Religion/Mythology;;The mythological event concerning this character is depicted on Eurypylos' shield. One myth found in Pindar tells that Alexdaimos and companions rode to Irasa to find this mythological character's unnamed, golden-haired daughter and marry her. This character was dyed black by the son, and one mythological account notes that one of his legs was shorter than the other. Ion the primary myth concerning this character, he was attempting to collect enough skulls to build a temple to his father Poseidon, but Athena instructed his slayer to lift him off the ground, because he was only invincible while in contact with the earth. For ten points, identify this Libyan giant who was crushed by Hercules in a wrestling match.;;Antaeus Literature;;This poem recounts the story of Mowis, the bridegroom of snow, which is told by a Shoshone woman after the Comanche-induced death of her husband. This poem, which utilizes classic hexameter throughout, shows the title character eventually arrive in Philadelphia, where she becomes a Sister of Mercy. Father Felician sails down the Mississippi with the title character of this poem, looking for other inhabitants of their town, which had been disbanded by British troops. At the end of this poem, the title character meets her lover on a pallet at her mission, where he dies after trying to whisper her name. This poem begins in the town of Grand-Pre, and the title character is in love with the son of Basil the blacksmith, who is named Gabriel Lajeunesse. For ten points, identify this poem about the title Ms. Bellefontaine from Acacia, a work by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.;;Evangeline United States History;;This document was originally attached to a funding proposal made by James Polk, and later, John C. Calhoun killed it in the Senate after it was attached to the Three Million Dollar Bill by Hannibal Hamlin. Most of the text of this document was adapted from the Northwest Ordinance, and this document was written by Jacob Brinkerhoff . Representatives Preston King and George Rathbun were instrumental in acquiring support for this bill among the Democrats, while Samuel Vinton drummed up Whig support in the House for this document. For ten points, identify this unsuccessful document which attempted to prevent the spread of slavery into newly acquired territories from Mexico, named after a Pennsylvanian representative.;;(The) Wilmot (Proviso) Art;;One structure depicted in this painting was depicted from a structure built by Peter Brunel and completed in 1837. This painting shows an approaching storm on the right, and on the left side of this painting, a person is fishing in a small boat next to a bridge with several arches. The storm is over the city of London, and the main structure in this paining spans a river between Taplow and Maidenhead. A blue and grey sky dominates the top half of this painting, and at the focus of this painting is a red iron bridge, on which a black train travels toward the viewer. Subtitled The Great Western Railway, for ten points, identify this painting of a bridge over the Thames, a work by J.M.W. Turner.;;Rain(,) Steam(,) and Speed(:) (The Great Western Railway) Biology;;A 2004 study by Enrico Scarpella and Philip Francis showed a strong correlation between the expression of ET13350-GUS and the development of this in Arabidopsis. That study also found that expression of reporter gene GT5211 greatly increases as cells begin to adopt the characteristic shape of this tissue, in concert with Athb8-GUS which appears as this tissue begins to connect with existing veins. Lying just below the tissue that is to develop into the stem epidermis, the straw-like cells of this tissue develops into a type of secondary meristem and gives rise to the two main types of plant vacular tissue. For ten points, identify this tissue of the meristem that develops into primary xylem and phloem and produces the vascular cambium.;;Procambium Sociology;;This man was fond of writing comparative studies of thinkers from his country, including Kant and Goethe and Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. This author of Sociology: Investigations on the Forms of Sociation also wrote Fundamental Questions of Sociology and On Social Differentiation. This man wrote an essay in which he argued that he play-form of association is the most necessary for sociability, entitled The Sociology of Sociability. This man’s most famous work argues that the intellect preserves subjective experience, helping to defend against the blasé stage of the interaction between the individual and the city. For ten points, identify this sociologist, who wrote The Philosophy of Money, The Web of Group Affiliation, and The Metropolis and Mental Life.;;(Georg) Simmel World History;;As head of the Awakening Society, he met his future wife, who was referred to as the nation’s "elder sister" and later headed the Political Consultative Conference.  John Foster Dulles refused to shake the hand of this figure at the Geneva Conference, who accused the United States of trying to block an agreement that would lead to peace in Korea. He succeeded Mao as the political commissar of the Red Army, and also served as the first head of the State Administrative Council.  Persuading the generals involved in the Xian incident to convince Chiang Kai-Shek to help fight Japan, he put forth his country’s support for non-aligned nations at the Bandung Conference.  An organizer of the Nanchang Uprising, for ten points, identify this Chinese leader and foreign minister under Mao Zedong.;;(Zhou) Enlai Physics;;An extraordinary form of this behavior exists in systems for which the double exchange mechanism is energetically favorable, as exemplified by Heusler cells. Two important tools for studying systems with this property are a chart that has the as its x- and y-intercepts the coercivity and remanence, respectively, and a lattice model with Hamiltonian given by the sum over cells of the product of two numbers from U one, one number for the cell and one for each of its neighbors. Materials displaying this property exhibit near-constant H-fields on structures separated by Néel or Bloch walls and known as Weiss domains, which break down at the Curie temperature. For ten points, identify this form of magnetism studied with the aforementioned hysteresis loops and Ising model and materials displaying which retain a permanent magnetization when placed in an external field.;;ferromagnetism Literature;;This poet wrote a long poem about the founding of a religious order entitled "Mount Olivet", and he also wrote a blank verse religious poem entitled "The Seventh Day Day of the Creation of the World". He experimented with the epic form in a poem about a man who falls in love with the King of Gascony’s sister, Clorice, and is the brother of Orlando, Rinaldo. This playwright took four years to complete Il re Torrismondo, although his play about the lover of Silvia, who dedicated herself to Diana, was more popular and was entitled Aminta. In his best known work, Armida transforms some knights into fish, and it recounts the story of Sophronia and Olindo. It begins with Geoffrey of Boulogne is told by the Archangel Michael that he’s been elected in charge of the army that is supposed to conquer the title city. For ten points, identify this poet who rewrote an epic into Jerusalem Conquered, although it was originally titled Jerusalem Delivered.;;(Torquato) Tasso Music;;The original arrangement of this composition featured a singer with text by Henry Cazalis, although the piece was shortly thereafter reworked to replace the singer with a violin, which notably uses scordata tuning. Lemare transcribed this piece for pipe organ, and it received piano transcriptions from both Horowitz and Liszt. This piece opens with a harp playing D twelve times to signify the hour that the piece is supposed to take place, which then transitions into an E-flat and A tritone. Part of this piece is quoted in the composer’s later work Carnival of the Animals to portray fossils. For ten points, identify this work for violin and orchestra which depicts a medieval superstition about dancing skeletons, and which was written by Camille Saint-Saens.;;(La) Danse Macabre|Dance of Death Literature;;One character in this novel runs away with a superficial woman named Lily and becomes sick and dies. The protagonist of this novel is disappointed when he can’t go abroad, and instead must stay and work in a stocking mill. Annie wishes that her mother would pass away from cancer instead of lingering, and Walter retreats into alcoholism after losing touch with his son. Baxter accosts the protagonist of this novel at the tavern, and he’s separated from Clara Dawes, a woman with whom the protagonist has an affair. The protagonist is also attracted to Miriam Lievers, who helps him judge his art. The protagonist of this novel eventually gives his mother, Gertrude, an overdose of morphine, killing her. For ten points, identify this novel about Paul Morel, a work by D.H. Lawrence.;;Sons and Lovers Noncomputational Math;;The objects central to this statement are eigenfunctions of the family of operators from a space to the space of its modular forms: formally, this lemma guarantees the existence and analyticity of weight-two eigenforms of the aforementioned Hecke operators for non-singular third-order one-forms over the rationals whose solutions are confined to a torus. The discovery of a metric for the space of Galois representations revealed that this theorem posits an isomorphism between L-series of modular forms and the aforementioned curves; that idea arose from the object of the epsilon conjecture, Frey’s curve, which was eventually shown to be modular. This theorem thus implies that every elliptic curve is a modular form. For ten points, identify this theorem cum conjecture that is concomitant with Fermat’s Last Theorem and that is usually named for two Japanese mathematicians.;;(the) Taniyama(-)Shimura(-)(Weil) (conjecture|Theorem);;Fermat(')(s) (last theorem) World History;;This man arranged a marriage between his son and Theophano, and granted the Duchy of Spoleto to Pandulf Ironhead. This man appointed William of Mainz to oversee the construction of a Pontifical Book. He was captured at Mainz, and this man stripped power from Conrad and Luitdolf and had his authority restored at the Diet of Auerstadt. This ruler, who defeated Berengar of Ivrea, was also the victor at Reckntiz and Andernach. This man was the brother of the Archbishop of Cologne, and he invaded Italy on the request of Adelaide of Italy, later marrying her and taking the title King of Lombardy. For ten points, identify this son of Henry the Fowler, the victor at the Battle of Lechfeld over the Magyars, the first Holy Roman Emperor.;;Otto (I|the First){1}?;;Otto the Great Music;;This piece of music is notable for requiring a tenor to sustain an A4 and a B4 in rapid succession. The singer of this musical work notes that "My kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine", and notes that the subject to whom he sings watches the stars that tremble with love and hope. In the middle section of this musical work, a chorus of women chimes in, stating "Alas, we will die, we will die". At the end of this aria, the singer notes that he wishes the stars to vanish, and becomes confident in his impending victory, noting that "At Daybreak, I shall win!", which is repeated three times. For ten points, identify this tenor aria sung by Calaf to Turandot in the final act of her namesake opera, which notes that "none shall sleep" until his name is revealed.;;Nessun Dorma|None shall sleep (tonight) Religion/Mythology;;This man collected his shorter writings into an anthology entitled Love and Justice, while he wrote an article that claimed that the "art of bringing its dominant motives under any kind of moral control" had been lost in his work "Our Secularized Civilization". This man claimed that romantic religion is dangerous in "Let Liberal Churches Stop Fooling Themselves". This author of Interpretation of Christian Ethics and The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness criticized the "social gospel" school of theology in his well-known work The Irony of American History, and presented his Christian Realist theological views in The Nature and Destiny of Man. For ten points, identify this proponent of "just war", a German-American theologian who wrote the Serenity Prayer.;;(Karl) (Paul) (Reinhold) Niebuhr World History;;Louis de Vergor defended the L’anse au Foulon in conjunction with this battle. Although the losing side of this battle attempted to recapture the site in, they were unsuccessful, and one general attacked despite being three thousand men short due to their being stationed with Bougainville. Although the sides of this battle were numerically equal, one side was forced to attack after having their communications cut off, and thus were forced to retreat up the St. Lawrence River. One side of this battle was commanded by Charles Saunders under James Wolfe, and the other side was commanded by the Marquis de Montcalm, who died. For ten points, identify this battle of the Seven Years War, which saw the fall of the French forces in Canada and led to the British taking of Quebec.;;(Battle of) (the) Plains of Abraham;;(Battle of) Quebec Miscellaneous;;In one film appearance by this character, he was voiced by Akiko Wada, and in another, he was played Harry Atkin. In one game featuring this character, he is able to equip the Hurley Glove and use the move Terrorize, and failing to be fast enough can get the protagonist kissed by either Booster or this character. In another game appearance, this character is able to create fireballs to distract other Kart drivers. This character has 7 children, including Wendy and Lemmy, and in an appearance on the Nintendo Wii, this character can use a smash ball to become his Giga variety. In an appearance on the Nintendo 64, this character must be swung around by his tail and thrown into bombs to be defeated after he takes over Princess Peach’s Caste. For ten points, identify this villain in the Super Mario Brothers series, who leads the Koopa Clan.;;(King) Bowser (Koopa) Literature;;In one of this author’s short stories, an aging professor steals all of his colleagues salaries and runs off to Alexandria with a young woman. In another, a teacher seduces his pupil, and later is the principal of the school where she teaches. In addition to "God’s World" and "The Answer is No", this author wrote a novel in which Gamasa al-Bulti captures a genie named Singam while fishing, which occurs after Shariyar announces he will kill no more virgins. This author of Arabian Days and Nights wrote about Kamil, a confectioner who works on the title street in Midaq Alley. This author is also well known for a series of books in which Yasin is the lustful son of Ahmad Al-Jawad, who is the patriarch of a family at the center of the novels Sugar Street, Palace of Desire, and A Palace Walk. For ten points, identify this author of The Cairo Trilogy.;;(Naguib) Mahfouz Geography;;This entity was once referred to by its current name in conjunction with that of Juan Francisco Quadra and it is the site of the Seymour, Refugium and Sutton ranges. Its Forbidden Plateau was the epicenter of a 1946 earthquake while the islands of Flores, Vargas and Meares lie in its Clayoquot Sound, which receives water from Lake Kennedy, this body’s largest. Its Strathcona Park contains the Karmutsen Formation, as well as this entity’s highest point, Golden Hinde. Its largest cities include Port Alberni, Nanaimo and Saanich while the Johnstone and Queen Charlotte Straits lie to its east. Separated from the mainland by the straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca, for 10 points, name this Canadian island which contains Victoria, the capital of British Columbia.;;Vancouver (Island) Chemistry;;The reverse of this reaction was first studied by Kwart and King and was used by Vallée to synthesize enethiols; because that reverse reaction is heat-catalyzed, it must be considered when the products of the forward form of this reaction are analyzed by mass spectroscopy and that reverse reaction is uncreatively named the retro- version of this reaction. The use of a special class of reagents in this reaction was pioneered by Warner and Jauregg, who thus caused this reaction to produce benzenoids; one example of its usual reactants was discovered for use in this reaction by Danishevsky. This probably concerted, pericyclic reaction is kinetically endo-selective, which allows one to determine which cyclic nitrile will result from this reaction between an acrylonitrile and butadiene. For ten points, identify this cycloaddtion, which produces a cyclohexene from a conjugated alkene and a diene.;;(the) Diels-Alder (reaction) Philosophy;;This man argued that things that most correctly correspond to the ideal are the most beautiful in his first treatise, On Beauty. This man proposed that by acting only on the prompting of appetite, a human can renounce agency and ethical responsibility. The fourth section of one of this man’s best known works deals with psychology, while earlier sections treat ethics and cosmology, and all of those sections reflect his idea of the One, from whom all emanates. This man is notably the subject of a preface by his best known student, Porphyry. For ten points, identify this philosopher who wrote about the Demiurge in his Enneads, which were edited by his student, a Neo-Platonist.;;Porphyry World History;;Ferdinand I and Joachim I formed a group directly opposed to this one, which included Martin Bucer among its ranks while one of its leaders was forced to sign the Capitulation of Wittenberg. Albert Alcibiades II notably defected from this group, and in one battle, their enemy’s general, Eric II of Calenburg, was forced to flee by swimming across the Weser River. Frederick III granted this group the alliance of the Rhenish Palatinate, but this group was later routed by the forces of Paul III at the battle of Muhlberg. Including the cities of Kempten, Hanover and Augsburg, this entity was named for a town in Thuringia and was led by Philip the Magnanimous and John Frederick of Saxony. Opposed by Huldrich Zwingli and Francis I, for 10 points, name this group of Lutheran princes opposed to Charles V.;;(The) Schmalkaldic League Philosophy;;This work begins with a quote about Tarquinius Superbus. One part of this work notes that "But ethics has no coincidence and no old servant at its disposal", establishing that ethics and esthetics both require closure. One section of this work begins by asking its title question, "Is there an Absolute Duty to God"?, while another section of this work considers Agamemnon’s dilemma between needing to sail and his duty to his daughter, which is found in the first of three Problema, "Is There a Teleological Suspension of the Ethical"? Another section in this work contrasts the Knights of Faith and of Infinite Resignation. Published under the pseudonym John the Silent, for ten points, identify this philosophical text which presented the story of Abraham and Isaac, which was written by Soren Kierkegaard.;;Fear and Trembling|Frygt og Bæven Physics;;This process cannot generally occur in one- or two-dimensional systems according to the Mermin-Wagner theorem. When a gauge is associated with the invariance that underlies this process, its associated gauge particles are said to "eat" the particles that appear in models in which this process occurs, those being Goldstone bosons. Perhaps the most discussed instance of this phenomenon occurs for the electroweak theory and is the process that transforms photons into W- and Z-bosons, the Higgs mechanism. For ten points, name this phenomenon in theoretical physics in which a system that is initially unchanged under some mathematical operation suddenly transitions to not being so that is exemplified by the acquisition of mass.;;(spontaneous) symmetry breaking Miscellaneous;;Along with Carl Davis, this composer released an eight-movement oratorio named for his hometown in 1991, while he more recently released another oratorio called Ecce Cor Meum. His early work was heavily influenced by John Cage in the use of tape loops, while Howard Goodall credits this man's most famous collaborative group with saving Western music from atonalism, as well as bringing back the use of modulation. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 inspired this man to add a piccolo trumpet solo into a piece about his childhood in the suburbs. A fan of Karlheinz Stockhausen, whom he put on the cover of one of his recordings, this man also brought back the use of plagal cadences in works like "She's Leaving Home" and "And I Love Her". For 10 points, name this musician and writer of songs such as "Maybe I'm Amazed", "Yesterday", and "Hey Jude", the writing partner of John Lennon.;;(Paul) McCartney Literature;;A character in this poem notes that he should have "been a pair of ragged claws/scuttling across the floors of silent seas". The speaker of this poem wonders how he should "begin to spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways" when he’s "formulated, sprawling on a pin". He later notes that it would be worth it to squeeze the universe into a ball and declare himself to be Lazarus, back from the dead. This poem concludes by noting that "we have lingered in the chambers of the sea… until human voices wake us, and we drown". In this poem, one character wonders if he dares to eat a peach, and notices women coming and going, talking of Michaelangelo. For ten points, identify this poem which begins "Let us go now, you and I/ When the evening is spread out against the sky", a poem by T.S. Eliot.;;(The) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Geography;;National parks of this nation include the Bukk, Ferto-Hansag and Aggtelek caves while its peaks include Zengo, Pilis and Irott-ko. Notable regions of this country are Vas and Baranya while wine is grown in the Tokaj. Among its mountain ranges are the Zemplen, Koszeg and Villany while in the Matra range lie its two highest peaks, Galyateto and Kekes. The bodies of water in this nation include Lake Velence and the thermal Lake Heviz while the Sio and Zala rivers form its Lake Balaton, the largest in Central Europe. Gyor, Pecs and Debrecen are among the largest cities in, for 10 points, which nation with capital at Budapest.;;(Republic of) Hungary United States History;;Laws supporting this movement were held constitutional in Munn v. Illinois, but were later invalidated in railroad sponsored cases like the Wabash Case. Those cases were pressured by this organization’s lobbying for controlled railroad shipping prices, and in order to control shopkeepers, many members of this organization banded together to buy stores. Mary Elizabeth Lease urged members of this organization to "raise less corn and more hell", and this organization began to decline after attempting to collectively manufacture farm equipment, although earlier programs like collective grain elevators and primitive credit unions were successful. For ten points, identify this 19th century movement started by Oliver Hudson Kelley which attempted to teach good agricultural practices.;;(National) Grange (of the Patrons of Husbandry) Biology;;Recent research on transposon TC1 that is native to this organism has shown it has the capability to "jump" in human cells, lending support to the horizontal spread hypothesis. The 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Martin Chalfie for his use of green fluorescent protein in this organism. This organism exists only in hermaphrodite and male forms, which gives rise to identical genetic offspring, making this organism ideal for research applications. Silencing of specific gene function by RNA interference in this organism was accomplished by Andrew Fire and Craig Mello. For ten points, identify this organism that was the first multicellular organism to have its genome completely sequenced.;;C(.) Elegans Literature;;This book begins with the protagonist noticing that someone has been looking at him through his window and also that the landlady has not brought him his 8 o’clock breakfast. The protagonist of this book refuses to give up his underwear, and uses Fraulein Burstner’s room, for which he apologizes. The protagonist of this novel buys three identical paintings from Tintorelli, and later, he’s compared to a businessman that a lawyer keeps locked up in a small room. That businessman is being locked up by Leni, whom the protagonist likes to kiss while in consultation with his lawyer. This novel ends with the protagonist being escorted to a quarry, where he’s summarily executed with a knife. For ten points, identify this book about junior bank manager Joseph K., a novel by Franz Kafka.;;(The) Trial|Der Prozess Music;;While arranging an orchestral suite for organ, this man added a new movement entitled "Ecstasies of a soul before the glory of Christ, which is its own glory". That movement was added to his Ascension, and this man later published a book entitled Technique of my Musical Language. This man wrote Twenty Gazes on the Infant Jesus for his student and wife Yvonne Loriod. This composer spent a lot of time notating and cataloguing birdsong, which he used in his own compositions, and this man composed the movement "Music for the Blood of the Stars" as part of his ten-movement symphony. This man’s best known work was composed for violin, cello, piano, and clarinet, which were the four instruments available in his prison camp. For ten points, identify this composer of the Turangalila Symphony and the Quartet for the End of Time.;;(Olivier) Messaien Chemistry;;This person discovered a dangerous procedure that requires a mixing a diazo compound with sulfonic and hydrochloric acids to produce an arylhydrazine, a reagent that he then heated in acetic acid to produce an osazone or with heated with zinc chloride to produce an indol. One reaction named for him begins with protonation of a carbonyl oxygen and ends with dehydration, before which the loss and regain of a proton is caused by nucleophillic attack of alcohol on alcohol; that is the mechanism of a reaction co-discovered by Speier that produces esters. For ten points, name this chemist who defined that carbon chains be vertical in the namesake projection that he used to study sugars.;;(Emil) (Hermann) Fischer World History;;Part of this family reigned as the dukes of Burgundy in the fifteenth century, and used Salic law to determine their claim to the throne. Rene I of Jerusalem and Naples was a member of this ruling house and Anjou, which also included Mary the Rich. Other kings of this dynastic house include Charles the Well-Served, Charles the Mad, and Charles the Wise, as well as one known as Charles the Affable. This house and Orleans produced Louis XII, while this line died out in France after Henri III. Louis the Spider-King was a member of this house, which began with Phillippe the Fortunate, the son of Charles of this house. For ten points, identify this successor to the House of Capet, a ruling house of France which preceded the House of Bourbon.;;(The) (House of) Valois Literature;;In one of this author’s short stories, a minstrel is exiled and given nine casks of wine which he names with the names of the Muses. In addition to The Anonymiad, Peter and Magda accompany Ambrose on a trip to Atlantic City to celebrate Independence Day in one of this author’s short stories, while another short story is the account of a sperm cell attempting to connect with a mythic "Her". In addition to stories like "Lost in the Funhouse" and "Night Sea Journey", this author wrote the novels The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor and The Floating Opera. In another work by this author, the protagonist is the son of a computer and a virgin but is raised by Max Spielman and is later united with Anastasia, and in a further work, Henry Burlingame tutors Anna and Eben Cooke. For ten points, identify this man who wrote Giles Goat-Boy and The Sot-Weed Factor, an American.;;(John) Barth Anthropology;;This man delineated symmetrical and asymmetrical versions of the title concept of one of his works, one of which requires mocking and one of which requires reciprocity. This man observed that behavior among mother-in-laws in South Africa, and termed it the "joking relationship". This man advocated his "comparative method" as an alternative to prevailing methods, and his students at the University of Chicago published notes of his lectures as A Natural Science of Society. This man analysed the question of why certain social functions become fixed in one of his works, entitled The Social Organization of Australian Tribes. For ten points, identify this British exponent of Structural Functionalism, who collected lots of his field observations and theories in The Andaman Islanders.;;(Alfred) Radcliffe-Brown Religion/Mythology;;A historical record indicates that an oracle of this deity demanded that the land of Japan be turned over to Takamimusuhi. Most of this deity's temples are located in Yamashiro and Ise. An alternative the normal creation myth about this deity states that he came into being from the white copper mirror held in his father's right hand. One story about this deity claimed that he defeated the god of rice in a battle, killing Ukemochi and causing his sister to kick him out of her house. A more common myth about this god's creation stated that he was born from the washing of Izanagi's right eye. For ten points, identify this kami associated with the moon, who was the brother of Susanoo and Amaterasu.;;Tsukuyomi Computer Science;;This person’s smoothing procedure was designed to predict the probability that an object belongs to an unknown species given some past observations; its result is a frequency distribution named for Good and this thinker. This scientist invented a unit called a ban to describe the results of his Banburismus procedure, which was later made obsolete by his and Welchman’s design of "Bombes". One procedure named for this scientist was the subject of attack by the