;;One of this man's works features women weeping while the title figure sits alone pondering executions he has ordered, The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons. Another work sees a young man in red holding a cup to the title figure while covering his face, and another work by this artist of The Tennis Court Oath and The Death of Socrates is framed by three arches, under one of which stand Roman triplets. This man also painted a stabbed man dying in his bathtub. For 10 points, name this French Neoclassicist painter of The Oath of the Horatii and The Death of Marat.;;(Jacques(-)Louis) David ;;Seismic activity in these regions originates in a deep location known as a Wadati-Benioff zone, and volcanoes that occur above them often form in arcs. These areas are frequently the sites of orogeny and lead to a dominant source of mantle convection via the sinking of the lithosphere. The process which occurs at these convergent boundaries is contrasted with the process of an oceanic plate moving over a continental plate, obduction. For 10 points, identify these regions at which an oceanic plate slides under another tectonic plate.;;subduction (zones) ;;This philosopher advocated defining a complex idea by breaking it down into simple ideas and tracing each of the simple ideas to the impressions from which they are derived, a method based on the "copy principle." One principle named for him divides statements into relations of ideas and matters of fact, and another states that you cannot get an "ought" from an "is." In addition to his namesake "law" or "guillotine" and "fork," he authored A Treatise of Human Nature. For 10 points, name this Scottish philosopher who wrote An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.;;(David) Hume ;;This band's founder, Peter Green, wrote the song "The Green Manalishi" before leaving it due to LSD issues. One of its songs begins "Loving you isn't the right thing to do" before saying "you can call it another lonely day." That song is on an album with a song mentioning "I never did believe in the ways of magic, but I'm beginning to wonder why:" "You Make Loving Fun." It also first recorded a song covered by the Dixie Chicks, "Landslide," and its albums include Tusk and Rumours. Its members include John McVie, Lindsey Buckingham, and Stevie Nicks. For 10 points, name this British-American band whose hit songs include "Rhiannon" and "Don't Stop.".;;Fleetwood Mac ;;This character's name is called prophetic by Tistig, and he is described as a "grand, ungodly, god-like man" by a Quaker. This character has a scar running down his body that is compared to a lightning strike on a tree and sympathizes with the traumatized Pip. He tramples his quadrant because it will not lead him to his quarry and earlier tosses his pipe into the sea. This man known for nailing a gold coin to his mast has a prosthetic originally made from the jaw of a sperm whale. For 10 points, name this peg-legged captain of the Pequod who disappears while attached to Herman Melville's Moby Dick.;;(Captain) Ahab ;;This island includes the protected Danum Valley, as well as a particular type of tropical lowland peat swamp drained and burned by the region's government. The northern part of this island was once leased to Britain by the local sultan, and its two largest cities are Kuching and Banjarmasin, the latter of which was the seat of government for the Dutch. Many of the indigenous people belong to the Dayak tribes. To its northeast are Palawan and the Sulu Sea, while the Makassar Strait separates it from Sulawesi. One portion of it is known as Kalimantan, and its northern section includes the regions of Sarawak and Sabah. For 10 points, name this extremely large island shared between Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.;;Borneo ;;One holder of this rank fought against Go-Daigo after breaking away from the Kemmu Restoration. This position ruled via the bakufu, or tent government. One dynasty of this rank was founded after the Battle of Sekigahara and ordered subordinates to leave their families in Edo as hostages. A different dynasty was founded by Minamoto no Yoritomo, and the founder of the final one was a lieutenant of Hideyoshi. Several different dynasties held this title, such as the Ashikaga, Kamakura, and Tokugawa. For 10 points, name this highest military position in feudal Japan, whose name derived from a title meaning "barbarian-quelling generalissimo.".;;Shogunate ;;One of this composer's ballets includes the Dance of Terror and the Ritual Fire Dance, and the movements In the Generalife and Distant Dance are included in a piece for piano and orchestra which also depicts a scene in the Sierra de Cordoba. An Alarcon novella provided the basis for a ballet in which the Corregidor fails to seduce a miller's wife by this composer of El Amor Brujo. For 10 points, name this Spanish composer of Nights in the Gardens of Spain and The Three-Cornered Hat.;;(Manuel) (de) Falla ;;One collection by this author includes the story of Lynette and Gareth, and another of his poems describes an idyllic land from The Odyssey. The speaker of another poem asks God to "make [him] wise," and this man wrote "Idylls of the King" and "The Lotos-Eaters." This author of "In Memoriam A.H.H." closed all of his collections with "Crossing the Bar" and wrote a poem which sees the title figure resolve "to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." For 10 points, name this British poet of "Ulysses" who described a group who had "but to do and die" in "The Charge of the Light Brigade.".;;(Alfred(,)) (Lord) Tennyson ;;One law book of this religion is the Laws of Manu, which includes descriptions of its shraddha rites. One system of its philosophy was founded by Kapila and features a dualistic universe in which both prakriti and purusha are real. Besides the Samkhya, another system uses positions called asanas. One of the four acceptable goals of life in it is Artha, or power and wealth. One unknowable concept in this religion is called Nirguna and can only be described negatively. This religion includes the concept of samsara, whose escape, called moksha, is dependent on good karma. For 10 points, name this Indian religion.;;Hinduism ;;This sociologist related the decline of collective consciousness and progression from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity to the title concept in one work. The title concept of another work is related to a state of crisis in which social norms are weakened and individual goals lose their meaning called anomie. Positing the altruistic, egoistic, anomic, and fatalistic forms in that work, for 10 points, name this sociologist who wrote The Division of Labor in Society and Suicide.;;(Emile) Durkheim ;;One character in this work dies in a brawl at Mademoiselle Diana's, leading to a threat of investigation by a man who had earlier accompanied the title character's husband to a bachelor party. The title character insists on a lengthy honeymoon and feels threatened when books written by the lover of Thea reduce her husband's chance at a professorship. The title character destroys the manuscript of Eilert Lovberg before committing suicide with one of her father's pistols to avoid scandal. For 10 points, name this play by Henrik Ibsen whose title character is the wife of George Tessman.;;Hedda Gabler ;;One of this man's projects was succeeded by the "Three Bitter Years" and was debated at the Lushan Conference. Another used "big character" propaganda posters and began after the issuance of the May 16 Notice. After the Project 571 coup, his second-in-command Lin Biao died in a plane crash in Mongolia. He gained power while on a march to Yenan in the Shaanxi Province, and he promulgated the Hundred Flowers Movement. His policies included the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. For 10 points, name this first leader of Communist China.;;Mao (Zedong/) (Tse(-)Tung) ;;When this molecule undergoes a Birch reduction, it yields cyclohexadiene. Electrophilic substitution on this molecule can be accomplished with a Lewis acid catalyst in the Friedel-Crafts reaction. Derivatives of this compound include fusions of two of these to form naphthalene and various substitutions to form aniline or toluene. The structure of this molecule as a ring with alternating double bonds was proposed after Kekule dreamed of a snake biting its tail. For 10 points, name this cyclic aromatic compound with formula C6H6.;;benzene ;;This man was influenced by his studies at Salpetriere under Jean-Martin Charcot, who described physical diseases with neurological bases. His daughter Anna expanded on his theory of the defense mechanism, and he proposed the concept of the "death drive" in Beyond the Pleasure Principle. He theorized the psyche in terms of the superego, ego, and id, and he developed five stages of psychosexual development. For 10 points, name this Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis.;;(Sigmund) Freud ;;Both main characters in this painting wear colorful beaded necklaces, one with a small yellow cross. This painting includes a man in red by a church, and to the right of that man are a man carrying a sickle and an upside-down woman. One figure's ringed hand at the bottom holds a small green sprig with flowers, symbolizing a Tree of Life, and a large circle includes parts of the faces of the two main figures. A woman milking a goat is depicted on the cheek of another goat, who is looking at a green-faced peasant. For 10 points, name this painting by Marc Chagall depicting the rural town of his childhood.;;I and the Village ;;In one novel by this author, the student Dyomka has his leg amputated against the advice of Asya, and another of this man's novels includes research done by Sologdin and refused by the mathematician Nerzhin. In addition to Cancer Ward and The First Circle, this man wrote a novel in which an orderly writes poetry and the Baptist Alyosha has been imprisoned for his religion. That novel also features the the title character's squad leader Tiurin, and this man also wrote an autobiographical work with a similar setting. For 10 points, name this Russian author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago.;;(Aleksandr) Solzhenitsyn ;;The losing side in this war won a rare land victory at Sphacteria under the leadership of Cleon. One event in this war was the destruction of an enemy fleet at Aegospotami by Lysander. The Peace of Nicias occurred during it, and Nicias would later lead a disastrous expedition after Alcibiades defected to the enemy. That expedition was an attempt to capture Syracuse. In the early stages of this war, a plague spread through one combatant, killing Pericles. One organization in this war was named for the island of Delos. For 10 points, name this war between the Athenians, the Spartans, and their respective allies.;;Peloponnesian (War) ;;This figure has pure gold teeth and rescued a goddess's necklace by changing into a seal and fighting another figure who attempted to hide it under a reef. This figure's horse is Golltop, and he is a god of light. This member of the Aesir wields the sword Hofund and kills and is killed by Loki at Ragnarok. This god does not sleep and can hear grass grow, and the blowing of his horn begins Ragnarok. For 10 points, name this Norse god, the son of nine mothers who guards the rainbow bridge Bifrost.;;Heimdallr ;;One work by this author describes the appearance of Porphyro on the title holiday and, in another, Hermes is assisted in his search for a nymph by the titular serpent. In addition to "Eve of St. Agnes" and "Lamia," this author of "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" also wrote a poem about a knight abandoned by the titular "La Belle Dame Sans Merci." The title figure of another of this man's poems "wast not born for death" and another states that "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." For 10 points, name this British Romantic poet of "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn.".;;(John) Keats ;;One of this organization's notable activities led to the deaths of Frank Clearwater and Lawrence Lamont, and occurred as a result of the corrupt regime of Dick Wilson and his GOON Squads. It split into several branches after the release of the Edgewood