Literature;;Works like the sonnet "Her Pure fingernails on high offering their onyx" and The Antique Gods prompted contemporaries like Huysmans to sing his praises. He wrote a dozen love poems to his mistress Mery Laurent during the same period that he labored over his "Grand Oeuvre," which was to be a comprehensive expression of poetry’s essence. Though he wrote a notable elegy for his son, Anatol, his best work in that style celebrated his literary hero Edgar Allan Poe. But he gained the most fame for long poems like Dice Thrown Never Will Annul Chance, The Swan, and Herodias. FTP identify this symbolist and author of an 1876 work illustrated by Edouard Manet, "The Afternoon of a Swan".;;(Stephane) Mallarme Religion/Mythology;;He owned a herd of magnificent oxen that he kept on Mount Ida and his grandfather, Tros, deeded him a team of matchless horses that he offered as a reward to save his daughter. Eventually Telamon took his golden veiled daughter, Hesione, away to Salamis after Heracles, who had slain the sea monster plaguing this man’s city, killed him for his treachery. This was not the first time this father of Tithonus and Priam had run afoul of the gods. Earlier he had failed to pay Apollo and Poseidon for helping to build up his city’s defenses. FTP identify this monarch, the son of Ilus, under whose reign the walls of Troy were constructed.;;Laomedon Biology;;They were first discovered by Werner Arber during attempts to render E. coli B/r sensitive to the lambda phage. Most of them fall into the type II variety, and examples such as HpaI and HaeIII result in blunt end digests. More useful ones include NotI and BamHI, which create 5-prime phosphate extensions and leave characteristic "sticky ends" in order for DNA ligases to add different inserts. Perhaps the most common example of these proteins is one that cleaves the site GAATTC, known as EcoRI. FTP, identify these digestion proteins used to cleave DNA at specific sites.;;restriction endonuclease(s)|restriction enzyme(s) Music;;An onrushing scherzo is interrupted by a selection of "hunt music" in the third-movement Trio. This follows a C minor slow "Funeral March" section, which was preceded by the unusually long first movement that features a jarring C sharp breaking up the symphony’s main theme. Although it was really dedicated to Prince Lobkowitz, one story posits that it was called Sinfonia Grande in honor of another man. That is, until the conductor read an article brought to him by pupil Ferdinand Ries that Napoleon had declared himself emperor. FTP identify this work which was completed in 1804 by Ludwig Van Beethoven, a symphony in E Flat Major also known as the Eroica.;;(Beethoven'(s)) Symphony (No(.)|#|Number) 3 (in E Flat Major)(,) (Op(.) 55)|(Beethoven's) Third Symphony;;Eroica United States history;;Taking place at 53 Christopher Street just off Sheridan Square in a pair of converted nineteenth-century stables, after entering, the police barricaded themselves inside and called for help from the Tactical Patrol Force. A popular hang out for the Mattachine Society, the event here was touched off by the second police raid in a week and not by Judy Garland’s death as some have suggested. Among those arrested was folk singer Dave Van Ronk and for days crowds of protesters gathered to shout "Gay Power". For 10 points, name this disturbance that began on June 27, 1969 outside a New York bar and led to the beginning of the Gay Rights movement.;;Stonewall (Riots) Literature;;His Angelica’s Beauty is a sequel to Ariosto, while The Pilgrim; or Stranger in his Own Country is an autobiographical novel. His epic poem about Sir Francis Drake La Dragontea (Draggon-taya) was composed after sailing with the Spanish Armada and Arcadia recounts his time as secretary to the Duke of Alva. But it is the genre on which he expounds in The New Art of Writing Plays that allowed him to make his name. He wrote tragedies like Justice without Revenge, comical plays like The Gardener’s Dog, and "cloak and dagger" works like The Night of San Juan, FTP name this prolific playwright best known for La Dorotea, The Knight of Olmedo, and The Sheep Well.;;Lope (Felix) (de Vega) (Carpio) Chemistry;;It is governed by a pre-exponential term, usually symbolized by capital A, which prefixes an exponential term that states the probability for occupying a given energy state decreases exponentially with energy. The statistical method behind this law was worked out by its two namesake discoverers and one of them involved his namesake constant. It can be considered a classical treatment of Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, applicable to chemical systems. FTP, identify this law describing the distribution of speeds among the molecules of a gas named after a Scot and an Austrian.;;Maxwell-Boltzmann (distribution|law) World History;;He thought that his work in optics surpassed Newton’s and "changed the face" of science and he published an Essay on the Human Soul in 1771. His first work of fiction was The Adventures of the Young Count Potowski, but it was not published until 1847. While in England he published The Chains of Slavery, in which he celebrated John Wilkes and explained that the French "had no country". Appointed physician to the Count d’Artois, it was while he held this post that he wrote his subversive "Plan for Criminal Legislation". As editor of The Friend of the People he championed radical reforms and was forced to leave France after publishing attacks on Finance Minister Necker. For 10 points, name this symbolic leader of the Montagnards murdered by Charlotte Corday.;;(Jean)-(Paul) Marat Art;;During his eleven years as an MP for Coventry this man organized a civilian works corps to help the army in Crimea and promoted a harmonic integration of railways. He worked with Joseph Lindley to publish The Magazine of Botany and The Flower Garden, works that drew heavily from his time with the Duke of Devonshire where he supervised the construction of a conservatory at Chatsworth and designed a lily house for the rare Victoria Regia. His most famous work was eventually moved to Sydenham Hill until it was destroyed by fire in 1936, a full 85 years after it was originally exhibited. FTP name this architect who constructed the crowning jewel of 1851’s Great Exhibition, the Crystal Palace.;;(Joseph) Paxton Religion/Mythology;;Over the years several leaders including Katherine Tingley, William Judge, and Annie Besant, have helped to spread its doctrines which include that there are worlds within worlds, that space, time, and nature are infinite, and that monads begin as unconscious "god sparks". Its key texts include the 17th century The Way to Christ, Mysterium, and the Aurora, all of which were written by Jakob Bohme. More famous still are the writings promoted by Henry Steel Olcott, the follower of a woman whose death is celebrated as White Lotus Day, such as Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. FTP identify this mystical religious system, whose name derives from the greek for divine wisdom, most closely associated with the teachings of Helen Blavatsky.;;Theosophy Literature;;The first use of this taxonomy can be attributed to William Drummond who noted that their ideas reduced to mere "quiddities". The key document in their revival was Grierson’s 1921 study, a publication that prompted a more famous author to laud their fused artistic vision in a namesake essay. Thus figures like Edward Benlowes, Francis Quarles, and John Cleveland, are superior to John Milton because the latter displays a "dissociation of sensibility"—or so claimed T.S. Eliot. In his "Life of Cowley" Johnson uses the term to identify "a race of writers" that display an excessive use of "learning". FTP name this group of 17th century poets whose work is characterized by the use of conceits and whose notable members included George Herbert, and John Donne.;;Metaphysical (Poets|School) World History;;He founded and granted privileges to the Mesta, a guild of migratory shepherds. Attacked by Morocco, Granada, and Murcia, with the Aragonese he defeated the invaders and annexed Murcia. A claimant to the title of Holy Roman Emperor, after the death of Richard of Cornwall, Pope Gregory X convinced him to renounce his claim. Conflicts with his son Sancho led to an uprising of nobles and forced him to flee to Seville. For 10 points, name this Spanish king whose educated court produced the history Premera cronica general, the astronomical Tablas Alfonsies, and the law code Siete partidas.;;Alfonso (X|the (Tenth|Wise|Learned));;Alfonso (the Astronomer) Earth Science;;Examples of this feature include the Ronkokoma terminal and the Harbor Hill recessional. The end variety can leave scattered depressions known as "kettles," which result in hummocky topography. A ground type is composed of broad, thin blanket of drift. A lateral type forms on the sides, while a medial type forms between two adjacent glaciers. Related to kames and eskers, this feature is typically composed of a mixture of glacial outwash and glacial till. FTP, identify this geological feature, a deposit of rock debris scoured by a glacier and left behind when ice melts.;;moraine Geography;;Eddmundo de Barros was the first to build a national park at this site, while its counterpart was built in the thirties under the presidency of Augustin Justo. The Island of San Martin is located downstream from the narrow semi-circular chasm known as "the Devil’s Throat" from whose foot rises a curtain of mist 500 feet in the air. The "Two Sisters," the Bozzeti, and the Rivadavia, are some of the individual cataracts that make up this series located on the Argentina- Brazil border. FTP identify this enormous series of water falls that takes its name from the Guranai for "great water".;;Igua(z|c){1}?u (Falls) Literature;;The object of getting the oldest daughter married off hovers at the periphery of this novel that ends with Christine wed to a penniless prince in Paris. This occurs after characters like the artist Angus Beaton and the foreign correspondent Henry Lindau are sought out by Mr. Fulkerson to make the new magazine Every Other Week a success and, more importantly, to keep the heir of a natural gas fortune out of the ministry. The climax of the novel revolves around a streetcar strike during which said heir, Conrad, is killed by a stray bullet. Edward Dryfoos is thus forced to sell his magazine to Basil March in, FTP, what 1890 work, named for the dangers of money, a novel by William Dean Howells.;;A Hazard of New Fortunes Miscellaneous;;Utilizing Karl Mannheim’s theory of the "sociology of knowledge" he discussed his time in Latin America in Puerto Rican Journey and a 1960 book about the revolution in Cuba, Listen Yankee. In addition to coining terms like "the New Left" and "the Big Three" this man worked with Hans Gerth on the critical evaluation Character and Social Structure. This writer of The Sociological Imagination is best known for two studies published in the 1950s, one about the middle class and the other on those classes who control the U.S. FTP identify this man who worked as a professor at Maryland and at Columbia where he wrote White Collar and The Power Elite.;;(C(.)(harles)) (W(.)(right)) Mills World History;;The invaders had been following a scorched earth policy, and as a result the opposition arrived hungry, tired, and eager for battle. This impatience would turn out to be a grave mistake. After dispatching with the Genoese crossbowmen, the British force, which was camped out on the Maie River in between Wadicourt and the enormous namesake forest, had to withstand the charge of King John of Bohemia and Charles, the Comte de Alencon. But this charge, as well as many successive ones, would come up short, as knight upon knight fell to quick loaded British missiles. Edward the Black Prince acquitted himself well as his father Edward III won a victory over Philip VI’s forces at FTP, what August 1346 battle that signaled the arrival of the English army due to the supremacy of the Longbow.;;Crecy Physics;;Andre Geim demonstrated that the "anti" variety of this effect may be more common than the normal variety, and type II superconductors display a mixed variety of this effect. It was first observed by its namesake discoverer in 1933 while cooling tin crystals to 3.72 K. As the crystals approached the critical temperature, they began expelling the earth’s magnetic field from the interior, indicating the material had become perfectly diamagnetic. FTP, identify this effect that demonstrates the falling off of the magnetic flux as a material becomes superconductive.;;Meissner (effect) Art;;An unfinished second version hangs at the Tate, and its creator worked on the painting throughout the summer of 1883 at the subject’s summer house in Brittany. That subject was the daughter of an Italian émigré to Louisiana who had died at the Battle of Shiloh. One hand holds a black fan that matches her dress, while the other is balanced on a table. She looks away to the viewer’s right as if to expose more of the porcelain, white skin that the painter emphasized with the flimsy bejeweled straps and the low cut top. FTP identify this notorious portrait which was exhibited without Mrs. Gautreau’s name, a work by John Singer Sargent.;;(Portrait of) Madame X Literature;;The author’s preface defends the play’s "rich and living" language against that of his contemporary naturalistic playwrights, especially Ibsen. Its protagonist reaches his zenith in the eyes of characters like Sara Tansey, Honor Blake, and Jimmy Farrell, after winning the mule race. This occurs much to Shawn Keogh and the Widow Quin’s dismay, since they know that it solidifies the attraction between Pegeen Mike Flaherty and the hero. But all the reverie is destroyed when an Old farmer with bandages on his head shows up in Mayo to find his grandstanding son. FTP identify this work about Christy Mahon who lies about killing his father and in the process becomes the title figure in a work by John Millington Synge.;;The Playboy of the Western World Psychology;;His Primer of Aesthetics was the culmination of experiments made to determine which shapes and dimensions give the most pleasure. Eulogized by Wilhelm Wundt, this professor of Leipzig wrote books under the pseudonym Dr. Mises that explored the anatomy of angels and tried to determine what the moon was made of. His more famous works include a Zend-Avesta and his work with Ernst Weber that resulted in their namesake law, which states that the feeling of a "just noticeable difference" can be measured as constant fraction of the physical stimulation. FTP identify this proto-psychologist who postulated that mind and body are actually different sides of the same reality in his work Elements of Psychophysics.;;(Gustav) (Theodor) Fechner World History;;Although he entered the Seven Week’s War on Austria’s side, he soon signed an alliance with Prussia. Along with his minister Chlodwig, he worked to unite Germany against Napoleon III, but when his letter to the German Princes failed to unite the feuding houses, he turned increasingly to his extravagant private pursuits. In the early 1880s is ineffectiveness caused Prince Luitpold to be named regent. He was declared unfit to rule and removed to Schloss Berg. Three days later he and his physician, Bernhard von Gudden, were found drowned in the Starnberger Sea. FTP identify this King of Bavaria, the son of Maximilian II, best known for his patronage of Wagner and the construction of the castles Linderhof and Neuschwanstein.;;Ludwig (II|the Second){1}?|Mad King Ludwig|Louis (II|the Second){1}? Miscellaneous;;NOTE: The Name is the Same--The first was a Congregationalist missionary who along with his wife Sybil Moseley moved to Hawaii where he published a textbook on the native language. The second moved to the Ellice Islands with his wife Clarissa Brewster and translated the bible into the native tongue. The third became an educator and statesman but still liked to travel. After serving as an aviator during WWI, he served as governor of Connecticut and published such works as The Monroe Doctrine, an Obsolete Shibboleth and Elihu Yale—The American Nabob of Queen Square, and Journal of a Expedition. But it was for works like Across South America and In the Wonderland of Peru for which he is best known. FTP identify these men who became world famous in 1911 when the last one went to search for Vilcabamba and found Machu Picchu.;;(Hiram) Bingham Literature;;When she first appears, she has little sympathy for Mrs. Tancred, whose son was a Diehard, but that changes after she hears from Mrs. Madigan of her own son's death. Her husband, the Captain, has an on-again off-again friendship with Joxer. Her daughter is impregnated by Mr. Bentham who disappears to England before her family realizes that the will he presented is botched. Her husband Mr. Boyle gave her her nickname because she was born, christened, married, and gave birth to Johnny in June. FTP name this title character of a Sean O'Casey play, whose husband can often be found "struttin' around like a paycock".;;Juno (Boyle);;Mrs(.) Boyle Art;;Five of this man’s sons also became painters, though none reached his notoriety. Although Adriaen Brouwer used this man’s techniques, he left few if any direct followers. This pupil of Carel van Mander painted with a loose brushstroke technique that allowed him to capture the vitality of sitters like Mr. Verdonck, who carries a jawbone, or the carelessly dressed Gypsy Girl. Though later works like his portrait of Descartes and his Daniel van Aken Playing the Violin reveal a sense of foreboding he will always be associated with the liveliness of group scenes like The Archers of St. Adrian and Banquet of the Officers of St. George. FTP name this Haarlem native best known The Governors of the Almshouse and his pair of 1620s works The Merry Toper and The Laughing Cavalier.;;(Franz) Hals Chemistry;;The Knudsen method for calculating this quantity uses the fact that the rate of effusive mass loss is proportional to it. The Kelvin equation gives its value for a liquid dispersed as droplets, expressing the difference in its value above curved and flat surfaces. Its temperature variation along phase boundaries other than the solid-liquid boundary is expressed in the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, and boiling occurs when this value becomes equal to the external pressure. FTP, name this property, the equilibrium gas pressure above an enclosed liquid or solid.;;vapor pressure United States History;;It suffered setbacks when a proposal for a Manchurian railroad fell through, but it did succeed in gaining J.P. Morgan entrance into a European financing consortium. In Nicaragua, it materialized as support for President Adolfo Diaz against Jose Zelaya, who threatened the interests of the United Fruit Company. It was officially abandoned by the Wilson administration, though its final end did not come until the overthrow of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes in Cuba. Formulated by Philander Knox, FTP, identify this Taft foreign policy, which stated that U.S. power should be used to aid U.S. business interests abroad.;;dollar diplomacy;;open door policy Economics;;In the first chapter, the author respectfully criticizes William Godwin’s position on the perfectability of man. As evidence, the United States, as well as Rome and the barbarians, are cited, and an oscillatory behavior is predicted for the title subject. The author takes two postulates, one being "that the passion between the sexes is" and the other being, "that food is necessary to the existence of man". FTP, identify this work which claims that the number of people increases geometrically while the food supply increases arithmetically, leading to massive starvation, written by Thomas Malthus.;;(An) Essay (on) (The) Principle of Population Music;;She gets her chance about three years after the slave Mes'ud is discovered taking part in an orgy. Her father tells her the cautionary anecdote of the Ass and the Bull and the husbandman, but she forges ahead with her younger sister's help. Her target is the king of an unnamed island between India and China, and she bears him three sons before wrapping things up with "Ma'ruf the Cobbler". Starting off with "The Story of the Merchant and the Jinni," FTP name this wife of Sharyar and sister of Dunyazade, the narrator of the Thousand and One Nights.;;Scheherezade|Shahrazad World History;;Its 1955 meeting of the people at Kliptown, produced the Freedom Charter, a manifesto on equality that inspired its subsequent campaign against the pass laws. In 1961, a year after one of its senior members won the Nobel Peace Prize, it formed a military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe or "Spear of the Nation," which would be broken by the Rivonia treason trials. Albert Luthuli, was later succeeded by men like Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu as head of FTP what party most famed for the leadership of Nelson Mandela, and for founding the first multiracial government of South Africa.;;A(frican) N(ational) C(ongress) Physics;;Its intermediate case is known as the Paschen-Back effect, and if the associated interaction is larger than the hyperfine interaction, it is known as the Back-Goudsmit effect. The Hanle effect can be used in conjunction with it to study level lifetimes, while for certain field values, level crossing occurs, despite the fact that it mostly breaks degeneracy rather than creating it. Known in the weak-field case as "anomalous," FTP, identify this effect, in which atomic levels are split by the magnetic quantum number upon application of an external magnetic field.;;Zeeman (effect) Literature;;Made an honorary doctor at Abernathy College, his public denunciation of Frank Shallard results in that man’s beating by a mob. His affairs include Cleo Bentham, a woman he meets at Banjo’s Crossing, Lulu Bains, whom he tricks into marrying Floyd Naylor, and Hettie Dowler, who tries to blackmail him during the height of his popularity at the end of the novel. By that point he has learned well the lessons of Judson Roberts and Sharon Falconer, utilizing radio to broadcast his loud booming voice, developed as captain of the Football team, to thousands of believers in and around Zenith. FTP identify this title character of a 1927 work about a corrupt evangelist by Sinclair Lewis.;;Elmer Gantry Miscellaneous;;In his dissertation, he sought to explain certain irregularities in Indo-European vowel gradation by postulating additional 'laryngeal' consonants, whose existence was only confirmed thirty years later with the discovery of Hittite. Despite achieving such success in historical linguistics, by opposing what he termed langue, or the state of speech at a given time, with parole, individual speech, he advocated the study of languages as static structures, emphasizing what he called "synchronic" over "diachronic" linguistics. FTP, name this Swiss linguist who is most famous for lectures he gave which were later published by his students as Course in General Linguistics.;;(Ferdinand) (de) Saussure World History;;Louis XII of France proposed a general council at Pisa that would have deposed him, a natural response to his anti-French alliance of the Holy League. This league was intended as a replacement for his alliance with Louis in the League of Cambrai, which proved unsatisfactory despite its seizure of Rimini and Faenza. It was these triumphs over the Venetians that first earned him the title of "warrior pope". FTP, name this pontiff most famous for commissioning the Sistine Chapel ceiling.;;Julius (II|the Second){1}?|(Giuliano) (della) Rovere Literature;;Its dedication, which begins "Bob Southey! You’re a poet laureate" and goes on to excoriate "the Lakers," was left unpublished until 1832. The author credited The Monks and the Giants by his friend John Hookham Frere with showing him the possibilities of its form, although his 1817 work Beppo already anticipated his use of a certain rhyme scheme. Its protagonist is forced to flee the Sultan after the Russians seize Ismail and ends up on a political mission for Catherine during the final or "English Cantos". Other trysts include Donna Inez and the pirate princess Haidee, in FTP, what unfinished work in ottava rima, an epic satire about a legendary lover by Lord Byron.;;Don Juan Biology;;This process is terminated by dephosphorylations following inactivation of the kinase MPF through proteolysis of its cyclin subunits. It can be suspended by treatment with colchicine or taxol, which interfere with the polymerization and depolymerization of the tubulin subunits that treadmill continuously from the equator to the poles of the spindle. Size checkpoints for entry occur at G1 and G2 of interphase. Preceded by chromosome condensation, FTP, name this nuclear division process which begins with prophase.;;mitosis;;nuclear division World History;;Disallowed under Article 88 of the Treaty of Saint Germain, this concept was abandoned by the republican government under the Geneva Protocol of 1922, even though a recent plebiscite in the Tyrol seemed to indicate popular support. Accomplished under the name of "Ostmark" sixteen years later, it replaced Chancellor Kurt Schussnigg with Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a National Socialist. FTP, give this German term for "union" that denotes Hitler's March 1938 seizure of Austria.;;Anschluss Music;;This symphony was the best-received work of the composer during his lifetime, and it was the last of his pieces he saw premiered. It has only two movements: the first is a setting of the Latin hymn, "Veni creator spiritus". The second movement can be divided into three sections that approximate the slow movement, scherzo, and finale of a traditional symphony. As a setting of the final scene of Goethe's "Faust", its subject matter seems distant from the first movement, but the composer saw them in a similarly spiritual light. FTP, name this 1906 work whose call for an unusually large chorus and orchestra resulted in the nickname the "Symphony of a Thousand".;;Mahler'(s) (8|Eigh){1}?th Symphony;;Symphony of a Thousand|(8|Eigh){1}?th Symphony|Mahler'(s) Symphony Earth Science;;PKIKP travel times show that this region behaves as an anisotropic medium with cylindrical symmetry. It was discovered by Lehmann, who recognized weak arrivals in the P wave shadow zone. It is slowly growing by incongruent freezing at its surface, providing chemical buoyancy and energy for driving the geodynamo in the layer above it. Fluctuations in the length of a day may be caused by super-rotation of this solid ball composed mainly of iron. FTP name this region at the center of the Earth.;;inner core;;core Literature;;In the opening chapter, the narrator discovers he has hay fever, cholera, and St. Vitus’s dance; in fact, the only disease he lacks is housemaid’s knee. Chapter 3 includes the story of how the narrator’s Uncle Podger would hang pictures, while in chapter 17, the narrator debunks the claim that jack and perch are to be "had" in the Thames. The title characters travel by means of the title object through such towns as Marlow and Sonning before returning to London in, FTP, what 1889 book detailing the adventures of George, Harris, Montmorency, and the narrator, written by Jerome Jerome?;;Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) World History;;The thirtieth chapter of Mandeville's Travels names their ruler as Catolonabes, and associates them with the kingdom of Prester John and the earthly paradise. In fact, their greatest fortress was at Alamut on the southern shore of the Caspian, where Hasan Sabbah had established this Ismaili group in the late 11th century. Their name probably refers to their fundamentalist beliefs, not to the tale of drug addiction that has circulated ever since Marco Polo. FTP, name this Islamic sect whose name now refers to any political murder.;;assassin(s) Biology;;Although its panacinar form can be caused by a genetic deficiency of the enzyme alpha-1-anti-trypsin, its more common centrilobular form usually results from a far more nefarious activity. This disease leads to chronic dilation and destruction of air spaces without fibrosis, leading to a great increase in compliance of the lung and shortness of breath. FTP, name this chronic obstructive lung disease common to smokers.;;emphysema Religion/Mythology;;According to some stories, Daedalus murdered a son of Perdix with this name out of jealousy. A better-known character of this name supposedly destroyed a Sardinian invading force with his burning embrace. Most sources claim that he had a single vein, which may be an allusion to the cire-perdue casting method. He was given as a gift to Europa to serve as her guardian, and was finally killed when Medea removed the nail in his ankle. Prior to this he patrolled Crete thrice daily and threw rocks at approaching ships. FTP name this man of bronze.;;Talos United States History;;It included a clause that declared that the federal government was responsible for compensating slave owners whose runaways could not be retaken because of violence or intimidation. Thus slavery in the District of Columbia would be protected, as was the movement of slaves between states. Joint resolution S. No. 50, it was defeated in the Senate by a single vote and it would have been the first document to introduce the word "slavery" into the constitution. For 10 points, name this last ditch effort to avert the Civil War proposed in December 1860 by a Kentucky congressman.;;Crittenden (Compromise) Noncomputational Math;;He invented the discipline of proof theory in an