Blockhead, which Block claims can induce type I error; a more fundamental attack on the same criterion is John Searle’s Chinese room experiment. For ten points, name this computer scientist who defined as intelligent any system that can fool an interrogator into thinking that it is human in his namesake test.;;(Alan) (Mathison) Turing Literature;;The beginning of this novel features a tree called the "Future Sign", from which the narrator of this novel is given two pieces of fruit by his brother. After the narrator of this novel has his head and neck transformed into an enormous size, he’s placed at a crossroads and worshipped as a god. The tenth town that the narrator of this town visits has established Christianity, while if the narrator agrees to spend ten years licking the sores of a creature with television hands, she agrees to show him the way home. A character described as "Smelling" is the ruler of the seventh town the narrator visits in the title place, while the Super Lady is his wife and rules another. After returning from the title place of this novel, he’s sold into slavery, but shortly reinstated, and this novel begins with a slave raid in the real world of the narrator. For ten points, identify this novel about a hallucinogenic trip through a land populated by the undead, which was written by Amos Tutuola.;;My Life in the Bush of Ghosts World History;;The Circumcellions formed a militant branch of the adherents of this belief, which began their persecution. Majorinus, After this set of beliefs were re-adopted by their holders, a story held that dogs that were fed the Eucharist became infuriated and attacked their masters. After the defeat of Firmus, a holder of these beliefs, Valentinian passed a series of laws against them. The adherents of this belief were fond of shouting "Laudes Deo".Maximianus, and twice Primian served as bishops that promoted this set of beliefs, and the controversy over them was sparked by Felix of Aptunga's ordination of Mensurius's successor, Caecilianus, as bishop of Carthage. For ten points, identify this heresy which was named for a Berber and which held that sacraments administered by an impure priest were invalid.;;Donatism World History;;Recent archaeological work on the site of this battle has been stopped because of the construction of a military base on its site. One army during this conflict was pursued to Hamath and defeated there, while a different army was forced to set up its headquarters at Haran. Josiah attempted to delay one force before this battle, but was defeated and slain by an arrow, and that force was also later delayed at Riblah. This battle caused one of its parties to cease to exist entirely, and Necho II led one side of this battle, while the other was commanded by Nebuchadrezzar II. For ten points, identify this 605 BC battle which saw the Babylonians soundly defeat the Assyrians and Egytpians.;;(Battle of) Charchemish Art;;This man painted several children surrounding a man in white playing a guitar in his work Gilles and His Family. This painter depicted several couples together outside under a statue of a Venus and Cupid in his work The Festival of Love, while he contrasted two styles in his paintings The French Comedy and The Italian Comedy. This painter of Two Cousins also depicted a man in a colorful suit holding his hands near his head while burying his head in the chest of a delighted woman in a large yellow dress in his painting Do You Want to Have Success With Women? This artist notably depicted a group of people on a hill overlooking a river, some traveling toward and some traveling away from the viewer. For ten points, identify this painter of Embarkation for Cythera, a French Rococo painter.;;(Jean) (Antoine) Watteau Economics;;In one of this economist’s works, he notes that long term economics are all impractical because in the long term we are all dead, and in that same work, he posits an early form of the Quantity Theory of Money. In addition to Tract on Monetary Reform, he later wrote a series of three articles on war finance entitled How To Pay For the War. One of this economist’s books contains chapters such as "The Conference", "The Treaty", and "Reparation", and discusses the economic implications of the Treaty of Versailles. That work is The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Other effects associated with this economist are the liquidity trap and multiplier effect. His most famous work argued for a governmental budget deficit and a government sponsored program of full employment to combat economic recession. For ten points, identify this member of the Bloomsbury school, an economist who wrote General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.;;(John) (Maynard) Keynes United States History;;Although a tariff five years before this event reduced rates to twenty per cent, a tariff passed five years after this event raised them to thirty per cent and soothed the problems. Speculation around the construction of roads and other amenities may have led to this event, which was sometimes pinned on Levi Woodbury, who was in the Cabinet at the time. A similar event in Great Britain caused their investments to be withdrawn from American banks, exacerbating this event, while pet banks are an oft-cited cause of this event. Silas Wright, a representative of New York, introduced an act which contributed to this event and which established subtreasuries that accepted only gold and silver. For ten points, identify this economic crisis which was a result of the Specie Circular and which happened under the administration of Martin Van Buren.;;Panic of 1837 Music;;This piece’s third movement is in a rondo form, and ends with a tarantella. The first movement of this piece transitions from major to minor, and is a Presto with a notably difficult piano part which matches the solo instrument. Although this piece was originally dedicated to George Bridgetower, it received its new name from the performer it was rededicated to. The last movement of this piece is in 6/8 time and is described as exuberant, while it ends in A major. The second movement of this sonata is notably long because it states a theme and then moves through five distinct variations, transitioning into F in the process. This piece of music inspired and titled a novella by Leo Tolstoy. For ten points, identify this extremely long violin sonata, the Opus 47 of Ludwig von Beethoven.;;Violin Sonata No(.) 9 (in A Major)(,) Kreutzer|Kreutzer|Violin Sonata No(.) 9 Noncomputational Math;;These objects are named for Riemann in the case of a Goursat problem. Spuriously regarding terms of a dependent variable as inhomogeneous allows these maps to be used in iterative approximation schemes, as in the Born approximation, because they are the kernels of integral representations of solutions to inhomogeneous problems. Finding the representation of these on complete bases is easy as the completeness theorem for a basis can be used directly to write the inhomogeneous term in their defining equation; that’s because operation on one of these by its corresponding operator returns a Dirac delta function. Solving for one of these in general requires the use of identities derived from the divergence theorem that share these functions’ namesake. For ten points, name these functions used to solve inhomogeneous boundary-value problems, which are named for a British mathematician.;;Green('s) (functions) Literature;;One of this man’s poems begins "What beck'ning ghost, along the moonlight shade/Invites my steps, and points to yonder glade"? In addition to "Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady", He attacked Atticus, Bufo, and Sporus in an epistolary work entitled Letter to Dr. Arbuthnot. "?I n one of this man’s poems, one title character says I"n seas of flame my plunging soul is drowned,/ While altars blaze, and angels tremble round" referring to the other title character, who is named Abelard. In one of this man’s essays, he asserted that "Tis not enough no harshness gives offence,/ The sound must seem an echo to the sense". In addition to writing that Essay on Criticism, Colly Cibber is pilloried as the King of Dunces in a long poem entitled The Dunciad. This man wrote a mock-epic poem about Lord Petre’s severing of a piece of Arabella’s hair. For ten points, identify this author of The Rape of the Lock.;;(Alexander) Pope Psychology;;This man published the results of a technique he developed in Reference Scale and Placement of Items with the Own Categories Technique , and he also wrote a book in which he claimed that societal mores were extremely mutable in Norm Change over Subject Generations as a Function of Arbitrariness of Prescribed Norms. Some of this man’s early texts include The Psychology of Social Norms and The Psychology of Ego-Involvements. One of this man’s experiments validated a theory that stated that inner group conflict, negative prejudices, and stereotypes result from actual competition between groups for desired resources. That experiment required cooperation to watch Treasure Island, and posed The Eagles and The Rattlers against each other and observed their destructive behavior. For ten points, identify this psychologist, who came up with Rational Conflict Theory and conducted the Robber’s Cave Experiment, a Turk.;;(Muzafer) Sherif Art;;This artist depicted several disapproving men standing over a frowning, bald painter in one of his works, which also depicts a smiling black woman in a blue dress. He depicted himself with a markedly cleft chin in a self-portrait which shows a wind vane in the background in front of several indistinct fields. This artist of Return from Bohemia also depicted three elderly women, one with a cup of tea, in front of a print of Washington Crossing the Delaware, a painting entitled Daughters of the Revolution. This artist showed several buildings in front of idealized hills in his paiting Stone City, Iowa, but may be better known for a work which depicts two dour people in front of the namesake window, one of which is holding a pitchfork and one of which is his sister. For ten points, identify this painter of American Gothic, an American Regionalist.;;(Grant) (DeVolson) Wood Literature;;This author wrote a poetry collection which is divided into "Wutong," "Neem," and "Live-Oak," based on influence, and contains poems like "All you who Sleep Tonight" and "The Humble Administrator’s Garden". This author of the non-fiction work Two Lives also wrote a verse novel about a town in which he lives, entitled Golden Gate. This author wrote a work in which Piers, Helen, and Billy are supporting cast members of a string quartet, which also contains the violinist Michael Holme, who loves the concert pianist Julia. This novelist more famous wrote a work, set in Brahmpur, in which the Mehras, Kapoors, Khans, and Chatterjis are competing for the hand of the daughter of the central character. For ten points, identify this author who wrote A Suitable Boy and who was born in Calcutta.;;(Vikram) Seth World History;;One person who advocated this idea was thrown in jail in Nuremberg, and Hans Delbruck prevented the entry of a prospective member. A topic of discussion at the Convention of Gastein, this idea was popularized by the author of The National System of Political Economy, Friedrich List, and a rival organization was created in the Steuerver until its absorption through a series of treaties in 1834. First implemented by Prussia, which created a North German version of it, this organization created a uniform tariff against all non-members, and later absorbed Alsace-Lorraine in 1872 and the Hanseatic Cities in 1888. For ten points, identify this German economic organization which excluded Austria and knocked down internal trade barriers, whose name comes from the German for "customs union".;;Zollverein Music;;In the second act of this opera, a character sets a character free by singing the aria "Prendi, per me sei libero". One character in this opera sings "Udite, udite, o rustici" in the second act to gather together the peasants of the town, while Belcore sings "Come Paride vezzoso" to draw an unflattering comparison to another character. Another character in this opera sings the aria "Un furtiva lacrima" and earlier sings "Quanto è bella, quanto è cara". This opera opens with one character reading the story of Tristan and Iseult in aria form to her workers. ". Dr . Dulcamara is a purveyor of wine in this opera, which wine causes Nemorino to become convinced that he can win her. For ten points, identify this opera about trying to get Adrino to drink the title concoction, a work by Gaetano Donizetti.;;(The) Elixir of Love|L'Elisir d'Amore Physics;;The width of states for systems exhibiting this behavior generally varies with parity because the spin-splitting and cyclotron energies are generally unequal. The sharpness of transitions in systems displaying this phenomenon depends on the width of Laudau states because this phenomenon can be understood as increasing numbers of Landau states being filled as they sweep through the Fermi energy. One major use of this effect is to measure a unit equal in cgs units to Planck’s constant over the electron charge squared, which is the inverse of the base conductivity this effect displays and which is named for the discoverer of this effect, Klaus von Klitzing. For ten points, name this effect in which in which current flows perpendicular to an applied magnetic field in a cold conductor, which displays discrete levels of electrical resistance.;;(the) (integer) quantum Hall (effect) Chemistry;;Elucidation of the function of these reagents is the reason the Cossee-Arlman mechanism was postulated. Their performance is limited by the limited number of defects that prevent the formation of the octahedral coordination complexes that usually form on their surfaces. An important technique when using these substances is "tuning," in which a semi-poison allows selective initiation of the beta-hydride elimination at a given mass; that can be done as the reactions these compounds are meant to cause are often terminated by competing beta-hydride eliminations. These reduce the activation energy for creation of syndiotactic or isotactic polypropylene and polyacetylene because they are used to create stereoregular chains of alpha-olefins. They are titanium based and function by organo-aluminum complexes. For ten points, name these important catalysts used to polymerize one-alkenes.;;Ziegler-Natta (catalysts) World History;;Dogen and Eisi established differing schools of Buddhism during this period of time. The Shikken received power in this period, and regional governments were established at Tokuso and Rensho. Hojo Yoshitogi and Go-Toba clashed in a civil war called the Jokyu War, and problems occurred during this period with a Mongol invasion of Japan, although the Japanese were successful in repulsing it. This period of time ended when Ashikaga turned on the ruling family and assisted Go-Dai-Go in his attempt to break his exile and reclaim the throne of the Southern Court. For ten points, identify this period of Japanese history which was begun by Minamoto Yoritomo, which preceded the Kemmu Restoration and the Ashikaga Period and succeeded the Heian.;;Kamakura (Shogunate) Religion/Myhtology;;This being created the Milky Way to distract his daughter from getting married to a cowherd. This being passed through 3,200 hundred test, each of which took 3 million years, and before obtaining divinity, this being was the prince of a mortal kingdom of Heavenly Ornaments. This being spent a billion years contemplating his Holy Navel, and spent a period of time as the Apprentice of the highest of the Three Pure Ones. This man rules over a kingdom which includes the ruler of Reincarnations, and assigned an enemy of his to clean out his stables and tend his peach trees, although that enemy stole his peaches. This divine being was notable for summoning twelve animals to race to him, which he eventually made the Zodiac. For ten points, identify this divine ruler of the Chinese religion, who borrow the name of a holy stone.;;(The) Jade Emperor|Yu Huang|Yu Di|Tien Kung Biology;;This structures namesake cells contain 5-HT acetyltransferase and 5-hydroxyindole-O-methyltranferase, which are used to convert serotonin into another product. This structure’s cells are easily identified by the unique presence of the synaptic ribbon and are present in lobules along with astrocytes.  In some non-mammalian vertebrates, this gland produces the phototransducive melanopsin, lending credence to the theory that he cells of this structure are related to those in the retina. Though the mechanism is unclear, calcification and fluoridation of this structure takes place with age and markedly reduces this gland’s ability to synthesize melatonin. For ten points, identify this pine-cone shaped endocrine gland.;;Pineal gland|epiphysis Literature;;In one of this author’s novels, Alissa denies herself all physical pleasure and attempts to marry her cousin Jerome off to her sister, which ultimately fails. He also wrote a novel in which Anthime Armand- Dubois is a pharmacist who converts to Catholocism and in which the title character is the half-brother of conventional novelist Julius de Baraglioul. This author of Straight is the Gate and Lafcadio’s Adventures also wrote a Socratic-esque dialogue in defense of homosexuality entitled Corydon. Other works by this author include one in which Eduoard has an affair with his neighbor Oliver after saving him from a suicide attempt and in which Strouvilhou is the title character. This author also wrote about Menalque, who encourages Michel to have sex with an Arab boy. For ten points, identify this author of The Counterfeiters and The Immoralist.;;(Andre) Gide Miscellaneous;;After the singer of this song walks to the door, he falls to the floor and gets down on his knees, while some of the action in this song takes place while dancing all night under electric candlelight. This song was a single from an album on which its title character was posed against Powerman and the Moneygoround. After the action of this song occurs, the singer notes that it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world. At the place where this song takes place, one can drink champagne that tastes just like coca cola, and at the end of this song, the singer notes that "I know what I am and I’m glad I’m a man", while so is the title character of this song. For ten points, identify this song in which the singer meets the title character at a club in old Soho and which was written by the Kinks about a transvestite.;;Lola Geography;;Almost ninety miles of its coastline is known as the Shell Beach while the Macushi, Wapishana and Wai Wai ethnic groups live in its south. This nation contains the Acarai and Kanuku mountain ranges while the peaks of Ayanganna and Roraima lie in its Pacaraima range. The largest cities of this nation include Anna Regina, Port Mourant and Linden while its Potaro River forms the Kaieteur Falls. The Courantyne River forms the eastern border of this nation, whose largest rivers include the Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo. For 10 points, identify this South American nation with capital at Georgetown whose inhabitants speak English.;;(Cooperative) (Republic of) Guyana United States History;;John D’Emilio wrote a book about the lead-up to this event, which was also chronicled by Martin Duberman.D.I. Pine was in charge of the response to this event, which involved a police unit forming a wedge down Christopher Street. Folk singer Dave Ronk was injured during this event, which involved the police sending the TPF to save officers trapped inside the location at the center of this event, which had been set on fire with lighter fluid. This event began the formation of the GLF, and at the beginning of the violence, several participants threw coins at the policemen in a parody of the earlier pay off system. For ten points, identify this riot in Greenwich Village, which marked the beginning of the gay liberation movement in America and which is named after a bar where it took place.;;Stonewall (riots) Literature;;This poem is the third entry in the "Children of Adam" series. This poem describes a swimmer seen through "transparent green-shine" who "bends to and fro with the water", and who is naked. The narrator of this poem expresses his love for "the bent head, the curv’d neck, and the counting" and his joy, which he "swims in" at the presence of other people. Another section of this poem describes a father of five sons who was over eighty and who all loved with personal love. The narrator also notes that you would want to sit in a boat with him, that you and he might touch each other. This poem famously concludes with a catalog of the narrator’s body parts, and exclaims that they are not the parts and poems of the title object, but of the soul. For ten points, identify this celebration of the human form, a poem by Walt Whitman.;;I Sing the Body Electric Religion/Mythology;;According to some myths, these characters invented certain letters, including alpha and beta. According to one account, these mythological characters transformed Ampelos into a vine at his death, while they were also said to have carried Hyakinthos to heaven, and Tyche is sometimes identified as one of these characters. These characters were distracted by Galinthias in one of their tasks, which they undertook alongside Eileithyia and were assigned by Hera. These mythological characters were present at the birth of Meleager, while in another story, these characters touched a cradle, causing misfortune. These characters were said to be the daughters of either Themis or Nyx. For ten points, identify this trinity of deities composed of Clothos, Atropos, and Lachesis, which measured, spun, and cut the threads of life.;;(The) (Moirae|Parsae|Fates){1}? World History;;This man’s wife had a public affair with noted poet Lord Byron, and served as Secretary for Ireland under Lord Canning’s government. Legislation passed during this man’s tenure include a severe reduction in the Poor Laws and he attempted to block passage of the ultimately successful Reform Act of 1832. This MP from Leominster also served as Home Secretary under the Grey administration. This politician was preceded by the Earl Grey in one of his posts, which he occupied under William IV. He himself had an affair with Caroline Norton, and attempted to resign after the so-called Bedchamber Crisis. For ten points, identify this Prime Minister who served before Sir Robert Peel under Victoria, for whom the second largest city in Australia is named.;;(William) (Lamb)(,) (Lord) Melbourne Music;;This man composed a cantata for a soprano friend of his called Phaedra, and shortly before, had written a piece for classical guitar entitled Nocturnal after John Dowland. This composer of the ballet The Prince of the Pagodas frequently utilized ideas from Japanese Noh music. This composer created a notable Missa Brevis, and one of this man’s best known works was completed for the dedication of Coventry Chapel. This person’s best known orchestral work takes its theme from Abeledzar, lending it its subtitle Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell, and introduces each section of the orchestra one by one for didactic purposes. For ten points, identify this Britich composer of War Reqiuem and A Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra.;;(Benjamin) Britten Literature;;In this play, Weinhold is fired after expressing sympathy with some other characters, and later, Luise joins a group of people who are entering Dittrich’s house. The Pastor Kittelhaus attempts to talk down a group of angry people, but fails, and soldiers are similarly unable to calm down the mob. A basket weaver named Ansorge owns a house in which the Baumert’s stay, and they are visted by a man who reads the newspapers and contends that their outlook is bleak. The manufacturer Dreisseger owns the workplace for most of the characters in this play, and they are organized by the young solider Jaeger and the impudent giant Becker. For ten points, identify this play about the plight of the title Silesian workers, a work by Gerhart Hauptmann.;;(The) Weavers|Die Weber Biology;;Its namesake synthase kinase-3 can be inhibited by insulin that has been modified by protein kinase-B. In the brain, the presence of this in astrocytes possibly functions to supply lactate to neighboring cells. The endergonic synthesis of this is accomplished with energy from UTP and a namesake protein which triggers the synthase to begin. The breakdown of this polymer requires cleavage of branched ends with 4-alpha-D-glucanotransferase and results in glucose-6-phosphate molecules. For ten points, identify this polymer of glycosidically linked glucose molecules, an analogue of starch.;;Glycogen World History;;One account of this battle by a monk of St. Denis notes that one side was unable to use their crossbowmen because of the narrowness of the field. Ysembart was able to seize the personal treasures of one commander of this battle, which led to the other side’s prisoners being massacred en masse. Michael de la Pole and Edward of Norwich died at this battle. This battle, fought near Tramecourt, featured a notable use of longbows protected by palings on the English side and was fought on a recently plowed and therefore incredibly muddy field. For ten points, identify this defeat for the French under Charles d’Albret which was prominently featured in Henry V, a battle of the Hundred Year’s War fought on St. Crispin’s Day, 1415.;;(Battle of) Agincourt Religion/Mythology;;In the Mishnah, this character was said to have worked as a barber for twenty two years and also to have put an idolatrous image on his garments so that anyone who bowed to him must also bow to the image. This son of Hammedatha the Agagite chose the month of Adar for one of his schemes, while the Eunuch Harbona fixed the method of his death. This man and his ten sons were hung from gallows that he had had constructed for a different purpose, and this husband of Zeresh was aided by her in that plan. Cookies named for this man are eaten on the Jewish holiday of Purim, of which he is the chief villain because of his anger at Mordechai. For ten points, identify this adviser under Ahasureus, who was opposed by Esther in his plan to kill all the Jews.;;Haman Literature;;A character in this novel returns from World War I addicted to heroin, and is therefore burned to death. The character who burns him is later placed in the Sunnydale Home for the Elderly, causing townspeople to think her granddaughter is bewitched. One character in this novel carries a bell and a noose through own and tells people that it is their only opportunity to kill themselves, initiating National Suicide Day. That character is Shadrack, who fought in World War I with Plum. One family in this novel has three adopted sons all named Dewey, and the husband BoyBoy deserts Eva. Two important characters in this novel share the secret of the death of Chicken Little, and are the daughters of Helene Wright and Hannah Peace. For ten points, identify this novel about the best friend of Nel Wright, a book by Toni Morrison.;;Sula Miscellaneous;;Taylor Kitsch is planning to portray this character in an upcoming movie. In an early adventure by this character, he is employed by the New Son with his friend Jacob, while in another storyline, this character resists the seduction of his student Foxx. This character’s body is surrounded by a field which prevents other mutants from reading his mind, and at one point, that ability evolved until no powers that required contact with his skin were functional. Bishop suspects this character of being a traitor to the X-Men in one storyline, and before working for the Brood, this character worked for the Thieve’s Guild in New Orleans. For ten points, identify this character, an X-Man with an on-again, off-again romance with Rogue who can manipulate kinetic energy in objects, normally playing cards.;;Gambit|Remi (LeBeau)|(Remi) LeBeau Geography;;The Fatala, Konkoure and Kolente rivers begin in this nation, as does the Moa, which reaches the sea at the town of Sulima in a bordering country. The Loma, Kpelle and Kisi people live in this nation, which has its extremes at Cape Verga and the Kaloum Peninsula. This nation contains the Kakoulima Massif while Mount Loura is the highest of its Tamgue Massif. With its highest point at Mont Nimba, the cities of Kankan, Kindia and Labe are among this nation’s longest while its Fouta Djallon is the source of the Gambia, Senegal and Niger rivers. For 10 points, name this West African nation with capital at Conakry, as opposed to the similarly named nation with capital at Bissau.;;(Republic of) Guinea United States History;;Former US Senator and dueling hopeful Zell Miller has called for the repeal of this amendment. This amendment was endorsed by William Randolph Hearst, who hired David Phillips to write muckraking articles in its support. Utah and Florida never ratified this amendment, although Connecticut cast the deciding vote in its favor. Earlier, John Stockton’s contested election had led to an 1866 law that preceded this amendment, which modifies Article I, Section III of the constitution. Joseph Bristow offered the resolution that led to this amendment, which allows a governor to appoint a senator if a vacancy is created. For ten points, identify this Constitutional amendment passed in 1919, which provided for Senators to be elected by direct voting.;;Seventeenth (Amendment) Physics;;The three first-order energies probed by this technique are the shift in atomic electrostatic energy due to nuclear excitation, the level split to interactions between the nuclear quadrupole and crystal field, and the level split due to magnetized nuclear excited states: those are respectively the isomer shift, electric quadrupole split, and nuclear Zeeman effect. This probing method usually uses narrow-lined cobalt-57 as its source though, at high temperatures, calculations of the source energy for this technique must be shifted by a second-order Doppler shift. The