Pop Culture;;This 60 year old God fearing man seems on the outside to be almost perfect. However, some deep psychological issues are revealed when he tries to date a Christian rock star after the death of his wife. Name this character who has a PhD in Mixology, has a satellite dish with over 230 channels blocked out and appears on the popular TV Show, the Simpsons.;;(Ned) Flanders Economics;;He proposed making clothing out of paper, and lost at least two jobs because he couldn't keep his hands off his colleague's wives. On a more serious note however, his economic contributions were remarkable. For ten points name this eccentric economist who coined the term "conspicuous consumption" in his book The Theory of the Leisure Class.;;(Thorstein) Veblen Chemistry;;Polar covalent bonds have a higher value of this quantity than do ionic bonds. The Mulliken Scale measures this quantity, but the Pauling scale is the one used most often to refer to this value for each element. Naturally, ions that cannot combine to form stable nuclei have a value of zero, and fluorine has the highest value, at 4,0. What is this value, also referred to as electron affinity, that refers to an element's ability to form chemical bonds?;;Electronegativity Sports;;By hosting a "Walk to Cure Diabetes", this individual has raised over $50 million over the past 30 years and was named in 2002 by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation "Person-of-the-Year". More known however, are his accomplishments on the baseball diamond, where he was a 15 season All-Star Third Baseman. Name this Cub "Great" who, at the end of his career played for the Chicago White Sox.;;(Ron) Santo Geography;;People used to know it as a man's name or a country in Africa. It was popularized in 2000 in Florida when it was left hanging. For ten points, what does one call the punched tab in an election ballot?;;Chad Noncomputational math;;6, 28, 496 and 8128 are the first four terms of this famous set. For ten points, name the set of numbers whose products add up to itself.;;Perfect(s) (Numbers) Literature;;One of the most quoted passages from this quartet of novels is the Badger's dissertation, which describes how God gave the all the animals a choice in their creation. First published in 1958, after the author's death a conclusion to the novel was found in his papers and published in 1977 as the Book of Merlyn. Consisting of "The Ill Made Night", "The Queen of Air and Darkness", "The Candle in the Wind", and "The Sword in the Stone" and based largely on Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur, this is, for ten points, what seminal work of T,H, White?;;(The) Once and Future King Music;;The most famous revision of Haydn's second one in D major was the 1890 one by Francois-Auguste Gevaert. Friedrich Grutzmacher arranged Luigi Boccherini's ninth one in B flat major, and in addition to his famous minuet, Boccherini is known best for this type of piece. Shostakovich's first one in E flat major is ranked among the most difficult, though it is said that the solo part was perfected in a mere three days by Rostropovich. Other notable examples include Elgar's in E minor and Dvorak's in B minor. Name this type of orchestral piece which might feature Pablo Casals or Yo Yo Ma as a soloist.;;(The) Cello Concerto World History;;Who spent the final days of 1989 and the beginning of 1990 being bombarded by loud rock music? This ended a career which included toppling the government of Arnulfo Arias, murdering Hugo Spadafora, laundering drug money, and making himself the leader of Panama. Name this general who was given a forty-year jail sentence by the United States.;;(Manuel) Noriega (Morena) Biology;;The major activity that occurs in this organelle is glycosylation, or the adding of sugar molecules to produce glycoproteins. Eventually, some of these proteins will move to the plasma membrane and become embedded there. Other ways out of this organelle include moving into the lysosomes or excretion via exocytosis. What is this cell organelle whose most important function is the packaging of proteins after they leave the endoplasmic reticulum?;;Golgi (Bod(ies|y){1}?|Complex|Apparatus|Body) Pop Culture;;The creator of this video game also created Oh No! More Lemmings. This game, though highly popularized has a bad reputation, especially after a Wisconsin boy claimed that it was to blame for a series of heinous crimes. For ten points, name this video game saga that involves Tommy Vercetti in its third and fourth games and takes place in San Andreas for its last.;;Grand Theft Auto|GTA Music;;Germaine Tailleferre, Louis Durrey, Georges Auric, Darius Milhaud, Francis Poulence and Arthur Honneger were given what collective name by music critic Henri Collet, who wished to compare them to a similarly named group of Russian composers?;;(Les|The){1}?\s*Six Literature;;Which Dickens novel starts out with, "My Father's family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name being Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So I called myself Pip and came to be called Pip"? For ten points, name this novel that portrays the its protagonist living in the marsh country, working at a job he hates and later experiencing material success in London at a very early age.;;Great Expectations Computer Science;;This picture file type was created by CompuServe and uses LZW compression. It is commonly used in webpages because of its small size. Name this picture file that is limited by its 256 color palette, but is the only common picture format that can be animated.;;GIF|Graphics Interchange Format Misc Science;;Which era is composed of the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Periods?;;Paleozoic (Era) Economics;;Though monopolies are heavily protected against by governments, this similar organization is much harder to break apart, though just as dangerous to the free market system. What is the name of a group of businesses with monopoly powers?;;Cartel(s) Sports;;This baseball player was a critical part of The Field of Dreams, by Kinsella and Eight Men Out by Asinof. Name this player whose nickname evolved from a story that he had too many blisters on his feet.;;Shoeless Joe (Jackson) |(Joseph|Joe) Jackson World History;;He served for almost 27 years, making him the third longest serving. Born Karol Józef Wojty»a, he was the first non-Italian since 1522. Known commonly as the pilgrim, he traveled more than all of his predecessors combined. For ten points, name this Pope who started his papal service on October 16th, 1978 and who died in 2005 from Parkinson's disease.;;(Pope) John Paul II Pop Culture;;It was started with Andre and Wally B, and its first independent production was Luxo Jr. In 1989, it produced Knickknack and a commercial for Tropicana. Its breakout year, however, was 1995, when it raised $140 million as an IPO and hit the big screen in partnership with Disney. Name this company whose releases include Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. All of its movies are created through computer animation.;;Pixar (Studios) United States History;;One night in 1923, he assaulted and robbed a well-known local citizen and was soon arrested for ten years without having any prior criminal record. Considered by some to be a notorious and dangerous criminal and by others a Robin Hood figure, this man's exploits, along with other criminals such as Bonnie and Clyde and Ma Barker dominated the attentions of the American media in the public enemy era. One of the FBI's most famous cases, name this famous robber who was later named Public Enemy Number One.;;(John) Dillinger Computer Science;;This software was created by Bob Gaskins working for the company Forethought. Gaskins was inspired by Whitfield Diffie. It first went on sale in 1987, and, like all software, was bought by Microsoft. The first version, the teachers may remember, was only black and white and was designed to print files on paper that a copier could later turn into a transparency. It is now taught in classrooms throughout the country and is ubiquitous in business schools. Name this popular software that by some estimates is used to make thirty million presentations each day.;;Powerpoint Biology;;What is the single longest nerve in the body? It connects the spinal cord with leg and foot muscles. It is often associated with pain caused by pressure on the lower spine but felt in the legs.;;Sciatic (nerve) United States History;;Who was elected to the Senate in 1930 but was so busy serving as Governor that he did not take the oath of office until 1932? He called his agenda "Share the wealth", and he titled his autobiography Every Man A King. Identify this controversial Louisiana politician who was assassinated in 1935 by Carl Weiss.;;(Huey (Pierce (\"Kingfish\" ) ) ) Long|(The) Kingfish Language Arts;;Coined by Lewis Carroll in Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, this linguistic term is generally defined as a word or morpheme that fuses two or more grammatical functions. Carroll for example claims that slithy means lithe and slimy. Other examples include smog, spork, brunch, motel and moped. Name this word that might also mean a large traveling bag made of leather.;;portmanteau United States History;;The aim of this project after World War II was hidden from most of the world, but was fairly clear to those involved. Even now, most of the documents related to this operation are classified. Nonetheless, particular interest was given to scientists that specialized in aerodynamics, rocketry and chemical weapons. Name this U.S operation that secretly brought high-ranking German scientists and their families to the United States in the hope the Soviet Russia wouldn't acquire them.;;(Project) (Operation) Paperclip Computer Science;;In UNIX/Linux administration, this program is a comprehensive network vulnerability scanning tool. Its name, derived from Greek mythology, refers to a rather famous figure. The son of Ixion and Nephele, which mythological creature among other things attempted to kidnap Deianara? Name the centaur whose blood was responsible for killing Heracles.;;Nessus Biology;;The vastus lateralis and medialis are attached to lateral and medial borders of this bone. Furthermore, the bone in question increases the leverage that the tendon can exert on the femur. Name this thick triangular bone that articulates with the femur and protects the front of the knee joint.;;patella Miscellaneous;;Name the company. To buzz in early on this one, you might want to remember a commercial from Super Bowl 18, assuming you were alive back then. A man on a large television screen speaks about "reunification of thought" and generally Orwellian ideas. Following this spiel, an athlete runs down a hallway and throws a sledgehammer at the screen. After that, a message appears claiming that on January 24th , 1984, the company in question would release a product and would demonstrate that the year 1984 would not be like the Orwellian "1984". Name this company that was comparing IBM, its main competitor at the time, to Big Brother; was founded by two Steves and in 1984, released Macintosh, their starship product.;;Apple (Computer(s)) World History;;In Arabic, this word means "resurrection" or "renaissance". Nowadays, however, it holds a negative connotation, especially considering that the Nazi party heavily influenced its methods. Developing from the Arabic Resurrection Movement which was set up by Michel Alfaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar, it split into two branches -- one controlling Syria and the other Iraq. Name this political party that only recently lost power in Iraq after Operation Iraqi Freedom.;;Ba(') ath (Party) Astronomy;;10 corresponds to a certain collision that could cause a global catastrophe and end civilization as we know it. A zero on the other hand means an effectively zero chance of such a collision. Named after the city it was created in, this outdated scale was used to categorize the impact hazard associated with near-Earth-objects. By the way, this city also hosted the 2006 Winter Olympics.;;Torino (Scale) Miscellaneous;;John Hancock, Steve Ballmer, W,E,B DuBois, Henry David Thoreau, Conan O'Brien, Leonard Bernstien, Lack Lemmon, Wallace Stevens and T,S, Elliot are among the alumni of what university, the first built in the United States?;;Harvard (University) Literature;;Part I of this famous work is titled Of Man; Part II is called Of Common-wealth; Part III is Of A Christian Common-Wealth and Part IV is Of the Kingdom of Darkness. It describes human existence in the state of nature as a "war of all against all".Influenced by the English Civil War, the book as a whole discusses a rule by the state, asserting that an absolute monarchy is far better than chaos and civil war. Name the famous book, titled after a Biblical serpent, written by Thomas Hobbes.;;Leviathan Art;;Born about 1488 AD, this Renaissance painter was often called Il Divino and Da Cadore after the town he was born in. In his early works, he showed great talent with frescoes, as demonstrated by Meeting at the Golden Gate. However, he gained his fame in maturity by painting portraits and is often compared with Rembrandt and Velasquez in that regard. For ten points, name the painter of The Venus of Urbino.;;Titian|Tiziano |Vecelli(o) Art;;Porting a nineteen-word middle name, this painter is quite famous and even has a museum named after him in Barcelona. During the Spanish Civil War and the two world wars, he remained neutral despite the fact that he was a Spanish-born artist working in France. One of his works even depicts his reactions to war. His later works are more peaceful but still have a "shock-value" as seen in his Demoiselles D'Avignon, a painting showing five prostitutes in a brothel. Name this painter whose painting Boy With A Pipe sold for 104 million dollars in 2004. He is also famous for inventing Cubism.;;(Pablo) Picasso Miscellaneous;;A recent Chicago Tribune article described this "craze" sweeping the world -- the Internet mostly. Often used as a haven for personal, cultural, topical or political thoughts, this kind of website has created a mass following on the Web and is popular among the younger generation as well as businessman like Donald Trump. Name this kind of website whose name is obtained from a portmanteau of the word "web" and a synonym for journal.;;Blog(ging) Music;;An important medieval poet and composer, he is often called "the last great poet who was also a composer" by music critic Daniel Leech-Wilkinson. Music historians claim that he wrote over 400 poems including Le Voir Dit, a piece about an apparently autobiographical love affair with Péronne d'Armentières. However, he is more famous on the musical side with his famous mass - the first to include all parts of the proper and ordinary - Mass of Notre Dame.;;(Guillaume) (de) Machaut Physics;;Name the Winner of the Noble Prize in Physics in 1938. The same year as his victory, he moved from his Professor of Theoretical Physics position in Rome to the United States. Name the physicist famous for his work on beta decay, developing the first nuclear reactor and working on induced radioactivity. A famous lab named after him is located in Batavia, Illinois.;;(Enrico) Fermi Religion/Mythology;;This Norse mythological character, the son of Odin and Jord, supposedly lives in the kingdom of Thrudheim. During Ragnarok, the Norse "final battle," he will kill and will be killed by Jormundandr, an evil sea serpent. However, he is most famous for possessing a chariot drawn by two goats and a hammer that when clapped causes thunder. Name him.;;Thor World History;;Name the position these following men held. Leo Von Caprivi. Georg Michaelis. Albert von Roon. Botho zu Eulenburg. Otto von Bismarck. The position was one of the highest ones in Prussia.;;(Prime Minister|Chief Minister){1}? of Prussia Chemistry;;This element, discovered in 1898 by Morris Travers, is named from the Greek word meaning stranger. A noble gas with 54 protons, it rarely exists on Earth. It is best known for forming compounds of hexaflouroplatinate and other fluorinated compounds.;;Xenon|Xe Computer Science;;In 1991, a difference engine was successfully constructed from his original plans and in 2000, a printer for this engine was created as well, much to the amazement of a few critics. Many however predicted this success given his past history and genius. For ten points, who is called "The Father of the Programmable Computer"?;;(Charles) Babbage Music;;Name the Opera. The first version premiered on 1904 in Milan. This initial version, however, was poorly received. In a few months, the opera was re-released with with the second act split into two separate ones. This version was a huge success. The plot is roughly based on the drama by David Belasco. Name the opera that involves B,F, Pinkerton, Sharpless and the title character, and was composed by Puccini.;;Madam(a|e){1}? Butterfly Biology;;An endoskeleton made of magnesium carbonate and calcium; a ring canal around the esophagus and a water-vascular system are all a characteristic of this phyla. Name the phyla often associated with sea cucumbers and starfishes.;;Echinodermata Economics;;Which British Economist wrote "The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes" in 1810, "Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock" in 1815 and his most famous "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" in 1817? His collective works help explain comparative advantage which serve as a justification for international trade.;;(David) Ricardo Pop Culture;;Name the series of books and movies associated with the following characters: Le Chiffre, Kamal Khan, Max Zorin, Gustav Graves, Rosa Klebb, Brad Whitaker and Electra King. All of these characters represent the villains in what series by Ian Fleming?;;(James) Bond Noncomputational Math;;Contrary to popular belief, the numbers he was told to sum were 81297 + 81495 + ...+ 100899. Since this is a very hard series to imagine, Math teachers often make up a story about how a teacher of this individual forced him to sum all integers from 1 to 100.;;(Carl (Friedrich)) Gauss Literature;;Name the poem. "MY heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains/My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk". This work by Keats describes his journey into the state of negative capability and explores the themes of nature, transience and mortality.;;Ode to a Nightingale United States History;;Comprised of settlers and land speculators, this paramilitary group controlled the area of the New Hampshire Grants. What group, led by Seth Warner, Ira Allen and Ethan Allen captured Fort Ticonderoga in 1775?;;Green Mountain Boys Language Arts;;What two-word Latin phrase is used to describe evidence that is sufficient in law to establish the fact in question unless rebutted? It can also refer to opinions based on immediate impressions. This phrase translates into English as 'at first view'.;;Prima Facie Geography;;Which state contains the Longfellow Mountains and the Chamberlain, Grand, and Moosehead Lakes? The Penobscot River runs through it, and about half of the state is owned by paper companies. Its boundary was settled by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, and it gained statehood through the Missouri Compromise.;;Maine United States History;;What was guarded by Major Robert Anderson? One evening at midnight, three emissaries went there and told him that he had until 4:00 AM to surrender. He refused, and the attacks started at 4:30. Anderson surrendered thirty-four hours laterâ€"fortunately, the only fatality was a horse. Name this fort attacked by General Beauregard on April 12, 1861, beginning the Civil War.;;(Fort) Sumter Literature;;Scientists have recently been working on restoring a copy of The Progeny. Who wrote The Progeny over 2400 years ago? His other surviving works include Philoctetes, Electra, Ajax, Oedipus Rex, and Antigone.;;Sophocles Chemistry;;Types of this process include azeotropic, dry, and extractive. The fractional kind is used for petroleum. Most types require a pot, condenser, and receiver. What is this process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors?;;Distill(ing|ation){1}? Psychology;;Who wrote the twentieth century classic Beyond Freedom and Dignity? He was a major advocate of operant conditioning, positive reinforcement, and the behaviorist school of psychology. Name this man who also wrote the novel Walden Two.;;(B(.) (urrhus)) (F(.) (rederic)) Skinner Computer Science;;This type of network can be found at Freenet, Entropy, and Gnutella. An early example was Napster before they ran into legal problems. Name this type of network that relies on the bandwidths of users rather than central servers.;;P2P|Peer-to-peer Music;;Whose first major opera, completed in 1707, was Rodrigo? His famous pieces were sometimes written for a specific purpose, such as celebrating the end of the War of Austrian Succession or celebrating a procession of King George The First up the Thames. The work he wrote to celebrate Easter is usually used to celebrate Christmas. Name this composer of Fireworks Music, Water Music, and Messiah.;;(George (Frideric)) Handel Physics;;Photons, gluons, and Helium Four atoms are examples of what type of particle? These particles do not follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle and have angular momenta in integral units. Name this category which covers all fundamental particles that are not fermions.;;Boson(s) Literature;;Which novel contains the characters Cliff Quackenbush and Chet Douglass? A tragic event in the novel involves Finny jumping out of a tree into a river. It takes place at Devon School in New Hampshire during World War II, and it was written by John Knowles.;;(A) Separate Peace Art;;The angle type makes the corner of a building look like a cross. The diagonal type makes a one hundred thirty-five degree angle with the building. The clasping type is the thicker part of walls at a corner. What are these structures which are built to support walls? The flying type, often found on old cathedrals, has space underneath it.;;(Flying) Buttress(es) World History;;Which English King spent only six months of his ten year reign in England, complaining according to some sources that it was cold and always raining? During one attempt to return home, he was captured by Leopold The Fifth of Austria and handed over to Henry The Sixth of the Holy Roman Empire. This took place after he gave up hope during The Third Crusade. Name this son of Henry The Second and Eleanor of Aquitane.;;(King) Richard (the) (First|I|1st|Lion(-)Hearted) Biology;;The answer is a two-word phrase, and the second word begins with a T. This process was first used in 1990 to treat ADA Deficiency, which is also known as the "Boy in the Bubble" disease. Recent clinical research in the area has been slow because of a 1999 death and a 2002 leukemia-like condition in subjects. Scientists are hopeful, however, that it can be used to cure hereditary diseases, especially those based on single defects. Name this attempt to use vectors to fix DNA.;;Gene Therapy Religion/Mythology;;This word translates into English literally as ‘Extinction". The end of samsara, it exists as a related though different concept in Buddhism and Hinduism. Name this emancipation from ignorance that transcends reincarnation.;;Nirvana Literature;;Give the first name of the woman loved by Alec and Angel. Her jobs include tending chickens and being a milkmaid. She is the title character in an 1891 novel by Thomas Hardy.;;Tess (Durbeyfield|of (the) D'Urbervilles) Earth Science;;Which mountain has a top altitude at 6150 feet and is near the Jojoba Hills? It is Northeast of San Diego. Also the location of a Cal Tech observatory, its most famous telescope was the Hale. Recently, its Samuel Oschin Telescope was used to locate what may be the tenth planet.;;(Mount|Mt(.)) Palomar Language Arts;;What is defined as a condition of revolt against a recognized government that does not reach the proportions of an organized revolutionary government and is not recognized as belligerency? It has been used a lot lately in relationship to car bombings and suicide attackers in Iraq. Give this word beginning with the letter I.;;Insurgency United States History;;In 1809, at the age of sixteen, which future leader ran away from home and lived with a group of Cherokees? In 1829, he abruptly resigned as Governor of Tennessee and once again lived with a group of Cherokees. Eventually moving to Texas, he became Commander-In-Chief of the Texas army and won a huge victory at the Battle of San Jacinto. Name this man who then became President of Texas, and, after Texas became a state, a US Senator.;;(Sam) Houston Literature;;Give the first and last names. His sister gets a job as a clerk and plays violin. His boss comes to his house to fire him. He is injured when his father throws apples at him. Name this character who changes into an insect in Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.;;Gregor Samsa Chemistry;;What type of hybridization is found in fullerenes, ozone, and boron trichloride? This type of hybridization is usually associated with trigonal planar molecules.;;SP2|P2S Pop Culture;;Who was named in 1945 by Fortune Magazine as the second most popular woman in America? The accomplishment was especially noteworthy because she is not a real person. She started replying to letters in 1921, got a radio show in 1924, and got a face in 1936. The face has been updated seven times to make her more professional and multicultural. Name this General Mills character who always gives cooking advice.;;Betty Crocker Literature;;Who said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds? His first published essay, Nature, was published anonymously in 1836. He often spoke in favor of abolition, and to this day he is more popular among Northerners than Southerners. In 1841, he wrote The Transcendentalist,which defined the movement he was often associated with. Name this poet and essayist who wrote Self-Reliance.;;(Ralph (Waldo) ) Emerson Technology;;This two-word phrase began being used in the early twentieth century because of comparisons to bad actors. It is estimated that about three million people worldwide actively use this technology, each with their own call signs. Though they can use UHF or VHF, they often use HF, which is also known as shortwave. Name this phrase associated with amateur broadcasters.;;Ham Radio Music;;Which major musical period is associated with composers such as Richard Wagner and Felix Mendelssohn? Affected by parallel movements in other arts, it relied heavily on emotion. Though there are no exact dates to cover the movement, it ran through most of the nineteenth century.;;Romantic(s|ism) (Period) Physics;;Which unit can be defined as an ampere squared, second to the fourth power, divided by kilogram meter squared? It is more commonly defined as a coulomb per volt. Name this SI unit of capacitance.;;Farad Literature;;Which novel contains the character Jubal E, Harshaw, LL.B., M.D., Sc.D., bon vivant, gourmet, sybarite, popular author extraordinary, and neo-pessimist philosopher? He allows Jill Boardman and Valentine Michael Smith to stay at his house. Boardman and Smith are water brothers, and Smith was born on Mars. Name this work by Robert A Heinlein.;;Stranger In A Strange Land Art;;Which painting, created when the artist was only twenty-two years old, portrays a person who is probably blind? This subject has clothes that are torn at his shoulder, has his legs crossed, and has his head facing down. Name this work from Picasso's Blue Period that shows a long-fingered musician.;;(The) Old Guitarist World History;;Which nation was first populated by the Kikuyu, Kamba, Luo and Masai? Over the years, it has been controlled by Portugal, Oman, and Britain; it rebelled against Britain during the 1950s in the Mau Mau Uprising. It has been an independent republic since 1964, but it outlawed the major opposition party in 1969. From 1978 to 2002, it was headed by Daniel arap Moi. Name this nation in Eastern Africa which in 2002 became a multiparty democracy.;;Kenya Biology;;Which class includes the orders ametabola, paurometabola, hemimetabola, and holometabola? It contains over seven hundred thousand species, and they excrete via Malpighian tubules. Examples include aphids, mantids, springtails, dragonflies, and fleas.;;Insect(a|s) (Class) Religion/Mythology;;According to later stories he fell in love with Galatea, though he is best known for his appearance in The Odyssey. In that book, he returned home one evening to find Odysseus with twelve men. He ate two men for dinner and then two more for breakfast the next day. Name this creature defeated in large part by Odysseus sticking a hot stake in his only eye.;;Polyphemus Literature;;The action of which novel takes place from 1652 to 1686? The novel is in the form of a journal in which the main character describes his attempts to make candles, train a parrot, and avoid cannibals. Name this work by Daniel Defoe about a shipwreck survivor.;;Robinson Crusoe Chemistry;;These can be formed by combining alkyl halides with hydroxides, reducing aldehydes or ketones, or hydrating alkenes. The name applies to any organic compound in which a hydroxyl group is bound to a carbon atom which in turn is bound to other hydrogen and/or carbon atoms. Name this class that includes propanol and ethanol.;;Alcohol(s) Language Arts;;What six letter word, derived from the Latin word for mob, can refer to speech that is common? It can also refer to speech that is obscene. This word begins with the letter V.;;Vulgar Geography;;Which country contains the Eastern half of Lake Titicaca? It borders Paraguay, which is the only other landlocked country in South America. Like Peru, most of its population is non-European. Its largest city is La Paz, which is where the government is located, though the judicial capital is Sucre.;;Bolivia United States History;;Less than a year after his greatest victory, he fled to Canada and refused an offer to return to the United States. Facing starvation in 1881, however, he eventually moved his men back. Name this leader who formed an alliance with Rain-in-the-Face and Crazy Horse to enforce the Fort Laramie Treaty. This Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux leader helped win the Battle of Little Big Horn.;;Sitting Bull|Tatanka (Iyotake|Iyotanka)|Ta-Tanka I-Yotank|Hunkesni Literature;;Which Nobel Prize winner claimed that his background in mathematics saved his life twice? In 1974, he was deported to West Germany, but he moved back to his home country in 1994. Many of his works were based on his own experiences, including The Cancer Ward. Name this author of August 1914, The Gulag Archipelago, and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.;;(Aleksandr) Solzhenitsyn Chemistry;;What type of colloids are mayonnaise, blood, milk, and many types of paint? Some, such as the combination of oil and vinegar, are unstable. This term is defined as a suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not mix.;;Emulsion(s) Pop Culture;;This character can be found on twenty-two thousand products and brings in revenues of five hundred million dollars annually. Though born in 1974, she is in third grade with her friends Cathy, Tippy, Fifi, Tiny Chum, Rory, and Mory. Her twin sister Mimmy wears a bow on her right ear so that everyone can tell them apart. Name this character created in Japan who supposedly lives in London--she is a mouthless feline.;;Hello Kitty Literature;;Which book's sequel was The Final Days? Its memorable characters included Alexander Butterfield and Charles Colson. The book was published in 1974, made into a major movie in 1976, and briefly returned to bestseller lists a few months ago. It was based on newspaper columns in The Washington Post written by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.;;All The President(') s Men Technology;;There is some debate over whether or not this energy source is renewable or not. It is a major energy source in Iceland, and there is a large project using it in Northern California. Sometimes flash or binary power plants are used to harness this energy, but the most successful plants use dry steam. Name this energy source based on heat rising from the Earth's core.;;Geothermal Music;;Whose quotes include "Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid" and "Life is like high school with money"? His songs include "Cosmik Debris" and "Dumb All Over". His albums include We"re Only In It For The Money and Apostrophe. Many of his albums were produced by his Barking Pumpkin label, and his band called itself The Mothers of Invention.;;(Frank) Zappa Physics;;What unit is equivalent to a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 5.4 times 1012 hertz that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watts per steradian? It is a measure of luminous intensity. It is sometimes confused with the lux, which measures illuminance, or the lumen, which measures luminous flux.;;Candel(a) Literature;;Whose 1948 novel The City and the Pillar was so controversial that The New York Times refused to review his next five novels? His 1968 novel Myra Breckinridge was also controversial but helped his career. Most of his recent writings have been essays critical of the Bush Administration. Name this author of the historical novels Burr, 1876, and Lincoln.;;(Eugene (Luther) ) (Gore) Vidal Art;;Name the painter who lived from 1748 to 1825, avoided the Rococo movement, and became associated with the French Revolution and Napoleon. Some of his famous works are The Intervention of the Sabine Women, The Oath of the Horatii, The Death of Socrates, and The Death of Marat.;;(Jacques (Louis) ) David World History;;Which leader started a war by attacking the town of Saguntum in present-day Spain? He would then go on to win battles at The Trebia, Lake Trasimene, and Cannae. Though his enemies were unable to stop him directly, they were able to get rid of him by invading his homeland. Name this leader in the Second Punic War who is famous for, among other things, crossing the Alps on elephants.;;Hannibal|Barca|Hannibal Barca Biology;;What is made up of one or more carpels? Each carpel contains a stigma, style, and ovary. This is considered the female organ of a flowering plant.;;Pistil Religion/Mythology;;They are more likely to follow Rama, have stricter kosher standards for Passover, and have looser standards for meat. They are usually associated with Germany and Yiddish, though they inhabited several Eastern European countries and spoke several languages. Name this group, the subject of several controversial IQ studies, that is susceptible to many genetic diseases such as Tay-Sachs. It accounts for about eighty percent of the Jewish population.;;Ashkenazi(s) (Jew(s)) Literature;;Because a fake sequel was written to the first part of this book, the second part contains several denunciations of an impostor and the death of the main character. The novel itself falsely claims to be based on the writings of Benengeli. It is about a, "gentleman of the type wont to keep an unused lance, an old shield, a greyhound for racing, and a skinny old horse". Along his journeys, he meets Altisidora, Cardenio, Dulcinea, and Sancho Panza. Name this work by Cervantes.;;Don Qui(x|j){1}?ote ((de|of) La Mancha) Geography;;In which city will you find Pergamon Museum, Charlottenburg Palace, and Alexanderplatz? It contained Checkpoint Charlie until 1990, and it has contained The Brandenburg Gate since 1791. Name this capital of Germany.;;Berlin Language Arts;;Which word refers to a British breed of large draft horses? Its more common meaning is an administrative subdivision of land. Give this word closely associated with The Lord of the Rings.;;Shire United States History;;Which event was stopped by Hugh Thompson, Jr. and led to the conviction of William Calley? It led CBS commentator Mike Wallace to ask, "We've raised such a dickens about what the Nazis did, or what the Japanese did, but particularly what the Nazis did in the second world war, the brutalization and so forth, you know. It's hard for a good many Americans to understand that young, capable, American boys could line up old men, women and children and babies and shoot them down in cold blood. How do you explain that"? It happened on March 16, 1968.;;(My Lai|Malai|Pinkville){1}? (Massacre) Literature;;The beginning of this novel contains several drunken ravings. After hearing one from a student, the protagonist pays a visit to Alyona Ivanovna, who is a pawnbroker, and her sister Lizaveta. Name this novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky about Raskolnikov.;;Crime And Punishment|Prestuplenye y Nakazanye Chemistry;;What devices can be classified as differential scanning, high-energy particle, constant volume, or constant pressure? Cheap ones are often made out of pop cans, while strong ones can be classified as oxygen bomb types. Name this apparatus used to measure the heat generated by a chemical reaction.;;Calorimeter(s) Pop Culture;;Which summer movie was based on a novel by Ann Brashares? It starred America Ferrera, Alexis Bledel, Blake Lively, and Amber Tamblyn; they portrayed girls whose mothers met in a prenatal class. As their lives move apart, they decide to share a magical piece of clothing.;;(The) Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants United States History;;Name the American who wrote a book in 1946 that has sold over fifty million copies. Many Conservatives blamed the 1960s on him, and he ran for President as a very Liberal Third Party Candidate in 1972. Name this author of The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care who encouraged parents to treat their children differently than they would treat adults.;;(Dr(.)) (Benjamin) Spock Technology;;This term is a portmanteau coined by Kodak in 1984. Popular devices on the market today include the Canon Elura and Optura as well as products from Sony and Panasonic. What word refers to consumer devices that film moving pictures and put them onto 8 millimeter or VHS tapes or DVDs? It begins with the letter C.;;Camcorder Music;;Which opera is about Tamino and Pamina? Pamina is the daughter of the Queen of the Night. Linked strongly to Freemasonry, it was composed by Mozart near the end of his life. Name this opera whose name comes from an instrument given to Tamino.;;(The) Magic Flute|(Die) Zauberflote Physics;;Give your answer in Newtons. Let little g equal 10 Newtons per kilogram. If a ten kilogram block is lying on a flat surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.25, what amount of force is needed to accelerate the block at one meter per second squared?;;(35){1}\\s*(N|Newtons) Literature;;Which popular writer went into a diabetic coma in 1998? She is still active, as seen by the release of her new book about the early years of Jesus Christ. Name this author famous for a series of ten novels written from 1976 to 2003 ending with Blood Canticle. The series is known as The Vampire Chronicles.;;(Anne) Rice Art;;This painter's works often met with controversy. The Mocking of Christ was criticized for making Christ seem too human. The Execution of Maxmilian was censored because it pictured Frenchmen as executioners. Olympia was criticized for showing a modern woman rather than an ideal form. The Absinthe Drinker portrayed the underside of Paris. Name this artist who painted Luncheon on the Grass.;;(Edouard) Manet World History;;The Popes Leo The Tenth, Clement The Seventh, and Leo The Eleventh, as well as Cosimo The Elder, Lorenzo The Magnificent, and the wives of Leopold The Fifth, Henry The Second, and Henry The Fourth. What does this group all have in common? As a group, they were famous for supporting The Church of San Lorenzo and The Uffizi. Name this Florence family.;;(Members of the) (d') Medici (Family) Biology;;There are two types, apical and lateral. The apical type is found at the ends of roots and shoots, while the lateral kind surrounds some parts of some plants. What term is used for the undifferentiated plant tissue from which new cells are formed?;;Meristem(s) Religion/Mythology;;According to Edith Hamilton, which Greek God appears the most often in tales of mythology? The son of Zeus and Maia, he stole Apollo's herds during his first day of life, returning them later with a lyre. He was the guide of the dead, but he is better known for his sandals and wand. Name this messenger of the Gods.;;Hermes Noncomptational Math;;One way to calculate this quantity is the Laplacian expansion by minors. It can also be calculated by the Leibniz Formula or the Gauss Algorithm. In singular cases, it is equal to zero. For transformations, it equals the proportionality constant of the affected area or volume. Give the name for this scalar which can be calculated for any square matrix. For a two-by-two matrix, you can use the formula A times D minus B times C.;;Determinant(s) Literature;;Which Shakespeare character is the daughter of Brabantio? She marries secretly and then follows her husband to Cyprus after telling her father of her marriage. She is also given a handkerchief by her husband. Name this wife of Othello.;;Desdemona Literature;;Who wrote nineteen novels from 1836 until his death in 1870, none of which has ever gone out of print? People who don"t enjoy his books like to point out that he invented the word "Boredom". Name this author of Barnaby Rudge, Our Mutual Friend, The Pickwick Papers, Hard Times, Oliver Twist, and A Tale of Two Cities.;;(Charles) Dickens Earth Science;;It goes from New Zealand to Chile via Indonesia and the Aleutian Islands. Containing a number of ocean trenches, most of it is caused by interactions between the Pacific Plate and other tectonic plates. Name this region which is where the vast majority of the world's major earthquakes take place.;;(Pacific) Ring of Fire|Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt Language Arts;;These are often surrounded by commas in a sentence and come after the noun they modify. Give the term for a noun or pronoun set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it. This term begins with the letter A.;;Appositive(s) United States History;;Which word was placed in quotation marks eight times in National Security Council Paper Number 68, which was written in 1950? This strategy was defined as exposing the falsities of Soviet pretensions, fostering seeds of destruction within the Soviet system, inducing a retraction of Soviet control, and blocking further expansion of Soviet power. Give this 11-letter word beginning with the letter C.;;Containment Literature;;Which early twentieth century poet wrote The Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus? He wrote in German, and his most productive periods were in Paris before World War One and in Switzerland after the war. He wrote the novel Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, but his most famous piece of writing may be Letters to a Young Poet.;;(Ranier (René (Karl (Wilhelm (Johann (Josef (Maria) ) ) ) ) ) ) Rilke Pop Culture;;Which restaurant franchise started as a donut shop in California in 1953? It changed its name in 1959. The subject of a race-based class action lawsuit in during the 1990s, it recently has featured African Americans such as Sherman Hemsley and Isabel Sanford in its commercials. Name this group of 1,600 restaurants open 24 hours a day. They serve the Original Grand Slam.;;Denny(') s Literature;;Name the fourteenth century English friar who is considered by some people to be the Father of Modern Epistemology. He stated, "Plurality should not be posited without necessity". In modern times, this statement is often restated, "Of two equivalent theories or explanations, all other things being equal, the simpler one is to be preferred". This statement is nicknamed The Razor.;;(William of) Oc(c|(c|k){1}?h){1}?am Technology;;When you go to this website, you are shown a list of 25 items recently found using it. The words "My Shopping List" appear in the upper right corner, and the middle of the screen gives a definition of the site. Name this spinoff of Google.;;Froogle Music;;It started out as a novel in 1910 and became a movie in 1925. In 1986, it was adapted by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Name this musical that contains the songs Think of Me, The Point of No Return, and The Music of the Night. The main character, named Erik, falls in love with a young singer named Christine. He wears a mask to hide his horrible face.;;(The) Phantom Of The Opera Physics;;In 1654, who developed a better way to grind and polish lenses? Using one of his lenses, he became the first person to notice a moon of Saturn. Near the end of his career, he argued strongly in favor of the wave nature of light. Name this Dutch mathematician and physicist.;;(Christiaan) Huygens Literature;;Many of this author's novels and stories were based on his own experiences. A New Life was based on his professorship at Oregon State University. His parents" experiences as New York City grocers led to The Assistant. His first and most famous novel, however, is rare in that it does not have significant Jewish characters. Name this author who wrote about Roy Hobbs in The Natural.;;(Bernard) Malamud Art;;Which famous metalworker lived from 1378 to 1455? He worked on one major project from 1403 to 1424, then worked on a related project from 1425 to 1452. The first project consists of 28 scenes from the New Testament, while the second consists of 10 scenes from the Old Testament. Name the artist who made doors for the Baptistery of San Juan in Florence. Michelangelo nicknamed his works The Gates of Paradise.;;(Lorenzo) Ghiberti World History;;What is the popular name of the Ardennes Offensive? Lasting over a month and taking place during very cold weather, it involved the Malmedy Massacre. Over one million men fought, leaving behind about nineteen thousand dead Americans and probably even more dead Germans. The German Offensive stalled Allied progress on the Western Front but did not prevent the fall of Germany in 1945.;;(Battle of the) Bulge Biology;;Who wrote On The Natural Faculties? Though his methods would offend many animal rights activists were he alive today, he discovered what many of the body's organs are used for. He discovered that arteries and veins contain blood, but he did not understand the basic idea of circulation. Name this physician who died around 200 AD.;;(Claudius) Galen(us) (of Pergamum) Religion/Mythology;;Who was granted a great power by Apollo, only to have it turned into a curse when she refused to become his lover? She recommended killing her brother Paris, but nobody listened to her. She also recommended not accepting the Trojan Horse. Name this woman able to see the future but unable to convince other people of her visions.;;Cassandra Noncomputational Math;;Who proved during the 1870s that there are more real numbers than rational numbers? He also is credited with discovering transfinite numbers. A set named after him is considered by some the prototype of a fractal. This set is found by starting with the numbers from 0 to 1 and continuously removing the middle third of any group of numbers that is left.;;(Georg) Cantor Literature;;Which novelist created the characters John Middleton, Catherine Morland, Mary Crawford, George Knightley, and Georgiana Darcy? Living from 1775 to 1817, she never married even though many of her characters are women in search of a good husband. Name this author of Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Emma, and Pride And Prejudice.;;(Jane) Austen Language Arts;;What 13-letter word can be used to describe a rainbow that is neither primary nor secondary? More commonly, it refers to a person serving no apparent function, an actor performing a walk-on role, or an amount larger than normal.;;Supernumerary Geography;;What is also known as Chomolangma and Sagarmatha? Sections include Khumbu and Rongbuk. It is often in the news, including in 2005 when it was used as a wedding site. Associated with people such as Jess Roskelley, Reinhold Messner, George Mallory, and Edmund Hillary, what is this object that is 8850 meters high? It is the highest mountain in the world.;;(Mount|Mt(.)) Everest Geography;;It passes through three European and five African countries. Its use was agreed upon by representatives from 25 nations who met in Washington, DC in 1884, but France held out until 1911. Name this line that passes through a famous observatory Southeast of London.;;(Prime|Greenwich) Meridian|Zero Longitude Language Arts;;What word can mean lying on so as to exert downward pressure, busily engaged, or imposed as a responsibility? It is used more often in politics, where it refers to the holder of an office, especially when comparing the office holder to a challenger in an election.;;Incumbent United States History;;Which woman was sometimes portrayed by John Goodman on Saturday Night Live? She had been arrested when she was nineteen years old, and because the government leaked that fact and other pieces of personal information, it settled a lawsuit by paying her $595,000. Name this former Department of Defense employee and White House Secretary who secretly taped her conversations with Monica Lewinsky.;;(Linda) Tripp Literature;;Several of this author's works, such as Chronicle Of A Death Foretold, are difficult to classify as either fact or fiction. His report of a shipwreck in 1955 made it unsafe for him to stay in his home country, and he lives in Mexico as of 2005. Name this creator of the fictional town of Macondo who has written The Autumn of the Patriarch, The General In His Labyrinth, Love In The Time of Cholera, and One Hundred Years of Solitude.;;(Gabriel) Garcia-Marquez Pop Culture;;In the first movie this character appeared in, he claimed that, "My first job was programming binary load lifters...very similar to your vaporators". In the next movie, he was temporarily turned into a pile of junk, and in the one after that he was worshipped by a race of tree-dwelling creatures. Name this protocol droid created by nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker.;;(C) -3PO|threepio Noncomputational Math;;a function is defined in terms of several independent variables, what type of derivative involves holding all the independent variables constant except for one? It is usually represented in notation by a rounded lower case d. The name for this type of derivative begins with the letter P.;;Partial (Derivative) Literature;;Whose best known works are On The Sublime And Beautiful and Reflections On The Revolution In France? He served in the British House of Commons from 1765 to 1794. Though he was very critical of the French Revolution, he supported British conciliation with the American Revolution.;;(Edmund) Burke Technology;;As one word this is a Macromedia programming language for web-based applications. As two words, this describes an energy source that caused a major controversy during the 1980s when researchers claimed they achieved a nuclear reaction in a jar of water at room temperature. Though most researchers do not believe that this will ever be a source of energy, there are some who think it will solve all of our energy problems in the future.;;Cold Fusion Music;;The main character in which musical is almost reunited with his old girlfriend Cha Cha DiGregorio? His friends, the rivals of The Scorpions, are called the T-Birds and attend Rydell High with the Pink Ladies. The 1978 movie starred John Travolta as Danny and Olivia Newton-John as Sandy. Name this musical set in the 1950s.;;Grease Physics;;Who shared a Nobel Prize with Tomonaga and Schwinger for using quantum dynamics to consider every path from one state to another and adding them to get a final path? He also developed a way of diagramming quantum interactions. This physicist may be best known to the general public for his autobiographies, in which he described his love of music and practical jokes.;;(Richard) Feynman Literature;;Who wrote a poem whose first line is l(a? Another poem begins r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r, while another is titled "i carry your heart with me". Name this twentieth century writer who also wrote the novel The Enormous Room about his war experiences. Though he wrote many sonnets, he is known for experimental styles and punctuation.;;(Edward Estlin||e(.)e(.)) Cummings Art;;Who put a magic square in his 1514 painting Melancholia One? He was known for incorporating the mathematics of proportions in his paintings, which can be seen in his portraits of Adam and Eve. Name this German painter, engraver, and wood carver who in 1498 created a work called The Apocalypse.;;(Albrecht) Durer World History;;Depending on whether or not you include people before 1185 AD, there have been from 41 to 45 people in history to hold this title. The full title translates as ‘General who overcame the barbarians", but it is acceptable to use the shorter title that translates as ‘General". Important periods include 1338 to 1573 and the years 1603 to 1868. Often associated with the term Bakufu, give this title that was also linked to the samurai.;;(Seii Tai) Shogun(ate) Biology;;What contains big holes on each side called obturator foramen? This combination of fused bones holds the sacrum and coccyx. Give the name for the collection of the ilium, ischium, and pubis that holds together your body between the spine and the legs.;;Pelvis Religion/Mythology;;He was the God of wisdom, writing, magic, and measurement. The husband of Maat, he had the head of an ibis or ape, and many ibises were mummified in his honor. Name this Moon God who assisted Isis and her son Horus.;;T(h) oth|Dj(e) hut(y|i)|Dhouti|Tehut(y|i)|Thout|Zehuti|Sheps|Lord of the Khemenu Literature;;When he died in 1796, people from all over Scotland sent in money to support his widow and children. Much of his work involved collecting folk songs. Name this poet who wrote "Tam O" Shanter" and "A Red, Red Rose". He is often associated with the song Auld Lang Syne.;;(Robert) Burns Music;;Which instrument was invented in the early 1700s by the Denner family? They were originally pitched in C but are now often pitched in B Flat. A multi-octave glissando on this instrument opens the piece Rhapsody In Blue. Name these single reed woodwinds containing seven holes and seventeen keys. They usually are black and have a flared end.;;Clarinet(s) Biology;;Until recently, scientists believed that only primates could teach their offspring how to use tools. Observers in Western Australia, however, have found evidence of which species passing on lessons from mothers to daughters? These animals use sponges to protect their noses as they collect food in the water. Name these intelligent underwater mammals.;;Dolphin(s) Astronomy;;It split into two pieces, one of which had a mass of 370 kilograms and attained a speed of over ten kilometers per second. When this part rammed into Tempel One, the other part took pictures. Name this probe which on July 4th, 2005 became the first mission to examine the inside of a comet.;;Deep Impact Language Arts;;Which Latin phrase translates as ‘You should have the body"? This phrase names writs that are used to bring a party before a court or judge. The US Constitution specifically states that these writs shall not be suspended.;;Habeas Corpus United States History;;Name the famous person who was in jail from 1946 to 1952 on charges of breaking and entering, carrying firearms, and larceny. He was the subject of a week-long television special in 1959 titled The Hate That Hate Produced. While giving a speech on February 21st, 1965, he was shot fifteen times at close range and died. Name this man often associated with Black Muslims.;;Malcolm X|(Little|El-Hajj Malik El-){1}?\s*Shabazz Literature;;Which book's primary antagonist is Juno? It mentions her unrelenting hate in the second line. The hero of the story, a Trojan, is driven by Juno to Carthage. Name this story about the founding of the Roman race. It was written by Virgil.;;(The) Aeneid Chemistry;;Which element is created when neptunium emits a beta particle? Isotope two hundred thirty-nine can be used as fuel in a nuclear reactor, and it has been used to fuel many spacecrafts and in the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.;;Plutonium|Pu Pop Culture;;Whose first movie appearance was in Brown of Harvard portraying a Yale football player? His first starring role was in The Big Trail four years later, which is also when he began using his stage name. Name this star of El Dorado, Sands of Iwo Jima, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, True Grit, and Stagecoach.;;(John) Wayne|(Marion (Robert (Michael) ) ) Morrison Noncomputational Math;;Which theorem states that over a continuous closed interval and analogous differentiable open interval there is at least one point in that interval such that the derivative at that point is equal to the average slope over the entire interval?;;Mean Value (Theorem)|MVT Literature;;Which 1949 work stated, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman"? Written by the woman who is now buried alongside Sartre, it took an existential view of early feminist issues. Name this work by Simone de Beauvoir.;;(The) Second Sex|(Le) Deuxième Sexe Technology;;Though this word has been around since the nineteenth century, it was given a new meaning in the 1990s. It now refers to a science that makes use of typing patterns, voice patterns, retinas, signatures, or fingerprints to identify people. What is this term that used to refer to statistical analyses of biological phenomena?;;Biometric(s) Music;;Though this composer lived to the age of 76, he retired from composing operas at the age of 37. His first successful opera was Tancredi, while his last was William Tell. Name this composer of Almaviva, which is often called The Barber of Seville.;;(Gioacchino) Rossini Literature;;Which play opens with Tom dressed as a merchant sailor speaking directly to the audience about the play's setting? It is set in Saint Louis in the 1930s, and Tom's family struggles because his father abandoned them and because his sister Laura is very shy. Name this Tennessee Williams play whose title comes from Laura's collection of animal figurines.;;(The) Glass Menagerie Art;;Which artist designed the bell tower in Florence but died before it was completed? His major work is often considered the frescoes in the Arena Chapel at Padua. It is likely that he also created the fresco depicting the life of Saint Francis in Assisi. Name this 13th and 14th century artist considered by some to be the first great artist of the Italian Renaissance.;;Giotto (di Bondone) World History;;What was headed by Geoffrey Lawrence, Francis Biddle, Henri Donnedieu de Vabres, and Iona Nikitchenko? For symbolic reasons, they took place in the city of the party rallies, which is between Frankfort and Munich. The main part ended in 1946 with two acquitals and nineteen guilty verdicts. Many of the accused were sentenced to death by hanging, including Hermann Goring.;;(Nuremberg|Nazi){1}? (Trial(s))|War Crime Tribunals Biology;;Which substance has the empirical formula C254 H377 N65 O75 S6? Its discovery by Banting and MacLeod led to their sharing of the 1923 Nobel Prize in Medicine. The body uses it to increase DNA replication, increase potassium uptake, increase fatty acid synthesis, increase glycogen synthesis, and for the cellular intake of glucose. This substance, produced naturally in the Islets of Langerhans, can be used to control diabetes.;;Insulin Religion/Mythology;;Which holiday is celebrated by the Eastern Orthodox Church on the Sunday after Pentecost but is celebrated by Roman Catholics in November? It is also celebrated by Lutherans, but they use it to thank God rather than ask for aid. Name this holiday sometimes referred to as All Hallows" Day that inspired Halloween.;;All Saints(') Day|Hallowmas Literature;;Which Shakespeare character's opening words are, "In sooth, I know not why I am so sad"? He helps his friend Bassanio get money but offers as collateral a pound of flesh to Shylock. Name the title character of The Merchant of Venice.;;Antonio Religion/Mythology;;What was Hercules supposed to get for his ninth labor? The object was given to its original owner by her father Ares. The owner was very kind to Hercules, but he killed her. Name this piece of clothing belonging to the Queen of the Amazons.;;(Girdle|Belt){1}?\s*of Hippolyt(a|e){1}?|Hippolyt(e|a(l)){1}?\s*(')s (Girdle|Belt){1}? Literature;;The twenty categories include Drama, General Non-Fiction, Public Service, Criticism, Commentary, Feature Photography, Editorial Cartooning, and Breaking News Reporting. Name this award given out each year by Columbia University. It is considered the highest award in print journalism.;;Pulitzer (Prize) Geography;;Which city includes the neighborhood Vedado? It was a popular place for people from the United States to visit during Prohibition. Current highlights include San Cristobal Cathedral and a long road along the shore called the Malecon. The Plaza de la Revolucion honors Che Guevara and Jose Marti. If you have a close relative in this city, you are allowed to visit them once every three years. Otherwise, the United States probably will not allow you to go there at all.;;Havana|La Habana Language Arts;;This word originally referred to castrated sheep. A noisemaker would be attached to the sheep, and other sheep would then follow it anywhere, including a slaughterhouse. The word now refers to someone or something that has initiative or is a leader, often in a positive direction. Give this word beginning with the letter B.;;Bellwether Noncomputational Math;;This relationship cannot exist between two angles in a triangle. It exists between two angles in a quadrilateral only when it also applies to the two other angles. In a pentagon, this only exists when the three other angles add up to 360 degrees. It applies to adjacent interior angles when a transversal goes through two parallel lines and when you compare adjacent angles in a parallelogram. Give the term used to describe two angles whose measure adds to 180 degrees.;;Supplementary United States History;;It began during Reconstruction, and the practice declined steeply when African Americans moved in large numbers into cities. Because freed slaves did not have any land or money, many agreed to work on parts of the old plantations and in return agreed to buy materials from and give some of what they grew to the owners. Many of the Blacks, who were uneducated and had no legal representation, were badly taken advantage of. Name this term for tenant farming.;;Sharecrop (ping|per) Literature;;Which early nineteenth century writer wrote The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, which inspired the famous ballet? He also wrote stories titled The Sandman, Counselor Krespel, and The Lost Reflection. These stories were combined into an opera which was first performed in 1881. Name this writer who inspired Jacques Offenbach.;;(Ernst (Theodor (Wilhelm (Amadeus) ) ) ) Hoffmann Chemistry;;Nickel becomes one in the presence of ethene and hydrogen. Platinum becomes one in the presence of carbon monoxide and nitrogen monoxide. Iron becomes one in the presence of nitrogen and hydrogen. What term is used to describe substances not used up themselves that modify or increase the rate of a reaction?;;Catalyst(s) Pop Culture;;Who won the 1963 Heisman Trophy? Due to his military commitment, he did not play in the NFL until 1969. More recently, he is a successful businessman who heavily supports the Republican Party and may soon enter politics. Name this quarterback who led the Dallas Cowboys to two Super Bowl titles and for whom the elementary school in King of the Hill is named.;;(Roger) Staubach Literature;;Who wrote a famous account of his experiences as a liaison officer from 1916 to 1918? The abridged version of the book was titled Revolt in the Desert. He later wrote The Mint, which described his experiences in the Royal Air Force. Name this author of Seven Pillars of Wisdom who is considered a war hero by Englishmen and Arabs.;;(Thomas (Edward)|T(.)E(.)) Lawrence (of Arabia) Technology;;What common devices usually contain a metal oxide varistor, or MOV? They can also use a gas discharge tube, zener diode, or fuse. The rise in popularity of these devices came soon after the rise in popularity of home computers because they are a cheap way of extending the lives of computers. Name these devices that typically look like multiple-outlet power strips.;;Surge (Protector(s) |Suppressor(s) ){1}? Music;;It features a German Prince named Siegfried and an evil sorcerer named Rothbart. The heroine, Odette, is only a human between midnight and dawn. What is this ballet composed by Tchaikovsky?;;Swan Lake|Lebedeenoye Ozero Literature;;Whose poetry collections include Sunset Gun, Death And Taxes, Not So Deep As A Well, and Enough Rope? Her poem "News Item" consists entirely of the lines, "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses". She often wrote criticism for the magazine Vanity Fair and was a founding member of the Algonquin Round Table.;;(Dorothy|Dot(tie) ) (Parker|Rothschild){1}? Art;;It was founded as a fortress in 1190 and first opened to the public in 1793. In 1986, this museum moved its Impressionist pieces to another museum. In 1989, it began featuring a newly redesigned courtyard. In 1993, a new wing opened that significantly expanded the space and number of works on display. Name this museum that holds Venus de Milo and Mona Lisa in Paris.;;(The) Louvre World History;;What nickname is given to the wars fought from 1839 to 1842 and from 1856 to 1860? They resulted in increased trade and travel as well as a deep resentment of European powers. Resulting in the treaties of Tianjin and Nanjing, these wars were named after a drug.;;(1s|First) (and) (2nd|Second) Opium (Wars) Biology;;Named after a 16th century Italian scientist, which anatomical objects are susceptible to the diseases hydrosalpinx and pyosalpinx? Generally three to five inches long, they open into the peritoneal cavity. An ectopic pregnancy results when eggs are implanted in them. Name these tubes in female mammals that carry eggs to the uterus.;;Fallopian Tube(s) Religion/Mythology;;Who was able to consult Proteus by holding on to him? This brother of Agamemnon was the King of Sparta. When his wife Helen fell in love with Paris, he started the Trojan War.;;Menela(u|o){1}?s Literature;;Which poet wrote the play Under Milk Wood? In 1946, he published the collection Deaths and Entrances, which included "Fern Hill". Name the Welsh poet who wrote "And Death Shall Have No Dominion" and "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night".;;(Dylan) Thomas United States History;;While serving as Vice President, who told his wife: "My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived"? While serving as President, he worked hard to avoid war with France. The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed during his term in office. Name the Second President of the United States.;;(John) Adams Geography;;Although there is some dispute over the exact source of this river, it starts in China near Tibet. It joins the Ruak River at the Golden Triangle, and it contains the Sambor rapids. Name this river that forms parts of the borders between Myanmar and Laos and also between Laos and Thailand. It flows through Cambodia, and its delta is near Ho Chi Minh City.;;(Mekong|Dza-chu|Lancang Jiango|Mae Name Khong){1}?\s*(River) Language Arts;;Which 11-letter word is defined as the conveying or suggesting of a meaning by a word along with or apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes? It is the meaning of a word in context. This word is often contrasted with denotation.;;Connotation United States History;;In 1989, he was convicted of three felonies but had those verdicts overturned because of limited immunity he had been given to testify before Congress. A Marine Lieutenant-Colonel, he worked for the National Security Council on counterterrorism during the Reagan Administration. Name this man who described the Iran Contra Affair as a "neat idea" who is now often found on the Fox News Channel.;;(Oliver|Ollie) North Literature;;Who is sometimes credited for creating the first French poems in free verse in 1874? He spent much of the 1880s in Aden, Yemen and in Harar, which is in present-day Ethiopia, before dying in France in 1891. Name this author of A Season In Hell, which is one of the classics of Symbolist writing.;;(Jean (Nicolas (Arthur) ) ) Rimbaud Chemistry;;Pyrite, basalt, liquid oxygen, and most metallic elements have this property. Most such materials follow the Langevin Property and Curie-Weiss Law, which relate atomic orientations to thermal agitation. What is this type of magnetism usually caused by atoms with randomly oriented magnetic moments?;;Paramagnet(ism|ic){1}? Pop Culture;;Who played for the Kansas City Royals from 1969 to 1973 and then the New York Yankees from 1974 to 1984? He managed the Yankees in the late 1980s before and after Billy Martin's fifth time in the position. He then managed the Cincinnati Reds to the 1990 World Championship. In 2001, he coached the Seattle Mariners to 116 victories. Name the recently released manager of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.;;(Lou) Piniella Literature;;Name the philosopher who said, "To prejudge other men's notions before we have looked into them is not to show their darkness but to put out our own eyes". His writings include A Letter Concerning Toleration and Two Treatises of Government. He supported property rights and resistances to tyranny, and he had a major impact on America's founding fathers.;;(John) Locke Technology;;These do not emit visible light, but their creation in 1953 led to similar devices that do create visible light. Using ammonia as the gain medium, these predecessors of lasers create coherent waves with small frequencies.;;Maser(s) Music;;He started out as a friend of Frederic Chopin, but the two later became rivals. Name this great composer and pianist who wrote many etudes, twelve symphonic poems, and nineteen Hungarian Rhapsodies.;;(Franz) Liszt Physics;;While this word has many meanings that have little to do with physics, within the world of physics it refers to a continuously distributed entity in space that accounts for actions at a distance. Give this word that can also be defined as a region of space characterized by a physical property, such as gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure, having a determinable value at every point in the region.;;Field Literature;;Which poet was born in Idaho in 1885 and died in Italy in 1972? His works include Homage to Sextus Propertius and Canzoni. He helped many modern writers and for a time worked as William Yeats's secretary. Name this writer who was charged by the United States with treason and was forced to spend twelve years in a psychiatric hospital. Most of his work consists of 117 Cantos.;;(Ezra) Pound Art;;Which art movement featured artists such as Peter Blake, Tom Phillips, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and Roy Lichtenstein? Begun in England in the 1950s and having a major presence in America, it was seen as a reaction to abstract expressionism and elitist culture. Name this movement closely associated with Andy Warhol.;;Pop (Art) World History;;Who was the third of the Five Good Emperors of Ancient Rome, taking over when Trajan died? He often traveled throughout his Empire and was especially fond of Greece. Name this emperor famous for patronizing the arts and for strengthening the empire's borders by building fortifications.;;(Publius (Aelius (Traianus) ) ) Hadrian(us) Biology;;Which organ contains a superior margin, posterior extremity, diaphragmatic surface, inferior margin, and anterior extremity? Located behind your stomach at the tail of the pancreas on your left side, it stores blood. It can be removed in patients with rare blood disorders, and it can rupture in patients with mono.;;Spleen Religion/Mythology;;Upon his death, he became the Morning Star, and he will return someday to rule as a God-King. There are many stories about him, and it is difficult for historians to put the pieces together because his name was used for many things and taken by many people in many cultures. He may have created Tula, ruled Tula, and/or been expelled from Tula. Name this serpent with feathers often associated with the Aztec Civilization.;;Quetzalcoatl Literature;;Which work begins: "What dire offence from am'rous causes springs, What mighty contests rise from trivial things"? This satirical poem was based on a haircut without consent. Name this work by Alexander Pope.;;(The) Rape of the Lock Literature;;Give the first and last names of the title character who is described in the first sentence of a 1927 novel as drunk. The only honest character in the novel seems to be Frank Shallard, who eventually quits the preaching business. Name this work by Sinclair Lewis.;;Elmer Gantry Physics;;A crude way to measure this is to compare how far apart two hot sections are in something cooked in an old microwave oven and multiply that distance by twice the frequency of the oven. A better way to measure it is to either make astronomical observations or to use a quickly rotating mirror with a still mirror placed far away. Name this constant very important in the Theory of Special Relativity which is equal to roughly three hundred million meters per second.;;(The) (Speed of Light|c){1}?\s*(in a (vacuum|air){1}?) Earth Science;;The transform type is caused by motion parallel to the feature, the normal type is caused by stretches, and the reverse type is caused by compressions. Give this term defined as a fracture in the continuity of a rock formation caused by a shifting or dislodging of the earth's crust, in which adjacent surfaces are displaced relative to one another and parallel to the plane of fracture. Examples include the North Anatolian, Narrow Cape, and San Andreas.;;Fault(s) United States History;;Also known as the Dirty Thirties, it was publicized by, among others, Pare Lorenz, John McCarty, and the Farm Security Administration. Focused most heavily on Southwestern Kansas and the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma, what name is given to the area afflicted by severe droughts during the 1930s?;;(The) Dust Bowl Literature;;Who wrote Iphigeneia at Aulis, which won him the Athenian dramatic festival prize posthumously? He was often a target of jokes by Aristophanes. Name this playwright of Hippolytus, The Trojan Women, The Bacchae, and Medea. Only eighteen of his over ninety plays are still known.;;Euripides Chemistry;;Good examples include xylene, benzene, and turpentine, but the best example is water. They are usually clear and colorless liquids. What is defined as a substance capable of or used in dissolving or dispersing one or more other substances? The substance dissolved in it is called a solute.;;Solvent(s) Pop Culture;;Which professional team moved to Kansas City in 1955 and left in 1968? They have won the World Series nine times, including 1989 and three times in a row in the 1970s. A focus of the book Moneyball, their current roster includes Mark Kotsay, Eric Chavez, Jason Kendall, Danny Haren, and Barry Zito.;;(Oakland|Kansas City) (A's|Athletics){1}? Literature;;What makes a perfect parent? Where have all the criminals gone? Why do drug dealers still live with their moms? What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? These questions are all chapter titles in what 2005 book by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt? It is subtitled A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything.;;Freakonomics Technology;;What common two-word phrase was coined by John McCarthy, the man who invented the LISP computer language? This phrase now represents a field of study that includes branches such as Representation, Inference, Learning, and Common Sense. It is an attempt to model aspects of human thought on computers.;;Artificial Intelligence|AI|Machine Intelligence Music;;His first album contained concertos by Haydn, Mozart, and Hummel, and his first album to win a Grammy Award was titled Black Codes From The Underground. Other projects he has worked on include Blood on the Fields, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and Jazz for Young People. Name this trumpeter born in 1961, the younger brother of Branford.;;(Wynton) Marsalis Physics;;It is minimized at stable equilibria. It can be given by the formulas negative big G times m sub one times m sub two divided by distance, one half times the spring constant times the displacement squared, or mass times little g times height. Name this type of energy based upon positions within conservative forces.;;(Gravitational) Potential (Energy) Literature;;Which novelist has created the characters Taylor McAden, Mike Harris, Jamie Sullivan, Landon Carter, and Noah Calhoun? His first few novels were never published, but he was picked up by Warner Books and has had several best sellers starting in 1996. Name this author whose books have inspired the movies A Walk To Remember, Message In A Bottle, and The Notebook.;;(Nicholas) Sparks Art;;The background of this painting shows a painted chest and flowery wallpaper. Flowers can also be seen on the carpet and the white pitcher at the bottom of the picture. Name this painting of a mother washing her child's feet by Mary Cassatt.;;(The) (Child(')s) Bath World History;;When she was three years old, whose mother was executed for treason, incest, and witchcraft? Her father died when she was thirteen, after which she lived with Thomas Seymour and Catherine Parr. At the age of twenty, she was briefly imprisoned in The Tower of London. After her half-brother and half-sister died, she became the Queen of England in 1558. Name this final monarch of the Tudor dynasty who ruled for 45 years.;;(Queen) Elizabeth I Biology;;Examples include Chrysiogenes arsenatis and Nitrosomonas europea. Any organism that uses photosynthesis also fits the definition. Give this term for an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances by using light or chemical energy.;;Autotroph(ic|'s) Religion/Mythology;;Meaning 'received', its primary texts are sometimes considered to be The Book of Raziel The Angel, The Book of Creation, The Bahir, and The Zohar. An explanation of the causes of events in The Torah, it is the focus of Jewish mysticism. In 1984, a center focused on the teachings of these works was created, and this center has attracted several famous non-Jews such as Mick Jagger, Britney Spears, and Madonna.;;(The) (Kabbala(h) |Cab(b) ala(h) |Qabala(h) ){1}? Literature;;Which Shakespeare play contains an induction in which a big drinker named Christopher Sly is treated like a lord and told to watch the play? The main body of the play contains a wager between a few husbands as to whose wife is the most docile. Name this work largely about Petruchio and Katharina.;;(The) Taming Of The Shrew Miscellaneous;;The Home Insurance Company Building in Chicago in 1885 was the first building to support the walls entirely using what material as a frame? Name this metal which has been used in most skyscrapers. It is an alloy of iron and carbon.;;Steel Astronomy;;Which of the planets in our solar system has the shortest day? It has a rocky core surrounded by layers of metallic hydrogen, liquid hydrogen, and gaseous hydrogen. Its faint rings were discovered in 1979 by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 missions. Name this planet whose moons include Carpo, Leda, Metis, Io, Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede.;;Jupiter Language Arts;;What twelve-letter word refers to the process of gradually eliminating a loan by regularly paying part of the principal? These payments are usually made at the same time as interest payments, and this process is commonly used with mortgages and car loans. This word begins with an A, and the seventh letter is a Z.;;Amortiz(ation|ize){1}? Noncomputational Math;;Which mathematician was at one point made governor of Lower Egypt by Napoleon? His most important research was in heat propagation. Even though he made some mistakes, his research led to important results that were eventually named after him. The transform that changes any periodic function into a sum of sine functions now bears his name.;;(Jean (Baptiste (Joseph) ) ) Fourier United States History;;What nickname was applied to a group consisting of William Lewis, Treasury auditor Amos Kendall, newspaper editor Duff Green, Presidential Secretary Andrew Donelson, Secretary of War John Eaton, and Secretary of State Martin Van Buren? This group generally sided with Van Buren over Vice President John Calhoun, and it was given a lot of power from 1829 to 1831. Name this group of advisers to Andrew Jackson.;;(The) Kitchen Cabinet Literature;;Who used Naked Masks as the collective title for his plays? His most famous work involves personalities from an uncompleted work of fiction who invade a rehearsal of another play and refuse to follow directions. Name this author of The Man With The Flower In His Mouth, The Life I Gave You, and Six Characters In Search Of An Author.;;(Luigi) Pirandello Chemistry;;Which adjective can refer to the highest temperature at which it is possible to liquefy a gas with any amount of pressure? It can also refer to the pressure required to liquefy a gas at that temperature or to the volume occupied by one mole of a gas at those temperatures and pressures. More commonly, it is used to describe the necessary mass of radioactive material required for a chain reaction.;;Critical Pop Culture;;Name the family. The oldest of the three brothers, Cooper, has a job trading oil and gas stocks. He would have been a wide receiver, but he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. The other two brothers have followed in their father's footsteps even though the middle brother played for the University of Tennessee. The father, like the youngest son, went to Ole Miss. Name this family of quarterbacks containing Archie, Eli, and Peyton.;;Manning(s) (Family) Literature;;Which book was traditionally associated with turtle shells and yarrow stalks? Using those objects, people were able to choose which of sixty-four hexagrams applied to their situation. Name this book of divination written around 1500 BC in China.;;I\s*Ching Technology;;This two-word phrase was invented by IBM, and some of the leaders in the technology include Kofax and In-Q-Tel. It often uses clustering algorithms, and it is defined as an information extraction activity whose goal is to discover hidden patterns and relationships in lists of information. It is abbreviated DM.;;Data Mining Music;;Name the song with the lyrics: "Dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world, there's such a lot of world to see". It was in the movie Breakfast At Tiffany"s, winning an Oscar for Frank Sinatra. Name this song about something wider than a mile.;;Moon River Literature;;Whose first published works were poems, including the collections Once and Revolutionary Petunias? She is better known as a novelist. Her novels include The Temple of My Familiar, which she described as a romance of the last 500,000 years, Now Is The Time To Open Your Heart and The Color Purple.;;(Alice) Walker Art;;According to Greek mythology, the nymph Chloris became the goddess Flora. Which famous painting from 1482, however, shows them next to each other? This painting also portrays Venus in a way that makes her look like The Virgin Mary. The left side of the painting shows Mercury blocking clouds. Mercury's festival day was May 15th, which is an appropriate time of year considering the name of this Boticelli work.;;Primavera|Spring|The Garden of the Hesperides World History;;Which nation became an independent empire in 1822 and a republic in 1889? It has been a republic since then except for periods in the 1930s under Dictator Vargas and periods in the 1960s, ‘70s, and ‘80s after a military coup. Discovered by Pedro Cabral, this country was ruled for a time during the nineteenth century by Dom Pedro and his son. It is now headed by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.;;Brazil Biology;;It has chemical formula C4 H4 N2 O2, which is lacking a methyl group that is present in thymine. Like thymine, it is paired with adenine. Name this RNA nucleobase that is not normally found in DNA.;;Uracil Religion/Mythology;;According to Mormon tradition, he is the same as Noah. He is mentioned in the Book of Daniel and Book of Luke. According to Islamic tradition, he is the chief angel. Name this character often associated with Raphael and Michael.;;Gabriel Literature;;Who wrote the words: "Come live with me, and be my love; And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills and fields, Woods or steepy mountain yields"? It is the beginning of The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. In addition to poetry, he was a playwright credited with writing Tamburlaine The Great, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, and The Jew of Malta.;;(Christoper (Kit) ) (Marlowe|Marley){1}? Music;;In 1858, at the age of fifteen, who enrolled in the Leipzig Conservatory? Some of his best pieces include the Holberg Suite, Morning Mood, and In The Hall of the Mountain King. Name this Norwegian composer.;;(Edvard) Grieg Miscellaneous;;Which controversial substance is often found in vermiculite? This magnesium silicate was considered useful because of its resistance to heat and fire. Its use, however, has been one of the biggest issues in our legal system over the past several years. Name this substance linked to many types of cancer which has been removed from many buildings.;;Asbestos Astronomy;;These were first proposed by Apollonius of Perga, who tried to fix theories by Aristotle. Their need was lessened by the work of Copernicus, and the first person to successfully eliminate them from theory was Kepler. Name this object defined as a small circle, the center of which moves on the circumference of a larger circle at whose center is the Earth and the circumference of which describes the orbit of one of the planets around the Earth.;;Epicycle(s) |retrograde|deferent Language Arts;;Which verb, a synonym of supplant, means to seize and hold in possession by force or without right? It often refers to political actions. Give this word beginning with the letter U.;;Usurp United States History;;It was the destination for troops after White Marsh, and it was reached about two months after the loss at Germantown. The troops who reached it were famously short on clothing and food. They stayed for six months and received their best training, which was led by the Prussian Baron Von Steuben. Name this encampment in Pennsylvania used during the Winter of 1777-78 by George Washington and his Continental Army.;;Valley Forge Literature;;Which novel contains the characters Thomas Perez and Marie Cardona? The main character, Meursault, attends his mother's funeral. Meursault is a Frenchman living in Algeria in this novel by Albert Camus.;;(The) (Stranger|Outsider){1}?|L'Etranger Chemistry;;This scientist studied astrology and the treatment of wounds. Considered by some people the father of toxicology, he wrote that the amount of poison ingested is as important as the substance. Name this sixteenth century scientist who thought that alchemists should be more concerned with human health and who encouraged experimentation rather than a reliance on old textbooks.;;Paracelsus|(Theophrastus (Philippus (Aureolus (Bombastus) ) ) ) von Hohenheim Pop Culture;;What annual event started in 1903 as a publicity stunt for a newspaper? Some of the champions in the last twenty years have included Bernard Hinault, Miguel Indurain, and Greg LeMond. Though it changes every year, it typically takes place over three weeks and includes individual time trials, team time trials, and ordinary stages. Name this bike race dominated recently by Lance Armstrong.;;(The|Le) Tour De France Literature;;Who had 427 of his quotations put into a book of 33 chapters? Over one billion copies of the book were printed, almost all of them during the 1960s and ‘70s. Many of the quotations are in support of Marx and Lenin. Name this man who ruled China from 1945 to 1976.;;(Chairman) Mao (Zedong) Technology;;Which company makes the Thump? The Thump combines the product this company is best known for with an MP3 player, allowing people to listen to earphones without worrying about either wires or wireless technology. They also block ultraviolet rays and harmful blue light. Name the manufacturer of these five hundred dollar sunglasses bearing their flattened O logo.;;Oakley (Thump) Music;;Name the person. This musician lived from 1945 to 1981. He and his band's first recorded song was "Judge Not", their first single was "Simmer Down", and their first album was Catch A Fire. The tenth and final album, Uprising, contained "Could You Be Loved" and "Redemption Song". Name this leader of the Wailers who wrote "I Shot The Sheriff" and popularized reggae music.;;(Bob) Marley Physics;;They cannot be used to expose film because they do not have the light that they appear to have. They appear when you use a diverging lens or when you place an object within the focal length of a converging lens. Similar rules exist for mirrors, and they are also created by plane mirrors. What are these images that are often contrasted with real images?;;Virtual (Image(s)) Literature;;Which novel contains the quote, "Now, John, I don"t know anything about politics, but I can read my Bible; and there I see that I must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the desolate; and that Bible I mean to follow"? Much of the novel is about Eliza, who moves North with her son Harry and is eventually reunited with her husband George. Other major characters include Ophelia Saint Clare and Simon Legree. Name this work completed in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe.;;Uncle Tom(')s Cabin Art;;Though pictures of this type have been around since ancient times, their use increased in The Netherlands during the 17th century. Many artists pushed the definition by including hourglasses or watches in their works. It has been a part of many movements, including Impressionism and Cubism. What two-word phrase is used for paintings of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers?;;Still Life(s) World History;;He showed up on April Tenth, 1919 to meet a colonel he thought was going to defect to his revolution. The meeting was a trap, and this leader was killed as soon as he showed up. Name this man often associated with the phrase ‘Tierra y libertad", which means ‘Land and liberty". He is still considered a hero in Southern Mexico.;;(Emiliano) Zapata Biology;;What can be defined as tissue composed of scattered cells surrounded by tough, flexible intercellular protein fibers? It is found in large amounts in Chondrichthyes and embryos. In adult humans, it can be found in the larynx, ear, and ends of bones.;;Cartilage Religion/Mythology;;Which book in the Bible asks, "If God is for us, who can be against us"? It ends with several personal greetings, and mentions at the beginning and end a desire on the part of the author to visit the place being addressed. It is the longest letter in the Bible, and it is usually the first epistle in the New Testament.;;(The Book of) Romans Literature;;Who was best known for his prose but also wrote poetry such as "Advice to the Grub Street Verse-Writers" and "To Quilca, A Country House not in Good Repair". His most famous works of prose fiction were A Tale of a Tub and Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World in Four Parts by Lemuel Gulliver, which is usually referred to as Gulliver's Travels.;;(Jonathan) Swift Miscellaneous;;They are made of silver, gold, or iron, and they foretell merriment or happiness, or they bring terror or solemn thought. They jingle, tinkle, rhyme, chime, clamor, clangor, moan, or groan. Name these objects described in a four-stanza poem by Edgar Allan Poe.;;(The) Bells Biology;;Who wrote The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, The Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants, and The Variations of Animals and Plants under Domestication? While on a long journey, he discovered many fossils that were similar to living species. After studying these for a few years, he developed ideas that he shared with friends but did not put into writing for twenty years. Name this man whose journey in the 1830s led to the book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or, the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. He is credited for the Theory of Evolution.;;(Charles) Darwin Astronomy;;Adjustments in October 1582 and September 1752 were very unpopular. Based on a cycle of 146,097 days, this system is named after the Pope who was in power when it came into popular use. Name this correction to the Julian calendar which is now the standard calendar of the Western world.;;Gregorian (Calendar) Language Arts;;In the United States, this word refers to clerks in the Navy. In Britain, it refers to retired military members who are enlisted to protect either the Tower of London or royalty, active petty officers who assist a navy officer, or people who are not a member of the gentry but enjoy some privileges. It can also refer to someone who provides great and laborious services. Give this word beginning with the letter Y.;;Yeom(a|e){1}?n United States History;;Though it doesn"t sound like it, this was named after Metacomet, who eventually was drawn and quartered and had his head exposed on a pole. One in ten soldiers on both sides were injured or killed, and the effects were devastating to Indian tribes in Southern New England. Name this armed conflict that took place in 1675 and 1676.;;King Philip's (War|Uprising){1}? Literature;;Which writer's most famous work is about a coal miners" strike in the 1860s? Considered a founder of the school of naturalism, most of his novels followed two branches of a family. Name this author of Germinal who played a major role in The Dreyfus Affair.;;(Emile) Zola Chemistry;;What is made out of hexagonal carbon sheets? One of the softest minerals, it can be used as a lubricant. The name of this substance comes from the Greek word meaning to draw or write. Name this substance used in pencils.;;Graphite Pop Culture;;Who was the best player for the Cincinnati Royals? In his second year after graduating from the University of Cincinnati, he averaged 30.8 points, 12.5 rebounds, and 11.4 assists per game. He did not win his first title until teaming with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on the Milwaukee Bucks in 1971. Name this player nicknamed "The Big O".;;(Oscar) Robertson Literature;;Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950 even though he was a nonfiction writer? 1950 was the same year he published a collection titled Unpopular Essays. In 1901, he discovered a paradox by considering the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. The paradox arises when one considers whether that set is a member of itself. Name this analytic philosopher who teamed up with Alfred North Whitehead to write Principia Mathematica.;;(Earl) (Bertrand (Arthur (William) ) ) Russell Technology;;The answer is four letters long--it is a word that can also be used as a prefix. The first one of these was created by Ward Cunningham in 1995 at the website known as the Portland Pattern Repository. Among the popular engines that make these possible are UseMod and MoinMoin. What is the name for collaborative web sites that allow users to edit and add content?;;Wiki(s) Music;;The answer is one word, and the movie version is different. Which song is performed in a musical starting with the musical's title character, then by the Secretary of the Interior, then the Secretary of Labor, and then the President? It is in a musical that opened on Broadway in 1977 and is set in the 1930s, and it exemplifies optimism. Name this song in which President Roosevelt sings: "When I'm stuck with a day That's gray and lonely I just stick out my chin And grin, and say,,,".;;Tomorrow Physics;;Which quantity's derivative with respect to time is equal to torque? It is more common to express it as the mass times cross product of displacement from the origin with velocity. Give the two-word title of this conserved quantity which is equal to moment of inertia times angular velocity.;;Angular Momentum Literature;;Which writer's first big success came when Teddy Roosevelt read his poem "Children of the Night"? He described one of his most popular characters as a, "child of scorn, grew lean while he assailed the seasons; he wept that he was ever born, and he had reasons".Another character on a, "calm summer night went home and put a bullet through his head". Name this creator of Miniver Cheevy and Richard Cory.;;(Edw(in|ard){1}?\s*(Arlington) ) Robinson Art;;Who considered his greatest teacher to be Trissino? He often studied Roman works rather than Renaissance works. Known for designing many villas, in 1570 he published The Four Books of Architecture, which is still in print. Name this architect who also designed several churches in Venice.;;Palladio|(Andrea di Pietro) (della) Gondola World History;;At the request of Pope Hadrian The Second, he defeated Desiderius and took over Lombardy. A big supporter of academic learning, this leader imported teachers into his empire, creating precursors of modern major European universities. Name this father of Louis The First who in 800 was crowned Emperor of the Romans. He is considered a founding father of both France and Germany.;;Charlemagne|Charles The Great|Carolus Magnus Biology;;A disorder with which organelles can cause Tay-Sachs disease? Produced in the Golgi apparatus, they are found in the cytoplasm. Name these saclike structures that contain lipase, protease, and other enzymes used for cell digestion.;;Lysosome(s) Religion/Mythology;;Which English title can refer to Bardo Thodol or The Papyrus of Ani? The Bardo Thodol, from Tibet, is supposed to be recited by lamas to explain to souls what will happen to them before rebirth. The Papyrus of Ani, from Egypt, was intended to guide souls on the way to the underworld.;;(The) Book of the Dead Literature;;Which 1820 novel includes the women Rebecca and Rowena? Set in the twelfth century, it plays up conflicts between the Saxons and Normans. The novel revived interest in the "King of Outlaws and prince of good fellows" named Robin Hood. Name this work by Sir Walter Scott.;;Ivanhoe Religion/Mythology;;Any English translation is considered unofficial, but this book opens with an invocation that ends: "Keep us on the right path. The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not the path of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray". The Opening is followed by chapters named The Cow, The Family of Imran, and so forth for a total of 114 chapters, or suras. Name this book written in the seventh century which is the holiest book of Islam.;;(The|Al-) (Koran|Quran|Qu'ran){1}? Earth Science;;Caused by Plinian eruptions, examples include scoria, reticulite, and lapili. Give this term for volcanic rocks ejected during an eruption.;;(Tephra|Pyroclast){1}?\s*(Rock) Language Arts;;This word started out in Scotland, where it was used as a war cry. What word refers to a brief phrase used to advertise or to express a stand on a contested issue?;;Slogan United States History;;Who was the youngest major-party presidential nominee in history? He was a native of Illinois who represented Nebraska in the House of Representatives, and he would later serve as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State. The final years of his life were spent supporting Prohibition and fighting the Theory of Evolution. Name this Presidential candidate from the 1896, 1900, and 1908 Elections.;;(William (Jennings) ) Bryan Literature;;This author was born in West Virginia in 1892 and left America at the age of three months. She returned to the United States permanently in 1934 and lived until 1973. Though she wrote over one hundred works, she is usually associated with one novel published in 1931. It follows O Lan and Wang Lung. Name this author of The Good Earth.;;(Pearl (Comfort (Sydenstricker) ) ) (Buck|Walsh|Sedges){1}? Chemistry;;What has empirical formula C4 H10 O? Some variations include dioxane and THF, and a monument to this chemical can be found in Boston. Its first medical use was in 1841 or 1842. For a long time it played a major role in medicine, but it is no longer used because it is an irritant to some patients and can be dangerous. Name this anesthetic.;;(Diethyl) Ether Pop Culture;;Give the first and last name. He loves Andy Williams and fresh huckleberries, and he made a diorama of The Grapes Of Wrath. Name this character who was defeated in battle by Bart The General and who dated Lisa. This character from The Simpsons has said "Gotta nuke something", "So burn that flag if you must", and "Smell Ya Later". He is famous for his laugh.;;Nelson Muntz Literature;;Name the philosopher who put his five children in orphanages, claiming that he would have been a poor father. This did not stop him from writing Emile, a book in which he explained how to raise children. He argued in other books that interdependent societies were bad for people and that we would be better off as noble savages. This Frenchman wrote The Creed of a Savoyard Priest, Reveries of a Solitary Walker, and The Social Contract.;;(Jean (Jacques) ) Rousseau Technology;;The Red Book Standard for these objects was created in 1980, while the Yellow Book Standard, which is more important for computers, was created in 1985. They were first mass produced in 1983, and there are now thirty billion sold every year. These devices are often divided up into frames, which hold 24 bytes, and sectors, which hold 98 frames. Name these objects with 12 centimeter diameters often placed in stereos or computers.;;CD(s)|CD-ROM(s)|Compact Disc(s) Music;;Name the song with the lyrics: "But I"m here in my mold trying to make ends meet, trying to find some money then you die. I am here in my mold. You know I can change, I can change, I can change, and I"m a million different people". It was performed at Live 8 by Coldplay with Richard Ashcroft. Ashcroft usually performs the song with Verve.;;Bitter Sweet Symphony Physics;;Though it can also refer to voltage, what term within physics usually refers to a force tending to stretch or elongate something? The measurement of this force can be simplified if you assume that a cord is massless and stretchless. The force can be measured by putting a spring scale between the cord and the object pulling it. Give this word beginning with the letter T.;;Tension Literature;;Which famous writer died of tuberculosis and malarial fever in 1900 at the age of 28? He attempted to cover the Cuban insurrection in 1897, but the ship he was on sank. This incident inspired his most famous short story. In 1893, he wrote a novel about an abused girl's tragic life, and his best known novel, published in 1895, was about Henry Fleming. Name this author of Maggie:A Girl of the Streets and The Red Badge of Courage.;;(Stephen) Crane Architechture;;Which architectural term refers to a part of a building marked off by vertical elements such as columns? It also refers to a window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building. Give this three-letter word.;;Bay World History;;A third of this country's population died in a war-induced famine in 1696. Though it has historically feuded with Russia, it signed a mutual defense pact with the Soviet Union in 1948 and has enjoyed good relations since then. Name this Scandinavian nation which, though independent since 1917, has historically been controlled by Russia or Sweden.;;Finland Biology;;Though Edward Jenner was the first person to develop an inoculation, who was the first person to develop one artificially? This came after research in which he diluted a solution one hundred times to prove the germ theory of disease. Along with Claude Bernard, he developed the process named after him, which involves heating food to kill the harmful organisms inside. Name this famous 19th century French scientist.;;(Louis) Pasteur Religion/Mythology;;Though this word is becoming common on the internet, it usually is associated with Hinduism and Vishnu. Some Hindus believe that The Buddha was one of these rather than a regular human, and many believe that King Rama was one as well. Give this term for an embodiment of a God in human or animal form.;;Avatar Literature;;Who wrote the conversational poems "Frost At Midnight" and "The Nightingale"? These were completed during the most productive part of his career in the 1790s. Name this friend of William Wordsworth who wrote "Christabel", "Kubla Khan", and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".;;(Sam(uel) (Taylor) ) Coleridge Pop Culture;;You can give either the first or last name. Who has made millions of dollars through associations with The Teletubbies, The Power Rangers, Curiosity Killed The Cat, and Westlife? Lately, he has been on television a lot himself instead of working in the background, and he has become famous for saying things like, "There are only so many words I can draw out of my vocabulary to say how awful that was". Name this person often seated next to Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul on American Idol.;;(Simon|Cowell)|Simon Cowell Technology;;This company was started in New Mexico in 1975. Its first product was a BASIC interpreter for the Altair 8800. A fateful day in its history was August 12th, 1981, when it was given a contract by IBM to developing an operating system. Now headquartered in Redmond, Washington, it is the world's largest software company. Name this creator of Windows and Xbox.;;Microsoft Astronomy;;When combined with the word midnight, it refers to the instant when the March equinox crosses the lower meridian of a place. When combined with the word year, it refers to 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.54 seconds. When combined with the word month, it refers to 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, and 11.5 seconds. Give this adjective that refers to orbits measured relative to the stars.;;Sidereal Language Arts;;What 11-letter word is based on the old Persian name for Sri Lanka? A person with this quality makes a lot of fortunate discoveries by accident. Name this word beginning with the letter S.;;Serendipity United States History;;Who represented Massachusetts in the House of Representatives from 1887 to 1893 and then served in the Senate from 1893 until his death in 1924? As a Republican, he was a strong ally of Teddy Roosevelt and critic of Woodrow Wilson. In a speech given on August 12th, 1919, he stated, "I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for a league".;;(Henry (Cabot) ) Lodge Literature;;Whose first poetry collection, published in 1933, was Luna Silvestre? He has written many essays, most notably The Labyrinth of Solitude, which examines the place of Mexico within the world. Name this author of The Grammarian Monkey and East Slope who was awarded the 1990 Nobel Prize.;;(Octavio) Paz Chemistry;;Thanks to information theory and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the possibility of its existence was disproven in the 20th century. What controls a trap door that opens for fast molecules from one side and slow molecules from the other? This imaginary creature was dreamed up to question the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Name this diabolical entropy-increasing entity imagined by the same person who unified theories of electromagnetism.;;(Maxwell's|Maxwellian) Demon Pop Culture;;Given the quote, name the movie: "You was my brother, Charley, you shoulda looked out for me a little bit. You shoulda taken care of me just a little bit so I wouldn't have to take them dives for the short-end money. You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley". This 1954 movie starred Marlon Brando.;;On The Waterfront Technology;;What four-letter abbreviation is being used for batteries that are replacing cadmium batteries? Cadmium is being replaced because it is harmful to the environment and because batteries containing it suffer from the memory effect. In addition to use as regular batteries, these are currently used in many hybrid vehicles.;;NiMH|Nickel Metal Hydride Music;;This nineteenth century French composer is easy to confuse with others because the titles of his works are not very original. His best known song is probably Ave Maria, which he completed in 1859. Name this composer of the 1867 opera Romeo and Juliet, the 1860 opera Philemon and Baucis, the 1851 opera Sapho, and the 1859 opera Faust.;;(Charles) Gounod Physics;;What phenomenon has a period of L sine theta divided by the quantity 2 pi tau? The period can also be given as 4 pi squared times the moment of inertia divided by the quantity torque times period around the spin axis? The torque is often provided by gravity trying to knock something over. Name this term defined as the motion of a spinning body in which it wobbles so that the axis of rotation sweeps out a cone. This term is also associated with the orbit of Mercury.;;(Gyroscopic) Precession Literature;;Give the first and last names of the character who states, "I hope she'll be a fool- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool". She grew up in Louisville but is a resident of Long Island. Name this mother of Pammy, cousin of Nick, wife of Tom, and dream of Jay Gatsby.;;Daisy Buchanan World History;;Who defeated the Megarians by dressing up his men as women? The Megarians jumped out of their ships to get them and were quickly slaughtered. This leader also wrote a Constitution that repealed most of the laws of Draco and introduced trials by jury. This Athenian lawmaker ruled Attica in 594 BC.;;Solon Biology;;The answer begins with the letter P. Examples include sphingomyelin, lecithin, and cephalin. What are these compounds that usually contain two fatty acids and glycerol? They are a major part of biological membranes.;;Phospholipid(s)|Phosphatide(s) Religion/Mythology;;Whose hand was bitten off by Fenrir? During Ragnarok, he will kill Garm but die from wounds inflicted by the dog. Name this precursor of Odin in German mythology who is the God of War in Norse Mythology.;;Tyr Literature;;Which Shakespeare play has the siblings Claudio and Isabella? It takes place in Vienna, and one of the major characters is a Duke who pretends to leave town. In his place, Vienna is run scandalously by Angelo.;;Measure For Measure Geography;;Which country is surrounded by Algeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Cote D"Ivoire, Guinea, Senegal, and Mauritania? It contains major sections of the Senegal and Niger Rivers, and its cities include Sikasso, Mopti, and Timbuktu. Name this landlocked country whose capital is Bamako.;;Mali Language Arts;;The answer ends with the suffix -ORY. Which adjective, containing the Latin root for blame, is often used by lawyers to describe something that clears a person of guilt? It can appear in front of words like evidence, testimony, or statement.;;Exculpatory United States History;;When this ship's captain refused to have it searched, the British opened fire until the Americans had to let them on board. The British forcibly removed four people and charged them with desertion, eventually hanging one of them. Name this ship overcome on June 22, 1807 by the HMS Leopard in a prelude to the War of 1812.;;(United States Ship|USS) Chesapeake Literature;;Which rival of Moliere and Corneille gave up writing plays in 1677 after receiving severe criticism? He did write two Biblical plays several years later. Name this French playwright who wrote Andromaque and Phedre.;;(Jean) Racine Chemistry;;Give the name of the functional group that plays a major role within aldehydes and ketones. It can also be found in carboxylic acids and esters. The carbon atom in this group can have two single bonds to the rest of the molecule or one double bond. Name this group characterized by a double bond between carbon and oxygen.;;Carbonyl (Group) Literature;;This title was not used by the author himself--it was first used by editors hundreds of years later to signify that the text came after scientific texts. The work is now in fourteen sections, and its three main topics are ontology, theology, and universal science. Name this title from the works of Aristotle that refers to first causes and the study of ‘being qua being".;;Metaphysics Technology;;Named after a Danish king, this started as a consortium between Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Ericsson, Nokia, Toshiba, and Pluma. What is this protocol for short-range radio between mobile computers, mobile phones, digital cameras, and other portable devices? It is often used for wireless networking between desktops and laptops, and Version 2.0 is becoming more widespread this year.;;Bluetooth Music;;An eighth note followed by three sixteenth notes. Again, an eighth note followed by three sixteenth notes. Then two eighth notes. An eighth note followed by three sixteenth notes. Then an eighth note followed by nine sixteenth notes. Which song repeats this melody over and over again, often in the background, in an ever-growing crescendo? It premiered in Paris in 1928.;;Bolero Physics;;What is defined as any elementary particle that has strong nuclear force interactions with other particles? Examples include pions, delta particles, kaons, neutrons, and protons. These particles are classified as baryons or mesons.;;Hadron(s) Literature;;Name the poem that asks the following questions: So how should I presume? And how should I begin? Do I dare disturb the universe? Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach? Published in 1917, it was written by T,S, Eliot.;;(The) Love Song of J(.) Alfred Prufrock Art;;A museum dedicated to this artist opened this year in Bern. Name this painter of Ad Parnassum and The Golden Fish who was classified by the Nazis as degenerate. He was an early twentieth century Swiss artist.;;(Paul) Klee World History;;Give the English nickname. It was about 250 square feet, and it was used the night of June 20th, 1756. Most of the people inside died, but their numbers are widely disputed. Many of the survivors were eventually rescued by troops under Robert Clive. Name this cell used for British prisoners in West Bengal, India.;;Black Hole (of Calcutta) Religion/Mythology;;This term refers to certain religions and sects that have been studied since the finding of papyrus writings at Nag Hammadi in 1945. The religion started before Christianity, but Christianity had a major influence on it. Most followers believed that Jesus did not have a body, and many may have read The Gospel of Thomas. Name this term taken from the Greek word for knowledge.;;Gnostic(ism|s)|Gnos(s)is Literature;;This poem opens with an unexpected challenge. A strange figure shows up on New Years" Eve and challenges anyone to strike him with his own axe on the condition that the challenger will allow him to return the favor a year later. A challenger chops the figure's head off, and the figure picks up his head and rides away. Identify this fourteenth century work concerning a Knight of the Round Table.;;Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Earth Science;;Which of the four C's is usually considered the most subjective? Thanks to x-ray tomography, it is now becoming objective, and there are attempts to improve the cutting of rough diamonds so that this quality will improve. Based on a lack of internal defects that can cloud diamonds, name this quality that is not carat, color, or cut.;;Clarity Language Arts;;What word is a synonym of the non-biological definition of meiosis? It is similar to irony. An example of it is the phrase ‘not a little angry", which means very angry. Give this word beginning with the letter L.;;Litote(s) United States History;;During the years 1841 to 1844, who visited approximately eighteen state penitentiaries, three hundred county jails and correction houses, and five hundred almshouses? She wrote about what she saw, and she talked to several state legislatures about improving conditions, starting in her home state of Massachusetts. She also served as the Superintendent of Female Nurses for the Union during the Civil War. Name this crusader for new insane asylums.;;(Doroth(ea|y){1}?) Dix Chemistry;;What term, a synonym of bloom, refers to a quality found in substances such as cupric sulfate, lead acetate, and sodium thiosulfate? They all have in common a growth of powdery salt crystals on the surface of a liquid. Give this term beginning with the letter E.;;Efflorescence(s) Pop Culture;;Like Tiger Woods, he has an annual income of about eighty million dollars. He won his first major annual championships in 1994 and 1995, but after switching teams he did not win again until 2000. He has been dominant since then, beating out rivals such as Jenson Button and Juan Pablo Montoya, until this year, when he lost the Championship to Fernando Alonso. Name this Ferrari-sponsored German F1 auto racer.;;(Michael) Schumacher Literature;;Whose first book was Black Skin, White Masks? He grew up on Martinique and was a psychiatrist in France and Algeria. His later books advocated violence to end colonial rule. Name this author of The Wretched of the Earth.;;(Frantz) Fanon Technology;;What three-letter abbreviation is used for the 1,850 to 1,910 and the 1,930 to 1,990 Megahertz radio band? This band is used by companies that bundle voice communications, numeric and text messaging, voice-mail and other features. Companies displaying this abbreviation prominently include Metro and Sprint.;;PCS|Personal Communications Service Music;;Name the song with the lyrics: "Like a song of love that clings to me, How the thought of you does things to me, Never before has someone been more". First recorded in 1951, it became popular again in 1991 when the singer's daughter used recordings of him to make a duet. Name this hit by Nat King Cole.;;Unforgettable Literature;;The title character in which short story says: "There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil; for to thee is this world given". At the beginning of the story, he walks away from his new wife Faith and joins an older man to walk through a forest. Name this story that appears in Mosses from an Old Manse by Nathaniel Hawthorne.;;Young Goodman Brown World History;;Who was the last Bourbon King of France? His July Ordinances led to a Revolution against him and the assumption of power by Louis-Philippe. Name this man who ruled from 1824 to 1830.;;Charles X Biology;;Give the term that applies to adult anatomy. Sagittal, Coronal, lambdoid, squamous, nasomaxillary, frontosphenoid, sphenosquamosal, and occipitomastoid. What is the name for these fibrous materials that turn into fused wiggly lines as a person ages? Most are found in the skull.;;(Head|Skull) Sutures Religion/Mythology;;Because her husband ate her first five children, who, after giving birth the sixth time, wrapped a stone in baby clothes and handed it to her husband? She hid her son in a cave, and he eventually forced his father to unswallow the stone and the first five children. Name this mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus. This Titaness was married to Cronus.;;Rhea Literature;;Which novel centers around Lily Briscoe and the Ramsay family? The first section takes place before World War One on the Isle of Skye. The second section, called Time Passes, covers a decade in time but is only about twenty pages long. Name this stream of consciousness novel written by Virginia Woolf.;;To The Lighthouse Art;;Many of this painter's earlier works, such as Landscape Near Antwerp, were created outdoors. He painted works such as The Clarinet, Harbor In Normandy, and Violin and Candlestick indoors after leaving the Fauve movement in 1907. Name this painter who often worked closely with Pablo Picasso, with whom he founded Cubism.;;(Georges) Braque Geography;;Which major river empties into the Beaufort Sea? Flowing to the Northwest, it is named after the explorer who tried to follow it to the Pacific Ocean. It originates in Great Slave Lake and is the longest river in Canada.;;MacKenzie (River) Chemistry;;Typically, the bottom of it is cooled by dry ice, and a pad soaked with alcohol is attached to the top. This causes the air to become supersaturated. Particles traveling through the air leave a trail of ions, which serve as condensation centers for the alcohol. What is this device often used in particle physics experiments?;;(Diffusion) Cloud Chamber |Wilson Chamber Literature;;Though there are several different versions, this work begins something like: "In a summer season when soft was the sun, I clothed myself in a cloak as I shepherd were, like a hermit's unholy in works, And went wide in the world wonders to hear". There are fifty different texts, with three or four of them given more credence than the others. It contains the characters Do-Wel, Do-Bet, and Do-Best. Name this work in Middle English usually attributed to William Langland.;;(William's Vision of) Piers Plowman United States History;;Which President's father served in Ulysses Grant's Cabinet? Eight years before becoming President, he became the first civil governor of the Philippines. He was not reelected President when some members of his party formed a third party. Name the only man to serve as President and Chief Justice. He served after Teddy Roosevelt and before Woodrow Wilson.;;(William (Howard)) Taft Literature;;This story is about a young lady who willingly agrees to marry a very ugly man. After their marriage, he tells her that he is going to leave for six weeks and gives her keys to his huge estate. One of the keys is to a closet which the lady is not supposed to open. You can guess what comes next. This story appeared in Mother Goose Tales and the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales as well as operas by Dukas, Offenbach, and Bartok. It is also strongly alluded to in a 1988 Kurt Vonnegut novel.;;Bluebeard Chemistry;;After the initial step, you are supposed to add iodine, ethanol, safranin, and water. It is named after the Danish scientist that invented it in 1884. Name this technique used to test for meningitis and septic arthritis. It differentiates between two types of bacteria.;;Gram Stain(ing) World History;;Which Russian field marshal was loved by Catherine The Great? He played a major role in annexing Crimea into Russia and soon thereafter became a Prince. In 1787, he led Catherine's tour of Crimea, and he was accused of building several fake villages to impress her. Ever since then, his name has been associated with things that look impressive but lack value.;;(Grigori (Alexandrovich)) Potemkin United States History;;Which popular historian has written books about The Brooklyn Bridge, The Johnstown Flood, The Panama Canal, and Harry Truman? He has recently focused his attention on America's Founding Fathers with his works The Course Of Human Events and 1776.;;(David) McCullough Technology;;What technology first entered the market in 2000 with the IBM Power4? AMD and Intel have entered the market 2005. These can lower power usage as compared to simpler computer designs, which to some extent allows computers to operate faster without overheating. Like simple designs, however, these computers have only one bus and one memory controller. Name this example of parallel computing.;;(Dual Core|Multicore){1}?\s*(Central Processing Unit|CPU) Pop Culture;;Before she became famous, who portrayed a lesbian in a play with Barbara Streisand? She was a star in the early 1980s, becoming a popular stand-up comedienne and permanent guest host on The Tonight Show. She was given her own talk show, but her career plummeted and her husband committed suicide in the late 1980s. She now can be seen on E! Television with her daughter Melissa talking about celebrities and showing off her most recent plastic surgery.;;(Joan) Rivers Literature;;Give the first and last name of the fictional native of Connecticut who is described as, "Tall and exceedingly lank, with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, hands that dangled a mile out of his sleeves, and feet that might have served for shovels". Working as a teacher in Upstate New York, he falls in love with a wealthy young woman named Katrina Van Tassel. Name this rival of Brom Bones in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.;;Ichabod Crane Chemistry;;Who, using the standard of oxygen as 100, published a table of atomic weights? He also mistakenly argued against Avogadro's Hypothesis. In 1811, this discoverer of cerium, selenium, and thorium started using one- and two-letter abbreviations for chemical elements.;;(Jons (Jacob) ) Berzelius World History;;The Swedish one was founded in 1731, the Danish in 1670, the French in 1664, the Dutch in 1602, and the British in 1600. The Dutch one was sometimes called VOC, and the British one was sometimes called the John Company. Give the common name of these large companies which had national monopolies on trade with Asia.;;East India(n) (Company) Technology;;What 11-letter word was first used as a joke by Brad Graham in 1999? It became more popular after William Quick picked it up in 2001 or 2002. William Quick is known as The Daily Pundit. Name this collective term for informal personal web sites and web sites that contain periodic posts on a common page.;;Blogosphere Language Arts;;Fill in each blank with the name of a part of speech, giving your answers in the right order to make the statement correct. A word is changed from a ‘blank" to a ‘blank" when you add the suffix N-E-S-S.;;Adjective (,) Noun Geography;;Which river is two thousand kilometers long and has fourteen dams, three in Canada and eleven in the United States? Its tributaries include the Willamette, Lewis, Snake, and Spokane Rivers. About one-fourth of it runs along the Washington-Oregon state border.;;Columbia (River) Music;;Who recorded his first solo, He's the Last Word, in 1926? He became famous in the 1930s playing Fletcher Henderson's arrangements of jazz music with Teddy Wilson and Gene Krupa. Although he also had successful classical music recordings, he was widely considered the best jazz clarinetist.;;(Benny|Benjamin (David) ) Goodman Religion/Mythology;;Which Greek goddess was celebrated by festivals every five years that lasted nine days long? Nine days represented the amount of time it took her to find out about the death of her daughter Persephone. Name this goddess of corn whose Roman equivalent was Ceres.;;Demeter Biology;;Name the muscle that, though it exists in a lesser form in some reptiles, is for the most part unique to mammals. It works in conjunction with the intercostals between the ribs and is located at the bottom of the chest cavity. When it contracts, your lungs expand, causing inhalation.;;Diaphragm Literature;;Who earned a doctorate from an unaccredited school called Columbia Pacific University, spent nine years as a monk under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and divorced his first wife? He gives a lot of relationship advice, claiming that men are like rubber bands and women are like waves. Name this author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.;;(John) Gray Pop Culture;;After winning the Heisman Trophy at USC, who played most of his career for the Buffalo Bills, where he became the first player to rush for two thousand yards in a season? He later acted in The Towering Inferno, Capricorn One, and The Naked Gun movies. He divorced his wife in 1992, and she and Ron Goldman were found murdered in 1994.;;(Orenthal James|OJ) Simpson Physics;;The major assumption about which concept was challenged by a solution to the tau theta puzzle? In 1956, Tsung Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang found that in weak interactions it is not conserved. Also known as space inversion, this term begins with the letter P.;;(Space) Parity Literature;;Which seventeenth century poet wrote, "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying: and this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying"? His works include "Delight in Disorder", "The Vine", and "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time".;;(Robert) Herrick United States History;;His first trial for perjury in 1949 resulted in a hung jury, but he was found guilty in 1950. Some records found in Eastern Europe ten years ago seem to confirm his guilt. Name this man who served as a temporary Secretary General for the United Nations after serving under many departments in Franklin Roosevelt's administration. He was accused of spying by Whittaker Chambers, who had hidden some of the evidence against him in a hollowed-out pumpkin, and his conviction contributed to the success of Joseph McCarthy.;;(Alger) Hiss Art;;All of the paintings from which museum were moved to Geneva, Switzerland before being returned during World War Two? Some of its famous pieces include The Triumph of Death, The Garden of Earthly Delights, and The Family of Charles the Fourth. It owns close to nine thousand paintings. Name this museum started by Charles the Third and Fernando the Seventh in Madrid.;;(The|El) Prado (Museum|Museo) Literature;;Give your answer in English. Which novel features Raymond Rambert, a French journalist who is reporting on conditions in Oran, Algeria? At first, several rats in Oran die, and then a lot of the humans start dying. Name this existentialist novel by Albert Camus.;;(The) Plague Language Arts;;This term originally referred to a solid metal duplicate of a relief made by molding. Its meaning has evolved to mean something repeated without variation. It now has a negative connotation and refers to the ignoring of individual traits in a group.;;Stereotyp(e(s)|ing){1}? United States History;;Which organization has been headed by Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Allen Dulles, William Colby, George Herbert Walker Bush, William Webster, James Woolsey, and George Tenet? It replaced the Office of Strategic Services in 1947 and was important during the Cold War. It has received a lot of criticism lately for not preventing 9/11 and giving out misleading information before the Iraq War.;;CIA|Central Intelligence Agency Literature;;Like many authors, he is reclusive. Unlike other authors, however, he voiced himself on a Simpsons episode which showed him wearing a bag over his head. Name this writer who worked as a technical writer for Boeing, giving him access to historical V-2 rocket documents he used to write his famous 1973 work. He wrote V, The Crying of Lot 49, Gravity's Rainbow, Vineland, and Mason & Dixon.;;(Thomas) Pynchon Chemistry;;Which quantity is measured on an arbitrary scale but can be used to easily calculate the percentage of ionic character of a bond? Defined as the attraction of an atom for the shared electrons forming a bond between it and another atom, this quantity is higher for nonmetals than metals. Name this quantity which is highest for fluorine.;;Electronegativity World History;;Some people blame what happened in this country on Radio One Thousand Hills, which reported a lot of rumors after the death of President Habyarimana. Unfortunately, these rumors came a year after the government had given away machetes to all peasants. Many Hutus, fearing a new takeover by the Tutsis, went on a killing spree that left eight hundred thousand people dead. Name this small African nation that experienced genocide in 1994.;;Rwanda Technology;;The first prototype was developed at the University of Illinois in 1964. The basic process used in this device is similar to the one in fluorescent lights, but these use hundreds of thousands of cells with xenon and neon atoms. Name this household appliance which is making cathode ray tubes obsolete.;;Plasma ((Television|TV) (s) ) Language Arts;;Which word can refer to the transient or accidental factor in an event or experience as distinguished from that based on personal character? This word taken from Greek can also refer to an element in experience or artistic representation evoking pity or compassion. Name this six-letter word beginning with the letter P.;;Pathos Astronomy;;Which specific asterism, or part of a constellation, is formed by Alnilam, Alnitak, and Mintaka? The larger constellation includes Rigel and Betelgeuse and represents a famous hunter. The three stars form a particular part of the hunter's clothing.;;Orion's Belt Music;;There is one memorial to him in Florida even though he never went there and another one in Kentucky where his cousin lived. Name this songwriter who spent much of his life in Philadelphia. He is famous for Uncle Ned, My Old Kentucky Home, Swanee River, and Oh! Susanna.;;(Stephen) Foster Geography;;According to mythology, this was created to lift up the ashes of King Sagar's sixty thousand sons. Sites at Varanasi and Allahabad are considered especially holy, and it is often the site of cremations or scatterings of ashes. Name this 1500 mile long geographical feature holy to Hindus.;;Ganges (River) Biology;;Types include ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. They release calcium, which is one of many ways in which they assist neurons. Identify these brain cells.;;(Astro) Glia (l (Cells) ) Literature;;Name the writer who moved with his mother, Lucy Elizabeth, and his sister from Virginia to New Jersey after his father died. He won the 1979 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary and then wrote an autobiography describing his youth during the Great Depression. Name this author of Growing Up and The Good Times.;;(Russell) Baker Miscellaneous;;Who won her first round match at Wimbledon this year over Catalina Castano before getting beaten by Gisela Dulko? Those were her first singles matches there since 1994, when she reached the Finals. From 1978 through 1990, she won the Championship nine times. Name this native of Prague who also played doubles this year for the US Olympic Team, losing in the quarterfinals.;;(Martina) Navratilova Physics;;In 1774, who teamed up with Matthew Boulton to manufacture steam engines? This engineer introduced the horsepower as a unit, which is ironic because the unit named after him has in many places replaced the horsepower. The unit named after him equals a kilogram meter squared per second cubed, or a Joule per second.;;(James) Watt Literature;;Whose first work of published fiction was a short story collection titled Scenes from Clerical Life? Better known for novels, this author created the characters Maggie Tulliver, Felix Holt, Dorothea Brooke, and Adam Bede. Name this author of Middlemarch.;;(George) Eliot|(Marian) Evans United States History;;Which event led our Secretary of State to say, "We went eyeball to eyeball, and the other fellow just blinked"? In fact, the US worked out a secret deal which was fair to both sides, leading to our removal of major weapons from Turkey and Italy. Name this world scare which lasted from October 15th to October 28th, 1962.;;Cuban Missile Crisis Art;;Between 1971 and 1985, which artist secretly painted 240 portraits of his neighbor Helga Testorf? Often associated with the state of Maine, he also painted Christina's World.;;(Andrew) Wyeth Literature;;The characters in which play include a former journalist, a former postal clerk, a baby killer, and a representative of the devil? First performed in 1944, three of the characters are stuck in the same room together for eternity. Name this work by Jean Paul Sartre.;;No Exit|Huis Clos Geography;;Which landlocked country contains Lake Ngami? In addition to a corner boundary with Zambia, it borders Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa. This nation includes much of the Limpopo River and Kalahari Desert.;;Botswana Literature;;Which novel features Tiny Duffy, Sam MacMurfee, Judge Irwin, and Jack Burden? Burden turns out to be the most interesting character, though much of the book is about the political career of Willie Stark. Name this 1946 novel by Robert Penn Warren.;;All the King's Men Chemistry;;The best way to achieve this effect is by filtering a hot solution and then allowing it to cool. The result is unstable and will be lost by shocks to the system, especially if any piece of the solute is added to the solution. What term is used when solutions exceed their theoretical level of solubility?;;Supersaturat(ion|ed){1}? World History;;Give your answer in English, using the nineteenth century nickname. This was first used in the second century BC. It was started by a failed diplomatic attempt but for over one thousand years was successfully used for commerce. Silver, gold, amber, ivory, carpets, perfume and glass often headed East. In addition to the title object, porcelain, furs, spices, and gems often headed West.;;(The) Silk Road Technology;;The answer is a six-letter geek slang word; do not give a longer answer. What is defined as a procedure in which all the files on a disk are rewritten on the disk so that all parts of each file reside in contiguous clusters? This process is often done to increase speed.;;Defrag Language Arts;;What single word is used for forms of verbs that describe actions that are completed at the time spoken or at the time spoken of? It is associated with the helping verbs will have, shall have, had, or have depending on whether the tense is in the future, past, or present.;;Perfect Geography;;In which city is the busiest port in the world? It lies on the New Maas, an estuary of the Rhine, and it is near the North Sea. Name this second largest city in the Netherlands, the former home of Erasmus.;;Rotterdam Music;;Which composer once said, "I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry"? Early in his career, he altered pianos for his compositions by adding paperclips and rubber bands between the strings, and his later pieces make use of radios, tape players, and tossed coins. Name this composer of the Imaginary Landscape series, The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs, Cheap Imitation, and Four Minutes Thirty-Three Seconds. He died in 1992.;;(John) Cage Religion/Mythology;;After being a prisoner of war, he set out once again to become a fighter. On his way, however, he had two dreams, one which contained a lot of crosses and a second in which he was told to return home. Near the end of his religious life, he received the stigmata during prayer. Name this saint of the environment and animals who lived from 1181 to 1226 and started a major order of monks.;;(Saint|St(.)) Francis (of Assisi) Biology;;The rarer form of which disease usually is caused by too little vasopressin and classified as insipidus? The more common form, classified as mellitus, probably affects over ten million Americans and can lead to blindness, kidney disease, or amputation. Mellitus can be further classified as Type One or Type Two depending on whether the disorder is caused by too little insulin or the body's inability to use it.;;Diabetes Literature;;Which historian's works were about leaders such as Hiero the First, Cyrus the Great, and Socrates? His best-known work tells of his leading a Greek retreat from the Persians and is titled Anabasis. His name in Greek means ‘foreign sound".;;Xenophon Pop Culture;;Which actress was a huge star in the 1990s, appearing in movies such as Total Recall, Last Action Hero, Casino, and The Mighty? Her career went downhill after an aneurysm in 2001 made her too much of a medical risk for major movies. Name this star of Basic Instinct who recently played the villain in Catwoman.;;(Sharon) Stone Literature;;"Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd". Name this poem which begins, "Half a league, half a league, half a league onward, all in the Valley of Death rode the six hundred". It commemorates an event which took place 150 years ago--the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. This poem was written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.;;(The) Charge of the Light Brigade United States History;;You can answer with the abbreviation or the full name. Which organization was formed in 1957, changing its name several times during that year? It was an expansion of the Montgomery Improvement Association and was also headed by Martin Luther King, Junior.;;SCLC|Southern Christian Leadership Conference Art;;Which architect said, "I could not tell you about the concept of art; I need to give it a concrete form"? His works combined Christian and Islamic styles, giving a modern update to forms which had been fused five hundred years earlier. Name this designer of the Casa Vicens and Palacio Episcopal. His La Sagrada Familia is still under construction in Barcelona.;;(Antonio) Gaudi Literature;;Which title character has friends named Kleonike and Lampito and a handmaid named Peace? By convincing the women of Greece to take an oath together, she is able to end the Peloponnesian War. Name this play by Aristophanes about a sex strike.;;Lysistrata Astronomy;;Though ten missions were planned, this name was only given to six space flights. The last one contained Valentina Tereshkova, who was the first woman in space. Coming from the Russian word for East, the first mission with this name was flown by Yuri Gagarin.;;Vostok World History;;As a young leader serving under his father, who annihilated the Sacred Band of the Thebans? He would later destroy Thebes. His greatest victory came at a battle known in English as Camel's House, where he defeated Darius the Third in 331 BC. This victory gave him control of most of the civilized world known to him. Name this man who also cut the Gordian knot.;;Alexander (the) (Great|Third) (of Macedon) Literature;;Which author gained fame in 1971 with his third novel, which was loosely based on the Rosenberg spy case? His fourth novel, which takes place in the early twentieth century, was turned into a major musical. Name this author of Loon Lake, World's Fair, Billy Bathgate, The Book of Daniel, and Ragtime.;;(Edgar (Lawrence) ) Doctorow Chemistry;;To three significant figures, what is the volume in liters at standard temperature and pressure of 14.0 grams of carbon monoxide?;;11.2 (Liters|L) World History;;Which region was given to the United Kingdom under the Treaty of Nanking? It was given back under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which was signed in 1984 and went into effect in 1997. Consisting of a small peninsula and 236 islands, it is one of two Special Administrative Regions of China.;;Hong Kong Technology;;What is defined as a row, column, or block of onscreen buttons or icons that, when clicked, activate certain functions of a program? They often are located right under pull-down menus in major software programs, and the user sometimes has an option as to which ones he or she can view.;;Toolbar(s) Language Arts;;This English noun is derived from a French adjective. It represents the ideals of humility, self-sacrifice, faithfulness, and courage. People who possessed this quality were never supposed to use torture or attack an unarmed foe. Formerly associated with knights, it is now associated with the treatment of women by men.;;Chivalry Noncomputational Math;;What two-word name is given to the value of c in the equation y^2=cx? This value corresponds to a length which is measured parallel to the directrix of the parabola going through its focus. This length is sometimes used for other conic sections as well.;;Latus (Rectum|Chord){1}? Earth Science;;The answer begins with the letter C. Mathematically, these are always perpendicular to the gradient. When they are close together, it is a sign of steepness. Most commonly, these are found on topographic maps, where they connect points of equal altitudes.;;Contour (Lines) Music;;Whose symphonies include those nicknamed Morning, Noon, Evening, Farewell, Bear, Hen, Queen, Surprise, Miracle, Military, and Clock? He also composed a song that would become Austria's national anthem, and he died right after Napoleon took over Vienna. Name this composer sometimes credited with developing the classical music forms of the concerto, sonata, and symphony.;;(Joseph) Haydn Religion/Mythology;;What does not appear in the Gospels of Mark and John, is scattered in Luke, but is portrayed in detail in Chapters Five, Six, and Seven of Matthew? It ends, "But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall". Name this famous speech which begins with the Beatitudes.;;(The) Sermon on the Mount Biology;;Instead of getting oxygen from the air, what tiny plants extract oxygen from sugars and starches? They are commonly sold in two forms, one coming from dry cake and the other coming from wort. These plants are often buried in bread dough because they release carbon dioxide, causing the bread to rise.;;Yeast Noncomputational Math;;Variations of the test include Yates" and Pearson"s. The normal distribution has variables with an expected value of zero and a variance of one. What is this statistical term whose name includes a Greek letter?;;Chi-(Square(d) |//^2){1}? Literature;;In 1962, which psychologist wrote Toward a Psychology of Being? He is best-known for a concept he developed during the 1940s that classifies human needs as physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Each need cannot be met unless the need before it has been met, and these needs are often organized as a pyramid or hierarchy.;;(Abraham) Maslow Miscellaneous;;2004's season premiere involved a school bus carrying thirteen high school students that disappeared. 2004's involved a blind camper and her companion who disappeared. Name this series that stars Enrique Murciano, Poppy Montgomery, Eric Close, and Anthony LaPaglia on CBS.;;Without A Trace Literature;;Give the first and last name of the title character whose life is affected by Bertha Mason. This graduate of Lowood School at one point finds work taking care of Adele for Edward Rochester. Name this orphan written about by Charlotte Bronte.;;Jane Eyre United States History;;Born with the name Sam, he lived from 1799 to 1858. Belonging to the Blow family, he moved from Virginia to Saint Louis in 1830 and would spend time in Illinois and Wisconsin. Name this man who sued Irene Emerson and then her brother John Sanford in an attempt to gain his freedom.;;(Dred) Scott Architecture;;Which home is the burial site of its architect and resident, though it contains a replacement gravestone because the original one was moved to the University of Missouri? Among the items found here that were ahead of their time are dumbwaiters, weathervanes, and great clocks. Its first phase was completed in 1782, and its resident was in France from 1784 to 1789 and in the White House from 1801 to 1809.;;Monticello Literature;;This existed in the oral tradition for about two thousand years before being compiled by two nineteenth century doctors. They collected various songs into fifty poems, and the definitive edition was published in 1849. One of the primary characters, Vainaimoinen, travels at one point to Tuonela, the kingdom of the dead. Name this national epic of Finland.;;Kalevala Literature;;Whose first short story collection was titled These Thirteen? His novels include Mosquitoes, Pylon, and The Town, and his early novel Sartoris was published unedited posthumously as Flags in the Dust. Name this famous resident of Oxford, Mississippi who also wrote The Reivers, Light In August, As I Lay Dying, and The Sound and the Fury.;;(William) Faulkner Biology;;What common object is considered an evolutionary improvement over a patagium? Connected to the body by a calamus, it also contains barbs. Considered the defining characteristic of birds, common types are the contour and the down. Birds of this are said to flock together.;;Feather(s) Literature;;Which 1962 novel is narrated by a man six feet, seven inches tall who pretends to be deaf and dumb? Much of his narrative is about Randle McMurphy who, like many of the characters, has been diagnosed as a psychopath. McMurphy rebels against Nurse Ratched in this Ken Kesey novel.;;One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest World History;;In the first day of this nineteenth century battle, the allies were lucky to explode an ammunition wagon with a cannonball, and on the third and final day they killed troops trying to retreat across the Elster River. In which battle did Sweden, Russia, Austria, and Prussia join against a common enemy? This 1813 fight went poorly for Napoleon.;;(Battle of) Leipzig|Battle of Nations Technology;;The first one, built in 1949, used ammonia. Currently, simple ones often use rubidium, while the best use cesium 133. Cesium 133 is used because of its consistency, which can be controlled at exactly 9,192,631,770 Hertz.;;Atomic Clock(s) Language Arts;;Poems in this form are often broken into four-line stanzas. The first and third lines do not rhyme and are eight syllables each, while the second and fourth lines do rhyme and are six syllables each. Dating back to the Middle Ages, they were often sung. In modern popular culture, this word usually refers to a sentimental song with a slow tempo, especially when it is performed by a hard rock group.;;Ballad(s) Noncomputational Math;;What do you call functions whose inverses are also functions? These functions pass the horizontal line test because there is no output value that is used more than once.;;One-to-one|Injective|1-to-1 Earth Science;;What is the common name for humus, but not the kind of humus you would eat? Technically not considered a fertilizer, it is used to condition soil. Name this natural soil treatment that attracts microbes.;;Compost Music;;Which instrument was greatly influenced by Theobald Boehm in the nineteenth century? We know that it has existed in different forms for a long time thanks to an Egyptian drawing from five thousand years ago. Name this instrument which gained popularity in the early eighteenth century thanks in part to sonatas by Handel. It has replaced the recorder in orchestras and has existed since the fourth century BC in its transverse form.;;Flute Religion/Mythology;;Which god's eyes were the sun and the moon? Some stories claimed that he turned into the pharaoh Menes, and some claimed that he killed his brother Seth. Name this Egyptian god associated with falcons and light.;;Horus Biology;;Your body has a few million of these tubes, and each one contains a capsule, a loop, and some tubules. What are these objects that filter blood, allowing the creation of urine by the kidneys?;;Nephron(s) Economics;;Who sometimes cowrote works with Anna Schwartz or his wife Rose? His earlier books include A Theory of the Consumption Function and A Program for Monetary Stability. His ideas included the Money Supply Growth Rule, which established him as a monetarist, and the Natural Rate of Unemployment, which established him as anti-Keynes. Name this 1976 Nobel Prize winner who is now 92 years old.;;(Milton) Friedman Pop Culture;;Videos include King George and the Ducky, Josh and the Big Wall, Dave and the Giant Pickle, and Very Silly Songs. Name this animated series hosted by Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber. Their movie was titled Jonah.;;Veggie Tales Literature;;Which Shakespeare character's first words are: "Of honourable reckoning are you both; And pity ‘tis you lived at odds so long. But now, my lord, what say you to my suit"? By suit, he is asking to marry the lord's thirteen-year-old daughter. The father eventually agrees, but the daughter does not. Name this other suitor of Juliet.;;(Count|County) Paris United States History;;Whose real name was either Mary Hays McCauly or Mary Ludwig Hays? She became famous on June 28th, 1778 at the Battle of Monmouth. While delivering water to troops, she noticed that her husband was wounded and took his place at a cannon, and she was later recognized by George Washington for her heroism in battle.;;(Sergeant) (Molly) Pitcher Art;;The man portrayed in the lower right corner of this painting in a sleeveless shirt and backwards chair is a famous artist, while the woman sitting across from him at the table wearing fancy clothes is a seamstress who would later marry the painting's creator. She is holding up her dog. Name this 1881 masterpiece by Pierre-Auguste Renoir.;;(The) Luncheon of the Boating Party|(En) dejeuner a Bougival Noncomputational Math;;The inverse of this function is the natural log of the quantity x plus the square root of the quantity x^2+1. Its graph near the origin is similar to the graph of the cubic function, but it grows much faster as x gets large. Name this function whose equation is one-half of the quantity e^x-e-x.;;Hyperbolic Sine|Sin(c)h|S-I-N-H Literature;;The father struck while the iron was cold, put the cart before the horse, and bit off more than he could chew. The son went to Paris and befriended Panurge. Works written about them in the middle of the sixteenth century added over five hundred words to the French language. Name this pair described by François Rabelais.;;Gargantua and Pantagruel|(La) Vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel Miscellaneous;;As a teenager, which psychologist wrote published works about animal behavior? As an adult, he would use the term equilibration to describe how new experiences are assimilated into a child's understanding of the world. Name this Swiss psychologist known for developing the Sensory Motor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal Operational stages in child development.;;(Jean) Piaget Architechture;;Which complex includes the Freer Gallery of Art, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, and National Collection of Fine Arts? Formed in 1846, it is named after an Englishman who left money in his will to increase human knowledge in the United States. Name this Washington, DC institution which also includes the Air and Space Museum.;;Smithsonian (Museum|Institution) Literature;;Which novel begins, "I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up"? Dean, based on the real person Neal Cassady, spends much of three years traveling around the United States with the narrator Sal Paradise. Name this 1957 work by Jack Kerouac.;;On The Road Chemistry;;Which general term refers to the process of particles intermingling as the result of their spontaneous movement? It often results in particles spreading from areas of higher concentrations to areas of lower concentrations.;;Diffusion World History;;What name is given to the civilization that flourished in Greece during the late Bronze Age? Much of our knowledge of this civilization was discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876. They wrote with Linear B and followed the Minoan civilization.;;Mycenae(an(s)) Technology;;If you only give half the answer, it's wrong. What weighs 3.6 ounces and has dimensions of 3.6 inches by 2.0 inches by 0.5 inches? The screen is 1.67 inches diagonally, the clickwheel says ‘menu" on the top, and they come in five colors. Their memory capacity is usually four gigabytes, which is enough for one thousand songs. Name these Apple products.;;I(-)pod Mini|Mini I(-)pod Language Arts;;Which five-letter word was coined about one hundred years ago by Gelett Burgess? It refers to a short, positive, and often extravagant piece of publicity and is often associated with quotes found on the backs of books.;;Blurb(s) Geography;;Most of its area is a province called Kalimantan. Its North contains the states Sabah and Sarawak, which are parts of another country. Surrounded by Sarawak and the South China Sea, there is also the Sultanate of Brunei. Name this island.;;Borneo Music;;Who was studying to be a stained glass designer before he was kicked out of school for playing guitar during class? His nickname came from the fact that he often had to replace his guitar strings between songs, and crowds gave him a slow hand-clap when he did so. He belonged to the bands The Roosters, Casey Jones, The Yardbirds, The Bluesbreakers, Cream, Blind Faith, and Derek and the Dominoes. Name this performer of After Midnight, Change the World, and Wonderful Tonight.;;(Eric) Clapton Religion/Mythology;;After this god died, Hermod worked out a deal with Hela that the god could come back to life if everyone and everything mourned his death. Because one Giantess did not like him, however, he remained dead. Name this son of Frigga who was killed by a mistletoe.;;Balder Biology;;You are supposed to eat about 0.8 milligrams of which nutrient per day? Eating more than 1.5 milligrams can cause brittle bones, while eating too little diminishes the body's ability to fight infections and can cause blindness. Name this vitamin found in large quantities in liver, eggs, milk, and carrots.;;(Vitamin) A|Retinol Nonfiction;;In 1936, who became the first woman to take and pass the civil service test? After working for sixteen years for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, she resigned to devote more time to her writing. Name this author of Under the Sea Wind, The Sea Around Us, The Edge of the Sea, Food From the Sea, and Silent Spring.;;(Rachel (Louise) ) Carson Pop Culture;;He was a First Team Academic All-American twice and, along with Jameer Nelson, was Co-National Player of the Year in NCAA Mens" Basketball. Name this athlete who led Connecticut to the 2004 national title and is now playing for the Charlotte Bobcats.;;((Chukwu)emeka (Noubuisi) ) Okafor Literature;;Which writer was a successful playwright in the first decade of the twentieth century but became known better as a novelist in the second decade? His best-known character is probably Philip Carey, who is born with a clubfoot. Name this author of Liza of Lambeth, The Magician, The Razor's Edge, and Of Human Bondage.;;(William (Somerset) ) Maugham United States History;;Before becoming President, who served in the New York and United States Legislatures and as Vice President? One of his first acts as President was to appoint Daniel Webster as Secretary of State. He never ran for President, losing the nomination of his party to Winfield Scott. Name this President who signed the Compromise of 1850 soon after succeeding Zachary Taylor in office.;;(Millard) Fillmore Art;;The artist placed himself in the lower right corner of this work having a discussion with Ptolemy and Zoroaster about planets. Below them, Euclid is giving a geometry lesson to children. The two people in the center of the picture are Plato and Aristotle. Name this 1510 painting by Raphael.;;(The) School of Athens|Scuola di Atene Noncomputational Math;;Whose works include On the Equilibrium of Planes, Sand-Reckoner, On Measurement of the Circle, and The Book of Lemmas? Born around 287 BC, he was killed by a Roman soldier after some of his ingenious war machines could not make up for the weaknesses of the army of Syracuse. Name this man who said, "Give me a place to stand and rest my lever on, and I can move the Earth".;;Archimedes (of Syracuse) Literature;;Which book describes the Island of Crespo and the Bay of Vigo? One of the main characters is Doctor Pierre Aronnax, who rides the Abraham Lincoln in search of a sea monster. The sea monster turns out to be a submarine headed by Captain Nemo.;;(Twenty Thousand|20(,)000){1}?\s*Leagues Under the Sea Noncomputational Math;;Which shape are you using if you use the formula the quantity b-a end quantity divided by 2n all multiplied by f of ‘x sub zero" plus two times f of ‘x sub 1" plus two times f of ‘x sub 2" etcetera? This formula is used to approximate areas by breaking a graph down into a bunch of quadrilaterals each of which has two vertical sides and at least one horizontal side.;;Trapezoid(al) (Rule) Language Arts;;Variations of this noun exist in Greek and Latin. According to one definition, it refers to anyone who expresses a reasoned opinion. According to another definition, it refers to anyone who expresses a harsh opinion. What is this six-letter word beginning with the letter C?;;Critic Literature;;A review in Time Magazine called which writer's second novel "paceless, tasteless, and graceless"? Many of his works blend fiction and nonfiction, such as his story about murderer Gary Gilmore titled The Executioner's Song and his story about a protest march on the Pentagon titled Armies of the Night. Name this author whose work on World War Two was titled The Naked and the Dead.;;(Norman) Mailer Chemistry;;Though in biochemistry this term refers to small molecules that are bonded to large molecules, which general term usually refers to atoms, ions, or functional groups that are bonded to one or more central atoms or ions? The central atoms or ions are usually metals. Identify this term beginning with the letter L.;;Ligand(s) World History;;Which famous action supposedly happened on January Tenth, 49 BC? It is unclear whether the quote was said in Greek or Latin, but supposedly the leader said, "The die is cast". This action, taken with an army, made war against Pompey inevitable. It is often mentioned when somebody commits themselves to a risky action.;;(Julius) (Caesar) (Crossing (of) the) Rubicon|Entering Rome Technology;;Give the full name rather than the abbreviation. Depending on the network and host, these may ban commercial activity or other types of internet and computer behavior. Name these agreements that are abbreviated AUP.;;Acceptable Use Polic(y|ies){1}? Language Arts;;Which word can refer to a type of railroad car or a vehicle suspended from above? It can also refer to flat-bottomed boats which used to be common in the United States. Similar boats are usually associated with the city of Venice.;;Gondola Geography;;Which country is cut in half by the Negro River, which includes the largest artificial lake in South America? It is bounded on the West by a river which shares its name with the country and opens into the Rio de la Plata. Name this buffer between Argentina and Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean.;;Uruguay Music;;Which rock band's albums include Get Your Wings, Toys in the Attic, and Get A Grip? Their hit songs include Dream On, Sweet Emotion, and Jaded. Their lead singer was named Steven Tallarico, but he shortened his last name to Tyler.;;Aerosmith Religion/Mythology;;What term means ‘wearer of wool" even though it usually is not associated with people who wear wool? Followers often study at tariqas which, even though they did not exist in the seventh century, trace their line of teachers back to Mohammed. They can be found in almost all Islamic communities and are known for nurturing spiritualism. Name this group associated with dervishes.;;Sufi(sm)|Tasawwuf Biology;;A botanist at the beginning of his career, he was appointed as a professor of invertebrates in 1793 even though he knew nothing about the subject. He would soon become an expert. Name this scientist whose ideas had a negative influence, through T,D, Lysenko, on Russian science, but had a positive influence on Charles Darwin. He is associated with the theory of the inheritance of acquired traits.;;(Jean (Baptiste (Pierre (Antoine de Monet (Chevalier (de) ) ) ) ) ) Lamarck Nonfiction;;Which graduate of the University of Michigan Law School has worked for the Center for Individual Rights and the Senate Judiciary Committee? Her first bestseller was High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton, and she has followed that with books titled Treason, Slander, and How To Talk To A Liberal If You Must.;;(Ann) Coulter Pop Culture;;His last name is Kyles, and he got started on television as the host of BET's Comicview. He would later portray a coach on the Steve Harvey Show. Name this performer who has appeared in the movies Ride, Big Momma's House, The Original Kings of Comedy, Barbershop, and Intolerable Cruelty.;;Cedric (the Entertainer) Physics;;Which French Nobel Prize winner was considered a Prince by the Austrian government? He published two short theoretical articles in 1923 that were soon confirmed by the Thomson electron-diffraction experiments. The articles suggested that elementary particles could behave like waves, and those waves and their wavelengths are now named after him.;;(Prince) (Louis (-Victor (Pierre (Raymond)))) (de) Broglie Literature;;Which work ends, "He went like one that hath been stunned, And is of sense forlorn: A sadder and a wiser man, He rose the morrow morn"? This poem in seven parts was completed in 1797, and it consists primarily of a story told outside of a wedding. Name this Samuel Taylor Coleridge work involving an albatross.;;(The) Rime of the Ancient Mariner United States History;;Fields in Elk Hills were leased to Edward Doheny, and other fields were leased to Harry Sinclair. This happened after control had been shifted from the Navy to the Department of the Interior, which was headed by Albert Fall. Fall would eventually be convicted of accepting bribes, and the fields were returned to the United States in 1927. Name this scandal that hurt the Harding Administration.;;Teapot Dome (Scandal) Architecture;;Which building has five towers to represent the five peaks of Mount Meru? Constructed during the twelfth century, it contains the longest continuous bas-relief in the world. The bas-relief shows scenes from Hindu mythology, but many Hindu relics in the building have been replaced by Buddhist ones. Name this building which is shown on the flag of Cambodia.;;Angkor Wat Literature;;Who wrote a novel about Mehring, a man who finds a dead body on his barren farm? Other characters include Bam and Maureen Smales, who are caught up in a revolution. Other novels include A Guest of Honor and The Lying Days. Name this 1991 Nobel Prize Winner from South Africa.;;(Nadine) Gordimer Literature;;Who wrote Ode to Anactoria, Ode to Aphrodite, and Please? Unfortunately, works of this lyrist who lived around 600 BC exist almost only in fragments because the Christian church considered them obscene. Name this poet who, though married, was at least partially responsible for coining the term ‘lesbian".;;Sappho Physics;;His 1925 work was put into other forms by Dirac and Schrodinger, but he is considered the inventor of matrix mechanics. Name this man whose work during World War Two on atomic bombs is still controversial because historians disagree as to whether he helped or hindered German efforts. He earlier discovered that you cannot simultaneously know the position and the momentum of a particle.;;(Werner) Heisenberg Literature;;Which writer had one of his characters ask, "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute"? He first gained fame while he was a French teacher at the Lawrenceville School, where he wrote The Bridge of San Luis Rey. Name this playwright of "The Skin of Our Teeth" and "Our Town".;;(Thornton) Wilder Chemistry;;Give a two-word answer. These are sometimes used in near-vacuum conditions and have recently been used to analyze solar wind. Often combined with gas chromatographs, they are also used in carbon dating and searches for toxins. Name these devices which can separate out different isotopes of an element.;;Mass Spectro(meter(s)|graph(s)){1}? World History;;Which city of about two hundred thousand people was taken over on August 13th, 1521? Surrounded by Lake Texcoco, it was on an island with several floating gardens. Founded where the inhabitants saw an eagle perched on a cactus devouring a snake, it thrived until Hernando Cortes took it from the Aztecs.;;Tenochtitlan Technology;;These were invented by Robert Adler, who is now ninety years old and living in the Chicago area. The first one, which came out in 1956, was known as the Zenith Space Command, and came in two-button and four-button models. The average American household now has four of them, and some of the expensive models include the Sony Navitus, Home Theater Master MX-800, and Radio Shack 8-in-1 Kameleon. Name this device associated with couch potatoes.;;Remote (Control(s)) Astronomy;;When Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish first detected these indirectly in 1967, they called them Little Green Men because they could not imagine a natural cause. They are detectable when the rotation axis and magnetic pole axis in a star do not line up and the star rotates rapidly. Name this classification of neutron stars.;;Pulsar(s) Music;;Who made a brief appearance in the movie Blazing Saddles, performing ‘April In Paris" and shaking hands with the new sheriff? Often associated with Jo Jones, Lester Young, and Buck Clayton, his famous recordings include "Jumpin" at the Woodside: and :One O"Clock Jump". Name this pianist who was also known as a bandleader. Even though he died in 1984, his namesake orchestra still exists.;;(Count) (William (Allen) ) Basie Religion/Mythology;;Knowing that a flood was coming to punish mankind, who convinced his son Deucalion and niece Pyrrha to stay in a wooden chest that saved their lives? This Titan helped Zeus conquer the other Titans, but he later incurred Zeus' wrath for giving fire to humans.;;Prometheus Biology;;These contain no Golgi complex or mitochondria but are usually distinguished by the lack of a membrane around their nuclear area. What are these cells found only in bacteria? This term is used for cells that are not eukaryotes.;;Prokaryotic Cell(s)|Prokaryote(s) Nonfiction;;After surviving an accident in 1654, which famous scientist wrote only about philosophy and religion? His Provincial Letters were published in 1660, but King Louis the Fourteenth ordered them shredded and burnt. The Pensees were published posthumously and not organized until the twentieth century. Name this man who argued that it was a good wager to believe in God.;;(Blaise) Pascal Pop Culture;;Book series include The New Adventures, In Action, Sweet Sixteen, So Little Time, and Two of a Kind. Albums include Give Us A Mystery, Brother For Sale, and I Am the Cute One. Movies include To Grandmother's House We Go, How The West Was Fun, and Billboard Dad. Name the duo who became stars at the age of nine months on the sitcom Full House.;;Mary(-)Kate (&|and){1}?\s*Ashley (Olsen)|(The) Olsen Twins Physics;;The first widely-accepted theoretical explanation for this phenomenon was proposed by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Schrieffer. They shared the Nobel Prize in 1972, but their theories were largely overthrown in the 1980s. A combination of Mercury, Thallium, Barium, Calcium, Copper and Oxygen works at 138 Kelvins, but nothing has been found that works near room temperature. What is the name for the flow of electrical current without energy loss?;;Superconductivity Literature;;Listed in the Dramatis Personae as the Prince of Norway, this character's few lines come in a brief appearance in Act Four, Scene Four and at the end of the play. At the end, he with sorrow embraces his fortune. In his final line, he instructs captains to carry off several dead bodies, including Hamlet.;;Fortinbras United States History;;His first company went bankrupt because he was more interested in engineering than sales. He was forced out of his second company before it became successful. His third company, named after him and now one hundred years old, is the fourth largest corporation in the United States. Name this man whose first device was a buggy frame mounted on four bicycle wheels. His famous sayings include, "Thinking is the hardest work there is" and "People can have the Model T in any color - so long as it's black".;;(Henry) Ford Art;;Which famous 1851 painting is 21 feet by 12 feet? It was painted in Germany using the Rhine for a model, though the artist did spend much of his childhood and his later years in the United States. Name this work which depicts a famous action in the American Revolution just before the Battle of Trenton.;;Washington Crossing the Delaware Literature;;Many characters in this story do not have names, so they are known by titles such as the General Manager, the Chief Accountant, and the Brickmaker. Though it starts on the Thames, most of it takes place in or near another river. The action follows Charlie Marlowe and his eventual meeting with Kurtz. Name this Joseph Conrad work.;;Heart of Darkness Music;;Give your answer in Italian. What is featured prominently in Benjamin Britten's Simple Symphony and Bela Bartok's String Quartet Number Four? Usually, its end is signified by the term ‘arco". Often used in jazz to play the double bass, what term refers to playing a stringed instrument by plucking?;;Pizzicato Geography;;Where can you find Queen Maud Land, Graham Land, Wilkes Land, Victoria Land, and Marie Byrd Land? It is partially surrounded by Weddell Sea, Ross Sea, and Amundsen Sea. Parts are claimed by Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Name this continent.;;Antarctica Literature;;Name the poem that ends: "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll!. Leave thy low-vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler than the last, thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea"!. This 1858 poem was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Senior.;;(The) Chambered Nautilus Chemistry;;The bacteria and the enzyme that commonly produce this compound are named after it. It has chemical formula C2H4O2, and it has been known to man since ancient times. Name this chemical produced by rotting fruit that is a component of vinegar.;;(Acetic|Ethanoic|Methanecarboxylic){1}?\s*Acid World History;;When he married Sophie Chotek, it was agreed that she would not become a royal and that their children would have no claim to the throne. He became next in line after the suicide of his cousin and the death of his father Karl Ludwig. This man never got to rule Austria-Hungary, however, because of a very unfortunate trip to Sarajevo. Tourists to the Czech Republic can now see the bullet that killed this man, fired by Gavrilo Princip on June 28th, 1914.;;(Archduke) (Francis|Franz) Ferdinand Technology;;What does the B stand for in BISDN? In terms of data transmission, this word refers to wires that can carry several channels at once. It can also refer to a type of internet access or any high-capacity communication link.;;Broadband Language Arts;;Which seven-letter word refers to a woven or knit cloth or the material used to make a cloth? It can also refer to the related industry, which is important in many economies.;;Textile(s) Geography;;Named after an ancient nation that was split into three pieces in later Roman times and is now split between two countries, which region contains the land between the cities of Elephantine and Meroe? It contains the Belly of Rocks and the Dongola Bend and is in some ways the successor of Kush. The Upper Region is now mainly in Sudan, while the Lower Region is in Egypt.;;Nubia|Ta-Seti Music;;Which composer wrote an opera in the mid-1890s which took nine years to get performed and was then roundly criticized? He dedicated many of his last works to friends killed in World War One before being killed by a German bomb in 1918 himself. Name this composer of "Gardens in the Rain", "Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun", and "Clair de lune".;;(Claude) Debussy Religion/Mythology;;Upon being wounded in battle, who requested to be taken to a nymph who could cure any ailment? Because she was angry with him, she refused to treat him, and he died. As a boy, he had been sent to live with the nymph because his father had been warned that the boy would be the downfall of Troy. The warning turned out to be true, thanks in part to an apple given to Aphrodite.;;Paris|Alexander Biology;;Sometimes ending in the suffix -ale, examples of which level of classification include decapoda, diptera, rodentia, and primate? This level is more specific than class but less specific than family.;;Order Nonfiction;;Which 1963 book has chapters titled The Problem That Has No Name, The Sexual Solipsism of Sigmund Freud, and The Forfeited Self? It begins: "The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone". It was written by Betty Friedan.;;(The) Feminine Mystique Pop Culture;;Which show was about a family who were losers but not quitters? In the seventh season, they got a child named Seven who slowly disappeared. Name this show that ran from 1987 to 1997 on Fox starring Katey Segal, Ed O"Neill, David Faustino, and Christina Applegate as the Bundy family.;;Married(,|...) With Children Physics;;Which unit was first used by French and German scientists in the nineteenth century? About 445,000 of them are equivalent to one pound. This unit is defined as the amount of force necessary to accelerate a mass of one gram at a rate of one centimeter per second squared.;;Dyne Literature;;Other than Hamlet's father, who is the only character in all of Shakespeare's plays murdered in his sleep? His sons Donalbain and Malcolm flee after his death, allowing his murderer, MacBeth, to succeed him as King.;;Duncan United States History;;He fought in several Revolutionary War battles and spent his older years living off his pension in Sparta, New York. Which leader, however, is better known for teaming up with Luke Day and Eli Parsons in a failed effort that led to his death sentence? The sentence, given by the Supreme Court, was not carried out. He supported farmers" efforts against foreclosures in 1786 and 1787 in Massachusetts.;;(Daniel) Shays Art;;The coast of Catalonia can be seen in the background, and there is a swarm of ants towards the lower left corner. The closest thing to a human form lies in the middle of the painting with a tongue coming out of its nose. Name this 1931 oil painting famous for its melting timepieces.;;(The) Persistence of Memory Literature;;Two of which author's most memorable characters are Fabrice del Dongo, who participates in the Battle of Waterloo, and Julien Sorel, who has an affair with a mayor's wife? Name this author of The Charterhouse of Parma and The Red and the Black.;;Stendhal ((Henri) Beyle) Nonfiction;;Name the work that ends: "The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star". One of the characters is John Field, a poor Irishman who lives nearby at Baker Farm. The first and largest part is titled Economy. What is this work by Henry David Thoreau?;;Walden (or, Life in the Woods) Pop Culture;;He lost his virginity before his Dad did. He has counted to infinity twice. If you haven't gotten it by now, you deserve a roundhouse kick to the face. Name this actor who starred in "Return of the Dragon" and "Delta Force".;;(Chuck) Norris Literature;;Identify this Robert Frost poem. Only the last line, which is identical to the title, has been removed. "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day".;;Nothing Gold Can Stay Chemistry;;Which process can be used to make a mixture with desired effects using the smallest amount necessary of a particular substance? It is defined as the controlled addition of the measured amount of a solution of known concentration required to react completely with a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration. This process often involves indicators.;;Titration World History;;Supposedly, he was poisoned with lots of wine and cakes, then shot several times in the chest and head, then beaten severely on his head, then dropped into a river through a hole in the ice, where he died struggling to escape. Legend also has it that after his death he was responsible for removing the royal family from power within three months and having all of them killed within two years. Name this mad monk who supposedly cured the tsar's son in early twentieth century Russia.;;(Grigori (Yefimovich) ) Rasputin|Russia's Greatest Love Machine Technology;;You can use either the abbreviation or the full name. Originally developed by the American National Standards Institute, this is used by Windows 98 and Windows 2000 but not by Windows NT. It is used in a modified form by Macintosh operating systems and IBM system 390 computers. There are 128 defined characters in the original version and 256 characters in the extended version. Name this common way for computers to represent textual information.;;ASCII|American Standard Code for Information Interchange Language Arts;;Which six-letter word refers to a narrative stressing personal experiences and acquaintance with the events described? It can be an anecdotal autobiography. Name this word beginning with the letter M.;;Memoir Earth Science;;It is similar to mudstone but breaks along planes. It is similar to sandstone but is made up of smaller particles. It is similar to siltstone but has more clay. Name this sedimentary rock which is the parent of many metamorphic rocks such as slate and schist.;;Shale Music;;Which singer started out with Columbia Records, where her biggest hit was "Rock-a-bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody"? She then went on to Atlantic, where she recorded ten top ten hits in 1967 and 1968. Name this singer nicknamed The Queen of Soul who sang I Never Loved A Man, I Say A Little Prayer, Chain Of Fools, and Respect.;;(Aretha) Franklin Religion/Mythology;;Whose words in the Book of Matthew Chapter Three Verse Fourteen seem to contradict his words in the Book of John Chapter One Verse Thirty-Three? The son of Zachary and Elizabeth, his birth is annually celebrated by Catholics. Name this man who was famously beheaded and is sometimes known as the Precursor. Earlier in 2004, some archeologists claimed to have found a cave used by him.;;(Saint) John the Baptist Biology;;The smallest unit of this substance usually consists of three cells, two of which are gametes and one of which is vegetative. They are usually spherical or wing-shaped and about one hundredth of a millimeter in size. The primary cause of hay fever, they are produced in anthers and usually spread by wind or bees. Name this flower equivalent of sperm.;;Pollen (Grains) Nonfiction;;Which 2004 book took its title from words found in many American oaths? Its first chapter is an inside look at what went on in the White House during 9/11, and most of the book deals with the Clinton Presidency. Name this book critical of the current Bush Administration written by former Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke.;;Against All Enemies (Inside America's War on Terror) Pop Culture;;Which cable network is currently airing an episode of Ride with Funkmaster Flash? Flash is reenacting famous stunts. Tonight, it will air the movie Magnum Force before showing Most Extreme Elimination Challenge and WWE Velocity. Formerly known as The Nashville Network, this station calls itself the first television network for men.;;Spike (TV) Literature;;In which play do characters pretend to be Aliena and Ganymede? They are actually Celia and Rosalind, and they hide in the forest of Arden. Rosalind loves Orlando in this Shakespeare comedy.;;As You Like It United States History;;Who was wounded at Chapultepec during the Mexican War, served as a superintendent of West Point, and helped suppress John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry? He served as a General at the Seven Days" Campaign, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancelorsville, and several other battles. Name this leader of the Confederate forces.;;(Robert (E(dward) ) ) Lee Art;;After serving in the Franco-Prussian War, this artist spent time in New Orleans, which was his mother's home. Part of the Impressionist movement, he was not successful during his lifetime, and his career was cut short due to failing eyesight. Name this painter of The Photographer, Dancer with a Fan, and Rehearsal at the Ballet.;;(Hilaire-Germain-Edgar) Degas Noncomputational Math;;What is formed by passing the narrow end of a tapered tube through the side of the tube and flaring this end out to join the other end? It is possible to pass from a point on one side of this object to the corresponding point on the opposite side without passing through the surface, which is a reason this shape is interesting topologically.;;Klein Bottle Literature;;Which writer was paralyzed from the waist down in a 1990 car accident? He gained prominence in 1958 with his first novel and since then has written No Longer At Ease, Arrow of God, Anthills of the Savanna, and The Trouble With Nigeria. Name this author of Things Fall Apart.;;(Albert) (Chinua(lumogu) ) Achebe World History;;After a faked kidnapping, who spent a year pretending to be Knight George of Wartburg? He spent the time translating the Bible into German. An oak tree commemorates the spot where he burned a papal bull threatening his excommunication in 1520. Name this Protestant leader famous for his 95 Theses.;;(Martin) Luther Literature;;As a preteen, this writer gained a local reputation by tearing down a Union flag tied to her family's front porch. She wrote many short stories, including "A Respectable Woman" and "A Pair of Silk Stockings", and she also wrote The Gentleman from New Orleans. She is best known for an 1899 story considered scandalous at the time because of its portrayal of an extramarital affair. Name this author of The Awakening.;;(Kat(e|herine){1}?) (O"Flaherty) Chopin|O'Flaherty World History;;Due to a misunderstanding between his crew and natives, who suggested a name for America that means, "You"ve got good clothes"? Late in life, he spent twelve years in the Tower of London and was eventually beheaded, though he had been a favorite of Elizabeth the First during most of her reign. Name this man who designed a ship that helped defeat the Spanish Armada and organized several expeditions to the New World, including two expeditions to Roanoke Island.;;(Sir) (Walter) Raleigh Technology;;This method is often used by programmers in Pascal, Prolog, or LISP. When used well, it can save time and memory. When used poorly, it can tax the memory of almost any computer system. What name is given for the process of a routine using itself?;;Recursi(on|ve){1}? Astronomy;;The inner one is made up of protons, while the outer one is made up of electrons. Because of the Earth's magnetic field, they are centered over the equator. Name these parts of our atmosphere named after the scientist who confirmed their existence during the 1950s.;;Van Allen (Radiation) (Belt(s))|Radiation Belt(s) Music;;Whose first Top 40 Hit came in 1957 with Swanee River Rock? His Number One Hits were Hit The Road Jack, I Can"t Stop Loving You, and Georgia. Considered a founder of soul music, he passed away in 2004. Name this singer and pianist who suffered from glaucoma.;;(Ray) Charles Religion/Mythology;;Which leader opposed Uthman and, once he gained power in 655, refused to punish Uthman's murderers? He was himself murdered six years later. Name this last of the Four Righteous Caliphs. His followers formed Shi"a Islam.;;Ali (bin Abi Talib) Biology;;Its name comes from the fact that it is shaped like a cone, though this object located in the center of your brain is only the size of a pea. Name this light-sensitive gland that produces melatonin.;;Pineal (Gland) Noncomputational Math;;What is the relationship between events A and B if the probability of A occurring times the probability of B occurring is equal to the probability of both A and B occurring? This is the same thing as saying that the probability of B is not affected by whether or not A occurs.;;Independen(t|ce){1}? Nonfiction;;Article Three translates as: "The principle of any sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation. No body, no individual can exert authority which does not emanate expressly from it". The Seventeenth, and final, Article translates as: "Property being an inviolable and sacred right, no one can be deprived of private usage, if it is not when the public necessity, legally noted, evidently requires it, and under the condition of a just and prior indemnity". Name this document approved by the National Constituent Assembly of France in 1789.;;(Declaration of the) Rights of Man (and of the Citizen)|Declaration des Droits de l'homme (et du citoyen) Pop Culture;;Which basketball player won the NCAA Player of the Year Award in 1972, "73, and "74? In his third year in the NBA, he led the Portland Trailblazers to the national championship, and he would later come off the bench to help the Boston Celtics win a championship. Currently a broadcaster, his son Luke plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.;;(Bill) Walton Physics;;The answer is a three-word phrase, and ‘Center" is not one of the words. If the entire mass of an object were concentrated this far from the axis of rotation, then it would have the same moment of inertia. Name this quantity which is equal to the square root of the quantity moment of inertia divided by mass.;;Radius of Gyration Literature;;Which writer started out as an art critic in the 1920s but became a novelist because he needed enough money to get married? His first novel, Decline and Fall, was a big success. Best known for his 1945 novel concerning Julia and Sebastian Flyte, name this author of Brideshead Revisited.;;(Evelyn) Waugh United States History;;During a 1782 trip to Great Britain he was appointed United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and during a 1794 trip to Great Britain he was elected Governor of New York. Earlier, this man retired from the Continental Congress because he did not want to sign the Declaration of Independence, but he was later elected its President. Name this man who worked out the US Western border with Great Britain, cowrote the Federalist Papers, and was appointed in 1789 by George Washington as Chief Justice.;;(John) Jay Art;;This artist often paid his assistants to do most of his painting, though he did start and end his own works. One of his assistants, Anthony Van Dyck, would later gain fame for his own works. Name this artist of ‘The Wolf and the Fox Hunt", ‘Saint George Slaying the Dragon", and ‘The Descent from the Cross". He was the most famous artist in Northern Europe in the early 1600s.;;(Peter (Paul) ) Rubens Literature;;Which story is about an old German writer who falls in love with a Polish boy named Tadzio while in Italy? He stays in Italy despite a cholera epidemic. Name this 1912 work by Thomas Mann.;;Death In Venice|Morte A Venezia Religion/Mythology;;Which boy was killed when, in a contest with Apollo, Apollo mistakenly threw his discus so far that it hit the boy in the head? A flower grew where the boy died, and the flower is now named after him.;;Hyacinth(us) Computer Science;;Their name comes from the novel The Shockwave Rider. The first one to attract worldwide attention was created by Robert Morris in 1988. Not part of another program, they are often used to send out spam from the computers of unsuspected users. Name these programs which are similar to viruses.;;Worm(s) Literature;;Who rejected a Pulitzer Prize in 1926 because he did not believe his books were wholesome enough? He first gained major success as a writer in 1920 with a novel about Carol Kennicott, who is ostracized from Gopher Prairie. Name this author of Our Mr Wrenn, Dodsworth, Elmer Gantry, Main Street, and Babbit.;;(Sinclair) Lewis World History;;About one hundred twenty-five thousand workers died in its construction, but because of debt the workers" country soon sold its share to Great Britain. It was taken back, however, in 1956. Originally built from 1859 to 1869 and owned by France and Egypt, name this manmade waterway.;;Suez (Canal) Technology;;In your answer, give the common term instead of anything that could be abbreviated FDR or CVR. These are double-wrapped in stainless steel or titanium with insulation. Newer ones have sonar so that they can be located. They use potentiometers attached to steel wire, and they also record audio. Name these objects usually located at the backs of airplanes that are now being recommended for cars. The same two-word phrase is used to describe something when you have no idea what is going on inside of it.;;Black Box(es) Language Arts;;This nine-letter word comes from the Ancient Jewish practice of giving two animals to the High Priest; one would be sacrificed and the other would be set free. Today, this word refers to a person, group, or object which bears the blame for others.;;Scapegoat Noncomputational Math;;What feature is often added to graphs of rational functions which have a numerator of equal or lesser degree than their denominator? This line shows what output value the function approaches as the input value approaches positive or negative infinity. The curve of the graph gets closer and closer to this line.;;Horizontal Asymptote(s) Geography;;Its most noteworthy spot is about two hundred miles Southwest of Guam, and it has been explored by the Trieste, the Kaiko, and The Challenger Deep. Name this feature which is about forty miles wide and seven miles deep.;;Mariana(s) Trench Music;;Early in his career, which composer went out of popular favor for criticizing Franz Liszt? He would later gain popularity with his ‘German Requiem" and ‘Song of Triumph". Name this composer who, despite four symphonies, two piano concertos, and a great influence on later composers, is probably best known for his Cradle Song.;;(Johannes) Brahms Religion/Mythology;;During which five-day holiday do people worship Laksmi, the goddess of wealth? Its name translates into English as rows of lighted lamps. On the last day, people often recall Bali, an ancient Indian King. Name this Hindu festival.;;Divali|Diwali|Deepavali Biology;;Which organ produces the hormone hPL, which causes a rise in blood sugar? Its full weight is a little over one pound, and its primary purpose is to filter blood. Unfortunately, it does not filter alcohol or most antigens. Name this temporary organ which exists in pregnant women.;;Placenta Nonfiction;;Which essay begins: "It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors, crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms". It ends: "I have no children by which I can propose to get a single penny; the youngest being nine years old, and my wife past child-bearing". Name this work by Jonathan Swift.;;(A) Modest Proposal Pop Culture;;He was once called the Vince Lombardi of owners. Who said: "Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next"? Always mired in controversy, he made illegal contributions to the Nixon Presidential Campaign and once gave forty thousand dollars to a well-known gambler. Name this man who was heard but not seen on Seinfeld. He owns the New York Yankees.;;(George) Steinbrenner Physics;;What is the only fundamental force that acts on its own exchange particles? The subject of quantum chromodynamics, it uses gluons to bind quarks together. These quarks combine together to form protons and neutrons inside the nucleus of an atom.;;Strong (Nuclear (Force)|Interaction) Literature;;Which novel is about a man named Victor telling his life story to an explorer named Robert Walton? The life story is terrifying, including an errant death sentence of a family friend for the murder of Victor's brother. Name this 1831 work by Mary Shelley about a man who creates life.;;Frankenstein (, or the Modern Prometheus) United States History;;Who resigned as the Governor of Maryland in order to become Vice President? He was a vocal critic of the press and of Vietnam War protesters. His political career ended when he pleaded no contest to tax evasion and then quit the Vice Presidency in 1973. Name this Nixon Vice President.;;(Spiro) Agnew Art;;In his early teens, this painter broke both of his legs. Because they never healed properly, he only grew to be four-and-a-half feet tall. His heavy drinking affected his health as an adult, leading to his death in his late thirties. Many of his best-known works are portraits of the dancer Jane Avril or posters for the Moulin Rouge.;;(Henri de) Toulouse(-)Lautrec Literature;;Which famous poet lived much of his life at Avignon during the fourteenth century? Many of his works center around a woman named Laura who may not have been real. Name this famous writer of Italian sonnets.;;(Francesco) Petrarch|Petrarca Literature;;Which seventeenth century playwright created the character Alceste, who is involved in several lawsuits? Name this Frenchman who wrote The Flying Doctor, The Imaginary Invalid, The School for Wives, Tartuffe, and The Misanthrope.;;Moliere|(Jean-Baptiste) Poquelin Pop Cultrue;;Named after his father's high school, who first gained fame as a sidekick to Joey Bishop? In 1983, he started cohosting The Morning Show with Cindy Garvey, but the show did not gain popularity until she was replaced with Kathie Lee Gifford. Kathie Lee has since been replaced by Kelly Ripa. Name the former host of the prime time Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?;;(Regis) Philbin Pop Culture;;This popular entertainer is deaf in his right ear. He portrayed a secretly homosexual teacher on a comedy series. In 1997 he began his tenure at the show that now precedes his own. Whose fictional persona is the bear-fearing stalker of Charlene, has a black acquaintance named Alan and is the popularizer of the word truthiness?;;(Ste(ve|phen){1}?) Colbert Literature;;Which fictional family has sons named Noah, Al, Winfield, and Tom and daughters named Ruthie and Rose of Sharon? They appeared in a 1939 novel which portrayed their move to California. Name this family from John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.;;Joad(s) Chemistry;;An artificial isotope of which element with a mass number of sixty is often used to create gamma rays? Though it is gray, the element is used to make blue stained glass. Name this metal which is located between iron and nickel on a periodic table.;;Cobalt World History;;The invaders lost this battle because they did not use distance weapons, they were afraid that their captured loot would be raided, and Abd er-Rahman died. The defenders kept their formation and were unified after Eudo swore loyalty to Charles Martel. Name this battle which took place in Western France in 732 AD.;;(Battle of) (Tours|Poitiers){1}? Technology;;Its primary customers are lawyers, though it is often used by journalists and academics as well. Because it charges a fee, it is not used often by high school students. Name this searchable archive that contains links to a large number of articles and cases dating back to 1986.;;Lexis Nexis Language Arts;;Give your answer in English. Greek works of this type included obscenity and slang. Roman works presented a variety of social types. Since the Romans, this term has been connected with happy endings, and in the past few hundred years it has become connected with humor.;;Comed(y|ies){1}? Geography;;Which river, though it starts at an elevation of only 740 feet, travels for 2300 miles? Known in ancient times as Atil, it flows past Kazan and Samara before emptying into the Caspian Sea. It begins near Moscow and is the longest river in Europe.;;Volga (River) Music;;Who is loved by the artist Cavaradossi and the police chief Scarpia? As in any good opera, all three of them die. She is the title character in an opera whose action takes place in 1800 and which was originally performed in 1900. The opera was written by Puccini.;;Tosca Religion/Mythology;;Which object is first mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Numbers Chapter Ten Verse Thirty-Three, which states that it searched out a resting place on a three-day journey? It is last mentioned in the Book of Hebrews Chapter Nine Verse Four, which states that it was overlaid with gold and had the pot of manna and Aaron's rod. Nobody knows where it is now, but there has been a lot of speculation. Name this object which probably was not sought by the Nazis.;;(The Lost) Ark (of the Covenant) Biology;;Biologically, this name applies to both animals and plants, though commonly it usually applies to plants. As opposed to nekton and benthos, these are water dwellers that are not attached to the sea bottom and cannot move against currents. Most of the animals are less than an inch in size, and the plants are single-celled.;;Plankton Pop Culture;;He always made brief appearances: tossing some litter, winding a clock, sitting next to Cary Grant, missing a bus, or walking two white terriers. His most famous advertisement, used in 1960, was "Don't give away the ending - it's the only one we have"! Name this man responsible for The Lodger, Frenzy, The Trouble With Harry, North By Northwest, Vertigo, The Birds, and Psycho.;;(Alfred) Hitchcock Literature;;Which writer was a critic until he ruined the magazine he worked for by making a libelous comment about Shirley Temple? His best known novel is about a Mexican priest, and other works concern a colonial policeman in Africa just before World War Two and an American in Vietnam before the war there. Name this author of Our Man in Havana, The Heart of the Matter, The Quiet American, and The Power and The Glory.;;(Henry (Graham) ) Greene United States History;;To quote Ben Stein: "Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression". Name this bill which replaced the Fordney-McCumber Act, raising rates to levels that forced other nations to retaliate against us. Named after a Representative from Oregon and a Senator from Utah, it established some of the highest tariffs in United States history.;;(Hawley-Smoot|Smoot-Hawley){1}?