Religion/Mythology;;He was granted asylum by King Cocalus of Sicily, whose daughters murdered the king who came looking for him. He was found out by that king after he tied a string to an ant, who proceeded to thread a spiral shell. He was the son of Metion and the grandson of Erechtheus, but was banished from his native city after murdering his nephew Perdix. He enabled the birth of Asterios, or the Minotaur, by building a wooden cow in which Pasiphae could receive the affections of a white bull. FTP, name this figure from Greek myth, who also created the prison which held the Minotaur and later himself, the Labyrinth.;;Daedalus Literature;;This author discussed the creation of his greatest poem in the essay "Narcissus as Narcissus," which appeared in the volume Reason in Madness. In his poem "The Buried Lake," he discussed his short-lived career as a violinist, which ended after one year at the Cincinnati Conservatory. His first book of poems included "The Subway" and "The Death of Little Boys," which was viciously attacked by Yvor Winters, as well as a titular poem about Alexander Pope. His better known poems include "Aeneas at Washington," "Last Days of Alice," and a poem whose refrain mentions leaves that "flying, plunge and expire". FTP, name this member of the Fugitive school best known for the "Ode to the Confederate Dead".;;(Allen) Tate Noncomputational Math;;Proof of the elementary form of this result hinges on an argument that, by hypothesis, the greatest common divisor of the moduli of two congruences divides the difference of the bases of those congruences. That elementary form, may be easily generalized to an arbitrary system of congruences in certain cases. The earliest known use of this lemma is in the solution to Problem 26 of the Sun Tsu Suan Chang, in which the moduli of a set of three congruences are prime and, therefore, coprime, as this theorem requires. FTP, name this theorem from number theory that states that a unique solution exists for a system of simultaneous congruences with pairwise coprime moduli and that is named for its Asian country of origin.;;Chinese remainder theorem;;CRT Art;;In a painting by this artist, a man clad in a striped orange outfit seems to be punching the midsecton of a man in a striped blue outfit in a clearing in the woods. The Football Players was created in 1908, a year after he painted some uncomfortable looking officials on a red platform with a woman clad in red and a lion. The large feline appearing in The Representatives of Foreign Powers Coming to Greet the Republic as a Sign of Peace is not unique in his work, as big cats also appear in The Repast of the Lion and Fight Between a Tiger and a Buffalo. In one of his most famous works, a large lion looks down at the titular woman, who has a pitcher and a stringed instrument. FTP, name this French painter of The Snake Charmer, The Dream, and The Sleeping Gypsy.;;(Henri) Rousseau World History;;One branch of this people carved the "horseman of Madara" and captured Greek masons to build a stone palace at Pliska. The other, the followers of Bayan, founded the fur-trading city of Suvar. Though they were subjugated by the Golden Horde, their descendants survive today as the Chuvash, Turkic-speakers of the Volga valley. Khan Krum killed the Emperor Nicephorus and drank from his skull, but his successors almost converted to Catholicism and gradually adopted the language of their Slavic subjects. FTP, name this people famously slain by Emperor Basil II.;;Bulgar(ian)(s) Biology;;Diversifying both in late Silurian and early Cambrian periods, this taxon arose from the onychophorans, or walking worms. This phylum’s members have open circulatory systems containing sinuses that comprise the hemocoel, which became the main body cavity and returns hemolymph to the heart via ostia. Marine gills and terrestrial tracheae lead air from pores in the cuticle into their bodies. They include the millipedes of Diplopoda and centipedes of Chilopoda and grow by molting a chitinous exoskeleton. FTP, name this protostomate phylum that is the largest of the animal kingdom and that contains barnacles, scorpions, crabs, trilobites, and insects.;;Arthropod(a|s) Literature;;He was born from a stone egg, and his bronze head and iron shoulders made him impossible to kill. Instead of being executed, he was burned in a furnace where the pills of immortality were refined, which led to his acquiring golden crystal eyes. Finally, he was imprisoned for five centuries beneath the Mountain of Five Fingers, from which he was freed by a wandering monk. His anger was provoked when he was offered the position of stablekeeper, after he had claimed a much higher office in defiance of Yu Huang Da Di, or the Great Emperor of Jade. FTP, name this creature, who accompanies Tripitaka in a novel by Wu Ch’eng-en, and gives his name to Arthur Waley’s translation of Journey to the West.;;Monkey|Monkey King|Sun Wukong;;Should accept only Monkey after "Arthur Waley" Geography;;The 1974 eruption of Mount Kelimutu turned one of this island’s "three colored lakes" from blue to red. In the sixteenth century, the Portuguese sent missionaries to Ende on the southern coast, but it was the arrival of the Dutch from 1618 that ended its traditional relationship with the rulers of Celebes. Isolated from its western neighbor Sumbawa by the Sape Strait and from its still-divided southern neighbor by the Savu Sea, this member of the Lesser Sundas is home to a small population of Komodo dragons, which once fed on Stegodon, the island’s now extinct dwarf elephant. FTP, name this Indonesian island, once also home to a recently discovered dwarf member of genus Homo.;;Flores Astronomy;;The dimmer component of this system was shown to be an overtone pulsator with a current period of about 4 days by the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer in 2000. The irregularity of its Cepheid component and a recent recalculation of the distance to this ternary system may account for the variability of this object’s magnitude, which has increased by an order since ancient times. This 51st brightest star contains a spectroscopic binary and can be found in the sky with the help of Merak and Dubhe. FTP, name this star whose position was once held by Thuban and will one day be held by Vega, and which is also known as Alpha Ursae Minoris and the North Star.;;Polaris;;North Star|polestar|Alpha Ursa(e) Minor(is) Religion/Mythology;;On the second day of it, people take baths before sunrise in honor of a day on which sixteen thousand girls were liberated from the demon king Narakasur. The third day is consecrated to the goddess of wealth and is marked by the use of fire crackers. On the fourth day, businesses start a new set of books to inaugurate the new lunar year. The fifth and final day celebrates King Bali. Jains observe it as commemoration of the establishment of the dharma by Mahavira, and Sikhs remember the 1620 festival when Hargobind Singh negotiated the release of 52 imprisoned Hindu princes. FTP, name this holiday, the Hindu festival of lights.;;Diwali|D(i|ee){1}?pavali Philosophy;;Essays by this philosopher, including "The Line and the Cave in Plato’s Republic" and "Are There A Priori Concepts"? were collected by G. J. Warnock and J. O. Urmson after his death. The book they edited, Philosophical Papers, also contains more interesting essays like "Ifs and Cans," "Other Minds," and "A Plea for Excuses". In a set of lectures delivered at Harvard at 1955, he introduced the concept of "performative utterances". In another book, Sense and Sensibilia, he played off the fact that his name sounds like that of a famous novelist. FTP name this ordinary language philosopher who wrote How to Do Things with Words, and who shares his name with the capital of Texas.;;(John) (Langshaw) Austin Earth Science;;J. Tuzo Wilson promulgated his discovery of these structures via origami models, which were excitedly shown at 1960’s geological conferences. Lynn Sykes later found evidence for these boundaries in 1967, confirming their role in plate tectonics. They are conservative, meaning that no plate material is melted, and they begin and end at other plate boundaries. These structures explain the fracture zones and offsets of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. FTP, name the type of fault in which normal displacement stops or changes and the most famous example of which is the San Andreas fault.;;(transform|strike-slip){1}? (faults) Economics;;He argued for the "need for a sociology and psychology of social science and scientists" in an essay collected in his late volume Against the Grain. His early theoretical work includes lectures, collected under the title Monetary Equilibrium, that distinguished between ex ante and ex post investment. Later he rejected the neoclassical school in favor of institutional studies, illustrating his pessimistic Malthusian view of developmental economics with an "inquiry into the poverty of nations" entitled Asian Drama. He denounced the Agricultural Adjustment Act's impact on the cotton industry, expounding his theory of "cumulative causation" in a work subtitled The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. FTP name this Stockholm School economist, author of An American Dilemma and co-winner of the Nobel Prize with Friedrich von Hayek.;;(Gunnar) Myrdal World History;;"Weep for the living; mourn no more," begins Peel's 1845 ode on this subject. Other literary treatments include Gerhard Meier's 1982 novel and an 1837 Lermontov poem narrated by an anonymous soldier. Neither the suffering under artillery fire of Ostermann-Tolstoi's corps nor the heroics of Barclay de Tolly, who had been fired just before this battle, could prevent the fall of the Great Redoubt by mid-afternoon. Prince Bagration, commander of the Second Army, was among the fifty-two thousand casualties suffered by the defenders, who were forced to continue their retreat. FTP, name this battle described by Tolstoy in War and Peace, a September 1812 clash on the road to Moscow.;;(The Battle of) Borodino Literature;;He spent the last years of his life in Sicily, where he wrote a work about the founding of Syracuse, Women of Etna. In his first competition he lost to Pratinus and Choerilus, but the contest was so exciting that the theater benches collapsed under the weight of the spectators. He wrote 97 plays in all, the earliest surviving one of which depicts the flight to Argos of the fifty daughters of Danaus. In another of his plays, two brothers fight to the death before the walls of Thebes, while he sympathized with Queen Atossa in The Persians. FTP, name this first of Athens’ great tragic dramatists, who wrote Seven Against Thebes, Prometheus Bound, and the Oresteia.;;Aeschylus World History;;Accused of corruption by Hilaire Belloc and G. K. Chesterton in the political weekly The Eye-Witness, he defended the "people’s budget" in the Limehouse speech and proposed national health insurance for Britain. Kept off the HMS Hampshire mission to Russia by his involvement in Irish affairs, he succeeded Lord Kitchener at the War Office, a step up from his previous post eliminating the shell shortage as minister of munitions to the coalition government. His willingness to negotiate for Irish Home Rule was considered "surrender" by his Tory colleagues, but was perfectly consistent with his earlier advocacy for the rights of the Boers. FTP, name this Welsh successor to Herbert Asquith, the British representative at the 1919 Paris peace conference.;;(David) Lloyd George;;George Art;;The color in the full version of its name refers to the region of the North Star, whose symbolic hue is purple. Its buildings, however, face south to honor the sun. The wings of its entrance, the Meridian Gate, imitate the form of a lion's paws. Five marble bridges over the Golden Water River lead to interior structures including the Halls of Central Harmony, Preserving Harmony, and Supreme Harmony. Completed by the Yunglo emperor in the fifteenth century, it was abandoned by its last royal inhabitant under republican pressure in 1924. FTP, name this moated imperial compound in the center of Beijing.;;(The) (Purple) Forbidden City|Zijin Cheng Literature;;The 1961 film version of this play featured Miriam Hopkins as Lily, 25 years after she had played one of the two main female characters in another film version of this play. The earlier film featured Joel McCrea in a role played by James Garner in the later film, both of which were directed by William Wyler. Both men played a character who is asked to leave after a question he asks is interpreted as an expression of disbelief. A bracelet owned by Helen Burton and taken by Rosalie Wells provides the means whereby Mary Tilford coerces her friend’s silence. Ending with the abrupt offstage suicide of Martha Dobie, FTP, name this play in which lives are shattered by suspicion of lesbianism at a girls’ school, a work by Lillian Hellman.;;(The) Children(')s Hour Biology;;The N(6)-methylation [enn six meth-uh-LAY-shun] of this chemical is mediated by dam methylase in many bacteria. Deamination of this compound’s C(6) amino group by double-bonded oxygen yields the hypoxanthine found in tRNA inosine. Its N(7) and N(6) positions form additional hydrogen bonds in Hoogsteen pairing, and it absorbs at 260 nm ["nanometers"] more strongly than any other nitrogenous base. In its most common role, its nitrogen-9 is syn- or anti-linked in a N-beta-glycosyl bond to the carbon-1' ["one prime"] of a pentose by condensation of water. Containing a NH2 at C(6) of a double ring, FTP, name this purine that has bonds with thymine and uracil in DNA and RNA, respectively.;;adenine;;A Music;;One of his last successful operas was based on a poem by Frédéric Mistral, while his third opera was based on a play by Molière. In addition to Mireille and The Doctor In Spite of Himself, he wrote ten other operas, the first of which was written at the request of Turgenev’s mistress Pauline Viardot. He devoted much of his career to religious works, including a number of masses and the oratorios Redemption and Mors et Vita, but is best known for an opera which includes the "Soldiers’ Chorus" and the "Jewel Song". FTP, name this French composer of such operas as Sapho, Romeo and Juliet, and an 1859 work centering on the love of Mauguerite for its title character, Faust.;;(Charles) Gounod World History;;An American engineer, John Hays Hammond, and an expatriate British army colonel were sentenced to hang from the beam of Slagter's Nek for their involvement, but these death sentences were commuted to large fines. Its less fortunate namesake, the Administrator General for Matabeleland, served fifteen months in Holloway Prison upon his return to London. His men were surrounded and forced to surrender at Doornkop after the "Reform Committee" of Johannesburg uitlanders failed to support them as promised. Their opponent was encouraged by the presence of a cruiser in Delagoa Bay and by a famous telegram from Kaiser Wilhelm II. FTP, name this January 1895 raid that worsened Anglo-Boer relations.;;(the) Jameson raid Astronomy;;This phenomenon is governed by the ODE ["rho u dee u dee r equals d p d r minus rho g m over r-squared"], where ? and u are its density and velocity, M is the Sun’s mass, G is the gravitational constant, and r is the distance from the Sun. This almost completely ionized stream creates a bow shock at Earth’s magnetosphere since is it supersonic at Earth, corresponding to a class 2 solution of the above ODE, which Eugene Parker first solved. FTP, identify this diffuse, radial-flowing stream of ions ejected from the Sun and constantly pushing everything in space.;;solar wind Miscellaneous;;Julian Havier and Dale Berra are tied for second place in benefitting from this over their careers, while the record of 29 times is held by Pete Rose. Dale Berra held the single-season record with seven until Roberto Kelly got eight in 1992. In 1991, Paul Molitor became the only player ever to benefit from this in an All-Star Game. In this occurrence, covered by rules 6.08(c) and 7.07, the batter is not charged with an at-bat, even though its namesake is charged with an error. FTP, name this play usually resulting from the batter standing deep in the box and nicking the backstop's glove.;;catcher(')(s) interference Literature;;The discussion of trees in this work includes sections on the death of Kostrubonko and the Whitsuntide Mummers. A song about a bastard son of Midas named Lityerses who would kill strangers after forcing them to help him gather the harvest is discussed in the section on the Corn-Spirit. The soul is considered as a "shadow and a reflection" and as a "mannikin" in a chapter on the "perils of the soul," while another chapter considers sharp weapons, blood, spittle, and hair as "tabooed things". The book begins by asking "Who does not know Turner’s picture" of the titular object, and then describes the grove of Aricia where a certain ceremony once took place. The author initially wanted only to understand the rule which regulated the succession of the priesthood of Diana, but ended up writing twelve volumes. FTP, name this work whose title refers to a branch removed from a sacred tree by Aeneas, which was written by Sir James Frazer.;;(The) Golden Bough World History;;His diplomatic experience included signing a thirty-year treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union and a trip to the Bandung conference, after which he proclaimed that Africa was "ripe for revolution". Though he discouraged the dissident generals and supported Zhang Xueliang in the Xi'an incident, he later created the second united front between the Communists and KMT and unsuccessfully negotiated with George C. Marshall for an end to the civil war. During the Cultural Revolution he acted as a voice for moderation and sponsored the rise of Deng Xiaoping. FTP, name this man who met with Richard Nixon in 1972, the first Premier of the People's Republic of China.;;Zhou (Enlai) Literature;;His minor poems include a mock-pastoral in which the loss of Grildrig is lamented by Glumdalclitch and a "proper new ballad" in which the ghost of George Sandys mocks contemporary translators of Ovid. His "miscellanies" include a poem addressed to Mr. John Moore, "author of the celebrated Worm-Powder," and one addressed to Miss Blount along with a copy of the works of Voiture (vwa-tour). His "translations and imitations" include versions of the first book of Statius’s Thebaid, an updating of The Temple of Fame, and Sappho to Phaon, while his earlier works include a "sacred eclogue" written in imitation of Virgil’s Pollio, The Messiah. He wrote poems "to Lord Bolingbroke" and "to Dr. Arbuthnot" as parts of his Imitations of Horace. FTP, name this English poet of Eloisa to Abelard and The Rape of the Lock.;;(Alexander) Pope Physics;;Identification of this particle rest almost entirely upon location of secondary vertices from decays of b-quarks because its lifetime is far too short for any hadronization to occur. This is because the Standard Model predicts that it decays into a W boson and a b quark nearly 100% of the time. Its mass of 178 GeV is vastly greater than any other fundamental particle known and is the reason it took so long to discover. FTP, name this sixth and last-discovered quark, the companion of the bottom.;;top (quark)|t-(quark)|truth (particle) Miscellaneous;;One of the main characters plays bridge at a 20th of a cent a point with a group her lover calls the "waxworks". Another character works on a story about two schoolteachers who are in love, though one works days and the other works nights. That character writes that "untitled love story" with the fiancée of his friend Artie Green, a woman whom he first met when she expressed disdain for his story "Bases Loaded". Later, Betty Schafer comes to visit the mansion where most of this film takes place, and sees the tiled floor where Valentino once danced the tango. In the end, Max von Mayerling manages to coax his ex-wife downstairs by pretending that the cameras are there to shoot her script about Salomé. FTP, name this film in which gigolo and scriptwriter Joe Gillis is shot to death by his has-been sugar mama Norma Desmond, a movie directed by Billy Wilder.;;Sunset Boulevard Religion/Mythology;;One of its leaders believed that the devilish race created by an evil "big head scientist" was to hold power for six thousand years ending in 1914. That evil scientist died at the age of 150 on the island of Patmos, after he had performed his malign work of grafting the brown germ out of people, thereby forming a new race. Following its attack on the Hanafi Center, Warith Deen took over leadership, changed its name twice, and then disbanded it, prompting the formation of three splinter movements. This movement, which believes in the sinister Mr. Yakub, was founded in Detroit by a fabric seller named Wallace Fard who called himself the "Prophet" but who disappeared soon after, leaving it in the hands of Elijah Muhammad. FTP, name this organization whose fame was spread by Malcolm X.;;(the) Nation of Islam;;Black Muslims Chemistry;;These chemicals received their alternate name because they form stable derivatives of certain heavy metals. The esters of this class are abnormally susceptible to nucleophilic acyl substitutions, so they are common acylating agents in living systems. They are often prepared by SN2 reaction of sodium hydrosulfide with unhindered alkyl halides. FTP, identify this class of compounds, a main component of skunk spray and other malodorous substances; alcohol analogues in which the hydroxyl group is replaced with an SH group.;;thiol(s)|mercaptan(s) Philosophy;;This book’s epilogue discusses the "urge to go further" by considering the disciple of Heraclitus who remarked that one cannot walk through the same river even once. In the preface, the author admires Descartes for refusing to "make it obligatory for everyone to doubt" and instead claiming that his method had significance only for him. The "Exordium" discusses the mother who has to blacken her breast to wean her child, and imagines a man who prefers that his son think him a monster rather than lose faith in God. Later sections include a "Preliminary Expectoration" and a series of "problema" which consider such questions as "Is there a Teleological Suspension of the Ethical"? FTP, name this work ostensibly written by Johannes di Silentio, a "dialectical lyric" which deals with the sacrifice of Isaac and was really penned by Soren Kierkegaard.;;Fear and Trembling World History;;Plutarch, in his Life of Pelopidas, writes that it was created by Gorgidas in the tradition of Iolaus, and Xenophon observed in his Constitution of Sparta that cultural traditions of Boeotia were favorable to its formation. It first proved its worth at Tegyrae, when it overcame a Spartan force twice its size, but its most famous exploits came in the victory over the forces of Cleombrotus in 371 BCE. Although its most famous leader, Epaminondas, was killed at Mantinea, after Chaeronea, Phillip of Macedon is reported to have said, "Perish miserably they who think that these men did or suffered aught disgraceful," in reference to, FTP, what elite unit of Theban soliders comprising 150 pairs of lovers?;;(the) Sacred Band (of Thebes) Literature;;Act 2 opens at West Ham, where a young painter named Snobby has a conversation with an old woman who is named Romola, though she goes by the name Rummy. Acts 1 and 3 both open in the library of the house at Wilton Crescent, and in the first scene Stephen is admonished by his mother for reading a Liberal weekly called "The Speaker". The central conflict of this play concerns a donation made by Lord Saxmundham, to which the title character objects because Saxmundham is a distiller. The confrontation between the title character's father and Lady Britomart arises over the question of Stephen's inheritance, and in the end Adolphus Cusins and Andrew Undershaft discover a liking for each other while the title character decides to leave her position in a charitable organization. FTP, identify this play about an officer in the Salvation Army, written by Bernard Shaw.;;Major Barbara Geography;;Its largest lake, Lake Toba, was created by a massive volcanic eruption 75,000 years ago. This island's natural resources include the oilfields of Riau province and tobacco, tea, and rubber plantations in the Deli and Medan areas of the northeast. It was dominated in the 7th through 9th centuries by the Mahayana Buddhist kingdom of Srivijaya, whose capital of Palembang was sacked by Tamil traders from Cola. The Hindu Majapahit kingdom expanded across the Sunda Strait, while Islamic influences, including the traveler Ibn Battuta, arrived from the north, around the Strait of Malacca. FTP, name this Indonesian island, home to the separatist movement of Aceh and, according to Arthur Conan Doyle, a giant rat.;;Sumatra Literature;;In one of his short stories Alexander the Great’s horse Bucephalus appears as a lawyer. A cobbler wonders when the Emperor will drive some nomads away in "An Old Manuscript," while the narrator of another story describes his eleven sons. The protagonist of one of his stories cannot stay in Riva because he is on a boat that is driven by the wind that blows in the undermost regions of death, as he tells the Burgomaster. In addition to "The Hunter Gracchus," this man wrote stories about Josephine the Singer, a country doctor, and an elderly bachelor named Blumfeld, though he’s better known for a story about a diabolical machine. FTP, name this author of "A Hunger Artist" and "In the Penal Colony," who may be best known for a work about Gregor Samsa.;;(Franz) Kafka Art;;In one of his most famous drawings, one of the title figures wears a cap and holds a brush while the other stands behind him and looks interested in his work. In one of his paintings, a street is thronged with people walking on stilts, rolling hoops, sitting on barrels, and engaging in other forms of the titular activities. In addition to The Painter and the Buyer and Children’s Games, he produced drawings to be engraved by Hieronymous Cock, such as Big Fish Eat Little Fish. His later works include The Magpie on the Gallows, while his religious works include The Procession to Calvary and The Adoration of the Kings. His light-hearted works include The Battle Between Carnival and Lent and the Peasant Wedding, while he was more severe in The Triumph of Death. FTP, name this Flemish artist of Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.;;(Pieter) Breugel (the Elder) Biology;;Most cases of this are identifiable by a constriction at locus Xq27.3 of the namesake structure. This constriction is caused by methylation due to abnormally frequent CCG repeats in the 5’ ["five prime"] UTR of the FMR1 gene. Clincal features of this disease typically include facial dysplasia and macro-orchidism. The most common form of inherited mental retardation, this syndrome affects approximately 1 in 2500 children and is twice as likely to afflict males. FTP, name this syndrome which derives its name from the penchant of a sex chromosome to break in cultured cells starved for DNA precursors.;;fragile-X (syndrome) Literature;;This author speaks of the grave as "the bed Christ did perfume" in a poem that begins "as weary pilgrim, now at rest". The speaker of another poem by this author stands "close by the banks of Lacrim flood" and overhears a dialogue between the "the flesh and the spirit". This author concluded that time would be the "fatal wrack of mortal things" whereas God would "last and shine when all of these are gone" in the 33rd and final section of the long poem "Contemplations," and wrote a series of poems on such gripping subjects as "The Four Seasons of the Year," "The Four Humours," and "The Four Ages of Man". Better known are two poems to a loved one who was "absent upon publick employment" and verses upon the burning of her house, which took place on July 10th, 1666. FTP, name this author of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America.;;(Anne) Bradstreet United States History;;This event contributed to the excellent sales of Hannah Farnham Lee’s Three Experiments in Living. The Surplus Revenue Act of the previous year contributed to its severity, and it began on March 10, when cotton prices fell by almost one half in New Orleans. Northeastern banks suspended specie payment and public land sales fell from 20 million acres to 3.5 million during this event, which was precipitated by Andrew Jackson’s anti-inflationary Specie Circular. President Van Buren’s speech to Congress concerning it became the basis for the Independent Treasury Act of 1840. Occurring in the same year that saw Michigan’s entry into the Union and the Charles River Bridge decision, FTP, identify this first major economic depression in American history.;;(the) (Panic|Recession|Depression){1}? (of) 1837|The 1837 (Panic|Recession|Depression){1}? Miscellaneous;;On one occasion, a Taylor guitar belonging to one of the characters was damaged by another character, which led to a pun involving a man who made sports history on October 2, 1978. The latter character, in a rare moment of altruism, once fixed a watch named "Handy," and has a nemesis who was originally known as Mr. Squiggly. That character is transported to various locations, such as the Füd Shoppe, in a contraption called the "Bundle o’Joy!" One of the three major characters has a friend named Mr. Bones, another has a friend named Smackey, while the only major character who is human has a black friend named Joe, who seems to be a fellow alum of Lowe Tech. Featuing the mysterious ferret Fungo and the lovable Chubby Huggs, this is, FTP, what daily comic strip which follows the adventures of a dog named Satchel, a man named Rob, and the malign Bucky Katt?;;Get Fuzzy Physics;;This has provided the best current measurement for the Hubble constant, which may be inferred from WMAP's measurements of it anisotropy. Other anisotropies in this field can be caused by gravitational waves or the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. It was generated at a redshift of approximately 1100, implying that the temperature of the universe at the last scattering surface was about 3000 Kelvin. Accidentally discovered in 1964 by Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias, FTP, what is this ubiquitous radiation field corresponding to a blackbody of 2.7 Kelvins?;;c(osmic) m(icrowave) b(ackground) (radiation);;W(ilkinson) M(icrowave) A(nisotropy) P(robe)|m(icrowave) b(ackground) (radiation) Music;;The premiere of his Opus 4, an orchestral setting of texts by the insane poet Peter Altenberg, featured a riot and came to be known as the "Scandal Concert". He quoted a Carinthian folksong and Bach's chorale "Es ist genug" in the Violin Concerto he wrote following the death from polio of Walter Gropius's daughter Manon, and he himself received a fatal sting from an insect just after finishing the piece. His Chamber Concerto was the first of his works to have a secret program, being based on ciphers of three names, while his adulterous affair with the sister of Franz Werfel is the secret program of his Lyric Suite. He also wrote two operas, one based on a play by Wedekind and the other on a play by Buchner. FTP, name this composer of Lulu and Wozzeck.;;(Alban) Berg Literature;;The third chapter describes the courtship of a "tall dark girl" and the doctor, though she died the spring after they were married. In the penultimate chapter, the protagonist walks up Waterworks Hill with the girl he likes, and after they kiss she trips him and sends him rolling downhill. David Hardy escapes from the titular place after knocking out his grandfather Jesse, who was "too greedy for glory," while the chapter called "The Strength of God" chronicles Reverend Curtis Hartman's lust for the local teacher, Kate Swift. Seth Richmond is the main character's rival for the affections of Helen, and other residents of the titular town include Doctor Reefy and Doctor Parcival, who is accused of molesting children. Linked by the presence in every story of the reporter for the Eagle, FTP, identify this work centered on George Willard, written by Sherwood Anderson.;;Winesburg(,) Ohio Noncomputational Math;;A derivative identity for them can be obtained in terms of Chebyshev polynomials, and their generating function is "exponential of x over 2 times quantity t minus one over t". For small values of the argument, the ordinary one may be approximated as "x to the n over quantity 2 to the n times n factorial" and the nth modified one is related to the nth regular one by a factor of i to the n with multiplication of the argument by i. Hankel functions are complex linear combination of them, and they arise as solutions of Laplace’s equation in cylindrical coordinates, so they’re also known as cylinder functions. FTP, identify these special functions named for the German astronomer who discovered them and symbolized J and Y.;;Bessel (function(s)) Religion/Mythology;;One of them had a name meaning "hair link" and was responsible for inducing paralysis. They included Hlokk and Goll, whose names refer to the loud noise they made. In addition to their main duties, Mist and Hrist were responsible for serving a horn of ale to a certain god. Gunn, Rota, and Skold were in charge of the selection process which determined who would get to be awoken every morning by a rooster named Gullinkambi. Those whom they chose were known as the "einherjar," and lived in a hall with 540 doors. FTP, name this group of goddesses who rode wolves to the battlefield and chose slain warriors to be brought to Valhalla, foremost of whom was Brunhilde.;;(the) Valkyrie(s) World History;;Though the Duke of Newcastle's Whitecoats grumbled about their pay just before this battle, "they brought their winding-sheets about them into the field" and died rather than surrender to Leslie's Scottish horse. With dusk falling, the Earl of Leven ordered an advance, surprising the defenders. On the right flank, Thomas Fairfax's cavalry was routed, but the Ironsides on the left defeated Prince Rupert's Royalist horse for the first time. "God made them as stubble to our swords," reported Cromwell after the capture of York. FTP, name this July 2, 1644 battle, the first great victory for Parliament in the English Civil War.;;Marston Moor Psychology;;A "conceptual reconstruction" of