Literature;;Shortly after he finished his The Book of Images, he wrote about a titular creature for whom "the world is bars, a hundred thousand bars / and behind the bars, nothing," in a poem inspired by Auguste Rodin’s advice that he visit a zoo, "The Panther". That piece is one example of his penchant for poetry giving inanimate objects timeless and lifelike descriptions of action, such as in "The Archaic Torso of Apollo". This theme of his is known as "thing-poems," or "Dinggedichten," and many of them can be found in his collection, New Poems. His main foray into prose is a semi-autobiographical novel about the lonely Paris existence of the Danish poet Malte Laurids Brigge, while his seminal poetry collection was written during his tenure at a castle in Trieste. FTP, identify this German poet of The Duino Elegies.;;(Ranier) (Maria) Rilke Religion/Mythology;;His prized possession was once stolen by a demon while he was bathing. He was unable to get Gerra to chase after that thief, who had the power to deflect arrows and was named Zu, so he had Ninurta kill the demon with the help of Ea, to recover the stolen Tupsimati, or tablets of destiny. Attended by his minister Nusku, he once was target of an uprising by the Igigi. It was also he who arranged for the cedar forest to be guarded by Humbaba and had Enkidu killed in retaliation for the killing of Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. The rapist and eventual husband of Ninlil, he was responsible for unleashing the great flood upon mankind. FTP, name this hot-tempered god of wind and storms, a ruling god of the Sumerian pantheon.;;Enlil (or) Ellil World History;;Gacchibowli Stadium is decorated with portraits of the leaders of this organization, whose first meeting had 73 delegates. That initial meeting sprang from negotiations with Lord Dufferin to host a forum to protest such laws as the Ilbert Bill, and was led by Allan Hume, this organization’s founder. One later offshoot of it was Subhas Bose’s Forward Bloc, and after the death of Lal Shastri, it split into two factions, one named with a parenthetical "R," the other named with an "O," which eventually merged into the Janata Party, who would hand it its first electoral defeat in 1977. With its present incarnation rivaled by the BJP, this is, FTP, what political party, under whose banner Jawaharlal Nehru would become the first prime minister of India?;;I(ndian) N(ational) C(ongress) (or) Congress (Party) Music;;The title character sings about his desire to sire six children in "Un Foco Insolito" after being informed a bride has been found for him, leading his nephew to mournfully consider going into exile in "Cerchero Lontana Terra," which is introduced by a distinctive trumpet solo. The title character gets more than he bargained for, being henpecked, slapped in the face, and forced to pay for lavish purchases by his new bride, making him hope for his wife’s infidelity as a pretext for divorce. The ruse culminates in the garden with the serenade "Come Gentil" and a love duet, and the title character tries to get rid of his wife "Sofronia" by allowing Ernesto to marry Norina, who was really disguised as the fictitious Sofronia as part of Dr. Malatesta’s plot. FTP, identify this Gaetano Donizetti opera buffa about the titular aged nobleman.;;Don Pasquale Noncomputational Math;;All of them satisfy the Grinberg formula and one of these is possessed by every Platonic solid. Their existence can be guaranteed by meeting either the conditions of Ore’s theorem or of Bondy and Chvatal’s theorem, and the Smith Network Theorem gives their number as either 0 or even if each vertex posesses three edges. Dirac’s theorem, generalized by Posa, states that one of these exists for every graph with 3 or more vertices and a minimum degree of at least n over 2, and one example of a problem that involves finding one of these is the traveling salesman problem. Consisting of a path through a graph that visits every vertex exactly once and returns to the starting point, for ten points, identify this graph cycle named for the 19th century Irish mathematician who invented quatternions.;;Hamiltonian (cycle) Miscellaneous;;This phrase titles the first section of a work about That Which is Seen and that Which is Not Seen by Frederic Bastiat, and concerns the impact of the titular concept on the shoemaker’s trade. As a theory, this concept has its origins in a 1969 experiment conducted by Peter Zimbardo, in which a car was left without license plates in two different communities. Prominent critics of this theory include Robert Sampson and Stephen Raudenbush, who conducted an experiment measuring perceived against actual disorder, while famous implementers of this theory include William Bratton, the former police chief of New York City and now head of the LAPD. First formulated by George Kelling and James Q. Wilson in a 1982 Atlantic Monthly article, for ten points, identify this sociological theory which posits that ignoring minor felonies, such as the titular shattered glass, generates a perception of apathy and leads to more crime.;;broken window (theory) Literature;;In this novel, Mortimer Lightwood is called to view a find made in the opening scene by a girl named Lizzie and her scavenging father, Gaffer, the rival of Rogue Riderhood. In the process, Lizzie starts making eyes with Eugene Wrayburn, creating a tangential love plot to the story of the protagonist, who seeks to reclaim his role as "The Golden Dustman," which he lost after an assault by George Radfoot, whom he killed in self-defense. While the replacement heir, Noddy Boffin, is the target of a blackmail scheme by the one-legged Silas Wegg, the protagonist woos Bella Wilfer under a false name before reclaiming his true identity. FTP, identify this work in which John Rokesmith turns out to be John Harmon in disguise, the last completed novel of Charles Dickens.;;Our Mutual Friend Pop Culture;;This memory of this group is honored in a theme song describing how "Eden turned to Hades" and posted on the personal website of E.E. Bell. Once gaining national popularity as an evangelist church as the result of a plan to avoid paying taxes on alcohol, it saw its success fade upon the discovery of photos of its founder dining out with his wife. The rival organization of FANG, it also had its members stage a televised takeover of a Jerry Springer talk show and spearhead the creation of a blue collar baseball league to fill the void of the 1994 strike, where its founder became a star under the mispronounced name "Birdie". Featuring such members as Sergeant at Arms Ike, Member at Large Griff, and Treasurer Bob Rooney, this is, FTP, what anti-feminist drinking club led by Al Bundy on Married with Children?;;NO MA’AM (or) National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood World History;;Upon her release from prison, Gesia Gelfman became one of the more prominent female members of this group, which was infiltrated by a man named Landesen, an undercover agent of the Okhrana. The product of a schism that also produced the Black Repartition, this group published the Worker’s Gazette and experienced initial failures in efforts targeting Eduard Todleben and the Kamenny Bridge. Their greatest scheme was initially threatened by the arrest of Andrei Zhelyabov, but with Vera Figner’s continued efforts at planning, was carried out by a group of four, with Ignaty Grinevitzky being the direct perpetrator, unintentionally killing himself as well in the ensuing explosion on that March 1881 day. FTP, name this radical Russian terrorist group responsible for the assassination of Alexander II.;;People's Will (or) Narodnaya Volya Philosophy;;At the beginning of the second chapter of this work, the author divides the titular subject into naturalistic and metaphysical types, and devotes that chapter to the naturalistic form. This work’s third chapter references A.E. Taylor’s Problems of Conduct and attributes to the naturalistic fallacy the prevalence of that chapter’s subject, hedonism. Its first chapter points out that Henry Sidgwick has been the only one so far to recognize that "the good" is indefinable and the author of this book objects to naturalism on the grounds that "it offers no reason at all… for any ethical principles," and that it is often the cause of acceptance of "false principles". Concerned with the application of logic to questions of conduct, for ten points, identify this 1903 philosophical work, whose title is similar to a later work by Russell and Whitehead and whose author is G. E. Moore.;;Principia Ethica Physics;;The occurrence of this phenomenon with respect to the earth results in the Milankovitch cycles, and a (*) relativistic form of this phenomenon results from the noncommutativity of infinitesimal Lorentz transformations. A more common form of this phenomenon is exploited in such techniques as NMR and has a frequency given by the product of the gyromagnetic ration and the applied magnetic field. It is the term given to the tumbling of an object about an unstable Euler axis, and when applied to a top subject to a torque, it is given by the time-dependence of one of the Euler angles. Coming in Larmor, Thomas, torque-free, and torque-induced forms, for ten points, identify this periodic motion of a rigid body, which on earth is responsible for the shift in the positions of stars over a period of 26,000 years.;;precession Music;;Late choral works by this man include the Epitaphium Joannis Hunyadi for voice and piano, and his final piece, a fantasy for mixed chorus and organ, In Praise of Organs. In addition to his Intermezzo for String Trio, he composed two string quartets, the first in C minor and the second having only two movements, though none of those chamber works are performed as often as his Opus 8, a virtuoso sonata for solo cello. Among his larger scale works are his Symphony in C Major, Summer Evening, and Dances of Galanta. Of his two operas, one is entitled The Spinning Room, while the other is the comic tale of a titular old Austrian veteran who tells tall tales about having defeated Napoleon and his army, and is more often performed as a condensed six movement suite. FTP, identify this colleague of Bela Bartok, the 20th Century Hungarian composer of Hary Janos.;;(Zoltan) Kodaly Geography;;Among the inlets present in this body of water is Admiralty Inlet, and it is connected to the Kane Basin by the Smith Sound. Towns located on the shores of this body of water include Clyde River and Savissivik, and its west side is home to a similarly-named current that flows south through it at about 11 miles per day. Devon Island and the Parry channel can both be found at its northwest corner, and another inlet of it is the Umanak Fjord. Though its tides are not as high as the Bay of Fundy, they are nevertheless powerful and produce a trademark churning of ice, and on the southeast, it is connected to by the Davis Strait, to the Labrador Sea. Explored by Robert Bylot but named for his lieutenant, for ten points, identify this body of water bounded by Ellesmere Island to the north, Greenland to the east, and its namesake Canadian island to the west.;;Baffin (Bay) Religion/Mythology;;This book’s eighth chapter expounds on the futility of trying to understand life’s inequalities, penultimate chapter opens with the message that good deeds will eventually bring rewards, saying that one should "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days," and ends with a carpe diem message to "Rejoice… in thy youth," in its closing section, "Advice for the Young". The preceding chapter, this book’s tenth, contrasts the fool and the wise man, and introduces the metaphor of a fly in the ointment. Its overall message emphasizes that true happiness can only be found through faith in God, and not in the pleasures of the earthly world "under the sun". Repeatedly mentioning "vanity" and also called Qoheleth, or, "the Preacher," this is, FTP what Old Testament book allegedly written by Solomon, which comes after Proverbs and offers such pearls of wisdom as, "to every thing there is a season"?;;Ecclesiastes Economics;;He conducted an economic analysis of weapons production and distribution in Military Spending, which he co-authored with Faye Duchin. Duchin also collaborated with him on a work assessing the possible effects of computer entry into the market on the role of humans in production in The Future Impact of Automation on Workers. The author of Studies in the Structure of the American Economy, he observed that the U.S. was less capital-intensive in its exports than in its imports, despite being the world’s most capital abundant country, a challenge to the Heckscher-Ohlin model that became known as his paradox. His most lasting contribution centers on a table showing how the production process of goods is spread out across different sectors of an economy. FTP, identify this Russian economist, who developed input-output analysis.;;(Wassily) Leontief Literature;;One of its main characters, who rambles about Minnie and Connie and his desire for a woman, routinely bathes his feet upon coming home to relieve blisters from working long days as a gatekeeper, charged with keeping undesirable minorities out of a public park. When that character seems to find love, he is nervous to learn that her brother Cornelius is a policeman, and blows his money on a suit for the other protagonist to wear for her and thus pose as him. However, Ethel Lange never appears, revealing she is engaged, and ending the romantic pen-pal correspondence that stemmed from her personals ad. Centering on a pair of half-brothers in Port Elizabeth, one of whom can pass for white, while the other is black, this is, FTP, what play about the familial ties between Morris and Zachariah in apartheid-era South Africa, a work by Athol Fugard?;;(The) Blood Knot World History;;His issuing of the Peace of Lorris saw him receive an oath of loyalty from a former enemy, Raymond of Toulouse, and his suppression of a revolt in Poitou inspired the same from Hugh of Lusignans. He renounced claims to Barcelona and Roussillon after negotiating with James I of Aragon for the Treaty of Corbeil, while his major non-political endeavors include ordering the publishing of the Morgan Bible and the erection of the Sainte-Chappelle. The main rival of this son of Blanche of Castile was Henry III of England, whom he would defeat in the Battle of Taillebourg, leading to the Treaty of Paris. Dying while beginning the Eighth Crusade, an attempt to reverse his failure leading the Seventh Crusade, this is, FTP, which 13th Century French king, whose piety made him the only one to become a saint?;;(Saint) Louis IX Biology;;These regions project to the thalamus by the direct path through Forel's fields surrounding the zona incerta, and by the indirect path through ansa lenticularis around the subthalamic nucleus. Their cells are divided into cholinergic matrisomes and peptide-rich striasomes, and lesions in them can cause the sinusoidal movement known as athetosis. Lying medial to the claustrum, they contain the nuclei accumbens that connect two of their components, and receive fibers from the substantia nigra. Disorders like St. Vitus dance and dyskinesia are associated with lesions in their components, which include globus pallidus, caudate, and putamen. FTP name these areas of the brain surrounding the internal capsule involved in motor programming.;;basal ganglia Art;;This central background image in this painting, framed by two walls of shrubbery, is an overwhelmingly lit maritime cityscape, presumably showing a bridge over the Arno. The right background contains a well, next to which is a shadowy man holding a book and staring at the red tunic-wearing man on the left, who carries a flaming heart and personifies love. To the right of the title character is a sundial set at nine o’clock, while the redheaded title character herself, wearing a green and red outfit, sits with her head back and eyes closed in a trancelike state, perhaps foreshadowing her imminent death. A red bird flies in to drop a white poppy in the hands of the title character, who represents the painter’s wife, Elizabeth Siddal. FTP, identify this painting that alludes to the poet Dante’s love for the title character, a work by Dante Rossetti.;;Beata Beatrix Literature;;After injuring his head falling off a horse, he later decides to enlist in the Merchant Marines, where a torpedo sinks his vessel, and he ends up stranded in a lifeboat with the deranged carpenter, Bateshaw. Running a scam for textbooks with Padilla and playing an elf for a mall Santa are two of the many occupations of this friend of Clem Tambow and brother of the retarded Georgie, who resists the efforts of Grandma Lausch to groom him into a manipulative social climber. In contrast, he watches as the wealthy Charlotte Magnus is won by his gold-digging brother Simon, while he himself loses his beloved Thea Fenchel and settles for marrying the actress Stella instead. FTP, name this Chicago-born Jew, whose picaresque "adventures" are told in a novel by Saul Bellow?;;Augie March United States History;;John Mawney and the slave Aaron Briggs provided two of the three American eyewitness accounts of the incident involving it, revealing that planning was done at the tavern of James Sabin. A failed attempt to pursue Benjamin Lindsey had led up to the event, which was incited by John Brown, according to the account by Ephraim Bowen. Joseph Bucklin fired the only injuring shots, but the instigators decided instead to move the crew and tend to the wounds of Lieutenant Duddingston rather than kill anyone. Nonetheless, the men in the fleet of eight longboats under Abraham Whipple, who had set out from Namquit Point to protest its crew’s enforcement of anti-smuggling laws, destroyed it in Narragansett Bay. FTP, identify this British ship burned by Rhode Island colonists in a 1772 incident.;;(HMS) Gaspee World History;;As his country’s minister of justice, this man supported the Lerdo Law, and one of this man’s major achievements was to create a treasury surplus in part by discouraging empleomania. Exiled by General Felix Zuloaga, this man was also opposed by Zuloaga’s successor, Miguel Miramon, and his own forces were led by Gonzalez Ortega. A leader of the La Reforma movement together with Melchor Ocampo, this man succeeded Ignacio Comonfort by virtue of being elected at the rump congress in Queretaro, and he set up his capital in Veracruz in 1858 and a year later issued the Law of the Reform. Briefly succeded by Maximilian I, whose forces his general Ignacio Zaragoza defeated at Puebla, and then again by Porfirio Diaz, for ten points, identify this Zapotec Indian, Mexico’s president 1861 to 1863 and 1867 to 1871, whose name is given to the city across the Rio Grande from El Paso.;;(Benito) Juarez Miscellaneous;;They dig up roots, eat several kinds of herbs, and scratch about for carrion, or sometimes catch weasels and luhimuhs (a sort of wild rat) which they greedily devour. Nature hath taught them to dig deep holes with their nails on the side of a rising ground, wherein they lie by themselves. They swim from their Infancy like Frogs, and are able to continue long under Water, where they often take Fish, which the Females carry home to their Young. Once, when the Sorrel Nag allowed Lemuel Gulliver to bath naked in a river, one of the females of this species, enflamed with desire grabbed him and stood gazing and howling as he redressed. FTP, name this race of brutish, degraded creatures having the form and all the vices of man, who were subject of the equine Houyhnhnms and whose name is now associated with Jerry Yang and David Filo.;;Yahoos Art;;One of the people depicted in this work is Aris Kindt, and this painting is frequently compared with a work on a similar subject featuring Sebastian Egbertsz [egg-bertz] by Thomas de Keyzer. A man consulting a notebook looks over the shoulders of the people in front of him in the back center of this painting, while a tome, possibly a treatise by Vesalius, can be seen in the lower-right. A set of rules hangs under the stone archway in the background, while one of the eight men in this painting leans forward, shadowing the face of the deceased as the titular character holds up an arm with his forceps. Depicting a public dissection following a criminal’s execution, for ten points, identify this group portrait which includes the titular doctor, by Rembrandt van Rijn.;;(The) Anatomy Lesson (of) (Dr.) (Nicolaes) Tulp Chemistry;;The Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley one synthesizes acetone as a side product, while the Bouveault-Blanc one produces methanol and a primary alcohol. The Benkeser one, also called the "Nazi method", requires a lithium or calcium catalyst. A palladium-barium sulfate catalyst is necessary for the Rosenmund one, which produces hydrochloric acid and an aldehyde from an acyl chloride and hydrogen. Two hydrogens are added to a phenyl group with one substituent in the Birch one. Hydrazine is converted to nitrogen gas and an ester turned into a CH2 group in a two-step process known as the Wolff-Kishner one. Also occurring in the conversion of NAD+ to NADH and FAD to FADH2, FTP, identify this general type of reaction in which a compound gains electrons.;;reduction Geography;;The islands of Thasos and Lesbos in the Aegean were for a time occupied by the Gateluzi family, a notable family of this city. Their quarter in Trebizond was known as Leontokastron and their colony in Constantinople was known as Pera. A famous possession of this city was captured by Gedik Ahmet Pasha in 1475, a Black Sea port that was one of the main conduits for the Black Death. Among the notable ruling families of this naval power were the Spinola, Grimaldi, and a family that produced the loser at the battle of Preveza, the Doria family. The long-time rulers of Kaffa, Kerch, and Corsica, FTP, name this Italian seaport in Liguria perhaps best known for being the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.;;Geno(v)a|Zena|Genes Religion/Mythology;;Among his children were Phisadie, a servant of Helen. He shared the same grandfather with Asclepius, and he fathered the attempted kidnapper of Deianeira with the mother of Phrixus and Helle of Golden Fleece fame. Another of his children was the rescuer of Helen, and he was the son of Phlegyas. At Larissa, he pushed his father in law onto a bed of burning coals, as his bride had not come with the money whose payment was incumbent on Deinoeus. He would later come to Olympus, but his lust for Hera led to this to this husband of Dia being struck with a thunderbolt and being condemned to a fiery wheel. FTP, name this progenitor of the Centaurs, a Lapith king of Thessaly.;;Ixion Literature;;Rumor has it that Radiohead's Thom Yorke once recommended this book to fans at a concert. When we first meet the narrator, he is cooking spaghetti while listening to Rossini's "The Thieving Magpie," but keeps getting interrupted by salacious phonecalls. Events that follow include the loss of a beloved cat, the beginnings of the evil Toru Okada's political career, weird entaglements with two psychic prostitutes, and a terrifying first-hand account of the battle of Nomonhan, all of which lead conclude with the narrator sitting at the bottom of a well, clutching a baseball bat. FTP, name this 1996 novel by Haruki Murakami, named for a bizarre animal the narrator hears every morning.;;(The) Wind-up Bird Chronicle Pop Culture;;He came to the team with which he is most associated for $700,000 and left that team in a trade for Jimmy Carson and Martin Gelinas, which led his previous owner Peter Pocklington being burned in effigy. Starting out with the Sault (SOO) Ste. Marie Greyhounds, he played a few games for the Indianapolis Racers before joining a team that he would lead to glory with help from Glenn Anderson, Jari Kurri, and Grant Fuhr. Later playing briefly for St. Louis and retiring with New York, he won five Stanley Cups with Mark Messier in Edmonton. Now embroiled in a scandal involving his wife Janet Jones, this is, FTP, what Coyotes coach and legendary hockey star known as the "Great One".;;(Wayne) Gretzky Miscellaneous;;In this language, perfect plurals can only take two cases, whereas most