Music;;This musical work ends with such technical virtuosity that a friend suggested that its composer, who premiered the work himself, drink crème de menthe before playing this piece. In one part, the bassoon and strings play the main theme in the background while the solo part plays, for the first time, the "Dies Irae" theme. The solo instrument plays emphatic chords between the opening eight off-center bars with their octatonic scale in the bass, which is the source of the keys that the composer uses in various parts of this work, including the D major key used in what is considered the end of its slow section and its most famous part, the 18th variation. FTP, identify this work of Sergei Rachmaninoff, written for piano and orchestra and based on the 24th caprice written by the title composer.;;Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini British Literature;;One character in this work recalls having had a conversation with Psalmanazar, a native of Formosa, who himself recalls an attempt to poison the emperor. The narrator acknowledges that acting differently from the inhabitants of Topinamboo, as well as rejecting instruments that promote foreign luxury, while plausible, are not as "equally innocent, cheap, easy, and effectual" ideas. Because of the busy nature of the time nine months after Lent, the title entity will reduce the number of papists, as well as give poor tenants something valuable of their own. Great custom will be brought to taverns with the institution of the main idea of, FTP, which satirical essay by Jonathan Swift that proposes the use of children for meat?;;(A) Modest Proposal(:) (For) (Preventing) (the) (Children) (of) (Poor) (People) (in) (Ireland) (from) (Being) (a) (Burden) (to) (Their) (Parents) (Country,) (and) (for) (Making) (Them) (Beneficial) (to) (the) (Public) Economics;;Piero Sraffa, after editing the collected works of this man, published his own Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities to improve on the theory of value as developed by that economist. His namesake equivalence suggests that forward-looking consumers fully anticipate future taxes and equate them to present taxes. His law of diminishing returns is present in his Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock, which also contains his argument for repealing the Corn Laws. The author of The High Price of Bullion, this is, FTP, which economist who introduced the idea of comparative advantage in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation and is credited with the "iron law of wages"?;;(David) Ricardo Mythology;;This man told the story of the creation of the world to Hnossa while her mother was searching for her husband. Among the possessions of this mythological being, who lives in the "Heaven's Palace" or "Sky Mountain," includes the sword Hofund and his horse Gulltopp. The son of the nine daughters of Aegir, this god, with the nicknames of Vindhlér, meaning "wind shelter," and Gullintanni, meaning "golden-toothed," recovered Brisingamen after it was stolen from Freya. Even though he sacrificed an ear to drink from Mimir's well, this god has extraordinary hearing, which he uses to hear the grass grow. FTP, identify this Norse mythological figure who will blow Gjallahorn at Ragnarok, the guardian of Bifrost bridge.;;Heimdall Chemistry;;A version of it using a 1,1-diarylethylene is called the Wagner-Jauregg reaction. Benzenoids are less likely to undergo it, but a compound named for Danishefsky facilitates it. Imines are used in producing tetrahydropyridines in its "Aza" modification. It can proceed via a diradical intermediate when the energy gap between the LUMO loo-mo and HOMO is small, but is concerted otherwise. It is a four plus two cycloaddition which usually produces only the endo product. The reaction between a conjugated diene and a dienophile to produce a cyclohexene system is called, FTP, what organic reaction that won its discoverers the 1950 Nobel Prize in Chemistry?;;Diels-Alder (reaction) European Literature;;This work begins with its protagonist dreaming about antique silks and priceless ornaments, but her snap back to reality at dinner causes her to exclaim, "Aha! Scotch broth! What could be better!" The protagonist is ecstatic when receiving an envelope from the Minister of Education, but her husband is not as much, since he must now spend the money he wished to use to buy a gun. The aftermath of the central event results in the protagonist's husband taking up extra jobs and mortgaging his house in order to repay loans to purchase a replacement for the title object, which had been lost at the dance. However, Madame Forestier reveals that Madame Loisel had borrowed an imitation at the end of, FTP, which short story by Guy de Maupassant?;;(The) Necklace|(La) Parure Art;;The artist's works include one where a woman holding a bouquet of flowers is leaning forward to kiss a man bent unnaturally in mid-air. In addition to The Birthday, he depicted his wife standing over a man holding the arms of his daughter amidst a forest of green in Bella with a White Collar, while houses are being burned by a red flag-bearing mob as a menorah lies at the feet of the central figure of his painting The White Crucifixion. The most famous work by this painter has an upside down violinist in its center while a goat is being milked in the cheek of a larger goat, who is staring at a green-faced man. FTP, name this Russian-born French painter of I and the Village.;;(Marc) Chagall Math Theory;;When using differentiable functions in classic Sturm-Liouville problems, these quantities are real and may be ordered to form an infinite sequence. When Markov, or stochastic, processes are represented as a collection of probability column vectors, these quantities must include 1 among their number. The determinant of a triangular matrix equals the product of these quantities, which can be found in some matrix A by solving the characteristic polynomial in terms of some variable, obtained when subtracting that variable times the identity matrix from A. FTP, identify these scalars, usually identified as lambda, which solve, for some vector x, A times x equals ? times x.;;eigenvalue(s) American Literature;;Amy Denver helps the protagonist of this work give birth on the Ohio River, and thanks to the efforts of Stamp Paid, the protagonist is delivered to Baby Suggs by the Bodwins. The protagonist's lover escaped from a Georgia chain gang having earlier lived with the protagonist on the Sweet Home plantation, where her husband Howard witnessed "mammary rape" and went insane. However, with the second disappearance of the title figure, Paul D Garner returns to the broken-hearted protagonist at the end of the work. The ghost of the daughter she killed haunts Sethe in, FTP, which novel by Toni Morrison?;;Beloved World History;;Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski recalled meeting this man in 1962 and compared him to a cruel child. Among the endeavors of this man include seizing an area once known as the West Lake Region, and he was once called a "big hearted-buffoon and strutting martinet" in an article by Time. Serving as a cook for the King's African Rifles, he eventually became a sergeant after helping put down the Mau Mau rebels. He declared an "economic war" which resulted in government takeover of businesses abandoned by expelled Asians, which took place after overthrowing President Milton Obote. Ruling from 1971 to 1979, during which time approximately 300,000 people are thought to have died in his country, this is, FTP, which Ugandan dictator?;;(Idi) Amin (Dada) Biology;;An enzyme in the ADAT family is needed for the synthesis of these molecules, and their attachment is catalyzed by the hydrolysis of a GTP molecule attached to the EF-Tu protein. Robert Holley's 1968 Nobel Prize in Medicine came in part due to his discovery of the structure of these molecules, which contain several nonstandard bases like inosine and pseudouridine. Their L-shaped structure allows them to fit into P and A sites, and the "wobble" hypothesis accounts for the extra amino acids that may be carried by the roughly 40 different types of these molecules. FTP, name these small chains of nucleotides that add an amino acid attached to their anticodon region to a polypeptide chain at a ribosome, usually drawn with a cloverleaf structure.;;t(ransfer) RNA European History;;The Song of Roland was sung by Taillefer, a jester, whose death from charging the opposing line started this battle. After the battle, some of the defeated soldiers were chased into a deep pit known as the Malfosse. Due to unfavorable winds, the eventual victor's landing at Pevensey was delayed by two days, with the arrival two weeks later of the victors of the Battle of Stamford Bridge. With their position at the top of the hill, the Saxons were able to make a charge by crippling the Norman horses before their leader was shot in the eye by an arrow. Depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry, this is, FTP, which 1066 battle that saw Harold Godwinsson suffer defeat at the hands of William the Conqueror?;;(Battle) (of) Hastings Music;;One character sings "? il sol dell'anima" in this opera before tossing a bag of coins to Giovanna, allowing him to slip into the garden. "Possente amor mi chiama" is sung by one character in this opera after Marullo attempts to take revenge against the title character by telling him that he has an inamorata, but it is the curse that Count Monterone places on the title character that sets the main plot in motion. Maddalena falls in love with the Duke, who sings the canzone "La donna è mobile," and pleads with her brother Sparafucile so that she will not have to kill him. When the title character comes for a sack with a body in it, it contains not the body of the Duke of Mantua, but instead Gilda, the daughter of the title court jester, in, FTP, which opera by Giuseppe Verdi?;;Rigoletto European History;;The signing of the Treaty of Chaumont preceded this event, whose namesake "final act" was not signed by Spain in protest against the Italian settlement. Among the provisions agreed to here was the restoration of the Papal States and the cession of the Palatinate of the Rhine to Bavaria. Originally, Joachim Murat was allowed to remain king of Naples by the terms established here, and participants at this eventincluded Prince von Hardenburg, Viscount Castlereagh, and Count Nesselrode. In addition to giving the Duchy of Warsaw to Russia, it resulted in the formation of the German Confederation and the "Concert of Europe". Taking place after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, this is, FTP, which 1814-15 conference chaired by Klemens von Metternich?;;(Congress) (of) Vienna Physics;;The theory in which these particles appear is an SU3 gauge theory, and particles composed only of them are predicted to exist, but the only candidate known, f1710, decays too quickly into K-mesons. During the first ten microseconds after the Big Bang, the state of matter where hadrons are decomposed that was said to have formed is known as a plasma of quarks and these particles. A vector gauge boson of spin 1, they have only two polarization states and have eight independent types, and although their exchange results in a change of color, the quarks maintains the balance of color. Carriers of the strong nuclear force, these are, FTP, which subatomic particles that cause quarks to interact and thus the binding of protons and neutrons in nuclei?;;gluon(s) World Literature;;This author discussed the influence of his father Seepersad in his memoir "Prologue to an Autobiography," which appears in his Finding the Centre: Two Narratives. He would win a Booker Prize for a collection of three stories whose title story details Bobby's and Linda's car ride to the capital of the Southern Collectorate, while he wrote about the lives of Popo and Bogart on the title road in another work. In addition to In a Free State and Miguel Street, he wrote about Salim's shop at the title location in one work, as well as the life of the six-fingered title figure who marries into the Tulsi family in another novel. FTP, identify this Trinidadian-born British Nobel laureate, author of A Bend in the River and A House for Mr. Biswas.;;(V(.)) (S(.)) Naipaul Psychology;;This man discussed his new general philosophy of "science in general, of religion, work, management" and called it a Weltanschauung in his 1971 work The Further Reaches of Human Nature, while he noted that "a musician must make music, a artist must paint… if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself" in his work titled Motivation and Personality. After meeting Kurt Goldstein, he developed his most famous notion in Towards a Psychology of Being, stating that after physiological requirements are met, one must be emotionally fulfilled before reaching his or her full potential. Furthering the notion of "self-actualization," this is, FTP, which American psychologist best remembered for his "hierarchy of needs"?;;(Abraham) Maslow Philosophy;;This work proposes that imagination is "nothing but decaying sense" and that passions are "interior beginnings of voluntary motions". Its author argues that Scripture is interpreted to justify the assumption of power by popes in its last section titled "Of the Kingdom of Darkness," while another part states that the three causes of fights are competition, diffidence, and glory. One section in the part of this work titled "Of Man" compares aristocracy, democracy, and monarchy, while the preceding chapter, titled "On the Natural Condition of Mankind," describes human existence as "poor, nasty, brutish, and short". Arguing for an absolute monarchy, this is, FTP, which political tract of Thomas Hobbes?;;Leviathan (Or,) (The) (Matter,) (Form,) (and) (Power) (of) (a) (Commonwealth) (Ecclesiastical) (and) (Civil) United States History;;The first decreed that a Court of Election shall meet on the second Thursday in April, which appoints six magistrates and one governor via secret ballot, and the fifth imposed a term limit of two years on governorship. They were drafted by Rodger Ludlow in the wake of the Pequot War, and were later supplanted by a 1662 royal charter. While the New Haven colony was excluded from them, they drafted a similar series of documents a year later. FTP, name this document that solidified the commonwealth between Windsor, Wethersfield, and Hartford, a set of 11 decrees and early constitution of the Commonwealth of Connecticut.;;Fundamental Orders (of) (Connecticut) Mythology;;This figure is killed after he is offered a meal of dog meat which he cannot refuse, and he ties himself to a rock in order to remain standing upright after he is struck by a spear. He is sent to the Fort of Shadows to be trained by Scathach, and defeats Scathach's twin sister Aife while there. After returning, Forgall allows him to marry Emer, but Cathbad would sleep between them on their first night by decree of Conchobar mac Nessa. He distinguished himself at the age of 17 by single-handedly defeating the army of Connacht using a spear that sings for the blood of its enemies, and obtained his name when he killed a dog belonging to a blacksmith. Also known as Setanta, FTP, name this 14-pupiled, 14-fingered, 14-toed wielder of the Gae Bulga and hero of the Cattle Raid of Cooley, an Irish folk hero and main character of the Ulster Cycle.;;Cuchulainn;;Setanta Philosophy;;One of his posthumous publications consists of 676 lines of unorganized propositions and begins with a response to G. E. Moore; this work is entitled On Certainty. One of his later works states that most philosophers have a "craving for generality", which causes them to ignore the multiple meanings of words. That work, The Blue and Brown Books, followed a work that considered a language consisting only of the words "rock", "slab", "pillar" and "beam". His most famous work introduces the truth table and is organized into seven propositions, and makes the argument that the only way to argue philosophy is to be silent, because all philosophy is nonsense. FTP, name this author of Philosophical Investigations, a logical positivist whose most famous work is the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.;;(Ludwig) Wittgenstein Art;;An analysis of this work by Ebehard Ruhmer shows that the central figure's arm was repositioned at least three times and his head was lowered. The innermost scene features sculptures of St. Jerome and St. Anthony in the center section, and the Temptation of St. Anthony on the right. The predella features the lamentation of Mary Magdeline, and the second view contains a Concert of Angels in the center and a resurrection scene on the right. When closed, it depicts Anthony and Sebastian flanking a cruxifiction. With sculptural contributions by Nicholas Hagenhaur, FTP, name this piece that was dedicated to the monks of St. Anthony, the most famous work of Matthias Gruenwald.;;Isenheim Altarpiece European Literature;;Early in this work, a vow is made upon the blood of a decapitated ox, and one of the main characters tells all of the women to return to their weaving and children and rebukes them for wasting time praying to the gods. A character known only as "the Spy" tells of a coming attack whereupon the king assigns one warrior to each gate in order to defend against a group of soldiers from Argive. The play ends with the sister of one of the deceased combatants vowing to bury his body against the wishes of the city elders. The play ends with the sister of one of the deceased combatants vowing to bury his body against the wishes of the city elders. FTP, name this work of Aeschylus in which Polyneices and six other warriors die attacking the title city?;;Seven Against Thebes Chemistry;;Molecules with this property have a negative diamagnetic susceptibility exaltation value, and they also induce a negative Nucleus-Independent Chemical Shift in lithium atoms that complex with them. The Mobius version of this property occurs in molecules with an odd number of out-of-phase overlaps between orbitals. It can be determined computationally via the Pariser-Parr-Pople method, but a simpler formulation stipulates that molecules with this property be planar with 4n+2 pi electrons in a delocalized shell; this is called Huckel's Rule. FTP, what is this extensive delocalization of electrons in a conjugated system, most notably exhibited by benzene, so named because some molecules possessing it have a distinct smell?;;Aromatic(ity) American Literature;;One of this author's works is a seven-part poetic sequence which opens with the line "Was not the lost dauphin", based on a legend that the title figure was a lost son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. That work, Audobon: A Vision, was followed by another collection which included works like "Heart of Autumn" and "Amazing Grace in the Back Country". His long fiction includes a novel about the lawyer Percy Munn, entitled Night Rider, and another about Wilkie Barron and Jeremiah Beaumont, World Enough and Time. He's also known for a novel about the journalist Jack Burden and political boss Willie Stark, who was based on Huey Long. FTP, name this author who won Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry collection "Now and Then" and his novel All The King's Men.;;(Robert) (Penn) Warren United States History;;It was first made public in the December 18 edition of the Congressional Globe, and derived some of its stipulations from the failed Corwin Amendment. With the exception the incoming secretary of state, it garnered little support among Republicans, and it was also condemned by another official as "amounting to a perpetual covenant of war". It's most important stipulations were the repeal of Personal Liberty Laws, a prohibition against any future constitutional amendment banning slavery, and a permanent reestablishment of the Missouri Compromise, but it failed largely due to Abraham Lincoln's vehement condemnation. FTP, name this 1860 joint resolution, proposed by a Kentucky Senator, a last ditch effort to avert the Civil War.;;Crittenden (Compromise) Art;;This person learned her craft under Richard H. White, and also spent some time as the apprentice of Arnold H. Gethe. Along with Walker Evans, this person contributed to Richard Wright's history, Twelve Million Black Voices. She covered the relocation of internees at Manzanar, which included a particularly haunting photograph of a group of girls pledging allegiance to the flag. However, she's probably most famous for her work under the Farm Security Administration, which included a photograph of Florence Owens Thompson and her two children. FTP, name this photographer of Migrant Mother.;;(Dorothea) Lange Biology;;This structure contains large quantities of the phosphoprotein B23, and it can be transiently disassembled by FRGY2a and FRGY2b. Rad52 is excluded from this structure, and synthesis of some of its components is dependent on Cajal bodies. 70% of this structure consists of the granular component, which is surrounded by the dense fibrillary and fibrillary components. It participates in the synthesis of the Signal Recognition Particle, but its most important function is achieved by RNA polymerase I, which localizes here. FTP, name this site of ribosome production, a dark-staining, heterochromatic region of the nucleus.;;Nucleolus World History;;One side's army was assembled at Tjaru, and marched 11 days to a war council at Yaham. The commander's generals had received faulty intelligence that a route through Aruna was heavily blocked, but the commander decided to take the middle route anyway. The opposing forces had large infantry contingents in Yokneam and Taanakh, and a large number of chariots at the namesake city, which they hoped to use to destroy retreating forces. After a seventh-month siege, the namesake city finally fell, allowing the victors to expand into Syria. This battle is also notable as the first use of the composite bow, and is also the first with a record of the body count. FTP, name this earliest recorded battle, a 397 BC victory over the Caanites by Thutmose III, which allowed Egypt to expand into the middle east.;;(Battle) (of) Megiddo Religion;;He appears in the Book of Enoch as the ruler of the Cherubim, where he is ordered to imprison the Nephilim and "Proceed against the biters…and the children of fornication". He appears to Zechariah in Luke 1:12, where he foretold the birth of John the Baptist, and correctly stated that Zechariah would be unable to speak until the event. He also appears in the Talmud several times, where he is identified as the figure that slew the hosts of Sennacherib, stopped Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, and as the voice of the burning bush. He's also the angel that appears to Mary in the annunciation, and as the figure that blows his horn that announces Judgement Day. FTP, name this compatriot of Michael and Raphael, an archangel and chief messenger of God.;;Gabriel Anthropology;;A lesser-known study by this person found that children in Infant Homes have delayed eruption of their deciduous teeth, and another work analyzed the change in cranium size between first- and second-generation immigrants. He learned anatomy under Rudolf Virchow, and used that knowledge in an early study of natives of Baffin Island. That work, The Central Eskimo, preceded several other works such as The History of The American Race and Primitive Art. He advocated the "four-field" approach to anthropology, and is probably most famous for his study of the Kwakiutl Indians. FTP, name this author of Race, Language and Culture and The Mind of Primitive Man, who established the first American PhD program in anthropology at Columbia University.;;(Franz) Boas Math Theory;;Hadamard's infinite product is one expansion of it, and it can also be expanded into a Laurent series using Stieltjets constants. The Dirichlet L-function with chi as a trivial character is equivalent to it, and its value at 3 is known as Apery's constant. Work by Ramanujan showed that its value at -1 is equal to -1/12, and his namesake series for it can also show that it is zero at any negative even number. Hardy showed that it has an infinite number of roots with real part ½, but it is not yet known whether all of its roots lie on that critical line. FTP, name this function intimately related to the prime number theorem and the subject of a namesake unsolved hypothesis.;;Riemann zeta (function) Physics;;Kleppner used a modification of this experiment to power the first hydrogen MASER, and Isodor Rabi used another modification of the apparatus to discover his namesake oscillation, which is used in MRI imaging. The results of this experiment were solved by Goudsmith and Uhlenbeck, and it was initially used to test between the classical theory of the atom and the Bohr-Sommerfeld theory. In the original experiment, a furnace was used to generate a beam of silver atoms that were fired through an inhomogenous magnetic field, leading two spots to appear on the detector. FTP, name this experiment that demonstrated spin quantization, conducted by two German physicists.;;Stern-Gerlach (Experiment) British Literature;;The main character's life takes a pious turn when she's given a copy of Thomas a Kempis' Imitation of Christ, but this ends upon meeting the kind, crippled son of one of her father's enemies. Her father dies of an illness after confronting that same enemy, Lawyer Wakem. After returning to the town near the end of