fraction of source emissions suitable for this probe is given by the Debye-Waller factor since this technique combines the Doppler effect with its namesake recoil-free emission of photons, an effect that is itself named for the German who discovered it in iridium. For ten points, name this form of spectroscopy.;;M(ö|o){1}?ssbauer (spectroscopy) Religion/Mythology;;This god had large cattle heards at Erytheia, which were attended to by Menoetius. The goddess Makaria is the daughter of this God, and she oversees the transport of people to her namesake islands, while Aeschylus claims that this god was also the father of Zagreus, although he's more usually attributed to Zeus. This god was the lover of the nymphs Mintho and Leuce. This father of the Erinyes possessed a helmet of invisibility. This god was the fourth to be swallowed by Cronus after his birth, and he's more famous for riding a carriage with four black horses to abduct his wife, causing winter to occur. For ten points, identify this abductor of Persephone, the elder brother of Poseidon and Zeus who ruled over the dead.;;Hades Chemistry;;The ratio of this quantity to its zeroth-order analogue is given by the product over n of e to the quantity nth virial coefficient of compressibility over n times the nth power of that analogue, close quantity. One lemma governing this quantity states that, all else equal, this quantity for a component of an ideal solution is equal to this quantity for a pure species in the same physical state; that is the rule of Randall and Lewis. This quantity is equal to the exponential of the standard molar partial Gibbs function over the kinetic temperature times the standard pressure and is therefore equal to the pressure for an ideal gas, but it can be used in the role of pressure for any gas. For ten points, identify this chemical property, which measures the tendency of a gas to expand or escape.;;(the) fugacity;;f|z World History;;Children of this monarch included Catherine, who married John III of Portugal, Elizabeth, who married Christian II of Denmark and Mary, who married Louis II of Hungary while power was given to this ruler’s spouse by a meeting at Villafafila. This monarch reigned during the Revolt of the Comuneros, and refused to sign a condemnation of that act by the Bishop of Mallorca. The Ladies' Peace of Cambrai was negotiated on behalf of this monarch to marry her daughter, Eleanor. This monarch refused to let the Archbishop Cisernos set up a regency council, but was unsuccessful. This monarch allowed her son to co-rule with her due to her impairment, and after her husband died, she refused to part with his embalmed body. For ten points, identify this wife of Phillip the Handsome, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, and mother of Charles V, who may have suffered from schizophrenia.;;Juana (the Mad|of Castile)|Joanna (the Mad|of Castile);;Phillip (the Handsome) Literature;;In one of this writer’s short stories, Bamjee’s wife has nine children and manages to be a political activist, while in another story, Miriam Saiyetovitz is the daughter of a Jewish general store owner. In addition to "A Chip of Glass Ruby" and "The Defeated," this author wrote a novel in which the lives of Helen Shaw and Joel Aron are contrasted against Paul’s. This author of A World of Strangers and The Lying Days also wrote a novel in which Mehring has to spend New Year’s Eve alone on his farm, while Jacobus asks black workers to make a coffin. This author further wrote a novel about Rosa, whose father Lionel doesn’t want her to leave South Africa, and one in which the title servant helps Maureen Smalless leave. For ten points, identify this author of The Conservationist, The Burger’s Daughter, and July’s People.;;(Nadine) Gordimer Psychology;;This man contributed several chapters to later editions of The Interpretation of Dreams, including "Dreams and Poetry", while he later wrote a work that examines the relationship between mental science and spiritualism, Psychology and the Soul. This writer collected his last lectures in A Psychology of Difference, and broke with his group over his concept of a Pre-Oedipal complex, which caused Sigmund Freud to distance himself. One of this man’s best known works claims that most stories of mythology derive from basically the same psychoanalytic causes, while another discusses his impotant work on separation anxiety extremely early in life. For ten points, identify this psychologist, who wrote The Myth of the Birth of the Hero and The Trauma of Birth.;;(Otto) Rank Sociology;;This book posits that society has experienced pathologies and individuals have experienced a loss of both freedom and meaning because of the colonization effects of advanced capitalisim. Another important assertion of this book is that because the philosophical paradigm is broken, one must strive for consensual validity, rather than universal truth. One key concept in this work refers to the consensus a society reaches rationally on the three levels of assertion, justification, and authority. Its title concept refers to agency conducted with free exchange of beliefs and intentions under the absence of domination. Published in two parts, Lifeworld and System: A Critique of Functionalist Reason and Reason and the Rationalization of Society, for ten points, identify this best known work of Jurgen Habermas.;;(The) Theory of Communicative Action |Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns Art;;A scuffed and whited out version of this artist’s most famous work hangs at the Museum of Modern Art. This artist portrayed a background of primary diagonal line behind a collection of dripping paintbrushes in a can of the namesake coffee in a work entitled Savarin. He portrayed a bullseye in black and gold in his painting Target, while he served as the purported subject of the painting Alley-Oop. He created a depiction of the United states in red, yellow, and blue in his work Map, while his other works include Seasons, False Start, and White Flag. This artist may be the best known for depicting several stars and thirteen red and white stripes on a piece of plywood. For ten points, identify this creator of Flag, an abstract expressionist artist who was the lover of Robert Rauschenberg.;;(Jasper) Johns Literature;;Non-fiction by this author include Tatterdemalion and Another Sheaf. He collected his short stories in a volume called Caravan, and used the surname Sinjohn to write A Man of Devon. In one of his novels, Mrs. Hughs does household chores for Cecelia, the wife of Stephen Dallison, while in another, the youthful Mark Lennan is rejected by an older woman and told to find someone his own age. In addition to Fraternity and The Dark Flower, this author wrote The Burning Spear and Flowering Wilderness. In his most famous work, this author wrote about Michael and Fleur Mont’s struggles to rise in the world, while the children of Irene and Soames marry in later volumes in the same series. For ten points, identify this author, who published two series of volumes about the Forsyte clan.;;(John) Galsworthy World History;;This event was preceded by the actions of a committee led by a relative of the promulgator named Sydney, which led to the passage of a namesake act designed to quell sedition, while one participant in this event lamented that his machine guns were mounted on cars. Another commission dealing with this event was the Hunter Comission. Michael O’Dwyer retroactively condoned this event, which was investigated at the insistence of Edwin Montagu. Pundham Singh assassinated O’Dwyer in vengeance for this event. This event occurred on the Baisakhi holidy, and one side in this event participated using the Beluchi and Gurkha regiments. For ten points, identify this event that occurred in the Jallianwala Bagh gardens in the northern part of its namesake city, in which Reginald Dwyer ordered the death of around 400 Indian citizens.;;Amritsar (Massacre);;Jallianwala Bagh (Massacre) Astronomy;;Turbulence-induced viscosity is dominant in an underdetermined model of these entities named alpha and due to Shakura and Sunyaev. Momentum advection in these systems may be partly explained by the magnetorotational instability, since most of them violate the magneto-Rayleigh criterion; magnetized examples of these objects can also experience magnetic reconnection, which can lead to jet formation by the Blandford-Znajek process. A semi-classical model of these structures combines Kramers’ law with the law of hydrostatic equilibrium for a rotating system. Some of these associated with Herbig stars are described as protoplanetary, while all of them redistribute angular momentum, causing material inward toward their central bodies. For ten points, identify these astronomical objects, which form when material coalesces around and begins falling into a gravitational object like a black hole.;;accretion disk(s);;disk(s) Music;;The first movement of this piece utilizes three basic melodic ideas, including the bold opening horn call, the folksy tune heard later on flutes and clarinets, and a happy melody on the solo flute. That movement is ghostily reprised in the third movement, which makes use of a traditional wind band sound from the composer’s native country. The second movement of this piece was originally intended to be rearranged into a longer work which would have utilized the text of The Song of Hiawatha, and like the other movements of this piece, it utilizes Native American music extensively. It also features an extremely famous English horn solo to open after a tympani roll. For ten points, identify this last symphony by Anton Dvorak which was written about America.;;Symphony no. 9 in E Minor(,) For the New World|New World Symphony;;New World Noncomputational Math;;Braun’s conjecture regards this person’s namesake problem, which is to establish the uniqueness of multiplication of integers. This thinker’s namesake transformation of z is given by z minus a all over one minus a-bar z and all conformal self-maps of the unit disc are a form of it. Dividing a Dirichlet series by a zeta function effects this mathematician’s transform, which is inverted using the generating function of one over the zeta function for his function; applying that function to the Euler function yields the divisor function, while applying it to an integer m yields minus one to the m if m is the product of n distinct primes and yields zero otherwise. Figures discovered by him include a pair of mutually inscribed tetrahedra and a non-orientable surface having only has one side when embedded in three-space. For ten points, identify mathematician best known for his aforementioned namesake strip.;;(August) (Ferdinand) M(ö|o){1}?bius World History;;This civilization used a system of local government administered by obirempon . In an alliance with the Ga people, this civilization fought against the Fante, Akwapim and Akim. Joseph Dupuis was the first British Consul for the region under this civilization’s control, and this civilization came to prominence under the leadership of Oti Akenten, who defeated the Denkiyra. General Woolsley famously fought against this civilization, and in 1900, this people had a notable uprising. Osei Tutu was the first leader of the confederation that became this people, and a relic holy to this people fell out of the sky into his lap. For ten points, identify this empire which venerated the Golden Stool and which had a center at Kumasi.;;(The) Ashanti Literature;;A conflict in this play arises over the gift of a sapphire bracelet, which occurs after characters spend time playing cribbage and crocheting. Two servants in this play enjoy speculating about the contents of mail, and their names are Anise and Joseph. The matriarch in this play accuses her son of being late for nine o’clock breakfast, and perhaps being unable to meet Bodo, Babette, and Joshua’s parents. A character named Teck threatens to leave for California, likes to visit the German embassy, and his wife Marthe is being courted by David, but later, he demands ten thousand dollars of hush money. Tech is later beaten by Kurt Muller, who is married to Sara and whose arrival is anticipated at the start of this play. For ten points, identify this play about Fanny Farrelly, written about the Nazi threat by Lillian Hellman.;;Watch on the Rhine Religion/Mythology;;One of this figure's children was the lover of Etain, which got his wife Faumnach angry, causing her to attempt revenge on him. Another of this figure's children either married or was raped by Gearoid Iarla and was the Goddess of love and the sun. This father of Midir and Aine died at the battle of Magh Tuiredh, and allowed was tricked when Aengus was instructed to ask his father if he could live in the Brú for a day and a night. This god had an affair with Boenn and possessed two magical pigs, in addition to his harp Daurdabla. This god also possessed a club that could kill nine men at once and a never-empty cauldron. For ten points, identify this god slain by Cethlenn, who took over as ruler of the Tuatha da Danaan after Nuada was slain.;;(The) Dagda Music;;The revision of the earliest composed part of this piece adds both a baritone and a tympani, but only in that specific movement, and that revision has been praised by John Rutter. This piece notably calls for a cantor baritone, and originally used neither brass nor woodwind. The text to this work notably omits a reference to the faithful departed, leaving only "the departed", while he also omits one verse completely. Utilizing clarinets only in its Pie Jesu movement, this piece calls for expanded percussion in its last movement, In Paradisum. The Kyrie movement of this piece is the only movement that utilizes Greek, while the rest use originalLatin. For ten points, identify this musical setting of the Catholic Mass for the Dead, which was written by Gabriel Fauré.;;Requiem United States History;;The participants in this event burned an effigy of a man who had slashed their wages, who responded by building a twelve foot high fence with rifle holes and barbed wire. Alexander Berkman attempted to assassinate one of the participants, which also saw William McCleary asked Philander Knox to intervene in this event. Henry C. Frick was the general manager of the factory at the center of this event, which was owned by Andrew Carnegie. The Pinkerton Detective Agency exchanged gunfire with the participants of this event, who were subdued by the state militia. For ten points, identify this strike by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, which took place at steel mill in a certain Pennsylvania town.;;Homestead (Strike) Chemistry;;The first intermediate in this reaction is in the form of successive of resonance hybrids, the second of which has its central carbon deprotonated to re-form the moiety that previously attacked an amino hydrogen and the first of which sees a double-migration form an N-N double bond and break an N-C double bond. The first neutral intermediate in this reaction is a compound in which a central carbon is single-bonded to two functional groups and double-bonded to a nitrogen single-bonded to an amine; it’s thus a hydrazone. If the product of this reaction is desired from base-susceptible reactants, one can employ its acid analogue, the Clemmensen reduction. Because this reaction requires the highly dangerous heating of hydrazine, a non-volatile-solvent modification of it named for Huang and Minlon is highly preferable. For ten points, identify this reaction, the basic reduction of a ketone or aldehyde to an alkane.;;(the) Wolff-Kishner (reduction) Art;;One of the title figures of this painting has intimate detail on the two brooches that secure his garment at the shoulders, which are depicted next to the jeweled sash that crosses his chest from left to right. That tabard is worn over a white garment with scenes painted on its sleeves, and although the background of this painting is insdistinct, three or four bricks are set out from the wall on the left. The illumination from the left side of this painting highlights the title character’s hand on the head of a statue which depicts a bearded blind man. For ten points, identify this portrait of a philosopher with his hand on the head of the author of The Iliad, a work by Rembrandt van Rijn.;;Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer Literature;;The speaker of this poem asserts that "As from thy presence showers a rain of melody/Like a poet hidden/In the light of thought". In one stanza, the title of this poem is compared to a rose embowr’d, while immediately previously, it is compared to a glow-worm golden in a dell of dew". When one personage in this poem speaks, "The moon rains out her beams, and heaven is overflow'd", and it’s earlier compared to a "star of heaven/In the broad daylight". The narrator of this poem asks "Teach me half the gladness/That thy brain must know". The title creature of this poem is compared to a cloud of fire, and at the start of the poem, the narrator addresses it by saying "Hail to thee, blithe spirit!" For ten points, identify this ode by Percy Bysshe Shelley.;;To a Skylark Physics;;This effect explains pressure broadening of spectral lines by changed particles, which is its namesake broadening. This effect’s namesake spectroscopy is used to determine molecular rotational constants and is more effective at probing low-J transitions. A harmonic analogue of this effect is known as the Autler-Townes effect and can be induced by lasers. The explanation of this effect by the Schrödinger equation was the first successful application of first-order perturbation theory to quantum mechanics; it may be explained semi-classically as a field polarizing an atom, then interacting with the resulting electric dipole. For ten points, identify this effect in which spectral lines are split by a strong electric field.;;(the) (first-order|1st order) Stark (effect) Geography;;One of this city’s central districts contains a plan by Ildefons Cerda which created octagonal blocks, and also contains the Casa Terrades, which was built by Puig y Cadafalch. That city is the protected Eixample district, and like Mexico City, this city contains a rather phallic blue and red glass building called the Torre Agbar. This city contains a building with a checkered façade called the Casa Vicens, but more notable may be this city’s Park Guell, which was designed by a Spanish architect. That archtitect also notably designed a building that is still in the process of construction, but will contain 18 towers when it is finished. For ten points, identify this city which contains many buildings designed by Antonio Gaudi, including the Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia.;;Barcelona(,) (Spain|Espa(n|ñ){1}?a) Literature;;In one of this man’s short stories, Mrs. Horiguchi refuses further treatment at a hospital to benefit her Kabuki actor husband, while in another, Inouye fetches a bronze figurine to distract the narrator from a pornographic pictures seller. This author of "Retreating Figures" and "The Day Before" also wrote "Despicable Bastard", and a novel in which Takamoria and Tomoe are the penpals of Gaston Bonaparte, who arrives in Japan on a third rate steamship. This author of Wonderful Fool and While I Whistle may be better known for a novel about a priest named Father Velasco, who is escorted by Rokuemon Hasekura from Mexico to Rome. This author’s best known novel is about a Portugese missionary who’s expelled from Japan during the Edo period. For ten points, identify this author of The Samurai and Silence.;;Endo (Shusaku)|(Paul) Endo Geography;;The cities of San Ubaldo, El Morrito and La Virgen lie on its shores while the Mancarron, San Fernando and La Venada are the largest islands of one of its archipelagos. The Mombacho volcano lies on its shore, while the Tistian Isthmus connects its volcanoes of Concepcion and Maderas. Bordered to the west by the Rivas Isthmus, this body of water is fed by the Tipitapa and San Juan rivers. Containing the Solentiname archipelago as well as the Zapatera and Ometepe islands, the city of Granada is the largest on its shores. For 10 points, name this freshwater lake in Central America whose name comes from the nation with its capital at Managua.;;(Lake|Lago) (Nicaragua|Cocibolca|Granada)|Mar Dulce|Gran Lago World History;;This man wrote poetry like the poem "On the Decline of the Church". This man was taken into custody along with Fra Domenico da Pescia and Fra Silvestro, and this man wrote the meditations Tristitia obsedit me and Infelix Ego. This man believed that King Charles VIII of France would prove to be an agent of the Last Days. One of this man’s first acts as leader was to make sodomy a capital offense, and while this man was giving a speech on Acension Day, citizens of his city rioted. Picco della Mirandola requested that this man return to Florence, which he did, and he ran the Church of San Marco. For ten points, identify this Dominican Friar, an enemy of Alexander VI who enjoyed burning books and art in events like his Bonfire of the Vanities.;;Girolamo Savonarola Economics;;Heinrich von Thune based his theory of land value on this concept in his treatise The Isolated State, in which he illustrated it utilizing a series of concentric circles termed his "rings". This concept also underlies Hotelling’s rule, which gives a function for obtaining maximum rent while utilizing all of one’s capital. This concept is the reason that a firm's short-run marginal cost curves will slope upward as the number of units of output increases, and in addition to explaining why the PPF is convex, it was key to Ricardo’s understanding of rent. For ten points, identify this concept which states that the yields of production gradually decrease as production increases.;;(Law of) Diminishing Marginal Returns|(Law of) Variable Proportions Literature;;This author collected his short stories in works like Western Septet and Let Us Follow Him. In one of this author’s novel, the daughter of Jurand is kidnapped and is the rival of Jagienka for the love of Zbyszko. Michael Wolodyjowski refuses to flee and dies in the city of Kamieniec at the end of one of another of this author’s novels. In addition to The Knights of the Cross and Pan Michael, this author wrote a novel about Stefan Czarniecki entitled The Deluge. Jan Skrzetuski falls in love with the orphaned princess Helena in one of this author’s historic novels, while in another, Nero sets Rome on fire and blames the Christians, later causing St. Peter to ask Jesus the titular question on the Appian Way. For ten points, identify this author of a trilogy that began with With Fire and Sword and of the historical novel Quo Vaids, a Pole.;;(Henryk) Sienkiewicz Miscellaneous;;Bob Dylan’s version of "All Along the Watchtower" is featured in this movie, which also features a scene in which a character notes that he’s tired of all this Lawrence Welk shit during his dinner. One character in this movie enjoys Reanimator, A cut storyline from this movie involved one character’s lover being lost in the Vietnam War, which would have explained his reticence to talk to the gay neighbors that greet him when he moves into the neighborhood. The protagonist of this movie trades in his Camry for a Mustang after getting genetically enhanced weed from a film-obsessed character played by Wes Bentley who considers his most beautiful footage to be a plastic bag dancing in the wind. For ten points, identify this movie in which Anette Benning and Kevin Spacey play Lester and Carolyn Burnham, which is named for a type of rose.;;American Beauty Biology;;This molecule’s Glu-461 serves as a general acid, while in E.Coli, Glu-537 serves as the nucleophile for a substitution reaction. An autosomal recessive disease resulting in dwarfism can result from a deficiency of this in humans and is called type B Morquio syndrome. Substrates for this enzyme include a glycosphingolipid that can accumulate and cause Tay-Sachs, ganglioside GM1, and induction of this protein’s synthesis can be achieved via treatment with IPTG. This functionality of this enzyme is dependent on the association of Z alpha and Z omega subunits, and disruption of one of those can be used to perform the trademark blue/white screening assay to test for recombinant clones. For ten points, identify this hydrolase enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of a certain polysaccharide into monosaccharides.;;beta-galactosidase United States History;;This man punished Hiram Pauling for landing troops in Nicaragua by removing him from his command and later attempted to repatriate William Walker. Along with Duncan McArthur, this man signed the Treaty of Fort Meigs, and this supporter of the filibusters served as the Ambassador to France until 1842, and in a more famous position, he worked on the Indian Removal Policy as Andrew Jackson’s secretary of war. This man succeeded William Hull to become the second governor of his home territory, and later served as the Secretary of State for James Buchanan. In his most famous election, this man was the running mate of William Orlando Butler. For ten points, identify this Michigan Senator who lost the 1848 Presidential election to Zachary Taylor.;;(Lewis) Cass Philosophy;;In one of this man’s early works, he praised the subtitular "Genius of Lucretius" in his The Philosophy of Poetry. This author of the essays "The Meaning of War" and "The Evolution of German Imperialism" also wrote about relativity in Duration and Simultaneity with Reference to Einstein’s Theory. In one of this philosopher’s works, he contends that intuition is superior to analysis because it is innate, and he derided the application of the scientific method to the humanities. In addition to Introduction to Metaphysics, this philosopher wrote The Creative Mind and a treatise on the meaning of the comic, entitled Laughter. This philosopher may be the most famous for a work in which he praised a certain force for its ability to inspire artistic works. For ten points, identify this philosopher who wrote about elan vital in Creative Evolution.;;(Henri-Louis) Bergson Literature;;This man wrote the novel Morning Winter and Night, in addition to a poetry collection addressed to You Who Have Dreams. This man wrote a play about an McClean, is a freshman congressman who hates Washington and who is entangled in graft involving his fiance’s father in Both Your Houses, as well as one about Van Van Dorn, who is determined not to sell the titular mountain peak, High Tor. In another play, Mio Romagna attempts to prove his father Bartolmeo’s innocence, an adaptation of the Sacco and Venzetti trials. In addition to Winterset, this playwright collaborated with Laurence Stallings on an exposition of the disillusionment of World War II soliders. For ten points, identify this author of What Price of Glory?, an American.;;(Maxwell) Anderson|(John) (Nairne) Michaelson Political Science;;This man collaborated with King and Verba to write a book which claimed that qualitative and quantitative research share a common logic of inductance, Designing Social Inquiry. This man collected his essays in the publication International Institutions and State Power, while other works that this man wrote include Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition. Those ideas were revisited in this most recent work, Power and Interdependence in a Partially Globalized World. This man prognosticated about the state of politics after the current system in one work, claiming that greater cooperation will be possible through the use of international institutions. For ten points, identify this International Relations scholar, who wrote After Hegemony and along with Joseph Nye is considered the foremost exponent of the Neo-Liberal school.;;(Robert) Keohane Biology;;One pathway to synthesize this involves the condensation of anthranilate with phosphoribosylpyrophosphate. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 regulates the cytokine dependent catabolism of this molecule in dendritic cells, and consumption of large amounts of this chemical may result in eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. Its namesake synthase exhibits substrate channeling by passing the intermediate through a tunnel before it reacts with serine. Deficiencies of a certain neurotransmitter can be caused by fructose malabsorbtion in the intestines as it lowers the level of this amino acid in the blood. That neurotransmitter, serotonin, is synthesized from this amino acid as are melatonin and niacin. For ten points, identify this amino acid with an indole functional group.;;tryptophan Music;;This work quotes the composer's earlier aria "A kiss on the back of the hand", and may have received its name from a piano transcription by Peter Solomon. Notably without an introduction, this piece begins by a series of 16th notes that transition into a G, G-sharp, A motif that figures prominently throughout the piece. Those notes are accompanied by chords which the entire orchestra plays. The last movement of this four-movement piece is comprised of a fugue that incorporates all the major themes of the piece, which is preceded by a sonata. Comprised of an allegro, an andante, a menuetto, and a Molto Allegro, for ten points, identify this C major symphony which was the last composition of its type by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, named for a Roman god.;;Symphony No. 41 in C(,) Jupiter|Jupiter (Symphony)|Symphony No(.) 