Physics;;Landau proposed that excitations in these propagate via "rotons," and glitches are thought to occur in pulsars when neutrons turn into these, explaining their unusual vorticity. They can also form Rollin films, which exhibit the Onnes effect, wherein capillary forces acting on them are greater than gravity, and they have infinite thermal conductivity. Occurring below the lambda point for helium, for 10 points, identify this property exhibited by a liquid which has zero viscosity.;;superfluid(ity) Philosophy;;A 1925 paper arguing against skepticism, written by G.E. Moore, was titled "A Defense of" this. It was the primary method of reasoning used in the treatises of Claude Buffier, who influenced a circle including Dugald Stewart and Thomas Reid which exalted it in Scotland. From 1816 to 1870, it was declared the official philosophy of France, and this phrase also titled a work which blamed hereditary succession of kingship and the failure to immediately declare independence for the troubles of colonial America. For 10 points, name that influential tract of Thomas Paine.;;common sense World History;;Its symbolic end came at the bloodless Battle of Ugra, in which Akhmet withdrew his forces. It won a key victory at the Vorskla River against Vytautas, and its general Mamai lost another battle at Kulikovo. Mamai's successor Tokhtamysh fought Timur, and it long had a capital at Sarai Berke. Its original capital was named for Batu, and perhaps its greatest leader was Oz Beg. For 10 points name this westernmost division of the Mongol Empire's lands, that included much of present-day Russia and was named for the color of some of its early leader's tents.;;Golden Horde American Literature;;This novel features a story describing Franz Pokler's yearly meetings with his daughter Ilse, and it is revealed that the protagonist was once conditioned by Laszlo Jamf. Margherita Erdman, whom the protagonist had met in The Zone, leads him to the Anubis, while another scene in this novel sees a giant octopus during a meeting with Kate Borgesius. It opens with, "A screaming comes across the sky" and ends with Captain Blicero placing Gottfriend into the V2. For 10 points, Lieutenant Tyrone Slothrop is the protagonist of what novel by Thomas Pynchon?;;Gravity(')s Rainbow Philosophy;;This man discussed phrases which describe objects we are not acquainted with in his essay "On Denoting". He argued that objects are inferred by logical constructs that are formed from quanta of sensation in his 1918 lectures on Logical Atomism. This author of Why I am not a Christian found a paradox in Frege's theory, wherein a set cannot be a member of a set of all sets that are not members of themselves. For 10 points, identify this philosopher who collaborated with Whitehead on the Principia Mathematica.;;(Bertrand) Russell European Literature;;In one of his works, Pierpoint Mauler runs a corrupt meat packing plant, which is opposed by the Black Straw Hats. In another play by this author, Shui Ta is the cruel alter ego of Shen The who runs a tobacco factory. He also wrote about Grusche, who refuses to pull the baby Michael out of the title object, leading to the judge Azdak declaring Grusche the true mother. Kattrin, Eilif, Swiss Cheese, and Anna Fierling are title characters of another play by him. For 10 points, name this author of The Caucasian Chalk Circle and Mother Courage and her Children.;;(Bertolt) Brecht United States History;;George Rappleyea, the manager of the Cumberland Coal and Iron Company, organized this event. Its namesake published his memories in Center of the Storm, and Reverend Lemuel Cartright opened this event with a prayer. Broadcast over WGN Radio, it addressed a violation of the Butler Act and was presided over by John Raulston. The prosecutor died four days after winning this case, which was argued by William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. For 10 points name this 1925 court case against a substitute biology teacher who lectured on evolution.;;Scopes (Monkey) (Trial) Music;;Its fifth movement uses a double-bass to play the melody of a waltz, while its eighth uses ill-tuned violin shrieks to depict "Persons With Long Ears," and its eleventh uses badly-played scales to depict "Pianists". Following the cello melody of the thirteenth movement, its finale turns into a playful dance after recapping the piano tremolo of its opening, "The Introduction and Royal March of the Lion". For 10 points, name this work whose sections include "Fossils," "The Aquarium," and "The Swan," by Camille Saint-Saens.;;(The) Carnival of the Animals Biology;;An ongoing clinical study compares the effectiveness of Iosartan and atenolol on elastin fibers in this structure. A septal defect lies directly under this structure, which is "overriding," in the tetralogy of Fallot, and in Takayasu disease this structure's namesake arch is inflamed. This structure's namesake valve contains the nodules of Arantius, and its branches include the subclavian and the brachiocephalic. It arises in the left ventricle, and it carries oxygenated blood to the entire body. For 10 points, name this largest artery in the human body.;;aorta Economics;;One model for explaining this phenomenon relies on the assumption that productive capacity is at its maximum and advocates controlling it via the quantity theory. The "gap" named for this happens when government spending is greater than the difference between production and consumption. Subsidy programs for needed labor can cause the "demand-pull" variety, while the normal kind experienced in the first world is "cost-push". or 10 points, name this phenomenon in which more money is required to buy the same goods, causing a drop in the value of money.;;inflation Art;;Carved ceiling figures extend nearly halfway to the floor as a man takes a bowl from a woman at a bucket of water in one version of this event. Another painting, originally intended to depict this scene, was retitled to a setting at the house of Levi. In addition to those works by Tintoretto and Veronese, another of these paintings contains a mysterious knife and separates the figures into three groups, with the central one wearing blue and red and one side of the table unoccupied. For 10 points, name this Biblical scene, also painted by Leonardo.;;(The) Last Supper World History;;In 1928, he took charge of purging the Moscow party of anti-Stalinist elements, and from 1930 through 1941, he was chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. Two years before hs 1986 death, Konstantin Chernenko invited him to rejoin the Communist Party; forty years earlier, he had rejected Soviet participation in the Marshall Plan, but was exiled to Mongolia a few years later. For 10 points, name this Soviet diplomat, who engineered a 1939 pact with Joachim von Ribbentrop and is the namesake of certain bottles of flammable liquid.;;(Vyacheslav) (Mikhaylovich) Molotov Astronomy;;Recent data suggests that this body has experienced five volcanic events, occurring between 3.5 billion and 100 million years ago. One such eruption likely occurred from the Arsia Mons, a member of the Tharsis Montes which was named by Giovanni Schiaparelli. A better known feature is a shield volcano 27 kilometers high, whose lava residues were explored by the Express orbiter in 2004 and is the tallest known mountain in the solar system. For 10 points, name this home to Olympus Mons orbited by Phobos and Deimos, the fourth planet from the Sun.;;Mars United States History;;In December 2004, David Qualls and seven John Doe plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against this procedure, which has been invoked over fifty thousand times since 2003. Connecticut Republican Congressman Christopher Shays has become a leading opponent of its use, claiming it will "destroy" morale, and wrote a May 2008 open letter to Robert Gates denouncing it. For 10 points, name this procedure, which in about half of cases targets non-commissioned officers, an Army policy of retaining soldiers for several months after their term of enlistment expires.;;stop(-)loss Mythology;;Aeschylus claims that one punishment of this man was exacted in the presence of Cratos and Bia by Hephaestus, and that during that punishment he was visited by Io and the Oceanides. He suggested that Deucalion and Pyrrha build a ship to escape the flood, and he once tricked Zeus into taking just the fat and bones of a bull by hiding the meat in the skin, but Zeus later bound him to a rock and had a bird eat his liver. For 10 points, identify this Titan, whose name means "forethought" and who stole fire from the gods.;;Prometheus British Literature;;It takes its title from a speech by the Ambassador that notes, "The sight is dismal/ And our affairs from England come too late". At one point in this play, Alfred is nearly forced to appear in a private performance of The Rape of the Sabine Women. The title characters bet on whether a birth year doubled is an odd number and flip a coin "heads" ninety-one straight times. Then they are sent on a ship with a letter from the prince that demands their execution. For 10 points, name this play about two doomed buddies of Hamlet, written by Tom Stoppard.;;Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Computer Science;;Perhaps the best of these procedures operates by balancing about a pivot value, then recursing; that numerically unstable algorithm was invented by Hoare. One of these named for the apparent motion of small elements swaps neighboring elements; another one, apparently named for a clown, swaps two elements at random. Bozo, bubble, Shell, insertion, and quick- are just a few of the numerous algorithms of this type. For 10 points, name this class of algorithms that put the elements of a list in order.;;sort(ing) (algorithm(s)) United States History;;Alexander McLeod was arrested after drunkenly discussing his role in this event, and Amos Durfree was killed during it. The group behind it set up a headquarters on Navy Island under the command of Rensselaer van Rensselaer, and targeted an object owned by William Wells which carried supplies to aid William Mackenzie. That item was ultimately captured, set on fire, and sent over Niagara Falls. For 10 points, name this 1837 incident in which the namesake American commercial steamer was destroyed by some rowdy Canadians, nearly causing war with Britain.;;Caroline Affair Music;;The lead baritone's aria, "Credo in un Dio crudel," contains the renunciation "Heaven is an old wives' tale," while the main vengeance plot is sworn in the Act II finale, "Si pel ciel marmoreo giuro!" Minor characters in this work include Roderigo, Lodovico, and Emilia; the chorus represents Venetians and Cypriots. The soprano soloist's "Ave Maria" in Act IV precedes her death by strangulation. For 10 points, the title character dies while weeping over his dead wife Desdemona in what Giuseppe Verdi opera based on a Shakespearean tragedy?;;Ot(h)ello American Literature;;She begins to lose her tomboy nature after her best friend kills a rattlesnake, after which she works as a maid for Mrs. Harling and her violin-playing father commits suicide. Because she does not stay to guard Wick Cutter's silver, she avoids being assaulted, but later she's impregnated and abandoned by Larry Donovan, and Lena Lingard urges that remembrances of her be written down. For 10 points, name this Bohemian wife of Anton Cuzak, who is chronicled in Jim Burden's remembrances of Black Hawk, Nebraska in a Willa Cather novel.;;Antonia (Shimerda) (Cuzak) European History;;Count Maximilian von Trautmansdorff was greatly responsible for its conclusion, and France was represented at its negotiation by the Marquis de Sable and the Count d'Avaux. Pope Innocent X issued the Bull "Zelo domus Dei," which contested all of its articles that were detrimental to Catholicism. This settlement also recognized the Swiss Confederation and confirmed the Peace of Augsburg. For 10 points name this agreement, negotiated in Munster and Osnabruck that ended the Dutch and German phase, or final part, of the Thirty Years' War.;;(Peace) (of) Westphalia Geography;;Including the large Lake Orumieh in its northwest, this country controls Minoo and Larak Islands, and a 2007 IMF survey found that the exodus of educated professionals from this country gives it the highest "brain drain" in the world. Divided into provinces known as ostan, this country has a capital that lies at the feet of the Elburz Mountains, and it borders the Balochistan province of Pakistan. For 10 points, name this only country to border both the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf, an "Islamic Republic" found to the east of Iraq.;;(Islamic) (Republic) (of) Iran Chemistry;;This quantity is classically three times Boltzmann's constant for any crystal, but that breaks down when the temperature is less than the Debye temperature, when the law of Dulong and Petit for this fails. For an ideal gas, the isochoric form is given by the number of molecular degrees of freedom times Boltzmann's constant over two. It can be defined as the rate at which the temperature of a body changes when energy is added. For 10 points, name this amount of energy required to raise a body's temperature by one degree.;;heat capacity Art;;This painter showed a nun balancing a book on her head and a man in a tin hat poking at another's skull in his The Cure of Folly. A greenish figure's face is obscured by a long musical instrument, two figures kiss in front of a brown tree, and several pitchforks are raised towards the center, as Jesus looks on from a cloud, in another of his paintings. For 10 points, name this creator of 1490's The Haywain, who also showed a blue giraffe, a bird-monster eating a man, and a plethora of naked figures in his triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights.;;(Hieronymous) Bosch Mythology;;One of this figure's relatives was the pet of Phaia and was slain by Theseus, while another of his offspring was clubbed to death on Mount Abas by the same person who strangled another of this character's children in a cave. The firebrand-wielding Iolaus assisted in the death of the child of this character who lived at Lerna, and, like Cronos, this character earlier used an adamantine sickle to cut the sinews of Zeus. For 10 points, name this monster that fathered Orthros, the Nemean Lion, and the Hydra with Echidna.;;Typhon Biology;;In some cases, this process is presaged by increased recombination in the pericentromeric region of diagrams that show this process, which lends credence to the idea that the two stages during which this can occur are "entangled"; those two stages uniquely see this occur equally frequently in Patau syndrome. This process can occur during meiosis I or II, depending on whether a tetrad or sister chromatids fail to unbind. For 10 points, name this failure of genes to separate properly, which leads to monosomy or trisomy, like in Down syndrome.;;nondisjunction British Literature;;In one of his novels, Dennis Barlow meets Aimee Thanatogenos at the Whispering Glades cemetery. In addition to writing The Loved One, he described business dealings with South American brothels, which get the innocent Paul Pennyfeather thrown into jail, in his novel Decline and Fall. In another of his works, Lady Marchmain tries to convert the protagonist to Catholicism and Rex Mottram tries to marry Lady Julia Flyte. For 10 points, name this author who wrote about Charles Ryder's return to the titular estate in Brideshead Revisited.;;(Evelyn) Waugh British Literature;;The title character of this novel burns a rug in a guest room after he falls asleep with a lit cigarette, and another character blackmails him with that information for a date to a ball. Bertrand gives the title character a black eye after he has a secret rendezvous with Christine Callaghan. The title character is eventually fired from Redbrick University after he gives the drunken "Merrie England" speech satirizing Professor Welch and carrying on a disastrous romance with Margaret Peel. For 10 points, name this Kingsley Amis novel about James Dixon.;;Lucky Jim Art;;This artist painted a young boy holding a flask and a pumpkin while an old woman holds a spoon and tends to a pan in his Woman Frying Eggs. He depicted a sad-faced woman preparing fish in Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, and he showed a goddess looking at a mirror held by a cherub in the Rokeby Venus. He depicted several raised lances in one work depicting a central handshake, while another of his works shows a dog and dwarf in the lower right and Philip IV in the mirror at the center. For 10 points, name this painter of Surrender at Breda and Las Meninas.;;(Diego) (Rodriguez) (de) (Silva) (y) Velazquez Biology;;Vibrio and Aeromonad bacteria have enzymes that can break down this molecule, and that enzyme is often abnormally active in asthma sufferers. Deacylating this molecule results in a more water-soluble version which is given the suffix -osan. This molecule derives its structural differences from a similar molecule due to the substitution of a acetylamine for a hydroxyl, which allows increased hydrogen bonding. Composed of beta-1,4 linkages, For 10 points, name this long-chain polymer found in fungal cell walls and arthropod exoskeletons.;;chitin World Literature;;This is the first name of the novelist who wrote Proud Destiny and Jud Suss. Muhammad Abdullah was known as the one of Kashmir, Emiliano Chamorro the one of Nicaragua, and Ranjit Singh the one of the Punjab. Bertel Thorvaldsen's sculpture of one outside Lucerne commemorates the Swiss Guards who died in the French Revolution. One holds a sword on the flag of Sri Lanka, and Rastafarians call Haile Selassie the one of Judah. For 10 points, all share their names with what predatorial African cat, who in The Wizard of Oz is "cowardly"?;;lion(s) United States History;;Supreme Court Justice John McLean was among those who sought the nomination of this party, which ran on a fusion ticket in New York as part of the Syracuse Juggle. Their presidential candidate was the former Secretary of War under William Henry Harrison, who edged out Sam Houston at a convention organized by John Crittenden. For 10 points, name this party that nominated Edward Everett for vice-president and John Bell for President in 1860 in an attempt to avoid the Civil War.;;Constitutional Union Party Philosophy;;A critical interrogation of this type of theory was conducted in a 1991 work by Best and Kellner, and a Marxist critique of it was offered in a Frederic Jameson work subtitled The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Another philosopher defined it as the "incredulity towards metanarratives"; that work was about this type of "condition" by Jean-Francois Lyotard. For 10 poins, name this framework which rejects "grand narratives" in favor of subjective experiences and centers on the importance of questioning and interpretation, whose adherents include Jean Baudrillard.;;Postmodernism European History;;One general event of this type was depicted as a hirsute man inside a demon's flaming mouth below a lion with the head of a British monarch in an illustration in the Biblia Paupernun. Another example of this event was caused by the beginning of the Little Ice Age and led to a lack of resistance to the Black Death, while another was exacerbated by absentee landlords and began when Phytopthora infestans crossed the Atlantic. For 10 points, name these catastrophic events, one of which lasted from 1845 to 1852 in Ireland and was caused by potato blight.;;famine(s) American Literature;;In the fourth stanza the speaker discuses a "voice that sings" "through the deep caves of thought". The narrator comments that he has "year after year beheld the silent toil" of the title object, and gives thanks for the "heavenly message" from which " a clearer note is born than ever Triton blew from wreathed horn". Earlier, the title object is described as a "child of the wandering sea" and "the ship of pearl". For 10 points, name this poem which implores, "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul" to the titular shell, written by Oliver Wendell Holmes.;;(The) Chambered Nautilus Geology;;The man who formulated this also advanced the ideas of microbursts and downbursts with Fernando Caracena. In February 2007, an "enhanced" version went into effect in the U.S., which involves 28 damage indicators from small barns or buildings to softwood trees. Many versions of this scale range from 0 to 5 or 6, with 6 leading to the inconceivable 300 mile per hour winds and 0 involving gale winds that simply damage signs. For 10 points, identify this scale which measures tornado intensity and is named for a Japanese researcher.;;F(ujita)(-)(Pearson) (Scale) Mythology;;This character once rescued the princess Derbforgaill and awarded her to his foster son Lugaid. After training in Scotland, this character stormed the castle of Forgall to win his wife Emer. He fought single-handedly at the Cattle Raid of Cooley against the armies of Maeve and is famously skilled with his spear, Gae Bulg. For 10 points, name this hero of the Ulster cycle, formerly known as Setanta, who was renamed after he killed the hound of the smith Culann.;;Cuchulainn Chemistry;;This quantity can be written as the sum of the chemical potential of each component of the system times number of particles. Its change is equal to the negative product of Faraday's constant, the electric potential, and number of moles of electrons, which is useful in deriving the Nernst equation. It can also be measured by subtracting the product of temperature and entropy from the enthalpy, and when this quantity is less than zero, a reaction proceeds spontaneously. For 10 points, name this quantity, the amount of useful work that can be obtained from a system.;;Gibbs Free Energy;;free energy Geography;;In 2008, a riot occurred in this country's capital over the murder of Ram Hari Shrestha by a faction of one of its political parties. It is currently led by prime minister Girija Korala, despite threat from Prachanda's ten-year Maoist insurgency and from Gyanendra, who was scheduled to lose his position as king in May 2008. For 10 points, name this country whose political crisis was exacerbated by a 2001 mass shooting by the crown prince at the royal palace, and which also faces a refugee crisis as citizens return from fellow Himalayan state Bhutan.;;Nepal World History;;Following his resignation due to a failed harvest, the pipiolos and Diego Portales jockeyed for power. Jose Miguel Carrera shifted allegiances to and from this man, and led the aristocratic opposition to his rule. The illegitimate son of the viceroy of Peru, he led the army that was defeated at Rancagua. Later, he was one of two men who led the victory at Chacabuco, along with Jose de San Martin. For 10 points, name this South American revolutionary, who from 1817 to 1823 was the ruler of Chile.;;(Bernardo) O(')Higgins Music;;The small chorus appears as a group of dancing shepherds and shepherdesses in this one-act opera's second half, while much of the early moments of the opera are spent by the Mother scolding her child for his mendacity. Thomas Schippers conducted the landmark first performance of this opera, in which a disabled boy is cured of his ailments while on the way to visit the infant Jesus. For 10 points, name this work of Gian Carlo Menotti, the first opera to be premiered on television.;;Amahl and the Night Visitors World Literature;;Jonathan finds that his bicycle is still standing in this author's "Civil Peace," and Nwibe runs through town naked in "The Mad Man". Sam's dictatorship in Kangan is opposed by Chris and Ikem in his most recent work, while T.K. Winterbottom feuds with Ezelu in another of his novels. He created a character who commits suicide after killing a court messenger, because the rest of Umuofia will not join his revolt against the British. For 10 points, name this author of Anthills of the Savannah who created Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart.;;(Chinua) Achebe Religion;;During the sixteenth century, these people developed a partnership with the neighboring Maronites to increase their silk production. They refer to themselves as al-Hawim and al-Mawahhidun, people of one God and unity. Letters from their founders al-Hamza and al-Hakim are collected in their scripture, the Rasa'il al-Hikma, or Book of Wisdom. Their beliefs in universal soul, mind, and word and good and evil are represented in their five colored star symbol and forbid conversion to or from their faith. For 10 points, identify this breakaway unitarian sect of Shi'a Islam concentrated in Syria and Lebanon.;;Druze Physics;;The Trouton-Noble experiment attempted to replicate the result of this experiment using by studying the rotation of a charged capacitor. The Kennedy-Thorndike experiment modified it by eliminating anisotropies caused by earth's rotation, while Brillet and Hall conducted this experiment in vacuum. Its setup included a mirror placed at 45 degrees, and no interference patterns were observed at the detector. For 10 points, identify this doubly-eponymous experiment which disproved the theory of luminiferous ether.;;Michelson(-)Morley (experiment) British Literature;;This poem unfavorably compares the bright drops that flow from "rainbow clouds" to the "rain of melody" showered by the title figure. This poem compares the title figure to "a poet hidden / In the light of thought," and "a glow-worm golden / In a dell of dew". It ends with the speaker asking the title figure to "teach me half the gladness / That thy brain must know," and the speaker wonders how