American Literature;;Occasional hints of racism in this novel appear in the characters of Mexican priest Father Sarria, who is responsible for the rape of Angéle Varrian, and the villain S. Behrman, a vehicle for Jewish stereotypes. Among the locations in this novel are the Home Ranch, the Quien Sabe Rancho, and El Rancho de los Muertos, owned by Magnus Derrick, whose property Presley bicycles across at the beginning of the novel. Inspired by the Mussel Slough incident, it was the first book of its author's planned "Epic of the Wheat". For 10 points, name this Frank Norris novel detailing the struggle in frontier California between farmers and the railroad, which strangles them like the titular animal.;;(The) Octopus Math Theory;;It has been proved that its value for all even positive numbers is transcendental, but for odd integers, only its value for 3 has been shown to be irrational by Apéry, and that value is sometimes called Apéry's constant. Ramanujan came up with rapidly converging series for its value at odd integers, and his summation can be used to show that its value at -1 is -1/12, as well as the fact that it is zero for any negative even number, called the trivial roots, but the conjecture that all of its nontrival roots have real part 1/2 is one of the most famous unsolved problems in number theory. For 10 points, what is this function, the subject of a namesake hypothesis, closely related to the distribution of prime numbers?;;Riemann zeta (function) World History;;During this dynasty, the minister Qin Gui committed an infamous act of treachery against the general Yue Fei, and the author of the Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government, Sima Guang, opposed the New Laws of Wang Anshi. Zhao Kuangyin formed it, and gunpowder, the magnetic compass, and moveable type were invented during this era, before the death of emperor Qinzong led to the decline of its Northern period, but its southern incarnation survived until the Mongol conquest. For 10 points, name this dynasty is credited with unifying China after the Ten Kingdoms and Five Dynasties periods.;;Song (Dynasty) Mythology;;A stone in Fowey shares this name with the given name of Thomas Pynchon's niece, who directed such films as House of Ass. It is also the first name of the woman who won Olympic gold in skeleton in 2002, and it forms the name of a South Atlantic island group colonized by the British to keep an eye on St. Helena along with "da Cunha". Romanian Sami Rosenstock adopted this as a first name to write "The Inner Face" and "Seven Dada Manifestos". In addition to the poet Tzara, this is the name of the killer of Morholt and nephew of Mark of Cornwall. For 10 points, what is this name, borne by a knight in love with Iseult?;;Tristan Sociology;;Léon Duguit used this man's ideas to develop a theory of law, while Lucien Lévy-Bruhl elaborated his notion of "group ideas" to explain the difference between primitive and modern socities. He called for studying "social facts," not individuals, in The Rules of Sociological Method. In another work, he stated that a certain organizational phenomenon was the result of population growth and subsequent change in social structure, rather than a conscious attempt to produce more. For 10 points, name the author of The Elementary Forms of Religious Life and The Division of Labor in Society who founded French sociology.;;(Emile) Durkheim Art;;His portrait of a child in a beret and gold chain exemplifies the tronie style he helped develop. His "Balaam and the Ass" was ripped from a work by his teacher, Pieter Lastman, while green light illuminates a sword, bow, and arrows hanging from the wall of a cave in his "The Raising of Lazarus". A man has his hand on the breast of his titular spouse in "The Jewish bride," but better known portraits include his self-portraits with Saskia. He is widely praised for his painting depicting the "writing on the wall," while an angelic girl stands out in the company of the titular military regiment of his best-known work. FTP name this artist of "The Night Watch".;;Rembrandt (Harmenszoon) (van) (Rijn) Biology;;One class of this phylum can vomit its internal organs at potential predators, which it can then regrow. That class, Holothuroidea, has microscopic ossicles with a sponge-like structure called stereom characteristic of the phylum, and has five rows of tube feet running along its body, thus exhibiting the symmetry characteristic of this phylum. Along with the sea cucumbers, this phylum also contains the Echinoidia, or sea urchins, and the Asteroidea, or starfish. For 10 points, what is this deuterostome phylum characterized by fivefold radial symmetry, the closest relatives of the chordates?;;Echinodermata|echinoderm(s) Religion;;This term can refer to the most severe form of damnation in Sufism, a contraceptive diaphragm, or the guard of a government official's office door, and it literally means "barrier". Its requirement is implied by the sura "The Light" and more directly stated in a hadith about Asmaa. At first, it was restricted to Muhammad's wives as an indication of wealth, and many poor Muslims still consider it a luxury. As early as 1866, Richard Burton condemned it as "the slavery of one portion of humanity". For 10 points, give the Arabic word for a common interpretation of the Islamic injunction for female modesty, including veiling.;;hijab Music;;He wrote a "Greeting Prelude" after a happy birthday melody by C.F. Summy, while an "Intrada," a "song," a "Wedding Dance," and a "Cortege" are the titular components of his Four Norwegian Moods. Small vocal works include a set of songs about a tom-cat and a work in memory of Dylan Thomas, and he wrote a chamber concerto for an American estate, "Dumbarton Oaks". Also known for an oratorio the opera The Rake's Progress and a "Psalm Symphony," he is better-known for a work in which a peasant dances with a bear, Petrouchka. FTP name this Russian composer, remembered primarily for ballets such as The Firebird and The Rite of Spring.;;(Igor) Stravinsky Philosophy;;His Ordinatio, a commentary on Book I of Lombard's Sentences, was denounced by former chancellor John Lutterll. He fled with Bonagratia and Michael of Cesena to Pisa under the protection of Louis IV, because he was persecuted for defending Franciscan poverty and right of kings to tax the church in Opus nonaginta dierum. A student of Duns Scotus, he was the leading nominalist and became known as "Doctor Invincibilis". For 10 points, who said that "plurality should not be posited without necessity," thus creating his namesake "razor"?;;(William) (of) Ockham British Literature;;In the seventh part of this work, the title character finds "relish sweet," "honey wild," and "manna dew". The work takes place when "The squirrel's granary is full,/And the harvest's done" and when "The sedge has wither'd from the lake/And no birds sing". The speaker has a dream in which he sees "Pale Kings, and Princes too" with their "starved lips in the gloam" who tell him that the title character has him in thrall. The speaker met the title character "in the meads" and makes her "a garland for her head," noting her long hair and wild eyes. FTP name this poem that describes a knight's encounter with the titular elflike pitiless woman, a work of John Keats.;;(")La Belle Dame sans Merci(") Physics;;For a massless bosonic gas, the density of this quantity in natural units is 2 pi squared times temperature cubed over 45 per spin state. The Sackur-Tetrode equation can be used to obtain the exact value of this quantity for a monatomic gas, while Claude Shannon is credited with the development of this quantity in information theory. Its partial derivative with respect to particle number gives the chemical potential, and with respect to internal energy the inverse temperature. Boltzmann was so proud of the expression he derived for this quantity that he placed it on his tombstone. For 10 points, what is this quantity, which, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, is always globally increasing?;;entropy British Literature;;Her father claims that before her wedding, this woman was "so opposite to marriage that she shunn'd / The wealthy curled darlings of our nation" and that her husband must have "abus'd her delicate youth with drugs or minerals / That weaken motion". Her mother had a maid, Barbary, who "was in love, and he she lov'd prov'd mad / And did forsake her: she had a song of ‘willow,'" which this character sings in similar circumstances, to Emilia, the wife of the man who uses her for revenge. For 10 points, name this woman in a Shakespeare play, daughter of Brabantio, victim of Iago, and wife of Othello.;;Desdemona United States History;;Its namesake later commented that he "could have traveled the length of the country by the light of bonfires burning his effigy". It called for arbitration committees to set damages for the blockade of the West Indies, established the "rule of 1756," and prohibited the use of American ports to supply pirates. Britain also agreed to remove remaining forts in American territory and recognize free navigation on the Mississippi. For 10 points, issues remaining from the Treaty of Paris were clarified in what 1794 treaty, negotiated for the U.S. by the least prolific author of the Federalist Papers and first chief justice of the Supreme Court?;;Jay('s) (Treaty) Art;;The arts tower of Sheffield University is a nearly identical half-scale copy of this structure, which sits across the street from the Lever house. Mark Rothko revoked his series of paintings for the restaurant in this structure after realizing how expensive it was, and a backdrop for The Three Cornered Hat by Pablo Picasso now hangs there. Sculptures by Willem de Koonig and Henry Moore were at times placed off-center in the building's plaza, while large reflecting pools grace its North and South faces. Featuring the 24-hour Brasserie restaurant along with the Four Seasons, this is, FTP, what Park Avenue skyscraper designed by Philip Johnson and Mies van der Rohe?;;Seagram (Building) European Literature;;One of this author's stories describes a bachelor trapped in a tower surrounded by the titular marshes. In one of his short works Alissa, in her quest for sainthood, tries to steer Jerome toward her younger sister Juliette, but actually wants him for herself. The novelist Julius, the vivisector Anthime, and the titular bastard are at the center of a scheme to fake a papal kidnapping in Lafcadio's Adventures, while the accidental suicide of Boris mortifies the title figures' leader, the nephew of the man who cares for Bernard Profitendieu, Edouard, in The Counterfeiters. Also the author of a novel about a gay pedophile, this is, FTP what author of The Immoralist.;;(Andre) Gide Geography;;It is home to the largest non-delta river island in the world, Sauvie Island. Believed by 17th-century cartographers to be an estuary to the mythical Straits of Anian, its mouth was first observed in 1775 by Bruno de Heceta. The site of Hanford, where plutonium enriching was performed during the Manhattan project, lies along it, and dams along its length include Wanapum, Chief Joseph, and the Dalles. Pasco marks the point of confluence with the Snake, while the Willamette flows into it at Portland. For 10 points, what is this river, the second-largest in volume in North America, which forms part of the Oregon-Washington border?;;Columbia (River) Religion;;One person by this name resigned after the Council of Sutri charged him with simony, and another was the Crescentii candidate deposed by Benedict VIII. One of them engineered the election of Rudolf Hapsburg as emperor, another canonized Francis Xavier and Teresa of Ávila, and another was urged by Catherine of Siena to move the Papacy back from Avignon. One dispatched Augustine of Canterbury to Kent, and another's Dictatus proclaimed that he could depose the emperor, leading to a confrontation at Canossa. For 10 points, what Papal name is shared with the engineer of a namesake calendar reform?;;Gregory Physics;;Long thought to have no direct physical meaning, the Aharanov-Bohm effect showed that a nonzero value for this quantity could cause a phase shift even in a region where its curl was zero. Its derivative is discontinuous across surfaces carrying surface current, and its very existence implies the nonexistence of magnetic monopoles, as the divergence of its curl is by definition zero. In the Coulomb gauge its divergence is set to 0, while in the Lorenz gauge its divergence is proportional to the negative partial derivative of the electric potential. For ten points, what is this quantity, whose curl is equal to the magnetic field?;;vector potential|magnetic potential World Literature;;In one of this author's novels, the chief suggests that a boy ritually murder his stepfather when he decides to retire from sailing. A restaurant owner's attraction to an elderly conservative politician clashes with the radical beliefs of her husband in his novel After the Banquet, while anxiety over a planned mutiny leads to the suicide of Reiko and Takeyama Shinji in "Patriotism". In his first novel, the student Kochan realizes he cannot marry Sonoko after a prostitute fails to arouse him, while the stuttering Mizoguchi sets fire to the title structure in The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. Best known for a series including Spring Snow, this is, FTP, what author of The Sea of Fertility?;;(Yukio) Mishima|(Kimitake) Hiraoka Astronomy;;Their energy spectrum is characterized by a steepening at the "knee" at around 10 to the 16th electron-volts and another at the "ankle" at 10 to the 19th electron-volts, the latter possibly due to the GZK cutoff resulting from inelastic collisions with the cosmic microwave background. SuperKamiokande's initial observation of neutrino oscillation was made by comparing the interaction of these with Earth's atmosphere on the two sides of the earth, and Carl Anderson first discovered the positron using the interaction of these in a cloud chamber. Composed of approximately 87% protons and 12% alpha particles, for 10 points, what are these particles which bombard Earth's atmosphere from extraterrestrial sources?;;cosmic ray(s) Geography;;Dhu Nuwas was the last king of the Himyarites, who ruled in what is now this country, and converted to Judaism, leading to a Jewish population persisting here until airlifted to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet. The Romans called the region "Arabia Felix" because of its trade in frankincense and myrrh, though now its inhabitants are partial to qat "cot". One part of this country was dominated by Zaydi Islam and gained independence in 1918, but the rest was a British protectorate until 1967, instituting a Communist government in 1970. For 10 points, name this Arab country unified as a single republic in 1990.;;(Republic) (of) Yemen Mythology;;He seduced Tyro, the wife of his brother Salmoneus, and he founded the Isthmian Games to honor his nephew Melicertes. After Autolycus stole his cattle, he seduced Anticleia, leading some some sources to say he is the true father of Odysseus. He also revealed Zeus's abduction of Aegina in exchange for a drink of water, which led to his first death, but his undignified funeral resulted in him returning to teach his wife etiquette. He had earlier chained Death to a post, so, after his death of old age, he was kept too busy to think of more tricks. For 10 points, name this king of Corinth who must forever push a boulder up a hill.;;Sisyphus European History;;Its goal was the "AA line" and it occurred in concert with Operation Silberfuchs. After it was launched, an unsuccessful counterattack was ordered at Suwalki and Lublin, and the prolonging of the battle at Vyzama helped slow it down. This initiatve did not begin to falter until a counteroffensive in the Yelets and Tula sectors used imported Siberian troops to fight in cold weather. It led to the execution of General Pavlov after Fedor von Bock's Army Group Center captured Minsk on the sixth day. For 10 points, what invasion launched on June 22, 1941 began the Nazi war on the USSR?;;(Operation) Barbarossa American Literature;;The narrator of this work, which takes place on Sullivan's Island, is approached his by friend, formerly of an old Louisianan French Huguenot family, but the title object is handed over to Lieutenant G- before the narrator can see it. A Newfoundland dog and the slave Jupiter accompany the narrator and his friend to a large tulip tree, where a great treasure is discovered as a result of the decoding of a message by Captain Kidd. This leads William Legrand to a ledge at Bessop's Hotel where he can spot the right location with a telescope. FTP, identify this story whose title object is an useless insect of a certain metallic appearance, a work of Edgar Allen Poe.;;("The) Gold Bug(") Geography;;Between 400 BCE and 70 AD, the cities of Zinchecra and Garama flourished in this region, while the western section of it had formerly been colonized by Hanno the Navigator. The cities in this region were later conquered by Lucius Cornelius Balbus, and the Garamantes were subjugated by Rome. The Haratin flourished there until conquered by the Sanhaja, who introduced the camel to the region, and the namesake ancient tree of its southern region was destroyed by a truck in 1973. Its highest peak is Emi Koussi, in the Tibesti range, which along with the Air and Ahaggar ranges divide the region into the Tenere and Lybian sectors. FTP name this huge desert of north Africa.;;Sahara (Desert) British Literature;;The theme of gaiety recurs frequently in this poem, first by reference to poets that "are always gay," and later with regard to Hamlet and Lear, who are watched by Ophelia and Cordelia. This poem's famous first lines reference "hysterical women" who fear that "Aeroplane and Zeppelin will come out, pitch like King Billy bomb-balls in," but more famous are the two last stanzas which describe three Chinese men carved into the titular object, whose every "crack… seems a water course or an avalanche". For ten points, identify this William Butler Yeats poem about a scene depicted on the titular stone.;;Lapis Lazuli Chemistry;;The Hell-Vollhard-Zellinsky reaction is used to brominate the alpha carbon of these molecules, and they can be synthesized via disproportionation of an aldehyde. Derivatives of them often go through addition-elimination reactions via a tetrahedral intermediate. Applying a solution of Grignard Grin-yerd reagents to dry ice is way to synthesize them, as is the hydrolysis of nitriles by sulfuric acid and heat. The butyric variety is responsible for the smell of rancid butter, and the formic variety was originally isolated from ants. Showing up as a characteristic "bite" around 3000 wavenumbers on an IR spec, FTP, what is this class of molecules that contains a carbon double bonded to an oxygen and single bonded to a hydroxyl group?;;Carboxylic Acid World Literature;;The title creatures of one of his short stories carry a pink baby-doll-wearing balladeer away from the hands of Captain Ezequiel, who is then transformed into a horntree. The street urchin Baldo is influenced by the titular voodoo priest in Jubiaba, while Ricardo is seduced by the titular bordello owner in Tieta, the Goat Girl. In a better-known novel, the owner of the Vesuvius bar, Nacib Saad, admires the titular mulatto cook for her aroma and skin color, while a recipe precedes each of the five sections of Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands. FTP name this Brazilian author of Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon.;;(Jorge) Amado European History;;He campaigned on the "one hundred days of decision" plan, which was derailed by his weak finance minister, Walter Gordon. George Grant's Lament for a Nation attacked this man's administration for allowing the testing of foreign cruise missiles, after his opposition to nuclear weapons helped him win election over John Diefenbaker. Earlier, in the cabinet of Louis Saint Laurent, this man's role in mediating the Suez Crisis won him a Nobel Peace Prize. For 10 points, name this Liberal Party member who oversaw the adoption of an official flag and national anthem as prime minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968.;;(Lester) (Bowles) Pearson Physics;;The Sachs-Wolfe effect observed in the cosmic microwave background is an example of one form of this phenomenon. The Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric can be used to derive the cosmological form of this phenomenon, which was measured by Vesto Slipher, resulting in a famous law. The Ives-Stillwell experiment demonstrated the special-relativistic form of this effect by measuring time-dilation, and in astronomic applications it is usually given as a dimensionless number equal to one plus the emitted frequency over the observed frequency. For ten points, identify this increase in wavelength as light moves away from the observer, most famously manifested in the relativistic Doppler effect.;;redshift Economics;;His articles for The Dial were collected in The Vested Interests and the Common Man. The inefficiency of business institutions was the focus of his The Instinct of Workmanship, and he looked at the bright side of autocracy in Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution. He advocated technocracy in 1921's The Engineers and the Price System, claimed that war is caused by the competition among national business interests, and founded institutional economics. For 10 points, identify this American who formulated the concepts of "pecuniary emulation" and "conspicuous consumption" in The Theory of the Leisure Class.;;(Thorstein) (Bunde) Veblen European Literature;;A "bronze atrocity by Barbedienne," sits on the mantle in the location in which this play takes place. The characters' period of introspection ends with an outbreak of the song beginning with "What a crowd in Whitefriars Lane!" One character then volunteers to be a mirror for another character. The journalist from Rio admits to having deserted from the war, while two other women admit to having extramarital affairs. While the former housewife attempts to stab Inez with a paper knife at this play's end, she fails to afflict any damage, as she, Garcin, and Estelle are already dead. It is revealed that "Hell is other people" in, FTP, what play by Jean-Paul Sartre?;;No Exit|Huis Clos Math Theory;;It can be given indirectly by Merten's formula, and the double-integral formulation is equivalent to Catalan's integral, which yields this quantity. If a large number n is divisible by all primes less than or equal to n, then the average amount by which the quotient is less than the next whole number is equal to this quantity. It is the limit as n goes to infinity of the nth harmonic number minus the natural log of n, and it is unknown whether it is irrational or transcendental. First calculated to 16 decimal places by one of its namesakes and denoted by a symbol introduced by the other one, for ten points, identify this number approximately equal to 0.577216 and denoted by a Greek letter.;;gamma|Euler(-Mascheroni) World History;;It resolved little and was followed the next year by the Battle of Siffin. One army marched out from the Valley of the Lion before this battle and asked for "qasas," but found that even Kaab b'Sur's presence in the middle of the battlefield failed to help. Losing commanders at this battle included Talhah and az-Zubayr, and it is often called the beginning of the first fitnah. Fought around the city of Basra, it was the first clash over the issue of avenging the murder of Uthman, and it secured the power of Ali, who defeated Aishah. For 10 points, identify this 656 battle, named for the mount from which Aishaha led her forces.;;(Battle) (of) (the) Camel Music;;This author's unfinished works include the operas The Tree of Science and The New World. With the composer of the piano fantasy Africa this man completed Guirard's unfinished opera Fredegonde, and he first gained success with a symphonic overture to Pierre Corneille's Polyeucte. Ariane becomes the sixth wife of the titular Duke in an opera with a libretto by Maurice Maeterlinck, Ariane and Bluebeard, and Iskender steals a flower from the titular winged creature on the steps of a temple to Ormuzd in his one-act ballet La Peri. Better known is a "symphonic scherzo after a ballade of Goethe". FTP name this French composer, best-known for The Sorcerer's Apprentice.;;(Paul) Dukas United States History;;Its fifth article mandated the enactment of public sanitation projects, while its sixth exempted the Isle of Pines. Its namesake was the Connecticut Republican who attached it to the Army Appropriations Act at the urging of Elihu Root. It was abrogated in 1934 under the Good Neighbor Policy of the FDR administration, thus ending this provision's ban on foreign treaties and the right to U.S. intervention on behalf of the independence of a certain country, though the lease on Guantanamo Bay was maintained. For 10 points, name this 1902 rider outlining US policy towards Cuba, which replaced the earlier Teller Amendment.;;Platt (Amendment) Computer Science;;The polyphase variant of this algorithm improves its efficiency by reusing emptied files, while the bitonic variant requires the same number of steps regardless of input sequence but is not stable. Particularly suited for inputs that are accessed sequentially, it typically performs worse than another similar algorithm despite the fact that its theoretical average and worst-case runtimes are the same. Since the function at the center of this algorithm requires at most 2n operations, where n is the sequence length, its time complexity is "big-O of n log of n". For ten points, identify this divide-and-conquer sort, which breaks the input sequence into subsequences that are recursively sorted and then recombined.;;merge (sort) American Literature;;Upon leaving his apartment, this work's protagonist sees a poster saying, "If you break the law, you can't win!", foreshadowing his demise after he is forced down from the top of a water tank with ice-cold water from a hose. In court, Buckley successfully condemns the protagonist to the death penalty, but visits by the Communist Jan Erlone and his attorney Max lead him to conclude that, "What I killed for, I am!" This work's protagonist was probably not referring to the killing of his girlfriend Bessie but to his accidental murder of Mary Dalton as a poor black chauffeur for the rich Dalton family. FTP, name novel about Bigger Thomas by Richard Wright.;;Native Son Mythology;;Near the end of the Iliad, Achilles compared Priam to this character. Her sister-in-law Aedon's envy accidentally caused the death of Aedon's son Itylus, who turned into a nightingale. One of the daughters of this wife of Amphion and daughter of Tantalus changed her name from Meliboea to Chloris, meaning "the pale one". She was probably pale after witnessing the wrath of the gods on behalf of Leto, who punished this woman for claiming superiority based on number of offspring. For 10 points, Apollo and Artemis killed most or all of the children of what woman of Greek mythology, who turned to stone as she wept?;;Niobe Art;;Its inclusion in its present location was justified by a Latin couplet composed by the future Urban VIII, and its room also contains a painting by Dosso Dossi on the same theme as this work. The artist's last commission for the man in whose namesake museum it stands today, it depicts one participant with one arm outstretched behind him and the other on the body of the other participant, according to the poetic work on which it is based. Noted for its depiction of laurel leaves stemming from one character's fingertips, this is, FTP, what Gianlorenzo Bernini sculpture depicting the metamorphosis of a nymph pursued by a Greek god?;;Apollo and Daphne European History;;One of his ministers founded Cormeilles and Lire abbeys and drew up the "laws of Bréteuil". Armies under this king attacked the Isley of Ely to dislodge the rebels Morcar of Northumbria and Hereward the Wake, while he also stifled the Revolt of the Earls and the Harrying of the North. He also built the Tower of London before he was succeeded by his son, nicknamed "Rufus". He took advantage of Harold Hardrada's attack on Stamford Bridge to fight a tired army under Harold Godwinson, and eventually commissioned the Domesday Book after winning at Hastings. For 10 points, name this first Norman king of England.;;William I|William the Conqueror|William the Bastard Philosophy;;It praises "the sleepy ones" as well as relativism, which it terms "the thousand and one goals". It attacks those who self-deceive about their motivations, such as the "pale criminal". Camels, dragons, and lions represent the "three metamorphoses" of one section, while another argues against dualism in "On the Despisers of the Body". The title character hangs out with an eagle and a snake and puts forth the idea of "eternal recurrence," which, along with creating the "meaning of the earth," must be understood to become the "overman". For 10 points, name this Nietzsche volume which takes as its mouthpiece a Persian prophet.;;Thus Spoke Zarathustra|Thus Spake Zarathustra Religion;;This movement's ideas were adopted by Scipione de Ricci at the Synod of Pistoia and applied to other disciplines in such books as Logic, or the Art of Thinking. Many of its views were summarized in the tract "On Frequent Communion," whose author was defended in the Provincial Letters. Its founder accused the Jesuits of Pelagianism in the Augustinus, and it was condemned in "Cum Occasione" and "Unigenitsum," bulls issued by Innocent X and Clement XI. For 10 points, Mère Angélique made Port Royal the center of what French movement against Papal Catholicism, founded by a Bishop Cornelius?;;Jansenism|Jansenist (heresy) American Literature;;This author's pseudonymous The Dance of Life may have been an answer to The Dance of Death, itself written by Thomas Harcourt and this author under the pseudonym William Herman. Marian Mendenhall is told that Lieutenant Herman Brayle was bitten by a snake in "Killed at Resaca, and other stories include The Fiend's Delight and Cobwebs from an Empty Shell. The protagonist of his best-known work, a Southern gentleman from Alabama, is eventually hanged from the titular structure. Author of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," this is, FTP, what author, also known for his satirical lexicon The Devil's Dictionary?;;(Ambrose) Bierce Biology;;This organ uses selenium as a cofactor in its normal function, and it develops as a mass of cells at the floor of the pharynx about 3 to 4 weeks after conception. Diseases affecting this organ include Hashimoto's disease, in which autoantibodies destroy its follicle cells. Other diseases include Ord's Disease, Graves' Disease, and Plummer's