41 Literature;;While one character is extolling the virtues of yogurt, one character in this play says that "A conscientious doctor must die with his patient if they can't get well together" to which another notes that only the Royal Navy is honest in England. Two characters in this play discuss the death of Bobby Watson, and they note that his wife was also named Bobby Watson. One character in this play, who had extinguished another character's "first fires" recites a boring poem entitled "The Fire". That character is the maid, and she recites the poem after the Fire Chief arrives looking to extinguish a fire that had been announced three days previously. This play ends with the Martins replacing the Smiths and repeating their exact lines. For ten points, identify this Eugene Ionesco play about an unseen character whose hairdo never changes.;;(The) Bald Soprano|(La) Cantratrice Chaude World History;;Feldzeugmeister Ferenc Graf Gyulai erred in this battle by not moving quickly enough to destroy one force before their allies arrived. Another commander in this battle stationed his troops around Voghera and Pontecurone, and Count Stadion was able to push his opponents back past the cavalry at Casteggio . Philip Kearny won the Legion of Honor at this battle, becoming the first American to do so. This battle, which took place just south of Lake Galda, resulted in the Armistice of Villafranca shortly thereafter, which gave one party the Lombardy, but refused it Venetia. Victor Emmanuel commanded one force here, which was allied with one under Napoleon III, and which fought against one under Franz Joseph. For ten points, identify this victory of the Franco-Sicilian alliance over Austria, which ended the Second War of Italian Independence.;;(Battle of) Solferino Religion/Mythology;;Part of this religion includes the denial of the tanzih, which can lead to shirk, and this religion draws an important distinction between zahir and batin. Baha' ad-Din as-Samuki closed this religion to outsiders in 1026, and this religion flourished in the southern Levant after a feudal ruler of this religion took over. The Juhhal of this religion are not permitted to learn the secret teachings, which the Uqqal may learn, and those teachings include the Anagoge, or light of God. This religion, which was revealed by Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad, uses a five colored star to represent its five ministers. For ten points, identify this off-shoot of Islam which is heavily influenced by Greek philosophy and Gnosticism.;;Druze(s) United States History;;Governor Francis Head denied responsibility for this event and for the events at Fort Schlosser. After this event, Benjamin Lett murdered a loyalist involved in the violence, and retaliation for this event saw the Sir Robert Peel burned. Amos Dufee was killed in conjunction with this event, which was ordered by Allan McNab and Andrew Drew. The object at the center of this even was en route to Navy Island, where a Republic of Canada had been set up by William MacKenzie. General Winfield Scott was sent to quell hostility on the American border after this event, but the tensions surrounding this event were not alleviated until the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. For ten points, identify this event which nearly brought the US to war with Britain, in which a certain boat filled with arms was set on fire and sent over Niagara Falls.;;(The) Caroline (Affair) Physics;;These ensembles do not exhibit an energy gap according to the Hugenholtz–Pines theorem, so the Hartree free particle does not correspond to a physically valid one although, like the bright and dark solitons, the Hartree free particle satisfies the Gross-Piatevskii equation, which governs these systems. These systems form when internal degrees of freedom decouple from reaction coordinates, a phenomenon known as Feshbach resonance, which leads to the formation of Tonks-Girardeau gasses in two-dimensional systems. The formation of one of these phases can be understood as the collapse of integer-spin particles into a single ground state. For ten points, name this form of matter first observed in laser-cooled rubidium.;;B(ose)-E(instein) c(ondensate(s))|(interacting) Bose gas(ses)  Miscellaneous;;One vignette from this work finds a man asserting "Stuff I got should kill ya!" to which another replies "That's raw!" A vision sees "Little Jack Horner / Sitting on the corner / With no shoes and clothes". The narrator addresses several verses to an unknown second person, claiming "all the while, I think of you" of his "Vision-dreams of passion". This song's structure of chorus, then six verses of call and response, then four solo verses is broken when a section juxtaposing the jail time for "A street kid" and "A businessman" is followed by a rap about the reactions of "Atheletes," "governors," "Gangsters, thugs, and smugglers" to the titular substance. Choral sections in this song are punctuated with the word "Freebase!" For ten points, name this rap about cocaine somewhat spuriously attributed to Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.;;White Lines (Don't Do It) Literature;;The protagonist of this novel knocks out a man at a country dance, and gets beat up by a man and a woman who are traveling to Memphis. Near the end of this novel, a man named Byron Birch falls in love with the mother of another character's baby, and is repulsed when he tries to sleep with her. The farmer McEachern attempts to raise the protagonist of this novel, but abuses him. One woman in this novel attempts to convert the protagonist and later fails to kill him because her pistol is antiquated, and her name is Joanna Burden. Joe Brown works with the protagonist at a sawmill and tries to pin the blame for a murder on him, while another character has a vision of a wheel and offers him shelter. For ten points, identify this novel about Gail Hightower and Joe Christmas, a novel by William Faulkner.;;Light in August Geography;;This waterway winds around the Choke Mountains before flowing through the Gezira Plain while its source is on Mount Gishe. Among its tributaries are the Dinder and Rahad rivers and the flow of this river is stopped by the Roseires and Sennar dams. Pedro Paez was the first European to find its source, although John Bermudez first described its Tis Issat Falls. Known as the Abbai in its country of origin, this river has its source near Lake Tana. For 10 points, name this river which begins in Ethiopia before joining with the "White" branch in Khartoum to form the longest river in the world.;;Blue Nile|an-Nil al-Azraq;;Abbai World History;;A separate attack at Dalny was arranged to occur simultaneously with this event, while one side of this event alleged that Sidney Reilly had given their defense plans to the other side. Two ships on one side of this battle were lost due to collision with each other, but the Pallada was quickly destroyed by a lucky torpedo strike. The Mikasa was the flagship for one side during this battle, and it was fired upon by the Boyarin during the second morning of this conflict. Oskar Stark commanded one side in this battle, which was fought against forces commanded by Heihachiro Togo. For ten points, identify this battle which began the Russo-Japanese war, in which the Russian were surprise shelled by the Japanese.;;(Battle of) Port Arthur Chemistry;;A cyclobutane containing this functional group is yielded after adipic acid reacts in the Franchimont reaction. Hydrolysis of trichloromethyl aryl ketimines produces an aromatic compound of this functional group in Houben-Fischer synthesis. Von Braun degradation produces compounds with this functional group, compounds that can also be produced from diazonium in the Sandmeyer reaction. Acidic hydrolysis of compounds with this function group produces carboxylic acids, while neutral hydrolysis produces ammonium salts of carboxylic acids. The tendency of this functional group to evolve a certain noxious gas leads to its alternative name of cyano. For ten points, identify this functional group, which consists of a carbon triple-bonded to a nitrogen.;;nitrile;;cyano|cyanide|C (triple-bond) N|N (triple-bond) C Art;;One figure in this painting is based on the Borghese Gladiator, while the left background of this painting shows several tall white buildings behind the masts of various ships with furled sails. One person in this painting is holding a rope, which trails over the side of a boat and floats in the water. A black man with a yellow scarf is looking on in horror at the action of this painting, while three women in white shirts are comforting each other. A bald man is holding two white-shirted children over the edge of a boat in this painting, while on the right, a blue-coated man is stabbing downward with a spear towards the title animal. For ten points, identify this painting which shows the attempted rescue of a frightened youth in a Havana harbor from a violent animal, which is a work of John Copley.;;Watson and the Shark Literature;;A notable scene in this novel involves a traditional firefly hunt, and that scene is preceded by another one at a cherry blossom viewing. One character in this novel is proud of her role as the mistress of the junior house in Ashiya. A harrowing flood begins the second part of this novel, which involves one character having recurring nightmares about her former suitor Itakura. That same character looks like a fallen woman due to premature aging, and is named Taeko. Another character in this novel has a blemish over her left eye, which leads to her having trouble attracting suitors. That character's name is Yukiko, and a proposal for her marriage opens this novel. Those two characters are related to Tsuruko and Sachiko, and those four women are the title group of this novel. For ten points, identify this novel by Junichiro Tanizaki.;;(The) Makioka Sisters Earth Science;;Alternate ideas that explain the major observation that these entities were hypothesized to explain include the theory of delamination, while evidence that argues for them includes helium abundance ratios in MORB's. The Luther-Whitehead model of these predicts abrupt widening near their tops, which may explain the Siberian Traps and resulting flood basalts. Models of the formation of these focus on the D-double-prime layer, which may be made of suducted lithosphere. The Hawaii'an-Emperor chain was used as evidence to support the theory behind these objects, which was stated by Morgan and Wilson. For ten points, identify these geological objects and which are pockets of abnormally hot rock under the crust and which were hypothesized to explain hot spots.;;mantle plume(s);;plume(s) World History;;One court case dealing with this treaty, R v Symonds, found that it was still binding on the signatories. The second article of this document grants one nation exclusive control over Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties of the other signatory power, while the term rangatiratanga has caused interpretational problems for this treaty. Eruera Maihi Patuone was important in supporting the other side in this treaty, but was opposed by Te Kemara, while Governor Hobson was dispatched from Britain to sign this treaty for the other side. For ten points, identify this treaty between the British monarchy and various representatives of Maori tribesmen, which established New Zealand.;;(Treaty of) Waitangi Philosophy;;The third book of this work asks the question of how men are to know direct objectifications, which are irrelevant up close because in the particular, this book claims that the universe is indirect. That book also claims that the denial of one important concept of this work allows a contemplator to examine an object and receive aesthetic pleasure. The last book of this work claims that one must rise above individuation to triumph over the world. The second book of this work claims that knowledge exists to serve one of its title concepts. One concept outlined in this book requires science, logic, morality, and metaphysics to be valid, and reduces the twelve Kantian criteria to a single Principle of Sufficient reason. For ten points, identify this eastern-influenced and best known work by Arthur Schopenhauer.;;(The) World as Will and (Idea|Representation){1}? Literature;;One character in this play is disguised as a French musician and uses that to kill two characters with a bouquet of poisoned flowers. Another character is tricked into knocking down and already-strangled man, which causes him to be falsely blamed for his death.. Don Lodowick and Don Mathias are tricked into marrying the title character's daughter, and the prostitute Bellamira convinces Ithamore to extort money from another character. The title character of this play allows the Turks into the city, but turns around and sells it back to the conquered people The title character of this play is the father of Abigail and fakes his death by drinking poppy and cold mandrake juice, but later falls through a floor into a cauldron of boiling oil. For ten points, identify this play about Barabas, a work by Christopher Marlowe.;;(The) Jew of Malta Religion/Mythology;;In one mythos, Queen Signy was said to have lost a mead-brewing contest after applying to this deity for help. This deity was met in a cave by Hyndla, who accuses her of being false, to which this deity replies that Hyndla is dull. This deity possesses the boar Hildisvini, which she sometimes rides. This deity was said to have created the system of Seid, and owns a cloak made out of falcon feathers that allow her to change into a bird. This deity was the owner of the famous Brisingamen necklace, and rides in a chariot drawn by cats. This ruler of Folkvangr received half of the slain after their death along with Odin. For ten points, identify this blonde-haired goddess of beauty and love in Norse mythology.;;Freya Art;;A pink flamingo under a full moon is to the left of the title character in one of this man's paintings, which shows a naked woman playing a flute while a snake crawls out of a tree. In addition to The Snake Charmer, this man portrayed himself with a gigantic moustache in Self-Portrait with Lamp and showed a hawk-nosed naked woman on a couch in the middle of a jungle with huge birds in The Dream. This artist of Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) painted two white birds on branches over dark animals in The Merry Jesters, but may be better known for a painting in which a wooden guitar lies on a sand dune under the full moon while a lion nuzzles the title person of another painting. For ten points, identify this Fauvist who painted a tired black woman in his work The Sleeping Gypsy.;;H(enri) (Julien) (Felix) Rousseau;;Rousseau Art;;This man created a film about a man who lived on top of a tower for thirty six years, an adaptation of the St. Simon story, that he renamed Simon of the Desert. Another of his films begins at a dinner party at the house of Edmundo Nobile and his wife, Lucia, and is entitled The Exterminating Angel. Two men dream of shooting the pope in his La Voie Lactee, and this man also directed Nazarin and Viridiana. This director of The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de La Cruz also directed a film based on 120 Days of Sodom, which the Duc de Blangis rapes a young girl and emerges from a room without his beard. This man may be the most well-known for collaborating with an artist to create a film in which an eye is cut, named for a Spanish animal. For ten points, identify this director of The Age of Gold and An Andalusian Dog.;;(Luis) Bu(ñ|n){1}?uel Economics;;This man utilized the calculus of variations and the method of Lagrangian multipliers to discuss utilitarian philosophy in one of his works, while in another, he examined what he termed to be "The Hedonical Calculus". This author of New and Old Systems of Ethics was vindicated by Hotelling, who agreed with this man's assertion that increased taxation can in some cases decrease a good's price. This man criticized Jevons by noting that repeat bargaining usually results in a final indeterminacy of contract, which this man resolved with his concept of a final range of settlements. This man's conjecture states that the more agents in an economy, the less indeterminacy exists, and his most famous inventions are curves in which a consumer has no preference for one good over another. For ten points, identify this writer of Mathematical Psychics, whose indifference curves can be arranged into his namesake box.;;(Francis) (Ysidro) Edgeworth Literature;;A tailor named Nugent is forced to come and get a suit he sold on credit to a character in this play. The characters in this play drink whiskey and have a party after Mrs. Madigan arrives, which occurs shortly after two characters arrive with a new gramophone. Jerry Devine rushes in with the news that Father Farrell has found a job for a character in this play, who promptly disregards it. One man in this play thinks that he sees the ghost of Robbie Tancred praying to the Virgin, and at the end of the play, two Irregulars arrive and drag Johnny away, after which Joxer and Jack Boyle, who is the title creature of this play, declare how much they love Ireland. For ten points, identify this play about Jack's wife, a work by Sean O'Casey.;;Juno and the Paycock Physics;;This person is the first namesake of a theory that uses increasing numbers of available Fourier modes to explain the onset of the Kolmogorov cascade and that has a second namesake in Hopf. One theory due to this scientist alone posits that a system's free energy is always analytic in an order parameter and invariant under the system's Hamiltonian's symmetry group and this physicist is second namesake of a second theory that applies the previously mentioned theory to predict a current proportional to the electron charge over twice the effective mass. This physicist likewise names the point where the QCD coupling constant becomes infinite. For ten points, name this physicist who discovered a namesake quantum electrodynamical pole in addition to his aforementioned theory of second-order phase transitions and theory of superconductivity with Ginzberg.;;(Lev) (Davidovich) Landau World History;;One account of this man's baptism suggested that he defecated in the font, causing doomful prophecy to surround his birth. Wulfstan II was notable for promulgating copious legislation under this man's rule, and this man was also notable for drastically improving the quality of the coin used. This man's second wife was Emma of Normandy, while his first wife Ælfgifu bore him six sons. This man had continual problems with Danish invaders under Sweyn I, and Canute the Great was proclaimed King of England during this man's rule, although he forced him out shortly thereafter. This man took the throne after the murder of his half-brother Edgar. This man's sons include Edmund Ironside and Aethelstan. For ten points, identify this 10th century English king, notable for getting terrible advice from his Witan.;;Aethelred (II|the Second|the Unr(ea|ae){1}?dy|the Ill-Advised){1}? Miscellaneous;;Although the author of this book claims that it is not urgent, this book advocates for the abolishment of families, while this book also argues that the most important social institution is self-respect. The second principle of the title concept of this book is that power and wealth are to be distributed equally except where inequalities would work for the advantage of all, and where all would have equal opportunity to attain the higher positions. This book was expanded upon in the an article which equated the title concept of this book with fairness. Another important concept in this book is the idea of the original position, in which people would be unaware of their position in society because of a veil of ignorance. For ten points, identify this book by the author of Political Liberalism, John Rawls.;;(A) Theory of Justice United States History;;This organization used the slogan "Black is not a vice, nor is segregation a virtue". Marion Barry and Julian Bond were members of this organization, which was first organized at Shaw University in Raleigh. This organization created the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which ran candidates in Freedom Elections which challenged winners at the state convention. Goodman, Cheney, and Schwerner were members of this group who were famously murdered, and this organization, along with CORE, coordinated the Freedom Summer and the Freedom Rides movements. For ten points, identify this organization chaired by John Lewis and later Stokely Carmichael.;;S(tudent) N(on-Violent) C(oordinating) C(ommittee) Religion/Mythology;;In one section of this book, a poem describes a figure that may be Zerubbabel or Jehoiachin as an agent of justice on earth, while a different poem describes a pre-natal calling. The fourth poem in that section is comprised of Yahweh's announcement of that servant's duties on Earth, and those four poems are collectively called the Songs of the Suffering Servant. The middle part of this book describes the deliverance from the Babylonians under Cyrus, and is known as the Book of Comfort. Previous chapters in this book describe the triumph of King Hezekiah and the Judgment against Judah, before a middle section, which describes the coming of a man who will make Jerusalem a holy city, the Messiah. For ten points, identify this major book of prophecy in the Old Testament, which is preceded by Song of Songs and followed by Jeremiah.;;(The) (Book of) Isaiah Literature;;In one of this man's novellas, Father Vuyadin Porubovich loses his grip on his sanity after his wife dies. In another, Sayid Ali Jelaludin Pasha is a new adviser who lets his pet lose in the market, frightening the townspeople. In addition to Anika's Times and The Vizier's Elephant, this author wrote a novel about Jean Daville, who is the French consul who works alongside the Turkish and Austrian consuls. This author wrote a novel about Raika Radakovich, who is nicknamed Miss and works as an extremely miserly moneylender. In addition to Bosnian Chronicle and The Woman From Sarajevo, this author wrote a novel in which Abidaga supervises the construction of the title structure, which is in the town of Visegrad. For ten points, identify this author of The Bridge on the Drina, a Bosnian writer.;;(Ivo) Andric Noncomputational Math;;This statement follows directly from considering the powers of a second-order characteristic function, then applying the Lévy continuity theorem. A theorem intimately related to this one uses the modulus of a normalized multi-fold convolution as a term in the bound of a third central moment; that theorem due to Berry and Esséen can be said to bound deviation from the result that this theorem guarantees. Conditions under which this statement holds are due to Feller and Lévy, Lindeberg, Gnedenko, Kolmogorov, and Lyapunov, who first relaxed its assumptions to independence and finite zeroth through second moments; previous versions of this theorem had additionally required identical distribution of the underlying variates. For ten points, identify this theorem that states that the distribution of a sample of independent random variables approaches a normal distribution with sample size.;;(the) central limit (theorem) Literature;;This man has written several essays about the necessity of art, which include Return to Painting and The Case for Literature. This man wrote about the journal of an ecologist to a rural land to thnk about time in one of his plays, while his first play prominently features the title sound. In addition to Wild Man and Signal Alarm, this writer wrote the plays Dark City and Shelter the Rain. This man collected some novellas in the collection "Such a pigeon with red lips", while The Temple, In the Park, and The Accident appear in his short story collection A Fishing Rod for My Grandfather. This author of the play Bus Stop wrote a famous novel in which the narrator refers to himself both as he and she and after being misdiagnosed, goes to rural China to discover the title place of spiritual fulfillment. For ten points, identify this Chinese expatriate author of Soul Mountain.;;Gao (Xingjian) Biology;;Precision mapping of CpG island methylation via this technique can be used to determine the state of an isolated chromatin sample. Exon and intron location is mapped using the RT-version of this, which includes a step using reverse transcriptase to generate a cDNA before the annealing step. The thermal denaturation step is eliminated in the helicase-dependent variety, and the extension step involves raising the temperature to ensure optimal Taq enzyme activity. The "tail" variant of this uses a nested pair of primers with different annealing temperatures, and non-specific background interference is reduced in its "touchdown" variety. For ten points, identify this technique involving in-vitro enzymatic amplification of DNA.;;P(olymerase) C(hain) R(eaction) Art;;This painting was referenced in Gary Tinterow's Picture for Woman, which preserves two figures from this painting and utilizes lightbulbs to give the appearance of depth. A purple and a yellow flower are in a vase in front of the central figure of this painting, and a pair of green boots drop from the upper left hand corenr of this painting, presumably belonging to a trapeze artist. A legible label for a bottle of Bass Pale Ale sits on the counter at the foreground of this painting, and a gentleman in a top hat with a brown moustache is visible to the viewer over the shoulder of a blonde haired woman in a black dress with a disinterested expression, who is at the center of this painting. For ten points, identify this painting of a drinking establishment in Paris, which was painted by Edouard Manet.;;Bar at the Folies-Bergere United States History;;After this conflict, the Brayon people were separated along a newly defined border. John Fairfield authorized the arrest that began this conflict, which saw the construction of Fort Fairfield and Fort Kent. Jean Michaud chronicled this conflict, which saw the death of Hiram Smith from unknown causes. The residents of the Madawaska Repulic were involved in this war, especially Sophie Rice and John Baker, who were arrested. Winfield Scott intervened in this conflict, causing the garrison at Hancock Barracks not to leave their compound. For ten points, identify this conflict over lumber between the United States and Canada that was ended with the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, which was fought in 1838-39 and named for a Maine river.;;Aroostook (War) Literature;;Steven Root portrays a wealthy man in this movie, and the man that he hires is a former colonel who served in Vietnam. One character remarks to his girlfriend that if she doesn't stop asking him questions, he's going to have sex with her, to which she reacts skeptically. In an earlier scene in this film, one character lectures another on how cows are killed, while another scene features a character forcing a shopkeeper to choose heads or tails, on which his life depends. Some key information is revealed in Odessa, which causes Mexican gangsters to realize where their drug deal might take place, and Carson Wells and Llewelyn Moss are both killed in the course of this film. For ten points, identify this recent Oscar-winning adaptation of a Cormac McCarthy novel, in which Javier Bardem portrays murderer Anton Chigurh.;;No Country for Old Men World History;;This ruler was repulsed by the Wallachians under Mircea at the battle of Rovine, and he was the husband of Hafsa and Devlet. This father of Ertugrul and Musa Celebi was successful against a crusade launched against him by John Paleologus which culminated in his victory at Nicopolis and successful siege of Constantinople. This man ascended to the throne after the Battle of Kosovo, where his father died, and this ruler is notable for being captured by Tamerlane at the battle of Ankara, which he lost. For ten points, identify this son of a Greek woman and Murad I, who was nicknamed "Thunderbolt".;;Bayezid (I|the First){1}?;;Bayezid the Thunderbolt Geography;;With its highest point at Kirkeberget, this city contains the Toyen, Saint Hanshaugen and Vigeland parks as well as Malmoya Island and Maridalsvannet Lake. This city includes Royken, Nesodden and Baerum in its metro area while its largest suburb is Groruddalen. Containing the Akershus Fortress and the Storting, this city was made the capital by Haakon V to replace Trondheim. Much larger than the cities of Tromso, Stavanger and Bergen, for 10 points, identify this city once named Christiana, the capital of Norway.;;Oslo;;Christiana Literature;;Two characters in this play are amused when they view a diorama of a Mormon pioneer family, and a character named Belize insist that they say the Kaddish. One character in this play sees a vision of the dead clasping hands and protecting the earth while on a plane to San Francisco, a plane that Mr. Lies had arranged for her. The ghost of Ethel Rosenberg appears in one character's dreams and enjoys his suffering. That character must decide whether to ask the President to help him get AZT, and is an unscrupulous Mormon lawyer named Roy Cohn. Louis leaves the protagonist of this play for him, causing Prior Walker to be hurt. For ten points, identify this play about AIDS by Tony Kushner.;;Angels in America Music;;This composer rarely wrote for the piano, but his compositions for that instrument include a pair of nocturnes titled Separation and Regret. This composer of the Valse Fantasie also created a pair of pieces inspired by Spain, the Jota Aragonesa and Summer Night in Madrid. This man also collected some folk songs from his native land and created the symphonic poem Karmarinskaya. Italian influence can be seen in the arias "O, thou black night" and "O gentle autumn night", which appear in an opera in which Vanya and Antonida mourn the death of Ivan Susanin. For ten points, identify this Russian composer, who preceded The Five and wrote operas like Ruslan and Ludmila and A Life for the Tsar.;;(Mikhail) (Ivanovich) Glinka Chemistry;;This reaction is the basis for the Herzig-Meyer group determination, which is used on compounds lacking beta protons that cannot undergo this reaction. This reaction is generally prefixed with an alkylation of an amine by methyl iodide. Silver oxide is a common reagent for this reaction proper, which begins with the single replacement of a halide by a hydroxide to produce an intermediate that is split by heat. This reaction is dominated by steric factors and, therefore, its required beta-hydrogen loss is most likely to occur from the least-substituted position; although this reaction is intermolecular, that rule governing all reactions with cyclic transition states is named for this reaction and stands in contrast to a similar rule governing