the title figure's notes could "flow in such a crystal stream". For 10 points, name this poem which begins "Hail to thee, blithe spirit!", written by Percy Shelley.;;(Ode) To a Skylark Religion;;The Egyptian dwarf god Bes dons a "fluted" one of these items made from feathers. The topmost of the Sephirot, the Kabbalah's "Tree of Life," is called the Keter, the Hebrew word for this. John tells the Church of Smyrna that faithfulness to the point of death will be rewarded with one "of life," which prompted a baroque painting craze depicting figures wearing ones of "immortality," and depictions of Christ wearing one are called Ecce Homos. For 10 points, name these religious artifacts, a thorny one of which was worn by Jesus.;;crown(s) Art;;In one work by this artist, a triangle is formed at the top by two elements of the title color, and through the triangle, pink can be seen. A black stripe is at the bottom center of another painting, seemingly supporting the central macabre object and giving off rays of blue which darken towards the top. For 10 points, name this creator of Black Iris and Cow's Skull, Red, White, and Blue, a noted painter of flowers and the American West.;;(Georgia) O(')Keefe United States History;;He cast the only vote against funding Joseph McCarthy's investigations subcommittee in 1954, and his namesake 1943 House resolution laid the groundwork for the United Nations. He wrote against the Vietnam War in the book Arrogance of Power, though he earlier shepherded the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution through the Senate. The longest serving Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman in U.S. history, for 10 points name this Arkansas senator, a mentor of Bill Clinton, for whom a prestigious foreign exchange scholarship program is named.;;(William) Fulbright Chemistry;;An anomaly in the oscillation of its isotherm described non-existent substances, and was solved by Maxwell through an equal area rule. A modification for it which takes into account the acentric factor was developed by Redlich and Kwong. It is inapplicable to first order phase transitions, and it takes into account the volume of the particles and their interactions among themselves, which can be found in the coefficients a and b. For 10 points, identify this equation which attempted to rectify the ideal gas law, named for a Dutch scientist.;;van der Waals (equation of state) European History;;This victor at the Battle of Tinchebrai recalled St. Anselm as Archbishop of Canterbury, but ultimately sent him back into exile. He defeated his brother Robert Curthose to seize Normandy, and his Charter of Liberties purported to end the abuses of power of his predecessor. However, the death of his son William Atheling in the "White Ship" accident destroyed his succession plans. For 10 points, name this youngest son of William the Conqueror, who ruled as King of England from 1100 to 1135 and whose ability to write earned him the nickname "Beauclerc".;;Henry I European Literature;;This work's protagonist, who feels ugly "because [he] has been told so," has love interests which include Anny, an Englishwoman who has become fat, and Francoise, who operates the Rendezvous des Cheminots. Soon after the Ogier P., or the Self-Taught Man, is thrown out of the library for being a homosexual, the protagonist leaves Bouville for Paris, having decided that he can no longer complete his book about the history of the Marquis de Rollebon. Antoine Roquentin suffers from the title affliction in, for 10 points, what novel by Jean-Paul Sartre.;;Nausea Music;;This man's only completed symphonies are in E-flat major and B minor, as he died before finishing his A-minor third. One of his most-performed pieces is based on a tribe described in the Primary Chronicle, and another of his works, dedicated to Lizst, uses an English horn to portend the arrival of a camel caravan. For 10 points, name this composer of "In the Steppes of Central Asia," who created the "Polovitsian Dances" for his opera Prince Igor.;;(Aleksandr) (Porfiryevich) Borodin Geography;;One of this country's largest cities is located on the Bahlui River and is home to the Church of the Three Hierarchs. Divided into such regions as Muntenia and Banat, this home country of the Apuseni Mountains has most of its northeastern border is formed by the Prut River. In addition to such urban centers as Iasi, its cities include Constanta, which is found in this country's southeast and is a port on the Black Sea. For 10 points, name this country formed from joining such historical places as Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania.;;Romania Physics;;The density of the form of energy named for this property is given by the stress squared over twice the shear modulus. At stresses above this property's namesake limit, plastic deformation occurs. Interactions with this property conserve not just momentum, but also kinetic energy; such interactions include namesake scattering and namesake collisions. For 10 points, name this common property from physics whose name indicates that a system will spring back to its original state.;;elastic(ity) Physics;;The Nusselt number is a ratio between the coefficients of this process and a similar process, which can be estimated with the Churchill-Bernstein equation. Benard cells are formed during certain types of this process, and quantities named for Grashof and Prandtl describe the onset of this process. It occurs when the critical value is exceeded by the Rayleigh number. For 10 points, identify this method of heat transfer commonly observed in fluids.;;convection United States History;;According to Eric Foner, this man opposed "America's Unfinished Revolution". He drank a great deal of whiskey before his inauguration to one office, resulting in a bizarre speech in which he repeatedly exclaimed "I'm a plebeian!" He served five months of a second Senate term before dying, and first term ended with his appointment as governor of Tennessee. He was not forced to yield his highest position to Benjamin Wade during a quarrel with Edwin Stanton over the Tenure of Office Act. For 10 points, name this man who succeeded Lincoln as President.;;(Andrew) Johnson Religion;;This figure adopted the name Yuz Asaf before migrating to Srinagar and reappearing in the guise of Mizra Ghulam Ahmad, according to the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. In Cao Dai's second period of revelation and salvation, this figure and Confucius are at the center of the Teachings of the Saints. Mandaeans reject this figure, and the nineteenth sura of the Qu'ran tells of the births of Yahya and this figure, whose mother Maryam titles that sura. For 10 points, name this religious figure who is revered for raising Lazarus and walking on water in another major world religion.;;Jesus (Christ) World Literature;;One character in this play is nicknamed "Twenty-Two Calamities," and the main character rips up her foreign telegrams, pronouncing, "I'm done with Paris". Boris earns a great fortune when profitable "white clay" is discovered on his land, and the "eternal student" Peter Trofimov decides to live with Anna. It ends when Firs is abandoned in a locked house, includes Lopakhin, who acquires, from Madame Ranevsky, the title area. For 10 points, name this play which ends with the sounds of axes swinging, written by Anton Chekov.;;(The) Cherry Orchard Physics;;The Fenske equation is used to describe the minimum number of theoretical plates required in this process, while the McCabe-Thiele method can be used to model it. Raschig rings and Perkin triangles are used to increase its efficiency, and it needs a condenser to allow revaporization, which in turn causes different substances to separate due to Raoult's law. For 10 points, name this process often seen in petroleum processing plants, which makes use of a Vigreux column and the different boiling points of substances to separate a mixture into its component parts.;;fractional distillation Philosophy;;He asks "What knowledge is of most worth"? in the first chapter of his Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Political, and outlined his most famous theories in his ten-volume System of Synthetic Philosophy. He's more famous for talking about the "new Toryism" in his The Man Versus the State, and also for predicting that humanity would evolve into a state of perfect equilibrium. For 10 points, name this man who coined the phrase "survival of the fittest", a social Darwinist and author of Social Statics.;;(Herbert) Spencer British Literature;;This author wrote a work in which the absence of a can prevents Sarah Casey and Michael Byrne's wedding. In addition to The Tinker's Wedding and In the Shadow of the Glen, this author wrote about Conchubor's failed attempt to wed the title character in Deirdre of the Sorrows and Bartley returning drowned to his mother Maurya in Riders to the Sea. He may be best remembered for a play in which Pegeen breaks her engagement to Shawn Keogh to wed Christy Mahon. For 10 points, name this Irish playwright of The Playboy of the Western World.;;(John) (Millington) Synge Music;;Though not a tuba, Wagner asked Wilhelm Heckel to extend its bell so it could reach a half-step below its normal range, to A1. This instrument solos in the "Tale of the Kalendar Prince" movement of Scherezade and plays the first melodies of the Allegro in The Sorcerer's Apprentice and "In the Hall of the Mountain King". It also represents the grandfather in "Peter and the Wolf". For 10 points, name this double-reed instrument that is much lower in range than the oboe.;;bassoon Music;;One of the influences on his writing was the black churches that his family servant Olivia Pise took him to as a child. Much of his work was done for Firth, Pond, and Company, which saw a ten thousand percent return on the fee it paid him for "Old Uncle Ned". He later worked for the Edwin Christy minstrel show, which comissioned his "Old Folks at Home". For 10 points, name this man who died shortly after he wrote "Poor Dropping Maiden" and created popular, black-influenced tunes from the 1850s, such as "Camptown Races" and "Oh Susanna".;;(Stephen) (Collins) Foster World History;;James Prinsep was the first to decipher his commands, and this man sent his children Mahendra and Sanghamitra as missionaries. Legends about him are collected in the Avadana, and he advocated a policy of "conquest by dharma. Spreading his message through the Rock Edicts, he had undergone a spiritual crisis after conquering Kalinga. For 10 points name this Buddhist, a Mauryan emperor of India.;;As(h)oka Philosophy;;He ventured into methodology with his The Archaeology of Knowledge. One of his works begins with a chapter analyzing Las Meninas, while others posit an "unequal gaze" between guard and prisoner and a "medical gaze" between doctor and patient. He also wrote of the Great Confinement, failed to complete his six-volume History of Sexuality, and posited that the former experience of religious ecstasy is now viewed as insanity in his Madness and Civilization. For 10 points, name this French philosopher whose history of prisons is entitled Discipline and Punish.;;(Michel) Foucault Biology;;The Somogyi effect is caused by an abundance of this hormone during sleep, and it is released in reaction to the presence of IP3 and the activation of the GLUT2 protein. Consisting of three short helices, it has effects such as an increase of glycogen synthesis and a decrease in blood sugar levels, as it increases cellular uptake of glucose. For 10 points, name this hormone produced in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, a lack of which causes type 1 diabetes.;;insulin United States History;;They drew from a committee that included Isaiah Bowman and was directed by Edward House and Sidney Mezes, dubbed "The Inquiry". The speech that introduced them claimed that they settled a certain "moral climax". One of them inspired the March First Movement in Korea, and they included the readjustment of the frontiers of Italy and the creation of an independent Poland with access to the sea. For 10 points, name this set of proposals, including the establishment of the League of Nations, which were put forth before Versailles by Woodrow Wilson.;;Fourteen Points American Literature;;Schizophrenic Paul dreams of a world made of this, in a Conrad Aiken story about a "silent" and "secret" type of it. Inspired by his wife's death, Henry Longfellow claimed he wore a "cross of" it. The alleged killing of Carl Heine by a Japanese American is at the center of a David Guterson novel about it "Falling on Cedars," and Robert Frost wrote of woods filling up with it in a poem that ends "And miles to go before I sleep". For 10 points, name this phenomenon, which Ernest Hemingway found atop Mount Kilimanjaro.;;snow Biology;;Common plants found in this type of area include tufted saxifrage and the Labrador tea, which has evergreen leaves and is a favorite of nearby peoples. One area classified as this is the youngest biome in the world, dated to 10,000 years ago. The Scandinavian one is the warmest with winter temperatures around -8 degrees Celsius, and this biome typically features shrubby vegetation such as mosses, heaths, and lichens, often growing through a layer of permafrost. For 10 points, name this cold, dry biome found throughout the Arctic and Antarctica.;;tundra Art;;Hexagonal red-cypress skylights and a copper roof feature in this person's design for Kentuck Knob. He adapted plans for a Baghdad opera house into the Gammage Auditorium and used dendriform columns in the parking garage and Great Workroom of the Johnson Wax Headquarters. This man also designed broad footings that were supposed to allow Tokyo's Imperial Hotel to float on mud, while his most famous studio was called Taliesin. For 10 points, identify this proponent of the Usonian home and the Prairie style, the architect of Fallingwater.;;(Frank) (Lloyd) Wright Geography;;Many of this country's farms are near the Niari River. This country's major airport is found at Maya Maya, and its capital, which is found on the west of the Malebo Pool, includes such neighborhoods as Poto-Poto and Makélékélé. Point-Noire is a major Atlantic port of this country, which is found to the north of the enclave of Cabinda and is the only eastern neighbor of Gabon. For 10 points, name this country whose entire eastern border abuts a much larger and similarly named "democratic republic".;;(Republic of) (the) Congo European History;;This man became president of the Council of the League of Nations in 1932, eleven years after he was imprisoned by the ministry of William Cosgrave. He abolished the oath of allegiance and land-purchase annuities as taoiseach, and later refused Allied access to his country's ports during World War II. He escaped execution for his role in the Easter Rising because of his American birth, and he subsequently escaped Lincoln Jail with the help of Michael Collins. For 10 points, name this founder of the Fianna Fail party and longtime president of the Republic of Ireland.;;(Eamon) de Valera Biology;;One version of it named for Entner and Doudoroff occurs only in prokaryotes and utilizes different dehydrase and aldolases. It utilizes enzymes such as Triosephosphate isomerase and Phosphoglycerate mutase, and the Warburg effect attributes its high frequency in cancer cells to an excess of the first enzyme used in it, hexokinase. The counterpart of gluconeogenesis, For 10 points, name this series of reactions that precedes the Krebs cycle in aerobic respiration, resulting in the formation of ATP and pyruvate from the catalysis of a glucose molecule.;;glycolysis British Literature;;Andrew Marvell used one of their two chief Roman models for his poem about Cromwell's return from Ireland. A comic one by Thomas Gray ends "Nor all that glisters, gold," and tells of Selima's death in a tub of goldfish. Wordsworth's most famous notes "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting" and shows "Intimations of Immorality". Another Romantic one ends "Fled is that music—Do I wake or sleep"?, and another declares "Beauty is truth, truth beauty". For 10 points, name this lyric form that Keats used to discuss a nightingale and a Grecian Urn.;;ode Art;;In one of this artist's early works, a man playing two pipes sits at the left, several figures are adorned with medieval-style haloes, and the center of the work is cut away with a different version of the scene occupying the inset. Four wing-like shapes form an X at the center of another of his works, which shows men in gas masks at the top left and a hand holding a crystal ball at the center. For 10 points, name this painter of Creation and Man at the Crossroads, which was removed from Rockefeller Center; a noted muralist from Mexico.;;(Diego) (María) (Concepción) (Juan) (Nepomuceno) (Estanislao) (de) (la) Rivera (y) (Barrientos) (Acosta) (y) (Rodríguez) European History;;This house ruled Romania until 1947, and one member, Albert Achilles, issued the Dispositio on its succession. Its Franconian line took control of the margraviates of Ansbach and Kulmbach, and, with the extinction of its Hechingen branch, Charles Anton of its Sigmaringen line took the title of Furst. The candidature of one member of this dynasty, Leopold, for the Spanish throne led to the Franco-Prussian War. For 10 points, Frederick the Great and Kaiser Wilhelm I were members of what ruling house of Prussia and Imperial Germany?;;Hohenzollern American Literature;;One poem about them discusses "the patron and imager of gold Don John," and another poem about one ends by noting the "Spring avenging flight / To Dooms of Balm". In addition to the Wallace Stevens poem about the "last looks" at this object and Emily Dickinson's poem about this kind of "sea," it appears in a poem which states "in secluded recesses/a shy and hidden bird is warbling a song". For 10 points, name this flower which titles a poem in which the "great star early droop'd in the Western Sky," written on the death of Abraham Lincoln by Walt Whitman.;;lilac(s) Philosophy;;This man claimed that medieval philosophers were valuable resources in a work that attempted to critique a dispute between Malabranche and Arnauld. He represented himself as Theophilus and John Locke as Philalethe in his chapter-by-chapter critique of Locke's New Essays on Human Understanding, and he expounded his idea of the Principle of Plentitude in his Theodicee. He also introduced a theoretical, irreducibly simple "substantial form of being". For 10 points, name this formulator of the "orinciple of sufficient reason and author of Monadology.;; (Gottfried) (Wilhelm) (von) Leibniz Physics;;The namesake parameter of these entities is a frequency given by the magnetic induction times the particle charge-to-mass ratio. These objects utilize a static axial magnetic field, which causes them to fail when relativity becomes significant. The main electrodes of these devices are known as "dees" and were initially used to create betas in the one-megaelectronvolt range by Edmund Wilson. For 10 points, name these early, particle accelerators named for the sinusoidal time variation of applied voltage and because they are circular.;;cyclotron(s) Music;;One composer with this surname had his works catalogued by Martin Falck. Another used the empfinsander style in piano works like "La Caroline" and wrote an "Essay on the True Art of Keyboard Playing". Another composer with this name wrote a cantata about Schlendrian's attempt to end his daughter's caffeine addiction, as well as two books pairing fugues and preludes in each key. For 10 points, Wilhelm Friedman, Carl Phillip Emmanuel, and Johann Christian share what surname with the composer of The Well-Tempered Clavier?;;Bach Geography;;Militia leaders Pedro Juan Cabellero and Fulgencio Yegros declared its independence in 1811, and it was ruled by Jose de Francia for twenty-seven years under the byname "El Supremo". Under the leadership of Francisco Solano Lopez, this nation lost over half of its population in the 1865 through 1870 War of the Triple Alliance, and it also fought the Chaco War with Bolivia. For 10 points name this South American country, ruled from 1954 through 1989 by Alfredo Stroessner.;;Paraguay Religion;;Notable examples of these can be found at the Silver Pavilion, at the Ryoan Temple, and at Daisei-in. Loraine Kuck popularized them in the United States, including the somewhat innaccurate term that links them to a religious philosophy. They often use the "kare sansui" approach, as in those designed by Soami. For 10 points, name these creations which suggest water and other natural features by minimal arrangements of sand and stones, and are often found at the temples of a popular sect of Japanese Buddhism.;;rock garden(s) United States History;;This event raised questions as to whether Congress would leave Speaker of the House Carl Albert in the line of succession instead of confirming a vice president. It began when the Stennis Compromise was rejected, and ended when the acting attorney general, Robert Bork, became the highest-ranking official to accept a presidential order. For 10 points, name this event of October 20, 1973, in which William Ruckselshaus and Elliot Richardson were forced to resign, and Archibald Cox, the Watergate special prosecutor, was fired.;;Saturday Night Massacre American Literature;;He leaves the Catholic Church when a priest refuses to give formal burial rites to his dog Rex, and he gives luncheon meat to the senile Miss Trixie. After Frieda Club kicks him out of Dorian Greene's party he accidentally disrupts the Night of Joy Bar, which leads to the exposure of Lana Lee's pornography ring. He leads a failed "Crusade for Moorish Dignity" against Levy Pants, and Patrolman Mancuso attempts to arrest him. For 10 points, name this lover of Myrna Minkoff, who wears a signature green hunting cap, the protagonist of A Confederacy of Dunces.;;Ignatius (J(.)) (Reilly)|(Ignatius) (J(.)) Reilly Astronomy;;In 1987, Lieb and Yau proposed an analog of this for boson-composed stars such as axion stars, using a Hartree-type equation instead of the namesake's. As a consequence of it, main sequence stars larger than eight solar masses must become neutron stars or black holes. The value for it is thought to be around 1.4 solar masses or 2.96x1030 [2.96 times 10 to the 30th] kilograms, and no white dwarf can be stabilized by degeneracy pressure beyond it. For 10 points, identify this mass limit named for an Indian astrophysicist.;;(Schoenberg)(-)Chandrasekhar limit Art;;This painting was parodied in Portrait: Twins, in which Yasumasa Morimura inserted himself into the central role. In its original version, a green curtain is drawn back at the top left corner, and the somewhat surprised woman at the right wears a light pink dress and carries a large floral arrangement. Blue and gold shoes, a gold bracelet, and a black choker are the only clothing worn by the central figure, modeled on prostitute Victorine Meurent. For 10 points, name this reclining nude which shocked the Salon of 1865 and was painted by Edouard Manet.;;Olympia Religion;;In one appearance, this figure sang a brief ditty about a "horse and rider thrown into the sea" by God. This woman was struck with a tzaarath after badmouthing her brother's marriage, but was healed when her brother prayed "O Lord, make her well". This woman's cup is sometimes placed alongside that of Elijah during the Passover Sedar, and she once placed her brother in a basket in the reeds so that he could avoid Pharaoh's call for all newborns to be slaughtered. For 10 points, name this daughter of Amram and Jochebed, the sister of Aaron and Moses.;;Miriam European Literature;;In Roland Barthes's S/Z, the critic analyzes the five literary codes found in the character of Sarrasine in this work. In one part of it, the Cointet brothers drive David Sechard's printmaking business into bankruptcy, while the poet Lucien Chardon has an affair with Madame Bargeton in another part. It also inclueds Vautrin, who tries to free up the path for Victorine's inheritance. Eugene de Rastignac recurs throughout several volumes, and it includes Lost Illusions, Cousin Bette, and Le Pere Goriot. For 10 points, name this series written by Honore de Balzac.;;(The) Human Comedy Chemistry;;One forms an alcohol when coupled with a vinyl halide in the Nozaki-Hiyma-Kishi reaction, and the Nef reaction forms one via the acid hydrolysis of a nitroalkane salt. Their Zincke variety forms when the terminal imine group of a pyridine ring is hydrolyzed, while Meyers and Stephen synthesis yields them from oxazines and nitriles. The Tollens reagent forms a silver mirror in their presence, differentiating them from ketones. For 10 points, name these compounds with terminal carbonyl groups, whose simplest member is commonly used for embalming.;;aldehyde(s) Psychology;;He collaborated with Hans Toch to write a book on collective behavior, and he also investigated the difficulty of getting a seat on the subway and handed out folders to far-flung individuals in the "lost letter experiment" testing the "six degrees of separation" hypothesis. Earlier, he offered four dollars and fifty cents to participate in a trial of what he claimed was a new method of learning, in which one participant was an actor and all of the others administered at least three hundred volts. For 10 points, name this psychologist who designed the "obedience experiment".;;(Stanley) Milgram United States History;;Thomas Nast caricatured this political group as a lanky, spectacled man in a tophat, and it was fictionalized in the novel A Fool's Errand. fictionalized this