attempt to formalize all of mathematics. His interest in formalism is evident in his earliest published work, where his proof of his Basis Theorem was criticized for being too purely abstract. In addition to making modern algebraic geometry possible with his Basis Theorem and Nullstellensatz, he properly rigorized Euclid's axioms for plane geometry and showed how various non-Euclidean geometries followed from different modifications of these axioms. FTP, name this mathematician whose address at the 1900 International Congress of Mathematicians stimulated much of the work of the 20th century.;;(David) Hilbert Literature;;In the third stanza the speaker vows to sing, like "committed linnets," of the "sweetness, mercy, majesty, and glories" of King Charles I. It was such talk to angry Roundheads that got him in trouble. The final lines of each stanza applaud "birds that wanton in the air," "fishes that tipple in the deep," "enlargened winds, that curl the flood," and "angels alone, that soar above," of which only the last parallel the narrator's current state. FTP, this 1642 Richard Lovelace poem asserts that "stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage".;;To Althea(,) from Prison Literature;;The woman to whom this name was given was accused of incest with her brother in the Pro Caelio, but she is better known for another affair. Literary evidence suggests that she had a sparrow, that her most well-known paramour wanted to live and to love, and that her brother was "pretty", or Pulcher, meaning that she was probably Clodia. This name appears in 13 of its author’s 116 extant poems, and is reminiscent of the island on which Sappho lived. FTP, what name was used by Catullus to refer to his mistress?;;Lesbia;;Clodia United States History;;Within the first few minutes of this event, 53 dead bodies littered the ground with many of them dead from jumping out of a window. One of the people to investigate this disaster was Francis Perkins, FDR’s future Labor Secretary, who determined that the large death toll was due to neglect as well as the company policy of keeping its exit doors locked. Resulting in the deaths of 148 people, most of them immigrant workers, FTP, what was the name of this conflagration that occurred at the eponymous sweatshop in New York City in 1911?;;Triangle Shirtwaist (Fire)|Triangle (Shirtwaist) Factory (Fire) Art;;On the top right, light creeps over a tan bluff as if the sun were going down over the hill that serves as the setting for the painting. A pot and some linen are strewn in the right foreground near some weeds, while the left side of the canvas shows various tools in a wheel barrow. One figure wears a hat, while the other, in what appears to be striped pants held up by one filthy suspender, lifts a heavy load. Both are turned away from the viewer and are intent on using their picks and hammers to perform the title activity. Completed one year after the artist’s similarly bleak The Burial at Ornans and later destroyed during the bombing of Dresden, FTP, identify this painting by Gustave Courbet.;;(The) Stonebreakers Biology;;Neostigmine is used to treat myasthenia gravis because it inhibits the breakdown of this substance. Curare is a competitive inhibitor of it for N1 nicotinic receptors, causing paralysis. It is released from all pre-ganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons and from all post-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons. Synthesized from two common biological molecules, one of which is bound to co-enzyme A, FTP, name this neurotransmitter.;;acetylcholine Miscellaneous;;Her 2001 album Wanderland wasn’t released in the US, while her 1999 solo debut Kaleidoscope featured the feminist anger of "Caught Out There". She sang the chorus on the Wu Tang hit "Gravel Pit," but she first came to many people’s attention through her performance on "Got Your Money" by Ol’ Dirty Bastard. That record was also produced by the Neptunes, who included her newest and now most famous song on their album, The Neptunes Present…Clones. FTP, name this Harlem-born singer, the girlfriend of Nas, whose album Tasty features a refrain about bringing all the boys to the yard: "Milkshake".;;Kelis (Rogers) Literature;;The final novel published in Master Humphrey’s Clock, its characters include Joe Willet who loses his arm fighting in the American Revolution and returns to England to rescue and marry Dolly Varden. She had been abducted earlier, along with Emma Haredale, by Simon Tappertit and Dennis the Hangman. Both of these men support John Chester’s violent ideas. As does Hugh, who works as a hostler at the Maypole Inn and inspires his friend, the mentally disabled title figure, to take up arms against the Catholics, in FTP, what 1841 work centering on the Gordon Riots by Charles Dickens?;;Barnaby Rudge Art;;It has 9 towers, 9 organs, 16 patios, 73 statues, 86 sets of stairs, 88 fountains, 1200 windows, and more than 1600 paintings. Designed to support the Counter-Reformation, its church façade is of a simplified Roman Mannerist style with an Ionic temple on a Doric lower story. Dedicated to St. Lawrence, on whose feast day the King defeated the French at St. Quentin, it was begun by Juan Bautista de Toledo and finished by Juan de Herrera to honor Philip II. FTP name this monastery, church, and museum located about thirty miles northwest of Madrid.;;(El) Escorial Literature;;An article written at Queen’s Royal College, discussing his admiration for Maugham’s Liza of Lambeth, inspired his novel about life in the slums, Miguel Street. Nonfiction works include Among the Believers and Beyond Belief, both about Islam, and A Turn in the South about Africa. While Mr. Stone and the Knight’s Companion has a completely English setting, most of his works such as The Enigma of Arrival, Half a Life, and The Suffrage of Elvira constantly shift locales and present characters who strive to make a connection to the land. Characters like Jimmy Ahmed in Guerrillas or Ranjit Singh in Mimic Men thus mirror his own half-Hindi/ half-Trinidadian heritage. FTP, identify this author best known for A Bend in the River and A House for Mr. Biswas.;;(V(.)(idiadhar)) (S(.)(urajprasad)) Naipaul Chemistry;;It is most commonly illustrated through reactions with halogenoalkanes, where a reactive species attacks the carbon atom in the carbon-halogen bond. Though it would appear that the extreme polarization of the carbon-fluorine bond would make this mechanism especially reactive with fluorocarbons, the strength of the bond decreases the effectiveness of the mechanism. FTP, what is this reaction mechanism, in which a reactant with lone electrons attacks a region with positive charge?;;nucleophilic substitution|SN2 Religion/Mythology;;According to Eusebius, his two grandsons were once mistaken for sons of David by Domitian, but then released. In his most famous work, which was originally placed in the Antilegomena due to its disputed authenticity, he appeals to Christians to be on their guard against "ungodly persons who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only master Jesus Christ". Famous for asking Jesus why he doesn’t manifest himself to the whole world at the Last Supper, according to some traditions he was killed with Simon while preaching in Persia. FTP identify this full brother of James the Less who is popularly known as the saint of lost causes.;;(Saint|St(.)) Jude Literature;;The first death in this play occurs when the Second Servant is thrown from a balcony into the sea, and the only on-stage death is that of Clarion, who is shot while hiding from a battle. This convinces King Basil to surrender to his ill-omened son Segismund, whom he had imprisoned for years before making him king for a day to see whether he was fit to rule or even be set free. FTP, name this Calderon de la Barca play whose title sentiment is finally an impetus for Segismund to rule wisely, lest his happy fortune disappear.;;Life is a Dream|(La) Vida Es Sueño Philosophy;;First expounded in the 1934’s The Logic of Research, it was originally proposed as a solution for the problem of induction in scientific methodology. In Two Dogmas of Empiricism, Quine notes that its naïve version can easily be avoided in theories if one makes the requisite "compensatory adjustments" and Thomas Kuhn claimed in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that scientists will add any number of ad-hoc adjustments to existing theories to protect a paradigm from it. FTP, name this most famous concept of Karl Popper, essentially the ability of a statement to be proven false by an observation or experiment.;;falsifiability;;falsification Religion/Mythology;;Hers is the first name in the subtitle of Camille Paglia’s Sexual Personae. While debates rage whether she was of royal blood, her father was probably an official named Ay. What is more reliable is that in the twelfth year of her husband’s reign, she either fell from favor or died, and although she bore him six girls, his two sons, including Smenkhare, were probably from his second wife Kiya. Her face is well known from numerous statues and carvings of the Amarna period, although her mummy has not been found. FTP, name this Egyptian queen, aunt of Tutankhamun and wife of Akhenaten.;;Nefertiti|Nefretete Biology;;Since their DNA copying does not have any error checking, the probability of random mutation is much higher, leading to diseases such as Kearn-Sayre syndrome. Its DNA typically consists of five to ten copies, all inherited from the mother, and when they divide these copies are randomly distributed between the offspring. Some theories hold that its DNA is derived from a single source called "Eve". FTP, what are these organelles long ago incorporated into eukaryotic cells to produce energy for them?;;mitochondria Music;;His minor works include a choral setting of the hymn Let there be Light, "Song for the Harvest Season," and the cantata The Celestial Country. Though not a great student, he managed to absorb Horatio Parker's teachings even though he felt the latter’s music was dull and unmasculine. For inspiration he turned to his own father, who had founded the Danbury Town Bannd". The third of his five symphonies won the Pulitzer and his 114 Songs include some of the same settings as his Three Places in New England. FTP, identify this American modernist composer and insurance agent who wrote "The Unanswered Question," the Holidays Symphony, and the Concord Sonata.;;(Charles) Ives Psychology;;A famous study of this phenomenon involved subjects asked to judge the attitudes of speakers giving speeches both for and against the Castro regime. Subjects continued to rank the tones of pro-Castro speakers as more positive even when learning that speakers had chosen the topic of their speeches by the flip of a coin. FTP, name this concept from social psychology in which observers attribute more influence to a person’s traits than to environmental factors, also known as the actor/observer bias.;;Fundamental Attribution Error;;actor (/) observer bias Religion/Mythology;;Hittite warriors raided his shrine in 1590 BCE where people celebrated his festival at the spring equinox. His cult managed to spread as far as Eridu and he was also important to the Canaanites. This god of 50 titles rode a chariot drawn by the steeds Slayer, Pitiless, Racer, and Flyer. With an antitoxin in his head, this deity, whose name literally means "bull calf of the sun," rode to fight his greatest opponent and after emerging victorious fastened of the tablets of destiny on his breast. FTP, name this son of Ea and consort of Sarpanitu who slew the dragon Tiamat.;;Marduk Literature;;Late in his career he teamed with August Falck to establish the Intimate Theater Company, for which he wrote a series of "Chamber Plays". His autobiographical Confessions of a Fool and The Son of a Servant detail the trial for blasphemy that fiction like Married and The People of Hemso forced him to endure. Though he wrote historical dramas like Master Olaf, Erik XIV, and the Damascus trilogy he is best known for domestic works including Sir Bengt’s Wife, Comrades, and Dance of Death. FTP, identify this Swedish author best known for The Father and Miss Julie.;;(August) Strindberg Physics;;This reaction produces 640 gigajoules per kilogram of material, and is most important at temperatures below 15 million Kelvin. The average time required for the first step is, on average, approximately 14 billion years, while the second and third steps take 6 seconds and 1 million years, respectively. In the Sun, however, 600 million tons of hydrogen are still reacted every second using this mechanism. FTP, name this set of reactions responsible for producing energy in average-size stars, so named because it starts with the reaction of two hydrogen nuclei.;;proton-proton cycle United States History;;At the battle of Gettysburg, this man commanded the Union XI Corps and ordered the retreat from McPherson’s Hill on the first day. In 1877, he commanded the United States cavalry pursuing the Nez Perce and eventually forced the surrender of Chief Joseph. But he is best known for his post-Civil War role, when he was selected to head the Freedman’s Bureau. For ten points, who is this man, namesake of a historically black college founded in 1867 in Washington DC?;;(Oliver) (O(.)) Howard Art;;His plan to build himself a temple in which to house his works fell through when the Maharajah of Indore died. Always inspired by animal life his works include Flying Turtle and various versions of The Sea Lions. His later works include the enormous Endless Column and Table of Silence, both of which are on display in Tirgu Jiu’s public garden. His Beginning of the World is representative of his use of fluid, ovoid shapes. Important works in this style include Sleeping Muse and Mademoiselle Pogany. But he is most famous for a 1912 work made of bronze that was originally named Maiastra. FTP, identify this apprentice of Rodin who created Bird in Space.;;(Constantin) Brancusi United States History;;He was instrumental in getting a civil rights proposal on President Truman’s platform in 1948, and after becoming assistant majority leader of the Senate in 1961, he helped win approval for the nuclear test ban treaty of 1963. In a brief stint out of public service, he taught at Macalaster College from 1969-70 before being re-elected to the Senate and taking the post of deputy president pro tem, which was created just for him. FTP, name this man who also served as mayor of Minneapolis, the Vice President under LBJ, who lost the 1968 Presidential election to Nixon.;;(Hubert) (H(.)(oratio)) Humphrey Literature;;Its section titled "Cutty Sark" is designed as a fugue counterpointing the rhythms of a pianola with the ramblings of a derelict sailor. The first section "Ave Maria" opens with Columbus returning to Spain. "The Harbor Dawn" mimics through its meter the acceleration of a train. The last section, "Atlantis," talks of the "bound cable strands" and the "telepathy of wires" the poet sees in Brooklyn. FTP, name this 1930 poem by Hart Crane.;;(The) Bridge Literature;;This novel begins with one narrator leaving Tifis for the mountains. The central character seduces the girl Bela but abandons her. Other parts of the novel describe the protagonist through the eyes of his own journal revealed in the chapter ‘Taman’. The novel’s main character is also described in great detail by his old army buddy Maksim Maksimich. FTP, what is this novel about Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, a superfluous man created my Mikhail Lermontov?;;(A) Hero of Our Time|Geroi nashego vremeni World history;;Made a Shinto deity after his death and given the title Hokoku, his beginnings were far humbler as a son of a poor foot soldier. Despite these origins, he banned social mobility when he rose to power, prohibiting the carrying of weapons by civilians. On the international front, he is known for his 2 reckless invasions of Korea as he sought Japanese hegemony over all of Asia, a dream that was passed on to him by his old lord, Oda Nobunaga. However, this dream died with him in 1598. FTP, name this man who managed to temporarily unite Japan until the coming of the Tokugawa shogunate.;;(Toyotomi) Hideyoshi;;Toyotomi Literature;;The narrator of this poem sees "enormous bogs fermenting" and, tangled in weeds, a rotting Leviathan. At the work's end, a small puddle in a city street signifies a return to sober personal experience. The influence of James Fenimore Cooper's novels and the romances of Chateaubriand can be seen in the first stanza's image of  "men, captured by Indians... stripped and nailed for target practice to gaudy totem poles". It's originality so impressed Paul Verlaine that he entreated the author to move to Paris. FTP, a release from the world of conventions through intoxication is the subject of what poem about a tipsy vessel by Arthur Rimbaud?;;(the) Drunken Boat|(Le) Bateau Ivre Philosophy;;His final work was rejected three times before manuscript was accepted, it contained essays like "Transcendent Speculation on the Apparent Premeditation in Personal Fate," "Essay on Ghost Seeing and its Related Aspects," and "Aphorisms on Practical Wisdom". Garnering much more attention than previous books like On the Fourfold Root and The Two Main Problems of Ethics, the two volume Parerga and Paralipomena brought recognition to this man who helped Goethe pen his "theory of colors". His thought reduced all Kantian cognitive forms to time, space and mechanical causality, and considered things-in-themselves quite knowable. Unfortunately his lectures at the University were poorly attended, as people preferred those of his rival Hegel.  FTP, name this man whose pessimistic ideas were strongly influenced by the Upanishads and Buddhism, the author of 1819’s The World As Will and Idea.;;(Arthur) Schopenhauer Physics;;Using Eugene Goldstein’s research on anode rays, J.J. Thomson designed an early version of this tool that he named the "parabola spectrograph". In his instrument, a fluorescent screen or photographic plate detected the parabolic paths of ions deflected by electric and magnetic fields. Modern versions of this instrument graph the relative number of deflected ions, creating a series of distinct peaks. For 10 points—identify this versatile scientific tool used to determine relative atomic masses.;;Mass Spectro(meter|graph){1}? World History;;This "khalifat rasul Allah's" first task was to counter the various Ridda that constituted the "Wars of Apostasy". Often called "siddiq", or truthful, this wealthy merchant was compassionate, purchasing the freedom of slaves like Bilal the black who became the well-known "Muazzin" at the Prophet's Mosque. Sunni historians claim that he often led the congregation in the public prayers at Medina  and led a 632  hajj, but Shiite traditions are less impressed. The Ansar and Meccans unwillingly accepted this man, imposed in a coup d'etat, as sole successor of the Prophet. FTP, name this dad of Aisha and father-in-law of Mohammed, the first caliph.;;Abu Bakr Literature;;Featuring the dirge "Fear no more the heat of the sun," Tennyson purportedly died with a copy of it on the coverlet of his bed, while Shaw wrote a treatment of its fifth act as "refinished". Its main sources are A Mirror for Magistrates, Holinshed, and Boccaccio for the love story. When a servant is ordered to commit murder at Milford Haven, Pisanio instead advises the victim to disguise herself as a page. In Wales, the fugitive meets her brothers, who were stolen twenty years before, at the home of Belarius. After Cloten is decapitated, Fidele takes a sleeping potion and joins the Roman army invading Britain as a result of the monarch’s failure to pay tribute .FTP, name this Shakespeare play about Posthumus’ love for Imogen, the daughter of the titular King of Britain.;;Cymbeline Music;;Two thirds of the spoken text in this work were contributed by Christopher Knowles, an autistic 14 year old who worked with stage director Robert Wilson. Three recurring visual images occur during the performance—a trial/bed setting, a spaceship, and trains—all of which are meant to conjure up the title figure as the composer’s trademark repetitive measures are piled on top of one another for maximum effect. Featuring a roaming simulacrum of the title figure, complete with moustache and wild hair, as violinist who wanders in and out of scenes, what is this 1974 opera, FTP, whose performers sport short sleeved white shirts and a pipe just like the man who discovered the theory of relativity, a work by Philip Glass.;;Einstein on the Beach Earth Science;;A major constituent of granite pegmatites and the most common gangue mineral in hydrothermal and metal-bearing veins, it is easily recognizable from its characteristic hexagonal shape, usually terminated in positive or negative rhombehedrons. The beta form of this tectosilicate forms at high temperatures, and all forms have formula SiO2. FTP, name this common mineral, the definition of 7 on Mohs hardness scale, and having varieties amethyst, milky, and rose.;;quartz Miscellaneous;;His last film was a near-documentary shot in the South Seas without professional actors. A husband finds his salvation in the sanctuary of marriage in his sole American hit, whose seminal tracking shot on a tram, as a man and wife enter a city, remains a subject of study for student filmmakers. His first hits included The Blue Boy and The Head of Janus, but flops like The City Girl resulted in his 5-picture Fox contract's termination in 1929. Primarily known for his collaborations with Emil Jannings in films like The Expulsion and The Last Laugh, FTP, the recent flick "Shadow of the Vampire" was a tribute to what cinematic pioneer, the director of Tabu, Sunirise and Nosferatu.;;(F(.)(riedrich)) (W(.)(ilhelm)) (Plumpe|Murnau){1}? World History;;This battle was preceded by a diplomatic incident involving a British fishing fleet off of Dogger Bank. One fleet had steamed around Africa and touched port in Indochina, only to be pounced upon when trailing hospital ships were spotted. The Suvarov, the Oslyabya, the Alexander III, and the Borodino were lost after Togo was able to to "cross the T" twice, and the opposing Admiral, Rozhdestvenski, received a shell fragment in his skull. in, FTP, what battle fought in waters near Korea in May of 1905---the decisive sea battle of the Russo-Japanese war.;;Tsushima (Straits) Religion/Mythology;;As a baby, this hero was left to die on a mountainside but was adopted by a she-bear. After growing up in the wild, a group of hunters took this hero to live with them. As a youth this hero fought off Hylaeus and Pholus, two vicious centaurs. Later, at the hunt of the Calydonian boar, this daughter of Iasus shot the arrow that was the first to wound the boar, earning her the hide of the boar and the grudge of many inferior men. Eventually Aphrodite helped Hippomenes win her and she bore a son Parthenopaeus, For 10 points—who is this great female warrior who, according to some accounts, sailed with the Argonauts?;;Atalanta Art;;This man’s father in law was the man to whom the tea that provoked the Boston Tea Party was consigned. His Head of a Man was one of the first portraits of a black man produced by an American and contrasts with his usual subjects, the privileged and wealthy, many of whom would travel to London to be painted. Early canvases like The Return of Neptune foreshadowed his interest in the dramatic events he later chose to portray. But it was his Boy with a Squirrel that caught the eye of Benjamin West and helped make his name. Famous sitters for him included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere, but he is best known for painting historical scenes. FTP name this painter of The Death of Chatham and Watson and the Shark.;;(John) (Singleton) Copley Literature;;As a young man he wrote a commentary on Plotinus, while his dialogues and prose were collected in the volume Operette Morali. He wrote a poem about infinity that begins "I have always loved this solitary hill" in his late years, when he lived on the slopes of Vesuvius. His frustrated passion for his cousin Gertrude Cassi produced the elegy 'The First Love". Serious damage to his eyes and spine probably influenced his conclusion that joy is the momentary subsidence of pain and that death brings happiness. FTP identify this poet of despair, 19th-century Italy's greatest lyric voice, most famous as the author of the Versi and the Canti.;;(Count) (Giacomo) Leopardi Noncomputational Math;;The first is always on the inward side of the secondary, and the second is on the outward side of the secondary.  A third such position remains hidden behind the Sun at all times, and the idea of a hidden "Planet-X" there has been a staple of science fiction. Four and five, the so-called Trojan points, lie along the orbit of the secondary around the primary. FTP, name these positions where the gravitational pull of the two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required to rotate with them,  five points in the vicinity of two massive bodies--like the Earth and the Moon---where each others' respective gravities balance.;;Lagrange (points) World History;;His remains are buried in a Church constructed on the remains of the Coricancha,  which had housed the mummies of his ancestors.  Flores Galindo, a social historian active in the 1970s and 1980s, promoted the memory of this Vilcabamban  as a call to restore "Andean utopianism". A cruel Viceroy, Francisco de Toledo invaded his stronghold in 1572, slaughtering the natives with firearms. This nephew of Atahualpa fled, but slowed by his pregnant wife, was arrested, marched into Cuzco "held by a chain of gold round his neck", and beheaded. FTP, the guerrillas who seized hostages at a Japanese ambassador's residence in 1996, and a legendary rapper, took the name of what last Incan ruler?;;Tupac Amar(o|u){1}?|Thupa Amar(o|u){1}?;;Tupac|Thupa|Amar(o|u){1}? Psychology;;Early works by this coiner of the term "organismic valuing," like the essay "This Is Me" and the book Psychotherapy and Personality Change, described key experiences with patients. The originator of the "Q technique," in the book Encounter Groups he suggested that environments that met the core conditions of congruence and empathetic understanding could help individuals connect with others. This native of Oak Park, Illinois who was briefly the pastor of a Vermont church, insisted upon working with the "whole person" to promote "human flourishing".  FTP, name this pioneer of 'client-centered' therapy and author of A Way of Being and On Becoming a Person.;;(Carl) Rogers Literature;;Publishing tales such as "Ferdinand Eboli" and "A Tale of Passion" in the annual gift-giving book The Keepsake kept the creditors at bay long enough to allow for work on the dramas Proserpine and Midas. Primarily remembered for six novels, travel narratives including History of a Six Week’s Tour and Rambles in Germany and Italy also sold well. Her main characters include Elizabeth Brady in Falkner, Lord Lodore who settles in Illinois with his daughter Ethel, and Lionel Verney, who is The Last Man on earth. But it is an 1818 work that begins with the letters of Robert Walton that is acknowledged as her masterpiece. FTP identify this author of the gothic romances Valperga and Frankenstein.;;(Mary) (Wollstonecraft) Shelley Geography;;Its natives, of Malay-Polynesian descent, once called it Pakan, but these "Hakka" are dominated by the 15% of the population from the mainland. Its modern history goes back to the day when Jan van Linschoten exclaimed "what a beautiful island!" Now, its relations with the US are maintained through TECRO. In 2000, it underwent a peaceful transfer of power to the Democratic Progressive Party. The Pescadores islands aren't part of its province of Fujian, but  Quemoy and Matsu are. FTP, name this island nation "temporarily occupied on behalf of the Allied forces" after World War two, which lost its UN seat to China in 1971, and whose capital is Taipei.;;Taiwan United States History;;Martin Luther King refers to him in the introduction of Why We Can’t Wait as a specific example of a man whose contribution to history has been overlooked by standard histories. He may have been using the name Michael Johnson for some time and it is unclear whether his father was an Indian executed for treason during King Philip’s Wart or a runaway from William Brown’s farm. Records do agree that he was a sailor, originally hailing from Framingham who was on the Common to voice his opposition to the Townshend Acts when a stick was thrown and the shooting began. He thus died on March 5, 1770. For 10 points, identify this main rabble-rouser of the Boston Massacre who is commonly considered the first casualty of the American Revolutionary War.;;(Crispus) Attucks Physics;;It was discovered that the ground state of a material is unstable with respect to these groups in 1956. Quite resistant to vibrations within the lattice, they move about relatively unaffected by thermal vibrations below the critical temperature.  Since it takes a non-zero amount of energy to break them, and imperfections in superconducting solids, which would normally lead to resistance, are incapable of breaking them, no dissipation and no resistance exist. FTP, name these units formed by superconducting or superfluid state electrons in which two electrons act as a single unit.;;Cooper (pairs) Literature;;A mother tells her little girl not to ride her bicycle around the corner or she'll fall--it is written in a book called "The Twenty-Six Malignant Gates", which is also the title of this novel's second chapter.  