Music;;Sibelius's Seventh Symphony was the basis for this composer's Symphony in One Movement, while selections from The Unchangeableness of God can be found in his Prayers of Kierkegaard. The poem "Prometheus Bound" was the basis for the tone poem Music for a Scene from Shelley written by this composer, who used a flurry of two-note cells leading to a trill to open his Overture to The School for Scandal. This composer of two Essays for Orchestra wrote about Erika and the title character waiting for Anatol in his opera Vanessa, but he may be best remembered for a work which is based on a passage from Vergil's Georgics. FTP, name this American composer of Adagio for Strings.;;(Samuel) Barber Earth Science;;The central axis associated with this process can be preserved in undeformed ophiolite complexes. Evidence supporting this hypothesized process, whose name was coined by Robert Dietz, includes an observed upper age limit of 200 million years for the associated material and observations supporting the Vine-Matthews hypothesis. Harry Hess hypothesized this process, which produces zebra-stripe lineations in combination with reversals of the Earth's magnetic field and cooling of its associated material below the Curie point shortly after extrusion at a ridge. FTP, name this process that combined with continental drift to spur the formulation of plate tectonics, in which new crust is produced and moves out from a mid-oceanic ridge.;;seafloor spreading Anthropology;;One of his works begins with the section "An Untimely Pregnancy" that uses metaphor of a chessboard and describes the conflict between Coyote and the title character. Besides Story of Lynx discussing the Nez Pierce, another of his works compares the Kwakiutl and Salish perspectives on the titular objects, The Way of the Masks. One of his best-known works describes "alliance theory" and introduces structuralism against Radcliffe-Brown's functionalism, while another contains the volumes From Honey to Ashes, The Origin of Table Manners, and The Raw and the Cooked. For ten points, anthropologist, who wrote a Elementary Structure of Kinship and Mythologiques.;;(Claude) Levi-Strauss Philosophy;;The tragically recently deceased Robert Solomon wrote books called From Rationalism to this, From Hegel to this, and a book tying it to the Meaning of Life while Anne-Marie Cazalis attempted to create a fashion movement connected with this system. Theologian John Macquarrie published Studies in a Christian type of this, a movement he's associated with, while a Catholic type is associated with the man who coined this word, Gabriel Marcel. This movement's most associated figure described the key tenet of "mauvaise foi" or "bad faith" and authored books called this and Human Emotions and a book claiming this Is a Humanism. FTP, identify this dogma most commonly associated with Jean-Paul Sartre.;;Existentialism|Existentialist Music;;The action in this work is foreshadowed by the songs of Bayan. One character sings the cavatina "O splendid star of love" after being abandoned by her true love, who is distracted by Persian slave girls while searching for one title character. Farlaf sings the rondo "My hour of triumph is near" after being promised aid from former beauty and current hag Naina, who had been spurned by the magician Finn. A sleep-dispelling ring, a sword obtained from a giant head, and the knowledge that a sorcerer's strength is in his beard help the hero rescue his true love and Kievan princess from the dwarf Chernomor. FTP name this opera composed after A Life for the Tsar and based on a Pushkin poem, composed by Mikhail Glinka.;;Ruslan and Lyudmila|Ruslan i Lyudmila Noncomputational Math;;A sequence can be related to a Newton series appearing in the Mellin transform of this man's namesake generating function using the cycle named for this man, Mellin and Newton. Solvation effects can be analyzed using an equation named for him and Boltzmann, while an equation named only for him is an inhomogeneous version of the Laplace equation. The Jacobi identity is one of the relations satisfied by his namesake bracket, and Fresnel's wave theory predicts his namesake spot. The lateral strain over the axial strain gives the ratio named for, FTP, this Frenchman whose distribution has mean equal to its variance and gives the probability of a certain number of independent events in a fixed period of time in terms of the average rate.;;(Simeon-Denis) Poisson Literature;;A man shipwrecked in the title magic land appears in this man's poem "Eralaban," which appears in a collection whose title refers to the two sides of a coin. He hired Samuel Beckett to produce the English translation of an anthology of poetry from his home country, and wrote the essay "The Pears of the Elm" for the introduction to that anthology. The lines, "I travel your length like a river / I travel your body like a forest". appear in a long poem by this man whose structure is based on a calendar. His poem "Obsidian Butterfly" is a lament by the goddess Itzpapálotl, and appears in his aforementioned collection Eagle or Sun?. FTP, name this author of Sun Stone and The Monkey Grammarian who wrote that "Man is the only being who knows he is alone" in his essay The Labyrinth of Solitude, a Mexican Nobel Prize winner.;;(Octavio) Paz World History;;This event saw the condemnation of a form of communion practiced by Jakoubek of Stribro. John XXIII offered to resign from the papacy during the second session of this event and the primary election at this event occurred despite not having Peter de Luna's cardinals present. This event saw the order to exhume the bones of John Wycliffe and occurred due to the wishes of Emperor Sigismund. One of the major consequences of this event was the wars fought by figures such as Jan Ziska, a result of the execution of Jan Hus that occurred after this event. For ten points name this 1414-1418 Church Council that installed Oddo Colona as Pope Martin V thereby ending the Western Schism.;;(Council) (of) Constance Art;;His self-portraits include one "with Burning Cigarette," one "Beneath Woman's Mask," one "Between Clock and Bed," two "During the Eye Disease," and one "with Skeleton Arm". His namesake museum in the Tøyen district of his hometown, designed by Fougner and Myklebust, houses a work in which he painted a a naked woman with her head tilted back and a red halo and another in which the title character's red hair is draped over the head of a bent-over man. In addition to Madonna and Vampire, he included Death in the Sickroom in his painting cycle the Frieze of Life. FTP name this man who painted a swirling red sky and two indistinct figures on a bridge approaching a figure with a distorted face in The Scream.;;(Edvard) Munch Chemistry;;The treatment of a double bond with diiodomethane and a couple of copper and this element produces cyclopropanes in the Simmons-Smith reaction. Oxides of this element tend to be n-type semiconductors due to hydrogen impurities. The chloride of this element is combined with hydrochloric acid to make Lucas' reagent. The formation of beta-hydroxy esters from alpha-haloesters and aldehydes involves the formation of enolates with this element in the Reformatsky reaction, while the reduction of ketones to alkanes can be performed in the presence of hydrochloric acid and an amalgam with this element in the Clemmensen reaction. FTP name this metallic element whose sulfide ores include wurtzite and sphalerite, and which forms a thin layer on steel to galvanize it.;;zinc|Zn Religion/Mythology;;Verbti, a blind Albanian god with perfect hearing, was associated with the north wind and this phenomenon, and in Aztec myth the creator god Ometecuhtli was associated with this. In Japanese myth, a god associated with this phenomenon produced 8 gods when he was cut up by his father, who was distraught because that god's birth killed his mother. In Indian myth, the god of this also serves as the messenger of the gods and acceptor of sacrifices, and licks up butter with his 7 tongues, while in Norse myth, the personification of this phenomenon wins an eating contest in the hall of Utgard-Loki by devouring a boar together with its bones. FTP, name this natural phenomenon associated with Agni and Kagutsuchi, who produced 8 volcanoes after his birth burnt his mother Izanami to death.;;fire (gods)|(gods) (of) fire|fire (god) World History;;The eighth ruler of this name was awarded the status of the ninefold umbrella by his successor. Another ruler with this name was opposed by a group that called themselves the Promoters. The third ruler of this name ruled during the signing of the Burney Treaty with Britain. The first king of this name ascended to the position after executing his predecessor, King Taksin, while the fourth ruler of this name died of malaria after watching a solar eclipse he had predicted. The first ruler of this name moved his capital across the Chao Praya River, while the fourth ruler of this name hired Anna Leonowens to teach his children and was also known as Mongkut. For ten points, give this name shared by rulers of the Chakri dynasty in Thailand.;;Rama Literature;;The protagonist of this novel spends much of the early chapters traveling on the Great North Road to his family estate. The title character of this novel is married to Helen Campbell and she has Morris executed. The protagonist of this work must recover some of his merchant father William's documents that were stolen by his cousin and he befriends the merchant, Bailie Nicol Jarvie. Late in this novel Andrew Fairservice and the protagonist, Francis Osbaldistone, are arrested while on their way to meet the titular outlaw, who at the end of this novel escapes some soldiers by diving into the river and later kills Rashleigh. Set, like its author's earlier Waverly, during a failed Jacobite rebellion, for ten points, identify this Walter Scott novel about the titular Scottish highwayman.;;Rob Roy Physics;;A space admits this type of topology if and only if it is Hausdorff, regular and has a countably locally finite basis, by the Nagata-Smirnov theorem. This term also denotes a type of tensor which is preserved by the Levi-Civita connection and whose eigenvalues are characterized by the signature. Spaces of this type in which every Cauchy sequence converges are said to be complete, and these spaces are characterized by a namesake symmetric, non-negative function that returns 0 only if the input points are identical and satisfies the triangle inequality. FTP, name this type of space characterized by a function that gives a measure of distance between points.;;metric|metrizable Geography;;The Ai-Todor Cape into this body of water has the Roman ruins of Charax and a neo-Gothic castle called the Swallow's Nest, while the southern part of this body has the Cape Ince featuring the city Sinop. One inlet of it is the Gulf of Karkinitsk, which lies alongside the Isthmus of Perekop, the site of a fortress significant for defense in the 18th century. The Kerch Strait connects this body of water to a smaller body while the Sea of Marmara is connected to it by a famous strait. Respectively, these are the Sea of Azov and the Bosporus strait, which flows through Istanbul on the southwest corner of this body of water. For ten points, identify this inland sea surrounding the Crimean peninsula, lying to the north of Turkey.;;Black (Sea) Religion/Mythology;;This religion's ceremonies include the royal rite of the sun, or rada rite, and initiation ceremonies in which novices progress from bosal to kanzo. Figures of worship in this religion include a female figure depicted with three wedding rings and a psychopomp who also governs eroticism. Practitioners believe that the cosmos is populated by zanj and anvizib, among other spirits, and that the soul is composed of gros and ti bon anges. In addition to Erzulie and Ghede, worshippers may call on the guardian of cross-roads, Legba. Evil magicians known as bokor, priests known as houngans, and priestesses known as mambos all appear in, for ten points, what religion whose adherents call upon loas?;;Voodoo|Voodou|Vodun Literature;;One climactic action in this book is triggered by the death from appendicitis of Amedée Chevalier. The central character is aided by Barney Flinn and Signa, and takes in a hermit who lives in a hole on the side of a riverbed, Ivar. One character in this work goes to Mexico to try to forget someone he later embraces under a mulberry tree before leaving for law school; that character had earlier had his cat rescued from a telegraph pole by Carl. Frank kills his wife Marie Shabata and her lover Emil in a jealous rage, and the central character realizes her vulnerability and marries Carl Linstrum in, FTP, which novel about Alexandra Bergson written by Willa Cather?;;O Pioneers! World History;;This ruler won favor in a northern part of his empire with the appointment of Count Berg as its governor-general, and his foreign policy included resulted in such events as the seizure of Kokand and the signing of the Treaty of Aigun. Educated by Vasily Zhukovsky, this ruler's Military reorganization occurred during this man's reign under Dmitry Milyutin, and Pyotr Shuvalov, head of the secret police, assumed greater importance in his cabinet after a failed assassination attempt on him. Though this ruler did not live to see the Loris-Melikov constitution implemented, he did institute a number of key reforms such as the creation of the zemstvos and the passage of the Emancipation Act of 1861. Replacing Nicholas I during the Crimean War, for ten points, identify this tsar assassinated by the People's Will, whose reforms include freeing the serfs.;;Alexander II Biology;;This group of substances was first isolated after identification of a compound that produced the opposite phenotype, fusaric acid. Their actions are inhibited by flurprimidol and ancymidol. Various oxoglutarate dioxygenases catalyze the interconversion of different members of this group of compounds. These compounds act by enhancing SCF ubiquitin ligase-dependent degradation of DELLA proteins, and their biosynthesis involves the formation of ent-kaurene, which is exported from the proplastid. They stimulate the production of alpha-amylase, promote flowering, and stimulate cell division. FTP, name this class of plant hormones first isolated from a fungus that causes foolish seedling disease, and which cause stem elongation.;;gibberellins Literature;;One character in this work talks with the chatty Captain Turner, making him late to a meal and frustrating the unseen cook Bridget. The tardy character is the landlord of the also unseen Shaughnessy who has his pigs bathe in the lake of an oil magnate. Multiple characters, including the servant Cathleen, hide their drinking by mixing water with whiskey, and the central male characters are all drunk during the final scene where Baudelaire, Dowson and Swinburne are quoted. This drunkenness follows Dr. Hardy diagnosing Edmund with consumption while the other major conflict centers on Mary's abuse of morphine. FTP, identify this play centering on the Tyrone family, a mostly autobiographical work by Eugene O'Neill.;;Long Day's Journey Into Night Literature;;A James Dickey poem describes a being that is half this kind of creature who gazes with "eyes / Far more than human" from his "immortal waters". "People or stars / Regard" these creatures "sadly" in a poem about them in fog by Sylvia Plath. In Far From the Madding Crowd, Gabriel Oak becomes penniless after his dog runs these animals off a cliff. A man who dresses as one of these animals is encountered by the unnamed protagonist in a Murakami novel whose sequel is Dance, Dance, Dance. A Balzac novel about the brothers Bridau is titled after a black one of these animals. Fernando Guzman rules the titular town with an iron fist in a Lope de Vega play about this kind of well. FTP name this animal that in Animal Farm declares "four legs bad, two legs good" and joins the Whiter Wool Committee.;;sheep World History;;Operation Ten-Ichi-Go was launched by the Japanese in response to this battle, and that would result in the destruction of the Yamamoto, the largest ship left in the Japanese fleet. The plan for the invading force in this battle was called Operation Iceberg and the invading forces took locations such as Wana Ridge and Shuri Castle. Notable figures that died in this battle include Ernie Pyle and the Japanese commanders Isamu Cho and Mitsuru Ishajima, both of whom committed suicide. This battle was intended to establish a base for an invasion of mainland Japan, but that plan was made obsolete by the bombing of Hiroshima shortly after the end of this battle. For ten points name this 1945 battle, in which American forces led by General Simon Bolivar Buckner took the namesake Japanese island.;;(Battle) (of) Okinawa Computer Science;;The Deutsch-Bobrow algorithm implements a "deferred" variety of one technique used to perform this action in run-time, and one problem with that algorithm is the issue of zero count table overflow. Christopher's algorithm was created to perform this function for FORTRAN, while Lins' algorithm is a lazy algorithm which peforms this function using a control set. The Deutsch-Schorr-Waite algorithm is an example of a pointer-reversal algorithm for doing it. A two-phase algorithm to perform this action was developed by McCarthy and is known as mark-and-sweep, while Unix-based systems employ the reference-counting method. For ten points, identify this action in which memory that is no longer in use is returned to the heap.;;garbage collection World History;;This work criticizes the refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the city of Coro, and argues that although the federal system is "the most perfect," it is also "the most inimical to our emerging states". This work condemns the ecclesiasticl influence in the violence following the earthquake of May 26, and predicts that "the decline of fortunes on the Peninsula" will bring many immigrants whose exodus will "weaken the strength of Bonaparte," and who will "swamp everything, pulling up the seeds and roots of the tree of freedom of Columbia". The author of this work begins by referring to himself as the "son of unhappy Caracas," and concludes by noting that "the honor of New Grenada absolutely demands that we teach these audacious invaders a lesson," in an attemtp to inspire resistance against the Spanish. For ten points, identify this political manifesto written in 1812 by Simon Bolivar in the titular location.;;Cartagena (Manifesto) Art;;This artist shares both his first and last name with a classical landscape painter responsible for such works as Landscape with a Flash of Lightning. A student of Langlois and Paul Delaroche, this artist's early work included classical paintings such as Oedipus Unbound, which he painted over the canvas of his St. Jerome. A man carrying a bag under one arm and a pitchfork in another is depicted alongside a woman in his The Walk to Work, while his late works include landscapes like November and The Church of Greville. In 1859, Baudelaire unfavorably reviewed this man's The Cowgirl, and his more famous paintings include a depiction of two peasants praying in the middle of their workday as well as one of three women hunched and sorting through straw. For ten points, identify this sometime member of the Barbizon school best known for such paintings as The Angelus and The Gleaners.;;(Jean-Francois) Millet Religion/Mythology;;One legend obout this holiday states that the village boys combined their forces and chased away the ogress Dhurundi, which is memorialized on this day, while another ogress associated with this holiday is Pootana, who almost killed Kirshna. In some parts of India, participants in this festival make sure to thank Kamakaya for using his arrows to evoke Shiva's interest in worldly matters. Several days before this holiday is celebrated, participants light a fire called at the cross-roads of the village. During the festival itself, it's traditional to burn an effigy of the sister of King Hiranyakashyap, for whom this holiday is named. The most recognizable ritual from this holiday comes from the celebration with the puja. For ten points, identify this Hindu festival of colors in which participants paint themselves.;;Holi Literature;;In one essay, this writer remarks that "I never hear anybody say of a critic, 'He's all right, but he's no Saint-Beuve,'" while in another he analyzes "the most awful of Frost's smaller poems... Design". Those essays, "The Age of Criticism," and "To the Laodiceans," can be found in his critical volume Poetry and the Age, while his collection of "Essays and Fables," is entitled A Sad Heart at the Supermarket. This author put Mary McCarthy into his satirical academic novel Pictures From an Institution, and his less famous collections of poetry include The Woman at the Washington Zoo and The Lost World. However, he is best known for a short poem which is found in his collection Little Friend, Little Friend, and which begins, "From my mother's sleep I fell into the State". For ten points, identify this American poet best known for "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner".;;(Randall) Jarrell Art;;The display of this work prompted the magazine Punch to create a piece parodying it, and it inspired a poem by R.S.C. in The Knickerbocker Magazine. Its creator noted that he hoped to express the "utter despair for the present mingled with somewhat of scorn for all around her," while six different versions were made by its creator. Found in the Raby Castle, its main figure bears a cross and locket, which indicate her Christianity. The subject of a Elizabeth Barrett Browning sonnet and a Whittier poem, the title figure was allegedly nude thanks to the title character's Turkish captors, and her attempt to shield her eyes demonstrates her chastity while chains cover her gentials. Based on the Venus de' Medici, this is, FTP, which statue of a nude woman, the most famous work by Hiram Powers?;;(The) Greek Slave Chemistry;;A standard technique used to prepare these molecules involves oxidizing monohydric phenols with Fermy's salt and is called the Teuber reaction. One member of this group of molecules reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence of sulphuric acid to form 1,2,4-triacetoxybenzen in the Thiele acylation. Their "o" and "p" varieties can be synthesized by coupling a phenol to a diazonium salt and reducing the resulting azo compound with dithionite, and the hydro variety of this type of compound has formula C6H6O2 and is oxidized in the spray of bombardier beetles. Also including the naptha variety, which encomopasses the K vitamins, for ten points, identify these compounds distinguished by two carbonyl groups that are adjacent of separated by a vinylene group.;;quinone(s) World History;;This battle took place after the Peace of Antalcidas led one side to hope for deliverance against the arbitrary rule of the losers of Lechaion. Before this battle took place, additional forces from the winning side had massed at both the Ciphesian Lake and Helikon with the intent of blocking off the path of the losers, and prior to this battle the winners had refused to sign the King's Peace with Aegisilaeus. A tactical innovation that took place during this battle consisted of one side massing its hoplites to a depth of 50 against the other side's right wing, and raising a cavalry screen before smashing into the enemy under the leadership of the Sacred Band. Resulting in the death of King Cleombrotus, for ten points, identfiy this 371 B.C.E. battle which saw a victory over the Spartans by a Theban force led by Epaminondas.;;(Battle) (of) Leuctra Pop Culture;;This man briefly trained as a wide receiver with the Cleveland Browns before joining the organization with which he is most often associated. An injury to this player during the conference finals against the Knicks contributed to his team being eliminated in 7 games. He scored an almost-winner in the second overtime of Game 5 of the 1976 NBA Finals, which his team would go on to win, and during the second half of his career, he was supported by such players as JoJo White and Don Chaney. He holds his team's record for scoring at 26,395, which is also the 11th highest in the NBA, but perhaps the most famous instant in this man's career was in the waning seconds of a Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals, when he stole an inbounds pass by Hal Greer intended for Sam Jones. Nicknamed "Hondo," for ten points, identify this man, a guard who won eight NBA titles in 16 seasons with the Boston Celtics.;;(John) Havlicek Philosophy;;This thinker opened with an example of the clerk Shuvalkin soliciting a signature from Potemkin while the latter was mad in an essay dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the death of Franz Kafka. The interruption, the untragic hero, and the quotable gesture are all components of the title literary form according to this man's essay "What is Epic Theater"? and his discussion of Nikolai Leskov is contained in his "The Storyteller". This man's most famous essay ends with multiple citations of Marinetti and bemoans the "situation of politics that Fascism is rendering aesthetic;" that works topics include photography and film, which both "change the reaction of the masses towards art". For ten points, identify this writer and social critic whose essays are collected in Illuminations and include "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction".;;(Walter) Benjamin Biology;;In a 1975 article, Harper critiqued a recent competitior of this theory, claiming that it presented a contrary rather than a contradictory case. Sometimes characterized by its critics as the "synthetic theory," one critic of this idea took his inspiration from Richard Goldschmidt's concept of the "hopeful monster". Robert Ricklefs proposed a mathematical model of this theory that uses an exponential equation in situations where timescales are small compared to the speciation time, and those who argue against this theory claim that the fossil record lacks a sufficient number of transitional forms to support it. A theory that contradicts this one has been proposed by Niles Eldredge and Steven Gould. For ten points, identify this theory of evolution which is opposed to punctuated equilibrium.;;(phyletic) gradualism Literature;;The title of this work appears in a note published in a periodical concerned with "Domestic Intelligence," which mentions "a pair of lobsters for breakfast," and some have argued that this work was written by John Oldham, rather than the man considered as its author. A major theme in this work is an argument against the use of humours, and its subject, the author of The Medal of John Bayes, is referred to once as the "Northern Dedicator". The narrator of this work compares the day that he performed for King John of Portugal to the day that this work's title character cut his way "with well-timed oars". At one point in this work, one character says of the title character that "of all my sons is he/ who stands confirmed in full stupidity," and this work is subtitled "A Satire on a True-Blue Protestant Poet". For ten points, identify this mock epic poem which attacks the titular poet as well as Thomas Shadwell, and which was written by John Dryden.;;MacFlecknoe World History;;Part of the settlement that ended this conflict was a secret partition treaty between one participant and the Hapsburg Leopold I. A tapestry from the series The History of the King depicts one ruler party to this conflict overseeing the Battle of Douai, while other battles during this conflict included the sieges of Tournai and Charleroi. This conflict saw England, the Dutch, and Sweden form a triple alliance, and the troops on one side of this war were commanded by the Vicomte de Turenne. The aforementioned Triple Alliance granted concessions to the aggressor in this war in 1668, but the Prince de Conde still manage to overrun the Franche-Comte before this conflict formally ended at the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. Arising from the death of Philip IV and the invocation of an old Brabantian law, for ten points, identify this conflict which arose from the claims of Louis XIV to the lands possessed by his wife Marie-Therese's father.;;(War) (of) (the) Devolution Physics;;An early attempt at developign this technique came from Abraham and Lorenz's attempts to create a classical theory of the self-interacting electron. This technique exists in several varieties, including "bare," as well as a variety that employs Feynman diagrams with counterterms and is known as the perturbation varity, and one scheme for setting the counterterms is known as the minimal subtraction scheme. Ken Wilson applied this concept to statistical mechanics to develop his theory of second order phase transitions, and Gerard t'Hooft showed that gauge theories have this property by employing a related technique called regularization. For ten points, identify this operation which in quantum field theories is used to remove singularities.;;renormalization Literature;;The chaplain Raymond makes an announcement during Act III of this work, after which the aria "Il dolce suono" is sung. The air "Il pallor funesta porrendo" is sung in the beginning of Act II, while its most notable musical feature is the sextet that is sung at the end of Act Two, after the signing of a marriage contract. That marriage contract was arranged between Lord Arthur Bucklaw and Lord Henry Ashton's sister. However, by the end of the opera, the title character kills her husband, and while waiting for a duel with Lord Henry, Edgar of Ravenswood stabs himself in his churchyard. FTP, identify this Gaetano Donizetti play that is based off of a work of the same name by Sir Walter Scott.;;Lucia di Lammermoor Philosophy;;One of this thinker's works contains a section that examines the "opposition between fact and right in social economy," and that section begins with his affirmation of the "reality of an economic science". Topics such as "A Loan is a Service" and "The Origins of Ground Rent," are part of his series of correspondences entitled Interest and Principal, and written to Bastiat. He argued that the responsibility for liberation lay with the working classes in his posthumously published The Political Capability of the Working Classes, and examined the principles of authority in his work entitled General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century. This man's System of Economic Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Poverty, was bitterly attacked by Marx in The Poverty of Philosophy. This thinker is most famous for a work in which he proclaimed "I am an anarchist!" and answered the titular question with the single word "theft". For ten points, identify this French thinker best known for his essay, What is Property?;;(Pierre-Joseph) Proudhon Literature;;At one point in this work, the author admonishes those who would wonder why a certain person would buy a transistor radio rather than a dress for his wife. A discussion of the "time lag... between the leaders of the nationalist party and the mass of the people," opens this work's chapter on "Spontaneity: Its Strengths and Weakenesses," and this work places an emphasis on the importance of oral traditions and the necessity of rural support. The first chapter of this work discusses "the replacing of a certain species of men by another species of men," and is entitled "Concerning Violence". This work's notable preface refers to the notions of violence in this work as "man recreating himself," and notes that "there is one duty to be done... thrust out colonialism by every means;" that preface was written by Jean-Paul Sartre. For ten points, identify this work which exhorts the titular people to engage in a "collective catharsis," the most well-known work of Franz Fanon.;;(The) Wretched of the Earth Literature;;This author's plays include Exile, his first, titled Alarm Signal, the experimental Wild Man, and one where a troupe of actors plays a game with ropes at its opening called The Other Shore. In addition to his autobiographical One's Man's Bible, he wrote a collection containing the stories "The Accident," where a bicyclist with a baby buggy rides into a bus, and "The Temple," where a newly married couple stops in a rural town during their honeymoon. In addition to his collection Buying a Fishing Rod for my Grandfather, this author wrote a novel about his travels along the Yangtze Rive while misdiagnosed with lung cancer. FTP, name this Chinese Nobel laureate and author of Soul Mountain.;;Gao (Xingjian) (either) Religion/Mythology;;In Egyptian custom, these objects were often left in tombs to assist the dead in their transition, and one of these belonging to Khufu was unearthed from pits at the Pyramids in Giza. Sampsa Pellervoinen gathers the materials necessary for the creation of one of these objects, while creating another of these requires the use of a sacred piece from Dodona. At the end of the Kalevala, Vainamoinen uses a copper one of these to leave the earth, while in Norse myth, one of these called Hringhorn is burned with its owner Balder. Surt owns one of these made of the nails of dead men and called Naglfar, while Frey possess one of these objects that can be folded and put into his pocket and is called Skidbladnir. For ten points, identify these objects, one of which was owned in Greek myth by Jason and was named Argo.;;ship|boat United States History;;Abe Fortas once referred to this concept as a "social religion," and its connection to the "Formation of the Postwar World," is the topic of a book by Wyat Wells. In an essay which was initially subtitled "Notes on the Evolution of An American Creed," Richard Hofstadter concludes that it was a victim of its own success in asking "What Happened to" this kind of movement. In two cases decided in 1911, Justice Edward White put forth the "rule of reason," that he believed should be used in cases of this type. Legislation of this type was the subject of the case Loewe v. Lawlor, which found that unions were subject to it, while another piece of this type of legislation was amended by the Robinson-Patman Act and prohibited price discrimination against consumers. For ten points, identify this word that describes legislation designed to prevent certain business combinations, examples of which include the Clayton and Sherman acts.;;antitrust Pop Culture;;The singer advises the title character of this song to "hide it in your pantry with your cupcakes" and "most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids," while later, he describes a "candidates debate". This song was the first played at the famous Concert at Central Park. At one point in this song, the singers ask "Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio? The nation turns its lonely eyes to you," before noting that "Joltin' Joe has left and gone away". One verse in this song details the title characters time at a mental institution, while the song begins by informing the title character that "Jesus loves you more than you will know" and saying "Here's to you". For