British Literature;;He is forced to listen to Joseph's fanatical sermons and throws hot applesauce in the face of a dinner guest who makes fun of his hair. He thrusts a stone between the dog Skulker's jaws in an attempt to free his romantic interest, and he purposefully funds Hindley's destructive gambling and drinking addictions to gain that man's estate. For 10 points, name this adoptee from Liverpool and rival to Edgar Linton for the love of Catherine Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights.;;Heathcliff Chemistry;;One named for Debye is equal to Planck's constant times the speed of sound in a medium, times the radius of a sphere, divided by the side length of a cube and Boltzmann's constant. More generally, its reciprocal is the rate of entropy increase with increases in energy, while for a system at constant volume, it is the change of internal energy with respect to entropy. An absolute scale for it was established by the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and it is the driving force behind heat transfer. For 10 points, identify this physical quantity which can be quantified using the Rankine, Kelvin, or Celsius scales.;;temperature Music;;Richard Strauss's Metamorphosen inscribes the words "IN MEMORIAM!" over a quotation from this work. The trio of its scherzo uses three solo horns, while its first movement was the longest sonata-form movement yet written. Its finale is based on a theme borrowed from the same composer's Creatures of Prometheus, while the second movement is a funeral march. For 10 points, name this Beethoven symphony ultimately dedicated to "the memory of a great man" but originally written in honor of Napoleon.;;(Sinfonia) eroica|symphony no. 3 (in E flat major) European History;;A key decision in this encounter was to divide British forces with a southern contingent led by Cuthbert Collingwood, commander of the Royal Sovereign. In the ensuing clash, Pierre de Villeneuve's forces lost twenty ships. While the British lost no ships, a skirmish between the French ship Redoubtable and the British ship Victory saw the British commander killed. For 10 points, name this 1805 naval battle that was fought off the coast of Spain, the last victory of Horatio Nelson and the namesake of a London square.;;(Battle of) Trafalgar Religion/Mythology;;After joining the Argonauts at the insistence of Chiron, he saved his crewmates from the Sirens. Another of his exploits became necessary while his wife was fleeing Aristaeus. The son of Oeagrus and Calliope, he inspired a mystery cult whose central ritual was the dismemberment of an effigy of Dionysus. His head came to rest on the island of Lesbos after he was torn to shreds by the Maeneads. For 10 points, name this musician who attempted to save his snakebit wife Eurydice [yur ID uh see] from the underworld.;;Orpheus United States History;;This amendment was applied in Godfrey v. Georgia and Maynard v. Cartwright. In Trop v. Dulles, its third clause was used to overturn a law removing citizenship, and in Robinson v. California, the Court incorporated it to the state level and outlawed "status crimes". More recently, it has been applied in Roper v. Simmons, Atkins v. Virginia, and other capital punishment cases. For 10 points, name this constitutional amendment that prohibits excessive bail as well as "cruel and unusual punishments".;;Eighth (Amendment) Physics;;The decay of this entity is the subject of both Gamow-Gurney-Condon Theory and Geiger-Nuttall Rules. They were used in a series experiments in which light scintillation was found when a beam of them fell on a sheet of Zinc sulfide. Though they are the most massive and energetic of their class, they are short range. This fact lends credence to their effect as highly carcinogenic. Their decay is mediated by the strong force, one example of which is Thorium-232 to Radium-228. For 10 points, what is this principal component of the gold foil experiment, a two proton, two neutron form of ionizing radiation?;;Alpha (Radiation) Physics;;Used in microwave relay of long-distance phone calls, its carrier wave was designed to be immune to natural static by Edwin Armstrong, who opposed its 1945 move to its current band. It is currently divided into 101 channels of 200 kilohertz each, with the lower twenty reserved for non-profit or educational use. For 10 points, what type of radio is the most commonly used broadcasting medium for music in the United States and resides on a spectrum between 88.1 to 107.9 megahertz?;;F(requency) M(odulation) (radio) American Literature;;He compares his juxtaposition of images to Paul Cezanne's foreshortening of perspective, and he wrote of staying away from drugs in The Change. After being expelled from Columbia for making obscene drawings in the dust in his dorm room, he wrote a poem about the death of his mother Naomi, and another about people "looking for an angry fix" and "starving hysterical naked". For 10 points, name this poet who wrote "I saw best minds of my generation destroyed by madness," author of "Kaddish" and "Howl".;;(Allen) Ginsberg United States History;;H.L. Mencken said that this man's grammar was "so bad that a kind of grandeur creeps into it". He was the editor of the Marion Daily Star and married the daughter of Democratic rival Amos Kling, who overlooked his infidelity with Carrie Phillips and Nan Britton. His promised "return to normalcy" was further obviated by the actions of Charles Forbes and an affair also involving the Elk Hills oil fields. For 10 points, name this man who defeated James Cox in 1920, suffered the Teapot Dome scandal, and died in office.;;(William) (Gameliel) Harding Physics;;Project HAARP [harp] involves building a giant namesake heater to change its shape and conductivity. Its height and density were first measured by Lloyd Berekner while Vitaly Ginzburg has proposed theories for electromagnetic wave propagation within it. A natural resonator between it and the terrestrial surface forms the Schumann resonances. Divided into layers known as the D, E, and F layers, other layers include the Heaviside and Appleton. Coupled with the magnetosphere, for 10 points, identify this layer of the atmosphere that contains plasma and is important for radio transmissions.;;Ionosphere Music;;One group of characters in it repeatedly cries "Tarantara, Tarantara!" after another character sings about bravery. Songs about quiet include "Hush, hush, not a word" and "With cat-like tread," after which a conflict is prompted by the guilty lament "Sighing Softly to the River". The protagonist realizes Ruth betrayed him upon seeing Mabel, the daughter of officer Stanley, who considers himself "the very model of a modern Major-General". For 10 points, name this operetta about Frederic by Gilbert and Sullivan.;;(The) Pirates of Penzance|The Slave of Duty World History;;They were common in the kingdom of Kush after that kingdom moved to Meroe, where they were known as "Kandake". The Buinsa temple commemorates another, Seondeok of Silla, and other examples include the Mesopotamian Semiramis and such Egyptians as Nitocris, Sobeknefaru, Twosret, and Hatshepsut. For 10 points, identify this type of ruler atypical for most of world history, whose other examples include Boadicea and Cleopatra.;;Queen|Empress Religion/Mythology;;He was the cause of the eventual break between Paul and Barnabas after he turned back at Perga in Pamphylia. The son of Mary, he was Barnabas' cousin and was with Paul during his imprisonment in Rome. He was Peter's companion in Babylon and wrote Peter's account of Jesus's sayings and actions. For 10 points, identify this author of the chronologically earliest gospel, which can be found between Matthew and Luke.;;(John) Mark Pop Culture;;This album was the band's second after Heavy and received a platinum award from Atco Records, inspiring the RIAA to officially adopt that prize. In addition to "Flowers and Beads," "My Mirage," and "Termination," it contains the title song, allegedly named when Doug Ingle slurred the intended name. That song was played at a church in the Simpsons episode "Bart Sells His Soul," causing the organist to faint. For 10 points, give the common name of this album and seventeen-minute long song by Iron Butterfly.;;In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Astronomy;;His interest in the writings of Ptolemy inspired him to observe movements in the stars Arcturus, Procyon, and Sirius. As commander of the HMS Paramour, he posited a core-fluid-crust model of the Earth. He financed the publication of Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, and he succeeded John Flamsteed as Astronomer Royal. The Aquarids are meteors associated with his most famous namesake, sightings of which were recorded in the Nuremburg Chronicles and Bayeux Tapestry. For 10 points, name this Englishman whose namesake comet completes an orbit around the sun every 76 years.;;(Edmund) Halley European Literature;;He discussed the communal power of myth in the plays The New Colony and The Mountain Giants. His mature works began with the story of a man who falls off a horse and imagines that he is Henry IV, and his other meditations on the fluid nature of identity include the plays Tonight We Improvise and Right You Are, If You Think You Are. For 10 points, identify this author who wrote of a family that bursts into a play rehearsal demanding to be written about in Six Characters in Search of an Author.;;(Luigi) Pirandello United States History;;His exploits began after he was named commandant of Fort Frontenac. Ultimately this commander of the Griffon was murdered by his own men upon reaching the Gulf of Mexico. His companions included Michael Aco and Father Hennepin, whom he sent into Michigan, and he organized a confederation among the Miami and the Illinois in order to fight the Iroquois, who threatened him and his lieutenant Henri de Tonti. For 10 points, name this French explorer who named Louisiana and traveled along the Mississippi.;;(Rene) (Robert) (Cavalier) (Sieur) (de) La Salle European History;;This term first appears in Sextio-Licinian laws of 367, when this office was stripped of the power to conduct trials. Charged with summoning the Senate, proposing laws to the people, and presiding over elections, they always had the task of conducting important foreign wars as the superior holders of imperium, ranking above the Praetors. For 10 points, name this fourth rung of the cursus honorum, the chief executive magistracy and most powerful elected office in Republican Rome, usually occupied by two men.;;Consul Art;;His The Hunter was displayed in the Saturday Evening Post, and a series he created was purchased by Leonard Andrews. He depicted such houses as Bradford House, Wash House, and Benjamin's House, and he secretly painted his neighbor Helga Testorf two hundred and forty times. In one of his works, a member of the Olson family wears pink and looks toward some farm houses. For 10 points, name this American artist who depicted a disabled girl in Christina's World.;;(Andrew) (Newell) Wyeth Math Theory;;In differential geometry, they are dual to one-forms defined as contravariant tensors of rank one. The prefix "pseudo-" is applied when their signs are flipped following an improper rotation. An infinite set of norms can be defined for them, although the L-1, L-2, and L-infinity are the most frequently encountered. In three dimensions, their scalar triple product can be used to determine volume, while the Gram-Schmidt procedure can be used to create an orthogonal basis set of them. These are, for 10 points, what mathematical objects that specify both magnitude and direction?;;Vector(s) British Literature;;His works include a complaint to his purse and the triple roundel "Merciless Beauty". One of his pieces is dedicated to his son Lewis and discusses the astrolabe, while another opens with the narrator meeting Dido and Aeneas in a Temple of Glass. The pragmatism of the duck and the courtly love of the eagle are contrasted in The Parliament of Fowls, while another work starts at the Tabard Inn. For 10 points, who recounted the stories of such pilgrims as the Miller and the Wife of Bath in his Canterbury Tales?;;(Geoffrey) Chaucer Geography;;Its tributaries include the Prut, Morava, and Sava, and it is formed by the confluence of the Brigach and Breg Rivers at Donaueschingen. A canal completed in 1992 connects this river to the Main River, allowing travel between the North and Black Seas. For 10 points, name this river originating in the Black Forest and passing through the capitals of Slovakia, Hungary, and Austria, the second-longest river in Europe.;;(Danube|Donau|Duna(j|v|rea|y){1}?){1}? (River) Biology;;The somewhat recently discovered Granstein cells in this structure appear to interact with suppressor T cells, and its Merkel cells can give rise to a rare but deadly cancer. It is not the pancreas, but Langerhans cells found here present antigens to helper T cells. The most common cell type in it gives rise to five layers: the strata basalum, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, and corneum, each containing keratinocytes in a gradually more differentiated, less nucleated, state. For 10 points, name this avascular tissue that is also home to melanocytes, the outermost layer of human skin.;;Epidermis United States History;;Coast Guard Vice-Admiral Thad Allen replaced him on the ground after examination of his resume found that a claimed executive position in Edmond, Oklahoma was actually an internship. He was also forced out as head of the Arabian Horse Association. For 10 points, what man was initially told "You're doing a heck of a job" by President Bush, but ultimately was fired as head of the Federal Emergency Management Administration for his widely criticized response to Hurricane Katrina?;;(Michael) (D.) Brown Religion;;It is the descendant of the Biblical hag ha-asif, and it is the last of the three Shalosh R'galim on the calendar. Its seventh day is Hoshana Rabba, when the aravah, hadas, etrog, and lulav are carried about. It ends on Shemini Atzeret, and, outside Israel, it is immediately followed by Simhat Torah. It begins on the fifteenth of Tishri. For 10 points, the harvest and years of wandering are commemorated via certain structures on this holiday, often celebrated by sleeping in a makeshift "booth" outdoors?;;Succot(h)|Sukkos European History;;Responsibility for it is often attributed to Lord Lucan, and it came later in the same day that saw Colin Campbell's stand of the "Thin Red Line". Lord Raglan issued an order "to advance rapidly to the front" which meant to support James Scarlett's initial softening of the enemy artillery on the Causeway Heights. For 10 points, Lord Cardigan interpreted that order as a direct advance into the North Valley for over a mile under constant enemy fire, leading to what engagement from the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War?;;(The) Charge of the Light Brigade American Literature;;This author of the plays Van Zorn and The Porcupine received, from Theodore Roosevelt, a position at the New York Custom House in recognition of his "Captain Craig". Some of his best works are found in his collections Children of the Night and The Town Down the River. His works about the residents of Tilbury Town describe a "child of scorn" as well as a man who "glittered when he walked". For 10 points, name this poet of "Miniver Cheevy" and "Richard Corey".;;(Edwin) (Arlington) Robinson Religion/Mythology;;In Buddhism, it is divided into three types according to what type of Buddha it matures into. In Hinduism, the sanchita type has yet to be resolved, while the kriyamana type is currently being created. The story of Markandeya shows that God's grace can overcome it. Coming from the Sanskrit for "deed", it is often analogized as a seed and cannot be worked off, instead requiring the instantaneous enlightenment of moksha or nirvana to be eliminated. For 10 points, name this term for the sum effect of a person's conduct.;;Karma Biology;;Glossopharyngeal and vestibulocochlear ones of these are sensory, while abducens and hypoglossal are motor. The trochlear type controls the superior oblique muscle of the eye, and the trigeminal type receives sensory information from the teeth and controls jaw muscles. The spinal accessory variety controls neck muscles while the oculomotor variety innervates most eye muscles. Others include the optic, the olfactory, and the vagus, which extends to the heart, liver, and intestines. For 10 points, name these twelve pairs of nerves associated with the human head.;;Cranial (Nerves);;nerves Economics;;Book III of this work contains two chapters on opulence in the wake of the Roman Empire. Book IV discusses the advantages derived by Europe from colonizing America, while Book II is about the Nature, Accumulation, and Employment of Stock. A noted "digression" in Book I, chapter XI discusses the value of silver. The book begins by using the example of a pin factory to illustrate the concept of the division of labor. For 10 points, name this work published in 1776, a seminal tract of economics by Adam Smith.;;(An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the) Wealth of Nations British Literature;;Two characters disguise themselves as Litio and Cambio, and Vicento is dismayed to find the servant Tranio attempting another impersonation. Its first two scenes depict a practical joke in which a beggar is convinced that he is a rich nobleman, and the remainder of the play is an amusement at the beggar's putative court. Gremio and Hortensio are in a futile rivalry in, for 10 points, what play, in which Baptista refuses to allow Bianca to be wed until Katherina finds a husband, who turns out to be Petruchio?;;(The) Taming of the Shrew United States History;;A collaborator with Red Cloud in the Fetterman Massacre and Wagon Box fight, he also drove George Crook out of the Rosebud Valley. He teamed with the Hunkpapa Sioux in fighting the invasion of the Black Hills. After General Miles destroyed his village at Wolf Mountains, he was forced to surrender near Fort Robinson, Nebraska in 1877. For 10 points, identify this war chief of the Ogala Sioux who joined Sitting Bull and Chief Gall in defeating George Custer.;;Crazy Horse Miscellaneous;;A negative one is possible but has never been ordered, while the positive kind is issued approximately every eighteen months since 1972, with the last on December 31, 2005. The International Earth Rotation Service decides every six months whether to calibrate the international time standard by adding one. It is needed due to the difference between absolute atomic time and the effect of tidal acceleration on the astronomical calendar. For 10 points, name this calendar correction that is one 86,400th as long as February 29.;;Leap Second Physics;;In cold welding, molecular effects cause counterintuitive empirical results with respect to this phenomenon. In recent years, accounting for the hexagonal structure of graphite has led to a theory of superlubricity for it. The branch of science dedicated to its study is called tribology and the classic approximation for one type of it is named for Coulomb and is expressed as the product of a namesake coefficient and the associated normal force. For 10 points, what is this physical phenomenon often described as kinetic or static, the force opposing motion between objects in contact?;;Friction European Literature;;He juxtaposed the characters of the Geometer and a Berber chieftain in his final book, The Wisdom of the Sands. Another of his novels centers on the decision to open up a line from Buenos Aires to Europe and Didier Daurat's choices. His first novel focused on Jacques Bernis, an air-mail delivery pilot, while another of his works revolves around someone who misses his rose, lives on B612, and has crash-landed on earth from his asteroid. For 10 points, identify this author of Nightflight and The Little Prince.;;(Antoine) (de) Saint(-)Exupery Art;;It is the color of the robe worn by Jan Vermeer's Geographer and the sheet in the background of Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time. It describes a series of paper cut-out nudes by Henri Matisse and the curtain in Ingres' Le Grand Odalisque, and it is the color of Mary's clothes in Giotto's Arena Chapel frescoes. It may be more associated with works such as Le Repas Frugal, Le Gourmet and The Old Guitarist. For 10 points, name this color that describes a melancholy period of Pablo Picasso.;;Blue European History;;The Ferrarese War was fought by the family of one man who took this name, against that of the Borgias and one of his successors Rodrigo. After his ascension, he was engaged in a dispute over the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges with Louis the Spider and instituted the feast of the Immaculate Conception. In one fresco, he is depicted with his nephews, one of which would later be called Julius II. For 10 points, that is the fourth pontiff of what name, who ruled the fifteenth century and is the namesake of the Sistine Chapel?;;Sixtus (IV|Fourth){1}? Religion/Mythology;;In Shinto it is sometimes the domain of Owatatsumi, sometimes that of Susanowo. Varuna lost his more celestial powers and was relegated to lord of this during Hindu times. Mahannon protects it in Celtic myth and Yamm in the Canaanite pantheon. Nethuns in Etruscan myth, Njord and Neith in Norse, and the Roman "earthshaker" also were the patrons of it. For 10 points, Proteus was the "old man of" what domain ruled over by Neptune?;;Sea|Ocean United States History;;It protected freedom of movement save for vagabonds, paupers, and fugitives. Its sixth section stipulated that no member could keep navies larger than necessary for coastal defense or go to war unilaterally unless "infested by pirates". The eleventh section stipulated that all future members of the group it formed must be approved by nine of the thirteen members, except Canada, which could join automatically. For 10 points, name this document under which the United States was governed prior to the Constitution.;;(The) Articles of Confederation Physics;;This phenomenon was first seen in an experiment that used a spark between two ends of a copper receiver loop to detect generated electromagnetic waves. In quantum mechanical terms, this occurred because the maximum kinetic energy of the namesake particles depends on the work function of the material and the frequency of EM radiation used, not intensity. For 10 points, name this effect seen when light above the cutoff frequency strikes a metal plate and creates a current between the plate and a cathode.;;(The) Photoelectric (effect) Art;;This creator of Brno's Tugendhat House directed the construction of the Weissenhof complex in Stuttgart, a Weimar Republic public housing project. He directed the Deutscher Werkbund, the architectural division of the Illinois Institute of Technology, and briefly the Bauhaus. In the U.S., he built the Lake Shore Drive Apartments and the Farnsworth House. For 10 points, name this advocate of "less is more," who collaborated with Philip Johnson on the Seagram Building.;;(Ludwig) Mies (van) (der) (Rohe) European History;;He received a personal bull from Pope Julius III granting him a dispensation from fasting, and his tutor later became Pope Adrian VI. On first ascending to the throne, he dismissed regent Cardinal Cisneros, and his later actions included capturing Francois I at the Battle of Pavia and guaranteeing safe passage of Luther to the Diet of Worms. He became king of Spain on the death of his grandfather Ferdinand and ascended to Holy Roman Emperor after the death of his grandfather Maximilian. For 10 points, name this father of Philip II.;;Charles V (Accept Charles I of Spain) American Literature;;It begins with a main character throwing away a copy