Music@@Answer the following about a composer and his works for 10 points each.@@;;[10] The first version of this piece was called "Overture to a Lonely Isle" and was composed as a birthday present to the composer’s father. Its main theme is in B minor, and it was originally published as "Fingal’s Cave".;;Hebrides (Overture)@@;;[10] This early romantic composer of the "Hebrides Overture" also composed pieces such as the Italian Symphony and incidental music to A Midsummer Night’s Dream.;;(Felix) Mendelssohn@@;;[10] Mendelssohn's 3rd symphony is given this nickname, as it was inspired by his trip to a place ruled by its dedicatee, Queen Victoria.;;Scottish Biology@@Answer the following about a neurological disorder, for 10 points each:@@;;[10] This disease’s symptoms include uncontrollable and continuous trembling, torso stiffness, slowness of movement, and a decrease in general coordination.;;Parkinson'(s) (disease)@@;;[10] The primary cause of muscle tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease is a deficiency of this neurotransmitter, while an excess of it is linked to many of the symptoms in schizophrenia.;;Dopamine@@;;[10] The lack of dopamine can be attributed to the degeneration of neurons that normally produce it in this structure, which is one of the basal ganglia.;;substantia nigra Literature@@A college classmate of Thurgood Marshall's, and later an ardent Communist, he wrote poetry and stories about black workers. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this creator of Jesse B. Simple who wrote "Montage of a Dream Deferred" and I Wonder as I Wander.;;(Langston) Hughes@@;;[10] This second poetry collection by Hughes included such poems as "Brass Spittoons" and "Red Silk Stockings;" it received poor reviews in the black press, who didn't appreciate its sort-of-bigoted title about pawnshops.;;Fine Clothes to the Jew@@;;[10] As cool as it is that Fine Clothes to the Jew was dedicated to Carl Van Vechten, I'd rather you tell me what Hughes poem features a "rock or a man that's dead" on Lenox Avenue "droning a drowsy syncopated tune".;;(The) Weary Blues Miscellaneous@@For 10 points each, name these football announcers.@@;;[10] This abrasive announcer, who started his career calling boxing matches, was part of the original Monday Night Football broadcast team.;;(Howard) Cosell@@;;[10] This former New York Giants kicker and partner of John Madden was the lead play-by-play man for CBS and later, FOX, and has called more Super Bowls than any other announcer.;;(Pat) Summerall@@;;[10] This man narrated highlight videos for NFL Films from 1965 until 1984, and his dramatic reading style earned him the nickname "The Voice of God".;;(John) Facenda Literature@@It was based on an actual strike in France that occurred in 1884. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this novel featuring the exploits of Etienne Lantier, a socialist laborer working in Montsou as a miner, who falls for his friend Maheu’s daughter Catherine.;;Germinal@@;;[10] This author of Germinal is also notable for his attack on the French army concerning the Dreyfus affair, entitled J’accuse.;;(Emile) Zola@@;;[10] Published shortly after Germinal was this novel based on Zola’s friendship with Paul Cezanne, describing the demise of painter Claude Lantier, who eventually hangs himself in front of the "unfinishable" title object.;;L'(Œ|Oe){1}?uvre|(The) Masterpiece World History@@Answer the following about a Frankish king, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This child of Louis the Pious had a national epithet and divided his lands between his sons Carloman, Louis the Younger, and Charles the Fat in 865 and 872.;;Louis (II|the Second|the German){1}?;;Louis@@;;[10] Louis the German inherited his lands from Louis the Pious through this 843 treaty, which began the dissolution of Charlemagne’s empire and was signed at the future location of a big World War I battle.;;Verdun@@;;[10] This man was crowned coemperor by Louis I in 817. The brother of Louis the German, this man was forced to sign the Treaty of Verdun after the battle of Fontenoy.;;Lothair Art@@Answer the following about some works of art for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This mysterious painting by Giorgione includes scenes such as a stork on a rooftop in the right, and a man with a pike on the left. It centers on a woman breastfeeding a baby.;;(The) Tempest|(La) Tempesta@@;;[10] Giorgione is usually considered a teacher to this painter of Sacred and Profane Love and The Venus of Urbino.;;Titian|Tiziano Vecelli@@;;[10] A different version of The Tempest, also called Bride of the Wind, was a tribute to Alma Mahler by this member of the Vienna Secession.;;(Oscar) Kokoschka Geography@@Answer the following about people who have been discriminated against in East Asia, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This group in Indian society includes those in many low caste Hindu groups and anyone who falls outside of the caste system and works in a "polluting" activity. They now enjoy protection in the Indian constitution.;;Harijan|untouchables|Children of God (Hari Vishnu)@@;;[10] Japanese for "hamlet people", this Japanese minority was the lowest level of Japan’s traditional social system. They are pejoratively known as Eta or "pollution abounds".;;Burakumin@@;;[10] These indigenous people of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands faced increased discrimination during the Meji Restoration. Much like the ACF leadership, they have profuse body hair and worship an animistic bear god.;;Ainu Physics@@Answer the following about radiation heat transfer, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This type of abstract object is an ideal radiator, absorbing and emitting all types of electromagnetic radiation.;;Blackbody@@;;[10] This unitless quantity, often represented in thermodynamic models with a lowercase epsilon, represents a ratio of energy absorbed or emitted by radiation relative to that by a blackbody.;;emissivity@@;;[10] This approximation agreed with blackbody spectral measurements at short wavelengths but deviated from them at longer wavelengths.;;Wien'(s) (Distribution Law|Approximation) World History@@Identify the following conservative leaders of European countries, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This admiral organized resistance against Bela Kun’s communist government of Hungary in 1919. He served as regent of Hungary during World War II and attempted to prop up the economy by counterfeiting French money.;;(Niklos) Horthy@@;;[10] This man led the Nationalists to victory over the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. Although a fascist, he kept Spain neutral during World War II and served as leader of that country until his 1975 death.;;(Francisco) Franco@@;;[10] He was commander-in-chief of Finnish forces during the Winter War and Continuation War after serving as a leader of White forces in the Russian Civil War. His namesake line didn't keep the Soviets out of Finland.;;(Carl) (Gustaf) Mannerheim Literature@@Name these works of classical Chinese literature for 10 points each:@@;;[10] 108 people, many of them criminals, gather at Mt. Liang and take up arms against the corrupt local government in this novel by Shi Nai'an.;;Outlaws of the Marsh|(The) Water Margin|All Men are Brothers|Shui hu chan@@;;[10] In this spinoff from Outlaws of the Marsh, a corrupt merchant with four wives seeks to court and marry two more, and lots of kinky stuff goes on with twelve-inch tall sex maniacs and so forth.;;(The) Golden Lotus|(The) Plum in the Golden Vase@@;;[10] This Wu Ching-Tzu novel of the Ching period satirizes various people who use bribes to unsuccessfully try to pass the examination needed to become part of the title group.;;(The) Scholars Philosophy@@Answer the following questions about dialogues in philosophy, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] One of the title characters tries to argue that sensible qualities must be ideal, while the other title character states that people perceive material objects directly, in this man's Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous.;;(George) Berkeley@@;;[10] This Italian philosopher’s dialogues include "The Ash Wednesday Supper", On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, and The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast. This monad proponent was burned alive by the Inquisition.;;(Giordano) Bruno@@;;[10] Like Martin Buber, this French existentialist formulated the dialogical "I/Thou" concept of the direct communion with reality. He wrote The Mystery of Being and The Existential Background of Human Dignity.;;(Gabriel) Marcel Chemistry@@Name some reactions from organic chemistry, for 10 points each:@@;;[10] This condensation reaction occurs between two aldehydes with alpha carbons to form the namesake compounds, beta hydroxy aldehydes.;;aldol (condensation|reaction)@@;;[10] This reaction, named for an American chemist, involves the conjugate addition of a nucleophilic enolate onto an alpha, beta unsaturated carbonyl compound.;;Michael (addition|reaction)@@;;[10] A British chemist discovered this namesake reaction, which combines an aldol condensation with Michael addition to form a two-ring system that typically contains a substituted cyclohexanone.;;Robinson Annulation United States History@@Answer the following about scandals involving Ohio politicians, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This member of Warren Harding’s Ohio Gang was convicted of bribery for his role in the Teapot Dome scandal during his stint as Secretary of the Interior.;;(Albert) Fall@@;;[10] This organization was exposed by Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin Bristow, and President Grant’s private secretary Orville Babcock was indicted in this conspiracy to bribe internal revenue officials.;;Whiskey Ring@@;;[10] Despite the fact that James Garfield was implicated for receiving 329 dollars from Credit Mobilier, that President did order an investigation of this affair involving bribes for important mail delivery contracts.;;Star Route (Scandal) Earth Science@@For ten points each, answer the following about a materials concept.