The first chapter opens with an old woman remembering a very expensive swan she bought years ago. Waverly was a chess champion, but she quit when she and Lindo fought. Lindo's arranged marriage is one of the topics discussed at, FTP, what titular group of four women who gamble, eat rich dinners, and play mah jong , in a novel by Amy Tan?;;(The) Joy-Luck Club World History;;Medieval scholar Michael Jones claims that this man was the illegitimate son of a French archer. He became grossly fat in Burgundy as the unhappy guest of Louis de Bruges, drinking and whoring incessantly while he collected an army. After a secret marriage to  Elizabeth Woodville , this victor at Barnet had to deal with his angry patron Richard Neville, who rebelled and defeated him in at Edgcote. FTP, Warwick the Kingmaker was a key figure in the reign of what English monarch, whose cause was victorious at Towton and Tewksbury, and whose tumultuous reign was interrupted in 1470?;;(King) Edward (IV|the Fourth){1}? Philosophy;;In a youthful poem to his beloved, he wrote that he would "fling his glove in the world's face", and then "stride through the wreckage a creator!" He concluded that the whole movement of the War "was and is based on the slave question" in his essay "The North American Civil War", and was employed by Horace Greeley as a European correspondent. After completing his thesis on Post-Aristotelian Hellenic Atomism in 1841, he wrote The Poverty of Philosophy, a critique of the anarchist philosopher Proudhon. FTP, name this author of the Theses on Feuerbach, the 800-pages of outline called the "Grundrisse," a co-author of the Communist Manifesto.;;(Karl) Marx Literature;;This 1874 novel, originally published serially in the Corn Hill Magazine, was its author’s first commercial success. The main action of the novel takes place in the area surrounding Norcombe Hill and the village of Weatherbury in Wessex. In a tragedy that clears the path for a happy ending, Farmer Boldwood shoots Sergeant Troy and is subsequently jailed. For 10 points—name the Thomas Hardy novel revolving around the relationship between the steadfast farmer Gabriel Oak and the independent Bathsheba Everdene whose title reflects Hardy’s theme of avoiding an urban lifestyle.;;Far From the Madding Crowd Literature;;A happy ending results when one character reveals that he is the former Don Thomas d’Alburcy and agrees to pay for two weddings. Up till that point he had only been referred to as Anselme, a rich old man. Minor characters include the wedding broker Frosine and Maitre Jacques, who is jealous of Valere, a young man posing as a valet to woo Elise. Meanwhile, Mariane is loved by Cleante, who is impeded by his father, Harpagon. With a plot drawn from Plautus’ Aulularia, FTP, name this Moliere comedy about Harpagon’s stinginess.;;(The) Miser|(L')Avare Religion/Mythology;;Thor disguised himself as this deity to retrieve his hammer from Thrym. This deity was said to have resided in the hall of Sessrumnir, but wandered the earth searching for Odur, a lost love. The giantess Hyndla once made disparaging remarks about this mother of Hnoss. A master of seyir, or magic, another love, the human Ottar, was transformed into a boar after a brief affair. Her most powerful possessions were the necklace of the Brisings and her chariot drawn by cats. FTP, name this daughter of Niord, the Norse goddess of lust and love.;;Freya Biology;;Commercially available samples of this protein are obtained from one of two sources: Avian myeloblastosis virus or Moloney murine leukemia virus. It was initially discovered in David Temin’s experiment involving actinomycin D applications to cultures of cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus. It can be helpful as typified by its use in a specific type of PCR to do such things as clone cDNAs, but its most troubling form is one coded for by the pol gene in a certain disease. FTP, identify this enzyme found in retroviruses, which synthesizes DNA from an RNA template.;;reverse transcriptase|RNA-dependent DNA polymerase Art;;Its style is descended from the Pergamon frieze and Pliny says as much when he mentions it as being in the palace of Titus and gives credit for its creation. It was actually found in Rome in 1506, and it was not known for a few hundred years that it was not a Greek original but the work of Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydoros of Rhodes. FTP, name this group sculpture showing the death of a priest and his two sons at the hand of serpents in a scene from the Trojan War.;;Laocoon (Group) United States History;;Nine years after the treaty was signed, the Bay Islands were ceded to Honduras. A year before the treaty, E G. Squier obtained Tigre Island from Nicaragua, after which the United States refused to recognize the protectorate of Mosquitia. The treaty was in force for 51 years, until being abrogated by the Hay-Pauncefote agreement. FTP, name this treaty in which the United States and Great Britain both guaranteed the neutrality of an eventual canal through Panama and which was signed in 1850.;;Clayton-Bulwer (treaty) Literature;;One is the surname of the hero and eventual husband of the title character’s daughter in Sir Walter Scott’s Guy Mannering. Another is a tragedy subtitled "the Castle of St. Aldobrand," and was a huge success in 1816 for Charles Maturin. Yet another is the surname of Edmund, the true love of Fanny Price and younger son of the owners of Jane Austen’s title estate of Mansfield Park. FTP, give the common name which also identifies the Count of Rousillon and love of Helena in Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well.;;Bertram Psychology;;His time teaching in New York inspired his lament of higher education, The University in Exile. Those later years were also devoted to the general problem of learning, resulting in the posthumous publication Productive Thinking. After a public debate with Jung over word association technique in 1906, he moved around Europe until a 1912 train ride prompted thoughts on illusory motion, which led to his formulation of the phi phenomenon. FTP, name this thinker who, along with Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler, founded the gestalt school of psychology.;;Max Wertheimer Music;;Originally a violin player he visited Russia on a tour and ended up staying to study with Rimsky-Korsakoff. His American trips inspired such works as Brazilian Impressions, while his time at St. Cecilia’s produced Church Windows, The Birds, and Three Pictures by Botticelli. Operatic works include the children’s piece Sleeping Beauty, Belfagor, and The Sunken Bell. Works like the Ancient Airs and Dances for lute saw him exploring the traditions of his native Italy, one of whose major cities inspired his best known pieces. FTP identify this composer of two symphonic poems that contain sections like "The Catacombs" and "The Appian Way," The Pines of Rome and The Fountains of Rome.;;(Ottorino) Respighi Literature;;Its final book begins by relating the tale of the Carthaginian Caesellius Bassus, who claimed to have found the hidden treasure of Dido. The previous book begins with detail about the military campaigns of Vologeses, the Parthian king, and ends by characterizing Piso’s wife as a base woman. The fourth book begins with a brief biography of Sejanus and introduces the rumor that Sejanus poisoned Drusus. Beginning its narrative in AD 14, FTP, name this work that ends unfinished in the reign of Nero, a history of the early Roman emperors written by Tacitus.;;(The) Annals Chemistry;;This functional group can be oxidized by peroxycarboxylic acids to form oxiranes, or epoxides. The addition of cold, dilute, aqueous potassium permanganate also oxidizes them, to produce 1,2 diols, while hot, basic potassium permanganate causes cleavage to two molar equivalents of carboxylic acids. Under acidic conditions, adding water to them yields an alcohol, whereas alcohols or alkyl halides can undergo elimination reactions to form them. FTP, identify this hydrocarbon, also known as an olefin, which is characterized by a carbon-carbon double bond.;;alkene Literature;;The second volume begins with a description of the home of Andrei Ivanovich Tentetnikov. The censors demanded the removal of the tale of Captain Kopeikin, but after expressing reservations about the title allowed it to be published in 1842. The events of the novel take place between 1815 and 1833, the seventh and eighth censuses of Russia. FTP, name this book about Pavel Chichikov, who travels the countryside purchasing the rights to deceased peasants in a work by Nikolai Gogol.;;Dead Souls World History;;Although the bishop of Constance rejected his petition to allow priests to marry, he went ahead and married Anna Reinhart anyway. He argued that non-Christian sages such as Socrates were also inspired by the Holy Spirit in his Commentary on True and False Religion, and at the Marburg Colloquy he disputed the meaning of the Lord’s Supper with Luther. Two years later, he took a spear to the stomach and was killed at the battle of Kappel. FTP, name this Protestant leader, whose 67 articles were adopted by the Council of Zurich.;;(Ulrich) Zwingli Art;;The artist owed much of this painting to his friend Nicolaus Kratzer, who sent him many of the pieces exhibited in it. Kratzer did not provide the silver crucifix that peeks out in the top left corner nor did he provide the large object at the bottom that is distorted via anomorphic projection. An expanse of green drapery sets of the background, and in the center we see such things as a torquetum, a quadrant, a lute, and a sundial. Though the artist titled this work Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, the painting is now know by another name. FTP, name this 1533 Hans Holbein depiction of a pair of emissaries.;;(The) (French) Ambassadors Philosophy;;Section 9 concerns the reason of animals, while the views of Epicurus concerning the gods are defended in section 11, "Of a particular providence and of a future state". The final section treats the "academical or sceptical philosophy," though the better known sections deal with miracles, the association of ideas, and the idea of necessary connection. FTP, name this 1748 book, in which David Hume reworked the first part of A Treatise on Human Nature, not to be confused with an essay by Locke.;;(An) Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding United States History;;He was named after his grandfather, who served as secretary of state under Benjamin Harrison and also happened to be the nephew of Robert Lansing, who was Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State. In 1949, Thomas Dewey appointed him to Robert Wagner’s vacant U.S. Senate seat in New York, which he served in for a year. The next year, as an ambassador at large, he negotiated the peace treaty with Japan and he would move on to his most famous post in 1953, setting foreign policy for the next six years. FTP, identify this secretary of state under Eisenhower and namesake of a Washington D.C. airport.;;(John) (Foster) Dulles Astronomy;;The empirical discovery of the Phillips relation allowed for the use of these astronomical phenomena as standard candles by correlating their intrinsic luminosity to the rate at which they grow fainter over time. They were formerly characterized by the presence of hydrogen spectral lines, which their counterparts do not exhibit. FTP, name these objects, the result of thermonuclear runaway converting an entire white dwarf into iron, the most famous example of which might be 1987A.;;Type I(a) Supernova(e);;Supernova(e) Literature;;In an odd excursus in this novel, the protagonist tells the tale of Flitcraft, who left his family in Seattle and became a bigamist in Spokane. The title object was made on the order of Villiers de L’isle d’Adam and was most recently in the possession of the Russian Kemidov. This is all related by the gloriously fat Caspar Gutman, who had employed the homosexual Joel Cairo and the deceiving Brigid O’Shaughnessey to recover it for him. FTP, name this novel that begins and ends in the office of Sam Spade, a work by Dashiell Hammett.;;(The) Maltese Falcon World History;;The first ended with one side suing for peace after a humiliating defeat at Majuba Hill. The second included the famous "black week," in the first year of fighting and saw decisive action on all three fronts, particularly at Colenso and Stormberg. That second was blamed on the ambition of Alfred Milner and Joseph Chamberlain and saw notable sieges at Kimberley and Mafeking. FTP, name these two wars, the latter of which ended in 1902 at Vereeniging and began with British attacks on the Transvaal.;;Boer (Wars) Physics;;A laser is used in the type of spectroscopy that results from this effect because the scattering intensity is low. In this effect, Rayleigh radiation is the component of scattered radiation in the forward direction of a beam of light passing through a transparent medium with the same frequency as the incident beam. Stokes radiation results from lower-frequency scattering, and anti-Stokes radiation results from higher-frequency scattering. FTP, identify this effect which explains the scattering of light, elucidated in 1928 by an Indian physicist.;;Raman (effect) Literature;;He included Francis Furini, Christopher Smart, and Bernard de Mandeville among the "certain people of importance in their day" with whom he wrote a series of poetic "parleyings". "Bad Dreams" and "Inapprehensiveness" appeared in his last volume, Asolando, which was published on the day of his death in 1889. His early works include the long poems Paracelsus and Sordello, but he is better known for dramatic monologues like "Soliloquy in a Spanish Cloister" and the massive ­The Ring and the Book FTP, name this poet of "Rabbi Ben Ezra" and "My Last Duchess".;;(Robert) Browning Miscellaneous;;It is the real surname of James Fenimore Cooper’s The Red Rover. A character of this name shares a drink with Medbourne, Gascoigne, Colonel Killigrew, and the Widow Wycherly in a story by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A thinker of this name wrote the essays "On the Origin of the Work of Art" and "What Is Metaphysics"? FTP, give the name shared by a character whose experiment involves the Fountain of Youth and the philosopher who wrote Being and Time.;;(Captain|Doctor|Martin) Heidegger Music;;Its final stanza is hurled out in E flat major, over a concluding fortissimo in the orchestra supplemented by organ, deep bells, and ten horns. After its introduction, the composer felt it necessary to call for a five-minute pause before the start of the second movement, a minuet. The following movement is based on a setting of the song "St. Anthony of Padua’s Sermon to the Fish," but it is the final movement, which is characterized by the chorus intoning the command "Arise," that gives this work its name. FTP, name this symphony based on a Friedrich Klopstock ode and composed by Gustav Mahler.;;Resurrection (Symphony)|(Mahler'(s)) Symphony (No(.)|#|Number) 2 (in C Minor) Literature;;He left the novel Answered Prayers incomplete at his death, and his last finished work was the novel Music for Chameleons. The two most important themes in his works were homosexuality and the lost child, as demonstrated by his collections A Tree of Night and Other Stories and One Christmas. However, he is better remembered for the journalistic style of his longer fiction works, such as The Grass Harp and The Thanksgiving Visitor. FTP, identify this American author of Other Voices, Other Rooms who chronicled the adventures of Holly Golightly in his Breakfast at Tiffany’s.;;(Truman) Capote Literature;;Its minor characters include Mr. Fabry, Dr. Hallemeier, and Harry Domin. It opens with Sulla taking dictation for the company's general manager, but Marius interrupts them to introduce Helena, who becomes the object of several men’s affections. Ten years later, the "Amelia" arrives at the island with threatening leaflets, and no more humans are being born. During Act III, Busman dies on an electrified railing, and all the people on the island are eventually killed except Alquist, who refuses to shoot at the insurgents. Alquist insists to his captors that he cannot make more entities like them in, FTP, what play by Karel Capek.;;R(.)(ossum's) U(.)(niversal) R(.)(obots) Earth Science;;Their back ends are comprised of cliffs called headwalls, which ideally are semicircular, but this phenomenon only occurs when these formations are cut into flat plateaus. They form from summertime erosion beneath a large crevasse called a bergschrund [BURG-SHRUND] which separates the stationary from moving ice. The resulting avalanches scour a concave floor and are incorporated into the glacier, producing a bowl-shaped depression. When the ice melts, water often remains, forming a mountain lake called a tarn inside. FTP, name these amphitheatre-shaped basins found at the head of a glacial valley.;;cirque Geography;;It became a territorial capital on 25 November 1861, three years after its founding on the site of Eagle Station, and just over a century later it was consolidated with surrounding Ormsby County to form one governmental unit. The branch mint established there in 1870 was the only one in U.S. history to strike coins with two letters in its mark, and marked the shortest service of any U.S. mint at 23 years. Helped by the Virginia and Truckee Railroad, that mint converted much of the Comstock Lode's deposit into coins. The namesake of a famous frontiersman and scout for explorer John C. Frémont, FTP identify this capital of Nevada.;;Carson City Music;;In Act Three of this work, a female character sings a song about the king of Thule, but her mind keeps straying back to the title figure. Siebel is finally able to leave unwilted flowers at her door by dipping his hands in holy water, but the woman barely notices them next to the box of baubles left by another, at which point she sings the Jewel Song. In Act Four, the woman's brother Valentin challenges the title figure to a duel for impregnating his sister, but Valentin is of course no match for his opponent, who has a lot of help. In Act Five, the title character demands to see Marguerite on Walpurgis Night, and a band of angels prevents Mephistopheles from taking her to hell. FTP, name this opera about a man who makes a pact with the devil, a work by Charles Gounod.;;Faust Noncomputational Math;;It provides the only exception to the Heawood conjecture, as 6 colors are required to legally color its regions when the Franklin Graph is embedded on it. Its topology is equivalent to two cross-caps with coinciding boundaries, and one can cut it and produce either one or two Mobius strips. It is often thought of as the gluing of opposite ends of a rectangle while giving one pair a half-twist. It can be immersed in three-space, but an embedding of it requires four dimensions, as it must pass through itself without creating a hole. FTP, name this nonorientable, one-sided closed surface named for a German mathematician.;;Klein (bottle);;Franklin Graph Literature;;The first English work inspired by them was probably Anthony Barclay’s 1514 work of the same name. They feature Mopsus and Menalcas reflecting on the apotheosis of Daphnis in the fifth. Two boys, Chromis and Mnasyllos, encounter a hung-over Silenus in the sixth. The tenth can be read as an homage to Cornelius Gallus, while the second features Corydon. Meliboeus contrasts his poor fortune with that of the contented Tityrus in the first. And although it has often been read as a Christian allegory, it is much more likely that the fourth celebrates Antony and Octavian’s pact at Brindisium. FTP identify this series of pastoral poems the first notable achievement of Vergil.;;Bucolics|Eclogues World History;;Its origins can be traced to the Middle Ages, when it was arbitrarily applied and often commuted, but it was revived under Charles VII and made a permanent source of royal income. In the northern districts, it was levied on an individual basis, called the personnelle, and in the south it was collected on nonprivilieged land. As it was exempted for military service, the nobility who fought as well as the clergy were not subject to its levies, nor were the inhabitants of towns and cities, and so its burden fell largely on the landed peasantry. FTP, name this tax, a hated symbol of the ancien régime which was abolished during the French Revolution in 1789.;;taille Biology;;This process solves one of the problems which plants face on land: rubisco can bind oxygen as efficiently as carbon dioxide. In order to gain a higher concentration of CO2, plants assimilate CO2 at night when their stomata are open and use PEP carboxylase to fix CO2 into OAA, which is reduced to malate. For ten points, name this photosynthetic process that separates rubisco from O2 over time and which uses its namesake acid to do so, a process often confused with C4 photosynthesis.;;Crassulacean acid metabolism|CAM (photosynthesis) Miscellaneous;;This thinker was inspired to begin his career after reading the work of his Scottish contemporary Patrick Geddes. His articles for The New Yorker are collected in From the Ground Up and he famously argued that John Dewey was a prophet of dehumanization in his The Golden Day. This contrast between art and technology also animated his large study The Myth of the Machine. Other works include a study of architecture, Sticks and Stones, and art, The Brown Decades, but he is most well known for his four volume Renewal of Life series whose 1938 volume discusses the simultaneous growth of the urban landscape and modern culture. FTP identify this historian and sociologist who wrote The Culture of Cities.;;(Lewis) Mumford Religion/Mythology;;One betrayed her father King Nisus of Megara, but the more famous one, at least according to Ovid, was loved by a sea deity also known as Pontius. He importuned her to no avail until he appealed to Circe for help. Circe, herself lusting after Glaucus, plotted to get rid of her rival by poisoning the stream of the young nymph. FTP, name this unfortunate mythological heroine, who upon contact with the poison metamorphosed into a monster with twelve feet and six heads, destined to live on a cliff across from Charybdis and eat sailors unlucky enough to pass through the Straits of Messina.;;Scylla Literature;;The speaker notes that his "tumult"uous actions were driven by "a lonely impulse of delight," not by law or duty, or politicians or cheering crowds. In fact, he has little stake in the conflict around him--"Those that I fight I do not hate,/ Those that I guard I do not love". No possible ending to the conflict could bring his Kiltartan countrymen any more loss or any more happiness than they already enjoy. And so, he concludes that his future holds little of value. FTP, name this poem by William Butler Yeats about an aviator who "know[s] that [he] shall meet [his] fate/Somewhere among the clouds above".;;(An) Irish Airman Foresees His Death United States History;;Some of the slang terms for them include "blind pig" and the Southern phrase "blind tiger" which were used after they became popular sites to exhibit animal curiosities. Though often regarded as retail outlets, they also specialized in home deliveries, and in large cities, they sometimes sold food and offered live bands and floor shows. The business of running them was lucrative, and despite the government's tendency to raid them, owners managed to bribe officials away. FTP, identify these establishments named for the way in which one would whisper through a small barred window to gain access to alcoholic beverages during Prohibition.;;speakeas(y|ies){1}? Philosophy;;"The Immediate Erotic Stages or the Musical Erotic," "The Validity of Marriage," "Diapsalmata," "Crop Rotation," and "Shadowgraphs," are included in this study whose first volume identifies its title term as the "aesthetic" phase of existence, while the second volume and corresponding title word refers to the "ethical" phase of existence. These antagonistic phases are in turn superseded by the final or "religious" mode, based on man’s decision to enter into a personal relation with God. FTP, identify this 1843 masterpiece best known for the section, "The Seducer’s Diary," the first major work of Soren Kierkegaard?;;Either (/) Or Physics;;They can be used to catalyze room temperature fusion, but their instability causes the process to fall far short of the break-even energy. Soon after their discovery, they were shown not to be Yukawa's pion, as negative ones were captured in "atomic-like" orbits around nuclei and were not quickly absorbed into these nuclei. Though they have a rest-frame lifetime of about 2.2 microseconds, the effects of special relativity increase this time greatly in Earth's frame, and they are the most numerous energetic charged particles at sea level. Discovered by Neddermeyer and Anderson, this is, FTP, what lepton with a mass roughly 207 times that of an electron?;;muon(s)|mu (lepton|particle){1}?(s) Religion/Mythology;;He believed that artists should not attempt to create images of God or Christ, because these limit the infinite beauty of the divine. Closely supported by Eduard Thurneysen, this man wrote No! in response to Emil Brunner’s "Nature and Grace" and worked with Heinrich Scholz on a celebrated study of Anselm. His dialectical theology or "theology of the word" brought him into conflict with the paganism of National Socialism and formed the framework for the Barmen Declaration of the Confessing Church, which he helped to found in Germany in 1934. Author of The Epistle to the Romans and The Word of God and the Word of Man, FTP name this Swiss theologian whose masterwork was the four-volume Church Dogmatics?;;(Karl) Barth Literature;;In "Stratford-Upon-Avon," the narrator visits the remote burial site of Shakespeare. The series of stories including "Christmas," "Christmas Eve," "Christmas Day," and "The Christmas Dinner," concern the Bracebridge family, whose name also graces this collection’s sequel: Bracebridge Hall. In "The Spectre Bridegroom," the castle of Baron Von Landshort is the setting for a ghost story. However, the collection is best remembered for another ghost story set in New York and a man who takes a very long nap. FTP name this short story collection by Washington Irving that includes "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".;;(The) Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon(,) (Gent(.)