political group, and was written by one of its prominent members, Albion Tourgee. Hiram Revels won re-election by opposing this political faction, as examplified by the measures of Mississippi Republican governor Adelbert Ames, a former Union general and Massachusetts native. For 10 points, name these allies of Scalawags, Northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction.;;Carpetbagger(s) Art;;In the center of its background, a man in a top hat with brown facial hair is turned away from the viewer, talking to a man in a cap and a brown jacket as a woman in a white top leans on a railing. The entire scene takes place under an orange-and-grey striped awning, and major figures include a woman playing with her black lapdog and a man in a white shirt and straw hat straddling a chair. For 10 points, name this painting by Auguste Renoir which also depicts copious fruit, wine, and tableware, evidence of the title meal.;;(The) Luncheon of the Boating Party American Literature;;James Callifer's uncle had brought that character back to life in the title structure of this author's play The Potting Shed. He wrote about Maurice Castle's treachery being blamed on Arthur Davis in The Human Factor, while Pinkie Brown attempts to kill the waitress Rose in his Brighton Rock. This author may be better remembered for creating the characters Alden Pyle and Major Scobie and writing about the death of a Mexican priest. For 10 points, name this American author of The Quiet American, The Heart of the Matter, and The Power and the Glory.;;(Graham) Greene Astronomy;;Chapter 10 of this work references the 100,004th Congress of Alpha Centauri and Marty McFly from the Back to the Future Series. The foreword in later editions states that one copy had been sold for every 750 people in the world. The author makes the recommendation "if you meet your antiself, don't shake hands! You would both vanish in a great flash of light" in the fifth chapter entitled "Elementary Particles and the Forces of Nature". For 10 points, name this nonfiction work about astrophysics-made-simple by Stephen Hawking.;;(A) Brief History of Time Mythology;;A queen of the Amazons who fought for Troy was this figure's daughter Penthesilea, while the fact that he is the father of Harmonia makes him an ancestor of Dionysus. Alala was the daughter of his attendant Polemos, and he was also attended by the Machae. Athena helped drive Diomedes's spear into this god, and he turned Alectryon into a rooster for failing to prevent the discovery of his affair with Aphrodite. For 10 points, identify this father of Enyo, Phobos and Deimos who was the Greek god of war.;;Ares Biology;;In March 2008, the Karolinska Institute identified 37 genes associated with this compound. The mevalonate pathway for its synthesis is targeted by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, also known as statins, which are used to lower its quantity in humans. In animal cells, its molecules are present between phospholipid tails throughout cell membranes, promoting the stability of the membrane. The major constituent of gall stones, for 10 points, identify this molecule whose harmful LDL form can lead to cardiovascular diseases.;;cholesterol World History;;Controlling the al-Manar television station, this group is connected to the cell that killed 241 American Marines in 1983 and was founded with assistance from another country's Revolutionary Guard. Led by Hassan Nasrallah, and given major funding by Iran, this group's 2006 kidnapping of Israeli soldiers sparked a brief war between Israel and the country which it controls large parts of. For 10 points, name this Shiite organization which, in spring 2008, occupied Beirut and still controls large parts of Lebanon.;;Hezbollah Physics;;The Erlang distribution is a special case of a distribution named for this letter, and has free parameters alpha and theta, while in special relativity, it represents the quantity one over square root of one minus beta squared, or the Lorentz factor. This letter is sometimes used to denote the Euler-Mascheroni constant, and the function denoted by this extends the factorial to real and complex numbers. For 10 points, identify this letter which is used to denote electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is shorter than X rays.;;gamma Art;;In one of his paintings, at least two bridges are visible in the background as the title figure turns around to gaze over his reflection towards the viewer while holding an oar with one hand. In addition to Max Schmitt in a Single Scull, this painter showed a man in white lecturing to an audience over an unconscious woman. For 10 points, a woman shields her face while a man holding a bloody scalpel addresses a crowd in another medical scene by what painter of The Agnew Clinic and The Gross Clinic?;;(Thomas) Eakins Chemistry;;In a 2007 paper published in J. Phys. Chem., Markovitch and Agmon determined the bond energies of this molecule, and two propositions for its solvation are the Zundel and Eigen cation models. Reacting imines with these molecules yields ketones, and they are formed from the protonation of water, which suggests they be called oxonium, though Arrhenius used another name when suggesting acids form them in solution. For 10 points, identify this cation, a water molecule possessing an added hydrogen, with formula H3O+.;;hydronium (ion) Geography;;Home to such institutions as the Iliff School of Theology and Regis University, this city's art museum hired Daniel Libeskind to add a titanium-wrapped wing in 2006. Built around Sloan and Marson Lakes, and found to the east of the Front Range, it includes the meeting of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River. For 10 points, name this capital, located about halfway between Fort Collins and Pueblo, where the statehouse was erected at exactly 5,280 feet above sea level.;;Denver(,) (Colorado) United States History;;The largest group of the Sahaptin peoples, they used a selective breeding program in raising horses, creating the Appaloosa breed. Lewis and Clark were befriended by their Chief Twisted Hair on the recommendation of the elder Watkuweis. The discovery of gold on their lands led this group to war, and though they won at Big Hole Basin, they were tracked by General O.O. Howard and ultimately surrendered to General Nelson Miles. For 10 points, "I will fight no more forever" were the words of Chief Joseph, a member of what Indian people?;;Nez Perce Music;;Due to a religious conversion late in life, this man amended his will to forbid the performance of any of his stage works. Those works include his puppet-opera Master Peter's Puppet Show, and his first success, the opera The Brief Life. He also created a ballet about Love, the Magician, and another, originally called The Corregidor and the Miller's Wife, which was revised at the urging of Diaghilev. For 10 points, name this composer who used traditional Spanish dances in The Three-Cornered Hat.;;(Manuel) (de) Falla British Literature;;This poem discusses a "withdrawing roar" that retreats "to the breath / Of the night-wind . . . and naked shingles of the world," and, later, it draws a contrast between a "land of dreams" and the real world that "hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light". This poem talks about an "eternal note of sadness" and it begins when the poet asks his fiancée to "come to the window" so she can hear the "grating roar / Of pebbles" at the title location. For 10 points, name this poem about a "darkling plain . . . Where ignorant armies clash by night," written by Matthew Arnold.;;Dover Beach Mythology;;One character of this name reportedly had a five-cubit pet dragon; that character, the son of Rhene and Oileus, was killed by Athena in revenge for an offense against Cassandra. Another figure of this name sparred evenly against Odysseus at Patroclus's funeral games and knocked Hector down with a large stone. He hallucinated that some sheep were his enemies after losing the armor of Achilles to Odysseus. For 10 points, identify the common name of these two Greek heroes, known as "the Lesser" and "the Greater".;;Ajax European History;;They occupied Bodrum in 1402, where they established the Petronium Castle. Founded by merchants of Amalfi, they were formally recognized by Pope Paschal II, and 1802's Treaty of Amiens restored their land. Their headquarters were located at Acre, Limassol, and Rhodes*, and leaders of this group included Ramond de Puy. Jean de la Valette led this order against an Ottoman siege in 1565. For 10 points, name this order of knights that was centered on a namesake Mediterranean island and provided medical care during the Crusades.;;(Knights) (of) Malta|Knights Hospitaller World Literature;;Vladimir Mayakofsky's poem "At the Top of My Voice" explains his reasons for doing this. In Three Sisters, Lt. Vershinin claims that his wife frequently attempts to do this without any success, while in The Seagull, Kostya does this while everyone is playing a numbers game. In The Brothers Karamazov, Ivan goes crazy directly after Smerdyakov does this, while in Crime and Punishment, Svidrigailov does it after menacing Dounia. For 10 points, Vronsky's decision to leave Anna Karenina causes her to use a train to commit what popular act in Russian literature?;;suicide European History;;He helped found the Liberal-Conservative Party through a coalition government with Etienne Cartier. One of his administrations fell after he was accused of corruption involving financier Hugh Allan in the Pacific Scandal, and his arrangement to purchase Rupert's Land instigated a Metis uprising. For 10 points, name this man whose first term saw Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, and British Columbia enter the Dominion, and who was succeeded by both John Abbot and Alexander Mackenzie after becoming the first prime minister of Canada.;;(John) Macdonald Art;;One notable work in this form shows a man on the right with blue headgear and carpenter's tools, as a red-clad woman in the center is visited by an angel. In addition to Robert Campin's "Merode" one, another example of this form unusually depicts St. Sebastian and was done for St. Anthony's monastery by Matthias Grunewald. For 10 points, the "Isenheim" is an example of what kind of painting, often in a hinged form such as a triptych, and intended to be hung behind the central ritual area of a church?;;altarpiece(s) Philosophy;;One of his works contrasts the Engineer with the Bricoleur, and his Structural Anthropology outlined culture as symbolic communication. In addition to Elementary Structures of Kinship and The Savage Mind, a more famous work contains sections like "The Naked Man" and "From Honey to Ashes," and compares the myths of several South American tribes. For 10 points, name this structural anthropologist, whose The Raw and the Cooked can be found in his Mythologiques.;;(Claude) Levi(-)Strauss British Literature;;This character is reimagined with heavy dreadlocks in John Edgar Wideman's Philadelphia Fire. He worships Eshu and exclaims "FREEDOM HI-DAY!" at the end of a play by Aime Cesaire. In another treatment, this character imagines himself a bird with "three sound legs for one" while he is face-down in the mud. He uses the nonsense word "scamels" and enters into the service of Stephano and Trinculo, and he also worships Setebos and is the son of Sycorax. For 10 points, name this wood-carrier of Prospero who tries to assault Miranda in The Tempest.;;Caliban European History;;One side planned to ensnare David Beatty's cruisers at Rosyth, and in this battle, the Grand Fleet was aligned end-to-end to maximize the power of its broadsides. The Indefatigable and Queen Mary were sunk as they engaged the forces of Franz von Hipper, and one commander, Richard Scheer, recorded his account of this battle in his book Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War. For 10 points, name this battle also including British admiral John Jellicoe, which was the largest naval battle of World War I and took place off of the coast of Denmark.;;(Battle) (of) Jutland Physics;;An "augmented" version of it implements a constant valued constitutive matrix and accounts for frequency dependent damping. When it is generalized to three dimensions, its formulation contains Green's tensor, and it is more generally stated as the tensile stress is directly proportional to strain. For 10 points, identify this law which states that the force exerted by a spring is in the opposite direction of and proportional to the distance compressed.;;Hooke(')s Law European Literature;;One person of this type organizes a cockfight for Claude Estee and convinces Tod Hackett to move to Bernardino Arms in The Day of the Locust. Another example of this type of character is expelled from Gravesend Academy for forging ID cards and is later killed by a grenade thrown by Dick Jarvits. Another is Piccolino, the title character of a Par Lagerkvist novel, while another one makes a portentous decision at the age of three. For 10 points, Owen Meany and Oskar Matzerath are examples of what type of character, prominent in The Tin Drum?;;dwarf Mythology;;Among this character's offspring are the group of ash-tree nymphs known as the Meliae, and several stories claim that he's the father of Dionysus's companion Silenus. The Orphic hymns identify him as the son of Nyx. Other children of this character include Pallas's father Crius, as well as Theia. He was notably attacked by one of his sons with a flint sickle, producing the Furies and Aphrodite. For 10 points, identify this castrated personification of "Father Sky," the father of the Titans and son and husband of Gaia.;;Uranus Biology;;They essentially work by causing proteasomes to attack DELLA proteins, which normally bind transcription factors that prevent their results. Their discovery can be linked to a 1926 paper by Eiichi Kurosawa on the rice-killing bakanae or "foolish seedling" disease caused by fungi throughout Asia. When this chemical is applied in low concentrations to dwarf beans, the regions between successive beans grow so rapidly that they are confused for pole beans. For 10 points, name this plant hormone responsible for stem elongation.;;gibberellin(s) Music;;His sole piano quartet uses an eleven-tone serial scale, and he wrote the zombie ballet Grohg, whose music was adapted into his Dance Symphony. He used such movements as "Prairie Night" and "Saturday Night Waltz" in another piece, and a main theme of one of his works comes from the hymn "Simple Gifts," depicting a Shaker setting. For 10 points, name this American composer of the ballets Rodeo and Appalachian Spring, as well as Fanfare for the Common Man.;;(Aaron) Copland Biology;;Mutations in the Mfn2 gene result in dysfunction of a protein associated with this organelle, an occurrence linked to Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome. It can store thermogenin, and the idea that one component is passed down primarily maternally is called Eve Theory. Coenzyme Q and cytochrome C complexes, which are implicated in the electron transport chain, stud its cristae, the folds in its inner membrane. For 10 points, name this organelle which produces ATP via cellular respiration and acts as the powerhouse of the cell.;;mitochondria Geography;;In recent years, a party in this country's ruling coalition has suggested using water cannons to fend off immigrants, labeled this country's capital a "Robber," and won support from the book The Caste. In addition to the Northern League, this country's ruling group includes the People of Freedom, a center-right party led by the man who was prime minister from 2002 to 2006 and owns major newspapers in this country. For 10 points, name this country which, in April 2008, elected its sixty-second government since World War II, headed by Silvio Berlusconi.;;Italy European History;;Before this battle was fought, Robert Calder was recalled to Britain for a court martial. The unorthodox strategy of this battle called for the victorious fleet to break the enemy's line in two by sailing directly at the enemy in two columns. A victory for the Third Coalition, it began after the victorious commander signaled "England expects that every man will do his duty" off the coast of the Cadiz province in Spain. For 10 points, name this resounding naval victory for Britain, whose victorious commander, Horatio Nelson, died during the fighting.;;(Battle) (of) Trafalgar European Literature;;The title event of this work is preceded by Jasiu winning a wrestling match against an opponent who walks into the sea, and its protagonist has a nightmare about flute-playing forces of the "strangergod". A street singer convinces that protagonist that he only has to fear sirocco, contradicting the British agent's warnings that Lido Beach is infested with Indian cholera. Thus, the main character does not warn the Polish family he has observed of the danger. For 10 points, Tadzio causes the title event upon Gustav von Aschenbach in what Thomas Mann novella?;;Death in Venice Religion;;The Adi Granth states that if God desired Sikhs to undergo this, it would have already occurred naturally. Freud posited that it originated in Egypt in Moses and Monotheism, and King David once killed two hundred Philistines in exchange for a wife after Saul demanded one hundred products of this. Genesis notes that God commands Abraham to do this to himself and all male members of his household. Fro 10 points, identify this ritual procedure, not always performed on Gentiles, that involves trimming the foreskin.;;circumcision Astronomy;;The one designated H was never launched and currently hangs in the Air and Space Museum as a model replacement for a more successful member. Part of the Able space probe program, the first three were launched with Thor rockets, while the remaining were launched with Atlas boosters. More famous in this series were number 10, which first obtained close views of Jupiter and its moons, and number 11, which explored Saturn and its rings. For 10 points, identify this set of NASA missions named for one who first explores uncharted territory.;;Pioneer Physics;;The first anaclastics were designed using a form of this idea by Ibn Sahl. Its naïve form holds only in specular media, though it holds more generally for the o-ray. One of its sometime-namesakes derived it using spurious momentum conservation arguments, offending Fermat, who derived it rigorously from his principle of least time. For 10 points, name this law the gives the refracted angle in terms of the incident angle; a law usually named for its Dutch discoverer.;;Snell(')s Law American Literature;;In Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, George parodies this play by saying "Flores por los muertos!" One character in it brags that he weighs 207 pounds and reminds Allan's widow of the "Varsouviana". The protagonist is deemed not clean enough to bring into the house with one's mother after a poker buddy gossips about her affairs following the loss of Belle Reve. For 10 points, a woman stays with her sister in New Orleans and tells a doctor "I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers" in what play about Blanche DuBois by Tennessee Williams?;;(A) Streetcar Named Desire Mythology;;When Tefnut angrily fled to Nubia, this god was sent to calm her. Sometimes appearing as a baboon in the form of A'an, this god once gambled with Khonsu to allow Nut to give birth, and Seshat was variously said to be his wife and daughter. His control over magic allowed him to help Isis reassemble Osiris, and he also invented writing. His feminine counterpart was Ma'at, and he records the verdict of the scales in judging the dead. For 10 points, identify this Egyptian god of justice and wisdom, who had an ibis head.;;Thoth Biology;;This disease can be caused by both M. africanum and M. canetti, the latter of which was isolated from a Somali patient with lymphadenitis. The RIPE or RIPS regimen of antibiotics employs such medications as isoniazid and rifampin to treat it, though irregular use leads to resistance. It is commonly prevented with the BCG vaccine, and the most widely used test of its latent variety is the Mantoux (man-TOE) skin test. For 10 points, identify this airborne disease also called consumption, characterized by the coughing up of blood-stained phlegm.;;tuberculosis European History;;Switzerland was represented here by Melchior Lussy, and it was at times dominated by Diego Lainez and Charles Borromeo. Its work was confirmed in the bull Benedictus Deus, and it was convened by legate Giovanni del Monte. It abolished the legality of common law marriages, declared the Vulgate to be canon, and set the number of sacraments at seven. Concluded under the rule of Pius IV, it was called by Paul III. For 10 points name this nineteenth Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, which sought to stem the tide of the Protestant Reformation.;;(Council) (of) Trent Music;;Neither the children's chorus nor the soprano soloist appear until this work's fourth section. The sixth movement, entitled "Dance," is for the orchestra alone, while the short nineteenth movement, about the exploits of a young couple, is sung by an a cappella men's semi-chorus. Both the soprano and tenor soloists must sing a high D flat, while the baritone is asked to sing a high B in the sixteenth movement, "Dies, nox et omnia". Liquor and the enjoyment of life are the themes of, for 10 points, what set of songs by Carl Orff that begins and ends with "O Fortuna"?;;Carmina Burana Geography;;This state's natural features include the Basaseachic waterfall and Copper Canyon. Its namesake capital is found in the Sierra Madre Occidental and is home to Quinta Luz, a former home of Pancho Villa. Delicias City and Hidalgo del Parral are other cities in this state. It is found between Coahulia on its east, Durango on its south, and Sinaloa and Sonora on its west. For 10 points, name this state, the largest in Mexico, which is home to Ciudad Juárez on the south of the Rio Grande and shares its name with a breed of dog.;;Chihuahua European History;;He served from 1790 to 1797 in his family's seat of Trim in the Irish Parliament and later oversaw victories at Vimeiro and Salamanca in the Peninsular War. As prime minister, he fought a duel with the Earl of Winchilsea and saw the passage of Catholic Emancipation, and in India, he commanded a division against Tipu Sultan of Mysore and became commander in chief against the Marathas. He later took the place of Viscount Castlereagh at the Congress of Vienna before more pressing matters arose. For 10 points, name this victor over Napoleon at Waterloo.;;(Duke) (of) Wellington British Literature;;While studying in Germany, the protagonist of this novel encounters Weeks, whose knowledge of Greek literature shames Heyward. The protagonist attempts to befriend Miss Price while studying art in France, and loses his virginity to Miss Wilkinson. The protagonist befriends Thorpe Athelney after a long period of poverty partially caused by his destructive relationship with the waitress Mildred, and eventually becomes a doctor. For 10 points, name this novel about the club-footed Philip Carey, written by William Somerset Maugham.;;Of Human Bondage United States History;;He chaired a committee at the 1964 Democratic Convention to determine the status of the delegates for the Mississippi Freedom Democrat Party. As his state's attorney general, he organized twenty two states to file amicus briefs in the landmark Supreme Court case Gideon v. Wainwright, and he attempted to discredit his opponent in the primaries, Gary Hart, with a co-opted Wendy's ad. For 10 points, name this man who won only his home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia while losing to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.;;(Walter) Mondale European Literature;;He described the visit of the countryfolk Cathos and Magdelon to the city in one work. His marriage to the young Armande Bejart was reflected in the convent-raised ward Agnes and her guardian Arnolphe in a play he wrote. He also described the troubled adoration for Celimene that a title character has, but in another work by this author of The Affected Young Ladies, the trouble is not between the couple Elmire and Orgon, but rather with the hypocrite the latter takes in. For 10 points, name this French author of The Misanthrope and Tartuffe.;;Moliere Philosophy;;This work decries Karl Schlegel's "ideal spectator" and notes that it is not a comparison between "gay dilletantism" and "gallant earnestness". This work contrasts the appearance to reality, which is "suffering," and claims that music is the superior art because it incorporates the "world will". The final ten sections of this work focus on Richard Wagner, while the first fifteen focus on the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles. For 10 points, name this work that contrasts the Appollonian and Dionysian views of the titular Greek literature, by Friedrich Nietzsche.;;(The) Birth of Tragedy Computer Science;;These comprise the "pair" devices named for Sziklai and Darlington. Their operation is described by the Ebers-Moll model; they can operate in cutoff, saturation, inverse, or active modes depending on the emitter, base, and collector voltages. The first of these devices was the point-contact one built in 1947 by Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley; junction ones were later employed in IC's. For 10 points, name these electronic devices that have largely replaced vacuum tubes and underpin almost all modern electronics.;;(bipolar) transistors Music;;Fritz Kreisler and Harold Bauer were