@@;;[10] This scale of mineral hardness ranges from talc at 1 to diamond at 10, with corundum in there at 9.;;Mohs (scale)@@;;[10] Mohs' scale actually measures this form of hardness, as opposed to indentation or rebound, which can be measured with a sclerometer.;;scratch@@;;[10] This test of indentation hardness has a wide scale and reports hardness as its namesake pyramid numbers, since a pyramid shape is used to investigate the material's hardness.;;Vickers (test|scale) Social Science@@Answer the following about linguistics, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Influenced by the work of Vilem Mathesius, Nikolay Trubetskoy, and Roman Jakobson, this school of linguistics combines structuralism and formalism and defines phonemes nonminimally as sets of distinctive features.;;Prague (School)@@;;[10] This Swiss linguist’s book Course in General Linguistics laid the foundation for structural linguistics. This man’s structuralism is defined by the dichotomies of langue versus parole and form versus substance.;;(Ferdinand) de Saussure@@;;[10] Benjamin Whorf's misguided hypothesis about language determining thought was based on his comical misunderstanding of this Native American language, such as the false belief that it does not have tense markers.;;Hopi Religon/Mythology@@Name the following about some Mesoamerican myths, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] A chief source for Mayan mythology is this document, which was written in Quiche and translated into Spanish by the priest Francisco Jimenez.;;Popol Vuh@@;;[10] This is the term refers to the guardian spirits that Mesoamerican Indians believed resided in animals such as jaguars and birds. The first creature to cross over the ashes spread before a newborn became this.;;nagual|nahual@@;;[10] The Aztecs drowned children as a sacrifice to this god. Represented with large eyes and long fangs, his features are similar to the Mayan rain god Chac.;;Tlaloc World history@@Answer the following about Asian revolutions and rebellions that incorporated certain colors, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Yellow banners were the symbol of the Philippines’ People Power revolution in which the corrupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos was toppled by supporters of this woman, whose husband Benigno was assassinated.;;(Corazon) (Cori) Aquino@@;;[10] In this uprising of 184 to 204 CE, Chang Chue directed a revolt against eunuchs who dominated the Han Dynasty. The revolt’s color came from Chang’s idea that the "blue heaven" would change to a new color.;;Yellow Turban (Rebellion)@@;;[10] This was the name given to Reza Shah Pahlavi’s 1963 reform program for Iran. It included increased rights for women, inverstment in literacy and health programs, and land redistribution to 2.5 million families.;;White Revolution Literature@@Name these plays by Lillian Hellman, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Mary Tilford runs away from school and accuses two headmistresses of having a lesbian affair in this play.;;(The) Children’s Hour@@;;[10] Two lonely spinsters miss their recently married younger brother, Julian Berniers, when he returns with his bride and a mysterious pile of money in this play.;;Toys in the Attic@@;;[10] Followed by the sequel Another Part of the Forest, this is the tale of the greedy Hubbard family's attempts to cheat each other out of land.;;(The) Little Foxes Literature@@Answer the following about Italian literature, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This collection of a bunch of stories told over ten days has a lot about Italian people and places. It’s by Boccaccio.;;(The) Decameron@@;;[10] This Italian guy wrote a book about some Sicilian guys who weren’t so happy about Garibaldi, like Don Fabrizio Corbera. If The Leopard isn’t Italian enough for you, then you can call it Il Gattopardo.;;(Giuseppe) (Tomasi) (di) Lampedusa|(Giuseppe) Tomasi (di) (Lampedusa)@@;;[10] Don Rodrigo tries to break up Lucia and Lorenzo to win a bet in this 1827 Italian novel by Manzoni.;;(The) Betrothed|(I) Promessi Sposi Music@@Its name is taken from an incident before it started in which Falke was left drunk, dressed as a bat in the middle of town. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this opera in which Eisenstein is sentenced to jail but goes to Prince Orlovsky's ball in the meantime. Hilarity ensues as people pretend to be other people, but eventually Eisenstein and his wife Rosalinde reconcile.;;(Die) Fledermaus@@;;[10] This composer wrote Die Fledermaus, as well as The Gypsy Baron, A Night in Venice, and Tales from the Vienna Wood.;;J(ohann) Straus (II|the Second|J(unio)r(.)|the Younger){1}?;;(J(ohann)) Straus@@;;[10] Johan Strauss Jr. is best known for this waltz, depicting a major river of eastern Europe.;;(On|At) the Beautiful Blue Danube|(An) (der) sch(ö|o(e))nen blauen Donau Religion/Mythology@@Answer the following about the split of the Muslim faith, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This is Islamic term for a heretical uprising. It specifically refers to the struggle within the Muslim community that lead to the split between the Shi’ites and Sunnites.;;Fitnah@@;;[10] The cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, the question regarding his right to the caliphate lead to the split. He was the first imam of Shi’ism.;;Ali@@;;[10] The third caliph to rule after the death of Muhammad, he centralized the administration of the caliphate and established an official version of the Koran. His death marked the beginning of the Fitnah.;;Uthman Literature@@For 10 points each, answer the following questions about a major work of Asian literature.@@;;[10] This book consists of thirty-six chapters, divided into seven parts. Part three is entitled, "About the Acquisition of a Wife". Part six is entitled, "About Courtesans". It also includes such positions as the "deer" and the "horse".;;(the) Kama Sutra@@;;[10]The Kama Sutra was written by this man while a religious student at Benares. He also wrote a commentary on a second-century BCE work of Hindu philosophy known as the Nyaya Sutras.;;(Mallanaga) Vatsyayana@@;;[10] The most famous English translation of the Kama Sutra was written by this man, a travelogue writer and polyglot who went undercover as first a Muslim, then a Mormon and reported back on Mecca and Salt Lake City.;;(Sir) (Richard) Burton United States History@@Answer the following about U.S. involvement in Latin America, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This economic development program was established by the U.S. under Kennedy and twenty-two Latin American countries in the Charter of Punta del Este in 1961. It was disbanded by the OAS in 1973.;;Alliance for Progress@@;;[10] This law of the 1980s prohibited the U.S. from intervening in the Nicaraguan civil war and was the act violated by the Iran-Contra scandal.;;Boland (Amendment)@@;;[10] Following a raid by Pancho Villa’s bandits in Columbus, New Mexico, President Wilson sent a military expedition led by this general to capture Villa.;;(John) (Joseph) Pershing Art@@This sculpture, created out of painted steel wire and sheet aluminum, suggests the graceful movement of its title aquatic creatures. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1939 sculpture found in the Museum of Modern Art.;;Lobster Trap and Fish Tail@@;;[10] Lobster Trap and Fish Tail was created by this American sculptor, who sculpted a mercury fountain on behalf of the Spanish Republican government and is often credited with inventing the mobile.;;(Alexander) (Stirling) Calder@@;;[10] Calder created a 53 foot-tall Flamingo, which is located in front of the Kluczynski Federal Building in this city, which is also home to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie house.;;Chicago(,) (Illinois) Biology@@Sydney Brenner was the first to popularize the use of this nematode.  For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this model invertebrate organism that has four larval stages and undergoes exactly 191 apoptotic events during its development.  It is also the first organism to have the fate of every cell in its embryo mapped out.;;C(aenorhabditis) Elegans@@;;[10] Craig Mello and Andrew Fire discovered this universal method of gene knockdown in C. Elegans.  It relies on creating antisense nucleotides in order to regulate messenger RNA expression.;;RNA i(nterference )@@;;[10] This C. Elegans phenotype creates characteristically short and fat organisms.  About 43 variations exist, but many are due to mutations in cuticle collagen.;;Dumpy Literature@@The narrator claims that "we’re not our skin of grime, we’re not our dread bleak dusty imageless locomotive". For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this poem, in which the narrator grabs "the skeleton thick" title plant and "stuck it at [his] side like a scepter".;;Sunflower Sutra@@;;[10] This author of "A Supermarket in California" and a poem in remembrance of his mother Naomi wrote "Sunflower Sutra".;;(Allen) Ginsberg@@;;[10] The narrator repeats "I’m with you in Rockland" several times during this Ginsberg poem, which opens with "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness".;;Howl Geography@@Identify these Mexican states, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This northern-most state of Mexico has its capital at Tijuana. It’s bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortés on the east.;;Baja California|Lower California@@;;[10] To the east of Baja California is this state, which also borders Chihuahua on its east and Sinaloa to its south. Hermosillo is its capital, and it is the second largest in area, behind Chihuahua. It has a namesake desert.;;Sonora@@;;[10] This central Mexican state signed an agreement with Idaho in 1996. With its capital at Guadalajara, it is bordered by Guanajuato to the east and contains Lake Chapala, Mexico’s largest freshwater lake.;;Jalisco World History@@It was immediately followed by the Nara period, and is sometimes subdivided into the Kofun and Asuka periods. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Japanese era lasting from about 250 to 710 AD, which saw the introduction of Buddhism, the passing of a 17-article constitution based on Confucian principles, and the reign of the Soga Clan.;;Yamato (Period)@@;;[10] This four-article set of reforms was passed in 646 by Kotoku tenno, right after the death of Prince Shotoku. It created a feudal system based on Shoen and set up a hierarchy of civil offices based on the Chinese imperial system.;;Taika (Reforms)@@;;[10] Recent historical work has discredited the notion that Yamato-era Japan exercised dominion over this place, which was later ruled independently by the Paekje, Silla, and Choson dynasties.;;Korea Literature@@While some believe that his name could be Lautaro, it is eventually determined that the title character’s name is Estaban. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] The villagers become the kinsmen of the title character, who is too large and heavy for chairs and extraordinarily beautiful, in this short story.;;(The) Handsomest Drowned Man in the World|(El) abogado mas hermoso del mundo@@;;[10] "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" is a short story by this Colombian author, who is better known for such novels as Love in the Time of Cholera and No One Writes to the Colonel.;;(Gabriel) Garc(í|i){1}?a-M(á|a){1}?rquez@@;;[10] "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" appears in this debut short story collection by Gabriel García Márquez, named for a title yarn in which Isabel remembers Meme and the suicidal Doctor.;;Leaf Storm|(La) Hojarasca (15,15)Chemistry@@Answer the following about a lab technique for the stated number of points.@@;;[15] This form of spectroscopy uses light with wavelengths longer than visible light to probe the vibrational modes of chemical bonds. It plots the transmittance of light at wavenumbers from about 4000 to 400 inverse centimeters.;;I(nfra)R(ed) (spectroscopy)@@;;[15] The region of an IR spectrum from about 400 to 1600 inverse centimeters is given this name because its complex bands provide a great deal of structural information to identify a molecule.;;fingerprint (region) Music@@He wrote a massive Requiem featuring 4 brass choirs. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this composer of The Damnation of Faust and a symphony about an opium-addicted artist that includes such movements as "Dreams-Passions" and "March to the Scaffold," Symphonie Fantastique.;;(Hector) Berlioz@@;;[10] This second symphony of Berlioz’s notably features a viola solo due to a request from Paganini. Based on a poem by Lord Byron, it features such movements as "Marche des pélerins" and "Orgie de brigands".;;Harold en Italie|Harold in Italy@@;;[10] This "sad" choral and orchestral work, Berlioz's opus 18, contains three movements; the first is a "Religious Meditation" on a Thomas More poem, while 2 and 3 depict the death of Ophelia and a funeral march from Hamlet.;;Tristia Miscellaneous@@Identify these films which featured noted Fresh Prince Will Smith, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Smith plays the Shrek-loving Robert Neville in this 2007 film based on Richard Matheson’s novel of the same name. It deals with something about a man-made virus and has about three significant characters.;;I Am Legend@@;;[10] Smith plays the title caddy in this 2000 film Robert Redford film, helping Matt Damon’s character play against Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen in an exhibition match.;;(The) Legend of Bagger Vance@@;;[10] Tea Cake Walters, played by Smith, is Zora Matthews’s friend in this 1993 film, which sees Whoopi Goldberg’s character realize that her sperm donor was actually a white guy, played by Ted Danson.;;Made in America Literature@@Identify these fictional weavers and creators of same, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Eppie is the adopted daughter of the title "weaver of Raveloe" in this George Eliot novel. After being falsely accused of theft, the title character meets that daughter of Godfrey Cass.;;Silas Marner@@;;[10] This weaver plays Pyramus in the play put on for Theseus’s marriage in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Puck turns his head into that of an ass during the play.;;(Nick) Bottom@@;;[10] This German dramatist of "The Beaver Coat" and The Sunken Bell wrote about Old Baumert and Old Hilse, the title characters of his play The Weavers.;;(Gerhart) Hauptmann World History@@Answer the following about the Great Schism, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Called by Emperor Sigismund, this ecumenical council ended the Great Schism. It deposed Antipope John XXIII and ordered the writing of the Ars moriendi.;;(Council of) Constance@@;;[10] This man was chosen as pope to end the Great Schism. Dying soon after calling the Council of Basel, he had earlier called a council at Pavia.;;(Pope) Martin (V|the Fifth);;(Pope) Martin@@;;[10] The Council of Constance also tricked this Bohemian follower of John Wycliffe into showing up for his own burning at the stake.;;(Jan) Hus Literature@@Despite the urgings of Lavarcham, the nurse of the title character, said title character marries some fellow she met in the forest and not Conchubor, the High King of Ulster. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] The title character commits suicide with the death of her husband Naisi at the end of what play?;;Deirdre of the Sorrows@@;;[10] Deirdre of the Sorrows is one of the plays written by which author, who also penned When the Moon Has Set and The Playboy of the Western World.;;(John) (Millington) Synge@@;;[10] Eight male relatives of Maurya drown in the vicinity of the Aran Islands in this Synge play.;;Riders to the Sea United States History@@Also called the Organic Act, it set up a 35-member House of Representatives, along with a civil governor and executive council. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1900 act that established a civil government in a certain island recently captured in the Spanish-American War, which was named for an Ohio senator.;;Foraker (Act )@@;;[10] The Foraker Act installed Charles Herbert Allen as the first governor of this territory, where the USS Yale attacked San Cristóbal and the fleet under William Sampson bombarded San Juan during the war.;;Puerto Rico@@;;[10] Including DeLima v. Bidwell, this set of Supreme Court cases ruled that the constitution does not necessarily follow the flag. It affected Guam and Puerto Rico, among others.;;Insular (Cases) Earth Science@@Its name comes from the Greek for "without strength," reflecting its ability to behave as a liquid over long distances.  For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Identify this uppermost region of the Earth’s mantle, on top of which is the lithosphere.;;Asthenosphere@@;;[10] Named after a Croatian seismologist, this is the boundary between the crust and mantle, which coincides with the boundary between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere under mid-ocean ridges.;;Moho(rovicic) (discontinuity)@@;;[10] The Gutenberg discontinuity occurs around the top of this layer, named according to Keith Bullen's system, which comprises the lowermost 200 km of the mantle, and may be made of the mineral post-perovskite.;;D''|D double prime|D prime prime Philosophy@@One collection of his meditations is the 1989 volume The Examined Life. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this libertarian professor and author of Invariances and The Nature of Rationality, along with a notable critique of A Theory of Justice by John Rawls.;;(Robert) Nozick@@;;[10] Nozick criticized Rawls’ A Theory of Justice in this work, which argues that an ultraminimal state is the only way to preserve rights.;;Anarchy(,) State(,) and Utopia@@;;[10] This 1997 Nozick book begins by stating that Anarchy, State, and Utopia was borne out of frustration while trying to characterize free will. It contains "Who Would Choose Socialism"? and a critique of weighted voting.;;Socratic Puzzles Art@@Identify the following people who painted George Washington for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Arguably the most famous portrait of George Washington, which appears on the one dollar bill, is by this American portraitist who also depicted Washington in the Lansdowne Portrait and painted The Skater.;;(Gilbert) Stuart@@;;[10] This German immigrant created a work sometimes called Westward, Ho! for the US Capitol, but his fame rests on his work Washington Crossing the Delaware.;;(Emmanuel) Leutze@@;;[10] This American painted several portraits of Washington and other early Presidents. He also painted a portrait of his sons Raphaelle and Titian in his The Staircase Group, as well as The Exhumation of the Mastadon.;;(Charles) (Wilson) Peale Noncomputational Math@@Identify the following from complex analysis for 10 points each.@@;;[10] These functions have values in the complex plane C that are complex differentiable at every point.;;(Holomorphic|Analytic){1}? (function(s))@@;;[10] A function  f = u + vi is holomorphic if and only if u and v satisfy these doubly eponymous equations that relate the partial derivatives of u and v.;;Cauchy-Riemann (Equations)@@;;[10] Complex numbers are often critical for generating these shapes that can be subdivided into parts which are approximately reduced-size copies of the whole. Examples include the Mandelbrot set and the Sierpinski Triangle.;;Fractal(s) Anthropology@@Including sections like "The Formation of a Complex" and "The Mirror of Tradition," this work notes the "growing influence of the doctrine of psycho-analysis within the last ten years". For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1927 work, which claims to have "established that Freud’s theories… follow closely the modifications in human nature" and was published a year after Crime and Custom in Savage Society.;;Sex and Repression in Savage Society@@;;[10] This anthropologist wrote Sex and Repression in Savage Society, along with Coral Gardens and Their Magic, Myth in Primitive Society, and the preface to Jomo Kenyatta’s Facing Mount Kenya.;;(Bronis(l|l){1}?aw) (Kasper) Malinowski@@;;[10] Malinowski is perhaps best known for writing this 1922 work, which centers on the kulu exchange of the Trobiand Islanders.;;Argonauts of the Western Pacific World History@@This Kurdish-born military figure succeeded his uncle Shirkuh as vizier of Egypt, and, after the death of Nur ad-Din, he declared himself the sultan. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this twelfth-century Ayyubid ruler.;;Saladin (ad-Din)@@;;[10] European leaders, including Richard I of England and Philip II of France, attempted to curb Saladin's power in this crusade. Despite a victory at Arsuf, Jerusalem remained under Saladin's control.;;(3rd|Third){1}? (Crusade)@@;;[10] The Third Crusade was set off, in part, by this 1187 conflict between the Kingdom of Jerusalem, led by Guy of Lusignan, and Saladin's forces. In its aftermath, the Audita tremendi was issued by Pope Gregory VIII.;;(Battle of) Hattin Religion/Mythology@@After its death, its slayer dipped his arrows into its blood in order to make them more deadly. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this creature that regenerated three heads every time one was cut off.;;(Lernaen) Hydra@@;;[10] Heracles slew the Lernaen Hydra with the help of this figure, who also shared a sacred jar of wine belonging to the centaurs with Heracles.;;Pholus@@;;[10] Hercules slayed the Hydra under orders from this cowardly ruler, who hid in a jar every time Hercules came back from completing a task.;;Eurystheus Physics@@The Schaffer-Bergman type of this phenomenon occurs via the interaction of sound and light in a crystal medium. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this process, which for X-rays is described by Bragg’s Law.  In general, it is the bending of waves around some obstacle.;;Diffraction@@;;[10] Diffraction through a circular aperture creates a central circle, known by this name, along with a series of concentric rings.;;Airy Disc@@;;[10] This number, the square of the aperture radius divided by the distance to the screen and the wavelength of light, determines whether Fraunhofer diffraction or the other major type of diffraction takes place.;;Fresnel (number) Literature@@Among his translations are those into French of The Bible of Amiens and Sesame and Lillies, two works by John Ruskin. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this author of Painters and Pleasures and an unfinished novel which he attributed to the mysterious "C,"Jean Santeuil.;;(Marcel) Proust@@;;[10] Proust may be better known for writing about The Captive, Time Regained, and Swann's Way in this fourteen-year series about memories.;;Remembrance of Things Past|In Search of Lost Time|(À|A) la recherche du temps perdu@@;;[10] Proust wrote a work titled "Contre" this literary critic of the Essays on Men and Women, Volupté, the poetry collection Les Consolations, and a history of the title Jansenist abbey in Port-Royal.;;(Charles) (Augustin) Sainte-Beuve United States History@@He was the first Congressman to serve for over 40 years, but his reputation was diminished by his pugnacious manner. For the stated points:@@;;[10] For 10, identify this ‘explosive’ speaker of the House of Representatives, who held the post from 1903-1911.;;(Joseph) (Gurney) Cannnon@@;;[10] For 10, Cannon used his power to help pass this 1909 tariff, which may have been the key to President Taft’s undoing in the 1912 election.;;Payne-Aldrich (Tariff)@@;;[10] For 10 points, Taft was also hurt by the controversy between these two men: one the chief of the Forest Service, the other a Secretary of the Interior who opened public lands in Alaska for private development. [orig 5/5].;;(Gifford) Pinchot (and|,) (Richard) Ballinger|(Richard) Ballinger (and|,) (Gifford) Pinchot Religion/Mythology@@Give the Arabic names of the following Pillars of Islam, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his Prophet," is this pillar, the profession of faith, which is performed daily. A single honest recitation is all that is needed to become a Muslim.;;shahada(h)@@;;[10] This pillar, whose name means "purify" or "foster", is the practice of alms-giving to the poor. The minimal level of wealth above which one must perform it is called the nisab.;;zaka(h|t){1}?@@;;[10] From dawn to sunset during Ramadan, Muslims are obliged to fast in accordance with this pillar. They often break the fast after sundown with the iftar meals.;;sawm United States History@@Answer the following about opponents of the New Deal, for 10 points per part.@@;;[10] Nicknamed the Kingfish, this Louisiana Senator created the "Share the Wealth" program, with the motto "Every Man a King".;;(Huey) Long@@;;[10] His radio program praised Hitler and Mussolini and was eventually shut off by his Church superiors. Much like Ron Paul, he was blatantly anti-Semitic, but unlike Ron Paul he railed against the gold standard.;;(Father) (Charles) Coughlin@@;;[10] The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was deemed unconstitutional in this 1936 Supreme Court Case, where Owen Roberts wrote the majority opinion on behalf of the anti-New Deal "Four Horsemen".;;(U(.)(nited)) (S(.)(tates)) (v(.)|versus) Butler|Butler (v(.)|versus) (U(.)(nited)) (S(.)