Declaration, and it was long led by Russell Means and the Bellecourts. It composed the Twenty Points during a campaign that ended with an occupation rife with vandalism of a Washington bureaucracy office building. This group organized the seizure of the Mayflower II and the Trail of Broken Treaties, as well as the occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973. For 10 points, name this civil rights group concerned with Native Americans.;;American Indian Movement ;;This city includes a hill home to the Palau Nacional and the Font Magica, both dating from the 1929 International Exposition, as well as a telecommunications tower designed by Santiago Calatrava. A central street running almost to the sea in this city is called La Rambla. It lies on the coast north of Tarragona, and Montjuic is a large hill overlooking its harbor. The Torre Agbar, a multicolored monstrosity, is located here, but this city is more famous for the Parc Guell, Casa Mila, and another project by Antoni Gaudi whose Nativity facade was completed before his death, the Sagrada Familia. For 10 points, name this second-largest city of Spain which is part of Catalonia.;;Barcelona ;;This concept was modified by Elliot Aronson with respect to effort, and in one experiment studying this concept partly conducted by Merrill Carlsmith, participants who were paid twenty dollars to perform a boring task stated that it was boring afterwards, while those paid only one dollar asserted that it was interesting. Discussed in relation to Marion Keech's UFO cult in the book When Prophecy Fails, for 10 points, name this concept from psychology theorized by Leon Festinger, an experience resulting when a person holds contradictory beliefs.;;Cognitive Dissonance ;;This war included a battle at Dorylaeum and a siege of Nicaea in its early stages, both of which weakened the Sultanate of Rum. One city besieged during it was captured after Bohemond of Taranto plotted with one of the besieged, and one leader, Baldwin, left the main contingent to conquer the region around Edessa. It began after the Byzantine ruler Alexius I Comnenus sought aid, and it caused the creation of Outremer. Before the main forces under Raymond of Toulouse and Godfrey of Bouillon had set out, the Seljuk Turks mauled the motley army of Peter the Hermit. It was prompted by a speech at the Council of Clermont, and did in fact conquer Jerusalem. For 10 points, name this crusade called for by Pope Urban II.;;First (Crusade) ;;One suite by this composer includes a movement entitled Troika and depicts a fictional officer created in response to the Tsar misinterpreting a report. In addition to the Lieutenant Kije Suite, the piece Dance of the Knights is frequently excerpted from his ballet Romeo and Juliet. In another piece, an exchange between oboe and flute represents a quarrel between a bird and a duck, and the bassoon represents the grandfather of the title character. Writing that piece for a narrator and orchestra, for 10 points, name this Russian composer of Peter and the Wolf.;;(Sergei) Prokofiev ;;One novel by an author from this country sees Vinicius convert to Christianity and escape to Sicily with Lygia. A poet from this country wrote a work in which the title character and his lover Zosia are members of the feuding Soplica and Horeszko families, its national epic, Pan Tadeusz. This home to the author of Quo Vadis? is the main setting of a work in which the narrator is given a job under the foreman Franek counting electrical parts after surviving the selection process led by Dr. Mengele, the autobiographical Night. For 10 points, name this native country of Henryk Sienkiewicz and Adam Mickiewicz, where Elie Wiesel was imprisoned in Auschwitz.;;(Republic) (of) Poland ;;One general in this war was assassinated at Eger, since some feared he would traitorously make peace with the enemy. Another participant, Frederick V, had his army savaged at the Battle of White Mountain. Another battle of this war, Lutzen, saw the defeat of General Wallenstein and the death of an opposing commander, who had earlier won the Battle of Breitenfeld over the forces of General Tilly and was Gustavus Adolphus. It began after the representatives of Ferdinand of Styria were introduced to a pile of manure in the Second Defenestration of Prague. For 10 points, name this war mostly fought in Germany between Catholics and Protestants which was ended by the Peace of Westphalia.;;Thirty Years' (War) ;;In one work, this man argued that natural feelings of sympathy and conscience established a natural regulation of beneficial social patterns. In addition to The Theory of Moral Sentiments, he wrote another work in which he formulated an early version of Ricardo's law of rent and analyzed the division of labor in a pin factory. That work proposes land, labor, and capital as the three factors of production and proposed an "invisible hand" governing laissez-faire economies. For 10 points, name this Scottish economist who attacked mercantilism in The Wealth of Nations.;;(Adam) Smith ;;One work in this style features a young woman holding a striped handkerchief as she is kissed clandestinely by a youth, The Stolen Kiss. Its proponents included Francois Boucher, who decorated parts of the Hotel Subise and painted The Toilette of Venus. One work in this artistic style features a man looking up the skirts of a woman who is in the process of losing her shoe on the title object in a forest, and another depicts numerous cherubs floating in the air, as well as a statue of Venus, on whose island it is set. Including such artists as Fragonard and Watteau, for 10 points, name this post-Baroque French art movement whose paintings include The Swing and Embarkation for Cythera.;;Rococo ;;Types of this kind of bird with specialized bills for feeding are the sicklebills and thornbills. They have a grooved tongue with the outer half forked, and like woodpeckers this wraps around their skulls. Like swifts and nightjars, these birds often go into torpor to save energy, and since that occurs throughout the year, it is known as noctivation. Their gorgets produce iridescence by reflecting light through microscopic discs with air bubbles inside. Some, such as the Sword-billed species, evolved in conjunction with tubular flowers. Many species have display flights utilizing their exceptional flying abilities. For 10 points, name this extremely small, colorful type of bird.;;Hummingbirds ;;In one novel by this author, Boaz comes to the central city to study music and an affair between Gideon and Ann is observed by the troubled Jessica Stilwell. In addition to Occasion for Loving, this author wrote a novel in which the title character visits Katya Bagnelli in France and runs into Baasie before being arrested and one in which a dead man is found on the farm belonging to Terry's father and Antonia's lover Mehring. This author of Burger's Daughter and The Conversationist also wrote a novel in which the title character aids Bam and Maureen Smales. For 10 points, name this South African author of July's People.;;(Nadine) Gordimer ;;One character in this play experiments with acting and horseback riding but grows bored with the wealthy George Murchison. That character is inspired to her most consistent dream by a sledding accident that injured Rufus. Another character considers an abortion, and her husband frequently escapes to the Green Hat. Later Karl Lindner arrives as the "welcoming committee," resisting Lena's dream of a house in Clybourne Park, and Beneatha considers going to Nigeria with Asagai. For 10 points, name this Lorraine Hansberry play about the Younger family.;;(A) Raisin in the Sun ;;Much of this country's southern border is delineated by the Putumayo River, a tributary of the Amazon, and the city of Leticia on the Amazon is the largest south of the Putumayo. Its highest peak lies in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which in turn is just east of a large swamp near the mouth of the Magdalena River. This nation also controls most of the Guajira Peninsula, and the Andes split into three branches in it. This country's Atrato River was once considered for an Atlantic-Pacific Canal. Its other large cities include Medellin, Cartagena de Indias, and Barranquilla. For 10 points, name this country whose capital is Bogota.;;(Republic) (of) Colombia ;;The purported largest object in this region may actually lie in the Scattered Disc with which it shares a toroid area. This region has a namesake cliff at its 1:2 resonance, and certain objects in this region that are not resonant are called cubewanos. The New Horizons mission is set to explore part of this region, which includes objects with too low a density to become planets. It was described in 1943 by a man who sometimes names it, Kenneth Edgeworth, and its occupants include the Centaurs, Pluto, and Eris. For 10 points, name this region home to short-period comets and trans-Neptunian objects, forming its namesake "belt.".;;Edgeworth(-)Kuiper (belt) ;;This poet claims that it is a braver thing than all the Worthies did to keep love of a woman's virtue hid in the poem "The Undertaking." Several years before releasing the anti-Catholic polemic Ignatius his Conclave, he wrote a collection including "Batter my heart, three-person'd God." One of his poems compares sex to the mingling of two lovers' blood in a flea. He says it would profane his love to weep in "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning," while another poem tells the title concept it is slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, and shall die. For 10 points, name this English metaphysical poet of Holy Sonnet X, "Death, be not proud.".;;(John) Donne ;;In one of this composer's operas, the high priest Nourabad and his fakirs are distracted by the fire set to the camp by Zurga as Nadir and Leila are rescued from execution. In another opera, the protagonist is disciplined by his officer Zuniga and is provoked to murder by his lover outside the ring where the toreador Escamillo is fighting. For 10 points, name this French composer of The Fair Maid of Perth and The Pearl Fishers who depicted the doomed love of Don Jose and the titular gypsy in Carmen.;;(Georges) Bizet ;;There is a bijection between the number of integer partitions with distinct parts and those with parts solely of this type. Functions of this type only have sine terms appearing in their associated Fourier series, and they remain unchanged when rotated 180 degrees about the origin and are therefore symmetric with respect to the origin. Those functions follow the property that f of x equals negative f of negative x, while numbers of this type can generally be written in the form 2n+1. For 10 points, give this adjective describing any whole number that can be expressed as one plus an even number.;;odd ;;In one work, this philosopher debunks the conception of children as essentially being small versions of adults. In another work, the collective of all citizens is viewed as a separate body from the government known as the state when passive and the sovereign when active. In that work, this philosopher stresses the importance of expressing the general will and states that citizens secure liberation from the state of nature by entering in the titular agreement. For 10 points, name this French author of Emile and The Social Contract.;;(Jean(-)Jacques) Rousseau ;;Vince Gair, one of this modern-day country's Senators, was fed ample quantities of prawns by opponents of Gough Whitlam's government so that he would be distracted from resigning and opening up another seat for election. Because farmers in its Hawkesbury River region were having a hard time, one of this country's governors tried to heal the economy by outlawing the use of rum in bartering. This led to a revolt by Major George Johnston and Macarthur which overthrew Governor Bligh. Macarthur had previously boosted this country's wool industry. In its 2007 election, John Howard was replaced by Kevin Rudd as prime minister. For 10 points, name this country with capital at Canberra, home to the Aborigines.;;(Commonwealth) (of) Australia ;;In one of this man's works, the existence of Lena is argued by her mother and husband at the home of the Agazzis, and in another, Doctor Hinkfuss directs a play set in