E2 reactions and named for Zaytsev. For ten points, name this reaction in which a quaternary amine is converted to a tertiary amine by being made to kick out an alkene.;;(the) Hoffman (elimination|degradation){1}?;;Hofmann (reaction) Literature;;This novel begins with an old man coming to a stop at a traffic light and refusing to begin again, causing a passerby to drive the man home. A dog in this novel licks the tears from a woman's face, which earns it the nickname "dog of tears". While some characters are stuck in a hospital, a gang led by a man with a gun forces them to pay for food, and forces the women to submit to rape, although a doctor's wife stabs them with scissors and sets fire to their barracks, allowing her to lead the patients to her home. One character is afflicted with the titular condition while having sex for money in a hotel room. For ten points, identify this novel about the titular condition which renders people incapable of seeing, a novel by Jose Saramago.;;Blindness Biology;;The laboratory of one of this' namesakes is concerned with the study of evolution of asexuality among bdelloid rotifers. That namesake also has an eponymous "effect" describing independent divergent evolution of alleles in asexual organisms. This experiment involved the use of E.Coli DNA grown on a medium of  N15for several generations, then extracted and centrifuged. Cells with N15 were grown on a medium of 14N for one division then analyzed, which yielded a band of intermediate density between the N15 heavy and N14 standard bands. For ten points, identify this experiment that verified the semiconservative nature of DNA replication.;;Meselson-Stahl (experiment) Religion/Mythology;;One of these men told a parable which concerned butter melting on a shard of pottery and refused to disband the Saint-Soldiers. That man was the friend of Bhai Gonda, and another member of this group blessed Chaaju with his walking stick. Those men are Har Rai and Har Krishan, while a more notable member of this group was succeded by Lehna, who took the name Amar Das, and created the Gurumki script. An even more notable one of these succeeded Tegh Bahadur and founded the Khalsa, while the first of these composed the Baburdani and began the bhakti movement. The current one of these is Granth Sahib, who will hold this position for eternity. For ten points, identify this group of people, the first of which was Nanak Dev and the last earthly one of which was Gobind Singh.;;Guru (of) Sikh(ism);;Guru United States History;;This man defended the participants in the Christiana Riot, in addition to supporting the Morrill Tariff. A member of the Appropriations Committee, this man was succeed in his district by Henry Muhlenberg. This man preceded Justin Morrill as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. His iron works were destroyed by Robert E. Lee's troops, and this supporter of the Confiscation Act called for total war against the south and opposed the Crittenden Compromise. This man, who introduced the impeachment proceedings against Andrew Johnson, drafted the Reconstruction Act and the Fourteenth Amendment. For ten points, identify this member of the Radical Republicans, who was a representative from Pennsylvania.;;(Thaddeus) Stevens Art;;This painting, which depicts an event that took place in Capernum, also depicts four barren trees in front of a dark river, all of which is shown under an extremely dark sky with clouds. The mountains in the background of this painting continue to the foreground and seem to touch the house on the right side of this painting, which has an arched entryway. Located in the Brancacci chapel, a blue-shirted man with a halo is washing in the river on the left side of this painting, while in the middle, several men are talking, with Jesus and another man gesturing to something out of the scene of the painting on the left. For ten points, identify this painting which shows St. Peter and a tax collector on the right in front of the house exchanging the title object, which was painted by Masaccio.;;(The) Tribute Money Literature;;One character in this novel is reprimanded for her definition of "horse". The young man named James Harthouse attempts to test the virtue of one character in this novel, but Mrs. Sparsit is intent on watching her. Stephen Blackpool and Mrs. Pegler are suspected of robbing the Bank belonging to Mr. Bounderby, an industrialist friend of one character in this novel. One character in this novel runs a school in Coketown and insists that his students learn "facts, facts, facts", but his plans for his own children are messed up by the daughter of a circus clown named Sissy Jupe. For ten points, identify his novel about the Thomas and Louisa Gradgrind, a novel by Charles Dickens.;;Hard Times Music;;This composer's last published opus consisted of concerti musette, viela, recorder, flute, oboe or violin, and basso continuo. This composer of a notable Mandolin Concerto in C also wrote a set of violin concerti nicknamed The Extraordinary. This composer dedicated a work to Charles V, that work being his 12 violin concerti collected and nicknamed La Cetra. Four sacred works by this composer have recently been discovered in Dresden, while Fritz Kriesler improved this composer's popularity through his rediscovery. This composer's best known work is comprised of twelve movements, appeared in his set The Contest Between Harmony and Invention, and depicts actions like hunting with a horn and sitting by a fire with a plaintive violin. Nicknamed "the Red Priest", for ten points, identify this Baroque composer of the set of concerti grossi The Four Seasons.;;(Antonio) Vivaldi Biology;;A recent study involving one class of these organisms involved analysis of the 18s rDNA to determine synapomorphies between members of this phylum. That class, Tubellaria, generally exhibit ciliated epidermal tissue, and like other classes of this phylum is triploblastic and bilaterally symmetric. Members of this phylum are hermaphroditic, and some organisms of this phylum engage in penis fencing. Some classes of this largest phylum of aceolomates reproduce asexually, and may be cut in half to yield two organisms. For ten points, identify this phylum with members like flukes and tapeworms, often referred to as flatworms.;;Platyhelminthes|flatworms World History;;This man wrote a treatise on supernatural creatures entitled Demonologie and a treatise on government titled Basilikon Doron. This man was the victim of the Ruthven Raid and proposed the Great Contract between himself and Parliament, although it failed to gain support. This signatory of the Treaty of Berwick pursued the policy of the Spanish Match and had to deal with uncooperative leaders like John Pym in his continual conflicts with the Addled Parliament. During this man's reign, Guy Fawkes attempted the Gunpowder Plot, and this man married Anne of Denmark, although he may have preferred men like the Duke of Lennox and George Villiers. For ten points, identify this Stuart King, the only son of Mary Queen of Scots, whose name is given to a Bible that he authorized.;;James (I|the First){1}? (of England)|James (IV|the Fourth){1}? (of Scotland) Chemistry;;The generalized form of this quantity is defined as the functional derivative of the density functional with respect to the density. Replacing the energy in a Boltzmann factor with this quantity yields a corresponding Gibbs factor. This property is zero for a conservative system of phonons or other bosons. The quantity measured by this parameter for a system is measured by for a system's ground state by the Fermi energy; consequently, this quantity collapses to the Fermi energy at absolute zero. For ten points, name this property that is defined as the particle number partial derivative of a system's free energy and that can consequently be understood as the energy required to add one more particle to the system.;;(the) chemical potential;;mu Literature;;One character in this story is distinguished by wearing a flower in his lapel, and associates his home with "damp dish towels". He later stays at the Waldorf hotel, and reads a Pittsburgh paper which reveals that his father has paid off his debts and is coming to find him. The protagonist of this story is employed first as an usher at Carnegie Hall, and then is pulled out of school to work as a cash-boy. The title character of this story steals money from his employer and goes to New York for eight days to enjoy the theater and concerts, at the end of which he commits suicide. For ten points, identify this short story about the title aesthete, a work by Willa Cather.;;Paul's Case Religion/Mythology;;A historical record indicates that an oracle of this deity demanded that the land of Japan be turned over to Takamimusuhi. Most of this deity's temples are located in Yamashiro and Ise. An alternative the normal creation myth about this deity states that he came into being from the white copper mirror held in his father's right hand. One story about this deity claimed that he defeated the god of rice in a battle, killing Ukemochi and causing his sister to kick him out of her house. A more common myth about this god's creation stated that he was born from the washing of Izanagi's right eye. For ten points, identify this kami associated with the moon, who was the brother of Susanoo and Amaterasu.;;Tsukuyomi Physics;;The Voigt tensor notation was invented to describe twenty systems exhibiting this phenomenon and in that notation, this phenomenon is described with a six-by-three matrix since this effect is conventionally the change induced in a rank-one tensor by a rank -two tensor. Systems exhibiting this behavior possess dipole domains, which can be polled by a capacitor. Perovskite ceramics notably possess this property, which results from reversible processes and thus has an inverse form known as electrostriction. For ten points, identify this property of materials, the production of a potential difference by mechanical stress.;;piezoelectric(ity)|(the) piezoelectric (effect) Literature;;This character becomes incensed when someone parks a truck in his rose garden. As a child, his asthmatic father puts him to work watching a calf, which got lost and drowned. He has two children, Anand and Savi, and after screwing up a shop by employing a lawyer to collect overdue bills, this character moves to Port of Spain to become a journalist. This character's work as a sign painter brings him to Hanuman House. This character becomes permanently ill in the stomach after his apprenticeship to a pundit, and he is married to the woman Shama. For ten points, identify this man with a sixth finger who wants to escape the Tulsi clan by owning a house of his own, a titular character from a V.S. Naipaul novel.;;(Mister|Mr(.)) (Mohun) Biswas Miscellaneous;;One character in this movie wrote the book If Not Now. Shania Twain portrays herself in a cameo for an advertising shoot in this movie, in which other advertising shoots feature Naomi Watts portraying a woman named Dawn Campbell. A revelation in this movie occurs after one character's house is accidentally burned by the protagonist. Isabelle Huppert portrays Catherine Vauban in this movie, in which her nihilism is embraced by Tommy Corn, a down on his luck firefighter portrayed by Mark Wahlberg. This movie's title corporation is run by Jude Law's character Brad stand, and is protested against by Albert Markowski, portrayed by Jason Schwartzman. For ten points, identify this movie about an existential detective agency run by Bernard and Vivian Jaffe, who are played by Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin.;;I Heart Huckabees World History;;Eoin O'Duffy sent his Irish Blueshirts to aid one side in this conflict, while the insumisos resisted this conflict. The Battle of Teruel was an important turning point in this conflict, which also saw the fortification of the XYZ Line in the south of the territory of one combatant. Slightly before Bilbao fell in this conflict, General Mola was killed, and his side retaliated with the brutal taking of Santander. The other side on this conflict had its territory separated and tried to reconnect it with the Battle of the Ebro. One nation sent the Corpo Truppe Volontarie to aid one side in this conflict, while Germany sent its Condor Legion, which led to the bombing of a town in the Basque Country, Guernica. For ten points, identify this conflict between the Nationalist and the Royalists, which ended with the establishment of Francisco Franco as a dictator.;;(The) Spanish Civil (War)|(La) Guerra Civil (de Espana);;Civil War Miscellaneous;;This book cites Ferenczi's paper "Stages in the Development of the Sense of Reality" in order to support its point that the adult's ego-feeling must have developed gradually. This book also notes that in a state of love, people are prepared to disregard the boundary between ego and object, while in another section, it asserts that the believer in God can save himself some trouble if he admits that his belief is based on unconditional submission, an idea which is applied to the effects of society as well. This book argues that laws that prevent rape and murder, which are the fault of the first of the title concepts, produce the second because of inhibition of the expression of the individual id. For ten points, identify this psychological text by Sigmund Freud.;;Civilization and its Discontents Literature;;This poet expressed the sentiment "For I is an other" in a poem in which he called Baudelaire a true god and described all previous poetry as "rhymed prose". He also expressed his desire to escape to "savage black African society" in another poem. This poet of "The Seer Letter" and "Bad Blood" also wrote a poem in which a ship is released after its handlers are massacred by screaming natives in "The Drunken Boat". This poet, whose collection Illuminations was published without his knowledge, wrote a poem about a "Foolish Virgin" has trouble with an Infernal Spouse, and in another poem subtitled "Verbal Alchemy", this poet reflected on his attempt to transcend reality through invention of a new language. Those poems, Deilirias One and Two, are collected along with a poem that described black A's and white E's. For ten points, identify this poet of the sonnet "Vowels", which appeared in his collection A Season in Hell.;;(Arthur) Rimbaud Geography;;The Azopardo River and Almirantazgo Fjord are features of this, whose Alberto de Agostini National Park contains the islands of Gordon, Londonderry and Hoste. Separated from Staten Island by the Le Maire Strait, this entity is home to the Selknam, Haush and Alacaluf peoples while the Yamana language is widely spoken. A native of this region, Jemmy Button, was brought to England by Robert Fitzroy on his first voyage of the Beagle, while Mount Darwin is its highest peak. With largest cities including Ushuaia and Punta Arenas, for 10 points, name this archipelago with its southern tip at Cape Horn, controlled by Argentina and Chile, whose name means "Land of Fire".;;Tierra Del Fuego;;Land of Fire|Chile World History;;Anthony Durnford arrived with reinforcements for this battle, while Henry Pulleine was instructed to guard the camp. One side in this battle was forced to cross a river to attack the opposing force at their camp at Eshowe, but eventually stopped near the Babanango Mountains. This battle was preceded by an impossible ultimatum delivered by High Commissioner Sir Bartle Frere, and Dabulamanzi kaMpande's forces served with distinction at this battle. Cetshwayo's forces were victorious at this battle, which saw the opposing commander, Chelmsford, routed. For ten points, identify this first major engagement of the First Zulu War, which occurred a day before Roarke's Drift and saw a bunch of British guys with firearms defeated by Zulu with spears.;;(Battle of) Isandlwana Philosophy;;This man is cited as a major influence in Paul Medawar's book Memoir of a Thinking Radish. This man collected his essays in In Search of a Better World, and defended what he termed rationality in The Myth of the Framework. This man described the process by which knowledge grows in his work Conjectures and Refutations, but may be better known for a work in which he noted that no amount of experiments can prove a theory, but a single one can contradict it. In addition to The Logic of Scientific Discovery, this man derided a certain point of view in The Poverty of Historicism, and also wrote a two-volume work in which he derided Marx and Hegel and argued for the preservation of liberal democracy. For ten points, identify this philosopher who tussled with Wittgenstein, argued for the necessity of falsifiability, and wrote The Open Society and its Enemies.;;(Karl) (Raimund) Popper Chemistry;;The solvolysis Y-scales were created to quantify the effects of solvents on this class of reactions. Rates for this type of reaction are reduced in practice because they must be performed at low base concentrations and temperatures to suppresses two types of competing reactions, a task made especially difficult as each of these shares an intermediate with an analogous unimolecular elimination and that intermediate is a rearrangement-prone ion with a positively charged carbon. The reactions of this class share the common Ingold mechanism of carbocation formation, nucleophilic attack, and deprotonation. They are common among secondary and tertiary, but not primary, alkyl halides. For ten points, name this group of nucleophilic substitutions with unimolecular rates, as opposed to those with bimolecular rates.;;SN1 (reactions);;unimolecular nucleophilic substitutions|(S)N|nucleophilic (substitutions) Physics;;Like the Hall effect, this behavior has a flux-flow analogue for type-II superconductors; further, the constant of proportionality for its flux-flow form is proportional to the flux-flow Hall coefficient. As phonon flux obeys a form of Fourier's law, the ordinary form of this effect causes phonon drag. The coefficient of this effect is the temperature integral of the Thomson coefficient over the temperature according to the second Thomson relation; that namesake coefficient is also known as the thermopower and is given by the first Thomson relation as one over the temperature times the Peltier coefficient. For ten points, identify this thermoelectric effect in which a temperature gradient gives rise to a voltage and which is the operating principle in thermocouples.;;(the) Seebeck (effect);;thermoelectric (effect)|thermocouple effect Literature;;A character in this novel remembers his father's death at the hands of policeman, causing his mother to lose her religious faith. A man named Dick seduces women for food, and the philosopher Doc Burton protects the camp against health inspectors. One protagonist of this novel is shot in the arm by vigilantes, who also kill the old man Joy. Al Townsend's father allows the characters in this novel to live on his farm in exchange for their help picking crop, although they're forced to leave after a barn is burned. Most of the story revolves around a fruit picker's strike, which is started after one protagonist helps Lisa deliver her baby. For ten points, identify this novel about Communist labor organizers Jim Nolan and Mac, a work by John Steinbeck.;;In Dubious Battle Religion/Mythology;;Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu wrote treatises on the practice of this religion in India, and this school believes that dharma naturally declines over time, known as mappo. One subbranch of this school performs its primary devotional practice at precise intervals, causing it to be nicknamed the "Time School", while this school utilizes an "eighteenth vow". This school of thought practices the nembutsu, or ritual repeating of names. This school of Buddhisism is considered to be based on the Larger Sutra of the Immesurable Life, and promises rebirth in a Western paradise ruled by Amitabha, which is known as Sukhavati. For ten points, identify this constituent branch of Mahayana Buddishm, along with Zen.;;Pure Land (Buddhism)|Amidism|Jìngt(u|u){1}?z(o|o){1}?ng World History;;William Murray's house was severely damaged during this event, which also saw Fleet Prison and the Bank of England take damage. The second foot regiment was instrumental in diffusing this situation, which also saw one of its participants tried for treason but acquitted. One participant in this event notably wore a blue feather in his hat, and this event was targeted at a piece of legislation called the Roman Catholic Relief Act. Participants in this event were unsuccessful in their attempt to enter the House of Commons. For ten points, identify this 1780 riots of religion in London, which featured prominent banners reading "No Popery", named for a certain Lord George who created the Protestant Association.;;(The) Gordon (Riots) Art;;This painter published an educational guidebook, which he illustrated, entitled Quick Lessons on Simplified Drawing, and depicted Chinese subjects in works like Chinese Torture and Chinese Boys at Play. This artist portrayed several people in straw hats, including several carrying a large green box, crossing a river in Travellers Crossing the Oi River. This painter of Willow and Young Crows also depicted a sinuous fish climbing a waterfall in Carp Leaping Up a Cascade. This painter is more well-known for a work which depicts a large wave on the left which curls around a volcano and which is the first painting in his best known series. For ten points, identify this member of the ukiyo-e school who painted Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji and The Great Wave Of Kanagawa.;;Hokusai (Katsushika) World History;;Before this man came to his most prominent position, he served at the governor of Coahuila. This man alienated the military by not endorsing Obregon, instead choosing to endorse Bonillas, and he had earlier put a bounty on Zapata's head, which successfully led to his assassination. This man was himself later assassinated by Herrero's troops, and had earlier prevented John J. Pershing from capturing Villa. He also opposed the US occupation of Veracruz. This advocate of the 1867 Constitution drafted the current constitution of his nation when he came to power, and he also served under the Guadalupe Plan. Assassinated in Tlaxcalantongo, for ten points, identify this revolutionary who became the President of Mexico after overthrowing the Huerta regime.;;(Venustiano) Carranza Miscellaneous;;This man is shot by a man named Jack Morirarty in the episode "No Reason". This man witnessed a buraku perform in Japan, and also retains some antidotes that he purchased in Egypt while his father was stationed there. This character was shot in a paintball match by his ex-wife, who was playing on the Lawyers team, and Weber caught him cheating during his undergraduate work at Johns Hopkins. In later seasons, this character hires Kutner and Taub, in addition to thirteen. The employer of Foreman and Chase, Alison Cameron is infatuated with this character in the first few seasons, and this man received his trademark injury after a doctor failed to catch a necrosis in his leg. For ten points, identify this fictional Vicodin addicted doctor, who is portrayed by Hugh Laurie on his namesake show.;;(Dr(.)|Doctor) (Gregory) House Noncomputational Math;;Generalizations of these entities that include representations of Schwartz distributions are sometimes known as Gelfond doubles, but are more generally denoted by prefixing their usual name with "rigged". Stability for dynamic systems on these objects is the subject of the von Neumann ergodic theorem. One class of operators over these forms a self-adjoint ideal for the associated Banach algebras; those operators are named for Schmidt and for the namesake of these and are bounded in the namesake norm that defines these spaces. These spaces are inner product spaces with a complete L2-like norm metric and each of these is consequently a Banach space, though the converse does not hold. For ten points, identify these vector spaces in which the squared length of a vector is the inner product of the vector with itself and which are named for a German mathematician.;;Hilbert (spaces) Literature;;The speaker of this poem asserts that "Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough Gleams that untravelled world", before he notes the dullness of rusting unburnished, not to shine in use!" The speaker of this poem also describes his subjects as a rugged people, and asserts that his son, through soft degrees, can "Subdue them to the useful and the good". This poem notes that "It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles/And see the great Achilles". At the end of this poem, the title character declares that he is made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, and resolves to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. For ten points, identify this poem about the hero of the Odyssey, a work by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.;;Ulysses Sociology;;Theodore Caplow continued work on these studies after their originators' finish, which focused on their Families and discussed All Faithful People. These studies note the extreme import of the radio and the automobile to social change, and also note the valuation of education, but not academia. These studies note that the Ku Klux Klan had recently been kicked out of the object of its study, and also noted the proclivity of the youth to skip church, but attend the YMCA, while an important part of this study examines the importance of the "business class". A second study on the object of this town noted the changes that the Great Depression wrought on its subject, and added In Transition to its title. For ten points, identify these sociological studies that were conducted by the Lynds and examined Muncie, Indiana.;;Middletown(:) (A Study in Modern American Culture) Music;;One movement of this piece takes its inspirtaiton from a Robert Johnson poem and utilizes a lot of the melody from Dormance. The first movement of this piece makes use of the songs Massa's in the Cold Ground and Old Black Joe, and utilizes chromaticism in the bass to evoke unreality. That movement depicts a "Black March", and also features the Reveille. Another movement in this piece utilizes instruments playing in different songs in different keys, and is intended to depict an Independence Day celebration.. For ten points, identify this work which contains the movements St. Gaudens in Boston Common, Putnam's Camp, and The Housatonic at Stockbridge, which comprise the title locations of this work by Charles Ives.;;Three Places in New England United States History;;Millard Fillmore offered to nominate this man to the Supreme Court, which he declined. This man refused to send the troops of Huger to help Henry A. Wise, causing the loss of Roanoke Island. This man served as a Senator from Louisiana before being nominated to his most famous post, in which he was preceded by Roger Hunter, and this man quarreled with Benjamin Wade and challenged Jefferson Davis to a duel, and offer which was declined. This man insisted that conscripted slaves should be freed, and he wrote a Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property. For ten points, identify this member of the Jefferson Davis cabinet, a Jew who served as Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State.;;(Judah) (Philip) Benjamin Geography;;With Siberia's Taymyr region, this range is one of two known sources of Clinohumite and its sub-ranges include the Vanch, Yazgulem, Darvaz and Sarykol, the latter of which lies in the Uighur Autonomous Region. Kamaloyak is the lowest point of its Akademiya Nauk Range, whose highest peak is Korzhenevskaya while this mountain range contains the cities of Khorugh and Qalaikhum. Its Fedchenko is the longest non-Polar glacier, while this range extends into the Wakhan region. With peaks including Ibn Sina and Mount Garmo, for 10 points, name this source of the Amu Darya, a mountain range of Tajikistan whose highest point is Ismoil Somoni or Communism Peak.;;Pamir (Mountains);;Congling Literature;;In one of this man's plays, King Sebastian gives his retroactive approval to the actions of Doña Leonor, who's surprised to meet Don Luis again right before she gets married. In another, Juan Roca is an old artist who painted Serafina and proposes to her, because they believe Don Alvaro is dead. In addition to Secret Vengeance for Secret Insult and The Painter of Her Dishonor, this playwright wrote A House with Two Doors Is Difficult to Guard and The Constant Prince, which are known as his Cloak-and-Sword dramas. In another play, Don Alvaro has drugged and raped Isabel, the daughter of the title character, who is named Pedro Crespo. In his most famous play, King Basilio imprisons Prince SIgismundo in a forest. For ten points, identify this seventeenth century Spanish playwright, who wrote The Mayor of Zalamea and Life is a Dream.;;(Pedro) Calder(ó|o){1}?n (de la Barca) Religion/Myhtology;;This mythological character was the grandfather of Aristaios through a local nature deity named Carystus. Another of this figure's children was transformed into a mare by Zeus for revealing the secrets of the gods, and her name was Melanippe. This figure also had the children Pelionides and Endeis by his wife Khariklo. This figure was born after his father had sex with the nymph Philrya, although it was aborted due to the appearance of Rhea. This friend of Peleus tutored Achilles in his youth, but voluntarily relinquished his immortality after Hercules painfully wounded him with a hydra venom arrow. For ten points, identify this wisest of the centaurs, who became a constellation after his death.;;Chiron Philosophy;;This work derides a view of relationship as that of direct report, calling it the most naïve view, while one section of this work concludes with a discussion of the meanings of kill and begat. This work claims that for a term to be significant, it "must be either a name of a sense datum or a compound of such names or an abbreviation of such a compound". This work's first section draws attention to the difference between "No unmarried