ten points, identify this song written for The Graduate, a work by Simon and Garfunkel.;;(")Mrs. Robinson(") Philosophy;;This book defines a society as a "assemblage of reasonable beings bound together by a common agreement as to the objects of their love". In a late section, this book claims that through the suffering of humans, God bears witness to himself, while another section of this work is predictive and goes through each individual coming epoch. This book outlines its author's creed of "faith seeking understanding," and also dismisses the problem of evil by using God's grace as a counterexample. The title object of this tract is described as a place of ordered harmony, which displays this book's fundamental Neo-Platonism. For ten points, identify this tract in which Rome is contrasted against the title concept of purity, written by St. Augustine of Hippo.;;City of God Music;;The chorus of this opera expresses the general merriment at a party scene by singing the art song "Ho Ho Ho!" while the third act of this opera contains dances from both Witches and Sailors. The first aria sung in this opera is "Shake the cloud from off your brow," while a later one speculates on an impending marriage, the chorus' "When monarchs unite". One of the title characters sings "Peace and I are strangers now" to her friend Belinda, before a sorceress sends an elf to impersonate Mercury and have the other title character leave. The chorus instructs "cupids to scatter roses on her tomb" after one of the title characters sings the final aria "When I am Laid In Earth". For ten points, identify this opera about the title Carthaginian princess and her lover, a work by Henry Purcell.;;Dido and Aeneas Literature;;One character in this play urges another not to obtain insurance because it might show an unreliance on divine Providence. Another character defends going townspeople leaving for Paris and cohabitating without marriage, which he claims is educational. One character convinces another that he had lit an ash into a pile of oil-soaked shavings, and that character convices Regina to leave with him. That character, the carpenter Engstran, convinces the minister Manders that he should be given the money to start a sailor's home, instead of the orphanage which is being erected to spend the fortune of the protagonist's dead husband. For ten points, identify this play in which Oswald Alving has venereal disease and his mother Helen tries to start an orphanage, a play by Henrik Ibsen.;;Ghosts|Gengangere Physics;;It can encode phase and frequency information when formulated as a complex number, appearing in that capacity in the Havrilak-Negami relaxation. For the purposes of analytical chemistry, it can be used as a measure of polarity, and when the material it describes is not isotropic, it is written as a second-rank tensor. If this value is negative for a material, along with the magnetic permeability, then optical effects result that include reversed Cerenkov radiation, an reversed Snell effect, and a reversed Doppler shift. For 10 points, name this quantity whose value for the vacuum is called the electric constant.;;electric permittivity;;permittivity Philosophy;;Some of this man's philosophical positions have only been found in his Commonplace Book, which was published posthumously, while other books by this philosopher include an omnibus Some Main Problems of Philosophy. He attacked George Berkely's concept of esse es percipi in a work entitled "The Refutation of Idealism". This person argued that "objects of mental acts and perception have an existence wholly independent of a person's mind" in his dissertation, which was published as "The Nature of Judgement". In his most famous work, this sometime editor of Mind argued against what he termed the "naturalistic fallacy" and claimed that its central concept was a non-natural, unanalyzable concept. For ten points, identify this man who advocated a common sense approach and utilized it to analyze the concept of good in his Principia Ethica.;;(George) (Edward) Moore United States History;;This man received the undesirable assignment of guarding Black Rock. William B. Giles got this man a commission to an artillery corps early in his career, and in another post, this man replaced John Wool. He was captured on the Niagara front, but fought successfully at Lundy's Lane. Later, this man won three victories in quick succession at Molina del Rey, Churubisco, and Chapultapec, after earlier getting fed up with Zachary Taylor's progress and capturing Veracruz. Later, he drafted the Anaconda Plan, but ran in an election against Franklin Pierce and was the unsuccessful Whig candidate. For ten points, identify this excessively formal general nicknamed "Old Fuss and Feathers".;;(Winfield) Scott Literature;;One line in this poem notes that "the Queen Moon sits on her throne". The speaker of this poem speaks of his desire of a "Provencal vintage" that would turn his mouth purple, and later draws a parallel to Ruth, who "stood in tears among alien corn". Another moment in this poem occurs when the speaker hears the word "forlorn", which he says is "like a bell to toll me back from thee". The speaker says that he "had been half in love with easeful death" and notes to the subject that "to thy high requiem I am become a sod". In the last stanza of this poem, the speaker wonders "was it a vision, or a waking dream" and "do I wake or sleep"? For ten points, identify this poem which describes the feelings brought on by the title bird, an Ode by John Keats.;;(Ode) to a Nightingale Art;;This artist depicted himself in a blue jacket and red tie surrounded by ghostly figures in the self-portrait Demons Teasing Me, while he also showed a cosmic figure in red blasting an earthly figure with golden light in The Annihilation of the Rebel Angel. This man depicted large medicine bottles in the foreground of a painting of his dead mother, The Artist's Mother in Death, and he also depicted several people with distorted faces standing around a corpse in The Vile Vivisectors. Several of his paintings depict masks, including Masks Fighting Over a Hanged man, while other paintings depict skeletons, such as those Trying to Warm Themsleves. For ten points, identify this Flemish painter, who depicted a large banner reading "Vive La Sociale" in the titular city of Christ's Entry Into Brussels.;;(James) (Sidney) Ensor Noncomputational Math;;Its "generalized" form is also known as the Richards function, and its derivative is the Hubbert curve. It is useful in Rasch modeling, in which the subject's ability to answer and the question's difficulty are equal at a point where the probability of a correct answer is one-half, while it's also used as an activation functions in neural nets. Functions of this form are relevant to autocatalytic reactions, where the product catalyzes its own formation, and it was first described by Verhulst in response to statements by Malthus. For 10 points, give the term for this function, such as e to the x over quantity one plus e to the x, the most common example of a sigmoid curve, typically applied to problems of population growth.;;logistic (function) Anthropology;;This man collaborated with Roland Dixon on a language classification system, which notably produced the grouping Hokan. This anthropologist wrote about his own "Archeological Expeditions in Northern Peru" in a book titled after that. This man wrote several workds about the "Indians of California," including a "handbook" and a "guide to their religions". This man borrowed and advocated a technique developed by Robert Lowie which aims to preserve disappearing traditions, known as "Salvage Ethnography," and in his best known work, he wrote about a man who refused to reveal his own name due to custom, and so was called by the Yana word for "man". For ten points, identify this student of Franz Boas, who wrote about Ishi, The Last Yahi in addition to his textbook Anthropology.;;(Alfred) (Louis) Kroeber World History;;This event was related to the riots that sprung up at the funeral of Felix Faure. Emile Loubet successfully attempted to have Rene Waldeck-Rousseau pardon the subject of this event. The document which touched this event off was found in the office of von Schwartzkopfen, and it was made public by Scheurer-Koestner. The person at the center of this event was attacked by La Libre Parole, and this event was touched off when Colonel George Picquart found evidence that the spy C.F. Esterhazy's handwriting was on the letter that began the treason trial. For ten points, identify this scandal over the irregular trial of the namesake Jewish captain, which was highlighted in Emile Zola's J'Accuse.;;(the) Dreyfus (Affair) Literature;;Toomis assigns the protagonist of this novel to work in Banjo Crossing, and after having a second child with Cleo Bentham, he starts sleeping in a separate bedroom from her. A graduate of Terwilliger college, the protagonist of this novel is inspired at a YMCA meeting, and the protagonist is blackmailed at the end of this novel because of his affair with Hettie Dowler. One character loses his sight in one eye after being beaten by an Albuquerque mob after changing the content of his messages to refer to a "Universal Spirit". Along with Frank Shallard, one character in this novel dies holding a wooden cross in the face of a fire, Sharon Falcon, and like Lulu Baynes, she has an affair with the protagonist. For ten points, identify this novel about the titular evangelist, which was written by Sinclair Lewis.;;Elmer Gantry Biology;;The Katz-Miledi experiement concerned its vesicular transmission. It is sometimes administered during cataract surgery to contract the pupil; deadly nightshade's secretions of atropine were commonly used to dilate the pupil by blocking its metabotropic class of receptors. The ionotropic class is attacked by antibodies in myasthenia gravis, and is commonly called nicotinic, while its metabotropic receptors are called muscarinic. Through binding to those receptors, G proteins can stimulate the synthesis of adenylate cyclase, which catalyzes one step in the synthesis of cyclic AMP. When released in the pons Varolli, it stimulates the onset of REM. Pirenzepine treats stomach ulcers by antagonizing its stimulation of stomach acid secretion, and nerve gas works by preventing its hydrolysis, while one leading hypothesis suggests that a decline in this leads to Alzheimer's disease. For 10 points, identify this neurotransmitter with a namesake esterase, primarily responsible for neuron-muscle interaction.;;acetylcholine Music;;One movement in this piece is in 6/8 time and G sharp and is intended to depict a troubadour singing in front of an ancient castle. One movement of this piece depicts two French women fighting in a market in the titular city, Limoges, while another one depicts two children playing in a certain garden. Many movements of this piece are separated by promenades, while a more famous movement of this piece depicts a house suspended on chicken legs. In addition to The Tuleries Gardens, the most famous movement of this piece has its main theme interspersed with piano hymns twice, and is entitled The Great Gate at Kiev. For ten points, identify this suite of pieces inspired by Victor Hartmann, which was composed by Modest Mussorgsky.;;Pictures at an Exhibition|Kartinki s vystavki Religion/Mythology;;This characters parents are infrequently given as Sileinos and Melia, and like other members of his race, he was buried under the Taphiassos, where he caused the air to stink and the water to become polluted. This character had to flee Pholos' cave after Pholos angered a guest asking for wine. Likhas inadvertently assisted this character in obtaining his revenge, and this character was instructed by Aphrodite as a result of her jealousy over Adonis. More generally considered to be the son of Nephele and Ixion, in his most famous role, he convinced a woman to take some of his bodily fluids to use as a love charm, although it turned out to be poisonous. For ten points, name this centaur who acted as a ferryman at the Euenos, where he was killed by Heracles and tricked Deianara into killing him.;;Nessus Literature;;This author wrote about Larry, who has to push the wheelchair of the aging politico Juan Ramirez in a nursing home. In one of this author's novels, the aging sculptures Gladys forms a sadomasochistic pair with her younger lover In addition to Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages and The Buenos Aires Affair, this author wrote about Big Fanny, who kills her unborn child, in addition to the tubercular Juan Carlos Etcheparre. In one of this author's novels, the protagonist Toto writes an essay about the film The Great Waltz, which features the title actress, while in another, Valentin is a political prisoner who is told stories about movies from the effeminate Molina. For ten points, identify this novelist who wrote Heartbreak Tango, Betrayed by Rita Hayworth and The Kiss of the Spider Woman, a writer from Mexico.;;(Manuel) Puig Chemistry;;Aryl ones are synthesized using tert-butyl nitrite and a substituted trimethylsilane, while vinylic ones are synthesized from allenes that have an electron withdrawing group across from the site of addition. The classic alkyl synthesis of these is the Dutt-Wormall reaction, which uses a sulfonamide, and they frequently rearrange to isocyanates. These compounds also provide the easiest way to aminate a compound, by reacting this functional group's sodium salt under SN2 conditions and then reducing the product with lithium aluminum hydride. For 10 points, name this functional group, which, taken alone, isoelectronic with carbon dioxide, a series of three double-bonded atoms of nitrogen.;;azide World History;;This plight of the 1st Battalion, 24th Foot of this battle was memorialized in a painting, but the more fortunate Henry Pulleine was instructed to guard the camp. One side in this battle was forced to cross a river to attack the opposing force at their camp at Eshowe, but eventually was forced to stop near the Babanango Mountains. Another side in this battle utilized the "horns of the beast" formation. This battle was preceded by an impossible ultimatum delivered by High Commissioner Sir Bartle Frere. Cetshwayo's forces won this battle, which resulted in the route of Chelmsford. For ten points, identify this first major engagement of the First Zulu War, which occurred a day before Roarke's Drift and saw a bunch of British guys with firearms defeated by Zulu with spears.;;(Battle) (of) Isandlwana United States History;;In the cartoon "A Hard Summer for the Soft Rag Baby," this man holds a fan over baby, which has passed out after drinking high bock beer, symbolizing confusion of his policies. This man also defended Azariah Flagg, who was required to show why he, moreso than the mechanic Giles, deserved the position of city comptroller. This member of the Barnburners cracked down on the Canal Ring as governor of New York, the position in which he brought down the Tweed Ring as well. His presidential bid, with Thomas Hendricks as his vice president, ended with the removal of federal troops from the South to resolve a dispute over the Electoral Commission. FTP, name this American politician who lost to Rutherford B. Hayes in the 1876 presidential election.;;(Samuel) Tilden Philosophy;;This philosopher attempted to explicate complex ideas to the public in his work A Crystal Clear Report to the General Public Concerning the Actual Essence of the Newest Philosophy. He emphasized the importance of academia in his work On the Nature of the Scholar and Its Manifestations, while he also wrote The Way Towards the Blessed Life. Some of his other moral views were expounded upon in The Vocation of Man, and this philosopher strongly advocated government policy that stimulated moral and intellectual development in his work, which he believed to be necessary to grant his people their rightful place in the world. Along with Addresses to the German Nation, in this philosopher's most famous work, he argued that the sense of duty is the real supernatural phenomenon in human life in an attempt to interpret religion through a Kantian moral frame. For ten points, identify this philosopher who wrote An Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation, a German.;;(Johann) (Gottlieb) Fichte Literature;;This author is convinced by another to publish his work in The Hydra in Pat Barker's novel Regeneration. In real life, this author claimed that "Neither should I go fooling over clouds / Following gleams unsafe, untrue" in one work, while the line "Whatever shares / The eternal reciprocity of tears" ends another of his works. This author of "Six o'clock in Princes Street" and "Insensibility" also wrote a work in which a ram is "caught in the thicket by its horns" as it describes the near-sacrifice of Isaac. This author of "Futility" and "Strange Meeting" also wrote a work which opens with "What passing-bells for these who die as cattle"? and was named by Siegfried Sassoon, as well as another which ends by describing "the old Lie" as told by Horace. FTP, name this English poet of "The Parable of the Old Man and the Young," "Anthem for Doomed Youth," and "Dulce et Decorum Est".;;(Wilfred) Owen Chemistry;;Ellman's reagent can be used to measure the amount of this functional group in substances, while the Saville reaction uses mercury to replace a nitrosyl from them. Reducing the product of treating a carbonyl compound with Lawesson's reagent results in the creation in one of these functional groups, the free form of which may be necessary for infection by the cytomegalovirus. This functional group, which can be alkylated by bromobimane, can only be found on one amino acid, cysteine. Capable of being formed via heating a halogenoalkane in a sodium hydrosulfide solution, these are, FTP, which functional group, previously known as mercaptains, which is composed of a hydrogen atom bonded to a sulfur atom?;;thiol(s);;mercaptan|sulfhydryl Religion/Mythology;;This ideology led to the development of venalon, which was related to the development of the Taean work system, which this ideology also promoted. Under this system , the year 1 is set at 1912 CE. This ideology was first promulgated in a speech given to leadership which emphasized dispensing with "Dogmatism and Formalism," and this ideology gave rise to the industrial Chollima movement, in which workers were so motivated that they increased production dramatically. This ideology advocates personal chajusong, or absolute independence, and absolute submission to the needs of the party. For ten points, identify this official state religion of North Korea, which preaches ultimate self-reliance and veneration of Kim Il Sung and his son.;;Juche|chuche;;Kimilsungism Art;;In the left background of this painting, two men in breeches contrast with another man wearing Quaker dress, while wispy clouds are seen in the sky over a clump of willow trees. Its artist's familiarity in painting the Biglen brothers and work with Jean-Leon Gerome may have assisted in this painting, which sees the mansion Sweetbriar serves as a contrast with the eighteenth century building at the right center. The Girard Avenue Bridge and the Connecting Railroad Bridge can both be seen in the background, while the title character sits in the Josie while three parallel wakes trail behind him. While the artist himself can be seen resting on his oars, the title character is in the foreground of, FTP, which Thomas Eakins painting set on the Schuylkill River?;;Max Schmitt in a Single Scull Biology;;Marshall Hall's theory of the reflex action was first put forth in a paper about the reflex function of this area. Smooth, oval structures that lie on the ventrolateral surface of this area are known as olivary bodies, while the portion of it between the anterior median fissure and the antero-lateral sulcus is known as the "pyramid". The foramen magnum is where it enters and exits the skull, while messages between it and the remainder of the midbrain are transmitted by the pons, which is connected to this area. Continuous with the spinal cord, this is, FTP, which hindmost part of the brain stem responsible for such autonomic functions as regulating blood pressure and breathing?;;medulla oblongata Music;;The secret Vehmic trials during the late Middle Ages are the subject of this composer's unfinished opera The Free Judges. Among the unstaged dramatic works of this composer are The Childhood of Christ and a work which ends with Marguerite being brought up to heaven in its epilogue, The Damnation of Faust. Dido and Aeneas the subjects of his opera Les Troyens, while he placed four brass choirs in different places in his Requiem. It was intended for Paganini to play the viola solo, which represents the title character, in this composer's symphony Harold in Italy. FTP, name this composer of a work whose sections include "Dreams - Passions," "Dream of a Witches' Sabbath," and "March to the Scaffold," Symphonie Fantastique.;;(Hector) Berlioz Pop Culture;;After one character in this film tries to steal food while being held upside down outside a train, he believes that he has arrived at a hotel, where he poses as a tour guide and claims that its construction was inspired by the ruler's wife's death in a traffic accident on the way to a hospital. Later on, the protagonist learns of the dancer Cherry's existence after confirming Benjamin Franklin's appearance on the one hundred dollar bill, after which Maman is killed by a Colt .45. At this film's end, Salim murders the crime lord Javed as the protagonist correctly identifies Aramis as the third musketeer after reuniting with Latika thanks to his Phone-A-Friend lifeline. FTP, name this 2008 Danny Boyle-directed film detailing Jamal Malik's rise to game show winner from the streets of Mumbai.;;Slumdog Millionaire Literature;;One character in this work notes that, "A life without revelation is no life at all," after helping another character get off three times with a philosophy major that recommends Hegel. He later appears as a cat and instructs that character to liquidate another "with extreme prejudice" after the death of his companion, who had been able to speak to cats prior to a meeting with Johnnie Walker. That character died after arriving at a library and talking with the singer of the title song, who had previously slept with the protagonist, probably her son. After taking on a fake name which, in an Eastern European language, means "crow," the protagonist had gotten off with Sakura, as well as Miss Saeki, prior to finding himself in Shikoku. The intertwined stories of Nakata and Tamura in post-World War II Japan are told in, FTP, which novel by Haruki Murakami?;;Kafka on the Shore Economics;;In 1987, the monthly adjustment of prices and wages according to changes in expected inflation drew controversy during the first months of implementation of this nation's Pacto, which has gone through fifteen renegotiations. Rudiger Dornbusch recommended that this nation devalue its currency by 30 percent during a time when twenty billion dollars in currency swaps were provided by an Exchange Stabilization Fund; this occurred after Bill Clinton failed to pass a Stabilization Act through Congress to aid this nation, which also received aid through Brady bonds. This currency crisis was also known as the December mistake, and during it cetes were exchanged for dollar-denominated tesobonos. That disaster under Ernesto Zedillo's leadership, also known as the Tequila crisis, forced the signing of NAFTA by, FTP, which country whose currency is the peso?;;Mexico Physics;;Sapiro, Zhang, and Raithel used a one-dimensional optical lattice to demonstrate the transition of this substance from a superfluid to a Mott-insulator. Ramsey fringes appear in these substances when one applies a series of pulses from the excitation field. When confined to one dimension, the equivalent of this substance is called a Tonks-Girardeau gas, while Ketterle was able to create it in dilute gases. Modelled by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, this substance is typically created by cooling rubidium atoms, after which they collapse into the same quantum state as discovered by Cornell and Weimann. FTP, name this state of matter in which bosons are brought near absolute zero, named after two scientists.;;B(ose-)E(instein) C(ondensate) World History;;This man's younger brother was made Abbot of Glastonbury and Bishop of Winchester, becoming the wealthiest churchman in the country, while this man himself encountered trouble during the first years of his rule in a period known as the Anarchy. Having been imprisoned for some time in Bristol for rashly accepting battle at Lincoln, he was exchanged for Robert of Gloucester, who had been captured after this man's wife, Matilda of Boulogne, advanced toward London. However, Matilda's son would later return to England, and, following a military draw at Wallingford, the Treaty of Westminster gave this man's second son all of his baronial lands, while recognizing that ruler of Aquitaine as his heir. Succeeding Henry I, this is, FTP, which English monarch, the last of the House of Normandy?;;Stephen (of) (Blois) Music;;One character in this opera sings "Oh! Che volo d'augelli" before her ballatella "Stridono lassu" while Beppe has taken another character to the village. The aria "Si Puo? Signore, Signori" is sung near its opening, as is "Un tal gioco, credetermi" by a character who boxes the ears of Tonio; later on, it is Tonio who goes to the tavern and alerts that character, who then sings "Vesti la giubba". Taking place in Calabria during the celebration of the Feast of the Assumption, it ends with Silvio's death while the title character attempts to kill Harlequin during a play. This is due to Nedda's real-life betrayal of Canio in, FTP, which opera about a troupe of actors, written by Ruggiero Leoncavallo?;;(I) Pagliacci|(The) Clowns|Strolling Players Literature;;One character in this work has a dream that a wind-up penguin waddles around the house, except no one had wound it up. This occurs after the passing of an ad that says, "See Rock City" soon before another character recalls a conversation with one who calls herself a "faithless slut". Later on, the line "There is no God, and we are his prophets" is spoken by a man who claims his name is Ely, and he is eventually left behind prior to the discovery of a broken down train. In the aftermath of the 1:17 AM catastrophe prior to the novel's opening, the main characters eventually reach the shore, and, three days after the father dies, his son is found by "one of the good guys" and his family. The pair had walked along the title path in post-apocalyptic nuclear winter in, FTP, which 2007 novel by Cormac McCarthy?;;(The) Road Noncomputational Math;;Sophie Kowalevski completed a theorem involving local existence and uniqueness of analytical partial differential equations initially proven in a special case by this man, whose name, along with that of Binet, is also appended to a formula generalizing the multiplicativity of the determinants of two matrices. If the partial sums of an infinite series become arbitrarily close to each other, said infinite series converges under a test named after this man, who is also the namesake of a set of differential equations for finding holomorphic functions in the complex plane with Riemann, as well as a theorem stating that the closed line integral of holomorphic functions in simply connected subsets of the complex plane is equal to zero. A theorem stating that the product of the length of two vectors is greater than their inner product is named after, FTP, which German mathematician, along with Hermann Schwarz?;;(Augustin) (Louis) Cauchy World History;;Due to swampy terrain and the constricted bridgehead, General O'Reilly's men waited until mid-morning before attacking the opposing infantry along Fontanone Creek in this battle. One side fended off cavalry charges until the arrival of the Consular Guard, yet an attack on Castel Ceriolo failed just as Victor's men could hold on no longer, after which General Zach took over for his wounded leader. However, Desaix's announcement that Boudet's men were on their way led the eventual victors from their position at San Giuliano, thanks to the efforts of Kellermann, and they sent Michael von Melas's forces into retreat. Taking place during the War of the Second Coalition, this is, FTP, which 1800 victory for Napoleon, who drove the Austrians out of northern Italy?;;(Battle) (of) Marengo World History;;This man sent Idris Bitlisi to gain the allegiance of Kurdish chiefs, after which Muhammad Han Ustaclu withdrew his army after that man's arrival at Amid. The Dulkadir principality of Elbistan was subdued by this man, who had earlier subdued the Kizilbash in Anatolia. He earned victories at the Battles of Marj Dabiq and Ridaneh, which took place after he defeated his brother Ahmed to take power. He defeated Shah Ismail I and the Safavids at the Battle of Chaldiran, after which he defeated the Mamluks and took Syria and Egypt. Succeeded his father Bayezid I, this is, FTP, which Ottoman emperor who was succeeded by his son Suleiman I and whose nickname came from his cruel nature?;;Selim (the) (Grim)|Selim (I|the First|Yavuz){1}? Religion/Mythology;;This god was sometimes required to appear in Duat, where he achieved his most important task. Some myths attribute the birth of Khepri to this god, who was believed to intervene on both sides of mortal battle so that neither side could attain true victory. He sometimes attained the aspect of A'an, which required him to don a baboon's head, and this god is responsible for mediating the conflict between Heru-Bektet and Set, as well as between Ra and Apep. The masculine counterpart to Seshat, this god notably bet with Khonsu and won part of the moon's light, and during the process of judging for the afterlife, this god weighed the hearts of mortals against the feather of truth, or Ma'at. For ten points, identify this Egyptian god, who invented writing and had the head of an ibis.;;Thoth|Djehuty Literature;;Vivian Bearing, the protagonist of Margaret Edson's play W;t wit, is a scholar of this set of works and has published a work on criticism titled after its fifth member. Its author asks the Jews to "spit in my face" in one part, while other parts ask "if lecherous goats… cannot be damned, alas! Why should I"? and instruct angels to blow their trumpets "at the round earth's corners". The line "I am a little world made cunningly" opens one part of this work, whose fourteenth part asks a "three-person'd God" to "batter my heart". The main entity is described as the "slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men" in its most famous section, the tenth. FTP, name this sequence of nineteen poems, the most famous of which begins with, "Death, be not proud," written by John Donne.;;Holy Sonnets;;Death(,) be not proud Physics;;Experiments by Nimtz have confirmed a controversial result related to the formalism for this phenomenon developed by Hartman in response to the discovery that the duration of this phenomenon is independent of width, implying that it could occur faster than light, determined by Eisenbud and Wigner. Resulting in a region of negative differential resistance, this effect is exploited by Esaki diodes, and under certain conditions, it occurs with unity probability in the Ramsauer-Townsend effect. The Fowler-Nordheim type refers to when electrons do it in the presence of a strong electric field, also called cold emission, which is applied by a certain kind of microscope. This phenomenon was first applied to the process of alpha decay by Gamow. For 10 points, identify this phenomenon in which a particle trapped in a potential well with walls higher than its own kinetic energy manages to escape anyway.;;(quantum) tunneling Literature;;In one of this author's plays, the young man, who has been doing calisthenics near the title object, reveals his identity as the Angel of Death to the grandmother. In another play, the Grandmother wins twenty-five thousand dollars using the pseudonym of "Uncle Henry," while one character initiates a tickle fight, pulls a knife, and impales himself on it in another play. This author is best known for a play in which one character enters with snapdragons and announces "flores para los muertos" in the beginning of the third act, which concludes with the game "Bringing Up Baby," witnessed by Nick and Honey and played by George and Martha. For 10 points, identify this author of The Sandbox, The American Dream, The Zoo Story, and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?.;;(Edward) Albee Religion/Mythology;;Didymus holds that her name was originally Arnacia, and that she got her better-known name from the birds that fed her after Nauplius tossed her into the sea; another uncommon tradition places her as the mother by Hermes in the shape of a ram of Pan, possibly confusing her with a similarly named nymph. She becomes the mother of Italus after marrying Telegonus in one tradition, while earlier her father Icarius had forced her husband to beat him in a footrace to marry her. She wisely tells her servant Eurykleia to move her husband's bed, which cannot be done, and her other household servants includes the swineherd Eumaeus and the cowherd Philoetius. She cleverly promises to make a certain decision once she finishes weaving a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes; when that fails after three years, she sets up a challenge involving shooting an arrow through twelve axes. Tolerating men like Agelaus and Antinoos, for 10 points, identify this ever-faithful mother of Telemakhos and wife of Odysseus.;;Penelope Psychology;;This man proposed the mechanism of the epigenetic principle, and his work partially springs from his observations of the Yurok tribe. Before collecting his speeches in the compilation Insight and Responsibility, this thinker collaborated with Kivnick on an examination of Vitality in Old Age. One of this man's books describes the process through which the concept of satyagraha emerges, while another book examined "The meaning of meaning it" and described its subject's "fit in the choir". The author of Ghandi's Truth, this person set forth contrasts like integrity and despair, autonomy and shame, and industry versus inferiority. For 10 points, identify this author of Young Man Luther and Childhood and Society, the psychologist who developed the identity crisis and eight psychosocial stages of development.;;(Erik) (Homburger) Erikson World History;;One side in this battle featured several units that had been in French service, such as the John Drummond-commanded Royal Écossois, while the other had been augmented a few months before by a force of five thousand Hessians led by Prince Frederick. One side's commander attempted a sneak attack in the night but only made it a few miles from the River Nairn an hour before daybreak. It resulted in the discontinuation of a common wood and leather shield called the targe, which had been essential to the Highland charge, rendered ineffective by new bayonet