this was offered in a 1985 book by Gerald E. Zuriff, while it was considered "at twenty-five" by Abraham Aaron Roback. The most famous book about it includes such chapters as "Do We Always Think in Words" and "Are There Any Human Instincts". Another famous book "about" this appeared in 1974 and includes chapters entitled "What Is Inside the Skin"? and "The Inner World of Motivation and Emotion". Philosophers who have sympathized with this school of thought include Carnap, Quine, and Wittgenstein, though it is better known for its psychological adherents, like E. C. Tolman and Edward Thorndike. FTP, name this doctrine which asserts that attacks the idea that mental forces are responsible for our actions, a view held by B. F. Skinner and James Watson.;;behaviorism Literature;;He periodically plays chess with Gaston Godin and obtains sleeping pills from Dr. Byron, using them to keep his second wife under control. His first wife Valeria left him for a cabdriver, with whom he has an unproductive discussion of Jean Christophe. All of this is related in his manuscript, which is edited by C.C. Clark and John Ray Jr and which was written during his time in prison for the murder of Clare Quilty. He had committed that murder because Quilty had lured the young Dolores Haze away from him. FTP, name this man who had an affair with the titular nymphet in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita.;;Humbert Humbert Physics;;The Sellmeier equation is an empirical relation describing the dependence of this quantity on wavelength. In left-handed materials, which have negative values of this quantity, the group and phase velocities point in opposite directions. Given by the square root of the product of the relative permittivity and permeability, for most materials it is approximately equal to the square root of the dielectric constant. FTP, name this quantity, equal to the speed of light over the local phase velocity, which appears in Snell's Law.;;index of refraction|refractive index;;n Philosophy;;Its final book discusses the effectiveness of the three types of Roman comitia before distinguishing between the "religion of man," "religion of the citizen," and a third flawed religion of "civil and religious laws". The first book ends with a discussion of "real property" that includes the example of Balboa claiming the New World for Castile, and insists against Grotius that we must always go back to a first convention. The author concludes that an aristocracy is the most stable form of government, but is more concerned with the general will of the grouping of all citizens, which he terms the "sovereign". FTP, name this 1762 work on "principles of political right" which begins by asserting that "man is born free, but is everywhere in chains" and which advocates the titular covenant for legitimate political authority, a book by Jean Jacques-Rousseau.;;(On) (The) Social Contract|(Du) Contrat Social United States History;;Vowing to "obstruct the operation of the law," its supporters formed committees of correspondence in Fayette, Westmoreland, Bedford, and Allegheny counties. When federal marshals and General John Neville attempted to enforce order, a mob burned Neville's house and tarred and feathered his subordinates. Although Alexander Dallas and Governor Thomas Mifflin suggested that judicial authority was enough to restore order, a force of fifteen thousand militia from Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey gathered under the leadership of Harry Lee and Alexander Hamilton to suppress it. FTP, name this 1791-94 rebellion in western Pennsylvania caused by an excise tax on a certain spirit.;;Whiskey Rebellion Art;;In his most homoerotic painting, a nude boy hugs a brown and white cat, though some prefer the sexual energy captured in his portrait of the seated painter Bazille. His paintings of major European landmarks characterized his so-called "Dry Period," which he followed up by exhibiting with Les Vingt (lay van), a group of modern artists based in Brussels. The Montmartre model Nini was the subject of his At the Theater and The Theater Box, which also featured his brother Edmond. However, he would abandon his Impressionist style with the masterpiece The Umbrellas. FTP, name this oversexed French painter of such group scenes as Le Moulin de la Galette and Luncheon of the Boating Party.;;(Pierre) (Auguste) Renoir Literature;;Among those whose hopes are dashed in this play is Philotis, who is advised to retire to a convent by Richardetto. Philotis had hoped to wed Bergetto, the nephew of Donado, but her plan ends with his murder, which is part of a larger conspiracy that also sees the death of Hippolyta. Hippolyta was the mistress of Soranzo, who holds the banquet that is the setting for the final scene, which also sees Vasques murder Giovanni. This occurs shortly after Giovanni arrives with the heart of Annabella, his sister and recent victim, on his dagger. FTP, all these murders occur in what work with a prominent incest plot, a play by John Ford?;;Tis Pity She(')s a Whore Physics;;Extrasolar ones may be found by the cosmic ray detector AUGER via horizontal air showers. Because they were not warmed by electron-positron annihilation, they should have a 2 Kelvin blackbody background spectrum. Photomultiplier tubes can be used to detect Cerenkov radiation produced by these particles interacting with electrons in heavy water and pure water detectors such as the Sudbury Observatory and Super Kamiokande detector. FTP, name these leptons which can oscillate among three flavors, and have no charge and nearly no mass.;;neutrino(s) United States History;;Argentine nationalist Manuel Ugarte considered its "painful weight" to be "a symbol of oppression in the New World," while opponents of President Gerardo Machado y Morales found that its guarantee of "life, property and individual liberty" applied in practice only to foreign businessmen. While two of its articles dealt with disease prevention and naval coaling stations, it didn’t address the sugar trade, which rose to prominence after its passage was orchestrated by the Connecticut Republican who presented it to the Senate. Its provisions were repealed under the Good Neighbor policy in 1934, more than three decades after its passage. FTP, name this rider attached to the U.S. Army appropriations bill of 1901, a document that defined U.S.-Cuban relations.;;Platt (Amendment) Religion/Mythology;;One of his offspring lived in Argolis, where it was strangled to death by a famous hero. Another of his offspring was killed with the assistance of Iolaus in the swamps outside Lerna. Yet another of his offspring terrorized Lycia before being killed by Bellerophon. This creature had a hundred serpents for legs, which was bad in its own way but not as terrible as the lava and fiery rocks which drooled out of its hundred mouths. Sometimes identified with the Egyptian god Set, this monster's children included the Nemean Lion, the Hydra, and the Chimera. FTP name this unpleasant child of Gaia and Tartarus, the consort of Echidna.;;Typhon Biology;;A complex containing Cdc27 is the master regulator of this stage, whose notable molecular events include the degradation of geminin and the ubiquitin-mediated destruction of cyclin B. The action of separase is critical in this stage of mitosis because it breaks down cohesin, a protein that binds sister chromatids together. FTP, identify this stage of mitosis in which sister chromatids lined up on the metaphase plate begin to separate to opposite spindle poles and which is proceeded by metaphase and followed by telophase.;;anaphase World History;;Born with the name Codomannus, he distinguished himself in single combat against the Cadusians and was rewarded with rule over Armenia. He came to the throne with the help of the eunuch Bagoas, who poisoned his predecessors, Arses and Artaxerxes III Ochus. He was deposed by his satrap Bessus, who then ordered his assassination in an attempt to slow the advance of an invader who had defeated this man at battles on the banks of the Pinarus and Granicus rivers. FTP, name this last Achaemenid emperor who lost the battles of Issus and Gaugamela to Alexander the Great.;;Darius (III|the Third){1}?;;Darius Literature;;One of the characters in this work is occasionally referred to by the nickname of "Alaiyo", and has a sister-in-law who has recently made a down payment on an abortion. The play ends with another character taking her potted plant to Clybourne Park, much to the chagrin of Mr. Lindner. One contrast is between George Murchison and Joseph Asagai, as the latter advocates a "back to Africa" movement and proves much more attractive to Beneatha. However, the main focus is on a $10,000 insurance check and the effect it has on the lives of the Younger family. FTP, name this play which takes its title from a poem by Langston Hughes, a work of Lorraine Hansberry.;;(A) Raisin in the Sun Noncomputational Math;;Matiyasevich showed that these can be defined by a Diophantine equation, leading to a proof of the insolubility of Hilbert's tenth problem. They have a generating function of "x over quantity 1 minus x minus x squared" and Euclid's algorithm for the greatest common factors has its worst run time when the entries are successive terms of these numbers, so, in that sense, the most irrational number is the golden mean, to which the ratio of successive members of these converges. FTP, name this sequence created to model multiplication of rabbits and having as its first few terms 1, 1, 2, 3, 5.;;Fibonacci (numbers|sequence) Religion/Mythology;;In the Middle Ages, it was widely believed that this man was buried at Susa. He was taken to court as a boy during the fourth year of the reign of Joakim, where he was assigned the eunuch Asphenez as his tutor. Later, he changed his name to Baltassar at the same time that his friends Misael, Ananias, and Azarias changed their names. Later still, the prophet Habbakuk was carried by the hair from Judea to feed him lunch when he was in captivity. Many of his prophecies concern Antiochus Epiphanes, who appears as the "little horn" in the prophecy of the four beasts. One portion of his book features the Song of the Three Children, while others concern the rescue of Joachim's wife and the episode of Bel and the Dragon. FTP, identify this companion of Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego who was thrown into the lions' den.;;Daniel Music;;Goofy titles for some of them were proposed by the composer’s cousin Marc-André Souchay, but he rejected the suggestions. The fifth of the eight albums of them to be published appeared in 1844 and included a "Funeral March" and a piece about springtime, while the sixth appeared the next year and included a piece about spinning. Other pieces in the group include a Duetto written on the occasion of the composer’s engagement to Cecile Jeanrenaud, several pieces for children, and three Venetian boat songs. Originally entitled "Original Melodies for the Pianoforte, FTP, name this collection of 48 short piano pieces written by Felix Mendelssohn.;;Songs Without Words|Lieder ohne Worte Literature;;In a 1976 film version of this book, two of the three title characters were played by Mauro Mendonço and José Wilker. Some of this work's chapters include instructions for musical accompaniment, such as a bassoon solo by the pharmacist. The protagonist and a whore named Dionisia become unlikely friends after both are involved with men named who have the same name. Subtitled "The Fearsome Battle Between Spirit and Matter," the most surprising event of the novel occurs when Vadinho, a compulsive gambler, comes back to life after his widow's remarriage to a more respectable man. FTP, identify this novel about the titular proprietor of a cooking school and her multiple spouses, a work by Jorge Amado.;;Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands|Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos Chemistry;;This process proceeds via the Cossee-Arlman mechanism, that is, by complexation of reactants to adsorbed transition metals, so it can produce stereoregular compounds. In the case of olefins, the catalysts for this reaction are a transition metal halide and an alkyl aluminum compound. Having isotactic and syndiotactic varieties, it has numerous advantages over free radical methods, including the ability to synthesize straight chain compounds. FTP, name this type of polymerization, named for a German and an Italian chemist, the former of whom won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.;;Ziegler-Natta (polymerization) World History;;Its failure to unify against the hostility of Richard II and the Merchant Adventurers was the first sign of its decline.  Its greatest enemy used Kampen and the towns of the Zuider Zee as a lure to split it in two and co-opt the Livonian cities, but they rebelled and joined with their Wendish rivals in the Confederation of Cologne to recover the fortress of Halsingborg and rights to trade through the Oresund.  The Peace of Stralsund confirmed its victory over Waldemar Attedag, despite his sack of Visby in 1361.  First formed to facilitate trade along the Kiel "salt road," FTP, name this medieval group of merchant associations from Lubeck, Hamburg, and other north German cities.;;Hanseatic League|(the) Hansa|(die) Hansetage Literature;;One of the later ones is the source of controversy over the repetition of the phrase "my sinful earth," probably a printing error. The first of them is often labeled as the beginning of the mini-sequence known as the "procreation" group and begins, "From fairest creatures we desire increase, / that thereby beauty’s rose might never die". Henry Wriothesely has been offered up as the "Mr. W.H". of their dedication, while most are addressed either to a "young man" or a "dark lady". FTP, name this collection of poems, whose number 18 begins "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day," a group of 154 fourteen-line poems by a bard from Stratford-upon-Avon.;;(the) sonnets (of) (William) Shakespeare|Shakespeare(')s Sonnets;;sonnet(s)|Shakespeare World History;;In Weber’s opera Oberon, he provides the impetus for the slaying of Babekan and marriage of Rezia to Huon. His son Chariot uses a chessboard to kill the son of Ogier the Dane. Historically, the Basques ambushed the rear guard of his army at Roncesvalles, where his legendary nephew was killed. FTP, identify this man who brought the scholarly monk Alcuin to his court and who in the chansons de geste was surrounded by twelve men, including Malagigi the Enchanter, Florismart, and Roland.;;Charlemagne World History;;One English queen by this name married Richard II at the age of eight and was the elder sister of Catherine of Valois. Another, known as the "she-wolf of France," was the mistress of Roger Mortimer, opponent of the Despenser marcher lords, and conspirator in the death of her husband, Edward II. Twenty-five years of personal rule by the second queen of this name led to her deposition in the Revolution of 1868, long after her accession to the throne provoked the Carlist wars. FTP, identify the name most famously held by the Castilian wife of Ferdinand II of Aragon.;;Isabella Literature;;A wedding cake three stories tall, built as a replica of the Acropolis, is the centerpiece at the wedding of Jean de Satigny, who hopes to interest Blanca’s family in the chinchilla business. Nicolas takes an interest in hot air balloons as his great-uncle Marcos had before he died, leaving only the puppy Barabbas for the del Valle family. In the end, the prostitute Transito Soto helps rescue the green-haired young woman Alba due to an early favor done by the family patriarch, after a violent coup overthrowing the newly established socialist government advocated by both Miguel and Pedro Tercero Garcia. FTP, identify this work whose titular structure is built for the clairvoyant Clara by her husband Esteban Trueba, the first novel of Isabel Allende.;;(The) House of the Spirits|(La) Casa de los Espiritus Art;;It is depicted "by moonlight" in an 1885 work by Hercules Brabazon Brabazon, and is shown at "night" by Canadian painter James Wilson Morrice. Michele Marieschi lived here until 1735 and painted numerous capriccios of places in it. A man in black talks to a woman wearing a black shawl and a pink dress on a "street" in this city in an 1880 painting by John Singer Sargent. It appears "at dusk" in a 1908 painting by Claude Monet, which features its Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. It was painted many times by Turner, who depicted the Rialto and a scene "looking toward the Dogana" that shows the Grand Canal. FTP, name this Italian city which also appears in many paintings by Canaletto.;;Venice Biology;;Scientists have postulated that a highly-deacetylated form of it could increase crop yields, and approximately 10 gigatons of it are produced each year naturally. Consisting of repeated N-acetyl-glucosamine residues linked together by beta-1-4 glycosidic bonds, its amide bonds make it stronger and more stable than cellulose, the only molecule which is more abundant than it on Earth. From the Greek word for "tunic," FTP, name this strong polysaccharide found in the exoskeletons of all insects and crustaceans as well as in the cell wall of fungi.;;chitin Literature;;The title of one of his novels refers to the nickname given to Miu after she mentions that she is reading Jack Kerouac. Another title refers both to an illness that affects Siberian farmers and a song by Nat King Cole that has always fascinated Hajime (hah-gee-may). In one of his most popular novels, the protagonist’s best friend commits suicide by inhaling carbon monoxide from his motorcycle, while the girl he loves develops mental problems and hangs herself. In addition to Sputnik Sweetheart and South of the Border, West of the Sun, this man’s novels include one in which Toru Watanabe is prompted to reflect on his youth by hearing the Beatles song "Norwegian Wood". FTP, name this author of After the Quake and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, one of Japan’s most inventive contemporary novelists.;;(Haruki) Murakami Music;;In the year 2000, Colin Matthews added an eighth movement to this work. Many of its parts were copied out by prisoners-of-war interned at Islington, near the girls school at Hammersmith where the composer was employed. The orchestra plays a pianissimo throughout the final movement, which is subtitled "the mystic," while the previous section, subtitled "the magician," has notable timpani solos. The work was inspired by Clifford Bax, who introduced the composer to astrology, and also includes sections subtitled "the bringer of jollity" and "the winged messenger". FTP, name this orchestral suite which has only seven movements, as Pluto had not yet been discovered when it was composed by Gustav Holst.;;(The) Planets Chemistry;;Building on the kinetic theory of gases, it was originally formulated by J.J. Hood, although its namesake later provided a true theoretical basis for it. The collision frequency Z is only weakly dependent on temperature, while the steric factor P is always less than one. Taking the logarithm of both sides allows it to be put in a linear form, which proves to clearly illustrate the dependence of the rate constant on temperature and, of course, on activation energy. FTP, name this equation of chemical kinetics, named for a Swedish scientist.;;Arrhenius (equation) Miscellaneous;;He has written two books, including the cookbook Can You Stew That for a Brother? and the autobiographical Knee High and Livin’ Large. A graduate of Wake Forest, he also wrote the lines "Like Fred Sanford has junk / We all must have the funk" for the title track of his album Don’t Forget the Funk. His career as a professional athlete took him to Madagascar, where he played with the Antananarivo Lemurs. He is allowed to have regular parties, but after messing up the filter he’s no longer allowed to have pool parties. He once claimed to have gone to high school with Kevin Garnett, which surprised the NBA player with whom he usually hangs out. FTP, name this three-foot-tall star of numerous Nike commercials, who has a thing for Tyra Banks and looks a lot like Anfernee Hardaway.;;Li(')l Penny (Hardaway) Psychology;;He collaborated on an anthology titled To Heal and To Educate with Carl Furtmuller, who would later help to popularize his ideas. A number of his books, including The Case of Miss R. and What Life Should Mean to You, were published in English after he gave a popular lecture tour of America in 1927. Along with Max Kahane, Rudolf Reitler and Wilhelm Stekel, in 1902 he became a founding member of the Wednesday Psychology Society, though his conversion to Protestantism two years later alienated him from Freud. His The Neurotic Constitution argued that the drive to mastery is the key to the psyche, which proved more persuasive than his earlier work on "organ inferiority". FTP, name this Austrian psychologist, who emphasized agression and the inferiority complex.;;(Alfred) Adler World History;;Though it proposed annexation of the Caledon Valley as early as the 1850s, only the treaty of Thaba Bosiu confirmed victory over its neighbor Moshoeshoe (mo-shwe-shwe). These wars had forced the British government to renounce sovereignty over it, despite Harry Smith's victory at the battle of Boomplats. Although it did not join its northern neighbor in resisting Sir George Pomeroy Colley, twenty years later its guerillas, including C. R. De Wet, fought on after British forces occupied its capital, Bloemfontein. FTP, name this polity that lost its namesake quality at the Peace of Vereeniging, the smaller of nineteenth-century South Africa's two Boer republics.;;Orange Free State Philosophy;;The chapter on the "temporalizing" of the titular concept discusses the work of Robinet (roh-bee-nay) and Bonnet (bow-nay), while the previous chapter considers "some aspects of eighteenth-century biology". In the chapter on romanticism, we see that the titular concept led to the "discovery of the intrinsic value of diversity," as seen in the writings of Schlegel and Schleiermacher. The chapter on "conflicts in medieval thought" notes that the idea of infinitesimal gradation didn’t cohere with the goal of spurning the natural world in favor of heaven. The first chapter discusses the "study of the history of ideas," while the second looks at the genesis of the titular idea in Greek philosophy. FTP, identify this concept which states that the universe consists of an infinite and continuous succession of degrees of reality, whose history was told in a book by Arthur Lovejoy.;;(the) Great Chain of Being Literature;;One of the earliest books of this type was Laurence Echard’s, while Nicholas Tindal translated and extended the most thorough one of the early 18th century, which was written by Paul de Rapin. In 1670, John Milton published a work of this type "collected out of the ancientest and best authors". Tobias Smollett’s "compleat" one was written as a rival to a more famous one, while Oliver Goldsmith’s one in four volumes was written for children. At the age of 16, Jane Austen wrote a parody of that Goldsmith work, though her version only canvassed 250 years. The greatest 18th century one appeared in six volumes between 1754 and 1761, while the greatest 19th century one appeared in five volumes between 1848 and 1861, two years after the death of its author. FTP, give the common name for works written by David Hume and Thomas Macaulay which chronicle events in a certain nation.;;(the) History of (England|Britain){1}? United States History;;In October 1940, it was erroneously reported that his plane exploded over the Alleghenies, though he landed safely in the mountains of western Pennsylvania. On October 7, 1942, he vanished after making an appearance in Louisville, which led to widespread rioting and nearly resulted in a declaration of war on Canada. Among those arrested in the aftermath of his disappearance were Lionel Bengelsdorf, Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, and Fiorello La Guardia, while his wife Anne was held prisoner in Walter Reed Hospital on orders of Acting President Burton Wheeler. After he was elected President on an anti-war platform, life became unpleasant for a family living in Newark. FTP, name this possible Nazi stooge who is at the center of the "plot against America" in a recent Philip Roth novel, who in real life was an aviator who piloted The Spirit of St. Louis.;;(Charles) Lindbergh Noncomputational Math;;In one-space, these are generally continuous but have kinks where the source and field points coincide. These distributions may be used to create Friedholm integral equations from PDE’s since their spatial convolution with the density function is equal to the unknown function, and those associated with self-adjoint operators have the useful property of symmetry, so that the source and field vectors may be interchanged. FTP, name these generalized functions equal to the Dirac delta function under the operation of an associated operator and derived from their namesake’s second identity.;;Green(')(s) (functions) World History;;Its commander, the Marquis de Launay, complied with the shouted command "down with the second drawbridge! no terms!" Nevertheless, his head ended up on a pike before he reached the Hotel de Ville. His eighty elderly veterans and thirty Swiss regulars killed at least 98 of the crowd from Faubourg Sainte-Antoine that captured his post and released its occupants. On its last day of operation only three mental patients and four forgers awaiting prosecution were behind the "massive stone walls and eight great towers" that confined Dickens's Dr. Manette. FTP name this infamous prison of the ancien regime, stormed by a revolutionary mob on July 14th, 1789.;;(the) Bastille Literature;;His comic plays include one in which two servants arrange marriages for their masters and another based on the story of Peronella. In addition to The Coffer and Lena, he wrote versions in both prose and verse of The Pretenders, which was a source for The Taming of the Shrew. His purely poetic writings include seven satires and the Five Cantos, which were left unfinished at his death in 1533 and are a partial sequel to his greatest work. In that work, Marsilio goes back to Spain after the defeat of Agramante, while Ruggiero embraces Christianity to marry Bradamante. FTP, name this Italian poet best known for an epic poem that continues an earlier work by Boiardo, Orlando Furioso.;;(Ludovico) Ariosto Biology;;The Naka-Rushton and pigment depletion formulae are varying forms of it, and Briggs-Haldane analysis is useful in conjunction with the so-called "pre-equilibrium" approximation. Positive and negative cooperativities are easy to distinguish based on this model, and it can be derived from a pseudo-first-order expression and converted to a Lineweaver-Burk plot. Indicating that half of the maximum velocity of a reaction occurs when the substrate concentration equals the namesake constant, FTP, name this model of enzyme kinetics, named for two German biochemists.;;Michaelis-Menten|Menten-Michaelis Religion/Mythology;;According to Islamic tradition, a Kurdish man named Zeinun was swallowed by the earth after trying to get a mob to burn this man. This man’s father was a maker of idols, but he put a damper on the business by admitting that the idols would neither help nor harm their purchasers. In addition to destroying Azar’s prosperity, he smashed a number of idols until he was thrown into a fire on the orders of Nimrod. Also known as Khalilullah, or the "friend of God," his name is second only to Moses in the number of mentions it receives in the Qur’an. The Qur’an also claims that he built the Kaa’ba with the help of Ishmael, but it strangely does not name the son whom he almost sacrificed to God. FTP, name this patriarch, the Islamic equivalent of a man who in the Bible was married to Sarah and the father of Isaac.;;Ibrahim Literature;;The title character masters Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Arabic by the age of 20, and writes an Essay on Phrygian Cults which is published under his father’s name. While living on his country farm at La Morinière he befriends Charles, the son of the manager Bocage, but on his second stay there he falls in with the poachers Bute and Alcide, whom he helps to set traps. When his wife falls ill, he retraces a journey he had made during his own illness, which takes them through Italy to Biskra and El Kantara, where Marceline dies. After almost dying of tuberculosis, Michel returns to life in Tunisia with the help of some carefree Arab boys. FTP, name this 1902 novel by André Gide.;;(The) Immoralist |(L')Immoraliste United States History;;Antonio de la Ascension, who kept a journal for Sebastian Vizcaino, claimed that it was an island with its very own Mediterranean Sea. This image, perpetuated for over a century by mapmakers such as Briggs, Sanson, Blaeu, and Speed, may owe something to the literary origins of the name as an island inhabited by Amazons in a fifteenth-century romance by Garci Ordonez de Montalvo. Father Eusebio Kino's travels confirmed that it was not, in fact, an island, but it was Juan Bautista de Anza who made the first overland journey here, a trek to resupply the missions founded by Junipero Serra. FTP, give the geographic term now applied to the gulf also known as the Sea of Cortes and the peninsula of Baja.;;California Physics;;In deriving this, it is crucial to assume that the amplitude function varies slowly, so its spatial derivatives vanish. Used in the Gamow theory of alpha decay, this method assumes a form of Aei? ["A times e to the i phi"] for the wave function, and results in the quantization condition, which comes from integrating the classical momentum over the potential well, that the well endpoint phase difference divided by pi is equal to one minus one-half times the number of "soft" boundaries. FTP, name this method that is used to find approximate bound state wave functions and named for the initials of three or four European physicists.;;((J)effries) (W(entzel) K(ramers) B(rillouin)|W(entzel) B(rillouin) K(ramers)|B(rillouin) K(ramers) W(entzel)|B(rillouin) W(entzel) K(ramers)|K(ramers) B(rillouin) W(entzel)|K(ramers) W(entzel) B(rillouin)){1}? (method|approximation) Music;;Act 5 opens at daybreak in a public square near Altorf, where Walter Furst ineffectually tries to get a group led by Ruodi to stop tearing down a building. The title character of this work is freed from his bonds so that he can help navigate a ship during a storm, but he steers close to the shore and jumps to his freedom. In the other storyline, Johannes Parricida’s assassination of the emperor helps the democratic parliament on the Rütli achieve success in its rebellion against the invading nation. After the protagonist of this work, subtitled "A New Year’s Gift to the World," declines to salute an Austrian hat, he is arrested and Gessler forces him to shoot at an object placed on his son’s head. FTP, name this play which was first performed at Weimar in 1804, a work by Friedrich Schiller about a Swiss patriot.;;William Tell|Wilhelm Tell Religion/Mythology;;The first one, Gendundrup, could only be recognized retroactively. The third converted the sixteenth-century Mongol ruler Altan Khan, whose support for the Gelukpa sect ensured that his grandson would succeed to the position. The subsequent fifth holder of the title identified himself as the incarnation of Avalokitesvara mentioned in the Hundred Thousand Words of Mani, established a subsidiary line at the monastery of Tashilunpo, and built the great palace of Potala. The first element of this title, translated as "oceanic," is meant to suggest the vast wisdom of these leaders of a landlocked nation. FTP, the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the exiled fourteenth spiritual head of Buddhist Tibet.;;Dalai Lama United States History;;Clemenceau wrote that his fine troops were "not unusable, but merely unused" after a battle plan took seventeen days longer than expected to capture Montfaucon. Though chosen over General Leonard Wood for his superior tact, he denounced his allies for their fifty years of defensive mindset and, along with Secretary of War Newton Baker, opposed their policy of amalgamation, allowing only limited experiments at Cantigny and Chateau-Thierry. He commanded the Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in Mexico, though it was his service at San Juan Hill with the Tenth Cavalry that earned him his colorful nickname. FTP, name this leader of the American Expeditionary Forces commonly known as "Black Jack".;;(John) (J(.)) Pershing Philosophy;;He denounced Pope John XXII for heretical opinions on the nature of the beatific vision and was forced to flee to the court of Louis IV of Bavaria, where he met Michael Cesena, superior general of the Franciscans. Despite his defense of the friars' vow of extreme poverty, he disagreed with Peter Auriole on the relationship between grace and salvation, winning himself condemnation as a Pelagian heretic by Gregory of Rimini. Known as doctor plusquam subtilis, "the doctor who is more than subtle," in opposition to his predecessor John Duns Scotus, FTP, name this English nominalist philosopher, whose statement that "plurality is not to be posited without necessity" is known as his razor.;;(William) (of) Oc(kh|c){1}?am Noncomputational Math;;This guarantees the existence of a Hamel basis for every vector space, thereby implying that any continuous function can be expressed as a linear combination of finitely many members of a certain set of continuous functions, and also gives rise to the Banach-Tarski paradox. Implying the existence of the namesake function on a given set, it is equivalent to the claim that the product of cardinal numbers is zero if and only if one of those numbers is zero. Paul Cohen demonstrated this hypothesis to be independent of the Zermelo-Frankel axioms in 1963. FTP, identify this axiom that states that, for any set of non-empty sets, there exists a set with exactly one element in common with each set.;;(Zermelo(')(s)) a(xiom) (of) c(hoice)|ZFC|Zorn(')s Lemma|Trichotomy Law|Well-ordering Principle|multiplicative axiom Literature;;In this author’s second novel, Fabien dies during a storm and his boss Riviere has to deal with the consequences. In