other nouns can take three. It also features a jussive case in which the final vowel marking is dropped, and its passive features a "u" sound attached to the first letter and an "i" or "a" to the second. The future in this language is made by the use of "saufa" or "se" and a present tense verb and negated by a past tense verb and "len". Its cases are the majrur [MEJ-ROOR], mansub [MEN-SOOB], and marfu’ [MAHR-FOO], and all nouns must have tanween, though in this language’s amiya dialects, they are usually dropped. Also known for its idaafa structures, name this language featuring an abjad and vowel markings called haraket, the official language of countries like Egypt and Oman.;;Arabic|(Al-Lughat) (al-)Arabiyya Astronomy;;Its variation with time depends on a parameter that is given by one plus this quantity’s derivative with respect to time times its inverse square. It can be determined from the slope of the low-redshift region of the plot of magnitude against redshift, and theoretically it can be obtained from the integration of the first of the Friedmann equations. Since the curvature has recently been found to be zero, this quantity only depends on the density and the cosmological constant, and the WMAP project used the cosmic microwave background to give a recent value of 71 plus or minus 4 kilometers per second per megaparsec for this parameter. For ten points, idenitfy this eponymous astrophysical parameter, the proportionality constant between recessional velocity and distance whose inverse gives the age of the universe.;;Hubble('s) (constant|parameter) Religion/Mythology;;This holiday shares many of the same prohibitions as Yom Kippur, but only certain sections of the Torah can be studied on this day. In the three-week period leading up to it, Bein ha-M’tsarim, haircuts and buying clothes other than socks or underwear are prohibited, and the period beginning with Rosh Hodesh or "beginning of the month" is a period of mourning. Often preceded by Seder ha-Mafseket, important events such as the declaration of the First Crusade and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, as well as the burning of the first two temples, are supposed to have occurred on this most tragic day for the Jews. FTP, name this holiday which falls on a certain day in the second week of a Jewish month.;;Ninth (of) Av|Tisha B’Av Music;;His first song cycle was Ofrahs Lieder, his first opera Der Protagonist, and his first traditional musical comedy, a collaboration with Maxwell Anderson, was Knickerbocker Holiday, for which he wrote the ballad "September Song". His work with his best-known collaborator includes the ballet Die Sieben Todsünden, written in Paris three years after they first split, and the operas Aufsteig und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny and Die Dreigoschenoper, a socialist adaptation of Gay’s Beggar’s Opera revived by Marc Blitzstein as The Threepenny Opera. FTP, who is this German composer of the song "Mack the Knife", most famous for his collaborations with Bertolt Brecht?;;(Kurt) Weill Geography;;One of its largest cities got its name from Saamis (SAH-AH-UMP-SIN), a type of native headgear, and it;s home to Cardston, a Mormon town founded by Orson Scott Card’s father. Geographical features of its north include the Caribou and Birch Mountains, and its rivers include the Wabasca and the Peace River. Drumheller is home to a world-renowned paleontology museum, and its main national parks include Wood Buffalo, Banff, and Jasper. Home to Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, FTP, name this Canadian province whose largest cities are Calgary and Edmonton.;;Alberta United States History;;The majority opinion in this case cited Mugler v. Kansas and Crowley v. Christensen as evidence that the 14th Amendment was not designed to interfere with property and liberty. Allgeyer v. Louisiana was also cited by the majority, delived by Rufus Peckham, from which John Harlan dissented by citing that the determination of harm had been made and that it was not for the courts to ask whether this determination was correct. Three years after this case, David Brewer’s opinion, written for a unanimous majority, distinguished this case from Muller v. Oregon by pointing to "the difference between the sexes," and this case itself resulted from a fine of $50 to the plaintiff in Oneida County. Famous for Oliver Wendell Holmes’ dissent stating that "the 14th Amendment does not enact Mr. Herbert Spencer’s Social Statics," for ten points, identify this 1905 Supreme Court case which dealt with the working hours of bakers.;;Lochner (v.) (New) (York) Chemistry;;George Briggs and John Haldane showed that its pre-equilibrium step is unnecessary and instead applied steady-state approximation to calculate its constant as the sum of the backward rate and catalytic constants divided by the forward rate constant. Based on Victor Henri's work, its constant is equal to the dissociation constant when the turnover number is small, and also equal to the concentration at which the rate is equal to half the maximum rate. Reciprocal of the Lineweaver-Burk equation, FTP name this equation of enzyme kinetics named for German and Canadian chemists.;;Michaelis-Menten (equation|kinetics) Economics;;It sees the domestic interest rate as set by the global one, as set forth in a model of the open economy by Marcus Fleming. It supports the gold standard and emphasizes value over quantity. Criticized by Paul Krugman, it claims lineage to classical economics, and especially Say's law. Described in the book The Way the World Works by Jude Wanniski, who is credited with coining this term, it emphasizes the growth of firms as an incentive as opposed to money supply and monetarism. Blaming stagflation on Keynesian economics, FTP name this economic theory based on the possible increase in tax revenue associated with tax cuts, as codified in the Laffer curve, sometimes called Reaganomics.;;supply-side (economics) Pop Culture;;Three females have been given this name, although Carol Danvers had it only on the House of M alternative timeline and Monica Rambeau gave it up to become Photon. Four others, including the other female, are members of the alien race Kree. The most famous character with this name was created by C.C. Beck and Bill Parker in books published by Fawcett Comics, and as the most popular superhero of the 1940s, sold more copies than Superman. FTP, name this superhero that changes from the mortal Billy Batson by yelling "Shazam!" and who is published by DC Comics, despite what his name might imply.;;Captain Marvel Literature;;He criticized Fechner’s law and the confusion of duration with extension in his doctoral thesis. He elaborates on the distinction between qualitative and quantitative multiplicities in his most famous work, and emphasized the idea of intuition. Although he had solved a famous problem by Pascal at the age of 18, he chose to study humanities upon entering the Ecole Normale. Author of The Two Sources of Morality and Religion and Matter and Memory, he attacked the Kantian notion of linked space-time, which he viewed as unfaithful to the actual "duration," or la duree, which characterizes conscious experience and free action. FTP name this winner of the 1927 Nobel prize in literature who is best known for philosophical concepts like élan vital, author of Time and Free Will and Creative Evolution.;;(Henri) Bergson Literature;;Robert Louis Stevenson based Long John Silver in part on this writer, not least because of hia amputated leg. As editor of the National Observer, he helped introduce the English public to such writers as Thomas Hardy and Rudyard Kipling. One poem by this man called Pro Rege Nostro contains the question, "When shall [the Sun] rejoice again, such a breed of mighty men, as come forward one to ten"? and a line from that poem was adopted by D.H. Lawrence for the title of his short story, England, My England. Though he was the author of such collections as The Song of the Sword and The Song of Speed, he is better known for a poem published in 1875, whose last stanza claimed that it didn’t matter "how strait the gate" or "how charged with punishments the scroll" and that "I am the captain of my soul". For ten points, identify this author of the collection In Hospital, best known as the poet of Invictus.;;(William) (Ernest) Henley Astronomy;;It is estimated to be as much as 25% water ice, and its atmosphere has pressure of only about one millibar. The furthest body from the sun known to be volcanically active, its so-called "ice volcanoes" shoot nitrogen or methane into the atmosphere. As it could not have formed from the Solar Nebula, the capture theory is the most popular theory as to why it is where it is today. Its orbit currently draws it into the gas giant it rotates, so it will eventually either break up or crash into that planet. Only five other moons, each less than one tenth its diameter in size, exhibit a retrograde orbit. Its extremely high albedo makes it the coldest known body in the solar system, even colder than Pluto, with which it has very similar properties. FTP, identify this largest moon of Neptune.;;Triton United States History;;The first major post-Election Day controversy in this election occurred when William Gleason challenged the results of a local election he had lost, leading to a recount in which the votes of an entire precinct were thrown out. Another occurred when one of Oregon’s electors was found to be a postmaster and therefore ineligible to be an elector, and another happened when Colorado didn’t even bother to put the presidential race on its ballot. Yet another started when Joseph P. Bradley joined the committee to decide disputed votes after independent David Davis was elected to the Senate. FTP, identify this controversy-marred election in which, despite winning a majority of the popular vote, Samuel Tilden lost to Rutherford B. Hayes.;;1876 Literature;;He wrote the libretto to The Judgment of Paris and helped Handel compose Semele. His first work, Incognita, was published under the pseudonym Cleophil. He may be better known, however, for writing "Music has charms to soothe a savage breast" and "Heav’n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn’d,/Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn’d" in his tragedy The Mourning Bride. Anne Bracegirdle played many of his lead females, including Araminta in The Old Batchelor, Angelica in Love for Love, and Mrs. Millamant in his most famous work. FTP, identify this English playwright of The Way of the World.;;(William) Congreve World History;;One member of this family adopted the title of the comte de Survilliers [SOOR-vill-YAY] and lived in Bordentown, New Jersey for two decades, where he made one of the first sightings of the Jersey Devil and tried to rescue his brother. One of them was known as Plon Plon, and his son was a governor of the Caucasus in Russia. One member of this line died fighting the Zulus in the British Army, and another descendant was for a time Theodore Roosevelt’s Secretary of Navy and Attorney General. One member of this line was known for his work with the urban planner Haussmann, and another member of this dynasty styled himself Lodewijk I [LOW-duh-VAKE] of Holland. Also famously including a King of Westphalia, this family’s last major ruler was ousted after the failure at Sedan. FTP, name this line, which included Jerome, Joseph, and four Napoleons.;;Bonaparte Geography;;Several buildings here are named for the founder of the Salesian order who prophesied about this site. Among the buildings of the chief architect at the site is the Catetinho [CAH-TEH-TEE-NYO], a wooden presidential "palace", and one of its most famous buildings is composed of two towers, concave and convex saucers housing the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, with gardens designed by Burle Marx. Also notable are the tapered pillars on the façade of the Palace of the Dawn, and the JK Memorial in this city honors Juscelino [ZHU-SE-LEE-NO] Kubitschek. Two streets called Eixo [EH-SHO] run east-west and north-south, dividing into city into Asas Norte e Sul, or north and south wings. With a plan evoking a butterfly by Lucio Costa, and more commonly described as an airplane, this is, FTP, what planned capital city of Brazil?;;Brasilia Pop Culture;;From 1989 to 1991, he was fooled by the hidden ball trick three times, an impressive fact given that no man since Billy Werber in 1940 had gotten fooled more than once. Originally signed by the San Diego Padres, he arrived at the team where he spent most of his career in a deal for La Marr Hoyt. His career high for home runs was a mere four, but he won a Gold Glove in 1990 and made three All-Star games. Finishing his career with Atlanta, Baltimore, and Tampa Bay, he briefly coached third base for the doomed Montreal Expos. He recently accused a current Dodgers player of only knowing Cancun because he visited there, working now in a position previously occupied by Jerry Manuel. A longtime major league shortstop from Venezuela, FTP, name this outspoken manager of the World Champion Chicago White Sox.;;(Oswaldo) (Jose) (Ozzie) Guillen (Barrios) Physics;;All but four of these objects are pseudoscalars, meaning that they change sign under a parity transformation. There are only two of these objects that are made up of three different types of constituent particles, and the most famous of these objects was discovered as the mediator of an eponymous potential that scales as quantity e to the minus r over r. Another form of these objects provided the solution to the tau-theta puzzle and was the particle in which Cronin and Fitch discovered CP violation. More famously, the discovery of charmonium, more commonly known as J/psi one, provided experimental confirmation of the Eightfold Way. FTP identify these hadronic particles which, unlike baryons, consist of quark-antiquark pairs.;;meson(s) Religion/Mythology;;In his book, The Tajiks in the Mirror of History, President Rahmonov of Tajikistan claimed this son of Pourushaspa, and this man had a vision in which Vohu Manah, or ‘Good Purpose’ led him to a prominent deity and five other lesser beings. This would lead to the pre-eminence of a heptad whose members included such Amesha Spentas as ‘Health’ and ‘Best Righteousness.’ His religion saw the daevas as being evil spirits, whereas the evil spirits in Hinduism, the asuras, were in his eye good spirits. A later attempt to reconcile his religion’s dualistic tendency saw the creation of Zurvanism, and the Gathas supposedly represent hymns written by this man. The ostensible founder of a religion that centered on the cosmic battle between Ahriman and Ahura Mazda, FTP name this Iranian religious leader who became the namesake for one of Nietzche’s most famous works.;;Zoroaster|Zarathustra|Zartost Geography;;Cape Disappointment rests at the point at which this river meets the ocean, and among the notable sights near it is the Gingko Petrified Forest, near Vantage, on this river’s west bank. Among its less notable tributaries are Crab Creek, the Methow, Sanpoil, Klickitat, and Pend Oreille [POND OH-RAY] rivers, and in its northern reaches it passes through cities such as Trail. Among the dams on this river are the Wanapum and Rock Island, and a more notable one is at the meeting place of four counties. Cities along its course include Cathlamet, Stevenson, and Wallula, and it separates the two largest cities in Benton County from the county seat of Franklin County: Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco respectively. With its most famous part at The Dalles [DALZ], FTP, name this river featuring the Grand Coulee Dam that defines the majority of the Washington-Oregon border.;;Columbia (River) Literature;;The main character’s mother rejected the names Mokiya, Sossiya, Khozdazat, Triphiliy, Dula, and Vakhtisiy before finally settling on his name. That character scrimps and saves until after two or three months, he finally has the eighty rubles necessary to go shopping with Petrovitch and purchase the title object. However, robbers steal it after he attends a party thrown by his superior. The main character is advised to go not to the police but to a "prominent personage" whose identity is unknown, and after his plea for help is rejected, Akakiy Akakievitch gets sick and dies. FTP, identify this short story by Nikolai Gogol about an expensive piece of outerwear.;;(The) Overcoat|Shinel|(The) Cloak United States History;;One of the defense attorneys involved in this event would later go on to serve as Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, and the event had its origins in a disputed barber’s bill. The prosecuting attorneys included the namesake of Treat Williams, and Hugh Montgomery’s being struck by a club was the direct cause. Depicted by Henry Pelham, the most famous participant was a sailor formerly in the service of a William Brown of Framingham, and other participants included Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr. Montgomery and Matthew Kilroy were branded on the thumb on charges of manslaughter, and a retreat to Castle William by the English was forced by the uproar over this event. Captain Thomas Preston was acquitted, having been defended by John Adams, in, FTP, what 1770 event which saw the deaths of five American colonists, including Crispus Attucks?;;Boston Massacre Philosophy;;In the chapter on "The Abyss of Ignorance," Henry Adams notes that he sees lines of force in the causality of history as opposed to lines of this, which he compares to lines of attraction. Ludwig Wittgenstein claims that it is involved in the impossibility of knowing actions that lie in the future in 5.1362 of the Tractatus, and Friedrich Nietzsche describes it as a theory for all organisms and societies in a posthumously published work. Its most notable manifestation describes the reification of it as the phenomenal object, and sees pleasurable contemplation as the opposition to it. Related to intentionality by Franz Brentano, it is linked to power by Nietzche. FTP name this concept that, along with the idea, makes up the world in a Schopenhauer work.;;(the) will Literature;;This man’s Hercules My Shipmate was set on an island at which he had a residence at Deya. He joined the Royal Welch Fusiliers and his first publication was his war poetry Over the Brazier. Also the writer of biographical works on figures such as Lawrence of Arabia and Belisarius, his autobiography detailed actions at the Battle of Loos, where the British had foolishly advanced against heavy German gunfire. His Seven Days in Crete expresses his views on ancient religion that are expressed in a famous work whose title character is the center of a cult ritual for which there is no historical evidence. The author of Goodbye to All That and The White Goddess, FTP, name this British author best known for a work involving Sejanus, Nero, Caligula, and Tiberius: I, Claudius.;;(Robert) (von) (Ranke) Graves Chemistry;;This procedure allows us to determine the number of distinct polypeptides in a protein. Dansyl chloride and dabsyl chloride yield more detectable derivatives than 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, or FDNB, which loses a fluorine in attaching to the amino-terminus. After the protein is hydrolyzed, the FDNB-labeled N-terminus residue is identified, giving us phenylalanine and glycine for the two chains of insulin. Improved upon by Edman degradation, FTP name this chemical procedure, namesake of a two-time British Nobel prize winner who used it to sequence insulin.;;Sanger (degradation|sequencing) Miscellaneous;;He showed that patterns in a parent language drift into daughter languages, and used linguistic data for historical reconstruction in his Time Perspective in Aboriginal American Culture. Working at the Canadian National Museum, he studied Yana and Paiute, and grouped "Central and North American Languages" into six major divisions. A student of Boas, his papers at Yale on "The Impact of Culture on Personality" preview his idea that language is a "symbolic guide to behavior". FTP name this structural linguist who wrote Language, and formulated a hypothesis with Ben Whorf.;;(Edward) Sapir Pop Culture;;His first job in the entertainment industry came playing Tigger at Orlando’s Disney World, and he began playing the role of Billy Flynn in the Broadway production of Chicago, a role now filled by John O’Hurley. His only major acting role came in ABC’s production of Geppetto as the Magician, helmed by a noted cohort. Although a multiple Emmy winner, in his most famous television appearance, he drives an SUV that blares "La Cucaracha" when its horn is honked, and posits a famous question after noting that "Mr. Franklin’s lonely". Before committing a homicide, he shouts "Break yo’self, fool," and demands that his passenger take angeldust. FTP, name this former talk-show host who might just have to choke a bitch, a long-time performer on Whose Line Is It Anyway?;;(Wayne) Brady World History;;This man’s namesake half-American grandson was the adopted heir of Archduke Maximilian and Princess Carlota, who did not have any children of their own. After his ouster, he lived on a healthy pension in Livorno, eventually making his way to London, where he published his autobiography. He had commanded Spanish troops at Puruarun and Valladolid with success, but was charged with extortion and forced out of the Spanish army. Returning to his home country after his exile, he was captured in Soto la Marina and died in Padilla, just three years after signing a famous treaty with the Spanish viceroy, O’Donoju. (OH-DOH-NO-WHO) The Plan de Casa Mata began the movement that would lead to this man’s ouster, issued two years after this man’s Plan of Iguala, which called for the overthrow of the Spanish. His belief in the divine right of kings proved catastrophic to his rule, as he lasted a mere nine months in the position of emperor. FTP, name this Mexican independence leader and first emperor of Mexico.;;(Agustin) (Cosme) (Damian) (de) Iturbide (y) (Aramburu)|Agustin (I) Religion/Mythology;;This term can refer to the northeastern provinces of India, disconnected as they are from the rest of the country, and a group of cliffs in Sussex. The term can also be used to describe a series of buildings including the hotels Ukraina, Leningradskaya, and the main building of Moscow State University, once the tallest building in Europe, which are perhaps the most notable buildings of the Stalinist style. It refers to a group whose notable progeny include Oenomaus [EE-NO-MAY-US], Lacedaemon, and most famously, Hermes. That group, including Merope and Electra, would give its name to a star cluster also known as M45 known also as the Pleiades cluster, but the most famous use of the term may be in conjunction with institutions located in cities such as South Hadley, Poughkeepsie, and Northampton. FTP, name this term, which gives its name to the group of colleges including Barnard, Smith, Vassar, and Bryn Mawr.;;Seven Sisters Music;;He got a job washing dishes so he could listen to Art Tatum playing next door. His favorite composer is Igor Stravinsky, and he wanted to have classical works composed for his instrument. He emulated Henry "Buster" Smith and toured Kansas City with pianist Jay McShann, but found the harmonic voice he sought while playing Ray Noble's "Cherokee". He was sent to Camarillo State Hospital after a break down while playing "Lover Man," suffering withdrawal from the heroin he obtained from Moose the Mooche. Improvising on "Anthropology," "Hot House," and "Scrapple from the Apple," FTP name this alto saxophonist who, along with Dizzy Gillespie, founded bebop, nicknamed Bird.;;(Charlie) Parker Literature;;The night wind seems to whisper "All is well". An unnamed character’s thoughts are suddenly all "bent on a shadowy something far away", which the author describes a few lines later as "A line of black that bends and floats/On the rising tide like a bridge of boats". Beneath the title character "Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides", and a spark lit by his steed "kindle[s] the land into flame with its heat". The title character hits Medford at twelve o’clock, Lexington at one, and Concord at two. "Listen