of the dictionary while leaving Miss Pinkerton's academy. Sir Pitt lusts after that character, and Pitt's son Rawdon is a brawling captain who competes for the inheritance of Miss Crawley. Many characters go to the mainland when the Napoleonic Wars break out, and in the town of Pumpernickel, Dobbin is attacked by Amelia Sedley. For 10 points, name this novel in which Jos Sedley wants to leave Becky Sharp, written by William Thackeray.;;Vanity Fair Computer Science;;The "Merkle hash" variety is used to ensure data integrity, while the B-star variety guarantees two-thirds fullness at all but one point. Another named after Fibonacci has order n-1 to the left and n-2 to the right. In Huffman encoding, one is built based on the frequency of characters, and a finite one with n vertices will have exactly n-1 edges. This structure is defined as a connected graph with no cycles. For 10 points, name this data structure that also comes in "red-black" and "binary search" varieties, and consists of a root at the top and childless "leaves" at the bottom.;;(Binary Search) Tree Miscellaneous;;In the 2002 film version of The Importance of Being Earnest, she played Cecily. In 2000's Little Nicky, her character was Angel Holly. When she lived in Pleasantville, she was Jennifer, but in Vanity Fair, she was Becky Sharp. She handed out muffins and gum as Tracy Flick in an attempt to win the titular Election, and she has played Elle Woods twice. For 10 points, name this actress who starred opposite Joaquin Phoenix as June Carter in Walk the Line.;;(Laura) (Jean) (Reese) Witherspoon American Literature;;The title character is compared to a "two-legged skyrocket" and a "welter-weight cinnamon bear". This story is set in the flat town of Summit, where a character who is promised candy hits one man with a brick and decides to scalp Bill and burn Sam at the stake. Ultimately, Ebenezer Dorsest demands $250 to take back his son Johnny. For 10 points, name this short story by O. Henry about the kidnapping of a boy who enjoys pretending to an Indian.;;(The) Ransom of Red Chief United States History;;Maurice Jr. is an assistant U.S. attorney and Madeleine is a judge in a parish civil district court. The patriarch of this clan, Maurice Sr., or "Moon," was the Secretary of Housing and Human Development under Jimmy Carter. Mary is a U.S. Senator who was often in the news in September 2005. For 10 points, name this Democratic political family, a member of which includes state legislator Mitchell, who narrowly lost a mayoral election in May 2006 to Ray Nagin in New Orleans.;;Landrieu World History;;One of this empire's last great rulers was defeated at the battle of Tondibi, after which Judar Pasha's army sacked its capital. Earlier in the sixteenth century it was ruled by Daoud, who won notable victories over the Mossi, and by a ruler who usurped its throne in 1493, Askia Mohammad. For 10 points, Sonni Ali also ruled in this African empire with capital at Gao that eclipsed Mali in the fifteenth century.;;(The) Songhai (Empire) World Literature;;The eating of locusts in this novel symbolizes an ignorance of the danger brought by Mr. Smith's group, while the python illustrates cultural differences. The plot turns on Enoch's unmasking of an earth deity, and we hear Ezinma's father wish that she were a boy. The murder of Ikemefuna turns Nwoye away from the son of Unoka, who attempts to maintain the traditions of the Igbo people. For 10 points, name this book continued in the sequel No Longer at Ease, a novel centering on Okonkwo and written by Chinua Achebe.;;Things Fall Apart Religion/Mythology;;She was captured by her eventual husband with the help of Chiron, and some stories have her killing seven of her children in an attempt to render them immortal by fire. She was given up by Zeus and Poseidon when Themis revealed that this woman would bear a son more powerful than their father. Thus, she was given to Peleus, king of the Myrmidions, and their wedding became the site where Eris threw a golden apple. For 10 points, name this Nereid who dipped her strongest son in the river Styx, the mother of Achilles.;;Thetis Geography;;The Betsileo and Merina ethnic groups migrated to its interior around the eleventh century. Its rivers include Onilahy and Tsiribihina, and its largest lake lies northeast near Toamasina, and is called Alaotra. The Maromokotro mountain dominates its north, while its largest city lies southwest of the Betsiboka river. For 10 points, name this island country found west of Reunion and Mauritius and south of Comoros, and across a channel from Mozambique, with its capital at Antananarivo.;;Madagascar Music;;It is in three-four time, underpinned by a two-bar ostinato of alternating eighth-notes and triplet sixteenth-notes. It is predominantly in C major with eight bars in E major. Those are followed by a six-bar coda featuring trombone glissandi with cymbals, tam-tam, and kettledrum. Originally, it was a ballet named Fandango and depicted twenty men brawling over a woman. For 10 points, different instruments issue seventeen repetitions of the same melody and countermelody in what orchestral work by Maurice Ravel?;;Bolero Chemistry;;It has the lowest vapor pressure among all metals, and the highest density among all non-precious metals. First isolated by the de Elhuyar brothers in 1783 from the mineral scheelite, it generally exists as a bluish-gray metal and commonly has oxidation numbers between 0 and 6. Common applications for it include high-temperature lubricants and paint pigments. Taking its English name from the Swedish for "heavy stone," this element has the highest melting point of all the metals. For 10 points, name this element used in light bulb filaments whose atomic symbol is derived from its German name, wolfram.;;Tungsten World History;;Their greatest foes may have been a secret society known as the Lizard League. This group began to make a name fighting for King Andrew II of Hungary against the Cumans. They were undermined by the two Treaties of Thorn and were defeated in the Thirteen Years War after reaching their height under Hermann Von Salza, who moved their base from Marienburg to Konigsberg. For 10 points, name this group whose power fell after a loss at the 1410 Battle of Tannenberg, an order of knights that ruled Prussia.;;Teutonic (Knights) Astronomy;;D.B. Melrose propsed a "double loop" model for their energetics, and Eugene Parker proposed a model of how magnetic reconnection works in them. Studied by the Yohkoh satellite, Carrington and Hodgson independently observed the first recorded one. Consisting of precursor, impulsive, and decay stages, they extend into the corona and expel electrons and photons. For 10 points, identify these events occurring when built-up magnetic energy is released from the solar atmosphere, causing high-energy solar explosions.;;Solar Flares (Prompt: Flares) United States History;;His second wife was Brenda Osgood, the daughter of the first U.S. Postmaster General, but his marriage to Henry Clinton's daughter Cornelia ensured his namesake status. "Helvidius" and "Pacificus" debated his actions, which included arming the newly captured Little Sarah, renaming the ship La Petite Democrate, and dispatching the vessel to prey on British ships. Those actions were forbidden by Washington, an order he ignored. For 10 points, what French minister escaped arrest by being naturalized?;;(Citizen) Genet Music;;Gabriel Pierné, Darius Milhaud, and Camille Saint-Saëns wrote concertos for this instrument, and Wagner's Das Rheingold calls for six of them on stage. The modern double-action variant was developed between 1801 and 1808 by Sebastian Érard and contains seven pedals used to modulate between keys. The most notable effect it can create, known as "sdrucciolando," [sdroo chee oh LAHN doh] consists of chordal glissandi played on all forty-three strings. For 10 points, name this large instrument found in Celtic and Aeolian varieties.;;Harp(s) Mythology;;He is often said to be the master of twenty-one pylons, all manned by secret gatekeepers, and he was born on a day referred to as the "Purest of Pure". He is aided by a shadowy figure known as the Sefert, with the body of a lion and the head of a hawk, and he resides throughout the Duat and in the Hall of Double Justice alongside the fearsome Ammut. The first son of Geb and Nut, he was pursued and killed by his jealous brother Seth. For 10 points, name this husband of Isis, the Egyptian god of the underworld.;;Osiris European Literature;;Stories such as "The Enchanted Spot" and "Terrible Vengeance" can be found in his Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, which generally portrays a mythically happy world of Cossacks in this author's native Ukraine. One of his novels follows a plot by Chichikov to purchase titles to serfs, and he also wrote a short story about Platon Kuzmich Kovalyov waking up with part of his face missing. For 10 points, name this author of "Nevsky Prospect" and "The Nose" who created the novel Dead Souls.;;(Nikolai) Gogol Biology;;Iraqi businessman Semir Khelil purchased the distribution rights to one of these produced by Hungary's Omnivest, whose efficacy was disputed by the World Health Association after a lack of testing. The first to pass clinical trials was made by Sanofi Pasteur, using samples from Vietnam which were genetically modified to avoid causing pneumonia, multiple organ failure, or other symptoms that this item attempts to ward off. For 10 points, name this highly demanded product that could prevent a certain pandemic.;;Avian Flu Vaccine Chemistry;;They can be described as heterogeneous or homogeneous depending on their phase. Their optimum surface area or size can be determined depending on whether or not their effect is limited by pore diffusion. Common industrial examples include ruthenium, palladium, silica gel, and vanadium oxide. The auto- or self- variety of this substance is potentially the most dangerous, since it can lead to a runaway reaction resulting in an explosion for exothermic reactions. Poisons destroy the efficiency of, for 10 points, what substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being consumed by them?;;Catalyst(s) American Literature;;He wrote a novel in the voice of King David called God Knows and the play We Bombed in New Haven. He depicted a Washington academic named Bruce in Good as Gold and wrote an autobiography subtitled "From Coney Island to Here". In one of his novels, Captain Black issues loyalty oaths, Clevinger disappears in a cloud, and the "Washington Irving forger" is never discovered, though it is actually Major Major Major Major. For 10 points, name this author who wrote Closing Time as a sequel to his Catch-22.;;(Joseph) Heller World History;;During the reign of Sennacherib, it was almost completely destroyed due to the fact that it had become a base of operations for the Chaldeans, who subsequently revived its fortunes after the overthrow of the Assyrians under Nabopalassar. Nabopolassar's son built its Ishtar gate and made it the world's largest city in the seventh century BCE. For 10 points, name this Mesopotamian city, the one-time home of Nebuchadnezzar and location of a wonder of the ancient world, the Hanging Gardens.;;Babylon Psychology;;In a late book, he opposes the golden rule, discusses the "oceanic feeling" and the "reality principle," and makes an analogy to ancient ruins under modern Rome to describe the primal instincts suppressed in man. In addition to Civilization and its Discontents, he used such books as Beyond the Pleasure Principle to explain the conflict between Eros and Thanatos, representing life, or libido, and death. For 10 points, who explained the Oedipus complex in The Interpretation of Dreams and founded psychoanalysis?;;(Sigmund) Freud Biology;;The fluorescent dye SYBR green I [S Y B R green one] and the "molecular beacon" method use fluorescence to measure its progress, and the RACE method is based on it. Elevated presence of magnesium ions increases its mutation rate, and it is often a precursor to single-strand conformation polymorphism. Its three steps consist of the heat-induced separation of two template strands, reduction of temperature so the primers can anneal to the strands, and addition of nucleotides using the Taq polymerase enzyme. For 10 points, name this technique developed in 1983 by Kary Mullis, which is used for quickly copying segments of DNA.;;P(olymerase)(.) C(hain)(.) R(eaction)(.) British Literature;;Its title comes from a book written by F. Alexander, and its first part ends with P.R. Deltoid spitting in the protagonist's face. Later, the main character is assaulted by Billyboy and Dim and left for dead after being subjected to Dr. Brodsky's Ludovico technique, which combines violent images with a drug injection. It begins with a gang of hoods sitting at the Korova milkbar, talking nadsat, and frequently discusses Beethoven's Ninth. For 10 points, name this novel about the vicious Alex by Anthony Burgess.;;(A) Clockwork Orange Art;;His hunting scenes include a depiction of a man with two spotted dogs entitled On the Trail. He painted a street corner in Santiago, Cuba and a wall in Nassau, as well as many American townscapes such as his Long Branch, New Jersey and depictions of children's games, as in A Game of Croquet and Snap the Whip. He began as a Civil War illustrator and ended his career focused on seascapes, notably in a depiction of a black man in a boat surrounded by sharks. For 10 points, name this American painter of The Gulf Stream.;;(Winslow) Homer Astronomy;;First postulated in 1948, it was accidentally discovered by Bell Telephone Labs in 1965 as a source of excessive noise in a radio receiver. Its energy spectrum shows it to be a nearly perfect blackbody, currently at about 2.7 degrees Kelvin due to the expansion of the universe. Thought to originate about 400,000 years after the Big Bang, it is uniformly distributed but invisible to all but the most sensitive instruments. For 10 points name this ubiquitous radiation that represents remnant heat from the Big Bang.;;C(osmic) M(icrowave) B(ackground) European History;;His middle years saw him serve as ambassador to Mongolia. His most notable diplomatic mission resulted in the establishment of thirteen fortified regions in the Baltic States and Eastern Poland. That occurred after he replaced the Jewish minister Litvinov to negotiate a pact with Joachim von Ribbentrop. His adopted last name means "hammer," although it is now associated with another item. For 10 points, identify this longtime foreign minister under Stalin who lent his name to a type of home made bomb.;;Molotov Miscellaneous;;One minor character on this show was Lorraine Finster, a cafeteria employee who had an affair with another character's husband. That character later was briefly married to Lorraine's father Lyle, who was played by John Cleese. Lyle was the fourth husband of Karen, who is rich but works as an assistant to one of the show's title characters. For 10 points, name this recently-concluded sitcom on NBC that starred Eric McCormack and Debra Messing as characters whose surnames were Truman and Adler.;;Will and Grace Religion/Mythology;;This woman's only daughter cast a spell on Zeus that caused him to fall in love with Io. Her true love was conceived by Liriope, who was embraced by the river-god Cephisus. She tried to flee from the advances of Pan, who caused a panic among shepherds who tore her to pieces. In another story, she distracted Hera from catching Zeus with nymphs by talking at length until the nymphs could run away. For 10 points, name this nymph rejected by Narcissus, who was punished by being able to only repeat what others said.;;Echo Biology;;They are the site of high in vivo expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene, and parasites such as Pseudocycnidae can be found on them. The subclass Holocephali has only four pairs of them, while Thelodonti has eight. Unlike in some members of Chondrichthyes, in members of Osteichthyes they are covered by opercular flaps, and they generally work by the organism's pumping water from the mouth through them, where they facilitate oxygen and CO2 exchange. For 10 points, name these respiratory organs found in water-breathing animals such as tadpoles and fish.;;Gill(s) Geography;;This group is home to the Pipo River, which crosses the Quemado Bridge near a landmark known as the Train of the End of the World. Its Picton and Lennox Islands were hotly disputed in the 1840s, and a scenic spot here is Lapataia Bay. Other islands include Gordon and Navarino, and one of its few cities is Punta Arenas. For 10 points, Ushuaia, sometimes considered the southernmost city in the world, is located in this Chilean archipelago whose name translates as "land of fire".;;Tierra del Fuego Physics;;A variant on the Michelson interferometer is named for this man and Ludwig Zehnder. His criterion mandates that only certain propositions be employed in physical theory. His principle speaks of the applicability of such concepts as inertia and acceleration relative to absolute space. The distribution of light across a gradient results in an effect on illumination at regions that are known as his bands. For 10 points, name this scientist who most famously lends his name to the ratio of fluid velocity to the speed of sound in that fluid, known as his number, which is above 1 in supersonic transport.;;(Ernst) Mach Religion/Mythology;;Located beyond the Kidron valley, it is where Peter, James, and John were unable to stay awake for an hour and where Jesus reattached the ear of the servant Malchus. Meaning "oil press," it is where Jesus sweated drops of blood and asked for his cup to pass. For 10 points, Jesus prayed before his arrest in what Biblical garden?;;Gesthsemane Music;;After Archdale agrees to provide bail for Peter the honey man, a buzzard flies overhead ominously. Following a picnic at Kittiwah Island, a dock worker returns amidst a storm to sing about "A red headed woman". Cut down in performances because of the strain on the bass-baritone role, it features a libretto by DuBose Heyward that depicts a woman leaving her crippled paramour to move to New York with the dope dealer Sportin' Life. For 10 points, name this opera that includes the aria "Summertime," by George Gershwin.;;Porgy and Bess European History;;He came to power after the retirement of Stanley Baldwin, and his last actions included overseeing the naval component of the "Phony War," during which his rival for control of the Conservative Party, then serving as First Lord of the Admiralty, gained prominence. That man later eulogized him as blameless in his pursuit of peace because he was "deceived and cheated by a wicked man". For 10 points, name this British Prime Minister who attempted to appease Hitler, the predecessor of Winston Churchill.;;(Neville) Chamberlain Miscellaneous;;Thirty-five engineers, two massage therapists, and Hanson's former sushi chef will work at its planned lunar research facility. This owner of Orkut and Blogger sells the three thousand dollar "Mini," a slimmed down version of the thirty thousand dollar "Appliance" which provides its service on-site. For 10 points, a highly anticipated August 2004 IPO was put forth by this company, founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, which offers both Gmail and the Internet's most popular search engine.;;Google British Literature;;She told Elizabeth Spencer, "I'll loiter while you solicit" in response to a sign prohibiting both actions. She later wrote a story in which a resident of China Grove leaves home to avoid her sister Stella-Rondo, as well as a novel about Dabney Fairchild's marriage and Laura McRaven's reaction. In another of her novels, a death in Mount Salus allows Laura McKelva Hand to return home. For 10 points, name this author of A Curtain of Green, Delta Wedding, "Why I Live at the P.O"., and The Optimist's Daughter.;;(Eudora) Welty Math Theory;;Hilbert's Hotel Paradox and Banach-Tarski Paradox center on definitions of this concept, which was rejected by Leopold Kronecker. The definition of Aleph numbers in set theory defines cardinality and avoids issues like those that arise with L'Hopital indeterminate ratios involving it. Convergent series are those whose sums do not approach the quantity of this type and the limit of the tangent function approaching pi over 2 is equal to it. For 10 points, a symbol possibly derived from the lemniscate or the Mobius strip denotes what mathematical concept of a limitless and uncountable quantity?.;;Infinity United States History;;It was authorized by Robert McFarlane and was conducted in violation of the Boland Amendment. Admiral John Poindexter was convicted of obstruction of justice and Fawn Hall became the most famous secretary in the United States when she admitted to shredding documents for her boss during the hearings over this. For 10 points, identify this Reagan administration scandal that made Oliver North a household name and sold arms to a Middle Eastern country in order to fund a group in Nicaragua.;;Iran-Contra British Literature;;His bias against foreigners is seen in his View of the Present State of Ireland and his study of neoplatonism is reflected in the "Hymn in Honor of Love". His elegy on Douglas Howard is Daphnaida, and he later wrote sonnets about his love for Elizabeth Boyle, Amoretti, and a song about his wedding to Elizabeth, Epithalamion. He used his namesake stanza for another work, featuring Artegall and the Redcrosse Knight. For 10 points, identify this author who honored Elizabeth I in his 1590 The Faerie Queene.;;(Edmund) Spenser European History;;He appointed Bishop Lamberton and established a covenant with France against England, which was dissolved during the revolt in Flanders. John de Menteith ultimately captured him some years after his triumph over William Heselrig at Lanark, as described by Blind Harry. His greatest victory occurred alongside Arthur Murray, when he defeated the Earl of Surrey's punitive force at Stirling Bridge. For 10 points, identify this soldier who fought for Scottish independence around the turn of the fourteenth century.;;(William) Wallace Religion/Mythology;;One of them was the mother of Zeus's wedding gift to King Peleus. Homer regarded them as personifications of the storm winds, and they were once saved from death by their sister Iris. Residing in a cave in Cretan Dicte, these daughters of Thaumus and Electra were eventually chased to the Strophades Islands by Zetes and Calais. For 10 points, name these creatures that snatched away the food of King Phineus, monsters with the head of a woman and body of a bird.;;Harpies Psychology;;At age seventy-two, she became president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The author of Continuities in Cultural Evolution collaborated with James Baldwin to write A Rap on Race. The book Aspects of the Present collects her Redbook articles, while her expeditions are recorded in Letters from the Field. Derek Freeman has argued that her major work was the product of a "fateful hoaxing". For 10 points, name this anthropologist who wrote Coming of Age in Samoa..;;(Margaret) Mead British Literature;;In this work, Johnny Cashman is an old man who claims to be twenty-seven. Father Arnall's fiery sermons nearly cause the protagonist to become a Jesuit, and the boys at Clongowes Wood College wear red and white roses during academic competitions. The main figure grows suspicious of Father Moran's feelings for Emma Clery and watches his father and his aunt, Mrs. Dante Riordan, argue about Parnell. For 10 points, name this novel about the aesthetic awakening of Stephen Dedalus, by James Joyce.;;(A) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Biology;;The "mini-brain" gene causes conditions similar to this. Its risk can be