his first novel, Jacques Bernis dies in the desert of the Rio de Oro. His book Citadelle appeared posthumously in 1948, while chapters entitled "Men of the Desert," "The Craft," and "Prisoner of the Sand" appear in a 1939 book by this man which won both the French Grand Prix du Roman and the National Book Award. Aside from Southern Mail, Night Flight, and Wind, Sand and Stars, he is best known for a 1943 book about an alien who loves roses. FTP, name this aviator and author of The Little Prince.;;(Antoine) (de) Saint-Exup(é|e){1}?ry World History;;The initial naval bombardment of howitzer positions went well until three battleships were sunk by mines laid by the Nusret. The collier River Clyde tried to land the Royal Munster Fusiliers on V Beach, while a Lancashire regiment won "six VCs before breakfast" landing at W Beach. The Suvla Bay landings in the north were also stalled by the forces of General Liman von Sanders and Mustafa Kemal, who had no difficulty containing the "eastern strategy" implemented by Ian Hamilton and Winston Churchill. FTP, name this attempt to force the Dardanelles in the First World War, a disaster for French, British, and Australian troops portrayed in a 1981 movie starring Mel Gibson.;;Gallipoli Biology;;Classes of these include OEC’s and ependymocytes, and they synthesize GDNF, which may be useful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Discovered in 1891 by Ramón y Cajal, they are derived from ectodermal tissue with the exception of the phagocytic micro- variety. They include the astrocytes, which remove excess potassium and play a poorly-understood role in signaling, and oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, which myelinate central and peripheral nervous system axons, respectively. FTP, name these "glue" cells that comprise the bulk of the human nervous system where they work alongside neurons.;;glial (cells)|(neuro)glia Geography;;A companion to this island known as "the calf" is a bird sanctuary immediately to the southwest. Its lords, the Stanleys, claim rights dating to its medieval heritage as a Norse possession that was sold to the kings of Scotland in 1266. Its Gaelic language, distinct in spelling from the Irish and Scottish variants, died out in the 1970s, but the flag bearing the three-legged triskelion symbol on a red background still flies over the House of Keys and the court of Tynwald, which claims to be the world's oldest continuous parliament. FTP, Douglas is the capital of this British dependency in the Irish Sea, most famous for its tailless cats.;;(Isle) (of) Man Music;;Act 3 of this work is set in "year 17 and the present," and begins with a scene showing the family isolated from the crowd before proceeding to the "attack and fall" and concluding with an epilogue in which the principal characters return as ghosts to observe the funeral of the title character’s father. Act 2 is set in "years 5 to 15" and begins in the temple, before moving on to the creation of a new city. Act 1 is set in Thebes during the first year of the title character’s reign, and features his coronation following the funeral of his predecessor, Amenhotep III. FTP, name this opera which premiered in 1984, the third in a trilogy which includes Satyagraha and Einstein on the Beach, a work by Philip Glass about a sun-worshiping pharoah.;;Akhnaten Literature;;The penultimate chapter of this man’s novel takes place during Art Night at Benton College, where Gertrude Johnson and President Robbins get into a spat. The title character of one of his poems is dissatisfied with letters from a postman and wants aliens to summon him instead, while the speaker of another poem remembers William James’s definition of wisdom as learning what to overlook. In addition to "Next Day" and "A Sick Child," he wrote a number of poems set during World War II, including "A Field Hospital" and "Eighth Air Force". However, he’s best known for a five line poem about a man who hunched in the belly of the state till his wet fur froze. FTP, name this author of "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner".;;(Randall) Jarrell United States History;;A month after he performed his most famous act, he challenged Anson Burlingame to a duel, but when the latter demanded that they fight in Canada he was forced to call it off. He served as a captain in the Palmetto Regiment during the Mexican-American War, after which he entered politics and was elected to Congress in 1852. He resigned from the House four years later, but was unanimously reelected to his seat by constituents who were unmoved by a committee report that recommended his expulsion. For John Brown his action was the "decisive touch" that called for the Pottawotamie Massacre. He was moved to anger by abusive references to his cousin, Senator Andrew P. Butler, in a speech titled "The Crime Against Kansas". FTP, name this South Carolina representative, who in 1856 beat Charles Sumner was a cane.;;(Preston) Brooks Religion/Mythology;;Her third husband was a farmer who lost his crops to a horde of fairy mice, but they stopped harassing him after he caught one and threatened to hang it. Before she married Manawydan, she had a child by her second husband who vanished from their home and ended up at the court of Teirnon. The daughter of Hefeydd the Old, this lady of the Singing Birds decided that she preferred a lord of Dyfed to her first husband, Gwawl. Considered a version of the horse goddess Epona, she was the mother of Pryderi by the man she loved, Pwyll. FTP, name this figure from Welsh myth who rings like a bell through the night in a song by Fleetwood Mac.;;Rhiannon World History;;The "War of a Thousand Days" between Liberal Rafael Uribe and Conservative Rafael Nunez left this nation too weak to resist an imperialist threat to its territory. Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo's "Revolution on the March" gave land rights to the squatters, but failed to bring stability. Laureano Gomez's attempted introduction of fascism was a reaction to the last stages of the conflict that had killed liberal leader Jorge Gaitan, known as the bogotazo or "La Violencia". In colonial times, this former territory of the Chibcha Indians had been known as "New Granada". FTP, name this nation whose cities include Baranquilla, Cali, and Medellin.;;Colombia Chemistry;;In a Fermi fluid, this property is equivalent to Fermi energy at absolute zero, while it is identically zero for a conservative system of phonons. Diffusion may be understood as the action of its gradient, which is known as the chemical force. For each component of a system, it is defined as partial derivative of the system’s free energy with respect to that component’s particle number, so the equilibrium condition is that its sum over all components vanishes. FTP, name this energetic thermodynamic quantity, symbolized mu and useful for deriving the law of mass action.;;chemical potential;;potential Literature;;The eighth of them begins by asking Ponticus about the value of family trees, and concludes that it would be fine to have Thersites for a father so long as one resembles Achilles oneself. The first of them expresses the author’s boredom at poetry readings, such as those given by Cordus, while the second expresses a wish to get away from hypocritical talk of morality that serves as a front for sexual perversity. While speaking of a special privilege accorded to soldiers, the sixteenth and last breaks off abruptly. More famous are the third, in which a friend of the author leaves for Cumae, and the tenth, which Samuel Johnson adapted as The Vanity of Human Wishes. FTP, name this collection of acerbic poems by the Roman poet Juvenal.;;the Satires (of Juvena)l Art;;He only completed sketches for a painting on the Opening of the Doors of the Spanish Inquisition and another on the African Slave Trade before his death. His last major finished work was a series of ten portraits done for Etienne-Jean Georget, five of which survive and depict such subjects as Kleptomania and Delusion of Military Command. A visit to Rome prompted his depictions of the Barberi horses, while he painted the Wounded Cuirassier Leaving the Field of Battle for the Salon of 1814. He is perhaps most famous for a work that was based on the consequences of the incompetence of Frigate-Captain Hugues Duroy de Chaumereys, who left seventeen men on the title object. FTP, name this artist of The Raft of the Medusa.;;(Th(é|e){1}?odore) G(é|e){1}?ricault United States History;;Grover Cleveland promoted one of them, William C. Endicott, to the post of Secretary of the Interior, alienating Irish voters who would have preferred Mayor Patrick Collins of Boston. They first emerged when Carl Schurz and George William Curtis walked out of a national convention, and then proudly adopted the derisive term Charles Dana had used of them in the New York Sun, supposedly an Algonquian word meaning "big chief". Their support for civil service reform isolated them even within their own party, where they opposed the Half-Breeds and the Stalwarts. FTP, name these progressive-minded Republicans who couldn't stomach the "continental liar" James G. Blaine.;;(the) Mugwump(s) Literature;;The play opens at noon on the fifth of May, which is the name-day of one of the title characters and also the first anniversary of the death of one of their relatives. The second act opens at eight that evening, when one of the characters worries about the health of little Bobik. Act 3 begins in the middle of the night, when the old nurse Anfisa and one of the title characters pick out clothes to give people whose homes have burnt down. Other characters include Baron Nicholas Tuzenbakh, who dies in a duel, and Natasha, the wife of Andrew Prozorov. FTP, name this 1901 play about Olga, Masha, and Irina, a work by Anton Chekhov.;;(The) Three Sisters|Tri sestry Philosophy;;The fifth and final chapter considers "applications" of this book’s principles, and uses the example of selling poisons as a way to consider the limit of police powers. The third chapter considers an important "element of wellbeing" and endorses William von Humboldt’s views about the end of man. The second chapter considers the persecutions enforced by Marcus Aurelius, the trial of Socrates, and the execution of Christ as instances of the mischief of denying a hearing to opinions because we have condemned them. The book concludes that the only justification of coercion in society is to defend ourselves or others from harm. FTP, identify this 1859 philosophical work, an attack on conformism by John Stuart Mill.;;On Liberty Physics;;Feshbach resonances may be observed in these, since a further transition from the collective ground state is required to emit an electron, while Denschlag et al. observed macroscopic solitons in them in 2000. Tonks-Girardeau gasses are examples of these aggregates, the first of which was created out of approximately 2000 Rubidium-87 atoms near 170 nanoKelvin in June of 1995. Resulting from the collapse of bosons into the same ground state at finite temperatures, FTP, name this phase of matter predicted by two physicists, one of whom was German and the other Indian, in the 1920s.;;B(ose)-E(instein) c(ondensate) Economics;;One of them argued that there are three kinds of art: productive, sterile, and social. Another of them wrote The Natural and Essential Order of Political Societies, while another edited such journals as the Ephemerides of the Citizen. Yet another one wrote The Friend of Mankind, which became his personal motto. In addition to Nicholas Baudeau, Mercier de la Rivière, Pierre-Samuel Dupont de Nemours, and Victor de Mirabeau, this group’s members included Vincent de Gournay, who coined their most famous slogan. Their leader was a man who wrote articles on "grains" and "farmers" for the Encyclopedia, and expounded his views in the Economic Table of 1758. FTP, name this group of thinkers who believed in "laissez-faire" economics, who were led by Francois Quesnay.;;(the) ph(i|y){1}?siocrat(s) World History;;Adhemar, bishop of Le Puy, was the papal legate assigned to this event. He traveled with the largest contingent, raised by Raymond of Toulouse, who led his forces across northern Italy and into Dalmatia, where they clashed with the Byzantines. One branch lost a quarter of its men looting Hungary under the leadership of Walter the Penniless and Peter the Hermit. Alexius I's envoy to the Council of Piacenza would have preferred veterans capable of reversing the verdict of the Battle of Manzikert. FTP, the success of this movement was led by Godfrey of Bouillon and sanctioned by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont.;;(the) (First|1st){1}? Crusade Literature;;In I. A. Richards’s Practical Criticism, this author’s poem about a piano is the cause of much confusion, as the students Richards surveyed condemn its alleged sentimentality. This author noted that he was "sick of lovable people" in "Elemental," and proposed to guide himself into the underworld with the aid of the titular flowers in "Bavarian Gentians". His greatest poem concludes that the "voyage of oblivion awaits you" and enjoins the reader to build his own "ship of death," an image which this author also explores in his travel book Etruscan Places. His other non-fiction includes Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine, but he’s best known for novels like Aaron’s Rod and Kangaroo. FTP, name this British author of The Rainbow and Sons and Lovers.;;(D(.)(avid)) (H(.)(erbert)) Lawrence Physics;;This scientist introduced the idea of an order parameter, which was used to derive a namesake equation of superconductivity along with his theory of second order phase transitions. This physicist’s namesake pole is the energy at which a coupling constant becomes infinite, while his namesake damping is a non-collisional dissipative mechanism stabilizing ionized gasses. Repeatedly declared legally dead after a 1962 car accident, he was never able to complete his series "Physics for Everybody," though his nine-volume Course of Theoretical Physics, written with Lifshits, is epochal. FTP, name this Soviet physicist and recipient of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on superfluidity.;;(Lev) (Davidovich) Landau Geography;;Peter the Great captured the city of this name from the Crimean Tatars after building a fleet at Voronezh. Formerly the Greek and Genoese trading colony of Tana, its port was replaced by Rostov after the harbor became clogged with silt. The body of water by this name is separated from the "putrid sea" of Sivash by the giant sandbar of Arabat. The Taganrog Gulf in the northeast is shallow and almost entirely fresh, a result of the inflow from the Berda, Yeya, Mius, Kuban, and Don rivers. FTP, name this sea connected by the Kerch Strait to its much larger neighbor, the Black Sea.;;(the) (Sea of) Azov World History;;One issued in 1222 by King Andrew II of Hungary confirmed the rights of the nobility on the pattern of the Magna Carta, while another two years later granted certain rights to Saxon inhabitants of Transylvania. The first was issued in 1213 by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, but perhaps the most famous was issued more than a century later and was promulgated at the Diet of Nuremberg. Attempts during the Thirty Years War to alter its provisions in favor of the Bavarian ruling house caused much grumbling. FTP, name this document issued by Charles IV in 1356, which defined the process of selecting a new Holy Roman Emperor.;;Golden Bull Chemistry;;The naive form of this statement may be amended by the inclusion of a buildup factor in the case that the medium length or beam diameter is non-negligible; it must be suitably modified with a transfer coefficient if interference can change the incident wavelength. This law’s major factor is essentially equivalent to the medium’s macroscopic cross-section, which is turn directly proportional to the interaction probability per unit path length. If the incident flux is of monochromatic light is in the appropriate concentration range, this spectroscopic law is generally highly accurate. FTP, name this law named for either one or a pair of German scientists that states that the absorbance of a medium is equal to the product of its absorptivity, path length, and absorber concentration.;;(Lambert-Beer|Beer('s)-(Lambert)){1}? (law)|Beer('s) (Law) Literature;;When we first encounter this man, he goes out one afternoon in May for a walk which takes him to the Northern Cemetery of his home town, Munich. He wrote a novel, The Abject, which "taught a grateful generation that moral resolution was still possible after plumbing the depths of knowledge," and he is also the author of "a discourse on the subject of Mind and Art" which ranked with Schiller’s Naive and Sentimental Poetry. After indulging in some overripe strawberries, he goes to the beach and observes Jashu attack another child. In the end, the world is shocked to learn that he died of cholera in an Italian city. FTP, identify this character who falls in love with the Polish boy Tadzio in Thomas Mann’s novella Death in Venice.;;(Gustav) (von) Aschenbach World History;;The first naval battle in this war was fought at Riachuelo, near the city of Corrientes, while ironclads were later used to destroy the fortress at Humaita and bombard the suffering capital of the losing party. Bartolome Mitre was replaced as commander-in-chief by the Duke of Caxias, who was forced to enroll slaves to increase the size of his armies. Land cessions in the Mato Grosso and Gran Chaco resulted from this war, which was sparked by Brazilian intervention in the Uruguayan factional struggle of the Blancos and Colorados. FTP, identify this disastrous war fought by Francisco Solano Lopez, which decimated the male population of Paraguay.;;(War of the) Triple Alliance Biology;;These are defined by the presence or absence of a "sticky site" for an endonuclease, and are generally named for the endonucleases used to create them, so common types include BamHI and Mspl. These indicators are mainly found in non-coding genetic material, so their discovery greatly expanded the fraction of the genome that could be analyzed. Many, but not all, of them arise from single nucleotide polymorphisms, and they comprise the major DNA markers, along with VNTR’s and microsatellite polymorphisms. FTP, name these DNA markers that may be analyzed by Southern blotting and that are defined as differences in nucleic acid sequences that give rise to different fragment lengths under the action of a restriction enzyme.;;r(estriction) f(ragment) l(ength) p(olymorphism(s)) Religion/Mythology;;In one story about him, he is said to have squeezed drops of milk from a dry crust of bread that belonged to his companion Lalo, which impressed a man from Saidpur named Malik Bhago. Most information about his later life comes from Bhai Gurdas, who observed him after he became a peasant farmer in Kartarpur. Instead of Baba Budha or his son Sri Chand, he chose a man named Lenha, whom he renamed Angad, to be his successor. He was bathing in the river Bein at the age of 30 when he had a life-changing experience that resulted in him giving away all his possessions and becoming a wandering preacher. FTP, name this man who proclaimed that there is neither Hindu nor Moslem, whose teachings are recorded in the Adi Granth and are revered by Sikhs.;;(Guru) Nanak Philosophy;;Part 2 of this book includes discussions of "meaningful work" and "having a say over what affects you," which appear in the chapter "Equality, Envy, Exploitation, Etc". Part 1 includes a chapter on "Prohibition, Compensation, and Risk," and proposes a "state-of-nature" theory which is supposed to explain how you can "back into" one of the titular concepts "without really trying". Part 3 proposes a "framework" for the third and last of the titular concepts, which the author associates with the "minimal state". It was awarded the National Book Award in 1975, and was taken as a response to a book written a few years earlier by another professor at Harvard. FTP, name this work of political philosophy by Robert Nozick.;;Anarchy(,) State and Utopia Literature;;He wrote about the eldest son of King Pruisas of Bythinia in one of his plays, while another play centers on the son of the dead emperor Mauritius who is mistaken for Martian, the son of Phocas. In addition to Nicomedes and Heraclius, he wrote plays about Attila, Oedipus, and Sophonisba. His The Liar was the first important comedy written in his language, but he is better known for his tragedies, which include Rodogune, Horace, and Cinna. In his greatest play, Chimène refuses to kill the title character, who in turn refuses to kill Sancho in a duel. FTP, name this French dramatist of Polyeucte and Le Cid.;;(Pierre) Corneille Art;;The original may have been destroyed by William Glackens, as a way of settling a dispute involving it. It first appeared in the second issue of the magazine The Blind Man, which also included an essay about it by Louise Nortion and a prose poem in praise of it. According to William Camfield’s definitive book about it, it was probably displayed at Gallery 291, which makes sense as Alfred Steiglitz took a famous photograph of it. Notoriously, it was submitted to a 1917 exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists under the pseudonym Richard Mutt. FTP, identify this porcelain "ready-made" artwork, a "creation" of Marcel Duchamp that is, in fact, a urinal.;;Fountain Noncomputational Math;;A linear one in which p and q are equal exemplifies of a martingale, while a periodic radial one may be used to model loss of magnetic confinement of ions in a collisional torus. An open problem is to find a general formula for the number of finite non-intersecting ones in a plane. A given non-trivial one always eventually returns to its beginning in one- and two-space, but in 3-space only does so with probability about 0.34, which is known as Pólya’s third constant of this kind. FTP, name this type of Markov chain in which a point takes a certain number of fixed-length "steps" in a probabilistic direction and which can be used to model such stochastic processes as Brownian motion and diffusion.;;random walk;;Markov Chain World History;;The etymology of its name is discussed in Book 18 of The City of God, in a chapter which also discusses Deucalion’s flood. It was stripped of all of its powers but jurisdiction over homicide cases in 462 BC by Ephialtes, who was assassinated for his trouble. In the Book of Acts it was here that the Apostle Paul found an altar inscribed "to an unknown god". A more traditional etymology states that after the murder of Poseidon’s son Allirothios, the gods chose this site for the trial of Ares. FTP, identify this judicial body of ancient Athens that lent its name to a pamphlet on freedom of the press by John Milton.;;(the) Areopagus World History;;After his sudden death, Salutius refused the throne, and Victor successfully conspired to have the army proclaim as his successor a drunk who suffocated to death seven months after taking office.  In the first year of his reign, he chose Mamertinus and Nevitta as consuls, causing a scandal with the latter selection because he had chosen a Frank.  His predecessor lost the city of Amida to Sapor, which caused this man to lead a campaign against the Persians that cost him his life.  He was appointed Caesar by Constantius, whom he succeeded upon the latter's death in 361.  FTP, name this Roman emperor who issued a proclamation of religious tolerance during his brief reign, which earned him the nickname "the Apostate".;;(Flavius) (Claudianus) Julian(us) (the Apostate) World History;;Though its navy sacked the port of Palermo in 1063, two centuries later it was unable to hold off its Genoese rivals, who defeated it at the battle of Meloria. Despite its Ghibelline leanings, which provided it with imperial support, it was unable to ward off its foes on land either, as it came under increasing hostile pressure from Lucca to the northeast. The church council held here in 1409 resulted the uneasy coexistence of three rival popes. Though it reasserted its rights for a brief period after the arrival of the French in 1494, the silting up of its harbor and the Florentine conquest in 1406 ended its existence as an independent power. FTP, identify this city in the valley of the Arno, the birthplace of Galileo but more famous for the uneven foundations of its campanile.;;Pisa Literature;;It includes a short poem which asks the "sacred moon" to pour down its "unstinted nimbus," while in another poem the author confesses that neither youth nor "delicatesse" pertain to him. The last poem announces that the "hot sun of the South is to fully ripen" the author’s work, while the longest poems in it include "The Centenarian’s Story" and the "Song of the Banner at Daybreak". More famous are a poem that depicts a string of riders "crossing a ford" and another written "by the bivouac’s fitful flame". Many a student has snickered at the title "As I Lay with my Head in Your Lap Camerado," while the poet’s labors during the period are depicted in "The Wound-Dresser". FTP, name this collection of poems about the Civil War, a section of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman which bears a musical title.;;Drum-Taps;;Leaves of Grass Physics;;Analysis of this interaction may be facilitated by use of a Raleigh rejection holographic filter, which removes un-shifted monochromatic light. Its namesake microscopy is often coupled with infrared microscopy in the technique called chemical imaging. In this interaction, photonic excitation of an atomic vibrational mode results in an inelastic collision, so Fourier analysis of resulting frequency components can determine the polarizability and, hence, molecular structure of the scattering center. FTP, name this type of inelastic scattering of a photon by a molecule introduced in 1928’s A New Type of Secondary Radiation, having Stokes and Anti-Stokes components, and named for an Indian physicist.;;Raman (scattering|effect|spectroscopy|microscopy) Miscellaneous;;One of the main roles in this film had to be recast after an accident on the set of Three Came Home prevented Claudette Colbert from taking it. That role was inspired by an incident which befell Elisabeth Bergner during production of The Two Mrs. Carrolls. Two years after this film came out, a group of Chicagoans which included the mother of Nancy Reagan began giving out prizes modeled on the Sarah Siddons Award. After the shoot, Garry Merrill, who played Bill Sampson, married the star, while the actress who played Miss Casswell, a young Marilyn Monroe, became famous. Written by Joseph Mankiewicz, it is about a young actress who worms her way into the life of Broadway star Margo Channing. FTP, name this 1950 film which was nominated for 14 Academy Awards, including Best Actress nominations for Anne Baxter and Bette Davis.;;All About Eve Literature;;In one of his novels, the title character’s parents have sex on Epiphany in 1992 so their child could be the first one born on Columbus Day. The title character of another of his books is the niece of Senora Consuelo, who employs Felipe Montero to edit her late husband’s memoirs. In a 1967 novel, he wrote about a group of people who travel to Vera Cruz from Mexico City. His second novel, The Good Conscience, followed a book that explored his country’s pre-Columbian past, Where the Air Is Clear. FTP, name this Mexican author of Christopher Unborn, Aura, and The Death of Artemio Cruz.;;(Carlos) Fuentes United States History;;As governor of Pennsylvania, he denounced striking coal miners for their "amoeba treatment" and broke them with arbitration after only one week off the job. His 1914 Progressive Senate campaign foundered on the unpopularity of his support for women’s suffrage, prohibition, and American entry into World War I. After his experiments at the Vanderbilt estate in North Carolina, he founded the Yale School of Forestry and served as the first chief of the U. S. Forest Service under Theodore Roosevelt. In the next administration, however, he would come into conflict with the Secretary of the Interior over the issue of Alaskan coal reserves. FTP, name this co-founder of the Bull Moose Party, a pioneering conservationist best known for his association in scandal with Richard Ballinger.;;(Gifford) Pinchot Music;;Before one of the characters in this opera kills himself, he sings the aria "You who have spread your wings to God". When we first see the title character, she sings the aria "There reigned in silence," which horrifies her maid Alisa. One highlight of the opera is the sextet "Who restrains me at this moment"? which is sung in Act 2 after the signing of a wedding contract. After the title character murders Arturo on their wedding night, she undergoes a notorious "Mad Scene," and she dies soon after, after which her true love Edgardo, a member of the Ravenswood family, dies also. FTP, name this 1835 opera which is set in a Scottish castle, a work by Gaetano Donizetti based on a novel by Sir Walter Scott.;;Lucia di Lammermoor Literature;;It was "revisited" in a 1990 study by Dwight Hoover, while in a book about "the other side" of it, Luke Eric Lassiter and others have protested the omission of African Americans from it. The sequel to it, subtitled "A Study in Cultural Conflicts," appeared in 1937, and depicted the titular entity "in transition". In the original study, life in it was divided into six categories, such as "Engaging in Community Activities" and "Making a Home," and the impact of the Industrial Revolution was gauged by comparing life in 1890 to life in 1924, the year of the study. FTP, identify this 1929 "study in contemporary American culture," a book by Robert and Helen Lynd which examined life in Muncie, Indiana.;;Middletown Literature;;Her ability to read Madame Bovary in the original French calls her to the attention of her future boyfriend.  She is bedeviled by a group known as the "Trolls," who seem to do nothing but sit in hallways all night long, while she admires a group that calls itself the "Millenial Mutants".  At first, she impresses Victor Starling, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, with her research, but he loses interest in her after she gets a D in his class.  Her life spirals downward after she loses her virginity at a formal in Washington, D.C. to Hoyt Thorpe, who became a campus celebrity after observing the governor of California receiving a blow job from an undergrad at Dupont University.  FTP, name this title character of the most recent novel by Tom Wolfe.;;(Charlotte) Simmons Physics;;The diagonal elements of the coupling matrix in an orthonormal n-energy-state system are fully perturbed matrix elements of this object. Adding first-order relativistic corrections to the momentum naturally creates the fine-structure version of this operator, since it is equal to one over the twice the system mass times the inner product of the momentum operator with itself, plus the potential operator. FTP, identify this operator, the operation of which on the wave function is equal to operation of the energy operator on the wave function according to the Schrödinger equation, that is symbolized "h-hat" and that is named for a 19th Century Irish mathematician.;;Hamiltonian (operator|matrix);;energy (operator) United States History;;A representative from New York proposed mandatory emancipation at age 25 as a condition of the state constitution. While his amendment passed the House easily, the deadlocked Senate would admit no such restriction. Illinois Senator Jesse Thomas’s amendment implemented the provisions that would last thirty-four years. A "second" one the next year, necessary to deal with the subject of free blacks in the legislature, was pushed through by a certain Kentuckian, admitting the 24th and 25th states to the Union. Thomas Jefferson spoke of it as a "firebell in the night" warning of the danger of disunion. FTP, name this measure repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act and declared unconstitutional under the Dred Scott decision, passed in March of 1820 under the leadership of Henry Clay.;;(the) Missouri Compromise World History;;Heinrich Bullinger succeeded this man in the highest office he ever held, though the office, which Bullinger held until 1575, lost most of its political significance after this man’s death. Among his theological works are "The Rhymed Fables of the Ox," written while a priest in Glarus, The Clarity and Certainty of the Word of God, a printed version of his sermons at Oetenbach, and On the True and False Religion, in which he attacks, among other things, the views on transubstantiation held by Luther that he would later openly contest in his sixty-seven articles and at the Marburg Colloquy. He was killed in the Second War of Kappel, acting as chaplain for the armies fighting against the power of the forest cantons. FTP, identify this priest of the Grossmunster in Zurich, the leading figure of the Swiss Reformation.;;(Ulrich|Huldrych) Zwingli World History;;It is said he acquired his heraldic motto of "Ich Dien" after seeing the body of John of Bavaria, who died at one of his earliest victories. His chivalric reputation was stained forever by the terrible atrocities he ordered at Limoges, which he directed from a litter, as he was in the grip of the malady that would kill him later that year. He had acquired that sickness three years ealier on the campaign which culminated in his victory over Henry of Transtamare and Bertrand du Guesclin at Najera in 1367, though he is perhaps better known for his defeat of du Guesclin twelve years earlier. FTP name this warrior who won his spurs at Crécy and captured Jean II at Poitiers, the son of Edward III and father of Richard II whose colorful nickname came from the armor he wore in battle.;;(Edward) (of) Woodstock(,) (the) (Black Prince)|(the) Black Prince Music;;The third act opens with the cavatina "And though a cloud the sun obscure," after which a chorus of bridesmaids come in to make a garland. The second act opens with a duet between the main female character and her cousin Aennchen, while at the beginning of the first act a chorus of peasants make fun of the main male character, who has been defeated by Kilian. That male character wants to marry Cuno’s daughter, but he needs to win a competition before Prince Ottokar if he wants to win her hand and the position of head forester. To win that competition, his friend Caspar persuades him to meet Samiel in Wolf’s Glen and obtain some special ammunition. FTP, name this 1821 opera in which Agathe is wooed by Max, a work by Carl Maria von Weber.;;(Der) Freischütz|(The) Free-shooter Chemistry;;Other than methane, this colorless, volatile hydrocarbon has the highest organic emission volume because it is emitted by photosynthetic leaves. It yields butyl rubber when combined in small amounts of isobutene, while its polymerization can build-up nerol, citral, and farnesol. It is usually obtained by processing coal tar or petroleum, but can also be obtained by the thermal decomposition of several types of plants containing it, as explained in a namesake rule by Otto Wallach. FTP, name this compound, also known as 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene, the monomer of terpenes with chemical formula C5H8.;;isoprene Art;;This work lent its name to a biography of its artist by Meredith Etherington-Smith. In the right background is a small egg-shaped object, which sits at the foot of some cliffs at the edge of the sea. It originated as a landscape of the seashore at Cape Creus, where the artist had been on vacation with his wife when a lunch of Camembert inspired some of its most famous features. In the upper left rests a plane surface of some sort, while the lower left contains a brown platform from which a small tree is growing. Some ants are swarming on a gold item in the lower left corner, while the middle of the painting features a ridge over which some sort of fleshy object is draped. FTP, name this 1931 painting best known for its three melted timepieces, a work of Salvador Dali.;;(The) Persistence of Memory United States History;;Dan Sickles's attack towards Catherine Furnace almost prevented the losing side's disaster in this battle. John Sedgwick showed no such aggression: he was soundly beaten by Lafayette McLaws at Salem Church, even though his Sixth Corps had swept Jubal Early's outnumbered men off the old battlefield of Fredericksburg. J. E. B. Stuart held off the rest of the Union army after his bloody frontal attack on the morning of May 3rd had swept the Army of the Potomac out of its positions at Hazel Grove and Fairview. A more subtle attack the previous evening had shattered Oliver O. Howard's Eleventh Corps, though the victors lost their commander to friendly fire in the dense forests of the Wilderness. FTP, name this May 1863 defeat of Joseph Hooker by Robert E. Lee, the last battle of Stonewall Jackson.;;Chancellorsville Philosophy;;Section 5 remarks that the wise see people as "straw dogs," a kind of animal that was used for sacrifice and then discarded. Section 50 claims that three out of ten people are followers of life and three out of ten are followers of death, while another 30% of people are just passing from birth to death. Section 34 notes that the titular concept nourishes the ten thousand things, and yet it is not their lord, being very small. The 81st and final section states that good men do not argue and the learned do not know. This book was probably written in the 6th century BC by a man who is thought to have been archivist to a Chou emperor, and was allegedly written at the request of an officer in charge of the Jade Gate. FTP, name this classic Chinese text by Lao Tsu.;;(the) Tao Te Ching|(The) Way (of Life|and Its Power){1}?