my children, and you shall hear" of, FTP, what event?;;(The) Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Biology;;Its release can be blocked by ruthenium red and facilitated by cyclic ADP-ribose via cyclic GMP increase, both acting on ryanodine receptors, allowing oscillations of it to propagate in dendrites. It enters the cell as inwardly rectifying CRAC currents via trp [TRIP] channels when its intracellular levels are depleted by IP3-mediated release from smooth ER. It can activate nitric oxide synthase and CaM kinase II upon binding to calmodulin, and binds to its sensor synaptotagmin to mediate vesicle fusion at the synapse. FTP name this +2 ion whose influx causes the release of neurotransmitters.;;calcium Religion/Mythology;;Though he’s not Lycaon, according to some sources, this man had a son named Iapyx, Aeneas’ healer, who is also claimed to be the grandson of Priam. Late in his life he came unto Cumae and then unto Sicily, where he lived under the patronage of Cocalus, a man who would kill one of this man’s earlier patrons. A crime committed by this man was the inspiration of the name of the partridge, as he murdered his sister’s son, alternatively known as Calos or Talus, but better known as Perdix. Condemned by the Areopagus, he was arrested in his next destination after completing a work for a daughter of Helios, Pasiphae, and due to the lack of methods of exiting the country, he devised another means, which led to the death of his son. FTP, name this man who devised a wooden cow for Pasiphae and pairs of wings for himself and his son, Icarus.;;Daedalus World History;;An early incident his career involved a plot concocted by several conspirators on the "Euridice" which sought to occupy the Genoese arsenal. Bento Gonçalves and this man are the namesakes of cities in the province of Rio Grande do Sul, where this man distinguished himself as a commander in the Guerra dos Farrapos. Late in his life, he was elected to the French National Assembly after notable victories at Autun and Chatillon [SHAW-TEE-YOHN]. Captured by the forces of General Cialdini after the battle of Aspromonte, he would return to launch an offensive that would include a notable victory at Bezzecca [BETS-EH-KAH], but he stopped short of the Trentino on orders from his sovereign. Though he won at Calatafirmi, he wasn’t able to defeat the Bourbon Francis II until the Battle of Voltorno, with help from the king’s army. Thus was the conquest of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies achieved under the banner of King Victor Emmanuel II. FTP, name this Italian commander most famous for his Sicilian Campaign who commanded a group known as "The Thousand" or the "Red Shirts".;;(Giuseppe) Garibaldi World History;;It saw the conquest of the Xiongnu [SHOWN-noo] by Wudi and ended when Xiandi was forced to abdicate. Zhang Qian was sent west during this dynasty as an envoy along the route that would become the Silk Road. Interrupted by the Xin interregnum, it saw its last emperor yield to Cao Pi [CHOW-pee], the son of the chief minister who became a major figure in the subsequent period. Internal dissension took such forms as Wang Mang's rebellion, after which the eastern period of this dynasty was established with its capital at Luoyang. Founded by Liu Bang, it began to decline after the Yellow Turban rebellion. Followed by the Three Kingdoms period, FTP name this Chinese dynasty lasting from 206 BC to 220 AD, which gave its name to the ethnic Chinese.;;Han (dynasty) Literature;;The two main characters take their names from Tristan and Iseult [IHZ-OYLT] in the 1994 John Updike novel named for this country. In a novel by an author from this country, a dead man who worked on a poultice to cure melancholy recounts his postumous memoirs. In Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Angel Clare travels to this country after rejecting Tess. Characters in two novels of another author from this country include Baldo, who leaves his life as a circus boxer and eventually becomes a strike organizer, and Nacib Saad, the owner of a bar in Ilheus [IL-YAY-OOS]. Those characters appear in the novels Jubiabá and Gabriela, Clove, and Cinnamon. FTP, name this South American country whose authors include Jorge [ZHOR-ZHEY] Amado and Joaquim [ZHO-A-KEEM] Maria Machado de Assis.;;Brazil Miscellaneous;;In a reaction to this work, another author wrote of the Lockean proviso, a rule of acquisition which has a historical shadow that can result in the loss of entitlement. The author of this work advocates an approach differing from the ideal spectator method in requiring unanimous agreement, and in restricting the information available to the negotiators. It also claims that the only tolerable economic inequalities are those which benefit the least well off, an idea known as the difference principle. The lack of a priori knowledge about individual traits is the veil of ignorance, a characteristic of the original position. FTP, name this work which treats the title concept "as fairness," written by John Rawls.;;(A) Theory of Justice Biology;;It can be stained using antibodies against thiamine pyrophosphatase or NADPase. Addition of brefeldin A results in the loss of its identity, and the disassembly of Sec-23/Sec-24 complexes catalyzed by Sar-1 allows vesicles destined for it coated by COP-II to dissolve. The completion of N-linked glycosylation and the addition of mannose-6-phosphate to lysosomal proteins both occurs here, as explained by Palade and Jamieson. Two models of transport through it are the vesicular transport model and the cisternal maturation model. A receiver of vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum through its cis face, FTP identify this cellular organelle consisting of stacks of cisternae and named for an Italian biologist.;;Golgi (body|complex|apparatus) Music;;The protagonist of this opera narrates a dream in the aria "Oft in truben Tagen," and later sings of her happiness on the balcony of the Kemenate, causing the wife of Friedrich to seek revenge. The king tells his subjects that a nine-year peace with the Hungarians has ended, and Telramund declares that he has renounced the right to marry the main female character in favor of the scheming sorceress Ortrud. In the aria "In fernem Land," the title character reveals his identity to the people of Brabant and his wife Elsa. Ending with the revelation that Ortrud had transformed Elsa's brother into a swan, FTP identify this Wagner opera with a famous bridal chorus.;;Lohengrin Psychology;;This phenomenon is attacked as an attempt to force conformity by limiting the productivity of desire in the first volume of Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Earlier reactions include an Ernest Jones article utilizing it "as An Explanation of Hamlet’s Mystery," and a treatise postulating a phase of separation anxiety prior to the development of this phenomenon. It was said to originate in an act of murder in the primal horde, and the superego was said to originate in the struggle associated with it. First discussed in The Interpretation of Dreams as an example of wish-fulfillment taken from Sophocles, FTP name this phase of Freudian psychosexual development in which young boys feel sexually attracted to their mothers.;;Oedipus (complex|stage|conflict)|Oedipal (complex|stage|conflict) World History;;His future wife and her mother Blanche of Artois sought refuge in his father’s court in the same year that his father married his second wife, Marie de Brabant. His vassal Guy de Dampierre betrayed him during a conflict with England, and a later uprising in Guy’s lands led to a defeat of this king’s forces at the Battle of the Golden Spurs. A crusade to Tunisia saw the deaths of his mother and grandfather, Isabella of Aragon and Louis IX. On October 13, 1307, he arrested all of the Knights Templar in France and had the order disbanded using his influence on Pope Clement V. FTP, name this Capetian king whose reign saw the papal curia move to Avignon.;;Philip IV (the) (Fair)|Philip IV (le) (Bel)|Philip the Fair Pop Culture;;The title character spoiled the Sixth Sense for his ex-girlfriend, and some of the characters central to the ambition of the title character are Natalie, Professor Alex Meyers, Donnie Jones, and Kenny James. The fact that the title character punched a kid at Frostburg State University and his brother took a bus to Hagerstown suggest that it is set in Maryland, but the only exact geographic location is the fictitious Camden County. Giovanni Ribisi’s character Ralph, a former cohort of the main character, has recurred in several episodes, and a frequent meeting place is the Crab Shack, the place of Darnell’s employ. Watching Carson Daly while in a hospital bed inspires the title character’s change in attitude and a quest which Catalina, a hotel maid, and Randy, the title character’s brother, abet. FTP, name this NBC sitcom featuring a Fu Manchu-sporting title character surnamed Hickey attempting to right his wrongs, starring Jason Lee.;;My Name Is Earl Chemistry;;Polyalkylbenzenes undergo rearrangement when reacted with this substance in the Jacobsen reaction. A mixture with nitric acid produces nitronium ion, which is useful in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. Commercially it may be synthesized with the aid of nitrogen dioxide or vanadium oxide as catalyst. It can react with rock phosphate to make superphosphate, and can react with benzene when heated and "fuming". Industrially synthesized by either the contact process or lead-chamber process, FTP identify this diprotic strong acid found in lead-acid batteries.;;sulfuric acid|H2SO4 Literature;;The speaker wants to "wear / Such deliberate disguises / Rat’s coat, crowskin, crossed staves / In a field". The setting is a "beach of the tumid river" in a place where "the stone images / Are raised". The fifth section intersperses the line, "Life is very long" from Conrad’s novel "An Outcast of the Islands" and fragments of the Lord’s Prayer with mentions of an entity which interposes itself "Between the motion and the act". A second Conrad novel supplies one of the two epigraphs, the other one being "A penny for the Old Guy". The world ends with a whimper in, FTP this poem about "shapes without form" circling the prickly pear, written by T. S. Eliot.;;(The) Hollow Men Religion/Mythology;;The god Sobek invented the fish trap in order to catch this god’s severed hands. Hippopotami were cut up at Edfu in honor of this god, recalling his participation in a breath-holding contest. His sons were known as the Amenti, and presided over the canopic jars. A near-fatal snakebite and the ripping out of his eyes were two incidents provoked by the malice of his uncle. That uncle, the husband of this god’s aunt Nephthys, used a specially-crafted chest to murder this god’s father. FTP, name this god who fought against his uncle Set to avenge the murder of his father Osiris.;;Horus Art;;The outer panels of this triptych show a dog harassing an elderly wayfarer on the Path of Life. The interior progresses from the Creation and Fall of Man on the left wing to the center, which shows a procession led by demons heading into Hell on the right wing. A later painting of this name used a drawing by John Dunthorne as a model for the title object. The central panel of the triptych shows a group of nuns stuffing a bag with the title commodity and a group of princes following the title conveyance. Willy Lott’s cottage appears in the later painting, which shows the title object crossing a stream of the Stour River. FTP, give the shared name of a Bosch triptych and a Constable painting, both of which feature a harvest wagon.;;(The) Hay Wain Economics;;In a similarly-titled 1984 update of this work, Jane Jacobs argued for a focus on cities as the relevant units. This work claims that "A person who can acquire no property, can have no other interest but to eat as much, and to labour as little as possible," as an argument for abandoning slavery. Its author began writing it while serving as tutor to the son-in-law of Charles Townshend, who was impressed by a previous work emphasizing the human capacity for sympathy with other people’s circumstances, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Noted for arguing that self-interested individuals tend to act towards the general good of the market as though "led by an invisible hand," FTP name this treatise written by Adam Smith.;;(Inquiry) (into) (the) (Nature) (and) (Causes) (of) (the) Wealth of Nations Literature;;Characters in this work include a fourteen year old girl who enjoys looking at the pictures in "Harrison’s History of London," a book left behind by an old sea captain who was known as the Flying Dutchman. One of the girl’s neighbors, a theology student who believes he is demonically possesed, sometimes reads with her to help spare her failing eyesight. The news that the owner of the Hoidal mines is going blind and a letter delivered by Mrs. Sorby detailing a generous bequest to the girl raise suspicions that Hedvig may be the daughter of Hakon Werle, not Hialmar Ekdal. FTP, name this Ibsen play in which Hedvig shoots herself rather than sacrifice the titular waterfowl.;;(The) Wild Duck Geography;;The first Kashubian Congress was held in 1946 in Wejhorowo [VAY-HO-RO-VO], a part of the metropolitan area of this city, which contains the largest church devoted to Our Lady of Ostra Brama, the St. Mary's Cathedral. At the mouth of the Motlawa [MOAT-WAH-VAH], it has a famous Golden Gate and the Neptune Fountain, and with Sopot and another city, it forms the Trojmiasto [TROY-ME-AH-STO]. A free city after World War I, its stocznia [STOCH-NEE-YUH] or shipyard was where the trade organization Solidarity was founded in 1980. FTP, name this large port city in Poland formerly known as Danzig.;;Gdansk United States History;;It failed to nominate William Graham and the man who authorized military intervention in the Regulator-Moderator War at its first convention, instead selecting a former Congressman who preceded James K. Polk as Speaker of the House on the second ballot. Calling for "the enforcement of the laws," this party derisively called the "Old Gentleman's" or "Do Nothing" party only won the states of Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee with a ticket that included the orator whose speech preceded Lincoln's at Gettysburg. Consisting of remnants of the Whig and Know-Nothing parties, FTP identify this short-lived political party, established by a committee led by Crittenden, that won the smallest percentage of the popular vote in the election of 1860 with its ticket of Edward Everett and John Bell.;;Constitutional Union (Party) Miscellaneous;;It is the title of a Stanley Donen follow-up to Charade starring Sophia Loren and the much-too-old Gregory Peck. It also names a C major work for piano by Robert Schumann and two works for piano written in the keys of E major and G major by Claude Debussy. As its plural, it gives its name to a collection of short stories, including one whose title character Poprishchin thinks he is King Frederick VIII of Spain. In addition to a collection including "Nevsky Prospekt" and "Diary of a Madman" by Gogol, this word is paired with "grotesque" in a collection of short stories that includes "The Man that was Used Up" and "The Fall of the House of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe. FTP, identify the common word that also names a ballet position in which the dancer balances on one leg with the other leg pointed straight back.;;arabesque Noncomputational Math;;He lends his name to a bilinear map, some of whose singularities give rise to conserved quantities known as Casimirs. He gives his name to a quantity given by the first Lamé constant over 2 times the sum of the Lamé constants, and to a phenomenon he showed was predicted by Fresnel’s wave theory of light. His namesake equation is an inhomogeneous generalization of Laplace’s equation. A kurtosis of one over the mean and variance equal to the mean characteristize his namesake distribution. FTP, name this Frenchman whose namesake distribution gives the probability of a certain number of successes in a fixed time period for a given rate of success.;;(Simeon-Denis) Poisson Religion/Mythology;;Once, rather than shaving, he tore his hair out by the roots. Fragrant Mandara flowers, the ocean of milk, and a fire fed by sacrificial butter were the subjects of three of the sixteen dreams portending his birth. He was born to two followers of Lord Parshva after being transferred from Devananda’s womb to Trisala’s womb. Some believe he was given a white robe by Indra after casting off his clothes. This occurred after he fasted for two and a half days under an Asoka tree, obtaining enlightenment. He shared his knowledge by preaching for seven days before dying, stressing the absolute prohibition on killing. FTP, name this twenty-fourth tirthankara, the last great teacher of Jainism.;;Mahavira Literature;;A two-headed man’s arrival in Britain from the south is one of the prophecies made by a man who was mute for 58 years before gaining the power of speech, in one of this author’s works. In another of this author’s tales, sales of Drelincourt’s Book of Death increase greatly due to a story told by Mrs. Bargrave. Another work purports to recount "the most remarkable occurences" that took place "during the last great visitation in 1665". In addition to the aforementioned Dickory Cronke, A Relation of the Apparition of Mrs. Veal, and A Journal of the Plague Year, he wrote a novel inspired by the adventures of Andrew Selkirk, who was left on an island for four years. FTP, name this author of Robinson Crusoe.;;(Daniel) Defoe Music;;The composition of one of his most famous works, originally written for piano duet, was interrupted by this composer's writing of the a cappella Nunc Dimittis. Spiritual works by this composer of Short Festival Te Deum include a work based on the Apocryphal Acts of St. John, the Hymn of Jesus, and four groups of Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda. He also set Walt Whitman's Ode to Death and Dirge for Two Veterans to music. The finale to one of his works features folk tunes "The Dargason" and "Greensleeves". Another work concludes with a wordless women's chorus and opens with a fast march in 5/4 time. FTP identify this composer of Egdon Heath, St. Paul's Suite, and The Planets.;;(Gustav) Holst Economics;;It is by virtue of this that "man is distinguished from animals," according to Ludwig von Mises [MEE-say] in Liberalism. He goes on to say that this has "made feeble man. . .the lord of the earth". Along with extensive use of machinery, it was blamed for the proletarians losing all individual character in their work in The Communist Manifesto, though Karl Marx differentiates between the natural "social" type and the deleterious "manufacture" type. In Book Three of a namesake 1893 work, its abnormal forms -- including forced and anomic -- are outlined; and, in the first chapter of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith uses a pin factory to describe it. For 10 points, name this separation of work into tasks performed by specialized units, whose manifestation "in society" was examined by Emile Durkheim [AY-meel DUR-kime].;;division of labor (in society) World History;;His reputation for bravery was based on killing a Cadusian warrior-champion in single combat, for which he was awarded the satrapy [SAA-truh-pee] of Armenia. His depiction on a mosaic in the House of the Faun in Pompeii shows a different aspect to his character. He ascended to the throne after his two predecessors were poisoned by Bagoas. Bagoas was, in turn, poisoned by this man, whose own death came at the hands of the satrap Bessus. The death of Memnon, his general, left this man limited militarily; but he also showed poor judgment in not preparing for Granicus, and in bringing his relatives to another doomed battle. In that battle, famously painted by Albrecht Altdorfer, this man abandoned his family in retreat. For 10 points, name this last Achamaenid [AH-kuh-MAY-nid] ruler of Persia, who decisively lost to Alexander at Gaugamela and Issus.;;Darius III|Codommanus Literature;;"You are an Alexander-Nebuchadnezzar [NEH-buh-kahd-NEH-zer]/ breaking horses and murdering tigers/ (You are a Professor of Energy/ as today's madmen say)," he wrote in a poem to a U. S. president. Born in Metapa, a city now renamed in his honor, he read his poem "The Book" to his country's president, Joaquin [wah-KEEN] Zavala, at age 15 to get a scholarship to Europe. That failed, but he became his country's ambassador to Paris in 1903 and was also an ambassador to Argentina. In the latter position, he wrote the collection Profane Hymns, while in the former, under the influence of French Symbolist poets, he wrote Songs of Life and Hope. For 10 points, name this Nicaraguan poet of "To Roosevelt" and "In Autumn," whose collection Azul [ah-ZOOL] helped usher in the literary movement he originated, Modernismo [moh-dare-NEEZ-moh].;;(Ruben) Dario|(Felix) (Ruben) (Garcia) Sarmiento Miscellaneous;;The first known reference to it is in De Medicina Praecepta [pry-KEP-tuh], by Serenus Sammonicus, physician to Caracalla [CAR-uh-CAHL-uh]. He had patients wear an amulet on which it was written in the form of an inverted cone. Possible sources for it include corruptions of the Aramaic phrase meaning "I create as I speak," or a combination of the Hebrew words for "Father," "Son," and "Holy Spirit:" ab, ben, and ruakh ha-kodesh [ROO-ahkh hah-koh-DESH]. This word was the leading original candidate for the title of the Beatles' Revolver album, and was the title of an album by the Steve Miller Band, as well as the song in which they wanted to "reach out and grab ya". For 10 points, give this 11-letter nonsense word, similar-sounding to a dangerous Harry Potter spell, that is often associated with magicians.;;abracadabra Biology;;Via the proteins TIR-1 and ARF-1, many of the effects of this class of substances are mediated by gene transcription. The first of these was isolated by Fritz Went [vent] in Avena seedlings, where he cut the coleoptile [coh-lee-OP-tul] from oat plants, placed it in agar, then replaced it on the plants. Synthetic types like 2,4-D acetic acid are used in weed killers, though the most common natural form, indole-3-acetic-acid, or IAA, can have a different effect. Produced in the apical [AY-pih-kul] meristem, these substances are the prime factor in apical dominance, as they build up in the shoot apex at the leading tips of stalks. For 10 points, name these plant hormones that cause the curvature in phototropism, and whose most important function is in plant growth.;;auxin(s) Philosophy;;With a comparison to girls entertaining at a party only when the partygoers cannot entertain themselves, the title character is admonished for avoiding the main question and, instead, examining a poem by Simonides [sye-MAHN-ih-deez] -- an examination that hinges on the difference between "being" and "becoming" good. Pursuing the main question, the title character compares the parts of excellence to features on a face, while his principal antagonist argues they are not distinct, but, instead, all follow from knowledge, since no one deliberately does evil. The antagonist had sought Hippocrates at the gathering, to find out if he was spending his money wisely to learn excellence from, for 10 points, the title character of which Platonic dialogue that is largely a conversation between Socrates and a prominent sophist?;;Protagoras Music;;His last completed work, a violin concerto commissioned by Louis Krasner, became a requiem for the daughter of the sister-in-law of his mistress, Hanna Fuchs-Robettin. Hanna, the sister of Franz Werfel [VER-ful], also inspired the section names -- including "Andante [ahn-DAHN-tay] amoroso," and "Adagio [uh-DAH-gee-oh] appasionato" -- in his Lyric Suite. He interpolated his and Hanna's initials into the pitch sequences of that piece, and made playful references to 23 and ten, their respective "fateful numbers". Similar references appear in his unfinished final opera, whose completion was prevented by his jealous wife until 1976. That opera, based on two Frank Wedekind [VAY-duh-kihnd] works, is -- unlike his