man is married" and "No bachelor is married", going on to discuss synonimity, which it defines in terms of interchangeable truth values. This work is also notable for eliminating the boundary between analytical and synthetic though, which are the two title concepts. For ten points, identify this work which has also appeared in From a Logical Point of View, the best known essay by Willard Van Orman Quine.;;Two Dogmas of Empiricism United States History;;Article Five of this treaty established the free exercise of religion in the affected provinces, while Article Thirteen of this treaty provided for the return of deserted sailors to their respective nations. Melishe's Map was used to determine the boundaries of this agreement. Article Fourteen required one party to certify that it had not received any compensation from France, while a further article granted one party free access to Penscacola and St. Augustine with no duties. The Sabine River served as an important boundary in this agreement, which is also called the Transcontinental Treaty. For ten points, identify this 1819 agreement in which the United States agreed to buy Florida from the Spanish for five million dollars, named for an American president and a Spanish foreign minister.;;Adams-Onis (Treaty of 1819);;Transcontinental Treaty Chemistry;;The conversion of methionine to S-adenosyl-L-methionine by Met Adenosyltransferase is the first step of the reaction leading to synthesis of this molecule, and the final step involves ACC-oxidase, an enzyme that is made in the presence of auxins. The first genes encoding a receptor for this molecule were found in Arabidopsis and tomatoes, and plants have a variety of responses including inhibition of stomatal closing and acceleration of fruit-ripening. In bromeliads, exposure to this chemical induces flowering, and it is used as an inhalatory anesthetic in moderate does for humans. For ten points, identify this molecule with formula C2H4, the simplest alkene.;;ethylene Literature;;One character in this play is forced to commnunicate his feelings by fondling the foot of another while he hides under a porch, while that other character uses subtle wordplay to communicate her resolve. This play begins with a country landowner's friends teasing him and attempting to get him a woman, and that country landowner's name is Gihei. Kyuemon sets one character up with a woman in this play, after which his wife spends the dowry money. One character is able to recover the dowry money, but lends it to his evil friend Kuheiji, who refuses to give it back. For ten points, identify this play about Tokubei and O-Hatsu who perform the title action in the title forest at the end, which was written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon.;;(The) Love Suicides at Sonezaki|Sonezaki Shinju Physics;;This quantity can be defined as the zeroth unweighted gamma space moment of unity. Its naïve definition must be amended with a factor of one over the separation number factorial for a separated system to avoid Gibbs' paradox. It is equal in general to the sum over states of the state statistical weight, which is given in general by the state degeneracy times e to the minus state energy times thermodynamic beta. The statistical entropy is equal to the temperature partial of the temperature times the natural logarithm of this, while the total energy is minus the partial derivation of the natural logarithm of this function with respect to the thermodynamic beta; in principle, all thermodynamic properties can be written in terms of this number for the ensemble it represents. For ten points, name this quantity that is symbolized Z and encapsulates all the statistical properties of a canonical ensemble.;;(the) (canonical) partition function;;Z United States History;;This document cites Roberts v. City of Boston to make a point about schools, and it argued that the Fourteenth Amendment could not be applied to cases involving schools because it does not explicitly mention education. Richard Russell wrote the finalized form of this document. Joel Broyhill and Richard Poff agreed to sign this document, although Estes Keefhauver and Lyndon Johnson notably refused to sign it. This document affirmed the validity of the Plessy v. Ferguson case and decried the Brown v. Board of Education case. For ten points, identify this document, pimped by Strom Thurmond, which opposed racial integration in schools and was promoted by the Dixiecrats.;;(The) Southern Manifesto Literature;;The playwright of this play appears and sings a song which tells the audience what a fine dramatist he is and how foolish the Athenians were to let Cleon have power. After that song, a brief debate between Right Logic and Wrong Logic takes place. One character in this play threatens to beat his mother after beating his father, convinced that his father had beat him for his own good. Another character in this play sets fire to a school after deciding that its teachings were harmful to the youth of the city. After denouncing his son as a wastrel, one character in this play enters a school and attempts to learn logic to confuse his creditors. For ten points, identify this play about the Thinkery, Pheidippides and his father Strepsiades, a comedy by Aristophanes.;;(The) Clouds Miscellaneous;;In a videogame appearance , this man claims that "I almost never appear in this series", which he swiftly follows with "of events that constitutes your lives". In a story narrated by this man, Homer has cause to note that he has great ass-suction. This man takes naked photos of Selma and Patty. After being shot down because a woman does not want her pet to attend "some snooty boarding school", he asks for spare change. This owner of a school for lobsters gets sued for kicking a man out of his restaurant before he's eaten all that he can eat, after which that man's wife requests food from Red Lobster, to which this man replies "That's not a good restaurant". The owner of The Frying Dutchman, for ten points, identify this character from The Simpsons, known for his trademark "Yar!".;;(The) (Sea) Captain|Horatio (McAlister)|(Captain) McAlister Music;;The composer of this piece later set the Agnus Dei to its music. The initial melody of this piece is restated by a lower-registered instrument, but transposed down a fifth, and is heard again in the middle section of this piece, which restates it in middle-volume cello. This piece has a coda marked by sad chords in the bass, and the melody is inverted, which leads up to the first five notes of this piece being restated slowly as the last. Marked "molto adagio espr. Cantando", this piece has a notable fortissimo climax in the highest registers of the instruments that it is scored for, and shortly after, it fades into dead silence. This piece is adapted from the first movement of the composer's earlier String Quartet Number One. For ten points, identify this "saddest ever" piece of classical music for string orchestra, which was written by Samuel Barber.;;Adagio for Strings United States History;;This man's mansion has been appropriated to serve as an administrative building for Liberty University. He opposed the nomination of Floyd Roberts, and gained his office by being appointed to fill the vacancy left when Thomas Martin died. This man, who served as President Pro Tem during World War II, succeeded William MacAdoo in another of his offices. Woodrow Wilson's Treasury Secretary, this man directly opposed New Deal policies in the Senate. This author of the Federal Reserve Act also served as the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. This man's best known legislation created the FDIC and separated banks from securities brokers. For ten points, identify this man who co-authored that banking legislation with Steagall, a Senator from Virginia.;;(Carter) Glass Physics;;A power series expansion of this quantity in even powers of frequency is one of several Cauchy's equations. When this quantity lies it the upper half of an Argand diagram, the corresponding material is evanescent, and each of its parts can be found from the other via a relation derived from causality and named for Kramers and Kronig. The path-length integral of this property is stationary according to Fermat's principle and it can vary with applied electric field according to the Pockels effect. Its square is equal in general to the product of the relative permeability and relative permittivity of an optical medium. For ten points, identify this dimensionless quantity, the coefficient of the trigonometric functions in Snell's law.;;index of refraction|refractive index;;n Biology;;Elevated levels of homocystine have been shown to induce this, and this condition often manifests in transplant patients resulting from antibody response. Promotion of graft expression of anti-apoptotic genes in transplant patients have been shown to prevent the variety of this that results from dead cell accumulation, termed an "atheroma". The hyaline variant of this condition results from buildup of glassy, non-cellular material in the afflicted tissue, and Monckeberg's type of this disease results from calcium buildup in the middle wall of the blood vessels. For ten points, identify this condition exhibited by the hardening of blood vessels.;;atherosclerosis Literature;;This poet asserts that "the gall we drink/ Is not the mead we cry for" in a poem in which he notes that "it was not a thing to die for", which occurs after a wife hits her husband with a riding crop. In another poem, this poet describes a doctor on trial for euthanizing a man named Annandale. This poet of "The Whip" and "How Annendale Went Out" also describes the situation of a woman after her suitor dies in "Eros Turannos". His collections, such as The Torrent and the Night Before and Captain Craig were published after his dramatic works, which include Van Zorn. This poet wrote about "a child of scorn" who "wept that he was ever born" because "he had reasons". This poet of The Children of the Night and Tristam also wrote about "a gentleman from sole to crown" who "glittered when he walked" and "put a bullet through his head" one calm summer night. For ten points, identify this poet of "Miniver Cheevy" and "Richard Corey".;;(Edwin) (Arlington) Robinson Philosophy;;This philosopher's ideas were criticized in the book The Closing of the American Mind. This man created an argument which claims that all cognitive theories are meaningless, known as his namesake "Regress", and he collected his short essays in Dilemmas. This man coined an idea in which each idea of a statement "tugs" on other ideas in the statement, which he coined "implication threads", and idea which came about after he wrote Plato's Progress. Clifford Geertz borrowed an idea that this philosopher described in "The Thinking of Thoughts". In his most famous book, this man notably criticized Cartesian dualism, which he termed "The Ghost in the Machine". For ten points, identify this proponent of ordinary language philosophy, perhaps best known for his work The Concept of Mind.;;(Gilbert) Ryle World History;;The Circumcellions formed a militant branch of the adherents of this belief, which began their persecution. Majorinus, After this set of beliefs were re-adopted by their holders, a story held that dogs that were fed the Eucharist became infuriated and attacked their masters. After the defeat of Firmus, a holder of these beliefs, Valentinian passed a series of laws against them. The adherents of this belief were fond of shouting "Laudes Deo".Maximianus, and twice Primian served as bishops that promoted this set of beliefs, and the controversy over them was sparked by Felix of Aptunga's ordination of Mensurius's successor, Caecilianus, as bishop of Carthage. For ten points, identify this heresy which was named for a Berber and which held that sacraments administered by an impure priest were invalid.;;Donatism Religion/Mythology;;One of this group of people was said to have a "complexion like that of pure gold" and be "possessed of a prominent nose and large eyes," and this group of people built the city Indrapasha after fighting the battle of Kurukshetra. One antagonist of this group of people tried to get them into the Ekacakra, where he intended to burn them to death, and their father was killed after he had sex with his wives due to a curse. This group of people was opposed by a group led by the son of Dretarast and Ghandari, Duryodhan, who had 98 younger brothers. All of these men were married to Draupadi, and this group of people, the sons of Kunti and Madri, are comprised of Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. For ten points, identify this group of people who were the sons of Pandu.;;Pandavas (also accept "sons of Pandu" until mention) Literature;;In this novel, Fedina is tortured in prison, and her baby starves to death in her arms.The two thugs Vasquez and Rodas help one character perform a kidnapping in this novel, while another character is tortured by rumors that his wife has become a cruel man's mistress after he was arrested on the way to Washington, D.C. This novel begins when Colonel Sonriente shouts "Mother!" in the ears of a homeless man who goes by the Zany, causing him to kill Sonriente, although Miguel Angel Face blames that murder on someone else. One character in this novel saves a beggar from a buzzard, and that character later marries Camila Canales, the daughter of General Don Juan. For ten points, identify this novel about the titular head of state, which was written by Miguel Asturias.;;(El) Senor Presidente|Mister President Noncomputational Math;;One potential issue with these objects can be obviated with the tortoise-and-hare algorithm or Floyd's circle-finding algorithm, which is a linear-time procedure for finding loops. The amortized runtime for most operations on these structures can be reduced by building an array on each container, or by building-up from one of these a multi-level parallel series of them; those are the techniques of unrolling and skip creation. If the ends of these are protected with self-referential containers called sentinels, they are not prone to cause addressing faults, which usually result from moving past the end. Uni-directional iterators were created to work with these data structures, which are commonly implemented as objects containing a value and a pointer to an object of the same kind. For ten points, name these data structures idealized as series of chained nodes.;;linked list(s);;lists World History;;Part of this incident took place at Cliveden, a house owned by Lord Astor, and this incident was nicknamed "Bowtie" by the FBI. Stephen Ward committed suicide after this event rather than face charges for a related crime, and another part of this event took place at a London tavern called Murray's. The namesake of this incident was replaced in his post by John Ramsden, and George Wigg first mentioned this in the records during a debate about William Vassall. One participant in this event was the lover of Eugene Ivanov, Russian spy. For ten points, identify this 1963 incident, in which Harold McMillan's government was disgraced when his Minister for War had an affair with Christine Keeler, showgirl.;;(The) Profumo (Affair) World History;;Lady Alute attained notoriety for acting as a spy and a favorite of this ruler. This ruler made an example of Qingying and Guiqing by executing them for cowardice, and was also notable for rejecting the slow cutting method of execution in favor of beheadings. This enemy of Zaiyuan and Duanhua spent time in Rehe, and participated in the Xinhou coup. This ruler allied with Dong and Chun to interfere with the council of ministers headed by Sushun and came to power after the death of the Xianfeng emperor. This ruler was in power during the Second Opium War. For ten points, identify this aunt of the Guangxu emperor and mother of the Tongzhi Emperor, who exercised control over the Qing dynasty for almost 40 years.;;Cixi(,) (Western) (Dowager Empress)|(Cixi) (,) (Western) Dowager Empress Sociology;;In one of this man's works, he argues that an event in the eighteenth century caused a major shift in thinking, which caused industrialism to produce many of the title concepts. This author of The Story of Utopias and Values for Survival also wrote a book in which he drew a contrast between the mono and poly versions of the title concept, which are differentiated by their utilization to solve human problems. This author of Art and Technics and Technics and Civilization also wrote a work in which he praised the clock as a machine that produced time and talked about the concept of megamachines, which are run by Eichmanns. This man favorably compared medieval communities to Roman communities and argued that urban planning should emphasize organic relationships in his most well-known work. For ten points, identify this sociologist who wrote The Myth in the Machine and The City in History.;;(Lewis) Mumford Literature;;One character in this poem rejoices at being given the "power to dream deliciously", and is earlier described as "Brain-sick". In the third book, the title character of this poem helps Glaucus reanimate dead lovers and change himself into a youth again. After the title character falls in love with an Indian Woman, he mounts a flying horse with her and ends up in the Cave of Quietude, and he had previously ridden a giant eagle. The title character of this poem tells his sister Peona about a dream he had, and notes that he's looking for "love immortal". This long poem begins with the line "A thing of beauty is a joy forever", and the moon goddess Cynthia falls in love with the hero. For ten points, identify this epic poem about a certain hero from Greek Myth, a work by John Keats.;;Endymion Chemistry;;These compounds are commonly used as complements for quaternary ammonium salts in phase transfer catalysis. Initially synthesized by the linking of hydroxyl groups on multiple catecholes by Pedersen, these compounds have a naming scheme in which the number of ring atoms is followed by their common name, which is followed in turn by the number of oxygens. The Aza- form of these molecules has an amine group displacing an oxygen as exemplified by cyclen. These heterocyclic ring compounds are comprised of several residues having general formula R O R-prime. For ten points, name these molecules that are best known for their ability to stably complex metal cations in their centers and that are comprised of several ethers.;;crown (ethers) Geography;;Its Old Snow range has its highest point at Mount Bugatet, and this mountain range extends to the Cape of Crosses. Containing the Somport Pass and Aran Valley, its highest peak is usually ascended from the Refuge of the Recluse and was first climbed by Palton Chikhachev. Featuring Gavarnie Falls and the Ordesa Valley, its peaks include Posets and Mount Perdido. The Cantabrian Mountains are an extension of this range, which is the source of the Garonne and Ebro rivers. With its highest point at Aneto, for 10 points, name this mountain range containing Andorra which separates France and Spain.;;Pyrenees World History;;Internal dissent over wars against Holstein were a point of dissention within this group, because one member frequently exported iron to that region. A meeting at Arboga declared the leader of the Englebrecht Rebellion the ruler of this entity, which was formally ended by the Convention of Moss. Actions of Sten Sture and Gustave Trolle led to the Stockholm Bloodbath in this, and it was opposed by Albrecht of Mecklenburg as well as the Hanseatic League. United under Eric of Pomerania, for 10 points, name this creation of Margaret I which was dissolved by Gustav Vasa, an amalgamation of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.;;(The) Kalmar (Union) Art;;This artist created illustrations for The Crisis and Opportunity and also for James Johnson's God's Trombones. This creator of Dance Magic also illustrated works of Paul Morand with his series Black Magic. This artist created a work which shows a green gap between two orange masses with a standing saxophone player entitled Song of the Towers, while he also depicted three shadowy figures on a lavender background beholding a shining city in his work Aspiration. Those two works were part of a larger series of murals that debuted at the Schomburg Center, Aspects of Negro Life. For ten points, identify this important figure in the Harlem Renaissance, the father of African American art.;;(Aaron) Douglas World History;;The leader who lost the most from this battle was not even present on the scene, having withdrawn southward several weeks beforehand. The Earl of Salisbury, commander of the left flank of the allied side, was decisively beaten and captured early on, while the Flemish knights on the right wing were only slowly beaten back. Reginald of Boulogne made a heroic last stand in the center with a force of pikemen after the Imperial Eagle standard had been captured and Otto IV had fled the field. Earning the victors control of the entirety of northwestern France, FTP, identify this victory for Phillip II that forced King John to leave his hiding spot in Aquitaine and go face the music at Runnymeade.;;(Battle of) Bouvines Geography;;Table Rock and Caesars Head state parks are in the northwest of this state, which owns the Seabrook, Kiawah and Folly islands. It's Ashepoo, Combahee and Edisto rivers form the ACE Basin while other rivers include the Wateree, Pee Dee and Santee. With its highest point at Mount Sassafras, this state contains the large lakes Murray, Moultrie and Marion. The Savannah River forms the western border of, for 10 points, which Palmetto State whose cities include Myrtle Beach, Charleston and Columbia.;;(State of) South Carolina|SC Psychology;;This man's son, also a psychologist, wrote about cluster analysis and developed the Cognitive Ability Test with Elizabeth Hagen. This man worked with auxiliary languages in one research job, while in another, he published this The Psychology of Wants, Interests, and Attitudes. This man provided empirical support for the Halo Effect. One of this man's projects used Shakespeare and the Bible as notable sources, and in addition to that work and The Measurement of Intelligence, this man noted the tendency for creatures to attack large openings first in a more well-known work. For ten points, identify this psychologist who created some Word Books, wrote Animal Intelligence, formulated the Law of Effect, and had some namesake Puzzle Boxes.;;(Edward) Thorndike World History;;This politician resisted the fallout from the Sixteenth of May disaster, and he made his name in part by opposing the colonial platform of Jules Ferry. He also supported General Boulanger in his appointment to the Cabinet of Freycinet. As premier, this politician negotiated the Cordial Alliance with England, and he founded the periodical The Free Man, which he changed to The Man in Chains. This editor of La Justice supported Emile Zola during the Dreyfus affair, publishing J'Accuse, and in his most notable position, this man argued for the dismantlement of Hungary during the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Trianon. For ten points, identify this politician, who chaired the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles and served as Prime Minister of France during World War I.;;(Georges) Clemenceau Literature;;A character in this novel is suprirsed by the gift of a St. Anthony medal. An old billiard player named Greffi provides the protagonist of this novel with some amusement. One character in this novel escapes a faux trial by jumping off a bridge and riding a log down the river, and he earlier had slain a man for refusing to help him move his car. Rinaldi proclaims that atheism, hedonism, and work are the only true meanings, but another character tells the protagonist that he is her religion. A nurse accuses the protagonist of this novel of brining on jaundice by drink so that he can avoid going back to the front, and later, during the retreat from Caporetto, he deserts and leave for Montreux after getting a nurse pregnant. For ten points, identify this novel about Catherine Barkely and Frederic Henry, a novel by Ernest Hemingway.;;(A) Farewell to Arms Art;;This man created a reclining brass head with a mysterious expression on its face known as the Sleeping Muse. A wide cylinder with two narrow cylinders composed in brass comprises this sculptor's Torso of a Young Man, while this man created several version of a curved spiral on a pedestal known as his Mademoiselle Pogany. This creator of the group sculptures The Table of Silence and The Gate of the Kiss also created Miastra and Newborn as part of a much more well-known series. This man also created a series of quadrahedral shapes stacked on top of one another as part of his Endless Column. For ten points, identify this sculptor of a series of sculptures that depict motion and were mistaken for farm implements, Bird in Space.;;(Constantin) Brancusi World History;;The Queen Christina was present at this battle and was sunk after being riddled with bulletrs, although the other ships were scuttled and set on fire following this battle. The Petrel was instrumental in setting that and other ships on fire in the harbor after this battle, and this battle resulted in a landing at Cavite. Francis B. Randall, Chief Engineer on the McCulloch, died from a heart attack at this battle and was the only American casualty. One commander at this battle was hampered by obsolete vessels and was named Admiral Patricio Montojo y Pasarón; he was fighting against the USS Olympia. For ten points, identify this naval battle of the Spanish American war, in which Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish in a body of water proximate to a Phillipine city.;;(Battle of) Manila Bay Religion/Myhtology;;Three of this god's children created four cups from one cup to pass a test, and are known as the Ribhus. Vishvakarma built a palace for this god, and prevailed upon Vishnu to teach this god humility with the help of a troop of ants. This god was subject to the curse of having 1000 vaginas placed on his body for his seduction of Ahalya, but was able to have eyes instead. This figure was forced to pass through ninety-nine fortresses to do battle with one opponent, who had stolen all the water from the world, and after this god slew Vritra he took back the water and created the world from its belly. This rider of Airavata hurls the thunderbolt Vajra. For ten points, identify this Hindu god, who leads the Devas against the Asuras.;;Indra Biology;;Patients with this disease often exhibit elevation of proinflammatory cytokines and TH-2 cytokines concentrations. Severe cases of this have been successfully treated with autologous bone marrow stem cell transplants, and the activation of type-I interferon systems has been shown to correlate with the presence and activity of this disease. Genes thought to be important to this disease are located on chromosome 6, and people with this disease always have a RUNX-1 binding site. A temporary drug-induced version of this disease can be brought about via quinidine and Phenytoin .This disease often results in irregular apoptotis, and the name is thought to be derived from the malar rash, which purportedly resembles the pattern on the face of a wolf. For ten points, identify this chronic autoimmune disease.;;(systemic) Lupus (erythematosis) Art;;This artist of The Trench and the Trinity also depicted two versions of the same scene, one of which was entitled Modern Migration of the Spirit and the other of which was entitled Christ Destroys His Cross. This man also painted Science and a man on his knees receiving light from heaven in Omniscience Several academically clad skeletons look on as a skeleton delivers a skeleton baby from a skeleton mother in this artist's work Gods of the Modern World, which appeard as part of this artist's series in the Dartmouth library. This artist painted the three demons encircling the title immolated figure in his circular work Man on Fire, while in a better known work, he depicted the arrival of an Aztec god. For ten points, identify his muralist who painted, The Coming of Quetzalcoatl, a Mexican.;;(Jose) (Clemente) Orozco Literature;;One of this writer's short stories deals with a woman who is "not a dressmaker, nor a landlady, nor a governess" and her relationship with a lawyer. In addition to "A Singular Occurance", this writer wrote the poetry collections Crisalidas and Americanas. This man wrote a sequel to his novel Esau and Jacob in a novel about the widow Rita, Ayres' Memorial. This author may be better known for a picaresque novel which features the mistress Virgilia, the insane Quincas Borba, and the unemotional title character of The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas. This author revisited the character Quincas Borba in his novel Philosopher or Dog?, but his best known novel features the characters Bento and Capitu, who are related to Santiago. For ten points, identify this author of Dom Casmurro, a Brazilian.;;(Joaquim) Machado de Assis Chemistry;;Common protecting groups for this group include methoxymethyl and ethoxymethyl ethers, which are required because these groups tend to dimerize in air by mutually deprotonating and joining central atoms. Flourine-substituted acetatic acid derivatives are common media for the synthesis of compounds with this functional group from corresponding alcohols. This group can be used to selectively liberate protein residues via its namesake disulfide exchange. The ability of compounds of this group to complex heavy metals like mercury led to its alternate name, mercaptan. The simplest compound of this functional group is hydrogen sulfide; such compounds have general formula H S R. For ten points, identify this functional group that consists of a sulfur single-bonded to a hydrogen.;;(a) thiol(ate(s))|sulfydryl;;mercapt(o|an){1}?