|Book of the Tao and Its Power|Daodejing Noncomputational Math;;This was solved by the novel method of discharging, which forms the subtitle of the second part of the paper in which its solution was originally published. It does not generalize to surfaces of non-zero genus, though the Heawood conjecture is the analogous statement in those cases, with the exception of the Klein bottle. First noted in 1840, it was brought to public attention by the work of de Morgan, who found it infuriating. FTP, name this problem of graph theory that remained open until a 1977 "computer proof" by Appel and Haken showed that the vertices of "Every Planar Graph" can be uniquely labeled in the namesake way.;;four color problem Religion/Mythology;;His children included Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. While his father was living in Bethel, he had sex with his father’s concubine, which would later cost him his birthright. At a pivotal movement in his life, he ordered his brothers to dig a pit, but while he was absent they cut a deal with some passing Ishmaelite traders, after which an item of clothing was soaked in the blood of a goat. His mother gave him his name to express her hope that the Lord had looked on her affliction, and that her husband would now love her, but after this man slept with Bilhah his father ceased to love him. FTP, name this eldest son of Leah and Jacob, who saved the life of his brother Joseph and made one heck of a sandwich.;;Reuben World History;;They responded to the teachings of Abdallah ibn Yasin against Shiite and Kharijite thought and drew their name from the island fortress to which ibn Yasin had retreated in religious ecstasy. Abu Bakr al-Lamtuni was among their leaders who opposed the Zanata. Yusuf ibn Tashufin, who paid homage to the caliph of Baghdad, defeated Alfonso VI of Castile and Leon at al-Zallaqah near Badajoz, temporarily securing an empire that united all of Muslim Spain except Valencia with North Africa, which they ruled from their capital at Marrakech. FTP name this eleventh century dynasty of Islamic nomads, eventually driven out of Spain by Castile and succeeded in North Africa by the Unitarian Almohads.;;Almoravid(s) Literature;;At the beginning of Act 4, the title character of this work summons her maid Rosalie, who tells her that her husband came in at five o’clock the previous evening. At the beginning of Act 2, the Duchess of Berwick instructs her daughter Agatha to keep five dances for Mr. Hopper. At the beginning of Act 1, Parker tells the title character that Lord Darlington has called for her, and she tells Darlington that she is giving a party that evening to celebrate her birthday. The plot hinges on the title character’s decision to go to the apartment of an admirer, where another woman covers for her by claiming that the title object was actually brought to her by mistake. FTP, name this play which features Mrs. Erlynne, a work by Oscar Wilde whose title refers to an ornamental item.;;Lady Windermere’s Fan Miscellaneous;;The year after this film was made Werner Florian, who appeared in it as Sergeant Arthur, made his only other known film appearance. Marcel Dalio had previously appeared in The Golem and went on to appear as Robert de la Cheyniest in a later film by the same director, after appearing in this film as Rosenthal. When this film was made, one of its stars had spent so long in America that he had almost forgotten his native language. Featuring Pierre Fresnay as the aristocratic Captain de Boeldieu and Jean Gabin as the lowly mechanic Lieutenant Marechal, it is better remembered for the role of Captain von Rauffenstein, who was played by Erich von Stroheim. FTP, name this 1937 film about some French officers captured during World War I, which was directed by Jean Renoir.;;(La) Grande Illusion|(The) Grand Illusion World History;;Towards the end of his life George Dumezil wrote a book on this Roman hero, noting that his battles involving sudden assaults at daybreak may suggest that he was actually a solar deity made mortal. Builder of the Temple of Concordia later in life to celebrate the Sexto-Licinian laws in 367, he was paired with Themistocles by Plutarch because like him he won a great victory for his community and was later exiled, though unlike the Greek this man returned to Rome after his exile at Veii, which he had earlier captured, to aid the Romans in their darkest hour in 396 BCE. FTP name this Roman who defeated and reclaimed the spoil taken by Brennus and the Gauls and was revered as a second Romulus for his direction of the rebuilding of the city.;;(Marcus) (Furius) Camillus Literature;;One of his plays presents a prostitute who refuses to sleep with a soldier during World War I. His first play was a comedy about Hannibal’s decision not ro attack Rome, while his second play was an adaptation of a story about a movie executive by Ring Lardner. In addition to Waterloo Bridge, The Road to Rome, and The Love Nest, he wrote a play about the Russian invasion of Finland at the beginning of World War II, for which he won a Pulitzer Prize, and a play set in a hotel in the Alps at the beginning of a world war, for which he won another Pulitzer Prize. FTP, name this author of There Shall Be No Night and Idiot’s Delight, who won yet another Pulitzer for Abe Lincoln in Illinois and also wrote The Petrified Forest.;;(Robert) Sherwood Physics;;Materials susceptible to this phenomenon generally lack inversion centers, and current research stems from its utility in MEMS sensors. The inverse of this phenomenon is known as electrostriction and was demonstrated in the year following its discovery, and was shortly thereafter used in the first SONAR. Discovered by analogy to Brewster’s work with heat in the same context, this was discovered when, in 1880, tourmaline, quartz, topaz, and Rochelle salts were compressed by Pierre and Paul-Jacques Curie, who named the resulting effect from the Greek for "squeeze". FTP name this effect, the evolution of a voltage across the face of a crystal in response to mechanical strain.;;piezoelectric(ity) (effect) Miscellaneous;;Elements of stress present in this work include the aumaga society, called "the strength of the village," and the subsequent title of matai. The female equivalent of the latter was the taupou, ceremonial virginity, which might be counterfeited with the blood of a chicken. Ridiculing this last claim, Derek Freeman, the book's chief critic, argues that its subjects were already acculturated by Christian missionaries and that presupposing a society untroubled by violence and jealousy led the author to ignore informants' evidence in favor of the cultural determinist theories of Franz Boas. FTP, name this book describing adolescence in a Pacific island society, the most famous work of Margaret Mead.;;Coming of Age in Samoa Religion/Mythology;;After the death of her second husband, she went back to Asia with one of her sons by another man. Her seven brothers and her father Eëtion were all killed by the father of the man who himself fathered her children Pielus, Molossus, and Pergamus. She herself was nearly killed by Hermione, the daughter of Helen who married the man whose concubine she was, but her life was saved by Peleus. She ended up at Epirus after marrying Helenus, and when Aeneas met her there she was still mourning her first husband. Other unhappy events in her life include the time her infant son was thrown to his death from the walls of Troy, and the death of her beloved husband in battle at the hands of Achilles. FTP, name this mother of Astyanax and wife of Hector.;;Andromache Literature;;This book was published four years after its author wrote Miss Ludington’s Sister, in which he defended the reality of psychic phenomena. Three years after this book was published, its author founded the New Nation, in which he further developed the ideas it contains. It proposes the replacement of corporate monopolies with a single "Great Trust" which would abolish the inefficiency of capitalism, and suggests that each citizen should become an employee of the state. These ideas are discussed by a physician who recounts the history of the previous 113 years to a man who was accidentally trapped in a hermetically sealed room. FTP, name this novel in which Edith Leete is loved by Julian West even though he’s old enough to be her great-grandfather, a work set in the year 2000 by Edward Bellamy.;;Looking Backward(,) (or 2000-1887) Noncomputational Math;;The Rousopolos variety of these equations suffers the limitation that it does not implicitly cancel normalizations, so care must be taken that the substituted shape fields have the correct amplitude. Given a sourceful Sturm-Liouville-type differential equation, these relations may be found in general for the adjoint source moment of the forward field or the forward source moment of the adjoint field, which are equal, and work by generating a second-order approximate value from a first-order approximation to an eigenfunction, using the completeness of an operator’s unknown eigenspectrum. FTP, identify these widely applicable principles, best known in the Schwinger type, which utilize the namesake type of calculus to generate approximate eigenvalues.;;variational (principle(s)) Geography;;Erzincan is located on this river's western branch, the Karasu. The eastern branch, the Murat Nehri, rises north of Lake Van and joins the Karasu at Keban, near Malatya, before the combined river carves a gorge through the Taurus Mountains. Its southwestern course makes a "great bend" to the southeast past the site of ancient Carchemish as it drops into a desert where the Tabaqah Dam formed Lake Assad in 1968. Later it receives its tributary the Khabur and divides into the Hillah and Hindiyah branches before flowing past Najaf and entering Lake al-Hammar near the Persian Gulf. FTP, name this river, which then forms the Shatt-al Arab with its companion, the Tigris, before emptying into the sea.;;Euphrates Literature;;Richard Howard wrote a response to this literary work in the form of a poem spoken by Nikolaus Mardruz to his master, Count Ferdinand. The title character of this work rode a white mule round the terrace, and was known to be fond of a bough of cherries, even if they were broken for her by "some officious fool". The creator of the titular work worked busily a day to produce the "depth and passion of its earnest glance," though it is now located behind a curtain that only the speaker of the poem puts by. The last lines of the poem mention a bronze statue of Neptune taming a sea-horse, which was cast by Claus of Innsbruck, though the titular work was painted by Fra Pandolf. FTP, name this poem written in 1842, a dramatic monologue spoken by the duke of Ferrara and written by Robert Browning.;;My Last Duchess Literature;;He marries Tonia, the daughter of his chemistry professor, but she isn’t the love of his life. When the husband of the woman he does love discovers their relationship, he shoots himself, after which this man leaves his rural home and moves to the capital, where his brother gets him a job at a hospital. Unfortunately, he dies on a trolley while going to his first day of work. The woman this man loves was once seduced by Komarovsky, but became a nurse to track down her husband Pasha, who assumes the alias Strelnikov after getting out of a prison camp. Though he spends much of his life practicing medicine, including a stint of forced labor as doctor to some rebels who kidnap him during the Russian Civil War, he would rather spend his time writing poetry. FTP, name this title character of the most famous novel by Boris Pasternak.;;(Doctor|Dr(.)) (Yurii) Zhivago Earth Science;;Among the dominant lifeforms that flourished in this epoch were the marine foraminiferans - protozoans similar to amoebas but bearing a complex, often calcareous test - as well as the largest land mammal of all time, the Baluchitherium. Divided into two ages, the Rupelian and the Chattian, its other noteworthy developments include the evolution of the first mastodon and the earliest apelike form, the Parapithecus, but otherwise "few recent forms" came into being, hence its name. FTP, name this epoch of the Tertiary period that lasted from 36.6 to 23.7 million years ago, following the Eocene and preceding the Miocene.;;Oligocene (epoch) United States History;;When the Continental Congress passed the Declaration of Independence this man, hoping for a reconciliation with Great Britain, resigned and joined the militia first of one state then another, where he served with distinction and was offered the rank of Brigadier General in both. After the war he wrote the first draft of the Articles of Confederation, served as a delegate to the Constitutional convention, and became governor first of Delaware and then of his home state, but he is best known for two pieces of pre-war writing which helped inflame the revolution and then tried to stop it. FTP, name this American statesman, best known for drafting the Olive Branch Petition and writing some Letters of a Pennsylvania Farmer.;;(John) Dickinson Art;;The state funeral of Napoleon prompted his painting War: The Exile and the Rock Limpet. The following year he painted the popular The Opening of the Wallhalla and two didactic works on the "evening" and the "morning after" a "Deluge," which were supposed to illustrate Goethe’s theory of color. Later in the 1840s he painted Queen Mab’s Cave, The Angel Standing in the Sun, and a work which depicts the Great Western Railway. He raised a ruckus in 1840 with a painting which shows a typhoon coming on as the dead and dying are thrown overboard by slavers, a work known as The Slave Ship. FTP, name this English painter beloved of Ruskin, whose works include Rain, Steam and Speed and The Fighting Temeraire.;;(J(oseph)) (M(allord)) (W(illiam)) Turner Physics;;The Aharonov-Bohm effect is the classically impossible influence of this field alone upon charged particles, and it is introduced along with its counterpart to collapse a set of four PDE’s to a set of two. The square of the norm of its combination with its scalar counterpart is Lorentz invariant, and its relation to the vector field it generates is suggested by Gauss’ law for that field, since the divergence of the curl of a well-behaved vector field identically vanishes. It may be transformed by the addition of the gradient of a scalar gauge function. FTP, name the electromagnetic vector field that is often symbolized A and the curl of which is equal to the magnetic field.;;(magnetic) vector potential;;A|(magnetic) potential Literature;;In its penultimate chapter, "Amantium Irae," a secretary of legation named Tapeworm invites Major William to dinner. Its 67th and final chapter "contains births, marriages, and deaths," and tells us that Joseph died at Aix-la-Chapelle, while Colonel Rawdon died of yellow fever at Coventry Island. It opens at Chiswick Mall, where the two chief female characters have been students at Miss Pinkerton’s academy. One of those female characters finally marries William Dobbin after foolishly marrying George Osborne, who died at the battle of Waterloo. FTP, identify this "novel without a hero," a tale of Amelia Sedley and Becky Sharp written by William Makepeace Thackeray.;;Vanity Fair United States History;;He was imprisoned for two days in 1855 after beating a sculptor at the World’s Exposition in Paris, but was himself caned the following year by Albert Rust on the steps of the Capitol over his support for Nathaniel Banks. His books include the travelogue Glances at Europe, the autobiographical Recollections of a Busy Life, and a history of the Civil War, The American Conflict, which he finished writing in 1866. Lincoln wrote a letter to this man identifying northern war aims as the presevation of the Union rather than "to save or destroy slavery," and was subsequently opposed by this longtime abolitionist. Although his masthead urged Union armies "forward to Richmond" in 1861, he co-signed the bail bond for Jefferson Davis. He was fired from his best-known position by Whitelaw Reid and died before the meeting of the electoral college, where his electors split among minor candidates to oppose Ulysses S. Grant. FTP, name this Democratic presidential candidate in 1872, the longtime editor of the New York Tribune.;;(Horace) Greeley Chemistry;;They can be formed from the reaction of a Gilman reagent with an acyl chloride and from the cleavage of a 1,2 diol with periodic acid. The presence of the methyl variety of these organic compounds can be discovered with the iodoform test, and they can undergo the mixed Claisen condensation with an ester or have their alpha-carbon halogenated or alkylated, both of which are examples of the nucleophilic addition reactions they frequently undergo. FTP, name these compounds with a carbonyl attached to two alkyl groups, whose simplest example is acetone.;;ketone(s) Music;;His First Symphony premiered when he was only 18, though he passed it off as the work of a German composer to see what reception it would get. He wrote two cello concertoes, the best known of which is the first in A minor, and three violin concertoes, the best known of which is the third in B minor. A prodigious pianist, he wrote five piano concertoes, while the best known of his five symphonies is a C minor work which employs an organ. His other symphonic works include the Algerian Suite, The Youth of Hercules, and Omphale’s Spinning Wheel, as well as a tone poem in which xylophones represent rattling bones. FTP, name this French composer of Samson and Delilah and the Danse Macabre.;;(Camille) Saint-Sa(ë|e){1}?ns Religion/Mythology;;One of this god’s underlings was a goddess of devotion, Armaiti, while another was a goddess of plants, Ameretat. Each of his underlings was opposed by such demons as Tawrich and Aka Manah, who were collectively known as the Daevas. His son was a fire god who subdued the dragon of the sky, Azhi Dahaka. Aside from being the leader of a group of "beneficient immortals" known as the Amesha Spentas and the father of Atar, this son of Zurvan was responsible for creating heaven and earth. He spent most of his time battling evil in the form of Ahriman. FTP, name this "wise lord" who was the supreme god of the Zoroastrian pantheon.;;Ahura Mazda|Ormuzd World History;;The first ruler of this dynasty signed the treaty of Stolbovo with Sweden, which then recognized his authority, and under the Deulino agreement his father was released from prison. Its second ruler signed the treaty of Pereiaslavl after defeating an army led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky, while that man’s successor signed the treaty of Bakhchisarai ending a war with the Turks. After the last male in the line died, rule passed to his aunts Anna and Elizabeth, creating a succession dispute in the house of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel. Neither produced a male heir, and rule then passed to the line of Holstein-Gottorp re-established with Paul I. The dynasty, which began with the heroics of Ivan Susanin, ended in a basement in Yekaterinberg in 1918. FTP, identify these successors to the House of Rurik, a royal line of Russia whose first ruler, Michael, took control after the Time of Troubles.;;(the) Romanov(s) Literature;;It includes a poem which compares the way nature heals her "wandering and distempered child" with the "friendless solitude" of the dungeon. Another poem features a man who weeps because he had to kill 49 of his sheep to feed his ten children, leaving but one lamb as "The Last of the Flock". The collection also includes the "Complaint of a forsaken Indian Woman," a poem about the "old Huntsman" Simon Lee, and a poem about a man who becomes very cold, "Goody Blake and Harry Gill". More famous are "Expostulation and Reply," "We are Seven," and a poem which was written on July 13, 1798 when the poet revisited the banks of the Wye. FTP, name this book of poems which includes "Tintern Abbey" and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".;;Lyrical Ballads Biology;;An electron donor, it neutralizes singlet oxygen and the hydroxyl radical in the heart. Its vasodilating effect increases blood flow to the sexual organs, making orgasm more intense, and it has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. With an isoelectric point of 7.47, it is a major component of zinc-binding proteins. Found in large quantities in hemoglobin, its extraordinary buffering ability in humans arises from the fact that an environmental pH of almost 6.0 is required for it to give up the hydrogen on its imidazole ring. FTP, name this amino acid whose decarboxylation produces histamine.;;histidine World History;;Their 170 volumes of divine books were called "magical lies, and not canonical" by the government officials who confiscated them. They organized the peasants into thirty-six squares of ten thousand "magic bandits" each. Similar in method to the "five pecks of rice" leaders, they stemmed from the proclamation of the generals of Heaven, Earth, and Man. Although the dynasty of Earth did not in fact replace that of Wood, Chang Chueh and his brothers did use the Book of Great Peace’s utopian visions to stage anti-Confucian rebellions that would lead to the overthrow of the Han some twenty years later. FTP, name this sect, which derived its nickname from its replacement for the Han "Blue Heaven".;;Yellow Turban(s)|T'ai Ping Tao Religion/Mythology;;The oldest and longest of them begins with the so-called "Honey Section" and ends with a section on sexual intercourse, which includes advice on how to harm the lover of one’s wife. The next longest includes the dialogue between Uddalaka and his son Svetaketu, and ends with a section on the glorification of the perfected self. These are two of the twelve primary ones, though there are 108 in all. They were first recorded at the order of Dara Shakoh, and in English the term loosely translates as "be seated at the feet of the Guru to receive the teaching," specifically the teaching of the fundamental oneness of Brahman and the Atman. FTP, identify this term which identifies the central scriptures of Hinduism.;;(the) Upanishads World History;;Its supporters rose ineffectively at Newport under John Frost after Thomas Atwood, leader of the Birmingham Political Union, walked out of their national convention. They split over the issue of "physical force," with opponents such as BLANK arguing that no violence was necessary to advance their agenda. Supporters argued that names on their petitions, such as Victoria Rex and No Cheese, afforded the protection anonymity, while opponents used these pseudonyms to refute their figure of six million supporters. They were so feared that Queen Victoria ordered the Duke of Wellington to lead thousands of troops in suppressing their 1848 gathering in London. FTP, name this nineteenth-century radical movement, whose "six points" including universal male suffrage and salaried members of Parliament appeared in an 1838 document.;;Chartis(m|t(s)){1}? Literature;;In Act 5, a number of characters are upset by the revelation of letters that make fun of two Marquesses, a poet, and a man with green ribbons. At the end of Act 4, Dubois (doo-bwa) confusedly informs the title character about a gentleman in black who warned him to leave lest he be arrested. Acaste and Clitandre both flirt with one of the characters, who is beloved by Oronte and the title character. In the end, the title character proposes to Eliante after being rejected by Célimène, and resolves to seek some deserted part of the world where he’ll be free to have an honest heart. FTP, name this 1666 comedy about the blunt Alceste, a work by Molière.;;(The) Misanthrope Geography;;Miguel Lopez de Legazpi founded it at the mouth of the Pasig River in 1571. It attracted a British fleet that captured it at the end of the Seven Years War, but it was returned to the previous owners by the Peace of Paris. The British had attempted to interdict the commercial traffic between Acapulco and this port, consisting of namesake "galleons" often wrecked on the coast of California. Legazpi's original fotress compound, Intramuros, was leveled by the Japanese defenders of this city in 1945. During the rebuilding process, the government spent thirty years in suburban Quezon City. FTP, name this city in whose bay Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet, the capital of the Philippines.;;Manila Literature;;Oddly, his book on the English novel traced "the development of personality" starting with Aeschylus and ending with George Eliot. In his own novel, Gorm Smallin murders the parents of Philip Sterling while he is in prison. Edmund Wilson so admired this man’s poem "The Revenge of Hamish" that he printed it in its entirety in Patriotic Gore. He believed that poetry and music have everything in common, as he argued in his book The Science of English Verse and demonstrated in his poem "The Symphony," though he is better known for his fictional Tiger-Lilies and poems such as "The Marshes of Glynn". FTP, name this American flutist and poet, a one-time Confederate soldier who wrote "The Song of the Chattahoochee".;;(Sidney) Lanier Philosophy;;Part 2 of this book includes a chapter "on the peculiarity of the human understanding that makes the concept of a natural purpose possible for us," and is followed by an appendix on methodology that concludes by considering "what kind of assent results from a practical faith". The first part includes chapters on taste as a kind of common sense, on beauty as the symbol of morality, and on "nature as a might". The second part, which deals with teleology, is much less popular than the first part, which includes sections on the beautiful and the sublime. It famously concludes that art is purposiveness without purpose, and followed upon two other books that considered metaphysics and ethics. FTP, name this 1790 book by Immanuel Kant, the third of his major critiques.;;(the) Critique of Judgment|Kritik der Urteilskraft Biology;;Although its origins are unknown, some scientists theorize that it may have formed from gastric pouches of Cnidarian ancestors. In annelids and mollusks, it is usually formed from splitting and hollowing of the mesodermal mass in embryonic development, while in humans, it develops between the somatic and splanchnic layers and can be divided into pericardial and peritoneal portions. Usually containing openings for food intake and ejection of waste, protostomes and deuterostomes are the two divisions that contain it. FTP, name this central body cavity only present in higher animal phyla.;;coelom World History;;His studies under tutors Jean Belmain and Sir John Cheke included an essay on the horrors of war excoriating the consequences of his father's war with France and an argument in French against the papal supremacy. John Foxe imagined him as a new King Josiah, purifying the temple by the burning of idolatrous images. Kett's rebels, angered by enclosure, and the Cornish rebels angered by his religious policy were put down by force. Power during his reign was held by the Duke of Somerset, who was named Lord Protector, and John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who attempt to secure his Protestant legacy by promoting the succession of Lady Jane Grey. FTP, name this son of Jane Seymour, the "boy king" who died, probably of tuberculosis, at the age of sixteen.;;Edward (VI|the Sixth){1}? Miscellaneous;;The title character chooses to call himself "Mulberry Field" on a whim. In the movie’s final scene, he cuts the ropes off an old man who had been hanging in the town square. Previously, he had given a dying man back his pistol, which nearly cost him his life. He first knows that there will be problems when he sees a dog running through the street holding a severed human hand in its mouth. Later, a man who had assassinated an officer is used as a pawn to play Ushitora and Seibei against each other, but the title character takes a sound beating before finally managing to clean up a corrupt village. FTP, name this 1961 film that stars Toshiro Mifume as the titular masterless samurai, an Akira Kurosawa work which was remade as A Fistful of Dollars.;;Yojimbo|(The) Bodyguard Physics;;His calculations of the movement of a cycloid appear in his Geometric Works, and he was the first man to create a sustained vacuum. He calculated the value of the gravitational constant by observing two weights connected by a string passing over a fixed pulley, and his namesake equation relates the velocity of a fluid in a tank to the square root of its height. But he may be best known for his friendship with Galileo and his experiments with tubes containing various heights of mercury. FTP, name this Italian scientist, the namesake of a unit of pressure and the inventor of the barometer.;;(Evangelista) Torricelli Literature;;This book’s preface quotes a letter from Justin McCarthy which describes the situation in the winter following the events it depicts. The second chapter describes the author’s attempts to rent a room from Johnny Upright, while we learn about a docker named Dan Cullen and a "winner of the Victoria Cross" in other chapters. Beginning with a chapter on "The Descent" in which the author cannot find anyone who knows anything about the East End, it goes on to consider suicide, the ghetto, "the hunger wail," and similar horrors observed in "the under-world of London" in 1902. FTP, name this classic exposé of the brutality of poverty, a work by Jack London.;;(The) People of the Abyss World History;;The conical tower of its Great Enclosure has been interpreted as a phallic symbol, but was probably used for the storage of grain. Other less impressive structures, now ruined, were built out of daga, or mud brick, below the hill complex once known as the Acropolis. Like the site as a whole, the soapstone bird carvings found in the ruins have been used as a nationalist emblem. Its nineteenth century discoverers tried to link it with the gold mines of Ophir and the voyages of the Phoenicians, but scholars now agree that it was the indigenous predecessor of the Torwa state, built by the ancestors of the present-day Shona. FTP, name these "houses of stone" between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers, whose name now belongs to a modern African nation.;;Great Zimbabwe;;Zimbabwe World History;;It decreed that kings should not be anointed on their heads, and that chrism should be reserved for church ceremonies. The distinction betwen regalia, granted through the lance, and spiritualia, received through the ring and staff, was based on an earlier settlement between Paschal II and the English king. At the request of the archbishop of Mainz, its decisions were confirmed by the First Lateran Council the following year. Arguing that the emperor could be present during the election of bishops and abbots, FTP, identify this 1122 agreement between Calixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V