diagnosed via the triple-screen blood test or CVS. About 10 percent of those affected have thyroid problems, and most have heart abnormalities and an increased risk of leukemia. The familial type is caused by a D-G translocation, and older women are more likely to give birth to children with it, due to increased risk of non-disjunction in ovum meiosis. For 10 points, name this genetic disorder characterized by epicanthic folds in the corners of the eyes and flattened noses, caused by trisomy of chromosome 21.;;Down(')(s) (Syndrome) Music;;His combo with the improvisational guitarist Wes Montgomery never finished an album, but his namesake quartet, including McCoy Tyner, Jimmy Garrisson, and Elvin Jones, released the records Ballads, Crescent, and Impressions. He used split-note multiphonics and chord progression in "Giant Steps," while his method of repeating accompaniments under improvised, mode-based solos is seen in his interpretation of "My Favorite Things". For 10 points, name this leading jazz player of the soprano and tenor saxophone.;;(John) Coltrane United States History;;Much of it was actually written by George Hoar and George Edmunds, and it was modified in the twentieth century by the Robinson-Patman Act and the 1914 Clayton Act. Its effectiveness was limited by the Supreme Court in a case involving the E. C. Knight Company. For 10 points, name this 1890 act sponsored by a senator from Ohio, the first federal law to regulate trusts.;;Sherman (Antitrust) (Act) Music;;The Denkmäler series catalogs the works of this man, who composed a set of keyboard variations entitled Hexachordum Apollionis. He was a church organist in Eisenbach and Erfurt and tutored Johann Christoph Bach. He is best known today for a single work of twenty-eight variations in two counterpoint techniques over ground bass, written for an ensemble of violins and continuo, which contains a rarely-performed Gigue [jig]. For 10 points, name this one-hit German composer of "Canon in D".;;(Johann) Pachelbel World Literature;;It begins with the title character's jealous brother-in-law To-no-Chujo reading some letters. The son of Kiritsubo learns of a certain house before he goes there thanks to Myobu and Koremitsu, and later has to fend of the jealousy of Lady Rokujo after he makes love to Utsusemi and Yugao. For 10 points, the love affairs of the emperor's son are chronicled by Murasaki Shikibu in what book, sometimes considered the world's first novel?;;(The) Tale of Genji Chemistry;;A mixture of phosphoric acid and ammonium nitrate with hydrogen is used as one of these in the production of caprolactam. Organic acids in plant vacuoles and ammonia in urine are examples of it, as are ATP and histidine. The gas and dissolved equilibrium of carbon dioxide contributes to the carbonic acid-bicarbonate system in blood, while the phosphate system acts in extracellular fluids. Metabolites and amino acids with ionizable groups work best because they are weak acids or weak bases. For 10 points, name this type of aqueous system that resists changes in pH.;;Buffer Math Theory;;A generalization of the four-color theorem known as the Heawood conjecture fails for the Klein bottle, which requires this many colors. This number is the order of the smallest non-abelian group, the symmetric group of degree three. The densest circle packing in the plane is a regular lattice in which each circle is surrounded by this many neighbors. This is the number of pairs that can be selected from a set of 4 distinguishable elements, and the number of edges of a tetrahedron, since it equals 4 choose 2. For 10 points, name this smallest perfect number, equivalent to 3 factorial.;;six Economics;;He was a rival on the Board of Trade with William Blathwayt and was employed by Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury. An early work of his attacks a Richard Filmer treatise called Patriarcha, and other works include The Reasonableness of Christianity and The Constitutions of Carolina. Arguing against the divine right of kings and for the preservation of individual property rights, for 10 points, name this English philosopher of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Two Treatises on Government.;;(John) Locke United States History;;It settled the case of the Creole, in which a group of slaves rebelled and sailed to the Bahamas. As a result of it, the United States passed a law allowing federal judges to free anyone acting under the orders of a foreign power. The U.S. agreed to place warships off the African coast to stop slave traders in this treaty, named for the United States Secretary of State and the British Foreign Secretary. For 10 points, the boundary with Canada was set through the Great Lakes to the Lake of the Woods in this treaty signed in 1842.;;Webster(-)Ashburton (Treaty) Music;;The unadorned score was published by Brahms in the 1840s following attempts to complete it, most notably by Süssmayr [ZEESS-mah-yer]. The concluding "Communio" repeats the principal themes of the "Kyrie" in this work commissioned by Count Franz von Walsegg, and its Sequenz [ZEH kvents] contains what may be the definitive version of the "Dies Irae". For 10 points, the first eight bars of what 1791 work's "Lacrymosa" section represent the last notes ever written by the composer of A Little Night Music?;;Mozart('s) Requiem Astronomy;;One theory of its formation proposed by Higuchi and Mukai invoke the Kozai mechanism's alternating increases of inclination of eccentricity. Another theory, that it formed from a large protostar nebula, was proposed by Safronov and Cameron and support for it includes the two peaks from a histogram plot of the aphelia of its long-period objects. First proposed by Ernest Opik, it is the place of origin of Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp. For 10 points, identify this region beyond Uranus and Neptune from which long-term comets originate.;;Oort (Cloud) World History;;One ruler of this name took the throne after his predecessor was lynched by a mob and was known by the derisive nickname of "Auletes," or "flute player". Another ruler of this name invaded Syria after the death of his sister Berenice, and was known as "Euergetes". The fifth ruler of this name was nicknamed "Epiphanes," and issued a decree that is preserved as the Rosetta Stone. For 10 points, give this name shared by fifteen rulers of Egypt, including the Macedonian general "Soter" and the ancestors of Cleopatra.;;Ptolem(y) British Literature;;A title character of this novel grew up in the coal town of Tevershall and is married to the mentally unstable Bertha Coutts. He criticizes the art of Duncan Forbes and alienates Hilda after Ivy Bolton's arrival at Wragby to care for Sir Clifford. That event allows Clifford's wife more freedom, and after a brief liaison with Michaelis she takes up with the title character, Clifford's gamekeeper. For 10 points, name this novel about Connie's affair with Oliver Mellors, a work of D.H. Lawrence.;;Lady Chatterly(')s Lover Math Theory;;Examples of them include McCarthy's 91 function, which returns 91 for any input less than or equal to 100. The Ackermann function is an example of the non-primitive type, which cannot be solved by a total Turing machine, while the "tail" type may easily be transformed into iterative functions. Often used to implement the merge sort and quick sort, other common examples include Euclid's greatest common divisor algorithm, the factorial function, and computing the Fibonacci sequence. For 10 points, name this type of function that contains a base step or terminating condition, and which calls itself.;;recursive (function)|recursion Geography;;For eight hundred years, this river was plagued by a massive log jam that was partially solved by the namesake of the largest city on its banks. The confluence of Tierra Blanca and Palo Duro creeks forms the Prairie Dog branch of this river, whose mouth is close to the Old River Control Structure that maintains the water levels of the Atchafalaya and Mississippi south of the thirty-first parallel. For 10 points, name this river that flows through Shreveport and forms much of the border between Texas and Oklahoma.;;Red (River) European Literature;;The main characters of this work are brought together by an underling who got the job through his connected uncle. One character admits drowning her child, while another was gassed in her sleep. A journalist from Rio was shot by a Mexican firing squad and spends the entirety of the play banally attempting to convince Estelle and Inez of his virtue. For 10 points, name this play in which these characters become "roommates" forever, showing that "hell is other people," a work by Jean-Paul Sartre.;;No Exit|Huis Clos Art;;The completion of this painting was documented by Dora Maar. A pieta lies on the left, and a man is seen screaming to a small open window while burning on the right. Inspired by Robert Capa's photos, it also includes a bull with misplaced eyes, a horse with a horn coming out of its mouth, and a soldier grasping a broken blade with a small flower, underneath a large lightbulb and a lantern held by a woman. For 10 points, name this painting about the bombing of a village during the Spanish civil war, by Pablo Picasso.;;Guernica World Literature;;In Chapter VI of this work, the author comments on the differing ways in which nations practice Christianity, contrasting the laziness of Syria and Egypt with the loquaciousness of the Greeks. Criticism of such cavalier religious musings forced that author to complete the final volumes in Lausanne. Contrary to the Pirenne thesis, which blames Arabs for the title event, this work indicts Christianity's effect on moral values. For 10 points, name this historical work written entirely in a standing position by Edward Gibbon.;;(The) (History of the) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Religion/Mythology;;He gives all of his food to Freki and Geri while sitting on Hlidskjalf in his hall Valaskjalf. This god's mount had runes carved on its teeth, and he possessed an object forged by Brokk and Eitri that could duplicate itself eight times nightly. In addition to Draupnir and the spear Gungnir, he possessed the ravens Hugin and Munin, who rested on his shoulder and reported worldly events. For 10 points, name this husband of Frigg and rider of Sleipnir, the leader of the Norse pantheon who is the namesake of Wednesday.;;Odin Physics;;According to one of Maxwell's Laws, the curl of a magnetic field is equal to a summation of two aspects of this phenomenon. Theoretically the appearance of it is caused by the field-induced drift velocity on a group of charged particles. As it is transmitted, power losses quadruple with each doubling of this quantity. For 10 points, transmission in the U.S. is now standardized at 60 Hertz and 120 Volts for what electrical property, which may be expressed in unit coulombs per second, or amperes?;;Current United States History;;Maximilian of Baden thought them an appropriate basis for negotiations. They included an end to secret treaties, the return of Alsace-Lorraine, free access to the Dardanelles, a Serbian port, and an independent Poland. For 10 points, the "formation of a general association of nations" was also contained in what principles given to Congress in January 1918, by Woodrow Wilson, as a guide for the peace after World War I?;;Fourteen Points American Literature;;This novel describes a society in which only women could vote for a female government official with the power to veto any law affecting women. A three-year period of manual labor follows the graduation from school at age twenty-one, and a telephone-based system pipes music into all homes. Edith Leete reveals her crush on the main character, who had been hypnotized by Dr. Pillsbury in 1887. For 10 points, Julian West wakes up in the year 2000 in what utopian novel by Edward Bellamy?;;Looking Backward (2000-1887) Chemistry;;The normal 18 electron rule does not apply to most of them; rather, they are stable with only 16 electrons due to the ligands' location in the nodes of a bonding p orbital. Complexes of this type with 8 electrons in their d block will tend to convert to the tetrahedral form when changing from low-spin to high-spin due to Hund's rule. They often serve as catalysts by means of oxidative addition due to the two vacant sites relative to a filled octahedron, with respect to which their dz-squared orbital's energy is lowered. For 10 points, name this flat type of geometry often found in coordination complexes.;;Square Planar Art;;A small canoe can be seen in the middle right of this painting, while a clothed woman stooping in a body of water is visible between the main grouping in the foreground. That group contains three people conversing; the two on the left face the viewer, while the one on the right gestures. A basket containing two peaches and several other fruit, along with a loaf of bread and some grapes, rests on a discarded dress that was probably worn by the nude woman in the portrait. For 10 points, identify this shocking Édouard Manet work.;;(The) Luncheon on the Grass British Literature;;He worked as a ghostwriter for Jack London while laboring on his own novels such as Free Air, Our Mr. Wrenn, The Job, and The Innocents. He collaborated on such works as The Jayhawkers and the story of the rise to power of Berzelius Windrip, It Can't Happen Here. He also wrote about a man who seduces Lulu Bains and marries Cleo Benham before having Frank Shallard beaten in order to become the top preacher in Zenith. For 10 points, name this author of Dodsworth and Elmer Gantry.;;(Sinclair) Lewis Physics;;One variety is calculated as the square root of the azimuthal quantum number times the quantity azimuthal quantum number plus one times h bar squared. Its total variety's z component is important in the Zeeman Effect, and it is quantized in units of n times h bar. Classically, it explains why neutron stars often rotate rapidly as they condense. Its time derivative is torque, which explains why this quantity is conserved when the net torque acting on a system is zero. Electron spin is an intrinsic form of, for 10 points, what rotational physical parameter defined in vector form as r cross p.;;Angular Momentum United States History;;Patrick wrote Craven House, The Plains of Cement, and Rope. Ian commanded the disastrous British expedition at Gallipoli, Andrew was John Zenger's lawyer, and another person by this surname wrote Spokesmen for God, The Greek Way, The Roman Way, and a widely read overview of mythology. Another one wrote the Reports on Public Credit and was Thomas Jefferson's rival in the Washington cabinet. For 10 points, what surname is shared by classicist Edith and the first Treasury Secretary, Alexander?;;Hamilton European History;;It is largely the work of J.J. Cambaceres, and its final draft was divided into three main sections: "Of Persons," "Of Property and Different Modifications of Property," and "Of the Different Modes of Acquiring Property". Heavily influenced by the Corpus Juris Civilis, it was instituted in 1804 and is still used in modified form in Quebec and Louisiana. For 10 points, identify this document governing civil law put forth by a namesake Emperor of France.;;Code Napoleon|Napoleonic Code Religion;;In the sixth century, it took a form similar to the birkat ha-mazon and included a Hosanna to the God of David and a call to repentance in its didache. One person who attempted to change it characterized a certain entity as "in, with, and under" during this procedure, an approach sometimes called the "doctrine of the real presence". For 10 points, other positions such as consubstantiation and transubstantiation apply to what rite, a memorial to the last supper that includes a partaking in the body and blood of Christ?;;Eucharist (Holy Communion) (Lord(')(s) Supper) Economics;;The Marshallian variety of this goes to zero when either the demand or supply curve is perfectly elastic or inelastic; thus, it is directly correlated to the consumer surplus. The Hicksian variety acknowledges the possibility of its causation by a distortion in the Marshallian demand curve. It can be calculated by squaring the value of the tax that causes it, although other causes include externalities and monopoly pricing. For 10 points, name this economic quantity, the net shortfall to society due to an inefficient market.;;Deadweight Loss United States History;;A group that included Thomas Lamont and Albert Wiggin tried to get Richard Whitney to end this event, but the effort proved unsuccessful. It was investigated by the Pecora Commission, which wrapped up hearings in 1934. In response to it, Regulation Q was introduced to make banking less risky. For 10 points, name this event that ended on October 29, a major economic catastrophe that took place in 1929 on Wall Street and played a role in triggering the Great Depression, named for a certain day.;;Black Thursday British Literature;;In this book, Elizabeth is warned that Mrs. Clay hopes to marry Sir Walter, and Louisa falls on a step and is taken to the Hardwicks, where she becomes engaged to Captain Benwick. Lady Russell advises the main character not to marry and Mrs. Smith recounts William's selfish character at Lyme Regis. That follows the protagonist's move to Bath, when Kellynch Hall is let to Admiral Croft. For 10 points, the relationship of Frederick Wentworth and Anne Elliot develops in what Jane Austen novel?;;Persuasion Chemistry;;In computer science, it refers to pairwise created and annhilated entities in the evolution of Gaussian scale space images. In physics, it can mean the place where a second-order phase transition takes place, and in math, it denotes a point where the derivative of a function is infinite or equal to zero. For 10 points, give the common name describing all of these points, which can also indicate the specific temperature and pressure on a phase diagram where liquid and gaseous phases are indistinguishable.;;Critical (point(s)) Religion/Mythology;;Like the Mussar movement, it formed from dissatisfaction with the Haskalah. Its early center was in Breslau, the base of its founder, Zacharias Frankel. In America, it rose in reaction to Isaac Wise and the "trefa banquet" of 1883. Recognizing matriarchs in prayer and women in the congregation, and operating the Jewish Theological Seminary, it is associated with the Solomon Schecter schools. For 10 points, name this Jewish movement that attempts to strike a middle passage between the Reform and Orthodox.;;Conservative (Judaism) World History;;One of his sons married a Nestorian Christian named Sorghakhtani Beki. His eldest son died before this man did, so the scheduled inheritance for that son went to two of this man's grandsons, Orda and Batu. His will left Kasgaria and Mavrannakhar to one of his sons, Tarbagatai to another, the base ulus to a third, and to a fourth, the land west of the Aral Sea. For 10 points, Jöchi, Chagatai, Tolui, and Ögödei were the four sons by Börte of what man, whose further descendants included Mongke, Hulagu, and Kublai?;;(Genghis|Jingis|Chingis(s)){1}? (Khan) Chemistry;;Wilson's disease causes an inability of the liver to secrete this element into bile, and patients are identified through accumulation of it around the iris. It gives the proteins azurin and plastocyanin their blue color, and it is found at the center of cytochrome c oxidase and, along with zinc, superoxide dismutase. Transported to the liver bound to albumin, it can inhibit blood cell formation at toxic levels, and it plays a key role in the protein erythrocuprein. For 10 points, name this element, number 29 on the periodic table, abbreviated Cu.;;Copper Miscellaneous;;He wrote his Hibbert lectures during a stay at a Quaker settlement in Birmingham. His novels include Nexus and The Home and the World, which discusses Nikhil's experiences with sectarian violence. He is better known for such poetry as Wild Geese, The Golden Boat, the officially adopted work "Jana Gana Mana," and a work translated as Song Offerings. For 10 points, identify this Bengali-language author of the collection Gitanjali and the Indian national anthem.;;Tagore United States History;;The subject of a namesake Harold Frederic novel, their members included Daniel Vorhees and Edward G. Roddy, who promoted their ideas in the Pennsylvania newspaper The Genius of Liberty. Some, such as Harrison Dodd, went as far as espousing a military coup. This umbrella group included the Order for American Knights and the Knights of the Golden Circle led by Clement Vallandigham. For 10 points, identify this faction of Northerners who opposed the Civil War and were pejoratively named for a snake.;;Copperheads Art;;This man collaborated with the metallurgist Michelozzo on his St. Louis of Tolouse and the tombs of Cardinals Rinaldo Brancacci and Baldasarre Coscia. He mixed colored glass with marble to create the "singing gallery" for the Florence Cathedral, in which his statues of St. John and St. Mark stand. Old Testament figures sculpted by this man include the bald-headed Habbakuk in his "Zuccone". For 10 points, name this Renaissance sculptor of the equestrian Gattamelata and a bronze David.;;Donat(ell)o Miscellaneous;;This group launched the website "" in May 2006, which its British section director, Kate Allen, says will help such people as Shi Tao and Li Zhi. A member of this group's American section, Anthony Cruz, will address Yahoo's May 2006 shareholders meeting to discuss Yahoo's role in imprisoning those Chinese journalists. For 10 points, name this organization founded as a result of the article "The Forgotten Prisoners" by Peter Benenson, a worldwide promoter of human rights.;;Amnesty International Geography;;Concurry and Charleville are found in this state's interior, while its coastal towns include Cooktown, Cairns, and Townsville. A northern extension of it borders the eastern part of the Gulf of Carpentaria as well as the Coral Sea and Torres Strait. That landmass, the Cape York Peninsula, contains Australia's northernmost point. For 10 points, name this state found north of New South Wales and east of the Northern Territory.;;Queensland British Literature;;He thanked Lord Clare for a gift of game in his The Haunch of Venison and wrote a poem about a man climbing the Alps, The Traveller. He created characters like Croaker and Mr. Honeywood in the comedy The Good-Natur'd Man, while another work, featuring Tony Lumpkin and the Hardcastles, and one of his novels turns on the struggle between Squire Thornhill and the family of Dr. Primrose. For 10 points, identify this author of "The Deserted Village," The Vicar of Wakefield, and She Stoops to Conquer.;;(Oliver) Goldsmith World History;;He is shown as a proponent of family values and victim of circumstance in the film Pride. He was commerce and industry minister, war minister, and Chief of the General Staff during his own prime ministry, but fell when his whole cabinet resigned after the loss of the Marianas. Replaced by Koiso, he was eventually hung for war crimes after a failed suicide attempt. For 10 points, name this successor to Konoe Fumimaro and advocate of the "New Order in Asia," who was, from 1941 to 1944, premier of Japan.;;Tojo (Hideki) European Literature;;He sporadically issued parts of his only novel under such titles as The Fifth Book and Ringing Island. He wrote about an abbey whose constitution states "do what you will," the Thelemite order, as well as such characters as Badebec and Friar John, after Francis I licensed this former monk and doctor to print his story about the descendants of Grandgousier. For 10 points, name this French humanist who used the anagram Alcofribas Nasier to publish the tale of two humanoid giants, Gargantua and Pantagruel.;;Rabelais Music;;In addition to writing the choral ballet Les Noces, the song story Renard, and the musical play The Soldier's Tale, he used a percussive approach to score his Symphony in Three Movements. Rhythmic pulsations appear in such works as the Apollon Musagète, Pulcinella, and a ballet which premiered under Pierre Monteux's baton with Maria Piltz playing the victim of a fertility sacrifice. For 10 points, name this composer of Petrushka who collaborated with Diaghliev on the riot-inducing Rite of Spring.;;(Igor) Stravinsky Biology;;This compound produced by the Kolbe process reacts with malonic esters to give barbituric acids, and it was first isolated by Rouelle in 1773. Resulting indirectly from the transamination of oxaloacetate, intermediates in its formation include citrulline and ornithine. For 10 points, name this compound used as a highly concentrated fertilizer and feed supplement, which is produced from ammonia in the liver and was first synthesized by Friedrich Wohler, constituting the major component of uric acid.;;Urea Mythology;;One of these mythological animals brought night and rain to humans and became the owner of all of the stories in the world after he completed three tasks. Another converted a single ear of corn into a hundred servants for the sky-god Nyame but was later thwarted by Goose and Little Bush Deer. Another was created when the daughter of Idmon depicted the failings of the gods and hung herself. For 10 points, name this animal form of the African trickster Anansi and the Greek mortal Arachne.;;Spider(s) World History;;Its last king died at the hand of Jacques Clement. During this dynasty's rule, the crown had to contend with the Jacquerie, with the capture of its second king John II and his death in captivity, and with other ravages of the war with the Angevin Empire. For 10 points, name this dynasty ruling from 1328 to the 1589 death of Henry III, which followed the Capetians, ruled during the Hundred Years War, and was supplanted by the Bourbons.;;Valois Biology;;An enzyme located in this structure in liver cells is responsible for the removal of the phosphate group from the first byproduct of glycogen hydrolysis. Barbiturates and alcohol induce proliferation of these structures, which play an additional role in detoxification. In the ovaries and testes, this structure is responsible for production of sex hormones. Composed of membranous tubules and sacs known as cisternae, the two types of this structure are differentiated by the presence of ribosomes. For 10 points, name this system of intracellular membranes that comes in "rough" and "smooth" varieties.;;Endoplasmic Reticulum (Accept Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum before "two types") Music;;Its third soprano soloist is heard only once, near the end of Part II, as Mater Gloriosa. Starting with the eighth-century hymn "Veni, Creator Spiritus" and ending with the "Chorus mysticus" from Goethe's Faust, its nickname was coined by Emil Gutmann and derided as undignified by its composer, who paused the 1910 premiere for thirty minutes to thank every member of the children's chorus. For 10 points, name this eighth Gustav Mahler symphony, whose numerical nickname was actually over-modest at that premiere.;;Symphony of a Thousand;;(Mahler)(')(s) Symphony (No)(.) 