Art;;This man inserted a self-portrait in the left side of his imitation of a painting by Dirk van Baburen. His version of the scene shows a red-cloaked man menacingly embracing a smiling women in a yellow shirt and white bonnet, who is holding out her hand to receive a coin. In addition to The Procuress, he also showed himself looking at a woman who stands beside a bed behind a drawn curtain in The Art of Painting. A few dark clouds intrude on the top, and some small figures in black walk on the beach, in his depiction of brick buildings in his river-side home town, View of Delft. For 10 points, name this artist of The Milk Maid and Girl With a Pearl Earring, a Dutch Baroque figure.;;(Johannes) (Jan) Vermeer American Literature;;In this novel, one character's sister arrives with Carrie and convinces her brother to purchase some clothes for the protagonist and later Mrs. Millie asks another character to be her maid, which is met with a quick "hell no". That character, who knocks out two of Mary Agnes's teeth, learn that her lost children Olivia and Adam were adopted by Samuel and Corrine. Before moving to Tennessee, the protagonist of this work meets Daisy, the fifteen-year old wife of Alphonso, and falls in love with a blues singer first seen at the Lucky Star, Shug Avery. Telling the story of Sophia, Harpo, Nettie, and Celie, for 10 points, name this epistolary novel by Alice Walker.;;(The) Color Purple Astronomy;;Alastair Cameron was one of the first to postulate the existence of this region, and a notable object here was discovered by Charles Kowal. Emission spectra of objects here have strong methane peaks, and objects not found at its edges are termed "cubewanos". Chiron, Pholus, and other objects known as the "centaurs" are believed to originate in this region. Objects in this region include Haumea, Varuna, Sedna, and an object formerly known as Xena, now called Eris, whose discovery sparked some of the objects in this region to be re-classified as dwarf planets. For ten points, name this region of icy objects beyond the orbit of Neptune, named for Edgeworth and a Dutch astronomer.;;(Edgeworth-) Kuiper Belt World Literature;;One character in this novel pushes his pregnant girlfriend into the snow and offers two cartons of cigarettes to another character to trample her stomach. The protagonist's double date with one character sparks a flashback to Tenju Hermitage and the instant loss of arousal for that girl at a picnic at Kameyama Park. One character discusses the story of Nansen and the kitten and, along with Tsurukawa, serves as the protagonist's best friend but betrays him to Father Dozen, superior of the title location. Ending with the discarding of arsenic and a knife, for 10 points, name this novel about Mizoguchi burning down the title religious structure, a successful novel by Mishima Yukio.;;(The) Temple of the Golden Pavilion European History;;The Battle of Dunsinane happened after this grandson of Richard the Fearless ordered Siward, Earl of Northumbria, to lead an invasion of Scotland that led to the overthrow of King Macbeth, whom this man replaced with Malcolm III. At one point, this man declared Edward the Exile as his heir. This son of Emma of Normandy and brother of Alfred Aetheling was the last king to pay the Danegeld, and was constantly bedeviled by his rebellious advisor Godwin, whose son attempted to succeed this man despite his alleged promise to William the Conqueror. For 10 points, name this penultimate Saxon king of England, whose nickname refers to his religious piety.;;Edward the Confessor;;Edward Geography;;In 2003, a team of Austrian scientists led by Fischer and Wieltschnig used one of these to study the impact of lysis-inducing viruses on sediment-layer dwelling bacteria, discovering that viruses play only a minor role in sedimentary carbon exchange. Robert Chant used acoustic Doppler profiling to study the formation of these bodies, and in 1994, Winemiller found that they decrease in both biodiversity and biomass over time. They result from the creation of a secondary flow of suspended mass following transition to vortex flow, and their formation is preceded by the formation of a sediment-depositing channel. For 10 points, name this type of lake that forms from a bend in a river.;;ox(-)bow lake(s) World Literature;;"In Another Fashion," "Dragon," and "Peter" are three sequences in his first collection, The Dainty Monsters, and the speaker of another of his poems "buried his hands in saffron" and "would ride your bed" if he were of the titular profession, "The Cinnamon Peeler". He writes about the single father of Anna, Claire, and Coop in his latest novel, Divisadero, and Sarath helps the title character of another work in finding the mysterious skeleton Sailor. The author of Coming Through Slaughter and Anil's Ghost, his best known work includes the lovers Kip and Hana and the Hungarian desert explorer Almásy. For 10 points, name this Sri Lankan-Canadian novelist of The English Patient.;;(Philip) (Michael) Ondaatje Religion;;The Sonnini Manuscript purports to be a lost chapter of this book and makes the dubious claim that Roman Britain was inhabited by Jews. One figure in this book throws the viper into the fire while suffering no harm, which causes him to be called a god. The orator Tertullus serves as a prosecutor in this text, as do people described as "the Cyrenians". Ananias and Sapphira die in this book after lying about their income. This book sees Tabitha raised from the dead, as well as the election of St. Matthias to replace a man who had accepted thirty pieces of silver. For 10 points, name this book of the Bible that describes the deeds of Jesus's followers.;;Acts of the Apostles European History;;The leader of this country's LIF party was forced to resign when it was revealed that he had been a lobbyist for the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company. In 2003, this European country convoked a constitutional convention, but none of its proposed changes were enacted. In October 2008, a controversial governor in this country was killed in a car accident; that governor caused a 1999 crisis when his Freedom Party became part of the ruling coalition, leading to fear that the far right could return to power here. For 10 points, name this home of Jorg Haider, a German-speaking country that was the birthplace of Arnold Schwarzenegger.;;Austria Physics;;The Oklo phenomenon, which occurred in Gabon, provides a strict constraint on the time variability of this number. John Barrow and Frank Tipler invoke the anthropic principle to explain that if the value of this constant were to change, carbon-based life would no longer be viable. Measurement of the Lande g-factor in a quantum cyclotron gives the most precise value of this quantity, whose square is the ratio between the electron rest mass and the Hartree energy. It is also the ratio between the electron velocity and the speed of light and was introduced by Sommerfeld to improve the Bohr model. For 10 points, name this dimensionless quantity with value 1/137.;;fine structure constant British Literature;;One character in this play sings about how the world would be different "Had Hippocrates, or Galen" "but known this secret". One character threatens another with public dissection if she fails to do everything backward, and later, one character leads Bonario behind a curtain to spy on his father. That character points one woman to the gondola where Lord Politic Would-Be is supposedly cavorting with a girl. The second scene of this work sees the introduction of a dwarf, Nano, along with Castrone and Androgyno, and Corvino's wife Celia is promised to the title character by his servant, Mosca. For 10 points, name this Ben Jonson drama about a dude whose name evokes a fox.;;Volpone European History;;One military action of this type resulted in a period known as the tatarjaras, ending in a victory for Subotai, and was a response to an influx of Cuman refugees. During the most recent instance of this action, the Fifteen Promises were made. Pretexts for this action include the fact that Suleyman the Magnificent was not congratulated on his coronation by Louis II. When this action was performed by the Ottoman Empire in 1526, it led to the Battle of Mohacs, and it later led to the overthrow of Imre Nagy by the Soviet Union in 1956. For 10 points, name this type of military action which typically involves directing a military force to move in the direction of Budapest.;;invading Hungary;;invading|invasion Linguistics;;This specific language is currently undergoing a sound change that eliminates the velar nasal and merges initial "n" with initial "l", which is derisively called "lazy talk" by older speakers. This language's nineteenth-century great consonant shift merged alveolar and postalveolar sounds. This language uses the particle ke for subordinating and nominalizing. Dialects of this language include Siyi, which lacks sandhi. Unlike a prominent relative, this language contrasts aspirated and non-aspirated stops and has nine tones. For 10 points, name this Sinetic language spoken in southern China and contrasted with Mandarin.;;Cantonese Geography;;The Karun river is the smallest navigable channel in this country, which is also home to the Zayandeh River. The home to the Khuzestan Plain, its deserts include the Lut. On the northeastern border of this country, one can find the Atrak River and the Kpet Dag mountain chain. The Sefid river cuts through this country's Alborz mountains, which are located north of the Kavir desert. The southwestern border of this country is formed by the Shatt-al-Arab channel, and the largest mountain chain here is the Zagros. This country is north of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. For 10 points, name this Middle Eastern nation with capital at Tehran.;;Iran Mythology;;Aizen Myo-o is the bodhisattva of this in Japanese tradition. In Slavic paganism, Siebog and Shiwa were the god and goddess of this. The Greek god Anteros was a god of one type of this. The Hindu god of this rides a parrot and was incinerated by the third eye of Shiva after shooting Shiva with an arrow. The Greek deity of this incited Glaucus's horses, caused the death of Hippolytus, and was worshipped at Syracuse under the name "Kallipygos". The Roman deity of this is married to Mulciber, the Roman form of Hephaestus. For 10 points, Kama is the god of what feeling, which is also associated with Aphrodite and Venus?;;love Biology;;In 1999, Bruce Bagemihl published a study on the incidence of homosexuality among these creatures, and in 1994 Robert E. Simmons and Lue Scheepers argued that this creature's most prominent feature is a result of sexual selection. A 2007 paper by Hassanin used mitochondrial DNA to argue that early in this creature's history, it split into two populations on either side of what is now Lake Chad. Miocene ancestors include Palaeotragus and Climacoceras, which, like this creature, had ossicones. Their love for acacia trees is frequently used as evidence for the Lamarckian hypothesis. For 10 points, name this African land mammal, an ungulate with a long neck.;;giraffe(s) United States History;;Paul A. Gilje argued that the 1812 riots in this city represented a seminal change in Anglo-American mob tradition, and in 1807 this city was the site of the Doctors Riot. It was the site of the 1861 Pratt Street Massacre, where Union forces fired on Confederate sympathizers. In 1844, this city was the site of both the Whig and Democratic national conventions, and in 1904 it suffered its "Great Fire". The Battle of North Point took place just outside this city, after which the British were able to assault Fort McHenry. For 10 points, name this city where Francis Scott Key saw the Star-Spangled Banner, a city in Maryland named for the noble title of the Calvert family.;;Baltimore Music;;Several of this man's early solo piano works are collected in his Album d'un voyager, and he noted that he could not find a lyrical melody in his second "forgotten waltz". A work characteristic of his Wemar period is a symphonic poem titled Prometheus. Alidor is Lord of the Castle of Love in his sole opera, Don Sanche, and Chasse-Neige and "Will o' the Wisp" are two movements in his difficult set of twelve piano pieces. The composer of a Faust Symphony and some Mephisto Waltzes, he included "Mazeppa" in his collection of Transcendental Etudes. For 10 points, name this piano virtuoso who used Gypsy melodies of his homeland in the Hungarian Rhapsodies.;;(Franz) Lizst Geography;;This city was the capital of Sultan Qutb-ud-din Aybak, who founded a dynasty based here which is sometimes known as the "Slave Dynasty". In 1803, General Gerard Lake won a battle named for this city against the French commander Bourquin. After the Battle of Karnal, this city was sacked by Nadir Shah. During another sacking, this city was decorated with pyramids of skulls and had its precious metals carried off to build a mosque in Samarkand for Tamerlane. This city was the capital of the Tugluqs, and a Gupta ruler built a non-rusting pillar in this city. For 10 points, name this historic city, the namesake of a later "new" variety that became the current capital of India.;;Delhi Chemistry;;A report released in 2004 suggests that P-BEMP is a recyclable organocatalyst for this reaction. A titanium tetrachloride catalyst and silyl ether are involved in a variant of this reaction also named for Mukaiyama. Chiral phase transfer catalysis using compounds from cinchona alkaloids is one method for expanding the scope of asymmetric forms of this reaction, whose donors are usually beta-keto esters. Followed by an aldol condensation in the Robinson annulations, it ends with proton abstraction by the enolate. For 10 points, name this reaction which adds a carbanion to an alpha-beta unsaturated carbonyl compound, named for its American formulator.;;Michael (addition) (reaction) Philosohpy;;This man's posthumous works include "On the Rainbow", "On the Calculation of Chances", and "On the Emandation of the Intellect". He discussed man's lack of power to moderate and restrain his passions, which he labeled "human bondage". Another of this man's works was written to promote the views of Jan de Witt and argued that election by God was not a basis for superiority, and was condemned at the Synod of Dort, in part because it claimed that Ezra was the true author of the Old Testament. Another of his works articulated the idea that "God is Nature". For 10 points, name this author of "Tractactus Theologico-Politicus" and "Ethics," a Jewish Dutch thinker.;;(Baruch) Spinoza Psychology;;Attempts at repetition of this experiment by Bregman, Jones and Valentine using various stimulus methods all failed. Desensitization involving warm milk and pleasurable stimulation was planned, but never attempted, at the end of this experiment that psychologist Mary Jones attempted to replicate. A hammer and steel bar were used to create a loud noise that conditioned the namesake subject to fear the animal in this experimental example of classical conditioning. For 10 points, name this experiment conducted by John Watson in which a small child who was terrorized by the appearance of a rat became afraid of all white, furry things.;;Little Albert (Experiment) American Literature;;In one of this author's novels, the protagonist realizes who Alice Somerset is after reading the first chapter of Followed Home from the Flying Food Circus, and a woman obsessed with the phrase "Come hither boys, and become men" is attracted to Eddie. In addition to describing Maria in A Widow For One Year, he wrote of Siggy Javotnik's plan to empty the animals from the Heitzinger Zoo in Setting Free the Bears. Wilbur Larch provides abortions and runs an orphanage, and a wrestling coach writes The Pension Grillparzer, in two of his other novels. For 10 points, name this author of The Cider House Rules, The World According to Garp, and A Prayer for Owen Meany.;;(John) Irving Geology;;This period's major index fossil is the trilobite Bathyurus extans, though trilobites declined in importance in the late stages. The Taconic orogeny continued the mountain-building begun during the previous period, and the Rheic Ocean formed along with the supercontinent Gondwana. The Himantian stages of this period saw mass extinctions affecting trilobites, echinoderms, and conodonts, probably resulting from an ice age and drop in sea levels. Graptolites and clams first appeared during this time, though most importantly, plants and animals first began to move onto land. For 10 points, identify this geologic period between the Cambrian and Silurian periods.;;Ordovician (period) World Literature;;In one of his short stories, Seikichi drugs a beautiful woman in order to inscribe a spider on her back, and in another work Sonoko and Watanuki participate in a love triangle centered on Mitsuko. Along with Quicksand, he penned a nonfiction text on aesthetic values called In Praise of Shadows. In one of his books, an engineer Westernizes his uneducated wife; which backfires when he falls under the complete control of that character, Naomi. Another of his works involves a search for a husband for Yukiko so that Taeko won't have sordid affairs and focuses on four siblings in Osaka. For 10 points, identify this Japanese author of Some Prefer Nettles and The Makioka Sisters.;;(Junichiro) Tanizaki World History;;He is thought to have ordered the capture of Kashmiri Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah, and this man's letters to his daughter were collected in Glimpses of World History.To commemorate a commitment to purna swaraj, he raised a flag over the Ravi River, and the achievement of this goal culminated in his "tryst with destiny" speech. This figure's father led a failed Bombay Conference attempt to reconcile the Muslim League with Hindu factions. Along with men like Sukarno and Gamel Nasser, he helped lead the Non-Aligned Movement, and both his daughter and grandson became prime ministers. For 10 points, identify this oft-jailed first premier of India.;;(Jawaharlal) Nehru Biology;;In S. cerevisiae, CIM3 and CIM5 protease mutants arrest cells during this event, which is typically ended when Esp1associates with Scc1, part of a cascade triggered by APC, which ubiquitinates cohesins. It is characterized by treadmilling through the constant addition and removal of tubulin, thus maintaining microtubule length. This stage is followed by microtubule shortening and is immediately preceded by attachment at the kinetochore, which allows chromosomes to move to its namesake plate. For 10 points, name this stage of mitosis where chromosomes line up along the center of the cell, immediately preceding anaphase.;;metaphase United States History;;This group's Declaration of Principles was written by Moses Jaques, and they were among the chief instigators of the Flour Riot. Before becoming defunct, their greatest success came with the passage of an act that placed public funds in federal depositories, the Independent Treasury Act. This group, which advocated specie circulation, was originally called the Equal Rights Party and formed when William Leggett was thrown out of Tammany Hall. It was named for the matches they used when their conservative counterparts turned off the gas. For 10 points, name this nineteenth century Democratic political faction in New York.;;Locofoco(s) Geography;;Cities in this country include Carouge, famous for its gardens, and Monthey, in which is centered the roller coaster design company Bolliger & Mabillard. Lakes located in this country include the Zug and the artificial Sihlsee. The reworking of the Linth River improved the availability of fertile land, and tributaries of the Rhine in this country include the Toss, Birs, and Thur Rivers. Its largest lake is Neuchatel, and it contains a mountain famous for having caused the death of much of Edward Whymper's party, the Matterhorn. For 10 points, name this landlocked, neutral country with capital at Bern.;;Switzerland World Literature;;One of this author's characters, Boonyi Kaul, is seduced by the ambassador Maximilian Ophuls, who is later assassinated by an Afghani mujihadeen. He also described the formation of VTO by Ormus and Vina, who dies in an earthquake, in a novel narrated by Rai that takes its title from a U2 song that this man wrote the lyrics for. A man dreams of being ordered to kill Ayesha after ending his affair with Alleluia Cone in his novel about the actors Saladin Chamcha and Gibreel Farishta, and this author of Shalimar the Clown and The Ground Beneath her Feet also wrote of Saleem Sinai. For 10 points, name this writer of The Satanic Verses and Midnight's Children.;;(Salman) Rushdie Religion;;Eicha and kinnot are chanted during this holiday, which comes at the end of a three-week preparation period during which activities including weddings, haircuts, and purchasing clothing are forbidden. Traditionally, tefillin cannot be used until late in the day of this holiday, and figures involved in this observance include ten scouts of Moses and Bar Kokhba. Only depressing texts are allowed to be studied on this day, which also commemorates the destruction of the two temples. For 10 points, identify this Jewish holiday which observes a litany of sad events that happened on the namesake day of the Jewish calendar.;;Tisha B(')av Music;;This composer's Six Studies for Contralto were written for his Jewish lover, whom he left after his immigration papers did not allow him to accompany her to Berlin. In one of his works, which includes the "banquet scene" overture, Svetozar pledges half his kingdom to a title character. This composer's guitarist friend inspired him to write Jota (HO-tuh) Aragonesa and a later piece called Summer Night in Madrid. In an opera by him, an evil dwarf sorcerer named Chernomor abducts a bride. Another of this man's operas features a hero who leads an invading Polish army astray, Ivan Susanin. For 10 points, name this composer of A Life for the Tzar and Ruslan and Ludmilla.;;(Mikhail) Glinka Physics;;The Churchill-Bernstein equation is a simplification of this to estimate the Nusselt number for a cylinder. Jean Leray proved the existence of a weak solution, and in the continuous limit, the Lattice Boltzmann