that sought to end the struggle over lay investiture.;;Concordat (of) Worms Literature;;In this play’s final scene, three or four conspirators discuss the murder of the title character with a general who had once made that character his "joint-servant". Later in that scene, the title character is called a "boy of tears" and is stabbed to death after inviting his enemies to stain all their edges on him. Earlier, the title character had gone to Antium after being banished from his home city, thanks to the conniving of Sicinius and Brutus. Once there he turns against his old friends Cominius and Titus Lartius and agrees to lead those he once opposed, but is ultimately stopped when confronted by a diplomatic party including his wife Virgilia and his mother Volumnia. Based on Thomas North’s version of Plutarch’s "Life of " the titular general, FTP, identify this Shakespeare play about the proud Roman hero Caius Marcius.;;(The) (Tragedy of) Coriolanus Chemistry;;The isothermal pressure partial derivative of this state function is equal to the isentropic pressure partial derivative of the enthalpy; a fact useful in deriving Maxwell’s relations. It is constant along a coexistence line in a state diagram, and is logarithmically related to a reaction’s equilibrium constant. If the change in this quantity is negative for a reaction, the reaction is spontaneous; a zero change implies equilibrium. Defined differentially as the maximum attainable work of an open system, FTP, identify this state function that may be simply defined as the enthalpy minus the product of temperature and entropy and that is named for an American scientist.;;Gibbs free energy|Gibbs function|Gibbs potential (function);;free energy|G Philosophy;;His second book was a history of modern philosophy that went from Bacon to Spinoza, which was published five years after he defended his dissertation on "the infinitude, unity, and commonality of reason". He lost his academic position over a set of anti-religious epigrams which he appended to a book which argued that each human consciousness will be absorbed into universal consciousness after death. He argued that the gods emerge out of the wishes of mankind in his last book, 1857’s Theogonie. The author of Principles of the Philosophy of the Future and Thoughts on Death and Immortality, his most famous work inspired thinkers like David Strauss by arguing that God is merely an outward projection of human nature. FTP identify this Hegelian philosopher who is best known for The Essence of Christianity.;;(Ludwig) Feuerbach United States History;;He introduced lime sulphate fertilizer and the merino sheep to America, and later administered the oath of office to George Washington. Along with Jay and Morris, he helped draft the New York state constitution, though he would later denounce Jay’s Treaty in his letters from "Cato". It was his home, Clermont, that was memorialized by his partner Robert Fulton in the name of the first steamboat. His brother Edward would later hold the same position that made him famous, minister plenipotentiary to France, and lived on the land that his brother helped acquire when he settled in New Orleans. FTP identify this colonial politician who helped negotiate the Louisiana Purchase.;;(Robert) (R(.)) Livingston Literature;;The novel ends with one of the central figures learning the truth about his grandfather from the slave Cinthy and reconnecting with his community by delivering a child. After witnessing the dietitian Miss Atkins having sex with Dr. Charley, the five-year old protagonist is sent to live with the vicious Simon McEachern. This cycle of lust and violence is repeated during encounters with the prostitute Bobbie Allen and the sadistic Percy Grimm, who castrates the main character. The novel climaxes with Byron Bunch’s confrontation of Lucas Burch for the love of Lena Grove, and notoriously features the murder of Joanna Burden by her mixed race lover. FTP identify this novel by William Faulkner that focuses on Joe Christmas.;;Light in August Religion/Mythology;;One of the most important texts about them was written by Santideva in the 7th century AD, while Gampopa’s The Jewel Ornament of Liberation lists the ten grounds or bhumi one of them must pass through. They observe ten main virtues, or paramitas, which range from generosity to wisdom, and famous examples of them include Manjusri, Vajrapani, Ksitigarbha, and the Chinese Quan Yin, who is also known as Chenrezig and Avalokitesvara. Potential ones must be male, and this position is said to be attained when karuna is equated with prajna. Maitreya is the only one recognized in the Theravada sect. FTP, identify these beings who seek enlightenment and help others to attain nirvana in Buddhism.;;bodhisattva Physics;;The ratio of this name is the ratio of the high and low voltage points in a transmission line system, which can be used to find impedance via a bolometer, and a like-named ratio of maximum to minimum dilatation is used in acoustics. Classical cavity electromagnetic modes are of this form, but the use of that fact to predict a blackbody spectrum results in the erroneous Rayleigh-Jeans law. Schrödinger modified the Bohr model of the atom by treating electrons as these, which may be considered as a superposition of oppositely directed waves of equal amplitude, frequency, and wavelength. FTP, identify these types of waves so named because they appear to be stationary.;;standing (waves);;(voltage) s(tanding) w(ave) r(atio) United States History;;A vindictive manifesto published one month later called its failure "a studied outrage on the legislative authority of the people". Its supporters, alarmed by Nathaniel Banks's labor system that catered to former planters, proposed to ensure loyal government by enforcing the "Ironclad Oath". One author was a former Know-Nothing and a Maryland representative, while the other served as president pro tem of the Senate and would have succeeded Andrew Johnson to the presidency if the latter had been convicted on impeachment. FTP, identify this bill pocket vetoed by Lincoln in July 1864, a Radical Republican attempt to set Reconstruction policy.;;Wade-Davis (Bill) Religion/Mythology;;The Iliad recounts a story about Thetis going to find one of them to help Zeus break the chains that were put on him by Hera and Apollo. Homer also says that one of them was known as "Aegaeon" because of his goatish nature, and claims that his father was Poseidon. Most of the time they were guarded by a monster named Campe, who was killed in the war with the Titans. Their father Uranus threw them into Tartarus, but they were twice rescued from it, once by Cronus and then later by Zeus, who appointed them to guard its gates. When Zeus asked them and their brothers, the Cyclopes, to fight the Titans they were enthusiastic and their ability to hurl copious quantities of boulders helped to turn the tide of battle. FTP, give the collective name of Cottus, Gyges, and Briareus, each of whom had fifty heads, but who were named for their hundred hands.;;(the) Hecatonchires|Centimani;;hundred handed World History;;On the eve of this battle, General Lanrezac was replaced in command of the Fifth Army by Franchet d'Esperey, known to his allies as "Desperate Frankie". His advance threatened the right flank of von Bulow's forces, while the German Second Army's left stalled in the Marshes of St. Gond under desperate counterattack by Ferdinand Foch. Meanwhile in the west, Maunoury's "mediocre value" reserve divisions and Sir John French's British Expeditionary Force attacked von Kluck's German First Army. An order by Gallieni saw the first use of motorized vehicles on the battlefield when six hundred taxis delivered French reserves to the front. FTP, identify this September 1914 battle that halted the Schlieffen Plan and prevented the capture of Paris.;;First (Battle of) (the) Marne Music;;This man's piano works include four Eclogues, the Theme with Variations in A flat, and a set of thirteen Poetic Tone Pictures, as well as a concerto in G minor. His orchestral music includes a trio of suites entitled Nature, Life, and Love which includes a tone poem on Othello, and a set of four symphonic poems on works by Erben, including The Golden Spinning-Wheel and The Wild Dove. His chamber music is better known, including 14 string quartets of which the twelfth is nicknamed the "American". This friend of Brahms wrote his most famous concerto for the cello, while his other works include The Water Goblin, the Dumky trio, and the "Carnival" overture, as well as sixteen Slavonic Dances. FTP, name this former butcher from Zlonice, Bohemia, whose Ninth Symphony in E minor is subtitled "from the New World".;;(Antonin) Dvorak Biology;;One of this author’s theories takes its name from a device used to set the quadripartite symmetry of the dome of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice, and was discussed in a paper on the "Panglossian paradigm" which critiqued the "adaptationist program". He coined the neologism "exaptation" to support that "spandrel" theory, which denies that all extant features of an organism are actually selected for. As a graduate student at Columbia, this scientist worked on the Cerion snail in Central America. His column "This View of Life" in Natural History is collected in the book Ever Since Darwin, but contemporaries such as Ernst Mayr have criticized him for works such as The Mismeasure of Man, The Flamingo’s Smile, and The Panda’s Thumb. FTP, name this evolutionary biologist who, with Niles Eldredge, formulated the theory of punctuated equilibrium.;;(Stephen) (Jay) Gould Art;;It first hung in a villa outside Catello that belonged to Lorenzo de Pierfrancesco, and its images were probably conceived of as educational aides by Marsilio Ficino. Based on the Stanze of Poliziano, the three intertwined figures on the left side of the canvas were singled out by Alberti in his treatise on painting, while the rustic lad who is dressed in red, wears a cap, and points up at the sky represents Mercury. The central figure is framed by the myrtle tree and oranges abound throughout the scene. To Venus’ right the blue skinned Zephyr grabs Chloris and helps her to transform into Flora, the confident goddess of the the painting’s title season. FTP, identify this work, a celebration of Spring by Sandro Botticelli.;;Primavera World History;;His first military success drove the Ligurians into the Alps, while his last was the capture of Tarentum.  His opponents, such as the people's tribune Metilius, denounced his prisoner-exchange scheme and promoted his deputy, Minucius Rufus, Master of the Horse, to command the first and fourth legions. Although he then saved Minucius from ambush, his policies proved unpopular and were abandoned under Terentius Varro and Aemilius Paullus.  He later opposed the invasion of Africa by his most prominent political and military rival.  FTP, name this Roman general nicknamed "the delayer," the namesake of a gradualist form of socialism.;;(Quintus) Fabius (Maximus) (Verrucosus) (Cunctator) Psychology;;He showed that monkeys intimadate each other visually rather than physically in his dissertation on "dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infra-human primates". He turned his attention to industrial psychology in Eupsychian Management, while his late essays are collected in The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Dissastisfied with both behaviorism and psychoanalysis, he introduced a "third force" which came to be known as humanistic psychology. His first major statement of his thought came in Motivation and Personality, while Toward a Psychology of Being set forth his mature views. FTP, name this American psychologist who introduced the notion of peak experiences, along with self-actualization and his hierarchy of needs.;;(Abraham) Maslow Geography;;This city is located across an estuary from Birkenhead on the Wirral peninsula. Robert Jenkinson, the second earl of this name, served as Tory Prime Minister from 1812 to 1817.  The construction of docks in the eighteenth century allowed it to surpass Bristol, taking control of trade in American tobacco, molasses, and slaves. Later it would be the primary destination in Britain for Irish emigrants fleeing the potato famine, who made up twenty-five percent of its population by 1851. George Stephenson, designer of the Rocket, surveyed the first inter-city railroad to nearby Manchester, which opened in 1830.  FTP, name this industrial city on the Mersey, home of the Everton Football Club and the Beatles.;;Liverpool Literature;;His last lover, Camilla Selden, appeared as "Mouche" in his poetry, while he immortalized his future wife Crescence-Eugénie Mirat as "Matilde". Max Brod’s The Artist in Revolt is a study of this author, from whom Matthew Arnold borrowed the term "Philistine". After settling in Paris, this author wrote The Situation in France, which built on ideas he had earlier developed in his Travel Pictures, which includes The Town of Lucca and Ideas: The Book of Le Grand. His other works include a poem on the death of a trained bear, Atta Troll, and the collection Romanzero. He was admired by Marx and Engels, who especially liked the biting irony of his Germany, A Winter’s Tale. FTP, name this Jewish author, whose Book of Songs includes his ballad "The Lorelei".;;(Heinrich) Heine Biology;;The Ericoid variety of these structures is found in acidic conditions, and is often associated with the telomorph-forming families Leotiaceae and Myxotrichaceae. The Arbuscular variety is formed by organisms such as the Glomales, which cannot grow independently. First described by A.B. Frank in 1885, they often work by producing proteases that release nitrogen and phosphorus from the surrounding soil. FTP, name this symbiotic relationship in which the hyphae of a fungus exchange nutrients with a plant root.;;mycorrhiza(e) Literature;;At one point, it compares life and death to a mother’s breasts; just as a child finds "consolation" in the left breast when taken away from the right breast, the poet knows he "shall love death" because he loves life. It ends with a salutation to God in which the author asks to voyage to his eternal home like a flock of homesick cranes. In an introduction addressed to William Rothenstein, another poet compared this book to the writing of Chaucer’s forerunners or European saints. Most English translations of it contain poems from Naivedya, while many of the poems expound upon a personal relationship with the divine, or "Jivandevata". Meaning "Song Offerings," FTP, name this collection of poems, which became famous thanks to the introduction by William Butler Yeats, and which was the major reason for the award of the Nobel Prize to its author, Rabindranath Tagore.;;Gitanjali;;Song Offerings Literature;;Ernest wrote such poetic works as The Emperor’s Vigil and The Revolt of Hindostan, while Ebenezer’s poetry collection Studies of Sensation and Event was a big hit with the Brownings. Henry wrote poems about Kew Garden and the Isle of Wight, while Henry Arthur founded the "realist problem" drama with works like Mrs. Dane’s Defence and Saints and Sinners. David Michael became a painter late in life but remains best known for his poems of World War I, such as The Anathemata and In Parenthesis. A better known author of this name wrote such novels as Go to the Widow-Maker, Some Came Running, and The Thin Red Line. FTP give this literary surname that identifies James, best known for 1951’s From Here to Eternity.;;Jones World History;;On the day he was to debate the veracity of his greatest discovery he shot himself in a hunting accident. He negotiated with local chiefs like the Bagandan leader Mutesa to insure the safety of his men, and often worked with others such as Florence von Sass, James Baker, and James Grant, during his travels. He began his career in the Punjab, but came to Africa to survey Somaliland. Although he was injured during that expedition he eventually sighted Lake Tanganyika and went on to identify Ripon Falls as the exit point for another body of water after splitting up from Richard Burton. FTP, name this British explorer, the first European to sight Lake Victoria and identify it as the source of the Nile.;;(Sir) (John) (Hanning) Speke Psychology;;After beginning his research screening G.I.s at Camp Logan in Texas, he was sent to England to work with Charles Spearman and Karl Pearson. This author of The Range of Human Capacities rejected the fashionable two-factor theory and after returning to the U.S. to become chief psychologist at Bellevue Hospital would develop the prototype of his most famous contribution. To arrive at the "deviation quotient" he used ten or eleven verbal and performance sub-tests that sought to understand a person’s global capacity to act purposefully and think rationally. Though he would later alter his diagnostic evaluations to measure the mental abilities of children, he remains best known for work with grown folks. FTP identify this psychologist and namesake of an Adult Intelligence Scale.;;(David) Wechsler World History;;The government of his enemies, the Arrabbiati, began his downfall by inciting riots on Ascension Day. This Ferraran composed the poem "On the Decline of the Church" and preached from the pulpit of San Marco, becoming vicar-general there. He prophesied the coming of an avenger in the French King Charles VIII, who served only to create a power vacuum that this man could fill, attacking Pope Alexander VI after the expulsion of Piero de Medici. Machiavelli considered him the greatest contemporary example of an "unarmed prophet," who, unlike Moses or Romulus, would be unseated as soon as the people stopped following him. In 1498 he was hanged and his body burned in the Piazza della Signoria which had been a focal point for the Bonfires of the Vanities that he conducted. FTP, name this demagogue, a Dominican ruler of Florence.;;(Girolamo) Savonarola Literature;;His works on aesthetics includes Letters Concerning the Most Recent Literature, a periodical written with Christoph Nicolai, and a treatise on How the Ancients Represented Death. While a student at Leipzig he wrote a play about "true friendship," Damon, and went on to churn out comic dramas like The Misogynist and The Free Thinker. He expressed hope in the perfectibility of human nature in his last major work, 1780’s The Education of the Human Race, while he wrote about the "limits of painting and poetry" in his best-known philosophical work. However, he was most admired in his own time for his plays, which include one about a character who courts Major von Tellheim and another about Miss Sara Sampson. FTP, name this German writer of Minna von Barnhelm, Laocoon and Nathan the Wise.;;(Gotthold) (Ephraim) Lessing Chemistry;;If one uses halides that are sterically hindered with accessible protons in the beta position, the alkoxide in this reaction with act as a base, especially if it’s bulky, and an elimination side product will result. If this happens, the hydroxyl group on the alkoxide will just reform and a useless separate alkene will form. The goal is to have the deprotonated oxygen attack the halide in nucleophilic substitution, kicking off the halogen, and attaching itself to a new carbon chain. FTP, name this reaction that prepares molecules of formula R-O-R, known as ethers.;;Williamson (ether) (synthesis) World History;;Jan Palach set himself on fire to protest the failure of this movement, whose only short-term result was the federalism espoused by NAME Husak, who made an alliance of convenience with the hardliners. The attempted revival of the Social Democratic party, the churches, and the Boy Scout movement frightened the country's neighbors, but it was the publication of Ludvik Vaculik's "Two Thousand Words" manifesto in the Literary Gazette that spurred them to action. Despite the conference of Warsaw Pact leaders at Cierna-nad-Tisou in Slovakia, tanks were sent to repress this move toward "socialism with a human face," an initiative of Alexander Dubcek. FTP, name this short-lived 1968 season of liberal reform in the Czech capital.;;(the) Prague spring Literature;;Near the beginning of Act 3, Chuck comes in to get a sherry flip for Cora prior to their wedding, after which they plan on moving to a farm in Jersey. Cecil Lewis and Pier Wetjoen knew each other during the Boer War, and spend much of the play slinging good-natured insults at each other. The most recent arrival is Don Parritt, whose hatred of his mother led him to sell out the Movement. Set during the summer of 1912 in a Raines-Law hotel which was permitted to serve liquor thanks to a loophole in the law, it also features a one-time Syndicalist-Anarchist and a hardware salesman who murdered his wife. FTP, name this play set at Harry Hope’s saloon, which features Larry Slade and Hickey, a work by Eugene O’Neill.;;(The) Iceman Cometh World History;;He discovered the thirteenth-century inscription of King Ramkamhaeng during his time as a Buddhist abbot and founded the modernizing Thammayut sect. On the death of his half brother, he succeeded to the throne even though he was his father's forty-third child. His Prime Minister, Suriyawong, urged him to maintain a balanced influence between France and Britain in foreign policy. Nevertheless, he agreed to the Bowring Treaty of 1855, which granted extraterritoriality and trading privileges to British subjects. Foreign influence would continue in the reign of his son, Chulalongkorn, who succeeded him in 1868. Also known as Rama IV, FTP, name this Chakri king of Thailand who hired the English governess Anna Leonowens to tutor his son, inspiring The King and I.;;Mongkut;;Rama (IV|the fourth){1}? Religion/Mythology;;He killed Cymelus at the wedding of Pirithous, after which he took a job ferrying travellers across the river Euenus. He indirectly caused the death of Lichas, who was thrown into the sea in consequence of a gift made by him. He also caused the suicide of a princess who was jealous of a woman named Iole, which prompted her to give her husband a fatal item. He also caused the suicide of a hero who immolated himself on Mount Oeta after giving his bow and arrows to Philoctetes. All those deaths came about because this creature claimed to have given a love potion to a woman he tried to rape, when in fact his blood contained the poison of the Hydra. FTP, name this figure from Greek myth, a centaur who kidnapped Deianira and was killed for it by Heracles.;;Nessus Literature;;In this book’s final chapter, Tom’s father cuts the grass in the big meadow while two of the main characters have a conversation in Evie’s rookery. In the previous chapter, one of the characters plans to go to Munich after an inquest which brings in a verdict of manslaughter rather than heart disease, leading to a three-year prison sentence for Charles. A pivotal scene takes place at Oniton, where Margaret forgives her fiancée for having committed adultery. Margaret’s sister Helen goes to Europe with Leonard’s child, while Leonard is thrashed by Charles Wilcox. FTP, identify this 1910 novel featuring Leonard Bast and the Schlegel sisters, a book by E. M. Forster whose title refers to an estate.;;Howards End Physics;;In light of this theorem, the probability current density arises naturally from similarity solutions of the Schrödinger equation because probability current density is conserved due to this theorem and the existence of such solutions. Conservation of linear momentum by systems of solitons can easily be realized using this theorem as the Korteweg-de Vries equation is invariant under a point group of translations. Derivable as the vanishing of the variational derivative of a relevant quantity, it implies that time invariance of a system corresponds to energy conservation. FTP, identify this cornerstone of modern physics which states that for each symmetry of a physical system, there corresponds a conserved current, and which is named for a female German mathematician.;;Noether(')(s) (symmetry) (theorem) Miscellaneous;;In a song about them by Pavement, Stephen Malkmus mentions that his least favorite song from the second album by this group was "Time After Time". They named a 1986 album after a line in a Pink Panther movie. Their debut E.P., Chronic Town, contains "Sitting Still" and "Shaking Through". Dead Letter Office is a collection of B-sides and outtakes, largely from recordings they made for I.R.S. records. More famously, they have recorded albums with one-word titles such as Up, Reckoning, Monster and Green. FTP, name this band known for such songs as "The One I Love," "Shiny Happy People," and "Losing My Religion," a group fronted by Michael Stipe.;;R(.)E(.)M(.) Art;;It became popular due to an engraving by Nicholas de Launay. This work was originally commissioned from Gabriel-Francois Doyen, who suggested the addition of cupids but ended up refusing to paint it. The original was to have included a bishop, but that was changed to a generic old man in the final version. In the lower center, a statue depicts dolphins driven by cupids who pull the water-chariot of Venus. On the left, a young man lies luxuriously on a bush with his hat extended, staring upward at the erotic central scene. That central scene depicts the "happy dangers" of a certain object which contains the mistress of the Baron de Saint-Julien. A pink shoe flies through the sky toward a cupid as a woman reaches her apex in, FTP, what Rococo masterpiece by Jean-Honore Fragonard?;;(The) Swing|(Les) heureux hazards de I’escarpolette Biology;;This messenger’s system is antagonistic to that of dopamine, so malfunction of it is linked with epilepsy, while destruction of this chemical’s producers in the striatum results in Huntington’s disease. In insects, this neurotransmitter mediates muscle activation nerve-muscle synapses, while its brain levels in humans are controlled by glutamate decarboxylase. In all cases, it works by causing hyperpolarization of postsynaptic membranes by opening chloride channels. Ionotropic and metabotropic are among the three general classes of receptors for it known. FTP, name this ubiquitous and almost always inhibitory neurotransmitter this is popularly sold as a neuotrophic supplement.;;g(amma)-a(mino) b(utyric) a(cid) Geography;;Construction of the Cabora Bassa Dam on this river northwest of Tete was opposed by FRELIMO, which then had to defend its "white elephant" against guerilla incursions by South African-sponsored forces in the 1980s. Further upstream, it flows across the Barotse Plain and receives the Lungwebungu, Kabompo, and Kwando rivers, forming the northeastern border of the Caprivi Strip. Below the second great dam of Lake Kariba, the Shire river drains Lake Nyasa's water into it just before it enters the Indian Ocean. FTP, name this river of southern Africa, whose rushing waters create the Victoria Falls.;;Zambezi Miscellaneous;;Examples of them discussed in a book about them include Sainte-Beuve’s criticism of Flaubert’s Salammbo and the word "anecdotage," which was coined by De Quincey. In the first of them to be discussed, a lottery agent named Hirsch-Hyacinth boasts about being treated well by Baron Rothschild. The author was inspired to consider them after reading an 1898 book by Theodor Lipps, who emphasized the active creation of them. The book about them began as a study of Jewish ones in particular, but expanded as the author argued that they are generally intended to reduce mental expenditure. They were written about in 1905, simultaneously with a series of three essays on sexuality. FTP, name this linguistic phenomenon, whose "relation to the unconscious" is the subject of a book by Sigmund Freud.;;Jokes|Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious|(Der) Witz|(Der) Witz und Seine Beziehung Zum Unbewussten Literature;;In this author’s third novel, a young artist leaves her fiancée for his father Gert before committing suicide in Rome. This author’s second novel, set in the 11th century, centers on the rape of a young woman named Vigdis. While infidelity was the subject of early novels like Jenny and Frau Marta Oulie, this author’s conversion to Roman Catholicism had an impact on later works like The Faithful Wife and The Wild Orchid. She planned a trilogy set during the 18th century, of which only Madame Dorothea was written, but she did finish a tetralogy that began with The Axe and centered on the murderous Master of Hestviken. FTP, name this author of The Bridal Wreath, which was the first volume of a trilogy about Kristin Lavransdotter.;;(Sigrid) Undset United States History;;His chosen lawyers, William Smith and James Alexander, were debarred by Chief Justice James De Lancey before his trial. He got in trouble for siding with Lewis Morris, who had been dismissed as Chief Justice after the governor accorded equity jurisdiction to the supreme court to facilitate his suit against Rip Van Dam. When a grand jury refused to indict him, he was tried on information supplied by Richard Bradley, and on the day of the trial Andrew Hamilton showed up to defend him successfully. A year later, the man who caused the ruckus, William Cosby, died. FTP, name this German printer who was famously tried for libel in New York in 1735.;;(John) (Peter) Zenger Music;;Act 2 of this work begins with a scene featuring Billy and his fiancée, who sings a lullaby to her infant. Act 1 features the aria "Lavami e saro," in which the title character offers a Bible lesson to some of the other characters, while musical highlights of Act 3 include "Ch’ella mi creda," in which one of the characters asks that the title character not be told about how he died, and "Et tu mio trin," after which the title character walks into the sunrise with the man she loves. Ashby warns the characters about a gang of thieves, the leader of whom is saved from arrest by Jack Rance after the title character cheats at poker. FTP, name this work featuring the bandit Mr. Johnson and the owner of the Polka Salooon, Minnie, a 1910 opera by Giacomo Puccini.;;(The) Girl of the Golden West|(La) Fanciulla del West World History;;Its first conquest, under the Sufi head of Ardabil, dispossed the Uzbek horde known as the "white sheep" of its future capital. It came to power in Azerbaijan with the aid of the "Red Heads" or Qizilbash and the official language was Azeri during the rule of Ismail I. Its most powerful ruler hired an English military adventurer to train his ghulam slaves in modern musketry, take the offensive against the Ottomans, and expel the Portuguese traders who had settled at Hormuz. Interrupted briefly by Nadir Shah, then finally supplanted by the Zand and Qajar dynasties, it saw the movement of the capital from Tabriz to Isfahan. FTP, Shah Abbas I was a member of this Shi'ite Iranian dynasty that lasted from 1501 to 1760.;;Safavid (dynasty) Physics;;This equation obtains its leading coefficient of the negative of the streamwise pressure gradient by application of the no-slip boundary condition at the outer radius. Easily giving rise to a D’Arcy friction of 64 divided by the Reynolds number, it is not strictly applicable to the situation for which it was originally developed, since it applies only to steady, fully developed, purely axial laminar flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid in circular pipes. FTP, identify this exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equation stating that the flow velocity is parabolic with centerline velocity equal to the pressure gradient divided by four times the dynamic viscosity, which is named for a Frenchman and designed to model flow in blood vessels.;;(Hagen)-Poiseuille (equation) Literature;;He was inspired by the work of Tommy Trentino, a prisoner in Trenton State Prison, to write An Open Letter to Stroker!. His essays "The Mystery of the Japanese Woman" and "On Seeing Jack Nicholson for the First Time" were collected in Gliding into the Everglades. He wrote a "study of Rimbaud" in The Time of the Assassins as well as Reflections on the Death of Mishima, but is better known for his own works of fiction, like Quiet Days in Clichy and the posthumous Crazy Cock. A "journey through his major writings" was compiled by Norman Mailer in Genius and Lust, while a trip from Italy to Greece at the beginning of World War II produced his best book, The Colossus of Maroussi. FTP, name this author of a trilogy which includes Sexus, Plexus, and Nexus, who is best known for Tropic of Cancer.;;(Henry) Miller Chemistry;;The two main ways to apply this process are the Soderberg and prebake methods. High electrical power requirements and the disposition of toxic flouride waste products have been a problem since its discovery in 1886. The ore is purified in sodium hydroxide, and carbon dioxide is added in order to precipitate the hydroxide of the desired metal, which is decomposed by heating. FTP, name this chemical process that uses an electrolytic cell to extract from bauxite its product of aluminum.;;Hall-Heroult (process) Literature;;He wrote about a French Jew who is married to a German officer under the Nazis in An Infinity of Mirrors. He wrote about the assassination of an American President in Winter Kills, while he wrote about a general who wins control of the United States in Emperor of America. His other books include a novel about a newspaper columnist, Some Angry Angel, and his first book, The Oldest Confession, but he may be better known for a trilogy about a Mob family from New York whose first volume was 1982’s Prizzi’s Honor. FTP, name this American writer best known for a 1959 novel that was made into a movie three years later, The Manchurian Candidate.;;(Richard) Condon Religion/Mythology;;Monier-Monier Williams defined this word as "that which is established or firm", logical since it is cognate with the Latin firmus. The concept of "rta" was an early formulation of it, and it embodies the principle of sat imposed on humans and gods. In Jainist thought, it defines the active principle that keeps the universe moving, while also referring to the true teaching. In Buddhism, it stands for the true reality of the cosmos, but the word also represents one of the three ends of life, along with pleasure or "kama" and gain or "artha". FTP, give this term for law or righteousness, which some stupid Americans might know because it names a character played by Jenna Elfman on a forgettable sitcom.;;dha(r|m){1}?ma Religion/Mythology;;His