techniques, which aided in Murray's rout at the hands of Cumberland. For 10 points, identify this battle, which ended the Second Jacobite Rebellion with the defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie.;;(Battle) (of) Culloden (Moor)|(Blàr) Chùil Lodair Religion/Mythology;;A corpse belonging to one of these is cut into twelve pieces by a Levite living in Ephraim after being raped by a gang of thugs. That one is appears in Judges 19, and consequently, the fifteenth of Av commemorates the readmission of the Tribe of Benjamin after that same incident, referring to one "at Gibea". Jacob had one of these named Bilhah and one named Zilpah, while King Solomon notably had three hundred, and they are distinguished because they do not receive a ketubah. Islam limits the number of these to the number of orphans one may support, while a famous one of these gave birth to the husband of Aisha and Fatima. For 10 points, identify this position occupied by Ishmael's mother Hagar, because she lived with Abraham though he was married to Sarah.;;concubine(s) Literature;;In one episode in this novel, the members of a poetry club go kite-flying while preparations are made for the funeral of another character, who had committed suicide by swallowing a piece of gold, Second Sister Yu. The first chapter sees a man who lives next to the Gourd Temple, Shi Yin, chat with Yu Cun and send him off to the capital before leaving himself. The beginning of this novel explains how the story is actually engraved on the one stone not used by Nu Wa-shi to repair the heavens. The protagonist loves Lin Daiyu but is destined to marry Xue Baochai; "precious jade" is the meaning of the name of the protagonist, Pao-yu. For 10 points, identify this novel, which chronicles the Rongguo House and the Ningguo House of the Jia family, written by Cao Xueqin.;;(The) Dream of the Red Chamber|Red Chamber Dream||(A) Dream of Red Mansions||Hong Lou Meng Pop Culture;;This band's lead vocalist is said to smell like butterscotch. One of this band's songs implores the listener to "get the cool shoeshine," though it's better known in a remix by Soulchild. Along with "Rock the House" and "Tomorrow Comes Today", this band's eponymous first album featured the single "Clint Eastwood". One song about "a melancholy town where we never smile" featured De La Soul, and songs like "Kids With Guns" and "Dare" appeared with "Feel Good Inc" on their most recent studio album, Demon Days. For 10 points, identify this band created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett, comprising Russel, Murdoc, 2D, and Noodle, a bunch of cartoons.;;Gorillaz Chemistry;;If a palladium catalyst is not used, allyl esters rearrange to gamma-delta unsaturated compounds through this intermediate in the Carroll rearrangement, while beta-gamma unsaturated compounds equilibrate when possible with alpha-beta unsaturated compounds with this species as the intermediate. Alkylation of ions of these molecules by an alkyl halide or a tosylate forms carbon-carbon single bonds, and stereochemical information is lost over time in ethylacetoacetate because of the formation of one. While forming one with acid can lead to single halogenation, using base leads to the haloform reaction and the generation of a carboxylate. Enamines may be used as equivalents to this functional group, and they are essential to the Robinson annulation and the Claisen condensation. Malonic acid derivatives form particularly stable ones due to conjugation. For 10 points, identify this functional group, the tautomer of many carbonyl compounds.;;enol(s) World History;;Among the administration of this polity was the hi' koi, who controlled the fleet and home affairs. Local positions included the kurmina fari, the governor of one of two major provinces, while the central governmetn appointed special ministers called korei farma to oversee white minorities. One of its rulers, refusing to convert to Islam, was overthrown by a man sometimes called Sylla, who expanded the empire as far Dendi and Yatenga. Rulers of this empire like Ishak I and Dawud succeeded Askiya Muhammad. Its best-known ruler took the title of daali, conquered the city of Djenne, and expelled the Tuareg peoples. For 10 points, identify this African empire with capital at Gao, which supplanted the Mali empire and was most famously led by Sonni Ali.;;Songhai (Empire) Geography;;Its delta names a state with capital at Tucupita, and it forms the beaches of San Fernando de Atabapo. The Ature and Maipures cataracts divide this river, which contains the Llovinza Falls. The biggest waterfall in its upper portion is called Salto Libertador, while it is connected to the Amazon via the Casiquiare and Esmerelda, which form the Rio Negro. It flows from Delgado Chalbaud mountain to the Delta Amacuro into the Gulf of Paria, and to its south is the plateau Auyantepui, which features the highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. Flowing through the Llanos and forming part of the border with Columbia, for 10 points, identify this chief river of Venezuela.;;Orinoco (River) United States History;;Only Jacob Read supported both this document and the nomination to Chief Justice of one of its most outspoken proponents, John Rutledge. It was supported under the pseudonym of Camillus by Alexander Hamilton, while Fisher Ames gave a speech in favor of it as a Congressman from Massachusetts. Granting free passage between the US and Canada to all those half Native American or more, it set the Saint Croix river as the northeastern boundary of the United States. Enraging the nascent Republican party, this is, for 10 points, which agreement between the United States and Great Britain, settling conflicts that had arisen after the Treaty of Paris, which takes its most common name from its major negotiator, the first chief justice of the Supreme Court?;;Jay('s) (Treaty)|(Treaty) (of) London (of) 1794 Music;;Cellos are doubled by bassoons before the tutti at "juxta crucem lacrimosa" in the opening movement of this composer's setting of Stabat Mater. Six settings of "Mi lagnero tacendo" that he called Musique anodine and his Petite Messe Solonelle are included in his Sins of Old Age, while another of his works concerns the daughter of the King of Lesbos, Polidoro. This composer of Zelmire also substituted a philosopher named Alidoro and Don Magnifico for the traditional fairy godmother and wicked stepmother in La Cenerenterola. In his most famous work, the title character, introduced with the aria "Largo al factotum," preoccupies Lindoro so that his compatriot can find time with Rosina, who ultimately marries Count Almaviva. For 10 points, identify this composer of William Tell and The Barber of Seville.;;(Gioachino) (Antonio) Rossini Literature;;"Calculus racked" and "Tussis attacked" the subject of this author's poem "A Grammarian's Funeral". The subject of one of his poems refers to "a great text in Galatians" which "entails / Twenty-nine distinct damnations" as he condemns the indulgences of Brother Lawrence, while another of his poems begins by exclaiming "Grow old along with me! / The best is yet to be". This author of "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister" and "Rabbi Ben Ezra" and the collection Dramatis Personae wrote of someone who "found a thing to do" in strangling the title character with her own hair. His best-known poem reflects on a man with a "nine-hundred-years-old name" who is proud of a statue of "Neptune... taming a sea-horse" by Claus of Innsbruck. FTP, name this poet of "Porphyria's Lover" and "My Last Duchess".;;(Robert) Browning Earth Science;;One of this kind of mineral, whose crystals also contain magnesium and iron, is at the top of Bowen's reaction series, while zircon contains this mineral class's characteristic group and zirconium. In addition to olivine, an ortho- one, one variety of a group of these was the source of the first rubidium to be discovered, while another is best known for its perfect basal cleavage and the thin sheet into which is breaks: those varieties are known as lepidolite and muscovite. Their best known subclass is the tecto-ones, all of which contain aluminum save the best known group of them. Examples of the alumino-ones include zeolites and feldspars. For 10 points, identify this class of minerals, like quartz and mica, all of which include oxygen and silicon.;;silicate(s) Literature;;One of these poems notes that "the free creature / has its progress always behind it, / and God before it," and concludes by observing that "We arrange it. It collapses. / We arrange it again, and collapse ourselves". In another, constellations like "the Rider, the Staff, and... Fruit-Garland" are enumerated by a personified Lament, and that one ends by supposing "if the endless dead woke a symbol in us". One of these invokes the lover Gaspara Stampa, and a better-known example invokes the "days of Tobias" and declares in its first line that "Every Angel is terror". Beginning by invoking "if I cried out, who would hear me, among the angelic orders," for 10 points, identify this series of ten poems named for a castle by Rainer Maria Rilke.;;Duino Elegies|Duineser Elegien World History;;He explored the possibility of alliance with the Ilkhanate under Arghun, receiving the monk Rabban Bar Sauma, against the Mamluks. A force he sent to Flanders was defeated at the Battle of Golden Spurs, and he later had the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar burned at the stake. He collected all outstanding debt to Jewish moneylenders, rewarded one fifth of any Jewish treasure found to the discoverer and took the rest, and exiled the Jews from France, though they were invited back nine years later. He stripped Edward I of his possessions in France when the latter refused to appear in court. For 10 points, identify this Capetian king, whose nephew's reign saw the beginning of the Hundred Years War, and during whose reign the Babylonian Captivity began.;;Philip (IV|the Fourth){1}?|Philip the Fair;;Philip Music;;He overlapped a pair of soprano saxophones repeating an interval in different rhythms for the score for Beckett's play Play, and one of his compositions, in which a stepmother kills her son when he reaches into a chest for an apple, is based on the story by the Brothers Grimm, "The Juniper Tree". He provided the "Rome Section" to The Civil Wars, which is still incomplete, and his One Plus One required hands rapping a table fitted with a microphone. The opening scene of one piece features an aria becoming a duet and then a trio against the background of a chaconne and is entitled "The Kuru Field of Justice". The final scene of his most famous piece features frantically chanted numbers, which may imply some sort of nuclear holocaust. For 10 points, identify this minimalist composer of Satyagraha, Akhenaten, and Einstein on the Beach.;;(Philip) Glass Biology;;The flgB "f-l-g-b" operon controls transcription of the distal rod protein of its blepharoplast, and fliF proteins aggregate into the MS ring of this structure. The secretion system referred to as T3SS uses a simpler version of one component of this organelle. Nexin links the components of these organelles together, preventing them from being dissolved, while its shaft passes through four rings, rather than two, in Gram-negative bacteria. In eukaryotes their motion results from the alternating movements of two sets of dynein arms, while those of prokaryotes are screw-shaped and rotate. The defining external feature of sperm cells, these are, for 10 points, what long structures in eukaryotes that whip back and forward to allow for movement?;;flagellum|flagella Noncomputational Math;;One class of them correspond to irreducible root systems; that class has extended and affine varieties, the latter sort of which can describe Cartan matrices. The Hadwiger conjecture concerns these objects, as does the Robertson-Seymour theorem. Some functors have these objects as domains, and in that situation they are called quivers. The clique number of one of these objects is denoted by omega, and one class of them define a Weiner polynomial and may be represented by an adjacency matrix. One kind, called a forest, disallows cycles, while in quivers, loops are allowed. Forests are so called because they could be considered collections of trees, which are, for 10 points, a subset of what mathematical constructs composed of edges and vertices?;;graph(s) Physics;;In 2004, Alex Zettl used boron-nitride nanotubes to observe a "giant" variety of this effect, and the Autler-Townes effect is an AC version of it. A low-energy tail in the absorption edge of semiconductor spectra known as the Franz-Keldysh effect is related to one type of this effect; that type results in an increase in interband separation and a decrease in exciton binding energy, and is known as the quantum-confined variety. According to Kramers' theorem, this effect can only break degeneracy completely for a system in which the sum of the particle spins has an integral value. The linear version of this effect can only exists for degenerate states that are not parity eigenstates, while for non-degenerate states, only the quadratic variety exists. Analogous to the Zeeman effect, for ten points, identify this quantum-mechanical effect in which spectral lines are split by an applied electric field.;;Stark (effect) United States History;;This event led to a thirteen-week strike known as the "Uprising of the Twenty Thousand," and it was cited by one Cabinet member as "the day the New Deal began". The IGLWU teamed with Al Smith to push through legislation after this event, the aftermath of which saw Alterman's testimony discredited thanks to attorney Max Steuer. Isaac Harris and Max Blanck were tried for manslaughter on the basis of the bodies on the ground after workers were forced to jump from a ninth-story window. Occurring at the Asch building just east of Washington Square, this is, for 10 points, which March 25, 1911 event where unsafe working conditions led to the death of 39 workers for its namesake garment company?;;Triangle Shirtwaist (Factory) (fire)|Triangle Shirtwaist (Company) (fire) Literature;;The sewing of diamonds into a coat provides its protagonist with the money he needs to get to Paris, where he pretends to be a seller of astrological instruments. In this novel, the new Duchess of Sanseverina is pursued by Count Mosca: that Duchess, Gina Pietranera, introduces her nephew to General Conti. Meanwhile, that nephew, this novel's protagonist, kills Giletti in a fight for the affections of Marietta Valsera, an actress, though he soon tires of Marietta and leaves her for a singer named Fausta. However, it is General Conti's daughter, Clelia, who gives birth to his son before her death, which prompts the protagonist to retire to the titular location. For 10 points, name this novel which begins with Fabrizio del Dongo's attempts to join Napoleon's army, a work of Stendhal.;;(La) Chartreuse de Parme|(The) Charterhouse of Parma Geography;;After World War II, this city's suburbs were organized into the Five Finger Plan, upon which the suburban railroads were built. Despite having a natural namesake harbor, it remained outside of the Hanseatic League for centuries, developing its own network of maritime commerce. In later years, the Swedes, British, and Germans all attacked the city, but none of these attacks yielded any permanent change. Districts in this city include the Vesterbro and Frederiksberg, and the Amalienborg Palace, home to the Glücksburg royal family. Located on the islands of Zeeland and Amager, for 10 points, name this largest city in Denmark, its national capital.;;Copenhagen(,) (Denmark)|København Religion/Mythology;;This type of deity is represented in Aboriginal myth by Knowee, a mother in search of her child, while the Ashanti deity of this is Lisa, also known as Nyankopan. A god of this type was originally known as the "Scabby One" and was named Nanauatzin, though in later that role was assumed by Tonatiuh. In the Kalevala, this role is filled by Pasivas, while in another mythos this role is filled by the daughter of Mundilfari. The Celtic god of this type threw a stone ball into the evil eye of his grandfather Balor, while in Chinese myth, it is symbolized by a raven in a circle, and the divine archer, Shen Yi, uses it as his palace and shoots down nine false ones. The Norse tradition holds that it will be devoured by Skol at Ragnarok, and Amenhotep IV's worship this as the one true god led him to change his name to Akhenaten. For 10 points, name this celestial body associated with Ra and Helios.;;sun (gods) Music;;In an article about this musician in Time Magazine, his first publicity campaign was described as "the Abominable Snowman caged by Blue Note Records. Other of his albums include "Underground" and "Brilliant Corners," an album featuring Max Roach on drums and timpani on such tracks as "Ba-lue Bolivar Ba-lues-are". On this man's most famous album, Charlie Rouse's tenor saxophone is showcased on "Locomotive" and the Duke Ellington-penned "I Didn't Know About You". This man's namesake quartet included John Coltrane and performed at the Five Spot Café. His other charts include "Crepuscle with Nellie" and "Epistrophy". A proponent of funny hats, for 10 points, name this hard bop pianist best known for his "Straight, No Chaser" and "'Round Midnight".;;(Thelonious) (Sphere) Monk Literature;;Mordaunt Shairp was a collaborator on the screenplay for The Dark Angel with this author, whose second play, Days to Come, was a failure on Broadway. In another of this author's works, an attempt at blackmail fails when Count Teck de Brancovis is killed by Kurt Muller. This author of the memoir Pentimento and The Watch on the Rhine also wrote a work in which Lily Mortar teaches elocution and Rosalie Wells is blackmailed into becoming part of a plot, after which Martha Dobie commits suicide after she and Karen Wright are accused of lesbianism. She also wrote a work in which Ben and Regina cheat Horace Giddens out of $80,000 before Horace dies of a heart attack. For 10 points, name this American playwright who created the Hubbard family and Mary Tilford in her plays The Little Foxes and The Children's Hour.;;(Lillian) Hellman Astronomy;;In 1999, the Chandra X-Ray observatory captured a flare from LP 944-20, one of these objects. Notable examples of this type of object include 2M1207, which has a planetary mass in orbit around it, and the smallest known one is found in the constellation Chamaeleon. These objects fall into spectral classes L and T and are hypothesized to also include the newly created spectral class Y. Often distinguished from objects of similar mass using the lithium test, the first one of them to be confirmed was Gliese 229B, while Richard Muller hypothesized that one of these named Nemesis orbits the sun and disrupts the Oort Cloud. Lying to the lower right of the main sequence on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, for 10 points, name this dimmest and least massive variety of star which lacks the core temperature to initiate thermonuclear reactions.;;brown dwarf(s) Sociology;;This man claimed that the self develops through periods of imitation, play-acting, and finally the phase of the generalized other. He posited impulse, perception, manipulation, and consummation as the four stages of the title motion in The Philosophy of the Act. In his most important work, this man asserted that individual behavior must always be studied in terms of the behavior of a larger social group and divided identity into two forms, the "I" and the "me". That work, a collection of lecture notes, also detailed its author's method of "symbolic interactionism". For 10 points, identify this social psychologist, a key member of the Chicago Pragmatist movement and the author of Mind, Self, and Society.;;(George) (Herbert) Mead Music;;This composer mimicked Muzio Clementi's Sonatina Op. 36 in his own Sonatine Bureaucratique, while "Waltz of the Mysterious Kiss in the Eye" and "High-Society Cancan" are numbers in his orchestral suite La belle eccentrique. A co-composer of the ballets Parade and The Adventures of Mercury, he also created a word for a set of pieces without time signatures and bar lines called Six Gnossiennes, while 840 repetitions are needed for his work Vexations. This composer of Dried Up Embryos and the play Medusa's Trap composed five works of "furniture music," but he may be best remembered for a set of three piano works in 3/4 "three-four" time which are considered the basis for ambient music. FTP, name this mentor of Les Six, the French composer of Gymnopedies.;;(Erik) Satie World History;;A member of this dynasty effected the conversion of his subjects to Catholicism following his signing of the Treaty of Krewo, and this dynasty lost much of its power during the reign of Alexander I, who was succeeded by his brother Sigismund the Old. A member of this dynasty successfully waged the Thirteen Years' War and managed to place his son on the throne of Bohemia. That son was killed by the Turks at the 1444 Battle of Varna, while another member of this dynasty granted the privilegia casimiriana which formed the basis for the rights of a free city situated on the Baltic. The most famous member of this dynasty was the son of Algirdas who settled his differenses with his cousin Vytautas at the 1401 Treaty of Vilnius. For ten points, identify this dynasty which took its name from the man who married Jadwiga, thereby uniting Poland and Lithuania.;;Jagiello(nian) (dyansty) Literature;;In the preface to this poem, the author references Theocritus's Idyls in saying that "I shall sing a sweeter song tomorrow, but the to-morrow is yet to come". The poem itself compares "huge fragments" to "rebounding hail, / Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail". The main action of this work is set near "caves of ice" and a "deep romantic chasm" through which the river Alph meanders, and, later on, its poet describes a "damsel with a dulcimer" whose "symphony and song / To such a deep delight ‘twould win me;" however, that Abyssinian maid's music contrasts with "ancestral voices prophesying war". A visitor from Porlock interrupted,.FTP, which opium trip of a poem in which "a stately pleasure-dome" is decreed in Xanadu by the titular Mongol emperor, a work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge?;;Kubla Khan (or) (a) (Vision) (in) (a) (Dream.) (A) (Fragment) Chemistry;;One varity of this general class of compounds is known as homoleptic, and this class of compounds is employed the ROMP reactions described by Grubbs. This class of molecules often undergoes reactions called insertion and deinsertion, and a common reaction involving these compounds is called beta-hydride elimination. An important application of this class of compounds is in olefin metathesis, as evidenced by the application of Schrock carbenes. All sandwich compounds belong to this class of compounds, as do such compounds as Gilman reagents, and Ziegeler-Natta catalysts are compounds of this type. Including such compounds as Grignard reagents and metallocenes, for ten points, identify these compounds whose distinguishing feature is a bond between a carbon and a metal.;;organometallic (compounds) Philosophy;;Robert Pippin has attempted to explain this work's structural division into two halves in terms of its author's attempt to provide a theory of social subjectivity, and Alexander Kojeve's "introduction to the reading of" this work's author consists of lectures on it. This work's begins with a discussion of "Scientific Knowledge," and its penultimate section contains a discussion of three types of religion, including that which exists in the form of art. Intended to be published as the first part of its author's intended System of Science, this work contains a section on "Independence and Dependence of Self-Consciousness," which lays out its famous explication of the master-slave morality, while its last section concludes with a discussion of the acquisition of absolute knowledge by the title entity. For ten points, identify this work which develops the idea of the dialectic, the most famous of Georg Friedrich Hegel.;;Phenomenology of the Mind|Phenomenology of the Spirit|Phenomenologie Der Geist World History;;In this battle, the African Hunters attempted to scale a fort defending the namesake site. One side in this battle attacked at the Garita del Peaje. The main action of the battle occurred when General Laurencez ordered his cavalry to charge the center of the enemy forces. The opposing troops, armed with antiquated rifles and machetes, stood their ground on Guadalupe Hill and then pursued the remainder of Laurencez's forces to Orizaba. Porfirio Diaz led the infantry in this battle, but the general command was given to Ignacio Zaragoza. Triggered when Benito Juarez ordered the suspension of foreign debts, for 10 points, name this 1862 victory by Juarez's Mexican Army over the forces of Napoleon III, a battle whose anniversary is celebrated as Cinco de Mayo.;;(Battle) (of) Puebla Art;;In one of this man's paintings, the giant title character sits on top of a mountain in the background while nymphs collect water from a spring in the foreground; in another, a yellow-clad Philistine covers his mouth while a nearby baby sits by his dying mother. Besides Landscape with Polyphemus and the Plague of Ashdod, this artist painted a double series including Baptism, Penance, and Extreme Unction, the Seven Sacraments. In a more famous paiting by this man, four shepherds cluster around a tomb bearing the text by which that painting is known, while another of his paintings shows men in orange capes performing the titular action. His most famous work shows the Four Seasons cavorting next to a statue of Janus. For 10 points, name this seventeenth-century French painter of the Et in Arcadia Ego, Rape of the Sabine Women and A Dance to the Music of Time.;;(Nicolas) Poussin Literature;;Chandara takes the blame for her brother-in-law's killing of his wife in this author's story "Punishment". In addition to Formless Jewel, this author wrote a work in which the title character, who wears the title plant, challenges the king of the Fortress of Kubera, while Nikhil's wife Bimala is the middle of a love triangle in his novel The Home and the World. This author of the play Red Oleanders and the collection Wild Geese also penned the line "what had gone: the golden boat took all" in another collection, while Yeats wrote the preface to his most famous work, which contains 103 poems. FTP, identify this Bengali author of the collection Gitanjali, or Song Offerings.;;(Rabindranath) Tagore Biology;;Recent research suggests that c-Jun N-terminal kinases are important for the development of these entities, a specific type of which, lacis cells, help to form an apparatus that controls blood pressure. These entities also have a large cytokine-secretion profile that includes tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-8. Some cytokines released by these cells are important in activating natural killer cells, and others play a role in activating the acute-phase response. Specific ones of these local to the liver are called Kupffer cells, while those local to the kidney are called mesangial cells. Descendants of monocytes, these cells mature when entering damaged tissue through the process of leukocyte extravasation. For 10 points, name these myeloid-lineage cells of the innate immune system that possess a name meaning "big eaters".;;macrophage(s) Religion/Mythology;;Shoshanas Yaakov and Kacha yay'ase are sometimes sung on this holiday. Seeds and nuts are sometimes but not always eaten on this holiday, because traditionally one person who this holiday celebrates had no access to kosher food. Participants in this holiday who have obtained bar mitzvah must send mishloach manot. When this holiday falls on a Friday, it is given the designation HaMeshulash, which means that it is celebrated in three parts, and people sometimes celebrate this holiday with a gragger, or noisemaker. Celebrated on the fourteenth of Adar, this holiday often features the cooking of hamentaschen, which are named for the evil ruler that oppressed the Hebrew. For ten points, identify this holiday on which the book of Esther is read, which commemorates the deliverance of the Jews.;;Purim Music;;Some of the characters in this opera discuss the future in the song "Alta cagion v'aduna," while later, one character instructs antoher to be more modest in "Vieni: sul crin ti piovano". Other notable music in this opera includes the ball scene in the second act, while a returning army is depicted in the Triumphal March. The title character is compared to Celeste in one aria, while others include "Ritorna vincitor," and "O Patria Mia". In an excised scene, the title character meets another character in a tomb, where that man had been sealed as part of his punishment for defying the ruler. Amneris complicates matters in this play by falling in love with Radames, the son of the Pharaoh. For ten points, name this opera about the titular Ethiopian princess, which was written by Giuseppe Verdi.;;Aida Physics;;One example of this phenomenon is chiral autocatalysis from apparently racemic solutions, while in another context, this term applies to asynchronous protein cascades involved in coagulation. This concept was defined by Krasnoselski using the theory nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear operators, and the energy lost through this phenomenon is given by the Steinmetz equation. A model of this phenomenon based on monocrystals was devised by Weiss, while a model of it whose building blocks are relay nonlinearities is named after Preisach. A form of this phenomenon results in an example of self-organized criticality known as the Barkhausen effect, and the characteristic loop produced by this phenomenon appears on the graph of magnetization versus magnetic field strength. For ten points, identify this phenomenon in which a material exhibits a "memory," or a time-lagging dependence on applied stress.;;hysteresis Pop Culture;;In one song by this band, the singer notes that "Sometimes I'm a travel man/but tonight this engine's failing". That song, which features Lou Reed, is called "Tranquilize" and appeared on their album Sawdust. Their Christmas singles have included "A Great Big Sled" and "Don't Shoot Me Santa". They recently released the album Day & Age, which features "Neon Tiger", "Spaceman", and a song that asks whether "we" are "dancer" or the title figure, "Human". The two singles from their second album, Sam's Town, were "Bones" and "When You Were Young". For 10 points, identify this Las Vegas-based band whose first album Hot Fuss contained such songs as "Somebody Told Me" and "Mr. Brightside".;;(The) Killers Philosophy;;A 2002 exposition of this thinker's work for the Philosophy Now series was written by Alan Malachowski, and this thinker's dialogue with Donald Davidson comprises such papers as 1995's "Is Truth a Goal of Inquiry"? The tension between "individual bliss" and "political progress" forms the basis for this man's essay "Trotsky and the Wild Orchids," which is found in a collection that also includes the essays "Ethics Without Principles," and "On Heidegger's Nazism". One of this man's works features a famous chapter about "Nabokov on cruelty," and advocates that "we should stop trying to combine self-creation and politics," and that we should adopt the titular attitude. More famously, he wrote a work which argued that the title activity should be seen as a "conversation" and a "social practice" rather than as the reflection of the world. The author of essays collected in Philosophy and Social Hope, for ten points, identify this neo-Pragmatist philosopher who wrote Contigency, Irony, and Solidarity, and Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature.;;(Richard) (McKay) Rorty Literature;;In one work by this author, Harker initially believes Hugh Morgan was killed by a mountain lion, but later comes to attribute it to supernatural powers, while another work sees Palmer disappear while investigating the title locale. In addition to "The Damned Thing" and "At Old Man Eckert's," this author of "Killed at Resaca" also wrote a story about a chess-playing automaton in "Moxon's Master" and one about Carter Druse, who leaves his family to fight in the Civil War and ends up having to shoot his father in "The Horseman in the Sky". The inspiration of Carlos Fuentes's novel The Old Gringo, this is, FTP, which author who wrote about Peyton Farquhar in "An Occurrence at Owl-Creek Bridge" and also wrote the Devil's Dictionary?;;(Ambrose) Bierce Art;;Clive Bell advanced his idea of the "significant form" in a book whose title refers to art "Since" this painter, who also is the subject of a "study of his development" written by Roger Fry. Maurice Denis painted artists admiring one of this man's works in his Hommage to this painter, who used the technique of applying paint in thick slabs to create a series of portraits of his Uncle Dominic. Early landscapes by this artist include a depiction of the House of the Hanged Man, and in a characteristic work, he painted a conch shell to the left of a teacup and the titular object entitled The Black Clock. This artist paid tribute to Manet in his painting A Modern Olympia, and Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon was inspired by this man's Bathers series. Famous for his still-lifes and for paintings like The Card Players, for ten points, identify this French post-Impressionist whose landscapes of Provence prominently feature Mt. St. Victoire.;;(Paul) Cezanne Biology;;One intermediate in this pathway is also used by ALA synthase, where that compound is combined with glycine to yield aminolevulinic acid, and an enzyme in this pathway is involved in a shuttle which uses the transamination of aspartate to "transport" NADH across a membrane. Another enzyme in this pathway, like the PDHC, uses thiamine pyrophosphate and a dihydrolipoamide succinyl-transferase. Yet another step in this pathway sees the isomerization of an intermediate via aconitase, while the succinate dehydrogenase in this pathway is alternatively called "complex II" in the electron transport chain. Preceded by the decarboxylation of pyruvate, this is, for 10 points, which cycle of cellular respiration which sees a molecule of acetyl coA yield several high energy electron carriers, sometimes named for the citrate intermediate formed at its beginning?;;Krebs(') (cycle);;Citric acid (cycle)|Tri Carboxylic Acid (cycle) World History;;In the aftermath of this battle, the losing commander was sent to Prote and his wife was committed to a nunnery. Prior to this engagement, the losing commander had sent half of his army under Russell of Balleiul to take the nearby fortress of Khiliat, but they never returned, and that commander's army was further weakened by days of skirmishing and the defection of Uzes. The victorious commander arranged his troops in a crescent formation with his archers at the rear, which enabled him to constantly apply pressure on the right and left flanks of his enemy. The eventual losers of this