Sicily. This author also wrote a work in which Frida takes the place of Matilda while her fiance Charles dresses up as the title character. In addition to Right You Are (If You Think So) and Tonight We Improvise, this author of Henry IV also wrote a play in which the Stepdaughter works for Madame Pace. For 10 points, name this Sicilian playwright of Six Characters in Search of an Author.;;(Luigi) Pirandello ;;Klaus Schatz recorded debated instances of the invocation of this doctrine, including a work of Leo I about the two natures of Christ. Statements employing this doctrine cannot later be contradicted by the Church because of the sensus fidelium, and it was used before its formal definition in the bull Ineffabilis Deus relating to the Immaculate Conception. Defined by Pius IX at the First Vatican Council, Pius XII invoked this doctrine regarding the Assumption of Mary. For 10 points, name this Catholic dogma, which states that a Pope speaking of matters divinely revealed is without error.;;papal infallibility ;;In this novel, the cook Zillah saves the narrator from dogs, and the narrator later breaks a window pane during a dream in which a ghost begs to be let inside. Isabella's child Linton is married to that character's daughter but dies soon afterwards, according to the story told by Ellen Dean to Mr. Lockwood at the former home of Edgar Linton, Thrushcross Grange. Hareton eventually inherits the property of his father Hindley, the brother of Catherine Earnshaw. For 10 points, name this novel by Emily Bronte featuring Heathcliff, an orphan who for a time owns the title estate.;;Wuthering Heights ;;Victims of this battle's first day included General John Reynolds, who was replaced by Hancock, who ensured that Union troops controlled a ridge which was luckily not assaulted by Confederate General Ewell. Afterward, the losing army successfully fought off its pursuers at the Battle of Hagerstown while trying to cross a river, and before this battle, it had expected to form up at nearby Cashtown. Ewell would later unsuccessfully attack Culp's Hill, which controlled the Union supply line of Baltimore Pike. Other places of note in this battle included the Devil's Den and Little Round Top. It ended when Lee's troops retreated, having lost to General Meade, and included Pickett's Charge. For 10 points, name this July 1863 battle in Pennsylvania, a turning point of the Civil War.;;(Battle) (of) Gettysburg ;;In one work by this composer, rapid triplets represent the galloping horse atop which a dying boy in his father's arms is whispered to by the title creature. In addition to Der Erlkonig, this composer drew on poems by Wilhelm Muller for his song cycles Die schone Mullerin and Winterreise, and the B minor Entr'acte from Rosamunde is often used as a concluding movement to his Eighth Symphony, of which only the first two movements were orchestrated. For 10 points, name this Austrian composer of the "Great" Ninth Symphony and the "Unfinished" Symphony.;;(Franz) Schubert ;;Parks on the shores of this body of water include Pukaskwa, Pictured Rocks, and Sleeping Giant. It is drained by the St. Marys River, which is regulated by the Sault Locks. The Keweenaw Peninsula juts into it, and the Nipigon River flows into this body of water northeast of Thunder Bay. One of its islands was colonized by wolves which crossed this lake on winter ice and remained on the island to feed on moose. Its islands include the Apostle Islands and Isle Royale, and one of its ports is Duluth. Lying south of Ontario and north of the Upper Peninsula, for 10 points, name this largest of the Great Lakes.;;(Lake) Superior ;;One professional player of this sport spent the 2008 offseason as an intern at Vogue magazine, and that player recently made a comment in poor taste about how other players tended to enjoy his "sloppy seconds." Viggo Mortensen was a translator for the Swedish Olympic team in this sport in 1980, and that Olympic competition saw Al Michaels ask if the viewers of the final game believed in miracles as the American team defeated a Soviet Union team in the Miracle on Ice. For 10 points, name this wintry sport whose most recent champion is the Stanley Cup winning Pittsburgh Penguins.;;(Ice) Hockey ;;In one novel by this man, Bev Shaw fatally injects animals at her clinic and Melanie's boyfriend throws spit wads at Lucy's father until he leaves a theater. Another of this man's novels adds a woman as part of a take off on Robinson Crusoe, and this author of Foe wrote a work in which the harelipped title character brings the ashes of his mother Anna to her home village. This author of Disgrace wrote a novel about imperialism in which Colonel Joll wages war on the title characters. For 10 points, name this South African author of Life and Times of Michael K and Waiting for the Barbarians.;;(John) (Maxwell) Coetzee ;;Edward Sexby attempted to assassinate this man after releasing a pamphlet opposing him, and this man imprisoned John Lilburne, a Leveller, for criticizing his government. This man's troops massacred thousands of people after the sieges of Wexford and Drogheda during his Irish campaign. He served under Sir Thomas Fairfax at the Battle of Naseby. He nominated the members of Barebone's Parliament after having dissolved the Rump Parliament. This man led the cavalry troops known as "Ironsides," which were part of the New Model Army. For 10 points, name this Lord Protector who ruled England after the execution of Charles I.;;(Oliver) Cromwell ;;The plan of the Pazzi Chapel is often attributed to this architect who designed the domed, cube-shaped Old Sacristy as part of one church he planned, the Basilica of San Lorenzo. This designer of the Santo Spirito also used two painted panels and a mirror to rediscover linear perspective. Another notable work of this man was built atop an octagonal drum, uses stone ribbing to support brickwork, and was thought impossible to build because buttresses had been prohibited. As a young man, his version of the Sacrifice of Isaac lost a contest over the Florence Baptistery Doors to Ghiberti, and he spent much of his career on the dome of the Santa Maria del Fiore. For 10 points, name this Italian Renaissance architect.;;(Filippo) Brunelleschi ;;One follow-up to this experiment concerned the realignment of a parallel-plate capacitor at the Earth's surface. Unlike that related Trouton-Noble experiment, this experiment utilized a device consisting of two perpendicular arms with a beam-splitter located at the intersection, designed to produce different fringe interference patterns dependent on the path of light. Its results suggested that the propagation of light does not change with direction, shown with the use of an interferometer. For 10 points, name this doubly-eponymous 1887 experiment that helped disprove the idea of the luminiferous ether.;;Michelson(-)Morley (experiment) ;;One character in this novel realizes he is in love with another after he grows jealous of the son of an Irish grocer and she asks him questions about astronomy. This novel's protagonist mentions a kiss between Ruth Varnum and Ned Hale while another character is on a trip to Bettsbridge to see a doctor. The news that one character's cousin has broken her favorite pickle dish later strengthens Zeena's resolution to send her away from Starkfield. For 10 points, name this novel by Edith Wharton in which the title character and Mattie Silver fail to commit suicide by riding a sled into an elm tree.;;Ethan Frome ;;This psychologist theorized the process of "equilibration" as achieving a balance between "assimilation" and "accommodation," both of which utilize mental structures paired with the physical means of acquiring knowledge termed "schema." One of his models proposes that a child can think logically but only in terms of material objects from the ages of 7-11. For 10 points, name this Swiss psychologist who posited sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational as his four stages of cognitive development.;;(Jean) Piaget ;;The dog Shock awakens the protagonist of this work, who begins her day with the assistance of Betty, while another character has half of his prayer to Love granted and is later accosted by Sir Plume. Clarissa ponders the foolishness of men and women and is opposed by Thalestris, and Umbriel deepens the protagonist's distress with a vial obtained from Spleen. The protagonist ignores the warnings of Ariel, allowing Lord Petre to attain his goal during a game of ombre with the assistance of some scissors. For 10 points, name this mock heroic poem by Alexander Pope about the titular theft of a piece of hair.;;(The) Rape of the Lock ;;Horwitz appears as one of few characters to give sound advice in this novel, which sees the protagonist dance with Bernice and her friends. That protagonist had earlier given his name to someone as Rudolf Schmidt and had been the manager of the fencing team. This novel's protagonist wants to know where the ducks go in winter and is depressed by thoughts of Jane Gallagher with Stradlater. His red hunting hat is eventually returned by his little sister Phoebe, and his brothers are D.B. and the deceased Allie. For 10 points, name this novel by J.D. Salinger about Holden Caulfield.;;(The) Catcher in the Rye ;;One of this psychologist's studies analyzed an innovator in "militant nonviolence," and he characterized periods of aging in terms of paired concepts such as industry vs. inferiority and integrity vs. despair. An advocate of the epigenetic principle, he also theorized periods termed genital-locomotor, anal-muscular, and oral-sensory. For 10 points, name this author of the psychohistories Gandhi's Truth and Young Man Luther, a psychologist who coined the term "identity crisis" and posited an eight-stage model of psychosocial development.;;(Erik) Erikson ;;This man is said to have burned an Arab ship with all its passengers aboard while lurking at Cannanore. He threatened the emir of Kilwa into submission on his second voyage, and on his first voyage he destroyed one of his ships at Malindi due to a scurvy outbreak. He also erected a padrao at Malindi. This man allied with Cochin to punish Calicut for favoring his rivals, and he was appointed viceroy of the region. In his most famous voyage, he sailed past the point reached by Dias. For 10 points, name this Portuguese explorer, the first to find a sea route to India.;;(Vasco) da Gama ;;Although this structure is divided into three parts, two are connected via the helicotrema. These two parts contain a fluid with a high concentration of sodium, known as paralymph, but the middle structure's fluid has a high concentration of potassium instead and is known as endolymph. This middle section, known as the scala media, contains hairs known as stereocilia, as well as the all-important Organ of Corti. The whole structure wraps around the modiolus, giving it its name which comes from the Latin for "snail." For 10 points, name this spiral-shaped part of the inner ear, responsible for transforming sound waves into electrical signals for the brain.;;Cochlea ;;The final movement of one of this composer's symphonies features the refrain "Freude, schoner Gotterfunken," and his four-movement Piano Sonata No. 15 in D Major shares a title with a programmatic work including the movements Scene at the Brook and Shepherd's Song. In addition to the Pastoral Symphony, a popular G-G-G-E-flat motif opens his Fifth Symphony, and his last symphony sets to music Schiller's poem "Ode to Joy." Especially known for his Ninth "Choral" Symphony, for 10 points, name this deaf German composer.;;(Ludwig) (van) Beethoven ;;Otto Krummel produced what was likely the first stand-alone map of this location in 1907 based on models used by Supan to describe similar features named for the Japan-Kuril and Aleutian Islands. Both the Kaiko and the Trieste missions explored this location, though the former was lost in the process. The deepest part of this oceanic feature was explored by the Challenger submarine and has thus been dubbed the Challenger Deep. Containing the lowest point anywhere on Earth's surface, for 10 points, name this trench in the Pacific Ocean named for a nearby island chain.;;Marianas (Trench) ;;One character in this novel is a parlor boarder who is talked out of marrying