|SH|HS World History;;This war was directly preceded by the actions of the Tacuari, which attacked the Marquês de Olinda. Barrosa de Silva won a naval conflict at Riachuelo, although the other side in this conflict enjoyed consecutive victories at Nioaque and Miranda, and continued on the take Coxim. This war ended after one side was ambushed at Cerro Corá, although it had begun with an important battle at Mato Grosso. Some troops in the Concordia region were commanded by Bartolome Mitre, while his oppponent's troops were commanded by Solano Lopez, and the most major engagement of this war was the Battle of Tuyuti. For ten points, identify this war between Paraguay and the title compact, which was composed of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.;;(War of the) Triple Alliance Literature;;One character in this novel speculate that the Queen is in a limousine that she sees, and feels that she's confirmed when the limousine turns into Buckingham Palace. Another character in this novel fights for England because of William Shakespeare, and later experiences visitations from Evans, one of his war-time comrades. The title character of this novel reflects that while she married Richard, who didn't become prime minister, the prime minister came to the party which is at the center of this novel. Sir William Bradshaw attempts to cure one character of his desire for suicide, but that husband of Lucrezia jumps out the window right before a part. That character is Septimus Hardy. For ten points, identify this novel about a certain woman named Clarissa, a novel by Virginia Woolf.;;Mrs(.) Dalloway Physics;;A weight of the nth power of this parameter is imputed to contributions to elements of an S matrix by nth-order Feynman diagrams; thus, this number can be considered the order of expansion in perturbative quantum electrodynamics. This constant is a measure of the electron anomalous magnetic moment, which explains its role in the relativistic splitting of atomic spectral lines that is its namesake. The coupling constant for the electromagnetic interactions of electrons, it is equal to the square of the ratio of the electron and Planck charges, or, in cgs units, the electron charge squared divided by the speed of light times Dirac's constant. For ten points, name this physical constant usually denoted alpha and equal to about one over one hundred thirty-seven.;;(the) fine structure (constant);;alpha Music;;Ludwig von Beethoven borrowed ideas from this composer for his set of variations entitled Tändeln und Scherzen'. This man was unsuccessful with his opera Moses oder der Auszug aus Ägypten, although he enjoyed much more success with his work Der Spiegel von Arkadien. This composer wrote Der Marktschreyer and Solimann der Zweite on commission as part of his work for the Kärntnertor. This man borrowed from another composer to complete his own Rondo For Horn, and he later composed a lachrimosa and a rondo to complete a project by that same composer after his death. . For ten points, identify this man who notably completed part of Mozart's Requiem for him.;;(Franz) (Xavier) Sussmayr United States History;;One Canadian court case involving these is R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd, in which their version was stuck down. In a court case involving these, their opposition claimed that they violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, although in McGowan v. Maryland, they were upheld. Samuel Peters wrote generally about these in his General History of Connecticut, in which he contended that their name does not derive from the word bloody, and the Puritans would use these as justification to punish the parents of any child born on a Sunday. For ten points, identify these laws which attempted to enforce moral standards on the Sabbath, apocryphally named for the color of paper they were printed on.;;Blue Law(s) Miscellaneous;;Under Coach Craig Howard, this player scored a fourth quarter touchdown to tie the game against St. Augustine Pedro Menendez on a twenty-nine yard play, with a shattered fibula, and on a touchdown play to begin the second half of a 45 to 12 blowout of his rival, this man fractured his right hand, but continued to play anyway. Widely remembered for an action involving Tate Casey and Louis Murphy in which he made two pump fakes before completing a one yard jump pass for a touchdown, this player became the first in NCAA history to rush and pass for at least twenty touchdowns in a single season. Serving as second string to Chris Leak while a freshman, for 10 points, name this Florida Gators quarterback who, in 2007, became the first sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy.;;(Timothy) (Richard) Tebow Literature;;The eighth of these poems, which is dedicated to Rudolph Kassner, expresses the poet's believe in a "nowhere without no", which animals look toward and humans look away from. In the sixth of these, the poet advances his view htat a hero is one for whom life is always beginning. This poetry collection praises Gaspara Sampa, who is lifted up as an example of someone who died young. The fifth of these was inspired by a Picasso painting of acrobats. Another poem in this collection, the tenth, portray the City of Pain, which includes horrible things like "Life-Death". The first of these poems begins "Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels' hierarchies"? For ten points, identify this set of poems that utilize imagery of angels and which were written near a titular castle, the most famous work by Erich Maria Rilke.;;(The) Duino Elegies|Duineser Elegien United States History;;February 26 marks this religion's holiday of Savior's Day, devoted to a man who disappeared mysteriously, possibly returning to his native New Zealand. This religion once published a guide for its adherents called How to Eat to Live, and their official newspaper is The Final Call. A central tenet of this group's theology is derived from their interpretation of Ezekiel 1. That belief in the so-called Mother Wheel or Mother Plane is perhaps not as ridiculous as their insistence that the evil scientist Dr. Yakub created all non-black races on the island of Patmos. For ten points, name this bunch of crazies founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad and currently led by Louis Farrakhan.;;Nation of Islam Noncomputational Math;;The set of these entities has its number of diffeomorphism classes bounded by Cheeger's fitness theorem. The Hopf-Rinow theorem can be considered a generalization of the Heine-Borel theorem applicable to these complete examples of these objects. One type of these mathematical objects is a complexificaton of a real field in which these objects' namesake metric is combined with a complex-preserving structure; both the structure and object are then named for Kähler. The bishop's inequality bounds the volume of balls in these structures, which, according to Campbell's theorem, can be embedded in a flat space of iterated dimensionality. For ten points, identify these mathematical objects, spaces with a metric tensor in which every point has an Euclidean neighborhood, which are generalized surfaces and which are named for a German mathematician.;;Riemann(ian) manifold(s);;manifold(s) Religion/Mythology;;Late in dynastic history, a strong cult of this god was established at Khnum, while this god was sometimes said to be the consort of Astennu. This god was notable for intervening in battles of good and evil to heal the injured party so that neither could overtake the other. This god, who spoke the words that created all of heaven and earth, also gambled with the moon to win five more days to make the year three hundred and sixty five days long, after which he created its calendar. This god, who was sometimes regarded as the monkey A'an, was in charge of deciding when the scales of a heart outweighed the feather of Ma'at, and he was also ascribed the creation of magic. For ten points, identify this ibis-headed Egyptian deity of writing.;;Thoth Philosophy;;This work draws an important distinction in its seventh section, which is entitled The Self and the Common World, while its eighth section advertises itself as offering "Solutions of Outstanding Philosophical Disputes". This work also denies the validity of aesthetic judgments entirely. The author of this work asserts that verification is not possible for any empirical proposition, because the validity of any proposition always depends upon further experience, which he terms strong verification, although he asserts that weak verification is possible. For ten points, identify this work which argues for the necessity of a principle of verification, a logical positivist tract by Alfred Jules Ayer.;;Language(,) Truth(,) and Logic World History;;This politician succeeded Jose Maria Freire in one office, while in another, this leader was preceded by Conrada Troni. This politician undertook the Rainbow Tour in the late 1940's and attempted to build relations with European leaders, although this leader was unsuccessful in doing so in Switzerland. The "Cabildo Abierto" rally was held to assist this leader, who served as the Head of both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. This politician rejected the Vice Presidential nomination in 1951, and was strongly supported by the descamisados. For ten points, identify this woman who was the First Lady of Argentina until her death in 1952, who had married Juan.;;(Maria) E(va) (Duarte de) Per(ó|o){1}?n|Evita;;Peron Literature;;This author wrote a play in which Sir Perfidious Oldcraft attempts to make his son Wittypate less stupid, entitled Wit at Several Weapons.(*) In one of this man's plays, Princess Hidaspes wishes for the destruction of a certain god's altars, who responds by making her fall in love with the court dwarf. In another, King Arbaces falls in love with Panthea, who has been promised to Tigranes. In addition to Cupid's Revenge and A King and No King, this playwright wrote a play in which Oriana tries to win Mirabel, and one in which Thenot loves Clorin, entitled The Wild Goose Chase and The Faithful Shephardess. In this author's best known play, Arethusa loves the title character but is engaged to the evil Pharamond. For ten points, identify this author of Philaster, who frequently collaborated with Beaumont.;;(John) Fletcher;;Beaumont|Middleton; Music;;This man set passages from Andre Gide's novel La porte étroite as part of his song cycle Alissa. A trip to Brazil provided the inspiration for much of this composer's music, including Le boeuf sur le toit, and his first violin sonata is nicknamed The Apotheosis of Moliere. This man's Music For San Francisco required the audience to whistle and clap their hands, and this composer wrote the first Percussion Concerto. Les choéphores shows this composer's inclination to use unpitched instruments, which he also used prominently in his best known work, which features a classical fugue but incorporates prominent jazz elements. For ten points, identify this member of Les Six who may be the best known for The Creation of the World.;;(Darius) Milhaud Physics;;The applicability of this object is limited by criteria named for Tresca, Von Mises, Hosford, and Hill among others. The P-wave tensor is equal to minus two times Lamé's number of the first kind plus three times this quantity. The limit specified by the aforementioned criteria is squared and divided by twice this quantity to calculate the resilience because half of this quantity is the constant of proportionality between the strain energy density and square strain and because those criteria establish the yield stress. This tensor is the constant of proportionality between stress and strain according to the generalized Hooke's law. For ten points, name this material modulus that represents the stiffness of a material and has units of pressure.;;Young'(s) (modulus)|elastic (modulus)|(modulus of) elasticity;;(modulus of) stiffness Art;;An empty bottle and one or two other small objects sit on a curved-legged wooden table in one corner of this painting, which also features a background of red drapes with a curtain pull hanging from the top of this painting. A bed at the center of this painting is covered in yellow clothes, and the red clothes on that bed spill on to the floor. The central figure of this painting wears a yellow pendant on a chain. A cow's head with inwardly lit eyes comes out of shadows at the back of this painting and looks over the shoulder of another creature in this painting. For ten points, identify this painting in which a terrifying small brown creature sits on the chest of a prostate sleeping woman in white, which is a work by Henry Fuseli.;;(The) Nightmare United States Historry;;An important artillery installation at this battle was placed on top of Lowndes Hill. One side marched their forces up the Patuxent River in the lead-up to this battle, while the opposing side had marched to Long Old Fields and Wood Yard to attempt to engage the enemy at Upper Marlboro. Joshua Barney was captured at this battle and had earlier commanded one side in hand-to-hand combat. John Armstrong believed that this attack would come at Baltimore instead , and this battle saw William Winder lose to Robert Ross. Dolly Madison was able to save paintings from the White House before the opposition reached it in this battle. For ten points, identify this battle, after which the British captured and burned Washington D.C.;;(Battle of) Bladensburg Miscellaneous;;This team's hopes of gaining a Scudetto in the 1972/1973 season ended with a humiliating defeat by Hellas Verona in the last game and this club was founded by Alfred Edwards and Herbert Kilpin. Under manager Nereo Rocco, who instituted the Catenaccio formation, they won their first Euro Cup against SL Benfica in 1963, several years after their all-time leading scorer retired, the Swede Gunnar Nordahl. This club plays at San Siro, as does their rival Inter, and it is owned by Silvio Berlusconi. For 10 points, name this European soccer team which recently acquired Ronaldinho from Barcelona and David Beckham from the LA Galaxy, a team which plays in the largest city of Italy.;;A(.)C(.) Milan|Associazione Calcio Milan Literature;;The title character of one of this man's novels begins it by murdering Vic, and at the same time, Gil Turko kills Theo. Another novel by this man describes Louis Cualfoy, who becomes the decaying transvestite Divine. In addition to Querelle of Brest and Our Lady of the Flowers, this man wrote a drama in which Snowball overlooks the prison inhabited by Lefranc from a high cell. Another play by this man features the characters Archibald Absalon Wellington, who plays in the inner play, and Dieudonné Village, who commits the rape-murder in the inner play. In addition to Deathwatch and The Blacks, another play by this man shows Madam Irma's House of Illusions, which a bishop, a judge, and an executioner visit in sequence. For ten points, identify this author of The Balcony, a Frenchman.;;(Jean) Genet Earth Science;;This person's extended Prandtl's analysis to accelerating frames and is consequently the namesake of boundary layers in such frames. Applying the Buckingham pi theorem to the Navier-Stokes equations for a uniform fluid in a steadily rotating frame yields both the Reynolds number and this scientist's namesake parameter, the product of the Rossby and Reynolds numbers, which gives the ratio of viscosity to Coriolis effects. That number governs both a namesake effect in which a tangential contact force on a rotating fluid produces net flow in an oblique direction and a related namesake phenomenon in which the direction of flow due to stress at a horizontal boundary is initially parallel to the stress, but rotates with depth. For ten points, identify this oceanographer who explained the effect of wind on the oceans with his aforementioned namesake transport and spirals.;;(Vagn) (Walfird) Ekman Biology;;In a recent awesome study, researchers found that administration of this chemical to women who were then exposed to erotic films significantly increased vaginal pulse amplitude, leading the researchers to conclude that this chemical can increase sexual arousal. Another study found that consumption of this chemical stimulates increased blood flow to skeletal muscle tissue and accelerates brown adipose tissue metabolism, indicating that this chemical is a viable thermogenic. It has been used in Chinese medicine as an athsma treatment and was available in the United States as a decongestant, but most over-the-counter drugs use it's pseudo-variety. For ten points, identify this alkaloid, a sympathomimetic amine derived from Ephedra.;;Ephedrine Literature;;One character in this novel forces her child to pluck his eyebrows and dress like a man, while he sings a song with sexually suggestive gestures. A preacher in this novel speaks about The Tiger of Wrath and the Jackal of Lust. Miguel and Earle dance with a major female character in this novel, who had earlier attended a party which featured a pool filled with a rubber replica of a dead horse. The protagonist of this novel ends it by imitating a police siren in hysteria, and he attempts to fulfill his dreams by working on the painting The Burning of Los Angeles. That protagonist is friends with a man named Homer Simpson, who maintains the prostitute Faye Greener. For ten points, identify this novel about Hollywood set designer Tod Hackett, which was written by Nathaniel West.;;(The) Day of the Locust Religion/Mythology;;Aiakos loved Psamanthe, a daughter of this deity, and he was worshipped under the name Geron in Laconia. This grandfather of Akhilieus had that grandson through a daughter of this deity described as "Silver-shod". In one account, this god is described as the son of Pontos who tells no lies. Herakles wrestled with this god for his knowledge, which turned out to be directions to the land of the Hesperides, and this god had a son who apotheosized by eating a blue magical herb named Glaucus. This man, who ruled over the bounty of the fish, was usually depicted as an extremely old water-dwelling man. For ten points, identify this husband of Doris, who had fifty daughters that included Thetis and Amphitrite.;;Nereus World History;;John Forster served at this battle alongside Joseph E. Johnston, and they fought against Pinzon Brigade and Arteaga Brigade. The location of this battle is near Xalapa, and one regiment at this battle was notorious for its friendly fire. The capture of Veracruz and the subsequent advance to Mexico City led up to this battle, which saw St. Patrick's Battalion provided opposition to American forces, and after this battle, the victorious commander contined on the Puebla. Robert E. Lee found a mountain trail around the enemy's position at this battle, which allowed Winfield Scott to flank. For ten points, identify this defeat of Santa Anna in the Mexican-American War.;;(Battle of) Cerro Gordo Religion.Mythology;;These beings must sometimes take a vow that asserts that they will uproot endless blind passions and to penetrate dharma gates beyond measure, while 48 other vows associated with these beings were delineated by Asanga. An early one of these is usually depicted with a thunderbolt scepter and is named Vajrapani. These beings must usually pass through fourteen bhumi before they can finish their preparation, and the last of their ten stages manifests itself as a cloud of dharma. This beings are required to emphasize their own practice of dana as part of their general practice of the paramitra. For ten points, identify these people who have obtained enlightenment, but refrain from moving on in order to help others.;;bodhisattva(s) Geography;;One feature of this lake contains the ruins of the Tea House and was once inhabited by the hermit Dick "Them's my toes" Barter. Created by the Dollar Point and Incline Village faults, this body of water lies near the extinct volcano Mount Pluto, as well as Mount Tallac and Freel Peak. The Horsetail Falls and Pyramid Peak lie in the Desolation Wilderness on its western shore, as does the D.L. Bliss State Park, while the Fallen Leaf Lake is separated from it by Emerald Bay State Park. Containing Fannette Island, this lake receives much of its water from the Truckee River. For 10 points, name this second deepest lake in the United States, located on the border between California and Nevada.;;(Lake) Tahoe World History;;Ardahan, Kars, and Batumi were returned to their original owner as part of the terms of this treaty, which also transferred approximately ninety percent of one signatory nation's coal mines. Richard von Kuhlmann represented the Germans at the negotiations that led to this agreement, while other powers were represented by Talat Pasha and Ottokar Czernin. An independent Armenia was created as a result of this treaty, which also renounced one parties claims to Finland and other Eastern European possessions. Leon Trotsky represented Bolshevik Russia at the negotiations, creating a treaty that ended hostilities for only about eight months. For ten points, identify this treaty between Russia and several Central European powers which led to Russia leaving World War I, named for a city in modern Belarus.;;(Treaty of) Brest-(Litovsk);;(Treaty of) San Stefano Literature;;This author wrotes about a journey to an all-night cafeteria from his hotel in Fayetteville in The Arkansas Testament, and in another, the speaker meets with an old friend in the New Jerusalem Bar. In one of his poems, this author called a dog a "black vowel barking," and in another he wrote about how his gift "led to what? They provided/ no comfort like the French priests' or the Workers Hymn". One of his poems opens by noting that "They stroll on Sundays down Dronningens Street", and in a different poem, this poet notes that "They were expendable as Jews" and wonders how he can turn his back on a title place. Those poems are "Tiepolo's Hound" and "A Far Cry from Africa". In his best known poem, the narrator addresses a figure who "was the crunch of dry leaves, and the washes that echoed from a cave-mouth when the tide had ebbed. FTP, identify this author of "Omeros," a poet from St. Lucia.;;(Derek) Walcott Linguistics;;One of this man's work discusses Gleb Ivanovic Uspenskij's speech disorders, which caused him to ascribe positive qualities to Gleb and negative to Ivanovic. That work is part of the section "The Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles", which is part of his work "Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Disturbances". This man utilized terms like phatic and connotative to describe the functions of language, of which he believed there were six. Those functions are found in a work which he delivered as a lecture to a conference on poetry, in which he claimed that grammar and poetics are functionally the same and which he published as "Closing Statements". For ten points, identify this friend of Nicolas Trubetzkoy, who wrote about structural linguistics in his work Style in Language and worked in the Prague School.;;(Roman) Jakobson Chemistry;;Two members of this set of reactions preformed in succession makes up a Haworth reaction. A pitfall in one of the subclasses of this class of reactions is that arene activation may cause the reaction to be repeated, but that can be overcome by following with a carbonyl reduction; an issue with the second subclass is that both the product and reactant are complexed by this class' common catalyst, so yields are only good when a stoichiometric amount of that metallic Lewis acid is used. A Clemmensen reduction can convert the products of one of those subclasses into the products of the other. The archetype of that second subclass can be modified by the Fries rearrangement, while the archetype of the first sees an alkyl halide attack an aromatic ring. For ten points, identify this group of reactions initially discovered in the form of a related acylation and alkylation.;;Friedel-Crafts-(type) (reactions) World History;;This ruler was denied the help of Dhana, and this ruler was was able to secure the alliance of Parvatka, which helped him to defeat the general Bhadrasala. This man conquered Assam, and this man was the recipient of the Ambassador Megasthenes. This man's advisor Chanakya wrote the Arthashastra and helped this ruler come to power, and this man fought Eudemus and Peithon as part of his general campaign to rid northwestern India of Alexandrian rulers. That campaign also included this ruler's defeat of Seleucus Nicator. Bindasaura succeeded this man, who converted to Jainism and starved himself to death. For ten points, identify this grandfather of Ashoka, who defeated the Nanda dynasty to found the Mauryan dynasty in India.;;Chandragupta (Maurya)|Sandrokottos World History;;One signatory to this agreement received the Pescadores islands as part of the settlement, and that party received a payment of about 7.5 million kilograms of silver. As part of this agreement, one party agreed to open up Soochow and Chungking to the other, while that party also received most-favored-nation status. One side ceded the Liaodong province, while a re-negotiation of part of this document with the assistance of Russia saw one party receive a good lease for Kwantung. Mutsu Munemitsu signed this agreement on behalf of one party, while John Foster advised the other side, which delegated the signing to Li Hongzhang. For ten points, identify this agreement, also known as the Treaty of Maguan, which ended the first Sino-Japanese War.;;(Treaty of) Shimonoseki;;(Treaty of ) Mauguan Biology;;Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 up-regulates synthesis of this compound in the brain following oxidative or nitrosative stress. This prevents neuronal apoptosis resulting from excitotoxin damage when this molecule binds its receptor, thereby activating JAK-2. This compound is mainly synthesized in the renal cortex by peritubular fibroblasts, and its actions include vasoconstriction-induced hypertension and encouraging growth of smooth muscle fibers. This hormone also promotes angiogenesis, which is why anemic patients on synthetic versions of this like darbepoetin are at a higher risk for tumorigenesis, as are those who engage in blood doping or injection of this hormone. For ten points, identify the glycoprotein hormone that controls red blood cell production.;;erythropoietin|EPO Music;;A trumpet solo plays over the mingled adult and children's chorus in this work's middle section. The chorus in this piece uses counterpoint between different sections to contribute to the overall soundscape, which oscillates throughout this piece. The words "I want to dig him out" are repeated near the end of this piece, which has a fortissimo trumpet section in the middle which quotes from Charles Ives' The Unanswered Question. This work begins with a child repeating the word "Listen" several times, which is then underscored by chords in the strings and short piano notes, and the names of people from missing persons signs are read. For ten points, identify this piece of music written to commemorate the death of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which was composed by John Adams.;;On the Transmigration of Souls Literature;;One character in this novel exhorts another to "connect – only connect!" and this novel references joining together prose and poetry several times. One character in this novel gets drunk after her husband loses his job and is forced to leave the house. Theobald is a continually weak character in this novel, and one character makes matters worse when he gives unsolicited financial advise that a firm is on shaky financial ground. Leonard Bast strikes Charles on the shoulder several times with the flat of a saber, causing Mr. Wilcox to have a heart attack and a long convalescence. Helen goes to Germany and does not return until the end of the novel, when she is pregnant, to the surprise of her sister Margaret Schlegel. For ten points, identify this novel about the title country estate, a work by E.M. Forster.;;Howards End Miscellaneous;;Some material by this band was collected on Ego, Opinion, Art, and Commerce. The opening to a recent song by this band notes that "ecstasy is all you need" when you're living in the title concept of the song, and another song from that CD notes that "you and I got something, but it's all nothing to me". Those two songs are "Big Machine" and "Here is Gone", and come from a CD which also features "Sympathy", entitled Gutterflower. An earlier album featured the songs "Long Way Down" and "Name". This group wrote a song which claims that "You were the same as me, but on your knees". That song is from the album Dizzy Up the Girl, which features "Slide" and this group's best known song, in which the singer claims that he'd "Give up forever to touch you". For ten points, identify this group which performed "Black Balloon" and "Iris".;;(The) Goo Goo Dolls Literature;;The title character of this novel puts 2000 children in a concrete ship and blows it up. 918 heads are at first disguised as coconuts in a bag in this novel, and are filed in cabinets to decay, while the aides of the title character hire prostitutes to pose as schoolgirls for him to accost and rape. Those heads are sent in by the sadistic José Ignacio Saenz de la Barra, and a pack of trained dogs kills the boy Emanuel, who is the son of Leticia Nazareno. The title character of this novel wants to canonize his mother, Benedicion. The title character of this novel is immune to bullets and can change the weather, but is sexually impotent and must carry a herniated testicle around in a leather case. For ten points, identify this experimentally structured novel about the unnamed dying dictator of a Caribbean country, which was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.;;Autumn of the Patriarch|El oto(ñ|n){1}?o del patriarca Physics;;A generalization of this investigation accounting for relativity observed analogue of Airy disk edges and was conducted contemporaneously by G.P. Thomson. The data from this investigation were initially displayed on a periodic graph of Faraday box intensity versus the square root of accelerating voltage, with an initial peak corresponding to 54 volts at fifty degrees; knowledge of that angle allowed the experimenters to calculate the lattice spacing, a calculations that gave rise to the technique of electron