Physics;;In the Kerr effect, the induced birefringence is proportional to the square of this quantity. Unlike its counterpart, it is symmetric under time inversion and anti-symmetric under space inversion, and boundary conditions state that its normal component must be zero across an interface between materials. For a dipole configuration, this quantity falls off in the far regime as the inverse cube of the distance, and the path integral around a closed contour of this quantity is zero, while its curl is equal to the time derivative of the magnetic flux. Given as the gradient of a scalar potential, for ten points, identify this physical quantity whose divergence is the free charge density and whose inverse-square force is given by Coulomb's law.;;electric (field) European History;;This period saw the brief intervention of a Swedish force under De La Gardie, while one of the main participants in this period established his camp at Tushino and was recognized by his predecessor's widow. A first alliance organized by the patriarch Hermogen was quickly dispersed, but a second coalition led by Prince Pozharsky was eventually victorious when this period ended in 1612. In opposition to Swedish intervention, the Polish king Sigismund III invaded Moscow during this period, which is generally believed to have begun with the ascension of Vasil Shuyskiy in 1606 following the death of Boris Godunov. For ten points, identify this tempestuous period of Russian history which saw two uprisings led by False Dimitriys and ended with the election Michael Romanov.;;(the) Time of Troubles|Smutnoye Vremya British Literature;;In his autobiography The Summing Up, he referred to himself as standing "in the very first row of the second-raters". The story of a woman who elopes with a rubber planter from Malaysia was the basis for his play The Circle, and he wrote about the suicide of a second-rate pianist in his short story "The Alien Corn". More famous characters created by this man include the prostitue Sadie whose charms lead to the suicide of a reverend in the short story "Rain," and Rosie Driffield, who is tracked down by Ashenden at the end of his novel Cakes and Ale. Best remembered for such characters as Charles Stickland and Peter Carey, for ten points, identify this English author of The Razor's Edge, The Moon and Sixpence, and Of Human Bondage.;;(William) (Somerset) Maugham Mythology;;At one point he pretends to be a man named Bolwerk in order to obtain from Suttung's daughter the mead made from the blood of Kvassir. In another disguise, he embedds the blade Balmung in the tree Branstock, prophesying that only the mightiest of the Volsungs shall draw it forth. It is unknown what he whispered into the ear of his dead son as that son laid on the funeral pyre, onto which this god also dropped his ring Draupnir. He hung pierced with his own spear Gungnir for nine days in order to obtain the runes, and gave one eye for a drink from Mimir's well. Attended by his wolves, Geri and Freki, and his ravens, Hugin and Munin, for ten points, who is this son of Buri and the father of Thor and Baldur, the chief of the Norse gods?;;Odin|Othin|Wotan Art;;One of the men responsible for its construction had also designed the Church of the Invalides, whose plan was a Greek cross with four corner chapels based on Michaelangelo's plan for St. Peter's. The man who began its design only got as far as the Garden Front before dying, and the wings of this building include the Salons of War and Peace at either end. The War Salon includes a bust by Antoine Coysevox of the Salon's decorator, Charles LeBrun, and both of them, together with Jules Hardouin-Mansart, who took over after Le Vau, are responsible for various aspects of this building's most well-known room. For ten points, identify this building best known for its Galerie des Glaces, or Hall of Mirrors, built as a royal palace under Louis XIV on the outskirts of Paris.;;Versailles Sociology;;Early in this work, the author provides a chart demonstrating a cyclical recurrence of the titular phenomenon during the revolutions of 1848 and the Franco-Prussian war, among other periods. Robert Merton drew on a central idea of this work's author to develop his strain theory of deviance, and this work theorizes that the titular phenomenon springs in part from the fact that man's needs are mental, and therefore potentially infinite. It hypothesizes that rates of the title phenomenon may be under-reported in Catholic countries versus Protestant ones, and postulates that disconnection from society and the breakdown of social regulations results in fatalistic, egoistic, altruistic, and anomic forms of the title action. For ten points, identify this 1897 work of sociology by Emile Durkheim, whose title refers to the act of offing oneself.;;Suicide(:) (A) (Study) (in) (Sociology) Geography;;The name of this region comes from the purported resemblance of the Tehuelche people to a dog-headed monster from the romance Amadís of Gaul. South of Lake Nahuel Huapi, all the lakes of this region except two drain into the Pacific through canyons, while its oil fields around Comodoro Rivadavia contain most of its country's reserves of oil and natural gas. Its characteristic steppe-like plains become more irregular south of the Rio Negro, and it is bounded to the south by the Strait of Magellan, to the north by the Colorado River, and to the west by its namesake Andes. For ten points, identify this elevated plateau, a region that encompasses most of southern Argentina.;;Patagonia Economics;;First put forth as the concept of maximum ophelimity, it must satisfy the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and some of its restrictions are relaxed in the Kaldor-Hicks model.Amartya Sen's namesake paradox resulted from a criticism of this concept, which Sen put forth in a paper whose title referred to the impossibility of a liberal who subscribes to this idea. In a result known as the first welfare theorem, Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu showed that if a price system and an allocation is a competitive equilibrium, then the allocation has this property. For ten points, identify this situation, in which resource allocation can not be changed to make one party better off without making another party worse off.;;Pareto (Efficiency)|(Optimality) Art;;One famous exponent of this style also created an etching of the entombment of Christ, while another is responsible for a portrait of Eleanora of Toledo and her son. An architectural example was created by Bartolomeo Ammannati as a staircase for the Laurentian library, while a more famous example of a painting in this style depicts a man with a scroll at the base of a column in the lower right. Rosso Fiorentino and Jacopo Pontormo are both known for painting in this style, and paintings such as Christ Before Pilate and The Last Supper represent Tintoretto's contribution. Producing such works as Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, Madonna of the Long Neck, and The Burial of Count Orgaz, for ten points, identify this artistic style characterized by elongated forms and self-consciously artificial painting whose best-known practitioners were probably Parmigianino and El Greco.;;Mannerism Philosophy;;In the first part of this work, after asking himself, "what asphyxiates me"? the author answers his own question with "the smell of failure, of a soul that has gone stale". That section also includes an excerpt from Tertullian and focuses on the historical centrality of the "Rome vs. Israel" conflict, concluding that Israel has won. In this work, the author also refers to the Jews as a "priestly, rancorous nation par excellence," and claims that with "frightening consistency" they inverted the aristocratic values of pre-Christian peoples, acting as the chief proponents of the "slave morality". Focusing on the conflict between priestly and aristocratic versions of the title concepts, for ten points, identify this Friedrich Nietzsche work which traces the historical development of the title ideas.;;(The) Genealogy of Morals European Literature;;At the start of this work, a fisher boy and a herdsman sing variations on the Ranz de Vaches and are implored for help by Baumgarten, who with his axe had given the Seneschal's bath "a bloody benediction". The title character escapes from captivity during a storm in which his captor makes him a helmsman, and at the end, he refuses sanctuary to Duke John, who had killed the emperor. The Diet is revived in this play under the leaership of Walter Furst, and in a minor subplot, Ulrich is spurned by Bertha for his pereceived loyalty to Austria rather than his homeland. For ten points, identify this Friedrich von Schiller play in which the title marksman kills Gessler and inspires the Swiss people to independence, and which also features an apple being shot from Walter's head.;;William Tell|Willhelm Tell World History;;Events during the 20th century in this country's history included the Rif Rebellion, which ended with the resignation of Louis Lyautey and the exile of Abd al-Karim. Maraboutism, or Muslim saint worship, was increasingly opposed in this country in the early 19th century by Mawlay Sulayman of the Alawi dynasty. During the 16th century, this country was ruled by the Sa'di dynasty which included the ruler Abd Al-Malik, who was killed in the Battle of Three Kings. The Spanish exclave of Melilla in this country was seized by Franco's forces in 1936, and this country's independence came about as a result of the efforts of the Istiqlal Party. For ten points, identify this North African country whose cities include Tangiers, Fez, and the capital, Rabat.;;Morocco|Al-Maghrib|Al-Mamlakah al-Maghribiyah Biology;;One group of these organisms exists as individual strands called "slugs" which aggregate by reading a chemical signal. During the life cycle of that group, one variant of which is dictyostelium, these organisms pass through a sexual phase in which a pair of haploid amoebas fuse into a zygote. Another group undergoes both mitosis and meiosis; most of those organisms spend their life cycle as diploids and contain a feeding stage called a plasmodium. Existing in the plasmodial and cellular varieties, for ten points, identify these protists also known as myxomecetes that resemble true fungi and which famously provide food in the game Nethack.;;slime mold(s);;myxomecete(s) World Literature;;The man charged with performing the titular action of this work notes that "the tie of blood has strange power" and, before departing, another character tells the title character that "forethought you lack and need now for yourself". A sea nymph informes the title character that the one who ordered the titular action "has put down the mighty ones of old," while advice to humble oneself is given by Oceanus, who claims the title character lacks self-knowledge. The title character also addresses the daughter of Inachus, Io, prophesying that she will be freed from her curse and will give birth to a son named Epaphus and that he himself will be rescued by Herakles, who will kill the eagle that pecks at his liver. For ten points, identify this Aeschylus play about the imprisonment of a Titan who gave men fire.;;Prometheus Bound United States History;;One decisive element in this election was the campaigning of Kansas governor and Prohibition Party nominee John St. John, while the loser of this election had been previously investigated for his brokership of the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad. The main wing of the losing party paid for the Greenback campaign of Benjamin Butler, who himself had stood for the Democratic nomination, and the formation of a splinter party led by Carl Schurz and George Curtis was prompted by the nomination of the man also known as the "Plumed Knight". For ten points, Parson Burchard's eleventh-hour characterization of Democrats as the party of "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" was a pivotal moment in what presidential election, which saw James G. Blaine defeated by Grover Cleveland?;;(the) (presidential) (election) (of) 1884 Chemistry;;Paul Samuelson applied a variant of this statement to show that the elasticity of consumer demand is lower with rationing than without. Prigogine and Defay demonstrated that the moderation theorem for affinity was the most general formulation of this statement, and it can also be obtained by the application of Gauss' principle of least constraints. One consequence of this statement is the decreased solubility of a substance in the presence of a common ion, and its most famous application is probably the Haber process for ammonia production. For ten points, identify this general chemical principle which states that a chemical system disturbed from equilibrium shifts the equilibrium position to counteract the change, named for French scientist Henri.;;Le Chatelier('s) (principle) American Literature;;Early in this work, the title character is described as a "nautical Murat" and as "welkin-eyed," while the Master refers to him as a "peacemaker" and tells of an altercation between him and the Red Whiskers on the Rights-of-Man. The title character, a Bristol foundling, is informed by Dansker that "Jemmy Legs is down on" him, and although at the "Last Assizes" his plea would "largely extennuate," under the Mutiny Act he is convicted. The words "There is no hurry, my boy. Take your time". spur the title character to an act of violence against the master-at-arms, whom he kills for accusing him of treason, after which he is hanged by Captain Vere of the HMS Indomitable. For ten points, identify this novella about a foretopman who kills Claggart, written by Herman Melville.;;Billy Budd(,) (Foretopman) European History;;After marrying the half-sister of Alfonso X, this man returned home to wage war against Llywellyn ap Grufudd. His domestic troubles were compounded by the death of Margaret, the Maid of Norway, whom he had planned to marry to his son, and before assuming the throne he was a strong opponent of the Provisions of Oxford, though he supported the Provisions of Westminster, put forth by the tenants against the barons, and his work on the common law earned him the moniker "the English Justinian". His son was the first Prince of Wales, and this man's rule also saw the rebellion of noted Scotsmen William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Also known as Longshanks, for ten points, identify this son of Henry III, who ruled England from 1272 until 1307.;;Edward I|Edward Longshanks;;Edward Physics;;It was first discussed in the context of a gamma-ray microscope with a resolving power of the wavelength over the sine of the half-angle subtended by the lens. It is responsible for the stability of atoms, since it implies a minimum ground state energy that is consistent with this statement. The wave function that satisfies the lower bound given by this equation is a Gaussian wave packet, and it pairs time with energy, making possible the creation of virtual particles for short times. Obeyed by pairs of canonically conjugate variables, for ten points, identify this statement that complementary quantities can not be simultaneously measured to arbitrary precision named for its German formulator.;;(Heisenberg) Uncertainty (Principle) Psychology;;One of its main proponents performed an experiment in which chickens trained to peck a lighter or darker shade of paper would prefer similar gradations, a finding known as the law of transposition. That same man is famous for his primate experiments epmhasizing "insight learning," while another proponent, Kurt Lewin, applied this idea to aesthetics and economic behavior in his studies of group dynamics. Its most famous result is commonly known as the law of pragnanz, which states that the brain integrates stimuli into as good a whole as possible, and it got its start with Max Wertheimer's study of perceived motion known as the phi phenomenon. For ten points, identify this school of psychology, whose adherents also included Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka.;;gestalt (psychology)|(school) European History;;His early successes included the negotiation of the Convention of Gastein, the violation of which led to a conflict that concluded with his negotiation of the Treaty of Nikolsburg. Early in his most famous position, he relied on Article 99 to bypass his country's legislature, and before assuming that role, he wrote his so-called Booklet, in which he advocated the kleindeutsch solution. He condoned Adalbert Falk's bills which limited the influence of the Catholic Church during the so-called Kulturkampf and negotiated the first and second Dreikaiserbund, but his ban on socialist parties was not renewed in 1890, and he resigned following the ascension of Wilhelm II. For ten points, identify this man who orchestrated the Ems dispatch, the foreign and prime minister of Prussia and chancellor of a united Germany under Willhelm I.;;(Otto) (Eduard) (Leopold,) (Furst) (von) Bismarck(,) (Graf) (von) (Bismarck-Schonhausen,) (Herzog) (von) (Lauenburg) European Literature;;Its last section, Epigraph for a Banned Book, beseeches the reader to "lay aside this disobliging work... unless you've graduated from the school of Satan," and tell the reader to "pity me... if not, to Hell with you!" Its second section contains two poems about encounters with beggars entitled "The Seven Old Men" and "The Little Old Women," both dedicated to Victor Hugo, and the section itself is entitled Parisian Scenes. A "Consecration" telling of a the poet's entry into "this indifferent world" begins its most famous section, Spleen and Ideal, but it's the last section, containing lyrics like "Fountain of Blood" and "Metamorphoses of the Vampire," that share its name with this work. For ten points, identify this poetry collection, the most famous work of Charles Baudelaire.;;(Le) Fleurs du mal|(The) Flowers of Evil Sociology;;This work's introduction includes two lemmas, in the first of which the author concludes that humanity is indefinitely variable and therefore cannot be used as a gauge for moral truth. In a chapter on the rights of women, the author asserts that "equity knows no difference in sex," while this work's third section is primarily concerned with questions of regulation, religious establishment, and the "right to ignore the state". Noting that "a function to each organ and each organ to its own function is the law of all organization," chapter 22 outlines the limits of state-duty, while chapter 25 protests the recently passed Poor Laws. Notably cited by Oliver Wendell Holmes in Lochner v. New York, the Fourteenth Amendment does not enact, for ten points, what most famous political work of Herbert Spencer?;;Social Statics Sociology;;Symptoms of the deficiency of its dehydrogenase may be remedied by the administration of thiamine. This molecule may be formed from serine by serine dehydratase "de HY dra tase" or from the transamination of alanine. It is converted to its activated phosphorylated form through an oxaloacetate intermediate in gluconeogenesis; in the energetically favorable reverse of that reaction, the second step of ATP generation results in the formation of this molecule in a catabolic pathway. FTP identify this three-carbon molecule that may be anaerobically converted to ethanol or lactate at the end of glycolysis.;;pyruvic acid|pyruvate|2-oxopropanoic acid|2-oxopropanoate Music;;Its first act sees a man working on a painting entitled "The Passage of the Red Sea," which prompts the duet "questo mar rosso" between two men, one of whom decides to sacrifice his manuscript to the stove. The landlord Benoit is ejected from the room for womanizing, and upon the entrance of the main female character, the main male character sings, "how cold is your hand". A sideplot concerns the relationship of Musetta and Marcel, who at one point call each other "viper," and "toad" while the main couple sings "farewell sweet love". In the end, Musetta brings news that Rudolph's lover is dying of tuberculosis, and Mimi sings "Ah! do you remember"? before dying. For ten points, identify this opera by Giacomo Puccini, set in the Latin Quarter of Paris.;;(La) Boheme United States History;;One of the groups involved in this event was transporting goods to Grand Isle, and this event itself took place at Navy Isle, with one side led by Allan MacNab. It prompted an exchange of letters between John Forsyth and Henry Fox, and resulted in a body being exhibited in front of the Eagle Tavern. In response to this event, the Rochester Democrat called for revenge "not by simpering diplomacy but by blood," and eventually a Canadian named MacLeod was arrested in connection with this event, though he was acquitted. Stemming from the death of Amos Durfee and the sinking of the titular vessel, for ten points, identify this 1837 incident during the Van Buren administration that increased U.S.