the work, the protagonist is given a job as governess of Dr. Kenn's children, and is forgiven by her cousin Lucy for running away. She is romantically pursued throughout the novel by both Phillip Wakem and Stephen Guest, but she ends up dying in her brother's arms during a flood. FTP, name this novel about Tom and Maggie Tulliver and the titular estate in the town of St. Ogg, a work by George Eliot.;;(The) Mill on the Floss Economics;;A satirical "Neo-" version of it was created by Martin Gardner, based on data collected by Persi Diaconis, and it has also been applied to debt relief in African countries in addition to its more well-known function. Critics argue that it's simply a restatement of the extreme value theorem, and it was used to justify the Kemp-Roth act of 1981. It was supposedly first explained to Jude Wanniski, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld via inscription on a napkin by its namesake, who assumed a constant rate of taxation to derive it. FTP, name this parabolic curve that plots tax rate against government revenue, a staple of supply-side economics.;;Laffer Curve European History;;His career began when he was elected representative from Castle Rising, but he would later move to neighboring King's Lynn, which he would represent for most of his career. He served as a close advisor to the Duke of Marlborough during the War of the Spanish Succession, and was charged with corruption and imprisoned in the Tower of London for six months by his political opponents after that conflict. As Chancellor of the Exchequer, he introduced the sinking fund to reduce national debt, and also gained the nickname "Screenmaster-General" during his investigation of the South Sea Bubble catastrophe. He failed to stop the War of Jenkins Ear, and his mounting unpopularity lead him to resign in 1742. FTP, name this proponent of Salutary Neglect, a Whig considered the first Prime Minister of Britain.;;(Robert) Walpole World Literature;;The end of one of his short stories features Colonel Burman coming home after the Napoleonic Wars; that story, "The Blizzard", was published at the same time as his novel about Peter Grineff and Marina. One of this authors' title characters is captured by the evil sorceror Chernomor, whose power was in his beard, while the conflict between two composers is chronicled in Mozart and Salieri, one of his "Little Tragedies". The title character of another of his works is a Privy Councilor whose actions begin the Time of Troubles, and in another story, the protagonist sneaks into the home of a Countess and ends up scaring her to death, whereupon he starts seeing threes, sevens, and aces everywhere. He is also famous for a verse novel in which Vladimir Lensky is killed in a duel over Tatyana. FTP, name this author of Ruslan and Ludmilla, Boris Gudonov, The Queen of Spades, and Eugene Onegin.;;(Alexander) (Sergeyevich) Pushkin Music;; His only opera, which was performed three times to critical derision, details the exploits of the legendary 8th century heroine Genevieve of Barabant. In addition to Genoveva, he also published a set of 13 variations on a theme of Baron von Fricken, the Symphonic Etudes. His first opus was Variations on the Name "Abegg", but he's more famous for his Opus 2, which represents a masque ball, and Papillions, which was published after his marriage to Clara Weick. FTP, name this German 19th-century romantic composer of the Spring Symphony, probably most famous for his Symphony No. 3 in E-flat, the Rhenish.;; (Robert) Schumann European History;;In a speech addressed to this group, its leader referred to its members' "scars which adorn their youthful brows". It is believed that this group's namesake entities derived from an inability to deliver certain items to slaughterhouses in Argentina. Nino Bixio repressed revolts in various regions by leading this group, whose leader gave up political leadership at the Bridge of Teano. After the Sepoy Revolt, Henry McIver joined this group, which earned victories at Calatafimi, Milazzo, and Volturno to seize Sicily in the name of the Risorgimento. FTP, name this group of volunteers who helped unify Italy, followers of Giuseppe Garibaldi, named for the color of a particular garment they wore.;;Redshirt(s);;(")(The) Thousand(")|(")(Le) Mille(") Chemistry;;A reaction named after Henry Stephens uses nitriles, hydrochloric acid, and tin II tin-two chloride to form this organic compounds, and after hydrolysis, the Zincke variety can be formed when pyridinium salts with secondary amines. The Corey-Fuchs reaction converts them to alkynes, while the Cannizaro reaction forms an alcohol and an acid salt using a particular kind of this compound, particularly one lacking the alpha hydrogen. Generally produced by the oxidation of a primary alcohol, it can be tested for using Tollens' reagent as it will oxidize to become a carboxylic acid. FTP, name this organic compound with a functional group which consists of a carbon double bonded to an oxygen and single bonded to a hydrogen.;;aldehyde(s) American Literature;;One character in this work accompanies another from Fawns to Brighton to buy Damascene tiles from the dealer Mr. Gutermann-Seuss. Earlier, two characters ensured that Mrs. Noble and Dr. Brady mounted unchallenged guard over their child before leaving for Paris, where Adam planned to meet his daughter. Later, when the latter goes to buy a birthday gift for her father, she finds out that her husband had lied; Prince Amerigo had met Charlotte Stant before, and, years earlier, they had tried to purchase the flawed title object. Later, Mrs. Assingham smashes the title object to convince Maggie Verver of her husband's fidelity in, FTP, which novel by Henry James?;;(The) Golden Bowl Economics;;The amount of percentage points of GDP of consumers are willing to give up to reduce this economic concept by one unit is known as the sacrifice ratio. Due to the substitution bias and the introduction of new goods, the Consumer Price Index tends to overstate the effects of this concept. Expectations of this it can cause menu and shoeleather costs, and its relationship with the nominal and real interest rates is described by the Fisher equation. Varieties of this include the "demand-pull" and "cost-push" types, and the Phillips curve depicts an inverse relationship between the rate of unemployment and it. FTP, name this term which describes the increase of prices in the economy.;;inflation European History;;This ruler's reign saw the establishment of the Council of the North, as well as the College of Arms. Some believe that this ruler had killed his wife, Anne Neville, who bore him a son who would die at Middleham shortly after being made Prince of Wales. He would have Lord Hastings, who had earlier warned him about a threat to his regency, beheaded for allegedly plotting to kill his brother's son, Edward V. However, he had fought bravely at the Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury for Edward IV, and after the latter's death, he ruled for two years before his death with the conclusion of the Wars of the Roses would signal the end of the Plantagenet dynasty. The last ruler of the House of York, this is, FTP, which English king who met his end at the Battle of Bosworth Field?;;Richard (III|the Third){1}?;;Richard Geography;;Johann Krapf and Johann Rebmann are believed to be the first Europeans to spot this mountain, which has a glacier at its top that bears the latter's name. Those who do not reach the highest point of this mountain still receive a green certificate if they reach Gillman's Point. Shira contains a large plateau at its top, while Mawenzi's peak is more rocky due to erosion, but its highest point, most easily attained by using the Marangu, Machame, or Rongai routes, is Uhuru Peak on the volcano Kibo. It is the largest of a belt of roughly twenty others near the southern portion of the East African Rift Valley. FTP, name this mountain, the world's largest free-standing one, found in Tanzania.;;(Mount) Kilimanjaro Physics;;Trouton and Noble's test of Einstein's special theory of relativity involved a direct measure of this quantity, which would be nonzero in the experiment if the ether theory was correct. Euler's equations can be used to calculate this quantity for reference frames that are not fixed, and Poinsot's construction is used to visualize situations in which this quantity is zero. An object's angular velocity of precession can be given as this quantity divided by the product of the object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity of spin. It is equal to the product of a rigid body's moment of inertia and its angular acceleration as it is the time derivative of angular momentum. The rotational analogue of force, this is, FTP, which physical concept that can be found by taking the cross product of a force and its radial length?;;torque Religion;;Its origins can be traced to the story detailed in Matthew 4:1-11 and in Luke 4:1-13, the latter of which includes the command to turn stone into bread. Purple veils are draped over all sacred images during the portion of this holiday known as Passiontide. This holiday comes from the time when Jesus lived in the wilderness and overcame temptations from the devil. Preceded by Shrove Tuesday and containing the Holy Week within it, it requires those between 18 and 59 to abstain from eating meat and poultry. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending before Easter, this is, FTP, which Christian holiday that lasts for forty days, during which something enjoyable is given up?;;Lent European Literature;;The adultery on both parts of the married couple Edward and Charlotte with Ottilie and the Captain, respectively, forms the basis of this author's novel Elective Affinities. He wrote about the title lord of Gaure's arrest by Alva in one drama, while he also wrote a novel about a character who refuses to study business and instead works with Marianne and Mignon in the theater, as well as another about Lotte spurning the love of the title character, resulting in his suicide. In addition to Egmont, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, and The Sorrows of Young Werther, this author also wrote a two-part poetic drama about the death of the title character attempting to save Gretchen after making a wager with Mephistopheles. FTP, name this German author of Faust.;;(Johann) (Wolfgang) (von) Goethe Art;;This artist portrayed a girl in a red and white checkered shirt standing with four others behind a man painting in the foreground in his Return from Bohemia, and he painted his assistant Arnold Pyle in the portrait Arnold Comes of Age. He claimed his only satire was his portrayal of three women, one of which holds a cup in her left hand, standing in front of a painting of Leutze's in Daughters of the Revolution, and his landscapes include Fall Plowing and Spring Turning, whose rolling hills he used in his 1930 painting Stone City, Iowa. FTP, name this American artist based remembered for painting his sister alongside a dentist holding a pitchfork in American Gothic.;;(Grant) Wood United States History;;In the 1962 case Robinson v. California, Justice Douglas's concurrence stated that "this age of enlightenment" prevents us from forgetting the teachings of this amendment. The 1987 U. S. v. Salerno decision rejected the claim that the Bail Reform Act violated a certain clause in this amendment, while the 2002 case Atkins v. Virginia refers to it concerning mentally retarded inmates. Trop v. Dulles's statement that this amendment "must draw its meaning from the evolving standards of decency" was referred to in an opinion written for Furman v. Georgia. FTP, name this amendment in the Bill of Rights which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.;;Eighth (Amendment) Mythology;;Various consequential incidents that occurred throughout the duration of these events include the marriage between Telamon and Hesione, the death of Pholus, and the freeing of Theseus, but not Pirithous. Cacus's trickery stalled the resolution of one, while the advice of Iolaus was employed for another. Rerouting the Alpheus and Peneus rivers, sailing to Erytheia in a golden cup, and slaying Eurytion and Orthrus helped complete three more of these. The completion of the fourth, which resulted in the return of the Erymanthian Boar, scared Eurystheus into hiding in a jar. Stealing the apples of the Hesperides was yet another one of, FTP, which set of mythical tasks, completed by a Greek hero to obtain his freedom?;;(twelve) labors of (Heracles|Hercules){1}? British Literature;;One character in this work has a good omen at the Tokatlian Hotel when he hears the name of Mrs. Gamp's fictional friend, noting that he has "read his Dickens". That character later overhears another character ask for mineral water, which occurs after 12:47 AM, when he had heard the words "Ce n'est rien. Je me suis trompé". Later on, a uniform is discovered in the suitcase of Hildegarde Schmidt, and a woman in a scarlet kimono is initially unaccounted for. It is later proposed that someone snuck into Samuel Ratchett's room at Belgrade or Vincovci. However, nearly all of the passengers, including Mrs. Hubbard and Colonel Arbuthnot, wished for revenge for Daisy Armstrong, as discovered by Hercule Poirot at the end of, FTP, which Agatha Christie mystery that takes place aboard the titular train?;;Murder on the Orient Express Computer Science;;The "dancing variety," employed in the Reiser4 file system, delays optimization until a flush-to-disk command is issued. One variety of them, invented by Sleator and Tarjan, rearranges the entire structure without storing any bookkeeping work, and is known as the "splay type," but it lacks the worst-case guarantee of Olog n big "O" of log "n" run-time present in the AVL type. The "B" variety may have a variable number of keys, and the one named after Arne and Andersson is a specific case of the red-black variety, which employs a balancing algorithm that checks the color of each of its nodes. All children to the left of a root are less than those at the root in the binary-search type of, FTP, which type of data structure whose nodes at the bottommost level are called leaves?;;tree(s) World History;;One side of this battle set camp on the peninsula between the Ionian Sea and the Gulf of Ambracia, while the other side was established further south under the command of P. Crassus Candidus. Most of the battle was a draw as one side's quinqueremes were too slow to ram opposing forces, but their size allowed them to fire javelins and arrows at the enemies. Lucius Arruntius drove into a gap that formed between the center of the two lines of the opposing fleet, thanks to Agrippa rowing around one of the opposing commanders while the other fled back to Egypt. A victorious Octavian over Antony and Cleopatra led to the establishment of the Roman Empire at the conclusion of, FTP, which 31 B.C. battle?;;(Battle) (of) Actium European Literature;;An unpublished work of criticism by this author on the works of Sainte-Beuve surfaced in the middle of the 20th century. His first published books, Portraits of Painters and Pleasures and Regrets, appeared with illustrations contributed by Madeleine Lemaire shortly after he gave up finishing Jean Santeuil. He began translating several works of John Ruskin soon afterward, but his time spent in the army contributed to his most famous work, which contained sections titled "Within a Budding Grove" and "Sodom and Gomorrah," as well as the characters Charles Swann and Odette de Crecy. FTP, identify this French author of a seven-volume work translated as In Search of Lost Time or Remembrance of Things Past.;;(Marcel) Proust Biology;;In 2005, it was found that chickens contain most of this biological entity's information in its chromosomes 1 and 4, and recent research suggests that a certain area of this biological entity may help in suppressing Wilms' tumors. Martin and Bell discovered that a mutation of its FMR1 gene may cause mental retardation, and recessive inheritance of Fabry disease and Duchenne muscular dystrophy has been genetically traced to it. Those afflicted with Turner's Syndrome notable lack a second one of these, while those with extra copies are diagnosed with Klinefelter's Syndrome. Lyonization forms a Barr body by inactivating, FTP, which sex-determining chromosome, two of which are possessed by females?;;X (chromosome) Linguistics;;Alfred Korzybski is often given credit as having developed the concepts of this idea independently of its namesakes, while Stephen Pinker argued against this idea by comparing its central idea to that of spiders weaving webs. Dr. James Cooke Brown created Loglan specifically to test this principle, which was developed while a student of Franz Boas's was studying the communication system of the Hopi tribe. Also known as "linguistic relativity," this is, FTP, which conjecture of linguistics, formulated by its two namesakes, which states that there exists a relationship between one's language and his or her behaviors and thoughts?;;Sapir-Whorf (hypothesis)|Whorf(ian) (hypothesis);;Sapir (hypothesis)|linguistic relativity Music;;"In questa reggia" is sung by the title character of this work, in which the exiled king of Barbary watches as the Prince of Persia is led up the hill. One character sings "Signore, ascolta" to prevent the one she loves from attempting to win the throne, while in the pavilion, the lack of peace in the country is noted by Ping, Pang, and Pong. Not realizing that it will result in the life of Liù, who sings "Tu, che di gel sei cinta" just before she stabs herself, the son of Timur sings "Nessun dorma" as he believes no one will discover his true name. Despite having answered the three questions of the title character, Calaf dies at the end of, FTP, which opera by Giacomo Puccini?;;Turandot World Literature;;In this work, Mr. Brown allows himself to get so drunk that he makes fierce German shepherd dogs dance to some Texas songs while he accompanies on the accordion. An accordion, given as a gift from Walter Raleigh, is also played in Catarino's store by Francisco the Man, while a pianola is brought by Pietro Crespi. Other new items, such as magnetized ingots and magnifying glasses, are brought by Melquíades, who later writes parchments that are translated from Sanskrit to reveal that the last of the line is to be eaten by ants, which is fulfilled when Amaranta Úrsula's daughter is dragged away before Aureliano's eyes. Telling the tales of the Buendía family in Macondo, this is, FTP, which novel by Gabriel García Márquez?;;One Hundred Years of Solitude|Cien a(ñ|n){1}?os de soledad World History;; Augie March pretends to be this man's nephew in a work by Saul Bellow, while Claude Lefort wrote an essay about "The Contradiction of" this man. David Ives wrote a one act comedy titled "Variations on the Death of" this man, but it is only near the end of the eight scene play where Ramon Mercader is introduced. Peter Weiss wrote a play about this man "in Exile, and an animal representing him runs on the platform of the "three day week," but even his decoration as "Animal Hero, First Class" from the Battle of the Cowshed does not prevent him from being run out by dogs at the command of Napoleon in Orwell's Animal Farm. FTP, name this man who split with Stalin and, as a result, was assassinated in 1940 in Mexico City.;; (Leon) Trotsky Chemistry;;They can be synthesized from vinyl bromides via the Fritsch-Buttenberg-Wiechell rearrangement, or from aldehydes via the Seyferth-Gilbert reaction, but they are more commonly created by double elimination of vicinal dihalides. One common reaction the reduction of these compounds by a catalyst poisoned with quinoline and named for Lindlar. Hydroboration or oxy-mercuration of these compounds leads to an enol, which then tautomerizes into a carbonyl compound. Terminal ones have a pKa of about 25, meaning they can be easily deprotonated and used in ring opening of epoxides and nucleophilic attacks. Consisting of at least one pair of sp-hybridized carbons bonded to each other, FTP, name these compounds that contain a carbon-carbon triple bond.;;Alkyne(s) World Literature;;The main character of this work falls in love with the Safflower princess after hearing her play the harp, but recoils upon seeing her malformed nose. The protagonist performs the "Waves of the Blue Sea" dance in one part of this work, which elevates his status, and manages to hide the fact that he impregnated one of the emperor's concubines. The final part takes place eight years after his death. His marriage to Princess Aoi does little to dissuade him from having affairs with Kaoru, Niou, and pretty much every woman he meets. FTP, name this 11th-century Heian period novel detailing the life and loves of the title prince, by Murasaki Shikibu.;;Genji Monogatari|(The) Tale of Genji Sociology;;One part of this work criticizes the application of functionalist sociology and Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa to American women, and another chapter criticizes Freud's "penis envy" as outdated and eccentric. Another chapter analyzes the title concept in relation to appliance advertisements in the 1950s, and one of the most important sections in this work calls for universities to make education uniform for all students, rather than making women's classes easier. The inability to live up to the title idea is called "the problem with no name" throughout, FTP, what bible of second-wave feminism by Betty Friedan?;;(The) Feminine Mystique Art;;The clock in this work shows 12:15, and it is placed right above a door with a yellowish-brown curtain. There are four lights hanging from the ceiling, and at the center-left of this work is a woman in a long blue dress next to a man in a yellow hat. Right below the clock is a table with liquor bottles and a vase of white flowers. The floor is a sickly looking yellow, and at the center stands a figure in a white suit next to a billiard table with three balls and a cue sitting on it. The artist also painted a series of six portraits of the proprietor of the title location, Joseph-Michel Ginoux. FTP, identify this 1888 Vincent Van Gogh painting depicting the titular evening establishment.;;(The) Night Cafe Geography;;Along with the Songhua and Tumen, this river originates from Heaven Lake on Bakedu Mountain. Dams on it include the Sup'ung Rodonjagu, and cities on its banks include Hyesan and Chagbai in the Paektu Mountains. It is transversed by the Friendship Bridge between the cities of Sinuiju and Daodong, and tributaries of this river include the Tokro and Herchun. Its name comes from the Manchu word for "boundary between two fields", and the airspace above it became known as MiG Alley during a certain police action. FTP, name this river that forms border between China and the Korean Peninsula.;;Yalu (River)|Amnok (River) Philosophy;;This man's early work was largely scientific in nature, and included On the Causes of an Echo and The Renal Glands. Another one of his works was an epistolary novel about Usbek and Rica's journey from Isfahan, which satirized the system of John Law. His most famous work was first translated by Thomas Nugent, espoused the idea that climate was key to the temperament of a civilization. That same work classifies governments as monarchical, republican, or despotic, and advocates the separation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. FTP, name this 18th-century French social theorist, who wrote Persian Letters and The Spirit of the Laws.;;(Charles) (de) Secondat(,) (Baron) (de) (Montesqueiu)|(Charles) (de) (Secondat)(,) (Baron) (de) Montesqueiu Economics;;Rolnick and Weber reformulated this statement in a 1986 paper, in which they replaced the assumption of equal exchange for equal transaction costs, and Akerlof used this law to describe the title entity in "The Market for Lemons". Giffen criticized it for failing to take bimetallism into account. It may have originated in Oresme's Treatise on Money, but it was given its current name by Henry Macleod, who named it after an advisor to Queen Elizabeth. That advisor invoked it to explain the decrease in the value of coinage due to the "Great Debasements" of her predecessors. FTP, name this law that states that bad money drives good money out of circulation.;;Gresham('s) (Law) Literature;;The author of this poem may have written it as a reaction to Clough's The Bothie of Tober-no-Vuolich, and one of the characters in this work was referred to as a "cosmic last resort" in a poem by Anthony Hecht. The last stanza of this work opens by imploring "Ah Love! Let us be true to one another" because the world "hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light". The author references Sophocles in the second stanza, stating that "he heard it on the Aegean". He hears the seas' "melancholy, withdrawing roar", and also states that the waves bring in "The eternal note of sadness". Beginning with the observation that "The sea is calm to-night", FTP, this is what poem whose title refers to a location where "ignorant armies clash by night", by Matthew Arnold.;;Dover Beach European History;;His early career saw service in the third Punic War under his brother-in-law, and as a quaestor in Numantia he also signed a peace treaty that earned him the ire of his longtime rival, Scipio Aemilianus. His most famous action went through with the help of Attalus III of Pergamum, who left Rome his entire kingdom and fortune upon his death; that same action lead to