Disease. Abnormalities in it can cause cretinism or myxedema, and tumors of it are usually treated with radioactive iodine capsules. FTP, name this gland formed at the base of the neck, which secretes triiodothyronine and thyroxine.;;thyroid (gland) Art;;Edvard Munch painted two versions of his own of this work, but Munch's versions feature his former lover Tulla Larsen in a role left out of their predecessor. Remaining obscure after the imprisoning of one known as "the Incorruptible" at the Hôtel de Ville, this work was praised by Baudelaire, who stated that its title figure could now challenge Apollo. the title character's right arm dangles lifelessly, while in his left hand is a letter on which the viewer can see the name of Charlotte Corday. FTP, identify this painting by Jacques-Louis David that depicts a leader of the Reign of Terror stabbed in his bathtub.;;(The) Death of Marat Geography;;It was the namesake of a 1575 "confession" presented to Maximillian II, and its religious dissenters were recognized in 1609's Letter of Majesty. George Podiebrady was the last native king here, Charles I of this kingdom became Holy Roman Emperor in 1355 as Charles IV, and it was ruled until 1306 by the Premyslid dynasty founded by Otokar I. This kingdom was also home to the conflict between the Utraquists and the Taborites, theological allies of Jan Hus. For 10 points, identify this region whose capital was the site of the incident sparking the Thirty Years War and which was subsumed into Czechoslovakia in 1918.;;Bohemia|Cechy|Bohmen European History;;His father created him King of Chile, but his ambitions on France were renounced in the Peace of Vervins. His approval of the murder of Juan de Escobedo is one factor in the "Black Legend" of his cruelty. His successor was not produced until his final marriage, to Maximilian II's daughter Anna of Austria. Following the death of King Sebastian, he annexed Portugal, but his childless marriage to Mary I led to disaster in his English ambitions, culminating in the 1588 failure of the Armada. For 10 points, name this builder of the Escorial and successor to Charles V as King of Spain.;;Philip (II|the Second){1}?;;Philip Biology;;Hyperplasia in this organ is associated with myasthenia gravis, while aplasia of it results from failure of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches to develop and is known as DiGeorge syndrome. Keratinized cells called Hassall's corpuscles are found in its medulla, and dendritic cells at its corticomedullary junction recognize self-reactive cells. Epithelial cells in its cortex express MHC molecules that allow for positive selection. Found posterior to the manubrium of the sternum, this pyramid-shaped organ reaches its maximum size at puberty. For 10 points, identify this lymphoid organ, the site of T cell development.;;thymus Religion;;In Latvia, the pagan holiday of Zvaignes was assimilated to this Christian feast, observed in Latin America by leaving one's shoes out the night before. In Orthodox Christianity, it is often accompanied by a Blessing of the Waters and usually called the Feast of the Theophany. Remembering the miracle of Cana and the baptism of Christ, it is also called Little Christmas in Ireland and the Day of the Kings in Spanish-speaking countries. It commemorates the visit of the three magi and marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas. For 10 points, name this Christian feast that takes place on January 6.;;Epiphany Physics;;The de Hoffman-Teller frame can be found by a transformation setting this quantity to zero upstream and downstream of a shock. In some media it is equal to the drift velocity over the mobility, and for a moving point particle it has velocity field and acceleration field terms. A generalized form of Ohm's law relates it to the conductivity tensor and the current density. Poisson related its Laplacian to the charge density, and its surface integral is related to enclosed charge in Gauss's law. For 10 points, name this quantity which is proportional when static to the source charge over the distance squared, according to Coulomb's law.;;electric field World History;;It was re-established after the Battle of Tigranocerta, which freed it from the rule of King Tigranes of Armenia. It also fought Egypt at the Battle of Panium before being defeated by the Romans at Magnesia.. It reached its greatest extent after the 281 BCE Battle of Corupedium, where its founder defeated Lysimachus. In 250 BC, Bactria and Parthia succeeded from this kingdom, which was also expelled from Judea by the revolt of the Maccabees. Finally extinguished by Pompey in 63 BCE, its capital was at Antioch. For 10 points, name this kingdom founded by an Alexandrian general known as Nicator.;;Seleucid (Kingdom|Empire) British Literature;;This author is the primary subject of T.S. Eliot's "What Is Minor Poetry"? He thinks "how sweetly flows/The liquefaction" of the title garments in one poem, and "His Litany to the Holy Spirit" was included in the collection His Noble Numbers. Other poems include one in which he remarks that they should engage in the title activity "while time serves, and we are but decaying," and another in which he tells the title group to "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may". For 10 points, name this Cavalier author of the collection Hesperides, including "Corinna's Gone A-Maying" and "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time".;;(Robert) Herrick Geography;;A rejected version of its charter forbade lawyers, doctors, and preachers from serving in the legislature. The Treaty of Hopewell voided its attempt in the Treaty of Dumpling Creek to define one of its borders at the Little River. Eventually, forces led by John Tipton triumphed over the government of John Sevier, who had tried to colonize Muscle Shoals. This entity was inspired by North Carolina's withdrawn attempt to give part of its land to the US government, and lasted from 1784 to 1788. For 10 points, name this abortive U.S. state, named for a Founding Father, whose land was incorporated into the new state of Tennessee.;;(State) (of) Franklin Art;;A second version of this painting adds a shield and plumed helmet propped against the pedestal on the right, and a nearby dancing pair holding hands. Both versions include a small dog mirroring the pose of a woman clutching a staff, who gazes back at the grove on the right while her partner leads the way downhill. The second version shows pennants flying from the mast of the ship waiting at the left for the various lovers, and both versions feature a garlanded statue of a goddess of love. For 10 points, name this fête gallant showing couples preparing for a trip to or from the birthplace of Aphrodite, a painting by Watteau.;;(The) Embarkation for Cythera|(The) Pilgrimage to Cythera|(l')Embarquement de Cythere|(Le) Pelerinage a Cythera|Embarkation from Cythera Music;;This work's final movement slows to poco andante after the eighth variation, a double fugue based on a theme the composer had earlier written as a contredanse. English horns figure prominently in the third movement trio and in a fugue that follows the trio in the second movement's Funeral March. A solo horn also announces the recapitulation in the first movement before the rest of the orchestra. It opens with two short E-flat major chords and concluding with a set of variations on a theme used in The Creatures of Prometheus. For 10 points, identify this Beethoven symphony, originally dedicated to Napoleon.;;Eroica (Symphony)|Beethoven's Third Symphony (just) Third Symphony (after) (Beethoven) (is) (mentioned|) (do) (not) (Heroica,) (especially) (from) (Samer) (Ismail) Art;;His prominent roles include the lead in Le Dieu Bleu and Le Pavillon d'Armide, as well as a setting of Weber's Invitation to the Dance. As the "poet" who with the title characters plotlessly seeks the ideal, he worked in Les Sylphides with Tamara Karsavina, who was his partner in the premiere of Daphnis et Chloe. He also danced the lead roles in Till Eulenspiegel and Jeux, works which he had choreographed. Admired for his roles in Fokine works such as Scheherazade and Petrouchka, for 10 points, identify this man who choreographed and danced in Afternoon of a Faun and The Rite of Spring during his tenure in Diaghilev's Ballets Russes.;;(Vaslav) (Fomich) Nijinsky Psychology;;His theories were the basis of Rudolf Dreikurs's practical therapy. He argued that the unhappiness of homosexuals stems from failure to meet a social need to reproduce in What Life Could Mean to You. His theory about the personality traits of eldest, second, middle, and youngest children has become conventional wisdom, while his theory of socially useful and antisocial personality types and the struggle between social demands and self-idealization are discussed in 1912's The Neurotic Character. For 10 points, name this founder of individual psychology, who pioneered work on inferiority complexes.;;(Alfred) Adler Mythology;;In one story he is said to have a brother, Gormant of Ricca, and to cross rivers on the blade of Osla Big-knife. In that story he captures Odgar and fights a whole day to kill one piglet of the brood of Twrch Trwyth. He refuses to stop the slaughter of a bunch of ravens in "The Dream of Rhonabwy" while playing a game against Owain. He disappears after his butler Lucan dies after a battle that begins?? when an adder prompts a warrior to draw a sword. During that battle at Camlann, he kills and is fatally wounded by Morgause's treacherous son, Mordred. For 10 points, name this king who wields Excalibur in battle.;;(King) Arthur Biology;;Notable species of this genus include longispinus, discovered by Charles Gilmore, and armatus, discovered by Othniel Marsh. Their lack of the antorbital fenestra is unusual among members of their order and suggests a relationship to crocodilians. Some have theorized that their tail and hindleg reflexes were improved by a second brain housed in the hip region of the spinal cord in these herbivores. Another physical feature may have functioned as temperature regulators, attractors of mates, or armor. For 10 points, name this genus of dinosaurs with rows of armored plates and spikes on their backs and tails.;;stegosaur(us) British Literature;;One notable comedic scene in this novel includes depictions of the main characters as a shepherdess, an Amazon, and Venus in a family portrait that is too large to fit in their home. Among the misfortunes borne with Job-like fortitude by the protagonist are financial ruin due to the bankruptcy of a merchant, the suspected abduction by Mr. Burchell of his daughter, and imprisonment at the hands of Squire Thornhill. Finally, Sophia and Olivia are reunited with George, Moses, and the protagonist, whose innate goodness is at last rewarded. For 10 points, name this novel about the titular cleric, Dr. Primrose, a work by Oliver Goldsmith.;;(The) Vicar of Wakefield Geology;;These features are termed "leaky" when they show a small divergence. At sea they are typically associated with a fracture zone extending beyond the active region, which usually lies between offset ridge segments. When three of these meet they form an unstable triple junction, and at the unstable Mendocino triple junction two of these meet a trench. They accommodate conservative plate boundaries since they show little or no movement in the dip direction, instead moving in right-lateral or left-lateral senses of relative plate motion. For 10 points, name these specific linear structures where plates slip past each other, exemplified by the San Andreas Fault.;;transform fault|strike-slip fault| (prompt) (on) fault(s) United States History;;He negotiated the Tipitapa Pact with Moncada in Nicaragua, and was responsible for the closure of an organization led by Herbert Yardley, the "Black Chamber" or MI-8. He led the US delegation to the London Naval Conference in his capacity as Secretary of State under Hoover, and he is also known for discouraging the bombing of Kyoto and delineating a certain policy after a section of railroad in Mukden was destroyed by Japanese soldiers. For 10 points, identify this Secretary of War under Taft and FDR, who advised nonrecognition of territories obtained by aggression in his namesake doctrine.;;(Henry) (Lewis) Stimson American Literature;;In one of this author's stories, a man wins a round of the titular activity and refuses to let go of the button controlling the prize wheel. In addition to "King of the Bingo Game," this author worked on a novel whose central character adopts the moniker Movie-Man for a time before becoming Senator Sunraider. His essays "On Bird, Bird-Watching, and Jazz" and "Richard Wright's Blues" appear in the collection Shadow and Act. He wrote a novel whose central character works briefly at Liberty Paint company and later meets Ras the Exhorter. For 10 points, name this writer who left unfinished his novel Juneteenth and wrote Invisible Man.;;(Ralph) (Waldo) Ellison Philosophy;;In one of this philosopher's works, he argues against a charge of treason by Odyssues in the Defense of Palamedes. In another work, via proof by exhaustion, he exculpates a different major figure of the Trojan War; that is his Encomium of Helen. In addition to Pyrhho, this philosopher's work is transmitted through Sextus Empiricus, who wrote of the metaphysical solipsism presented in this man's On Non-Existence. His eponymous Platonic dialogue features Polus and Callicles, who orders Socrates to debate himself. For 10 points, name this Greek, whose sophism, like that of Protagoras, is contrasted with Socratic philosophy.;;Gorgias European Literature;;Unseen in this play are the gossipy "neighbor Daphne and her little spouse". We also never see Argas, who left a casket of important papers with the head of the central family. The head of this play's central family!! hides under a table at his wife's insistence after that wife sees a ploy ruined by her hotheaded son-in-law Damis. The title character tears a fine handkerchief out of a copy of Pilgrim's Progress, calling it a "horrid profanation," during a scene between the servant Dorine and Cléante. The title character finally exposes himself by trying to seduce Elmire, the wife of his host, Orgon. For 10 points, name this Molière play featuring the titular religious hypocrite.;;Tartuffe Chemistry;;This formula begins to indicate that the vapor pressure of a material varies with its volume as conditions approach those prompting a first-order phase transition; this!! is its most egregious failure. It can be understood as a second-order truncation of the more accurate virial equation. The attraction and repulsion parameters are represented by the coefficients a and b and reflect that this formula was proposed by its namesake to account for intermolecular forces and the size of individual particles in the interactions of gases, refining the ideal gas law. For 10 points, name this equation of state.;;van der Waals (equation) (watch) (for) (repeat) World Literature;;The protagonist of this novel flees as a boy after his grandmother's mulatto caretaker, Lunero, witnesses him murdering his drunken uncle. At the beginning of the novel his only comfort is the recordings of business transactions played to him by Padilla. After returning home from war he marries Catalina, the sister of Gonzalo, who is later disillusioned by Father Paez. The protagonist's son Lorenzo is killed in the Spanish Civil War, and the love of his life, Regina, is captured and hanged by Pancho Villa. A veteran of the Revolution of 1910, he recalls his life as the title event is coming near. FTP name this novel about a Mexican business tycoon by Carlos Fuentes.;;(The) Death of Artemio Cruz|(La) Muerte de Artemio Cruz Geography;;In this country, women often wear nickels attached to a red and white string on their breasts for the first two weeks of March. The wearing of leather slippers called opinci remains common in the Maramures region, as does the consumption of oversized donuts. Tourists often see the "ladder of virtue," a wall painting at the Sucevita monastery, in this nation, which was inducted along with Bulgaria into the EU on January 1st, 2007. On December 1st, it celebrates the day on which Bukovina, Bessarabia, and Transylvania were originally united. Situated where the Danube flows into the Black Sea, this is, for 10 points, what Eastern European nation with capital at Bucharest?;;Romania Math Theory;;For a differential equation, the elliptic type of these occurs when the stability matrix is purely imaginary. The subfactorial of n gives the number of permutations of n elements with none of these; such permutations are known as derangements. For a continuous function f of x whose graph lies in the unit square, the intermediate value theorem applied to the function f of x minus x shows that f has one of these in the unit interval. Any continuous map from the unit n-ball to itself has one, according to a theorem of Brouwer. For 10 points, name these points which remain invariant under a differential equation or map, so that f of x equals x.;;fixed point(s) World History;;The Taizong and Xuanzong emperors were notable members of this dynasty, which was founded by the governor of Shanxi "Shanhsyee" and ruled by the Turkic-derived Li family. It was the first dynasty to implement civil service examinations, and its capital at Chang'an was the eastern terminus of the Silk Road. The reign of Empress Wu and the An Lushan rebellion also occurred during this dynasty, which succeeded the Sui and was the time of the poets Du Fu and Li Po. For 10 points, name this dynasty that reigned in China from 618 to 907.;;Tang (Dynasty) European History;;One of the military commanders under his administration wrote Holland and Belgium in their Mutual Relations. He appointed Adalbert Falk to be Minister of Education during one of his domestic programs, which was opposed by the Zentrum party. He was more strenuously opposed by Eduard Kullman, who tried to assassinate him after he issued the May Laws. He used a dispute over the succession to the Spanish throne to alter the Ems telegram, and he fought the influence of Catholicism in the kulturkampf. For 10 points, name this engineer of the Franco-Prussian War and first Chancellor of Germany.;;(Otto) (von) Bismarck Economics;;The 1923 Supreme Court case Adkins v. Children's Hospital concerned a law establishing one of these. In a 1946 paper, George Stigler accounted for positive effects of them by noting that employers act as monopsonists in certain sectors. The 1985 case Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority allowed the continuing existence of these by upholding the Fair Labor Standards Act. A 1995 book by Card and Kruger controversially denied that they have any disemployment effect. For 10 points, the 110th Congress's Democratic leadership has stated an intent to raise what price floor, the lowest legal compensation by a for-profit employer for an hour of work?;;minimum wage(s) Geography;;Plateaus in the western part of this nation include the Nechako and Chilcotin, while mountains in the eastern part of this country include the Monteregian hills and the Long Range Mountains. This nation's northernmost drainage basin includes rivers such as the Liard, Parsnip, and Peace, while islands in its largest bay include the Belcher Islands, the southernmost part of this nation's newest territory. It's tallest peak is Mt. Logan, and it may become politically important due to the discovery of oil sands in one of its western provinces. For 10 points, name this country, home of the Athabasca, Fraser, and Mackenzie rivers and the Great Bear Lake, with capital at Ottawa.;;Canada British Literature;;In one of this man's works, Noorna, disguised as a crone, meets the barber Shibli just before he performs the title action, while the titular lowly boy meets and marries the upper class Rose Jocelyn in Evan Harrington. The speaker describes himself as the pilot of his own life after his wife cuckolds him in this author's best-known poem, Modern Love, but he is better known for a novel in which the prohibition of female encounters until the protagonist turns 25 leads to a young man's travails, The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. FTP name this author, also known for a novel in which the title character's relationship with Laetitia Dale reveals the harm of his excessive pride, The Egoist.;;(George) Meredith Astronomy;;In his "The Nature of the Physical World," he postulated the Two Tables paradox to demonstrate the incommensurability of common-sensical and scientific inquiry. In that same work, he also promoted the first incarnation of the infinite monkey theorem, which held that "if an army of monkeys were strumming on typewriters, they might write all the books in the British Museum". More a scientist than a philosopher, however, he explained the pulsation of Cepheid variables, though he is better known for his work on black holes, in which he unsuccessfully opposed the idea of the Chandrasekhar limit. He also unsuccessfully attempted to establish the fine structure constant as exactly 1/137, a value now known as his number. For 10 points, name this British astrophysicist who discovered proof of gravitational lensing?;;(Arthur) (Stanley) Eddington Art;;One of this man's works features the titular dark-skinned man in a gold-trimmed red garment with absurdly huge buttons, while a more recognizable one depicts a bird on the shoulder of the eponymous stein-bearing crone. A black shirt with red frills adorns the titular clown in his Jester with a Lute, and the titular woman's breasts are nearly popping out in Gypsy Girl, but he is better known for portraits of figures like Jacobus Zaffius and the Company of Saint George. Best-known, however, is a painting of a mustachioed hat-wearing man notably not performing the titular jocular action. FTP name this Haarlem painter best-known for his The Laughing Cavalier.;;(Frans) Hals Music;;In the composer of this work's autobiography, he remarks that he was inspired to create it after viewing Titian's Assumption of the Virgin in Venice. Controversy surrounds the image of a bird flying out of a thornbush in this work, which features the "Midsummer Magic" music and the "Wahn" monologue. One of the title characters is beaten in the street while searching for Eva Pogner, who confides in the cobbler Hans Sachs about her anxiety over the contest at the center of this opera. Walther van Stolzing eventually saves her from the evil Jewlike Sixtus Beckmesser in, FTP, what opera about a vocal contest in a German city by Richard Wagner?;;(Die) Meistersinger von N(ü|u){1}?rnberg|(The) Mastersingers of Nuremberg World Literature;;In the preface to a book of his lectures this writer notes that the literary critic Henry Louis Gates was one of his students at Cambridge. He served a lengthy prison term that he described in the book of poems A Shuttle in the Crypt and in the memoir The Man Died. His novels include The Interpreters and Season of Anomy, and his satirical plays include Kongi's Harvest and The Trials of Brother Jero, but this author is best known for dramas that delve into Yoruba myth, like The Lion and the Jewel. For 10 points, identify this author who also wrote a play in which Olunde attempts to stop his father, the title servant, from committing suicide, Death and the King's Horseman.;;(Wole) Soyinka Philosophy;;Arthur Pap theoriezed! a "functiona!" kind of this. David Hume termed it the "relations of ideas" as opposed to "matters of fact". An early version of it can be found in Plato's Meno, in which it takes the form of the "theory of recollection". Kant appealed to it for "necessary truth" and asserted its transcendental nature, claiming that it involved form rather than content, and that moral principles can only be discovered through it rather than experience. For 10 points, name this epistemological concept, a type of knowledge that is gained independently of empirical or "a posteriori" knowledge.;;a priori (knowledge|reasoning) Biology;;Genera in this phylum include Haemonchus, Necator, Ancylostoma, and Trichuris. These creatures' ameoboid sperm is believed to be the only eukaryotic cell without G-actin, and they mate through the use of a chitin-coated spicule and often with the aid of specially bent tails. To avoid dessication, their epidermis secretes a keratin cuticle, which also means that they molt. Some also have cilia, but all move primarily through their hydrostatic skeleton. Sensory structures called phasmids can be found near their anus, which serves as the end of the pseudocoel of these triploblastic creatures, which include biological superstar C. elegans. For 10 points, name this phylum of worms that are round.;;Nematod(a|e(s)){1}? United States History;;Robert Conrad was elected mayor of Philadelphia after being revealed as a member of this group. In Massachusetts, it helped elect Senator Henry Wilson, while in Indiana it recruited congressman Schuyler Colfax. One member was the only man to defeat Boss Tweed in an election. Their presidential candidate was a former Comptroller of New York who led the Silver-Grey Whigs, while their vice-Presidential candidate was Kitchen Cabinet member Andrew Donnelson. For 10 points, name this political party formed out of the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, which nominated Millard Fillmore for President and was defined by its secrecy and opposition to Catholic immigrants.;;Know-Nothing (Party)|American (Party) United States History;;His father was killed during Lord Dunmore's War, and his boyhood home was destroyed in the Battle of Piqua. His collaborators included Isaac Brock, a brother with whom he captured a fort commanded by William Hull, and Henry Proctor. After adopting the economic theories of Joseph Brant, he broke with Black Hoof and decribed the abdication of land claims. Henry Proctor failed to show up to his final battle near Chatham, where he was killed, possibly by Richard Mentor Johnson, after rising to prominence as the brother of Tenskwatawa, a prophet. For 10 points, name this Indian leader, the loser at the Battle of the Thames and the Battle of Tippecanoe.;;Tecumseh World History;;The Egyptian general Ganymedes and regent Pothinus were both this type of person. One of them, Judar Pasha, won the battle of Tondibi against Askia Ishaq II, putting an end to the Songhai Empire. The theologian Tertullian claimed that Jesus was one of these, which was believed by the Russian Skoptzy sect. In China, one of these was responsible for the Tumu Crisis, while an influencial group of them was known as the Ten Attendants, and one of them is credited by Gavin Menzies with discovering Greenland, Antartica, and the Americas in 1421. Apart from Zheng He, they were often used to guard harems. For 10 points, name this type of court official, who has been castrated.;;eunuch(s) British Literature;;A key point in this novel comes when one of the characters realizes that a book written under the pseudonym Joseph Emory Prank was actually written by her acquaintance Miss Lavish. Miss Lavish had written about an actual event: a woman is kissed on a violet-covered terrace while wandering in search of Mr. Eager and Mr. Beere. This woman eventually breaks off her engagement to Cecil Vyse, and instead marries the man who had kissed her in Florence, George Emerson. Lucy Honeychurch is the heroine of-for 10 points-this E.M. Forester novel, which takes its title from her lodgings in Florence, from which one can see the Arno River.;;A Room with a View European History;;After he came to power, he sent Wulfstan of Haithabu to the Baltic and fought the battle of Wilton. Made a Consul of Rome at the age of five by Pope Leo IV, this man forced Guthrum convert to Christianity and sign the Treaty of Wedmore after winning the Battle of Edington. He allegedly spied on his opponents by entering their camp as a minstrel, which allowed him to extend his lands all the way to Watling Street, deep into the Danelaw. He is credited with creating the shire system as well as standardizing English law. For 10 points, name this king of Wessex, called "the Great".;;Alfred (the) (Great) Chemistry;;In Contact, Carl Sagan quipped that there was enough of this compound in galactic cloud W-3 to completely satisfy the entire population of the planet for the age of the solar system. Although used by humans since at least the Neolithic period, it was first isolated through distillation by Persian alchemists in the Abbasid Caliphate. Recent evidence has shown that this compound can in fact increase the growth of the bacterium responsible for pneumonia, meningitis, and urinary tract infections, contradicting a common conception about the ability of this compound to kill budding infections. For 10 points, identify this organic compound with empirical formula C2H6O used as a fuel additive and in adult beverages.;;ethanol Mythology;;One of this figure's forms, Khepri, was originally a separate deity with the head of a dung beetle. In another form he is combined with the ram-headed god Heryshaf, and in yet another he is depicted as the youth Nefertum, who masturbated the Ennead into existence. During his most important task, one of his protectors is Mehen, a snake-like deity with a namesake board game, while other assistants include Thoth and Seth. Seth uses a blade to accomplish what this figure usually does by transforming into a giant cat, namely, killing Apophis. Originally the chief god of Heliopolis, he was eventually merged with the Theban Amun. For 10 points, name this Egyptian solar deity.;;Ra|Re American Literature;;Although she claims that she is just on leave from from her job teaching high school English, she was actually fired for an inappropriate behavior with a student, and she was evicted from the low-rent Flamingo Hotel for her wild sexual affairs. These affairs are largely motivated by the guilt she feels as a result of the death of her husband, Allen Grey, who killed himself after she discovered that he was gay. At the end of the play, she is taken off to a mental institution, as she reveals that she has "always depended on the kindness of strangers". For 10 points, name this Southern belle, the female lead in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire.;;Blanche (DuBois) Chemistry;;In 1964 Cotton elucidated the first report of bonding interactions specifically between these type of orbitals, in dirhenium complexes. The splitting between their e-gerade and t-1-gerade sets is directly proportional to the colors displayed by inorganic complexes, and the crystal field model was an early attempt to explain their orientations in space. The conventional z-squared one is actually a combination of two possible solution to the Schrodinger equation. For ten points, name these atomic orbitals with principal quantum number, and with one more node than p