8 (in) (E) (flat) (major) Biology;;This chemical is synthesized primarily in the theca cells in women, and one of its effects is stimulation of Sertoli cells. Supplements of this chemical come in injectable cypionate and enanthate forms while Striant is a buccal delivery system. Primarily produced in the Leydig cells, it is aromatized to estradiol. It is notably deficient in Klinefelter's syndrome, which results in increased breast size and decreased facial hair. For 10 points, name this androgen that stimulates spermatogenesis and is primarily responsible for the characteristics generally associated with masculinity.;;Testosterone;; American Literature;;His The Evidence of Things Not Seen deals with the Atlanta child murders of the early 1980s. As a youth, he spent his free time as a preacher, an experience incorporated into his play The Amen Corner, and he also wrote about the expatriate David, who is denied a job by Guillame. This author of The Fire Next Time and Giovanni's Room also wrote a novel about John Grimes's fourteenth birthday in Harlem. For 10 points, name this writer of Go Tell It on the Mountain.;;(James) Baldwin;; Psychology;;It was originally described by Emil Kraepelin and termed "dementia praecox". It includes a prodromal stage, in which patients are experiencing symptoms that do not yet meet criteria for diagnosis, and a residual stage of low-level symptoms. Negative symptoms of this disorder include affective flattening and a lack of speech or motivation. It is characterized by disordered thoughts, such as repetition of a phrase. For 10 points, name this disorder, types of which include disorganized, catatonic, and paranoid.;;schizophrenia;; World History;;This word is used to describe an 1838 event at Myall Creek in New South Wales and a 1942 event in Bolivia at the site of Catavi involving tin miners. The one at Fort Mims led to the Creek War and the one at Chios was key in the Greek war for independence, and is depicted in a Delacroix painting. For 10 points, name this brutal type of event perpetrated by John Brown at Pottawatomie and against Crispus Attucks and others at Boston.;;massacre(s);; European Literature;;In a 2006 Elizabeth Merriweather play, Ypsilanti housewife Jane Gordon is kidnapped and forced to perform this 1890 play with a cast of robots. The title character pretends that Aunt Julia's bonnet belongs to the servant and demands a new piano, and Mrs. Elvsted rescues an alcoholic who is later wounded in Mademoiselle Diana's boudoir. After Judge Brack implies that he knows where Eilert Lovberg got a certain pistol, George Tessman's wife kills herself. For 10 points, identify this Henrik Ibsen play.;;Hedda Gabler;;Heddatron United States History;;He ran for mayor of New York on the Nativist ticket and later rebuilt his Poughkeepsie home as an Italian villa named Locust Grove. He studied art in Italy under Washington Allston and became prominent for watercolor portraits of such figures as James Monroe. In another career, he partnered with F.O.J. Smith, Leonard Gale, and Alfred Vail to send the message "What Hath God Wrought!" from Washington to Baltimore in 1844. For 10 points, name this inventor of the telegraph and a namesake code.;;(Samuel) Morse;; European History;;He made a notorious for a personal loan he made to the island of Salamis at forty-eight percent interest, though opinion forgave him when he joined the Optimate side during the second civil war. His mother Servilia prodded his career along, and his lack of military experience did not prevent him from holding off Mark Antony for a time at Philippi, where he was compelled to take his life along with Caius Cassius. For 10 points, name this conspirator who was pointedly asked "and you"? after stabbing Julius Caesar.;;(Marcus) (Junius) Brutus;; Religion;;He is described as dying at the hands of Esau in Genesis 25 while trying to reclaim a garment that had belonged to Adam. That occurred on the same day as the death of Abraham, who is often contrasted with this man. Called "al-Jabbar" in Islam, the Bible describes this man as the first carnivore and says he defeated an army of Japethites to become king and pursue his best-known folly. For 10 points, name this ruler of Sinar and "mighty hunter before the Lord" who built the Tower of Babel.;;Nimrod;; Physics;;A form of this law states that the vector potential at a field point is equal to the magnetic constant times the source-space integral of the source current density divided by the distance between source and field points. Taking the curl of this and specifying a line current distribution yields the familiar form dB = µ0/4p I dl × r/r2 D B equals mu naught over four pi times I D L cross R divided by R squared, which gives the differential magnetic field from a differential element of current. For 10 points, name this law from magnetostatics, the magnetic analog of Coulomb's law, which is named for its two French discoverers.;;Biot-Savart (law);; World History;;One of these occurred in 1906, leading to a Belgian-modeled constitution and elections to the Majlis. A top-down one lasting from 1960 to 1963 is known as the "white" one. Another was encouraged by Ali Shariati, a doctoral student under Frantz Fanon. It proceeded when an article in Ettelaat led to riots in Qum and a cycle of killings ensued until a new government was established under Bani Sadr. For 10 points, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown in the most recent example of this event that in 1979 brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power?;;Iranian revolution(s);;Islamic Revolution British Literature;;One of this novel's protagonists is asked to bring a copy of Victor Cherbuliez's Paule Mere to a party at Mrs. Walker's estate. The family courier Eugenio tries his best, but Randolph and his older sister continually come off as boorish Americans. Ultimately, the title character strolls around the Coliseum with the rakish Giovanelli, catches malaria, and dies, far away from her upstate New York home. For 10 points, identify this novel narrated by Winterbourne, a story of a pretty young girl by Henry James.;;Daisy Miller;; Math Theory;;Before Soddy, this man discovered the formula for the radius of a fourth circle inscribed by or circumscribing a set of three mutually tangent circles. Before Euler, he discovered the formula relating the numbers of vertices, edges and faces of polyhedra. The maximum number of positive and negative real roots of a polynomial can be determined using this man's namesake rule of signs. He also gives his name to a system using the abscissa and ordinate as the axes of a rectangular coordinate system. For 10 points, name this French mathematician and philosopher who founded analytic geometry.;;(Rene) Descartes;; Religion;;Along the path to this status are steps of vimala, sudurjaya and pramudita, as laid out in the Dasabhumika-sutra. The ruling triad of the Pure Land sect is composed of these people, who forego the status of pratkaya or arhat. They strive for a synthesis of karuna and prajna, or compassion and wisdom. For 10 points, identify these figures of Mahayana Buddhism, who delay their ascension to Nirvana to help others towards enlightenment.;;Bodhisattva;; Art;;It featured two enormous water towers, one at each end, and Benjamin Hawkins's life-sized dinosaur models roamed around it. Sir George Grove assisted in its construction, while George Peabody financed the placement of American products within this location. Destroyed by fire in 1936, it was originally erected in Hyde Park, but later moved to Sydenham. For 10 points, former royal gardener Joseph Paxton designed what building made primarily of iron and glass, the centerpiece of the Great Exhibition of 1851?;;Crystal Palace;;Great Exhibition World Literature;;Minor characters include the protagonist's tutor Wolfgang and friend Benno. Matthew Bourne's production used an entirely male cast, while many contemporary productions eliminate a portion written specifically for Pierina Legnani, namely the thirty-two fouettes danced by the female villain. That villain schemes with Baron Rothbart to separate the central prince and a denizen of the title location. For 10 points, Odette and Siegfried sink into the water at the end of what ballet by Tchaikovsky?;;Swan Lake|Lebedinoe Ozero;; Astronomy;;These objects exhibit a kappa mechanism associated with opacity changes due to conversion between singly- and doubly-ionized helium. They are analogous to the Population II W Virginis stars, and on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, they lie above the RR Lyrae stars in the instability strip. While observing some of these stars in the Magellanic Clouds, Henrietta Leavitt deduced a relationship between their luminosities and periods, allowing them to be used as standard candles for determining distances. For 10 points, name these pulsating variable stars.;;Cepheid (variables);; Mythology;;Closely related to the Etruscan Culsans, he kept the Sabines from entering the Forum with jets of boiling water. As first king of Latium, he sheltered Saturn. His wives include one caught with Jupiter by Lara, and another named Camese. He was not seduced by Carna, instead turning her into Cardea, the goddess of doorknobs. The gates of his temple were opened in times of war and closed in times of peace. For 10 points, name this Roman god of beginnings and two-faced namesake of the first month.;;Janus;; United States History;;Though his 1960s activities are still classified, he admits some involvement in the Cuban missile crisis. In the House, he introduced an amendment to change House terms to a four-year period and limit members to three consecutive terms, after he was elected in 1988 to fill Connie Mack's former seat. He chaired the House Intelligence Committee from 1997 but left Congress in 2004. For 10 points, name this Floridian who filled a position previously held by George Tenet but in May 2006 resigned as CIA director.;;(Porter) Goss;; American Literature;;Taught English by "The Fiddler," he marries a woman named Bell and has a daughter named Kizzy after part of his foot is cut off. The son of Omoro and Binta, he is attacked by toubob while looking for wood to make a drum and taken from the Gambia to Annapolis, where a memorial to him now stands. For 10 points, name this man given the name "Toby" by a slave driver, the protagonist of the first part of Alex Haley's novel Roots.;;Kunta Kinte (prompt) (on) Toby (before) (it) (is) (read);; Physics;;A thin plate immersed at a contact angle of zero is used to measure this property under the Wilhelmy method. Related directly to pressure and inversely to mean curvature in the Gibbs-Thomson equation, it can also be measured by Jaeger's Method, which centers on bubble pressure. Measured in Newtons per meter, it is caused by a lack of surrounding neighboring molecules that are available to interior molecules. For 10 points, in conjunction with adhesive forces, what process allows capillary action to occur, a phenomenon whose effects are reduced by surfactants?;;surface tension|surface tensity;; Art;;This artist's autobiographical works include Thinking About Death, My Dress Hangs Here, and Miscarriage in Detroit. In one work by this painter, faces of Gandhi, Marx, and Nefertiti adorn an enormous sun, a baby, and a cross-section of a womb in Moses, Nucleus of Creation. She is depicted with loose hair, with cropped hair, holding a letter to Leon Trotsky, with her parrots, twice with a monkey, with a nurse, and with herself in her many self-portraits. For 10 points, name this surrealist Mexican painter.;;(Magdalena) (Carmen) (Frida) Kahlo (y) (Calderon) (de) (Riviera);; Biology;;Cells in these organisms contain special vesicles known as physodes FY-so-deez. They include the order Desmarestia, which dominates subtidal zones of the Antarctic region, the Ectocarpales, which contain heterotrichous thalli, and the Fucales, which reproduces in a manner similar to that of land plants. Another species is anchored by holdfasts and can grow to 100 meters. Also known as Phaeophyceae fay-oh-FY-see-eh, they gain their color from the presence of fucoxanthin. For 10 points, name this class of algae that forms underwater forests, including the Laminariales, or kelp.;;brown alga(e);;Phaeophyceae Euruopean History;;Victory over this was aided by the ship Helga, which shelled the Customs House. Another important event was the capture of a consul returning from Germany, Roger Casement. Tom Clarke and Joseph Plunkett were among its leaders, but its inability to control the Castle and Trinity College doomed it, and, after reading the Proclamation of the Republic outside the General Post Office, Patrick Pearse surrendered. For 10 points, name this April 1916 rising against the British in Ireland that occurred on a holiday.;;Easter Rebellion;; Geography;;This dormant stratovolcano's most recent major eruption occurred in 1781 and 1782, ten years before a member of George Vancouver's expedition named it for a British admiral. Its slopes contain twelve glaciers, including the Palmer Glacier, and it is only sixty miles east of its state's major population center, making it the second most visited summit in the world after Mount Fuji. For 10 points, name this fourth highest peak in the Cascades and highest point in the state of Oregon.;;(Mount) Hood;; United States History;;The original negotiation order for it was similar to that offered by Alexander MacKenzie in Cuba almost two years earlier, and a motion to add the Wilmot Proviso to it was defeated in the Senate. The U.S. agreed to pay fifteen million dollars and assume adjusted claims of involved citizens. Interim president Pedro Maria Anaya negotiated it with Nicolas Trist. For 10 points, the U.S. was ceded all land north of the Gila, Colorado, and Rio Grande Rivers in this treaty that formally ended the Mexican-American War.;;(Treaty) (of) Guadalupe(-)Hidalgo;; British Literature;;He celebrates "the love of Man and in praise of God" in the poem "In Country Heaven," while another poem conceives of his uncle's farm as "Adam and maiden". This author of the collections Eighteen Poems and Deaths and Entrances also wrote a radio play, Under Milk Wood, and the nostalgic "A Child's Christmas in Wales". For 10 points, name this Welsh poet of "Fern Hill" and "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night".;;(Dylan) (Marlais) Thomas;; Biology;;The Hill reaction describes the release of molecular oxygen from them, and the turnip yellow mosaic virus causes them to clump. The "Tic" and "Toc" complexes are found on their outer and inner envelopes. They are comically oversized in the Cylindrocapsaceae family of algae. The highly ordered array of units known as the quantasome is found in their lamellae, and is a site for reactions involving carotenoid and other pigments of Photosystems I and II. For 10 points, name these organelles that contain grana and thylakoids, the site of atmospheric carbon dioxide fixation and photosynthesis in plants.;;chloroplast(s) European History;;Among the significant battles which took place here was one ending Marcus Aurelius's war with the Marcomanni, where that emperor died. A more modern action here was won by the decisive action of the Polish king Jan Sobieski, who was able to turn back the forces of Mustada Pasha here in 1683. That came 150 years after Nicholas von Salm won the "Battle of the Moles" and turned back an army fresh off victory at Mohacs. For 10 points name this city at which Ottoman expansion into Europe was twice halted.;;Vienna American Literature;;His family friend Phil Stone helped him publish an octosyllabic couplet verse sequence before he began writing novels like a satire on New Orleans in which Sherwood Anderson is caricatured as Dawson Fairchild. The sewing machine agent V. K. Ratliff appears in his Snopes trilogy, and he also wrote Mosquitoes and a novel in which Dilsey Gibson looks after the Compsons. For 10 points, name this author of The Unvanquished, Light in August, Absalom, Absalom!, and The Sound and the Fury.;;(William) Faulkner Economics;;Rowley and Tollison wrote a book on the political economy of "seeking" this quantity, and such "seeking behavior" also applies to companies that attempt to secure government benefits. This term generally refers to the compensation received for a factor beyond the cost necessary to maintain operation, and in ideal, perfect competition, it would not exist. For 10 points, give this term, most commonly applied to the periodic cost of tenancy in a dwelling one does not personally own.;;(economic) rent Mythology;;One of his sons was blinded by Nomia. Statues of him were intended to bring prosperity and luck and marked the boundary of one's property, and he assisted the Fates with the alphabet by reducing sounds to characters. With cow-gut and a tortoise shell, he created a musical instrument which he gave to Apollo in exchange for cattle he stole as a child. He slew Argus after lulling him to sleep, and he served as a psychopomp, or guide of souls. For 10 points, name this winged-sandal wearing messenger of the Greek gods.;;Hermes;;Mercury United States History;;He spent a year in Tunis after his teacher Charles Folsom was made consul there. After he arrived too late to participate in the capture of San Juan de Ulloa, he asked to be relieved of duties in the Mexican War. He established a station at Mare Island before the Civil War, during which he captured Forts Morgan and Gaines and uttered a certain phrase. For 10 points, name this Union naval commander who won the battle of Mobile Bay, where he famously cried out "Damn the torpedoes!".;;(David) Farragut Art;;He worked in a lower space than Michelangelo, painting the Sistine Chapel walls while working on The Youth of Moses and Temptation of Christ. Around 1500, he abandoned art to become a follower of Savonarola, leaving behind such paintings as one showing a flying blue man, three dancing girls, and a lot of yellow fruit, and another in which a red wrap with black spots is about to be thrown over the title figure. For 10 points, name this student of Fra Lippo Lippi who painted Primavera and The Birth of Venus.;;(Sandro) Botticelli Chemistry;;This procedure depends on the Bayer process to refine its raw material. Two main methods for regenerating the carbon anode are the Soderberg and prebake, the latter of which is environmentally healthier as it does not involve burning pitch. It followed the same general idea as the Wohler process it replaced, with its innovation being a cheaper cryolite mixture rather than sodium to lower the melting point of the ore in question, a mineral derived from bauxite. Invented by two men who both lived and died in the same years, for 10 points name this process that reduces alumina ore to aluminum metal.;;Hall(-)Heroult (process) World History;;A scene in the film L'Inferno was based on one of these created by Gustave Dore, based on Dante's Canto 28. Many of them show the cleansing of the heart by Gabriel or the Night Journey, and they often use fire or cloth to cover the face. A recent set of them, solicited by children's book author Kåre Bluitgen, first appeared in Egypt's Al-Fagr. For 10 points, what items were later republished by Jyllands-Posten, a paper based in Denmark, offending the tenets of many Islamic sects and causing February 2006 riots?;;pictures of Mohammed British Literature;;The politician James Harthouse attempts to seduce a character in this novel, in which Mrs. Pegler and Stephen Blackpool are accused of theft. Tom and Louisa try to peek through circus tent walls, and their actions are blamed on Sissy Jupe. Housekeeper Mrs. Sparsit is placed at the bank after Louisa's marriage to Mr. Bounderby in this novel, featuring a model school led by M'Choakumchild and concerning the fact-obsessed Coketown schoolmaster Thomas Gradgrind. For 10 points, identify this Dickens work.;;Hard Times Earth Science;;They can be formed easily when Darcy's Law predicts a high velocity, and their name derives from their use at a Carthusian monastery in 1126. They are inserted by bypassing what the vadose area and capillary fringe, and they work because natural pressure is created when aquicludes like clay or shale exist on either side of a porous aquifer, creating a confined aquifer. They exist when the recharge area possesses a water table at a greater altitude than the surface outlet or head. Useful because they require absolutely no energy to pump large volumes of water, for 10 points, name this type of well.;;Artesian (wells|flows) United States History;;James H. Blount