some of his regular collaborators, and his students included the father of Mstislav Rostropovich, who became famous for playing the same instrument as this man. After coming to prominence at the Teatro del Liceo, he joined with pianist Alfred Cortot and violinist Jacques Thibaud to form a long-lasting trio. He lived the last decades of his life in Puerto Rico to protest the nationalist government of his homeland. For 10 points, name this Spanish exile and noted interpreter of Bach on the cello.;;(Pablo) Casals Chemistry;;The Julia reaction can form one type of these compounds, which can also be produced via dehydrohalogenation in the E2 reaction. The atoms forming their functional group are sp 2 hybridized, and these compounds can be hydrogenated to form saturated compounds in the presence of Raney's catalyst. The E-Z system is used to denote the substituents on these functional groups which can exhibit cis-trans isomerism. For 10 points, identify these organic compounds with carbon-carbon double bonds, whose simplest example is ethylene.;;alkene(s) Psychology;;This man studied the cultural dimension of human problem-solving by observing the Yurok Indians in northern California. He published his major theory in 1950's Childhood and Society and went on to write "psychohistories" of Gandhi and Martin Luther. Stagnation, doubt, and despair are some of the negative options he posited in his model. For 10 points, name this man who coined the term "identity crisis" to explain each central conflict in his eight-stage model of human development.;;(Erik) (Homburger) Erikson World History;;Upon the election of Ignacio Comonfort, this man was selected to preside over the Supreme Court, and his namesake law abolished special courts for the clergy and military. Earlier in his career, he served the liberal government of Juan Alvarez as his minister of justice and public instruction, after returnin from exile in New Orleans. He led liberals to victory in the War of Reform, and resisted foreign invaders after fleeing to El Paso del Norte. For 10 points name this native-ancestry president of Mexico, who led resistance against Emperor Maximillian.;;(Benito) Juarez British Literature;;Lynda J. Dryden compares this work to The Simpsons in an essay about its impact on popular culture, "To Boldy Go". J. Hillis Miller asked "Should We Read" this work, while Edward Said's book Culture and Imperialism contains an essay about the "Two Visions" of this work. Another criticism of this work dubs its author a "bloody racist;" that essay is "An Image of Africa" by Chinua Achebe. For 10 points, name this novella about Charlie Marlowe's journey up the Congo to find Kurtz, by Joseph Conrad.;;Heart of Darkness Biology;;One area of it named for Meckel can be found on the mandibular arch, and Schmorl's nodes are protrusions of it that jut into the spine. Its hyaline variety protects the ends of bones in joints, while its fibrous variety comprises the discs found between vertebra. It consists of cells known as chondrocytes, forming a "model" skeleton for developing mammals until ossification, at which point it hardens into bone. For 10 points, name this type of connective tissue that comprises that human nose and the entirety of a shark's skeleton.;;cartilage Mythology;;The Argives claim that this character was raised by the three daughters of the river Asterion. The lighting of a funeral pyre for this figure's stepson angered her, and in retaliation she caused a snake to bite Philoctetes. She promised Paris the kingship of all Europe and Asia in an attempt to win his judgment, and her sacred animal was the peacock. For 10 points, identify this goddess of marriage, mother of Hebe, Hephaestus, and Ares, wife of Zeus, and queen of the gods.;;Hera Art;;One work by this man sees a crowd gather around a red circle while a blue angel carries a man in the foreground. In another work, a man in blue adjusts the white veil of a woman in a red dress while a goat plays a violin. In addition to The Creation of Man and La Mariee, he created stained glass windows at Notre Dame de Reims and painting in which a burning synagogue is at the right of the title event. A green man and an upside-down woman are major elements of another work. For 10 points, identify this artist of White Crucifixion and I And The Village.;;(Marc) (Zakharovich) Chagall United States History;;During his time in his state's legislature, this man worked with Governor George Wolf to champion the Free School Bill. He was suspected of having a lifelong affair with Underground Railroad compatriot Lydia Hamilton Smith, and his steelworks were burned by Jubal Early. Most of his power came as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and he also led the Committee on Reconstruction. For 10 points, name this man, dubbed the "Dictator of Congress," who was a Pennsylvania Radical Republican during the Civil War and Reconstruction.;;(Thaddeus) Stevens European History;;He is the great-grandson of Ottoman interior minister Ali Kemal, and was once fired from the shadow cabinet for accusing the hometown of murder victim Ken Bigley of "wallowing in its victim status". An avid bicyclist, he was formerly a Belgian correspondent for the Daily Telegraph and editor of the Spectator. An MP from Henley since 2001, he took a new job, from which he appointed David Ross to coordinate the 2012 Olympics. For 10 points, name this Tory who defeated Ken Livingston in the April 2008 election to become the new mayor of London.;;(Alexander) (Boris) (de) (Pfeffel) Johnson American Literature;;In one of his stories, Louis Berry and Herman Basket discuss a search for a runaway slave who they plan to bury alive with Chief Issetibbeha. In addition to "Red Leaves," he wrote about a dispute over a soiled rug that leads Sarty to thwart his father's plan to destroy property of Major de Spain. In another work, Carothers rapes Thomasina and the wild dog Lion helps Boon Hogganbeck and Ike McCaslin track down Old Ben. For 10 points, name this author of "Barn-Burning" and "The Bear," who also wrote about the Compsons in The Sound and the Fury.;;(William) Faulkner Physics;;For the lattices in a genus, this quantity can be found using the Smith-Minkowski-Siegal formula. This quantity for an atomic nucleus can be found using an equation that has volume, asymmetry, and Coloumb terms among others, Wiezsacker's formula. Einstein and Galileo both lend their names to equivalence principles that relate two forms of this quantity, and under special relativity, this quantity is equal to total energy divided by the speed of light squared. For 10 points, name this quantity, which equals force over acceleration by Newton's second law.;;mass Music;;Its composer suggested that its opening solo be transposed upward a half-step every decade in order to preserve the sense of strain. Written in two parts, with constantly changing rhythms and meters, its first part contains the "Game of the Rival Cities" and ends with the "Dance of the Earth". Although similarities to Lithuanian folk songs are found throughout the score, only the opening bassoon melody is an actual folk tune. A riot broke out at the Paris premiere of, for 10 points, what Igor Stravinsky ballet that ends with the sacrifice of a virgin?;;(The) Rite of Spring Biology;;These structures form a bridge between the molecules present at P sites and A sites, while their phi and psi angles can be visualized on a Ramachandran plot. They are usually found in the trans conformation, and their resonance stabilization makes them fairly unreactive. They are structurally classified as amides, as they are formed from the dehydration of a carboxylic acid and an amine group. Formed during the elongation stage of translation, for 10 points, identify these bonds that link amino acids together.;;peptide (bonds) Philosophy;;He shaved half of his head to prevent himself from leaving his studies, which included making eight copies of Thucydides by hand in order to improve his understanding of grammar and history. A longtime rival of the pacifying Aeschines, this man outlined a new tax code in his "On the Navy Boards" and was unsuccesful in rousing help for another town in his Olynthiacs. However, he ultimately convinced Athens to resist Macedon. For 10 points, name this orator who delivered a series of speeches against Alexander the Great's father called the Philippics.;;Demosthenes European Literature;;John Barth's Giles Goat-Boy contains a full-length parody of one play about him. In another work, he claims that Time destroys all but the gods before he disappears in his tomb while seeking refuge in Athens. In another, a shepherd tells him of Polybus's death and then reveals that Polybus adopted this club-footed man; he soon after blinds himself with some golden brooches after Jocasta commits suicide and he realizes that he killed Laius. For 10 points, name this Theban king and father of Antigone, the focus of two Sophocles plays.;;Oedipus World History;;He testified on the issue of land claims before the 1932 Carter Comission, and in 1928 he founded a newspaper called He Who Brings Together. He used the slogan "Harambee," or "Pulling Together," to symbolize his views on a free market economy. His adopted name was a Kikuyu word for the belt that he wore, and he was succeeded as president by Daniel Arap Moi. He was arrested for allegedly leading the Mau Mau revolt, and this man's doctoral thesis was published as Facing Mount Kenya. For 10 points, name this first president of Kenya.;;(Jomo) Kenyatta American Literature;;One of this author's protagonists imagines that he's dying after smoking marijuana with Bobbi during his failed attempt to become an adulterer in The Last of the Red Hot Lovers. He created the waxed-fruit heirs Alan and Buddy Baker in his first play, Come Blown Your Horn. Army trainees in Mississippi are the subject of his Biloxi Blues, and he wrote about the newlyweds Corie and Paul Bratter in Barefoot in the Park. For 10 points, name this playwright who wrote about unlikely roommates Oscar and Felix in his The Odd Couple.;;(Neil) Simon Philosophy;;One of his works was a response to a criticism of democracy by Walter Lippman. In addition to The Public and its Problems and Individualism Old and New, he also outlined his theory of aesthetics in his Art as Experience and criticized Marxism in his Freedom and Culture. This author of The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology criticized the dualism of stimulus and response in one paper, and outlined progressive, pragmatic education based on "learning by doing". For 10 points, name this author of Democracy in Education.;;(John) Dewey Mythology;;One form of this deity guarded fertility and wore a crown of scorpions. This character wears a crown of bull's horns and holds the ankh, and this deity's knowledge of Ra's secret name led this twin of Nepthys to be considered the foremost magician. Her status as the universal mother stemmed from her role as the mommy of Horus, and she also gathered up the chunks of her husband after he had been cut to pieces by Seth. For 10 points, name this Egyptian goddess, the wife of Osiris.;;Isis Computer Science;;These objects are formally defined as isomorphic to connected, acyclic graphs. They support traversal methods known as walks, and self-balancing examples of these include the B- and red-black ones. A special case of these structures in which child values are always less than parent values is known as a heap. When the nodes of these structures have at most two children, they are called binary. For 10 points, name these fundamental computer data structures in which nodes are known as roots or leaves.;;tree(s) United States History;;John Mitchell and Philip Wigle were the only people convicted for it, and Herman Husband was acquitted because no one heard him preach violence at Parkinson's Ferry. It included a skirmish at Bower Hill with governor Thomas Mifflin's troops, and it lasted until the "watermelon army" under Lighthorse Harry Lee suppressed it. Arising from legislation supported by Alexander Hamilton, and involving George Washington riding on horseback to Pennsylvania, for 10 points, name this 1794 insurrection against an excise tax on distillers.;;Whiskey (Rebellion) British Literature;;This cofounder of Hogarth Press wrote about Katharine Hilbery's attempt to write a biography of her grandfather Richard Alardyce in Night and Day. One of this author's novels follows the thoughts of six childhood friends as they react to the death of Percival. In another of this author's novels, Peter Walsh's return from India and Septimus Smith's suicide occur on the same day that the title character gives a party. For 10 points, name this lover of Vita Sackville-West, the British author of The Waves, Mrs. Dalloway, and To the Lighthouse.;;(Virginia) Woolf United States History;;Canadian Conservative Party leader Richard Bedford Bennett railed against this act in a speech which claimed "we've got the soup kitchens," and its effects led to the Sergeants Revolt in Cuba. One of the men responsible for it was a Mormon apostle and the longest serving senator from Utah. Because it was both specific and ad valorem, the percentage increase it dictated is unclear, though it did intensify the Fordney-McCumber Act. For 10 points, over a thousand economists signed a petition against what 1930 bill, which raised import tariffs during the Great Depression?;;Hawley(-)Smoot (Tariff)|Smoot(-) Hawley (Tariff) Religion;;Children are known to scream during a reading on this day during the name of a Persian Prime Minister, whose defeat is celebrated on this holiday. In that reading, the Queen fasts for three days before presenting herself to the King. That Queen, the namesake of a book also called the Megillah, convinces Ahasuerus to not follow Haman's plan to kill all Persian Jews. The Talmud states that, for 10 points, on which Jewish holiday is a person required to drink so heavily that he cannot tell the difference between the phrases, "Cursed be Haman!" and "Blessed be Mordechai!" as they fete the work of Esther?;;Purim Chemistry;;The one named for Crabtree is a significant improvement over one named for Wilkinson. Some of these are usually "poisoned" with lead compounds, and are usually deposited onto surfaces such as carbon or calcium carbonate, while another kind is made from titanium-aluminum complexes of organic compounds and is used in polymerization of 1-alkenes. Those examples are named for Lindlar and Ziegler-Natta. For 10 points, identify these entities which speed up chemical reactions without being consumed themselves.;;catalyst(s) Art;;The artist of this work depicted its subject receiving a secret from her husband in the charcoal study sketch Whispers. The central figure of this painting rests her right hand on a small circular table with intricately carved legs, while her left hand grasps her dress. This painting is a profile portrait of a brunette, whose black dress is supported by two thin whalebone straps, exposing scandalous amounts of pale skin. For 10 points, name this John Singer Sargent work depicting an anonymous Virginie Gautreau.;;Madame X Geography;;Like its northern neighbor, this state has two courts of final recourse, with its Supreme Court handling only civil law and a co-equal Court of Criminal Appeals handling other matters. This state also empowers a particular county district attorney to investigate official corruption allegations, which led to much focus on the retirement of Ronnie Earle in 2007. Currently represented in the Senate by John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, for 10 points, name this official state of residency for Tom DeLay and George W. Bush.;;Texas Physics;;In translational motion, Noether's Theorem states that invariance of physical systems leads to its common treatment in classical mechanics. For objects without rest mass, it is given as energy over the speed of light or Planck's constant over wavelength. In quantum mechanics, it is a conjugate variable with position, and in classical mechanics, its change is given as the time integral of force, also known as impulse. For 10 points, name this physical quantity which is conserved in closed, isolated systems, commonly defined as the product of mass and the velocity.;;(linear) momentum Chemistry;;Operation in these devices is governed by the multi-group equations, which give the scalar flux; the power density in one is given by the average binding energy release times the scalar flux times the cross-section for their namesake process. Some of these have hard, fast spectra and use liquid metal coolant, but more conventional moderation is with graphite or water. For 10 points, name these devices including PWR's, BWR's and breeders that split atoms of uranium, plutonium or thorium via fission to make electricity.;;nuclear (fission) reactor(s)|nuclear power plant Music;;In one of these pieces, the third movement is a hunting scene, using its string quartet and basso to depict horns. The third, in F Major, includes a depiction of a sleeping drunkard, and the E Major first depicts a barking shepherd's dog. Each is in fast-slow-fast structure, and they comprise the beginning of "The Contest Between Harmony and Invention". A warm hearth and freezing rain, and the weariness of heat, are also depicted in, for 10 points, what group of concerti by Antonio Vivaldi that includes "Spring" and "Winter"?;;(The) Four Seasons Geography;;Three-foot wooden sculptures carved by the Kerewe are found on the largest island in this body of water, which receives the Kagera River and extends into the Kavirondo Gulf. Also including such portions as Emin Pasha Gulf and Speke Gulf, this lake is home to the Sese Archipelago. From its north near Jinja, it gives water to a river that goes through Lake Kyoga. For 10 points, name this lake on whose shores Kampala, Entebbe, and various towns of Kenya and Tanzania sit, and supplies water via that northern river that ultimately forms the White Nile.;;(Lake) Victoria World History;;This ruler parodied Christ's entry into Jerusalem in the Most Drunken Synod, and gave control of church property to the Monastery Chancellery. He took power after overthrowing Golitisin and Sofia and later imprisoned his son Alexei, before defeating Charles XII at the Battle of Poltava to win the Great Northern War. For 10 points, name this man who imposed a head and beard tax in order to pay for his creation of Russia's navy and modernized Russia during his rule from 1682 to 1725.;;Peter (the) (Great) European Literature;;A gift of a bottle of rosewater and Christmas cookies indicates one character's interest in this work's narrator, who opens this novel while reading Dante. Pavli's death is caused when the narrator drunkenly arrives at home of a widow, who is stoned and decapitated as a result. By the end of the novel, the title mine worker marries Madame Hortense, but she dies in his arms, so that man separates from the narrator and leaves Crete for the Balkans. For 10 points, name this novel about an enjoyer of life, by Nikos Kazantzakis.;;Zorba the Greek Biology;;A study of sphingosine kinase in Arabidopsis cells showed that it must work in conjunction with the hormone ABA in the promotion and inhibition of this process. Blue light and temperature conditions can also help to regulate it, and this process is responsible for a 97% loss of wet mass in most plants. It is mediated by the inflow of potassium and water forcing guard cells to bend and form openings in the leaf. For 10 points, name this part of the water cycle which takes place through plant stomata, the loss of water analogous to mammal perspiration.;;transpiration British Literature;;In a story by this author, a floating china saucer destroys the title character's antique shop in "Miss Pinkerton's Universe". This author wrote of Merle Coverdale's murder with a corkscrew and the jilting of Dixie Morse in The Ballad of Peckham Rye, and in another novel by this author, Joyce Hammond dies when she runs away to fight in the Spanish Civil War, and Sandy has an affair with the art teacher Mr. Lloyd. For 10 points, name this author who created a manipulative schoolteacher in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.;;(Muriel) Spark Religion;;Mormons often engage in this activity on the first Sunday of the month, giving money saved as an offering to the church. Some Hindu women do this to boost the well-being and longevity of their husbands in an act called karwa chauth. Luther concurs with Catholic theology, saying that those taking Communion should do this the previous hour. Rules on this in Judaism ban the brushing of teeth during days where it is practiced due to water usage. For 10 points, name this activity practiced by Jews on Yom Kippur and by Muslims during the days of Ramadan.;;fast(ing) Art;;This man became the mentor to Maxime Maufra, Emile Bernard, and other members of the Pont-Aven School. A blue idol at the left, a multicolored bird in the center, and a child reclining on the right are elements of one of his paintings, while in another, a man is climbing over a stone fence behind the title figure, who is surrounded by three woman in habits. For 10 points, name this creator of Where Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going?, who also painted Vision After the Sermon and The Yellow Christ before departing for Tahiti.;;(Paul) Gauguin European History;;He was the Chief Secretary for Ireland during the 1798 Irish Rebellion. Along with Pitt the Elder, he resigned upon hearing that George III had considered Henry Addington as a candidate for PM, and he later resigned again after a dispute over the Walcheren Campaign led him to duel George Canning. In a diplomatic post, this man secured concessions from the Netherlands and championed the Congress System. For 10 points, name this viscount, the longest-serving British representative at the Congress of Vienna.;;(Viscount) Castlereagh United States History;;This man supported James I in his "The Answer to Tom Tell-troth". He made the unpopular proposal to have the Prince of Wales marry the Infanta Maria, and in 1621 he sent Edward Wynne to Newfoundland to establish the settlement of Ferryland. He then procured the charter for the colony of Avalon, but died before he could convince the king to grant him a charter in the Chesapeake Bay area. For 10 points name this man whose son achieved his goal of founding a Catholic refuge in present-day Maryland.;;(Lord) (George) Calvert Biology;;The male and female sexual organs of this divisions species are known as antheridia and archegonia. The upper portion of the archegonia acts as a cap to the sporophyte, and is called calyptra. Their life cycle begins when a protonema is produced from a haploid spore, and their water transporting tissue is called a hydroid, as they do not possess a vascular system. For 10 points, identify this plantae division which contains hornworts, liverworts, and mosses.;;bryophyte(s) American Literature;;One character in this play discovers a length of hose attached to a gas pipe. Originally titled The Inside of His Head, this play includes a scene where Howard Wagner pays more attention to a wire-recording device than to the protagonist. Another character in this play fails math after discovering his father having an affair in Boston. The protagonist complains of being "liked, but not well liked," and commits suicide after being fired from his titular occupation. For 10 points, name this play about Linda, Happy, Biff, and Willy Loman, written by Arthur Miller.;;Death of a Salesman Religion;;This work describes the concept of Rita which is born from heaven and earth. Its final section contains the Purusha Sukta and the first book in this text addresses only gods associated with nature, the Maruts. The Nasadiya Sukta is often termed as the creation hymn of this text, which describes Agni as the priest of the gods. First translated into English by Ralph Grifith, it can be divided into 8 ashtakas or 10 mandalas. Its ninth book contains hymns for Soma, though most of this work is dedicated to Indra. For 10 points, identify this text that was written before the Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas.;;Rig Veda Astronomy;;Images observed in 1996 found that this object emits two streams of polar winds which initiate a shock front dubbed a "dancing sprite" by scientists. In January 2003, Titan's transit of it allowed astronomers to use this object's x-rays to measure that moon's atmospheric thickness. Iosif Shkolvsky suggested that synchrotron radiation could be emerging from this remnant of SN 1054, a supernova discovered by Chinese astronomers. For 10 points, name this first member of the Messier catalog, a pulsar wind nebula found in Taurus and named for a crustacean.;;Crab (Nebula) Psychology;;One of its creators, Carlo Prescott, maintains that conclusions drawn from this event are false because he gave participants specific instructions drawn from a seventeen-year period of his own life. The fake southern accent adopted by a participant who called himself "John Wayne" tipped off Christine Maslach that this event in Jordan Hall needed to be stopped, as did the use of bags over subjects' heads. For 10 points, name this study, performed by Philip Zimbardo, in which men were assigned to roleplay as "guards" or "inmates" at a California university.;;Stanford Prison (experiment) Art;;A pair of circular lights in the background unevenly frame the central figure of this work, who wears a gold bracelet on her right wrist and a gold locket around her neck. The artist's name appears on a label in the bottom right, and background figures include