-British tension on the eve of the Aroostook War.;;Caroline (affair) American Literature;;At the beginning of scene 7, the lights go out because one of the characters in this play forgot to pay the bill, which prompts the telling of a joke about where Moses was when the lights went out. It opens with a character claiming to be the opposite of a stage magician, and closes with a monolgue in which that same character says, "I didn't go to the moon, I went much further... I left Saint Louis". This play's original script called for a screen which during the course of the play displays such titles as "This is my sister: celebrate her with strings!" as well as the image of blue roses. Jim O'Connor informs Laura the he's going to marry a girl named Betty at the end of, for ten points, what 1945 play about Laura, Amanda, and Tom Wingfield written by Tennessee Williams?;;(The) Glass Menagerie Philosophy;;Tim Williamson wrote about this concept and its limits, and claimed in that book that this concept can not be operationalized. Alvin Plantinga has argued that something called "warrant" is necessary for this condition to obtain in his book Warrant and Proper Function, while Roderick Chisholm wrote about the theory of this concept and advocated an internalist position, rejecting reliabilism. Edmund Gettier challenged the definition put forth by A. J. Ayer in a book entitled The Problem of this concept, in which Ayer defined it as a justified true belief. For ten points, identify this philosophical concept, the study of which is known as epistemology.;;knowledge Art;;Like an early basilica, this building posesses a longitudinal axis but the nave's central feature is a square compartment. Attached to its two half-domes are semicircular niches with open arcades, similar to those at San Vitale, and the walls under the central dome are not load-bearing, as the dome is supported by pendentives, the first known use of this technique on a monumental scale. This building's plan and the buttressing of its main piers resembles the Basilica of Constantine, a ruler much admired by the emperor who ordered its construction. Designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, for ten points, identify this Byzantine Church constructed under Justinian, which had four minarets added to it after the Turks took Constantinople.;;Hagia Sophia|Santa Sofia|Church of the Holy Wisdom|Ayasofya World History;;He temporarily mollified one of his chief rivals, Decimus Clodius Albinus, by making him a junior emperor, and defeated another riveal, Gaius Pescennius Niger, governor of Syria. Four years after becoming emperor, in part by claiming descent from Nerva, he repelled a Parthian invasion and annexed Mesopotamia, while he was advised on legal matters by the jurists Ulpian amd Papinian. Declaring himself the avenger of Pertinax, he turned on Marcus Didius Julianus, and only Marcus Opellius Macrinus, in 217 C.E., interrupted the rule of his dynasty before 235. For ten points, identify this Roman emperor who upon his death in 211 was succeeded by his son Caracalla.;;(Lucius) Septimius Severus (Pertinax) European Literature;;Macaulay called him "the first critic in Europe," as demonstrated by such works of criticism as Letters Relating to Recent Literature. He modeled one of his best known tragic plays, which featured such characters as Waitwell and Mellefont, after George Lillo's play George Barnwell, while another of his plays features the character Tellheim, who was based on his friend Ewald von Kleist. More famously, he is the author of a play in which a Templar loves the Jewish girl Recha and whose title character, modeled after Moses Mendelssohn, tells Saladin the parable of the three rings. For ten points, identify this 18th century German dramatist, known for such works as Miss Sara Sampson, Minna von Barnhelm, and Nathan the Wise.;;(Gotthold) (Ephraim) Lessing Chemistry;;Intramolecular reactions of this type lead to rings, usually with five or six members, and are known as the Dieckmann variety. One example of a reaction of this type is that of ketones with aryl aldehydes, and is known by the name of Schmidt and another man, who also gives his name to a different reaction of this type. That reaction differs from the others in that it can only be catalyzed by an alkoxide base, and applies to esters, while another type of this reaction is typified by the reaction of enolate ions with carbonyl compounds, followed by dehydration. Existing in Claisen and aldol varieties, among others, for ten points, identify this inverse of the hydrolysis reaction, in which molecules become covalently bonded through the elimination of a molecule such as water.;;condensation (reactions) World History;;Evidence for the first succession that took place during this dynasty is found in a eulogy inscribed on a pillar in Allahabad. This dynasty's third ruler took a name meaning "Sun of Valor," and a record of the kingdom under that ruler is provided by the Chinese monk Fa-hsien. It collapse began during the reign of Kumara and later Skanda, when this dynasty, whose territory was divided into provinces called bhukti, encountered the Huns in the early 5th century C.E., and successor kingdoms to this dynasty include Valabhi, Gujarata, and Bengal. Encompassing the major northern part of the subcontinent at the height of its power, for ten points, identify this Indian dynasty whose founder was Chandra I.;;Gupta (dynasty) World History;;This man's mother, Periboia, was one of the seven women freed by Theseus after he slew the Minotaur, and his half-brother was the son of Hessione. According to some legends, he was invulnerable in all places save his armpit, the result of either a prayer by Herakles or having Herakles wrap him in his lion-skin. Named after the eagle, he was the titular character of a Sohpocles play, and exchanged gifts with Hector following his stalemate against him. Capable of hurling huge rocks and posessed of a tower shield to cover his half-brother Teucer, he feuded with Odysseus over the armor of Achilles and, driven mad by Athena, killed himself. For ten points, identify this hero of the Trojan war, the son of Telamon and ruler of Salamis.;;(Greater) Ajax|Aias|Telamonian (Ajax)|Ajax (of) (Salamis) World History;;At one point in this work, the poet "forgets himself and calls thee friend, who are my lord". In another section, the poet berates the foold who would "carry thyself upon thy own shoulders" and the beggar who begs at his own door, encouraging them to "leave all thy burdens on his hands who can bear all". First published in 1912 with an introduction by Yeats, who claimed that to read one line of this work was to "forget all the troubles of the world," and it ends in a "salutation to thee, my God," to "let all my senses spread out and touch this world... like a flock of homesick cranes". For ten points, identify this most famous work by the winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in literature, a collection of "song offerings" in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore.;;Gitanjali;;Song Offerings Sociology;;In 1909, this psychiatrist wrote that her work was in part inspired by Jean Itard, who had done important work with the "wild boy of Aveyron" one hundred years earlier. Ki Hadjar Dewantoro combined this psychiatrist's work with the literature of Rabindranath Tagore to create his Taman Siswa, or "Garden of Students" system. After her work with the retarded children at the Orthophrenic School, she turned her attention to slum children, opening her first "Children's House" in 1907. The first woman to graduate in medicine from the University of Rome, for ten points, identify this Italian educator, whose namesake education method for small children focuses on individual initiative and self-direction.;;(Maria) Montessori Religion;;Ibn Ata Allah's Hikam, or Maxims, is probably Sufism's closest parallel to this work, which begins with 20 annotations explaining this work's purpose. One of its sections considers what is necessary to "make an election," noting that some things like priesthood and marriage are unchangeable. This work provides 14 rules for "perceiving and knowing in some manner the different movements which are caused in the soul," and it consists of a month-long program divided into four "weeks" or stages, of which the final is "confirmata transformare". Famously proclaiming that its author is ready to believe that what seems white to him is black if the Church proclaims it, for ten points, identify this collection of prayers and meditations written by Saint Ignatius of Loyola.;;Spiritual Exercises Mythology;;While being pursued by Poseidon, this goddess turned into a mare and mingled with the herd of King Onkios, but Poseidon found her anyway and she bore him a daughter and the steed Arion. In her wrathful incarnation, known as Erinys, she wore the Gorgon Medusa's visage around her neck, and by a Cretan named Jason she was the mother of the child called Ploutos, or wealth. During her wanderings, she was taken in by King Celeus, whose son Demophon she failed to make immortal, but more famously, she walked the earth for nine days with two burning torches until Helios revealed to her that Hades had taken her daughter. An earth goddess who taught mankind farming through Triptolemus, for ten points, identify this daughter of Cronus and Rhea and the mother of Persephone.;;Demeter Chemistry;;An arbitrary convention used when dealing with these is named after M.A. Rosanoff, who worked with their namesake. Some alternatives to them include the Reeves and Mills constructions, the latter of which is useful when there are multiple rings. A so-called modified version of them is often used and features a long bond to the oxygen bridge, or one can simply use a Haworth representation. Useful for classifying molecules as having an R or S configuration, FTP, name this projection often used to represent the stereochemistry of sugars, named for noted organic chemist Emil.;;Fischer (Projections) British Literature;;Originaly published under the title "Italy," this work is a companion piece to a poem known as "France" or "Count Gismond". The speaker tells of an "earnest glance" of the titular subject and that not only her husband's presence called "that spot" into her cheeks. Noting that the titular woman had "a heart too soon made glad," the speaker also tells of the insult to him of ranking "my gift of a nine-hundred year old name with anybody's gift," and in the end says that he "gave commands, then all smiles stopped together, there she stands. As if alive". Ending with the speaker pointing out a statue of Neptune by Claus of Innsbruck and beginning with a description of the title woman's painting by Fra Pandolf, for ten points, identfiy this poem by Robert Browning about Duke's wife.;;My Last Duchess Geography;;The main settelements on this body of water are located near Echo and Sawmill bays on the east, where one can find the Port Radium mining area, and Fort Franklin on the west coast. The Acasta people were the first to live on its shores, and upon its first discovery by European traders, Athabascan tribes such as the Dogrib and the Hare lived in its vicinity. Noted for its speckled trout, this lake is in the Fort Smith southern Inuvik regions of the Northwest Territories, where it straddles the Arctic circle. Drained to the west by the namesake river into the Mackenzie River, for ten points, identify this fourth-largest lake in North America and the largest lake entirely in Canada.;;Great Bear (Lake) American Literature;;This man's conflict with the author of True at First Light is the subject of Stephen Koch's recent book, The Breaking Point. He created such characters as Billy Waldron and Ruth Prynne, as well as the labor agitator Anna Cohen, in a book whose series of vignettes describe the hectic life of the titular location, and he is als othe author of a 1921 novel about John Anderson, Crisfield, and Dan Fuseli. He chronicled his disillusionment with liberalism, the labor movement, and the New Deal in his District of Columbia trilogy, but he is better known for another trilogy inspired by the Sacco and Vanzetti trial in which he depicts the "two nations" of the titular country. For ten points, identify this American writer of such works as Three Soldiers, Manhattan Transfer, and the U.S.A. trilogy.;;(John) (Roderigo) Dos Passos World Literature;;In one of this man's works, the salute to a Brazilian boat summons the title vampiric creature, which the protagonist attempts to kill by burning down his house, but kills himself after failing to do so. In addition to Le Horla, this man also created the character Jeanne de Lamare in his novel Une Vie, as well as the journalist Georges Duroy. Luis Bunuel adopted this man's novel about infidelity and the struggle between two brothers, Pierre and Jean, but he is better known for his short stories, including one about a fat prostitute stopped at the German border entitled Ball of Fat. Also known for the novel Bel-Ami, for ten points, identify this French author, best remembered today for his story of Mathilde Loisel and a misplaced piece of fake jewelry, The Necklace.;;(Guy) (de) Maupassant European History;;The losing side in this battle had drawn up behind the Nebel river, with its left wing positioned on hilly terrain bounded by the town of Lutzingen, while on the winning side, the Prince of Holstein-Beck was killed tryint to take Oberglau. The attacks of Lord John Cutts forced Tallard to commit more defences to the town from which this battle takes its name, and a cavalry charge finally split the forces of Tallard and Marsin, resulting in the withdrawal of Marsin and Maximillian II, elector of Bavaria. Giving its name to palace designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor and John Vanbrugh, for ten points, identify this August 13, 1704 victory in the War of the Spanish succession over Franco-Bavarian forces by Austrian and English troops led by the Duke of Marlborough and Eugene of Savoy.;;(Battle) (of) Blenheim Biology;;It was Science magazine's "Molecule of the Year" in 1993. Located on chromosome 17, it was discovered by Arnold Levine, David Lane, and Lloyd Old in 1979, and upon activation, it starts a chain that ends with the inhibition of cdk2 activity. The N-terminal domain serves as a DNA binding site, while the C-terminal domain allows it to form tetramers with itself, increasing its effectiveness. It activates the transcription of many proteins related to cell cycle progression, DNA repair, and apoptosis, and is itself activated by DNA damage. FTP, give the name of this tumor suppressor protein that is mutated in over 50% of all cancers, dubbed the "Guardian Angel of the Genome".;;p53 Music;;Its first section contains the repeated refrain "dark is life; dark is death," as well as the description of an ape of "wild and ghostly form" crouching on graves. In the fifth movement, entitled "The Drunkard in Spring," the singer sings that "it seems to me like a dream," and "I fill my glass anew," while this work's third section is called "Of Youth".Authors whose works served as the inspiration for this musical piece include Chang Tsi and Li Po, whose poetry, taken from the collection The Chinese Flute is the source for four of the movements. Unnumbered due to the composer's fear that he would succumb to the curse of the nine symphonies, for ten points, identify this song cycle composed in 1907 by Gustav Mahler.;;(The) Song of the Earth|(Das) Lied von der Erde United States History;;The missionary plaintiff in this case was initially released when he claimed that he operated under federal authority as the postmaster of New Echota, but was relieved of his duties and rearrested. That plaintiff argued that the actions of a state government violated Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, an argument which found favor with six of seven justices, who held that the territory in question was a "distinct community" in which the laws of the state held no force. Famous for Andrew Jackson's alleged proclamation, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it," for ten points, identify this 1832 Supreme Court case which prohibited the interference with Cherokee sovereignty by a Southern state.;;Worcester (v.) (Georgia) Geography;;The theory of these phenomena was proposed in 1963 by J. Tuzo Wilson, who proposed that since they are fixed,they could be used to measure the direction and speed of the movement of tectonic plates. A 2002 paper by a team from the USGS concluded that the one underneath Yellowstone was caused convectional processes in the upper mantle as well as local lithospheric seismic activity, rather than deep-mantle processes as previously thought. Believed to result from mantle convection rather than penetration of magma plumes through the crust and into the ocean as originally thought, for ten points, identify these warm locations which acts as records of significant seismic activity.;;hotspot(s) Music;;One of this man's last compositions was a string trio entitle A Survivor from Warsaw, and he depicted the soul's progression towards God in the composition Die Jakobsleiter. Hints of his most famous creation can be found in the last movement of his String Quartet number 2, although the first composition to fully employ it was his Piano Suite, Opus 25, and his only symphonic poem for large ochestra was Peleas and Melisande. 1913 saw the first performance of his Gurrelieder, which had brought him to the attention of Richard Strauss, and other famous compositions by this man include a poem about a puppet vexed by the moon, Pierrot Lunaire. The teacher of Alban Berg and Anton Webern, and the creator of Spechstime and Moses and Aaron, for ten points, identify this expressionist composer best known for his innovation of the atonal 12-note scale.;;(Arnold) (Franz) (Walter) Schonberg Physics;;The Q-factor free-core variety of this effect is useful in measuring the viscosity of the core-mantle boundary, and the primary measurments of that effect are made by the Very Large Baseline Interferometer. The series expansion of this effect for Earth was standardized by Seidelmann in 1982. The frequency of this effect is proportional to the angular momentum and inversely proportional to the moment of inertia, and it is obtainable from the second-order expansion of the time dependence of the polar angle. Caused on earth by the time-variation of tidal forces and expressed in such motions as the Chandler wobble, for ten points, identify this bobbing motion executed by a precessing rigid body.;;nutation Mythology;;In Chilean mythology, this is the form of Trauco, who had the power to impregnate women with a single look, and in Egyptian myth, it was the form of Bes, who had the power to scare off evil spirits. In Hindu myth, the king of the Yakshas and brother of Ravana, Kubera, was one of these, while Hygieia was accompanied by one name Telesforos and in L'Morte d'Arthur, one of these brings Gareth news of the approach of the lady Liones. Four of them were placed under the four corners of the sky by the killers of Ymir, and Freya slept with four of them to obtain Brisingamen. Including Alvis, who wanted to marry Thor's daughter Thrud, and Andvarri, who posessed the Rheingold, for ten points, identify these beings, of which famous Norse examples are Brokk and Sindri, and who were diminutive in stature.;;dwarf|dwarves Geography;;It rises in the Sayan Mountains, while its "little" namesake begins in the Darhadin Bowl. The largest tributaries of its upper and middle sections are the Abakan and Khemchik rivers, while much of its basin is circumscribed by the Hangayn, Hentiyn, and Putorana mountains of Tuva. First explored by the so-called "Great Northern Expedition" led by Vitus Bering, the Selenga River flows through Lake Baikal and into this river's Angara tributary, and its valley broadens as it passes Krasnoyarsk. Taking its name from the Greek for "great river," for ten points, identify this sixth-largest river in the world in terms of discharge, which flows north across Siberia and empties into the Kara Sea.;;Yenisey (River) World History;;One period known by this name saw the battles of Maling and Guiling, and was described in the work Chan Kuo ts'e, whose title referred to the intrigues of this period. Another period of history known by this name featured extensive fighting between monasteries and began with the conclusion of the Onin war. It preceded the Spring and Autumn period in one nation, lasting from 475 to 221 B.C.E. in China and this name is also given to a period lasting from the middle 15th to the early 17th centuries in Japan, where it was known as sengoku. For ten points, identify these historical periods whose shared name suggests sovereign entities in conflict.;;Warring States (period) Computer Science;;This is the only data structure or type that exists in the Oroogu language created by Georg Kraml. In declarative languages, one of its most common operations require big-O of n time instead of big-O of 1, because that operation requires the rebuilding of the entire list. Associative arrays may be used to implement one variety of these structures, but heaps are generally more efficient in implementing the priority type. Containing operations which allow adding to the tail and removing from the head, for ten points, identify this abstract data structure which unlike a stack is based on the principle of first-in-first-out.;;queue European Literature;;A series of ones that were also described as "amorous" were collected in The Enchantments of Love by Maria de Zayas and included ones focusing on "Just Desserts" and "The Miser's Reward". In the preface to another collection of them, the author claims that the preface itself is one of these, as are the three works in this collection: Dos Madres, El Marques de Lumbria, and Nada Menos que Todo un Hombre. In addition to that work by Miguel de Unamuno, the most famous collection of these includes the story of "The Little Gypsy Girl" and the "Illustrious Scullery Maid" and was published in 1613 by Miguel de Cervantes. For ten points, identify this novelistic genre pioneered by Cervantes, in which each novel is intended to serve as a moral lesson.;;exemplary novel(s)|novelas ejemplares United States History;;Much of the planning for this even was due to Jo Ann Robinson, and the original test might have come from Claudette Colvin, but she turned out to be pregnant and E.D. Nixon needed "somebody he could win with". One method employed for the duration of this event was the outfitting of "rolling churches," station wagons purchased by religious organizations. The City Commission failed to end this event by negotiating with three non-MIA ministers, and its end came one year after it began when the Supreme Court upheld a 2-1 district court ruling. Officially beginning on December 1st, 1955 with the arrest of Rosa Parks, for ten points, identify this peaceful opposition to segregated public transit, orchestrated in an Alabama city by Martin Luther King Jr.;;Montgomery (bus) (boycott) Economics;;William Domhoff wrote about this concept "and the State" in a 1990 work, as well as about the diversity of this concept in 1998. In the book which is titled by this concept, the author devotes a chapter to the discussion of the "higher immorality" and its acceptance in mass society, and compares two debates on the Greco-Turkish question about one hundred years apart, concluding that "in liberal rhetoric, vagueness, and in conservative mood, irrationality, are raised to principle". More famously, this work's chapter on "the higher circles" puts forth its main thesis. Dividing the titular concept into its political, military, and economic divisions, for ten points, identify this work which posits a ruling class with a common world-view, the most famous book of C. Wright Mills.;;(The) Power Elite World Literature;;In this work, the taking of leaves from the main character's banana plant prompts that character to fire a gun at his second wife, and he also administers a beating to a woman who went to braid her hair instead of preparing food. As a youth, this novel's main character defeated the Cat in a wrestling contest, and vowed to be the opposite of his lazy father Unoka. Mr. Brown's illness results in his replacement in Umuofia by Reverend James Smith, whose strictness results in the burning of the mission there by the egwugwu, and in the end, this novel's main character hangs himself after killing a messenger from the District Commissioner. For ten points, identify this novel containing such characters as Ikemefune and Okonkwo, the most famous work of Chinua Achebe.;;Things Fall Apart Religion;;One of these, also known as the one "of the masses," contains a distinction between the "white" magic of Atharvan and the "black" magic of Angirgas. That work, claimed that its three companions were limited, and two of those companions concern themselves with the various aspects of the sacrificial system. The oldest of the works in this collection has its nucleus in the mantras seen by the progenitors of six noble families, and its ninth book contains hymns to soma. Unlike the other texts known by this name, that work's mythology includes gods like Agni, as well as non-Aryan deities like Rudra and heroic gods such as Indra. Including the Atharva, the Sama, and the Yajur Samhitas, for ten points, identify this collection of Hindu religious texts, of which the most famous is the Rig.;;Veda(s) European History;;One group of this name was organized by Juan de Padilla, leader of the rebellion of the comuneros in Toledo, and was disbanded after defeat tat Villalar. One of the members of a better-known group of this name won an important battle at Guinegate, also known as the Battle of the Spurs, and two year prior it defeated French forces at the battle of Novarra. Switzerland joined this alliance in 1510, and lost at the battle of Marignano in 1515, while another alliance with this name won its most important victory under the command of Don John of Austria. Comprising Julius II, Ferdinand of Spain, and Venice, as well as Henry VIII of England, for ten points, identify this alliance sponsored by the papacy, not to be confused with an alliance which triumphed in 1571 at Lepanto.;;Holy League Biology;;An October 2006 article in Nature shows that this type of cell is capable of phagocytosis in primitive vertebrates, hinting at its evolutionary origins. They are notable for the VDJ recombination, where they rearrange their own DNA as they mature in order to produce widely varying immunoglobulins on their surface. They can be divided into two types; the "Plasma" type creates antibodies, while the "Memory" type is long-lived and forms a new generation of plasma cells in response to an infection previously encountered. For ten points, name this type of lymphocyte that matures in the Bursa of Fabricius in birds, but in the bone marrow of mammals.;;B cell(s) European Literature;;When asked in the beginning of Act II, "How d'ye fell now as a man of money"? one of the title characters responds, "It's a responsibility... a great responsibility". When invited to have a cup of tea, Mrs. Tancred tells the story of Mrs. Manning, who lost her Free State soldier son, and speaks of Manning and herself as "two... old women, standing one on each side of a scale of sorrow". Mary, having borne Charles Bentham's