(leman));;(The) Sketch Book Art;;He created work illustrating the life of the saint Filippo Benizzi for the order of the Servites, in addition to the "Nativity of the Virgin" and the "Procession of the Magi". After a Pieta and a Madonna of his were sent to the French court, Francis I invited him to Paris. On his return to Paris, he created "Dance of the Daughter of Herodias" and "Beheading of the Baptist," as part of a series of works depicting the life of John the Baptist. The teacher of Pontormo his "Madonna del Sacco was painted in the shape of a lunette, but he is probably more famous for a different Madonna who is perched precariously on a stool. Nicknamed "the faultless painter," this is, FTP, what creator of "Madonna of the Harpies"?;;(Andrea) (del) Sarto|(Andrea) d'Agnolo World History;;Until the end of the nineteenth century, this figure whose name means "the one that comes in peace" was regarded as mythological. Now, he is believed to be the author of the Edwin Smith Papyrus, a collection of writings including 90 anatomical terms and 48 injuries which may explain his later identification with Asclepius. Though his life seems to have lasted until the reign of Huni, last of the third dynasty, he is best remembered for a feat completed for his principal king Zoser under the title of "chief sculptor". The world's first named architect, FTP, name this creator of the six-stepped mastaba, the earliest known pyramid in Egypt.;;Imhotep Literature;;Lesser known works include The Judgment of Paris and Dark Green, Bright Red. Those novels along with the plays The Best Man and Visit to a Small Planet were written during an era his memoir Palimpsest describes as his years of "piracy". A lifelong interest in politics inherited from his maternal grandfather manifested itself in two separate runs for Congress and his recent essay collection Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace continues that tradition. While personal experiences suffuse early work like Williwaw, In a Yellow Wood, and The City and the Pillar, he is best known for his takes on historical personages as in Hollywood, Empire, and Julian. FTP identify this author of Burr, Lincoln, and Creation.;;(Eugene) (Luther) (Gore) Vidal Chemistry;;Its intramolecular form is called the Dieckmann cyclization and produces either five- or six-membered rings. Its crossed form, common in the biosynthesis of fatty acids, only takes place if one its reactants has no alpha-hydrogens. In its intermolecular form, it begins with an acid-base reaction between a formation of an ester enolate by an alkoxide base. The enolate acts as a nucleophile and attacks the carbonyl carbon of another ester molecule. The resulting tetrahedral intermediate collapses to give the final product, a beta-keto-ester. FTP, name this reaction, the ester analogue of the aldol condensation.;;Claisen (condensation) Miscellaneous;;In academics, this term can refer to funding through individual research grants, rather than a salary via an institution. A notorious bill concerning its illegality was opposed vigorously by George W. Bush in 2002, but as the bill's passage came during the midst of several corporate scandals--including Dick Cheney's ties to Enron--Bush signed the bill into law as the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act rather than risk a public relations disaster. FTP, identify this term that refers to dollars used to advance a campaign in a way which skirts the legal limits on how much money individuals or organizations can contribute to political campaigns.;;soft money World History;;They were divided into three types: those in the military commanded bodyguard and auxiliary units, and usually each legion included six of them. The second type usually collected tribute, distributed soldier's pay, and afer 168 BCE, formed a distinct order below the equestrian class. The most famous type, however, could invalidate acts of lower magistrates as well as consuls through their veto, and some, like the Gracchi brothers, championed social causes like land reform, although under the empire, their power was usurped by the emperor. FTP, name these Roman officials who presided over the plebian assembly and often agitated for plebian demands.;;tribune(s) Literature;;The speaker in this poem asserts that the "flow of human misery" was brought into the mind of Sophocles long ago when he heard on the Aegean the "grating roar of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, at their return, up the high strand". In the final stanza, the speaker asks that he and his lover be true to one another, for the seemingly rosy world "hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain". Containing the famous vision of an ebbing "Sea of Faith" in a description of the moonlit French coast and the cliffs of England, this is, FTP, what poem by Matthew Arnold?;;Dover Beach Miscellaneous;;Early on the story of the three arrows is presented, a moment that alludes to this film’s less well known source: the legend of Mori. It opens with a boar hunt that displays the extent of the protagonist's power. Kyoami (KYOH-ah-mee) and Tango remain loyal to the head of the house of Ichimonji (EE-chee-moan-jee), as does his youngest son Saburo, even after the main character renounces the title of "Great Lord". But as war starts breaking out across the land, he treacherous Lady Kaede (KAI-ee-day) marries Jiro after her husband Taro dies. Hidetora's foolish decision and subsequent downfall is the subject of, FTP, what 1985 film directed by Akira Kurosawa that was primarily based on Shakespeare's King Lear?;;Ran Literature;;He had little success writing drama, as both The Candidate and The Castle of Hearts were summarily dismissed, but his recollection of travels with Maxime du Camp in the volume Over Strand and Field along with his letters, especially those to Louise Colet, make for compelling reading. His final, unfinished, work focused on two bungling copy clerks named Bouvard and Pecouchet, while other characters include Madame Arnoux who haunts Frederic Moreau, and, in a famed short story, the wife of Herod. Renowned for his rewriting of sentences to search for "le mot juste". FTP identify this French novelist of The Temptation of St. Anthony, "Un Coeur Simple," and Madame Bovary.;;(Gustave) Flaubert Chemistry;;When mitochondria are damaged, this is released into the body of a cell, and its release from a cell is often indicative of apoptosis. Some molecules that perform analogous functions use azurin or ferredoxin, but its prosthetic group consists of a heme group with an iron ion inside. Attaching electrons to oxygen molecules before they are combined with hydrogen, this is, for 10 points, what molecule found near the end of the electron transport chain?;;cytochrome c (oxidase) World History;;In 1134, Alfonso the Warrior attempted to will this kingdom to the Templars and Hospitalers, but no one took him seriously. Its kings were vested by the Pope with the title "King of Sardinia" in the 1320’s, part of its expansion in the Mediterranean which included the acquisition of Sicily in 1282. It was established as an independent kingdom in 1135 by Ramiro I, the son of the King of Navarre, and in 1137 it was united with Barcelona and Catalonia. FTP, name this kingdom, which united with Castile to form modern Spain, and whose most famous resident may have been, Catherine, the first wife of Henry VIII.;;Aragon Economics;;The most pessimistic predictor of behavior in it is the Bertrand theory. The presence of strategic behavior makes actions in it significantly less predictable than in its two alternatives. In the Cournot theory, as more firms enter the market, lower prices and profits result, leading closer to pure competition. Cartels may form in, FTP, what type of market with substantial economies of scale, high entry barriers, and few firms?;;Oligopoly Literature;;After working in a Hong Kong Bank for some time, he began writing the "By the Way" column for the Globe before authoring the novels The Pothunters and The Gold Bat. Both of these works were set at "Wrykin," a college based on his alma mater Dulwich, and are commonly referred to as the "school novels". Another series of works, called the "Blandings novels," deal with Lord Emsworth. But his two most famous characters, the namesakes of another series, debuted in the short story "The Man with Two Left Feet". Novels like The Mating Season, Quick Service, and Service with a Smile all feature the antics of, FTP, what author’s comic combination: Bertie Wooster and his unflappable valet Jeeves.;;(Pelham) (Grenville) Wodehouse Physics;;The linear version of this effect occurs only in the n>1 states of the hydrogen atom, owing to the degeneracy of the 2p and 2s states in a pure Coulomb potential. The ground state of the hydrogen atom exhibits the quadratic version of this effect, as do alkali metal atoms because they approximate a one-electron atom. FTP, identify this analogue of the Zeeman Effect, in which applied electric fields cause spectral lines to split.;;Stark e(ffect) World History;;At one point it looked as if Sirocco would break through the wall set up by Augustino Barbarigo, who was deployed on the left near Capes Oxia Scrophia. Luckily, the Marquis of Santa Cruz’s forces stayed back in reserve. One side lay in wait after its success at Famagusta and was met with a four pronged force. Though Uluch Ali successfully split Andrea Doria’s slower galleys, he was undone by sheer numbers and had to retreat. Meanwhile the commander of Selim II’s invasion of the Gulf of Patras had been beheaded and without the leadership of Ali Pasha his men soon lost the desire to continue the battle. As Pius V had predicted, the forces of the Holy League, under Don John of Austria, defended the Venetian province of Cyprus, at FTP, what October 7th, 1571 naval battle.;;(Battle of) Lepanto Religion/Mythology;;Also known by the epithets Heramba, Vinayaka, and Ekadanta, this deity is celebrated at his namesake "Chaturthi" festivals. Usually represented with a snake running around his belly, he generally holds a goad, a noose, a rosary, and a pen, in his four hands. The latter symbolizes his role as scribe, as he was the first to write down the story of the Mahabharata. The destroyer of Pride, his lack of vanity is embodied by his humble mount, the rat. But he is best known for an anatomical peculiarity gained when either Sani or Shiva decapitated him. FTP identify this deity created out of the dirt of Parvati’s body, the Hindu remover of obstacles, who has an elephant’s head.;;Ganesh(a) Earth Science;;This type of mineral is found in sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock. A group of hydrous potassium, aluminum silicate minerals, there are 28 varieties, including glauconite, which, unlike the other varieties, usually appears as pelletlike grains. More common varieties include biotite and muscovite. FTP, identify these minerals most widely known for exhibiting perfect cleavage into flexible sheets and shares its name with a book of the Old Testament.;;mica Music;;His Variations on a theme of Corelli was released well after leaving his homeland for the U.S. where he twice turned down leadership of the Boston Symphony. His earlier output includes two Suites for two pianos, two elegiac trios for keyboard and strings, and a Vespers. His struggle with depression is evident and he actually dedicated his Second Symphony to his psychiatrist Nikolay Dahl. This occurred after his time studying with Alexander Solti and Nikolay Zverev in Moscow, and the writing of his opera Aleko. Other famous works by this Romantic composer include the choral symphony The Bells, the symphonic poem The Rock, and his Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini. FTP identify this 20th century composer best known for his third Piano Concerto No. 3 in D Minor and The Isle of the Dead.;;(Sergei) Rachmaninoff Literature;;It opens with some remarks on the theory of eternal return in which the author paints Nietzsche as a nihilist. In it, Franz, a university professor, hates his wife Marie-Claude and fears that his daughter may eventually end up just like her. He has an affair with an artist who has a fascination with mirrors named Sabina, and when Franz leaves his wife to move in with her, the latter leaves for Geneva and eventually ends up in America. The main characters are Tomas and Tereza, who live in Prague during the Prague Spring and who, in the end, die together in a car accident. FTP, identify this 1984 work the most famous novel of Milan Kundera.;;(The) Unbearable Lightness of Being Geography;;A 1975 constitutional crisis resulted from its bicameral parliamentary system, in which the Government is formed in the House of Representatives but the Senate can block supply, and from the fact that it is not a republic. After the Senate rejected Prime Minister Gough [GOFF] Whitlam’s budget, Whitlam was dismissed by the Queen’s representative, Governor-General John Kerr. FTP, what federation of 6 states and 2 territories, now led by Prime Minister John Howard, is the world’s 6th-largest country and smallest continent?;;Australia Literature;;The subplot, taken from Ariosto’s The Counterfeits, which involves a transformation into the character Cambio is compromised when Vincentio returns and is nearly arrested under Tranio’s orders. Though he pretends to be a music teacher to get close to Baptista’s younger daughter Hortensio becomes disenchanted with the situation and settles on a young Paduan Widow. All of these events are prefaced by a lord’s trick on the drunken country bumpkin Christopher Sly for whom the play is performed. FTP identify this work by Shakespeare that centers on Lucentio’s love for Bianca, which can only be consummated if his friend Petruchio can convince Katharina to wed.;;(The) Taming of the Shrew United States History;;He wrote novels like An Eye for an Eye and Farmington that reflected on his professional experiences, but the publications Prohibition Mania and Crime: Its Cause and Treatments seem more apropos. His clients included the Sweets, a black family from Detroit threatened with expulsion from an all-white neighborhood. Originally from Kinsman, Ohio, he nearly succeeded in buying the McNamara Brothers, who were accused of dynamiting the Los Angeles Times building, a new lease on life, but failed when they suddenly pleaded guilty. He did help "Big Bill" Haywood and also Eugene Debs. FTP identify this man most famous for his courtroom showdown with William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes Monkey Trial.;;(Clarence) Darrow Chemistry;;Its value is proportional to the Madelung constant, which is related to the crystal structure. Higher values tend to reflect lower solubilities, smaller radii, and higher charges. Directly immeasurable, this quantity, represented by U, can be calculated by an indirect process that uses Hess’s Law. FTP, identify this thermodynamic quantity, measured by the Born-Haber cycle, which is the amount of energy required to separate a crystal into its constituent gaseous ions.;;lattice energy Art;;This artist was inspired by Japanese woodcuts and would often compose whole works from a single block of wood. Landscapes like ­Couple on the Shore form part of later works like The Reinhardt Frieze. Various self-portraits depict him "with a burning cigarette," "with a bottle of wine," and "as the Night Wanderer". The deaths of family members when he was young had a profound influence on early paintings like The Sick Child which depicts his eldest sister. Loneliness is constantly present in his works, especially in the 22 paintings making up the Frieze of Life, in which even those pictures about love convey a hint of death. FTP, identify this artist who most poignantly expressed feelings about anxiety and isolation in 1893’s The Scream.;;(Edvard) Munch World History;;It was revoked by Louis XI 23 years after its promulgation, but it was periodically reasserted, and it exerted a profound influence on church authority and the progress of the Reformation. Reaffirmed in part by the Concordat of Bologna, it was based on the decisions of the Council of Basel. It claimed certain liberties for the Gallican Church, and asserted the supremacy of councils over the Pope. FTP, identify this document, issued in 1438 by French King Charles VII.;;Pragmatic Sanction (of Bourges) Philosophy;;The same year that he married Johana Rahn he published two anonymous political works, the more important of which was Contribution to the Correction of the Public’s Judgement Concerning the French Revolution, which argued that liberty was inextricable from being. He responded to Korberg on religion in his essay On the Grounds of our Belief in a Divine Government of the Universe. Later works by this man turned more introspective and include The Characteristics of the Present Age and The Vocation of Man. In Foundation of the Complete Theory of Knowledge he reacted to Kant, by extending his philosophy and emphasizing the ego. FTP, identify this philosopher, best known the patriotic Letters to the German Nation and his Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation.;;(Johann) (Gottlieb) Fichte Literature;;The action occurs in part because the mahout is twelve hours away, and in part because of the death of a cow, the destruction of a bamboo hut, and the raiding of a fruit stand. The narrator comments that he was hated by large numbers of people, because it was the only time in his life he was important enough to be hated; later he says that his life was one long struggle not to be laughed at, which is why he commits the title deed, "solely to avoid looking a fool". For 10 points, name this essay set in Moulmein and written by George Orwell.;;Shooting an Elephant World History;;Succeeding Ignacio Comonfort, while in exile from the ruling government between 1853 and 1855, he lived in New Orleans, but returned when Santa Anna was overthrown for the final time. Born to impoverished Zapotec parents, he earned a law degree and was governor of his native state of Oaxaca between 1847 and 1852, he is most noted for curtailing the power of the Catholic church and leading the resistance to the French-supported emperor Maximilian. FTP, name this president of Mexico from 1861 to 1863 and 1867 and 1872.;;(Benito) Juarez Literature;;Her Collected Poems that she published four years before her death left out many poems and cut many more down to a fraction of their original length. Born in Saint Louis in 1887 and a graduate of Bryn Mawr, collections of her poems include Like a Bulwark and The Arctic Ox. Her poems display her insistence on lexical precision as well as her interests in the zoo and the Brooklyn Dodgers. FTP, name this American poet, associated with the imagists and author of The Pangolin and Other Verse and O, To be a Dragon.;;(Marianne) Moore Music;;In 1874, this composer became totally deaf, possibly as a result of having contracted syphilis, and this is referred to in his 1st String Quartet "From My Life". However, many of his best works were written in the years leading up to his death in an asylum in 1884, including cycle of symphonic poems containing such pieces as Tabor, Visehrad, and The Moldau, collectively known as Ma Vlast or My Fatherland. For ten points, name this first important Bohemian nationalist composer, best known for his opera The Bartered Bride.;;(Bedrich) Smetana World History;;After studyng law at Westminster this man became esquire to the Earl of Arundel. But it was a rivalry with his neighbor Reynold, Lord Grey of Ruthin, that sparked off what would become his lasting legacy. In 1402 he captured Lord Grey and Edmund Mortimer who then joined his insurrection. His coalition with Henry Percy ended at the battle of Shrewsbury, yet this man went on to triumph at Harlech and continued to call himself Prince of Wales, even entering into a treaty with Charles VI of France before the effort was snuffed out. FTP name this fifteenth century Welsh nobleman who sought independence for his country and who was featured in the plays Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2.;;(Owen) Glendower Biology;;First described as a disease in the late 1930s, it is the most common genetic disease amongst people of European ancestry, with approximately one in twenty-five carrying one normal gene and one causing it. In its most common form, a single amino acid mutation results in abnormal production of a protein responsible for transporting chloride ions across epithelial tissue, resulting in a buildup of a viscous mucus in the lungs. For ten points, name this autosomal recessive disorder.;;C(ystic) F(ibrosis) Psychology;;He worked with his father in law Dr. Balbiani on the tension between free will and determinism and the psychology of the Law. His first book, The Psychology of Reasoning, was followed by Animal Magnetism, which stressed the hypnotic techniques of his then teacher: Jean-Martin Charcot. But it was the tracking of his daughters Alice and Madeleine’s development that became the genesis for his most famed contribution, one that was later appended by Herring and Kuhlmann. In later work like Mentally Defective Children he discussed the scales he and Theodore Simon had developed to measure mental capacity. FTP identify this psychologist who founded the journal Annee psychologique and whose eponymous intelligence test lives on in the "Stanford" version.;;(Alfred) Binet Literature;;Written for the 317 B.C. Lenean festival, for which it won first place, it is the least fragmented of the author's known works. The daughter of the title figure, remains with him, despite her mother's flight to the house of Gorgias, her son by her first husband. The god Pan is responsible for the meeting of Myrrhine and Sostratos, who are eventually married. For ten points, name this play, about Knemon, the cantankerous title figure in this most famous work by Menander.;;(The) Grouch|Dyskolos World History;;His time in office saw the promotion of a protectionist policy that was known as the "National Plan," it also saw corruption, as the Pacific Railroad scandal broke in 1873, forcing him to resign for five years. As a lawyer early in his career, he had earned the esteem of many for his defense of American raiders in the Rebellions of 1837. Elected alderman of the city of Kingston, the following year he and political allies like Etienne Cartier and George Brown accepted the Conservative party’s nomination for a seat on the Legislative Assembly. Finally in 1857 he gained the highest office in the land. For ten points, name this politician who, following the Act of Dominion, became the first Prime Minister of Canada.;;(John) (Alexander) MacDonald Physics;;At the quantum level a form of this law is maintained in Ehrenfest's theorem, fortunate for the correspondence principle. Taken with another law it implies the law of conservation of momentum, and along with the law of universal gravitation it yields Kepler's results on planetary motion. For ten points, name this law of classical mechanics which states that the time derivative of momentum is equal to the net force applied to the body.;;Newton'(s) (Second|2nd){1}? law (of motion) Philosophy;;The end of his career was spent as a legate of Pope Urban IV preaching throughout Bavaria, and advocating the Eighth Crusade. A fervent opponent of Siger de Brabant and the Averroists, he wrote numerous treatises on the natural world including "De Vegetabilibus". Ulrich of Strasbourg continued his Neoplatonic works, though others like his Summa de Creaturis remained unfinished. His principal works on theology are commentaries on Lombard’s Books of the Sentences, and Dante placed him in the circle amongst the great lovers of wisdom with his most famous pupil, Saint Thomas Aquinas. A member of the Dominican order, for ten points, name this medieval philosopher whose broad knowledge earned him the moniker Doctor Universalis.;;Albertus Magnus|(Saint|St(.)) Albert (the Great|of Cologne){1}? Literature;;Many critics contrast the pensive lyricism of works like "The Walk" and "Life and the Ideal" to the more accessible "The Glove" and "The Song of the Bell". After leaving the patronage of Christian Korner he published On Grace and Dignity and ­On the Aesthetic Education in Man in the periodical Die Horen. Better known for works like Fiesco and Demetrius, it is his two famed Histories, one on the revolt of the Netherlands, the other on the Thirty Year’s War, that supplied the subject for his greatest works. This writer of "The Gods of Greece" and "The Artists" found fame with plays like Don Carlos, Cabal and Love, and Mary Stuart. FTP name this man, Goethe’s friend, most famous for The Robbers and Wallenstein.;;(Johann) (Christoph) (Friedrich) (von) Schiller United States History;;Along with his secretary of the navy William Chandler he recommended appropriations to improve the U.S. fleet and it was during his presidency that the coaling station at Pearl Harbor was acquired. He won the Lizzie Jennings case resulting in New York forbidding segregation on public transport. This one time Director of the New York City Customhouse vetoed a bill excluding Chinese immigration for 20 years, but signed the Chinese Exclusion Act that banned them for 10 years. Expected to be a defender of the Stalwarts, for 10 points, name this president who disappointed Conkling by signing the Pendleton Civil Service Act after the assassination of his predecessor James Garfield.;;(Chester) (Alan) Arthur Music;;While William Baker and August Jaeger are represented in this work, the composer dedicated the last one to himself, writing "E.D.U". next to the name of the piece. The one preceding this lacks initials, but evidence indicates that it is perhaps written to Lady Mary Lygon or Helen Weaver, who was the composer’s fiancée before she moved to New Zealand. The fifth is dedicated to Richard Arnold, the son of Matthew Arnold, while the first is dedicated to the composer’s wife. For ten points, identify this set of compositions which are modifications to some well known tune, composed by Edward Elgar.;;(The) Enigma Variations|Variations on an Original Theme Religion/Mythology;;The start of their calendar, known in the Western world as A.M., for Anno Martyrum, is marked on the day of Diocletian’s ascension as Roman emperor, since he pursued them so mercilessly. Adherents must do missionary work in honor of their spiritual founder and today they number abut 6 million persons who follow the liturgy in its original tripartite form, which features the liturgies of Basil, Cyril, and Gregory. A key moment in their history was the Council of Chalcedon, which differentiated them from the Melchites, or Greek speaking Romans, because they speak Arabic. Orthodox adherents to this religion see the arrival of St. Mark in Alexandria as the foundation of their church. FTP, identify this Monophysite Christian group found in Egypt.;;Copt(s)|Coptic (Church) Literature;;Though his elaborate attempt at breeding civet cats for profit failed miserably, his interest in economic improvement can be seen in early works like An Essay Upon Projects. His column the "Scandal Club" appeared in the newspaper he founded, The Review, at around the same time that he worked on stories like The Apparition of One Mrs. Veal. His mock-Pindaric ode Hymn to the Pillory was composed after he was imprisoned for the first time in response to his pamphlet The Shortest Way with Dissenters. But he didn’t publish his best-known works until he was sixty; this included novels like Duncan Campbell, Captain Singleton, and A Journal of the Plague Year. FTP identify this sometime spy whose most famous works include Roxana, Moll Flanders, and Robinson Crusoe.;;(Daniel) Defoe Chemistry;;Reduction by sodium amalgam converts it to isopropyl alcohol, and oxidation by chromic acid yields carbon dioxide and acetic acid. Naturally resulting as a product of the breakdown of body fat, it is a ketone that is readily soluble in water, ethanol and ether, making it a valuable solvent. For ten points, name this chemical with formula CH3COCH3 that is the primary active ingredient in nail polish remover.;;acetone|dimethyl ketone|2-propanone|beta-ketopropane|The Secret Ingredient in Paul Litvak’s "Moose Slayer" Moonshine Geography;;One river with this name rises in the Pennines and flows through Sheffield to the River Ouse. The more famed one features an eastward bulging arc where the Tsimlyansk Reservoir begins. Once referred to by the Scythians as Tanaïs, it rises near Tula and from there it flows southeast to Voronezh, and at its easternmost point it comes near the Volga, which it is linked to via a canal. Its tributaries include the Sosna, the Chir, the Medveditsa, and the Ilovlya. The subject of a four-part work by Sholokov, the largest town along its coast is Rostov. For ten points, name this Russian river which empties into the Sea of Azov.;;Don (River) Literature;;It was originally published independently, but later became the first chapter of a novel published after its author’s death in 1924. It tells the story of a sixteen-year old boy has been sent to the United States by his family after he was seduced by and impregnated the housemaid. While looking for his lost umbrella, the protagonist meets a ship employee, and helps him make the case to the captain that he is being maltreated. By coincidence, Karl’s uncle, a rich New York Senator, is visiting the captain, and the titular ship employee is quickly forgotten in, FTP, what story and first chapter of Amerika by Franz Kafka?;;(The) Stoker;;Amerika World History;;Leading figures in their society included the eran spahbod, their military leader; and the mobadan mobad, the head of the priests that served as the main authority over the empire’s official form of Zoroastrianism. Before the fall of their final ruler Yadzagird III, they rose to prominence by conquering the Parthians and gaining territory from the Romans in a war that even saw the capture of emperor Valerian by Shahpur I. Finally falling 400 years later as a result of war with the Byzantines and the rise of Islam, FTP, what is this Persian dynasty with capital at Ctesiphon that ruled from 224 to 651 AD?;;Sassanid(s) Astronomy;;Astronomically it is regarded as the most unfortunate star in the sky, and its magnitude changes from 2.5 to 3.5 every two days, twenty hours and forty-nine minutes. An eclipsing binary star, its variations were first recorded by Montanari in 1670, but its odd behavior was observed earlier, its name meaning "demon star" in Arabic. For ten points, name this main sequence star whose technical name is Beta Persei.;;Algol;;Beta Persei Literature;;Works by this man, include Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven and the posthumous Europe and Elsewhere, in which he elaborates on the pessimistic ideas of later works like the essay "To the Person Sitting in Darkness". A critic of contemporary popular fiction, "The Stolen White Elephant"and Simon Wheeler, Detective lampooned the public’s interest in Alan Pinkerton’s novels. A Civil War deserter who tells his story in "The Private Campaign that Failed,"his creation of Colonel Sellers in an 1873 novel he co-wrote with Charles Dudley Warner named his era. But he first tasted literary success with an 1865 story about Jim Smiley and his hopping amphibian. FTP, name this author best known for works like Following the Equator, Life on the Mississippi, and The Prince and the Pauper.;;(Mark) Twain|(Samuel) (Langhorne) Clemens Art;;Pablo Picasso made a series of 58 variations on this painting, and it was only given its modern title in 1834, nearly two hundred years after it was painted. The scene takes place in a room decorated by large canvases, and a dog lies comfortably in the right foreground. In a doorway in the background, we see Jose Nieto, while in the foreground are two dwarves and the two figures mentioned in the title, Isabel Velasco and Agustina Sarmiento. FTP, a mirror showing the king and queen, and the artist himself standing near an easel are the two most famous features of what Velazquez masterpiece?;;Las Meninas|(The) Maids of Honor Religion/Mythology;;Following his death this son of Clymene fell into the river Eridanus, where he was found by water nymphs who mourned and buried him as their tears became amber. However, his death was too late, and his actions had already laid the path of the milky way and scorched the skin of the Ethiopians black. With a name meaning "the shining one," for ten points, name this child of Helios whose inability to control his father’s chariot resulted in Zeus having to strike him down with a thunderbolt.;;Phaethon|Phaeton United States History;;The citation of Boos v. Barry, which was decided a year before this case, held that "the most exacting scrutiny" must be applied to statutes that could allow government regulation of political expression, such the one in this case that dealt with the "desecration of venerated objects". The event prompting the case occurred at a Republican National Convention, where the defendant took part in a protest against the Reagan administration and Dallas corporations. FTP, name this 1989 Supreme Court decision declaring that the first amendment right to free expression protected flag-burning.;;(Texas) (v(.