earlier opera based on a Georg Buechner [GAY-org BYOOK-ner] play -- composed entirely in the style of his mentor, whom he met in Vienna in 1904. For 10 points, name this student of Arnold Schoenberg [SHERN-berg], a twelve-tone adherent who composed Wozzeck [VOY-chek] and Lulu.;;(Alban) Berg United States History;;Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee in the 36th Congress, he was elected senator in 1861 to replace Salmon Chase when Chase was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. In 1881, he was elected again, to replace James Garfield, when Garfield was elected President. His second cabinet appointment was as William McKinley's Secretary of State, a post he held from 1897 to 98. His first cabinet position, immediately preceding his 1881 Senate election, was as Rutherford Hayes's Secretary of the Treasury. In that position, he implemented the Resumption Act, redeeming greenbacks for hard money and effectively returning the U. S. to the gold standard. His tenure also saw passage of the Bland-Allison Act, which would later be modified by his own act that was repealed after the Panic of 1893. For 10 points, name this politician, best known for two 1890 acts: a silver purchase act and the first congressional anti-trust act.;;(John) Sherman Miscellaneous;;Tom Cassidy's $40,000 -- meant to "buy off unhappiness" by purchasing his daughter a house as a wedding present -- sets the plot in motion, as it travels toward Fairvale from Phoenix, stopping briefly at California Charlie's. It is carried by a woman seeking her lover, the hardware store owner Sam Loomis. The woman is later sought by her sister, Lila [LYE-luh], and the detective Arbogast. Scored only with strings, to match its black-and-white photography, this film supposedly features the first flushing toilet in American cinema, used by Marion Crane to get rid of some paper shortly before a fateful encounter, in the same room, with the mother of a young man she just met. Man and "mother" are the same person in, for 10 points, which Alfred Hitchcock film, where Marion would have been better off not meeting Norman or taking a shower at the Bates Motel?;;Psycho Noncomputational Math;;The procedures of Pratt and Atkin-Goldwater-Kilian-Morain certify them. AKS and Lucas-Lehmer are deterministic tests for them, while Miller's test is probabilistic, meaning it can also detect their pseudo-counterparts. Shanks and Cunningham are chains of them, and ones in a Cunningham chain of the first kind are the Sophie Germain type. Ones that divide the class number of a cyclotomic field generated by e to the 2-pi-i over themselves are irregular, and odd irregular ones also divide the numerator of certain Bernoulli numbers, while Ferrier's was the largest one known before the advent of electronic computers. For 10 points, name this class of numbers, all of which greater than four are the sum of two others, by the strong Goldbach conjecture; and which may only be factored by one and themselves.;;prime(s)|prime (numbers) Music;;In the poem with this name, the questions "How should a mere worldling regale you, chorus divine"? and "Gods! what can mortals give to you, truly"? are asked by Friedrich Schiller [SHIL-er]. In general, this term names a class a poems, of which John Dryden's "Alexander's Feast" is often cited as a later example. Traditionally developed by Arion, two of the ones by Bacchylides [baa-KIL-uh-deez] survive, including "Ode 18," which separates a soloist from the chorus. Composed for groups of 50 men and boys, and sung in competition, these are, for 10 points, which song-chants, which stand in contrast to the more somber Apollonian paeans [PAY-ahnz] and are tributes to Dionysus [DYE-oh-NYE-sis]?;;dithyramb(s) United States History;;Section 201 amended Title III to include new offenses, while Section 216 codified arguments used to support the implementation of the Carnivore system. Section 216 also allowed for expanded "pen registers," and Sections 206 and 218 added to the reach of 1978's FISA [FYE-suh]. The subject of House Resolution 3162, it was primarily drafted by Viet Dinh and introduced by James Sensenbrenner. Four years later in the senate, John Sununu [soo-NOO-noo] -- by introducing an adjunct bill of compromises -- broke a stalemate over its renewal. The opposition quadrupled, however, as Tom Harkin, Jim Jeffords, and Robert Byrd voted no on the adjunct bill, along with the only senator to originally oppose this act, Russ Feingold [FINE-gold]. For 10 points, name this 2001 act to "[Unite] and [Strengthen] America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism".;;(USA) PATRIOT (Act) Miscellaneous;;In Yrttiaho [IR-tee-AH-ho] v. Public Curator (Queensland), the Australian High Court determined that ones of these related to "merely procedural" matters, as opposed to those which divested rights, were not prohibited. A similar distinction by the U. S. Supreme Court limited their prohibition to criminal, rather than private, rights in Calder v. Bull. Forbidden by Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 of the U. S. Constitution, they were key to the Ex parte [PAR-tay] Garland case, where post-Civil War loyalty oaths were called these, as well as bills of attainder. With their forbiddance following from the legal phrase nulla poena sine lege [NUH-luh PAY-nuh SEE-nuh LAY-juh], or "no punishment without law," these are, for 10 points, which kind of laws, which retroactively change the legal consequences for an action, and have a Latin name meaning "from things done afterward"?;;ex post facto (laws)|retrospective (laws) Religion/Mythology;;According to its founder's grandson, its most important tablet, along with the Surih of the Temple, was ordered written in the shape of a pentacle, to signify the temple of man. Its holiest book -- written soon after its spiritual founder was transferred to the house of Udi Khammar -- sets its year to begin on March 21st, dividing it into 19 months of 19 days each. The book also prescribes the mandatory 19 days of fasting to those between 15 and 70, and establishes the Nineteen Days Feasts. It exhorts the Presidents of the Republics of the American continent to champion justice; reproofs Francis Joseph; and ordains the House of Justice, now located in Haifa [HYE-fuh]. This is how the Kitab-i-Aqdas [kih-TAB ee AHK-dahs] is described by Shoghi [SHO-ghee] Effendi. For 10 points, name this religion, where Effendi was the grandson and appointed successor of its Iranian founder, Baha 'Ullah.;;Baha'i (faith) Chemistry;;Their interaction with the "d" orbitals of the atoms they bind to was developed by J. H. Van Vleck as their "field theory". Alfred Stock first used their name in 1916 in relation to silicon chemistry, and Swiatoslaw Trofimenko [SWAH-tih-slav troh-fee-MEN-koh] discovered the influential scorpionate ["scorpion"-ate] variety in 1966. Ethylenediammine [ETH-uh-leen-DYE-uh-meen], acetylacetonate [uh-SEE-tul-aa-suh-TOE-nate], phenanthroline [fen-AN-throw-leen] and oxalate ion are common bidentate [bi-DEN-tate] types, while tetradentate [TET-truh-den-tate] types include the porphyrins [POR-fur-inz] of chlorophyll and hemoglobin. For 10 points, name these chemical structures which bind to the central metal ion in a coordination compound, whose polydentate [PAH-lee-DEN-tate] types are stabilizing agents via the chelate [KEE-late] effect.;;ligand(s) World History;;Its downfall saw Julius von Pflug restored to his Holy See. Henry of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel [VUL-fen-byoo-tul] was also reinstated, though Ulrich -- whom it had restored to power in Wurttemberg [VYOOR-tum-burg]-- remained in power after paying an indemnity. The way for its defeat was cleared by the Peace of Crepy [CRAY-pee], which prevented the French from assisting it. Its vanquishment was also expedited by a bigamy charge -- requiring an imperial pardon -- against one of its leaders, Phillip of Hesse. Its precursors included Speyer [SHPAY-yer], Dessau, and Regensburg. Formed in 1531, largely in response to the Confutation of Augsburg, it was the first of its kind to have a large military component, thanks to leaders like John Frederick the First of Saxony. For 10 points, name this Protestant league of Germany, defeated by Charles the Fifth at Mulhberg in 1547.;;Schmalkaldic (League)|Schmalkaldischer (Bund)|(League) (of) Schmalkalden Pop Culture;;The narrator's psychic compared the woman he is looking for to Serena. That desired woman may be the "cutie the bomb" he met at a beauty salon, who carried a baby Louis Vitton [VEE-tahn] under her underarm. The narrator later tells a cautionary tale about a man who is on TV any given Sunday, winning the Super Bowl and driving off in a Hyundai [HUN-day]. His baby momma was supposed to buy his shortie Tyco ["tie"-koh] with his money, but instead went and got lipo [LYE-po] with his money. Backed by Jamie Foxx singing a modified sample of Ray Charles's "I Got a Woman," the narrator tells the titular type of woman -- whose car and crib are bigger than her man's -- to "get down". If you ain't no punk, holla "we want pre-nup!" and, for 10 points, name this song about money-hungry females, from 2005's Late Registration album by Kanye [KAHN-yay] West.;;Gold Digger Art;;In the lower left, a man looks to his left to speak to someone, while in the lower right, another man looks at someone over his left shoulder. The most prominent figure in the rear peeks up over the raised floor on which the main action is taking place. The expected ropes appear to the right and behind the main action, but are missing in front, allowing for a clearer view. Each combatant in this two-tone painting appears to be standing momentarily on one leg, with their other legs nearly connecting. The one on the right has his right gloved hand out, seeming to punch the nearby referee in the head. For 10 points, name this 1909 painting of an illegal boxing match, perhaps the best known work of George Bellows.;;(A) Stag at Sharkey's Literature;;At the end of Book I, Mr. Carmichael announces that he will take a case pro deo [DAY-oh], which gratifies the main character. That main character lies twice: once on a train, when he says he has been to his ultimate destination before; and once to hurt his brother John, when he says that a spy in his brother's political organization might bring him harm. His brother's son, Matthew, and Johannes Pafuri, were with the main character's son, Absalom, when Absalom murdered an engineer, whose father, James Jarvis, lives near the main character's village. The main character -- an umfundisi [OOM-foon-DEEZ-eh] who went looking for his son -- brings his son's wife and child back home to Ndotsheni [EEN-do-SHEH-nee], in Natal [nuh-TAHL], to live a quiet life. For 10 points, name this novel, set principally in Johannesburg, about the trials of Stephen Kumalo, by Alan Paton [PAY-tun].;;Cry(,) the Beloved Country Physics;;In a rotating variation of it, Georges Sagnac [SAHN-yahk] discovered a namesake effect. The Kennedy-Thorndike experiment confirmed its results 35 years later. Its results were also confirmed by observing the change in orientation, or lack of change, in a parallel-plate capacitor in the Trouton-Noble experiment. Dayton Miller worked on Mount Wilson with one of its namesakes to try to show that entrainment may have led to its result, while George FitzGerald [fitz-GEHR-uld] explained its null result by a physical contraction. Its central device, floated in a pool of mercury, could detect a shift of one-one-hundredth of a fringe, much finer than the one-twenty-fifth that would have been shown by a positive result. For 10 points, name this 1887 experiment which used an interferometer [IN-ter-fur-AH-muh-ter] to try to detect the luminiferous aether [loo-min-NIH-fur-us EE-ther].;;Michelson-Morley (Experiment) World History;;Before describing this event, a contemporary chronicler states "I esteem the intellectual above the physical qualities of man; and the task of the historian has attracted me because it taxes the writer's abilities to the utmost". His account makes it clear that the Allobroges [AL-loh-BROH-jez] were in league to hinder this event; the letters they were carrying when arrested led to the downfall of Lentulus. Before going to Faesulae [feh-SYOO-lay], this event's namesake said "[s]ince I am beset by enemies and driven out, the fire you have kindled about me shall be crushed out by the ruin of yourselves," according to Sallust. Forced from the senate, its leader battled at Pistoria against Gaius Antonius Hybrida, and was utterly defeated in January 62. For 10 points, name this attempt to overthrow the Roman Republic, uncovered by Cicero.;;Catiline (conspiracy|plot)|(Lucius) (Sergius) Catalina (conspiracy|plot) Religion/Mythology;;The son of King Poeas of Meliboea, in a play named for this man, Odysseus attempts to persuade Neoptolemus into tricking this man out of his most famous posession. Thomas Russell imagined his exile in Suppos’d to Be Written on Lemnos, and at the base of Mt. Oeta, this man lit the funeral pyre of a great hero, in return for which he received a gift. More famously, this man’s presence in the Achaen camp was due to the fact that Helenus had prophesied that Troy would not fall until the bow and arrow of Herarcles were obtained, which belonged to this man, who was left on Lemnos after being bitten by a snake. For ten points, identify this archer of Greek myth, best known for killing Paris during the Trojan war.;;Philoctetes Pop Culture;;Another show featured a hunt caused by the idiocy of Weerd and Bogel, a show featuring the jumpsuit-clad Flim Flam and Vincent Van Ghoul, as well as this character’s uncle. He consistently threatened to splat people, and he apparently was manipulating the robot Mondavarious in a noted Freddie Prinze, Jr. vehicle. Beginning his most famous phrase with an imitation of a bugle playing "Charge!", FTP, name this "Puppy Power" proponent, the nephew of Scooby Doo.;;Scrappy (Doo) Physics;;In quantum mechanics, it can be given as the trace of the exponent of minus beta times the Hamiltonian. For Ising and Potts models, this quantity corresponds to the largest eigenvalue of the transfer operator, and it can be derived by maximizing the log of the number of states available to the system. The average number of particles in a system is proportional to the logarithmic derivative of this quantity with respect to chemical potential, and this quantity’s logarithm times Boltzmann’s constant times temperature gives the Helmholtz free energy. Equivalent to the sum over all the Boltzmann factors of a system, for ten points, identify this thermodynamic function which gives all the statistical properties of the system.;;partition (functions) World History;;Carl Löwenhielm [LUH-VEN-HEELM], the Marquis of Labrador, the Earl of Clancarty and the Count of Palmela were among the men involved in this event. One of the men was "near seven foot high, deaf as a post," and among the territorial changes were the creation of the Duchy of Lucca, the establishment of Marie-Louise in Parma, and the union of Norway to Sweden. The Illyrian Provinces were regained by the host, and Avignon stayed French. The Duchy of Warsaw reverted to Russian control, and Castlereagh proposed a Congress system. FTP, these events happened at what congress attended by Talleyrand and led by Metternich, hosted in the Hapsburg capital.;;Congress of Vienna|Wiener Kongress Economics;;Name’s the same. One wrote Science, Technology, and Society in Seventeenth Century England and studied the sociology of science before venturing into latent dysfunctions. The other studied continuous time finance with Paul Samuelson and served on the board of Long Term Capital Management. One worked with Paul Lazarsfeld in writing Social Theory and Social Structure, while the other relaxed the assumptions in the Black-Scholes model of options pricing, and won a Nobel prize. FTP give the shared name of this father and son duo of sociologist and economist, the older of whom redefined anomie and coined the terms "role model" and "self-fulling prophecy".;;(Robert) Merton Literature;;It begins with the death of Jeremiah Saint-Amour, who kills himself to avoid growing old. The tabloids incorrectly claim Lucretia had an affair with one of the main characters, although he does have an affair with Barbara Lynch. His mother makes his wife take harp lessons and eat eggplant, and finally dies when they are in Europe. He himself dies after trying to retrieve his pet parrot from a mango tree, opening up the path for a relationship that ended suddenly after Fermina saw Florentino in the Arcade of the Scribes. Over fifty-one years later, the captain of the riverboat they finally consummate their love on raises the yellow flag in, FTP, what novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez?;;Love in the Time of Cholera Art;;This painter of Staffelalm with Sheep studied at Munich’s Academy of Fine Arts, and developed an affinity for Van Gogh’s work during visits to Paris. His time in Kochel and Indersdorf, as well as his visits to the Berlin Zoological Gardens inspired his animal studies, and in 1910, this man met Auguste Macke, through whom he became exposed to Fauvism. His works, such as The Yellow Cow, usually portrayed animals in natural settings, although later works like Fate of the Animals show heavy Cubist influence. One of the principal painters of German Expressionism, FTP, name this artist who founded Der Blaue Reiter with Wassily Kandinsky in 1911.;;(Franz) Marc United States History;;The Paxton boys perpetrated what is known as the "Conestoga massacre" in response to this event. Robert Rogers wrote a play about the chief participant subtitled "Or the Savages of America". Among the forts taken were Ouiatenon, Presque Isle, and St. Joseph, and Simon Ecuyer, captain at Fort Pitt, perpetrated a famous act against that fort’s besiegers. Featuring the Battle of Bushy Run, it saw the British use a strategy of infecting blankets with smallpox in order to infirm the Indians. Involving a famous siege of Fort Detroit, FTP, name this Indian rebellion begun in 1763 by a man who shares his name with an American car company.;;Pontiac('s) (Rebellion) Noncomputational Math;;This data structure is employed to solve the convex hull problem by the Graham’s scan algorithm. Used to implement depth-first search, it is built directly in hardware by processors of the MuP21 and the Harris RTX lines. Its array implementation doesn’t require wrap-arounds, and its most natural implementation via linked lists requires only one extra pointer. Used in compilers and reverse Polish notation checkers, it is associated with methods like push and pop. FTP name this data structure defined by the principle of last-in, first-out, a bit easier to build than a queue.;;stack Literature;;Several stanzas in this poem refer to the siege and eventual fall of Troy, as recalled in a picture once seen by the title character. The lines "First red as roses that on lawn we lay, Then white as lawn, the roses took away", as well as many other allusions to red, white, and roses, evoke the Wars of the Roses. Although Collatine boasts of the title character’s chastity, her "azure veins", "alabaster skin", "coral lips", and "snow-white dimpled chin" are more than enough to tempt Tarquin into committing the title act. FTP, identify this long poem by William Shakespeare about a sex crime committed during Roman times.;;(The) Rape of Lucrece Philosophy;;The first part of this work addresses "basic words and the modes of experience," after defining which, the author makes "arguments for the primacy of relation". Franz Rosenzweig remarked after reading this work that it "wrongs the It," and in the final section of this work the author addresses the question of "what religion is not". Aphorisms 15 through 17 address the issue of "revelation through action," after which man is released from duty and obligation due to being filled with responsibility, and the titular mode of interaction is also claimed to be how man relates to God. Most famously expounding on the dialogic principle created by its author, for ten points, identify this work in 59 aphorisms which divides relations into the I-It and the titular kind, the most famous philosophical work of Martin Buber.;;I and Thou|Ich und Du Music;;Fyodor Chaliapin sang the titular bass part in his 1910 Don Quixote, and his The Woman of Navarre shows the influence of verismo on this composer’s style. His cantata David Rizzio won him the Prix de Rome and his first opera was a one-act composition about the Marquis de Kedrel called The Great-Aunt. His 1873 oratorio Marie-Magdeleine was also later performed as an opera, and he drew on literary sources in such operas as Werther and Le jongleur de Notre-Dame, but is best remembered for such characters as Athanael, Nicias, Pousette, Guillot de Morfontaine, and the Chevalier des Grieux. For ten points, identify this French composer, best remembered for two operas based on the works of Anatole France and Antoine Prevost, Thais and Manon.;;(Jules-Emile-Frederic) Massenet Literature;;Flashbacks in this work’s second part, entitled "Apropos of the Wet Snow", include the main character obsessing over whether to yield the right of way to a soldier, following former schoolmates to a dinner where he is not wanted, and fantasizing about rescuing a prostitute. That prostitute, Liza, rejects the nameless protagonist’s offer of money after she realizes his speeches clash with his reality. Beginning "I am a sick man…I am a spiteful man", FTP, identify this 1864 short work about a retired civil servant in St. Petersburg, written by Dostoevsky.;;Notes from (the) Underground|Letters from (the) Underworld|Memoirs from a Dark Cellar Biology;;Continuous Pax5 expression is required for their progenitors to develop from hematopoietic stem cells, due to the need for negative regulation. They undergo class switching, producing membrane-bound or secreted versions of proteins depending on the C-H coding sequences. Characterized by the presence of CD20 on their membranes, they undergo clonal selection, producing Ig-M early and Ig-D late in humoral immune response. Specializing into plasma and memory cells, FTP name this class of lymphocytes that are activated by helper T cells, and that are produced in the bone marrow.;;B (cells) Art;;The contract for this work stated that it would depict St. John the Evangelist and St. Bonaventure, but the final version replaces Bonaventure with St. Francis. Two puti can be seen in the background grasping the legs of the titular figure, which holds a book braced against her left thigh. One possible interpretation of this work is that it takes its inspiration from the Book of Revelations, depicting the first titular figure as triumphant over the titular creatures, as represented by her standing on a pedestal which on which two carvings of those creatures flank the hymn to Our Lady of the Assumption. Painted as part of an altarpiece for San Francesco dei Macci, for ten points, identify this painting depicting the Virgin with child that is known for the mythical beasts depicted on the pedestal, the most famous painting of Andrea Del Sarto.;;Madonna of the Harpies World History;;Described by Nanak as a "messenger of death," he allied with Mirza Husain but could not reclaim his original homeland despite the death of Mohammed Shaybani fighting the Safavids, returning in defeat despite Ismail’s assistance. He defeated the brother of a more famous rival at Ghagra, and Silhadi’s treachery allowed him to win the day at Khanwa against the Rajput ruler of Mewar. More famous for his exploits against Ibrahim Lodi, FTP, name this victor at Panipat and founder of the Mughal Empire.;;(Zahir-ud-din) (Mohammed) Babur|Baber Religion/Mythology;;He is first mentioned in the text in which he appears when the minister Gaga is instructed to prepare a feast for this deity. Following his most famous exploits, this god is said to have "founded the station of Nibir," and the seventh section of the text in which he appears commands his names to be remembered and addresses him as "bestower of planting" and "founder of sowing". Called forth by Ansar, this god’s most famous shrines were in Esagila and Etemenanki, and following his