daughter, rejects the love of Jerry Devine, and as Mrs. Boyle and Mary exit, the other title character arrives with Joxer and proclaims, in closing, that the "whole world is in a terrible state of chaos". For ten point, identify this play by Sean O'Casey, whose titular characters are Mrs. Boyle and her strutting husband.;;Juno and the Paycock Chemistry;;Rapid cooling of one of these substances results in a lamellar structure of alternating layers, and the ratios required to create one of these can be deduced from its namesake point on a binary phase diagram. Cadmium and bismuth form one at a ration of about 2 to 3, and examples in geochemistry include the olivine-pyroxene system. Sodium forms one of these with all the other alkali metals, and a common example of one of these is the lead-tin alloy used in soldering. For ten points, identify this type of mixture in which substances are dissolved in one another in liquid form, such that the mixture liquefies at the lowest temperature.;;eutectic Art;;In El Greco's version of this event, a collonade extends deep into the painting and puti swirl above on of the participants who leans on a lectern on the left. It is also depicted on the central panel of Robert Campin's Merode Altarpiece, while Renaissance depictions include that Fra Angelico for San Marco, in which a black line connects the collonades under which the event take place. Dante Gabriel Rosetti painted a depiction of this event entitled Ecce Ancilla Domine, in which one of the participants, with flaming feet, hands a flower to the other, who sits on her bed, and this event is also depicted, together with the Visitation, on the west portal of Reims cathedral. For ten points, identify this event in which Mary is informed by Gabriel that she will bear the son of God.;;(the) Annunciation Economics;;In 1997, Sherwin Rosen refuted the idea that the Irish potato famine represented the classical example of this economic phenomenon, while a 2002 paper by Jensen and Miller at the Kennedy School of Government proposes that rice fulfills this function in south China. In order to fulfill this role, the product in question must represent a large percentage of the buyer's income and be sufficiently inferior to overcome the income and substitution effect. First introduced by Alfred Marshall in his Principles of Economics with the example of increasing bread prices, for ten points, identify this eponymous type of good for which a rise in its price increases rather than decreases demand.;;Giffen (good) American Literature;;Among this publication's possessions is a 1937 letter from Madame Chang Kai-shek, requesting a change of address to Shanghai. The first magazine to publish a Hemingway short story, Fifty Grand, its subscriptions rose greatly in 1869, following its publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's article on Lord Byron, which Stowe intended to "arrest Byron's influence upon the young". William Dean Howells served as its editor from 1871 to 1881, in which capacity he promoted writers like Henry James and Mark Twain. Founded by Moses Phillips and Francis Underwood, and initially edited by James Russell Lowell, for ten points, identify this formerly literary journal, named for an ocean and the frequency of its publication.;;(the) Atlantic (Monthly) Geography;;Its king was known as a wanax, and information about its early period was provided by excavations at Circles A and B. Its architecture is sometimes known as Cyclopean, and is characterized by the use of the rectangular megaron type of private building. The middle period of its history is known as the Tholos-Tomb Dynasty period, a name derived from its beehive tombs. Located, according to Homer, "in a nook of Argos," and supposedly founded by Perseus, this city's notable architecture included the Lion Gate, constructed during the late Helladic period of around 1400 to 1200 B.C.E. For ten points, identify this early Greek city whose people spoke Linear B and which, in addition to Troy, was excavated by Heinrich Schliemann.;;Mycenae Philosophy;;The last of them contains a section accusing a certain group of having their "interests sold at every favorable opportunity" and of partaking of "idleness and ease... while other persons get the reward". The second of these reminds those addressed that their target holds them in higher honor than the Messenians or the Argives. The first of them begins by reminding the listeners of their triumph over the Lacadaemonians at the battle of Naxos, while the third and most famous notes that Athens is at war with the speech's target because that man had violated the Peace of Philocrates. The model for Cicero's orations against Marc Antony, for ten points, identify this series of four speeches given by Demosthenes against a certain Macedonian king.;;Phillippics World Literature;;The title character's downfall occurs at the end of this work when a mountain is deposited on top of him, resulting in his having to wait 500 years to be freed. That character's favorite weapon is an iron bar that can expand or shrink on command, and the attempt to destroy him in a furnace results in his obtaining crystal eyes with X-ray vision. Accompanied by a pig transmigrated from a general who assaulted a heavenly being and the man who freed him, the monk Xuanzang, the alternately titular endeavor requires 14 years to complete, and results in the retrieval of Buddhist scriptures from India for return to China. For ten points, identify this comic novel by Wu Cheng-en, frequently known by the name of its primate protagonist, Sun Wukong.;;(Record) (of) (a) Journey to the West|Monkey|Xi You Ji Philosophy;;He divided science into two categories, physics and dialectics, and proposed that a "mechanism be judged by its fruits" in his work entitled Reason and Science. He discounted the idea of rationalising the life of Jesus in The Idea of Christ in the Gospels and cautioned against taking the superiority of aesthetic experience to be the explanation of aesthetics in The Sense of Beauty. In his most famous work, this man noted the compatibility of its two title subjects, and declared that his materialism was not metaphysical. Most famous for his system of philosophy outlined in Scepticism and Animal Faith, for ten points identify this Harvard philosopher of Spanish extraction whose best known dictum is that "those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it".;;(Jorge) (GeorgeAgustin) (Nicolas) (Ruiz) (de) Santayana Biology;;A nested version of this process employs successive primer runs, while another variant of this process is known as "asymmetric," which can also be modified to the linear-after-the-exponential form. One famous thermostable molecule used in this process lacks the 3-prime to 5-prime activity, resulting in an error rate of about 1 in 10,000. Using a fluorescent dye like SYBR cyber green in the reaction mixture can make it quantitative and real-time, with the appropriate detection apparatus. DMSO can be used for G-C rich templates to pry them apart more easily, while reverse transcriptase can be used instead of Taq for RNA templates. FTP, name this common molecular biology procedure, created by Kary Mullis and used to amplify a strand of nucleic acid.;;P(olymerase) C(hain) R(eaction) American Literature;;He longs to get revenge on Dalton Ames, and in the end of the novel in which he most famously appears, his neice, named after him, steals his brother's money and escapes the family home. He accuses Herbert Head of cheating at cards, and in 1909, he tells the story of Thomas Sutpen to his Harvard roommate Shreve. The son of Jason III and Caroline, on June 28, 1910, he drowns himself in the river, overcome by guilt at his incestuous feelings towards his sister Caddy. For ten points, identify this brother of Jason, Benjy, and Caddy, a member of the Compson family whose story is partially told in The Sound and the Fury.;;Quentin (Compson);;Compson Psychology;;It was the subject of the Augusta Project begun by Mansell Pattison in 1980, and an early version of it was observed in the 1860s and dubbed Da Costa's syndrome. Imaging studies on people suffering from it found an 8 percent decrease in hippocampal volume relative to controls, and it is unique in the DSM as being the only disorder that focuses not on personality features but on external circumstances. It is suspected that some of the "hysterical" woman treated by Joseph Breuer and Sigmund Freud might have been suffering from it due to sexual abuse. Most famously brought to national attention with returning Vietnam veterans, for ten points, identify this psychological anxiety disorder which may develop in response to extreme threats to a person's safety.;;post-traumatic stress (disorder)|PTSD Chemistry;;Some minor reactions of this type include the Bouveault-Blanc Reaction and the Luche Reaction, which utilizes cerium chloride. Another reaction of this type is the Fukuyama Reaction, which is a useful alternative to the similar Rosenmund Reaction. The Birch Reaction of this type will result in 1,4 cyclo-hexadienes. More famous examples of these reactions use hydrazine in basic conditions and zinc in acidic conditions to achieve their result. These are the Wolff-Kishner and Clemmensen reactions. FTP, name this type of reaction which adds hydrogen and removes double bonds, the opposite of oxidation.;;reduction British Literature;;The familial spurning of a poor suitor, who is initially interested in Arabella, in favor of the wealthy Solmes sets in motion this novel's plot, and in a communication to the title character, Anna Howe tells her that "I am fitter for this world than you; you for the next than me". After raping the title character, Lovelace writes, "And now, Belford, I can go no farther. The affair is over," and following the title character's death, Lovelace is killed in a duel by her cousin, Colonel Morden. Subtitled The History of a Young Lady, for ten points, identify this lengthy epistolary novel, the most famous work of Samuel Richardson.;;Clarissa (or) (the) (History) (of) (a) (Young) (Lady) Art;;For some time, this work was believed to be complementary to the Apollo Belvedere, and a replica of this statue is located outside the Archeological Museum in Odessa. One of the individuals depicted in this sculptural work lends his name to a Gotthold Lessing work subtitled An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry. Found in Rome in 1506, this Hellenistic work's subject matter was also depicted by El Greco on a hillside with three naked men observing the tragedy from the right. Originally created by Agesander, Athenodorus, and Polydorus of Rhodes, for ten points, identify this sculpture group which depicts a Trojan priest and his sons strangled by serpents.;;Laocoon (group) World History;;One ruler of these people conquered Dalmatia from the Venetian republic in the early 11th century, while another, Andrew II, was forced to promulgate a Golden Bull granting privileges to the nobility. Party to the Peace of Nagyvarad and pushed westward by the Pechenegs in the 10th century, these initially nomadic peoples were led by Arpad, who founded a dynasty of which the greatest ruler was probably St. Steven. Otto the Great defeated them at Lechfeld in 955, and they attempted to establish their own state following the passage of the March Laws of 1848 at the urgings of patriots like Lajos Kossuth. For ten points, identify these people, the natives of modern-day Hungary.;;Magyar(s)|Hungarian(s) (before) (Hungary) (is) (mentioned) United States History;;Its fifth section provided for representation by no fewer than two and no more than seven members, while a complex process for conflict resolution involving the selection of arbitrators by lots was described in the ninth section. During recesses, executive power was vested in a committee of nine states, and states were also authorized to appoint all officers under the rank of colonel if the militia were raised. The Annapolis Convention, which grew out of questions of navigation rights on the Potomac, was the last serious movement to revise this document, which lacked the enforcement provisions of its successor. Samuel Huntington was the first "president" under, for ten points, what first constitution of the United States?;;Articles of the Confederation (and) (Perpetual) (Union) Physics;;Enrico Fermi attempted to construct an early model of it, but failed because it was not renormalizable, and its coupling constant is sometimes called by his name. Yang and Lee hypothesized that it might violate parity symmetry, a result that was experimentally confirmed by C.S. Wu in 1957, while a 1983 discovery at CERN confirmed that it was mediated by the heavy charged W and neutral Z gauge bosons. Most famously unified with the electromagnetic force by Weinberg, Glashow, and Salaam, for ten points, identify this nuclear force which regulates beta decay and is not as strong as the strong nuclear force.;;weak (force) Art;;A pupil of Gian Giorgio Trissino, this man got his start working in monuments and decorative sculpture under Michele Sanmicheli of Verona. His first palazzo, designed for Giovanni Civena, was followed by such constructions as the Palazzo Thiene and the Palazzo Iseppo Porto, a reconstruction of a Roman house. This man's late period includes work in Venice like the facades for San Francesco dela Vigna San Giorgio Maggiore, and his theories are expressed in his Four Books on Architecture. Best known for a symmetric building topped with a dome on the outskirts of Vicenza, for ten points, identify this Renaissance architect whose most famous building is the Villa Rotunda and whose nickname comes from Pallas Athena.;;(Andrea) (di) (Pietro) Della Gondola|(Andrea) Palladio World History;;They divided themselves into six tribes, one of which was known as the Magi, and the first mention of these people dates from the reign of Shalmaneser III. Zoroaster first introduced his reforms among these people, and Herodotus wrote of a "Scythian Interregnum" in this people's history, but around 625 B.C.E., these people revolted under Cyaxares and overthrew the Scythians, establishing a kingdom that allied itself with Babylon and lasted until around 550 B.C.E. Supposedly founded by Deioces and having its capital at Ecbatana, for ten points, identify these peoples of ancient Iran whose last king, Astyages, was overthrown by Cyrus II the Great of Persia.;;Medes|Median (Kingdom)|Media Physics;;Placing two of these elements in parallel with opposite polarity in the inverting feedback loop of an op-ampt provides a mechanism for trimming the corners from a square wave. One variety of this device is often used in precision voltage references due to its well-defined breakdown voltage upon reverse biasing, while the Esaki variety operates on the principle of quantum tunneling and the Gunn type is used in high-frequency oscillators. Consisting of a single PN-junction and existing in such varieties as Schottky and Zener, for ten points, identify this circuit element which allows the passage of current in one direction, but not the other, and which also exist in light-emitting varities.;;diode Geography;;Its eastern limit is roughly considered to be the connecting pass between the Konar and Gilgit rivers, while its central section contains a high concentration of summits, a phenomenon known as Gipfelflur or "summit plain". Other passes through this chain include the Karambar and the Shebar, which separates the regions of Badakshan and Nurestan in one of the countries on whose border it sits. Its highest peak is Mount Tirich Mir, and it divides the valley of the Amu Darya to the north from the Indus River valley to the south. With the Dorah Pass through this range connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan, for ten points, identify this great mountain system of Central Asia.;;Hindu(-)Kush (range) Sociology;;Her early influences at the New School for social research included Elsie Clews Parsons and Alexander Goldenweiser, and in 1940, she published a book dedicated to the refutation of racism, Race: Science and Politics. In addition to publishing poetry under the pseudonym Ann Singleton, her research in Native American mythology produced her dissertation, The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America, while a study of death rituals based on the works of Reo Fortune and Franz Boas led her to classify the Pueblo as Apollonian and the Plains Indians as Dinoysian in her masterwork, Patterns of Culture. For ten points, identify this American sociologist whose comission from the Office of War Information culminated in her study of Japanese culture, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.;;(Ruth) Benedict Philosophy;;Its last section is devoted to the "Doctrine of Method," and in that section, the author treats a "discipline, a canon, an architectonic, and... a history," of the titular concept. Its penultimate section explores the antinomy of the titular subject, while the first chapter focuses on the transcendental exposition of space and time. Noting in the introduction that "all attempts to extend our knowledge of objects by establishing something in regard to them a priori" have ended in failure, this philosophical texts purports to apply the methods of Copernicus to metaphysics. Famously outlining the categories of perception and putting forth the claim that we cannot directly perceive the noumena, for ten points, identify this 1781 work, the first of three major critiques of Immanuel Kant.;;Critique of Pure Reason|Kritik der reinen Vernunft World History;;One ruler of this name agreed to twenty-five articles known as the Bohemian Confession, which modified the earlier Peace of Kutná Hora, and he was succeeded by his son Rudolf II. Another ruler of this name was defeated at the Battle of Dornach and forced by the Treaty of Basel to recognize Swiss confederate independence. Yet another ruler of this name saw his death on the Hill of the Bells, years after he commissioned the construction of the white castle Miramare in Trieste and married the daughter of Belgian king Leopold I. FTP, give this name of this brother of Franz Josef, who was executed under orders of Benito Juarez after being proclaimed emperor of Mexico.;;Maximilian British Literature;;Late in this work, the author asks if burning Etna will forget to thunder and recall her fires at the demand of a sage. In the Design section that opens this work, the author introduces a recurring theme by promising that he will steer "betwixt the extremes of doctrines seemingly opposite". It was notably attacked by Swiss theologian Jean-Pierre de Crousaz and it was encouraged by Lord Bolingbroke, whose name appears in its address. Its main text discusses the titular concept with respect to the universe and with respect to happiness, which is the last of its four epistles. FTP, name this deist work which talks of vindicating the ways of God, one of two big essays by Alexander Pope, the other of which is "on Criticism".;;(An) Essay on Man Physics;;When this simpler relation is applied to three phenomena, including the single-electron tunneling effect, it has been suggested as a means of closing the quantum metrological triangle. It was verified by George Chrystal and a similar relation was devised by Henry Cavendish, years before its originator's concept of contiguous particles. Its thermodynamic equivalent equates heat flow to the thermal conductivity times the difference in absolute temperature, and no device is known to satisfy it beyond any limit. Stating that the potential difference across an ideal conductor is proportional to the current through it, or that I equals V over R, FTP, name this simple law of electrical resistance.;;Ohm('s) (Law) European Literature;;One work of classical music on this theme features the "Dance of the Antillean Maidens," which is accompanied by maracas and tambourines. Other versions feature the arias "O Quante Volte" and "Ah, je veux vivre". One take on it features a scene at the fair where a suspicious woman from Seldwyla is encountered, after which the "Walk to the Paradise Garden" is played, and the Dark Fiddler appears several times. That work sees central characters named Manz, Marti, Vrenchen, and Sali. Prokofiev, Gounod, and Bellini composed it, but it was uniquely set in a "village" by Frederick Delius. FTP, name this famous story originally written by Shakespeare about two star-crossed lovers.;;Romeo (and) Juliet World History;;One ruler of this period was Queen Tausret, who ruled with the support of the official Bay and succeeded Saptah. At the end of it, Smendes seized power in the north at Tanis and generals like Herihor and Piankh gained control. The first ruler of it was known as the "son of the moon-god Iah" and erected the Tempest Stele and Donation Stele. Other rulers included Merenptah and Ahmose, who founded it after he won at Avaris over the Hyksos, who dominated the previous period, which ended with the 17th Dynasty. Occurring after the Second Intermediate Period, FTP, name this organized time of Egyptian history, a kingdom which isn't the Old or Middle Kingdom.;;New Kingdom;;19th (dynasty) American Literature;;In one of this author's short stories, an immature errand boy Sidney has an awkward sexual experience with a beautiful actress Skelly while her husband watches. That story, "World Full of Great Cities," joins stories like "Lot's Wife" and "The Sound of Asthma" in a recently published collection, which begins with "I Don't Love You Anymore". Author of the posthumously published Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man, his fiction includes Picture This and Good as Gold, a 1979 satire. He remains most famous, though, for a book which features characters like Doc Daneeka, Clevinger, Cathcart, and Yossarian. FTP, name this American author of Catch-22.;;(Joseph) Heller Biology;;Some major drugs used to treat this disease are isoniazid or INH and rifampicin or RMP. It will infect the Ghon focus or Ranke complex, and can be diagnosed through the use of a Pirquet Test or Mantoux Test. Named by Johann Schonlein, a vaccine to combat it was designed by Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin. Its symptoms include Pott's Disease in the spine and scrofula, and it may be known as Prosecutor's Wart. FTP, name this disease caused by the genus mycobacterium which can also be called consumption or TB.;;tuberculosis;;consumption|TB Psychology;;As an experiment, this man supposedly hired a gardener after discovering that he had lied about just being released from prison. Early on, he published a clinical study of organ function, but a more characteristic work details the sufferings of a young woman, The Case of Miss R. He introduced the titular construct in The Science of Living, and some of his disciples included Harold McAbee, Don Dinkmeyer, and Rudolf Dreikurs, as well as Rowena and Heinz Ansbacher who edited many of his works. The author of What Life Should Mean to You and The Neurotic Constitution, FTP, name this early Viennese psychologist who promoted the theory of "individual psychology".;;(Alfred) Adler Philosophy;;This philosophical stance is paired with "Sensationalism" and "Agnosticism" as "the most striking results of philosophy" in a work which says that it may have no foundation better than the supposition that a chimera lives in the moon. Australian philosopher David Stove labels this idea "A Victorian Horror Story" in two parts of his 1991 work The Plato Cult. In 1800, Friedrich von Schelling formulated a system of the transcendental type of this. Maybe most famously, a philosopher used the imagery of gestures made by his right and left hand in attempting a "Refutation" of this, that being a 1903 work by G.E. Moore. FTP, name this philosophical -ism which can assert that there is no direct knowledge of external objects, and is most logically contrasted with realism.;;ideal(ism) United States History;;This man's namesake museum contains his collection of over 250 gavels and a winning poker hand that was supposedly presented to him on his 95th birthday. He ran for county judge against Ettie Rheiner in 1895, and then later married her