orbitals, originally "diffuse" in spectroscopic measurement.;;d (orbitals) American Literature;;Major Effingham becomes a father figure in this character's life after his parents are killed by Mingo Indians. He refers to himself as a "younker" and fondly remembers attending Reformed church in Albany, suggesting that he may be of partial Dutch descent. He cries out to his protégé Oliver and to Oliver's wife Elizabeth after the death of his friend Chingachgook, and he ends up giving Chingachgook's son Uncas his gun Killdeer. La Longue Carabine, Lap Ear, Pigeon, and Hawkeye are among the nicknames of-for 10 points-this character, the hero of James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales.;;(Natty) Bumppo Biology;;This term was used by Fred Hoyle in the 1980s as part of his promotion of the theory of panspermia, but its most well-known meaning has its roots in an 1850 book by Patrick Edward Dove. In 1873, Paleyite botanist George James Allman used the current meaning of the term at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, but it is perhaps most famously associated with the Wedge Document, which outlined a public relations campaign meant to sway public opinion and policy and to obtain charitable funding for the Discovery Institute. However, John Jones found that it did not meet the Daubert Standard for scientific evidence in his decision in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. For 10 points, name this pseudoscientific theory that attempts to supplant Darwin's theory of natural selection with a biogenesis that involves a reasoning creator?;;Intelligent Design World History;;Members of this class were initially prohibited from building tall houses or using saddles, and Mutawakkil forbade them from using horses at all and required them to wear blue and yellow turbans. Under the Ottomans, each group that fell under this heading, which was accorded to the Mandeans, but not the Yazidi, received a hierarchical place in the millet system. A person in this class had to provide three days of lodging to a Muslim upon request, was exempt from military service, and had to pay the jizya tax. For 10 points, identify this second-class but protected status given to non-Islamic monotheists such as Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians under Islamic rule.;;dhimmi|People(s) of the Book|Ahl al-Kitab Music;;These pieces were taken from the composer's Opus 8 collection, which he named "The Contest Between Harmony and Inventions". The composer noted that the viola part in the second movement of the first piece was imitating the bark of a dog, and in the sonnet that the composer wrote to accompany it, a goatherd sleeps in a meadow strewn with flowers. In the sonnet that accompanies the third piece, the composer describes the peasants' celebration of the harvest, and the fourth sonnet mentions an icy snow. For 10 points, name this collection of violin concertos written by Antonio Vivaldi to represent different times of year.;;(The) Four Seasons United States History;;Whitlaw Reed succeeded this man at his longest-tenured job, in which capacity this man had endorsed Albert Brisbane's American interpretation of the Fourier socialist system. A former campaign writer for Thurlow Weed, he hired Karl Marx as a European correspondent and yoinked John Soule's advice to avoid "lounging in the cities" urging readers to "Go west, young man!" Later, he joined with Vice-Presidential nominee Gratz Brown to finish second to Grant in the 1872 election under the banner of the Liberal Republican Party. For 10 points, name this influential abolitionist editor of the New York Tribune.;;(Horace) Greeley Biology;;A genetic defect in their synthesis is implicated in Zellweger syndrome, where the body is unable to oxidize certain long-chain fatty acids. Though proteins are not thought to use the endoplasmic reticulum to reach it, new evidence suggests it may have evolved from proteins related to that organelle, casting doubts on its supposed endosymbiontic origin. Key to production of the myelin sheath, it also plays a role in bile production as well as primarily breaking down ethanol into acetaldehyde and using enzymes such a catalase to deal with toxic waste products. For 10 points, name this cellular organelle, a major produce of hydrogen peroxide.;;peroxisome(s) European Literature;;He was prevented from bleeding to death when his girlfriend plugged his wound with her long hair. This man found a mysterious golden box in the forest, whose magnetic key falls apart when used. He meets a couple named Joseph and Mary who are squatting in a church, shortly after he takes a vow to never remain in the same place for more than three days. The intervention of Old Barbara keeps him from monogamy with Marianne, but he later has a son named Felix and declares that "art is long, life is short" to resolve his impulses towards domesticity and adventure. For 10 points, name this man whose "travels" and "apprenticeship" are described in two novels by Goethe.;;Wilhelm (Meister)|(Wilhelm) Meister Music;;His most prominent symphony is his second, the Ocean. His opera Feramors is an adaptation of Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh, and was the first in his planned construction of a genre called "sacred opera" which was to oppose Wagnerian principles of music. His other operas include The Maccabees, The Tower of Babel, Demon, and Fomka the Fool. While working for Elena Pavlovna, he founded the Russian Music Society, and he directed the St. Petersburg Conservatory while his brother founded the Moscow Conservatory. In the first graduating class of his time at Petersburgh was Tchaicovsky. For 10 points, name this Jewish-Russian opponent of musical nationalism, said to rival Lizst as the greatest of all pianists.;;Anton (Grigoryevich) Rubenstein Religion;;Larry Gonick writes that, in declining a piece of cannabis-based candy offered by the emperor, this man coined the phrase "high on life". He is said to have visited a land ruled by women, where he saved his friend Mardana from being turned into a sheep, and to have caused a mihrab to move by waving his feet around. Such tales of his exploits are collected in the janam-sakhis, which also described how his body turned into a pile of flowers after his death to resolve a burial-versus-cremation dispute among his followers. After that death, which ocurred at Kartarpur in the Punjab, he was succeeded by Angad. For 10 points, name this man who declared "there is no Hindu and no Muslim" and founded Sikhism.;;(Guru) Nanak Psychology;;He conducted a successful experiment which applied his theories to the treatment of a fear of snakes, and he was able to quantify another study by noting how many of his subjects shouted "sockeroo!" He formulated the idea of "reciprocal determinism," which states that behavior and environment have a back-and-forth influence, he is credited with starting the social cognitive theory in his book Social Foundations of Thought and Action. Perhaps his most famous experiment uses a toy and an actual clown to show that children modify their aggression based on whether they see a previous model punished. For 10 points, name this Stanford psychologist who conducted the "bobo doll" experiments.;;(Albert) Bandura Art;;In one work of this genre, a man communicates to his crush by hiding under a porch and tapping her foot, and a brawl over a returned dowry leads to the title event occurring in the forest. The vocalization style used in it is named after the "Lapis Lazuli princess" of an earlier work and performed by the tayu; that style is known as joruri. The Courier for Hell, The Battles of Coxinga, and The Uprooted Pine are examples of these plays, which are accompanied by the samisen, a kind of lute. For 10 points, The Love Suicides at Sonizaki by Chikamatsu Monzaemon is a prominent example of what type of Japanese theater in which the story is performed by puppets?;;bunraku (ayatsuri) Chemistry;;It has a characteristic green flame color, and its tetrahydride salt, often considered a good hydrogen storage medium for fuel cells, is a common organic reducing agent, although weaker than lithium aluminum hydride. The Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Ohio was shut down for several months as a result of corrosion by this element's most common acid, commonly used as an emergency neutron moderator for nuclear reactors, as well as a pesticide. It forms electron deficient compounds and its covalent trihydride is a canonical Lewis acid. Mostly found in Turkey and the United States, for 10 points name this element with atomic number 5 and symbol B.;;Boron European History;;He negotiated the freedom of his titular princedom from France at the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis, but he later found his lands confiscated when he refused to appear before the Council of Blood. One of his strategies was pre-empted by the arrival of the Sea Beggars at Brielle, which sparked the rebellion that he took charge of. He eventually became the first head of state ever assassinated with a firearm, but earlier, he opposed Perrenot Granvelle, the regent Margaret of Parma, and the Duke of Alba. For 10 points, name this stadtholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands who engineered Dutch independence from Spain under the banner of the House of Orange.;;William I|William the Silent|William of Orange|Willem(,) (Prins) (Van) Oranje|Willem De Zwijger| Mythology;;He is sometimes said to be the father of the companion of Aeneas who was transformed into a lizard. He is more usually called the father of the Calydonian boar hunter who married Hippodameia but failed in an attempt to join with Theseus and kidnap Persephone; that is his son with Dia, Peirithous. He was unable to pay a dowry to Eioneus when marrying Dia, so he threw that man, his father-in-law, into a fire, becoming the first man to kill a relative. This king of the Lapiths also bonked Nephele, a Hera-shaped cloud, thus creating the Centaurs. For 10 points, name this king who was punished for his misdeeds by being chained to a wheel of fire.;;Ixion Art;;His aesthetic approach was based on Humbert de Superville's Essay on the Unmistakable Signs of Art and the integrationist approach of David Sutter. His final grand-scale work was Les Poseuses, which he followed with a painting whose subject he was secretly involved with, Jeune Femme se Poudrant. Another painting, Une Baignade, Asnières, demonstrates his technique of using tiny brushstrokes which become incoherent at a close distance. For 10 points, name this pointillist who depicted a pet monkey and some women with parasols in Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.;;(Georges) Seurat Astronomy;;The gap between them has recently been proposed to be caused by very low frequency waves from lightning strikes in the atmosphere. Sometimes viewed as a solar-driven current, one is thought to result from electrons stuck in the earth's geomagnetic field, while the one closer to Earth has as it source the decay of neutrons from cosmic ray collisions. The latter approaches within 200 km of the Earth's surface in the South Atlantic, where nuclear testing in the 1960s caused their brief amplification. A purported obstacle to the Apollo missions, for 10 points name these regions of radiation bearing the moniker of a recently deceased University of Iowa physicist.;;Van Allen belts American Literature;;One of this author's novels follows the accompanist to the singer Clement Sebastian, while, in another two characters climb Blue Mesa and Godfrey St. Peter uses the Oxford prize to purchase a new house. In addition to Lucy Gayheart and The Professor's House, this writer described the maiming of a woodpecker by Ivy Peters near the home of Captain Forrester, a performance as Sieglinde in Die Walküre by Thea Kronborg, Jim Burden's reuniting with a member of the Shimerda family, and the expulsion of Carl Lindstrom from Alexandra Bergson's house. For 10 points, name this author of A Lost Lady, The Song of the Lark, My Antonia, and O Pioneers!.;;(Willa) Cather European History;;The only reference to it in the Latin sources is a single line in Aelius Spartianus's Augustan History. A museum at Maryport shows the life of a soldier assigned to it, tasked with watching for the Brigantes. It is shorter today than in ancient times because large portions of the top were removed to build the Jarrow and Lindisfarne monasteries Punctuated with milecastles, it extends seventy-three miles from Segedunum on the Tyne to Bowness on Solway Firth. For 10 points, name this barrier in the north of England, ordered by the successor of Trajan.;;Hadrian's Wall Computer Science;;The Fibonacci type can notably perform many common operations with almost constant amortized cost, and they are often used to implement priority queues. Key to executing many graph algorithms, such as Dijkstra's, they are often implemented in arrays with adjacent elements being widely separated by index. Its namesake sort has complexity bound of order n log n, and its nodes usually satisfy the property that the children are either consistently lesser or greater than their parents. For 10 points, name this tree-based data structure.;;heap Geography;;This country is divided into 11 "saharlar" and 59 "rayons," and its agriculture is dependent on the Upper Shirvan and other canals that spread the Kura and Aras rivers to the Milskaya and Muga plains. The Apsheron Peninsula is the site of the city of Sumqayit as well as the capital, and is called the most polluted area on earth by this country's scientists. It controls the enclave of Naxcivan within neighboring Armenia and also borders Turkey, Russia, and Iran, and of course the Caspian Sea. For 10 points, name this oil-producing state, which disputes ownership of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia.;;(Republic) (of) Azerbaijan|Azarbaycan (Respublikasi) Geology;;Its inner boundary is marked by the Lehmann discontinuity, and its interaction with the mantle in so-called ultra low velocity and rigidity zones may explain the phenomenon of nutation. Convection in it in the Glatzmeier-Roberts model is implicated as the driving factor behind the reversals of Earth's magnetic field, and its liquidity is due to its lower melting point compared to the silicates above it outweighing the higher pressure exerted on it. Composed mostly of nickel and iron, for 10 points name this layer of the Earth, located between 1200 and 3400 kilometers from the center of the earth between the inner core and the mantle.;;Outer core World History;;Si Votha's ambition to occupy this office played into the hands of the French, and it was reduced to a figurehead by the time Monivong succeeded to this position. The current occupant played the title role in a 1967 film version of The Little Prince, while another person who held this title resigned after it was abolished in order to found the Sangkum Reastr Niyum. This office was recreated in 1993, and the person who held it until 2004 also did so from 1941 to 1955 and was later the elected head of state until overthrown by Lon Nol. For 10 points, identify this monarchial title twice held by Norodom Sihanouk.;;King of Cambodia British Literature;;In one scene, it is predicted that "all trades" will perish due to the "red pestilence," and one character is told that his wit is to travel southward and get lost in a fog. Nicanor and Adrian provide exposition in this play, discussing recent events such as Cominius's attempt to follow the title character to Antium. Menenius attempts to instruct that character on sympathizing with commoners, but Sicinius and Brutus reject his attempt to become counsel. He had defeated the army of Tullus Aufidius to conquer the Volscians. For 10 points, the title general is so enraged at Rome's rejection of his political career that he joins the enemy and marches on the city in what play by Shakespeare?;;Coriolanus British Literature;;Nicholas Udall appears as a character in this man's trilogy of novels about Katherine Howard, which include The Privy Seal and The Fifth Queen Crowned. In another of his novels, Port Scatho fraudulently refuses to cash checks from a government mathematician, who later becomes an antique furniture dealer and falling in love with Valentine Wannop. He also wrote about the events leading to Nancy Rufford's mental collapse, which occurred after Florence Dowell's affair with Edward Ashburnham ended. For 10 points, Christopher Tietjens is the protagonist of Parade's End, by what author of The Good Soldier?;;(Ford) (Maddox) Ford|(Ford) (Maddox) Heuffer World History;;Their territory was gradually reduced by the rise of the ta'ifa kingdoms, such as Murci and Arjunah, decades after a ruler of this dynasty took the epithet "Victorious by God" after defeating Alfonso VIII at the Battle of Alarcos. The patrons of the Booksellers' Mosque, this group followed the theology of Ibn Tumart. Their various cities fell to the Abd al-Wadids, Hafsids, and Marinids in the mid-thirteenth century, while the defeat of their army at Las Navas de Tolosa is often rendered as the start of the reconquista. For 10 points, name this Moroccan dynasty which ruled in southern Iberia from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries.;;(Al)mohad(s) Biology;;Leptosporangia, spore-generating cells that develop from a single cell, are unique to them, and form the basis for a former system of internal classification. Cladistically, the lycopodiophyta, such as club mosses, are the most distantly related to other vascular plants and farthest down the evolutionary tree, although all exhibit alternation of generations, and their small, heart-shaped gametophyte is known as a prothallus. These plants, however, spend the majority of their life cycle as the sporophyte, a thin green, non-woody leaflike structure. For 10 points, name this group of seedless vascular plants also known as pteridophytes.;;Fern(s) European Literature;;Eino Leino was the first person to do this in Finland, while Balthazar Grangier was the first in France. The first volume of Ciaran Carson's attempt to do this came out in 2004, 350 years after Henry Cary became the first person to hit it big by doing this in English. More accurate twentieth-century efforts came from Warwick Chipman and John Ciardi. Less accurate were Dorothy Sayers and Henry W. Longfellow, though all avoided the license Cary took when doing this, such as massaging the line "abandon all hope, ye who enter here". For 10 points, identify this activity involving the rendering of a certain theological epic into another language.;;translate Dante|translate the (Divine) Comedy|translate the Inferno|(the) (Purgatorio) World History;;Silvio Pettirossi airport was formerly named for this man, who endorsed Luis María Argaña in the elections of 1993 in an attempted to rebuild his power base. His longtime second-in-command was the colorful drug smuggler and stock manipulator Andrés Rodríguez Pedotti, who nonetheless had an attack of conscience and led the coup to depose this dictator. Durign his rule, he knowingly harbored Josef Mengele and helped patronize the construction of the Itaipú dam, after coming to power by means of a coup against Federico Chávez in 1954. For 10 points, name this Colorado Party leader who ruled until 1989 in Paraguay.;;(Alfredo) Stroessner (Matiauda) Math Theory;;The Horner scheme is a common computer-science exercise as a method for evaluating them, and the Legendre ones results from solving Laplace's equations in spherical coordinates. Chebyshev's fill an important role in interpolation theory and provide a method of writing trig identities solely in terms of the originating functions. Tartaglia and Cardano devised formulas for solving up to fourth degree ones, but Abel proved that fifth degree ones have no general algebraic solution. For 10 points, name these mathematical constructs composed of coefficient and associated variable terms.;;polynomial American Literature;;Aaron Copland made an abortive attempt to write a musical based on this man's novel The Tragic Grove. A farming couple in Maine dissaproves of the loud partying by the title ethnic group in one of his short stories, and this author of The Courting of Susie Brown also described a visit from Pluto Swint that convinces one man that albinos have telepathic powers, leading to a redoubling of Ty Walden's efforts to find gold. Another of his novels featured a harelipped temptress and a marriage performed by the bride, who is a preacher, which is the union of Bessie and Dude Lester. For 10 points, name this husband of Margaret Bourke-White and author of "Country Full of Swedes," God's Little Acre, and Tobacco Road.;;(Erskine) (Preston) Caldwell Philosophy;;He said that all appearances comprise the "phaneron," a world made wholly of signs. He also defined induction as the movement from random sample to population and created a new type of probabilistic syllogism which he labeled "abduction". He described the importance of hypothesis-generation to the scientific method, but never finished his magnum opus A System of Logic, Considered as Semiotic. Ernst Schroeder's treatise on logic is nonetheless based on the work of this man, who was fired from his job as a mathematics professor at Johns Hopkins because his wife was a Gypsy. For 10 points, name this author of "The Fixation of Belief" and "How to Make Our Ideas Clear" who greatly influenced pragmatism.;;(Charles) (Sanders) Peirce Art;;There is one in the corner of the Landaeur Altarpiece, and another as the "man of sorrows". The earliest known is a silverpoint of a long-haired figure in a cap, done at age thirteen. Of three more prominent ones, executed at ages twenty-two, twenty-six, and twenty-eight, the first depicts the subject holding a thistle, and the last one shows a fur coat-clad subject with a striking resemblance to a broad-chinned Jesus. The middle one shows the subject wearing gloves and was created at the same time as the "Apocalypse" series. FTP, name these pictures which show both the talent and the appearance of the creator of Melancholia I.;;(Albrecht) Dürer's self-portraits Chemistry;;The Amadori rearrangement is a common side path of this reaction, with the resulting ketosamines often reacting with creatine present in the reaction environment to create potentially harmful heterocyclic compounds such as quinolines and pyridines. Another is formation of brown polymers that lend characteristic colors to many of its products. Shorter sugars tend to react more favorably, and water tends to suppress the process, since the end result of the reducing sugar carbonyl interacting with an amino acid amine is dehydration. For 10 points, name this fundamental reaction key to cooking, a form of browning.;;Maillard reaction Sociology;;Derived from the Scottish practice of Crann Tera, the modern aspect of this activity was first performed by William J. Simmons, though actually it was invented by Thomas Dixon. Virginia v. Black allowed it to be banned only when it is intended to intimidate, though Justice Thomas's concurrence claimed that it is necessarily intended to do so. The law at issue in that case thus differed from the one overturned twelve years earlier in R.A.V. v. St. Paul, which made it a crime to do this for any reason. For 10 points, identify this practice associated with the Ku Klux Klan, illegal in several states.;;cross burning Geography;;Two answers required. One is home to the Cathedral of San Giusto, the other to the Tower of the Seven Cloaks. One is the capital of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, the other the capital of Zachodniopomorskie. One is the former seat of the Dukes of Pomerania, found near the mouth of the Oder, and the other was the leading port of Austria-Hungary, which was divided between Yugoslavia and Italy following World War II. They became linked by a 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri, delivered by Winston Churchill. For 10 points, name these two cities, one "on the Baltic," and one "on the Adriatic," between which the Iron Curtain ran.;;Stettin|Szczecin (and) Trieste|Tergeste Religion;;In Islam, these people can practice "zuhd," and one group of them is known as the Sanusiyah, which manufactures perfume. In Buddhism, the status of mahathera is a possible honor for some of them, who undergo the upasampada procedure to become a bhikku and follow the vinaya. In Christianity, almost all of these people practice cenobitism, and their lifestyle was founded by Pacomius of the Thebeiad and Anthony of Egypt. For 10 points, the Benedictine Rule guides what cloistered individuals, who devote themselves to religion apart from the world?;;monks|nuns|hermits|(similar) World Literature;;This form was used in the collections Yearning, A Handful of Sand, and Tangled Hair, and its masters included the leader of the Pan Society. This kind of poem often used "pillow words" and depicted such scenarios as a question and answer or a maiden's reply to a suitor. It ends with two lines of seven onji each, and was displaced as the favored form at court in the fifteenth century by the renga. For 10 points, name thise Japanese poetic form of five lines.;;tanka;;waka Music;;Horst Augsbach catalogued the works of a theorist of this instrument, Johann Joachim Quantz, whose designs were superceded by Theobald Boehm. Walter Piston wrote a ballet about an "incredible" player of this instrument. One solo piece for it is Debussy's drama Syrinx, and it also portrays the title character of Vivaldi's Il Cardellino. Leading jazz performers on it include Jeremy Steig, Pixinguinha, and Herbie Mann, and it was also the instrument of James Galway and Jean Pierre Rampal. FTP, name this instrument which portrays the flying bird in Peter and the Wolf and Papageno in Mozart's opera about a "magic" one.;;(the) flute Biology;;Artificial modification of them by adding esters results in the ability to store sodium in the hydrophobic region formerly thought inhospitable to cations. One with a sphingosine backbone is known, although glycerol more commonly serves that function. The Davson-Danielli model describing them was superseded in the early 1970s by freeze-fracture photos indicating that proteins were not exclusively on the outside of the lipid bilayer, leading to the currently accepted fluid mosaic model of their organization. For 10 points, name these primary components of cell membranes.;;phospholipid(s) European History;;When traveling north on the Via Flaminia, one did this immediately after the intersection with the Via Aemilia. Immediately before oen particular incident of this, a crowd of buglers had gathered to listen to a shepherd play the pipes, and this action was ordered by snatching one of the bugles and blowing upon it. It occurred four days after Gaius Marcellus gave the gift of a sword, and it violated the Lex Cornelia Majestatis. Inspiring the phrase "alea iacta est," the army that was supposed to stay in Cisalpine Gaul illegally entered Italy proper by doing this, starting the civil war against Pompey. For 10 points, identify this action performed in 49 BCE by Julius Caesar, now symbolic of any unreversable transgression.;;cross(ed|ing (of)) the Rubicon American Literature;;His poetry includes the volume Angle of Geese, and he wrote a novel about a painter who goes by the pseudonyms Set and Loki, The Ancient Child. He wrote a historical book divided into chapters about "The Setting Out," "The Going On," and "The Closing In," which ends by describing the Sun Dance. In addition to that history of the Kiowa, he described a World War II veteran's drunken return to Walatowa, where he moves in with his grandfather Francisco and works as a woodchopper for Angela St. John before two run-ins with the abusive L.A. cop Martinez convince Abel to return to the pueblo. For 10 points, name this author of The Way to Rainy Mountain and House Made of Dawn.;;(Navarre) (Scott) Momaday Mythology;;A fish is placed next to it by Bron, who prepared the way for its arrival by dispatching his twelfth son Alain. One person dies soon after coming upon it in Corbenic, a fortress in Sarras. Its properties were overhauled by Robert de Boron, and one must ask "who is served" by this object in order to lift the curse on a certain land. Wolfram von Eschenbach said that it is a stone which fell from the sky, but it is more oftne described as an object used by Jesus at the Last Supper and then employed by Joseph of Arimathea to gather blood during the Crucifixion. For 10 points, the Fisher King guards what mystical cup, eventually attained by Sir Galahad?;;(the) (Holy) Grail|(the) Sangreal Physics;;Speculative evidence for it has been observed through strong gravitational lensing in the Abell 1689 and Bullet clusters, as well as more recently in the form of possible detection of axions in the 1-1.5 MeV range. Zwicky and Rubin's observations of anomalous mass density distributions has led some to postulate Modified Newtonian Dynamics as an alterative to this explanation. WIMPs and MACHOs are also alternative theoretical forms, and recent research by Cambridge postulates they are limited to clusters 1,000 miles across. For 10 points, name this category of matter that does not interact with electromagnetic radiation.;;dark matter European History;;This ruler commissioned Theophraste Renaudot to open the first newspaper in France. He faced several revolts in the name of his brother Gaston, the duke of Orleans, as well as a late plot by his Master of the Robes, the Marquis de Cinq-Mars. His wife, who was coveted by George Villiers, conspired with his mother in the Day of the Dupes, though this man kept power away from his wife Anne of Austria and mother Marie de Medicis by placing trust in his chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu. For 10 points, name this king of France from 1610 to 1643, who was succeeded by the Sun King.;;Louis XIII (prompt) (on) Louis| Louis le Juste Sociology;;Oliver Goldsmith's theory of the theater distinguished between "laughing comedy" and this kind of comedy, and a James Barrie poem describes "Tommie" as this. Doris Lessing wrote about these kind of "agents in the Vorlyn empire," while, along with "naïve," this word describes a John le Carre "lover". Frederic Moreau and Mr. Yorick are the protogonists of two more works with this adjective in the title. Harold Brodkey, Victor Shklovsky and Laurence Sterne all used it to describe a "journey," while Joyce Carol Oates is the other person besides Gustave Flaubert to use it in reference to an "education". For 10 points, give this common term.;;(")sentimental(") Art;;The Fossatti brothers added a "secret lodge" to this building in the 1840s. Here, one can find the latest example of the "tilting" technique in the Deësis panel, which depicts a green-clad John the Baptist to the right of an enthroned blue-and-red Jesus. An image of