was sent to investigate her removal by forces under Lorrin Thurston and minister John L. Stevens. Those men had ordered troops from the U.S.S. Boston ashore and set up a provisional government that replaced her with a republic led by president Sanford Dole. She came to power after the death of her brother King Kalakaua, but ruled for less than two years before American intervention. For 10 points, identify this last monarch of the Hawaiian islands.;;(Queen) Lil'uokalani Physics;;He wrote an article accusing Schopenhauer of "thoroughly degenerating heads by selling hollow talk". With Poisson, his name graces an equation that models the effects of solvation on the electrostatic properties of molecules. The canonical partition function is given by the sum of this man's namesake factors. His namesake constant is equal to the universal gas constant divided by Avogadro's number, and links temperature with energy. For 10 points, name this physicist, the "father of statistical mechanics," who shares credit for the "T to the fourth" blackbody law with Stefan.;;(Ludwig) (Eduard) Boltzmann Religion;;Elhanan may have killed this man's brother Lahmi, though a reading of the source Hebrew says Elhanan killed this figure himself and indicates that Jerusalem was in the possession of the Jebusites at the time that this figure's head was supposedly displayed. Rashi used the length of his coffin to estimate the dimensions of this man, who met his demise in the valley of Elach under the forces of Saul. For 10 points, name this Philistine warrior, beheaded after being felled by a stone from David.;;Goliath|Gath American Literature;;His The Child Buyer is rumination on the value of public education, while an obsessed craftsman becomes involved with a woman trying to escape her past in The Walnut Door. His time as a war correspondent inspired his Into the Valley and Men on Bataan, while another of his works appeared as a report in The New Yorker on August 31, 1946, about one year after the events depicted in it occurred. For 10 points, identify this author of The Wall, A Bell for Adano, and Hiroshima.;;(John) Hersey United States History;;Originally consisting of five members and chaired by Thomas Cooley, this body was formed after the decision in the Wabash v. Illinois case. It primary power was reduced greatly in 1980 with the passage of the Staggers Act, and it was disbanded in 1996. It was earlier strengthened with the Mann-Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act, the latter of which gave it discretion over freight rates and accounting practices by transportation companies. For 10 points, name this agency created in 1887 to oversee the railroad industry.;;I(nterstate) C(ommerce) C(ommission) Music;;His second piano sonata alludes to his earlier The Slaves' Shuffle and Demons' Dance Around the Pipe and is accompanied by a volume of essays. That sonata was his first publicly performed work after a fifteen-year sabbatical and has such movements as "Emerson," "Hawthorne," "The Alcotts," and "Thoreau". For 10 points, name this composer of the Camp Meeting symphony, Three Places in New England, and The Unanswered Question, who created the aforementioned work, the Concord Sonata.;;(Charles) (Edward) Ives Physics;;It is independent of the size and shape of a container, but it typically varies exponentially with temperature, as described by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The value for benzene is about four times that for water, hence its greater volatility, and Raoult's law describes its change in response to different solute concentrations for a solvent. For 10 points, name this property of a liquid that governs the equilibrium between condensation and evaporation, the value of which must exceed the atmospheric variety to boil.;;vapor pressure World History;;They offered four levels of advancement, from the "Bykurrea," or scouts, to the most exalted ones, or "Bhurtotes". Their customs did not allow them to fight back after William Sleeman began his campaign to suppress them. They ate a feast of consecrated, unrefined sugar and used blessed pickaxes to bury their victims, who were always adult men. For 10 points, the trigger word given in Ramasi began the strangulation of travelers by what Indian cult of Kali, stamped out by the British in the 1830s?;;thug(s)|thuggee World History;;The world's smallest escalator was a one-step model installed in a palace that was home to this man, who was once slapped in the face by his brother after losing millions of dollars at a Riviera casino. His 1995 stroke placed effective power in the hands of his brother, several years after he expelled Osama bin Laden and invited U.S. troops to defend his country from Iraq. For 10 points, who was formally succeeded by that brother, Abdallah, as Saudi Arabia's king after dying in August 2005?;;(King) Fahd (bin) (Abdul) (Aziz) (al-Saud) Mythology;;In one story, when his son is fatally bitten by a rattlesnake, this mythological character pleads for his life, only to be reminded that he had asserted previously that the dead should stay dead. In Wasco myth, he helps the Spirit Chief destroy Thunderbird. Prometheus-like, he steals fire from the mountain of the Fire Beings for humans, and he kicked a ball of mud to create the first man. For 10 points, name this Native American trickster god and common wild animal of the Southwest.;;coyote World Literature;;The protagonist is laughed at for eating fish eyes, though much of his food is stolen by the kitchen staff. Fetyukov is broken, possibly because he refuses to follow Kuzyomin's "law of the taiga," which had saved the protagonist at Ust'-Izhma. Lieutenant Volkovoy makes workers remove clothing before going outside, but the title character remains somewhat stoical through eight years of hard labor. For 10 points, name this work describing twenty four hours in the gulag, the first novel of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.;;One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich|Odin den Ivana Denisovich Geography;;From the highest peak in them, which was named for an 1819 event, one can theoretically see all but one of the thirty-four other summits as well as Bucknell's Thrush. The highest and easternmost expression of the Allegheny Plateau, they are a continuation of the Poconos and were once known as the Blue Mountains before being renamed under Dutch influence. For 10 points, Kaaterskill Falls, Hunter Mountain, and Slide Mountain are found in what mountain group located in southeastern New York state?;;Catskill (Mountains)|Catskills;;Blue Mountains British Literature;;He discussed critics in the essay "A Moving Target" and novel The Paper Men. His other novels discuss early humans killing off Neanderthals, Edmund Talbot's journey to Australia, and a mariner's struggle to survive on a rock. In addition to those novels, The Inheritors, Rites of Passage, and Pincher Martin, he wrote a book based on R.M. Ballantyne's The Coral Island. For 10 points, a sow's head speaks to the kindly Simon in a book by what man, who created Ralph and Piggy in Lord of the Flies?;;(William) Golding European History;;One man with this name became abbot of Bardney after succeeding Wulfhere as King of Mercia. Another ruled during the Battle of Maldon and introduced Sheriffs throughout the realm. That king was forced to seek the protection of his brother in law, Robert of Normandy, after the massacre of Danes on St. Brice's Day inspired his nemesis, Sveyn Forkbeard, to invade England. For 10 points, name this king succeeded by his son Edward the Confessor, whose "ill counsel" caused him to be nicknamed "the Unready".;;Aethelred (II)|Ethelred (the) (Unready) Music;;He called his last works, such as Petite messe solonnelle, "Rococo sins of my old age" after abandoning composing for thirty years. His tenth opera, Tancredi, is his earliest work still performed, and he claimed to use an opera about Elizabeth I for the overture of a work originally titled Almaviva, which features the doctor Bartolo and the teacher Don Basilio. For 10 points, an opera about a Swiss archer provides the best-known overture by what composer of The Barber of Seville and William Tell?;;(Gioacchino) Rossini Chemistry;;The neutrino was first postulated to explain this process, which must emit an anti-neutrino to conserve lepton number. The namesake objects of this reaction will have a broad energy spectrum as a result of it because the energy of this reaction is shared with anti-neutrinos. This decay mechanism is favored to the right of the stability line since it effectively increments the atomic number Z. For 10 points, the transformation of a nuclear neutron to a proton to conserve charge occurs in what type of nuclear decay, the emission of an electron from a nucleus?;;beta(-)(minus) (decay);;electron (decay) Literature;;In a subplot of this novel, Miles Hendon attempts to claim the hand of Edith but finds that his brother Hugh has already married her. In the chapter "In Prison," two Baptists are burned at the stake. One title character grew up in Offal Court, and the other is taken to Southwark to join Hugo and his gang of thieves. That character proves his identity by revealing the royal seal to the Lord Protector. For 10 points, the beggar Tom Canty and Edward, the heir to the throne, reverse roles in what Mark Twain novel?;;(The) Prince and the Pauper United States History;;The figure founded the first Little Theater in America and helped to create the Institute for Juvenile Research. Before authoring the books Peace and Bread in Time of War and Democracy and Social Ethics, she took a trip to Europe with her friend Ellen Starr and, while in London, visited Toynbee Hall. That stopover inspired her to start a project on the corner of Polk and Halsted streets in Chicago. For 10 points, identify this figure of the settlement-house movement who wrote Twenty Years at Hull House.;;(Jane) Addams Music;;He died while visiting home to see a performance of his brother's play Prejudices. His orchestral works include the Capriccio Italien and the Marche Slave, while his ten operas include Iolanthe, Oprichnik, and three based on works of Pushkin, including Mazeppa and The Queen of Spades. For 10 points, name this composer who used a quote from the Marseillaise and several cannons in a piece commemorating victory at Borodino, the 1812 Overture.;;(Pyotr) (Ilyich) Tchaikovsky Physics;;These particles correspond to the negative energy states of the Dirac equation and may be produced spontaneously along with their conjugates by photons of energies greater than 1.02 mega electronvolts in electric fields in a process known as pair production. They are usually detected by noting the presence of 511 kilo electronvolt photons since they annihilate with their plentiful anti-particles after a short time and, like that anti-particle, they have a rest mass energy equivalent of 511 kilo electronvolts. For 10 points, name these anti-particles of electrons.;;positron(s);;anti-electrons United States History;;Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote that the wording it established has "become part of our national culture" when upholding this ruling in the 2000 case of Dickerson v. United States. Providing an enforcement mechanism for rights that were affirmed in Escobedo v. Illinois, it replaced the "voluntariness standard" for protection of certain Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights. For 10 points, what Arizona case ruled that not informing a suspect of the right to an attorney and the right to remain silent invalidates a confession?;;Miranda (vs.) (Arizona) Literature;;He ridiculed Joseph Priestley in his burlesque An Island in the Moon and attacked the conventional "creeping Jesus" in "The Everlasting Gospel". More representative work includes his America: A Prophecy and his descriptions of Orc and Urizen, part of the cosmology he created, in Visions of the Daughters of Albion. For 10 points, identify this poet whose The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and Songs of Innocence and Experience contain such poems as "The Chimney Sweeper," "The Lamb," and "The Tiger".;;(William) Blake Biology;;The most recently discovered group in this phylum is the family Xyloplacidae, small organisms living in water on decaying wood. The bodily functions of these deuterostomes are driven by a sequence that begins at the madreporite then follows the stone canal and a circular ring canal into canals that lead to ampullae, which help them move about on tube feet. For 10 points, name this aquatic phylum characterized by a water vascular system, named for many of its members' spiny skin, examples of which include sea cucumbers and starfish.;;Echinodermata Miscellaneous;;In addition to nuclear weapons, Iran is accused of secretly producing one of these, called the Zulfiqar. Iraq used the Lion of Babylon, and France produces the Leclerc, which replaced the AMX-30. Israel's is the Merkava, Germany uses Leopard 1s and 2s, the U.K. produces the Centurion and Challenger 2, and Russia uses the T-90 and T-72. For 10 points, the M48 and M60 Patton and M1 Abrams are the American models of what military vehicle?;;(Main) (Battle) Tank(s) World History;;The one in the Grand Duchy of Poznan saw Poles seek autonomy from Prussia. The one in the German states led to the convening of the Frankfurt Parliament in an effort to unify the states under a new constitution. The one in Italy failed and saw the forces of Charles Albert put down by the Austrian army. Lajos Kossuth came to power in Hungary during another, and Klemens Metternich was replaced for failing to prevent them. For 10 point, name these movements that swept Europe in a certain year.;;Revolution(s) of 1848 Religion;;It compares its title entity to an immense boat that drifts freely and irresistibly according to its own free will and to water which can flow around a rock while causing erosion. It uses the concept of the Uncarved Block to signify the original state of human consciousness and advances the concept of "action through inaction," wu wei. For 10 points, the title entity is called the nameless beginning of all things as well as "the way" in what religious text whose followers might oppose both legalism and Confucianism?;;Dao De Ching World History;;Its philosophical basis was the instruction of I.J. Roberts and the book Good Words for Exhorting the Age. It gave the title of Southern King to the founder of the God Worshippers Society and established what it called the Heavenly Capital. Halted by Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon's "Ever-Victorious Army," it killed twenty million after arising from Kwangsi province. For 10 points, name this 1850 to 1864 revolt led by Hong Xiaquan, who called himself the brother of Jesus.;;Taiping (rebellion) Art;;In it, the top half of a yellow door and a pair of metal coffee machines decorate the rear end of a triangle-shaped wooden counter, behind which a man in white labors. Under a roof sign advertising cigars, or "Phillies," for "only five cents," a man wearing a suit and fedora sits on a stool with his back turned, and across from him another fedora-wearing man sits next to a lady in a red dress. For 10 points, name this painting of a late night scene at a lonely street corner and diner, a work by Edward Hopper.;;Nighthawks Chemistry;;In 1861, he wrote a series of lectures entitled The Chemical History of a Candle, after having successfully liquefied chlorine and discovered and named diamagnetism. He also found that an intense magnetic field can rotate the plane of polarized light, now known as his namesake effect. The electromagnetic field strength tensor also bears his name. The first person to isolate benzene, the sign in his namesake law is accounted for by Lenz"s law. For 10 points, name this creator of two laws of electrolysis and a law of magnetic induction, whose last name survives in the SI unit of capacitance.;;(Michael) Faraday Literature;;She appears as a minor character in Wallace Stegner's All the Little Live Things. She wrote an allegory about German occupation, The Angelic Avengers, as well as a sequel to her most successful work, Shadows on the Grass. With a pen name adopted from the Hebrew for "he who laughs," she wrote "The Monkey" and "The Supper at Elsinore" in her Seven Gothic Tales. For 10 points, name this woman who moved to Kenya to manage a coffee plantation, writing about the experience in Out of Africa.;;(Karen) (Christenze) (Isak) Dinesen World History;;Jean Lemaitre and Pierre Cauchon condemned this person, who was ordered to retreat from Saint-Denis along with the duc d'Alencon. The eggs of Vaucouleurs are associated with this leader, who joined Renaud de Chartres and Louis de Bourbon at Soissons and sneaked into Compiegne to oppose John of Luxembourg. Calixtus III annulled the sentence pronounced on this native of Domremy, who was guided by the voice of God to triumph for Charles VII. For 10 points, name this saint who was burnt in Rouen.;;(Saint) Joan of Arc|Jeanne D'Arc;;(Saint) Joan|Jeanne Miscellaneous;;In the pilot to the short-lived 2000 sitcom Bette, she portrayed Bette Midler's on-screen teenage daughter, but the role was recast after she refused to move away to Los Angeles. Four years later, she not only made a guest appearance on That 70's Show opposite her then-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, but achieved her first starring success in Mean Girls. For 10 points, name this actress whose 2006 silver screen appearances include A Prairie Home Companion and Just My Luck.;;(Lindsay) Lohan Religion/Mythology;;The fountain of Persea was found in this city, which fought a war with the Taphians. It was named for the daughter of Inachus and Argus or for the cap or mushroom vessel of its founder. The Pelopides and the descendants of Perseus ruled this city, whose entrance was adorned by the Lion Gate. It is where Aegisthus was murdered after marrying its queen, Clytemnestra. For 10 points, name this city that led the Greeks in the Trojan War under King Agamemnon.;;Mycenae Biology;;Chronic Granulomatous Disease causes a lack of the "respiratory burst" of oxygen these cells exhibit, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome also hinders their activity. They have adhesion molecules that match with those of endothelial cells, allowing them to migrate to tissue where they are needed. Different varieties of chemokines summon and they often encounter phospholipase activity and platelet aggregation. Neutrophils and monocytes are types of these cells, which perform phagocytosis. For 10 points, name these large blood cells that engulf antigens, which are also known as "white blood cells".;;Leukocytes;;White blood cells European Literature;;Its second edition closes with a promise of rebirth in "The Voyage". Its cycle of Marie concludes with "To a Madonna" and Jeanne's poems include "The Jewels" and "The Vampire". "Landscape" and "The Swan" are found in the second section, Parisian Scenes, while its first section is Spleen and Ideal. Poems banned from its later printings were published separately as Les Épaves. For 10 points, name this collection that revived the French sonnet after two hundred years, written by Charles Baudelaire.;;(Les) Fleurs du Mal|(the) Flowers of Evil Philosophy;;He wrote the third set of objections to Descartes' Meditations, in which he argued against Cartesian immaterialism. His own metaphysical views were expounded in a work called De corpore, which constituted part of a trilogy with De homine and De cive. The last of those was a concise statement of his political views, which he described at greater length in a 1651 work. For 10 points, name this man who argued that life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" in the state of nature in his Leviathan.;;(Thomas) Hobbes World History;;With the assistance of Otilio Sanchez, he put forth a document supporting Pascual Orozco and popularizing the cry of "Land, Justice, and Law". That document, the Plan of Ayala, denounced both the Plan of San Luis Potosi and Francisco Madero. Later, this man's Liberation Army of the South opposed Victoriano Huerta and Venustiano Carranza, but the Army fell apart after he was killed. For 10 points, name this Mexican revolutionary leader whose name was adopted in the 1990s by a rebel group in Chiapas.;;(Emiliano Zapata) Geography;;Vevey, Montreux, and Evian-les-Bains all lie on it, and its counterpart to the north is at Neuchatel. Subject to frequent seiches in the water level, it is formed by three rivers, including the Dranse and Venoge. Separated by the strait of Promenthoux into "Grand" and "Petit" portions, it has Haute-Savoie département on one shore and Lausanne on another. For 10 points, the Rhône River flows through what lake, lying on the border of France and Switzerland and located in the namesake canton of the Swiss capital?;;(Lake) Geneva United States History;;Samuel Ireland painted a portrait of him at the sale of Samuel Johnson's library. He served as an aide-de-camp to Prince Eugene of Savoy in a campaign against the Turks, and his victory over the Spanish at Bloody Marsh preserved his best known achievement. During his tenure in parliament, he published the pamphlet The Sailor's Advocate, which argued that impressment violated the Magna Carta and Petition of Right. For 10 points, name this penal reformer who sought a haven for debtors, the founder of Georgia.;;(James) Oglethorpe Physics;;A growth law for its tensor was recently proposed by Bohlke and Bertram, while its anisotropic form requires use of a compliance matrix. Its isotropic form can be written as the combination of the bulk modulus and shear modulus tensors. Originally published as a Latin anagram meaning "as the extension, the force," it is only valid for part of aluminum's elastic range while it can be applied more extensively for steel. Equating applied force to a body's deformation times a constant k, for 10 points, identify this physical law that describes spring behavior, named for its English postulator.;;Hooke('s) (Law) World Literature;;Under the pseudonym William Coyle, he wrote the World War II novel The Chief of Staff, and more recently he wrote The Great Shame and American Scoundrel. His native country is the setting for The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, about an aborigine rebellion. For 10 points, name this author of a 1982 novel about the Holocaust, which was originally published as Schindler's Ark.;;(Thomas) Keneally Miscellaneous;;Until December 2005, this agency was in violation of federal rules about the use of cookies on the computers of those who visit its website. In May 2006, USA Today was accused of making "false and unsubstantiated allegations" regarding BellSouth's participation in a program run by this agency. For 10 points, class-action lawsuits against Verizon and AT&T have already been filed regarding much-criticized warrantless wiretapping by what agency, led until 2005 by Michael Hayden?;;N(ational) S(ecurity) A(gency) Physics;;Its relative displacement governs the height a pole vaulter or high jumper can clear. For a system with internal forces that obey Newton's third law, it always moves at constant velocity; Newton's second law can be written in analogous form with respect to the acceleration of this quantity. For 10 points, name this location with respect to which moment of inertia is calculated, representing the weighted mean of the positions of a collection of objects.;;center of mass Art;;He created a brown stone carving of a seated nude, Wisdom of the Earth, which is coupled with Ancient Figure in his primitivist phase. His wood carvings include the King of Kings series and Nocturnal Beast, which was created after animal-inspired bronzes such as The Seal, The Penguins, and Maiastra. Another animal