the ousting of Octavius and this man's death at the hands of the Optimates, or conservative faction of the senate. Paired with his brother Gaius in Plutarch's Parallel Lives, FTP, name this tribune, best known for a series of agrarian reforms that limited public land holdings to 500 iugera per person.;;T(iberius) (Sempronius) Graccus;;Graccus World History;;Roger Penrose proposed a namesake "process" to extract energy from one type of these objects, and the no hair theorem states that they only have three properties: charge, mass, and angular momentum. The Reissner-Nordstrom type has an internal Cauchy boundary, and other types include the Kerr-Newman variety, which is bounded by an ergosphere. Some types are theorized to emit Hawking radiation, and they are generally classified as bodies that have size smaller than their Swartzchild radius. Surrounded by accretion disks and bounded by event horizons, FTP, name these objects that have such a strong gravitational pull that light can't escape.;;Black Hole;;Kerr-Newman (Black) (Hole) Religion;;A giant gamma ray laser by this name was built by ZAFT and destroyed by Athrun Zala at the Second Battle of Jachin Due Ya-shin Do-ey on Gundam SEED. In Marvel Comics, it is the codename of a mutant who could project solid holograms, a son of Cable whose real name was Tyler Dayspring. A fictional device with this name was created by Dr. Carol Marcus; it was originally tested on Regula and later detonated in the Mutara Nebula by Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek II. FTP, give the collective name for these people and things, also the namesake of a 16-bit Sega Console, a band lead by Peter Gabriel, and the first book of the Old Testament.;;Genesis Religion;;Important sources of doctrine in this religion include "The Seven Valleys" and "Hidden Words", while the "Epistle to the Son of the Wolf" is a letter from its founder to a violent opponent of this faith. One later leader of this faith was Shoghi Effendi, under whom the organized expansion known as the Ten Year Crusade occurred. It is built around the doctrine of "Three Onenesses", consisting of the oneness of god, oneness of humanity, and oneness of religion. Locally, it is lead by Spiritual Assemblies, but the chief body of this faith, located in Haifa, is known as the Universal House of Justice. Currently lead by Payman Mohajer and founded by a man originally known as Mirza Husayn-Ali, FTP, name this faith founded by Baha'u'llah.;;Bahai American Literature;;The characters talk about a football game between Birmingham Villa and either the White Shirts or Tottenham before an envelope containing matches is slid under their door. One character in this work responds to a request to "light the kettle" by correcting the speaker, starting a tussle in which the speaker strangles that character. The characters discover a speaking tube near the end of this work, and it concludes with one character pointing a gun at the other, right after the title object delivers a request for "scampi". Taking place in a windowless room with two beds and starring the hitmen Ben and Gus, FTP, name this absurdist one-act play which takes its title from an object that brings orders for food, by Harold Pinter.;;(The) Dumb Waiter Biology;;Their levels are homeostatically regulated by the DELLA nuclear repressors, which are ubiquitinated by the SCF-GID1 complex. The final step in their synthesis uses kaurenoic acid oxidase to remove a carbon, creating a characteristic diterpenoid structure. They were originally discovered as a metabolic by-product of a pathogen that causes bakanae, or foolish seedling disease. In adults, they induce flowering and fruit formation, but their main action occurs in seeds. Antagonistic to abscissic acid, this is, FTP, which plant hormone which induces stem growth in adult plants and germination in seeds?;;Gibberellin(s) Mythology;;He once disguised himself as a leopard and was branded and flayed by another diety, and is said to have fathered the crocodile god Sobek by Neith. Anat and Astart were given to him as consorts after he was denied rulership of the gods. His wife was alternately known as "Lady of the Mansion", and after she slept with his brother, he enlisted the aid of Queen Aso and seventy-two others to kill him. After said conflict, his opponent's son Horus attacked him and ripped his testicles off, but not before this god took one of Horus' eyes out. The consort of Nepthys, son of Geb and Nut, and brother to Osiris, this is, FTP, what ancient Egyptian deity with an aardvark-like head, the god of the desert, chaos, and evil?;;Set|Setesh|Seteh Physics;;The induced birefringence in the Voigt effect is directly proportional to the square of this quantity, while the second London equation allows one to solve a second-order differential equation in this quantity for the penetration depth. The same equation describes the complete exclusion of one of these from a superconductor, which is called the Meissner effect. A strong one can split atomic energy levels in the Paschen-Back effect, while a weaker one does the same in the Zeeman effect. FTP, name this quantity, derived from the Lorentz transformation of the electric field, whose strength for a current-carrying wire can be computed via the Biot-Savart Law or Ampere's Law. .;;Magnetic Field United States History;;One consequence of its passage was the creation of the Kirtland Safety Society by the Mormon church, and a remedy for its effects was proposed by Silas Wright in a special session of congress. Thomas Hart Benton attempted to introduce a version of it in the Senate, but it was blocked by conservative Whigs, leading to an alternate method of passage. It was the brainchild of Levi Woodbury, and was issued in order to stave off "soft money", and inflation associated with increased land speculation, but it instead caused massive devaluing of currency and unemployment. FTP, name this Andrew Jackson executive order that required payment of public land via gold and silver, leading to the Panic of 1837.;;Specie Circular|Coinage Act Art;;A building at the University of Sheffield was designed as a half-scale version of it, and one of its corridors contains backdrops for "The Three-Cornerd Hat", painted by Picasso. The Lever House sits right across the street from it, and this structure is also notable for its tinted windows, whose blinds have only three settings. The entrance to it contains Alexander Calder's Ordinary, and Mark Rothko provided paintings for the Four Seasons restaurant located here. Located at 375 Park Avenue and standing at 38 stories, FTP, name this New York City International Style Skyscraper by Phillip Johnson and Mies Van Der Rohe and commissioned by Phillys Lambert.;;Seagram Building European Literature;;This character offers his uniform to one of five men commanded by Enjolras during an insurrection, so that they may sneak away to their families. He disguises himself as Father Madeline, and he is elected mayor of the town of M. sur M. after making that town rich. He attempts steals some silverware from the Bishop of Digne, who treats him kindly nonetheless, and at the end of the work in which he appears, he returns a pair of silver candlesticks to Cosette, his adopted daughter and illegitimate child of Fantine. He is pursued throughout the novel by a police inspector because he had stolen a loaf of bread for his sister. FTP, name this man hunted by Javert, a convict and protagonist of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.;;(Jean) Valjean;;(Father) Madeline European History;;This man "and the Creation of a Superpower" and "Memories of" this man form the titles of two of his biographies written by his son. He opened up new land in the Altay region for farming during his Virgin Lands Campaign, and created regional Economic Councils in an effort to decentralize. After secretly giving a report entitled On the Personality Cult and Its Consequences to the so-called "Congress of Victors", he advocated "breaking the ice" during his namesake thaw. He also oversaw the military intervention during the Hungarian Revolution and formed the Warsaw Pact. Also famous for overseeing the launch of Sputnik I, stationing nuclear weapons in Cuba, banging his shoe on a desk during a Security Council meeting, and holding the Kitchen Debate with Richard Nixon, this is, FTP, which Soviet leader who was overthrown by Brezhnev and succeeded Stalin?;;(Nikita) Kruschev United States History;;During this event, its attendees were told that they would not be molested with "philosophical experiments with stocks, pants, and… Russian belts". In its last session, Thomas McClintock read from Blackstone, and an article was read describing a group of people as "sleeping as quietly as the babes in the wood" while others must "renew the treadmill tasks of yesterday". Hunt and McClintock joined a meeting in Waterloo, where they planned a meeting in the Wesleyan Chapel and replaced "King George" with "all men" in the a document of grievances called The Declaration of Sentiments. FTP, name this 1848 convention, headed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, which sought to give rights to women at its namesake location in New York.;;Seneca Falls (Convention) Music;;Two Waltzes in C and Impromptu in Two Keys are two posthumously published works of this composer. He specifically noted that the bongos, gourd, claves, and maracas were to be positioned directly in front of the conductor for his Cuban Overture, while the timpani ushers in nervous themes in the opening of his Concerto in F for piano. His better known works a jazzy piano piece commissioned for "An Experiment in Modern Music," as well as an opera that opens in Catfish Row and features the arias "A Woman is a Sometime Thing" and "It Ain't Necessarily So". Also the composer of An American in Paris, this is, FTP, which American composer of Porgy and Bess and Rhapsody in Blue?;;(George) Gershwin Religion;;After his wife and father-in-law are burned to death, this figure ties torches to the tails of three hundred foxes and lets them run through vineyards and fields. This occurs after he kills thirty men from Ashkelon to award his prize for those who were able to solve a riddle about eating honey from bees that had nested in the carcass of a lion. This man, having been born to Manoah and his barren wife with the promise that he will abstain from alcohol and unclean meat, cannot be bound by ropes nor fresh bowstrings, but his capture takes place after the actions of a servant break the Nazarite oath. The last of the judges, this is, FTP, which Biblical figure whose death at the hands of the Philistines is due to the betrayal by Delilah?;;Samson World Literature;;In this work, one character explains his use of the words "azures" and "ceruleans" instead of "blue" in his poem, which takes second prize to a work by Dr. Aita. In its postscript, the narrator explains that Captain Burton's manuscript suggests that the title entity on Garay Street was actually false. Opening with the narrator recalling that April thirtieth was the birthday of his former lover, this work sees its narrator visit his cousin, who leads the narrator into his cellar to lie on a sack, where he is able to see, in a "small iridescent sphere," the multitudes of America, a sunset in Querétaro, the bones of Beatriz Viterbo--in short, the unimaginable universe. However, the narrator tells Carlos Argentino Daneri that he saw nothing at the end of, FTP, which short story by Jorge Luis Borges?;;(El) Aleph Philosophy;;One section of this work compares Copernicans and Ptolemaics, who may hope to produce a conviction, to Pyrrhonians, whose acknowledgment of the beneficial influence of their philosophy would mean that all human life must perish. In another section, its author states that the definitions of "liberty" and "necessity" have been a controversy about words, while, in another section, he distinguishes between "ideas" and "impressions" and argues that all creative power is nothing more than compounding the materials afforded by the senses. Yet another part of this work differentiates between "relations of ideas" and "matters of fact," citing the example that a claim that the statement that sun will not rise tomorrow is no less intelligible than its affirmation. FTP, name this empiricist philosophical work by David Hume.;;(An) Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Physics;;The use of both Sn-119 Tin 119 Mossbauer and NMR spectroscopy has found direct correlations between the value of this property and chemical and isomer shifts, respectively. Kabachnik parameters can be used to find its value for a group, while Allred and Rochow used an estimation from Slater's rules and the square of the covalent radius to find it. A more absolute measure takes the arithmetic mean of the first ionization energy and the electron affinity, as proposed by Mullikan, but the dissociation energies between two atoms are used to calculate the difference in this quantity via calculations proposed by Pauling. Fluorine has the highest value of, FTP, which chemical property which is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons?;;electronegativity European History;;King Hemming of Denmark signed the Treaty of Heiligen with this ruler, whose conquest of neighboring Nordalbingia was due to the efforts of the Slavs under Witzin. Those people helped this ruler defeat a rebelling group led by Widukind; he had earlier ordered the beheading of others from that duchy at the Massacre of Verden. This ruler deposed Tassilo to seize Bavaria, and he would gain Lombardy with a victory at Pavia. His defeat by the Basques at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass was immortalized in the Song of Roland, and he would crown the king of Aquitaine, Louis the Pious, as his successor shortly before dying in 813. The brother of Carloman and eldest son of Pepin the Short and crowned by Pope Leo III, this is, FTP, which Frankish ruler and first Holy Roman Emperor?;;Charlemagne|Carolus Magnus;;Imperator (Augustus) British Literature;;The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre forms the basis for a largely-lost work by this author, titled The Massacre at Paris. That work, along with his first play, Dido, Queen of Carthage, was among his historically based plays, including one where the title character burns the Koran and another about "The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of" this close friend of Piers Gaveston. Two lovers are separated by the Hellespont in Hero and Leander, which was written by this author, who also wrote the aforementioned Tamburlaine the Great and Edward II. His other dramas include one about the machinations of Ithamore and Barabas, as well as another about the title character's pact with Mephistopheles. FTP, name this 16th century English dramatist, author of Doctor Faustus and The Jew of Malta.;;(Christopher) Marlowe Physics;;The Jarzynski equality gives the upper bound on the bounds provided by this statement. The fluctuation theorem is sometimes used to reconcile Loschmidt's paradox, which was formualted as a criticism of this statement. Claude Shannon and Louis Brillouin resolved an apparent violation of this statement by applying it to information theory, thereby showing that Maxwell's Demon had to obey this law. Clausius first formulated this law, which is equivalent to Kelvin's formulation that heat cannot transfer from a cooler body to a hotter one. For ten points, identify this scientific law which states that the entropy of the universe is always increasing.;;(Second|2nd){1}? Law (of) (Thermodynamics) Sociology;;In a section titled "Our Debt to the Savage," this work describes how it is only ordinary men who cannot "play fast and loose" with "old-world maxims" and the "venerable saws" of "savage philosophers". This follows sections about tabooed acts, persons, things, and words, while another section refers to the Shilluk tribe when discussing "Succession to the Soul". Several chapters are dedicated to both Adonis and Osiris, and it opens by discussing the deities at Nemi in the section "The King of the Wood". Taking its title from the gift presented by Aeneas and the Sibyl to enter the underworld, this is, FTP, which "study in Magic and Religion," a work by James Frazer?;;(The) Golden Bough Biology;;Richard Medville and Robert Turgeon discovered that symplastic loading of this entity against a steep concentration gradient occurs in species like the cucurbits. In some other species, albuminous cells, which are specialized parenchyma cells, serve similar functions to those of companion cells, which help control movements of particles into and out of sieve cells found in this entity. Ernest Munch proposed that the apoplastic and symplastic pathways are used for translocation of it, via turgor pressure causing source-to-sink movement, with his pressure flow hypothesis. Found just inside the tree bark, this is, FTP, which type of living tissue which serves to transport sugars and nutrients in vascular plants?;;phloem Philosophy;;Bertrand Russell's essay "The Ancestry of Fascism" argues against this person's point of view in a certain work, which stated that Hitler accepts or rejects doctrines on political grounds. In addition to that work, "The Will to Believe," this person argued that Walt Whitman is an example of one who cannot feel evil due to his healthy mind in another work. In addition to The Varieties of Religious Experience, he wrote The Meaning of Truth as a sequel to another work which defines its title concept as whether a man chasing a squirrel around a tree goes around the squirrel or not. FTP, name this American philosopher and psychologist who wrote The Principles of Psychology and Pragmatism.;;(William) James European Literature;;One section of this work states its author's view that humans are, by nature, the world's most imitative creatures, citing man's fascination with the most realistic representations of painful objects, such as dead bodies. Signs and marks, as well as poor reasoning on the side of the other party, are discussed as means of recognition, in one section, while another section discusses the meaning of peripety in the context of Theodectes's Lynceus. This work also discusses that the perfect plot has its protagonist goes from happiness to misery only from hamartia, which allows the audience to experience catharsis. Discussing mimesis and separating the namesake form of writing into tragedy, comedy, and epic verse, this is, FTP, which treatise by Aristotle?;;Poetics European History;;The 95 articles in its main text were based on recent unsuccessful peace treaties, while 56 of them, signed less than a month later, were "particulars" or secret articles. It established a special chamber to settle disputes as well as 66 places de sûreté, such as Montauban and La Rochelle. However, soldiers were billeted in homes under the system of dragonnades, and its political clauses were removed by the Peace of Alès. While it ended the Wars of Religion, it was revoked by Louis XIV's enactment of the Edict of Fontainebleau, which declared that Protestantism was illegal. FTP, name this 1598 decree, where Henry IV of France granted religious freedom to the Huguenots.;;(Edict) (of) Nantes American Literature;;In one work in which this character appears, he calls his son to instruct his friend to call Jerry Gaffney for a private detective. He later tells Major Bowes about his plan for an invisible plane that goes both faster and slower than sound. In an earlier work, this character tells his friends to go with eight-year-old virgins when they land in Palermo, where he learns about artichokes in a barbershop. Mayor of Palermo, he flies crates of artichokes up to Milan, but, like many of his other business endeavors, including an attempt to sell chocolate-covered cotton, this plan fails for, FTP, which mess hall officer of Yossarian's who works for M & M Industries in Joseph Heller's Catch-22?;;Milo|Minderbinder Art;;A blank-faced woman sitting against a red and ocher background is the subject of this artist's The Plum Blossoms, while the subject of his Zorah on the Terrace is sitting under sunlight with a goldfish bowl next to her. He drew a portrait of his wife with the title entity serving as an artificial shadow line in one work, while he depicted a group of people holding hands in a circle against a blue-green background in another. In addition to The Green Line and Le Danse, this artist painted a work with various paintings, sculptures, and ceramics in The Red Studio, as well as a work subtitled "Souvenir de Briska" was burned at the Armory Show in 1913. The Red Studio and The Blue Nude were among the works of, FTP, which French Fauve artist?;;(Henri) Matisse Mythology;;It is either his brother-in-law's gluttony or success at fishing which causes this mythological being to trod on him and stretch his backbone to turn him into a dog, according to one story. Another story claims that he rescued his wife from Pea-pea the Eight-eyed by flying in a bird made of leaves and feathers. After Ru helps him lift the sky, he turns into a bird to entangle Ru among the stars. This figure made a particular hook from the jawbone of his ancestress to fish up islands. Some myths claim that he caught the sun by stealing cooked bananas from his grandmother, who lived in the crater of Haleakala, according to Hawaiian mythology. FTP, name this trickster god of various Polynesian mythological pantheons.;;Maui Astronomy;;Wilhelm Anderson and E. C. Stoner each calculated their own approximations for this entity, while it arrived at its current state thanks to previous work done by Landau. It is directly proportional to the 3/2 power of the product of the speed of light and Planck's constant, and it is inversely proportional to the 3/2 power of the universal gravitational constant. Tolman, Oppenheimer, and Volkoff found its analogous version for neutron stars, and in 2003, it is believed that it was surpassed by the Champagne Supernova. Usually computed as roughly 1.4 solar masses, this is, FTP, which bound on the maximum mass before electron degeneracy pressure will gravitation collapse, named for its namesake Indian physicist?;;Chandrasekhar (limit) United States History;;The strategic placing of Joshua Chamberlain's 20th Maine Infantry Regiment before the defeat of Daniel Sickles prevented the eventual wining side from almost certain defeat. An opening skirmish to this battle saw John Buford hold his own for two hours against a larger force led by A. P. Hill, but he was forced to retreat upon the arrival of Richard Ewell. James Longstreet disagreed with General Lee's decision to punch a hole in the opposing line on Cemetery Ridge led by George Meade, who had just replaced Joseph Hooker after his defeat at Chancellorsville. FTP, name this July 1863 Civil War battle that saw Union victory due to an ill-advised charge led by George Pickett.;;(Battle) (of) Gettysburg European Literature;;The main character of this work gets a desire to travel when he meets a redheaded man outside of a Byzantine mortuary chapel; another redhead appears as a member of a musical group in the hotel in which the main character is staying. The protagonist has a daydream about Socrates trying to woo Phaedrus, and he compares the object of his affection to both Eros and Narcissus. He first encounters this love interest, wearing a sailor suit, when he arrives in a hotel on the Lido island. At the end of this work, the protagonist dies of a cholera epidemic besieging the title city. FTP, name this work about Gustav von Aschenbach's love for the 15-year-old Tadzio, by Thomas Mann.;;Death in Venice|Der Tod in Venedig Sociology;;The author cites the work of his friend Ernst Treoltsch in one of the endnotes, and its final section cites Goethe's Wanderjahren and Richard Baxter, among others. One notable section of this work outlines the "iron cage of rationality", and criticizes the excessive control of bureaucracy in the social order. Its introduction notes that only the west has developed the systematic study of history, the feudal state, and rational music and architecture. Stating that "the Puritan wanted to work in calling; we are forced to do so" in its last section, FTP, name this sociological work that connects Calvinist ethics to profit motive, by Max Weber.;;(The) Protestant Ethic (and) (the) (Spirit) (of) (Capitalism)|Die protestantische Ethik (und) (der) (Geist) (des) (Kaptialismus) Math Theory;;He lends his name to the Diophantine equation a x squared plus b x squared plus c x squared equals zero, whose solutions he categorized. His namesake conjecture, also known as the third Landau problem, states that there is a prime number between n squared and n+1 squared for any integer n. His namesake duplication formula applies to the gamma function, and his namesake symbol is useful in quadratic reciprocity problems. His namesake polynomials can be found via the Rodrigues formula, and arise when finding the solutions of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates. FTP, name this French mathematician whose namesake transformation takes the Langrangian to the Hamiltonian.;;(Adrien-Marie) Legendre World History;;A contemporary account of this dynasty can be found in the 130-volume Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian Ssu-ma chien. One important ruler of this time period was Wu Di, who blended Confucian and Legalist philosophies and ordered the first census in recorded history. It was briefly