most important victory, he takes the Tablets of Destiny from Kingu. Also known as "lord" or "Bel," for ten points, identify this Babylonian deity whose victory over Tiamat is related in the Enuma Elish.;;Marduk Geography;;Among its islands are the islands of Providencia and San Andres, located off of the Nicaraguan coast. Its southernmost city is Leticia, which is its only port on its continent’s largest river. Its northernmost point is the Guajira [GWA-hee-rah] Peninsula and in its northwest, part of the Darien Gap can be found. Its Cauca [COW-kah] river valley is home to important cities such as Popayan, Armenia, Cali, and Medellin. FTP, name this large South American country whose Andean capital is Bogota.;;Colombia Chemistry;;They have been observed in the number partitioning problem. A local approach to studying them applies the Ornstein-Zernike equation, while the Kadanoff-Wilson theory of them is based on renormalization and scale invariance. They exhibit universality across different systems, and are observed in the Kosterlitz-Thouless effect. The Ehrenfest classification of them has been modified by Landau, who pointed out the symmetry breaking involved and posited order parameters for describing the system below the critical temperature. Ferromagnetic and superfluidic are second order examples of, FTP these changes in state of matter exemplified by deposition, sublimation, and melting.;;phase transition(s) World History;;Later in his life, he secured Soviet participation in the form of Operation Kavkaz, and he used the widely popular singer Umm Kulthum as a propaganda tool, though his funeral barely outdrew hers. As a young man he attended the Royal Military Academy, and in 1948 he suffered a shoulder wound. Though he originally installed an older general as president, he overthrew that man, Mohammed Naguib, after having helped to overthrow King Farouk in 1952. FTP, identify this head of state responsible for the building of the Aswan High Dam, an Egyptian proponent of Arab Nationalism succeeded by Sadat.;;(Gamal) (Abdel) Nasser Literature;;You would say her name at once if you see a ship in full sail coming with the sun on it proudly sweeping across the Mediterranean from the South Seas. Taken care of by Basket the butler and Stubbs the gardener who had no finger nails, she won Burdett Coutt's Memorial Prize, she had been working on her poem for 300 years, while Lord Palmerston's lawsuit settlement finally pronounced her Turkish marriage annulled, her estate entailed, and her sex indisputably, and beyond the shadow of a doubt, female. FTP name this woman as tolerant and free-spoken as a man, and a man as strange and subtle as a woman, the subject of a Virginia Woolf biography.;;Orlando Literature;;The title character in this story finds a song about the exploits of the ship Arethusa, sung by the ex-Australian colonist "Man o’ War Jack" to be rather soothing. Cockney Simmons describes the atmosphere after the arrival of the title character as "‘evingly," and the arrival improves the hygienic habits of the man known as Kentuck. A major debate concerns the naming of the title character, originally known pejoratively by such as names as that "damned little cuss," and Thomas is settled upon as the given name. An ass is given the maternal role and Stumpy is given the paternal role, and the character John Oakhurst, famous from another of the author’s stories, is mentioned in passing. Cherokee Sal, the only woman around, dies when giving birth to a child in FTP, what Bret Harte short story about a California miners’ camp.;;(The) Luck of Roaring Camp World History;;This group was finally unbanned in September 2003, 4 years after first seeking restitution from the British government for their time spent in detention camps. Also known as the "Land Freedom Army", their attacks on settlers like the Ruck family and the villagers of Lari led to a crackdown resulting in more than 1,000 hangings over a 4 year period. Those hanged included Dedan Kamathi, their last leader, whose 1957 execution effectively ended their rebellion 6 years before their nation received its independence. FTP who was this group of Kikuyu militants who rebelled in Kenya?;;(The) Mau Mau Art;;A silver crucifix peeks out from behind green floral drapes, a reminder of spiritual devotion amidst a preponderance of worldly objects. On display are traditional and polyhedral sundials, a navigational quadrant, a torquetum, celestial and earthly globes, a compass, a square, books, and musical instruments. Juxtaposed with these tools of exploration is a lute with a broken string and an anamorphic projection of a human skull, reminders of mortality. Completing the scene are Frenchmen Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, eminent figures depicted in which painting by Hans Holbein, the Younger?;;(The) (French) Ambassadors Religion/Mythology;;Excavations at Ordzhonikidze and the Gate of Peoples yield evidence of their existence. The Caucasus Mountains were once named for one of their leaders, and Clete, another of them, founded a namesake city in Italy. In his "Aithiopis", Arktinos of Miletos describes the exploits of one of their leaders, who supposedly brought twelve followers to Troy. Diodorus claimed they originated from Libya, but Herodotus claimed they lived near the Scythians, where interbreeding produced the Samartians. Their most important leaders were the offspring of the incestuous liaisons of Otrere and her father Ares, and their capital was Themyskira. Led by Hippolyta and Antiope, FTP who were these warrior women of Greek myth?;;Amazon(s) Pop Culture;;He once did a cross-over cameo on "Roseanne" portraying the character for which he is still most famous, and among the roles in this man’s Dark Ages was a turn as a gay man in John Schlesinger’s The Next Best Thing. He played Henry McNeeley to Tony Shalhoub’s Ian Stark in a brief NBC series about his relation with an idiosyncratic writer, and pulled a memorable turn in Starship Troopers before a brief appearance as Lance in Undercover Brother. His most memorable recent appearance featured him stealing a car, after demanding that a titular quest be derailed for lapdances and poontang, but he made good by buying everybody burgers at White Castle at the movie’s end. Now portraying confirmed bachelor Barney on How I Met Your Mother, FTP, name this actor most famous for portraying Doogie Howser.;;(Neil) (Patrick) Harris|N(.)P(.)H(.) Computer Science;;One way to solve this problem requires imposing a priority order on the resources. Dekker’s algorithm and Peterson’s algorithm are mutex-based techniques for solving it, which can also involve the use of semaphores. It can lead to deadlock or starvation if incorrect solutions break the rules of mutual exclusion. It describes a scenario where five individuals must feed themselves from a single platter of spaghetti which is served and eaten by picking up and utilizing two of five distributed forks. FTP identify this classic problem in computer science devised by Edsger Dijkstra, which involves a group of thoughtful participants trying to use chopsticks.;;dining philosophers (problem) Literature;;The protagonist of this work comes to his senses after seeing the sign of the Virgin on Guyon's armor. After slaying a woman in a serpent's body, the protagonist leaves his charge due to the machinations of the wizard Archimago, and succumbs to the giant Orgoglio, who makes Duessa his mistress, until Arthur frees him to reunite with Una and kill the dragon Errour. Florimell is pursued by a lustful forester, and Amoret is freed from defilement by Britomart. Calidore tames the Blatant Beast for the court of Gloriana in, FTP this incomplete 12 book epic poem by Edmund Spenser.;;(The) Faerie Queene Geography;;The namesake of this nation’s capital, an explorer and nobleman from Udine OOH-DEE-NAY, negotiated a treaty with a chief named Makoko to establish a settlement originally known as Ntamo, which became this modern nation’s capital. The large island of Bamu is contained wholly within this country, and the nation’s borders with its eastern neighbor are roughly two rivers, one of which is the Ubangi OOH-BAHN-GHEE. Its 2nd-largest city is the country’s largest port, located near the border with the Angolan exclave of Cabinda. Its capital gives its name to a 1944 declaration drafted by the Free French and France’s African possessions, and the aforementioned port is Pointe-Noire. Bordered on the southeast by its namesake river, this is FTP, what country with capital at Brazzaville that shares its eastern border with a noted former Belgian colony.;;Congo Republic|Republic of (the) Congo World History;;The largest city named for this man gained its name in 1916 when the local government changed it from Berlin in the interests of patriotism. During World War I, he had proposed an invasion of Alexandretta, but eventually was persuaded by the Gallipoli partisans, and he died aboard a ship that struck a mine off the Orkneys. He received a wound at Handub in his capacity as commander at Suakin, and succeeded Lord Grenfell in one of his more famous posts. In a later war, he commanded troops in the Paardeberg campaign, succeeding Lord Roberts as commander in chief of the armies fighting that war. As the sirdar, his expeditionary force was successful at Ferket, and subsequently at Atbara, building railroads all the while, and most celebratedly, at Omdurman, after which he was named a baron. Also the commanding officer in the Boer War, FTP, name this British general who finally quashed the Mahdist rebellion in the Sudan.;;(Lord) (Horatio) (Herbert) Kitchener Sociology;;Amartya Sen criticized it for its implicit assumption that the utility functions of different individuals were incomparable, and that therefore only ordinal preferences could be used as input. Gibbard and Satterthwaite replaced several of its axioms by one requiring nonmanipulability of the system in question, but still reached the same final conclusion. First popularized in the 1951 book "Social Choice and Individual Values", the original version of this result had axioms including transitivity and independence of irrelevant alternatives. FTP what is this result that states that the only voting system satisfying certain axioms is a dictatorship?;;Arrow('s) Impossibility (Theorem) Literature;;Lines by this author such as "A line of chosen females, standing in their shifts" helped stir objections to his plays, as did his depiction of loose moraled women like Nora Burke from his "The Shadow of the Glen". That play was based on folklore he heard during his stay in the Aran Islands, a stay which also inspired his tale of Maurya, the woman who loses her husband and all five of her sons in Riders to the Sea. FTP name this Irish playwright of Playboy of the Western World?;;(John) (Millington) Synge Physics;;It was treated as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process by a French physicist, who also derived its root-mean-squared displacement as a function of the square-root of time. It assumes Gaussian noise and Markov dynamics, and is described by the Langevin equation. Its almost surely nowhere differentiable paths are described in terms of the Wiener measure, and Jean Perrin used it to estimate Avogadro's number using the kinetic theory's estimate for the number of collisions undergone by a given particle, and in particular the random imbalance of those collisions over short periods of time. A Fokker-Planck equation was used by Albert Einstein, who first explained it. FTP name this stochastic process describing the path of drifting pollen grains.;;Brownian (motion|movement) World History;;The first excavations at this site were administered by Pittakis in 1841, although its most famous surveyor would come some thirty years later. Like other citadels in the area, its surrounding walls were believed to have been constructed by the Cyclops, due to their massive and crude assemblage. Important finds include the Grave Circle, containing six royal shaft graves, an apotropaic Lion Gate, and the Tholos Tomb known as the Treasury of Atreus. It’s more famous excavator believed that he had discovered a site of Homeric legend, famously proclaiming upon finding a gold death mask: "Behold the face of Agamemnon!" This describes, FTP, which archeological site located near Argos on the Peloponnese, excavated by Schliemann in 1874?;;(Citadel|Palace) (of) Mycenae United States History;;Along with his P.R. partner, Michal Scanlon, this man was involved in a system known internally as "Gimme Five". Edwin A. Buckham was his pastor, who not only prayed with him at work, but introduced him to Tom Delay. Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition, was his link to anti-gambling activists and officials at the White House. David Safavian was indicted for allegedly hiding dealings with him while he worked to gain control of government-managed land. These players were all involved with, FTP, which lobbyist, who is currently under investigation for a bribery scandal involving the Coushattas Native American tribe and prominent members of Congress?;;(Jack) Abramoff Music;;At the beginning of act II of this opera, the female protagonist gets ready to extinguish the flames, but is warned about Melot by Brangane. Debussy quoted it mockingly in "Golliwog's Cakewalk" and used its namesake F natural, B natural, D sharp, G sharp chord in other works. That chord, famous for its harmonic ambiguity, reappears throughout while the female protagonist goes from trying to poison the killer of her fiance in act I to sinking into his body at the end of act III in a death by love, or liebestod LEE-besh-tote. King Mark is the odd man out when the two titular characters mistakenly take a love potion in, FTP this Richard Wagner opera based on Arthurian legend.;;Tristan und Isolde|Tristan and Isolde World History;;He rose to power by defeating the "King of the Countries," paving the way for his grandson to become "King of the Four Quarters". Evidence suggests that he moved his vast army with boats, facilitating the conquest of Lagash, Ur, and Uruk. Attributing his success to patronage of the goddess Ishtar, he erected the capital city of Akkade in honor of her. Defeater of Lugal-Zaggisi and predecessor to Naram-Sin, this is, FTP, which king, who, according to legend, was found in a river-basket, became cup-bearer to the ruler of Kish, and later established Mesopotamia’s first Semitic dynasty?;;Sargon of Akkad|Sargon The Great|Sargon I Chemistry;;Citrate synthase catalyzes one of the reactions named for this man. With Shadwell he discovered a process for cyclization of o-aminoarylglyoxilic acids. His namesake flasks are used in vacuum distillation, and 3,3 sigmatropic rearrangements involving one oxygen atom, including the family he co-discovered with Haase, are also named for him. He discovered a way to synthesize ethers from phenols in a reaction sometimes named for Robinson, and in another namesake reaction a sodium catalyst helps synthesize esters of cinnamic acid. If the most famous reaction named for him occurs entirely intermolecularly, it is known as Dieckmann condensation. FTP, identify this German chemist best known for a namesake condensation of esters.;;(Ludwig) Claisen Miscellaneous;;He wrote in his essay "Psychology and Physical Language" that "every sentence of psychology may be formulated in physical language," thus elevating psychology above the quagmires of metaphysics. From 1954 to his death in 1970 he was associated with UCLA's department of philosophy, although he was born in Germany in 1891 and taught for many years at the University of Chicago, writing Meaning and Necessity and Logical Foundations of Probability. His distinction between direct and indirect verification served to legitimize methods of scientific investigation and discredit normative ethics. FTP, name this most famous member of the Vienna Circle who wrote The Logical Syntax of Language.;;(Rudolf) Carnap Literature;;One subject of this work has the ill luck to offend a bitter and revengeful stranger, who, after a year of wandering and scheming, devises a plan to steal the subject’s most prized possession. Step one is to deliver a package to the wife of the bank cashier while she is reading the "Missionary Herald". Contained within are gold coins weighing one hundred sixty pounds four ounces, a sealed envelope, and a note thanking an anonymous man for a great kindness. The remaining steps complete an intricate plot to destroy the integrity of the most honest and upright town in all the region. FTP, identify this short story by Mark Twain.;;(The) Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg United States History;;The most famous twentieth-century figure to hold this post was Sargent Shriver, and Levi Morton missed a chance at becoming President when he accepted this post rather than the nomination to be Garfield’s vice president. Whitelaw Reid was serving in this position when he was nominated for vice president on the losing 1892 Benjamin Harrison ticket, and John Slidell held this position for the Confederacy. During the War of 1812, the position was held by William Crawford, later the Secretary of War and Treasury, and Robert Livingston met Robert Fulton in this capacity, later achieving much more fame for another act in this position. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was appointed to this post but was refused, later becoming embroiled in a scandal involving the country to which he was appointed. FTP, name this position held by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and the aforementioned Livingston, who negotiated the Louisiana Purchase while serving this post.;;minister (to) France|ambassador (to) France|commissioner (to) France|plenipotentiary (to) France|French ambassador|French minister Religion/Mythology;;One is a fish who warns of a world-ending flood. Another is a tortoise who keeps a mountain afloat in order to save the gods. A third is a boar who retrieves stolen scriptures. A fourth is a semi-man, semi-lion who defeats a demon to save the life of a devotee. Others include the dwarf-priest Vamana, who claims the earth and the heavens by growing in size, and Parasurama, who is a defender of the Brahmans. The tenth is Kalki, the futuristic machine-man, who will come on a white horse with a blazing sword to purge the world of evil and recreate a golden age. These are all, FTP, members of which group of sacred figures, who along with Rama, Krishna, and the Buddha manifest themselves during times of evil, according to Hindu Mythology?;;Avatars (of) Vishnu|(re)Incarnations (of) Vishnu Literature;;In this work, Milrose native Mr. Waymarsh is a former lawyer and the sculptor Gloriani appeared in one of the author’s earlier works. One of the titular characters is at first accompanied on his travels by Maria Gostrey, and in one scene in this novel, one of the title characters implores Little Bilham to "…not miss things out of stupidity". The charms of Madame de Vionnet prove insufficient to keep one of the main characters in Paris, where one of the title characters, Sarah Pocock, is sent by Mrs. Newsome to replace the other title character. Focusing on Lambert Strether’s half-hearted attempts to woo Chad Newsome back to the United States, for 10 points name this Henry James novel.;;(The) Ambassadors Literature;;One scene in this work compares the ruling powers to a stomach that deliberately and fairly distributes nourishment to the rest of the body, which represents society. In Act I, a group of citizens are told, "You may as well strike at heaven with your staves as lift them" against the state by Menenius. Although the play begins with Cominius and Titus Lartius joining the title character in a successful campaign, the central character dooms himself by allying with the Volscian general Tullus Aufidius. Other characters include the tribunes Brutus and Sicinius and Menenius, a nobleman who appeases the plebeians. Featuring the titular Roman general Caius Martius, for 10 points name this drama of Shakespeare.;;Coriolanus Chemistry;;These compounds show characteristic IR absorption at 2500 to 3000 inverse centimeters due to their O-H bond and at 1710 to 1760 inverse centimeters. Typical ways of producing them include the oxydative cleavage of alkenes and the oxidation of alkylbenzenes, and one of the most widely used compounds of this type is produced by the rhodium-catalyzed reaction of methanol with carbon monoxide. Like ketones, they have sp2 hybridization, and like alcohols they exhibit strong hydrogen bonding, with the result that most of them exist as cyclic dimers held together by two hydrogen bonds. For ten points, identify these organic compounds characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group, which include such substances as acetic and ascorbic acids.;;carboxylic (acids|acid) Literature;;Beginning with the epigraph Relinquunt Omnia Servare Rem Publicam, images found in this poem include a cod-shaped weathervane and "wasp-waisted" monuments. Noting that the poem’s central location has no World War II monument, the poet points out a photograph on Boylston Street showing Hiroshima burning over the "Rock of Ages", which is in fact a Mosler Safe. An abandoned aquarium that resembles the Sahara is discussed in the first and last stanzas of this work, and the fifteenth stanza describes the sight of weary black children going to a newly desegregated school, while William James is desribed as having been almost able to "hear the bronze Negroes breathe". Centering on the digging of a parking garage beneath St. Gaudens’ Shaw Memorial on Boston Common, for 10 points identify this Robert Lowell poem.;;For the Union Dead Literature;;Conversations in this work include a discussion of Doctor Mackenzie-King removing Mr. Parker’s liver, and an attempt to figure out which Bobby Watson has died. Allegedly bizarre incidents described by the central characters include a man who bent to tie his shoelace and a man on a subway reading a newspaper, and the Fire Chief plays a prank by ringing doorbells and hiding before asking if anyone has heard of the title figure. Centering on a conversation between the Smiths and the Martins that descends into gibberish, for 10 points identify this absurdist drama by Eugene Ionesco.;;(The) Bald Soprano Religion/Mythology;;His theology is summarized in the appropriately named Breviloquium and his masters were John of La Rochelle and Alexander of Hales. He was elevated to the rank of minister general for his defense of the mendicants against the attacks of William of Saint-Amour, and at the second Council of Lyons he reconciled the parish clergy and the mendicant orders. Known for healing the rift within the Franciscan order between the Spirituals and Relaxati, for 10 points name this saint, the Seraphic Doctor who wrote Journey of the Mind to God.;;(Saint) Bonaventure Biology;;One of the first successes of its use resulted from the study of the unc-54 gene encoding for a myosin heavy chain. Its Bergerac strain was found to exhibit frequent spontaneous mutation due to the transposition of the Tc1 transposon, and of the 671 cells generated by its emryonic lineage, 113 undergo programmed cell death, so that its larva possesses 558 cells. Capable of reproducing hermaphroditically as well as of crossing hermaphrodites with males, its 302-cell nervous system was mapped completely in 1986 by White, Southgate, Thomson, and Brenner. For ten points, identify this model organism whose genome of about 100 million base pairs was completely mapped by 2002, a nematode about 1 millimeter in length.;;C(aenorhabditis) elegans Philosophy;;The second essay of this work points out the similarity between the German words for "guilt" and "debt" and discusses the joy of the punishment festivals of old. This work claims that modern philosophy convinces the suffering to believe that their troubles are their own fault, leading people to indulge in "orgies of feeling" and that bad conscience is a product of the transition from hunter-gatherer society to permanent settlement. Its third essay claims that philosophers have adopted the role of "ascetic priests" and decries the slave mentality of the New Testament. A continuation of the author’s prior Human, All