the farmer Robert, transferring her affections to a rector who is later rude to her at a ball. Another character had lived with Colonel Campbell but returns to her spinster aunt Miss Bates, and that character is revealed to have been engaged to the stepson of this novel's title character's former governess, Frank Churchill. After the marriage of Jane Fairfax, Robert Martin once again proposes to Harriet Smith. For 10 points, name this novel by Jane Austen in which the titular matchmaking Miss Woodhouse marries Knightley.;;Emma ;;This man ordered the execution of Ambrister and Arbuthnot, two British men who had been collaborating with the Indians during one of his expeditions. He dueled John Sevier because of accusations against his wife Rachel Donelson, who later died suddenly after being shocked at hearing charges of bigamy leveled against her. This man's vice president's wife headed a group of women opposed to Peggy Eaton, the slandered wife of his Secretary of War, and he also destroyed an organization led by Nicholas Biddle and signed the Indian Removal Act. For 10 points, name this seventh president of the United States.;;(Andrew) Jackson ;;This state includes the northern peaks of the Guadalupe Mountains, an ancient reef. It also contains the western half of the Llano Estacado. Parks in its northwest region include the misnamed Aztec Ruins, Petroglyph, and Chaco Culture, and Shiprock is a large exposed needle-like rock in this state. Its highest point is Wheeler Peak, in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and the Pecos River originates in this state. The Trinity Site is located in a missile range surrounding its White Sands National Monument, and it also contains Carlsbad Caverns. Its largest city is Albuquerque. For 10 points, name this U.S. state whose capital is Santa Fe.;;(State) (of) New Mexico ;;One character in this film regrets kicking a little boy's camera phone in a police station when the boy turns a taser on him, and Eddie runs the Best Little Wedding Chapel. Leslie Chow pops out of the trunk of a stolen police car, Stu discovers that he has married a stripper, and the friends have to return Mike Tyson's tiger. Alan counts cards to win back Chow's money, but Chow had kidnapped the wrong Doug, the drug dealer who accidentally sold Alan roofies. This revelation causes Phil to realize that they left Doug on the roof. For 10 points, name this 2009 comedy about a bachelor party gone awry.;;(The) Hangover ;;This battle included the placement of the kardakes infantry in the foothills, where they were assaulted by a group of hypaspists. One side, composed mainly of peltasts, possessed Greek mercenaries, which were frontally attacked by the opposing phalanx before being attacked from behind by the Companion Cavalry, who had driven off the opposing leader. It took place after one side had reached the Beilan Pass through the Amanus Mountains, having previously captured the Cilician Gates, only to find that the enemy had snuck behind them to the Pinarus River. In the rout that followed this battle, the family of the Persian leader was captured. For 10 points, name this seaside victory of Alexander the Great over Darius III.;;(Battle) (of) Issus ;;One of this man's paintings depicts the Rhone reflecting light from buildings across the river with two boats and an old couple in the foreground. This man painted Cafe Terrace at Night in Arles, where he also painted a work in which bright yellow lights shine down on a pool table and a table with wines. This artist of the yellow-tinted Still Life with Absinthe and The Night Cafe also painted a church spire and other buildings of the town of Saint-Remy at night, as well as a series of sunflowers. For 10 points, name this Dutch post-impressionist who painted the Portrait of Dr. Gachet, the Potato Eaters, and Starry Night.;;(Vincent) (Willem) van Gogh ;;In one of this man's works, one of the title characters kills Viktor, with whom he'd been traveling, while the other eventually becomes an abbot. In another novel by this man, the narrator is blackmailed over a false confession of stealing apples by Franz Kromer, and the protagonist of another of this author of Narcissus and Goldmund and Demian's novels succeeds Thomas von der Trave as Magister Ludi. In another of this man's novels, Hermine plans to ask Harry Haller to kill her, and another title character is a friend of Govinda. For 10 points, name this author of Steppenwolf and Siddhartha.;;(Hermann) Hesse ;;One figure of this name was the son of Eriopis and led forty ships of Locrians to Troy. Another figure of this name is the son of Periboea and trained with Chiron at the same time as Achilles. That figure was not wounded in battle in the Trojan War and received no divine assistance. That figure also singlehandedly held off an attack led by Hector on the Greek ships but committed suicide after killing sheep he mistook for Greek leaders through a spell by Athena. The other figure of this name was also killed by Athena, in revenge for the rape of Cassandra. For 10 points, give the name shared by these two Greek warriors, the sons of Telamon and Oileus.;;Ajax ;;One essay by this philosopher defines the title concept as "man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity", and he advocated the dismantling of standing armies in an early formulation of democratic peace theory in another work. In addition to Perpetual Peace and What Is Enlightenment?, he theorized a priori truths as part of his "Transcendental Doctrine of Elements" and advised one to act on a maxim only if one could wish it to be a universal law, a concept known as the categorical imperative. For 10 points, name this German philosopher who wrote Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Pure Reason.;;(Immanuel) Kant ;;This man's works included the Compendium revelationem, which failed to impress the pope. This man, who supported Charles VIII as a divine judgment, was suspended from preaching but continued to do so and drew the ire of the pope by keeping his city from joining the league against the French. This leader of the "Weepers" was later attacked by Francesco da Puglia and excommunicated by Alexander VI, and although this man had failed to absolve Lorenzo de Medici, he was supported by Piero. For 10 points, name this Dominican friar known for staging the Bonfire of the Vanities in Florence.;;(Girolamo) Savonarola ;;One of these phenomena was discovered by Jean Antoine Nollet using a pig bladder, and they can be used in determining molecular weight if the chemical potential of all phases is the same. One law concerning one of these phenomena only applies to mixtures where fugacity can be replaced by simple pressures, which are termed ideal mixtures. That example of these properties is dependent on mole fraction as described by Raoult's law. Aside from vapor pressure, these properties involve the use of the van't Hoff factor. For 10 points, name these concentration-dependent properties of mixtures which include boiling point elevation and freezing point depression.;;colligative (properties) ;;This character's original voice also voiced the character with which he appeared, Chuck McCann, and he shares a later voice with Lion-O of Thundercats, Larry Kenney. This character's original design was created in 1962 by Gene Cleaves, and new voice Tex Brashear followed shortly after his new design. No longer seen in a pink and white striped turtleneck, this character was originally accompanied by Gramps, who tormented him by showing him the cereal with which he is associated and gave him his current name in the form of a nickname. For 10 points, name this General Mills mascot, who is "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!".;;Sonny (the) (Cuckoo) (Bird) ;;One short story by this man sees Aylmer accidentally kill his wife while attempting to remove the titular "birthmark," and one of his novels concerns the half-sisters Zenobia and Priscilla, who is loved by Miles Coverdale. This author also wrote a short story in which the title character finds his wife Faith at a witches' sabbath, while in a novel by this author of The Blithedale Romance, Chillingworth torments Arthur Dimmesdale, the father of Pearl, who is the daughter of Hester Prynne. For 10 points, name this author of "Young Goodman Brown" and The Scarlet Letter.;;(Nathaniel) Hawthorne ;;Among this man's deeds was the nationalization of the Azhar University. Early in his political career, he attempted to assassinate Muhammad Sirri Pasha. He served as the second Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement. As a member of the Free Officers, he opposed the execution of his country's overthrown monarch and later took power from Muhammad Naguib. Involved in the overthrow of King Farouk, this man also established the United Arab Republic, oversaw construction of the Aswan High Dam, and nationalized the Suez Canal. For 10 points, name this President of Egypt during the Six Day War, who was succeeded by Anwar Sadat.;;(Gamal) (Abdel) Nasser ;;This god whose weapons include the mace Kaumodaki and the chakra Sudarshana is often depicted sitting on the serpent Ananta, and he typically holds a conch shell in one of his four arms. This god supported Mount Mandara during the Churning of the Ocean in the form of Kurma, his turtle avatar, and he is also depicted holding a lotus. This blue-skinned god rides the bird Garuda, his consort is the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, and another of his 10 avatars is Krishna. For 10 points, name this preserver god who forms the Hindu Trimurti with Brahma and Shiva.;;Vishnu ;;This composer arranged an array of themes taken from Rossini in his ballet La Boutique Fantasque. Vincenzo Galilei is among the composers whose lute pieces are worked into three suites of another of this composer's compositions. His tone poems include one which depicts the title entities in four movements at different times of day and another which depicts scenes of a catacomb, the Janiculum, and the Appian Way. For 10 points, name this Italian composer of Ancient Airs and Dances, Fountains of Rome, and Pines of Rome.;;(Ottorino) Respighi ;;This book contains the eunuch Hegai, in charge of the king's harem at Susa, as well as seven others including Zethar and Carcas who carry an order refused by the queen. Marsena is among those who suggest that Vashti be replaced, and an edict is issued when the husband of Zeresh is not properly honored with the date for a massacre chosen by lot. The namesake of this book persuades Ahasuerus to allow Mordecai to issue an edict opposing that of Haman. For 10 points, name this book whose namesake is a Jewish queen and which contains the basis of Purim.;;(Book) (of) Esther ;;This philosopher controversially listed the eternity of God, the incorporeal nature of God, and the existence of resurrection among his thirteen articles of faith in one work. This philosopher also wrote a fourteen-volume work systematically compiling Jewish law and a work which rejects the kalam theory of creation and argues that God can only be described with negative terms. For 10 points, name this Jewish philosopher of Commentary on the Mishnah, Mishneh Torah, and Guide for the Perplexed.;;(Moses) Maimonides ;;This man proved that geodesic structures must contain 12 pentagons and some number of hexagons in order to be spheroid. He names lines passing through the center of a nine-point circle, centroid, circumcenter, and orthocenter of a triangle. This man generalized Fermat's little theorem using his namesake totient function and derived a formula stating that the vertices minus the edges plus the faces must be two for polyhedra. Another formula he names states that "e to the i pi" plus one equals zero. For 10 points, name this Swiss mathematician who solved the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem and defined transcendental numbers such as e.;;(Leonhard) Euler ;;This river's excess water is sent to Lake al-Habbaniyyah and Lake al-Milh. It is formed by the Karasu and Murat rivers and runs through the Taurus Mountains. It forms the western border of the Jazirah region, and five canals built by the Sassanids diverted some of its water to the east. Dams on it include the Ataturk, and it forms Lake al-Asad in Syria. It joins with