was Lone Pine, and Major General Fuller famously said of another battle, Sari Bair, "a battle of valor run waste. Three battles were fought to a standstill at Krithia, but it was control of Suvla Bay that was the objective. Due to Hamilton and Birdwood’s ineptitude, by December the ANZAC corps was evacuated. FTP, name this campaign waged for most of 1915 in which the British sought to take control of the Dardanelles.;;Gallipoli Literature;;During his lifetime, he published 3 books of poetry in English, including Antinous, and one volume in his native tongue, Mensagem. After his death, it was realized that at least 72 different published poets were actually "heteronyms", each in their own style, of this one author. Among his most famous alter egos are Alberto Caiero, Alvaro de Campos, and Ricardo Reis—later to be used by Jose Saramago. FTP, name this author, considered Camoes’ successor as Portugal’s national poet.;;(Fernando) (Antonio) (Nogueira) Pessoa Noncomputational Math;;A generalization of it utilizing nonlinear techniques to address variational problems is known as Morse theory. Its fundamental equations include the Euler-Lagrange condition and the Beltrami identity it can be defined as the type of mathematics that seeks to find the minimum or maximum parameters for the relationship between two constrained variables. Developed by a host of 17th century mathematical luminaries, FTP, name this type of calculus used to solve the brachistochrone problem.;;(Calculus of) Variations|Variational (Calculus) World History;;He learned battle tactics while leading an army under Scipio Aemilianus in the siege of Numantia. To ensure power he had his half-brother Heimpal assassinated, and then moved against his other half-brother Adherbal. The nephew and later adopted son of Miscipsa, he bribed the Consular legation sent to negotiate in 116 BCE, precipitating a war in which he initially outwitted Metellus. FTP, namet his Numidian ruler, who fought a namesake war with Rome.;;Jugurtha Physics;;Feynman used this principle as a basis for constructing his path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. While the Newtonian approach constructs trajectories point by point, this principle asks why a particular trajectory happens, and is thus more global. In theory, all one needs to do is calculate the time integral of the Lagrangian for every trajectory. FTP, what principle says that the correct path is the one on which this value is a minimum?;;(principle of) least action|Hamilton's Principle Literature;;The real one exists inside a stone column of a mosque in Cairo, while the one in Calle Garay is false; nevertheless, it gains its owner, Carlos Argentino, second place in the National Prize for Literature. An inch in diameter, it is located on the nineteenth step of a basement stairway and simultaneously contains every element of the universe. FTP, identify this titular object of a Jorge Luis Borges short story and the namesake of a 1949 story collection, which shares its name with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.;;(The) Aleph United States History;;While serving on the editorial board of the New York Tribune, he published sketches of his experiences in Spain, Castilian Days. After being appointed minister to Great Britain, he was recalled a year later. His political experience began when he worked with John Nicolay, and the two collaborated on a biography of Abraham Lincoln. His literary value rests on two works, the collection Pike County Ballads and his novel The Bread Winners. FTP, name this man, who as McKinley’s secretary of State, authored the Open Door Policy and signed a treaty with Pauncefote.;;(John) (Milton) Hay Philosophy;;Book I begins "From my grandfather Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper". The author wrote this "among the Quadi at the Granua". Much of it was based on a work compiled by the historian Arrian, the Enchiridion of Epictetus. All of it was written during campaigning against the Marcomanni on the Danube, while its author was away from Rome. FTP, name this pinnacle of Stoicism written before AD 180 by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.;;Meditations|Meditationes Geography;;Although some locals deny that they are really mountains, they reach as high as 2,000 ft. and they were named from an Ojibwa word meaning "giants". Geologically similar to the nearby Vermillion and Cuyuna ranges, they are essentially unremarkable, except for their economic value, which is mainly due to high-grade deposits of taconite. Taconite is all that remains, since the still more lucrative hematite ran out in the 1950s. FTP, identify this Minnesota range, famous for its vast deposits of iron ore.;;Mesabi (Range) Chemistry;;One use is to determine the electric potential needed to maintain a given ion concentration across a membrane. Some pH meters use it to determine the concentration of hydrogen ions by measuring the voltage on an electrode. However, it is most often used in the other direction, when ion concentrations are known, and electrode potential is not. FTP, identify this equation, namesake of a German physical chemist, which predicts cell voltage under non-standard conditions of temperature and concentration.;;Nernst (equation) Literature;;The full version of this work was published by Selincourt in 1926. It was originally intended as the introduction to The Brook, an immense poem meant to deal with all aspects of human nature, and the poet’s reason for writing it is given in his preface to The Excursion. Written over a period of 40 years, it is subtitled "the growth of a Poet’s mind". It describes the author’s childhood in the Lake District and expands on the themes of imagination and melancholy developed in Lyrical Ballads. FTP, name this posthumously published autobiographical poem, the magnum opus of William Wordsworth.;;(The) Prelude World History;;He spent the last 30 years of his life managing a hydroelectric plant in Kazakhstan, but his early career was filled with promise. By the late 1930s, he was one of Stalin’s lieutenants, trusted enough to be given a role in managing the party purges. During his term in power, the execution of Lavrenti Beria was ordered. When Stalin died, he had seized the offices of prime minister and party secretary, though he would give way to Bulganin two years later. FTP, identify this Soviet politician, who served as premier from 1953 to 1955.;;(Georgy) (M(.)) Malenkov Music;;When one character in this opera admires the Drum Major of the military band, her friend Margaret says that she can "stare through seven pairs of leather breeches". The Doctor alters the title character’s diet as part of an experiment and complains when he coughs in the street "like a dog". The moon rises "like a bloody sword" and the title character kills Marie, the mother of his child. In the final scene, a child riding a hobby-horse learns that his mother is dead. FTP, name this controversial opera based on a Buchner play and composed by Alban Berg.;;Wozzeck Religion/Mythology;;He overcame Guireomelant, the lover of Clarissant, who is mentioned as Gawain’s sister. His brothers included Lamorak and Aglovale. He remains in Sarras unlike his companions, and becomes a guardian. According to one legend, his grandfather Bron was a Fisher King, and that is why he was successful in his quest. FTP, name this son of King Pellinore, who along with Bors and Galahad, was one of three to find the Holy Grail.;;Percival Biology;;s divided into three types: sporadic, iatrogenic, and genetic. In 1996 new type of this fatal disease was discovered and it has been termed "new variant". 10 percent of the cases develop dementia, while the other 90 percent progress to death within one year. It is a specific type of human spongiform encephalopathy that is linked to the names of its two discoverers. FTP, name this brain degradation disease that is caused by a prion infection.;;Creutzfeldt-Jakob (Disease)|C(.)J(.)D Literature;;Among his prose writings are Among my Books and My Study Windows, which bookend his career with the early Conversations on the Old Poets. In his youth he helped edit The Pioneer and later, he would co-edit, with Charles Eliot Norton, the North American Review. One of his works features the Reverend Birdofredum Sawin and a New England farmer named Hosea. Other works can be seen in his third volume of poetry, A Fable for Critics. FTP, name this longtime editor of the Atlantic Monthly and writer of The Vision of Sir Launfal and the Biglow Papers.;;J(ames) (Russell) Lowell;;Lowell World History;;It arose over the mutual violation of the Treaty of Gastein. With almost no support the victorious side occupied Hanover, Nassau and Frankfurt, and won a devastating victory. Losses included Venetia given to Italy and the expulsion of the defeated from the victor’s claimed territory, as per the Treaty of Prague. The planned invasion of Saxony and Bohemia as drawn up by Helmuth von Moltke culminated at Konnigratz. FTP, identify this war of 1866, often named for the short duration of time that it lasted.;;((Seven|7){1}? Weeks|Austro-Prussian){1}? (War) Art;;His early works, such as The Martydom of St. Erasmus, differ from later canvases like The Gathering of the Manna. He initially copied the style of Titian as in Plague at Ashod but moved to echoing a mature Raphael as in Adoration of the Golden Calf and Flight Into Egypt. After coming to Rome, he lived in Italy for the rest of his life except for a few years as court painter to Louis XIII. FTP, name this painter of Et in Arcadia Ego and Holy Family on the Steps, the preeminent French classical painter of the 17th-century.;;(Nicolas) Poussin Noncomputational Math;;All finite field extensions are also field extensions of this type, as they are generated by a finite number of elements of this type. Elements of a field are said to be of this type over a subfield if they are roots of a nonzero polynomial with coefficients in the subfield. Equations of this type involve only the four basic operations, taking powers, and taking roots. FTP, identify this term, which describes all real numbers that are not transcendental.;;algebraic Literature;;Asa fails to return from the buffalo hunt and is later found shot to death. Dr. Battius, a naturalist and Paul Hover, a wandering bee hunter, help Captain Middleton rescue his wife Inez, who had been kidnapped by Abiram White. Hard-Heart, a Pawnee warrior, refuses to be adopted by a Sioux warrior and is sentenced to death by torture. Ishmael Bush captures the entire group and then sentences Abiram to death for the killing of Asa. FTP, identify this novel which tells of the death of Natty Bumppo, the last in James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales.;;(The) Prairie World History;;Achieved after Albert of Mecklenburg failed to pay a tribute, its end was precipitated by the Stockholm Bloodbath, Christian II’s murder of 82 noblemen. Realized with the coronation of Erik of Pomerania, it was the driven by the ambition of Queen Maragaret of Norway and was the subject of the meeting of three Rigsraads on Trinity Sunday in 1397. Dissolved by Gustav I Vasa in 1523, FTP name this 136 year union of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.;;Kalmar (Union) Biology;;The amanitoxin in poisonous mushrooms affects humans by inhibiting this enzyme, of which there are three eukaryotic varieties but only one prokaryotic. The prokaryotic version requires a sigma factor for activation and rho for release, while the eukaryotic one looks for certain DNA sequences called promoters to begin its work. FTP, name this enzyme, responsible for the transcription of mRNA.;;RNA polymerase Literature;;Of his short stories only a few have been translated, except for those like in "Hungry Stones" and "Broken Ties". His adolescent love can be seen in The Crescent Moon, and his three major plays of the era include The Post Office, The King of the Dark Chamber, and Chitra. Sadhana is an address on life and its realization that uses a common theme for this writer, whose Western reputation was largely made by William Butler Yeats. FTP, name this author of Gitanjali, an Indian winner of the Nobel in Literature.;;(Rabindranath) Tagore World History;;One of its products was the Four-Power Pact that annulled the earlier Anglo-Japanese Alliance. A Nine-Power Pact was also signed, affirming China’s independence. Another treaty was drafted regulating the use of submarines and outlawing the use of poison gas in warfare. Called by Secretary of State Charles Hughes, it was attended by all the major powers and the colonial powers of the Pacific. FTP, name this 1921-22 series of meetings that eventually resulted in an arms and naval limitation treaty.;;Washington (Naval) Conference Chemistry;;This quantity can be defined as minus the temperature times the derivative of entropy with respect to particle number. The Gibbs factor is a generalization of the Boltzmann factor that takes this quantity into account. Usually defined as the derivative of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to particle number, FTP name this quantity which governs particle flow, as particles flow from systems with higher values to systems with lower values.;;chemical potential Religion/Mythology;;It is the classic expression of the movement founded by Gerhard Groote in the late 14th century usually known as Devotio Moderna. Written sometime between 1390 and 1440, it is in four parts, and is written in simple language, which perhaps ensured its popularity in the later Middle Ages. Exhorting readers to abandon materialistic life in favor of the spiritual, its authorship is in doubt, but it is usually ascribed to a Dutch monk of the Windsheim congregation. FTP, name this spiritual guide that extols patterning oneself after Jesus, written by Thomas á Kempis.;;(The) Imitation of Christ|(De) Imitatione Christi Literature;;Born in Saskatchewan, most of his works are set in the American West and dealt with the potential of individuals, which he called the "geography of promise". His nonfiction includes two histories of Mormon settlement in Utah and a 1954 biography of John Wesley Powell. His first critical success involved the Mason family’s move west and was 1943’s The Big Rock Candy Mountain, and other works include the National Book Award-winning The Spectator Bird. FTP name this American author most famous for Angle of Repose.;;(Wallace) Stegner World History;;Thomas Otway’s play Venice Preserv’d recounts it in a slightly different setting. So-called evidence of it included correspondence between Edward Coleman and Louis XIV as well as the Primrose Hill murder of the judge Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey. The majority of it was directed by Israel Tonge, and it resulted in the execution of about 35 innocent people, including many Protestants. However, Titus Oates may be the name most associated with, FTP, what fictional 1678 scheme to assassinate King Charles II of England.;;Popish (Plot) Literature;;Like Henry James he wrote on the "art of the novel," though his version didn’t appear in English until 1988. His one-act play The Owners of the Keys followed his early work in poetry resulting in such collections as Man: A Broad Garden, The Last May, and Monology. His second novel, Life is Elsewhere, preceded his 1985 Jerusalem Prize for Literature for novels like The Joke and The Farewell Party. FTP, name this Czech author of The Book of Laughter and Forgetting and The Unbearable Lightness of Being.;;(Milan) Kundera Cehmistry;;The Wadsworth-Emmons-Horner reaction is a commonly used variant of this reaction. Two intermediates are produced during it: a dipolar charge-separated species called a betaine [BAY-tuh-een] and a four-membered heterocycle that breaks down to give the final products. It uses a phosphonate carbanion, but it can be conducted using sulfur ylides, though epoxides result. FTP, name this reaction between a phosphorus ylide [ILL-ide] and a carbonyl, which won its namesake the 1979 Nobel in chemistry.;;Wittig (reaction) Geography;;The first European to see it was Etienne Brule in 1622. This lake receives about 200 rivers, including the Nipigon from the north and the St. Louis from the west, but no large ones from the south. Principal islands include St. Ignace, the Apostle Islands, and Isle Royale; and prominent harbors on it include Thunder Bay and Duluth, Minnesota. FTP, name this largest of the Great Lakes.;;(Lake) Superior Miscellaneous;;Minor characters include Jesse, a guitarist for the band Mystic Spiral, and as Mack, who is dating the honors student Jodie. Charles, or "Upchuck," chases girls incessantly, and is consistently rejected by Tiffany, Stacy, and Sandi, members of the Fashion Club. Jamie, Jeffey, and Joey obey every whim of the beautiful and shallow Quinn, whose perky nature provides a character foil to the artist Jane Lane, best friend of, FTP, what Lawndale High School senior, the title character of an MTV animated series?;;Daria (Morgendorffer) United States History;;His son was a member of the House of Representatives from California, and he himself served in the Air Force during World War II. His books include The Coming Breakpoint and With No Apologies. After coming to the senate, he gained notoriety by opposing arms-control negotiations, yet he received only one electoral vote as a vice-presidential candidate in 1960, the same year he wrote Conscience of a Conservative. His own vice presidential candidate was William Miller, who could not stop him from getting smoked by Lyndon Johnson. FTP, name this Republican candidate for president in 1964.;;(Barry) (Morris) Goldwater(,) (Sr(.)) Literature;;This story is told by a resident of Angel’s Camp, a man whom the narrator sought out on the advice of friend of his from the East. The title character is thwarted by a teaspoon full of quail shot, resulting in the loss of forty dollars. Earlier we learn of the hound Andrew Jackson as related by Simon Wheeler. However, it is another one of Jim Smiley’s possessions on which this story is based - Daniel Webster, the title character. FTP, name this Mark Twain tale about the purported athletic prowess of an amphibian.;;(The) (Notorious|Celebrated){1}? Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Biology;;It employs headful packaging of its genome during replicating, directed by a site known as cos [koss], so named because it contains cohesive ends that allow it to connect its 48 kilobase linear chromosome in a circle. Unlike most of its kind it can be either lysogenic or lytic, and integrates into the host genome at a cis-acting DNA sequence att-P. FTP, name this widely studied bacteriophage of E. coli that shares its name with a Greek letter.;;Lambda (phage) Economics;;G.A. Hazelrigg attempted to apply it to optimal engineering design. Found in the 1963 publication Social Choice and Individual Values, it centers largely on the concepts of optimization and utility. It states that rankings of individual preferences will never necessarily correspond to those of societal preferences when there are more than two individuals and alternative choices. FTP, name this economic theorem, which won a share of the 1972 Nobel in Economics for Kenneth Arrow.;;(Arrow'(s)) Impossibility (Theorem);;Arrow'(s) Theorem Music;;After playing with for two years with the Navy band in Hawaii, he toured with "Cleanhead" Vinson before stints with the Joe Webb Band and the King Kolax Band. One of his later recordings, an album of duets with just himself and a drummer entitled Interstellar Space, differed from early group recordings headed by him as in Lush Life and Giant Steps. However, his best known works are the piece "My Favorite Things" and the album A Love Supreme. FTP, name this jazz musician who, like Charlie Parker, was known for his mastery of the saxophone.;;(John) (William) Coltrane World History;;It took its name from the typical artistic depiction of the Vairocana. It advocated worship of the Eternal Mother, who would gather all her "children" into one family, and sought out most of its members in the Pure Land sect. This group initially went unchecked because the regent Ho-shen embezzled funds that were to be used against them, but this changed with the death of the emperor in 1799. FTP, identify this society that rebelled against the Ch’ing dynasty at the turn of the 19th-century and which took its name from the flower on which Buddha sat.;;White Lotus (Society)|Bailian jiao|Pai-lien chiao Literature;;We know that its author read Sir Walter Scott because the protagonist of this novel reads Old Mortality the night before a pivotal event. Its third section includes such characters as the strange blind boy, and the boatman Yanko, while the first section begins "I was traveling post from Tiflis". Nabokov, in his English translation of this novel, compares a poem by its author to its five sections of "The Fatalist," "Princess Mary," "Taman," "Bela," and "Maksim Maksimych". FTP, name this novel centering on Pechorin, the masterwork of Mikhail Lermontov.;;(A) Hero of Our Time|Geroy nashego vremeni Physics;;Debye was able to derive a formula for specific heat of a solid by summing their energies over the vibrational modes of the solid. Like photons, they obey Bose-Einstein statistics, and can thus be considered bosons. They play a central role in the BCS theory of superconductivity by interacting with electrons and connecting them in Cooper pairs. FTP, name these objects, the quanitized vibrations of an atomic lattice.;;phonon(s) Philosophy;;Theogonie is one of this philosopher’s lesser known works. He asserted "Man is what he eats," and argued better food to improve humankind, part of a materialistic approach that Marx was critical of in a "Thesis" written on this man. He wrote his second most famous work, Thoughts on Death and Immortality, after he finished studying under Hegel at Berlin. FTP, name this philosopher who argued that religion’s existence is justifiable only in that it satisfies a psychological need in his The Essence of Christianity.;;(Ludwig) (Andreas) Feuerbach