too Human, for 10 points name this Friedrich Nietzsche work that explores the origins of the modern views of good and evil.;;(On) (the) Genealogy of Morals Religion/Mythology;;Although he is not Perseus, his one-eyed grandfather heard a prophecy that this man would kill him and consequently locked this man’s mother Ethniu in a tower. Raised by Cian’s brother, the smith god Goibhniu, he fathered his most famous son on Deichtine. He defeated the Fomorii at the second battle of Magh Tuireadh, at which he also killed his grandfather Balor, and succeeded Nuada as king. His festival was replaced by the Christian Lammas, or the feast of first fruits, and during the Cattle Raid of Cooley he healed the wounds of Cuchulain. With a name meaning "long hand", for 10 points name this Irish deity, the sun god and leader of the Tuatha De Danann.;;Lugh (Lamhfada)|Lonnbemmnech|Samildanach Music;;The refusal of a glass of wine prompts the biting of another man’s ear by the main character in this work. The "Regina Coeli" can be heard emanating from within a church during this opera, and its other songs include the drinking song "Viva il vino spumeggiante". "Il cavallo scalpita" celebrates work as a teamster, and the subject of the song "O Lola" is the central figure’s onetime lover. Set on Easter Sunday, Mamma Lucia rushes into church to pray after hearing the "Fior di giaggiolo" from Santuzza, and the "Addio alla madre" signals Turiddu’s farewell as he goes to defend his honor against Alfio. Based on a short story by Giovanni Verga, for 10 points name this Pietro Mascagni opera.;;Cavalleria rusticana|Rustic Chivalry Physics;;This phenomenon can be derived by combining a characteristic logarithmic time dilation with Fermat's principle of least time. One parameter which determines the strength of this effect is proportional to the Schwarzchild radius, and an infinite mass density, such as a black hole, participating in this process, will produce an infinitely sharp spike at the arrival time surface. The most effective form of this effect is produced by galactic clusters, and this effect also exists in a "micro" form, which is produced by bodies with masses on the order of a solar mass. Characterized in sufficiently strong regimes by Einstein rings, for ten points, identify this process in which a massive body bends the optical trajectory of light.;;gravitational lensing Art;;Karel van Mander claimed that the bearded man on the right of this painting is the artist himself, and the wall of straw denotes that this painting is set during the harvest season. The stack of mugs is located on the bottom left side foreshadows the merry making to come, and a girl with a peacock feather in her hat is seen licking a bowl on the left foreground. The bagpiper in this painting stands out from the crowd as being thin and hungry, a contrast to the gluttonous man in the middle who is stuffing his face with rice pudding. Set in a barn and centering on the bride who sits beneath a paper crown, for 10 points name this painting of the festivities surrounding a marriage, a work of Pieter Bruegel.;;Peasant Wedding|Peasant Marriage Pop Culture;;Their baseball team plays at Polk-Demint Stadium, which seats over 14,000 people, and their baseball alums include Buck Showalter and Will Clark. Their 1996 men’s basketball team defeated Princeton, Connecticut, and Cincinnati to reach the Final Four, and in 1992 their former football coach famously castrated a bull on the eve of this school’s victory over Texas. With their football program currently coached by Sylvester Croom and formerly coached by Jackie Sherrill, for 10 points identify this Starkville based SEC school.;;Mississippi State World History;;In 1332 this city was granted the right to trade tax free with 72 localities and from 1356 onward the Holy Roman Empire would hold its first diet there. It was the sight of a 1532 peace treaty that permitted the alliance of Charles V and the Protestant League, and during the Thirty Years War, Gustavus II was besieged in this city by Albrecht von Wallenstein. Philip Melanchthon founded a Gymnasium there in 1526 and in 1424 the imperial crown jewels were sent there, where they would remain in this city’s Hospital Church of the Holy Ghost for the next 350 years. The center of the German Renaissance, for 10 points name this city which held Nazi war crime trials after World War II.;;Nuremburg United States History;;Appointed in 1947 to head the Office of Special Political Affairs, he privately opposed the establishment of Israel. Onetime head of the Rockefeller Foundation, he denounced an official United States apology to North Korea as "a lie" before he signed his name to it in order to gain the release of Lloyd Boucher and his crew during the Pueblo Incident. Often overshadowed by McGeorge Bundy, during the Cuban Missile Crisis he is credited with saying, "We're eyeball to eyeball and the other fellow just blinked". A staunch defender of the Vietnam War, for 10 points name this man who served as secretary of state during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.;;(Dean) Rusk World History;;His biographer was Sir John Chandos and he once gave the ferry of Saltash to William Lenche in recognition of Lenche’s loss of an eye in battle. He endowed a religious house at Ashbridge in 1376 and legend has it that King Pedro the Cruel of Castile gave him a ruby after the Battle of Najera that can be found in the imperial state crown. Richard Grafton gave him his nickname and he directed the massacre and burning of Limoges in 1370 and supported the Good Parliament of 1376, though he is most famous for two decisive victories ten years apart which demonstrated the superiority of English archers over the mounted charge. The eldest son of Edward III, for 10 points name this man who defeated Philip IV and John II at the battles of Crecy and Poitiers respectively.;;Edward the Black Prince Music;;Primarily self-taught, this man composed many religious works including a 1937 Mass in G Major and a 1951 Stabat Mater. His first composition included a setting to music of the nonsense poem Makoko Kangourou and was called Rhapsodie Negre, while his ballet Les Biches, or The Houseparty, was produced by Diaghilev in 1924. A student of Charles Koechlin, he composed the song cycles Poems de Ronsard and Chansons galliardes as well as multiple songs based on the poetry of Paul Eluard. He is better known for basing one of his operas on a Surrealistic farce by Guillaume Apollinaire in which the titular objects, represented by balloons, escape from the blouse of Therese, while another of his operas is based on a story of nuns martyred during the French revolution. For ten points, identify this member of Les Six, best known for his operas The Breasts of Tiresias and Dialogues of the Carmelites.;;(Francois) Poulenc Physics;;One way of obtaining this relation is to consider the energy limitations on the adiabatic approximation in time-dependent perturbation theory. It can be deduced as a consequence of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, and the lifetime of virtual particles of a given energy is limited by this relation. Operators subject to it include the x, y, and z components of the angular momentum, and the quantities which enter into this relation are typically given as the square root of the quantity average of the square minus the average squared. Typically applied to conjugate observables such as position and momentum, for ten points, identify this quantum-mechanical principle which places a limit on the simultaneous accuracy with which two quantities can be measured.;;(Heisenberg) Uncertainty (Principle) World History;;He served in the finance department of the Force Publique, became a reporter for L’Avenir, and later became editor of Actualites Africaines. As part of his National Authenticity campaign, he required people to drop their Christian names, and he nationalized the Katanga copper mines. He came to power by manipulating a struggle between Joseph Kasavubu and Moise Tshombe and was one of the world’s wealthiest potentates before being deposed by Laurent Kabila. Brought to power when his troops arrested Patrice Lumumba, for 10 points identify this longtime dictator of Zaire.;;Mobutu (Sese) (Seko) Geography;;The Pontic Mountains run along its southern coast and the Kolkhida lowlands bound it on the east. Its lower levels are biologically dead because of a lack of ventilation on its floor, and its islands include Berezan, which is located at the mouth of the Dniester, and Zymiyiny, which is located near the Danube delta. For 10 points identify this sea that is connected to the Sea of Azov by the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Marmara by the Bosporus.;;Black (Sea) Pop Culture;;In this film, it is revealed that Kelner was in fact innocent two years after he went to the electric chair and that the chief villain likes East German men. A Doctor at the intensive care ward at Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle makes an attempt on a patient’s and the main character’s ex-wife used to stay on the road with the Chicago Male Chorus three hundred days a year despite not knowing what a harp was. Captain Ed Hocken cries uncontrollably after a band marches over Ludwig’s corpse, claiming that his father died the same way, and Jane and the main character are seen laughing uncontrollably after watching Platoon. Centering on a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth II and the attempted murder of Nordberg, for 10 points name this comedy in which Leslie Nielsen stars as Lieutenant Frank Drebin.;;(The) Naked Gun Music;;His compositions were transcribed for the guitar by Francisco Tarrega. During a long musical tour in London, he composed a series of dances called Suites Anciennes before agreeing to write the music for an opera by Francis Money-Coutts. After journeying to Hungary to attempt to study with Liszt, he decided to hooked up with his teacher Felipe Pedrell and composed the prelude to Chants d’Espagne, a work known as "Leyenda". Also the creator of a musical suite which includes the pieces "Jerez", "Almeria", and "El Corpus en Sevilla," FTP name this composer of music for Pepita Jimenez, Suite Espanola,and Iberia, a virtuoso Spanish pianist.;;(Isaac) Albeniz Literature;;He has a dream where he climbs up a ladder and sees a vast plain of burning houses, which he sees as a premonition of World War I. The son of Frau Eva, he first appears wearing a mourning band in school, where he befriends the narrator after saving him from the tortures of Franz Kromer. He also continually reinterprets Scripture, saying that the good thief during the Crucifixion was a "sniveling convert" who betrayed the devil, and he believes that Cain was a powerful and courageous man whose mark was really a mark of distinction. The most influential person in Emil Sinclair’s life, FTP, identify this title character of a Hermann Hesse bildungsroman.;;(Max) Demian World History;;Its 6th emperor was captured and returned by the Oirot while inspecting the frontier. Zhang Juzheng, a Neige Daxueshi imperial tudor, cracked down on corruption and stored silver from Japan, governing in place of the young Wanli emperor, who later tried to make his third son his heir. Tian Tan, or Altar of Heaven, was built, the Great Wall was improved, Jingdezhen porcelain became famous, and Macao was leased to Portugal. It ended when rebel Li Zicheng entered Beijing, only to be crushed by the Manchu Nurhaci. FTP name this dynasty founded by Zhu Yuanzhang after the overthrow of the Yuan.;;Ming Computer Science;;Clifford Cocks, a British mathematician working for GCHQ had described an equivalent system in an internal document in 1973, ten years prior to its patent by MIT in the United States of America, but due to its top-secret classification, this was not revealed until 1997. Fermat’s Little Theorem, the Euler-Phi function, sometimes called the totient toe-shent, and the factoring of semiprimes are all important components of it. The Chinese Remainder Theorem can be used for faster decryption and signing provided that all parts of the private key are kept secret, namely two large prime numbers. FTP, identify this widely-used electronic commerce protocol, an algorithm for public-key encryption.;;RSA (encryption)|Rivest Shamir Adleman (encryption) Psychology;;For one of his experiments, this man devised 2300 one-syllable consonant-vowel-consonant combinations, such as taz, bok, and lef. Willhelm Wundt criticized this man by claiming that these nonsense syllables had limited applicability to actual information, and while at the University of Breslau, this man developed the first widely-used intelligence test. He is best known for a work with such sections as "Retention as a function of the number of repetitions," and "Retention as a function of repeated learning," and among the ideas he devised was a "forgetting curve" similar to that developed by Gustav Fechner. FTP, identify this German experimental psychologist, best remembered today for a mathematical treatment of learning in his classic On Memory.;;(Hermann) Ebbinghaus Religion/Mythology;;Their 1806 campaign destroyed the holy resting place of the most sacred incisor in all the Middle East. This movement’s founder wrote Kitab al Tawhid in Basra and his descendants became known as the Al ash-Shaykh, and the protestations against bidah or innovations of the originally Hanbali scholar Ibn Taimiyya can be seen as a precursor to this modern movement. The dynasty with which this movement is most closely associated was ousted by the Egyptian wali Mohammed Ali for the first time, but this movement was empowered once more when a nutty Hashemite decided to call himself caliph. Salafis are offended when you associate it with the Salafi school. It promotes the hadith and Qur’an as the only sources for religion, and is against the worship of saints, including the worship of the prophet Muhammad, which caused them to destroy holy sites in Mecca and Medina. Associated with the Al Saud régime, this is FTP, what extremist Islamic sect?;;Wahhabism Literature;;He was saved by Judson Roberts, and was nicknamed "Hell-Cat". The college roommate of Jim Lefferts, he later entered Mizpah Theological Seminary. His indiscretions with wine and women got him kicked out, however, and he became the crack salesman of the Pequod Farm Implement Company before re-entering the world of religion. He joins the Methodists after an encounter with Bishop Wesley Toomis, and preaches at Banjo Crossing, Rudd Center, Vulcan, and Sparta. This occurred after the death of his partner sister Sharon Falconer, and before he became the pastor of a large church in Zenith. FTP identify this religious hypocrite, the titular subject of a Sinclair Lewis novel.;;Elmer Gantry Geography;;Peter I and Bouvet Island are among its Antarctic possessions, and its most famous overseas possession is made up of islands including Edge and Nordaustlandet and contains a Russian settlement of 900 people. That possesion’s largest city is Longyearbyen LONG-YARE-BYEN, and islands of this country’s coast include Lofoten and Vesterålen. It also posses the island of Jan Mayen and it is home to Europe’s deepest lake, Hornindalsvatnet, and its easternmost cities are Vardo and Kirkenes, close to the town of Nikel’. Its fylkes or provinces include Rogaland, Hordaland, Finnmark, and Trondelag TRUN-DUH-LAHG, and the latter is home to one of this nation’s most prominent cities. Tromso is the world’s northernmost university town, and other cities include Stavanger, Kristiansand, and Trondheim. Featuring geographical features such as the Sognefjord, FTP, name this Scandinavian country with capital at Oslo.;;Norway|Norge Pop Culture;;On November 10, 1990, this team posted 107 points in the first half against the Denver Nuggets on their way to a 173-point showing. Thanks to the effort of players such as Paul Silas, Gail Goodrich, and Dick Van Arsdale, it made the playoffs in just its second season, losing in the Western Semis to the Lakers. Its worst moments as a franchise came in the mid-80’s when rampant drug use among players such as Johnny High got a large portion of the team suspended, and among its notable early stars are Alvan Adams, Walter Davis, and Connie Hawkins, who made his NBA debut with this team. This year, the team has acquired Tim Thomas from Chicago and the surprise play of players such as Boris Diaw has helped the team overcome the loss of superstar Amare Stoudemire. FTP, name this NBA team led by Shawn Marion and Steve Nash.;;Phoenix (Suns)|(Phoenix) Suns United States History;;When asked if he would support James Blaine for the presidency, this man snapped, "No, thank you. I don’t engage in criminal practice". That response may have been due to Blaine satirizing his pomposity by calling attention to his "turkey-gobbler strut". After supporting James Garfield in 1880, he was angered when Garfield appointed a reformer to be Collector of the Port of New York, believing that his control of the New York patronage system was being undermined. To rebuke Garfield, he resigned his Senate seat in protest, along with Thomas Platt. Serving as a Republican for fourteen years beginning in 1867, FTP, identify this leader of the Stalwarts.;;(Roscoe) Conkling Biology;;Like Machado-Joseph disease, Haw River syndrome, and dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy, this disease manifests genetic anticipation, in which children of affected individuals develop the disease at an earlier age, because hairpin structures that interfere with DNA replication tend to expand the CAG trinucleotide repeat, causing accumulation of 48 or more poly-glutamines in a locus in chromosome 4. Caused by neuronal death in the caudate nucleus, it results in depression, dementia, involuntary twitching, and death within 20 years. FTP name this autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by chorea, named for an American physician.;;Huntington('s) (disease) Religion/Mythology;;He angered his sister when he killed Uke Mochi, the goddess of food, after the former sent him to represent her at a feast in which Uke Mochi created the food in such a way that disgusted him to the point of killing her. His sister’s anger at this action resulted in their always occupying different parts of the sky. His name is a combination of the Japanese words for reading and the celestial figure he represents. The second of Izanagi’s three noble children born when he cleansed himself of his sins, name, FTP, this male moon god of Japanese mythology, brother of Amateratsu.;;Tsukuyomi (no) (Mikoto)|Tsuki no kami|Takamagahara Literature;;In one of his works, the quiet marriage of Deeley and Kate is shattered by the appearance of Kate’s college roommate Anna, while another chronicles a seven-year affair between Emma and Jerry in reverse. Besides Old Times and Betrayal, he also wrote a play about Rose Hudd, who is told "come home, Sal" by a blind Negro named Riley. That work, The Room, was a precursor to his play about Goldberg and McCann’s abduction of the pianist Stanley Webber from a dilapidated boarding house. Known for his frequent use of pauses, FTP, name this British dramatist of The Birthday Party.;;(Harold) Pinter Noncomputational Math;;Wheel factorization is often used first on the list to increase the speed before this algorithm is used. The highest factor one needs to check using it is the square root of the given number, rounded down. Starting with two lists, the first starts empty while the second consists of prime numbers that you have found. Every time you find a prime less than the square root of the given number, you proceed through the list and cross off all of its multiples. FTP, identify this method of determining all of the prime numbers up to a given number developed by an ancient Greek mathematician.;;Sieve (of) Eratosthenes World History;;A four-chambered tomb in Abydos has been theorized to be his but there is no conclusive evidence to support this claim. He may have come from the royal house of Hierakonpolis or may have been a local king of Nekhan. The main evidence of his existence comes from a macehead found in 1897. On the macehead he is depicted wearing full ritual dress as well as the crown of Upper Egypt and participating in ceremony and is holding a hoe. Next to him is a star mark signifying his kingship and the animal that gives him the name, translated as Serket. Contemporary or succeeded by Narmer the King Catfish was, FTP, this predynastic ruler who lent his name to a 2002 film.;;(the) Scorpion King Art;;A large, white building appears on right of this painting, in front of which a man in a red tunic is seen with a cane. The central part of this work depicts people arranged in a semi-circular pattern, with the orthogonal lines leading to the vanishing point just above of Jesus’ head, creating a linear perspective. The emphasis on realism can be seen in the ripples propagating towards the bank of the lake on the left, where a man can be seen bending down to pry the titular object out of the mouth of a fish. Depicting in synoptic sequence a scene from Matthew 17:24 to 27, FTP identify this fresco, painted for the Brancacci chapel by Masaccio.;;(The) Tribute Money|Tributo Della Moneta Literature;;One of this man’s novels depicts the life of Cipriano Algor, who is made obsolete by a sinister mega-mall called "The Center". Another of his novels focuses on the a bureaucrate who becomes obsessed with an unknown woman, and is entitled All the Names. He detailed the adventures of the heteronym of Fernando Pessoa, who has invented the title character in The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, and caused controversy with his ironic look at the life of Jesus in the novel The Gospel According to Jesus Christ. He is best known, however, for a novel written without quotation marks or proper names that begins with a man sitting in traffic who realizes he cannot see, as well as for a novel in which the Iberian peninsula detaches itself from the European mainland. FTP, name this Portuguese author of Blindness and The Stone Raft.;;(Jose) Saramago World History;;It was motivated, in part, by the publication in the Literary Gazette of the "Two Thousand Words," which had been written by a formerly exiled president of the country where it occurred. A conference at Cierna-nad-Tisou failed to resolve the tensions surrounding this event, and it began in earnest with the adoption of the Action Program. It was followed by a period known as "normalization" under the auspices of Gustav Husak, who had replaced its initiatior when Soviet troops entered its namesake city, and it also featured the protest death of Jan Palach. Ending on April 17, 1969, FTP, identify this event precipitated by Alexander Dubcek’s introduction of "Socialism with a Human Face"?;;Prague Spring|Prazske jaro Physics;;The Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube operates in a manner similar to this concept, and Charles Bennett reformulated this concept in a 1982 paper which also analyzed ballistic computers. This concept was also analyzed by Rolf Landauer in a paper entitled Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process, and another variant of this concept is known as the Smoluchowski Valve. More famously, a refutation to it was conceived by Leo Szilard, who considered the cost of converting one bit of knowledge into work, and Leon Brillouin, who noted that it could not violate the second law of thermodynamics because storing information would increase entropy. FTP, identify this thought experiment named for a British physicist, in which a small creature separates fast-moving from slow-moving particles.;;Maxwell's Demon Miscellaneous;;A copy of it printed in 868 CE was found in a cave in China early in the 20th century, making it the oldest known dated printed book. It is often memorized and chanted in Buddhist monasteries because it only takes about 40 minutes to read. It has retained high popularity in the Mahayana school for over a millennium, most importantly with the Zen school of meditation, as it resonates with a central theme of "non-abiding". Better known in English with a name accurate for its durability is, FTP, this sutra whose name translates as "The Perfection of