and had a son named Tully. For a time, the so-called "Board of Education" was known as his "Dog House" because of his ability to forcibly persuade fellow Congressmen. This one-time judge in Uvalde derided what he called "prayer meetings," which caused men like Harold Ickes to claim that he was a traitor to the president. Nicknamed Cactus Jack, FTP, named this man who was replaced by Henry Wallace as the vice president to FDR.;;(John) (Nance) Garner World Literature;;One character in this work loses an eating contest to a woman called the Elephant, and another takes a black lover with the name Nigromanta. Foreign characters include Gaston, who returns to Belgium late in the novel to start an airmail company, and Pietro Crespi, an Italian musician who commits suicide after failing to marry the orphan Rebeca. A figure known as the Wandering Jew is found in the streets during a heat wave, and Meme's lover Mauricio Babilonia is shot by her guard. Melquíades is a gypsy whose prophecies are finally decoded by Aureliano II, revealing the foretold history of Macondo. FTP, name this novel about the Buendía family and the titular time period, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.;;One Hundred Years of Solitude|Cien anos de solidad Earth Science;;Discovered by Pierre Berthier, it can exist in four different types of deposits known as blanket, pocket, interlayered, and detrital. The affliction known as Shaver's Disease often goes by the name of this, a material which may contain diaspore, bohmite, or gibbsite. The only major detrital deposits of it were notably discovered in Arkansas, and it undergoes the Bayer Process in its most important role, followed by a reduction of the product in the Hall-Haroult Process. FTP, name this rock from which aluminum is extracted.;;bauxite Art;;One of these was ordered built by Theodoric in 520 and sits outside of Ravenna. Thirteen imperial ones were constructed during the Ming Dynasty upon the rise of the third emperor Yongle. The original one featured statues by Bryaxis, Leochares, Timotheus, and Scopas and we know that it had a staircase flanked by lions and a quadriga on top of the roof. Designed by Satyrus and Pytheos around 353 B.C., its remains were unearthed by Charles Thomas Newton. Ordered built by Artemisia for her husband, the satrap of Caria, FTP, give the name for this "ancient wonder of the world" at Helicarnassus or the name for any massive tomb.;;mausoleum;;tomb Religion;;Biographers of this man include Theodoric of Apoldia, Bartholomew of Trent, and Jordan of Saxony. Early in life, he participated in an embassy to the Lord of the Marches, a Danish prince whose daughter he was sent to procure. Works associated with him include a letter discussing his dealings with Pons Roger, an account by Sister Cecilia of his miracles, and his Nine Ways of Prayer. Canonized by Gregory IX, he gained his reputation by helping Cistercians battle the Albingensian heresy on orders of Innocent III. Sometimes associated with the Inquisition, FTP, name this founder of the Order of Preachers, an order named after him and contrasted with the Franciscans.;;(Saint) Dominic (de) (Guzman) Geography;;Early events in the history of this nation include the ousting of Governor Vicente Emparán, which led to the establishment of the so-called Silly Republic or La Patria Boba, put to an end when its leader surrendered to Domingo Monteverde. Later, it saw the bloody rule of Jose Tomas Boves. The most decisive fight for its independence occurred when the army of Miguel de La Torre was routed and forced to retreat to Puerto Cabello in the Battle of Carabobo. Ruled for a time by a revolutionary known as "El Precursor," Francisco de Miranda, the presidency was taken by Jose Antonio Paéz after its separation from Gran Colombia. FTP, name this nation since ruled by Hugo Chávez with capital at Caracas.;;Venezuela Astronomy;;Its zeta and eta stars are both referred to as Al Dhibain, though the latter is usually called Al Dhibain Prior. It also contains the double star Kuma, which defines a corner of it along with Grumium and Rastaban. In addition, it houses both the Cat's Eye Nebula and the North Ecliptic Pole. Its alpha star was once the pole star, a fact attested to by discoveries in the Great Pyramid of Khufu, and that alpha star has been named Thuban. FTP, name this constellation which shares its name with a ruler of Athens who promulgated a notoriously harsh law code, and is from the Latin for "dragon".;;Draco World Literature;;Minor characters in this work include Ruffina Onissimovna, the owner of an apartment, and Pamphil, who carves wooden animals for his children. One chapter makes reference to iced rowanberries, which grow on a tree that the protagonist imagines is his love. Other chapters include "Opposite the House of Caryatids" and "The Highway and Forest Brotherhood". Towards the end, the main character lives with Marina, before dying of a heart attack on the first day of his new job. His friends Misha and Nicky discover his presumed child Tanya during World War II. FTP, name this tragic novel about a man raised by his uncle Kolya who falls in love with Lara working in a military hospital, the most famous novel by Boris Pasternak.;;Dr(.) Zhivago Art;;Two types of foliage appear in the top center of this painting: a tree outside which is obscured from our view by a column and a blooming green myrtle in a jardinière that sits to the right of that column on the window sill. In the background are two cassoni; one maid in red stands next to them and rolls up her right sleeve and another maid in white kneels and sticks her head in, probably to remove or replace a gown. The central figure clutches a bouquet of roses in her right hand which bears a bracelet on the wrist, and has a small ring on the pinky finger of her left hand, which is clutching her genitals. The same model as the artist's La Bella in the Pitti Palace, FTP, name this work which has a small dog curled up at the foot of the bed of a nude woman, the most famous painting of Venus by Titian.;;Venus (of) Urbino Biology;;The homeostasis of this molecule varies according to gender in rats, when they were unable to make use of its classical 7-alpha-hydroxylase pathway. The isoprenoid intermediates in its synthesis may in turn be used to synthesize coenzyme Q, like IPP which isomerizes with DMPP and condenses to form FPP. HMG-CoA reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme in its synthesis which converts the molecule to mevalonate, and later a two-step cyclization converts squalene to this molecule, after a series of 19 reactions. FTP, name this molecule which may be stored in LDL or HDL forms, a substance known for clogging the arteries.;;cholesterol;;cholic (acid) Philosophy;;Mikhail Bakhtin wrote a study on the "Author and Hero" in this type of activity. Herbert Marcuse wrote his final book on this "Dimension," subtitled as a critique of the Marxist type of it. A recent study by Torres and Kamhi presents Ayn Rand's formulation, citing her work on the "inferiority of politics" and the "psycho-epistemological" nature of it. Coined as a term by Alexander Baumgarten, Kierkegaard argued it as a stage on life's way along with the ethical and the religious and more explicitly paired it with the ethical in Either/Or. FTP, name this branch of philosophy which may be defined as the philosophy of sensory perception or art.;;aesthetic(s) British Literature;;One character in the work talks about a god who is older than the Sea and is hailed by going up a mountain to say "O" to him, a god named Benamuckee. After forcing an oath "by Mahomet and his father's beard," the main character accepts the boy Xury as a friend, but eventually gives him away. At the end, that character is only able to find two sisters of his remaining, but the widow has faithfully kept his money safe in England. More famously, he rescues the Spaniard and protects a cannibal who runs into his shelter, naming him for the day these events happen, Friday. FTP, name this Daniel Defoe novel written as an autobiography of the titular guy, who is stranded on an island.;;Robinson Crusoe United States History;;Early in life, this man was a teacher of mathematics on a warship called the Natchez, and later he would be tainted by the murder of Jose Berreyesa and the de Haros. He allowed the opposing army to escape as the main commander at the Battle of Cross Keys, years after he attained a famous post following the Treaty of Cahuenga. He refused to serve under John Pope and resigned, after being relieved when he declared martial law in Missouri after the Battle of Wilson's Creek. FTP, name this man who married the daughter of Thomas Hart Benton named Jessie and ran for president against James Buchanan in 1856, also an explorer known as the California "Pathfinder".;;(John) (Charles) Fremont Mythology;;One story of its founding says that a prince was attacked by earth-born enemies under cover of darkness, as Apollo warned him he would be, when mice began nibbling at his war armor. Another story says that the death of Iasion caused his brother to migrate across the sea on a raft made of inflated skin ballasted with four stones, where he was received and given the princess Bateia in marriage. Some say it was founded when a dappled cow won at a wrestling contest lied down on the hill of Ate, and Ilus stopped there, prayed and found a large wooden object sunk into the earth which turned out to be the Palladium. FTP, name this city, which would later be ruled by Laomedon and Priam, and notably fought the Greeks in a war.;;Troy Sociology;;Men who have written on this subject include Adolphe Coste, who wrote about the principles of the objective type of it in 1899. Vilfredo Pareto wrote a general treatise on it, and Robert Park and Ernest Burgess wrote about the science of it in 1921. Franklin Giddings wrote works about the principles and elements of it, while works on the pure, the applied, and most notably the dynamic type of it have been composed by Lester Ward. Karl Mannheim frequently discussed it "of knowledge," and Albion Small headed the first department dedicated to it in the U.S. at Chicago. A term coined by Auguste Comte, FTP, name this discipline which may be defined as the study of collective human action within a society.;;sociology Physics;;A noted 1994 publication subtitled "Scientific Discovery at the Frontier" talks about one of these that has been named Priscilla. In metals, they will reside near the bottom of their band in a delocalized Bloch state, a fact exploited by a technique called ACAR to map Fermi surfaces. The DBS technique takes advantage of the trapping of one in a defect, as does their namesake lifetime spectroscopy. Patrick Blackett and Giuseppe Occhialini are known for confirming their existence, verifying the increased radius of curvature observed above the lead plate in a cloud chamber by Carl Anderson in 1933. First postulated by Paul Dirac, FTP, name these particles, the positive equivalents of electrons.;;positron(s) American Literature;;A modern retelling of this poem talks of the title object as the "father of great Ceyx," which is logical given its mythological roots. One character is described as having eyes as blue as the fairy flax and cheeks like the dawn of day, with a bosom as white as hawthorn buds. It appears alongside "Blind Bartimeus" and "The Goblet of Life" in Ballads and Other Poems, where it precedes the author's more famous poem "Excelsior". The aforementioned character exclaims that she hears church bells ring, hears the sound of guns, and sees a gleaming light, but sadly she does not receive a response to the last remark, because her father is dead. FTP, name this poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow about the destruction of a ship.;;(")Wreck of the Hesperus(") European History;;Some of the military defeats that this man's army suffered include the Battle of Killiecrankie and the Battle of Landen, where the marshal Luxembourg routed him at the Battle of Neerwinden. A secret letter of support was delivered to him during the Trial of the Seven Bishops by a group known as the Seven Immortals, though his rule would later be opposed by the archbishop of Canterbury William Sancroft. The Glencoe Massacre was a result of his lack of support in Scotland, but his rule would be solidified by the Peace of Ryswick. FTP, name this English king who succeeded James II by way of the Glorious Revolution, a man from the house of Orange who ruled with his wife Mary.;;William (III|the Third) (of) Orange|William (III|the Third)|William II of Scotland;;William (II) Geography;;Sights in this nation include the manmade Mount of Glory and the Dudutki museum complex. Its largest lake is Lake Narach and the far south is home to the Pripyet Marshes. Flowing through the center of the country is the Berezina River, while the Daugava River cuts through the very north. Also home to the Khatyn memorial and Mir Castle, its main cities include Hrodna or Grodno, Homel', Mahilyow, and Brest. Located east of Poland and north of the Ukraine, FTP, name this former Soviet republic which has its capital at Minsk.;;(Republic) (of) Belarus Art;;Plans were originally submitted for its design by Arata Isozaki and Coop Himmelblau. It accommodates a giant badminton shuttlecock created by Claus Oldenburg placed in what was referred to as the "Flower" atrium, as well as an original winding steel construction by Richard Serra known as Snake. Its entrance features Jeff Koons' floral Puppy sculpture, and its location fronting a freight yard contrasts with its "fish-scale" exterior and the La Salve Bridge which crosses at one end, along the Nervion River. Designed by Frank Gehry, FTP, name this museum in Bilbao, Spain, which shares its name with a Frank Lloyd Wright museum in New York.;;Guggenheim (Museum) (in) (Bilbao) (Spain) Sociology;;This concept was somewhat expanded in the unique case of Summers v. Tice, and the res ipsa loquitur doctrine may be used to imply the existence of this cause of action. Its existence was defined in algebraic terms by suggesting that it is present when B is less than P times L, by Learned Hand in US v. Carroll Towing. Benjamin Cardozo notably refused to extend it in the famous Palsgraf case. Prior to the mid-twentieth century, almost all states recognized the contributory type of it, but now most have moved to some sort of comparative regime. Sometimes spoken of as a violation of the standard of care, FTP, name this tort which might also be described as "gross".;;negligence (cause) Mythology;;This word may describe a cloning vector made from the virus bacteriophage lambda and used to clone DNA. In computer science, it is the name of a command used to create glue code that enables Moby programs to access C data structures. In astronomy, it names an object discovered in connection with the calculations of Robert Harrington. The discovery of this object, which features a surface of crystalline ice, is credited to James Christy. The largest moon of Pluto, FTP, give this name which is also a ferryman of Greek myth who conducts souls across the river Styx.;;Charon Geography;;This nation has been home to a number of ideological groups, including the Sakdalist peasant movement. Years earlier, it saw the formation of a secret society known as the Katipunan, and after World War II, it saw the rise of a pro-Communist wing called the Hukbalahap, or the Huks, led by Luis Taruc. It was granted independence by the rejected Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act and then by the Tydings-McDuffie Act in 1935, establishing Manuel Quezon as president. At other times led by people like Emilio Aguinaldo and Ferdinand Marcos, FTP, name this island nation in the Pacific with capital at Manila.;;(Republic) (of) (the) Philippines American Literature;;Minor generic characters in this novel include Fred Clement and the Reverend Padover on one side, and Stoneman and Black on the other. Near the end, one character talks of the death of his grandfather, a sculptor who deserves to be mourned for changing the world. The protagonist futilely tries to talk to Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles in the section "The Sieve and the Sand," and the book ends by suggesting that mankind should first build a mirror factory. The protagonist seeks out Professor Faber, whom he'd met in the park years earlier, after his life-changing encounter with 17-year-old Clarisse McLellan. The story of Guy Montag, FTP, name this dystopian work by Ray Bradbury which gets its title from the temperature at which firemen in the novel burn books.;;Farenheit 451 Chemistry;;Robert Carnog studied its decay, but it was supposedly first predicted by Walter Russell. Its production by the effect of cosmic rays on atmospheric nitrogen was first identified by Willard Libby. It can be produced in nuclear fission reactors by the activation of lithium-6. The credit for its formal discovery is given to Paul Harteck, Mark Oliphant, and Ernest Rutherford. Consisting of a proton and two neutrons, FTP, name this isotope of hydrogen, heavier than deuterium.;;tritium Music;;The second act begins with maidens seated around a stove engaged in a spinning-song, and the central female is chided by her nurse Mary. After several characters lie down for a rest, the first act sees an aria in which the main character laments that the "time has come and seven years have again elapsed". At the end, that character announces "I am the terror of all devout men," but the lead female still refuses to marry the huntsman and keeps her promise by tossing herself off a cliff into the sea, only to be seen rising to heaven with the Sun. That woman is Senta, the daughter of Daland, a Norwegian fisherman who betrothes her to the title guy. FTP, name this opera by Richard Wagner which features the title ghost ship.;;(The) Flying Dutchman Biology;;One of these in Paramecium is called mate-killer and is induced by mu particles, while the killer one is induced by kappa particles. The position effect occurs when one is changed by alteration in configuration, and variegation occurs when there are differing ones in sectors of tissue. Sectors by definition possess different ones than surrounding tissue. When a single mutation affects several apparently unrelated aspects of one, the effect is known as pleiotropy. The inheritance of a rare ABO blood group is called the Bombay one. FTP, give this term for the observable characteristics of an organism, as opposed to the genetic characteristics or genotype.;;phenotype World History;;The victorious army here was successful at Leukas and Patrae, from which the losing army advanced commanded by men including Sosius and Dellius, who is said to have eventually defected. The city of Nicopolis was founded in celebration of victory, and its buildup saw the capture of Methone some five years after the Battle of Naulochus. The loser found himself trapped in the Ambracian Gulf by a fleet of Liburnian ships commanded by Marcus Agrippa. FTP, name this landmark naval battle in 31 B.C. which saw Octavian establish himself as leader of the Roman Empire after defeating Mark Antony.;;(Battle) (of) Actium American Literature;;This author created the characters Amos Hines, Captain Hupple, and Omri Winwold in a novel, the third book of which was published separately as The Fiery Trial. Other works include his memoirs Ever the Winds of Change and Always the Young Strangers, and the collection Breathing Tokens. His first work, the pamphlet In Reckless Ecstasy, was written long before the aforementioned novel, Remembrance Rock, and around the time he married the sister of photographer Edward Steichen, whom he wrote a biography on. He's much more famous for works like The People Yes, Rootabaga Stories, and The American Songbag. FTP, name this American poet famous for works on Abraham Lincoln who wrote that "the fog comes on little cat feet" in his Chicago Poems.;;(Carl) Sandburg Astronomy;;Their namesake features are explained by the projection effect model, and they may be distinguished from their counterparts by the existence of a gap in their gas PVD, caused by the unavailability of orbits around corotation. Examples of them include Maffei 2 and, maybe most famously, NGC 1356 in the Fornax cluster. The dwarf type of them is indicated by a small "m". Represented on the bottom prong of a Hubble tuning fork diagram, the Milky Way is now considered to be one. With arms that extend not from the center but from a namesake central structure, FTP, name this type of galaxy abbreviated SB, a variation from a normal spiral galaxy.;;barred spiral (galaxy)|spiral barred (galaxy) World History;;Later rulers of these people included Theudis, who seized power and codified law, and Wamba. They were beaten back early on in the Battle of Naissus and the Battle of Pollentia, and saw part of their hegemony ended by the Battle of Vouille. Hermenigild revolted but was defeated under the rule of Leovigild, who was succeeded by Reccared. Their much earlier leader Fritigern was given land on the south side of the Danube by Valens, only to revolt against him in the Battle of Adrianople. The last king of them, Roderick, was defeated by Arabs in 711 A.D. FTP, name these barbarians most notably led by Alaric, the western type of Goth, as opposed to the Ostrogoths.;;Visigoth(s);;Goth(s) Art;;This artist's work includes several versions of The Sea Lions and a wooden Prodigal Son, originally meant to be placed in his Temple of Meditation. One of his works was inspired by his piece at the Gate of Targu Jiu and sits above the tomb of his friend in Montparnasse Cemetery. Another major work bears the subtitle "Which, when enlarged will fill the sky" and was inspired by his Maiastra series. The creator of an Endless Column and Mademoiselle Pogany, FTP, name this man who sculpted a series called The Kiss and did Bird in Space.;;(Constantin) Brancusi Art;;One depiction of this subject by Girolamo del Pacchia sits in the Getty Museum. Pablo Picasso's rendition shows a distorted blue building in the background, while another version has a dark red castle and an outcropping of rock in the back left. A large man in red stands on a raised platform on the left with two columns rising from it in one version, and a notable sculpture on this theme sits in the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence and is a work of Giambologna. The aforementioned work by Jacques Louis-David shows the "intervention" of Hersilia, who pleads for peace. Maybe most famously depicted by Nicolas Poussin, FTP, name this subject, which usually shows the violation of a namesake ancient tribe of women.;;(Rape) (Intervention) (of) (the) Sabine(s) (Women) Chemistry;;The scientist for whom this statement is named is also known for his analysis of silver telluride, which forms a mineral that is named after him, and for his discovery that the oxidation of sugars will result in saccharic acid, along with work on natural gas in Baku. This is often used to create namesake triangles, and the Born-Haber cycle is an application of it. It is especially useful for compounds not easily formed from their constituent elements. Also known as the law of constant heat summation, FTP, name this basic chemical law which states that the change in enthalpy for a reaction is equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes of the individual steps.;;Hess('s) (Law) World History;;This ruler acquired the builder es-Saheli, who introduced a new style of architecture and constructed the Djingareyber Mosque. Also known as Gongo, he was immediately succeeded by his son Maghan I instead of his brother named Sulayman. Probably the tenth ruler of the Keita dynasty, his biggest claim to fame was recounted by the historian al-Omari, who told that he lavishly distributed gold obtained from his mines at Bambuk, and in the process depressed the entire gold market in Egypt and was forced to borrow his way home. This occurred during his hajj to Mecca in 1324. FTP, name this descendant of Sundiata, the wealthiest ruler of Mali, and hence its most well-known Mansa.;;(Mansa) (Kankan) Musa (I) Music;;Some of this composer's music was accompanied