equation is a solution. The convective acceleration term confers a nonlinear effect, contributing to the difficulty in determining a full solution to this Millenium Problem. Taking the curl eliminates the pressure term from these equations, and further simplification arises when considering only isochoric or Newtonian fluids. For 10 points, name these partial differential equations of fluid dynamics that describe the flow of viscous liquids.;;Navier(-)Stokes (Equation(s)) European Literature;;Rome, Lourdes and Paris collectively name one series by this author, and in one of this man's novels, a woman is raped on a pile of rope in a shed at Requillart. That work eventually sees the protagonist kill Chaval with a piece of slate before his rescue from the bottom of a mineshaft. Pauline nearly marries the death-obsessed Lazare in his The Joy of Life. Other titles such as The Dram Shop and Nana appear in his Les Rougons-Macquarts. Aside from such longer works as the story of a coal mining strike, Germinal, this author addressed three handwriting experts and various military officials in a letter defending Dreyfus. For 10 points, name this author of "J'accuse".;;(Emile) Zola European History;;He was guided to power and advised early in his life by Bishop Aethelwold of Winchester and later took the Bishop Wulfstan of Worcester as another advisor. His laws at Wantage are sometimes credited with introducing the Scandinavian jury system to England. This monarch fled for Normandy after inciting Sven Forkbeard's raids on the English coast with the St. Brice's Day Massacres. He later regained the throne, which he had taken in the first place after the murder at Corfe Castle of his brother Edward the Martyr. For 10 points, name this baptismal-font-befouling kingwho got his epithet for foolishly taking the advice of the Witan.;;Aethelred the Unready|Aethelred (II|the Second){1}?;;Aethelred Chemistry;;Bacteria such as some strains of Pseudomonia can degrade a toxic derivative of this compound by catalyzing the addition of oxygen to it, and when substituted with a hydroxyl group it can undergo the Pechmann condensation to yield coumarins. The Bergman reaction creates a derivative of it by heating an enyne with a hydrogen donor, and it yields 1,4-cyclohexadiene when reacted in the presence of sodium or lithium in the Birch reduction. Its complete hydrogenation yields cyclohexane, and a derivative of this compound with a methyl group is known as toluene. For 10 points, name this aromatic compound with formula C6H6.;;benzene Mythology;;Viktor Rydberg proposed in the book Teutonic Mythology that this creature may be the same character as Gullveig, a mysterious woman in the Voluspa who is burned and reborn three times in Odin's hall. She is also usually identifed with the "woman of the iron wood" in the Prose Edda. According to the Voluspa, this being lived in Jarnvior. Her heart was ultimately eaten by one god, leading to the birth of a figure who is half black and half white. She gave birth to Skoll and Hati by a lupine partner, and Loki coupled with her to produce the ruler of Helheim. For 10 points, name this mother of the Midgard Serpent and Fenrir.;;Angrboda Art;;One of this man's Annunciation paintings shows God's hands loosing a dove and an orange-winged Gabriel unconventionally placed on the right of the painting. He painted a Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement that shows a red-clad woman facing a man leaning inside the room, and he collaborated with Fra Diamante on frescoes for the Prato Cathedral. This teacher of Botticelli is also notable for absconding from a Carmelite monastery and possibly having an illegitimate son with a novice. For 10 points, name this Florentine painter of the Annunciation with Two Kneeling Donors and the frescos of the Spoleto Cathedral.;;(Fra) (Filippo) (Lippo) Lippi World History;;"The Farmer King" was an epithet given to the infrastructure-obssessed King Denis of this country, and one of its most important leaders is known for having a Jewish advisor, Jehuda Cresques. The papal bull Aeterni regis divided colonial sovereignties between this polity and Castile by ratifying the Treaty of Alcacovas. The Tavora Conspiracy to kill its king led to the expulsion of Jesuits from this country, which provided the wife to Charles II of England and later saw its dictatorship fall in the Carnation Revolution. For 10 points, identify this nation whose Aviz Dynasty included Henry the Navigator, the colonizers of Mozambique and Brazil.;;Portugal Art;;This sculptor has few confirmed extant works, and among his uncertain attributions is the graceful Lycian Apollo. This son of Cephisodotus the Elder depicted a young god as Sauroktonos, holding an arrow in preparation for killing a lizard, and a stain on the thigh of one sculpture is attributed to a besotted man attempting to copulate with the statue. A missing right arm may have dangled grapes in front of a child in one of his works, and his infamous sculpture modeled after Phryne is a life-sized nude female figure of the goddess of love. For 10 points, identify the fourth-century BCE Athenian sculptor of Aphrodite of Knidos and Hermes with the Infant Dionysus.;;Praxiteles Math Theory;;Among his inventions were a coin-operated machine that dispensed water for ritual cleansing and a thrysus that whistled when thrust underwater. Before Fermat, he stated the principle of the shortest path of light, and other notable inventions include steam-powered fire engines and water organs, which were described in his Pneumatica. His namesake mean is a weighted average of the arithmetic and geometric means, though a more famous contribution was proven in his Metrica. For 10 points, name this Alexandrian whose eponymous formula allows one to find the area of a triangle utilizing its semiperimeter given the lengths of its sides.;;Hero(n) (of Alexandria) Art;;One of this man's works shows a giant helmet sitting on top of a castle. In addition to The Capitulation of Sedan, he portrayed a fellow artist on a balloon in NADAR Elevating Photography to Art, and also showed an old man playing against a young man in The Chess Players. He depicts Louis-Phillipe as Gargantua in one of the works in his collection La Caricature, and he also founded the political satire newspaper Le Charivari. He's probably most famous for a work which contains a woman holding a baby sitting next to a man in a top hat and an old woman with a basket on the titular conveyance. For 10 points, name this French artist of The Third-Class Carriage.;;(Honore) Daumier Biology;;Several of the genes activated during this process are controlled by p38, which is acted upon by the Myd88 adaptor protein.  In the liver, this process is primarily performed by Kupffer cells, and Lyn and Syk are responsible for activating the opsonin-dependent version of this process. It creates an internal vesicle whose contents can be degraded by defensin-containing granules or reactive oxygen species, and neutrophils perform this process when encountering IgG-coated bacteria. For 10 points, name this process often performed by immune cells like neutrophils and macrophages, the ingestion of a foreign material by a cell.;;phagocytosis World History;;This man once grabbed a dictionary and pointed to the word "idiocy" when his translator refused to communicate an angry rant to a Russian ambassador, and ran through the streets with a pistol trying to find an official who ordered prisoners executed. He oversaw the burning of the Summer Palace during the Arrow War and later spent six years commanding the installation of forts at Gravesend. Later, he accepted the governorship of Equatoria from Ismail Pasha. For 10 points, name this leader of the Ever-Victorious Army who met his end in an 1885 Mahdis siege of Khartoum, and who was nicknamed for his time suppressing the Taiping Rebellion.;;(Charles) (Chinese) Gordon Computer Science;;Tsakalidis represented these data structures as a BB-alpha tree, which allows one to find the ancestor relationship of elements in Big O of 1 time. Maurer's Shadow Algorithm uses a dynamic version of one of these data structures to speed up simulations. CDR coding is a representation for these them in LISP, and multiple pieces of information are stored in each element in the unrolled variant of them. Their ends may be demarcated by sentinel nodes, while circular ones have the final node point to the initial one. For 10 points, name these data structures which come in "singly" and "doubly" versions, whose nodes each contains a pointer to the next and/or previous node.;;linked list(s) Philosophy;;The "significance" of this thinker's ideas for "social and political thought" is the subject of Hannah Pitkin's work about this thinker "and Justice. A book which discusses a skeptical paradox in this philosopher's work was written by Saul Kripke and titled after this philosopher "on Rules and Private Language," and this thinker's student Elizabeth Anscombe wrote a notable introduction to his first major work; that work contains such statements as "Objects contain the possibility of all situations," and "What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence". For 10 points, identify this philosopher of The Blue and Brown Books, Philosophical Investigations, and Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.;;(Ludwig) Wittgenstein World Literature;;This novel's protagonist compares himself to Tom Sawyer in the cave and claims he's still looking for an exit. He journeys to a gay bar run by his friend Kikuhiko, who had an affair with an American when he was younger. One character in this work is a radio producer who thinks of herself as a fairy godmother, and another is a diplomat who gives the protagonist a dictionary after their meeting. Another character owns a red MG and believes in a so-called "pluralistic universe", and gradually becomes enthralled by the protagonist's maps. Himiko eventually flees Africa in, for 10 points, what novel in which Bird must choose the fate of his disabled son, by Kenzaburo Oe?;;(A) Personal Matter Mythology;;In Shinto myth, the kami of this subdued Kagase-wo the Star-God. One figure who performs this action appeared to Gou Zi-Yi and told him that he was the god of wealth; that figure is referred to as the "Heavenly" one. Frigg performs this action in order to create the clouds, and in Greek mythology, one group that performed this action got drunk at the behest of Apollo, thus sparing Admetus' life. Another person who performed this action angered a deity by depicting the gods' faults, leading to her being turned into a spider. For 10 points, name this action performed by Clotho, Atropos, and Lachesis, as well as during a contest between Athena and Arachne.;;weaving American Literature;;"No sword drawn before James the First of England" could have made this character more frightened than when he is cut while being shaved, which occurs after the narrator asks him why a journey from Cape Horn took six months. Bearing with him the property of Alexandro Aranda, this character arrives at Santa Maria and meets Amasa Delano, whose offer of a cup of coffee he refuses since he is unable to leave the San Dominick. However, he later leaps onto the Bachelor's Delight to avoid his death, after which he tells his story about the conspirators Atufal and Babo. For 10 points, name this ship-captain, whose death ends a Herman Melville story of the same name.;;Benito Cereno World History;;After being paraded in a triumph, this man was quietly executed by strangulation in an underground jail. This loser at the River Muthul was ultimately betrayed by his father-in-law Bocchus I. The war begun by this man had its origins in his massacre of Adherbal and his troops at Cirta, after this man was dispatched by Micipsa to assist in the siege of Numantia. Quintus Caecillus Metellus lost his command to Gaius Marius during the war against this man, chronicled in a namesake work of Sallust. For 10 points, identify this grandson of Masinissa and king of Numidia, who led a six-year-long insurrection against Rome from 111 to 105 BCE.;;Jugurtha American Literature;;Catherine J. Golden discussed the differing meanings of asterisks in this story. The narrator of this story always looks out the window for the first ray of sunlight, but notices a pattern of bars under any light at night. This story was inspired by the an interaction with Weir Mitchell, who forbade writing. The narrator speaks her own name for the first time while crawling over her knocked-out husband. The protagonist convinces Jennie to leave her in the nursery to free a shadowy woman from the title material, much to the dismay of John. For 10 points, name this short story about the depressed Jane, written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.;;(The) Yellow Wallpaper Physics;;Deep-level transient spectroscopy works by observing the transient value of this quantity related to the change in width of the depletion region of a diode. An inverting voltage amplifier increases this quantity in the Miller effect. The inverse of this quantity is called the elastance, and like inductance this quantity can be altered in crosstalk. The value of this quantity is increased by the insertion of a dialectric, and it's proportional to area and inversely proportional to separation. This quantity adds in parallel configurations, but its reciprocal adds in a series configuration. For 10 points, name this quantity which is equal to charge divided by voltage, usually measured in Farads.;;capacitance United States History;;This man summarized the state of science in the United States in An Introductory Discourse. Michael Lieb and William Duane were both strong supporters of this man, who styled himself an "American Federalist" during a failed presidential bid. On the platform of the People's Party, this man, sometimes called "Magnus Apollo," won the governorship in 1825. Together with Governeur Morris, this man solicited federal funds for an infrastructure project from whose board he would be removed due to Bucktail agitation by the Albany Regency. For 10 points, identify this New York politician, the driving force behind the construction of the Erie Canal.;;De(Witt) Clinton;;Clinton Music;;One of this man's overtures was inspired by a Thomas Rowlandson etching and draws upon the rhythm of the Catalan sardana. He adapted the piece Spitfire Prelude and Fugue from the earlier work Duets for Children and wrote a viola concerto premiered by Paul Hindemith. In addition to the film scores for Laurence Olivier's versions of Hamlet and Richard III, he composed the operas The Bear and Trolius and Cressida, but he may be better known for a choral work with text selected by Osbert Sitwell from a Biblical story about a Babylonian king. For 10 points, name this twentieth-century British composer of the oratorio Belshazzar's Feast.;;(William) Walton Chemistry;;One coupling reaction links an aryl halide with an acetylide of this metal, while in another reaction it is used as a catalyst to link an alkyne and a bromoalkyne. In addition to the Castro-Stephens and the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz coupling, alkenyl compounds of this element can be created via the Normant reaction. The iodide of this element is a catalyst in the Gatterman-Koch reaction, and this element is present in the A solution of the Fehling test. Gilman reagents contain lithium and this other metal, while the 2+ ion of this element forms a bright blue solution. For 10 points, name this element, a metal used in electroplating and plumbing, with atomic number 29 and symbol Cu.;;copper;;Cu Geography;;The Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Park lies in a less famous Woodstock, a town in this state, which is also home to Lake Bomoseen in its western part. Four of the five towns in its Grand Isle County lie on islands, while its other town lies on the Alburgh Tongue. Its rivers include the Winooski, the Ottauquechee, and the Otter River, its longest, while its Rutland County is home to the city Hubbardton. The Red Sandrock Hills extend along its shore of Lake Champlain, while Mount Mansfield, its highest point, lies in its Green Mountains. For 10 points, name this state whose cities include Burlington and Montpelier.;;Vermont Art;;Cornelia Parker was authorized to add loops of string to this work in 2003, which Piers Butler later cut. One copy of this work was made for Edward Perry Warren, who placed it in the stables, and Carl Jacobsen commissioned one for the Ny Carlsberg Glyptopek. One figure's hand is on another figure's waist in this work, which depicts a scene in which the participants have just finished reading the story of Lancelot and Guenivere. Originally entitled "Francesca de Rimini" and slated to be a part of the creators' Gates of Hell, for 10 points, name this Rodin sculpture which shows a man and a woman embracing.;;(The) Kiss European Literature;;A group of strangers in a railway carriage discuss the enlistment of their sons in this author's short story "War". This author also wrote about the impromptu performance of Il Trovatore on Doctor Hinkfuss's stage and about a tragedy based on La Vela's fiancee's affair, in Tonight We Improvise and In Each His Own Way, respectively. The title character goes to Rome and poses as Adriano Meis after he is presumed dead in The Late Mattia Pascal, while he main character imagines that he is the title monarch in his Enrico IV. A play in which a family interrupts a stage manager while rehearsing a play is, for 10 points, what Italian author's Six Characters in Search of an Author?;;(Luigi) Pirandello Psychology;;One of this man's constructs was expanded by the ERG theory of Clayton Alderfer. Douglas McGregor's Theory Y was also based on this man's theories on management, which was expounded in his Eupsychian Management. The Northridge scale tracks the development of another concept named for this man, who wrote about his theories in The Further Reaches of Human Nature. This coiner of the "Jonah complex" also wrote Motivation and Personality, which saw the first mention of his "humanistic psychology". For 10 points, name this American psychologist who put physiological concerns below self-actualization in his hierarchy of needs.;;(Abraham) Maslow European History;;The run-up to this conflict saw one side's repression of a tax uprising that culminated in a massacre at Batak, and outside opposition to this conflict was promulgated in such statements as the Aylesbury speech. Notable engagements in this conflict included several pitched battles at Shipka Pass as well as the siege of Pleven. The treaty which ended this war included provisions for the establishment of an independent Bulgaria and cession of Bessarabia to the victor, but was modified by the Congress of Berlin four months later. For 10 points, identify this 1877-1878 conflict which was ended by the Treaty of San Stefano.;;Russo(-)Turkish (War) Mythology;;One princess of these people kidnapped and seduced Arjuna, and her son Iravat was killed during the Kurukshetra war. In addition to Ulupi and Sumukha, another member of this race created the first emeralds after dropping Vala's bile; that was their king Vasuki. They were tricked out of drinking the elixir of immortality by their greatest enemy. They were born when Kashyap's wife Kadru laid one thousand eggs. Another king of these creatures, Shesha, holds all of the planets in the universe while Vishnu lies on him, and these creatures were the mortal enemy of Surya's mount Garuda. For 10 points, name these snake-people from Hindu mythology.;;naga(s) European History;;His first speech after election from Maidstone on Irish elections was received poorly, but his career advanced with the defeat of the Ecclesiastical Titles Act and the Orsini Affair. This man negotiated for control of Cyprus, but his credibility was damaged when he scoffed at reports of the Bulgarian Horrors, leading to his more interventionist rival gaining prestige. This man's first major success was the Reform Bill of 1867, which quickly propelled him to higher office. For 10 points, name this British prime minister who brought India under the rule of Queen Victoria and was the Conservative rival of Liberal William Gladstone.;;(Benjamin) Disraeli Astronomy;;A calibration used by Kates and Weigelt makes models containing this entity less favorable, while Lynden and Bell's work in analyzing velocity fields led them to suggest its existence.  The Shapley concentration is approximately 10 times its size, and it is located beyond Hydra-Centaurus. Evidence for its existence came from CMB observations of the motion of the Local Group, as accounting for the Virgo Supercluster alone left residual components.  