Wisdom Sutra that Cuts like a Thunderbolt".;;Diamond (Sutra) World History;;The center of this recently created neighborhood can be entered via the 14th of July Bridge, which joins the Karkh and Karadah districts. It was created around older buildings such as the Republican Palace, Adnan Building, Believers Palace, and Al-Rasheed Hotel. Patrolled by Bradley vehicles and Abrams tanks from Camp Steel Dragon, it was constructed around the area known as "Uday's Playground" as well as the major palaces used by Saddam Hussein. British representatives are required to use an armored car and four bodyguards to leave this area, delineated by razor wire, checkpoints, and the concrete T-Walls. FTP, name this super-secured section of central Baghdad in which American administrators and media live.;;(the) Green Zone|International Zone Music;;Roughly a minute into its first movement, which is in 3/4 time, a loud cadence from the bassoons and horns leads into the transition to G major, after which the cellos and then the violins state the main theme, soon being interrupted by a forceful string outburst often called a "purple patch". The second movement, in 3/8 time, explores the keys of G major, C major, and A minor, but is primarily set in the key of E major, with the tempo Andante con Moto. The Entr’acte from Rosamunde, also with a main key of B minor, is believed to be the outgrowth of the composer’s planned finale of this work, for which only nine bars of its scherzo were mapped out before the composer would go on to pursue writing the Great C Major Symphony instead. FTP, identify this Franz Schubert symphony that only has two completed movements.;;Unfinished (Symphony)|(Symphony) (No.) 8 (in) (B) (Minor) World History;;Jamshid ibn Abd ‘Allah was the only man of a line established here in 1806 to rule this land independently in the twentieth century, doing so for a month before he was ousted and a People’s Republic was established. Of a far greater brevity was the war over the succession of Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini, which saw Khalid ibn Barghash attempt a coup in a war that lasted three quarters of an hour. In 1886, the Germans and British determined that this state held territories from Mimbini to Cape Delgado, or from Kenya to Mozambique, and in an 1890 treaty, Germany gained Helgoland and agreed not to interfere with British interests in this sultanate, which had been ruled for a century by former Omani rulers. FTP, name this island that united with Tanganyika in 1964 and put the "zan" into "Tanzania," an exotic destination for a Bing Crosby and Bob Hope "Road" movie.;;Zanzibar|Zinjibar Literature;;Early on, one of the title characters repeatedly complains about trouble putting on and removing his moleskin pants as a ruse to put off seeing Father Farrell about a job. The arrival of a self-proclaimed Theosophist results in a spree of money borrowing and lavish purchases of furniture and a gramophone, the latter of which is snatched by Mrs. Madigan. Of the two central children, one rejects Jerry Devine’s offer to marry her in spite of her impregnation by Michael Bentham; the other, who had lost his arm in battle, rats out Robert Tancred and is killed for it by Republican militiamen. Amidst the tragedies that befall Mary and Johnny, the female title character prepares to leave her husband, who is busy getting drunk with Joxer Daly. FTP, identify this Sean O’Casey play about Mrs. Boyle and her ostentatiously titled husband.;;Juno and the Paycock Noncomputational Math;;This quantity can be defined directly through transformations of the totally antisymmetric permutation tensor, and the problem of finding the largest one for some set of values was posed by Hadamard. The Cayley-Menger form gives the volume of a simplex in n dimensions, while the "hyper" form of this quantity is defined for tensors of rank higher than two. Solving the eigenvalue problem requires setting this quantity to zero, and a system of linear equations will have a unique solution if this quantity of the associated with the system’s matrix is nonzero, according to Cramer’s Rule. Typically computed by expansion in cofactors, for ten points, identify this function defined for square matrices, which for a two by two matrix with entries a, b, c, d, is given by ad minus cb.;;determinant Religion/Mythology;;Hatshepsut built a small shrine dedicated to this mythological figure, which can be found in the temple of Karnak, and the hieroglyphs of this figure’s name represents the primeval mound. Amenhotep II claimed that this figure was placed on his breast by Amun himself, and her origins can be traced back to the Old Kingdom, where she is described as being at the nostrils of Ra. She came into existence at the moment of creation, and was depicted with wings and an ostrich feather on her head. FTP, name this wife of Thoth, the Egyptian goddess of harmony, truth, and justice.;;Ma(')at Psychology;;He’s not Dostoyevsky, but, after watching the H.H. Ewer film The Student of Prague, he wrote a reflection on the doppelganger theme entitled The Double. He praised resistant patients for using the will as a motivating factor, and broke into psychoanalysis when he read The Interpretation of Dreams during his time off from a job in a machine shop. He followed his first publication, The Artist, by applying the idea of the Oedipus complex to literature in general in The Incest Motif in Poetry and Saga and anticipating Joseph Campbell in the more general The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. Although a protégé of Freud, he was expelled from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society for writing a book which identified a single source of neurosis undergone by all people. FTP, name this author of The Trauma of Birth.;;(Otto) Rank|(Otto) Rosenfeld World History;;Supposedly he died engaging in the Jainist practice of sallekhana, starving himself and dying at Bhadrabahu Cave. He met his most notable advisor in Taxila, in modern-day Pakistan, who may have had a rivalry with a dynasty whose last king was Dhana. An envoy of Seleucus Nicator provides one of the best historiographies of this ruler and his administration, the Indica of Megasthenes. Upon his death, his son Bindusara succeeded him and his advisor, who produced the text Arthashastra, was retained. That advisor was known alternately as Chanakya or Kautilya, and this man had come to power by defeating the Nanda dynasty of Magadha, and was known as Sandrakottos by the Greeks. FTP, name this Indian ruler, the namesake of two rulers of a later dynasty and founder of the Mauryan Empire.;;Chandragupta (Maurya) Art;;A statue of a portly man holding a cloak and a hat comprises his memorial to copper baron Marcus Daly, located at the University of Montana. The image of a long quotation and golden harp are inscribed in brick over his most major European design, a memorial to Charles Parnell at O’Connell Street in Dublin. His main foray into classical themes was a large sculpture of a nude Diana shooting a bow, which he intended to be placed on a tower at Madison Square Garden. The creator of a "colony" of artists based out of his summer home at Cornish, New Hampshire, he submitted designs for the eagle and double eagle coins and sculpted monuments to William Sherman and David Farragut in New York City. Also the creator of a bronze monument to the black 54th regiment, this is, FTP, what American sculptor, who decorated Boston Common with his Shaw Memorial?;;(Augustus) Saint-Gaudens Literature;;Upon hearing a derisive reference to "Old Man Whiskers," the title character reflects on being able to say things he wouldn’t have gotten away with in Ust-Izhma. The arrival of the protagonist’s rival engineer faction ends up saving him from being caught with a piece of metal stuffed into his mitten, after which he hurries to the parcel room to await the expected delivery of food. The snitch Panteleyev and Eino and his unnamed partner are minor members of the protagonist’s Gang 104, which also contains the teenage Gopchik, Tsezar, the recipient of the aforementioned package, and the leader Tyurin, a veteran who oversees the duties of his fellow prisoners. FTP, identify this Alexander Solzhenitsyn novel that chronicles a brief moment in the title character’s ten year prison sentence.;;One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Pop Culture;;He wrote, "I was the inspiration to Martin Luther King/I’m the reason Ray Charles could sing" in a poem that describes his "strength of a condor" and "commitment of an American soldier". His religious works discuss the "four corners of the earth, all touched by God’s churches" and lament that "the devil insists on trying to battle me". He is currently ahead of Gary Buchanan and has already passed Dickie Hemric in his quest for two non-literary records. This graduate of Cave Springs High School in Roanoke, Virginia was formerly Daniel Ewing’s co-captain and now holds the overall free-throw mark as well as the ACC’s lead for total points scored. FTP, name this shooting guard who recently finished his college career in a tie with many other players for last place in number of NCAA titles, the leading scorer for Duke.;;(Jonathan) (Clay) (J.J.) Redick Physics;;When the Meissner effect occurs in type II superconductors, these objects separate the threaded flux tubes in the material. Their shedding can occur when air flows past a rigid structure, and if the shedding frequency is equal to the structure’s resonant frequency, the structure can collapse. One of these exists under every sunspot, and the Von Karman sheet is a repeating pattern of these objects. A polar one is a powerful cyclone that exists at the north and south poles, and more famous examples of them are hurricanes and tornados. For ten points, identify these rotating structures which can form during turbulent flow or in such situations as water going down a drain.;;vortex|vortices World History;;Accepting the help of Constable de Richemont despite the oppposition of George de La Tremoille, this military leader took Troyes after a visit by the town's Brother Richard, and was forced to abandon Paris after taking Reims, where Renaud de Chartres was archbishop. Taken at Compiegne along with brother Pierre and squire Jean d'Aulon by John of Luxembourg, she was taken to Bouvreuil castle occupied by the Earl of Warwick before Pierre Cauchon, bishop of Beauvais, and Jean Lemaitre, inquisitor of France, tried her. FTP name this advocate of the Dauphin, crowning him at Reims as Charles VI, who made history with La Hire at Orleans, a maid later burned at Rouen.;;Jeanne d'Arc|Joan of Arc Art;;Amidst the dark green foliage in the upper right corner of this work, a woman playfully covers her ears with her black gloves as two bearded men, one wearing a straw hat with a red stripe, engage her. The Chatou railroad bridge appears in the distant background, and the woman in the center, who wears a flower on her hat and sips from a wine glass, is the actress Ellen Andree. The young girl leaning on the balcony and staring off in the direction of the viewer is named Alphonsine, and is believed to be the sister of the bearded man in a white sleeveless shirt, who fills most of this painting’s left half. The woman seated in the foreground, playing with a puppy, is the artist’s future wife, and she sits across the wine-filled table from the fellow painter Gustave Caillebotte. Showing a group of friends from the Maison Fournaise on a tour of the Seine, this is, FTP, what Pierre-Auguste Renoir painting depicting an afternoon meal on a water vessel?;;Luncheon of the Boating Party|Dejeuner des Canotiers Literature;;He lamented his native region’s lack of an established history in the essay "Culture of Mimicry" and discussed his own poetic influences in the autobiographical Another Life. The use of sections entitled "North" and "South" in The Fortunate Traveler and titles such as The Castaway emphasize his theme of alienation and feeling torn between his native culture and the colonial English one, which also is reinforced in The Arkansas Testament. The Capeman, Ti-Jean and his Brothers, and A Branch of the Blue Nile are three of the nearly thirty plays by this author, who immortalized the painter Camille Pissarro in Tiepolo’s Hound and told of the fishermen Hector and Achille in his masterwork, an ambitious epic based on The Iliad and The Odyssey. FTP, identify this man from St. Lucia, the author of Omeros.;;(Derek) Walcott Geography;;This country contains Africa’s largest lake village, which was established by the Tofinu people near Lake Nokoué and is called Ganvie. The northwestern portion of this country, which is home to the market town of Djougou, is characterized by unusually dry conditions due to the Atakora Barrier. Its eastern portion contains the Atacora Mountains and Mount Sokbaro, while the city of Malanville is in the northern portion and lies on the Niger River. The city of Allada is considered its center of animism, while its official seat of government is Cotonou, which is located on the country’s namesake bight. FTP, name this West African nation, sandwiched between Togo and Nigeria, with capital at Porto Novo.;;(Republic) (of) Benin|(Republique) (du) Benin Religion/Mythology;;One section of this work compares Romulus and Plato, while another details how "Platonists are to be held as excelling other philosophers in logic". Its penultimate section details eternal punishment of the damned, suggesting that "bodies may remain unconsumed and alive in fire," and its last book contains a discussion on "the resurrection of the flesh". Ultimately, it credits internal moral decay, not the adoption of Christianity, as the reason Rome was sacked. FTP, name this 22-book work describing a location where people forego earthly pleasure and dedicate their lives to the promotion of Christian values, written by Saint Augustine of Hippo.;;(On) (the) City of God (Against) (the) (Pagans)|(De) civitate Dei (contra) (paganos) Biology;;One type occurs when rose and pea genotypes give rise to the walnut phenotype in chicken combs. Another occurs when the mutant black coat color of mice is albino when homozygous for the albino gene. Instead of the 9:3:3:1 ratio of the dihybrid cross, we see F2 phenotypic ratios like 12:3:1 or 9:7. The Bombay phenotype that turns A and B expressing individuals into phenotypic O's is an example of, FTP this gene interaction in which a gene for a product earlier in the pathway interferes with the expression of another gene, derived from the Greek for "stoppage".;;epistasis Miscellaneous;;In four essays, Herman Rapaport wrote about the recent works of this man, which discuss his interpretation of Tonnies’s concepts of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. This philosopher delineated the nature of "voyous" in Rogues: Two Essays on Reason. He discussed Patocka's Heretical Essays on the History of Philosophy and critiqued Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling in the work The Gift of Death. He studied under Louis Althusser, and in 1954, examined the internal tension in Husserl's central notion of "genesis". Later works include Speech and Phenomena and Writing and Difference, and his most famous work discusses an anti-Kantian approach to language. FTP, name this author of Of Grammatology, the developer of deconstruction.;;(Jacques) Derrida United States History;;It called for a plan "guided by equitable principles" and "characterized by a practical flexibility," and noted that "the burden rests on the defendants to establish that additional time is necessary in the public interest". It re-affirmed the Supreme Court’s original ruling in the matter and warned that "the vitality of these constitutional principles cannot be allowed to yield simply because of disagreement with them". Clarifying the previous decision by addressing the issue of relief, it ordered that "all deliberate speed" be employed. FTP, name this decision issued one year after a like-named case that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by outlawing segregation in public schools.;;Brown (v.) (Board) (of) (Education) (of) (Topeka) II|Brown (v.) (Board) (of) (Education) (of) (Topeka) 1955|Brown (v.) (Board) (of) (Education) (of) (Topeka) 349 U.S. 294 Physics;;Along with an organ that worked on a similar principle, refinements to this are one of the inventions credited to Ctesibius Of Alexandria. The Tower of the Winds in Athens housed one that recorded darkness, and, along with a trumpet, it often appeared in depictions of the muse Clio. One which substituted mercury for the usual liquid was used in Galileo’s falling-bodies experiment. The Chaldeans may have invented the kind that used a boat with a series of lines on the inside, while the Roman kind used a bobber inside a cylinder. FTP, name this device which uses a known rate of flow to measure time.;;water clock|clepsydra Literature;;In a lesser-known contemporaneous work with an almost identical title and plot, Aurelius and Polidor have no competition for the hands of Phylena and Emelia, respectively. However, in this work, one of those two daughters is absent entirely, meaning Gremio, Hortensio and Lucentio have to fight over Bianca. In both plays, the problem is finding someone willing to marry the eldest daughter Kate. FTP, what is this Shakespearean play whose plot also inspired the movie Ten Things I Hate About You and the musical Kiss Me, Kate?;;(The) Taming of the Shrew Biology;;They are produced when ps1 and ps2 in Notch signaling are mutated, causing gamma secretase to be malformed. The type I aspartyl proteases known as beta-secretase BACE1 and BACE2 can also produce them by cleaving their precursor protein at the +1 and +11 sites. They exhibit apple-green birefringence upon binding of congo red, as well as a cross-beta sheet quaternary structure. Curlin and tissue plasminogen form this type of structure naturally in living cells, without causing disease, but they are also symptomatic of the diseases kuru and type II diabetes. FTP, name this protein structure of prions, found in the beta type seen in Alzheimer’s patients.;;amyloid (fibers|plaques|aggregates) Geography;;One city of this name, known as the Silent City, is located very close to the town of Rabat and is one of the most historically important cities on the Maltese island of Ghawdex AW-DESH, or Gozo. A less common plural of this name gives part of the name of the most famous Nabataean ruins in Saudi Arabia, as well as the Arabic name for the Sassanian capital of Ctesiphon TESS-IH-FAWN. With Habu, it is the name of the funerary temple to the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses III. The most famous place with this name is commonly referred to with the epithet "al-Munawwara," meaning "the radiant", or "an-Nebi". Originally a city home to two pagan tribes, and interestingly, three Jewish tribes, it is famous for the Masjid Quba MESS-JID KOO-BA and was known as Yathrib in pre-Islamic times. Also home to Masjid an-Nabawi MESS-JID EN-NEH-BUH-WEE, or the Prophet’s Mosque, and the destination of a famous emigration, this is, FTP, which holy city of Islam, located in Saudi Arabia, whose simple name is Arabic for city.;;Medinatun World History;;To the southwest of this city are the burial chambers known as the towers of Yemliko, and the Hypogea of Yarhai and the Three Brothers, as well as the Japanese tomb are the best-preserved underground tombs at this site. A member of its royal family, Vaballathus, died on his way to Rome as a captive, and this city’s Tariff Court was the site of an important stele. Among the local gods to whom temples are dedicated here is Nabo, and this city was loyal to Rome up until the slaying by Maconius of Septimius Odaenathus. Then, a woman ruling on behalf of her son claimed descent from Antony and Cleopatra started taking over large amounts of Asia Minor and Syria, supposedly to protect Rome from the Sassanids. FTP, name this ancient city whose centerpiece is the Temple of Bel, a town in the desert of Syria once ruled by Zenobia.;;Palmyra|Tadmor Philosophy;;Author of A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz and Marriage and Morals, he was influenced by McTaggart and married the Quaker Alys Pearsall Smith. He wrote a dissertation on the foundations of geometry and published his first book on German Social Democracy. His last works were An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth and Human Knowledge, Its Scope and Limits, and his trip to Russia resulted in the critical The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism. Imprisoned for his pacifism during World War I, FTP name this English philosopher who collaborated with Whitehead on Principia Mathematica.;;(Bertrand) Russell Art;;Its expulsion from its original city occurred after a series of pranks, including painting a town statue red, leading to right-wing protests and budget cuts. Its second leader, Hannes HAH-nuss Meyer, was removed after only one year and replaced by the director of Deutscher Werkbund. Oskar Schlemmer painted a staircase about it, and Kandinsky and Klee were also associated with it. Officially dissolved in 1933 after Dessau came under Nazi control, it was led at one time by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Coming from the German for "building" and "house," FTP, name this school of modern industrial design founded in Weimar by Walter Gropius.;;Bauhaus Literature;;Her aunt married her husband’s uncle in a union that produced a child with a grotesque deformation that she would fear all one hundred thirty plus years of her life. She kept her husband from impregnating her by wearing a chastity belt, until he was forced to kill Prudencio Aguilar, in a duel to defend his manliness. She went on to have four children, none of whom possessed the pig’s tail that she had so feared. FTP, name this wife of Jose Arcadio Buendia, the matriarch of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.;;Ursula (Iguaran) (Buendia) Psychology;;Dasen and Price-Williams found that the horizontal decalage proposed for this stage varies based on cultural differences. Children can define intension and extension of a class, but generally cannot understand concepts like congruence and mass. The ability to decenter and think reversibly emerge, and they recognize the conservation of area, number, and matter. Children start telling jokes with double meanings and take another person's perspective. FTP name this stage between preoperational and formal operational in Piaget's theory, in which children manipulate logical concepts.;;concrete operation(al) (stage) Noncomputational Math;;The Kolmogorov criterion can be used to determine whether one version of this law applies, while the other version of this law can be proved quite easily using Chebyshev’s Inequality. The two versions use definitions first enunciated by Ernst Fischer and Friedrich Riesz, showing a limit either in measure and pointwise. Probably first proven in its weak form by Jakob Bernoulli, it is of important use to economists, as well as in setting significance levels in hypothesis testing. Stating that for a collection of independent and identically distributed random variables, the mean of n of them converges to the expectation of any of them as n goes to infinity, FTP, identify this law often grouped with the Central Limit Theorem, a more correct version of the Law of Averages.;;(Weak|Strong) Law of Large Numbers Pop Culture;;In a deleted scene we learn that his ideal woman is a survivor of monster rape; in that episode we also learn that he looks for "large breasts" in a woman because babies in his family are "very thirsty". He lost his fifth-grade spelling bee on the word "failure". In a commercial for the Winter Olympics, he claims that he could win the biathlon by hanging back and shooting all the other competitors. Recently, he used landmark quotes of Communism in a rabble-rousing speech at the Northeast Sales Association. FTP, identify this bespectacled character on the American version of The Office.;;(Dwight) (K.) Schrute|Dwight (K.) (Schrute) World History;;The French sent Desprey, Saint-Vallier, and Waddington to the first meeting of this name, which gave Dobruja to Romania and Cyprus to Great Britain