series includes seven marbles and nine bronzes and uses supreme abstraction to "capture the essence of flight". For 10 points, name this sculptor of the customs-confusing series Bird in Space.;;(Constantin) Brancusi World History;;One army may have been motivated to fight here by the riches contained at the Abbey of St. Martin. The defenders banded together with former enemies under Eudo of Aquitaine and sent raiders into the enemy camp to free slaves and steal loot. Many of the invaders to turn back and after their leader, Abd er-Rahman, fell. The aftermath of this battle saw the victorious Mayor of the Palace take control of Western Europe. For 10 points, identify this 732 battle, a victory against Muslim forces by Charles Martel.;;(Battle) (of) Tours|Poitiers Religion;;The one "of Al-Jilani" was one of the temptations of the world, while ibn-Rushd of Cordoba believed that one's tongue must engage in this against hypocrites. The one sparked by Mahdiyyah saw a military victory for the Congo Free State and the occupation of Darfur. The anti-idolatry stance of Ismail Shahid bears this name, which was paired with "unity" in the former name of Musab Zarqawi's group. For 10 points, identify this Islamic concept existing "of the pen," "of the heart," and "by the sword".;;Jihad Miscellaneous;;A literary example of this is described as an idealistic schoolmaster in a novel by Edward Eggleston. Meredith Nicholson later used the term for a collective of homegrown authors including John James Piatt, George Ade, and James Whitcomb Riley. Some speculate that this term originated with a greeting, while others proffer that it is a corruption of the military term "hussar". For 10 points, such people as Calbert Cheaney, Richard Lugar, and Steve Alford might be known by what term used to identify residents of Indiana?;;Hoosier Literature;;It opens with a history of Britain from the fall of Troy onward. One of the title characters enters carrying a sprig of holly on New Year's Day and issues a challenge that the other title character accepts, by means of the axe also carried into the hall. The challenge is completed a year later and exposed as a plan by Morgan le Fay to scare Guinevere to death. A girdle is established as a badge of honor by the Round Table in, for 10 points, what Pearl Poet work in which the mysterious challenger is Bercilak de Hautdesert?;;Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Biology;;Hemophilia, neurofibromatosis, and breast cancer can be caused by the alu sequence, one of these entities. The DNA variety, which is used in laboratory plasmid transformation, feature inverted repeat sequences surrounding a gene for their namesake enzyme known as an "insertion sequence". That namesake enzyme opens chromosomal DNA and inserts one of these entities between single strands of complementary DNA, leaving mirror sequences on either side of the new gene. For 10 points, name these sequences of DNA discovered by Barbara McClintock that move about in the genome.;;Transposon(s) Psychology;;He considered himself a Freudian psychologist, but later writers called him an "ego psychologist". He wrote a book about Gandhi and the origin of "militant nonviolence" in one book, and he coined the term "identity crisis" in his study of adolescence. Under his model, a person must successfully resolve the conflict and integrate the skills from each stage. For 10 points, name this man who used the "psychohistory" method to write Young Man Luther, and whose theory of lifelong development contains eight stages.;;(Erik) Erikson Literature;;His addition of poems by philosopher T.E. Hulme to his collection Ripostes helped to spawn a certain literary movement. He did heavy editing on Eliot's The Waste Land and helped get William Carlos Williams and Hilda Doolittle published, and he even named his first poetry collection Hilda's Book. His longest work is often given the adjective "Pisan," referring to his time as a prisoner of war in Italy after being charged with treason by the Allies. For 10 points, name this Imagist author of The Cantos.;;(Ezra) Pound United States History;;Their greatest military victory began with an ambush against Wiley Thompson after a group of troops was ordered from Fort Brooke to Fort King under Major Francis Dade. John Horse led their "Black" branch, composed of former slaves from Georgia and South Carolina, and many of them moved to Oklahoma territory under Wild Cat. Their name is probably a corruption of the Spanish for "wild ones". For 10 points, identify this Native American tribe led by Osceola that still has descendants in Florida.;;Seminoles Music;;In Act III of this opera, Dapertutto enslaves the hero by bribing Giulietta with a diamond and capturing his soul by stealing his reflection in her mirror. In Act II, Antonia, like her mother, dies by singing, as prescribed by Dr. Miracle. In Act I, the hero is deluded by a pair of magic eyeglasses into believing that the mechanical doll Olympia is human until Coppelius destroys her. For 10 points, name this opera whose premise is a German fantasy author living out his own tales, written by Jacques Offenbach.;;(The) Tales of Hoffmann Chemistry;;It can be used to transfer methine dyes from paper to textile fabrics, and at pressures near the triple point, the heat of this is approximately equal to the heat of fusion plus the heat of vaporization. Occurring at pressures and temperatures below the triple point, the opposite of this process is deposition. Compounds that exhibit this behavior include silicon carbide, iodine, naphthalene, and carbon dioxide in the form of dry ice. For 10 points, identify this chemical process where a substance moves from the solid state to the gas state without passing through a liquid phase.;;Sublimation Literature;;His essays include "The Revolt of the Tartars" and a rumination on childhood, "The English Mail Coach". He attempted a study of dreaming in his treatise Suspiria de Profundis, but is likely better known for an 1822 work that begins with the protagonist's escape from Manchester Grammar School, describes the London prostitute Ann, and ends with visions of attacking tigers and a pain so profound that the narrator cries "I will sleep no more!" For 10 points identify this author of Confessions of an English Opium Eater.;;(Thomas) De Quincey World History;;To avoid problems with seating arrangements, no chairs were provided at the conference that produced this document. Negotiators met secretly in the Rose Garden, where Serge Witte agreed to give Manchuria to China. This agreement recognized the Korean independence and gave part of Sakhalin to Ambassador Komura's nation, resolving a war that included the battles of Mukden and Tsushima Straits. For 10 points, name this 1905 treaty, signed in New Hampshire, that ended the Russo-Japanese War.;;(Treaty) (of) Portsmouth Geology;;One theory of its existence claims it conducts heat downwards, fueling short off-axis liniments, and its viscosity can increase locally due to its anisotropy. Its existence was verified after the 1960 Chilean Great earthquake. Found above the mesosphere, it is separated from the oceanic crust by the Moho Discontinuity. Also called the Seismic Wave Guide or Low Velocity zone, for 10 points, name this fluid upper layer of the mantle, believed to be the region upon which tectonic plates float.;;asthenosphere Music;;Based on the novel Seven and a Half Cents by Richard Bissell, the original 1954 production of this musical saw understudy Shirley Maclaine take over Carol Haney's role as Gladys Hotchkiss. Bob Fosse got his first opportunity to choreograph a Broadway musical, including the sequence "Steam Heat". For 10 points, name this musical now on revival with Kelli O'Hara and Harry Connick Jr, centering on the romance between a foreman and the chair of the Grievance Committee in a factory making bedwear.;;(the) Pajama Game World History;;Events leading up to the action here included a bloodless coup led by the New Jewel Movement leader Maurice Bishop, who overthrew Eric Gairy. Bishop was himself deposed by the more radical Bernard Coard and the resulting execution led to an appeal from the OECS and Operation Urgent Fury, which led Ronald Reagan to quip that he only wanted to make eggnog. For 10 points, name this country, the world's largest producer of nutmeg, invaded by the U.S. in 1983.;;Grenada Philosophy;;He argued that the Torah was in effect the constitution of the Israelites in his Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. He argued that the universe consisted of a single substance of which thought and extension were two attributes in another work, which was written through his geometrical method and caused him to be accused of pantheism. For 10 points, name this author of the Ethics, a Dutch-Jewish rationalist thinker.;;(Benedict) (de) Spinoza Biology;;Bruch's membrane separates one of its layers from the choroid coat, and its radial glia are known as Muller's fibers, which wrap around the fibers of Henle. Angioscotoma is a condition caused by dilated blood vessels in it. Visual yellow is an intermediate chemical formed from rhodopsin after it is exposed to light, and George Wald identified vitamin A in it, subsequently proving Vitamin A's importance to photoreception and vision. Containing the highly acute macula, for 10 points, name this layer of cells that contains rods and cones, the site where light is converted to nervous signals at the back of the eye.;;Retina Music;;In the seventeenth century, this term was applied to secular works with vocal solos and instrumental accompaniment, such as the mad scenes of Henry Purcell. It later described Händel's "Chandos Anthems" and Telemann's Harmonischer Gottendienst. More recent examples are Brahms's Rinaldo, Schoenberg's A Survivor from Warsaw, and Debussy's L'enfant prodigue. For 10 points, name this plotless choral form often defined in opposition to a sonata or oratorio and used to title J.S. Bach's Peasant and Coffee pieces.;;Cantata Math Theory;;This technique was first used in 1575 by Francesco Maurolico and can be used to show the Binet formulation for the nth Fibonacci number in terms of the Golden Ratio. The technique is included as one of the Peano Axioms and is logically equivalent to the Well-Ordering Principle or the Axiom of Choice. Gauss was able to give 5050 as the sum the first 100 integers via a shortcut to it. For 10 points, one must first show a base case and then show that the assumption is true for n+1 in what method, which can establish truth for all natural numbers?;;(proof) (by) induction World History;;The April uprising led to the third one of these, which was ended by the Treaty of Kuchuk Kanarja. Atrocities committed in one led to William Gladstone's condemnation of the Bashi-bazouks and upset the Concert of Europe. Osman Pasha's loss at Plevna in one of them resulted in the Treaty of San Stefano, which was forcibly revised at the 1878 Congress of Berlin. For 10 points, one party's drive to establish a warm-water port and protect Orthodox Christians in the other was the impetus for what series of conflicts?;;Russo-Turkish War(s) Literature;;Claude Mauriac's influence is seen in this man's novel Thirst for Love. He detailed the exploits of the young fisherman Shinji in The Sound of Waves and expressed his ideas about physical beauty in The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. He also wrote a novel in which Mizoguchi burns down the title structure and a series about a recurring character who takes the forms of Isao Iinuma and Matsugae Kiyoaki. For 10 points, name this author of The Temple of the Golden Pavilion and the Sea of Fertility tetralogy.;;Mishima (Yukio) World History;;Soon after buying the Gregories estate, this former secretary to William "Single Speech" Hamilton lost his seat in parliament after arguing for Catholic emancipation. Later re-elected, he gave the speech "Conciliation with America," and pursued the impeachment of Warren Hastings. His admirers Charles Fox and Thomas Jefferson turned on him after he opposed the drastic pursuit of liberty in a 1790 piece. For 10 points, identify this politician who wrote the conservative Reflections on the Revolution in France.;;(Edmund) Burke Religion;;One of the many who is contrasted to the "daivas," his son Atar battled the great dragon Azhi Dahaka, and he himself was a son of Zurvan. Symbolized by a winged disc, this deity's mother was Angra Mainyu. This leader of the Amesha Spentas is opposed by a being who is a cause of all suffering and grief. For 10 points, name this deity whose praises are sung in the Avesta, the chief "good" god of Zoroastrianism.;;(Ahura) Mazda Geography;;The Tabaqah one is found in Syria and the Akosombo in Ghana, while Pakistan is home to the Mangla and the rock-fill Tarbela. The highest arch model is the Inguri in Georgia, while the Sunnar aids cotton farming on Gezira plain in Sudan. An example of the gravity model is found in Washington. For 10 points, Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake is formed from the Columbia River by the Grand Coulee iteration of what example of hydroelectric engineering?;;Dam(s) Miscellaneous;;He slapped Mabel Normand to make Normand cry in The Mender of Nets and used a pistol to chase his star actress through the Biograph studios. His first sound film was the abysmal Abraham Lincoln, and his other efforts to recapture success led to the classic Broken Blossoms and the farcical Intolerance. Both of those films chronicled the evils of racism and featured Lillian Gish, who had starred as Elsie Stoneman in his signature work. For 10 points name this American director of the divisive Birth of a Nation.;;(D(.)(avid)) (W(.)(ark)) Griffith Chemistry;;The work done during this process is minus nR, times T2 minus T1, times natural log of V2 over V1, or minus the total of heat absorbed and heat discharged, calculated by applying Boyle's law for two of the phases and a modification of Boyle's law with ratio of heat capacities for the other two phases. The energy change is zero, as is the entropy change for this reversible process. For 10 points, one minus the ratio of reservoir and source temperatures gives the efficiency of what process, an upper bound for real cycles, which reverses a heat pump and contains pairs of isotherms and adiabats?;;Carnot (Cycle) British Literature;;In this play, Faulkland is in love with Julia Melville, but is paranoid that she will meet with catastrophe. The climax takes place at King's Mead fields, where two of the title characters are set to fight a duel. Lucius O'Trigger eggs on Bob Acres, while Lydia is in love with the penniless Sir Beverley, whose true identity is Sir Jack Absolute. For 10 points, identify this first play of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, featuring Lydia's idiom-butchering aunt, Mrs. Malaprop.;;(the) Rivals Chemistry;;The Martin-Synge and Craig models of this process assume that there are a finite number of identical plates involved. In one type of this process, a flame ionization detector is used to analyze the exit mixture of gases from either a packed tube or capillary. In another variety, spotting is followed by the sample's development in the effluent before an Rf [R sub F] value is calculated. Using the differences in behavior between mobile and stationary phases, types include gas, column, thin-layer, and paper. For 10 points,. identify this type of chemical analysis that allows separation of mixture components.;;Chromatography United States History;;The result of this case was applied to Gitlow v. New York, weakened by Whitney v. California, and overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio. Its namesake found a Thirteenth Amendment violation in the draft and was convicted of violating the Espionage Act when, in his role as secretary of the Socialist Party, he distributed leaflets against American participation in World War I. For 10 points, name this 1919 Supreme Court case, which set the "clear and present danger" standard for restricting speech.;;Schenck (vs.) (United States) Literature;;This author of The Fates of Famous Men was inspired by the court librarian Paulo de Perugina to write about mythological themes in Diana's Hunt and The Filostrato. The legend of Florio and Biancifiore is the basis of his Filcolo, and he also wrote a collection of one hundred stories, including "Tancred and the Golden Cup" and "Griselda". Those tales are told during a flight from the plague and were later ripped off in the Canterbury Tales. For 10 points, name this Italian author of the Decameron.;;(Giovanni) Boccaccio Physics;;Taylor, Orowan, and Polanyi showed it could be described via dislocation theory for ductile materials, and the percent cold work is generally used to express its degree. It corresponds to elongation of grains along the direction of applied stress, and its region appears just after the proportional limit or yield stress. Characterized by energy deformation through irreversible shape changes, for 10 points, identify this material behavior that follows the elastic region and precedes fracture on the stress-strain curve.;;Plastic(ity) Art;;Below the central chandelier in this painting are the artist's signature and a declaration in Latin that the artist was there to witness the titular event, as shown by the images of himself and a priest reflected in a convex mirror below. A small terrier stands between the two main figures, a man in a black garment and a large hat and a woman in a white veil and green dress, who looks as if she may be pregnant. For 10 points, name this Jan van Eyck painting showing the nuptials of an Italian couple.;;(The) Arnolfini Wedding United States History;;The impetus for it was the need to operate two munitions plants, and this agency was first chaired by Arthur Morgan. Its constitutionality was upheld in the Ashwander case after it was established by legislation associated with George Norris. It built up Muscle Shoals and was also chartered to produce, distribute, and sell explosives, fertilizers, and electric power. For 10 points, identify this New Deal agency that built dams along a namesake Southern river.;;T(ennessee) V(alley) A(uthority) Religion/Mythology;;During his call, he envisioned an almond tree branch and a boiling pot tilted north, symbolizing the coming destruction of Jerusalem. Pashhur, the temple chief officer, relayed to Zedekiah his prophesy of Nebuchadnezzar's impending victory and seventy years of exile. Imprisoned during the reign of Jehoiakim, he was taken by Johanan to Egypt with his scribe Baruch. For 10 points, name this son of Hilkiah whose prophecy began in the reign of Josiah, the weeping author of Lamentations and a namesake book.;;Jeremiah World History;;The earl of this place, John de Vere, led the Tudor right wing at Bosworth Field. A set of laws named for it was revoked by the Dictum of Kenilworth after the Mad Parliament demanded them from Henry II. Those "provisions" share a name with a "movement" led by Richard Froude, John Keble, and John Newman, which published the Tracts for the Times to argue for the "catholic" nature of the Anglican church. For 10 points, what name also describes an authoritative English dictionary and England's oldest university?;;Oxford World History;;One ruler of this kingdom succeeded Sadyattes and sacked the city of Smyrna fifteen years before battling Cyaxares on the Halys River. That king, Alyattes II, was succeeded by a monarch who gave refuge to the exiled Solon. The founder of its third major dynasty, the Mermnads, took the throne after assassinating Sadyates, and according to Plato possessed a magic ring of invisibility. For 10 points, name this kingdom ruled by Gyges and Croesus, which was located in Anatolia and originated the concept of coinage.;;Lydia(ns) American Literature;;The only convert in this play calls honor and dishonor opposites of the same stupidity and quotes Heine's poem on morphine. Pat and Ed Mosher are both parasites, Joe Mott wants to open a gambling house, and Cora and Chuck want to get married and move to New Jersey. Two Boer War veterans, the lawyer Willie Oban, and reporter Jimmy Tomorrow attempt to reform after a salesman kills his wife Evelyn because she had a "pipe dream". For 10 points, name this Eugene O'Neill play about Hickey, set at Harry Hope's tavern.;;(The) Iceman Cometh Astronomy;;Hunter Monroe has speculated they do not exist because bubble-like local inflation allows radii to diverge rather than converge to one of these. Roger Penrose proved that one must exist in every imploding star, and Stephen Hawking has said they lie entirely in the past or the future and all particles in the event horizon are pulled toward them. The point where space-time has infinite curvature, for 10 points, identify this point where matter is crushed to infinite density, the center of a black hole.;;Singularity Mythology;;This deity's mother Taranga visited the underworld and presented him to his father Makea-Tutara, who was chief there. Usually associated with the hawk with brown feathers, he was an outstanding fisherman, and he once caught a large house on the ocean floor, which he pulled up to become New Zealand. He also lassoed the sun when Taranga complained that it moved too quickly across the sky. For 10 points, name this Polynesian deity, who gives his name to one of the Hawaiian islands.;;Maui Music;;His concerti include one for a saxophone quartet, and his most recent symphony, his eighth, is entitled Ramakrishna. Some of his early works were inspired by Samuel Beckett; while more recently he has set David Henry Hwang, Allen Ginsberg, and Jean Cocteau and provided the scores for such films as Naqoyqatsi, Candyman II, and The Truman Show. For 10 points, name this self-described "theater music composer" of Akhenaton, Satyagraha, and Einstein on the Beach.;;(Phillip) Glass World History;;He established the Council of Seventy to give the illusion of public influence. He was stabbed in the arm in church during the Pazzi conspiracy, which killed his brother Giuliano. Married to Clarice Orsini, he was attacked in Savonarola's sermons for his corruption, but he remained a popular ruler until his death in 1492. For 10 points, identify this grandson of Cosimo the Great, the leader of High Renaissance Florence.;;L(orenzo) de Medici|Lorenzo the Magnificent;;Medici Miscellaneous;;Her attempt at stage acting in The Lake inspired Dorothy Parker's comment that her acting "ran the gamut of emotions from A to B". She appeared in Woman of the Year, Adam's Rib and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner opposite her long-term love interest and owned the rights to another starring role, The Philadelphia Story, thanks to a gift from Howard Hughes. For 10 points, who starred with Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen and was very distantly related to another actress named Aubrey?;;K(.)