by a sequence of paintings by the Viennese painter Moritz von Schwind about a fairy tale on a water sprite, The Lovable Melusine. His operas include The Marriage of Comacho, Son and Stranger, and the unfinished Loreley, and among the six plays he produced incidental music for are Athalie and Antigone. His marriage to Cecile Jeanrenaud produced five children, though he was much closer to his sister Fanny, who died shortly before he did. FTP, name this composer of the Ruy Blas overture, Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, and Songs Without Words, a 19th century German better known for the Elijah oratorio and the Italian and Scottish symphonies.;;(Felix) Mendelssohn (Bartholdy) Linguistics;;Some people associated with this discipline include William Croft, Bernard Comrie, and R.M.W. Dixon. Its earlier history saw people like August Schleicher, who put forth his Regularity Hypothesis, and his pupil Johannes Schmidt who developed the Wellentheorie or Wave Theory. Ronald Kaplan and Martin Kay pioneered the computational variety of it, while Dan Slobin is known for work on the psycho variety. Other ideas important in this discipline include Verner's Law and more famously Grimm's Law. Most notably studied by Noam Chomsky, FTP, name this academic field defined as the study of language.;;linguistic(s);;language United States History;;This man's poetry includes "The Snow Drop and the Critic" and "From the Castle in the Air, to the Little Corner of the World". Late in life, he composed an "Essay on Dream," a parallel to his earlier work on "The Dream Interpreted". Other similarly themed works include his "Reflections on Unhappy Marriages" and an "Occasional Letter on the Female Sex," as well as an abandoned work on the "Iron Bridge". Elihu Palmer published his Prospect Papers and Madame Bonneville compiled his posthumous work "On the Origin of Free-Masonry". The author of Dissertation on First Principles of Government, FTP, name this philosopher better known for writing The Age of Reason and the pamphlet Common Sense.;;(Thomas) Paine World Literature;;In one scene, Ildephonse seems to love his job and his costume at Bigburger but quickly slacks off when he's not being watched. The slogan "Discipline Avant Tout" is painted on a building wall, and one woman entertains houseguests by playing a Joan Baez record. Other characters include the idealistic Father Huismans and the marchande sorceress Zabeth, whose son Ferdinand is out of place when he is sent to study at the New Domain. The illiterate Citizen Theotime is given the store of the protagonist by the Big Man, the nebulous representation of Mobutu. FTP, name this novel about post-colonial Africa and Salim, who manages a store at the title geographical location, a Booker prize winner and one of the most famous books by V.S. Naipaul.;;(A) Bend in the River Biology;;This part of human anatomy is home to the Crypts of Fuch and the structural folds of Schwalbe, which cover its length. It is affected directly by Cogan-Reese Syndrome and indirectly by Chandler's Syndrome, and Brushfield Spots can be seen on its outer edge in Down Syndrome. The collarette separates its interior area from its ciliary zone, and sees the overlap of sphincter and dilator muscles. Its outer periphery or root connects to the sclera. Named for the Greek god who represents the rainbow, FTP, name this part of the eye responsible for eye color which is also a type of flower.;;iris;;eye World History;;Kliment Voroshilov was suspected of a plot to overthrow this man, and the noted female politician Yekaterina Furtseva served as an assistant to him. He installed the regional economic units called sovnarkhozes, and would eventually be succeeded as premier by Alexey Kosygin. Opposed by the so-called Antiparty Party led by some of his former supporters, he launched the Virgin Lands campaign. He remains famous for his Secret Speech, his participation in the Kitchen Debate, his remark about a "bone in the throat," and taking off his shoe to bang it on the desk. FTP, name this man who became the leader of Russia shortly after the death of Joseph Stalin.;;(Nikita) (Sergeyevich) Khrushchev Philosophy;;Michael Doyle wrote a notable 1986 article on this "and World Politics". One type of it was promoted by Robert Keohane, who authored the classic work After Hegemony, and Joseph Nye, who founded its school, which opposes the views of Ken Waltz. John Ruggie famously described it as embedded. It now promotes declinism, or the idea that nation-states are no longer the sole unitary policy actors, and instead focuses on the role of multinational corporations, cultural capital, and "complex interdependence," which may produce absolute gains for all nations. A theory of international relations opposed by realism, FTP, name this school of thought which may also describe a political ideology that opposes conservativism.;;liberal(ism)|Neoliberal(ism)|institutional liberal(ism) Geography;;This island is home to the Canterbury Plains and the Southland Plains, as well as Cape Farewell and Mount Aspiring National Park. Its largest river is the Clutha River, and its cities include Gore and Invercargill as well as the rail center of Dunedin. Home to the Fjordland National Park along one of its coasts, it is separated from Stewart Island by the Foveaux Strait. Its Southern Alps range gives rise to Mount Cook, and its best-known city is Christchurch. FTP, name this island of New Zealand which is quite logically located down from North Island.;;South (Island);;New Zealand Mythology;;She was worshipped in Italy by the Marrubians as the goddess Angitia. Her children include a daughter Eriopis, and a handful of sons including Alcimedes, Tisander, Argus, and Polyxenus, who were stoned to death while their souls remained immortal thanks to Hera. She lost a beauty contest judged by Idomeneus in favor of Thetis, and she is said to preside over the cauldron of regeneration in the Elysian Fields. The daughter of Aeetes, her marriage to Aegeus came to an end when she attempted to poison Theseus. FTP, name this woman of Greek myth also known for killing Glauce, the new bride of her husband Jason, a witch who also killed all of Jason's children.;;Medea British Literature;;Works written about this author include R. Thurston Hopkins' book subtitled "The Story of a Genius," Sir Angus Wilson's book on this man's "Strange Ride," and Kingsley Amis' book about this man and his world. In one of his stories, Emma Deercourt is a friend of Miss Minnie Threegan, whose mother is courted by a captain. Dick Heldar is a struggling artist in a novel who meets his childhood sweetheart Maisie only to realize he's losing his sight from a head wound. In addition to The Story of the Gadsbys and The Light That Failed, this man authored Stalky and Co., a poem on "The White Man's Burden," and Barrack Room Ballads. FTP, name this English writer better known for the novel Kim and The Jungle Book.;;(Rudyard) Kipling Physics;;This property is described by the self-solving Bogoliubov-de Gennes Equation, or using the ASM method, which may be compared to the quasi-classical approach to it. Andreev reflection occurs at an interface with materials that exhibit it, and Homes's Law deals with the transition temperature of materials that exhibit it. Described by Ginzburg-Landau theory, it was discovered by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and is notably exhibited by Cooper Pairs in the BCS theory of it. FTP, name this phenomenon by which certain materials come to possess no electrical resistance, and thus are perfect at maintaining current.;;superconductivity|superconductors United States History;;The noted politician and journalist Charles Schurz, who co-founded the New York Evening Post, wrote a work on the life of this man. Five of his children were tutored by Amos Kendall. Early on he worked under George Wythe and married Lucretia Hart, settling down on his estate of Ashland. He famously fought a duel with John Randolph, and ran with Theodore Frelinghuysen on the Whig ticket, but was deprived of votes by James Birney of the Liberty Party in 1844. More famous for switching his support to John Quincy Adams in what was termed a Corrupt Bargain, FTP, name this American politician widely known as the "Great Compromiser".;;(Henry) Clay European History;;Joseph Warren headed a body known as this in Massachusetts, selecting Artemas Ward to take command of soldiers in the run-up to Bunker Hill. General Salan established a body by this name in Algeria in 1958. The most famous one came into existence with nine members, and at one point became the mouthpiece for the decree of a feast in honor of the Supreme Being. It raised a total of 14 armies, growing to include men like Georges Couthan and Louis de Saint-Just after the defeat of the moderate Girondists. Originally an executive arm of the National Convention. FTP, name this body of revolutionary France, a certain "committee" responsible for the Reign of Terror.;;Committee (of) Public Safety World Literature;;The servant Manes appears twice but does not speak in this work, which quotes Pherecrates' remark about flaying a skinned dog. The story is told of a boy Melanion, who fled to the mountains to weave nets and catch hares, and this story is countered by one about Timon. Over halfway through, an exchange occurs between Cinesias and Myrrhine, and very early on we meet Calonice. A great black bowl is set on the ground and several characters pledge not to add a single drop of water to the Thasian wine poured into it, including Lampito the Spartan. Presented in 411 B.C., FTP, name this play by Aristophanes about a bunch of women who storm the Acropolis and refuse sex until the war is over, led by the titular chick.;;Lysistrata Earth Science;;Their formation is described by the Shapiro-Keyser Model, an alternative to the long-existing model of Jack Bjerknes, which built off of the Margules Formula and was called the Norwegian Model. In this model, Solberg predicted the emergence of a wave on the front from an upper level disturbance embedded in diffluent flow, and Bergeron predicted its life cycle would end with occlusion, which occurs when cold air surpasses warm air. Francis Galton proposed the existence of an anti type of them, which results in fair weather. FTP, give the term for this circular rotation of air around a low pressure area, which often occurs in tropical places.;;cyclone(s) Music;;One man present at the playing of it was Friedrich Bonet, who gave an account of this work, sponsored by Baron Kilmanseck. Eleven of its movements were compiled by John Walsh, but the edition by Samuel Arnold of 19 movements is considered authoritative, and it was notably arranged by Hamilton Harty. The "Alla Hornpipe" movement, as well as the Bourrée and the "Air" movements in the first part, are the more famous pieces. That first part is a suite in F major, joining two other suites in D major and G major. Often paired with "Music for the Royal Fireworks," FTP, name this set of pieces by Handel played for a trip by George I up and down the Thames River.;;Water Music Economics;;The so-called Concertina Rule deals with these, and they are the focus of the Metzler Paradox. They may be described as scientific if they are made-to-measure, and a Harberger Triangle may be used to measure their net welfare loss. They may also be described as redundant, cascading, or compound, in which case they have a specific and an ad valorem component. Created by conversion from NTBs, actual examples of them include the Dingley one, the Wilson-Gorman, the Fordney-McCumber, and the Hawley-Smoot one. FTP, name this economic term defined as a tax on trade.;;tariff(s);;duty|tax Religion;;Stuart Picken wrote about the essentials of it in an analytical guide explaining its customs. Others who notably studied it include Karl Florenz and Ernest Satow. The Ring of Grass, the Four Affirmations, and the idea that the three elements of gas, liquid, and solid constitute all of existence are traditions espoused by this system, as is the existence of unfortunate "water children". More obvious traditions of it include the decorative gates known as torii in front of its shrines, and its teaching of a world filled with spirits called kami. FTP, name this ancient native religion of Japan.;;Shinto(ism) United States History;;Key figures in this organization included Hugh Sloan Jr., Maurice Stans, and the accomplished pilot Kenneth Dahlberg. It launched Operation Gemstone with the help of Frederick LaRue, shortly after A.J. Woolston-Smith prompted William Haddad to write about the November Group. It also included Donald Segretti, who ran a special part of it, and James McCord and Jeb Magruder, both eventually connected to E. Howard Hunt, who worked here along with his fellow "Plumber" G. Gordon Liddy. FTP, name this White House fundraising organization devoted to seeing Richard Nixon return to office, often given a derogatory name from its abbreviation.;;CREEP|CRP|Committee to Re-Elect the President European Literature;;One of this author's plays, The Princess of Baghdad, saw an appearance by the actress Eleanora Duse. His last play, The Return from Thebes, was left unfinished but more successful theatrical works include Denise and Monsieur Alphonse. He coined the titular term for a link between high and low society in the comedy The Half-World, but his most famous work is a novel narrated by the poor writer Armand Duval who loves the sickly Marguerite Gautier, a representation of the real-life Marie Duplessis. FTP, name this writer of L'Affaire Clémenceau and a novel that was the basis for Verdi's La Traviata entitled Camille, the illegitimate son of the author who wrote The Three Musketeers.;;(Alexandre) Dumas fils|Dumas (the) Younger Biology;;This site requires AAA-ATPase Cdc48 for homotypic membrane fusion events. Its compartmentalization is often described as septin-dependent and relates to a portion of it that forms at the bud neck during yeast polarized growth. It contains narrow channels known as translocons which facilitate transfer to the part of it that lies continuous with the nuclear envelope, and its collective structure was once called the gastroplasm. It has a large complex lumen consisting of numerous cisternae or flattened sacs where newly synthesized proteins are sequestered. FTP, name this cellular organelle which may possess ribosomes, leading it to be called "rough" or be "smooth," and either way is abbreviated ER.;;endoplasmic reticulum;;ER Sociology;;This man's writing was promoted by Henry Reeve, including a work written in poor health which attempted to "retrace" his own recent actions, entitled Souvenirs. After wedding Mary Mottley, he composed a Memoir on Pauperism, which argued against governmentally sanctioned charity. Often quoted in David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd, he is more famous for predicting the emergence of Russia as a superpower and promoting the doctrine of "self-interest rightly considered," after he departed to study prison systems with his friend Gustave de Beaumont. FTP, name this author of The Old Regime and the Revolution, a Frenchman who also composed the monumental work Democracy in America.;;(Alexis) (de) Tocqueville Geography;;Sights in this city include La Chascona and Forestal Park, which is located along the Mapocho River. That river runs through this city served by Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport. Founded by Pedro de Valdivia, it features a notable Central Station designed by Gustave Eiffel. Its nearby cities include Puente Alto just south, Rancagua farther south, and Valparaiso to the northwest. Liberated after the Battle of Chacabuco, FTP, name this South American city, the capital of Chile.;;Santiago World History;;This ruler beat the Egyptians at Rafah, engaged the kingdom of Mannai and its king Aza, and defeated Rusas I. The new capital city that he built contained the Nabu Temple, a massive winged and human-headed bull sculpture, and the residence of his brother and grand vizier Sinahusur. This man, the son of Tiglath-Pileser III, abandoned that capital about 15 years later, and was succeeded by his son Sennacherib. A ruler from 722-705 BC who restored the dual monarchy of Assyria and Babylonia, FTP, name this guy, the second ruler of his name, the first of whom founded the Akkadian empire and was known as the Great.;;Sargon II (of) (Akkad);;Sargon Math Theory;;Ganson's Conjecture makes a prediction about one type of them, which are structured by Andersen's Theorem. A weird number is abundant but cannot fall into this category. A one-to-one relation between some of them and Mersenne primes is implied by the Euclid-Euler theorem. Carl Pomerance showed that odd ones must have at least seven prime factors, but it is unknown if any odd ones exist. 6, 28, and 496 are the first three of 43 known ones. FTP, give this term for numbers which are the sum of their proper positive divisors.;;perfect (numbers) picture-perfect (numbers)|semiperfect|pseudoperfect Mythology;;One of these is called Balan Bacham and is defended by Mampes. The Owl Woman is in charge of one in Native American myth and Zoroastrian tradition refers to one called Chinvato Peretav, which is related to the Muslim al-Sirat. In Japanese myth, Ninigi marries the dancing Uzume off to a god associated with one. One of them in Norse myth can be called Asabru, and is presided over by Heimdall, but is better known as Bifrost or the Rainbow one. FTP, name this type of structure that connects two landmasses, another example of which might be the Golden Gate.;;bridge(s) Art;;John Michael Montias and Arthur K. Wheelock are renowned for their studies of this artist. A recent addition to this artist's canon came with the analysis of a duplicate of a painting by Felice Ficherelli, or il Riposo, a depiction of Saint Praxedis. After his earliest known work, Christ in the House of Mary and Martha, he took over the inn of his father called the Mechelen. His only dated work, which also contains a possible self-portrait of him, is The Procuress. Also known for works on The Astronomer and The Geographer, FTP, name this artist who also created Girl with the Pearl Earring and View of Delft, a 17th century Dutch painter.;;(Jan) Vermeer Geography;;This nation saw the implementation of a program known as Operation Jock Scot. Important politicians in its history include Bernard Mate, Simeon Nyachae, and Masinde Muliro. At one point, tensions led to the resignation of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga who formed the People's Union, years before the assassination of the unionist Tom Mboya. Long before, the Portuguese established the center of Fort Jesus on its shore. Its most famous leader published Suffering Without Bitterness and adopted the slogan of Harambee, before being succeeded by Daniel arap Moi. A country plagued by the Mau Mau Rebellion, FTP, name this African nation first led by Jomo Kenyatta with its capital at Nairobi.;;Kenya American Literature;;This author writes about an amusing confrontation in a nightclub in "A Hard Time Keeping Up," and tells of a trip on a freight train in "I Did Not Learn Their Names". A sailor named Parker takes to singing the Star Spangled Banner in the story "In a Strange Country," while his other stories include "A Party Down at the Square" and "King of the Bingo Game". Author of the essay collections Shadow and Act and Going to the Territory, he features the characters of Adam Sunraider and Alonzo "Daddy" Hickman in Juneteenth. Better known for a novel featuring Brother Jack and Ras the Exhorter, FTP, name this American author of The Invisible Man.;;(Ralph) Ellison Chemistry;;This type of organic compound is the starting point in a Ferrario-Ackermann Reaction. They are readily created through copperII-promoted coupling of arylboronic compounds in Ullmann-type reactions. Their fragmentation in a mass spectrometer can occur in a simple heterolytic fashion or involve homolytic cleavage at the alpha position forming a resonance cation. They can also be prepared by an SN2 reaction which reacts halides, preferably ones not sterically hindered, with alkoxides. This is called the Williamson Synthesis. FTP, name these compounds in which an oxygen atom is connected to two carbon chains, known for being flammable.;;ether(s) United States History;;This man made enemies in John Parker and T. Semmes Walmsley, against whom he was supported by Oscar Allen. He defeated Joseph Ransdell for a seat in the Senate, and placed Gerald Smith in charge. The author of My First Days in the White House, which he called his second autobiography, he's more famous for his run-in with Carl Weiss and being fictionalized as Willie Stark by Robert Penn Warren. The sponsor of the Share Our Wealth plan, FTP, name this politician with the motto "Every Man a King," a Louisiana swindler known as the Kingfish.;;(Huey) Long Biology;;This structure is located just above Tomosvary's Organ, and it includes a portion which houses the critical gene spalt, known as Johnson's Organ. Its shape can be described as pectinate, plumose, setaceous, clavate, or moniliform, among other possibilities. Its surface may contain Bohm's bristles, but most basically, it is said to be composed of a scape, a pedicel, and a flagellum. This structure notably binds to pheromone receptors in beetles and wasps. FTP, name this appendage which sticks out from the heads of arthropods, especially insects.;;antenna(e) British Literature;;Late in this play, the main character laments "None of you will bid the winter come to thrust his icy fingers in my maw". Minor characters include Bigot and Melun, who is wounded, as well as the messenger Chatillon who appears at the very beginning. Pembroke and Salisbury briefly switch loyalties, and Hubert is unable to commit murder as he is ordered. Much of the action is driven by the papal legate Pandolf, after the citizens of Angiers insist on saying only that they wish to be governed by a rightful king. Constance and her son Arthur are supported by Philip of France in, FTP, this play by William Shakespeare about the titular king, who signed the Magna Carta.;;King John Geography;;This site features a series of large rock niches known as the "jail," next to the intellectuals' quarters, which features a place called the mortar room. Some other places here include the Priests Mansion, the Central Temple - which features seven mummy indentations and an attached temple called the Sacristy - and the Temple of the Three Windows, which displays characteristic trapezoidal architecture. Its Sacred Plaza and Inti-hua-tana stone were among the first to be named by the man who rediscovered this place, Hiram Bingham. Connected by trail to the nearby Cuzco, FTP, name this most famous archeological site of the Inca Empire.;;Macchu Picchu|Machu Picchu Mythology;;One of these is called Iddahedu and is associated with Marduk's son Nabu. One in Sumerian myth is called Magilum, and one in Japanese myth is called Takara-Bune and associated with the seven Shichi Fujukin. People associated with these include Phereclus and Urshanabi. Some other named ones are Ellida and Ringhorn. In Egyptian myth, Seth battles Apophis while in the back of one that goes under the Earth, and two in Norse myth are called Naglfar and Skidbladnir. Exemplified in Greek myth by Jason's Argo, FTP, name these objects, vessels which carry things and people over water.;;boat(s)|ship(s)|barque(s) Music;;Bedrich Smetana composed one of these entitled Am Seegestade. John Cage composed some named after the Atlas Australis, and dedicated them to Grete Sultan, and composed several by the name Freeman. One collection of them includes pieces called "Rockets," "Wild Hunt," "Will o' the Wisp," and the final piece "Snow Squall". Other examples include a "Revolutionary" one by Chopin and the Mikrokosmos by Bartok. Maybe the most famous is the above collection by Franz Liszt, who did 12 "Transcendental" ones. FTP, give this term for a short musical piece designed to test technical skill, a word taken from the French for "study".;;etude(s) United States History;;This decision was extended two years later by Gayle