Gabriel and Christ Pantocrator is found near the Imperial Door in this building, which was one of the first to use an endonarthex and large pendentives. Those supported what Procopius called a "floating roof". FTP, name this domed church, designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus under the patronage of Justinian I in Byzantium.;;Hagia Sophia United States History;;Its first president pledged to resign if Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected, did so, and was succeeded by Philip Murray. That first president was also the first man to lead a successful strike against General Motors, John L. Lewis. This group dominated among steel, rubber, and automaker employees and was formed in order to advocate the creation of unions for all workers under one employer, rather than for all workers in a trade. Its third leader was the UAW chairman Walter Reuther, who then negotiated its re-merger with the group it had left in 1934. For 10 points, name this umbrella union which, since 1955, has been hyphenated to the American Federation of Labor.;;(The) C(ongress) (for) I(ndustrial) O(rganization) Music;;The military march in this opera is taken from the composer's earlier "Alahor in Granata," and the story had previously been adapted by Daniel Auber as Le Philtre. One character compares himself to Paris giving a golden apple to Aphrodite when he romances a woman with a flower in a gun, which leads to another man singing "Una furtiva lagrima". Not knowing that his rich uncle has died, that character enlists in the army to get twenty scudi in order to pay Dulcamara for more Bordeaux, which he believes to be the title object. For 10 points, Belcore accepts Adina leaving him for Nemorino in what comic melodrama by Donizetti?;;(The) Elixir of Love|(L')Elisir d'amore Philosophy;;His Heptaplus is a discussion of the Book of Genesis, and he wrote a long meta-commentary on Benivieni's notes to a translation of the Symposium, the Platonic Discourse on Love. His other works about Platonism inclue Of Being and Unity. Kepler was influenced by this man's denunciation of astrology, and he was the first Christian to base arguments on the Kabbala. Innocent VIII dashed his plans, laid out in his Oration on the Dignity of Man, to defend 900 philosophical theses to an audience. For 10 points, name this associated of Marsilio Ficino and leading Florentine humanist.;;(Giovanni) Pico della Mirandola(,) (Conte) (Di) (Concordia) Physics;;Fugacity is formally considered as a coefficient modifying this property, so it is expressed in the same units and is equivalent to it in ideal conditions. Enthalpy is derived from the measure of heat capacity when this is held constant, which is 5/2 times the universal gas constant times the temperature. The static and stagnation types are related by the Mach number of the fluid in question, and the vapor type is determined by temperature via the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. For 10 points, name this scalar quantity measured in SI units of pascals and defined as force per unit area.;;pressure World History;;These people were victorious at the Battle of Homs under Qalawun, who was succeeded by the long- ruling al-Nasur. They were defeated at the Battle of Marj Dabiq by a man who called himself the "Servant of the two holy shrines". They notably executed the general Kitbuqa at the Spring of Goliath, and are usually divided into Bahri and Burji dynasties, the last of which was mostly composed of Circassian peoples. As described above, they were victorious under Baybars over the army of Hulagu Khan at the 1260 Battle of Ayn Jalut. Defeated themselves at the Battle of the Pyramids and then later crushed by Muhammad Ali, FTP, name these people who set up a long-ruling dynasty around Egypt.;;Mameluke(s) Religion;;One man by this name owned the field in which the ark stood on its way from the Philistines' territory to Judah, and Zachariah saw another clothed in fresh robes and a mitre in a vision. The latter, the son of Josedec, also helped Zorobabel rebuild the temple after the Babylonian Captivity. The best known man by this name caused the sun and the moon to stand still at the battle of Gibeon, and it was he who was commander when the walls of Jericho fell. Also the name of the sixth book of the Old Testament, this is, FTP, what biblical name, also the given Hebrew name of Jesus, the most famous of which led the Israelites after the death of Moses.;;Joshua|Yehoshua|Yeshu|Jesue|Iesue Physics;;The Sellmeier equation relates it to wavelength for each absorption resonance, taking into account the dispersive effects of the medium. It can be defined for the group velocity as well, but is usually defined for the phase velocity so as to keep track with the actual motion of the medium itself. Negative values have recently been found as a result of exotic metamaterials, and the value itself is commonly expressed as the geometric mean of the permittivity and permeability of the medium. For 10 points, name this constant which describes how the speed of light is affected by a medium.;;index of refraction Music;;Upon this man's death he left sketches for a final opera about a woman with multiple husbands, The Polyandrist. He executed several sets of thematic variations, including Variations on the song "Among the Gentle Valleys" and another on Cherubini's Faniska. He wrote a number of songs after the works of Friedrich Schiller, including "The leafy grove howls" and "A voice from the other world". Also known for his Summer Night in Madrid, he is best-remembered for two operas, one featuring the evil dwarf Chernomor, the other a recurring chorus of Poles. FTP name this composer of an opera about Ivan Susanin, A Life for the Tsar, and one inspired by Pushkin, Ruslan and Ludmila.;;(Mikhail) Glinka Sociology;;The title character of Gustave de Beaumont's Marie goes with her husband to live among the Cherokee after failing to engage in this. The Garies and their Friends centers around the title characters engaging in various types of this, while more well-known characters who do it include Clare Kendry and Mike Driscoll. Morris Pietersen's guilt over attempting to live this way is at the center of Athol Fugard's The Blood Knot, and Coleman Silk notably does this in Philip Roth's The Human Stain. FTP name this sociological phenomenon which titles a novel by Nella Larson and is most notably engaged in by the narrator of James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man.;;Passing World History;;This man, who served as his country's Minister of Supply and Shipping during a crucial period, authored a number of books including Homeward, With England on the Firing Line, and In the Cause of Peace. Late in life, he served as the head mediator of a commission dealing with an Ethiopia-Somalia border dispute. Years after being elected to the Storting, he came to his most famous post, where he appointed Ralph Bunche in charge of self-government matters, and where he'd be succeeded by Dag Hammerskjold. FTP, name this Norwegian statesman, who was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations.;;(Trygve) (Halvdan) Lie Biology;;Those of spirochetes are contained in the periplasmic space, while those of archaea once thought to be homologous to bacterias' are now regarded as an example of convergent evolution due to morphological differences including growth at different ends and having ATP as a power source versus a cation gradient. A component of Michael Behe's argument from design in Darwin's Black Box, they are primarily made out of the 9+2 microtubule structure in eukaryotes. For 10 points, name these cellular organelles crucial to the motion of their attached organism.;;flagellum Geography;;Makoshika and Medicine Rocks are among the state parks in this state, while federally administered areas include the Grant-Kohrs Ranch. The Milk, Marias, and Tongue rivers are among the smaller waterways in this state, while the Flathead enters the "Clark" fork of a larger river near Lake Pend Oreille. Visitors here can see the Charles M. Russell museum along with the Museum of the Rockies or visit the sites of the battles of Big Hole and Canyon Creek. The Bitterroot Mountains divide it from Idaho, and in the south lie three entrances to Yellowstone Park. Home of the "Big Sky," this is, FTP what "Treasure State" with capital at Helena?;;Montana British Literature;;The evil stepmother of one character in this work frustrates her and her employers by repeatedly insisting that the Africans need to be civilized. The murder of Tulkinghorn by a French maid leads to the discovery of a group of letters in the possession of the junk dealer Mr. Krook, having earlier belonged to a man known as Nemo. The central female character turns out to be the daughter of Captain Hawdon and Lady Dedlock, and she ultimately chooses Allan Woodcourt over the patriarch of the central family, whose inheritance forms the backbone of the plot. FTP name this novel in which Esther Summerson gets caught up in the suit of Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce by Charles Dickens.;;Bleak House World History;;Croatian Hague indictee Ante Gotovina is a former member, as was the assassin of the late Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. After being deployed in the First Carlist War, their strength had only dropped to 500 men. Swiss units recruited for the Crimean War briefly introduced green uniforms, but that gave way to the now famous blue and red dress uniforms. Famous for their actions at the battles of Camaron and Dien Bien Phu, they were only deployed once in their home country, as a last ditch effort to relieve Paris in 1871. For 10 points name this military organization formerly based in Algeria, created by Louis Napoleon after the July Revolution resulted in foreigners being unable to serve in the French Army.;;French Foreign Legion Philosophy;;Book 3 of this work describes Cicero's lost work Hortensius and its power to "sharpen the toungue". Book 10 describes the "truth-given Joy" which the soul can attain, and Book 11 discusses eternity as measured by the soul. The last two books discuss the exegesis of the Book of Genesis, while Book 2 recounts a story of thieves who steal from a pear tree and feed the pears to swine. After an account of the orator Marius Victorinus in Book 8, a young child tells the narrator to "pick it up and read it," which he takes as an omen that he should give up Manichaeism and convert to Christianity. FTP, name this autobiographical work by Saint Augustine.;;Confessions|Confessiones Math Theory;;Leibniz's formula follows from its axiomatic definitions, among which include that it is alternating multilinear. The Wronskian is one, and it can be considered as the volumetric scaling factor arising from applying a linear transformation, a concept that is exemplified by the Jacobian. It is invariant with regard to similarity, and Cramer's rule makes use of them to solve systems of linear equations. For 10 points, name this type of matrix function, which allows invertibility if it is non-zero.;;determinant Music;;One of these by Iannis Xenakis is the third of his Three Poems, while the one in A Major by John Knowles Paine is his second. The one by Wladyslaw Zelenski is lost, while the work by this name composed by Rudolf Karel was geared against Nazi occupation in Czechoslovakia. A better known one took its name due to inspiration from poems by Adolph Boettger and allegedly gained its fifth movement after the ascension of the Bishop of Cologne to Cardinal. The one by Benjamin Britten ends with London, to Thee I do Present after progressing toward rebirth in the titular period. FTP give the common appellations of these works, the best known of which is Schumann's 1st.;;Spring Symphonies Religion;;One of them in pheasant form was killed by a divine arrow which landed at the feet of their leader, who then hurled it through the heart of the shooter. The food one was murdered after vomiting up food for the moon, who was subsequently banished for his crime. Another was notably frightened when her brother threw a flayed piebald horse into her hall, after which she secluded herself in a cave until enticed out by another dancing on an upturned tub. The lesser ones were created from the storm one's sword and the sun one's jewels, while the union between Izanami and Izanagi produced the two major ones, Susanoo and Amaterasu. FTP name these divine figures, prayed to by followers of Shinto.;;Kami European Literature;;One character in this work suggests that another character write a story called "The Man Who Wished" about his failed attempts to become an author, an orator, and eventually to marry. The schoolteacher Medvedenko fathers a child with Masha, the daughter of Polina and the manager of the central family's estate. The central character is advised by Yevgeny Dorn and his uncle, Pyotr Sorin, while he shuns the thoughts of his rival Trigorin. He is ignored by his mother, Irina Arkadina, and desperately loves Nina, whose rejection of him eventually leads him to commit suicide. FTP name this play which begins with Konstantin Treplev shooting the titular bird by Anton Chekhov.;;(The) Seagull|Chayka Geography;;One literary circle here was the Flame Bearers, and one writer from this place was the first to win first prize at the Berlin Olympics of Arts, doing so with his novel Avoveteen. Carson McCullers wrote about Madame Zilensky and the King of this place, while the best-known novel to emerge from it concerns the travails of the sometime lumberjack son of Maja and Benjamin. That novel, Meek Heritage, was written by Frans Eemil Sillanpaa, while Louhi's daughters are courted and the Samppo is sought by Vainamoinen in its epic, compiled by Elias Lonnrott. FTPE name this nation, whose national epic is the Kalevala.;;Finland|Suomi Astronomy;;The Nemesis theory states that a companion star to the sun passes through it every 26 million years, disrupting it and sending it subjects towards the solar system. Current theories regarding its formation cite gravitational interactions of planetesimals with gas giants, flinging the former out into wide elliptical orbits. Its inner disk ends at the Kuiper belt's ecliptic. Almost a light year in radius, for 10 points, name this still-theoretical cloud surrounding the solar system believed to contain several times the Earth's mass in comets, named for a Dutch Astronomer.;;Oort Cloud American Literature;;The book of collected essays by this man takes its title from an Emily Dickinson poem in which the title thing "was Gentleman and Ladies". A young recruit has an odyssey through the VD ward of a Navy hospital in his only drama, In the Clap Shack. Mason Flagg's rape of the beloved of Cass Kinsolving in Sambuco, Italy is the subject of one of his novels, while another takes place in the wake of the suicide of Peyton Lofts. In addition, he wrote a fictionalized account of a slave revolt from the perspective of its leader, Nat Turner. FTP name this author, best-known for a work in which a woman has to decide between her son and daughter in a Nazi camp, Sophie's Choice.;;(William) Styron European History;;His reign saw both the publication of the legal treatise Quadripartitus and the earliest surviving European kingdom-wide financial survey, and the exchequer originated at Winchester at the behest of his minister Roger of Salisbury. He fined William de Mandeville for allowing the escape of Ranulf Flambard from the Tower of London, and he had earlier ceded custody of Cotenin to his brother Robert Curthose to avoid war. The wreck of the White Ship resulted in the death of his only legitimate heir, William Ætheling, and his childless marriage to Adeliza of Louvain resulted in his succession by Stephen of Blois. For 10 points, name this man who won the lordship of Normandy in the battle of Tinchebrai, king of England from 1100 to 1135 and the first Norman ruler not named William.;;Henry I Art;;This man parodied Delacroix's Women of Algiers in his Parisian Women Dressed as Algerians, and his mistress appears in such canvases as In Summer and Woman Bathing with Griffon. Later in life he returned to a more traditional style as seen in Young Girls at the Piano and made an attempt at sculpture with Venus Victorious. A woman in a black and white striped blouse sits in front of a binoculars-holding man in his La Loge, while a better-known work depicts a crowd of dancing people at an outside party. Gustave Caillebotte sits on the right side of the Luncheon of the Boating Party by, FTP, what impressionist, also known for Moulin de la Galette?;;(Pierre-Auguste) Renoir Psychology;;A recent Stephanie Madon led study has explored the connection of this phenomenon to parents' views of their kids drinking. The fictional Cartwright Millingville bank is at the center of the William I Thomas influenced work, Social Theory and Social Structure, from which the term for it derives. In that work it is defined as originating in a "false definition ... evoking new behavior". Elton Mayo's Hawthorne Studies lend to its validity and in the Povery of Historicism, Karl Popper identified the Oracle as the central player in the Oedipus myth and the cause of a certain effect. For 10 points-- name this Mertonian psychological term for an instance in which a prediction becomes reality.;;Self-fulfilling prophecy Physics;;Recent research has examined a possible way to avoid the common problem of ‘blinking' via stabilizing them with thiol ligands. Cadmium selenide ones have been found to efficiently produce white light via electrical stimulation, and the core-shell type are sometimes found as occlusions due to thickness variations in quantum wells. Differing from the former only in the number of dimensions which electrons are forbidden to move in, the characteristic fluorescence depends on their band gap energy, which varies inversely with the square of their size. For 10 points, name these nanostructures often tipped as possible vehicles for qubit implementation in quantum computing.;;quantum dots World History;;He ordered an electric chair for his kingdom and then proceeded to use it as a throne when informed that it needed electrical power. Locked up by Tewodros II upon the eve of his ascension to the Shewan throne, he escaped several years later, married a prominent noblewoman from Gonder known as Taytu Betul, and claimed dominion of his home territory. Passed over again for the national throne by Yohannes IV, he assumed it in 1889 upon the former's death battling Sudanese dervishes. After taking exception to the treaty of Wuchalle and defeating the Italians at Adowa in 1896, he ensured Ethiopia's independence until the 1930s. For 10 points, name this 19th century Ethiopian leader.;;Menelik II Miscellaneous;;One program of this type was advocated by Jewish Egyptian Caleb Gattegno, who advocated mediators such as colors in foreign languages and Cuisenaire rods in mathematics. ‘Scaffolding' is the term sometimes applied to the approach to it advocated by the Zone of Proximal development of Lev Vygotsky. During the 1970's radical and social forms of the school splintered over the specific methodologies through which a student could be guided from one cognitive stage to the next. Advocated by luminaries such as John Dewey and Jean Piaget --for 10 points-- what is this learning by doing educational paradigm, whose name is shared by the artistic school of Kaspar Malevich.;;Constructivism United States History;;One of the amendments discussed here called for succeeding Presidents to be from different states, while another would have annulled the Three-Fifths compromise. The official records attach no names to proposals or votes, but the doctrine of nullification was endorsed with regard to the hated Embargo Act of 1807. Its three commissioners sent to Washington to give terms were humiliated when news of the Treaty of Ghent beat them there. Famously satirized in a William Charles engraving of George III imploring the New England states to leap into his arms, this is for 10 points what secessionist convention suggested by Harrison Gray Otis that took place around the turn of 1815 in Connecticut?;;Hartford Convention Astronomy;;Theories for its formation tend to explain it by invoking the lack of plate tectonics on Mars and rifting caused by the uplift of neighboring Tharsis, although whether water or carbon dioxide decompression possible caused by the Oudermans crater was the primary erosion mechanism is highly debated. Surveys indicate that it formed over former seafloor crust, and the Noctis Labyrinthus' jumbled terrain provides some of the best evidence for flooding. Melas Chasma is the deepest part of, for 10 points, what several kilometer deep valley along the Martian equator that dwarfs the Grand Canyon.;;Valles Marineris Music;;Notable 20th century examples of these compositions include Henri Dutilleux's Tout un Monde Lointain and one by Samuel Barber written for the virtuoso Raya Garbousova. Friedrich Grutzmacher notably altered Boccherini's ninth one, while the final movement of Shostakovich's first features a prominent timpani. Vivaldi's RV 531 is a double one, and Jacques Offenbach wrote a "military" one. Yuri Leonovich completed Tchaikovsky's only one last year, while Elgar's one in E minor was one of his final compositions, but the best-known one is probably Dvorak's no. 2 in B minor. FTP name this type of virtuoso piece for an instrument notably played by Pablo Casals and Yo-Yo Ma.;;Cello Concerto|Cello Concerti (etc) British Literature;;One of his works centers around a man who is reformed by the Quaker William Walters after trekking through Africa, and in another, the title character fights for France against his own people after abandoning his Virginia plantation. In addition to Colonel Jacques, he wrote about the licentious mistress of an unnamed landlord then an unnamed Prince in Roxana, while a better-known protagonist, alternately known as Mistress Betty, marries Humphry and Jemmy E after being raised among Gypsies. The author of A Journal of the Plague Year, this is, FTP, what author of Moll Flanders, best-known for a novel about a stranded man and his companion Friday, Robinson Crusoe.;;(Daniel) Defoe Music;;One character in this work brags that he keeps his bastard son Leopold as a personal manservant. Propriety often dictates that the "hunt monologue" in Act One be cut from this work, the overture to which represents torrid sexual intercourse. Another character is responsible for the waltz "The Luck of the Lerchenaus," which plays after he breaks things off with the daughter of the Marschallin, having discovered that the title character is also Mariandel. The title character stutters in the aria "Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren," in which he presents the title object to Sophie. Ending with a famous soprano trio, this is, FTP, what opera about Octavian, aka "Quinquin," by Richard Strauss?;;(Der) Rosenkavalier|(The) Knight of the Rose Geography;;An early incarnation of this place was the Principality of Zeta, in which the abdication of Durad in favor of Archbishop Vavil led to this place being governed by a vladika until 1852. Among the tourist destinations in this place are the Sveti Stefan resort peninsula, Lake Scadar, and an island created artificially on top of the wrecked ship Merito. It is also a semi-common pilgrimage site for Christians due to its Ostreg monastery. Violent protests broke out in Podgorica over which contestant to send to the 2005 Eurovision song contest due to tensions with its then-partner, Serbia. FTP name this recently independent Balkan nation.;;Montenegro European Literature;;The title character of one of this author's stories recalls a newspaper story about a murder-suicide after shooting a duck. The narrator of another work accidentally kills his servants when he burns his house down to escape the titular Brazilian spirit, while daughter of Basile Walter is tricked into marrying Georges Duroy in one of his novels. Rachel the Jewess kills the titular brutal Prussian soldier in "Madamoiselle Fifi," while a Prussian general forces himself on a round prostitute in "The Ball of Fat," but better-known is a story in which the Loisels labor for a decade to replace an ultimately fake ornament. FTP name this author, best-known for "The Necklace".;;(Guy) (du) Maupassant Computer Science;;The micro variety, examples of which include L4 or the Carnegie Mellon developed Mach, often handle interprocess communication by message passing or delegating to the MMU, as opposed to the monolithic type, which shares process memory. Common features usually include an API, an interrupt request or call gate ability, I/O device management and thread scheduling. Linus Torvalds famously got in an extended debate over the nature of Linux's, and Mac OS X's XNU is an example of, for 10 points, what operating system component that provides a layer of abstraction between programs and the hardware.;;Kernel European History;;Considerable debate exists as to whether it formally covers the selection procedures for the country's Supreme Court. The included Charter of Rights and Freedoms contains the controversial notwithstanding clause, which was used to ignore challenges to French-language legislation, even though the province in question has never formally accepted it. This came about because of a deal cut behind premier Rene Levesque's back, revoking the ability to opt out of federal funding. Failed attempts at amending it include the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords. For 10 points, name this successor to the British North America Act of 1867, the only UK Parliament act to be written in both English and French.;;Canadian Constitution Religion;;The ritual of the four watches of the night is associated with this entity, which is the namesake of a holiday celebrated annually on December 8th. Some of the texts of the religion with which this is associated give it a name meaning "that which changes daily," although its common name translates simply as "awakening". A descendant of this entity was created in the 3rd century BC at Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka by Asoka, who was responsible for the first shrine near it. Found at bodhgaya, it is the oldest angiosperm in the world, belonging to the group ficus religiosa. FTP name this plant, under which Siddhartha Gautama sat to achieve enlightenment.;;Bodhi Tree|Bo Tree|Pipal European Literature;;One scene in this novel centers around a discussion of the nationalization of fisheries between a public official and the secretary Toodles. Posters of scantily clad women and old copies of The Torch and The Gong line the shelves and walls of the main character's place of business, where he often meets "the Apostle" and "the Doctor". That character is called in by Privy Councilor Wurmt to be reprimanded by Mr. Vladimir, who suggests the action that leads to the death of Winnie's half-wit brother Stevie, the bombing of the Greenwich observatory. Mr. Verloc fails to incite unrest in, FTP, what novel about a useless spy by Joseph Conrad?;;(The) Secret Agent Physics;;Its normal components are known as the Eotvos effect. The Rossby number determines its relevance on a given length scale, and its namesake scaling parameter depends on the latitude at which the event in question is taking place. Its double term comes from the change of velocity in both space and time as observed from the rotating reference frame. Long-distance missiles, but not bathtubs are subject to for 10 points, what fictitious force, a product of inertia and often confused with the centrifugal force.;;Coriolis effect Philosophy;;This philosopher's most famous argument was modified by the "envy test" of Ronald Dworkin. One of his works uses the term "consultation hierarchies" to refer to benign non-democracies, while he outlines an "overlapping consensus" of the private sphere in his work Political Liberalism. He applied his "original position" argument to international relations in 1999's The Law of Peoples, while his most famous work discusses the "difference principle" and "fairness principle," and was criticized by Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia. FTP, name this American political philosopher who introduced the "veil of ignorance" in 1971's A Theory of Justice.;;(John) Rawls European Literature;;The narrator of one of this author's novels envies the passion of the rapist Harcamone while lusting after "Rocky's girl". The hideously ugly girl Leila has her eye put out by her shiftless husband Said in one of his works, while Divine and Seck Gorgui love the thief Adrien Baillon in Our Lady of the Flowers. The conflict between Snowball and Green Eyes is the subject of one of his plays, and Irma, the Queen, is the proprietress of the titular brothel of The Balcony, but better-known are plays about a troupe of actors of a certain race and Solange, a disgruntled servant of Madame who kills her sister Claire. FTP name this author of The Blacks and The Maids.;;(Jean) Genet Art;;In one of this man's early portraits, the titular snob stares down at a red umbrella propped up against a green sofa. Still lifes by this artist include Mullet and Cabbage, the latter of which was looked down upon for its "turpitude" when first exhibited. Woman Eating Oysters and The Lamp Boy are characteristic of his candid portraiture, although his best-known portrait is a "double" depiction of himself in the mirror and/or made of ice. His middle period is characterized by a preponderance of skeletons and masks, but his best-known work shows hordes of people gathered under a banner reading "Vive La Sociale!" FTP name this artist of Entry of Christ into Brussels.;;(James) Ensor American Literature;;The title character of one of this man's poems is the "Prince of castaways," Flammonde, who amusingly exonerates a woman of ill-repute. His drama The Porcupine was never produced, while Van Zorn only ran for a short time. He wrote the verse novel Cavender's House, while a woman refuses to abandon her abusive husband in his "Eros Turannos," Many of his best-known poems were collected in Children of the Night and Dionysus in Doubt, including a poem about a man who is told to "Go to the western gate," "Luke Havergal". Creator of a suicidal commuter and a "child of scorn," this is, FTP, what poet of "Miniver Cheevy" and Richard Corey"?;;(Edwin) (Arlington) Robinson Mythology;;The Yoruba incarnation of this type of deity refused to eat his wife's ear, resulting in the creation of the Oba River, while a viper with a saw on its skin is the symbol of the Finnish one, Ukko, who is occasionally merged with Ilmarinen. The Japanese one enjoys nibbling on navels and was caught in Uzume's bath, while Parjanya is one of several in Hinduism, the most notable of which slew the creature who had consumed all the water in the world, Vritra. The Norse