mother and father met after Bran and Sceolang, two of his father’s hounds, refused to kill a deer which they had captured. A druid named Fer Doirich had put a spell on his mother, Sadb, which turned her into that deer. This man never met his own child, Plur na m’Ban, because he suffered a critical fall from his horse Embarr. Earlier, he had ridden on that horse with the daughter of Manannan Mac Lir, who had fallen in love with hiim and brought him to spend what seemed like three years in Tir na n’Og, where she was queen. When he returned home and touched the ground, he found that three years in fairyland are equivalent to 300 years in Ireland, and instantly became an old man. FTP, name this warrior and bard of the Fianna, the husband of Niamh who, according to James Macpherson, wrote some poems.;;Oisin|Ossian United States History;;Their language, Michif, is a pidgin using European nouns, with verbs and syntax from the language of the Cree. Implicated in the Seven Oaks massacre as agents of the Northwest Company, they resented the foundation of Fort Garry and captured it in 1870, crying out for the freedom of trade against the monopoly practiced by the Hudson’s Bay Company. The battle of Batoche fifteen years later ended their campaign of resistance under Louis Riel and provided one reason for the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. FTP, name this ethnic group of the prairie provinces, descendants of intermarriage between fur traders and Native Americans.;;Meti(s) Music;;Before this work was written the composer's teacher at the Milan conservatory, Antonio Bazzini, wrote an opera based on the same play. In Act 2, the title character sings the aria "Within This Palace," in which she tells about one of her ancestors who thousands of years earlier was betrayed by a man who conquered her city. In order to avenge that betrayal, she invents a test which involves questions about a phantom, a fever, and an ice that sets you on fire. In the third and final act, the blind king of Tartary Timur refuses to reveal a secret, after which his slave girl Liu is tortured and stabs herself to death. In that act, the aria "Nessun dorma" is sung by Calaf, who wins the titular princess of China. FTP, name this 1926 opera, which was left unfinished at his death by Giacomo Puccini.;;Turandot Literature;;In an 1887 book, James Bryce compared Hamilton’s views to those of this man. M. C. M. Simpson published one of the first books about this man, and edited his correspondence with Nassau Senior. This man’s most important book was first translated into English by Henry Reeve, while it has recently been translated by Arthur Goldhammer. The author of such essays as "Excursion to Lake Oneida" and "Two Weeks in the Wilderness," which concerns his time in Michigan living with the Iroquois, he also wrote a book about the American penal system, a philosophical history of the reign of Louis XV, and a book about the Old Regime and the revolution. The first volume of his major work appeared in 1835, and resulted from a trip he had taken with his friend Gustave de Beaumont. FTP, name this French author of Democracy in America.;;(Alexis) (de) Tocqueville Biology;;Some of the primary constituents of this are sodium glycocholate and sodium taurocholate, and cholecystokinin is the primary stimulus for its release through the sphincter of Oddi. The body produces about 600 milliliters of it per day, though most of its salts are recycled via the enterohepatic circulation. These salts are much more water-soluble than their precursor acids, giving them the amphipathic property necessary for this fluid's primary function. FTP, name this substance that helps emulsify fats for digestion, and which is stored in the gall bladder after being produced in the liver.;;bile;;gall World History;;His interview with Baron Maurice de Hirsch, who had proposed the colonization of Argentina, was unsuccessful. In a 1902 book, he described a socialist utopia as the ideal solution for the "world political question" he had discussed with the Ottoman sultan and the radicals of London’s East End. In a work published six years earlier, he argued for the creation of a "Society," "Local Groups," and finally a "Company" which would be a joint-stock company under English law devoted to the purchase of land. His colleague Max Nordau’s speech at the Basel Congress continued the agitation he had begun as a correspondent for the Viennese newspaper Neue Freie Presse, which assigned him to Paris to cover the Dreyfus affair. FTP, name this man who concluded that the establishment of a national homeland was the only solution to anti-Semitism, author of the pamphlet The Jewish State and the founder of Zionism.;;(Theodor) Herzl Literature;;In the penultimate chapter of this work, the title character writes a letter to the Prior of Saint Augustine which instructs him on how to dispose of 872 moidores. In the last chapter, the title character goes to Toulouse after killing a number of wolves and a bear, and later writes a letter to his old friend at Lisbon authorizing the latter to dispose of a plantation in the Brazils. In earlier chapters, we learn about the protagonist’s slavery in Sallee, his rescue of some prisoners from cannibals, and his experiences taming goats and building a house. More famous is chapter 11, in which the title character finds a print of a man’s foot in the sand. FTP, name this 1719 novel about the "strange and surprising adventures" of a man based on Alexander Selkirk, a novel about a castaway written by Daniel Defoe.;;(The) (Life and Strange Surprising) (Adventures of) Robinson Crusoe (of York(,) Mariner) Geography;;It once flowed due south to the Gulf of Martaban in the present course of the Sittang river; its current westward turn and meandering through the oil fields of Yenangyaung are comparatively recent. Its straight course south of Katha is interrupted at Kabwet by an intrusive lava formation. Bhamo and Myitkyina, twin goals of General Stillwell’s 1944 offensive, are the northernmost ports on this river formed by the confluence of the Nmai and Mali. It joins with the Chindwin River and turns south to flow through the Pegu and Arakan mountains before fanning out into a delta, which includes the Bassein river, and emptying into the Andaman Sea. FTP, the Sanskrit for "elephant river" describes this body of water that flows through Mandalay and Rangoon, the chief river of Burma.;;(Irrawaddy|Ayeyarwady){1}? River Literature;;The people of the titular place have a festival for the first and last day of every month, which they call the Cynemernes and the Trapemernes. At those festivals, they worship God under the name of Mithras. At the beginning of book 2, we learn that the titular place was originally called Abraxa, though its current name derives from the conqueror who civilized it and separated it from the mainland by having a 15-mile-long channel dug. All these facts are disclosed by a person who encountered the ambassadors of the Anemolians while staying in the city Amaurot. The narrator is introduced to that Portuguese traveller, Raphael Hythloday, by his friend Peter Giles while visiting Belgium on a diplomatic mission for Henry VIII. FTP, name this book about an imaginary island which was written by Sir Thomas More.;;Utopia Noncomputational Math;;The group of deck transformations of a universal cover of a topological space is isomorphic to this. When it is Abelianized, the result is the associated space's first homology group. It can be calculated by Van Kampen's theorem if its value for some subspaces that cover the space in question is known. Examples of it include the group Z of integers for a circle and Z*Z for a torus, and any space for which it is trivial is said to be simply connected. FTP, name this topological construct, that is defined as the group of equivalence classes of loops in a space, and denoted "pi sub one".;;fundamental (group) Literature;;At the beginning of Act 3, Berta brings a letter into a room where two of the main female characters are sleeping. At the beginning of Act 4, the title character learns from Juliane that Juliane’s sister Rina has died. Later in that act, the title character plays the piano after learning that another character shot himself accidentally in the chest, which wasn’t quite the beautiful death he was supposed to experience. The whole play transpires in the title character’s living room just after she and her husband Jurgen return from their honeymoon, which she found tedious. In the end, she kills herself after having an unpleasant conversation with Judge Brack. FTP, name this play that also features Thea Elvsted and Eilert Lovberg, a work by Henrik Ibsen.;;Hedda Gabler United States History;;The losing side’s approach to this battle was hampered by the skirmish at Musgrove’s Mills. Following a trip to Camden to confer with his superior, one commander issued a proclamation at Gilbert Town, threatening his opponents that he would "hang their leaders and lay their country waste with fire and sword". Rather than intimidating them, this statement induced the men of Wilkes and Surry counties to raise a volunteer force led by Isaac Shelby and John Sevier. Shouting cries of "Tarleton’s Quarter" the colonials stormed up the slope and inflicted some three hundred casualties, including the inventor of a new rifle, British Major Patrick Ferguson. FTP, name this victory for the "over mountain men" over a force of British loyalists, fought on October 7th, 1780.;;(Battle of) King(')s Mountain Literature;;This work mentions that little sparrows, a rat’s nest, and "people who do not bathe for a long time even though the weather is hot" give the author an unclean feeling. In another section, we learn that a night with a clear moon and the "objects used during the display of dolls" are things that arouse a fond memory of the past. Knotweed, a doctor of literature, and a provisional senior steward are among the things that look commonplace but that become impressive when written in Chinese characters. Festivals celebrated near the Palace and the zigzag path to the temple at Kurama are among the things that are distant though near. These are among the roughly 320 sections of this work, whose author worked as an attendant to Empress Sadako beginning in the year 990. FTP, name this book written during the Heian period by Sei Shonagon.;;(The) Pillow Book|Makura no soshi Chemistry;;Viewed as a sequence of close-packed planes, this lattice corresponds to a stacking order of ABABAB, etc., so it has a comparatively high stacking fault. Due to the poor geometric distribution of slip systems, crystals of this Bravais lattice type are generally more susceptible to deformation by twinning. Titanium below 882°C, zirconium below 863°C, cadmium and berylium all have this crystal structure. Crystals of this type are characterized using four Miller-Bravais indices, rather than three. FTP, identify this non-rectangular lattice of best possible compactification.;;h(exagonal) c(lose)-p(acked)|c(lose)-p(acked) h(exagonal);;hexagonal World History;;Its hero Nominoe was famous for his defiance of Charles the Bald. His successors earned the title of duke and were briefly dispossessed by the Plantagenets in the twelfth century. Their last heir, Anne, married Charles VIII and Louis XII in succession shortly before a formal act of union in 1532. Known to the Romans as Armorica, it was resettled by colonists from the north in the sixth century, and retained a reputation for rebelliousness into the eighteenth-century uprisings of the Chouans. The island of Ushant lies off its western tip, separating the English Channel from the Bay of Biscay to the south. FTP, this term named the region of western France that includes Brest and Rennes long before it came into fashion as a female first name.;;Brittany Psychology;;This thinker’s "final lectures," on such topics as "Free Associations and the Use of the Couch," were collected by Douglas Ingram. In a 1942 book, this author distinguished between "occasional" and "systematic" forms of the titular activity, while a 1950 book included chapters on "the tyranny of the should," "morbid dependency," and "general measures to relieve tension". Those are all aspects of the "struggle toward self-realization" this author advocated in books such as New Ways in Psychoanalysis and Our Inner Conflicts. Her other works include Self-Analysis and Feminine Psychology. FTP, name this German-born psychologist who emphasized the cultural origins of anxiety in works like The Neurotic Personality of Our Time and Neurosis and Human Growth.;;(Karen) Horney World History;;Late in life, he was forced to surrender Stralsund and Wismar and conspired with the Jacobites before meeting his death at the siege of Fredrikshald. His most prominent successes, including the battle fought at Bendery in Moldavia and an attack on Zealand, were at the expense of his cousins, Augustus II of Poland and Frederick IV of Denmark. He rode across Germany to Pomerania in disguise to escape his five years of captivity in Turkey, where he had been forced to flee after his partnership with the Ukrainian Cossack Mazeppa went wrong at the battle of Poltava. FTP, name this opponent of Peter the Great, a rash young king who presided over the decline of Sweden.;;Charles (XII|the Twelfth){1}? Art;;The model for this work also appeared in the artist’s earlier La Bella. The artist originally refused to paint this work, but changed his mind after Pietro Aretino suggested that he depict a prostitute’s body instead of that of the old lady who is its ostensible subject. The titular figure wears a bracelet on her right arm and in her right hand holds a bunch of flowers, one of which has fallen to the couch. The left half of the background is blocked by a drape, but the right background contains two woman, one of whom is standing and looking down on the other, who is kneeling with her back to the viewer. To the right of the painting’s subject, a small dog is taking a nap. FTP, name this 1538 depiction of a nude woman, which was painted by Titian.;;Venus of Urbino Biology;;The x- and y-axes of this construct are the torsional angles about the alpha-carbon to nitrogen bond and alpha-carbon to carbon bond, respectively. Actually toroidal in shape, the structure of collagen is found in its upper-left quadrant, while a right-handed 310 ["three-sub-ten"] helix is located in the lower left. The lower right quadrant is usually forbidden, except for those polypeptides containing many glycine residues. FTP, identify this diagram that maps out the conformations available to a polypeptide and is named for its Indian constructor.;;Ramachandran (diagram) Literature;;In this book’s first chapter, the title character becomes jealous of the son of grocer Michael Easy after seeing him dance with a girl. In the conclusion, Mrs. Varnum and Mrs. Hale are surprised by the narrator’s account of his visit to the title character’s house. It was Harmon Gow who suggested that the narrator employ the title character as a driver. That narrator is an engineer on temporary assignment for a power company in Corbury Junction, who takes shelter in the title character’s farmhouse when a snowstorm disrupts a journey to Starkfield. He learns that the title character gave up on his education to take care of his ailing mother with the help of his future wife Zeena, whose own illness led to the employment of Mattie Silver. FTP, name this work in which a sledding accident doesn’t prove fatal, a novella by Edith Wharton.;;Ethan Frome United States History;;On the Niagara front in the War of 1812, he captured Fort George and Queenston, won the battle of Chippewa, and was wounded at Lundy’s Lane. He became the first man since George Washington to obtain the title of lieutenant general. After supervising the removal of the Cherokee from Georgia via the Trail of Tears, he became a national hero for his series of victories at Molino del Rey, Churubusco, and Chapultepec. Though he lost the 1852 Presidential election to Franklin Pierce, he retained enough energy in his last years of service to devise the "Anaconda Plan" for the destruction of the Confederacy. FTP, identify this general, whose insistence on military formality earned him the nickname "Old Fuss and Feathers".;;(Winfield) Scott Noncomputational Math;;Procedures of this type can provide polynomial time solutions to such problems as finding optimal places to insert line breaks in a body of text, finding the largest common substring of two strings, and the integer knapsack problem. They can provide vast improvements over exhaustive search algorithms by caching the answers to intermediate computations. FTP, name this type of algorithm that generally uses recurrence relations and the principle of optimality to solve optimization problems by first solving related subproblems, and which often works where greedy algorithms fail.;;dynamic (algorithms|programming){1}? Miscellaneous;;Their self-titled single debut was released on Calvin Johnson's K Records label in 1994, and after moving to the Up label, they released both Interstate 8 and This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About in 1996. The next year saw release of The Fruit That Ate Itself and The Lonesome Crowded West, the latter of which got them signed by Sony. The Moon and Antarctica and Everywhere and His Nasty Parlor Tricks saw moderate success, though the first top 40 hit did not come until recently for this trio of Isaac Brock, Eric Judy, and Jeremiah Green. FTP, name this band whose 2004 album, Good News for People Who Love Bad News includes "The World at Large" and "Float On," though the band doesn’t actually include any rodents.;;Modest Mouse Religion/Mythology;;He was the human grandfather of Melicertes, whose mother boiled him in a cauldron. He was also the grandfather of Actaeon, who was the son of his daughter Autonoe (aw-toe-NOH-ey). Another of his grandsons was torn to pieces by Agave, who was another of this man’s daughters. Yet another of his daughters was burned to ashes while having sex with Zeus, while his son Polydorus was the ancestor of Oedipus. Before having all these miserable offspring, he was told by the oracle at Delphi to follow a cow and build a city wherever it stopped to rest, although his quest began as an attempt to find his sister Europa. FTP, identify this man who was instructed to sow dragon’s teeth in the earth, thus engendering the people of Thebes.;;Cadmus United States History;;The older man of this name was an admiral, who failed to capture Hispaniola from Spain in 1655. The younger, one of the earliest members of the Whig Party, supported Algernon Sidney and was acquitted in "Bushell’s Case" after the closure of the meetinghouse in Gracechurch Street. His theological tracts include The Sandy Foundation Shaken and No Cross, No Crown, the latter written during his stay in the Tower of London. After purchasing proprietor’s rights to East Jersey from John Carteret’s estate, he outlined the First Frame of Government to preside over the planting of his "holy experiment". FTP, name this colonist, who proposed tolerance for Quakers in the forests of America.;;(William) Penn Literature;;In the first act, the protagonist is informed that it is the Day of the Dead by the traveler Demetrios, who advises him to leave. Not deterred by the horrible sights of the city, including an Idiot Boy whose eyes are leaking pus, the protagonist assumes the identity of Philebus and heads to the palace. Despite Jupiter’s warning, the protagonist meets up with his sister and proceeds to kill his mother and her lover, who had killed his father fifteen years earlier and seized the throne in Argos. FTP, name this play which features the deaths of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, a work by Jean-Paul Sartre that retells the story of the Oresteia.;;(The) Flies|(Les) Mouches Physics;;Neglecting inertial cross-product terms and time-averaging this relation yields a form of the Moore-Greitzer equation. In standard form, the right hand side of this equation is the local inertia, equal to the density times the Stokes total time derivative of Eulerian velocity. The solutions of this vector equation probably reside in an infinite-dimensional state space, which would explain its behavior at high parameter values, and most of its complexity arises because it contains the divergence of the viscous stress tensor, ? ["tau"]. Rigorous non-dimensionalization of this equation results in the Reynolds number, while integrating it along a streamline collapses it to Bernoulli’s equation. FTP, identify this partial differential equation that is the form of the momentum balance in a continuum fluid and is named for French and Irish physicists.;;Navier-Stokes (equation(s)) World History;;Their supposed task, "to sweep away the cow devils and snake spirits, overthrow the Rightists in the Party and the state," found its first expression when its leaders denounced the play Hai Jui Dismissed from Office. Though they thought they controlled the police through their ally Hua Guofeng, they were arrested on Hua’s orders and prosecuted before a special 35 judge court. Wang Hongwen was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Yao Wenyuan to a twenty-year jail term, for their opposition to the moderates led by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. FTP, suspended death sentences were given to the other members of this group, including Jiang Qing, the wife of Mao Zedong, who were blamed after Mao’s death for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution.;;(the) Gang of Four Art;;It inspired a 1937 Crucifixion by Roger Bissière, while details from it are incorporated in Racing Thoughts by Jasper Johns. It was commissioned by Guido Guersi, whose coat of arms appears in it, and who may be portrayed in it as Saint Anthony. It was an addition to work that had been done by Nikolaus Hagenauer and Desiderius Beichel. The central portion of it shows Mary as a widow fainting into the arms of John the Evangelist, while John the Baptist stands on the right saying "He must increase but I must decrease". Painted for a church in an Alsatian village around 1515, FTP, name this altarpiece created by Matthias Grünewald.;;(the) Isenheim (Altarpiece) World History;;It became an independent political entity after the war of Thuringian succession saw Henry I the Child found the Brabant dynasty. The Lutheran Landgrave Philip the Magnanimous split it among his four sons, who established capitals at Rheinfels, Marburg, Kassel, and Darmstadt. In the northeast the Fulda River drains to the Weser past Bad Hersfeld, while the mountains of the south and west include the Odenwald and the Taunus. The capital of the current Bundesland is Wiesbaden, while its largest city is Frankfurt-am-Main. FTP, name this German region, notorious for supplying mercenaries to Britain during the American Revolution.;;Hesse|Hessen Literature;;His first book of poetry included epistles to George Felton Matthew and Charles Cowden Clarke, in addition to 17 sonnets addressed to such figures as Kosciusko, the author’s brother George, and the painter Benjamin Haydon. His third and last book of poetry, published three years later, included "Lines on the Mermaid Tavern," "Bards of passion and of mirth," and mentioned three longer poems in its title, starting with one in heroic couplets which was based on a passage from part 3 of Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy. His second volume, published in 1818, consisted entirely of a "poetic romance" in four books about a shepherd from Latmos. FTP, name this poet of "Lamia," Endymion, and the "Ode on a Grecian Urn".;;(John) Keats Biology;;Deacetylases for these proteins are recruited by Sin3, which binds to upstream repression sequences in transcriptional regulation. Acetyases like Gcn5 also modify the process of transcription by chemically modifying the lysine rich tails of these, which allows them to function in epigenetic inheritance processes such as imprinting. The 2B, 2A, 3, and 4 varieties are always present in equal amounts, while 1 and 5 varieties are interchangeable. FTP, name these proteins that wind up DNA about themselves to form nucleosomes.;;histones World History;;The two accounts from the losing side of this battle are known as "The Light to the Blind" and "The Destruction of Cyprus". The attacker’s movement of cavalry towards Slane distracted Sarsfield’s horse from the critical crossing at Oldbridge. There the infantry, led by the Dutch Blue Guards and the Danish contingent, forded the stream under hostile fire despite the death of their leader, the Duke of Schomburg. While one king involved in this battle was nearly killed by his own Inniskilling troops, the other was the first to flee the field, in the company of the Duc de Lauzun. FTP, name this battle commemorated annually by the Protestant marchers of Northern Ireland, a 1690 clash between William III and James II.;;(Battle of the) Boyne Chemistry;;The key step in the derivation of this statement is to realize that the forward and reverse partial current densities are equal in the relevant case and, therefore, that the term proportional to the logarithm of their ratio vanishes. Its formulation leads to the idea of a concentration cell, since it indicates one can create both sides of a battery from the same materials, provided different concentrations are used in each side. Probably most useful in determining unknown concentrations from a measured voltage, it states that the standard reference potential of an electrochemical cell is equal to the kinetic temperature divided by the total charge times the logarithm of the reaction quotient. FTP, name this equation of electrochemistry, which is named for a German scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1920.;;Nernst (equation) Philosophy;;He posited a "Third World," apart from mind and matter, which would contain objective mental entities in a book he wrote with Sir John Eccles, The Self and Its Brain. He wrote "in defense of science and rationality" in a book published in the year he died, 1994’s The Myth of the Framework. He wrote a fugue for organ to gain admission to the Vienna Conservatory, a period discussed in his Unended Quest, but went on to get a Ph.D in psychology, when he became interested in the problems of induction and the nature of scientific understanding. More famously, he attacked the notion of an exact science of history in The Poverty of Historicism, and criticized Plato and Hegel as fascists in The Open Society and Its Enemies. FTP, name this philosopher, best known for his doctrine of falsifiability.;;(Sir) (Karl) (Raimund) Popper World History;;They first rose to prominence during the "affair of the placards," after which many of them fled to the protection of Martin Bucer in Strasbourg, rather than suffer the fate of Jean Valliere, who had been the first to die at the stake. The Conspiracy of Amboise, a failed attempt to kidnap the king, ended in the execution of all plotters but one, the Prince de Conde. After the soldiers of the Guise family committed the massacre of Vassy, Conde rose in revolt under the terms of the Manifesto of Orleans. Their other prominent leader, Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, was among thousands killed on August 24th, 1572, the feast day of St. Bartholomew. FTP identify these subjects of the Edict of Nantes, the reformed Protestants of France.;;(the) Huguenot(s) Literature;;Thomas Disch wrote an "entropic" one and one written from the perspective of a rapist. Mark Strand published two in homage to paintings of Giorgio di Chirico in his book Blizzard of One. Donald Justice wrote one "at sundown," while Anthony Hecht wrote one called "Prospects" that begins "We have set out from here for the sublime". W. H. Auden wrote a poem with this name which ends with the lines "Time can say nothing but I told you so. If I could tell you, I would let you know". The two most famous American examples include one that ends "I learn by going where I have to go" and one that begins "The art of losing isn’t hard to master". FTP, name this kind of poem consisting of 19 lines, examples of which include Theodore Roethke’s "The Waking" and Elizabeth Bishop’s "One Art".;;(the) villanelle World History;;Suppressing the Kabylian uprising of Muhammad al-Muqrani was the last stage in the conquest of this colony, which began forty years earlier with the surrender of the janissaries defending its capital against naval invasion. While the towns of the Mitidja plain fell quickly, treaties devised by Clauzel and Desmichels fell apart, and war resumed in 1839 between the forces of Abd-el-Kader, leader of a Sufi brotherhood, and General Bugeaud’s Foreign legionnaires. Bugead’s victory allowed the arrival of the colonists known as pied-noirs, who later stubbornly resisted its independence movement, the FLN. FTP, name this Mediterranean colony ruled by the French until it was granted independence in 1962 after ten years of civil war.;;Algeria Music;;Of his four known partsongs, Like as the doleful dove seems to be the latest, while When shall my sorrowful sighing slake was the most popular during the composer’s life. His earliest surviving works are three votive antiphons in five parts, including a Salve intermerata which is one of the earliest known "parody" masses from his country. His greatest work was inspired by a similar work by Alessandro Striggio, and may have been written for the banquet hall at Nonsuch Palace, which possessed four first-floor balconies. A seven-voice work on the text "A boy is born to us" is his only known Catholic mass, as most of his works were written for monarchs before and after Queen Mary. FTP, name this English composer of Spem in alium, who also wrote a theme that inspired a fantasia by Ralph Vaughan Williams.;;(Thomas) Tallis Literature;;This novel’s final narrative features an actress who gets smallpox and retires to the country with her sickly son Jaime (hi-may), though he comes under the care of Uncle Pio before his death. The third part focuses on a twin named Esteban who is upset when his brother Manuel falls in love with the actress Camilla Perichole, while the second part is about an orphan girl named Pepita and the lady who adopted her, the Marquesa De Montemayor. In the final part, a Franciscan monk is burnt at the stake for heresy in response to his research into five deaths. FTP, name this novel about a tragic event of July 20, 1714, which is chronicled in Brother Juniper’s account of the collapse of the title structure in a work by Thornton Wilder.;;(The) Bridge of San Luis Rey Religion/Mythology;;This man married the sister of Nebajoth, which is mentioned in two chapters of Genesis. In the second of those chapters, her name means "the fragrant" and is given as Bashemath, while in the former her name is given as Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael. Both chapters agree that he married a daughter of Beeri. After the death of his father, who was angered by his marriage to a Hittite, he moved to Mount Seir. He was a talented hunter whose body was covered with red hair, which explains both his name and the name of the tribe who descended from him. FTP, name this progenitor of the "red" people of Edom, a son of Isaac and Rachel who was the twin brother of Jacob.;;Esau Physics;;These were first discovered in 1967 by military satellites looking for radiation from tests of nuclear weapons, when they were determined to originate from deep space. The US launched the Compton Observatory, which was later linked to the Italian-Dutch BeppoSAX x-ray telescope as well as optical telescopes, to search for their optical counterpart sources. They were determined to originate from very distant, young galaxies and are speculated to be narrow-angle expulsions of energy from supernovas or neutron star compressions. FTP, identify this phenomenon in which high-energy photons are intensely emitted for a very brief period, often abbreviated GRB.;;gamma ray burst(s)|bursters;;GRB(s) Literature;;His first love was the housemaid Klavna, who was much nicer than his current nurse, Terentyevna, who constantly badgers him to lie down and drink some tea. On the last page of a novella about him, an editor informs us that this character died on the night between the first and second of April in his native village of Sheep’s Springs. Most of the novella depicts events that took place several years earlier, leading up to a duel with Prince N in which the title character accidentally fired a shot at the Prince’s head, thereby forever losing his love to Bizmyonkov. FTP, name this man in love with Elizaveta Kirillovna, who writes a "diary" in a work by Ivan Turgenev and who gave his name to a group of useless male characters in Russian literature.;;(the) Superfluous Man|(Mr(.)