interrupted by the Xin, created by Wang Mang after he decided that the ruling Liu family had lost the Mandate of Heaven. Agrarian crises near the end of it resulted in the uprising of a Taoist sect lead by Zhang Jiao, the Yellow Turbans. It ended after the warlord Cao Cao's rise to power, resulting in the Three Kingdoms' period. FTP, name this dynasty that lasted from 206BC to 220AD, which lends its name to the major ethnic group of China.;;Han (Dynasty) Chemistry;;Corey and Yamamoto used this reaction to selectively synthesize allylic alcohols, and the Corey-Chaykovsky reaction replaces the reagent in this reaction with one containing sulfur in order to synthesize epoxides. An ester version of it was developed by Wadsworth, Emmons, and Horner while the Schlosser modification switches the stereochemistry of the products from Z to E. Its final step proceeds through a four-member ring, which comes immediately after a nucleophillic attack creates a betaine. Its reagent is prepared by reacting an alkyl halide with triphenylphosphine and deprotonating the product with n-butyllithium, creating a ylide. FTP, name this reaction named for a German chemist that creates an alkene from a carbonyl compound.;;Wittig (Reaction) World Literature;;After leaving a bar, this character confronts an old man for chasing a young girl, and proceeds to pay for her taxi. Later, he has a dream about a man beating a horse to death, in which he appears as a little boy; he later dreams about a seductive five-year-old girl. The doctor Zossimov takes care of him after he falls ill, during which time he is visited by his friend Razhumikhin and detective Zamatoyov. He publishes an article entitled "On Crime" about his Nietzchean theory of the "Superman", but he fails to live up to this ideal and is exiled to Siberia with Sonya Marmeladov. With a name meaning "schismatic", FTP, name this protagonist who uses an axe to murder a pawnbroker, in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment.;;(Rodion) ("Rodya") (Romanovich) Raskolnikov Music;;The third movement of this work begins with the cellos and double basses playing a theme that is eventually repeated in the strings, but played pizzicato. The violas and cellos open with the melody in the second movement, Andante con moto, followed by a second theme played by the clarinets and bassoons, shadowed by the violins. The oboe has a brief solo cadenza before the recapitulation and after the Allegro con brio marking in the first movement, and its third and fourth movements are connected by the repetition of a C in the timpani. Ending with 29 consecutive bars of C major chords, this is, FTP, which symphony whose first movement opens with four notes, which its composer, Beethoven, described as "thus fate knocks at the door"?;;Beethoven('s) (Symphony) (No.) (5|Fifth){1}? (in) (C) (minor)|(")Fate(")(,) (Op.) (67)|Beethoven's Op. 67|(")Fate(") (Symphony);;(Symphony) (No.) 5 Religion;;He exiles Maricha to a distant island using his bow Kodanda, but that monster later returns as a golden deer. Later, he forces his wife to walk through a fire in order to prove her purity, though he never actually doubted her. As a gesture of respect, his brother leaves this figure's sandals upon the throne after his banishment, which is due to the scheming of Kaikeyi. His brother Lakshmana accompanies him in exile, and another one of his allies is a son of the wind god Vayu. Despite the efforts of Jatayu, his wife is abducted by Ravana, but after allying himself with Hanuman and several other figures, he manages to rescue her. FTP, name this king of Ayodhya, husband of Sita, and seventh avatar of Vishnu, the namesake of an Indian epic.;;Rama Biology;;Sheehan's syndrome results from postpartum necrosis in this organ, which is guarded by the bony sella turcica. One part of this organ develops from Rathke's pouch, which proliferates into the pars distillaris, tubullaris, and intermedia. Its intermediate lobe secretes a substance that is responsible for regulating melanin production. Another part of it is served by the hypophyseal portal system, and its other major component contains the axons of the magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamus. Consisting of the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis, aka the anterior and posterior lobe, FTP, name this major gland that secretes, among other things, ADH, FSH, LH, prolactin, and growth hormone.;;Pituitary (gland) United States History;;Passamaquoddy Bay was a known site of resistance to it, and one of its provisions was criticized by a cabinet member as "entirely groundless". It was vociferously opposed by Theophilus Parsons of the Essex Junto, and also provoked a rebellion in Lyme. Partially a response to the Berlin and Milan Decrees, it was passed immediately after an incident where the USS Chesapeake was boarded by the HMS Leopard, and was satirized in a famous political cartoon with a snapping turtle. Superseded by Macon's Bill No. 2 and earlier by the Non-Intercourse Act, FTP, name this 1807 piece of legislation that forbade all US trade with Britain and France.;;Embargo Act (of) (1807) American Literature;;One of his early works centers around Paul Berlin, who decides to walk from southeast Asia all the way to France, and one of his later works focuses around William Cowling, who joins a radical antiwar organization and becomes an uranium trader. In addition to Going After Cacciato and The Nuclear Age, he published another work centered around Thomas Chippering's attempts to get revenge against his ex-wife. His experiences in Vietnam shaped a work whose title refers to objects used by Ted Lavender, Jimmy Cross, and other members of Alpha Company. FTP, name this 20th-century American author of Tomcat in Love and The Things They Carried.;;(Tim) O'Brien Sociology;;This author denounced "crackpot realism" in a work that criticized militarism during the Cold War, entitled The Causes of World War Three, and his interviews with Cuban civilians in 1960 was the basis for his Listen, Yankee. He called for a humanist approach to sociology and criticized abstract theories of human relationships in The Sociological Imagination. One of his works traces the history of the middle class in America and argues that they have becomes disenfranchised by beaurocracy. His most famous work accuses the title group of a "higher immorality" and divides that group into powerful military, corporate, and political organizations. FTP, name this sociologist and author of White Collar and The Power Elite.;;(Charles) (Wright) Mills Art;;Linda Seidel published an analysis of this work in 1993, with the subtitle Stories of An Icon. The cherry tree outside of the window on the left bears fruit, indicating that the scene takes place in the summer. Four strings of amber beads are hanging on the back wall right next to a convex mirror, which is believed to contain a small self-portrait of the painter. The chandelier on the ceiling contains only one candle, and the small dog in front of the two people in this work is believed to symbolize fidelity. The man wears a black hat and a brown robe, while the woman wears a green dress and a white headscarf. FTP, name this portrait by Jan van Eyck showing a recently married couple.;;(The) Arnolfini (Wedding) European Literature;;The main character of this work calls another figure a "torpedo fish" after he gives a confusing answer to one of his questions. The work is briefly interrupted by the nobleman Anytus, who comments that he's never cared to know any sophists and becomes offended by the implication that his son may not be as virtuous as he is. It begins with the title figure asking whether virtue can be taught, leading to this dialogue's namesake paradox about looking for truth without knowing what the truth is. FTP, name this Platonic dialogue, whose most famous scene finds Socrates arguing for innate knowledge by teaching a slave how to double the area of a square.;;Meno European History;;Pavlovsky and Galik painted a depiction of this event that currently hangs in the Gate Church of the Trinity in Kiev. Among the decrees that came out of this event was a condemnation of self-castration and a prohibition of usury among the clergy, along with eighteen others. This meeting also decreed that Passover and Easter be separated. It resulted in the exile of Theonas and Secundus, and also addressed the recent Miletian schism. Presided over by St. Alexander of Alexandria and convened by Constantine the Great, FTP, name this 325AD ecumenical council that denounced Arianism and avowed that Jesus is of the same substance as God and resulted in the formulation of its namesake Creed.;;First (Council) (of) Nicea Physics;;Stimulated transitions based on this effect are used to manipulate qubits in ion-trap quantum computing, and a French team found that using a polystyrene nanolens can enhance it. Applying the substrate to a rough gold or silver surface gives a surface-enhanced version of this effect, and it can also be enhanced by plasmon resonance. It lends its name to a type of spectroscopy employing a continuous-wave laser, which is useful for finding the vibrational and rotational modes of a molecule. Absorption and emission correspond to the Stokes and anti-Stokes lines, respectively, and it occurs at a much lower incidence than the elastic Rayleigh scattering. FTP, name this type of inelastic scattering of a photon named for a 1930 Indian Nobel prizewinner.;;Raman (Effect) British Literature;;This work was the subject of two J.W. Waterhouse paintings specifics before Waterhouse , the first of which depicts a figure in a green dress. The speaker calls the sun a "glorious lamp" in the second stanza, stating that "The sooner his race will be run/and nearer he's to setting". The poem ends on a similar note, stating to the title group that they "may forever tarry" once they grow old. Its third stanza begins "That age is best, which is the first", and the speaker extends the floral metaphor in the first stanza by stating "And the same flower that smiles today/tomorrow will be dying". FTP, name this poem that begins by imploring the title group to "gather ye rosebuds while ye may", by Robert Herrick.;;To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time Religion;;A special rolled scroll is used for the two required recitations on this holiday, which is in lieu of the saying of hallel during the morning prayer. Walled cities celebrate this holiday a day later than unwalled ones, and in leap years, a second month of the same name as the month that this holiday takes place in is added to the calendar. It celebrates a man who thwarted Bigsan and Terash and, the names of all ten sons of the villain of this holiday are incanted in a single breath. That alleged Amalakite gives his name to a food consumed on this holiday, hamantaschen. Celebrating the defeat of genocidal forces over the Jews in first exile thanks to Mordecai and Esther, FTP name this holiday that falls on the 14th of Adar called the feast of lots.;;Purim United States History;;He created the International Congress of American states while holding his most important position, and his namesake "amendment" attempted to forbid the government from funding any religious school with public funds. His financial transactions with the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroads were detailed in a series of correspondences with Warren Fisher Jr, which were later released by James Mulligan. Ingersoll referred to him as the "Plumed Knight" during his party's convention, and he blamed Reverend Burchard's accusation of "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" for his and John Logan's defeat in the 1884 presidential election. FTP, name this longtime Republican senator and two-time Secretary of State, a certain "Continental Liar from the state of Maine".;;(James) (Gillespie) Blaine Miscellaneous;;In computer science, it was the developmental codename of Windows 3.1, and it also names a programming language that uses bag channels and is based around each variable having an "asker" and "teller". In Chrono Trigger, this is the original name of the owner of the cat Alfador and son of Queen Zeal who grows up to be Magus. In molecular biology, it's the name of a type of tyrosine kinase cytokine receptor that activates STAT transcription factors. It is also the name of the organization headed by Alex Trevelyan that attempts to hijack the titular satellite in Goldeneye. FTP, give this name, also shared with the wife of Juturna, a two-headed Roman god of doors, beginnings, and endings.;;Janus Music;;One section of this work contains a duet between the English horn and the offstage oboe, representing two shepherds piping to each other across an Alpine valley, which Schumann referred to as a "tiny tone poem". Its composer had earlier written a song titled "I must leave forever," which became the foundation for this work's first section titled "Dreams-Passions". After being rejected by the idée fixe in the section titled "Scene at the Country," the hero takes opium and has a nightmare where he is executed for murdering his lover, seen in the section titled, "March to the Scaffold". "Dream of a Witch's Sabbath" is the final section of, FTP, which symphony by Hector Berlioz?;;Symphonie Fantastique Chemistry;;A Frost diagram plots oxidation state against the relative value of this quantity, which can be written as the sum of the product of the number of particles of each chemical component and its chemical potential. The Nernst equation can be derived from the fact that a change in it is equal to the negative product of the number of moles in a reaction, Faraday's constant, and the electrical potential. The negative product of the universal gas constant, the temperature, and the natural logarithm of the equilibrium rate constant gives the change in this quantity as well. Also calculated by subtracting the product of temperature and entropy from the enthalpy, this is, FTP, which thermodynamic quantity that measures the amount of useful work in a system, symbolized G?;;Gibbs free (energy);;Gibbs energy|free energy Sociology;;Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen authored a work about this entity and "the Wealth of Nations," which argued that there was a correlation between GDP and this entity. Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray argued against the United States's welfare program because of the relation between affluence and this entity in The Bell Curve. The observation that it has been slowly rising every year is named after James Flynn. It has been argued that using Raven's Progressive Matrices to measure it eliminates cultural biases, while other tests to measure it include Spearman's g factor and Wechsler's scales. FTP, name this score which measures a person's ability to understand and reason, one measure of which is named after Binet and Simon.;;i(ntelligence) q(uotient) Mythology;;Hephaestus was awarded the hand of Aphrodite after he released this deity from a magical throne he himself had made. Cydippe's children were allowed to die in their sleep as a result of serving this deity, who, according to one story, blinded Tiresias for saying women felt more pleasure during sex. Responsible for turning Callisto into a bear, this deity become Semele's nurse and convinced the princess to have her lover show himself in his "full glory". This deity sent two serpents to kill an infant Heracles, offered Paris unlimited power and fame to be chosen most beautiful, and sent a gadfly after Io for eloping with her husband. The mother of Hephaestus, this is, FTP, which Greek goddess of marriage who was married to Zeus?;;Hera European History;;John Lilburne praised it in his "The Just Man's Justification," though he held it to be less important than the innovations of Edward the Confessor. Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers strongly opposed it, while Edward Coke cook wrote that it was "such a fellow that he will have no sovereign". Reissued for the final time as part of Confirmatio cartarum, it was preceded by Stephen Langton's election as Archbishop of Canterbury instead of John de Gray. Its signer's renouncement of it and its annulment by Pope Innocent III caused the First Baron's War, but it was reaffirmed as part of the Petition of Right, particularly the notion of habeas corpus. Ensuring freedom of the church and customs of the towns among its 63 clauses, this is, FTP, which charter which limited the power of the English king, signed at Runnymede by King John in 1215?;;Magna Carta British Literature;;In this play's last scene, two lovers compare themselves to Jason and Medea before both Stephano and Lancelot tell them that their mistress and master, respectively, will arrive in one day. Earlier, before Salerio meets Lorenzo, who is dressed as a page, Graziano agrees to "put on a sober habit" and accompany his friend to court a wealthy heiress in Belmont. After outdoing the Prince of Morocco and the prince of Aragon by choosing the lead casket, Bassanio breaks his promise to his wife by parting with his ring, but he does so to thank the law-clerk Balthasar, who is Portia in disguise. She prevents Antonio, the title character, from losing a "pound of flesh" to Shylock at the end of, FTP, which Shakespearean comedy?;;(The) Merchant of Venice Art;;It is often believed that either verses by Agnolo Poliziano or texts by Ovid and Lucretius were the inspirations for this painting. Its artist gave one of this painting's characters the face of another person, whose portrait he had painted in Catherine of Alexandria. In this painting, the central figure, who is wearing a red cloak, is next to Flora, who is scattering flowers on the ground to her right. Stretching his hand upward to pick oranges is Mercury, wearing his winged shoes and bearing his caduceus. On the right, Zephyr is in pursuit of the nymph Chloris, while Cupid, floating above Venus, is aiming his arrows at the Graces, who are dancing at left. FTP, name this Sandro Botticelli painting which depicts the arrival of the title season?;;Primavera|Allegory of Spring World History;;After allying with the khan of Chagatai and taking part in campaigns in Transoxania, this ruler would lose a "muddy battle" against Ilyas Khodja, despite fighting alongside brother-in-law Husayn of Balkh. Becoming the head of the Barlas upon the death of Tughluk, this man annihilated Tokhtamysh and the Golden Horde at the Battle of the Terek River before he overwhelmed Sultan Mehmud's forces in seizing the Delhi Sultanate. Prior to his death and ultimate succession by Shah Rukh while planning an invasion of China, he defeated the Turks at the Battle of Ankara and captured Bayezid I. FTP, name this Mongol military leader who ruled in Central Asia during the 14th century from his capital of Samarkand.;;Tamerlane|Timur (Leng)|Timur (the) (Lame) United States History;;One side's closing arguments in this case ended by referring to Caesar's assassination, ending with the words, "Et tu quoque, mi fili!" Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to William Plumer in support of his view in this case, saying that overturning the state's decision would make "the earth belong to the dead, but not the living". Justice Duvall was the sole dissenter in this case, which saw the defendants argue that Reverend Wheelock had the power to appoint a successor and have administrative powers vested in trustees. However, it was decreed that the character of civil institutions grow out of the matter in which they are formed in the decision by John Marshall, who cried after hearing Daniel Webster's arguments on behalf of his alma mater. FTP, name this 1819 Supreme Court case which ruled that legislation could not interfere with private contracts.;;Dartmouth (College) v. Woodward European Literature;;In one play named after this character, another character is offered a gold ring to write down a short letter as dictated by this title character. In a more famous play involving this character, that character tells another that "my bent is fixed… not for hatred, but for love" after being brought in by guards, and, later on, this character tells a relative that "I do not love a friend who loves in words". This character says this since her sister Ismene had refused to help her defy Creon's orders, yet this character still attempted to bury her brother, which eventually leads to her hanging herself, as well as the suicides of Eurydice and Haemon. Also the title character of a play be Jean Annouilh, for ten points, identify this sister of Polynices and Eteocles, the title character of the last play of Sophocles's Oedipus trilogy?;;Antigone Physics;;The Czochralski process can be used to obtain very small parts of these materials, while various recombination processes for them include photon exchange and one named after Auger. The drift mobility and diffusion coefficient of excess carriers in this kind of material can be measured by the Haynes-Shockley experiment, while Anderson's rule is used to construct diagrams of the heterojunction between two materials of this type. Whether these materials contain a negative or positively charged current carrier distinguishes the N- and P-types, while adding impurities to their crystal lattices is known as doping. FTP, name these materials which are often found in diodes and transistors and have electrical conductivities between that of insulators and conductors.;;semiconductor(s) Philosophy;;This philosopher wrote about the philosophies of Bergson and Russell in his Winds of Doctrine: Studies in Contemporary Opinion, while Goethe, Dante, and Lucretius were the subjects of his Three Philosophical Poets. While he involved Socrates in two discussions with the Stranger on self-government in Dialogues in Limbo, he broke with tradition by giving aesthetics a prominent role concerning human conduct in The Sense of Beauty. He argued that knowledge during the instant of awareness should be characterized as an "essence" in his Skepticism and Animal Faith. Author of the novel The Last Puritan, this is, FTP, which American philosopher and Harvard professor whose The Life of Reason discusses the idea of history repeating itself?;;(George) Santayana Biology;;Poly-ADP-ribosylated proteins, which are believed to function in DNA repair and apoptosis, are enzymes created by processes which use a coenzyme formed by this molecule. In large amounts, this molecule breaks down a precursor to low density lipoprotein and prevents the breakdown of fat in adipose tissue. Those who consume too much of this substance may suffer facial flushing and liver toxicity. Found in cereal grains, such as wheat and corn, this substance has a much lower bioavailability when bound to glycosides. Hartnup's disease may result in a deficiency of this substance due to defective absorption of tryptophan, which a precursor of this vitamin. The coenzymes NAD and NADP are derived from, FTP, which B vitamin, a deficiency of which causes pellagra?;;niacin|(Vitamin) B3 Art;;Inspired by this work, Marcel Duchamp made an etching which saw one figure's hand in a more provocative position, and Cornelia Parker tied up this work of art in string. The creator of this work created a copy of it for Edward Perry Warren, who requested that the man's genitals "be clearly sculpted in the Greek tradition, rather than modestly hidden". Its initial name came one of its figures, an Italian noblewoman in Dante's Inferno named Francesca da Rimini. This work's other subject, Paolo Malatesta, holds a book describing the love of Lancelot and Guinevere, while his other hand is wrapped around his partner. Originally part of the Gates of Hell, this is, FTP, which Rodin sculpture which depicts its two lovers engaged in the title act?;;(The) Kiss|(Le) Baiser Geography;;The Cerro Macá stratovolcano can be found north of the Aysén Fjord in this country, and the Chonos Archipelago is separated from the mainland of this country by the Moraleda Channel. Rivers in this country include the Biobío and the Petrohué rivers, the latter of which drains into Todos los Santos Lake. Lying atop the Nazca Plate and containing the port city of Antofagasta, it has sovereignty over both Easter Island and the Wollaston group, one island of which contains Cape Horn, and this country is also home to Punta Arenas, the world's southernmost city. The Andes covers a third of, FTP, which country, bordered by Bolivia and Argentina to the west, that is home to most of the Atacama Desert and has its capital at Quito? move Antofagasta to later.;;Chile American Literature;;Jinny Marshland rejects Bradd Criley for her husband, the title character of this author's novel Cass Timberlane. This author wrote about the rise of President Berzelius Windrip in one work, while he also wrote about the separation of Sam, the title character, and Fran Voelker and about a Baptist minister who falls in love with Sharon Falconer in other works. In addition to It Can't Happen Here, Dodsworth, and Elmer Gantry, this author created a real estate agent who cheats on Myra, his wife, with Tanis Judique in the city of Zenith, as well as another character, Carol Kennicott, who eventually returns to her husband in Gopher Prairie. FTP, name this Nobel Prize-winning American author of Babbitt and Main Street.;;(Sinclair) Lewis Earth Science;;The Hays-Kendall approach can provide an explanation for an effect that results when testing for this property, an increase of which is proportional to decreasing particle size as described by