\s*(Tariff) (Act) Art;;Which seventeenth century painter once said, "I would rather be the first painter of common things than second in higher art"? He died soon after portraying the marriage of Louis the Fourteenth. Name this Spanish painter of The Maids of Honor, Woman Sewing, and The Spinners.;;(Diego (Rodriguez (de Silva y) ) ) Vela(s|z){1}?quez Literature;;This writer has been exiled from his native country several times, and he wrote about his two years in solitary confinement in the book A Man Died. Name this playwright who wrote A Dance of the Forests, Before the Blackout, and Trials of Brother Jero. In addition to Great Britain, he has spent a lot of time in his native Nigeria. He won the 1986 Nobel Prize.;;(((Akinwande) Olu) wole) Soyinka Chemistry;;In 1802, which chemist noticed that all gases expand their pressure by a factor of 1/273 when heated from zero degrees to one degree Celsius? He came up with the principle which bears his name in 1808. It states that under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, the volumes of reacting gases and of their gaseous products are expressed in ratios of small whole numbers.;;(Joseph (Louis) ) Gay-Lussac Literature;;Though born in Dublin, this writer spent most of his professional career in London. He cofounded the Fabian Society, which attempted to make Britain more Socialist. Many of his plays were first produced in the early twentieth century by Harley Barker. Name this writer of Widower's Houses, Candida, The Devil's Disciple, Saint Joan, and Pygmalion.;;(George Bernard) Shaw Literature;;Which novel contains the message: "O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! P.S. Find Robert Langdon"? The message, which also contains numbers from the Fibonacci sequence, is written by the head curator of the Louvre as he dies. Name this bestseller by Dan Brown.;;(The) Da Vinci Code Chemistry;;What can be classified into seven basic systems: cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, or triclinic? Defined as a homogeneous portion of a substance bounded by plane surfaces making definite angles with each other, this a common form for solids.;;Crystal(s) World History;;Which country's capital was occupied by British troops in March, 1917? Many tribal rebellions against the British broke out after World War One, and in response the British made King Faysal the First the nation's ruler. The British granted independence in 1932, and a 1958 revolution led by Abd Al Karim Qasim eventually ended British influence. Name this country which has also had its government overthrown in 1963, 1968, and 2003. It is now headed by Iyad Allawi.;;Iraq Technology;;What was released on June 5th, 2002 and had another official release in 2004? Since July, 2003, it has been developed by a foundation. Though it was designed from scratch, it is in some respects the successor of Netscape Navigator. Now in the process of becoming a software suite, name this competitor of Microsoft's Internet Explorer whose name is based on an old dislike of Mosaic.;;(Mozilla) Firefox Language Arts;;To Scots, this four-letter word means payment. It also can be used to describe the hard skin of an animal such as a lobster, and a few hundred years ago it similarly referred to metal links used for armor. What is this word commonly associated with post offices?;;Mail Astronomy;;Numbers 9617 through 9622 are named after members of Monty Python, while numbers 4147 through 4150 are named after members of The Beatles. Counting down from five to one, these are named Astraea, Vesta, Juno, Pallas, and Ceres. What are these examples of minor planets usually located between Mars and Jupiter?;;Asteroid(s) Music;;Pioneers in which style of music included Clarence Garlow and BooZoo Chavis? Making heavy use of accordions, it originated in Southern Louisiana as an outgrowth of Cajun music.;;Zydeco Religion/Mythology;;According to one myth, Buddha was conceived when his mother had a dream about what kind of animal? In Buddhist art, they often can be seen bathing the goddess Lotus. In Hinduism, Shiva is sometimes associated with this animal and sometimes portrayed killing one named Gajasura. Name these animals often associated in the Western world with overweight clumsiness and good memories.;;Elephant(s) Biology;;Which four-letter word can be a synonym of chrysalis? It refers to a butterfly in the third of its four stages of life. During this stage, the butterfly is transformed from a caterpillar while inside a cocoon.;;Pupa Noncomputational Math;;What two-word phrase is used to describe the set of all possible outcomes for an experiment? It is often represented by a capital omega or U even though both words begin with the letter S.;;Sample Space Nonfiction;;Who famously wrote, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart"? Her family, along with the van Daan family, moved into her father's warehouse on July 9th, 1942. They stayed there even after the property was sold until they were taken away on August 4th, 1944. She soon died in Bergen-Belsen, but her father survived and published her diaries a few years later.;;(Anne) Frank Pop Culture;;According to the Oxford Dictionary, which hyphenated word was introduced into the English language by the movie Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me? The dictionary definition is ‘a person closely resembling a smaller or younger version of another". It was the name of Verne Troyer's character--Troyer is thirty-two inches tall.;;Mini-Me Literature;;Characters in which novel include Miss Skiffins, Bentley Drummle, Uncle Pumblechook, and Abel Magwitch? Name this Charles Dickens novel which begins: "My father's family name being Pirrip, and my christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip".;;Great Expectations United States History;;Their key statute levied import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea in order to provide salaries for some colonial officials. Most of these duties were repealed in 1770. Name these 1767 Acts which angered American colonists. They were named after the Chancellor of the Exchequer.;;Townshend (Acts) Art;;This artist started out as a caricaturist but fell in love with nature after spending a summer with landscape painter Eugene Boudin. He met many famous painters in Paris in the 1860s and introduced them to open-air painting in Fountainebleau Forest. Name this artist whose ‘Impression: Sunrise" gave name to one of the biggest movements in the history of art. He spent his last twenty-six years painting water lilies at Giverny.;;(Oscar(-)Claude) Monet Literature;;Reduced to poverty after victories by Augustus Caesar, this poet later gained a patron who gave him an estate in Tivoli. Some of his sayings, such as Carpe Diem, are used in modern times as motivational quotes. Name this contemporary of Virgil who wrote many Odes, Satires, and Epistles as well as the book Ars Poetica.;;Horace|Quintus Horatius Flaccus Pop Culture;;Gene Siskel said this 1980 film suggests that if you are looking for the source of evil in the world, you don't have to look any further than yourself. Roger Ebert called it an Othello for our times. One of the few memorable quotes which can be repeated in a high school is, "You couldn't knock me out Ray; you couldn't knock me out". Based on the autobiography of Jake LaMotta, it starred Robert DeNiro as the boxer.;;Raging Bull Chemistry;;This scientist's lesser-known works involved thermal expansion and petroleum. He got his most famous idea in 1869, which allowed him to predict the existence of gallium, scandium, and germanium. Name this Russian credited with the development of the first periodic table.;;(Dmitri) Mendele(y)ev Literature;;Which short story's title refers either to Pluto, who is hanged by the narrator, or to the cause of the narrator's impending death? Name this Edgar Allan Poe story whose drunk narrator used to love animals.;;(The) Black Cat Chemistry;;Used primarily as a soil conditioner, this substance can also be burned as an energy source. It is the partially decomposed remains of plants that once flourished in a waterlogged environment. Name this early stage in the creation of coal.;;Peat World History;;The first part of his reign wasn"t so bad, involving the creation of a standing army, the creation of a council of nobles, the introduction to his nation of the printing press, and the creation of Saint Basil's Cathedral. Things got worse as time went on, however, involving restrictions on serfs, his personal servicemen running parts of Russia, unsuccessful wars, and the accidental murder of his son. Name this man who ruled from 1547 to 1584 as the first Tsar of Russia.;;(Tsar) Ivan (the) (Terrible|Fourth|IV|Vasilyevich){1}? Technology;;You can answer with either the abbreviation or the full name. Developed by Sony in 1987, the existence of this medium led to the creation of a Serial Management Copy System to prevent large-scale pirating. These are sometimes preferred because they do not lose any data, but they never became widely popular due largely to lowered costs of CD burners. Though they can be used to store computer data, they are typically used for music.;;DAT|Digital Audio Tape(s) Language Arts;;What fourteen-letter noun refers to the state of appearing to be true? Statements containing this quality are internally consistent and considered likely even though they are unproven.;;Verisimilitude Astronomy;;Name the two space probes that will separate on Christmas Day. They are now in orbit around Saturn. One is named for an astronomer who gained fame in the 1660s and used a French name even though he was born with an Italian one. The other is named for a Dutch scientist who gained fame in the 1650s using lenses he made for astronomical observations.;;Cassini(-)(and) Huygens|Huygens(-)(and) Cassini Music;;When he died in 1840, the church refused him a proper burial. His remains were moved in 1845 and finally laid in a proper cemetery in 1876. He composed several works, including a sonata which only required one violin string to play. Name this famous Italian violinist who was rumored to have made a deal with the devil.;;(Niccolo) Paganini Biology;;Though their names are often combined, they worked independently. One was an English mathematician while the other was a German physician who studied the frequency of twins. Assuming that natural selection, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, genetic migration, and mutation do not occur, they showed how to calculate the frequencies of dominant and recessive traits in a population. Their equilibrium equations allow the use of Punnett Squares for populations.;;Hardy-Weinberg|Weinberg-Hardy Noncomputational Math;;Named after the two mathematicians who developed it about one hundred years ago, this method typically uses several values of k to approximate slopes of a function at various points on an interval. Name this family of techniques used to approximate the solutions of ordinary differential equations.;;Runge(-)Kutta (Methods) Nonfiction;;This book contains five chapters, each centering on a different person. The first one is about the author's aunt, who killed herself after having an illegitimate child. The second is about a mythical figure named Fa Mu Lan. Name this 1976 book whose last chapter is about the author, Maxine Hong Kingston.;;(The) Woman Warrior Pop Culture;;This pitcher started nine World Series games. In those nine games, he pitched eighty-one innings, gave up seventeen runs, and got seven wins. During his best regular season, he completed 28 of 34 starts and was only removed from games for a pinch hitter. His earned run average was 1.12 that year, which was 1968. Name this Hall of Famer who spent his entire career with the Saint Louis Cardinals.;;(Pack) (Robert) (Bob) Gibson Literature;;This 1958 volume is a collection of four books, though there is a fifth book which might have been included had it not been rejected by the publisher. The first book centers on a young man named Wart, the second on his enemy Lot, the third on Lancelot, and the fourth on Mordred. Name this telling of the King Arthur Legend by Terence Hanbury White.;;(The) Once and Future King United States History;;Which organization began in 1869 with nine members, grew to seven hundred thousand members by 1886, and then shrunk to one hundred thousand members by 1890? Led by Uriah Stephens and Terence Powderly, it was the first union to admit women and minorities, though it did oppose immigration. Its downfall was due largely to its leaders" opposition to strikes.;;(The Noble Order of the) Knights of Labor Art;;Many of this artist's paintings show string instruments and bottles. He moved to Paris in 1906 and gave up his birth name of Jose Victoriano González. One of his best known paintings has lockers in the background with trees in front of them and has a full table in the foreground. Name this artist of "Woman with a Basket", "The Red Book", "The Blue Tablecloth" and "Woman at a Window" who is often grouped with Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso.;;(Juan) Gris Literature;;After his first play was performed in 1781, he was arrested and forbidden from writing any more works. He escaped from Manheim, however, allowing his career to continue. His later characters include Marquis Posa and Max Piccolomini, who attain perfection. Name this Sturm und Drang writer of The Maid of Orleans, Mary Stuart, William Tell, Don Carlos, and Wallenstein. He also wrote a poem used in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.;;(Johann (Christian (Christoph (Friedrich von) ) ) ) Schiller Literature;;Which poet wrote Roan Stallion, Dear Judas, and The Love and the Hate? He called his philosophy Inhumanism, and he had a strong bond with the Big Sur region of California. This poet first attracted wide attention in 1924 with the publication of Tamar and Other Poems.;;(John (Robinson) ) Jeffers Chemistry;;Which nineteenth century engineer made a fortune selling pieces of brass that looked like gold powder? He is best known for buying and improving on a patent by William Kelly. He developed a process, now named after him, which removed carbon from pig iron, allowing him to cheaply mass-produce steel.;;(Henry) Bessemer World History;;Legend has it that in a religious ritual he transferred his son Hamayun's illness to himself, leading to his own death a few years after building his empire. His son then ruled for twenty-six years. Name this man who at the age of fourteen inherited the Kingdom of Farghana. He then invaded India several times, eventually gaining a foothold at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526. He would soon rule the Hindu world, establishing the Mughal Empire.;;(Zahiruddin (Muhammad) ) Bab(a|u){1}?r|Zahiruddin Muhammad Technology;;In DOS, which type of files used a ,SYS extension? In Windows, they have a more appropriate extension. These programs accept generic instructions from another program and translate them into specific instructions for a hardware device, making it easy to connect hardware devices to a computer.;;(Device) Driver(s) Language Arts;;The answer is a three-word Latin phrase. What refers to a technique often used in telling stories that avoids a chronological progression? It translates as ‘into the middle of things".;;In Medias Res Music;;One of the main characters in which opera is Henry the Fowler, the King of Germany? The title character, who tries to hide his identity, turns out to be a Knight of the Holy Grail. Name this opera by Richard Wagner.;;Lohengrin Religion/Mythology;;Depending on the source, this girl's father was either Iasus or Schoenius. Wanting a son, he abandoned her on a mountainside, where she was raised by a bear. When she grew up, she became a great athlete, defeating Peleus in a wrestling match and boasting that she would marry any man who could outrun her. Name this woman who was tricked into marriage by a man who put irresistible apples in her running path.;;Atalanta Biology;;Which amine hormone has chemical formula C10 H12 N20? It constricts blood vessels, but it is best known as a neurotransmitter. Its concentration in the brain can be increased by ingesting the amino acid tryptophan or the medicine Prozac. Its concentration also increases during sleep.;;Serotonin Nonfiction;;Like Camus, this writer was born in Algeria and spent much of his life in France. In 1967, he published three books: Speech and Phenomena, Of Grammatology, and Writing and Difference. Name this writer who, through these works, introduced a new way of studying texts called deconstruction.;;(Jacques) Derrida Pop Culture;;Who wrote and directed the Family Dog episode of Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories? He has worked for many television shows, including The Critic, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons. His first feature film was 1999's The Iron Giant. Name this man who wrote and directed The Incredibles.;;(Brad) Bird Physics;;This effect is named after the person who earned a Ph,D, for discovering it in 1879. It was the first proof that current is caused by the movement of negative, rather than positive, charges, and it also led to the idea that it is easiest to think of current in semiconductors as the movement of positive holes. What name is given to the movement of electrons to one side of a conductor in the presence of a magnetic field?;;Hall (Effect|Voltage) Literature;;Which fictional character tells a tale about Palamon and Arcite, two prisoners of Theseus? A veteran of many crusades, this character is the first one to tell a story in The Canterbury Tales.;;(The) Knight Art;;Who wrote a ballet titled Martin and created a movie titled The Learning Tree? After a photographic essay of a gang leader named Red Jackson, he became a photographer for Life Magazine. His desire to create positive African American role models led him to direct the movie Shaft.;;(Gordon (Roger (Alexander (Buchanan) ) ) ) Parks Literature;;Answer in English. Which play opens on Christmas Eve with the news that Torvald has just received a promotion at the bank? Over the course of the play, however, there is a growing independence in his wife Nora. Name this controversial 1879 play by Ibsen.;;(A) Doll(')s House Literature;;Name the novel. The protagonist has two sons, Howard and Buglar, who have run away. She also has two daughters, Denver and an unnamed girl whose gravestone gives the book its title. Name this story which takes place in Cincinnati during the 1870s and in flashbacks. It won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Toni Morrison.;;Beloved Chemistry;;In addition to their namesake ion, these sometimes contain a combination of metals. One example contains lithium and aluminum, while another includes iron and titanium. More commonly, they contain Group One metals or lighter Group Two metals. Name these compounds named after their negatively charged hydrogen ion.;;Hydride(s) World History;;From which city was a joint declaration made by the United States, Great Britain, and China that Japan must unconditionally surrender? This is the location where a meeting of the Big Three included Stalin, Truman, and Atlee. Name this city near Berlin.;;Potsdam Technology;;This term was first used in the mid-nineties by people trying to steal AOL passwords. The technique now is used often on unwitting online banking customers. What term is defined as the luring of sensitive information by somebody pretending to be trustworthy?;;Phish(ing) Noncomputational Math;;The answer is a participle; what adjective is used for matrices that typically have one more column than row? They are used to represent systems of equations and include a column for the constant terms, which may or may not be on the same side of the equal signs as the variables. This type of matrix is often used to solve systems through reduced row echelon form. Give this word beginning with the letter A.;;Augmented Earth Science;;These can be classified as lateral, terminal, ground, or end. The end type is either a ridge or low hill running perpendicular to the direction of ice movement that forms at the end of a glacier when the ice is melting. Which word refers to an accumulation of rock, boulders, and debris transported by a glacier and finally deposited by it? It begins with the letter M.;;Moraine(s) Music;;This performer formed a trio with violinist Jacques Thibaud and pianist Alfred Cortot in 1905. He would later start his own orchestra and two summer music festivals, spending much of his later life in Puerto Rico. One of his best-known works is the oratorio El Pessebre. Name this Spanish cellist.;;(Pablo) Casals Religion/Mythology;;Which god, depending on where he was worshipped, could take on the form of a fish, the moon, or the sun? He represented the manly principle of life and was probably worshipped only by ancient Semites. Name this god who was worshipped by Israelites before they adopted Judaism. His name means Lord.;;Baal Biology;;This may seem inappropriate for a biology question, but who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1961? He used carbon dioxide with Carbon-14 in it to trace the sequence of reactions during and after carbon fixation, leading to a better understanding of photosynthesis. The C3 cycle is now named after him.;;(Melvin) Calvin Nonfiction;;Whose earliest published writings on religion in the 1740s led to a three-month dungeon sentence? He then spent the twenty years from 1752 to 1772 trying to summarize all human knowledge into one work, creating a great encyclopedia. Name this French philosopher.;;(Denis) Diderot Pop Culture;;Given the quotes, name the one movie they come from: "You were not hired for your brains, you hippopotamic land mass". "When I was your age, television was called books". "I'm not left-handed either". "Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something". "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die".;;(The) Princess Bride Literature;;Which novel includes an odd friendship between Aziz and Mrs, Moore? Moore is traveling with Adela Quested, who is deciding whether or not to marry Moore's son. Published in 1924, it showed some of the misunderstandings between the English and their colonies. Name this novel by Edward Morgan Forster.;;(A) Passage to India United States History;;The first one took place in 1817 and 1818, the second from 1835 to 1842, and the third from 1855 to 1858. The first one involved Andrew Jackson, the second involved two hundred thousand United States troops and ended without a peace treaty, and the third one saw the defeat of Billy Bowlegs. By the end, there were very few members left in Florida who belonged to the tribe these wars are named after.;;Seminole (Wars) Architecture;;Which famous architect died in 1514 and was buried under his most famous work? After beginning his career in Milan, he spent much of his career in Rome working for Pope Julius the Second. Name this architect of Saint Peter's Basilica.;;(Donato) Bramante Literature;;Which late nineteenth and early twentieth century writer wrote farces of old myths including Prometheus Ill-Bound, Oedipus, and Theseus? Name this French writer whose best-known novels are The Pastoral Symphony, The Immoralist, and The Counterfeiters.;;(Andre) Gide Literature;;Give the first and last name of the character described by Hemingway with the words, "Thirty-five years old, kept himself very fit, was good at court games, had a number of big-game fishing records, and had just shown himself, very publicly, to be a coward". The last part came from his reaction to a lion on safari. Name this man who, according to the short story title, had a short happy life.;;Francis Macomber World History;;His birth year is unknown but approximated as 1045 AD. He led a great military victory at the Battle of Cabra but was exiled a year later. Name this leader who would eventually control Valencia and become a legendary hero in Spain.;;(El) Cid (Campeador)|(Rodrigo) Diaz (de Vivar) Biology;;Which substance is sometimes tested to find out whether a patient suffers from infection, gout, or osteoarthritis? Containing a lot of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, this lubricant occasionally bubbles and pops inside the body. Identify this fluid located between bones.;;Synovial (Fluid) Music;;This six-letter Italian term is often given as an instruction to musicians and dancers. Which word instructs to avoid abrupt breaks and to connect successive tones? It is sometimes translated as smooth.;;Legato Miscellaneous;;This German moved to America in 1784, opened his first store in 1790, and by 1800 had amassed $250,000. He tried unsuccessfully to use political connections to end competition from Canada. Sailing on The Tonquin around Cape Horn, he established a fort named after him in Oregon in 1811. Because of the blockade during the War of 1812, this port became useless and was sold to the British. None of this prevented him from making even more money, and he eventually accumulated a net worth of twenty million dollars. Name this founder of the American Fur Company.;;(John (Jacob) ) Astor Pop Culture;;Its flagship station was started in 1971, and this company was founded in 1986. Within ten years, it became the largest commercial television broadcasting company not owned by a network. Name this company that made news when it refused to broadcast a Nightline episode listing American soldiers who had died in Iraq. It made news more recently by forcing many of its stations to air a discussion about John Kerry's role in the Vietnam War.;;Sinclair (Broadcast Group) Language Arts;;Which eight-letter adjective refers to literature that conveys instruction? It sometimes has negative connotations implying that the work is dull and uncreative. This word begins with the letter D.;;Didactic Literature;;Whose propositions include: "The world is all that is the case", "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world", and "What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence"? These are taken from Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, which for the most part was written during World War One while the writer fought in the Austrian Army. Though there is a lot of disagreement about the specifics, during a famous argument with Karl Popper he waved a fireplace poker to make his point.;;(Ludwig) Wittgenstein Literature;;This may seem like an odd question, but what is the name of Jack Worthing? He takes care of Cecily Cardew and wants to marry Gwendolen Fairfax. He does not know his family history because he was discovered as a baby in Victoria Station. Name this character created by Oscar Wilde.;;Ernest Art;;Which artist often depicted Saint-Victoire Mountain, which was located near his home? He was a failed Impressionist but inspired many twentieth century artists. In the early 1890s, he created a series of paintings of card players.;;(Paul) Cezanne Literature;;You can give either the correct title or the similar one that often appears in the media. It is on page 153 of Reading Mastery Two, Storybook One in the SRA/MacMillan/McGraw Hill Series, and the plot centers around a girl convincing her father to allow her to keep an animal that eats a lot of junk around the house. The animal foils a car robbery by head-butting the thief. Name this story that was read at a photo-op in a Florida elementary school on September 11th, 2001 after airplanes struck the World Trade Center.;;(The|My) Pet Goat Technology;;What does SEO stand for? It refers to firms or individuals who raise publicity for their websites by manipulating the results for users of AltaVista, Lycos, Google, or similar websites.;;Search Engine Optimizer(s) Literature;;The son of a minister, this writer lived in six different Southern states when he was growing up. His writings about the South were often censored but became bestsellers. Name this author of Journeyman, Trouble In July, Georgia Boy, God's Little Acre, and Tobacco Road.;;(Erskine) Caldwell Chemistry;;This term begins with the letter E and can apply to solutes or substances. The solutes generally lower the freezing point of water a few times more than other solutes. What term is defined as a liquid ionic conductor?;;Electrolyte(s) World History;;Which leader is associated with the town of Sagres? He oversaw the colonization of the Madeira Islands and the Azores. Name this third son of King John the First of Portugal. Though a few of his expeditions were failures, he had a great impact on world history, laying the groundwork for Portugal's colonial empire.;;(Prince) Henry the Navigator Language Arts;;While this word can refer to human commotion, it usually refers to a violent wind. Name this word used as a title by Shakespeare that does not really come in teapots.;;Tempest Earth Science;;His PhD was in astronomy, and he devoted much effort to meteorology, dying of exposure on a trip to study air circulation around Greenland. Name this scientist who in 1915 published The Origin of Continents and Oceans, which was ridiculed at the time. The book described the former existence of a single continent and the theory of continental drift.;;(Alfred) Wegener Music;;Which instruments are traditionally made out of silver in Tibet, iron in Africa, and bronze in other regions? They sometimes play a role in Eastern religions. Modern ones usually are at least 39 inches in diameter and are freely suspended.;;Gong(s)|Tam-tam(s) Religion/Mythology;;Which church is believed to have been started by Saint Mark? It coexisted peacefully with Islam from the seventh through eleventh centuries but has been overshadowed since then, now accounting for at most five percent of its nation's population. Name this Christian religion whose name comes from the Greek word for Egypt.;;(Christian) Copt(ic) (Orthodox) (Church) (of Egypt) Biology;;What eleven-letter noun is a reaction involving constricting lung muscles and dilating capillaries? It can occur when people are given a second dose of a drug they had a previous allergic reaction to, and it can be fatal.;;Anaphylaxis Nonfiction;;The first chapter of which book is four sentences long and titled "The kinds of principalities and the means by which they are acquired"? The twenty-sixth and final chapter ends with a quote from Petrarch and is titled "An exhortation to free Italy from the hands of the barbarians". Name this very famous 1513 work by Niccolo Machiavelli.;;(The) Prince |(Il) Princip Pop Culture;;He was born on February 28, 2001, and his career almost ended in 2003 when he slammed his head into an iron bar. Going into June Fifth, this Philadelphia native seemed destined for the history books, but that was before Birdstone passed him in the stretch. Name this winner of the 2004 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes.;;Smarty Jones Literature;;Give the first and last name of the boy whose parents are supposedly Partridge and Jenny Jones. He is raised alongside Master Blifil. This 1749 title character was created by Henry Fielding.;;Tom Jones United States History;;Who said, "We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world" and "If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure"? He was first elected to Congress from Indiana in 1976 and to the Senate in 1980, resigning his seat in 1988 in order to become the Vice President.;;(James (Danforth) ) (Dan) Quayle Art;;The fish hat painted by this artist has a fork, knife, and lemon on top. One of his pictures has two versions, one with the clarinetist in the middle and the other with the guitarist in the middle. Name this twentieth century Spanish artist known for his blue and cubist periods and Guernica.;;(Pablo (Ruiz y) ) Picasso Literature;;Which writer's earlier works, such as The Path to the Nest of Spiders, were inspired by his experiences in World War Two? His later works were more in the realm of fantasy. Name this Italian author of The Baron in the Trees, Cosmicomics, and Invisible Cities.;;(Italo) Calvino Geography;;Which mountain range's highest peak is Aneto? It stretches from Cap de Creus to the Bay of Biscay, which are arms, respectively, of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. It contains the Principality of Andorra and for the most part forms the boundary between France and Spain.;;(Pyrenees|Pirinioak){1}?\s*(Mountains) Language Arts;;Easy as pie, shoot the breeze, on the phone, cut two ways, and take it easy. These are all expressions whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make them up. What word beginning with the letter I is used to describe such expressions?;;Idiom(s) United States History;;It accomplished little at first because its first meeting was cut short by an outbreak of malaria. Also, its actions were subject to vetoes by either the governor or directors in London. After being dissolved in 1774, it met illegally during the Revolutionary War. Name the first elected legislative assembly in the New World; it represented Virginia.;;(House of) Burgesses Literature;;Who wrote The Search and Children of Gebelawi? During the 1950s, he wrote a collection of novels known as The Cairo Trilogy. Some people consider him an inspiration for Salman Rushdie, and there was an assassination attempt against him in 1994. However, he is planning to soon celebrate his 94th birthday. Name this Egyptian who won the 1988 Nobel Prize.;;(Naguib) Mahfouz Chemistry;;You can answer this question by naming a letter, an equation, or a person. Which constant is equal to the Boltzmann Constant times Avogadro's Number? Using standard English units, this has a value of 10.73. Most often, the value and units used are 8.314 Joules per Kelvin mole. Name this constant used to relate pressure, volume, moles, and absolute temperature.;;(Universal|Ideal) Gas (Law (Constant) ) |R |Rydberg (Constant) Pop Culture;;Which main character is associated with Mary Goodnight, Sylvia Trench, Kissy Suzuki, Plenty O"Toole, Anya Amasova, Elektra King, and May Day? His opponents have included Nick Nack, Jaws, Oddjob, Ernst Blofeld, and Dr. No.;;(James) Bond|007 Nonfiction;;Who is the Sterling Professor of the Humanities at Yale University? He gained a public following in 1990 when he suggested that much of the Torah was written by a woman. Since then, his books have included The Western Canon, Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages, The Best Poems of the English Language, and Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?;;(Harold) Bloom Technology;;Often used in quartz crystal oscillators, its applications are in computer clocks, accelerometers, and sonar. What is defined as the generation of voltage differences in dielectric crystals subjected to mechanical stress?;;Piezoelectric(ity) Music;;Who testified before Congress about the phonograph: "When I was a boy ,,, in front of every house in the summer evenings, you would find young people together singing the songs of the day or old songs. Today you hear these infernal machines going night and day. We will not have a vocal cord left. The vocal cord will be eliminated by a process of evolution, as was the tail of man when he came from the ape". He is the composer of King Cotton, Hands Across The Sea, Semper Fidelis, The Liberty Bell, and Stars And Stripes Forever. Name The March King.;;(John) (Philip) (de) Sousa Physics;;What is defined as the study of motion apart from considerations of mass and force? It is often, though not always, the first subject studied in an introductory physics course.;;Kinematics Literature;;Give the first name of the character who is married to Roskus, has children named Versh, Frony, and T,P, and has a grandson named Luster. On April 8, 1928, she takes Benjy to church with her. Name this maid of the Compson family portrayed in William Faulkner's The Sound And The Fury.;;Dilsey (Gibson) Architecture;;Which structure, completed in 1958, looks very much like a famous structure completed in 1889? Visited by almost four million people each year, it contains an aquarium and wax museum near its base and observatories at heights of 150 and 250 meters. Name this building of the Far East that reminds people of Paris.;;Tokyo Tower World History;;It was caused in part by a false Soviet intelligence report, and the crisis leading up to it involved the first use of the red telephone connecting the White House to the Kremlin. The result was a change in possession of a lot of sparsely populated territory. It began with an attack on Egypt's air force and ended with an offensive in the Golan Heights. Name this war which gave Israel the West Bank and Sinai Peninsula. It lasted from June Fifth to June Tenth in 1967.;;Six Day((')s War) Biology;;What term applies to tumors or other abnormal growths from the surface of a mucous membrane? They usually affect people over fifty years old. Most are benign, but some, especially larger ones, are cancerous. These usually appear in the large intestine and are associated with colon cancer.;;Polyp(u)(s) Religion/Mythology;;"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul--Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me". Give the number of this Psalm.;;(Psalm) 23 Literature;;Which writer started out as a poet, writing "Snake" and "How Beastly the Bourgeoisie is"? His first novel, published in 1911, was about a tragic marriage and titled The White Peacock. His most famous novel was banned in the United Kingdom until thirty years after his death. Name this author of The Trespasser, Sons And Lovers, and Lady Chatterley's Lover.;;(David (Herbert) |D(.)H(.)) Lawrence Physics;;Its existence encourages people to sing in the shower because surfaces there are reflective and at the right distance for it to occur at vocal frequencies. Microwaves create it in water, something that is very easy because H2 O has three distinct rotational modes and three more vibrational modes. It is more familiar for the sound in a seashell, actually an increase of background noises. For ten points, name this type of vibrational amplification caused by an external force that is at the same frequency as an object's natural vibration.;;Resonance Literature;;It mocks Sir Thomas Lucy, who caught the author poaching and ran him out of town. The Welsh clergyman, Hugh Evans, and French doctor, Caius, are constantly ridiculed for their foreign accents, leading them to take revenge on their tormentors by stealing horses. The main plot concerns the lust of Queen Elizabeth's favorite, which causes him to hide in a laundry basket and later enter a haunted wood in efforts to tryst with married lovers. For ten points, name this Shakespeare play in which Mistresses Page and Ford make a fool of Falstaff.;;(The) Merry Wives of Windsor World History;;His son is a finalist in the competition to redesign Beijing's city center. He had built nothing of importance when first hired, but impressed his boss by finishing a new chancellery in less than a year. Only a stump built to test weight-bearing ability remains of the 800-foot diameter dome he intended for a capitol building and almost no other works survive. One exception is the abandoned Zeppelin strip at Nuremberg, where he opened one rally by aiming hundreds of searchlights straight up to form columns of light. For ten points, name this architect of the Third Reich, the only defendant to enter a guilty plea at Nuremberg.;;(Albert) Speer Geography;;Glima, a form of wrestling, is its traditional sport, but soccer is the most popular. In 1998, 64% of this country's births were to single mothers, but its generous maternity insurance and leave give it extremely low infant mortality. Its largest glacier, Vatnajokull, is bigger than all others in Europe combined and its capital city, Smoking Bay, is the world's most northerly. For ten points, name this country on the second largest Atlantic island, with capital at Reykjavik.;;Iceland Physics;;It is much harder to deal with theoretically than its counterparts and its direct effects cannot be observed. If it were 10% stronger, no element but hydrogen could form and life would not exist. It can be considered a kind of color force and its exchange particles are usually pions, as predicted by Yukawa. Its range is shorter than the diameter of most nuclei, but it can usually oppose the electromagnetic forces that cause nucleonic repulsion. For ten points, name this fundamental force that holds nuclei together.;;Strong (Nuclear) (Force) Literature;;"Among the Ash Heaps," "Trimalchio," and "The High Bouncing Lover" were some of its working titles and it brought only $32 in royalties its first year. Its narrator moves among social strata, finding Myrtle dead in the industrial "valley of ashes" and using his social connections to visit his wealthy cousin, Daisy, in fashionable East Egg. He eventually returns to the Midwest, disgusted by the corruption of the rich after learning his murdered idol made a fortune by bootlegging. For ten points, name this F. Scott Fitzgerald novel in which Nick Carraway tells of his wealthy neighbor.;;(The) Great Gatsby United States History;;As a prosecutor, he did not have a single conviction reversed by higher courts and he pushed for Japanese internment while serving as his state's Attorney General. He was California's only three-term governor and won both the Democratic and Republican primaries in 1946. Robert Welch's John Birch Society led the movement to impeach him in his last position, one in which the decision for "one-man one-vote" was made and segregated public schools ruled unconstitutional. For ten points, name this man who replaced Fred Vinson as Chief Justice.;;(Earl) Warren Religion/Mythology;;Ishtar arrived in a giant one that fell from the moon into the Euphrates. Jian Di, mother of the first Shang ruler, became pregnant after eating a black one that fell from the sky. The Kalevala says that the world was created from the broken fragments of one that sat on Ilmatar's knee. The sun god Re emerged from another black one before creating the world. For ten points, name the object which figured in all these myths, best known for the colored variety hunted at Easter time.;;Egg United States History;;Having been too poor to study early in life, he achieved the unusual feat of earning a law degree while holding national office in 1963 and taking a bachelor's degree 31 years later. One of the few healthy men to sit out World War II, he was elected to his state's House of Delegates in 1946. He gained his current position in 1958 and is the only Senator to have voted against the confirmation of both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas. He served as either Majority or Minority Leader every year from 1977 to 1988. For ten points, name this ex-Klansman who has represented West Virginia for 45 years.;;(Robert) Byrd Chemistry;;There are no clear ones because free electrons cause 95% of light to be reflected. Blows do not shatter them because their positive ions can easily shift to new sites. They possess moderate melting points and high boiling points. The valence electrons in their bonds are completely delocalized over their ion centers, making them malleable, ductile and lustrous, as well as allowing them to conduct heat and electricity well. For ten points, name these elements which are usually solid and include such types as titanium and aluminum.;;Metal(s) World History;;A fanatical admirer of Chinese culture, she created an imitation Chinese village visited by Lord Macartney before his trip. Not so fond of Jews, she specifically excluded them from a proclamation inviting settlement in her country. A supporter of Voltaire and Diderot, she restricted torture and introduced national elementary and secondary schools; however, she also gained support from nobles by confirming their legal authority over serfs. For ten points, name this enlightened despot who ruled Russia after killing Peter III.;;Catherine (the Great|II|the Second){1}? Literature;;When young, she was certain that Shakespeare must have been a black girl to understand her life so well. A speaker of Fanti, she edited Cairo's Arab Observer and taught at university in Ghana. Nominated for an Emmy after acting in Roots, her newest book is A Song Flung Up to Heaven. She is the second poet to read at a presidential inauguration and is best known for the story of her Arkansas childhood. For ten points, name this author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.;;(Maya) Angelou|(Marguerite) Johnson Religion/Mythology;;He was able to see the past and future of mankind, so many prophetic books bearing his name were written from 200 B,C, on. Kabala and William Blake thought he became the angel Metatron, the lesser Yahweh, and Mormons identified him with Joseph Smith. These notions arose from the story that he "walked with God and he was not, because God took him". For ten points, name this father of Methuselah who was taken to live in Heaven as reward for his piety.;;Enoch Biology;;Its bacterium is morphologically identical to that of yaws, so it may have come from West Africa. It is called "the great imitator" because its symptoms are often identical to other diseases. These symptoms include severe damage to the brain and other internal organs in later stages, a fact confirmed by Rudolf Virchow. A rash forms on the hands and feet early on and its best known symptom is a large sore called a chancre which forms at the site of infection. For ten points, name this STD caused by Treponema pallidum.;;Syphilis Literature;;A St. Petersburg sculptor recently paid homage to it by attaching a 220-pound version to an apartment building. The title object masquerades as a State Councillor, humiliating its owner by taking a higher position than his job of Collegiate Assessor. Captured by a policeman, it finally returns to its proper place on its own after a doctor claims that anything he might do with it would be useless. For ten points, name this Gogol story about a body part which escapes from Kovalyov and takes on a life of its own.;;(The) Nose World History;;It was said that the grass never grew again where his horse had trod. He may have been a childhood friend of Aetius, who grew up as a hostage among his people. If so, they met again on a field near Troyes where this man was defeated in 451. Going on to sack Italy, in Milan he once saw a mural of Scythians prostrate before Romans and forced a painter to reverse the roles. For ten points, name this barbarian who was begged off by Leo I and was known as the "scourge of God".;;Attila (the Hun) Art;;A barn occupies the upper center of the work and the grass around it has been recently mowed, unlike that surrounding the subject. The artist's 30-year-old wife, Betsy, served as model, but he painted on a 55-year-old's skeletal arms. Every year, visitors to Cushing, Maine recreate the subject's pose, positioned to crawl to the farmhouse built by her great-grandfather and shared with her brother. For ten points, name this 1948 Andrew Wyeth painting of a girl in a pink dress looking at her home on a hill.;;Christina(')s World Astronomy;;In 2004 Cassini will parachute a probe onto it to learn what mysterious dark and bright bodies on its surface are. It receives only as much light as the full moon gives to Earth and has a surface pressure 60% greater than Earth's. Octane is believed to be synthesized in its atmosphere, so frozen gasoline rains on its rivers and lakes of ethane and methane. For ten points, name this second largest moon in the solar system and largest of Saturn, the only one other than Triton with an atmosphere.;;Titan Geography;;Lightning wrecked its Green Dome in 941 and Al-Khwarizmi worked in its House of Wisdom. Its caliphs boated on a sea of mercury and it had gold and silver trees with singing automaton birds. Constructed by Al-Mansur, it was built as a circle with a diameter of 2500 yards that focused on one center as faith focuses on God. The Mongols threw away so many of its books that the Tigris turned black with ink. For ten points, name this city which has served as the capital of the Abbasid empire and of modern Iraq.;;Baghdad Literature;;He loved Chinese books and always kept a translation of Taoist works in his desk. His writings depict sex as dirty and degrading and, though he often visited prostitutes, he called intercourse "the punishment for being together". However, his biggest problem was with authoritative older men, such as the father who condemns his son to death in The Judgement and the mysterious, all-powerful inhabitants of The Castle who stop a man from achieving his destiny. For ten points, name this Czech author of The Metamorphosis.;;(Franz) Kafka Literature;;Our word "poohbah" comes from this work's Lord-High-Everything-Else of the same title. Its protagonist assumes that the tailor who guards his beloved must be gone after receiving a death sentence for flirting. Returning to Titipu, he finds Ko-Ko has been made the town executioner, on the assumption that no one will die if he must kill himself first. When marriage is finally allowed, it is revealed that Yum-Yum will have to die along with her new husband. For ten points, name this Gilbert and Sullivan work which ends with Nanki-Poo's rescue by his royal father.;;(The) Mikado United States History;;He once fled for his life after being falsely accused of participating in the Harper's Ferry raid. He argued for an amendment guaranteeing black voting rights and turned down leadership of the Freedmen's Bureau. He taught himself to read by looking at the names of ships he caulked in Baltimore and later published three autobiographies and a newspaper, the North Star. For ten points, name this black abolitionist, a famous speaker engaged by the American Anti-Slavery Society.;;(Frederick) Douglas(s)|(Frederick (Augustus (Washington) ) ) Bailey Miscellaneous;;The Army uses a form of it to make men willing to kill, having them shoot at targets with human faces and praising those who hit. Developed largely by B,F, Skinner, it differs from the classical version in its dependence on a mechanism to reward or punish for actions, such as the food an animal receives for pressing a lever. For ten points, name this type of learning in which there is a contingency between response and appearance of a reinforcer.;;Operant Conditioning Pop Culture;;His beauty advice was to "take a lot of drugs and eat everything that's not nailed down". The more than 300 pounds he acquired in that way led to his death from sleep apnea. He made the Western "Lust in the Dust" with Tab Hunter, playing a Mexican harlot. His first role was a rape victim in "Female Trouble," the only movie in which the victim is also the rapist. He is best remembered for eating fresh dog shit in his most famous role. For ten points, name this transvestite star of Pink Flamingos and Hairspray, the favorite of John Waters.;;Divine|(Glen) Milstead Literature;;The protagonist of this novel intervenes when townspeople taunt an overworked mule, seeing it as symbolic of the way she thinks black men treat their women. After she is seen kissing Johnny Taylor when she's sixteen, her grandmother Nanny arranges for her to marry Logan Killicks, whom she doesn't love and eventually leaves for Joe Starks, who becomes mayor of Eatonville. She eventually finds true love with Tea Cake, but has to shoot him after he goes mad from a rabies-infected dog bite. So goes, For ten points,, the story of Janie Crawford in what novel by Zora Neale Hurston?;;Their Eyes Were Watching God Biology;;In heraldry and early Christian art, this bird is typically depicted pecking its own breast as a symbol of Christ, an image coming from the ancient legend that it fed its young on its own blood. The pesticide endrin has been blamed for endangering it, but changes in spraying policies near salt water habitats have grown the population from 400 nesting pairs to over 6,000, resulting in its removal from the Endangered Species List. The state bird of Louisiana and depicted on its flag, For ten points, what is this water bird that uses its long bill to scoop up fish?;;pelican Chemistry;;Usually used in a 70% solution in water, this strong acid can appear yellow upon exposure to light. It oxidizes all metals except the "noble" metals, and it is a component of both acid rain and aqua regia. It is synthesized in a multi-step process which begins with combining oxygen and ammonia over a platinum catalyst. For ten points,, name this acid synthesized by the Ostwald process, with formula H N O3.;;nitric acid World History;;It began in the party platform of winning prime minister Daniel Malan in 1948, and the Department of Home Affairs began classification of all citizens into one of three groups. It was strengthened by the 1951 Bantu Authorities Act, which established ethnically or tribally based homelands near population centers. It was weakened in the 1970s by the enactment of the Sullivan Rules, urging non-discriminatory hiring for American businesses, and in the 1980s by mass disinvestment by Western corporations. Repealed completely by 1991, For ten points, what was this policy of racial segregation in South Africa?;;apartheid Religion/Mythology;;One of the bases for this 1854 papal pronouncement comes from Luke 1:28, which includes the Greek greeting "chaire kecharitomene," meaning "Hail, full of grace," given by the archangel Gabriel. It did not exempt its subject from the "temporal penalties of Adam," i.e. bodily infirmity and eventual death, though it did exempt her from an otherwise universal human birthright. Pronounced by Pius IX in Ineffabilis Deus, it allowed Mary to be the right vessel for the birth of Christ. For ten points, what two-word phrase refers to the Catholic belief that Mary was conceived without original sin?;;Immaculate Conception Geography;;The Timacuan called it Welaka, or the river of lakes, though the Spanish renamed it the San Mateo in 1565 when they slaughtered the French at Fort Caroline, which overlooks it. King George III sent John Bartram to explore it in the 1760s, and his son, William, traveled it as far south as Lake Harney. 310 miles long, making it Florida's longest, For ten points, name this river that flows north through eastern Florida, joining the Atlantic in Jacksonville.;;(St(.)|Saint){1}?\s*John's (River) Astronomy;;The first was predicted by amateur English scientist Jeremiah Horrocks in 1639. Attempts to use the 1761 instance to determine the measurements of Earth's distance from various objects were ruined by bad weather, but in 1769 worldwide efforts were coordinated by England's Royal Academy and included James Cook's establishment of an observatory in Tahiti and Jeremiah Mason and Charles Dixon's work in South Africa. Occurring in pairs eight years apart with 120 years in between, the most recent took place on June 8, 2004. For ten points, what is this passing of the second planet in our solar system between the Earth and the Sun?;;Transit of Venus Literature;;James Joyce's first published work was an essay in The Fortnightly Review on this author's last work. That play, about the sculptor Rubek and his wife and their eventual death in an avalanche, was called When We Dead Awaken. Earlier works include Brand, Pillars of Society, and Peer Gynt. For ten points, name this author better known for The Enemy of the People, The Wild Duck and Hedda Gabler.;;(Hendrik) Ibsen Architechture;;This man's ideal city design, described in his book Urbanism, involved huge skyscrapers distant from one another in a park-like landscape featuring wide boulevards and separate zones for work, residence and leisure, a concept he called The Radiant City. He got a chance to put the theory to work in his design of the planned city of Chandigarh in India. Better known for his buildings in France, like Notre Dame du Haut, For ten points, who was this Swiss-born architect, born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, who called his residences "machines for living in"?;;(Le) Corb(usier) United States History;;Some of its lesser-known signatories included Moses Fletcher, Digory Priest, and William Brewster. Written "in the presence of God and one another," it was meant to "covenant and combine" the signatories "into a civil body Politick," and its better known signers included William Bradford, John Alden, and Myles Standish. For ten points, what is this document signed on November 11, 1620, at Cape Cod, the first political constitution written by European settlers in North America and named for the vessel that brought them there?;;(The) Mayflower Compact Literature;;In works like "Esthetique du Mal" and "The Comedian as Letter C," this poet explored his oft-covered themes of beauty, form and abstraction. Other difficult, though shorter, poems include "Tea at the Palaz of Hoon," "The Anecdote of the Jar," and "Sunday Morning". For ten points, name this author of "The Idea of Order at Key West," "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," and "The Emperor of Ice-Cream".;;(Wallace) Stevens Relgion/Mythology;;While in Sicily, this mythical figure was killed by the daughter of King Cocalus, who poured boiling water on him during a bath. A son of Zeus and Europa, he was father to the sons Glaucus and Androgeus; for the killing of the latter in Athens, he exacted a cruel punishment on the Athenians, making them send him seven young men and women every nine years. They were eaten in the labyrinth he forced Daedalus to build to contain his wife's son, the Minotaur. For ten points, name this legendary king of Crete, after whom ancient Cretan civilization is named.;;Minos Biology;;Its sporozoites enter the liver, where they become merozoites and invade the red blood cells, which become sticky with a visible ring-shaped structure inside. The genome of the causative apicomplexan was completed in 2002. It has been called quartan fever because of its periodicity, and is carried by the Anopheles genus of mosquitoes. For ten points,, name this disease cause by the genus Plasmodium, whose name means "bad air".;;malaria World History;;Its name comes from the sprig of a broom plant that Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, wore on the side of his cap. By the Treaty of Winchester Geoffrey's son ascended to the throne, he was referred to as an Angevin, because of his lineage from Anjou, and he also founded this house. For ten points, name this royal family of England which later broke into York and Lancastrian factions, and which was begun by Henry II.;;Plantagenet Pop Culture;;This graduate of the Arizona State, where he won three individual NCAA championships, plays out of the Grayhawk Golf Club. A 22-time winner on the PGA Tour, he has been particularly successful in the Buick Invitational, which he's won three times. Currently fourth in the World Golf Ratings, he is right handed in everything he does besides golf. Finally shedding the "best golfer never to have won a major" label in 2004, For ten points, name this "Lefty" who won the 2004 Masters.;;(Phil) Mickelson Literature;;In Bob Dylan's song "Desolation Row," he sings that this character is "an old maid" at 22, though she's more likely between 15 and 18. In conversation with her beloved, she wonders aloud whether "beauty [could] have better commerce than with honesty," while in an earlier scene she advises her brother not "show [her] the steep and thorny way to heaven/Whilst [,,,] not [recking] his own read". Her eventual madness comes clear during her speech in Act IV about gathering flowers near the bank of the river in which she will soon drown herself. For ten points, name this daughter of Polonius and forlorn love of Hamlet.;;Ophelia United States History;;The Second Treaty of Fort Stanwix marked the official end of it, though its dissolution had truly begun years earlier. It had a written constitution, which called for a ruling council of 50 sachems, or chiefs, with prescribed numbers representing each of its original five groups; that number had to change when the Tuscarora entered later. For ten points, name this alliance of five Eastern American Tribal groups, which included the Seneca, Onandaga, Oneida, Cayuga and Mohawk peoples.;;Iroquois (League|Confederation|Alliance) Philosophy;;A fundamental aspect of his teachings is ren, translated as kindness and/or love. Another is yi, or righteousness, which can be opposed by li, or desire for advantage or profit. This leads to his famous saying, "The gentleman understands yi; the little man understands li". This saying and others were compiled by his followers in the Analects. For ten points, name this 6th-century BCE Chinese philosopher.;;Confucius|Kong Fu(-)tzu Astronomy;;The interior of the Orion Nebula is named for him, and he discovered both the moon Titan and the rings of Saturn in 1655. He invented a cycloidal pendulum, which he used to make a clock with an error of less than 10 seconds per day. He argued for the wave nature of light, in opposition to Newton. For ten points, name this Dutch scientist whose namesake principle says that every point on a primary wavefront may be treated as a source of secondary spherical wavelets.;;(Christian) Huygens Literature;;In this work the Reverend John Hale's faith in the goodness of the courts is contrasted with Reverend Parris's manipulation of those courts to protect his daughter, Abby. A misunderstood comment about his wife's books end up leading to the torture and execution of Giles Corey, prompting Elizabeth to beg her husband John Proctor to confess to save himself, though in the end Proctor refuses and is hanged. Allegorically meant to condemn the hysteria caused by the House Un-American Activities Committee, For ten points, what is this 1953 play about the Salem witch trials by Arthur Miller?;;(The) Crucible Architechture;;The owner and namesake was a top executive for the Excelsior Company, which manufactured bicycles and sewing machine supplies. He bought a lot at the intersection of 58th and Woodlawn and construction began in 1909. The narrow dimensions of the lot excited the architect's desire to work horizontally, leading to its striking low-pitched roof, which extends dramatically beyond the house's exterior walls covering an outside ambulatory. Sitting near one corner of the University of Chicago campus, For ten points, name this residence, the epitome of the Prairie Style, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.;;Robie House Chemistry;;The plot named for him charts the natural log of the rate constant versus one over temperature. His namesake equation is an exponential equation which relates the steric factor, rate constant, activation energy, and temperature. For ten points, who was this Swedish chemist, who also defined a base as a species which increases the hydroxide ion concentration in water?;;(Svante) Arrhenius World History;;Moved by the plight of Jews expelled from Spain by Ferdinand, in the 1520s this ruler ordered the building of a fortress wall around Jerusalem. Under him his empire reached its greatest territorial extent, spurred by the capture of Malta, Belgrade, and all of Hungary, which came after his victory at the Battle of Mohacs (mo-hotch). Called "Kunani," or the lawgiver, by his own people, For ten points, name this Ottoman sultan called "the Magnificent" by the West.;;Sul(a|e){1}?(i|y){1}?man (the Magnificent|I|the First) Religion/Mythology;;According to Quintus Smyrneus, the image of this creature graced the shield of Eurypylos, son of Heracles. Hesiod said it had 50 heads and was the spawn of Typhon and Echidna, and though later sources reduced the number of heads, most chroniclers agree that its tail was a serpent. Orpheus was one of the few to get past him, soothing him with his lyre music. For ten points, name this guardian of Hades, a three-headed dog.;;Cerberus Literature;;This author's 1995 memoir Paula describes the coma and then death of her daughter from a porphyria disease. Born in Lima in 1942, other works include her second novel, Of Love and Shadows, and her third, Eva Luna. Her first novel, a 1982 work focusing on the women of the Trueba family, remains her best known. For ten points, name this author of The House of Spirits who had to flee Chile in 1973 after the assassination of her Uncle Salvador.;;(Isabel) Allende Geography;;In its Plano Piloto, or master plan, this city was meant to have three administrative regions: Lago Sul, Lago Norte, and a namesake region. The Piloto Plano was developed by Lucio Costa, and it was meant to have no more than 500,000 residents, though now it tops two million. Its cost overruns in the early 1960s were in part responsible for the military coup that toppled the Jango Administration, though it had been begun by the previous president, Juscelino Kubitschek. With buildings designed by Oscar Niemeyer, For ten points, name this planned city, the capital of Brazil.;;Brasilia Chemistry;;Meso compounds lack this property, and the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog convention is used to designate this property. Labeled R or S, compounds with this property cause plane-polarized light to rotate. It requires a stereocenter carbon which is bonded to 4 different groups, and any compound with this property must have an enantiomer. For ten points, named from a Greek word for "hand," this is what property in which a compound is not superimposable with its mirror image?;;chiral(ity) United States History;;Its penultimate provision calls for an independent Polish state to include all "territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations". The second insists on freedom of the seas in peace or war. The seventh argues that Belgium "must be evacuated and restored, without any limit to [its] sovereignty". The 12th calls for "the Turkish portions of the present Ottoman Empire" to remain sovereign, but all of its other lands to become autonomous. With its last laying the groundwork for The League of Nations, For ten points, name this document written after WWI by Woodrow Wilson.;;(The) Fourteen Points (for Peace) Philosophy;;This author of Letter Concerning Toleration lived some college students' dream, entering Christ Church College, Oxford, in 1652, and staying (with some gaps) for the next thirty years. He wrote of learning methods in 1693's Some Thoughts Concerning Education and economics in Some Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising of the Value of Money, and defended his faith in The Reasonableness of Christianity. For ten points, name this polymathic author better known for Two Treatises on Government and Essay Concerning Human Understanding.;;(John) Locke Pop Culture;;Born in 1984, at age 11 she was the youngest person ever admitted to the School of American Ballet. She had a bit role in the sitcom Malcolm in the Middle and played Monique in the fine film The Hot Chick before landing a regular role as Cecilia on Seventh Heaven. Apparently, her song "Shadow" is about stepping out of the shadow of her older sister's fame. For ten points, name this talented singer-songwriter who surely didn't need the backing tracks she apparently was using during a tumultuous episode of Saturday Night Live.;;(Ashlee) Simpson Literature;;At the end of this story readers find out that the narrator is a man in a tavern who sold the story to a writer only known as "D.K". The narrator describes the competition between two suitors for a young singer, "plump as a peach". Abraham, better known by a nickname, plugs up the other suitor's chimney and trains a dog to howl while the latter gives singing lessons to Katrina von Tassel. Eventually, For ten points, Brom wins Katrina by scaring Ichabod Crane away in what work by Washington Irving?;;(The) (Legend of) Sleepy Hollow World History;;The German plan preceding it was originally codenamed "Watch on the Rhine" but was renamed "Autumn Mist" before taking place. On its second day soldiers of 1st SS Panzer Division machine-gunned nearly 80 American POWs in what has become known as the Malmedy Massacre. The German goal of quickly reaching the North Sea was quashed by steadfast defense led by the American 106th Infantry Division in the Ardennes. Beginning in Deceber, 1944, and ending in January, 1945, For ten points, name this last-ditch German effort named for the effect it had on the Allied line.;;(Battle of the) Bulge|Adrennes Offensive Chemistry;;This phenomenon can occur in materials with a high relative permeability, but it breaks down at the Curie temperature. Resulting from an alignment of domains by an external field, this phenomenon explains why a solenoid with a metallic core can have a field 5,000 times stronger than one with an air core. For ten points, name this type of magnetism seen in cobalt, nickel, and iron.;;ferromagnetism Psychology;;This was first studied in the laboratory by Darley and Latane in 1968, and some explanations for it are pluralistic ignorance, social inhibition, and diffusion of responsibility. While the cases of Deletha Ward and James Bulger are well documented, the most famous case of this phenomenon is that of the 19-year-old Kitty Genovese, in which 37 New Yorkers failed to help the victim of a stabbing. For ten points, name the effect in which an increased number of observers to an event requiring some response greatly decreases the likelihood of one's making that response.;;bystander (effect) Geography;;This region is bounded by the Bihor Mountains and its namesake Alps, and is sometimes considered to include its neighboring regions of Maramures, Crisana, and Banat. This area served as the nucleus for the Roman province of Dacia, and it contains the Olt and Mures rivers. For ten points, name the region of Romania perhaps most famous for a mythical member of its nobility.;;Trans(y|i){1}?lvania|Erdely|Siebenburgen United States History;;Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens asserted of the decision in this Supreme Court case that although "not as infamous as the Dred Scott decision, [it] is yet far more dangerous in its operation". Stevens had little sympathy for the plaintiff, a Copperhead who had been sentenced to death for subversive activities in 1863, a verdict delayed by Lincoln and then appealed after Lincoln's assassination. The plaintiff had been sentenced by a military tribunal in Indiana, despite that state having its civilian courts operating. For ten points, name this important 1866 civil rights case.;;(Ex Parte) Milligan Literature;;"Oh! The Public" is one of this author's few comic short stories. More serious examples include "The Steppe," "The Black Monk," and "A Dreary Story". Better known as a dramatist, one of his famous dicta was, "If there is a gun hanging on the wall in the first act, it must fire in the fifth act". A gun features prominently in one of his major dramas, in which the title bird is shot by Kostya. For ten points, name the Russian author of that play, The Seagull, as well as The Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya.;;(Anton) Chekhov Astronomy;;Much of the constellations Sagitta and Vulpecula are inside this asterism, and its faintest member is the 19th-brightest star in the sky despite being over 1,600 light years away. The second brightest member is the alpha star of Aquila, and its brightest star, with a magnitude very near zero, is the alpha star of Lyra. For ten points, name this northern asterism associated with a season and consisting of the stars Altair, Vega, and Deneb.;;(The) Summer Triangle Literature;;This author's birth name was O'Flaherty, and she didn't begin writing until she was 39. Her first novel, At Fault, sold tepidly, but her next two collections of short stories made her a popular writer. Her story "The Storm" was excised from the first of those collections due to its unashamed portrayal of a woman's infidelity. That controversy foreshadowed the outrage that greeted her best-known work, an 1899 novel about Edna Pontellier. For ten points, name this author of Bayou Folk and The Awakening.;;(Kate) Chopin Chemistry;;Its salt with potassium was once a common sedative, and the name of its ion still also means a dull aphorism. Its color disappears when added to alkenes, and with silver chloride, its silver salt is used in photography. Liebig mistook it for "liquid iodine chloride", but Balard recognized it as a new element; For ten points,, name this third of the halogens.;;bromi(n|d){1}?e Art;;The title figure sits to the right of a framed drawing. A green curtain dominates the upper and middle left of the painting, and the figure's feet rest on a small wooden box. The figure herself faces left, wearing a white head scarf and a black dress with her hands folded on her lap. Among the most famous paintings of the 19th century, For ten points, name this work subtitled "Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 1.;;(The) (Artist|Whistler){1}?'s Mother Religion/Mythology;;Given the birth name Emrys, he was said to be the son of a nun of royal descent and either an angel or incubus, depending on the source. One story says that after the slaughter 460 British nobles by Saxons, this figure helped the king of the Britons, Ambrosius, bring stones from Ireland to create the Giant's Ring, now called Stonehenge. He then helped Ambrosius's son, Uther, to conceive a child with Igraine, a child he then tutored. For ten points, name this magician who advised King Arthur.;;Merlin World History;;This faction was organized during the reign of Herod the Great in opposition to his idolatry. In 6 CE, when Cyrenius, the Roman governor of Syria, attempted a census, they revolted under the leadership of Judas of Galilee and a priest named Zadok. For the next sixty odd years they sporadically revolted or attacked Jews whom they felt adopted Roman ways. So named for their fervent adherence to the Torah, For ten points, name this group finally destroyed by their mass suicide on the fortress of Masada whose name is now synonymous with one who displays excessive fervor.;;Zealot(s) Geography;;Some camps that one can find on the so-called "Normal Route" to the summit of this mountain include Canada, Berlin and Plaza del Mulas, where one can rent mules to carry baggage. Because it's possible to hike to the peak, inexperienced climbers often make the attempt, leading it to have one of the three highest death tolls of any mountain. Attempts to scale it begin with a bus ride from Mendoza to the resort of Puente del Inca. The 67th-highest in the world, For ten points, name this peak in Argentina that is the highest in the Western Hemisphere.;;(Mt(.)|Mount) Aconcagua Pop Culture;;A one-time teacher of a course in tobacco spitting at the Springfield Adult Education Annex, his Stonecutter's number is 12. Though he attends church, in one episode he and his nearly constant companion are found by Lisa meditating in a Buddhist temple with Richard Gere. Also, his apartment shares a glass wall with a Jai Alai court. The sculptor of Mt. Carlmore, For ten points, name this co-worker of Homer Simpson who may be more than friends with Carl Carlson.;;Lenny (Leonard) Literature;;Its first chapter is simply titled, "I Am Born". After a happy early, the title character's mother marries the cruel Edward Murdstone, who beats him until one day the boy bites Murdstone's hand. For this he is sent to Mr Creakle's school, where his friend Steerforth protects him. As a man he first marries Dora Spenlow, but eventually ends up with the angelic Agnes Wickfield. Also featuring the kindly Micawber, who exposes the wrongdoings of Uriah Heep, For ten points, this is what novel by Charles Dickens?;;David Copperfield Biology;;Dr George Ricaurte of Johns Hopkins had to retract a study which suggested it was very dangerous when he found he had accidentally used methamphetamine instead. Its possible neurotoxicity might be prevented by Prozac. Though it also affects dopamine, the drug's effects are mainly caused by a massive release of serotonin reserves, causing euphoria and enhanced empathy. For ten points, name this club drug also known as MDMA.;;ecstasy United States History;;At the age of 16, this man worked as a surveyor for Thomas, Lord Fairfax, on land in the Shenandoah Valley. Later he took a position as a major in the Virginia militia and traveled to Fort LeBouef (la-buff) in Pennsylvania, delivering an ultimatum to French forces there to leave the area. Later, after a stint in the House of Burgesses and some well known military exploits, he laid the cornerstone for the US Capitol Building in 1793. Name this soldier, farmer and politician, For ten points,, known for his Farewell Address, which was never actually delivered, and for being the first president of the US.;;(George) Washington Economics;;Countries compare this value by using the purchasing power parity or current exchange rate methods. This parameter fails to account for negative externalities, but its nominal value can be corrected to the real value using inflation rates. It is generally regarded to be the sum of consumption, investment, government spending, and the difference of exports and imports, and it does not include investments abroad. For ten points, name this measure of the total goods and services produced by a territory per unit time.;;GDP|Gross Domestic Product Philosophy;;Richard Hare developed a two level version of this theory from the Kant-like principle of universalizability. A form of consequentalism, its "rule" version is generally less controversial than its "act" version. For ten points, identify the moral theory that was advocated by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill and that aims to produce the greatest happiness.;;Utilitarianism Literature;;This author's Fasti is a poetical calendar of the Roman year, though only six months were completed. His Heroides are a series of verse letters written from the points of view of mythological women to their absent lovers. His Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto were written in order to curry favor with Augustus to recall him to Rome from exile on the Black Sea, though he never made it back. Author of Ars Amatoria, or Art of Love, For ten points, name this Roman who also compiled myths of shape-change in Metamorphoses.;;Ovid Biology;;Air potato is often considered a primitive member of this group, with uncharacteristic reticulated leaf venation. More typical specimens have scattered vascular bundles, adventitious roots, flower parts in multiples of three, and parallel leaf venation, and include arums, palms, lilies and grasses. For ten points,, identify these flowering plants with one cotelydon.;;monocot(s) United States History;;This man's study "The Philadelphia Negro," written for the University of Pennsylvania, is considered a founding document of urban sociology. He later coined the term "the talented tenth" to refer to the elite of American Black people from whom leaders could be chosen. Antagonistic to Booker T. Washington's ideas of assimilation, he was pivotal in the Niagara Movement and the founding of the NAACP. Buried in Ghana, For ten points, name this man whose best known work is The Souls of Black Folk.;;(W(.)E(.)B(.)) DuBois Religion/Mythology;;One of its sects is the Valentinian, which believed matter, especially the human body, to be evil. Its adherents in general held that there was a lesser god, Yaldabaoth, or the Demiurge, which ruled the Earth. Exemplified by the Gospel of Thomas, much of what is known about it came from the discovery of the texts at Nag Hammadi. For ten points, what is this Christian heresy whose name comes from the Greek for "knowledge"?;;Gnostic(s|ism) World History;;A city official named Robert Hubert claimed to be responsible for this event in an open court, though it was ascertained that it had begun accidentally in Pudding Lane. Chief Magistrate Thomas Bludworth did nothing to take command of the situation, allowing the devastation of over 13,000 houses, 86 churches, and numerous other buildings. Lasting from September 1 through 6 of 1666, For ten points, what was this conflagration that allowed much of a large European city to be rebuilt?;;(The) (Great) (London Fire|Fire of London){1}? Literature;;Born in Lachine, Quebec, to Russian-Jewish immigrant parents, he attended college at Northwestern, his first acquaintance with the city in which he would live and set most of his works. His first novel was 1944's Dangling Man, and since then he has received acclaim for works like Mr Sammler's Planet, Seize the Day, and Humboldt's Gift. For ten points, name this winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize for literature, author of Ravelstein and Herzog.;;(Saul) Bellow World History;;According to Xenophon, this man developed the first postal system. His namesake cylinder, inscribed in cuneiform, proclaimed his defense of basic human rights. He maintained order throughout his huge empire by designating locals as satraps, or provincial mayors. Succeeded by his son Cambyses, For ten points, who was this founder of the Achaemenid Empire, a great Persian ruler?;;Cyrus (the Great) Literature;;A fixture at the court of Anjou in Naples, in 1334 he first saw Maria d'Acquino, the daughter of King Robert, who became the inspiration for many of his earlier works, like Ameto and Filocolo. More importantly, she served as the basis for his character Fiametta, who besides appearing in a work of that name, is one of the characters who tells a story a day for ten days in his most famous work. For ten points, name this author of The Decameron.;;(Giovanni) Boccaccio Geography;;During much of the 1990s, its president was cardiologist Sali Berisha, who resigned in 1997 following riots over pyramid schemes. An Ottoman possession for over 400 years, it gained independence in 1912. Its national hero is Skanderbeg, and from 1925-39, it was ruled by King Zog, and for nearly forty years after World War II, it was a Communist autocracy headed by Enver Hoxha. For ten points, identify this nation on the Adriatic with capital at Tirana.;;(Republic of) Albania Pop Culture;;Undrafted in 1996, this man spent three seasons with the Washington Wizards, during the last of which he averaged 8.3 rebounds and 1.96 blocks per game. This former criminology major at Virginia Union then spent one season with the Orlando Magic, after which he and Chucky Atkins were traded for Grant Hill. The 2003 NBA Defensive Player of the Year, For ten points, name this Detroit Pistons center almost as famous for his afro as for his basketball prowess.;;(Ben) Wallace Noncomputational Math;;Every space with this operation is a Banach space since this operation defines the norm or "length" of vectors, and these are generalized to integrals in Hilbert spaces, or vector spaces of functions. In a Euclidian vector space, it is the sum over two vectors of the products of their like components. For ten points, name the multiplication operation that, for two vectors a and b, is equal to the magnitude of a times the magnitude of b times the cosine of the angle between them.;;(dot|inner){1}?\s*product|scalar Art;;At the age of 16, this man was cast out of the house of his father, a horse trainer, due to his homosexuality. This artist depicted the ravages of drug abuse in Lying Figure with Hypodermic Syringe and made his first impact with 1945's Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, but drew from Eisenstein's Potemkin for inspiration for his most famous works. For ten points, name the Irish painter best known for transforming Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X into his series of Screaming Popes and who shares his name with an English philosopher.;;(Francis) Bacon Physics;;The generalized form of this is, along with position, one of the variables determining the motion in Hamiltonian mechanics, and the quantum mechanical operator for it is generally conjugate with that for position. For ten points, name the property of a body in motion whose time derivative is equal to the force on that particle according to Newton's 1st law, and which is classically equal to particle mass times velocity.;;momentum Literature;;This writer refused an offer of knighthood from Ramsay MacDonald, which he earned for novels like Youth, Chance, and Victory. He collaborated with Ford Madox Ford on The Nature of a Crime and The Inheritors, after having gained fame with works like Almayer's Folly and Lord Jim. Born with the last name Korzeniowski, his many sea voyages provided inspiration for novels about his recurring character, Marlow. For ten points, name the Anglo-Polish author of Heart of Darkness.;;(Joseph) Conrad Biology;;This process occurs in North American and Eurasian brown algae rather than zygotic or gametic meiosis. This scheme's combination of the archegonium and antheridium results in syngamy for the sporophyte generation, which is in contrast to the meiosis-induced simpler gametophyte portion of the namesake process. For ten points, name this repeated switching of haploid and diploid life cycles, a characteristic of organisms in the plant kingdom.;;alternation of generations Philosophy;;This work's second book contains the story of Gyges of Lydia, who became king using a ring of invisibility. This work ends with a story of a man who briefly dies and visits the Underworld, called "The Myth of Er". Book I contains Thrasymachus's view that "justice is [,,,] the advantage of the stronger," although the most famous section has Socrates instructing Glaucon on the theory of the forms using "The Allegory of the Cave". For ten points, identify this long Platonic dialogue concerning the construction of an ideal state.;;(The) Republic World History;;This author of the poems "On Monsieur's Departure" and "The Doubt of Future Foes" was herself the subject of Walter Scott's novel Kenilworth. Major legislation passed during her rule included The Statute of Apprentices and a series of acts regarded as the foundation of the Old Poor Laws. William Cecil advised her throughout her reign, the end of which was marred by the revolt of the Earl of Sussex in 1601. For ten points, name the successor of Mary I and daughter of Anne Boleyn, the English monarch whose forces defeated the Spanish Armada.;;(Queen) Elizabeth I (of England) Chemistry;;This man's efforts led to his country's adopting the metric system, and he was the first to rigorously enunciate the law of conservation of mass. His wife translated his work into English, and it was for her that he became a tax collector and gunpowder commissioner, for which he was guillotined during the French Revolution. Perhaps most famous for debunking the phlogiston theory, he also coined the name "oxygen" and also wrote the first general chemistry textbook. For ten points, name this Frenchman, considered the "father of modern chemistry".;;(Antoine(-)Laurent) Lavoisier Economics;;Although this man never won the Putnam competition, he did write the book Real Algebraic Manifolds, and was inspired by the work of von Neumann and Morganstern. Winning a fellowship to Princeton allowed him to write his thesis, "Non-Cooperative Games," which described his namesake equilibrium, for which he won the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics. For ten points, name this schizophrenic mathematician and subject of Sylvia Nasar's A Beautiful Mind, played on the screen by Russell Crowe.;;(John (Forbes) ) Nash (Jr(.)) Geography;;Near the site of this modern city lies an ancient Roman fortress called Babylon. It was founded near Al-Fustat by Gawhar in 969 CE. It was captured by the Seljuk general Shirkoh, whose nephew Saladin built the imposing Citadel on a spur of the Muqattan Hills. It was then taken by the Ottomans in 1517, and by Napoleon in 1798, and it is the city in which the remaining Mamel¬uks were massacred by Mohamed Ali in 1811. For ten points identify this home of the Arab League; the largest city in Africa and capital of Egypt.;;Cairo|Al-(Qahira|Mansureya){1}? Literature;;The breaking of the racehorse Frou-Frou's back foreshadows this work's unhappy end. Minor characters in it include Betsy Tverskaya and Stiva, and it begins, "All happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". A peasant who tells Levin to serve not himself but God, causing him to return to his wife, Kitty, expresses its author's devout Christian faith. The title character is impregnated by the military hero Vronsky, after which she tragically throws herself under a train. For ten points, name this novel by Leo Tolstoy.;;Anna Karenina Religion/Mythology;;This son of Jord has, as his mistress the giantess Jarnsaxa, but he lives with Sif at Bilskirnir. This deity's mortal foe is Jörmungand and his possessions include Megingjard, a strength-doubling belt, and Mjollnir, a hammer good for smashing serpent skulls. For ten points, name the red-bearded, lightning-eyed Norse god of thunder.;;Thor|Thunor|(Th|D)onar Architechture;;This building is currently known as Santa Maria Rotunda, and the frieze above its portico has the name of its attributed designer, "M Agrippa," while the inner chamber contains such inscriptions as "Dominum in sanctis eius". This building was designed as a unison cylinder with a 44-meter diameter base, and its coffered dome is a hemisphere featuring an oculus. For ten points, name this temple to seven planetary deities of ancient Rome.;;(The) Pantheon Geography;;Having a temperature variation of over 150 degrees Fahrenheit, this region has two commonly used Chinese alternate names: Shamo and Han-Hal. Geographers have recently begun to consider its westernmost region as a separate desert called Taklamakan. A favorite of paleontologists and the site of the only finds of intact dinosaur eggs, For ten points, name this Asian desert that comprises much of western China and southern Mongolia.;;Gobi (Desert) Literature;;This literary character wrote a schedule for self-improvement at his home in Minnesota. Owl Eyes and his father both attend his funeral, which symbolizes the end of both his and the American dream. An associate of Meyer Wolfsheim, he calls everyone "old sport" and attempts to woo Daisy Buchanan before the husband of Myrtle Wilson shoots him in his swimming pool. For ten points, name this next-door neighbor of Nick Carraway, the title character of an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel.;;(Jay|(The) Great) (Gatsby|Gatz){1}? Religion/Mythology;;His namesake hounds are unbaptized souls disguised as geese, doomed to wander the earth until Judgment Day. The only angel who can speak both Syrian and Chaldee, he appeared in the Talmud as the destroyer of Sennacherib's armies as well as the one of the angels who buried Moses. Muslims revere him as the spirit of truth as he delivered the Koran to Muhammad. For ten points, name this archangel who appeared to the Virgin Mary.;;Gabriel Literature;;While living on her mother's family farm in Milledgeville, Georgia, this author raised peafowl, a bird that figures prominently in some of her stories. A Catholic, her observations about her more evangelical neighbors inform her two novels, Wiseblood and Everything That Rises Must Converge, and her better-known short stories, like "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" and "Good Country People". For ten points, name this lupus-stricken author probably best known for the story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find".;;(Flannery) O'Connor Chemistry;;Coenzyme Q does it to succinate in Complex II, and then the bc1 complex does it to coenzyme Q. It occurs at the anode in electrochemistry, and common reagents used are pyridinium chlorochromate, osmium tetroxide, permanganate, and chromate. From methanol, this process produces first formaldehyde and then formic acid, since in organic chemistry it is roughly equivalent to removing hydrogen or adding oxygen. For ten points, name this process in which electrons are removed from a molecule, the counterpart ofreduction.;;oxid(ation|izing){1}? Art;;The sitter for this painting was Jonathan Buttall, a friend of the artist, and in the painting the title figure stands in front of a lightly wooded background with left foot slightly forward and left arm akimbo. In his right hand is a black hat with a white plume. An homage to Van Dyck, For ten points, name this perhaps most famous work of Thomas Gainsborough titled for the color of the titular figure's elaborate outfit.;;(The) Blue Boy Economics;;One of its central tenets is that it is to a nation's disadvantage to export raw or unfinished goods, as greater wealth is derived from doing value-added manufacturing work, which explains why Great Britain refused to export cloth to the Netherlands in the 18th century. It also presupposes that precious metals are synonymous with wealth and that nations are in a zero-sum competition for economic success. Largely discredited by Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, For ten points, what was this 17th and 18th century economic theory that helped fuel exploration and colonialism?;;mercantilism Pop Culture;;Jason Jones referred to it as being like its predecessor "on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas.., And, the ninjas are all on fire, too". One retailer sold 200,000 copies of it by daybreak on Tuesday, and 1.5 million copies of it were pre-ordered. For ten points, name this X-box game released by Microsoft in 2004, a sequel which reached nearly $100 million in sales in one day.;;Halo 2 Literature;;In 1579 he dedicated his first published poem, a pastoral called The Shepherd's Calendar, to Philip Sidney. A sort of sequel to that work was1595's Colin Clout's Come Home Again. However, he's best known for an epic poem dedicated to Elizabeth I that features characters like the Red Crosse Knight and Glorianna, the title character. For ten points, name this author of The Faerie Queen.;;(Edmund) Spenser United States History;;In its first appearance, its coiner was specifically attacking those who didn't think Texas should be granted statehood, a group that included many Northern abolitionists. This appeal came in a July, 1845, editorial in United States Magazine and Democratic Review by John L O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan defined it as our right to "overspread the Continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions". A treasured concept for nearly a century, For ten points, what two-word phrase did O'Sullivan create to refer to American's divine right to control land west to the Pacific?;;manifest destiny Biology;;here is a propeller twist of about 16 degrees, and one turn has a length of 3.4 nanometers. The Z-form is left-handed, and may occur in vivo when it is methylated, and the A form is shorter and fatter with a reduced major groove, while the B form is the one found in cells and portrayed in the famous X-ray crystallograph by Franklin. The strands are antiparallel and can only be extended in the five prime to three prime direction. For ten points, name this genetic material studied by Watson and Crick.;;DNA|deoxyribonucleic acid Religion/Mythology;;In one version of the myth, this figure's mother, Chimalman delivered him in four days of grueling labor after Mixcoatl chose to sleep with her rather than kill her. He created mankind by taking bones from the underworld and sprinkling his blood on them. Usually opposed to Tezcatlipoca, the latter drove him across the sea, and the legend was that he would someday return to rule, leading to some confusion for the Aztecs when Hernando Cortes appeared. For ten points, name this feathered serpent, the primary god of Aztec myth.;;Quetzalcoatl Geography;;This city was officially founded when Spain's Carlos III signed a charter allowing it to be built to replace the original capital, destroyed by a 1773 earthquake. Located in the south of its namesake nation, it is divided into 15 zonas, centered on the Plaza Mayor, which is surrounded by the Palacio Nacional and the Catedral Metropolitano. The largest city in Central America, For ten points, name this capital of Guatemala.;;Guatemala City Literature;;This non-fiction work explores the 17-year period beginning in 1914 when its author, a baroness, had just married her Swedish cousin and moved to a plantation at the foot of the Ngong Hills. She divorced him after seven years when he gave her syphilis and after that ran the coffee plantation herself. The work was criticized by the Kenyan author Ngugi for its condescending and racist comments about her Masai and Kikuyu neighbors, but that didn't keep it from being adapted for a 1985 movie starring Meryl Streep. For ten points, name this work by Karen Blixen under the pen name Isak Dinesen.;;Out of Africa World History;;Their use by foreign powers is governed by treaties called capitulations, and Francis I used 120,000 of them at the Battle of Pavia. Perhaps their most famous moment came in their defense of the Tuileries Palace from the mob during the French Revolution, an action memorialized by the Lion of Lucerne statue in the namesake city. In 1874 their government forbade the use of these mercenaries by foreign powers, with one symbolic exception. For ten points, name these soldiers commonly seen now in uniforms designed by Michelangelo, who guard serve as the ceremonial personal guard of the pope.;;Swiss Guard(s) Music;;First performed in 1942, the western folk song "I Ride an Old Paint" provides a background motif throughout. Other tunes in it include Corral Nocturne and Buckaroo Holiday. However, this ballet choreographed by Agnes DeMille might be best known for its famous tune "Hoedown," recently used in commecials by the Beef Industry. For ten points, name this ballet by Aaron Copland focusing on a cowboy competition.;;Rodeo(s) Physics;;Evidence for one consequence of this theory, frame dragging, was found by x-ray satellites in 1997. Another consequence of the theory was verified in Sobral, Brazil, during a 1919 eclipse, as light rays from a star were bent by the mass of the sun. Yet another consequence, found by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916, is the possibility of a black hole. For ten points, name this 1915 theory of gravitation developed by Albert Einstein.;;((the) theory of) general relativity Philosophy;;He first came to fame in 1749 with his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, the idea of which came to him in an ecstatic episode while en route to visit Diderot who was being held in the Vincennes prison. He explained his Deism in a chapter called "Confession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar" in his well-known explanation of education, Emile. For ten points, name this author best known for Confessions and The Social Contract.;;(Jean) (Jacques) Rousseau Literature;;The "people on the pavement" believed "he was everything to make us wish [they] were in his place". They are later described as "[waiting] for the light,/ and "[going] without the meat, and [cursing] the bread," contrasting with the title character who "glittered when he walked". For ten points, name this Edwin Arlington Robinson poem about a rich man who nonetheless goes home and "[puts] a bullet through his head".;;Richard Cory Biology;;Its introns are much shorter than those of other vertebrates for unknown reasons. It has no ribs or pelvis. Tetrodotoxin, which is responsible for its toxicity, is produced by symbiotic bacteria, and concentrated in the skin, liver and ovaries. Poisonings, however, which cause numbness and paralysis, only occur when it is improperly prepared, because other parts are edible. For ten points, name this fish which causes about 20 deaths a year in Japan.;;Fugu|pufferfish United States History;;The senate investigations into this scandal were led by Senator Thomas Walsh and one result was a $100,000 fine levied against Edward Doheny, who had offered no-interest loans to a cabinet member in return for a no-contract bid on one of the locations in question. Harry Sinclair was also fined $100,000 for his no-contract bid on the oil field at the location that names the scandal. Involving the leasing of Elk Hills and the title spot in Wyoming, for ten points, this is what scandal under Harding that led to the resignation of Interior Secretary Albert Fall?;;Teapot Dome (Scandal) United States History;;Legend has it that Henry Kissinger referred to this Princeton graduate as the most ruthless man he ever met. Denied a shot to try out for the US Olympic Wrestling Team in 1960 by a shoulder injury, he turned to politics, winning a congressional seat from Illinois in 1962 and holding it until 1969, when he became the Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity in Nixon's Cabinet. Serving as the country's 13th Secretary of Defense, For ten points, name this man who also is the 21st Defense Secretary.;;(Donald) Rumsfeld Literature;;In writing his short work "Contribution to Optics," this man observed various images painted on paper through a prism and analyzed the colored fringes on the boundary of what he saw--that short work was later incorporated into his longer Farbenlehre, or Theory of Colors. He also wrote dramatic works like Stella, Clavigo, and Torquato Tasso, as well as the story of a German robber-baron, Gotz von Berlichingen. For ten points, who was this German who led many Romantic young men to consider or undertake suicide with his Sorrows of Young Werther and who also wrote the verse drama Faust?;;(Johann) (Wolfgang) (von) Goethe Religion/Mythology;;It is described as being made of acacia wood, 1.15 meters long, 0.7 meters high, and 0.7 meters wide, and overlaid with gold. It had a cover, variously called the Propitiation Cover or Mercy Seat, where goat blood was sprinkled on the Day of Atonement. Said to contain a pot of manna, Aaron's rod, and the two tablets of the law, For ten points, name this box described in Exodus as residing within the Holiest of Holies in the Tabernacle, though the Bible doesn't say anything about its ability to melt the skin off of Nazis.;;Ark of the Covenant Astronomy;;It is found in the constellations Dorado and Mensa, and the Tarantula Nebula is part of it. Stretching for 50,000 light years, it looks like a hazy cloud to those in the southern hemisphere. The site of Supernova 1987A, it is only 180,000 light years away from the Milky Way. For ten points, name this nearby irregular galaxy, often abbreviated LMC.;;Large Magellanic Cloud Philosophy;;Its origins lie in a meeting at Harvard's bicentennial that included George Putnam, Henry Hedge, and George Ripley, as well as its most famous exponent. Eleven days later they created a formal club to further American thought and letters and invited Orontes Brownson and Bronson Alcott to join. Concerned with creating a mindset that went past John Locke's empiricism, For ten points, this was what American literary/philosophical school associated with Margaret Fuller, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson?;;Transcendentalism|Transcendental Club Music;;The composer's opus 26, first performed on July 2, 1900, its composer always denied that he had incorporated folk melodies, insisting that he wrote all of it himself. In performances before WWII it usually had to be titled "Impromptu," due to its public performance having been banned by the Russians. Words were added to its hymn part by the poet Koskenniemi after the Winter War. For ten points, name this most famous work of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.;;Finlandia Geography;;The Alentejo, or southern portion, of this nation features rolling lowlands and the Neves Corvo copper mine. A founding member of NATO, it ousted its last monarch, Manuel II, in 1910. Currently led by Jorge Sampaio, it is poorer than most nations in the EU, though it can always fall back on its production of nearly 1/3 of the world's cork. Nearly bisected by the Tagus, For ten points, what is this nation with capital at Lisbon?;;Portugal Literature;;This poem's six, four-line stanzas present a series of questions, including "What dread grasp/Dare its deadly terrors grasp!" The persona also wonders "And what shoulder and what art,/could twist the sinews of thy heart"? The persona's wonder at the beauty and danger of nature and its design hit home when he wonders, "Did he who made the lamb make thee"? For ten points, name this creature "burning bright,/In the forests of the night" in a poem by William Blake.;;(The) Tyger Chemistry;;Unlike related compounds, its most common configurations have no Baeyer strain and have angles of 109.5 degrees. Adding large groups at the 1 and 3 axial positions causes steric hindrance for this hydrocarbon. Often depicted by Newman projections, its twist boat conformation is actually more stable than the boat form, but less stable than the chair form. For ten points, what is this non-aromatic ring-shaped compound with six carbons?;;cyclohexane Religion/Mythology;;The minor Egyptian deity Arensnuphis is depicted as one of these animals. Vishnu's fourth avatar is one, as is the Chinese immortal Chiu-Shou, who took on human form to help men in battle. In Greek myth, Hippomenes and the huntress Atalanta were turned into two of them for profaning a sacred temple. The Egyptian goddess Sekhmet is depicted as having the head of one. For ten points, what is this animal, the Nemean one of which was strangled by Heracles as his first labor?;;lion World History;;It was one of 115 Cherokee Class, ten-gun brigs built by the Royal Navy between 1807 and 1830, and its first captain, Pringle Stokes, killed himself onboard in 1828, leading some to think the ship cursed. After returning to England, the vessel left on a circumnavigation in December, 1831, carrying 74 chronometers and a new captain, Robert Fitzroy. Fitzroy had also obtained the services of an unpaid naturalist, who made the most of the vessel's one-month stay in the Galapagos. For ten points, name this ship famed for its voyage's depiction by Charles Darwin.;;(HMS) Beagle Literature;;In the time before the novel, this character had been cared for by his Aunt Clara, who later appears to chastise his friend in a vision. In the novel's opening section, this character's friend tells him to shape up so they don't have the same trouble they had in Weed, where they were driven out of town when this character refused to let go of a girl's skirt, the fabric of which was fascinating to him. Too simple to ward off the advances of Curly's wife, he naively crushes her while petting her hair. For ten points, name this simple friend of George in Of Mice and Men.;;Lennie (Small) Physics;;George Gamow used quantum tunneling theory to explain the emission of these particles over a high Coulomb barrier. Polonium-212 and americium-241 are common emitters of these particles. Since they have over 7,000 times the mass of an electron, Rutherford developed his atomic model based on deflections of this particle by a gold foil. For ten points, name this particle equivalent to a helium nucleus, consisting of two protons and two neutrons.;;alpha (particle(s)) United States History;;As part of Benedict Arnold's expedition to the Battle of Quebec in 1775, this man disguised himself as a priest in order to bring word through British lines to Richard Montgomery of Arnold's arrival. He suffered a stroke at the Battle of Monmouth, but recovered well enough to serve as New York's Attorney General in the early 1790s. Later becoming a national figure, in 1801 he began serving as Jefferson's vice-president. For ten points, name this man best known for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel.;;(Aaron) Burr Economics;;It is another name for zero economic profits, and profits above this level will trigger entry into a market. Illinois State University is located in a city with this same six-letter name. This term also names a good whose income elasticity is greater than zero and which is the opposite of an inferior good. For ten points, give this word which also describes a bell-shaped frequency distribution often used by statisticians.;;Normal Literature;;When this character's benefactor Jacques is drowning, he urges the title character not to rescue the drowning man, arguing that the bay had been expressly formed by God for Jacques to drown in. His own story contains much woe: he is so ravaged by syphilis that when the title character comes across him in Bulgaria, he is unrecognizable, and later he is nearly hanged in an auto-da-fe in Lisbon. Yet he continues to maintain that all's for the best in this best of all possible worlds. For ten points, who is this fictional doctor and friend of Candide?;;(Dr(.)|Doctor) Pangloss Pop Culture;;In one of its episode, Zach told Susan's daughter that he still feels bad about what happened to Dana, a character not before mentioned, and the show closed with a fade-out on a baby blanket with the name Dana on it. Meanwhile, Bree, horrified by he marriage counselor's suggestion of a sex surrogate, tried to woo her husband while wearing a red bra and panty set, but became preoccupied with a burrito on the nightstand. The show's narrator is Zach's mother, who has committed suicide. For ten points, name this warmed-over drama that appears on ABC Sundays at 9 p.m.;;Desperate Housewives Biology;;Thomas Cech was the first to discover one of these made of RNA, and their kinetics can often be modeled by the Michaelis-Menten equation. The induced fit and "lock-and-key" models describe how their active sites bind substrates, and most of these molecules are made of protein. For ten points, amylase and ligase are examples of what class of compounds, which speed up reactions in biological cells?;;enzyme(s) Philosophy;;According to Diogenes Laertius, he was born on the sixth day of the month of Targelion in 469 BCE and only left Athens twice: once for a religious festival, and another time to fight in the battle of Potidea. His early method was termed elenchus, meaning something like "cross-examination," but later he perfected it into the dialectic. Husband of Xanthippe, his final words to her are recorded in the Phaedo. For ten points, name this Greek philosopher, the teacher of Plato.;;Socrates Music;;This term describes a musical composition free in form and in the presentation and development in its theme. Purcell wrote a famous one "on One Note," while Paganini wrote on "on the G String" (no, not that kind). Ralph Vaughn Williams wrote two well known examples, one on Greensleeves and another "on a Theme by Thomas Tallis". For ten points, provide this term which also names a famous 1940 animated Walt Disney film featuring classical music.;;fantasia World History;;Issued on April 13 in the namesake city, it consisted of four texts, the principal one of which contained 90 articles, or provisions, along with 56 "secret" articles. Though it offered civil liberties, right to bring grievances to the king, and the right to maintain already-held fortress towns to the religious minority, it didn't allow them to practice their religion inside majority city walls, and they had to follow Catholic marriage restrictions. Announced in 1598 by Henri IV, For ten points, name this act that provided religious freedom to France's protestants.;;Edict of Nantes Literature;;First published in 1969, one of the events it recounts is listening to a Joe Louis fight on the radio in the store owned by the author's grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Other incidents include her molestation and rape at the hands of Mr Freeman, but also high points like her becoming the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco. For ten points, name this first installment of a series of autobiographies, probably the best known work of Maya Angelou.;;I\s*Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Physics;;The energy stored in this circuit element is ½ times Q times delta V, and the Leyden Jar was an example of one. An insulator like mica is often inserted as a dielectric to make this device more effective, and common textbook varieties include cylindrical and parallel-plate. For ten points, name this circuit element which stores electric charge, and which is rated in farads.;;capacitor|condenser Philosophy;;As a young man, this thinker was sent to Manchester to manage his father's cotton plant there, but he was appalled by the poverty and living conditions of the employees. He began submitting articles criticizing their treatment to a journal called the Franco-German Annals, with the German editor of which he became a close friend and collaborator. Author of Condition of the Working Class in England, For ten points, name this German better known for co-authoring the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx.;;(Friedrich) Engels United States History;;The law that was broken had been introduced by a legislator named John Butler earlier in the same year as the trial for the crime. The plot for the case was hatched in Fred Robinson's drug store, and the conspirators originally wanted H.G Wells to lead the defense, while the ACLU wanted former presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes. But when another flamboyant former presidential candidate joined the prosecution team, Clarence Darrow chose to coordinate the defense. Taking place in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925, For ten points, this was what trial of a high school biology teacher for teaching evolution?;;Scopes (Monkey) (Trial) Language Arts;;This worldwide cultural practice was formally abolished in India in 1961, though it is still commonly done. Dating to Roman times, it is mentioned in the Magna Carta, which codified what a man was allowed to keep if his wife died within a few years of marriage. Feminists blame it for female infanticide in Asian cultures in which poor families fear not being able to pay it when daughters reaching marrying age. For ten points, what is this custom of a bride's father providing gifts or money to the groom or his family?;;dowry Literature;;The clearest details about it come from the novel's chapters "Some Figures" and "All by Electricity". A whopping 70 meters long, it contained a salon, 12,000-volume library, numerous cabins, and even a museum featuring a huge art collection, an organ, and, fittingly, a large collection of marine specimens, many of which had never been seen by the Canadian whaler Ned Land or Professor Aronnax. Helmed by the mysterious Captain Nemo, For ten points, what is this fictional submarine featured in Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues under the Sea?;;Nautilus Chemistry;;This theory often fails for conjugated pi-bonded molecules and charge-transfer complexes. Based on the theories of Lewis, it assumes that lone pair-lone pair repulsion is stronger than bond pair-bond pair, and it assumes that molecular geometry is determined by minimization of repulsion between outer electron pairs. For ten points, name this theory from chemistry which predicts molecular geometry based on electron behavior in the valence shell.;;VSEPR|vesper|valence shell electron pair repulsion Geography;;121-miles long north to south, it lies along the Richlieu River, which connects to the Saint Lawrence. In 1832 a canal was built to connect this lake to the Hudson River. With Plattsburgh on its western shore and Burlington on the east, For ten points, what is this lake named for a French explorer?;;(Lake) Champlain Religion/Mythology;;The son of nine mothers, in some versions he is the grandson of Aegir. He was raised by the force of the earth, seawater, and the blood of a boar. His nickname is Gullintani, or "golden teeth". His vigilance is exemplified by his ability to hear wool growing on a sheep's back. Fated to kill and be killed by Loki at Ragnarok, For ten points, name this defender of the Bifrost Bridge.;;Heimdall Literature;;He wrote a trilogy of novels that began with 1937's White Mule, but he's better known for his poetry, written in a style he termed "objectivism". His 1923 collection Spring and All included works like "This is just to say," "By the Road to the Contagious Hospital," and perhaps his most famous short poem, about a farm implement's color contrast with some nearby white chickens. For ten points, name this pediatrician and author of the long poem "Paterson" and the very short poem "The Red Wheelbarrow".;;(William) (Carlos) Williams World History;;All decisions of this group were made by Angka, or "The Organization". Ideologically communist, one of its tenets was that peasants, or "old people," were preferable to city dwellers, whom they called "April 17 people," after the date in 1975 when they established control of their nation's largest city, forcing inhabitants to evacuate to rural work camps. It wasn't until 1977 that Angka even admitted to the world they were in control in a five-hour speech by leader Saloth Sar, who is better remembered by his nom de guerre, Pol Pot. For ten points, what was this group that murdered hundreds of thousands of Cambodians in the 1970s?;;Khmer Rouge Astronomy;;One of the first daguerrotype portraits is of this scientist, using a process he and Fizeau developed. He built lighter telescope mirrors for the Paris Observatory, invented the gyroscope, and in 1851, he measured the speed of light with a rapidly spinning mirror. His most famous creation was hung from the ceiling of Paris's Pantheon in 1851, and it took just under 32 hours to make a complete cycle. For ten points, name this man whose namesake pendulum demonstrates the rotation of the earth.;;(Leon) Foucault United States History;;Born in 1847, this man eventually married his cousin Zerelda, who had nursed him back to health when he was shot while doing reconnaissance for the Confederates. He acquired the nickname "Dingus" while a member of the vicious Quantrill's Raiders, with whom he participated in the Centralia Massacre. After the war he turned to bank robbing but by the 1870s his focus turned more to robbing trains with his brother Frank and their partners. For ten points, name this outlaw legend killed by fellow outlaw Bob Ford.;;(Jesse) James Relgion/Mythology;;With the exception of the Zaidi sect, members of this religious offshoot believe in the use of tawil, or interpretation of the holy book. Its two major sects differ most strongly over who was meant to be the seventh imam, leading to the break between Imamis and Ismailis. Followers agree with the addition to the shahada, or profession of faith, of the phrase "and Ali is God's friend". For ten points, name this branch of Islam that is less populous than the Sunni.;;Shi(')i(sm|te){1}?