Abell 3627 may be near its center, and data suggests it may be a supercluster. For 10 points, identify this entity, which draws the Milky Way and other galaxies towards it.;;Great Attractor Music;;In Act I, two characters sing "Ah, guarda, sorella," and compare their lockets, and one characters compares herself to a rock. At the end of Act I, two allegedly revived characters demand a kiss. A servant disguises herself as a notary for a scene featuring a dual marriage involving characters disguised as Albanians, and the opera ends with "Fortunato l'uom che prende" after those disguises are removed. The plot begins when Guglielmo and Ferrando pretend to be deployed for military duty, leaving Fiordiligi and Dorabella behind to sing "Soave sia il vento" with an old cynic. For 10 points, identify this Mozart opera, in which Don Alfonso attempts to prove that women will not be faithful.;;Cosi fan tutte United States History;;A cartoon lampooning this idea showed monkeys in cages labeled "home," "consumption," and "internal," stealing food from each other to the sound of an organ-grinder. Many of its proposals were drawn from Henry Carey's A Harmony of Interests and The Report on Manufactures. Robert Hayne was among the chief opponents of the proposed method of financing it, and one result of this policy is what is now U.S. Highway 40. A direct effect of this policy was the Tariff of 1816, and it was based on the ideas of Alexander Hamilton. For 10 points, name this economic policy of tariff-based protectionism and construction supported by the Whigs and formulated by Henry Clay.;;American System British Literature;;The speaker of this work remembers Mrs. Porter and her daughter, who "wash their feet in soda water". In the same section the speaker mentions a woman undone by Richmond and Kew after being bored by Highbury. The speaker talks to the wife of Albert in a closing bar and urges the reader to "consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you," and asks "who is the third who walks always beside you"? Earlier in the work the speaker ponders the Unreal City and Madame Sosostris' "wicked pack of cards". For 10 points, name this poem, which ends with "Shantih shantih shantih" and begins with "April is the cruelest month," a work by T.S. Eliot.;;(The) Waste Land Art;;One painting in the original series by this name shows a man pulling on a turtle next to a water mill, and another shows a tea house after a snowfall. In one painting some boats and a fisherman are shown under the "Thousand Year" bridge, in another a kite can be seen flying above some scaffolding on the left and the tip of a temple located in the "eastern capital" on the right, and in the most famous work in this series two boats can be seen struggling in a great wave, but not a tsunami, off the coast of Kanagawa. For 10 points, identify this ukiyo-e series of forty-six woodblock prints all depicting the titular mountain from a variety of perspectives by Katsushika Hokusai.;;Thirty(-)Six Views of Mount Fuji Math Theory;;This man debated with Herb Simon about the Zipf frequency distribution in the journal Information and Control, and the Weierstrass function is sometimes co-named for him. He has a namesake tree, and his most famous creation was the subject of papers by Hubbard and Douady, who showed it was connected, and Shishikura, who showed that the object has dimension 2. Its usual representation shows the regions in the complex plane where that sequence converges and displays high levels of self-similarity. For 10 points, identify this Polish mathematician, the author of The Fractal Geometry of Nature and creator of a namesake set.;;(Benoit) Mandlebrot World Literature;;Veronica leaves New Bethesda in this author's Valley Song. Gladys keeps a blank diary and Piet refuses to respond to Steve's accusation in one work by this author, while Miss Helen reunites with Elsa in another of his works. One title character of another work talks to Outa while the other concludes that "our life is dumb". Ethel Lange communicates with Zachariah, who shares the titular bond with Morris in another of his works. Besides Boesman and Lena and Blood Knot, he wrote a play in which Sam drops his trousers in response to the title character's offensive joke, after discussing a dance contest. For 10 points, identify this South African playwright of Master Harold and the Boys.;;(Athol) Fugard Religion;;Traditions of this event include the recitation of both the Talbiyah and a Niyyah, and participating in the Sa'ee of Safa and Marwah, while it concludes with the Tawaf al-Wada' prayer. A miqat is used to change into the clothing of Ihram during this event, though many of that state's restrictions are removed after a sacrifice on the Tenth of Dhul. Al-Tamattu', al-Ifrad, and al-Qiran are three different ways of performing this obligation, though they each include ramy and Tawaf al-Ifadha: the stoning of a pillar representing the devil and the circling of the Kaaba. For 10 points, identify this pillar of Islam, a ritual pilgrimage to Mecca.;;Hajj Geography;;This country controls the Toten Island, which is located in a bay named for this country's most northerly seaport city, Tanga Bay. The community of Nansio is located on this country's Ukerewe Island, the largest inland island on its continent. In the northeast of this country lies the Eden of Ngorongoro, a volcanic crater with an extraordinarily high diversity of wildlife. This country has relocated its capital to the center of the country, though its economic center is still on its eastern coast. For 10 points, identify this African country, home to the islands of Zanzibar, the Olduvai Gorge, the Serengeti National Park, and Mount Kilimanjaro, with largest city Dar es Salaam.;;Tanzania Philosophy;;In his final book, he divides morality into an open type with a dynamic religion and a closed type with a static religion that is based on the "fabulation function". In another book, he uses the example of an inverted cone that acts like a telescope that can be rotated and contracted as one of the titular concepts. In one work, he uses the images of a pair of spools, a spectrum, and an elastic band to construct the concept of duration, though his most famous concept is probably the creative energy of living things, or the élan vital. For 10 points, identify this French philosopher, the author of The Creative Mind, Matter and Memory, Time and Free Will, and Creative Evolution.;;(Henri) Bergson British Literature;;Early in this work, the narrator darkly reflects on two women sitting in front of a door with "Ave! Old knitter of black wool. Morituri te salutant," before saying farewell to his aunt. At one point the narrator finds a painting of a blindfolded woman holding a torch, and the narrator is later intimidated by the silhouette of a sorcerer standing in front of a fire after finding the man whom he is seeking. Among the final scenes in the novel is the main character lying to a woman about her fiancé's last words, which are actually "The Horror!" For 10 points, name this novel about the journey of Marlow to find Kurtz in the jungle of Africa, a work by Joseph Conrad.;;Heart of Darkness World History;;Reforms by one leader of this dynasty benefited the mawali by ignoring nationalities, and one organization that led to its downfall was the Hashimiyah. Al-Hajjaj defeated the anti-caliph az-Zubayr during the rule of another of this dynasty's leaders, Abd al-Malik. A revolt by Husayn was put down by Yazid I, a member of this dynasty's Sufyanid branch, at the Battle of Karbala. Abd al-Rahman I moved it to Cordoba after the Battle of the Zab, lost under the leadership of Marwan II. The first leader of this dynasty, Mu'awiyah I, established his capital at Damascus. For 10 points, identify this Muslim dynasty that ruled from 661 to 750 CE and was replaced by the Abbasid dynasty.;;Umayyad (Dynasty) Physics;;The curl of the magnetic field is approximately zero because this times the current density is small and the energy density of a magnetic field is equal to one half B squared divided by this. In a vacuum, it divides the cross product of the electric and magnetic fields in the Poynting vector. The line integral of the magnetic field equals the enclosed current times this according to the only one of Maxwell's equations that uses it, Ampere's law. It is set to 4pi times ten to the minus seven, and multiplying it by the speed of light squared and vacuum permittivity yields 1. For 10 points, name this quantity, symbolized mu naught.;;permeability of free space Music;;He wrote a ballet in which the Flame enchants all the moths in the room except for the most beautiful, Folia, titled The Lure. He also wrote an opera in which the titular character tells a story to reveal the wife's sexual affairs, titled The Wandering Scholar. That same year he wrote a piece for the BBC Military Band, Hammersmith, and two years earlier he wrote A Moorside Suite, but he is better known for a piece inspired by a vacation in Algeria first entitled Oriental Suite and an opera that is based on an episode from the Mahabharata. For 10 points, name this British composer of the suite Beni Mora and the opera Savitri, who depicted "the bringer of jollity" and "the bringer of war" in The Planets.;;(Gustav) (Theodore) Holst European Literature;;In one of this author's short stories, The Master of the Perfect Word encounters Han Fook, who sees his bride from a pear tree. In another work, Pierre, the son of Johann and Adel Vergurth, becomes ill. In addition to Klingsor's Last Summer, The Poet, Rosshalde and a novel about the youth of Emil Sinclair, Demian, he wrote a novel about Joseph Knecht assuming the title of Magister Ludi. In another of his novels, Govinda sees the world in the title character's smiling face, and in another Hermine is killed by Harry Haller. For 10 points, identify this German author of The Glass-Bead Game, Siddhartha and Steppenwolf.;;(Herman) Hesse Economics;;A plot named for this man contains a line graph representing the partial sum of an underlying bar graph. In Cours d'économie politique, he introduced a namesake law describing income distribution. He suggested replacing the term "utility" with "ophelimity," and his namesake distribution has the heavy-tailed property. He claimed that "residue" and "derivation" cause human action, and discussed the "circulation of elites," in Mind and Society, and in Manual of Political Economy, he introduced indifference curves. For 10 points, identify this Italian economist, who names a situation where no person can better themselves without worsening someone else, his namesake optimum.;;(Vilfredo) Pareto Chemistry;;A 2000 study by P. F. Coogan, et al. states that this chemicalis found to be genotoxic and can bind to estrogen receptors. It is usually synthesized in the presence of zinc chloride or sulfuric acid by the condensation of its namesake anhydride and phenol, and is closely related to triphenylmethane. One of its forms has a charge of negative three due to the removal of two extra hydrogen ions, and occurs only in solutions with pH greater than 12, and in solutions with pH less than 0, it appears orange. It was at one point used as a laxative, where it dyed feces pink. For 10 points, identify this indicator, which is colorless in acids and pink in bases.;;phenolphtalein European History;;Among this organization's enemies were the Lizard Union, and it was led by Hermann of Dorpatt at one of its defeats. This organization's original purpose was eliminated following the marriage of Jogaila and Jadwiga. It was headquartered in Marienburg for the most successful part of its history, and was notably defeated at Lake Peipus by Alexander Nevsky. Its larger success ended after the Battle of Tannenberg, where the organization was defeated by the combined forces of Poland and Lithuania. For 10 points, name this crusading order intended to Christianize the pagan Baltic, and named for its members' German ethnicity.;;Teutonic (Knights) American Literature;;Her first book for children was titled The World Is Round and was published in 1939. She explored her heartbreaking romantic relationship in Baltimore in Q.E.D., and one of her most famous quotes first appeared in Sacred Emily in her collection Geography and Plays. One of her last works, Brewsie and Willie, tried to capture the idiom of American soldiers, many of whom became her friends while in Paris. She collaborated on an opera based on Susan B. Anthony's life, The Mother of Us All. For 10 points, name this American expatriate writer, famous for her quote "A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose," Tender Buttons, and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.;;(Gertrude) Stein Biology;;This substance is modified to form diphthamide, which is found in eukaryotic elongation factor 2 and is ADP-ribosylated by the diphtheria toxin. Addition of guanine is required prior to addition of this compound to its tRNA.  RNAse A has these at positions 12 and 119, and two of these and two cysteines are coordinated in most zinc finger motifs. They are commonly found with serine and aspartate in catalytic triads, and bacteria that are unable to synthesize this amino acid are used in the Ames test. For 10 points, name this amino acid whose side chain includes an imidazole group and which is decarboxylated to make histamine.;;histidine Art;;One of his works features a garden designed by Peter Walker and a translucent aluminum roof, while another work matches its undulating roof to the surrounding hills and was influenced by the nearby de Young Museum. Besides the Nasher Sculpture Center and the California Academy of Sciences, this architect expanded Richard Meier's High Museum of Art in Atlanta, while one of his more famous creations sits on a man-made island in the middle of Osaka Bay. He collaborated with Richard Rogers on a building that displays air ducts, walkways and water pipes in bright colors on its exterior. For 10 points, identify this architect of the Kansai Airport and the Centre Pompidou.;;(Renzo) Piano European History;;By the terms of this agreement, practical control of Cleves, Mark and Revensberg was exchanged, fulfilling the Treaty of Xanten. Brandenburg also received Camin and Minden. Frederick V's son Charles Louis was given the Lower Palatine, while Sweden's contingent, led by Johan Oxenstierna secured the Oder and Western Pomerania. The Treaty of Munster was incorporated into this agreement, which overturned the Edict of Restitution and reaffirmed the Peace of Augsburg, ensuring toleration for Calvinists and Lutherans. For 10 points, identify this 1648 settlement that ended the Thirty Year's War.;;(Peace of) Westphalia World Literature;;A collection by Rhys Hughes which includes "Ignoble Notes" and an "Unwise Appendix" was inspired by a work by this author whose characters include a man whose worship in his hometown was spurred by the spectacle of a blinded leopard. That man is later revealed to be leprous in this author's story "Hakim, the Masked Dyer of Merv," which appears in the collection A Universal History of Infamy. The title character of another of this man's stories is a French Symbolist whose writings include the ninth and thirty-eighth chapters of the first part of the title Cervantes work. For 10 points, name this author of "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote," a blind Argentinian.;;(Jorge) (Luis) Borges United States History;;In this election, Bernhard Gilliam drew the influential cartoon, "The Tattooed Man", which portrayed the eventual loser's scandals, such as the "Mulligan Letters". The loser obtained his party's nomination after William Temcumseh Sherman declined. This election saw Benjamin Butler place third while running for the Greenback party. Scandals in this election included the birth of Maria Halpin's child and Samuel Burchard's line "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion," which doomed the "Plumed Knight," as did the defection of the Mugwumps. For 10 points, name this Presidential election in which James G. Blaine lost to Democrat Grover Cleveland.;;(Election of) 1884 Chemistry;;This substance is added to copper (II) salts in Schweizer's reagent, and this molecule or one of its substituted derivatives nucleophilically attacks formaldehyde in the first step of the Mannich reaction. Nonconjugated cyclohexadienes are produced from alkali metals dissolved in the liquid form of this substance in the Birch reaction. It reacts with bicarbonate and ATP to give carbamoyl phosphate in the first step of the urea cycle and is commonly used as a starting material in the Ostwald process. For 10 points, name this compound that is produced from its elements in the presence of an iron oxide catalyst in the Haber process.;;ammonia British Literature;;This work's third and second stanzas describe a "moping owl" that complains to the moon and a beetle that "wheels his droning flight". Its fifteenth stanza makes a reference to John Hampden, as well as a "Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood". The last section of this work describes a character who "gave to Misery all he had, a tear". Earlier, the speaker sees a plowman who "homeward plods his weary way, / And leaves the world to darkness and to me". For 10 points, name this work that teaches "the paths of glory lead but to the grave" and opens as "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day," an exemplar of graveyard poetry by Thomas Gray.;;Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Mythology;;One name for these is Wakadja, a name that translates as "Divine Ones". The Passamoquoddy tell of one of these creatures, known as Wochowsa, that could control the South Wind, and there was a rumored sighting of one in Tombstone, Arizona in 1890. A myth of the Quillayute tribe states that this figure once attempted to hunt the Killer Whale during the Great Flood; however, the Killer Whale escaped to the middle of the ocean. This mythological creature is often compared to the Roc, due to its similar size and form. For 10 points, name this mythological creature of Native American lore, a giant avian.;;Thunderbird European History;;The first permanent theater in Rome was built on the Campus Martius after a triumph by this man. This man defeated three enemy generals, Carinas, Cloelius and Brutus, while fighting for Sulla, and he was the victorious general for Rome during the Third Mithridatic War. According to Plutarch, this man recited a speech intended for Ptolemy before being murdered in Egypt by a group including Septimus. The death of this man's wife Julia helped to distance him from one of his main allies, who defeated this man in 48 BCE at Pharsalus. For 10 points, name this man who, along with Crassus and Julius Caesar, was a member of the First Triumvirate.;;Pompey (the Great) Physics;;The Imbert-Fedorov effect sees a transverse shift occur during this process, and it produces a lateral shift in the Goos-Hänchen effect. Its namesake type of fluorescence microscopy makes use of its associated evanescent wave.  The evanescent wave can be picked up if a piece of material is placed close by, giving rise to its "frustrated" form. This phenomenon is often used in polarizing prisms, and it gives rise to the waveguide properties of fiber optics. Occurring above a critical angle given by Snell's law, for 10 points, name this phenomenon in which none of the light incident on a boundary refracts, instead remaining in the transmitting medium.;;t(otal) i(nternal) r(eflection) Geography;;The Ivai and another system that includes the Tibagi all flow into this river. Cities on its banks include Diamante and Ramallo, and its largest waterfall occurs at Iquazu Falls before it flows through Rosario. The Corpus Christi dam is one of many hydroelectric generators on this river that have erased natural features like the Sete Quedas waterfall, which was flooded after the construction of the Itaipu Dam on this river. Forming the Brazil-Paraguay border before entering Argentina, this river joins with the Uruguay before its most famous feature. For 10 points, identify this South American river that empties into the Rio de la Plata.;;Parana (River) Philosophy;;Less famous members of this movement include Posidonius and Panaetius, who helped spread this kind of thought to Rome, and Antipater, who particularly railed against Skepticism. Arguing for a unified soul with a manner of cognitive presentation called phantasia, this group embraced the concept of pneuma, the fiery breath of life. This movement's founder was a student of Crates the Cynic, and the painted colonnade he lectured from names this group. Started by Zeno of Citium, for 10 points, identify this philosophical movement exemplified by Chryssipus, Epictetus and the author of the Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, arguing for detachment from passion.;;Stoic(ism) Music;;One of these called "Poetique" was written for tape recorder by Darius Milhaud. The first of collection of these for piano by Debussy references Czerny, who himself wrote pieces of this type as part of his "School of Velocity". Czerny was the dedicatee of a more famous set of these pieces that includes "Mazeppa," "Feux Follets" and "Will o' the Wisp," while works of this type nicknamed "Sixths," "Octaves" and "Black Keys" are by Chopin. Those are less famous than another, in C minor. For 10 points, identify this type of piece, usually meant to be instructive, of which Liszt composed Transcendental types and Chopin wrote a Revolutionary one.;;etude(s) American Literature;;Chapter five of this book details a main character who nearly goes west with an alligator. One of the characters in this book is attempting to improve his "schlemihlhood" and that same character is friends with the artist Slab, a catatonic expressionist. The titular character of this work first appears in Cairo during her youth, and then later as a Manichean priest. The second chapter of this book introduces the reader to "The Whole Sick Crew". For 10 points, name this novel that details the the adventures of Benny Profane's gang, as well as the relationship between the mysterious title character and the Stencil family, a work of Thomas Pynchon.;;V(.) Art;;Valentine Greene made a mezzotint of this painting that increased its popularity, and a smaller, more vertical version of this painting is currently at the Detroit Institute of Art. The National Gallery Art thinks that some of the ten figures in this painting are based on Raphael's Miraculous Draught of Fishes. One of the title figures of this painting is incorrectly given lips. A man in a blue jacket attempts to use a harpoon to kill a creature that is about to bite a naked man floating in the water. For 10, points name this painting by John Singleton Copley that details a 1749 Havana fish attack on a floating man.;;Watson and the Shark World History;;The last rulers of this dynasty fought against Toramana and Mihirakula. The second emperor of this line issued gold coins depicting himself playing the lyre and reinstating the great horse sacrifice, Its founders' coins depicted his politically advantageous marriage to a Licchavi princess, and its third member issued a series of silver coins celebrating his defeat of the Shakas of Ujjain. The Pallava kingdom of Kanchipuram was subjugated by the second member, Samudra. For 10 points, name this dynasty arising from the state of Maghada, which ruled from a capital at Pataliputra following the 320 CE accession of Chandra I.;;Gupta (dynasty) Astronomy;;This type of object was the subject of the thesis of Jill Tarter, who coined the name.  One major project of the WISE satellite is searching for these objects, whose namesake "desert" refers to their absence in relatively tight binaries.  