the Hall-Petch effect. It can be measured for polymers by use of a durometer, which was invented by Albert Shore, while the Vickers test uses the force to surface area ratio to calculate its value. A sclerometer is used for minerals, of which talc and diamond are often assigned the lowest and highest values, respectively. FTP, name this characteristic of a material which represents its resistance to plastic deformation, one scale for which is the Mohs scale.;;hardness Geography;;Ragnar Lodbrok decided not to destroy this place in 845 after a king paid a ransom, and the Holy Roman Emperor moved the capital of his empire from this place to Aachen in 768. A provost of this location led a revolt of merchants and put forth an edict of reform in 1357, but John the Good refused to put it into effect. Counts of this place include Beggo and Adalard, and the head of its police force led an massacre of nearly 30,000 Algerians in 1962. The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre it took place in this city, while taxis from this city helped stave off the Germans in the First Battle of the Marne. FTP, name this city, the location of several treaties such as those ending the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.;;Paris United States History;;Its preamble cites Lincoln's quote "with firmness in the right, as God gives us the right", and it proposes to "restore the bonds of trust" between the people and their government. Its seventh plank called for the creation of a tax credit of $500 per child, and another part of it calls for an end to proxy voting. Within the span of 100 days, it proposed to pass the Common Sense Legal Reform Act, the Taking Back our Streets Act, and The Family Reinforcement Act, among others. Largely created by the Heritage Foundation and based on Regan's 1985 inauguration speech. FTP, name this 1994 list of Republican legislative goals proposed by Newt Gingrich.;;(Republican) Contract with America Art;;Some of the figures in this work were sketched based on bodies the artist studied in a morgue. A figure wearing a red cloth on his head holds onto a nude man at the left of this painting, while a person in the middle grips onto a plank of wood. A scuffle is taking place at the right of this painting, which has one man waving a white piece of fabric and another waving a red one. The mast of the namesake object has a greenish-white cloth tied around it, and to the left is an advancing tidal wave. FTP, name this painting that depicts the survivors of a ship that rammed into the coast of Senegal, by Theodore Gericault.;;(The) Raft of the Medusa Psychology;;His work was later expanded upon by James Marcia in a 1966 paper, and one of his later works contains an analysis of the main character of Bergman's "Wild Strawberries". That work, Vital Involvement in Old Age¸ immediately preceded his The Life Cycle Completed. Another one of his works traces the origin and influence of the Satyagraha movement, and psychoanalyzes it leader; that work, Ghandi's Truth, was similar to the Pulitzer-winning Young Man Luther. He is also known for an expansion of Freud's psychosexual stages of development, which was espoused in his Childhood and Society. FTP, name this psychologist who coined the term "identity crisis" and divided the life cycle into eight psychosocial stages.;;(Erik) (Homburger) Erikson Religion;;One offshoot of this group was founded by Clarence Smith, called the 5% Brigade, and this group celebrates Savior's day on Feb. 26. One of its leaders began the publication The Final Call, and also published a dietary guide entitled How to Eat To Live. Among its tenets is the existence of a gigantic sphere loaded with bombs and made of 15 billion dollars worth of gold called the Mother Plane. Its doctrine also tells of a 600-year experiment conducted on the island of Patmos by the evil Yakub, which created a "white germ" from a "black germ". Founded by Wallace Ford Mohammed and currently lead by Louis Farrakhan, FTP, name this pseudo-religious sect whose members included Elijah Mohammed and Malcolm X.;;Nation of Islam European History;;One representative here was John Adler Salvius, who had previously negotiated for one of the sides party to it at Hamburg, while another was Fabio Chigi, the papal nuncio who would go on to become Pope Alexander VII. Among its effects was the reversal of the Edict of Restitution, and one of its stipulations divided the Palatinate of the Rhine into two sections, one controlled by the Duke of Maximillian and the other by Charles Louis. Negotiations, complicated by the use of different calendards, took place in Munster and Osnabruck, the former used by Catholics and the latter by Protestants. It notably reaffirmed the Peace of Augsburg, and its large number of territorial adjustments designed to strip Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III of power. Largely written by Cardinal Mazarin and combined with the Treaty of the Pyrenees, this is, FTP, what treaty that created the construct of the sovereign nation-state, a 1648 document that ended the Thirty Years War?;;(Treaty|Peace) (of) Westphalia European Literature;;One character in the beginning of this work denies his need for extraordinary gifts or miracles for immortality, citing Prospero and Sancho Panza. While his expression "Demon of Experiment" draws the ire of his son, other reprehensible actions later revealed in this work include the forced relationship between a secretary and his wife. That character, Amalia, who is a Mother, but not a woman, is the only one of the title characters to have her name revealed in, FTP, which play where the Mother, Father, Step-Daughter, Son, Boy, and Girl approach the stage during the rehearsal of a different play by Pirandello?;;Six Characters in Search of an Author Math Theory;;With Burmann, he names an Inversion theorem that gives the Taylor series of the inverse of a given function, and he also proved that every positive integer can be written as the sum of four square numbers. His solution to the isoperimetric problem lead to the creation of the calculus of variations, and along with Euler lends his name to the central equation of that field. He also showed that the order of a subgroup divides the order of that group in one of his namesake theorems, and his solutions to a special case of the three body problem are known as his "points". FTP, who is this French mathematician, also the namesake of some multipliers useful in multivariable optimization problems?;;(Joseph) (Louis) Lagrange Economics;;His most recent work, which criticizes the idea that the titular action is an example of the "Hold-up Problem", is entitled "The Acquisition of Fischer Body by General Motors", and he has also criticized the spectrum licensing system of the FCC. One of his better-known works was "Revisited" in a 1972 paper by Donald H. Reagan, who criticized it for not presenting any model of individual behavior to justify its conclusions. That work used the example of a rancher's cattle straying and eating the crops of his neighbor. The author of "The Nature of the Firm" and "The Problem of Social Cost", this is, FTP, which economist and champion of property rights whose namesake theorem states that with no transaction costs, any government allocation of property is equally efficient?;;(Ronald) Coase World Literature;;One character in this work is killed by a hail of arrows in the Valley of the Fallen Phoenix after being mistaken for his superior. That character, Fledgling Phoenix, had pretended to defect before the Battle of the Red Cliffs. Another character in this work wields a sword that weighs 90 pounds, called the Green Dragon. That same character becomes head of the Five Tiger Generals, swears the Oath of the Peach Orchard with two other characters, and becomes the god of war at the end of this work. Focusing on Kwan Yu and beginning with the quashing of the Yellow Turban rebellion, FTP, name this novel, whose title entities are lead by the warlords Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Chuan, one of the Four Classics of Chinese literature.;;Romance of the Three Kingdoms|San kuo chih yen-i Physics;;The STACEE "Stay-cee" experiment uses this effect to study properties of blazars and supernovae. A special case of it occurs with a zero minimum particle velocity; this only can occur in a periodic medium, and is called the Smith-Purcell Effect. Its intensity can be calculated from the Frank-Tamm formula, and in general, it creates a continuous spectrum with no peaks. The distinctive pattern generated by this effect is used to characterize neutrinos in the Super-K apparatus. Often called the electromagnetic equivalent of a sonic boom , FTP, this is what effect that occurs when charged particles pass through a medium faster than the speed of light in that medium, named for a Russian 1958 Nobelist, that is responsible for the blue glow of nuclear reactors?;;Cherenkov (effect)|(radiation) World History;;This empire collapsed after a Gutian invasion during the reign of Sharkalshari, and it was also ruled by Manishtushu and his brother Rimush. Its aforementioned last ruler was the son of Naram-Sin, who had attacked the Lullibi people and the temple to Enlil in Nippur. Its most famous ruler's life was detailed on the Ebla tablets, and started out as a cup-bearer to Ur-Zababa of Kish. That ruler called himself a "priest of Anu" and "ruler of the four corners of the earth", and also conquered Sumer and parts of present-day Iran and Syria. FTP, name this 24th century BCE Southern Mesopotamian empire, founded by Sargon the Great.;;Akkad|(the) Akkadian Empire Music;;One recording of this work, released by Nonesuch Records, replaced the late Samuel M. Johnson with Jasper McGruder, but kept the original cast. Its Trial 2 contains a scene in a "Prematurely Air-conditioned supermarket", and its final section is entitled "Spaceship". Trial 2 also contains a scene in which a Christopher Knowles poem is read over a saxophone and bassoon background, entitled "I Feel the Earth Move". It consists of nine twenty-minute sections and interspersed knee plays, its title figure wanders in and out of scenes playing a violin. Directed by Robert Wilson, FTP, name this first entry in the "portrait" trilogy by Phillip Glass, an opera that focuses upon the developer of the theory of Relativity.;;Einstein on the Beach British Literature;;One important part of this work details the burial of Thomas Redruth, who was killed by gunfire. The protagonist is captured by the drunken Israel Hand and put into the stockade in one part of this novel, immediately after he finds a coracle created by Ben Gunn. His adventure begins with the funding of Squire Trelawney and under the command of Captain Smollet, after Billy Bones' death leaves him with a map of the title location. Beginning at the Admiral Benbow inn, FTP, name this novel about the adventures of Jim Hawkins and a band of mutinous pirates lead by Long John Silver, by Robert Louis Stevenson.;;Treasure Island Biology;;These structures catalyze the first step in the production of plasmalogen, and Refsum's disease results from a defect in one protein that localizes to them. An error in targeting proteins to these organelles results in Zellweger's syndrome, and adrenoleukodystrophy results from the inability to transport fatty acids here. They are key to the synthesis of the myelin sheath of neurons and the production of bile acids in the liver, and also contain uric acid oxidase and D-amino acid oxidase. However, they are best known for ridding the cell of reactive oxygen species via enzymes like catalase. FTP, name these cellular organelles that break down hydrogen peroxide and are structurally similar to lysosomes.;;Peroxisomes Philosophy;;One of his works, entitled Learning to Live Finally, is set to be posthumously released in 2007, and his earliest work included an introduction to Husserl's The Origin of Geometry. His first political tract famously lists ten plagues of the global capitalist system, and another of his works is written in two columns, one devoted to Hegel and the other to Genet. In addition to Spectre of Marx and Glas, he is most famous for a form of textual criticism which relies on analyzing the frameworks and assumptions behind a work in order to view it in a new light. FTP, name this French philosopher and author of Writing and Difference and Of Grammatology, the founder of deconstruction.;;(Jacques) Derrida World History;;This group has suffered the breakoff of the New Party in 1994 and the People's First Party in 2000. Its more notorious work includes the 228 incident of 1947, in which it suppressed a rebellion in a nation it would later win control of in the battle of Kuningtou. After the Xi'an Incident, it allied with its rivals during the second Sino-Japanese War. It would later battle those same rivals in their nation's civil war, in which those rivals undertook the Long March to evade this group. FTP, what is this currently Taiwanese political party founded by Sun Yat-Sen that opposed the Chinese Communist Party, which was also lead by Chiang Kai-Shek?;;KMT|Kuomintang|Guomintang|Nationalist Party of China;;(Chinese|Taiwanese) Nationalist (Party) Biology;;The HyperMu system uses these to sequence cDNA libraries, and the Sleeping Beauty system is a potential therapeutic application of them. Michael Simmons discovered a type of them in D. Melanogaster called P elements, which are commonly used in mutagenesis studies, and they're believed to be evolutionarily related to the VDJ system in immunoglobulin expression. The first to be discovered were the Ac and Ds elements, and the most common in humans is the Alu repeat. They are classified into either Class I or II, depending on whether they use reverse transcription or a cut-and-paste mechanism to achieve their most noteworthy function. FTP, name these genetic elements first discovered in Zea Mays by Barbara McClintock, colloquially referred to as "jumping genes"?;;Transposon(s)|Transposable element(s);;(")jumping genes(") American Literature;;One work by this man features Uncle John telling Alice a story about a girl named Eva, entitled The Little People of the Snow. He also wrote a poem about the leader of the Locofocos, entitled "In Memory of William Legett", and also spoke about "The Gardens of the Desert" in "The Prairies". His other works include one about a creature who is "swallowed up" by the "abyss of heaven" as it "guides through the boundless sky", and another one which invites the reader to "go forth… and list to nature's teachings" and to lie down with "patriarchs of the infant world" in a "mighty sepulchre". FTP, name this 19th-century American poet of "To a Waterfowl" and Thanatopsis".;;(William) (Cullen) Bryant Mythology;;He makes his home in Armsvartnir on the island Lyngvi, and he is the source of the river Van. A giantess in Ironwood bore him two children, one of whom chases a chariot driven by Arvakr and Alsvidr, while the other chases Mani. His death will come when he his torn apart by a god who has collected discarded strips of leather for his shoe. After breaking Loedingr and Dromi, he allowed himself to be bound by a silken ribbon made partially from the footfalls of a cat and the spittle of a bird on the condition that another god put his hand into his mouth. However, he will break Gleipnir at Ragnarok, where he will swallow Odin. FTP, name this father of Skoll and Hati, a monstrous wolf of Norse mythology who bit off the hand of Tyr.;;Fenrir|Fenris (Wolf)|Fenrisulfr Chemistry;;They can be directly coupled to alkyl, vinyl, or aryl halides by using a nickel catalyst in the Kumada reaction, and when added to triethyl orthoformate, they form aldehydes in the Bodroux-Chichibabin synthesis. Solutions of them spontaneously dimerize via the Schlenk equilibrium, which is why it is necessary for them to be coordinated to aprotic solvents like diethyl ether or THF. More common reactions of them are addition to a nitrile to form an imine, and the formation of tertiary alcohols by adding them to an ester. However, they most famously add to carbonyl compounds to create alcohols, and since they are strong bases, adding water creates the corresponding alkane. FTP, what are these magnesium halide organometallic reagents, named for their French discoverer?;;Grignard (reagents) Physics;;The McCabe-Thiele method is one way to analyze a particular type of this technique, while the Fenske equation finds the minimum number of theoretical plates needed for this process. Doing this in batches contrasts with the continuous variety, while a nonvolatile solvent is typically used in another type. The addition of a material separating agent is necessary when using this technique for azeotropes, for which Raoult's Law fails to hold. Heating out of free contact with air is one way of accomplishing this, while another way is to continue raising the temperature and continually removing the liquid with the lowest boiling point. Extractive, Destructive and fractional are two varieties of, FTP, which process which separates chemical substances from each other?;;distillation World History;;This man traveled from Turkey under the name of Chris Reid, fleeing after claiming that he was ordered to assassinate the Secretary of the Security Council. Shortly before that, he appeared in a video tape revealing other orders to kidnap and kill, and he had been arrested earlier for theft of explosives and abuse of office in Kostroma. Gerard Batten revealed that this man had been told that the Romano Prodi was a certain agency's "man in Italy," but it may have been accusations of his home country's government organizing the shooting of the Armenian parliament in 1999 that led to his murder. Vladimir Putin refused to extradite Andrei Lugovoi to be tried for the murder of, FTP, which former lieutenant-colonel whose death via polonium-210 poisoning prompted Britain to expel four Russian ministers?;;(Alexander) Litvinenko European History;;Because of a family legend, the protagonist of this work has his head buried in a cave later decorated with Italian marble. Also present at the funeral is Fouqué, who had tried to persuade the protagonist to join him in the lumber business. However, tutoring the mayor's children eventually results in an affair that ends with a letter from Valenod, and the protagonist later on engages in an affair with the daughter of Comte de La Mole after Abbé Pirard and the protagonist leave the seminary. The protagonist is sentenced to death for firing two shots at Madame de Rênal, who prevented his marriage to Mathilde, but she dies three days after the execution of her former lover Julien Sorel. The army and the church represent the title colors of, FTP, which novel by Stendhal?;;(The) Red and the Black|(Le) rouge et le noir United States History;;One group in this event decided against naming Bathurst head of their commission as they felt it did not need a ranking minister, while members of the other commission included Jonathan Russell and James A. Bayard. One side originally demanded that the other stop dry fishing on Canadian coasts, but it was only after Thomas Macdonough's victory at Plattsburgh which forced that side to relent from demanding the creation of a buffer state for its "Indian allies". Allowing for the establishment of commissions to determine the boundary from the Lake of the Woods to the St. Croix River, it resulted in all territory taken by the British and Americans to be returned to their owners before the war. The Battle of New Orleans took place after the signing of, FTP, which treaty which ended the War of 1812?;;(Treaty) (of) Ghent European Literature;;One character in this work notes Acusilaus's agreement with Hesiod concerning the train of gods, while another revealed that the magic of Diotima of Mantinea delayed the plague of Athens by ten years. After Eryximachus follows a speech which compares the laws of Lacedaemon with those of Elis and Boetia, Aristophanes recovers from the hiccups and tells how Zeus cut men in half to teach them humility. Based on a story told by Aristodemus to Apollodorus, this work ends when Alcibiades tells the rest of the party how Socrates has rebuffed him. Including speeches on love by Pausanias, Aristophanes, and Agathon, this is, FTP, which Platonic dialogue that takes its name from the banquet where it is set?;;(The) Symposium British Literature;;The second edition of this work was appended with a letter to Mrs. Fermor, to whom its author had dedicated this work. Despite the warnings of the sylph Ariel, its protagonist travels to Hampton Court, where one character built an altar and prayed to the gods. After Umbriel obtains a bag of "sighs, sobs, and passions" and vial of "fainting fears" and Thalestris prompts Sir Plume to scold another character, a scuffle results in that character having snuff thrown up his nose. This occurs after one character's decision to play the king of hearts wins her a game of Ombre, making the Baron more determined to add to his trophies. Bellinda's loss due to a pair of scissors is the title action of, FTP, which 1712 mock-heroic poem by Alexander Pope?;;(The) Rape of the Lock Art;;A man sprawled on the ground in this painting can be seen in stabbing a white horse with a dagger in an earlier painting by the same artist. A gloomy palace can be seen at back, which also sees a group of spectators cringe at its center. A monk and a man clad in a white shirt with his arms outstretched are among those at left, illuminated by an enormous lantern sitting on the ground in front of men whose faces are hidden. Accompanying its artist's other work about the Charge of the Mamelukes, this painting is believed to be the result of the artist's witnessing of shootings on Príncipe Pío before depicting the death of citizens, perhaps at the hands of Napoleonic troops. Subtitled "The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid," this is, FTP, which painting by Francisco Goya?;;(The) Third of May(,) 1808;;Third of May Physics;;A quantity analogous to this effect in electrodynamics is called the Christofel voltage, while large motions restored by it were found by Carl Rossby. The Eötvös effect accounts for its vertical component, and Buys-Ballot's Law is a result of this effect in areas of different pressure. Present only in non-inertial frames of reference, this effect was also considered when Laplace derived his tidal equations, and it influences the rotation of sunspots and the circulation of the atmosphere. Proportional to the cross product of the angular frequency and velocity, this is, FTP, which force that describes the tendency of a body to drift away from its course due to the Earth's rotation?;;Coriolis (effect|force);;deflecting (force) Psychology;;Rolando Garcia co-authored Towards a Logic of Meanings with this man, while the effects of Levi-Strauss are seen in his own work Structuralism. In a book about conversations with himself, this man revealed that he felt "education means making creators". This man also held the belief that children organized information into groups of related ideas called "schemes". He also believed that the accommodation and assimilation were necessary for intellectual development, and it was while standardizing Cyril Burt's reasoning tests that this man began his ideas concerning "genetic epistemology". FTP, name this Swiss developmental psychologist whose theory of cognitive development proposed having sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal stages.;;(Jean) Piaget World History;;A temporary replacement for this group called the Union of Welfare was constructed nearly a decade before its downfall, and among its acts was the drafting of a constitution known as the Green Book. Its more radical members formed its Southern Society, led by Pestel, and the man who commanded the troops that opposed them, Alexander Beckendorff, would later become the chief of police to the man opposed by this group. Although they disagreed on what form of democratic government should be put in place, its members demanded a constitution and offered the throne to Prince Constantin after marching to Senate Square in St. Petersburg. For ten points, name this revolutionary society whose uprising against Czar Nicholas I took place in 1825 in its namesake month.;;Decembrists Religion;;The Dhammapada attests to the greatness of this notion when one has realized that "hunger is the supreme disease" and "mental activity is the supreme suffering". Yogic schools believe Samadhi is the precursor to it, while "Vipassana" and "jhana" are among the ways it can be pursued, as described in the Visuddhimagga. Sanskrit for "to cease blowing," this idea is present in "atman", and it has the attributes of cessation, truth, and complete purity, as described in a Mahayana Buddhist sutra. Contrasted with the cycle of death and rebirth, or "samsara," and similar to the liberation of "moksha," this is, FTP, which Buddhist concept representing a state of freedom and enlightenment?;;nirvana Physics;;The Mitsui model can be used to calculate effects of this property, while its converse was first mathematically predicted by Gabriel Lippman. This property is the operational principle behind both the movement of the needle of a scanning electron microscope and the charge amplifier. Objects with this property, such as Rochelle salts, have very stable vibration periods, which allow it to be used in quartz watches, and all materials which exhibit ferroelectricity also exhibit this property, though the converse is not