|ersus)) Johnson Music;;The first movement of this symphony segues into a calm theme in G minor, a contrast to its bombastic opening theme in the main key. The next two movements are a rustic dance marked as a scherzo and a two-themed piece whose tempo direction simply is "not slow". Its fourth movement, described as "Feierlich," or "solemn," was inspired by a visit to the cathedral at Cologne. Ending with a lively, folk-themed fifth movement and written in E flat major, FTP, what is this Robert Schumann symphony named for a German river?;;Rhenish (Symphony)|(Schumann'(s)) (3(rd)|Third){1}? (Symphony) Religion/Mythology;;He was made in order to prevent strife between the Aesir and Vanir, although he was very short-lived. The God of Knowledge, Inspiration, and Beet Juice, he was slain by the dwarves Fjalar and Galar. The dwarves fermented his blood into a powerful mead which was then stolen by the giant Gilling, only to have it stolen again by Odin. FTP, name this eloquent God fashioned from the spit of all the Vanir and Aesir.;;Kvasir World History;;Formerly a Duke of Brabant, he married Maria Henrietta, and his reign saw domestic conflict escalating as the Liberal and Catholic parties fought over issues of education and suffrage. A staunch believer in military force this monarch petitioned parliament to construct fortifications around Liege and Manur. But by the time he was succeeded by his nephew, Albert, his greatest project had been exposed as barbarous and exploitative. He financed Henry Stanley’s third expedition in 1879, that exploration combined with the discovery of wild rubber helped this ruler amass a great fortune. FTP, identify this infamous king of Belgium who was forced to relinquish the Congo Free State in 1908.;;(King) Leopold (II|the Second){1}?;;(King) Leopold Literature;;In this work, the prematurely gray-haired newspaperman Matthias Pardon considers seeking a "partnership" with the central character, though he is unable to locate her in the book’s concluding chapters. That protagonist’s father, Selah, always wears a ridiculous-looking raincoat and plies his trade as a mesmerist on her to give an impetus to her skills as a public speaker, which outshine those of Mrs. Farrinder at a party given by Miss Birdseye. FTP, name this novel in which the Mississippi lawyer Basil Ransom ends-up with Verena Tarrant and whose geographical title hints at Olive Chancellor’s queerness, a novel by Henry James.;;(The) Bostonians Geography;;It names a county in North Eastern Pennsylvania that includes the Stillwater and Quaker Lakes and features cities like Montrose. The river by this name, which means "mud river"includes tributaries like the Chemung, Juniata, and Lackawanna rivers. Rising in Otsego Lake in New York, this river is dammed at Holtwood and York Haven, and it drains into the Chesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace,Maryland. FTP identify this river which also names a tribe of Iroquoian Indians and whose "sources" form the subtitle of Cooper’s The Pioneers.;;Susquehanna (river) Art;;Its lobby ceiling is spanned by Energy, Result, Workmanship, and Transportation, a mural by Edward Turnbull that celebrates intercontinental aviation and modern construction. Liquor lockers coded with hieroglyphics reflected the Egyptian motif of its Cloud Club, and Margaret Bourke-White used her studio on its 61st floor to pose on top of one of its stainless steel eagle gargoyles. The design of its crown incorporates a radiating stack of seven parabolic curves and triangular windows, and epitomizes the art deco aesthetic. FTP, what William Van Alen-designed building reigned as both New York’s and the world’s tallest from its 1930 opening until the Empire State Building exceeded it the following year?;;Chrysler (Building) Chemistry;;It is caused by strange orbital angular geometries, which makes their electrons poor at schielding the charge of the nucleus and increases effective nuclear charge at a rate much higher than the general trend. It explains a number of unexpected properties of certain elements, such as why molybdenum and tugsten have nearly the same atomic radius despite tungsten's having 32 more electrons, and also the extreme physical and chemical similarity of many of its namesake elements, which include the bunch discovered in Ytterby, Sweden. FTP, name this effect caused by the properties of f orbitals, and named for a group of elements starting with element 57.;;lanthanide contraction World History;;Around 130 B.C. it became part of the Kushan empire. One satrap of this ancient country, Bessus, briefly tried to organize resistance to Alexander the Great after the defeat of Darius III, and it was later under the rule of Perdiccas and Antigonus. After becoming a kingdom, its rulers included Eucratides and Euthydemus, but Greek rule was later challenged by the Indo-Scythians and the Tochari. FTP, name this kingdom founded around 250 BC when the Seleucid satrap Diodotus conquered Sogdiana and made himself an independent ruler, and which also lends its name with a certain type of camel.;;Bactria Philosophy;;In the preface to this work, posted "Sils-Maria, Upper Engadine, July, 1877," the author claims that only the cow’s skill of rumination can render his books "readable". It is divided into three essays, the second and third of which discuss the operation of the central concept in "Guilt" and "Ascetic Ideals" respectively. The "blond beast" appears for the first time in section eleven of the first essay, ‘"Good and Evil," while in "Good and Bad,"’ the contrast between sets of opposite concepts is explained by ressentiment and is equivalent to that between slave and master incarnations of the title concept. FTP, name this work of philosophy subtitled "A Polemic" in which Friedrich Nietzsche developed a critical method for analyzing a Christian set of standards.;;(On the) Genealogy of Morals(:) (A Polemic)|(Zur) Genealogie der Moral(:) (Eine Streitschrift) Literature;;The daughter of an internationally renowned archaeologist, she worked for an electrical engineering firm for ten years before turning to writing. Later works include Men, Women, and Places and The Faithful Wife, and she published The Wild Orchid and The Burning Bush after her conversion to Roman Catholicism, and her continuing interest in the "immoral love" of women resulted in both Jenny and Images in a Mirror. But she may be best-known for investigating medieval Nordic themes and her long historical novels, including Olav Audusson and a long work with three parts entitled The Garland, The Mistress of Husaby, and The Cross, respectively. FTP, name this creator of Kristin Lavransdatter.;;(Sigrid) Undset Chemistry;;The surface-stabilized ferroelectric type is widely used in applications today because of its microsecond response times, and the cholesteric type is still used for devices which allow slower optical response.  Molecules of this type of material are usually rod-shaped.  In the nematic phase, the molecules are aligned but have no translational order, while the smectic phase includes some level of translational order.  Having a level of order between that of a random fluid and an ordered solid, FTP, name this class of materials widely used in computer and calculator displays, and often abbreviated LC.;;liquid crystal Music;;First performed by the Ballet Caravan in Chicago in 1938, it was turned into a concert suite two years later. Lincoln Kirstein paired the choreographer Eugene Loring with its composer and the result was this work that opens with a vivid sonic depiction of prairie life followed by a processional and into the first movement "Street in a Frontier Town". The rest of the the title figure’s tale is told using cowboy tunes like "The Old Chisholm Trail,," "Trouble for the Range Cook," and "The Dying Cowboy," the last of which is played during the scene at Fort Summers when Pat Garett shoots him. FTP identify this work based on Burn’s saga of William Bonney, a ballet by Aaron Copland.;;Billy the Kid World History;;This exponent of the Six Arrows was sent to Samsun following the Greek occupation of Izmir, at which time he organized the Association for the Defense of the Rights that would precipitately bring him to political power. Two years later, this redoubtable commander lead forces that decisively crushed the Greeks at the Battle of the Sakarya, which effectively ended their incursion into his homeland, and shortly after which he had the position of Mehmed VI abolished. FTP name the military and political leader, head of the Republican People’s Party and founder of the modern state of Turkey.;;(Kemal) Atat(ü|u){1}?rk |(Mustafa) Kemal (Pasa) Religion/Mythology;;In one myth this deity laid the egg that would become the world and his association with the equinoxes led to his epithet as the god of balance. His center of worship was at Khmunu and one of his wives, Seshat, was the inventor of writing. He carried the eye of Ra in his role as messenger, but is better known for weighing the hearts of the deceased in his role as judge of the dead. Often depicted as a baboon, he hid Horus from Set after the latter killed Osiris and returned Tefnut to Ra’s fold. FTP name this Egyptian god of scribes, wisdom, and the moon, most commonly depicted with the head of an ibis.;;Thoth Literature;;One of the servants, Bia, says nothing, while the other, Kratus insists that the title character is guilty and must be punished. In this drama, Io describes how she was turned into a cow and guarded by Argos, but his death resulted into a gadfly constantly chasing her, and she describes her torture as a yoke, a recurring symbol. Angered by her suffering, the title character claims that Zeus' son will eventually topple him, as Zeus is nothing but an idiotic tyrant who has ordered Hephaestus to imprison of the title character for the crime of giving fire to man. FTP, name this play about a certain Titan, written by Aeschylus.;;Prometheus Bound Biology;;Cholera toxin irreversibly adds an ADP-ribosyl group to the alpha subunit of these, essentially causing permanent activation. The proteins that couple to them contain seven membrane spanning helical regions, with loops between the helices that extend into the cytosol and interact with them. Examples of such coupled receptors include rhodopsins and beta-adrenergic receptors. When activated, the alpha subunit separates and activates adenylyl cyclase, causing production of the second messenger cyclic AMP. FTP, what are these trimeric proteins important in signal transduction, named for their use of GDP and GTP as molecular regulators?;;G protein(s)|guanine nucleotide binding protein United States History;;After graduating from Brown University, he worked as an editorial writer for the New York Tribune after practicing law in Springfield, Illinois. Later in life, he collaborated with his friend John Nicolay on the publication of Abraham Lincoln: A History, describing the man for whom he worked as private secretary. His literary talent resulted in his novel The Bread-Winners and The Pike-County Ballads and Other Pieces, but this politician may be best-known for his negotiation of the 1898 Treaty of Paris and for several namesake treaties with Herran, Bunau-Varilla, and Pauncefote which opened up the Panama Canal. FTP, name this major proponent of the Open Door policy and secretary of state under McKinley and Roosevelt.;;(John) (Milton) Hay Religion/Mythology;;Some of the early members of this set of works, including the Khandogya and Brihad, belong to the Brahmanas of their base works, while many others contain the doctrine of neti-neti as propounded by Yajnavalkya. The fundamental objective of these speculative works is, generally, the ultimate synthesis of atman and Brahman, which several claim to accomplish. The source of the Vedanta, FTP, name this set of approximately one hundred commentaries on the Vedas, the name of which may imply sitting near the feet of a master.;;Upanis(h)ad(s) Miscellaneous;;His biographical studies of Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris were written before such works as Earth Hunger and other Essays and "The Conquest of the United States by Spain," an anti-imperialistic work published in the Yale Law Journal. His first major sociological work 1873’s "The Causes of the Farmer’s Discontent" was echoed by his later works arguing against social reform because it harmed the middle class or "forgotten man".His laissez faire approach to economics was expressed in What Social Classes Owe to Each Other and Protectionism, but he is most famous for his 1907 work about the instinctual origins of modern customs and morals. FTP identify this American thinker best known for The Science of Society and Folkways.;;(William) (Graham) Sumner Biology;;In Britain, it is referred to as its namesake's "chorea," referring to the most notable outward symptom of this disease. Onset is strongly correlated with the number of repeats of a sequence on chromosome 4, with a larger number equaling an earlier onset. An autosomal dominant disorder, the gene causing it has persisted in the human gene pool because symptoms usually do not until after the age of 30, and sometimes do not appear until after 50. Once onset occurs, however, the disease progresses quickly, causing personality changes, dementia, uncontrolled writhing before ending in death. FTP, what is this degenerative genetic disorder?;;Huntington'(s) (disease) Literature;;He attended the International Labor Organization in Geneva for his country before turning to writing. More recent works include The Crystal Frontier, Voluptuario, and The Orange Tree. His first short story collection, The Masked Days, was followed up by Constancia and Other Stories for Virgins. He gained little acclaim for his first novel When the Air is Clear, although Philip II's construction of El Escorial was the subject of a more famous work, Terra nostra, and he also wrote a fictionalized account of Ambrose Bierce’s last days in The Old Gringo. FTP, name this noted Marxist and author of The Death of Artemio Cruz.;;(Carlos) Fuentes World History;;One man by this name and numerical designation founded the Patarine party, which opposed the marriage of priests, and was elected pope after serving as Bishop of Lucca until 1061. Another man married Henry III’s sister Joan and signed the Treaty of York in 1237 after succeeding his father William I as King of Scotland in 1214. Another personage with this name took advice from his minister, Pyotr Shuvalov, throughout his reign, and was honored for his defeat of the Turks with a statue in the middle of Sofia; he also signed the 1856 Treaty of Paris and put down a Polish insurrection. FTP identify this common name and number which most famously identifies the Russian czar who freed the serfs in 1861 and was assassinated by the People’s Will in 1881.;;Alexander (II|the Second){1}? Art;;Though this man incessantly painted his associates, including Leopold Zborowski and Beatrice Hastings, he only thought to paint himself once. In that self-portrait, we see the artist at work in a red shirt and blue scarf, with his characteristic blacking-out of the eyes evident. Under the tutelage of Brancusi, this man gained the African sculptural stylings visible in his series of stone head sculptures, which expose his characteristic elongation of the human figure. FTP, name the artist who created such works as "Reclining Nude from the Back" and "Yellow Sweater" and whose very pregnant lover, Jeanne Hébuterne, committed suicide by defenestration the day after his 1920 death from tubercular meningitis.;;(Amedeo) (Dedo) Modigliani World History;;They developed Africa's only indigenous written script, Ge'ez, which has evolved into modern Amharic script, and the first coinage used in sub-Saharan Africa. Key cities included Yeha, Mantara, and its port of Adulis on the Red Sea, and their namesake capital, which covered 75 hectares during this kingdom’s height. Notable for constructing enormous stone monoliths over the graves of their leaders, they appear to have discontinued this practice in the fourth century CE, possibly as a result of their conversion to Christianity. FTP, name this civilization of the Ethiopian plateau.;;Aksum|Axum Literature;;The character of the manservant Du Bois enhances the farcical nature of the play, who, in his attempt to speak to his master, says virtually nothing. A poet wishes to make friends, but instead alienates the title character, who tells his good friend Philinte to stop flattering Oronte. The suitors Acaste and Clitandre vie for the love of the ward of Arsinoe, who accuses the title character's love interest of flirtatiousness. The intelligent Eliante's interest turns to Philinte, who tells the title character not to isolate himself after Celimene refuses to commit to him. FTP, name this Moliere play about Alceste, a guy who really hates people.;;(The) Misanthrope World History;;The son of either Ikunum or Laibum, his humble origins included his service as cup-bearer to Zababa. His intervention in a merchant’s dispute in Pur-sha-handa brought him to the height of his career, which included an invasion of Cyprus. Kassala and Subartu fell to him after his victory at the Battle of Nippur, leading him to become the first ruler of his people to govern a multi-ethnic state, which included the Elamites, whose capitol city of Susa he burned. FTP, name this successor of Lugal-za-gesir who established the world’s first historical empire in Mesopotamia.;;Sargon (I|the First|of Akkad){1}?;;Sargon Music;;It appears between settings of the Rellstab poems On the River and Autumn as catalogued by Deutsch after its discovery by Schumann following its composer’s death. A French horn solo introduces an allegro ma non troppo dance passage in its first movement, followed by an oboe-dominated andante con moto and a cello-dependent scherzo. The violin triplet supported fanfare of its finale features four blows identified as the composer’s knocking on the gates of heaven. FTP, name this work in C Major, the first complete symphony of the Romantic era, completed after the "Unfinished" symphony, and nicknamed "The Great".;;Schubert'(s) (9th|Ninth){1}? (Symphony);;(Schubert'(s)) (The) Great (Symphony) Chemistry;;Møller-Plesset Theory calculates their Hamiltonian as the sum of their Hartree-Fock operators and a perturbation, while for simple substances correcting for deviations from the Born-Oppenheimer approximation yields an accurate wave-function. Same-spin electrons within them experience the Pauli repulsion, and the magnetic nature of a substance may be determined via bond order, or half the difference in the number of their bonding and antibonding electrons, which are placed in separate energy levels in accordance with Hund’s Rules. FTP, what are these orbitals in which motion of electrons about two or more nuclei are described, the namesake of a theory of bonding?;;molecular orbital(s);;orbital(s) Religion/Mythology;;The Account of the Elder Tissa states that one of these was once created via reaction to the foulness of a woman’s teeth. The name of the Pindola-Bharadvaja usually begins lists of these entities that practice the inactive formless-sphere absorptions and lead the migration to the Great Western Paradise. The Sotapanna, Sakadagami and Anagami stages must be completed prior to this form’s attainment in Theravada, in which the process of becoming one leaves the Sravakas without leadership since Samsara ceases, leading Mahayanists to consider them selfish. FTP, who are these beings who have achieved Nirvana?;;arhat(s)|arahant(s)|ogu(s) Literature;;This writer composed burlesques like "Slender’s Journey" and the collaboration "Father Bombo’s Pilgrimage" after learning to debate with the Cliosophic Society at Princeton, though his Neoclassical poems like "Song of Thyrsis" and his first original poem "Pictures of Columbus" found more success. Works from his Caribbean period include "The Beauty of Santa Cruz" and his best poem "The House of Night," but he is better known for patriotic verses like "General Gage’s Confession". FTP, name this "poet of the American Revolution" who wrote "The British Prison Ship" and "The Indian Burial Ground".;;(Philip) Freneau World History;;Kett’s Rebellion was primarily a revolt against this practice. It was the major domestic achievement of Gustavus IV Adolphus, who implemented it after observing British success with its standardization by the Public General Act of 1801. Toynbee blames it for the depopulation of the East Midlands with migration to cities like Leeds and Birmingham after its acceleration due to the expansion of the 15th century Flemish wool trade. Begun in the 12th century, FTP, name this process, a precursor to the agricultural revolution, by which manorial rights were eliminated through consolidation of arable land into modern farm plots.;;(First|1st) enclosure (movement) Physics;;Its solution involved an illustration explaining the problems inherent in a simple harmonic oscillator that had dominant high frequencies even at low temperatures and low wavelengths. The man who solved it postulated the function f of nu over t equals the inverse of the quantity the exponential of energy divided by kT minus one, allowing a much more accurate fit than Wien’s function. Resulting from the v2 divergence at high frequencies of the Rayleigh-Jeans law for an idealized blackbody, FTP, what is this problem whose solution is the equation E = n-h-nu, whose resolution by Planck launched quantum mechanics?;;ultraviolet catastrophe Philosophy;;Among the critical papers it produced were Schacheter’s Prolegomena to a Critical Grammar and Otto Kant’s On the Biology of Ethics. Its tenets, including the use of Craig’s Theorem and the Ramsay Statement to eliminate theoretical observations, were exported to England by Alfred Ayer after the organization of the Prague and Konigsburg Congresses on epistemology with the help of Hans Reichenbach. Founded by Hans Hahn, Otto Neurath, and Philipp Frank in 1922, it sought the unification of science with the principle of verifiability. FTP, name this school of logical positivists led by Moritz Schlick and Rudolph Carnap.;;Wiener Kreis|Vienna Circle;;logical positivism Literature;;Tom Hazelow competes with Bill Downes in the night school featured in this novel run by the nemesis of Joshua Rann, in which the title character enrolls to the chagrin of the parson Irwine in order to impress Mary Burge. Luke Britton and Mr. Craig are among the suitors also spurned by his first love, who runs away after becoming pregnant, though she is captured after burying her baby alive, and must be saved by her seducer Arthur Donnithorne. Seth pines away after the title character announces he will marry Dinah Morris. FTP, name this novel featuring the love of a carpenter for the vain Hetty Sorrel, by George Eliot.;;Adam Bede Art;;Just prior to his death, a return to his pointillist roots is evident in his Ritratto del Maestro Busoni, which echoes early successes like The Modern Idol. He first gained fame as a painter with the series States of Mind and The Street Enters the House, but it was a technique developed under his mentor Medardo Rosso seen in his sculpture Antigraceful, which features his signature "lines of force," that brought him international fame. A student of Giacomo Balla, FTP, name this futurist best known for paintings like Riot in the Gallery and The City Rises and the bronze sculpture Unique Form of Continuity in Space.;;(Umberto) Boccioni United States History;;In the days leading up to this battle, the Neosho and Tippecanoe refueled the American Fleet, allowing for the sinking of the destroyer, Kikuzuki. Inferior scouting led to the sinking of the Sims and Shoho, and the overlooking of the most important forces. Damage to the Zuikaku and Shokaku on the second day eliminated them from participation in the Battle of Midway, and the Japanese operations to capture both Tulagi and Port Moresby were abandoned. FTP, what is this battle that resulted in the loss of the carrier USS Lexington, the first in which the opposing fleets never saw each other?;;(Battle of the) Coral Sea Biology;;In one relationship, they envelop the gonidia or allow reproduction via the soredia. The first structures to emerge from the propagule, they are composed of chitin, and secrete the enzyme laccase. They lack plastids, though their central vacuoles are surrounded by a multinucleate cytoplasm that provides mass for their statolithic function. Modified in parasites to form tissue-penetrating haustoria, during symbiosis, their specialized mycorrhiza form invades invaginations of the cell membrane of vascular plants. FTP, name these threadlike filaments that make up the mycelium in true fungi.;;hyphae Religion/Mythology;;The form of this deity becomes manifest through the draught of Gailleach from the Well of Youth. An affair with Tuireann produced the craftsmen Creidhne, Luchtaine, and Govannon, while her first marriage to Bres resulted from a peace between the Fomorians and the Tuatha de Dannan. The guardian of the Sacred Flame of Kildare, she defeats the lord of winter Cailleach, an event celebrated annually in the festival Imbolc. Known for her three fires, of the hearth, the forge and inspiration, FTP, name this patroness of the Druids, who became identified with the foster mother of Christ, the patron saint of scholars.;;(Saint|St(.)) Bri(d(get)|gi(t|d){1}?