One of the diagnostic tests for them is emission lines of lithium, and their T class, which shows absorption bands due to methane, is exemplified by the first known one of these objects, Gliese 229B.  They are fully convective and typically exhibit a brief deuterium fusion phase, but do not enter the main sequence due to their inability to ignite hydrogen. For 10 points, name these small objects sometimes described as "failed stars".;;brown dwar(f|ves) Anthropology;;A Carrolyn Frank work asks "Who Governed" this place, while Frederic van Holthoon analyzed the disenchantment it inspired in those who observed it. It was envisioned as a follow-up to a project about Elk Basin, and the work that bears its name includes the sections "The Long Arm of the Job" and "Making a Home". A sequel to that work discusses the Ball family's use of Mason Jars and is titled this place "in Transition," a reference to the Great Depression. The original, subtitled "A Study in Contemporary American Culture" was published in 1929. For 10 points, Muncie, Indiana was the basis for what place, the subject of two studies by Helen and Robert Lynd?;;Middletown European Literature;;In one of this man's works, a man claiming to be a socialite plans to transcribe all of Roman history into limerick form, though he's actually helping La Grance and Croisy playing a prank on the title figures, while another work has Leandre helped by the title valet. Besides The Precious Damsels and The Schemings of Scapin, this man wrote a work where Enrique arranges Oronte's marriage to Agnes, while another of his works sees horses fed straw by Harpagon. In another of his plays, Madame Pernelle and her son Orgon interact with the purportedly pious title character. For 10 points, identify this author of The Miser and Tartuffe, a noted French playwright.;;Moliere European History;;This man's doctor, Claude Gubler, published the book Le Grand Secret, which showed that this man had been hiding reports of cancer for over a decade. This man gave the famed La Baule speech, in which he criticized his nation's intervention in its former colonies. He attempted to nationalize his country's banks four months after his election to his highest post, part of his 110 Propositions. Jacques Chirac served as this man's third Prime Minister from 1986 to 1988, during "cohabitation," as Chirac opposed this man's Socialist party. For 10 points, name this man who served as President of France from 1981 to 1995.;;(Francois) Mitterand Music;;In this work, a disguised servant sings the aria "Come un ape nei giorni d'aprile". Its aria "Vasto teatro e il mondo" and chorus "Ah, della bella incognita" were written by Luca Agolino. For a production in Rome, its composer wrote the aria "La del ciel nel l'arcanno profondo" for Alidoro, and this opera begins when the prince enters the title character's house disguised as a valet. This opera sees Angelina marry Prince Ramiro after Don Magnifico forbids the protagonist from going to a ball with her stepsisters. For 10 points, name this Rossini opera, based on a Charles Perrault story involving a giant pumpkin and some glass slippers.;;Cinderella|(La) Cenerentola Religion;;According to the Bundahishn, this figure slays the primal creature from whose seed all animals emerge and is subdued by the chanting of the Ahuna Vairya. This being supposedly created Jeh the Whore, who afflicts women with menstruation. He rips open his mother's womb to claim lordship over the world, but his rule is then limited to a mere nine thousand years. This deity subsequently suffers a stupor that lasts three thousand years, and allies with the Daevas against the Yazatas in a struggle that he will eventually lose to his good twin. For 10 points, identify this Zoroastrian deity, the evil counterpart to Ahura Mazda.;;Ahriman|Angra Mainyu World Literature;;In one of this man's plays, the protagonist argues with Omange and has an affair with Jane, though he is married to Thoni. Besides writing a series of one act plays including This Time, he wrote of the farmers Samuel Ndugire and Ahab Kioi in a play in which Gathoni is impregnated and disowned by her father Kiguunda. This playwright of I Will Marry When I Want told of Ilmorog bar owner Abdullah, the town where Wanja is rejected by Munira, in Petals of Blood. In another novel, he wrote of Karanja, who competes for the hand of Mumbi, though she married Gikonyo. For 10 points, name this Kenyan author of A Grain of Wheat.;;Ngugi (wa) (Thiong'o) Geography;;Medieval tombstones are the only surviving writing of this geographical feature's namesake dialect of the Bulgarian language. The podtzol soil around this river is notoriously poor, and it sections are marked by confluences with the Oka and Kama after it starts in the Valdai Hills. A canal running along the Tsimiyank Reservoir from the city of Krasnoarmeysk on this river connects it to the southwesterly Don. A namesake city on this river was formerly known as Stalingrad. For 10 points, name this Russian river, the longest in Europe.;;Volga (River) British Literature;;One character in this work disguises herself as the Queen of Fairies in order to con a character who is later blindfolded and gagged with gingerbread. One character is disguised as a Spanish Don, who takes a walk with the sister of Young Kastril. One character's goods are contracted for purchase by Ananias of Amsterdam and Tribulation Wholesome, while the Spaniard is in fact Pertinax Surly, friend of Sir Epicure Mammon. Abel Drugger loses his wife, Dame Pliant, to Face, but Face gives her up to his master Lovewit to save his own hide, though Dol Common and Subtle are not so lucky. Focusing on a fake philosopher's stone, for 10 points, name this Ben Jonson drama.;;(The) Alchemist Physics;;A construction named for this man is the identity of the convolution function, and a Clifford algebra can be constructed from his namesake gamma matrices. His inference that the gravitational constant varies inversely with time is part of his large numbers hypothesis. A pair of conjugate transposes make up his bra-ket notation, and a model of a vacuum as particles possessing negative energy is known as his sea. He names a set of statistics describing fermions with Fermi. For 10 points, name this physicist who names a function that is infinite at one point and zero everywhere else, his namesake delta function.;;(Paul) Dirac World History;;The Charles Anthony Brigade is one of the oldest and best-trained units in this organization. Their first notable action was carried out by a man nicknamed "Captain Miller," and a significant split in this group occurred with the departure of Colonel Karuna in March of 2004. They grew in the aftermath of the Black July pogroms of 1983 and are usually said to be the world's most prolific practitioners of suicide bombing, using that tactic to assassinate Ranasinghe Premadasa and Rajiv Gandhi. For 10 points, identify this separatist terrorist group founded by Vellupillai Prabhakaran in 1971 and based in Sri Lanka.;;Tamil Tigers Biology;;In 2005, Cochran posited that this disease, as well as the similar Canavan and Gaucher's diseases, is correlated with higher intelligence among those commonly afflicted with it. Nomi Stone suggested it could be minimized by setting up a compatibility hotline in schools, and its genetic basis is a TATC insertion in the exon 11, First characterized by the clinical observation of a red spot on the retina, it occurs due to a low activity of hexosaminidase A, leading to GM2 ganglioside accumulation in the brain. For 10 points, name this doubly-eponymous disease most common among Ashkenazi Jews.;;Tay(-)Sachs (Disease) European History;;It was precipitated by Operation Rosary, and Sir Rex Hunt led the resistance to its first salvos. The Moody Brooks Barracks was a target of the attackers, who eventually won the Battle of Government House and forced the surrender of the Royal Marines. It ended with the fall of garrison forces commanded by Mario Menendez at Stanley, and included the sinking of the General Belgrano. The British triumph in this struggle significantly boosted the popularity of Margaret Thatcher. For 10 points, identify this 1982 conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom fought over a namesake group of islands.;;Falkland(s) (Islands) (War) (Crisis) Art;;He depicted a wolf, a lion, and a dog underneath the faces of three men in his Allegory of Prudence. In one of his paintings, St. Peter is the only apostle to fold his arms while cherubim surround Mary, who stands on a cloud. That depiction of The Assumption of the Virgin lies in the Santa Maria Glorioisa dei Frari along with his Pesaro Madonna. His portraits include one of Paul III and his nephews, as well as a victory portrait of Charles V. In another work, he painted a dog lying on white sheets in front of the title figure, who holds flowers in her right hand while her left hand rests on her thigh. For 10 points, name this Venetian painter ofVenus of Urbino.;;Titian Music;;At the premiere of the third of these works, one part was said to consist of "Egyptian hieroglyphics". The fourth of these included a movement supposedly inspired by the Orpheus myth and a first movement with Alberti bass and a new instrument with three strings per note in the upper registers. That work was publicly premiered in a concert that ended with the Choral Fantasy and included two new symphonies. The first two were published out of order, and the last one, in E flat major, opened with the soloist's cadenza. For 10 points, the Emperor is the fifth and final of what compositions for keyboard and orchestra by the composer of Eroica?;;Beethoven piano concerto(s) European Literature;;In this work, a family is treated as outcasts because of an obscene letter written by Sortini. The protagonist gets a phone call from a man who is in love with the schoolteacher Gisa, Schwarzer. A character with a pince-nez once had a mistress named Gardana and has a deputy named Momus; that character is Klamm. The protagonist's long stays with Amalia, Olga, and Barnabas cause the barmaid Frieda to become jealous, and the novel begins with a mistaken call for a land surveyor, causing the main character to end up as a school janitor. For 10 points, name this unfinished Franz Kafka work about Count West-West's title structure.;;(The) Castle European History;;Count Khevenhuller, who had previously served at the Battles of San Pietro and Guastalla, was able to subdue the city of Munich in this conflict. Khevenhuller was also instrumental in defeating the French at Linz. One contemporaneous conflict of this war was Sweden's War of the Hats. This war included the last battle in which a British monarch personally led an army, when George II defeated the duc du Noailles at Dettingen. It arose out of conflict between the Salic Law and the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713. For 10 points, identify this war that included an invasion of Silesia by Frederick the Great of Prussia and confirmed Maria Theresa's place on the throne.;;(War of the) Austrian Succession Economics;;Williams and Smith provided mathematical models showing that common explanations for this behavior were insufficient due to "subversion from within". William Hamilton created a cost-benefit theorem to explain the factors that must be present before this behavior will contribute to species survival. In experimental conditions, a rat will demonstrate this by refusing to eat if a second rat is given a shock when the first is fed. For 10 points, "kin selection," guaranteeing the survival of one's own genetic material through relatives, is the current model for what ethical phenomenon?;;altruism Math Theory;;One dimensional cutting stock problem is a special case of it and Applegate and Bixby designed the CONCORDE program to solve it. A 3/2 approximative algorithm to solve it is the Christofides algorithm. One heuristic often used for it is a generalization of the 2-opt and 3-opt methods, the Lin-Kernighan algorithm. Sometimes simplified by requiring the triangle inequality, it's inefficiently solved by the nearest neighbor algorithm, and it's equivalent to finding the Hamiltonian cycle with least weight given a complete weighted graph. For 10 points, name this NP-hard problem of finding the least cost round trip if a namesake merchant visits each city once.;;Traveling Salesman (Problem)|TSP United States History;;The losing Vice-Presidential candidate in this election went on to serve as Secretary of the Navy during the bulk of World War II. A thirty-party candidate in this election authored an eponymous bill for government refinancing farm mortgages, and ran under the Union Party banner in place of the assassinated Huey Long. A biased Literary Digest poll got this election so wrong that the Gallup poll was founded. The Republican candidate was the governor of Kansas, and the re-elected Vice-President was a colorful Texan who thought his office wasn't worth "a warm bucket of piss". For 10 points, name this year in which Alf Landon lost to FDR's bid for a second term.;;(Election of) 1936 Philosophy;;This man concluded that the visions of Emmanuel Swedeborg were not the result of psychic ability in Dreams of a Spirit Seer. Michael Foucault did his doctoral thesis on this thinker's Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, while Friedrich Nietzsche called this philosopher a "fatal spider" in The Antichrist. He praises Frederick the Great and says "man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity" is the titular resolution in his An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment? He wrote about the "thing-in-itself" in another work. For 10 points, identify this author of Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics and Critique of Pure Reason.;;(Immanuel) Kant American Literature;;One of his plays sees the Figure in Straightjacket perform as a television, while another of his plays examines the last years of artist Alex Macklin. Besides The Day Room and Love-Lies-Bleeding, he wrote a novel featuring the husband of Klara Sax, Albert Bronzini, who is a chess instructor to Matty, the brother of Nick Shay. In addition to a novel about Lee Harvey Oswald, one of his novels features the members of the Unification Church and focuses on novelist Bill Gray. Aside from Underworld, Libra, and Mao II, he wrote of the experimental drug Dylar in a novel that features Hitler Studies professor Jack Gladney. For 10 points, name this author of White Noise.;;(Don) DeLillo Math Theory;;A technique named for Wallman is used to impart this property to T1 spaces, and that method is the same as one named for Stone and Cech for normal spaces. The Arzelà–Ascoli theorem gives conditions for whether continuous functions from a metric space with this property preserve it and the product of spaces with this property retains this property under Tychonoff's theorem. A subset of n-space retains it if any infinite subset has at least one accumulation point in the set, and it is equivalent to being closed and bounded under the Heine-Borel theorem. For 10 points, name this property of topological spaces, defined as each open cover having a finite subcover.;;compact(ness) British Literature;;This work's title character commits suicide after receiving a telegram which says "Safe Brindisi. Having a rattling good time". One character marries Rodney Bayham, while another ends up nurse to a woman who can only say a Latin phrase and "shuttlecocks". Maisie Maidan is the only character with a real heart defect, and the narrator's wife keeps a fake vial of heart medicine, which is in fact prussic acid. Nancy Rufford is the title figure's last affair after he tires with Florence, the narrator's wife, and his marriage to Leonora fails miserably. For 10 points, name this "saddest story," told by John Dowell about Edward Ashburnham and written by Ford Maddox Ford.;;(The) Good Soldier Anthropology;;man talked about Humanity in Crisis and Bergsonian challenges in Techniques Technology and Civilization, and also wrote A General Theory of Magic. He helped found the University of Paris' Ethnology Institute, and he collaborated with Henri Hubert on Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function. This author of Primitive Classification talked about potlatch in a work subtitled The Form and Reason For Exchange in Archaic Societies. For 10 points, name this French anthropologist, the nephew of Emile Durkheim, and author of a book that examines reciprocity, The Gift.;;(Marcel) Mauss Physics;;This result occurs because Price's theorem states that all nonspherical protrusions must be radiated away as gravitational waves. Because of this result, which was proven by Israel and Carter, the objects governed by it have only four types, one of which is co-named for Ted Newman. It leads to the information paradox that causes Planck's law to be obeyed exactly by Hawking radiation. For 10 points, name this theorem that states that mass, electric charge, and angular momentum are the only parameters needed to completely characterize all solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations for black holes.;;No Hair (Theorem) British Literature;;This man responded to Richard Simon's Biblical criticism in his anti-deist work Religio Laici, and his play about Torrismond finding out that he is the son of Sancho, not Raymond, is called The Spanish Friar. Despite earlier declaring his love for Doralice, Palamede marries Melantha in one of this man's plays. Ventidius thwarts the schemes of Alexas in this man's play about Antony and Cleopatra, All for Love, while he satirized the Duke of Monmouth and Earl of Shaftesbury as the title characters of his roman a clef Absalom and Achitophel. For 10 points, name this Restoration playwright who attacked a rival as the "monarch of dullness" in Mac Flecknoe.;;(John) Dryden European History;;This man stole documents proving his involvement in a neutrality violation necessary to kidnap the Duke of Enghien and stop an assassination plot. A one-time bishop, his ecclesiastical career ended when he was excommunicated for accepting the new constitution's control over the clergy. The presumptive beneficiary of the XYZ Affair, he issued a proclamation as provisional government leader stating that French soldiers owned no loyalty to someone "who is not even French," a reference to Napoleon, whom he had served under from 1799 to 1807. For 10 points, identify this French Foreign Minister who represented his country at the Congress of Vienna.;;(Charles) (Maurice) (de) Talleyrand (Perigord) American Literature;;One central character of this novel visits his mother in this hospital only to find his rival ill with typhoid, and reconciles that rival with his estranged wife out of pity. That character in this novel works in a stocking mill in his youth, and meets a romantic partner while vacationing at age sixteen. One character in this work is the husband of a neglectful coal miner named Walter, while another character marries Lily before dying young. The protagonist gives his mother an overdose of morphine to end her suffering from cancer and spends the novel drifting between Clara Dawes and Miriam Leivers. For 10 points, name this novel about Gertrude and Paul Morel, by D.H. Lawrence.;;Sons and Lovers Math Theory;;He is the namesake of the Hurwitz surface of the lowest possible genus, a compact Riemann surface of genus three and order 168, known as his eponymous quartic. This author of the influential classification scheme set forth in the Erlangen Program is the namesake of a disc model of the hyperbolic plane in which a line is defined as a chord. His namesake group has four elements and is the smallest non-cyclic group. A surface named for this man is the only exception to the Heawood conjecture, being non-orientable like the Mobius strip. For 10 points, name this man, the namesake of a closed, two-dimensional manifold, his eponymous "bottle".;;(Felix) Klein Religion;;This book begins with an incident in which a man's thumbs and big toes are cut off, and another violent incident occurs when thousands of people are killed for mispronouncing the word "sibboleth". This book ends with a story where the Benjamites grab dancing girls and make them their wives. Villains in this book include Micah, who steals from his mother and pays a Levite to be his priest, and Abimelech, whose father defeated the Midianites using trumpets. A recurring sentence in this book states that "in those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit," which summarizes the decadence of this period that necessitated heroes to save Israel. For 10 points, identify this biblical book that tells the stories of such heroes as Deborah, Gideon, and Samson.;;Judges Philosophy;;Short jottings such as "Wittgenstein's sense of tautology" and "McTaggart on Time," divided into several "notebooks," make up this man's posthumous collection of sketches for philosophical arguments entitled the Commonplace Book. He opined of one philosophy that "if it asserts any general conclusion about the universe at all, asserts that it is spiritual" and says that it is impossible to "introspect the sensation of blue" in a work whose title was also accomplished by his "hands" argument, The Refutation of Idealism. This advocate of ethical intuitionism and member of the Bloomsbury Group also condemned the naturalistic fallacy. For 10 points, name this author of Principia Ethica.;;(George) (Edward) Moore World History;;This man, the recipient of the ambassador Megasthenes, had his rise to power described in the play The Signet of the Minister. The tract Arthashatra was composed by his advisor Chanakya, and some stories claim that late in his life this man abdicated to follow the Jain sage Bhadrabahu. This man consolidated his power by defeating such Alexandrian satraps as Eudemus and Peithon, which allowed him to vanquish the armies of Bhadrasala and besiege Kusumapura, thus conquering the Nanda Empire, after which he won the eastern territories of Seleucus Nicator. For 10 points, identify this father of Bindusara and grandfather of Ashoka, who became the first emperor of the Maurya dynasty.;;Chandragupta (Maurya) Art;;He painted a combination of dancers and guitarists in El Jaleo, and depicted the brutality of World War I in the