|Mister) Tchulkaturin Noncomputational Math;;At a banquet celebrating the 1831 acquittal of the "the nineteen," he offered a toast "To Louis-Philippe" while brandishing a jackknife; Alexander Dumas, hoping to avoid the scandal of an implicit assassination threat, escaped through an open window. Of his twice-lost magnum opus, Poisson claimed that its central idea "must have an external character" testable by "coefficients or… equations of a lesser degree". Unwittingly duplicating Abel's result, he proved that the general quintic equation could not be solved by radicals, and more generally that the automorphism group of an equation can be solved by radicals if and only if the equation can. FTP, name this mathematician who laid the groundwork for abstract algebra before dying in a duel in Paris at the age of 20.;;((É|E){1}?variste) Galois Miscellaneous;;He was a fastidious writer, and never got around to publishing his Josiah Mason lectures on primitive cosmology or his famous 1937 Chicago seminar on the natural science of society. He was often criticized for downplaying conflict and assuming that institutions work together smoothly, but he argued that he was more interested in the development of primitive social structures than class struggle. In a major work of 1931, he compiled a vast amount of information on the aborigines to describe the "social organization of Australian tribes". He derived many of his ideas from his teacher W. H. R. Rivers and from Durkheim, who led him to view society as a system of interdependent structures. FTP, name this British anthropologist best known for his study of the Andaman Islanders.;;(Alfred) (Reginald) Radcliffe-Brown United States History;;This man first entered Congress after Mark Cooper resigned, and he won subsequent election with the Whig party. During his sixteen years in the House, this diminutive man earned the nickname "The Great Commoner". Though he and his colleagues Howell Cobb and Robert Toombs strongly opposed Southern secession until after the election of 1860, he later justified it in his memoir A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States. A Georgia native and the leading representative of the Confederate delegation at the Hampton Roads Conference, this is, FTP, which man who served as the Confederacy’s only vice president?;;(Alexander) (Hamilton) Stephens Literature;;This poem mistakenly assumes that the island of Mona is adjacent to the island of Bardsey, while the author seems to have invented the word "Bellerus" to designate a place which is said to look toward "Namancos and Bayona’s hold". In Sesame and Lilies, John Ruskin offered a famous commentary on this poem’s phrase "Blind mouths," explaining that it refers to bad bishops and pastors. The speaker wonders whether it is worthwhile to "strictly meditate the thankless muse" instead of sporting with Amaryllis or Neaera, but Phoebus reminds him that fame is worth striving for. The author recalls having "Fed the same flock" as the title character, who has been transformed to a "genius of the shore" after having drowned "on the Irish Seas" in 1637. FTP, name this elegy on the death of Edward King, a poem by John Milton.;;Lycidas World History;;This man was the subject of a 1949 Henry Cowell opera designed as a satire against Dwight Eisenhower. He died in exile after a conservative coup led by his successor, Ramón Freire. When his father became viceroy of Peru, he was sent to London, where he met Francisco de Miranda and joined the independentist Lautaro Lodge. He began his public life as a deputy to the Cabildo from La Laja. His cavalry charge at the battle of Chacabuco allowed him to enter Santiago in triumph along with Jose de San Martin in March 1818. FTP, name this descendant of Irish officers in Spanish service, the first ruler of an independent Chile.;;(Bernardo) O'Higgins Physics;;Detectors for these particles are used to determine whether archaeological sites contain tombs. In the 1970’s, physicists working at the European Center for Nuclear Research were surprised when they fired neutrinos at a proton and created two of these particles, one positive and one negative. They can be artificially produced by hitting a graphite target with a proton stream accelerated to 80% of the speed of light, which produces the pions that eventually decay to these particles. Originally thought to be mesons, they were first discovered by Carl Anderson while he was studying cosmic radiation. FTP, name these leptons with a lifetime of about 2.2 microseconds and a mass roughly 207 times that of an electron.;;muon(s) Geography;;Until the explorations of Richard Lander, it was thought to flow east into the marshes of the Sudd. The Scot Mungo Park had traced its upper course as far as Bussa from 1805 but died in the attempt to follow it further downstream. Rising in the Fouta Djallon highlands of Guinea, it forms an "internal delta" containing Lake Faguibine. Bounded by the channels of Nun, Forcados, Escravos, and Bonny, its more conventional delta was occupied in the nineteenth century by city-states trading in palm oil. Today, however, the delta region’s economy is driven by petroleum. FTP, the nation that allegedly exported uranium to Iraq takes its name from this largest river of West Africa.;;Niger (River) Art;;His friend Charles Blanc helped him win government commissions to produce religious works such as Mary Magdalene in the Desert and We Want Barabbas!. His mythological works include Two Nymphs Pursued by Satyrs and The Drunkenness of Silenus, and he exhibited his Don Quixote Going to the Wedding of Gamaches at the Salon of 1851. A student of Alexandre Lenoir, he began his career as a lithographer, and made a name for himself in the pages of a journal published by Aubert (oh-bear) and Philipon, Le Charivari. His Gargantua led Louis Phillipe to throw him in prison for six months. FTP, name this French artist who also painted Third Class Carriage.;;(Honor(é|e){1}?) Daumier World History;;Its first ruler wrote a memoir in the Chagatai language which includes discussions of his victories at Khanua and the Ghaghara River. Although it reached its greatest extent with the conquest of Bijapur and Golconda, its economic decline can be traced to the shortage of assigned jagirs and the inflation of noble titles among the quarrelsome zamindar class. The subsequent period of religious intolerance provoked Rajput rebellion, the formation of a Maratha confederacy, and a short-lived but disastrous Persian invasion. This century of decay ended with Bahadur Shah II, exiled to Burma after his association with the mutineers of 1857. FTP, name this early modern Indian empire ruled successively by Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb.;;(the) (Mughal|Mogul){1}? (empire) Religion/Mythology;;In one of his writings this man claims to be the patriarch of the prophet Elijah and to have seen the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. When he was a teenager, he fell into a trance one day while skating and saw that the son of Gwyddno Garanhir had been thrown into a dungeon. This man then tricked the repulsive Rhun into cutting off a servant’s finger, thereby protecting the reputation of Elphin’s wife. Later, he defeated Rhun’s father, the unpleasant king Maelgwn (mail-gwin), in a horse race. As a child, he transformed himself into a grain of wheat to escape Ceridwen, but she turned into a hen and swallowed him. FTP, name this magician and bard of Welsh legend, whose name was originally Gwion and who was much admired by Frank Lloyd Wright.;;Taliesin;;Gwion Chemistry;;The Schlosser modification of this reaction uses excess lithium salts, which stabilize the intermediate betaine created in the first step. The betaine forms an oxygen-containing four-membered ring, which subsequently breaks up into the products. A similarly named modification of this reaction stabilizes one of the reactants, forming the E form of the desired product almost exclusively. Named after the winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, FTP, name this reaction, which forms an alkene from the reaction of a carbonyl group with a compound known as phosphorane or an ylide.;;Wittig (reaction) Literature;;The last person to see the protagonist of this work was a station employee, who mistook him for a mountain climber with a painting set. One of his colleagues is an amateur psychoanalyst who claims that the protagonist’s hobby indicates an Oedipus complex, but after seven years the protagonist is declared dead in compliance with section 30 of the civil code. At one point the protagonist, who isn’t really dead, sets up a crow trap using a piece of fish for bait, and ends up collecting fresher water than he is used to drinking. The villagers offer to let the protagonist escape if he has sex in public, but when he tries to force the title character to do so she punches him in the stomach and bloodies his nose, after which the protagonist returns to shoveling sand. FTP name this novel about amateur entomologist Niki Jumpei, a retelling of the legend of Sisyphus written by Kobo Abe.;;(The) Woman in the Dunes;;Suna no Onna Music;;Ten years after its premiere, the composer made a piano arrangement of "three movements" from this work, including a "Russian Dance" and a piece set in the title character’s room. The fourth scene features the "Dance of the Bear and the Peasant" as well as the "Dance of the Coachmen and Grooms". Scene one is set at the Shrovetide Fair, where a showman plays a flute to three characters. In scene three, the villain begins worshipping a cocoanut after he is unable to crack it with his scimitar. That villain, the Blackamoor, murders the title character because of their rivalry over the Ballerina, and in the end the title character’s ghost appears above the theater. FTP, name this 1911 ballet by Igor Stravinsky about a puppet.;;Petrushka Biology;;This structure’s unmyelinated fibers surround the fourth ventricle and it is odd in that its white matter lies on its outside, while its gray matter lies on its inside. Difficulties with swallowing and gag reflex can indicate damage to the lateral portion of this process, from which seven of the cranial nerves emerge. Connected by the pons to the midbrain, this constituent of the brainstem merges with the spinal cord at the foramen magnum. FTP, identify this lowest part of the brain, a controller of autonomic nervous functions that lies anterior to and coordinates movement with the cerebellum.;;medulla (oblongata) World History;;Charles II traveled to Fuenterrabia in anticipation of this event, but was rebuffed under the terms of its secret article arranged by Ambassador Lockhart. The Prince de Conde’s troops, who might have overthrown the English republic, were instead disbanded after their defeat at the Battle of the Dunes, which along with the formation of the Rheinbund prompted this agreement. Among its provisions were the pardon of Conde, the cession of Rousillon and Artois, and the acquisition of Alsace and Lorraine for the state governed by Cardinal Mazarin. Centering on a marriage contract with the infanta Maria Teresa. FTP identify this 1659 treaty between France and Spain, named for the mountain range that forms the border between those countries.;;((Peace|Treaty){1}? of) (the) Pyrenees Literature;;One character in this novel joins the Friends of the Ace, an organization led by Fred Kinney. In the final chapter, one of the characters looks at a newspaper and discovers that Herbert Cottleman ran over an employee of the Akers Chemical Company, breaking both of his legs. In the first chapter, we learn that the Major made his fortune in 1878, which brought his family to prominence in a nameless Midland town. One character in the novel crashes his sleigh while attempting to outrace Eugene Morgan’s new automobile, and shortly afterwards proposes to Morgan’s daughter Lucy. Fanny’s failed investment in headlights, Isabel and Lucy’s exile, and George’s incompetence in managing the estate all contribute to the titular family’s downfall. FTP, name this Booth Tarkington novel which was made into a 1942 movie by Orson Welles.;;(The) Magnificent Ambersons Chemistry;;The Lewis-Randall rule states that the coefficient of this property in an ideal solution is equal to its coefficient for a pure species in the same physical state, temperature, and pressure of the solution. It was devised to quantify differences between the properties of pure and salt water. It is equal to the exponential of the standard reference free energy divided by the kinetic temperature. For an ideal gas, its coefficient is by definition unity. FTP, what thermodynamic quantity measures the tendency of a gas to expand or escape?;;fugacity Philosophy;;The second part of this work includes an important contrast between ancient cities, which have grown up haphazardly, and orderly towns which are laid out by planners. The third part sets fourth "three or four maxims" which served the author as a "provisional moral code," and which include being as decisive as possible and resolving to change one’s own desires rather than the order of the world. Part five explains why, in light of what happened to Galileo, the author does not wish to publish his research on optics and meteorology during his lifetime, and part six explains why the work was written in French rather than Latin. Part four ends with two proofs of God’s existence, but begins with the author’s discovery of the self-evident truth "Cogito ergo sum". FTP, name this 1649 work by René Descartes, a companion piece to his Meditations.;;Discourse on (the) Method (of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Searching for Truth in the Sciences)|Discours de la methode(,) (pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la verité dans les sciences) Religion/Mythology;;While he was in Arles, this man offered nine questions to the Pope concerning marriage and baptism. At a conference under an oak tree in the land of the Hwicce, he cured a blind man to demonstrate the superiority of his views on the proper dating of Easter, but his pride offended the British bishops. Fulfilling the request of the Frankish princess Bertha, Pope Gregory I sent him to preach to the Anglo-Saxons, and on Christmas Day 597 he converted ten thousand of Ethelbert’s Kentish subjects to Christianity. FTP, name this first archbishop to serve in England, who shares his name with an earlier Bishop of Hippo.;;(St(.)|Saint) Augustine (of) Canterbury;;(St(.)|Saint) Augustine Psychology;;Based on interviews of such subjects as Theresa Zajac and Donald Chipman conducted in connection with the 50th anniversary of its discovery, H. McIlvaine Parsons concluded that it didn’t really exist. One of the experiments was the "Mica Splitting Test," while another involved work on telephone terminals in the "bank wiring" department. The longest experiment took place over five years and involved five women who assembled telephone relays. Conducted by Frist Roethlisberger, William Dickson, and Elton Mayo, the experiments seemed to show that economic issues were not at the heart of employee motivation. Instead, they found that attention increased productivity. FTP, identify this effect named for the Western Electric factory in Cicero, Illinois where it was discovered, which states that people work more if they are made to feel important.;;(the) Hawthorne (Effect|research|Experiment(s)) United States History;;Commander-in-chief John Logan’s General Order #11 designated May 30th as "Decoration Day". Under former Wisconsin governor Lucius Fairchild, it led the opposition to Grover Cleveland, angered by his close scrutiny of pension records and proposal to return the War Department’s captured Confederate flags. Its refusal to admit the sons of members ensured that it would disappear with the death of the last eligible man, Albert Woolson of the Minnesota Heavy Artillery, in 1956. The habit of "waving the bloody shirt" made some Democrats wonder if "Generally All Republicans" would be a more suitable designation. FTP, name this fraternal organization composed of Union army veterans.;;(the) Grand Army of the Republic;;GAR Noncomputational Math;;This structure was invented in 1972 by Rudolph Bayer, and its height is no more than 2 log (n+1) if it contains n nodes. A similar structure created by Adelson-Velsky and Landis is a type of this and shares the property that it may require up to two rotations per insertion and can insert or delete in O (log n) time. In it, no leaf may be more than twice as far from the root as any other, and every simple path from a node to a descendent contains the same number of nodes of the second namesake type. FTP, name this type of nearly-balanced tree, of which the AVL tree is a type, and each of whose nodes contain a bit indicating which of two "colors" the node is.;;red- black (tree)|symmetric binary B-tree;;((R)B-)tree Literature;;In the fifth and final section of the book, the protagonist becomes upset with himself after misremembering Nashe’s line "Brightness falls from the air," after which Glynn and Temple argue about why unbaptized children go to hell. That section ends with a journal whose first entry is dated to March 20. In the second section, the protagonist claims that the greatest writers of prose and poetry are Cardinal Newman and Lord Byron, though at the close of that section he wanders into a bad part of town and sleeps with a prostitute. In the first section, Mr. John Casey and the protagonist’s governess Dante argue over Charles Parnell, and one of the book’s best-known scenes occurs on a beach, where the main character has a noted epiphany while observing a girl. FTP, name this 1916 novel about Stephen Dedalus, a work by James Joyce.;;(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man World History;;Most modern scholars accept that it was located on Mount Auxois in Burgundy, though a few still prefer a location in the Jura. The threat to this oppidum of the Mandubii encouraged Commius and Viridomarus to raise a 250,000 man relief force, which was repulsed by Caius Trebonius and Marcus Antonius defending the redoubts along the lines of circumvallation. Toward the end of the conflict the defenders expelled their civilians and wounded to conserve food for the soldiers still within the besieged city. FTP, name this conflict that saw the final defeat of Vercingetorix by Julius Caesar.;;Alesia Literature;;It includes chapters on "The Belzebub Colt," "Baby Worship," and one which notes that there are fourteen arguments in favor of a certain character’s claims to a certain position. One of the characters is forbidden from preaching after he gives a sermon advocating the elimination of chanting from the church service. That character, a chaplain, falls in love with a rich widow, whose wealth is also coveted by the Stanhope sisters, Charlotte and Signora Neroni, for their brother Ethelbert. The widow, Mrs. Bold, eventually marries the Reverend Francis Arabin at the behest of Dr. Grantly, the son of the former Archdeacon, who is passed up for his father’s job in favor of Bishop Proudie. FTP name this book about the clergy of the titular Church in Barsetshire county, a novel by Anthony Trollope.;;Barchester Towers Religion/Mythology;;One man of this name appears in first Chronicles 7:10 and is the son of Bilham and the great-grandson of Benjamin the patriarch. The more famous person with this name appears to confront a man who crossed the Jordan with the aid of the Ammonites and Amalekites and took the city of palm trees, from which he oppressed the Israelites for 18 years. That man, Eglon, granted this son of Gera a private audience, at which this man stabbed him and famously had trouble removing the knife due to Eglon’s legendary fatness. FTP, name this second Judge of Israel, scourge of the Moabites and namesake of a recent Israeli Prime Minister.;;Ehud Literature;;His first volume of short stories included one set on St. John’s Eve, one set on Christmas Eve, and one set on a May night, the last of which is subtitled "The Drowned Maiden". His second volume of short stories included "Viy," "Old-World Landowners," and a story about a quarrel between Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich. Though he used the pseudonym V. Alov to publish his first work, the narrative poem Hans Küchelgarten, he used his own name for Evenings on a Farm in Dikanka and Mirgorod. His St. Petersburg Stories include tales about the madcap adventures of Collegiate Assessor Kovalev and Akakii Akakievich, who returns as a ghost to reclaim an article of clothing. FTP, name this Russian author of The Inspector-General, "The Overcoat", and Dead Souls.;;(Nikolai) Gogol Art;;A goat sits calmly between the two human figures in a 1740 depiction of this event by Charles Joseph Natoire. An angel puts his hand on a bearded man’s back, while his wife bares her prominent buttocks to the viewer in a 1510 engraving of it by Albrecht Durer. In one of the most famous depictions, an angel wearing a red robe points a sword at the neck of a male human figure. In another famous depiction, an arched doorway appears to the left of the painting, beneath an angel in red holding a black sword, while two nude and weeping figures walk into a desert. Those two versions are to be found in the Sistine Chapel and the Brancacci Chapels. FTP, name this Biblical scene which inspired artworks by Michelangelo and Masaccio, the last of which appears next to The Tribute Money and depicts the forced departure of two people from a garden.;;(The) Expulsion from (Paradise|(the Garden of) Eden){1}? Biology;;A common, commercially available example of these catalysts is M-MuLV [EMM-mulf]. The long terminal repeat is a transposable element in the human genome with sequences for this type of enzyme. Baltimore, Termin, and Mizutani first discovered them in 1970, and even "good" ones have error frequencies on the order of one a thousand. After these enzymes are used in the laboratory to form cDNA, DNA polymerase is typically used to form double stranded DNA. FTP, give the name of the enzymes that use RNA as a template to form DNA and which are best known for their presence in retroviruses, especially HIV.;;reverse transcript(ases);;RNA directed DNA polymerase(s) Literature;;The title character encounters one of these figures in Julian Hawthorne’s story "Ken’s Mystery". A poem about this figure by Kipling begins by speaking about a fool who made his prayer to a rag and a bone and a hank of hair. One of these figures committed suicide by throwing himself into Mount Vesuvius years after he was shot by supporters of Oliver Cromwell. That man, the subject of a novel probably written by James Malcolm Rymer, was named Varney, though better known examples appear in novels by Sheridan Le Fanu and John Polidori. In novels by James Howe such as The Celery Stalks at Midnight, a lagomorphic version of it appears. FTP, identify this undead creature of the night, whose "chronicles" were written at tedious length by Anne Rice.;;(the) vampire United States History;;Among its accomplishments was the settlement of the Susquehanna Company land dispute in the Wyoming Valley and the proposal for a centralized Royal Superintendant of Indian Affairs. Leading figures included Lieutenant Governor James DeLancey and former provincial agent Sir William Johnson, while Hendrick, the Mohawk leader, was more concerned to re-establish the Covenant Chain. Five of the colonies who received copies of its plan ignored it, while the other six rejected it outright. A print showing the American colonies as segments of a snake with the legend "Join Or Die" was produced by the most famous attendee, Benjamin Franklin. FTP, name this June 1754 meeting at the former Fort Orange, the capital of colonial New York.;;(the) Albany Congress Noncomputational Math;;This relation is generally reducible to a high-order linear PDE in a scalar called the streamfunction in the incompressible approximation and, because the streamfunction is analogous to a potential function, the flow governed by this equation is sometimes called potential flow. In the steady flow case, it reduces to the hydrostatic condition, while is may be generally stated by equating the substantial time derivative of the product of fluid density and volume with the density times the gravitational field, minus the pressure gradient. FTP, identify this equation describing the motion of an inviscid continuum fluid, which is named for an 18th century mathematician.;;Euler'(s) equation (of inviscid flow) Literature;;He quotes two lines from Yeats’s "September, 1913" at the beginning of a poem which concludes that "Romantic Ireland is not old". In another poem, the title figure is mocked by the earthworms who share with him his muddy haven and ask him "don’t you think you were an ass"? "Easter Week" appeared in Main Street and Other Poems, while "To a Young Poet who Killed Himself" appeared in his first book of verse, a 1914 collection best known for a poem dedicated to Mrs. Henry Mills Alden. That poem, which gave its name to the volume, depicted something that "may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair," a kind of organism that could only be made by God. FTP, name this poet who was killed in 1918, who thought that he would never see a poem as lovely as a tree.;;(Joyce) Kilmer Literature;;The fourteenth chapter states that "to leave a battle alive after their chief has fallen means lifelong infamy and shame," a passage that has been compared to the Old English "Battle of Maldon". The nineteenth chapter claims that adultery is punished by flogging and the loss of the woman's hair. Veleda and Aurinia are held up as examples of women with divine authority, while kings are chosen "for their noble birth". Later discussion of the fate of the Cimbri is used to criticize the Parthian policy of the emperor Trajan, since "freedom is capable of more energetic action than the Arsacid despotism". FTP, the moral corruption of Rome contrasts with the heroic virtue of the barbarians in this work by Tacitus.;;Germania Religion/Mythology;;His nemesis was an eagle whose constant companion was a hawk named Vedrfolnir. Among those who shared in his work were Moin, Goin, Grafvolluth, and Graback, while the business was also furthered by Dain, Duneyr, Durathror, and Dvalin. On those rare occasions when he wasn’t going about his main task, he lounged about in Nastrond feasting on dead bodies, which is why he was given a name meaning "Tearer of Corpses". Although he did a lot of damage, his task would be accomplished at one fell swoop by Surt at Ragnarok. A buddy of Ratatosk who lived by Hvergelmir, FTP, name this resident of Niflheim, a serpent who spent a long time gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil.;;Nidhogg Chemistry;;He left Harvard after quarreling with his mentor T. W. Richards, after which he became Superintendent of the Bureau of Weights and Measures in the Philippines. He published the seminal books Valence and the Structure of Atoms and Molecules and Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances shortly after serving as chief of his nation’s Chemical Warfare Service in World War I. His later researches elucidated the role of the triplet state in phosphorescence, and this man’s work in photochemistry led him to coin the term "photon". Legend has it that this educator inaugurated the tradition of difficult problem sets in chemistry courses while dean of the College of Chemistry at Berkeley. FTP, name this American chemist, the first man to isolate a pure sample of heavy water and namesake of an electron mediated acid-base definition and certain dot structures.;;(Gilbert) (Newton) Lewis World History;;Her reputation was damaged by her association with Marie, duchess de Chevreuse, and the English favorite George Villiers, duke of Buckingham. Unable to persuade her husband to dismiss his clerical advisor on the Day of Dupes in 1630, she was accused of traveling to the convent of Val-de-Grace to carry on treasonable correspondence with her brother, the king of Spain. Though Louis XIII tried to deprive her of the regency, she had his will annulled by the Parlement of Paris and relied on the support of her first minister, Cardinal Mazarin, to put down the aristocratic revolt of the Fronde. FTP, name this Hapsburg queen of France, the mother of Louis XIV.;;Anne of Austria Philosophy;;A new English translation of this text is currently being prepared by Terry Pinkard, which should supercede the version produced by A. V. Miller. M. H. Abrams treats it at length as a Bildungsroman in his book Natural Supernaturalism, and points out that Wordsworth finished writing The Prelude in the same year the author of this book finished writing it. It includes "objections to schematizing formalism" and a discussion of the extent to which the titular concept is "negative" in its preface "on scientific cognition". Later sections deal with "the truth of self-certainty" and "absolute freedom and terror," and include a famous discussion of the master and slave. FTP, name this work that traces the developing phases of consciousness, an 1807 book by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.;;(The) Phenomenology of (Spirit|Mind){1}?|Phanomenologie des Geistes Geography;;Tomas de Berlanga, the bishop of Panama, discovered them and gave them their first name. Ambrose Crowley, an English buccaneer who arrived in 1684, named many of them after his colleagues, but these names, such as Albemarle, have been supplanted by the present government, which prefers to call the largest of them Isabela and the group as a whole the Columbus archipelago. Natural phenomena include a flightless cormorant; the swallow-tailed gull; equatorial penguins; marine iguanas; "Lonesome George," the last remaining tortoise of Pinta island; and thirteen species of famous finches. FTP, name this Ecuadorian island group that appears in the title of a Kurt Vonnegut novel.;;Galapagos (Islands) Literature;;The narrator’s white hat proves useful at the end, as it provides a mark enabling him to shift the helm and steer his vessel past Koh-ring. The story opens with a description of the Gulf of Siam, after which the narrator remarks to his mates that there is another ship anchored inside the islands. At the opening of Part 2, Captain Archbold comes over from the Sephora to find his missing chief mate, who had killed a man, but the narrator deceives him into thinking that Leggatt isn’t on board his ship. Written in 1909, it is often paired with another short work by its author about Marlow and Kurtz. FTP, name this story by Joseph Conrad.;;(The) Secret Sharer Noncomputational Math;;First defined in 1905 by Pierre Fatou, it is now known by the name of the man who wrote the first computer program to view it in 1975. It can be shown that, if the modulus its recurrence becomes greater than 2, then it will certainly tend towards infinity. Representations of it are often shown in color, though technically only a black and white picture accurately portrays one, and even then all its complexity cannot be captured. Generated by the recurrence zn+1 = zn + c [z sub n plus one equals z sub n plus c], name, FTP, this set used to generate fractals.;;Mandelbrot (set) United States History;;His letters to America, written on a trip to Europe in the 1880s, were published in the newspaper The Word Carrier. After experiencing a vision of Thunder Beings as a child, he became a respected figure, but after being accused of devil-worship by Father Joseph Lindebner he broke with the religion of his youth and converted to Catholicism. In 1908, the Jesuits sent him and Joseph Redwillow on a mission to the Arapaho, but the life of this "sixth grandfather" would change for good when he met a man he named Flaming Rainbow. A year after his death in 1950, a book called When the Tree Flowered appeared about him, but it’s not as well known as an earlier book which told the story of this man’s life up to the Wounded Knee massacre. FTP, name this holy man of the Oglala Sioux whose life was the subject of a book by John G. Neihardt.;;(Nicholas) Black Elk|Hehaka Sapa World History;;One location by this name, southwest of Hobart, occupied the worst convicts of Van Diemen’s Land producing lumber until 1877. Another was an early center of the oil industry near Beaumont, Texas. The third and most famous was occupied in 1897 as a response to German aggression in Kiaochow, even though it had been leased to another power under the treaty of Shimonoseki. That power, angered by plans to connect it to the Chinese Eastern Railway at Harbin, made it the target of a surprise attack in February 1904. FTP, Lushun is the current name of this site on China’s Liaodong peninsula, once a Russian port on the Pacific and the principal strategic objective of the Russo-Japanese War.;;Port Arthur Music;;He controversially produced a setting of Shakespeare’s 66th sonnet in his Six Romances to Words by English Poets. His last major work was a Viola Sonata he finished editing days before his death, while his other late works include the Suite on Words of Michelangelo, four string quartets dedicated to each member of the Beethoven Quartet, and a Violin Sonata composed for David Oistrakh. He wrote several ballets, including The Limpid Stream and The Golden Age, while he revised his best-known opera as Katerina Izmaylova, though it is better-known for the title which it shares with the Nikolai Leskov story on which it is based. FTP, name this Russian composer of 15 symphonies, including "Babi Yar" and "Leningrad".;;(Dmitri) Shostakovich Miscellaneous;;The opposition of Christian missionaries caused the Canadian government to ban this practice from 1885 to 1951. Marcel Mauss likened it to the pilou-pilou system of New Caledonia as an example of reciprocal moral economy in traditional societies. Young children who entered the system by distributing blankets were often charged rates of interest as high as one hundred percent. The burning of candlefish oil, cutting of copper sheets, and smashing of canoes were among the rituals performed during these feasts, whose name derives from the Chinook Jargon for "to make a gift". FTP, identify this custom observed by Franz Boas among the Kwakiutl.;;potlatch Art;;This work’s influence on the Renaissance can be traced to a 1511 edition produced by Fra Giovanni Giocondo. Its eighth book deals with water, while the ninth discusses the analemma and the phases of the moon in the course of an overview of sundials and clocks. The last book includes sections on Hegetor’s tortoise, catapults, the hodometer, and the water organ. The second offers a discussion of the primordial substance before considering such non-primordial substances as sand, lime, and timber, and is followed by books devoted to temples, public places, and private houses. The only work of its type to survive from antiquity, it was partially based on a work by Hermogenes. FTP, name this handbook written around 27 BC, a guide to building produced by Vitruvius.;;(the) (Ten) (Books) on Architecture|De Architectura World History;;Though many of his friends converted to Catholicism while he was MP for Oxford, he remained a High Church Anglican and founded the Church Penitentiary Association for the Reform of Fallen Women. He was often at odds with Queen Victoria, especially after he tried to cut funding to the Prince Albert memorial and his support for Irish Home Rule wrecked his third ministry. After the fall of Khartoum, his opponents referred to him as the M. O. G., "Murderer of Gordon," rather than his usual nickname of "Grand Old Man". FTP, name this four time British Prime Minister, the Liberal rival of Benjamin Disraeli.;;(William) (Ewart) Gladstone Earth Science;;Returning from Greenland, he accepted a post as tutor at the University of Marburg. While browsing in the university library, he came across a scientific paper that listed fossils of identical plants and animals found on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Also, he noticed