a woman looking through binoculars at a trapeze in the upper left. A glass of flowers and a bowl of oranges sit in front of the central figure, and the ominous man approaching her is reflected in a mirror in, for 10 points, which work of Edouard Manet, notably featuring a bunch of bottles of alcohol?;;(A) Bar at the Folies Bergere United States History;;Developed at the urging of Henry Kaiser, its design involved inventing the "artificial feel system" and meeting a World War II mandate to avoid using materials crucial to the military. Intended to have a seating capacity of 750, it used the Duramold technique to impregnate plastic into the substance which gave it its name. For 10 points, name this eight-engine vehicle, intended as a troop transport, which Howard Hughes spent five years building in order to prove that large wooden aircraft could fly, before it was abandoned after only one mile in the air.;;Spruce Goose United States History;;The "paper son" scheme was used to bypass this law, which was extended for ten years by the Geary Act and made permanent in 1902. Repealed by the Magnuson Act during World War II, a side effect of it was the Webb Alien Land Law. Denis Kearney, the head of the Workingmen's Party of California, was one of its chief proponents, and Benjamin Harrison opposed it because he believed that it violated the Burlingame Treaty of 1868. For 10 points, name this 1882 law that restricted immigration to the United States from a certain Asian country.;;Chinese Exclusion (Act) British Literature;;His favorite books are Plutarch's Lives, The Sorrows of Young Werther, and Paradise Lost, which he reads at the Arabian Safie's cottage. He wishes to get married and raise a garden in South America, but when he is refused, he vows to be present on another character's wedding night. He first causes trouble by strangling the boy William and framing Justine, and later he drives a man to death on an Arctic ice floe while Robert Walton watches. For 10 points, name this product of "The Modern Prometheus," in a Mary Shelley novel.;;(Dr)(.) (Frankenstein)(')(s) monster Music;;While studying at the School for Cadets of the Guard, he published the "Porte-Enseigne Polka," which attracted the attention of older composers. After beginning study under Balakirev, he published the popular song "The Seminarist" and the song cycles Sunless and Nursery. Another of his works includes such sections as "Tuileries: Dispute Between Children at Play," "Cattle," and "The Hut on Fowl's Legs," as well as several "Promenades," and was inspired by the work of Victor Hartmann. For 10 points, name this composer of "Pictures at an Exhibition".;;(Modest) (Petrovich) Mussorgsky Physics;;The quantum spin type initially proposed by Kane and Mele was developed based on Haldane's graphene model and was realized in mercury telluride quantum wells in 2007. This phenomenon is largely brought about due to the effect of the Lorentz force. That force leads to a dearth of mobile charge on one side of the material resulting in a difference in potential across it. For 10 points, identify this effect that describes the presence of voltage across a conductor caused by a perpendicular magnetic field acting on a current in the conductor.;;Hall (effect) World History;;In 2008, an Iranian soldier won asylum in the United Kingdom after defecting over orders to use these. A group of Sri Lankans has trained mongooses to work with robots in detecting these objects. The manufacturer ATK announced plans to build these devices using reactive metals, which could enable them to be set to non-lethal strengths. That would slow the roster of over one million civilians injured or killed by these devices since 1975. For 10 points, name this form of ordnance which can lay unexploded for decades after being placed by a military force.;;land mine(s) Chemistry;;One form of it uses a reaction between iodine and sulfur dioxide to measure the presence of water, and is named for Fischer. A conductometric version of performing it requires the temperature to be constant, while the redox variety of it uses a potentiometer. This process is generally represented by a sigmoid curves, whose midpoint usually gives the equivalence point. For 10 points, identify this method used to find the concentration of an unknown sample, notably used with acids and bases.;;titration World Literature;;Jorge Luis Borges's "Alexander Selkirk" is in this form, as is Gwendolyn Brooks' "the rites for Cousin Vit". Vikram Seth's The Golden Gate is written as 690 of these, in the form Pushkin created for them in Eugene Onegin. A noted one describes objects that are "nothing like the sun," while others begin "When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes" and "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"? For 10 points, name this poetic form that might be Petrarchan or Shakespearean and, in an Elizabeth Barret Browning volume, was "from the Portuguese".;;sonnet(s) World History;;During this dynasty, a saint named Chishti was honored by the building of Fathpur Sikri. A succession controversy during it was decided at the Battle of Deorai, and one of its rulers faced a rebellion from his son Khurram. One of its rulers founded an ecumenical faith known as Din-i-Ilahi, but another reinstituted the jizya tax on non-Muslims. Its founder established this empire with his victory at Panipat and was succeeded by Humayun. For 10 points, Aurangzeb, Jahangir, and Akbar all ruled what Muslim dynasty of India that was founded by Babur?;;Mughal (Empire) Religion;;Sameer S. Vohra notes the similarity between this practice and similar practices in the United States in a Journal of Legal Medicine article about a certain group's "Right to die". Abu Hanifa an-Numan founded one school of this practice, the Hanafi, which supported the Witr prayer. Other groups organized around this practice include the Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali, which are known as the four Madhhabs. The supposed sixth "infallible man," Jafar as-Sadiq, founded Shi'ite school for this practice. The arbiters of this practice are a group of scholars known as the Ulema, whose give a ruling known as a fiqh. For 10 points, name these systems of Islamic law.;;Sharia Music;;Among this character's pieces are a duet, where he wonders what his mother looked like while a bird warns him about his adopted father's plans, and the Forging Song. He encounters the Gibichings after taking a journey across a river, where Gutrune's potion allows Gunther and Hagen to trick his wife away from him. However, that pair never acquires a certain powerful object from him. For 10 points, name this son of Siegmund and Sieglinde, who dies at the end of Gotterdammerung and is the title character of the third opera of Wagner's Ring cycle.;;Siegfried Geography;;The subrange of the Rockies by this name includes the Guadalupe and Sierra Blanca Peaks. The river of this name receives the McCloud and Feather and flows from the Klamath Mountains to join with the San Joaquin near Suisun Bay. The city of this name has such suburbs as Citrus Heights and Roseville and is thirty miles southwest of Folsom Lake. For 10 points, name this city, home to historical exhibits about the discovery of gold forty-five miles away at Sutter's Mill, and to a governor's mansion that no governor since Ronald Reagan has actually lived in.;;Sacramento European History;;It resulted in part from the signing of the Treaty of Nemours, and during it, Anne of Joyeuse was killed at the Battle of Coutras. The Day of the Barricades led to the signing of the Edict of Union during this conflict, which included such battles as Vimory and Auneau. Its end was heralded by the assassinations of the Holy League's leader, the duke of Guise, and of the last Valois king. For 10 points, the King of Navarre took the throne after what last phase of the Wars of Religion in France, named for its similiary monnikered participants?;;(War) (of) (the) Three Henrys Art;;In the back-right of this painting, some bluish gables poke up from a depression and a man on horseback looks on. Saint-Victor dubbed the central figures of this painting as the "three Fates of pauperdom," and its setting is similar to its artist's earlier canvas The Angelus. The central figures wear headscarves and clutch a bunch of stalks, and two of them reach a single hand to the ground. An exemplary work of the Barbizon school, for 10 points, name this work that depicts three women picking up stray grains of wheat, by Jean-Francois Millet.;;(The) Gleaners European History;;During the reign of Julius Caesar, this city was called Civitas Vangionum and was the chief town of the Vangiones. The crypt of its Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul contains the tombs of Salian dukes, while the Hun destruction of this city inspired legends of the Nibelungenlied. It calls itself the oldest city in Germany, and a 1122 agreement here closed the Investiture Controversy and is known as its namesake "Concordat". For 10 points name this place where a man later stated "here I stand, I can do no other" to Emperor Charles V at a 1521 Diet.;;Worms British Literature;;The image of the "savage bull [that] may… pluck off the bull's horns and set them in my forehead" is created in Act I of this play, while the apprehension of Conrad and Borachio accompanies the lines "Dost thou not suspect my place"?, spoken by the constable Dogberry. By this play's end, Don John is brought back to Messina to face Don Pedro after his attempts to prevent Leonato's daughter from marrying a Florentine nobleman. For 10 points, Benedick and Beatrice, along with Hero and Claudio, are brought together in which Shakespeare play?;;Much Ado About Nothing Physics;;A formal technique that takes advantage of these is the method of Green's functions, which works because any function can be stated as a sum of delta functions. One of these greatly facilitates finding the electromagnetic field in a linear medium; a second, related one of these is used to solve multi-source circuits by sequentially ignoring all sources but one. For 10 points, name these principles from physics that state that, for linear systems, the response to a set of inputs is just the sum of the responses to each input.;;(principles) (of) superposition American Literature;;One member of this ethnic group wrote a short story about two characters who "Fist Fight in Heaven". Another author of this heritage wrote about June Morrissey in Love Medicine and about the Kozka family in The Beet Queen. In addition to Sherman Alexie and Louise Erdrich, another novelist of this ethnicity wrote of a trek to Rainy Mountain and about Abel's murder of an albino, For 10 points, name this ethnicity of Leslie Marmon Silko and the author of House Made of Dawn, N. Scott Momaday, shared with a certain murderous Joe in Tom Sawyer.;;American Indian;;Indian Philosophy;;One interpretation of this thinker's work posits a "Rule-Following Paradox" and is titled "[This Man] on Rules and Private Language" by Saul Kripke. This philosopher's lecture notes contain sections that discuss only technical words used in construction, and posit a "family resemblance" between objects, and are dubbed the "Blue and Brown Books". He theorized "language-games" in one work, and claimed "that which we cannot speak of, we must pass over in silence" at the end of another. For 10 points, name this man who wrote the Philosophical Investigations and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.;;(Ludwig) (Josef) (Johann) Wittgenstein Chemistry;;A compound used to test for tyrosine, Millon's reagent, is made of this compound and its mercury salt. In an electrophilic aromatic substitution, it can be protonated using sulfuric acid into a nitronium ion. Adding small amounts of hydrogen fluoride to concentrated solutions of it prevents it from being corrosive, and this compound usually exists in "red fuming" and "white fuming" varieties. It is mixed with hydrochloric acid to form aqua regia. For 10 points, identify this common acid with formula HNO3.;;nitric acid Physics;;Its apparent violation of T-symmetry was resolved with the H-theorem developed by Boltzmann. It can be mathematically stated as the indefinite integral of the reciprocal of temperature with respect to heat is always positive, while a thought experiment in which it is violated is called Maxwell's Demon. Equivalent to the statement that not all heat of a system can be converted to useful work, it was first posited by Rudolph Clausius. For 10 points, identify this law which states that the entropy of the universe always increases.;;Second Law of Thermodynamics British Literature;;This novel ends with the author asking "which of us is happy in the world? Which of us has his desire? or, having it, is satisfied"? The protagonist of this novel is discovered in a compromising situation with Steyne by her husband Rawdon. In this novel, William Dobbin idealizes the wife of George Osborne, who is killed at the Battle of Waterloo. Its title refers to a town in Pilgrim's Progress where Faithful is convicted by a jury of merchants. For 10 points, name this novel about Amelia Sedley and Becky Sharp, written by William Makepeace Thackeray.;;Vanity Fair Philosophy;;A description of this school's philosophy is found in a manuscript in the Vatican library which closely resembles its founder's Principle Doctrines. Diogenes Learteus states that its founder advised Pythocles to "avoid all sorts of education" and called Plato's followers "Flatterers of Dionysius". This school's philosophy is the focus of Lucretius' epic De Rerum Natura, and it is based on the atomistic theory of Democritus. For 10 points, identify this school of philosophy which advocates leading a life devoid of pain.;;Epicureanism Physics;;NMR-related imaging is based on the fact that resonant frequencies of nuclei experience the Larmor type of this and are proportional to magnetic field strength. For the torque-induced type, one can calculate velocity of this by dividing torque by spin angular momentum, a quantity often computed for the gyroscopic type and important in gyrocompasses. For 10 points, name this phenomenon where the axis of a rotating object changes direction, which can be applied in astronomy to Earth's changing axis as it revolves and rotates.;;precession World History;;This movement was advocated in such books as General Theory of True Government Policy and New Theory of the National Structure. The German scholar Hermann Roesler helped draft a constitution during this period, which was promoted with the slogan "Enrich the country, strengthen the military". Opposed by the Satsuma revolt, sent study groups to Western nations were a key component of it, and renamed Edo. For 10 points, name this 1868 to 1912 period that saw the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the formation of modern Japan.;;Meiji (Restoration) Psychology;;One author proposed a feminist theory of the change in this concept as humans age, which classifies it based on interpetations as individual survival, self-sacrifice, or nonviolence. Another theory of it places six stages, including "good interpersonal relationships" and "universal principles," under the headings of preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. For 10 points, name this concept whose development was studied by Carol Gilligan and Lawrence Kohlberg, who elicited data by asking subjects whether stealing from a pharmacy is right.;;morality Music;;He included notes in his scores which parodied the works of Debussy, such as "with much illness". In advance of John Cage, he used roulette wheels and typewriters in a ballet that he worked on with Léonide Massine, Pablo Picasso, and Jean Cocteau, Parade. He abandoned measure divisions and key signatures entirely in the Three Gnossiennes, and was known as the mentor to such composers as Honneger and Milhaud. For 10 points, name this eccentric creator of the Gymnopédies and Three Pear-Shaped Pieces.;;(Erik) (Alfred) (Leslie) Satie Physics;;Four years after installing his first public model in E.V. Haughwout's establishment, he invented an accompanying steam pump which greatly improved the device. Earlier, he was overseeing a factory for making bedframes, which suffered persistent problems with moving heavy loads around the warehouse. He solved the issue with a device that he demonstrated by severing a rope at the Crystal Palace, his "safety hoist". For 10 points, name this man who thus invented the first practical passenger elevator and lent his name to a major manufacturer of such devices.;;(Elisha) (Graves) Otis United States History;;He was condemned for an 1872 resolution calling for the names of battles between U.S. citizens not to be placed on the regimental colors of the United States army, and he helped defeat President Grant's proposal to annex Santo Domingo. He attacked certain "myrmidons" in a speech targeting Stephen Douglas, but it was his "Crime Against Kansas" speech, which attacked Andrew Butler, that led to his 1856 victimization on the Senate floor with a cane. For 10 points, name this Massachusetts senator who was assaulted by Preston Brooks.;;(Charles) Sumner British Literature;;This novel ends with the image of one character's feet twisting in different directions after he hangs himself. That character is revolted by the movie Three Weeks in a Helicopter, and explains the concept of death to children after his mother Linda is taken to a hospital. Late in this novel, the World Controller describes how science and art are dangerous to a society controlled by happiness, before exiling Helmholtz Watson and Bernard Marx. For 10 points, Mustapha Mond appears in what dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley?;;Brave New World Biology;;The plasmodesmata mediates the diffusion via the symplastic pathway in this tissue. Specialized cells found here include the albuminous cells, though they are replaced by companion cells in angiosperms. Ernst Munch hypothesized a mechanism for the translocation for this tissue, wherein a gradient is created and turgor pressure becomes the primary actor. They also contain the sieve elements and sieve cells which perform their most important function. For 10 points, identify this tissue which is used to transport nutrients, and is present in the inner layer of bark.;;phloem Music;;One of the leading players of this instrument in the jazz idiom became popular with the song "Comin' Home Baby" and later released the fusion records London Underground and Memphis Underground. In addition to Herbie Mann, notable players of it included Otto Luening and the founder of the French Wind Quintet, Jean-Pierre Rampal. Currently, James Galway is a noted player of, for 10 points, what woodwind instrument, normally keyed in C, whose variations include the Japanese shakuhachi and the smaller piccolo?;;flute Mythology;;The cavorting of the dwarf Lit once angered this character enough that he kicked Lit onto a funeral pyre. He once forced another dwarf, Alvis, to prove his wisdom, taking so long the sun petrified him; later, Grid assisted him in killing the giant Geirrod. His fishing line was cut by the cowardly giant Hymir, and his chariot is pulled by a pair of magic goats. He also had to wrestle a cat that turned out to be his rival Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent. For 10 points, identify this wielder of Mjolnir, the Norse god of thunder.;;Thor Math Theory;;An algorithm for solving differential equations in terms of a specific type of one is called the Parker-Sochacki method. For an analytic function whose derivatives are all zero in some circular radius, one of these can be used to show that the function is explicitly zero within that radius. Laurent expanded on this to include negative degrees, and one is commonly used to prove Euler's formula. For 10 points, identify this expansion of a function in terms of its derivatives at a point, a type of which is the Maclaurin series.;;Taylor (series) American Literature;;This author wrote about he whose "fearful death he died / Far down that narrow glen" in "The Murdered Traveller," while another work s asks if "that sky will let fall / A flower from its cerulean wall". In one of his works, the narrator asks the title creature, "Dost thou pursue / Thy solitary way"? In addition to "To the Fringed Gentian" this poet also wrote that "All that breathe / Will share thy destiny" in a poem whose title means, "a meditation on death". For 10 points, identify this American poet of "To a Waterfowl" and "Thanatopsis".;;(William) (Cullen) Bryant United States History;;He fought alongside his uncle Mangas Coloradas, who was killed by General James Carleton's forces, and General George Crook later led forces against this man, who hid in the Dragoon Mountains. He escaped by cutting through the back of a tent after being held by George Bascom, and he later engaged in peace talks with General Otis Howard. The resulting agreement was due in part to his friendship with Thomas Jeffords. For 10 points, name this Chiricahua Apache chief who surrendered to U.S. forces in 1873, and and whose fight would be continued by Geronimo.;;Cochise Geography;;Land used for it was captured at battles for Noteburg and the fortress of Nienshants, and officially transferred at the Treaty of Nystad. Dominated by the Neoclassical architecture of Giacomo Quarenghi, it received the former harbor traffic of Arkhangelsk. It lost 660 thousand people during a nine hundred day siege in World War II, and perhaps more during its construction. For 10 points, name this "window on Europe," built by forced labor and once renamed Leningrad and Petrograd.;;(St)(.) Petersburg British Literature;;One character in this work recalls seeing "pale kings and princes too, / Pale warriors, death-pale were they all" after having eaten "roots of relish sweet, / And honey wild, and manna dew". A meeting with the title character has left the protagonist alone "on the cold hill's side". It takes its title from an Alain Chartier poem. For 10 points, name this poenm which asks, "O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms!" after which the story of the title character and her claim that, "I love thee true," is mentioned, written by John Keats.;;(La) Belle Dame Sans Merci Music;;After losing his hearing, he composed The Kiss and The Devil's Wall. A six-part symphonic poem cycle by this man includes a movement about the "meadows and forests" of a certain place, and another movement named for the fortress Vysehrad. He also composed the string quartet From My Life. For 10 points, name this Bohemian composer whose Má vlast cycle contains a movement named for a river, The Moldau, and who also composed The Bartered Bride.;;(Bedrich) Smetana Geography;;A namesake railway and the Boyd-Roosevelt Highway run parallel to its entire length. Flamenco Island is found just southeast of its mouth, and it incorporates the Gaillard Cut. Before passing by such cities as Paraíso and Cocolí, it moves northeast around Barro Colorado Island after widening into Lake Gatun. For 10 points, name this channel which moved out of U.S. control in 1999 and eliminated the need to sail around Cape Horn by providing a path from the Carribean to the Pacific through a certain isthmus.;;Panama (Canal) United States History;;It received support from the Congregational Friends, and its participants included Richard Hunt and Thomas M'Clintock. The document produced here vowed to overthrow the "monopoly of the pulpit," but only one signatory of that document, Charlotte Woodward, lived to enjoy the Nineteenth Amendment. For 10 points, the Declaration of Sentiments was produced at what meeting, organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a women's rights convention that took place in New York in 1848?;;Seneca Falls (Convention) Math Theory;;This idea was thought to be first suggested by Francis Guthrie, giving it an alternative name, though Arthur Cayley may have been the first to address it. An attempt to prove this theorem was the Kempe algorithm, and the Heawood conjecture degenerates into it when the genus of the space is zero. It was eventually proven by Haken and Appel in 1976 using computer-generated configurations. For 10 points, identify this theorem stating that a map may be filled with a certain sufficient number of colors such that adjacent regions are different colors.;;Four Color (Map) (Theorem) Art;;Stock characters which often appeared in this man's works included the businessman Robert Macaire, and in one of his last creations, he depicted a crucified eagle, representing a poem by Hugo. A skull-like face turns around at the right of one of his paintings, which shows a woman holding a basket next to a sleeping child and a nursing mother. For 10 points, name this French satirist, who made his living from political cartoons, but preferred to paint works such as The Third-Class Carriage.;;(Honore) (Victorin) Daumier American Literature;;Hamlin Hannibal Garland wrote the line "O to dream of the plain" in a poem titled "In" this entity". Another poem titled after this substance urges the reader to "shovel them under" and ponders whether in two or ten years, passengers will ask the conductor "What place is this? / Where are we now?," unaware that they are at Gettysburg, Ypres, Verdun, Austerlitz, or Waterloo. For 10 points, name this plant that "covers all" in a work by Carl Sandburg, and which "is singing" in a novel by Doris Lessing.;;grass Philosophy;;This man and his mentor were attacked in "The High Tide of Prophecy", the second volume of Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies. This man criticized Pierre-Joesph