battle were attacked while they were retreating because the rearguard of Andronicus Ducas had fled. For ten points, name this 1071 battle that saw the Seljuk forces of Alp Arslan defeat the Byzantine Empire under Romanos IV.;;(Battle) (of) Manzikert Literature;;In Alberto Moravia's The Conformist, one character of this name, along with Marcello, is told to assassinate Professor Quadri. In Ippolito Nievo's novel The Castle of Fratta, another character with this name is a gluttonous priest and brother of Count Giovanni. In one story, the most famous character of this name falls in love with the sister of Uberto, and, in pursuing her has many adventures, including slaying the Tartar king Agrican. In another work, this character and Astolpho lead a Nubian army against Biserta and later, he saves Rogero from a desert island. In a famous chanson de geste, the French version of this character carries the sword Durendal, prior to his death at Roncevaux Pass. For ten points, identify this literary name most commonly associated with a character who, in works by Boiardo and Ariosto, is "Innamorato" and "Furioso".;;Orlando Religion/Mythology;;This deity was supported by eleven beings, and along with another god was often depicted on the doors of an Akitu house. The minister Gaga was once sent to give a speech describing this figure's actions to two other gods. The guards of another deity, who were known asgirtablilu or aqrab-amelu, were originally created by this figure in the form of Ummu-Hubur, and Anshar and Kishar were her grandchildren. The gatekeepers Lahmu and Lahamu were the children of this figure, and her tears were the source of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. She was the first possessor of the Tablet of Destinies, and Enki killed her first consort, Apsu. She died after attempting to swallow the seven winds, after which she was pierced by the invincible spear of the god that had killed Kingu. Eventually formed into the universe by Marduk, for 10 points, identify this primordial saltwater dragon from Babylonian myth.;;Tiamat|Thalatte Music;;The title character of his only opera sings the aria "Die letzte Hoffnung Schwindet" and is named Genoveva, while his first symphony was an unfinished work named after his hometown Zwickau. His first published work was dedicated to a fictional countess and is based on themes to the sequence "A B-flat E G G". One of this man's works includes the sections "Dreaming," "The Poet Speaks," and "Of Foreign Lands and people," and is called Kinderszenen, while another of his works was inspired by a work of E. T. A. Hoffman and was dedicated to Frederick Chopin. In addition to Kreisleriana, he composed a suite of piano pieces titled Papillons, while one of his orchestral works depicts the Archbishop of Cologne within its five movements. For 10 points, name this German composer, husband of Clara, who created the Spring Symphony, and the Rhenish Symphony.;;(Robert) Schumann World History;;Actions perpetrated by one side of this conflict prompted the formation of the Fawcett Comission. General Penn Simons was killed in a successful attack against the enemy's elevated position in the opening Battle of Glencoe. The victorious side suffered initial defeats at Stormberg and Colenso in a period known as the Black Week, and hundreds of Imperial Troops were also lost on a day known as Bloody Sunday. After winning at Paardeberg, Field Marshal Roberts lifted the sieges of Ladysmith and Mafeking, while the latter half of this conflict saw Lord Kitchener employ scorched-earth tactics against the namesake group. Concluding with the Treaty of Vereiniging, identify, for 10 points, this war lasting from 1899 to 1902, a conflict between British forces and a certain Afrikaans-speaking people in South Africa.;;Second Boer War Noncomputational Math;;The Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality implies the truth of this statement, as does a statement relating the minimal discriminant to a conductor of a certain type of curve called Szpiro's conjecture. One statement that leads to the proof of this statement is part of the Langlands program. The proof by Ken Ribet of the "epsilon conjecture," which stated that the Frey curve was not modular, led to a proof of a special case of the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, whose truth implies the truth of this theorem. For ten points, identify this theorem which states that the equation "x to the n plus y to the n equals z to the n" has no nonzero integer solutions for integer n greater than two, eventually proved by Andrew Wile.;;Fermat's Last Theorem Economics;;Heinrich von Thune based his theory of land value on this concept in his treatise The Isolated State, in which he illustrated it utilizing a series of concentric circles termed his "rings". This concept also underlies Hotelling's rule, which gives a function for obtaining maximum rent while utilizing all of one's capital. This concept is the reason that a firm's short-run marginal cost curves will slope upward as the number of units of output increases, and in addition to explaining why the PPF is convex, it was key to Ricardo's understanding of rent. For ten points, identify this concept which states that the yields of production gradually decrease as production increases.;;(Law) (of) Diminishing Marginal Returns|(Law) (of) Variable Proportions Religion/Mythology;;One pope of this name excommunicated the heretical Marcion, while another pope of this name was succeeded by Gregory XIII and standardized the Mass in his Roman Missal of 1570. Another pope of this name beatified Joan of Arc, while, a different pope of this name published the encyclical, Humani Generis.. One pope of this name published the encyclcial Munificentissimus Deus which established the Assumption as dogma. While one Pope by this name was the last to be canonized, a more famous Pope established the Immaculate Conception as doctrine with Ineffibilis Deus. For ten points, name this papal appellation, the ninth of whom declared papal infallibility as dogma and the twelfth of whom was in power during World War II.;;Pius(es) Literature;;This author recounted selling his father's watch to go to Theater Street and see the titular play in his story Di Grasso, and a cripple in a wheelchair hits the narrator in the face with a pigeon in his "The Story of My Dovecot". A criminal who seizes power from his father is the protagonist of this man's plays, Sunset, and his only other work for the stage was part of a projected trilogy and was entitled Maria. This author's most famous protagonist earns the title "the King" for the way he acts after one of his men shoots Joseph Muginstein, and is a resident of the Moldovanka district, while another of his characters is a propaganda officer who reads a Lenin speech to the Cossacks after killing the title animal of the story, "My First Goose". For ten points, identify this author who created the Jewish gangster Benya Krik in his Odessa Tale, and wrote of his time spent with the Russian army in Poland in Red Cavalry.;;(Isaac) Babel Chemistry;;A compound containing this functional group vicinal to an amino group can be synthesized from an alkene in one reaction named for Sharpless. A reaction which uses triphenylphosphine and DEAD to convert these compounds to azides or esters is named for Mitsunobu, while serine and threonie contain this functional group on their beta carbons. One of these reacts with a carboxylic acid to give an ester in the Fischer synthesis, and these functional groups can be produced by the reduction of aldehydes and ketones into their primary and tertiary types respectively. For 10 points, identify this functional groups exemplified by methanol and propanol.;;alcohol(s)|OH||hydroxyl United States History;;William Nichols helped pass an act which increased the powers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the presidency of this man, under whose tenure the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, which granted amnesty to certain illegal immigrants, was also passed. After an attack on American soldiers at a Berlin nightclub, this man ordered the bombing of air defense networks and barracks in Libya. Economic initiatives of this man's presidency include the passage of the Kemp-Roth Act and the curtailing of inflation by Paul Volcker. During this man's presidency, Norman Schwarzkopf commanded the invasion of Grenada, and Oliver North was indicted for his role in the Iran-Contra Scandal. For ten points, name this fortieth president of the United States who preceded George H. W. Bush.;;(Ronald) Reagan Religion/Mythology;;Ajax opens a jar of these in Sula's bedroom in a Toni Morrison novel, and, in Agee's A Death in the Family, Andrew tells Rufus about one of these remaining on Jay's coffin even after it is lowered into the ground. Walter Mosley wrote a book called White one of these, and Julia Alvarez wrote a novel called In the Time of these. Sylvia's love is attracted to one of these in a Garcia Lorca play about its "Evil Spell". Rene Gallimard is the subject of a David Henry Hwang play whose title mentions one of them, while Paul Baumer reaches out for one of these after being shot by a French sniper in All Quiet on the Western Front. Eckels learns that the fascist Deutscher has become president after he went back in time and stepped on, FTP, what type of arthropod popularized in its "Madame" form?;;butterfly World History;;In this confict, an American from Massachusetts named Frederick Ward led an ambitiously named group of people called The Everlasting Army. A conflict that partially overlapped with this one was the Nien Rebellion, while important locations in this conflict include the Dadu River and Thistle Mountain. One member of this conflict, Hong Xiuquan, claimed to be Jesus Christ's younger brother, and this conflict was put down by Zeng Guofan, and eventually ended in Nanking. For 10 points, identify this mid 19th century uprising put down by Charles Gordon, an uprising that occurred in China.;;Taiping (Rebellion)|(Rebellion) (of) Great Peace Chemistry;;Whereas the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction produces an alcohol, Oppenauer oxidation results in a compound with this functional group. Dithianes and dithiolanes can be used to protect this functional group, which can be then be restored with the Corey-Seebach reaction, although a more common approach to protection uses alcohols and an acid catalyst to create hemiacetals and acetals. An oxygen atom can be added adjacent to this functional group via Baeyer-Villiger oxidation, resulting in esters and lactones. For 10 points, name this functional group found in carboxylic acids, ketones, and aldehydes, a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom.;;carbonyl United States History;;Although Paul Allen was the recognized efforts of the publication of Lewis's and Clark's memoirs, it is believed that two volumes were written by this politician, who edited Port-Folio magazine while serving in his state's legislature and supported efforts to create its first public school system. A participant in an audit of the Louisiana Purchase, he also wrote Pennsylvania's rejection of the Hartford Convention. This man reached his highest post after the resignation of Langdon Cheves, and he was opposed in that role by Treasury Secretary Roger Taney. To combat a hostile President, he shrank the U.S. monetary supply, causing a recession in order to force Andrew Jackson to re-charter the entity he led. FTP, name this politician who played a part in the Panic of 1837 and who served as head of the Second National Bank.;;(Nicholas) Biddle Religion/Mythology;;Among this god's possessions is the jewel Kaustubha, and his status is indicated by a curl of hair on his chest known as the srivatsa. One of this god's epithets comes from the time that he destroyed the demon Madhu, while an early story about this deity recounts how he carried off the body of the boar identified with the god Prajapati, which guarded the treasure of the asuras. One legend about this god recounts how he traversed the entire universe in three steps, and this story forms the basis for the later tales of Vamana. Depictions of this deity often show him reclining on the coils of the serpents Shesha, and his lesser known consort is the personification of the Eart, Bhumidevi. A dark-skinned god who rides the bird Garuda and bears such objects as the chakra, conch, and lotus, for ten points, identify this Hindu god, the consort of Lakshmi who with Shiva and Brahma makes up the Trimurti.;;Vishnu Literature;;The protagonist of this novel first meets an young expatriate artist at an apartment on the Boulevard Malesherbes, and the protagonist delivers a climactic speech in the garden of the sculptor Gloriani to that artist, usually referred to as "little Bilham". He runs into the owner of the apartment in a box at the Théâtre Français, which he attends with the lawyer Mr. Waymarsh. At the end of the novel, the protagonist decides that he cannot marry Miss Gostrey and must return to Woollett alone, as he has failed to convince the son of his betrothed to marry Mamie Pocock and return to America. For 10 points, identify this novel featuring Madame de Vionnet, Chadwick Newsome, and Lambert Strether, written by Henry James.;;(The) Ambassadors Physics;;The experiment called TWIST studies the decays of polarized versions of these particles. Resistive plate chambers are often used in the detection system for these, and one of the two main LHC detectors is named for its ability to detect these particles. These unstable particles have an anomalous magnetic moment that is very sensitive to supersymmetric effects, while scientists have also investigated their ability to catalyze nuclear fusion. Seth Neddermeyer and Carl Anderson discovered them, and intially confused them for Yukawa's meson. For 10 points, identify these leptons which are 207 times more massive than electrons.;;muon(s) Music;;While the protagonist of this opera is dining, a series of popular tunes is played, including music from Vicente Martin y Soler's Una cosa rara and Giuseppi Sarti's Fra i due litiganti, as well as an excerpt from the composer's previous opera. The title character plays the mandolin while singing the canzonetta "Deh vieni alla finestra," sung to the woman with whom he sings the duet "La ci darem la mano," Zerlina. At the end, the protagonist is visited by the statue of the slain Commendatore and dragged down to hell, and early in this opera, the title character's servant distracts Donna Elvira by singing the so-called Catalogue Aria. For 10 points, identify this opera about a womanizing nobleman, which was written by Wolfgana Amadeus Mozart.;;Don Giovanni Philosophy;;This philosopher analyzed the lack of contributions of his countrymen to political philosophy in the aptly titled Rathbone memorial lecture "Philosophy and Politics". This thinker's criticism of Wittgenstein's account of private language is contained in the essay collection The Concept of Being a Person, and in Sense and Sensibilia, J.L. Austin criticized "some current doctrines concerning sense perception," advanced in this thinker's The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge. Edmund Gettier criticized this man's definition of knowledge as a justified true belief in this man's The Problem of Knowledge, and this man's most famous work begins with a chapter dedicated to "the elimination of metaphysics," and advances the principle of verifiability. For ten points, identify this logical positivist best known for his 1936 work Language, Truth, and Logic.;;(Sir) (Alfred) (Jules) Ayer Literature;;The wife of this novel's protagonist has left him for an American, and his financial worries stem from having to care for his teenage daughter, who goes to an expensive Catholic school. At the beginning of the novel, that daughter, Milly, cajoles him into buying her a horse, and it is this additional expense that spurs him to accept an offer of work from Hawthorne. His German friend, Dr. Hasselbacher, advises him to "take their money, but don't give them anything in return," which inspires him to invent reports, agents, and schematics to send to his employers. For 10 points, name this novel, in which James Wormold, a vacuum cleaner salesman from Cuba, is recruited into the British Secret Service, a work by Graham Greene.;;Our Man in Havana Biology;;In addition to creating a namesake convertase, C3b functions to facilitate this process, which is conducted by TLRs of immature dendritic cells. The actual action is a function of actin-myosin contraction, and initiates using NF-kB activation on PAMP sites. Most factors in Yersinia pestis, which causes plague, are particularly resistant to this process, which is necessary for Helper T cells to activate and functions via opsonins. In amoeboid organisms, this process is carried out by using pseudopodia to capture particles which are then moved to a pteroid or vacuole. Monocytes, neutrophils, and white blood cells all function via, FTP, what biological process in which the cell membrane engulfs foreign solids, whose name comes from the Greek for "eating"?;;phagocytosis World History;;Two months before this engagement, the opposing commanders had met at the Battle of the Alte Veste, and the Vicomte de Turenne served as an attache to this battle's eventual victor, bringing his ideas on military improvement back to France. Early in this battle, Rudolf Colloredo allerted the rest of his army of the attacking forces. One side featured the cavalry commander Torsten Stalhandske, while this battle featured early skirmishing at the Rippach river. The defender's left side was commanded by Heinrich Holk until reinforcements arrived from nearby Halle led by Pappenheim, who was later killed. The victorious army was commanded by Berhard of Saxe-Weimar after its leader fell in battle. For 10 points, identify this 1632 battle which saw the Protestant army defeat Wallenstein despite the death of Gustavus Adolphus.;;(Battle) (of) Lutzen Economics;;One of his last works was written with Faye Duchin, and discussed what effect machines would have in displacing unskilled labor. In addition to writing The Future Impact of Automation on Workers, he also wrote an article on "The Pure Theory of the Guaranteed Annual Wage Contract". This man utilized his best known idea in a plot of the "Structure of World Production," and he formulated that idea in The Structure of American Industry. His best known technique uses a table to chart the flow of money between various industries, while he noted that the U.S. exports labor-intensive goods instead of capital-intensive goods. For 10 points, identify this economist who developed input-output analysis, in addition to elucidating a namesake paradox.;;(Wassily) Leontief Literature;;The title location of one poem in this work is described as a "banal Eldorado," and it describes the sight of a hanged man being torn apart by birds. Some poems in this work describe "The Death of the Poor" and "The Death of Artists," and In another poem, one of four with the same title, the speaker claims that in his body the green waters of Lethe flow instead of blood, and he begins by describing himself as the king of a rainy country. While there are only five poems in the section Wine, the former poem is "A Voyage to Cythera," and in one poem, the title objects frame a the decapitated body of a woman, entitled "A Martyr". Beginning with the section Spleen and Ideal, for 10 points, identify this collection of poetry by Charles Baudelaire.;;(Les) fleurs du mal|Flowers of Evil Music;;The operas The Unexpected Encounter and The False Slave are among the comic operas of this composer, who once performed a concerto using twenty-six drinking glasses at a benefit for himself. Like Lully, he used Quinault's libretto for his own opera Armide, while Calzabigi wrote the libretto for his Paris and Helen. This composer of the ballet Semiramis wrote a work in which Cynire is asked by the title nymph to search for her lover in Echo and Narcissus, but he might be better known for writing about a priestess who is magically transported away from being sacrificed by her father in Iphigenie en Aulide and Iphigenie en Tauride. FTP, name this German opera reformer and composer of Alceste and Orfeo et Eurydice.;;(Christoph) (Wilibald) Gluck Religion/Mythology;;In the Mormon conception of the afterlife, the Terrestrial Heaven is described as having a glory equivalent to this object, and in Psalm 72 David remarks that abundant peace shall exist in Solomon's lands so long as this object "endureth". More famously, as described in the 54th Sura of the Qu'ran, Muhammad supposedly split this object into two parts, although disbelievers explained this action away as "transient magic". In Chinese thought, this object is associated with a rabbit who creates herbal medicines from scratch.According to Joel, and repeated in the Revelation of John the Divine, at the Day of Judgment this object will be turned to blood. For 10 points, name this astronomical body, which, along with the sun and the stars, was halted in its tracks by Joshua.;;(the) moon World History;;As an attorney, this man defended William Brass from rape charges, and later served in a cabinet post under William Henry Draper. His first term in his most famous office saw the assassination of Thomas D'arcy McGee, while he would later return to that office with a protectionist economic program called the National Policy. This politician, who refused to pardon Louis Riel, also formed a coalition government with George Brown, a leader of the rival Clear Grits faction, while later the Pacific Railway scandal forced this man to resign as prime minister. Succeeded in office by Alexander Mackenzie, this is, FTP, which politician who acquired Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory as the first prime minister of Canada?;;(John) (A.) MacDonald Pop Culture;;In one song by this band, a woman is described as having "perfect breasts that bounce" on the titular piece of furninture. That song, "Italian Leather Sofa," is found on an album which also includes perhaps the only song about the CMB, a track that begins with the lines "We know of an ancient radiation/ that haunts dismembered constellations". This band claimed that "if you want to have cities, you have got to build roads," in a song titled "Comanche" from their first album, Motorcade of Generosity and offered a critique of the music business in "You Turn the Screws," which can be found on Prolonging the Magic. "The wacky morning DJ says democracy's a joke" in the title track from 2001's Comfort Eagle, which was followed in 2004 by the mediocre Pressure Chief. For ten points, identify this band whose album Fashion Nugget includes a cover of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive," and which is perhaps best known for their song about a racecar driver, "The Distance".;;Cake Noncomputational Math;;The Landau problem of proving that a prime exists between n-squared and quantity "n plus one squared" is known as this man's namesake conjecture. Along with Gauss, this man lends his name to an algorithmic process that uses four parameters to quickly calculate the value of pi to a large number of decimal places. His namesake symbol names a construct modulo a prime number ‘p' that is equal to one if an arbitrary number ‘a' is a quadratic residue of p. When taken at an argument of cosine this man's namesake ‘associate functions' form a component of spherical harmonics. His namesake transform involves finding the maximum value of ‘x' times a derivative minus its antiderivative and can be used to obtain the Lagrangian from the Hamiltonian. FTP, identify this early 19th century French mathematician who should not be confused with Laplace or Laguerre.;;(Adrien-Marie) Legendre Art;;His Crucifixion of St. Peter has a foreshortened halo and two executioners looming into the foreground as Roman soldiers in the background avert their gaze. A wavy pattern reminiscent of Roman sarcophagi can be seen behind two small angels with lutes at the feet of the Virgin Mary in his Madonna with Child and Angels. Both of these works are part of his Pisa Altarpiece, as is his Adoration of the Magi that features indistinct mountains in the background, a technique known as aerial perspective. A red-clad cherub looms over the titular figures in his The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, while a more famous work is a synoptic sequence which depicts the titular object being extracted from the mouth of a fish. For 10 points, name this early Italian painter of The Tribute Money, whose most famous work is the Trinity fresco.;;Masaccio|(Tommaso) Cassai World History;;This man appointed the brilliant Shams ad-Din as finance minister. A diplomatic overture through John the Hungarian on the behalf of this ruler is thought to have been inspired by his wife Dokuz Khatun, mother Sorghagtani, and general Kitbuqa - all Christians - although Louis IX never joined with him. His later career was marked by conflict with Berke and an absence resulting in a loss to Qutuz and Baibars at Ayn Jalut, while his sons Tekuder and Abaqa took control of a kingdom eventually supplanted by the Safavids. Noted for capturing Alamut and smashing the Hashshashin before a 1258 victory over Al-Musta'sim, FTP, identify this brother of Mongke and Kublai, the leader of the Ilkhanate responsible for the rivers of blood that flowed during the sack of Baghdad.;;Hulagu (Khan) Literature;;One character appoints himself an "effective evildoer" during a New Year's speech shortly after founding a local soccer team, which soon after results in that character's anger over the death of his brother S prompting him to lead a riot marked by ritualistic dancing. The novel begins in a septic pit and avoids ending in a cellar after the protagonist resolves to go to Africa and capture elephants. Centering on the resistance against a Korean grocer known as the "Emperor" and mirroring the protagonist's ancestors' role in a peasant revolt, it sees Takashi sleep with the wife of Mitsu, whose friend had earlier committed the title action by hanging himself after sticking a cucumber into his anus. Featuring a mentally challenged child, this is, FTP, which novel by Oe Kenzaburo?;;(The) Silent Cry United States History;;Albert Gallatin and Hugh Henry Brackenridge were among those who met with William Bradford, James Ross, and Jasper Yeates in an attempt to prevent this event, which pitted the "White Indians" against the "Watermelon Army," according to the derisive nicknames created by both sides. Herman Husband and Robert Philson were the only people arrested due to this event, which had been instigated with Oliver Miller's death when John Neville's house was marched on. "Lighthorse Harry" Lee and Alexander Hamilton commanded forces in it, which required the first use of the Militia Law of 1792. FTP, name this 1794 uprising in the Monongahela Valley of Pennsylvania due to the impositions of a tax on the namesake distilled drink.;;Whiskey (Rebellion) Music;;Kid Ory was the most popular of the "tailgate" performers of this instrument. Still a mystery today is the generation of several sounds by "Tricky Sam" Nanton using only this instrument and a plunger. Jimmy Bosch is notable for his contributions to salsa playing this instrument. In addition to his status as one of the few prominent white male jazz singers, Jack Teagarden was a master of this instrument, while another member of this section in the Duke Ellington Orchestra, Juan Tizol, played the "valve" type of this instrument. For 10 points, name this brass instrument played by Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller, seventy-six of which led the big parade in a song from "The Music Man".;;trombone Economics;;This man adopted many of the tenets of Wicksell's theories on credit for his Treatise on Money, while this man later noted that Britain could never hope for a dole in his unfinished work "Proposals for an International Currency Union". He wrote about both "ex ante" and "alternative" theories of interest, and outlined some of his early theories in "How to Organise a Wave of Posperity". The "cross" named for this economist shows a system in which aggregate price and aggregate demand are equal. This economist wrote important tracts on military spending like How to Pay for the War, and then wrote about great changes in the European system in his work The Economic Consequences of the Peace. An advocate for combating recessions by utilizing deficit spending, for 10 points, name this English economist and author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.;;(John) (Maynard) Keynes Literature;;A magic potion made of tears achieves what arguments could not in this writer's work in which love "comes to the help of my intentions". In addition to "This Afternoon, My Love," which can be found in this author's group of poems titled "Of Love and Discretion," this writer invoked "false syllogisms of color" in a critique of a biased portrait entitled "This Painted Lie You See". This poet claimed that the title group wanted a "Thais when you're courting her, Lucretia once she falls to you," in her poem "Stupid Men Who Accuse," and a "shadowy war" is waged "in gaseous blackness," in her only noncommissioned poem, the philosophical "First Dream". More famous is this writer's justification of her desire to learn in her Reply to Sister Philotea of the Cross. For ten points, identify this author of Inundacion castalida de la unica poetisa, a nun known as the "tenth muse" of Mexico.;;(Sor) (Juana) Inez de la Cruz|(Juana) (Inez) (de) Asbaje (y) (Ramirez) (de) (Santillana) Chemistry;;Experimental verification of one part of this statement came when a compound synthesized by Richard Willstatter was found to decolorize solutions of potassium permanganatel, and important research on its reversal was done by Baird. Systems that are contrasted with those that obey this statement are known as Mobius systems, and systems that do obey it have an even number of sign inversions and can only participate in thermal pericyclic reactions is a condition similar to this statement is satisfied. The namesake of this statement also lends his name to a theory of activity coefficients with Debye. This statement explains why cyclopentadiene is highly acidic, and 10-annulene compounds are not subject to it ebcause they are not planar. For 10 points, name this rule that coplanar monocyclic rings are aromatic only if they contain 4n+2 delocalized pi electrons, named after a German chemist.;;Huckel('s) (Rule) Art;;Directly under the people depicted in this painting, a large tree branch has broken off and is falling onto some large rocks. Writing on a tree on the left gives the image that the names of the people depicted in this painting were carved into that tree. This painting incorrectly portrays Kaaterskill Falls and the Clove of the Catskills in roughly the same place, and both of the men portrayed in this painting are standing on a large rock outcropping. One of the title characters holds a hat and walking stick in front of him, while the other points with his stick toward a bird which obscures a blue mountain and holds in his left hand a red book of some sort, possibly a portfolio. For 10 points, name this painting of William Cullen Bryant and Thomas Cole, a work by Asher Durand.;;Kindred Spirits Philosophy;;In one work, this man uses an analogy of a crate of oranges to explain that the scientific person would argue that if a sample is bad, the whole population is likely bad. He uses the color of his table to critique both Descartes' cogito ergo sum argument and Berkeley's idealism in the first three chapters of another work, whose other chapters include "How A Priori Knowledge is Possible" and "The Limits of Philosophical Knowledge". This author of the introduction to Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus introduces the proposition Cx such that Ceverything means that "Cx is always true" and Cnothing means that "'Cx is false' is always true" in a work arguing against theories of Frege and Meinong. For 10 points, name this author of Why I Am Not a Christian," The Problems of Philosophy, and "On Denoting," also noted for the "Man's Peril" speech and being a co-author of Principia Mathematica.;;(Bertrand) (Arthur) (William) Russell World History;;seized La Prensa, and he and his men created and advocated the "Third Position". This man served as a member of the United Officers Group, and first held the position of Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, and in a later position, he was replaced by Alejandro Lanusse. He had earlier become Minister of War and Vice President under President General Edelmiro J. Farrell, and before dying of uterine cancer, one of his wives participated in the the Rainbow Tour across Europe. Supported by the descamisados, for 10 points, name this man, the husband of Eva and Isabel who was elected three times to be President of Argentina.;;J(uan) (Domingo) Peron Literature;;One character in this work compares an apple orchard to the Garden of Eden, and several editions have expunged the line "you mustn't let the cat out of the bag about the miller and his wife". Two of the characters in this play make plans to run away to Italy together, and another character makes a joke about being in an outhouse, which e calls a temple. The title character claims that Serena is "the only living thing who loves me since Diana was unfaithful to me!" which is odd, since Diana is a dog and Serena is a canary. Anna, Clara, and Sophie are all named characters who never appear, and near the end of the play, Christine leaves to listen to a sermon on the beheading of John the Baptist. For 10 points, name this play about the valet Jean and the crazy title noblewoman, by August Strindberg.;;Miss Julie|Froken Julie Biology;;Cotton blue, a dye used to classify fungal spores, is usually used in a solution of this molecule. MCT1 governs the uptake of this molecule by tumor cells. A landmark study altering one hypothesis about its function was performed by George Brooks. Copolymers of this molecule and another slightly smaller molecule are commonly used as a synthetic, biodegradable extracellular matrix. Buchner and Mesenheimer failed to convert this molecule into alcohol and carbon dioxide, hampering their theory that it is an intermediate in alcoholic fermentation; however, a different type of fermentation, often used by muscle cells, converts glucose into this molecule. For 10 points, name this acid, long thought to be the cause of delayed muscle soreness.;;lactic acid;;lactate Pop Culture;;A notable scene involving this character features his mother smashing a mirror to contact him, and he sings the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" at the end of the film in which he appears. This character goes to visit a woman who sings "Acid Queen", and is also left alone with his Cousin Kevin, who bullies him. This character was molested by his "Wicked Uncle Ernie," and his birth is recounted in the song "Fantastic Journey" and "It's a Boy," while shortly after his birth, his father kills