the close fit between the coastlines of Africa and South America and wondered if the similarities among organisms are due, not to land bridges, but to the continents having been joined together at one time. FTP, identify this man famous for coining the term Pangea and putting forth the theory of continental drift.;;(Alfred) Wegener United States History;;One squadron at Mingaladon defended Mandalay, while two more protected the Burma Road. Although they outperformed the Royal Air Force in the defense of Rangoon, the fall of their bases in Burma forced them over "the hump" into the interior of China, where they fought near Chungking. Absorbed into the Tenth Air Force after July 1942, they continued under the leadership of the man who raised them, Claire Chennault. In imitation of the British Desert Air Force, their P-40 Tomahawk fighters were painted with shark’s teeth, though the origins of their association with a different animal are mysterious. FTP, give this term for the American Volunteer Group, pilots who fought against the Japanese before America entered the Second World War.;;(the) Flying Tigers Literature;;The title character gets the idea of opening a hotel on Lake Como, but nothing comes of the plan. Another character tells her that he lay under an elder bush in an oat-bin as a child to win her affections, but that was a lie. After the title character’s pet finch is decapitated in the kitchen, Christine enters to take her fiancé to church. The action takes place in the Count’s home on midsummer night, and with the Count’s return home the title character feels compelled to kill herself, since she stole money from her father to finance her escape. FTP, name this "naturalistic tragedy" written in 1888, whose three characters include a valet named Jean and the aristocratic woman with whom he has sex, a work of August Strindberg.;;Miss Julie Earth Science;;Walter Munk headed a project to drill to the bottom of it in 1961, but this plan was discontinued five years later. It results in refraction and the increased speed of seismic waves, both of which indicated its presence, and it lies as low as 75 kilometers underneath the continents and as high as five kilometers below the ocean floor. Discovered in 1909, a year after the recording of an earthquake in the Kulpa Valley in Zagreb, FTP, name this large boundary between the Earth’s crust and upper mantle, named for its Croatian discoverer.;;Moho(rovicic) (discontinuity|layer);;crust World History;;He ousted Ilyas-Khoja and Tughlugh, the Jagataite khans of the Ili River region. A duumvirate formed with his brother-in-law, Mir Husain, proved short-lived, as he assassinated Husain after besieging the city of Balkh to secure his control over the rebellious Afghans. Successive victories followed over Mogholistan, the Kipchak khanate, and the Egyptian Mamlukes. After capturing the Ottoman sultan Bayezid the Lightning-bolt at Ankara, he massacred the Knights of Rhodes at Smyrna. Vowing to undertake the conquest and conversion to Islam of Ming China, he died of disease near Otrar before his departure. FTP, name this Central Asian leader, whose warlike exploits inspired a blank verse drama by Christopher Marlowe.;;Tamerlane|Timur (lenk) Literature;;This author’s plays include one written in collaboration with Charles Maude about Hortensia Bavvel, the Mistress of Briony, while another is set in the castle at Tzern of Prince Dmitri of Kedaria. In addition to The Watched Pot and The Death-Trap, he wrote three novels, including The Westminster Alice, but is better known for the short stories collected in such volumes as The Toys of Peace and The Square Egg. He wrote about "The Jesting of Arlington Stringham," "The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope," and "Tobermory" in a collection of "chronicles" of one of his best known characters. FTP, name this author of The Unbearable Bassington and The Chronicles of Clovis.;;Saki|(Hector) (Hugh) Munro Chemistry;;PEVD largely works by the dissociative version of this phenomenon, so its balance with its associative inverse provides the reaction isotherm for such deposition reactions with the occupancy fraction as a parameter. The coefficient for this type of process is generally a decreasing function of the fractal dimension of a surface, and the coefficient of loss to the walls of a device is generally given as a product of a diffusion coefficient and coefficient for this process. This bonding process has in chemi- and physi- varieties, which correspond to different types of wells in a surface’s potential. FTP, identify this sticking of atoms onto a surface, which may be contrasted with absorption.;;adsorption;; desorption|sorption Music;;It is based on a French work which was translated into the composer’s language by Richard Genée, who took over the translation from Haffner. At the beginning of Act 3, the tired Frank listens to the "Audition Aria" performed by Adele, who is really a maid. In Act 1, Falke persuades one of the main characters to bring his fancy watch to a ball, after which another character is arrested in a case of mistaken identity. In the end, Gabriel von Eisenstein has to serve his own jail sentence after his wife Rosalinde defends herself from an accusation of infidelity. FTP name this comic opera by Johann Strauss, whose name refers to a costume worn by one of the characters.;;(Die) Fledermaus|(The) Bat World History;;He was chosen by Vespasian to serve as the latter’s fellow consul in 71, six years after he was honored by Nero for helping to suppress the conspiracy of Piso. At the lowest point of his reign, he was imprisoned in the palace by the commander of the Praetorian Guard, Casperius Aelianus, who executed Parthenius and Petronius, the men who were chiefly responsible for the assassination of this man’s predecessor. Two months before he died of fever he adopted his successor, who was serving as governor of Upper Germany at the time. According to Suetonius, this man in his younger days molested his predecessor in office, but upon the murder in 96 of Domitian this man was asked to replace him. FTP, name this emperor who ruled for a mere 28 months before being succeeded by Trajan.;;(Marcus) (Cocceius) Nerva Literature;;The ninth one of them discusses the immunity from sin of poisonous minerals and lecherous goats, and wishes that blood and tears could make a "heavenly Lethean (leh-thee-an) flood" to drown the author’s "sins’ black memory". The fifth notes that the author is a "little world made cunningly Of elements, and an angelike sprite," while the seventh alludes to Revelation 7:1 with its image of angels blowing trumpets at "the round earth’s imagined corners". There are 19 of them in all, the 14th of which compares the author to a "usurped town" in the course of asking that the "three-personed God" batter his heart. FTP, name this group of devotional poems, the tenth of which famously begins "Death, be not proud," a work of John Donne.;;(the) Holy Sonnets Noncomputational Math;;An important 1968 paper illustrated how an integer-preserving form of this procedure may be implemented using the Sylvester identity. This procedure has the unfortunate property of instability unless pivoting is included in its operations. Originally mentioned by Liu Hui in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, it may be used to invert a matrix by augmenting with the identity, then reducing the unaugmented portion to the identity. It may generally be used to solve a matrix equation by appending augmenting the coefficient matrix by the inhomogeneous vector. FTP, name this algorithm for solving systems of linear equations named for one or two German mathematicians.;;Gauss- (Jordan) (elimination|method){1}?|Gaussian (elimination|method){1}? Miscellaneous;;He argued that the media serve the needs of the powerful in his 1988 Massey Lectures, which were published as a book about "thought control in democratic societies". He compared colonialist genocides with contemporary treatment of Third World nations in a 1993 book subtitled "the conquest continues". In addition to Necessary Illusions and Year 501, a series of his interviews with David Barsamian have been published, including Keeping the Rabble in Line and The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many. In one of his first ventures into political writing, he attacked the Vietnam War in American Power and the New Mandarins. FTP, name this longtime professor at MIT and leftist agitator, who also did some work in linguistics.;;(Noam) Chomsky United States History;;She is at the center of Anne Parish’s novel Clouded Star, while Sarah Hopkins Bradford wrote one of the first books about her. She suffered narcolepsy throughout her life as a result of a blow to the head she suffered at the age of 12. Until her death in 1913, she ran a shelter in Auburn, New York, where she lived down the road from her friend William Seward. During the Civil War she worked as a nurse at Fortress Monroe, where Jefferson Davis would later be imprisoned, having ceased to perform a task that required her to go from Maryland to Ontario. FTP, name this African-American woman, who helped hundreds of slaves escape to freedom as a conductor on the underground railroad.;;(Harriet) Tubman Literature;;In a 1985 play by this author, we learn how one of the titular women came to admire Nazism, while a 1978 play shows us a day in the life of a married couple who loathe each other. In addition to Aunt Dan and Lemon and Marie and Bruce, he has written a play in which a male actor is called upon to have three orgasms in the same scene, rendering A Thought in Three Parts difficult to produce. Jack withdraws from a society that is turning to a police state in The Designated Mourner, while a 1980 work by this man consists entirely of a conversation with a director. FTP, name this author of My Dinner with André, better known for such acting roles as Rex in Toy Story and Vizzini in The Princess Bride.;;(Wallace) Shawn Religion/Mythology;;He killed his foster-father after killing his foster-father’s brother, which took place after his foster-grandfather, Hreidmar, had been killed by them. After killing his foster-father, he went to Hindfell on his horse Grani, where he impersonated a man named Gunnar to get into a tower. All that killing was due to a hoard of gold which had belonged to Andvari the dwarf, which was coveted by both Regin and his brother Fafnir. FTP, name this hero of the Volsung Saga, whose sword Gram was forged from the broken pieces of his father Sigmund’s sword and who freed the Valkyrie Brunhilde.;;Sigurd Biology;;This process’s distinguishing fluctuation is governed in part by the permeability of inositol 1,4,5 P-gated tonoplastic calcium channels, which control the phosphorylation of PEPC through PEPC Kinase, and thus, sensitivity to allosteric inhibiters like isocitrate. Isocitrate, along with the more common malate, must be stored in this process, explaining the large vacuoles of the cells that employ it prior to decarboxylation to OAA. Its low transpiration rate is achieved through nocturnal activation of stomata. FTP, name this water-efficient biological process common in cacti, named for the acid to which CO2 is appended in storage.;;c(rassulacean) a(cid) m(etabolism) (photosynthesis) Philosophy;;His major work began as a commentary on a compendium by Peter of Spain, but became a standard logic textbook in its own right. He became so famous that legends spread about him, including one which claimed that he competed with the future Pope Clement VI for the affections of a shoemaker’s wife. In his Compendium Logicae he offered a lengthy account of the way to find the middle term of a demonstration, which came to be known as a certain type of "bridge" for traversing a syllogism. He is best known for arguing that will and intellect are not distinct faculties, which led him to conclude that the will is always determined by the stronger motive, and that when presented with equally desirable alternatives we cannot choose. FTP, name this scholastic philosopher of the 14th century, who is associated with an indecisive ass.;;(Jean) Buridan Literature;;In this author’s second novel, the Spanish prince Consalve falls in love with the title character, but complications ensue because he doesn’t speak her language. This author’s Memoirs of the Court for the years 1688 and 1689 were published posthumously in 1731. In addition to Zayde, she also wrote novels about the Countess of Tende and the Princess of Montpensier, but is best known for a novel whose title character falls in love with, but refuses to marry, the Duke of Nemours. FTP, name this French author, a longtime companion of La Rochefoucauld who is best known for her novel The Princess of Cleves, who shares her name with a French aristocrat who fought in the American Revolution.;;(Marie-Madeleine) (Pioche de La Vergne)(,) (Countess de) Lafayette World History;;Ian Hodder, who has directed the excavations here since 1993, has accommodated the pilgrimages of Goddess worshippers who claim spiritual kinship with a woman buried here with three boar jawbones. Material remains found at this center of the obsidian trade include flint daggers, friezes of deer hunters, clay figures that may be pregnant women or serpents, and model heads that may indicate bull worship. James Mellaart was the first to excavate the rectangular mud-brick dwellings at this site in the Konya Plain, whose population may have been as high as five thousand. FTP, name this Neolithic city in present-day Turkey whose name means "fork mound".;;(Ç|C){1}?atal H(ü|u){1}?y(ü|u){1}?k Physics;;The first to liquefy chlorine, this scientist’s namesake rotator is useful in optical isolators. He discovered and named "diamagnetism" prior to his work in electrochemistry, where his namesake constant gives the number of coulombs in a mole of electrons. He had to take five years off in the early 1840s due to headaches that may have been caused by mercury poisoning, but he came roaring back and gave an 1846 lecture on "Ray Vibrations" that became the basis for Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light. The discoverer of benzene, he argued that equal currents gave rise to equal amounts of decomposition, which summarizes his first law of electrolysis. FTP, name this British scientist, best known for his work in physics indicating that a change in magnetic flux induces an electromotive force.;;(Michael) Faraday World History;;A year after it, a commission led by Mikhail Speransky came together to consider legal reforms. When five of its leaders were supposed to be hanged, three of the ropes broke, leading Ryleyev to quip that a country where they don’t even know how to hang you is unhappy indeed. The factions led by Nikita Muraviev hoped to bring about a constitutional monarchy, while the one led by Pavel Pestel aimed for a republic. They were encouraged by the dissension which resulted when Constantine refused the throne, and occupied Senate Square shortly after the brother of Alexander I took power, only to be fired upon by loyal soldiers. FTP, name this uprising of 1825 which opposed the autocratic rule of Nicholas I, whose name refers to the winter month in which it took place.;;(the) Decembrist (Uprising|Revolt) Art;;This work was created in the aftermath of the artist’s failed affair with Anna Landolt, the niece of Johann Casper Lavater. It was the inspiration of Charles Nodier’s story Smarra, while it became more popular in England after a version of it appeared in The Botanical Garden. In the same year it was painted, its artist created The Oath of the Ruttli. In the painting, a small wooden table on the lower left supports several vials. In the upper left, an open-mouthed black horse stands next to some red curtains, though the unconscious blond woman sprawled upon the bed doesn’t notice it, anymore than she notices the troll-like figure seated on her chest. FTP, name this 1781 painting by Henry Fuseli.;;(The) Nightmare Geography;;Lough Foyle and the River Finn mark parts of its eastern boundary. On the other side of the Inishowen Peninsula is Lough Swilly, where Wolfe Tone was captured in October 1798. The bay of the same name almost separates it from the rest of the country, except for a narrow strip near the town of Ballyshannon and the road south to Sligo. Until the sixteenth century it was called Tyrconnell, but it acquired its present name, meaning "fort of the foreigners," after the flight of the O'Donnell earl in 1607 and the subsequent arrival of Scottish planters. FTP, name this Ulster county, one of three in the Republic of Ireland, whose Mailin Head is the Emerald Isle's northernmost point.;;(County) Donegal Religion/Mythology;;In a painting by Lorenzo Lotto, this figure appears between Saint Rocco and the arrow-pierced Saint Sebastian. While in prison, he converted two women who were assigned to seduce him, and when one of his tormentors tried to shoot him the arrow rebounded and struck his attacker in the eye. After he performed his most famous act, he was told to plant his staff in the ground, and the next day it grew flowers. Martyred in Lycia during the persecutions of Decius, after he was beheaded his huge body was dragged through the city where he had preached, though before becoming a preacher he worked carrying people across a river. FTP, name this patron saint of travellers, who famously carried the Christ child across the river.;;(Saint) Christopher Literature;;He wrote about the time he spent on Bob Dylan’s 1975 tour in Rolling Thunder Logbook. He collaborated with Antonioni on the screenplay for Zabriskie Point, but got his start in the theater. His play The Tooth of Crime premiered in London, while earlier works premiered in New York, such as The Rock Garden and Cowboys. He won four Obie awards for a 1983 work which was made into a movie in which he starred, Fool for Love. However, he is best known for a group of plays about families in crisis, including True West and Curse of the Starving Class. FTP, name this author of Buried Child, who has also appeared as an actor, including a performance as Chuck Yeager in The Right Stuff.;;(Sam) Shepard Music;;Geirr Tveitt wrote a Norwegian version of this piece called "Hardanger Ale". It originated when Ferdinand Arbos gave the composer permission to orchestrate the tone poem Iberia, but the composer abandoned it. The leading melody begins in the flutes, and is taken up by the clarinet and bassoon. A shift in the theme from C-major to E-major begins the finale, after which the entire orchestra adopts the snare drums’ ostinato accompanied by cymbals and trombone glissandi in the 18th recapitulation. Commissioned by Ida Rubinstein, FTP, what is this piece named for a Spanish dance rhythm by Maurice Ravel?;;Bolero Literature;;In this novel, the aid of the engineer Jeff Thompson allows one character to form the Columbus River Navigation Company, while another stakes his fortune on a coal mine in Ilium. The central family saves an orphan from the wreckage of the steamboat Amaranth on their way to Hawkeye. Later, that orphan is seduced by George Selby and her plan to set up the Knobs University in Tennessee fails due to the corruption of Senator Dilworthy. FTP, name this novel featuring the Hawkins family and Colonel Beriah Sellers, a work set during the titular era of American history and written by Charles Warner and Mark Twain.;;(The) Gilded Age Noncomputational Math;;The strongest form of this lemma is implicit in the Henstock-Kurzweil method, which applies gauge summations to all forms of the inverse relationship it implies. It may be relaxed to Lebesgue’s theorem for locally continuous curves. In multidimensional space it may be partially generalized to surface integrals on over manifolds in the form of the generalized Stokes’ theorem. FTP, name this mathematical theorem that states that the integral of the derivative of function on an interval is equal to the change in the function on the interval.;;(first|1st){1}? f(undamental) t(heorem) (of) c(alculus);;f(undamental) t(heorem) (of) c(alculus) World History;;S. L. Avaliani published a major study of them in 1910, 11 years after de Rocca’s book on them appeared. The first one was created on the model of the "sejmiki" by a ruler who wanted to extend a war into Lithuania. Their decline began after one of them passed the Ulozheniye of 1649, though even in their latest years Golytsin required one to repeal the military preference system, the mestnichestvo. Traditionally meeting in the Palace of the Facets, a famous case of their use in foreign policy was the ratification of the Treaty of Pereyaslav, but they were more commonly used to approve domestic legal codes, and a rare exception to their obedience to the czar occurred when one petitioned Ivan IV to disband the oprichniki. FTP, name these Russian councils composerd of merchants, clergymen and boyars.;;Zemsky(ie) Sobor(i)|Assembly of the Land|Landed Council Geography;;In the plain of the Valais, its course marks the northern extent of the Pennine Alps. A hydroelectric project at the Genissiat reservoir floods its twisting gorge through the Jura mountains, after which it receives its chief tributary, the Saone. As it bends southwards, its valley separates the Massif Central from the Alps. Saint Benezat’s bridge spanned it at Avignon, while at Arles it splits into Grand and Petit branches on either side of the alluvial island known as the Camargue. FTP, name this river of Switzerland and southern France that forms Lake Geneva before emptying into the Mediterranean.;;(the) Rh(ô|o){1}?ne (River) Religion/Mythology;;Prayers associated with it include the Bore pri ha’etz (boh-ray pree hah aytz). Following this period the phrase "g’mar chatimah" replaces "tikateivu" in its traditional greeting. Participants attend Selichot on the Saturday before it, and it may begin with a purification ritual known as Tashlikh, in which pockets are emptied into flowing water. It commemorates the Haftorah, the conception of Samuel, and the Akedah, or binding of Isaac. During it, names of the righteous are sealed in the Sefer Chayim, the Book of Life. In preparation, the shofar is sounded following Sacharit during the preceding month of Elul. FTP, what is this holiday celebrated on the first and second days of Tishri, known as the Jewish New Year?;;Rosh Hashanah|Yom Ha-Zikkaron|Yom Teruah|Yom Ha'Ded Physics;;This law applies whenever the reciprocal lattice points of a grid touch the surface of Ewald’s sphere, since the radius of the sphere is the frequency. It may be used to model its namesake type of Brillouin scattering, which applies to acoustic vibrations that provide the surfaces upon which it depends. It reduces to its simplest form when the path length difference for two initially parallel wave vectors is an integer multiple of the incident wavelength. FTP, name this equation that predicts the interference extrema for photon scattering from a periodic lattice, and that may be stated "n lambda equals 2d sine theta".;;Bragg'(s) (law|equation|condition of order n) World History;;This state’s matrilineal succession is believed to have begun with Kaya Maja in the 4th century AD. Our knowledge of its culture comes from the Book of Routes and Kingdoms compiled by the Cordoban noble Abu Ubayd al-Bakri. It captured the market town of Audaghost to seize control of the salt caravans from the Berber Sanhaja movement, but was weakened when the Sanhajas, determined to convert their neighbors, combined into the Almoravid confederation and declared a jihad. The end came when the Soso kingdom of Kaniaga sacked its capital, Kumbi Saleh. While its common name refers to the title of its kings, they and their Soninke followers called it Wagadu. FTP, name this gold-trading kingdom of the western Sahel that gave its name to a modern nation formerly known as the Gold Coast.;;Ghana;;Wagadu Art;;This artist’s output began to decline during his Lake Millinocket period, though his success began early with works like Hooker Journeying from Plymouth to Hartford. His travels took him to Jamaica, which inspired his The Vale of St. Thomas, and to Labrador, the subject of his seascape Icebergs. Several of his luminist works, like Sunset, Hudson Valley are based on the view from his estate Olana, but he is better known for an 1853 trip to New Granada with Cyrus Field which brought about river scenes like La Magdalena and The Falls of Tequendama. FTP, name this painter of the Hudson River School famous for landscapes like Niagara and Heart of the Andes.;;(Frederick) (Edwin) Church Literature;;This work’s protagonist stops short of reading 1st John 1:9, leading to his acceptance of the teachings of Cornelius and Valdes. In a subplot, Rafe and Robin are nearly killed for stealing a Vintner’s cup. In various scenes the protagonist frees the usurper Bruno, turns a horse into straw, and creates a castle in the air for the Duke of Vanholt, but after he gives Benvolio stag horns, the latter gets revenge on him by cutting off his head. After regenerating, he wastes his last chance to turn back by conjuring Helen of Troy. FTP, name this drama about a scholar who signs away his soul to Mephistophilis, a work by Christopher Marlowe.;;(The) (Tragical History of) Doctor Faustus Philosophy;;A recent book on this thinker argues that his longtime assistant Eugen Fink was instrumental in developing his later ideas. This man attacked naturalism and historicism in a famous 1910 essay, which placed philosophy alongside logic and mathematics as so-called "rigorous sciences". That argument represented a shift in this man’s views, as he had worked out a psychological analysis of logical concepts in his first book which earned him a stinging rebuke from Gottlob Frege. In his best-known work, he developed a method of suspending preconceptions which he termed the epoché, or bracketing. FTP, name this author of Logical Investigations and Cartesian Meditations, whose book Ideas offers a "general introduction to pure phenomenology," a movement he pioneered.;;(Edmund) Husserl Literature;;One of this novelist’s characters, Hilario Sacayon, may be drawn from the travels of Eugene O’Neill. Juan Girador and The Mirror of Lida Salt are continuations of his first collection, which includes tales like "El Cadejo" and "The Treasure of the Flowered Lake". Variations of these stories also appear in his novel about Celestino Yumi’s encounter with the demon Tazol, Mulata, and his story of the rebellion of Gaspar Ilóm. His other important works include The Bejeweled Boy and a novel based on the dictatorship of Manuel Cabrera. FTP, name this author of Men of Maize and El Señor Presidente, a Guatemalan writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1967.;;(Miguel) (Angel) Asturias Chemistry;;This parameter’s change with temperature is given by the difference in the molar enthalpy of the pure substance and its partial specific enthalpy in solution divided by the square of the kinetic temperature. For solutions of high ionic strength, expressions like the Pitzer and Meissner equations may be used to estimate the values of the namesake coefficient that enables its calculation, though at lower concentrations the Debye-Hückel equation is more useful. For ideal gases, it is defined as the exponential of the standard-reference potential divided by the kinetic temperature, and for pure condensed phases it is unity. FTP, name this dimensionless value, a thermodynamic correction for mole fraction, symbolized a.;;(chemical) activity World History;;Issachar J. Roberts, the Southern Baptist who inspired this movement, refused to baptize its leader, though he had been the first missionary to depart Macau, one year after the British arrived nearby. When Yang Xiuqing, its minister of state, threatened to usurp the leader’s title, he was killed by General Wei Changgui, who was then himself assassinated. It was put down by Tsing Kuofan, who took Nanking after Frederick Townsend Ward, Charles Gordon, and the Ever-Victorious Army had kept its adherents out of Shanghai. FTP, name this "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace," an uprising against the Qing dynasty led by Hong Xiuquan.;;Tai ping (Rebellion|tien kuo) Miscellaneous;;Grassman’s law was first discovered in this language. Its verbal system is characterized by the use of systems like the desiderative and benedictive, and aspects like the aorist. Verbs are classified as athematic or thematic, in which an "a" is inserted before the ending inflection, while nouns have three numbers, ten declensions and eight cases. Johann Hanxleden wrote the first European grammar of this language, and that study, along with the earlier Astadhyayi of Panini, was used by William Jones in comparisons of it with Greek and Latin that launched Western linguistics. FTP, name this ancient language written in Devanagari script and spoken in India.;;Sanskrit|Samskrt Literature;;The tenderness of one of the characters in this work is compared to "the harp-like morning glory strings, / Taut with the dew from garden bed to eaves". The title character is unable to persuade another character that he is able to "find water with a hazel prong". That other character is a boy named Harold who "studied Latin like the violin," with whom the title character would like to "make a team for work". The title character is discovered "huddled against the barn-door, fast asleep" by a character who comes up from Rowe’s, and is dragged into the house by Mary even though Warren cannot afford to pay him to ditch the meadow. FTP, name this poem that features the passing of Silas, published in North of Boston by Robert Frost.;;(The) Death of the Hired Man Astronomy;;Though they are photographically unremarkable, core temperatures in these bodies are capable of producing tridecavalent oxidation states in iron. One famous one concentrates as much as 28% of its light in its emission spectra around iron. Evidence of near body interaction between them such as the two tidal tails of Markarian 279 may support a gravimetric origin for them. They are classified according to Doppler broadening between the bands of their accretion disks into X-ray and UV-emitting Type I, and Type II, which emit infrared radiation. FTP, name these radio galaxies characterized by their active nuclei.;;Seyfert (galaxies) World History;;His liaison with the sister of Agrippa II fueled his subjects’ fears of Oriental despotism. Despite his lavish generosity, which completed the Temple of the Capitoline Jupiter, Cassius Dio reported that he was "frugal in money matters and made no unnecessary expenditure". His work in the empire’s eastern provinces included negotiations with Gaius Licinius Mucianus of Syria on behalf of his predecessor and his command of the 15th Legion of Apollo, which gained him his greatest fame. His reign saw the completion of the Flavian Amphitheatre and the burial of Pompeii. FTP, name this Roman emperor, whose brutal siege of Jerusalem is celebrated in his "Arch".;;Titus (Flavius) (Sabinus) (Vespasianus) Miscellaneous;;One of the characters in this film loses two hats when they are burned by a peanut vendor. When one of the characters calls another an "upstart," drastic consequences ensue. In the central plot, the ambassador from Sylvania sets out to marry a wealthy widow, while a dancer tries to seduce the leader of the country. In the end, that ambassador surrenders after getting his head stuck in a door, at which point the spies he once employed and the man he called an upstart throw things at him. When the movie begins, 20 million dollars are given to Freedonia on the condition that Rufus Firefly take charge of the government. FTP, name this movie which stars Margaret Dumont and the Marx Brothers, whose opening credits feature four birds swimming in a pot.;;Duck Soup Art;;This structure’s eastern section is accessed through the wrought iron ambulatory gates of Jean Tijou. Its façade contains the Great West Door of Malaysia and consists of a double-storied portico of Corinthian columns secured by two towers copied from the Church of Santa Agnese. The balconies of Santa Maria della Pace inspired its transept porch design. Its interior features the chapel of St. Dunstan and the Whispering Gallery, while the crossing of its three-aisled nave and choir is covered by a 365 foot triple-shelled dome. FTP, name this Baroque cathedral on Ludgate Hill, the masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren.;;St. Paul'(s) (Cathedral) Religion/Mythology;;The protector of the lung-steward Hep, this deity receives a share in Nubia after merging with Anqet at Permer, and may represent the "birth" aspect of Bata, though her depiction in canopic shrine quadrants lends greater credence to her evolution from Neith. Worshipped primarily at Senu, her symbols were the house of Horus and the basket, which she may have used to save Anubis from her husband’s wrath. In her role as comforter to widowers or as a guide to the newly deceased she is depicted as a kite. FTP, name this youngest daughter of Geb and Nut, the sister and wife of Set and Egyptian goddess of the dead.;;Nephthys|Neb-hut|Nebthet Economics;;The process resulting from the convergence of income in this principle as time approaches infinity is termed the Kahn-Clark Sequence. It is initiated when a system’s member banks develop an ability to lend significantly in excess of their reserves, leading to an expansion in money supply. Its negative version is usually brought about when increased imports shift the IS curve to the left. Calculated as 1 over 1 minus the marginal propensity to consume, FTP, what is this effect in which small initial changes in aggregate demand in a single economic sector produce further rounds of spending and greater income?;;multiplier (effect) Literature;;This author’s magnum opus was first pieced together by Zacharias Kalliergis. One of his epigrams states that he is the son of Praxagoras, and in his greatest work he is known as Simichidas. His residence at Alexandria is supported by an epic honoring the marriage of Arsinoë to Ptolemy Philadelphus, and his encomium to Hiero II confirms his birth in Syracuse. A lament for the shepherd Daphnis is the subject of his first work, Thyrsis, though his best is a poem set on Cos that praises his teacher Philetas, the Harvest Feast, part of a collection that inspired Vergil’s Eclogues. FTP, name this pastoralist author of the Idylls.;;Theocritus