(tates)) Music@@The seventh is known as "Ysobel" and the tenth is "Dorabella". For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this work officially called Variations on an Original Theme for Orchestra, whose best known section is the ninth, known as "Nimrod".;;Enigma Variations@@;;[10] This British composer wrote the Enigma Variations, as well as some Pomp and Circumstance marches.;;(Edward) Elgar@@;;[10] This concert overture by Elgar was intended as a humorous depiction of London, as it is alternately called In London Town.;;Cockaigne (Overture) Religion/Mythology@@Answer these questions about the Greek judges of the dead, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This king of Crete imprisoned Daedalus in the labyrinth and called for fourteen young Athenians for tribute to the Minotaur every nine years.;;Minos@@;;[10] This brother of Minos is supposed to judge the souls of Asians in the underworld.;;Rhadamanthus@@;;[10] The third judge was this man, ruler of the island of Aegina and father of Peleus.;;Aeacus Literature@@An elderly waiter finally decides not to give much credence to his conclusion that the world is nada. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this short story, largely set at a café with a drunk, deaf patron.;;(A) Clean, Well-Lighted Place@@;;[10] This author wrote "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place;" his other short stories include "The Killers" and several works featuring Nick Adams.;;(Ernest) Hemingway@@;;[10] In this Hemingway story, a boy prepares to nobly face death until he realizes that a temperature of one hundred is not as fatal in the Fahrenheit scale as it is in Celsius.;;(A) Day’s Wait Biology@@For 10 points each, answer some questions about DNA replication.@@;;[10] This enzyme catalyses the addition of base pairs to the 3-prime end of a growing DNA strand.;;DNA pol(ymerase)@@;;[10] Because DNA polymerase can only catalyze the growth of DNA strands from the 5-prime to the 3-prime direction, one of the two strands forms these short pieces, which are later joined together by ligase.;;Okazaki fragments@@;;[10] Replication in chloroplasts and mitochondria is given this name based on the structure found at the start site, which is defined as a region where double stranded DNA is separated, with a third strand between them.;;D-Loop|displacement loop Literature@@By the end of the twelfth century, this thirty-one-syllable form had overcome the choka as the dominant type of waka. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Japanese poetic genre.;;tanka@@;;[10] Hundreds of tanka are exchanged by Fujitsibo, Kitayama, and other characters in this work by Lady Murasaki Shikibu.;;(The) Tale of Genji|Genji Monogatari]@@;;[10] Otomo Yakamochi helped compile 4,500 waka, mostly tanka, into this work during the eight century.;;(The) (Collection of) Ten Thousand Leaves|(Collection of) Myriad Leaves|(Collection of) Myriad Ages|Man'yoshu World History@@For 10 points each, answer these questions about a general assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire.@@;;[10] This theological meeting lasted from January 28 to May 25, 1521 in a small town on the Rhine and promised safe passage to Martin Luther.;;(Edict|Diet){1}? of Worms|Reichstags zu Worms@@;;[10] This papal bull, with a name meaning "Arise, O Lord," was issued by Pope Leo X, demanding the Luther retract 41 of his 95 theses. When that didn't happen, the Diet of Worms did.;;Exsurge Domine@@;;[10] Luther had previously debated his ideas with this prolific seller of indulgences and inquisitor for Poland.;;(Johann) Tetzel Miscellaneous@@Mystery Science Theater 3000’s Satellite of Love takes its name from this album’s seventh track. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1973 album that opens with "Vicious".;;Transformer@@;;[10] Transformer was the second solo album by this former leader of the Velvet Underground.;;(Lou) Reed@@;;[10] This Transformer track invites you to take the title journey with cross-dressing Holly, gigolo Joe, and a chorus of "colored girls" singing "doo doo doo".;;Walk on the Wild Side Psychology@@His model of cognitive development has four stages. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Swiss child psychologist.;;(Jean) Piaget@@;;[10] This stage theoretically starts when a child is two years old, and ends when the child is six years old. It sees the development of language.;;preoperational (stage)@@;;[10] In the preoperational stage, this substage is characterized by the child understanding conservation.;;intuitive (stage) United States History@@For 10 points each, name these men who served as both Secretary of State and Secretary of War.@@;;[10] He served as Secretary of War for three years under James Madison, after which he was moved to State. In 1820, William Plummer was the only elector who didn’t vote for his re-election as president.;;(James) Monroe@@;;[10] He served in War under both Taft and FDR, where he supervised the Manhattan Projected. At State under Hoover, he cut funding to cryptography, because "gentlemen do not read each others’ mail".;;(Henry) Stimson@@;;[10] He reorganized the War Department under McKinely, and Roosevelt appointed him to succeed the late John Hay at State. He negotiated an agreement calming diplomatic relations with Japanese ambassador Takahira Kogoro.;;(Elihu) Root Noncomputational Math@@If this can be defined on a vector-space, that space is a Banach space. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this quantity that describes the length of a vector.;;norm@@;;[10] For a vector, this type of norm is the square root of the sum of the squares of each of the vector component’s complex modulus.;;(the) L2-(norm)|Euclidian (Norm)@@;;[10] An inequality named for this developer of a computer architecture says the norm of a polynomial of a matrix with norm one is less than or equal to the maximum modulus of that polynomial evaluated on the complex unit disk.;;(John) von Neumann'(s) (inequality) Literature@@It claimed that movements like New Criticism could not bring about its title effect, leaving behind the interpretative limits imposed by Tchaikovsky’s vice and van Gogh’s madness. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1967 essay.;;(The) Death of the Author@@;;[10] "The Death of the Author" is by this French structuralist of Mythologies and Writing Degree Zero, whose name kind of sounds like the German theologian who wrote Church Dogmatics.;;(Roland) Barthes@@;;[10] In Mythologies, Barthes wrote that "the great spectacle of Suffering, Defeat, and Justice" is best seen in this activity, a sport mythologically practiced by Cercyon and Antaeus.;;(all-in) (professional) wrestling Literature@@It proposes a method that will best foolish expedients like taxing absentees, promoting thrift, or buying locally-produced goods. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1730 essay, which hopes that the method discussed will incidentally reduce the Catholic population.;;(A) Modest Proposal (For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public)@@;;[10] This misanthropic author of Gulliver’s Travels and The Drapier's Letters wrote "A Modest Proposal".;;(Jonathan) Swift@@;;[10] Twenty-seven years earlier, Daniel Defoe made his own satiric modest proposal of killing all of the religious opposition in this pamphlet; most readers thought he was serious.;;(The) Shortest Way With Dissenters Art@@For 10 points each, answer these questions about art works with something in common.@@;;[10] This J.S. Copley painting shows a swimming youth about to get bitten by the titular animal off the coast of Havana.;;Watson and the Shark@@;;[10] This Winslow Homer painting, presumably set in a notable current, shows a shirtless black man in a sail-less dinghy, surrounded by sharks.;;(The) Gulf Stream@@;;[10] A mako shark is suspended in preservatives in this guy's The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.;;(Damien) Hirst Chemistry@@For 10 points each, answer the following about a class of molecules.@@;;[10] In this type of molecule, a nitrogen atom is doubled-bonded to a carbon, which is double-bonded to a terminal oxygen atom.;;(An) isocyanate@@;;[10] Di-isocyanates can be polymerized into polyurethane upon reaction with these simple functional groups defined by the presence of an –OH.;;hydroxyl|alcohol@@;;[10] The polyurethane polymerization reaction makes use of these molecules, which lower surface tension.;;surfactant(s) Miscellaneous@@It set up a submarine telegraph between England and France in 1851 to more quickly report the news. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this wire news service, founded by a German.;;Reuters@@;;[10] Paul Reuter initially used this method to transmit information across a wire gap between Brussels and Aachen.;;(homing) pigeon(s)@@;;[10] In 1872, Paul Reuter was given a concession of all of this country’s mineral wealth by the Qajar dynasty for sixty years, as well as banking rights, though the concession was soon revoked.;;Iran|Persia Music@@Its second act ends with a laughing chorus of conspirators who find that Amelia is meeting with her husband Count Anckarstrom, not Gustavo. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this opera that features the aria "Eri tu".;;(A) Masked Ball|(Un) ballo in maschera@@;;[10] A Masked Ball was composed by this frequent collaborator of Francesco Piave, who also wrote such operas as Rigoletto and Il Trovatore.;;(Giuseppe) Verdi@@;;[10] King Gustavo was a favored role of this very successful Italian tenor of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who performed its 1904 Italian debut at the Met.;;(Enrico) Caruso Physics@@It was originally created to show that the extension of a spring is proportional to the force pulling on it. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this law, first stated as F = -kx.;;Hooke'(s) (Law)@@;;[10] In the generalization of Hooke’s law, the spring constant becomes in part this quantity, usually represented by G or µ, which equals its type of stress over strain for a tangential deformation.;;shear modulus|rigidity@@;;[10] These types of doubly eponymous solids are generalizations of neo-Hookean solids, which were first introduced to deal with large deformations.;;Mooney-Rivlin (solids) Literature@@Dr. Pillsbury's attempts to cure the protagonist's insomnia result in him sleeping for 113 years. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1887 experimental novel, in which Julian West wakes up to the socialist utopia that is the United States in the year 2000.;;Looking Backward@@;;[10] This author of Dr. Heidenhoff's Process wrote Looking Backward.;;(Edward) Bellamy@@;;[10] Named for an important value in socialist political theory, and including the "parable of the water tank," this sequel to Looking Backward incorporates Bellamy's beliefs from the essay "The Religion of Solidarity".;;Equality Geography@@For 10 points each, name these rivers of Russia.@@;;[10] This major river of the European half of Russia flows east until it reaches Kazan, and then flows south emptying into the Caspian Sea.;;Volga@@;;[10] This river forms part of the boundary between China and Russia before emptying into the Sea of Okhotsk. The Chinese name means "River of the Black Dragon".;;Amur|Heilongjiang@@;;[10] This Siberian river flows north past Yakutsk before emptying into the Arctic Ocean.;;Lena Religion/Mythology@@For 10 points each, answer these questions about Buddhism in Tibet.