Art;;He aided his friend, architect Josef Hoffmann, by painting a series of mosaic murals in the Palais Stoclet, a Brussels mansion designed by Hoffmann. His best known works are later portraits like Judith I and Frau Fritsa Reidler, which were better received than early murals like the set Philosophy, Medicine, and Jurisprudence. As founder of the Sezessionstil [se-zess-one-schteel], he directed the art nouveau movement in his country. FTP, name this leader of the Vienna Secession movement, the Austrian painter of The Kiss.;;(Gustav) Klimt World History;;It was excavated by Leonard Woolley and a more famous individual, who partly described this experience in his The Wilderness of Zin. Biblical references to it include Second Chronicles, Chapter 35 and Jeremiah, Chapter 46. It was the culmination of a campaign that began with the Cyaxares and Nabopolossar destroying Nineveh and forcing the Assyrians to seek aid. They turned to Pharaoh Necho, who was subsequently crushed at this site by Nabopolossar’s son. FTP, name this city at which, in 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II defeated the Egyptians.;;Carchemish Literature;;This novel, which was tentatively titled "My Aunt’s Story," has a fascinating seventeenth chapter, in which the author explains her aims for the novel. Among the memorable descriptive sections are those of Hall Farm, Bartle Massey’s school, and various other locations in Hayslope. By the end, Seth is resigned to the marriage of his love, a Methodist preacher, to his brother, who has reconciled with Arthur Donninthorne. FTP, name this work that ends with the marriage of the title character and Dinah Morris, and includes the infanticide committed by Hetty Sorrel, a tale about a carpenter written by George Eliot.;;Adam Bede Astronomy;;Delta Scuti is sometimes called a "dwarf" type of them. Photon pressure causes them to rapidly expand in size; however, when the star has expanded, the pressure gradient is then too weak to counteract gravity, leading to contraction. Their classical or Type I variety is the generally thought to be the most useful after Henrietta Leavitt discovered their period-luminosity relationship. FTP, name these stars used as a standard candle in making astronomical distance measurements, one of the major classes of variable stars.;;Cepheid (variable(s)) Religion/Mythology;;In a less famous addition to the story in which she appears, she asks the earth to swallow her up after she gives birth to two sons. Traditionally she rose from a furrow while her adoptive father Janaka was plowing. Indrajit kills an illusion of her, and despite the efforts of the bird Jataayu, she is carried away. After being confined to the Asoka Gardens on Lanka, she rejects all of Ravana’s advances and adheres to the model of an ideal wife. FTP, name this faithful wife of Rama.;;Sita United States History;;In a surprising move it was voted down by Iowa’s legislature. In its first appearance it was linked to a two million dollar appropriations bill and the next year to a three million dollar appropriations bill. In the nominating convention the next year, Lewis Cass failed to address it and his Democrats voted down a resolution condemning it, giving Zachary Taylor the momentum. FTP, name this resolution that passed in the House but not the Senate and which sought to ban slavery in any acquired Mexican territory.;;Wilmot Proviso Earth Science;;Intense friction occurs at these sites, producing scrapings of material called melange that pile up into accretionary complexes. Other features usually present include forearc and backarc basins, deep ocean trenches, and arcs of volcanic islands. Occurring at the boundaries of plates of varying density, FTP, name these geologic regions where the oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle.;;subduction (zone) Literature;;One of its minor characters, Mr. O’Connor, receives a solicitation from Richard Tierney prior to his delivering alcohol to the title location, for which he is criticized. Very politically charged, topics of discussion in this work include the imminent arrival of Edward VII, and near the end, the nationalist Mr. Hynes recites his poem "The Death of Parnell," whose anniversary is being celebrated on the title holiday. FTP, name this short story, the twelfh entry in James Joyce’s Dubliners.;;Ivy Day in the Committee Room Miscellaneous;;A founder of the Ethnology Institute at the University of Paris, he was a supporter of Alfred Dreyfus. Aligning himself with the French Socialists, he assisted in founding the socialist daily L'Humanité. Works like Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function did much to strengthen links between psychology and anthropology, as did his most famous work, which concentrates on the forms of exchange and contract in Melanesia, Polynesia, and northwestern North America. FTP, name this French sociologist, the author of Essai sur le Don, or The Gift.;;(Marcel) Mauss Literature;;Yasin, the only son from the central characters’s first marriage, seems aloof to the nationalistic Fahmy, who protests his country’s occupation, and Kamal, who accepts it, while rejecting the religion of his youth to become a writer. The central character never allows Amina to visit anyone but her mother, though he gradually releases his grip on the sisters, Aisha and Khadija. He is forced to watch as his grandchildren become communists and Islamic fundamentalists by the final novel, Sugar Street. FTP, name this set of novels focusing on Al-Sayyid Ahmad, taking place in an African capital, by Naguib Mahfouz.;;(The) Cairo Trilogy| Al Thulathiyya;;Palace Walk|al-Qasrayn World History;;Studies of his historian Ibn Khaldun reveal that his capital was probably Niani, from which he controlled the old salt and gold trading routes leading east. The leader of the small state of Kangaba, he overcame his rival Sumanguru Kante of the Soso at the battle of Kirina and turned his attention to the gold-rich kingdom of Wangara, located in the Futa Djalon plateau. He ruled for 25 years, after which the title of mansa passed to his son Uli. FTP, name this leader of the Malinke people and first emperor of Mali.;;Sundiata (Keita)|Mari Diata Biology;;They may be classified further by the chemical composition of their somatic or O-antigen determinants. An abundance in the core region of the phosphorylated compounds 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonoate and L-glycero-D-mannoheptose may be used to render the namesake classification in varieties like Pseudomonas and Yersinia. However, their chief distinguishing feature is the depletion in peptidoglycans observed in their double membranes. FTP, name these bacteria whose cell walls trap safranine, but allow the primary crystal-violet to escape upon addition of acetone, causing them to appear red in the namesake stain.;;Gram Negative (bacteria)|G-minus (bacteria) Miscellaneous;;He provided the first physical evidence of the Battle of Sphacteria by discovering old Spartan fortifications on that island. Other important projects were his excavations at Onchomenos and Tyrins, where he would be supported by his assistant Wilhelm Dorpfeld. Earlier, he had disproved a popular myth that some important ruins lay under a hill at Bunarbashi by securing the support of two landowners from Hissarlik. FTP, name this German archaeologist who discovered evidence of four previous towns, which he believed to be the ruins of Trojan civilization.;;(Heinrich) Schliemann Religion/Mythology;;One aspect of this deity, Nanahuatl, defeated the coward Teucciztecatl in a contest to become the fifth sun. After assuming his best known incarnation, he used his chief weapon, a serpent of fire called the "xiuhcoatl," to defeat the Centzonuitznaua and Coyolxauhqui, after springing fully armed from the body of his mother, Coatlicue. The first shrine to this deity was built on a spot in Lake Texcoco where settlers found a snake being devoured by his primary incarnation, an eagle. FTP, name this god of war, the sun, and the south, the state deity of rulers in Aztec mythology whose name means "Blue Hummingbird on the left".;;Huitzilopochtli Literature;;The last of its books describes a battle watched by Nature on Arlo’s Hill between god and a character who has overthrown Justice, a collection of nine-line stanzas called the "Mutabilitie Cantos". The central character of this work’s first book falls prey to the lady of Sansfoy. In the second book, a hero searches for her future husband Artegall, who she sees in a mirror. Another hero has already met the witch Duessa, but he does penance and continues his search for Una. FTP, name this long allegory-epic beginning with the adventures of the Redcrosse Knight, by Edmund Spencer.;;(The) Faerie Queene World History;;Documents attempting to resolve the dispute surrounding this set of beliefs included the Edict of Basiliscus, the Henoticon of Zeno, and two condemnations of the Three Chapters considered unorthodox by its followers by Pope Vigilius and Justin I. Its first phase, Eutychism was an offshoot of the teachings of Apollinarius of Antioch. Essentially a reaction against Nestorianism, it was condemned at the Council of Chalcedon. FTP, name this 5th and 6th century heresy, the ancestor of the Coptic, Jacobite and Armenian Churches, that worshipped only the divine nature of Christ.;;Monophysite (Heresy)|Monophysitism Chemistry;;Reactions that proceed from two competing mechanisms may not follow this principle. Related to the Maxwell Distribution Law by a factor of the exponential of Avogadro’s Number, the assumption that the collision rate and steric factor will remain constant produces this equation’s namesake pre-exponential factor. This in turn determines the units of the rate constant. FTP, name this kinetic equation relating the temperature and activation energy of a reaction, named for a Swedish chemist.;;Arrhenius (Equation) Philosophy;;His belief that the ethical spirit attempts to relieve the pain of others only because it sees all pain as its own is the subject of his The Basis of Morality. He defined frustration as the stubbornness that results when the intellect is displaced by the determination of spirit in a series of Essays of Parerga and Paralipomena. The root of his belief is the choice that man must make between a boring or painful existence, guided by a variety of the Kantian "thing-in-itself". FTP, name this philosopher of pessimism, who expounded his original thesis in The World as Will and Idea.;;(Arthur) Schopenhauer United States History;;The most productive part of his career included such projects as a statue of Harriet Ward Beecher he created for Brooklyn, figures of the Apostles for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and his best small sculpture, The Mares of Diomedes. He joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1916, but suspended his membership when the Klan refused him creative rights for the memorial at Stone Mountain. He destroyed his designs, and began a larger project further west. FTP, name this sculptor who died only months before the completion of his Mount Rushmore National Memorial.;;(Gutzon) (de la Mothe) Borglum Literature;;The title character has an affair with Luke, who disappears in a botched escape attempt. The epilogue to this novel is delivered by Professor Pieixoto, who discovers the title character’s story on some cassette tapes in Bangor, Maine. After training at the Rachel and Leah Center is complete, she is assigned to serve Serena Joy, whose husband The Commander allows her to play Scrabble despite a law making reading by females illegal. Narrated by the title character Offred, FTP, name this dystopian novel set in the Republic of Gilead, and written by Margaret Atwood.;;(The) Handmaid's Tale World History;;Much of our knowledge of it comes from inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise shells. Its king also acted as a pries in a veneration of the chief god of the period, Di. Its early history includes the introduction of bronze working from Iran and the movement of the capital from Zhengzhou to Anyang by its Yin nationality. It began when its founder T’ang defeated king Chieh, a possible ruler of the Hsia kingdom. Succeeded chief record the Yen ben Zhi, successful control of flooding on the Yangtze was first attained by by the Chou, FTP, name this first historical Chinese dynasty.;;Shang;;Li|Yin Noncomputational Math;;Volume 2 of Whitehead’s Mathematical Works contains an incorrect proof and his namesake link to this problem. Rubinstein’s theorem attempts to explain it by assuming the shape of the original problem is algorithmically decidable. Smale proved the cases for n greater or equal to seven in 1961, and Michael Freedman won the 1986 Fields Medal for proving the case for n=4. FTP, what is this conjecture that every simply connected closed n-manifold is homeomorphic to an n-sphere?;;Poincare (Conjecture) Geography;;Most of the population of this country is concentrated along the Murgab and Tejen Rivers or at the foot of the Kopet Dag Mountains. Its west contains the island of Ogurchan, a part of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Gulf. Cultural centers include a former Seljuk capital, Merv, and Chardzhou, a center of carpet-making on the Silk Route. The Atrek and Amu Darya rivers form part of this country’s northern and southern boundaries, which frame this country’s largest feature, the Kyzylkum Desert. FTP, name this Central Asian nation with capital Ashgabat.;;Turkmenistan Music;;This composer’s poetry-inspired song cycles include The House of Life, and On Wenlock Edge, which incorporate verses from the poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and A Shropshire Lad. While organist at Lambeth, he collected the folk melodies that would become "Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains" and Tudor material that influenced his most famous work. His opera Sir John in Love contains his famous arrangement, Fantasia on Greensleeves, but, FTP, what English nationalist composer is equally well known for his Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis.;;(Ralph) Vaughan-Williams Literature;;He was the inspiration of the character of Arnaldur in the novel Salka Valka, as he had saved Halldor Laxness from deportation with the help of Stephen Crane’s daughter. The author of the social studies The Goose Step and The Brass Check, he used the proceeds from his most famous novel to open the short-lived utopia Helicon Hal. He also wrote activist novels, which include an attack on the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial entitled Boston. FTP, name this author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Dragons Teeth, as well as a novel about the meat-packing industry, The Jungle.;;(Upton) Sinclair United States History;;An alumnus of Alcorn A&M College, as an insurance agent in Mound Bayou, he organized a boycott of several Neshoba County gas stations that refused African-Americans the use of their restrooms. His unsuccessful 1954 attempt to enroll in a local school of law gained him an appointment by the NAACP as his state’s first field secretary. He first attracted national attention with his support of James Meridith, who wanted to attend the University of Mississippi. Awarded the Spingarn Medal posthumously in 1964, FTP, name this civil rights activist assassinated in 1963 by Byron de la Beckwith.;;(Medger) (Wiley) Evers Earth Science;;The longest one in Asia is called the Altyn Tagh. These structures commonly end with radiating normal structures called horsetail splays. Enechelon folds commonly occur on either side of them, and mountain ranges may form when one encounters a restraining bend. Indent-linked ones like the Red River carry material away from transpression zones, and transform ones connect convergent and divergent plate boundaries. Classified as "sinistral" or "dextral," FTP, name this type of fault characterized by horizontal displacement along the fracture plane, whose best known example is the San Andreas.;;strike-slip (fault);;fault Literature;;The title character of this novel was separated from his love because her father was a royalist and his uncle was a Bonapartist. That character takes a trip to Sicily in search of the manuscript of The Golden Legend, and while there he is reacquainted with Princess Trepoff, later his benefactress. Upon his return, he catalogues the library of Gabry and meets the granddaughter of Clementine, his former love. Unable to deal with the girl’s guardians, he commits the title action and kidnaps young Jeanne. FTP, name this gentle novel about an old bibliophile by Anatole France.;;(The) Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard World History;;The central party joined at this party’s creation had itself been created by a merger that included elements of a political orientation that would later become its main opponent, an inclusion necessary to defeat the MAPAI faction. Another founding member, the Laam faction, had just absorbed a faction now known as Moledet to further its own gains. In its first appearance it garnered 30.2% of the vote, earning it 39 seats in the Knesset by proposing that territories occupied since 1967 should be joined with Israel. FTP, name this party formed when three other conservative parties merged with GAHAL, first led by Menachem Begin.;;Likud|Union Geography;;It is useless for navigation because tributaries like the Cinca-Segre, Gallego and Jalon Rivers drain different climate zones, causing its volume to vary. Large hydroelectric plants on this river, like the one south of the Embalse de Mequinenza, supply half of its country’s electricity. Its wide delta forms the Cape of Tortosa and shapes the southern boundary of the Gulf of Saint Jordi. The province of La Rioja as well as the cities of Tudela and Zaragoza face its banks. Rising in the Cantabrian Alps, FTP, name this river that drains the Iberian and Pyrenees Mountains, the longest river entirely within Spain.;;(the) Ebro Literature;;A financial crisis in 1870 forced this author to drop out of college, but he wrote fondly of his student days in his novel In Vain. As a professional writer, he drew inspiration from Sir Walter Scott, whose works influenced a novel about the Cossack rebellion, With Fire and Sword, and sequels about a Swedish invasion, The Deluge, and a war with Turkey, Pan Michael. His best work does not take place in his home country, but its story of Vincius and Ligeia under Nero may symbolize the struggle against partition. FTP, name this author of Quo Vadis, the Polish winner of the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature.;;(Henryk) Sienkiewicz United States History;;Among this document’s proposals were cooperation in stamping out the slave trade, mutual extradition of criminals, and the drawing of lacustrine boundaries per an earlier agreement. It settled that waterways such as the St. Johns River would remain open to navigation by both countries, and the transfer of the Allagash River Valley to the United States brought an ongoing war to a close. It was signed by Alexander Baring and an American secretary of state. FTP, name this treaty that ignored the ignored the Oregon boundary issue but did end the Aroostok War and resolve the Northeastern Boundary Conflict in 1842.;;Webster-Ashburton (Treaty) Literature;;His poems include an admonishment to a Spaniard for brushing his teeth with piss, a warning to a napkin-thief, a tirade against an over-priced prostitute, and a vicious warning to two former friends that he will orally and anally rape them. He also wrote a masturbation joke addressed to Cato the Younger and implied that Caesar was a homosexual. His more traditional works include an ode on his brother’s tomb, containing the words, "frater, ave atque vale". However, he is best known for his love poems which include a defense of his lover against Quintia and a poem about her sparrow. FTP identify this Roman poet who loved Lesbia.;;Catullus Physics;;They were discovered in 1947 by an experiment, in which special photographic plates called nuclear emulsions were placed on top of a mountain, conducted by Brazilian physicist Cesar Lattes. The lightest of the quark-antiquark pairs, this particle’s positive version is more stable and more common than its neutral version. They usually decay into a muon and a muon neutrino and are considerably lighter than the kaon. FTP, name this meson which usually consists of an up and an anti-down quark.;;Pion|Pi (meson) World History;;Its colors are green and red and its members wear a blue sash and, since 1939, a kepi cover. One of its best-known units, the 13th Half-Brigade, fought in WWII at both Narvik, in Norway, and in North Africa. It was created in 1831 and took part in the conquest of Algeria, but its greatest moment was at Camerone where 65 of its men under Captain Donjou held off 2000 Mexicans for hours. It was also featured prominently in the film Beau Geste and fought bravely at Dien Bien Phu. FTP, name this multinational military unit of France.;;(French) Foreign Legion Miscellaneous;;In French it is most often found in dependent clauses introduced by que and is used in expressions of feeling. In German it can either have a one-piece construction based on the past stem, or a two-piece construction using the infinitive. In Latin it is used in indirect questions and cum clauses as well as independently where its varieties include the Potential, Horatory, and Optative. In English it is seldom used and generally marked by past tenses such as "were". FTP identify this mood which, opposed to the indicative, which expresses contingencies and possibilities rather than facts.;;subjunctive Geography;;Names the same. The first, lying near the islands of Espirita Santo and La Partida on the Sea of Cortes, was founded by Hernan Cortez in 1535 and now, with a population of 200,000 boasts a mix of Mexican industry and tourism as the capital of Baja California Sur. The second, home to many native Aymara speakers, is noted for the University of Mayor San