(atherine) Hepburn;;Hepburn Chemistry;;The influence of pneumatic chemistry is seen in the early work of this man, which includes a refutation of the theory that water changes into "earth" if it is distilled repeatedly. He enunciated the law of conservation of mass, and he collaborated with Claude Berthollet to publish Method of Chemical Nomenclature. He is more famous for the text Elementary Treatise on Chemistry and the groundbreaking On Combustion in General. For 10 points, name this Frenchman who debunked the phlogiston theory and coined the term "oxygen" to explain respiration and combustion.;;(Antoine-Laurent) Lavoisier World Literature;;A sub-plot in this novel focuses on Sylvester Roberts, who transforms into the black nationalist Uhuru Simba. Mirza Saed's wife drowns in a river after Hal Valance attempts to exploit the hero's dreams. A visit to the "Hot Wax" nightclub causes the main character to lose the powers he received after falling from an exploding airplane into the English Channel. For 10 points, name this novel about Saladin Chamcha and Gibreel Farishta, whose 1988 publication resulted in a fatwa being declared on Salman Rushdie.;;(The) Satanic Verses United States History;;An instructor in military tactics at the University of Nebraska, he received a law degree from that institution. He defeated the Moros on Mindanao Island in the Philippines and was the U.S. military observer during the Russo-Japanese War. He was the only American to be given the rank of General of the Armies, and he led an unsuccessful expedition into Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa. For 10 points, name this man, nicknamed "Black Jack", who led the American Expeditionary Force in World War I.;;(John) (Joseph) Pershing Literature;;This author of The Pentecost of Calamity and Romney popularized the white layer cake with his descriptions of socialite parties in his novel Lady Baltimore. His story Philosophy Four is based on his time at Harvard, where he met the dedicatee of a work subtitled "A Horseman of the Plains". In that novel, a man romances Molly Wood and engages in a duel with Trampas. For 10 points, identify this author of Lin Maclean who saluted Theodore Roosevelt and created the Western novel in The Virginian.;;(Owen) Wister Religion/Mythology;;An authority on war, he instructed Heracles in fencing and the military arts. Once betrothed to Electra, he was involved in the abduction of Aethra. Having a name meaning "beaver", he was a savior of shipwrecked sailors, and he was killed during a quarrel with Idas and Lynceus. His brother was a prized boxer, and this man was a great horse-tamer. Together with that brother, he formed the Dioscuri or Gemini. For 10 points, name this twin of Polydeuces.;;Castor Biology;;Some raptorial groups of it use a proboscis to seize prey, while members of its family Onuphidae live in beach sands and use powerful jaws to capture small animals. Their central nervous system consists of a supraesophageal ganglion, and they also have movable bristles called setae. Classes within this phylum include Hirudinea and Polychaeta, which can be divided into free moving and tube dwelling. But they may be most notable for the transverse ring divisions that divide their bodies. For 10 points, name this phylum of segmented worms that includes the marine worms and earthworms.;;Annelida Geography;;A significant rise in water level of Devils Lake would cause an outflow into the Sheyenne River, a tributary of this river. Formed by the confluence of the Otter Tail and Bois de Sioux, it was the location of massive flooding in 1997. A floodway saved the largest city along its banks, which is located at its confluence with the Assiniboine River. For 10 points, Winnipeg is found on what river, which forms the border between North Dakota and Minnesota and also flows past Grand Forks and Fargo?;;Red (River) Physics;;It explains why a switch will sometimes spark when turned on but not off. It is the reasoning behind older mass balances placing a sheet of aluminum between the poles of a magnet, and on the molecular level, it explains diamagnetism. Also the reason that transformers can overheat with direct current, it describes why pushing a bar magnet through a conducting loop gets tougher as the magnet approaches. For 10 points, name this law of electromagnetism that says that an induced current will produce a magnetic field to oppose the induced change in magnetic flux through the circuit.;;Lenz('s) Law British Literature;;In one of his plays, an awakening from a twenty-nine year sleep caused by encephalitis causes Deborah to suspect she has been enslaved. In a different play, Lulu lies down on a table while Stanley Webber plays a drum, and, in another, inexplicable food orders confuse Gus and Ben. His political works, such as One for the Road and Mountain Language, were a significant shift from his earlier absurdism. For 10 points, name this author of A Kind of Alaska, The Caretakes, The Dumb Waiter, and The Birthday Party.;;(Harold) Pinter United States History;;Its namesake leader was sentenced to 20 days in jail, as was his friend Carl Browne. After Browne secretly married the teenage daughter of its leader, a second version of it failed to materialize. It was intended to promulgate the ideas of the Good Roads Association, which proposed to put people to work with a public roadbuilding campaign, and it got underway in Massillon, Ohio. For 10 points, name this group that marched on Washington in 1894 to demand jobs for the unemployed.;;Coxey's Army United States History;;Before John Edwards in 2004, this man was the last person besides a major-party presidential nominee to receive a vote for president in the Electoral College. He became president of Lincoln Consolidated during a fifteen-year absence from politics, which ended when he defeated George Bush in a 1970 election for senator from Texas. For 10 points, name this former Clinton Treasury Secretary and Michael Dukakis running mate, who, in a 1988 debate, unfavorably compared Dan Quayle to John F. Kennedy.;;(Lloyd) Bentsen Art;;Charles de Saint-Memin drew him in crayon, and he was depicted on horseback on a road next to a tall pointed white church by Grant Wood. This man created The Landing of the Troops and was accused of copying Henry Pelham's sketches in his engraving of the Boston Massacre. In another depiction of him, he contemplates a design for a teapot in his left hand. For 10 points, name this silversmith portrayed by John Singleton Copley, who alerted certain New Englanders about the arriving British.;;(Paul) Revere United States History;;A Confederate general named for this man formed the Border Rangers and was killed following the battle of Cloyd's Mountain. After almost running for vice president on William Crawford's ticket in 1824, he was appointed ambassador to Great Britain, the country he had helped negotiate peace with at Ghent. Targeted by the Alien Acts while in the House from Pennsylvania, this Swiss native later held a cabinet post under Jefferson and Madison. For 10 points, name this longtime Secretary of the Treasury.;;(Albert) Gallatin Religion/Mythology;;The list of them sometimes includes Balarama, and one of them saves Prahlada from his father. Another, named Vamana, covers the three worlds with three steps, while another told Manu of an impending flood and dragged a large boat to safety. Matsya, the boar Varaha, and the white horse-riding Kalki are members of this group along with one who slew Ravana and rescued Sita. For 10 points, name these earthbound forms of the Hindu deity who is often considered the "preserver" god.;;Avatars (of) (Vishnu) Music;;In this opera, the hero consoles his mother with "Ai nostri monti". In Act IV, a female lead sings of roseate wings and hears a choir chanting the Miserere. The death of Azucena's mother, who had sacrificed her own son to save Count di Luna's brother, is related in "Stride la vampa," before Leonora's attempt to free Manrico results in the pair dying. For 10 points, name this opera in which the waking gypsies sing the Anvil Chorus, a Giuseppe Verdi work about a troubadour.;;(Il) Trovatore|(the) Troubadour Geography;;Its military government was disbanded by the Foraker Act in 1900. Its first settlement was displaced by Taino peoples and was founded in 1508 at Caparra,. It was the target of a 1595 invasion by Francis Drake, who tried to claim it for England. A 1950 Commonwealth Bill led nationalists from here to attempt the assassination of Harry Truman. For 10 points, name this island populated by U.S. citizens who cannot vote in Presidential elections, often the subject of discussions as the potential fifty-first state.;;Puerto Rico Literature;;He developed poetry to read at meetings of Group 47 and published those poems as his first volume of work, Advantages of Wind-Fowl. Novels such as The Call of the Toad and The Flounder followed his story about the sleepwalking Roswitha Raguna, scarred Herbert Truczinski, and dwarf-by-choice Oskar Matzerath. For 10 points, name this German author whose Dog Years and Cat and Mouse form the Danzig trilogy, along with The Tin Drum.;;(Gunter) Grass Chemistry;;A reagent often employed to destroy them is cyanogen bromide, but a more selective elimination of them can be achieved by the Edman Degradation, which uses PITC to destroy only the terminal one. They are planar because of the resonance interaction between a lone pair of electrons and a carbonyl group, which produces a certain rigidity during folding processes. They usually exist in a trans configuration, with an important exception to this rule being proline. For 10 points, name this interaction between an acid group of one molecule and an N-group of another, a type of bond that links amino acids.;;Peptide (bond) Miscellaneous;;It is the number of "Eccentrics of Yangzhou" in the name of a Chinese art movement, and the number of saints in the name of the war between Florence and Pope Gregory XI that ended the Avignon papacy. It is also the number of "immortals" in Daoist belief, the number of modes in medieval music theory, and another name for the Ashcan School that included George Bellows and Robert Henri. For 10 points, what is this number, which Kosel and Lewis found is the number of electrons in the outer shell of a noble gas atom?;;Eight World history;;The victorious commander set out from Fort William and benefited from the rain which made the opposition's fifty-three French artillery pieces ineffective. The smaller force hid behind a hill near the Hooghli River and was aided by an agreement with Mir Jaffar, who remained neutral. Thus, the Nawab of Bengal had no reinforcements and Robert Clive's forces were victorious. For 10 points, identify this June 1757 battle that secured British dominance in India.;;(Battle) (of) Plassey Economics;;Along with Edmund Phelps, he argued that real wages will adjust to provide an equilibrium between the supply and demand for labor, leading to a "natural rate" of unemployment. He coined the phrase "Miracle of Chile" in reference to the economic policies of Augusto Pinochet, whom he notoriously advised. He also wrote books based on his PBS show and on the role of capitalism in society, the latter being Capitalism and Freedom. For 10 points, name this Chicago school economist, an advocate of monetarism.;;(Milton) Friedman Literature;;One of his works centers on Adam Salton's trip to Mercia and meeting with the sinister Lady March, while his first book was a collection of fairy tales, Under the Sunset. His The Lair of the White Worm and The Jewel of the 7 Stars turn on supernatural encounters, much like his most popular work, which features the use of a crucifix to draw a circle in the snow. For 10 points identify this author who created the characters Arthur Holmwood, Lucy Westenra, Mina Harker, and Van Helsing in the novel Dracula.;;(Bram) Stoker Biology;;The protein presenilin is located primarily in it, and filamentous material is associated with the center of each of its units. Complex glycosylation of molecules occurs within it by means of sugar transferases that face its lumen, and it actually breaks up and disappears at the onset of mitosis. Generally divided into cis, medial, and trans faces, the last of which releases clathrin-coated vesicles, it consists of a stack of five to eight flattened cisternae. For 10 points, name this organelle that processes proteins made in the endoplasmic reticulum, which is named for its Italian discoverer.;;Golgi (apparatus) Art;;It began as an accompaniment to the Giacomo di Diamano altarpiece, but after a legal dispute, it was repossessed by Ambrogio de Predis. Plants present in this work include cymbalaria and aquilega, which symbolize virtue and the Holy Spirit. The original version shows a feminine representation of the angel Uriel, who points to the title figure and holds the infant John the Baptist, at whom the infant Jesus is staring intently. For 10 points, name this painting set in a cave, by Leonardo da Vinci.;;Virgin of the Rocks Geology;;By the end of this period, reptiles greatly outnumbered amphibians. Bony fishes radiated and the largest insects ever found proliferated. About 90 percent of all species became extinct at the end of this period, although there were no meteorite collisions and only some volcanic activity in Siberia. Formation of large glaciers caused the sea level to drop, drying out shallow sea habitats. For 10 points, name this geological period lasting from 290 to 245 million years ago, coming after the Carboniferous, the last period of the Paleozoic era.;;Permian (period) World History;;This man was forced to commit suicide after Akechi's army trapped him at Honnoji. After launching a surprise attack on the army of Imagawa, this man won an early victory at the battle of Okehazama. He established his power base at Gifu, and he went on to lead a campaign on behalf of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, though he later turned on the Ashikaga and supported another clan. For 10 points, name this Japanese daimyo and mentor of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified much of his country before dying in 1582.;;(Oda) Nobunaga American Literature;;The last section of this man's major poem describes something "Everpresent," whispering "antiphonal in azure swing". He considers the clipper ships Rainbow and the Leander in "Cutty Sark" and evokes Pocahontas in "Powhatan's Daughter". He also alludes to Walt Whitman, who wrote about crossing a ferry underneath the same Brooklyn landmark that this poet wrote about. For 10 points, name this author who used a stipend from Otto Kahn to write The Bridge.;;(Harold) (Hart) Crane Mythology;;They were invented during the war between Acrisius and Proteus. Ovid says that Pallantias has one which is red at morning and night but white at midday, and Tatius and the Sabines buried Tarpeia under these. One of them shows a dance, a herd of cattle, a field being plowed, two cities, and the sky surrounded by Oceanus. That one was made by Hephaestus for Achilles. For 10 points, what are these objects, of which a bronze example was polished by Perseus in order to reflect the image of Medusa?;;Shield(s) Chemistry;;He posited that light is a periodic disturbance of a fine-grained media in his paper "Notes on the Electromagnetic Theory of Light". His phenomena are seen as ringing in Fourier series near discontinuities, and his paradox deals with an apparent increase in entropy when two identical samples of gas are mixed. His phase rule describes the number of degrees of freedom in a system, but he is most famous for a function that governs the spontaneity of a chemical reaction. For 10 points, name this man whose namesake free energy is defined as H minus TS.;;(Josiah) Gibbs Miscellaneous;;During a montage in this movie, a model Ferris wheel comes to a stop just before a bomb goes off in a scene that can be read as either murder or suicide. Based on a book by George Jonas, it features as Steve the newest James Bond, actor Daniel Craig. Also appearing are Geoffrey Rush, Ciaran Hinds, and Eric Bana, who plays the central role of Avner and is given a list of eleven names. For 10 points, name this 2005 film set after the murders of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics, directed by Steven Spielberg.;;Munich World History;;Wars named for this group were inflamed by rivalry between the brothers Wenceslas the Durnkard and Sigismund. They split into the Utraquists and Taborites and became notable for using chained morningstars and wagon-train artillery under the command of Jan Tzizka and Prokop the Great. The battle of Lipany won the crusade against them called by Martin V and secured the Catholic presence in Bohemia. For 10 points, name this group that followed a certain heretic burned at the Council of Constance in 1415.;;Hussites Religion;;Composed of seventeen tercets and a quatrain, its text was written by Thomas of Celano. A partial setting of it can be found in the Cathedral scene of Schumann's Scenes from Goethe's Faust, while a notable example forms the second movement of a larger work honoring Alessandro Manzoni by Verdi. Based on chapter one of the Book of Zephaniah, it is the longest section of a standard Catholic mass for the dead. For 10 points, name this setting of the horrors of the Last Judgment, whose name translates to "Day of Wrath".;;Dies Irae Chemistry;;A variation of this experiment that added heavy lead blocks on one side to create asymmetry was performed by Gustaf Hammar. An attempt to reproduce it on a larger scale was conducted at by Dayton Miller, who had worked on trying to reevaluate the negligible fringe shift value that was observed in it. At the center of its setup was a semi-silvered mirror at a 45 degree angle, with two equidistant mirrors placed horizontally and vertically. For 10 points, what 1887 experiment used an interferometer to disprove the existence of the luminiferous aether?;;Michelson-Morley (experiment) United States History;;He collaborated with John Nicolay on two monumental works on Abraham Lincoln and wrote editorials for the New York Tribune for five years. He also wrote Castilian Days and the poems in Illinois dialect, Pike County Ballads. He pushed hard at the 1898 Paris conference to retain the Philippines and signed namesake treaties with Pauncefote and Herran. For 10 points, name this secretary of state under Theodore Roosevelt who negotiated the Panama Canal and formulated the Open Door policy.;;(John) (Milton) Hay Chemistry;;American physicist J.H. van Vleck is perhaps best known for studying the geometric orientation of these and their effect on d orbitals that results in splitting. Easily reactive ones may be characterized as labile, and the chlorine ones found in cisplatin may be replaced by water molecules. They can attach in a unidentate or polydentate fashion, and the latter case results in a certain aromatic structure. For 10 points, chelates and coordination complexes are formed by what chemical groups bonded to a central metal atom?;;Ligand(s) Literature;;His protagonists include Elias Gotobed, who visits England in The American Senator, as well as Alaric and Charley Tudor, who romance the daughters of Mrs. Woodward in The Three Clerks. Those books, along with The Way We Live Now and The Bertrams, were not part of his two most popular series, which include the volumes The Warden and The Duke's Children. For 10 points, name this author who wrote about the Palliser family and Barset County in such novels as Phineas Finn and Barchester Towers.;;(Anthony) Trollope Geography;;The area through which this thirty-mile long feature cuts may once have been a lake sixteen miles in diameter that filled with volcanic sediments. Its sides illustrate seven periods of accumulation, named Beds I through IV, then Masek, Ndutu, and Naisiusiu. The site is named for the Maasai word for the wild sisal plant. For 10 points, name this location in the Serengeti Plains of northern Tanzania, where fossils and tools of early humans were found by the Leakey family.;;Olduvai (Gorge) Religion/Mythology;;Jacob Emden was a noted opponent of people assuming this identity. One of them, Jacob Frank, declared the worthlessness of the Talmud before dubbing himself baron of Offenbach. Some accuse the founder of the Lubavitcher Hassidic sect, Rabbi Schneerson, of claiming this title. The best known may be Shabbtai Tzvi, who converted to Islam when captured. For 10 points, what is this category of people including Zadok the Priest, who attempt to fulfill the Jewish prophecy of the Moshiach?;;(Jewish) (False) Messiah(s) World History;;This author of the Defence of Philosophic Doubt arose violent opposition as Chief Secretary of Ireland, where his vigorous enforcement of the Crimes Act led to the nickname "Bloody". Though he was Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905, his most memorable feats occurred as foreign secretary during the Washington Naval Conference and in a response to Chaim Weizmann. For 10 points, identify this British statesman, whose namesake "declaration" implied British support for a Jewish home in Palestine.;;(Arthur) (James) Balfour Literature;;Among his posthumously published plays are The Earth Gods and Lazarus and His Beloved. After studying with Rodin in Paris, he moved to New York, where he founded the Al Magar newspaper and published such poetic works as The Madman. A novella by him is divided into such chapters as "Joy and Sorrow" and "Reason and Passion," and opens with the title character arriving in Orpahalese to spread his wisdom to the locals. For 10 points, identify this Lebanese-American author of The Prophet.;;(Khalil) Gibran Philosophy;;The "fate" of this concept is the subject of a recent book by Frederick Beiser. This word precedes the words "truth" and "history" in a book by Hilary Putnam. A work in five volumes by George Santayana offered an account of the "life" of this. It also appears in the titles of two German works first published in 1781 and 1788. For 10 points, name this concept whose "practical" and "pure" varieties were critiqued by Immanuel Kant.;;Reason Psychology;;It was intended to shed light on the validity of Adolf Eichmann's war crimes defense, which involved a claim to be "just following orders". Subjects were told that it was a test of a new learning procedure and that the person on the other side of a wall, actually an actor, was to receive electric shocks for incorrect responses. Twenty-seven of forty participants administered what was believed to be a lethal shock in, for 10 points, what experiment, chronicled in its namesake's book Obedience to Authority?;;Milgram('s) experiment World History;;In this country, members of the State Security Department, or RVO, were forced to flee during a time spurred by the fall of the "Rákosi-Gero clique". That period ended when the fall of the coalition government caused Cardinal Mindszenty to flee to the United States Embassy, where he lived for the next fifteen years. Hardliners re-asserted control under Janos Kadar, and Pal Maleter and Imre Nagy [NAZH] were executed. For 10 points, that was the aftermath of the 1956 revolution in this country that was forced by the Soviet military to remain in the Eastern Bloc.;;Hungary United States History;;Addressed in the Supreme Court cases of U.S. v O'Hagan and Gollust v. Mendall, and legal in Japan until 1988, this practice is regulated in the U.S. by sections 10b and 16b of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Only restricting corporate officers and those who hold more than ten percent of an issued stock, those laws snared Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, Samuel Waksal of ImClone, and Martha Stewart. For 10 points, name this practice involving the use of private information to profit off stock transactions.;;Insider Trading Biology;;Oxidation of this molecule leads to the formation of phaseic acid, one of its activated forms. It is formed after a molecule of Violaxanthin degrades into xanthonin, which changes into an aldehyded form of this. It prevents the uptake of kinetin and slows alpha-amylase synthesis through inhibition of gibberellins. By changing the potassium ion concentration outside guard cells it causes stomata to close when water is scarce, and it induces dormancy by inhibiting shoot growth and seed germination. For 10 points, name this plant hormone, which takes its name from its role in the falling of fruits and leaves.;;Abscisic Acid Music;;This movement's surging string melody is allegedly inspired by a Swedish folk song, and itself was adapted by Samuel Cohen to create "Hatikva," the Israeli national anthem. This piece depicts a wedding feast, a hunt, Rusalkas, and the Rapids of St. John. Two flute melodies portray streams