Proudhon in The Poverty of Philosophy, and he attacked the idealism of his former colleagues in Theses on Feuerbach, which concluded by deriding philosophers for interpreting the world instead of changing it. More famous is a work that discusses commodity fetishism. For 10 points, name this man who argued that underpaying for labor power leads to exploitation due to the labor theory of value in Das Kapital.;;(Karl) Marx Chemistry;;They can be approximated mathematically by the Hartree-Fock method, as they are solutions to Schrodinger's Equation. First introduced by Hund and Mulliken, they are represented graphically by LCAO diagrams. These entities can be described in terms of bonding, non-bonding and antibonding kinds. Their presence explains why liquid oxygen is paramagnetic and it is the MO in the acronyms HOMO and LUMO. For 10 points, identify these regions wherein electrons travel between the several atoms of a namesake construct.;;molecular orbital (theory) United States History;;A female member of this family revived the cultivation of silkworms and introduced the cultivation of indigo to the United States. One member of this family gained Spain's consent to France's sale of Louisiana, but was unable to secure the cession of Florida. Another member of this family was sent to France as a minister in 1796 and was said to have replied "No! No! Not a sixpence!" when rejecting a bribe during the XYZ Affair. For 10 points, Charles, Eliza, and Charles Cotesworth were all members of what prominent South Carolina political family?;;Pinckney Music;;Robert Levin is one of several recent composers to create a version of this work, in which a bass soloist duets with a trombone at the start of "Tuba Mirum," while the four vocal soloists sing in counterpoint near the end of "Domine Jesu Christe". Franz Sussmayer was one of the most notable people to try completing this work, which has a double fugue at the end of the "Kyrie". It also includes the bleak "Dies Irae" and "Lacrymosa". For 10 points, name this final entry in the Kochel catalogue, an unfinished funeral mass by the composer of Don Giovanni.;;Mozart(')(s) Requiem;;Requiem European Literature;;The title character of one of this writer's plays attempts to overthrow Andrea Doria from his Genoese dictatorship. In addition to Fiesco, he wrote about Lieutenant Piccolomini, who tries to arrest the title general before he can betray Emperor Ferdinand. One of his works centers on the rivalry between the brothers Karl and Franz Moor, and another play begins when the title character helps row Baumgarten across Lake Lucerne while being pursued by the Austrian viceroy Gessler. For 10 points, name this author of The Robbers, William Tell, and "Ode to Joy".;;(Friedrich) Schiller Religion;;This man once cut up Agag, the king of the Amalekites, for leaving women childless. He was called in the night to replace Hophni and Phineas as a high priest due to the unfaithfulness of their father, Eli, after he was dedicated to God by his mother Hannah. He helped usurp another son's claim to power by not appointing Jonathan as heir to the king. That king learned of his future by raising this man from the dead with the help of the Witch of Endor. For 10 points, identify this last Hebrew judge and namesake of two books of the Bible, the anointer of both Saul and David.;;Samuel World History;;Their kings were listed as legitimate in the Turin Papyrus, and their downfall may have resulted from a quarrel with King Seqenenre. Their period of dominance began with the rule of Salitis, and Josephus alone identifies them with the Hebrews. Their capital was at Avaris, and they were overthrown by Ahmose. With a name meaning "shepherd kings," they ended the Middle Kingdom and ruled as the Fifteenth Dynasty. For 10 points name this group that introduced the compound bow and the horse and chariot during their occupation of Egypt.;;Hyksos United States History;;Its main opponent in the Senate was New Jersey's Theodore Frelinguysen, who gave a six-hour speech against it. The missionary Jeremiah Evarts opposed it in his William Penn Essays, and Davy Crockett also voted against it. Discussed in the Supreme Court decision Worcester v. Georgia, it provided for negotiation on the basis of payment for lands. Chief resistance to it came from the "Five Civilized Tribes" including the Chicasaw and Cherokee, and Seminole nations. For 10, points name this bill, championed by Andrew Jackson, that led to the Trail of Tears.;;Indian Removal (Act) Biology;;The protein ABCA4 is found exclusively in this structure, which loses its function in Stargardt disease, and "wreathlike" blood vessels in it can be used to diagnose Takayasu's syndrome. Müller glial cells can be found in this melanopsin-containing structure, a pigment critical to circadian rhythms because it absorbs blue light. For 10 points, name this inner layer of the eye which uses rods and cones to form and transmit images from the lens to the optic nerve.;;retina Philosophy;;This work argues that a man's duty to his possessions creates a heavy weight on his life in its discussion of asceticism. Talcott Parsons mistranslated its phrase "steel-hard shell" as "iron cage," and it uses sayings from Benjamin Franklin to illustrate one of the title concepts. It argues that Luther's conception of the "calling" and the Calvinist belief in predestination led to anxiety, which caused people to see economic success as a sign of spiritual salvation. For 10 points, name this book linking religious belief with the rise of an economic system by Max Weber.;;(The) Protestant Ethic (and the Spirit of Capitalism) Chemistry;;In the presence of a strong Lewis acid, this compound can be acylated or alkylated via the Friedel-Crafts reactions. It has an NMR shift of around 7.2, and it is reduced to cyclohexane in the presence of excess hydrogen. Its inability to participate in addition reactions like alkenes was not addressed by Kekule's hypothesis for its structure. Its bonds are approximately 1.4 angstroms long. Its hydroxylated version is called phenol, while its methylated version is known as toluene. For 10 points, identify this ring molecule with the formula C6H6.;;benzene Geology;;The "Alphabet Soup" classification is used to divide this type of rock into "I" and "S" types, while the "M" and "A" types are less common. Pegmatite or this type of rock metamorphoses into the rock type Greisen, and Skarn is a metamorphic rock that forms when carbonate-rich limestone or dolostone mixes with this type of rock. Its extrusive equivalent is rhyolite. For 10 points, name this coarse-grained felsic type of rock that is largely composed of quartz and feldspar, and which makes up continental tectonic plates.;;granite Art;;Aristide Maillol dubbed this work "frightful" and wondered whether it was carved of Marseille soapstone, while Waldstein posits that the central figure's gaze displays "inward dreaming". One of the title figures of this work clutches a flowing sheet in his left arm, which he rests on an upright carved tree trunk. The smaller title figure is missing his left arm, which may have been grasping at a bunch of grapes that the larger title figure may have held. For 10 points, name this statue attributed to Praxiteles, in which the Greek messenger god bears the newborn god of wine.;;Hermes Holding the Infant Dionysus European History;;She is a rarity in her own party, as she is the first easterner, Protestant, and doctor of physics to hold a longtime leadership position. Though she was defeated for the party leadership post in 2002 by Edmund Stoiber, she ran again in 2005 with success, then edged out the Social Democrats in the general election, forming a grand coalition as the head of the Christian Democratic Union. For 10 points, name this woman who was unexpectedly massaged by George W. Bush at a 2006 G8 summit, the current chancellor of Germany.;;(Angela) Merkel Geography;;Conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in this country caused the Battles of Villmergen. Forces from this country lost the Battle of Marignano after an alliance of this country won the Swabian War. That confederation was founded in 1291 by Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden. In this country, the Protestant Reformation was led by the priest of the Great Minster, Ulrich Zwingli, and its peasant wars included revolts in Lucenre and Basel. For 10 points, name this European country divided into cantons and known for its neutrality.;;Switzerland Physics;;Organic complexes of some rare-earth metals are used to resolve overlaps in this method, and quadrupole broadening can occur if nitrogen atoms are present in the sample. Current methods of performing it use a pulse of several frequencies, which is then analyzed with a Fourier Transform. It makes use of the Larmor precession, and J values quantitatively describe spin-spin coupling, which results in the creation of n+1 peaks. For 10 points, identify this spectroscopic technique relying on the perturbation of a magnetic field.;;nuclear magnetic resonance British Literature;;The speaker discerns "Infinite passion, and the pain / Of finite hearts that yearn" in this author's poem "Two in the Campagna". That poem appears in a collection of this author's poetry beginning with "Love Among the Ruins," Men and Women. A jealous monk describes his hatred for Brother Lawrence in this author's poem "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister," and his dramatic monologues include "Fra Lippo Lippi" and "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came". For 10 points, name this British poet of The Ring and the Book and "My Last Duchess".;;(Robert) Browning Philosophy;;This work discusses how incomplete knowledge of causes leads to a belief in luck in the section "Of Probability". It argues that ideas lack the forcefulness of actual and that the source of all ideas is ultimately impressions in "Of the Origin of Ideas", though it provides a possible counter-example of a "missing shade of blue". It distinguishes "relations of ideas" from "matters of fact", known as the author's namesake fork, and goes on to question whether we can trust induction. For 10 points, name this empiricist text which built on the ideas of John Locke, a work of the Scottish philosopher David Hume.;;(An) Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding World History;;He issued an edict stating that the human body of Christ only seemed to suffer at the crucifixion, a doctrine called Aphtharto-docetism. He launched an attack on North Africa to aid the Vandal king Hilderich, and his finance minister Peter Barsymes created a state monopoly on silk. He expelled pagan teachers from the Academy in Athens. For 10 points, name this man who nearly lost his throne in the Nika revolt, was aided in his rule by his wife Theodora and general Belisarius. and issued a namesake code of laws during his sixth-century reign in the Byzantine Empire.;;Justinian (I) British Literature;;Two characters in this work discuss what they live for, leading one to ask, "So while you get the coal I must chase the rabbit"? One of these characters had been loved by Hermoine Roddice, whose departure for Italy sparks a relationship in Sherwood Forest. After the death of Diana at the water party, Rupert Birkin and Gerald Crich meet in Innsbruck, but one character falls in love with Loerke, leading to Gerald's freezing to death after trying to stangle his former lover. Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen are the title characters in, for 10 points, what novel by D. H. Lawrence?;;Women in Love Art;;One member of this movement produced the painting Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro and showed a man wearing a yellow sash climbing one of two black ladders in his Deposition. Another Deposition, noted for pink-clad figures and the seeming weightlessness of Christ, also marked the start of this period, whose important artists included Rosso Fiorentino and Jacopo Pontormo. For 10 points, name this movement, also prefigured by Michelangelo's Last Judgment, which succeeded the realism of the High Renaissance and gave way to the Baroque.;;Mannerism Religion;;One legend states that he freed the town of Gubbio from an attacking wolf. G.K Chesterton wrote that this man was visited by a six-winged seraph on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and received the stigmata. He wrote of his love for Sister Moon and Mother Earth in his Canticle of the Sun. He is credited with creating the first Nativity creche scene, and his mission inspired a noblewoman to begin a group of women followers, the Poor Clares. For 10 points, identify this Roman Catholic patron saint of animals and founder of a namesake group of friars.;;(St(.)|Saint) Francis of Assisi;;(St(.)|Saint) Francis Music;;Based on the Phrygian-mode hymn "Why fyoomth in fight the Gentiles spite," it received its premiere in a Three Choirs Festival concert. Containing individual parts for the third and last stands of each string section, it is in a single continuous span lasting about sixteen minutes. An instrumental analogue of the composer's Mass in G minor, it features a string quartet and two antiphonal string orchestras. Named for the composer of the forty-part Spem in alium on whose work it is based, for 10 points, what is this rhapsodic work by Ralph Vaughan Williams?;;Tallis Fantasia|Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis Geography;;The earths of Derby and Athol once issued their own coins in this place, which is indented by Castletown Bay, is centered on the mountain Snaefell, and has a namesake "calf" on its southwest. It is governed by a body which includes the House of Keys, the Tynwald Court, and its flag uses a triskelion, which consists of three bent legs joined at a center. For 10 points, identify this home of a namesake Gaelic language and tailless cat, a crown possession of the United Kingdom in the Irish Sea.;;(Isle) (of) Man Geology;;A very pure form of this mineral, industrially called "lava", is used in insulators, and based on structure and specific gravity, it is very similar to pyrophyllite. It constitutes soapstone, which is acid-resistant and used in countertops, while the individual combinations of chlorite and quartz or serpentine and carbon dioxide produce this pearly mineral, a magnesium silicate hydroxide. For 10 points, name this mineral which is often used in baby powders and barber shops, the softest on the Mohs Scale.;;talc European History;;This group was accused of being involved in the Porteous Riots, and Patrick Sarsfield negotiated their surrender at Limerick in 1691. Lord George Murray was responsible for their overwhelming victory at Prestopans, and their cause ended when Cardinal York gave George IV the old crown jewels. The losers at Culloden in the Forty-Five Rebellion, their figureheads included the Old Pretender and Bonnie Prince Charlie. For 10 points, name this group which attempted to restore the Stuart line of James II to the English throne.;;Jacobites American Literature;;One character in this work announces that she will not "meet herself coming and going" and is being escorted by her son, a failed writer who works as a typewriter salesman. A green hat with purple velvet flaps is returned because it costs as much as the gas bill, and later, on the way to a YMCA exercise class, the protagonist sees his mother offer a shiny penny to Carver, which results in a woman swinging her purse onto the mothr's head. For 10 points, the racism of Julian's mother leads her to die of a stroke in what short story by Flannery O'Connor?;;Everything That Rises Must Converge Biology;;The Fitzhugh-Nagumo model uses a negative differential resistance region to model it, though the Hodkin-Huxley differential equations are a more accurate mathematical representation of it. It proceeds smoothly and slowly in the absence of myelin, but the presence of myelin causes it to travel quickly between the nodes of Ranvier in a process called salutatory conduction. For 10 points, name this phenomenon regulated by potassium and sodium cations, a wave of voltage that travels along a neuron membrane.;;action potential Philosophy;;Spencer Weart published a book on this idea, which was popularized by Dean Babst and R.J. Rummel. Explanations for it include a correlating economic development or internal norms encouraging negotiation, and its proponents admit that only "well-established" examples of the namesake governments qualify. Possible exceptions to this idea include the bloodless Cod War between Britain and Iceland. For 10 points, identify this theory, first proposed by Kant in 1785, which says that governments of a certain type never engage in war with each other.;;Democratic Peace (Thesis) American Literature;;The poem "Likewise" muses "Sometimes I think / Jews must have heard / the music of" this entity. A poem beginning "Good morning, daddy!" describes the "boogie-woogie rumble" of this entity, and appears in a collection titled "montage of" it. In another poem, the speaker wonders if this entity "sags like a heavy load," stinks "like rotten meat," or crusts and sugars "over / like a syrupy sweet"? Most famously appearing in the first line of the poem "Harlem," for 10 points, name this entity compared to "a raisin in the sun" by Langston Hughes.;;dream deferred Astronomy;;The 1962 Starfish Prime test amplified the effects of this area causing several satellites to shut down, and the magnetic mirror effect causes particles in this region to bounce between the magnetic poles until they leave the region. The outer zone contains remnants of solar wind such as Helium ions, and the inner zone contains protons thought to decay from neutrons, as originally discovered by Geiger counters on satellites. For 10 points, identify these regions of charged particles centered on Earth's equator, certain belts named for an American scientist.;;Van Allen (radiation) belt(s) Art;;One of her works uses fifty mounds of sod, arranged in eight rows, and is called Wave Field. Another of her works was depicted in a painting by Lee Teter. Another of her designs involves a thin layer of water flowing over a smooth stone table, and is a civil rights memorial located in Montgomery. Another of her works is located near Frederick Hart's Three Soldiers statue and contains over fifty-eight thousand lines inscribed on black granite in Washington. For 10 points, name this artist who, as a Yale undergraduate, designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.;;(Maya) Lin Geography;;Soldiers from this country carried out the Aunus expedition, and supporters of Fascism in this country led the Lapua Movement. This country's VKT line helped them win the Battle of Tali-Ihantala, and this country's brief civil war saw the battles of Vilppula and Tampere. It fought the Continuation War after losing its second-largest city, Viipuri, in the 1939 Winter War. For 10 points, name this Scandinavian country where a 1975 accord guaranteeing civil rights in Communist states was signed in its capital, Helsinki.;;Finland Physics;;The Gunn type of these displays symmetric current/voltage behavior, and exhibit negative differential resistance after the threshold voltage is reached. The current passing through them varies exponentially with a forward bias and can be found with the Shockley equation, though that equation does not apply to Avalanche and Zener types of these. For 10 points, identify these circuit elements which only allow current to pass through in one direction, best known for their "light emitting" type.;;diode(s) United States History;;They are native to Malaysia, and almost all of those produced in the United States are descended from the farm of Eliza Tibbets. They were first brought to the U.S. by the same man who started the American wine industry, William Wilfskill. The deep red color of the Maltese variety has led it to be known as the "blood" kind of these; other types include the Jaffa. The Seville kind is notably sour, but is often processed into marmalade. For 10 points, name this citrus fruit which also comes in "Valencia" and "navel" varieties.;;orange(s) Mythology;;This figure's husband, the brother of Zethus, could, like Orpheus, move stones with the music of his lyre, a talent which helped him to build Thebes. She was the mother of Meliboea, who became pale and took the name Chloris, and this figure's tears were the souce of the river Achelous after she was turned to stone on Mount Sypilus. She had a high enough opinion of her offspring to insult Leto for having only two. For 10 points, identify this braggart whose twelve children were killed by Apollo and Artemis.;;Niobe British Literature;;This character sells a horse-courser a horse that turns into straw when it touches water. In the seventh scene of the play he appears in, this character turns invisible and slaps the pope in the face. His servant Wagner plays tricks on Robin, and he causes horns to appear on Benvolio's head. After being instructed by Valdes and Cornelius, this character gains magical powers for twenty-four years until he is forcibly dragged to hell. For 10 points, name this character who summons Mephistopheles and sells his soul to the devil in a play by Christopher Marlowe.;;(The) (Tragical History of) Doctor Faust(us) United States History;;He sponsored the Central American Peace Conference in Washington, and he established a network of postgraduate education for the officer corps. He created the Army War College and wrote the Foraker Act, which established civilian government in Puerto Rico, and he served as the first president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. For 10 points, name this Republican statesman who, implementing the policy of John Hay, was able to gain Japan's assent to Chinese neutrality through a 1908 accord with Takahira Kogoro.;;(Elihu) Root Art;;One of his writings discusses the "truth of water" and "truth of vegetation," while sacrifice and memory are among the title principles of another of his works. He attacked classical economics in such writings as Munera Pulveris and Unto This Last, and he coined the term "pathetic fallacy" in one of his volumes of criticism. For 10 points, name this author of The Seven Lamps of Architecture and Modern Painters who advocated for the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and Joseph Turner as the leading Victorian art critic.;;(John) Ruskin Religion;;One section of this work is named for the "Words" of the title figure, and claims that King Benjamin personally fought with the Sword of Laban. A figure named Aminadab becomes a morally depraved prison guard in a section of this work named for Helaman. This work dubs certain modern-day people as descendents of Lamanites, and this work uses the definition "a honey bee" to describe a place called Deseret, and key figures in it include Nephi and Moroni. For 10 points, name this work, "another testament of Christ" that was supposedly written on 1400-year-old gold plates found by Joseph Smith.;;(The) Book of Mormon European History;;In 2008, this national leader took the unusual step of filing a lawsuit against the opposition party for libel, after that party accused this man of helping to bribe former Parliament member Chuck Cadman. This economist's party is also accused of overseeing the "in and out scheme" to circumvent campaign finance laws, but nonetheless has avoided a new election despite the threats of his opposition counterpart, Stéphane Dion. For 10 points, name this leader of the Conservative Party, who in 2006 succeeded Paul Martin as prime minister of Canada.;;(Stephen) Harper Math Theory;;This is the power to which the friction velocity term is raised in the Bangold formula. The meter raised to this power is the SI unit of the first moment of area. In Planck's law, frequency is taken to this power, while the squares of the orbital periods of the planets are directly proportional to the semi-major axis of the orbits taken to this power, by Kepler's third law. This power appears in the denominator of the units for jerk, where seconds are raised to it. For 10 points, name this power, which yields the volume of a regular hexahedron when the side length is raised to it.;;third (power) European History;;The conceding parties of this agreement were forced to give up the Ionian Islands, Cattaro, and Kottbus, and this series of treaties led to the Lisbon Incident. It awarded the left bank of the Elbe to the newly created Kingdom of Westphalia and set up the Duchies of Oldeburg and Warsaw. The two, same-named treaties were signed on a raft in the middle of the Nemunas River. For 10 points, name this accord, signed after the battle of Friedland ended the Fourth Coalition, between Napoleon, Prussia, and Alexander I of Russia.;;(Treaties) (of) Tilsit European Literature;;At the beginning of this play, one character is threatened with firing after she leaves her bonnet on a chair, and another character is delighted by slippers that are embroidered by his invalid Aunt Rina. In the third act, Thea is angry at the loss of a manuscript that she calls her "child," and the title character convinces that character to die "beautifully" and gives him one of her father's pistols. Eilert Lovborg, is the competitor of George Tesman in, for 10 points, what Ibsen play, in which the blackmail attempt of Judge Brack leads to the title character's suicide?;;Hedda Gabler Biology;;Aurora kinase inhibitors can induce this phenomenon in cells with acute myeloid leukemia, while cardiomyocetes with low levels of Survivin also displayed this phenomenon. This phenomenon has also been observed in the salivary glands of