Andres and the Plaza Murillo. Located near Mt. Illimani, it is within half a day’s travel of the ruins of Tihuanaco and Lake Titicaca. FTP name this city of 1.2 million, located at 12,000 feet, the administrative capital of Bolivia.;;La Paz Literature;;His early work consisted of translations from Ovid’s Metamorphoses and The Art of Love, while two shorter pieces suggest that he also may have introduced the style of Southern courtly lyric poetry to Northern France, where his patrons included Marie of Champagne and Count Philip of Flanders. Of his longer works, Cliges is an allegory on Byzantine politics, while Erec and Enide develops the relationship between love and glory also found in The Knight with the Lion. FTP name this French poet, who introduced the love affair of Lancelot and Guinevere in The Knight of the Cart, the writer par excellence of Arthurian romances.;;Chretien (de) (Troyes)|(Chretien) (de) Troyes Physics;;He succeeded Roentgen as professor of Physics at Wurzburg and published his Textbook of Hydrodynamics there. He was more famous, however, for his high temperature work with Holborn and other thermodynamic research, becoming most famous for discovering that the wavelength of maximum intensity emitted by an object is inversely proportional to its temperature. FTP, name the 1911 Nobel Laureate in Physics who received the prize for his namesake Displacement Law.;;(Wilhelm) Wien United States History;;Only the ninth resolution was passed narrowly. Advertised only with an unsigned notice in a county newspaper, it was held in a Wesleyan Methodist church with about 300 attendees. It was convened partly as a result of the World Anti-Slavery meeting in London eight years earlier, and was attended by Frederick Douglass. It was given press by New York Herald editor Gordon Bennet, who in ridicule, published the entire Declaration of Sentiments. Presided over by none other than Lucrecia Mott’s husband, FTP name this convention of feminists organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1848.;;Seneca Falls (Convention) Religion/Mythology;;One can find descriptions of the reigns of the Manus, histories of the Solar and Lunar dynasties, and accounts of the creation of the universe in them. They are generally classified by whether they tend to purity, ignorance, or passion, and are regarded as Friendly Treatises, appropriate for the masses, as opposed to Commanding Treatises like the Vedas. Composed beginning around 400 B.C. and attributed to Veda-Vyasi they comprise some 400,000 couplets most of which are in the eighteen major ones. FTP, name these Hindu scriptures, including the Skanda, Vishnu, and Bagavata, concerning the power and deeds of the gods.;;Purana(s) Music;;Verdi used one of this composer’s tunes for the Grand Chorus of Aida. Enrico di Borgogna was his first opera to be staged, and he did not become widely known until the premiere of Anna Bolena. He was comfortable with French as well, debuting operas in that language after 1840. Among his better-known 73 are Lucrezia Borgia, Don Pasquale, and Daughter of the Regiment. FTP, name this composer of the The Elixir of Love and the Sir Walter Scott adaptation, Lucia di Lamermoor.;;(Gaetano) Donizetti Literature;;She is last seen sitting in a rocking-chair looking out a window and dreaming of greater things. Her companions now include Lola Osborne, who helped her while she was a chorus girl, Bob Ames, who encourages her to move from comedic to dramatic acting, and Mrs. Vance who poses as an example of a wealthy New York lady. Before her fortunes bettered she had come to live in Chicago with Sven and Minnie Hanson but after falling on hard times had become the mistress of Charles Drouet and then George Hurstwood whom she abandons after he becomes destitute. FTP, this describes what Theodore Dreiser title character.;;(Sister) Carrie|Caroline Meeber Biology;;Their namesake enzyme is generally found in unicellular eukaryotes and the cells of the germline, including embryonic stem cells. That enzyme, a reverse transcriptase, lengthens the strand before replication, allowing cells to compensate for their shortening during DNA replication. They possess sequences of a rich G-strand and a rich C-strand and almost all are found to have the TTAGGG simple sequence repeat. FTP, name these structures associated with aging, the physical ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes.;;telomere(s) World History;;His first military ventures were against Moorish pirates in the Mediterranean and the rebellious Moriscos of Granada. Later, as Governor General of the Netherlands, he expressed his desire to invade England and wed Mary Queen of Scots, but due to the failure of his peace plan, the Perpetual Edict, and the lack of resources given to him by his half-brother Philip II, he was kept in stalemate until his 1578 death. Despite this failure he was renowned for a previous victory in which he led the forces of the Holy League against the Ottomans. FTP, name this bastard son of Charles V, the victor of Lepanto.;;Don (John|Juan){1}? (of Austria) Religion/Mythology;;He ended his life as king of Illyricum and went to Elysium after he and his wife fulfilled a prophecy. This son of Telephassa and Agenor, the rulers of Phoenicia, succeeded at a task in which his four brothers could not. At the end of his life he and his wife Harmonia are turned into snakes, but this has occurred well after he has sown some dragon’s teeth. FTP, name this brother of Europa and founder of Thebes.;;Cadmus Art;;Early in his career he was employed at the court of Christian IV of Denmark and spent time in Italy collecting art works for the Earl of Arundel. He authored Stonehenge Restored which argued that the landmark was a Roman Temple, but his better known literary works are collaborations with Heywood, Davenant, and Ben Jonson on elaborate masques for the courts of James and Charles. Better known is the style of his Queen’s House at Greenwich, the style of Palladio that he brought back from Italy. FTP, name this early English architect who designed the Banqueting Hall for Whitehall.;;(Inigo) Jones Literature;;A line from its second stanza is an allusion to the introduction of the poet’s play The Resurrection, which describes the manifestation of the sphinx image. The poet refers to "twenty centuries of stony sleep" and remarks that "The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned;" Its first stanza famously ends "The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity" and introduces the gyre, the poet’s symbol for the cycle of history. FTP, name this poem that parallel’s Christ’s return b William Butler Yeats.;;(The) Second Coming World History;;His chronicler Salimbene alleged that he was an Epicurean and it was rumored that he kept a harem full of Muslim women. A great patron of the arts, he founded the University of Naples and wrote a treatise on falconry. In 1229 he became King of Jerusalem after making a deal with the sultan of Egypt, and later he made a similar deal with his own lords, granting them nearly complete rights on their own lands so that he could rule as an absolute monarch in Sicily and Lombardy. This alarmed Popes Gregory IX and Innocent IV and eventually led to war. FTP name this grandson of Frederick Barbarossa, who tried to add much of Italy to the Holy Roman Empire.;;Frederick (II|the Second){1}? (Hohenstaufen) Biology;;One of the diagrams it can generate is known as the Eadie-Hofstee, which magnifies departure from linearity that may not be apparent in the better-known diagram that it generates. It simply assumes that the rate of the formation of the product, P, is proportional to the concentration of the complex. A curve can be generated from it using the Lineweaver-Burke plot and "V sub M" or maximum velocity occurs at the point where the curve flattens out. It states that velocity is greatest when all active sites are filled with substrate. FTP, identify this hypothesis named for its two discoverers that offers a general explanation of the velocity and mechanism of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.;;Michaelis-Menten (hypothesis ) Philosophy;;His aesthetics was based around his concept of "consummation," whereby an experience becomes a unified whole. He believed that time-honored dualisms of philosophy such as "mind-body" were too limiting and disliked the word "truth" because it was too static, instead preferring the term "warranted assertability". Often publishing in popular journals because his view of democracy required philosophers to be public figures, he wrote such works as School and Society. FTP, name this Pragmatist author of Democracy and Education best known for his interest in education.;;(John) Dewey Literature;;A recent translation by Ted Hughes used free verse to render its rhymed Alexandrine couplets. Among the changes its author made from the classical text on which it was based was the title character’s desire to put her own son on the throne and the addition of Aricie, a captive princess, whom the male lead, earlier strictly a devotee of Artemis, falls in love with. The nurse Oenone plays the pivotal role, falsely telling King Theseus that his son has seduced his wife. FTP name this tragedy, based on a Euripides play, in which Hippolyte shuns the love-struck title character, written by Racine.;;Phedre United States History;;He served three terms in the California state assembly in the 1950s before becoming the chair of the state’s Republican Party in 1962. He started in the Cabinet as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1973-1975, then took a six-year hiatus into private industry in California, but re-emerged in the Cabinet to increase compensation to service members, order development of stealth aircraft and, ultimately, resign in 1987 during the Iran/Contra scandal. FTP, name Ronald Reagan’s first secretary of defense.;;(Caspar) Weinberger Miscellaneous;;Its guest artist alleges that "we blessed and hung low, like Bernie Mac" and states that "For dead presidents I pimp like Huddy-roll". Near the end the primary singer voices her satisfaction that "When they take it to the parking lot/ [...] I bet you somebody’s gonna call the cops," while she begins by asserting that she’s "paid her dues," is "in mood," and is going to "Dance and get just a little naughty". The line "Gonna get my girls/ Get your boys/ Gonna make some noise" is repeated throughout the song. FTP, name this first single off the album Stripped, by Christina Aguilera.;;Dirrty Literature;;After six months at sea, a stop is made in the Marquesas Islands, under the command of Captain Vangs. Tommo decides that this is the right time to jump ship, and he and Toby plan to hide out and catch a ride with the next ship. The problem with that plan, however, is that after leaving the Dolly they find an island is populated by a cannibalistic tribe. FTP, identify this 1846 novel, named for that tribe and subtitled "A Peep at Polynesian Life," by Herman Melville.;;Typee World History;;He was able to secure his own legitimacy by marrying Elizabeth of York, and conducted "matrimonial diplomacy" by marrying his daughter Margaret to the King of Scotland, and his daughter Mary to the Archduke Charles who later became the powerful Emperor Charles V. He weakened Parliament by finding new sources of revenue from customs dues, and expanded economic activity through commercial treaties and by hiring the Cabots to discover new markets. He also established the Star Chamber to arbitrate disputes and to establish order after the Wars of the Roses. FTP, which English "new monarch" defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field and began the Tudor line?;;Henry (VII|the Seventh){1}?;;Henry Tudor Literature;;Hollywood loved to turn his books into movies, and his second wife was American actress Paulette Goddard with whom he lived until his death in 1970. F. Scott Fitzgerald got his only screen credit in adapting this author’s Three Comrades into a 1938 movie starring Robert Taylor and Margaret Sullavan, and his best-known novel written in 1929 was quickly made into a film which won the Best Picture and Best Director Oscars in 1930. FTP, what German writer wrote The Road Back as a sequel to his more famous All Quiet on the Western Front.;;(Erich) (Maria) Remarque Chemistry;;One form of this functional group is the intermediate product in the Strecker synthesis of alpha-amino acids. They can only be protonated by extremely strong acids, and their low reactivity makes them good solvents as in their aceto- form. Commonly produced by the dehydration of primary amines, they possess many of the double bond features of imines and the triple bond features of alkynes. FTP, name this functional group whose simplest member is cyanide and which consists of a carbon triple bonded to a nitrogen.;;nitrile(s);;cyanides (for early buzz) Religion/Mythology;;According to legend he suffered from terrible headaches from a fragment of a whetstone lodged in his head. Master of Bilskirnir, one of his exploits was the test of the wisdom of the dwarf Alvis until the dawn turned him to stone, thus preventing the marriage to his daughter Thrud. Thrud’s mother, his mistress Jarnsaxa, also gave him the sons Magni and Modi, who often helped him in his adventures. FTP name this husband of Sif, wielder of Mjollnir, and the Norse God of Thunder.;;Thor Geography;;Traversed by the Meuse and Moselle Rivers, it’s bordered on the east by the picturesque Vosges [VOZH] Mountains and on the west by the Argonne Plateau. The small cities of Forbach, Longwy, Briey, and Thionville are surrounded by some of the richest coal and iron-ore deposits in Europe, but most of the population lives in Nancy and Metz. Located west of its sister province, its fame is derived from the fact that parts of it were transferred several times between Germany and France. FTP, what region is located due south of Luxembourg and neighbors Alsace?;;Lorraine World history;;He captured his greatest enemy by turning King Bocchus after his agent Bomilcar failed in betrayal. He was the first to recruit soldiers from the Head Count and their loyalty to him is signified by the fact that they were known as his "mules". He used those troops to great effect by crushing Teutobod and Boiorix successeively at Aqua Sextiae and Vercellae, thereby turning back the Teutones and Cimbri. However jealousy over a subordinate led to a civil war and eventually his seventh consulship. FTP, name this superior of Sulla and victor over Jugurtha.;;(Gaius) Marius Literature;;Monygham is a drunken doctor who has never forgiven himself for breaking under the torture of the evil dictator, Guzman Bento. Giorgio Viola fondly remembers storming Sicily with the Redshirts under Garibaldi, and is the only character who calls the title character by his real first name, Giambattista. Emilia Gould is the wife of a man who neglects her as he obsesses over his silver mine. The title character is the "Capataz de Cargadores" in the city of Sulaco in the disorderly fictional country of Costaguana. FTP, these are all characters in what 1905 novel by Joseph Conrad.;;Nostromo Biology;;They can be split up into two varieties: obligate ones are limited to the namesake pathway, while facultative ones are not and only rely on it during times of environmental stress. One can identify them by measuring the difference in the amount and the acidity of malic acid in their tissue between morning and evening. Many possess thick water-storing parenchyma cells in their stems or leaves, and are succulent, like the agave and the cactus. FTP, identify this type of plant that opens its stomata during the night time to take in CO2, unlike its C3 and C4 counterparts.;;C(rassulacean) A(cid) M(etabolism) (Plants) Music;;Among the most moving pieces in this opera is "'Liu! Liu! Sorgi!" sung at the death for a character’s unwillingess to betray the man she loves. Another is the brief aside of Ping longing for his small home covered in bamboo, far away from the executions he must help arrange. Its most famous aria demands that no rest be taken, which is a result of Calaf’s success and his deal with the title character. FTP name this opera about the wooing of the daughter of the Emperor of China, famous for the aria "Nessun Dorma," the last opera of Giacchimo Puccini.;;Turandot Literature;;Her flight "from ruin" out of Beleriand is wrapped in mystery. She was the last offspring of Ungoliant, a creature who had helped the evil Melkor in the destruction of the Two Trees of Valinor. Her own offspring are spread from "Ephel Duath to the Eastern hills, to Dol Guldur, and the fastnesses of Mirkwood", and it was the last of these that Bilbo encountered in The Hobbit. Often referred to as "Her Ladyship" by the orcs, FTP, what is this monstrous being dwelling under Cirith Ungol whose name literally means "she-spider".;;Shelob United States History;;The first said that any disputes would be settled under the provisions of Article 33 of the U.N. Charter and established Resolutions 242 and 338 as the basis for negotiations. The second had more specific provisions, including orders that a highway be built near Eilat, airfields near al-Arish, Rafah, Ras en-Naqb, and Sharm el-Sheikh be used for civilian purposes only, and Israeli armed forces be withdrawn from the Sinai Pensinsula. FTP, identify these agreements which were the product of a 1978 series of meetings between Menacham Begin, Anwar Sadat, and Jimmy Carter.;;Camp David (Accords) Literature;;The pinning of her family’s future on her brother Ambrosch has resulted in the move to America, and after the death of her father she must work in the fields to support him before moving to Black Hawk and taking a job with the Harlings. Compelled to leave because of her attraction to the social scene, she evades an attempted rape by her new employer, Wick Cutter. Though she is impregnated and then deserted by the train conductor Larry Donovan, she finds happiness in marriage to the composer Cuzak. FTP, identify this character, whose exploits are chronicled by her friend Jim Burden in the Willa Cather work named for her.;;My Antonia Physics;;Quasars, electrons which move though the supernova remnant of the Crab Nebula, and electrons spiraling through the lines of force around the planet Jupiter all emit this type of radiation. Characteristically highly polarized and continuous, it occurs when charged particles that are moving at speeds close to the speed of light when their paths are altered by magnetic fields. Because it is not dependant on the temperature of the objects which emit it, it is often called nonthermal radiation. FTP, identify this type of radiation named for devices, such as those found at Fermilabs and CERN, which produce it.;;synchrotron (radiation);;nonthermal (radiation) Art;;The figures on the upper right are enlarged from Pietro Lorenzetti’s Birth of the Virgin. It wasn’t decorated until the Florentine ambassador to Cairo returned and commissioned Panicale to illustrate it with frescoes from Genesis and the Life of St. Peter. Panicale, better known by his first name of Masolino, completed several scenes, but the frescoes were ultimately finished by Filippino Lippi. Located in Santa Maria del Carmine, its most famous decorations include The Expulsion from Paradise and The Tribute Money. FTP, name this famous chapel frescoed by Masaccio.;;(the) Brancacci (Chapel) Religion/Mythology;;He was succeeded in office by Ibzan of Bethlehem six years after he butchered the Ephraimites and presumably all who had a slight lisp for failing to support him in his most famous exploit. Originally cast from his home on the death of his father and deprived of his inheritance because he was the son of a harlot, he survived as a raider amidst "worthless fellows" in the land of Tob. When the Ammonites invade he is sought out to lead the Israelites against them, which he accomplishes at a terrible price. FTP, name this Judge and son of Gilead whose promise of sacrifice on victorious return from a battle compelled him to sacrifice his own daughter.;;Jepthah United States History;;He founded a paper, the Daily Theocrat, which quickly went out of business. Despite failing the University of Michigan’s entrance exams, he gained admission by using his inheritance. He failed to get a job at Henry Ward Beecher’s Independent, after having had several stays at John Humphrey Noyes’ Oneida Community. Before becoming infamous he issued a warning in a letter to William Sherman. FTP, name this Stalwart partisan, who on July 2, 1881 shot and killed James Garfield.;;(Charles) Guiteau Literature;;One of his works, De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus, describes the evolution of the Roman language. Another contains short biographies of literary figures and is entitled De Viris Illustribus. While we only have fragments of these two texts, the most famous writings of this personal secretary of the Emperor Hadrian are almost completely extant. Included in those writings are the tales of lechery at Capri in Tiberius’ villa. FTP, what Roman biographer provided a vivid picture of 1st-century emperors in his De Vita Caesarum or The Lives of the Twelve Caesars.;;(Caius) Suetonius (Tranquillus) Astronomy;;The first of these was believed to have been sighted by Edward Barnard in 1904, though his observation was mistaken for a glimpse at the recently discovered satellite Phoebe. Thus, credit for discovery and naming of them went to Max Wolf, who made his sightings in 1906. Predicted by the mathematician at whose points in Jupiter’s orbit they were found, they are divided into two categories. One group confusingly contains such members as Antolochus, Nestor, and Diomedes. FTP identify these group of objects that includes the asteroids Anchises, Aeneas, Priam, and Hector.;;Trojan Sociology;;It was connected by Louis Wirth to urbanism, who used it to refer to life in big cities. It was initially defined as being impossible whenever interdependent organs are sufficiently in contact and sufficiently extensive. Its more recent usage is associated