@@;;[10] Tibetan Buddhists are currently headed by Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth man to hold this title.;;Dalai Lama@@;;[10] Most Tibetans practice this variant of Mahayana Buddhism that claims that certain meditative practices can allow a quickened path to becoming a bodhisattva.;;Vajrayana|Tantric (Buddhism)|Mantrayana@@;;[10] Tantric Buddhism largely subsumed and supplanted this local religion during the seventh century. In 1977, it was recognized as the fifth major school of Tibetan Buddhism.;;Bon Astronomy@@Answer the following about a certain substance for 10 points each:@@;;[10] In astrophysics, this is the matter that does not emit or reflect radiation, which makes up a bout a quarter of the universe.;;dark matter@@;;[10] This type of dark matter is non-baryonic and moves non-relativistically, and is part of the current concordance model of big bang cosmology.;;cold (dark matter)@@;;[10] This problem, arising from the cold dark matter theory, is related to the idea that large galaxies should be surrounded by hundreds of small galaxies, though observations show otherwise.;;(The) (missing) dwarf galaxy (problem) World History@@For 10 points each, name some Kings of England from the House of Wessex.@@;;[10] Crowned in 978 CE, this king earned his epithet for the ill-counseled moved of paying Danegeld to get rid of Danish invaders.;;Aethelred (the Unready|II|the Second){1}?;;Aethelred@@;;[10] This king, who ruled between 924 and 939 was the first to be acknowledged as sovereign over all of Britain when he defeated the Scots at Brunanburh in 937.;;Athelstan@@;;[10] This final king of the House of Wessex was killed at Hastings, possibly by getting an arrow through his eye. Sucks to be him.;;Harold (Godwinson|II|the Second){1}?;;Harold Literature@@The early deaths of Tom and Hanno help extinguish the title family. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this novel in which a merchant clan declines.;;Buddenbrooks@@;;[10] This author of the novellae The Black Swan and Death in Venice wrote Buddenbrooks, as well as The Magic Mountain.;;(Thomas) Mann@@;;[10] Subtitled "The Beloved Returns," this 1939 Mann novel is named for a character in The Sorrows of Young Werther and is in fact a fictionalized biography of Goethe.;;Lotte in Weimar Literature@@His name means "splay-foot," and his twenty-one surviving plays include Captivi and Amphitryo. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Roman playwrite of The Pot of Gold.;;(Titus) (Maccius) Plautus@@;;[10] This Plautus play about separated twins inspired Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors. The twins are reunited when Sosicles’ slave confuses his master’s brother for his master at the house of Erotium.;;Menaechmi|(The) Twin Menaechmuses|(The) Brothers Menaechmi@@;;[10] The title character of this Plautus play is a slave bent on helping his master’s son, Callidorus, find his love, Phoenicium, who has been sold to a Macedonian general.;;Pseudolus Biology@@Such forward-thinking groups as the NVIC and parents who think their daughters won't have sex have protested its use. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this vaccine recently approved by the FDA to administer to girls to protect against cervical cancer.;;Gardasil@@;;[10] Gardasil works by preventing infections with four strains of this highly communicable virus, which in addition to causing cervical cancer can cause fun stuff like genital warts and penile cancer.;;human papillomavirus|HPV@@;;[10] The E6 protein of HPV can inactivate this tumor suppressor, which keeps the cell cycle in check and initiates DNA repair. It is mutated in many human cancers, and inheriting only one copy leads to Li-Fraumeni syndrome.;;p53 World History@@Answer these questions about medieval Iberian history, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] In 1469, the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile were united by a marriage between Isabella and this man.;;Ferdinand (of Aragon)@@;;[10] The year 1492 saw the conquest of this Almoravid kingdom, which included the Alhambra palace.;;Granada@@;;[10] This last king of Granada came to power when his father, Muley Abul Hassan, was exiled, and was deposed when the kingdom dissolved.;;Boabdil|(Abu) (Abdullah) Muhammad XII Noncomputational Math@@For 10 points each, answer these questions about constructs in algebra.@@;;[10] These objects are comprised of a set and an associative operation that is closed on that set. They must also include an identity element and inverses for each other element.;;group(s)@@;;[10] These objects are comprised of a set and two binary operations, one of which forms an Abelian group on the set, and the other of which forms a semi-group.;;ring(s)@@;;[10] These objects are rings that posses an additive and multiplicative identity, and in which the product of two elements is the additive identify if and only if at least one of the two elements is the additive identity.;;integral domain(s) Philosophy@@Identify the following terms relating to the philosophy of Michel Foucault, for 10 points each:@@;;[10] In Discipline and Punish, Foucault discusses this concept, first proposed by Jeremy Bentham, which is a specially designed structure through which a guard can maintain constant supervision over a prisoner.;;panopticon@@;;[10] Borrowing from Nietzsche, this is the term for Foucault’s method of historical inquiry, which aims to explore previously neglected topics or strains of thought.;;genealogy@@;;[10] This title from the English version of Foucalt's book Folie et deraison is contrasted with "civilization," and explores a phenomenon once viewed as a religious experience but now socially shunned.;;madness Literature@@Oxbridge graduates Thomas Lodge, George Peele, Christopher Marlowe, and Thomas Nashe were among the writers of this group. For 10 points:@@;;[10] Name this group of six educated playwrights who were contemporaneous with Shakespeare.;;(The) University Wits@@;;[10] Another contemporary of the University Wits was this guy, who wrote about Annabella's incestuous relationship with Giovanni in 'Tis Pity She's a Whore.;;(John) Ford@@;;[10] In addition to writing a sequel to Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, called The Tamer Tamed, he collaborated with Shakespeare on Two Noble Kinsmen.;;(John) Fletcher Art@@Its work is currently being overseen by Mark Burry and Jordi Bonet i Armengol. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Catalan church planned to be completed in 2026 after its original architect worked on it for over 40 years, with 18 bottle-shaped spires and irregular fenestration that rise out of the Gothic facade.;;(Church of) (the) Sagrada Familia|(Temple Expiatori de) (la) Sagrada Fam(í|i){1}?lia@@;;[10] La Sagrada Familia was designed by this architect who also designed the extremely curvy apartment complex Casa Mila and created a park and a palace for his major patron, Eusebi Guell.;;(Antoni) Gaud(í|i){1}? (i) (Cornet)@@;;[10] Gaudí renovated this apartment complex with ideals similar to those of the Casa Mila, especially the avoidance of straight lines. Its facade is covered in broken mosaic tiles, and the roof is said to look like a dinosaur's back.;;Casa Batllo Literature@@Name these works of Chinese literature, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Also known as the Chronicle of the Stone, this work focuses on the Chia family. The titular event involves a goddess and the Twelve Beauties of Chinling.;;(The) Dream of the Red Chamber|(The) Dream of Red Mansions|Hunglou Meng@@;;[10] A Bertolt Brecht play was indirectly based off of this Yuan Dynasty play by Li Quianfu, and partially titled for it. It follows Judge Bao's attempt to determine the true mother of Ma Shoulang.;;(The) Chalk Circle|(The) Circle of Chalk| Huilanji@@;;[10] This sixteenth-century Xianzu Tang drama follows the love affair between Willow Dreaming Plum and Tu Liniang, despite the governor's suspicion that his daughters' grave has been robbed.;;Peony Pavilion|Mudan Ting United States History@@The Fifty-First Congress was often referred to as the Billion Dollar Congress. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] This law passed by the Billion Dollar Congress overrode the Bland-Allison Act. It stated that the United States Treasury would buy four and a half million ounces of bullion monthly.;;Sherman Silver Purchase (Act)@@;;[10] Republicans had voted in favor the Silver Purchase Act because Democrats promised that they would vote for this protective tariff. It raised tariff rates to the highest level in American history, at forty-eight percent.;;McKinley (Tariff);;Tariff of 1890@@;;[10] This President of the Senate at the time had earlier turned down the chance to be Garfield’s Vice President. This later governor of New York got his chance as the successful nominee under Benjamin Harrison.;;(Levi) (Parsons) Morton Miscellaneous@@For 10 points each, identify these baseball players named in the Mitchell Report.@@;;[10] This retired player had his name mentioned 105 times in the Mitchell Report, the most of any player. This Bash Brother and member of the 40/40 club kind of started the whole steroid thing with his book, Juiced.;;(Jose) Canseco (y Capas)(,) (J(unio)r(.) )@@;;[10] This left-handed pitcher and buddy of Roger Clemens, who played for the Yankees and Astros, recently admitted he used HGH while recovering from elbow surgery in 2002.;;(Andy) (Eugene) Pettite@@;;[10] This former catcher set the Mets’ single season homerun record when he hit forty-one dingers in 1996. According to the Mitchell report, this was the year after he was introduced to ‘roids.;;(Todd) (Randolph) Hundley Physics@@They can be summed in the Hamaker theory and are used by geckos. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name these generalized weak intermolecular forces, named for a Dutch guy, that include dipole-dipole and London dispersion interactions.;;van der Waals (forces)@@;;[10] These allotropes of carbon, which can be single- or multi-walled, can align and stick to each other through van der Waals forces to form "ropes".;;(carbon) nanotube(s)@@;;[10] Part of the van der Waals forces can be modeled with this expression for the interaction of two neutral molecules, which includes a repulsive term raised to the 12th power and an attractive term raised to the 6th power.;;Lennard-Jones potential World History@@Name these British Prime Ministers, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This small-eyed Conservative and rival of William Gladstone pushed to expand the franchise.;;(Benjamin) Disraeli@@;;[10] During this man’s term, Britain applied for membership in the European Economic Community, though the move was blocked by De Gaulle. His term as Prime Minister was brought to an end by the Profumo Affair.;;(Harold) MacMillan@@;;[10] His term saw the passage of key social reforms, including the National Insurance Act. He was also Prime Minister during the first two years of World War I.;;(Herbert) (Henry) Asquith Religion/Mythology@@In Tenoctitlan, a temple to this deity was right next to one dedicated to Tlaloc. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this deity, the Aztec god of war, who was often depicted as a hummingbird.;;Huitzilopochtli@@;;[10] A ball of feathers impregnated this goddess, the mother of Huitzilopochtli, whose name means "skirt of serpents". She has 400 other children including Xolotl and Quetzalcoatl.;;Coatlicue@@;;[10] This goddess, together with Centzonhuiznahuac, attacked Coatlicue, embarrassed at her pregnancy. According to legend, Huitzilopochtli sprung from his mother’s womb and decapitated her, making her head into the moon.;;Coyolxauhqui Music@@Name the following works by Benjamin Britten for 10 points each.@@;;[10] His Opus 34, subtitled "Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell," this didactic piece was dedicated "to the children of John and Jean Maud".;;(The) Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra@@;;[10] Based on texts by different poets, the most popular of this choral collection is "Abraham and Isaac". Originally published under different opus numbers, they also include "My Beloved is Mine" and "Journey of the Magi".;;(The) (Five|5) Canticles@@;;[10] This choral and orchestral work, commissioned for the reconsecration of Coventry Cathedral, used Wilfred Owen poems in addition to the traditional Latin texts expected from its title.;;War Requiem World History@@Answer the following about a momentous 1525 battle, for 10 points per answer.