his mother's lover. This character eventually marries Sally Simpson, and sings the song "I'm Free", as well as "See Me, Feel Me". For 10 points, name the "deaf, dumb, and blind" pinball-playing subject of a Who rock opera and film adaptation.;;Tommy (Walker) World History;;This politician used money confiscated from a deposed king to establish his "Reptile Fund," which he used to establish a secret news agency to procure political information on socialists and influence public opinion. The Austro-Prussian War began when this man accused Austria of violating the Gastein Treaty, while he, along with Julius Andrassy and Prince Gorchakov, orchestrated the Three Emperors' League. The Falk, or May, Laws were passed during his conflict with the Roman Catholic Church, while he instigated the Franco-Prussian War with his publication of the Ems dispatch. FTP, name this Iron Chancellor responsible for Kulturkampf, a Prussian and German statesman of the 19th century.;;(Otto) (von) Bismarck Religion/Mythology;;In one story, he escapes a daily shaving with the help of a sword that could fight by itself. In another story, he is tasked with capturing some hornets, a python, and a leopard, in order to buy all stories known to the world. He discovers the true name of Baduasemanpensa after dropping a bunch of kola fruit, but the lizard steals her hand in marriage, because this figure could only beat out her name on a drum. He discovers the moon in a forest, and it is placed in the heavens because Nyame could not decide which of this figure's six sons most deserved it, and he is outsmarted by getting stuck to either a Wax Girl or a Tar Baby. For 10 points, name this trickster figure of West Africa and the West Indies, often depicted as a spider.;;Anansi|Kweku-Anansi Music;;The clarinets precede the violins in expressing fragments of the march theme of the third movement of this work, while its ending portrays the process of dying as the orchestra fades to having only the cellos and basses play. The trombones quote from the Russian Orthodox Mass of the Dead in the first movement of this work, whose second movement is uncharacteristically in 5/4 "five four" time. Originally called A Programmatic Symphony, it sometimes uses a bass clarinet to play a four-note bassoon solo midway through its first movement since it is marked with six p's. The end of the third movement is often mistaken for the end of this B minor work, whose name was given by the composer's brother, Modest. For 10 points, give the name of the sixth and final Tchaikovsky symphony.;;(Symphony) (No.) (6) (in) (B) (minor,) Pathetique (Op.) (74);;Tchaikovsky('s) 6(th) (Symphony)|Tchaikovsky('s) Six(th) (Symphony) Physics;;A Hele-Shaw appareatus is used to visualize systems with one extremal value of this quantity, and the Oseen approximation contains a "one plus cosine theta" term inversely proportional to this quantity. Under certain conditions, the skin friction coefficient is inversely proportional to the square root of this quantity, and certain values of this quantity result in the development of Von Karman sheets. From the Buckingham-pi theorem, ti follows that a model cannot replicate both the Froude number and this quantity due to its proportion to a characteristic length scale. Low values of this quantity are indicative of laminar flow, while high values correspond to turbulence. For 10 points, name this dimesionless quantity, the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces.;;Reynolds number Literature;;Hannah Arendt claimed that this statement is the only dependably reliable truth, however, "it does not reveal anything". The Underground Man in Notes from Underground notes that this statement is "an excellent thing," but that it occurs "without my will". A "song" by Zamyatin notes that two of the entities discussed in it are "forever enamored" and "the hottest of lovers in the entire world". "Freedom is the freedom to say that" this statement is true, according to another book; Winston Smith ultimately decides that this statement is not necessarily true. For 10 points, name this mathematical equation found in We and 1984, often contrasted with a statement that the right side of the equation is actually five.;;two plus two equals four|two plus two is four|twice two is four|twice two makes four|2+2=4|2 + 2 = 4 Geography;;One ruler of this region won a major victory over King Osberht, after which he subjected another ruler to the blood eagle ritual, and its armies would later suffer defeat at the battle of Tettenhall. Many of the innovations of this region were incorporated into and formally recognized by the Wantage document, and formal recognition of this region's autonomy took place under the Treaty of Wedmore. Edward the Elder used fortified towns to conquer this region, whose name comes from its distinctive customs that included aristocratic jury trials and fines for the breach of peace, which contrast with the customs of Mercia to the west and Wessex to the south. For ten points, identify this region of northern England settled by the namesake Scadinavians in the late 9th century.;;Danelaw|Dena lagu World History;;This council drew a distinction between sin and concupiscence, or incentive to sin, which "the Catholic Church has never understood…to be called sin". It decreed that a bishop, by himself, has the power to degrade clerics from "sacred Orders" "on account of grievous crimes," though bishops themselves are immune to witnesses who are not of "good life" or "in good esteem and reputation". Salmeron and Lainez were the only participants who were allowed to preach. This council was briefly moved to Bologna, then moved back to the original location due to pressure from Charles V. For 10 points, name this council lasting from 1545 to 1563, in which all major doctrines of Catholicism, like transubstantiation, were reaffirmed in response to Protestant "heresies".;;(Council) (of) Trent Computer Science;;Performing one type of this process requires the use of a "burn-in," and several adaptive or recursive methods named after it involve importance sampling. The error term in the "integration" named after it decreases as one over square root of N and bootstrapping yields estimates of parameters in another type of this process. Peter Lepage invented a version of this technique that applies to particle physics which involves constructing a separable multi-dimensional weight function. Including the VEGAS algorithm and simulated annealing approaches such as the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, this type of technique includes is stochastic, contrasting it with deterministic algorithms such as molecular dynamics. For 10 points, give the general term for these methods of Markov Chain, integration, or sampling, which generally involves randomly selecting a whole bunch of points and is named for a European gambling mecca.;;Monte Carlo (methods);;annealing (methods) Literature;;Edward Said claimed in his book Culture and Imperialism that the "dead silence" that arises when she asks her uncle about the slave trade in Antigua is representative of British imperialism, while Lionel Trilling described her in The Moral Obligation to be Intelligent as "overtly virtuous and consciously virtuous," claiming that no one has ever thought it possible to like her. Saying that she "cannot act", she refuses the role of Cottager's Wife in Lovers' Vows, although she helps her cousin Edmund and Mary Crawford rehearse their roles. Henry Crawford makes it his goal to "make a hole in her heart," but despite his assistance in helping her brother William obtain his commission, he runs off with Maria after this character rejects his proposal. For 10 points, name this Jane Austen heroine, the protagonist of Mansfield Park.;;Fanny (Price) Anthropology;;This man's political works include an influential campaign against the Ogden Land Company. This thinker discussed development of the incest taboo in the Punaluan family, and the Kwakiutl eventually provided a counterexample to his theory of matrilineal-to-patrilineal development. This thinker wrote a work in which he identified Sudanese, Eskimo, and Iriqouis among his titular Systems of Consanguinity, which he wrote in addition to Affinity of the Human Family. He claimed that the title animal had moral sense in The American Beaver and his Works. He also described successive stages of "savagery", "barbarism", and "civilization" in his most famous work. For ten points, name this American anthropologist of Ancient Society.;;(Lewis) (Henry) Morgan Religion/Mythology;;It concludes with the statement "In the platter are placed three things: truth, contentment, and wisdom, as well as the nectar of His Name". Its also includes the evening verses known as "Sohila", while all of its words are sometimes referred to as "bani", or "voice". Its more important sections include the aforementioned Mundavani verse, the long poem known as the Japji, and the opening Mul Mantra hymn that summarizes belief in "Ek Onkar", or "One God". Written primarily in Angad's Gurmukhi script, it was first compiled by Arjun and since that time its original copy has been held within the Golden Temple of Amritsar. Succeeding Gobind Singh as the Guru Granth Sahib, For ten points, name this foremost holy text of Sikhism.;;Adi Granth;;Guru Granth Sahib World History;;One part of this period was known as Bloomsbury's War, while another part of this peiod was instigated at the request of a Theosophist who was searching for a mythical kingdom. One participant in this periodseized Merb, known as the Panjedh incident, and the Treaties of Gulistan and Turkmanchi were important gains for one side of this. The Fortress of Orenburg was constructed in order to control the Kazakhs as part of this period, which also saw extended maneuvering over the rights to Sinkiang. This period was begun with a treaty between one participant and Persia, while it ended with the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. For 10 points, name this nineteenth-century era of conflict between the British and Russian empires for control in Central Asia.;;(The) Great Game Biology;;Saccharomyces cerivisiae notably lacks the pathway for this process, and Makarovna et al suggest that CRISPR are a prokaryotic analogue to it. One complex involved in this process, which was initially discovered by Rich Jorgensen in petunias, contains argonaute proteins, and that complex's formation is catalyzed by an endonuclease with a two-base overhang on its three prime site. That complex, known as RISC, is catalyzed by Dicer. First discovered in C. elegans by Mello and Fire, this is, FTP, which process, previously known as quelling, in which gene expression is inhibited by cleaving the associated messenger RNA?;;RNA i(nterference) Literature;;This work is dedicated to George Lyttelton, who was partially the inspiration for one of its major characters. The lone childhood friend of this work's title character is the gameskeeper Black George, who later with the help of Mrs. Honour aids the character in exchanging love letters with a woman. The most prominent female character in this novel is subject to an attempted rape by Lord Fellamar, and Arabella Hunt proposes marriage to the title character of this novel by letter. The protagonist of this work helps a woman claiming to be the widow of Captain Waters, and also has an affair with Molly Seagram. Mr. Fitzpatrick is the traveling companion of the title character of this work, and that title character and his rival are tutored by Roger Thwackum. That rival, Bilfil, vies for the title character's love interest Sophia Western. For ten points, name this novel whose title character is raised by Squire Allworthy, a work by Henry Fielding.;;(The) (History) (of) Tom Jones(,) (a) (Foundling) Pop Culture;;A recent incarnation of this character sees him inherit Robi from his uncle Albert, and pits him against nanotechnology pirate Phineas Phibes. In one movie in which this character appears, he has a love-interest name Sugie, and he is entered into a monster car race. In addition to being the subtitular Reluctant Werewolf, he opens the Chest of Demons, forcing him to work for Victor van Ghoul in order to recapture the titular thirteen ghosts. In a live-action movie, he is portrayed by Matthew Lillard, and in that movie he romantically pursues a girl named Mary-Jane, an overt referrence to accusations that he smoked pot, to Spooky Island. He was originally voiced by Casey Kasim. With trademark word "Zoinks!", for ten points, name this hippy mystery-solver, the owner of Scooby Doo.;;Norville (Shaggy) (Rogers)|(Norville) Shaggy (Rogers)|(Norville) (Shaggy) Rogers Chemistry;;A complementary reaction to this one is often used to prepare alpha, beta-unsaturated esters and is known as the Wadsworth-Emmons reaction. Along with an alcohol, a product of this reaction can be used with diethyl azodicarboxylate in the Mitsnobu reaction, and that product is also a side product in synthesizing amines in the Staudinger reaction. A modification of this reaction uses phenyllithium and hydrochloric acid at low temperatures, to get the reaction mechanism, converting the erythro betaine intermediate to a threo betaine. That modification will yield the E- isomer as opposed to the Z- isomer normally yielded by this reaction, and that modification is named for Schlosser. For ten points, name this reaction in which an aldehyde reacts with a phosphonium ylide to produce an alkene.;;Wittig (reaction) World History;;This man's government introduced an act that made divorce independent from the Anglican Church with the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act, and he was inspired by the assassination attempt of Felice Orsini to pass the Conspiracy to Murder Bill. While serving as Foreign Secretary he gained fame for supporting a British national against the Greek government in the Don Pacifico affair, with the Royal Navy's bombardment of Athens becoming known as his "gunboat diplomacy". Succeeding the Earl of Aberdeen as Prime Minister, his first ministry witnessed both the Second Opium War and the suppression of the Sepoy Mutiny. For ten points, identify this British Prime Minister whose first term also saw the end of the Crimean War.;;(Henry) (John) Temple(,) (3rd) (Viscount) (Palmerston)|(Lord) Palmerston Music;;An A minor composition of this type by this man was discovered in 1983 and nicknamed "Odense". Gustave Nottebohm noted that Beethoven's Fifth Symphony bears a theme similar to the opening of the final movement the second to last one, which is sometimes called his "Great" G-Minor, while an eight movement serenade was reworked into yet another one. A more well-known composition one begins with an adagio introduction, while another one, reminiscent of a work by Michael Haydn, ends the molto allegro with a five-voice fugato, and its name was coined by Johann Peter Salomon. The "Haffner" is one of, FTP, which type of composition by which man, including his 38th, nicknamed "Prague", and 41st, nicknamed "Jupiter"?;;Symphonies (of) (Wolfgang) (Amadeus) Mozart|(Wolfgang) (Amadeus) Mozart Symphonies Literature;;One of this man's novels features a disease in which the afflicted can only say "if and only if", as is the case with Titus and many others in Aburiria, while one of his plays ends with Thoni's suicide due to the eloping of her husband Remi, the title character. In addition to The Wizard of the Crow and The Black Hermit, this author also wrote a play in which the wedding between the son of Jezebel and Ahab Kioi and Gathoni forces the main character to sell his farm. Before writing I Will Marry When I Want, he wrote a novel in which Inspector Godfrey investigates the burning of the brothel of Ilmorog and another in which John Thompson catches the killer of Thomas Robson thanks to Mugo's betrayal. FTP, name this author of Petals of Blood and A Grain of Wheat, a Kenyan writer.;;Ngugi (wa) (Thiong'o)|(James) Ngugi Astronomy;;These objects are the basis for the science done by the Key Project of the Hubble Space Telescope. Together with SX Phoenicis and Delta Scuti objects, among others, these astronomical bodies inhabit the instability strip. Sandage's method is used to remove bias from a relation relevant to these objects, and determining the zero-point of that relation is part of the mission of the Hipparcos satellite. The cluster-type variety of these objects belongs to population II and is exemplified by RR Lyrae stars. Interstellar reddening of these stars can be measured from their color-period relation, which is independent of distance, and their period-luminosity relation was first calculated by Henrietta Levitt. For 10 points, name these objects whose precise variability makes them viable for use as "standard candles" in determining the size of the universe.;;Cepheid (variable) (stars) United States History;;This bill's demise once prompted the President to declare that the Supreme Court was living in a "horse and buggy era". A series of "codes of competition" was among the provisions of this bill, which was overseen by a board led by Clarence Darrow. It set up an agency headed by General Hugh S. Johnson that, and it reduced maximum hours so that more people couple be employed, while its Section 7a was an important concession to labor unions. It was symbolized by a Blue Eagle, alongside the motto "We Do Our Part". Ruled unconstitutional by the 1935 Supreme Court case Schecter Poultry Corporation v. US, this is, FTP, which piece of New Deal legislation that set up the Public Works Administration and the National Recovery Administration?;;N(ational) I(ndustrial) R(ecovery) A(ct) Literature;;The speaker of this poem mentions the "sluggish clod which the rude swain/ Turns with his share" and predicts that "The oak/ Shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mold". Its speaker exhorts the reader to "Take the wings/ Of morning, pierce the Barcan wilderness" and mentions a place "Where rolls the Oregon". More famously, the speaker of this poem asserts that "The globe are but a handful to the tribes/ That slumber in its bosom," asserts that "all that breathe/ Will share thy destiny", and, in the final stanza, instructs the reader "to join/ The innumerable caravan" and "approach thy grave... and lie down to pleasant dreams". For ten points, name this meditation on death, a poem by William Cullen Bryant.;;Thanatopsis Art;;His visit to North Africa alongside August Macke inspired early watercolors such as Southern Tunisian Gardens and Red and White Domes. Equally colorful were this artist's Fish Magic and Golden Fish, standing in stark contrast to his bizarre early lithograph Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank. During the 1930's this author of The Pedagogical Sketchbooks produced a number of Pointillist "magic square" paintings, most notably Ad Parnassum, while the extreme primitivism of drawings such as Angelus Novus prompted the Nazis to declare his work "degenerate". Better known is his painting on burlap in which the German word "tod" forms the features of the central skull, while his most famous piece sees a pink "stain" encroaching upon the stick-like rotating title contraption. Briefly associated with Der Blue Reiter, For ten points, identify this Swiss painter of Death and Fire as well as Twittering Machine.;;(Paul) Klee Religion/Mythology;;This figure is frequently associated with the constellation Ursa Major, whose stars are said to be his footprints, while he shared many similarities with the storm god Hurakan. As the patron god of slaves he punished cruel masters, and he was said to preside over the commoner schools known as telpochcalli. In one story he abducts the flower goddess Xochiquetzal from her husband Tlaloc. In another myth he sacrificed his right foot to kill the primordial crocodile Cipactli, after which he was granted lordship over the First Sun. His most famous possession was a magic smoking mirror, with which he tricked his benevolent archrival into immolating himself. Synonymous with the Jaguar God Tepeyollotli, For ten points, name this Aztec god of the night and the destructive counterpart of Quetzalcoatl.;;Tezcatlipoca;;Jaguar God|Tepeyollotli Literature;;The opening line reveals that the main characters' father dies on one of the main characters' name-day, and one unseen character in this play is the male character's son Bobik. In this play, a fire destroys the belongings of Fedotik, and another unseen character in this play is a councilman with whom the main male character's wife has an affair, Protopopov. That wife throws Anfisa out of the lead family's house, to be taken in by one of the title characters, a school teacher. Another character in this play frequently quotes Lermontov, and that character, Solyony, kills Tuzenbach in a duel over the love of Irina. For ten points, name this play featuring Andrey Prozorov and his titular siblings, a play by Anton Chekhov.;;(The) Three Sisters|Tri Sestry Philosophy;;Together with mereology and the protothetic, this word identifies a deductive system created by Stanislaw Lesniewski. G. E. Moore argued the thing studied by this field cannot be properly predicated of a subject and Martin Heidegger referred to it as "Legitimate only if taken very generally," in a lecture course titled after this concept and subtitled "The Hermeneutics of Facticity". Avicenna argued that the thing this field studies is grasped by the intellect before anything else, while Thomas Aquinas argued that thing is given to all creatures by God, thereby ruling out any necessary existence. A work which examines the distinction between en-soi and pour-soi and posits the concept of "bad faith" is "a phenomenological essay on" this concept and was written by Jean-Paul Sartre. The adjectival form of the name of this field describes an argument for the existence of God. For 10 points, name this branch of metaphysics which studies the nature of being.;;ontology;;study of being|study of existence Noncomputational Math;;In 1994, Blair Spearman and Kenneth Williams showed that they could be successfully dealt with only if two of their coefficients satisfied certain constraints. Three of their other terms can be eliminated before solving them by using Tschirnhaus transformations. Charles Hermite showed that they could be solved using elliptic functions, familiar from their use in solving lower-degree analogues of these equations. The proof of an important theorem concerning these equations depends on finding a subfield of a certain degree whose splitting field over the rationals has a Galois group isomorphic to a certain symmetric group. For 10 points, name these equations which can be solved if their corresponding Galois groups are solvable, and for which no general radical solution exists, as shown by the Abel-Ruffini theorem.;;quintic (equations)|quintic (expression);;fifth-degree (polynomial)|fifth-degree (equation) Geography;;Its highest point is North Barren Mountain, which is located in the "Highlands" National Park of its largest island. Among its other points of interest are Kejimkujik National Park, Sable Island, and the town of Annapolis Royal, which was its first capital as well as it's nation's oldest continuously-inhabited European settlement. This province's largest body of freshwater is Bras d'Or Lake, which is located west of Sydney and the historical fort of Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island. This province is also the site of Alexander Graham Bell National Historical Park, and the Chignecto Isthmus connects it to New Brunswick. Once known as Acadia, for ten points, identify this Maritime Province with capital at Halifax.;;Nova Scotia;;Cape Breton Island World History;;In 1944 this man gained notice for his radical article entitled "The United Front of Youth". Two decades later this leader would issue a decree forcibly detaining homeless or disabled children at "psychiatric wards" in Siret and Cighid, at the same time banning all contraception in hopes of increasing his nation's working population by fifty percent. Giving himself the title "Conducator", he also struck out against non-conformists via 1971's July Theses. During WWII this leader spent time in the Tirgu Jiu concentration camp, where he met the man he would succeed as party secretary in 1965, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. His downfall began with demonstrations in Timisoara, culminating with his execution alongside his wife Elena on Christmas Day of 1989. For ten points, name this longtime Communist dictator of Romania.;;(Nicolae) Ceausescu Literature;;The narrator comments that light goes through his lover as if she were a translucent silkworm and that her mouth opens and closes "like a beautiful little circle of leeches". One character's singing is associated with an ancient chijimi weaver and this novel ends with a fire at a cocoon warehouse. The title character of this novel is extremely attached to a certain type of silk which is no longer made, and the narrator is unable to have sex with a girl after his image of her purity is tarnished. A side story in this novel is Kikuyu's, and its narrator writes about ballet but has never seen one. The son of one character's former music teacher is nursed by Yoko and he asks to see the geisha Komako before he dies. For 10 points, name this novel about Shimamura's visits to the title location, a work of Kawabata Yasunari.;;Snow Country|Yukiguni United States History;;This amendment was used to prevent gerrymandering in the 1957 case Gomillion vs. Lightfoot and was the basis of the 2000 case Rice vs. Cayetano regarding the trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. A more radical version of this amendment was not passed because northern Republicans wished to keep their own limiting state laws in tact. Thomas Mundy Peterson is the first man to utilize this amendment, when he voted in the Perth Amboy school board election. Common ways employed to circumvent this amendment are literacy tests, poll taxes and grandfather clauses. For 10 points, name this 1870 Amendment to the Constitution, which states that the right to vote will not be denied based on race or servitude.;;Fifteenth (Amendment) Biology;;HSP90 aids in the delivery of substances to the translocase of outer membrane complex found on these entities, which are also the site of the combination of protoporphyrin IX with iron to form heme. Kearns-Sayre syndrome and Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy are examples of diseases associated with the transfer of their genetic material, a process which in over 99 percent of mammals involves maternal inheritance as there are roughly 1000 times more of these in oocytes than in sperm. Along with chloroplasts, these are the subjects of endosymbiotic theory, and the foldings of its inner membrane are known as cristae. FTP, identify this double-membrane cell organelle that generates the majority of the ATP in a cell.;;mitochondria Music;;One character in this work performs a song on a cornet, after which she begins to dance to dance tunes its composer borrowed from Josef Lanner. One character performs a pas a deux with a coconut while lying on his back in this work, while the "Wet Nurses' Dance" is performed before one character is chased by an axe-wielding character. Featuring a namesake chord consisting of the major triads of C and F, it opens at a Shrovetide Fair in St. Petersburg. It sees the death of the title via an axe at the hands of the Moor, who has seduced the title character's lover, the Ballerina; all of this took place after the Old Wizard brought them to life. FTP, name this Igor Stravinsky ballet about a dancing puppet.;;Petrushka|Petrouchka Literature;;One episode in this novel shows a washerwoman screaming while clutched by another character, while she later is seized and carried away by a student. Another character appears in her nightgown and explains that she has a businessman locked up in a small room. The protagonist of this novel is confused to see a person in Fraulein Burstner's room, and he later buys three paintings from Titorelli in exchange for advice. Leni is the assistant to the lawyer Hull in this novel, who is engaged by the protagonist but only considers drafting a petition. This novel concludes when the protagonist is taken to a quarry and executed on his 31st birthday. For 10 points, name this novel about the arrest and persecution of a bank manager named Joseph K, written by Franz Kafka.;;The Trial|Der Process World History;;This man was able to complete one of his goals by corrupting Nurud Din, which led to a rival being removed to the fortress of Gwalior. This man enforced his policies through the services of the muhtasib, while parts of his expansion were cut off at Trichipoly. This man continually had problems with raids on the port of Surat, but he was able to conquer Bijâpur and Golconda. This man was unable to defeat Sambhaji and Shivaji, the chiefs of the Marathans, and his reign saw the reinstatement of the Jizya tax on non-Muslims and the destruction of hundreds of Hindu temples, while he also murdered his family, including his brother Murad. For ten points, identify this predecessor to Bahadur Shah I and successor to Shah Jahan, the sixth Mughal Emperor.;;Aurangzeb|Alamgir (I|the First){1}?|(Abul) (Muzaffar) (Muhiuddin) (Muhammad) Aurangzeb (Alamgir);;Alamgir Astronomy;;These phenomena exhibit a division into inner an outer zones as well as an intermediate "slot" region created by the stable trapping limit, with the inner region exhibiting the CRAND process. Hoyt and Forward have proposed the HiVOLT project to eliminate these phenomena, and these phenomena, which exhibit both the Chapman-Ferraro and Birkeland currents, will be the object of study of the RBSP program. Particles located in these regions are confined by the first and second adiabatic invariant and experience magnetic diffusion, as predicted by magnetohydrodynamics. It extends about 4000 miles above the equator and contains particles resulting from cosmic rays colliding with the atmosphere. For 10 points, name this eponymous torus of plasma around the earth, held in place by the earth's magnetic field.;;Van Allen (radiation) Belt Art;;One figure in this painting is floating in the air and dangling a pair of keys from his hand, while across from him, a naked cherub is being tossed aside on a wave of rent air. A painting depicting the crucifixion is sitting on the ground next to a young boy staring directly at the viewer. A man plays a harp on the left of this painting, while figures on the top right have their attention directed toward a white-shrouded Jesus. The soul of the title figure is seen in the center of this painting and is being assisted in its ascent by an angel, while directly below that, a series of men wearing black and white lace around their neck gather around the black armored title figure, where Saints Stephen and Augustine are holding his body. For 10 points, name this painting that depicts the interment of a noble, a work by El Greco.;;(The) Burial of Count Orgaz|(The) Burial of the Count of Orgaz||El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz Religion/Mythology;;One of his sons was seduced by Chimaera and blinded by Nomia for his infidelity, and besides fathering Daphnis, he laid freshly stripped hides on a road in order to rape Apemosyne. When caught in an immoral act by Battos, he turned him into a stone, and he turned Heirax into a hawk to prevent himself from getting caught further. With the daughter of Myrmidon, Eumolpeia, he fathered the herald of the Argonauts, Aethalides. Also the father of Autolycus, his birth was marked by an altercation between Silenus and Cyllene over where he got the cow gut for the musical instrument he used to lull his mother Maia to sleep, while he also stole the cattle of Apollo. This god also had a child with Aphrodite which was both male and female, and he owns both the cadeucus and the winged sandals. For 10 points, name this Greek god, the herald of Zeus.;;Hermes Literature;;A "heaving speech of air, a summer sound / Repeated in a summer without end" is described in this poem, which mentions a critic from Nouvelle revue francaise who also penned "I Came Near Being a Fascist". The lights of the fishing boats in this poem "mastered the night" and "arranging, deepening, enchanting night," while it ends with words "in ghostlier demarcations, keener sounds". The description of a woman, who "was the maker of the song she sang" and "sang beyond the genius of the sea," takes place throughout this poem, during which the narrator wants to know "the words of the sea" from Ramon Fernandez. FTP, name this Wallace Stevens poem that takes place at the title Florida locale.;;(The) Idea of Order at Key West World History;;The death of this ruler would later allow her widower to enter into a marriage that sealed a treaty signed after the battles of St. Quentin and Gravelines, and this ruler once rallied support against a rebellion by giving a speech at Guildhall. Pope Paul VI canceled this ruler's appointment of Reginald Pole to be Archbishop of Canterbury, and this ruler's reign saw the repeal of the Act of Supremacy. Though her advisors advocated that she marry her cousin Courtenay, the earl of Devon, this ruler declared that she would marry Philip II, resulting in Wyat's rebellion against her. Gaining her popular nickname from her persecution of Protestants, for ten points, identify queen, this daughter of Catharine of Aragon and Henry VIII, who was succeeded by her sister Elizabeth.;;Mary I|Mary Tudor;;Bloody Mary Physics;;One analog of this phenomenon is described by the Righi-Leduc effect. Kane and Mele developed a model for one variety of it and the Corbino effect is a special case of it. In plasmas, its namesake parameter is the ratio of electron gyrofrequency to the particle collision frequency, and a version of this effect was discovered in a gallium arsenide heterostructure by Tsui and Stormer and explained by Laughlin. The resistance associated with this effect t can be measured by the Van der Pauw method and its quantum analogue, which breaks down into integer and ractional varieties, was discovered by von Klitzing. Resulting from an asymmetric distribution of charge density, which in turn creates an electric field, for 10 points, name this effect, in which a potential voltage is produced in a conductor in the presence of a magnetic field.;;(thermal) Hall (effect) Pop Culture;;John Green was banned for life due to his role in escalating this event while Alvin Shackleford and Charlie Haddad were both sent to the hospital as a result of it. Prior to the climax of this event, one participant lied down on a table and pretended to give a radio interview while taunting another participant. The latter threw an armband and was the original instigator of this event. Other results from this event include a new rule limiting the size of alcoholic drinks to 24 ounces and capping the number at two. Chauncey Billups and Reggie Miller were both suspended one game for leaving the bench area during, for 10 points, what infamous NBA incident in which Ben Wallace took exception to a hard foul and fans threw beer cups at Ron