another river to the east at the village of al-Qurnah to form the Shatt al-Arab, which flows into the Persian Gulf. For 10 points, name this river of Mesopotamia, often paired with the Tigris.;;Euphrates (River) ;;In one of this man's novels, Brenda marries Jock Grant-Menzies after her husband Tony is declared dead and her affair with John Beaver proves unsuccessful. In addition to A Handful of Dust, this man wrote a novel in which Mr. Prendergrast accidentally shoots Lord Tangent and Margot is engaged to Paul Pennyfeather. In another of this man's novels, Julia marries Rex Mottram and Charles Ryder befriends Sebastian Marchmain, whose family owns the title estate. For 10 points, name this British author of Decline and Fall and Brideshead Revisited.;;(Evelyn) Waugh ;;One work by this artist located in Bruges features a fat baby Jesus lounging on the lap of a seated Mary with a covered head and downward gaze not focused on Jesus. He created the unfinished sculpture Atlas Slave, as well as a slave stretching to escape his bonds, Rebellious Slave. He sculpted one work in which Leah and Rachel stand on opposite sides of a seated Moses with an exceptionally long beard, the tomb of Pope Julius II, and this artist of the Pieta sculpted a marble David contemplating the battle with Goliath. For 10 points, name this Italian Renaissance artist who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.;;Michelangelo (Buonarroti) ;;The journalist Henry Villard was attacked by Ohio Legionnaires after defending these men, who briefly moved to Mexico to avoid conscription. The testimony of Celestine Madeiros four years after the trial was ignored despite numerous motions brought before Webster Thayer. The ACLU hired Fred Moore to defend these men on charges of murdering Frederick Parmenter and Alessandro Berardelli and stealing $15,000. All evidence was circumstantial, leading to a 1977 apology by Michael Dukakis. For 10 points, name these two Italian anarchists who were electrocuted in 1927.;;(Nicola) Sacco (and) (Bartolomeo) Vanzetti ;;This work discusses the title concept in terms of the hierarchy of needs and places blame on functionalists and the works of Margaret Mead. It was written in response to the author's findings based on interviews with graduates of Smith College. This work also posits that husbands pay for their power with ulcers and early death and rejects the forcing of modern women into Freudian ideals. This work discusses the "problem that has no name" but can be solved with education, and its title concept is the idea that all of women's needs are met by being wives and mothers. For 10 points, name this 1963 work of Betty Friedan.;;(The) Feminine Mystique ;;Liquid areas on this body include Ontario Lacus and Kraken Mare, and it includes such large regions as Xanadu and Shangri-la. Ammonia-water mixing occurs beneath its surface, and the Ganesa Macula is one of this satellite's cryovolcanic domes. With an atmosphere consisting primarily of nitrogen, this body was observed by the Cassini and Huygens probes, as well as the earlier Voyager missions. This body is the only planetary moon with its own atmosphere. For 10 points, name this largest moon of Saturn.;;Titan ;;In one work, this philosopher identified matter, essence, spirit, and truth as the four characteristics of knowledge, and in another work, he argued that one title concept leads to the conclusion that a single instant of awareness is empty of concepts and that the other title concept is the irrational basis for knowledge claims. For 10 points, name this naturalist Spanish-American philosopher who wrote The Realms of Being and Skepticism and Animal Faith and is known for the saying "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.".;;(George) Santayana ;;While starting at quarterback for Michigan, this man led the team to victories in the Citrus and Orange Bowls while also throwing a record number of completions and winning a share of the Big 10 Title. This man defeated the Carolina Panthers and the Philadelphia Eagles in two consecutive Super Bowls and led his team to a third before being injured for the entire 2008 season. For 10 points, name this NFL player who was defeated by the Giants in Super Bowl XLII, the starting quarterback for the New England Patriots.;;(Tom) Brady ;;In this novel, Caleb Garth stands to lose money when Fred Vincy is unable to pay his debt, but Fred eventually marries Caleb's daughter Mary. Fred's illness gives Tertius an excuse to see Rosamund, and he later cares for Raffles, who had been blackmailing Nicholas Bulstrode. The protagonist's sister Celia marries Jame Chettam, whom the protagonist turned down for a man later treated by Dr. Lydgate, Edward Casaubon. For 10 points, name this novel by George Eliot about a woman who marries her deceased husband's cousin Will Ladislaw, Dorothea Brooke.;;Middlemarch(:) (A) (Study) (of) (Provincial) (Life) ;;The CKM matrix explains decays due to this type of interaction and has been important in understanding why CP violation can occur for it. This is the only type of interaction capable of changing flavor, and it typically occurs much slower than its counterparts in the Standard Model. Successful unification theories have been able to pair this force with the electromagnetic, and this force can only be mediated by massive gauge bosons such as the W and Z bosons. For 10 points, name this fundamental force that leads to beta decay and is about 10 to the 14th times less intense than the strong force.;;weak (nuclear) (force)|(interaction) ;;In one opera by this composer, Valzacchi and Annina are enlisted as spies for another character whose romantic defeat is negotiated by the Marschallin. In another, the title character performs the Dance of the Seven Veils before making love to the decapitated head of Jochanaan. In the previous opera, Baron Ochs flees in the final act and Sophie von Faninal is presented with a silver flower by Octavian, the title character. For 10 points, name this German composer of the operas Salome and Der Rosenkavalier, as well as the tone poem Thus Spoke Zarathustra.;;(Richard) Strauss ;;This work's protagonist remembers the innkeeper of the Black Forest Hotel, who hanged himself, as well as a fleeing deserter with bloody feet, the destruction of his grandfather's guns in a fire, and his life in Paris and Constantinople. The protagonist wrestles with his choice of revealing to his wife that he never loved her and eventually decides not to hurt Helen, whose appearances roughly coincide with those of a lone hyena. For 10 points, name this Hemingway short story in which the failed writer Harry is dying as a result of a small puncture wound on the title African mountain.;;(The) Snows of Kilimanjaro ;;This model was discussed in the book The Way the World Works, a work by the coiner of its name, Jude Wanniski, and it is associated with a school of thought advocated by Robert Mundell called supply-side economics. This model is often used to argue the theoretical justification behind the Reagan tax cuts in the 1980s. For 10 points, name this parabolic curve which plots government revenue versus taxation rate and is named for an American economist.;;Laffer (Curve) ;;One of this artist's works features a "man" with numerical symbols on his torso, while a nearby "woman" has organic shapes on her body and prominent eyes. Another painting depicts the outline of the title animal from Roman myth with a red arrow along its side, The She-Wolf. One of his paintings includes yellow, black, and white shapes imposed on a blue background to give the impression of waves, while unrealistic shapes fill the space above. This artist of Moby Dick often danced around canvases set on the floor flicking paint and created such works as Full Fathom Five and Lavender Mist. For 10 points, name this Abstract Expressionist painter often called "Jack the Dripper.".;;(Paul) (Jackson) Pollock ;;This region's early animistic religion was known as Bon, and the people of this region continued to worship the mother goddess Tara as a new religion grew. The doctrine of Kalachakra concerns time and space and is important to both sects of that new religion. The monks of the Gelugpa sect of Buddhism in this region practice celibacy and wear red hats, while the Nyingmapa Buddhists wear red hats and take part in tantric rituals. This region's spiritual leader is replaced with a child born shortly after his death and viewed as a living Buddha. For 10 points, name this region whose spiritual leader is the Dalai Lama.;;Tibet ;;This thinker illustrated one of his major theories with a "phase structure tree" relating words and phrases in a sentence, and he proposed that the abstract "deep structure" of sentences could be related to the "surface structure." This thinker also attacked behaviorist theories of language as a learned habit in his review of Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Languages with phrase structure which can be computed by Turing machines form the Type-0 tier of his grammar hierarchy, and he theorized that a precise set of rules could predict all of the grammatically possible sentences in a language. For 10 points, name this author of Cartesian Linguistics and Syntactic Structures and theorist of transformational-generative grammar, a noted MIT linguist.;;(Noam) Chomsky ;;This man's first picture was The Petrified Forest, a film noir. He met his final wife while filming To Have and Have Not, a movie which tried to capitalize on an earlier success featuring Vichy-controlled territory. That wife was Lauren Bacall. He played the prospector Fred Dobbs and asks some bandits to show their badges in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, and he won an Academy Award for playing a ship captain in Africa who is attacked by leeches. Many of this man's characters were secretly noble cynics, like Rick Blaine. For 10 points, name this actor who appeared in The Maltese Falcon, The African Queen, and Casablanca.;;(Humphrey) (DeForest) Bogart ;;In one work by this author, a man attempts to prevent the discovery of his family estate by creating a magnetic field. In addition to "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz," this man wrote a novel in which the protagonist's wife Nicole grows suspicious of Rosemary Hoyt and another in which a young man goes from St. Regis to Princeton, Amory Blaine. In another novel by this man, Myrtle Wilson mistakes Jordan for Daisy Buchanan, whose Midwestern cousin is Nick Carraway. For 10 points, name this author of Tender is the Night, This Side of Paradise, and The Great Gatsby.;;(Francis) (Scott) (Key) Fitzgerald ;;One of this artist's paintings depicts a slave market in which the face of Voltaire is formed by people in the background, and in another painting, the leg of the ghost of Vermeer forms a table with a wine bottle on it. Numerous works of his include elephants with hilariously spindly legs, and his paintings include Swans Reflecting Elephants and The Hallucinogenic Toreador. Along with Luis Bunuel, he created the film An Andalusian Dog. Another of his works is paired with a "disintegration" of the same work and shows melting clocks, some with insects on them. For 10 points, name this Catalan Surrealist artist of The Persistence of Memory.;;(Salvador) (Domingo) (Felipe) (Jacinto) Dali (i) (Domenech) ;;In this novel, Bentley Drummle marries a childhood friend of the protagonist, and the protagonist lives with a relative of that friend's guardian, Herbert Pocket, after leaving the home of the blacksmith Joe Gargery. Arthur Compeyson is revealed to be the man who deserted Mr. Provis' child's guardian, a recluse who dies in a fire. As a child, the protagonist gives a man a pork pie and a file, and in return, Abel Magwitch, the father of a girl left in the care of Miss Havisham, Estella, becomes the protagonist's benefactor. For 10 points, name this novel by Charles Dickens about the orphan Pip.;;Great Expectations ;;One ruler of this empire decapitated the "braggart" Teumman, king of Elam, and razed his capital of Hamanu, claiming in his chronicles that they had "plotted evil". That ruler also lost Egypt after Psamtik, with the help of Gyges of Lydia, rebelled. There were several phases of this empire, including one which climaxed during the rule