Drosophila. The allo version of it occurs when organisms have DNA from different species. It notably occurs in angiosperms, and it can also occur due to endoreplication and non-reduction during meiosis. For 10 points, name this condition in which a cell possesses more than one pair of homologous chromosomes.;;polyploidy Philosophy;;Ezra Pound compared this man's manner of pronunciation to Benito Mussolini's in his 81st Canto. He divided existence into Essence, Matter, Truth, and Spirit in one work, and he described himself as an "aesthetic Catholic" in his essay "Reason in Religion" from his collection The Life of Reason. For 10 points, name this philosopher of The Realms of Being and The Sense of Beauty who contrasts doubt with the belief in the senses in Skepticism and Animal Faith and noted that "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".;;(George) Santayana Biology;;In 2006, Tseng et al. showed that its rigidity could help stabilize platinum nanoparticles at its surface to create digital memory. The Fraenkel-Conrat method allows one to construct this, types of which include the vulgare and Japanese common strains. Rosalind Franklin supposedly left her work on DNA to build the first full-sized model of it for the 1958 World's Fair, though it was Wendell Stanley who crystallized it in 1935. For 10 points, identify this RNA virus named for the discoloration patterns it brings about in infected leaves, the first virus to be discovered.;;tobacco mosaic (virus) European History;;Lord Derby twice appointed this politician Chancellor of the Exchequer. This one-time leader of Young England introduced the Climbing Boys Act and the 1874 Factory Act. He drafted legislation giving the vote to every adult male houseowner living in a borough, the Second Reform Act. A favorite of Queen Victoria, this author of Sybil and Vivian Grey was dismayed to not receive the votes of the men he helped enfranchise. For 10 points, name this favorite of Queen Victoria and only ethnically Jewish Prime Minister of England.;;(Benjamin) Disraeli Music;;His first large-scale work is entitled Songs of Joy and Rhythm. His most ambitious work, the repetitive and stentorian Second Symphony, is scored for soloists, chorus, and large orchestra and subtitled "Copernican". Sacred works by him include a Beatus vir, while more secular works include Blessed Raspberry Songs and Little Requiem for a Polka. An Elektra Nonesuch recording featuring soprano Dawn Upshaw catapulted him to fame on the strength of his third symphony. For 10 points, name this Polish composer of the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.;;(Henryk) (Mikolai) Gorecki Geography;;An elevated section of this state's northeast includes Round Mountain and Armidale; arising near Tamworth, that mountainous area is known as the New England Tableland. In its southeastern Riverina district, the Murrumbidgee River flows past Wagga Wagga. It also entirely surrounds Jervis Bay. For 10 points, name this state, which is found south of Queensland, east of South Australia, and north of Victoria, and which has a Pacific Coast on which its cities of Port Macquarie and Sydney lie.;;New South Wales American Literature;;He wrote about a man named John who sees a statue marked "ASHING" in the ruins of New York, which he dubs "the place of the Gods" in the short story By the Waters of Babylon. He declared "I have fallen in love with American names" at the beginning of a poem that conclues "bury my heart at wounded knee". For 10 points, name this man, who also wrote an epic poem about the Civil War and a short story in which Jabez Stone's right to his soul is defended by an undead Massachusetts Senator: John Brown's Body and "The Devil and Daniel Webster".;;(Stephen) (Vincent) Benet European History;;The early part of this period saw a kingdom established by Wilfred the Hairy and included King Pelayo's victory at the Battle of Covadonga. King Jaime (HIGH-may) the Conqueror won important victories during this campaign, which, like the First Crusade, was encouraged by the Council of Clermont. Its success was ensured after the Almohad forces of Mohammad al-Nasir lost the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. For 10 points, 1492's conquest of Granada ended what campaign of Christian forces to retake Spain from Muslim kingdoms?;;Reconquista British Literature;;In one of this writer's works, Giles dies from sleeping outside during a storm after sacrificing his shelter to protect Grace Melbury. The Woodlanders and Under the Greenwood Tree, he wrote a work in which Lucetta Templeman marries Donald Farfrae, the business partner of Michael Henchard, who had auctioned off his wife. The title character of another novel works on Talbothays Dairy Farm after being raped by Alec. For 10 points, name this author of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Tess of the d'Urbervilles.;;(Thomas) Hardy Physics;;A 1991 Tokyo Institute of Technology study used it to probe Langmuir-Blodgett films by placing electrodes on either side of the film. Used with the curl of the Heaviside form of its namesake's equations to derive the electromagnetic wave equation, its postulation suggested that the magnetic field was not merely a product of moving electric charge, and it is equal to the permittivity of free space times the time derivative of the electric field. For 10 points, name this value created as a correction to Ampere's circuit law by James Clerk Maxwell.;;(Maxwell) displacement current Art;;A ship flying dozens of national flags and a red sun blurred by a cloud appear in the background of the black-clothed, palette-holding central figure in his Myself: Portrait Landscape, while a dark-skinned man in a traditional clown costume locks arms with a woman in peasant dress in front of several bare trees in his Carnival Evening. For 10 points, name this artist who also painted a work in which multicolored stripes adorn the dress of the title figure, who is holding a walking stick near a lute and a lion, called The Sleeping Gypsy.;;(Henri) Rousseau Biology;;The occurrence of this at the molecular level was discovered when two viral proteins cross reacted with a human filament protein. The Aristotelian form of it can be observed in some galliform birds, and the Vavilovian type of it results in artificial selection of weeds, which become secondary crops. A bipolar version of it occurs in Monarch butterflies which exhibit differential palatability. For 10 points, identify this process wherein one species imitates a model species, which commonly exists in Batesian and Mullerian varieties.;;mimicry Antrhopology;;One of his essays divides the title entities into the Sacred and the Profane. In addition to Magic, Science, and Religion, he defined his field as the study of institutions that satisfy human needs in A Scientific Theory of Culture. He wrote the introduction to a work about the Kikuyu, and he published several works while in exile in Papua New Guinea. For 10 points, name this author of Coral Gardens and Their Magic, who discussed "The Departure of an Overseas Expedition" and the Trobriand Islanders' Kula Exchange in Argonauts of the Western Pacific.;;(Bronislaw) Malinowski Music;;The seven horn players called for in its score are told to stand up at its finale. Its original second movement, now called "Blumine," was removed following its third performance in 1894. The slow introduction depicts nature coming alive, with short fragments in the winds depicting bird songs, before the main allegro develops themes from the second movement of the composer's Songs of a Wayfarer. The German version of "Frère Jacques" can also be heard in the funeral march-like third movement of, for 10 points, what Gustav Mahler work nicknamed "Titan"?;;(Mahler'(s)) (First|1st){1}? (Symphony) European History;;Her tale was first told by Roger of Wendover, and Ranulf Higden said that only horses were exempted from the repeal which she effected. She was the wife of Leofric and advocated a reduction in the taxes levied on Coventry, being challenged by her husband to appear in the marketplace in a certain fashion in order to get her wish. About four hundred years after her legend arose, an addendum about the mischevious "peeping Tom" first appeared. For 10 points, name this woman who rode on a white horse with only her long hair to cover herself.;;(Lady) Godiva World History;;This state obtained the gold-rich areas of Bambuk and Bondu and destroyed Kumbi, after growing from victory at the Battle of Kirina against the harsh Susu chief Sumanguru. Starting as the state of Kangaba, it later absorbed the trading center of Gao and the Taghaza salt deposits, and in its decline it saw the Tuaregs take Timbuktu. For 10 points, name this West African trading empire of the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries, led by Mansa Musa and sharing its name with a modern-day nation.;;Mali (Empire) British Literature;;This poem discusses "western islands . . . which bards in fealty to Apollo hold" and later the poet comments that he feels like "some watcher of the skies. " The speaker asserts that he never breathed "pure serene" until he heard the title character "speak out loud and bold". This poem declares it was "Silent upon a peak in Darien" when "stout Cortez" first looked at the Pacific, and the poem begins with the speaker commenting, "Much have I traveled in the realms of gold". For 10 points, name this poem about reading a translation of the Odyssey, written by John Keats.;;On First Looking into Chapman(')s Homer Religion;;This term is generally applied to the "Song of the Three Children," and another work in this group tells the story of a woman who is accosted by two elderly lechers as she is about to bathe in her garden. One of these texts takes place in the court of Cyrus, where the protagonist proves that 70 priests eat a sacred meal each night and slays one of the title characters; that protagonist is Daniel from Bel and the Dragon. From the Greek for "hidden things," for 10 points, name these non-canonical religious texts that include Judith and Tobit.;;Apocrypha Chemistry;;Ninhydrin forms a Schiff base with this chemical, resulting in a hue known as Ruhemann's purple. The Birch reduction takes place in a liquid substrate of it, the reason it is common in methamphetamine labs. The Kjeldahl method uses this molecule as an end-product to measure the amount of nitrogen in a sample, and it is oxidized in the first step of a nitric acid forming procedure, the Ostwald process. For 10 points, name this weak base found in fertilizers, formed by combining hydrogen and nitrogen in a three-to-one ratio in the Haber process.;;ammonia Religion;;One of them founded the Piccolomini Library at Siena Cathedral, and another wrote the novel The Tale of Two Lovers. One was forced to signed the Treaty of Tolentino and died as a prisoner in France in 1799, and the fifth excommunicated Elizabeth I. The seventh re-established the Jesuits in 1814, and the twelth denounced National Socialism in his encyclical Mit brennender Sorge. For 10 points, give the name shared by these Popes, the ninth of whom defined the doctrine of Papal infallibility and served longer than any other Pope.;;Pius World Literature;;Mrs. Podtochin is accused of witchcraft by the protagonist, who refused to marry her daughter, and he later tips a policeman that stops a stagecoach headed for Riga. The protagonist is offered money by a doctor to pickle the object that the barber Yakovlevich awakes and finds in his loaf of bread. That item spends time imitating a State Councillor before being chased down Nevsky Prospect. Kovalyov is relieved when the titular appendage returns to his face at the end of, for 10 points, what Nikolai Gogol short story?;;(The) Nose Math Theory;;A theorem named for Lucas and this man states that the roots of the derivate of a complex polynomial lie in a convex hull containing the roots of that polynomial. Along with Jordan, he is the namesake of a procedure that converts a matrix to its reduced row-echelon form. One of his laws states the impossibility of the existence of magnetic monopoles. For 10 points, identify this mathematician, whose law gives the charge enclosed by an object as the surface integral of the electric flux.;;(Carl) (Friedrich) Gauss American Literature;;This author wrote about Albert Corde, who travels to Romania with his wife Minna, in The Dean's December. Charlie Citrine attempts to fight the modernist forces which ruined the poet Von Humboldt Fleisher in another novel by this author, who fictionalized the life of his friend Allan Bloom in Ravelstein. This author of Henderson the Rain King wrote a picaresque novel beginning "I am an American, Chicago born" as well as a novel about a letter-writing Jewish professor. For 10 points, name this author of The Adventures of Augie March and Herzog.;;(Saul) Bellow Mythology;;Like his son Polites, this man fell victim to a rampage at the altar of Zeus Herceius. This son of Strymo was originally known as Podarces, but gained a new name when he was ransomed from Heracles by Hesione, going on to father a hundred children including Polyxena and Troilus. Before being killed by Neoptolemus, he mediated the duel between Menelaus and Paris and made a trip to the tent of Achilles. For 10 points, identify this husband of Hecuba and father of Hector, the king of Troy in the epic period.;;Priam Art;;This painter of The Feast of the Rose Garlands showed a man with a fur-adorned lance, a dog running through the legs of a horse, and a pig-snouted figure of Satan in his Knight, Death and the Devil. An hourglass, a bell, and a balance all hang on the wall behind a laurel-wreathed woman in his Melancholia I, and another balance is being whipped through the air by a horseman in his Apocalypse. For 10 points, name this Northern Renaissance practitioner of woodcuts, a noted sixteenth-century German artist.;;(Albrecht) Durer Physics;;In this experiment, sulfur from cigar smoke in the laboratory helped in easy visualization of the spots on the detectors. A variation of this experiment used sodium atoms and a time varying radio-frequency B field, resulting in oscillations named for its performer, I. I. Rabi. In its original setup, a beam of silver atoms split into two distinct beams when it was fired through an inhomogenous magnetic field. For 10 points, name this experiment which confirmed the quantization of intrinsic angular momentum, or spin.;;Stern(-)Gerlach (experiment) World History;;This man defeated a party leadership challenge from Herty Lewites after being accused of sexual abuse by his stepdaughter. He ended the term of the Constitutional Liberal Party when he succeeded Enrique Bolanos in 2006, having lost three previous elections in the decade after he led the Junta of National Reconstruction. For 10 points, name this man who opposed the Somoza government of the 1970s and the Contras in the 1980s as the leader of the Sandinistas, and has used both revolution and election to become president of Nicaragua.;;(Jose) (Daniel) Ortega (Saavedra) United States History;;John Bradstreet's proposed treaties with this man were condemned by Thomas Gage. He retreated to the Maumee River despite his victory at Bloody Run, and he was defeated at Bushy Run by Henry Bouquet. He ultimately made peace with Sir William Johnson, but he was killed by a member of the Peoria. The Paxton Boys massacre and the Proclamation of 1763 were a response to, for 10 points, what Ottawa chief, who led a namesake rebellion against the British in Great Lakes region from 1763 to 1764?;;Pontiac Geography;;This city includes a historical exhibit around the dock that spurred its growth, Tillinghast Wharf. The county of the same name includes Cranston, Woonsocket, and this city, which is divided from a similarly named city by the Seekonk River. Home to the largest bell ever cast by Paul Revere, this location of its state's noted School of Design overlooks Narragansett Bay. For 10 points, name this city which spent forty-four years as the co-capital of its state with Newport, but since 1900 has been the sole seat of government for Rhode Island.;;Providence World History;;A rivalry between his two sons led to the death of Bardiya, and this man was able to invade the Babylonian lowlands due to the unpopularity of Nabonidus. Some accounts say that he treated Croesus well after the fall of Sardis, while others have Croesus burning himself to death after this man conquered Lydia. He defeated the Median king Astyages at Ecbatana and was the father of Cambyses. For 10 points, the Bible states that Jews were freed from the Babyonian captivity by what founder of the Achaemenian Dynasty and the Persian Empire?;;Cyrus (the Great|II|the Second){1}?;;Cyrus Art;;Its construction was spurred by the need for covered entrances where the king could arrive without fear of being assassinated by anarchists. The ground of its facade shows eight allegories, including Jouffroy's Poetry and Carpeaux's Dance, while its loggia includes busts of such figures as Auber, Meyerbeer, and Rossini. Seven of its seventeen stories are underground, and two of them abut the subterranean lake which it covers. For 10 points, name this building designed by Charles Garnier, where many dramatic musical works had their French debut.;;Paris Opera (House) Britsh Literature;;This author of the play Twilight Bar: An Escapade in Four Acts wrote about Nikolai Soloviev's summoning of intellectuals for finding "Approaches to Survival" in the novel The Call-Girls. He wrote about Spartacus's revolt in The Gladiators, the first book in a trilogy, while the protagonist escapes to "Neutralia" in the last book of Arrival and Departure. The second book of that trilogy is set during the Stalinist purges and sees the execution of the former Commissar of the People, Nicholas Rubashov. For 10 points, name this author of Darkness at Noon.;;(Arthur) Koestler Biology;;This term, contrasted with the stroma, can refer to functional parts of an organ in the body such as the alveoli in the lungs. In its common use, it is a type of cell that serves a secretory function inside resin ducts and typically has only one cell wall for regeneration. These cells are also responsible for both storage and photosynthesis, and they make up the pith in the stems of vascular plants. For 10 points, identify these plant cells making up most common ground tissue and forming the spongy mesophyll layer in leaves.;;parenchymal (cell)(s) Mythology;;Late in this person's life he became the king of Argos upon the death of Cylarabes, soon after which he fathered Tisamenus with Menelaus' daughter, his cousin Hermione. Growing up in the court of Strophius allowed him to befriend Pylades, He once sacrificed a lock of hair on his father's tomb; later, he avenged the death of that father with the help of his sister Electra. For 10 points, identify this son of Agamemnon and killer of Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra, the namesake of a Euripides trilogy.;;Orestes Music;;This man reflected on his career in Beneath the Underdog, and his most-performed composition was created in tribute to Lester Young. Human evolution is depicted in jazz form in his "Pithecanthropus Erectus," and he collaborated with alto saxophonist Eric Dolphy on a well-received, fourteen-minute version of Stormy Weather. For 10 points, name this composer of "Goodbye, Porkpie Hat," a prolific jazz bassist.;;(Charles) Mingus American Literature;;One character in this novel rushes into a jeweler's shop, inspired by "sacred rage". That character, Waymarsh, eventually falls in love with Miss Barrace and informs for Jim and Sarah Pocock. At a party hosted by the sculptor Gloriani, the main character urges John Little Oldham to not waste his youth, and eventually he rejects Maria Gostrey's advances. Madame de Vionnet's affair is the impetus for the protagonist's trip to Europe in, for 10 points, what novel in which Lambert Strether is sent to Paris to find Chad Newsome, written by Henry James?;;(The) Ambassadors Physics;;Observations of the Hope diamond as red under certain conditions can be explained by this phenomenon, though this is only observed in blue diamonds. It occurs because of unusual electron transitions to triplet states called electron traps, where transitions to other energy levels are improbable. Strontium aluminate exhibits this property up to 1090 degrees Celsius, though cuprated zinc sulfide is a cheaper alternative, appearing green. For 10 points, identify this type of luminescence that continues even after the source of radiation is gone, thus distinguishing it from fluorescence.;;phosphorescence European History;;One of his economic reforms was known popularly as the "shaking off of burdens". He prohibited the export of any produce other than olive oil and rose to fame by reciting a poem after a war with Megara. His constitution broke the power of the eupatridae and divided the citizenry into four income groups, all of whom could attend the Ecclesia. His warnings regarding the rise of Peisistratus were ignored, but he did display certain changes on wooden tablets before leaving for ten years. For 10 points, name this Athenian statesman who moderated Draco's code.;;Solon Geography;;One leader of this region, Henry II of Trastamara, allied with Charles V of France to defeat an English fleet off the coast of La Rochelle in 1372. Henry II gained power in this kingdom by murdering Peter the Cruel, and one of its leaders, Alfonso X, was known for his astronomical tables. It was first united by Fernan Gonzalez, and Sancho the Great split it from Leon. For 10 points name this former kingdom, which was led by Isabella, whose marriage to Ferdinand united this region with Aragon to create modern Spain.;;Castile American Literature;;One of this author's poems notes that "Orpheus' Sermon captivated / It did not condemn" after calling the Bible "an antique volume / written by faded men". In other poems, this author asserted "after great pain, a formal feeling comes" and that "the Brain—is wider than the sky". This author "surmised the Horses Heads / Were toward Eternity" at the end of another poem, and compared hope to "the thing with feathers / that perches in the soul". For 10 points, name this American poet of "Because I could not stop for Death" and "I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died".;;(Emily) Dickinson Music;;This is the more common adjective applied to a variant type of bassoon that is sometimes called the "serpent," and a 1912 choral work describes the "march" of this type of "falcons". Benjamin Britten wrote a brass band arrangement entitled this type of "funeral". One work which uses this ethnic word in its title quotes from folk songs such as "Spin, O My Spinner". For 10 points, what is this adjective, which is "Little" in the name of Tchaikovsky's second symphony, and describes a Rimsky-Korsakov work dedicated to the memory of the Mighty Five, his "Easter Overture"?;;Russian United States History;;This organization was founded by a former resident of the Christian commune Koinonia Farm, who tested its approach in Mdbanaka, Zaire. However, that man, Millard Fuller, was fired from this group in 2005 over sexual harassment complants. Its principles are explained in the book The Theology of the Hammer, which relates to its practice of giving away a Bible with every completed project. For 10 points, name this organization, visibly supported by Jimmy Carter, which provides interest-free loans and material assistance in constructing houses for the poor.;;Habitat for Humanity World History;;He married the daughter of his teacher O.S. Tjokro-aminoto, for whom he wrote for the journal Bandera Islam. His supporters claimed that he represented the Nefo, or New Emerging Forces, in contrast to the Nekolim. His state philosophy was known as Pancasila, or Five Principles, and he was forced to declare his nationa's independence by a 1945 kidnapping. He later introduced "Guided Democracy," and his daughter Megawati helped overthrow the man who deposed him. For 10 points, name this first president of Indonesia, deposed in a 1966 coup by Suharto.;;Sukarno Physics;;This quantity is time dependent in models where Tresca plasticity is assumed, while Archard's model for this assumes uses a term for shear stress instead of the Bowden-Tabor model, which takes into account the area of the asperities. The dry form of it is independent of velocity according to Coulomb's law, and Amonton's law states that this quantity is proportional to the normal force. Existing in static and kinetic forms, for 10 points, identify this force that opposes motion.;;friction Economics;;The author of How to Get out of Vietnam, his time observing postwar Germany resulted in a tract on the "rural poor", entitled The Nature of Mass Poverty. He cites speculation, corporate structure, and high tariffs as the main causes of the title event in his The Great Crash, 1929, but is more famous for a work in which he argues that perfect competition no longer applies to corporate economies, and another about the gap between the public and private sector after WWII. For 10 points, name this author of The New Industrial State and The Affluent Society.;;(John) (Kenneth) Galbraith European Literature;;One poet from this country wrote The Book of Disquiet, and the protagonist of one work from this country meets the monster Adamastor on his voyage and later goes to the Isle of Love. Another author from this country wrote about a landmass that breaks off from Europe and floats down the Atlantic until it collides with the Azores, and in another novel that author described a city struck by an epidemic of mass