Artest, who charged into the stands and started punching.;;Pistons-Pacers (Brawl)|Malice at the Palace Psychology;;This man collaborated with Zeno Franco on a recent article in which he explored the psychology of people committing extraordinary deeds, "The Banality of Heroism". This psychologist also founded the Shyness Clinic after his book Shyness: What it is, What to Do About It was published. Other works by this psychologist include The Cognitive Control of Motivation, while he also conducted an experiment in which participants recreated Brazilian atrocities. In his most famous experiment, one participant went on a hunger strike to protest the increasingly sadistic treatment of the other participants. For 10 points, identify this psychologist who wrote The Lucifer Effect, most famous for assigning participants roles as guards and inmates while conducting the Stanford prison study.;;(Philip) Zimbardo Religion/Mythology;;Anquetil Duperron's 1775 French and Latin translations of them brought them to the West. The last of them, the Muktika, consists primarily of the catalogue, making the Advaita canon self-referential. There are approximately ten "principal" ones, regarded as Sruti, or sacred texts, including the Isha, which describes the nature of the Supreme Being, and the Prashna, which describes six pupils asking their master Pippalada a question each about nature of the universe and of Hinduism. They would later be a major influence on Arthur Schopenhauer, who praised them greatly in his work The World as Will and Representation. For ten points, name these sacred Hindu texts, comprised of approximately 100 commentaries on the Vedas.;;Upanishads Literature;;Minor characters in this novel include Liddy Smallbury, a maid working for the protagonist, and Pennyways, a bailiff who is caught stealing grain and dismissed but returns later when he recognizes another character at Greenhill Fair. Fanny Robin is a young orphan who attempts to marry the antagonist of the work but is unsuccessful when she goes to the wrong church. The climatic action of the novel takes place at a Christmas party, where the obsessive William Boldwood shoots Sergeant Troy. The novel ends with the protagonist marrying the honest Gabriel Oak, her first suitor. For 10 points, identify this novel about Bathsheba Everdene, a work of Thomas Hardy.;;Far from the Madding Crowd Chemistry;;Formed in processes such as the Dutt-Wormall reaction, compounds of these with other organic functional groups are unstable and most will break down under standard conditions, and as a result, the n-nonyl form is the smallest that can be isolated and stored, and in general, a minimum carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of three-to-one is required to guarantee stability. They are highly toxic, with LD50 values close to that of a similar class of compounds, cyanides. As a toxin, they act by inhibiting the function of a cell by binding to the heme cofactors of cytochrome c oxidase, and thus leading to chemical asphyxiation of cells. For ten points, name this organic functional group that contains three double-bonded Nitrogen atoms.;;Azide(s) World History;;Fourteen years after this battle, Tithraustes, the illegitimate son of the commander of the losing side, would fight a similar type of battle at the Eurymedon River. Prior to this battle, one side had dug a channel across the Isthmus of Actium to avoid the peaks of Mt. Athos, and a side engagement following this conflict involved the forces of Aristides dispatching a garrison at Psyttaleia. The victors at this battle had earlier suffered a defeat at Artemisium, and following this battle, the losers suffered a defeat at Mychale and another at Plataea. The success of the winning side in this battle depended on a false message sent to the loser intimating that the winning commander was ready to betray his side. For ten points, identify this 480 B.C.E. naval battle, a victory for Themistocles over the forces of Xerxes.;;(The) (Battle) (of) Salamis Religion/Mythology;;One section of this work utilizes the example of a candle whose wax grows alternately hot and cold to illustrate a point about changing natures, while this text also asserts that the wax of that candle was not the same thing as its whiteness or the sweetness of honey. In the fourth part of this work, "On Truth and Falsity", the author declares that he is an "intermediate between God and nothingness". In the previous section, he attempts to establish the existence of God by arguing that the idea of God is neither adventitious nor invented, but must be innate. The second section of this work asserts that the nature of the mind is more easy to know than that of the body, presaging this work's argument. The final part concerns the mind-body problem, building off the author's earlier conclusion that he truly does exist. For 10 points, identify this work by Rene Descartes that encourages systematic doubt of everything.;;Meditations on First Philosophy|Meditationes de Prima Philosophia Art;;One work of his, the colossal Saint John the Evangelist currently resides in the Duomo of Florence, but from its creation until 1588, it occupied a place in the façade of the Baptistery, a building which this artist's mentor, Lorenzo Ghiberti, had designed. Following his work on Saint John, he worked on a statue of St. Mark for the Orsanmichele church, where he would also create a statue of Saint George several years later. While working on the sculpture Habbakuk, or Zuccone, he is alleged to have repeatedly muttered "Speak, Damn you, Speak" at the marble he was working with. For ten points, identify this 15th-century artist and sculptor of the Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata and the Bronze David.;;Donatello Noncomputational Math;;This person's namesake function is a generalization of length to integer-graded modules over graded rings. This thinker's namesake symbol returns 1 if a three-variable quadratic equation is solvable with its two p-adic inputs as coefficients. This is the first namesake of a type of operator useful in the study of Fredholm integral equations with symmetric kernels; the study of such equations is known as his and Schmidt's namesake theory and those operators are also bounded in his and Schmidt's namesake norm. Like Peano, this mathematician has a namesake curve of limiting Hausdorf dimension 2 which is his namesake square-filling curve. This mathematician names complete inner product spaces equipped with complete L-2 norms, all of which are Banach spaces. For 10 points, name this mathematician perhaps better known for posing twenty-three important problems in mathematics.;;(David) Hilbert Religion/Mythology;;Followers of this religion refer to the world as the "ten thousand things" and its founding is believed to have ushered in the Third Period of Salvation. Its followers formerly communicated with the dead through séances until this practice was banned by the country in which it is based and Earth is considered the 68th worst of the 72 planets believed to be inhabited by people. Its most notable symbol of the divine force, which it claims is worshipped by all religions, is the left eye, which represents Yang. Its structure mimics that of Catholicism, including a Pope and Cardinals. With a name that translates as "High Tower", for 10 points, name this syncretic religion founded in Vietnam in 1926 by Ngo Van Chieu that counts among its saints Sun Yat-sen, Pericles, Joan of Arc, and Victor Hugo.;;Cao Dai Pop Culture;;One of his early shorts was 1962's Herakles, and he examined an island inhabited by the titular figures in Even Dwarfs Started Small. One of this man's title characters is a man who dreams of using wealth acquired from selling Peruvian rubber to build an opera house in Iquitos, and he directed a documentary about the Sahara in Fata Morgana. After Errol Morris directed a film about pet cemetaries, this man agreed to eat his shoe in a 1980 movie, and one of his most famous works describes the descent into madness of Spanish explorers searching for El Dorado. His more recent works include the Antarctica documentary Encounters at the End of the World, and his examination of the life of Timothy Treadwell in 2005's Grizzly Man. For 10 points, name this German director of Fitzcarraldo and Aguirre: The Wrath of God.;;(Werner) Herzog World History;;Among the leaders of the movement that drafted this document were John Fitz Geoffrey and Roger Mortimer, two leaders of the April Confederation, some of whose leaders were also members of the Mad Parliament. Designed to stay in effect for twelve years, John Mansel and Hugh Bigod were among the four who given the power to appoint a fifteen-member council established by this document, which was ultimately annulled by the Dictum of Kenilworth, and before that bythe Mise of Amiens. Drafted as a reaction to Henry III's incompetent rule by a baronial council, and temporarily replaced by a similar document named for Westminster, for 10 points, name this 1258 document, England's first written constitution.;;Provisions of Oxford Pop Culture;;A pink wrestler with this moniker has a somersault kick move in NES Pro Wrestling. The DC superhero of this name has fought villains such as Mist and Extant and has wielded a "cosmic rod". Another "would like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds" in a song by David Bowie. In the SNES game Earthbound, one of these kills Buzz Buzz near the start of this game, and they have appelations like "Jr"., Deluxe" and "Super". This term also designates an unofficial logo for the band Rush and is featured with the red namesake symbol on back of the album 2112. For 10 points, identify this term that also designates the anthropomorphized powerup that gives Mario invincibility in the Super Mario Brothers games.;;Star Man Religion/Mythology;;Alternate names for this being include "Aparana", or "one who starves" and "Uma" or "don't". Her father was the king of the Mountains, Hamavan, and she is the reincarnation of a being that lends her name to a type of self immolation. One myth about her posits that Guari got her golden skin from this being after she replaced her own after being teased and another states that she created a guardian out of paste and gave life to it to guard her while bathing, though her consort would decapitate that guardian in anger, only to be forced to return him to life and replace his lost head. With her consort she is the mother of Skandi and Ganesh, while with Saraswati and Lakshmi she makes up the Tridevi. For 10 points, name this supreme Shakti and reincarnation of Sati, the wife of Shiva.;;Parvati Biology;;This compound promotes the dephosphorylation and activation of enzyme HMG-CoA to favor cholesterol synthesis and a phenylalanine for leucine substitution at residue B25 results in its "Chicago" variety. Its biosynthesis involves an excision of the C-peptide, and the compound functions by binding to tyrosine kinase receptors on cell surfaces. Sanger's improvement upon the methods of Edman degradation involved its sequencing, and its production occurs primarily in beta cells on the islets of langerhans. For ten points, name this pancreatic counterpart of glucagon used to regulate blood sugar, deficiencies of which are found in sufferers of diabetes.;;insulin Music;;The Latin Mass is the source of the titles of this composer's third symphony of this composer, who also wrote incidental music for a play by Rene Morax. This composer of A Christmas Cantata created a piece for solo flute for the play Dance of the Goat. This man's Amphion contains the notable Prelude, Fugue, and Postlude, and his Summer Pastoral was written for chamber orchestra. He collaborated with Ibert on his opera L'Aiglon, while Ida Rubinstein commissioned his Joan of Arc at the Stake. This critic of Satie collaborated with Cocteau on the opera Antigone, while his best known work is paired with Rugby and Mouvement Symphonique No. 3 and imitates the sound of a locomotive. For 10 points, name this member of Les Six, best known as the composer of Pacific 231.;;(Arthur) Honegger United States History;;This man helped Adolfo Diaz come to power in Nicaragua by negotiating the Espino Negro pact, and he subsequently served as governor general of the Philippines. With McGeorge Bundy, this man wrote the autobiography On Active Service in Peace and War, and he led the United States delegation to the London Naval Conference while serving as Herbert Hoover's secretary of state. During World War II, this man argued against the bombing of Kyoto, urging instead the bombing of military targets, and the 1928 Pact of Paris was the foundation of his opposition to China's invasion of Manchuria. FTP, name this man who served as Secretary of War under William Howard Taft and Franklin Roosevelt and whose namesake doctrine called for the nonrecognition of territories gained by aggressive force.;;(Henry) Stimson Literature;;In this novel, Duncan Maclaren manages to keep Alan and Robert Oig Macgregor from engaging in a duel by having them compete in a bagpipe competition instead, and the murder of the "Red Fox" Colin Campbell in this work was based on an actual historical event. The minister of Essendean, Mr. Campbell, is a friend of the protagonist, who encounters such characters as the polite bandit Cluny Macpherson and Captain Hoseason. The protagonist of this novel is aided by the Jacobite Alan Breck Stewart, and at the end of this novel, Uncle Ebenezer of Shaws is forced to give up two thirds of his yearly income to the hero, and the plot of this novel was set into motion when the hero of this novel was tricked by Ebenzer into boarding the ship The Covenant. For 10 points, name this novel about the adventures of David Balfour following his abduction, a work by Robert Lewis Stevenson.;;Kidnapped Chemistry;;Polymer samples can be prepared for use in this procedure by dissolution, then deposition on an ionic substrate, then evaporation in a technique known as cast film. More usual preparation techniques include mulling with a heavy paraffin like Nujol and spreading between salt plates; salt is used as a medium for this analytic technique since it is transparent to the probe used. That probe radiation can be understood as inducing motion corresponding to normal modes in the analyte molecular Hamiltonian, so the lines that this techniques produces are, to first order, characteristic of the types of bonds present. For 10 points, name this chemical technique that analyzes bonds by probing absorption and emission of light with wavelengths longer than the visible but shorter than the microwave.;;i(nfra)r(ed) spec(troscopy) Philosophy;;Late in this man's life, he attempted to found an Oriental philosophy called al-hikmat al-mashriqiyah. He described a mystic's spiritual journey in his Book of Directives and Remarks, and he put forth a theory on the permanence of substantial forms. He believed that humans and animals shared an estimation, or internal sense, and after being criticized for his lack of authority on Arabic philology, this man wrote The Arabic Language. He wrote the first work in the Persian language dealing with Aristotelian philosophy, and he disagreed with Averroes on the form of bodiliness. For 10 points, name this Persian philosopher, the author of The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine.;;Avicenna World History;;The Chehel Sotun was erected under the auspices of this dynasty. It weakened under the reign of Shah Tahmasp, and its troops were organized into ghulams, tofangchis, and topchis under the military reforms of the Englishman Robert Sherley. Before it lost the important Diyarbakir site, this dynasty's greatest leader expelled Portuguese traders from their most popular port, and its capital fell to Ghizlzai Afghans in 1722. Its founder captured Tabriz from the White Sheep federation of Uzbek Turkmen, and this dynasty was eventually supplanted by Nader Shah. Its capital was moved to Esfahan in the early 17th century, and it was founded by Isma'il I and reached its peak under Abbas I. Lasting from 1502 to 1736, for 10 points, name this dynasty that established Shi'a Islam as the state religion, and which was based in Iran.;;Safavid (Dynasty) Literature;;The final draft of this work was prepared by a student of its author who wrote in its epilogue that "At times you will find yourself rising up to applaud. At other times you will quietly hang your head with emotion". After recalling a poet who wrote that "Countries may fall, but their rivers and mountains remain," the narrator of this work sits weeping at the ruins of the Castle-on-the-Heights, and many of the works in this collection exemplify a loneliness of man in the universe called sabi. At the beginning of this work, the author recalls the "many men of old" who "died on their travels," and wrote of "stretching to Sado Isle / the Milky Way" as he considers crossing the Shirakawa Barrier into Oku. For ten points, identify this travelogue detailing the author's trip with Kawai Sora to the titular location, the most famous work of Matsuo Basho.;;(The) Narrow Road to the Deep North|Oku no Hosomichi Art;;This person's love of Goya can be seen in La Reina Mora, El Tango, and The Spanish Dancing Girl. This artist's emphasis on social reality is evident in portraits of poor children like Dutch Joe and Willie Gee, though his disciples sang "I am a genius, I am a genius man" to mock that tendency. Perhaps this artist's most distinctive work depicts a long woman in a short green tank top a sheer black skirt from which her right leg protrudes holding veils her the ringed fingers. That work currently in Amherst's Mead Gallery, but was barred from the National Academy of Design. In addition to the aforementioned Straussian Salome, this painter also crafted Cumulus Clouds, East River; Snow in New York; and his aesthetic theories are presented in his book The Art Spirit. For 10 points, name this leader of The Eight and prominent member of the Ashcan School.;;(Robert) (Earl) Henri|(Robert) (Henry) Cozad Physics;;One method developed to approximate this entity is inversion of the Roothan equation, a method that is itself an generalization of a technique to approximate this mathematical entity in which an N-linear function of N of these entities evaluated at N different sets of coordinates is minimized via a variational principle. The second aforementioned technique uses Slater determinants and is known as the self-consistent field method or Hartree-Fock method. More generally, this mathematical object can often be understood as an eigenvector of a Hamiltonian operator or as a superposition thereof. For 10 points, name this mathematical object central to quantum mechanics, the dependent variable in the Schrödinger equation whose square modulus gives the probability density for finding particles.;;(the) wavefunction|state function;;psi Psychology;;He examined the issue of whether mankind will survive its own technology in The Revolution of Hope, and wrote the autobiographical Beyond the Chains of Illusion. He discussed four nonproductive personality orientations in Man for Himself, and in another, he noted that the title concept should be considered a rare achievment and requires full self-knowledge. In another work, he wrote that "man may be defined as the animal that can say I" and argued for democratic socialism. In one of his most famous works, he examined self-awareness from the Middle Ages into modern times and the tendency of people to seek refuge from modern society through totalitarian movements. For 10 points, name this psychologist, the author of The Art of Loving, The Sane Society, and Escape From Freedom.;;(Erich) Fromm World History;;This ruler's early reign was dominated by the autocratic prince Schwarzenberg, who had a major foreign policy success under this ruler at the Olmutz Convention. Foreign ministers who served under this ruler include Count Aehrenthal, whose negotiations with Aleksandr Isvolsky set off an international crisis late in this ruler's reign, and a close collaboration with Germany was the goal of his prime minister Grof Andrassy. The Fundamental Articles of his minister of commerce and agriculture Albert Schaffle was denounced by German nationalists, and he appeared beside Alexander II in Berlin in 1873 in support of the Dreikaiserbund. He was forced to sign the Peace of Villafranca after being defeated at Solferino, and his prime minister Graf von Beust negotiated the Ausgleich. For 10 points, name this man who created the Dual Monarchy of Hungary and Austria, the uncle of Francis Ferdinand.;;Franz Joseph (I) Literature;;In one of this man's works, the titular scholar is killed while on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, while a debate set at the court of King Pedro I of Castille forms the basis for his "Disputation". His late works include a ballet libretto entitled Doctor Faust, and a prose work called The Gods in Exile. One of this writer's collections contains "Evening Twilight," "The Avowal," and "Night in the Cabin," and in addition to writing The North Sea cycle, this poet wrote about a Babylonian king in his poem "Belshazzar". This poet wrote epics like Atta Troll and Germany: A Winter's Tale, while another one of his collections includes the sections "Stories," "Lamentations," and "Hebrew Melodies," and is entitled Romanzero. For ten points, identify this poet of the "Book of Songs," who described a mythical creature that combed its hair and sung a deadly song in his "Die Lorelai".;;(Heinrich) Heine Literature;;In this work, Fayette offers Miller work on a secret project to produce chemical weapons, and Florence and Sid are unable to marry due to their economic situation. A stenographer introduces the actor Philips to the Communist Manifesto, and Dr. Benjamin likewise turns to communism and contemplates emigrating to Russia. At one point in this work, a man claiming to be Tom Clayton from Philadelphia is exposed as being a company spy named Clancy, and Agate Keller emerges at the end of the play to urge resistance against the boss class, which is epitomized by the corrupt union leader Harry Fatt. The title character is revealed to have been shot dead by racketeers at the end of this work, and the play ends with a call to strike. For 10, points name this play about the hardships of taxicab drivers, a work of Clifford Odets.;;Waiting for Lefty Music;;He satirized League of Nations politicians in the polka of his suite for ballet, The Age of Gold. His Second Symphony is a single 20-minute movement which features an actual factory whistle during a quiet spot, while Volkov called his Ninth Symphony a work "full of sarcasm and bitterness," disguised as an homage to Haydn. Other orchestral works includes a suite from the incidental music to Mayakovsky's The Bed Bug, as well as a work subtitled "A Soviet Artist's Reply to Just Criticism". He crafted Katerina Izmaylova as a heroic victim in an opera, while his seventh symphony was a response to Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra and written during a German invasion. FTP, name this Russian composer of Lady Macbeth of the Mtensk District and the "Leningrad" symphony.;;(Dmitri) Shostakovich Literature;;At the opening of this work, the protagonist smashes a rat with a skillet and scares Vera by holding it in front of her. This novel's protagonist, who reconsiders a plan to rob Mr. Blum's deli while watching Trader Horn in a theater, eventually attempts to escape the city during a snowstorm, and he is left penniless, having thrown the body of his dead girlfriend, Bessie, down a shaft with all of the money in her pocket. This money was taken from the purse of Jan Erlone's girlfriend, whom he accidentally killed when trying not to be caught in Mary Dalton's bedroom, all of which could have been avoided had he swept out the furnace. "Bigger" Thomas is eventually given the death penalty in, FTP, which novel by Richard Wright?;;Native Son World History;;According to his wishes, an oratory was constructed at the present site of Santa Maria in Trivio, as reparation for his role in the installment of Vigilius, after the deposition and exile of his predecessor, Saint Silverius. Earlier, he had refused the chance to be named the Western Roman Emperor as proffered by Witiges, a king he would go on to capture at Ravenna in the name of his emperor. Further examples of this man's loyalty, as detailed by his chronicler Procopius in the Historia arcana include his defeat of Gelimer at the battles of Ticameron and Ad Decimum, his suppression of the Blues and Greens with the aid of Narses and Mundus and his return from retirement to repulse a Hun and Bulgar invasion of Constantinople in 559 AD. For 10 points, name this great Byzantine general who ended the Nika revolts and re-conquered North Africa for Justinian.;;Belisarius Philosophy;;This man wrote an essay in which he questioned why dogs don't form rational ideas, entitled "Brute and Human Intellect," and in a later work, he called for a scientific determination of the limits of human ability in "The Energies of Man". He proposed that a genuine option must be live, momentous, and forced in a volume that included the essays, "Reflex Action and Theism," "Is Life Worth Living?," and the title essay, "The Will to Believe". This man also claimed that one must not consider an object's physical derivation when making a value judgement. For 10 points, name this author of The Varieties of Religious Experience, Principles of Psychology and a work titled after this man's school, Pragmatism.;;W(illiam) James Art;;One character in this film attends a showing of Whirlpool. In one scene of this film the protagonist tells his love interest in jest that if she does not smile in 8 seconds that he will choke her. The director makes a cameo as the bystander who recognizes the protagonist from a picture in the newspaper and promptly notifies the cops. A notable translation error centering on the word dégueulasse occurs at the end of this film, and the protagonist constantly mimics Humphrey Bogart by rubbing his lips, in addition to going by the alias Laszlo Kovacs. At the end of this film, Detective Vital and Patricia catch up with the protagonist, and many scenes in this film were accomplished with jump cuts. For 10 points, name this film about Michel Poiccard and his run from the police, directed by Jean-Luc Godard.;;A bout de souffle|Breathless Literature;;About this author's translation of the Iliad, the classical scholar Richard Bentley said, "It is a pretty poem, but you must not call it Homer". This collaborator on the play Three Hours after Marriage with John Gay also wrote a work, whose addendum extols the virtues of the Peace of Utrecht, a long poem called Windsor Forest, and the line "Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel" can be found in his "Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot". John Dennis attacked one of his works which refers to Homer, Virgil, and Horace, but this author may be better known for a work which makes Lewis Theobald the prince of dullness, as well as another about an incident that occurred between Lord Petre and Arabella Fermor. FTP, name this English author of "An Essay on Criticism", The Dunciad, and "The Rape of the Lock".;;(Alexander) Pope Biology;;IDEXX Defined Substrate Technology is able to show its presence when beta-glucuronidase metabolizes 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide to produce fluorescence. Tani, et al. showed that its persistence in sediment of urban streams and Juncosa showed that native Guyanians developed resistant strains of it by exposure to a drug chemically similar to ciprofloxacin. It is the main prey of the T4 phage, and it was grown in a medium containing ammonium chloride in the Meselson-Stahl experiment to show the semiconservative nature of DNA. For 10 points, name this gram-negative bacteria, whose virulent forms such as 0157:H7 produce shigatoxins and are a danger to humans through fecal contamination of food and water.;;E(scherichia) coli World History;;This man claimed to commune with a number of spirits, including his deceased brother Raul and a much more militant spirit named Jose, who pushed this man to commit his most famous act. This man founded the Benito Juarez Democratic Club. Emiliano Zapata broke publically with this man over the issue of land reform, openly denouncing him in the Plan of Ayala, though this man had earlier issued his Plan of San Luis Potosi, calling for a democratic revolution in his country. This man's Vice President was Pino Suarez, and he was overthrown and assassinated in a coup engineered by Victoriano Huerta known as the Ten Tragic Days. For ten points, name this man, the President of Mexico who was responsible for the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz.;;(Francisco) (Ignacio) Madero (Gonzales) Religion/Mythology;;The ruling seat of this religion had to be transferred to Samarkand due to increased Abbasid persecution. This religion believes that there are five elements of light, while the first man had five sons who had five virtues and five vices. Scriptures from this religion were recently found in Chinese Turkistan, and St. Symmachus was notable for defending the Pope against charges of favoring this. The founder of this religion underwent 26 days of trials, after which he gave his last message and died, an event which is known as the "Passion of the Illuminator". This religious system influenced the Paulicians, the Albigensians, and the Bogomils. For 10 points, identify this dualistic religion whose name survives as an adjective describing the battle between good and evil.;;Manichaeism Sociology;;By the late 1950s he had introduced the term "cybernetic hierarchy" to differentiate between high-energy and high-information subsystems as a part of his model of "double interchange". This was a reevaluation of an earlier study that posited the existence of pattern variables like ascription and achievement and affectivity and neutrality, as well as a "four function" schema of adaptation, goal attainment, latency, and integration. Those things comprise this thinker's AGIL Paradigm, and other than The Social System, he penned a more famous work that isolated elements, ends, means, and norms to analyze the "unit act". For ten points, name this former Harvard sociologist and author of The Structure of Social Action.;;(Talcott) Parsons Literature;;In one scene of this novel, the protagonist drunkenly dreams of a black scorpion and a leg in a box, among other things. After a woman takes him shopping for a gramophone, the narrator is able to learn the foxtrot despite his stiff dancing. Another scene in this novel shows the narrator in a whirling hall of mirrors, which occurs after he skips a magic show advertised "FOR MADMEN ONLY" in order to buy a book. Although he has a three-week long affair with the beauty Maria, the protagonist is actually in love with Hermine. That love culminates in the protagonist's inviting Hermine and Pablo into the Magic Theater, after which the protagonist murders her. For ten points, name this novel centering on Harry Haller written by Herman Hesse.;;Steppenwolf United States History;;This politician requested either two billion dollars or the cession of Canada in the Alabama Claims, and he introduced a resolution that the names of battles between U.S. citizens should not be placed on the regimental colors of the Army, as a move of Civil War reconciliation. During the war, he helped defuse the Trent affair as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He was later kicked off the committee after stopping plots to annex Santo Domingo. His first famous speech in the Senate was an attack on the Compromise of 1850, and he famously characterized fellow senators Andrew Butler and Stephen Douglas as "myrmidons" of slavery. FTP, name this Massachusetts senator, who in 1856 was beaten on the Senate floor by South Carolina representative Preston Brooks.;;(Charles) Sumner Noncomputational Math;;The rate at which the operation implied by this statement occurs is given by the Berry-Esseen theorem. Paul Levy proved a version of this statement using the technique of characteristic functions borrowed from Poincare, while various local proofs of it were given by Richard von Mises. A version of this statement is named after Lyapunov and requires the satisfaction of his namesake conditions, while a weaker condition than Lyapunov's is due to Lindeberg. The Edgeworth expansion was developed as an improvement of this statement, the proof of which is similar to the proof of the law of large numbers. For ten points, identify this theorem which holds that the distribution of the average of a set of arbitrarily distributed variables converges to the normal distribution.;;central limit (theorem) Religion/Mythology;;This goddess tricked the Aloadai giants into killing each other, preventing them from scaling Mount Olympus. One version of the story of Orion's death gives this goddess as the cause, after her brother tricked her into using Orion's head as a target. She and her brother worked together in response to Niobe's claim that her fourteen children made her superior to their mother, killing her children to avenge Leto. This goddess was angry when her nymph Callisto was seduced by Zeus, and directly after her birth, she assisted her mother in birthing her brother. Another story concerning this goddess revolves around her punishing Actaeon for spying on her while bathing by turning him into a stag, after which he was killed by hounds. This goddess notably ruled the Hyperboreans and the Amazons. For 10 points, identify this sister of Apollo, the virgin Greek goddess of the hunt.;;Artemis Art;;One of this artist's protégés became famous for his erotic self-portraits and most notably painted a 1915 version of Death and the Maiden. This artist depicted two naked embracing pregnant women in frieze that he titled after the composer of the Moonlight Sonata, the Beethoven Frieze. This artist created a set of works entitled Medicine, Philosophy, and Jurisprudence for the University of Vienna, but he may be better known for a protrait of Adele Bloch or several paintings which include one of a green-vested, bare-breasted woman, the Judith series. He is best known for a painting partially inspired by the St. Apollinare in Classe near Ravenna, which also features an embracing couple. For 10 points, name this major influence on Egon Schiele and painter of The Kiss.;;(Gustav) Klimt Geography;;This country is divided in four administrative zones called dzongdey, which are in turn divided into twenty distinct districts known as dzongkhag, the largest ones being Gasa and Wangdue Phodrang. Jakar is seen as the point where Buddhism was first introduced to this country. This country includes the city of Punakha, this nation's capital until 1955, and the Taktshang Monastery, also known as the Tiger's Nest. In 2008 Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck was crowned this country's Fifth Dragon King, making him at the age of 28 the youngest world monarch. This country is located at the east end of the Himalayas and indigenously called Druk Yul. For ten