v. Browder, and is the subject of the case Freeman v. Pitts. It was limited two decades later by Milliken v. Bradley, and it gave rise to the Green and Swann line of decisions. Decided the same day as the related Bolling v. Sharpe, the opinion cites Kenneth Clark, which has been roundly criticized. Enforced in Cooper v. Aaron, much controversy existed over its mandate of "all deliberate speed". Decided four years after its precedent Sweatt v. Painter, FTP, name this Supreme Court case which overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and the "separate but equal" doctrine for schools in 1954.;;Brown (v.) (Board) (of) (Education) (of) (Topeka) (Kansas) (Brown) (I)|(II) Physics;;This quantity is described by the Lifschitz-Slyozov Law. It may be obtained by Traube's Rule or through the Guggenheim Formula. It is expressed in relation to other quantities in the Eotvos-Ramsey Law and the Macleod Equation. It might be measured by Jaeger's Method, Wilhelmy's Method, or through the use of a Du Nouy Ring or stalagmometer via the drop-weight method. It is reduced by substances known as surfactants. FTP, name this chemical quantity, a property of liquids caused by cohesive forces at or near their surface.;;surface tension American Literature;;A very minor character in this book is Doctor Webster Civet, whose hands apparently shake. One character says that he met a woman named Mrs. Claud Roosevelt after he takes down Volume One of the "Stoddard Lectures" from a bookcase and expresses surprise that it is a real book. That character is a drunk dubbed Owl Eyes, while Ewing Klipspringer is a boarder who plays "The Love Nest" on the piano. More famous plots see affairs with Myrtle Wilson and the golfer Jordan Baker, the latter with a man who arrives in West Egg and narrates the story, Nick Carraway. FTP, name this book about a guy who loves Daisy Buchanan, the most famous work of F. Scott Fitzgerald.;;(The) Great Gatsby Philosophy;;In the second chapter, the author assumes that mankind will not take refuge in the "simultaneous act of suicide" recommended by Novalis. It begins by arguing that we are no closer to a solution of a main problem than when Socrates listened to the sophist Protagoras, in the opening "General Remarks". The fifth chapter, originally published separately, deals with the connection between justice and the main idea, while the third chapter is on that idea's "ultimate sanction". The second chapter contains the famous decree that "actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness". FTP, name this work published after "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill, which names a school of philosophy founded by Jeremy Bentham.;;Utilitarianism Geography;;A rebellion named after this city was engaged in by the comte de Dunois and the dauphin Louis XI against Charles VII of France in 1440. One treaty signed here came six years after the Edict of Restitution, which Ferdinand II agreed to modify. Another treaty here came after the Battle of Koniggratz and ended the Seven Weeks War. It saw the launching of "socialism with a human face" when Antonin Navotny was replaced by Alexander Dubcek in during its "Spring," and saw Vilem Slawata and Jaroslav Martinic tossed out of a window in some namesake "defenestrations". FTP, name this current capital of the Czech Republic.;;Prague Chemistry;;This chemical process is interpreted in polymers using a Zimm Plot, which displays lines whose slopes may be used to calculate the second virial coefficient and the radius of gyration. A Guinier Plot is more often used to describe this process in typical solid colloidal particles, and defines this vector Q as a proportion of 4 pi over wavelength. The dynamic type of this technique may use a correlation function to determine mobility and hydrodynamic size. The Raman Effect posits additional lines when this simple process occurs in monochromatic light. FTP, give this general term for the deflection of particles in a colloid.;;scattering American Literature;;One person with this last name wrote Studying Art Abroad and How to do it Cheaply after studying under William Rimmer. Another one wrote Conversations with Children on the Gospels as well as some "Orphic Sayings". This name titles the third movement of Charles Ives' Concord Symphony. The most famous of this surname wrote the novels A Modern Mephistopheles and Work: A Story of Experience. Her dad founded Fruitlands, a utopian community which failed and was parodied in "Transcendental Wild Oats". FTP, give this last name, whose most notable member wrote Little Women and was named Louisa May.;;Alcott Anthropology;;Many of this man's writings were collected by Muriel Rukeyser, who intended to author a study on him. A colleague of James Cattell, his students included Frank Speck and Clark Wissler, who succeeded him in a certain position. He authored works in collaboration with James Teit and Ella Deloria, as well as another student Paul Radin. His own works include Race in Democratic Society and Primitive Art. A proponent of historical particularism and the American "four-field" approach, this professor at Columbia is better known for his work among the Kwakiutl tribes. FTP, name this American anthropologist who wrote The Mind of Primitive Man.;;(Franz) Boas Geography;;It is the largest river running in a state that features the Vermilion Cliffs and Organ Pipe National Monument. It rises in the Black Range and runs through the towns of Safford and Florence, irrigating the Casa Grande Valley which is home to the first archaeological preserve in the US. Mount Graham sits to the south and directly east of its source is the town of Truth or Consequences. The site of the Coolidge Dam, it joins the Salt River and flows westward above the Sonoran Desert towards Yuma where it meets the Colorado River. FTP, name this desert river of Arizona which shares its name with a lizard monster.;;Gila (River) Art;;This artist's depiction of Leda with the swan features a plump red-haired woman lounging on a blue couch while her outstretched right hand is being bitten by the bow-necked swan. Some of his early works include The House of the Hanged Man and a portrait of his father sitting in a large chair reading a current newspaper, though he's more famous for his portrait of Ambroise Vollard, who wrote a biography of him and organized his first show. His most characteristic work includes his series on the Bibemus Quarry and his pyramidal depiction of Large Bathers. Famous for still-lifes of fruit and tablecloths, FTP, name this French postimpressionist who did many depictions of Mont Saint-Victoire.;;(Paul) Cezanne Geography;;One of its major royal capitals was dissected by the Ceremonial Road and contained the Chapel of the Western Queen and the famous Brazen Temple. That capital was ruled by Asela, who took power from Sena and Gutthika, and then was followed by Elara and Dutu-gem-unu, according to the chronicle of Mahawamsa. This occurred after the prince Vijaya was succeeded by Pandukabaya who built up the capital, Anurad-hapura. Later, it saw wars fought over the independent kingdom of Kandy. It was referred to as Taprobane in the Greco-Roman world, Serendip in Arab culture, and Ceylon. FTP, name this island, which still sits across the Palk Strait from India.;;(Sri) Lanka British Literature;;In one of this man's stories, a husband is horrified when his wife Bertha joins a nude show called Ozamanides II, which has her participate in a "love pile" involving the audience. This story, "The Fourth Alarm," joins "The Jewels of the Cabots" and "Artemis the Honest Well Digger" in his collection The World of Apples. He also wrote Some People Places and Things That Will Not Appear in my Next Novel and his first book The Way Some People Live. In one of his novels, the chemist Eliot Nailles specializes in mouthwash and wants to kill the son of Paul Hammer in a church as a statement against the bourgeoisie. FTP, name the author of that novel, Bullet Park, as well as one about the imprisonment of heroin-addict Ezekiel Farragut, Falconer, and The Wapshot Chronicle.;;(John) Cheever British Literature;;In one poem this poet noted that "The lips of time leech to the fountain head" and that "The hand that whirls the water in the pool / Stirs the quicksand". He stated that "Time held me green and dying / Though I sang in my chains like the sea" in a poem from his collection Deaths and Entrances. He wrote the story collection Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog in addition to the aforementioned poems, "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower" and "Fern Hill". FTP, name this author of a "play for voices," Under Milk Wood, and the villanelle "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night".;;(Dylan) Thomas United States History;;The committee investigating it was headed by Luke Poland. Henry McComb had provided much of the information about it to the New York Sun after a disagreement with its then-leader. James Brooks, the only accused Democrat, and Oakes Ames would be the only two Congressmen censured for their involvement in it, though Schuyler Colfax, James Garfield, and several other Representatives had also received shares in it. Formed by Thomas Durant, vice-president of the Union Pacific Railroad, FTP identify this company that gives its name to a scandal in which the company paid itself for building the transcontinental railroad.;;Credit Mobilier (of) (America)|Credit Mobilier (scandal) Biology;;Webs in it may form in cases of Plummer-Vinson syndrome, while the Barrett's type manifests as the presence of columnar epithelium rather than the squamous epithelium that usually lines this structure. The aortic arch moves this structure toward the median plane, though it generally lies to the left as when it passes through the diaphragm. Its contents are passed from the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage to the cardiac valve by peristalsis. FTP identify this muscular tube through which food travels from the pharynx to the stomach.;;esophagus Art;;The same old man appears twice in this work, seated on a tree stump, which prompted Truman Bartlett to claim that the figure represents an old man turning into a tree. One portion depicts a man who lost out to Archbishop Ruggieri for control of Pisa, and that man's offspring. The head of one of his sons was also used in Fugit Amor, which was detached from this piece, as was its predecessor, a depiction of Paolo and Francesca known as The Kiss. Another piece depicts Dante brooding over this sculptural version of the Inferno. FTP, name this Rodin work depicting the entrance to the abode of the damned.;;(The) Gates of Hell|(La) Porte de l'Enfer Psychology;;He suggested spicier meals, a bit of pornography, and abandoning chess, in his paper "Intellectual Self-Management in Old Age". Like Sidney Pressey, he developed a teaching machine. He secured a publisher for his novel featuring T. E. Frazier by promising to write a textbook, the popular Science and Human Behavior. He found that fixed ratio schedules produce faster results than fixed interval schedules, and enunciated his law of acquisition. FTP name this behaviorist who worked on operant conditioning and wrote Beyond Freedom and Dignity.;;(Burrhus) (Frederic) Skinner American Literature;;In the foreword to this book, Dr. John Ray, Jr. informs the reader that Mrs. "Schiller" died in childbirth. The narrator's first love is the daughter of Vanessa van Ness; after the narrator's first wife Valeria leaves him, he makes his way to Ramsdale. The narrator then marries Charlotte, but when she reads his diary, she runs into the street and is run over by a car, leaving the narrator free to drive around the country, visiting such seedy places as the Enchanted Hunters and Duk Duk Ranch, the residence of Clare Quilty. Centering on the narrator's obsession with "nymphets," FTP identify this Nabokov novel purporting to be the memoirs of the pedophile Humbert Humbert.;;Lolita World History;;Its namesake began the practice of publishing lists of court dates and the legis actiones. Livy claimed that its namesake was cursed by the gods with blindness, explaining his nickname of Caecus. It was the site of a high-profile murder which resulted in the trial and exile of the Optimate tribune Titus Annius Milo, and was named for the man who also initiated construction of the first Roman aqueduct. Publius Clodius Pulcher was killed here, and Crassus ordered the crucifixions of the remnants of Spartacus's army along, FTP, what construct running from Rome to Campania?;;Appian Way|Via Appia (the) Appian aqueduct|Aqua Appia Astronomy;;Their eponymous "desert" is a gap in the mass function for close companions to solar-type stars. One of the first to be detected was Gleise 229B, which shows methane bands and is the prototype of the T class. An important diagnostic for these objects is the lithium test, which relies on the fact that even late-type M class objects fuse their lithium fairly quickly. The largest of these objects are found in the L spectral class, cooler than the M stars at the bottom of the main sequence. Ranging in mass from about 15 to 80 Jupiter masses, FTP name these "failed stars" which never achieve hydrogen fusion.;;brown dwarf World Literature;;The protagonist of this story tries to protect a framed picture of a woman clothed in furs, which causes his mother to faint. The protagonist had been hoping to pay for his sister's violin education the following year at the Conservatorium, but she is forced to take a job as a salesgirl; the next time she takes up the violin, the protagonist's attempts to listen shocks the family's lodgers. His sister's vehement assertion that he is nothing more than a selfish creature compels him to let himself die from a back wound caused by a rotting apple. FTP identify this Kafka novella about Gregor Samsa's transformation into a giant bug.;;(The) Metamorphosis|(Die) Verwandlung;;(Gregor) Samsa|Gregor (Samsa) Mythology;;He was imprisoned in the house of Eriboea for thirteen months by a pair of brothers who went on to pile Mount Pelion on Mount Ossa in preparation for besieging the gods. His children included Alcippe, whom he saved from rape by his nephew Halirrhothius, Tereus, who married Procne and seduced her sister Philomela, and the Amazonian Queen Penthesilea. His sacred creatures included a serpent killed by Cadmus, who went on to marry his daughter Harmonia. His other adulterous offspring with Aphrodite included Phobus and Deimus. FTP, name this Greek god of war.;;Ares Philosophy;;This work's preface opens by stating that the "world of ideas" is holding "a regular clearance sale". It was published on the same day as a work by the author contrasting recollection with the title phenomenon, Repetition. This work presents the case of Agamemnon, who gives up his wish to fulfill his duty, providing an example of the tragic hero in the second problema. The Preliminary Expectoration introduces the knight of infinite resignation and the knight of faith. The teleological suspension of the ethical is discussed in, FTP, what Kierkegaard work focusing on Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac?;;Fear and Trembling(:) (A) (Dialectical) (Lyric) (by) (Johannes) (de) (Silentio)|Frygt og Bœven(.) (Dialektisk) (Lyrik) (af) (Johannes) (de) (Silentio) American Literature;;In one of his plays, Oscar shows up at the house of Sam and Jo with the title character at the end of Act I. Another play features an architect who falls in love with the title animal, and a third play sees Brother Julian go to the castle of the title character, the world's richest woman. In addition to The Lady From Dubuque, The Goat or, Who Is Sylvia?, and Tiny Alice, he wrote a play in which Jerry impales himself on a knife held by a Peter and a play in which Nick and Honey come over for drinks with George and Martha. FTP name this author of Zoo Story and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?;;(Edward) (Franklin) Albee (III) World History;;Later in life, this man succeeded in killing his enemy Zwide, avenging the death of his mentor. His illegitimate birth resulted in his being named for an intestinal parasite. His early military successes include a Pyrrhic victory at the Battle of Qokli Hill, and his later successes initiated a series of migrations known as the Crushing. He drilled his men in an encircling formation known as the "horns of the beast," and in using their shields to hook their opponents' shields, exposing the ribs to the stabbing assegais he introduced. FTP name this protégé of Dingiswayo who ruled from the kraal of Bulawayo as chieftain of the Zulu.;;Shaka|Chaka (Zulu) Physics;;The elliptic one of these is the square root of the parameter for elliptic integrals. A classic result of complex analysis states that, for an analytic function on a domain, if this quantity attains a local maximum in the domain then the function is constant on the domain. In continuum mechanics, one of these quantities has adiabatic and isothermal subtypes whose ratio is the adiabatic index, and the second Lamé constant corresponds to another one sometimes called the rigidity. FTP give this term used interchangeably with the complex norm which also identifies an elastic quantity named for Young.;;modulus Music;;One of the characters in this opera sings of how the title character caught his fancy in the aria "Amore o grillo". That character's marriage to the title character is followed by their duet "Viene la sera". The title character's attempts to say the word "ornithology," with prompting by Sharpless, follows an aria in which she looks forward to the return of her husband when the robins nest in the spring, "Un Bel Di". Ultimately she blindfolds her son Trouble and kills herself after allowing that son to be taken away by B.F. Pinkerton and his new wife. The marriage broker Goro arranges the disastrous marriage of Pinkerton with, FTP, this title character, the fifteen-year-old geisha heroine of a Puccini opera.;;Madame Butterfly|Madama Butterfly Religion;;The first section of this text includes tractates on fruits from young trees and on the corners of fields. The fourth tractate of its third order mentions the story of Queen Helena of Adiabene, who took a vow to avoid contact with corpses and to abstain from grapes and wine. The commentary on this text in the "Book of the Lamp," or Kitab al-Siraj, helped inspire the commentary of Obadiah of Bertinoro. More commentary can be found in the Gemara. FTP name this Jewish compilation of oral laws which, with the Gemara, comprises the Talmud.;;(the) Mishnah Chemistry;;Their quantitative basis can be summarized by Racah parameters, which represent electron-electron repulsions. They assume Russell-Saunders coupling, though for heavier elements spin-orbit coupling becomes more important. Two of them consider the total angular momentum and orbital angular momentum of an atom. As a result of another one of them, singlet states are generally found to be more unstable than triplet states. FTP identify this set of rules for determining the lowest energy electron configuration of an atom, one of which states that the lowest energy state of an atom will have electrons in different orbitals with parallel spins.;;Hund('s) (rules) British Literature;;Among the women mentioned but never seen in this novel are Mrs. Smith and Eliza Williams, who is seduced by Mrs. Smith's cousin. This seduction's revelation causes the master of Delaford to put off a picnic and prompts Mrs. Smith to turn her cousin out of Allenham. Following the death of the head of the central family, his widow and three daughters move from Norland Park to Barton Cottage. Lucy Steele marries Robert Ferrars, and one of the main characters gets over her rejection by Willoughby, marrying Colonel Brandon. FTP, name this Jane Austen novel focusing on Marianne and Elinor Dashwood.;;Sense and Sensibility United States History;;One of its financial backers freely distributed copies of its leader's "Confession of Faith" and was denounced by another member of this party as "Gabby George". George Perkins was thus mocked by Gifford Pinchot, whose conflict with Ballinger contributed to the founding of this party at Chicago's Orchestra Hall. This party backed a platform of "New Nationalism," including minimum wage laws and woman suffrage, but could not convince its vice presidential candidate Hiram Johnson to leave the Republican Party. Given its nickname based on its presidential nominee's retort when accused of being unfit for office, FTP identify this short-lived political party that nominated Theodore Roosevelt for president in 1912.;;Bull Moose (Party)|Progressive (Party) Biology;;Symptoms of the deficiency of its dehydrogenase may be remedied by the administration of thiamine. This molecule may be formed from serine by serine dehydratase "de HY dra tase" or from the transamination of alanine. It is converted to its activated phosphorylated form through an oxaloacetate intermediate in gluconeogenesis; in the energetically favorable reverse of that reaction, the second step of ATP generation results in the formation of this molecule in a catabolic pathway. FTP identify this three-carbon molecule that may be anaerobically converted to ethanol or lactate at the end of glycolysis.;;pyruvic acid|pyruvate|2(-)oxopropanoic acid|2(-)oxopropanoate British Literature;;The first ruler of this dynasty faced an uprising initiated by the 6th Earl of Mar, while the last ruler weathered the so-called "bedchamber crisis". Upon the death of the 5th member of this house, sometimes called the Sailor King, his brother Ernest Augustus acceded to the throne of its namesake realm. Its second ruler suffered a minor setback when royal troops under John Cope were routed at Prestonpans by troops led by the Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie, a claimant from the previous House of Stuart. FTP, name this British dynasty named for a German electorate which featured several Georges and Queen Victoria.;;(House) (of) Hanover Math Theory;;A proper labeling scheme for a polygonal region is of this type if each label in it appears once with exponent +1 and once with exponent -1; otherwise, the scheme is of projective type. A plane bitangent to one of these cuts it into the two Villarceau circles. The classification theorem states that any compact, connected, orientable surface is homeomorphic to the sphere or a connected sum of these objects, which have Euler characteristic 0 and genus 1. FTP, name this surface given by the Cartesian product of two circles which resembles a donut.;;(1(-))|(2(-))torus British Literature;;This poem was written under the pen-name Glirastes a few weeks before Horace Smith wrote that "some Hunter may express / wonder like ours" in another poem on the same subject, inspired by a passage in Diodorus Siculus. This poem mentions "lifeless things" whose record of passions survives "the heart that fed," as well as "The hand that mocked them". Smith's version focuses on "a gigantic Leg," while this poem mentions a "wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command," and "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone". FTP name this poem describing the wreck of an Egyptian statue, written by Percy Shelley.;;(")Ozymandias(") Music;;This composer's third piano concerto and viola concerto were both left unfinished at his death and completed by his friend Tibor Serly. One of his works features an "interrupted intermezzo" fourth movement that parodies a theme from the seventh symphony of Shostakovich, and a second movement "game of couples" featuring five pairs of wind instruments. His works for piano include the Out of Doors Suite and a set of 153 pieces entitled Mikrokosmos. He shared an interest in traditional Magyar music with his friend Kodaly. FTP identify this composer of Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, the opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle, and the Concerto for Orchestra.;;(Bela) (Viktor) (Janos) Bartok United States History;;John Thomas' amendment to it allowed for the creation of currency backed by silver. It was based on the ideas of Mordecai