true. Discovered by Pierre and Jacques Curie and the opposite of electrostriction, this is, FTP, which effect, in which applying stress to a crystal results in the generation of a potential difference?;;piezoelectricity|piezoelectric (effect) European Literature;;The renewed fertility of Anna's mother after the arrival of tutor Ken Keaton forms the subject of one of this author's short stories, while another is about a party held in Dr. Cornelius's home. In addition to "The Black Swan" and "Disorder and Early Sorrow," this author wrote about Bibi Saccellaphylaccas's concert in "The Infant Prodigy," and he also wrote a story about Cipolla's hypnosis over the title waiter in "Mario and the Magician". He wrote about the misfortunes of Antonie and Christian and the rest of the title family in Buddenbrooks, but he may be best remembered for writing about Hans Castorp's stay in a Swiss sanatorium and Gustave von Aeschenbach's obsession with Tadzio in an Italian city. FTP, name this German author of The Magic Mountain and Death in Venice.;;(Thomas) Mann Geography;;Monuments at this place include a small tower called the Torreón and a carved stone whose precise placement in alignment with the sun at the two equinoxes suggests its use as an astronomical observatory. Entry into this place was only possible through roads near Salcantay and the Lucumayo valley, and, while quipus were used here as means of keeping records, they remain untranslatable. It is believed that it served as a retreat for Pachacuti Yupanqui, who had conquered the region of Tampu. The Spanish arrived at this place in 1532, burning many shrines and trails to it until it was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911. FTP, name this Peruvian site around 50 miles northwest of Cuzco, formerly built by the Inca.;;Machu Picchu Biology;;The transport protein Oatp14 has been found to play a role in regulating the transport of one substance produced by this organ across the blood brain barrier. Made up of two lobes connected by the isthmus, its follicles take 11 weeks during development to create colloid, which are rich in a glycoprotein that contains tyrosine residues. The attack of its cells by a body's own antibodies is a disease named after Hashimoto, and its parafollicular cells produce calcitonin in response to hypercalcemia. Overproduction of a certain hormone may result in Graves' disease, and having an enlarged one, perhaps coming from a lack of iodine, results in a goiter. FTP, name this endocrine gland which secretes hormones for growth and metabolism and is controlled by hypothalamus and pituitary.;;thyroid (gland)|thyroxine|yroid hormone;;T4 Music;;This work's second section opens with a high solo horn, followed by descending chords for four flutes and rising chords for three oboes, representing peace, while two women's choruses are screened offstage in a section about a mystic. A muted trumpet and six horns play with a hand pushed up inside their instruments while the strings play col legno at the opening of its first section, which influenced John Williams's work with Star Wars. While its sixth section is subtitled "the Magician," his work's most famous section opens with a flourish from the violins before the entry of the theme from the horns, violas, and cellos. "The Bringer of War" and "The Bringer of Jollity" describe Mars and Jupiter, two of the seven movements of, FTP, which orchestral suite by Gustav Holst?;;(The) Planets (Suite) American Literature;;The narrator of the story "This Sandwich Has No Mayonnaise" tells how he left this character at home when he went to the fair at Port Washington. In a different work, this character leaves three women from Seattle in the Lavender Room, eventually returning to his room and finding the prostitute Sunny. After a talk with Carl Luce, he tries to call Sally Hayes but eventually just walks home, breaking the "Little Shirley Beans" record on the way. He sleeps in Grand Central Station after leaving Mr. Antolini's home, after which he takes his sister to the zoo and watches Phoebe reach for the golden ring on the carousel. FTP, name this protagonist of J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.;;Holden (Caulfield);;Caulfield United States History;;The Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the power to issue its contempt order, as it was an "attribute of the power to legislate," in McGrain v. Daugherty with regards to this event. Atlee Pomerene and Owen Roberts heard M. T. Everhart's story about carrying Liberty bonds to the Wardham Park Hotel, which facilitated the results of this event. John B. Kendrick proposed a resolution which led to the formation of a group led by Thomas J. Walsh, whose discoveries led to the resignation of Navy Secretary Edward Denby. Eventually, it was revealed that Edward Doheny was leased Elk Hills, while Secretary of the Interior Harry Sinclair received a $100,000 loan and other fields. FTP, identify this scandal, named for its namesake Wyoming oil fields, which took place during the presidency of Warren G. Harding.;;Teapot Dome (Scandal) Religion;;The speaker "strove / To love his beloved in the old high way of love," but they had "grown as weary-hearted as that hollow moon" in a Yeats poem about this man, while Bryan Sykes wrote a book of the same title about the Adonis chromosome. Michelangelo depicted this man reaching his hand toward a bearded man on a kidney in a fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, while a protrusion of thyroid cartilage, called the laryngeal prominence, is also attributed to this man. In the Book of Jubilees, it is revealed that his daughters Azura and Awan married their brothers Abel and Cain, respectively. FTP, name this religious figure who died at the age of 930 after leaving the Garden of Eden with his wife Eve.;;Adam;;Adam((')s) Curse United States History;;This man published an editorial excoriating Edwin Killroe, for which he was charged with libel. He declared the East St. Louis riots "one of the bloodiest outrages against mankind" in a 1917 speech in Lafayette Hall. J. Edgar Hoover succeeded in charging this man with mail fraud, leading to a five-year jail sentence, where he published "First Message to the Negroes of the World From Atlanta Prison". He presented the Petition of the Negro Race to a 1928 meeting of the League of Nations, and also created the Black Star Line. FTP, name this president of the United Negro Improvement Association and proponent of the "Back to Africa" movement.;;(Marcus) (Mosiah) Garvey(,) (Jr.) Computer Science;;Unlike similar procedures, a parallel version of this algorithm requires no synchronization, and requires big-O of n time given big-theta of n processors. Combining this algorithm, which was originally developed by C.A.R Hoare, with heapsort gives introsort, which is faster on average because heapsort has a better worst-case runtime. Its second step is referred to as the partition function, which divides the original list into elements that are higher or lower than a given pivot value. FTP, name this algorithm that runs in big-O of n log n time, that sorts a list by repeatedly creating two sub-lists and resorting, named for its speed.;;Quicksort British Literature;;Its epigraph is taken from Shakespeare's Sonnet 17, and reads "The stretched metre of an antique song". Its first section takes place in a forest around Latmos, during a celebration of Pan, and during a trip to the underworld, the protagonist encounters Venus and Adonis. He relates the contents of a dream to his sister Peonia, and in the end he meets the Indian maid he has dreamed about, who is revealed to by the goddess Cynthia. Consisting of four books and beginning with the line "A thing of beauty is a joy forever", FTP, name this poem about a handsome shepherd loved by the goddess of the moon, written by John Keats.;;Endymion(:) (A) (Poetic) (Romance) Sociology;;One of this man's earliest works was a chronicle of his time as a reporter during the Lebanese Civil War, entitled From Beirut to Jerusalem. The title objects of one of his later works represent the struggle between modernization and tradition. In that work, The Lexus and The Olive Tree, he presented his theory that no two countries with McDonald's franchises have gone to war with each other, the "Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Resolution". His most recent work analyzes globalization in terms of the "triple convergence", and refers to things like outsourcing and the internet as "flatteners". FTP, name this New York Times contributor and author of "A Brief History of the 21st century" entitled The World is Flat.;;(Thomas) (Lauren) Friedman American Literature;;One character in this work suffers from a "nebulous mass" in his chest which shows up in an X-ray, and this work ends by describing a supermarket whose isles have been rearranged, leading to much confusion. The protagonists' boss is Alphon Stompanato, and his colleague Murray Siskind is an expert on Elvis Presley. The protagonists' wife is revealed to have given sexual favors to Willie Mink in exchange for the drug Dylar, and much of the latter part of this book deals with the consequences of an "Airborne Toxic Event". Focusing on a professor of Hitler Studies, FTP, name this novel about Jack Gladney and his family, by Don DeLillo.;;White Noise Geography;;This nations lowest point is Lake Kulul, which is located in the Denakil depression. The Dahlak Archipelago is a part of this nation, and it shares several of the Hanish Islands with Yemen. The port town of Asseb lies in the far east of this nation, which is mostly inhabited by the Tigrinya and Tigre peoples. The town of Badme was granted to this nation by the EEBC in 2002, after a dispute with its neighbor. It was annexed by Haile Selassie I in 1961, leading to a 30-year war between this nation and Ethiopia. Also bordered by Djibouti and Sudan, FTP, name this small African nation with capital at Asmara.;;Eritrea|Hagere Ertra World History;;Early in his career, this man became head of the Cercles of Stanleyville, and distributed literature for the Liberal Party of his country. His movement would later break into two factions, one headed by this man, and another headed by Albert Kalonji. His time in office saw the rise of secessionist movement under Moise Tshombe of the CONAKAT party, leading to UN intervention. After his removal from office, his successor sent him to Katanga province, where he was tortured and executed by those same rebels. FTP, name this leader of the MNC who was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup lead by Joseph Mobutu, the first prime minister of the Congo.;;(Patrice) Lumumba Chemistry;;One method of trapping these molecules uses a molecular tweezer made of two bent corannulene units, and they can be purified by using DBU and trimethylbenzene. They undergo 1,3 dipolar addition with azomethine ylides in the Prato reaction, and one method of synthesizing them is named for Huffman and Kratschmer. The endohedral type has another molecule trapped inside, and they were first isolated from soot using a laser by Kroto, Smalley and Curl. The most well-known of these compounds has the shape of a truncated icosahedron. FTP, name this most recently discovered allotrope of carbon, named after the creator of the geodesic dome.;;(Buckminster)fullerene Art;;One work attributed to this man was taken to a shrine created by Pompey the Great in the Circus Maximus, and another work by this man was a depiction of Apollo created for Ephesus. One of his lost works was a heifer, which according to one account was decorated with 36 epigrams, and according to Livy, he was a student of Agelades. A copy of one of this man's works is found in the Copenhagen gardens, and he's also famous for a depiction of the satyr Marsyas with Athena. FTP, name this 5th-century BC Athenian sculptor, whose most famous work features an athlete throwing a discus, titled Discobolos.;;Myron Mythology;;She placed one of her sons in the heavens as the constellation Bootes, and she also turned Lyncus of Scythia into a lynx after he tried to kill her student Triptolemus. Her liaison with the titan Iasion in a thrice-plowed field resulted in the birth of Plutus. In one story, she disguises herself as the old woman Doso, and is taken in by King Celeus of Elusis. She plans to reward him by making his son Demophon immortal, but she was interrupted by Metanira when she was about to put him in a fire. She came upon this family while traveling the world searching for her kidnapped child. FTP, name this Greek agricultural goddess whose daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Hades.;;Demeter World Literature;;A satirical sequel to this work was published in 1982 by T. Coraghessan Boyle. The main character foresaw his eventual profession when he made a grimace upon being baptized. He becomes agitated when he is asked to change the wording of a report from the first to the third person, leading to his being appointed as a copier. He attempts to enlist the aid of the Very Important Person after he is robbed of the title possession, which was created by Petrovich from cat hair. He returns as a ghost at the end of the work, and retaliates against the VIP by robbing him of a similar object. FTP, name this work about Akaky Akakievich, written by Nikolai Gogol.;;(The) Overcoat|(The) Cloak|Shinel Physics;;With Piola, this man lends his name to a two-point tensor which relates the stress of a material to a certain reference configuration, and with Clebsch, he names an equation used to characterize rigid bodies in irrotational, inviscid, incompressible fluids. He worked with Bunsen to develop his three laws of spectroscopy, and his namesake law of thermal radiation equates the absorptivity and emmissivity of an object in thermal equilibrium. He coined the term "Blackbody" in 1860, but he's more famous for two laws he derived from Ohm's law. FTP, name this physicist, whose namesake "junction" and "loop" rules are useful in characterizing circuits.;;(Gustav) (Robert) Kirchhoff Art;;The figures in the painting were identified by Mary Hervey in 1900. At the extreme top left of this painting is a black-and-white representation of Jesus on the cross, and the floor design is based on Westminster Abbey. The lower table in the center contains two books, one propped open by a bookmark, next to a lute, while the upper table contains a globe and astrolabe; all of this occurs in front of a green curtain. However, most notable is a distorted object in front of the two title figures. FTP, name this painting featuring an anamorphic skull hovering in front of Georges de Selve and Jean de Dentville, by Hans Holbein the Younger.;;(The) French Ambassadors|(The) (Two) Ambassadors World History;;The monument to this battle is known as the "twin sisters", and consists of two artillery pieces originally used by Major George Hockley during it. It began immediately after the burning of Vince's Bridge, and Mirabeau Lamar commanded a cavalry unit of 61 men that circled the opposing force. It quickly devolved into hand-to-hand combat between the American forces and some 400 men commanded by Juan Almonte. Leading to the capture of Santa Anna by Sam Houston's forces, FTP, name this 18-minute battle that began with the immortal yell "Remember the Alamo!", the final battle of the Texan Revolution.;;(Battle) (of) San Jacinto Biology;;The agent that causes this disease can be transported in the Cary-Blair medium, and it is often diagnosed by plating it onto TCBS medium and looking for yellow colonies. Epidemiologist John Snow traced the origin of one outbreak in Westminster, and its causative agent was isolated by Filippo Pacini. Its namesake enterotoxin ADP-ribosylates a G-protein linked to adenylate cyclase, causing a massive increase in cAMP concentration and opening of chloride channels in the intestine. Cystic fibrosis is thought to confer a heterozygote advantage against, FTP, this disease, caused by a gram negative vibrio bacterium, which leads to massive dehydration and diarrhea and is transmitted through contaminated water.;;Cholera Philosophy;;The exordium of this work contains four different retellings of the central story, and the first of these is believed to reflect the author's failed engagement. This work was published alongside a tract about a Young Man who wishes to break off his engagement, entitled Repetition. The author contrasts the "Knight of Infinite Resignation" and the "Knight of Faith" in one section of this work, and concludes that the path of the former is much easier. Its third problema asks whether there exists a teleological suspension of the ethical, and it was published under the name Johannes de Silentio. FTP, name this Soren Kirkegaard work whose title describes emotions felt during Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.;;Fear and Trembling|Frygt og Baeven Math Theory;;It is analogous to May's theorem, which replaces one of the conditions with anonymity and considers only the case of two options. The Gibbert-Satterthwaite theorem is a special case of this result, and Amartya Sen extended upon it to create the Liberal Paradox. One of its conditions is an independence of irrelevant alternatives, which states that the social welfare function must provide the same set of rankings in a subset of choices as it would for the whole set. First stated in 1951's Social Choice and Individual Values, FTP, name this theorem that says that no non-dictatorial voting system based on ranked preferences of three options can take everyone's choices into account.;;Arrow's Impossibility (Theorem) British Literature;;One of this man's short stories centers around Belacquah Shah, who picks up the title creature while going to an Italian lesson. In addition to Dante and the Lobster, this man wrote a play concerning the solipsist Henry, entitled Embers, and another play centered around the old couple Mr. and Mrs. Rooney, called All that Fall. One of his better-known works consists of an old writer listening to Spool number 5. He is probably best known a work centered around Nagg and Hamm, and another featuring Pozzo and his servant Lucky, as well as Vladimir and Estragon. FTP, name this absurdist playwright of Krapp's Last Tape, Endgame, and Waiting For Godot.;;(Samuel) Beckett World History;;This government legalized a system of alternate attendance among feudal lords, where they were required to spend one year within their domains and one in the capital. One challenge to it came from disgruntled ronin lead by Yui Shotetsu, who attempted a coup called the Keian Uprising. Its downfall came during the Bakamatsu, during which popular sentiment called for "expelling the barbarians", leading to the Boshin War and resignation of Yoshinobu. It was founded after its namesake's victory over Ishida Mitsunari at Sekigahara, and it also signed of the Treaty of Kanagawa with Matthew Perry. Immediately followed by the Meiji restoration, FTP, name this Shogunate, founded by Ieyasu, that ruled Japan from 1600 to 1868.;;Tokugawa (Shogunate) Music;;Rudolf Escher composed a 1952 chamber music piece entitled "The Tomb of" this composer. This man composed only two operas in his lifetime, one of which was entitled The Spanish Hour, while Colette was the librettist for his other opera, The Child and the Enchantments. A student of Gabriel Faure, he set to music three poems by Stephane Malarme, while his piano compositions include Mirroirs, Gaspard de la Nuit, and The Tomb of Couperin. At the age of 14, he composed a solo piano work dedicated to the Princesse de Polignac, Pavanne for a Dead Princess, while famous orchestral pieces by this composer include his Rhapsodie Espagnole. For ten points, identify this man who composed for the Ballet Russes the music for Daphnis and Chloe, but is best known for an orchestral composition that builds to a rousing crescendo, Bolero.;;(Maurice) Ravel United States History;;With Nelson Aldrich, Oliver Platt, and John Spooner, one sponsor of this piece of legislation made up "the Four" in the Senate, and was later instrumental in the passage of the Hepburn Act. This legislation was part of a compromise reached by the 45th Congress that also included the passage of the Resumption Act, and supporters of this measure also decried the "Crime of '73" which took place during the Grant administration. Passed over the veto of Rutherford Hayes and providing for a 16 to 1 ratio irrespective of market value, for ten points, identify this 1878 piece of legislation which resumed silver coinage, named for a senator from Iowa and a Missouri representative, which was supplanted by the 1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act.;;Bland-Allison (Silver) (Purchase) (Act) Geography;;Upon completion, the Seville Cathedral replaced this building as the largest church in the world. The semicircular niches with open arcades attached to the half-domes in this building make it somewhat similar to contemporary San Vitale, while its interior contains such decorations as the Deesis mosaic and the depiction of Christ Pantocrator on the underside of its most famous feature. Designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, this building combines a longitudinal axis with a central-plan church, and is remarkable for its use of pendentives to support its large dome. Converted into a mosque in 393, for ten points, identify this most famous of Byzantine churches, located in present-day Istanbul.;;Hagia Sophia|Church of the Holy Wisdom|Ayasofya Physics;;The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is often used with this experimental technique to assume that the central atoms do not move during the experiment. When using this experimental technique, fewer than the predicted number of vibration bands are typically seen because of band degeneracy and because some vibrations do not cause a change in dipole moment. When these bands are observed, they are seen in what is known as the "group frequency" region, while unique patterns are found in the region of 390 to 600 inverse centimeters, for which reason it is known as the "fingerprint region". Employing light with a wavelength of between 4,000 and 500 inverse centimeters, for ten points, identify this spectroscopic method that employs light that is less energetic than visible light.;;i(nfra)r(ed) (spectroscopy) Biology;;One of the disorders caused by them is associated with a homozygous polymorphism at position 129, while another known as CPEB is found in the nervous system and stimulates mRNA translation. In yeast, they can be formed from Sup35p and Ure2p, and eliminated through increased chaperone activity. They are characterized in part by their resistance to digestion by proteases and by their insolubility, and their secondary structures are dominated by beta sheets rather than alpha helices. Discovered by Stanley Pruisner to be malformed proteins, for ten points, identify these infectious agents, the causes of such diseases as fatal familial insomnia, kuru, Creutzfeld-Jacobs, and mad cow disease.;;prion(s) Geography;;The altarpiece of the Abbey Church in Klosterneuburg, Austria, and the Shrine of the Three Kings in the Cologne Cathedral are two famous works by Nicholas of this location. With Metz and Toul, this location formed the Three Bishoprics, and during the War of the First Coalition, this town fell on September 2nd, 1792 to the Prussians, just weeks before their loss at Valmy. A treaty was signed at this location following a defeat for Lothair I at Fontenoy in 841, while a battle that took place at this location on the Meuse River began in February of 1916 and made a hero of Henri Petain. For ten points, identify this French town, which served as the site of the 843 treaty that divided Charlemagne's empire, as well as one of the bloodiest battles of World War I which resulted in roughly 400,000 casualties for both sides.;;Verdun American Literature;;One work in this collection opens by addressing the men "who fought with Washington in Valley Forge," while another concerns a gun-smith from Odessa who just wanted to study Kant in peace. In another work, a character opines that "a moral truth is a hollow tooth which must be propped up with gold," and numerous works reference the collapse of the local bank under the leadership of Thomas Rhodes and his son Ralph. Archibald Higbie recalls how he loathed and tried to rise above the title location, whose more famous residents include Ann Rutledge, the purported love interest of Abraham Lincoln, and Lucinda Matlock. For ten points, identify this collection of poems about the dead residents of a Midwestern town, written by Edgar Lee Masters.;;Spoon River Anthology Philosophy;;Stephen Toulmin argued that the central events of this man's most important work are both more common and less dramatic than this man thought, and in 1992, this man criticized proponents of a "Strong Programme" who sought to extend his views. Together with Paul Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos, this man contributed to a volume of conference papers entitled Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, and he outlined the basic thesis of his most important work in 1959's "The Essential Tension". In his most famous work, this man drew on Quine's indeterminacy of translation to advance the role of theory-dependence of observation and the incommensurability thesis in bringing about the titular events. For ten points, identify this philosopher who proposed that science advances through a series of "paradigm shifts" in