|Shia Biology;;It is dark grey to reddish or greenish brown on its back and sides and spotted with roundish white or yellow markings on its ventral surface. Like other members of its order, it has a wide mouth which is right at the front of its head, rather than slung underneath as in other species. Despite its common name, it is not a member of the class chondrichtyes. For ten points, growing up to 30-40 feet in length and weighing nearly 30,000 pounds, what is this largest fish on Earth?;;whale shark Literature;;Its author said he wrote it to "betray the soul of that hemiplegia or paralysis which many consider a city". The first part published, "The Sisters," was requested by George Russell for the Irish Homestead Magazine in 1904. Later came stories like "A Little Cloud," "Two Gallants," and "Ivy Day in the Committee Room". Concluding with the story "The Dead," For ten points, name this 1914 collection of short stories centered on the titular residents of the Irish city that was birthplace to its author, James Joyce.;;(The) Dubliners World History;;During an early military assignment, this man was accused of having a homosexual relationship with King Nicomedes of Bithynia. Sallust recorded this leader's speech against executing captured members of Catiline's conspiracy, and his many defeated enemies included Ariovistus, Pharnaces of Pontus, and Vercingetorix, whom he defeated during his conquest of Gaul. However, his greatest victory occurred at Pharsalus in 48 BCE, when he defeated Pompey. For ten points, who was this Roman leader assassinated on the Ides of March?;;(Gaius) Julius Caesar Literature;;The author of this work had a Lincolnshire accent, as seen in his rhyming of "wonder'd," "sunder'd" and "blunder'd" with "hundred". Repetition is a key device used in this poem, exemplified by the phrase "half a league" repeated thrice in the first two lines. Based on an event in the Crimean War, the horror of the action is emphasized by repeating the phrase "Into the Valley of Death". For ten points, identify this Tennyson poem about a doomed assault.;;(The) Charge of the Light Brigade Biology;;This was first isolated in 1811 by Henry Braconnot, and it consists of repeated ß-1-4 N-glucosamine linkages, which leads to its poor solubility and highly crystalline structure. This compound is very difficult to break down, which explains its excellence as a structural material in organisms not containing cellulose. For ten points, name this compound, which comprises the majority of fungal cell walls, the exoskeletons of arthropods, and the shell of most crustaceans.;;chitin Literature;;One of this author's prose works is a collection of aphorisms, Meditations Divine and Moral, though she is better known for her poetry. Her collection Contemplations was published after her death, while her most important volume includes such religious verses as "Of the Vanity of All Worldly Creatures" and "The Flesh and the Spirit". For ten points, name the Puritanical author of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, which includes a poem about her house burning down.;;(Anne) (Bradstreet|Dudley){1}? Art;;This piece is reproduced in miniature directly below the Three Shades in the artist's The Gates of Hell, for which it was originally designed. The best-known version of this work was commissioned by Gabriel Mourney to stand in front of the Paris Panthéon, but was subsequently moved to the garden of the Hôtel Biron. This bronze is meant to invoke Michelangelo's conception of the pensive damned. For ten points, name this most famous sculpture of Auguste Rodin.;;(The) Thinker|(Le) Penseur Language Arts;;This man's father studied Hebrew, which inspired him to study under Zellig Harris at the University of Pennsylvania. Books like American Power and the New Mandarins illustrate his opposition to the Vietnam War, but he gained critical acclaim for his analysis of "surface" and "deep" structures of sentences, and broke with tradition by claiming that grammar and syntax could not be explained as a classically conditioned set of responses. For ten points, name this author of Syntactic Structures, a controversial and famous modern linguist from MIT.;;(Avram) (Noam) Chomsky World History;;One of this man's early exploits was the capture of the fortress of Taillebourg, and his greatest set-piece battle was Arsuf. He died while besieging the castle of Chaluz in the Limousin after being wounded by a crossbow bolt. He participated in the siege of Tyre with his rival Philip Augustus of France as part of the 3rd Crusade, and was imprisoned by Leopold of Austria on his way home. The son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine he was succeeded by his brother, John. For ten points identify this English king associated with Robin Hood.;;Richard (I|the First|the Lion(-)hearted|Coeur de Lion){1}? Chemistry;;This element occurs in both yellow and gray crystalline forms, the latter of which undergoes sublimation at high temperatures. Used by Paul Ehrlich in a treatment for syphilis and by the Germans during World War II for their war gas "Lewisite," it finds use today in pesticides and herbicides, or in combination with gallium for creating semiconductors. For ten points, name this extremely poisonous element with atomic number 33 and symbol As.;;arsenic Religion/Mythology;;This faith's creation story involves Ame-No-Toko-Tachi, and its gods include Hachiman, Susanowo, and Izanagi. The Kokka sect of this practice encouraged emperor-worship due to the royal pinnacle, Jimmu, descendent of the sun goddess Amaterasu. For ten points, name the religion that has a name meaning "way of the kami" and that is native to Japan.;;Shinto(ism) Geography;;The largest island in this body of water, Valammo, has been home to monastery since the 10th century, and during the Siege of Leningrad, its frozen surface provided a way for Russian reinforcements to reach that city via the "road of life". Its tributaries are the Rivers Vuoska and Sivir, and it empties via the Neva into the Gulf of Finland. Located in Karelia, Russia, for ten points, name this largest lake in Europe.;;(Lake) Ladoga|Ladozhsko(y)e (Ozero) World History;;The ascendancy of this ruling line resulted from the insurgency of the bandit leader Li Tzu-ch'eng, and its first significant emperor was K'ang-hsi. This dynasty largely adopted the practices of the Ming, which it replaced around 1644, and it was founded by Manchus who would rule the country until the overthrow of the monarchy in 1912. For ten points, identify this final Chinese dynasty whose rule saw the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions.;;(Ch(')ing|Qing){1}?\s*(dynasty) Biology;;After dropping out of school at age 18, this scientist worked as an assistant paleontologist for Louis Leakey. This woman gained fame for her longtime work at the Gombe Stream National Park, was made a Dame of the British Empire in 2003, and has a namesake institute centered at Ridgefield, Connecticut. For ten points, name the author of In the Shadow of Man, a British ethologist famous for her lifelong studies of chimps in Tanzania.;;(Baroness) (Jane) (van Lawick(-)) Goodall Literature;;The ignorance of the public in this novel is represented by Gail Wynand's publication, "The Banner," and its author's aversion to organized religion can be seen in a speech that Peter Keating hears from Ellsworth Toohey near the end. Henry Cameron is the first employer of the main character, whom Dominique Francon privately sleeps with and publicly derides for his non-traditional buildings. For ten points, name this novel about the selfish young architect Howard Roark, written by Ayn Rand.;;(The) Fountainhead Chemistry;;This property arises due to off-diagonal elements of the momentum transfer tensor, and, in many fluids, it is a constant of proportionality between the sheer stress and strain rate. Poiseuille's equation relates the pipe friction factor to this property for laminar flow, so the cgs unit for its dynamic variety is called the Poise. For ten points, name the fluid property that has dynamic and kinematic versions, both of which measure the resistance of a fluid to flow.;;(dynamic|kinematic) viscosity United States History;;This locale is the site of the grave of Osceola, and is named for the victor at the battle of Hanging Rock. The original designs for this building were created in 1827, and construction of the artificial island on which it sits began two years later. However, this Fort was not occupied until December 1860, when forces under the command of Major Robert Anderson were ordered to garrison it to enforce Union suzerainty. For ten points, name this fortification built to defend Charleston Harbor, the site of the traditional opening exchanges of the American Civil War.;;(Fort) Sumter Physics;;In the operator theory of quantum mechanics, this entity is the operand used to determine the various properties of a particle. According to the Born interpretation, the square of the absolute value of this at any given point is equal to the probability density for finding the particle that it represents at that point. For ten points, name the fundamental function of quantum mechanics that is symbolized and determined in general by the Schrödinger equation.;;(wave|state){1}?\s*(function|vector|equation){1}? Art;;In the rear of the action of this 1784 work are three women, two of whom have fainted, and a child. The central figure, father of the title characters, wears a red toga and holds in his left hand a scimitar, cutlass, and gladius. The titular action is taken by the three brothers on the right, all of whom wear crested helmets in, for ten points, what work depicting a solemn ceremony from Livy; a neoclassical painting by Jacques Louis David.;;(The) Oath of the Horatii|(Le) serment des Horaces Pop Culture;;This man's claims about his past seem to match his appearance, given his Buster Sword and green "Mako" eyes, but he has actually swapped personalities with Zach, a SOLDIER present at the destruction of his hometown of Nibelheim, whom he emulates so well that he wins Zach's ex-girlfriend, Aeris Gainsborough. For ten points, name this adversary of Shinra and Sephiroth, the spiky-haired protagonist of Final Fantasy VII.;;Cloud (Strife) Literature;;The speaker in this poem claims to accept both reality and Time absolutely. Divided into 52 separate parts, its twenty-fourth section describes the speaker as a "kosmos, of mighty Manhattan the son", while another invites the reader to come and "Loafe with [him] on the grass". This is after he makes repeated claims about his love for the soul, and that he assumes that the reader shall as well. For ten points, name this long poem in which Walt Whitman celebrates himself.;;Song of Myself United States History;;Which writing includes the lines, "Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The urge for freedom will eventually come. This is what happened to the American Negro. Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom; something without has reminded him that he can gain it"? It was written in 1963.;;Letter From A Birmingham Jail Biology;;What organ consists of four lobes: right, left, caudate, and quadrate. Protected by the ribs, it is the largest organ inside the body.;;Liver Geography;;In what country can you find the cities of Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, and Jakarta? Its economy and deposed President Suharto have been in the news recently.;;Indonesia Music;;Which Baroque composition consists of a concerto in E major, one in G minor, one in F major, and one in F minor? It was first published in 1725 and is based on four sonnets which are not meant to be read during a performance. Historians disagree as to whether the sonnets were written by the composer.;;(The) Four Seasons Literature;;Which futuristic novel is written in a combination of English and Russian? The narrator of the story loves violence and Beethoven until undergoing an experimental treatment. It was written by Anthony Burgess and made into a Stanley Kubrick film.;;(A) Clockwork Orange Pop Culture;;For which player did the Chicago Bulls retire number four? He also coached the Bulls but has had more success as the coach of the Utah Jazz.;;(Jerry) Sloan Literature;;Which British writer helped start Hoggarth Press, which published the works of many prominent early twentieth century writers? She suffered a nervous breakdown in 1916, after which her writing became much more experimental and included stream of consciousness works such as Jacob's Room, Mrs. Dalloway, and To The Lighthouse.;;(Virginia) Woolf Computer Science;;Which computer company joined the Fortune 500 in 1987, four years after it was founded? It has created about forty million computers, beginning with the first industry-standard portable computer.;;Compaq World History;;Which conflict went through Palatine-Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, and French phases. Fought mostly in Germany and closely related to the Protestant Reformation, it was ended by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.;;(Thirty|30) Years(') War Language Arts;;What four-letter word can mean an indication of agreement, someone employed in manual labor, a style of penmanship, a unit of measure equal to four inches, or the terminal part of a vertebrate forelimb?;;Hand United States History;;Which political party, officially called the American Party, peaked in popularity during the 1850s? While it was successful in several gubernatorial and congressional elections, it did not come close to winning the presidency despite running former president Millard Fillmore on top of its ticket.;;Know-Nothing(s) (Party) Literature;;The title character in which short story says the dying words, "I couldn't find the food I liked. If I had found it, believe me, I should have made no fuss and stuffed myself like you or anyone else". This story, which is about the public's fascination with this character, was written by Franz Kafka.;;(A) Hunger Artist Literature;;Which novel was originally called First Impressions? It was rewritten and then published in 1813 and concerns many relationships, the central one being between Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.;;Pride And Prejudice Economics;;Who wrote The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money in 1935? He is considered the founder of macroeconomics, and his ideas are still considered controversial because he supported budget deficits as a cure for economic depressions.;;(John (Maynard) ) Keynes Pop Culture;;Who was replaced by Ringo Starr in 1962?;;(Peter) Best Physics;;Three of these express the laws of Faraday, Ampere, and Gauss, while the other expresses the lack of magnetic charge. What equations bear the name of the nineteenth century British physicist who put them into their current form?;;Maxwell(')s (Equations|Laws){1}? Music;;Which Russian composer finished Borodin's opera Prince Igor and Mussorgsky's opera Boris Godunov after the deaths of his colleagues? He was a teacher of Stravinsky and composed Snow Maiden, The Golden Cockerel, and Sheherezade.;;(Nikola(y|i){1}?) Rimsky-Korsakov Literature;;What Irish dramatist purchased the Drury Lane Theatre along with his father-in-law and wrote The Critic, which was a short satire performed after plays to poke fun at the critics in attendance? He added the word malapropism to our language, and his best known play is The School for Scandal.;;(Richard (Brinsley) ) Sheridan Biology;;Of what category of joints are synchodrosis and symphysis joints? These include the joints between vertebrae and joints which disappear in adulthood.;;Cartilag(e|inous) United Sates History;;Who became a teacher at the age of fifteen but retired at the age of thirty to take up political causes? She was part of the temperance movement and the American Anti-Slavery Society and founded the Women's Loyal League. She worked closely with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and often had to deliver Stanton's speeches when Stanton was too busy with her children. On the issue she is most famous for supporting, this woman started by focusing on the laws in New York but eventually worked on an international level.;;(Susan (B|Brownell) ) Anthony Art;;Which Leonardo da Vinci work was painted twice? The first one, which was rejected as an altarpiece, is now in the Louvre. The second, which da Vinci worked on while painting The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, is in the National Gallery in London. The foreground of this painting has two women and two babies.;;(The) (Virgin|Madonna){1}? of the Rocks Noncomputational Math;;What nineteenth and twentieth century mathematician worked on invariant theory, geometry, analysis, and number theory? His most famous talk was given in 1900 and titled "Mathematical Problems". It outlined twenty-three problems which he thought would further the discipline of mathematics. He spent some of the last years of his life working on one of these problems calling for the axiomization of physics.;;(David) Hilbert Physics;;Perhaps the only physics concept named after a botanist, it was first noted in 1828 by watching pollen grains suspended in water. Jean Perrin did monumental work in this area in 1908 which was used to calculate Avogadro's number and validate one of Einstein's theories.;;Brownian Motion United States History;;The fourth one, who goes by a nickname, is a United States Senator; the third was the first chairman of the Lincoln Performing Arts Center; the second financed the restoration of colonial Williamsburg and donated the land for the United Nations Headquarters; and the first one gave away a total of $550 million in contributions. What name do these men share, having gotten their money from America's first corporate trust?;;(John) Rockefeller Literature;;A program of what type of drama typically consists of five plays alternating with five farces? Its two most important writers were Kanami Kiyotsugu and Zeami Motokiyo, and its history has been tied to the history of the shoguns.;;No(h) (Drama) Computer Science;;Who set himself up for criticism by using his web page to ask children for their addresses and claiming that it was open source? There were also rumors that it was funded by a political action committee and set up by government workers. All of this happened soon after this man claimed to be the Father of the Internet.;;(Al) Gore(,) (Jr(.)) World History;;The rulers of what ancient civilization include Telipinu, Mursili, and Labarna? Most of their territory is in modern-day Turkey, and they are considered by many the first civilization in Asia Minor, having conquered territory around 1900 BC.;;Hittite(s) Literature;;What New England poet wrote "Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare". She also wrote plays for the Provincetown Players and won a Pulitzer Prize for The Ballad Of The Harp Weaver.;;(Edna) (St(.)|Saint) (Vincent) Millay|(Nancy) Boyd Miscellaneous;;What instrument was invented by John Campbell in 1757? It makes use of a telescope, a fixed mirror, a movable mirror, and a lever. If it is meant to be used on land or in the sky, it also contains some liquid for leveling. Its name comes from the fact that it uses a sixty degree scale.;;Sextant Economics;;What British philosopher and economist lived from 1806 to 1873? As a politician, he supported public ownership of natural resources, compulsory education, and women's suffrage. He wrote the book Utilitarianism and the essay On Liberty.;;(John) (Stuart) Mill Pop Culture;;On what baseballs team's 1999 roster will you find Mike Lieberthal, Doug Glanville, Ron Gant, Scott Rolen, and Curt Schilling?;;(Philadelphia) Phillies Literature;;What writer, born in Natchez, Mississippi in 1908, moved to Chicago in 1935 and Paris in 1950? His first book was a collection of short stories titled Uncle Tom's Children. This was soon followed by his most widely read work, in which the main character Bigger Thomas kills a white woman.;;(Richard) Wright Biology;;Who was born the same year that William Harvey's work on circulation was discovered and eventually improved upon Harvey's work by discovering capillaries on the surface of the lung? He is known as the Founder of Microscopic Anatomy, and a layer of skin and capsules in the kidney and spleen are named after him.;;(Marcello) Malpighi Language Arts;;What subfamily of Indo-European languages includes Frisian, Icelandic, Afrikans, Yiddish, Swedish, and Flemish?;;German(ic) World History;;What king divided England into four earldoms in 1017? He also became the King of Denmark and Norway and married the widow of his rival, Ethelred.;;Canute (II|(the) (second|great){1}?) Technology;;When Great Britain asked its scientists to create a death ray to knock enemy aircraft out of the sky, what did the scientists build them? Robert Watson-Watt is given most of the credit for this discovery, which was built during a few months in 1935 and put into a complex network over the next few years which aided Britain during German attacks.;;Radar Chemistry;;Give the common name of the cyclic imide with chemical formula C6H4COSO2NH. It is a few hundred times sweeter than sucrose and has been banned in some countries as a food additive.;;Saccharin Religion/Mythology;;What Greek goddess is similar to the Phoenician goddess Astarte? In some later myths she is married to Ares, though she is usually considered the wife of the fire god Hephaestus. She is sometimes credited for starting the Trojan War because she promised Paris the fairest woman in the world even though that woman was married to a king.;;Aphrodite Religion/Mythology;;What mythological King of Corinth chained up Death until Ares came to Death's aid? When death did take him, this character told his wife not to bury his body or make sacrifices. He was allowed to go back to Earth to punish her and was thus allowed to live to old age. For cheating Death, he has been sentenced to an eternity of fruitless labor.;;Sisyphus Biology;;What disease, also called epidemic parotitis, is caused by a virus and characterized by painful swelling in front of and below the ears? Children are commonly immunized for it at the same time as measles and rubella.;;Mump(s) Geography;;Important people in the history of which city include Jan Zelivsky, Jan Zizka, and Jan Hus? It contains the Church of Saint George, Saint Vitus' Cathedral, Staromestske Square, and the Charles Bridge, and it is located in Bohemia.;;Prague Art;;What is the Welsh name shared by two American locations? It is disputed whether the name came from the Welsh word for brow or a famous Welsh poet. They are located in Scottsdale, Arizona and Spring Green, Wisconsin and were the homes and workplaces of Frank Lloyd Wright.;;Taliesin Pop Culture;;What was the first movie released in stereophonic sound? Because most theatres were not ready for it in 1940, it was not given a true national release until its fiftieth anniversary in 1990. It featured the music of Leopold Stowkowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra and the animation of Disney.;;Fantasia World History;;Which queen used her thirty-six year reign to restore order, reform the Catholic church, and support education in her country? She was the grandmother of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and the leader of the Spanish Inquisition but is best remembered around here for buying and sponsoring three ships.;;Isabella Physics;;The existence of which particle was first proposed in 1930 by Pauli? It is unaffected by strong or electromagnetic forces and is therefore very good at penetrating through matter. For establishing the existence of one of the three types of this particle, the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Steinberger, Lederman, and Schwartz.;;Neutrino(s) Noncomputational Mathematics;;What whole numbers are always triangular and always have the sum of the reciprocals of their divisors add up to two? It is not known whether there are any odd examples, and number theory often links them with Mersenne numbers. The four lowest such numbers are six, twenty-eight, four hundred ninety-six, and eight thousand one hundred twenty-eight. In these numbers, all of the factors of the number other than the number itself add up to that number.;;Perfect (Number(s)) Literature;;What British writer had a great skill at aphorisms, including: "Clear your mind of cant," "Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures," and "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"? He was a well-known critic and lexicographer in the eighteenth century and the subject of a famous biography by James Boswell.;;(Samuel) Johnson Chemistry;;Every one is a single, giant, covalently-linked molecule and they are about 3.3 billion years old, although meteorites contain microscopic fragments from 5 billion years ago. Most of their atoms come from the mantle, but some contain biological isotopes. They display a face-centered cubic lattice structure and have perfect cleavage in four directions. They are metastable and the entire lattice must be broken down to convert to other allotropes, so they never change to graphite. For ten points, name these forms of carbon that rank 10th on the Mohs scale.;;Diamond(s) Literature;;Its heroine has a journal of a China trip on her table, prompting her cousin to ask if she is planning a visit there. She is the only member of the household with the convictions to refuse the acting of a play while her uncle, Sir Thomas, is doing business in Antigua. Once her cousins are gone, Henry falls in love with her, but fails to win her heart by getting her brother promoted. In the end, she gains the love of Edmund when he gives up on the frivolous Mary Crawford. For ten pointsE, name this Jane Austen novel about Fanny Price's travails in the Bertram household.;;Mansfield Park United States History;;He served as Tennessee's first member of the House of Representatives and fiercely criticized Washington for supporting Jay's Treaty. He beat Richard Lawrence nearly to death after that man shot him, but the bullet from a duel lodged next to his heart caused him lifelong pain. His treaty with the Creeks gained three-fifths of Alabama for the U. S. and only a "corrupt bargain" between his opponents, Clay and Adams, kept him from the White House in 1824. For ten points, name this South Carolina-born president, hero of the Battle of New Orleans.;;(Andrew) Jackson Music;;The 1974 film Mahler has the composer singing, "No longer a Jew boy, now you"re a Goy," to it as he converts to Christianity. It's featured in Birth of a Nation, Rebel Without A Cause, Fantasia 2000, The Blues Brothers and the Bugs Bunny cartoon "What's Opera, Doc"? where it accompanies Elmer Fudd's "Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit!" Heard first thing in the third act of its opera, its rhythms describe the rush of wind, battle cries and galloping of flying horses. For ten points, name these Wagner piece in which the daughters of Wotan gather on a mountaintop after battle, blasted at the Vietcong in Apocalypse Now.;;(The) Ride of the Valkyries Geography;;It has both the world's biggest soccer stadium and biggest hydroelectric dam. It is the eighth-largest economy and produces the most iron. However, much of it is wilderness and it also has a quarter of the all primate species, 68 in all. Its highest point is the Pico da Neblina and most of its people are of European ancestry. Headed by President Lula Da Silva, its flag is a globe filled with 27 stars and the motto "Order and Progress". The largest city by far is Sao Paulo. For ten points, name this Portuguese-speaking country, the biggest in South America.;;Brazil Literature;;Its illustrator, Robert Seymour, killed himself after a few months, leaving the author on his own. Mr Wardle's fat, greedy servant, Joe, often falls asleep standing, having the first literary case of sleep apnea. Very different is the titular character's man, Sam Weller, a clever Cockney. Accompanied by his three friends, a romantic, a lover and sportsman, the hero visits several English cities before Mrs. Bardell takes him to court over a marriage proposal and not even the great lawyer Serjeant Buzfuz can keep him out of Fleet prison. For ten points, name this first Charles Dickens work, consisting of reports filed by Phiz and his friends.;;(The) Pickwick Papers|(The) Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Physics;;It was actually discovered by Cavendish, who failed to publicize it. A short circuit results if its equation has a value of 0 for resistance and an open circuit if voltage is 0. Formulated when its namesake discovered a long, thick wire passed more current than a short, thick one, its equation states that voltage equals current multiplied by resistance, or V=IR. For ten points, name this idea that the amount of current passing through a wire is inversely proportional to its length and directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the wire.;;Ohm(')s Law Philosophy;;Sonless French aristocrats had their left testicles cut off because this thinker taught that boys are produced solely by the right organ. An Ionian, he was a member of the Eleatic school and taught that nothing in the universe has a start or ending; "all things were together" opened one of his books. He believed mind to be a free, autonomous substance that animates people and creatures and his student Pericles saved him from condemnation over his claim that the sun is a glowing rock. For ten points, name this Greek thinker, the first to teach in Athens.;;Anaxagoras World History;;He is thought to be the first to translate the Latin "libertas" as "freedom" in English, a language he required all young men to read and write. Alleged to have sent an embassy to India, he reorganized his militia so that half the men were ready to fight while the other half farmed or manned his navy, England's first. His victory at Edington forced the submission of his enemies and their acceptance of Christianity. For ten points, name this king of Wessex who overcame the Danes.;;Alfred ((the) Great) Art;;The figures completely dominate the foreground and their faces, stitching and pitchfork are all totally composed of vertical lines, as is the house's "board and batten" siding. It was roundly criticized as anti-American, but the artist claimed it was a tribute to rural values depicting "tintypes from my family album". Modeled on the artist's sister and dentist, it actually depicts a father and daughter, not a husband and wife. The title comes from the style of window used on the Iowa house shown behind them. For ten points, name this Grant Wood work depicting a farm couple in front of their house.;;American Gothic Language Arts;;The Egyptians used it in war, but it was used only by women in Greece and Rome, while the Chinese version was said to have been invented by a woman. A twelfth-century Pope declared it a symbol of honor, but the first English users were sprayed with mud by cabbies who found it a threat to their livelihoods. It finally replaced the sword as a symbol of aristocracy and takes its name from Italian for "little shade". For ten points, name this object held over the head when it is raining.;;Umbrella Religion/Mythology;;Its name means "Book of the Mat" and it begins with creation myths, showing how the first beings, made from wood by Hurakan, are disloyal and torn to pieces by birds. The Great White Pig and other luminaries finally make true men from cornmeal. Later sections tie contemporary rulers to the gods; one episode has the Hero Twins descending to the underworld to defeat the Lords of Death in a ball game similar to basketball after the Lords kill their father and uncle in a pickup game. For ten points, name this Mayan tome about the Quiche people.;;Popul Vuh Pop culture;;They broke up when the lead singer put a knife to the drummer's throat, but reunited for one night when inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in March 2003. The most famous member was a ditch digger who liked striped sweaters and the group name was coined for all the free publicity attendant to it. Debuting with Outlandos D"Amour in 1979, their song Synchronicity II concerns Jungian themes, while their most famous tune is about a stalker. For ten points, name this group composed of Stewart Copeland, Andy Summers and Sting, creators of Every Breath You Take.;;(The) Police Technology;;Its first succesful use was in taking the height of the ionosphere. Marconi suggested its military potential and Charles Townes correctly warned the Air Force that a system would fail because water vapor would absorb 1.25 centimeter wavelengths. American and Japanese navy proposals to develop it before World War II went nowhere, leaving the German version best developed. It has now been largely supplanted by microwave ranging systems. For ten points, name this device which detects objects by bouncing radio waves off them.;;Radar World History;;His hobby was blacksmithery, which caused laughter in his court and many fights with his wife. Ignorant, lazy and shy, his child-bride controlled him but did not aid him with his financial difficulties. He later allied himself with the conservative faction of his brother, the comte d"Artois, thinking unrest would quickly blow over. His greatest troubles began when nobles wouldn"t allow him to eliminate their pensions or tax their lands, instead forcing him to call the Estates-General in 1789. For ten points, name this husband of Marie Antoinette who lost his head in January 1793.;;Louis (the) (XVI|sixteenth){1}? Literature;;From 1974 to his 1982 death, he was possessed by an alien that arrived in his head on a beam of pink light and all his later works concern that experience. The short-lived television series Out of This World was based on his story "Impostor" and other works have been adapted into Screamers, Paycheck, Total Recall and Minority Report; however, his greatest book, The Man In The High Castle, has never been filmed. For ten points, name this author whose novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep became the movie Blade Runner.;;(Philip) (K(.)) Dick Physics;;The experiment demonstrating it was suggested by Hendrik Lorentz and had already failed for Faraday. Light seen in the experiment was similar to sunspots, showing those objects to be intensely magnetic. Showing that electrons are affected by a magnetic field, it proved light and magnetism are connected and helped determine that atoms are composed of charged particles. For ten points, name this physical effect through which it was discovered that the tripling of spectral lines was caused by the altering of electron spins.;;Zeeman Effect World History;;All symbols of military rank were abolished as consequence of it. Pedicab passengers were forced to pedal while drivers relaxed and women on the street had their heads shaved and lipstick scrubbed off. Schoolchildren bayoneted LBJ masks at recess and streetlights were derided because their red meant stop. People not "red" enough were covered with flour and marched through the street. Lin Biao's compilation, the Little Red Book, was carried by everyone. For ten points, name this 1966-75 wrecking of Chinese society by Mao Ze Dong.;;(The) (Great) (Proletarian) Cultural Revolution|Wen Hua Da Ge Ming Pop Culture;;He wanted to play the lead in the rock opera Tommy and his later films, including Mister Arkadin and Touch of Evil, showed how money and power destroy men. His second-best film, The Magnificent Ambersons features an opening montage of a man trying on many suits of clothing and a tacked-on happy ending. That was added to avoid having others edit the movie, as happened to his greatest film, for which he supervised every other element down to sewing costumes. For ten points, name this director who was brought to Hollywood with his Mercury Theatre to make Citizen Kane.;;(Orson) Welles Literature;;"You"re fuggin ay,"one character is told, leading Tallulah Bankhead to greet its author as "the guy who doesn"t know how to spell fuck". Its conflict between a fascist demanding obedience and an educated liberal who wants true democracy mirrors the American condition. Though Red, Martinez, Croft and the other men form one unit, their many flashbacks reveal that they still carry all the divisions and hatreds of civilians. In the end, Lieutenant Hearn obeys General Cumming's order to attack the rear of Anopei . For ten points, name this Norman Mailer novel about the thoughts of Marines fighting the Japanese.;;(The) Naked and the Dead Religion/Mythology;;He is not Pyrrhus, but his name signifies a victory accompanied by great losses. His wedding was one of two attended by the gods, but the fury of Ares caused his whole family but Polydorus to suffer. He and his wife became snakes and his daughter Semele was raped by Zeus, so he become the grandfather of Dionysus. His crime was killing a sacred dragon, found while searching for his sister Europa. The men who sprang from its teeth told him, "Meddle not in our war," and killed each other until five were left. For ten points, name this Phoenician who introduced the alphabet and whose five warriors were the first citizens of Thebes.;;Cadmus United States History;;The most famous is the Hog Island variety, but they were produced in many yards. They were destroyed so quickly at first that one complete voyage was considered a successful career. Actually called EC2s, FDR nicknamed them "ugly ducklings". The wife of Henry Wallace sponsored the first one, the Patrick Henry, which sailed to Alexandria, Egypt. Designed by Henry Kaiser and built in as little as four and a half days, they were replaced after 1943 by the bigger and faster Victory types. For ten points, name these famous prefabricated vessels of World War II.;;Liberty Ships Geography;;Only a small number of elderly women speak their language, which is similar to Turkic and Altaic tongues. Their culture is linked to the Jomon and focused on hunting and fishing before agriculture was forced on them. Their religion centers on sacrifice of a bear, who returns from death with gifts of fur and food. Samurai are thought to be descended from them, giving noble Japanese slightly distinct facial features. They can"t now be distinguished by appearance, though they once sported round eyes, mustache-like tattoos on women and heavy beards on men. For ten points, name these indigenous people of Japan.;;Ainu Biology;;Ubiquitous genes that protect against them may have arisen from prehistoric cannibalism. They have the same amino acids that cell proteins have, but theirs are folded differently and one theory says the host's normal proteins are slowly converted to their forms. Named by Stanley Prusiner, they cause a number of neuron-destroying brain diseases. For ten points, name these agents of infection responsible for mad cow disease.;;Prion(s) Literature;;He published a one-act comedy, The Broken Straws, at 22, but then became a stockbroker for security. His final work, Paris in the 20th Century, was not released until 1994 and Mendeleev died listening to his Voyage to the North Pole. His 1901 work Village in the Treetops has French and American explorers finding ape-men called Wagddis living in Africa and his The Mysterious Island foresaw scuba gear, television and submarines. His first success came at age 35 when he wrote Five Weeks in a Balloon. For ten points, name this French author of A Journey to the Center of the Earth and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.;;(Jules) Verne Pop Culture;;They consisted of an army brat, professor's son, former child actor and a 5"3" English jockey. They were the "4 insane boys, aged 17-21" required by Robert Rafelson and Bert Schneider's Daily Variety ad. They slept in one huge bed, romped through haunted houses and toy factories and sang two or three songs a show, including their first single, Last Train to Clarksville. For ten points, name this 1960s television quartet composed of Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, David Jones and Mickey Dolenz.;;(The) Monkees Pop Culture;;He studied psychology under Freud and Adler and earned an unhappy living as a bank clerk until Bertolt Brecht noticed him. His weirdest role was the Japanese detective Mr Moto, quite a stretch for an Austrian. He shared a room in Hollywoood with Billy Wilder, who complained about his drug use, and made a living at the end of his life with appearances on Disneyland and 77 Sunset Strip. Reduced to acting in The Patsy with Jerry Lewis, his nasal voice had once been heard in Casablanca and The Man Who Knew Too Much. For ten points, name this naturalized American famous as the murderer in Fritz Lang's M.;;(Peter) Lorre|(Laszlo) Lowenstein United States History;;His 23-year-old son, Michael, disappeared searching for carvings in New Guinea and is believed to have been eaten. Known for his greeting, "Hi ya, fella," he invited Diego Rivera to New York. Roosevelt's assistant secretary of state, he served as New York's governor four times and sent social services and taxes sky high, one reason he was denied the 1960 nomination in favor of Nixon. Nixon beat him again in 1968, after Goldwater gave this liberal Republican the thumping he deserved in 1964. However, the last laugh was his on December 19, 1974. For ten points, name this grandson of Standard Oil's founder who served as Gerald Ford's vice president.;;(Nelson) Rockefeller Art;;Embodying Florentine liberty, it also symbolizes the soul laid bare before God and Christ's triumph over death. It was the first freestanding nude created since ancient times and was done after the artist completed a study of Roman antiquities. Created between 1428 and 1432 for the Medicis, its smooth bronze contrasts with the roughness of its long hair which, with helmet and boots, is its only cover. It is an underdeveloped boy, not a god or warrior, and its smugness is very different from the look of horror on the head at its feet. For ten points, name this Donatello masterpiece depicting the second king of Israel.;;(Donatello(')s) David Physics;;Peter Debye explained it mathematically in 1923. Its discovery worried scientists because most theories dealt with light as a wave, but its finder showed with quantum mechanics how it could be both. He saw wavelengths of some X-rays were slightly longer after scattering by diffraction gratings, from loss of energy. They had to be particles to bounce off electrons and lose little energy, as in his example of one billiard ball slowing when hitting another and causing the second to move. For ten points, name this phenomenon which was explained as recoil radiation from the electron when the X-ray hit.;;Compton Effect Geography;;Coffee and tea are its main exports and its national anthem is "O God of All Creation". Lake Rudolph lies in it and this country's two greatest rivers are the Tana and Galana. The Rift Valley splits its highlands into the Mau Escarpment and the Aberdane range. Almost all land is sparsely populated except the fertile southwest, home to three-quarters of the people. It has large white, Arab and South Asian minorities and its largest tribe is the Kikuyu. Its greatest port is Mombasa. For ten points, name this East African country with capital at Nairobi.;;Kenya Geography;;He carried a picture of his fiancée, Alice Pike, with him and named his boat for her, but emerged from the jungle to see a news account of her marriage to an industrialist. The illegitimate son of a Welsh butcher's daughter, he lived in an English workhouse until he sailed to New Orleans in 1859. He served as both soldier and sailor in the Civil War and then worked at the New York Herald. He opened Buganda to missionaries and claimed the Congo for King Leopold of Belgium, while his most famous achievement happened at Ujiji in 1871. For ten points, name this rescuer of Doctor Livingstone.;;(Sir) (Henry) (Morton) Stanley Philosophy;;Arthur Koestler found a copy in his Spanish cell while awaiting execution and said it was an island of light. It says suppressing opinion is clearly wrong if the opinion is true, but also wrong if false because it implies infallibility. States that make citizens powerless and docile hurt themselves because "with small men no great thing can be accomplished". Overall, men should be allowed to do as they please so long as they do not harm others. For ten points, name this book in which John Stuart Mill defines limits to state power to interfere with the title concept.;;On Liberty Biology;;Deer mice have shorter ones than all other animals, but those of lab rats are ten times the size of human ones and never shorten appreciably, a possible result of cancer research. They have long stretches of repeats made of G- and C-rich strands which seem to be the same in all vertebrates. They serve to protect and stabilize, but lose a little length with each replication. If they are shortened too much, chromosomes will become unstable and cells will die. For ten points, name these end caps of eukaryotic chromosomes composed of repeated DNA sequences.;;Telomere(s) Psychology;;It led to the discovery of the Bewegung response, in which imaginative healthy people and deluded madmen see moving figures. It is based on the game Klexographie, at which its inventor was so adept as a child that he was called "Klecks," meaning stain. People who detect symmetry are said to have a good grasp of reality, but modern research doesn"t usually support its usefulness. It has ten sections, including three pastels and two with some red which are meant to elicit emotions. It should be followed with requests for more detailed responses about what is detected. For ten points, name this test in which bilateral blots are examined for images.;;Rorschach (Inkblot) (Test) Architechture;;His eponymous window is a central pane with a round arch flanked by two square-topped windows. Trissino convinced him to adopt his famous name and got him a first commission. He reconstructed the basilica of Vicenza in 1545 and incorporated Mannerist elements into many churches, including San Giorgio Maggiore. His Four Books of Architecture described ancient monuments and were translated into many languages. He was most famous for many town houses and villas, especially a four-sided one with Ionic columns and a domed central hall. For ten points, name this Italian who introduced Roman architecture to the modern world and made the Villa Rotunda.;;(Andrea) Palladio|(Andrea) (di) Pietro World History;;They built with many semi-circles and were famous for glass products, raisin wine and cous-cous. Aristotle wrote of a trade pact they signed with the Etruscans, while they also allied with the Romans and Celts and sent tribute to Alexander. Mago wrote a famous agricultural treatise, but the only preserved fragment of their langauge is a speech in a Latin play, as their books were plundered by the Numidians. They circumnavigated Africa and prevented Greeks from using the Straits of Hercules after they took power over the other Phoenician cities. For ten points, name these African people whose chief city was destroyed after the Third Punic War.;;Carthag(e|inian(s)) Music;;It was written in 24 days for a Dublin charity festival and all profits made in the composer's lifetime were donated. Its composer worked on it in a trance for 24 days with little food or sleep. He fell mortally ill during a performance and his tombstone carries its line, "I know my Redeemer liveth". Muted strings of the Pastoral Symphony depict the titular figure's birth and an overture shows a world without him. Two and a half hours long, its three parts depict prophecy, execution and resurrection. George II involuntarily stood for one section and it is now traditional to rise for its Hallelujah Chorus. For ten points, name this Handel oratorio.;;Messiah Literature;;Some have speculated that he was the Man in the Iron Mask, having faked his death and lived another 40 years in prison. First denied a Christian burial, he was secretly interred in consecrated ground on order of the king. The Comedie Francaise is traditionally known as his "House," since he authored such classic farces as his first success, The Ridiculous Snobs, and The School for Husbands. For ten points, name this French dramatist who wrote The Imaginary Invalid and Tartuffe.;;Moliere|(Jean) (Baptiste) Poquelin Chemistry;;Until 2000, its atoms were thought not to combine with each other or any other element and could only be trapped mechanically in cavities of other substances. The first noble gas discovered on Earth, Cavendish predicted it, but it wasn't found until 1894 when a gas remained after nitrogen and oxygen were removed from air. Mixed with nitrogen in incandescent light bulbs, its only source is the atmosphere, of which it makes up .93 percent. For ten points, name this element named for its inertness whose symbol was A until the Fifties and is now Ar.;;Argon Geography;;The U.S didn't recognize it until 1862. In 1912, its president and 300 guards were blown to bits and another president, Jean Sam, was torn to pieces by a mob which ran through the streets showing off pieces of him. Its foreign commerce was worth as much as that of the U.S in 1790, when it was France's only source of coffee and Europe's main source of sugar. Formerly known as Saint-Domingue, the man who led it to independence, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, was assassinated after he forced ex-slaves to work in the fields. He had earlier destroyed the French army of General Leclerc. For ten points, name this Caribbean hellhole whose fight for anarchy was first led by Toussaint L"Ouverture.;;Haiti Literature;;It arose from a story the author heard during tea with the Archbishop of Canterbury, but modern critics think it deals with female hysteria. The young lady is given her job by a mysterious gentleman on condition that she never bother him. Her journal explains that the other servants refuse to discuss the old steward and her predecessor as governess, but she finds her charges, Miles and Flora, to be charming children. In the end, Miles dies in her arms after Peter Quint appears at the window. For ten points, name this Henry James novella about evil ghosts terrorizing a manor.;;(The) Turn of the Screw World History;;He was first interred in Valladolid, in what is now a pool hall. He may have been the bastard son of Prince Viana, Ferdinand's half-brother and his grandson of the 23rd generation is now a Spanish naval officer. He was shipwrecked off Portugal and voyaged as far as Guinea and Iceland before asking King John for support. He visited Nicaragua, Jamaica and Trinidad, but was arrested and returned to Spain in chains after his third voyage. For ten points, name this Genoese admiral who sailed the ocean blue in 1492.;;(Christopher) Columbus Literature;;In her youth she thanked men for holding doors by kicking them in their shins. Her autobiography, Life So Far, came out in 2000 and her 1993 work, The Fountain of Age, denied that growing old was a bad experience. She divorced her husband Carl in 1969 and co-founded the National Organization for Women in 1966, later leading the campaign for Equal Rights Amendment ratification. Her most famous work came about in 1957 when she found her college classmates were as unhappy as she and claimed they were all victims of male oppression. For ten points, name this author of The Feminine Mystique.;;(Betty) (Friedan|Goldstein){1}? Earth Science;;There are more than three thousand of them, with new ones found every year and named by an international commission. Opal is not one because it has no internal organization. Coal is not one because it is a synthetic formed from organic material. They are distinguished in the field by luster, streak, hardness, cleavage, crystal structure and taste, and rocks are combinations of them. They are made of one or more elements in specific proportions; for example, all quartz has one silicon for every two oxygen atoms. For ten points, name these naturally existing inorganic solids with atoms arranged systematically.;;Mineral(s) Geography;;They have maintained the tradition of animal sacrifice and roast seven lambs on top of Mount Gerizim every year. There are no more than 600 left and half of them live in Kiryat Luza near Nablus, their religious center. They were originally settled in depopulated land by Esarhaddon and practiced a perverted form of Judaism. The Jews reviled them and refused their aid in rebuilding the Temple. Jesus was accused of being one and the Book of Acts shows how many later converted to Christianity. For ten points, name these heretics whose most famous member helped a wounded foreign man.;;Samaritan(s) Literature;;Its protagonist likes to relax after a hard day by taking tranquilizers and staring at a wall screen to achieve nothinkness. The Red Beast carries his nine-man team at 100 m.p.h. to perform a duty assigned by the dictatorship after World War III. One day he meets a girl on the monorail who challenges him to read the books he destroys, leading to a career strolling through birch forests memorizing text. For ten points, name this Ray Bradbury novel, the title of which is paper's flash point.;;Fahrenheit 451 Literature;;References to Aetna's eruption of 479 BC show it was written after that year, but destruction of its other sections often makes the characters" intentions inscrutable. Perhaps not even done by the purported author, it has very little action after the opening. The title character declares his only crime to be loving too much and asks the elements to pity him. He is taunted by Kratos, comforted by Oceanos and threatened by Hermes. For ten points, name this Aeschylus work in which Zeus has Hephaestus chain up a naughty titan.;;Prometheus Bound Physics;;A consequence of it is simple harmonic motion, in which a system oscillates through a midpoint with maximum displacement the same on each side, for example, an oscillating pendulum or air molecules in a soundwave. That is because the restoring force on the object is proportional to the distance from the midpoint and in the opposite direction. For ten points, name this idea of a British scientist that, within the limit of elasticity, stress applied to a material is in proportion to strain, creating a change in dimension, or stretch.;;Hooke(')s Law Biology;;With a few exceptions, their genetic code is the same for all organisms, with, for example, three uracils indicating phenylalanine for all living things. Transfer RNA has an opposite version for bonding with mRNA, but the three stop versions have no opposites, hence no productive capacity. Read in ribosomes, they have 64 possible combinations for 20 amino acids, but are redundant because more than one codes for each amino acid. AUG is the start and produces methionine. For ten points, name these three-letter codes in mRNA made from combinations of amino acids.;;Codon(s) United States History;;In 1853 his advice to Richard King led that man to purchase land for the 1300-square mile King Ranch in Texas. He did engineering work on the Mississippi until given command in what is now West Virginia. His campaign there was an utter failure and he would have been sent to defend the Confederacy's southeast coastline if Joseph Johnston hadn"t been wounded at Seven Pines. Winfield Scott's choice to head the Union Army, his genius failed only when he disregarded Longstreet's advice and ordered a frontal charge on July 3, 1863. For ten points, name this Virginian who received a presidential pardon in 1975, 110 years after his surrender at Appomatox.;;(Robert (E(.)(dward)) ) Lee Music;;It contains the first funeral march incorporated in a symphony. The first theme is a simple four-bar melody which starts with cellos and has other instruments joining one by one. The second theme is subdued, but soon gives way to great dissonance. A cycle of violence alternating with repose in the form of gentle woodwinds and violins playing a theme of death continues until the coda. This evokes movements of a "Grand Army of the soul" bent on conquering the world. Another man's name was first inscribed over the composer's on the title page. For ten points, name this Beethoven work originally dedicated to Napoleon.;;Symphony (No(.)|Number){1}?\s*3 (in E-flat major)|Eroica Economics;;The Hicksian version is steeper than the Marshallian because Hicksian only accounts for substitution effects. That of a monopolist is also that of the whole industry and that for each oligopolist is more elastic than for the industry as a whole. The more firms there are, the more elastic it becomes. It always slopes down and depends both on consumer preference and the ability of other firms to meet needs. For ten points, name this graphical representation of the relationship between price asked and product desired.;;Demand Curve Biology;;It is the Koran's forbidden fruit in Eden. Greek soldiers discovered it in Asia, but Europeans didn"t cultivate it until the 10th century. Britain's oldest was found in a 500-year-old Tudor rubbish pit and America's first were sold at the 1876 Centennial Exposition for 10 cents each. Its name is Portuguese from an African root and India now grows the most. There are 300 kinds, but Musa sapientum is commonly eaten in America. For ten points, name this curved yellow fruit.;;Banana Physics;;Ptolemy first observed its basic attribute of light bending at the boundary of a medium while its namesake showed the sine of the two angles related. It governs relations between three angles: the angle of incidence, where light enters the medium; and the two angles of refraction, produced when the light bends in the medium and again when it exits to a new medium. For ten points, name this idea that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the refracting medium's index number to the original medium's index number.;;Snell(')(s) (Law) World History;;He never slept with fewer than five girls from his harem, who serviced him for three straight days before being replaced with a new team. When he ate, his attendants, all female, stuffed napkins in their mouths to avoid contaminating his food. Anyone who looked at his funeral bier was killed with the injunction, "Your master needs you. Go serve him in Heaven". After he defeated his brother Arigh Boke in a civil war, he ruled more men than any previous king. He founded a new capital at Shangdu, defeated the Song and sent two expeditions against Japan. For ten points, name this first Yuan emperor, employer of Marco Polo.;;Kubla(i) Khan Art;;He wished to be buried in Florence, but the pope wouldn't allow it, so his nephew secretly shipped out the body in an unmarked packing crate. The antiquities collection of Lorenzo de' Medici inspired his early work Battle of the Centaurs and Lapiths and he completed the Palazzo Farnese. In Rome, he designed uniforms for the Vatican guards and worked on the reconstruction of St. Peter's for a while. The face of St. Bartholomew in The Last Judgement is his and he also created a famous series of Pietas. For ten points, name this artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.;;Michelangelo (Buonarroti) Pop Culture;;He was arrested in 1951 for dressing as a priest and fraudulently soliciting funds for lepers in Miami Beach. A shell-passer in several World War II battles and married to a stripper, he joked about Hitler in show business and stewardesses throwing babies from airplanes, as well as Catholics, homosexuals and the Ku Klux Klan. Norman Mailer and James Jones defended him after his obscene material got him was arrested in 1964, but he was dead of a drug overdose two years later. For ten points, name this filthy comic whom REM claimed was not afraid.;;(Le(nny|onard){1}?) (Bruce|Schneider){1}? Religion/Mythologhy;;Their viciousness during the Inquisition got them called "hunting dogs of God," a Latin pun. One of them, Riccoldo di Monte Croce, wrote a refutation of the Koran in 1320, one of the only medieval works based directly on Arabic sources. Created by Innocent III, they practiced strict poverty and included women from the start, rejecting the title abbeys for convents. They were given special authority to start up crusades against Muslims, Livonians heretics and their ranks included Albertus Magnus. For ten points, name this order whose namesake founding saint sent them out to spread the Gospel.;;Dominican(s)|(Order of the) Friars Preachers Biology;;One third of it is composed of glycine and much of the rest is proline and hydroxyproline. It is a triple chain 1400 amino acids long and wound into a helix. Its synthesis requires vitamin C for oxygen addition, so new amounts of it can"t formed in cases of scurvy. Teeth and bones form by mineralizing it. It forms strings that strengthen tendons and sheets to support skin and organs and it breaks down when cooked to form gelatin. For ten points, name the most abundant protein in mammals, which makes up about 1/4 of your body weight.;;Collagen World History;;It appeared on Boy Scout merit badges until the Thirties and voters in Nepal draw it beside favored candidates" names. Estonia, Finland, Latvia, India and the secessionist Republic of Tule in Panama all formerly used it on their flags. Also known as the hakenkreuz, an Irish version called Brigit's cross wards off evil and it is well-known as a Buddhist symbol. For ten points, name this symbol originally put it to its most famous use by a dentist from Starnberg, a fact which Hitler admitted in Mein Kampf.;;Swastika Religion/Mythology;;An individual's karma will be revealed before his eyes just before passing and this collection holds advice, mostly gathered by the Nyingma school, on knowing the end is coming and controlling the process. It reveals that one of six worlds awaits: that of gods, demi-gods, men, evil ghosts, animals or demons. Life will be entirely new, but station determined by past actions. Survivors may perform rites to ease the sufferings of those trapped with devils in such places as Avici, the "hell without respite". For ten points, name these Himalayan volumes of sutras and tantras that serve as guides to the afterlife.;;(Tibetan) Books of the Dead Geography;;It is the only U.S state to which cactus is not native, as well as the only one that produces coffee. Salt Lake is its major body of freshwater and it contains the world's biggest dormant volcano. Waimea canyon has walls 2900 feet high and Mount Waialeale is Earth's rainiest spot. Measured from a submarine base, it includes the world's tallest mountain, Mauna Kea and most of its132 components are uninhabited, but Oahu and seven others are populated. For ten points, name the world's longest island chain, a state with capital at Honolulu.;;Hawaii Literature;;His amazement at the Chateau, the town's new picture palace, leads him to exclaim, "You got to go some to beat this dump!" He has "zip and zowie" and is proud of his wife Myra's cocktail party and his own election to vice-presidency of the Booster Club, but all crumbles when his best friend, Riesling, commits murder. Life doesn"t seem worth living until he flirts with Mrs. Tanis Judique for a while and comes away a changed man, even if he does return to the conservative life of a Zenith businessman. For ten points, name this titular real estate broker in a Sinclair Lewis novel.;;(George) Babbitt Astronomy;;Mercury has one and Mars doesn"t, but the Moon possessed one billions of years ago. Earth's appeared 780,000 years ago and has been decreasing in strength since 1830. Its current orientation is referred to as normal and it extends 37,000 miles into space. Its lines are perpendicular to the surface at poles and parallel at the equator. No ore in the interior makes it because heat is too great below 20 miles. Instead, it comes from electrons moving in molten iron of the core, stirred up by Earth's rotation. For ten points, name this property that exists because our planet is a huge self-exciting dynamo.;;(Planetary) Magnetic Field Literature;;Said by John Donne to be meant to "perplex the mind of the fair sex," its title is in third person, but all the rest is in first person. It makes fun of the language of courtship, speaking of "wooing on the banks of Ganges...Till the conversion of the Jews" and has "quaint" in "All your quaint honor turn to dust" referring to female pudendum. Elsewhere, it is all carpe diem, as in "It's either me or the worms". For ten points, name this Andrew Marvell poem about the seduction of a shy girl.;;To His Coy Mistress United States History;;Said to be able to trace his ancestry to Charlemagne, the Federalist and the Bible were always near him. Assured a place in the Dewey administration if that candidate had won, he ended up negotiating the peace treaty with Japan for Truman. He advocated letting Chiang Kai-Shek invade the Chinese mainland and tried to secure British assistance in bombing Dien Bien Phu. He was successful in organizing SEATO and his policies are the basis for the term "brinkmanship". For ten points, name this Secretary of State who wanted to liberate Communist nations, the guiding force behind the Eisenhower Doctrine.;;(John) (Foster) Dulles Pop Culture;;Its scene of French prisoners singing the Marseillaise when a French victory is scored is repeated in Casablanca. Von Rauffenstein, played by Erich von Stroheim, shoots down two Frenchmen, who are imprisoned with a wealthy Jew named Rosenthal. Though their treatment is humane, they make many escape attempts and finally make it when the aristocrat Boieldieu sacrifices himself for the other two and Marechal and Rosenthal are helped by a farm woman in going to Switzerland. For ten points, name this 1937 Jean Renoir movie.;;(The) Great Illusion|(La) Grande Illusion Literature;;In 1999 his ashes were discovered lying on a shelf in Italy's National Central Library, some 678 years after his death from malaria. His De vulgari eloquentia was the first attempt to classify Italy's dialects, with which he was quite familiar after a long exile from Florence. His La vita nuova tells of meeting Bice, daughter of Folco Portinari, and loving her until her 1290 death. He is reunited with her in his most famous book when she and Virgil guide him through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. For ten points, name this Italian admirer of Beatrice who wrote The Divine Comedy.;;Dante (Aligheri) Physics;;It was once thought to be similar to the light emitted by dyes exposed to light, but its namesake showed that it lacked gradual decrease in light. A similar effect is gamma rays having enough energy to pass light and make a visible cone. It exists when high-energy radiation passes through transparent material, so it can be seen as a blue glow in the water surrounding the core of a reactor. For ten points, name this effect similar to a sonic boom, in which charged particles passing through a medium at a speed greater than that of light produce visible light.;;Cherenkov (Effect|Radiation){1}? World History;;Newton made money from it by getting out at the top. It actually existed until 1853, but the estates of the directors were confiscated by Parliament much earlier. Robert Walpole's government survived it, but the Chancellor of the Exchequer was expelled. It was founded to trade slaves in Spanish America, but its business languished until George I became governor in 1718. Its stock price skyrocketed from 128 ½ to 1000 in seven months when it proposed to assume the national debt at 6% interest, but its collapse left many destitute. For ten points, name this speculative scheme of 1720.;;South Sea (Company|Bubble) Philosophy;;He opposed the idea of progress and said no advance could assist in the making of decisions, which is man's only way to fend off the horror of uncertainty. He said God places us in paradoxical situations to test our faith, putting us in a constant state of dread like the one described in Fear and Trembling. If all that sounds dismal, it may explain why he felt he was too downbeat to marry the girl he loved in his youth and spent his life opposing Hegel from Copenhagen. For ten points, name this "melancholy Dane" who wrote Sickness Unto Death and Either-Or.;;(Soren) Kierkegaard Literature;;Told through a series of letters, the title character loves a handsome nobleman and refuses to marry the elderly Mr Solmes to improve her finances. When her parents imprison her and attempt to force the marriage, she flees with Robert Lovelace. He drugs and rapes her because her family has insulted him and he hates her moral superiority. He offers to marry her, but she dies of a broken heart and her beloved is killed in a duel with her cousin. For ten points, name this 1747 Samuel Richardson work about Miss Harlowe, subtitled the History of a Young Lady.;;Clarissa Religion/Mythology;;His companion's arrival is foretold by dreams of embracing an axe and a boulder. His people hate him because he claims the right to sex with all new brides and their prayers prompt Aruru to make his enemy from clay. That opponent loses his strength and gains wisdom after coupling with the temple whore, Shamhat, letting this hero best him in wrestling and gain his allegiance. They make their way to the cedar forest while Humbaba wears only one of his seven coats of armor; nevertheless, only prayers of his mother, Ninsun, allow him and Enkidu to escape alive. For ten points, name this hero of a Sumerian epic who later sought the secret of eternal life.;;(The) (Epic of) Gilgamesh Physics;;It was first suggested by John Wallis in 1668 as the law of conservation of momentum. It accounts for the pain in your fist after you hit someone's face and makes clear that no self-generated forces exist. It says two objects interacting with each other must exert forces on each other and the size of the forces will be the same and diametrically opposed. One example is a road pushing a car's wheels forward after the wheels shove it backwards. For ten points, name this physical law stating: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.;;(Newton(')s) Third Law (of Motion) United States History;;He was honored in the first ticker tape parade, with a marching band led by Sousa. Nearly nominated for president over Bryan, support collapsed when he said the job required no ability. He ran his side-wheeler aground in the Civil War, but later helped build the modern navy and heeded Theodore Roosevelt's advice to set up a base in China. Disregarding the threat of mines, he caught Admiral Montojo's ships at anchor on May 1, 1898. For ten points, name this Admiral of the Navy who took no losses in destroying the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.;;(George) Dewey Art;;He served as a secret agent for Philip the Good, accompanying that duke on his 1428 trip to find a third wife and painting Isabella of Portugal. Vasari wrongly credited him with the invention of oil painting, but he is still famous for such works as his Annunciation and Madonna of Chancellor Rolin. The Three Marys at the Sepulcher may actually have been painted by his brother, Hubert, who assisted him with The Adoration of the Lamb, but is otherwise completely overshadowed. For ten points, name this Dutch artist renowned for The Arnolfini Wedding.;;(Jan) van Eyck United States History;;He failed to sail his Peace Ship to Europe in 1916 and convince nations to cease fighting. One of the first news stories about Hitler revealed Hitler's study to be filled with this man's picture and books. He left his farm to become a watchmaker and a Chicago slaughterhouse led to his idea of mass producing cars, most perfectly implemented at the Rouge River plant. He and Frank Duryea ended up creating the first working American automobile. For ten points, name this American industrialist known for his Model T.;;(Henry) Ford Psychology;;Freud thought it resulted from oral fixation. It must have a genetic component because its concordance rate in twins is 60% and it is found in 35% of those whose parents both suffer. It may be caused by cerebral malfunctioning when key RNA molecules are missing as GABA forms and sufferers have impaired frontal lobes and other abnormalities. The residual type causes mild eccentricity, but the disorganized sort creates total incoherence. More familiar are the stupor of the catatonic kind and the delusions of the paranoid variety. For ten points, name this disorder in which reality testing fails and social and intellectual functioning break down.;;Schizophrenia Chemistry;;It is important in processes involving coal or coke where knowledge about heat of reactions is essential. Based on the fact that mass and energy are conserved in chemical reactions, it allows enthalpy change to be found for reactions that can't be measured easily. For ten points, name this principle stating that if a reaction is the sum of two or more other reactions, the enthalpy change for the overall process is the sum of the enthalpy changes for the constituent reactions.;;Hess(')s (Law) Geography;;It received its present name at the suggestion of Nazi Hjalmar Schacht in 1936. Its highest peak is the Kuh-e Damavand and its 24 provinces, called ostanha, include Golestan, Yazd and Hamadan. The Elburz mountains dominate the north and a large desert stretches across the country. Its best known ethnic group makes up only half its population and it is 24% Azeri. The populace is united by Islam and the country has been led since 1989 by Ayatollah Khamenei. For ten points, name this country on the Persian Gulf with capital at Teheran.;;(Islamic) (Republic of) Iran World History;;Expecting the worst, the man who started it by invading Saxony and winning at Rossbach took a vial of poison to every battle. Surviving a long series of defeats to sign the Treaty of Hubertusburg, an ally bankrolled him until taxpayers could bear no more. This led William Pitt to remark that America was won on the plains of Germany, although the death of Empress Elizabeth after the sacking of Berlin and English victory on the Plains of Abraham meant more. For ten points, name this 1756 to 1763 war won by Frederick the Great and ultimately ended by the Treaty of Paris.;;Seven Years(') (War) Religion/Mythology;;It is the only Old Testament book not to mention wine. God asked its author, "Do you do well to be angry"? before destroying a precious gourd with a dry wind. Even animals had repented at God's call, but the protagonist was angry because God's love was extended to Israel's enemy. He tried to escape God's call by fleeing to Spain, but had men toss him overboard in a storm after they accepted God. An action which prefigured the death and resurrection of Christ took place before he finally made his way to Nineveh. For ten points, name this book of the fifth Minor Prophet, who was swallowed by a whale.;;Jonah Literature;;Its author gave the manuscript to his child's nurse to sell if she needed the money. A boy's adoptive mother raises him with strict knowledge of the "Laws," telling him again and again that he must one day kill his parents" murderer. Captured as a baby, he tries to escape his destiny by moving to a distant village, but his enemy follows him. With knowledge imparted by his teachers, Bagherra and Baloo, and information from a wolf, he kills the tiger, Shere Khan, and returns to his happy life in the forest. For ten points, name this Rudyard Kipling work about Mowgli.;;(The) Jungle Book Art;;It was first created in China's Zhou dynasty when the emperor wanted tiny representations of his realms and it wasn"t introduced to Japan by Zen masters until 1195 or so. The modern Chinese type involves creating dragons and other fantastic shapes, unlike the more familiar form found on the tokonoma shelf at New Year"s. Its creations can be up to a meter tall and must be pruned constantly once planted. Camellia, bamboo, azalea and pine are often used. For ten points, name this art form that is called "tray planting" in Japanese and entails making trees artificially tiny.;;Bonsai (Tree) Earth Science;;Its greasy feel, which leads to one type being called "sheep's fat," allowed it to be located by finders walking barefoot in rivers. It is stronger than steel, but has a beautiful sound when made into musical instruments. Emperor Qian Long (Chee-ahn Lung) invaded Burma to get at that country's superior supplies and it ranges in color from creamy white to violet, depending on impurity levels of calcium, chromium and manganese. Both nephrite and an aluminum silicate are called by this name, but nephrite is much more common. For ten points, name this precious stone best known for its deep green variety.;;Jade Astronomy;;Life might exist on their surfaces as a pattern of bonded particles so subject to the strong nuclear force that beings would live and die in ten to fifteen seconds. Protons at their centers may superconduct at 100 million degrees Kelvin and some are thought to be a hundred trillion times more magnetic than Earth. They form from bodies 15 to 30 times larger than the Sun. When their iron cores reach Chandrasekhar mass, gravity causes them to collapse inward. For ten points, name these stars whose constituents have been all compressed into their namesake particles.;;Neutron (Star(s)) Literature;;His 1940 story Solution Unsatisfactory predicted the U.S would win World War II by dropping an atomic bomb on an Axis city. This was part of his "Future History" series detailing world events from 1950 to 2600, collected as The Past Through Tomorrow. He was a naval officer until selling his story Life Line in 1939 and he wrote a series for juveniles which started with Rocket Ship Galileo. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress was his first book and he won four Hugo awards, but turned off some fans with the fascist wonderland of Starship Troopers. For ten points, name the author of Stranger in a Strange Land.;;(Robert) (Anson) Heinlein Philosophy;;Like Epicureanism, it makes pleasure the highest goal, so conduct and character have no intrinsic value. Pleasures are all equal qualitatively; "pushpin is as good as poetry". Its "hedonistic calculus" allows pleasures to be evaluated according to duration, intensity and number of people affected, and antisocial acts may be made painful through sanctions. In this way, it brings "the greatest good to the greatest number". For ten points, name this school of philosophy which Bentham said, "approves or disapproves of every action according to the tendency to augment or diminish" happiness.;;Utilitarianism Pop Culture;;He spent his last years in prison for fondling a teenage boy, perhaps a consequence of his overprotective mother's advice to stay away from women. He failed to make the varsity squad at the University of Pennsylvania, but still wrote the classic book The Art of Tennis. He beat the Australian Gerald Patterson to take the 1920 Wimbledon championship, but in later years forced the British champion to come to face him in America. He also led the U.S team to seven straight Davis Cup victories. For ten points, name the first American to win the men's singles title.;;(Bill) Tilden Religion/Mythology;;Their arrival saw a Hindu ruler give their leaders a bowl of milk to show that the land was full; they returned the milk with a gold ring in it to show they would enrich without overcrowding. Muslim invaders annihilated them in Gujarat in 1516, but they recovered by tying their fortunes to the English. One of them built the Minden, the ship on which F.S Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner, and others became industrialists and financiers. They included Indira Gandhi's father and Jinnah's wife, as well as Freddy Mercury. For ten points, name these Zoroastrians who live mainly in Bombay and place their dead on Towers of Silence.;;Parsi(s) Art;;He is the only dancer to ever do the entrechat dix, crossing his legs ten times in one leap, and people swore he could pause in mid-air. He was called the Northern Vestris after a French dancer next to whom he is now buried and he danced the lead at the Maryinsky Theater at 18, performing with Anna Pavlova until demoted for showing too much skin before the empress. He met his gay lover, Sergei Diaghilev, in 1908 and was acclaimed for his pas de deux in Sleeping Beauty and his role in Swan Lake. Petruchka was written as a showcase for him. For ten points, name this Russian dancer who premiered The Rite of Spring before losing his mind.;;(Vaslav) Nijinsky Biology;;It disappears at the start of mitosis and mysteriously reforms by telophase. In plants, it makes the cell plate and cell wall. Its major processing activity is glycosylation, the adding of sugar molecules to form glycoproteins. Some of its products end up embedded in the plasma membrane and others go to lysosomes or are excreted by exocytosis. It is a stack of membrane-bound cisternae between the endoplasmic reticulum and cell surface. For ten points, name this cell structure that processes the proteins created by the endoplasmic reticulum.;;Golgi (Apparatus|Bod(y|ies){1}?) Chemistry;;When it was discovered, the existence of isotopes was not known, but as long as a sample has the same relative proportions of its isotopes, it still holds. Non-stoichiometric compounds have serious violations of it. Joseph-Louis Proust proved it, but John Dalton made the concrete formulation. For ten points, name this principle that a given chemical compound always contains the same elements in the same fixed proportions by weight.;;(Law of) Definite Proportions Literature;;An eight volume, 6000-page series details what he was doing most days of his life. He thought he had been imprisoned for seven years for loving Leonora, the Duke of Alfonso's sister, but, in fact, he was just out of his mind. Coiner of the term morphology, he was an amateur scientist who discovered the intermaxillary bone. Also a leader of Sturm and Drang, his first play was The Lover's Caprice. He is more famous for such writings as Iphigenia in Tauris and Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. For ten points, name this German author of Faust and The Sorrows of Young Werther.;;(Johann) (Wolfgang) (von) Goethe Literature;;He claimed that dragons exist in India, and said tooth decay was prevented by eating two mice a month. The existence of an ox-drawn grain harvester was not believed it until a depiction was found in Belgium in 1958. He described cities that no longer exist and his botanical writings came mostly from Theophrastus, but also from his own journeys in Germany. Always careful to credit sources, he said his purpose was the collection of scattered knowledge and his nephew wrote about him after he was killed by Vesuvius. For ten points, name this Roman author of Natural History.;;Pliny (the Elder)|Gaius Plinius Secundus Literature;;Based on the Odyssey, David Ricardo's car-loving cousin, Francis, was the model for its main character. It begins with one member of an eventual quartet leaving home to gaze in amazement at a river. He rafts down it and meets several companions in coattails, with whom he enjoys a picnic lunch. The protagonist's automotive misadventures cause him to lose his estate and fortune and end up in jail, but he and his friends finally take back his home from occupying weasels and skunks. For ten points, name this Kenneth Grahame book about Mole, Ratty, Badger and the lovable Toad.;;(The) Wind in the Willows United States History;;Purportedly a doctor and antique dealer, GM made a special car for him with bullet-proof glass and gas tank and a gun compartment behind the seats. He used the surname Brown for a while and received the wound for which he was nicknamed when he was slashed at a Brooklyn bar. He inherited his business from John Torrio and was making $100,000,000 a year by 1928, when Big Bill Thompson decided to run him out of town. Ricco in Little Caesar was based on him and he spent most of the Thirties in Alcatraz. For ten points, name this Chicago gangster whose most notorious killing was the 1929 slaying of Bugs Moran's men in the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre.;;(Al) Capone Economics;;After his oral exams for a Harvard economics degree, the professors asked him, "Did we pass"? He was an adviser to Kennedy and Johnson and often disagreed with fellow columnist Milton Friedman while writing for Newsweek. He has never apologized for the tenth edition of his book's conclusion that "[i]t is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable" and the 1985 edition's "there can be no doubt that the Soviet planning system has been a powerful engine for economic growth". For ten points, name the first American to win the Nobel in his discipline, author of the much overused textbook Economics.;;(Paul) Samuelson Literature;;Only one of the author's works to mention America and perhaps his earliest writing, it has a hooker's request for her ring back greeted with incomprehension, making her tell a man's wife of his philandering. Another man is scolded by that wife for being late to dinner while the true master of the house is locked out. He falls in love with Luciana, who entreats him to stay faithful to her sister, but problems are solved when an abbess turns out to be their mother and ransom is paid for their father, Aegeon. For ten points, name this Shakespeare comedy based on the Menaechmi, in which twins named Antipholus are reunited.;;(The) Comedy of Errors Geography;;It has Europe's only full-time Yiddish-language theater and its Saxon Park was created by English gardener James Savage in 1727. The river that bisects it was the home of a mermaid named Syrena who lured its namesake brother and sister founders to her. The trendy Praga district lies on the river's right side and the Royal Route runs through the shopping district to Wilanow Palace. Although its Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site, 85% of the city was destroyed in World War II, as were almost all the Jews who made up 1/3 of its population. For ten points, name this city cut in half by the Vistula, largest city and capital of Poland.;;Wars(z)aw(a)|Varshava United States History;;He was getting drunk at a fish fry while his leaderless troops were dying at Five Forks, allowing Union forces to take Petersburg's last rail line. He lost almost all his men by 1865 and was relieved of command after Sayler's Creek. Appointed to West Point by Abraham Lincoln, he graduated dead last in his class. Confident and high-spirited before leading a division composed of Kemper"s, Garnett's and Armistead's brigades, he fought hard and bravely for once, withdrawing from Cemetery Ridge only with defeat certain. For ten points, name this Confederate who said, "I think the Union Army had something to do with it," when explaining failure of his charge at Gettysburg.;;(George) Pickett Philosophy;;His linear descendant and heir to his noble title is a Los Angeles-based rapper. Original copies of his books were found when his house was demolished, creating a schism between followers of different texts. He believed man was good by nature, but required education to bring out his best qualities, chief among which were ren, brotherly love, and li, propriety. He would have abolished feudal distinctions and replaced them with a meritocracy. He wished to provide strictest moral training for a few gentlemen, who would provide an example for the rest of society. For ten points, name this Chinese philosopher who wrote The Analects.;;Confucius|Kong Fu-Zi Literature;;His parson father was prone to fits of rage and once tried to kill this man's brother, but this author's own son became Governor-General of Australia. Truman carried his poem with the lines "Parliament of man, the Federation of the World" in his pocket although that poem, "Locksley Hall," is actually a scathing attack on English society. ""Tis better to have loved and lost/Than never to have loved at all" was what he said about his friend Arthur Hallam in his "In Memoriam" and the poem that is last in every edition of his works, "Crossing the Bar," is an epitaph for himself. For ten points, name this author of Idylls of the King, Maud and the Charge of the Light Brigade.;;(Alfred) (Lord) Tennyson Pop Culture;;Captain Ronald Reagan signed this major's discharge papers and Louis Mayer convinced a junior executive to take the blame after he killed a pedestrian,. Michael Milken now owns the house he bought from director Raoul Walsh and in which he wooed Carol Lombard. He starred with Jean Harlow in Hold Your Man and China Seas and became known as "King of Hollywood". This manly star is best remembered for singing "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" as Peter Warne in one famous film and later stating, "Frankly, my dear, I don"t give a damn". For ten points, name this star of It Happened One Night and Gone With the Wind.;;(Clark) Gable Physics;;It can be determined with a high degree of precision, so it is used to find values of other fundamental constants and was first used to describe the wavelengths of light in various series of related spectral lines. It was determined by measurements of the wavelengths of spectral lines of hydrogen-like atoms, with the relationship between the wavelength and it being given by Bohr's formula. For ten points, name this atomic constant equal to 1.097 * 10 to the 7th inverse meters, describing the binding energy between an electron and an atomic nucleus.;;Rydberg (Constant)|R World History;;The king on playing cards is based on his portrait. When his missing body was found in Henry VIII's tomb in 1813, a doctor took his vertebra and Walter Scott made it into a salt cellar. He fathered about 20 illegitimate children, but a bigger problem was his foreign wars. When Parliament wouldn"t give funds to fight Spain, he forced loans from citizens and quartered soldiers in private homes. Parliament protested with the Petition of Right in 1628 and engaged him in full-scale war from 1642 to 1646. For ten points, name this English king whose followers were the Cavaliers and who was executed in 1649.;;Charles (I|the First){1}? Religion/Mythology;;Clothed by the Horae and accompanied by the Graces, she was honored by Julius Caesar, who claimed her as an ancestor. Poseidon's sons wouldn"t let her land on Rhodes, so she made them rape their mother and another nasty deed was having the mares of Glaucus eat him. She tried to seduce Nerites with a pair of wings, but turned him to a mollusk when he refused and gave the present to her companion. Known by the sobriquets Destroyer of Men and She of the Beautiful Ass, she made love to Hermes, Dionysus, Poseidon and Zeus before marrying Hephaestus. For ten points, name this Greek goddess of love often seen with Eros.;;Aphrodite|Venus Chemistry;;It can be used to determine cooking times and rates of pesticide decay in soil. It always seems to be increasing exponentially because the temperature at which it approaches an asymptote is too high for kinetic studies. First determined to find changes in rate of inversion of sucrose, it is expressed as its namesake constant multiplied by the natural logarithm e to the negative power of activation energy divided by the product of temperature and gas constant. For ten points, name this equation used to find effect of temperature on reaction rate, named for a Swede.;;Arrhenius (Equation) Pop Culture;;He helped Spaulding design the first set of matched clubs and began the practice of giving them numbers rather than Scottish names. He recovered completely from his early habit of temper tantrums, including the one that lead him to walk off Saint Andrews at the British Open, that he was dubbed "Robot, the Mechanical Man of Golf". He won his first tournament at age six and is the youngest player to ever play in a U.S Amateur Championship. Before retiring at 28, he won thirteen major championships from 1923 to 1930 and is the only player to win all four majors in one year. For ten points, name this designer of the Augusta National.;;(Bobby|Robert (Tyre) ) Jones (Jr(.) |Junior) Literature;;The mother of the protagonist's half brother casts a spell that nearly kills him before a Taoist priest arrives and he is almost beaten to death by his father, Cheng, when a maid drowns herself. The mother's corruption leads to the death and arrest of most of the family and only his grandmother, Madame Shi, cares about main character, allowing him to marry his cousin, Tai Yu. This weird book ends when the boy forsakes the life of a mandarin to become a bodhisattva. For ten points, name this Chinese novel which begins with a stone cast from Heaven to land in the mouth of Jia Bao Yu.;;Dream of Red (Mansions|Chamber){1}?|Hong Lou Meng|Story of the Stone Biology;;Said to be the first to check the pulse, he put lead plates under men to prevent nocturnal emissions from draining vital essences. A doctor in a gladiator's school, he rubbed dirt in wounds to produce the pus which he believed necessary for healing and he also served as physician to Commodus, producing most of his books in retirement. He wrote that arteries are filled with blood, not air, and his most influential book was his Method of Healing, an encyclopedia of remedies. The only ancient medical work based on human subjects is an appendix on bones found in his On Anatomical Procedure. For ten points, name this Greek anatomist who influenced Western medicine for centuries.;;Galen|Claudius Galenus Biology;;A lawsuit drove him from Hamburg after he declared the town's seven-headed hydra a fake and he is believed to be the true inventor of the Celsius thermometer. A botanist by trade, he tried to grow rice, cacao and mulberries in his frigid homeland and find native substitutes for tea and coffee. He was first to categorize men as red, yellow, black and white types and coined the name Homo sapiens. While still a student, he made an expedition to Lapland and published the first edition of Systema Naturae, in which he grouped organisms according to characteristics. For ten points, name this Swedish Father of Taxonomy.;;(Carolus) Linnaeus|(Carl) (von) Linne Pop Culture;;He invented false eyelashes so the eyes of Seena Owens would look big, but never took a patent. He wanted to be a playwright, but his The Fool and the Girl only lasted two weeks. He took an acting job with Edwin Porter and then shot The Adventures of Dollie. He was first to show only half of actors" bodies and created the "American Shot" to depict people only from the knees up. The editing together of widely separated locales, or cross-cutting, was his creation and he invented the flashback with cinematographer G.W Bitzer. For ten points, name this maker of Intolerance and Birth of a Nation.;;(David (Wark) |D(.)W(.)) Griffith World History;;During the Korean War, eyewitness accounts stated that American soldiers were partners in it. It started when two soldiers, later lionized by the press, held a decapitation competition and later saw use of human heads as soccer balls. The dead from it were buried in so-called Ten Thousand Man Pits, which often held more than thirty thousand bodies. Though Japanese commander Iwane Matsui promised mercy, people "were hunted like rabbits" until its end in February, 1938, by which time more than 200,000 were dead. For ten points, name this atrocity in which thousands of corpses, old women and young girls were sexual assaulted.;;(The) Rape of Nanking|Nan Jing Da Tu Sha Literature;;It was carried by both John Hinckley and Mark David Chapman when they committed their shootings. The title comes from a nursery rhyme sung by a little boy to please only himself, something the narrator admires. That narrator's obsession with justice gains him a beating from Maurice, the attendant who procures a whore for him, leads to a fight after a schoolgirl is slandered and causes him to see his older brother, D.B., as a sellout for writing scripts in Hollywood. Making it to his parents" house, he tells only his sister, Phoebe, that he has been expelled from school. For ten points, name this J.D Salinger book about Holden Caulfield's adventures in New York.;;(The) Catcher in the Rye Music;;Its composer refused to label it either opera buffa or seria, instead calling it happy drama. The orchestra received its overture only 30 minutes before the curtain rose, but it was a huge smash at its Prague premier. Famous for such tragic moments as the duel, the death of the Commendatore and the grief of Donna Anna, the title character hears music from the Marriage of Figaro played at the last banquet of his life and comments, "I have frequently heard that tune!" In the epilogue, his servant, Leporello, sings of his coming to the palace to seduce women and to murder an old man. For ten points, name this Mozart opera in which the protagonist is dragged to Hell by a marble statue.;;Don Giovanni Literature;;He made his wife, Adele Foucher, hate sex by having it eight times on their wedding night, but she still had an affair for spite. His first book of verse, Odes and Diverse Poems, got him a pension from Louis XVIII, but his views changed when Charles X's censors stopped performance of his play, Marion de Lorme. Champion of the Romantics, his preface to Cromwell said that Romanticism is the liberalism of literature. He later created a huge stir with Hernani and gained worldwide fame with publication of a novel about Jean Valjean. For ten points, name this French author of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Miserables.;;(Victor) ((-)Marie) Hugo Biology;;A derivative of tryptophan, it may cause puberty when a critical body weight is reached, accounting for fat girls reaching menarche early. It acts to keep a child's body from undergoing sexual maturation, so levels are highest in children under seven. Its level falls with exposure to light and rises in the dark, so light hitting the eye probably inhibits nerve pathways responsible for its secretion. This accounts for the coincidence of longer days with mating activity in seasonally breeding animals. However, it is named for its regulation of pigmentation in frogs. For ten points, name this hormone secreted by the pineal gland.;;Melatonin Art;;About one-sixth of pieces bearing his name are fakes and his plastic pillow sculpture called Clouds was the backdrop for Merce Cunningham's ballet Rainforest. Saying, "I like boring things," he once filmed six hours of a man sleeping. He managed the Velvet Underground and his seven-hour movie, The Chelsea Girls, played simultaneously on two sides of a screens for three and a half hours. Before all that, he had been an advertising draftsman, leading him to call his workshop "The Factory" and make such pieces as Green Coca-Cola Bottles and 100 Soup Cans. For ten points, name this creator of Marilyn Monroe- and Brillo Pad-themed works.;;(Andy) Warhol Physics;;Without any theoretical justification when first created, it explains why humans don't glow: they emit little radiation and most is longer than the visual range. At low temperatures, a blackbody emits long wavelengths as red light. As temperature rises, the most abundant wavelengths are smaller and more energetic, so the color goes from orange to yellow-white. For ten points, name this principle important in analyzing the characteristics of radiation, which states the wavelength of radiation emitted by a blackbody is inversely proportional to its temperature.;;Wien((')s) (Displacement) (Law) Technology;;One possible consequence of their existence is the "gray goo" catastrophe, in which their exponential spread consumes all life in a short time. Tiny, cage-like versions can deliver drugs straight to sites on the liver and artificial muscles made from them contract when electricity is applied. They might be used for clothes that change temperature on command or furniture that changes shape. They can be easily created because their tiny units are held togther by Van der Waals forces and one will attract several others. Their greatest potential is use in assembling and disassembling objects in short periods of time. For ten points, name these devices made from units a billionth of a meter long.;;Nano(machine(s)|technolog(y|ies){1}?