|gindo){1}? (of Ireland) Literature;;He dedicated his critical analysis Discourses on the Heroic Poem to the Academy of Etherials. His religious poems include "The Mount of Olives" and "Il Mondo Creato," and he writes of the doomed love for Alvida of the king of the Goths in his tragedy Re Torrismondo. A more famous play involves the rejection of Amarilli for the nymph Silvia, but his greatest work, translated into English by Edward Fairfax, concerns the struggle against Aladino of Goffredo and Rinaldo. FTP, name this 16th Century Italian poet patronized by the Este Court, best known for his pastoral play Aminta and his epic Gerusalemme Liberata.;;(Torquato) Tasso World History;;He risked his career through his use of the spy Dalberg to set up the failure of the Congress of Erfurt after being insulted with an assignment as jailer at Valencay. He had failed as Bishop of Autun after he was excommunicated, though his ban was lifted after arranging the Concordat of 1801. The overstatement of his role in the kidnapping of the Duke of Enghien by his enemy Joseph Fouche caused one scandal, but he is better remembered for his role in the XYZ affair. FTP, name this statesman whose diplomacy brought Louis Philippe and Louis XVIII to power, best known for representing France at the Congress of Vienna.;;(Charles) (Maurice) (de) Talleyrand (Perigourd) Geography;;This city is located at the edge of its country’s Weina Degga climatic zone, and is found at the base of the Entoto Mountains. Originally called Finfinnie, it is home to the Baeta Mariam, the mausoleum of the emperor who chose it for his capital. The Gefersa reservoir supplies water for this city on the Akaki River. Located in Shewa province, its ethnic groups include the Borana, Tigray, and Galla tribes. Meaning "white flower" in Amharic, FTP, name this city, the headquarters of the Organization for African Unity and the capital of Ethiopia.;;Addis Ababa Physics;;It may include a pair consisting of a spinor field equivalent to the Levi-Civita connection and a complex conjugate spinor field known as a twistor, and it contains a four-element vector that undergoes the Lorentz transformation. Its namesake pseudo-Riemannian metric signature allows its essential coordinate to include the imaginary number root negative one, which is multiplied by time and the speed of light in special relativity. FTP, name this mathematical space characterized by a gravitationally variant metric signature, a Euclidean three-space plus the time dimension named for a teacher of Einstein.;;Minkowski (space) Economics;;This model’s predictions fail in markets characterized by a strong endowment effect. Its predictions hinge on private organizations that impose negative externalities, eliminating the need for legislation, and thus invalidating Pigou’s Theorem that only social cost need be paid. Its illustration involves tenants paid either for pollution or for non-production, resulting in identical solutions. Proposed in the essay "The Problem of Social Cost," FTP, name this theorem named by Stigler that states that an efficient outcome may be reached if transaction costs are negligible and property rights are well defined, regardless of property ownership.;;Coase's (Theorem) Literature;;Doctors Hollatz and Hornstetter insist this novel’s protagonist suffered from excessive isolation, not helped when bullies like Nuchi Eyke and Susi Kater forced him to drink a soup of bricks, urine, and live frogs, though Gretchen Scheffler pitied him and taught him about Rasputin and Goethe. After his father marries his lover Maria Truczinski, the protagonist leads a gang called the Dusters, and joins a jazz band at the Onion Cellar, but Vittlar turns him in for killing Sister Dorothea after he flees his hometown Danzig after World War II. FTP, name this novel about Oskar Matzerath and his toy instrument, by Gunther Grass.;;(The) Tin Drum Literature;;In this work, Madhavya curses his master for his habit of eating meat on the hunt, and muses over the inaccessibility of hermits like Anasuya or Priyamvada. The hermit, Durvasa, is denied hospitality due to the title character’s dreaming, leading him to pronounce a curse which prevents a resident of Guru Kanva’s ashram from being recognized by the student of Visvamitra until his signet ring is recovered from the belly of a fish. FTP, name this drama about the birth of the prince Bharata to the title character and her husband Dushyanta, a masterpiece of the Gupta period by Kalidasa.;;(The) (Recognition of) Shakuntala|Abhijnanashakuntalam United States History;;His chief employees included John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, who used the pseudonym Cato. His target quarreled constantly about his salary and was especially disliked for replacing chief justice Lewis Morris. During his trial, chief justice Delancey rebuffed his lawyer, who was forced to make his case that truth as a defense cannot be held as libel directly to the jury. His rival, the Gazette had aroused his ire by supporting new governor William Cosby. FTP, name this printer of the New York Weekly Journal defended by Alexander Hamilton in a 1735 case that aided establishment of freedom of the press.;;(John) (Peter) Zenger Art;;Its major innovation was the entry ramp leading to its royal kiosk, which allowed its donor to enter its lodge on horseback. Its architect received the title Sedefkar for his skill in creating its mother-of-pearl windows, and the calligraphy covering its interior was created by the sculptor Ameti Kasim Gubari. Featuring 14 balconies, 30 cupolas and a quadruple-arched dome, its mihrab contains a piece of stone from the Kaaba and its qibla terrace overlooks the Bosporus. Famous for its six minarets, FTP, name this creation of Mehmed Aga, the pinnacle of Ottoman Classical Architecture, named for the color of its tiles.;;Blue Mosque|Cami Sultanahmet|Sultanahmet Mosque Literature;;It was published in 1906 with a long preface that discusses Charles Lever’s 1861 novel A Day’s Ride and sections on Christianity and Anarchism, Sane Conclusions, and finally the title figure’s Return to the Colors. Opening at a house in Wilton Crescent, it features minor characters like Bill Walker and Mrs. Baines, but turns primarily on the discovery that the East End benefactor Lord Saxmundham manufactures "Bodger’s Whiskey". It ends with the foundling and professor of Greek, Adolphus Cusins, striking a bargain with the armaments manufacturer Andrew Undershaft to take over the family fortune. FTP identify this play about Lady Britomart and her daughter, the Salvation Army officer of the title, in this George Bernard Shaw play.;;Major Barbara Miscellaneous;;This language used short vertical lines to separate words and did not distinguish between voiced, voiceless, and aspirated stops. It was syllabic and had no signs for lone consonants making closed syllables cumbersome to write. It also employed logograms which may explain why it was initially believed to be a pictographic language by Sir Arthur Evans. Deciphered in 1953 by John Chadwick and Michael Ventris, FTP, identify this language found on clay Tablets in many Mycenaean cities, the earliest known form of written Greek.;;Linear B Chemistry;;Two examples of this class of compounds are cadaverine and putrescine, which are known for their terrible odors. Members of this class, including codeine, caffeine, and several neurotransmitters, react with acids to form acid salts since they are weak bases. They are classified as primary, secondary or tertiary depending on how many alkyl or aromatic groups are attached to the central nitrogen atom. Created from substituting carbon-nitrogen bonds for one or more of the carbon-nitrogen bonds on a molecule of ammonia, FTP, name these compounds with general formula R3N.;;amine(s) World History;;His early reign was dominated by the regency of his mother Agnes and two clerics: Anno of Cologne and Adalbert of Breman. Although late in life he was jailed and forced to abdicate by his son, he had earlier crushed attempts made by the anti-kings Herman of Salm and Rudolf of Swabia defeating and killing the latter at Molsen in 1080. He is best known for a string of events in which he was the main target of the Lenten Synod and the Dictatus Papae and which saw him prostrate himself to the pope at Canossa in 1077. FTP identify this Holy Roman Emperor who opposed Gregory VII during the Investiture Controversy.;;(Henry|Heinrich){1}? (IV|the Fourth){1}? Philosophy;;Thomas Nagel is said to have proposed an "empathetic" version of this philosophical position. J.S. Mill tried to refute it with The Argument from Analogy, while Descartes, whose hyperbolic skepticism brought it to the fore, only escaped it with an appeal to God’s benevolence. Intricately tied to the Problem of Other Minds, Wittgenstein argued that it is an incoherent view because it requires language. This in turn makes necessary the intersubjective sphere which it rejects. FTP identify this philosophical view which in the weak sense privileges the first person and in the strong sense argues "I am the only mind that exists".;;Solipsism Literature;;Scene 5 concludes with a fat man in a top hat being punched in the face, at which point the main character’s companion, Long, flees Fifth Avenue. The fat man, who is not hurt by the attack, remarks that he missed his bus and calls for the police to arrest the title figure. While in jail the protagonist recounts his arguments with Paddy, about the passing of sailboats, and recalls the arrival of the "skoit, all dolled up in white" to his place of work. The play ends after he is rejected by the IWW and wanders to the Zoo where he is crushed to death. FTP identify this play named for the epithet Mildred Douglas uses to describe the lead stoker "Yank" Smith, a 1922 work by Eugene O’Neill.;;(The) Hairy Ape Religion/Mythology;;One of his exploits was the slaying of Vala for stealing his cattle. In the Ramayana a story relates how he was defeated by Meghnad, the son of Ravana and taken captive to the latter’s palace before he was ransomed by Brahma. The son of Dyaus Pita and Prthivi, among his possessions are the thunderbolt Vajra and the elephant steed Airavata. In his most famous exploit he brought water back to the earth by slaying the dragon demon Vritra. FTP identify this Hindu God, the head of the Vedic pantheon.;;Indra Music;;It was premiered at the opening of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1882 and begins with a hymn, God Preserve thy People, that sets a bucolic, peaceful scene. Soon the horns enter, portraying the savage thrusts of the invaders and rending the tranquility of the scene. Eventually playing bits of La Marseillaise, a diminuendo is followed by the most famous sound in the piece a barrage portraying noises of a raging battle. It is then joined by the hymn God Save The Tsar, resplendent with pealing bells and fireworks. FTP, name this piece technically known as Opus 49: Overture in E-flat, a patriotic work filled with cannon fire that honored the defeat of Napoleon’s Russian campaign by Tchaikovsky.;;1812 (Overture) Literature;;In the first stanza the poet may be suggesting that the power of poetry has shattered with his comparison of the "tangled bine-stems" to a broken lyre. He also provides a picture of a dreary day in which "all mankind that haunted nigh/ Has sought their household fires". The second stanza compares the desolate landscape to the corpse of "The Century," while in the third the title figure, described as "frail, gaunt, and small," makes his appearance giving the poet, in the fourth stanza, the feeling that there was "Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew/ and I was unaware". FTP identify this poem composed in the year 1900, a work by Thomas Hardy about a bird.;;(The) Darkling Thrush Physics;;Its existence was first confirmed by neutron diffraction experiments conducted by Clifford Shull on a sample of manganese oxide. In a sample exhibiting this characteristic, the magnetic moments align in a regular pattern with neighboring moments pointing in opposite directions, resulting in a net magnetization of zero. At certain temperatures, these materials become disordered and begin to exhibit paramagnetic properties, a point which is known as the Néel point, and which is similar to the Curie point. FTP, identify this type of magnetism which is the opposite of ferromagnetism.;;antiferromagnetism World History;;This name provides an alternate name for the Lokono people of Guyana. Often associated with the Saladoid culture, the "Island" version of this group is also more accurately called the Taino. Perhaps their greatest cacique was Hatuey who, despite their reputation as being exceedingly friendly, led them in revolt against the Spanish. They probably originated in the Orinoco Basin and inhabited all the Antilles until they were driven further north by the cannibalistic Caribs. FTP name this tribe of Native Americans who greeted Columbus upon his arrival.;;Arawak(s) United States History;;He was the architect of the Pact of Espino Negro which ended the civil war between Diaz and Moncada in Guatemala and soon after was appointed governor-general of the Philippines, a post he held until 1929. He authored "The Decision to use the Atomic Bomb," the first written defense of that action. Much earlier he had headed the U.S. delegations to the Geneva Disarmament Conference and the London Naval Conference and, in opposition to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, put forth his namesake doctrine. FTP identify this secretary of state for Hoover and secretary of war for FDR and Truman.;;(Henry) (Lewis) Stimson Art;;Later in his life the architect Jose Luis Sert built him a namesake studio on the island of Majorca. His The Reaper was painted for the Paris World Exhibition, and in 1968 he finished two large ceramic murals for the UNESCO buildings in Paris. Originally involved with the Dadaists, from 1924-27 he completed 100 canvases in the "dream painting" and "imaginary landscape" styles including The Birth of the World. He usually tried to work in the style of automatism, which explains the stick figure character of many of his works. FTP identify this Catalan artist of The Lovers, The Carnival of Harlequin, and Dog Barking at the Moon, a Spanish Surrealist.;;(Joan) Miro Biology;;Its only cutaneous innervation is a part of the external ear, where irritation may lead to a referred cough due to this nerve’s motor innervation of most of the throat. This nerve also splits branches off that innervate the larynx and control the voice, but its better known function is mediated by nerve branches to the heart, lungs, and gut. FTP, name this major parasympathetic nerve, symbolized X (ten), the longest cranial nerve.;;vagus (nerve) Literature;;A sixteen-year old orphan in the 60s named Toru, a Thai princess in the WWII era named Ying Chan, and a nationalist fanatic in the 1930s named Isao are all reincarnations of Kiyoaki Matsugae a young nouveau riche who falls in love with Ayakura Satoko. The character of Skigekuni Honda provides stability through the series whose middle novels are Runaway Horses and The Temple of Dawn. The last book, The Decay of the Angel, was delivered to its publisher on the same day that its author committed suppuku. FTP identify this tetralogy beginning with Spring Snow, the masterwork of Mishima Yukio.;;Sea of Fertility|Hojo no umi;;(The) Decay of the Angel|Kiyoaki Matsugae World History;;It was necessitated by the successful strategy of German advisor Hans Van Seeckt during the Fifth "Annihilation" Campaign as well as the growing ire towards the Land Investigation Movement. Midway through it Otto Braun was replaced as commander. Famous engagements occurred at the Luding Bridge, Xiang River, and Loushan Pass. It began when about 80,000 people left Jiangxi in 1934 and ended when less than 20,000 reached Shaanxi Province in 1935. FTP identify this military movement in which the Chinese Communists under Mao Zedong fled the Kuomintang.;;(The) (Long March|Changzheng){1}? Psychology;;In young adulthood, a conflict between intimacy and isolation is crucial. Those who develop loving relationships can share with others, while those who do not usually retreat. In middle adulthood, a conflict between generativity and stagnation is the defining crisis. Earlier in life, one experiences crises such as industry vs. inferiority, initiative vs. guilt, and trust vs. mistrust, which have all become key ideas in developmental psychology. FTP, name the founder or his developmental theory, which posits that humans have eight stages of development, each with an associated crisis and task.;;(Erik) (Erikson’(s)) (stages of) psychosocial (development)|(Erik) Erikson'(s) (stages of) (psychosocial) (development) Religion/Mythology;;The author of Retrospection and Introspection and The Unity of Good, her primary rival, the New York based Augusta Simmons Stanton, was a former student who constructed a huge Church on 94th Street that threatened to outshine her original building in Boston. She came to develop her system of belief after consulting Phineas Quimby to help with her chronic spinal malady. When her illness recurred, she read the New Testament and found that she could heal herself of disease and pain, which were simply "errors," an experience she recounted in her 1875 work Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This work became the foundation for a new religion. FTP identify this woman who founded Christian Science.;;(Mary) (Baker) (Glover) (Patterson) Eddy Literature;;He is described as having "an insatiable desire for knowledge" and was occasionally seen digging in the abandoned house of Nicolas Flamel looking for the philosopher’s stone. The "two occupations of his life were "science [and] the education of his younger brother," Jehan of the Mill. His downfall begins when he stabs Phoebus de Chateaupers and ends when an orphan he rescued hurls him to his death. The latter occurs after he leads to the gallows the woman he is infatuated with, but who refuses to requite his love, the gypsy La Esmeralda. FTP identify this benefactor of Quasimodo and Archdeacon of Notre Dame in a Hugo novel.;;(Dom) (Claude) Frollo Noncomputational Math;;As x approaches infinity, this function of x approaches e-to-the-x-power over two. It ranges up to infinity but never takes a value lower than one. It describes the shape of a hanging cable—the caternary—and it repeats itself every 2-pi-i radians in complex space. FTP, name this hyperbolic function, defined as one-half times (e to the x) plus (e to the minus x).;;hyperbolic cosine|cosh World History;;Its most famous victim may have been William Prynne who, in 1637, was branded on both of his cheeks for seditious libel. In 1487 it was officially licensed by Parliament and was used most effectively by Cardinal Wolsey to enforce the agenda of Henry VIII. John Pym criticized its increasing use for royal revenue as fines it charged were given to the crown. Other contemporaries attacked it for supporting Archbishop Laud and it was finally dissolved by the Long Parliament in 1641. FTP identify this closed court built around privy councilors whose name is now associated with unjust judicial measures.;;(The Court of) Star Chamber Literature;;Among his lesser known fiction is the children’s book Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear and a satiric play based on the Wizard of Oz called "Twister". Other works include the novel Caverns and the Seven Prayers by Grandma Whittier, while his second novel, about the Stampers, an Oregon logging family, was entitled Sometimes a Great Notion. In "The Further Inquiry" he describes a bus trip made with Neal Cassidy and his Merry Pranksters which was also described in Tom Wolfe’s The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. His best known work features characters like Chief Bromden, Randle McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. FTP, identify the author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.;;(Ken) Kesey Geography;;This region of 85,506 square miles contains the largest glaciers outside the polar region, the Baltoro and Siachen. The Jhelum and Chenab rivers flow through here, as well as the Indus, which they eventually empty into. Containing the Pir Panjal range as well as the strip of the Karakoram range that contains K2, it is split between three countries. For ten points, name this region disputed nearly continuously since its partition between Pakistan and India.;;Kashmir Religion/Mythology;;After his exile to Earth, he slayed the eight-headed dragon Orochi. In its tail, he found a sword, known as Kusanagi no Tsurugi, or Grasscutter, which would later be presented to the Emperor by his sister. He began crying and howling almost immediately after springing from his father, Izanagi, and his temper would later frighten his sister, causing her to hide in a cave. FTP, identify this Japanese deity, who is the brother of Amaterasu and the god of storms and the sea.;;Susano(w|-|t)o United States History;;The majority decision in this case relied upon the implied right to "freedom of contract" in the 14th Amendment established by Allgeyer v. Louisiana, combined with an appeal to the cleanliness and sanitation required by the industry in question. It overturned Holden v. Hardy despite Holmes’ dissent, in which he defended the "reasonable man" test and objected that the 14th Amendment was being used to institute social Darwinism. Overturned by Muller v. Oregon, FTP, what was this 1905 case that declared invalid a law setting limits for the working hours of bakers in New York?;;Lochner (v(.)ersus) (N(.)(ew) Y(.)(ork)) Philosophy;;He dedicated one of his most famous works to Carl Stumpf, one two mentors, along with Franz Brentano, who influenced his ideas about the mind. His inaugural lecture at Halle was titled "On the Goals and Problems of Metaphysics" while his later works included The Crisis of European Sciences. It was while working at Gottingen that he met Max Scheler and William Dilthey who would push him to refine his ideas about eidetic reduction or "bracketing off," an attempt to suspend ideas about the empirical world to gain a new vantage point on consciousness. FTP identify this philosopher who wrote the Philosophical Investigations, Formal and Transcendental Logic and many works based on the school he founded: phenomenology.;;(Edmund) Husserl Literature;;The author closes by stating one should fear "a gross conforming stupidity" after explaining that he sees his nation "as an eagle mewing her mighty youth" and as "rousing herself like a strong man after sleep, shaking her invincible locks". The last of the three main arguments claims that what he is opposing will ultimately prove ineffective, while the first complains that the government is using the methods of the Papacy they detest. Holding that diversity of opinion is necessary for the growth of virtue and knowledge, FTP, what is this discourse attacking restriction of the press by John Milton?;;Areopagitica Biology;;In women who have just given birth, this hormone accumulates in the cerebrospinal fluid and is believed to aid development of maternal instincts. The presence of leucine in the three amino acid tail attacked to its 6 amino acid ring differentiates it from antidiuretic hormone. Both are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary for secretion into the blood. Achieving its purposes by causing contraction of smooth muscle, FTP, what is this hormone responsible for milk secretion and uterine contraction during childbirth?;;oxytocin Religion/Mythology;;In one myth, one of these items was captured by Dietrich from Laurin’s underground kingdom, while in another Theseus must retrieve this when Minos, who doubts that his father is Poseidon, throws one into the sea. In another group of tales, three of them were made without Annatar’s help and were called Vilya, Nenya, and Narya. In an extravagant gesture of grief Odin abandoned his on Balder’s funeral pyre, before he sent Hermod to retrieve it. Andvari made a cursed one and Sindri made one that dripped eight similar ones each ninth night, it was called Draupnir, but all of these have been eclipsed in popular culture by the example of one found in the Misty Mountains. FTP identify this mythological item perhaps most associated with Middle Earth or weddings.;;(a) ring(s) World History;;An early leader, Thomas Roe, gained the right to establish a factory at Surat in 1615. Popularly known as the John Company, it ceased to exist after 1873. Generally excluded from their namesake region after the Amboina Massacre of 1623, it acquired Bengal in 1757 and governed the territory from a Court of Proprietors until the Regulating Act and Pitt’s India Act gave control of political policy to the government. For 10 points, name this company that founded Hong Kong, caused the Opium Wars, and was victimized in the Boston Tea Party.;;British East India Company;;East India Company Art;;Among his secular works were four large panels on the theme of justice for the courtroom of Brussels that were destroyed in 1695. Other notable works include the Braque Triptych and St. Luke Painting the Virgin. His was renowned for his masterful handling of emotion, as seen in his celebrated Deposition, whose dramatic power and plain gold background are similar to an earlier work by his teacher, the Master of Flemalle. FTP, who was this artist, whose name means "of the pasture," the leading Netherlandish painter of the mid-15th century?;;(Rogier) (van der) Weyden|(Rogelet) (de la) Pature Religion/Mythology;;During this holiday, pious practitioners are supposed to be visited by seven ancient worthies known as the ushpizin. On the seventh day, known as the Hoshana Rabba, four species of plants are ritualistically carried around the synagogue. The eighth day is the Shemini Atzeret festival, which follows a period of thanksgiving commemorating the time the Israelites wandered in the wilderness after the Exodus. FTP, what is this Jewish festival known as the Feast of the Tabernacles?;;Sukkot|Succoth;;Feast of Tabernacles|Booths Literature;;A notable passage of this novel is an account of a bird that flies down the chimney and get trapped in the hall of the main family’s house. At the end, the title figure almost attacks her step-mother Fay with a breadboard that symbolically represents the insensitivity and vulgarity of her crude Texas family, who have made a mockery of the funeral of the protagonist’s father, Judge McKelva, who dies after an eye operation. Detailing the return to Mount Salus, Mississippi, by Laurel Hand, FTP, what is this Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Eudora Welty?;;(The) Optimist’s Daughter World History;;As Vice-President of the State Committee for Defense during WWII he intensified Soviet armament production, and after Stalin’s death briefly shared power with Khrushchev, Molotov, and Malenkov, but was soon accused of conspiracy and shot after a mock trial. In 1931, he became political head of the Transcaucasian republics, the culmination of a series of leadership positions he held in his native Georgia, including head of the Georgian branch of the Cheka. FTP, who was this Soviet secret police chief who oversaw Stalin’s political purges?;;(Lavrenty) (Pavlovich) Beria Physics;;The rate of emissions involved is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the mass of the particles, but does not depend on temperature, with relatively cool objects often responsible for substantial emissions. The emissions appear in a characteristically continuous spectrum extending over a wide range of wavelengths, and is inversely proportional to the radius of curvature of the orbit involved, with examples of sources include supernova remnants, radio galaxies, and quasars. FTP, what is this type of radiation often emitted from the eponymous accelerators?;;synchrotron (radiation)|magnetobremsstrahlung Music;;One version is a suite in four sections, including parts named "Prelude", "The Spinner", and the oft-omitted "Siciliana". Written by Gabriel Faure, it is also the subject of a suite by Sibelius and a symphonic poem by Schoenberg. The most famous version is an opera notable for its almost word-for-word setting of the original text and subordinate use of impressionistic music sung by characters like Arkel and Golaud, as composed by Claude Debussy. FTP, what are these musical works based on a play by Maurice Maeterlinck?;;Pelleas and Melisande United States History;;It was voted on and defeated for a final time after Congress passed the English Bill, requiring a referendum on the document as a whole and promising over 5,000,000 acres of land if ratified. Its drafters did not allow a vote on the entire document, and only offered a choice between two versions, each unacceptable to the drafters’ opponents. After new elections brought Free Soilers to power in the legislature, it was voted on and rejected, but nevertheless Buchanan recommended statehood be granted under its terms. FTP, what was this 1857 pro-slavery proposal for the constitution of Kansas?;;Lecompton (Constitution) Geography;;To the northwest of this island is the Soya Strait. Its rugged interior features a string of volcanic peaks, the highest reaching over 7,500 feet at Asahi-dake. Home to the country’s second longest river, the Ishikari, in the south the Tsugaru Strait separates it from the rest of the country, while in the northeast, the Nemuro Strait divides it from Kunashiri, the southernmost of the Kuril Islands. Its administrative capital is at Sapporo, and it is the ancestral home of the Ainu. FTP, what is this northernmost of Japan’s four major islands?;;Hokkaido|North Sea Province Literature;;Important settings in this novel include a prison ship known as "the Hulks" and Satis House, while the gallery of comic minor characters features the histrionic Wopsle, the eccentric clerk Wemmick, and the pompous imposter Pumblechook. The protagonist sees the woman he loves mistreated by his enemy, Bentley Drummle, who dies an early death. After learning loyalty and humility while in London living on an allowance of Able Magwitch, he marries Miss Havisham’s ward, Estella. FTP, what is this novel about Philip Pirrip by Charles Dickens?;;Great Expectations Psychology;;Later works by this social scientist, written after he had established the first child guidance clinic in Vienna, include What Life Should Mean to You. His follower Rudolf Dreikurs founded namesake institutes under this man’s name to promote the study of Individual Psychology in Chicago and Tel Aviv. He had developed that vision of psychology in his works like Understanding Human Nature and The Neurotic Constitution. Earlier work like Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Psychical Compensation signaled his growing conflict with Freud and his own ideas about the need for what he termed "superiority" or self-realization. FTP identify this psychologist best known for his introduction of the "inferiority complex".;;(Alfred) Adler Biology;;The shortest part of a larger structure, it is about 9 to 11 inches long. It sees the conversion of trypsinogen to trypsin via the enterokinase that is believed to be produced by its Brunner glands. In its descending section, acid-neutralizing bicarbonate and pancreatic juices are introduced through the duct of Wirsung. FTP, what is this horseshoe-shaped structure, the first part of the small intestine?;;duodenum United States History;;This president suffered a major defeat when Georgia forced him to accept the controversial treaty of Indian Springs. After getting his start in politics as envoy to the Netherlands and Prussia, he served in the Senate from Massachusetts, but resigned in 1808 for having supported the Embargo Act. Late in life he returned to the Senate, where his opposition to the "gag rule" gave him the nickname "Old Man Eloquent", while earlier he had negotiated an 1819 treaty setting the U.S. border with Spain with Onis. FTP, who was this president who defeated Andrew Jackson via the "corrupt bargain" of 1824?;;J(.)(ohn) Q(.)