with Robert K. Merton, who suggested that it is prevalent in individuals who clearly know what is expected of them from society but are consistently unable to meet the standard. First popularized in The Division of Labor in Society, FTP, name this condition theorised by Émile Durkheim now associated with a lack of regulation and break down of norms.;;anomie Miscellaneous;;Preysing is a pompous merchant who is maneuvering to make a merger to save his company; Kringelein is one of his employees who is terminally ill and embarks on one last fling; Flaemmchen is a working girl hired by Preysing for secretarial work and, later, for something more; Grusinskaya is a dancer who has all but given in to depression; and Felix, or "Flix," is an aristocrat and a thief who aims to rob Grusinskaya but ends up falling in love with her. Such are the fascinating people you’ll meet if, FTP, you visit the title location of what 1932 Best Picture starring Joan Crawford, Lionel and John Barrymore, and Greta Garbo?;;Grand Hotel World History;;Among of the winners of this conflict one might number Poland, who briefly obtained a dictatorship in Moscow under Vladislav and a favorable treaty with Russia in the Peace of Polyanov. Losers might include Denmark, whose king Christian IV lost an eye at the battle of Kolberger Heide and later had to sign the humiliating Peace of Lubeck that stripped it of international power. Spain was also a loser as it resulted in the indepenence of the United Provinces. FTP, name this decades long war whose big winners included France, Spain, and Protestants, who were granted major concessions by the Peace of Westphalia?;;Thirty Years' (War) Chemistry;;This compound was discovered in 1867 by German chemist August Wilhem von Hofman, who investigated its structure though he never managed to isolated it in pure form. Produced principally by the vapour-phase oxidation of methanol, it may be dehydrated to trioxane, and it is used in the tanning industry, as a disinfectant, and a soil sterilant. FTP, name this compound also called Methanal, consisting of formulated HCHO the simplest of the aldehydes most famous for its use as an embalming agent.;;formaldehyde Art;;In 1850 this man entered the studio of Thomas Couture. The Franco Prussian War, in which he saw service as a gunner in the National Guard, inspired him to paint such terse pictures as The Barricade and The Execution of Maximilan III. Earlier, after the suicide of the model for his Boy With Cherries he fell into a depression reflected in his morbid Absinthe Drinker. He is better known for more vibrant works, such as Concert in Tuileries Garden. FTP, name this French artist whose nude Olympia was less controversial than his Luncheon on the Grass.;;(Edouard) Manet World History;;He consolidated his continental territory by defeating one of his brothers at Tinchebray. His coronation charter contained the first English royal charter of liberties, and during his reign the offices of justiciar and royal exchequer were created. Still, nobles complained of the harshness of his rule, and he forced Saint Anselm into exile over the issue of the lay investiture of the clergy. FTP, name this fourth son of William the Conqueror who gained the throne upon the death of his brother William II in 1100, becoming the first king of his name?;;Henry (I|the First){1}? Literature;;Due to Mr. Green’s late arrival he succeeds in taking over the abode of his rival. He does not meet his son until the boy is 13, and shows no affection for his wife Isabella. When he gains custody of young Hareton, he raises the boy as a farm worker, to revisit pain upon Frances and Hindley, Hareton’s parents. After gaining Thrushcross Grange and the titular estate, his vengeance is almost complete. FTP, name this orphan who loves Catherine and is raised in the Earnshaw household and is the central character of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.;;Heathcliff Noncomputational Math;;In 2000, an Indian mathematician used Eilenberg modules, Hall matchings, Riemann surfaces, Steiner systems, and a map of Madhya Pradesh to prove this theorem. In 1976 Appel and Haken pioneered the use of the computer in proofs in proving this conjecture. First proposed by Mobius in 1840, FTP, name this mathematical theorem that states that no more than a certain number of colors are needed to fill in a map.;;four color (theorem) Music;;The composition begins with enchanting low flute notes, transforming the audience into an idyllic setting. Woodwind solos and harp glissandos maintain the theme, about the title figure who makes a pass at one of two nymphs; she escapes, leaving him to play with her scarf. Choreographed and danced by Nijinsky eighteen years after it was first composed, FTP, what Stéphane Mallarmé work was transformed into an Impressionist tone poem in 1894 by Claude Debussy [deh-byoo-SEE]?;;Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun|Prélude à l’apres-midi d’un faune Religion/Mythology;;The cult of this deity had its early focus at Dandarah, and at Thebes she was regarded as a goddess of death and known as the "Lady of the West". Symbolized by the sistrum, snake and papyrus rod, one legend holds she was part of Ra’s plan to destroy humanity, but Ra changed his mind and flooded the fields with beer; she got drunk and could not carry out her mission. Considered the mother of the pharaohs, FTP, name this Egyptian fertility goddess, daughter of Nut and Ra, and often represented by a cow.;;Hathor World history;;One side established camp on the northern side of the Epineus River, while the other deployed near Mt. Dogandzis. The loser planned to attack the enemy flank supported by archers under Lasienus, but this move was defended against, forcing flight into Egypt and assassination at the court of Ptolemy XII. The victor would also be assassinated, just four years later. Fought somewhere in Thessaly, FTP, name this August 48 BC battle at which the forces of Pompey were crushed by Julius Caesar.;;(Battle of) Pharsalus Literature;;In the first of three encounters with his cousin, the protagonist of this play turns into a bull and then a shadow. That protagonist is disguised as a stranger from Lydia. As the action progresses, the downfall of the Theban dynasty proceeds culminating in the action of a maenad. At the end Cadmus appears, comforts his daughter, and mourns his grandson. Of course his daughter, Agave, had just torn his grandson, Pentheus, to pieces. FTP, identify this Euripides play centering on Dionysus and which takes its name from Dionysus’ attendants.;;(The) Bacchae Chemistry;;When reacted with an NH group and two R groups, they form enamines; when reacted with NH2OH they form oximes; and when reacted with hydrogen cyanide they form cyanohydrins. When deoxygenated by zinc they undergo the Clemmensen reduction, and when deoxygenated by a hydrazine they undergo the Wolf-Kishner reduction. When reacted with Grignards, they are reduced to secondary or tertiary alcohols. FTP, name this organic functional group that consists of a carbonyl bonded to two R groups and whose simplest member is acetone.;;ketone(s) Art;;The year after it was finished the artist took this painting on a tour of England. A little bright color is provided by the red cloth worn by the pensive figure modeled on Michelangelo and seated on the left side. Two pyramidal structures are formed, first by the two figures waving flags on the top right and second by the title object itself. The artist studied corpses and interviewed survivors before finishing this painting in 1819, a year after an incident off the West African coast inspired this work. FTP, name this painting depicting the survivors of a French government ship, the masterwork of Theodore Gericault.;;(The) Raft of the Medusa World History;;A smear campaign was conducted against him by Richard Pigott, who linked him with the murder of Thomas Henry Burke. For his opposition to the Coercion Bill, he was ejected from the House along with 34 of his followers. Shortly thereafter, the "No Rent" manifesto proclaimed his Land League illegal. Ironically, he was then forced, by Lord Salisbury’s majority, to ally himself with Gladstone. However, it all came crashing down when his affair with Kitty O’Shea was revealed. FTP, name this Irish statesman who fought for Home Rule throughout the 1880s.;;(Charles) (Stewart) Parnell Literature;;Henry James’ "Paste" was drawn directly from one of this man’s more famous works. His best novel features two competing brothers, whose tumultuous relationship culminates with one’s marriage to Madame Rosemilly. After publishing a work in the collection The Parties at Medan, he went on to write such novels as A Woman’s Life, Bel-ami and Pierre et Jean. FTP, name this writer best known for his stories of Norman peasant life as in "A Piece of String" and "The Necklace".;;(Guy) (de) Maupassant Biology;;In 1995 scientists at Ohio State discovered that they possess a property called "homing". Theories of how they arose are divided into the "late" and "early" camps and could not be resolved when they were discovered in the cyanobacterium Fischerella. They can occur in the middle of a domain, and sometimes even within a single codon. They are located by spliceosomes and those genes possessing them are termed "split". FTP, name these pieces of DNA that are excised as opposed to exons.;;intron(s) Miscellaneous;;This movie would have had Vivien Leigh in the starring role if David O. Selznick had had his way. Only at a party near the end is the mcguffin revealed to be something hidden in a wine cellar. The hero is first introduced upside down in a blurry shot, and then recruits Alicia Huberman to reacquaint herself with Alexander Sebastian. Its famous last scene is that of Devlin carrying Alicia down the steps to their freedom, while Claude Rains must reenter the house to his death. FTP, name this 1946 Hitchcock film starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman.;;Notorious Philosophy;;His pupils helped him build a monastic school he named the Paraclete, and shortly after he wrote an account of his ethical system entitled Nosce te ipsum. Nearly ten years after matriculating from his study under Roscellinus and William of Champeaux, he was condemned by the Council of Soissons for his Nominalist doctrines. Much of this stemmed from the revelations in his Historia Calamitatum and the compilation Sic et non. He will best remembered for his association with Canon Fulbert’s daughter. FTP, name this 12th-century philosopher whose affair with Heloise led to his castration.;;(Peter|Pierre) Abelard World History;;Its leader is still revered in the tradition of the Hakka, the migratory people from which he came. Its latter stages were initially suppressed by Frederick Ward, who was succeeded by a more famous individual. After stalling as a result of imperial resistance organized by the scholar Guofan, it came to an end at the hands of the "Ever-Victorious Army" and Charles Gordon. It was led by Hong Xiuquan, who was inspired by Protestant missionary tracts and proclaimed a "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace". FTP, name this religious rebellion that began in 1852 in China.;;Taiping (Rebellion);;Heavenly Kingdom of Great Preace (Rebellion) Literature;;At one point in this poem the poet claims that "a morning glory" at his window satisfies him "more than the metaphysics of books". Earlier an allusion is made to "twenty-eight young men" and "twenty-eight years of womanly life," and the poet is labeled as "a kosmos, of Manhattan the son". Not titled until 1881, it actually appeared in 1855 as more than half of a larger poetic collection. FTP, name this poem by Walt Whitman that opens "I celebrate myself".;;Song of Myself Physics;;Wilhelm Hallwachs created an experiment to better demonstrate it but could not explain it. Philip Lenard studied it further but could still not offer an explanation. It was first demonstrated using two pieces of brass by Heinrich Hertz, who also could not offer an explanation. It was fully explained mathematically twenty years later when the work function was introduced into the equation. FTP, name this effect that states that light shined on a surface will cause the emission of electrons.;;photoelectric (effect) Geography;;The Archives of the Indies, a collection of documents of New World exploration, has been stored in this city’s Casa Lonja since 1785. Situated on the Guadalquivir River, this city has many attractions including the Alcazar and the Giralda, a bell tower and former minaret. Columbus departed from this city, which was known as Hispalis in ancient times. FTP, name this capital of Andalucia, a city in southern Spain.;;Sevill(e|a){1}? United States History;;At the Battle of Quebec General Montgomery died in this man’s arms. His father was the second president of Princeton, and the first president of Princeton was his grandfather, Jonathan Edwards. After Governor Clinton appointed him attorney general of his state, he defeated General Schuyler for the Senate, starting a bitter rivalry. In a future position he cast the deciding vote in the impeachment of Salmon Chase, and at Weehawken, N.Y. killed his enemy. FTP, name this vice president of Thomas Jefferson and murderer of Alexander Hamilton.;;(Aaron) Burr Literature;;He wrote essays on Goethe and Chekov in Points of View, and his essay on the painter Zurbaran can be found in his The Vagrant Mood. In his middle years he began openly living with his lover Gerald Haxton and began writing short stories like "Trio," "Encore" and "Rain". He had more success with plays like East of Suez and Lady Frederick, but his current fame rests on novels. FTP, name this writer who created autobiographical characters like Willie Ashenden and Philip Carey in such novels as Cakes and Ale and Of Human Bondage.;;(William) (Somerset) Maugham Earth Science;;A ground one of these geological features is a continuous layer of till underneath a retreating glacier. The lateral form is made up of material eroded from valley walls by a moving glacier. The medial type is a ridge-shaped features arising from a rock outcropping or converging lateral types, while the push kind rises ahead of an advancing glacier. FTP, name this distinct accumulation of glacial till.;;moraine World History;;Part of its reforms included awarding of positions based on the nine rank system. It ended when the Jin dynasty was founded by Sima Yen, and it began when Ts’ao P’ei accepted the abdication of Hsien-ti and established his authority over the north with his capital at Lo-yang. Soon after rival generals generals established kingdoms in Szechuan and at Nanking. Thus, the disintegration of the Han dynasty was complete. FTP, name this period from 220-280 AD when the Wei, Shu, and Wu kingdoms fought for control of China, depicted in a famous Chinese historical romance.;;Three Kingdoms (Period)|San-Kuo|Sanguo Religion/Mythology;;The concluding section of this work contains the Bhatt Bani, or hymns by the bards, and the Japji and Mul Mantras. It is the central object used in worship in gurdwaras. First compiled in 1604, by 1704 this work of nearly 6000 hymns of Islamic and Hindu saints took the place of religious leaders. It was Arjun who compiled it, and Gobind who proclaimed its religious role. Literally Punjabi for "first book," FTP, name this sacred scripture of Sikhism.;;Adi Granth|Guru Granth Sahib World History;;Its hegemony was destroyed around the 10th-century by Yodit and the subsequent ascension of the Zagwe dynasty. The language Ge’ez marks this kingdom’s South Arabian cultural roots, that during the reign of emperors like Kaleb, saw the port city of Adulis and its namesake capital dominate the ivory trade with Sudan. Yet it is most famed for Ezana’s decision to follow Frumentius’ advice and convert to Christianity. FTP, name this kingdom that warred with Meroe, dominated Ethiopia for six centuries, and is supposedly the resting place for the Ark of the Covenant.;;A(ks|x){1}?um Literature;;A key symbol in this novel is the great oak chair that sits near the fireplace and becomes the final resting place for three men. Uncle Venner and a queer daguerreotypist, whose true identity is kept secret until the climax, become the patriarch’s only acquaintances after he returns from his 30-year prison sentence. The work ultimately reveals that the portrait of the old Colonel hides a niche that contains the disputed Indian deeds, and that Holgrave is a direct descendant of Mathew Maule, whose curse haunted the title location for many years. FTP, name identify this work that focuses on Hepzibah, Phoebe, and Clifford Pyncheon’s attempts to deal with their sordid past, an 1850 novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne.;;The House of the Seven Gables;;House of the Seven Gables Biology;;A precursor to this group of compounds is present in the endosperm of germinating seeds, and moves to the root tip after germinating to stimulate mitosis. Working by binding to a receptor protein to the plasma membrane of a cell, Zeatin moves into the nucleus and activates several nuclear transcription factors, which produces mass quantities of mRNA. Derived from adenine, some other functions these compounds are involved in are differentiation root tissue, differentiation of the meristem, leaf formation, and the development of chloroplasts from etioplasts. FTP, name these plant hormones, which, unlike auxins, cause growth rather than elongation, and take their name from their role in stimulating cell division.;;cytokinin(s) Art;;The gray wall that serves as the background for most of this painting bears on it a single black ring in the right hand corner, which seems to match the manacles on the floor. As four men cover their eyes in the main chamber, three others can be seen climbing stairs through a gateway on the left side of the canvas. The title figure, whose leg is gripped by an orange clad man sitting on a stone stool beside the centrally located bed, has his left hand raised and his index finger in the air as he reaches for a wooden goblet presumably filled with hemlock. FTP, name this 1787 depiction of a famed philosopher’s last day by Jacques Louis David.;;(The) Death of Socrates World History;;Pius V revoked this practice, which was frequently invoked by the statement "ab omni culpa et poena". Prominent examples include Innocent II’s 40-day one for visiting and contributing to the adornment of the great church at Cluny, and Urban II’s complete granting of one for participation in the First Crusade. But their most famous transaction involved a commissary for Albert, the archbishop of Mainz, whose preaching at Juterborg in Saxony enraged a famous theologian in Wittenberg on Oct. 31, 1517. FTP, name these partial remissions of punishment that worked through the sacrament of penance and whose most famous collector, Johann Tetzel, provoked Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses.;;indulgences Literature;;Published in response to "Ode: Intimations of Immortality," it begins by citing the Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens in the prologue and in the first of its eight stanzas. Originally a long verse letter to the author’s beloved, it ends with the speaker unable to sleep as he wishes for the storm within in him to pass, and for the joy he cannot feel to "lift her spirit" and "attune her voice". The speaker describes how the "fruits and foliage" once seemed his, but were now lost, and compares this to his ebbing poetical powers. Though not stated outright. "the viper thoughts that coil around my mind," seem to impugn the poet’s growing dependency on opium and his growing despair at losing Sara Hutchinson. FTP, name this depressing poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.;;Dejection: An Ode Astronomy;;The largest star in a constellation that includes Sulafat and Sheliak, its apparent magnitude of .03 makes it the fifth brightest star in the sky. The large dust particles surrounding this star inspired Carl Sagan to place his alien listening post here in his novel Contact, and along with Deneb and Altair, it forms the Summer Triangle. Also known as Fidis or the Harp Star, its most common name is Arabic for "swooping eagle". FTP, name this sapphire-colored star that will become the new North Star in 10,000 years, the alpha star of the constellation Lyra.;;Vega Philosophy;;Late in his life he argued that the rise of liberalism reestablished a Tory-like social order in his The Man versus the State. Early contributions to papers such as The Zoist and The Pilot revealed his interest in mesmerism and laissez-faire social policies, which preceded the development of his "law of the persistence of force". Other works include The Proper Sphere of Government, The Nature and Reality of Religion and an 1855 Principles of Psychology. However, his best known works are Social Statics and Synthetic Philosophy. FTP, name this British philosopher who coined the term "survival of the fittest".;;(Herbert) Spencer Geography;;The most numerous ethnic groups living in this range include the Nenets, a Samoyed people of the Pay-Khoy region; the Komi & Mansi, who speak an Ugric tongue, and the most numerous indigenous group, the Bakshir, a Turkic people. The great majority of the population, however, are concentrated in cities such as Perm, Ufa, and Yekaterinburg. It was originally known to Europeans only in mythology and called the Riphean or Hyperborean range. FTP, name this mountain range that extends to Novaya Zemlaya in the north and is the traditional boundary between European and Asian Russia.;;Ural (Mountains) United States History;;It is currently led by Kermit W. Richardson, and Ignatius Donnely’s weekly newspaper The Anti-Monopolist grew out of this organization’s rise. Originally founded by a government clerk from Minnesota this group was modeled on the Masonic order, but soon expanded and Oliver Hudson Kelley’s agencies soon numbered over 800,000 members. It was involved in several Supreme Court decisions, including Munn v. Illinois. FTP, name this