painting Gassed. He painted three well-dressed women in The Misses Vickers, and one of his paintings features the four title figures and a pair of large vases, The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit. He took breaks from playing tennis to execute a painting of a pair of girls with lamps, but his best known painting depicts a woman in a dark dress. For 10 points, name this American painter of Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, and Portait of Madame X.;;(John) (Singer) Sargent European History;;When this man ran for the chancellor's position at Cambridge, he was opposed by the Earl of Powis in an election so contested that crowds threw "missiles of all sorts" at those who dared vote. After winning the election, this man pushed for the teaching of science and technology over that of classics and theology. He also served as the chair of the Royal Commission on the Great Exhibition that opened at the Crystal Palace. He was accused during the Crimean War of meddling to support his many relations throughout Europe, despite holding no elected position. For 10 points, identify this man, the prince consort of the United Kingdom from 1840 to 1861 as husband of Queen Victoria.;;(Prince) Albert Chemistry;;The namesake of this law also proposed the thermoneutrality of exchange reactions in aqueous solutions that Arrhenius would explain via electrolytic dissociation. This law is an expansion of its creator's namesake cycle, an analog to the Bordwell cycle, and it was postulated following its formulator's experiments with creating the hydrates of sulfuric acid. The Born-Haber cycle is an application of this law to find lattice energy, and it is sometimes called the law of constant heat summation. For 10 points, name this law, which states that the enthalpy change of a chemical reaction is independent of the reaction pathway.;;Hess('s) (law) World Literature;;This author looked back on his childhood, which included his grandfather being executed for bribery, in Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk, and one of his political essays laments "a place where anything from moving a table to refitting a stove will almost always end in bloodshed". The title character of one of his stories is punished for teasing a nun in the street and despises the Imitation Foreign Devil, while another of his works uses cannibalism as a metaphor for his country's political culture. For 10 points, name this Chinese author who used a discussion of Ibsen to address political change in "After Nora Walks Out, What Then"? and also wrote "The True Story of Ah Q" and a work that shares its name with a Gogol story, "Diary of a Madman".;;Lu Xun Astronomy;;This object had a hydrogen atmosphere blown away by solar wind and was thought to develop ridges on its terrain when its neighboring satellite pulled it into an elliptical orbit, squeezing this moon and rumpling its crust. The Hubble Telescope detected an ozone here in 1995, and the Galileo spacecraft has detected a magnetic field around this moon, which is stronger than those found on other satellites. One prominent feature of this moon is the dark plain named Galileo Regio. It is the largest of a group consisting of Callisto, Io, and others that orbit the same planet. For 10 points, identify this moon of Jupiter, the largest satellite in the solar system.;;Ganymede European History;;This man achieved a major military success when he victoriously led the ring wing at the battle of the Colline Gate. Such a success came after he had spent years in exile, including time spent hiding in a cave in Spain after his family ran afoul of the Marians. According to Plutarch, after this man's death, an actor sang lines from the Bacchae while displaying this man's severed head. While he earlier rose to prominence under Sulla, he would become better known for his service in the Third Servile War, which saw him defeating the armies of Spartacus. He died at Carrhae at the hands of the Parthians after forming an alliance in 60 B.C. For 10 points, name this man who joined Pompey and Caesar in the First Triumvirate.;;(Marcus) (Licinius) Crassus European Literature;;One Nobel Laureate from this country wrote "Tales of Mystery" and "Turning Point," while another one wrote The Sovereign Sun and The Axion Esti. One author from this country wrote a poem that shares its name with a J.M. Coetzee work, "Waiting For the Barbarians". The best known author from this country wrote Freedom or Death, and The Fraticides, in addition to a novel that features Madame Hortense, For 10 points, name this European country home to George Seferis, Odysseus Elytis, and Constantine Cavafy, as well as the author of Toda Raba and The Last Temptation of Christ, Nikos Kazantzakis.;;Greece Music;;The development section of this work's first movement quotes the panikhida, and those verbal rhythms return in the second and fourth movements, the latter of which Timothy Jackson theorizes was drawn from the composer's final set of Six Romances for voice and piano. Opening with a low bassoon solo over strings, this work's third movement is a boisterous march-scherzo that features an extended fragmentary introduction of its theme. Other innovations in this work include the five-four time signature of the second movement waltz, while basses playing pianiss-iss-iss-iss-issimo end this piece's quiet finale, an Adagio lamentoso. Premiered nine days before the composer's death, for 10 points, name this final symphony of Pyotr Tchaikovsky.;;Symphony (in B Minor) (Op.74) Pathetique Geography;;This state is home to Mannington River, the Mullica River, and the Wading River. It contains the Brendan T. Byrne State Forest, as well as Lake Hopatcong. The mayor of its largest city is former Rhodes Scholar Cory Booker, a city that is located in Essex County. This state has the United States' highest population density, and is home to the cities of Elizabeth, Union City, and Gloucester City. It contains Continental Airlines Arena the home of the Nets, and The Meadowlands, the home of the Jets, and Giants. For 10 points, name this state whose cities include Cape May, Hoboken, Camden, Trenton, and Newark.;;New Jersey Biology;;McMaster's Susan Dudley performed an experiment with sea rockets to show that this process can occur in plants. Keller and Ross were the first to find this process occurring due to a "green beard" gene. One formulation to explain this process holds that r times B must be greater than C for it to occur; that rule for this process is named after W.D. Hamilton and includes Wright's coefficient of relationship. This process was first formulated by Fisher and Haldane, and it explains how eusocial colonies can have castes of sterile workers. For 10 points, name this process in which organisms act for the reproductive success of their relatives, a form of biological altruism.;;kin selection Geography;;Since the 1950s, diamonds have been mined from a tributary of this river , the Vilyuv. Flowing past usch ports as Osetrovo, Kirensk, and Bulun, it empties into the Laptev Sea and flows primarily northeast, although the Verkhoyansk Mountains alter its course substantially for a stretch. Its tributaries include the Bykov and the Kirenga, and its largest port city is Yakutsk. A massacre at this river's namesake goldfields inspired a certain politican to change his name. For 10 points, name this fourth-longest river of Russia, originating near Lake Baikal.;;Lena (River) Sociology;;One of his books analyzed such documents as a picture of a woman lying on the floor with bent legs in front of a bemused man in a three-piece suit, which this author argued communicated a message even though the text was too blurry to read. In addition to writing Gender Advertisements, he described the procedures for boarding a bus or navigating a crowded elevator in his Interaction Ritual. His major work draws on a theory first developed by George Herbert Mead, symbolic interactionism, to explain the "dramaturgical approach" to ordinary behavior. For 10 points, name this Canadian sociologist who wrote The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.;;(Erving) Goffman Biology;;The prime example of these organisms was named by Linnaeus when he saw Laplanders using it to caulk chimneys. The Kashyap is an endangered version of this type of organism found on muddy slopes in India, and Asterella fall into the subgroup Marchantiophyta. That class of these organisms is further divided into simple and complex thalloids. These are the only land plants with a dominant gametophyte, and they form root-like projections called rhizoids. They rarely grow beyond 2cm, as they require water to sexually reproduce. Also coming in sporophyte varieties, this is, for 10 points, what oldest group of land plants on earth which includes liverworts and mosses?;;Bryophyte(s) European Literature;;His short stories include works tes like "The Miraculous Revenge", and his novels include The Irrational Knot and Immaturity, his first.. Some minor characters in his better-known plays include Sergius Saranoff, Vivie Warren, and Peter Keegan, an Irish priest who sympathizes with the British. Along with You Never Can Tell and Captain Brassbound's Conversion, which were included in the collections Plays Pleasant and Plays for Puritans, he wrote about Andrew Undershaft's rocky relationship with his daughter, the titular Salvation Army officer. For 10 points, this Irish-born playwright of Misalliance, Saint Joan, The Doctor's Dilemma, Arms and the Man, Major Barbara, and Pygmalion.;;(George) (Bernard) Shaw Mythology;;This figure is sometimes said to be the half-brother of Coronis, the mother of Asclepius. His refusal to pay a bridal price for Dia caused Deioneus, his father-in-law, to steal some of his horses. When this man found out, he took revenge by inviting Deioneus to a feast, and then pushing him into a fire. His neighbors ostracized him for his betrayal, causing him to go mad. Zeus took pity and invited him to Olympus, where he tried to rape Hera. Zeus found out about his intentions and made a cloud called Nephele in the shape of Hera, which he raped. Zeus then punished him by having Hermes bind him to a wheel of fire. For 10 points, name this mythical king of the Lapiths.;;Ixion Music;;The title character of this opera announces that she will see a plume of smoke on the horizon during the namesake period of the time in the aria "One Beautiful Day". The first act ends with Bonze, a priest, appearing at the titular character's wedding to declare her an outcast. The second act takes place three years later, as the title character declares plans to rename her child Trouble as Joy when her lover returns. The main character blindfolds her son and stabs herself to death after finding out that her child's father has remarried. For 10 points, name this Nagasaki-set story of Pinkerton and Cio-Cio-San, written by Giacomo Puccini.;;Madame Butterfly European Literature;;A word in the first line of this poem is a reference to author's theory of history described in the philosophical text A Vision. First printed in "The Dial," it references a blood-dimmed tide which drowns a ceremony of innocence, a lion's body with the head of a man, and a rough beast wakened after two thousand years of stony sleep. Also lamenting that "the falcon cannot hear the falconer" and presenting the theory of the "widening gyre," this poem was the source of the title for the book Things Fall Apart. For 10 points, name this poem by William Butler Yeats named for the prophesied return of Jesus?;;(The) Second Coming Biology;;In 1979, Vinson compared the cuticle compositions of Heliotllis larvae to their susceptibility to this chemical, determining that scheloritization had occurred in the resistant organisms, leaving behind more nitrogen after urea extraction. This compound is produced in a reaction of chlorobenzene and chloral with a sulfuric acid catalyst. It first began to be used during World War II to help counteract the spread of malaria and typhus among allied troops in the Pacific and Atlantic theatres, but was later named a carcinogen and banned in the US in 1972. For 10 points, name this pesticide, whose ban was partially prompted by Rachel Carson's Silent Spring?;;DDT|dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane European History;;He was a second-cousin of Alexander the Great, and his wife was the daughter of Ptolemy 1, whom he married while he being held hostage in Alexandria. Subsequent to his most famous campaigns, he was offered the kingship of the Sicilian Greek cities in order to combat the Carthaginians, which he successfully accomplished, although he was forced out by the Sicilians themselves due to his despotic ways. He defeated the Romans under Laevinus at Heraclea in 280 BCE, but the Romans refused to negotiate with him. For 10 points, what Greek general defeated the Romans again at Asculum the next year, but at so great a cost to himself that another such victory would have "utterly undone" him?;;Pyrrhus (of Epirus) American Literature;;In one of this writer's 2007 works, Detective Landsman is summoned by his landlord to investigate the murder of Mendel Shpilman, the son of the local mafia boss who had the ability to perform miracles. Another 2007 work paired the horsethieves Amram and Zelikman in the area of modern day Azerbaijan. This author is perhaps better known for his first two novels, which are set in Pittsburgh, and his third novel, which follows cousins who create the comic book The Escapist. For 10 points, name this author of Gentlemen of the Road, The Yiddish Policemen's Union, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Wonder Boys, and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.;;(Michael) Chabon Religion;;In Armenian legend, Haik fought him near Lake Van and defeated him, while the Huns and Magyars both claim to be descended from him. He is mentioned in the First Book of Chronicles and in the Book of Micah as founding the first kingdom after the great flood, while Dante portrayed him as a giant guarding the ninth circle of hell. Jewish tradition has him ordering Abraham burned at the stake, and later challenging him to battle. The son of Cush, grandson of Ham, and great-grandson of Noah, for 10 points identify this tyrannical Biblical hunter who is credited with building the Tower of Babel.;;Nimrod Art;;A pink-dressed Mary in a long shawl sits on a rock in the foreground infront of hundreds of background figures, as a cross and a hut are visible on a high outcropping in the background, in this man's The Procession to Calvary. The title characters transform into unecognizable insect- and bird-like creatures during their descent in his The Fall of the Rebel Angels, which is displayed next to his painting that contains a subtle splash. This painter of The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Massacre also showed a frozen lake and some characters returning with their dogs in a painting from his Months cycle. For 10 points, name this painter of Hunters in the Snow and Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.;;(P(i)eter) Bruegel (the Elder) United States History;;He served as the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission under Richard Nixon, who later made him director of the Office of Management and Budget. He later replaced Elliot Richardson as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. In a later government position, he championed the B-1B bomber and the "600-ship Navy". As a result of his participation in the Iran-Contra affair, he resigned and was later indicted, but was pardoned by George H.W. Bush before the case went to trial. For 10 points, name this Reagan Secretary of Defense, nicknamed "Cap".;;(Caspar) Weinberger Music;;His music for the radio play The City Wears a Slouch Hat was written entirely for percussion, while another work portrayed the tendency towards tranquility found in Indian aesthetic thought. His most notable collection of writings, dedicated "To Whom it May Concern", includes a section in which he heard a high-pitched whine in a soundless room, while the notes of his Music for Piano were determined by imperfections in the staff paper. This composer of Sonatas and Interludes wrote a work for twelve radios but may be best known for a three-movement work for solo piano in which the sections are delineated by a stopwatch. For 10 points, identify this author of Silence who used the I Ching to introduce chance effects into compositions such as Imaginary Landscape and Music of Changes but may be best known for his entirely silent 4'33".;;(John) Cage European Literature;;This author created the swindling notary Roguin in a novel about a man who gives up his Legion of Honor ribbon during a bankruptcy. A mysterious "Eureka!" is the last word of Balthazar Claes, the main character of this man's novel The Quest for the Absolute. A magic, wish-granting preserved animal product shrinks every time Raphael Valentin uses it in this man's novel The Wild Ass's Skin. His autobiographical Louis Lambert was included in the "Philosophical Etudes" section of a work that also includes the groups "Scenes from Parisian Life" and "Scenes from Country Life". For 10 points, name this author of Eugénie Grandet and Le Père Goriot, parts of his cycle The Human Comedy.;;(Honoré) (de) Balzac Physics;;The tendency for it to occur is explained by Pascal's constants, and one consequence of this phenomenon was denied by Earnshaw's theorem, which has been disproven thanks to the static levitation of pyrolytic graphite. All conductors exhibit this due to eddy currents caused by the Lorentz Force, while superconductors possess a particularly strong version as a result of the Meissner effect. Best exemplified in atoms with paired electrons, it is most strongly seen among elements in bismuth. For 10 points, what is the name given to the weak magnetic field formed as a result of resistance to an external field.;;Diamagnetism European History;;The Law for the Protection of the Nation, which was passed in Bulgaria only a few years later, was largely inspired by these acts. They were a largely spur of the moment decision by their author, since his foreign minister, Neurath, persuaded him that his original speech supporting the Italian invasion of Ethiopia was too provocative. They made it illegal for members of the target group to become citizens of the country, and prohibited intermarriage or the display of the national flag by members of said group. For 10 points, what was this set of discriminatory laws passed in 1935 by Adolf Hitler, abridging the civil rights of Jews and named for a city where some trials later occurred?;;(Nuremberg|Nurnberg){1}? (Laws) Math Theory;;Vizing's theorem proves the swapping property of Kempe Chains holds, constructs often used in solving this problem. Gonthier recently verified an earlier solution of this problem that ran in quadratic time by Robertson et al, while Birkhoff and Franklin were able to prove that it held when the number of nodes was less than 25, a problem originally put forth by Guthrie. It was first solved by Appel and Haken who used a computer to prove all 1,936 cases in this special case of the Heawood Conjecture. For 10 points, name this theorem stating that any two regions sharing a common boundary on a 2D map can have dissimilar markings with less than a certain number of colors.;;(The) Four- Color (Map) Theorem;;Guthrie Conjecture|(The) Four- Color Chemistry;;Aqueous N-methylethylenediamine exhibits a rare binary complex form of this property, and a saddle form of this property exists as well for ternary solutions. The Gibbs-Konovalov theorem states that the vapor and liquid phases of one of these must be isotonic, as observed for minimum and maximum boiling points. Hetero versions of one of these include 50/50 mixtures of chloroform and water at 53.3 degrees Celsius, and the Dean-Stark Apparatus can be used to separate these mixtures, which can deviate either positively or negatively from Raoult's Law. For 10 points, name this type of mixture, whose components cannot be separated by fractional distillation.;;Azeotrope European History;;During the rule of one member of this dynasty, the Pastoureaux movement of peasant mystics sacked the capital. A man named Giannino gained the support of Louis I of Hungary in an attempt to impersonate a member of this royal house, who died in infancy and was thus known as "the posthumous". Another king of this dynasty patronized the encyclopedia Speculum majus and led the Seventh Crusade. A king of this dynasty sent Simon de Montfort on the Albigensian Crusade and earned the byname "Augustus" for such accomplishments as the Battle of Bouvines, where he routed John of England. For 10 points, Louis IX and Philip II belonged to what French house, named for Hugh, which preceded the Valois?;;Capet(ian(s)) Music;;One section of this work symbolizes divinity with a natural horn, while the composer's previously used four-tone "circulatio" motif appears twice to contrast suffering with mercy. A soprano addresses God the Father while the tenor sings to Jesus in intermingled lines during the Gloria, symbolic of the intermingled Trinity. A sixth voice is added in the Sanctus section and an eighth in the Osanna, after the Kyrie is sung with only five voices. Despite the composer's Lutheranism, this work was composed in Latin for the Catholic king of Poland. For 10 points, name this eighteenth-century setting of the liturgy by Johann Sebastian Bach.;;Mass in B Minor Geography;;The large southern provinces of this country include Adrar, Tamanghasset, and Illizi, while the majority of its divisions are clustered around the capital and include Media, Blida, and Boumerdes. Despite being watered by the Wadi Saour and Wadi Djaret, it is covered by several deserts, including the Great Western Erg and Great Eastern Erg. Cities of over half a million people in this country include Constantine and Oran . The eastern Atlas Mountains stretch across, for 10 points, what country, which borders both Tunisia and Morocco, has a northern Mediterranean coast, and is a large former French colony in North Africa?;;Algeria World Literature;;One of this man's religious poems is divided into the sections "Exposition," "The World," and "The Devil," and