Ezekiel, who worked under Henry Wallace. Owen Roberts declared that it violated the Tenth Amendment in the Supreme Court case United States v. Butler, because it imposed a tax on one group to subsidize another. A second version of this act with a different taxing scheme was passed two years after that case; during the interim, part of the purpose of this act was covered by the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. FTP identify this piece of New Deal legislation that subsidized farmers to reduce crop production.;;AAA|Agricultural Adjustment Act Physics;;Sylvester's law of this states that the signature of a symmetric bilinear form is independent of the diagonal representation. This word's adjectival form denotes the range of length scales in which Kolmogorov's -5/3 law holds. The Rossby number is the ratio of these forces to the Coriolis force, and the Reynolds number is the ratio of these forces to viscous forces. This property is non-local, being determined by the distribution of mass in the distant stars, according to Mach's principle. FTP, name this property associated with Newton's First Law, the tendency of a body to remain in a state of uniform rectilinear motion.;;inertia World Literature;;This poet wrote of his inability to perform in bed with a beautiful girl in his poem "Disappointment". He presented letters written in the characters of Helen, Dido and other legendary women in Heroines, and noted that "the work of bards endures" in his "Elegy for Tibullus," written after the death of his comrade in Messalla's circle. His poem Fasti was half-finished in 8 CE, and was left unfinished in favor of the more plaintive Tristia and Letters from Pontis. FTP name this Roman poet of the Ars Amatoria and a work describing mythological transformations, the Metamorphoses.;;(Publius) Ovid(ius) (Naso) Art;;On this painting's left side, above reliefs depicting wrath and lust, stands a statue of Apollo, who reappears in the artist's adjacent fresco Parnassus. Dali created a stereoscopic work pairing this painting with The Fire in the Borgo. The artist can be seen in the right foreground, standing next to a figure thought to be Sodoma or the artist's teacher, Perugino. The artist designed the receding series of barrel vaults with the help of a contemporary who is depicted using a compass to draw a pair of overlapping triangles in the guise of Euclid. FTP name this Raphael fresco depicting Plato, Aristotle and many other Greek philosophers.;;(The) School of Athens|Scuola d'Atene Religion;;In one treatise, this man proposed that Aristotle's books of Logic, Rhetoric, and Poetry be studied without notes and comments, and the Physics, the Metaphysics, Of the Soul and Ethics be abolished. In that treatise he dismissed an arrogation of the power to call a council and stated that the temporal and spiritual estates are identical in the course of attacking the three walls of the Romanists. His opponents included Johann Eck and Johann Tetzel, a seller of indulgences. FTP, name this author of "To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation" who also wrote 95 Theses.;;(Martin) Luther United States History;;One of the claimants in this case was represented by a former member of the United Irishmen, while the other side was represented by the future presidential nominee of the Anti-Masonic party. Cornelius Vanderbilt had taken the action that instigated the dispute over a contract made with the negotiator of the Louisiana Purchase, Robert Livingston, and the designer of the Clermont, Robert Fulton. Centering on the interpretation of Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution, FTP identify this Supreme Court case in which a dispute over steamboat operation along the Hudson River resulted in John Marshall defining his interpretation of the commerce clause.;;Gibbons v(.) Ogden;;Gibbons|Ogden Earth Science;;A simple model for the operation of these structures is the one-dimensional Haskell source, which predicts trapezoidal time functions in the far-field. They can produce fine debris known as their namesake gouge, which can accommodate continuous creep. The accumulation of strain near these structures is a prediction of the elastic rebound theory. Nonvertical ones appear between the hanging wall and the foot wall. The normal and reverse types show dip-slip, as opposed to strike-slip. FTP, name these quasiplanar fractures in rock across which seismic movement has taken place, whose examples include the San Andreas.;;(seismic) fault(s) American Literature;;The narrator recounts how he went each night for a week at midnight to look in with a lamp on another character. On the eighth night, he entertains three guests who arrive at 4 in the morning. The primary motive for the narrator's actions is his disgust for a filmy, pale blue eye like that of a vulture, which belongs to an old man. A sound like that made by a watch wrapped in cotton ultimately destroys the composure of the narrator, causing him to confess his deed to the police officers. FTP name this Poe story in which a murderer can hear the title object beating through the floorboards.;;((")The) Tell-Tale Heart(") Physics;;Feynman integrals can be rendered finite by introducing fictitious heavy particles in the regularization named for Villars and this man. His fundamental theorem guarantees the representation independence of the gamma matrices, and he lends his name to a set of three 2 by 2 sigma matrices for spin-1/2 particles. Another of his results is built into the Slater determinant for multi-electron systems, which vanishes if two columns are identical. FTP, name this man who stated that two identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state in his exclusion principle.;;(Wolfgang) Pauli Mythology;;Some sources state that this brother of Polycaste was followed into exile by his student Endoeus. He outlived his son by the slave Naucrate, and was banished by the Areiopagus for the murder of his nephew Talos. He killed a former employer by pouring boiling water or pitch on him during a bath. In this he was helped by the daughters of King Cocalus, for whom he figured out how to thread a Triton shell. He also created a special cow construct to satisfy Pasiphae's lust, then created a home for the resulting monster. FTP name this man who designed the Labyrinth and sets of wings to escape with his son Icarus.;;Daedalus Music;;A collection of six pieces entitled Lelio was written by its composer as a sequel to this work. This work's third movement opens with an idyllic duet between an English horn and an oboe in F major, but the movement closes with F minor chords in the timpani. The fifth movement features the use of col legno by the strings and a burlesque of the Dies Irae in a musical depiction of the Witches' Sabbath. The fourth movement concludes with a loud G minor chord interrupting the idée fixe found in each movement of this work. A musical depiction of an artist's opium-induced visions of his beloved, FTP identify this work inspired by the passionate love for Harriet Smithson of its composer Hector Berlioz.;;Symphonie Fantastique (Opus) (14)|Fantastic Symphony American Literature;;The pinnacle of society in this book is represented by the van der Luydens, who hold a dinner party for one of the main characters after proper society refuses to attend the Lovell Mingotts' welcome party for her. That character is discouraged from seeking a divorce by a man who secretly loves her; the two are finally deterred from consummating their affair by the pregnancy of that man's wife, May Welland. Describing the male protagonist's realization of the emptiness of New York society after falling in love with May's married cousin Ellen, FTP identify this Edith Wharton novel about the non-relationship of Newland Archer and Countess Olenska.;;(The) Age of Innocence Economics;;In an early work, he discussed the medieval commenda and concluded that Florence was the birthplace of the modern general partnership. He introduced an analytic tool formed in part by "one-sided accentuation of one or more points of view," and used it in identifying traditional, rational-legal and charismatic sources of authority. He also used his tool of the ideal type in studying the rationalizing influence of bureaucracy. In one essay, he argued that a rational approach to acquiring wealth was one consequence of belief in predestination. FTP name this German author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.;;(Maximilian) Weber Biology;;One type of cell that makes up this tissue may contain torus-margo pits, crassulae, and window pits, which connect this tissue with surrounding parenchyma. Plasmodesmata pass through those pits when the cells that make up this tissue are living. Cell walls of this tissue derived from cambium often contain lignin because that hydrophobic molecule allows for effective transport of this tissue's contents by transpiration. Consisting of tracheids and vessel elements, FTP identify this plant tissue that transports mineral solutes and water upward from the roots.;;xylem World History;;Seal impressions from the tomb of Khasekhemwy suggest that he succeeded Khasekhemwy. A legend that this ruler succeeded in stemming a 7-year drought by building a temple to Khnum at Elephantine can be found inscribed on the later Famine Stele. He or his predecessor was the first to take up permanent residence at Memphis, but he is better known for a project that began as a stone mastaba in nearby Saqqara. FTP name this pharaoh of the early Third Dynasty whose minister Imhotep helped him erect the Step Pyramid.;;Djoser|Zoser|Netjerikhet Physics;;This man's probability distribution applies to the absolute values of vectors with two components that are independent, random normal variables with zero mean and equal variance. For a self-adjoint matrix, the largest and smallest eigenvalues correspond to the maximum and minimum of his namesake quotient. He lends his name to the product of the Grashof and Prandtl numbers, which describes the onset of convection. He showed that the intensity should be proportional to the fourth power of the frequency for his namesake scattering. FTP, name this man who developed a long-wavelength blackbody approximation with Jeans.;;(3rd) (Baron) Rayleigh|(John) (William) Strutt British Literature;;The narrator of this poem likens the atmosphere of the setting to "the Stillness in the Air­- / Between the Heaves of Storm". The title figure appears just after the narrator "Signed away / what portion of me be / Assignable," although the narrator was expecting to witness "the King," as "Breaths were gathering firm / For that last Onset". The narrator states that "the Windows failed-and then / I could not see to see" after hearing the "Blue-uncertain stumbling" noise produced by the title creature. FTP, name this Emily Dickinson poem in which an insect appears as the narrator dies.;;(")I heard a Fly buzz((-)when) (I) (died(")) United States History;;Preparations for it included the establishment of an operation supposedly run by the Gibraltar Steamship Company on Swan Island, and an elaborate cover-up involving Mario Zuniga's B26. It was originally planned to occur near the Escambray Mountains, but when that site was moved and the Houston and Maropa were sunk, the Manuel Artime-led Brigade 2506 was doomed. Resulting in the forced resignation of Richard Bissell, the director of Operation Zapata, FTP identify this CIA-backed attempt of 1500 exiles to invade a namesake site on April 17, 1961, in Cuba.;;Bay of Pigs (Invasion)|Playa Giron;;(Operation) Zapata Geography;;One dish commonly served in this country is accompanied by "tiger's milk". Goat meat marinated in chicha de jora is a specialty of coastal cities such as Lambayeque, while Huancayo is the origin of a dish of cheese sauce-smothered potatoes. The mountainous regions of this country may serve pachamanca, a feast created by lining a pit with hot stones and layering various meats, including cuy or guinea pig, on top. To wash this food down you might drink beer such as Cristal or Cuzqueña, the brandy Pisco, or bubble gum-flavored Inca Kola. FTP identify this Latin American country whose chifa, or Chinese-influenced, cuisine may be found in Trujillo and Lima.;;Peru Philosophy;;One author discusses this position as an alternative to relativism and scientism in a work whose title labels it "An Open Question". A collection on the "Consequences of" this stance includes a speech contrasting it with irrationalism and relativism. A work of this name discusses the thought experiment of a man and a squirrel circling a tree. The sequel to that work was 1909's The Meaning of Truth. An early description of this position is found in the essay "How to Make Our Ideas Clear," by Peirce. FTP name this practical philosophy championed by John Dewey and William James, among others.;;pragmatism Astronomy;;Some of them can have up to 29% of their energy extracted by processes operating inside the static limit. One such process, superradiant scattering, operates in a frequency regime given by the area theorem. They emit blackbody radiation with a temperature equal to the surface gravity over two pi, in a process involving pair production. They form above the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, the highest possible mass for a neutron star. The Penrose process and Hawking radiation are both associated with, FTP, what class of compact objects so massive that even light cannot escape from within their event horizons?;;black hole World Literature;;In one work, this man rescues Bireno and helps Isabel, the lover of Zerbino. Near another work's end, Pinabel defends this man's step-father. Alcina turns one of his cousins into a myrtle tree, and Sacripant fights a cousin who vies with him for the hand of Argalia's sister Angelica. A trip to the moon to recover his lost wits is carried out by his cousin Astolpho, and a trip to negotiate with Marsilion is carried out by his treacherous step-father Ganelon. FTP name this paladin of Charlemagne and title character of works by Boiardo and Ariosto who dies at Roncesvalles in his namesake song.;;Orlando|Roland European History;;Different branches of this group were known as "of the Doe" and "of the Lily" due to their coats of arms. One member arranged compensation through the Maestrazgo my-eh-STRAHZ-go for his decisive support in the election of a rival of the first king of the Angouleme branch of the Valois dynasty as Holy Roman Emperor. Two prominent members adopted the credos "I want to gain while I can" and "Money is the sinews of war," but later scions showed less acumen than Hans, Anton and Jakob the Rich. FTP, name this German family which established a commercial dynasty in the mid-14th century in Augsburg.;;Fugger(s) Art;;24 years after producing this painting, its creator painted a similar piece featuring Joris Fonteyn and Joan Deyman, the successor of this painting's title character. This painting's title character makes a gesture with his left hand that claims the attention of two men, while another man appears to glance over into the right foreground, where we can see part of a propped-open book, possibly a text by Vesalius. One man stares intently at the left arm of Aris Kindt's corpse, waiting to see the action of the flexor digitorum superficialis. FTP, name this Rembrandt painting of a surgeon instructing a group of men.;;(The) Anatomy Lesson (of) (Dr(.)) (Nicolaes) (Tulp) Mythology;;In one story, a powerful headdress causes his head to swell painfully, and he finds relief only when the pus and blood are let out, forming a sacred lake. In that story he was identified with Heryshef, while in other cases he was identified with the ram god Banebdjedet. He ruled in the Hall of the Two Truths, home of the monstrous devourer Ammut, and was usually shown with an atef crown, a crook and a flail. His son, who grew up in the marshes of Chemmish, was conceived after this god's wife reassembled the scattered pieces of his body. FTP, name this god murdered by his brother Set who was restored by his wife Isis.;;Osiris Biology;;Members of this phylum go through two larval stages, including a unique veliger stage. Ctenidia pronounced "te-NID-ee-a" and excretory pores are found in the pallial cavity, which is surrounded by a structure that secretes a calcium carbonate-containing substance. These coelomates also possess a chitin-containing structure attached to the odontophore, which is known as the radula. Members of this phylum include chitons and nudibranchs. FTP identify this phylum of animals that possess a muscular foot and usually a shell, and includes cephalopods and bivalves.;;Mollusca|mollusk(s) European Literature;;This author described four types of the title entity in his book On Love. Octave kills himself to save his beloved cousin from an unnamed monstrous aspect of his nature in this author's first novel Armance. This man also wrote the mostly autobiographical Life of Henry Brulard and exploited his experiences in the Napoleonic Wars for such scenes as one character's voracious reading about the Napoleonic Wars and ultimately being executed for shooting his ex-lover Madame de Renal, and Fabrizio del Dongo's participation in the Battle of Waterloo. FTP identify this French author who created Julien Sorel and wrote The Charterhouse of Parma and The Red and the Black.;;Stendhal|(Marie(-)Henri) Beyle United States History;;Confused orders during this battle resulted in one division moving in from Stony Lonesome and Crump's Landing at noon but not reaching the battlefield until 7 pm the first day. By that time, Lew Wallace's division had missed the action along Lick and Tillman Creeks, and W.H.L. Wallace's maintaining the Union position for six hours at a site nicknamed the "Hornet's Nest". The death of Albert Sidney Johnston and the arrival of Union reinforcements from Buell's Army of the Ohio helped turn the tide, allowing Union forces to push the Confederates back toward Corinth, Mississippi. FTP identify this bloody April 1862 battle during which Grant managed to overcome a surprise Confederate attack in Tennessee at Pittsburg Landing.;;Shiloh;;Pittsburg Landing Anthropology;;Characters in this work include Lola and Mala, a pair of misfits who cannot lightly accept defeat, as their fellows do. The 6th chapter contains a discussion of a political organization for untitled men, the Aumaga. Other institutions include the taupo, a virgin princess, which was emphasized in Derek Freeman's critique of this study. The author concludes that the "storm and stress" of American adolescence is cultural in origin, while adolescence in the titular culture is much easier in large part due to lots of casual sex. FTP name this study of 68 young women on the island of Ta'u, written by Margaret Mead.;;Coming of Age in Samoa Music;;Freystadtler and Eybler were both asked to help with the composition of this piece, but they gave up and this piece was completed by Franz Sussmayr, who filled in parts other than the vocal parts and trombone solo in the "Tuba Mirum" and repeated the "Kyrie" section at the end of this piece. Commissioned anonymously by the Count von Walsegg-Stuppach, its first public performance was organized by its composer's friend Schikaneder, the librettist of The Magic Flute. FTP identify this posthumously-completed work written by the composer of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik supposedly in anticipation of his own death.;;Mozart((')s) Requiem (in) (D) (minor) Chemistry;;This equation can be visualized in reciprocal space using a Ewald sphere. It may also be obtained from considering Brillouin zones, the first of which is the reciprocal of the Wigner-Seitz primitive cell, and from von Laue equations. von Laue had been the first to work with the technique most commonly associated with this equation, using a variety of wavelengths to irradiate a crystal. Providing a geometric condition for constructive interference, FTP identify this equation that relates crystal interplanar spacing with the wavelength of light and the angle made with the crystal planes, commonly used in X-ray diffraction and derived by a British father and son.;;Bragg(')s law British Literature;;He was supposedly praised by a gentleman from Normandy named Lamord, making another character jealous. In his first lines, which come shortly after the departure of Cornelius and Voltimand, he begs leave to return to France. He dismisses the character's favor as "A violet in the youth of primy nature" in taking leave of his sister, then patiently listens to such tidbits as "Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar" in a lecture by his father which culminates with the advice, "to thine own self be true". FTP name this son of Pollonius and brother of Ophelia in Hamlet.;;Laertes European History;;Among the scholastic institutions centered in this city was the alarmingly-named "The Academy of Fists". In the late 13th century an archbishop of this city led its forces to victory at the battle of Desio. Its citizens fought from March 18-22, 1848 to drive out Austrian forces, which retook it in August under Radetzky. The Diet of Roncaglia was called by Frederick Barbarossa shortly after he reduced this city, but eight years later he was defeated at Legnano by this city and its allies in the Lombard League. FTP name this Italian city whose early rulers included members of the della Torre, Visconti and Sforza families.;;Milan World History;;Charnay's Ancient Cities argues that the cultures described therein had their roots in this group's wanderings. Charnay was also the first to point out the similarity of Temple B in their capital to the Temple of the Warriors in a city whose namesake structures include the Cenote of Sacrifice. Some sources state that their last ruler, Huemac HWAY-mac, hanged himself after razing their capital around 1100 CE to keep it from the invading Chichimecs. Later Maya and Aztec rulers frequently claimed descent from, FTP, what people which established their capital at Tula?;;Toltec(s) American Literature;;In one of this author's stories, the 104-year old General Sash dies at his granddaughter's graduation. Another story features a man who spends all his time getting tattoos, and decides to get a tattoo of Christ on the titular region of skin. In addition to "A Late Encounter with the Enemy" and "Parker's Back," she wrote a story in which a Bible salesman steals Hulga's false leg, and a story in which a black woman rejecting her charity results in Julian's mother having a stroke. FTP name this author of "Good Country Folk" and "Everything That Rises Must Converge".;;(Flannery) O(')Connor World Literature;;He arrives at a town plagued by the title creatures on Dead Man's Day and introduces himself as Philebus in a play by Sartre. In other works, he shows mercy to a Phrygian slave before being stopped from killing his future wife by Apollo, and pretends to be carrying his own ashes or lays a lock of his own hair on a tombstone when he first encounters his sister. The equivalent of this character kills Adam Brant upon the urging of Lavinia in a trilogy by Eugene O'Neill. Often accompanied by his friend from Phocis, Pylades, on his vengeful quest, FTP identify this man who kills Aegisthus and his mother Clytemnestra for their murder of his father Agamemnon.;;Orestes European History;;The first count of this region eloped with Judith, a daughter of Charles the Bald, and his successor was also nicknamed "the Bald". Its counts included Arnulf I the Great, Thierry of Alsace, and Baldwin IX, the first emperor of the Latin Empire of Constantinople. William the Conqueror's wife Matilda hailed from here, and Henry VIII supposedly referred to Anne of Cleves as the Mare of this region. The modern provinces of Limburg and Antwerp can be found in, FTP, this region of Belgium which saw some of the bloodiest battles of WWI, leading John McCrae to compose a poem in its fields.;;Flanders Chemistry;;The dominant cation in the outer regions of protostellar disks is thought to consist of three of these atoms. It is destroyed by fusion in contracting young stellar objects, and there is no known post-Big Bang nucleosynthesis