which merge to form the title object before it flows through Prague. For 10 points, name this tone poem that comprises the second movement of Bedrich Smetana's Ma vlast cycle.;;(the) (Moldau|Vltava){1}? Physics;;The Poynting-Robertson effect states that they prefer the leading side of orbiting bodies, and pairs of them were used to prove Bell's Theorem in 1969. These spin-1 particles can interact with the quanta of lattice vibrations through Brillouin scattering. Discovered in an inelastic scattering process whose low-energy limit is called Thomson scattering, these gauge bosons of quantum electrodynamics shift in energy during Compton scattering and carry momentum without having rest mass. For 10 points, name these carriers of the electromagnetic force, the quanta of light energy.;;Photon United States History;;Elizabeth Eckford is the only member of this group who still lives in its eponymous city. Minnijean Brown was expelled after confrontations with other students, while Ernest Green, Jefferson Thomas, and Carlotta Walls Lanier graduated. After initial attempts by governor Orval Faubus to use the state National Guard to prevent their entry, President Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort them. For 10 points, identify this numerically named group selected to integrate an Arkansas high school in 1957.;;Little Rock Nine Biology;;Most patients with autosomal recessive inherited osteopetrosis have a mutation in the a3 subunit of the V type of these. The F type is a transmembrane protein that uses a gradient to power its function in bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. The antibiotic oligomycin inhibits them as does angiostatin by binding to them, thus preventing the phosphorylation that is their normal function. For 10 points, name these enzymes found at the end of the electron transport chain that produce the cell's most important energy source.;;ATP Synthase Literature;;His short stories are collected in The German Lieutenant and In Midsummer Days. His critical Letters to the Intimate Theatre provided the theoretical background for his plays To Damascus, The Pelican, and The Ghost Sonata. Another play of his tells the story of an upper-class woman who seduces her father's valet and then commits suicide. For 10 points, identify this Swedish author of A Dance of Death and Miss Julie.;;(August) Strindberg United States History;;These two things were first awarded by Special Field Order Number 15, which partitioned the banks of the St. Johns River and abandoned rice fields near Charleston and repurposed certain military transports. That order by General Sherman was administered by the Freedmen's Bureau, which, due to interference from President Johnson, was unable to deliver on this promise. For 10 points, what combination of land and an animal has come to be an idiom for broken promises to African-Americans?;;Forty Acres (and) (a) Mule Religion/Mythology;;In this religion, Oya is the ruler of winds, and the supreme god is Olodumare, who creates ashe [AH-shay], the blood of cosmic life. Followers worship Egun, who can help or hinder human action, and Orishas, who receives the blood of chickens. For 10 points, name this religion similar to voodoo that combines the worship of traditional Yoruban deities with the worship of Roman Catholic saints, popular in the Caribbean.;;Santeria Chemistry;;Addition of it to an ester or lactone yields a tertiary alcohol with two identical alkyl groups. When added to carboxylic acid chlorides, carbon dioxide, and oxiranes, it yields ketones, carboxylic acids, and alcohols, respectively. The first major source of carbanions to be discovered, its utility in organic chemistry arises from the ionic character of its metal-halogen bond. Frequently used in nucleophilic substituion reactions, this is, for 10 points, what compound consisting of an alkane bonded to a magnesium atom bonded to a halide ion, named for its French discoverer?;;Grignard (reagent) World History;;The formation of the Friendly Society and Hetairists precipitated this conflict. The action proper began as the river Prut was crossed by the forces of Alexander Ypsilanti, who proceeded to take control of the city of Kalamata. The 1832 London conference ended it by putting Otto on the throne under the Treaty of Adrianople. For 10 points, name this conflict ended by the destruction of the Ottoman fleet in 1827 by Admiral Codrington at Navarino, securing the existence of a certain European country.;;(War) (of) Greek Independence Art;;Charles Bell, Johann Winckelmann, and Gotthold Lessing each wrote treatises on this work, discussing whether it portrayed "nobility," "groaning," or "silence". Shortly after its 1506 discovery in the palace of Titus, Boldrini and Titian created versions of it that replace all the figures with monkeys. Attributed to Agesander, Athenedoros, and Polydoros, it shows Antiphas and Thymbraeus on either side of their father, fending off snakes. For 10 points, name this sculpture showing the demise of a Trojan priest's family.;;Laocoon ((and) (his sons)|group) Literature;;The first collection of his work was printed by hand by Stephen Spender, and he wrote librettos for Henze's Elegy for Young Lovers and Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress after collaborating on The Ascent of F 6, and The Dog Beneath the Skin with Christopher Isherwood. Alone, he wrote such poems as "In Praise of Limestone" and "September 1, 1939". For 10 points, name this author of "The Shield of Achilles," and "Musée dex Beaux Arts" who discussed a dive on Fifty-Second Street in The Age of Anxiety.;;(Wystan) (Hugh) Auden Geology;;The German instance of this geographic term is bordered by the Frisian Islands and Jutland, while the New York one is bordered by the east coast of New Jersey and the south coast of Long Island. The one in southern California contains the Channel Islands, while the one also known as that "of Bonny" contains the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe. For 10 points, the defunct state of Biafra formerly lent its name to what type of bay, also seen off the coast of Benin and in a "Great Australian" example?;;Bight Mythology;;Like Tithonus, she was promised eternal life but not eternal youth, and this servant of Apollo is seven hundred years old when first met. Seen "hanging in a jar" in the first Italian epigraph on "The Waste Land," she advises Aeneas about the golden bough. The Capitoline temple to Jupiter houses three of the nine items produced by her for sale to Tarquinius Superbus, as she had burned the other six. For 10 points, name this prophetess whose namesake books contained prophecies about the fate of Rome.;;(Cumean) Sybil Computer Science;;When applied as a unary operator in Python, this character can expand a list object into the arguments of a function call. In Fortran, two consecutive ones signify exponentiation. In Perl, it is used to refer to the typeglob of all variables with a given name, and the absence of one before a typeglob signifies that it is a bareword. In C, it can be used as the inverse of the ampersand to obtain the contents of a pointer. For 10 points, UNIX and MS-DOS use what character as a wildcard character in searching, also seen in both C and Java to represent multiplication?;;Asterisk United States History;;It was a suite rented to George Harvey and William Hays in the Blackstone Hotel which received visitors attempting to influence a certain decision until 2:00 AM. Its existence was predicted by Harry Dougherty, and this location is where intrigues against Frank Lowden and Leonard Wood determined the fate of the official convention at the nearby Chicago Coliseum. For 10 points, name this idiomatic place where Warren Harding was nominated for president as the true leaders of the Republican Party consumed cigars.;;(the) Smoke Filled Room Literature;;One of his dramas revolves around three years in the life of a black Louisville family, the Telfairs, while another turns on the struggle between the Greggs and the McEvoys. In addition to The Stonemason and The Gardener's Son, he described the depraved loner Lester Ballard in Child of God and wrote of the Glanton Gang in Blood Meridian. For 10 points, name this author of Cities of the Plain and The Crossing who described John Grady Cole's journey to Mexico in All the Pretty Horses.;;(Cormac) McCarthy European History;;He took advantage of popular opposition to his prime minister, Marco Minghetti, who signed the September Convention giving up this man's claim on a certain capital. He was the commander on the field for his kingdom at the battles of Magenta and Solferino, and he was later excommunicated by Pius IX for leading an army into the Papal States to add that long-sought capital to his new country. For 10 points, name this Sardinian and Piedmontese king who, prior to capturing Rome, was promoted to King of Italy in 1860.;;Victor Emmanuel (II) Physics;;It is applied in scanning tunneling microscopes, which used lead zirconate titanate to facilitate nano-scale movements. This effect can be seen via the coupling of the cross-product of permittivity and electric field strength with Hooke's Law. During World War I Langevin used it to build a quartz powered ultrasonic submarine detector and it was first discovered some thirty years earlier by the Curie Brothers in Rochelle salts. Taking its name from the Greek for "Squeeze," for 10 points, what is this physical phenomenon, the generated voltage in response to applied stress on a crystal?;;Piezoelectricity Art;;In its top center, a potted plant can be seen on a windowsill, and a column obstructs the view of a tree. Flowery tapestries line the walls on the right, a child in white looks into one of the three green-wrapped chests as an older woman in a red dress looks on. A small dog lies sleeping on the right, ignored by the title figure, who holds pink flowers in front of a drawn-back green curtain. For 10 points, that figure lies on a red couch covered by white sheets and is nude in what painting of a goddess in a certain city, by Titian?;;Venus of Urbino Literature;;One of his books recounts the romance of Flora de Barral with a sketchy suitor. Another novel focuses on the tragedy that befalls the idealistic Razumov, and Captain MacWhirr navigates the Nan-Shan through a titular storm in his Typhoon. His first work deals with a structure that should have never been built, Almayer's Folly, and his other characters include a Chief Mate on the Patna and Mr. Verloc, who is The Secret Agent. For 10 points, name this author of Lord Jim who wrote about Marlow and Kurtz in Heart of Darkness.;;(Joseph) Conrad Chemistry;;Terminal ones have a pKa of about 25, so a weakly acidic hydrogen can be removed, resulting in an anion useful for synthesizing new ones. Incomplete reduction of them is achieved by using sodium or lithium metal in liquid ammonia or by using Lindlar's catalyst. Hydroboration followed by oxidation results in a ketone or aldehyde, and reaction with acidic potassium permanganate cleaves them into carboxylic acids. Often formed by elimination of a dihalide with a strong base, for 10 points, name this class of organic compounds characterized by the presence of a triple bond.;;Alkyne(s) Art;;Based on Rubens's The Garden of Love, it was executed with thin people in a reverse C design, and was a reception piece for the Academy. On the lower right, a child watches a couple making out, with their cane dropped on the grass. Next to them, a man helps a lady up, while cherubs surround the group on the left participating in a "fete galante". The statue of Venus on the right tells us that the subject is a journey to an island of love. For 10 points, name this rococo painting by Jean-Antoine Watteau.;;Embarkation for Cythera United States History;;Much of its platform was adopted from the Ocala Demands, calling for an Australian ballot and subtreasuries for produce. Mary Lease, the "Kansas Pythoness", and Jerry Simpson, the "Sockless Socrates," were some of its more charismatic members, and champion whiskey grower William Pfeffer was a Senator under its banner. Former Greenback-Labor leader James Weaver was its 1892 presidential candidate, and it faded when the Bryan Democrats co-opted its platform. For 10 points, identify this coalition of farmers and the Knights of Labor.;;Populist (Party) Religion/Mythology;;A version of the horse-goddess Epona, her son was raised by Teirnon and eventually named Pryderi. Her second husband Manawydan rescued her from Llyfd, who was merely trying to gain revenge for Gwawl, whom she had abandoned in order to marry the lord of Dyfed. The blood of a puppy was put on her to make it appear that she had eaten her son. For 10 points, name this goddess of the moon from Celtic mythology, the sister-in-law of Bran and Brangwen and wife of Pwyll.;;Rhiannon Religion/Mythology;;One place by this name will prohibit pornographic television and the sale of contraceptives, and will have a sixty-five-foot tall crucifix in the center. Sharing its name with a nearby university and Ypsilanti, Michigan college, this new town near Naples, Florida will be founded, like both schools, by Tom Monaghan, the former owner of Domino's. For 10 points, give this name, also that of a prayer derived from the Book of Luke which inspired a Bach-derived Charles Gounoud piece, translating to "Hail Mary".;;Ave Maria Biology;;They are classified primarily into centric and pennate groups, then further by whether they possess a seam known as a raphe. They usually reproduce asexually in a unique "shrinking division" pattern that diminishes their size to a critical point, at which time growth occurs in the form of an auxospore, and earth rich in these organisms is mined commercially for its filtration applications. Their two-valved cell walls are known as tests, or frustules, and are made of a form of silicon. For 10 points, name these unicellular organisms, a type of Eukaryotic algae.;;Diatoms European Literature;;First published in Les Soirées de Médan, it tells of a group of travelers bound for Le Havre from Rouen. The title character is ignored by the group until they are stopped in a snow storm and only she has brought food, which she willingly shares. All is well until a Prussian officer stops the crew, refusing to let them pass unless Elisabeth Rousset sleeps with him. For 10 points, that is the plot of what short story by Guy de Maupassant, whose title is Elisabeth's nickname?;;Boule de Suif|Ball of Fat Miscellaneous;;Existing in Kufic and Nashki varieties, it is used in Comorian, Wolof, Baluchi, and Mandinka. When it first appeared in the fourth century, only sixteen shapes were used to represent the twenty-nine consonants. In modern times, short vowels and other diacritical marks are normally omitted from this uncased, cursive orthographic script based on Nabataean Aramaic. For 10 points, name this alphabet, the second-most common in the world after the Latin, and the most common in the Middle East.;;Arabic (alphabet) World History;;A ship named for him was captured and renamed the Eagle and still serves as a school ship for the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. A song named for him promises to march "with silent solid steps" and make "the street free for the brown battalions". His funeral was pelted with rocks by communists, who were falsely accused of killing him in his apartment by Goebbels. For 10 points, name this member of the SA who was actually killed while fighting over a prostitute, the author and subject of the Nazi Party anthem.;;(Horst) Wessel Biology;;It was formulated in order to explain a two-phase growth curve in E. Coli when fed on mixed medium plates. Catabolite activator protein is made to form a dimer by the presence of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the absence of glucose, which binds to the promoter gene. In a form of "leaky expression," the repressor gene is allosterically regulated by beta-galactosidase's metabolic substrate. Postulated by Jacques Monod in 1961, for 10 points, name this model of gene regulation partially named for a five-carbon sugar found in milk.;;lac operon World History;;Air superiority at one battle here completely surprised losing commander Liman van Sanders and led to a request for an armistice by the Ottoman Empire. Another battle is mentioned in Second Kings as where the losing commander, Josiah of Judah, was killed. In another battle here, the King of Kadesh escaped. For 10 points, Edmund Allenby in 1919, Necho II in 609 BCE, and Thutmose III in 1469 BCE all won battles at what site, the latter being the first battle for which records exist?;;Megiddo Literature;;At one point in this work, the lawyer Wilson claims that John "Shadbelly" Billson's attempt to defraud was foiled because of the presence of the word "very," and Billson is exposed as a fraud along with the banker Pinkerton. Barclay Goodson is widely suspected as being the man who gave twenty dollars to a stranger, and Reverend Burgess's efforts to protect the Richards fail. The town motto becomes "Lead us into Temptation" after the civic reputation for honesty is destroyed. For 10 points, name this Mark Twain story.;;(The) Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg Music;;Alexander Scriabin considered it "golden," while Baroque and Classical composers called it "the key of glory," and works requiring trumpets were written in it. It is the most frequently used key in the keyboard sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti, and often requires clarinets in B-flat to switch to clarinets in A. The violin concertos of Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky are all set in this key, also found in many symphonies of Haydn and Mozart. For 10 points, name this key with two sharps whose relative minor is B minor.;;D (major) Math Theory;;Finding real-world electrical moments can be accomplished by using the divergence theorem to derive a version of this technique in three dimensions. The ILATE rule can be used to make the choice on which the technique is based and it can be simplified with a two-column tabular approach. It requires that the two involved functions are continuously differentiable functions on the supplied interval. Useful for finding the integral of the natural logarithm, for 10 points, what is this calculus technique derived from the product rule which can be used to find the integral of a product of functions?;;Integration by parts Religion/Mythology;;It includes a series of Nyaishes and numerous Afringans, or blessings. Major parts of it include the Khordah, the Vendidad, which includes the laws, and the Yashts, which are dedicated to divinities such as Tishtrya, Ardvi Sura, and Mithra. Partly compiled by Shapur II, it consists of the Yasna and the Gathas. It is best known for the description of a Magus fighting Ahriman. For 10 points, name this scared body of writings in Zoroastrianism.;;(Zend) Avesta United States History;;Prior to its being organized as a territory, Mormon settlers founded its first town, Franklin, and a gold rush took place near Pierce. As a territory, its first capital was at Lewiston. George Shoup became its first governor when Benjamin Harrison made it a state in 1890, while its other governors include Frank Steunenberg, who was assassinated in 1905 by Big Bill Heywood, and Dirk Kempthorne, who resigned to become Secretary of the Interior in 2006. For 10 points, name this Western state now led by Jim Risch.;;Idaho Geography;;The Qohaito ruins in this country are thought to be associated with the ancient town of Koloe, while its lowest elevation is near Kulul in the Denakil Depression. The Dahlak Archipelago is located off the coast of this country, which stretches from Cape Kasar to the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. For 10 points, name this African country whose name derives from the Italian for the Red Sea on which it sits, and whose government at Asmara gained its independence from Ethiopia on 1993.;;Eritrea Religion/Mythology;;He was nearly tricked into drowning himself by his former tutor, a son of Hriedmar, but a disguised Odin advises him to dig a network of pits to save himself. He then kills Regin after slaying the dragon Fafnir, whose blood makes him invulnerable except for a leaf-shaped spot on his back. Guttorm stabs him at the behest of Gunnar and Brynhild, and Brynhild foretells how the ring of gold he took will be returned to the Rhine River. For 10 points, name this Volsung and son of Sigmund in the Nibelungenlied.;;Sigurd|Siegfried World History;;A civil war fought in this country in the early 1980s featured Afonso Dhlakama's RENAMO faction. That war ended with the Nkomati Accord, which was reached two years before this country's president, Samora Machel, died in a mysterious airplane crash. This country became independent in 1975 after a coup was engineered by FRELIMO. For 10 points, name this African country that had trouble with its neighbor South Africa during the period of apartheid, a former Portuguese colony.;;Mozambique Physics;;The dominant factor in the non-collisional term of a high-energy electron's linear energy transfer, this process adds a loss term proportional to the square of the effective charge to a star's energy balance. The emission of this can be understood as a type of first-order radiative scattering transition of electrons by an electric field and produces a characteristically continuous energy spectrum. For 10 points, name this type of radiation comprised of the x-ray photons given-off by a decelerating electron and named by Tesla from the German for "breaking radiation".;;bremsstrahlung Religion;;Referred to in one non-biblical text, the Cyropedia of Xenophon, one source says this man was the son of Nabonidus and died during the successful advance of Gobyras. The Talmud tells another story, saying his death occurred by means of a candelabra at the hands of Darius and Cyrus. He allegedly drank from the vessels of the Temple, causing the words "mene, mene, tekel, upharsin" to appear. For 10 points, name this Babylonian king who had Daniel translate that "writing on the wall" at his namesake "feast".;;Belshazzar Literature;;He taught Elizabethan literature and wrote the critical work Shakespeare and His Forerunners. He told of a tragic blood feud in "The Revenge of Hamish" and established himself by publishing Corn in Lippincott's Magazine, a work preceded by his Civil War novel Tiger-Lilies. Though born in Macon, Georgia, he was affiliated with Baltimore, where he wrote The Marshes of Glynn and performed in the Peabody Orchestra. For 10 points, identify this author of The Song of the Chattahoochee.;;(Sidney) Lanier Geology;;Evidence of it can be seen in material referred to collectively as talus, and examples include lahars and solifluction. It is often driven by the action of water in promoting liquefaction and pushing a given material beyond its angle of repose, especially in loose soil. When upper-layer regolith moves faster than the soil beneath it, creep occurs, which is much slower than processes like slump or rock falls. For 10 points, name this consequence of weathering and important part of erosion, defined as the downhill motion of rock or soil under the influence of gravity.;;Mass Wasting World History;;He allied with Bezborodko to displace Platon Zubov, and he supervised the "Greek project" aimed at reconstituting Moldavia, Walachia, and Bessarabia as the neo-Byzantine empire. In an attempt to improve the Russian military position, he authorized the Kherson arsenal and harbor at Sevastopol. For 10 points, name this governor of south Ukraine who allegedly created sham "villages" to cover up his agricultural failures, a paramour of Catherine the Great and namesake of a mutinous battleship.;;(Grigory) (Aleksandrovich) Potemkin (Knaz) (Tavrichesky)