|bot(s)){1}? Literature;;His Amphiaraos has disappeared and one early work called Plutus is gone, though a later one with the same name still exists. He threw his rival, Eupolis, into the sea after being lampooned by that man, but mercilessly attacked Cleon after prosecution for writing The Babylonians. One famous work has Twister worrying that his long-haired son, Horsey, loves chariot-racing too much and sending him for instruction at the Think-Shop. In another play, male actors have continual erections under their costumes because women have gone on a sex strike. For ten points, name this only surviving Greek Comedy writer, author of The Frogs, The Clouds and Lysistrata.;;Aristophanes United States History;;Receiving nothing for her services, her son went to Europe at 18 and may have played violin with Beethoven. Her name means "bird woman" and all her accounts were received fourth-hand, having been translated through three tongues. She was one of fur trader Toussaint Charbonneau's two wives and he rendered her Hidatsa into French. A Catholic, she joined the party that wintered near her village after giving birth to a boy nicknamed Pompey, whom she carried on the entire journey and back. She lived with the Mandan and Hidatsa, although she was a Lemhi Shoshone and sister of Chief Cameahwait, whom she met while scouting ahead of her group. For ten points, name this Indian who led Lewis and Clark to the Pacific.;;Sacagawea Pop Culture;;She aborted a child by sitting in a tub of hot water and mustard and believed her inability to conceive again was punishment from God. An errand girl at a whorehouse, her first recording session was with Benny Goodman. She toured with Count Basie and Artie Shaw, but her greatest collaborator was Lester Young, who nicknamed her after she began calling him "Prez". Making more than 200 records for which she never received royalties, her two most famous songs were "God Bless the Child" and "Strange Fruit". For ten points, name this singer called "Lady Day" who was portrayed in Lady Sings the Blues.;;(Billie) Holiday Physics;;It makes the sound of thunder from distant lightning low because sound must get past many obstacles and longer wavelengths more easily make it, unlike a close strike's sharp crack. It ruins magnified images if wavelengths employed for viewing are larger than objects seen. The Fresnel type occurs if that scientist's namesake number is greater than one; the Fraunhofer variety is seen if the value is less than one. It happens because Huygen's principle says all points on a wave front are propagation sources, so even the tiniest opening can ruin a soundproof room. For ten points, name the phenomenon of waves bending when passing edges of openings.;;Diffraction United States History;;The advertisement was signed by Hollywood stars, as well as many clergymen who subsequently said use of their names was unauthorized. Of information reported, William Brennan said, "It is uncontroverted that some of the statements…were not accurate descriptions of events which occurred in Montgomery". It was ruled that the white sheriff who brought suit against The Committee to Defend Martin Luther King and the Struggle for Freedom in the South was not defamed because no actual malice had existed. For ten points, name this 1964 Supreme Court case in which the First Amendment was found to apply to state tort law, a suit against a paper with 394 subscribers in Alabama.;;(New York|N(.)Y(.)) Times V(ersus|s(.)) Sullivan Literature;;It has Arcasia bound by Guyon, but not killed, thus showing the sensuality of her Bower of Bliss must always be restrained. A section celebrates the Christian virtue of Lady Una, who frees her parents from a dragon with the aid of holiness personified, the Red Crosse Knight, whose goal is to restore Eden. Walter Raleigh arranged for the publication of its first books and appears as Timias, while Mary, Queen of Scots, appears as Duessa. The best-known personage is represented by the chaste knight, Britomart, whose marriage leads to the reign of a Virgin ruler. For ten points, name this epic dedicated to Elizabeth I by Edmund Spencer.;;(The) Faerie Queen(e) Art;;It is the only work in the Louvre by an American artist. Its creator wanted it appreciated for formal qualities and asked, "What can or ought the public to care about the identity of the portrait"? Done after sculptor Albert Moore's forms, it was made after its painter deserted his lover, Joanna Heffernan, and had no regular model. A picture is overhead and a curtain hangs on the left. Broad brushstrokes have been used to depict the wall, but the flesh and hands are very detailed. The subject rests her feet on a wooden stand and wears a lace cover with a black dress. For ten points, name this 1872 depiction of the painter of The White Girl's female parent.;;Whistler(')s Mother|Arrangement in Grey and Black (Portrait of the Painter's Mother) Religion/Mythology;;He was named patron saint of telecommunications in 1921, but more interesting is the possibility that he is actually a female, indicated by the task of educating souls for nine months before they are born. He once fell into disgrace for disobeying God's command, but bounced back to lead Mohammed's army at the battle of Bedr, inspire Joan of Arc and stop Queen Vashti from appearing naked before Ahasuerus. He is more famous for guarding Eden and telling Daniel that a Messiah would be born, a message repeated to Mary much later. For ten points, name this archangel whose name means "God is my strength".;;Gabriel Pop Culture;;He had a heart 30% bigger than any other thoroughbred's ever seen and was the size of a three-year-old at age two. He ended his career with victory in the Canadian International Championship and a 28-member syndicate then pooled $6 million to share in his breeding profits. Offspring of Bold Ruler, and Somethingroyal, his jockey was Ron Turcotte and his first race was the only one in which he took no prize money. Winning the Belmont by 31 lengths and taking 1st place sixteen times, he made more money for number of races run than any other horse before his 1973 retirement. For ten points, name this first racehorse since Citation in 1948 to win the Triple Crown.;;Secretariat Literature;;Its subtitle alludes to the protagonist's lack of an outlet for his creativity after his brother, Ben, dies. That brother defends him against schoolyard bullies and appears in a vision at the end. His mother leaves his hard-drinking father, Oliver, when he is eight and starts the Dixieland boardinghouse. He dislikes his work there, but relishes the chance to attend private school and pave his way to Pulpit Hill and Harvard graduate school, something he desires enough to sign away his inheritance. An autobiography, the author was sued for malicious gossip because its setting is clearly Asheville, North Carolina. For ten points, name this novel about Eugene Gant by Thomas Wolfe.;;Look Homeward, Angel (: A Story of the Buried Life) Architechture;;Its roof has mud tiles mixed with gold to show humility and its terrace is stabilized with iron-filled casements. Its cenotaphs use gemstones to depict flowers in pietro dura and its garden is divided by canals and based on the Persian chaharbagh plan. 20,000 men built it, many carving their names in Persian or Devangari, and its namesake destroyed the Christian settlement at Hooghly, selling the people into slavery and having the priests trampled by elephants. Because white symbolizes Brahmins and red kshatriyas, the main building is faced with marble while the adjacent mosque and Assembly Hall are red sandstone. For ten points, name this Agra mausoluem of Shah Jahan and his wife.;;Taj Mahal Biology;;The only one fully decoded came from a man in Buffalo called RCPI-11. One gene has a ribosome component that makes a different protein than its counterpart and 77 other genes are also active, causing a 1 to 2 percent difference in full genetic complements. Genes are discarded when damaged or obsolete, but fertility genes are almost all in palindromic sections which can be aligned with each other to fix mutations, allowing it to escape the gradual decay of Muller's Ratchet. A single DNA molecule 51 million units long, only its tip stops it from recombining with the X to make everyone the same sex. For ten points, name this chromosome that makes males.;;Y\s*(Chromosome) World History;;Its end saw Swiss and Dutch independence formally confirmed and the population of central Europe resorting to cannibalism. Christian IV invaded, but retreated and gave up Holstein after four years. The Spanish conquest of Trier had caused Louis XIII to take part after Richelieu had subsidized Sweden for years. Although the Swedes smashed their enemies at Leipzig, they were nearly annihilated by a Spanish and Austrian army at Nordlingen, leading to the Peace of Prague. The trouble started when Protestant states formed the Evangelical Union to counter the threat of Baron Tilly's Catholic League. For ten points, name this conflict ended by the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia.;;(The) (Thirty|30th){1}? Years(') (War) Literature;;His life was changed when he received Ernest Fenollosa's notes on Chinese poetry and, though he never visited China, this Poet of Titchfield Street taught himself characters on and off for years and is largely responsible for the misconception advanced in The Chinese Written Characters as a Medium for Poetry that they are all ideograms. His translation of Rihaku's poem The River-Merchant's Wife is found in the collection Cathay and is mostly this of poet's own creation. He helped advance the careers of Robert Frost, Marianne Moore and, especially, T.S. Eliot, but disgraced himself by broadcasting propaganda for Mussolini. For ten points, name this Imagist who wrote The Pisan Cantos.;;(Ezra) Pound Noncomputational Math;;His talent was discovered when he tried to mathematically prove the Book of Genesis. As a student, he first suggested that the area around electrical charges could be described mathematically and his doctoral thesis for Gauss paved the way for a surface on which multi-valued functions of complex variables can be described as single-valued. His second-greatest legacy involved the sum of one and an infinite series of numbers to the power of x. To this day, no one is sure what values of x will equal 0, but this scientist guessed complex numbers with real parts equal to ½ fit the bill. For ten points, name this German known for a geometry in which parallel lines never cross and his signature zeta function.;;(Georg) (Friedrich) (Bernhard) Riemann Biology;;Chinese eat its fried flowers and Americans use its wood for popsicle sticks. Turkeys, squirrels and other wild animals eat its seeds, while a medicine obtained from its bark can relieve asthma. The first arose 65 million years ago and the 240 species live everywhere from the Himalayas to the Amazon jungle. Breeders are working on dwarf versions and types with giant flowers, but its unaltered flowers are up to 15 inches across and smell like lemon. Named for a French botanist, it is a symbol of the South. For ten points, name this tree with white blossoms, on the steel variety of which a horrible chick flick was made.;;Magnolia Biology;;It is produced by decarboxylation of an amino acid and the liver deactivates any that circulates through methylation and oxidation reactions. It causes phosphorylation of an intercellular adhesion protein, creating gaps between cells into which fluids can seep and may also cause leukocytes to release cytokines. Appearing after IgE brings a response from a mast cell, it also causes constriction of smooth muscle, so its release brings on asthma attacks when triggering substances appear. Its release is stimulated by antibodies against mosquito saliva and in cases of hives and it causes nerves to signal pain. For ten points, name this protein involved in allergic reactions.;;Histamine World History;;His given name means "sorrowless," but he was called by such epithets as Beloved of the Gods and Gentle Visaged. Inspiring many to vegetarianism, his sister, Sanghamitra, founded a nunnery and his brother, Mahendra, was missionary to Ceylon. He himself sent missions to Epirus, Cyrene and Egypt, built 84,000 stupas and gave up hunting. Believing moral law to be key to governing, he had edicts carved on pillars and rocks all over his land and the lions topping one serve as India's national symbol. For ten points, name this grandson of Chandragupta who may have become a Buddhist novice at some point and renounced violence after killing 100,000 Kalingas.;;Ashoka Religion/Mythology;;It ends by cautioning readers to never neglect economic success and spiritual fulfillment in pursuit of its subject matter. The original guides women in sharply rebuking unfaithful husbands, but the Victorian translation encourages acceptance. It is also alleged that Richard Burton altered sections on women's pleasure and used the Sanskrit for penis and vulva where the original employed the unisex "jaghana," meaning area between the legs. It was created by a student of religion who named Vatsyayana who said that he wrote "in chastity and in the highest meditation," but still graphically described positions that many acrobats couldn"t attempt. For ten points, name this Indian guide to rati, sexual pleasure.;;Kama Sutra Philosophy;;First a right-wing monarchist, his medicine saved the life of Anthony Ashley-Cooper and he was his age's greatest advocate of free trade, hoping profits would allow England to build an empire. A Socinian, he wrote The Reasonableness of Christianity as Delivered in the Scriptures in 1695 and opposed forcing men to change their creeds because that did not truly change their hearts. That view was in his Letter Concerning Toleration, but his most famous work said that sovereigns have delivered men from a terrible "state of nature" and must be respected; nevertheless the people retain the right to overthrow bad rulers. For ten points, name this author of Two Treatises of Government and Essay Concerning Human Understanding.;;(John) Locke Geography;;Its name comes from a Cherokee capital and it is also known as the Butternut State and the Big Bend State. First state admitted without a territorial government, it was the site of more Civil War battles than any state except Virginia. Reelfoot Lake in its Mississippi Bottomlands is the only large natural lake, but a series of dams has created its Great Lakes of the South. Its Unaka Mountains contain sixteen peaks over 6,000 feet, the tallest being Clingmans Dome. Half its land is covered by forest and its namesake river, formed from the Holston and French Broad Rivers, dips into Alabama before returning to this state. For ten points, this Volunteer State with capital at Nashville.;;Tennessee Psychology;;He declared his satisfaction with progressive education in Soviet schools after his 1928 visit and foresaw a gap developing between coastal elites and middle America. His greatest teacher was G Stanley Hall, who introduced him to the scientific method and led him to fuse idealism and experimental science. He said knowledge guided interaction with the environment, a theory called "instrumentalism," and attempted to apply his theories of knowledge acquisition to education in How We Think. His article "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology" said active participation is the sine qua non of learning. For ten points, name this author of The School and Society and Democracy and Education.;;(John) Dewey World History;;It was reoccupied after the war, but abandoned for good in the Sixties, when parts were auctioned off and some made into tourist attractions. Most parts already existed, but the huge Hackenberg and Hochwald installations were built from scratch. Made from 26 million cubic feet of cement, its guns pointed only east and it contained six levels and a miniature railroad. Called a "tombstone" by J.C, Fuller, the blueprint was done by a committee, but the funds were procured and much building done by Andre Tardieu's Minister of War. For ten points, name this series of fortifications from the Swiss border to Belgium, bypassed in the German invasion of France.;;Maginot (Line) Chemistry;;The change in Gibbs free energy of an electrochemical reaction is equal to the negative of the moles of electrons transferred times the voltage times this quantity. Named for an English scientist, it is equivalent to 96485.3415 coulombs. Identify this constant defined as the charge carried by a mole of electrons.;;Faraday('s constant) Chemistry;;Carbonic acid and bicarbonate forms one in blood plasma and another common one is acetic acid and acetate. Based on Le Chatlier's principle and the common ion effect, these solutions are described by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Name these solutions of an weak acid and its conjugate base that resist changes in pH.;;buffer(s)|buffer (solutions) Chemistry;;Lavoisier defined it as having a central atom with a high oxidation state surrounded by the element oxygen. Usanovich defined it as something that accepts negative species and donates positive ones. Lewis said they accept electron pairs while Bronsted-Lowry said they donate protons. Name these substances that Arrhenius defined as compounds that yields hydronium ions in water.;;acid(s) Chemistry;;It is most noticeable when a car's headlights shine in the fog. Named for an Irish scientist, it is used to distinguish between different types of mixtures. Name this effect in which light is scattered by a colloid.;;Tyndall (effect) Chemistry;;Jan Ingenhousz first observed this phenomenon with carbon dust on alcohol in 1765. Its namesake discoverer, a botanist, did not observe it till 1827 when he examined pollen floating on water. Name this phenomenon in which minute particles immersed in a fluid move about randomly.;;Brownian motion Chemistry;;It loses effectiveness quickly due to the formation of the extremely volatile liquid nitrosyl chloride. First discovered by an Islamic alchemist in 800 AD, it can attack all but the most passive of metals. Name this mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid known for its ability to dissolve gold.;;Aqua regia Chemistry;;It was discovered by William Ramsay and Morris Travers in the residue left over from evaporating liquid air. In 1962, Neil Bartlett synthesized a compound of this element by binding it with PtF6. Name this second heaviest noble gas whose name comes from the Latin for strange.;;Xe(non) Physics;;It is related to the force of friction by the coefficient mu. This contact force results from the interaction of electrons and is usually balanced by gravity. Name this force that acts perpendicular to the surface of contact.;;Normal (force) Physics;;This device was invented by Coulomb to measure electrostatic forces between two particles, leading to the formulation of his namesake law. Henry Cavendish used one to measure the force of gravity between two masses in order to determine G. Name this device used to measure extremely weak forces.;;Torsion balance Physics;;Wien's law describes the relationship of temperature and wavelength of maximum emission for one. Stefan-Boltzmann's law relates the fourth power of the temperature and the total energy flux radiated. Kirchhoff's laws relate how much it emits to how much it absorbs. Name this type of objects that theoretically absorb all energy that falls on it.;;black body Physics;;It can be found by taking the square root of the product of the relative permittivity and the relative permeability. Brewster's Law uses this quantity to find a particular incident angle at which no reflection will occur. Snell's law uses it to calculate the amount of refraction for light traveling through two media. Name this quantity simply defined as the ratio of the speed of light in a vaccum to the speed of light in a medium.;;refractive index|index of refraction Physics;;It has the same units as action as well as angular momentum. Most commonly written in units of eV times s, this constant has a value of 6.626e-34 in SI units. Identify this constant, abbreviated h, named for the German physicist who formulated the quantum.;;Planck((')s constant) Physics;;This quantity times mass is equal to yank, the derivative of force with respect to time. Measured in units of meters per second cubed, it is defined as the derivative of acceleration with respect to time. Name this quantity that can cause whiplash when it is too great and does not mean someone is mean.;;jerk Astronomy;;Its discoverer originally named it Georgium Sidus, or George's Star, in honor of King George III. Scientists outside of Britain proposed that it be named Herschel after its discoverer. Johann Bode gave it its current name, the Latinized version of Ouranos, Greek god of the sky. Name this 7th planet from the sun discovered in 1781.;;Uranus Astronomy;;It can be located by following the central point of the "w" shape of Cassiopeia. It is more commonly found by tracing and extending a line from Merak to Dubhe. The brightest "star" in the constellation Ursa Minor, it is actually a trinary system. Name this star located within one degree of the North celestial pole.;;Polaris Astronomy;;All known planetary rings are located within it except for Saturn's E-Ring. Jupiter's Metis and Saturn's Pan exist within it without a problem due to their high tensile strength. Triton is in danger of passing into Neptune's and possibly breaking up into little fragments, a common fate of comets and meteoroids. Name this theoretical boundary inside which tidal forces of a large planet will rip apart an orbiting satellite held together by only gravity.;;Roche (limit|radius){1}? Astronomy;;At the termination shock, its supersonic particles are slowed to subsonic speeds by interstellar medium. It is responsible for thinning the Martian atmosphere as well as the tails of a comet. Name this stream of particles ejected from the sun's corona that also causes auroras on earth.;;Solar wind Astronomy;;It was discovered by Edmund Halley who noticed that the positions of Sirius, Arcturus and Aldebaran differed from that charted by Hipparchus. Barnard's Star has the largest one of all stars at 10.3 arcseconds per year. Name this measurement of a star's change in position in the sky over time.;;Proper motion Astronomy;;It is the only zodiac constellation not used as one of the twelve astrological signs. Barnard's star lies in this constellation with five stars supposedly representing Asclepius. Name this constellation depicted as a man supporting a serpent.;;Ophiuchus Earth Science;;From the Greek for "to seek", it is named for a Red Sea island that was difficult to find from which olivine was mined. This mineral is a neosilicate of aluminum and fluorine and forms perfect basal cleavage, requiring its gemstones to be carefully handled. Name this birthstone of November with a Mohs hardness of 8.;;Topaz Art;;The artist's sister Nan and dentist Byron McKeeby served as the model for this painting. When it was first displayed in a competition, critics attacked it as a mockery of plain country people. Name this painting that now hangs in the Chicago Art Institute, a work of Grant Wood.;;American Gothic Art;;This artist once submitted an urinal in an sculpture competition under a pseudonym. He also painted a moustache on the Mona Lisa and gave it a suggestive title. One critic described his most famous work as "an explosion in a shingles factory". Name this Dada painter of Nude Descending a Staircase.;;(Marcel) Duchamp Sports;;He was the last person to throw an interception and make an interception in an NFL game. This current NFL coach was recently struck by the tragic loss of his son, James. Name this coach of Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts.;;(Tony) Dungy Sports;;His name is a Yoruban word meaning "always being on top", appropriate given his 7 foot statue. He formed the "Twin Towers" with teammate Ralph Sampson and is the NBA's all time leading shot blocker. Name this former Houston Rocket affectionately nicknamed "The Dream".;;((H)akeem) (Abdul) Olajuwon Sports;;Crafted in 1848 by Gerrards of London, it was donated by Sir Henry Paget for a race around the Isle of Wight. Originally called the One Hundread Guineas Cup, it was renamed for the schooner that dominated its first race. Identify this trophy named for the yacht representing the New York Yacht Club.;;America(')s Cup Sports;;Under NCAA and Canadian football rules, a one-point one may be awarded on two point conversions. The referee signals that one has occurred by touching his palms above his head. They are followed by a free kick that may be punts, placekicks or dropkicks. Name this scoring play in football, usually worth two points, that occurs when a team downs the ball in its own end zone.;;safety Literature;;In the South he is called Incanus while in the West he was known as Olorin. The dwarves refer to him as Tharkun while in Sindarin his name is Mithrandir. He has been given many nicknames including Stormcrow, Greyhame and Lathspell. Name this wizard from Tolkien's works best known as the Grey or the White.;;Gandalf (The Grey|The White) United States History;;He coined the term federalism in a 1788 address and did more than anyone else to pass the Bill of Rights. The greatest trial lawyer of his day and famous for arguing the Parson's Cause, ill health stopped him from taking a cabinet post. As Virginia governor, he refused to equip fighting men of other states until Jefferson pressured him into supplying George Clark's expedition against Kaskaskia. At the First Continental Congress, he said, "Let freemen be represented by numbers alone," but his words caused the Speaker to charge treason at the Stamp Act Congress. For ten points, name this patriot who said, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death".;;(Patrick) Henry Literature;;Its protagonist is onstage the longest of any Shakespearean characters and Colly Cibber originated its famous line, "Off with his head! So much for Buckingham!". That character was an accomplice in killing Queen Elizabeth's family and proclaiming his master king, but switched to Henry Tudor's side. Opening with the line, "Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this sun of York," it sees the title character wed the dead king's wife, delight in her death and try to marry his own niece before murdering his nephews. For ten points, name this play about a usurper who offered his kingdom for a horse at Bosworth.;;(King) Richard (III|the Third){1}? Art;;Atypical of its time, its subject's face is shown straight on and the pose seems drawn from Greek sculpture. Nearly six feet tall, it is painted over a partially finished work of the artist and has a very dark background. The silver trim is the most eye-catching part and the artist, then based in Bath, apparently chose the archaic costume as a tribute to Van Dyck. Now found at the Huntington Library, it is said to depict a rich hardware dealer's son, Jonathan Buttall, who holds his feathered hat in his hand. The artist also did a similar portrait with a subject in pink, seemingly still a manly shade in 1770. For ten points, name this Thomas Gainsborough work depicting a cherubic young man in brightly colored clothing.;;(The) Blue Boy Earth Science;;The U.S created an artificial one with the "Starfish" hydrogen bomb test in 1962 and one attack scenario involves exploding nuclear missiles at high altitudes to increase their power and destroy low-orbit satellites. Scientists once thought that they only existed during storms, confused by the inability of overwhelmed instruments to take any readings. The outer one's existence depends on a ring current of particles moving from end to end of field lines, ions moving clockwise in the north and electrons going the other way. The much more stable inner one arises from cosmic ray collisions and is avoided by spacecraft. For ten points, name these areas of charged particles discovered by Explorer I and named for that ship's builder.;;Van Allen (Radiation) Belt(s) World History;;A great chess fan, a difficult version with camels, giraffes and 110 squares was produced at his court. Anyone joking in his presence was executed on the spot and he scared away the Knights of St. John's reinforcements by hurling human heads at their ships. After Bayezid questioned his virility, he won the battle of Angora and used that man as a human footstool and his wife as a naked waitress. He had 4000 Christians buried alive in 1400 and massacred 100,000 prisoners in India. Taking his sobriquet from an injury sustained while rustling sheep, he was preparing an invasion of China when he died in 1405. For ten points, name this lame conqueror who ruled from Samarkand.;;Tamerlane|Timur-(I) -(leng) Music;;While touring the segregated South in the Forties, he told local sheriffs his white trumpeter, Red Rodney, was a Negro named "Albino Red". He started out in Kansas City, but toured the country with Jay McShann and helped him that man record "Confessing the Blues". He and Dizzy Gillespie made "Salt Peanuts" and "Shaw Nuff," but he led his own groups after 1945, when he made the album A Night in Tunisia and the singles "Now's the Time" and "Ornithology". In 1955, he died at Lord Rothschild's sister's apartment one week after last performing at a club named for him, the Birdland. For ten points, name this jazz saxophonist whose seminal single "Ko Ko" was the first well-known be-bop melody and who was called "Yardbird".;;(Charlie) Parker Physics;;It has been calculated mathematically with least precision, only to four decimal points rather than the six of other forces. It is assumed to travel at the speed of light, but that is uncertain because no unambiguous proof of its associated waves has been found. Einstein predicted its gauge boson in 1916, but that has never been seen. Indirect evidence for its waves came from observation of a binary pulsar, for which the 1974 Nobel was won. It causes all masses to exert force on all other masses in inverse proportion to the square of distances. For ten points, name this force which must exist because you aren"t floating into space.;;Gravity Geography;;The Baro is its only navigable waterway and the Simien mountains are the highest remnants of land uplifted by volcanoes 40 million years ago. Sorghum and castor beans were both first cultivated here and it occupies 4% of Africa's land area, but has 50% of its land over 2000 meters high and 80% of land over 3000 meters, including this country's highest point, Ras Dejen. Its Denakil Depression is only 125 meters above sea level and its Lake Tana is the source of the Blue Nile. It had a Red Sea coastline and a navy until Eritrea, the country against which it fought in 2000, seceded. For ten points, name this country with capital at Addis Ababa that is famous for starving.;;(Federal Democratic Republic) (of) Ethiopia Philosophy;;In The Jew of Malta, he enters in the prologue, saying, "I count religion but a childish toy and hold there is no sin but ignorance". Frederick the Great wrote a condemnation of him in 1740 and the Devil's title, Old Nick, is said to be an abbreviation of this man's name, since he attacked Christianity for pacifying and dividing the people. A Florence chancery worker, he founded a militia company to replace the mercenaries he said were ruining Italy and his Discourses Upon Livy described the corruption that comes from political factions. For ten points, name this author whose study of history to provide guidelines for rulers is called The Prince.;;(Niccolo) Machiavelli Biology;;He was the first to ever suggest that women had a role in creating babies and recommended a toothpaste made from three mice and the head of a rabbit, as well as rescuing Democritus from being certified insane. His Airs, Water and Places claimed diseases are caused by weather and water supplies and his Aphorisms contains the phrase "Desperate cases need the most desperate remedies". Artaxerxes invited him to heal a plague that was decimating that Persian king's army and he said medicine needs theories, not just empirical observations. For ten points, name this Greek Father of Medicine on whose principles an oath is based.;;Hippocrates Biology;;Its associated decay occurs in the substantia nigra and MAO-B in synapses then uses up its leftover neurotransmitter, causing an overabundance of acetylcholine. It is not usually inherited and and its symptoms are slowness of motion, poor coordination, stiffness of the limbs and, especially, tremors, which led a London doctor to describe it as "Shaking Palsy". The most famous drug used in its treatment came into use in 1967 and doctors found that many patients had erections as a side effect, inspiring the porno movie El Dopa. For ten points, name this motor system disease caused by loss of dopamine-producing cells.;;Parkinson(')s (Disease) World History;;Son of the Bavarian Crown Prince's tutor, he served in World War I before finishing high school. A failed fertilizer salesman and chicken farmer, he became head of Hitler's bodyguards in 1929, personally designing his men's uniforms on the Jesuit model. He and Reinhard Heydrich, worked to free their organizations from Ernst Rohm's control and finally defeated him in 1934. A nominal subordinate of Goering as Minister of the Interior from 1943 to 1945, he wished to create a new aristocracy based on "laws of selection" and said "there is no more living proof of hereditary and racial laws than in a concentration camp". For ten points, name this Nazi commander of the SS and Gestapo.;;(Heinrich) Himmler Philosohpy;;It divides all learning into changeable opinion and true knowledge, which is eternal. The four levels of thought range from guesswork, which the author likens to reflections in water, to abstraction, grasping the purest essence of things. It more famous political program depends on the definition of justice because souls must be shaped to conform to the just. Man's nature has rational, spirited and appetitive aspects which must work together under the guidance of reason. Cities can be founded on truth and goodness when soldiers are brave, people are not consumed by greed and leaders are wise. For ten points, name this work of Plato that declares "Until philosophers are kings…cities will never have rest from their evils".;;(The) Republic Chemistry;;Lloyd George was so grateful to Chaim Weizmann for ending its shortage that he gave him direct access to Lord Balfour. Acquired by catalytic dehydrogenation of isopropanol or fractional distillation, it is used to produce indigo and is made when the body burns fat. It is always present in blood, but is found in large quantities only in starving people and diabetics. Also known as dimethyl ketone and 2-propanone, it smells fruity and is easily solvent in water and other organic substances, making it the key ingredient in nail polish. For ten points, name this simplest aliphatic ketone, written C H3 (CO) C H3.;;Acetone Pop Culture;;Before dying in the arms of Jean Harlow, he did all his own stunts, including leaping through candy windows, opening locked doors and closing the gates of a dam. Known as the "mortgage lifter" for saving his company from bankruptcy, he got his big break when he demonstrated his ability to jump 13 ½ feet and was soon receiving 10,000 fan letters a week. Darryl Zanuck wrote his scripts for Where the North Begins and Clash of the Wolves and his first sound picture was Frozen River. Named for a French doll, he was discovered in a bombed-out German building by an American soldier. For ten points, name this Warner Brothers star of the Twenties who was a German shepherd.;;Rin Tin Tin Miscellaneous;;Landlords evading part of it are similar to a perfectly price-discriminating monopsonist's suppliers. A number of landlords with varying abilities to evade it will create adequate supply, but there is still a deadweight loss because the selection of landlords is limited. It doesn"t allow a market-clearing price to be reached and creates an excess of demand over supply, causing a shortages, long waits and poor quality. The inefficiencies it creates cost New York City $2.3 billion a year and keep vacancy rates under 3%, while the national rate is 9.4% while its end in Cambridge, Massachusetts caused a 20% rise in available housing over nine years. For ten points, name this artificial suppression of housing costs.;;Rent Control(s) Religion/Mythology;;He prohibited nuns under his charge from eating beans because he thought flatulence would increase sexual appetite by tickling the genitals. Patron saint of students and author of the anti-heretic diatribe, Dialogi contra Pelagianos, Pope Damasus encouraged him in his great task after he translated the Chronicles of Eusebius. Often moved to allegory when he failed to deduce literal meanings, he found his task necessary after concluding the Septuagint could not be the inspired version. Quite a journey for a former pagan who befriended a lion with a thorn in its paw while living as a hermit. For ten points, name this man who translated the Hebrew Bible into the Vulgate.;;(St(.)|Saint) Jerome|(Eusebius) Hieronymous (Sophronius) Miscellaneous;;They are used to pass cremated remains at funerals, but never used for drumming unless one is a beggar. Japanese ones are shorter than the Chinese type, especially for women. Lacquer was first applied to them 2000 years ago and wooden ones were created in 1878. Invented about 1500 BC, the oldest ones extant come from the Tang dynasty and emperors used silver ones because they were said to turn black in the presence of poison. Their use allowed food to be chopped into smaller pieces, so less fuel was needed for cooking and the first ones were made from single pieces of bamboo split in two halves. For ten points, name these Asian eating utensils.;;Chopsticks World History;;The idea for the Three Gorges Dam was originally his and his tomb is near Emperor Hong Wu's on Purple Mountain because both restored native rule. He tried to end his countrymen's habits of spitting, farting too much and growing long fingernails, saying foreigners didn"t respect those without "personal culture". He personally led his first uprising in 1895 and formed his Three Principles of the People in 1905, but only learned about the successful revolution from a newspaper he read in Denver. Becoming provisional President of the Chinese republic in 1911, he was forced back into exile two years later. For ten points, name this first leader of the Kuomintang and founder of modern China.;;Sun (Yat-Sen)|Zhong Shan United States History;;Police kept a mob from the morgue with nightsticks and spread bodies on a pier which was boarded up to prevent relatives from jumping off. Three men made a human chain across an alley, but fell to their deaths when too many climbed on. One leaping girl caught her dress on a wire and hung in space until the cloth burned, while piles of corpses prevented untangling of hoses. Two elevators rescued dozens until the cables burned and the air was filled with names screamed in Italian and Yiddish. Manager Sam Bernstein phoned the fire department and tried to fight the blaze, but it spread too fast. For ten points, name this 1911 New York City disaster that killed 146.;;Triangle Shirtwaist (Factory) (Fire) Geography;;Its most sacred parts are two chapels, the Phakpa Lhakhang and the Chogyal Drubphuk. Opera was performed in its Deyang Shar courtyard and its hallways are filled with murals depicting the Jokhang Temple's construction and the arrival of Princess Wen Cheng. Pilgrims pay respects to Arya Lokeshvara, a holy statue, and the many tombs of its inhabitants. Its White Palace was built before the Red and it once contained a large monastery school. It occupies the site of Avalokitesvara's sacred cave on Marpo Ri hill and an A.D. 637 palace built by Emperor Songsten Gampo is incorporated in the foundation. For ten points, name this Lhasa palace, former seat of the Dalai Lama and the Tibertan government.;;Potala Literature;;Inspired by a nightmare, the author burned a first version while fighting with his American wife, Fanny. After elaboration of moral aspects, it made his fortune and soon became an idiom. The story is told by a lawyer named Utterson who, though a tolerant man, grows disdainful of his client's associate. He sees the second character when a door is forced and the protagonist commits suicide. The evildoer arose when a physician's drug separated out the worst parts of his nature. For ten points, name this Robert Louis Stevenson work about a split personality.;;(The) (Strange Case of) (Dr(.)|Doctor) Jekyll and (Mr(.)|Mister){1}?\s*Hyde Literature;;One story concerns Fereidun's sons, who murder a younger brother out of envy. Its Sudabeh is like Phaedra in loving and being rejected by her stepson, Siyavosh. It tells of many Pahlavans, or heroes, but only Rostam is declared Champion of the World and even his envious rival, Tus, acknowledges his guardianship of farr, the right of kingship. Its 55,000 couplets are a translation of a Pahlavi work covering events to the time of Khosrow II and a little beyond. It took thirty years to write and used almost no Arabic, helping revive its author's native tongue. For ten points, name this Persian epic by Ferdowsi.;;Shahnameh |(The) Book of Kings Astronomy;;It is made of mostly silicate rock and is characterized by orange lines on the surface. It orbits every 3.55 earth days and was discovered simultaneously in 1610 by Simon Marius and Galileo. The Galileo spacecraft indicated the presence of a magnetic field and possible life-containing ocean underneath the surface. For ten points, name this sixth moon of Jupiter that is named for the lover of Jupiter who was seduced by a bull.;;Europa Literature;;He once said that condoms were the greatest invention of the Industrial Revolution. Disliked for his essay "Common Sense About the War," he was a mentor to Mahfouz and portrayed a stubborn Joan of Arc and reasonable judges in Saint Joan. He wrote his most famous work for an actress and was a leading member of the Fabian Society. For ten points, name this Irish-born playwright known for Man and Superman and Pygmalion.;;(George) (Bernard) Shaw United States History;;This man met Teddy Roosevelt in 1903 and was chief of the Wallowan band along with Looking Glass. Called the "red Napoleon," his group defeated the army at Big Hole River in Montana, but was defeated by Nelson Miles just 30 miles from the Canadian border. For ten points, name this chief of the Nez Perce who made the famous speech that stated he will fight no more.;;(Chief) Joseph Art;;His father made a fortune selling ornaments to the Union army, so his workshop's Atlas carries a clock stopped at 7:22, when Lincoln died. He decorated the Vanderbilt mansion, his own home, Laurelton Hall, and Chester Arthur's White House, where his mosaic sconces grace the Blue Room. Inventor of son et lumiere, his adaptation of opalescent glass to windows was the first stained glass innovation since medieval times. For ten points, name this Art Nouveau craftsman who in 1906 took $750 each for his vases and lamps.;;(Louis) (Comfort) Tiffany Physics;;Before electronic devices appeared, they stopped too much current from flowing into fluorescent lights and tripping circuit breakers. Replaced by resistors and other devices on integrated circuits, they are present in power supplies to smooth out alternating current. Ferromagnetic substances make the best ones and those with donut-shaped cores can hold the most Henrys. For ten points, name these devices based on Faraday's Laws that resist changes in current passing through their wires.;;Inductor(s) Geography;;Fireproofed with cast-iron floors, the winning entry in the contest to design it allowed easy circulation by different classes of users. The long-lost plans drawn up by A.W. Pugin added a central tower strictly for ventilation, a big problem in its 800-year-old predecessor. Done in Gothic style and fronting the Thames, its great Clock Tower contains Big Ben. For ten points, name this creation of Charles Barry that houses Britain's legislature.;;(The) House(s) of Parliament Literature;;Happy memories of fondling another girl's breasts and criticisms of her parents" marriage were omitted from the published version. It contains many outright fantasies and predicts divine punishment for her tormentors, as well as stating, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart". The author's father edited it after his secretaries salvaged it from the floor of a "secret annex" in Amsterdam and published it in 1947. For ten points, name this journal kept by a German Jew girl before she died in Bergen-Belsen.;;(The) Diary of Anne Frank United States History;;Edward Everett painted portraits of the inside and its name comes from the Spanish word for poplar. In 1995, diggers began searching for gold that had been thrown down a well here. Built in 1722, it was originally a Franciscan mission but fell on March 6, 1836 to Santa Anna. For ten points, do what the battle cry says and remember this San Antonio landmark.;;(The) Alamo Biology;;They are populous at Academy Bay and are able to shoot excess salt out of their nostrils. Known by the Latin name Amblyrhynchus criastus, they spend most of their time clinging to sharp rocks and eating algae. Described as hideous by Darwin, they can remain underwater for as long as one hour. For ten points, name these reptiles that inhabit the Galapagos Islands.;;Marine Iguana(s) Biology;;Very hygroscopic, its hydrogen bonds prevent it from melting or dissolving in most liquids, so it proved impossible to directly convert to silk. Its reactions are similar to those of alcohols and Anselm Payen discovered its most important function in 1838. Produced by some bacteria, its name usually refers to the alpha variety that has been cleansed of simple sugars and carbohydrates. For ten points, name this material formed from repeating D-glucose molecules that makes up plant cell walls.;;Cellulose Music;;Pastoral in setting, its first movement alternates tragic and peaceful melodies, while the second movement features two serene tunes first done by violins. Discovered half a century after the composer's death, its finding set Arthur Sullivan on the trail of Rosamunde and other works. Its creator lived six years after working on it and sketched more than 100 measures for a third-movement scherzo, but never even started the fourth. For ten points, name this incomplete eighth symphony of Franz Schubert.;;Unfinished (Symphony) Psychology;;One outgrowth of it is computer-based training, in which a machine gives immediate feedback based on responses, and its principles are also used to treat phobias and alcoholism. Emphasizing reproducible lab results over untestable mental theories, its origins lie in Pavlov's work in reflex conditioning. For ten points, name this type of psychology positing an organism's actions to be determined by interaction with the environment, founded by John B. Watson and popularized by B. F. Skinner.;;Behaviorism World History;;The son of the earl of Guilford, this man served as an apprentice to a lower official in the treasury and eventually became chancellor of the exchequer after the death of Townshend. Although he had no close ties to any political party, he became first lord of the treasury in 1770. As prime minister, he passed the Coercive Acts and the Tea Act. For ten points, name this British prime minister who lost the American colonies.;;(Lord) (Frederick) North Literature;;Comedy is described as good in the object of the search, the second volume of Aristotle's Poetics, something so dangerous to the church that murders are committed to keep it secret. The hero is a logical Englishman and his story is written fifty years after events by the Watson-like Adso. Planning to argue the Spiritualist case for Louis IV, William of Baskerville ends up doing detective work in a Benedictine monastery. For ten points, name this Umberto Eco work.;;(The) Name of the Rose|(Il) nome della rosa Pop Culture;;She wrote her first song when she was eight years old and signed with a recording company at age 13. Her name means "woman full of grace" and reflects her Lebanese heritage. Unfortunately, she is currently engaged to the son of the former president of Argentina. She had great success with ¿Donde Están Los Ladrones? and won several awards. For ten points, name this belly-dancing singer best known in the US for her album Laundry Service.;;Shakira Miscellaneous;;It was originally said to have been written by James Upham but the Library of Congress later ruled that Francis Bellamy was the true author. It first appeared in the Youth's Companion and Jehovah's Witnesses have argued that they are not allowed to say this. The original version called for equality along with liberty and justice and the Knights of Columbus had "under God" added. For ten points, name this pledge that many children say at school each morning.;;Pledge of Allegiance World History;;Give his real name. He got his nickname from an attempt to avoid being hit by friendly fire. A lover of risks, he climbed a church to tie a hankerchief to the lightning rod as a child. He first signed up as an observer because it would get him into combat soonest and made his first kill in that role. Becoming a pilot in 1916, he was shot down by Roy Brown after recording 80 kills during WWI. For ten points, name this German WWI fighter pilot known as the Red Baron.;;(Manfred) (Von) Richthofen Religion/Mythology;;His hall was Breidablik and he had the longest ship in the world, called Ringhorn. His wife was Nanna and she died of a broken heart after he was killed by his twin brother, something that happened although his mother believed that everything had promised not to hurt him. For ten points, name this Norse god of light, purity, innocence, and beauty who was killed by mistletoe indirectly launched at him by Loki.;;Bald(e|u){1}?r Geography;;The Moriscos were expelled from this city in 1609 and Vicente Blasco Ibáñez set his works here. In the spring, a festival called Las Fallas, where giant wooden monuments are burned, is held. It was the capital of Spain during the Spanish Civil War and is on the Río Turia. Found on the Mediterranean, its great cathedral holds the chalice used at the Last Supper. For ten points, name this Spanish city across from the Balearic Islands, known for its oranges.;;Valencia World History;;He was murdered by his two sons and his father was Sargon II. His conquest of Lachish is inscribed on the walls of his palace and he defeated the Egyptians at Eltekeh and, at the battle of Halulina, fought both the Elamites and the Chaldaeans. He took forty-seven towns in Judah before being sent tribute money by Hezekiah as an instrument of God's will. For ten points, name this Assyrian king who attacked Judah and is mentioned in Isaiah 36 and 37.;;Sennacherib Biology;;Most of the fossils of this dinosaur were destroyed in Munich during WWII. Its vertabrae were 3 to 4 centimeters longer than those of a tyrannosaurus. It measured over 40 feet long and lived in the late Cretaceous in North Africa where its identifying feature would have been useful. For ten points, name this huge therapod named for the bones that supported a sail on its back.;;Spinosaurus Literature;;This author joined the Red Cross and served in Alexandria in Egypt. A member of the Bloomsbury group and friend of Virginia Wolf, his first novel was published in 1905 and was entitled Where Angels Fear to Tread. His trips to Italy with his mother partly inspired A Room With a View. For ten points, name this British author best known for Howards End and A Passage To India.;;(Edward) (M(.)) Forster Literature;;Joe Welling is a man with uncontrollable seizures of speech who gains respect by forming a baseball club in this novel. Irving Howe is featured in the introduction and a reporter named George Willard is the hero who lets people vent their frustration in the title location. For ten points, name this collection of stories by Sherwood Anderson.;;Winesburg(,) Ohio Philosophy;;Marcel embraced this philosophic term at first, but later rejected it. Pascal may have been the forerunner of this philosophy as he questioned rationalism. Although a feminist, Simone de Beauvoir called herself this. This philosophy was created by Kierkegaard and featured in the writings of Dostoyevsky. For ten points, name this philosophy of Camus that emphasizes individual freedom and choices.;;Existentialism Pop Culture;;He secretly wants to be a folk singer and tried to kill his best friend while infected with lycanthropy. He has a wing of the orphanarium named for him, was made in Mexico, and lives in the Robot Arms Apartments with Fry. For ten points, name this robot on the show Futurama who is known for his catchphrase, "Bite my shiny metal ass".;;Bender (Bending) (Rodgriguez) Literature;;Featuring several lines from Tristan und Isolde, Gerontion was originally the prologue to this poem. Drawing heavily from the Holy Grail legend and dedicated to Ezra Pound, it includes the line "April is the cruellest month" and is divided into such sections as Death by Water and a Game of Chess. For ten points, name this poem of despair about the search for spiritual peace by T.S. Eliot.;;(The) Waste land Noncomputational Math;;The Frenchman who named them created the simplest nonlinear function version and early ones were generated when Gaston Julia created pixel images of complex polynomial functions. Their property of self-similarity makes their small parts identical to larger portions when magnified. Exemplified by the Koch Snowflake and Sierpinski's Triangle, they approximate clouds, galaxies and many other natural shapes. For ten points, name these geometrical figures created by repeating patterns and discovered by Benoit Mandelbrot.;;Fractal(s) United States History;;Its main authors were George Hoars and George Edmunds and the maximum fines allowed for breaking it were one year's imprisonment and a $5000 fine. The Robinson-Putman Act supplemented it and this act was mainly used against unions until its use against the Northern Securities Co and Standard Oil. For ten points, what is this American act passed in 1890 that made trusts and monopolies illegal and was followed by the Clayton Antitrust Act?;;Sherman (Anti(-)trust) (Act) Literature;;Billy is the only named character and dies fighting to reach safety while the others wait passively. One becomes watchman because he is too fat for physical exertion and their injured leader encourages them even though he is certain they will die. A sail made from a coat carries them nearly to the beach before they see a lighthouse is deserted; later, they jump into the sea and the captain, cook and correspondent make it to safety. For ten points, name this short story by Stephen Crane about shipwreck survivors.;;(The) Open Boat Geography;;It is the second deepest lake in North America and is known for its deep blue color. Near Pumice Desert Area, a national park was established here in 1902 and Wizard Island is in it. Located in southwestern Oregon, its location is also called Mount Mazama. For ten points, name this lake that is in the cone of a volcano and is the site of the Hulk's fight with his evil dad.;;Crater Lake World History;;Financed by the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII, it was preceded by the death of Frederick II and the inheritance of his southern territories by his bastard son, Manfred. The papacy supported Charles of Anjou and it lasted twenty years. Spurred on by the molestation of a young married girl going to pray on Easter by a French soldier, For ten points, what was this war that happened on the island of Sicily?;;(War of the) Sicilian Vespers Architechture;;The swallowtail crenellation of its walls was outdated in Italy long before its construction. Its most elaborate towers are at corners and entrances and the greatest is the Savior, built by Milanese Pietro Solari and crowned later by Englishman Christopher Halloway. Solari also built the Faceted Palace, known for diamond shapes on its façade. More important interior buildings are the Cathedral of the Dormition, the czarist Great Palace and the Soviet Palace of Congresses. For ten points, name this Moscow citadel that was formerly the Russian ruler's abode.;;(The) Kremlin Economics;;Always below demand for a monopolist, it is negative when price elasticity is below unity, declines rapidly when elasticity is greater than one and equals AR for infinitely elastic demand. Equal to change in income from sales divided by change in quantity sold, it is used to find output and price levels for a firm because profit is maximized in perfect competition where its excess over marginal cost is zero. For ten points, name this increment in total revenue gained by a seller through an increase in quantity sold.;;Marginal Revenue|MR Biology;;Its main product is crucial for brain development, so children are tested at birth for deficiency. Many Chernobyl residents developed cancer here because it concentrates a certain radioactive element so well. Also important for regulating calcium-phosphorus metabolism through calcitonin production, it is shaped like a butterfly. Spurred into action by the pituitary's production of TSH, it absorbs iodine to create T4 and will swell into a goiter if deprived. For ten points, name this endocrine gland found on the throat.;;Thyroid Literature;;She continues writing and serves as headmistress of Plumfield School after marrying her boring friend, Professor Bhaer. Her newspaper articles had earlier supported her family and she nearly let Amy drown after one of her beloved manuscripts was destroyed by that girl. A tomboy, she loves her family enough to sell her long hair to let Marmee nurse her chaplain father. She resents John Brooke for marrying Meg and is distraught after her sister, Beth, dies. For ten points, name this second oldest March sister in Little Women, based on Louisa May Alcott.;;Jo(sephine) (March) World History;;He was known for his high-fluted voice and was the youngest person to make general since Napoleon. Originally wanting to join the navy, the aftermath of the Spanish-American War made him go into the army. Working with Petain to destroy Moroccan rebels, he then commanded the Spanish military academy. Stationed at the Canary Islands when the Spanish Civil War broke out, For ten points name this Spanish caudillo who won the civil war and ruled for almost forty years.;;(Francisco) Franco Miscellaneous;;It has one outlet in Egypt, two in Zambia, eight in South Africa, almost two thousand in Canada and more in 70 other countries. Founded in 1965 when 17-year-old Fred DeLuca asked Dr. Peter Buck how to earn money for college, its $12,500 franchise fee makes its stores easy to start. Now the second largest fast-food chain in the world and biggest in America, its offerings include the cold cut trio, eponymous club and the sweet onion chicken teriyaki. For ten points, name this chain of sandwich shops that slimmed down Jared Fogel.;;Subway Physics;;Its value is negative for composites created in 2000, creating a focus on opposite sides of blocks and leading to hopes for incredibly good lenses. Its can be found with Hartman's formula and light slows as it increases. Found by dividing the speed of light by phase velocity, it can vary with dispersion and is very low for air and high for diamonds. For ten points, name this concept that is the speed of light in a vacuum over the speed of a light in a medium.;;Index of Refraction Music;;The fourth movement has an English folk song and the last is done completely pianissimo for an aura of mystery. The first features vigorous melodies done by trumpets and horns, while the second is a delicate flute tune. The composer's first work without an Indian theme, he said of its seven parts "there is no program music in them, neither have they any connection with the deities of classical mythology;" instead, their significance is astrological. For ten points, name this Gustav Holst work that includes Mars, the Bringer of War and Neptune, the Mystic.;;(The) Planets(,) (Suite for Orchestra) (,) (Op. 32) Literature;;The title character may be based on Louise Pradier, the author's friend, although her creator implied that she stands for all whose dreams are shattered. Her interests are captured first by the Catholic rituals in her convent school, then by romantic novels, but her bourgeois husband proves his mediocrity to her when he botches an operation that might have gained him fame. Dissatisfied with life, she takes up with a young playboy and a lawyer before money problems bring on her suicide. For ten points, name this Gustave Flaubert novel about an adulteress.;;Madame Bovary Philosophy;;His philosophy divides history into three stages: the ancient Orient where only the ruler was free; Greece and Rome, where some were free; and the modern world where all are considered free. He postulated a view that a world soul develops out of and is known through a dialectical process in which a thesis inevitably generates its opposite antithesis, and the interaction of these leads to a synthesis. For ten points, name this German philosopher who wrote The Philosophy of Right and Phenomenology of the Mind.;;(Georg) (Wilhelm) (Fredrich) Hegel Physics;;It grows more efficient as frequency drops and the Van de Graaf generator is a DC version of it. Types of it are used in televisions, radios and stereos and it is driven by its namesake's spark-gap oscillator. Able to wirelessly power fluorescent bulbs 50 feet away with its discharge, it can increase 120vAC output to more than 1,000,000 volts. It works with a lower current than similar devices, but is best known for the special effects that its long electric arc provides in movies and parties. For ten points, name this transformer created by a Croat inventor.;;Tesla Coil World History;;Muhammad called this man, who is buried at Najaf in Iraq, the "Father of Dust" and he was Muhammad's standard bearer in battle. He was the first male to convert to Islam and during his reign as caliph, he had to quell a rebellion led by Aisha. The husband of Muhammad's daughter, Fatima, For ten points, who is this fourth caliph whose death led to the split in Islam between Sunnis and Shias?;;Ali (ibn Abi) (Talib) Literature;;As only a guileless American can, Mr Farraday forces a vacation on the protagonist, allowing him to dwell on the Nazi sympathies that led Lord Darlington to disgrace. He realizes he can"t meet his own standards for a good butler because his employer was not honorable. The worst comes when he makes it to Cornwall and the divorcee Mrs. Kenyon says his rigid manner was what made their marriage impossible. For ten points, name this Kazuo Ishiguro novel in which Stevens is advised to disregard the past and make the most of the title time period.;;(The) Remains of the Day United States History;;The Americans had 17,000 soldiers and the British made the mistake of not crushing General Fellow's militia. The Americans avoided a fatal mistake because of the advance of Colonel Wilkinson and this battle followed the Second Battle of Freeman's Farm. Gates commanded the Americans and the British were under Burgoyne. For ten points, name this Revolutionary War battle in New York that convinced the French to enter the war.;;Saratoga Art;;He caused controversy by showing the seamier parts of history in a mural in Jefferson City and other pictures grace the Truman Library. Originally a modernist, he turned to painting regional scenes and often produced distorted, cartoon-like figures. His masterpeice shows optimism and is called America Today, while other paintings are Cotton Pickers and Homestead. For ten points, name this teacher of Jackson Pollack and greatest Missouri regionalist painter.;;(Thomas) (Hart) Benton Religion/Mythology;;This god was also called Yinepu and was seen in seals on tombs as standing over nine bows. The center of his cult was in Cynopolis and priests involved in the embalming process wore his mask. Although Osiris later took over the original roles of this deity, For ten points, name this jackal-headed god who weighed the souls of the dead.;;Anubis|Anpu Physics;;Occuring when a system's free energy is non-analytic for some variables, they are distinguished by a swift physical change brought about by a minor change in some thermodynamic variable. Formerly classified according to the Ehrenfest system, those of the first order involve latent heat. Two examples are Bose-Einstein condensation and the change from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism at the Curie point. For ten points, name these changes seen when a thermodynamic system goes from one stage to another, exemplified by boiling and melting.;;Phase (Transition(s)|Change(s)) Chemistry;;The phosphoric acid type is most common, but molten carbonate versions have been successfully used in Italy and Japan. Able to operate silently and heat water or air with their waste heat, their "fuel reformers" let them run on any hydrocarbon fuel. Made from two electrodes surrounding an electrolyte, power is generated when oxygen passes the cathode and hydrogen passing the anode is split with a catalyst. A proton moves through the electrolyte and an electron creates a current on its way to the cathode. For ten points, name these energy-generating devices that emit only water vapor.;;Fuel Cell(s) Literature;;He teaches his children tolerance by saying that "you never really understand a person…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it". After the confrontation with Mrs. Dubose, he tells his son that courage means fighting "when you know you"re licked before you begin" and manages to keep the jury debating longer than anyone expected. This widower's conscience and individualism compel him to defend Tom Robinson against a rape charge. For ten points, name this role model for Eric Douglas who is Jem and Scout's father in To Kill a Mockingbird.;;Atticus (Finch) Pop Culture;;Joan Crawford and Ginger Rogers both got their starts winning competitions organized around it. Sometimes said identical to the 500-year-old branle or claimed African in origin, it began on a coastal island before 1903. The Ziegfield Follies used it in a 1922 movie and Elida Webb lied about inventing it. Similar to the Mashed Potato and replaced in its day by the Black Bottom, it is characterized by kicking the heels and repeated knee-bending. For ten points, name this Jazz Age dance named after a South Carolina city.;;(The) Charleston Religion/Mythology;;Raised in the Salvation Army, a Shanghai madam invited her to work as a whore during her visit there. When young, she was a fierce advocate of evolution, but found religion through her husband and began her preaching career at Albert Hall. Once claiming she had been kidnapped to hide an affair with a married man, she preached the world's first radio sermon. For ten points, name this female evangelist who built the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles and created the Foursquare gospel.;;(Aimee) (Semple) McPherson Physics;;The solar wind causes much to be lost, something essential for planetary formation. Its time rate of change is equal to torque and its value for a particle is found by the equation r times p. It is found for an object in a circular orbit by multiplying mass, velocity and distance from the object and, to maintain its value, an orbiting object speeds up when closer, leading to Kepler's Law of Areas. For ten points, name this measure of an object's tendency to keep spinning, the magnitude and direction of which are strictly conserved in isolated systems.;;Angular Momentum World History;;Although, in his doctorate, this man accused the Jews of collaborating with the Nazis and suggested that the Holocaust was exaggerated, he was the architect of the Oslo peace accords. He co-founded Fatah with Yasser Arafat, but has attempted to negotiate with the Israeli left in the past. Called Abu Mazen, For ten points, name this man who is the first Palestinian prime minister.;;(Mahmoud) Abbas Literature;;One has a boy in the form of a bird killing the stepmother who murdered him and fed him to his father, while another has a king's daughter confessing her troubles to a stove. They were almost all related by educated, middle-class people and horrible punishments were often invented, although incest and much family violence were omitted. The name is a misnomer because they are genuine folktales, the more famous of which are "The Frog Prince," "Rumpelstiltskin," and "Hansel and Gretel". For ten points, name these stories collected by two German philologists.;;Grimm(')s Fairy Tales Biology;;Whitefish, a coral and a sea anemone are all practitioners, as well as some shrimp, scorpions and centipedes. Gregory Pincus induced it in rabbit eggs, but it has never happened for humans. Often facultative, it probably allows new areas to be colonized quickly and some of its products are clones, but genetic rearrangement can take place. The norm for rotifers, it is common in insects and bees and ants produce workers by it. For ten points, name this phenomenon in which an ovum develops without fertilization.;;Parthenogenesis Religion/Mythology;;On this day, children may go door-to-door for treats and it celebrated on the fourteenth day of Adar. Hamantash is served, the Megillah is read and, according to the Talmud, Jews are supposed to get wasted. Plays are performed and noisemakers are used everytime the name Haman is said. For ten points, what is this Jewish holiday that celebrates the rescue of the Jews by Esther from an evil plot to kill them?;;Purim United States History;;He produced a bastard during his twenty-one year affair with Madeleine Brown, but his administration's only scandal came when his chief of staff, Walter Jenkins, had sex with a man in a YMCA bathroom. He oversaw passage of the Twenty-fourth Amendment and his most famous project involved passing the Mass Transit and Head Start Acts after he declared "unconditional war on poverty". For ten points, name this president who championed the Great Society and succeeded Kennedy.;;(Lyndon|L(.)) (Baines|B(.)) Johnson Philosophy;;Plato's Philebus said it is exact and measurable, as colors, notes and shapes have an intrinsic type that produces pure pleasure. Hutcheson thought objects rich in this appeal to man's innate sense of it by "uniformity in variety" and Augustine said it is a manifestation of the divine. Kant thought judgements of it had "universal validity" and distinguished the free variety that is valued only for appearance, not for particular qualities, from the dependent type. For ten points, name this aesthetic concept held to be "in the eye of the beholder".;;Beauty Chemistry;;Its temperature dependence means fish suffocate in boiled water because increased temperature makes the water insoluble for air. It grows more and more inaccurate as concentrations and partial pressures rise and those solutions obeying it are of the ideal dilute type. It is most familiar as the reason nitrogen expands when divers go from high pressure depths to the surface, causing the bends. For ten points, name this law stating concentration of a gas in solution is directly proportional to pressure of that gas above solution.;;Henry(')s (Law) Miscellaneous;;Psychologists suggested it is a symbolic vagina and stepping inside is a return to the womb. Promoted with demonstrations on California beaches, the original was made of bamboo and used in Australian gym classes. It was banned in Tokyo after a girl died chasing one into traffic and the end of its popularity nearly destroyed Wham-O, which continued selling the Shoop Shoop noisemaker version for years and introduced the striped, candy-scented type in 1982. For ten points, name this polyethylene ring spun on the hips.;;Hula Hoop Literature;;The author's first book done after fleeing his country, the characters dislike each other because they find each other's passions meaningless. Long monologues on movie plots are constantly interrupted, as are political diatribes, but the window dresser's narratives come to be welcomed as distraction from persecution. In the end, Molina is shot and Valentin dreams of movie plots while being tortured to death. For ten points, name this Manuel Puig novel and movie about a homosexual and a Communist sharing love in a prison cell.;;Kiss of the Spider Woman|El Beso de la Mujer Arana Architechture;;Its construction saw the first use of safety nets in a major building project. Its chief engineer, Joseph Strauss, had lots of experience, but modest technical background. Built in open sea, it required huge cofferdams and its massive Pennsylvania-made towers were sent through the Panama Canal. Actually coated in International Orange paint, it was the world's longest suspension bridge when finished. For ten points, name this structure that spans the entrance to San Francisco Bay.;;(The) Golden Gate (Bridge) Economics;;It is usually illegal when based on race, age or sex, but provides optimal resource allocation and can be concealed by bundling. The increasing proportion of goods with high fixed costs and low marginal costs, such as computer software, will probably make it more common. Technology also makes it easier, as seen in Coca Cola's attempts to create vending machines that measure temperature and adjust accordingly. For ten points, name this practice used by airlines to determine fares, charging different amounts to several customers for the same product.;;Price Discrimination World History;;Returning several times to aid friends trapped in the Glenrowan Hotel, he was shot in the legs, arms, and groin more than twenty times before being caught. Although he was self-educated, he wrote eloquently about the injustices perpetrated against him and his family in his Jerilderie Letter. Robbing banks and holding several towns hostage in Victoria and New South Wales, For ten points, who is this Australian outlaw and national hero?;;(Ned) Kelly Technology;;It was created in 1973 when Bob Metcalfe designed its standards and cabling method to hook an Alto computer to a printer. Because its devices are joined together by a single segment, new components can be added without modifying old parts. Nodes connected to a segment send out information as frames and, although some networks now stretch many miles, most occupy single buildings. For ten points, name this most popular network technology in the world.;;Ethernet World History;;The first battle in this war occured when the Mato Grosso province was invaded. The only naval fight occured at Riachuelo when Francisco Solano Lopez ordered his navy to take control of the ParanVel River. Caused by the blockade of Montevideo by Brazil, For ten points, name this war that pitted Paraguay against Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina and led to the death of 20 to 50% of the Paraguayan population.;;(War of the) Triple Alliance Literature;;The crude man catching otters is not a suitable companion, but neither are dour men the best friends. The craft embraced by the main character is the best compromise between action and contemplation because something is accomplished even while relaxing in a natural setting, explicating its theme of finding the "middle path" that Puritans, Royalists and other extremists miss. What plot there is consists of three men discussing the joys of their sports, and Auceps being left behind while Venator and Piscator head for the water. For ten points, name this guide to fishing by Isaac Walton.;;(The) Compleat Angler World History;;Author of a novel entitled Michael, his widely-circulated articles included "What Does America Really Want"? and "The Morals of the Rich". He once tried to engineer the expulsion of Hitler from the Nazi party, but called for total war in February of 1943 and was put in charge of the Reich Cultural Chamber. For ten points name this clubfooted Nazi propaganda minister who committed suicide in Hitler's bunker.;;(Joseph) Goebbels Geography;;Charles Barkley and Captain Robert Gray were among the first to see it and Lt Charles Wilkes of the Navy suggested the government acquire it. There is a shipyard at Bremerton and it was described as the best harbor north of San Francisco. Vancouver explored this body of water in 1792 and Juan de Fuca straight separates it from the Pacific. For ten points, what is this sound near Seattle?;;Puget (Sound) Literature;;Its main character is presumably welcomed into Heaven after his archangel brother sends him off with a trumpet solo. Mourned by everyone except a young Marine, he became a great athlete in prison and his wife, Rosa Lee, ceased to love him when a bastard was brought into her house. Envying Cory for his baseball talent, the garbage collector at its center refuses his son a scholarship and sees him storm out their Pittsburgh home. For ten points, name this drama about Tony Maxson, written by August Wilson.;;Fences Miscellaneous;;His 2001 spoken word album Sketches of My Culture was labeled one of the Onion's Least Essential Albums of 2002. He claims that his philosophy stems from thoughts of Marx, Chekov and Jesus Christ, and he and Michael Lerner encouraged different races to work together in Blacks and Jews: Let the Healing Begin. For ten points name this professor of African-American studies at Harvard who is famous for his 1992 work Race Matters and public squabbles with Harvard President Lawrence Summers over depth of his commitment to scholarship.;;(Cornel) West Literature;;The title character in this drama asks his servant, Wagner, to summon the magicians Valdes and Cornelius to teach him the black arts. The saying that Helen of Troy had the face that launched a thousand ships was coined in this play when a vision of Helen appeared to the title character. For ten points, name this Christopher Marlowe play about a physician who sells his soul to Lucifer to get absolute power for 24 years.;;(Doctor|Dr(.)) Faustus United States History;;An outline of this doctrine's principles was published in an anonymous 1947 article in the journal Foreign Affairs that was actually written by the diplomat George Kennan. Kennan eventually criticized arms races and conflicts that were waged in the name of this policy and became an advocate for withdrawal of U.S. forces from Western Europe. For ten points, the Eisenhower and Truman Doctrines were examples of what U.S. Cold War doctrine that utilized American influence to stem the spread of Communism?;;Containment Art;;He wrote the book Making a Photograph and was one of the founders of f/64, a group that attempted to distinguish photography from other art forms. In 1946, he established the first academic photography department at Calarts. Famous for his photographs of the Sierra Nevadas, he was a prominent conservationist who served many years on the board of the Sierra Club. For ten points, name this photographer who published Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras and who is often credited with establishing photography as an art form.;;(Ansel) Adams Physics;;It takes place in the Sun's outer third to bring out interior heat and its cells appear as cumulonimbus clouds when hot air rises, cools and rises again in a cycle. It can"t occur within solids, so foam wall insulation prevents it by hindering air movement. It helps equalize outdoor temperatures by driving wind, is stopped by the walls of a thermos and forced by the fan in many ovens. For ten points, name this movement of heat by currents.;;Convection Sports;;He led the 1959 West Virginia basketball team to the NCAA championship game before losing to the University of California. He was the second overall pick in the 1960 NBA draft behind Oscar Robinson and helped lead the Lakers to nine NBA Finals, though they were only able to win once. For ten points, name this former President of the LA Lakers and current president of the Memphis Grizzlies whose silhouette is the logo for the NBA.;;(Jerry) West Geography;;The Fomboni Accords of 2000 allowed each of its parts to elect a separate president after Moheli and Anjouan nearly seceded. Volcanic Mount Kartala and severe erosion hinder agriculture in this nation and its unofficial spoken language, Shikomoro, is a Swahili-Arabic hybrid. 98% Muslim and ruled by Islamic law, it became a French colony in the 19th century along with nearby Madagascar. For ten points, name this archipelago located in the Mozambique Channel with capital at Moroni.;;Comoros Literature;;Three Lives features the kindly German servant Anna. Melanctha features an uneducated black girl and The Gentle Lena showcases a dumb German maid. The Making of Americans features Martha Hersland and Four Saints in Three Acts is libretto for an opera by Virgil Thompson. These are works of, For ten points, what author of the "Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas"?;;(Gertrude) Stein Religion/Mythology;;It is believed that he was a student of Gamaliel because of his articulate defense of that man. Although his name is Greek, tradition says that it was only the Greek equivalent of the Aramaic Kelil. His feast is on December 26 and he was one of seven people that the apostles asked to ensure that Greeek-speaking widows got their fair share of food. For ten points, who is this early Christian who became the first Christian martyr?;;(St(.)|Saint) Stephen United States History;;He was active in Indian fighting in the old Northwest and became secretary of the Northwest Territory in 1798 and governor of Indiana in 1800. After his storied military career, which included a victory in the Battle of the Thames, his career in politics was undistinguished for a long time. By 1834, he was a lowly county recorder in Ohio before portraying himself as a cider-sipping common man and reading an inaugural address done for him by Daniel Webster. For ten points, name this Whig who won the presidency in 1840, only to quickly die in office.;;(William (Henry) ) Harrison Music;;Chevy Chase was a drummer in a very early version of this band. After a twenty-year hiatus, this act came back with a vengeance when their Two Against Nature won the 2000 Grammy for Best Album. Their greatest popular success came in the 1970s with albums such as Aja and Can"t Buy a Thrill and singles such as Reeling in the Years and Do it Again. For ten points, identify this rock duo composed of Walter Becker and Donald Fagen that is named after a steel dildo in William Burrough's Naked Lunch.;;Steely Dan Biology;;There are two major conformational groups of this substance: one whose peptide backbone forms an alpha-helix and one whose backbone forms a zigzag or pleated sheet structure. Its molecules are usually connected by disulfide bridges and contain a large amount of cysteine. When decomposed using sulfuric acid, tyrosine and leucine are formed. For ten points, what is this protein that makes up hooves, nails, and the horns of rhinos?;;Keratin Literature;;Her posthumously published Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman, expressed her view that the plight of working women is similar to prison. Dismayed by the mindsets of young women enrolled in her Newington Green school, her Thoughts on her Education of Daughters called for women to be educated in the ideals of the enlightenment. For ten points, name this woman who is most famous for either writing the pioneering feminist tract A Vindication of the Rights of Woman or for being the mother of Mary Shelley.;;(Mary) Wollstonecraft World History;;He limited franchises in the Statute of Quo Warranto and was forced to get public support for acts in the Confirmation of the Chartes. His love for the wife who bore him sixteen children brought the raising of Charing Cross and eleven others where her funeral train paused. He defeated the nobles who rose against his father, Henry III, at Evesham, conquered Wales in 1283 and defeated the Scots at Falkirk in 1298. For ten points, name this British king called Longshanks who appeared in the movie Braveheart.;;Edward (I|the First){1}? Literature;;During his undergrad years at Vanderbilt, he took a freshman English course under John Crowe Ransom and was brought into the Fugitives by Allen Tate. As a Rhodes Scholar, he defended segregation with the essay The Briar Patch in the collection I'll Take My Stand. While a professor at Louisiana State University, he saw firsthand the rise of Huey Long and wrote the play Proud Flesh, a forerunner to his most famous work. For ten points name this only American poet to have won a Pulitzer Prize for poetry and fiction, the latter awarded for his All the King's Men.;;(Robert) (Penn) Warren World History;;An engineering student and combatant at fifteen, his martyrdom gained him the nickname "American Abel". His victory at Pichincha helped to free Ecuador, while his strategy at Ayacucho helped free the region of Upper Peru, which became Bolivia. He was forced from power in 1828 to prevent war with Peruvians, who objected to his relationship with Simon Bolivar and was assassinated in 1830. For ten points name this chief lieutenant and friend of Simon Bolivar for whom a capital of Bolivia is named.;;(Antonio) (Jose) (de) Sucre Physics;;The type caused by ultraviolet radiation is produced by bleach to brighten whites and is known as fluorescence. Fireflies create it with chemicals and most glow-in-the-dark products depend on a delayed version of it called phosphorescence. Seen even at very low temperatures, it happens when an energy source excites an electron and light is generated as the electron falls back to its ground state and emits energy in a different wavelength. For ten points, name this kind of light that is not created by heat.;;Luminescence Literature;;This play begins with the world-weary Euelpides and Pisthetairos following their pets in a search for contentment. In their quest, the pets lead them to others of their species who used to be troubled humans before being altered into a particular type of animal by the gods in order to gain perspective. The animals are persuaded to create their own utopia in the sky where those animals can take their rightful place above humans in, For ten points, what Aristophanes comedy about Cloudcuckooland?;;(The) Birds Art;;It was stolen at the opening of the 1994 Olympics, but was recovered in 3 months. Part of the Frieze of Life, two men in top hats are seen walking behind the central character with fjords and a setting sun in the background. For ten points, name this work of Art Nouveau that features a horrified man with his hands raised to his face and a gaping mouth, the most famous work of Edward Munch.;;(The) Scream World History;;It was motivated by fear of radical elements of the Nazi Party leading a second revolution, as well as a statement by General Werner von Bloomberg that Nazi control of the military was unacceptable. These developments, coupled with S.A. leader Ernst Rohm's public statements questioning Hitler's power, motivated Hitler to purge his party of his enemies. For ten points, give the nickname for June 30, 1934, a night in which Hitler ordered the murder of over 100 political enemies including Rohm himself, whom Hitler himself arrested at the Bavarian resort Bad Wiesse.;;(The) Night of the Long Knives Literature;; Its sequel, The Way Back, was published in 1931. The novel begins after a battle in which half of Paul Baumer's company has been killed. Baumer himself is eventually killed but not before saying "At the next war let all the Kaisers, Presidents and Generals and diplomats go into a big field and fight it out first among themselves". For ten points name this anti-war novel set during World War I, most famous work of Erich Remarque.;;All Quiet on the Western Front Physics;;For steel, it is around 2 x 10^11 and for wood it is around 1 x 10^9. In Euler's formula, it is multiplied by the area moment of inertia of the cross section and by pi squared. It is based on a principle in Hooke's Law and is always in pounds per square inch or dynes per square centimeter. Usually represented by an upper-case E, For ten points, what is this value in physics that equals the ratio of stress over strain?;;Young(')s Modulus Music;;His works include 1980's controversial Shumann's Davidsbundlerdantze as well as Concerto Barocco, Agon, and Seven Deadly Sins. Emphasizing pure dance rather than plot, he created the original Slaughter on Tenth Avenue for the musical On Your Toes. For ten points, name this ballet dancer who served as director of the ballet for the New York City Metropolitan Opera House and founded the School of American Ballet.;;(George) Balanchine Biology;;Named from Latin for brood sow, its characteristic ulcer rarely appears today and antibiotics treatment for it can last a year. Caused by myobacteria that are often found in unpasteurized milk, it is also called tuberculosis adenitis and a painful swelling of the sufferer's lymph nodes occurs if untreated. For ten points, name this disease that was often called king's evil because of the belief that the touch of a king could cure it.;;Scrofula Pop Culture;;Their 1992 album Break Like the Wind featured tracks such as Rainy Day Sun, The Majesty of Rock, and Bitch School. They had a number of drummers die mysterious deaths, including Peter "James" Bond, who spontaneously combusted on stage, and Eric "Stumpy Joe" Childs, who choked to death on someone else's vomit. For ten points, name this imaginary rock band whose exploits were chronicled in a 1984 mockumentary by Rob Reiner.;;Spinal Tap Art;;The background shows the city gates, out of which comes a single file line of people who are walking towards their fate at Principe Pio Hill. A Christ-like figure in a white shirt with outstretched arms who is awaiting his death at the hands of faceless French executioners is this work's central image and the alternate name of this work is The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid. For ten points, name this anti-war work of Francisco Goya that shows how nasty the French can be.;;(The Shootings of) (the) Third of May(,) (1808) United States;;The incident grew out of an offer by Colorado Territorial officers for amnesty to native Americans if they reported to Army forts. A group of Cheyennes and Arapaphos led by Black Kettle believed themselves to be protected and established a winter camp near Fort Lyon. Although the camp flew an American and white flag, Colonel John Chivington attacked the camp and massacred 200 Indians, 2/3 of them women and children. For ten points, this 1864 massacre.;;Sand Creek (Massacre) Philosophy;;The founder of this school of philosophy coined the term sociology and it accepts a theory of social evolution known as the law of the three stages. The first stage was theological, in which phenomena were attributed to supernatural forces. The metaphysical stage attributed phenomena to fundamental energies or ideas. The final stage, which shares its name with this philosophical school, holds that phenomena are explained by observation, hypotheses, and experimentation. Formulated by Auguste Comte in the 1830s, For ten points, name this school of philosophy summarized in his The Course of Positive Philosophy.;;Positivism Earth Science;;Defined solely by temperature, not composition, its formation can be prevented by overlying glaciers and rivers, while the relict variety exists in areas now unsuitable for its creation. Reaching 5000 feet at its deepest and covering about 25% of Earth's surface, most now present developed less than 90,000 years ago and has been carbon-14 dated through animal deposits within it. Usually near the melting point, its active layer is highest and always thaws in summer. For ten points, name this type of perennially frozen ground seen at high latitudes.;;Permafrost Music;;He wrote plays such as Baal, Saint Joan of the Stockyards, and The Measures before being forced to flee Germany for his anti-Nazi views. He grew disenchanted with the United States after being forced to appear before the House Committee on Un-American Activities and fled to East Germany, where he directed the state supported Berliner Ensemble. For ten points, name this Communist playwright famous for his anti-war classic, Mother Courage and Her Children, and his modern day version of John Gay's Beggar's Opera, the Threepenny Opera.;;(Bertolt) Brecht Literature;;Doctor Mandelet suspects that the main character of this novel is having an affair, but does not tell that character's husband, Leonce. The main character eventually does have an affair with the local gigolo, Alcee Arobin, but Alcee cannot satisfy the main character's longing for Robert Lebrun, a man she met on vacation in Grand Isle. For ten points, Edna Pontellier is the main character in what most famous work of Kate Chopin?;;(The) Awakening United States History;;In 1949, he headed the United Nations commission in the dispute over Kashmir. Born in Fredericksburg, Texas, he served as Chief of Staff to the Commander of the Atlantic Fleet Submarine Force during World War I and this experience led him to champion unrestricted submarine warfare against the Japanese merchant marine during World War II. For ten points, name the man who was appointed Commander in Chief, US Pacific Fleet on Dec 31, 1941 and served as official representative of the United States at the Japanese surrender on the U.S.S. Missouri.;;(Chester) Nimitz Earth Science;;Limestone and dolomite formed when it boils can create harmful coatings and its ill effects are now eased by ion exchange, in which a sodium ion replaces another. It makes life difficult because inorganic elements react with water's hydrophilic ends to make waxy, white curds which form soap scum. It is made when carbon dioxide picked up from the air forms carbonic acid that dissolves minerals containing iron, magnesium and calcium. For ten points, name this type of H20 filled with dissolved minerals.;;Hard Water Literature;;Her second play, The Sign in Sidney Brunstein's Window, was much less successful than her first play, which was based in part on her father's victory in an anti-segregation suit before the Illinois Supreme Court. Under WEB Dubois, she wrote a research paper entitled The Belgian Congo and she had the writing collection To Be Young, Gifted, and Black published posthumously in 1969. For ten points name this playwright who wrote A Raisin in the Sun.;;(Lorraine) Hansberry Economics;;During his time as a professor at East India Company College in Hertfordshire, he developed a theory of demand-supply mismatches called gluts that was ridiculed at the time but was later confirmed by the Great Depression. He believed that famine and poverty were natural outcomes that were God's way of keeping man from being immoral and lazy. For ten points name this economist and clergyman who formulated the idea of the geometric growth of population outstripping the arithmetic growth of food in his Essay on Population.;;(Thomas) Malthus Literature;;After its chief character has an affair with Madame de Renal, his mentor Father Chelan sends him to a seminary. The hero then moves to Paris and becomes the personal secretary to the Marquis de la Mole, and has an affair with the Marquis" daughter. At the novel's end, Madame de Renal exposes the main character as a womanizer, the main character shoots Madame de Renal and is executed. Julien Sorel is the main character of, For ten points, what most famous work of Stendhal?;;(The) Red and the Black Music;;This musical group was ironically born after the suicide of Joy Division's vocalist Ian Curtis on the eve of that group's first American tour. The remaining band members, Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris, and Gilliam Gilbert, formed this group and released their first album, Movement. For ten points, name this band whose synth-pop sounds of the 1980s produced albums such as Power, Corruption, and Lies and singles such as Bizarre Love Triangle and Blue Monday.;;New Order World History;;Mass electrocutions by cables planted in swamps and possible use of nerve gas contributed to the deaths of over a million soldiers and wounding of almost two million more. It grew out of an attempt of one of the belligerents to seize the oil-rich Khuzistan region and to secure the strategic Shaat-al-Arab waterway, and the "final offensives" in this conflict were a series of futile attempts to take the port of Basra. For ten points name this bloody conflict fought from 1980 to 1988 that pitted the fanatical Shiite Islam philosophy of the Ayatollah Khomeini against the secular socialism of Saddam Hussein.;;(Iran-Iraq|Iraq-Iran){1}? (War) Music;;Maurice Ravel claimed that this composer was "the only pupil who does not write my music". The only honor he accepted during his lifetime was the Order of Merit and he regularly conducted the Leith Hill Music Festival. His operas are not frequently performed and include Hugh the Drover and Pilgrim's Progress. For ten points, name this British composer famous for his Fantasia on Greensleeves and Lark Ascending.;;(Ralph) Vaughan Williams Biology;;Protected on the outside by the serous coat, its body is divided into lesser and greater curvatures. Able to absorb only 5% of water, but almost all alcohol and sugar, it connects to the duodenum at the pylorus, where its peristaltic movements are most intense. Although other parts of the alimentary tract have more important functions, the chyme it makes with water and gastric juices allows absorption in other organs. For ten points, name this organ that receives food from the mouth and gives it to the small intestine.;;Stomach Literature;; Many of his early works were published in the Newburyport Free Press, a publication edited by the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, and those works included Molly Pitcher and Legends of New England. After the Civil War, he fashioned himself as a common man's bard with works such as Songs of Labor. For ten points, name this Quaker author of Snow Bound, Barbara Fritchie, and Maud Muller.;;(John) (Greenleaf) Whittier Art;;With the 1626 death of his wife, Isabella, he entered the diplomatic service, during which time he was knighted in England for his peacemaking efforts and met Diego Velasquez in Spain. During his final years, he married sixteen-year-old Helen Fourment in 1630 and painted numerous portraits of her, as well as the ceiling at Whitehall for Charles I. For ten points name this Flemish artist noted for such works for the Spanish court as the Three Graces and religious works such as Descent from the Cross.;;(Peter) (Paul) Rubens Chemistry;;Freeman Dyson showed that only it makes matter stable and stops any two macroscopic objects from exploding with tremendous force, a situation that still occurs at forces greater than 1 trillion gauss. It applies to all particles with half-integer spins and gives each atom a unique set of quantum numbers. Its most direct consequence is the fact that electrons must fill successively larger orbitals instead of all taking the lowest places. For ten points, name this principle that says no two particles of identical type may occupy the same quantum state at one time.;;Pauli Exclusion (Principle) World History;;Preceded by the defeat of Duke Eudos, Christian sources say it lasted a week, but Muslims claimed it ended in two days. St. Denis made a chronicle of it stating 300,000 saracens were killed, as well as giving the Frankish leader his famous nickname. One of the few times medieval infantrymen held ground against cavalry, this battle ended when Abder Rahman was killed. For ten points, name this 732 battle in France that saw Charles the Hammer stop the northern advance of Islam.;;(Battle of) (Tours|Poitiers){1}? Geography;;An andesite and dacite stratovolcano, it once rose to 7,550 feet and is surrounded by Cuardrado, Mataba and several other offshoots. The natural disaster it caused devastated Clark Air Force Base and forced its closure. It launched over two cubic miles of ash which buried over 310 square miles and killed over 500 people. For ten points name this volcano located on Luzon Island northwest of Manila, Philippines.;;(Mount) Pinatubo Technology;;It was first described by Beau de Rochas in 1862, but a working device that used this was not built until fourteen years later. Its maximum efficiency is eta = 1- the quantity 1 over compression ratio to the power of K-1, which is much more efficient than the cycle used by Lenoir in his coal and gas engine. For ten points, name this cycle that is also called the four-stroke cycle, developed by a German and used in nearly all internal combustion engines.;;Otto (Cycle) Religion/Mythology;;One nickname for this group was the Tractarians, in reference to member Edward Pusey's manifesto Tracts for the Times. One of its leaders, John Newman, was so vigorously attacked for his Catholic leanings that he eventually converted to Roman Catholicism. For ten points, name this 19th century religious movement that sought to revitalize the Church of England by reintroducing traditional Catholic practices and shares its name with Great Britain's most famous university.;;Oxford (Movement) Religion/Mythology;;This legendary Egyptian king framed a just legal code for his country and persuaded his people to renounce cannibalism. He left Egypt to civilize the rest of the world and during his absence his evil, his red-ass pelt-haired brother, Set, plotted against him, suffocating him upon his return. For ten points, name the husband of Isis whose son Horus killed Set.;;Osiris Literature;;His message in The Kind Keeper that having mistresses is a "crying shame" made it very badly received. His Spanish Fryar attacked both England's ancient enemy and Catholicism and Religio Laici was an exposition of the Protestant creed. His Heroic Stanzas commemorate the death of Oliver Cromwell, while his Astraea Redux celebrates the restoration of Charles II. For ten points, name this English poet laureate who is known for Pindaric odes such as Alexander's Feast and for his long poem on the Dutch War, Annus Mirabalis.;;(John) Dryden Physics;;Allowed by Einstein's results, their creation requires only the use of "exotic matter" with negative energy that is thought to arise when quantum fluctuations in vacuum are suppressed. Perhaps appearing spontaneously right now on a minute scale, Stephen Hawking says they are useless because even a single particle brings their destabilization, but we may be able to peer through them into other universes. For ten points, name these theoretical shortcuts from one area of space-time to another, one of which is now inhabited by Captain Sisko.;;Wormhole(s) Music;;His odd taste was cultivated by his father, who let him listen only to offbeat compositions that customers didn"t want, and he paid tribute to Columbus with 1992's The Voyage. He studied with Milhaud (Mee-yo) and transcribed the music of Ravi Shankar, starting an Indian fascination which led to his Satyagraha. His recent operas include In the Penal Colony, based on the Kafka short story, as well as Galileo Galilei. For ten points, name this composer famous for helping to popularize minimalist music with his opera Einstein on the Beach.;;(Philip) Glass Economics;;Legend has it that its eponymous economist first wrote it on a napkin in a Washington, D.C bar in 1974. Its validity was tested during the 1980s with the large-scale tax cuts of the Reagan and Thatcher governments. It claims that if income is taxed above a certain point, productivity and the entrepreneurial spirit will decline, causing a decrease in government revenue. For ten points, name this curve that states that, in certain circumstances, a tax cut will, in fact, increase revenue.;;Laffer (Curve|Graph|Diagram){1}? Artchitechture;;A stack of oil drums in Cologne was his first exhibition and his famous "store fronts" were made after he moved to New York in 1964. Once featured on the Simpsons, his Wrapped Reichstag, Valley Curtain and other large-scale works are attempts to ignite the imagination of entire communities. For ten points, name this Bulgarian creator of Surrounded Islands whose most famous work was fabric strung across 24 miles of Northern California, the Running Fence.;;Christo (Vladimirov) (Javacheff) Literature;;Early in this novel, the protagonist travels to Johannesburg under the impression that his sister is gravely ill, only to discover that she has become a prostitute. While in Johannesburg, he discovers that his son, Absalom, and nephew, Matthew, have been involved in the killing of a white social reformer named Arthur Jarvis. At the end, John is hanged for the crime while Stephen reconciles with the victim's father. These events happen to Stephen Kumalo in, For ten points, this most famous work of Alan Paton.;;Cry(,) the Beloved Country Physics;;Its very high force ratio is found by dividing F2 by F1, but friction acts to keep the efficiency of its systems extremely low. Its distance ratio is two times pi times its radius all divided by the angle between its thread and a plane at right angles to its barrel. Apollonius of Perga laid its mathematical foundations and it is a modified wedge that transfers motion and force to a small area. For ten points, name this simple machine similar to the inclined plane that is used in conjunction with a driver.;;Screw World History;;The Audita Tremenda started this and divided the indulgences into two categories. Called by Gregory VIII and wrecked by Byzantine perfidy, it was precipitated by a holy city's lose after the battle of Hattin, an event which caused Urban III to die of shock. The Seljuk capital and Acre were both conquered, but it resulted only in agreement to allow Christian pilgrims into Jerusalem. For ten points, name this crusade against Saladin which was led by Richard the Lion-Hearted and saw the death of Frederick Barbarossa.;;(The) (Third|3rd) Crusade Geography;;Its indigenous Ona, Alakaluf, and Yahgan peoples were killed off by diseases introduced by European immigrants. The Andes Mountains extend through its western part while the plateau of Patagonia extends into its eastern section. The eastern portion belongs to Argentina while the western portion is part of Chile's Magellenas Province. For ten points, name this archipelago that is separated from the mainland of South America by the Straits of Magellan.;;Tierra Del Fuego Philosophy;;Their group was founded by Antisthenes, a student of Socrates who believed that happiness could be achieved by shunning conventions, separating oneself from society and living in poverty. Unlike Socrates, they believed virtue was not the highest good but the only good. For ten points, identify this group of philosophers, the most famous of whom was Diogenes, who was known for traveling through the daylight with a lantern in search of an honest man.;;Cynic(s) Biology;;It causes inbreeding depression by lowering the number of superior heterozygotes. It is displayed by Huntingdon's disease and congenital elevated cholesterol levels, but most human genetic disorders are not products of it. Only meaningful for diploid cells, its incomplete version produces a heterozygous phenotype that is intermediate in appearance. For ten points, name this condition represented with capital letters in which genes express themselves regardless of what other gene is at the same locus.;;Dominan(ce|t){1}? United States History;;He refused to annex Texas and a bank panic his second year in office forced him to sell even tools used on government projects. One of Andrew Jackson's chief allies during the Peggy Eaton affair, his 1831 resignation as Secretary of State prompted other cabinet members to do the same and allowed enemies to be purged from the government. A native Dutch speaker, he organized the Albany Regency early in his career. For ten points, name this "Little Magician" who became President in 1836.;;(Martin) van Buren Religion/Mythology;;In this book, the Canaanite General Sisera is killed in his tent by Jael when Jael drives a tent peg into Sisera's temple. One of this book's title characters, the son of a prostitute, sacrifices his daughter under God's approving eye in order to gain victory over the followers of the gods of Moab, Sidon, and Philistia. Jepthah, Gideon, Deborah, and Samson are among, For ten points, what warrior rulers, the namesakes of the seventh book of the Bible?;;(The) (Book of) Judges Literature;;His brother, Josef, died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and it was Josef who actually coined this author's famous neologism. An ardent democrat, his tract Why I am Not a Communist was suppressed after World War II and he was a friend and biographer of Czech President Tomas Masaryk. His masterpiece is a tale of amphibian slaves who rise against their human oppressors, War With the Newts. For ten points, name the Czech writer of 1920's Rossum's Universal Robots.;;(Karel) Capek World History;;While attending Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts, he debated his native country's president, William Tolbert. When Samuel Doe came to power, this man became the head of the General Services Agency before being forced to flee to the United States for embezzling more than $900,000 in government funds to a Citibank account. A lay Baptist preacher who is under a United Nations war crimes indictment, For ten points, name the man who led guerilla war against Doe before becoming President of Liberia in 1997, a post he resigned in 2003 under pressure from the United States.;;(Charles) Taylor World History;;Its story was recounted by John Zephaniah Holwell, who later rose to governorship of the province in which it was located. It was a chamber in Fort William and its site is now used as a post office. Its guards refused bribes of 2,000 rupees from prisoners out of fear of angering the Nawab of Bengal, but did provide very limited amounts of water between the bars. Twenty-six people emerged alive the next morning. For ten points, name this 22 by 18 foot room for confinement of two men that held 146 British men and women on June 20, 1756.;;(The) Black Hole (of Calcutta) Philosophy;;His Persian Letters satirized French institutions by supposedly chronicling observations of foreign travelers. His political philosophy was centered on the idea that nations" political systems were greatly determined by a country's climate and geographic circumstances. For ten points, name this French political philosopher who stressed the importance of separation of powers in any government in his most famous work, The Spirit of the Laws.;;(Charles) (Louis) (de Secondat,) (Baron) (de) Montesquieu Chemistry;;It occurs for solids and liquids only when their emitted vapors react and its process is a series of free-radical reactions. An explosion results when its rate is only limited by molecular speed of movement. Able to happen spontaneously for materials with low ignition temperatures, its failure is responsible for a candle's light because only unburned particles glow from heat it produces. For ten points, name this reaction with oxygen that produces light and heat.;;Combustion Literature;;He grew up in a thatched farmhouse named Mossbawn, a place that appears frequently in his poetry. He objected to his inclusion in the 1982 Penguin Book of Contemporary British poetry by writing the lines: "Be advised, my passport's green/ No glass of ours was ever raised / To toast the Queen". Known for Bog Poems such as Tollun Man, For ten points name this Irish Nobelist, perhaps most famous for his collection Death of a Naturalist and a translation of Beowulf.;;(Seamus) Heaney Language Arts;;This word was used by William Dampier in his 1699 work New Voyage Round the World to describe the frames of sticks that European explorers slept on in order to avoid snake bites. It is more commonly applied in a different context and some believe that the Spanish borrowed the word from the language of the Arawak Indians, who used this term to describe erecting a frame of sticks over a fire to dry meat. For ten points, identify this culinary term that some believe is derived from a French phrase meaning "from beard to tail", referring to the idea that an entire pig is being roasted.;;Barbeque World History;;The first one began when the parlement rejected a plan to raise money that was proposed by Anne of Austria and her advisor. Its leaders included Frederic Bouillon and Paul de Gondi and it was settled by a peace at Reuil after troops returned from foreign wars to crush it. The New one saw Cardinal Mazarin release the Prince de Conde from prison and flee from his wrath, but the noblemen's eventual defeat ended the last resistance against the French monarchy. For ten points, name these revolts against young Louis XIV, called after the French word for sling-shot.;;Fronde(s) World History;;A typical work of this genre is the Fyodor Gladkov novel Cement, a work that examines enforced equality of the sexes in a Russian factory of the 1920s. One of its chief proponents was Leningrad party boss Andrei Zhdanov, who saw to it that artists in the U.S.S.R conformed to Stalin's goal of making artists the "engineers of the soul". Known for stifling artistic innovation, For ten points, name this official literary and artistic doctrine of the Soviet Union that sought to paint an optimistic picture of life in the Soviet Union.;;Socialist Realism United States History;;Though its true perpetrators were probably never caught, it cast a pall on organized labor and is cited as the death knell of the Knights of Labor. Governor John Altgeld eventually pardoned 3 anarchists convicted of involvement, but not before five others died by hanging and suicide. For ten points, name this Chicago massacre that occurred when someone threw a bomb into a crowd of 1500 protesters and policemen at a McCormick Harvester plant.;;Haymarket Square (Massacre|Riot) Physics;;Radio waves display it when emitted, so antennas not aligned correctly won"t receive them. It can happen to light that is reflected or passing through certain materials and such light will be completely absorbed if it hits a second such material that works at right angles. The elliptical sort is made when two radiations travel out of phase by 90 degrees and parallel oscillations create the plane variety, which is the simplest. For ten points, name this phenomenon that is the restriction of a transverse wave's vibrations.;;Polarization Physics;;Georgi and Glashow's unified theory requires it to be quantized. Symbolized lower-case e for protons and equal to 4.803207 x 10 to the negative tenth power of its units, its value for a macroscopic object is the sum of individual particles. Always conserved, it is symbolized Q and its CGS unit is the esu (ee-ess-you). Its interactions are described by Coulomb's law and those of its like variety repel one another, while unlike ones attract. For ten points, name this attribute of electricity that Ben Franklin divided into positive and negative types, possessed by you after rubbing feet on carpet in winter.;;Charge Music;;It depicts deformed gnomes in halting brass and string rhythms, while basses announce the arrival of rich Goldenburg, with only muted trumpets for impoverished Schmuyle. It includes the Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks, based on costume design sketches for the Ballet Trilbi, and the Great Gate of Kiev, based on plans for a monument to Alexander II. Written as a commemoration of an artist who was a close friend of the composer, For ten points, identify this suite of Modest Mussorgsky pieces that musically illustrates a series of Viktor Hartmann paintings.;;Pictures at an Exhibition World History;;An order in his name was created by Catherine I, abolished in 1917 and revived in 1942. He was accused of being a traitor when he submitted to the Tatars after their 1252 invasion of Russia, though in the long run this action helped preserve Russian autonomy. For ten points, name this canonized Russian hero who successfully defended Russia against invasion by both the Livonian Brothers of the Sword and the Swedes, the latter in the Battle on the Ice.;;(Alexander) Nevsky Geography;;The swamps between them became cemeteries and the gods decreed which would be paramount by sending six birds to fly over it. A small Sabine settlement was found on the Quirinal, while the Viminal is the smallest. The Esquiline was the home of Trajan's Thermae and the others include Capitoline, Caelian, Aventine, and Palatine, where