agrarian political and social movement also know as the "Patrons of Husbandry".;;(The) Grange(r) (movement);;Patrons of Husbandry Literature;;His comedies include An Humorous Day’s Mirth, May Day, and All Fools, while his more serious works include Charles: Duke of Byron and The Blind Beggar of Alexandria. One of his tragedies features a love triangle between Tamyra, Monsieur, and the title knight who is killed by Montsurry. That play, Bussy’ D’Ambois, may be less well known poems like "Ovid’s Banquet of Sense". He is best-known for completing Marlowe’s Hero and Leander and for translating the Iliad and the Odyssey between 1611 and 1616. FTP, name this Engish writer whose translations inspired a famous Keats ode.;;(George) Chapman Noncomputational Math;;His namesake points are the midpoints of the line segments that join a triangle’s vertices to its orthocenter. His namesake squares are arrays composed of Latin Squares. His namesake characteristic is 0 only for the Klein bottle and the torus. Along with Lagrange, he names a differential equation involved in the calculus of variations. In 3-dimensional space, his rotation theorem says that any rotation can be described with the matrix formulation of his namesake angles. FTP, give this namesake of a formula that relates the vertices, edges and faces of a polyhedron and a constant equal to approximately .577, who also happens to be a Swiss mathematician.;;(Leonard) Euler Psychology;;D.T. Gilbert has recently published a model of this effect, which was discovered by various social psychologists during the study of behavior assessment. It is often accompanied by the actor-observer bias in which people give more dispositional explanations for other people’s behavior than their own. Also known as the "correspondence principle," FTP, identify the name given to this faulty line of thinking which demonstrates that people have a general tendency to underestimate the situational causes of behavior and stress internal factors.;;(the) fundamental attribution error;;F(.)A(.)E(.) Religion/Mythology;;Often accompanied by an "ulooka," or owl, this deity’s fickle ways are expressed in the vastras or scanty netlike clothing that worshippers dress her image in so that she won’t leave them. She is linked with various consorts including the demon Bali and the king of the Yakshas, Kubera, but is best known for her association with figures like Vamana and Parasurama. All myths, however, agree on her birth, wherein she rises from the depths of the milky ocean, while holding a lotus blossom in her hand. FTP, name this goddess of wisdom and wealth also known as Shri, whose own varied incarnations mirror those of her husband Vishnu.;;Lakshmi World History;;A longtime friend of Thomas Jefferson, he directed the crossing of the Yadkin and Dan rivers while serving under Nathanel Greene and later conducted a blockade of Charleston. He rose to fame in his homeland after the Battle of Dubienka and his manifesto of Polaniec helped to spur on the struggle against Russian invaders in the face of a third partition. Though he led bayonet charges during the defense of Warsaw, he was eventually captured and jailed by Catherine the Great’s forces. FTP, identify this Polish army officer and statesman, the namesake of Australia’s highest peak.;;(Tadeusz) Kosciuszko Literature;;It is written in 60 short sections and features a carpenter who is often read as a figure of balance. Though helped at times by the kindness of strangers like Mr. Gillespie and Vernon Tull, others take advantage of the central group, such as the drugstore owner who tries to seduce the pregnant daughter. Another child never speaks, and is revealed to be the product of an illegitimate affair between Whitfield, a preacher, and the matriarch of the family, whose wishes prompt the journey to Jefferson. The novel ends with Anse marrying an ugly wife and Darl being taken to an insane asylum. FTP, name this William Faulkner novel about Dewey Dell, Vardaman, Cash, Jewel, and their struggles with the corpse of their mother, Addie Bundren.;;As I Lay Dying Physics;;The Fermi energy in these materials lies near the middle of the band-gap and moves toward the valence band edge as acceptors such as boron and aluminum are introduced, or moves toward the conduction band edge with the introduction of donors such as phosphorus. The continuity equation expresses the change in carrier concentration in them as a function of factors such as Auger [OH-zhay] recombination, generation-recombination, diffusion, and drift. Having a zinc-blend or diamond crystal structure, their atoms are generally bonded to their four nearest neighbors. Examples include cadmium telluride, indium antimonide and the most well-known non-elemental type, gallium arsenide. FTP name these materials, including elemental germanium, that have properties of both insulators and conductors.;;semiconductor(s) Music;;Section 13 of this work is the only one without a title; though a quote within it from Mendelssohn’s Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage implies that the person was on a sea voyage. Section 4 features a door slamming, a tribute to the composer’s friend, William Baker. Section 5 was inspired by the nervous laughter of Richard Arnold, son of the poet Matthew. The most famous section was inspired by a nighttime walk with the composer's best friend August Jaeger, and is titled "Nimrod". The first represents the composer’s wife and the last represents the composer in this series of 14 vignettes. FTP, identify this set of variations for orchestra, written by Edward Elgar and so-named because of their puzzling meaning.;;Enigma Variations World History;;It was ended by the forces of Charles II of Navarre at Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, but began following the Battle of Poitiers when the countryside was ransacked by bands of British mercenaries whose actions were ignored by the French nobles. This oversight, coupled with the Dauphin’s demand that his subjects rebuild the fortifications of their lords, fueled an uprising of Parisians under Etienne Marcel and country-folk under Guillaume Carle who began at Compiegne and spent two moths attacking castles and massacring the nobles. FTP, name this insurgency that primarily took place in 1358 and whose name comes from a French pejorative for "peasant".;;Jacquerie Literature;;The title figure of this work’s alternate name had been imprisoned for 500 years by Kwan Yin, and is controlled by a magical hat that tightens when he does not follow instructions. Yet he becomes a hero after defeating the three magicians in Cart-Slow kingdom, thus allowing his party, which includes Sha, a monk, and Chu Pa-Chieh, a pig, to defeat the Great King Of Miracles and to ride the turtle to the Blessed Realm. In this way Tripitaka succeeds in his quest to obtain the three baskets of Mahayana scripture and bring them back to China. FTP, name this 16th-century novel written by Wu Ch-eng-en that was translated as Monkey by Arthur Waley.;;(Record of a) Journey to the West;;Monkey Literature;;The collection Two Stories and a Memory is the only other book of this man’s writing, whose masterpiece was championed by Giorgio Bassani and released a few months after the author’s death from cancer. That work features the Prince of Salina’s experiences during the transfer of power from the Bourbon aristocracy to the new Kingdom of Italy during the Risorgimento. Ultimately, Don Fabrizio’s way of life is swept away and his family crest, that gives the novel its title, becomes obsolete. FTP identify this WWI veteran whose real name was Giuseppe Tomasi, but used his Princely name when writing The Leopard.;;Lampedusa;;Tomasi Art;;According to Cicero his mistress and model, Phyrne, was once charged with impiety, but was acquitted after showing the jury her perfect breasts. This artist’s love of the nude form found its expression in works like the The Pouring Satyr, while a copy of his Saurocton Apollo, which depicts the God as a lizard killer, can be found in the Louvre and displays the canted hip characteristic of his most famous work. That masterpiece depicts a meeting between the messenger of the gods and a youthful god of wine. FTP, name this Attic sculptor of Hermes with the Infant Dionysus.;;Praxiteles United States History;;Justice Sanford’s decision included a comparison between revolutionary speech and a conflagration-starting spark, while Holmes and Brandeis dissented. Clarence Darrow represented the petitioner, who had earlier distributed a pamphlet entitled Left Wing Manifesto, which violated a state stature prohibiting "criminal anarchy". FTP, name this 1925 Supreme Court case, notable for its declaration that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects freedom of speech from abridgement by the states.;;Gitlow (v(.)(ersus)) (N(ew) Y(ork)) Miscellaneous;;One explanation for its façade can be attributed to a desire by its builders to repel invaders while another posits that it was intended to mock a traitorous former guardian. Featuring two asymmetric towers, it stands on the ruins of the center of classical Zodakkian culture. Surrounded by the Evergreen Forest, its sole treasure is an orb that contains all the wisdom of the past, the latest official defender of which was chosen by an ancient spirit early in the reign of King Randor. FTP, name this grotesque fortress that has been conquered several times, but is currently safe in the hands of Eternia’s great hero, He-Man.;;Castle Grayskull Literature;;Of his theory of the "three unities" only the "unity of action" found a source in ancient drama. Despite this, his entry into the "five authors" solidified his devotion to the form, as evidenced even by his early comedies, like The Palace Corridor, The Maidservant, and The Comic Illusion. Eventually, his work became out of style, and, as plays like Pertharite and The Golden Fleece, failed, he withdrew and translated The Imitation of Christ into French. FTP, identify this greatest of the French classical playwrights, the author of Medee, Horace, and El Cid.;;(Pierre) Corneille Biology;;They do not actively attack pathogens but alert other cells to a pathogens presence in the body. The alpha-form has been approved to treat genital warts and to combat Kaposi sarcoma along with other viral diseases. After initial discovery by Isaacs and Lindenmann in 1957, researchers began to show that these substances could suppress the growth of cancers in some animals along with the ability to cure a wide range of infection. FTP, identify this type of cytokine named for its ability to impede with viral replication.;;interferon(s) World History;;Among his military reforms was the conscription of every young man in his country for a commitment of twenty years. He employed innovative squadrons with a core of two companies of pikemen and a company of musketeers on each flank. After defeating his cousin, Zygmunt III, he was free to concentrate on the continent. This son of Charles IX did so to the dismay of Graf von Tilly at in Pomerania and at Breitenfeld. FTP, name this man killed at Lutzen, the Swedish monarch during the first half of the Thirty Years’ War.;;Gustavus Adolphus|Gustav (II|the Second){1}? (Adolph) Art;;Completed in the late 1400’s, the earlier version is a triptych satirizing greed and features its painter’s earliest depiction of Hell. The titular object of this Hieronymus Bosch painting is drawn by demons and surrounded by a mob, while nuns cradle beggars and make amorous advances towards musicians. The later version is more subdued, featuring only a handful of peasants on the banks of the River Stour and depicting a cottage nestled on the left. FTP, name this depiction of the titular vehicle crossing the river, a work by John Constable.;;(The) Hay-Wain Religion/Mythology;;Among this hero’s appearances in Homer is as the man who killed and robbed Odysseus’ friend Iphitus. Sophocles’ Trachiniae is about his death, and he appears as the deus ex machina at the end of the Philoctetes. Euripides named one play after him and another after his children. FTP, name this hero who killed his children and wife Megara and as a result was turned over to Eurystheus and made to do 12 labors.;;Heracles|Hercules Literature;;Among his works are a monograph on a work by the Catalan mystic Ramon Llull, a discussion of the solutions to the problem of Aristotle and the tortoise, and a diatribe against Paul Valéry. Cited by some as introducing deliberate anachronism and fallacious attribution into the art of reading, he formulated his narrative technique after abandoning his original plan of learning Spanish, returning to Catholicism, fighting Muslims, and forgetting the history of Europe from 1602 to 1918. FTP, name this Frenchman who rewrote Don Quixote word for word in a short story by Jorge Louis Borges.;;(Pierre) Menard Noncomputational Math;;Equivalent to Tychonoff’s Theorem, which states that any product of compact topological spaces is compact. It is also equivalent to the statement that any vector space over a field has a basis over that field. Cohen and Gödel showed that neither accepting it nor rejecting it leads to a contradiction. And Russell likened it to the ability to decide if a sock is left-footed or right-footed. FTP, name this mathematical assertion that is normally stated: for any collection of nonempty sets, we can choose a member from each set in that collection.;;axiom of choice|Zorn's lemma|well ordering theorem World History;;Its monarchy started in 1139, after Count Henry’s son had himself crowned after the battle of Ourique. That monarchy ended in 1580 when the country was unified with its eastern neighbor, but in 1640 Cardinal Richelieu sponsored a revolution that put King John IV on the throne and started the Braganza dynasty, later continued by Emperor Pedro in South America. England's longest-standing continental ally is, FTP, what elongated country that is useful for its proximity to its only land neighbor, Spain.;;Portugal Philosophy;;His doctrine of human knowledge and attacks on skepticism was in direct response to Henry of Ghent. He advanced a "triple primacy" proof of God’s existence, an elaboration of the First Cause argument. His earliest works were his "parva logicalia:" questions on Porphry’s Isagoge and his commentaries on Aristotle’s Categories. His dissertation was the so-called Quodlibetales Questions though his most famous work is his commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. FTP, name this theologian and philosopher, known as Doctor Subtilis, whose surname comes from his origin in Scotland and whose followers became known as dunces.;;(John) (Duns) Scotus Music;;This fanatical admirer of the German Romantic Jean Paul founded a society of friends known as "David's Band," and wrote a series of dances for piano named after him. Grieg’s Piano Concerto is largely derived from an A minor concerto by this German, whose choral works include Requiem for Mignon. Better known are his Kreisleriana and his Kinderscenen, or Scenes from Childhood. FTP, name this composer of four symphonies, of which the first is called "Spring" and the fourth the "Rhenish".;;(Robert) Schumann Literature;;William Dean Howells refused to publish it, and he sent it to Horace Scudder, the editor of the Atlantic Monthly, who also refused. Cousin Henry and Julia never come to visit, though there is a July fourth party and mother and Nellie do visit. The protagonist is fascinated by the way moonlight hits the title object, and compares aspects of the title object to fungus. In the end, she sees behind the pattern the apparition of a woman, and, thinking that she is that woman, tears the title object to escape. FTP, name this short story about a woman’s descent into sedentary madness, written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.;;(The) Yellow Wallpaper Chemistry;;In nuclear transport theory this approximation is generally valid when the scattering cross-section dominates that of absorption and the system is optically thick. In that case it allows the transport equation to be simplified to an ordinary differential equation. More often it is found in diffusive mass transport problems where it states that the diffusion flux is proportional to the concentration gradient of the material which diffusion is occurring in. FTP name this law often combined with Graham’s law to calculate exchange rates of gases across membranes.;;Fick's Law World History;;A Methodist convert, he worked in a YMCA and as a high school principal before spending 30 years in the U.S. lobbying for his country’s independence and serving as the president of the government-in-exile. When his goal of sovereignty was achieved after World War II, he held power for four terms before being exiled to Hawaii as a result of massive demonstrations. His regime saw the purging of the National Party and the protraction of war after he released anti-Communist agents rather than repatriating them. FTP, name this autocratic leader, the first president of South Korea.;;(Syngman) Rhee Miscellaneous;;One dispute regarding this work was over the nature of chastity, particularly in the tradition of the taupou, a representative of the bridegroom who checked the bride’s virginity. The author admitted that its accounts of the moetotolo are biased because only girls who lived with the pastor were spoken to. The strongest criticism came from anthropologist Derek Freeman. His claims may be biased, as many of the women studied converted to Christianity, suggesting a repudiation of their earlier sexually promiscuous ways. The work essentially argued that the happiness of the title island’s people was due to their loose attitude towards sex. FTP, name this work about adolescents growing up, written by Margaret Mead.;;Coming of Age in Samoa Geography;;Located just below Miles Canyon and Schwatka Lake, this city was perhaps named after a feature of the rapids on a nearby river. It was here, in an Anglican church, that "The Ballad of Dangerous Dan McGrew" was composed. It blossomed around a mining economy in the late 1890’s and was also the main base of construction for the Alaska Highway. FTP, name this city that was the northern terminus of the Yukon railway.;;Whitehorse Literature;;An opera version of this work was composed by Randolph Peters, with the libretto by the Canadian author Robertson Davies. Its most famous subsection is included in its entirety in Walter Pater’s Marius the Epicurean. The author’s dislike of Christians is revealed in his depiction of the cruel baker’s wife in Book 9. Contrasting the comic plot of the novel are depictions of the death of Socrates as well as the disfigurement of Thelyphron. Containing the story of Cupid and and Psyche, the work focus on Lucius’ transformation into the title animal by drinking Pamphila’s potion. FTP, name this work, also called The Metamorphoses, the most famed work of Apuleius [a-PEW-lee-us].;;The Golden Ass (accept early buzz of Metamorphoses) Astronomy;;It implies about 5.5 times 10 to the 5th photons per liter and as many as 2 times 10 to the 10th photons per baryon. It exhibits an anisotropy of about one-tenth of a percent, which is attributed to a Doppler shift caused by the motion of the solar system through it. The COBE satellite has given an adjusted figure of 2.73 thousand as opposed to the typical 3 thousand Kelvins that is associated with it. Theory states that it is the cooling remains of energy released at the big bang. FTP, name this radiation first detected by Penzias and Wilson.;;cosmic (microwave) background (radiation) United States History;;An illiterate high school graduate, he finally taught himself to read and was able to attend the San Francisco School of Law. Years later he received a PhD in philosophy at UC-Santa Cruz and his dissertation was subtitled, "A Study of Repression in America". Three years after officially embracing nonviolence, he fled to Cuba to avoid murder charges. His last run-in with the law stemmed from misappropriation of funds marked for a school founded by the group in which he served as defense minister. FTP, name this activist and social worker who co-founded the Black Panther Party with Bobby Seale in 1966.;;(Huey) Newton Art;;It contains relics of the Three Wise Men, and its ladychapel has a triptych of the adoration of the Magi done in the 1440s by the town's most famous painter, Stefan Lochner. It was built on the site of a Roman villa, some of whose mosaics can be found next door in the Roman-German museum. Although begun in the 13th Century, work on it stopped in 1560 not to be resumed until 1842. FTP, name this cathedral located in and named for a German city on the Rhine.;;(Cologne|Koln){1}? Cathedral|Kolner Dom Literature;;In the end, Mog Edwards and Myfanwy Price profess their love. In one part, Sinbad tells Mr. Waldo that he is in love with the schoolteacher, Gossamer Beynon, while Polly Garter discusses her longings with Mrs. Organ Moran. Reverend Eli Jenkins compares the beauty of the town to mythical cities. Originally titled, "The Town Was Mad", the opening features a conversation between several drowned people and Captain Cat, who later talks to Rosie Probert. FTP, identify this play, set in the town of Llareggub, the only play written by Dylan Thomas.;;Under Milk Wood Economics;;He advanced the idea that economics should be understood like biological evolution, a method culminating in his partial equilibrium analysis. Studying economics for moral purpose, his most famous work advanced his form of welfare economics, as well as introduced the concept of price-elasticity of demand. His first published work was a review of the work of Jevons, while his first book, The Economics of Industry, was coauthored with his wife. He was unable to produce a follow-up to his major work, and instead published 1919’s Industry and Trade, and 1923’s Money, Credit and Commerce. FTP, identify this pioneering economist, known as the teacher of Keynes and author of The Principles of Economics.;;(Alfred) Marshall World History;;It was weakened by surprise attacks