one's chariot is pulled by the goats Tanngnost and Tanngrisni, and he will fight the Midgard serpent at Ragnarok, FTP name this type of deity, exemplified by Raiden, Thor, and Zeus.;;Gods (of) Thunder|Lightning World History;;The Jabalpur prison was notorious for housing informants from this group, who had to be protected from possible revenge attacks. In Around the World in Eighty days, Passepartout rescues a princess from the satti pyre after she is kidnapped by them. Interestingly, Muslim members were known to exist, even though they were nominally centered around worshipping Kali. They used a silken romal or handkerchief in the commission of their notorious acts, often following their victims for miles before doing the deed. For ten points, name this Indian death cult of highway robbers and murderers stamped out by British administrator William Sleeman during the 1840s.;;Thuggees American Literature;;In part two of this work, the author describes a "sphinx of cement and aluminum" and ends the section with descriptions of visions, dreams, and breakthroughs. Another part of this work addresses a group of people who "studied Plotinus, Poe" and "St. John of the Cross". The poet tells the work's dedicatee, "While you are not safe I am not safe," later repeating "I'm with you in Rockland". A figure to whom idolatrous Israelites sacrificed children in Canaan, Moloch, is scorned repeatedly in part two, while part one describes a group of angelheaded hipsters. The poet "saw the best minds" of his generation "destroyed by madness," in, for 10 points, what poem by Allen Ginsberg?;;Howl Biology;;The Class I type often undergoes posttranslational modification of its N-glycan region en route to the cell surface; it is similar to the Class II type in that both are dimers of homologous proteins, but the former interacts with cytotoxic T cells by displaying signal peptides bound in the ER, while the latter binds its peptides outside the cell, works with helper T cells concerned with extracellular pathogens. It is one of the most diverse genetic loci in humans, averaging hundreds of alleles, and is conjectured to play a rule on mate selection through the use of odor to encourage heterogeneity. For 10 points, name this protein, part of the immune system's signaling network.;;MHC|major histocompatibility complex British Literature;;In one of his novels the protagonist falls in love with "the mouse," who, along with "the freak," is a mistress of Henry Breasley. The title character of another novel reconnects with Jane Mallory after visiting her husband Anthony on his deathbed. Another of his characters kidnaps Miranda Grey, thinking she'll love him for his lottery winnings, while Nicholas Urfe is drawn into a "godgame" by the illusionist Maurice Conchis in The Magus. Better-known, however, is a novel in which Ernestina sues Charles Smithson after he breaks off their engagement to pursue Sarah Woodruff. For 10 points, name this author, best-known for The French Lieutenant's Woman.;;(John) Fowles Geography;;This body of water is home to a namesake species of giant catfish. Ernest Doudard de Lagree and Francis Garnier were the first to attempt to explore this river, early inhabitants of which include the Chenla and the Cham. Its lower portion runs past the Annamese Cordillera and was explored by Gerrit van Wuysthoff. In some areas it is alternately called Lancang, It spawns the Bassac river as it nears its delta past its intersection with the Sab river, which leads to the Tonle Sap. Its source lies in the Yunnan highlands of Tibet, from which it flows through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. For 10 points, name this 13th longest river in the world.;;Mekong (river) Art;;A tree can be seen in the background of this work through a window bisected by a stone column. Beneath the window lies a series of chests, one of which is being searched through by a child in white. The child's caretaker, carrying a large gold and blue garment, looks after the child while on the right a small brown and white dog sleeps peacefully on a couch. Tapestries line the walls near the chests and green and beige tiles line the floor, and a green curtain obscures the back left portion of the room. On a red couch in front of the curtain rests the title character, who holds pink flowers in her hand as she stares at the viewer. For 10 points, name this painting by Titian.;;(")Venus Of Urbino(") European History;;The seventh one lost power to Romanus Lecapenus and wrote a biography of his grandfather. The fifth one's tomb was an object of veneration during sieges; that one was in power during the end of iconoclasm under the regency of his mother Irene, and was the final Isaurian ruler. The eighth succeeded Basil the Bulgar Slayer, and the ninth was in power during the start of the Great Schism. The eleventh succeeded John VIII Palaeologus and was killed by the forces of Mehmed II in 393. For 10 points, what name is shared by the last Byzantine emperor and the Roman who renamed Byzantium after himself?;;Constantine Linguistics;;He hypothesized the existence of a geographic grouping defined by the contrast between plain and palatalized consonants and the lack of tonal significance, with the Uralic languages at the center. Claude Lévi-Strauss took the "distinctive feature method" from his work, and this man also transmitted the ideas of Russian formalism to the Western New Criticism. After forming a circle of like-minded linguists with Vilém Mathesius and Nicholas Trubetskoy, he propounded his ideas in Preliminaries to Speech Analysis and Fundamentals of Language. For 10 points, name this leading member of the Prague School.;;(Roman) (Osipovich) Jakobson Astronomy;;For non-Lambertian surfaces, the value of this quantity depends on the incident angle of radiation. In remote sensing applications, the use of it has been augmented by a bi-directional distribution function. Changes in this quantity in the photosynthetically active radiation region can be used to characterize seasonality, especially given that clouds, water, soil, and vegetation often have dramatically different values of it. Fresh snow has an average value of about 0.9 while blacktop has a value of about 0.05. For 10 points, name this parameter whose name is derived from the Latin word for white; a parameter that measures the reflectivity of a surface.;;albedo American Literature;;In one of this man's stories, a thug attempts to avoid implicating his friend Benkowski while being interrogated by Captain Kozak. The protagonist of that story, Bruno Bicek, is ridden by guilt over the gang rape of his girlfriend Steffi in another story, "Never Come Morning". Roman Orlov's descent into alcoholism is recounted in "How the Devil Came Down to Division Street," and Achilles Schmidt's loss of Hallie Breedlove leads him to beat and blind Dove Linkhorn in A Walk on the Wild Side. Better known, however, is a novel about the guilt and crimes of the morphine-addicted card dealer Frankie Machine. For 10 points, name this author of The Man with the Golden Arm.;;(Nelson) Algren World History;;This policy led Demetrio Tsafendas to assasinate its originator, who campaigned for it in the Strijdom cabinet. Denounced by British prime minister Harold MacMillan in the "Winds of Change" speech, its foundations were in the Group Areas Act and the Pass Laws, and many of its opponents were imprisoned at Robben Island. Hendrik Voerword was the architect of this program, whose opponents were violently suppressed in the Sharpeville Massacre and the Soweto incident. For 10 points, F.W. de Klerk. ended what policy, named for a word meaning "apartness" and mandating racial segregation in South Africa?;;apartheid Religion;;This group is doctrinally distinguished by their use of the riman ceremony instead of the barashnom to purify that which has touched the dead, and by their celebration of Noruz with the ceremonial handshake known as the hamazor. The Rivayat is a collection of letters on theological topics between the Gabars and this group, which keeps its central fire at Navsari. This Gujarati-speaking group, whose community is centered on Bombay, prospered as merchants following the arrival of the British after leaving Iran due to persecution under Islamic rule. For 10 points, name this group of Zoroastrians which lives in India.;;Pars(ees|i){1}? Music;;The title of this opera comes from the subtitle of Wieland's Lulu. In the finale of scene one, one character's mouth being locked shut results in the quintet "hm hm hm hm," while act two begins with the trio "Du feines Täubchen, nur herein," in which slaves relate one character's escape from the lusty moor Monostatos. Another character is revealed to be 18 rather than 80 after serving water to her birdcatching lover, Papageno. The opera centers around the potential curse to be put on Pamina and Tamino, whose blood along with Sarastro's is required to empower the Queen of the Night. For 10 points, name this opera about an enchanted instrument by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.;;(The) Magic Flute|(Der) Zauberflöte Biology;;Organisms cited in the 1972 paper that put forth this theory include the families related to P. Bermundensis and Gryphaea. Its proponents argued that the "high table" suppressed this theory from receiving deserved consideration. Opposing the "phyletic" form of another idea, it explains the lack of transitional forms in the fossil record and supplants Darwinian gradualism. For 10 points, name this proposed method of evolution first put forth by Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould that argues that organisms undergo most of their evolutionary shifts in relatively short periods of time.;;punctuated equilibrium|punctuated equilibria World Literature;;In one of this author's works a student is arrested and tortured upon suspicion of murdering Jacobo and Howlands, and he wrote a cycle of one-act plays including The Rebels and This Time Tomorrow. A coffin-building competition is at the center of "A Mercedes Funeral," while thieves and robbers clash in a prison in Devil on a Cross. Important non-fiction works include Barrel of a Pen and Decolonising the Mind. One of his better-known novels concerns the conflicting revolutionary sentiments of the farmer Mugo, while Abdulla, Karega, Wanja, and Munira are accused of burning a brothel in Petals of Blood. For 10 points, name this Kenyan author, best known for A Grain of Wheat.;;(James) Ngugi (Wa) (Thiong'o) European History;;He enlisted theologians Martinus Gosia and Bulgarus to press forth his claims at the Diet of Roncaglia, and his further religious intrigues led him to sign the Treaty of Anangi, deposing the man whom he had installed as antipope Calixtus III. A contemporary source on his life was written by Otto of Freising and describes his struggles with Alexander III, with Roger of Sicily, and with Henry the Lion. For 10 points, name this Holy Roman Emperor whose most fatal conflict was with the Saleph River, where he drowned in 1190 while attempting to join the Third Crusade, possibly due to the weight of his colorful beard.;;Frederick I|Frederik Lombard|Frederick Barbarossa| (prompt) (on) Frederick British Literature;;In one play by this author, the union leader David Roberts leads a strike in a steel mill managed by the ultimately impotent John Anthony. The husband of Bianca Dallison falls in love with then abandons her model, Ivy Barton, in one of his novels, and Swan Song, The Silver Spoon, and White Monkey comprise his A Modern Comedy. Worsted Skeynes is the setting of his novel The Country House, while Irene, Annette, and Old Jolyon are members of the group at the center of his best-known work. For 10 points, name this author of a cycle of novels including To Let, In Chancery, and The Man Of Property about the family of Soames Forsyte.;;(John) Galsworthy Music;;This work shares its name with a Jorge Luis Borges story about the condemned Nazi criminal Otto Dietrich zur Linde. Triplets in the timpani pervade this work's second movement, while a Viennese waltz appears at the beginning of this work's fourth movement. Fugues close movement six, "For here we have no lasting home," and movement three, "Lord, make me to know my end". The composer's opus no. 45, it is often compared favorably with the composer's later Triumphlied. Begun after the 1854 suicide attempt of Robert Schumann, this is, for 10 points, what non-liturgical work in commemoration of the death of the composer's mother by Johannes Brahms.;;German Requiem|Deutsches Requiem Philosophy;;He expanded his most influential idea in a book of case studies, The Essential Tension. He emphasized the role of textbooks in developing consensus and said that "incommensurability" makes objective evaluation difficult. He described puzzle-solving as the "normal" activity and explained that even observation can be theory-dependent. In the same work, he said that "crisis" is caused by the accumulation of unsolved "anomalies," which then leads to paradigm shift. For 10 points, name this physicist and philosopher who explained the development of science in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.;;(Thomas) (Samuel) Kuhn Chemistry;;A 2002 Science article estimated that 1% of the world's energy consumption was used in it, and it is one of the largest consumers of natural gas as both an energy source and hydrogen feedstock. It was patented in 1908 by a chemist working for BASF. It eliminated the need for a key import that came primarily from Chile, and was instrumental in enabling the Green Revolution. While uranium was originally used as a catalyst, today the primary catalyst is a treated form of magnetite that is injected into a reaction chamber at nearly 800 Kelvins and 250 atmospheres of pressure. For 10 points, name this chemical process that is named after a German chemist and is the primary method of producing biologically useful nitrogen.;;(Fritz-)Haber Process|Haber-Bosch Process United States History;;Jacob Brinkerhoff drafted it on behalf of its namesake, who was later apppointed to the Senate when Simon Cameron was made Secretary of War. William Yancey reacted to it by putting forth the Alabama Platform, which was later adopted by John C. Breckenridge's campaign. It was twice rejected by the Senate, after passing the House attached to Preston King's appropriations bill and to a bill funding the negotiation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in 1846 and 1847. For 10 points, name this rider introduced by a Pennsylvania congressman, which proposed to ban slavery in territory gained from the Mexican War.;;(the) Wilmot Proviso Mythology;;The marriage of one of this god's children was prevented when the suitor, the dwarf Alvis, spent all night in a test of wits and ended up being turned to stone. Another of his kids lifted Hrungnir's leg at age three, fitting since that child is the god of strength and strongest entity in the universe. Another of his children was the god of wrath and patron of the berserkers. Veggdegg, Saeming, and Yngve, Lorride and Throd are some of his offspring, as are Magni and Modi, and he fathered such children with both Jarnsaxa and Sif. For 10 points, Magni and Modi will inherit Mjollnir after Ragnarok from what Norse god of thunder?;;Thor European History;;Austin Bourke's The Visitation of God is a history of this event, which was slightly mitigated by John Heslow's extraction methods. It was worsened by the bungled "roads to nowhere" make-work program put forth by Charles Trevelyan, who was charged with handling this matter by Prime Minister Russell. Known locally as An Gorta Mor, it spurred the use of "coffin ships" for the emigration of 1.5 million people to North America and led to the repeal of the Corn Laws. Caused by phytophthora infestans, which triggers "late blight," it caused over a million deaths. For 10 points, name this 1845 to 1849 crop failure in Ireland.;;Irish Potato Famine|Great Hunger|Great Famine| An Gorta Mor Mythology;;This Greek god's sons, who are presumably by his wife, the Charity Pasithea, travel from the west of Ocean through gates made of either horn or ivory, depending on whether they intend to tell the truth or to deceive. Those sons are known as the Oneiroi and include Icelus, Phobetor, and Pnathasos. Often seen naked with wings growing from his head, this son of Erebus and Nyx allowed Endymion to watch Selene for the entire day and night, and is the twin brother of the death-god Thanatos. For 10 points, name this father of Morpheus and god of sleep.;;Hypnos United States History;;He was expelled from a Georgia seat in the House of Representatives in 1792; earlier in that state, he killed the Creek chief Emistesigo during a successful campaign to capture Savannah. He also took Stony Point in the Revolution and later commanded troops which repelled an attack on Fort Recovery. In a clash with the Northwest Confederation near the Maumee River, his forces killed Bluejacket to reverse the defeat of Arthur St. Clair, thus acquiring land extending to the Cuyahoga and Lake Erie in an agreement with Little Turtle. For 10 points, name this general whose victory at Fallen Timbers secured the Treaty of Greenville.;;("Mad") (Anthony) Wayne European Literature;;Minor characters in this work include the protagonist ex-teacher and amputee whose gift of boots eventually leads to the death of another character and the 40 year-old Stanislaus Katczinsky. A game of cards is combined with putting a number of wooden portable latrines in a circle in this work, in which the protagonist and his friends also gang up and beat their ex-teacher Corporal Himmelstoss. The protagonist passes the time killing lice and roasting geese with older draftees like Tjaden and Detering, while younger colleagues include Kropp and Kemmerich. The stabbing of a French soldier eventually breaks down Paul Baümer in, FTP, what novel by Erich Maria Remarque?;;All Quiet on the Western Front|Im Westen nichts Neues Biology;;A collection of them is called an androecium, and most flowers have six of them whorled around the carpel which in orchids they are fused with inside a structure known as the perianth, composed of the petals and sepals. Individually, they consist of long, thin stalks known as filaments, and bulbous, bi-lobed heads known as anthers. Each anther contains structures called microsporangia which produce haploid spores, more commonly known as pollen, which it can release either all along its length or through pores. For ten points, name this reproductive organ of the flower, the male counterpart of the pistil.;;stamen American Literature;;Verse one of Psalm 2 lends itself to the title of this author's only unfinished work, Why Do the Heathen Rage? A woman's Docetism thwarts her husband's attempt to please her by getting a tattoo of a Byzantine cross in one of this author's stories, while a novel concerns a 14 year old would-be prophet who is raped after baptizing Bishop Rayber. Better known works include a novel about Hazel Motes and a story in which a psychotic killer, the Misfit, murders Bailey's family, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find". FTP name this author of "Everything that Rises Must Converge," and a story in which a charlatan bible salesman steals Hulga Hopewell's wooden leg, "Good Country People".;;(Flannery) O'Connor Religion;;Important texts for this group include the Record of Talks on the Law and the Poisonous Stamens and Pistils of Thorns, written by Hakuin. Its members created chinzo portraits and bokuseki calligraphy, and it included a late denomination that believed in the chanting called nembutsu. The goal in this sect is to achieve satori, whether through sitting, as in the Soto group, or verbal methods, as in Rinzai. Brought to China by Bodhidharma and Japan by Dogen, it makes use of statements which may equate the Buddha with three pounds of flax, known as koans. For 10 points, name this anti-rational form of Buddhism.;;Zen (Buddhism)|Rinzai (Zen) (Buddhism) American Literature;;Toward the end of this work the protagonist finds his wife's orphan cousin working as a starving prostitute. He attacks a bartender after the bartender tries to cheat him out of 100 dollars, and in jail he meets Jack Duane, a safe-cracker. The protagonist's father dies from consumption developed due to the cold, moist room in which he worked, and his son of the same name, Antanas, drowns in the street. His wife's stepmother Elzbieta lies about the age of her son Stanislovas at the stockyards, and Ona sells herself to Connor to make ends meet. Socialism eventually provides salvation for Jurgus Rudkis in, FTP, what muckraking novel by Upton Sinclair?;;(The) Jungle Math Theory;;Its area is three times that of its generating shape, and its length is four times that of the aforementioned shape's diameter. Christiaan Huygens used its isochronous properties, namely that a particle on it will descend it constant time regardless of its starting point to fashion guides for the first pendulum clock that guaranteed a regular swing for any pendulum height, and these properties led to its proposal by Bernoulli of its inverse being the brachistochrone or curve of fastest descent. The solution to the differential equation y'^2 = 2r-y/y, its parametrization is x= rt-sint and y= r1-cos t. For ten points, name this curve generated by a point on a rolling circle.;;cycloid Music;;Operas by this man include The Uncle from Boston and The Marriage of Camacho, and most of the librettos for his operas are by Dr. Johann Ludwig Casper. His first royal commission was to create incidental music to the choruses from Sophocles' Antigone. He wrote overtures to The Pretty Melusine and Ruy Blas, while his Religious works include the oratorios Elijah and St. Paul. The second movement of his third symphony evokes folk music from the titular place, while a saltarello and a tarantella appear in the final movement of his Italian Symphony. FTP name this composer, also known for his Hebrides Overture and incidental music to A Midsummer Night's Dream.;;(Felix) Mendelssohn British Literature;;The word "serendipity" originated from a short work by this man based on King Bahram V about three unusually fortunate Sri Lankan princes. His poetic achievements include an epilogue to Nicholas Rowe's Tamerlane and an epistle in verse for Lady Caroline Fox entitled The Beauties. Adeliza falls in love with her estranged birth father, Edmund, who had her unknowingly with his mother, the Countess of Narbonne, in his only drama, The Mysterious Mother, but he is better known for a novel in which Theodore is imprisoned after Conrad is crushed by a giant helmet, leaving Isabella to be courted by Manfred in an Italian city. FTP name this author of The Castle of Otranto.;;H(orace) Walpole Computer Science;;Contrary to common perception, it did not require all local variables to be statically allocated, although variables are implicitly assigned to either INTEGER OR REAL status, and the IMPLICIT NONE keyword is commonly used to force the programmer to explicitly type them. Pointers in the 1990 standard are designed specifically for matrix targets, and are always dereferenced, and arrays are famously handled directly without the need for loop control structures. Before 1977, it extensively used preprecessors in order to make the language more programmer-friendly. Aging but still popular for numerically intensive computing, for ten points, name this imperative programming language, whose name comes from a shortening of Formula Translating System.;;FORTRAN Geography;;Premier Robert Bond solved the "French shore problem" afflicting this entity in the 1880s. It was the only dominion prohibited by the Statute of Westminister from joining the League of Nations, and had come under British control due to the 1580s expedition of Humphrey Gilbert. Its political groups included the People's Party and Fishermen's Protective Union, both of which were opposed by Joseph Smallwood, who became its first provincial governor after a long battle for union with Canada. For 10 points, name this formerly politically distinct province, comprised of a large island and the mainland of Labrador.;;Newfoundland (and) (Labrador) Art;;The right side of this work features an image of a woman clad in black and gold playing the harp before other female musicians. A man clad only in a red toga-robe walks toward a cottage in the foreground of the bottom right, which features more lavish foliage than the other images. A company of flag-bearing men ride from the bottom left toward the central scene, which features the sun shining down on a red bed being worshipped by four women clad in white. Alternately called Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, it features the annunciation on the outer panels. Residing in St. Bavo cathedral in its namesake city, this is, FTP, what altarpiece by Hubert and Jan van Eyck?;;Ghent (Altarpiece) Physics;;The Daya Bay experiment in Hong Kong due to start in 2007 is intended to investigate the theta-1-3 ‘mixing angle' of their oscillation, by indirectly measuring the disappearance of the antimatter counterpart. Evidence of ‘sterile' ones predicted by the seesaw mechanism which only interact via gravity has caused controversy, and the seeming gap of those coming from the sun was explained when their oscillation between different flavor states was detected. For ten points, name these subatomic particles coming in electron, tau, and muon flavors, and thought to not have mass until recently.;;neutrino British Literature;;A set of possessions in this work is bought by the pastor Tribulation Wholesome and his partner, who believe that they are helping to care for a group of orphans. Another character tries to see the Queen of Fairy while blindfolded, gagged, and stuffed in a water closet, having lost most of his money gambling. Pertinax Surly, posing as a Spanish Don, encounters Dame Pliant, who along with her brother Kastril has come to see the title character. Surly is a friend of Sir Epicure Mammon, who thinks Dol Common is a mad aristocrat thanks to the machinations of Face. Lovewit's house is used by Subtle to con the local citizenry in, FTP, what play by Ben Jonson?;;(The) Alchemist European History;;Throughout their existence, a debate raged over the consequences of employing the "link system" on them. Politically favored ones had first use of MTS loans, and their output was the subject of the article "Dizzy from Success," which slowed the pace of their formation. Divided based on size and the source of managers into kolkhoz and sovkhoz, the process of forming them led to the Ukrainian genocide and the "liquidation of the kulaks". For 10 points, name these organizations, the basic structure of agricultural production in the Soviet Union.;;collective farm(s) Music;;This work was composed after its composer abandoned an opera based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor and the Nightingale. Early moments in this work include an appearance of thirteen maidens who play a game with golden apples and dance a "round dance". The first tableau ends with "profound darkness," while the second, far shorter tableau includes the revival of the Petrified Knights. The title character was a breakout role for Tamara Karsavina, and that character meets Ivan in the garden of Kaschei the Immortal, whose lackeys later participate in the "infernal dance". FTP name this ballet about a mythical flaming creature by Igor Stravinsky.;;(The) Firebird|Zar-ptica|L'Oiseau de feu Philosophy;;He created the NF system of set theory and, with Hilary Putnam, made an "indispensability argument" for the reality of mathematical entities. He advocated looking to the limits of a formal language in order to determine the "ontological commitments" of any statement in that language in his The Ways of Paradox and Ontological Relativity, and he identified logical reductionism and the analytic/synthetic distinction as the titular fallacies of another work. For 10 points, name this American analytic philosopher, the author of Word and Object and "Two Dogmas of Empiricism".;;(Willard) (Van) (Orman) Quine Geography;;Native groups here include the YotaYota, Kurnai, and Kulin , and one area of this place, bounded on the north by the Avoca river, features the Den of Nargun and Ninety-Mile Beach, accessible from Bairnsdale. It is divided by Port Phillip Bay into a basalt plain and the plains of Gippsland, and minor urban destinations here include Melton and Mildura, while brown coal is mined in the Latrobe Valley here. Its current incarnation was begun when John Pascoe Fawkner landed on the banks of the Yarra River. FTP, name this state in southeastern Australia with capital at Melbourne, named for a 19th century Empress of India.;;Victoria United States History;;This practice was at issue in the abortive 1955 case of Naim v. Naim, in which a state ignored a Supreme Court order to gather more evidence. The California case of Perez v. Sharp found Fourteenth Amendment protection for this practice in 1948, drawing on a broader federal precedent in Meyer v. Nebraska. Bans on it were upheld in 1883's Pace v. Alabama if the two people involved received the same penalty, but after a Virginia judge upheld a ban on this practice by appealing to the geographic intent of God, the Supreme Court finally protected it in 1967. For 10 points, name this practice protected in Loving v. Virginia.;;interracial marriage|miscegenation Biology;;Due to its propensity to clear the renal system in three to four hours, patients' urine was often collected in early treatment protocols to reuse and recover it. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin famously elucidated its structure in the early 1940s, enabling its mass production. The name refers to a group of Beta-lactam antibiotics that share the basic Penam skeleton, with the formula R-C9H11N2O4S, such as amoxicillin, ampicillin, flucloxacillin, dicloxacillin, and methicillin. It also refers to a specific member in its namesake group that is used to treat Gram-positive bacterial infections. For ten points, name this compound whose discovery was attributed to Alexander Fleming.;;penicillin World History;;The books The Forged Classics and The Great Commonwealth opposed the rule of this person, who was accused of squandering the naval budget on the construction of a useless marble ship. That occurred around the time that this ruler's government was turning a skeptical eye to the Hundred Days of Reform and the Self-Strengthening Movement. One of the two other people who came to power in a coup by Prince Gong, this former consort of the Xianfeng emperor lost power after deciding to back the Boxers. For 10 points, name this mother of the Tongzhi emperor and effective ruler near the end of the Qing dynasty.;;((The) Empress Dowager|(The) Dowager Empress) (Cixi|Tzuhsi|Xiaoqin|Xianhuanghou){1}?;;(the) Empress Dowager|(the) Dowager Empress Art;;The inverted right triangle design of the Dallas City Hall is characteristic of this man, who adapted the colonnade of St. Peter's Basilica for Christopher Newport Univerity's Ferguson Center for the Arts. He first gained widespread notice in Boulder, Colorado where he designed the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and he would later be recognized by the Japanese government for his Miho Museum. His design for the JFK memorial library presages the structure of both the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art and the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. FTP, identify architect, most famous for designing the Louvre Pyramid and the Bank of China in his country of birth.;;(Ieoh) (Ming) Pei Geography;;The monarchial rivalry with this country's National Peasant Party laid the foundations for the "National Legionary State," a fascist government whose contributing movements included Everything for the Fatherland and the Legion of the Archangel Michael, also known as the Iron Guard. Its postwar politics were dominated by Petru Groza and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, who secured the abdication of King Michael. Gheorghiu-Dej's successor issued the July These and hammered out an independent communist approach, denouncing Soviet interventionism and investing much power in his wife Elena. For 10 points, name this country which executed dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989.;;Romania Economics;;The "welfare triangle" region found when graphically representing monopolies is a specific form of this phenomenon. Joel Waldfogel argued that because a receiver of a gift usually makes a better decision when buying a gift than a giver, this quantity is present in Christmas shopping, while another example is a production shortfalls caused by erroneously small predictions of the amount of labor needed. Commoly caused by an externality affecting the price of a good, such as a subsidy or tax, it exists when the equilibrium point is not optimal. For 10 points, identify this economic phenomenon, a social cost caused by market inefficiency.;;deadweight loss Chemistry;;Research at Columbia University by Thomas Katz with tungsten systems was key to discovering the role of metal carbenes in initiating this reaction, and was later followed up by the development of tantalum and tungsten carbene systems with high-metal oxidation states, distinct from the low-oxidation Fischer carbenes created before. These Schrock carbenes led to more viable molybdenum complexes for this operation which worked under less exacting conditions, which inspired the ruthenium catalyst systems popularized by Grubbs. For ten points, name this reaction that involves exchanging of carbon-carbon double bonds between alkenes.;;(olefin) metathesis American Literature;;At the end of this novel, Russell's grandmother gives him a dime to buy an ice cream cone after thinking about her son's death. In its third section, reverend Duncan McMillan fails to pardon another character from Death Row when Orville Mason exploits that character's sensational trial to further his political career. In its second section, the protagonist moves to Lycurgus and impregnates his mistress before leaving her for the rich, exciting socialite Sondra Finchley. The drowning of Roberta Alden in Big Bittern Lake results in the execution of Clyde Griffiths in, for 10 points, what 1925 novel by Theodore Dreiser?;;(An) American Tragedy Physics;;Four remarkable aspects of it were noticed after its discovery: there was no time lag for the phenomenon; increasing the intensity of the source increased the number of reactions but not their maximum kinetic energy; red light was unable to cause it; and weak violet light resulted in higher energies than intense light with greater wavelengths. Such results fit well with Plank's hypothesis of the particle nature of light, as almost every phenomenon involving light could be explained by waves. For 10 points, name this effect explained by Albert Einstein in a 1905 paper which won him the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.;;photoelectric effect World Literature;;One of this author's stories consists of a woman's letter to her abusive husband relating a dream about the titular blemish on her back. One of his novels finds a man recalling his life as he sleeps next to six titular virgins, and in another novel a young war veteran beats up his mistress in an attempt to force an abortion. Uragami reports on a match between Shusai and Otake in The Master of Go, but better-known is a novel about an affair between the businessman Shimamura and the geisha Komako at a hot springs in western Japan, Snow Country. FTP name this author, also known for a work centering around the tea ceremony, A Thousand Cranes.;;Kawabata (Yasunari) United States History;;Before this battle, Major General Johann de Kalb joined up with the main forces at Deep River with a force of mostly Marylanders, and one side's commander had to rush to the site upon the attack, having left Lord Rawdon in charge. It occurred at a supply depot which was earlier secured by Banastre Tarleton's defeat of Colonel Burford, and which was eventually evacuated and burned as a result of Nathanael Greene's attack on Hobkirk's Hill a year after this battle. This battle resulted in the casualties of over 2000 Americans under Horatio Gates at the hands of a Cornwallis-led British force. For 10 points, name this major defeat for the Revolutionary Army in South Carolina.;;(Battle) (of) Camden Biology;;A recent study by Yixian Zheng revealed that RanGTP causes the protein Lamin B to assemble this. Partly created by MTOCs, this structure develops its characteristic form after attaching to kinetochores once the nuclear envelope breaks down. It disappears after being constricted by the cleavage furrow, where it helps to establish a new system of microtubules in each daughter cell. Attaching to the centromeres during metaphase, for 10 points, name this group of fibers that plays a central role in Mitosis.;;(the) (mitotic) spindle Philosophy;;He posited a "law of conservation of difficulty," saying that simpler fields develop more obscurantist vocabularies, in his essay "Postmodernism Disrobed". His last book denounces "tremulous Martin Luther King impersonations" and describes one subject as "comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate". One of his earliest forays into metaphysics was titled in reference to a William Paley argument, and he later argued that children should not be taught metaphysical beliefs and advocated the term "Bright" to describe those who reject all superstition. For 10 points, name this author of The Blind Watchmaker and The God Delusion, a biologist and evangelizing atheist.;;(Richard) Dawkins Music;;This work, never performed during the composer's lifetime, was readapted by its composer in 1874 to serve as part of his never completed opera The Sorochintsy Fair as an intermezzo, earlier having been borrowed heavily in the "Festival of Chernobog" in his opera-ballet Mlada. Originally intended as incidental music to the play Ved'ma, Its composer finished it on the eve of the day of St. John, a figure who is mentioned in its full title. Re-orchestrated by Rimsky-Korsakov, this is, FTP, what piece by Modest Mussorgsky about the gathering of witches for the Sabbath, adapted by Stokowski to be part of the final segment of Fantasia.;;(St.) (John's) Night on Bald Mountain Math Theory;;These quantities must be real when all of the complex entries equal their conjugate transpose, as is the case in a Hermitian matrix. They can be obtained by solving the determinant of the matrix minus these variables times the identity matrix and solving for zero, a process that yields the characteristic equation of the matrix. For 10 points, identify this scalar value, usually symbolized by lambda, that indicates that a matrix times some vector x is equal to this integer quantity times the vector x.;;Eigenvalue(s)|Characteristic Root(s)|Characteristic Value(s)|Proper Value(s)|Latent Root(s) United States History;;John Rankin's opposition to this piece of legislation caused John Gibson's "midnight ride" from Georgia to Washington to cast the tiebreaking vote in favor of it. It established the "52-20 club," paying unemployment benefits of twenty dollars for one year. Drafted by the American Legion, it gave out over two million home loans, and paid up to 500 dollars of the college tuitions of its recipients, dramatically increasing the enrollment of universities across the country. For 10 points, name this law signed in 1944 and overhauled in 1984 by Sonny Montgomery, which provided generous benefits for returning veterans of World War II.;;(The) GI Bill (of) (Rights)|(The) Servicemembers' Readjustment Act of 1944 Mythology;;The wise men known as the Abgal were created from the body of this god, and Damkina became pregnant while living on this god's corpse. He was killed after a failed attempt to eliminate his children by creating Mummu. He original offspring were the soils Lahmu and Lahamu and the earth and sky, Anshar and Kishar, and his later descendant Ea kills him. In the epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh goes into the body represented as this deity to pick the plant of eternal life. For 10 points, name this husband of the deep salt water Tiamat, the Mesopotamian embodiment of the primordial fresh-water ocean.;;Apsu Geography;;It only has one National Park, but some of the lesser-known federally-protected areas in this state include the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument and part of the Nez Perce National Historical Park. The Klamath Mountains, which are formally a part of the Siskiyou Mountains, form one of the major geographical areas of this state, as do the Coast Range and Cascade Mountains. Claiming to have the shortest river in the world in the D River, its more important waterways include the Deschute and Willamette Rivers. For 10 points, identify this state in the Pacific Northwest that is home to Mount Hood and Crater Lake.;;Oregon Religion;;In the Jewish liturgical year, it encompasses the parshas of Shemini, Tzav, and Vayikra. This book explains that the showbread is to be laid out in two rows of six loaves and contains instructions on the ritual of killing a scapegoat for Azazel. Chapter 25, verse 10 of it is inscribed on the Liberty Bell, and this book also includes the episode in which Nadab and Abihu bring "strange fire" to the Tabernacle. It explains the ritual for purifying a leper, lists clean and unclean animals, and includes the Priestly Code, which is why it is named for the priestly tribe. For 10 points, identify this third book of the Old Testament, found between Exodus and Numbers.;;Leviticus|Wayiqra British Literature;;At one point in this work, after criticizing another character's positive reaction to "the dropping of the daylight in the West" and "the white mule she rode with round the terrace," the speaker calls attention to a bronze sculpture of Neptune taming a seahorse. The speaker remarks that he chooses "never to stoop" before coldly stating that he "gave commands;/ Then all smiles stopped together". Those reflections are recalled by a "spot of joy" on the now-dead title character's portrait, which was "painted on the wall" by Fra Pandolf. Spoken by the duke of Ferrara, for 10 points, name this poetic monologue about a noble figure by Robert Browning.;;(")My Last Duchess(") European Literature;;At one point in this play, Sulla advises one of the central characters to wait for the Pennsylvania rather than board the Amelia. One character is described as a "fat, bald, short-sighted Jew" and tells the representative of the League of Humanity about how prices on staple goods have dropped. In Act 3, Damon is found screaming on an autopsy table, while in act 2 Drs. Gall and Hallemeier along with Domin vainly board the gunship Ultimus for protection against the revolution begun by Radius. Ultimately, the love between Helena and Primus brings hope to Alquist after all the humans have been killed. FTP name this play about a group of automata by Karel Capek.;;R(.)U(.)R.|Rossum's Universal Robots Art;;In the lower left corner of this painting, the artist's son stands next to a somber man wearing a hooded gray robe. At the top, the figure of Jesus forms a triangle with Mary and St. John the Baptist, who sit on enormous ethereal clouds. At the bottom, St. Stephen and St. Augustine wear elaborately decorated gold robes and carry the title armor-clad figure. Divided into a celestial and a terrestrial region by a row of faces belonging to many of the eminent men of Toledo, for 10 points, name this Mannerist painting by El Greco depicting the title person's entombment.;;(The) Burial of Count Orgaz|(The) Burial of the Count of Orgaz European History;;He had a tumultuous relationship with the papacy, marching on Rome after John XIII, the pope he installed in the office, was expelled by the cardinals. His family life was little better, as his brother Henry joined with Louis IV of France to revolt against him. His wife Matilda, obtained the dowry of the town of Magdeburg after their marriage, and six years later this man ascended to king at Aachen after the 936 death of his father, Henry the Fowler. For 10 points, name this man duke of Saxony who became the first Holy Roman Emperor.;;Otto (I) (The) (Great)|Otto (Der) (Grosse) European Literature;;The narrator of one of this author's short works travels with John Bailey and Aharon Applefeld after abandoning a biography of Wittgenstein. Antonio Rojaz Martens tells of Enrique Salinas' unjust imprisonment and execution in one of his novels, while he evokes Sisyphus in a novel that fictionalizes his own compulsion to write his most famous work. The narrator has actually killed himself before the beginning of his latest work, Liquidation, but he is better-known for a novella about his refusal to bring a child into a world capable of allowing the Holocaust, Kaddish for a Child Not Born. FTP name this author, best-known for his autobiographical novel Fatelessness.;;(Imre) Kertesz Chemistry;;When heated with nitric acid, its produces a thick red vapor that hovers over the liquid while its oxide precipitate formed bright red crystals. At room temperature, it is shiny, somewhat volatile and is resistant to alkalis, while at very low temperatures, it exhibits superconductivity. This element was sometimes represented by a stylized snake, or even an astrological symbol. Its +1 oxidation state of often found in a diatomic ion, and it was at one time known as hydrargyrum, from which its modern chemical symbol is derived. For 10 points, name this atomic element obtained from cinnabar ore whose atomic number is 80, a liquid metal with symbol Hg.;;mercury World History;;One advocate of this war slyly dropped figs on the floor of the Senate to demonstrate the wealth of the opponent. It was preceded by the surrender of Utica, which became the base for one side, and formally ended many centuries later in 1985, when mayors Ugo Vitere and Chedly Klibi signed a treaty. It had begun when another treaty was violated in order to repulse Massinisa, and it ended after a three-year siege when Scipio Aemilianus broke into the city, razed the buildings, and enslaved the population, fulfilling Cato the Elder's demand that "Carthage must be destroyed". For 10 points, name this last in a series of wars between Carthage and Rome.;;Third Punic (War) (prompt) (on) Punic War| Third (Roman-)Carthaginian (War) (and) (such) European Literature;;In one of this author's stories, a dandy's seduction of a sixteen-year-old seamstress leads to the titular pretzel-makers calling her a whore. The title character of one of his novels, a river-trader, is taken in by Mayakin's daughter Liuboff after he is released from an insane asylum, while in another novel, Pavel is exiled to Siberia after inciting his titular parent to champion the socialist cause. A cholera epidemic provides the background for his play about Lisa and Professor Protassof, Children of the Sun, but he is better-known for a play set in a tenement inhabited by Vastya, Natasha, and Kostilyoff. For 10 points, name this author of The Lower Depths.;;(Maxim) Gorky Art;;One of its members published "visual poems" under the pseudonym I.K. Bonset and created the journal Mecano. Art Concret was founded toward the end of the prominence of this group, which in its early years included Vilmos Huszar and J.J.P. Oud. "Word painting" was the subject of its second manifesto, while the first discussed its goal of finding a "new imagery". Works by its members include Oud's Café de Unie and the Schröder house, which leans more toward its later Elementarism than its original Neo-Plasticism. FTP name this art movement and journal founded by Theo van Doesburg and exemplified by Piet Mondrian.;;(De) Stijl Geography;;News outlets have seized on the fact that, of the 208 citations it received in 2005, half were classified as "serious and substantial". It is unknown what role those violations played in the September 2006 suicides of John Boni and Flea Chisolm, former employees at this operation near Tallmansville in Upshur County. Now a focus for criticism of MHSA enforcement procedures, its downhill-sloping structure created a challenge for rescuers in the aftermath of a lightning strike. Though twelve survivors were initially announced, only Randy McCloy was eventually retrieved from this site. For 10 points, name this West Virginia mine, the location of a January 2006 explosion.;;Sago (Mine) Music;;Vocal works by this man include Gigantic Waves and Your Little Black Eyes, and he left his opera Will-o'-the-Wisp unperformed upon his death. Artur Rubinstein commissioned a Fantasia by this man, who wrote incidental music to the dramas The Passion and Daybreak. One of his better-known works contains a famous ritornello in the section "Jota," Stage works include the puppet opera The Tale of Master Pedro and his first opera, The Brief Life, but better-known are a set of symphonic impressions, known as Nights in the Garden of his home nation, and a "gypsy revel," El Amor Brujo. FTP name this Spanish composer, best-known for the ballet The Three-Cornered Hat.;;(Manuel) (de) Falla Geography;;This nation is the site of a doomsday seed bank, which by 2007 will hold seeds in case of nuclear war or gene pollution from genetically modified foods. Coal mining operations in one of its protectorates began to decline after German attacks on the Longyearbyen mining town during World War II and were further halted after a 1963 explosion. Famous cultural figures from this country include the composer of the Holberg suite and the author of Brand along with the author of Brand and The Master Builder, and during WWII its government under Vidkun Quisling was under Nazi control. FTP name this Scandinavian country with capital at Oslo.;;(The) (Kingdom) (of) Norway|(Kongeriket) Norge European History;;He was present at the death of Monet and wrote a biography of the painter, while Toulouse-Lautrec illustrated his history of the Jews, At the Foot of Mount Sinai. As a Radical deputy, he was accused of being in league with Panama intriguer Cornélius Herz and fought a duel with Paul Déroulède. He later shifted right and urged readiness for war in his newspapers The Free Man and Man in Chains, which led Poincare to name him premier. Another paper he edited was L'Aurore, which published Emile Zola's J'Accuse during the Dreyfus affair. For 10 points, name this man known as "the Tiger," who led France through the end of World War I and at Versailles.;;(Georges) Clemenceau British Literature;;This poem's images include a woman wailing for her demon lover and a "deep romantic chasm". "Forests ancient as the hills" enfold the "sunny spots of greenery" in this poem, while a figure in a vision sings of "Mount Abora". The poet was inspired to write this poem by an anodyne-induced dream that was interrupted by a visitor from Porlock. The structure at the center of the poem, as a result of "A miracle of rare device" possesses "caves of ice". The "sunless sea" receives the sacred river Alph in the land in which the title figure lives, Xanadu. FTP name this poem ostensibly about a Mongol warlord by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.;;Kubla Khan United States History;;It followed a disastrous attempt to address the same topic by "Pitchfork Ben" Tillman and inspired the passage of the "anarchy plank" condemning intervention in the Pullman strike. It dismisses claims that "protection has slain its thousands," invokes the "zeal of Peter the Hermit" and compares Andrew Jackson to Cicero. After asking who was thinking of the debtors in 1873, it advises against following England's example, pledging instead to take the lead in reintroducing bimetallism. For 10 points, name this speech which won the 1896 Democratic presidential nomination for William Jennings Bryan by promising not to let labor be crucified on the namesake object.;;(the) (")Cross of Gold (Speech") Religion;;This minister of St. Ann church in Dahlem led the Pastors' Emergency League, in which role he appeared at the Synod of Barmen, where he turned against the group that he had praised in the autobiography From U-Boat to Pulpit. He also atoned for his early beliefs in the Stuttgart Confession of Guilt, issued eleven years after he helped organize the Confessing Church with Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoffer. He was taken to Dachau for his anti-Nazi activities, where he wrote a poem about communists, trade unionists, and Jews being taken away. For 10 points, name this pastor who lamented that "there was no one left to speak out" because he had remained silent.;;(Martin) (Friedrich) (Gustav) (Emil) Niemöller Mythology;;In the Cypria, the wound of Telephus was cured with shavings from one of these. The "song" named for it is found in the Njals saga and is a description of the Valkyries. Sarutahiko Ohkami owns a jewel-covered one, and Libertas holds one on Roman coins. The first olive tree and the Acropolis were formed when Athena and Poseidon threw them into the ground, while Izanami and Izanagi dripped water from one to form the Japanese islands. Another was made from the bone of a sea monster by Aiofe and used to kill Ferdiad and Connla. Known as Gae Bulg, that one was wielded by Cuchulainn. For 10 points, Odin's Gungnir is another mythical example of what weapon?;;spear(s)|lance(s)|pike(s) Psychology;;In 2007, the person behind this event will publish a book about it entitled The Lucifer Effect. That man's wife, Christina Maslach, first noticed the fake Southern accent adopted by a participant called "John Wayne" and the placing of paper bags on the heads of certain participants. Researchers also saw psychosomatic rashes and forced nudity after a riot on the second day. The team led by Philip Zimbardo decided to end the experiment early and concluded that "role assimilation" and "dehumanization" had occurred. For 10 points, name this study of students assigned to be "guards" or "inmates," which was conducted in the Jordan Hall basement on a Palo Alto campus.;;(The) Stanford Prison (Study|Experiment);;Stanford (Study|Experiment)|Prison (Study|Experiment) American Literature;;This author calls universities "beaneries" in a nonfiction work about "Kulch," and he authored a memoir of the young artist Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. In one of his poems, the "Gods of the winged shoe" and the "leash-men" perform the title action, while Bertran de Born's castle is the setting of his Sestina: Altaforte. The title character attempts "to resuscitate the dead art/Of poetry" in his Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, and this poet's improvisational translation of two elegies by a Roman poet comprises his Homage to Sextus Propertius. Also a translator of the poetry of Li Po, this is, FTP, what author of a "chryselephantine poem of immeasurable length," The Cantos?;;(Ezra) Pound Chemistry;;This technique most commonly uses a large wavelength laser such as argon-ion in order to prevent competition from resonance fluorescence; due to the weakness of the resulting measurable signal, narrow rejection filters are commonly employed. Incident photons are absorbed by a molecule into a virtual state and the relaxation process may result in inelastic scattering if the corresponding vibrational mode involves a change in polarizability. The energy differences between elastic Rayleigh scattering and inelastic scattering correspond to vibrational energy transitions in, for 10 points, what spectroscopic complement to infrared spectroscopy?;;Raman (Spectroscopy) Religion;;It occurs within a week of the Shabbat Hazon and marks the end of a three-week period where no marriages or haircuts occur, which begins on the Fast of Tammuz and is called the Bein Hametzarim. The Haredis use this day instead of Yom Ha'Shoah to honor Holocaust victims, and it is marked by reading Lamentations and covering the ark in black cloth. The outbreak of World War I, the 1290 expulsion from England, and the opening of Treblinka in 1942 all occurred on this day. For 10 points, identify this holiday named for the Jewish calendar date on which it takes place, which is the day of such disasters in Jewish history as the destruction of the both Jerusalem Temples.;;Tisha b'Av|Ninth of Av Physics;;Projects such as ATLAS and CMS seek to find it, which based on electroweak observables, is expected to have an upper boundary mass of 219 GeV. This energy is within the range of energies generated by CERN's Large Hadron Collider when it becomes operational in 2007. The standard model, however, predicts its mass to lie between 130 and 190 GeV, which allows it to function on energy scales up to the Planck scale. As a scalar boson, it obeys Bose-Einstein statistics and has zero spin. This is, for 10 points, which particle first postulated in 1960s that is the quantum of the field that gives all particles mass.;;Higgs (Scalar) (Boson) American Literature;;This work's plot is based on events related in its author's travel memoir The Lawless Roads. Minor characters in this work include an English dentist, Mr. Tench, who witnesses an execution, and a young man whose virtuous life and death are told to the boy. The protagonist encounters the atheist girl Coral Fellows while hiding in a barn, and he is given sanctuary by the Lehrs in the neighboring state. He finds his illegitimate child Brigida and her mother Maria before meeting the Mestizo, who tracks him throughout the novel until he is caught by the Lieutenant and executed for his religious practices. FTP name this novel about an unnamed Mexican priest by Graham Greene.;;(The) Power and the Glory Biology;;Naturally-occuring hormones in this class are functional derivatives of isopentenyl adenine and include zeatin and benzyl adenine. Promoting morphogensis in tissue, chlorophyll production, and leaf expansion, they are most commonly found in meristemic regions but are synthesized in roots and transported via the xylem. Found in almost all plants as well as certain mosses and many fungi and bacteria, are, for 10 points, this class of plant hormones that are most active in promoting cell division and differentiation.;;cytokinins Art;;Giovanni Rost and Nicholas Karcher executed this man's tapestry designs for his patron's palace. His studies in chalk for his Young Man Seen from the Back and St. Michael survive, and his pen and wash drawings include a modello for the vault of the Cappella di Eleonora. He finished a series of frescoes for the choir of San Lorenzo upon the death of Pontormo, while he painted "in armor" and "as Orpheus" portraits of Cosimo di Medici. His best-known painting, however, shows a bearded man holding up a blue sheet behind the other three title characters. FTP name this mannerist painter, best known for Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time.;;(Agnolo) Bronzino Philosophy;;This book advises that boredom is the cause of evil and suggests leaving new mail unopened for three days. Several examples refer to Mozart's Don Giovanni, and it also includes a discussion of Cornelia's relationship with Johannes Climacus in the "Seducer's Diary". The music-drama relationship, along with religious versus ethical life and ethical marriage verus aesthetic bachelorship, are possible meanings of the title. For 10 points, name this Søren Kierkegaard work, published under the name of Victor Eremita, which sets forth various choices.;;Either/Or|Enten-Eller Math Theory;;The operator value representation of the Lorentz group function over this space is equivalent to the operator valued function of the Poincaré group. When considered as a real vector, not affine, space, it is defined by a symmetric bilinear form and an indefinite and nondegenerate inner product. With a -,+,+,+ signature, the use of this space is only valid in the Newtonian limit of gravitation where the set of null vectors for an event define its light cone. Events may be classified as spacelike, timelike or lightlike in, for 10 points, this four-dimensional vector space used in special relativity operations.;;Minkowski (Space) World History;;Their support came from anger over incompetent adminstrators who succeeded Toghto during the reign of Toghon Temur, from Maitreya Buddhists, and from the peasants conscripted to re-route the Yellow River. Formed by Peng Yingyu as an offshoot of the White Lotus, this group emerged as a military power on the coast of Zhejiang in 1333, and by 1351 was consolidated north of the Yangtze by Han Sahntong. Power over this faction was seized by Zhu Yuanzhang, who then became the Hongwu emperor as the founder of the Ming Dynasty. For 10 points, name this rebellion against Mongol rule in China, identified by its colorful headwear.;;Red Turban(s) (rebellion) World Literature;;This author served as Director of Censorship of the Arts, although his own work dealt with forbidden subjects such as homosexuality and religion. In contrast to his earlier period focusing on urban life, second period works like The Thief and Dogs and Autumn Quail began to focus on religion via allegory. His public religious views led to a 1994 knifing by an Islamic electrician. Between the Places, Palace of Longing, and Sugarhouse comprise the Cairo Trilogy of, for 10 points, which Egyptian Nobel laureate and author of Children of the Alley.;;(Naguib) Mahfouz Astronomy;;Among the few successes here were the discovery of solar coronal holes during its 176 days in orbit; however, severe damage during launch including broken solar panels and micrometeoroid shields required spacewalk repair during the first of three missions. 