the original city was built. For ten points, these are the names of what geographic features upon which the Eternal City was built?;;(The) (Seven|7) Hills of Rome Literature;;The story begins with Fiver's premonition that the Owsla is in danger. Fiver is unable to persuade Chief Thearah that a danger exists, but Fiver's brother Hazel leads a group out of the warren. The novel climaxes with the clash between Hazel's forces and those of the Efrafa warren, led by the tyrannical General Woundwort. This describes events that occur in, For ten points, what Richard Adams work about rabbits in search of a home?;;Watership Down Chemistry;;Its impossibility past .5 millimeters in distance and massive weight of exoskeletons prevent giant insects from evolving. Gills aid it by enlarging surface area and raising concentration differences, while alveoli help it with tissue thinness. All animals depend on it because active capture is too costly. It is driven by differences in partial pressures and, the greater the difference, the faster it happens, so most protists can depend entirely on this for gas exchange. For ten points, name this random movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules to areas of lower concentration.;;Diffusion United States History;;A native of Savannah, Georgia and alum of the College of Charleston, he was the son-in-law of the influential Missouri Senator Thomas Hart Benton. His relationship with Benton allowed this man to lead surveying expeditions to the Oregon Trail, the Great Basin, and the Sierra Mountains. Although it led to his court-martial, he may be most famous for his appointment as California's first governor. Nicknamed "the Pathfinder", For ten points, name this first presidential candidate of the Republican Party.;;(John) (C(.)) Fremont Literature;;His poem Sunday Morning contains the line "death is the mother of beauty" and stresses the poet's view that religious faith cannot be a source of comfort or constancy. He spent nearly forty years working for the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company and once broke his nose in a Key West bar fight against Ernest Hemingway. For ten points, name this poet whose most famous poems include Anecdote of the Jar and The Emperor of Ice Cream.;;(Wallace) Stevens Geography;;Richard Feynman once described adherents of these religions as creating a replica of an airport and wearing bamboo antennas. Many adherents believe in a messianic figure known as Jon Frum, who is thought to be a compilation of Santa Claus, Uncle Sam, and other icons of Western culture. For ten points, name these sects of Pacific island people who believed that errant military materials of the United States that washed ashore during and after World War II were divine gifts that can be summoned again by emulating the practices of the servicemen.;;Cargo Cults Art;;The ball may be a childhood toy of the artist and the cow is seen in many of his works. The bottom shows a hand holding a flowering branch, while the top right shows the artist's hometown, in which both women and houses are upside down. The green figure on the right side is thought to be the artist, while the left side shows a milkmaid layered over a lamb's head. An attempt to portray the artist's childhood in Vitebsk, Russia, For ten points name this most famous work of Marc Chagall.;;I and the Village|Me and My Village Chemistry;;Unlike the evaporation used for most instant coffee, freeze-dried coffee is produced when tiny, frozen granules are subjected to it. Accounting for shrinkage of old ice cubes, it occurs because surface molecules are not bonded in every direction. The same term refers to the process in the opposite direction and it is seen in frost formation and the breakdown of dry ice at room temperature. For ten points, name this transition of a solid to a gas without going through liquid form.;;Sublimation Architechture;;Once holding a washing fountain with the words "Cleanse our sins, not only our faces" legible in both directions, it represents the first use of pendentives in monumental construction. Its four minarets rise strikingly out of the outer corners of the structure and were added after its initial construction. Though its floor and wall mosaics were cemented over after its 1453 capture by Ottoman forces, they are being carefully excavated. Located in Istanbul, For ten points, name this prime example of Byzantine architecture that led its patron Justinian to proclaim: "Solomon, I have surpassed you!".;;Hagia Sophia Literature;;Scanlon is an Acute who has fantasies about blowing things up. George Sorenson is a former seaman who is nicknamed Rub-a-Dub George for his obsession with cleanliness. Dale Harding voluntarily committed himself in order to keep others from discovering his homosexuality. These characters, as well as Randle McMurphy, Nurse Ratched, and Chief Bromden all appear in, For ten points, what Ken Kesey novel about life in a mental hospital?;;One Flew Over the Cuckoo(')s Nest Psychology;;The Family Research Council claims that its author instructed his interviewers to intimidate subjects of the study and that the validity of its almost exclusively white, middle-class, college-educated sample is also suspect. The Indiana University Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction is named after its author. For ten points name this groundbreaking compilation of research that suggested that nearly everyone masturbates and that at least 37% of American men have had a homosexual experience, put into book form in 1948 as Sexual Behavior of the Human Male.;;(The) Kinsey (Report) Religion/Mythology;; Her priestesses had the title Melissa and she is often shown with several breasts or nipples. She became so jealous of her nymph, Callisto, for becoming pregnant by Zeus that Zeus turned Callisto into Ursa Major for safety. She put so high a premium the secrecy of her baths that when the hunter Actaeon spied on her bathing with her nymphs, she turned him into a stag and sent his hounds to tear him to shreds. For ten points, name this twin sister of Apollo whose devotees sacrificed symbols of virginity when they married, the goddess of the hunt.;;Artemis Pop Culture;;Based on Vicki Baum's novel, Joan Crawford's character can"t decide between careers in office work and prostitution. John Barrymore plays Baron Felix von Geigern, a penniless jewel thief, and Lionel Barrymore is Kringelein, a factory clerk who wants to live the good life one time before he dies. Greta Garbo is the suicidal Russian ballerina, Grusinskaya. These are all guests staying at, For ten points, what Berlin auberge where "people come, people go, nothing ever happens" that is the title of this 1932 Edmund Goulding film classic?;;Grand Hotel Philosophy;;Albert Camus tackled the problem of this philosophical belief system in his essay The Rebel, in which he described how metaphysical collapse ends in profound hatred and destruction. The best known literary treatment of this philosophical system is through the character Bazarov in Ivan Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. For ten points, identify this belief system that claims that nothing can be known or communicated, perhaps best summarized in Mikhail Bakunin's statement that "the passion for destruction is also a creative passion!".;;Nihilism Chemistry;;The seventh is incomplete, while the first long one occurs where the 4s is filled before the 3d and 4p levels are completed and extends from potassium to krypton. Hydrogen and helium can be said to make one, but elements lithium through neon are generally called the first short one. They arise from progressive filling of outer shells and are arranged in order of ascending proton numbers. For ten points, name these horizontal rows of the table of the elements.;;Period(s) Pop Culture;;He was the original actor cast as the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, but was forced to give up the role to Jack Haley after developing an allergy to the makeup's aluminum dust. He began his career performing vaudeville with his sister Vilma before he danced in the 1936 movie Captain January with Shirley Temple. For ten points, name this actor who passed away in 2003, but not before achieving his greatest fame on television as Jed Clampett, the patriarch of the Beverly Hillbillies.;;(Buddy) Ebsen Literature;;His epic Africa celebrated the virtues of the Roman Republic and his friendship with Cola de Rienzi inspired his ode Italia Mia. At his death he bequeathed to Boccaccio money to buy a new cloak and he met his favorite subject at the church of Saint Clair. His line "To be able to say how much you love is to love but little," was one of many inspired by her, as was his Canzoniere. For ten points, name this Italian poet known for his sonnets and his love for Laura.;;(Franc(is|esco){1}?) Petrarc(h|a){1}? Physics;;It is often a closed curve known as a limit cycle in oscillating systems and conservative systems lack it. If it is a single point, the system will reach a state that is fixed and not dependent on time. The Lorenz type was created by a meteorologist to explain atmospheric movements and also appears in models of lasers. It is most famous as an open, non-repeating curve, the strange version known from chaos theory. For ten points, name this point in phase space toward which a changing system moves over time.;;Attractor World History;;She died while standing as a conservative candidate for parliament and a statue in her memory stands in Westminster Abbey. She was once released from jail following a hunger strike, but was put back following her recovery due to the Cat and Mouse Act that allowed for temporary discharge of prisoners for health reasons. The group she founded was known for screaming at MPs from boats anchored in the Thames and chaining members to railings. For ten points, name this founder of the Woman's Social and Political Union, the most famous British suffragist.;;(Emmeline) Pankhurst Literature;;A perennial best-seller in Japan, they were published in the United States in 1920 in Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent. Adolf Hitler claimed that they were conclusive proof of the sinister nature of Jews, but the investigations of Phillip Graves led to proof that they were a fictional concoction of the Russian secret police. For ten points name these forged documents about a fictional meeting of Jews during the 19th Century in which a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow Christianity was hatched.;;Protocols of the Elders of Zion Literature;;The zeks include Tiurin, former leader of the 104th squad who was discharged for his class background, as well as Alyosha the Baptist and Kolya, a former university student who now works in the dispensary. The title character is serving time for allegedly spying for the Germans and spends much of his day hoarding food and counting the hours remaining in his sentence. The title character's alternate name is Schukov in, For ten points, what most famous work of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn about life in a Soviet gulag?;;One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Physics;;Becoming a Congregational pastor in 1868, he later joined the faculty of Western Reserve College, and the Cleveland Medical School. In 1895, he published his definitive study on the relative mass of oxygen and hydrogen. For 10 points, name this scientist whose reputation caused him to be sought out for collaboration by his esteemed colleague Albert Abraham Michelson.;;(Edward) (Williams) Morley Architechture;;Designers of this 12-acre complex included Donald Deskey for the Art Deco interior and Raymond Hood and Henry Hofmeister, among others, for the 14 limestone skyscrapers. For 10 points, name this set of buildings which include Radio City Music Hall and the set of the Today show.;;Rockefeller Center Sports;;This baseball infield position has been manned by many great sluggers, from Lou Gehrig in the 1920s and 1930s to players like Frank Thomas and Fred McGriff in the present. For 10 points, give the position.;;first base(men) World History;;Born Josef Dzhug-ash-vi-li in Georgia, after his 1953 death, his body was put on display next to Lenin's in the Kremlin. For 10 points, name this Soviet leader known as "Uncle Joe" during World War II.;;(Josef) Stalin Technology;;In 1941, Swiss mechanical engineer George De Mestral was hunting in the Jura Mountains when he saw how cockleburs stuck to his wool pants. A decade later, he used this natural concept to patent, for 10 points, what type of fastener based on a system of loops and hooks?;;velcro Music;;Its etymology may come from $10 notes issued by the Citizens" Bank of New Orleans before 1860 and used by French-speaking people in Louisiana. For 10 points, name the Confederate marching song whose title can refer to the Southern United States.;;Dixie Chemistry;;Produced using the Ostwald process, this colorless, fuming, corrosive liquid decomposes into a brownish-yellow solution. For 10 points, name this strong acid which is neutralized with ammonia to form a major component of fertilizer.;;nitric (acid)|H N O3 Literature;;In 534 BC, he won a prize for tragedy at the Great Dionysia contest. He is considered the inventor of the tragedy. For 10 points, what Greek playwright introduced a prologue and speeches in becoming the first actor separate from the chorus, and lent his name to a synonym for "actor"?;;Thespis Architechture;;Two of his three marriages ended in divorce; the third ended when an insane servant killed his wife, her children, and several others while he was away. His students would study at his homes in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Spring Green, Wisconsin. For 10 points, name this American architect.;;(Frank) (Lloyd) Wright Biology;;Its first chapter, "Variation under Domestication," uses the example of, among other things, the Italian Greyhound and the Codlin apple to illustrate its central point. In the third chapter, "Struggle for Existence," the author describes the "economy of nature" in which individuals and species compete for resources that will sometimes be insufficiently abundant. It is also in this chapter that the author first uses the term "natural selection". For ten points this is what 1859 work first describing the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin?;;(On) (the) Origin of Species Literature;;In one of this author's novels, Macon Dead Jr., nicknamed Milkman, has an Aunt Pilate who has no navel, and who is thus much feared. In another, the title character, whose last name is Peace, betrays her friend Nel by sleeping with Nel's husband. In yet another, the protagonist, who is raped by her father, Cholly, wishes for an eye color usually associated with a Caucasian ideal of beauty. For ten points who wrote of these things in the novels Song of Solomon, Sula, and The Bluest Eye, a Nobel Prize winner probably best known for Beloved.;;(Toni) Morrison Religion/Mythology;;In some myths, this god was the father of Theseus by his rape of Aethra. He was also amorous enough to mate with Medusa, leading to the births of Chrysaor and Pegasus. Polyphemos was another son, and he did have one legitimate son in Triton, whom he fathered with his wife, Amphitrite. Identify this major Greek god, For ten points, the master of the sea.;;Poseidon World History;;While a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army in WWI, he was first imprisoned by his own superiors for spreading anti-war propaganda, and later was imprisoned by the Russians after his battalion was captured. After organizing demonstrations by the prisoners, he escaped, joined the St. Petersburg demonstrations, and applied for membership in the Russian Communist party. He then returned to his native Croatia, where his brave service and organization of resistance to the Nazis made him a hero. For ten points name this man named president for life of Yugoslavia in 1953.;;(Josip) (Broz) Tito Geography;;This state's highest point is Mount Magazine, near its western border, part of the Boston Mountain chain. The state is also home to towns called Stuttgart and Paris, though a better known small town in Bentonville, where the Wal-Mart scourge began. For ten points name this state bordered by Missouri on the north and Louisiana on the south, also home to Hope, Hot Springs, and Little Rock.;;Arkansas Literature;;Mourning her father, this character says "Oh, I was fond of misery with him! Even what was most unlovely grew beloved when he was with me". Her betrothed, Haemon, kills himself after his father's sentence on her is carried out. She is punished after she ignores the edict of the king, despite the entreaties of her sister, Ismene. For ten points what title character buries her brother Polynices and is condemned to live burial in a Sophocles drama?;;Antigone Economics;;Born in Italy around 1882, he arrived penniless in the U.S. in 1903. In 1919, he realized that, on paper at least, international trading of postal reply coupons could yield 400% returns, so he began to canvass his friends for funds, offering them a 50% return on their money in 45 days. By July 1920, he was raking in millions from new investors, while paying out most of the proceeds to earlier investors. Eventually, the bubble burst and he was sent to prison for fraud. For ten points, name this scoundrel whose name is synonymous with the pyramid investment scheme.;;(Carlo) Ponzi United States History;;This term was first used in a campaign speech by the incumbent at the University of Michigan in May, 1964. Its formulator said achieving it "demands an end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are totally committed in our time". Encompassing civil rights legislation and the war on poverty, For ten points what was this two-word catch phrase for the domestic agenda of Lyndon Johnson's second term as president?;;Great Society Chemistry;;This polyatomic ion is part of both Glauber's salts and Epsom salts. In a common gravimetric analysis procedure, barium chloride is added to a solution to test for this ion. Consisting of 5 atoms from group 6A, it has a charge of -2, and its acid is often found in acid rain. For ten points, name this ion with formula SO4.;;sulfate(s) Pop Culture;;His latest album features collaborations with Stevie Wonder, Bette Midler, and Eric Clapton, among others, on songs like "Baby, It's Cold Outside," "Embraceable You," and "Blue Moon". This comes 41 years after he sang for Jimmy Powell and the Five Dimensions, after which he fronted bands like Cactus and The Small Faces. He really hit it big with his third solo album, Every Picture Tells a Story, which featured his best known hit, "Maggie May". For ten points name this classic rocker who currently has the #1 album with his Great American Songbook Volume III.;;(Rod) Stewart Art;;As a young man he was an artist-correspondent for Harper's Weekly in Civil War battles in Virginia. That experience led to his famous painting of a one-armed man cutting wheat with a scythe, "The Veteran in a New Field". Later he focused on American rural scenes in works like "Snap the Whip" and "Weaning the Calf". Best known for sea paintings, For ten points name this American artist of "Breezing Up" and "Gulf Stream".;;(Winslow) Homer World History;;Much of what is known about this group comes from the Rhind Papyrus, along with excavation of their capital at Avaris. The people of that city were called "aamu" by the locals, a term that is usually translated by Egyptologists as "Asiatics". According to Josephus, it was the Greek Manetho who first used the term by which they are referred today, probably a corruption of the phrase "hikau khausut," meaning "foreign rulers". Taking control of Lower Egypt early in the Second Intermediate Period, For ten points who were these "shepherd kings" who introduced the chariot to Egypt?;;Hyksos Literature;;In order to remove this poet from the bohemian life of the Latin Quarter, his stepfather sent him on a voyage to India, but he jumped ship in Mauritius and found his way back to opium and writing. He took up with the mixed-race woman Jeanne Duval, about whose hair he wrote the erotic poem "La Chevelure". His later prose poems were collected in 1868's Petits Poemes en Prose, the only book he published besides his 1857 masterwork. For ten points name this French Decadent poet, who wrote of his spleen in Les Fleur du Mal.;;(Charles) Baudelaire Philosophy;;Notes that he took while serving Austria as a soldier in WWI provided the basis for the 1922 book that, along with a single article, is the only thing he published in his lifetime. Feeling that with that work he had solved all philosophical problems by showing their root in difficulties with language, he became a grammar school teacher. Later deciding he might have been hasty, he joined the faculty at Cambridge, where many of his lectures and discussions were published posthumously in the Blue and Brown Books. For ten points name this influence on logical positivism, author of Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus.;;(Ludwig) Wittgenstein Technology;;Like its predecessor, it was launched from an R7 rocket, but its mass was just over 500 kilograms. Its 4-meter-high cone-shaped capsule included a sealed separate compartment and a TV camera, but its inefficient temperature control system led to the early death of its passenger. Launched in November 1957, this was, For ten points, what Soviet satellite which carried the dog Laika into space?;;Sputnik (2|two|II){1}? United States History;;After over a year of semi-coordinated harassment of federal tax collectors in the Monongahela valley, this event crystallized in August when several thousand armed men gathered to show their defiance of the nine-cent-per-gallon tax on the namesake commodity. Invoking the militia law of 1792, 13,000 troops were called up, leading to the only time in American history when a sitting president led troops in the field. For ten points name this Pennsylvania insurrection put down by forces under Washington and Harry Lee, named for the distilled spirit that was being taxed.;;Whiskey Rebellion Religion/Mythology;;In Ezekiel 14:14, this Old Testament figure is lauded, along with Daniel and Job, for his righteousness. Tenth in descent from Adam, he was the grandson of Methuseleh. Oddly, he cursed his grandson Canaan because Canaan's father saw this man naked while he was sleeping off a bender. For ten points name this Christian figure who slaughtered one of every clean animal to give Yahweh a pleasing smell after he landed his ark.;;Noah Physics;;For a rotating body, this quantity equals the time derivative of angular velocity times the moment of inertia. Power in a rotating system equals this quantity times angular velocity. If it equals zero in a system, then the angular momentum of the system is conserved. For ten points, this is what quantity symbolized by the letter tau, the rotational analog of force?;;torque Literature;;One victim, found in the titular location, had been beaten and decapitated; the other, the first victim's daughter, was found strangled and stuffed feet-first up the chimney. Though the apartment's safe was found open with cash strewn about, nothing seemed to have been stolen. A clerk named Adolphe Le Bon is charged, but the detective protagonist is certain Le Bon is innocent, and he seeks to find the killer by placing a lost-animal ad in a Paris newspaper. Thus is caught, For ten points, the murderous orangutan in what short story about detective C. Auguste Dupin by Edgar Allan Poe?;;Murders in the Rue Morgue United States History;;He was born in Niles, Ohio, and served as a Union private in the Civil War. At the battle of Antietam, his commanding officer was future president Rutherford B. Hayes. During his own administration he annexed the Hawaiian Islands. Defeating William Jennings Bryan in the election of 1896, For ten points name this president who was assassinated in 1901 by Leon Czolgosz.;;(William) McKinley Miscellaneous;;It has no opening credits and its title is listed only in the closing. Filmed in Italy with an international cast, it is the highest grossing R-rated film of all time with $370 million in earnings. For ten points name this movie directed by Mel Gibson that chronicles the last 12-hours of Jesus" live on Earth.;;(The) Passion of the Christ Literature;;Two of this playwright's earliest works were 1959's The Sandbox and 1960's The American Dream. Two somewhat better known works, A Delicate Balance (1961) and Seascape (1975), both won Pulitzer Prizes. For ten points, name this author who is best known for Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf and Zoo Story.;;(Edward) Albee Miscellaneous;;The first one began in Shawnee, Oklahoma, in 1953 with the name Top Hat Drive In. Changing its name in 1958, it adopted the name-related slogan of serving favorites "at the speed of sound". For ten points, name this popular restaurant where you order foot-long cheese coneys through a push-to-talk intercom system and carhops deliver your food to your car on roller skates.;;Sonic (Drive In) Music;;This man's 1879 Festival March was written to commemorate the silver anniversary of the Emperor and Empress of Austria, and to this artist and his daughter is devoted the Azrael symphony of Josef Suk. Among this composer's outstanding works are his Humoresques and his opus 104 cello concerto. For ten points, name the Czech composer of the "Dumsky" trio, the Slavonic Dances, and the New World symphony.;;(Antonin) (Leopold) Dvorak Architechture;;This American sculptor was born in Idaho in 1867. He trained in Paris at the Academie Julian under Auguste Rodin. In 1915, he began work on the Confederate Heroes Sculpture at Stone Mountain, Georgia - a project he later left after differing with the project's managers. For ten points, name this artist-engineer who from 1927 through 1941 sculpted the busts of Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln onto the face of Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.;;(John) (Gutzon) Borglum Architechture;;It took 20-years to build. Its master mason was from Baghdad; its double dome designer was from Persia; its inlay specialist was from Delhi; Yemen sent agates, the corals came from Arabia, the garnets from Bundelkhand, onyx and amethyst were from Persia. Built in 1631 as a memorial to the wife Mumtaz, For ten points name this building on the Yamura River in Agra, India.;;Taj Mahal Literature;;Although this form of theater was created by a woman, since early on all roles have been taken by men. Men who play the roles of women are referred to as "onnagata," or female role specialists. For ten points name this traditional Japanese form of popular drama performed with highly stylized singing and dancing.;;Kabuki (Theater) Art;;This style of painting, first seen at the Salon d'Automne in Paris in 1905, uses non-naturalistic colors and was one of the first avant-garde developments in European art. It is characterized by vivid colors, free treatment of form and a resulting vibrant and decorative effect. For ten points identify this "wild" movement associated with Henri Matisse, Andre Derain and Maurice de Vlaminck.;;Fauvis(m|t){1}? United States History;;It began on April 6, 1862, and is viewed as a marginal Union victory. This was the first battle of the war in which both sides lost more than 10,000 soldiers. The Union forces were led by Generals U. S. Grant, Don Buell and Lewis Wallace. Confederates were led by Generals Albert Sydney Johnson (killed in battle) and P. T. Beauregard. For ten points name this battle that took place at Pittsburg Landing in southern Tennessee.;;(The) (Battle of) Shiloh Philosophy;;This man's cosmology is put forth in Le Monde, while in his last book, The Passions of the Soul, he posits the pineal gland as "the seat of the soul" in an attempt to address some of the problems with his mind-body dualism. In his most famous work, he puts forth the dream argument and his namesake demon to make his assumed hyperbolic skepticism more plausible, but he goes on to destroy this skepticism with the help of his "clear and distinct" perceptions criteria. For ten points, identify this author of the Meditations on First Philosophy, a 17th century Frenchman who said "I think, therefore I am".;;(Rene) Descartes Geography;;It has more than 200 tributaries, including the Kama, Samara and Oka. In fact, this river and its tributaries occupy a watershed covering 41% of the European landmass. For ten points, name this river, considered the longest in Europe, that begins in the hills just northwest of Moscow and then flows 2,300 miles to the east and southeast before emptying into the Caspian Sea.;;Volga (River) Literature;;This novel's repeated use of the phrases "as was the custom" and "not a thing to be done lightly" hints at its underlying gravity. The protagonist originally goes to the city to find his sister Gertrude, but eventually comes to understand that the crusader Arthur Jarvis has been murdered by Absalom. After returning to his home of Ndotsheni, Stephen Kumalo weeps for his son and for South Africa, finally enunciating the title statement. For ten points, name this masterpiece by Alan Paton.;;Cry(,) the Beloved Country Astronomy;;This planet is the hottest in our solar system with a surface temperature of 9,000o Fahrenheit. Its atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and it is blanketed with sulfuric acid clouds. For ten points name this second rock from the sun that from the Earth is the brightest planet in the sky.;;Venus Biology;;It is caused by a neurotropic virus present in the saliva of infected animals. It primarily affects the nervous system and may produce laryngospasm when one afflicted with it attempts to drink water, prompting its Greek name. In 1885, Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine for this disease. For ten points identify this disease with the common name of hydrophobia.;;Rabies|Hydrophobia Geography;;It is bordered by Egypt, Libya, Chad, the Central African Republic, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Temperatures here are among the hottest in the world, averaging 74o in January and 89o in July. For ten points, name this country with capital at Khartoum.;;(The) (Republic of) Sudan Literature;;In this play, a legendary Roman hero from the 5th century BC, Caius Marcius attacks and defeats a rival city held by the Volsces, who are led by Lucius Aufidius. Returning to Rome, Marcius is now so popular that he is seen as a threat to the ruling powers and is consequently condemned to death. For ten points, identify this Shakespearian work in which Marcius establishes an alliance with Aufidius then betrays him and ultimately is put to death in the city of Corioli.;;(The) (Tragedy of) Coriolanus Biology;;There are more than 20,000 species of this insect, and they are found on every continent but Antarctica. These flying insects have short, thick bodies covered with hair with three body parts, i.e., head, thorax and abdomen attached to six legs. Their specialized eyes allow them to see all colors that humans do except for red , and they see ultraviolet which humans cannot. For ten points, name this animal that collectively make two million flower trips to produce just one pound of honey.;;Bee(s) Literature;;In this work, both the fourth stasimon and the final remark of the chorus contain the contemporary notion that no man is happy until he is dead. Near the end, a messenger from Corinth comes to announce that Polybus and Merope have died, so the title character is now that city's king. Earlier, the title character had cursed Tiresias, but his prophecy was proven true when an old shepherd revealed that the title character is the son of Laius and Jocasta. For ten points, identify the Sophocles tragedy in which the title character discovers that he killed his father and married his mother.;;Oedipus (Tyrannos|Rex|(the) King){1}? Literature;;One of the Twelve Peers of France, little is known of him historically other than his leadership of the Breton Marches. His foil is his best friend and fellow Peer, Olivier, whose prudence contrasts with this character's boldness. Before his final battle, he selects Olivier and the Archbishop Turpin to fight with him, and though Olivier urges him to blow his Oliphant when he sees the number of Saracens on the battlefield, he refuses. Overwhelmed and killed at Roncevalles, For ten points this is what title character of a famous French chanson, or song?;;Roland World History;;Though they first appeared around 2600 BCE, their classical period didn"t come until 200 CE. Made up of numerous cities surrounded by farms, centers of this civilization included Kabah, Labna and Palenque, the last of which was its westernmost city, located in the Sierra de Chiapas. The ruins at Uxmal and Tulum both display their advanced stone calendars. Supplanters of the Olmec, For ten points name this Mesoamerican civilization that is best known for the cities of Tikal in Guatemala and Chichen Itza in the Yucatan.;;Maya(n(s)) Biology;;A change from glutamate to valine at position six in the beta chain makes it less soluble, with important medical consequences. In the fetal variant, a gamma chain replaces the beta chains in the usual 2-alpha, 2-beta tetramer. A histidine residue decreases its affinity for carbon monoxide, and the protein shows positive cooperativity, since oxygen binding at one site induces a conformational change in the other porphyrin rings. For ten points, name this oxygen-carrying protein of blood.;;hemoglobin Art;;Two of the seven figures on the left of this painting seem to look out at the viewer rather than at the prone figure at the bottom. The title figure gestures pedagogically with his left hand while five of the others look intently at his work with his right hand, which holds a forceps in the muscle of a fleshless left arm. Completed in 1632 and the first painting its artist signed, For ten points what is this Rembrandt work showing a corpse being dissected?;;(The) Anatomy Lesson (of (Dr(.) |Doctor) Tulp) United States History;;One of the men used by the plaintiff as an example in this case was Patrick Chavis, who went on to become a Los Angeles Ob/Gyn who delighted right wingers when he botched a number of liposuctions before being shot to death in 2002. The plaintiff himself is now an anesthesiologist in Rochester, Minnesota, though in the mid-70s he failed twice to get into a mid-level state medical school. Finally, in 1978 Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell sided with both sides of a split court and issued an opinion which invalidated the UC-Davis quota program while also striking down a law barring race from being a factor in college admissions. For ten points name this landmark case that sustained Affirmative Action as a federal mandate.;;Bakke (v(.)|versus) (California Board of Regents) Literature;;This work first appeared in 19 installments between 1881 and 1883 in the Italian periodical The Paper for Children. The title character's name was Tuscan slang at the time for "pine nut," and after his creation he so rudely treats his maker that, after a public tantrum, he has him thrown in prison. In the meantime he himself is imprisoned by a gorilla judge before getting out and going with some delinquent boys to Funland, where his sloth eventually leads him to be turned into a donkey. After a year of hard labor, with the help of the Blue Fairy, he realizes his wish to be "un ragazzino per bene," or a proper boy. Much darker than its Disney film version, For ten points name this novel by Carlo Collodi about a mischievous marionette, who in this version kills his cricket companion.;;Pinocchio Music;;Currently this longtime rocker is working on cajun and blues songs for Mississippi Ghost Brothers, a stage musical he's writing with Stephen King. He has just released a compilation album, Words and Music, which comes 28 years after his first album, Chestnut Street Incident. He hit it big in 1979 with the single "I Need a Lover," and soon after he went back to using his real last name rather than that of a predatory feline. For ten points name this singer of "Pink Houses" who was once known as Little Johnny Cougar.;;(John) Mellencamp Miscellaneous;;Ones made from coconut oil are soluble even in seawater, being mostly laurate and myristate. They are synthesized by alkaline hydrolysis of fats, a process called saponification. These amphipathic molecules such as sodium stearate form micelles around grease; one disadvantage is that they form insoluble calcium salts in "hard" water, unlike detergents. For ten points, identify these salts of fatty acids used to wash things.;;soap(s) Literature;;Al, sixteen, loves cars and girls, and eventually is engaged to Aggie Wainwright. Winfield, a young boy, survives a nearly fatal illness brought about by deprivation. Noah, mentally slow, eventually lives apart from the others and subsists by fishing. Uncle John drinks to overcome his guilt over the death of his wife and the family's general misfortune. Grampa dies early in the family's journey west. Ruthie reveals that her brother Tom killed a man at Hooper's Ranch. For ten points these are all members of what fictional family that also includes Rose of Sharon, the protagonists of The Grapes of Wrath?;;Joad World History;;The first authentic mention of this figure is in the 1145 chronicle written by Otto, the Bishop of Friesing. A century later a Franciscan described this leader destroying a Muslim force by creating men out of copper, filling them with Greek Fire, and sending them on horseback to the enemy. For ten points name this legendary Christian prince thought to have a kingdom beyond the bounds explored by Europeans in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.;;Pres(ter|byter){1}? John Geography;;It is home to a forty-ton cannon and a 200-ton bell, neither of which have ever worked. Among its many churches are the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, the Cathedral of Archangel Michael, and, the oldest, the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1330. It was originally the site of the hunting lodge of Prince Yuri Dolgorukiy, militarily advantageous due to its situation on high ground above the Neglina and Moskva rivers. Also housing St. Basil's Cathedral, For ten points what is this fortified city inside Moscow whose name was a synecdoche for the Soviet government?;;Kremlin Geography;;For the entire 41 years of this country's existence, this nation has been governed by the multi-racial People's Action Party or PAP. The PAP enjoys widespread support, despite its autocratic governance and enforcement of tight social controls, including a scale of fines or physical punishments for minor acts like not flushing public toilets. Entirely urban, For ten points name this 643-square-mile nation that broke away in 1965 from the Malaysian federation.;;Singapore Biology;;Catalytic ones called abzymes may be produced experimentally, and they can be used to fluorescently tag molecules of interest. Each clone of B-cells produces a unique type assembled from a large pool of gene segments capable of thousands of different combinations. They are Y-shaped, composed of immunoglobin domains and have two antigen binding sites. For ten points, identify these proteins created by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects.;;antibod(ies|y){1}? Literature;;Though he had been writing for a long time, he was first allowed to publish in 1979, and in the 1980s published plays like A Pigeon Called Red Beak and The Other Shore, as well as the critical work In Search of a Modern Form of Dramatic Representation. Sent to a re-education camp in the early 1970s, he felt compelled to burn a suitcase full of manuscripts, and he has lived in Paris since 1987, as China has declared him persona non grata and forbidden his return. For ten points name this author of the novel Soul Mountain, the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature.;;Gao (Xingjian) Miscellaneous;;Though he was drafted by the Montreal Expos as a catcher out of high school, he stuck with his first love, football. He earned a NCAA championship ring while backing up Brian Griese in 1996 and later set Michigan's school record for pass attempts with 56, but he was only drafted in the sixth round. But when he came in for his team's injured starter in 2001, he completed 162 passes before throwing an interception. For ten points name this two-time Super Bowl MVP, the quarterback of the New England Patriots.;;(Tom) Brady Literature;;This writer studied psychology with William James at Radcliffe. She later attended Johns Hopkins medical school but didn"t finish, instead moving to Paris to live with her brother Leo, an art collector with whom she was one of the first to collect Cubist and other avant garde works. Cubist principles influenced her early work, like the inscrutable aphorisms of Tender Buttons and the poem "Sacred Emily," which includes her well known formulation, "A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. Known for coining the term "the Lost Generation," For ten points who was this literary mentor to Hemingway and others and author of The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas?;;(Gertrude) Stein Religion/Mythology;;His letter of August 23, 1535, to Francis I, condemned that monarch for burning the dissenter Etienne de la Forge at the stake and later formed part of the prologue to his most famous work. No longer safe in France, he moved north and at the urging of his friend Farel began preaching and developing his notion of predestination. For ten points name this reformer of Geneva best known for writing The Institutes of the Christian Religion.;;(John) Calvin United States History;;The US commanding officer at this June 25 engagement divided his troops into three, with troops under his own command charging the enemy encampment, while those under Captain Frederick Benteen prevented escape and those under Major Marcus Reno pursued their enemy across the namesake river. Cheyenne leader Lame White Man's forces decimated Reno's troops, though Reno himself and some of his soldiers escaped. Troops under Benteen and the commanding officer were not so lucky, with nearly every man killed, their bodies mutilated in the belief that their souls would then walk the earth forever. Taking place in 1876, For ten points what was this huge victory for Sioux and other warriors over forces led by George Custer?;;(The) (Battle of) Little Big Horn Geography;;It reached prominence after 1235 when it defeated forces from their southern rivals, the Soninke. At that time its capital was established at Niani, near the gold fields of Bure, which helped finance this empire's growth. Its first great leader, Sundiata, extended it to the Atlantic on the west and to Gao on the Niger River bend on the east. Later led by Mansa Musa, For ten points name this African empire that included the famous trading center of Timbuktu which is now part of the country that shares its name.;;Mali Literature;;Alice Walker has written that an iron statue of this literary character in Eatonton, Georgia, her hometown, filled her with anger and shame. Related to the Compair Lapin figure of Creole myth, and based on a common trickster figure of West African folktales, this character first appeared in print in the US in 1881. In one exemplary tale, he pretends to be sick to dupe his nemesis into acting as his horse; then he rides him to a brothel. For ten points name this lagomorph writtten about by Joel Chandler Harris who was caught by the tar baby of Br"er Fox.;;Br('|i)er Rabbit Astronomy;;Hardly any were observed during the Maunder minimum from 1645 to 1750, which probably contributed to the Little Ice Age. At the start of their 11-year cycle they tend to appear in higher latitudes and gradually make their way toward the equator. They are caused by local magnetic effects which inhibit convection, forming areas of low surface temperature. They are actually brighter than an electric arc, but, For ten points, name these relatively dim areas on the sun's surface.;;sunspot(s) Philosophy;;The founder of this school of thought began propounding his ideas in Athens around 306 BCE, where he created a secluded community called the "Garden". It followed the atomistic metaphysics of Leucippus and Democritus, but it included a doctrine of survival of the fittest in order to explain evolution without appeal to Aristotle's "final causes". That doctrine is best explained in De Rerum Natura by Lucretius. Espousing the need for philosophy to create katestamatic, or prolonged, pleasures, attained by renouncing unnecessary desires, For ten points what was this ancient philosophical school whose name is now wrongly associated with hedonism and sensual enjoyment?;;Epicureanism Art;;Two figures, a woman and man, sit in the center and right of this painting, respectively. The man, wearing a hat, looks right, off the canvas, while the woman, dressed formally and also wearing a hat, stares vacantly downward. A glass filled with the titular greenish liquid sits before her. For ten points name this 1876 work by Edgar Degas showing the deleterious effect of a powerful concoction of wormwood.;;(L') Absinthe|(The)Absinthe (Drinker)|Glass of Absinthe Geography;;Nearly 90% of this nation's population is centered in the northern and northwestern urban areas which surround the llanos (YAH-nos), or central grasslands. Its capital is ringed by an enormous slum area called "los ranchos" which have been an epicenter of recent protests there. Its huge gap between rich and poor is mostly a result of the discovery of oil in 1914 in its western area around Lake Maracaibo. For ten points name this South American nation with capital at Caracas.;;Venezuela Literature;;As a boy apprenticed in a printer's shop, this author earned the nickname "Gravity" and "Serious," apropos of his later novels. In 1733 he wrote The Apprentice's Vade Mecum, urging young men like himself to be diligent and self-denying. These qualities were also depicted positively in his three novels, the last of which was Sir Charles Grandison. However, it is for two very long epistolary novels that he is remembered. For ten points name this author of those banes of English majors" existence, Clarissa and Pamela.;;(Samuel) Richardson United States History;;It encompassed 27 acres surrounded by pine log walls 15-20 feet high. Although it had a crude hospital, barracks were never constructed for prisoners, who slept exposed to the elements. Meant to hold 10,000 men, at its most crowded it held over 30,000, subject to attacks from marauding gangs of fellow prisoners as well as the abuses of Superintendent Henry Wirz, the only man executed by the US after the Civil War. For ten points name this infamous Confederate prison camp in Georgia.;;Andersonville Physics;;This physicist sometimes wrote verse in a Scots dialect reminiscent of Burns. In better-known endeavors, he formulated a kinetic theory of gases and calculated a distribution of molecular velocities independently of Boltzmann, and postulated a "demon" that might reverse entropy. He also interpreted Faraday's experimentation mathematically and recognized light as an electromagnetic wave. For ten points, who was this namesake of the four fundamental equations of electromagnetism?;;(James) (Clerk) Maxwell Religion/Mythology;;This creature ate special hazelnuts that grew under the sea, giving it its special property. A poet named Finnegas had spent seven years waiting for it to appear, and when he caught it, he gave it to a boy who claimed to be named Demne to cook, but when the boy burned his thumb on the skillet in which it was cooking, he thrust it into his mouth, tasting it and fulfilling a prophecy that one named Finn would eat of it. For ten points name this fish in Celtic mythology that imparted its wisdom to Finn MacCool.;;Salmon of Knowledge World History;;The Eddas present the story that this historical figure was fed the meat of two of his sons by his wife. The real man took the kingship of Scythian tribes in 433 and promptly began pushing westward, eventually being stopped for the first time by combined Roman and Visigothic forces at Chalons in 451. Later he spared Rome after a personal appeal from Pope Leo I. For ten points name this "Scourge of God," a king of the Huns.;;Attila (the Hun) Miscellaneous;;A member of his state's legislature since 1996, he co-authored a major bill creating an earned income tax credit. He was badly beaten in the Democratic primary for his state's first seat in the US congress by incumbent Bobby Rush, the only election he has lost. Born in Hawaii, his name means "one who is blessed by god" in Swahili. The winner of the first US senate election featuring two African Americans, For ten points name this senator from Illinois.;;(Barack) Obama Biology;;They"re not bacteria, but they"re sensitive to some antibiotics and begin translation with N-formyl methionine. They still have genes for some tRNAs and components of photosystems I and II, although most of their genome has been transferred to the nucleus. They have an extra membrane compartment compared with mitochondria: the thylakoids, on which the light reactions occur. For ten points, name these organelles in which photosynthesis takes place.;;chloroplast(s) Literature;;For a few years before WWI, this poet served as literary secretary for William Butler Yeats. One of his first published works was his homage to a painter, "To Whistler, American," followed soon after by "Portrait d"une Femme". Still, it was as an editor and encourager of writers like William Carlos Williams and T.S. Eliot that his more lasting mark was made. After WWII he was imprisoned in a psychiatric ward for 12 years before returning to Italy to die. For ten points name this poet known for his advice to "make it new" and his authorship of "Hugh Selwyn Mauberly" and "The Pisan Cantos".;;(Ezra) Pound World History;;Three efforts were made to colonize this New World location. The second built housing but arrived too late to plant crops, so many settlers returned to England when Francis Drake stopped by. The third expedition included 94 men and 17 women and made artist John White governor. It was during this effort that Virginia Dare was born. White returned to England for supplies, but when he returned in 1590, the settlers were gone with only the cryptic word "Croatoan" carved into a tree as a clue to their whereabouts. For ten points name this island off Cape Hatteras that was the first English attempt at colonization in North America.;;Roanoke (Island) Music;;The main melody was originally composed as accompaniment for choral music with text by a Viennese policeman named Josef Weyl. However, when the composer was asked to compose something for the Paris Exhibition of 1875, he dug up the music and converted it to a string orchestra piece. Soon it was a smash hit, and by 1900 was the bestselling piece of sheet music in history. Used as background music in 2001: A Space Odyssey, For ten points name this famous waltz by Johann Strauss Jr.;;(On the) (Beautiful) Blue Danube|Blue Danube Waltz Literature;;Born in Lubeck, his first novel, Little Mister Friedmann, was published in 1898. He began work on Felix Krull, Confidence Man, in 1905, but abandoned it before working again at it forty years later, dying in 1947 before he could finish it. Other works include Mario and the Magician and Tonio Kroger. For ten points name this German author best known for Buddenbrooks and The Magic Mountain.;;(Thomas) Mann Biology;;The earliest known one is Eoraptor lunensis, which appeared in the early Carnian. They had perforate acetabula, and are divided into the Saurischia and Ornithiscia on the basis of hip structure. Subgroups include the Marginocephalia, Ornithopoda, Sauropoda and Theropoda, which includes the only surviving lineage, the Aves. For ten points, identify these extinct animals such as Ornithomimus, Diplodicus, Iguanodon, and Tyrannosaurus.;;dinosaur(s)|Dinosauria United States History;;A lawyer by trade, he continued taking clients well after he became a member of Congress in 1813, even representing the college in the 1818 Dartmouth College Case before the Supreme Court. His enduring fame is due to his oratory, including his 1820 Plymouth Oration, 1825 Bunker Hill Address and 1826 Eulogy for Adams and Jefferson. His Second Reply to Hayne contains his most famous line: "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable". For ten points name this Massachusetts man whom Stephen Vincent Benet once depicted as beating the devil himself in a court case.;;(Daniel) Webster Literature;;In this story, a prefect known as Monsieur G often calls things odd. He suspects Minister D of taking something from the royal apartments and holding on to it. This problem is dealt with by Auguste Dupin. Name this short story by Edgar Allan Poe.;;(The) Purloined Letter Music;;At the time of his death, he was trying to get the only opera he wrote performed. It was performed for the first time fifty-three years later, in 1970. His music regained its popularity during the 1970s thanks to the movie The Sting. Before recorded music became popular, he became the first composer to write a song that sold one million copies of sheet music. Name this composer of Something Doing, The Entertainer, and Maple Leaf Rag.;;(Scott) Joplin Chemistry;;It has a half-life of twelve years, and it usually is created by bombardment of lithium or nitrogen by neutrons. When it decays, it leads to the second most common form of helium, an electron, and an electron antineutrino. It can be used to date wine and in nuclear weapons. Name this isotope that contains one proton and two neutrons.;;Tritium Religion/Mythology;;It was a pet of the King of Caria until it escaped to the Kingdom of Lycia, was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, and was usually depicted as the combination of a goat, a snake, and a lion. Name this creature that was killed by Bellerophon on his Pegasus.;;Chimera World History;;He ruled from the time his nation was founded until his death in 1964. A leader of the Congress Party, he believed his country should be democratic, socialist, and secular. He was a widower, and his daughter, who was treated like a first lady during his lifetime, later served as Prime Minister herself. Though he fought hard for independence, he decided to keep his nation in the British Commonwealth. Name this ally of Mohandas Gandhi.;;(Jawaharlal|Pandit) Nehru Technology;;The first one was created by Gary Starkweather of Xerox around 1970, and the first commercial ones were produced by IBM and then Xerox in the late 1970s. They work viaa six-step process: charging, writing, developing, transferring, fusing, and cleaning. Name this computer accessory that made dot matrix and daisy wheel printers obsolete.;;Laser Printer(s) Pop Culture;;She played Isabella Branya Williams from 2001 to 2003 on The Young and the Restless. She used to be married to another soap opera star, but she is now divorced and was recently dating a professional athlete. In 2004, she starred in the minor movie Carlita's Secret, and this year she starred in The Sentinel. Name this actress who portrays Gabrielle Solis on Desperate Housewives.;;(Eva) Longoria Literature;;The main character of this novel is accused of treason by Caderousse, Fernand Mondego, and Danglars. His name is Edmond Dantes, and he eventually assumes the title used as the name of the book. Name this 1844 work by Alexandre Dumas.;;(The) Count of Monte Cristo|(Le) comte de Monte Cristo Biology;;This term is usually associated with animals and protists; an alternative term is often used with plants and fungi. Animal examples include Placozoa, Cycliophora, and Rhombozoa, while protist examples include Chromista, Rhizaria, and Rhodophyta. More common animal examples include Porifera, Annelida, and Chordata. Name this level of taxonomical classification more general than Class and more specific than Kingdom.;;Phyl(um(s)|a){1}? Language Arts;;In botany, this term describes plants that store water in fleshy stems or leaves. According to a dictionary, this nine-letter adjective means full of vitality, freshness, or richness. Give this synonym of juicy beginning with the letter S.;;Succulent(s) Geography;;This city is overlooked by Table Mountain and contains Two Oceans Aquarium. It is not far from Robben Island, which used to hold some famous political prisoners. Name this city with a population of about three million people that serves as the legislative capital of South Africa.;;Cape Town|Kaapstad Literature;;His Marguerite poems are about a romance in Switzerland, he praised his father in "Rugby Chapel", and he honored a poet he knew in "Thyrsis". This nineteenth century poet did not want his name attached to his earliest works, including "The Forsaken Merman", so they were published with the poet's name given as A. Name this poet of "Dover Beach".;;(Matthew) Arnold United States History;;These were opposed by Morton Borden and Herbert Storing. Each one was addressed to the People of the State of New York and signed using the pen name Publius. They argued for a Republican form of government and described the roles of the different branches. Name this collection of eighty-five letters written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton arguing for ratification of the Constitution.;;(The) Federalist (Papers) Physics;;Pressure plus one-half density times velocity squared plus density times gravitational field strength times height is the same everywhere. This can be written as an equation, and that equation is named after an eighteenth century scientist. The general principle is that velocity is high when pressure is low and vice versa. Name this equation used to explain liquid and air flow.;;Bernoulli((')s (Equation|Principle){1}?) Architecture;;The pieces that go into making it are called voussoirs. These structures can take on several shapes, such as depressed, ogee, and horseshoe. Designed to change tensile stresses into compressive stresses, they require a keystone in the center. Name these architectural curves that span openings.;;Arch(es) United States History;;He was appointed by Ulysses Grant as Customs Collector for the Port of New York but fired by Rutherford Hayes under suspicion of bribery. However, he would later be called The Father of Civil Service. He started as a protégé of Roscoe Conkling but eventually split from him as President. Name this Vermont native who was never nominated for President but served after the assassination of Garfield.;;(Chester) Arthur Computer Science;;Closely related to Plan Nine, it has been developed by Vita Nuova. It includes a web browser called Charon, a virtual machine called Dis, the programming language Limbo, and the communications protocol Styx. Name this operating system whose creators seem to be fascinated by Dante.;;Inferno Architechture;;The primary architects were Andre Le Notre, Louis Le Vau, and Jules Hardouin-Mansart. They changed it from a small hunting lodge into something bigger during the late seventeenth century. Now containing a Hercules Room, Venus Room, and plenty of other rooms, it served as the seat of government from 1682 until 1789. It is also where the German Empire was proclaimed and where the peace ending World War One was signed. Name this huge palace near Paris.;;(Chateau de|Palace of) Versailles Literature;; Though best known as a novelist and essayist, she also wrote plays--most notably Night of January 16th. Her first novel is somewhat autobiographical, and the main character is Kira Argounova. Her second novel takes place in a nightmarish future where individuality is outlawed. Name this Objectivist who wrote We The Living, Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged.;;(Ayn) Rand|(Alisa) Rosenbaum Music;; His first symphony is nicknamed Titan, his second Resurrection, his sixth Tragic, and his eighth Symphony of a Thousand. He feared that, like Beethoven, he would never complete his tenth symphony, and he actually did die while working on it at the age of fifty in 1911. Name this popular conductor and composer who wrote Kindertotenlieder, The Song of the Earth, and Songs of a Wayfarer.;;(Gustav) Mahler Chemistry;; This is the brand name for material made of polyparaphenylene terephthalamide. It was created by Stephanie Kwolek and Herbert Blades in 1965. It is five times stronger than steel on a same weight basis but is flexible. Name this substance trademarked by DuPont used in bullet-proof vests.;;Kevlar Religion/Mythology;; In Asia, these creatures were generally believed to bring good luck and invoked during New Year celebrations to scare off evil spirits. In Europe, they were believed to be evil and live in far off caves protecting treasures. According to legends, both Marco Polo and Saint George killed them. Name these large scaled creatures that sometimes have wings or breathe fire.;;Dragon(s) World History;; It lasted for about eleven months, ending on the ninth day of Thermidor during Year Two of their calendar, and it was described as nothing other than prompt, severe, and inflexible justice. Rules were made by The Committee of Public Safety, including the rule that the only trial verdicts allowed were Innocence or Death. Name this stage of The French Revolution which took the lives of about thirty thousand people, many by guillotine.;;(The) (Reign of) Terror|La Terreur Technology;; His boss was Mike Sendall, and one of the students who helped him was Nicola Pellow. He wrote a famous program with a twelve-letter name that originally ran on NeXT computers and was used by high energy physicists. He now oversees a consortium which continues the work he started in the 1980s. Name this former CERN programmer credited with the invention of the World Wide Web.;;(Tim) Berners-Lee Pop Culture;; This character has been portrayed by Gene Hackman, John Shea, Michael Rosenbaum, and Kevin Spacey. Many of his weapons have been captured and placed on display in the Fortress of Solitude. In a recent appearance, he tried to create a new landmass East of the United States. Name this bald scientific genius who causes trouble for Superman.;;(Alexander Joseph) (Lex) Luthor World Literature;; This 1920 poem contains the line: "Hardly are those words out when a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi troubles my sight". It also states: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity". Another phrase was used for the title of Chinua Achebe's most popular novel. Name this work by William Butler Yeats.;;(The) Second Coming Biology;; Most of this man's observations were published by the Royal Society of England in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. One of his inspirations was Robert Hooke, who confirmed his most important experiment. This experiment involved leaving peppercorns in water and then observing the bacteria that grew. Name this Dutch tradesman sometimes called the Father of Microbiology.;;(Anton) (Thonius Philips van) Leeuwenhoek Language Arts;; This term can refer to a particular type of haircut or a small signboard. More commonly, it refers to a small piece of building material with one end thicker than the other laid in overlapping rows to cover a roof. Name this word which, when an S is added to the end, can refer to herpes zoster.;;Shingle(s) Earth Science;; Examples include the Floridan, Lloyd, Ogallala, Mahomet, and Guarani. Confined ones are typically below unconfined ones. Give this term for groups of rocks that easily transmit water to wells or springs.;;Aquifer(s) Literature;; Some of his memorable characters are Septimus Harding, Obadiah Slope, Doctor Wortle, and Harry Hotspur. This nineteenth century author wrote close to fifty novels and was very popular during his lifetime. Name this author of the Palliser Novels and the Chronicles of Barsetshire who wrote Barchester Towers and Orley Farm.;;(Anthony) Trollope World History;; This naval administrator helped bring Charles the Second back to England. Every day for a decade, he wrote down approximately a paragraph, and this writing has been used by historians to learn about the Great Fire of London and the Great Plague. Name this diarist from the 1660s.;;(Samuel) Pepys Physics;; If you make a simplifying assumption in a differential equation, this quantity can be given as m times g divided by k. For one type of graph, this quantity is the horizontal asymptote. It is much lower if the moving object is in a liquid or is spread out. Name this quantity which is reached when the drag force cancels out the force of gravity, causing an object to fall at constant speed.;;Terminal ((Sedimentation) Velocity|Speed){1}? Art;;This fifteenth century drawing is based on the work of a First Century BC architect. It has both a circle and a square going around it, has a number line below it, and has mirror writing above and below. The person in the drawing has two right feet, which are both facing forward, and two left feet, which are both pointed outward. Name this Leonardo da Vinci work that is supposed to show the proportions of man.;;Vitruvian Man United States History;; He said: "In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield. But in the evening of my memory I come back to West Point. Always there echoes and re-echoes: Duty, Honor, Country". The most decorated soldier in World War One, he later served as Allied Commander in the Philippines and Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. Name this General who clashed with President Truman during the Korean War.;;(General) (Douglas) MacArthur Religion/Mythology;; In The Bible, this person was told by God, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth". He was the son of Lamech and the father of Shem, Japheth, and Ham. Name this man, described in Chapters Five through Nine of Genesis, who landed in the mountains of Ararat after the flood.;;Noah Literature;;This short story begins: "Day had broken cold and grey, exceedingly cold and grey, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank, where a dim and little-travelled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland". A juvenile version was published in 1902, and a more popular version came out in 1908. Name this work by Jack London.;;To Build A Fire Noncomputational Math;; The answer is a two-word phrase. It often is necessary to solve a system of equations to use this method, and its primary use is to make certain integration problems easier. The first step, if it is not already done, is to factor the denominator. The next step is to write each factor in a separate denominator with variables used for the numerators. Name this method which in the simplest cases leads to zero degree numerators and first degree denominators.;;Partial Fraction(s) Music;;This musical, the best known work by Robert Meredith Willson, opened on Broadway in 1957. One of the major characters is Winthrop Paroo, who is shy because of the death of his father and has a prominent lisp. The main character falls in love with Winthrop's sister Marian, who is a librarian. Name this musical that takes place in Iowa and features the songs "Till There Was You", "Ya Got Trouble", and "Seventy-Six Trombones".;;(The) Music Man Religion/Mythology;;It is debatable whether or not this person existed; according to legend, he wrote down the book he is known for, which is one of the most translated books ever, just before leaving his native country and was never heard from again. Before that, he worked in the Imperial Library. He was a little bit older than Confucius. Name this writer who is credited with the Tao Te Ching.;;Lao-tzu|Lao(z(i|e){1}?|dan){1}? World History;;The name for this civilization came from Greek and was associated with a color. Its people are credited with founding the city of Cadiz, but that is far from their native land. Their native land was only about twenty miles wide and contained the cities of Sidon and Tyre in what is now Lebanon. Name this group known for its trading and navigating.;;Phoenicia(n) Chemistry;; In The United States, this substance is usually used as either ten percent or eighty-five percent of a solution. Arguments against it include the production of volatile organic compounds and the amount of energy required to manufacture it. It is becoming widely available, however, in California and Minnesota, and some people view it as a way our country can achieve energy independence. Name this hydrocarbon that is often combined with gasoline.;;Ethanol|Gasohol|(Ethyl|Grain){1}? Alcohol Pop Culture;;She played Joan in Playing by Heart, Kate Libby in Hackers, Olympias in Alexander, and Sara Wayland in Gone in Sixty Seconds. She has two adopted children and recently gave birth in Namibia. This former model won an Oscar for Girl, Interrupted. Name this star of Mr & Mrs. Smith and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.;;(Angelina) Jolie World Literature;;Give the first and last name of the character whose life story is similar to the author who created him, is the centerpiece of a 1916 novel, and is a major character in a 1922 novel. A thoughtful boy, he attends Clongowes Wood College until his family runs out of money. He grows to love art and live in Dublin. Name this character created by James Joyce.;;Stephen Dedalus Biology;;This gland, located in front of the cricoid cartilage, contains parafollicular cells that produce and secrete calcitonin. One of the hormones it produces contains iodine, and it gets swollen when there is no iodine in the diet. Name this gland located in the front of the neck.;;Thyroid Language Arts;;This term refers to celebrations mentioned in Chapter Twenty-Five of Leviticus. Because of its associations with the freeing of slaves, it has been appropriated by the African American community and is the title of a Margaret Walker novel and a Cole Porter musical. It also is often used to celebrate anniversaries for monarchs in power, particularly fifty year anniversaries. Give this word beginning with the letter J.;;Jubilee(s) Geography;; This country contains a large man-made body of water called the Brokopondo Reservoir or the Blommestein Meer. Many of its residents are descendants of immigrants from India, even though the country is not close to India, and it was formerly controlled by Holland. Name this smallest country in South America, located between Guyana and French Guiana, whose capital is Paramaribo.;;Suriname|Sranang Literature;;This novel is based on a creation by Basil Hallward. The main character is influenced by a hedonist named Lord Henry Wotton. Published in 1890, it was the only novel written by Oscar Wilde. Name this work in which the title character wishes that his portrait would age rather than him.;;(The) Picture of Dorian Gray Literature;;This work is written as though it is a speech given by a woman. In the last part of her speech, she claims that she is necessary for Christian faith and then refuses to summarize what she has said because she cannot remember it. It was written in 1509 to entertain Thomas More, and the author was embarrassed by its popularity. Name this humanist work by Erasmus of Rotterdam.;;(The|In) Praise of Folly|Moriae Encomium|Stultitiae Laus|Lofder Zotheid Physics;;This happens to some extent when light is unevenly refracted, when it is reflected by nonmetallic surfaces, or when it is scattered. It is caused to a greater extent by filters with long-chain molecules. It is best demonstrated by rotating one such filter while another filter stays in place. Its existence is used to argue for the theory that light is a transverse wave. Name this property of waves that are all vibrating in the same plane.;;Polari(zed|zation|ty){1}? (Light) Art;;He painted several pictures of Salisbury Cathedral in the 1820s. Now considered ahead of his time for painting outdoors and making detailed studies of nature, he was not popular during his lifetime, especially in his native England. Name this painter of The White Horse, The Hay-Wain, and several pictures of Dedham Vale.;;(John) Constable United States History;;Union troops referred to this place as Prairie Dog Village. Confederate reinforcements led by General Joseph Johnston never showed up. Lieutenant General Pemberton eventually surrendered to avoid a mutiny by his troops, who by the end were fighting with pretty much no weapons or food. Name this fort under siege from May 18th to July 4th , 1863 that gave General Grant control of the Mississippi River.;;Vicksburg World History;;Her real name was Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, and she sometimes went by the name Lady MacLeod. Because she was from Holland, which was neutral at the time, she could cross national borders at will. Though her guilt is still debated, she was tried in Paris for sending a message to the Germans and was eventually killed by firing squad. Name this exotic dancer who many people believe was a double spy during World War One.;;(Mata) Hari Literature;;The footnote to this poem starts with the word `Holy' repeated fifteen times. The poem contains the lines: "I'm with you in Rockland" and often addresses Moloch. It opens with: "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by Madness". Name this 1955 work by Allen Ginsberg.;;Howl Noncomputational Math;;A stained glass window at Caius College in Cambridge commemorates the work of this mathematician. The tool named after him existed before he was born, but he popularized it in his work On the Diagrammatic and Mechanical Representation of Prepositions and Reasonings . The tool is similar to Johnston diagrams and Euler diagrams. Name this late nineteenth century mathematician whose name is used for diagrams that show relationships between sets.;;(John) Venn|Venn Diagram(s) Music;;One of his earlier operas was about a medieval Italian and was popular despite its six hour length and the composer's dislike of it. His final opera was based on a quest for the Holy Grail. This composer spent much of the 1850s, `60s, and `70s creating what he considered the music of the future, which included serious drama. Name this composer of Rienzi, Parsifal, Tannhauser, and The Ring Cycle.;;(Richard) Wagner Religion/Mythology;;This Greek God was born in Thrace, and he returned there after being embarrassed by Hephaestus. According to one story, he was once locked in a bronze urn for thirteen months before being rescued by Hermes. He was the son of Zeus and Hera and father of Eros. Name this Olympian God of brutal war whose Roman counterpart was Mars.;;Ares World History;;Two national heroes of this country are Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio; they declared independence from Spain in 1898. True independence came from the United States in 1946. This nation was headed from 1965 to 1986 by Ferdinand Marcos. After being declared the winner of a questionable election, Marcos fled the country and was replaced by Corazon Aquino. Name this nation South of Taiwan and Northeast of Borneo in the Pacific Ocean.;;(The) Philippines|Pilipinas Technology;;This was unveiled in January, 2001, nine months before the product it is commonly associated with. It is now on Version 7 and has had over one billion downloads in the past three years. Name this proprietary digital media player application run by Apple and associated with iPods.;;iTunes Pop Culture;;She voices Gussy the Goose in the upcoming remake of Charlotte's Web, and she played Ellen DeGeneres's therapist on a famous episode of Ellen. In the past year, she has announced that she does not have a feud with David Letterman and that she is not a lesbian, though she is a close friend of Gayle King. Name this woman closely associated with the Oxygen Network, Harpo Productions, O Magazine, and her talk show.;;Oprah Winfrey|Oprah|Winfrey Literature;;Give the first and last name of the illiterate laborer married to Teresa. He is promised an island, but ends up ruling a fictional one. Name this famous sidekick who rides a mule and first appeared in a 1602 novel by Cervantes.;;Sancho Panza Biology;;This disease is generally considered to be autoimmune and caused by demyelination. There are four classifications of it; the most common is Relapsing-Remitting. In order to diagnose it, there must be symptoms in different parts of the nervous system. These symptoms can be verified by MRI, spinal tap, or reflex responses. Name this disease often associated with fundraising for further research.;;Multiple Sclerosis|Disseminated Sclerosis|MS Language Arts;;This noun comes from the Latin for `from the beginning'. It usually refers to a certain group of Australians, though it can also refer to people in other parts of the world. Give this term beginning with the letter A referring to people who are indigenous to a land and are surrounded by other people who are now dominant.;;Aborigine Geography;;This Canadian province contains the Laurentian Mountains and has been impacted by the Quiet Revolution. The Northern part of it is called Nunavik and inhabited by Inuits, and the Southern part borders New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. Name this largest province that contains Montreal.;;Quebec Literature;;This work is divided into five parts, the last of which is titled "The End of It". The main character's nephew, who visits him near the beginning of the story, is named Fred. The main character's business partner, who died seven years before the action of the story takes place, is named Jacob Marley. Name this Charles Dickens work about Ebenezer Scrooge.;;(A) Christmas Carol Literature;;Though better known for his fiction, he wrote travel narratives such as Following the Equator , Roughing It, A Tramp Abroad, and The Innocents Abroad. He also wrote accounts about life on the Mississippi River. Name this famous novelist and humorist who lived from 1835 to 1910.;;(Mark) Twain|(Samuel) Clemens Physics;;This phenomenon was first noted by Grimaldi and explained by Fresnel using Huygens' Principle. It is associated with an equation stating that energy at an angle is equal to the energy at the center times the sine of alpha, all divided by alpha, where alpha is the maximum phase difference divided by two. This equation can be combined with interference equations to find out how much light gets to a particular point. Name this phenomenon defined as the bending of light as it goes around an obstacle.;;Diffraction Art;;His early paintings include The Procuress and A Woman Asleep at a Table. His fame increased during the nineteenth century, two hundred years after he died. Other works include Girl Interrupted at her Music, The Milkmaid, and Girl With a Pearl Earring. Name this Dutch painter whose works played a prominent role in a 2003 novel by Blue Balliett.;;(Johannes|Jan) Vermeer United States History;;British headquarters during this battle were at the home of Thomas Nelson, Junior. The British were expecting reinforcements from the sea, but Admiral De Grasse's victory at the Battle of the Chesapeake made that impossible. This American victory led to the resignation of Prime Minister Lord North, whose successor acknowledged American Independence. Name this victory by George Washington over Lord Cornwallis.;;Yorktown Literature;;His name often appeared on works that he had little or nothing to do with, such as a poetry collection titled The Passionate Pilgrim and plays titled Lord Cromwell and The Life of Oldcastle. Born in 1564, he moved to London in 1586 and started having his works produced around 1591. He completed thirty-four plays, one hundred fifty-four sonnets, and several other poems. Name this man famous for writing Cymbeline, Titus Andronicus, The Winter's Tale, The Comedy of Errors, Othello, and Hamlet.;;(William) Shakespeare Literature;;One of the characters in this novel has an unknown first name, wears a celluloid eye patch, and plays horseshoes. Another character is a mess officer who knows how to make war profitable. The main character is an Air Force captain named Yossarian. Name this novel by Joseph Heller.;;Catch-22 Music;;In the key of B, this type of triad chord includes the notes B, D, and F. In the key of C, it includes C, E Flat, and G Flat. In this chord, the gaps between consecutive notes are three semitones. Give this term beginning with the letter D.;;Diminished (Chord) Chemistry;;Its existence was supported by Joseph Priestley and Georg Stahl, who believed that it combined with calx to form materials such as wood. Name this substance which was supposed to make things flammable. It was proven not to exist by several people, most notably Lavoisier.;;Phlogiston (Theory) Religion/Mythology;;The first one mentions a visit by Timothy, and the second one warns against idleness. In the New Testament, these epistles are usually placed between Colossians and the letters to Timothy. Name these two letters addressed to the capital of Macedonia.;;((First|Second) Epistle to the) Thessalonians World History;;The leader who took over this country when it gained independence from France in 1953 was the head of state until 1970 and the King until 2004, when he voluntarily self- abdicated. His name is Norodom Sihanouk. This nation was the target of Operation Menu by the United States, which tried to bomb Vietcong hideouts. Conflicts between Lon Nol and Pol Pot and then control by the Khmer Rouge soon led to the deaths of millions of citizens. Name this nation on the Gulf of Thailand.;;Cambodia|Kampuchea Technology;;These objects often use fused quartz because regular glass would start to flow at their higher temperatures. They are successful because of a chemical reaction involving tungsten vapor. This leads to tungsten replacements at hot spots, which allows the filament to last longer. Name these devices whose name is based on the fact that they usually contain bromine or iodine.;;Halogen (Lamp(s)|Light(s)) Pop Culture;;He began his career with the Memphis Showboats and ended it with the Carolina Panthers, but he is better known for his play with the Philadelphia Eagles and Green Bay Packers. He died in 2004 at the age of forty-three. Name this football player known as the Minister Of Defense, partly due to his religious beliefs, who used to be the All-Time NFL Sacks Leader.;;(Reggie) White World Literature;;Give the first and last names of the man who lives at No. 7 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, in London and spends a lot of time at the Reform Club. He has a servant named Passepartout and has been portrayed by David Niven, Pierce Brosnan, and Steve Coogan in movies. Name this main character of Jules Verne's Around The World In Eighty Days.;;Phileas Fogg Biology;;These can appear anywhere in the body, though they are more common in certain areas such as joints, tendons, eyelids, sebaceous glands, and ovaries. Unlike tumors, they usually are caused by infections or embryonic development problems. Name this collection of air, fluid, or semi-solid material found within a capsule.;;Cyst(s) Language Arts;;This twelve-letter word begins with the letter C and can mean the spread and development of a species in a new area. It usually refers to humans and has been used for the resettlement of freed American slaves in Africa. Give this term that also refers to the process of establishing settlements in conquered or unstable countries that historically has been done by European nations.;;Colonization Astronomy;;Now that Pluto has been demoted, this is the planet with the most eccentric orbit. It has only been approached once by spacecraft--the Mariner 10 in the mid-1970s. It has the largest temperature variation of all planets because it has virtually no atmosphere to retain heat during its very long nights. It is located between forty-six and seventy million kilometers from the Sun. Name this planet that this past week was located directly between the Earth and the Sun.;;Mercury Noncomputational Math;;In the fourth quadrant, this is found by subtracting the angle from three hundred sixty degrees. In the third quadrant, it is found by subtracting one hundred eighty degrees from the angle. In the second quadrant, it is found by subtracting the angle from one hundred eighty degrees. In the first quadrant, it is just the given angle. Name this angle that is acute and used to look up values in trigonometry tables.;;Reference (Angle) Literature;;This play features a Prince named Pedro and his brother John. John tries to break up the marriage of Hero and Claudio. There is also a relationship between Beatrice and Benedick. Identify this work by Shakespeare.;;Much Ado About Nothing Philosophy;;This early nineteenth century philosopher praised Socrates and criticized Hegel. Many twentieth century philosophers praised his emphasis on individual thought but criticized his focus on becoming a good Christian. Several Christian churches have not appreciated his emphasis on having an individual relationship with God independent of a church. He wrote The Concept of Irony, Either/Or, and Fear and Trembling. Name this Danish philosopher.;;(Soren) Kierkegaard Art;;The upper left-hand corner of this painting shows Zephyr and Aura. The right side shows one of the Graces with a huge purple cape. In the middle, the main character makes some effort to cover her nakedness. She has just emerged from water, and she is standing on a half-shell. Name this Sandro Boticelli work.;;(The) Birth of Venus|Venus on the Half-Shell United States History;;He was stabbed to death in 1976 at the age of thirty-four. He became famous in 1965, and his fame paralleled that of Danny Escobedo. His mother died when he was in elementary school, and he spent a fair amount of time in reform school, the army, and jail. This rapist was convicted during a retrial after the Supreme Court ruled that his confession should be thrown out. Name this resident of Phoenix, Arizona.;;(Ernesto) (Arturo) Miranda World History;;He ridiculed churches by calling them steeple-houses, and he argued against the use of all rituals. This seventeenth century Englishman started a group that refused to take oaths or take up arms. The common name for them came from a judge who ridiculed him for saying that people should `tremble at the word of the Lord.' Name this man who started the Religious Society of Friends.;;(George) Fox Psychology;;Early in his career, he worked with Theodor Meynert, Jean Charcot, and Josef Breuer. Late in his career, he wrote the books The Future of an Illusion, Civilization and Its Discontents, and Moses and Monotheism. Name this doctor who believed that hysteria should be treated by free association, formulated the Oedipus complex, and divided the mind into the id, the ego, and the superego.;;(Sigmund) Freud Literature;;His first successful novel was The Spy in 1821. Many of his novels take place at sea, including his books about Miles Wallingford. His most famous work is subtitled A Narrative of 1757 and includes an introduction describing Native Americans. Name this author of The Pioneers, The Prairie, The Pathfinder, The Deerslayer, and The Last of the Mohicans.;;(James Fenimore) Cooper Music;;This song from the mid-1960s inspired a 1991 movie. Some of the lyrics are: "I've got so much honey the bees envy me. I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees". Written by Smokey Robinson and covered by many artists, most prominently Otis Redding, it originally was a #1 hit for The Temptations. Name this song that asks the question: "I guess you'd say what can make me feel this way"?;;My Girl Chemistry;;Though this classification usually is applied to reactions, it is also used to describe substances such as gypsum and concrete. Reactions that fit the description include electrolysis, respiration, and photosynthesis. Give this eleven-letter word used to describe things that absorb energy in the form of heat.;;Endothermic Religion/Mythology;;This Roman goddess was often celebrated in late April or early May. She had a flower that made women pregnant used by Juno to create Mars. She is similar to the Greek Chloris. Name this goddess whose name is now associated with plant life.;;Flora Noncomputational Math;;According to Bertrand's Postulate, one of these exists between every positive integer greater than one and twice that positive integer. If one of these is a factor of a product of two counting numbers, then it must be a factor of at least one of the counting numbers. Euclid wrote a proof that these are infinite in number, and Eratosthenes devised a simple way of finding them. Give the name for numbers that are not composite.;;Prime (Number(s)) World History;;His first major success was at the Battle of Caporetto, and he wrote a manual titled Infantry Attacks. Popular in his native land and involved in a plot to kill the leader, he eventually was told to swallow poison to prevent bad things from happening to his family and friends. Name this leader who was very successful in France and had mixed results in Africa leading Panzer divisions for Germany during World War Two.;;(Erwin) Rommel Technology;;This began in 1999 as a site for sharing music and book reviews. A search engine at the top of the site allows you to search the web, users, metros, blogrings, or blogs. Members can use skins or layouts, and they can give eprops to other members. Name this weblog community whose name starts with the letter X.;;Xanga World Literature;;She attracts the attention of many men, including Archdeacon Frollo. She is often looking for her parents and accompanied by her goat Djali. Name this gypsy dancer who is loved by Quasimodo in Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame.;;(La) Esmeralda Biology;;Give an answer beginning with the letter D. These living things have a lot in common with golden algae, and they are usually classified based on their type of symmetry. Typically unicellular, they have a cell wall made of silica. Name this group of Protists whose name is based on the split usually found between their sides.;;Diatom(s) Language Arts;;This word was originally used in Persian for a wall surrounding a garden. The Greek historian Xenophon used it to describe the gardens themselves, and it later showed up in Biblical translations to represent the Garden of Eden. It is now a common word referring to any place of supreme happiness. Give this eight-letter word beginning with the letter P.;;Paradis(e|o){1}? Geography;;This city contains a 12th Century castle built on Cave Hill and a modern sports and entertainment complex known as The Odyssey. Containing almost three hundred thousand people, it was the site of much conflict during the late twentieth century between Nationalists and Unionists. Name this city located in the province of Ulster that is the capital of and largest city in Northern Ireland.;;Belfast Literature;;This poet's works include The Shepherd's Calendar, Colin Clouts Come Home Again, and Astrophel. His name is used to describe stanzas that consist of eight lines of iambic pentameter followed by one line of iambic hexameter. He is best known for an epic poem published in 1590, 1596, and 1609 honoring the virtues of knighthood and the Tudor Dynasty. Name this writer of The Fairy Queen.;;(Edmund) Spenser Pop Culture;;This anti-self-help book claims that you were planned for God's pleasure, formed for God's family, created to become like Christ, shaped for serving God, and made for a mission. It states, "It's not about you," and has been a bestseller since its release in 2002. Name this work by Rick Warren.;;(The) Purpose Driven Life Art;;This art movement can be broken down into analytic and synthetic phases. The analytic phase often involved the same object or person being shown from different angles, while the synthetic phase often involved attaching things to the canvas. Prominent during the early twentieth century, it was influenced by Paul Cezanne. Name this movement associated with Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso.;;Cubis(m|t){1}? United States History;;Early in his Senate career, he was known as the Pepsi Cola Kid. Late in his Senate career, he was caught in a major controversy involving G David Schine that led to televised hearings. He died at the age of 48 of hepatitis probably caused by alcoholism. Name this Wisconsin Senator who served from 1947 until his death in 1957. He is best known for his accusations that our government had been infiltrated by Communists.;;(Senator) (Jo(seph|e){1}?) McCarthy Literature;;Its opening line is: "To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains came gently, and they did not cut the scarred earth". This novel begins with a character who has just been released after serving four years in prison. It proceeds to tell the story of his family moving to California. Name this John Steinbeck novel about the Joad family that takes its name from a line of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.;;(The) Grapes of Wrath Technology;;On older computers, this zeroed the two leftmost bits of an ASCII character. It can be helpful if you are trying to get to the end of a spreadsheet, switch the active window, turn a Powerpoint presentation white, or change the formatting of text. It is almost always used in combination with other keys. Name this key which, unfortunately, is often pushed before Alt and Delete.;;(CTRL|Control|Command){1}? (Key) Literature;;Her first short story collection came out in 1941 and was called A Curtain of Green. It contained "Why I Live at the P.O". Her best known novel is about Laurel Hand, who does not get along with her father's second wife. Name this novelist who wrote Delta Wedding, The Ponder Heart, Losing Battles, and The Optimist's Daughter who is often associated with her home state of Mississippi.;;(Eudora) Welty Music;;His only mainstream #1 single was in 1972, after the prime of his career, and was widely considered obscene. The Beatles covered many of his songs, including "I Got to Find My Baby", "Carol", "Sweet Little Sixteen", "Roll Over Beethoven", and "Johnny B. Goode". He also sang "No Particular Place To Go" and "Maybelline". Name this guitarist and songwriter that Stevie Wonder called the one true king of rock and roll.;;(Charles|Chuck) (Edward Anderson) Berry Chemistry;;This term is used to describe a protein with the maximum number of ligands or a compound with the maximum number of hydrogen atoms. Sample compounds include alkanes and some fatty acids. Give this term also used to described solutions containing as much solute as possible.;;Saturat(ed|ion){1}? Religion/Mythology;;(Note to moderator: Icarius is not Icarus.) She was the daughter of Icarius, who allowed somebody to marry her after he lost a footrace. One of the legs of her wedding bed is a living olive tree. She spent three years weaving, and then unweaving, a shroud for Laertes. Name this married woman who turns down many suitors in The Odyssey.;;Penelope World History;;The fifth one started in 1958 and is still in existence. The fourth one lasted twelve years and had twenty changes of power. The third one lasted seventy years even though at first many of the people in charge opposed this system of government, favoring a constitutional monarchy. Name these governments that, in combination, have been in power more often than not since 1792. The current one is headed by Dominique de Villepin and Jacques Chirac.;;French Republic(s)|Republic(s) of France Technology;;These files are not compressed, and the term is a synonym for raster. Despite their large size, they are common because they are simple to create, have no trademark, and are very compatible with Windows. They are sometimes contrasted with vector images. Give this term beginning with the letter B commonly used for picture files.;;(Device-Independent) Bitmap(s)|BMP|DIB Pop Culture;;He died in a plane crash on March 31st, 1931. He was portrayed by Pat O'Brien in a 1940 film about his life, though the most memorable line from the film was uttered by Ronald Reagan, who was portraying George Gipp. This Norwegian-American won eighty-eight percent of his games and helped popularize the forward pass. Name this Notre Dame Football Coach.;;(Knute) (Kenneth) Rockne World Literature;;He tells his stories to a porter who shares his name. He visits one land where the people turn into birds once a month, another where both spouses are buried together as soon as one of them dies, another with great riches but no food, and another that turns out to be a giant fish. Name this sailor in the Book of One Thousand and One Nights.;;Sinbad (the Sailor) Biology;;Lamin B is necessary for the creation of these structures. They are composed of microtubules built up from subunits that are normally dispersed throughout a cell. Name these structures that line up chromosomes during metaphase and anaphase.;;(Mitotic|Meiotic){1}? Spindle(s) (Matrix|Apparatus) Language Arts;;This noun comes from Greek and contains the Greek word for fig. It is unclear whether the term originally referred to tax collectors, since figs could be used to pay taxes, or to government informers, since it was illegal to export figs. The word now has a negative connotation and often refers to people who give advice to a political leader. Name this term for people who agree with whatever a leader says in order to please that leader.;;Sycophant Earth Science;;This phrase can be defined different ways, and it can refer to periods that peaked about seven hundred million years ago, two-and-a-half million years ago, or twenty thousand years ago. They might be caused by Milankovitch cycles or decreases in the amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. Name these periods of increased glaciation.;;Ice Age(s) Noncomputational Math;;There are alternative names given to this theorem if you know that the point is inside or outside of the circle. The proof combines vertical angles, relationships between arcs and angles, and similar triangles. Name this theorem that states that given a point P and a circle, passing two lines through P that intersect the circle in points A and D and, respectively, B and C, will result in the equation AP times DP equals BP times CP.;;Power (of a Point Theorem) Literature;;He spent most of his career as a clergyman and became suddenly famous when he published the early volumes of his best-known novel in 1760. Once famous, he wrote a novel about what it would be like if he traveled to France and Italy. His primary work eventually grew to nine volumes and contains references to many other writers. Name this author of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.;;(Laurence) Sterne Literature;;He wrote, "When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all". Born in New York, he spent his youth in Ireland and his adulthood in New York City. After a career as a high school writing teacher, he completed his first memoir in 1996, and it became a best seller. He has followed up that book with two more, the latest installment being Teacher Man. Name this writer of Angela's Ashes.;;(Frank) McCourt Art;;A copy in the British Museum has the head wrongly restored, so it is facing down. A copy in Rome is made of marble, but the original was supposedly made of bronze. Name this fifth century BC sculpture by Myron that shows an Olympic athlete in competition.;;(The) Discus Thrower|Discobol(u|o){1}?s United States History;;His real nickname was too offensive for newspapers, so he is better known by a gentler version of it. It came from his experiences leading the Tenth Cavalry. After an unsuccessful attempt to capture Pancho Villa, he received several queries from Washington, DC asking if he spoke French. He responded that he was fluent and was immediately put in charge of the American forces in World War One. Name the only person in US History since George Washington to be named General of the Armies.;;(John) (Joseph) (Black Jack) Pershing Physics;;Give the complete name. If this theory is true, then gluinos and selectrons exist. Scientists are hopeful that such particles will be discovered in the near future, when the Large Hadron Collider on the border of Switzerland and France is completed. It started as an outgrowth of string theory, and it doubles the number of particles so that every boson can be paired with a fermion and vice versa. Name this theory abbreviated SUSY.;;Supersymmetry Music;;He claimed that the finale of his sixth symphony represented Death, and he died a week after its first performance. His operas include The Maid of Orleans and The Queen of Spades, his most famous overture celebrates the defeat of Napoleon, and his ballets are performed more often than any other composer's. Name this Russian who wrote Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker.;;(Pyotr) (Ilyich) Tchaikovsky Literature;;Her latest novel is about people's remembrances of a dead man named Bill Cosey who ran a beachfront hotel. Other recent books are about women living in an old house called The Convent and a woman named Violet who is nicknamed Violent, and this author has also collaborated with her son Slade to write children's books. A 1987 novel concerned an escaped slave who had two daughters. Name this author of Love, Paradise, Jazz, and Beloved.;;(Toni) (Morrison|Wofford){1}? Music;;He wrote the books Our New Music and What to Listen For in Music. He won an Academy Award for his work with The Heiress and also wrote a Clarinet Concerto for Benny Goodman. Name this composer whose ballets include Grohg, Dance Panels, Billy The Kid, and Appalachian Spring.;;(Aaron) Copland Chemistry;;The use of this element in warfare is controversial--it is useful because of its density and flammability, but there is disagreement as to its long-term consequences even if it is depleted. Though none of its isotopes is stable, its most common isotope has a half-life of four billion years. Its atomic mass is about two hundred thirty-eight, though that number is slightly lower when it is enriched to be used in nuclear power plants. Name this element with atomic number 92.;;Uranium Religion/Mythology;;She is a main character in the eleventh chapter of the Second Book of Samuel. Her first husband was Uriah the Hittite, who died in battle. Her first child died at the age of seven days, but her second son became a very wise king. Name this mother of Solomon whose second husband was King David.;;Bathsheba World History;;It started with the Battle of Cadsand and ended with the Battle of Castillon. It included the Battles of the Thirty, of Crecy, of Poitiers, and of Agincourt. When it was over, England controlled very little territory on the European continent. Name this series of conflicts eventually won by King Charles the Seventh of France that lasted from 1337 to 1453.;;(The) Hundred Years(') War Technology;;This company has been criticized for not publicizing its toll free number, which is 1-888- 221-1161. It was started in 1998 and bought out by eBay in 2002. The services on its website are divided into Buyers, eBay Sellers, and Merchants. Name this business that allows money transfers and credit card transactions to be made over the internet.;;Paypal Pop Culture;;She was a correspondent for Sixty Minutes from 1989 to 1991. She has also worked for West 57th, Turning Point, and CBS Morning News. She recently replaced Katie Couric on The Today Show after leaving her position on The View. Name this host of the syndicated version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?;;(Meredith) Vieira Literature;;He was a musician, a leader, and, according to his fiancée, a humanitarian. By the time he is found, he is near death. This ivory trader is revered by natives despite his cruelty. His last words are, "The horror! The horror!" Name this character in Conrad's Heart of Darkness.;;(Mr(.)