@@;;[10] Habsburg forces under Charles de Lannoy smashed a French army led by Francis I here. As a result of this battle, Francis was imprisoned by Charles V.;;(Battle of) Pavia@@;;[10] After Francis was captured, he was forced to sign this treaty, which ceded lands owned by France. After he was released, and with the blessing of the Pope, Francis reneged on the terms of this treaty.;;(Treaty of) Madrid@@;;[10] Pavia was an important battle in this series of wars named for a peninsula. Spain retained its influence over the namesake area as per the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis.;;Italian Wars Chemistry@@It assumes identical but distinguishable particles and that every state has equal probability. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this doubly eponymous distribution from classical mechanics that can be used to model the speed distribution of molecules of a gas at a given temperature.;;Maxwell-Boltzmann (distribution)@@;;[10] The root-mean-square of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution can be found with the help of this theorem, which says that at thermal equilibrium, each particle contributes an average energy of 3/2 kB times temperature.;;equipartition (theorem)@@;;[10] The equipartition theorem can also explain this doubly eponymous law of determining heat capacity, which for simple crystalline compounds was defined as 3 times the gas constant over the molar mass.;;Dulong-Petit Antrhopology@@For 10 points each, identify these British anthropologists.@@;;[10] This double-named guy published works on the Andaman Islanders and is credited with founding the theory of structural functionalism.;;(Alfred) (Reginald) Radcliffe-Brown@@;;[10] Early in his career, this other double-named person studied the Nuer of Africa. His most famous work, Theories of Primitive Religion, criticized traditional field methods in the anthropology of religion.;;(Edward) (Evans) Evans-Pritchard@@;;[10] He wrote books on Joseph Merrick, also known as the Elephant Man, and was the primary author of the United Nations’ Statement on Race. He was burdened with a non-hyphenated last name and spent years in therapy.;;(Ashley) Montagu Geography@@For 10 points each, identify these Pacific island nations.@@;;[10] The Vatu-i-ra Channel separates the northern and western divisions of this island group with a thirty-eight percent Indian population, while the eastern division is spread across the Koro Sea.;;Fiji@@;;[10] The largest island of this long archipelago in the South Pacific is Espiritu Santu, while the capital of Port Vila lies on Éfaté.;;Vanuatu@@;;[10] This large group of islands in the North Pacific contains the Yap, Chuuk, Kosrae, and Pohnpei divisions. Its name is often applied to the region of islands as a whole.;;(Federated) (States of) Micronesia Music@@Discussing the love between Dona Sol and the titular bandit, it was the inspiration for a Verdi opera. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this play, the first major work of a French author who also penned Hans of Iceland.;;Hernani@@;;[10] Hernani was written by this author of Et Nox Facta Est and Les Miserables.;;(Victor) Hugo@@;;[10] This character from Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame marries Fleur-de-Lys after being stabbed by Frollo for expressing his love for Esmerelda.;;(Captain) Phoebus (de Chateaupers) Art@@He married the artist Sophie Taeuber and co-authored Isms in Art with El Lissitzky. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Strasbourg native and creator of Squares Arranged According to the Laws of Chance, various "torn papers" and "crumpled papers," and oblong-shaped cutouts such as one called Mountain, Table, Anchors, Navel.;;(Jean|Hans) Arp@@;;[10] Jean Arp was one of the founders of this movement originally centered on Hugo Ball's Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich. It also included Hanna Hoch and Kurt Schwitters, and took its name from the French word for hobby horse.;;Dada@@;;[10] He was a member of Section d'Or before joining the Dadaists, where he published the journal 391and created mechanical themed works like Machine Turn Quickly, Universal Prostitution, and Amorous Procession.;;(Francis) Picabia World History@@For 10 points each, name these things from the end of the Peloponnesian War.@@;;[10] In 406 BCE, this battle found the Athenian navy victorious over the Spartan fleet. Athens successfully countered the attempted Spartan diekplous at this battle by having two lines of triremes instead one.;;(Battle of) Arginusae@@;;[10] This 405 BCE Spartan naval victory saw Vice-Admiral Lysander decisively defeat the Athenians under Konon in the Hellespont. The Athenians escaped from this battle with only nine of their one hundred eighty ships.;;(Battle of) Aegospotami@@;;[10] Sparta installed this cruel numerical body to govern in Athens in 404 BCE. It was overthrown by Thrasybulus in 403.;;Thirty Tyrants Biology@@Answer some questions about a model of gene regulation in bacteria for 10 points each.@@;;[10] These units consist of multiple genes with a common promoter and a namesake sequence that can be positively or negatively induced or repressed to affect transcription. A notable one regulates tryptophan production.;;operon(s)@@;;[10] This operon contains the genes Z, Y, and A, or beta-galactosidase, a permease, and a transacetylase, which are required for the catabolism of an eponymous sugar – a disaccharide of glucose and galactose.;;lac(tose) (operon)@@;;[10] This operon 's A, B and D genes are needed for the metabolism of an eponymous hexose into D-xylulose-5-phosphate. The regulatory C protein binds the hexose to activate transcription when the sugar is present.;;(L-)ara(binose) (operon) Miscellaneous@@Featuring characters like the antelope hunter Llewellyn Moss and the hitman Anton Chigurh, this novel was recently made into a movie directed by the Coen brothers. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this novel by Cormac McCarthy whose title comes from the first line of Yeats’s poem "Sailing to Byzantium".;;No Country for Old Men@@;;[10] The protagonist of this McCarthy novel is simply known as the "the kid". He encounters the villainous Judge Holden and the Glanton Gang, a group of outlaws who are hired to clear the borderlands of Indians.;;Blood Meridian@@;;[10] The title character of this novel, McCarthy’s debut, is Arthur Ownby, who tends the corpse of a stranger that one day appeared in his spray pit. That stranger turns out to be Kenneth Ratner, the father of John Wesley.;;(The) Orchard Keeper Religion/Mythology@@This religion combines the worship of traditional Yoruban gods and Catholic saints. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this religion, which partly originated in Cuba and practices the sacrifice of small animals.;;Santeria@@;;[10] These are beings that represent natural forces in Santeria, who take part actively in everyday life. They are considered to be "emanations" of the chief God of Santeria, Olodumare.;;orisha(s)@@;;[10] This orisha is the divine messenger of Olodumare and is also characterized as the "divine policeman" and "law enforcer" for those who don’t follow religious laws. For those who do follow these laws, he is a"divine guardian".;;(E)legba|Esu World History@@Answer the following questions about the history of the Chinese legalistic school, for 10 points each@@;;[10] This mid-fourth-century minister extolled the state as the source of an individual's primary loyalty, and was captured at a hotel because he lacked proper identification for admittance as required by his own law.;;Shang (Yang)@@;;[10] Though from the state of Wei, Shang Yang enacted his reforms in this neighboring state, where he served from 361 until his execution in 338. It was the namesake of a certain king who became Shi Hunag Di.;;Qin@@;;[10] Shang made a show of burning Confucian texts, an example followed by this minister of Qin who served under Qin Shi Huang Di. Like most legalistic formulars, he died violently, in his case by being publicly bisected.;;Li Si Noncomputational Math@@Identify the following about rigorous interpretations of integration in analysis for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This integral, usually taught in introductory calculus classes, is defined as the limit of its namesake upper and lower sums and bears the name of German mathematician.;;Riemann (integral)@@;;[10] This measure-theoretic integral approximates the area under a curve using a collection of characteristic functions. It exists for more functions than the Riemann integral.;;Lebesgue (integral)@@;;[10] In this type of integration, the product of a given function and a second function is integrated. If the second function is everywhere differentiable and bounded, it will equal the Riemann integral.;;(Riemann|Lebesgue)-Stieltjes (integral) Literature@@Name these authors of Arabic literature, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Before dying in 2006 at the age of "incredibly old," this Egyptian wrote Children of Gebelawi and The Cairo Trilogy.;;(Naguib) Mahfouz@@;;[10] This Moroccan explorer and scholar dictated an account of his travels across the Islamic World and into India and China to Ibn Juzzay. His name literally translates as "the son of the duckling".;;(Abu) (Abdullah) (Muhammad) Ibn Battuta@@;;[10] This blind intellectual and the "dean of Arabic literature" wrote The Future of Culture in Egypt, which recommended nationalization and independence. He also served as the Minister of Education.;;(Taha) Hussein Physics@@Answer the following about a thing to measure temperature for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This device consists of two different metals joined such that, upon the presence of a temperature gradient, they will produce a voltage.;;thermocouple@@;;[10] Thermocouples are governed by this effect named for a German guy who discovered that two different metals joined at different temps could deflect a compass needle.;;Seebeck (effect)@@;;[10] The Seebeck effect is sometimes merged with this effect, which described the generation of heat from passing a current through two distinct metals joined up like in a thermocouple.;;Peltier (effect) Psychology@@Remember these things involving memory in psychology, for 10 points each@@;;[10] In this dissociative disorder, a prolonged kind of amnesia, the loss of biographical memory combined with the sudden adoption of a new identity, often accompanied by move to a completely different location, occurs.;;(dissociative) fugue@@;;[10] Studied by Brown and Kulik, this is a highly detailed and vivid memory of an important even, such as where one was during JFK assassination. Studies suggest they are no more accurate then typical biographical memory.;;flashbulb (memory)@@;;[10] Part of working memory, this is the subsystem that produces inner speech and holds acoustic information for about two seconds.;;phonological (loop) Music@@It is one of the very few ensemble pieces from the work in which it appears. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this piece that begins in the prelude to Act III of its namesake opera as the characters begin to gather dead soldiers.;;Ride of the Valkyries|Walkürenritt@@;;[10] Name the composer of the "Ride of the Valkyries," which unsurprisingly appears in Die Walkure, part of his Ring Cycle.;;(Richard) Wagner@@;;[10] Wagner wrote this symphonic poem for his wife upon the birth of their son, and later used ideas from it when composing the third opera of the Ring Cycle.;;Sigried Idyll Geography@@Identify the following about a chain of islands in the Pacific, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This island nation with capital at Majuro lies east of the Federated States of Micronesia and consists of twenty-nine atolls and five coral islands.;;Marshall (Islands)@@;;[10] This group of islands in the Marshalls was subject to many nuclear tests, including the largest U.S. bomb ever tested, as part of Operation Castle.;;Bikini (Atoll)@@;;[10] This U.S. territory is also part of the Marshall Islands, and was formerly known as Halcyon Island. The atolls of Peale and Wilkes are also part of it, along with the namesake of the group.;;Wake (Island) Religion/Mythology@@Answer the following about the Mahabharata, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This son of Indra was taught archery by Dronacharya and helped lead his family to victory.;;Arjuna@@;;[10] This brother of Arjuna is known for his strength and mace-wielding skills. He also father the half-demon Ghatotkacha, who would assist him in fighting the Kauravas.;;Bhima@@;;[10] Along with Yudhisthira, Nakula, and Sahadeva, this group of five people was made up of Bhima and Arjuna and fought against the Kuravas.;;Pandava(s) (brothers) Chemistry@@It won its German formulator a Nobel Prize and has a noted Schlosser modification. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this reaction in which triphenyl phosphine is used to create an alkene from a carbonyl group.;;Wittig (reaction)@@;;[10] Triphenyl phosphine is an example of one of these compounds, defined by the presence of a positive and a negative charge on adjacent atoms but being overall neutral.;;ylide(s)@@;;[10] The Wittig reaction proceeds through this kind of intermediate, which like an ylide is neutral overall and has separate positive and negative charges, but the charges are non-adjacent.;;betaine Miscellaneous@@Name these video games that have something to do with philosophy, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] "Is a Man Not Entitled to the Sweat of His Own Brow"? asks this Objectivism-laden game, as the player moves through the underwater world of Andrew Ryan and faces the choice of saving or harvesting Little Sisters.;;BioShock@@;;[10] Featuring the standard alien invasion by the DomZ, this 2003 Ubisoft game stars a reporter who uncovers her government’s secret role in the invasion. It shares its title with a work by Nietzsche.;;Beyond Good and Evil@@;;[10] The developers for this Valve game featuring Aperture Science and a "neat gun" based the storyline on the philosophy that lots of people seem to like cake. Players will unfortunately find out that "the cake is a lie".;;Portal;;Orange Box Literature@@This was a "biography of a young man who was in no degree a hero, who regarded himself as a seeker after truth". For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Identify this novel about the life of a titular doctor who must fight between staying true to his research and wealth, and who in the end pursues his dream by joining Terry Wickett at his private laboratory.;;Arrowsmith@@;;[10] Arrowsmith is by this author of It Can't Happen Here and Babbit.;;(Sinclair) Lewis@@;;[10] This stern and unrelenting outsider was Martin Arrowsmith's medical school mentor, who remains unappreciated despite his discoveries and in the end becomes senile.;;Max (Gottlieb)|Gottlieb World History@@For 10 points each, name these European assassins.@@;;[10] This person bought a six-inch long kitchen knife at the Palais-Royal and then used it to stab Marat in his bathtub after being admitted to his presence. She was guillotined four days after Marat’s death in 1793.;;(Charlotte) Corday@@;;[10] He was the real-life assassin of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, in 1628 and is also a character in Alexandre Dumas’s The Three Musketeers.;;(John) Felton@@;;[10] In 1944, a suitcase bomb that he placed under a conference table killed four people but resulted in only minor injuries to Adolf Hitler.;;(Claus) (Schenk) (von) Stauffenberg Literature@@He set many of his novels in his birthplace of French Algeria. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this author of "The Myth of Sisyphus" and The Stranger.;;(Albert) Camus@@;;[10] This Camus book begins with thousands of rats dieing, the first signs of trouble to come. Dr. Rieux criticizes Father Paneloux for suggesting that all those who have died are sinful before himself dying of the titular cause.;;(The) Plague|(La) Peste]@@;;[10] This Camus play, set in nineteenth-century Russia, adapts a Dostoyevsky novel and follows Nicholas Stavrogin's affairs with women and eventual union with Verkhovensky's revolutionary group.;;(The) Possessed|(Les) Possedes World History@@He held the consulship five consecutive times. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Roman general who defeated the Teutones at Aquae Sextiae and led the campaign against Jugurtha before conquering Rome and killing a slew of political enemies in 86 BCE.;;(Gaius) Marius@@;;[10] Jugurtha was personally surrendered to this conservative general and longtime nemesis of Marius, who proved victorious in the civil war following Marius's death.;;(Lucius) (Cornelius) Sulla@@;;[10] One of Marius's political supporters was this consul who was cast out of the city for proposing to enfranchise all Italians, then joined in Marius's insurrection. His daughter was Cornelia, the wife of Julius Caesar.;;(Lucius) (Cornelius) Cinna Art@@Name these stolen paintings for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This Edvard Munch painting of a guy with his hands on his face has been stolen a whole bunch of times.;;(The) Scream |Skrik|(The) Cry@@;;[10] Formerly part of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, this only marine painting by Rembrandt depicts a rocking ship in the middle of a tempest.;;(Christ in) (the) Storm (on the) Sea of Galilee@@;;[10] While in the Palazzo Ducale, this work by Piero della Francesca shows three men standing in the left foreground, paying no attention to the titular action being performed in the background.;;(The) Flagellation (of Christ) Biology@@For 10 points each, name these parts of a tree.@@;;[10] Also known as sapwood, it comprises the youngest layers of wood, and its network of thick-walled cells brings water and nutrients up from the roots to leaves and other parts of the tree.;;xylem@@;;[10] It is this part of a tree that makes the trunk, branches, and roots grow larger in diameter. Its vascular type is found in the interior, while its cork type is found further out.;;cambium@@;;[10] In the roots, the procambium produces this cylindrical structure, just inside the endodermis, that contains the pericycle, as well as xylem and phloem.;;stele Literature@@Name these plays that concern the pursuit of vengeance, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] The title island-dwelling character, Barabas, poisons most of his enemies, and his own daughter, in this Christopher Marlowe play, after the governor confiscates his fortune. He dies after he falls into a cauldron.;;(The) Jew of Malta@@;;[10] This play, the second in The Oresteia, follows Orestes and Electra as they murder their mother and her lover to avenge their father’s murder.;;(The) Libation Bearers@@;;[10] This Friedrich Durenmatt play chronicles the return of Claire Zachanassian to her hometown of Gullen, where she promises to donate one million pounds if her childhood sweetheart and betrayer, Alfred Schill, is killed.;;(The) Visit World History@@He built Blenheim Palace to celebrate one of his victories, and his political career at the court of Anne proved less successful than his military campaigns. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this British general from the War of the Spanish Succession.;;(John) (Churchill)(,) (1st|First) (Duke) (of) Marlborough(,) (Marquess Of Blandford, Earl Of Marlborough, Baron Churchill Of Sandridge, Lord Churchill Of Eyemouth, Reichsfürst)|Churchill@@;;[10] In what some consider his greatest tactical triumph, Marlborough shifted his reserve cavalry from the right to the left to defeat Villeroi here and provoke the surrender of over a dozen fortresses in Flanders.;;Ramilles@@;;[10] Marlborough finally met his near equal at this September 1709 battle, when Marshall Villars failed to fall for his feints and he was forced to send out 24,000 casualties in the bloodiest modern European battle before Borodino.;;Malplaquet Philosophy@@This philosophical article, first published in 1951, is divided into four sections on analyticity and two sections on reductionism. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Analyticity and reductionism are thus the title concepts of what critique directed at a tenet of the logical positivist school?;;Two Dogmas of Empiricism@@;;[10] This author of From a Logical Point of View wrote "Two Dogmas of Empiricism".;;Willard van Orman Quine@@;;[10] This 1960 Quine work further developed the ideas in "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" and also introduced his "indeterminacy of translation" thesis.;;Word and Object Music@@Name these Jazz musicians for 10 points each.@@;;[10] He dropped out of Julliard to play trumpet, and his albums include Birth of the Cool and Kind of Blue.;;(Miles) Davis@@;;[10] This big band leader’s hits included "Jumping at the Woodside" and "One O’Clock Jump". He is also known for his "New Testament" group and got his "royal" nickname while playing with Bennie Moten.;;(William) (Count) Basie@@;;[10] This "King of Jazz" hired Gershwin to write Rhapsody in Blue for his eponymous orchestra in 1924. He often worked with Ferde Grofe and helped to kick-start Bing Crosby’s career.;;(Paul) Whiteman Literature@@Name these poets who commented on the toils of war, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Perhaps his most famous poem begins with the line "What passing-bells for those who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns". He is also known for "Dulce Et Decorem Est".;;(Wilfred) Owen@@;;[10] In "The Revolt of Islam," this Romantic poet of The Cenci and "The Mask of Anarchy" speaks of the "soldiers, our brethren and our friends" that he has slain.;;P(ercy) (Bysshe) Shelley;;Shelley@@;;[10] His most famous war poem is called "The Battle of Blenheim," the subject of which is a famous, but empty, victory. He also wrote A Tale of Paraguay and Thalaba the Destroyer.;;(Robert) Southey Astronomy@@Name these moons of our solar system for 10 points each.@@;;[10] The larger, and nearer, moon of Mars, it orbits Mars in less than the planet’s "day," thus appearing to move backwards across the sky.;;Phobos@@;;[10] This moon of Neptune is the coldest object in the Solar System, at -235 degrees Celsius. Its surface has melted and refrozen many times, forming a network of huge cracks.;;Triton@@;;[10] Valhalla is the largest of the craters that dot this Galilean moon, the second-largest of Jupiter.;;Callisto Religion/Mythology@@His mother asked all objects of the world not to harm her son, but she forgot the mistletoe. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Norse victim.;;Baldur@@;;[10] Baldur was thus accidentally killed by this blind brother of his.;;Hod(ur)@@;;[10] This son of Odin and Rind then killed Hodur, which appears to be his only function in Norse myth.;;Vali Literature@@Its title poem compares the namesake meteorological phenomenon to "the white creator of black" before asking a rabbi to explain the "diamond cabbala". For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1950 collection, which also includes "Things of August," "A Primitive Like an Orb," and "An Ordinary Evening in New Haven".;;(The) Auroras of Autumn@@;;[10] The Auroras of Autumn was written by this man, whose poems in other volumes include "Sunday Morning," "The Idea of Order at Key West," and "The Emperor of Ice Cream".;;(Wallace) Stevens@@;;[10] This poem from Stevens's Harmonium, titled for a Shakespearean character, asserts that "the self-same sounds/On my spirit make a music, too".;;Peter Quince at the Clavier Physics@@It can be natural or forced, the latter of which is governed by the Peclet number. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this process of heat transfer due to the motion of some fluid, as in hot air rising or a fan blowing over a heat source.;;convection@@;;[10] An important quantity in natural convection is this dimensionless number, the ratio of buoyancy to viscous forces, defined as the product of g, the thermal expansion coefficient, temperature gradient, and characteristic length cubed, all divided by kinematic viscosity squared.;;Grashof (number)@@;;[10] The Archimedes number determines whether convection is free or forced, and can be defined as the quotient of the Grashof number over the square of this number, which is the ratio of inertial to viscous forces.;;Reynolds (number) World History@@Founded by Hughes de Payens, they were given quarter in Jerusalem by Baldwin II. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this order that was started to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, known for their white mantles with red crosses.;;(Knights) Templar|Poor Knights of Christ and (of the) Temple of Solomon|Order of the Temple| Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici@@;;[10] The Knights Templar were arrested in 1307 at the behest of this French king, who was supposedly largely in debt to them. Known for his handsome appearance, he was succeeded by his son Louis X.;;Philip (IV|the Fourth|the Fair){1}?@@;;[10] Philip convinced this pope to outlaw the Templars. He is also known for moving the Papacy to Avignon, after serving his first four years in Poitiers.;;Clement (V|the Fifth){1}? Literature@@Beryl Muspratt refuses to visit the title estate of this novel because Julia Marchmain and Charles Ryder are living together there unmarried. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this novel about a painter who falls in love with the sister of his Catholic friend Sebastian.;;Brideshead Revisited@@;;[10] Brideshead Revisited was written by this author of Edmund Campion, The Loved One, and A Handful of Dust.;;(Evelyn) (Arthur) (St(.)|Saint) (John) Waugh@@;;[10] This Waugh novel takes place in the East African kingdom of Azania, where the Oxford-educated emperor Seth appoints his classmate Basil Seal to high office and the vapid author Prudence Courteney is eaten by cannibals.;;Black Mischief Miscellaneous@@Name some Swedish bands who aren't ABBA, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This group, which surprisingly still exists, albeit without former lead singer Linn Berggren, found its greatest success in the US with the 1993 album Happy Nation, featuring the songs "All That She Wants" and "The Sign".;;Ace of Base@@;;[10] After a self-titled debut, this indie trio released Falling Out in 2005 and Writer's Block in 2006, which features their song "Young Folks".;;Peter Bjorn and John@@;;[10] This alt-rock group of "Kick You Out" recorded 2005's Paper Tigers, but their most successful single, "Jerk it Out," is off their album 39 Minutes of Bliss and has been notably featured on an iPod commercial.;;(The) Caesars|Caesars Palace|Twelve Caesars Art@@It was commissioned by Edward Coates, who exchanged it for the artist's The Pathetic Song. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this painting of six naked men, in which two lie on a stone embankment, one stands on it, and one dives into some water, where the other two naked dudes and the artist's dog are found.;;(The) Swimming Hole@@;;[10] The Swimming Hole was painted by this Philadelphian, who also painted The Gross Clinic.;;(Thomas) Eakins@@;;[10] In this work, Eakins painted himself in another boat behind the title figure, who sits in a long, narrow boat on a serene river in front of a couple bridges.;;Max Schmitt in a Single Scull United States History@@A major point of its resolution was the removal of American weapons from Turkey. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1962 incident from the Cold War in which the Soviets placed a bunch of nuclear-armed long-range weapons in an island country south of Florida.;;Cuban Missile Crisis@@;;[10] This US Secretary of State initially wanted to call for a military strike during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He also served in that post under LBJ and was a prominent supporter of the Vietnam War.;;(Dean) Rusk@@;;[10] Upon the retreat of Soviet ships, Rusk made a famous quote about the other guy blinking to this man, the national security advisor for JFK and for LBJ for a while, before serving as president of the Ford foundation.;;(McGeorge) Bundy Literature@@Katherine Mansfield's version shows the Sheridans continuing with the title event despite the death of Scott. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Give this title, which also applies to a play in which Hugo Pludek advances his career at the Liquidation Office.;;(The) Garden Party@@;;[10] The play The Garden Party was written by this Czech author of The Memorandum and Largo Desolato, who later became the Czech Republic's president from 1989 to 2003.;;(V(á|a){1}?clav) Havel@@;;[10] Karel Krieble operates Puzuk, a computer which tests Eduard Huml for conformity, in this 1968 play by Havel.;;(The) Increased Difficulty of Concentration|Ztizena moznost soustredeni Music@@Name some Baroque composers for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This "Red Priest" composed two works called La Cetra for Charles VI as well as the suite The Four Seasons.;;(Antonio) Vivaldi@@;;[10] This prolific composer was kapellmeister of Hamburg for 47 years and wrote works like the opera Pimpione, the cantata collection Der harmonische Gottesdienst, and the collection Musique de Table.;;(Georg) (Philipp) Telemann@@;;[10] One of Telemann's early influences was this Italian violinist and composer best remembered today for his 12 Concerti Grossi, including the Christmas Concerto.;;(Arcangelo) Corelli Chemistry@@Name some nitrogenous compounds for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This compound, formula NH3, is found in numerous household cleaners and is the product of the Haber-Bosch process.;;ammonia@@;;[10] This anion, N3- [N 3 minus], can be used as a poison in biochemistry, and its sodium salt is typically used as the propellant in air bags.;;azide@@;;[10] This compound consists of a conjugated five-membered ring in which one carbon is replaced by a nitrogen. When fused with a benzene ring, it produces the compound that gives poop its odor, indole.;;pyrrole Philosophy@@He had a noted dispute with Pope John XXII about the issue of Franciscan poverty. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Doctor Invincibilis whose eponymous razor basically says that explanations should be as simple as possible and ignore any assumptions that don't really matter.;;(William) (of) Oc((k|c){1}?|c){1}?am [also spelled Occam]@@;;[10] Ockham opposed the impetus theory of motion espoused at the time by this guy, known for his eponymous "ass" that starves to death because it can't choose which of two equidistant bales of hay it should eat.;;(Jean) Buridan@@;;[10] Ockham wrote Expositions on this work of Porphyry, which was itself a commentary on Aristotle's Categories. It is often known by the Latin title of Boethius' translation of it, by which it became a standard logics textbook.;;Isagoge|Introduction (to Categories)|Introductio in Praedicamenta Religion/Mythology@@Answer the following about some rivers in mythological underworlds, for 10 points each.@@;;[10] Charon ferried souls across this river of the Greek underworld that separated Hades from the land of the living.;;Styx@@;;[10] Similar to the Styx, this Norse river surrounds Helheim after arising from the spring Hvergelmir. It also names the rock to which Fenrir was chained, and is very similar to the name of Heimdall's horn.;;Gj(ö|o(e)){1}?ll@@;;[10] In Aztec myth, everyone but fallen warriors and women who died during childbirth had to journey first to this lowest level of the underworld, guarded by a namesake river, with the help of Xolotl.;;Mictlan Noncomputational Math@@Answer the following about a type of algorithm for 10 points each.@@;;[10] This kind of algorithm recursively breaks down a problem into sub-instances of the same problem, solves them, and then combines the multiple solutions into a single solution of the original problem.;;divide and conquer@@;;[10] This eponymous divide and conquer algorithm was one of the first implemented, described in a 1960 paper. It multiplies two n-digit numbers in time complexity big O of n raised to the log base 2 of 3.;;Karatsuba'(s) (algorithm|method)@@;;[10] This sorting algorithm is an example of a divide and conquer algorithm. It breaks down a list into smaller parts, sorts them, and joins the smaller lists back together.;;merge (sort) Geography@@In May 2002, a bridge over it in Oklahoma collapsed after getting hit by a barge. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this river, which arises near Leadville, Colorado and flows east until it joins the Mississippi River in its namesake state.;;Arkansas (River)@@;;[10] This tall, narrow canyon near Cañon City, CO, was formed by the Arkansas River. It is spanned by a noted suspension bridge and is operated as a park by the city.;;Royal Gorge@@;;[10] This city on the Arkansas River, the "Air Capital of the World," is home to Newman University and Friends University, as well as a namesake state university that's smaller than other state schools in Manhattan and Lawrence.;;Wichita(,) (Kansas) World History@@He was elected by a zemsky sobor after the death of his brother-in-law. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this Tatar tsar of Russia, who took the throne after the death of Feodor I, the last Rurik tsar, and whose son Feodor II briefly reigned after his death.;;(Boris) Godunov@@;;[10] The election of Boris Godunov in 1598 marked the beginning of this turbulent time in Russian history, finally ended when Michael Romanov took power in 1613.;;Time of Troubles|Smutnoye Vremya@@;;[10] During the Time of Troubles, this former boyar initially supported the 1st False Dmitri, but then denounced him as an impostor and technically served as tsar from 1606 to 1610, before being ousted by Polish king Sigismund III.;;Vasily (IV|the First|Shuyski){1}? Biology@@They can be juxtamedullary or cortical based on their location within the organ they comprise. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Containing portions such as the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, name these basic functional units of the kidneys.;;nephron(s)@@;;[10] This structure in the middle of the nephron, with descending and ascending limbs, is responsible for establishing the countercurrent multiplier system needed for proper filtration.;;loop of Henle@@;;[10] This structure, next to the initial site of filtration within the nephron, controls renal blood flow and filtration rate and is responsible for synthesizing the hormone renin.;;juxtaglomerular apparatus World History@@Future President Porfirio Diaz was one of its heroes. For 10 points each:@@;;[10] Name this 1862 battle, following a Mexican defeat at Alcuzingo Pass, in which Mexico defeated the forces of Charles Latrille Laurencez, who tried to attack up the Cerro de Guadalupe.;;(The) (Battle of) Puebla@@;;[10] This Mexican President declared that the victory at Puebla should be remembered as Cinco de Mayo. He served in that post from 1861 to 1872 and was a major figure in resisting the French.;;(Benito) Juarez@@;;[10] This general commanded the Mexican forces at Puebla, but died of typhoid fever soon after.;;(Ignacio) Zaragoza (Seguin)