poins, identify this landlocked South Asian country whose capital and largest city is Thimphu.;;(Kingdom) (of) Bhutan Physics;;This phenomenon is the cause of Plateau-Rayleigh instability and the Marangoni effect. The Bond number indicates the relative strength in a system of gravity and forces due to this, while the Weber number relates it to inertia. The Young-Laplace equation states that capillary pressure is directly proportional to the wetting angle and this quantity, and it can be computed for an arbitrary pure liquid using the Eotvos rule. Measured in units of ergs per centimeter squared, or newtons per meter, it is causes the formation of ‘tears of wine' and the spherical shape of water droplets. For 10 points, identify this phenomenon, the storage of energy at the surface of a liquid.;;surface tension Literature;;At one point in this work, one of the main characters is introuced to a man named Vronsky, which that character recognizes as a name out of Anna Karenina. The penultimate chapter of this work consists mostly of two letters, one from Hamburg and the other from Friedl Hening in Berlin, while the last chapter closes with a remark on a titular character's diarrhea. In this novel Katharina Kyrilenko sails for Germany on the Scharnhorst, while another character in this novel is known as "steamed curds" due to a mispronunciation of his name, and other foreign characters in this novel include the Stoltzes. A character in this work is known as Koi-san, and after her marriage to Okubata is delayed, that character takes up with Itakura, while another character's marriage prospects have been damaged by a blemish over her left eye. This novel concludes on the eve of a wedding, leaving Taeko next in line to wed after Yukkiko and Sachiko. For 10 points, name this Junichiro Tanizaki work about four female siblings.;;(The) Makioka Sisters|Sasameyuki|Light Snow World History;;On one occasion this ruler pardoned a murderer in return for the murderer participating as a guinea pig in an operation to remove gallbladder stones. This ruler, upon hearing of his father's severe illness, raced to Rheims to have himself crowned king first instead of his brother and nemesis Charles the Duke of Berry. His loveless marriage at the age of 13 to Margaret, daughter of James I of Scotland, did not help relations with this man's father, with deteriorated to the point that he participated in the Praguerie Rebellion against his father, only to see it fail and be exiled to the province of Dauphine. He intervened in the War of the Roses by pressuring the Earl of Warwick to oppose Edward IV, only for the plan to backfire and Edward to invade France, while this monarch bribed Edward off with the Treaty of Picquigny. Known for his political machinations and complicated webs of alliances, this is FTP what ruler, son of Charles VII and King of France from 391 to 343 with an arachnid-sounding nickname.;;Louis XI|Louis (the) Spider|Louis (the) Prudent|Louis (the) Universal Spider Chemistry;;One of these molecules containing two geminal acceptor groups is the product of the Knoevenagel reaction. Ethers can be formed by alkoxy-mercuration between an alcohol and one of these, or by reacting a peroxy-acid with one of these. In the process of hydrogenation, some of its bonds are broken by reacting them with protons, and Lindlar's catalyst is often used to yield the cis-variety from an alkyne. Markovnikov's rules state that when hydrogen halides are added to them, the acid hydrogen attatches to the carbon with the greatest bonded hydrogens and the halide attaches to carbon with the fewest bonded hydrogens. Ethylene is the simplest member of, for 10 points, what group of unsaturated organic compounds that have at least one carbon-carbon double bond?;;alkene|olefin(e) Literature;;Like his adoptive son, this character wears an ear jewel that allows him to speak with the artificially intelligent Jane. In one appearance, this character attempts to assist the biologist Novinha against the Descolada virus and ends up joining the monastery of the Children of the Mind. In another appearance, this character was taught by Mazer Rackham, and members of his jeesh include Alai and Hot Soup. This character's brother takes the pseudonym Locke, while his sister takes the pseudonym Demosthenes, and in Battle School, he accidentally kills another student. For 10 points, identify this character who appears in Speaker for the Dead and in a more well-known novel fights the buggers in his namesake Game.;;Ender (Wiggin);;Wiggin Miscellaneous;;This concept disallows the Borda count from being effective, although repeated instances of Nanson's Method can bypass this condition. May's theorem applies this concept to a more restricted scope, and ome variants of this concept replace the montonicity and non-imposition criteria to form a more restrictive version. The Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem formally extends this concept to voting systems, and it was introduced by its namesake in "A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare," while its namesake also wrote Social Choice and Individual Values. For 10 points, what theorem states that when there are more than three options, a completely fair and consistent election is unattainable.;;Arrow('s) (Impossibility) (Theorem) World History;;This man is the primary subject of Ammianus Marcellinuis' Rerum gestarum libri, and after the death of his mother Basilina, this man was raised together with his half-brother Gallus by Eusebius of Nicomedia. On succeeding to his highest office, this man invited Maximus of Ephesus to serve as his advisor, and his philosophical work can be found in a tract entitled "Against the Galileans". His success in Gaul against the Alemanni and the Franks frightened his cousin Constantius II, whom this man succeeded upon the latter's death. Among this man's domestic policies was an edict ordering religious tolerance, and he began a project to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. After converting to an Iamblichan version of Neoplatonism, this man proclaimed the cult of the Unconquered Sun engaged in persecution of Christians, but his death during a campaign against the Persians in 363 ended his 20-month long reign. For ten points, identify this last pagan Roman emperor.;;(Flavius) (Claudius) Julian(us)|Julian (the) (Apostate) Chemistry;;A carbony complexed with this element was the original catalyst in the Pauson-Khand reaction, although Wilkinson's catalyst, which uses iridium, is now more common. Along with iron, this element is the most common catalyst used in the Fischer-Tropsch process. Ingestion of this element represents a poisoning threat since this element can decrease synthesis of enzymes such as cytochrome P450 while inhibiting aminolevulinic acid synthase, and its sulfate is widely used in electroplating. C.S. Wu's parity-violation experiments used this element's isotope 60, and its isotope 57 is widely employed in Mossbauer spectroscopy, though most of this element is used up in magnetic alloys such as Alnico. For ten points, identify this element with atomic number 27, which takes its name from the German word for "goblin".;;Cobalt Art;;Buildings named for Sehzade and Suleymanye were modeled on this older building. The Mosaic of the Donors is located above the Vestibule of the Warriors, which is the modern entrance to this building. Jesus, next to the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist, holds Book of Gospels in the mostly-damaged Deësis Mosaic at the southern gallery. A seraphim decorates each of the triangular pendentive, which supports the central dome, surrounded by forty windows so that it appears to be floating. An earlier version of this building was destroyed in the Nika Revolt. For 10 points, identify this church in present-day Istanbul commissioned from Isidorus and Anthemius by Justinian I, the Church of Holy Wisdom.;;Hagia Sophia|Aya Sofya Literature;;This author created a protagonist who simply refers to himself as "boku" sees a ghost wearing a raincoat and slowly descends to insanity in his novel Gears, or Cogwheels. The fox turns into a messenger for Toshihito in another of this author's works, in which an ordinary samurai with a red nose, Goi, obsesses over the titular food. This author of "Yam Gruel" also wrote about a patient in the insane asylum, who talks about a water imp which refuses to be born, and he wrote about a monk dips a certain body part in hot water and has his disciples step on it in "Kappa" and "The Nose," respectively. This author of "In a Grove" may be best remembered for a work that was the basis for a Kurosawa film of the same name. For 10 points, name this author, the namesake of Japan's highest literary prize and the author of the short story "Rashomon"?;;Akutagawa (Ryunosuke) United States History;;An attempted bribery of the ship Michigan by these people was prevented by the arrest of Charles Cole, a member of this group. George Pugh defended its most famous leader, although Humphrey Leavitt denied his appeal. That leader was tried for the violation of General Order No. 38, which criminalized the "habit of declaring sympathies for the enemy," as head of the "Knights of the Golden Circle," a secret society with members from this group. The military tribunal of members of this group, who attempted to free prisoners at Camp Douglas, was deemed unconstitutional in Ex parte Milligan. Although Chicago Times was one of its key supporters, these people known also known as Butternuts were concentrated in Ohio. Essentially marginalized following the union victories in 1864, for 10 points, this is what Clement Vallandingham-led faction of Peace Democrats?;;(the) Copperhead(s);;Butternut(s)|Peace Democrat(s) Computer Science;;A Bellman equation is an condition associated with this technique, which is employed by the Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm that asks whether a string can be generated by a given context-free grammar. The Needlemna-Wunsch algorithm for nucleotide alignment also employs this technique, and this method is called stochastic if the immediate payoffs and the next state are known onyl as probabilities. An example of this method is modifying a recursive program to calculate the Fibonacci sequence so that the program stores each value of the sequence after calculating it and then reuses it if it is needed again instead of recalculating. For 10 points, name this method of problem solving, which aims to efficiently solve optimization problems which have overlapping sub-problems, and is often used to solve the traveling salesman problem and to check edit distance in spellcheckers.;;dynamic programming Music;;The prelude of his fourth symphony closes with the chorus singing the hymn "Watchman," while his unfinished, most abstract symphony is known as his Universe Symphony. In one of his "Two Contemplations," Central Park in the Dark is paired with a work in which the dissonant dialogue between trumpet and woodwinds represents the search for a transcendental answer. This composer of Variations on "America" also wrote his second piano sonata to commemorate such people as Hawthorne, the Alcotts, and Emerson, while "Putnam's Camp" and "The Housatonic at Stockbridge" are among the title locales of his most famous orchestral work. The composer of The Unanswered Question, for ten points, name this American composer of Concord Sonata and Three Places in New England.;;(Charles) (Edward) Ives Philosophy;;This man's last work was a lecture series that included a discussion of "Galileo's Mathematization of Nature," and was later collected as The Crisis of European Sciences. Gottlob Frege notably criticized this thinker's psychological treatment of mathematics in his first published work entitled Philosophy of Arithmetic, and after studying under Thomas Masaryck, this man began to extend the ideas of Franz Brentano, a move which led to his development of the technique of epoche, or bracketing. A critique of psychologism in philosophy is contained in this man's "Prolegomena to Pure Logic," which forms the first volume of his most famous work, the volumes of which address topics such as intentionality and cognition. For ten points, identify this founder of phenomenology and author of Cartesian Meditations and Logical Investigations.;;(Edmund) (Gustav) (Albrecht) Husserl World History;;An imposter named Gaumata took the identity of this ruler's son Bardiya to overthrow this ruler's rightful successor. That successor fought at the Battle of Pelusium and defeated Psametik III, pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty. Xenophon wrote a fictionalized biography of this ruler, whose head was supposedly placed in a jar of blood by the vengeful Queen Tomyris of the Massagatae. He founded his capital at Pasargade, although the city that he conquered from his grandfather Astyages, Ecbatana, also served that function. After having defeated the Neo-Babylonians under Nabonidus, he made the Jews happy by ending the Babylonian Captivity. He is also known for defeating the Croesus, King of Lydia, and establishing his empire by overthrowing the Medians. Father of Cambyses II, for 10 points, identify this founder of the Achaemenid dynasty of the Persian empire.;;Cyrus (II|the Second|the Great){1}?|Kurus;;Cyrus Biology;;Inhibited by Pseudomonas and E. coli Ivy proteins, this protein's active site requires the E35 and D52 acidic residues. Because it can be purified in large quantities, it was the first protein to be characterized at a 2-Ångstrom level, by Lord David Phillips in 1965. In a classic example of convergent evolution, Alexander Fleming showed that the bacterial form of this enzyme has no sequence or structural elements in common with the hen egg variety, which is frequently used as a model source of peptides for inducing antibodies or cytotoxic T cell responses. It hydrolyzes 1-4-beta-glycosidic linkages in polysaccharides that make up chitin and bacterial cell walls, protecting the body surface of mammals and some insects from infections. For 10 points, name this enzyme, which along with defensins is released by the granules of white blood cells, and is also found in tears, saliva and inside lysosomes.;;lysozyme Art;;This painting was originally supposed to serve as the companion piece to Giovanni Rost's Innocence tapestry, and in Studies in Iconology, Erwin Panofsky has argued that it represents a critique of Luxury. One obscured figure in this painting appears to have a right hand attached to her left arm and a left hand attached to her right arm; she also has a lion's leg and a serpent's tail coming out of her body. At the lower left of is a dove, above it is a woman tearing away her hair in agony, and above her is a mask-like face without eyeballs. More masks lie at the lower right of this painting, near the feet of a character that holds the golden apple. One character has rose petals in his hands, and these characters in the foreground are characterized by sensuous, silk-like skin. A bald, bearded man grasps the blue curtain in the background. For 10 points, incestuous kissing and breast-groping are two of the few things going on in what allegorical painting by Bronzino?;;Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time|Allegory of Venus and Cupid Literature;;Toward the end of this work, the grubman mistakes the protagonist for a gentleman forger because he is so pale and later notes that he seems to live without dining. At the opening of this work, the narrator introduces a character who becomes fervid and tends to make blots in the afternoon and an errand boy named for the type of cake he brings. The narrator also feels pity and sympathy for that lonely protagonist, who dies at the Tombs as a vagrant and ends the narration by exclaiming "Ah, humanity!" Conflict arises when the titular character, a former worker at the Dead Letters Office, begins to live in the office and refuses to quit his employer. Working with Turkey, Nippers, and Gingernut is the title character of, FTP, which Herman Melville short story whose protagonist's pet phrase is "I would prefer not to"?;;Bartleby(,) the Scrivener World History;;The Supersemar order led to the massacre of thousands of Communist in this nation, which was directed by the future leader of the Golkar Party. That occurred after the 30 September movement, which indirectly caused the rise of the man who was later succeeded by Jusuf Habibie. Although neither the Linggarjati Agreement nor the Renville Agreement could bring peace in this nation, it ultimately secured its independence at the Hague Round-Table Conference. The five principles of Pancasila and the abbreviation NASAKOM were concepts related to the leader of the non-aligned movement from this nation, and the Bandung Conference occurred here. For 10 points, name this Asian country whose leaders included Megawati, Suharto, and Sukarno, the most populous Muslim nation.;;Indonesia Religion/Mythology;;The titular figure's statement "Think upon me, my God, for good", has been called boastful by many Jewish leaders. In its longest segment it explains the location of the ten gates of Jerusalem and describes how the Jews rebuilt the walls of the city. In the Hebrew Bible it is included in the Ketuvim as part of the Book of Ezra, with whom it likely shares an author. It tells of a Babylon-born Jew who was cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes I, who assigned him to make a census of the Jews and organize them in preparation for possible Egyptian invastion, despite the interference of Tobias and Sanballat. For 10 points name this historical book of the Old Testament, which is followed by Tobit in the Catholic Bible and Esther in the Protestant Bible.;;(The) (Book) (of) Nehemiah|(The) (Book) (of) Nehemias Astronomy;;The Rosetta mission will study the influence of this phenomenon on Wirtanen, and several boundaries relevant to this phenomenon include the mystery boundary and the magnetic pile-up boundary. First predicted by Ludwig Biermann, is velocity gradients give rise to corotating interaction regions, and its magnetic fields are studied through the use of a spiral named for the man who first formulated a comprehensive theory of it. Anomalous cosmic rays accelerate to high velocities at this phenomenon's termination shock, and its balance with the interstellar medium defines the location of the heliopause. Notably modeled by Eugene Parker, for ten points, identify this plasma of ionized particles and electrons ejected from the Sun's corona.;;Solar wind Literature;;One novel written in this language concerns the post-war experience of a saxophone player named Danny and is entitled The Cowards. In another novel written in this language, the main character attempts to blow up the titular conveyances, and the author of that novel, Closely Watched Trains, also wrote I Served the King of England and Dancing Lessons for an Advanced Age. The main character in another novel written in this language is arrested for sending a postcard on which he writes "Optimism is the Opiate of the People," while a more famous work by an author writing mostly in this language concerns the romantic entanglements of Sabina, Tomas, and Tereza. For ten points, identify this language in which such works as The Good Soldier Schweik and The Unbearable Lightness of Being were written, the native tongue of Bohumil Hrabal, Jaroslav Siefert, Jaroslav Hasek, and Milan Kundera.;;Czech (Language) Religion/Mythology;;This figure is associated with the mystery cult at Samothrace that worships the Cabeiri, who are sometimes known as his sons. Some of his other offspring include the inventor of the flute and a wrestler who defeats everyone he faces and proceeds to kill them. Those two, Ardalus and Cercyon, both came from his relationship with the Thracian nymph Cabiro. One of his more famous offspring became the king of Athens after expelling Amphictyon. That king was Ericthonius, and came from this figure's failed attempt to rape Athena. According to Homer, he had a wife named Aglaea, one of the Graces, but they did not have any children. This might be because of his incredibly grotesque features that also caused Hera to throw him from Mount Olympus. For 10 points, name this Olympian who created Achilles's armor and the Aegis breastplate, the god of fire and metallurgy famous for being lame.;;Hephaestus Literature;;This author describes listening to children singing in "Ballad of the Little Square," while in another balled, he describes he experience of being a sleepwalker. A cat's paw is tragically crushed in this author's long poem "Poet in New York", while in a dramatic work, this author depicted the titular Marina Pineda. Some of his poems were collected in Gypsy Ballads, this author wrote a play in which the Felix family is hated by the Mother. In addition to that, this playwright wrote a play in which María Josefa is declared to have died a virgin by her mother. For 10 points name this author of Blood Wedding and The House of Bernarda Alba.;;(Federico) (Garcia) Lorca World History;;This man's rise to his first important position of power was supported by the Party of Order, and his trusted advisors included the authoritarian Eugene Rouher and the liberal Duke of Morny. Under this ruler, the minister of education Victor Duruy actively fought clerical influence, and this man entered into talks with the president of Equador about creating a "Kingdom of the Andes". Together with Camilo Cavour, this man concluded the secret agreement of Plombiers, and assistance to the Piedmontese in the victory over Austria at the Battle of Solferino resulted in the Peace of Villafranca. The affair of the Hohenzollern candidacy led him to instigate a war which ended when he was captured at the Battle of Sedan, after which this man was deposed and the Third Republic proclaimed. For ten points, identify this man who became president on the abdication of Louis-Philippe and who ruled from 1852 until 1873 as the last French Emperor.;;Napoleon (III|the Third)|(Charles) Louis Napoleon (Bonaparte);;Napoleon Philosophy;;The application of Wittgenstein's ideas to this concept is the subject of a 1972 book by Hannah Pitkin, and in a work on The Philosophy of Moral Development, Lawrence Kohlberg examined "moral stages and the idea of" this concept. In his Treatise of Human Nature, Hume claimed that this concept was the "support of society," and asked whether it was a natural or an artificial virtue. John Tomasi is the author of a book that examines "Liberalism beyond" this concept, and in another work, a man named Thrasymachus claims that it is nothing but the interests of the stronger. The most famous contemporary work on this topic conceives of it as "fairness" and incorporates a "difference principle" to aid in achieving it. For ten points, identify this concept, a "Theory" of which was formulated by John Rawls.;;justice Noncomputational Math;;This quantity can be defined on a finite CW complex as an alternating sum, and an extension of this quantity to higher dimensions can be obtained through Betti numbers. Examining the trace of the matrix for a map homotopic to the identity shows that this quantity for such maps is equal to the Lefschetz number. It can be determined by taking the number of maxima and minima and subtracting saddle points or by subtracting twice the genus from two, and Poincare's formula for polyhedra gives it by subtracting the number of edges and faces from the number of vertices. For 10 points, what is this property of a compacted, closed surface that is zero for the Klein bottle and Möbius strip and positive 2 for a sphere, and which was first introduced by its namesake in his solution to the "bridges of Konigsberg" problem.;;Euler(-Poincaré) characteristic|Euler(-Poincaré) number Art;;A slightly crouched, winged figure standing atop a hemisphere and clad only in a flight cap served as this artist's monument to James R. McConnell entitled "The Aviator," while another of his works, derived from a life mask created by Leonard Volk, was originally displayed in the Capitol Rotunda. As part of a commission from the United Daughters of the Confederacy, he designed a scene depicting Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, and Robert E. Lee followed by legion of artillery troops; however, the intended high-relief frieze on Stone Mountain was never completed. For 10 points, name this American who sculpted Thomas Paine and Woodrow Wilson during a world tour while his son Lincoln supervised the completion of the presidential busts at Mount Rushmore.;;(John) (Gutzon) Borglum World History;;Like the Polynesians, these people created a cloth out of tree bark called tapa, which was used with sistal to make clothing. All of the known kings of this people have full bodied depictions on "Altar Q". Some sources discuss the blood sacrifice of their kings, which was accomplished with a sting ray spine. These people controlled the cities of Calakmul and Dos Pilas in their early years, while in later times, the cities of Uxmal was a more important center. The first of the sixteen kings of these people was named Yax Kuk Mo and began the Copan Dynasty, which worshipped the god Chac. For 10 points, identify these people who prophesized the end of the world in 2012, and had a capital at Chichen Itza.;;Maya(s) Art;;This painting inspired the first major work of American artist Larry Rivers, and it is the subject of Michael Fried's essay concerning "The Structure of Beholding in" this work. This work's artist depicted his sisters Zoe, Juliette, and Zelie in the right half of this work, whose frieze-like quality prompted Mary Cassatt to exclaim "Why, it's Greek!" upon seeing it. In addition to two boys, both wearing skullcaps, two figures robed in red can be seen in the center left of this painting, whose title locale was also the setting for an earlier work by the same artist depicting the titular workers. The crowd gathered for the depicted event is arranged in an S-curve across this monumental painting, and only a cross projecting into the upper half of the painting breaks this work's division between the sky and the titular event occurring below. For ten points, identify this painting depicting a country funeral by Gustave Courbet.;;Burial at Ornans|Tableau de figures humaines, historique d'un enterrement a Ornans Sociology;;This person wrote about the functions of especially recalcitrant people in his text The Underlife of a Public Institution, while he wrote about the way in which people seek out entertainment in his work Where the Action is. This man discussed the sociological situation of "inmates" with mental illness in his book Asylums, while in another work, this sociologist discusses what he considers "spoiled" identity, which he argues arises solely from the reactions of other people with whom people interact. In this man's best-known work, he argues that people participate in "dramaturgical" rituals and treat all social interaction as a play. For ten points, identify this sociologist who wrote Stigma and The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.;;(Erving) Goffman Geography;;The European Maritime Safety Agency is located in this city, as is the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiciton. Expo '98 was held in this city, which was at one point ruled by the children of Sabur the Slav. This city contains the "25th of April Bridge" connects the city to neighboring Almada, in addition to another bridge which is the longest in Europe. The western boundary of this city is marked by the Monsanto forest, and this city was built on a series of terraces on the slopes of the Sintra Mountains and on the banks of the Tagus River. Notable for having a major earthquake in 1755 and for being larger than Oporto, for 10 points, identify this city, the capital of Portugal.;;Lisbon|Lisboa Chemistry;;Four cationic instances of this type of reaction are required for the synthesis of lanosterol, and molecules such as 2E, 4E-2,4-Hexadiene can undergo a photochemical variety of this reaction through a disrotatory path. The thermal occurrence of this reaction in enediynes is known as the Begman variety, while types of this reaction catalyzed by compounds such as organotin include the Stille and Heck reactions. A reaction of this type which occurs in divynil ketones and is catalyzed by strong Lewis or Bronstedt acids is known as the Nazarov one while another example of this type of reaction produces a beta-keto ester through a mechanism similar to that of Claisen condensation and is called the Dieckmann reaction. For ten points, identify this type of reaction which results in the formation of a ring compound from a chain.;;cyclization Literature;;Jacques-Louis David is featured in a novel about Evariste Gamelin, by this author, entitled The Gods Are Athirst, while in another novel, Madme Gilberte is a librarian and Julien Arcade is the guardian angel of the lazy young man Maurice d'Esparvieu. In addition to writing Revolt of the Angels, this novelist wrote At the Sign of the Reine Pedaque. In a more well-known work, the title character has a consuming love of books and is made the guardian of Jeanne, who marries Gelis. In addition to that work, he wrote a novel in which Mael goes to the title location to convert the indigenous creatures. For ten points, identify this man who wrote The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard and Penguin Island, a French novelist.;;(Anatole) France World History;;This man proposed that his daughter marry Prince Hans of Denmark, but Hans died soon after arriving in this man's capitaly city. Among his early power plays was removing the Nagoi family to Uglich, and his foreign policy included a war against a neighboring power after the expiration of the Treaty of Plussa. He promoted his friend the Metropolitan Job, thus resulting in the creation of the Patriarchate, and Job would later convene the comission that made this man tsar. He forced Fedor Nikitich Romanov, later known as Filaret, to become a monk, and this man's reign saw him oppose Grigory Otrepev by claiming that Grigory was a "False Dimitry". For 10 points, identify this boyar who in 1598 succeeded Ivan IV of Russia, and whose election saw the beginning of the "Time of Troubles"?;;(Boris) (Fyodorovich) Godunov Literature;;Some of this writers early works describe the trials of the titular Gonza the Lancer and an evil person who serves at the titular Courier from Hell, a theme also explored in his work The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil. The title character of one of this writers's works wins his sister and her husband the general to his side, and he later meets up with Go Sangei in the presence of the Nine Immortals to win a final battle. In addition to The Battles of Coxinga, this writer created a work in which the paper merchant Jihei is in love with the courtesan Koharu, in addition to one in which the evil Kuheiji attempts to part Tokubei from his love, the teahouse worker Ohatsu. For ten points, identify this playwright who wrote about Love Suicides at Amajima and Sonezaki.;;Chikamatsu (Monzaemon) United States History;;One side in this battle considered both traveling through Rigolet's Pass and using Chef Menteur Road to get to the city, but they eventually decided to scale the mud walls of the Rodriguez Canal; however, the plan fell through when Colonel Mullins could not locate the ladders necessary to do so. Although Colonel Thorton was able to move in on Generla Morgan's guns, John Keane's regiment of Highlanders suffered heavy losses before this battle's end. Followed shortly by the Battle of Fort Bowyer, it saw the losing side withdraw by the orders of John Lambert after Edward Pakenham's fatal wound. With the help of Jean Lafitte's pirates, Andrew Jackson led American forces to victory in, FTP, which battle of the War of 1812 which occurred after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent?;;(Battle) (of) New Orleans Religion/Mythology;;In Korean myth, one of these becomes a beautiful woman and marries Hwanung after praying in a cave for 100 days and in a Carolingian romance the twin brother of Valentine is raised by these creatures. In the Kalevala, Louhi sends one of these named Otso to ravage Wainola and one of these creatures, believed to be the incarnation of Chira-Mante-Kamui, is sacrificed by a certain tribe during a festival called Iomante. The sinews of this animal are one of the six components of the chain Gleipnir which binds Fenris to a rock and a follower of Artemis who was tricked by Zeus into giving birth to Arcas was turned into one of these. The object of a cult among the Ainu, for 10 points, identify these animals whose skins were worn by berserkers wore and mythological examples of which include Callisto who was turned into the constellation Ursa major.;;bears Literature;;In one of this author's stories, a wounded Mexican named Cayetano recovers along with the writer Mr. Frazer and a devout nun in a hospital. This author of "The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio" also wrote a work about a boy confused by the difference between Celsius and Farenheit thinks he is going to die and in another, two waiters wait for an old man to leave a café. Wilson asks Margot, "Why didn't you poison him" in another story after she shoots the title character, and this author also wrote about the writer, Harry, who dies of an infected wound after dreaming of an airplane trip to the title mountain. For 10 points name this author of "A Day's Wait", "A Clean Well Lighted Place", "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro".;;(Ernest) (Miller) Hemingway World History;;One member of this group of people was depicted on the Ars Pacis, and had earlier served as a cavalry commander for Aulus Gabbinius. One of these people was the grandson of a High Priest and censor of the same name, and tried to raise a revolt in Sicily against another of these people. That man was later confined to governance of Africa, after having had his possessions in Gaul and Spain taken away. Another of these people fought in Syria and lost the battle of Actium. This group first met at Bolonia and was enacted into law in 43 BCE, and was renewed 5 years later. For 10 points, identify this group of people that oversaw the execution of Brutus and was comprised of Marcus Lepidus, Marc Antony, and Octavian.;;Second Triumvirate|Triumviri Rei Publicae Constituendae|Triumvirs for Confirming the Republic with Consular Power Music;;This term describes a work by César Franck for Organ in E major, his Opus 19, and operatic examples include Caldara's Dafne and Haydn's La fedeltà premiata. John Gay's Acis and Galatea is a ‘serenata' of this type, and a Newgate type of this musical genre is the ironic subtitle of Beggar's Opera. It can be described as a movement of a melody in thirds over a drone bass, and the titles of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 15 and Ralph Vaughan Williams' Symphony No. 3 share this word, which also names the Pifa movement for Handel's Massiah. The most famous work bearing this word includes movements titled "Storm" and "Scene by the brook". For 10 points, name this term, which