|Mister) (Georges-Antoine) Kurtz Biology;;This is inside almost all cells. In prokaryotes, it always contains DNA; in eukaryotes, it rarely contains DNA. Typically, it is about two-thirds water and contains a high concentration of proteins and all of the organelles. Name the part of the cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus.;;Cyto(plasm|sol){1}? Astronomy;;Many people credit Herbert Hall Turner for naming this unit. It is equal to about 3 x 10 16 meters. Name this unit used in astronomy that is the distance away which would cause one astronomical unit to subtend one thirty-six hundredth of a degree of an arc.;;Parsec Literature;;Give the first and last name of the Shakespeare character who states: "To be up after midnight and go to bed then is early". Often drunk, he is cruel towards Malvolio and is the uncle of Olivia. Name this character from Twelfth Night who often has drunken conversations with Sir Andrew Aguecheek.;;(Sir) Toby Belch Nonfiction;;His scientific writings include works on thunder and balloons, his political writings include supporting arguments for paper currency and the Albany Plan, and he wrote a very successful autobiography, among other things. His autobiography includes a list of thirteen virtues that he tried to follow throughout his adult life. Name this American founding father who wrote Poor Richard's Almanack.;;(Ben(jamin)) Franklin Physics;;A simple fixed one usually has a mechanical advantage of one, while a simple movable one usually has a mechanical advantage of two. Fixed and movable ones can be combined to give greater mechanical advantages. These numbers assume that these devices are frictionless and massless, which of course never happens. Name these simple machines that generally have a groove around them to prevent a rope from falling out of place.;;Pulley(s) Art;;Two of his earliest works are reliefs titled Madonna Della Scala and Battle of the Centaurs. One of his most famous sculptures shows Jesus after the crucifixion in the arms of Mary, and another one depicts Bacchus. Both of them were completed in the late fifteenth century. One of his most famous paintings was so controversial that another painter was hired to paint over the subjects' nakedness; that painting is The Last Judgement. Name this artist who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.;;Michelangelo (di) (Lodovico Buonarrati)|Buonarrati United States History;;It contained twenty-three articles, three of which were amended by the United States Congress. In the twelfth article, the United States agreed to pay fifteen million dollars, and in later articles the United States agreed to relieve debt. We gained over five hundred thousand square miles of territory. Name this treaty named after the town it was signed in, which is just North of Mexico City, in 1848.;;(Treaty of) Guadalupe-Hidalgo Chemistry;;This term began being used around 1900, and it is disputed whether it came from German, French, or Latin. Before 1959, its definition was based on oxygen, but it is now based on carbon in its ground state. Sometimes referred to as a `gram atom' or a `gram molecule', it is based on a number that is defined exactly but not yet measured exactly. Name this dimensionless quantity based on Avogadro's Number.;;Mole Geography;;This state contains the Humboldt River. Some of its towns are Henderson, Paradise, and Sparks. Its Northern border is split between Idaho and Oregon, and most of its Eastern border is with Utah. Name this state, whose capital is Carson City, known for its casinos.;;Nevada Literature;;He wrote almost all of his poetry in the first half of his life, including The Rivulet, Mutation, and The Forest Hymn. His lines "He, who, from zone to zone, Guides through the boundless sky thy certain flight, In the long way that I must tread alone, Will lead my steps aright," are in To A Waterfowl. Name this poet who wrote Thanatopsis.;;(William Cullen) Bryant Noncomputational Math;;The answer is a two-word phrase. If this phrase applies to two events then the probability of at least one happening is equal to the sum of the two individual probabilities. Give this phrase that applies to events that cannot both occur simultaneously.;;Mutual(ly) Exclusive Music;;The Seasons by Haydn, The Dream of Gerontius by Elgar, and Die Jakobsleiter by Schonberg are all examples of this musical form. Though it had been around earlier, its popularity increased in the eighteenth century when the Bishop of London banned stage versions of biblical works. These works are similar to operas, but they do not have scenery or costumes. Name this form often associated with George Handel, who composed Esther, Samson, and Messiah.;;Oratorio(s) Religion/Mythology;;In Hades, he refused to speak to Odysseus. An argument he lost to Odysseus is what caused him to go insane and eventually kill himself. Before that, this King of Salamis was a great warrior. Name this leader who twice fought Hector to a draw and who helped Odysseus rescue the corpse of Achilles.;;(Telemonian|Greater) Ajax World History;;This monarch solidified his claim to the throne by marrying Elizabeth of York, the daughter of King Edward The Fourth. He also established efficient taxation and the Court of Star Chamber. Name this king who ended the War of the Roses and began the Tudor dynasty.;;(King) Henry (The Seventh|VII){1}? Technology;;This company, started in Mississippi, is building what will become the tallest building in Philadelphia. It is also in the process of changing the name of the Outdoor Living Network to Versus and, having failed to buy Disney, is trying to compete with ESPN. It increased its size significantly in 2001 when it bought AT&T Broadband. Name this broadband internet service provider.;;Comcast Pop Culture;;It has appeared with Wile E. Coyote, Darth Vader, The Wicked Witch, and Elvis. You should be on the lookout for it if you see a commercial for Darnitol headache medicine, Sputnik Fruit Juice, or Golden Grenades Cereal. It always wears sunglasses and blue sandals. Name this commercial character that keeps going and going and going and going.;;(The) Energizer Bunny Literature;;This author was born in Panama and teaches at Brown University. He first gained attention in the 1960s with a book about a man on his deathbed who had changed from poor and idealistic to rich and corrupt. Name this Mexican author of Terra Nostra, Birthday, and The Death of Artemio Cruz.;;(Carlos) Fuentes Biology;;(Note to moderator: Mesoglea is pronounce mezzegleea and Scyphozoa has a silent c, and the y makes a long I sound.) Give the common name for the animals whose bodies contain mesoglea. Classified as Scyphozoa, they range in length from one inch to two hundred feet, and they have no brain or bones. They do react to light and sometimes enter deeper water during the day. These animals are capable of poisoning their prey. Even though they are not stingrays, their tentacles should be avoided by swimmers.;;Jellyfish|Sea Jelly Language Arts;;These contain a nucleus and an off-glide. They occur more in British English than American English, but they do exist in many common American words. Give this term for a gliding monosyllabic speech item that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves toward the position for another.;;Diphthong(s) Geography;;The only river flowing out of it is the Angara. Irkutsk is near the Southern end of this lake, which is located North of Mongolia in Russia. Name the deepest and most voluminous lake, holding about twenty percent of the freshwater in the world.;;(Lake) Baikal Literature;;This duke of Milan has been exiled by his brother Antonio. He lives in a place formerly inhabited by Sycorax and currently inhabited by Caliban. Name this father of Miranda in Shakespeare's The Tempest.;;Prospero Nonfiction;;According to this bestseller, Globalization 3.0 began in the year 2000. It includes a portrayal of Asian cities such as Bangalore that are expanding their economies by providing services for the United States, Europe, and Japan. Subtitled A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, it portrays globalization as an inevitable force. Name this book by Thomas Friedman.;;(The) World Is Flat Physics;;This unit is equivalent to a kilogram meter squared per ampere squared second cubed. It is appropriately named after the nineteenth century scientist who discovered that, in a given metal wire, the current varies directly with the potential difference applied to its ends. It is also equivalent to a volt divided by an ampere, and it usually is represented by a capital omega. Name this most common unit of resistance.;;Ohm Art;;Your answer can be in French or English--it will be five words long either way. This phrase was used as the title of a book by critic Michael Foucault, but it is best known for its appearance in The Treachery of Images, a painting from the late 1920s. Most people believe it is used to point out the difference between actual objects and pictures of them. Give these words associated with Rene Magritte.;;This Is Not A Pipe|Ceci n'est pas une pipe United States History;;This law created an enforcement mechanism for Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. A sign in Milwaukee marks the spot where a mob of five thousand people prevented its enforcement, and it was annulled by Congress in 1862. The fourth of five parts of the Compromise of 1850, it was a concession to the South in exchange for California becoming a Free State. Name this law that dealt with escapees.;;Fugitive Slave (Act|Law) World History;;He was kicked out of Switzerland because of a false passport and kicked out of the Socialist Party because of his support of World War One. While in the Socialist Party, he edited a newspaper called Avanti. His new party became known as Blackshirts, and he took power in 1922. He was forced to step down in 1943, and he was shot dead in 1945. Name this fascist leader who allied Italy with Germany during World War Two.;;(Benito) (Amilcare Andrea) Mussolini Literature;;She won a Pulitzer Prize for a novel about Claude Wheeler, who fights in World War One. That novel was titled One of Ours. Though this author lived in and visited many places, she is always associated with her childhood home in Red Cloud, Nebraska. Name this author of The Song of the Lark, Alexander's Bridge, Death Comes for the Archbishop, O Pioneers, and My Antonia.;;(Willa) Cather Music;;The lyrics to this song start out: "We are trav'ling in the footsteps Of those who've gone before, And we'll all be reunited, On a new and sunlit shore". The song makes many references to The Book of Revelations, and it often is played during funeral processions. Recently, it has been used to rally support for New Orleans. Name this gospel hymn that is the most requested jazz song. It contains the words, "I want to be in that number".;;When The Saints (Go|Come){1}? Marching In Religion/Mythology;;"And thus be confident of entering into heaven rather through many tribulations, than through the assurance of peace". "The true treasure of the Church is the Most Holy Gospel of the glory and the grace of God". "The pope justly thunders against those who, by any art, contrive the injury of the traffic in pardons". These statements, among others, were written down in 1517. They were then mailed out, and it is generally believed that they were also nailed to a church door in Wittenberg. Name this list created by Martin Luther.;;(95|Ninety-five) Theses|(The) Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences World History;;Because of good notes and calculations he made regarding a solar eclipse, he was given a position to go to the Pacific Ocean and record a transit of Venus. While there, he mapped the coast of New Zealand. He later returned to the Pacific Ocean in an unsuccessful search for Antarctica. Name this explorer who was the first European to explore and map much of the Pacific Ocean.;;(Captain) (James) Cook Technology;;Give the four-letter abbreviation that is an update of NVP and often contrasted with PSTN. Its drawbacks sometimes show up during power outages, attempts to get directory assistance, and attempts to reach emergency services. Additionally, it requires broadband. The advantages are its cost and mobility. Name this technology for making digital phone calls.;;VOIP|Voice Over (the) Internet Protocol Pop Culture;;In 1997, he pitched thirteen complete games and had an earned run average of one point nine zero. That was his last year for the Montreal Expos; he then signed a seventy-five million dollar contract with the Boston Red Sox, where he won the 1999 and 2000 Cy Young Awards. Name this starting pitcher who, after helping the Red Sox win a World Series title, signed with the New York Mets.;;(Pedro) Martinez Literature;;His first published work, a poem with seventeen footnotes, was about Rene DesCartes anticipating an omelet. He was better known as a playwright, often writing his works in French and then translating them into English. His works include Krapp's Last Tape, Molloy, and Endgame. Name this absurdist Irish writer of Waiting For Godot.;;(Samuel) Beckett Biology;;This term can apply to a process done with animals or plants. With animals, it involves transplanting tissue that has no blood supply, and it is often used to treat damaged skin. With plants, it involves the fusion of cambium tissue, combining two plants into one. Give this term beginning with the letter G.;;Graft(ing) Language Arts;;Aristotle said that this consists in doing or saying things that cause shame to the victim. The definition of this six-letter word, however, is different. It now means overbearing pride. Give this word often associated with Greek heroes beginning with the letter H.;;H(u|y){1}?bris Geography;;This city's history is documented in the Victoria Memorial, one of several old palaces. The capital of West Bengal, it is located in the delta of the Ganges River. It was the capital of British India, but it declined in importance during the second half of the twentieth century. Name this one-time home of Amartya Sen and Mother Teresa.;;Calcutta|Kolkata Noncomputational Math;;Give the answer that includes a nine-letter word. The word sometimes is not used when the opposite side is less than the adjacent side times the sine of the given angle because there are no solutions. Sometimes the word is not used when the adjacent side is less than the opposite side because there is one solution. When neither one of those statements is true, this term is used because there are two solutions. Name this situation that comes up when you are solving a triangle given two sides and an angle that is not between them, and is often mentioned with the Law of Sines.;;Ambiguous (Case) Literature;;This Shakespeare character states: "You have begot me, bred me, loved me: I return those duties back as are right fit, Obey you, love you, and most honour you. Why have my sisters husbands, if they say they love you all"? This statement is given after her two older sisters flatter their father. Name this youngest daughter of King Lear.;;Cordelia Nonfiction;;He has written many books that combine autobiography and advice, starting in 1987 with The Art of the Deal. Other books include Surviving at the Top, How To Get Rich, and Think Like a Billionaire. Name this real estate mogul who also runs a successful reality television show.;;(Donald) Trump Physics;;For a gas, this quantity is equal to one-third of the density times the root mean square speed of the molecules. It can be measured by filling a long glass tube with a liquid and then inverting the tube in a bowl of the same liquid, and it can be calculated by dividing force by area. Name this quantity that can be measured in Pascals, millimeters of Mercury, atmospheres, or pounds per square inch.;;Pressure Art;;This term beginning with the letter L is sometimes contrasted with intaglio. It was used by Ingres, Goya, and other artists in the early 1800s. Based on the principle that oil and water do not mix, it required the use of grease crayons or similar utensils. Name this printing process.;;Lithograph(y) United States History;;Though it represented a rejection of an offer by George Canning, it was acceptable to him. Through history, it has been altered many times, notably by Ulysses Grant, Richard Olney, and Teddy Roosevelt. First announced during a message to Congress in December, 1823, it was heavily influenced by John Quincy Adams. Name this foreign policy against European intervention in the Americas.;;(The) Monroe Doctrine United States History;;A diary entry found with his body begins, "Until today nothing was ever thought of sacrificing to our country's wrongs". He was eventually trapped in a barn that was set on fire and died from a bullet to his spine. His co-conspirators included Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold, and John Surratt. Name this Shakespearean actor who on April 14, 1865, assassinated President Lincoln.;;(John) (Wilkes) Booth Literature;;His best known novel is about a football coach who travels to New York City to help his suicidal sister. Another novel is about a marine fighter pilot who has trouble dealing with his family. Name this Southern author of The Lords of Discipline, The Great Santini, and The Prince of Tides.;;(Pat) Conroy Music;;The name of their only real album led to an obscenity trial in England, where a linguist claimed that the offending word could refer to a priest or to nonsense. Their best-known song, which claimed that there is no future for me and no future for you, was God Save The Queen. Name this British punk band that consisted of Glen Matlock, Steve Jones, Paul Cook, Sid Vicious, and Johnny Rotten.;;(The) Sex Pistols Chemistry;;Formulated by Niels Bohr, this idea takes its name from the German word for `building up'. It combines the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund's Rule, and the idea that lowest energy states are filled first. Identify this principle whose name begins with the letter A.;;Aufbau (Principle|Rule) Religion/Mythology;;There is disagreement over whether or not she had older sisters, but there is general agreement that she had two sons and two daughters. Though she is among the most praised women in all of history, her burial was done in secret so that her enemies, including Umar, could not attend. Of the Fourteen Infallibles, she is the only woman. Name this mother of imams who was the daughter of Muhammad.;;Fatima|(A(l|z){1}?) Zahra Noncomputational Math;;For the natural logarithm function, it is the set of all positive real numbers. For cotangent and cosecant functions in radians, it is the set of all real numbers except for integers times pi. Give this term beginning with the letter D for the set of input values for a function.;;Domain(s) World History;;Battles during this war included Alma, Inkerman, and Eupatoria. It started when the Ottoman Empire made decisions favoring Catholics over other Christians, provoking attacks by Russia. The Ottoman Empire was defended by France, the United Kingdom, and Sardinia, eventually leading to Russian losses at Sevastapol. Name this nineteenth century war fought near the Black Sea that included the Battle of Balaclava.;;Crimea(n) (War) Technology;;It was designed by Frenchmen, is created in China, and has an Armenian name. It reads emails and text messages out loud even if your computer is off, and it can also wake you up in the morning, sing songs, and wiggle its ears. Name this object that looks like a bunny.;;Nabaztag|I play the bot too much Pop Culture;;Some oddities include seventy-seven for the Portland Trailblazers, four hundred fifty-five for the Cleveland Indians, eight for the New York Yankees, twelve for the Seattle Seahawks, twenty-three for the Miami Heat, and the fact that there are none for the Dallas Cowboys. The first one was four for the New York Yankees, and now there is ninety-nine for the entire NHL and forty-two for all of Major League Baseball. What am I talking about?;;Retired (Numbers|Jerseys){1}? Literature;;This novel is about a land surveyor who at one point is offered a job as a school janitor. It was never finished by the author, ending in the middle of a sentence. The protagonist spends a lot of time trying to locate Klamm. Name this work by Franz Kafka.;;(The) Castle Biology;;These organs can be the location of Wilms' tumors, and their primary opening is called a hilum. The one on the left is usually next to the spleen, and the one on the right is usually below the liver. They secrete hormones, regulate the pH of the blood, and move waste products from blood into the bladder. Name these organs associated with the terms renal and nephrology.;;Kidney(s) Language Arts;;This eight-letter word used to be a central term in economics, but it is not the focus of modern theories. This noun beginning with the letter S can be a synonym for poverty or can refer to a lack of supply. Give this word defined as smallness in number in proportion to demands.;;Scarcity Earth Science;;It is generally agreed that there are two of these in the world, one on Lesbos Island in the Aegean Sea and the other in Arizona. Argentina, the Czech Republic, and California sometimes make claims to have one. Their formation requires volcanic ash rich in silica and lots of trees. Name these areas where minerals have replaced the wood in the trees.;;Petrified Forest(s) Literature;;Name the poem. "You can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you". "You can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too". These words are preceded by a single word in a poem written in 1895 by Rudyard Kipling. Give this two-letter word.;;If Nonfiction;;Before a complete collection came out in 1995, this novelist's two primary essay collections were titled Shadow and Act and Going to the Territory. Shadow and Act refers to the portrayal of racial relations in film and its significance to individual Americans. Going to the Territory refers to his youth in Oklahoma. Name this author who, like the well-known fictional character he created, moved to New York City after completing three years of college.;;(Ralph) Ellison Architecture;;One of his most memorable paintings shows a spiral of Roman architecture reaching into the clouds. He was nicknamed The Peasant because of some of his subjects; this nickname sometimes distinguishes him from his sons, who are nicknamed Hell and Velvet. Name this sixteenth century Flemish artist who painted Massacre of the Innocents, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, and The Tower of Babel.;;(Pieter) Bruegel (the Elder) United States History;;This faculty member of Harvard from 1954 until 1971 studied Metternich. Though he supported the Presidential campaigns of Nelson Rockefeller, he served as a consultant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. He became a special assistant for national security affairs when Nixon became President and promoted a policy known as détente. Name this Nixon and Ford Secretary of State who shared the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize.;;(Henry|Heinz) Kissinger Language Arts;;This word originally referred to an imaginary Muslim deity portrayed as boisterous. Nowadays, this word beginning with the letter T is usually applied to women who are overbearing. Give this term defined as somebody who is brawling and turbulent.;;Termagant(ish) Physics;;He graduated from a technical college in Zurich in 1900, and his first regular job after that was as a high school teacher. His second marriage, in 1919, was to his cousin, but they slept in separate bedrooms. He became famous to the general public in 1919 when data measured during an eclipse agreed with his predictions. Name this physicist who claimed that gravity is a curvature of space rather than a force, explained Brownian motion and the photoelectric effect, and derived a famous formula showing an equivalence between mass and energy. He developed the theory of relativity.;;(Albert) Einstein Literature;;Near the beginning of this novel, the main character ends his wedding reception with a debt. The couple lives in Packingtown, a Chicago neighborhood, and they are immigrants from Lithuania. This 1906 novel painted a grim portrait of the meatpacking industry. Name this Upton Sinclair work.;;(The) Jungle Music;;His First Symphony opened in 1897, and, probably due to the drunkenness of the composer, the performance went so poorly that the song was not performed again until 1945. Name this Russian composer who wrote a choral symphony based on Edgar Allan Poe's The Bells and also composed Variations on a Theme of Corelli. His best-known work may be Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.;;(Sergei) (Vasilievich) Rachmanino(v|ff){1}? Chemistry;;An effect named after this man and James Prescott Joule states that gases cool when they expand into a vacuum. Though he made many mistakes late in his career, disagreeing with Dalton and Darwin, he did achieve fame and fortune by laying a Transatlantic cable. Name this scientist who in 1848 hypothesized the existence of absolute zero temperature, which is why a temperature scale was named after him.;;(First) (Baron) (Lord) Kelvin|(William) Thomson Religion/Mythology;;In Asian depictions, these creatures have some physical aspects similar to goats. Many ancient Greeks believed that these creatures lived in India, and there was a general belief that they could cure poison. Name these white creatures known for having a spiral object protruding from their heads.;;Unicorn(s) World History;;This leader put down the Pugachev Insurrection and twice defeated the Ottoman Empire, gaining control of Crimea. Known for supporting the arts and starting the Hermitage Museum, this so-called enlightened despot wrote a Charter to the Nobility that was harmful to Russian serfs. Name this empress who hated her husband Peter The Third and ruled Russia from 1762 until 1796.;;Catherine (The Great|II)|Yekaterina Velikaya Technology;;Many of the objects created by this group are classified as A320 or A350, and they are now coming out with the A380. The United States has launched several complaints about it through the WTO even though this group employs about four hundred Americans. Most of its employees live in France, Germany, The United Kingdom, and Spain. Name this competitor of Boeing that manufactures airplanes.;;Airbus (Industrie|Société par Actions Simplifiée) Pop Culture;;He is one of five players to have scored over thirty thousand career points if you combine his ABA and NBA careers, and he is generally considered the greatest ABA player ever. He played for the University of Massachusetts, Virginia Squires, New York Nets, and Philadelphia Seventy-Sixers. Name this great dunker nicknamed The Doctor.;;(Julius) Erving|(Doctor|Dr(.)){1}? J Literature;;He belonged to a group of actors that had trouble staying solvent and called themselves the Illustrious Theater. While they toured the country, he completed The Blunderer and The Love Tiff. He soon gained a reputation for writing the most intelligent comedies of his time, which was the middle of the seventeenth century. Name this Frenchman who wrote The School for Husbands, The Misanthrope, and Tartuffe.;;Moliere|(Jean Baptiste) Poquelin Biology;;Some doctors claim that this organ is important for building immunity because it exposes white blood cells to antigens from the digestive tract. Surgeons are now capable of reconstructing it so that it becomes a part of the urinary tract. There have been cases of people being born without them and living full lives, and it is often removed if it becomes enlarged. Name this organ attached to the large intestine.;;(Vermiform) Appendix Language Arts;;This term can mean aid, approval, or sanction, but it is more commonly associated with the casting of votes. One definition is the right or privilege of voting in political matters or the exercise of such right. Give this word often associated with women's rights.;;Suffrage Astronomy;;Also known as Messier 31, it is about three million light years away and could impact us in three billion years. It has a double nucleus and is classified as a spiral. Name this part of the Local Group that has more stars than any other such galaxy.;;Andromeda (Galaxy|Nebula) Noncomputational Math;;Examples of this type of polyhedron include the triangular dipyramid, rhombohedron, and pentagonal pyramid. Classified based on their number of faces, the most common example is a cube. Name these three-dimensional six sided figures.;;Hexahedr(on(s)|a){1}? Literature;;His first known poem was about the death of his sister's baby. He wrote two poems shortly after that, one praising the contemplative life and the other praising the cheerful life. He then wrote a poem about a Cambridge classmate who had drowned titled "Lycidas". He is best known for two poems that were first published in 1667 and 1671, the second one being published along with "Samson Agonistes". Name this writer of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained.;;(John) Milton Nonfiction;;This faculty member of the Rhode Island School of Design has written and illustrated books titled Cathedral, City, Pyramid, Castle, Mill, and Underground. His most popular book came out in 1988, was updated in 1998, and includes many drawings of wooly mammoths and cavemen. Name this author and illustrator of The Way Things Work.;;(David) Macaulay Art;;It was designed to sit just above the doorways of The Gates of Hell and was originally titled The Poet. There are at least twenty casts of it, including one in Cleveland that was vandalized and never repaired. It probably portrays Dante and was completed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Name this sculpture; the original sat in front of the Pantheon for several years and now sits in a Rodin Museum.;;(The) Thinker|(Le) Penseur United States History;;He was appointed by New York Governor Herbert Lehman to fight organized crime, and he did such a good job that several mobsters moved to New Jersey. He later served as New York Governor from 1943 to 1955. In 1940, he wrote a book titled The Case Against the New Deal , but he did support social security and was a moderate Republican. Name this Republican Presidential Nominee in the Elections of 1944 and 1948.;;(Thomas) (Edmund) Dewey Technology;;It was released on May 31st of 2006, and a version using Sprint should be released very soon. It has a QWERTY keyboard, but the only shift key is on the right side, and you have to push a special key to get characters other than letters. It contains some Bluetooth features and does not work with WiFi; its primary mode of communication is through the Verizon Wireless Network. Name this four-ounce smartphone released this year by Motorola.;;(Motorola) (Moto) Q Biology;;Many statisticians believe that this scientist smoothed his results to fit his theories and censored results that did not fit them. He received a promotion in 1868, and after that time he spent more time arguing a tax dispute than conducting experiments. It is believed, however, that during the 1850s and 1860s he cultivated and tested twenty-eight thousand plants. Sixteen years after he died, his results were rediscovered and became the basis for the study of genetics. Name this abbot who studied pea plants.;;(Gregor) (Johann) Mendel Literature;;This character says: "But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated". A big Joe DiMaggio fan, he endures eighty-four days of bad luck but is still respected by his apprentice Manolin. Name this Cuban fisherman from Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea.;;Santiago Music;;This opera includes the songs "Questo giorno di tormenti" and "E Susanna non vien". One of the primary characters is a Count no longer interested in his wife. They were wed in an earlier opera by Rossini titled The Barber of Seville. Name this comic opera by Mozart.;;(The) Marriage of Figaro|The Crazy Day|(Le) nozze di Figaro (ossiala folle giornata) Chemistry;;This term is used to describe certain processes that are quasistatic. They can take place very slowly because each intermediate step is close to equilibrium. These processes cannot cause any increase in entropy because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Give this term that begins with the letter R.;;Reversible Religion/Mythology;;The heart types often were placed over the chests of the deceased and were about three inches in length. They contained a prayer requesting that nobody bear false witness. Their use began in the Old Kingdom, and their properties were supposed to be related to the animals they represented. Name these small amulets from ancient Egypt that resembled beetles.;;Scarab(s) Noncomputational Math;;He proved the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture to be correct, a fact that would only be important to a small number of mathematicians were it not for the work of Ken Ribet. Ribet had proven that the conjecture was equivalent to a problem that was over three hundred years old. Name this British mathematician who teaches at Princeton and in 1994 completed a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.;;(Andrew) Wiles World History;;This battle preceded Plataea and was won by ships ramming into one another. Some historians believe that this defeat of Xerxes may have affected history more than any other battle. Name this Greek victory that followed soon after Thermopylae in 480 BC.;;Salamis Technology;;In 1999, this site was acquired by Amazon for two hundred fifty million dollars. On the left side of the home page is a Developer's Corner, and it calls itself The Web Information Company. They offer a toolbar that works with Internet Explorer. Name this company best known for keeping track of web traffic.;;(www.) Alexa (.com) Pop Culture;;In one book in the series, the main characters get in trouble for riding their skateboards over ketchup packets. In another, they bring a bunch of toilets to life. The main characters are George and Harold, who have hypnotized Principal Krupp. Partial titles of books in the series include The Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants and The Wrath of The Wicked Wedgie Woman. Name this series of books by Dav Pilkey.;;Captain Underpants Literature;;His latest book is about a man named Giambattista Bodoni, often called Yambo, who has a stroke. He completed a novel in 1988 involving a computer that can connect conspiracy theories. In 1980, he completed a murder mystery set in the fourteenth century. Name this Italian author of Foucault's Pendulum and The Name of the Rose.;;(Umberto) Eco Biology;;This disease is characterized by a sandpaper-like rash on the head and chest. It can lead to rheumatic fever, so it should be treated immediately with antibiotics and fluids. Caused by Group A strep infection, this rash gets its name based on its sunburn-like appearance.;;Scarlet Fever|Scarletina Earth Science;;It is about one thousand, eight hundred miles thick, and it is made up largely of silicon dioxide and magnesium oxide. It lies just below the Moho, and most of its upper portion is called the asthenosphere. Name this section of the Earth's interior between the crust and the core.;;Mantle Literature;;This pilgrim tells the story of a knight who is eventually forced to marry an old woman because she is able to tell him what women want. Name this character from The Canterbury Tales who had been married five times.;;(The) Wife of Bath Nonfiction;;He was on the faculty of Harvard from 1872 to 1907 and established the psychology department there, eventually writing The Principles of Psychology and Varieties of Religious Experience. He was also a respected philosopher who claimed that people could never reach absolute certainty about the world. His best-known philosophical works are The Will To Believe and Pragmatism. Name this writer whose brother Henry was a novelist.;;(William) James Architecture;;This form probably reached its peak in the fifth century BC. It featured metopes and triglyphs. Columns in this order are twenty-sided polygons if viewed from above and do not have flutes. They are topped by simple capitals and sometimes have no distinct base. Name this order that generally preceded the Ionic and Corinthian Orders.;;Doric (Form|Order) United States History;;This city was the site of Project C; the C stood for Confrontation. Organized by Fred Shuttlesworth and Martin Luther King, Jr, it involved demonstrations designed to provoke the police, who were led by Bull Connor. Later that year, a bomb at the 16th Street Baptist Church killed four Black girls. Name this most populous city in Alabama, where King wrote a famous letter while in prison.;;Birmingham((,) Alabama) Chemistry;;Molecules with this property include anthracene, furan, toluene, and naphthalene. All are carcinogenic, and none are soluble in water. They include bonds that are intermediate between a single and double bond. This type of hydrocarbon is most commonly represented by benzene.;;Aromatic(ity) (Hydrocarbon) Language Arts;;This word can refer to an air current, a sketch, an unedited work, or a system of choosing new team members. Give this five letter word beginning with the letter D.;;Draft Literature;;In his first novel people with low IQs joined the Reconstruction and Reclamation Corps or the military. His second novel was about Malachi Constant, who is lucky thanks to Winston Niles Rumfoord. This writer in real life was captured at the Battle of the Bulge and ended up witnessing the bombing of Dresden, which he wrote about in his most famous novel. Name this author of God Bless You Mr. Rosewater, Breakfast of Champions, and Slaughterhouse-Five.;;(Kurt) Vonnegut((,) (Jr|Junior){1}?) Pop Culture;;This band originally was known as Tony Flow and the Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem, and their first single was "True Men Don't Kill Coyotes". Their first big hits came in the early 1990s on their album Blood Sugar Sex Magik. They came out with a double album this year, labeling the two discs "Jupiter" and "Mars". Name this group responsible for the songs Under The Bridge, Soul To Squeeze, and By The Way; and the album Stadium Arcadium.;;Red Hot Chili Peppers Chemistry;;By one convention, this unit is one thousand times larger when its first letter is written in capital rather than lower case. The lower-case version is equal to a little more than four Joules. Its value differs slightly depending on whether you use the thermochemical, mean, or fifteen degree celsius version. Name this unit of energy whose kilo version is associated with food.;;Calorie Religion/Mythology;;Their name means `Choosers of the Slain', and they are supposedly responsible for the Northern Lights. They ride winged horses, and their primary function is to search battlefields for heroes and escort them to Valhalla. Give the term for these beautiful women from Norse mythology.;;Valkyries Noncomputational Math;;In logic, this is the statement "not p implies not q" compared to the statement "p implies q". In matrices, this is a square matrix that will multiply with another square matrix to get an identity matrix. With functions, this term refers to a function that will undo another function, so that performing both functions will result in an output equal to the input. Give this term beginning with the letter I.;;Inverse World History;;When his Uncle Ruga died, he assumed power along with his brother Bleda. Though usually victorious in battle, he is generally considered the loser of the Battle of Chalons. This leader controlled Central Europe in the middle of the fifth century. Name this Scourge of God who led the Huns.;;Attila (The Hun) Technology;;This system was installed throughout the United States around 1990 and is named after a nineteenth century scientist. It works by sending out radio waves from an antenna and then measuring the frequency with which the waves return. If the frequency is higher than normal, then there probably is precipitation. Name this weather detection system.;;Doppler (Radar|Weather) Pop Culture;;He called his dog Max, took some red thread, and tied a big horn on top of his head. After his adventure was over, he puzzled three hours, until his puzzler was sore. Name this resident of Mount Crumpit, which is just North of Who-ville, who learns in a Doctor Seuss story that Christmas is not bought in a store.;;(The) Grinch Literature;;One of his poems translates as: "At the ancient pond a frog plunges into the sound of water". This seventeenth century poet had many disciples, and many of his later works described his travels. Name this Japanese writer of rengas and haikus.;;(Matsuo) Basho|Munefusa Biology;;This disease affects about three percent of Americans over the age of sixty. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, including exposure to pesticides. Most patients are treated with Levodopa. In sufferers, the level of acetylcholine overwhelms the level of dopamine, causing excessive muscle contraction. Name this disease named after a British doctor.;;Parkinson((')s (Disease))|Parkinsonism Language Arts;;This word containing the letter Q is an antonym of formal and a synonym of conversational. It refers to language that is informal and commonly used. Give this ten- letter word beginning with the letter C.;;Colloquial Geography;;This mountain range is as wide as the Himalayas and twice as long. It contains the point on the Earth's surface farthest from its center and the tallest mountains outside Asia. Some of its peaks are Galan, Paruma, El Misti, Olca, Chimborazo, and Aconcagua. Name this range of South America.;;Andes Literature;;This novel contains the quote: "And perhaps you might pretend, afterwards, that it was only a trick and that you just said it to make them stop and didn't really mean it. But that isn't true. At the time when it happens you do mean it". One of the characters is Mr. Charrington, who rents out a room to the protagonist Winston Smith. Name this dystopia written by George Orwell.;;1984|Nineteen Eighty-Four Nonfiction;;This leader kept a journal for twenty-seven years that was published in 1856, one hundred ninety-nine years after he died. The first parts, which take place before he started writing his diary, describe his group's move from England to Holland to what is now the United States. Name this leader of the Pilgrims who wrote Of Plymouth Plantation.;;(William) Bradford Architecture;;Many of the buildings here were designed by Pietro Solario, who was imported in the late fifteenth century. It contains three major palaces, several cathedrals, and an armory that is now used as a museum. Its center is Cathedral Square, which is faced by Cathedral of the Dormition, Cathedral of the Archangel, and Cathedral of the Annunciation. Name this former fortress associated with Tsarist and Soviet Russia located in Moscow.;;(Moscow) Kremlin United States History;;The son of a Senator from Connecticut, he served as a Congressman from Texas, UN Ambassador, Ambassador to China, and CIA Director. After serving as Vice President for eight years, he was elected President. As President, he overthrew the government of Panama and removed Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Name this President who lost in his reelection bid against Bill Clinton.;;(George) (Herbert Walker|H(.) W(.)) Bush((,) Senior) Literature;;Sonya loves Nicholas. Nicholas marries Mary. Everybody hates Napoleon. Name this long novel from the 1860s written by Leo Tolstoy that is often considered one of the greatest works ever written.;;War And Peace|Voyna Y Mir Pop Culture;;One of the characters on this show has a mother who jumped off a bridge and a father who murdered a high school student. The main character used to date the murder victim's brother, Duncan Kane. The show is set in Neptune, California, and the main character is a recent high school graduate who does detective work. Name this show starring Kristen Bell that is part of the new CW.;;Veronica Mars Computational Math;;Give your answer in radians. What is the period of the graph y=cosine squared of x ( cos^2(x) ) ?;;Pi Computational Math;;Don't include units.Find the total surface area of a right circular cylinder if its radius is 2 units and its height is also 1 unit.;;(12|twelve){1}? pi Computational Math;;Include units in your answer. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 120 degrees. Find the length of the altitude to an extension of one of the congruent sides if the length of the base is twenty centimeters.;;(10|ten){1}? (centimeters|cm) Computational Math;;Find the twelfth term of an arithmetic sequence if the fifth term is 18 and the tenth term is 33.;;39|thirty(-)nine Computational Math;;Give your answer as a cardinal or ordinal number. As the angle theta goes from zero degrees to three hundred sixty degrees, in which quadrant is both the sine of theta and the cosine of theta decreasing?;;2(nd)|second Computational Math;;Find the sum of all the even numbers from 2 to 40, including 2 and 40.;;420 Computational Math;;Out of a bin containing three apples and six oranges, how many ways can you pick two apples and three oranges if order does not matter?;;60 Computational Math;;Give a simplified answer without exponents for the following product of four numbers. Multiply 2^1 * 5^2 * 2^5 * 5^4.;;(One|A) Million|1(,)000(,)000|1e6 Computational Math;;What is the area under the graph of y=x from x=0 to x=10?;;(50){1}? (units squared) Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fully simplified fraction. If you choose two cards from a standard deck without replacement, what is the probability that the first one is red and the second one is a spade?;;13/102 Computational Math;;What is the cotangent of the quantity three pi over four?;;-(1|One){1}? Computational Math;;The square root will be represented by sqr(). Multiply ( sqr(14) + sqr(7) ) by ( sqr(14) - sqr(7) ).;;7|Seven Computational Math;;Ignore units. The position of a certain particle is given by the equation d=2t^3. What will be the acceleration of the particle when it has traveled a distance of 16 units?;;24 Computational Math;;Find the log base three of the quantity 243 raised to the seventh power.;;35 Computational Math;;In Triangle ABC, C is a right angle. What is the value of the sine squared of A plus the sine squared of B?;;1 Computational Math;;How many ways are there to line up three identical fruit platters with two identical cookie platters?;;10 Computational Math;;Include units in your answer. Find the perimeter of a rhombus if the lengths of its diagonals are 6 centimeters and 8 centimeters.;;(20){1}? (centimeters|cm){1}? Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fully simplified fraction. If you roll two standard dice, what is the probability that the sum is greater than seven?;;5/12 Computational Math;;Find the radius of the circle formed by taking the set of all points that are twice as far from the point (-3,0) as they are from the point (3,0).;;4 Computational Math;;Include units in your answer. Find the height of a pyramid if its volume is 100 cubic centimeters and its base is 10 square centimeters.;;(30){1}? (cm|centimeters){1}? Computational Math;;Approximate the area under the graph from x=1,5 to x=3,5 using two midpoint rectangles for the graph of y = x^2 + 2x + 3.;;29 Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fully simplified fraction. If you randomly select the number 1 or the number 2 five times, what is the probability that the sum of your selections will be greater than, but not equal to, 8?;;3/16 Computational Math;;Give a fully simplified answer. Add the tangent of 7pi over 12 to the cotangent of 7pi over 12.;;-4 Computational Math;;Evaluate the integral from x=0 to x=pi of x cosine x dx.;;-2 Computational Math;;How many x-intercepts are there between x equals zero degrees and x equals one thousand degrees for the graph y=cosine x?;;6 Computational Math;;Ignore units. What is the area of the shaded region for the graph the absolute value of x plus the absolute value of y is less than or equal to one?;;(2){1}? (Square Units) Computational Math;;Ignore units. Find the distance between the two vertices of the hyperbola given by the equation: 4x^2 - y^2 = 36.;;(6){1}? (Units|u) Computational Math;;There are no parentheses in this problem. Find the maximum value of y if x is real and y=x - 2x^4.;;3/8|(0).375 Computational Math;;Give your answer as a single number. What do you get when you divide 4^10 by 2^17?;;8 Computational Math;;How many handshakes will take place if everybody in a room shakes hands with everybody else once and there are twenty people in the room?;;190 Computational Math;;Ignore units. For triangle ADE, point B is on AD and point C is on AE. Segment BC is parallel to segment DE. Find the length of segment AE if AB is 10, BD is 6, and AC is 15.;;24 Computational Math;;Include units in your answer. Find the length of side C in a triangle if side A is four centimeters, side B is five centimeters, and the cosine of angle C is 37/40.;;(2){1}? (centimeters|cm){1}? Computational Math;;Give your answer as a single number. How many ways are there to arrange the letters in the word ‘eagle"?;;60 Computational Math;;How old is David now? He is currently one-fourth as old as his father. In twenty-four years, he will be one-half as old as his father.;;12 Computational Math;;Evaluate the integral from x=2 to x=4 of x^3 dx.;;60 Computational Math;;Formulas for parabolas are typically written using the format y=ax^2+bx+c. Find the value of ‘a" in such an equation for the parabola that contains the point (5,37) and has its vertex at the point (3,1).;;9 Computational Math;;Express your answer as a simplified fraction. Each year in the National Football League, three-fourths of the coaches keep their jobs. In a given year, what is the probability that four coaches selected at random will all keep their jobs?;;81/256 Computational Math;;The price of a pizza varies directly with its area. If a pizza with a nine-inch diameter costs nine dollars, how much will a twelve-inch pizza cost?;;($) 16 Computational Math;;Points A, B, C, and D are located in order around the circumference of a circle. Find the measure of arc AB if angle BAC is thirty degrees, angle ACD is twenty degrees, and arc CD is one hundred degrees.;;(160){1}? (Degrees) Computational Math;;What is the cotangent of 630 degrees?;;0 Computational Math;;Solve for x: The log base x of 7 equals 1/3.;;343 Computational Math;;Rounded to the nearest tenth, what is the sine of 37 degrees?;;(0).6|6/10 Computational Math;;How many minutes will it take Jack and Jill working together to clean the basement? If they worked alone, it would take Jack ten minutes and Jill fifteen minutes.;;(6){1}? (Minutes) Computational Math;;Find the most likely next term of this sequence: 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31, 57.;;105 Computational Math;;How many solutions are there between 0 and 2 Pi for the equation the cosine of x equals the sine of the quantity 2x? You do not need to give the solutions, just state how many there are.;;4 Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fully simplified fraction. If you take the top two cards from a standard deck of fifty-two cards, what is the probability that they are both aces?;;1/221 Computational Math;;Given the regular pentagon ABCDE, find the measure of angle DBE.;;(36){1}? (Degrees) Computational Math;;Find the value of the cosine of two theta if the sine of theta is 0,6.;;(0).28|7/25 Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fully simplified fraction. If you toss a pair of regular dice two times, what is the probability that you will get a sum of seven one time and something different the other time? The seven can be on the first toss or the second.;;5/18 Computational Math;;Find the value of c if there is exactly one x-intercept for the graph of y=x^2 - 26x + c.;;169 COmputational Math;;What is the value at x=1 of the derivative of the function x times the natural log of x?;;1 Computational Math;;Do not include units in your answer. BD is the altitude of triangle ABC, and D is between A and C. Find the area of triangle ABC if AB is 10 centimeters, BD is 8 centimeters, and CD is 14 centimeters.;;80 Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fully reduced fraction. If you flip a coin six times, what is the probability of getting at least two heads?;;57/64 Computational Math;;In order to secure a palm tree just before the start of Hurricane Charlie a math professor tied the very top of the tree to the ground. He used exactly 10 feet of rope and tied it on the ground 6 feet away from the tree. Assuming that the tree stands at a 90 degree angle with the ground, what is the height of the tree in feet?;;(8){1}? (feet|ft(.)) Computational Math;;For ten tasty math points, find the total length of the minor axis of the ellipse that has for vertices the points (-2, 5) and (-2,-5) and for foci the points (-2, 3) and (-2,-3).;;8 Computational Math;;Give your answer as a fraction. Two six-sided dice are tossed. One is a fair die, but the other is altered so that it always lands on the number 4. For ten points, what is the probability of rolling a total of 5 with this pair of dice?;;1/6 Computational Math;;Please answer with a simplified fraction. If your goal is to toss a coin until you get two heads, what is the probability you will have to toss it exactly ten times?;;9/1024 Computational Math;;What is the sum of the first ten positive whole numbers not divisible by three?;;75 Computational Math;;If in any one game the White Sox have a 1/3 probability of beating the Cubs, what is the probability that the White Sox will win more games than the Cubs in a three-game series?;;7/27 Computational Math;;Find the area contained between the graphs of y= x^2 - 1 and y = 1 - x^2.;;8/3 Computational Math;;Given the coordinates, find the area of quadrilateral ABCD. A is located at (3,1), B at (0,3), C at (0,9), and D at (6,1).;;21 Biology;;This condition can result in acute chest syndrome in adults and jaundice in teenagers, but there is no cure for it. The drug hydroxyurea is used to treat its symptoms, the most major of which is generalized body pain. Affecting one in twelve African-Americans, it is caused by the substitution of a valine for a glutamic acid in an abnormal form of hemoglobin, HbS, which causes red blood cells to clump together and obstruct circulation in the body. For 10 points, name this disorder which takes its name from the shape of these red blood cells.;;sickle-cell (anemia|disease) World History;;The mother of this famous ruler instilled in him a lasting fear of "crimes committed against God". After the death of Cardinal Mazarin, he became his own chief minister, sending Fouquet to prison for life since Fouquet had built a home greater than his. He epitomized the concept of the absolute monarch and ruled as such for over 50 years. For ten points, name this famous French king whose nickname was the "Sun King".;;Louis (XIV|14|the Fourteenth){1}? Music;;Some of his more recent works include the scores for Memoirs of a Geisha and Munich. His work in films began in 1958 with Daddy-O and he has also worked on countless other films including Amistad and Seven Years in Tibet. He was the conductor for the Boston Pops from 1980 to 1993, but most know him for doing scores for endless classics. For ten points identify the man who composed the music for Jaws, the the Harry Potter series and the Star Wars series.;;(John) Williams Computational Math;;20 seconds. Take the number of items in a score, multiply that by half a dozen, then subtract the number of fluid ounces in a pint.;;100 Literature;;This one-act play features three characters that are placed in a Second Empire room. One cheated on his wife, another seduced another man's wife, and the third cheated on her husband and drowned her baby. Of course, all three of them are dead, but that doesn"t stop Estelle from trying to stab Inez. For ten points, identify the play in which Garcin concludes, "Hell is other people", the most famous work of Jean-Paul Sartre..;;No Exit|Huis Clos Geography;;Arthur Clarke wrote of a bridge spanning it in his 1979 novel The Fountains of Paradise, and it is the location of Isla Perenjil, an island disputed by the two countries that this body of water separates. Named for a Berber general, its boundaries were once known as the Pillars of Hercules. For ten points, name this buffer between Spain and Morocco.;;Strait of Gibraltar Literature;;The two daughters of this titular character move to undermine his power as soon as he gives them his lands. He flees his own home during a thunderstorm and heads onto a heath, where the Earl of Gloucester sees him. The Earl tries to help him, but when Cornwall finds out, the Earl is accused of treason and blinded. At the end, one of his daughters kills two of them while the third is executed. For ten points, name this Shakespearean play in which the aging King of Britain screws over his good daughter, Cordelia.;;King Lear United States History;;Also called the Transcontinental Treaty, it was not ratified by the US until twelve years after its conception. In the provisions, Spain retained possession not only of Texas, but also California and the vast region of New Mexico. The United States ceded to Spain its claims to Texas west of the Sabine River and gained possession of Florida. For ten points, name this treaty negotiated in 1819 by a future president.;;Adams-Onis (Treaty) Chemistry;;Minimized at constant pressure and temperature, its partial derivative with respect to mass gives the chemical potential for a reaction. Derivable from the second law of thermodynamics and the definition of entropy, for values of its change less than zero, a reaction is spontaneous. Its change is usually calculated from the difference of the enthalpy and product of temperature and entropy, or delta H minus T times delta S. For 10 points, name this thermodynamic quantity created by a namesake American physicist.;;Gibbs (free energy) Miscellaneous;;It went on to be nominated for a Grammy for Best R & B Performance-Duo or Group, but lost to Prince and the Revolution's "Kiss". Profits made from the song were donated to charity, backing up the claim that they were doin" it to feed the needy. Samurai Mike sets the style, Speedy Willie is as smooth as a chocolate swirl, and if a quarterback's slow, Dent's gonna bend him in, for ten points, what song performed by the 1985 Chicago Bears?;;Super Bowl Shuffle Psychology;;Meaning "put together", its four laws of organization are proximity, similarity, closure, and simplicity. Founded by Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka, its proponents assert that memory structures information based on associative connections and a tendency for optimal organization. For ten points, name this psychological theory whose key principle is that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.;;Gestalt Physics;;The Kelvin-Planck version of this concept states that heat cannot be directly changed into work, while Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment designed to circumvent it. It was first formally posited by Clausius, whose version of this law states that, in an isolated system, the entropy does not decrease. For ten points, identify this law of thermodynamics.;;(second|2nd) (law) (of thermodynamics) Literature;;This title character makes many wrong assumptions, the first being that Frank Churchill's charms are aimed at her. She later thinks that her friend Harriet is in love with Frank when in fact it is her brother-in-law. When all is said and done, Harriet marries Robert Martin, and the title character marries Mr. Knightly. For ten points, name this Jane Austen novel.;;Emma (Woodhouse) World History;;After the August Revolution, he became Premier and forced Bao Dai to abdicate and was elected President in 1955. His body is on display in a mausoleum a la Lenin, but he wanted to be cremated, since it was good hygienically and would save farmland. He was President for 14 years until his death, and a city was named after him in 1976. For ten points, name this Communist North Vietnamese leader.;;Ho (Chi Minh) Art;;The German guide to the 1937 World's fair called it "a hodgepodge of body parts that any four-year-old could have painted". The German disdain was to be expected, as the inspiration for it was Hitler's use of the titular city in northern Spain as a testing ground for incendiary explosives. For ten points, name this famous painting by Picasso.;;Guernica Religion/Mythology;;He is symbolized by the wisdom of the serpent, and has other names, such as Shanka and Mahadev. This god of the yogis is visible in his Panchavaktra form with 5 heads, a combination of all his energies. His holy mount is Nandi the bull and his attendant is Bhadra. For ten points, name this Hindu god also known as "the destroyer".;;Shiva Literature;;This titular location is made up of bleak walls, vacant eye-like windows, and has a fissure in its side. Its reflection in the tarn below is seen as a "striking similitude" between the two main characters. It is the home of a brother and sister, and at the end of the story, the sister comes back from the dead to get her revenge, since her brother buried her alive. For ten points, name this titular home created by Edgar Allan Poe.;;(The) (Fall of the) House of Usher Art;;Give the title in Spanish. The scene in this painting takes place in the Alcazar, and it shows the artist painting the painting. The titular figures are assembled in the foreground along with Infanta Margarita and a mastiff is seen lying down in the lower right corner. In a mirror on the back wall, one can see King Philip IV and Queen Mariana, the artist's patrons. For ten points, name this painting by Diego Velazquez also known as "The Maids of Honor".;;Las Meninas Literature;;This title character christened her son Sorrow, but he dies in early infancy. She is sent to work at a mansion by her father, a peddler, but she ends up becoming pregnant with Sorrow by the young man residing there. She ends up marrying another man, Angel Claire, but after they split and he comes back, she stabs her lover, Alec. For ten points, identify this title female in a novel by Thomas Hardy.;;Tess (Durbeyfield|D'urbervilles){1}? Biology;;Antibiotics like puromycin have similar 3-prime ends to this molecule, and so inhibit its activity. The 3-prime end of every molecule of it has the sequence CCA, and its D and T-psi-C arms cause it to have a cloverleaf structure and an L-shaped tertiary structure, which is stabilized by nonstandard hydrogen bonds. It can undergo the so-called wobble, or substitution of individual bases with no effect on the anticodon. Ribosomes contain two binding sites for aminoacylated versions of it, both of which are used to make peptides. For 10 points, name this RNA molecule crucial to translation.;;t(ransfer) RNA World History;;His political philosophy, known as the "Three Principles of the People", was influenced by Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. This physician-turned-nationalist later founded the Revive China Society and was exiled for a failed attempt to overthrow the government. After hearing of the Wuchang Uprising, he came back to China and was proclaimed President in 1911. For ten points, name this founder of the Kuomintang and "National Father" of China.;;(Sun) Yat-Sen Literature;;He is a Zulu priest in the village of Ndotsheni with a strong faith in God. He and his wife are struggling to save money for their son's schooling, and a trek to find his son ends up strengthening his faith. When his son Absalom is executed for murder, he is able to accept it with a sense of peace. For ten points, identify the main character in Alan Paton's Cry the Beloved Country.;;(Stephen) Kumalo Chemistry;;A common laboratory experiment investigating the determination of one of them involves putting ethylene glycol in t-butanol, and another of them is usually represented as a psi. Henry's Law allows for the calculation of one of them, but the extent of the two most common varieties uses the product of a constant symbolized either k-sub-f or k-sub-b and molality. Including osmotic pressure, vapor pressure, boiling-point elevation, and freezing-point depression, for 10 points, name these properties of solutions dependent on the concentration of solute in those solutions.;;colligative (properties) Geography;;Its highest point is Mt. Kholodilnik , and it extends into Peter the Great Bay. From 1958 to 1991, only Soviets could enter this city, and permission had to be granted from the government before doing so. This chief Russian seaport on the Pacific is, for ten points, what city which also serves as the eastern terminus on the Trans-Siberian Railway?;;Vladivostok Religion/Mythology;;The last one was celebrated on October 3, 2005 and the next will be on September 22, 2006. The Torah refers to it as "The Day of the Blowing of the Shofar", the shofar being a ram's horn, but it is not blown if it falls on Shabbat. It is celebrated on the first and second days day of Tishrei and is literally translated as "head of the year". Apples dipped in honey are eaten during it to symbolize the hopes for a sweet new year. For ten points, name this Jewish holiday.;;Rosh Hashanah Chemistry;;An isochoric process is one that conserves this statistical property of matter, which is equal to the inverse of the specific volume. For an ideal gas of molar mass M, this property is equal to pM/RT. For ten points, name the physical property usually symbolized by the Greek letter rho; a measure of how concentrated mass is having dimensions of mass per unit volume.;;density United States History;;Originally signed in August 1928 by fifteen nations, it would later be ratified by over sixty countries. Also called the Pact of Paris, it had no expiration date, no outlined plan of enforcement, and there was no method for amendment, which led some countries to delay action when faced with the aggression of Hitler. For ten points, name this treaty that in theory was supposed to "outlaw war".;;Kellogg-Briand (Pact) Miscellaneous;;This originator of the action known as stage-diving founded a band in 1967 with Tony Banks, Anthony Phillips and Mike Rutherford. The band split after he decided to stay home for a while with his wife and first child, and he recorded his decision to leave in the song "Solsbury Hill". After leaving to pursue a solo career, the drummer took over as the lead singer, and both the individual and his former band continued to have success. For ten points, name the original lead singer of Genesis whose most famous album, So, included the track "Sledgehammer".;;(Peter) (Brian) Gabriel Computational Math;;Solve the following equation for x: 2/x + 1/3 = 4/x.;;(x=) 6 Literature;;Taking its title from a woodcut by Hans Holbein, Reverend Joseph Machebeuf served as the inspiration for the title character. Following New Mexico's annexation, the titular character goes as a missionary to convert the natives along with Father Joseph Vaillant. After he is promoted to the titular position, Vaillant contracts a fever and dies, but not before having to answer to a papal court concerning his finances. For ten points, name this religious novel by Willa Cather.;;Death Comes for the Archbishop Religion/Mythology;;According to one definition it is a Roman form as distinguished from the Ambrosian, Galliean, and Mozarabic varieties. The term used for it was coined by William of Hirschau, and its forms include Ingressa, Psalmellus, Cantus, Offertory, and Transitorium. Named for a music-loving pope, it has been shown that most were composed before the year 600. For ten points, name the type of music synonymous with plain chant.;;Gregorian (chant(s)) Astronomy;;Found while its namesake was on a ship bound for England, above it there is no balance between gravitational force and electron degeneracy pressure. When surpassed, the star either becomes a neutron star or black hole, depending on the degree of collapse. Winning its discoverer the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics, for ten points, name this value named for an Indian astronomer.;;Chandrasekhar limit Computational Math;;Find 6 factorial minus 5 factorial, then multiply that times 3 factorial.;;3600 World History;;He became king at the age of 17, but his youth was not a disadvantage when dealing with the Riskrad after signing the Accession Charter. He saw himself as the protector of Protestantism in Germany, but saw an opponent in Ferdinand, so he allied himself with Richelieu. He died at the Battle of Lutzen after being shot in the back by false friend Franz Albert. For ten points, name the Swedish king known as the "Lion of the North".;;(King) Gustavus (Adolphus) Literature;;He is the son of the deceased witch Sycorax and a Patagonian deity. His speech and behavior is sometimes coarse and brutal, as in his drunken scenes with Stefano and Trinculo and sometimes eloquent and sensitive, as in his rebukes of Prospero, whom he believes stole an island from him. For ten points, name this servant of Prospero in The Tempest.;;Caliban Literature;;This play opens with Dionysus carrying the lion skin and club of Hercules. As he rows over the Acherusian Lake, he hears the title characters greeting him. He attempts to bring back Euripides in the manner of Hercules, but fails miserably. While he is down there, he judges a contest between Aeschylus and Euripides, and he awards the contest to Aeschylus. For ten points, identify this Aristophanes play in which the titular animals go "Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax".;;(The) Frogs Music;;It is typically pitched in B flat, but larger bands include an E flat soprano version. Its role in a brass band is comparable to that of a violin in an orchestra, and it can "cut through" other instruments since it is the highest-pitched of the brass instruments. James Shepherd and Herbert Clarke are considered to be the two best players of this instrument, but some include the famous trumpeter Wynton Marsalis. For ten points name this smaller version of the trumpet.;;cornet United States History;;At this battle, the only American company to wear uniforms was Captain William Wood's "Kentucky Rifles". After General Castrillon was killed, his troops retreated, screaming "Me no Alamo!" and "Me no Goliad!". For ten points, identify this battle of the Texan War for Indpendence which led to the capture of Santa Anna.;;(Battle of) San Jacinto Chemistry;;It assumes that the orientation of reactants must allow formation of the products, and that the collision must involve enough energy to produce the reaction. Including z, the collision frequency, and p, the steric factor, it also involves temperature and the rate constant, whose natural logarithm is proportional to the activation energy. For 10 points, name this equation of chemical kinetics, named for its Swedish formulator.;;Arrhenius (equation) Miscellaneous;;It begins with a man in a nursing home, reading a story to a woman. The story is about two young lovers, who meet one day at a carnival. Although the two are falling in love, her parents forbid the relationship and move her away. After waiting for any sign from him from years, she moves on and meets Lon and becomes engaged. Based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks, for ten points, identify the 2004 movie starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.;;The Notebook Biology;;Regulated by a specific acetyltransferase, its second step is catalyzed by a simple aconitase, while its first step is performed by a synthase. Producing two carbon dioxide molecules, its third product can produce glutamate, and formation of intermediates such as succinate and malate requires formation of NADH molecules. Often preceded by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, for 10 points, name this pathway which produces 2 ATP molecules and begins with the reaction of oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA, named for a German biochemist.;;(Krebs|citric acid|T(ri) C(arboxylic) A(cid)){1}? (cycle) Literature;;This work, which features three chapters entitled "The Book of Machines", discusses the possibility of machines being conscious, and this led to the application of the author's name to a Jihad in Dune. Its "Musical Banks" chapter is an attack on religious hypocrisy, and the book itself is an attack on Victorian society, which is why the author created the titular fictional place. For ten points, name this work by Samuel Butler whose title is an anagram of "nowhere".;;Erewhon World History;;This finance minister under the dictator General Antonio Carmona succeeded him in 1932. In 1933, he drew up a constitution similar to those of Germany and Italy, and he ruled under it for 35 years. During his reign, he stressed the 3 F's-Fado for nostalgia, Football for glory and Fatima for religion. For ten points, identify this former Portuguese dictator.;;(Antonio) Salazar Religion/Mythology;;The regulations of it can be divided into two groups: regulations on worship and ritual duties; and regulations of juridical and political nature. The science of it is called "fiqh", which is studied by students as well as the ulama. Most commonly seen in Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Libya, for ten points, name the law system also called Islamic law.;;Sharia|Islamic Law Physics;;This equation may be stated in a very abbreviated way by equating the Hamiltonian operator operating on an unknown function to a constant times that function. First published in 1926, this equation won its formulator and namesake the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics. For ten points, identify the equation whose unknown is the wave function; the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics.;;non-relativistic Schrodinger('s) (wave) equation Geography;;Currently led by President Bingu wa Mutharika, the Great Rift Valley traverses this country from north to south. It is bordered by Tanzania to the north and Zambia on the north-west and its namesake lake is also known as Lake Nyasa, which contains over 400 species of cichlid fish. For ten points, name this nation with capital at Lilongwe.;;Malawi Literature;;He has several people murdered, including his older brother Clarence, and after King Edward IV dies, he becomes Lord Protector. In his attempt to become king, he has Edward's sons killed, and the Earl of Richmond emerges as a challenger. The night before he is killed in battle, he sees the ghosts of those who kill him, and they tell him that he will die the next day, which he does. For ten points, name this titular king who cries, "A horse, A horse, my kingdom for a horse".;;Richard III Art;;Louis J. Calder bought her first paintings, and shortly after that her works were on display at the Gallerie Saint-Etienne in New York City. In 1941 she received the New York state prize for The Old Oaken Bucket, and late in life did an illustration of Twas the Night Before Christmas. For ten points, name this folk artist whose real name is Anna Mary Robertson.;;Grandma Moses Computational Math;;Convert the base 10 number 194 to hexadecimal.;;C2 Psychology;;Give the full name. George Sorensen in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest suffers from this disorder. Its most common version is called "pure-o", and is commonly treated with behavioral or cognitive therapy, specifically "Exposure and Ritual Prevention", along with drugs such as Paxil, Zoloft and Zyprexa. For ten points, name this disorder that is both beneficial and detrimental to Adrian Monk, abbreviated OCD.;;Obsessive-Compulsive (Disorder) Literature;;An American writer living in Paris, he is antagonized by the main characters since he still holds on to the ideals of love and fair play. Because he didn't fight in World War I, he is often the victim of Jake Barnes' jokes. For ten points, name this Jewish former boxing champ from Princeton mentioned in the first line of The Sun Also Rises.;;(Robert) Cohn World History;;His father, King Fouad, died when he was underage, so a regency council was formed until his powers were transferred to him on July 29, 1937. He earned the nickname "The Thief of Cairo" for pilfering objects such as a ceremonial sword from the Shah of Iran and a priceless pocketwatch from Churchill. Losing what popularity he had through widespread corruption and for not doing a good job during the Arab-Israeli War in 1948, for ten points, name this Egyptian king deposed by Meguib and Nasser in 1953.;;(King) Farouk (I|the First) World History;;The French one began when Louis Blanc called for universal suffrage. This inspired those in the German states to propose a unified Germany and in Italy Pope Pius IX ended up fleeing, and Mazzini's subsequent attempt to unify Italy failed. In March, there were riots in Austria that led to the ousting of Metternich. For ten points, give the general name for these events which occurred in the year Zachary Taylor was elected President.;;Revolution(s) of 1848 Chemistry;;A gravimetric analysis can take advantage of this phenomenon, whose extent is generally calculated by using the molar solubility product. Arising from Le Chatelier's principle, a well-known example of it is the repression of ionization that occurs upon the addition of table salt to silver chloride, which will result in precipitation. For 10 points, name this chemical effect in which the reaction of two compounds with a namesake similar species results in a reduced solubility of one or both of them.;;common ion (effect) Miscellaneous;;If for some reason you are in the Lightning Ball Room, the Cave of Size, or the Shrine of the Silver Monkey, you must be a contestant on this show. Hosted by Kirk Fogg, the other main character was voiced by Dee Baker and was an omnipotent talking stone head. In the endgame, contestants had three minutes to retrieve the artifact and exit the titular location while trying to avoid those dreaded guards. For ten points, name the Nickelodeon game show in which you will find Olmec and a Mayan ruin.;;(Legends of) The Hidden Temple Literature;;He wrote a series of poems under the pseudonym Webster Ford for Reedy's Mirror which would become part of his most famous work. He also wrote several poems set on the Illinois prairies, such as Starved Rock and Toward the Gulf, but he is best known for a work containing 244 epitaphs. For ten points, identify the author of Spoon River Anthology.;;(Edgar) (Lee) Masters Religion/Mythology;;Established in 1587 and later abolished by Pope John Paul II in 1983, the person in this post was to hold a skeptical view of actions and miracles performed by people who are up for canonization or beatification. Nowadays this namesake technique is used by debaters to find holes in arguments by taking the opposing side. For ten points, name this position which is the same name as a 1997 movie starring Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino.;;Devil's Advocate|Promoter (of the Faith|Fidei){1}?|Advocatus Diaboli Geography;;The Eiderkanal was built across it, as it divides the North and Baltic Sea. Consisting of flat areas and peat bogs, control of it has been fought over for hundreds of years, especially the southern area known as Schleswig-Holstein. For ten points, name this peninsula, the site of the largest WWI naval battle and home of Denmark.;;Jutland Physics;;This quantity can sometimes be determined by Steiner's theorem, which is also known as the parallel axis theorem. The constant of proportionality in the rotational analogue of Newton's second law, this physical quantity has dimensions of mass area per unit time. For ten points, identify the property of an extended, massive body generally symbolized I; the rotational analog of mass.;;moment of inertia Literature;;The most horrific crime in this play is the rape and disfigurement of the titular character's daughter during the hunt, leaving her mute. The titular character banishes his only surviving son for trying to free his captive brothers. He successfully advocates for Saturnius to be the new emperor, which leads to the destruction of his family. For ten points, name this Senecan hero.;;Titus Andronicus United States History;;Hoping to die in battle, his death was brought on by a car accident on the outskirts of Manheim which paralyzed him. He fought against the Bonus Army, which included the man who saved his life at Meuse Argonne. One of the most famous generals of WWII, on December 8, 1944, he commanded the group that would liberate the Buchenwald concentration camp. For ten points, name this American general, the subject of a 1970 movie starring George C. Scott.;;(George) (S(.)) Patton (Jr(.)) Biology;;Differentiable from amylose due to the orientation of its connections, this compound is highly soluble in such solvents as NMNO and cadoxen, and it has been theorized that water molecules align its chains through hydrogen-bond bridging. Each of its residues is oriented 180 degrees relative to the next, and its beta-1-4-glycosidic linkages can only be broken by a select few microorganisms. The most abundant organic compound on Earth, for 10 points, name this strong structural polymer that comprises the majority of the plant cell walls.;;cellulose Art;;He was one of the original members of the Society of Experimental Philosophy, but nepotism changed his career. His uncle got him the job of designing the Pembroke College Chapel at Cambridge, and from there he got the job designing the Sheldonian Theatre. After making a reputation, he ended up being responsible for Tom Tower at Christ's Church, Oxford, the library at Trinity College, and the Royal Hospital at Chelsea along with his most famous work. For ten points, who drew the plans for rebuilding St. Paul's Cathedral after the Great Fire of 1666?;;(Sir) (Christopher) Wren Literature;;He published the poem "Pauline: A Fragment of a Confession" anonymously, but its sales tanked. After marrying another famous poet, he wrote some of his more famous poems such as "Dramatis Personae" and "Men and Women". For ten points, name this poet, author of the quote "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world" in "Pippa Passes" and husband of Elizabeth Barrett.;;R(obert) Browning Earth Science;;He pioneered the use of weather balloons to track air masses, and his lectures were printed in the textbook The Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere. He publicly advocated his most famous theory in 1912, and he published it in The Origins of Continents and Oceans. For ten points, name the German scientist who first proposed the theory of continental drift.;;(Alfred) Wegener Literature;;This character appears in a symphony by Liszt and Berlioz composed a "Damnation of" him. Born in the province of Weimar, he became the most famous astronomer in the land, and bequeathed his possessions to Christoph Wagner. Shortly after midnight on the last day of the 24th year of his contract, his students saw his corpse on a pile of manure. For ten points, name the man who sold his soul to Mephistopheles, the subject of a work by Goethe.;;Faust World History;;As Minister of National Education, he supported segregated universities, but after being elected President, he lifted the ban on the African National Congress. As President, he opened the way for the drafting of a new constitution based on the idea of one person, one vote. After stepping down as President, he became vice president under Nelson Mandela. For ten points, name this South African president who ended apartheid.;;(Frederik Willem) (F(.)W) de Klerk Music;;The incompleteness of Contrapunctus 14, the quadruple at the end, in this work is not due to the death of the composer, but rather due to the lack of effort in publishing after the composer's death. The canons in this work are featured at the end, and each movement employs the same d-minor subject. It is often rated above the Goldberg Variations as its composer's greatest monothematic cycle as it is manifested in thematic transformations. For ten points, name this work by J.S. Bach that is not a painting or sculpture.;;(The) Art of Fugue World History;;When he was sixteen, he established the revolutionary cell that would put him into power. After graduating with a degree in law, he joined the army as an adjutant of the Signal Corps. After overhearing his senior officers talk of a coup, he used the cells that he had established years ago to preempt them and take over himself. Ever since, he has been linked to such terrorist activity as the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre and the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie. For ten points, name this Libyan dictator.;;(Muammar) (Abu Minyar) (al(-)) Qaddafi Music;;It was originally called a holupca, which came from the brass metal shoes worn while performing it. Performed in either 3/4 or 3/8 time, Markowsky is credited with creating the first one. From its native country it went to Russia, and from there it spread across Europe. For ten points, name this national Polish dance which can be found in a Chopin collection.;;mazurka Literature;;She "is the fairies' midwife; and she comes In shape no bigger than an agate stone". She is the warrior queen of the Ulster cycle as well as the queen of Connact. Her most famous reference, however is in Act I Scene IV of Romeo and Juliet. For ten points, name this faerie queen who was the subject of a speech by Mercutio.;;(Queen) Mab|Maeve Computational Math;;Find the sums of the squares of the first five Fibonacci numbers.;;40 Biology;;In 1996, Michael Liu discovered a pea plant incapable of undergoing this process, as it lacked sufficient vesicle secretion for the creation of the cell plate. Divisions in the insect embryo often occur without it, and in animals, it results from the collective action of actin microfilaments, which produce the necessary cleavage furrow by which it usually occurs. Rarely complete at the end of telophase and literally meaning "cell movement", for 10 points, name this process defined as the splitting of one cell into two daughter cells.;;cytokinesis Literature;;This play opens on Christmas Eve in a well-furnished living room, the central location of the play. During the play it is revealed that the main character forged her father's signature in order to go to Italy so her husband, Torvald, could recover. Krogstad uses this to blackmail her, but the attempt ends up causing Nora to leave her husband at the end. For ten points, name this play by Henrik Ibsen.;;A Doll(')s House Chemistry;;It arises due to a helical shape in trans-cyclooctene, and cannot exist in a tertiary amine whose three substituents are all different. All molecules possessing it are optically active, and are not meso because they lack a plane of symmetry. So-called "centers" of it are carbons attached to four different substituents, and the term actually comes from the Greek for "handedness". For 10 points, name this chemical property, possessed by all molecules that are not superimposable on their mirror images.;;chiral(ity) Religion/Mythology;;In this religion, the five cardinal vices are Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, and Ahankar. The 5th largest religion in the world, in 1984 its most sacred shrine, the Golden Temple, was destroyed. Founded by Guru Nanak, there are ten gurus as well as several Bhai, or saints. For ten points, name this religion which is the dominant faith in the Indian state of Punjab.;;Sikhism United States History;;The Union forces on land were backed up by six ironclads led by Andrew Foote at this 1862 battle where the Confederates were led by Floyd, Pillow, and Buckner. The first major victory for the Union, the unconditional surrender demanded by Grant was accepted on February 16, 1862 by General Buckner. For ten points, name this Tennessee battle which opened up the Confederate heartland to the Union that was fought ten days after the battle at Fort Henry.;;Fort Donelson Art;;Some of his early works include "Ridden Down" and "A Death for the Timber", and he did illustrations for works by Wister, Longfellow, and himself. He then moved to 3D, sculpting such works as "The Cheyenne", and after that he never strayed from his theme of individuals struggling against overwhelming forces. For ten points, name this 19th century Western artist most famous for the bronze "Bronco Buster".;;(Frederic) Remington Astronomy;;First seen by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi in 964, it is approaching us at 300 kilometers a second, and the measured distance to it was doubled in 1953 when it was discovered that there is a dimmer type of Cepheid. In 1989, it was found that a black hole resides at the center of it and its satellite, M32. Currently about 2.9 million light years away from us, for ten points, name this galaxy which shares its name with the wife of Perseus.;;Andromeda (Galaxy|Nebula) Literature;;After being expelled for a fistfight with a professor, he spent six years at home, writing such works as Il Penseroso and Lycidas. Concerned with the Puritan cause, he wrote a series of pamphlets against episcopacy, on divorce, in defense of the liberty of the press, and supporting the regicides. For ten points, name this British poet most famous works include Areopagitica and Paradise Lost.;;(John) Milton World History;;The Salic Law would have kept this ruler from assuming the throne, but Charles VI made all of the other European rulers accept the succession of power of his only child. Charles assumed that Francis Stephen of Lorraine would truly control the empire, so he never taught his successor the true workings of government, but she nevertheless became one of the greatest Hapsburg rulers. For ten points, name this empress who was allowed to ascend the throne through the Pragmatic Sanction.;;Maria Theresa Miscellaneous;;While at Louisiana State, he set the NCAA records for points per game with 44.2 and most games with 50 or more points with 28 before the three-point arc was added. Drafted third by the Atlanta Hawks in 1970, he was traded to the New Orleans Jazz in 1974. Known for making the basketball court his personal playground, for ten points, name the scoring machine known for his moppy hair and floppy gray socks with a deadly nickname.;;(Pistol) (Pete) Maravich Physics;;Bodies exhibiting the orbital variety of this phenomenon include the Trojan asteroids and Kirkwood gaps, with respect to Jupiter, and the moon with respect to the Earth. The electrical type occurs at a source frequency of 1/(RC) in an RC circuit. For ten points, name the phenomenon in physics wherein a system has a large, in-phase response to selective inputs;. a phenomenon exemplified by the shattering of glass by the human voice and the destruction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge by winds.;;resonance Geography;;It has lent its name to a crustacean that has recently been found from Alaska to Monterey Bay. It has three northern entrances, two of which are Deception Pass and Rosario Head. Prominent islands include Blake and Whidbey Island, and it extends south 144 miles from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. First explored by George Vancouver in 1792, for ten points, name this arm of the Pacific Ocean found in northwest Washington.;;Puget Sound Literature;;Using the pseudonym Nancy Boyd, she published various magazine sketches, and she went on to write and star in the play The Princess Marries the Page. She also wrote the widely-quoted poem "First Fig" and was the first woman to receive a Pulitzer for poetry for Ballad of the Harp Weaver. For ten points, identify the early 20th century author of Renascence and other Poems.;;(Edna) (St(.) Vincent) Millay Music;;Arthur Toscanini said of her, "a voice like hers is heard only once in a hundred years". She began performing in public in 1914, and performed solo in productions of Messiah and Elijah. She originally was her own accompanist, but she eventually was accompanied by Franz Rupp. The performance she is most famous for was arranged by then-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who had recently left the dAR. For ten points, the DAR wouldn"t let what singer perform at Constitution Hall because she was black?;;(Marian) Anderson World History;;His real name is Caius Martius, but after winning a battle at a Volscian city he receives his titular name. Despite his being hailed as a hero, he is still submissive to the will of his mother. Unfortunately, he doesn"t have the gift of the tongue his friend Menenius has, and it leads to his downfall at the hands of the commoners he despises. For ten points, name this titular Roman general.;;Coriolanus Geography;;This country secured its independence after the 1819 victory at Boyacá, and after a constitution was signed in 1858 it was known as Granadina. Later known as the United States of Granada, it was made a republic with a conservative constitution in 1885, but the country was torn apart in 1899 by civil war. This helped the US in its efforts against, for ten points, name this country which used to own Panama with its captial at Bogotá.;;Colombia Literature;;Some of the most famous members of this movement include the poet Countie Cullen, author of "Heritage", and the novelist Nella Larsen, author of Quicksand. Founded by Claude McKay, it began in the early 1900s, and flourished in the 1920s. For ten points, name the movement most associated with Langston Hughes.;;Harlem Renaissance|New Negro (Movement|Renaissance){1}?|Negro Renaissance Chemistry;;In physics, it can mean the place where a second-order phase transition takes place, and in math, it denotes a point where the derivative of a function is infinite or equal to zero. For 10 points, give the common name describing all of these points, which can also indicate the specific temperature and pressure on a phase diagram where liquid and gaseous phases are indistinguishable.;;critical (point(s)) Miscellaneous;;It is retrieved in order to keep the Knight's line true, and is later tempered and then upgraded by someone who doesn"t quite have the figure of a regular fairy. When one's character is at full health, it is able to shoot beams from its tip. For ten points, name this weapon of evil's bane that is found in most versions of the Legend of Zelda.;;(The) Master Sword United States History;;Colonel John Fitzgerald wrote about the soldiers fighting in this battle, "It will be a terrible night for those who have no shoes. Some of them have tied only rags about their feet: others are barefoot, but I have not heard a man complain". Washington had ordered a pre-dawn attack, but due to the weather, this did not happen, but since the Hessians were hung over after much revelry the night before, the Continental Army won anyway. For ten points, identify this battle fought on December 26, 1776 paired with the Battle of Princeton.;;(Battle of) Trenton Architecture;;It has been purported that the Freemasons have these on their graves because they worship Osiris. urrently there are only thirty of them that are over 30 meters tall, and the two most famous examples can be found in New York and Washington D.C. For ten points give the general term for a tall monolith with a point at the top, such as Cleopatra's needle or the Washington Monument.;;obelisk Physics;;This scientist's theory of partons was the beginning of quark theory, and he served as the youngest group head in the Manhattan project. This man's seminal lectures on physics were delivered while he was at Caltech and he derived the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics while at MIT and Princeton. For ten points, identify the American theoretical physicist who shared the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics for the theory of quantum electrodynamics and who is known for his namesake diagrams.;;(Richard (Phillips)) Feynman Literature;;His uncle, in order to help him out, introduces him to an Advocate, but he angers his uncle by visiting with the Advocate's nurse, Leni. He is supposed to show an important client around the Cathedral, but he never shows, and the priest ends up telling him a fable. He last words, "like a dog", are uttered before two executioners brutally murder him. For ten points, identify the main character with a one letter last name in The Trial by Franz Kafka.;;(Joseph) K Computational Math;;Convert the Roman numeral MMMDCLXXXVI to Arabic numbers.;;3686 Geography;;It has been governed by the CSU since 1957, and on November 1, Edmund Stoiber chose to remain minister-president of it. The Romans called it Bayuwaren, a precursor to its modern name. In 1815 the Rhenish Palatinate was added to it, and remained independent until 1866. For ten points, name this region that can claim Pope Benedict XVI as its native son and has its capital at Munich.;;(Free State of) Bavaria|Bayern Geography;;Called a billabong in Australia, one was formed in Tennessee due to the New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-12. The largest in North America is Chicot, located in Arkansas, and it is formed when a meander is cut off from the river that forms it. For ten points, name this horseshoe-shaped lake found in the title of a work by Walter Clark.;;ox-bow (lake) Literature;;She appears in John Gower's Tale of Florent, where she is a feminine version of "The Frog Prince". Her answer to the question "What do women want" involves being closer to God than men and being dominant over them, which occurred in her tale. For ten points, identify the woman whose Tale involves a woman who had five different husbands.;;(The) Wife of Bath Religion/Mythology;;The daughter of King Agenor and Telephassa, she was given three gifts by her lover: Talos, a man made of bronze; Laelaps, a hunting dog, and a javelin that never missed. She and her husband were the subject of three different paintings with the same title by Veronese, Titian, and Boucher, and she gave birth to three sons: Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon. For ten points, name this first queen of Crete who was seduced by Zeus in the form of a bull.;;Europa World History;;Article 40 states that "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice," and the concessions made by the king are outlined in the "Articles of the Barons". It established the precedent that the powers of the king could be limited by a written grant, and it was followed over 450 years later by the English Bill of Rights. For ten points, identify this document signed at Runymede in 1215 by King John.;;Magna Carta Religion/Mythology;;The eldest of the children of Angrboda and Loki, the gods feared him so much that Tyr was the only god who would willingly take care of it. After he had grown, the gods attempted to render him harmless, but he broke the strongest chains as if they were cobwebs. Eventually, Gleipnir was used to bind him, and at Ragnarok, he will devour Odin, and Vidar will kill him in response. For ten points, name this Norse wolf.;;Fenris(wolf)|Fenrir World History;;He was the hero at Çanakkale, forcing the Allied Powers to admit that it was impassable, and then he defeated them again at Anafartalar. After the end of WWI and the War of Independence, he headed the Grand National Assembly as well as the Kuva-yi Milliye, a military force which fought against the forces that divided up the Ottoman Empire. For ten points, name the "father of the Turks" and first President of Turkey.;;(Kemal) Ataturk|Mustafa Kemal Literature;;The marriage of his friend Maud Gonne led him to write the poem "No Second Troy". Besides poetry, he penned two plays, Cathleen Ni Houlihan and The Land of Heart's Desire, but he is more famous for poetry, including the line "Things fall apart, the center cannot hold". For ten points, name the Irish poet of "The Second Coming" and "Easter, 1916".;;((William){1}? (Butler)|W(.) B(.)) Yeats Chemistry;;His namesake isochore relates the equilibrium constant to temperature, while his magnum opus Studies in Chemical Dynamics described new methods for finding orders of reactions and introduced the concept of chemical affinity. Also the formulator of an equation relating osmotic pressure to membrane potential and temperature, for 10 points, name this Dutch winner of the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry.;;(Jacobus) (Henricus) van(') t Hoff United States History;;Occurring in 1832, it was the result of disputes over treaties going back to 1804. The return of Sac and Fox Indians sparked panic, and Governor Reynolds called up the militia. The namesake figure escaped to the Winnebagos after losing, but ended up spending a year in prison. For ten points, identify this war, the last resistance in the Old Northwest, which shares its name with a professional hockey team.;;Black Hawk (War) Psychology;;There are over 20 of them, but they are usually narrowed down to 8. They include altruism, undoing, idealization, and compensation. First developed by Freud, they are an integral part of psychoanalytic theory. For ten points, name these unconscious reactions to stressors, of which the most well-known are regression, projection, and reaction formation.;;defense mechanism(s) Art;;The central figure is wearing all black while the man on his right is dressed in all white. On the left is a man in all red, and in the lower right hand corner, a partial of a drum is pictured. The general theme of it is of a group of men awaiting the command to fall in line, and their disorder can be seen with the large amount of pikes in the air at various angles. For ten points, name this painting by Rembrandt.;;(The) Night Watch Literature;;Colonel Curtiss, a scar-faced murder suspect, makes an enormous error in personal diplomacy when he refers to him as simply "a detective". This man replies, "I am THE detective, Mr. Curtiss". He finds that Curtiss plunged a blade through a peephole in a trunk, killing the man inside in The Mystery of the Spanish Chest. As Curtiss is hauled away, he curses the detective, "that bloody little Belgian!" For ten points, name the fictional detective created by Agatha Christie.;;(Hercule) Poirot Physics;;Newton considered this four-word concept to be the manifestation of the divine in physics, though current theories understand it as the exchange of force-mediating bosons. For ten points, identify this four word phrase; an ad hoc explanation for the fact that the Sun can influence the motion of bodies with which it is in no apparent contact.;;action at a distance Geography;;The plan for this city is known as "Light's Vision", and it was largely puritan until Don Dunstan introduced cultural reforms, even though it is still known as the "city of churches". Located between Mt. Lofty and Gulf St. Vincent, it lies on the Torrens River and was named for a consort of King William IV. For ten points, name this capital of South Australia.;;Adelaide Miscellaneous;;The lyrics for their songs were written by two French musicians, Jacques Morali and Henry Bolobo. They first achieved notoriety when people protested using taxpayer money for music videos, since the US Navy was going to shoot the video for "In the Navy" and use it as part of a promotional campaign. Their most famous song became a worldwide smash hit and was remade in Japan as "Young Man". For ten points, name the group made up of a cowboy, biker, soldier, Indian, policeman, and construction worker.;;(The) Village People Literature;;She starts out high-spirited and saucy, but the death of her child and being abandoned by her husband Connie helps her mature into a mysterious woman. She gives birth to a stillborn child, and at the end suckles a hungry grown man. For ten points, name this oldest daughter of Ma and Pa Joad in The Grapes of Wrath.;;Rose (of Sharon) Biology;;A branched result of this test is characteristic of Nocardia, and iodine is generally used as a mordant in it. A 0.1% basic fuchsin solution or a small amount of safranin can be used to confirm the result, while decolorizers such as ethanol and acetone are used to dissolve the lipid layer of the wall and enhance results. Ultimately, however, its confirmation is whether or not the sample maintains the crystal violet complex or not. For 10 points, name this test for peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls, named for its Danish creator.;;Gram stain World History;;His gift for oration is seen in three different lights: he is cold and menacing to the dauphin's messenger; uplifting in his St. Crispin's Day speech; terrifying in his speech to the Governor of Harfleur. He is sad that he cannot "sleep the untroubled sleep of the common man"; this is because he is no common man. For ten points, name this Shakespearean titular monarch.;;Henry V World History;;The losing side at this battle was led by Abd-er Rahman, who died along with a vast majority of his troops. After Rahman was killed, the Moors retreated back across the Pyrenees, never to invade France again, even though they occupied Spain for a long time. For ten points, name this October 10, 732 battle won by Charles Martel.;;(Battle of) Tours Music;;It was part of the ballet "Gayane", and invokes a whirling war dance. It was played while plate spinners were performing on The Ed Sullivan Show, leading to its popularization and adaptations by Woody Herman and Dave Edmunds. Also a favorite piece of Liberace, it shares its name with a malfunction of an F-86 and a performance involving a certain type of sword. For ten points, name the quick-paced Khachaturian work.;;Sabre Dance Biology;;He did fieldwork with J.S. Henslow and Adam Sedgwick and was heavily influenced by Malthus" Essay on Population. The author of The Descent of Man, his most important idea was also theorized by Alfred Russell Wallace. Eventually, he was recommended to Captain FitzRoy, who was taking a two-year trip around coastal South America on the HMS Beagle. For 10 points, name this scientist who studied tortoises and finches on that trip and wrote about them in 1859's On the Origin of Species, the coiner of the term "natural selection".;;(Charles) (Robert) Darwin Religion/Mythology;;His sisters were turned into alder trees whose tears became amber. His friend Cycnus was turned into a swan. His accident, according to myth, created the African desert and the dark skin of Ethiopians. He bragged of his divine parentage, and to prove it he tried to do his father's job, and failed miserably. For ten points, name this son of Helios who attempted to drive his chariot and got himself killed.;;Phaeton Computational Math;;Within one, round to the nearest whole number the number of inches in 74 centimeters.;;2(8|9){1}?