of Tukulti-Ninurta I and another which reached the Mediterranean under Tiglath-Pileser I. Esarhaddon and Sennacherib, who conquered King Hezekiah, were other rulers of this empire. It was destroyed by the Medes and Chaldeans after the death of Asshurbanipal, and its major cities included Ninevah and Asshur. For 10 points, name this Mesopotamian empire centered north of Babylon.;;Assyrian (Empire) ;;This river lies south of the Karas Region, and near its mouth it is blocked by impassable rapids. Dams on it include the Gariep, named for the indigenous term for this river, as well as the Vanderkloof. The former dam is connected to the Great Fish River by a tunnel, so that this river's water can alleviate shortages elsewhere. The Augrabies Falls lie on it, and it empties into the Atlantic at Alexander Bay. This river flows south of Kimberley before meeting its largest tributary, the Vaal River. For 10 points, name this large river of Southern Africa.;;Orange (River) ;;One work by this composer concludes with the prayer Shema Yisroel. In addition to A Survivor from Warsaw, this composer wrote a string sextet inspired by a Richard Dehmel poem including an inverted ninth. In another work based on poems of Albert Giraud, the title character sings in the Sprechstimme style of his longing for his home of Bergamo. The composer of Transfigured Night and Pierrot Lunaire, for 10 points, name this founder of the Second Viennese School and inventor of the twelve-tone system.;;(Arnold) Schoenberg ;;The title character of one of this man's works conducts business disguised as Shui Ta, and another of his plays features a play-within-the-play in which Michael is protected by Grusche. In addition to The Good Woman of Setzuan and The Caucasian Chalk Circle, this man wrote a work in which Polly Peachum marries the criminal Mac the Knife and another about Eilif, Swiss Cheese, and Kattrin, the children of Anna Fierling, set during the Thirty Years War. For 10 points, name this German author of The Threepenny Opera and Mother Courage and her Children.;;(Bertolt) Brecht ;;This Arcadian wounded a creature sent to punish Oeneus for improperly worshipping Artemis and killed the centaurs Rhaecus and Hylaeus. This figure defeated Peleus in wrestling at the funeral games of Pelias and inadvertently led Althea to kill her son in order to avenge her brothers by tossing the brand that determined the length of his life into a fire. This figure's father Iasus left her on Mount Parthenius, where she was suckled by a bear. For 10 points, name this woman who was the only female Argonaut and refused to marry until Aphrodite's gift of golden apples helped Hippomenes defeat her in a footrace.;;Atalanta ;;This thinker's controversial ideas earned him excommunication in the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, and another of his works prompted the papal bull Exsurge Domine. His work On the Freedom of a Christian theorized the doctrine of salvation by faith alone, and in another more political work, he condemned the sale of indulgences. For 10 points, name this philosopher and theologian who sparked the Protestant Reformation with the publication of his Ninety-Five Theses.;;(Martin) Luther ;;One character in this work is fired by Hal Valence and then attains housing with the aid of Jumpy Joshi, his wife's lover. That character undermines another's faith in a mountain climber who dies shortly after the producer Whiskey Sisodia is shot, Alleluia Cone. Pamela Lovelace cheats on a character who eventually returns to India and meets Zeeny Vikal, Chamcha, and another character has dreams including ones about the death of pilgrims led by Ayesha and a deal made by Mahound, Gibreel. For 10 points, name this novel which earned a fatwa for its author Salman Rushdie.;;(The) Satanic Verses ;;One of the nominating conventions for this election saw the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party attempt to claim seats, and the other convention saw competition from William Scranton and Nelson Rockefeller. The death of Herbert Hoover disrupted this campaign, which featured the Daisy Ad. Campaign issues included nuclear weapons and civil rights, and this election saw a shift of African Americans to the Democratic Party. For 10 points, name this election in which Barry Goldwater was defeated by Lyndon B. Johnson.;;(Election) (of) 1964 ;;In one novel by this author, Norma is loved by the aspiring poet turned successful screenwriter Rodrigo, as well as a banker who loses all of his money, Federico. The title character of another work by this author of Where the Air is Clear carries a copy of Don Quixote in his saddlebags and is shot by Arroyo. Catalina and Regina are among the women remembered by one of this man's title characters, while Harriet Winslow claims the body of another, Ambrose Bierce. For 10 points, name this Mexican author of The Old Gringo and The Death of Artemio Cruz.;;(Carlos) Fuentes ;;The far-field form of this phenomenon is named for Fraunhofer. The Rayleigh criterion gives a resolution limit due to this phenomenon, whose namesake "grating" yields interference patterns. The Huygens principle considers every point of a wave front as a wave source to rationalize this phenomenon. Young's double slit experiment saw interference partially as a consequence of this phenomenon occurring when the light passed through the slits. Its effects can be mathematically determined by setting d sine of theta equal to n lambda. For 10 points, name this phenomenon, the bending of light around a barrier.;;diffraction ;;This event included a reading of some of Blackstone's laws by Thomas McClintock. One discussion during it occurred after Ansel Bascom made reference to a recent law passed by New York permitting more property rights. It passed a document modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Sentiments. Participants in it included Frederick Douglass and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and it was led by Lucretia Mott. For 10 points, name this 1848 convention which called for women's rights.;;Seneca Falls (Convention) ;;In one opera by this composer, advice is delivered in Sanskrit from Arjuna and Krishna to the protagonist protesting the Black Act. In addition to Satyagraha, this composer wrote an opera including poems by a mentally impaired man, Christopher Knowles, five interludes called "knee plays," and a finale in which the chorus rapidly chants numbers, possibly to suggest a nuclear Holocaust. Collaborating with Robert Wilson on that opera about a physicist, for 10 points, name this American minimalist composer of Einstein on the Beach.;;(Philip) Glass ;;A weaver in this play becomes the object of a prank by a page after he has obtained a purple juice. A play within this play is described as "tedious, brief, merry, and tragic" and one subplot centers on a foundling desired by a king. One character had approached another king in order to attempt to force his daughter to marry Demetrius, but Hermia instead plots to run away with Lysander until their plan is revealed by Helena. Nick Bottom is given an ass's head before appearing in Pyramus and Thisbe at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta as a consequence of a dispute between Oberon and Titania. For 10 points, name this Shakespearean comedy featuring Puck.;;(A) Midsummer Night's Dream ;;In one work, this thinker claimed that a state is a community which monopolizes the legitimate use of physical force, or the "right to use violence," and discussed how one can "live for" or "live off" the titular field. In addition to Politics as a Vocation, this thinker discussed the stress placed on the concept of beruf in another work which theorizes that a lack of social mobility and condemnation of expenditure as part of Calvinist doctrine gave rise to the titular phenomenon. For 10 points, name this German sociologist and author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.;;(Max) Weber ;;One player for this team abruptly ended his career when he turned down a lucrative contract extension from this team claiming that he "had a family to feed." This team used the fifth and sixth picks in this year's draft on point guards, with one choosing to stay in Spain, and this team acquired power forward Al Jefferson as the centerpiece of a trade in which they sent the most famous player of this franchise's history to the east. For 10 points, name this NBA franchise that gave Boston an NBA championship on the cheap when it traded Kevin Garnett and plays its games in the Target Center. ANSWER: Minnesota Timberwolves [accept location and/or team] 12. One work by this man sees Clodia profane a festival, and in another work by this man, the widow Persis Tennyson marries Baron Bodo von Stams. In another work by this author of Ides of March, Henry's name is changed from Cain after he murders his brother with a stone and Sabina attempts to ruin the marriage of Mr. Antrobus. In addition to Theophilus North and Skin of Our Teeth, this man wrote a novel in which Brother Juniper investigates a disaster and a play about Emily Webb set in Grover's Corners. For 10 points, name this author of The Bridge of San Luis Rey and Our Town.;;(Thornton) (Niven) Wilder ;;This modern-day country fought against its eastern neighbor in the 1963 Sand War over mineral resources. It was the location of the Battle of Alcazarquibir, in which Sebastian I of Portugal was defeated by the Saadi Dynasty. In this country, Abd-el-Krim led the Berbers against the Spanish in the Rif Wars. At the Algeciras Conference, the Tangier Crisis between France and Germany over it was resolved. The capital of both the Almoravids and the Almohads was located in this country at Marrakesh, and despite the opposition of the Polisario Front it has de facto control of Western Sahara. For 10 points, name this North African country with capital at Rabat.;;(Kingdom) (of) Morocco ;;Mathematicians using the name Nicolas Bourbaki classified these entities into surjections, bijections, and injections, and these entities can be combined by using the output of one as the input of another in a process called composition. Injections are also called the one-to-one type of these, and whether an inverse one of these exists can be determined using the horizontal line test. For 10 points, identify this type of relation which can be classified using the vertical line test in which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element in the range.;;functions ;;According to Suetonius, this statesman was goaded by his mother's sarcastic remarks into finally entering the Senate like his brother. As emperor, the rudeness and Senate-oriented views of Helvidius Priscus irritated him. During his reign, Agri Decumates was annexed, Agricola became governor of Britain, and the Temple of Peace was built in Rome. He gained power after allying with the governor of Syria, Licinius Mucianus, whose armies would then defeat Vitellius. Earlier, he had led the suppression of the Jewish revolt, which was finished by his son Titus, and as emperor he began construction of the Colosseum. For 10 points, name this Roman emperor, the founder of the Flavian Dynasty and father of Domitian.;;(Emperor) (Titus) (Flavius) Vespasianus ;;In one work by this philosopher, virtue, honor, and fear are identified as the guiding principles of republics, monarchies, and despotisms, respectively. In that work, he theorizes that Asia is naturally suited to large, despotic empires and that republics naturally control small territories while analyzing the influence of climate on form of government. Notably influencing America's Founding Fathers by advocating the separation of powers between executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, for 10 points, name this French Enlightenment philosopher who wrote The Spirit of the Laws.;;(Baron) (de) Montesquieu ;;This man marched with Seuthes while in Thrace, and later had a disagreement with him over his soldier's pay. He wrote such works as On Horsemanship and Hunting with Dogs, as well as multiple Socratic dialogues. Upon reaching the mountain Thekes, the din from his vanguard at seeing the Black Sea was so great that the rearguard thought enemies had arrived. He fought Armenian tribesmen as well as Tissaphernes. In the Anabasis, he described