his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.;;(Thomas) Kuhn World History;;A temporary setback in the history of these peoples involves the loss of the satellite kingdom of Wassukkani to the Assyrians under Ashur-uballit I, and according to the Edict of Telipinus, attributed to a king of these people, their history began with a king named Labarnas. Among the tablets of these people discovered at Bogazkoy is the tale of two kings of Kussara named Pitkhanas and Anittas, and their military exploits include one of the first battles for which a tactical description survives, a clash against Ramses II at Kadesh. For ten points, identify these Indo-European people of Anatolia whose leaders included Muwatallis and Supilluliumas I, and who had their capital at Hattusas.;;Hittite(s) Economics;;In the introduction to this work, the author briefly analyzes the historical manifestations of the titular concept among the Polynesians and the Icelandic communities "in the time of the Sagas," but postpones the presentation of evidence until the chapter on the survival of archaic traits. In the chapter which introduces this work's most famous concept, the author analyzes the "ceremonial differentiation of the dietary" as it applies to "intoxicating beverages and narcotics," while another chapter proposes a new explanation for the conservatism of the rich. Gambling habits are examined in a chapter on "The Belief in Luck," and this work concludes with the example of "Higher Learning as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture". Most famous for its explication of the idea of "conspicuous consumption," for ten points, identify this 1899 work, the most famous of Thorstein Veblen.;;(The) Theory of the Leisure Class Mythology;;In one version of her story, Eos' lust for young men was a punishment for seducing this mythical character, and Hera appointed Priapus as tutor to this character when he was young, as a result of which he became a perfect dancer. Possibly the father of Ixion, as a child this character was imprisoned by Otus and Ephialtes in some brass jars, and he also experienced imprisonment at the hands of Hephaestos after seducing Aphrodite. According to legend, the race of bronze men took pleasure only in the works of this god, who during the Trojan war, was wounded by Diomedes with the help of Athena and Hera. For ten points, identify this son of Zeus and brother of Athena who was accompanied by Phobos and Deimos, the Greek god of war.;;Ares Geography;;In the late 19th century, this country saw a civil war known as the Revolution of the Lances, and its 20th century history saw the rise of the Battlista party, founded by Jose Battle y Ordonez. This country's independence was achieved as the result of the efforts of the Blandengues, led by Jose Artigas. Following indedpendence, this country saw a "Great War," a power struggle between supporters of Jose Rivera and Manuel Oribe known as the Colorados and the Blancos, respectively, and together with Argentina and Brazil, this nation formed the Triple Alliance that battled Paraguay in the war of the same name. First explored by Juan Diaz de Solis and originally known as the Banda Oriental, for ten points, identify this South American country with capital at Montevideo.;;Uruguay Psychology;;This man recently published a book entitled The Lucifer Eeffect that examines, among other things, his own most famous work. One of this man's first experiments was to abandon cars in both poor and affluent neighborhoods and study the reactions of the residents, research that led to James Wilson and George Kelling's formulation of the "broken window" theory. With Lynne Henderson, this man is currently the co-director of the Shyness Clinic, which grew out of his work in his Jordan Hall laboratory, though he is best known for an experiment conducted with Curtis Banks and Christina Maslach, which had to be abandoned after six days due to ethics concerns. For ten points, identify this psychologist, most famous for examining the dynamics of power and behavior in the Stanford Prison experiment.;;(Philip) Zimbardo European Literature;;Although the ending of this work is lost, the conclusion in which the title object is given to the newlyweds has been reconstructed on the basis of the two Arguments that precede this work. At one point in this work, the owner of the title object decides to take it to the Temple of Faith, and the slave Staphyla observes the main character's strange behavior in the first act. The location of the titular object is revealed by Lar Familiaris, the household god, and eventually Megadorus's plan to marry Phaedria falls through, resulting in her marriage to the man who raped her during the festival of Ceres, Lyconides. For ten points, identify this play, whose title monetary stash is hidden by the miserly Euclio, a comedy by Plautus.;;Aulularia|(The) Pot of Gold Computer Science;;These use of these objects is central to the operation of the Bloom filter and the Rabin-Karp algorithm, while one of thse named after Pearson performs its operation without the use of bit-shifting or exclusive-OR. The Merkle-Damgard construction can be employed to construct them. The cuckoo variety of them implements a dictionary using two arrays to resolve conflicts, and other methods of handling colllisions in their namesake tables include bucket and chaining methods. Storage methods employing these functions have a search runtime of "big-O of 1," and commonly used ones including MD5 and the SHA family. For ten points, identify these functions important in computer science, which produce a fixed-length key for every input value.;;hash World Literature;;Among this writer's poetry is a free-verse poem about the black experience in America entitled "The King of Harlem". That poem and others are contained in his collection The Poet in New York, while other collections of this man's poetry include Divan and Other Writings and Gypsy Ballads. In this writer's first play, the title insect abandons a cockroach who falls in love with her, while another play chronicles the relationship between the oppresive titulat matriarch and her four daughters and ends with Adela's suicide. His most famous play ends with the deaths of Leonardo and the Bridegroom, and with the previous play and Yerma forms his so-called "Rural trilogy". For ten points, identify this Spanish writer, best known for plays such as The House of Bernarda Alba and Blood Wedding.;;(Federico) (Garcia) Lorca Religion;;One of these works states that "everything endowed with an individual shape" is to be regarded as a dream, while another of these works, sometimes known as the one "of the Good Law," contains a section in which thousands of worlds are made visible in every direction. The Pitaka one refers to an entire body of work and contains such sections as the Digha Nikaya and the Samyutta Nikaya, forming the canon of the Hinayana school, while the "Heart" one is a discourse on the "Perfection of Wisdom" in the words of Avalokitesvara. Denoting an expository doctrinal composition in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, for ten points, identify this word referring to the scriptures of these traditions, examples of which include the Diamond, Lotus, and Kama.;;sutra Art;;One of this artist's paintings depicts two major works of literature as women holding a sword and an oar while a winged figure performs the titular action, while in another painting, helmeted soldiers approach a seated man playing a lyre. That painting, Achilles Receiving the Envoys of Agamemnon, won this artist the Prix de Rome, and he would later celebrate the union of church and state in his The Vow of Louis XIII. Holding drawing to be superior to painting, this artist created a famous portrait of Louis Bertin, while official commissions for Napoleon include the canvases Romulus, Conqueror of Acron and The Dream of Ossian, in addition to his Napoleon as First Consul. For ten points, identify this student of Jacques-Louis David, best known for his depiction of a courtesan with three extra vertebrae, The Grand Odalisque.;;(Jean)-(Auguste-Dominique) Ingres Chemistry;;The addition of potassium hydroxide as a promoter increases the efficiency of this process, and one of its ingredients was originally isolated by the water-gas process invented by the name whose name is sometimes appended to this process. Although an initial pass typically has a small yield, its inventor also came up with the idea of recycling the output of this process, which consumes roughly 1% of the world's annual energy output. The use of an iron catalyst in this process allows it to be employed at lower temperatures, while constant removal of the end product ensures a continuous reaction according to Le Chatelier's principle. For ten points, identify this efficient method of nitrogen fixation and ammonia synthesis, named for a German chemist.;;Haber(-Bosch) (process) World History;;Its deviser referred to parts of this idea as the "commanding heights," and conceded to his critics that "retreat is a difficult matter," while some of its components were outlined in the pamphlet "The Tax in Kind". After the death of the man who had devised it, its chief supporter became Nikolay Bukharin, and it differed from its predecessor in large part because it allowed for the usage of money, as well as the return of agriculture and private industry. Introduced at the 10th Party Congress in response to the Kronshtadt Rebellion in 1921, for ten points, identify this collection of measures instituted by Vladimir Lenin which replaced Kerensky's "war communism".;;N(ew) E(conomic) P(olicy) Art;;According to Pausanias, its creator left his signature underneath the feet of this sculpture, while the paintings surrounding it, depicting, among other things, the killing of Niobe's children, are said to have been painted by the creator's brother Panaenus. Believed to be more than 40 feet tall, its was made from chryselephantine, with its subject's flesh carved from ivory and covered with gold drapery, depicting that subject seated on a throne with Nike in his right hand and a scepter in his left. Sculpted in approximately 430 B.C.E. by Phidias for the temple at Olympus, for ten points, identify this wonder of the ancient world, a depiction of the chief god of the Greek pantheon.;;(the) (statue) (of) (Olympian) Zeus British Literature;;This man's nonfiction work includes an "Essay on Norman Architecture," as well as a discussion of God in his "Essay on the Philosophy of Lord Bollingbroke". This writer told of "soft Reflection's hand" tracing "smiles on past Misfortune's brow" in an "Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitudes," while his "The Bard," is a Pindaric ode honoring the Welsh. In another poem, this man famously eulogized a favorite cat that drowned in a tub of goldfish, though he is better known for a poem which proclaimed that "the paths of glory lead but to the grave," and began with the curfew tolling the knell of parting day. Famous for penning the lines, "Where ignorance is bliss/ 'tis folly to be wise," in "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eaton College," for ten points, identify this English poet best known for his "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard".;;(Thomas) Gray Philosophy;;After being brought to trial for his publication Warning to Proprietors, this man was acquited because the jury could not clearly understand the point he was trying to make. In homage to a secret society of weavers with whom he found refuge, he called his emergent social philosophy "mutualism," and while a prisoner published a tract entitled "The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century". This man was bitterly attacked by Marx in The Poverty of Philosophy, a move which split the Second International between Marxists and those who followed this man's disciple Bakunin. However, he is best known for a work in which he declared himself to be an anarchist and answered the titular question with the word "theft". For ten points, identify this Frenchman who advanced anarchism in 1840's What is Property?;;(Pierre-Joseph) Proudhon Geography;;Permanent settlement on the site of this city began in the mid-17th century with the construction of the Da Khure monastery, and after part of its country gained independence, this city was renamed Niislel Khureheh. Situated southwest of the Hentiyn Mountains, one of this city's main features is the Suhbaatar Square, named after its country's liberator. Formerly known by its Russian name of Urga, this city is also home to the Gandan monastery, while the Trans-Siberian Railway connects it to both Moscow and Beijing. Situated on the Tuul River and having a name that means "Red Hero," for ten points, identify this city near the Genghis Khan International Airport, the capital of Mongolia.;;Ulan Bator|Ulaanbaatar World Literature;;In one part of this work, the narrator recalls how he used to go to hear the "great argument" of th e "Doctor and Saint," but ended up leaving by the same door through which he came in, while elsewhere he notes that "a single hair divides the false and true". This work begins with the invocation to wake, and a later stanza notes that "Whether in Nishapur or Babylon... The wine of life keeps oozing drop by drop," while a later stanza contains the famous imagery of a moving finger that "writes, and having writ, moves on". Its most famous lines come from its 12th stanza, which calls for "A book of verses underneath the bough, a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou". Famously translated by Edward FitzGerald, for ten points, identify this poem in 101 quatrains originally written by a Sufi poet.;;(The) Rubaiyaat (of Omar Kayyam) Geography;;Sandra Myers represented this nation as a sprinter from 1987 onwards, while Alice Matejkova also represented it as a discus thrower in the last three Olympic games. In soccer, this nation won a silver medal at its Olympic debut in Belgium in 1920, but could not overcome either West Germany or England when hosting the first 24-team World Cup on home soil in 1982. The last man before Lance Armstrong to win the Tour de France five consecutive times hailed from this nation, while a golfer from this nation took third place at the US Open in 1987 and was the first European to win the Masters, doing so in 1980. In 1990, Monica Seles broke the record for youngest winner of the French Open set in 1989 by a player from this country. For ten points, identify this nation, home to such athletes as Miguel Indurain, Arantxa Sanchez Vicario, and Seve Ballesteros, as well as such club teams as Betis Sevilla and FC Barcelona.;;Spain|Espana AmericanLiterature;;In one of this man's short stories, a party thrown by Meatball Mulligan awakens Callisto, who has been nursing a bird back to health with her body heat. In one of his later novels, Prairie Wheeler searches for her mother Frenesi while her father Zoyd jumps through plate glass every year in order to prove he is insane. This man's first published short story collection was entitled Slow Learner, and his story "Under the Rose" contains characters such as Porpentine and Hugh Bongo-Shaftsbury, both of whom would later reappear in a novel about Herbert Stencil's search for the titular mysterious woman. Oedipa Maas becomes the executor of Pierce Inverarity's estate in a more famous novella by this writer, while Tyrone Slothrop attempts to evade the V2 rockets in his most famous work. For ten points, identify this author of Mason & Dixon, V., The Crying of Lot 49, and Gravity's Rainbow.;;(Thomas) Pynchon Religion;;Retiring to the country following the suggestion of William of Champeaux, this man produced a treatise entitled "Praises of the Virgin Mother," though he did not accept the immaculate conception. Among this man's other works are a eulogy for the newly-founded Knights Templar and such sermons as "The Steps of Humility," and as an ardent opponent of Scholasticism, he condemned Gilbert de la Poree and clashed with Peter Abelard. Persuaded by Louis VII and Eugenius III to endorse the Second Crusade, Pius XII declared him to be doctor mellifluous, though he is better known for his work with a certain monastic order sometimes known as either the White Monks or by this man's name. For ten points, identify this great exponent of the Cistercian order, who does not give his name to a breed of rescue dog.;;(St.) Bernard (of) Clairvaux;;(St(.)|Saint) Bernard Physics;;A non-zero electric dipole moment of this particle would imply a time-reversal violation in accordance with the CPT theorem, while the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit gives the upper bound on an object composed of these particles. These particles are typically produced for experimental purposes by spallation, as is done at the ISIS facility, one of the most powerful producers of these particles. Bruce Cork discovered its antiparticle, also having a mass of about 940 MeV, and free ones have a lifetime of about 15 minutes, after which they typically decay to a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino. Discovered by James Chadwick, for ten points, identify this fermionic particle that consists of two down quarks and one up quark and which carries no electric charge.;;neutron Math Theory;;In the Helmholtz equation, applying it to a function yields the same function multiplied by a scale factor, and in flat space-time, it generalizes to the d'Alembertian. Its square appears in the von Karman equations and is known as the biharmonic operator, and applying this operator to one over x yields a delta function of x. In cylindrical coordinates, the solutions generated by applying this operator to a scalar function and setting the result to zero are the Bessel functions, and when applied to electric charge density, this operator yields the total enclosed charge in Gauss's law. For ten points, identify this vector operator obtained by taking the divergence of a gradient of a scalar function, which is denoted by the square of an upside-down capital delta.;;Laplacian;;del-squared United States History;;The remains of this man, who began a conflict in which he was initially opposed by Richard Call, currently rest at the Fort Sumter complex which includes Fort Moultrie where this man died. The war begun by this man saw the massacre of soldiers under William Harney, which occurred less than a year after this man's death. He originally gained notoriety after murdering Charlie Ematha and Wiley Thompson at Fort King as a reaction to the former's acquiesence with the treaty of Payne's Landing, but was captured in 1837 when he came to parley with Thomas Jessup. With a name meaning "Black Drink," for ten points, identify this Native American who fought an unsuccessful guerilla action against the United States as the leader of the Seminoles.;;Osceola Geography;;Among the architectural landmarks of this city is the Cathedral of St. Stephen, remarkable for its ornately tiled roof. This city saw the creation of the 1914 painting Bride of the Wind, and the works of the creator of that painting are exhibited in this city's Leopold Museum. Seiji Ozawa is currently the director of this city's State Opera, whose previous directors included Herbert von Karajan. Other famous artists residing in this city included Egon Schiele, who participated in this city's namesake Secession, the first president of which was Gustav Klimt. For ten points, identify this European city famous for its Philharmonic and Boys' Choir, the capital of Austria.;;Vienna|Wien Biology;;Most male members of this biological division mate by using a specialized arm called a hectocotylus, which in some species is self-amputated and left inside the female, while their spermatophores are stored in Needham's organ. In addition to a main heart, members of this class also posess two branchial hearts, and only the species Lolliguncula brevis is known to be commonly found in brackish, rather than salt water. Divided into Coleoida and Nautileoida subclasses, members of this class use hemocyanin as circulatory fluid and their viscera is enclosed in an active mantle, whose contraction provides the main mode of locomotion for members of this class. Containing the species Architeuthis which comprises the largest living invertebrates, for ten points, identify this class within the phylum Mollusca, which includes cuttlefish, squid, and octopi.;;cephalopoda Mythology;;One legend associated with this deity holds that he and his wife owned four pots, and by breaking them they could send their contents to the surface of the earth. In another legend, this god's name is given to the spiritis that stole the maize from the Mountain of Seeds after that mountain had been broken up by a god named Nanahuatl. Sometimes depicted wielding lightning in the form of a snake, together with Huitzilopochtli, this god was worshipped at the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan, and he shares his domain with the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. For ten points, identify this Aztec deity who ruled the waters as well as the underworld of Michtlan.;;Tlaloc World History;;Among the immediate causes of this conflict, whose end saw a plebiscite to decide the fate of Tecna, was the raising of taxes by one of the participants in contravention of an agreement reached four years prior. One of the participating nations had its capital occupied after losing the Battle of Iquique, in which that nation lost its battleships Independencia and Huascar, while the other losing nation forfeited its coastal region, a development that led eventually to that nation's conflict with Paraguay in the Chaco War. Beginning with the invasion of the Antofagasta province and concluding with the treaty of Ancon, for ten points, identify this conflict fought by Peru, Chile, and Bolivia over the nitrate deposits of the Atacama Desert.;;(War) (of) (the) Pacific Philosophy;;In the introductory section to this work, entitled "General Remarks," the author contends that the titular idea had been advanced by Socrates against the sophistry of Protagoras. In this work's fourth chapter, the author discusses the proof necessary to justify the central concept of this work, claiming that it does not deny that people desire virtue, while this work's last chapter connects the titular philosophy to justice. More famously, this work's second chapter claims that it is "better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied" and explains what the titular philosophy "is" by outlining the Greatest Happiness Principle. For ten points, identify this philosophical treatise extending a Benthamite philosophy, written by John Stuart Mill.;;Utilitarianism World History;;The most complete account of this man's kingdom known to the Greeks was compiled by the historian Megasthenes, who was an ambassador to this man. Allegedly roused to greatness when a lion licked his body, this man's military successes included fending off the invasion of Seleucus I Nicator, as well as destroying the Nanda after ascending to the throne of the Maghada kingdom. This man's governance was based on Kanakya's seminal text Arthashastra, and he was advised in religion by Bhadrabahu, while his grandson is famous for promulgating the Rock and Pillar Edicts. For ten points, identify this grandfather of Ashoka and founder of the Mauryan dynasty in India, who was known to the Greeks as Sandracottus.;;Chandragupta (Maurya) World History;;Putting forth an ideology called the "Anka Doctrine," a form of Maoism, this ruler would ascend to the rule of his power with the arrest of secretary Ton Samouth. Later during his rule, he decided to murder those who associated with Sak Sutsakhan to force him to surrender. He rebelled against the rule of Lon Nol, and his followers captured Phnom Penh several years later and renamed the country Democratic Kampuchea; places where those killed by followers of this leader were buried were called the "Killing Fields". FTP, name this Communist leader from Cambodia who led the Khmer Rouge.;;(Pol) Pot (Saloth) Sar Chemistry;;Clifford Schull's neutron diffraction experiments on this element's oxide lead to the discovery of antiferromagnetism, and it is commonly extracted from pyrolusite. One form of radiometric dating charts the ratio of one isotope of this element to an isotope of chromium. One atom of it is coordinated to the active site of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase, and it is also present in diphtheria toxin and the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II. Its dioxide is capable of selectively creating carbonyls from benzylic alcohols, and a compound containing this metal is useful in redox titrations. Also used to decolorize glass, FTP, name this element with atomic number 25 and symbol Mn.;;Manganese;;Mn Art;;This work, which sought to honor a patron of the church of Santo Tomé, features a man clad in yellow at its upper left dangling a pair of keys, while Andrés Nuñez, a priest, is standing on the right. Jorge Manuel, the artist's son, is standing with a handkerchief bearing his date of birth at the bottom left of this painting, whose top portrays parted clouds below a triangle formed by Christ, Mary, and Saint John the Baptist. The spirits of St. Stephen and St. Augustine hold the body of the title character, who is surrounded by fellow prominent men of Toledo while being lowered into a coffin. FTP, name this El Greco painting which depicts the interment of its titular count.;;The Burial of Count