he wrote a play whose main character is a soccer player who smokes constantly and never talks. In addition to "Ode to the Most Holy Eucharist" and When Five Years Pass, he wrote a play in which a scorpion threatens the love of Sylvia and Boybeetle, who is also being tempted by the titular enchantment. This author of The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife and The Butterfly's Evil Spell also described Leonardo's mutually fatal duel with the Bridegroom in the first play of his Rural Trilogy. For 10 points, name this author of Blood Wedding and The House of Bernarda Alba.;;(Federico) (Garcia) Lorca Psychology;;Clark and Word studied the role of ambiguity in promoting this phenomenon. One study of this phenomenon involved a woman saying she could not move her foot, played tapes of choking from amidst cubicles, and slowly pumped smoke into a room where surveys were being completed. It was first studied to explain why Winston Moseley was able to return twice over a thirty-five minute period despite thirty-eight witnesses. Similar to pluralistic ignorance, it was explained in Latane and Darley's paper "Why Don't People Help"? For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which an increase in the number of witnesses to an emergency decreases the likelihood of any one person acting, often used to explain the murder of Kitty Genovese.;;bystander effect Philosophy;;He included sections on "Rise and Decline of the Individual" and "Conflicting Panaceas" in one work, which laments the confusion of the title concept with pragmatism and utility. This editor of the Journal for Social Research advocated "interdisciplinary materialism" and claimed that Kant's Critique of Judgment is the link between theoretical and practical philosophy. He argued the the concept of "instrumental reason" led to the rise of fascism in his book The Eclipse of Reason, which expanded upon part of an earlier work he co-authored, Dialectic of Englightenment. For 10 points, name this Frankfurt School collaborator of Theodor Adorno.;;(Max) Horkheimer Computer Science;;One type of this component uses tag blocks to do line matching, while a writing scheme in them directly bypasses them and is known as no-write-allocate. The unified type of this component contains both program data and instructions and is often located off-chip, and code can be optimized for them by exploiting temporal and spatial locality. Replacement schemes for them can involve an LRU which evicts a victim block that was least recently used, and they can also be Direct-Mapped, Fully-Associative or N-Way Set Associative. For 10 points, name this component of memory that acts as a faster and smaller duplicate of larger and slower memory.;;Cache(s) World History;;This man lived at Hull House while studying at the University of Chicago, leading to his concern for the poor that led him to become editor of the Labour Gazette and advance a cooperative model of firm governance in the book Industry and Humanity. He maneuvered his rival Arthur Meighen into forming a government that fell after two days; taking power as a result, he put Camillien Houde, the mayor of Montreal, into an internment camp for several years for opposing the draft during the "Conscription Crisis". For 10 points, name this successor to Wilfred Laurier as leader of the Liberal Party, the prime minister of Canada during World War II.;;(William) (Lyon) Mackenzie King Chemistry;;Skutterudite is an arsenide ore of this element, and its hexammine chloride was a common topic of study for Alfred Werner. Its acetate salt is used to create a starting compound for polyester synthesis, terephthalic acid. The basis for CP violation was studied by Chieng-Shiung Wu in an isotope of this element, and the Mossbauer effect can arise from its 57-isotope. The Schilling test utilizes both isotopes 57 and 58 to diagnose pernicious anemia, though radiotherapy often uses its 60 isotope. For 10 points, name this element which can confer a blue color to glass, and is found in vitamin B12.;;cobalt World Literature;;In one story by this author, the umbrella-maker's daughter accuses a character taken in by Simeon, the saintly Lorenzo, of being the illicit father of a bastard child, but Lorenzo dies in a fire and is discovered to be a woman. In another story by this man, thousands of other sinners attempt to follow Kandata, who is using the title object to escape from Hell. In addition to "The Martyr" and "The Spider's Thread," he wrote about Goi, who receives a ludicrous amount of his favorite food in "Yam Gruel," and about a woman who steals hair from the dead to make wigs at the titular gate in Kyoto. For 10 points, name this author of "Rashomon" and "In a Grove".;;(Ryunosuke) Akutagawa Mythology;;One myth says that this goddess is the mother of adeity who cuts down trees during the day that are set up again at night by fairies. This goddess had a little sister who took the form of an egg, and was mysteriously transformed into a young girl after being held in this goddess's skirt. Her brother, the king of dragons and sharks, sent all her siblings to join this goddess after she found the the Navel of the World. Ocean craters are believed to be the remnants of her abandoned attempts to dig foundations for houses after she was exiled by Kane Milohai. For 10 points, name this goddess who lives in the Kilauea volcano and creates eruptions and fire in Hawaiian myth.;;Pele Math Theory;;Restricting that the subject of this statement be unimodal yields a similar one named for Vysochanski and Petunin, which introduces an additional 4/9 factor. This statement can be proven by defining Y to be x minus mu quantity squared and a to be sigma-k quantity squared and then applying Markov's inequality. When this statement is applied to a sample mean, it can be used to prove the law of large numbers. For 10 points, name this statement which, in one phrasing states that posits that all values in a probability distribution are a limited distance from its mean.;;Chebyshev('s) (inequality) British Literature;;In this novel, a man becomes agitated when he recognizes the handwriting on an anonymous valentine, and later, the main character erases part of a message written on a coffin lid that reveals a pregnancy. A man who was thought lost at sea returns just before he is to be declared dead, but is shot near the end of the novel by William Boldwood. The protagonist must work at Weatherbury Farm after his dog chases all of his sheep over a cliff, which occurrs shortly before Sergeant Troy's attempt to elope with Fanny Robin is thwarted when Fanny goes to the wrong church. For 10 points, name this novel in which Gabriel Oak finally does marry Bathsheba Everdene, written by Thomas Hardy.;;Far From the Madding Crowd World History;;One member of this group was praised for his poster attacking a cotton mill and later implemented a disastrous scheme to change the meaning of the colors on traffic lights. Another of them came to power after manipulating the Anting Incident and allying with the "January Storm". Another had led attacks on the "right deviationists" during the Hundred Flowers period. This group denounced the play Hai Rui Dismissed From Office and allied with the Red Guards to depose Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. For 10 points, name this group which led the Cultural Revolution and consisted of Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Mao Zedong's wife Jiang Qing.;;Gang of Four Biology;;Halperin studied these entities in sand rats, finding that they contain multiple "labile-bound" glucose compartments. They are rapidly sequestered by liver histiocytes when decomposed in rats, and Gardos channels lead to their dehydration. Proteins on their surfaces include band 3 and the adaptors for their characteristic actin-spectrin assembly, ankyrins, which contributes to these entities' concave shapes. They are produced in myeloidic bone marrow of flat bones, such as the hip, and are ovoid in most vertebrae, though round in humans. For 10 points, name this cell type containing the hemoglobin pigment and which develops from erythroblasts.;;erythrocyte(s) Art;;The painter said that some figures in this work are "people who make a living from death" while dividing the people depicted into the "shareholders" and the "world of everyday life". The guitar, dagger, and hat in this painting symbolize academic painting, while identifiable figures include the critic Champfleury, on the stoool, and Baudelaire, who is reading. This painting also shows Napoleon III in hunting dress and a cat, a naked muse, and a child clustering around the self-portrait. Said to be "a real allegory" of a seven-year period, for 10 points, name this canvas showing Gustave Courbet at work in the title place.;;(The) Artist's Studio American Literature;;This man becomes involved in a scheme to train an eagle named Caligula to hunt iguanas, after making a living through stealing books and running illegal immigrants from Canada. He aids in Mimi Villars's abortion after learning his wily ways from Grandma Lausch, and he later serves on the Sam McManus, which is torpedoed, as a Merchant Marine. In Acatla, he attempts to save Leon Trotsky's life, and he ultimately marries Stella Chesney after a long affair with Thea Fenchel. For 10 points, name this man who opens his narration by stating "I am an American, Chicago-born," the title character of a Saul Bellow novel about his "adventures".;;(Augie) March|Augie (March) United States History;;The majority opinion of this case alludes to the missionary John Smith, who had aided a slave rebellion in Demerara, and also cites the reaction of the Virginia legislature to the decrees of Lord Dunmore as a precedent. Denying the government's claim that Luther v. Borden provided justification, Justice Davis said that General Hovey's actions towards a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle were impermissible. That petitioner, represented by future President Garfield, contended that Indiana's civilian courts were still functioning. For 10 points, name this 1866 Supreme Court case which prohibited the use of military courts to try civilians.;;(Ex parte) Milligan Chemistry;;The violation of unitarity occurs for weak gauge bosons without the in models disregarding the existence of these. Abbott-Farhi models seek an alternative to the existence of this particle. Its two isospin states are +1 and zero, and this is the only spin-0 particle in the Standard Model and remains the only one yet to be observed. For 10 points, name this theoretical particle sought to be verified by the Large Hadron Collider, a particle that would explain the existence of massive matter from massless elementary particles.;;Higgs boson(s) Physics;;An analogous version was first detected by employing the spin Hall effect, while at temperatures around one-fifth of the Debye temperature, this effect can arise from phonon drag.  Its result is complementary to the Nernst effect, since this effect depends on all dissipative processes that aren't vortex motion, probably because it is governed by a special case of the Onsager relations. Also produced by charge carrier diffusion, it results from a combination of four emfs, two each named for Thomson and Peltier. For 10 points, identify this effect, the operating principle behind thermocouples, in which a temperature gradient generates a voltage.;;Seebeck (effect) American Literature;;In one of this author's stories, Joe buys molasses candy for his wife with a fake gold coin, which was earlier used by the ice-cream man Otis Slemmons to seduce Joe's wife Missie May Banks. Besides "The Gilded Six-Bits," this author wrote about Jim Meserve raping Arvay Hensen Meserve under a sacred mulberry tree in one book. The protagonist of another novel divorces Lucy and remarries Hattie Tyson, which leads to a scandal that costs John Pearson his job as a preacher at Zion Hope. In addition to Seraph on the Suwannee and Jonah's Gourd Vine, in she wrote a novel in wich a rabid dog bites Tea Cake, forcing the protagonist to shoot him, after moving in with Joe Starks in Eatonville. For 10 points, name this African-American author, who wrote about Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God.;;(Zora) (Neale) Hurston Art;;This artist showed a hoard of winged snakes being driven away by the magic bronze snake with a fish's head sitting atop the wooden cross that Moses wields in the painting The Brazen Serpent. He depicted a figure in a red robe carrying a baby who suckles from the title figure's breast causing stars to sly out in his The Origin of the Milky Way. In another of his works a shattered hammer and axe lie beside a foreshortened convict who is being saved from punishment by the central figure descending from the sky backwards. The Miracle of the Slave is part of his St. Mark series, while a lamp emanating wispy golden spirits appears in the top left of a painting appearing in the church of San Giorgio Maggiore. For 10 points, name this Italian painter, who created a diagonal version of The Last Supper and whose nickname means "little dyer".;;Tintoretto World History;;This man died of malaria contracted while on a trek to see a solar eclipse that he predicted, but his son survived it and succeeded him. This figure started his career as an abbott in the Thammayut order of Therevada Buddhism, and this man's advisor Suriyawong aided him on foreign policy. This ruler was a signatory of the Bowring Treaty with the namesake governor of Hong Kong, and this father of Chulalongkorn elevated his brother Chutamani to King Pinklao. He offered elephants to President James Buchanan. For 10 points, name this monarch of the Chakri Dynsasty of Siam, who is best known outside of Thailand for hiring the English instructor Anna Leonowens to tutor his son.;;Rama (IV|the Fourth){1}?|Mongkut;;Rama Music;;One work by this composer features a movement entitled "Hail, Bop," while another features the sections "Dawn Air,""Magnificat," and "Jesus and the Dragons". In another work by this composer, after the title event, the title character sings a "Gymnopedie," while he sings "I've never been/ a violent man" at the beginning of the second act, and the aria "It was just after 1:15" relates the appearance of Rambo, Molqi, Omar, and Mahmoud aboard the Achille Lauro. He is better known for an opera whose second act features a performance of a ballet entitled The Red Detachment of Women and which closes with the question "How much of what we did was good?," asked by Chou En-lai. Recently famous for the different views of the Nativity presented in the El Nino oratorio and known as the composer of The Death of Klinghoffer, for 10 points, name this composer of Nixon in China.;;(John) Adams Biology;;An analog of this compound, vigabatrin, mimics its effects and inhibits this compound's catalysis, and in Little's Disease, muscles cannot properly absorb this compound, leading to cerebral palsy. Medium spiny neurons secrete this compound, and its activation causes cells to remain in the S-phase. The synthesis of this compound requires the vitamin B6 derivative pyridoxal pyrophosphate, and benzodiazepines enhance its effects. Commonly synthesized from glutamate, it plays a similar role to glycine in the central nervous system. For 10 points, name this principal inhibitory neurotransmitter.;;GABA Religion;;Two of them are depicted with a canopy of snake-hoods overhead; in one case, the snake-hoods represent shelter given by Dharana against attacks from the rain or from stones. That one had earlier saved the lives of two snakes who were being burnt alive unwittingly by a sage practicing the pancagni-tapa ritual and is usually shown with attendants called yaksa and yaksi. Depictions of these figures in one sect are generally nude. Vasupujya and three others were the only ones not delivered at Sameta Sikhara; those three were also the only ones to attain moksha while seated in lotus position. Among those three is Mahavira, the last. For 10 points, identify these figures who achieve enlightenment through ascetic practices then impart their knowledge to others, the teachers of Jainism.;;tirthankara(s) Chemistry;;A relative version of this quantity may be computed for two discrete distributions and is also called the Kullback-Leibler divergence. A quantum extension of this quantity may be computed by the negative trace of the product of the density matrix with its natural logarithm, named for Von Neumann. The expected value of a certain random variable gives the Shannon kind of this quantity, useful to information theory. The Gibbs paradox is a statement about its discontinuity, and it is expected to approach zero as a system approaches absolute zero. For 10 points, identify this thermodynamic quantity, the measurement of a system's disorder.;;entropy Music;;The tenor in this opera admits to Flavio that he plans to take his lover to his home city despite his ominous dreams in the aria "Meco all'altar di Venere", while the pleadings of Oroveso convince the soprano to ask for the power to "scatter on earth the peace / Thou make reign in the sky" during her prayer to the "chaste goddess" in the aria "Casta Diva". The title character considers killing her illegitimate children, but instead leads a call for war, which requires a sacrifice of a virgin who has just sinned. When asked to reveal the identity of the "perjured virgin", the title character does not call out Adalgisa, but throws herself on the funeral pyre with her Roman lover Polline. For 10 points, Name this opera about the title high priest of the Druids composed by Vincenzo Bellini.;;Norma World Literature;;In one of this author's novels Persio intermittently offers monologues while observing the other passengers who were forced to board the insidious ship the Malcolm after winning a mysterious government lottery. In addition to The Winners, he wrote about Isabel tricking the Kid into being eaten by the tiger which is allowed to roam the house freely in his story "Bestiary" and he also wrote about a man who visits the aquarium Jardin des Plantes everyday before he eventually transforms into the eponymous salamander in his work "Axolotl". This writer's best known novel begins with a "Table of Instructions" and features Babs & Ronald, Wong, Ossip Gregorovius, and La Maga as members of the Serpent Club along with Horacio Olivera. For 10 points, name this Argentinean author who wrote Hopscotch and "Blow-up".;;(Julio) Cortazar European History;;This figure received thirteen targe shields with silver medusa decorations which he gave away to his supporters, and later in life this man adopted the alias "Count of Albany". This man decisively defeated troops under Sir John Cope at Prestonpans and Henry Hawley at Falkirk with the help of George Murray, and this figure was smuggled out of the Isle of Skye with the help of a woman under the disguise of "Betty Burke," Flora MacDonald. However, his ultimate defeat came at the hands of the son of George II who earned the nickname "butcher," the Duke of Cumberland. For 10 points, name this grandson of James II who was defeated at the 1746 Battle of Culloden Moor thus ending the last of the Jacobite uprisings, known as the "Young Pretender".;;Charles Edward Stuart|Bonnie Prince Charles Geography;;Two of this island's national parks, Yala and Wittapu, contain some of the highest concentrations of leopards in the world. This island's longest river receives the Kotmale Oya, and empties into the sea at the harbor of Trincomalee, the Mahaweli. A chain of limestone shoals links this island with the mainland and is known as "Adam's Bridge," and it is bound on the west by the Gulf of Mannar. This island was the location of the kingdom of Kandy, and the Palk Strait separates its Jaffna peninsula from the mainland. Formerly known as both Serendib and Ceylon, for 10 points, name this tear-drop shaped island nation known for its production of tea, located in the Bay of Bengal, and with capital at Colombo.;;Sri Lanka Mythology;;This father of Loxo and Opis was often depicted cloaked and holding a conch shell, and sources say he lived either in Thrace or Scythia. Pausanias claims that this figure had snakes for feet, and he fathered twelve speedy colts from Erichthonius's mares. He fathered Lycurgus and Butes, who was driven mad by Dionysus, and he carried off his wife while she was playing by the river Ilissus. This figure fathered the wife of Phineus, and his sons convinced the Argonauts to leave with Heracles and were responsible for chasing away the Harpies. This husband of Oreithyia fathered Chione, Cleopatra, Zetes, and Calais, and his Roman counterpart was known as Aquilo. For 10 points, name this brother of Eurus, Notus, and Zephyrus, a son of Aeolus who is the personification of the North Wind.;;Boreas Biology;;The underlying success of these algorithms was proven in a theorem by John Holland.  