his retreat across Asia Minor after serving under Cyrus the Younger. For 10 points, name this Greek historian and leader of the Ten Thousand mercenaries.;;Xenophon (of) (Athens) ;;This ruler aided plots to overthrow and assassinate Romulo Betancourt, the President of Venezuela, and shortly before his death he executed the Mirabal sisters, who had opposed him. He gained power after the overthrow of Horacio Vazquez. The novel Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa describes the end of this man's reign, as well as his abuse of the wives of his advisors, and after his assassination Joaquin Balaguer was placed in power. Troops under this man used the pronunciation of the Spanish word for parsley to distinguish Haitian immigrants, who were then killed. For 10 points, name this dictator of the Dominican Republic.;;(Rafael) (Leonidas) Trujillo (Molina) ;;Heavily influenced in his theories by the book The Organism, this psychologist who described one aspect of his theory as "instinctoid" characterized his work as the "third force" in psychology. In addition to taking a major concept from Kurt Goldstein, in the books Toward a Psychology of Being and Motivation and Personality, he included esteem, love and belonging, and safety and security as tiers of a theoretical construct. For 10 points, name this founder of humanistic psychology who put self-actualization at the peak of his hierarchy of needs.;;(Abraham) Maslow ;;Sanderson's version of this property allows estimation of bond energies due to known bond lengths, while the Allred-Rochow scale define it in terms of covalent radius. A small difference in this quantity leads to a polar covalent bond, while a large difference results in an ionic bond. The Mulliken scale defines it as the mean of electron affinity and ionization energy, while the more common Pauling scale sets the greatest value at 4.0. For 10 points, name this property defined as the tendency of an atom to attract electrons in a bond.;;electronegativity ;;In one work by this man, Nicias and Demosthenes seek to gain employment by Demus for a sausage seller, and in another work, two men are guided to the realm of the title creatures by Epops. In another work by this author of The Knights, Aeschylus is taken back from the underworld rather than Euripides. This author of The Birds and The Frogs also wrote a play in which the title character encourages the women of Athens and Sparta to withhold sex from their husbands until they stop fighting and another in which Pheidippides attends the Thinkery of Socrates. For 10 points, name this Greek playwright of Lysistrata and The Clouds.;;Aristophanes ;;One character of this surname fights a giant constructed of dominoes, dice cubes, and other assorted toys, and one of that character's abilities allows him to turn invisible, though his blue, green, and yellow vest can still be seen. Another character of this surname has the ability to float downwards by twirling her hair. In addition to Chunky and Dixie, another character with this last name helps his uncle defeat K. Rool. That uncle with this surname has appeared in over twenty games in his namesake series, as well as several Mario games. For 10 points, name this family of gorillas that includes Donkey.;;Kong ;;Antonin Dvorak's twelfth work of this form in F major is entitled the "American," and Schubert's lied Death and the Maiden was adapted into his fourteenth of these. Beethoven's Grosse Fuge is a single-movement one of these, and sixty-eight were written by Joseph Haydn, who, in addition to being called the "Father of the Symphony," is credited as the "Father of" this form. For 10 points, name this genre of chamber music played by an ensemble usually consisting of two violins, a viola, and a cello.;;String Quartet ;;One of this author's works sees its title character ponder Mahood and Worm, and another features the title character on his sixty-ninth birthday listening to a recording of himself at thirty-nine. In addition to The Unnameable, part of a trilogy, and Krapp's Last Tape, this man wrote a play in which Nell and Nagg live in trash cans, Hamm can't stand, and Clov can't sit, and one in which Vladimir and Estragon consider hanging themselves and meet Lucky and Pozzo while performing the title action. For 10 points, name this author of Endgame and Waiting for Godot.;;(Samuel) Beckett ;;This poem's speaker says "I do not know which to prefer, the beauty of inflections or the beauty of innuendoes," making a comparison to the sound of whistling or the silence just afterwards. Elsewhere, the thin men of Haddam are asked why they imagine golden birds, when the titular creature walks among their women's feet. This poem is composed of a series of haiku-like images, which include the title animal sitting in the cedar-limbs as it snows. Its title creature's eye is the only thing moving "among twenty snowy mountains." For 10 points, name this poem by Wallace Stevens about different views of the title bird.;;Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A Blackbird ;;In one work by this philosopher, the reforms of the Tuke brothers and Philippe Pinel are partially blamed for a new theory of the central concept based on opposing reason. In another work, Bentham's panopticon is used to interpret the modern prison system. That earlier work analyzes the modern psychiatrist as a method for secluding in silence people with the titular malady, and he wrote The Will to Knowledge as the first volume of his The History of Sexuality. For 10 points, name this French philosopher who wrote Discipline and Punish and Madness and Civilization.;;(Michel) Foucault ;;This artist is known for various office scenes, such as one in which a man is oblivious to his curvaceous secretary, Office at Night. He also painted a lone woman sitting at night in an automat whose ceiling lights are reflected in the window. In another of this man's paintings, two similar woman stare across a table at one another, while a large sign outside advertises the title food. This artist of Chop Suey also created a work which shows three patrons at a diner with an advertisement for Phillies cigars being served by an employee in white. For 10 points, name this American realist artist of Nighthawks.;;(Edward) Hopper ;;This archipelago includes the eastern banks of Mouchoir, Silver, and Navidad. Its large southern island of Great Inagua is home to a monstrous colony of American Flamingoes. Several of its larger northern islands contain pineyard ecosystems, as do the Caicos Islands. Islands in this group include Great Abaco, Cat, and Eleuthera. The Tongue of the Ocean separates its tripartite Andros Island from the Exuma Cays and New Providence Island. The nation named for these islands has its capital at Nassau. For 10 points, name this archipelago north of Cuba and east of Florida.;;Bahamas ;;The protagonist of one of this author's novels is carried to the Dutch vessel Daphne in a storm, and another novel sees Jorge de Burgos poison the pages of the second book of Aristotle's Poetics. In another novel by this author of The Island of the Day Before, three editors including Casaubon feed information about such varied subjects as voodoo and the Knights Templar to a computer called Abulafia. This man also wrote a novel in which William of Baskerville investigates the murders of several monks. For 10 points, name this Italian author of Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose.;;(Umberto) Eco ;;This figure was known as Hipponous until he committed fratricide and was sent to a court at which he met Anteia, who told her husband he attempted to seduce her when he scorned her. This man's father was trampled by his horses, which were maddened by Aphrodite, and his grandfather eternally rolls a rock up a hill in Tartarus. This man tamed a creature using a golden bridle and attempted but was not permitted to ride Pegasus to Olympus after such deeds as killing a creature which was part goat, part serpent, and part lion. For 10 points, name this slayer of the Chimaera.;;Bellerophon ;;Two characters in this work are assisted in their quests by Talus and Timias, who falls in love with Belphoebe after being wounded in the rescue of Florimell. A disguised knight conquers Castle Joyous and later rescues Amoret before being reunited with her lover Artegall. The nefarious Archimago and Duessa cause Sir Guyon, who had accompanied Prince Arthur and Lady Britomart, to challenge Una's champion, the Red Cross Knight. For 10 points, name this long poem by Edmund Spenser about the court of the title character Gloriana.;;(The) Faerie Queene ;;In one of this man's works, Atossa summons the ghost of her husband to Susa to provide guidance, and another work sees Pelasgus assist the fifty daughters of Danaus. This author of The Persians and The Suppliants also wrote a play in which Kratos and Bia bring the title character to his prison. That play also sees the title character comfort the wandering Io, and a trilogy by this man about a family from Argos contains the plays Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides. For 10 points, name this Greek tragedian who wrote Prometheus Bound and the Oresteia.;;Aeschylus ;;In one opera by this composer, the success of the schemes of the Sorceress and her horde of witches leads one character who is advised by Belinda to sing When I am laid in earth, also known as her namesake "lament," before dying of love as her fiance sails away. This composer's works Dioclesian, The Indian Queen, and King Arthur all characterize a genre he championed, the semi-opera. Using a libretto based on by Nahum Tate for one of the earliest English operas, for 10 points, name this British Baroque composer of The Fairy-Queen and Dido and Aeneas.;;(Henry) Purcell ;;One concept introduced in this work is a calculable ratio between income and investment termed the multiplier, and this work explains the concepts of prime cost and supplementary cost as functions of the sacrifice of value from producing a good, the user cost. Interest rates are theorized as rewards for the consumer parting with the concrete form of money, a phenomenon known as liquidity preference, and the author defines effective demand as the intersection of the aggregate supply function and the aggregate demand function. Famously advocating deficit spending in order to increase aggregate demand and relieve unemployment, for 10 points, name this seminal text in economics by John Maynard Keynes.;;(The) General Theory of Employment(,) (Interest(,)) (and) (Money) ;;This mineral can be formed from the carbonation of serpentine. A common type of rock largely consisting of this mineral is used for carvings and countertops. The main component of soapstone, this mineral is formed in the process of steatization from olivine. This mineral is made up of hydrated magnesium silicate, has perfect cleavage, and produces a white streak in the streak test. Widely used in baby powders and at the barber shop, for 10 points, name this mineral with a Mohs' hardness of one.;;talc ;;In one work, this philosopher equated the Christian concept of sin with human despair, and in another, he introduced the "knight of infinite resignation" while elaborating variations on the story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. In addition to The Sickness Unto Death and Fear and Trembling, he wrote a work including the diary of Johannes the Seducer compiled by Victor Eremita which contrasts the ethical and aesthetic ways of life. For 10 points, name this existentialist Danish philosopher who wrote Either/Or.;;(Soren) Kierkegaard ;;The narrator of this novel briefly lives in a tent with Terri but leaves due to the disapproval of her relatives. Galeta is abandoned when she runs out of money but reappears with Old Bull Lee, and another character and the narrator buy marijuana in Gregoria and continue adventuring until the narrator gets dysentery. That character marries Marylou, Camille, and Inez at various points. The narrator later falls in love with Laura and they leave for a concert with Remi Boncoeur at novel's end, abandoning Dean Moriarty. For 10 points, name this novel by Jack Kerouac narrated by Sal Paradise.;;On the Road ;;This statement realistically concerns variables that do not commute, as it defines one half