blindness. For 10 points, name this country whose national epic is The Lusiads by Luis Camoes, the home of Jose Saramago.;;Portugal Mythology;;In this culture's mythology, creating humanity took three tries; mud-based people simply dissolved, while wooden men were destroyed by the one-legged weather god. Also in their myths, the demon Seven Macaw was killed with a blowgun by someone who survived the trials of Cold House and Razor House in Xibalba (shih-BALL-buh). The hero twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque (shih-buh-LAHN-kay) are prominent in this group's epic. For 10 points, identify this culture whose gods include Chac and whose myths are contained in the Popol Vuh.;;Maya(n)(s) Computer Science;;These objects use decomposition into direct products of unitary matrices to perform a namesake form of discrete Fourier transform. One algorithm that exploits their properties can perform a brute-force search of an n-element array in square root of n time; another can factor n-digit numbers in time polynomial in log n. The aforementioned algorithms are named for Grover and Shor. For 10 points, name these devices that are proposed to exploit small-scale physics to perform computations.;;quantum (computer)(s) Art;;He created a brooch featuring Leda and the Swan for Gabbriello Cesarino, while a life-size marble crucifix by him was given to the Escorial. Mythological works by this man include Ganymede Riding the Eagle, a large silver Jupiter, and a statue of Mars for Fontainebleau. Neptune and Ceres appear in gold on a work given to Francis I and used for culinary purposes, while the title character of another work holds a sword aloft. For 10 points, identify this Florentine sculptor of Salt Cellar and Perseus with the Head of Medusa.;;(Benvenuto) Cellini Biology;;The Marr-Albus model attributes learning in this region to the weakening of parallel fiber synapses. This organ's cortex includes the molecular, Purkinje, and granular layers, the last of which is the innermost and originates at the pontine nuclei. Many forms of ataxia, a gross loss of muscle movement, can be traced to lesions here, since this region coordinates voluntary muscle movement such as walking. For 10 points, name this region at the base of the brain responsible for coordination and balance, which comes from the Latin for "little brain".;;cerebellum British Literature;;The author's own plate of this poem depicts a boy warming his hands in front of a fire and an old bearded man led by a boy in green. It references a "little black thing in the snow" who thinks that God makes up "the heaven of our misery," in a line about the "Chimney-sweeper's cry". The speaker hears "mind-forged manacles" and says "I wander through each chartered street / Near where the chartered Thames does flow". Having no parallel in "Songs of Innocence," for 10 points, name this poem by William Blake, whose title was paired by Wordsworth with "1802".;;London Mythology;;An inverted vase symbolized the "unlucky" one, while minor examples include Kaikias and Skiron. One of them was the kidnapper of Oreithyia; that one also fathered Butes. With Celaeno, one of them fathered the horses Balius and Xanthus; he also jealously caused the death of Hyacinthus. They are the sons of Eos and Astraeus, who himself is often associated with their keeper Aeolus, who gave a bag of them to Odysseus. For 10 points, identify this group including Boreas and Zephyrus, the north and west ones.;;wind(s) Geography;;The current governor of this state is a fluent Russian speaker, who helped write Russia's election law in 1993 and was picked by the state legislature to fill the office in 2002 after failing to win a majority in an election against Jim Racine. Its senior Senator is currently the chair of the Judiciary Committee, and during two different periods in the twenty-first century, it has had a junior Senator who was not affiliated with a party. For 10 points, name this state which elected independent Bernie Sanders to the Senate in 2006 and was formerly governed by Howard Dean.;;Vermont United States History;;This man's government suppressed the Doctors' Riots, in which an angry mob tried to attack medical students who dug up recently interred corpses, and he was believed responsible for the Cato essays, which prompted Alexander Hamilton's Caesar essays. He later cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate against rechartering the First Bank of the United States. The first post-independence governor of New York, he later served from 1804 to 1812 as vice-president under Jefferson and Madison. For 10 points name this man, the uncle of fellow politician DeWitt.;;G((.)eorge) Clinton;;Clinton Chemistry;;When they are contiguous, they exhibit hapticity, and are denoted using the letter eta. Those which form multiple bonds with organic compounds such as EDTA are called chelates, while monodentate ones can only form one bond, usually with a metallic atom. Common examples include the thiocyanate ion and carbon monoxide. For 10 points, identify this term used to denote atoms or molecules which donate electrons to a central atom in a coordination complex.;;ligand Religion;;A Buddhist type of this practice emphasizes the non-duality of male and female and has been compared to the symbolism of Chrisitian bride mysticism. One of these emphasizing work is known as the karma type, while devotion to gods is the focus of the bhakti form. Adherents of another are required to master breathing and separation from the physical world before concentrating on samadhi in the raja type. Another method attempts to discipline the body through asanas, Hatha. For 10 points, name this term for spiritual paths and exercises in Hinduism, best known in the west for physical exercises.;;yoga(s) Biology;;NOEY2 is a suppressor gene on chromosome 1 subject to this phenomenon, which puts certain individuals at a greater risk for breast cancer. Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, the latter of which is a happy puppet disorder, are caused by an abnormal form of this on chromosome 15, suggesting that the parent DNA was not properly methylated. For 10 points, name this genomic occurrence where some genetic expression is parent-specific, which shares its name with an event studied by Konrad Lorenz, the period of rapid learning experienced by newborns.;;(genomic) imprinting Geography;;Troops from this city lost the Battle of Montaperti because of the treachery of Bocca degli Abati. This city expanded during the Primo Popolo, and in 1378, it saw a revolt of lower-class woolworkers known as the Ciompi. This city briefly became a republic after the disastrous rule of Pietro the Unlucky, and in 1497, the Bonfire of the Vanities occurred in this city under Savonarola. For 10 points, name this capital of Tuscany, an Italian city once ruled by Cosimo and Lorenzo de Medici.;;Florence World Literature;;In this novel, Misha Gordon relates how he saw the protagonist's father jump off a moving train, while Liberius conscripts the title character to help "The Forest Brotherhood". One character resurfaces as a famous general with the epithet "The Shooter" only to commit suicide. That character, Pasha Antipov, is married to the women that title character ultimately sends to live with the cruel party official Komarovsky for her protection from the Bolsheviks. For 10 points, Lara falls in love with Yurii during the Russian Civil War, in what novel written by Boris Pasternak?;;Doctor Zhivago Art;;One of this painter's subjects wears a golden belt buckle with a profile on it, a broad black hat, a large white collar. This pupil of Carel van Mander showed several men in blue and red sashes in his Banquet of Officers of the Civic Guard of St. Hadrian, and an owl sitting on the shoulder of an insane-looking woman in Malle Babbe. For 10 points, name this painter, who showed a smirking man with an upturned mustache and an ornate shirt in a blue cummerbund in his portrait The Laughing Cavalier.;;(Frans) Hals European History;;Legend has it that, upon reaching the Persian Gulf, he wept because he was too old to repeat Alexander the Gr,eat's Indian conquests. This man, who partially drained the Pontine Marshes, fought two wars against Dacia that brought that region under Roman control, and he also conquered much of the Parthian empire. He advised Pliny the Younger not to persecute Christians, and this adopted son of Nerva repeated the practice with his successor Hadrian. For 10 points name this Roman Emperor of 98 to 117 CE, who built an eponymous column.;;Trajan World Literature;;The last thing he wrote before his suicide was a story entitled "Gleanings From" his most famous work, the longest of his "palm-of-the-hand" stories. David Henry Hwang wrote this man into a theatrical adaptation of this author's House of the Sleeping Beauties, written after his novel about the twin daughters of kimono salesmen, The Old Capital. Other novels by him deal with the six-month contest between Ottake and Shusai, and with the love of Shimmamura for a northern geisha. For 10 points, name this Japanese author of The Master of Go and Snow Country.;;(Yasunari) Kawabata Music;;It was originally conceived as the opening to a three-part work that was to end with a Paraphrase, but the other two pieces were never completed. It was so popular at its premiere that conductor Gustave Doret immediately reprised the entire work, which begins with a flute intended to evoke the "perpetuation" of certain nymphs. Both Jerome Robbins and Vaslav Nijinsky later choreographed ballets to, for 10 points, what tone poem depicting the "passing of the longings and desires" of the title satyr, written by Claude Debussy after verses by Stéphane Mallarmé?;;(Prelude) (to) (the) Afternoon of a Faun Geography;;Off this country's southwest shore lie such islands it controls as Poula Wai and Kaoh Rung, while its northeast extends to a point at the end of Rotanah Kiri province. Its largest lake normally outflows across the Véal Pôc plain and receives such tributaries as the Srêng and Sên. The cities of Pursat and Siemréab are found in the basin of that lake. For 10 points, name this country, whose eastern portion is watered by the Mekong River, which joins the outflow from Tonle Sap at Phnom Penh.;;Cambodia Geology;;The effects of carbon black on this process were observed using IGC, and fluorinating agents allow materials that have not undergone this process to be bound to materials that have. At room temperature, a platinum salt helps siloxanes undergo this process to form silicones, though it is usually catalyzed by zinc oxide. Parkes developed a way to do this under colder temperatures, using vapors instead of the heated sulfur process used by its inventor. For 10 points, identify this Goodyear-invented method for curing rubber named for the Roman god of fire.;;vulcanization Geography;;The second republic of this nation was established following Akwasi Amankwaa Afrifa's 1969 coup, and its military leaders Ignatius Achaempong and Frederick Akuffo were executed following a 1979 revolt. Once controlled by Governor Charles Arden-Clarke, it saw 1951 elections won by the Convention People's Party, which led to it becoming the first British colony in Africa to gain independence. For 10 points, name this West African nation whose independence was won by Kwame Nkrumah.;;Ghana Linguistics;;The ancestor of these languages displayed "ablaut" in the vowels, and some modern forms introduced new vowels through coloration. That ancestor also had at least five voiced aspirated stops. This family may be either the containing group or equal relative of the Anatolian languages, such as Hittite, and includes such dead tongues as Kuchean and Turfanian, the Tocharian languages. It also has Albanian, Celtic, and Greek branches. For 10 points, name this language family in which Sanskrit, Persian, German, Latin, and English are also found.;;Indo(-)European Biology;;Mutations in hERG, which is one of these entities, may result in the Short QT Syndrome. The protein responsible for the occurrence of sleep apnea in rats, TASK-1 is one of these, and Rod MacKinnon was one of the first to elucidate the mechanism of these entities. The BK, SK, and IK varieties are activated by calcium ions and can be voltage dependent, and their activities result in action potentials across neurons. For 10 points, identify these proteins which are responsible for the transport of monovalent ions of the element with atomic number 19.;;potassium (channel)(s) United States History;;A co-author of the landmark article "The Right to Privacy," he wrote a book about the "money trust" entitled Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use It. Nicknamed the "people's attorney" for his pro bono advocacy, he wrote the majority opinion in the Erie Railroad case, and as an appellate attorney, he argued that legislation limiting the number of hours women could work was constitutional in Muller v. Oregon. For 10 points, name this Supreme Court justice, the namesake of a type of legal brief as well as a university in Massachusetts.;;(Louis) Brandeis British Literature;;The protagonist of this novel is targeted by a plot led by Cornelius and Gentleman Brown, a pirate who ambushes and kills Dain Waris. The protagonist is fatally shot by Doramin, and falls in love with Jewel after moving to Patusan. The narrator first meets the title character at an inquiry into the death of Muslims journeying to Mecca, who drown when the title character abandons the sinking ship Patna. For 10 points, identify this novel narrated by Marlow, a work about a guilt-haunted sailor written by Joseph Conrad.;;Lord Jim Art;;A woman in an orange tutu riding a white horse is at the center of his The Circus, which was displayed at an exhibition he assisted in organizing, the Armory Show. The two title figures form a triangle with their arms as shouting faces look on in his Both Members of this Club, and another of his notable paintings shows a man in green catching an elbow from a man in black, while a referee reaches in. For 10 points, name this member of The Eight who also depicted Luis Firpo knocking out Jack Dempsey, whose other boxing paintings include Stag at Sharkey's.;;(George) (Wesley) Bellows Anthropology;;An early example of this genre describes an attempt to rescue John Annis, and was written by an employee of the Quaker merchant Robert King. An example of this genre was written by a man who mailed himself to Philadelphia, Henry "Box" Brown. Another work in this genre ends with Linda Brent escaping from Dr. Flint. Important works in this genre were written by Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, and Harriet Jacobs, and include My Bondage and My Freedom. For 10 points, name this pre-Civil War genre that usually ends by describing its author's escape to the North.;;slave narrative(s) Religion;;Ammianus Marcellinus, a Saint named for this, was among the first to note this day, saying it occurred on the same calendar day as the Miracle at Cana. Chileans once called it the Day of the Blackmen, while the Irish refer to it as Little Christmas. Luke calls it the "Revelation to the Gentiles". Matthew 2 tells of its Western tradition that includes its main actors returning to their own countries by another road instead of returning to Herod. For 10 points, identify this Christian feast celebrated in Eastern Churches as the date of Christ's Baptism, and in Catholicism as the visit of the Magi.;;Epiphany Geology;;The Chikyu Hakken is a current mission to drill three times deeper into this region than ever before, and the lowermost part was named the D double prime region by Keith Bullen. The uppermost part consists of periodite and eclogite, though the mix of magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and other elements suggests its composition is like garnet. Hot spots are thought to be caused by the protrusion of hot rock here, known as plumes. For 10 points, name this region in the Earth, divided into upper and lower parts and located below the crust and above the core.;;mantle Physics;;Using the Kinetic Isotope effect, this process was shown to catalyze hydrogen transfer by the ADH enzyme. This phenomenon is the basis of Esaki diodes, and the resonant form of it requires electrons to have discrete energies. This phenomenon can also be observed when a Cooper Pair flows from between superconductors across an insulating material in the Josephson effect. For 10 points, identify this process where a particles passes through a potential barrier, used in some scanning microscopes.;;(quantum) tunneling European History;;Bernard Bot twice attracted attention by declaring this document "dead" in 2006. It includes provisions for a two-and-a-half-year presidential term and, for the first time, it requires a mutual negotiation in order to end membership. It was drafted between 2002 and 2004 in Brussels, and in 2005, both the Netherlands and France defeated referendums on adopting it. For 10 points, name this document which would further cement the alliance in which the Euro is used.;;E(uropean) U(nion) Constitution Religion;;William Courtenay forced some of them to renounce their beliefs, and their first martyr was William Sawtrey. The most complete statement of their beliefs was in the Twelve Conclusions, and Sir John Oldcastle led an uprising of them against Henry V. They held that the ordination of priests had no basis in scripture and claimed that transubstantiation was a "feigned miracle" that led to idolatry. With a name from a Middle Dutch word for "mumbler," for 10 points, name this pre-Reformation English religious group, which followed John Wycliffe.;;Lollards Music;;Its first act ends with the villain's recitation of his plan, juxtaposed with a "Te Deum" chorus. Earlier, a sacristan interrupts the aria "Recondita Armonia" to note its singer "jokes with knaves and neglects the saints". The title character is painted as Mary Magdalen and signs "Vissi d'arte," then reneges on her agreement to sleep with the chief of police in exchange for freeing Mario, stabbing Scarpia instead. For 10 points, name this work about an opera singer who jumps from the top of the Castel d'Angelo, composed by Giacomo Puccini.;;Tosca British Literature;;One author of this surname edited The Book of Other People and wrote White Teeth, and it names the couple who invite the Martins in The Bald Soprano. Another character with this surname develops paranoia about Dr. Holmes and Sir Bradshaw after returning from war and jumps out of a window; that character from Mrs. Dalloway has the first names Septimus Warren. Another character of this name is attacked by rats in Room 101, causing him to denounce Julia and declare his love for Big Brother. For 10 points, give this surname borne by Winston in 1984.;;Smith Physics;;A ratio of the coherent scattering of electrons in a bound state to scattering in a free state is named for this man and Waller. This man's namesake temperature is equal to his namesake velocity times Planck's constant divided by Boltzmann's constant. A law used to calculate the activity coefficents of a solution is named for this man and Huckel. For 10 points, name this Dutch-American scientist who ends his name to a length used to measure dipole moments.;;(Peter) (Joseph) (William) Debye Religion;;The 1443 Cantate Domino proposed to reunite this sect with the Roman Church but was struck down by this group's pope, John XI. A convert to this sect named Annianus dated the Creation to March 25, 5492 BC, and believed in "Paschal Cycles" of 532 years that mark off periods known in this religion as the Era of Grace and the Era of Martyrs. This group was founded by those who disagreed with the Council of Chalcedon, the Monophysites. Its largest current monastery is at Wadi Natrun, and its current pope is Shenouda III. For 10 points, name this Christian sect supposedly founded by St. Mark, based in Egypt.;;Copt(ic)(s) American Literature;;One character in this play sings the opening refrain of the song "My Josephine" when he gets drunk, and it opens in Johnny-the-Priest's bar when that character talks to his mistress Marthy Owen. Act two is set aboard the Simeon Winthrop during a rescue attempt, and in the final act the title character agrees to marry Mat Burke even though Burke is leaving on a voyage to Africa the next day. For 10 points, name this play about the daughter of Chris Christopherson, who gives up a life of prostitution at the end, written by Eugene O'Neill.;;Anna Christie Mythology;;One of these, known as Heaven's Will, was retrieved by a golden-shelled turtle from the Vietnamese king Le Loi for the dragon king Long Vuong. The souls of twelve berserkers were contained in Skofnung, the one owned by Hrolf Kraki. Amir Arsalan exploited the weakness of Fulad-zereh to one called Shamshir, while Susanowo took one from the body of Orochi called Kusanagi. For 10 points, Sigurd's Gram, Roland's Durandal, and Beowulf's Hrunting are all what type of object, as is King Arthur's Excalibur?;;sword(s) Music;;Guillot, the title character's valet, is a silent role, while Triquet is a comic tenor who sings French couplets in praise of Larina's daughter. The only fatality in this opera occurs at the end of Act II, following a quarrel at a name-day party. In the third act, the lead soprano has married Prince Gremin, and renounces her love for the title character forever in the finale. Played by a baritone, the title character deplores his "pitiable fate" before rushing offstage at the end. For 10 points, name this Tchaikovsky opera about an antihero who kills his best friend in a duel.;;(Yevgeny|Eugene){1}? Onegin Geography;;Its major ocean ports include Cutuco and La Libertad, and this country's provinces include Morazan and Sonsonate. Bisected by the Lempa River, it still disputes owner ship of Coneja Island in the Gulf of Fonseca with its eastern neighbor. For 10 points, name this country bordering Honduras, Guatemala, and the Pacific Ocean, the only Central American country with no coast on the Carribean and the smallest state in that area.;;El Salvador European History;;One of its founders, August Bebel, was jailed for high treason for voting against a war loan in 1870. Another of its founders, Wilhelm Liebknecht, wrote for this group's newspaper Vorwarts, and its adoption of the Erfurt Program committed it to Marxism. It agreed to support NATO and free markets in 1959, and future Weimar Republic leader Friedrich Ebert became its chairman in 1913. After coming to power under Willy Brandt, it lost its hold on government in the 1980s. For 10 points name this major German political party, the rivals of the Christian Democrats.;;Social Democratic (Party) (of) (Germany) British Literature;;This author assaulted the Gospels in his satire The Fair Haven. He championed Lamarck's theory of inherited traits and attacked natural selection in Unconscious Memory and Life and Habit. Another of his novels is narrated by Andrew Overton, and follows the intellectual development of Ernest Pontifex. He also wrote a book about a society where people with illnesses are sentenced to jail while people who commit crimes are treated by doctors. For 10 points, name this Victorian author of The Way of All Flesh and Erewhon.;;(Samuel) Butler Astronomy;;In 1993, the Yohkoh Observatory was launched to study how emissions from this interfered with helmet streamers, but a certain phenomenon caused a power shutdown in 2001. Bengt Edlen disproved the theory of a new element constituting this region, instead showing that this it is composed of highly ionized iron, nickel, and calcium, which are buffered by a one million Kelvin temperature. For 10 points, name this plasma region only visible during solar eclipses, which surrounds the Sun and comes from the Latin for "crown".;;corona Art;;A woman dramatically clutches her chest between two pillars in the painting that first attracted attention for this man at the Salon, Coresus Sacrifices Himself to Save Callirhoe (CAA-lih-ROW-ee). Though he often digressed to other styles, as in Return of the Herd, Head of an Old Man, and the cycle Progress of Love, he is most associated with a movement exemplified by his painting that includes a rake and a statue holding a finger to its lips. For 10 points, name this painter who also included a flying shoe, a priest, and a cavorting man looking up a dress in his The Swing.;;(Jean)(-)(Honore) Fragonard Chemistry;;In the split method for studying these entities, the wave function remains continuous, but a discontinuity in the gradient split function arises in the nodal plane. In Diels-Alder reactions, it is the overlap of these that drives bond formation, and, for increasing energy, they first appear in the L-region. They interact in conjugated systems in dienes or allyl radicals, where just a single electron is present in one of these objects, which has azimuthal quantum number one. For 10 points, name this dumbbell-shaped region of an atom involved in pi bonds, which is filled after the s orbital.;;p (orbital) European History;;He was captured by Guy I of Ponthieu after being shipwrecked on a mission to France. His mother Gytha was placed in a convent after the failure of a rebellion led by his father Godwine, and he won against Tostig and Harald Hardraade at one battle. His fate was sealed when another rival landed at Pevesney, and his legendary death by an arrow to the eye is depicted in the Bayeaux Tapestry. For 10 points name this victor at Stamford Bridge and last Anglo-Saxon king of England, who was killed in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings by William the Conqueror.;;Harold (II|the Second|Godwinson){1}?|Harold