8 years after the last mission, in 1979, it re-entered the atmosphere, and pieces crashed into Western Australia whose government fined NASA $400 for littering. The other flight-quality prototype is now a walk-through exhibit at the Air and Space Museum. For 10 points, name this early NASA orbiting space laboratory.;;Skylab World History;;His namesake "law" gave civil courts jurisdiction over churchmen. As head of the Supreme Court, he had a claim to the presidency when his predecessor, Ignacio Comonfort, was ousted. In office, his suspension of foreign debt prompted England, France, and Spain to invade, and he fled after Maximilian of Austria took the capital. He was captured at El Paso del Norte, which now bears his name, but later returned to office and was succeeded by Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada upon his death in 1872. For 10 points, name this longtime president of Mexico who oversaw the May 5 victory at Puebla.;;(Benito) Juarez American Literature;;A scene at a pond causes one character to mouth off to the title character, after which she is sent to London to join her uncle. The description of a man who "has no hat" shocks the narrator, who reports the incident to Mrs. Grose. One of the characters reveals that he has stolen the narrator's letter to her employer just before his death, which occurs in the presence of Peter Quint. The former governess at Bly, Miss Jessel, stalks the narrator, who begins to think that she and Peter Quint, both long deceased, are haunting her charges, Flora and Miles. Told by Douglas in an attempt to perform the title action, this is, for 10 points,, what ghost story by Henry James?;;(The) Turn of the Screw American Literature;;One character in this work, which takes place in rooms formerly owned by Jack Straw and Peter Ochello, tells a joke about a carnal elephant after hearing his wife yell "crap". Another character has broken his ankle running hurdles and declares that he's disgusted with the world's "mendacity". That character feels guilt after rejecting the homosexual advances of his friend Skipper, which led to his alcoholism. Maggie warns that character that Mae and Gooper plan to send him to a facility for alcoholics to cash in on the death of Big Daddy, who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. For 10 points, name this play about the family of Brick Pollitt by Tennessee Williams.;;Cat on a Hot Tin Roof World History;;Its leader was killed by Mengli-Geray after a force moved from the Oka to confront Akhmat at the Ugra River in 340. An earlier defeat came at the Battle of Kulikovo at the hands of Donskoi, but Mamai's sucessor, Tokhtamysh, regained supremacy by allying with Lithuania. Tamerlane eventually betrayed this kingdom by winning the battle of Vorskla and sacking the capital, Sarai Berke, which had replaced Sarai Batu. Seeing its apex under Oz Beg, it was originally the inheritance Genghis set aside for his son Juchi. For 10 points, name this Mongol state of the steppes of central Asia, named for the color of Batu's tents.;;Golden Horde|Kipchak (Khanate|)|Ulus Juchi|Altin Ordu Math Theory;;In 1974, Fagin showed that it is equivalent to languages representing structures definable by sigma-1-1 sentences, and Blum showed that the circuit size of a member of it is lower bounded by 3n. Razoborov showed that a a problem in its deterministic counterpart, PERFECT-MATCHING, and a problem in it, CLIQUE, both require exponential monotone circuits. In 1972, Edmond Karp showed that many problems like KNAPSACK and CHROMATIC NUMBER are complete for it, extending Cook and Levin's demonstration of SATISFIABILITY's completeness for it. For 10 points, name this complexity class of problems solvable in nondeterministic polynomial time that may or may not be equal to P.;;N(ondeterministic) P(olynomial) European Literature;;In one of this author's works, the story of the incest between the children of Duke Grimald is told by Brother Clemens, and in one of his stories the titular waiter shoots Cipolla on stage. The hotel employee Armand and the Marquis de Venosta are among the aliases of the titular confidence man in Felix Krull, while Serenus Zeitblom tells of the rise and fall of the composer Adrian Leverkuhn in Dr. Faustus. Better-known are a novel about a Lübeck family of merchants, Buddenbrooks, and another featuring a trip to the Berghof Sanatorium by Hans Castorp. For 10 points, name this author, the creator of Gustav von Aschenbach in Death in Venice, best-known for The Magic Mountain.;;(Thomas) Mann Physics;;In 1878 Henry Rowland showed that this could be produced by spinning a vulcanite plate sandwiched between two glass plates. Zeeman showed that it could split spectral lines, useful in electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and a voltage difference is created by it applied perpendicularly to an electron flow in a conductor in what as known as the Hall effect. Purcell pedagogically described it as the relativistic side effect of electrons moving near one another, and the force on a moving charged particle is calculated by taking the cross product of the velocity and it. For 10 points, identify this field produced by a moving charge or a changing electric field measured in Tesla.;;magnetic (field) (/) (force) Geography;;One of the communities on this body of water was founded when Icelandic settlers landed at Willow Point, which eventually became known as Gimli. Gridstone point and Little Punk Island are in Hecla Provincial Park which lies south of the narrows and Bloodvein River. It is drained to the north by the Nelson river and fed from the south by the Red river and its namesake river, which derives its name from the Cree words for "muddy water". Like the Lake of the Woods and Lake Manitoba, it was once part of glacial Lake Agassiz. For 10 points, name this lake of Canada that shares its name with the capital of Manitoba.;;(Lake) Winnipeg Biology;;In 1938, Wooley extracted pork liver with ether to create a pale yellow crystalline deposit that was determined to be this substance. When fluorine reacts with its fifth carbon, it creates an antimetabolite inhibits the division of cancer cells. Because cytosine deaminates into it, a glycosylase homologous to AlkA hydrolyzes its glycosidic bond. Methylation can turn it into thymine, which, like it, pairs with adenine. For 10 points, name this base pair present in RNA but not in DNA, where it is symbolized by "U".;;uracil Religion;;A 1997 paper by Thomas Pfizenmaier disputes the long-held assertion that Isaac Newton subscribed to William Whiston's revival of this belief. One orthodox group advocated the defrocking of any priest who had endorsed it and was led by a Bishop Lucifer, and it was also attacked in "four orations" by Athanasius. The use of the term "homoousios" to dispute it caused friction between emperors Constans and Constantius. First put forth by a presbyter of Alexandria, it held that Christ was a specially created human, not divine. For 10 points, name this doctrine which lost out at the Councils of Constantinople and Nicaea.;;Arianism|Arian (heresy/doctrine) (etc) Art;;He used a death mask as a cast for his bronze tomb cover of Leonardo Dati, and he created a bronze shrine featuring The Miracle of the Ox-cart and The Miracle of the Strozzi boy for the Chapel of Zenobius. Cosimo and Lorenzo Medici commissioned him to create the shrine of SS Protus, Hyacinth and Nemesius for the Santa Maria degli Angeli. He created oversized sculptures of St John the Baptist and St. Matthew for the Orsanmichele, but he is better-known for a commission gained as the result of a competition with Brunelleschi. For 10 points,, name this artist responsible for the bronze reliefs on the doors of the Florence Baptistry, also known as the Gates of Paradise.;;(Lorenzo) Ghiberti World History;;Jean Sainteny was enlisted as an intermediate in this city, even though official talks under the direction of Harriman and Vance had already started at the Majestic Hotel, but arrangements were soon made instead by interpreter Vernon Walters. Spurred when the fall of Quangti showed that the ARVN could not hold, the conferences here included Bunker and Haig trying to persuade Thieu to accept tripartite elections and not push for a withdrawal of the North's forces. For 10 points, Le Duc Tho and Henry Kissinger negotiated agreements named for what city, ending U.S. involvement in Vietnam?;;Paris (Peace) (Accords)|(Accords) (de) (Paix) (de) Paris|(Hiep) (dinh) Paris Philosophy;;This philosopher attacked Leibniz's categorization of logical operations in The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures. This person's idea of the "inner being" was the subject of Michael Foucalt's doctoral dissertation. Following Grotius, he called for a ban on assassination, an end to standing armies, and the clarification of treaties to accomplish the title goal of Perpetual Peace, and he also divided representation between intuitions and concepts, and judgments between analytic and synthetic. For 10 points, name this author of The Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Pure Reason, which explains the categorical imperative.;;(Immanuel) Kant Anthropology;;This work coins the term "phatic communication" to describe speech "in which ties of unions are created by a mere exchange of words". It describes a journey past the mythological capital of Tewara, and other sections explain the building of waga and the "story of shipwreck". This book finds a symmetry between the clockwise and countercloskwise movement of soulva and mwali, which are armshells and necklaces, in a ritual intended to build social ties, called the Kula. It has a foreword by James Frazer and is an ethnographic study of the Trobriand Islanders. For 10 points, name this work by Bronislaw Malinowski.;;Argonauts of the Western Pacific(:) (An) (Account) (of) (Native) (Enterprise) (and) (Adventure) (in) (the) (Archipelagoes) (of) (Melanesian) (New) (Guinea) World History;;During the thirteenth century, a mawla, or freed slave, siezed its throne. After the death of Sakura Qu, the son of Uli restored the family line. It became a regional power when a revolt against the Susu chief Sumanguru brought its namesake tribe into control of Kanagaba. Under its height during the fourteenth century, it controlled the lands around the Niger river including the trading cities of Gao and Timbuktu, succeeding Ghana in control of the gold trade and maintaining the balance between Muslim and pagan populations established by its founder, Sundiata. For 10 points, name this empire ruled by Mansa Musa.;;Mali(nke) British Literature;;In this novel, a small cottage temporarily inhabited by a man with "a large Newfoundland puppy and two or three terriers," was pronounced as having "the most comfortable room in the world" in the mind of the narrator. Minor characters include Eleanor, who marries a rich viscount, and Isabella, who spurns the protagonist's brother John for Frederick. The protagonist, a resident of Fullerton obsessed with The Mysteries of Udolpho, suspects General Tilney of killing his wife, and he throws her out of the titular estate when he finds out she's poor, despite the objections of his son Henry. For 10 points, name this novel about Cathrene Morland by Jane Austen.;;Northanger Abbey Art;;On the left of this painting stands a group of hat-wearing figures holding bunched up white cloth while carrying an object obscured by a sheet with red trim and a large black X on it. A young child on the far right stares inquisitively at a white dog with a black collar standing near a man with neon green socks. Two large men wearing red and black robes stand at the center of the painting above a man with green pants and a black vest, and two boys in red skullcaps stand in front of a man carrying a staff topped by a crucifix while the black-robed man at the center speaks over an open grave. For 10 points, name this painting of a funeral by Gustave Courbet.;;Burial at Ornans Chemistry;;Because they possess pKa's ranging from 16-19, they can lose a hydrogen to form salts useful in ether synthesis. Formation of one kind sometimes requires treatment with a tosylate or mesylate in order to force formation via a SN2 mechanism and avoid rearrangement. Common laboratory methods for synthesizing these include the reaction of ketones with lithium aluminum hydride or the reaction of organolithium reagents with water. Mixing these with carboxylic acids will produce fruity smelling esters. For 10 points, name this class of organic compounds, with functional group OH, whose simplest example is methanol.;;alcohol(s) Religion;;His father mistook the sound of a filling water-jug for a tiger's growl and accidentally killed the son of a hermit while hunting. This man's sandals were put on the throne after an observation by the servant Manthara led to his taking up residence in Dandak. Like Odysseus, he is challenged to bend a bow, which he does at the court of King Janak, but he later runs afoul of Queen Kaikeyi. The king of Ayodha, he ultimately is found by his sons Luva and Kusha after this seventh incarnation of Vishnu invades Lanka with an army of monkeys to rescue Sita from Ravana. For 10 points, name this hero of a namesake Indian epic.;;Ram(a) United States History;;With funds secured from a settlement arranged by Henry Phipps and Francis Lovejoy, he hired Daniel Burnham to create a twenty story tall building to overshadow his rival's structure. He took over a prominent position from William R. Jones and convinced Robert Pattison to send in the national guard, after striking Amalgamated Association works overwhelmed the Pinkertons he hired at Homestead. Stabbed by Alexander Berkman and forced out of Carnegie Steel, he went on to form U.S. Steel. For 10 points, name this industrialist and namesake of a private museum at his Fifth Avenue home in New York.;;(Henry) (Clay) Frick European Literature;;In one of this man's poems, the "wine of Torpor" swells up in the poem's subject while the titular women caress his head. He states that he had as his "inn the Sign of the Great Bear" in "My Bohemia," while he declares that "Weeping, I saw gold-and could not drink!" in "Teardrop". He assigns color values to the titular letters in his sonnet "Vowels," while in a better known poem the title entity has "seen archipelagos of stars" and islands with delirious skies on its inebriated journey. He ends his best known work by asserting that he "will be able now to possess the truth within one body and one soul after the titular period of time. For 10 points, name this author of A Season in Hell.;;(Arthur) Rimbaud Music;;His first operatic success came with his completion of C.F. Pollarolo's L'Irene, and he wrote the operas Tolomeo et Alessandro and Tetide in Sciro while serving as musical director to the queen of Poland, and his passion for the classics led to operas on Tiberius Gracchus, Arminius, and Mithridates. He completed over 50 chamber cantatas and while organist at Santa Maria Maggiore he wrote a Salve Regina, the antiphon Cibivat nos Dominus, and the mass La Stella, but he is better-known for pieces collected in his "Thirteen Books" and "Exercises". For 10 points, name this son of Alessandro best known for his many harpsichord sonatas.;;(Giuseppe) D(omenico) Scarlatti United States History;;In 1974, he shouted "Why do you perform abortions on demand and how many have you done"? as time expired on a debate, leaving his physician opponent, Bill Roy, unable to respond and narrowly securing re-election. He was attacked in that campaign for his role as chairman of the Republican National Committee during Watergate. Despite winning the 1988 Iowa caucus, this former running mate of Gerald Ford was not nominated for president until he invited Jack Kemp onto his losing ticket in 1996. For 10 points, name this Kansas Senator with a paralyzed right arm and habit of describing himself in the third person.;;(Robert) (Joseph) (Bob) Dole Physics;;Both Kirchhoff's voltage law and Kirchhoff's current law can be derived from it, and it can be derived from the Lorentz force if certain assumptions are made. A more complicated version of the equation was used to explain the results of experiments by this law's namesake, using circuits containing different lengths of wire, in which the applied voltage and current passing through the circuits were measured. For 10 points, identify this law from physics, expressed mathematically by setting current equal to the potential difference over the resistance.;;Ohm's (law) British Literature;;The title character of this work resides in a place where "Willows whiten, aspens quiver,/Little breezes dusk and shiver" and whose only occupants are reapers "among the bearded barley" whispering "'Tis the fairy". She spends her days creating "a magic web with colors gay," until she meets a figure with "coal-black curls" who trode his war-horse "On burnish'd hooves" Upon hearing the figure singing, "Tirra lira" she looks toward the figure's home, causing her mirror to crack. Painted repeatedly by the PRB, this is, for 10 points, what woman who dies as her boat goes down the river toward Launcelot and Camelot, the title character of a Tennyson poem.;;(The) Lady of Shalott Geography;;Found between the massif of Kallídhromon and the Maliakós Gulf, it was the site of a 279 BCE defeat of the Celts and a 191 BCE battle between Acilius Glabrio and Antiochus III. The forces of Locri Opuntii switched sides after the results of another clash here, which occurred simultaneously with the naval battle at Cape Artemesium and was affected by the treason of Ephialtes. Dianekes's promise to fight in the shade came true as 1100 Boeotian hoplites fell in addition to troops of Leonidas. For 10 points, name this pass, whose name means "hot gates," where 300 Spartan warriors held off the Persian army for several hours.;;Thermopylae Music;;These men's first collaboration came with a work concerning a wedding party interrupted by a cyclist and an ostrich hunter. Receiving their name from an article in the journal Comoedia, they first officially congregated at a song recital by Jane Bathori. James Harding's The Ox on the Roof concerns them and takes its name from a ballet by the composer of the operas Bolivar and Christopher Columbus. Another member composed incidental music to a play about King David along with a proto-minimalist work imitating the motion of a train, Pacific 231. Led by Eric Satie, this is, FTP, what 1920s group of composers, the French counterpart to the Mighty Five?;;(Les) Six Chemistry;;Mikhail Tsvet coined the term when he discovered this technique while doing research on plant pigments. He did this by making a solution of his samples with ether and alcohol, then running this solution over powdered sugar or calcium carbonate columns to extract pigments. Other varieties of this technique use paper or finely ground silica or alumina on top of a glass plate or film as the stationary phase, while gases and liquids are common mobile phases. For 10 points, name this laboratory technique that makes use of each component of a mixture's differing affinities for the stationary phase in order to separate out these components.;;chromatography World Literature;;One of this work's characters falls in love with the waiter Gabriel, who turns out to be married, while another gives his passport to Dr. Americo after falling in love with Lidia, for whom he spurned Marta. In one of the stories told in this novel a woman finds out that her husband's first wife is a zombie, and in another, Leni reveals Michelle's love for a German soldier to the French resistance only to later be corrupted by the Nazis herself. These stories, actually the plots of films, are told by an accused gay child molester to a revolutionary who shares his cell in an Argentinean prison. FTP name this novel about Valentin and Molina by Manuel Puig.;;Kiss of the Spider Woman|(El) beso de la mujer araña European History;;One man by this name wrote the first constitution for New Zealand, while a different person by this name served the longest consecutive stint as British foreign secretary, which included the start of World War I. Another succeeded the Duke of Wellington as prime minister and won the alliance of William IV during his campaign to pass the Great Reform Bill. Another was the daughter of the Duke of Suffolk who married Guildford Dudley and was named heir by Edward VI, but was executed by the government of Mary. For 10 points, give the common family name of these figures, including the "nine days queen," Lady Jane.;;Grey|de Grey Philosophy;;This thinker defined modernity as the loss of the private world due to a two-stage process of "world-alienation" and "earth-alienation" in Between Past and Future. This philosopher's threefold classifications include labor, work, and action, in The Human Condition and thinking, willing, and judging in The Life of the Mind. She defined the title form of government as "the inversion of politics" in On Totalitarianism, and argued that conscience should be a byproduct of thinking and one should consider human consequences in Eichmann in Jerusalem. For 10 points, name this philosopher who discussed the "banality of evil".;;(Hannah) Arendt Geology;;During this epoch, most of the world's landmasses reached their current locations, and the climate became significantly cooler and drier, allowing more grasses to grow and contributing to increased grasslands. Grazing mammals diversified, and increased migrations were possible because of the appearance of a land bridge connecting North and South America. The changing climate also led to increased ice at the poles, which would prove significant for the following epoch. For 10 points, name this geological epoch of the Cenozoic Era preceded by the Miocene, during the late portion of which glaciers began to advance, setting up the ice ages that would follow during the Pleistocene.;;Pleiocene (Epoch) American Literature;;One of this man's poems identifies "an old man in a lodge within a park" with the titular author of The Legend of Good Women. The lines "She sleeps!/My lady sleeps!/Sleeps!" end each stanza of the serenade from his only drama, The Spanish Student, and he remarks that "Alvares and Rivera interchange/With Abraham and Jacob of old times" in a poem about the oldest Jewish resting place in America. The title character roams throughout America searching for Gabriel Lajeunesse in his long poem about Acadia, Evangeline. Also known for a poem that begins "by the shore of Gitchie Gumee," this is, FTP, what poet of Tales of a Wayside Inn and The Song of Hiawatha.;;(Henry) (Wadsworth) Longfellow Geography;;An uprising here by generals Salan and Challe led to the formation of the Secret Army Organization. The war in this present-day country was presaged when troops shot on men for waving flags at Sétif, leading to the formation of the Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties. Conflict here caused the Revolutionary Committee of Unity and Action to become the FLN, and a 1956 battle with the paratroopers of Jacques Massu led to the rise of Houari Boumedienne and the fall of Guy Mollet's government. For 10 points, name this country where leaders such as Ahmed Ben Bella gained independence from France.;;(People's) (Democratic) (Republic) (of) Algeria|(Al) (Jumhuriyah) al Jaza'ir(iyah) (ad) (Dimuqratiyah) (ash) (Sha'biyah) Art;;Among the paintings that remain from this artist's student days are Birth and The Dead Man. His portfolio Mein Leben followed Les Ames Mortes, illustrations for an edition of Gogol in his native language. His wife Virginia Haggard posed for A Red and Black World, and a man dressed in brown floats with a woman in white in The Betrothed. The titular green-faced musician stands in front of a house and a church in The Fiddler, but better-known is a self-portrait in which he paints a horse with his seven-fingered hand. Also known for his stained glass windos, this is, FTP, what artist of a work featuring a cow's head and the tree of life, I and the Village.;;(Marc) Chagall Biology;;Joshua Lederberg was the first to give these molecules their name while working on the way genetic information is transferred. Resistance ones contain genes capable of fighting antibiotics or poisons, while the fertility-F variety are able to undergo conjugation. They are known as vectors when used in genetic engineering, and all of them must contain an origin of replication so that their DNA can be replicated on its own. For 10 points, identify these DNA molecules that exist separately from an organism's genome, typically circular and found in bacteria.;;plasmid(s) European History;;During one of them, the "dogs gone mad speech" was delivered. They were preceeded by similar actions regarding accusations of "wrecking" and targeted at the employees of the Metropolitan Vickers Electric Company. The last one finished off the "right opposition," while the first one charged sixteen people with conspiring to murder Kirov. NKVD agents used torture to secure confessions, leading to the death sentences for Kamenev, Zinovyev, Bukharin at the hands of prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky. For 10 points, name these events which gave a public veneer of legitimacy to Stalin's campaign against political rivals.;;show trials|purge trials Mythology;;His female assistant, who is prayed to when aligning new buildings with the stars and dresses in panther skins, is called Seshat. He wrote forty-two books himself, while one named for him tells the story of Setna, the son of Ramses II. He was cured of a scorpion sting by Horus and became the protector of that god, and he also joined with Shu to reconcile Tefnut with Ra. His cult, centered at Hermopolis, worshipped him as the patron of magic, astronomy, and wisdom. For 10 points, name this baboon- or ibis-headed Egyptian deity who served as the messenger and scribe of the gods.;;Thoth|Tehuty|Djehuty|Aah(tehuti|)|Djehuti|Tehuti|Thout(i) |Zehuti Psychology;;Perrin and Spencer's repeat of this experiment in 1980 found only 1 positive result in 396 trials and attributed the 33% success rate in the original to cultural factors. This experiment found a change in outcome when "true partners" and "compromise partners" were introduced. First presented as a chapter of the 1951 book Groups, Leadership, and Men, it was performed on groups of eight, seven of which were the researcher's plants purposely misidentifying which line was the same length as a sample. For 10 points, name this experiment in which subjects often gave wrong answers to conform to the "erroneous majority".;;Asch (conformity) (experiment) Music;;The only silent role in this opera is the child Dolore, although "the aunt" and "the cousin" have fairly minimal parts in the work. Inspired indirectly by a short story by John Luther Long, it begins with Goro leading the main male character out of his house. That character outlines his roving philosophy in "dovunque al mondo" and, in Part 2 of Act 2, expresses his remorse and regrets in the romanza "Addio, fiorito asil". The title character sings about her planned conversion to that character's religion "in Io seguo il mio destino," but more famously pictures his return in the aria "Un bel di, vedremo". Pinkerton jilts Cio Cio San in, FTP, what opera by Giacomo Puccini?;;Madama Butterfly|Madame Butterfly American Literature;;In his only drama, Edgar ties up a high-ranking government official and holds a gun to his head after the titular beverages have been consumed. One of his novels centers around the estate of the criminal F.W. Bennett and his aviatrix wife, who meet the narrator, a drifter named Joe of Paterson. He tells the story of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, fictionalized as the Isaacsons, from the point of view of their titular son in The Book of Daniel, while a 15 year old boy narrates the downfall and death of Dutch Schultz in Billy Bathgate, but better known is a narrative of three diverse families told through the eyes of Little Boy. FTP name this author, best known for Ragtime.;;(E.L.) Doctorow Biology;;Proteins associated with these structures include kinesins and dynein, which move along them in order to transport other molecules throughout the cell. Many of these structures in a given cell will be in a state of dynamic instability, in which the protein subunits that make them up can be either added to or removed from the plus end of the structure at any given time. The ability of the structures to shorten is useful during mitosis, when they attach to the kinetochores of chromosomes and pull them toward the spindle poles. For 10 points, name these components of the cytoskeleton, which also make up cilia and are composed of tubulin subunits.;;microtubules Geography;;This peak was originally known as Mount Townsend, but it was given the name of its neighbor so that the peak by this name would be its country's highest; while it holds this title, it is relatively round and not very difficult to climb. It is located in the Snowy Mountains in its namesake national park, which can be found in the state of New South Wales. For 10 points, name this peak, first ascended in 1840 by Paul Strzelecki and named for a Polish patriot, the highest mountain in mainland Australia.;;(Mount) Kosciuszko European Literature;;One scene in this novel finds the protagonist witnessing a fight at Masson's place between a pimp and the brother of his Moorish whore. Among the people who live in the protagonist's apartment building are an old man who often loses his dog and the aforementioned pimp, Raymond Sintes, who gets the protagonist to help him write a letter to lure his abused mistress back to him. It begins with the protagonist's visit to The Home for Aged Persons in Marengo, an action which will play into his conviction of murdering an arab on the beach. For 10 points, name this Existentialist novel about the office worker Meursault, a work by Albert Camus.;;The Stranger|L'étranger Religion;;A dispute over this process in the tenth century saw Paschasius Radbertus win out over Ratramnus and Berengar. The Orthodox believe that it occurrs only when requested by the epiclesis and more commonly refer to it as "metabole". It was re-affirmed in 1965 by the Mysterium Fidei encyclical of Paul VI, four centuries after it was replaced by the "in, with and under" formulation sometimes called the "doctrine of the real presence" by Lutherans. For 10 points, identify this church doctrine holding that the underlying substances of the Eucharistic bread and wine are actually transformed into the body and blood of Christ.;;transubstantiation Biology;;Transgenic sheep have been engineered to produce this amino acid, necessary for the production of wool. Along with glycine and glutamate, it forms glutathione, a common antioxidant. A variant of it exists containing the element selenium, and its use in dietary supplements raises questions of cannibalism, as a primary source of this amino acid is human hair, where it strengthens the secondary structure of the protein keratin. For 10 points, name this amino acid, whose thiol group when oxidized can bond with another to form a dimer connected by a disulfide bridge.;;cysteine World Literature;;The narrator of this work takes pleasure in his toothaches and liver pains. A footnote states that the narrator continued writing after the end of the book, which is presented as an excerpt from his memoirs. His alienation from society manifests itself as he obsesses over whether or not to bump a soldier on the street, then as he invites himself to a farewell party for Zverkov. The second section of the book, titled "Apropos of the Wet Snow," ends with the narrator's inability to interact with the prostitute Liza. For 10 points, name this 1864 novel detailing its unnamed narrator's hatred for causality and society, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky.;;Notes from (the) Underground|Letters from the Underworld Math Theory;;The first volume of Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming brought about the modern age of its analysis. Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman popularized the use of recurrence relations in analysis of recursive ones. This term is derived from the name of a 9th-century Persian mathematician. More commonly, asymptotic and running time analyses determine their effectiveness. It is unknown whether an efficient one exists for NP-complete problems, so approximation ones are normally used. For 10 points, name this computational procedure that produces the solution to a problem in a finite number of steps.;;algorithm Art;;He wrote a novel, Hebdomeros, the Metaphysician, which was published alongside the story "Monsieur Dudron's Adventure". He depicted as Orpheus the poet of "The Mirabeau Bridge" and "The Bestiary," while another work features an exaggerated bust of David juxtaposed with an orange glove. Similarly, a bust of Moses is depicted next to pineapples and bananas in Le Reve Transforme, which also features a train and his characteristic line of curved archways. A flagged tower is the subject of his Nostalgia of the Infinite, but better-known is a work depicting a girl with a hoop going up the titular roadway. FTP name this artist of Mystery and Melancholy of a Street.;;(Giorgio) de Chirico|Népo United States History;;Shortly after he denied sending the Cipher Dispatches, this man willed his estate to establish the original New York Public Library. Earlier, William Eaton Chandler and the Wormley Conference conspired to screw him, undoing the good will he had earned as governor of New York, when he helped suppress the Canal Ring and the Tweed machine. In his next race, a 51% popular vote tally did him no good, as an 8-7 vote of the corrupt Electoral Commission awarded the electoral votes of Florida to his Republican opponent. For 10 points, name this Democrat who probably won the election against Rutherford B. Hayes.;;(Samuel) (Jones) Tilden Physics;;Induction coils with spark gaps were the first devices to suggest its existence. When the receiving coil in an 1887 experiment was enclosed in a dark case, the observed spark was always smaller. The aforementioned work by Hertz was followed by contributions in the area from Thomson and Lenard. Lenard found that it was independent of the ultraviolet light's intensity, but it took until the article On a Heuristic Point of View about the Creation and Conversion of Light for the concept to be widely diffused. For 10 points, the work function is associated with this effect, whose discovery won the 1905 Nobel Prize for Physics for Albert Einstein.;;photoelectric (effect) American Literature;;The title character, working at the McGurk Institute, discovers "The X Principle," but finds that it had previously been described by Félix D'Herelle. At its end, the protagonist and Terry Wickett retreat to the woods, where they plan to build a laboratory. After graduation, the titular figure explores different aspects of the scientist's and doctor's life in places like Wheatsylvania and Nautilis. His devotion to the lessons of his professor at the University of Winnemac, Max Gottleib, is tested in a plague on the island of St. Hubert, where his wife Laura dies. For 10 points, name this novel which merited the 1926 Pulitzer Prize, famously rejected by its author Sinclair Lewis.;;Arrowsmith World History;;The opening phase of this battle, called "the Run to the South," was a rematch between Hipper and Beatty, who had fought the year before at Dogger Bank. Hipper lured Beatty within the range of his commander Scheer's forces, but Beatty escaped to the north, though he lost the Queen Mary and the Princess Royal. Scheer followed and met the Grand Fleet. Scheer's High Seas Fleet escaped home to Germany due to the efforts of Admiral Jellicoe. The British lost more naval tonnage but the Germans failed to establish a naval presence on the North Sea in, for 10 points, this largest naval battle of World War I?;;(Battle) (of) Jutland|(Battle) (of) (the) Skagerrak Religion;;This religious group is based on a set of sutras telling of the vows the monk Dharmakara made prior to his ascension to buddhahood, especially his 18th vow. It was transmitted from China to Japan by Honen, whose disciple Shinran expressed this school's final conclusion that enlightenment could only be achieved by faith in the grace of Dharmakara under his new name as a Buddha. Along with Chan or Zen, it is the most popular variant of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia. For 10 points, name this school that focuses on the recitation of the Amitabha, or Amida Buddha's name, to achieve entry into its namesake heavenly realm.;;Pure Land (Buddhism) Amidism (before) ("Amitabha") Biology;;This biological process can be triggered through TFN-induced signaling or suppressed through the hedgehog signaling pathway. Other triggers include increased secretion of cytochrome c from mitochondria within the cell, which begins a cascade resulting in the activation of caspase-3, the effecter molecule for this action. The anti-cancer protein p53 induces this process as a last resort, and it is used in embryological and lymphocyte development as an effective way of removing excess cells. For 10 points, identify this orderly alternative to necrosis, the most common form of programmed cell death.;;apoptosis World History;;This ruler held power as regent of the infant Vaballathus, son of Odaenathus, who had led a certain city-state against the Parthians in the service of Emperor Gallienus. After an attempt to pacify Emperor Aurelian by proclaiming Vaballathus as Augustus failed, this ruler seized Antioch and Egypt in the late 260's CE, claimed descent from Cleopatra, and became Queen. Along with the Gallic Empire of the west, her Empire posed a grave threat to the Roman Empire in the middle of the third century. For 10 points, name this Queen of Palmyra.;;Zenobia American Literature;;He collaborated with Daniel Dennett to write The Mind's I. His more technical works include a book on artificial intelligence, Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies, while among his flightier efforts is Le Ton Beau De Marot, about the "music of language". His magnum opus is nominally about recent advances in the mathematics of recursion, though it is titled after a man who wrote a treatise on formally undecidable propositions, a Dutch optical-illusion artist, and the composer of the Goldberg Variations. For 10 points, name this author who described an "eternal golden braid" in Godel, Escher, Bach.;;(Douglas) Hofstadter World History;;This battle was fought on a site of General Navarre's choosing, a crossroads town whose name means "Seat of the Border County Prefecture". The battle began as paratroopers led by General de Castries took the town in "Operation Castor" and created eight strongpoints around it. The attackers amassed artillery before initiating the battle, which, combined with human wave tactics, allowed them to overwhelm the outlying Beatrice and Gabrielle strongpoints in early March. By April 22, the airstrip was overrun and on May 7, 1954, General Giap and the Viet Minh destroyed the last hope for French victory in Vietnam. For 10 points, name this decisive battle of the First Indochina War.;;(Battle) (of) Dien Bien Phu World Literature;;The main character of this work often conflicts with his boss in the Scholarship Board, the arrogant, paternalistic Mr. Green. The protagonist's four years of study in England lead to his decision to marry Clara, but the engagement is called off when her class is revealed. Though he must pay off his student loans to the Umuofian Progressive Union, the main character falls deeper into debt as he buys a car and finances Clara's abortion. After his mother's death and his estrangement from Clara, Obi Okonkwo begins to take bribes, for which he is put on trial. For 10 points, name this Nigerian novel, a sequel to Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe.;;No Longer at Ease Art;;One of this artist's works depicts a group of people contemplating a poem featuring the line "The paths of glory lead but to the grave". He imitated the painter Claude's Landscape with Hagar and the Angel in a painting of a creek winding toward a distant tower, while his only prominent religious work to speak of is the Risen Christ for the altarpiece at Manningtree. He painted a series on his father's flower and vegetable gardens, but better-known is a landscape featuring dark clouds and a rainbow over the titular structure, which is seen "from the Meadows". FTP name this artist of Salisbury Cathedral and a painting of a scene on the River Stour, The Hay Wain.;;(John) Constable British Literature;;In one of this author's stories a boy in Surbiton is chastised by Mr. Bons for not having read any of the works of Percy Shelley. In one of his novels, Stephen Wonham is revealed to be the half-brother of Rickie Elliot, while another concerns the failing marriage of Gino Carella and Lilia Herriton. Lady Anne Wood marries Clive Durham after he renounces his affair with the titular Cambridge undergrad in Maurice, while his better-known characters the unlikely heiress Margaret Schlegel in Howards End and the westernized Dr. Aziz in A Passage to India. FTP name this author, also known for a novel about George Emerson and Lucy Honechurch, A Room with a View.;;(E.M.) Forster Geography;;Smaller ranges within this mountain range include the Apuseni Mountains and the Tatra Mountains, whose Mount Gerlach is the tallest of the chain. Bordered on one side by the Pannonian plain, they contain a relatively high concentration of the sandstone-shale compound flysch. Runoff from them has been stemmed by basins in the Bistrita and San valleys, and their foothills around Ploiesti contain oil deposits. They run from the southeast, where the Danube cuts through it at the Iron Gate, to the northwest around Bratislava, arcing around the Transylvanian Plateau and forming the northern and eastern boundaries of the Great Hungarian Plain. For 10 points, name this mountain chain of Romania and Slovakia.;;Carpathian (Mountains)|(Range) Astronomy;;This law was developed by its eponymous scientist and his colleague Milton Humason, a former janitor at their Mount Wilson facility. It supported the ideas of Father Lemaître and helped resolve the Curtis-Shapley Debate. For decades the value of its constant, originally estimated at 500 kilometers per second per megaparsec, was uncertain, until complications like peculiar velocities were dealt with. Scientists like Vesto Slipher had previously noted the Doppler effects in question, but this law utilized new observations of Cepheid variable stars. For 10 points, name this law, a strong support for the expanding universe theory, which states that the redshift of faraway galaxies is linearly proportional to distance.;;Hubble's (Law) Music;;Literature-inspired works by this man include a ballet score based on Nosferatu, Grohg, and a piano trio after Ansky's The Dybbuk, Vitebsk. He wrote the "play opera for high-school performance" The Second Hurricane and a "Scherzo Humoristique," The Cat and the Mouse, while his biblical works include 4 Motets and In the Beginning. Known for orchestral works such as An Outdoor Overture and his "Short Symphony," he created a musical and spoken word "portrait" of Abraham Lincoln along with a ballet containing a famous "Hoe-down," Rodeo. Also known for Appalachian Spring, this is, FTP, what composer of a Fanfare for the Common Man?;;(Aaron) Copland United States History;;The statute in question in this Supreme Court case was designed after the "Model Law" of Harry Laughlin. The prosecution was incompetently carried out by Irving Whitehead, who is usually considered to have colluded with the defendant for the purpose of upholding the law. His client had been committed to the Virginia Colony after she was raped by a member of her adopted family, but in 1924 she was deemed "promiscuous" and "feeble-minded". Only one Justice dissented, and Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the majority opinion, in which he famously stated that "three generations of imbeciles are enough". For 10 points, name this case in which the legality of eugenic sterilization was upheld.;;Buck (v.) (Bell)|Bell (v.) (Buck) British Literature;;This man's non-fiction works include a History and Adventures of an Atom, and he wrote the dramas The Regicide and the farce The Reprisal. The snooty Jew Joshua and the Count de Melvil are characters in his novel about a "shrewd villain of monstrous inhumanity," while the Gobbles and Samuel Crowe befriend the titular knight-errant of another work. One of his better-known characters is thrown into prison for writing satires but ultimately settles down with Emelia Gauntlet, while Hugh Strap and Tom Bowling are respectively the companion and godfather of his Roderick Random. FTP name this author, best-known for The Expedition of Humphry Clinker.;;(Tobias) Smollett Mythology;;In his original mythological setting, he is the son of Nyame and Asase Ya. In some areas his wife is known as Shi Maria, a possibly Christian-inspired adaptation. Although separate from the hare myths which gave rise to Br'er Rabbit, he shares stories with that figure, especially the "tar-baby" tale. His most famous exploit is his successful attempt to become King of All Stories, a story which features in most cultures in which he appears, from the Caribbean to his origin in West Africa among the Ashanti. For 10 points, name this trickster god, usually seen in the shape of a spider.;;(A)nansi|Nanzi World History;;Based at Thistle Mountain, its leaders included Shi Dakai. Dakai wanted to preserve this movement's ideological base, a mixture of traditional myths like the Jade Emperor and the tracts of Issachar Roberts, as well as the identity of the Hakka people from whom the movement's leader sprung. After its capture of Nanjing, the segregation of the city's population by sex and the reform of society along nominally Christian lines began, but slowed as endemic warfare limited the regime's actions for the rest of the 1850s. For 10 points, name this most potent rebellion against the Qing CHING Dynasty, led by Hong Xiuquan, which killed tens of millions in the name of the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace.;;Taiping (Rebellion);;Heavenly Kingdom (of) (Great) (Peace) Geography;;This present-day country includes the last capital of Sayyid Said's empire and the place where John Okello's Marxists overthrew Mohammed Shamte and installed Abeid Karume. The location of the Groundnuts Scheme, it emerged from German and British colonization and was governed by the principles of the Arusha Declaration, which included one-party rule by the Chama Cha Mapinduzi. The site, along with Kenya, of a 1998 Al Qaeda attack on US embassies, this country was long led by the "Ujamaa" principle of Julius Nyere. For 10 points, name this state formed by the merger of Zanzibar and Tanganyika.;;(United) (Republic) (of) Tanzania|(Jamhuri) (ya) (Muungano) (wa) Tanzania Art;;The "Bacchanal with a Guitar Player" and "The Massacre of the Innocents" are among the better-known works from this man's poesie period, while two men carry the titular corpse down a winding road in the foreground of his The Funeral of Phocion. In response to criticism by Pietra da Cortona he created "Crossing of the Red Sea" and its companion piece, "Adoration of the Golden Calf," along with a better-known work featuring a large figure in red robes on the left, presiding over the titular crime. Also known for a painting based on a line from Virgil's fifth Eclogue, "Et in Arcadia Ego," FOR 10 POINTS, name this artist, best-known for his "Rape of the Sabine Women".;;(Nicholas) Poussin British Literature;;In the final section of this poem the poet claims that neither "greetings where no kindness is, nor all/The dreary intercourse of daily life,/Shall e'er prevail against us". Before imagining a "hermit's cave" at the end of the first stanza, he begins by describing "these waters, rolling from their mountain-springs /With a soft inland murmur" after noting that "five summers with the lengths of five long winters" have passed since he has last visited the titular location, the first Cistercian home in Wales. For 10 points, name this poem whose title ends with "On Revisiting The Banks Of The Wye During A Tour July 13, 1798", by William Wordsworth.;;("Lines) (Composed) (A) (Few) (Miles) (Above) Tintern Abbey(") Mythology;;Their color was changed after several of them told Apollo about the infidelity of Coronis, and Apollo's priest Aristeas travelled in the guise of one. Another of these creatures turned himself into a cedar leaf and impregnated a Tsimshian chief's daughter in order to steal the sun. In addition to the brother of Logobola, these appear in Celtic myth as the army of Owain, as Badb during battles, and as the meaning of the name "Bran". Two others represent "thought" and "memory" and spy for Odin under the names of Hugin and Munin. For 10 points, name this creature which complements the coyote as the Native American trickster.;;raven(s) (prompt) (on) bird(s|) (prompt) (on) crow(s) Religion;;Its fourth book deals with the loss of a friend and studies of Aristotle as the author leaves Thagaste, while the third describes an encounter with Cicero's Hortensius and the author's theft of pears for the pleasure of stealing. The author of this work becomes disillusioned by the ignorance of Faustus after spending much of his youth as a Manichee, and recounts sending away a mysterious concubine after being influenced by his mother Monica and by Ambrose of Milan to finally convert to Christianity at the age of thirty-two. For 10 points, name this autobiography of the bishop of Hippo who also wrote The City of God.;;Confessions (of) (St.) (Augustine) Physics;;One modification of the apparatus used for this experiment, which was designed by I. I. Rabi, is the basis of MRI while a further modification is used in atomic clocks. With the addition of a beam stopper, this experiment's apparatus can act as a filter. Three such filters placed at successive 90 degree angles will allow a beam to pass, while removing the middle filter will stop the beam, demonstrating that the filter redefines "up". Originally, a beam of silver atoms was used, and the two peaks observed conflicted with the classical expectation. For 10 points, name this 1922 experiment demonstrating that atoms and electrons have quantized spin.;;(the) Stern-Gerlach (Experiment) World Literature;;One of his works sees the crippled narrator describe the deaths of family members after reading The Story of the Western Wing. A girl eschews the teachings of Shakyamuni for belief in "Zesus" in one story, while Anatole France's Penguin Island served as the primary inspiration for "Kappa". A Buddhist priest agonizes over the titular overlong appendage in "The Nose," but better known are a story in which a man kills an old woman looting corpses on the title structure and another that provides different perspectives on a crime committed by Tajomaru, "In a Bamboo Grove". For 10 points, name this author of "Rashomon".;;(Ryunosuke) Akutagawa Music;;Sting shouts the Miranda Rights in French in the background of this man's album You're Under Arrest, which included covers of "Human Nature" and "Time After Time". He recorded "My Old Flame" with Art Blakey and Sonny Rollins, while Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock were members of his hard-bop quintet that recorded In a Silent Way. His best-selling 1970 album opens with the twenty-minute "Pharaoh's Dance" and yielded the single "Spanish Key," though he more famously worked with John Coltrane on an album that includes "Blue in Green" and "So What". For 10 points, name this trumpeter of The Birth of the Cool, known for the album A? Kind of Blue.;;(Miles) Davis European History;;A double agent sabotaged its attempt to kill the Military Council by firing on the Town Theatre, and the denial of supplies at Theodosia then led to its surrender at Constanta to Romanian authorities, after which it was renamed the Panteleymon. Events here were sparked by an agent of the Social Revolutionary Party, who garnered support againt Captain Golikov when a surgeon performed a smell test. Its actions mostly took place near Odessa, during th 1905 rebellion as part of the general Black Sea Fleet uprising. For 10 points, name this ship where rotten meat caused a mutiny against the Tsar's officers.;;(Battleship) Potemkin|(Knyaz) Potemkin (Tavrichesky) European Literature;;The central family in this novel lives next door to Levaque and Bouteloup, whose morning rituals they regularly hear. That family receives charity from the shopkeeper Maigrat, who trades food and money for a caress from the eldest daughter. The protagonist gains a new ideology from Pluchart, which he discusses with Souvarine at Rasseneur's. Having come from Marchienne to Montsou, he befriends "Bonnemort" and eventually kills Chaval, his rival for the affections of Catherine Maheu. An avowed socialist, he leads a strike against the local mine that results in a massacre. For 10 points, name this novel about Etienne Lantier, written by Emile Zola.;;Germinal Geography;;In November 2004, the Athos I spilled a quarter-million gallons of oil into this river. The village of Hancock sees the confluence of its western and eastern branches, the latter of which feeds the Pepacton Reservoir. At Phillipsburg, the Morris Canal connects it to the Hudson River, and it passes through the Twelve-Mile Circle just before emptying into its namesake bay. Its largest tributary, the Schuykill SKOO-kul, passes west of the Rodin Museum and east of University City in Philadelphia. For 10 points, name this river that forms Pennsylvania's eastern border, depicted in an Emmanuel Leutze painting illustrating the 1776 crossing of it by George Washington.;;(The) Delaware (River) European History;;One person of this royal name and number was nicknamed "the Impotent" and ruled in Castile. Another defeated a Saxon rebellion at Langesalza to maintain Salian authority as Holy Roman Emperor. Sully's hoax "Royal Economies" claimed that another had a "grand design" to destroy the Hapsburgs after winning at Ivry during the wars of religion. That one declared that "Paris is worth a mass" to gain the French crown. For 10 points, give this name and number shared by the English Bolingbroke who was the first Lancastrian king, the Holy Roman Emperor who went to Canossa, and the issuer of the Edict of Nantes.;;Henry IV Biology;;In astronomy, some researchers contend that galaxies and black holes have become subject to a version of this process, while on a molecular level it is invoked to explain similarities in the genomes of endosymbiontic mitochondria and eukaryotes, such as in the genes for their respective cytochrome c oxidases. More common examples involve flowers and bees adapting to each other to make pollination more favorable, and predator and prey continually evolving new ways to outwit each other; that is the so-called Red Queen hypothesis for this, in which sex is an advantage due to its resulting genetic diversity. For 10 points, name this process in which two entities change in a dependent manner on each other.;;co-evolution Economics;;Its first volume uses the work of EG Wakefield to make a "modern interpretation of colonization," and other historical portions discuss "primitive accumulation" in Britain. The fourth chapter concludes that "MCM" is the current "general formula" for the title concept of this work, which was left unfinished midway through the fourth volume, Theories of Surplus Value. It begins by describing the "use-values" and values of commodities and moves on to such concepts as the major modes of production and the primacy of labor in creating value out of the title entity. For 10 points, name this magnum opus by Engels and Marx.;;(Das) Kapital United States History;;A critical action in this conflict was the spiking of cannons at Castillo de San Joaquin. One side was led by "Stuttering Zeke" Merritt, who captured General Mariano Vallejo and also defeated Jose Castro. Many of its participants had arrived on the Brooklyn, and it served to prop up the government originally led by William Ide, which lasted less than a month until John Sloat suppressed both participants in this conflict and deposed John Fremont. First raised at Sonoma, the namesake item was destroyed in a 1906 fire and is now represented on the state emblem. For 10 points, name this revolt for California independence.;;(the) Bear Flag (revolt|republic) Music;;A textual one by Douglas Hofstadter had characters join in a conversation about consciousness in an anthill. In his Le istitutioni harmoniche, Zarino divided them into sciolta and legata varieties, while Max Reger wrote them into his Hiller and Mozart Variations. One forms the beginning of the overture to The Bartered Bride, and another is featured in the famous middle of the overture to The Magic Flute. This heavily contrapuntal musical form that serves as the second half of a French overture and is paired with a prelude in each key in The Well-Tempered Clavier. For 10 points, name this music form also used by J. S. Bach in a series of organ works with a Toccata.;;fugue American Literature;;The protagonist of Haruki Murakami's Sputnik Sweetheart, Sumire, claims that this is her favorite book. One character moves in with Terri after abandoning the shack he shared with Lee Ann and Remi, having earlier left his best friend in the company of Carlo Marx!! A planned trip to Italy is thwarted when another character gets a job as a parking attendant, and the protagonist Is later stranded in Gregoria, Mexico by that character, who then marries Inez, having already married Camille and Marylou. The protagonist eventually meets Laura in New York, and they both witness the final departure of Dean Moriarty. For 10 points, name this Beat novel about Sal Paradise by Jack Kerouac.;;On the Road Biology;;Catechol-O-methyl transferase is prominently involved in the catabolysis of this substance, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are negatively affected when its D2 receptors, which are also thought to play a role in schizophrenia and psychosis, are blocked. Its interaction with and regulation of prolactin is thought to be a contributing factor to male impotence and sexual dysfunction. Synthesized in the body from tyrosine as starting material, an intermediate with an added carboxylate group and a similar name is often used to treat Parkinson's. For 10 points, name this neurotransmitter implicated in the brain's pleasure and reward system.;;dopamine Philosophy;;One of his books had a frontispiece showing a ship sailing past the pillars of Hercules, while another describes the fictional Salomon's House. He attempted to explain why Egypt has deserts in his Sylva Sylvarum, while his unfinished essay "The Ladder of the Intellect" was to prove the validity of induction. He created the idea of universal progress in The Advancement of Learning, and he also identified the tribe, cave, marketplace, and theater as the "four idols" which inhibit inquiry. For 10 points, name this man who presented an ideal scientific society in The New Atlantis and took apart Aristotleanism in Novum Organum.;;(Sir) F(rancis) Bacon(,) (Lord) (Verulam,) (Viscount) (St.) (Albans) Math Theory;;The long line has this property but the long line's compactification doesn't. Neither does the Euclidean plane minus the origin, although the whole plane and 3-space minus the origin have it. It is preserved under homotopy equivalence but not under general continuous transformations. Any proper non-empty subset of the complex with this property can be conformally mapped to the unit disk. For 10 points, name this topological property that intuitively means a space lacks holes and is equivalent to having a trivial fundamental group and being path-connected.;;simply connected United States History;;Carlos Calvo's work was used by Luis María Drago to extend this concept to debt collection, and it was formalized as the Porter Convention at the 1907 Hague Peace Conference. Richard Olney vigorously asserted a modification of it during the Venezuela boundary dispute. Olney thus changed a claim first put forth to rebuff George Canning, forming the basis of a 1904 speech by !!Theodore Roosevelt which created a "corrolary" to it. For 10 points, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams formulated what principle, attributed to the then-president, under which the U.S. opposed any European interference in the Americas?;;(the) Monroe Doctrine American Literature;;In one optional scene, one character offers to defend God against abandonment charges filed by the title characters. That character had earlier gotten Martin Heller to rub his back at a restaurant meeting. One scene sees Mr. Lies, typically played by the actor who plays Belize, appearing in a dream about Antarctica, while another character dreams of two of the 33 ancestors who share his name, Prior Walter, before a title character arrives!! proclaiming "The Messenger has arrived". Dramatizing Roy Cohn's death of AIDS, for 10 points, name this two-part "Gay Fantasia on National Themes" comprising Millennium Approaches and Perestroika, by Tony Kushner.;;Angels in America Chemistry;;It was only officially recognized in 1945, the largest change to the commonly accepted periodic table since its!! inception. Containing elements with 5f electrons, many of its elements have very short half-lives and have only been synthesized in laboratories. Its only elements occurring at appreciable levels are Thorium and Uranium, though a small amount of neptunium and plutonium can sometimes be found in some Uranium ores. For 10 points, name this series of the periodic table named for the 89th element.;;actinoid (Series)|(actinides)