One technique used in these algorithms can be implemented with a uniform or half-uniform operation, the latter of which swaps half the Hamming distance. Tournament and roulette wheel are two common implementations of another of their components, and "two-point" is a type of crossover used in these algorithms. Selection functions weigh bit sequences by their fitness in, for 10 points, what class of algorithms used to find local or absolute solutions to optimization problems, a class of evolutionary algorithms employing "chromosomes.;;Genetic (Algorithm(s)) Geography;;This city was originally known as Ephyra and its early history saw the Bacchiadae clan overthrow Telestes. Tyrants of this city included one with a noted ivory chest and his son who was often lifted as a sage of Greece, Cypselus and Periander, who engineered the Diolkos. A coalition of cities fought Sparta in a late fourth century conflict named for this city, and this city's "league" was a federation of states created by Philip of Macedon. Troops under Lucius Mummius destroyed this city during the Roman siege of 146 B.C. putting an end to the classical era. For 10 points, name this site of the Isthmian games whose colonies included Potidaea and Syracuse, located between the Peloponnesus and mainland Greece on a namesake isthmus which lends its name to an order of ancient architecture.;;Corinth British Literature;;In one of these poems the speaker says "I sank and quailed / As if God's future thundered in my past" after reading "My Letters! All dead paper, mute and white!", while in another one the speaker asserts "Nevermore . . . shall [I] command / the uses of my soul, nor lift my hand / in the sunshine as before". In the first one the speaker is grabbed "backward by the hair" by a "mystic shape", who tells the speaker he is "Not Death, but Love", while that poem begins, "I thought once how Theocritus had sung / Of the sweet years". "To the level of everyday's / Most quiet need" and "to the depth and breadth and height / My soul can reach" are among the answers the speaker offers to the title question of this collection's best known poem, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways". For 10 points, name this collection of forty-four love sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.;;Sonnets from the Portuguese European History;;This agreement transfered sovereignty of the Ionian Islands and Kotor, which led to Dimitri Senyavin's dissent and the Lisbon incident, and other transfers included the relinquishing of Wallachia and Moldavia and the transfer of the territory left of the Elbe to the Kingdom of Westphalia. Taking place following the battle of Friedland, it established the Duchy of Warsaw and saw one of its signitories join the Continental system against Britain, while both agreed to take on the Ottoman Empire. Consolidating most of Europe's power within two empires and notably excluding Frederick the Great, for 10 points, identify this pair of treaties signed on a raft in the Neman River, an 1807 agreement between Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia.;;(Treaty of) Tilsit Psychology;;The effectiveness of television commercials may be explained by one motivation that this psychologist added to those observed in traditional behaviorism, called "vicarious reinforcement," in which subjects see others being rewarded, and he termed the reflexive effects between one's actions and one's environment "reciprocal determinism". In his best known study, one group of adult models would play with tinker toys for ten minutes, while another would quickly begin hitting a five foot inflatable on the head with a mallet, and the subjects were subsequently given a room of toys to play with alone. A psychologist interested in social learning, for 10 points, identify this man best known for the Bobo doll experiment.;;(Albert) Bandura European Literature;;One anecdote in this play describes an incident at the opera when the soprano Silva hit a low C and in response a church chorister in the audience inappropriately sang "Bravo Silva!" an octave lower. One character laments, "[my beard] is the tragedy of my life! Even when I was young I looked like a drunk". One character discovers the line: "If you ever need my life, come and take it" when he researches the origin a locket's inscription that reads: ‘Days and Nights, page 121, lines 11 & 12.' In the first act of this play, a sulfurous smell and the glowing eyes of the Devil appear in an amateur drama that is shut down when Arkadina loudly mocks her son's writing, while Nina later becomes infatuated with the writer Trigorin. For 10 points, name this play that ends when Treplyov shoots himself like he shot the title creature, written by Anton Chekhov.;;(The) Seagull European Literature;;One novel by this man depicts the siege of Casale and the wreck of Captain Wanderdrossel's ship, the Daphne. He collaborated with Richard Rorty and others on Interpretation and Overinterpretation, and he also wrote a study on the "middle ages" of James Joyce, The Aesthetics of Chaosmos. This author of The Island of the Day Before and The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loanna wrote a novel in which Inspector de Angelis and the Brazlian mistress Amparo both interact with a man who is trying to locate his friend Jacopo Belbo. For 10 points, name this writer who described the conspiracy theorist Casaubon in Foucalt's Pendulum and the medieval detective William of Baskerville in The Name of the Rose.;;(Umberto) Eco British Literature;;One of this poet's works begins by asking Miranda to "Take this slave of music," and is entitled "To a Lady, With a Guitar," while he lamented that "love should be a blight and snare" in his poem "The Revolt of Islam". This poet described "The Spirit of Solitude" in his poem about the titular Last Man, Alastor. He noted that "the everlasting universe of things flows through the mind" in "Mont Blanc," while in a better known poem, this poet asked the "most musical of mourners" to "weep anew". Those lines come from this poet's elegy for John Keats, "Adonais", and he asked "If Winter Comes, can Spring be far behind"? in a poem written to "the breath of Autumn's being". For ten points, identify this poet who wrote "Ode to the West Wind" and described a crumbling monument in his "Ozymandias".;;(Percy Bysshe) Shelley World Literature;;This work includes "paired butterflies" that are "already yellow with August" and which hurt the speaker, and also notes "different mosses / Too deep to clear them away!" The speaker asks why he should climb the lookout, and stopped scowling at fifteen because "I desired my dust to be mingled with yours / Forever and forever and forever". The speaker also "played about the front gate, pulling flowers" while his hair "was still cut straight across [his] forehead". The narrator "never looked at the wall," and "never looked back" after being "called to, a thousand times". Ending with the speaker offering to meet the title figure "as far as Cho-fu-Sa," for 10 points, identify this poem concerning a spouse, an Ezra Pound translation of a poem by Li Po.;;(The) River-Merchant's Wife(:) (A Letter) Music;;This man wrote the incidental music for the plays The Blind Heart and The Loves of Inez. He also created a Harpsichord Concerto for Wanda Landowska, and nearly simultaneously, a ballet for puppets entitled Master Peter's Puppet Show. One of this composer's works is divided into the movements Distant Dance, In the Generalife, and one that depicts the gardens of Cordoba, and is entitled Nights in the Gardens of Spain. This composer also wrote a ballet that included the Ritual Fire Dance and the song Will O'the Wisp, and his best known work uses cante-jondo singing and depicts a magistrate trying to seduce a miller's wife. For ten points, identify this man who wrote the ballets Love, the Magician and The Three Cornered Hat, a Spanish composer.;;(Manuel) (de) Falla Biology;;Unlike a predecessor tissue, this tissue gives rise to highly periclinal cells. One uncommon form of this tissue is a unifacial band that gives rise to cells that support transpiration; this tissue is generally bifacial, however. Consisting of fusiform and ray cells, this tissue is initially embedded on and propagates with growth away from the outside of the pith in the organisms in which it appears. It does not appear in monocot angiosperms because it gives rise to secondary tissues absent in those plants. For 10 points, name this plant tissue, a lateral meristem giving rise to secondary circulatory tissues like phloem and xylem and that is similar to another lateral meristem that produces cork.;;vascular cambium European History;;Immediately following it, Conrad III allied with Manuel Comnenus against Roger of Sicily, who had seized Corfu duing it, and Louis VII began planning an attack on Byzantium. Unur sought the help of the leader it targeted, and his city was eventually besieged for four days. The Byzantines were also blamed for the dearth of supplies following the French trek from Ephesus to Antioch, and ultimately, its goal of capturing Edessa did not materialize, as the forces that embarked on it retreated from Damascus even before Nur al-Din arrived. The papal bull Quantum praedecessores gave the green light to it, St. Bernard of Clairvaux claimed it failed due to Europe's sinfulness, and For 10 points, identify this expedition from the twelfth century.;;Second Crusade American Literature;;One work by this author features a figure whose poetry was criticised in the Rowdy-Dow and is an autobiography of the late editor of the "Goosetherumfoodle". Another of his title figures spends the entire story telling the narrator that he's dead, and was notable for writingthe "Bibliotheca Forensica" and translating into Polish "Gargantua and Pantagruel". One of his stories that opens with a quote from Seneca opens in a library at Number 33 Rue Dunot, Fauborg, St. Germain, while the protagonist notices a scythe and three spades in a boat he is about to use and the narrator presumes Legrand would call the title creature scarabaeus caput hominis. The creator of Fortunato and Prince Prospero, For 10 points, identify this author of "The Premature Burial" and "The Mystery of Marie Roget," as well as "The Purloined Letter" and "The Raven".;;(Edgar) (Allan) Poe Chemistry;;A form of this may be derived for a system of particles by taking the ensemble average of the second velocity moment of a general particle system's corresponding Klimontovich equation. Noether's theorem dictates that this holds for a system whose governing equation is form invariant under continuous point time transformation groups. Familiar forms of it for various systems include Poynting's theorem, Bernoulli's equation, and the first law of thermodynamics. For 10 points, give the general physical term for the statement that a system's ability to do work does not vary.;;conservation of energy Economics;;This economist cautioned against moving past equilibrium models in his address to the London Club, entitled "Economics and Knowledge," and he followed a similar theme in his "The Use of Knowledge in Society". This economist attacked another economist's work in his "The Non Sequitur of the Dependence Effect," and he was attacked in return by Keynes for his work Prices and Production. He claimed "not to be a conservative" in the post-script to one of his works, and in his best known work, this economist claimed that socialist ideals ultimately lead to the detriment of all. For ten points, identify this economist who defended laissez-faire policies in his work The Road to Serfdom.;;(Friedrich) (August) (von) Hayek European History;;After allying with Venice and leading a campaign against the Ottoman Empire, he was given control of Walachia and Serbia through the Treaty of Passarowitz, and in a treaty signed in Vienna, he ceded Naples and Sicily in exchange for Parma and Piacenza. This ruler regained territory in Italy through the Treaty of Rastatt, where he renounced his claim to the Spanish throne, and later signed the treaty of The Hague to obtain peace with Spain. The founder of the Ostend Company, he succeeded his brother Joseph. For 10 points, identify this Holy Roman Emperor, the father of Maria Theresa and the issuer of the Pragmatic Sanction.;;Charles (VI|the Sixth){1}?|Charles (III| the Third){1}? of Hungary;;Charles Geography;;This city houses the Days of '47 parade, and this city's Chinatown was wholesale demolished in 1952, causing a mass Chinese-American exodus from this city. That area was called Plum Alley, and small shops characterize the Sugar House neighborhood, which was established shortly after this city. The Wasatch Range foothills house some of the residential buildings in this city. This city, currently run by Ralph Becker, contains a large building that is a successor to two previous versions constructed at Kitland and Nauvoo. The first Transcontinental Railroad was completed outside this city. For ten points, identify this city, which is the site of Brigham Young University and the capital of Utah.;;Salt Lake City Physics;;This property varies with grain size according to the Hall-Petch equation. For an ideal elastic material, the resilience is equal to the square of this property divided by twice the elastic modulus. The value of this property may be practically determined by the two-thousandths offset method, given a real strain test curve; it is ideally the stress at the proportional limit, at which plastic deformation begins. For 10 points, name the material property that is symbolized sigma-sub-y and that is the force per unit cross-section at which a material will bend or deform irreversibly.;;yield strength World History;;One member of this dynasty offered control of a portion of his empire to Badr al-Jamali, while another of its rulers is seen as a divine incarnation by the Druze known and is known as the "Mad Caliph". The successor to al-Mustali as had of it was not recognized in Yemen, and al-Amir owed his succession to its throne to the Assassins. Turkish general al-Basasiri handed control of Baghdad to this caliphate, but he was later driven out by Seljuks, and the Byzantines ended up driving it out of Sicily. One ruler during this dynasty sent Jawhar west to re-establish the authority of the caliphate, and because Kafur had honorably received his mother, the invasion of Egypt by al-Muizz was delayed. For 10 points, identify this Islamic dynasty that took its name from the daughter of Muhammad.;;Fatimid Religion;;This term may sometimes refer to a sacred dance in which Shiva raises his right leg to symbolize conquering gravity. This is described in detail in the Chandogya Upanishad and the Mundaka Upanishad. One may go to Isatpragbhara by having this characteristic, and the Ratnatraya may help an individual attain this characteristic. It may consist of ananda according to some thought, but dukha may serve as an impediment to this trait. If one attains kevala, one also gets this, and in Jainism, this can occur when any believer's atman loses its karma. For ten points, identify this release from the cycle of samsara, or death and rebirth, which is the analogue of nirvana in Hinduism and Jainism.;;moksha Philosophy;;This author outlined his views on religion in works like "The Human Abode of the Religious Function" and A Common Faith. This philosopher argued that knowledge is obtained from active interaction with an organism's environment in his article "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology". In addition to arguing that the state arose out of subsequently larger local organizations in one work, this philosopher argued that public habits must be cultivated early in life. He outlined his views on aesthetics in Art and Experience, and in his most famous work, this philosopher defined the title subject as the "social continuity of life" and argued that it should be structured with experimentation to prepare children for a creative life. For ten points, identify this philosopher who wrote The School and Society and Democracy and Education, an American Pragmatist.;;(John) Dewey European Literature;;In one of his novels, the protagonist fled from "buffaloes," but later returned and helped create a "field of fire". The protagonist asks his wife if she is pleased with receiving an umbrella, two books and a chocolate piano for Christmas in his story "And There Was the Evening and the Morning," and he also wrote of a veteran who convinced a bureaucrat the title body part cost the government thousands in "My Expensive Leg". In a novel by this author, the protagonist's mother vows to kill the leader of the "blue-tunics," Ben Wackes, and her husband has breakfast every day at the Café Kroner. For 10 points, identify this author of Billiards at Half-Past Nine.;;(Heinrich) Boll Art;;A white wrapped bouquet of flowers is on the ground next to a little girl, who is smelling flowers and sitting next to her mother. A dog with a cross on its collar frolics near the bottom of this painting, and next to it is a small monkey on a leash. A man in a top hat sits on a shore in this painting next to a blue-capped man smoking a pipe, and he's clutching a curved cane, while in the distance a boat contains four white clad people rowing, which is shown under the arching branches of the several trees that frame the top of this painting. Several of the people in this painting have umbrellas, but none of them have defined faces. For ten points, identify this Pointilist depiction of a social gathering in the title location, which was executed by Georges Seurat.;;(A) Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte Math Theory;;For a general tensor field, this operator is equal to the comma operator plus the sum over indices of the product of the connection coefficients and tensor components; in that context, it is also known as the semicolon or covariant derivative. Vector fields that vanish under this operator are known as solenoidal, and its operation on the gradient yields the Laplacian. For 10 points, name the mathematical operator that is equal, in Cartesian 3-space, to the sum of the partial derivatives of the components of a vector field with respect to the appropriate coordinate, and is often symbolized del dot.;;div(ergence) Art;;This artist depicted two men in baseball uniforms and two men in overalls outside a store in a work entitled This is America, Keep it Free. This artist also depicted poor residents in the collections Mormon Villages and The Irish Countryman, and showed several children performing the titular action of Pledge of allegiance at Rafael Weill Elementary School. This person showed several people with their luggage awaiting a bus in a photograph that formed part of the collection Interrupted Lives, which depicts what this person termed The Japanese American Exodus. This photographer's most well-known work depicts two children with their heads on the shoulders of a dusty, distracted woman. For ten points, identify this woman who photographed a titular Migrant Mother, a Depression Era photographer.;;(Dorothea) Lange United States History;;Along with Burton Wheeler, he co-sponsored an act which put the federal government at the head of railroad reorganization, and also headed the group that exposed production deficiencies and graft in the lead-up to World War II, the Special Committee Investigating National Defense. His Attorney General wrote the majority opinion in Mapp v. Ohio as well as School District of Abington v. Schempp. In a famous speech, he stated that the United States must support free people fighting subjugation against either armed minorities or external pressures, which led to aid being sent to Greece and Turkey. For 10 points, identify this figure the predecessor to Dwight Eisenhower as President of the United States.;;(Harry) (S) Truman Physics;;Leon Guoy found that this phenomenon was unaffected by electromagnetism or light and occurred to a greater extent in less viscous fluids. Lars Onsager used it to extend the Debye Huckel theory for ionic solutions. Combining the Stokes formula in consideration equipartition of a sphere allowed Langevin to develop an equation explaining this. The Monte Carlo method can simulate this Wiener process since it is stochastic, and Jean Perrin observed molecules in large jars to estimate Avogadro's number from this process. It was originally observed in Clarckia pulchella, where particles were 5 microns in size. For 10 points, name this type of random motion first observed by a Scottish botanist in pollen grains.;;Brownian motion Art;;This man tried to treat his post-traumatic stress by creating a series of packed cardboard furniture, "Easy Edges," according to his therapist Milton Wexler. His Center for Human Dignity project is mired in litigation, and he collaborated with Peter Walker on the Sleep Train pavillion. Another project is dominated by tightly-packed windows which at times wrap around the building's curved edges and are connected by a series of wavy indentations. That building created with Vlado Milunich, the Dancing House in Prague, bear similarity to the steel-coated Weisman museum, the Disney Music Hall, and the Experience Music projct. For 10 points, identify this American architect, best known for his affection for fishlike shapes, seen in his Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.;;(Frank) Gehry European History;;This event saw a moving oration by Paulus Vladimiri asserting the right to self-determination, which led John of Falkenberg to retort, "the Poles must be exterminated!" In keeping with one of its secondary resolutions, participants like John of Ragusa formed subgroups based on nationality, an approach rejected at the ensuing Council of Florence. It compiled the text "The Art of Dying" and resolved a disastrous situation involving the successors to Benedict XIII and Gregory XII, which was only further confused when the Council of Pisa elected Alexander V, who was then succeeded by John XXIII. More famously denouncing John Wycliffe and incinerating Jan Hus, For 10 points, identify this 1414-1418 ecumenical council held in Switzerland that elected Martin V to end the Western Schism.;;(Council of) Constance World Literature;;One work by this author notes that it rejects the translation styles of Pound in regards to Li Po, who joins Tu Fu and Wang Wei in the title of the translated collection Three Chinese Poets. The sections "Meditations of the Heart" and "Romantic Residues" are found in another collection whose titular poem notes "the whole world shares your tears," All You Who Sleep Tonight. This creator of lonely violinist Michael Holme wrote of the iguana Arnold Schwartzenegger and cat Charlemagne in a work charting the relationship between John and Liz in Onegin stanzas and set in San Francisco. Besides authoring An Equal Music and Golden Gate, he wrote of Rupa Mehra's attempts to secure the titular individual for her daughter Lata in his best-known work. For 10 points, identify this Indian writer noted for the ginormously large novel A Suitable Boy.;;(Vikram) Seth European Literature;;Interestingly, in one interview Tom Stoppard called this play "the first tragicomedy". A study in the extremism of integrity, it juxtaposes the hero's hatred of artificiality against his love interest's wanton superficiality. The pair find comic foils in their manservants - Du Bois and the Basque - and serious ones their friends, the rationalist, middle-of-the-road couple Philinte and Éliante. The plot revolves around the hero's disgust with the woman pursuing him, Arsinoé, as well as Acaste, Clitandre, and the other suitors of Célimène. Most