crystallography. The results of this experiment were found to verify an analogue of Bragg's law for thermionic electrons emissions fired at a cooled nickel crystal, which agreed with the de Broglie hypothesis. For ten points, name this experiment in which two namesake American experimenters measured wave-like properties in electrons.;;(the) Davisson-Germer (experiment) Music;;A re-release of this album includes a false start of one of the songs on this album, which differs from other twelve-bar blues tracks in B-flat by switching to A-flat seventh instead of B-flat seventh. That song also uses Wynton Kelly on piano, rather than the pianist who plays all the other tracks on this album, Bill Evans. This album, which contains a track with an unusual bass vamp entitled All Blues, also contains a track which switches between three modes using the 13th of the leading chord, entitled Blue in Green. A more well-known track from this album has no theme and allows each player a modal solo in the intent of drawing a comparison to Spanish melodies. That song, Flamenco Sketches, follows a song with a namesake chord consisting of three perfect fourths capped by a major third. For ten points, identify this album which contains So What?, the seminal composition by Miles Davis.;;Kind of Blue United States History;;Major Carleton was present at this event and sold his story to Harper's Weekly, which ran it as a cover story. Seventeen children survived this event and were incorporated into the local community, and James Buchanan condemned this event and suggested that it might have been averted with face-to-face contact. The location of this event was inside the Iron County Military District. John Lee and Isaac Haight coordinated with Paiute tribesmen to bring this event to fruition, and its target was the Francher-Baker party of emigrants from Arkansas, who were travelling to California and pausing to rest their cattle. For ten points, identify this even, in which a group of emigrants were slaughtered by Mormons after their surrender.;;Mountain Meadows (Massacre) Religion/Mythology;;One principlke of this religion splits between its higher and lower aspects, is the incarnation of human thought, and is called manas. This religion claims that a prominent religion originally sprang from the Wisdom Religion of the Aryans, and that humanity was at the nadir of its spiritual development during the time of Atlantis. This religion originally had a trio of objectives, which included establishing a Universal Brotherhood of Humanitiy, to encourage scientific discovery, and to discover the latent psychic powers in man. A prominent member of this religion wrote the book of Dryzen and also Isis Unveiled. For ten points, identify this religion which uses a Divine Hierarchy to explain that all religions are a version of the truth, and which was started by Helene Blavatsky.;;Theosophy Literature;;One character in this novel paints a sparrow hawk, which had earlier appeared to him hatching from an egg in a vision, and leaves it at the title character's residence. A character in this novel is attempting to escape the bully Kromer, which the title character helps out with. At the end of this novel, the narrator and the title character serve in the military and meet up in a military hospital. The title character responds with a note that mentions the diety Abraxas. After the narrator of this novel spends time learning from and philosophizing with the organist Pistorius, he has a dream image of the title character's mother, Frau Eva. For ten points, identify this book narrated and published under the name Emil Sinclair, a work by Hermann Hesse.;;Demian Chemistry;;One of the two dioritic members of this set is exemplified by tremolite, while the other exhibits sharing of three oxygens and consequent one-plane cleavage; those adensite children are the next-to-most stable and most stable members of this sequence, respectively. This sequence exhibits different peridotite and gabbro members since its members solidify incongruently from basaltic melts; this fractional crystallization explains its structure vis-á-vis its counterpart. Minerals leave it by undergoing a rhyolitic transition at below about eight hundred degrees Celsius, a point near which this series merges with its counterpart at felsic orthoclase in the larger object of which they're part. For ten points, name this series of mafic minerals that runs from olivine to biotite: the non-plagioclase minerals above the bifurcation of Bowen's reaction series.;;(the) discontinuous branch (of Bowen's reaction series) Religion/Mythology;;One version of this character's myth states that he was married to the daughter of Amphidamantes, while other versions say that the daughter was of Pactolus or Xanthus. This father of Broteas is said to have a grandson by the same name who ruled Pisa. In one myth, this man's friend Pandaerus gave him a stolen golden dog for safe-keeping, while this father of Niobe also founded the House of Atraeus. This character's son was boiled in a sacred cauldron to return him to life after his shoulder was eaten by Demeter, which happened because this character chopped him into pieces and served him to the gods. For ten points, identify this father of Pelops, who resides in an undrinkable pool of water in Tartarus.;;Tantalus Art;;A black door on the left side of this painting is set off by its use of brass handles, and the black background of much of this painting is punctuated by reflected circular lights from the interior of the scene, while that background is seen through a window with a frame that is both brown and white. A small black radiator occupies the corner of the interior locale in this painting, which also contains a dark chair. The central figure in this painting has removed only one glove, which gives her hand freedom to hold a cup of coffee and a saucer. That figure sits at a table next to a full bowl of yellow and orange fruit, and wears a hat and a blue coat. For ten points, identify this painting of a woman alone at the titular fast food restaurant, which was painted by Edward Hopper.;;Automat Philosophy;;Although he's more known for work in another field, this man wrote mathematical treatises entitled On Numbers, On Geometrics, and On Tangencies. This philosopher theorized that vision worksb y the eye receiving effluences from nature. This philosopher wrote The Horn of Amalthea and Tritogeneia in ethics, and he also wrote many works about nature, such as On Flavors and The Little World-ordering. This man divided knowledge into bastard and legitimate types, which are distinguished by how they are obtained, but he's more well-known for a theory that he adapted from the work of his teacher, Leucippus. For ten points, identify this philosopher who advocated deterministic materialism, and who was the first to propose that everything was made up of atoms.;;Democritus United States History;;Before ending the Second Bank of the United States as Jackson's Secretary of the Treasury, Levi Woodbury served in this position, which was occupied by Joseph Hewes for the Continental Congress. An important school was established while George Bancroft served in this position, while Gideon Welles occupied this position during the Civil War as a member of Abraham Lincoln's Cabinet. Donald C. Winter currently occupies this position, which saw the establishment of the Hydrographic Office and bureaucratic reform under John Tyler's appointment to this position, Abel P. Upshur, and George Forrestal was the last person to serve in this position before it was subsumed. For ten points, identify this office, which was subsumed into the Secretary of Defense's office and which probably involved being in control of many boats.;;Secretary (of the) Navy Chemistry;;This reaction is the progenitor and analogue of the metal alkoxide-catalyzed ester formation named for Tischenko and is similar in product to the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction; it was recently discovered that lithium bromide is a near-ideal catalyst for all three, though the traditional form of this reaction uses a metal hydroxide as its catalyst. This reaction begins with nucleophilic addition by a hydroxide group, resulting in a namesake tetrahedral intermediate, which then reacts with another molecule of reactant in a disproportionation step. Formaldehyde can be used to increase the yield of one of this reaction's products in its "crossed" variant. If the reactant aldehyde has an alpha hydrogen, the aldol condensation accomplishes the same thins as this reaction faster. For ten points, name this reaction in which an acid and alcohol are formed from aldehydes, and which is named for an Italian chemist.;;(the) Cannizzaro (reaction) Antrhopology;;This work includes a discussion of the Polynesian works mana and hau, which refer to the power inherent in a certain ritual discussed in this book. This book argues that its title concept is capable of transforming the entire social fabric through the concept of metonym. Marcel Giraule assisted in the writing of this book, which also outlines a concept called total prestation. The book claims that its title concept is important because of the way in which it allows concomminent displays of respect and generosity, which is especially outlined in the Native American systems of kula and Potlatch. For ten points, identify this book, subtitled Forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies, which is a work by Marcel Mauss.;;(The) Gift(;) (Forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies)|(Essai sur le) don World History;;Alexander Soloviev attempted to kill this man, who was also the target of Dimitry Karakozov, while earlier in his life, he'd been tutored by Vasily Zhukovsky. He appointed Loris-Melikov to head committees to suppress nationalistic movements, which outlawed Polish, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian. This man appointed Prince Gorchakov to lead the negotiations for peace after the fall of Sevastopol, while he gave a famous speech entitled "No Dreams". This man established the Diet of Finland and morganatically married Catherine Dolgorukuv, in addition to marrying Marie of Hesse. This man is the son of Nicolas I and Charlotte of Prussia. For ten points, identify this nineteenth century Duke of Finland and Russian Czar who was murdered by the People's Will and had earlier emancipated the serfs.;;Alexander (II|the Second){1}? Literature;;One character in this novel finds a letter with several revelations, including the fact that soliders wear antennae under their helmets so that the commanders can control them. Another character is greeted as the Messiah of the Church of God the Utterly Indifferent. After the protagonist of this novel loses all of his money, he's recruited by Martians, during which he earns his nickname Unk. After Salo self-destructs, the protagonist lives in his ship on the title moon, although after Salo comes back to life, Roomford disappears and Beatrice moves into his house. For ten points, identify this novel which begins with Malachi Constant witnessing a materialization, a novel by Kurt Vonnegut.;;(The) Sirens of Titan Geography;;Minor tributaries of this include the Bureya, Zeya and Songhua rivers and this waterway flows through the cities of Huma and Blagoveshchensk. Spanned by the Khabarovsk Bridge, this body of water is formed by the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers. Near Nikolayevsk, this river flows into the Sea of Okhotsk and the Zhenbao Island of its tributary, the Ussuri River, was the site of a 1969 border conflict. Also known as the Black Dragon or Heilong Jiang, for 10 points, identify this ninth longest river in the world which forms the border between Russia and the Manchuria region of China.;;Amur (River);;Heilong Jiang|Xap Mepeh|Sahaliyan Ula Geography;;Its westernmost point is in the Ujung Kulon National Park, while its eastern tip is Banyuwangi and the languages of Osing, Baduy and Tenggerese are spoken here. The Brantas and Bengawan Solo are the longest rivers of this island while its volcanoes include Lawu, Bromo and Merapi. The site of the Mendut, Belahan and Prambanan temples, this island has its highest point at Semeru while its second largest city is Surabaya. Bordered by the Madura and Sunda straits and containing the Buddhist shrine of Borobudur, for 10 points, name this Indonesian island on which lies the capital of Jakarta.;;Java Literature;;This cycle of poems notes that if you take a crippled boy to a hospital, you will become a hero, and later notes that blood is tasty because it has no taste. The author describes the work in the preface as somber and poison-soaked, and notes that burning the book will cause fumes that dissolve souls like water. One section of this poem notes that one should let one's nails grow for a fortnight, since they help to more easily pierce the brow of a child, a process which should last no shorter than an aeon. Another section of this poem notes that the first love of the title character is a shark, which it celebrates. For ten points, identify this cycle of poems which celebrate the evil of the title character, a long work by the poet Lautreamont.;;(The) Lay of Maldoror|(La) Chanson de Maldoror Chemistry;;The cross-section for this process is dominated by the so-called beryllium sieve. The mean sigma v for this phenomenon has a dominant component that varies as the kinetic temperature to thirtieth power, so that it is massively suppressed in low-temperature systems and tends to run away in high-temperature systems, especially those dependent on electron degeneracy pressure, in which this process' runaway results in a flash named for its reactants. This dominant process in red giants was elucidated when Fowler discovered a nuclear resonance predicted by Fred Hoyle, who was seeking to explain carbon nucleosynthesis; the carbon created by the third step of this process can be used by the CNO cycle, while the reactants for this process result from the pp-chain. For ten points, identify this process of stellar nuclear fusion in which three helium nuclei fuse.;;(the) (triple|three){1}?-alpha (process);;helium (fusion)|alpha (fusion) World History;;Alexandru cel Bun sent cavalry to aid the victorious forces in this battle. Semen Lingwen commanded the forces from Smolensk at this battle, while Jelal-el-Din commanded the Tatars. Markward von Salzbach was executed following this battle, and the Peace of Thorn was signed as a direct result of the fighting at this battle. The banner of Krakow was lost at this battle, although it was recovered. Ulrich von Jungigen commanded the defeated forces at this battle, while the victorious forces were commanded by Vytautas the Great and Wladyslaw II Jagiello. For ten points, identify this battle which saw the Teutonic Knights handily defeated by Poland, the decisive engagement of the Polish-Teutonic War, which also names a battle of World War I.;;(First|1st) (Battle of) Tannenberg|(Battle of) Grunwald|(Battle of) Zalgiris Music;;This piece was requested by Bernard Scholz, although the composer ignored his request not to orchestrate it heavily, and Hugo Alfvén used it as inspiration for the Uppsala Rhapsody. This piece includes a bassoon solo playing "Wir hatten gebauet ein stattliches Haus", and a similar song, "Fuchslied", is also featured. The highly evocative finale of this piece utilizes the song "Gaudeamus igitur" and evokes rapture and common German drinking songs. This piece was written as a companion piece to its composer's earlier Tragic Overture. For ten points, identify this piece which was written in thanks for an honorary doctorate from the University of Breslau, which was written by Johannes Brahms.;;Academic Festival Overture| Brahms(') Opus 80 Sociology;;This work notes that the only person who should seek out the title concept of this work is someone "who is sure that he shall not crumble when the world from his point of view is too stupid or too base for what he wants to offer".This book claims that a state should be defined as a compulsory entity of organized domination, while it claims that the title concept of this book evolved from the need to remove rulers from direct power. This book claims that people in government should marry responsibility and the doctrine of ultimate ends, and claims that politicians who follow the ethic of the Sermon on the Mount are unfit to govern. For ten points, identify this work by Max Weber, which describes the title concept as any activity which allows the state to use legitimate force, one which this book notably claims that the state has a monopoly.;;Politics as a Vocation Literature;;One character in this novel is impressed by the ability of a thug to bend a hundred yen coin in half, and that same character often passes the time by simultaneously counting the change in his left and right pockets. A librarian in this novel is able to eat a ridiculous amount of food. Another character rin this novel is flattered to hear that she looks good in pink, which is the only color of clothing that she will wear, and she offers to help another character fend off the INKlings by a portable device, which allows them to find her grandfather. That grandfather is a scientist who presents the central character with a unicorn skull, which allows him to navigate the relationships between both sides of his brain. For ten points, identify this novel about an unnamed Calcutec whose mind is split up into the two title places, which is a novel by Haruki Murakami.;;Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Physics;;The cross-section for this process is given by two thirds pi to the fifth times scattering center diameter to the sixth over incident wavelength to the fourth times the square of the quantity index of refraction squared minus one all over index of refraction squared plus two, close quantity. Einstein used this effect to quantitatively explain an effect that results from density fluctuations at second-order phase changes, critical opalescence. It is similar to Stokes scattering except that its de-excitation transition is back to the ground state; however, like both cases of Raman scattering, this form of scattering sees scatterer excited to a high virtual energy state. This form of scattering can be found as the low-Mie-parameter limit of Mie theory since it describes the scattering of light by spheres of radii much smaller than the light's wavelength. For ten points, name this form of scattering often seen in gasses.;;Rayleigh (scattering) ARt;;An old woman in a blue head-scarf glares toward the viewer in this paining from the top center. An old man with a white moustache, white shirt, and a pained expression on his face sits under a panel of light on the wall of the interior scene of this painting, which is directly across from two men in top hats who are talking and staring out a window, through which can be seen hills under sky. A small child is asleep near the bottom of this painitng, and he sits next to a parcel which bears the signature of the artist as the recipient. To that child's left, a young woman in a green shirt is breastfeeding a child, and those two characters frame a wrinkly woman with a cloak with a basket. For ten points, identify this painting of the interior of the titular conveyance, which is a work by Honore Daumier.;;(The) Third-Class Carriage World History;;A cadet branch of this dynasty ruled the rump Empire of Trebizond for 250 years before being captured and executed by Mehmed II. The last member of this dynasty was Andronicus I, who only ruled for two years before being deposed by Isaac II. More long-lived members included one who was known as "the Beautiful" for his personal piety and one who restored Byzantine suzerainty over Antioch. More famous than John I and Manuel I is this dynasty's father, who after kicking Robert Guiscard out of the Balkans asked Pope Urban II for a little help in handling his Turkish problem. For ten points, indentify this Byzantine dynasty founded by Alexius I the Great.;;Comnen(us|i){1}? (Dynasty) Miscellaneous;;The design of the Ehrgeiz sword incorporates one of these in its hilt, and a blade created out of this can be found at the highest point on Bervenia volcano. One of these objects can only be obtained on an island after breeding a Gold Chocobo, and enlarged varieties of these are present in the Observatory at Cosmo Canyon. These objects are synthesized naturally in a cave above Niflheim, but can also be manufactured by Shinra Corporation. One of these is lost after its possessor is stabbed through the back, causing her to drop it after utilizing it in an attempt to use Holy. Another of these items is taken from the protagonist at the Northern Crater, and earlier trapped the character Cait Sith after it shrunk to a handheld size. Those items, which are black and white respectively, but more common varieties of these include the yellow, which allow users to use commands like Steal and Counter. For ten points, identify these ubiquitous items which allow the use of summoned creatures and magic in Final Fantasy VII.;;Materia Religion/Mythology;;Mulla Husayn met this religious figure after a forty day vigil, and this figure was said to have attended the lectures of the Shayki. This man named Zarrín Táj Baragháni Tahiri, or Pure, and this religious figure wrote a notable Commentary on the Surih of Joseph. This writer of the "Book of the Spirit" and the "Book of the Catalogue" also wrote the "Book of Grades" and the "Book of Five Names". The Governor of Shiraz arrested this man, who had undertaken a pilgrimage with his 18th Letter of the Living. This figured claimed to be the Hidden Imam, and he taught a man who would later go on to found a religion, which this man is a central figure in. For ten points, identify this religious figure, whose title means "Gate", and who was the teacher of Baha'ullah, making him the forerunner of Bah'ai.;;(The) Bab|Siyyid Al(í|i){1}? Mu?ammad Literature;;At the start of this play, one character notes that Webster, a gay man, is very energetic, and then turns off the radio because of the noise of a turning newspaper and an iron. That character is the ex-lover of Madeleine. One character secretly sends a telegram to her friend's father, and the next day, Colonel Redfern appears at the apartment, causing his daughter to leave with him. One character in this play makes up a vaudeville skit with his friend Cliff, although it ends in a fight. At the end of the play, one character loses her baby, and after Helena leaves, confesses that she has felt the pain of living and can therefore be with her husband again. For ten points, identify this play about Jimmy and Alison porter, a work by Angry Young Man John Osborne.;;Look Back in Anger Noncomputational Math;;One generalization of the class of problems named for this person is the Lewy example, which limits the existence theorem proved in the general case by Kovalevskaya and in a special case by this thinker, who also proved a special case of the Peano existence theorem. A special case of the Pólya theorem establishing the equivalence of the number of non-permutable elements and orbits for a finite group is a lemma due to this mathematician and Froebenius. His namesake boundary conditions specify normal derivatives up to a certain order on a hypersurface. Coeffieicents of a Laurent series can be found with his namesake integral formual. His namesake criterion determines convergence of his namesake sequences, all of which converge in a complete metric space. For ten points, name this mathematician who demonstrated that the inner product is dominated by the norm in an inequality named for him and Schwarz.;;(Augustin) (Louis) Cauchy World History;;This ruler is notable for the dredging of a canal on the Nile, which was also the site of a fortress that this ruler constructed at Tombos. The son of Senseneb, this ruler had the child Wadjmose and also Nefrubity by his first wife. Although not much is known about this ruler's campaign in Syria, he was victorious, and their prince's were forced to swear allegiance to thim. This ruler hired Ineni to expand the Temple at Karnak, and was notable also for defeating and personally slaying the Nubian King who had revolted against his rule. This husband of Queen Ahmose also had a child by Ahnofret, who would succeed him. For ten points, identify this Egyptian pharaoh who succeeded Amenhotep I and preceded Thutmose II.;;Thutmose (I|the First){1}? Religion/Mythology;;A devotion to this deity notes that "I am the Dark Guide, the secret way-finder, the one who leads through mazes" and gives her the epithet "Lady of Mysteries".  This goddess absorbed aspects of the creation goddess Mut, and also the lioness goddess Menhit. One of this deity's children was the patron of lotuses, knives, and war, occasionally assisting his father in the fight against the serpent Apep. That child, Maahes, was born of this deity and Ra. This deity was said to slay the pharaoh's enemies with arrows of fire during battle, and this deity of menstruation also had a notable story in which a river was changed to beer and pomegranate juice to get her drunk enough to sate her legendary bloodlust. For ten points, identify this Egyptian cat goddess of bloodlust and destruction, who nearly destroyed all of humanity.;;Sekhmet Literature;;One character in this novel gets out of a compromising situation by claiming that a priest raped a hotel maid instead of him. The character Jacko challenges the protagonist to a duel after he insults Ms. Fog while attempting to woo her, and shortly thereafter, another character wants to hire his servant to set up as a fake chief of the Kickapoo tribe. After one character in this novel deserts his master, he's found replacing a comedian who impersonated the Irish instead of a brothel, and he shortly thereafter is hired to write the editorials for a newspaper, after being rejected as the mayor of a town. Teague O'Regan works for Farrago, the protagonist of this novel. For ten points, identify this novel by Hugh Henry Breckenridge.;;Modern Chivalry Chemistry;;A naïve analysis of the mechanism of this reaction would lead one to the wrong product as the three mesomers of its dienyl carbanion intermediate must be considered. An optional step in this reaction occurs only if a component is conjugated with the involved arene, in which case alkene double bonds will be reduced. Substituents on the reactant can control this reaction's regioselectivity because electron-donating groups favor protonation at an unoccupied site meta- to the substituents, while electron-attracting substituents favor para-protonation. The conditions for this reaction usually feature an alkali metal dissolved in liquid ammonia, which can be understood as providing solvated protons and electrons. For ten points, identify this reaction, which reduces a benzene ring to a 1,4-cyclohexadiene and which is named for an Australian chemist.;;(the) Birch (reduction) Geography;;Its Amedee Lighthouse is the tallest metal lighthouse in the world while another island of this chain features the Xodre Cliffs. Upi Bay and Nga peak are landmarks of its Isle of Pines, while the Astrolabe, Surprise and Huon islands are uninhabited. The native inhabitants of this chain are known as Kanaks, and it has its highest point at Mont Panie. La Foa, Poya and Kone are among its largest cities while its isolated islands include the Belep, Tiga and Mare. Including the Chesterfield, Loyalty and Lifou island chains, as well as the largest island, Grande Terre, for 10 points, name this French overseas territory in Melanesia with its capital at Noumea.;;New Caledonia|Nouvelle-Caledonie United States History;;The losing commander's plan at this battle consisted of an attack on Grant and Donop's wing as part of a four-pronged simultaneous attack, but the fog led to one column firing on another.  After this battle, Lafayette was given command of Stephen's forces, as he was found incredibly drunk, and despite carrying a flag of truce, Lieutenant William Smith was killed at this engagement.  Following the breaking of Sullivan's Brigade, Colonel Matthews was captured at this battle, and .Stephen's forces strayed from the lane of attack and made for the Chew House instead of meeting with Wayne's left flank.  Serving as an impetus for the French to enter the war on the side of the colonists, for ten points, identify this October 4th, 1777 battle that took place north of Philadelphia.;;(Battle of) Germantown Biology;;The activity of this molecule on neurons relies upon its heparin-binding domain, and the human 37-kDa receptor for this protein has been shown to interact with prion protein PrPSc. The receptor for this protein on platelets is the integrin VLA-6, and this heterotrimeric protein associates with type IV collagen networks via enactin, and binds cell membranes to contribute to cell attachment. The A-chain of this protein is integral in the initiation of cell polarity in kidney cells, and splice site and nonsense mutations in the alpha-2 gene for a type of this protein has been shown to result in congenital muscular dystrophy. For ten points, identify this extracellular matrix protein that also forms the basement membrane.;;Laminin Physics;;The frequency distribution of energy from this process is given in cgs units by particle charge squared over speed of light squared times the pathlength integral of relative permeability times quantity one minus the squared ratio of local EM phase speed to particle speed. A phenomenon analogous to this one that results in charged secondary showers is the Aksaryan effect. This effect's characteristic angle is the arcsecant of the ratio of the particle speed to phase speed of light and its energy distribution is the aforementioned Frank-Tamm formula; the characteristic angle is only real when the speed ratio is at least unity because this effect only occurs when charged particles moves faster than the phase speed of light. For ten points, name this electrodynamic analogue of Mach wave emission by supersonic objects: a form of radiation that gives nuclear reactors a characteristic blue glow.;;Cherenkov (radiation|emission|effect)