at Cascaes and St. Vincent, which led to the destruction of many of its supplies. Possibly its biggest loss was the Salvador, which led to the death of the paymaster and no more gold. Dutch intervention prevented the duke of Parma from reinforcing it, and Medina-Sidonia was at the mercy of Lord Howard’s superior tactical force. FTP, name this force weakened by Frobisher, Hawkins, and Drake and which failed in accomplishing Philip II’s dream of a naval invasion of England.;;Spanish Armada Literature;;He bought land from the Chickasaw Ikkemotubbe and kidnapped a French architect for his proudest achievement. At first it was unknown that he had abandoned Eulalia and an infant son, and he was accepted after he married Ellen Coldfield. After serving in the war with Colonel Sartoris, he returned to find his Hundred destroyed. His son, Henry, burned to death, leaving the idiot Charles Bon as his sole progeny. FTP, name this planter whose story is told by Quentin Compson in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!.;;(Thomas) Sutpen;;Thomas World History;;In his time he was called the "grey blur" for his desire to avoid the limelight. Before he could set the so-called "Doctor’s Plot" in motion, he died under mysterious circumstances. Earlier, following his instigation of the "engineers’ trial," he had the competent Marshal Tukhachevsky executed as a foreign spy. His rise to power came after twice editing Pravda and outmaneuvering both Grigory Zinoviev and his chief rival, whom he had assassinated in Mexico. Born in Georgia with the surname of Dzhugashvili, FTP, name this Soviet leader from 1924 to 1953.;;(Joseph) (Vissarionovich) Stalin;;(Iosif) Dzhugashvili Biology;;Primary brain tumors result from their out of control reproduction, and their ependymal variety is thought to play a role in the blood brain barrier. Two main classes of them include astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. They are destroyed at the sites of multiple sclerosis lesions, so that damaged myelin is not repaired by their Schwann type. Smaller than neurons and 5 to 50 times more numerous, they make up half the volume of the central nervous system. FTP, name these cells that nourish and support other brain cells, perhaps named because of the postulate that they are the "glue" holding nervous tissues together.;;glial (cell(s))|(neuro)glia Religion/Mythology;;He was the male deity honored during the Chalceia festival. Rumor lists him as the apprentice of the Naxian Cedalion and as the father of Erechtheus, a king of Athens. Homer relates that he was married to the Grace Aglaea, but legend links him with another. He built his palace on Lemnos, after which he gained revenge on his mother by trapping her on a throne of gold. This had followed his being thrown out of Olympus, but preceded his discovery of Ares with his adulterous wife. FTP, name this husband of Aphrodite, the lame Greek god of blacksmithing and fire.;;Hephaestus Literature;;In a prefatory note to this poem, the origin is explained as a passage from Purchas’s Pilgrimage. Lines 37 through 41 describe a vision of an Abyssinian maid who played her dulcimer and sang of Mount Abora, and the poem ends with the knowledge that the title character has fed on honey-dew "And drunk the milk of Paradise". Subtitled "Or a Vision in a Dream. A Fragment," it references the river Alph and "caves of ice". FTP, name this poem by Coleridge in which the title character decrees a "stately pleasure dome".;;Kubla Khan United States History;;The plaintiff in this case cited a specific clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Congress to support his cause. It resulted in the Court overturning the decisions of the Court of Errors and Court of Chancery of a state, whose actions were deemed "repugnant to . . . the Constitution". It arose out of the plaintiff’s use of a path between Elizabethtown and New York, which trod upon the monopoly passed onto the defendant by Livingston and Fulton. FTP, name this 1824 case regarding steamboat monopolies and federal power to regulate commerce.;;Gibbons (v(.)(ersus)) Ogden;;Gibbons|Ogden Chemistry;;Mathematically, it can be expressed as P sub g equals x sub g times k sub H. It is the operative law in explaining how hyperbaric chambers help patients get oxygen, and also explains the mechanism behind Caisson’s disease, or "the Bends". It accounts for more carbon dioxide than oxygen being found in blood plasma because carbon dioxide’s solubility coefficient is 24 times that of oxygen. FTP, name this law stating that the weight of a gas that dissolves in a liquid is proportional to the pressure exerted by the gas on the liquid.;;Henry's (Law) Music;;Initially performed with a text by Josef Weyl, this work revived a nation that had suffererd a recent humiliating defeat at Koniggratz. It is divided into five mini versions of the namesake form, of which the first is in D-major and the fourth is in F. Composed for the Vienna Men’s Singing Society, it debuted in 1867 and is still more famous than similar works in the vein by its composer as in Roses from the South, Morning Leaves, and Emperor. FTP, name this most famous waltz of Johann Strauss the Younger.;;(On the Beautiful)(,) Blue Danube|(An der schonen)(,) blauen Donau Miscellaneous;;His transformation occurred when he deserted while under fire in Korea. Initially he was believed to buried alive in the temple of Cyttorak, a deity whose ruby granted this figure his powers. However, he resurfaced with his constant crony Black Tom, and it is discovered that his only weak spot is his mind, which is protected by a psionic helmet. FTP, identify this man born Cain Marko, the half-brother of Charles Xavier, and an enemy of the X-Men named for being an unstoppable force.;;Juggernaut;;Cain Marko Literature;;After his action at the siege of Arras, fifteen years pass before we meet this character again. In his first appearance he causes a stir at the performance of the play La Clorise and ends his night by killing Valvert in a duel. He dies happy in the presence of Le Bret and the woman loved by the Comte de Guiche, his archenemy. As leader of the Cadets of Gascoyne he mentors and aids the young Christian. FTP, name this man who loves Roxane, the most famous creation of Edmond Rostand.;;Cyrano (de) (Bergerac)|(Cyrano) (de) Bergerac World History;;Per its terms, one side had to agree to the other’s claims that the lobster is a fish. The Nigerian border was delineated in France’s favor and spheres of influence in Siam were worked out. As long as Spain’s rights were respected, it gave one side a free hand in Egypt and the other free reign in Morocco. Its signing was spurred on by Theophile Delcasse’s need for allies and by Edward VII’s pro-French attitude. FTP, identify this 1904 agreement between Britain and France whose name implied the polite diplomacy it advocated.;;Entente Cordial Physics;;It is demonstrated by the fact that when frequency is small, the size of individual quanta will be negligible. If the h in Planck’s constant equals 0, light will behave only as a wave and never as a particle collection. Before its formulation, there were two radiation laws: one classical, and one for the Bohr model. FTP, name this idea that in physics there is always some level at which nonclassical theory agrees with the classical.;;correspondence (principle ) Religion/Mythology;;Starting from the third century, this Biblical figure was referred to as "stump-fingered". By tradition, he is the young man who fled naked from Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested and Peter mentions him as a companion. In 823 his body was stolen from Alexandria, where he died after founding the Egyptian church. His gospel is the earliest and shortest and, except for a lack of emphasis on Davidic origin, almost identical to Matthew’s. FTP, name this author of the second New Testament book.;;(S(ain)t(.)) Mark (the Evangelist) Art;;On the right are ointments and the opening of a dark room. On the left can be seen Mary crying, John praying, and Mary Magdalene looking downcast. The body is partially covered by a shroud and lies on the annointing rock. The view, from the pillow at the top to the upturned feet at the bottom, emphasizes the swollen chest and the open wounds of crucifixion. Best-known for the technique used to depict Jesus, FTP, name this Andrea Mantegna masterpiece of foreshortening.;;Dead Christ Literature;;As this novel opens we learn that the estate of Randalls will have a new mistress. Secondary characters include the Coles, who throw an important party, and Mrs. and Miss Bates, whose relative Jane Fairfax plays a more central role. Jane is engaged to Frank Churchill, whom the title character was briefly interested in. Concurrently, Robert Martin is first refused by Harriet Smith, who is in turn rejected by Mr. Elton. The title character has a hand in all this, but is caught unawares by her love for Mr. Knightley. FTP, name this novel about the matchmaking attempts of Ms. Woodhouse, a work by Jane Austen.;;Emma World History;;Despite King Sigismund’s overtures, he refused to spend his term in Germany. He issued a constitution to limit Gallican liberties in English-controlled parts of France and entered into a new concordat with Charles VII of France. First gaining power as a nuncio under Boniface IX, he came into his own after abandoning Gregory XII. Before his death he agreed to convoke the council of Basel, several years after his election at the Council of Constance. FTP, name this pope whose 1417 election ended the Great Schism.;;Martin (V|the Fifth){1}?|(Oddone) Colonna Astronomy;;Kittu is one of the rare dark ray craters that are found mostly on this satellite. A very thin hydrogen atmosphere was created and blown away by solar wind, but it retains a thin ozone layer detected by the Hubble Space Telescope. It has been found to possess its own magnetosphere field embedded inside its planet’s larger one and also possesses a massive dark, oval-shaped mass called Galileo Regio. FTP, name this satellite similar in size and density to neighboring Callisto, the largest moon of Jupiter, and the largest moon in the solar system.;;Ganymede Miscellaneous;;In its second chapter the author tries to offer a provisional definition of "traditionalism". Earlier, to come up with a formulation of one of the title concepts, the author presents a long excerpt of Benjamin Franklin’s writings. Before addressing "The Religious Foundations of Worldly Asceticism," this text looks at the word "calling," specifically Luther’s conception of it. FTP, name this 1904 work that attempts to link the title economic system with the title religion, the magnum opus of Max Weber.;;(The) Protestant Ethic (and the Spirit of Capitalism) Geography;;Its northern border is defined by the Hangayn Mountains and the Greater Khingan Range to the east. Among the regions it is divided into include the Ka-shun in the west and the Ala Shan in the south. That western Ka-shun region is bounded by the Pei and Tien Shan Mountains, while the Ala-Shan in the south is partly skirted by the Huang-Ho River. FTP, identify this region coming from the native word for "waterless place," a desert stretching across China and Mongolia.;;Gobi (Desert) Miscellaneous;;The name’s the same. One is the surname of the stockbroker’s son who marries Isabel Bradley and is the best friend of Larry Darrell in Somerset Maugham’s The Razor’s Edge. Another is the surname of the Irish author of the dramas Manuel and Fredolfo. Yet another is the surname of the ship’s surgeon and sidekick to Jack Aubrey in a series of novels by Patrick O’Brian. FTP, give this surname that identifies the great-uncle of Oscar Wilde and author of the so-called last Gothic novel, Melmoth the Wanderer.;;(Gray|Charles|Stephen) Maturin Philosophy;;He once stopped an animal from being beaten because he said that he heard the voice of a dead friend coming from it, a notion stemming from his doctrine of metempsychosis. He also taught the appeal to the tetraktys, or golden section, which was supposedly a mystical symbol. Probably the first to realize Earth was spherical, he taught that the soul was found in the brain. However, much of the science discovered at his Croton academy was merely credited to him by members of his brotherhood. FTP, name this Greek thinker from Samos with whose theorem right triangle measurements can be found.;;Pythagoras World history;;He lived on New Granada for over 20 years before being allowed to return home for the last two years of his life. Earlier, his captors sent him for an interview to Andrew Jackson, who sent him home though this figure would soon be exiled to Staten Island for three years. After backing Vicente Guerrero for president he helped depose Guerrerro and shortly thereafter became known as the Hero of Tampico. FTP, name this figure who lost a leg at Veracruz and was defeated at San Jacinto, the Mexican leader at the Alamo.;;(Antonio) (Lopez) (de) Santa Anna Literature;;The author gave a speech before the premiere of this play, and according to some accounts a riot ensued. Based primarily on the real life figure of Felix Hebert, it contains a title character who kills the king of Poland and then becomes the minister of Phynance in France, where he attempts to tie a large number of nots. It opens with the word "Merde," leading to its alternate English title of King Turd. FTP, name this absurdist 1896 satire of a teacher, the masterwork of Alfred Jarry.;;Ubu Roi|King Ubu;;King Turd United States History;;After failing to gain aid as minister plenipotentiary in France for three years, he was sent to join Benjamin Franklin in Paris. As a delegate to the First Continental Congress he drafted The Address to the People of Great Britain, and he refused to sign the Declaration of Independence as president of the Second Continental Congress. In those roles he represented New York, and he was that state’s governor from 1795 till 1801. FTP, name this American politician, who had already negotiated a namesake treaty with the British in 1794 and served as the nation’s first Chief Justice.;;(John) Jay Biology;;At a reaction center, it can take the form of either P680 or P700, and the wavelength difference of 20 nanometers depends on which proteins surround it. Molecules not at reactions centers are called antenna molecules, and are not usually found in the bacterio- type or the E type. In solution, it gives off a red-orange glow when excited by ultraviolet light. It contains a phytol side chain attached to a porphyrin head that contains magnesium. FTP, name this molecule with a characteristic green color that is crucial to photosynthesis.;;chlorophyll Literature;;The first we hear of him, he is brooding over the sight of a wounded stag weeping into a brook. Described as melancholy and sullen, at the play’s end he leaves the festivities to join the recently converted Frederick. Most famously, he describes the infant, schoolboy, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloon, and finally a second childhood "sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything". FTP, name this character who begins his speech on the Seven Ages of Man by declaring, "All the world's a stage, /And all the men and women merely players," in As You Like It.;;Jaques Anthropology;;Chapters 57 and 58 discuss both the "Public Scapegoat" and the "Human Scapegoat in Antiquity". Shortly thereafter the death of Balder and the veneration of mistletoe form the subject of this work. The final chapter, "Farewell to Nemi," completes the metaphor of the book as a voyage into the sacred grove in a Turner painting, a metaphor which begins with the discussion of the King of the Wood in chapter 1. Subtitled "A Study in Magic and Religion," FTP, name this masterpiece of comparative folklore by Sir James George Frazer.;;(The) Golden Bough(:) (A Study in Magic and Religion) World History;;The death of the popular Masistius in a skirmish, and unfavorable omens on both sides, delayed the start of this battle for eight days. Then the poisoning of the Gargaphia spring forced the Greeks to move. The subsequent retreat into the foothills of Mount Cithaeron prompted the Persians to attack, but the Spartan line held, and the Persian general was killed. That general, Mardonius, was killed by Pausanius’ forces in, FTP, what decisive Greek victory over the Persians in 479 BC?;;(Battle of) Plataea Noncomputational Math;;The first isogonic center of a triangle, which for an acute triangle is the interior point that minimizes the sum of the distances to the vertices, is known as his point. He proved that an odd prime can be uniquely expressed as the difference of two squares, and also that the sum of two squares cannot be equal to 3 modulo 4. The latter statement was a claim of Diophantus, which this man proved in preparing an edition of Diophantus’ work. More famous are his claim that "a to the p minus 1 is equal to 1 mod p," known as his "little theorem". FTP, name this French mathematician whose most famous conjecture was proven by Andrew Wiles.;;(Pierre) (de) Fermat Literature;;Carol Terrell’s 1993 "Companion" to this work explains many of its literary allusions. Its first part is concerned with a Latin translation of Andreas Divus, who is mentioned in line 68. Its second part begins, "Hang it all Robert Browning, / There can be but one ‘Sordello,’" and the first is concerned with the poet’s own translation of the Odyssey. The Thrones, Section: Rock-Drill, and Pisan portions were finished later and its publication ended in 1969 with the 117th part. FTP, name this poetic masterpiece of Ezra Pound.;;(the) Cantos Art;;Rembrandt painted a 1630 version largely based on this canvas. The man on the right possesses a seashell brooch and has both his arms extended. All together three men are seated around a table topped with fruit, bread, and a chicken, while an innkeeper wearing a white cap stands nearby. The central figure is dressed in red and has a youthfully pudgy face. FTP, name this Caravaggio work showing the moment Christ revealed his identity after his resurrection to two disciples during a meal.;;Supper at Emmaus Geography;;Mt. Ijill, a massive block of hematite, is this country’s tallest point. Its ocean coastline ends at the north around Cap Blanc Peninsula, and most of its population is located in two cities along the Senegal River, Nouadhibou and the capital. It is bordered to the northwest by the Western Sahara and to the northeast by Algeria. FTP, name this western neighbor of Mali, and African nation on the Atlantic Ocean with its capital at Nouakchott.;;Mauritania World History;;After studying law at Lincoln’s Inn he worked diligently in the campaign of Dadabhai Naoroji [DA-du-bye NOW-roh-jee], who thus became the first Indian to sit in the House of Commons. He led his side in signing the Lucknow Pact, but would return to London in frustration between 1930 and 1935. Upon his return he spearheaded the attack on the Congress Party and became the preeminent force in the Muslim League. FTP, identify this separatist, the first governor-general of Pakistan.;;(Muhammad) (Ali) Jinnah Physics;;In quantum mechanics, these operators obey the commutation relation L sub i with L sub j equals one-half i epsilon i j k times L sub k, and addition of two of them is governed by the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. In classical mechanics, if the Lagrangian is invariant under SO(3) [ess-oh-three], this quantity is conserved. For a particle in a circular orbit, its magnitude is m v r, and for a spinning body, it is given by I times omega. Generally, its time derivative is the net torque, and it is defined as the cross product of position with linear momentum. FTP, name this quantity that measures the rotational inertia of a mechanical system.;;angular momentum Literature;;Near the end of this novel, the narrator lodges with Mrs. Varnum and her daughter, Mrs. Ned Hale, and discusses the title character. That title character is at first unable to express himself due to the presence of his hired man, Jotham Powell, after earlier being horrified at seeing his wife’s pickle dish broken. Nevertheless he does confess his love for Mattie, only to be thwarted by his wife, Zeena’s, request for more efficient help. FTP, name this novel about the titular New England farmer who experiences a tragic sledding accident, a work by Edith Wharton.;;Ethan Frome Music;;He once challenged the French harpsichordist Jean Louis Marchand to a musical contest only to have the Frenchman fail to show up. His numerous church cantatas include "Sleepers Awake" and "O joyous Light," and he used six of those linked cantatas to form his Christmas Oratorio. He once walked 200 miles on foot to hear the organist Dietrich Buxtehude, shortly after which he composed his Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. Perhaps better known is his Mass in B Minor. FTP, name this composer of the St. Matthew Passion and the Goldberg Variations.;;J(.)(ohann) S(.)(ebastian) Bach;;Bach Religion/Mythology;;This figure dreams of his fate, and is unable to avert that fate despite an offering of a door cut from the Forest of Cedar. He was created by Aruru, a being better known as Belet-Ili, and is fated for a short life. Before his death he reconciles with Shamhat, the prostitute who initially seduced him and brought him out of his isolation in the area around Uruk. The illness that kills him was ordered by Enlil, for his role in killing Humbaba and particularly the Bull of Heaven. FTP, name this primeval man, the companion of Gilgamesh.;;Enkidu World History;;They initially responded to a call to fight against Duke Svatopluk from Emperor Arnulf. This was made easier because the Pechenegs had already forced them west. The Byzantines bribed them to fight Simeon I after they destroyed the Moravian empire and occupied Pannonia. They had initially crossed the Carpathians under the leadership of Arpad. Finally forced to settle after defeat at Lechfeld to Otto the Great, they would convert to Christianity under Arpad’s son, Saint Stephen. FTP, name this indigenous people of Hungary.;;Magyar(s);;Hungarians Chemistry;;The flexibility of these molecules can be described by the Kuhn length.  