process for producing it. Its primordial abundance is a sensitive function of the baryon-to-photon ratio and is constrained by spectra of certain distant quasars showing its weak Lyman-alpha absorption line. It is produced in the first step of the proton-proton chain, which involves the weak force as one proton turns into a neutron. FTP name this isotope of hydrogen with atomic mass 2.;;deuterium Music;;A "Song of " this is the title of an operetta by Kabalevsky. This word is also applied to Beethoven's fifth violin sonata in F major, and to a symphony by Britten featuring a whistling chorus and a setting of Auden's "Out on the lawn I lie in bed". An Adolph Burtger poem provided the inspiration for another symphony given this name, the first symphony of Schumann. Also giving its name to the first of a set of twelve violin concertos entitled The Trial Between Harmony and Invention, FTP identify this word associated with a Vivaldi work accompanied by a sonnet describing the singing birds and flowering meadows often associated with this season.;;Spring Geography;;A diptych in its Main Gallery uses dihedral composition and reserves to suggest the perspective. The Main Gallery is connected by the Lateral Passage to the Chamber of Engravings, whose rotunda is home to more than 600 engraved figures arranged in three themed tiers. The same geometric theme can be found at the ends of the Chamber of Felines and the Shaft of the Dead Man. The Great Hall of the Bulls contains a composition involving a unicorn, balanced by a group of three aurochs. Discovered by 4 teenagers in 1940, FTP name this complex noted for its Upper Paleolithic cave paintings, located in Dordogne, France.;;Lascaux (cave) (France) American Literature;;In the first act of the play in which she appears, she and a black woman share a laugh after she catches a package of meat. Her brother-in-law left a casino in the middle of the Varsouviana to commit suicide after a drunken remark by her sister. On her honeymoon, her husband used her shoe to smash all the lightbulbs, and at one point her husband throws a radio out a window, then chases her offstage and beats her. She is shocked by news that her family has lost Belle Reve, and that her sister had to leave Laurel due to sexual improprieties. FTP name this wife of Stanley and sister of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire.;;Stella (Kowalski) United States History;;An accident on the USS Princeton during this man's presidency killed his Secretary of State Abel Upsher and his would-be father-in-law David Gardiner. He approved the Preemption Act, but failed to send federal troops to put down the Dorr Rebellion and was reviled for vetoing a "Fiscal Corporation" Bill, resulting in the resignation of his entire Cabinet except for the man negotiating the end of the Aroostook War, Daniel Webster. Responsible for the acquisition of the Mesabi Range in Minnesota and the annexation of Texas at the end of his presidency, FTP identify this man who briefly served as vice president before succeeding William Henry Harrison as president.;;(John) Tyler Physics;;Resonant scattering of Lyman-alpha photons raises the spin type of this property above the kinetic variety. The Saha equation is used to define the ionization type, while the brightness type is given by equating the specific intensity at one wavelength to the Planck function. The effective type is proportional to the surface flux to the one-fourth, from the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Equality of this property is transitive according to the zeroth law of thermodynamics, and the heat flow in a reversible process equals the entropy change times this quantity. FTP name this property measured by the absolute Rankine and Kelvin scales.;;temperature Religion;;The antithesis of this concept is sometimes subcategorized according to the presence or absence of four or more pranas. It is typically listed as the first of the yamas, and is the subject of the first anuvrata, which places ekendriyas and Sthavara-Jivas in a separate category. Eating and drinking only during the daytime is one manifestation of adherence to this principle, which appears as the first of the four restraints of Parshvanatha. Other manifestations include the use of mukhavastrika and whisk brooms to avoid stepping on insects. FTP name this central tenet of Jainism.;;ahimsa|nonviolence British Literature;;This man admonishes his cousin Richard Simpson for spelling a name with an "n" rather than the correct "r". He becomes acquainted with a man who lost his promotion to a less-qualified son of Libertina during an excursion from Maldonada and meets a man who attempts to extract sunshine from cucumbers at the academy of Lagado. A mutiny on the Adventure results in his being left on an island populated by wise horses and yahoos. Used as a weapon in a war against Blefuscu, FTP identify this ship's physician whose four voyages include visits to the flying island of Laputa and the land of Lilliput, the hero of a book by Jonathan Swift about his "travels".;;(Lemuel) Gulliver Biology;;This process may be initiated in RecBC-lacking strains of Gram-positive cells by forming protoplasts and incubating with polyethylene glycol. This process may also be achieved by using coated tungsten particles, or treating yeast with lithium salts. It naturally occurs in Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, but its effectiveness in other prokaryotes may be enhanced by cold incubating with calcium chloride and application of a heat shock. Studied by Avery, MacLeod, and MacCarty, who determined that the causative agent of Griffiths' virulence experiment was DNA, FTP identify this process by which a cell takes up free foreign genetic material from its environment.;;transformation World History;;Benno Landsberger wrote an influential monograph on the Cappadocian trading colony, or karum, of this civilization. Its forces fought in two battles at Karkar, the first against a coalition led by Irhuleni of Hamath and Ben-Hadad I of Damascus. Gyges of Lydia fell to the Cimmerians after he lost this empire's support for aiding the revolt of Psamtik I, who expelled their forces from Egypt to found the 26th dynasty. A palace in one of its capitals was home to many human-headed bull statues and a library of over 20,000 tablets. FTP name this empire whose rulers included Shalmaneser III, Esarhaddon, and Sennacherib.;;Assyria Biology;;Catalysis by this molecule has been investigated by Harry Noller. Picornavirus and hepatitis C virus both possess internal entry sites that allow this molecule to function in the absence of 7-methylguanosine in the substrate. This molecule can also bind to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes. Macrolides such as erythromycin block this molecule's exit tunnel, while aminoglycosides bind to this molecule's 30S subunit. With an RNA component that is processed in the nucleolus, FTP identify this organelle consisting of large and small subunits that form E, P, and A sites and that is responsible for mRNA translation to synthesize protein.;;ribosome Philosophy;;Rousseau, in his Reveries of the Solitary Walker, attacked this man's erotic novel, The Temple of Cnidus. In another of his novels, Solim discovers an adulterous tryst, leading to a final assertion of independence by Roxana. Many articles in the Nakaz derived from a treatise in which he lists the spirits of inequality and extreme equality as two paths to ruining a democracy. That treatise argues that geography and climate influence the form of government among the three possibilities of despotism, monarchy and republic. FTP name this author of The Persian Letters who argued for separation of powers in The Spirit of the Laws.;;(Charles-Louis) (de) (Secondat) (Baron) (de) (la) (Brede) (et) (de) Montesquieu Art;;This artist's enthusiasm for Memling's works, seen during a 1928 trip to Munich to oversee the making of a stained-glass window, is reflected in a portrait of his mother, the aptly-titled Woman with Plant. Protests over his foreign-made window led him to paint a faded copy of Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware behind three of "those Tory gals" in his Daughters of Revolution. He depicted a cottage in West Branch in The Birthplace of Herbert Hoover, and was inspired to create another painting by a brothel with a gable window in Eldon. FTP, name this artist who depicted his sister and his dentist in American Gothic.;;(Grant) (DeVolson) Wood European Literature;;One character in this play is delighted by a present of old morning-slippers from his aunt, who has bought a beautiful bonnet so the title character need not be embarrassed by her company. The maidservant Berta worries about the invalid Miss Rina, while Mademoiselle Diana is a source of consternation for Thea Elvsted. Mademoiselle Diana's boudoir is the site of one man's beautiful suicide using a pistol supplied by the title character. The death of Eilert Lovborg gives Judge Brack a hold over the title character of, FTP what Ibsen play focusing on George Tesman's wife?;;Hedda Gabler Physics;;The virial theorem implies that this quantity must be negative for a self-gravitating system. One model for it assumes a three-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator with a characteristic frequency, and was modified to better fit the low-temperature T-cubed dependency by treating variations as phonons. At high temperatures, the models of Einstein and Debye approaches the value of three times the ideal constant given by the Dulong-Petit law. For an ideal gas, the universal constant is equal to the difference between the constant pressure and constant volume values for, FTP, this quantity defined as the amount of heat needed to change an object's temperature.;;(specific) heat capacity World History;;This period officially ended when Zhu Wen deposed the last emperor and established the Liang Dynasty. One of this dynasty's rulers founded the short-lived Zhou Dynasty in an attempt to be a female Emperor. Another of its rulers, Xuanzhong read "shuan chong", fell in love with a woman that was about forty years younger than he was; that woman, Yang Guifei read "gway fay" had as a favorite an Iranian-Turkish general who would lead a rebellion against this dynasty, An Lushan. Xuanzhong also founded an academy for poets, in which Li Po served. FTP identify this Chinese dynasty lasting from 618 to 906 AD and preceded by the Sui Dynasty.;;Tang (dynasty) Mythology;;Her brother Phoroneus founded the first market-town, which later became the city of Argos. She suffered as a result of a spell cast by the daughter of Pan and Echo, the Oread Iynx, who was turned into a wryneck for meddling. That suffering came in part at the hands of the killer of Echidna, and began after a magical cloud dispersed, exposing her to her jealous rival. Her rescue by Hermes resulted in the enhancement of the plumage of the peacock. FTP name this woman who was turned into a cow by Zeus to conceal an affair, then placed under the watch of the hundred-eyed jailor Argus.;;Io British Literature;;In this work, the recognition of Solomon Pross as the spy John Barsad proves critical in the plan to save one character's life. Earlier in this novel, Jarvis Lorry goes on a journey to identify a man who finds comfort in shoemaking; that man is the father of a woman who receives wedding proposals from Mr. Stryver, Mr. Stryver's assistant referred to as a "jackal," and the Marquis St. Evremonde, who bears a striking resemblance to that "jackal," Sydney Carton. Telling of the machinations of Madame Defarge against Charles Darnay, FTP identify this Charles Dickens novel set during the "best of times,…the worst of times".;;(A) Tale of Two Cities Physics;;He lends his name to a feature bordered on the east by Fortuna Tessera and on the west by Lakshmi Plenum, and he won the Adams Prize for proving that the rings of Saturn consist of many small particles. His namesake time is used to characterize the transition between elastic- and viscous-type responses. He also lends his name to a set of thermodynamic relations. He added a term proportional to the time derivative of the electric field, the displacement current, to Ampere's law. FTP, name this man who put Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and Gauss's laws together in his 4 equations unifying electromagnetism.;;(James) (Clerk) Maxwell Geography;;A ritual dance developed by this city's coopers to celebrate the passing of the plague is reenacted every day on this city's Glockenspiel. The 1810 marriage of a local crown prince to Princess Therese of Saxon-Hildburghausen spawned an annual event on Theresienwiese. The 1923 kidnapping of officials from the Bürgerbr?ukeller resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which he began work on Mein Kampf. FTP, name this city which saw the kidnapping and death of 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympics, the host of Oktoberfest.;;Munich|Munchen Art;;His religious works include the poorly-received Good Samaritan and The Pool of Bethesda, but he had better success with portraits, such as his full-length Captain Thomas Coram. In a self-portrait, he included his pug dog Trump, and inscribed his palette with the "line of beauty," a concept discussed in his treatise The Analysis of Beauty. He produced a set of engravings for Butler's Hudibras, and sets with characters such as Dr. Misaubin, who fails to cure Moll Hackabout's syphilis in one series and diagnoses Viscount Squanderfield in another. FTP, name this creator of A Harlot's Progress and Marriage à la Mode.;;(William) Hogarth Psychology;;The second chapter of this work includes a scene at Bellevue with Otto, Irma and Dr. M.. In discussing this text, Grinstein and Foulkes both examine the story of the Botanical Monograph, which was prompted in part by a letter from Fliess and in part by the author's own monograph on the coca-plan. The mechanisms of secondary revision and condensation are described in the 6th chapter, along with symbols in the title phenomena. The Oedipus complex is introduced in, FTP, this work by Freud which describes the title phenomena in terms of wish fulfillment.;;(The) Interpretation of Dreams|(Die) Traumdeutung European Literature;;This man pieces together the tale of Flora de Barral through conversations with Flora's acquaintances in the novel Chance. He enlists his friend Stein's help in finding a job for a young man who befriends Dain Waris and falls in love with Jewel in Patusan. He recounts his first journey to the East in the story "Youth"; a later trip takes him to meet the fiancée of the Intended and chief of the Inner Station, a journey he recounts onboard the Nellie. FTP identify this narrator of Lord Jim who makes his way through the Belgian Congo to meet Mr. Kurtz, the narrator of Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness.;;Marlow Biology;;These organisms possess chromosomes that lack histones and are attached to the nuclear membrane. They contain membranes known as amphiesma, which in many species surrounds cellulose-containing thecae. Photosynthetic ones can form symbiotic zooxanthallae with marine invertebrates, while nonphotosynthetic ones may produce saxitoxin within shellfish. One of this organism's namesake structures is found in the cingulum and encircles the organism, providing a method for propulsion. Exemplified by Pfiesteriaand Noctiluca, FTP identify these microorganisms whose blooms can cause red tides.;;dinoflagellate(s) Music;;Twelve of them are collected in Hindemith's Ludus Tonalis. Other examples of this musical form include one representing science in the movement "Of Science and Learning" from Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra, and a "Grosse" one intended for the finale of Beethoven's String Quartet in B-flat major. This musical form may feature such techniques as inversion or diminution in the development section, which follows the introduction of the subject and answer. FTP identify this contrapuntal musical form often used by J.S. Bach, notably paired with a toccata in an organ piece in D minor and with preludes in the same keys in the Well-Tempered Clavier.;;fugue Chemistry;;This metal's complex with EDTA is often used to analyze unknown metal solutions in displacement titrations. It is found in a compound that exists in a Schlenk equilibrium and that is derived from its corresponding alkyl halide. In biology, its divalent ion stabilizes the structure of nucleic acids, and is the metal ion bound to the porphyrin ring in chlorophyll. Found with calcium in dolomite and commonly isolated from seawater as its chloride salt, FTP identify this alkaline earth metal found in Grignard reagents and as its sulfate in Epsom salt.;;magnesium|Mg United States History;;One form of opposition was the distribution of a circular letter that Lord Hillsborough unsuccessfully tried to have recalled; one year earlier, a man who would later write a series of letters under the name "Fabius," John Dickinson, wrote twelve Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania in response to them. Those letters attacked the suspension of the New York legislature for not complying with the Quartering Act, as well as the external taxes on glass, lead, paper, and paint. FTP identify this set of laws passed in 1767 and named for the British Chancellor of the Exchequer.;;Townshend (Acts)|(Duties) British Literature;;This poem references the river in which the poet's father drowned, a stream flowing through the poet's hometown of Hull. The poet notes that his echoing song will not sound in the addressee's marble vault, then describes the ultimate triumph of the worms. The poet speaks of a steadfastness lasting from "ten years before the Flood…Till the conversion of the Jews" before proposing to "tear our pleasures with rough strife / thorough the iron gates of life," prompted by the sound of "Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near". FTP name this Andrew Marvell poem urging a young lady to quit stalling.;;(")To His Coy Mistress(") European History;;He organized a disastrous expedition against Tangier in an attempt to stabilize a nearby city under his governorship, leading to the death of his younger brother. He became governor of that city shortly after plague claimed his mother, Philippa of Lancaster, and was later appointed governor of the Algarve. He also served as Grand Master of the Order of Christ, which provided funds for many of his projects, as well as the red cross emblem displayed on his caravels. Gil Eanes and Dinis Dias, the discoverer of Cape Verde, were proteges of, FTP, what Portuguese prince who sponsored many expeditions?;;(Prince) Henry the Navigator|Henry the Seafarer Mythology;;According to the Svipdagsmol, this character created the wounding wand Laevateinn, the only weapon which can kill the cock Vidofnir. He was captured on one occasion by the father of Gjalp and Greip, and on another occasion by the father of Skadi. In the former case he was starved for three months by his captor, Geirrod; in the latter case, he ransomed himself by delivering up Idunn to Thjazi. This god married Sigyn, but gave birth to three children after eating the heart of Angrboda. FTP, name this father of Hel, the Midgard Serpent and Fenrir, an evil trickster of Norse myth.;;Loki European Literature;;One of the characters in this novel dreams of trying to help an abused five-year-old girl who then tries to seduce him; in horror, that character kills himself after being rejected by the protagonist's sister. The protagonist dreams of a peasant beating a mare to death; he had previously been conversing with the drunkard Marmeladov on his way back home from Alyona Ivanovna, a pawnbroker. The protagonist's sister eventually breaks her engagement with the wealthy Luzhin in favor of the protagonist's university friend Razumikhin. FTP identify this novel centering on the consequences of the murder of Alyona and her sister Lizaveta by Raskolnikov, a novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky.;;Crime and Punishment|Prestupleniye i Nakazaniye Biology;;The reduced form of thioredoxin activates two enzymes in this process, including sedoheptulose bisphosphatase. The rate-determining step for another enzyme in this process is the removal of the C3 proton on its substrate, producing two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. That intermediate was first identified by studying the incorporation of radioactive carbon by this process' namesake. Featuring a recovery phase where 5 three-carbon molecules are rearranged to three molecules of ribulose-5-phosphate, FTP identify this group of reactions in which Rubisco fixes carbon dioxide in the stroma of the chloroplast.;;Calvin((-)Benson) cycle|(reductive) pentose phosphate cycle;;dark reactions United States History;;This man's works included The Sandy Foundation Shaken, in which he questioned the concept of the Holy Trinity, and No Cross, No Crown, written while imprisoned. His arrest with William Mead provided the basis for Bushell's Case, which established the independence of the English jury. Later he would become known for supposedly concluding a "Great Treaty" at Shackamaxon and buying land from the Lenni Lenape tribe, led by Chief Tammany. His First Frame of Government established the right of all property-owning men to vote and hold office, and granted religious freedom to all Christians in the colony that he founded. FTP identify this man who received a grant from Charles II to found a safe haven for Quakers.;;(William) Penn European Literature;;This apprentice to James Basire produced the engravings Queen Katherine's Dream, made for Fuseli, and Behemoth and Leviathan, from his series illustrating the Book of Job. He included a huge worm coiled about the legs of Adam in his Elohim Creating Adam, produced using a monotype process. The title figure of one work resembles a figure in Zuccaro's Conversion of St. Paul, but holds a pair of compasses and crouches in a circle of light. That work, the frontispiece to Europe, A Prophecy, is The Ancient of Days. FTP name this artist and poet whose poems include The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and "The Tyger".;;(William) Blake British Literature;;This man wrote about the life of Belaqua Shuah in a short story collection. His shorter plays include Breath, a 40-second-long piece with no characters, and one in which a cheerful woman is gradually buried in sand. A man living in a jar in a restaurant window is the subject of his novel The Unnamable. In addition to More Pricks Than Kicks and Happy Days, his creations include the servant Clov, who cannot sit down, an old man who reminisces while listening to the contents of "box three, spool five", and Vladimir and Estragon. FTP identify this absurdist author of Krapp's Last Tape, Endgame, and Waiting for Godot.;;(Samuel) (Barclay) Beckett European History;;During the first conflict of this name, local forces in the monastery of Jasna Gora yasna goorakh held off the attacking forces of an invasion sometimes termed "The Deluge". The second conflict of this name saw Azov returned to the Ottoman Turks following their victory at the Battle of Pruth River. The second one began when Augustus the Strong invaded Livonia, while the first one saw Poland invaded by the forces of Charles X. FTP give the shared name of these conflicts whose second installment saw the battle of Poltava, in which the forces of Peter the Great routed the army of Charles XII of Sweden.;;Northern War Chemistry;;These molecules react with peroxyacids in the Prilezhaev reaction to form epoxides. For small rings, the formation of them at a bridgehead is forbidden according to Bredt's rule. In noncyclic systems, the position of their formation often follows Zaitsev's rule. The products of addition to them often result from formation of the more stable carbocation intermediate. They may be produced from carbonyl compounds by the Wittig reaction, or by the dehydration of alcohols. FTP identify this class of organic compounds which can be named by E/Z or cis/trans naming conventions, and which contain a carbon-carbon double bond.;;alkene(s)