also names Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 in F Major.;;pastoral|pastorale Physics;;In the Cottrell equation, the current generated in a chronoamperometry experiment is proportional to the square root of a coefficient of this type and a Loschmidt tube can be used to study this phenomenon. The ability of plasmas to escape confinement in a magnetic field faster than kinetic estimates would predict is accounted for by the Bohm type of this process and in Lévy flights its constant becomes infinite. Stochastic variables can be applied to molecular states to produce the Ehrenfest model of this process and random walks involving non-Brownian motion produces the anomalous version of this process. For 10 points, what is this process that is governed by a relationship between flow rate and concentration difference known as Fick's law and can describe gas molecules moving down a concentration gradient.;;diffusion Literature;;One of his poems discusses a "beautiful mild woman" and states that the title character's fall "needs much laboring". Another poem by this man states that the title characters "were all on show" and ends with the image of "the foul rag and bone shop of the heart". In addition to "Adam's Curse" and "The Circus Animals' Desertion", he asked "how can we tell the dancer from the dance"? in the last line of his poem "Among School Children," and wrote of a people to whom "no likely end" could bring loss, "or leave them happier than before". In that same poem, the title character believes "that he shall meet his fate / somewhere among the clouds above," while another poem compares an old man with a tattered robe upon a stick and opens by describing the title place as "no country for old men". For 10 points, name this author of "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death", and "Sailing to Byzantium".;;(William) (Butler) Yeats Biology;;When produced by the submaxillary glands and Brunner's glands, one class of these entities acts on mesenchymal, glial, and epithelial cells, while a related alpha variant produced by carcinomas can induce a transform phenotype in non-neoplastic cells. Varieties such as track A and track B have been identified as proto-oncogenes and act on nerve cells. Another type derived from platelets is composed of two different protein chains that form AA, AB, and BB dimers. Mutations in the receptor for the fibroblast variety result in achondroplasia, a bone development disorder. For 10 points, erythropoietin and the insulin-like somatomedin C belong to what class of proteins that bind to cell surface receptors and trigger cellular proliferation and differentiation?;;growth factor(s) Art;;Marsden Hartley wrote an essay entitled "The Importance of Being" this, and John Heartfield and was a founding members of one branch of this movement. Another man active in this movement gave his works the name "Merz," and became acquainted with it through the periodical "The Storm". In addition to Kurt Schwitters, participants in this movement included a man who created the satirical works entitled The Face of the Ruling Class, George Grosz, while Richard Huelsenbeck is responsible for founding its Berlin branch. Its practitioners in Cologne included Jean Arp and Max Ernst, while the magazine "391," started in Barcelona by Francis Picabia, also propagated its ideals. Founded in Hugo Ball's Cabaret Voltaire by a number of expatriate artists that include Tristan Tzara, for ten points, identify this absurdist artistic movement whose best known representative is probably Marcel Duchamp, and which takes its name from the French for "hobbyhorse".;;Dada(ism) Economics;;This man notably published a speech that he gave in Parliament on the resumption of cash payments, in which he attacked the position of the titular Mr. West. This man left the important paper "The Invariable Standard of Value" unfinished. This man is associated with an "93 per cent" theory which makes possible his Labor Theory of Value. This man stated that it doesn't matter whether government finances spending with debt or tax increase, known as his and Barro's equivalency. His "Essay on the High Price of Corn" showcased his opposition to the Corn Laws. For ten points, identify this economist who wrote Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, who is also well known for an Iron Law of Wages and describing comparative advantage.;;(David) Ricardo Biology;;A variation of this process in prokaryotes includes the enzymes lactonohyrolase and NADP+ oxoreductase and is named for Entner and Duodoroff. The rapid acceleration of this process by M2-PK in cancer cells is known as the Warburg effect, while one product of this pathway is moved into a downstream process via the malate-aspartate shuttle. One enzyme is this pathway is regulated by both a liver promoter and a neuroendocrine promoter that control the transcription of two different isoforms, while another one is inhibited allosterically by alanine and ATP, and is responsible for transforming phosphenolpyruate to pyruvate, which is the final molecule of this pathway. Divided into an "investment" and "payoff" phase, this process creates a net total of 2ATP. FTP, name this pathway that contains pyruvate kinase, glucokinase, and phosphofructokinase-1, and is responsible for splitting a glucose molecule.;;glycolysis|(the) Embden-Meyerhoff (pathway) Literature;;In this novel, a rotting piece of cheese inside a safe leads one character to devise a method for getting revenge on a bank, and that character makes a bet with Richard Frost that an unhappy group of men will not turn their heads when a parade approaches. Another character seeks the world record for flagpole-skating, and Henri uses nutshells in his paintings while he is not busy building his boat. Gay goes to find parts to fix a Model T, only to be thrown in jail, and his friends adopt a pointer named Darling. Dora is forced to shut her harem down for two weeks during the Great Sardine Catch, and in another episode, the Western Biological lab is ruined after a party for Doc descends into chaos thanks to Mack's poor control. FTP, identify this novel which depicts the lives of the Palace Flophouse gang, Lee Chong, and the other inhabitants of the titular street in Monterey, a work by John Steinbeck.;;Cannery Row World History;;General Di Qing of this polity put down the border rebellion of Nung Tri Cao, and this polity fought a war against the Tanguts over control of the Ordos prefecture, but this dynasty lost the Second Battle of Bach Dang against the forces of Vietnam's Le Dynasty. Sima Guang attempted to seize power during this dynasty. This dynasty began when Emperor Taizu took over the throne and conquered the Sixteen Prefectures at the end of the Five Dynasties period. One chancellor instituted a series of reforms which included the construction of a central bureaucracy and the implementation of a civil service exam system. For 10 points, name this Chinese dynasty often split into northern and southern periods that lasted from 960 to 1279.;;Song (dynasty) Physics;;Bauer and Donnelly wrote about the interactions of one of this man's proposed particles, whose magnetic varieties are called magnons. He formulated an early theory of turbulence together with Hopf. Together with Lifshitz and Gilbert he lends his name to an equation describing the precession of magnetization, while his namesake quantized levels describes the cyclotron orbits of charged particles in magnetic fields. This man also proposed the existence of rotons to explain excitations in a certain type of material. The Coleman-Weinberg model is a four-dimensional generalization of one theory named for this man, which is based on this man's theory of second-order phase transitions and is also named for Ginzburg. FTP, name this Soviet physicist whose work on superfluidity earned him the 1962 Physics Nobel.;;(Lev) Landau Geography;;The Clinch and Powell Rivers flow through the eastern part of this state, which also contains the Tims Ford reservoir. The Fugitive Poets wrote I'll Take My Stand in this state, which is divided into "Grand Divisions," and this state contains the musically important Beale Street. This state contains both Franklin and Fort Donelson, disputed in the Civil War. This state's electoral districts were the subject of dispute in Baker v. Carr, and the Unaka Mountains dominate this state's eastern border, where Clingman's Dome rises over 6,600 feet. The site of the Scopes Monkey Trial, for 10 points, name this state also notable for being the site of the Battle of Shiloh, with major cities Memphis and Nashville.;;Tennessee Literature;;In the preface to this play, the author noted that its last word, read by a gendarme, must electrify everyone on the stage. In the first act of this work, one character relates having dreamed of gigantic rats, after which he berates another character for accepting puppies as bribes. One character in this play lies to the main character about never playing cards, a statement contradicted by Luka. In another incident, Anna and Maria ply the servant Osip for details about the main character's love life, while those who fawn on the main character include the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin and two similarly names squires. Though the main character proposes to the daughter of the mayor Anton Antonovich, in the final act of this play the Postmaster discovers a letter from that character to his friend mocking the townspeople. For 10 points, name this work by Nikolai Gogol, in which Khlestakov is mistaken for the title official.;;(The) Inspector-General (Or) (The) Government Inspector||Revizor Literature;;This man authored Matt Weiner's favorite children's story, entitled On Civility in Children. One work by this man contains 195 illustrated variations of the sentence "your letter pleased me greatly" and advocates the "abundant style" of writing and speech. He wrote a guide for future Holy Roman Emperor Charles V entitled Education of a Christian Prince, and in addition to his Copia, this man criticized the accumulation of wealth by the church in his Sileni Alcibiadis. The title character of another work goes to heaven with an angel named "Genius", but St. Peter denies him entry due to his numerous sins. He's more famous for a work that was illustrated by Hans Holbein the Younger, in which the title character represents this figure's own inner voice and constantly chastises him. For 10 points, name this author of Julius Exclusus and In Praise of Folly, a Dutch Humanist.;;(Desiderus) Erasmus World History;;One belligerent in this war set up the Agranat Commission to investigate the failure of its intelligence services prior to the war. In this war, troops commanded by Moshe Dayan, David Elazar, and Israel Tal faced off against armies led by Saad El Shazly, Hosni Mubarak, and Abu Zikry, among others. The first two days of this war saw 8,000 Egyptian troops overwhelm fortifications in the Negev Desert by crossing the Suez Canal in rubber assault rafts. After losing territory in this war to both Syria and Egypt, the Israeli Defense Forces recaptured much of it, making gains in the Golan Heights and capturing a small piece of territory to the west of the Suez Canal. FTP, name this 1973 war launched on an important Jewish holiday.;;Yom Kippur War|October War|Ramadan War Religion/Mythology;;This figure's counselors were called the annunaki, and in one story, Kakka or Kadda is sent by Anu to bring this figure food from a banquet. This figure's first husband was sent to punish Gilgamesh and Enkidu for killing Humbaba and was associated with the present-day constellation of Taurus, and this goddess's main temple was located at Cuthah. Kalatarru and Kurgarru were sent to sprinkle the food and water of life on one of this figure's victims. Her other husband was Nergal, who was greeted by her son Namtar before courting her. In that myth, this figure forced her sister to strip naked at seven gates at the entrance to Irkala and then killed her. FTP, name this sister of Innana and ruler of the underworld, the Sumerian goddess of death.;;Ereshkigal Music;;One character in this opera convinces himself of victory in the aria "Schweig! Damit dich Niemand wart," and in another scene a portrait falls from the wall, injuring the female lead. In the prologue, a hermit warns of dark days and gives another character sacred roses. One character sings "Comes a pretty boy up this path", is named Annchen, and is later dismayed at one character's dream. In a later scene another character waits impatiently and calls for Zamiel to help. Kaspar convinces the protagonist to come to the Wolf's Glen at night, and the next morning Kuno's underlings rejoice in the "Hunter's Chorus". For 10 points, name this opera where Max tries to win Agathe by using charmed bullets to ace a trial shot, a work by Carl Maria von Weber.;;(Der) Freischutz|(The) Free-Shooter|(The) Marksman World History;;This man's habit of assembling his subjects at the foot of an oak to dispense justice is frequently recalled by his biographer Jean de Joinville and his chaplain, Vincent of Beauvais, wrote the first great encyclopedia, the Speculum Majus. This ruler achieved a bloodless victory over foreign forces supporting the rebel Hugh of Lusignan at Taillebourg Bridge, and his children with his wife Marguerite of Provence included Phillipe III. This man sent Matthew Paris to Haakon IV of Norway in an unsuccessful attempt to get the latter to join him on his most famous military campaign, on which he was accompanied by Alphonse of Poitiers and Charles I of Anjou and during which he captured Damietta before Baibars captured him at the Battle of Fariskur. FTP, name this Capetian king, son of Blanche de Castille, and leader of the Seventh Crusade, the only French king to be canonized.;;St. Louis|Louis IX Music;;Clarence Major wrote about Painted Turtle, a woman with one of these, who only joins up with Baldy after he trades his own. Albert Murray wrote about Luzana Cholly, a master of one of these, who appears in both The Spyglass Tree and a novel about a "Train Whistle" one. In Morrison's Song of Solomon, a character with this name joins the Seven Days and journeys with Milkman to Pilate's house, while Floyd Barton returns to Chicago in an August Wilson play about seven of them. One poet wrote about "A Farewell without" one of these, and in another of his poems he claims that one of these is the reason the title figure "does not play things as they are". FTP, name this musical instrument, a blue variety of which is held by a man in a poem by Wallace Stevens.;;guitar Chemistry;;The Gin synthesis of Nominine relies on an intermolecular version of this reaction, while Ishihara's triamine catalysts allow acroleins to undergo this reaction. Rajaram and Sigman's catalysts facilitate the oxo-variation of this reaction, which uses carbonyl compounds to create pyrans, and this reaction was one of the first understood through the use of Fukui's theory. Seelig's ribozymes catalyze it in vivo, and a more familiar variation uses 1,1-diarylethylene and is named for Wagner and Juaregg. The aza variation of this reaction is used to synthesize pyridines, while this reaction prefers a transition state in which the groups on one reactant are pointed inwards, called the "endo" state. FTP, name this 4+2 cycloaddition reaction that creates a cyclohexene derivative from a diene and a dienophile.;;Diels-Alder (reaction) United States History;;Forty-two of the charges against the plaintiff were dropped before this case appeared before the Supreme Court, and those charges include a violation of minimum wage laws. One concurrence in this decision advocated a spectrum approach to direct and indirect effects; that concurrence was by Cardozo. The court's narrow reading of Article 2 in this case was reversed two years later in West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, and Charles Evan Hughes wrote for the majority as this case overturned the "codes of fair competition", thus curtailing the power of the executive branch. FTP, name this 1935 Supreme Court case that overturned the National Recovery Act and gets its name from the interstate delivery of certain ill animals to a butcher company.;;Schechter (Poultry) (Co.) (v) (US)|Sick Chicken Case Music;;C.P.E. Bach wrote his 'Hamburg' Symphony for strings in this note's major key, and another symphony in this major key is sometimes nicknamed The Philosophical. That symphony is Bruckner's sixth, and Saent Saens' first cello concerto is in this note's minor key, as is Paganini's 24th caprice and Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on that theme. Playing this note's major scale starting on E would be identical to a Mixolydian mode, and when the Aeolian mode is played on the white keys of the piano, it is identical to this note's natural minor key. Beethoven's "Fur Elise" is in this minor key, as are both Schumann's and Grieg's piano concerti. Mozart's clarinet concerto is in its major key, and the dominant of this note is E. For ten points, name this note whose minor key has no sharps or flats, is the note played by the oboe for an orchestra to tune to, and which is found a whole step below B.;;A Noncomputational Math;;Gelfand's problem of describing all closed invariant subspaces of the integration operator may be solved using the Titchmarsh theorem of this type. This operation is often represented as a Toeplitz matrix, and the Dirichlet variety of this operation for a given integer n is defined using a sum over all divisors of n. Its discrete analog is naturally computed in "big O of N squared" with respect to resolution, but can be sped by switching to a circular domain of summation and using a namesake theorem to transform the problem to a product of fast Fourier transforms; this enables image processing applications like edge detection and modeling distortions such as blurring. For 10 points, name this binary operation that maps functions f and g to "integral f of x times g of quantity u minus x dx" and is denoted "f star g".;;convolution Literature;;One character in this work views the human mind as a progression from A - Z, but he wishes that he could reach R; later on, he gets angry when Augustus Carmichael asks for a second plate of soup, which occurs after Charles Tansley suggests that women can neither paint nor write. This scene occurs at a party where Paul Rayley proposes to Minta Doyle, but a painter will not marry William Bankes despite the hopes of another character, who dies suddenly as war breaks out while her son Andrew dies in battle. By the end of the work, Lily Briscoe finishes her painting as Camelia and James are taken to the title locale by Mr. Ramsay. FTP, name this stream-of-consciousness novel about a vacation to the title Scottish summer home, a work by Virginia Woolf.;;To the Lighthouse Religion/Mythology;;Jonathan Bennett's "A Study of" this work argues that when we say something has a property, we are implying that the universe has that property at a certain location. In the preface to part three of this work, the author claims that we can attribute nothing to a defect in nature because nature is the same everywhere, while in another section he notes that we call the eternal being "God or Nature". Its third section discusses the "Origin and Nature of the Emotions," while the second claims that "extension is an attribute of God" in a discussion of the "Origin and Nature of the Mind". This work begins by defining such terms as "self-caused" and "substance" in the "Of God" section, while he argues that our key weakness is our inability to rein in our emotions in the fourth section, "Of Human Bondage". FTP, name this book "demonstrated in geometrical order," a posthumously published work of Baruch Spinoza.;;Ethics Biology;;ecent experiments have shown that this mechanism can relay extracellular ouabain binding signaling into compartments of the cell through the regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins like EGFR; in general, its serves as a signal-transducing receptor for cardiotonic steroids. Cardiac glycosides are widely used to increase the strength of contraction of the heart because it inhibits this process by raising the intracellular calcium concentration. cAMP downregulates this process, in which the dephosphorylation of ATP causes the exchange of three intracellular ions for two extracellular ones. Jens Skou discovered, FTP, which enzyme in the cell membrane that deals with the active transport of two group 1 elements?;;sodium-potassium pump;;Na+|K+-|ATPase|NAKA Pop Culture;;his character wins the Employee of the Week award at Happy-Go-Lucky Toys, and is then depicted going for his fourth Birdie on a mini-golf course. Peter confuses this character with The Incredible Hulk at Mr. Weed's funeral. Stewie walks in on this man washing himself, and witnesses him wash all the suds away from his body. According to Stewie, this character is actually Chinese, and his second name is Hong. Usually depicted driving a Cadillac Escalade, this character is depicted in an NRA movie killing Romans along with Moses, while he's depicted with the power to turn water into funk on another episode. For ten points, identify this character portrayed on Family Guy in Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ II: Crucify This!.;;Jesus (Christ) (of) (Nazareth)|(Jesus) Christ Psychology;;ickland and Brehm investigated this phenomenon among a group of female college students, publishing their work in an article called "Perspectives on" this. Stanley Schachter assisted this concept's creator in writing one book in which it was explained. An article titled after a type of "Consequences of Forced Compliance" examined this theory and was written by Carlsmith. This phenomenon was investigated in an experiment in which participants were asked to lie about enjoying a boring task, and also by an examination of a Mrs. Keech-led group which believed that the world was to end. For 10 points, identify this concept explained in When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger, which is the state of discomfort brought about by holding contradictory beliefs.;;Cognitive Dissonance World History;;The Ouaddaï region in the east of this country has capital at Abéché, and this country's largest and northern-most region, Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti, contains Emi Koussi in the Tibesti mountains. The legendary Sao empire ruled this present-day country which contains the Bongor region, and other cities in this country include Sarh and Moundou. The Kanem region is north of a feature supplied by the Chari and Logone rivers, and that lake has been negatively affected by irrigation in the region. For 10 points, name this African country, bordered on the east by the Sudan, whose capital is N'Djamena and which shares its name with a shrinking lake.;;(Republic) (of) Chad|(Republique) (du) Tchad Chemistry;;transformation naemd after this scientist takes harmonic function in Euclidean space to other harmonic functions and is used to transform sphere interiors to exteriors in potential theory. An instability in which shear overcomes the effects of stratification is named for this man and Helmholtz, and a viscoelastic material model is named for this man and Voigt. The statement that the line integral of a velocity field in a fluid around a contour is constant in time for isentropic flow with no external forces is known as his namesake circulation theorem. An effect in which gas flowing through a constricted passage is cooled at constant enthalpy is named for James Joule and this man, who claimed that heat taken from a reservoir cannot by itself be used to do work, thus providing a formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. For ten points, identify this British scientist who helped lay the transatlantic cable and names an absolute temperature scale.;;(Lord) Kelvin|(William) Thomson Music;;he Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla wrote a few tango compositions about some of these in Buenos Aires. John Cage composed his first piece in his gamut technique about these. Alexander Glazunov also wrote an allegorical ballet in one act and four scenes about them, which includes a bacchanal of the titular themes in the fourth landscape. More famous examples of musical pieces with this theme are found in a Joseph Haydn oratorio composed after The Creation that includes a hunting song and a loud thunderstorm, a series of Pyotr Tchaikovsky works with the same title that includes the pieces Barcarolle and Troika, and The Contest between Harmony and Invention. For 10 points, give the titular theme shared by these pieces, the most famous being four violin concertos by Antonio Vivaldi.;;(the) seasons|(the) four seasons Religion/Mythology;;awrence Justinian was canonized for his services in this role. Before becoming Pope Benedict XIV, Prospero Lamertini held this position for twenty years. Urban VIII caused this role to be extended and entrenched, and while the first mention of the duties of this office is recorded under the reign of Leo X, this office was established formally by Sixtus V. This office was formally abolished by John Paul II in 1963. Formally called Promotor Fidei, the holder of this position was responsible for giving natural explanations for the miraculous acts performed by a candidate for beatification and canonization. For 10 points, identify this former Church office, commonly used to refer to someone taking a position solely for the sake of argument.;;Devil's Advocate|Advocatus Diaboli;;Promoter of the Faith|Promotor Fidei Literature;;n this play, one of the protagonists often cuts his fingernails, but never, to the best of his knowledge, cuts his toenails. In Act II, that character's pants fall down when he tries to block another character's path with his belt, and shortly after, he finds himself in pitch darkness, hearing soft sea sounds. In Act I, the main characters are offered a performance of The Rape of the Sabine Women, or rather woman, or rather Alfred. Later, in order to prepare for a confrontation with a Dane, the two main characters play questions, but they eventually discover, on a boat en route to England, that they are going to die, and they vanish from the stage at the work's end. For 10 points, identify this play beginning with 89 coin flips, written by Tom Stoppard from the perspective of two characters of Hamlet.;;Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Chemistry;;The Haworth phenanthrene synthesis can utilize two of these reactions, and pinacol formation can often be observed during this reaction. This process has been employed to reduce vanillin compounds using toluene as an auxiliary solvent to yield creosol. It can be used to convert a Friedel-Crafts acylation product to an alkyl side-chain, and requires the use of amalgamated zinc which functions in part as a metal activation surface. It is not particularly effective with alicyclic and aliphatic ketones and such acid-labile molecules should be reduced using the complementary Wolff-Kishner reaction. For 10 points, identify this chemical process requiring a strong acid substrate which allows for the deoxygenation of aldehydes or ketones to produce hydrocarbons.;;Clemmensen (reduction) World History;;One potential attack plan from this conflict was presented to a commander by Robert Johnston, and would have occurred on a moonless night. The aftermath of this conflict led to Southern and Northern Watch, which ensured that the defeated side observed a military restriction above the 36th and below the 33rd parallel. The ground operation in this war lasted 100 hours, and was launched from Saudi Arabia to crush the Republican Guard; that operation, Desert Sabre, was preceded by an air offensive, Desert Storm. For 10 points, identify this conflict, triggered by the invasion of oil-rich Kuwait by neighboring Iraq in the early 1990s.;;(First) (Persian) Gulf War Art;;n arena designed by this man contains a 300-foot backbone and has been nicknamed the "Yale Whale," and a skyscraper in New York has a jagged top and is nicknamed "Black Rock". Another one of his designs features five buildings surrounding a reflecting pool in Warren, Michigan, and he used an eighth of a sphere to design a university building in Massachusetts. In addition to the General Motors Technical Center and Kresge Auditorium at MIT, he designed the TWA terminal at JFK and the main terminal of Dulles International Airport, though it is for a landmark on the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in Missouri that he is most famous. For 10 points, identify this architect who created the Gateway Arch, a Finn.;;(Eero) Saarinen Literature;;This work's author was the subject of an 1881 biography by Richard Burton, who attempted a translation of this work into a form of English resembling that of Wyatt and Surrey. In this work's seventh canto, "Georgians, Armenians, Grecians, and hapless Thrace," are mentioned exhorting the title characters "to quell the unspeakable horde". In the final canto of this work, the lover of the protagonist reveals that he will need to brave "the Red Sea's dangers which shalt thou force / To Abyssinia's realm thy novel course". This is revealed during a feast on the Isle of Love, which the sailors encounter upon the request of Venus to Cupid. The "Silver Star of Love" helps calm the seas of the fleet which had previously traveled to Quiloa, Melinda, and Mozambique before venturing forth to their target land of India. For 10 points, identify this epic 16th century poem about the exploits of Vasco da Gama by Portuguese writer Luis Camoes.;;(Os) Lusiad(as) Earth Science;;Together with greigite, this mineral is produced by a class of organisms known as MTB, and the Verwey transition was discovered in this mineral, which undergoes that transtition at about 118 K. A buffer often used in geochemistry is formed from a grouping of this mineral with quartz and fayalite, and peptization of this mineral in acidic and alkaline media is accomplished via the Massart process. Unlike a more common ore of the same element, this mineral typically possesses a high Konigsberger ratio, and that more common ore can form a pseudomorph over this mineral, resulting in martite. Studies of this mineral often focus on measuring such parameters as the remanence acquired by this mineral by cooling through its Curie point. Having the chemical formula Fe3O4, for ten points, identify this mineral which together with hematite is one of the major sources of iron.;;magnetite World History;;e led a massacre at Chitor during a conflict in Mewar, and a challenge to his throne was led by Hemu. He established a system of autonomy for the imperial provinces, putting mansabars in charge of each. During his reign, he instituted the principles of Dharmashastra and sulahkul, which allowed non-Muslims to retain their own courts, and he repealed the jizya and the pilgrimage taxes. He founded the city of Fatehpur Sikri in 1569. Abu'l Fazl saw him as the embodiment of the perfect philosopher king, which may have led to his development of the Din-i Ilahi, or "divine faith". For 10 points, name this son of Humayun and father of Jahangir, the third and greatest of the Mughal emperors.;;Akbar (the) (Great)|(Jalaluddin) (Muhammad) Akbar Philosophy;;ne speaker in this work wonders "ought a man do what he admits to be right," and he earlier chastised another man, noting "the greater the zeal the greater the evil". Part of this work involves the anthropomorphization of laws that demand to know the justification for destroying them and the state. The speakers of this work conclude that men should follow only their masters, and not the will of the masses, and they have no objections to the systems of marriage and of education. One speaker does not awaken the other because he would rather not have all this sleeplessness and sorrow, and persons from Sunium have told one speaker when the ship from Delos is to arrive. The two speakers discuss whether one must always obey the state's decisions in, for ten points, what Platonic Dialogue where Socrates argues that he should not escape prison?;;Crito Literature;;Mother Peep is a facist demagogue in a play that this author set in the Radiant City, which also includes the typist Dany. Another play by this author claims that philology leads to calamity, which is said by the maid in response to the Professor and the Student. In addition to The Killer and The Lesson, he rewrote a Shakespearean tragedy into MacBett. He wrote a play in which Marguerite and Marie are the wives of the title character, entitled Exit the King . An elderly couple jumps out of a window in one play, while multiple Bobby Watsons appear in a play by this author, which also shows a fireman looking for a fire. For 10 points, identify this most famous for The Chairs, The Bald Soprano, and a play where everyone except Berénger turns into the title animal, The Rhinoceros.;;(Eugene) Ionesco Art;;In the left side of his "Triumph of Virtue," the mother of virtue is imprisoned in a tree with twigs growing from her nipples, and his first work, the Santa Sofia Altarpiece, is now lost. His work with Ansuino for the Ovetari Chapel of the Eremitani Church was largely destroyed by the Allied bombings of Padua, including a famous grisaille fresco with an extremely low vantage point. That work shows the titular figure on the left beneath a large arch commanding a lame man to walk. Also utilizing his creative perspective are his frescos for the Gonzaga family and a depiction of Jesus on a slab. The son-in-law of Jacopo Bellini, for 10 points, who was this artist of St. James Led to His Execution, the Camera Degli Sposi, and the Dead Christ?;;(Andrea) Mantegna World History;;Among the minor participants in this event were Pedro Gómez Labrador and Richard Trench, while the Iroquois Confederacy also played a minor role. Some minor consequences of the event were the transfer of control of the Seychelles and Olivenza, but it is perhaps better known for establishing the Kingdom of Hanover and condemning the slave trade. This event was responsible for guaranteeing the neutrality of Switzerland, a provision promoted by Charles Pictet de Rochemont. Castlereagh and Talleyrand were, for ten points, part of which conference that established the Concert of Europe, chaired by Metternich?;;Congress (of) Vienna Literature;;Chapter one of this book mentions Boyd Beaver being the soloist in the Vivaldi Kazoo Concerto, as well as Remedios Varo's Bordando el Manto Terrestre. In this book, the protagonist's lawyer, Roseman, has been working on the rough draft of The Profession v. Perry Mason, A Not-so-hypothetical Indictment, and Mike Fallopian is writing a book on the history of private postal service in the U.S. This book also contains a detailed description of an imaginary Jacobean revenge play titled The Courier's Tragedy, which the protagonist watched with John Metzger, her co-executor of the estate of Pierce Inverarity. For 10 points, name this novel, which details Oedipa Maas' exploration of the history of the muted post horn symbol and the Trystero, a work by Thomas Pynchon.;;(The) Crying of Lot 49