Modeling their structure as a random walk results in a Gaussian distribution based on end-to-end distance. Those in solid state exhibit amorphous and semicrystalline morphology and those that are linear or branched can exhibit thermoplasticity. Natural examples include cellulose and chitin, and synthetic examples include Lexan, Kevlar, and Plexiglass.  FTP, identify these long chainlike molecules consisting of many repeating subunits.;;polymer(s) Literature;;This work ends by stating that there is more of the titular material but that the reader should stop now. By the end the protagonist is susceptible to constant torment from his servant Apollon. The plot actually begins in the second part with the protagonist inviting himself to Zverkov’s farewell party, and culminates in his problematic relationship with the prostitute Liza. FTP, name this 1864 work narrated by a crazy, misanthropic figure and written by Dostoyevsky.;;(Notes|Letters){1}? from the Under(ground|world){1}?|Zapiski iz podpolya Miscellaneous;;He had a cameo in Coming to America as a young man getting a haircut, and was Roger Moore’s suggestion to replace Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. He produced and starred in the underrated A Murder of Crows and appeared as an inexperienced army scientist in Outbreak. More recently he starred in the forgettable Snow Dogs, a far cry from his breakout role as young Tre [TRAY] Styles in Boyz in the Hood. FTP, name this actor who won an Oscar for his role in Jerry Maguire and definitely was "shown the money".;;(Cuba) Gooding J(unio)r(.) Computer Science;;The most important class of them requires that non-terminals be rewritten without regard to the surrounding symbols -- which makes parsing feasible. An unrestricted one can be constructed for any recursively-enumerable language, but the result may not be useful in practice. An ambiguous one would allow multiple parse-trees for some string, and regular ones describe the same set of languages as regular expressions. FTP, name this method of specifying the syntax of languages, the transformational variety of which forms the basis of a Noam Chomsky theory.;;grammar Literature;;Human Odds and Ends, a collection of short stories, appeared in the same year as his critical study of Charles Dickens. During his travels he wrote the historical novel Veranilda, and on his return to England he penned The Town Traveller and Will Warburton. More typical of his subject matter are his fourth novel Demos and Born Into Exile. He is best known for an 1891 work about the struggles of three men in the writing profession. FTP, name this author of New Grub Street.;;(George) Gissing World History;;His attempt to reform the excise tax by extending it to wine and tobacco failed miserably after generating riotous opposition. He perfected the system of political patronage, putting "placemen" loyal to him in important positions in the government. His rise to power peaked after he was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1721, in which capacity he restored confidence in the government following the South Sea Bubble. Forced into declaring war against Spain over Jenkins’ ear, he resigned in disgust in 1741. FTP, who is this man, considered Britain’s first prime minister?;;(Robert) Walpole Miscellaneous;;The folk opera, Natural Man, portrays this main character as a troubled individual standing up for human dignity in a racist world. A statue of him now stands in Talcott, West Virginia near the Big Bend tunnel, which he is said to have been constructing when he defeated a steam drill in a race. FTP, name this "steel-drivin’ man" who is said to have been over seven feet tall and as strong as 30 men.;;(John) Henry Literature;;The previous Christmas she spent three weeks making ornaments, only to see the cat destroy them all. At the end of Act II, she is asked to prepare the tarantella that she will dance at the costume party, and by that time we learn that she has three small children, a nurse named Anne-Marie, and a maid named Helene. She is surprised by Dr. Rank’s confession of love, and is dismayed that her forgery is used in a blackmail scheme by Krogstad. FTP, name this liberated character who walks out on her husband Torvald at the end of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.;;Nora (Helmer);;(Nora) Helmer Astronomy;;In antiquity, it was popularly thought to be two separate bodies, Eosphorus and Hesperus. A large highland area, Ishtar Terra, consists mainly of a high plateau, Lakshmi Planum, which is surrounded by enormous mountains. Data from Magellan’s imaging radar showed that much of its surface is covered by lava flows. It lacks a magnetic field, probably because of its slow rotation. FTP, name this planet whose features like Maxwell Montes are obscured by clouds of sulfuric acid.;;Venus Literature;;A childhood fascination with the novel Huck Finn sparked a desire in this individual to become a forest ranger, but only French classes were offered near his isolated village. He mastered French and studied with a translator of Rabelais, wrote a thesis on Sartre, and won acclaim with his story "The Catch". More recent efforts include A Quiet Life and the science fiction effort The Treatment Tower. His first novel Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids did not directly deal with his son Hikari, who is a prominent composer despite severe birth defects. FTP, name this author of A Personal Matter and The Silent Cry, the Japanese winner of the Nobel in Literature in 1994.;;Oe (Kenzaburo) World History;;As inspiration one commanding officer repeated most of Thomas Grey's famous "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" from memory. Afterwards, Brigadier General Robert Monckton, second in command, led a force of 4,500 through Anse de Foulon, a lightly protected cove two miles south of the target city. The surprised French elected to attack across the flat terrain anyway, but their line of battle was shattered by a sharp volley from British muskets. Thus, it was actually fought on the Plains of Abraham. FTP, name this fierce 1759 battle that saw the deaths of generals Montcalm and Wolfe outside a Canadian city.;;(Battle of) Quebec;;Plains of Abraham Religion/Mythology;;Like the Wahhabis, members of this group describe themselves as muwahhidun or monotheists. They are divided into uqqual and juhhal, and Hamza developed the doctrines of this offshoot of the Ismaili sect, which includes the belief that al-Hakim would return on Judgment Day. FTP, name this closely-knit religious community, famously represented by the Progressive Socialist party under the leadership of Walid Jumblat, most of whom live in Syria and Lebanon.;;Druze(s) Biology;;Photolysis or pyrolysis in which a bond is broken without forming ions can produce these by-products of normal metabolism, which play a valuable role in fighting infection. Dr. Denham Harman, a professor emeritus at the University of Nebraska, is considered the father of a theory of aging in which they are key. Their namesake reactions involve covalent single bond changes in which one electron comes from each reactant. FTP, name these molecules with at least one unpaired valence electron, and thus an electrical charge, which can damage cell membranes and cause DNA mutations.;;free radicals Literature;;She is briefly befriended because whole chickens embedded in aspic are tasty. In addition it is impossible to eat a woman’s food without talking to her. The red-bearded author of "revolutionary potations," Cornudet, is horrified by the Bonapartist politics of the title character, but he still wants to hook up. The other ladies traveling overland to Dieppe repress their collective longing to throw the corpulent title character in the snow. FTP, name this hussy with a heart of gold, the almost tragic heroine of a short story by Guy de Maupassant.;;Boule de Suif|Ball of Fat|Tallow Ball World History;;He was brought up at the estate of Macellum in Cappadocia and as a youth converted to Neoplatonism. Ammianus Marcellinus describes him as a stocky, athletic type, which is confirmed by his statue in the Louvre. He defeated and expelled the Alemanni and the Franks, and was set to take on Constantius II, when Constantius died. After assuming power in 361, he ruled for only twenty months. FTP, identify this nephew of Constantine the Great who gained his nickname when he renounced Christianity and became a pagan.;;Julian (the Apostate) Miscellaneous;;This active member of the controversial Jesus Seminar earned a doctorate in mathematics and physics in at the University of Leyden. He directed a foreign television series about a medieval Ivanhoe called Floris that was a smash, and a string of European hits including A Girl Called Keetje Tippel, Turkish Delight, and Soldier Of Orange brought him to the attention of Steven Spielberg. His 1987 farce about a police officer turned into a destructive machine was followed by a tale of mind-tampering in the 21st century, Total Recall. FTP, name this director of Robocop, Starship Troopers, and Showgirls.;;(Paul) Verhoeven World History;;He named his sword Azoth after he cured the paralyzed daughter of an innkeeper with a teaspoonful of wine and his "azoth of the red lion". His opposition to the Galeno-Arabic system of medicine, his burning of Avicenna’s writings in a public square, and the polemical tone of his discourses delivered in German drew the hatred of authorities in Basel. He maintained that disease is caused by agents outside of the body and became associated with the Rosicrucian movement. FTP, name this bombastic occultist, who claimed to know more than the great Roman doctor Celsus.;;Paracelsus |(Theophrastus) (Bombastus) (von) Hohenheim Physics;;He found that the scattering of electrons was the primary source of the opacity of stars, and the divisor of the inequality for finding a star’s maximum luminosity bears his name. He interpreted Einstein’s theory of relativity for the English-speaking public in his Space, Time, and Gravitation, but tarnished his reputation with incessant, misguided critiques of the work of Chandrasekar. FTP, name this man who organized the 1919 expedition that confirmed the prediction of the relativistic bending of light in a strong gravitational field.;;(Sir) (Arthur) Eddington Literature;;A Mugwump licks warm honey from a crystal goblet in Hassan’s Rumpus Room. Herds of sheep and goats pass between the students on the campus of Interzone University. The night porter has shot up all of the adrenaline for kicks, but Dr Benway massages the patient’s heart with the rubber vaccum cup from a toilet plunger. Allen Ginsberg claimed that this novel’s provocative title refers to the unpleasant instant of seeing what is on the end of our media’s "long newspaper spoons". FTP, the word horde was unlocked in what disjointed, hallucinatory 1959 work by William Seward Burroughs?;;Naked Lunch World History;;Roger II of Sicily conquered much of their western empire. Adid the last of their rulers was a puppet figure anyway, and his death saw the death of this dynasty. Moizz was its first ruler to have substantial outside recognition and power greatly grew by the time of Al-hakim, the third caliphs, who destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Their founding is linked with the rise of the Mahdi in 909 and their ending with the rise of the Ayubbid dynasty of Saladin in 1171. FTP, name this Muslim dynasty of North Africa that claimed descent from a daughter of Muhammad.;;Fatimid (dynasty) Music;;The recommended recording of it is Leondard Bernstein’s 1987 one with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, which comes paired with the composer’s Fifth Symphony. Woodwinds and brass are given equal presence to that of the strings, in this work that begins with an introductory passage in the cellos and basses. The true main theme comes from the clarinet and oboe in B minor. Not long after its composer finished his Ninth Symphony, he wrote its first two movements were written in 1822. FTP, name this Eighth Symphony of Franz Schubert, left incomplete at his death.;;Unfinished (Symphony);;Schubert'(s) (Eigh|8){1}?th (Symphony) Philosophy;;In a notorious section of this book, Buddha bests a thoroughly unsympathetic Nietzsche in an argument held before the Almighty. An entire chapter is devoted to Byron, because the vast work’s aim was to treat the "Political and Social Circumstances" surrounding its subject. Its introduction unsurprisingly suggests political liberalism as the best solution to the eternal conflict between social cohesion and liberty. FTP, we learn that Plato’s Republic can only achieve skill in war and enough to eat in what 836 page tome first published in 1946, a best-seller for Bertrand Russell?;;(A) History of Western Philosophy Biology;;They account for one-third of the cases of the second-most common cause of illness in the U.S. Although humans are their only hosts, shellfish living in contaminated waters have been known to carry these members of family Calciviridae. Also found in fresh fruit, salad vegetables and cake frosting, they are usually transmitted by a fecal-oral route, and cause intense stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Named for the town in Ohio which first experienced such an outbreak, FTP, name this common cause of viral gastroenteritis, which has recently been seen in passengers on cruise ships.;;Norwalk (virus(es))|norovirus(es) Literature;;In this work, Paca la Roseta is carried off willingly by a few men to have a fling in an olive grove, and it is concluded that they are from elsewhere because people from town would not do such things. La hija de la Librada is killed in act II for murdering a child she had out of wedlock, and in Act III, Prudencia observes that a ring of pearls represents tears. These events do not bode well for Angustias, who received the ring from her fiancé Pepe el Romano, even though he is having an affair with her younger sister Adela. FTP, name this Federico García Lorca play, in which men have no lines.;;(La) Casa de Bernarda Alba|(The) House of Bernarda Alba United States History;;Replaced by Lew Wallace in 1881 as ambassador to Turkey, he lost popularity in after the Civil War owing to his Republicanism and friendship with Grant. Under Bragg, he directed the assault that broke the Union line at Chickamauga, but lost the use of his arm when wounded in the Wilderness. Among his nicknames are "old Pete" and the "Old War Horse". His critics blamed his hesitation to attack during the second day and his slowness in ordering "Pickett’s Charge" for the loss at Gettysburg. FTP, name this Confederate Lieutenant General, Lee’s second-in-command at Gettysburg.;;(James) Longstreet Geography;;Its water supply increases greatly where it receives the Olyokma River. Before that, it flows through the bottom of the Pyany Byk ravine, and receives the Vitim River, which marks the end of its upper course. In its lower course, below the Aldan River, it enters the Yakut Lowland, bending around the Verkhoyansk Mountains before emptying into the Laptev Sea. FTP, name this river of Siberia, the 10th longest in the world, whose headwaters begin on the shores of Lake Baikal.;;Lena (River) Psychology;;Beaman suggests that it be combated by teaching psychology. Other factors that may decrease its likelihood include smaller numbers, recognition of each other, and a perceived sense of emergency. Latane and Darley found that it results from people asking "Is my help needed"? rather than "Should I help or not"? Stemming from social loafing and a diffusion of responsibility and resulting in the death of Kitty Genovese, FTP, name this effect in which individuals in groups are less likely to help someone in need.;;bystander effect Physics;;Studies at CERN show that they decay into three types of neutrino, which indicates that there are only three sets of leptons and quarks. Having a mass about 100 times greater than the proton, they have been observed in collisions between protons and antiprotons, and have been used to explain "neutral current" interactions between electrons and neutrinos. Electroweak theory provides for the existence of two neutral particles: one being the photon and the other being, FTP, what boson, the neutral counterpart of the charged W particle?;;Z (particle(s)) Religion/Mythology;;Young men in the middle ages celebrated this event by dressing as women called Rosetta, chased by a lustful bear that was shot, revived, shaved, and killed again. Greek Orthodox churches refer to it as Hypapante, and Roman Catholics refer to it as the Presentation of the Lord, as it commemorates the presentation of Jesus by Mary at the Temple in Jerusalem, as well as her 40-day purification after giving birth. As such, it occurs 40 days after Christmas, and derives its current name from a custom introduced in the 5th century. FTP, identify this Christian festival which coincides with Groundhog Day, and is named for the custom of lighting candles in its observance.;;Candlemas Music;;In act one of this opera, "Che farrano vecchi miei" causes Larkens to cry. The title character describes her life in "Oh, se sapeste" in act two, and in "Laggiù nel Soledad, era piccina" in act one, she imagines a happy life after marrying Jack Rance. The tenor solo "Ch’ella mi creda libero e lontano" in which Dick Johnson wishes that the title character not be told that he is dead, may be the most famous aria of, FTP, what Puccini opera, set in California during the Gold Rush?;;Girl of the Golden West|(La) Fanciulla del West Literature;;Its male protagonist latches on to the prominent birthmark of his deceased father’s lover, as an emblem of disgust. She attempts to arrange his marriage with Fumiko, but he commences an affair with her mother, Mrs. Ota, another of his deceased father’s lovers. Finding no happiness in this affair, and hindered by his hate for Chikako, Mitani Kikuji cannot find the will to marry Fumiko. Set against the intricacies of the tea ceremony, FTP, identify this Kawabata novel, whose title refers to the pattern on Fumiko’s kimono.;;Thousand Cranes World History;;This ruler’s final years were spent near Tivoli in a life of relative comfort. That life was made possible because this ruler’s rebellion was laid at the hands of a secretary, Longinus, a faithful servant of Lord Odenathus, his master’s spouse. Upon Odenathus’ death, this leader took advantage of the weakness of Gallienus and waged war for five years, before finally succumbing to the forces of Aurelian in 272 AD. FTP, name this thorn in the side of Rome, a famous queen of Palmyra.;;Zenobia Biology;;Consisting of two characteristic components, a corrin ring system and a 5,6 dimethylbenzimidazole ribonucleotide, its two major metabolic roles are intramolecular rearrangements and methyl-group transfer reactions. It is not synthesized by any plants or animals, but by only a few microorganisms. A glycoprotein known as intrinsic factor is necessary for its absorption in humans, and a deficiency of it results in pernicious anemia. The most complex of all known vitamins, it was the last B vitamin to be isolated. FTP, name this vitamin also known as cobalamin.;;B12;;extrinsic factor|cobalamin Literature;;The author gained the idea for this novel while acting in The Frozen Deep, a play by Wilkie Collins. The predicament of Gabelle causes the return of one protagonist, whose trip back culminates in a fight in which Miss Pross becomes deaf. Much of the novel depends on a document implicating two Evremonde brothers in a rape and murder, and characters in the periphery include John Barsad and Jerry Cruncher. FTP, name this work that ends with the sacrifice of Sydney Carton and includes the love of Charles Darnay and Lucy Manette, a novel of the French Revolution by Dickens.;;(A) Tale of Two Cities Religion/Mythology;;A giant named Utgard-Loki asked Thor to lift his cat, but Thor couldn’t as it was this creature in disguise. Later, Thor went fishing for it with Hymir. They caught it, but it put up such a fight that Hymir panicked and cut it free. At Ragnarok, the waves caused by it will set the ship Naglfar free. FTP, name this sibling of Hel and Fenrir that battles Thor to death at Ragnarok and is known to encircle the entire world.;;Midgard serpent|Jormungand(r) Art;;Jacob Jordaens’ depiction of them shows them at half-length and almost obliterating the background of red velvety drapery and a glint of sky. They are absorbed in a study of the text on the table at the bottom left. A more famous 1526 version has them divided onto two panels, with the figure on the left draped in an orange cloak and the figure on the right draped in a white cloak. Three of them are bearded and all four are engaged by two religious texts. FTP, name this Albrecht Durer depiction of John, Peter, Paul, and Mark.;;(The) (Four|4) (Apostles|Evangelists|Holy Men){1}? United States History;;Visitors to the Old Jail Museum in Jim Thorpe where these people were held can see the "Hand on the Wall" in Cell 17 left by Alexander Campbell who claimed the imprint would remain as a sign of his innocence. Their first president was John Siney, selected when they united in 1868. Many of them had already been associated with the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Their downfall came after they were infiltrated by a series of Pinkerton spies. FTP, identify this group that organized Pennsylvania coal miners in the 1870s and which was named after a group of Irish peasants that dressed like women.;;Molly Maguires |Workingmen's Benevolent Association Noncomputational Math;;Tschirnhaus’ cubic curve is sometimes called this man’s eponymous cubic. He was one of the five original solvers of the brachistochrone problem, yet his solution wasn’t published for nearly 300 years. He famously acknowledged Leibniz and both Jacob and his teacher Johann Bernoulli in his text, the first ever on differential