Orgaz Economics;;This man authored a novel about the fictional professor Montgomery Marvin in his The Tenured Pofessor, while he lamented that the public did not decide what products were made in a work about "innocence fraud". He recalls working for Adlai E. Stevenson in Name-Dropping: From FDR On, and he claims that poor corporate infrastructure and foreign trade imbalances helped cause the Great Depression in The Great Crash, 1929. American Capitalism is the part of a series whose other works describe the state of the country as controlled by the largest companies and coined the phrase "conventional wisdom" in describing income imbalances in the United States. FTP, name this Canadian-American economist who authored The New Industrial State and The Affluent Society.;;(John) (Kenneth) Galbraith Math Theory;;Merten's theorem gives the exponent of this quantity as being proportional to a product over primes, and it can also be obtained through a double series summation, with one series summed over powers of 2. That formulation is equivalent to Catalan's integral, and if a large number is divided by all primes less than or equal to it, the average by which the quotient is less than the next whole number is this quantity. More famously, it can be obtained by the alternating sum of the Riemann zeta function of n over n, and Hardy famously offered to give up his chair to anyone who could prove that it is irrational. Typically occurring in calculations as the integral from 0 to infinity of e to the minus x times natural log of x, dx, for ten points, identify this constant named after Swiss and Italian mathematicians.;;gamma|(the) Euler(-Mascheroni) (constant) World Literature;;S.J Marshall wrote about the "hidden history" of this text, and in his Explication of Binary Arithmetic, Gottfried Leibniz used it as an example to claim that the binary system was universal. Parts of it are claimed to be due to a figure known as the "Great Bright One", who has a serpent's body. Supposedly, its contents were found on the back of a tortoise by Fu Xi, while Wenwang transcribed it. Often used for divination and containing an extensive appendix, FTP, name this ancient Chinese text that consists mainly of 64 hexagrams, along with instructions for their use.;;I Ching|Book of Changes|Classic of Changes European Literature;;One character in this work notes that a dog trained to eat potatoes will still grab at meat if given the chance. That character, Kat, later helps the protagonist steal geese after Kropp and Tjaden are given jail time due to their actions toward Himmelstoss, who had earlier been beaten on his way back from a pub for his cruel actions against the bedwetters. After the death of Müller, the protagonist receives the boots once owned by Kemmerich, who, along with the protagonist, had been persuaded by Kantorek to show his patriotism by joining the German forces. Paul Baumer is the protagonist of, FTP, which World War I novel by Erich Maria Remarque?;;All Quiet on the Western Front United States History;;David Terry, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, mortally wounded senator David Broderick in a duel for supporting this political party. George W. Julian was the vice presidential nominee when John P. Hale ran for president as part of this party, only capturing five percent of the popular vote. Charles Francis Adams, Sr. was the only other vice-presidential nominee for this party, which called for a tariff for only revenue and a homestead law before it was absorbed by the Republican Party. Formed mostly of Barnburners and former members of the Liberty Party and nominating Martin Van Buren for the 1848 presidency, this is, FTP, which short-lived political party which opposed the extension of slavery into newly acquired territories?;;Free Soil (Party) World Literature;;This author wrote about the travels of Roberto, who is the only survivor of a shipwreck but finds himself on another deserted ship, in one novel, while he wrote about the book dealer Yambo's loss of his memory following a stroke in his most recent novel. In addition to The Island of the Day Before and The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, this author wrote a work written mostly as a dialogue between Master Niketas Choniates and the title peasant, who is adopted by Frederick Barbarossa. Besides Baudolino, this author remains best known for a novel about Casaubon, Belbo, and Ardenti, and their struggle with the Knights Templar, as well as another about William of Baskerville's investigations of killings while at a Benedictine abbey in Melk. FTP, name this Italian author of Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose.;;(Umberto) Eco European Literature;;In Chapter XVII of this work, its author describes men as "ungrateful, fickle, dissembling, and anxious to flee danger," while Chapter XXII states that the intellect to comprehend things independently is the most excellent kind of intellect. Generosity is described as a waste of resources in this work, which states that Septimus Severus, who had qualities like those of "a very savage lion and a very tricky fox," was feared by everyone. Dedicated to Lorenzo de' Medici, this work does not concern itself with republican regimes but does offer suggestions on how to deal with insurrections and alliances. Alexander VI is often used as a good example of the title figure of, FTP, which political treatise about how the title ruler can obtain and maintain power, written by Niccolò Machiavelli?;;(The) Prince European History;;Resulting in the appointment of Herbert Samuel as High Commissioner, the views of this statement were clarified in the White Paper five years later. David Hogarth delivered a message shortly after it was issued, and the Declaration of Seven made demands less than a year later. Signed following the Treaty of Sèvres, this statement was addressed to Lord Rothschild and largely drafted by Alfred Milner. It dealt with partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, helping Chaim Weizmann and his Zionist plans for the creation of an independent state. FTP, name this 1917 statement about British support for a Jewish home in Palestine.;;Balfour Declaration Biology;;A "gap" in the readout of this procedure is used to find binding sites in the nuclease footprint assay, while a two-dimensional version uses isoelectric focusing in its second half. The SDS-PAGE variety is performed before the transfer step of a western blot protocol, and it is commonly run in a Tris-acetate buffer. The namesake matrix usually contains an intercalating agent like ethidium bromide, and the lane on the end is sometimes reserved for a ladder, which is a solution of fragments with known size. FTP, what is this lab technique commonly done using acrylamide or agarose, that applies an electric field to protein or DNA fragments in order to separate them by size?;;Gel Electrophoresis|Running a Gel|Gellin' British Literature;;"The stone images are raised" in "cactus land" in one section of this work, while in another section, its speaker notes that the he avoids speech "gathered on this beach of the tumid river" as "they eyes are not here… in this valley of dying stars". Its speaker asks that he also wear "deliberate disguises / Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed stave" in one section of this poem, whose last section begins with a nursery rhyme about going "round the prickly pear". Alluding to Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Guy Fawkes in its two epigraphs, it describes its title characters as "quiet and meaningless / as wind in dry grass" and having headpieces "filled with straw". Ending with "This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but with a whimper," this is, FTP, which poem by T. S. Eliot?;;(The) Hollow Men World History;;After Frederick Roberts fell in during a certain conflict, this man took over, ordering an attack on the enemy wagon train that cost him 320 men. During his court-martial, Breaker Morant had argued that this man ordered him to take no prisoners, and he did his predecessor "Chinese" Gordon one better after defeating the army that had killed Gordon at Atbara river. After winning his greatest victory, this man marched to the Nile through Uganda and found himself face to face with Jean-Baptiste Marchand. For ten points, identify this British general who defeated the Mahdi forces at Omdurman and caused the French withdrawal during the Fashoda incident.;;(Horatio) (Herbert) Kitchener Music;;Carl Friedrich Abel is now considered to be the true author of a work of Mozart's in E-flat major with this numeric designation. Ralph Vaughn Williams was inspired to write a work with this designation, nicknamed "Pastoral," after hearing a trumpet misplay during World War I, while Krzystof Penderecki's completion of one after another one nicknamed "Christmas". A text by Kirsanov supporting May Day is the setting for the finale of Shostakovich's work of this name, and one using an organ was written by Saint-Saëns. Also the same number as one Mendelssohn wrote during a trip to Scotland, this is, FTP, which common numbered symphony, also applying to one originally dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte, Beethoven's Eroica Symphony.;;Symphony (No(.)|Number|#){1}? 3|Third Symphony;;Third|Symphony World History;;They helped defend the Vistula river valley against the Hussites during the Hussite war, and the Lizard League was created to oppose this group's ambitions in Culmerland. It gained many powers under Frederick II's Golden Bull of Rimmi, and also absorbed the Order of Dobrin. It gained Estonia and Semigalia after it assimilated the Livnonian order, but its invasion of Russia failed after its defeat at Lake Peipus by Alexander Nevsky. FTP, name this organization that was forced to sign the Peace of Torun after its defeat at Tannenberg, a 12th century German catholic religious order.;;Teutonic knights|Teutonic Order|Order of the German House of St. Mary in Jerusalem European Literature;;Only 42 lines spoken by Sisyphus remain from a no longer extant play originally credited to Critias but now attributed to this author. His only satyr play, Cyclops, describes the captivity of Silenus while Odysseus arrived after leaving Troy, while he wrote two plays about a daughter of Agamemnon, who helps her brother and Pylades escape to Greece. In addition to Iphigenia in Aulis and Iphigenia in Tauris, he wrote about Menoeceus's sacrifice to stop the war between Polynices and Eteocles in The Phoenician Women. This author also wrote about Helen's plea to Menelaus for her life in one play, while he wrote about the death of Aegeus and Glauce thanks to Jason's vengeful wife in another. FTP, name this Greek dramatist of The Trojan Women and Medea.;;Euripides Music;;After this opera's title character sings "Deh, vieni alla finestra" while accompanying himself on the mandolin, he sings "Metà di voi qua vadano," disguised as another character, to send his pursuers off course. Afterwards, "Vedrai, carino, se sei buonina" is sung to Masetto by Zerlina, who was pursued by the title character after a chance meeting with Elvira; while the title character escapes, she is forced to listen to "Madamima," a catalog of the title character's adventures in love. Near the end of this opera, "Non mi dir" is sung to Ottavio by Donna Anna, whose father, the Commendatore, had a statue made of him after his death at the hands of the title character. Leporello, the title character's servant, is thrown by that statue into Hell at the end of, FTP, which Mozart opera?;;Don Giovanni American Literature;;In one section of Hart Crane's "The Bridge," the narrator recalls this character "walking with Pizarro in a copybook" as "Cortes rode up, reining taught in". In the work for which he is best remembered, Judith Gardenier informs him that another character broke a blood-vessel in a fit of passion at a peddler. When he had returned to a building called "the Union Hotel, by Jonathan Doolittle," he learns that Derrick van Bummel has become a congressman and Brom Dutcher may have been killed at the storming of Stony Point. Old Peter Vanderdonk affirms for him that Hendrick Hudson did indeed keep a vigil nearby once every twenty years. Finding himself with a foot-long beard after a game of nine-pins in the Kaatskills is, FTP, which slumbering title character of a Washington Irving short story?;;Rip van Winkle Physics;;The Nitrogen-15 heteronuclear single quantum coherence version of this technique is commonly applied to proteins, and the Karplus equation can be used to find torsion angles from the results of it. A two-dimensional Fourier version of this technique was developed by Jean Jeneer in the COSY experiment, and another two-dimensional variant uses the Overhauser effect. Spin-spin coupling results in the splitting of peaks in this technique, which uses TMS as a standard. It plots the intensity of a signal against the relative difference in the Larmor precession of the nucleus and the standard, which is called the chemical shift. FTP, name this type of spectroscopy that applied a magnetic field to a sample, usually abbreviated NMR.;;Nuclear Magnetic Resonance;;NMR British Literature;;In this work, Toby Crackit flees from a house in Chertsey, leaving the title character in a ditch, and tells of a conversation he had with Monks, who is actually Edward Leeford. Thanks to old Sally, who stole a locket and ring from the title character's mother, the title character receives his name from Bumble, who sends him to become an apprentice to the casket maker Sowerberry. While under the care of Grimwig and Mrs. Bedwin, this novel's title character is intercepted by Nancy, who is later murdered by Bill Sikes. After the title character learns that Rose Maylie is his aunt, Mr. Brownlow adopts him as his former fellow gang members, Fagin and the Artful Dodger, are seized. FTP, name this Charles Dickens novel.;;Oliver Twist Psychology;;Along with Paul Hollander, this man published "The Murder They Heard" about the murder of Kitty Genovese, while his studies on "The Familiar Stranger: An Aspect of Urban Anonymity" appeared in Psychology Today. He worked with cameras in the works "Candid Camera" and "Image-Freezing Machine, and his "small world experiment" gave rise to the notion of six degrees of separation. He published Obedience and Authority: An Experimental View to describe variations of an experiment he conducted at Yale in 1961. FTP, name this psychologist whose most famous experiment saw its participants willingly obey orders to administer 450-volt shocks.;;(Stanley) Milgram World History;;Its leader was later immortalized in Self-Portrait of a Hero, and the operation was planned by Muki Betser. One casualty was Jean-Jacques Maimoni, and Dora Bloch was killed in a hospital after it occurred. After landing with four C-130 Hercules transports, the forces arrived at the namesake location in a black Mercedes and a few Land Rovers, and the only member of the strike team to die was its leader, Jonathan Netanyahu. Ordered by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and occurring at the namesake Ugandan airport, FTP, name this 1976 Israeli operation whose objective was to rescue the hostages of Air France 139 from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.;;Entebbe (Raid)|(Operation) Entebbe|(Operation) Thunderbolt|(Operation) Jonathan Chemistry;;The Born-Mayer model can be used to calculate this quantity, and it can also be determined empirically through the Kapustinski equation. Repulsive force governed primarily by the principal quantum number result in a proportionality to "quantity one minus one over n" for this quantity, where n is determined by the number of nearest neighbors. Calculating that sum results in a proportionality factor known as the Madelung constant, meaning that in ionic crystals with regular structure this quantity depends only on geometry. Often determined through the Born-Haber cycle by application of Hess's law, for ten points, identify this energy which is equivalent to the amount of work it takes to separate the bonds in a solid compound.;;lattice energy Mythology;;One of his daughters was the mother of Sarpedon, Laomedia, and his other children included Hippolochus and Isander. This man's attack against the king of Lycia failed when the Xanthian women came out of the palace came out and flashed him. He was earlier accused of attempting to seduce Proteus's wife Anteia, which lead to him being assigned a supposedly impossible task by her Iobates. His tale was retold by his grandson Glaucus in the Illiad, and it involved him acquiring a Golden Bridle from Athena and killing a pet of the king of Caria. FTP, name this figure from Greek Mythology who killed the Chimera, and fell off of the winged horse Pegasus as he attempted to ascend to heaven.;;Bellerophon American Literature;;The Judge weds a wife of richest dower instead of Maud Muller in one poem by this author, who also wrote about a woman who raised an American flag despite the arrival of Stonewall Jackson in "Barbara Frietchie". In addition to writing the collections Legends of New England and Moll Pitcher, this author is probably best remembered for a poem, subtitled "A Winter Idyll," which describes a New England family during a week-long blizzard. FTP, name this American Quaker poet of "Snowbound".;;(John) (Greenleaf) Whittier Music;;Basilio saves his lover Quiteria from being forced to marry the title character in this composer's comic opera The Marriage of Camacho, while he wrote the Elijah oratorio a year after his opus 66, Piano Trio No. 2 in C minor. This composer struggled to complete his sole violin concerto in E minor after a request from King Frederick William IV, finished near the completion of eight volumes of six pieces for solo piano as part of his Songs without Words. A trip to Fingal's Cave inspired his Hebrides Overture, and he wrote a Wedding March as part of incidental music for A Midsummer Night's Dream. FTP, name this German composer of the "Scottish," "Italian," and "Reformation" Symphonies?;;(Felix) Mendelssohn European History;;Henry le Despenser's defeat of a group led by John Litster led to the conclusion of this event, which also resulted in the revocation of the Mile End grants. The confiscation of all church property and the restoration of the Charter of Winchester was not agreed to at Smithfield, after which its leader was wounded in a fight with William Walworth, the mayor of London. The passing of the Statute of Labourers helped start this event, which was quashed by the lords and knights of Richard II. Jack Straw and John Ball took part in, FTP, which 1381 rebellion concerning an unpopular poll tax and also led by Wat Tyler?;;Peasant's Revolt (equivalents) (for) ("rebellion") (and) Wat Tyler's Rebellion (before) (mention) British Literature;;James Duffy breaks off a relationship with Mrs. Sinico when she seeks further intimacy in one story of this collection, while the title character of another story cannot leave for Buenos Aires with her lover Frank. Besides "A Painful Case" and "Eveline," this collection sees canvassers discuss the upcoming Nationalist election in "Ivy Day in the Committee Room". This collection also contains a story about a boy who goes to the title bazaar to buy a gift for his love, as well as one where Gretta's recollection of Michael Furey causes Gabriel Conroy to have an epiphany about the meaninglessness of his life. "Araby" and "The Dead" are among the fifteen stories in, FTP, which James Joyce collection of stories about his Irish hometown?;;Dubliners;;(A) Painful Case Biology;;These molecules can be pulled out of solution using sepharose beads coated with proteins A and G, and fluorescently conjugated ones are used in the ELISA assay. The enzyme papain separates their crystallizable and non-crystallizable fragments, and their synthesis was explained by Susumu Tonegawa. Antinuclear ones are found in sufferers of lupus erythematosus, and artificially created ones can be either polyclonal or monoclonal. In humans, there are five naturally occurring isotypes, and these molecules usually consist of heavy and light chains. FTP, name these Y-shaped proteins produced by B-cells that target foreign antigens, and also known as immunoglobulins.;;Antibodies | Immunoglobulins (before) (mention) Philosophy;;In this man's work Siris, he extols the benefits of tar-water, while he produced a tract on an instrumentalist view of Newtonian dynamics in De Motu. Christian apologetics make up his work Alciphron, which attacked the Earl of Shaftesbury, while he also wrote another work "in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists". He discussed the notion of primary and secondary qualities in one of his essays, and he posits that the outside world consists of nothing but ideas in another work. FTP, name this Irish philosopher of Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, and A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, the namesake of a University of California school.;;(George) Berkeley Art;;When this painting was first displayed, it was accompanied by a poem written by Paul Eluard. A woman enters near the top right of this painting bearing a lamp as a bird sits on a shelf nearby. Daggers have replaced the tongues of some of the creatures, and a creature stabbed by a diamond-tipped spear stands over a man hold a broken sword, from which a flower is growing. Various harlequins are allegedly hidden in this work, which also hides a skull in the wounded horse in its center. A sole ceiling light illuminates the action in its center, while a bull at left stands above a woman wailing with her dead child in her arms. FTP, name this Pablo Picasso painting which depicts the Nazi bombing of the title Spanish city in 1937.;;Guernica World History;;Recently, this man met with Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to discuss the broadband network project recently bought by his country's ZTE Corporation. In 2006, this leader released the eight "Concepts on Honours and Disgraces," while his attempt to use the Green Gross Domestic Product as means for measuring growth collapsed a year later. Passing his country's first law protecting private property in 2007, this man has had spats with George W. Bush as Mattel pulled toys off the shelves, and he has faced stiff opposition from people like Steven Spielberg for sending a special envoy to Darfur, but he removed the troops as Spielberg threatened to pull out working for the 2008 Olympics. FTP, name this current president of China.;;Hu (Jintao) Earth Science;;The HAARP project is currently studying it by artificially creating plasma in this area, and heating this region is one of the science goals of the Arecibo observatory. The European Incoherent Scatter experiment also observes this region, the intensity of which is strongly correlated with solar activitiy. This region contains divisions where lower radiation, greater gas density, and greater recombination rates balance out, resulting in peaks known as Heaviside, or E layer, and it also includes the D, F1, and F2 layers. Lying above the mesosphere and within the thermosphere, for ten points, identify this charged layer of the atmosphere famously measured by Edward Appleton, through which radio signals may propagate.;;ionosphere United States History;;Lyman Hall was a representative from the Parish of St. John's at this event, while differences between Arthur Lee and Silas Deane led to the replacement of the latter. Peyton Randolph was chosen as its first president, and an "Address to the Assembly of Jamaica" was written, as well as a statement defending the "necessity of taking up arms," co-authored by John Dickinson. Eventually passing the Lee Resolution, this group had met in Philadelphia for two of its first three meetings, during which the Olive Branch petition was passed. Meeting for the first time shortly after the Battle of Lexington and Concord, this is, FTP, which body of representatives whose members appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief and adopted the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence?;;Second Continental Congress;;(Second|Continental) Congress European Literature;;In this work, the Academy of Sciences at Bordeaux awarded a sheep to a Northern scholar, who demonstrated by the formula A plus B minus C that the sheep was necessarily red. That sheep had traveled with Martin and the title character from Suriname and originally carried gold and diamonds, having been by the king of El Dorado. After sending Cacambo to retrieve his lover and the old woman from Paraguay, this work's title character spends the remainder of his life on a small farm with them and the philosopher Pangloss, having initially been booted out of Castle Thunder-ten-Tronckh for kissing Cunégonde. FTP, name this satirical novel by Voltaire.;;Candide Biology;;This enzyme uses its tyrosine-75, glycine-76, and threonine-77 residues to stabilize its substrate, and it can be irreversibly inactivated by diazoacetyl-DL-norleucine. It preferentially cleaves at the N-terminal side of aromatic amino acids using an aspartic acid residue in its active site, and its precursor is released from chief cells in response to gastrin. It is activated when it cleaves off 44 of its own amino acids in response to increased acidity. First discovered by Theodore Schwann, FTP, name this enzyme, which is active only in very low pH environments, that cleaves proteins in the stomach during digestion.;;pepsin