and created the autonomous area of Eastern Rumelia. The second meeting of this name was called after Britain and Portugal signed a treaty preventing the French from taking advantage of treaties signed by Savorgnan SAH-VORE-NYAHN de Brazza. FTP, give the shared name of these 1878 and 1884 meetings, one of which was called to modify the Treaty of San Stefano, and one which gave most of the rules in the "scramble for Africa".;;Berlin Congress|Congress of Berlin Literature;;"Father, father, where are you going" begins "The Little Boy Lost," which, unlike "A Little Boy Lost," appears in this collection. The lighthearted tone of "Infant Joy" contrasts with the author’s later "Infant Sorrow". Unlike in a later poem of the same name, Tom Dacre cries when his head is shaved so the "soot cannot spoil his white hair". The most famous poem in the collection asks the title animal "Dost thou know who made thee," but this animal has "Softest clothing wooly bright" instead of, as in a poem written five years later, "fearful symmetry". FTP, identify this 1789 collection of poems including "The Chimney Sweeper" and "The Lamb," which author William Blake later merged with his poems on experience.;;Songs of Innocence Religion/Mythology;;He resisted the temptation of another man’s wife for a year, after which he defeated Havgan. He climbed the hill Gorsedd GORE-seð Arberth after being told he would either be wounded or see a wonder once he sat on it, and he indeed saw his future wife. He defeated Gwawl through his wife’s trickery, but lost his son Pryderi when six women watching over him fell asleep at the same time. The Lord of Dyfed, FTP, identify this hero of the first branch of the Mabinogion and husband of Rhiannon.;;Pwyll Miscellaneous;;In Full Metal Alchemist, it is the specialty of Shou Tucker, the Sewing Life Alchemist. The novel by this name tells three stories from different perspectives, including one told by Dunyazade, sister of Scheherazade, while Derek Mahon wrote some poems collected by the plural of this name. In art and design, it identifies a pale purple or lavender color. In biology, it identifies an organism with genetically distinct cells from two different zygotes. In Mission: Impossible II, it is the name of the virus that only the appropriately-named drug Bellerophon can cure. FTP, identify this word, which, in Greek mythology, names a fire-breathing monster that was part lion, part goat, and part snake.;;chimera Music;;This work was left incomplete and unperformable until Deryck Cooke revised it. The first movement, a 25-minute Adagio, follows directly from his previous symphony and features a background quotation of prelude to Act 3 of Parsifal. The second movement, an incomplete neo-classical Scherzo, features a Landler trio. The third movement, written after the composer has discovered her wife's affair with an architect, contained references to Wagner's fate motif and was titled "Purgatorio oder Inferno". The fourth movement, an 11-minute fast waltz, is related to the "Trinklied" from Das Lied von der Erde EHR-duh. The fifth movement, a tender Finale, ends with a redeclaration of love for Alma. FTP identify this final Gustave Mahler symphony, who wrote one more than the usual symphonist.;;(Symphony) (No.) 10 (by) (Mahler) Geography;;This region was nearly purchased by an American named Washington Vanderlip Jr., who had been confused with a president of what is now CitiBank. Among its native residents are the Evens EH-VENS and Korayaks, and the one road in this region connects the regional capital with the town of Esso. Bordered on the north by the Shelikov Gulf, its capital is one of a plethora of Petropavlovsks and is the largest city on any of the five continental mainlands not connected to the rest of its continent by road. FTP, name this region, bordered by Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, a Far Eastern Russian peninsula.;;Kamchatka United States History;;He first gained notoriety after a neighbor mistook him and his brother Buck for bootleggers in Missouri. He served less than two years at the Easton Prison Yard, coming back after his release to break out fellow inmates. Henry Methvin’s cold-blooded murder of two officers outside Grapevine, Texas led to a plea bargain that set up the ambush that killed him and his most famous partner outside Gibsland, Louisiana, on May 23, 1934. FTP, identify this outlaw gunned down alongside his girlfriend Bonnie Parker.;;Clyde (Barrow)|(Clyde) Barrow Literature;;This short story takes place in rooms with stained glass windows that gives each room the appearance of being blue, purple, green, orange, white, and violet, but the seventh, scarlet room does not match its black velvet carpets. The author takes care to note that sixty minutes is equivalent to three thousand and six hundred seconds, and uses the phrase "out-Heroded Herod" to describe an unwanted party guest. Prince Prospero, the party’s host, succumbs in the blue room, despite having lived in five or six months of seclusion. FTP, what is this Poe story about a colorfully named disease inviting itself to a ball?;;(The) Masque of the Red Death Biology;;Its experimental revelation is described in a book by Frederic Holmes. E. coli growing in a medium containing ammonium chloride labeled with nitrogen-15 and then nitrogen-14 was used to show that indeed the process occurs in this way. A cesium chloride gradient was used to differentiate between DNA labeled on both strands with 15-N, both with 14-N, or one with 15-N and one with 14-N. FTP, name this method by which DNA is replicated in vivo, experimentally confirmed by Meselson and Stahl.;;semiconservative (DNA) (replication) Chemistry;;In 1882 he officially became a bigamist, but the leader of his country, noting his popularity, reportedly said he "has two wives, yes, but I have only one" of him. He once traveled solo in a balloon to observe a solar eclipse, and did not bother attempting to control the balloon until he had finished his observations. His master’s thesis was the blandly titled "Research and Theories on Expansion of Substances due to Heat", while his doctoral thesis, "On the Combinations of Water with Alcohol", is said to have determined the ideal percent alcohol of vodka. His most important work included predicting the physical properties of germanium, gallium, and scandium using what is now his most famous invention. For 10 points, name this Russian chemist, inventor of the periodic table of the elements.;;(Dymitriy) (Ivanovich) Mendeleyev Religion/Mythology;;The first reference to it is in the title of two homilies by St. Maximus, while the concept was definitely mentioned in homilies by St. Caesarius. St. Theodore the Studite does not mention it, indicating it appeared fairly late in the Greek Orthodox Church. The eighth homily of Pope Leo I is still used widely, and a collection of homilies by Pope Gregory I begins during this church season. Although Pope Innocent III recommended black for the color of the priest’s robes, violet is the primary color in use. Beginning with the Sunday nearest the Feast of St. Andrew and starting the liturgical year, this is, FTP, what season that immediately precedes Christmas?;;Advent Chemistry;;It can be made from anti 2-bromoalkoxide, but not gauche 2-bromoalkoxide, because the reaction that produces it is stereospecific. Its resins undergo curing by crosslinks to form adhesives. A fumigating agent for seeds and grains, it controls insect metamorphosis, and are formed during enzyme-catalyzed oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons, leading to carcinogenic products. Formed by oxidation of alkene by peroxycarboxylic acid, and by intramolecular Williamson synthesis, For ten points, name this simplest cyclic ether with formula CH_2-O-CH_2.;;epoxide|oxacyclopropane|oxirane|ethylene oxide Art;;The fresco above this work in the museum to which it belongs depicts the same scene as painted by Dosso Dossi. Intended to be viewed from a fixed spot, as though it were a relief, the "back" side of this sculpture provides little information. Of the two figures depicted, one has one of his feet off the ground and his arm around the other one, while the other figure reaches for the sky in both hands as she glances over her shoulder at her pursuer. This work is located in the Borghese Gallery next to The Rape of Proserpina, but depicts a scene from the Metamorphoses, which can be seen from the fact that the fingers of one of the titular figures are changing into laurel leaves while her leg can be seen becoming a tree trunk. For ten points, identify this statue depicting the attempted abduction by a god of a nymph, a masterpiece of Gianlorenzo Bernini.;;Daphne and Apollo|Apollo and Daphne Economics;;The occurrence of this condition in labor markets is the subject of a 1997 paper by William Boal and Michael Ransom which gives as examples of this concept professional baseball players and college athletes. When this condition prevails, wages are redistributed from the employee to the employer, and the inverse of the rate of exploitation gives the elasticity of the labor supply curve. It can lead to market failure by restricting the quantity of good purchased relative to a Pareto-optimal situation and can be alleviated in labor markets through a minimum wage. For ten points, identify this economic condition in which there is only one buyer.;;monopsony World History;;This period saw the construction of the Tenryu Temple, and the establishment of diplomatic contact with the Choson dynasty. One military conflict during this period was preceded by widespread famines and the issuing of the "acts of grace," and this period also saw the flourishing of the renga form under the poet Iio Sogi. It was directly preceded by the Kemmu restoration, during which Emperor Go-Daigo escaped from captivity and attempted to reestablish his reign, and although it survived the Onin War, it collapsed in 1571 with the end of the Sengoku, or Warring States, period. Taking its alternate name from a district in Kyoto where its first shogun had his headquarters, for ten points, identify this period of Japanese history cotemporal with the shogunate established by Takauji.;;Ashikaga (period|shogunate)|Muromachi (period|shogunate) Literature;;In the last chapter of this book, a letter from Rankeillor to a lawyer is intended to help provide legal representation to the main character. An ambush set by the Vourich clan, led by Cluny, leads to the main character being carried to Ben Alder, and the showing of a silver button early in this work leads to the granting of information by Macrob. The Appin murders provide the backdrop for the conflict between the Campbells and the Stewarts, and the titular action is performed by Hoseason at the behest of Ebenezer. Followed in 1893 by a sequel named for James More’s daughter, Catriona, for ten points, identify this novel about Alan Breck Stewart and David Balfour, written by Robert Louis Stevenson.;;Kidnapped Religion/Mythology;;The recent papal encyclical Deus Caritas Est contains an explication of this text in its sixth section. This work’s first section includes a comparison with a "cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi," while in the fifth section, the speaker claims to have "gathered my myrrh with my spice… eaten my honeycomb with my honey". The seventh section compares the addressee’s nose with "the tower of Lebanon which looks towards Damascus," and in several sections, the daughters of Jerusalem are enjoined to not "stir up, nor awake" the speaker’s love. With its second section beginning, "I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys," for ten points, identify this sexy Old Testament text which belongs to the Ketuvim and which together with Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther makes up the Megillot.;;Song of Solomon|Song of Songs|Canticle of Canticles|Shor Ha'sharom Physics;;One relation bearing this name is the differential equation "y-prime plus p of x times y equals q of x times y to the nth power". Using another relation of this name, Torricelli’s theorem can be derived, and this relation itself can be derived by integrating over all space and assuming that the body force is only due to gravity. Since it is only applicable to stead, incompressible, inviscid flows, all time derivatives in the Navier-Stokes equations can be set to zero, and this relation, which expresses the conservation of energy, may be obtained through integration along a streamline. For ten points, identify this theorem as a consequence of which pressure drops with increased fluid velocity, named for Swiss physicist Daniel.;;Bernoulli (equation|principle) World History;;One conflict of this name featured the 197 B.C.E. battle of Cynoscephalae and was also known as the Second Macedonian War after the leader of one side, Philip V of Macedon. A more famous conflict of this name was followed by the Mithridatic War, and that conflict itself grew in part out of the opposition of Lucius Philippus to a set of reforms proposed by Marcus Livius Drusus. That conflict featured the declaration of a new state in Corfinium and the ultimate defeat of the Marsi and the Samnites by armies under Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo and Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Ending with Roman victory and the passage of the Julian law granting citizenship, for ten points, identify this 90 to 89 B.C.E. revolt of the Italian allies of Rome.;;Social War|Marsic War|Italic War Pop Culture;;One of this band’s songs references the divisions between Northern and Southern California, amid chants of "40 million daggers," and "we want two states". Another song concerns a group of "Southern boys just like you and me," and describes General Sherman’s encounter with R.E.M. during his march through Georgia. Formed in Stockton, California, this band replaced drummer Gary Young with Steve West following the tour for their first album, Slanted and Enchanted, which was followed up with 1994’s Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain. Other albums by this group include Brighten the Corners, and their last effort, Terror Twilight, before they split up in 1999 and their lead singer formed The Jicks. For ten points, identify this indie band fronted by Stephen Malkmus.;;Pavement Literature;;Two English-language collections of this writer’s work are Inside the Monster and Our America. A sometime writer for the Buenos-Aires newspaper La Nacion, this man’s other writings include essays on Emerson and Whitman, and he was exiled by Antonio Guzman Blanco from Venezuela for the political stance of his journal, The Venezuelan Review. In one of his most famous poems, this man writes that he will cultivate a white rose for both his friends and his enemies, while another of his poems from his Versos Sencillos was put to music as the song "Guantanamera". Best known for his collection of poetry Versos Libres, for ten points, identify this poet, who was killed in the battle of Dos Rios in 1895, fighting for the independence of his home country, Cuba.;;(Jose) (Julian) Marti (y) (Perez) Philosophy;;One exponent of the "new" form of this philosophy was James Frederick Ferrier, who paradoxically described Berkeley as the "champion" of this philosophy. It was also espoused by James Oswald in his Appeal to it on Behalf of Religions, and its most famous promulgator defended it in such works as Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man and An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of this philosophy. Arising as a reaction to both Humean scepticism and Berkeleyan idealism, its main tenet was that sensations make people directly aware of the real nature of objects, and it was the official philosophy of France from 1816 to 1870. Most famously associated with Thomas Reid and the Scottish philosophers of the 18th and 19th centuries, for ten points, identify this philosophical school which shares its name with a Thomas Paine pamphlet.;;common sense Biology;;Possessing a filled peritoneum, this phylum of animals include the fish-invading Monogenea and the parasitic flukes like Schistosoma found in class Trematoda. Ganglia of neurons, ventral nerve cords, and eyespots make up its nervous system, while networks of protonephridia capped by flame cells make up its excretory system. Scolex heads and proglottid sex organs characterize the class Cestoidea of tapeworms, while free-living Dugesia and other planarians make up Turbellaria. For ten points, name this acoelomate, triploblastic, bilaterally symmetric phylum of flatworms.;;Platyhelminthes Art;;Coined as a term by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and one of its primary exponents, a major Dutch figure of this movement was Jacobus Oud, who was one of the contributors to the Weissenhof Estate exhibition. Some examples of it is the Fagus Works, while another is Harvard’s Graduate Center, and one of its most famous constructions is building sitting on pilotis with cantilevered floors to permit long strip windows, located in Poissy, France. Typical constructions associated with this movement are rectilinear and stripped of ornamentation, and one of its tenets was that the form of a building should grow out of the material from which it is constructed. Exemplified by such constructions as the Lake Shore Drive apartments in Chicago, the Seagram building, and the Villa Savoye, for ten points, identify this architectural style, represented by cosmopolitans like Philip Johnson, Mies van Der Rohe, and Le Corbusier.;;International (Style) Pop Culture;;This country’s only World Cup appearance came in 1938, when it beat Romania to advance to the quarterfinals only to get destroyed by Sweden 8-0. Its only NBA players were the forgettable Andres Guibert and Lazaro Borrell, and its first Olympic gold medal was Ramon Forst’s silver medal in fencing in 1900. Among its more notable Olympic athletes were the 800 m runner Ana Quirot and the high jumper Javier Sotomayor. Perhaps its greatest Olympic fame lies in the strength of its boxing contingents featuring competitors like three time gold medallists Felix Savon and Teofilo Stevenson. Its contingent at the World Baseball Classic is led by star 3B Yulieski Gourrel, but more notable are the players not competing for this country, such as Livan and Orlando Hernandez. For ten points, name this Communist country long dominant in the Olympics whose talent inevitably defects to the U.S.;;Cuba Literature;;In the fifth line, the poet directs an inquiry to the titular concept, asking, "How should he love thee? Or how deem he wise, who wouldst not leave him in his wandering". Another question directed towards the titular concept is, "Why preyest thou thus upon the poet’s heart"? and the narrator expresses his desire "to seek for treasure in the jewelled skies". Other questions asked in this poem include "Hast thou not dragged Diana from her car? And driven the Hamadryad from the wood"? as well as "Hast thou not torn the Nyad from her flood"? This poem ends with the narrator bemoaning the fact that the titular entity has taken "the Elfin from the green grass and from me, the summer dream beneath the tamarind tree". For ten points, identify this poem by Edgar Allan Poe, which addresses the title concept as the "true daughter of Old Time".;;Sonnet(,) To Science World History;;In Chinese history, this phrase refers to a period of reform during which K’ang Yu-Wei persuaded the Kuang-hsu emperor to issue over 40 edicts following the Sino-Japanese War. This phrase also refers to a period which began with a famous landing at Cannes, as well as a period during which all banks remained closed for a "holiday" until Congress could meet on March 9th. In American history this phrase refers to a time period which saw the passing of such legislation as the AAA, and the NIRA, but the most famous period designated by this name came to an end on June 18, 1815 with the victory of Blucher and Wellington at Waterloo. For ten points, give the shared name of these periods of time, the most famous of which refers to the length of Napoleon’s reign after his return from exile on Elba.;;(the) Hundred Days Noncomputational Math;;The Jerabek one is the isogonal conjugate of the Euler line while the Keipert one provides the general solution to Lemoine’s problem. The Fuerbach point is the center of a rectangular one, while the Poincare disk of this type has a metric given by "dx squared plus dy squared over quantity one minus x square minus y squared". One of them can be constructed from two Dandelin spheres touching the opposite napes of a cone, and a parabaloid of this type is a quadratic surface with equation "z equals y squared over b squared minus x squared over a squared". Also known as the type of non-Euclidean geometry discovered by Bolya and Lobachevsky, for ten points, identify this conic section, defined as the set of all points the difference in whose distance from two fixed foci is a constant.;;hyperbola|hyperbolic Religion/Mythology;;His name translates as "inside the earth" and he shared the Templo Mayor with another major deity. Designated the eight ruler of the days and the ninth ruler of the nights, five of the eighteen months of the year were dedicated to him, and one way of honoring him consisted of the ritual killing and eating of small idols made of amaranth paste. Similar to the Mayan god Chac, this god originated as a giant toad called Tlaltecuhtli pron: T-lahl-teh-cut-li and his companion was Chalchiuhtlicue pron: chahl-chee-yoot-lee-kew, the goddess of freshwater lakes and streams. Originally a Nahuatl deity and worshipped together with Huitzilopochtli and Quetzlcoatl, for ten points, identify this god who could cause leprosy and rheumatism, the Aztec god of moisture and storms.;;Tlaloc Art;;One painting of with this English title was comissioned by the Bavarian duke Maximilian and differs from a work painted a year before partly in that the titular action is being performed by a knight. Jean-Leon Gerome depicted a group of five people returning from this activity in 1889, and another painting with this title was executed by Emile Vernet in 1836 and shows a mounted warrior in the left foreground with a raised spear. The artist of the most famous painting with this name also painted a version with the titular activity taking place in Morocco using a rifle, but the more famous version depicts several Arabs with spears attacking the titular beasts, which have downed one of the humans and a horse. For ten points, give the title shared most famously by paintings of Eugene Delacroix and Peter Paul Rubens, both of which depict the attempted killing of certain wild cats.;;(The) Lion Hunt Literature;;In the first act of this play, a lieutenant colonel says that, "We shall all be forgotten. Such is our fate and we can’t do anything about it". After hearing of Andrey’s desire to translate a book from English, one of the titular characters claims that knowing three languages, "is just a… useless encumberance," and at the end, another of the titular characters, who is unhappily married to Kulyghin and abandoned by Vershinin, recites the first lines from Pushkin’s Ruslan and Lyudmilla. Finally, Solyony kills Teuzenbach in a duel, and as the doctor Chebutykhin, reading the paper, says "Nothing matters," Olga exclaims, "If only we knew". For ten points, identify this play about the titular group of siblings, written in 1901 by Anton Chekhov.;;Three Sisters|Tri Sestry Geography;;The site of Afrosiab, two kilometers outside of the center of this city, is home to this city’s ancient ruins and in a nearby structure is a fifty foot sarcophagus which purportedly contains a perpetually growing body, taken from Susa, of the prophet Daniel. The oldest standing buildings here date from the 1380’s, and the grave of one of the Prophet’s cousins, Qusam ibn-Abbas is located in the Shahr-I-Zindah. The most famous mosque here is dedicated to the Chinese Bibi-Khanym and the Guri Amir Mausoleum was the site of a 1941 inspection led by Mikhail Gerasimov analyzing the remains of this city’s two most famous rulers. Home to the Ulugh Beg Medrese and the Registan, this is, for ten points, what city, the capital of Timur, presently situated in Uzbekistan.;;Samarkand|Marakanda