(unicy) Adams;;Adams Literature;;The man at the center of this novella was the inheritor of the Divine Face cattle ranch known for his love of horses, falconry, church pomp and firearms. The milk vendor Clotilde Armenta frantically tried to prevent the event the narrator is investigating 21 years later. After Bayardo San Roman discovered that his new wife Angela Vicario had been deflowered, her brothers Pedro and Pablo reluctantly kill Santiago Nasar. FTP, what is this novella by Gabriel Garcia Marquez?;;Chronicle of a Death Foretold|Cronica de una muerte anunciada Physics;;Substances exhibiting it can be analyzed by polishing the surface with an appropriate colloidal suspension, producing Bitter patterns. These patterns provide evidence for the "domain" theory explaining this property, as does the Barkhausen effect, which holds that it increases in a series of minute jumps as the applied magnetic field is increased. Occurring below the Curie point, FTP, what is this property seen in elements like cobalt, nickel, and iron, in which substances are magnetized by weak magnetic fields?;;ferromagnetism World History;;Fearing that the opposing army would retreat, the English commander issued a challenge to the invaders, who agreed to wait until September 9 to begin this battle. Despite being outnumbered 30,000 to 20,000, the English were victorious due to the success of their archers against the invader’s right flank and the superiority of the English bills against the Scottish spears. A victory for the Earl of Surrey over James IV of Scotland, FTP, what was this 1513 battle that secured the Scottish border for a generation?;;Flodden Field Religion/Mythology;;Heracles expelled the Dryopes from this man’s kingdom while he entertained Heracles during his flight from Eurystheus. He became alarmed by a series of portents, including the transformation of his brother Daedalion into a falcon and the killing of his oxen by a wolf sent in punishment for his hospitality to Peleus after the murder of Phocus. He traveled to the oracle of Clarus for advice against the wishes of his wife, who correctly feared he would drown. FTP, who was this man turned into a bird with his wife Alcyone?;;Ceyx Literature;;Of great importance in this author’s life was her close relationship with her sister Cassandra. Her first literary effort came at age 15 with a burlesque of Samuel Richardson entitled Love and Friendship. The second edition of J.E. Leigh’s Memoir about her saw the first publication of The Watsons and Lady Susan, but she is better known for novels like Persuasion and Mansfield Park. FTP, who was this novelist responsible for Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice?;;(Jane) Austen World History;;During this dynasty, the emperor controlled the government directly, ruling with the aid of a specially appointed Nei-ko, or Grand Secretariat. Its second ruler, Jianwen, died in a mysterious palace fire during the revolt of his uncle Yongle, who ordered the construction of the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City and oversaw the seven voyages of Zheng He. It was founded by an orphan and Buddhist novice who took the ruling name Hong Wu after ousting the Yuan dynasty. FTP, what was this Chinese dynasty that ruled until the Qing took power in 1644?;;Ming (Dynasty) Literature;;After the poet enters the title structure, Eolus blows a trumpet and summons forth personages from classical and biblical lore. These characters are joined by bearers of false tidings but, then, after the appearance of "A Man of Gret Autorite," who many scholars presume to be Boethius, Book Three abruptly cuts off. The poem begins after an invocation to the God of Sleep and a vision of Dido and Aeneas in a Temple of Glass. But it is the Second Book of this octosyllabic work, where the poet rides an eagle, that, FTP, directly addresses the goddess of Celebrity or Rumour, whose abode titles this unfinished poem by Geoffrey Chaucer.;;(The) House of Fame Art;;He once declared that his "pictures were dramas", and, with Adolph Gottlieb, wrote a contradictory letter to critic Edward Jewell who had said he didn't understand this artist's Syrian Bull. He showed his surrealist influence and the influence of Northwest Indian art in Slow Swirl by the Edge of the Sea but soon abandoned this style. Although he hated being called a colorist, he became famous as one of the main artists in the color field school. FTP, name this Russian-born American artist who often painted rectangles and horizontal lines of color as in Red on Maroon, and Green White.;;(Mark) Rothko World History;;The British tutor Reginald Johnston heavily influenced this man who renamed his first wife, Wan Jung, Elizabeth. He died in 1967, eight years after Mao Zedong granted him amnesty and released him from Shenyang prison. In 1945, he was captured by the Russians and testified at the Tokyo war trials that he had merely been a tool of the Japanese while he was leader of Manchukuo between 1934 and 1945. His various names included K’ang Te and Hsuan T’ung, and he grew up in the Forbidden City of Beijing. Crowned at the age of two, for ten points, name this last emperor of China.;;(Henry) Pu- Yi |Aisin Gioro|Hsuan T'ung Religion/Mythology;;At the end of his life this mythological figure set sail in a copper boat on a voyage without end. A patient man, he spent thirty years in his mother’s womb before he decided to be born. Some of his exploits include inventing the harp using the bones of a pike and the hair of a woman, and defeating the rival singer Joukahainen in a song contest. But this son of Luonnotar is most famous for protecting his friend Ilmarinen’s greatest creation from Louhi, the ruler of Pohjola. FTP identify this great bard, the defender of the Sampo and chief hero of the Kalevala.;;Vainamoinen Biology;;This man’s name is applied to the effect in which the differences in the sensitivity of the eye between day and night conditions can be attributed. He is also known for having coined the term "protoplasm", though its meaning has since changed. His name also graces a particular model of cell genesis. For ten points, name this Czech physiologist whose eponymous fibers relay cardiac impulses to the ventricular cells, causing the ventricles to contract.;;(Johannes) Purkinje Literature;;Nonfiction works include A Defense of Circe and The Never Ending Wrong, about the Sacco-Vanzetti trial. This author’s collected short stories won a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award in the same year and included such acclaimed works as "Holiday," "The Downward Path to Wisdom," and "Maria Concepcion". The latter was written during her time in Mexico. Her last volume stories The Leaning Tower continued the themes established in Flowering Judas, Her alter-ego Miranda, a young journalist, gets married in Old Mortality and confronts the war in Pale Horse, Pale Rider. FTP identify this author of an allegorical 1962 work Ship of Fools.;;(Katherine) (Ann) Porter World History;;This kingdom began as the Aja people moved north from Allada and settled among the Fon, eventually conquering them. From their capital of Agbone, their first king Wegbala established a centralized state. Under King Agaja, it conquered Allada and started a profitable slave trade with the Europeans, obtaining rifles to continue their wars of expansion. However, they were unable to conquer Oyo, and the kingdom was finally captured by France in 1894. For ten points, name this West African kingdom is located in and once gave its name to present day Benin.;;Dahomey Astronomy;;A mass extinction at the end of the Ordovician period is suggested to have been caused by one of these. In 2000, NASA launched the High Energy Transient Explorer 2 to detect them as their signals reach earth so ground observers can better study them. About a million times more numerous than supernovae, they are thought to be the result of a collapse of super-massive stars or collision between compact objects like a black hole and a neutron star. For ten points, name these astronomical phenomena that release a large amount of its namesake radiation.;;G(amma) R(ay) B(urst(s|ers)) Literature;;Her pawn, the Count of Wardes, throws obstacles in the way of the heroes until he is finally run through three times in Calais. Her plot to assassinate the Duke of Buckingham almost succeeds, but she is caught and imprisoned. Cruel and charming, even Aramis is attracted to her, until at last she is forced to reveal the brand on her shoulder, the infamous fleur des lys. For 10 points, identify this villainess of Dumas’ Three Musketeers.;;(Lady) de Winter Religion/Mythology;;A Yahrzeit candle is lit on the second night and many people celebrate this holiday by staying up all night and reading the Torah and Talmud to atone for a biblical instance of sleeping in. In addition, people eat dairy foods and the Book of Ruth is read. Falling on the 6th of Sivan, for ten points, name this Jewish "Day of the First Fruits" and festival of the weeks that celebrates the harvest and commemorates Moses being given the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.;;Shavuo(s|t){1}? Physics;;The Schrodinger equation gives the quantum number for this value, which confirmed the Bohr theory that it is quantized, where it equals the principle quantum number times Planck's constant divided by 2 times pi. More popularly, this value is conserved, which leads to Kepler's Law stating that a line from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times. FTP, name this concept which, in a rigid object, is defined as the product of the moment of inertia and angular velocity.;;angular momentum World History;;This event began when its leader prevented potential surveyors and William McDougall, the appointed Lieutenant Governor, from entering Rupert’s Land. The execution of Thomas Scott and continued agitation, however, culminated in an encounter at Fort Garry between Colonel Garnet Wolseley and the rebels. On December 8, 1869, a provisional government was declared and appeared to be successful, but the aforementioned situation enraged the English-speaking Canadians and hampered the efforts of the Metis in negotiating a favorable settlement. For ten points, name this Canadian rebellion led by Louis Riel that momentarily stopped Manitoba from joining the Confederation.;;Red River (Rebellion);;Riel's Rebellion Philosophy;;He was imprisoned late in his life in Whitehall as a member of the Committee of 100. After a visit to Russia he published his critical Theory and Practice of Bolshevism, while works like Education and the Social Order sprang from his experience at the Beacon Hill school. After publishing his first book, German Social Democracy, this philosopher began a long career whose output includes The ABC of Relativity, Religion and Science, and Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits. But he is best known for formulating the theories "of types" and "of descriptions" in early works like The Problems of Philosophy and Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. FTP identify this man whose marriage problems may overshadow his co-authorship of Principia Mathematica with Whitehead.;;(Bertrand) Russell Literature;;The protagonist remembers his week-long gambling session with Herr Lent and his meeting of Tristan Tzara in a Paris bar, before realizing that he "he would never write about any of them… the rich were dull and repetitious". Thus when Compton arrives in the two-seat plane it seems that the main character’s decision to photograph a herd of waterbuck, and the scratch he suffered as a result, will not spell his doom. The story ends with Helen yelling for Molo to come to the bedside and the discovery that the writer, Harry, has met the same fate as the leopard in the preface of, FTP, what Hemingway short story named for precipitation on a Tanzanian mountain.;;The Snows of Kilimanjaro Miscellaneous;;It contains sections like "From Egalitarianism to Kleptocracy," "Yali’s People," and "Blueprints and Borrowed Letters". In this work the author suggests that the history of Polynesia serves as a microcosm for the overall phenomenon of conquest and expansion of nations. Along with the domestication of livestock, this book emphasizes food production as the major factor in the sustenance and development of civilizations. For ten points, name this 1997 work that explains how the Europeans were able to conquer the New World due to the titular entities, a work by Jared Diamond.;;Guns, Germs and Steel(:) (The Fate of Human Societies) Music;;Minor characters include Kupava, Bobyl, and King Berendei and the libretto was written by the composer himself. Orchestral sections include the "Dance of the Birds," "Procession," and the "Dance of the Tumblers". The title character aims for the love of the shepherd Lel in the first act, but ends up falling in love with Mizgir by the end of the opera. However, the sun god Yarilo arrives and the evanescent title character melts away in FTP what work by Rimsky-Korsakoff.;;The Snow Maiden|Snegurochka United States History;;A year after he passed away in San Antonio, The Road to Freedom featured an essay by Emma Goldman that criticized this man for his positions on the MacNamara Case and the Russian Revolution. Only John McBride, and then only for one year, interrupted his leadership of the organization with which he is most associated. After participating in the meetings of the Economic and Sociological Club and the International Workingmen’s Association, this man began to organize his fellow cigarmakers into a powerful Union, this led him to organize the FOTLU and eventually led to what man, the author of Labor and Europe in America, FTP, being elected president of American Federation of Labor.;;(Samuel) Gompers Biology;;Along with the chordates and two minor phyla, this phylum’s members are deuterostomes. Their nervous systems consists of central nerve rings, while its vascular system consists of a madreporite through which fluid enters, the stone canal, the ring canal, and the radial canals. Other salient features include ampullae which, upon contracting, extend out another feature, the tube feet. FTP, name this phylum whose members are radially symmetric and whose members include sand dollars, sea urchins, and starfish.;;echinoderm(ata|s) Geography;;After a struggle between France and Great Britain ended in English control in 1814, they eventually earned independence in 1976. The Mahe area in the northeast section is primarily granitic and rocky, while the other islands in this group are elevated coral reefs. The current leading party is the People's Progressive Front and including the Atolls of Cosmoledo and Farquhar, FTP, name this island nation northeast of Madagascar with a capital at Victoria.;;Seychelles Literature;;Late in his career works for the stage like The Red Vial, which became Jezebel’s Daughter, and The Black Robe were novelized at a fast pace. The Law and the Lady and The New Magdalen were ridiculed for their social commentary and turning from the narrative vision he had established with the stories "The Last Stage Coachman" and "A Terribly Strange Bed" in the periodical Household Words. Beginning with the historical Antonina this prolific author retained a tight grip on the public who couldn’t get enough of suspense novels like No Name, The Haunted Motel, and Armadale. FTP name this Victorian master of detective fiction most famous for Basil and The Moonstone.;;(William) (Wilkie) Collins United States History;;It called for a President-General; a General and Particular Treasurer to handle the government’s finances; and a Grand Council whose members were elected every three years. The Grand Council would meet in Philadelphia and its creator outlined the number of Council members for 12 of the 13 colonies. Some of the impetus for this plan can be seen in the author’s cartoon "Join or Die". For ten points, name this plan espoused by Benjamin Franklin that he presented at the namesake Congress in 1753.;;Albany Plan;;Franklin's Plan of Union Literature;;In 1968 he denounced the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in his poem "Russian Tanks in Prague". His novel Wild Berries dealt with the Stalinist collectivization of agriculture and the elimination of the kulaks, land-owning peasants. Other works by this man include A Wave of the Hand, Almost at the End, A Precocious Autobiography, and The Third Snow. But it was Dmitri Shostakovich set his most famous poem to music in his Thirteenth Symphony. FTP, name this Russian author of Zima Junction and Babi Yar.;;(Yvgeny) Yevtuschenko Art;;This sculptor’s younger namesake was a famed architect who designed the Tholos and Theatre at Epidauros. His eponymous canon, which emphasized chiastic balance, became a standard for sculptors. Roman coins show and Pausanias described his gold and ivory Hera in a temple at Argos. For ten points, name this head of the Argive school and sculptor of athletes, best known for Diadumenus, Amazon and Spear-Bearer.;;Polykleitos (the Elder)|Polyclitus (the Elder) Literature;;This work caused Czar Nicholas to remark, "Everyone gets theirs, and I, most of all". In the local school, a teacher always jumps on the desk when he describes the Macedonian wars, while the patients in the hospital wear dirty nightcaps. The squires Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky set the town on edge with their announcement, causing Hlopov, Zemlyanika the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, and the mayor Anton, to clean up the town. All of this is for naught, as they suck up to the wrong guy, who reveals his deception in a letter to his friend. Khlestakov's ruse is the subject of, FTP, what play by Nikolai Gogol?;;(The) Inspector General|Revizor Chemistry;;The difunctional aryl type of these compounds is used in the preparation of photoresist, an important chemical for microchip etching. The acyl type undergoes a Curtius rearrangement when heated to yield an isocyanate, and the lead compound is used as a detonating agent for explosives. The sodium compound, formed by passing nitrous oxide over heated sodium amide, is a gas generator in motor vehicles. Nitrenes are formed by when UV light hits, FTP, what compounds that are expressesd as resonance structures and contain the group –N3?;;azide(s) Religion/Mythology;;Its author draws from the historical scholarship of Eduard Meyer and Ernst Sellin, who drew his conclusions from a line about "stiff-necked peoples". The first two essays that comprise this work were originally published in the journal Imago, while the third essay, added later, uses the genesis of neurosis as a metaphor. The argument hinges on the author's depiction of a compromise at Kadesh, where Midianite priests combine their faith with that of former followers of a priest of Aten, who led the Jews out of Egypt. FTP, identify this work by Sigmund Freud that analyses the origins of Judaism.;;Moses and Monotheism World History;;In the fifteenth century, it was the capital of the Duchy of Mazovia and Napoleon created a Grand Duchy there in 1806. It became a royal capital in 1611 when Sigismund III moved there and was technically one between 1815 and 1830, although the king in question was also the ruler of its country's larger neighbor. Between the Third Partition of 1794 and 1806 the Prussians were in charge of, for 10 points, what city that in 1919 again became the capital of an independent Poland?;;Warsaw|Warszawa Miscellaneous;;Like everyone else, she had a cameo role in Around the World in Eighty Days, playing a saloon hostess who briefly flirts with Phileas Fogg. Her other abortive love interests include Spencer Tracy's character in Judgement at Nuremberg and Jimmy Stewart's character in Destry Rides Again, a movie in which her character is called Frenchy, but sounds distinctly Teutonic in a musical number that was subsequently parodied by Madeleine Kahn in Blazing Saddles. Blonde Venus and The Blue Angel were both title roles for, for 10 points, what German sex symbol who also appears in A Touch of Evil and Witness for the Prosecution.;;(Marlene) (Magdalena) Dietrich Literature;;The protagonist and his friend Ned pretend to be Havelock Ellis and Kraft-Ebbing when carousing with an old man at an Italian wine cellar. The title character originally tried to be a magician, but was discouraged when an attempt to sacrifice a lamb went awry, and now the only wall hanging in his bedroom is an ivory Christ. He receives letters from people like Sick-Of-It-All, who wants to have an abortion, and Harold S., whose deaf sister was raped. Fay Doyle attempts to seduce him, but he beats her, angering her husband Peter, who shoots him while Betty looks on. FTP, identify this advice columnist, the subject of a novel by Nathanael West.;;Miss Lonelyhearts Religion/Mythology;;Although a passport photo of him exists, adherents to his ideas prevent it from being shown. The most famous English account of meeting this man was authored by Edward Browne, Browne reports that this man's brother Yahya was actually to become leader of their movement, but his power was usurped. This religious leader wrote works like Epistle to the Son of the Wolf and The Book of Certitude, and after his 1892 death in Acre, his son Abdul succeeded him. FTP, identify this follower of Bab, who founded Bahai.;;Baha'ullah World History;;It came about because General Bazaine had fought a successful engagement Saarbrucken, but then gotten bogged down at Metz and needed to be rescued. With his newly formed Army of Chalons General MacMahon tried to recapture the glory that had earlier allowed him to beat the Austrians at Solferino and Magenta, but at this site near the Meuse his opponents managed to pound him with their steel artillery while still out of range of French bronze guns. Thus 100,000 men got captured by von Moltke's army, which then went on to occupy Paris in the aftermath of, for 10 points, what battle that saw the end of Napoleon III and the Franco-Prussian War?;;Sedan Literature;;In one part of this poem, the poet proffers the idea that the mind is a partial source of what humans perceive, writing "of all the mighty world / Of eye, and ear, --both what they half create / and what perceive". This interplay is central to what the poet understands is his guide to his moral being. Prior to this, the poet examines his memories, "with gleams of half extinguished thought" and thinks of himself "like a roe" walking among the mountains. After these personal thoughts, the poet then turns to his "dear Friend" and compares Dorothy’s experience of the title location to his own. FTP, identify this 1708 work, a poem reflecting on the ruins of the titular location on the banks of the Wye, by William Wordsworth.;;(Lines) (Composed) (a) (Few Miles Above) Tintern Abbey(,) (on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye) (During a Tour, July 13, 1798) Physics;;You have a metal cavity with a small hole in it. You send electromagnetic radiation through the hole and calculate that the amount of standing waves in the box is proportional to the inverse fourth power of wavelength. Then you figure that the radiance from the hole will be proportional to the number of standing waves. Your formula works OK at shorter wavelengths, but gives catastrophic results for energies above the visible spectrum. FTP, name this law that was corrected by Planck, the breakdown of which caused the ultraviolet catastrophe in blackbody radiation.;;Rayleigh-Jeans (formula) United States History;;This Vermont native's political positions included head of House and then Senate committees on territories, in which capacity he gave a speech telling opponents of expansion that "you cannot fetter the limbs of this young giant". His support for expansion led him to favor repeal of the Missouri Compromise and he answered the Dred Scott decision by supporting popular sovereignty in what became known as the Freeport Doctrine. For 10 points, name this man who ran for president against John Bell, John C. Breckenridge and Abraham Lincoln, against the last of whom he had held a famous series of debates in Illinois.;;(Stephen) (Arnold) Douglas Literature;;Anthanasios causes much of the action of the play, as he sends Bonafides on a series of errands that uncovers the secret. A resemblance to Assad tips off Bonafides as to the true identify of the son of Wolf von Filneck. Earlier this son was taken prisoner at the fortress of Tebnin, but he is pardoned. The climax of this play occurs when the title character recites the Decameron parable of the Three Rings. Following this, the accusations of Daja are refuted, and Saladin permits Recha and Conrad to be married. FTP, identify this play whose title character is modeled after Moses Mendelsohn, a friend of its author, Gotthold Lessing.;;Nathan the (Wise|King of Talossa){1}?|Nathan der Weise Music;;Musical highlights of this opera include the duet "Libiamo," sung by the two principal characters at a party given by one of them, and the aria "Di Provenza il mar," sung to the male lead by his father, who is trying to get him to come back home so that his sister can get married. Alfredo has up to that point been doing a lot of singing about how much he loves living with the title character in spite of her sketchy past. Violetta the courtesan sings awfully loud for someone who dies of TB at the end of, for 10 points, what opera by Verdi whose title means "the fallen woman".;;(La) Traviata Astronomy;;Their color is much bluer than all stars other than white dwarfs. Highly active types are sometimes known as optically violent variables, or OVVs, or BL Lacs, named for a star that turned out to be one of these. One theory claims that they are active nuclei of galaxies, while another considers them rapidly spinning black holes surrounded by rapidly spinning discs of gas. Although they appear as stars in an optical telescope, their red shift is much greater, indicating their much greater distance from Earth. FTP, identify these objects with strong radio emission, whose name is an abbreviation for quasi-stellar object.;;quasar(s) Philosophy;;At the end of this work, the author asserts that "silence is the worst form of persecution" The author's preoccupation with argumentative method is seen in the discussion of contradictions, and its opening section on the differences between intuitive and mathematical thinking. The work famously argues for the primacy of miracles in establishing matters of faith, in line with the author's assertion that "the heart has its reasons which reason does not know". A famous wager about the existence of God can be found in, FTP, what apology for the Catholic faith to which Blaise Pascal gave an extremely generic title.;;Pens(é|e){1}?es|Thoughts Biology;;This amino acid is highly abundant in motifs that bind to SH3 protein domains. It is synthesized from glutamate, and some of it may be further converted to a hydroxyl- form common in collagen. Although it is the most unlikely amino acids in a beta-sheet and an alpha-helix, it is plentiful in adjacent "turn" or "loop" regions. The most sterically hindered amino acid, FTP, name this compound, unique in that its R group forms a 5-membered ring with its amino group, and whose one-letter abbreviation is "P".;;proline World History;;The third led a revolt based in Britain and was briefly recognized by Honorius before being suppressed. The second died in a civil war with his similarly-named brothers. The fifth was nicknamed Copronymus and continued the iconoclastic policies of his father Leo II. The last was the eleventh and was also the last emperor of Byzantium. All these men shared their name with, for 10 points, what emperor who fought Licinius and Maxentius on his way to becoming the first Christian Roman emperor.;;Constantine Biology;;The formation of their secondary walls involves intense activity of dictyosomes, which produce numerous vesicles that migrate to the primary wall and fuse with the plasmalemma layer. The various types have different functions; fibers and tracheids, which are primarily used for conduction; vessel members, for support; and the only living type of cell that comprises it, also the primary food storage unit, the parenchyma. FTP, identify this mostly dead tissue found in higher plants that is the primary conductor of water in plants, and makes up the vascular system along with the phloem.;;xylem Art;;His large altarpiece at St. Peter’s, the Martyrdom of St. Erasmus, was a critical failure, but he recouped respect with works like the "7 Sacraments" series for Cassiano Pozzo. His first works were copies of Raphael, and differed distinctly from mature pieces like Death of Meleager and Death of Germanicus. Early commissions, including a set of illustrations of Ovid's Metamorphoses, were made in his adopted country. And though he worked almost entirely in Rome, he briefly returned to his native land in 1641 when Louis XIII asked him to decorate the Great Gallery of the Louvre. Landscapes like Landscape with Polyphemus are typical of, for 10 points, what baroque French artist of The Arcadian Shepherds and Holy Family on the Steps?;;(Nicolas) Poussin World History;;His various ideological campaigns included the New Life Movement in the mid-30s and a United Front with his country's communists between 1937 and 1946. The latter came about after this man was arrested at Xi'an [SHEE-AHN] by one of his own supporters and forced to concentrate on fighting foreign invaders rather than domestic enemies. His big diplomatic success came at the Cairo Conference, where he convinced the allies to abandon their so-called "unequal treaties" with the country that he then ruled. For 10 points, name this head of the Guomindang who died in 1975 in Taiwan after being kicked out of China by Mao Zedong.;;Chiang (Kai) - (Shek)|Jiang (Jieshi) Literature;;The trouble in this novel begins when the protagonist's wife asks him for permission to go study economics at a university in London. When their son John dies, the protagonist sends his friend Jock Grant-Menzies to break the news to his wife, who then demands a divorce. He refuses to give her one, and she must ask her lover's mother, Mrs. Beaver for a job. Meanwhile, the protagonist goes to South America, where his friend Messinger dies and he is held captive by Todd, who makes him read aloud the novels of Dickens. The Lord of Hetton Abbey, Tony Last, is a main focus of, FTP, what novel by Evelyn Waugh?;;(A) Handful of Dust World History;;It was originally composed of two independent kingdoms which were separated by the Tees River. It was united by Aethelfrith of Bernicia, who was later defeated by Edwin of Deira Edwin added Scottish and Welsh territory to this kingdom and established its superiority in England. The Danes invaded it in 867 with their victory at York, and Canute installed Danish earls, of whom Siward was the last and most powerful FTP, name this kingdom of northern England.;;Northumbria Religion/Mythology;;He was married to Aegiale, a daughter of Adrastus, but she fooled around while he was gone. In the Iliad he gets teased for not being as brave as his father, a