calculus. FTP, name this French mathematician whose eponymous rule is used to find limits of indeterminate forms.;;(Guillaume) (de) L'Ho(s)pital Literature;;The only reading material available to him while he was abducted was The Valley of the Dolls. He was told that there are seven sexes on Earth, most of which are only active in the fourth dimension. The fun begins on the eve of daughter’s wedding, and he learns that eventually a Tralfamadorian test pilot accidentally blows up the universe. This unfortunate character actually becomes unstuck in time. FTP name this devoted fan of Kilgore trout, a space-time traveler and the protagonist of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five.;;Billy Pilgrim;;Billy|Pilgrim Psychology;;This concept arose out of a participant observation study of a cult that believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a flood. The prototypical experiment demonstrating it involved a bribe of one or twenty dollars to bribe a confederate into undergoing a specific task and then gauging impressions from an initial set of students. That experiment was set up by J. Merrill Carlsmith and Leon Festinger, who first proposed it. FTP, name this theory that describe a state in which individuals must choose between attitudes and behaviors that are contradictory and claims that individuals often change their attitudes to justify their behavior.;;cognitive dissonance (theory) Geography;;When it was first chartered in 1193, it was described as a hunting lodge of the Ruthenian Prince Rostislavitch. Its name is taken from one of the Slavonic words for the wormwood plant, abundant in the Ukrainian marshes. Lying on the Pripet River not far from its confluence with the Dnieper, it is 175 miles southwest of the Belarus river port of Pinsk and is located north of Kiev. FTP, name this location on the Ukraine-Belarus border, famous for an April 1986 disaster.;;Chernobyl|Czarnobyl United States History;;During World War I, he rose to the rank of brigadier general, and coordinated the purchase of supplies under General Pershing. When Congress investigated wasteful military, it was his vehement testimony using the expletive "Helen Maria" that earned him a nickname. He railed against the filibuster in an inaugural address that eclipsed that of his boss, and after his term he was invited to lead a commission to save the finances of the Dominican Republic. FTP, name this vice president under Calvin Coolidge, who won the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize for his plan for German reparations.;;(Charles) (Gates) Dawes Noncomputational Math;;This mathematical tool used in digital audio applications decomposes or separates a waveform or function into sinusoids of different frequencies which sum to the original waveform. It identifies or distinguishes the different frequency sinusoids and their respective amplitudes. If you have SETI installed on your PC, a fast version is performed a few times per second. FTP, identify this linear transform named after a French mathematician.;;Fourier Transform Literature;;Friedrich Schiller’s Maria Stuart was inspired by one of this man’s lyrics, and his most famous work provided the idea for the prologue to Goethe’s Faust. His two epic poems are Birth of the War God and Dynasty of Raghu, but his fame resides in his three extant dramas, two of which include Malavi and Agnimitra and Urvasi Won by Valor. His best known work concerns the love of king Dushyanta for the poor titular maiden. FTP, name this turn of the 5th-century Indian dramatist of Shakuntala.;;Kalidasa Music;;It was originally dedicated to Emma Bardac, the composer’s mistress. The final movement begins with a roll of the timpani, and the conversation between the instruments ends with the theme that concluded the opening movement. Erik Satie "particularly liked the part at a quarter to eleven," referring to the title of the first movement "From dawn to midday". The second movement features themes constructed from whole-tone scales often associated with the composer and was entitled "Play of Waves". FTP, name this collection of three "symphonic sketches" written by Claude Debussy and intended to evoke his time on the water.;;(La) Mer|(The) Sea Miscellaneous;;Her mother was killed by a suicide jumping off of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. She inspires her widowed father to travel by stealing his garden gnome and then sending it on a Polaroid documented world tour. A waitress at the Two Windmills café, she comes upon a man’s photo album which consists of torn up photos taken in photobooths. Returning it becomes a complicated affair as she is in love with its owner. Played by Audrey Tautou, FTP, name this titular female character of a nominee for 2001 Best Foreign Film Oscar.;;Amelie (Poulain)|(Amelie) Poulain World History;;This kingdom was weakened by monsoons and poor irrigation, and the Ayuthaya kingdom toppled it in 1431. Its center was in the present-day Siemreap province north of the Great Lake of Tonle Sap, to which the people were driven by incursions from the south. Although its founder had ruled since 790, it is the second crowning of Jayavarman II that is considered the founding of the civilization. FTP, identify this kingdom that built the temple at Angkor Wat and whose name survived in a 20th-century Cambodian communist movement.;;Khmer;;Angkor Biology;;At one end, it forms a plexiform network that is collected into about twenty branches that then pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. It terminates in several small branches that ramify in the soft mucous membrane. It does not originate within nuclei of the diencephalons or brain stem and instead is the only cranial nerve that is attached directly to the cerebrum. Having a special sensory function, FTP, name this first cranial nerve, the one associated with smell.;;olfactory (nerve);;cranial nerve I Literature;;In one incident in this novel, the title character burns the bed of his boss, whose house he happens to be staying at. By the end he is comfortable in accepting a position with Julius Gore-Urquhart. For much of this work he is in a relationship with the depressed Margaret Peel but engages in an affair with Christine Callaghan. Despite freezing during his lecture on "Merrie England," he feels liberated from Ned Welch, the department chair. FTP, name this novel featuring the titular bumbling lecturer, the most famous work of Kingsley Amis.;;Lucky Jim Philosophy;;He is said to have helped found the University of Vienna, but some scholars think that the school was actually founded after his 1358 death. In his Compendium Logicae he developed the art of finding the middle step of a syllogism, which came to be known as the bridge". Among his teachers at the University of Paris was William of Ockham. The example he is most associated with concerns a creature unable to choose between equal alternatives. FTP, name this French medieval philosopher who is said to have described an ass that starves itself.;;(Jean) Buridan United States History;;The winning general tried four separate experiments to try and reach it. Grierson’s Raid was launched before this battle in an attempt to confuse the Rebels. Battles that immediately preceded include Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hill, Big Black River Bridge, and Jackson. The 4th of July was not celebrated here for more than 80 years after John Pemberton’s surrender of the 30,000 man garrison. FTP, name this city captured by Grant in July of 1863 whose surrender split the confederacy in two.;;(Battle of) Vicksburg(,) (Mississippi) Literature;;This work contains disquisitions on the proper way to listen to Beethoven, exhaustive catalogs of furniture, and a lengthy response to a survey from the Partisan Review. Its title is taken from a line in the Book of Sirach of the Apocrypha. All of the photos lack captions and are found in the front of this book that depicts the lives of the Gudgers, the Woods, and the Ricketts in Hale County, Alabama. Initially commissioned by Fortune magazine in 1936, FTP, name this look at white tenant farmers, a collaboration of Walker Evans and James Agee.;;Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Physics;;One type of it is the Minnaert. Johann Lambert first used this term in 1760, while the original definition was proposed by Bond, whose variety is also known as the spherical type. Water is unusual in that its value for this quantity is dependent on the angle of the incident light. Its value can range from one to zero, snow having a value of 0.9, while a perfect mirror would have a value of 1. FTP, name this term from the Latin for "whiteness" which is a measure that is the ratio of the energy reflected from a body to the energy incident upon it.;;albedo;;surface reflectivity World History;;By the time he was released as a war hostage in 1806, his wife had left him, and Richard Payne Knight led the effort to remove him from his seat in Parliament. The structure he then built on the corner of Park Lane and Piccadilly cost him some six thousand pounds. Bryon wrote that he was "Cold as the crags upon his native coast," criticism that caused him to seek private life. Earlier in the 1790’s he secured posts as envoy to Brussels, Berlin, and Turkey. After the British defeated Napoleon in Egypt, the Turkish sultan allowed him to obtain any sculpture that interested him. FTP, name this man whose artifacts from Athens remain controversial.;;(Lord) (Elgin|Kincardine){1}?|(Thomas) Bruce Biology;;In lower animals, it begins with an involution of the vegetal pole at the dorsal lip. In mammals, it begins with a thickening of the posterior epiblast and formation of the primitive streak. In either case, cells from the outside of the embryo migrate into the blastocoel to become endoderm and mesoderm. FTP, name this developmental process immediately following blastula formation.;;gastrula(tion) United States History;;In 1864, Secretary of State William Seward attempted to abrogate this treaty, but he rescinded the abrogation before the end of the six-month grace period. The initial agreement had placed limits 100 tons and an 18-pound cannon. It resulted from negotiations between a former attorney general and then acting secretary of state and the British minister to the U.S. However, it was John Quincy Adams who laid the groundwork, FTP, for what agreement that effectively demilitarized the U.S.-Canadian border in 1817.;;Rush-Bagot (Agreement|Treaty) Literature;;The protagonist of this poem sees "pale Kings, and Princes too, / Pale warriors, death-pale were they all" in "the latest dream" he ever dreamt". He is in anguish despite the "squirrel’s granary" being full and the harvest being done. This stems from his being "On the cold hill’s side" after being seduced and held in the title character’s thrall. FTP, name this 1819 poem that begins "O what can ail thee, Knight at arms," a poem about a cruel lady by John Keats.;;(La) Belle Dame sans Merci Religion/Mythology;;In some myths he is the grandson of Gerreindour the Giant, while in others his grandfather is Aegir. Through his intervention Thrall, Karl, and Jarl were born and went on to differentiate the races of men. Because of his shining, golden teeth he is also called Gullintani. He lives in the hall of Himinbjorg and rides the powerful horse Gulltop. At Ragnarok he and Loki will kill each other, so apparently his great hearing and vision can not save him. FTP, name this Norse god who blows Gjallerhorn to announce Ragnarok and who is the guardian of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge.;;Heimdall|Rig;;Gullintani Art;;During his second trip to Italy, he painted landscapes in the Villa Medici, some of the first known plen-aire work in Europe. His oil on canvas The Triumph of Bacchus appeared after he had received Rubens as a visitor. His battle series is most typified by Surrender at Breda and among his remarkable portraits is that of his valet Juan de Pareja. Even better known is his portrait of Innocent X, but it was work done as court painter to Philip IV that gained him lasting fame. FTP, name this Spanish painter of Las Meninas, or The Maids of Honor.;;(Diego) Velazquez Noncomputational Math;;In 1994, Leonard Adleman used a variety of molecular biological and genetic techniques to have DNA find a solution to this problem. Since it is NP-complete, the massive parallel computing power of a solution of DNA could be desirable to find a solution for problems with many vertices. To find a solution for a given directed graph, one must begin at the designated starting point, finish at the designated end point, and pass through each vertex exactly once. FTP, identify this problem of which the traveling salesman problem is a simplifie version and which is named for a 19th-century Irish mathematician.;;Hamiltonian Path (Problem) World History;;After the death of both his successors, the Greeks gained power over his kingdom under General Horemheb. His situation was unusual as he was born from a commoner Tiy, and he changed succession procedures by deeding control to his son-in-law Smenkhkare. Much of our knowledge of him comes from excavation around his new capital city at the present day site of Tell-el-Amarna. FTP, name this father of Tutankhamen and husband of Nefertiti, who promulgated worship of one god, Aton.;;Akhenaton|Ikhnaton|Amenhotep (IV|the Fourth){1}?;;Amenhotep Literature;;It concludes with the narrator being saved by Giovanni Gianni, captain of the Principe Umberto, who assumes that his wards have come from the siege of Paris. In the sequel to this novel the new religion of "Sunchildism" is introduced. Its narrator encounters the Musical Banks and the Birth Formulae, and is astonished at the notion of pulmonary consumption as a crime. In fact, typical crime is not devalued as much as human infirmity. FTP, name this work that ends with the narrator flying away in a balloon, an utopian romance by Samuel Butler.;;Erewhon Music;;In 1879, he met Wagner, who asked him to help stage Parsifal. One of his first successful compositions was 1884’s The Luck of Edenhall. His 1910 opera The King’s Children opened in New York, and his fantasy The Miracle premiered in London in 1911 with less success. His best-known works include incidental music for Maeterlinck’s The Blue Bird and an 1893 opera with a libretto by his sister Adelheid Wette, based on a tale from the Brothers Grimm. FTP, name this composer of Hansel und Gretel.;;(Engelbert) Humperdinck Psychology;;Clyde Martin was the primary statistician, Wardell Pomersoy was the other main author and interviewer, and Paul Gebhard joined in as an author and interviewer for the second half. A committee from the American Statistics Association decided that the authors’ method of interviewing was non-ideal, but that the findings were still significant. As a result of them, two controversial works were published in 1948 and 1953. FTP, identify these studies of human sexuality conducted by their namesake biologist.;;Kinsey (report(s)|stud(ies|y){1}?) Chemistry;;As the weak charge is not invariant under a reflection unless particles are replaced by their antiparticles as well, the fundamental laws of physics may well have this property. It can arise in spiranes and allenes due to their cumulated bonds and restricted rotation. Many familiar objects, such as the S and Z tetronimoes in Tetris, possess this property, with a pair being enantiomorphic. FTP, name this property that states that a molecule is not superimposible over its mirror image.;;chiral(ity);;enantiomorph United States History;;It was the primary opportunity to cut off General Porter from the rest of the army after that army moved south of the Chickahominy River. Skirmishes included Gaine’s Mill, Savage’s Station, and Frayser’s Farm. At Melvarn Hill, McClellan’s forces repulsed the Confederates, but McClellan withdrew to Harrison’s Landing, ending the Peninsular Campaign. General Jackson arrived too late to take part in Mechanicsville, the first battle, but Lee did prove successful in saving Richmond. FTP, identify this series of battles in late June 1862 so-named for the duration of their occurrence.;;Seven Days' (battles) Literature;;One of the real life incidents incorporated in this novel is when the protagonist and a local guide take shelter from a blizzard in a mountain cave, and another is that protagonist’s laborious journey to Baltimore. It is peopled with such characters as the Navajo leader Eusebio and Kit Carson. The central character served as youth in Ohio, where he met his lifelong friend Joseph Vallaint. FTP, name this 1927 novel about Jean Latour, a novel by Willa Cather.;;Death Comes for the Archbishop Geography;;Today, it is a small city of about fifteen thousand people situated near an oasis. Among its notable structures are Hisham’s Palace and the Byzantine structure of St. George’s monastery. Recent developments include a cable car built to access the nearby Mount of Temptation. In 1994, it became the first autonomous town in the West Bank under the agreement of Israel and the PLO. FTP, name this city dating from about 7000 BC which was once destroyed by Joshua.;;Jericho|Ariha Noncomputational Math;;As a young adult, he influenced the founding of the Turin Academy of Sciences and he was later director of mathematics at the Berlin Academy of Sciences. During the French Revolution he headed a committee to come up with a new system of weights and measures. He studied isoperimetrics, of which he formed an algorithm better than that of Euler. FTP, name this author of Mécanique analytique best known for his multipliers and gravitational points.;;(Joseph)-(Louis) Lagrange World History;;Their modern-day descendants are a matrilineal Akan people. The Oyoko clan forged this alliance from the small states that arose near modern Kumasi. The British broke it up and exiled King Prempeh I to the Seychelles, but the confederation was restored in 1935. It reached its zenith early under Osei Tutu, whose authority was symbolized by the Golden Stool. FTP, name this alliance, whose king remains influential in Southern Ghana, and which shares its name with a hip hop singer.;;Ashanti (confederation) Literature;;His drama The Governors was a complete failure unlike earlier successes Lucrece Borgia and Ruy Blas. His volumes of poetry include Inner Voices, Sunbeams and Shadows, and Songs of Twilight. Recent English translations include his novel Toilers of the Sea, but he is better known for works like Hans of Iceland and Marion de Lorme. Even better known are the drama Hernani and a historical novel set in 15th-century Paris. FTP, name this author of Les miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.;;(Victor) (Marie) Hugo Miscellaneous;;He made nearly 250,000 thousand dollars when he bet on the Baltimore Ravens to win the Super Bowl before the season began. His switch from a Yonex driver to Titleist equipment led to some controversial comments in an interview he gave with Peter Kessler. Along with Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods he is the only man to win the NCAA championship and the U.S. Amateur. He is currently the number three player in the world and is constantly questioned for his inability to win a major championship. FTP, name this professional golfer nicknamed "Lefty".;;(Phil) Mickelson Literature;;In his tract on "Free Will" he changed the view that he had held much of his life. His Adagia is a collection of Latin and Greek proverbs while his Education of a Christian Prince contains many biographical details. Several writers drew on his Colloquia for fictional inspiration, particularly Scott in Anne of Geierstein and Charles Reade in The Cloister and the Hearth. He stayed with Sir Thomas More in England, and it was More who suggested his most famous work. FTP, name this humanist and author of Encomium Moriae or The Praise of Folly.;;(Desiderius) Erasmus Noncomputational Math;;Discovered in 1761 by its namesake, it was brought into its modern form by Laplace. It is not a Punnett Square, but is often used to approximate parental genotypes from available family data. Properly understood, it is the fundamental mathematical law governing logical inference--determining what degree of confidence one would have in a hypothesis based on the body of evidence available. FTP, name this theorem that allows one to apply quantitative reasoning to the scientific method, the fundamental theorem of inverse probability.;;Bayes' (Theorem) Biology;;Found in the Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of southern Germany, the fossilized remains of one were first thought to be those of a small bipedal dinosaur Compsognathus. It is now believed to most closely resemble its ancestors, the Maniraptora, because it had a full set of teeth, a rather flat sternum, and three claws on the wing, in addition to its furcula, reduced fingers, and feathers. FTP, name this 150 million year old animal, considered an intermediate between dinosaurs and modern birds.;;Archaeopteryx (lithographica) Literature;;He tries to conceal one of his many affairs by only visiting his partner when the stars are in just the right alignment. He also adopts a girl with the premise of raising her as his own, though he did admit that he intended to later develop a physical relationship with the girl. He falls in love with a princess because of her beautiful zither music. One lady gets jealous at his many wives and transports her soul into the body of his main squeeze, Lady Aoi. FTP, name this titular character of the world’s first great novel.;;Genji Art;;After his painting The Croquet Game received some notice, he went to study in France. Eight Bells is considered one of his realist masterpieces, while Prisoners from the Front is his most important war painting. Returning home from Europe, he crafted such homespun scenes as Snap the Whip and Long Branch, New Jersey. In the next decade he found his typical subject matter with works like The Life Line and Fog Warning. FTP, name this American painter of The Gulf Stream.;;(Winslow) Homer