the magnitude of the commutator of variables to be the limit on the product of their variances. This principle can be stated as the variance in energy times the variance in time is greater than or equal to h-bar over 2, though its typical formulation concerns two other quantities, and the Bohr model of the atom violates this principle by assigning definite positions to electrons. For 10 points, identify this principle named for a German physicist which states that, at a given instance, the position and momentum of a particle cannot both be determined precisely.;;(Heisenberg) uncertainty (principle) ;;This comic's creator made a black-and-white strip as a spoof of his attempt to prevent licensing of the cartoon, and he later secured the ability to use a panel layout of his own design, rather than the traditional block format. It includes a soap opera-style comic in which one character is enraged that his "wife" has "given birth" to a rabbit while "playing house," and that character uses the alter egos Tracer Bullet and Stupendous Man. Irate Naggon mothers, scum beings, and a hideously transformed Ms. Wormwood are all antagonists of Spaceman Spiff, an alter ego of one title character of this cartoon. For 10 points, name this comic strip created by Bill Watterson and named for two philosophers.;;Calvin and Hobbes ;;Several of the men behind this event were later assassinated during the radical Operation Nemesis, headed by Shahan Natalie. Its opening phase included Red Sunday, in which leaders of the Dashnak and Hunchak parties were targeted, as well as the passage of the Tehcir Law, which permitted deportation. It was preceded by the Adana Massacre and the Hamidian Massacres, and one of the only successful resistances to it occurred at Van. Enver Pasha claimed the targeted group had helped the Russians, allowing attacks at Sivas, Diyarbakir, and elsewhere in eastern Anatolia. For 10 points, identify this genocide committed by the Ottomans against an ethnic group of the Caucasus during World War I.;;(1915) Armenian (Genocide) ;;The speaker of this poem has seen "the eternal Footman hold [his] coat, and snicker" and has "heard the mermaids singing, each to each." Yellow fog curls up to sleep around a house as the speaker walks "through certain half-deserted streets." The speaker of this poem is self-conscious about his bald spot and has "measured out [his] life with coffee spoons." That titular speaker wonders "Do I dare disturb the universe?" For 10 points, name this poem by T.S. Eliot which sees "the women come and go talking of Michelangelo" and opens with the line "let us go then, you and I.".;;(The) Love Song of J(.) Alfred Prufrock ;;This people's mythology included an incident in which the wasps brocaded on a cloak given as a gift came alive, stinging the enemy chiefs. It also features the goddess Blood Moon, who became pregnant after her hand was spat upon by a severed head in a forked tree. Her offspring would later trick their bullying half-brothers into becoming monkeys and would defeat the crocodilian Zipacna and the pretender Seven Macaw before besting the lords of Xibalba in the ball game. Hunahpu and Xbalanque are the hero twins of this mythology, in which humans were made from corn. For 10 points, name this Mesoamerican people whose myths are found in the Popol Vuh.;;Mayans ;;One title figure of one of this author's works wears a crimson suit and a green scarf, while another bears a "sheaf of wheat." In addition to "Of the Four Ages of Man," this author takes consolation in the existence of a "house on high" when distressed by the title occurrence of one work and also informs her poetry that its visage is irksome in another. This author of "Upon the Burning of Our House" and "The Author to Her Book" also wrote the line "if ever two were one, then surely we" in "To My Dear and Loving Husband." For 10 points, name this colonial American poet of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America.;;(Anne) Bradstreet ;;Altair and Denebola fall into the Delta Scuti class of these entities. Rotation with an ellipsoidal shape leads to this classification, and eclipsing binary stars such as Algol are also classified as this. One of this class of stars is the RR Lyrae type, which is among a class with period-luminosity relationship as determined by Henrietta Levitt that occupies the instability strip like many other stars of this type. For 10 points, give this classification of a star that exhibits changing apparent brightness witnessed from Earth, as seen in the Cepheid type.;;variable (star) ;;For one project, this anthropologist displayed human skulls of various races to defend the irrelevance of brain size, and one of his early studies examined the migration patterns of the Inuit. His studies of the Kwakiutl led him to conclude that human activity and thought must be understood in terms of the culture which originated them. A founder of the department of anthropology at Columbia University and advocate of cultural relativism, for 10 points, name this teacher of Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict and German-born father of American anthropology.;;(Franz) Boas ;;This war was prompted by a call for help from a group who had been defeated by Hiero II, the Mamertines. Battles of it included one in which Xanthippus, a Spartan mercenary, defeated the general Regulus. In one battle of this war, the sacred chickens of one belligerent refused to eat their grain and were thrown overboard, and that side then lost the battle of Drepana. One side used corvi to board its opponents' ships, and had modeled its navy on an abandoned enemy quinquereme. Battles in this war included the naval engagements of Ecnomus, Mylae, and the Aegates Islands. During this war, Hamilcar Barca invaded Sicily. For 10 points, name this war between Rome and Carthage.;;First Punic (War) ;;This man's most famous paper may be his "Quantization as an Eigenvalue Problem", in which he developed an approach to determine energies of hydrogen-like atoms. That approach relies on an equation he names stating that i h-bar times the time derivative of a function is equal to that function's Hamiltonian. A thought experiment named for this man involves a Geiger counter's detection of an alpha particle causing poison to be released, so the central animal is simultaneously alive and dead. For 10 points, identify this Austrian namesake of a famous wave equation and a thought experiment involving a cat.;;(Erwin) Schrodinger ;;In one of this author's novels, the title character finds a cow skull on the beach and later falls in love with the married Sandra, and in another, Isa Oliver and William Dodge chat by greenhouses. In addition to Jacob's Room and Between the Acts, this author wrote a novel in which Lily Bristoe paints Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay as well as one in which Peter Walsh attends Clarissa's party. In addition to To The Lighthouse and Mrs. Dalloway, she wrote an essay which concludes that women need money and the title space in order to write fiction. For 10 points, name this member of the Bloomsbury Group and author of "A Room of One's Own.".;;(Virginia) Woolf ;;This organization was criticized by Carroll Wright for its secret Freemason-like rites, which disappeared after the election of its second leader. It included numerous women recruited by Leonora Barry and future Wobbly leader "Mother Jones". One of this group's actions was to support a strike on the Wabash Railroad, and it would later be crippled after failing to win the Missouri Pacific Strike against Jay Gould. Although the convicted anarchists were unrelated to it, membership in it was hurt after the Haymarket Square Riot. Its first leader was Uriah Stephens, who was succeeded by Terence Powderly. For 10 points, name this labor union of the late 1800's, often contrasted with the American Federation of Labor.;;Knights of Labor ;;In one work, this philosopher theorized an early form of the modern research institute describing a utopia dedicated to scientific discovery called Solomon's House. In another work, he criticized the distinction between proof and invention in Aristotle's syllogistic logic and suggested observation or experience as the first step in an inductive method which laid the groundwork of the scientific method. For 10 points, name this English philosopher who wrote The Advancement of Learning, The New Atlantis, and Novum Organum.;;(Francis) Bacon ;;One character in this work uses a Chinese lantern to cover a lightbulb and obscure her age, and that character's husband killed himself after she discovered his homosexual affair. The protagonist tells another character about Shep Huntleigh, and a radio is thrown from a window during a poker game involving Steve, Pablo, and Mitch. One character in this play rapes the protagonist while his wife is at the hospital, leading to her being sent to an asylum. For 10 points, name this play by Tennessee Williams about sisters Stella Kowalski and Blanche DuBois.;;(A) Streetcar Named Desire ;;One of this film-maker's movies features a usurping warlord being shot by his own archers, while another depicts a frenetic search for the stolen gun of a police detective. In addition to Throne of Blood and Stray Dog, this man made a movie in which a thief impersonates a dying warlord to preserve the power of the clan. In another, several characters huddling under a gatehouse in a downpour listen to conflicting stories about a murder. This director also depicted Kambei disguising himself as a priest before being recruited, as well as the peasant-born samurai Kikuchiyo. For 10 points, name this Japanese director who created Rashomon and Seven Samurai.;;(Akira) Kurosawa ;;This mythological figure's son Nabu was a god of wisdom who controlled the fates of humans, and his consort was Zarpanit. After his greatest victory had been accomplished with a net and arrows, this god received 50 powerful names. As a child, he played with four winds given to him by Anu, which irritated a monster he would later face. His cult surpassed that of Enlil after his patron city gained power. He snatched the Tablets of Destiny from the usurper Kingu, out of whose blood humans were made. In the Enuma Elish, this god kills the sea dragon Tiamat. For 10 points, name this supreme god of the Babylonian pantheon.;;Marduk ;;This group included the Asdingi and Silingi branches. They defeated Roman armies sent by Basiliscus and Majorian to eliminate them, and one of their leaders had moved them south so that they could fight for Count Bonifacius, who was rebelling against Rome. Belisarius defeated their leader Gelimer, who had usurped the throne from Huneric's heir, and this people controlled part of Numidia after they became a federate of Rome. This Arianist barbarian group besieged Hippo, causing the death of St. Augustine. They sacked Rome under the leadership of Geiseric in 455 and eventually established a state in North Africa. For 10 points, name this Germanic barbarian group whose name now signifies a destructor of property.;;Vandals ;;One writer from this country wrote a novel in which Harry Robarts accompanies the titular German explorer, Voss, and another wrote a novel about the titular murderer and his brother Mort, The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith. In addition to that author who also wrote Schindler's Ark, this country is home to the author of a novel in which one title character owns a glassworks. That novel set in this country sees a glass church built for Reverend Hassett. For 10 points, name this country home to Patrick White, Thomas Keneally, and Peter Carey, whose Oscar and Lucinda is set partly in Sydney.;;(Commonwealth) (of) Australia ;;This composer included the sirens of a fire truck in his piece Central Park in the Dark, which is one of his Two Contemplations along with The Unanswered Question. The Alcotts and Emerson title two movements of one piano piece by this composer. The Housatonic at Stockbridge, The St.-Gaudens in Boston Common, and Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut are the movements of another work by this composer whose Third Symphony is called "The Camp Meeting." For 10 points, name this American composer of The Concord Sonata and Three Places in New England.;;(Charles) Ives