member of the Seven Against Thebes named Tydeus. The only time he ever turns down a fight is against his hereditary guest Glaucus, but they trade armor instead. He was a big friend of Odysseus and helped him kill Dolon. Pandarus is killed by and Aeneas is rescued by his mother from, for 10 points, what hero who goes so ape shit in the Iliad that he wounds Aphrodite and Ares?;;Diomedes Chemistry;;The probability with which an atom may emit a fluorescent line photon, rather than exhibit this effect, is the fluorescent yield. Spectroscopy which utilizes this effect bombards a material with photons with energies between 2 and 50 kilo-electron-volts, which allows for component analysis of thin surfaces as electrons can only a short distance. FTP, name this effect also known as autoionization, in which light causes the ejection of a K-shell electron, named for a French physicist.;;Auger effect (accept early autoionization) Literature;;Although her older brother discovers that Rex Mottram had been married before, the desire to spite her mother is so great that Julia marries him anyway. Meanwhile Mr. Samgrass has failed to curb the second son’s alcoholism and is dismissed. Later the narrator is asked to travel to Fez and find his schoolboy chum who is now living with a man named Kurt. Though he leaves his wife, Celia, to find him, Sebastian escapes and ends up living as a porter in Carthage. The novel ends with Father Mackay and the children hovering over Lord Marchmain on his deathbed where he makes the sign of the cross. FTP identify this 1945 novel narrated by Charles Ryder, that takes its title from the Marchmain family estate, and was written by Evelyn Waugh.;;Brideshead Revisited Psychology;;A 1995 study which recreated this experiment in Portugal found significant evidence that the original results may have been specific to American culture, while the results of Perrin and Spencer's 1981 recreation suggested that students had more freedom to question society than they did in 1957, when the original was conducted. In the original experiment, various groups of 10 subjects, all but one of whom were confederates, were shown cards and when asked to match a line with comparison lines, almost always agreed with the majority regardless what they said in, FTP, what classic experiment of social psychology, which illustrated that people were likely to conform to a majority opinion?;;(Solomon) Asch'(s) (experiment) United States History;;After losing all his savings in Grant and Ward’s failure in 1884 he was offered the consul generalship at Guayaquil, Ecuador, where he stayed until he died. Though afflicted with dyslexia, his wife often helped him write captions for work, which began with his coverage of Garibaldi for The London News. But he truly gained notoriety with work for Harper’s Weekly during the Civil War. He also contributed illustrations to books, including Mary Dodge’s Hans Brinker and a version of Clement Clarke Moore’s A Visit from St. Nicholas. That vision of Santa Claus was almost as famous as his vision of the "Tammany Tiger Lose," and his depictions of William Tweed. For 10 points, name this pioneering cartoonist remembered for popularizing the elephant and donkey as images of the Republican and Democratic parties.;;(Thomas) Nast Miscellaneous;;Though she did not use her alias when she appeared as a dominatrix in the adult film "Next to Godliness," whenever she is at Taco Time or a hotel bar, she refers to herself as Anastasia Beaverhausen. She gets involved with Lionel Banks, but realizes that she loves her 500-pound husband Stan, only to find that he has fallen for a lunch lady in his prison's cafeteria. She then lives out of a limo and at the Palace Hotel, all while being the world's worst assistant to Grace Adler. FTP, name this rich socialite, played by Megan Mullally.;;Karen (Walker)|Walker World History;;Attempts to eliminate them and take their lands began in 1660 on the recommendation of Yuri Krizhanich. Ismail Gaspirali was the first to advocate a collective identity for this people. Given a Soviet Autonomous Republic in 1921, during World War II Stalin accused them of being Nazi collaborators, forbade the use of their language, and transported them to Uzbekistan and Kazakstan. For 10 points, name this group of Turkic-speaking peoples located along the Volga river who made up most of the Golden Horde.;;Tatar(s) Music;;His works for the piano include Sonatina, Water Play, and Mirrors, and it was the uproar caused by this man’s continuous slights at the Prix de Rome that got his teacher, Gabriel Faure, elected as head of the Conservatoire. His work La Valse was written five years before his collaboration with Colette, who wrote the libretto to his opera The Child and the Enchantments. Other important works include Gaspard de la Nuit, The Tomb of Couperin, and the Pavane for a Dead Princess. But it is Spanish inspired orchestral works like the Rapsodie Espagnole and another piece that premiered in 1928 that made his name. FTP identify this composer of Daphnis and Chloe and a piece made famous by Ida Rubinstein, the insistently repetitive Bolero.;;(Maurice) Ravel Literature;;For three years, he shacked up with a weaver in Wilmington, Delaware, and separated dead bodies from wounded ones in the wake of Civil War battles. Earlier, he spent time in a labor prison in Alfred, Georgia for escaping from a plantation to which he was sold for $900. Eighteen years passed since he and four other slaves planned their escape from Sweet Home. Though Denver initially distrusts him and at one point he runs away, what man, FTP, returns to Sethe and helps chase away the ghost of the title character in Beloved.;;Paul D;;Paul Religion/Mythology;;Originally a god of contracts and friendship, later he was often paired with the goddess of fertilizing waters, Anahita. Usually worshipped in underground shrines that depicted his encounter with Geush Urvan, he had 10,000 ears and eyes and rode a chariot drawn by four white horses. He was born from a rock with a knife and a torch in hand. His worship was sanctioned by emperors like Diocletian who consecrated a temple to this deity whom the Romans named Sol Invictus. FTP identify this mythological figure the slayer of a sacred bull, a sun god and forerunner of Ahura Mazda.;;Mithra(s) United States History;;The effort to enact it was led by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, head of the Bureau of Chemistry in the Department of Agriculture. Wiley enlisted the support of the American Medical Association, the General Federation of Women's Clubs, and other consumer groups. Impetus for this act came following a scandal during the Spanish-American War in 1898 involving an "embalmed" substance, this event, plus a series of articles by Charles Edward Russell and Samuel Hopkins Adams, which slammed, respectively the Beef Trust and patent medicine industry, FTP, spurred the passing of this act, which was most famously inspired by Upton Sinclair’s unappetizing novel The Jungle, in January 1906.;;Pure Food and Drug Act Biology;;Sufferers of Caroli disease often show symptoms of vomiting because of this organ's enlargement, while receiving a transplant of healthy one improved the condition of some sufferers of Criggler-Najjar syndrome. Cavernous hemangiomata are the most common type of tumor found in it, while steatosis is caused by the accumulation of fat in its major component cells, and is a common condition among the obese and alcoholics. FTP, name this organ, whose more common disorders include cirrhosis.;;liver Literature;;Thought to have been lost forever when the Library of Alexandria burned in 48 BC., historians knew this play existed because Aristophanes and other Greek playwrights of the time made mention of it. Recently discovered among papyrus scrolls inside a mummy, this trilogy about the Trojan War will be staged for the first time in summer 2004 in Cyprus and in Greece by Cyprus' national theater company, Thoc. For 10 points, name this no-longer lost work of Aeschylus named for the Greek hero who slew Hector.;;Achilles World History;;Ironically this staunch anti-Fascist may have lived the last years of his life in the vicinity of his former enemies when he was allowed to live out his final days with his daughter in Chile. His own career began after he was found guilty for "preparing treason" and spent ten years in a Nazi labor camp, whereupon being set free by the Red Army he served in the Volkskammer and joined the Free German Youth Movement. When Walter Ulbricht was proving a little too receptive to Willy Brandt, this member of the SED replaced him, just as Egon Krenz would take over his position as chairman of the council of state after a wave of pro-democracy demonstrations. FTP identify this East German leader who built the Berlin Wall and effectively ruled the country from 1973 until 1989.;;(Erich) Honecker Chemistry;;The first Bose-Einstein condensate including this element, one of three metals which is liquid at room temperature, was observed at 45 nanokelvin in October 2002. In 1995 its hydride was found to be stiffer than diamond, while its hydroxide is still the strongest existing base known to man. Its 137 isotope has been used in radioactive dating with lead-210, but may be more notorious for rapidly destroying bone marrow and skin cells. FTP, name this alkali metal, the most electropositive element, which is commonly used in atomic clocks.;;cesium Philosophy;;In 1842, he contributed a series of letters to The Nonconformist in which he argued that government actions should be limited to upholding natural rights. The writings were collected and published as the pamphlet, The Proper Sphere of Government. The Principles of Psychology speculated on ideas that would become much more popular four years later, while The Man Versus the State discussed political liberty. In his first book, Social Statics (1851), he presented a progressive model of the changes in human society over time in which he asserted and defended the emergence of individualism as the natural culmination of societal evolution. For 10 points, name this British thinker and author of A System of Synthetic Philosophy who argued that "the survival of the fittest" is morally justified.;;(Herbert) Spencer Geography;;Its exceptionally clear and deep waters support the fishing industries of Hay River and Gros Cap, two towns on its shore. Originally called "Athapuscow, "it was discovered in 1771 by Samuel Hearne and lies partially on the Canadian Shield and partially on the interior plateau. Though only ice free for four months it is an integral part of the waterway linking the Mackenzie with its namesake river. When gold was discovered there in the 1930s a mining center grew up around it which is now known as Yellowknife. Named for an English corruption of the Dogrib Indians who once lived on its shore, FTP, what is this tenth largest lake in the world and second largest in Canada.;;Great Slave (Lake) World History;;By the end of this encounter one side’s lack of supplies caused all civilians and wounded to be expelled at the base of Mount Auxois where many starved to death. Preceded by a skirmish at Vingeanne, which allowed them to hunker down, the defenders were ordered to dig a trench north-south between the Ose and Oserain rivers along the namesake town. The aggressors responded by digging their own series of trenches and setting up a 12 foot high wall, with observation towers every 130 feet. This technique allowed the Romans to beat back attacks from both sides and trapped the Chief of the Averni and his men in the town. But after capturing Avaricum, Lutetia, and Gergovia, Labienus and his general were feeling confident that the Gauls would fold. FTP identify this 52 B.C. battle which saw Caesar defeat Vercingetorix.;;Alesia Art;;His brief time in England resulted in his collaboration with Maxwell Fry on Village College, at Impington, while his collaborations with former student, Marcel Breuer, resulted in his own house in Lincoln, Massachusetts. As a member of the TAC he designed the University of Baghdad and the U.S. Embassy in Athens. But this student of Peter Behrens’ greatest works were created during his stint with another artistic collective whose headquarters in Dessau he also designed. FTP identify this architect of the Fagus Shoe Factory and the Harvard Graduate Center, the founder and director of the Bauhaus.;;(Walter) Gropius Chemistry;;Most magnetic resonance contrast agents such as gadolinium-DTPA and technetium 99m DTPA fall into this class of molecules. They are often formed in solution by sequestration agents just as in alkaline soils where the blue color of hydrangeas can be retained by using iron compounds. From the Greek for "crab claw", other examples include EDTA and chlorophyll, which has a magnesium center, though its most famous example might be hemoglobin. FTP, identify this type of molecule that forms two or more bonds to a central metal ion.;;chelate Literature;;Individual works like "The Unhappy Lot of Mr. Knott" broke away from the imitations of Wordsworth and Keats that dominate collections like Heartsease and Rue and Under the Willows. A trip to Chartres inspired his The Cathedral, while Democracy and other Addresses and Among My Books discuss his time as Ambassador to Spain and England. But it was his work about a sarcastic reviewer who visits Olympus to dispense opinions about literary contemporaries that brought him fame during his lifetime. That work along with "The Commemoration Ode" and The Vision of Sir Launfal made this New England writer’s name. FTP identify this author of A Fable for Critics and The Biglow Papers.;;J(ames) (Russell) Lowell;;Lowell Religion/Mythology;;Beginning on the fifteenth day of Kartika, in north India, it honors the homecoming of Rama to Ayodhya after his victory over the demon king Ravana. During it homes are thoroughly cleaned and windows are opened to welcome Laksmi, goddess of wealth. On the second day Kali is worshiped, while the fourth day falls on the first day of the lunar New Year. For 10 points, identify this five day Hindu festival, often referred to as the Festival of Lights.;;D(i|e){1}?(w|v){1}?ali|Deepavali World history;;In 147 B.C.E. he served on the staff of his cousin Aemilianus during the attack on Carthage, and was given an award for being the first to mount the walls of a minor town being stormed. In 137 B.C.E. he negotiated a surrender settlement with the Numantines, but was humiliated when the Senate rejected it. Cicero later argued that this episode spurred him, while Plebeian Tribune, to propose land reform measures unfavorable to the ruling oligarchy. FTP, identify this man who was killed in 132 BC near the Capitol, during an armed confrontation with political enemies.;;Tiberius Gracchus Literature;;The product of his father’s drunken rape of a village idiot girl, he hangs cats and has elaborate funerals for them. Sent to Moscow to study cooking while his half brothers go to university, he eventually kills his father and frames his brother Dmitri for the murder. He later commits suicide after telling his brother Ivan that he killed their old man. FTP, name this illegitimate son of Feodor Karamazov.;;Smerdyakov Music;;At the end of this work, its composer's opus 34, the brass section plays the central theme while the instruments enter a fugue one by one beginning with the piccolo. The central theme is taken from the incidental music to Aphra Behn’s Abdelazar. In sequence, the woodwind, brass, strings, and percussion are then featured with each individual instrument given its own variation. Subtitled Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Henry Purcell, FTP, name this work originally composed to accompany a documentary on the orchestra by Benjamin Britten.;;(A) Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra Literature;;In his essay "In Defense of Rubble Literature" this man praises Dickens’ moral commitment and interest in the downtrodden. This same concern is reflected in his more famed protagonists like the sweetly naïve Leni Pfeiffer and the secretive Robert Fahmel, and in novels like The Silent Angel and The Bread of Our Early Years. After gaining fame for "The Black Sheep" he wrote works about his experiences in the war such as End of a Mission and The Train Was on Time. While he was associated with "Gruppe 47" works like The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum and Women in a River Landscape reflect his own vision. FTP, identify this German author of Billiards at Half-Past Nine and The Clown.;;(Heinrich) B(ö|o){1}?ll Philosophy;;Julie Kristeva appropriated the name of this field for irrational effluxes of the infantile self. Lev Vygotsky emphasized the pragmatic-instrumental character of the elements of communication central to it. Its name was first coined in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Charles Morris is credited with first applying it, though it was Umberto Eco who popularized it. Charles Sanders Peirce categorized the field's subject into three types: index, icon, and symbol. Contrasted in its early context with semantics, FTP, identify this interdisciplinary field concerned with the use of signs.;;semiotics Philosophy;;According to Karl Popper, this pre-Socratic was the chief forerunner of historicism. Believed to have been heir to a priest kingship, he turned down the post in favor of his brother. Holding that there existed a universal principle through which all things are interrelated, a concept he called 'nous,' this ancient opposed the theories of Parmenides who supported the notion of a static universe. The primary advocate of the belief that fire is the one primordial element, FTP, name this philosopher whose most famous aphorism is, "No man can step in the same river twice".;;Heraclitus (of Ephesus) Chemistry;;Thermodynamically this effect's namesake coefficient is the partial derivative of temperature with respect to pressure at constant enthalpy. Though not true for hydrogen and helium, its coefficient is generally positive at room temperature. Due to this effect, liquefaction is possible in the Linde refrigerator. Describing the temperature change associated with the throttling process, FTP, name this effect, which describes the adiabatic expansion of real gases and is named for two 19th century British scientists.;;Joule-(Thomson|Kelvin){1}? (effect) United States History;;General Snowden set up his headquarters at the local schoolhouse as he and his troops took up a strong defensive position at Munhall. Any prisoners were brought to the temporarily constructed Camp Sam Black. The problems had begun six days earlier, on July 6th, when Hugh Douglas confronted the two hundred and eighty armed men who had floated down the Monongahela on the orders of Henry Clay Frick. These Pinkerton guards were supposed to continue the policy of evicting the strikers from company owned housing so that scabs could replace the members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. FTP, identify this 1892 Pennsylvania strike against the Carnegie Steel Company.;;Homestead (Strike) Biology;;Structures in its lateral region include Broddman's areas and Heschl's gyrus, while its medial structures include the fusiform gyrus and the primary olfactory cortex.  A symptom of damage to this lobe is disturbed musical perception.  The ventral visual system centered here is useful in object recognition, and Wernicke's area is located just posterior to the primary auditory complex in this cerebral lobe.  FTP, name this cerebral lobe best known for its function in hearing, and located just above the ear.;;temporal (lobe) Literature;;The first sketch features the nameless narrator climbing a mountain in search of fairies. Instead, he finds a cottage with a young girl named Mariana in it, who, as it turns out, was admiring the narrator’s house at the title location. The finale of this six-part collection ends with an automaton destroying the titular edifice and killing his creator Bannadona. Another tale collects 10 episodes set on the Galapagos Islands, while another is subtitled "A Story of Wall Street" and contains the utterance "I would prefer not to". FTP, identify this series of short stories by Melville which contains "The Bell Tower" and "Bartleby the Scrivener," and is collectively named for an Italian square.;;(The) Piazza Tales World History;;In the Hulsemann letter the Taylor administration's support of this event was protested by the region's ruler. It began with a March 3rd speech in which its leader urged a crown prince to 'perpetuate the ancient glory of the dynasty by meeting half-way the aspirations of a free people' and was finally defeated when the revolutionary government fled to Debrecen and Arthur Görgei surrendered. The setting of the fall of both Emperor Ferdinand I and Metternich, FTP, name this 1848 revolution which led to the ascension of Franz Joseph and the exile of Lajos Kossuth in the namesake nation.;;Hungarian (Revolt)|Rebellion of 1848 Geography;;The main navigational lanes through this archipelago are the Unimak, Umnak, Amukta, and Seguam passes. The group lies atop the boundary between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates and its volcanoes includes Makushin, Bogoslof, and Grewingk. It was formerly known as the Catherine Archipelago and is comprised of four groups: the Fox, Andreanof, Rat and Near. Located between 52 degrees and 55 degrees north, FTP, name this chain of small islands in the Northern Pacific Ocean and extending outward from the Kamchatka peninsula to the Alaskan peninsula.;;Aleutian (Islands) Literature;;"I'm with you Rockland" is repeated in the third part of this poem that was read by its author at the Six Gallery. The second part asks what monster "bashed open" the skulls of the "lamblike youths" and "ate up their brains and imagination" and eventually blames the Canaanite god Moloch. The author sees the afflicted as "starving hysterical naked, // dragging themselves through the Negro streets at // dawn looking for an angry fix". FTP, name this poem which takes as its subject the "angel headed hipsters," a beat anthem by Allen Ginsburg.;;Howl Religion/Mythology;;Meyer and Patterson translated the "Scholars" version of this religious work which begins "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death". Conspicuously failing to mention the resurrection, an early mention of it is included in the writings of Origen. It is hypothesized to be the source previously referred to as Q, and the version found in 1945 in the Egyptian desert is believed to be a translation from the original Gnostic Greek. A collection of 114 "secret teachings" of Jesus, FTP, name this controversial "gospel" attributed to the apostle who is sometimes called Didymus.;;(Gospel of) Thomas World History;;According to one legend this historical figure received a signet ring from Honoria, the sister of Valentinian III, which he assumed was a marriage proposal. The leader of forces assembled by his uncle Rua, he killed the Visigothic king Theodoric I at a 451 battle near the Marne river, though in the end his forces were defeated by Aetius. Said to have been convinced by Pope Leo I not to sack Rome the following year, FTP, name this loser at Chalons, the legendary king of the Huns usually referred to as the "Scourge of God".;;Attila (the Hun) Religion/Mythology;;In Dante's Inferno, it is this monster that transports Virgil and the author from the seventh to the eighth circle of hell. The son of Chrysaor and Callirrhoe, the golden goblet of Helios allowed his slayer to reach his island home, Erythea. Eventually the fire-breathing giant Cacus would hijack his prized possession though not before he, Eurytion, and Orthrus were killed trying to defend them. FTP, name this triple-bodied, winged giant whose herd was the subject of the tenth labor of Hercules.;;Geryon Literature;;This character disguises himself as Hearne the Hunter for a meeting in a nearby forest, after he is told to do so by a mysterious 'Mr. Brooke,' and also takes the guise of the "fat woman of Brainford". This happens in a drama that features Anne being wooed by Slender and Fenton, but which begins with his dismissal of Bardolph and Nym. Instead of petty thievery, he has decided to send identical love letters to the work's title characters, Mrs. Page and Mrs. Ford. Described as larding "the lean earth as he walks along," FTP, name this jolly Shakespearean character whom Queen Elizabeth wanted to see fall in love, the protagonist of The Merry Wives of Windsor.;;Falstaff Astronomy;;The subject of the so-called Schröter Effect, this astronomical body lacks a magnetic field. Its lack of impact craters is explained by its thick atmosphere which causes meteors to decelerate as they fall toward its surface. In 1672 Cassini gave the name Neith to this object, which he thought was a moon, though it is now known to have no satellites. Venera 3 first explored its surface and its highest point, the Maxwell Montes, is located on the "continent" Ishtar Terra. First visited by Mariner 2, FTP, name this planet, the second nearest the sun.;;Venus Art;;This artistic group published a namesake almanac that featured folk art and argued that the artificial separation of form and idea could not truthfully express the inner rhythm of the spirit. A collection of this group's works is held in the former home of Franz von Lenbach and the group met at the home of one of its founders, Gabriele Münter. Completing such works as Study for Improvisation V and Yellow Cow, the collaboration ended with the World War I deaths of August Macke and Franz Marc. FTP, name this expressionistic movement led by Wassily Kandinsky and which often employed an equine motif.;;(Der) Blaue Reiter|(The) Blue Rider Physics;;Generally the development of this material property corresponds to a real-symmetric rank-2 dielectric tensor whose eigenvalues correspond to the three orthogonal principle axes of polarization. Characteristic of Nicol and Wallaston prisms, its paragon material is rhombohedral calcite and the Kerr Effect describes its development in an electric field. Referring to the division of light into ordinary and extraordinary components, FTP, name this physical property of materials that can be classified by two distinct anisotropic indices of refraction.;;birefringence|double refraction (accept equivalents) Wrold History;;This encounter was precipitated by a violent raid on Fort Williams a year earlier. One commander, fresh off his victory at Arcot, secretly negotiated with the other commander’s uncle, Mir Jaffar, in order to secure an advantage. When an attack on a French settlement near Murshidabad provoked one side to march into battle, the other had already set up his defenses in a mango grove on the Hooghli River. Though badly outmanned, a monsoon rain and the judicious use of a tarp to keep the powder dry turned the charge of Siraj-ud-Dawlah’s forces into a rout for the British. FTP identify this battle fought on June 23, 1757, a victory by Robert Clive that secured colonial domination of India.;;(Battle of) Plassey|(Battle of) Pelasi Literature;;He used a variety of settings in his fiction, including Philadelphia in Lovely Childs and Hollywood in The Big Laugh, but most of his novels and stories were based in and around his hometown of Pottsville. Thus Swedish Haven in The Lockwood Concern is really Schuylkill. The clash between provinciality and money dominated works like The Doctor’s Son and Sermons and Soda Water. His main characters were often successful men who fell hard, including Joe Chapin and Julian English in Ten North Frederick and his most famous work. But, FTP, what writer remains best known for the film adaptations of his Pal Joey and Butterfield 8, as well as his most famous work Appointment in Samarra?;;John Henry O’Hara Economics;;The Marshall-Lerner condition says that the sum of this quantity for home imports and foreign imports must be greater than 1. Affected by the availability of substitutes, degree of necessity, and time period over which it is calculated, isotropy can be achieved via the 'Arc' formulation of this economic quantity. Typically negative, one exception is Giffen goods for which this value is by definition positive. FTP, name this economic quantity which can be defined as the measure the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to its price.;;price elasticity (of demand);;elasticity World History;;It was ended by Pierre de Beaufort. At the beginning of this period Bernard de Got, buoyed by Nogaret's charges of heresy against Benedict Caetani, essentially revoked Unam Sanctam. Following Caetani's death over a year passed before the ascension of Clement V during which time Phillip the Fair became the most powerful continental ruler. Among the events of this seventy-year period was the Treaty of Brétigny that was arranged by Innocent VI despite the influence of the French kings who were his landlord. FTP, name this papal sojourn to Avignon whose name alludes to Nebuchadrezzar's deportation of the Jews to the namesake city.;;Babylonian Captivity Literature;;Born a slave, this protagonist is the victim of an arranged marriage to a "seven inch dwarf". She unsuccessfully attempts to woo her brother-in-law and at the end of the novel he kills her to avenge his brother. Unable to conceive, she becomes jealous of Vase's child and arranges a cat attack that leads to the child's death. Most infamously a nymphomaniac who was noted for her talent at p'in hsiao, literally "tasting the flute," FTP, name this protagonist of the erotic work the Plum and the Golden Vase, for whom Clement Egerton named his 1939 translation.;;Golden Lotus|P'an Chin-Lien