|30 Literature;;Set in Italy, the titular character is the subject of a painting by D.G. Rosetti, The Death of Beatrice Professor Baglioni warns one of his students not to study under the titular doctor. The warning is ignored, and Giovanni goes to study in Padua. He falls in love with Beatrice, but accuses her of infecting him with her malady. Baglioni attempts to give Beatrice an antidote, but it ends up killing her. For ten points, in what Hawthorne short story can Beatrice kill other people simply by breathing on them?;;Rappaccini(') s Daughter World History;;He was three when he inherited the throne, and at seven his mother was poisoned by nobles. He took over at 17 and chose his wife through a National Virgin competition. He set up the Oprichniki whose duty was to protect him. His violent exploits are well-known, beginning with throwing animals from high places as a child to later beating his own son to death. For ten points, what Russian monarch had a horrible-sounding nickname?;;Ivan (IV|the (Fourth|Terrible){1}?){1}? Physics;;This function is only unique up to a scalar gage function, which is gradient-free; this is because only the gradient of this scalar field is unambiguously meaningful. Across a non-resistive element in an ac circuit, this quantity is related to the current by the reactance. The gradient of this is the electric field, and constants are commonly selected as gage functions for it, as they correspond to a choice of ground; at ground, this quantity is zero by definition. For ten points, name this electromagnetic function symbolized V.;;(scalar) potential (difference)|voltage Computational Math;;Circles A and B are concentric. The radius of A is 19, and the radius of circle B is 13. What is the area inside A but outside B?;;192 pi (square u(nits)|u(nits) squared) Literature;;His first voyage was marred by a storm, and but his second was successful, as a merchant he makes a decent profit which he leaves with a friendly widow. On his third, Moorish pirates attack his ship and he is sent to the town of Sallee as a slave. He escapes, goes to Brazil, and on another voyage ends up on an island off the coast of Trinidad. For ten points, this are some of the voyages of what titular character based on the adventures of Alexander Selkirk?;;(Robinson) Crusoe World History;;He was arrested in December 1970 when he led workers in a clash against the government. He was a primary target of General Jaruzelski and was interned in a country home while martial law was imposed. He was attacked by the government press upon winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 and was elected President in 1990. For ten points, name this former electrician and Solidarity Leader.;;(Lech) Walesa Miscellaneous;;He was one of the three originators of break-beat DJing along with Afrika Bambaataa and Kool Herc. Born in the West Indies with the name Joseph Saddler, he created the techniques of cutting, back-spinning and punch-phrasing. Cowboy, Scorpio, Melle Mel, Kid Creole, and Raheim constituted his "Furious Five". For ten points, identify the hip-hop legend whose most famous single is The Message.;;Grandmaster Flash Geography;;The Northern section are home to High Force and High Cup Gill, while Pendle Hill can be found in the Southern part and its highest peak is Cross Fell at 2930 ft. Their name comes from the Celtic word for hill, and it is transversed by many rivers, serving as a watershed. For ten points, name this mountain chain in England that sounds like one found in Italy.;;Pennine(s) Chemistry;;Their associated "frontier" theory indicates nine possible combinations of them in chemical reactions, and they are useful in calculating bond order. In their model, the bonding electrons have a much lower energy than the antibonding electrons, which exist in sigma-star and pi-star varieties. Exemplified by HOMO and LUMO, for 10 points, name these objects derived from atomic orbitals and abbreviated MO.;;molecular orbitals Art;;He studied in the San Carlos Academy and in the carving workshop of artist José Guadalupe Posada, whose influence was decisive. He did several self-portraits, one dedicated to Irene Rich, another featuring him in all black, a pipe in his mouth, and a drink on the table. In The Arsenal, his wife is shown distributing arms. For ten points, name this Mexican muralist and husband of Frida Kahlo.;;(Diego) Rivera Literature;;The daughter of a Venetian senator, she and her husband are secretly married before the play begins. Roderigo complains that he wanted to marry her, and the titular character's ensign plans to break up the marriage. Her handkerchief ends up in Cassio's room, further angering her husband, and at the end of the play she is murdered by her husband, who kills himself before he can be tried. For ten points, name the wife of Othello.;;Desdemona Music;;Each of the 20 works in this collection starts with a slow intro followed by a fast, dance-like movement. The differing tempos are due to the influence of the verbunko, a dance native to the titular location. For ten points, name this collection of pieces for solo piano, known for their difficulty, composed by Franz Liszt.;;Hungarian Rhapsodies Literature;;The first story is about a scoundrel who ends up becoming a saint, while the last story on the last day is about how Gualtier goes to the lengths of pretending to marry his daughter in order to test his wife, Griselda. For ten points what work consists of ten stories told over ten days, written by Giovanni Boccaccio?;;(The) Decameron United States History;;A group of sailors posing under this name in South Carolina attempted to coerce money from people, so they began to police themselves and pretenders. Originally called the Legal Nine, their actual leader was Ebenezer McIntosh. Their first widely known act involved an effigy of Andrew Oliver, the Distributor of Stamps for Massachusetts. The majority of them were printers and publishers, which is why they responded violently to the Stamp Act. For ten points, name this pre-revolutionary group most commonly associated with Sam Adams.;;Sons of Liberty Astronomy;;It is a depression in the atmosphere surrounded by high cirrus clouds, and it was first spotted by Voyager 2. This anticyclone was first spotted in August of 1989, and in 1994 the Hubble Space Telescope found that the original had disappeared and that another one had appeared in the Northern Hemisphere. Comparable to the hole in Earth's ozone layer, one was spotted on Jupiter in 2003 by the Cassini spacecraft. For ten points, name this feature of Neptune.;;Great Dark Spot Physics;;Enceladus has the highest measured one, about 0.8. Earth's is about 0.39, fresh snow's is 0.6, and the moon's is 0.12. Calculated through Kirchoff's Law, it is seen when we are warmer while wearing dark clothing outside when the sun is out. By definition, it is ratio of total scattered power to the incident power. For ten points, name this measure of reflectivity of a surface.;;(simple) albedo Literature;;The members of this family include Amaranta, who dies a virgin and is jealous of Rebeca, whom she believes stole Pietro from her. Arcadio is the schoolmaster of Macondo, Colonel Aureliano is the rebel commander of the Liberal Army, and Aureliano II, who has the tail of a pig. For ten points, name the family that is the focus of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel One Hundred Years of Solitude.;;Buendia(s) (family) World History;;He fought in various guerrilla groups, eventually joining the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army, a group led by the Communist Party of China. After being driven out of China, he joined the Soviet Red Army and became a Captain in 1941. He was installed as the head of the Provisional People's Committee in 1945, and became the head of the Korean Workers" party in 1949. For ten points, name this former Prime Minister of North Korea and father of Kim Jong Il.;;(Kim) (Il) Sung Religion/Mythology;;A head of one of them is found on many shields such as the aegis and that of Agamemnon. Covered with impenetrable scales, they had hands of brass, sharp fangs, and beards. They are the daughters of Phorcys [FOR-sis] and Keto, and it is argued as to whether only one or all three of them had living snakes for hair. For ten points, give the name for the trio of Stheno, Euryale [YOO-ree-uh-lee], and Medusa, three ugly women whose stares would turn mortals into stone.;;Gorgon(s) Literature;;He is the only main character who meets with Malcolm after the title character assumes the throne. The new ruler, referred to not as a king but a tyrant, has this man's wife and son killed, and is the only person who can kill the title character due to the nature of his birth. For ten points, name this character that is "not of woman born" and ends up killing MacBeth at the end of the play.;;MacDuff Chemistry;;The Goldmann-Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation for membrane potential reduces to it in the case of one ion. At standard state and with the use of a base-10 logarithm, the constant term in it comes out to about 0.0592, and it can be derived from the equation linking the free energy change of a reaction to its reaction quotient. Most often used in concentration cells with nonstandard cell potentials, for 10 points, name this equation of electrochemistry.;;Nernst (equation) Music;;It derives its name from a chapel in the church in which Fillipo Neri used to deliver his sermons on Biblical history. Some composed by Haydn include The Creation and The Seasons, and Mendelssohn composed one entitled Elijah. However, the composer most famous for them created such examples as Athalia and Solomon. For ten points, identify the style of choral music whose most famous example is The Messiah by Handel.;;oratorio World History;;The first one occurred in 1419 when a group of radical Hussites killed seven members of the city council. The second and more famous one occurred at a castle where two Imperial governors were tried and found guilty, after which the namesake action occurred and the two governors landed in a pile of manure. For ten points, give the name for this action which involved throwing people in a certain city out of a window.;;Defenestration of Prague Literature;;The main character in this novel longs to join the Brotherhood, a group of rebels that want to overthrow the government. At the end of the novel, the main character ends up at the Chestnut Tree drinking gin. O"Brien lures the main character into a well-laid trap, where he is sent to the Ministry of Love for rehab. For ten points, name this novel in which "it was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking 13" written by George Orwell.;;1984 Biology;;Complex glycosylation of molecules occurs within it by means of sugar transferases that face its lumen, and it actually breaks up and disappears at the onset of mitosis. Generally divided into cis, medial, and trans faces, the last of which releases clathrin-coated vesicles, it consists of a stack of five to eight flattened cisternae. For 10 points, name this organelle which processes proteins made in the endoplasmic reticulum, and which is named for its Italian discoverer.;;Golgi (apparatus) Miscellaneous;;In creating the original design for it, Frank Eliscu used Ed Smith in order to make a clay model, and the model was approved by a group from Notre Dame. It is 14" long, 13 ½" high and weighs 25 pounds. Named for a college coach whose career lasted from 1892 to 1927, its first winner was University of Chicago standout Jay Berwanger. For ten points, name this trophy awarded to college football's most outstanding player.;;Heisman (Trophy) Literature;;It has an area of 2400 square miles and is bordered on the north by the Tallahatchie River and on the south by its namesake river. Its name comes from the Choctaw for "furrowed land; fallowed land", but most know it as not a real land at all. For ten points, identify the county of which William Faulkner is the sole owner and proprietor in many of his novels.;;Yoknapatawpha (County) Art;;The three central figures are all in aprons, long dresses, and hats. Near the upper right hand corner there appears to be a man on a horse monitoring the titular figures. There are two extremely tall stacks in the rear in the upper left corner as well as a row of houses in the back on the right. Since the three women are shown doing menial labor, the artist is conveying the message that any labor is beautiful. For ten points, name this work by Jean-Francois Millet.;;The Gleaners Physics;;The tensor field equation underpins the second version of this theory, which is concerned with the transformation of gravitational fields. The momentum-energy 4-vector is invariant in the first version, which includes such effects as time dilation and Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction. For ten points, identify this fundamental theory of physics posited by Einstein and according to which the values of various observables depend of the frame of reference of the observer.;;(special|general) relativity Computational Math;;How many donuts would Homer Simpson be ordering if he ordered a gross baker's dozens of donuts?;;1872 United States History;;Blacks called it the "Great Betrayal", since Republican promises to assure civil rights were abandoned. Under it, Republicans promised to appoint Democrats to patronage positions in the South and appoint a Democrat to the president's cabinet in exchange for allowing the Republican candidate to gain all 20 disputed electoral votes to win the election. For ten points, name the agreement that gave Rutherford Hayes the Presidential election and effectively ended Reconstruction.;;Compromise of 1877 Geography;;It contains 22 islands, the largest being Olkhon, and is fed by 300 rivers. It contains about 20% of the fresh water on earth, and is the home of over 1500 species of animals including a namesake seal. The Mongols call it the Sacred Sea, and its volume is equal to that of all five great lakes. For ten points, name this "Blue Eye of Siberia" and deepest lake in the world.;;(Lake) Baikal Art;;During its brief flourishing, it had some notable adherents, including Rouault, Dufy, and Braque. The term used to describe this movement was coined by Louis Vauxcelles at the Salon d"Automne in 1905 where several paintings in this style were shown around a sculpture by Donatello. Coming from the French for "wild beast", for ten points, name the early 20th century art movement that was led by Henri Matisse.;;Fauvism Psychology;;He won the Pulitzer Prize for Gandhi's Truth: On the Origin of Militant Nonviolence, and also wrote a summary of his studies of Native Americans entitled Childhood and Society. However, this Freudian ego-psychologist is most famous for coining the epigenetic principle. For ten points, identify the man who developed eight stages of personality development including infancy, early age, and play age.;;(Erik) Erikson World History;;Coming from a German word for a Swiss person, the term itself was first use to describe the conspirators in the Amboise plot. They were violently opposed to the Catholic Church, which led to a policy of dragonnade under Louis XIV before the Edict of Fontainebleau, which revoked their rights. For ten points, identify this group given their rights in 1598 under the Edict of Nantes.;;Huguenots Religion/Mythology;;The Greek word inscribed on it, Kallisti, has become a symbol for a modern pseudo-religion. A judge chosen by Zeus awarded this object to Aphrodite, and for doing so, she awarded him the hand of "the face that launched a thousand ships". For ten points, name this fruit thrown by Eris that was used to judge "the fairest one".;;Apple of Discord|Golden Apple Literature;;Some of his lesser-known works include Jupiter and Ganymede and Our Conquering Swords. Many scholars detect his influence in such famous Shakespeare plays as Titus Andronicus and Henry IV. He wrote poetry, penning Hero and Leander, but his life was cut short by a stabbing in a bar. For ten points, what dramatist is most famous for The Jew of Malta, Tamburlaine the Great, and A Tragical History of Dr. Faustus?;;(Christopher) Marlowe Geography;;Due to a transposition of names, Eugene von Guerard's painting of this mountain is technically misnamed, since the titular location is technically Mt. Townsend. Standing at a height of over 7300 feet, its summit can be reached by going through Charlotte Pass or Thredbo. For ten points, name this mountain, the tallest in Australia and named for a Polish national hero.;;(Mt(.)) Kosciusko Computational Math;;What is the value of 16 raised to the fourth?;;65536 Literature;;It began with a roast of Alexander Wollcott, a New York Times drama critic. Including at various times playwright Noel Coward and Tallulah Bankhead, Edna Ferber once called them "The Poison Group". Originally made up of a group of Vanity Fair writers, its name comes from the hotel at which they all met. For ten points, name this circle of writers that included George Kaufman and Dorothy Parker.;;Algonquin Round Table Computational Math;;Find the determinant of the 3-by-3 matrix with top row, going left to right, 1,2,3, middle row 5,2,1, bottom row 0,4,1.;;48 Literature;;His disregard for the social decorum of the time is shown in when he arrives late for the wedding, and then disregards the notion of "birthright" in how he treats his new wife. He treats her new wife quite poorly by starving her and not allowing her to leave. He is doing this in order to accomplish the title action. For ten points, name this husband of Katherine in The Taming of the Shrew.;;Petruchio World History;;He first joined his country's army through being a fast typist, and in 1933 he was Chief of the Armed Forces. During his second presidency, he drafted a constitution which was later approved, and during his third presidency, corruption and rumored Havana Mafia ties marred him, and he was overthrown by the Partido Socialisto Popular. For ten points, name this Cuban leader and predecessor to Fidel Castro.;;(Fulgencio) Batista (y) (Zalvidar) Miscellaneous;;Willie Stargell said of him, "trying to hit him was like trying to drink coffee with a fork". He was the first pitcher to average more than nine strikeouts and less than seven hits per nine innings over his entire career, doing so from 1955 to 1966, when arthritis ended his career. He threw a no-hitter every year from 1962 to 1965, including a perfect game against the Cubs on September 9, 1965. For ten points, identify this Hall-of-Fame left-handed hurler for the Los Angeles Dodgers.;;(Sandy) Koufax|(Sanford) Braun Chemistry;;The early work of this scientist includes an analysis of gypsum and a refutation of the theory that water changes into "earth" if it is distilled repeatedly. He enunciated the law of conservation of mass, which is often named for him, and he collaborated with Claude Berthollet to publish Method of Chemical Nomenclature. He is more famous for the text Elementary Treatise on Chemistry and the groundbreaking On Combustion in General. For 10 points, name this Frenchman who debunked the phlogiston theory and his coining of the term "oxygen" to explain respiration and combustion.;;(Antoine-(Laurent)) Lavoisier Computational Math;;In a pentagon, three of the interior angles measure 130, 150, and 170 degrees each. What is the sum of the measures of the two remaining angles?;;90 Literature;;The title of this work comes from a treatise that the titular character receives from a sign-bearer after failing to enter the Magic Theater. After stabbing the woman who shows him a life of pleasure, Mozart appears and gives him advice on how to live his life. For ten points, name this Herman Hesse novel about Harry Haller whose title includes a name for an animal of the lupus species.;;Steppenwolf United States History;;Its chief opponent was Benjamin Bristow, and its downfall led to the recovery of $3 million and the indictment of the President's secretary. Centered in Chicago, St. Louis, and Milwaukee, some believed it would have become a way to fund the Republican Party through fraud. For ten points, identify this scandal taking place under Grant and involving an alcohol tax that previously caused a rebellion.;;Whiskey Ring Music;;At the beginning of this opera, the titular character is a smuggler posing as a cigarette factory worker. She starts out wooing a lieutenant, but ends up setting her sights on a toreador. Micaela, the lieutenant's first love, follows him around and tries to convince the lieutenant that the titular character is unfaithful and that his mother is dying. After learning of this, Don Jose finds the titular character and stabs her in the heart with a dagger. For ten points, this is the plot of what opera by Georges Bizet?;;Carmen Biology;;The carboxylic acid formed from this vitamin is conjugated to glucuronide and secreted into bile, and its esters can be stored in Ito cells or more generalized hepatocytes. Sperm production requires an adequate amount of this vitamin, and deficiency in it can lead to decreased thyroid hormone synthesis. Its aldehyde is a key component of rhodopsin, and beta-carotene is one of its provitamins. For 10 points, give the one-letter designation of retinol, whose deficiency can also lead to night blindness.;;(Vitamin) A United States History;;He called Eisenhower's presidency "a dime store New Deal", and as a Senator from Arizona voted against the censure of McCarthy as well as Lyndon Johnson's Anti-Poverty Act. Considered the father of modern-day conservatism, his publication Conscience of a Conservative established his leadership of the right wing. For ten points, identify the man whose chemical last name is AuH2O, the loser in the 1964 presidential election.;;(Barry) Goldwater Music;;Based on a poem by Henri Cazalis, the titular action is represented by a solo violin tuned to G-D-A-E flat. Another motif featured is that of a xylophone representing rattling bones. Although not popular at first, Franz Liszt and Vladimir Horowitz turned it into piano arrangements. It also shares its name with a book by Stephen King and an album by Iron Maiden. For ten points, name this "Dance of Death" composed by Saint-Seans.;;Danse Macabre Literature;;At the beginning, two young Englishwomen travel to the titular location and one gets engaged to a British magistrate who is the son of the other. At the same time, a young Muslim doctor is frustrated at the treatment he receives from his British boss. The doctor is later accused of rape by Adela Quested, who later recants under oath. For ten points, Dr. Aziz is found in what novel by E,M Forster?;;(A) Passage to India Earth Science;;In the 1950's and 60"s, the National Science Foundation wanted to drill to try to find it, but Congress wouldn"t supply the funding. It is actually exposed in Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, but it makes its presence known during earthquakes, as it is where seismic waves change velocity. For ten points, name this layer of the earth named after a Croatian seismologist that is the boundary between the crust and upper mantle.;;Moho(rovicic) (discontinuity) Literature;;He, along with Robert Edmond Jones and Kenneth Macgowan, formed a "Triumvirate" that ran the Experimental Theater. He adapted an ancient Greek play to 19th century England in Mourning Becomes Electra, but in his most famous work the youngest member of the Tyrone family is sent to a sanitarium while drugs wreck his mother and booze consumes his brother. For ten points, name the playwright who penned Long Day's Journey into Night, the only man to win four Pulizter Prizes for drama.;;(Eugene) O'Neill Religion/Mythology;;When her brother, Susanoo, ravaged the earth, she retreated into a cave, and the world was plunged into darkness as her name means "she who shines in heavens". Born from the left eye of Izanagi and the ruler of the High Celestial Plain, she is considered to be the ancestor of Emperor Jimmu, hence all Japanese emperors are considered to be divine. For ten points, name this Japanese sun goddess and the central figure in the Shinto pantheon.;;Amaterasu|Tensho Daijan Biology;;It utilizes the action of five different kinase enzymes to engage in substrate-level phosphorylation. Also known as the Embden-Meyerhoff mechanism, it ends with the creation of two molecules of pyruvate and two ATP molecules, and it is reversed in a process known as gluconeogenesis. For 10 points, name this biochemical pathway that serves to break down glucose.;;glycolysis Computational Math;;If $2500 were put into a savings account with 4% interest compounded once a year, how much would be in the account after two years?;;$ 2704 World History;;It was the site of the May Fourth Movement of 1919 as well as protests after the death of Zhou Enlai. Here you can see the Monument to the People's Heroes, Great Hall of the People, Mao Zedong Memorial Hall and the national flag raising ceremony. It is most famous for an incident which featured a sculpture titled "The Goddess of Democracy" created by students. For ten points, name the site captured in "The Unarmed Rebel", a photo of a single unarmed man in front of a line of tanks.;;Tiananmen Square Physics;;Taking the path integral of this equation yields the mechanical work on a body in terms of its mass and position in an inertial frame. This physical principle was originally stated in terms of the first fluxion of momentum, and its time-integrated version defines the impulse as the time integral of the force on a body. For ten points, identify the law from physics that is conventionally stated as F = ma and that is credited to the British inventor of the calculus.;;Newton(') s second (law) Architecture;;Its outside is pearly pink at dawn and opaque by moonlight. It has five main elements: the Darwaza or main gateway, the Bageecha or garden, the Masjid or mosque, the Naqqar Khana or rest house, and the Rauza or mausoleum. The four towers at the corners are 40-meter minarets and are far enough so that if they collapse, the central mausoleum would not collapse. For ten points, name the building that houses Mumtaz, the wife of Shah Jahan.;;Taj Mahal Literature;;One of the comedic subplots in this play is the conspiracy to make Olivia's head steward think that she wants to marry him. Their plans lead her to think him mad, and he ends up locked in a dungeon. Meanwhile, she falls in love with Cesario, who is really Viola. At the end, the Duke Orsino marries Viola, and Olivia marries Viola's long-lost twin, Sebastian. For ten points, name this Shakespearean play subtitled What You Will.;;Twelfth Night Geography;;This arid region is the transition from the hot Sonoran Desert to the cooler and higher Great Basin. On the northwestern boundary it extends from the Sierra Nevada range to the Colorado Plateau in the east; it abuts the San Gabriel-San Bernardino mountains in the southwest. It hosts about 200 endemic plant species, but its most famous is the Joshua tree found at higher elevations. For ten points, name this desert found in the Southwest United States.;;Mojave (Desert) Miscellaneous;;Their biggest hit was the unofficial theme song of the team that won the 1983 America's Cup Their debut album, Business as Usual, set the record for the most weeks at number one for a debut. Their second album, Cargo, featured such hits as "Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive" and "Overkill", but neither of these touched the success of their two biggest singles. For ten points, what band is most famous for the hits "Who Can it Be Now"? and "Down Under"?;;Men at Work Literature;;The main character of this novel is slightly based on Goethe, who fell in love with a teenager when he was 74 and on vacation. While in the titular location, the main character falls in love with 14-year-old Tadzio, a Polish boy staying in the same hotel. Eventually cholera wipes out the entire town, but Tadzio escapes. For ten points, name this novel, the most famous work by Thomas Mann.;;Death in Venice Chemistry;;Daniel Bernoulli derived it in his text on hydrodynamics, and this law was also shown by the French physicist Edme Mariotte. Derived from three years of experimenting with an air pump, it can be used to understand the mechanical functioning of the diaphragm in the human body. Derivable from the ideal gas equation by holding temperature and moles of gas constant, for 10 points, name this gas law stating that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, named for an English physicist.;;Boyle(') s Law World History;;It began at the house of John Wright, and it was the brainchild of Robert Catesby. A Yorkshire mercenary posed as "John Johnson", a servant, in order to help out in it. On the evening of October 26, a Lord Monteagle received a letter from his brother-in-law, Francis Tresham, warning him not to go to Parliament on November 5. This led to the exposure of, for ten points, what plan to kill King James I which made Guy Fawkes infamous?;;Gunpowder (Plot) Literature;;A bank in this town is putting a time capsule into its cornerstone, so people a thousand years from now will know what life there was like. This small town is home to people such as Simon Stimson, the church organist who grumbles about how ignorant humans are. For ten points, identify the hometown of George Gibbs and Emily Webb, the setting for Thornton Wilder's Our Town.;;Grover(') s Corners(,) (New Hampshire) Computational Math;;Find the period of the following function: y=-3cos(pi*x+4pi).;;2 Miscellaneous;;His father was drafted by the Montreal Canadiens in 1984, his favorite team as a child. He was the only player under 18 selected to play for the Canadian Junior Hockey Team, and was the youngest player ever to score for them at just over 16. Wayne Gretzky said that he was the best player he"d seen since Mario Lemieux. For ten points, name this top pick by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the 2005 NHL Draft.;;(Sidney) Crosby United States History;;He was nominated for President only after his party had eliminated 48 other candidates. His Secretary of War Jefferson Davis organized the Gadsden Purchase in order to build a railroad down there to get to California. Even though he could claim "a peaceful condition of things in Kansas", he was not nominated for a second term. For ten points, name this President who completes the phrase "we Polked ‘em in "44, we"ll (blank) them in "52".;;(Franklin) Pierce Literature;;In this work, happiness derives from consuming mass-produced goods and sports such as Obstacle Golf and Centrifugal Bumble-puppy. It opens in the Central London Hatching and Conditioning Centre, where the Director of the Hatchery is giving a tour of the factory. Set in the year 632 AF, everyone is placed into a certain class; Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, or Epsilon. Everyone takes soma, and it ends up killing the mother of John the Savage. For ten points, name this most famous work of Aldous Huxley.;;Brave New World Physics;;This vector field is always divergence free because no single sources for it exist, and it can be stated as the curl of the vector potential. Incapable of doing net work on a body, this field is crossed with its counterpart to yield the Poynting vector. Generated by a current distribution, this field can be determined by the Biot-Savart law. For ten points, identify this physical field symbolized B and having the SI unit Tesla; the companion of the electric field.;;magnetic (field) Music;;He began playing in bands in Kansas City in 1935, and from there joined the band of pianist Jay McShann. He later teamed up with Dizzy Gillespie on several occasions, and they gradually developed what is now known as bebop. Suffering a nervous breakdown in 1946, his last performance was in 1955 at Birdland, which was renamed in his honor. For ten points, name the famous saxophonist known as "Yardbird" or "Birdman".;;(Charlie) Parker World History;;He volunteered for WWI, being wounded twice, and joined the Freikorps afterwards. When at the University of Munich, he became part of the Thule Society and became the sixteenth member of the Nazi Party in 1920. As a Nazi, he went from being Hitler's personal secretary to Deputy Fuhrer. His attempt to prevent the German invasion of the Soviet Union actually led his capture. For ten points, identify this underling of Hitler who fled to Scotland on May 10, 1941.;;(Rudolf) Hess Biology;;Only about 2% of those created actually mature and differentiate, and their receptors are constantly searching for fragments of the major histocompatibility complex, or MHC. Divided into three major types, they maintain homeostasis, activate cytokines, and destroy certain antigens. For 10 points, name these lymphocytes, which can exist in the suppressor, helper, or cytotoxic varieties.;;T (cell(s)) Literature;;Give the number, not it's alternative name. This place is removed from all light and warmth and has three or six members, depending on whether you count actual beings or just heads. Also known as Cocytus, sinners here are frozen deep in ice, faces out, with eyes and mouths frozen shut. Other than Satan, its three famous occupants are Brutus, Cassius, and Judas. For ten points, identify this location found in the Inferno by Dante.;;(9(th)|Ninth){1}? circle (of Hell) Religion/Mythology;;After being trapped in a coffin by Set, he was thrown into the Nile, and his wife found his body at Byblos. Set then found the body again and tore it into pieces before throwing it in the Nile. All save one of his body parts was found again, and after being put back together, he became the first mummy and transformed an akh into the form he is best known as. For ten points, name this Egyptian god of the dead and husband of Isis.;;Osiris Geography;;It is located in Clearwater County and has an average depth of 20-35 feet, and General Lewis Cass used a spliced form of the Latin for "true head" for its current name. Some have challenged its claim to fame, stating that it should belong to Elk Lake, but research has found that theoretically it belongs to Morrison Lake and Hernando de Soto Lake. For ten points, name the generally accepted source for the Mississippi River.;;(Lake) Itasca Architecture;;He rejected a single unifying style for his works, instead he fed off of each project's unique "site, program, and spirit". This is captured in the exterior brick walls of the GM building, and for the John Deere headquarters he used Cor-ten steel to capture ruggedness. Unfortunately, he died from a brain tumor before his major works could be completed. For ten points, name the Finnish-American architect of Dulles International Airport and the Gateway Arch.;;(Eero) Saarinen Literature;;After returning from fighting, he swears that he will never marry, an oath he breaks at the end. In the middle of the play, he actually would rather be sent to the Antipodes than have to spend one more minute with his future wife. After Claudio accuses Hero of unchaste behavior, he challenges his friend Hero to a duel at the request of Beatrice. For ten points, name this arch-rival turned husband of Beatrice in Much Ado about Nothing.;;Benedick Earth Science;;First discovered by Pierre Berthier, this sedimentary rock is found mostly in subtropical or tropical conditions. It comes in three varieties: gibbsite, bohmite, and diaspore, depending on the number of water molecules of hydration. Extraction of the metal contained in it is done through a bath in sodium hydroxide, where the unwanted metals are removed, and then the remaining solution is precipitated out. For ten points, name the ore that is the primary source of aluminum.;;bauxite World History;;The first one of these granted independence to the Transvaal, which ended with the end of the second one. The latter of the two was precipitated by Cecil Rhodes, leader of the Jameson Raid, and ended with the signing of the Treaty of Vereeniging. For ten points, give the general name for these wars between the Dutch settlers and the British whose name comes from the Afrikaans word for farmer.;;Boer (Wars) Religion/Mythology;;The son of Farbauti and Laufey, he can assume many different shapes. Even though he is married to Sigyn, he has a mistress, Angrboda. He was later chained up to three large boulders, and a venomous snake was placed above his head. Whenever the venom touched his skin, his twists in pain cause earthquakes. For ten points, name this Norse god who tricked Hodur into killing Balder.;;Loki Geography;;It is a muddy estuary of the second longest river in South America, and is the widest in the world. Juan Diaz de Solis was the first European to sight it, and during World War II the German heavy cruiser Admiral Graf Spee was scuttled here. Serving as an estuary for the Paraná and Uruguay Rivers, for ten points, name this "silver river".;;Rio de la Plata Biology;;Comprised of a group of large cells within a firm connective tissue sheath, the length of its presence can vary in some organisms. Embryonically, it forms during gastrulation between the hypoblast and the epiblast from mesodermal cells, and it is later incorporated as the centers of the nuclei pulposi, or the intervertebral discs. Incompressible and crucial to nervous system development, for 10 points, name this longitudinal rod-like structural element present in all members of the phylum Chordata.;;notochord|spinal cord Computational Math;;Convert the following binary number to base 10: 10111010.;;186 Literature;;He is the son of a lower-ranking woman, but he was accepted into the court, where he became a master of speech, manners, poetry, and music. While writing poetry to women who weren"t interested in him, he had three affairs with women outside of the court, but at the end an older woman ends up fawning over him. For ten points, identify the title character of an 11th century novel by Lady Murasaki.;;(The) (Tale of) Genji United States History;;It began on March 9 when a bill was passed that declared a four-day bank holiday. Exactly one week later, a farm relief bill was passed. Several federal agencies were later created, some of which still can be seen today. In all, 15 major laws were passed, 15 messages to Congress were given, and 10 speeches were given in, for ten points, what period marking the beginning of FDR's presidency?;;(The) (Hundred|100){1}? Days Art;;On August 23, 2004, it, along with "Madonna", was stolen, and on February 13, 2006 the robbers were brought to trial. A part of The Frieze of Life , the three figures in it are on a bridge, and the central figure is performing the titular action with his hands over his ears. For ten points, name this most famous painting of Edvard Munch.;;The Scream Literature;;Over the years, this hobgoblin has taken the form of animals, including an eagle, horse and donkey. In a 1785 painting by William Blake, he looks like Pan from Greek mythology, and in a 1841 painting by Richard Dadd, he looks like an innocent child. His most famous appearance, however, is in a play in which he "frights the maidens of the villagery, skims milk, and sometimes labors in the quern". For ten points, name this fairy in A Midsummer Night's Dream who also goes by the name Robin Goodfellow.;;Puck Physics;;The kinetic temperature is the product of the absolute temperature with this, while the average energy of an atom in a monatomic perfect gas is three halves the temperature of the gas times this constant. It is equal to the ideal gas constant divided by Avogadro's number, and is symbolized k. For ten points, identify this physical constant numerically equal in SI units to about 1.38*10-23 J/K.;;Boltzmann(') (s) (constant ) Music;;The second movement, Funeral March,is based on the somber dirges played after grand funerals for revolutionary heroes. The third movement is a light Scherzo and Trio. It was allegedly dedicated to Napoleon, but the composer was angered by Napoleon crowning himself emperor. For ten points, give the name for Beethoven's 3rd symphony.;;Eroica (Symphony) Literature;;This literary technique was first used by Edouard Dujardin in Les Laurier's sont coupes and the term itself was coined by William James in Principles of Psychology. It is a technique that records the multifarious thoughts and feelings of a character without regard to logical argument or narrative sequence. For ten points, identify this literary technique used by writers such as Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and William Faulkner.;;stream of consciousness World History;;Article II states that the contracting parties will refrain from any agitation or propaganda against the Government or the public and military institutions of the other party. Representatives at the negotiations for this included Count Ottokar Czernin for Austria-Hungary as well as others from Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. For ten points, name this treaty that signaled Russia's pullout of WWI.;;(Peace) (Treaty of) Brest-Litovsk United States History;;Within a span of three months, four earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or higher occurred here, with aftershocks going on for years. Some were felt as far away as Quebec, and damage was reported as far away as Washington, D.C., not to mention that they rang church bells in Boston. For ten points, give the collective name for these earthquakes of 1811-1812 named for the fault in the Mississippi River Valley.;;New Madrid (earthquakes) Computational Math;;Find the average value of the function y=3x^2 - 2x over the interval [1,4].;;16 Miscellaneous;;People mentioned that are passed over include Oprah Winfrey, Madonna and Mariah Carey. The blacks win the lottery, and according to one commentator, they'll probably still complain. The Jews pick Lenny Kravitz,but he couldn't make it. There is a controversy when the whites pick Colin Powell, but it is resolved when the whites also get Condi Rice. The biggest surprise is when the last pick, made by the Asians, is the entire Wu-Tang Clan. For ten points, name this Dave Chappelle skit in which various ethnic groups get together to decide what groups get different celebrities.;;Racial Draft Literature;;In one of his early works, he teamed up with his sister Trix for a parody entitled Echoes by Two Writers. He is better known for his poetry, such as a poem in which the one-word title is the first word in every line. For ten points, name the author of the poems "If" and "Gunga Din", as well the stories "Rikki-tikki-tavi" and the two Jungle Books.;;(Rudyard) Kipling World History;;After joining the Indian National Congress, he served as general secretary of the All India Congress Committee and was elected Congressional President three times. He was arrested on many occasions, and while in prison he wrote letters published as "Letters from a Father to his Daughter", the titular daughter being Indira Gandhi. For ten points, name this first President of India.;;(Pandit) (Jawaharlal) Nehru Chemistry;;This compound's presence results in a proton-NMR shift of approximately 6.5 to 7.5 parts per million, and all of its pi electrons are delocalized.  Originally discovered by Michael Faraday in whale oil, it can undergo nitration or sulfonation in an electrophilic substitution, and hydrogenation of it with nickel can reduce it to cyclohexane.  With a structure famously deduced in a dream by Friedrich Kekule, for 10 points, name this simplest aromatic compound with chemical formula C-6-H-6.;;benzene Physics;;The Born interpretation of this quantity dictates that the volume integral of its square modulus over all space is one; that's because the square modulus of this quantity is equal to the probability density for the particle that it represents. For ten points, identify the function symbolized by psi, the fundamental object in quantum mechanics.;;(wave|state){1}? function Literature;;His early works, such as Satires and Songs and Sonnets, were written while he was studying law. In his Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, which contains 23 Meditations, he wrote that "No man is an island, entire of itself". He is most famous for his Divine Poems, which contains a poem that shares it title with a work by John Gunther. For ten points, name this author of Death Be not Proud.;;(John) Donne World History;;Appointed "People's Priest in 1519", his argument was that if the Old or New Testament did not say something explicitly and literally, then no Christian should believe or practice it. This led to his protest against the practice of Lent. His belief in the literal interpretation of the Bible became the foundation for radical Protestant and Puritan societies. For ten points, name this Swiss leader of the Reformation.;;(Ulrich) Zwingli United States History;;As a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, he was chosen to speak in favor of a strong judiciary, and he was one of the three officials sent to France in what would become the XYZ affair. In 1799, John Adams asked him to become an associate justice, but he refused, being elected to the House later that year. He For ten points, name the midnight appointee who served as Chief Justice for over 30 years.;;(John) Marshall Music;;Originally founded in 1885 by Henry Lee Higginson, in 1900 their performances were called "Promenade Concerts". It underwent a revival in 1973 when David Mugar suggested that they play Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture. During the performance, howitzer cannons were fired, and the crowd went nuts. Ever since, they have drawn huge crowds for their July 4th concert. For ten points, name this group which was conducted by Arthur Fiedler for 50 years and is currently led by Keith Lockhart.;;Boston Pops Literature;;This enigmatic title character has the most speaking lines of any Shakespearean character ever created. He is a bit ambiguous; waiting until he has concrete proof to act on the action that he is obsessed with, but at the same time acting rashly, such as not even looking behind a curtain to see who's listening in before stabbing Polonius to death, thinking it is his uncle. For ten points, name this resident of Elsinore, a prince of Denmark.;;Hamlet World History;;His military ideas appeared in a book, The Army of the Future, where he criticized the Maginot Line. The only French officer to force the Germans to retreat during WWII, he was appointed Minister of War. After Petain took over and headed the Vichy government, he fled to England, fearing arrest. He was left out of the Yalta conference, but was allowed to sign Germany's surrender. For ten points, name the first President of France's Fifth Republic.;;(Charles) De Gaulle Biology;;In this process, water enters the root and is transported up to the leaves through specialized plant cells known as xylem (pronounced zigh-lem). Carotenoids absorb blue-green light while chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light, and the water is converted into oxygen and protons. For ten points, give the term for the process conducted by bacteria and plants that converts water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and energy.;;photosynthesis Geography;;After Amasis I of Egypt expelled the Hyskos, they went here, which is why the Greeks called it Hyknusa. Its current name, however, comes from the people expelled by Ramses III around 1180 BC. Even though the roles have reversed, Victor Emmanuel II was king of it before conquering Italy. For ten points, name this Mediterranean island.;;Sardinia Miscellaneous;;A few years ago, this sport experimented with a "supergoal", where a goal kicked from beyond 50 meters is worth nine points instead of the normal six. In this game, which is played on a cricket ground, if the ball hits one of the center posts or crosses the boundary line between a center and outer post, a behind is awarded, worth one point. For ten points, name this sport primarily played on a small continent.;;Aus(tralian|sie){1}? (Rules) Football Literature;;His novel Arrow of God deals with traditional Igbo life as it clashed with colonial powers in the form of missionaries and colonial government. In his book of essays entitled Morning Yet on Creation Day, he says that "art is, and always was, at the service of man". Some of his less famous works include Anthills of the Savannah and No Longer at Ease. For ten points, identify the Nigerian novelist who's most famous for the work Things Fall Apart.;;(Chinua) Achebe Biology;;In 1992, Newsweek claimed that it was much wider in females than in males, but it was later proven that it is larger in males. Consisting of contralateral axon projections, it is not found in marsupials and monotremes. The anterior part of it is called the genu, the posterior is the splenium. For ten points, name this part of the brain that connects the right and left hemispheres.;;corpus callosum Art;;The name's the same. A painting by Francesco Hayez featuring a couple performing the titular action; Constantin Brancusi's first major work which was carved out of stone. A series of works by Gustav Klimt in which only the hands and faces of the couple are visible. And a sculpture by Rodin in which two figures are locked together as one in a lover's embrace. For ten points, give the common romantic name.;;(The) Kiss Literature;;In the border country, every time thunder is heard, they say that it is his voice. The biggest case he argued was never written down, and it was a no holds barred case in which he defended Jabez Stone who had signed his soul over to Mephistopheles in exchange for seven years of prosperity. For ten points, identify the title man in a short story by Stephen Vincent Benet.;;(The Devil and) Daniel Webster Chemistry;;The reaction forming the basis of this process releases about 92 kilojoules of energy per mole, and it uses a catalyst of iron oxide and generally takes place at pressures from 30 to 60 megapascals and about 500°C. The most economical form of nitrogen fixation, the high-pressure methods associated with it were developed by Carl Bosch, who won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry thirteen years after its namesake did in 1918. For 10 points, name this industrial process used to produce ammonia, named for a German chemist.;;Haber-(Bosch) (process) World History;;Before his death, he was known as Tenno Heika, meaning His Majesty the Son of Heaven. His reign as the 124th emperor of his country was the longest at 63 years. He was the father of seven kids with Princess Nagako, and his fifth is the current emperor. Some wanted him tried as a war criminal, but General MacArthur argued that if he remained in power, then his country would be easier to rule. For ten points, name this father of Akihito and former Japanese emperor.;;Hirohito|Emperor Showa (Tenno) Miscellaneous;;If you write his name for every answer, you will get a 1600 on the ACT. He doesn"t like Sara Lee and can complete the Gallon Challenge in 37 seconds. It takes him 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes and he can touch MC Hammer. Superman wears his pajamas, and the only reason he sleeps with the light on is because the dark is afraid of him. For ten points, name this ultimate dispenser of pain whose superiority can be seen on Walker, Texas Ranger.;;(Chuck) Norris Literature;;Its original cover was an engraving by Martin Droeshout. It was edited by John Hemminge and Henry Condell and was dedicated to the sons of the Earl of Pembroke. First published in 1623, its second printing included Pericles and Two Noble Kinsmen. For ten points, identify this collection which contains many of the works of one William Shakespeare.;;(The) First Folio United States History;;They included the Massachusetts Government Act, which did away with elections for councilors, and the Quebec Act, which permitted Catholicism in the Ohio country. It garnered much support for the Crown in the French Canadian Region, but it had the opposite effect in the colonies. Passed in 1774, it was an immediate response to events that took place on December 16, 1773. For ten points, give the collective name for the acts passed in response to the Boston Tea Party.;;(Intolerable|Coercive){1}? (Acts) Biology;;Paul Lauterbur won a share of the 2003 Nobel in Physiology or Medicine for his work in helping to lay the groundwork for this type of scanner. In many cases, it can show the arterial system without a contrast injection. The radio waves used are harmless, and their collision with hydrogen nuclei in water and lipids produces electrical energy from a magnetic coil, allowing a computer to produce a map of tissue. For 10 points, give the name for this process of using alignment of magnetic moments to produce pictures.;;M(agnetic) R(esonance) I(maging) Literature;;This novel begins with the title character, a member of Gang 104, being threatened with three days of solitary for waking up late, but he only has to wash the HQ floor. The prisoners are later forced to strip search in below zero weather for a search, where Buynkovsky is punished for wearing a flannel vest. For ten points, these events open which novel by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.;;One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Art;;An example of this style is Albert Dubois-Pillet's Under the Lamp. It is similar to Divisionism, except that this form is more focused on the specific style of brushwork used to apply the paint. For ten points, name this movement associated with George Seurat and seen in his painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.;;pointillism Chemistry;;A palladium or platinum catalyst is used in their hydrogenation and reduction, and Lindlar's catalyst produces them from their sister alkynes.  Described with E/Z nomenclature or with cis/trans, they possess one double bond.  For ten points, name these compounds also known as olefins and having general formula C-n-H-2n.;;alkenes Music;;One of his early works, "Symphony for Organ and Orchestra" premiered in at Carnegie Hall in 1925. He later began writing music for movies, composing the scores for Of Mice and Men and The Heiress as well as the plays Our Town and Billy the Kid. During the 1930s, his direction was altered by populism, which helped him produce some of his more famous works, including Lincoln Portrait and Fanfare for the Common Man. For ten points, name the composer of Appalachian Spring.;;(Aaron) Copland Computational Math;;Find the discriminant of the following equation: 4x^2 + 5x - 25 =0.;;425 Geography;;In 1885, the British gave up control over it in exchange for control of Zanzibar. During WWII, Germany planned to deport all Jews here but never acted on it, and the British sent troops here to keep it from being captured by the Japanese. Gaining independence in 1960, it is well-known for its lemurs. For ten points, name this fourth-largest island in the world whose capital is Antananarivo.;;Madagascar Astronomy;;Its existence was suggested in 1930 by Frederick Leonard and Kenneth Edgeworth. Objects within it are called trans-Neptunian, and its radius is about 50 AU. First discovered in 1951 by its namesake, it was formed by Jupiter and contains objects about the size of Earth or Mars. For ten points, name this disk-shaped region of the solar system.;;(Edgeworth) -Kuiper Belt Literature;;It opens with the speaker's declaration that five years have passed since he last visited the titular location, encountered its tranquil, rustic scenery, and heard the murmuring waters of the river. The title locale is located on the banks of the Wye, and he talks about how memories of the scenery around it provided him with "sensations sweet, / Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart". For ten points, name this poem by Wordsworth which he wrote who a few miles from the titular location.;;(Lines Composed a Few Miles above) Tintern Abbey(,) (on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798) World History;;Upon arriving in South Africa, he was discriminated against several times as a "coolie", and this indignation let loose his tongue. His policy of satyagraha, or "pursuit of truth", has inspired leaders all over the world, and he led the 1930 "Salt March" to protest a salt tax. He was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, and his memorial, Raj Ghat, can be found in Delhi. For ten points, name this "Great Soul".;;(Mohandas|Mahatma) Gandhi Physics;;This concept relates the dispersions of two non-commuting observables. Its most familiar form arises because there are no simultaneous eigenfunctions of the position and momentum operators and, in this form, it states that the product of the standard deviations in measurements of the position and momentum of a particle is greater than or equal to Dirac's Constant. For ten points, name the principle that states that certain properties of a quantum particle cannot be simultaneously measured to an arbitrary degree of precision and that is attributed to Werner Heisenberg.;;(Heisenberg)(') (s) uncertainty principle Literature;;She often wrote about the relationships within families in her short stories, such as "Death of a Traveling Salesman". She was also a photographer, and her pictures of Mississippi of the 1930's were shown in Rennes in 2002. Her best-known work is about Laurel Hand bickering with her father's second wife, Fay. For ten points, identify the author of "The Optimist's Daughter" which won a Pulitzer Prize in 1973.;;(Eudora) Welty Religion/Mythology;;Different actions that one does during this include running seven times between two hills and drinking from the Zamam spring; throwing 49 stones at "Satans" made of stone", and staying in tents in the desert, where you pray at the Plain of Arafat and Mound of Mercy, then sacrifice an animal. Your journey is complete after circling the Kaaba an eighth time. For ten points, if you do this, then you have completed what pillar of Islam that only needs to be done once?;;Hajj|Pilgrimage to Mecca Computational Math;;Calculate 2 to the sixth plus 3 cubed minus 5 to the fourth.;;-534 Chemistry;;This compound reacts with malonic esters to give barbituric acids, and it was first isolated by Rouelle in 1773. Resulting indirectly from the transamination of oxaloacetate, intermediates in its formation include citrulline and ornithine. Also known as carbamide, it finds use as a highly concentrated fertilizer and feed supplement, and is produced from ammonia in the liver. For 10 points, name this nitrogenous compound first synthesized by Friedrich Wohler, the major component of uric acid.;;urea Religion/Mythology;;In this religion, Faravahar is depicted as the human soul before and after death. The time-god, Zurvan, is the son of the chief god, Ahura Mazda. Its holy book is the Avesta, and it is believed that it had a large impact on Judaism and Christianity due to Persia's connections to the Roman Empire. For ten points, name this religion founded by Zarathustra.;;Zoroastrianism World History;;Archibald Prentice wrote in 1851 that manufacturers opposed it because they thought "it would raise the wages of labor, and thus prevent their competition with the manufacturers of other countries". The first was passed in 1804, and the price of the namesake good dropped from 126 shillings to 65 shillings in three years after the end of the Napoleonic War. For ten points, name this set of laws that was aimed to protect wheat imports as well as maize.;;Corn (Laws) Literature;;This title has been parodied in works by both Dylan Thomas and Joseph Heller. An early draft of it was entitled Stephen Hero, but that was abandoned in 1905. In it, the main character questions and rebels against his Irish Catholic upbringing and ends up moving to Paris. For ten points, name this James Joyce novel, the other novel besides Ulysses featuring Stephen Daedalus.;;A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Physics;;Its gravitational version is a change in the frequency of a photon to lower energy as it climbs out of a gravitational field. Represented by the letter z, it is calculated in the equation z equals v over c (z=v/c), where v is the velocity and c is the speed of light. It can be defined as a Doppler shift from any source moving away from the observer. For ten points, name this phenomenon that is used to explain the Big Bang and expansion of the universe.;;red shift Art;;This artist enjoyed success early on, winning the League's William Merritt Chase still-life prize for her oil painting Dead Rabbit with Copper Pot. After that she got tired of art, but later began doing a series of charcoal drawings that have been called the most innovative of the time. She later painted flowers that represented natural forms in abstract terms, and later moved to the southwest with her husband Alfred Stieglitz. For ten points, name the artist of scenes in the southwest whose most famous work features a cow skull.;;(Georgia) O(') Keeffe World History;;Born in the Ukraine, David Ben-Gurion described this future leader as "the only man in the cabinet". Upon arriving in the Soviet Union as the Israeli ambassador, this politician was mobbed by the Jewish Russians suffering under Stalin. This figure had worked as Foreign Minister from 1956 to 1965 before becoming Prime Minister. For ten points, name this Israeli Socialist female Prime Minister.;;(Golda) Meir Computational Math;;To the nearest whole number, find the area of a triangle whose three sides measure 5, 7, and 10.;;16 Literature;;Taking place in northern Alabama, in the beginning the main character's hands are tied behind his back at the titular location. The thirty-five year old man on the bridge was the target of a set-up by a Union soldier dressed as a Confederate. He attempted to halt the Northern advance by burning down a bridge, but was caught. For ten points, what short story by Ambrose Bierce revolves around the hanging and imaginary escape of Peyton Farquhar ?;;An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Miscellaneous;;There is much controversy surrounding this song, but it is agreed that the lyrics were written by Banjo Paterson while Christina Macpherson put it to the tune of the Scottish song "Thou Bonnie Wood of Craigielea". The song features a hobo who snatches a sheep, gets caught by the sheep's owner and a policeman, and instead of doing the titular action with the two, the hobo drowns himself under the coolabah tree. For ten points, name this song, Australia's unofficial national anthem.;;Waltzing Matilda United States History;;Their largest camp was at Anacostia Flats, which housed about 10,000. On July 28, 1932, after they were told to get off government property, the police ended up firing on them, killing two. Learning of the shooting, the President brought in General MacArthur, who chased them back to their camp and burned it to the ground. For ten points, name this veterans" group who just wanted their due pay 13 years early.;;Bonus (Army|Expeditionary Force){1}?|BEF Chemistry;;This scientist related his own work to that of Gibbs" efforts in thermodynamics, and thus created his theory of binary states. The work of Kamerlingh-Onnes and Dewar is built largely on his law of corresponding states, but he may be better known for introducing an equation involving factors a and b that attempted to correct the ideal gas law, and for the categorization of London, dipole-dipole, and hydrogen bonding interactions. For 10 points, name this Dutch chemist, famous for an equation of state and his namesake intermolecular forces.;;(Johannes (Diderik) ) van der Waals Literature;;Lord Angelo wants to rid the city of unlawful sexual activity, but when Isabella begs of him to let Claudio go, he agrees to only if she will sleep with him. She hatches a plan with Angelo's former lover, Mariana, and all goes well, except for the pardon. The Duke, who has been impersonating a friar, returns and proposes to Isabella after Angelo is exposed. For ten points, this is the plot of what Shakespearean play?;;Measure for Measure Physics;;First detected by Reines and Cowan in 1956, these were initially postulated to explain beta decay, since a general two-body reaction cannot conserve both momentum and energy. The oscillations of these leptons cannot be explained by the standard model, but were detected by the Super Kamiokande detector; this indicates that they are massive. For ten points, name these subatomic particles which Fermi called the "little neutrals".;;neutrino(s) Miscellaneous;;In his one season as an assistant at Western Kentucky, the Hilltoppers won the Ohio Valley Conference and advanced to the NCAA Tournament. He was an assistant coach for the USA Team at the World University Games in 1989 and head court coach for the Pan American team trials in 1991. In his 18 years at Purdue, the Boilermakers won six Big Ten titles and played in 14 NCAA tournaments before he became the head coach of Southern Illinois. For ten points, name this man who often dons an orange blazer during games.;;Bruce Weber Geography;;This sovereign parliamentary democracy declared peace with Germany in 1958, since it was left out of the Treaty of Versailles. It should come as no surprise since it isn"t important enough to have had its own currency before adopting the euro and for some reason every French President has been an official co-prince of it. For ten points, name this small principality sandwiched by Spain and France.;;Andorra Literature;;Her husband, Ernest, owns a wine shop in Saint Antoine, and her brother and brother-in-law were killed by Marquis St. Evremonde. Symbolizing how the oppressed have become the oppressor, she wants to see the Darnay and Manette families wiped out. For ten points, name this character in A Tale of Two Cities who knits a "register" of names of people she has condemned to die.;;Madame Defarge Literature;;In 1967 he drives a Cadillac with John Birch bumper stickers while his son Robert serves in Vietnam as a Green Beret. In 1945 he is in a German POW camp being threatened by Paul Lazzaro. In 1976, Lazzaro assassinates him while he is giving a speech after China has dropped a hydrogen bomb on Chicago. Having come "unstuck in time," FTP name this traveler to Tralfamadore who is the protagonist of Slaughterhouse-Five.;;(Billy) Pilgrim Chemistry;;Those discovered in the 1980s had a perovskite structure, and YBCO was the first to work at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. They are perfect diamagnets, and the Meissner effect is seen with these materials. Metallic ones are described by the BCS theory, and the first one discovered, mercury, loses virtually all resistance below a temperature of 4.2 kelvins. FTP name this class of materials which can carry a current with virtually zero resistance.;;superconductor(s) Music;;The basis for the story of this 1897 symphonic scherzo can be found in the Philopseudes of Lucian, which inspired Goethe's "Der Zauberlehrling," from which this piece of program music explicitly draws its story and title. Its huge fame came when it was performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra for accompaniment of an eight-minute animated sequence in Fantasia. FTP name this Paul Dukas [doo-KAH] work about a naughty magician's helper.;;(The) Sorcerer's Apprentice|L"Apprenti Sorcier World History;;For eight days before this battle, the two opposing armies camped facing each other, with battle beginning on the ninth day when it was learned that Artaphernes had taken Eretria. Callimachus the Polemarch cast the deciding vote to attack, and the hoplites marched to the "beaten zone," or furthest range of enemy archers, and then ran at the invaders. Because the wings moved faster than the center, the Greeks inadvertently doubly enveloped the armies of Datis, leading to his speedy retreat. Making a hero of Greek General Militiades, FTP name this 490 BCE battle fought on a plain near Athens.;;(The) (Battle of) Marathon Religion/Mythology;;Created from earth and water, this figure was given musical talent by Apollo, persuasiveness by Hermes, skill in needlework by Athena, and beauty by Aphrodite. Zeus gave her the pythos, a jar, before sending her to wed Epimetheus, who accepted her despite being warned by his brother Prometheus not to accept gifts from Zeus. Sent to punish man for accepting stolen fire, FTP who is this woman who opened her jar and allowed fear, illness, insanity and other ills into the world?;;Pandora Geography;;Consisting of one main island and several smaller ones, this archipelago features Fagnano Lake, the sixth largest in the world. The Beagle Channel separates the namesake big island from Isla Navarino, and the namesake national park sits near Ushuaia, which bills itself as the most southerly city on Earth. FTP name this archipelago shared by Chile and Argentina and so named by Magellan because he probably mistook lightning strikes for fires.;;Tierra del Fuego Literature;;This character is referred to by her husband as the "flower of the mountain," and that mountain could be Gibraltar, where she was raised by her father, Major Tweedy, or Howth Hill, where an outing with her husband provides the memory that closes her soliloquy at the end of the novel in which she appears. Representing the life force and creative principle, among other concepts, she has made love to Blazes Boylan while her husband has wandered Dublin. FTP name this wife of the Jewish ad salesman Leopold in Joyce's Ulysses.;;Molly Bloom Chemistry;;In the process of Ostwald ripening, this phenomenon causes only large crystals to form because it is stronger for the high curvature of a small crystal. It is reduced by surfactants, and it is stronger for hot water than for cold water. It causes free mercury to roll up into a ball, and it allows insects to walk on water. FTP name this phenomenon caused by cohesive force between molecules at the outer edge of a liquid, responsible for the shapes of bubbles and liquid droplets.;;surface tension Miscellaneous;;Still number two in all-time interceptions at Florida State, this broadcaster spends the football off-season as a vice-president for Dixon Ticonderoga, a manufacturer of pencils. As head coach of Louisville he compiled a 28-11-3 record, and later as coach of Indiana he called a time-out while leading Ohio State to have his team pose for a picture in front of the scoreboard. He began at ESPN in 1987 but hit it big when teamed with Kirk Herbstreit. FTP name this Orlando resident and mainstay of ESPN's College GameDay broadcasts.;;Lee Corso United States History;;It warns against the "luxury of cooling off" and the "tranquilizing drug of gradualism". It goes on to exhort people to "rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force". Later the speaker says "we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and hotels of the cities". Commonly named for a repeated statement of hopeful vision delivered in its peroration, FTP name this speech that famously ends, "Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!".;;(")I Have a Dream(") (speech) Religion/Mythology;;Krita, anumata, and karita are three actions required to adhere to this concept of some Eastern religions. In Yoga Hinduism, it is the first of the five Yamas, or things to refrain from. It is also the first of the five mahavratas, or great vows, of Jainism, and is the reason Jains are vegetarians and sometimes even sweep their path clear or wear masks over their mouths to avoid inhaling airborne organisms. FTP what is this policy of non-injury or non-violence?;;ahimsa Art;;Currently on display at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, the title figure is dressed in homage to the outfits depicted by Van Dyck 140 years earlier. The model for that figure was Jonathan Buttall, the son of a friend of the artist. Holding his plumed hat on his right side and standing in an ambiguous landscape is, FTP, what title figure named for the color of his outfit in the most famous Thomas Gainsborough work?;;(The) Blue Boy Physics;;This value can be determined by setting kinetic energy equal to the negative of gravitational potential energy and solving for v. Equal to the square root of the quantity 2GM over r, its value approaches infinity at the boundary of a black hole. Equal to about 7 miles per second at the surface of the Earth, this is, FTP, what speed necessary for an object to break away from the gravitational pull of a celestial body?;;escape velocit(y|ies){1}?|escape speed(s) Literature;;The title character of this play is incapable of ever saying "I give," so he even says "I lend you good day". His daughter, Elise, is in love with his servant, Valere, but he intends to marry her off to an old man who doesn"t demand a dowry. This is what play by Moliere, FTP, that characterizes its title character Harpagon's greed and penny pinching?;;(The) Miser United States History;;Washington and Jefferson each had three men serve in this position in their cabinets, Washington sharing Charles Lee with John Adams and Jefferson sharing Caesar Rodney with James Madison. William French Smith, Ed Meese and Dick Thornburgh served under Reagan, while the infamous Mitchell Palmer called for his namesake raids while serving under Wilson. The only cabinet-level position not titled "Secretary," FTP name this post that includes the leadership of the Justice Department and which is currently held by Alberto Gonzalez.;;Attorney General Literature;;In 1947's What Is Literature? this man argued that poetry, sculpture, music and painting are en soi, or existing in themselves, not just as signs. After WWII he wrote many biographical studies, including Saint Genet, celebrating the French writer Jean Genet, and The Family Idiot about Flaubert. He considered his long work Critique of Dialectical Reason to be his most important philosophical writing. FTP name this author of Existentialism is a Humanism and Being and Nothingness.;;(Jean-Paul) Sartre Literature;;Composed from bits written in newspaper columns from 1881-1906, much of this book's contents were published against the author's will as The Cynic's Word Book until this full edition came out in 1911. It called marriage "a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making in all, two," and politics "a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles". FTP name this work by Ambrose Bierce, a lexicological work attributed to Satan.;;(The) Devil(')s Dictionary Physics;;Although this force is often proportional to the square of velocity for an object in a fluid, it is treated as independent of both velocity and area for two solids. Only defined empirically, its value is proportional to the normal force, and its direction is opposite that of the object's motion. FTP, name this force whose coefficient is much lower for a ski on snow than for rubber on concrete.;;(kinetic|static) friction World History;;They are descended from the Nguni people who moved inland to what they called Maputaland in the 16th century. As a distinct clan, they can be traced to the son of Malandela, who lends his name to them. Their most famous leader was the son of Senzangakona, who brought their territorial extent to its apex, but who was killed by his brother Dingane, whose forces were crushed by Voortrekkers at Blood River in 1838. FTP name this South African ethnic group whose most famous leader was Shaka.;;Zulu Literature;;Accepting life stoically and bringing "so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them" are characteristics of this author's namesake "code" or "hero". Colonel Cantwell's seeming acceptance of his impending death from heart attack in Across the River and into the Trees makes him an example. Another is Henry Morgan in To Have and Have Not. FTP name the creator of these tough guys, as well as Robert Cohn, Jake Barnes and the fisherman Santiago.;;(Ernest) Hemingway Philosophy;;He wrote that men possess free wills which are not determined in an 1897 work entitled The Will to Believe. Ten years later, he subtitled a work "A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking," in which he stated that the meaning of an idea lies in its observable practical consequences. FTP name this American philosopher, author of Pragmatism, whose younger brother wrote works such as The Golden Bowl and Daisy Miller.;;(William) James Biology;;Its inner surface is lined with folds called rugae, and regions of it include the cardia, antrum, and fundus. Mucous cells on the rugae help protect this organ from acids produced by the parietal cells, and its chief cells secrete pepsin. Connected to the duodenum at the pyloric sphincter, this is, FTP, what large J-shaped organ of the digestive system?;;stomach Art;;The vessel at the center has a mast at the front that appears to have snapped off. In the upper right is a nasty-looking waterspout, while streaks of red in the waves suggest why so many sharks surround the small craft. A black man looks to his left while lying on the deck. This describes, FTP, what seascape painting by Winslow Homer.;;(The) Gulf Stream United States History;;Governor Sir George Yeardley set up the parameters for election to and participation in this governing body, calling for the representatives from 11 boroughs all adjacent to the James River. It first met on July 30, 1619, and in 1698 its seat was moved to the borough of Middle Plantation, a town soon renamed to honor English monarch William III. Originally meeting in Jamestown, FTP name this colonial legislative body in the New World, which in 1776 became the Virginia House of Delegates.;;House of Burgesses Literature;;Yugao dies unexpectedly soon after she and the title character first make love. Later, in a visit to Kitayama, the title character meets a beautiful little girl whom he kidnaps in order to raise her to be his ideal lady, later wedding her. Later he is elevated to high rank by his son, the Emperor Reizi, but after age 40 the protagonist realizes the fleeting nature of life and disappears from the book, which continues with the Uji chapters, chronicling the adventures of his son. Set in the Heian Period, FTP name this novel attributed to Murasaki Shikibu.;;(The) (Tale of) Genji Religion/Mythology;;The only mention of this Israelite king outside the Old Testament describes him as part of a coalition of rulers whose armies lost to Shalmaneser III around 853 BCE. First Kings 22:39 describes his building of an ivory palace, and First Kings 21 shows him rending his clothes, wearing sackcloth, and fasting, which so pleases Yahweh that he decides to kill not this man but his sons. His main sin was killing Naboth to please his wife. FTP who was this husband of Jezebel and namesake of a peg-legged 19th-century literary character?;;Ahab Chemistry;;They are formed by the oxidation of a primary alcohol, but not of a secondary alcohol. They have higher boiling points than alkenes because of the polarity of their carbonyl groups. The Tollens test is a simple way to distinguish these compounds from ketones. FTP, citral and ethanal belong to what class of compounds, whose simplest member is used to preserve lab specimens?;;aldehyde(s) World History;;Beginning in 1563, this man, with his cousin John Hawkins, commanded the first slave-trading expeditions made by the British. In 1573 he became the first Englishman to see the Pacific when he climbed a mountain in Darien, and weeks later he led a crew that stole a fortune in Spanish gold from Nombre de Dios. His most famous exploit, however, came in 1577 while he commanded the Golden Hind. FTP name this adventurer, the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.;;(Sir) (Francis) Drake Miscellaneous;;The culprit, as it turned out, was Bill O"Reilly. After finishing a show in Long Beach, the speaker is "looking for some women who can fondle" him. In hopes of remedying this, he calls up his "homeboy Snoop". Five of the titular females arrive but "one was a midget so we"ll just say four and a half". As things go awry, the speaker wonders what he did to "deserve this unpleasant surprise". FTP identify the titular eternal question posed by Ludacris on his 2003 album Chicken and Beer.;;Who Let These Hoes in My Room Geography;;The volcanic island Perim is located off its southwestern coast, and this nation owns the four islands collectively known as Socotra. Its best known export is the coffee named after the port of Al Mukha, sometimes called Mocha. That city is separated from mainland Africa by the Bab el Mandeb. Its highest point, Hadur Shu'ayb, is located to the southwest of its capital, Sanaa. FTP name this country located at the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula, whose city of Aden was the site of the USS Cole bombing.;;Yemen Literature;;In the fourth stanza the title group "flash"d as they turn"d in air . . . charging an army, while/All the world wonder"d". However, they were "Storm"d at with shot and shell,/While horse and hero fell". They attacked though they "knew/Someone had blunder"d". This takes place, FTP, in what poem describing an assault "half a league onward" into "the valley of Death" during the Crimean War by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.;;(The) Charge of the Light Brigade Chemistry;;In 1998, the 244 isotope of this element was bombarded with calcium to create element #114. Recently, it was found to travel much farther than expected in groundwater by clinging to colloids, which may affect containment plans at Yucca Mountain. Its 238 isotope is used in long-mission space probes, and its 239 isotope is fissionable. FTP, name this radioactive element with atomic number 94, whose 239 isotope decays into uranium.;;plutonium United States History;;Inheriting his uncle's import business in the late 1760s made this man the wealthiest in Massachusetts and a natural opponent of the Stamp and Townshend Acts. This resulted in smuggling and contributions to patriot groups, leading to the saying, "Sam Adams writes the letters and [this man] pays the postage". As third president of the Continental Congress he commissioned Washington as a general. FTP name this founding father whose large signature on the Declaration of Independence wasn"t so much to ensure that George III could read it but because he always signed that way.;;(John) Hancock Religion/Mythology;;He earned the appellation Wep-rehewy, or Judge of Two Opponent Gods, for mediating the battle of Horus and Set. His close connection with Ra is exemplified by his carrying of the utchat, which symbolized the strength of the eye of Ra. Attended by the dog-headed baboon Aanu, he himself is sometimes depicted as a baboon, and he is associated with the moon. The patron of wisdom and the arts, FTP who is this Egyptian god of writing who is usually depicted as having the head of an ibis?;;Thoth|Tehuti|Djeheuty Music;;This opera, with libretto by Francesco Maria Piave, premiered in 1853, and its composer considered its first performance a failure. One critic noted the implausibility of seeing the title role played by the stout diva Fanny Salvini-Donatelli, who strained the credulity of the audience by pretending to be dying from consumption. Featuring the characters of Alfredo and Violetta, FTP name this Verdi opera with a name translating roughly to "The Lost Lady".;;La Traviata Literature;;This man's long poems include "Esthetique du Mal" and "The Comedian as Letter C," while classic shorter works include "The Man Whose Pharynx Was Bad" and "The Snow Man". His poem "Sunday Morning" celebrates a different way to sanctify that holy day, while he described being "of three minds" in "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird". FTP name this poet perhaps best known for "The Emperor of Ice Cream".;;(Wallace) Stevens Physics;;The mountains named for this man are the only exception to the rule that the surface features of Venus are named for women or goddesses. His namesake unit in the CGS system in physics is used to measure magnetic flux. His work on the kinetic theory of gases led to a namesake distribution which gives the fraction of gas molecules moving at a specified velocity at any given temperature. FTP name this Scottish physicist whose four equations unified electromagnetism.;;(James (Clerk)) Maxwell World History;;The issue of the restoration of the Reichsregiment, meant to be the executive branch of the Holy Roman Empire, was the first order of business when this assembly convened on January 22. But the real fun began on April 16, when Johann Eck, as spokesman for the Emperor, was able to question the author of the pamphlet "To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation" about his heretical views. FTP what was this 1521 assembly at which Martin Luther argued his positions and then was declared an outlaw?;;Diet (of) Worms Economics;;These groups originally were opposed by the Catholic Church because of the oaths they swore, often on the pagan feast of Jul on December 26. In 858 CE Bishop Hincmar tried to organize them into the church, but they resisted. In medieval times they were often granted a letters patent from a ruler making them an oligopoly in their field. Adam Smith spoke against them, arguing that they restrained free trade by not allowing men to ply their trade without belonging. FTP name these organizations of craftsmen or tradesman that included ranks of apprentice, journeyman and master.;;guild(s) Philosophy;;The founder of this philosophical method borrowed the term "intentionality," referring to the intentional relationship between mental acts and objects, from his teach Franz Brentano. Maurice Merleau-Ponty helped develop an "existential" form of it by disputing the notion of a transcendental ego. What is this philosophical method, FTP, that seeks to describe how the external world presents itself to us as conscious experience, a school founded by Edmund Husserl?;;phenomenology Biology;;Caspases are essential in many pathways inducing this event. During it, the chromatin condenses along the periphery of the nucleus and the cell body shrinks, the cell membrane blebs, and finally the cell fragments into small bodies. It is induced during development to shape growing tissues, or when irreparable DNA damage has occurred. Contrasted with necrosis, FTP, name this process of programmed cell death.;;apoptosis Religion/Mythology;;Unlike Hesiod, the author of this work posits an unnamed deity who creates the world and human beings. It begins with the Golden Age, which is followed by the Silver Age, which begins when Jupiter sends Saturn to Tartarus. A Bronze Age and Iron Age follow, the latter of which is contemporary with the book's publication, and it declares Augustus to be the earthly Jupiter. Narrating many mythical tales of love and, apropos of the title, of changes, FTP name this work of mythology written by Ovid.;;Metamorphoses Miscellaneous;;Bob is the president of this group, where "there's no signin' up, no monthly dues". The listener is invited to "come on in' the waters fine, just idle on over an' toss us a line". Found on the 2005 album, My Kind of Livin, it describes "bass-trackers, Bayliners and a party barge, strung together like a floating trailer park". For ten points -- name this Craig Morgan song about a southerner's fancy boat group.;;Redneck Yacht Club Art;;Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve are the two title figures. De Selve, though only 25, was already Bishop of Lavaur, and the broken string on the lute behind him is often interpreted as symbolic of religious discord, while the Lutheran hymn book is seen as hopeful of religious harmony. Also pictured are a globe, a case of flutes, and a sundial, representing the title figures" learning. Still, most notice the distorted skull, a memento mori, in the foreground. FTP name this 1543 painting, the most famous work of Hans Holbein the Younger.;;(The) Ambassadors Literature;;The original two volumes of this text, greatly influential on Eliot's "The Wasteland," were published in 1890, though it was expanded to thirteen volumes in 1915 before finally being condensed by the author to one volume in 1923, making it accessible to the masses. The book sets out a number of mythical archetypes that are universal elements in religious and magical practices. Its title refers to the branch broken from a sacred tree by Aeneas before his descent into the underworld. FTP identity this text, the best known by James Frazer.;;(The) Golden Bough United States History;;At his death in 1728, this man's library of 4,000 books was second in size in North America only to that of William Byrd. After being refused the presidency of Harvard in 1701, he helped found Yale. Though a member of the Royal Society based on his scientific writings, his Wonders of the Invisible World described the Salem Witch Trials as part of an attempt by the devil to ruin the New World. Author of Magnalia Christi Americana, FTP name this colonial figure, son of a father named Increase.;;(Cotton) Mather Astronomy;;Some astronomers predict it could undergo a supernova explosion in the next thousand years, and after the Sun and R Doradus it has the third largest angular diameter as seen from Earth. It is the tenth brightest star in the night sky, and, with Sirius and Procyon, this red supergiant forms the Winter Triangle. Although the beta star, Rigel, is brighter, FTP, what is this alpha star of Orion?;;Betelgeuse Religion/Mythology;;In the Hellboy comics, this mythological figure, though not of the Norse pantheon, restores the soul of Rasputin by placing it in the roots of Yggdrasil. Her house is enclosed by a white fence made of human bones, and she flies through the air in a mortar, using a pestle as a rudder. If you are a good person with a pure heart, you might get help from her, but if your heart isn"t pure she will eat your soul. FTP name this wild forest woman of Slavic myth whose log cabin revolves on a pair of chicken legs.;;Baba Yaga Literature;;Louisa May Alcott is said to have had an unrequited love for this writer, whom she clearly depicted as the naturalist Mr. Hyde in Little Men. His 1860 essay "A Plea for Captain John Brown" made a case for Brown as a hero supporting the Constitution. His first published work was A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. FTP name this writer who made his mark by recounting two years he spent freeloading on land owned by his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson in Walden.;;(Henry (David)) Thoreau World History;;In Nahuatl his name means "he who makes himself ruler by his rage". His reign followed that of Auitzotl, and though he converted to Christianity, the Ramirez Codex states that he didn"t receive last rites since the priests near him were occupied in trying to find more gold. He converted around 1520 to try to save his empire, but he was pelted by his subjects when he suggested they desist fighting against the Spaniards. FTP name this Aztec emperor who was humiliated by Cortes and whose namesake "revenge" is pretty gross.;;Montezuma (II)|Moctezuma (II) Music;;The composer of this work wrote that he envisioned its second movement as a sketch toward an opera he wanted to write based on Longfellow's Hiawatha, but he never got around to it. That movement is sometimes set to the lyrics of a black spiritual called "Goin Home". Written in the U.S. during its composers stay in Iowa and New York, FTP name this immensely popular symphony of Antonin Dvorak.;;(From) (the) New World|Symphony Number (9|Nine){1}?|ninth Physics;;Materials exhibiting this property tend to exhibit hysteresis because of sluggish realignment. It breaks down at the Curie point because increased motion keeps the domains from staying aligned. The strength of a magnetic field in a solenoid can be increased by a factor of 5,000 by adding an iron core, due to this property of iron and a few other metals. FTP, an applied magnetic field causes the alignment of magnetic dipoles in which form of magnetism, named from the Latin for "iron"?;;ferromagneti(sm|c){1}? Literature;;Grumio, the servant of one of the protagonists, provides much comic relief in this play. Two frustrated suitors are Gremio and Hortensio, the latter of whom disguises himself as the music teacher of the girl he wishes to wed. Her father, Baptista, however, will not allow those two or Lucentio to marry Bianca until her older sister, the title character, is wed. FTP this is what comedy in which Petruchio finally marries Katherine?;;(The) Taming of the Shrew United States History;;Protests began on May 1, and after there were skirmishes between police and students that night, town mayor Leroy Satrom declared a state of emergency. On May 4, after 2,000 students rallied on the campus commons, National Guardsmen decided to disperse the protestors. However, after the guard was pinned back on a hill, they opened fire, despite no students being closer than 70 feet. FTP four students were killed in 1970 on what Ohio college campus?;;Kent State Religion/Mythology;;Her name meant "honeybee," and she lived in the hill country of Ephraim around 1100 BCE. When she heard of the cruel treatment of her people by the Canaanites she summoned Barak from Mt. Tabor to attack Sisera. FTP name this female Hebrew judge whose namesake song appears in Chapter Five of Judges.;;Deborah Miscellaneous;;One of the title characters in this film has grown an enormous watermelon for a competition, though it is destroyed later in trying to lure the other title character. Peter Sallis reprises his usual vocal role in this film, which took five years to complete. Also featuring the voices of Ralph Fiennes as the pompous Victor Quartermaine and Helena Bonham Carter as Lady Tottington, FTP what is this latest Nick Park release about a cheese-loving clay man and his brilliant dog?;;(Wallace and Gromit) (in the) Curse of the Were-Rabbit Literature;;This man's art criticism was collected in Just Looking, while collections of his short work include Museums and Women and Pigeon Feathers. His best known character sold cars for his wife Janice's father in Mt. Judge Pennsylvania, appearing in four novels titled by his nickname. That character, Harry Angstrom, dies in the last of those novels, Rabbit at Rest. FTP name this novelist of Rabbit, Run and The Witches of Eastwick.;;(John) Updike Fine Arts;;This musical includes The Telephone Song, I'd Give My Life For You, and The American Dream. The plot twists involve a marriage to Ellen and a baby named Tam, and the main characters are Chris, Kim, and The Engineer. It premiered in London in 1989 and is based on Madame Butterfly. Name this musical set at the end of the Vietnam War.;;Miss Saigon Biology;;It is usually about ten inches long and ends at the ligament of Treitz. Containing Brunner's glands, it is the location where the pancreatic duct provides assistance for digestion. Name this tube which comes before the jejunum and ileum in the small intestine.;;Duodenum Literature;;Though told by an anonymous narrator, much of this story involves a character named Douglas reading from a manuscript. The manuscript features a boy named Miles and a girl named Flora who are taken care of by a twenty-year-old Governess. Name this ghost story from the 1890s written by Henry James.;;(The) Turn of the Screw Social Studies;;During this man's Presidency, an explosion on the USS Princeton killed Secretary of the Navy Gilmer and Secretary of State Upshur. At the end of his Presidency, Florida became a state and Congress passed a resolution to annex Texas. Name this Virginian who became the first man to serve as President without being elected to the office. This Whig took office upon the death of William Henry Harrison.;;(John) Tyler Miscellaneous;;Two sequels about this character were written by Charles Tritten, she is the subject of a new musical in Europe, and she was once portrayed by Shirley Temple. She did not get along with Miss Rottenmeier, but at the same time she was able to help Clara Sesemann. Name this orphan from Switzerland created by Johanna Spyri.;;Heidi Science;;Often grouped with carbon dioxide and methane, humans account for over ten percent of the production of this gas. It affects the level of ozone in the atmosphere and absorbs infrared radiation, which is why it is considered a major greenhouse gas. It is created as a byproduct with some synthetic materials and is also a byproduct of fertilization. Name this gas that is also sometimes used by dentists.;;(Nitrous Oxide|Dinitrogen Oxide|Dinitrogen Monoxide|N2O){1}? Computational Math;;Give your answer as a reduced fraction. Three random numbers are chosen. The first number is any one of the integers from one to four. The second number is any one of the integers from one to three. The third number is either one or two. Repeats are allowed. What is the probability that the sum of the three numbers is 8?;;1/8 Literature;;The first one is about a bad person who is sainted, the second is about a Jew who converts to Catholicism, the third is about a wise Jew who befriends Saladin, and many others follow. Before them is a Proem that begins: "Tis humane to have compassion on the afflicted". The frame story takes place in the hills overlooking Florence and involves three men and seven women. Name this Fourteenth Century work by Boccaccio.;;(The) Decameron (Tales) Social Studies;;This nation, consisting of a group of atolls, gained its independence from Britain in 1965. It has been ruled for a long time by President Gayyoom, who survived a coup attempt thanks to help from India. Name the least populous Islamic nation in the world, which is located in the Indian Ocean.;;(The Republic of) Maldives Fine Arts;;The name of this musical piece is based on the second beat of the sixteenth measure of its second movement. It is the 2nd of the 12 London symphonies and was first performed in 1792. Give the nickname of Symphony 94 by Joseph Haydn that contains a sudden loud chord.;;(Surprise Symphony|Surprise|94){1}? Science;;Sometimes known as Laplace's Law, this law involves the integral of the cross product of a length of wire with a vector going to the location of the field divided by the distance between them cubed. This integral is multiplied by the current in the wire times a constant to get the strength of the magnetic field. Name this fundamental law of magnetism named after two 19th Century French physicists.;;Biot-Savart (Law) Computer Science;;Your answer should be a five-letter word. This programming language and server was developed by Vince Bonfanti and released by Blue World Communications. It was developed to handle FileMaker Pro databases. Name this application server whose name begins with the letter L.;;Lasso Language Arts;;Give the term beginning with the letter D that describes a cedilla, caron, titlo, ogonek, macron, or circumflex. These are sometimes used with English words borrowed from other languages, though the current trend is not to even use them for those words. They are still used extensively in some languages, such as Croatian, Hungarian, and Polish. Name these marks often used to denote pronunciation.;;Diacritic(al) (Mark) Religion;;Give the term beginning with the letter E that means thanksgiving in Greek. Several biblical verses are given as the justification for this practice, especially First Corinthians Chapter Eleven, Verses 24 and 25. These verses generally quote Jesus at the Last Supper. Name this rite, sometimes called the Divine Liturgy or Great Offering, associated with transubstantiation and communion.;;Eucharist Miscellaneous;;He was an assistant coach at Tulsa, Wisconsin, Arizona State, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio State before moving to the NFL. His wife is named MaryAnne, his three kids all have names that begin with the letter M, and his mother is blind. Name this man from Gladewater, Texas who is a long-time friend of Bob Babich. By a margin of three hours, he became the first African American head coach to win a Conference Championship game. He did so on January 21st, 2007.;;(Lovie) Smith Science;;This procedure is named after the Belgian industrial scientist who developed it in the 1860s. Two of its basic ingredients are salt and limestone--the limestone is decomposed into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. The other basic ingredient is coal, which is separated by distillation into coke, gas, coal tar, and ammonia. This process produces calcium chloride, baking soda, and, most importantly, soda ash.;;Solvay (Process) Literature;;This Shakespeare character tells his wife: "When I told you My state was nothing, I should then have told you That I was worse than nothing". His wife pretends to get upset at him for giving his wedding ring to a lawyer, but the lawyer was actually his wife in disguise. Name this young man who borrows money from Antonio in The Merchant of Venice.;;Bassanio Social Studies;;Named after somebody who lived from 1851 to 1902, it was run until recently by George Weightman. Weightman was fired March 1st and replaced by Major General Eric Schoomaker. These changes came about because of reporting in the Washington Post by Dana Priest and Anne Hull complaining of a lack of security, a lack of heat, and excessive amounts of mold. Name this Army Medical Center in Washington, DC.;;(Walter) Reed (Army Medical Center) Fine Arts;;The painter of this picture said, "It speaks of manual labor, and how they have honestly earned their food". It has an overhead lamp, but it is very dark. There are five people seated around a table, including one viewed from behind and one pouring tea. In the left half of the picture, two peasants are dividing up the food that is mentioned in the title. Name this work by Vincent van Gogh.;;(The) Potato Eaters Science;;The first one of these chemicals studied was Bombykol in the late 1950s, which is used by silkworms. Nasonov, which attracts bees, is another example, and ants use them to form trails. It is believed that humans use them, but it is still a controversial subject involving a lot of false advertising. Name these hormones that transmit messages from one organism to another.;;Pheromone(s) Computational Math;;Bill has exactly ten coins worth exactly fifty cents. All of the coins he has are standard American coins. What is the largest possible number of dimes that Bill can have?;;4 Literature;;The area surrounding this building creates a sense described as the light of setting suns, and the round ocean and the living air, and the blue sky, and in the mind of man. These lines are written by a poet who visits the building after a five year absence. The building was abandoned in 1536, and the poem was written on July 13, 1798. Identify this religious location by the Wye River written about by William Wordsworth.;;Tintern Abbey Social Studies;;Answer in English. This period lasted fifteen years, and its end is now celebrated as Unity Day on November 4th. It began when the national leader died and was replaced by his brother-in-law, and it ended due to uprisings under Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky. It included the rule of a man who falsely claimed to be Dimitri, the youngest son of a previous ruler. Name this period that started with the rule of Boris Godunov lasting from 1598 to 1613 in Russia.;;(The) (Time of) Troubles Fine Arts;;This complex has included buildings for Sinclair Oil, Eastern Airlines, Simon & Schuster, and Lehman Brothers. It has a famous plaza in the center that contains a statue of Prometheus, and it also includes Garden Park and McGraw-Hill Park. This group of nineteen buildings was constructed during the 1930s in Midtown Manhattan. Name this landmark containing the GE Building named after a very wealthy American family.;;Rockefeller (Center) Science;;This hyphenated phrase is used to classify Scattered disc objects, Cubewanos, and Oort Cloud objects. It includes the dwarf planets Eris and Pluto, the latter of which is in the Kuiper Belt. Give this phrase defined as objects in our solar system beyond the eighth planet.;;Trans-Neptunian (Objects) Literature;;This name is given to two different works, one probably composed during the 10th Century and the other during the 13th Century. One of the stories in these collections is The Lay of Thrym, in which a God disguised as a bride eats an entire ox. Name these Icelandic works that contain Norse mythology.;;Edda(s) Social Studies;;One of the major people in this 2005 book is Edward Bates, who was from Missouri. Several members of the Blair family also play major roles, as do Salmon Chase and William Seward. Name this work of popular history about the first Republican Administration written by Doris Kearns Goodwin.;;Team of Rivals(: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln) History;;He met his wife, Duchess Sophia Charlotte, on their wedding day, and they eventually had fifteen children. The Prime Ministers who served during his reign included The Earl of Bute, George Grenville, and a father and son named William Pitt. He ruled for almost sixty years, though near the end he supposedly could not differentiate between a tree and the King of Prussia. Name this King of England during the American Revolution.;;(King) George (III|the Third){1}? Miscellaneous;;His real name is Daniel Whitney. On his website, you can play Whack-A-Mole on his sister’s face, but the moles are not animals. He starred in a movie last year with the tag ‘They’ll give anyone a badge’ in which he solves food poisoning cases. This year, he starred with Bill Engvall in Delta Farce, and he is part of Blue Collar TV. He also supplied the voice of Mater in the movie Cars. Name this comedian known for the phrase Git-R-Done.;;Larry the Cable Guy Literature;;This writer’s best known novel is about large amphibians found in Indonesia who are educated and eventually cause great harm. It is titled War with the Newts. His most famous play raised the issue as to whether or not human-created objects might deserve rights. It was titled Rossum’s Universal Robots, which is usually abbreviated RUR. Name this Czech writer.;;(Karel) Capek Art/Architecture;;This sculpture is located at the top of the main staircase of the Louvre. It probably was built after a sea battle around 200 BC, and it was discovered on a Greek Island in 1863. Name this work portraying Nike.;;(Winged) (Victory|Nike){1}? of Samothrace Chemistry;;The answer is a 13-letter word. This phenomenon is taken advantage of with Nitrogen-doped Gallium Phosphide. The term sometimes applies to pairs of molecules, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen gas. Many examples compare ions of elements to Noble gases, such as Sulfur two minus and Argon. Give this term used to describe a pair of molecules, atoms, or ions that have the same structure and the same number of valence electrons.;;Isoelectronic Religion/Mythology;;Jesus does this in Chapter 8 of Mark, Chapter 18 of Luke, and Chapter 9 of John, and he does it to two people in Chapter 29 of Matthew. According to Mark, it was done to Bartimaeus. At another point in Mark, it is done in the town of Bethsaida. According to John, the act is investigated because it is done on the Sabbath; his account inspired the song Amazing Grace. Name this miracle performed several times in the Gospels.;;Heal(ing) Blindness United States History;;This phrase first came to prominence during a State of the Union Speech and is associated with the creation of the Community Action Program, VISTA, and Head Start. A major part of the Great Society, it was administered by the Office of Economic Opportunity. Name this effort by President Lyndon Johnson to decrease the number of extremely poor people in The United States.;;War (On|Against){1}? (the Source of) Poverty Language Arts;;A clause of this type often is put into a home purchase contract, allowing the prospective buyer to call off the deal. A variation of the term is used to describe an agreement in which a lawyer is paid only if the case is won. In common English, it refers to an event that might happen, and it often refers to possibilities that should be planned for. Give this term beginning with the letter C.;;Contingen(c(y|ies){1}?|t(s)){1}? Astronomy/Earth Science/Geography;;The Press-Ewing version, developed during the 1940s, uses an elastic wire to lessen friction. The first modern types were developed by British scientists in Japan around 1880 using horizontal pendulums. Most contain a mass unaffected by movements of the base. Name these instruments which are now used in networks to measure the epicenters and strengths of earthquakes.;;Seismo(graph|meter){1}? World History;;Plutarch contrasted the hatred of Romans for this man’s father with the love they had for him, and he also was compared to a lame Spartan King. Early in his career, he took over Sicily and killed Carbo. His career ended when he was beheaded on the coast of Egypt and his head was offered as a gift to Julius Caesar. The gift angered Caesar, since the two of them had once been allies. Name this son of Strabo who, along with Caesar and Crassus, was in the First Triumvirate.;;Pompey (The Great|The Triumvir) Computational Math;;If you start with a standard deck of playing cards and pick three without replacement, what is the probability that they are all red?;;2 / 17 Literature;;This man once wrote, "There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false". He has written screenplays based on other writers’ novels, such as The Last Tycoon and The French Lieutenant’s Woman. One of his best known plays is about a philosophy professor who returns to London. Name this playwright who created The Dumb Waiter, The Birthday Party, and The Homecoming.;;(Harold) Pinter Biology;;This amino acid is highly concentrated in collagen. Though this is commonly listed as one of the twenty amino acids, some people argue that it is not an amino acid. Its structure contains an inflexible ring that causes bends in proteins. Name this amino acid with a seven-letter name beginning with the letter P.;;Proline Technology;;A Russian company recently announced that there is a backdoor method to open password-protected files using this software, and that the backdoor allows the US government to learn personal information. The software has many versions, including Deluxe, Premier, Kids & Money, Rental Property Manager, and Medical Expense Manager. Name this finance management tool from Intuit.;;Quicken Nonfiction;;Matt Eversmann is the leader in this book. Things start to go wrong when Todd Blackburn falls and breaks his back. Begun as a series of Philadelphia Enquirer articles, the book was published in 1999. It describes what was originally known as Operation Code Irene, which took place in 1993. Name this Mark Bowden book set in Somalia that was turned into a Ridley Scott film.;;Black Hawk Down Physics;;For electricity, these can be created by applying a magnetic field to part of a spinning wheel. Engineers generally try to avoid them because they waste energy, though they can be used to dampen the needle on a galvanometer or bring other movements to a halt. For fluids, these often exist behind obstacles because water moves towards low pressure. Name these whirlpools that go against the main current.;;Eddy (Currents)|Eddies Literature;;In this novel, Jake Spoon convinces Woodrow Call and Gus McCrae to leave town. The small town they start in gives the novel its name. This book was written during the 1980s, and the author wrote a sequel titled Streets of Laredo and two prequels to it during the 1990s. Name this work which takes place on the road between Texas and Montana written by Larry McMurtry.;;Lonesome Dove