notable of these is Oronte, who writes her an abysmal love sonnet and brings the hero up on slander charges when he criticizes it. That hero, Alceste, eventually wins Célimène's love but is too disgusted with humanity to marry her and goes into exile. For 10 points identify this 1666 "comedy" by Molière.;;(The) Misanthrope Physics;;An analogy to this situation in lattices is called the Bloch state, and the nuclear shell model for the atomic nucleus can be approximated by solving the Schrodinger equation for a hybrid of the harmonic oscillator and this type of system. It is a reduction of the negative delta function potential in the limits of a large width and shallow depth. The energy eigenvalues for this system can be derived using de Broglie's equation and are given by h-squared n-squared over 8-m-l-squared, while its eigenfunctions are analogous to a vibrating string. For 10 points, identify this simple potential from quantum mechanics in which a particle is constrained between two infinitely large potential barriers.;;particle in a box (potential) American Literature;;One subplot in this novel is octogenarian Brigadier General Pudding's illicit passion for being defecated on by a woman dressed up as Lady Death; another concerns the medium Carroll Eventyr's astral quest to learn about a seraph who appeared in the sky fighting Luftwaffe with a flaming sword. The Soviet Purkyevitch trades the pedophilic Pavlovian Dr. Pointsman a giant semi-intelligent octopus named Grigori. Major figures include Katja, a Dutch Resistance fighter who nevertheless sold Jews to the SS and wants redemption, and American statistician Roger Mexico who longs to find meaning in the Poisson Distribution. Its hero is Tyrone Slothrop, who somehow predicts rocket trajectories by getting an erection. For 10 points identify this 1973 novel which famously begins "A screaming comes across the sky," a work of Thomas Pynchon.;;Gravity's Rainbow World History;;He may have suggested Wang Lung use his daughter Diao Chan to bring down a mutual rival, and before the discovery of the Yinqueshan Han Strips, this man's commentaries on The Art of War served as its primary source material. After leading the campaigns against Dong Zhuo, he used emperor Xian to support his wars in the north, which led to victory of Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu. Despite drastically outnumbering Sun Quan and Liu Bei, this man lost the Battle of Red Cliffs, dooming his Kingdom of Wei to mismanagement. For 10 points, identify this figure of China's Three Kingdom's period, considered the epitome of ruthless cunning in Chinese history.;;Cao Cao Biology;;A 2008 article by Saphire describes its cellular entry as forming a "chalice" of glycoprotein 1 subunits. VP40 and VP24 are located in the matrix space beyond its viral envelope, which features 10 nanometer structures whose function is key to recent vaccine research. Those spikeproteins allow this filovirus composed of a single strand of negative sense RNA to avoid immune recognition, leading to the effects of this virus, which were witnessed in non-human primates in Reston, Virginia. Also manifesting in Sudan and Zaire strains, for 10 points, identify this disease, a certain hemorrhagic fever.;;ebola European History;;Early in his career, this man engineered an election challenged by Peter Cadalus that nearly ended with an invasion, though the attack was thwarted by Godfrey of Lorraine and the intrigue in a foreign court led by Anno. His claims on Corsica, Sardinia, Spain and Hungary led to a kidnapping by Cencio Frangipane and tension with Robert Guiscard. He continued the work of his predecessor, Alexander II, by mandating clerical celibacy, but his more notable acts grew out of an opposition to simony, where a description of this figure as a "false monk" led to some wandering about in the snow. For 10 points, identify this pope at the center of the Investiture controversy, who feuded over temporal authority with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV.;;Gregory VII Music;;One ballet written by this composer features a girl forced do perform seductive dances to a Chinese man who is then stabbed three times and hung on a lamppost. Another ballet from this composer features a princess falling in love with a wooden staff wearing a cloak and crown. In addition to The Wooden Prince and The Miraculous Mandarin, the most notable work from this composer contains a so-called minor second ‘blood motif' which plays whenever Judith discovers blood behind one of the seven doors in the titular location. A notable compiler of Eastern European folk music, For 10 points, identify this 20th century Hungarian composer and ethnomusicologist, the creator of Duke Bluebeard's Castle.;;(Bela) Bartok Geography;;This country's capital saw an event known as the December Murders at a military installation that was once Fort Willoughby, and it can be reached from its Western neighbor's Moleson Creek via the Corentyne River ferry. The Eastern part of this country contains the Tumuk Hamak Mountains and the Maroni and Nickerie rivers, while its namesake river contains the Brokopondo Reservoir, which helps power its aluminum mining industry. Jopie Pengel Airport serves Zanderij in this country, whose other cities include Saramacca, Albina, and Lelydorp. Including Julianatop in the Bakhuys range, it borders Brazil and separates Guyana from French Guiana. For 10 ponts, identify this South American country, a former colony of the Netherlands whose capital is Paramaribo.;;Suriname Religion;;This school believes that the world is currently in the degenerate Age of Dharma Decline and has its rituals based on Vasubandhu's Five Gates of Mindfulness. A minor sect of this religion is called the Yuzu Nembutsu and focuses of the universal benefits of the recitation of the "nianfo". An important tenet of this faith is located in the Infinite Life Sutra and states that tenfold recitation of the Buddha's name will result in certain enlightenment; a concept known as Primal or Eighteenth Vow. Focusing on devotion to the Amitabha Buddha, For 10 points each, identify this branch of Mayahana Buddhism in which enlightenment takes the form of being born into Sukhavati, the namesake place.;;Pure Land (Buddhism) American Literature;;In one of this author's poems, a woman makes a tentative peace with evanescence, deciding that "Death is the mother of beauty, mystical". This author's daughter Holly regards that poem as this author's greatest work, and this author also wrote, in the same poem, "Complacencies of the peignoir, and late/ Coffee…And the green freedom of a cockatoo/ Upon a rug mingle to dissipate/ The holy hush of ancient sacrifice". This author of "Sunday Morning" and "Anecdote of the Jar" also wrote of whipping "concupiscient curds" in "kitchen cups" by "the roller of big cigars". For 10 points, name this poet of the collection Harmonium and the poem "The Emperor of Ice-Cream".;;(Wallace) Stevens Physics;;A useful technique named for this man exploits the orthogonality of trigonometric functions and is used to reduce integrals of such functions to the Kronecker delta function, this man's ‘trick'. A modulus named after this man is defined as the ratio of the rate of heat conduction and the rate of heat energy storage. When analyzing a function via a method he names, one often encounters discontinuities known as the Gibbs phenomenon. Known for creating a transform used to go from the time to frequency domain, for 10 points, identify this 19th century physicist whose eponymous series can express any periodic function as a linear combination of sines and cosines.;;(Jean) (Baptiste) (Joseph) Fourier European History;;He succeeded in establishing Seuthes II as the King of Thrace by force. He was forced to take command when Clearchus of Sparta and his officers were treacherously killed during peace negotiations by the Great King Artaxerxes II, who had just defeated and killed its leader, the Younger Cyrus, in the Battle of Cumaxa, as he recounts in his Cyropaedia. His Memorabilia Sokratika are the only 5 extant Socratic dialogues not written by Plato, and his Hellenika is the most reliable chronicle of Greek history from 411 to 364; it continues Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War. For 10 points identify this Greek general and historian, best-known for leading the mercenary army of the Ten Thousand back home, as recorded in his Anabasis or The March Upcountry.;;Xenophon Philosophy;;This work opens with a meditation on the necessity of didactic metaphor and a consideration of a problematic paradox arising from philosophical optimism. It envisions a "prime mover" who empowers heavenly spheres with an animating force, linking them with angels, and proclaims that God can only be described in negative terms before criticizing the principle of kalam. Addressed to the author's student, the author of a dissertation on the problems of creation named Joseph ben Judah, it closes by attempting to apply a logical interpretation to the Mishneh, for which the author also wrote some famous commentaries. For 10 points, identify this guide by Rambam or Maimonides, which seeks to explain the author's views on religion and philosophy to the titular confused individual.;;(The) Guide for the Perplexed Art;;In one painting by this man, a woman is sleeping under a blue cloak as the naked, winged other title character reaches out for her head. In addition to painting Amor and Psyche, he created one work to provide a model for a Bernini bust, and he etched a portrait of Brueghel the Younger. This man is showing off a gold chain on his red silk jacket while pointing to an enormous flower in his Self Portrait With Sunflower. One of his paintings shows the dwarf Jeffrey Hudson looking nervously at Queen Henrietta Maria, and he also created a certain "triple portrait" of an English king. For 10 points, name this painter of Charles I in Hunting Dress who popularized a mustache-and-goatee combo now named for him.;;(Anthony) van Dyck Psychology;;This man made a case study of a young girl who dreamed that the world was swallowed by a sea-serpent but saved by a Christlike figure. In that book, this man wrote of such examples of a title concept as the round flat stone, the red-eyed devil, and the divine quaternity. This author of "Memories, Dreams, and Reflections," "Interpretation of Nature and Psyche," "Synchronicity and Christhood," and "Psychology of Religion" used the afore-described work, Man and His Symbols, to outline his theory of archetypes, animus and anima, and the collective unconscious. For 10 points, name this author of Psychological Types, a Swiss associate of Freud.;;(Carl) Jung Chemistry;;In the Saville reaction, a nitrosyl bonded to one of these compounds is replaced, while a sodium variety reacts with a zinc compound in the Herz reaction. A series where a compound with two of this functional group is added to a carbonyl and treated with Raney Nickel eliminates the carbonyl. Cysteine is the only amino acid belonging to this class of compounds making it important in forming tertiary structures like disulfide bridges. Traditionally referred to as mercaptans, for 10 points, identify this class of molecules which give skunks and onions their foul smell and contain hydrogen-sulfur functional groups.;;thiol Computer Science;;Ones that operate on purely theoretical systems are the "stage" type, and in general they can be created by devices that accept a Backus-Naur Form file as input. "Wide" ones iterate on their intermediate output and are more complex than the "single pass" type. One type can be improved by doing a "pre-JIT" to reduce start-up delay, and a common stage in their operation uses a parse tree to for syntactical analysis. Ones written in the same language they are being used on are called bootstrappers, and on the fly ones are called Just In Time. Sometimes outputting to data that can be read by a virtual machine, for 10 points, name these objects that convert source code into target machine code.;;compiler Geography;;Golomyanka and a species of freshwater seal are among the hundreds of unique species found in this body. Primorsky to its west, Barguzinsky to its east, and Khamar-Daban to its south are among the mountain ranges that surround it. Straddling the border between the Buryat Republic to its southeast and Irkutsk Oblast to the northwest, this narrow lake receives the Uda, Barguzin, and Selenga rivers, while its only outflow is the Angara River. Containing as much fresh water as all of the Great Lakes combined, it is the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume. For 10 points, name this lake located in Russia that, at sixteen hundred thirty-seven meters, is also the world's deepest.;;(Lake) Baikal Philosophy;;This man argued for greater freedom of contract and revision of the legal system in his criticism of the Commentaries of William Blackstone, and he argued for a limitation distinguishing between morals and law in The Theory of Legislation. In another work he discussed a "felicific calculus" created on the basis of our "two sovereign masters," pain and pleasure, and that work, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, introduced his "greatest happiness principle". His ideas would more famously be expounded by John Stuart Mill. For 10 points, name this British philosopher and founder of utilitarianism.;;(Jermey) Bentham European History;;The origins of the modern parliament can be traced to the rule of this royal house, during which the Model Parliament was formed. Its first ruler held the throne concurrently with his second son for thirteen years; that son was married to Margaret, daughter of Louis VII of France, at age five so his father could reacquire the Norman Vexin. It originated with the marriage of Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, to Matilda, the daughter of Henry I. The descendants of Edward III's third and fourth sons, John of Gaunt and Edmund of Langley, respectively formed its cadet houses of Lancaster and York. For 10 points, name this English royal house begun by Henry II that also included Edward I and Richard I.;;Plantagenet Chemistry;;It is the basis of a form of cryptography for which the BB84 and E91 key distribution schemes were developed; these methods use this rule to detect eavesdropping. Einstein considered a box filled with light, whose loss of energy would be associated with a loss of weight, as means of refuting it. Its proof often employs the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and it commonly states that h-bar over 2 must be less than or equal to the product of the standard deviations of position and momentum. For 10 points, name this principle that states that certain pairs of observables cannot exactly be determined to arbitrary precision.;;(Heisenberg) Uncertainty Principle British Literature;;The protagonist of this novel is visited by her sister-in-law, the Countess Gemini, who tells her stories of her husband's past, and other characters in this novel include Mr. Bantling. The protagonist's father dies at the beginning of the novel, and her aunt takes her to London to live at Gardencourt. The protagonist visits London with Henrietta Stackpole and her cousin Ralph Touchett, and she rejects marriage proposals from Lord Warburton and Caspar Goodwood. The protagonist is married to a man whose affair with Madame Merle produced the child Pansy, Gilbert Osmond. For 10 points, name this novel about Isabel Archer, written by Henry James.;;(The) Portrait of a Lady World History;;His first administration saw the addition of three provinces and the planning of a railway spanning the entire country, which would be constructed and completed during his later terms. Three years before he ascended to his most prominent position, in an effort to break the perpetual deadlock of the provincial government, he and George Cartier joined forces with George Brown of the Liberal party to form the Grand Coalition. At the 1864 Charlottetown Conference, he advocated unification of the Province of Canada with the three maritime provinces, leading to the foundation of the Dominion of Canada. Serving from 1867-1873 and again from 1878 until his death, for 10 points, name this first Prime Minister of Canada.;;(Sir) (John) (Alexander) Macdonald Art;;Another painting with the same name was painted nearly a hundred years after the event by Alonzo Chappel. A tower stands against the horizon in the upper left corner, while the upper right is dominated by dark clouds. A man in blue and two men in red lean over the title character, whose musket lies on the ground in front of him. Looking at him from the left side are a shirtless Native American and the green-clad Simon Fraser. These men and others surround the title character, who met his end at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. For 10 points, name this painting depicting the last moments of the titular British Army officer, painted by Benjamin West.;;(The) Death of General Wolfe European Literature;;This man wrote that "the well-dressed creatures come/To sniff among the dead" in his poem "After Lunch". His plays include one about intellectual Lloyd Hutchinson, who is tortured by Nicolas, One for the Road, and another in which Emma is married to Robert but has an affair with Jerry, Betrayal. The brothers Mick and Aston take in, then throw out the tramp Davies in The Caretaker. Meg plans the title event for Stanley in one play, and in another, the titular device orders Ben to kill Gus. For 10 points, name this British author of The Birthday Party and The Dumb Waiter, who died in 2008.;;(Harold) Pinter Economics;;In one work by this man, he defines the title concept as "that portion of the value of the whole produce which remains to the owner of the land," and that work, An Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent, was written during his time at East India Company College. Like Mill and Ricardo, he wrote a work titled Principles of Political Economy, and in another work, he claims that moral restraint and disease are the only way to avoid a crisis, because food supply increases arithmetically while population grows geometrically, and eventually mass starvation will result. For 10 points, name this British economist and author of An Essay on The Principle of Population.;;(Thomas) (Robert) Malthus Biology;;In 2001, Steffan et al found that the protein affected by this disease possessed acetyltransferase activity, which allowed binding to CREB and p300 proteins. That affected protein has 36 to 155 glutamine residues as opposed to the usual 35, often manifesting from poly-CAG repeats. It is characterized by astrogliosis due to loss of spiny neurons, though the most prominent nerve cell loss occurs in the striatum. This disease's symptoms don't usually appear until the age of 30, which is why it propagates despite being fatal and autosomal dominant. For 10 points, name this degenerative genetic disorder associated with its namesake chorea.;;Huntington('s) (Disease) European Literature;;In one work by this author, the king's brother admires the wife of the title character, and despite her refusals Don Gutierre del Solis has her killed. Another features Curcio mortally wounding his son Eusebio. In addition to The Physician of his Honor and The Devotion of the Cross, another work by this man features Clotaldo and the Polish king Basilio, who locks his son in a tower after a prophecy reveals that the son would one day take the father's throne. In addition to that play about Prince Segismund, he wrote a play in which Philip II appoints Pedro Crespo to the titular government position. For 10 points, name this Spanish playwright of Life is a Dream and The Mayor of Zalamea.;;(Pedro) Calderon (de la) (Barca) European History;;The second of the twenty-seven canons passed at this meeting affirmed that any bishop who performed an ordination for money stood to lose his rank. The fifth session of this meeting passed the Definition of the Faith. It appointed Anatolius I to the new position of Patriarch of Constantinople. Pope Leo I rejected Canon Twenty-Eight since it ran contradictory to previous canons from Nicaea. It was called by the emperor Marcian and resulted in a condemnation of the Monophysite heresy. For 10 points, name this fourth ecumenical council, held in 451 CE in Bithynia.;;(Council of) Chalcedon Chemistry;;Chiral oxazaboroladine [ox-AY-zuh-bo-RO-lid-een] has been shown to improve both enantio and regioselectivity for this reaction. Imidazolinium salts catalyze it when an imine is substituted for one of the reactants, and when this reaction is under kinetic control, the endo adduct is favored. As observed in this reaction and its aforementioned aza modification, it requires one of the reactants to be in the s-cis conformation and is driven by HOMO and LUMO overlap between the diene and dienophile respectively. For 10 points, name this reaction which yields a cyclohexene product, a certain 4+2 cycloaddition named for its German discoverers.;;Diels(-)Alder (reaction) United States History;;Section Six of this act allows for people who have served more than two weeks in the army or navy during wartime can take advantage of its provisions even if they fail to meet one of the act's requirements. Sponsored by Galusha A. Grow, one of the first to take advantage of it was army scout from Iowa named Daniel Freeman. It did not expire in Alaska until 1986, ten years after it ended elsewhere. In 1912 it was amended to lower the time requirement to three years from the original five, and Section Five of the act allows for the government to take back a claim if the claimant abandons the claim or changes his residence. For 10 points, name this 1862 act that allowed men to claim one-hundred sixty acres of unoccupied public land.;;Homestead (Act) European Literature;;One character in this novel falls in love with Morten Schartzkopf when she goes to the seashore to avoid the man who would become her first husband, but marries that man due to her family's wishes. She would later divorce that man, Herr Grunlich and marry Herr Permaneder, despite having a daughter, Erica, with Herr Grunlich. After the parents of the titular family, Jean and Frau, die, the children Christian, Antonie, and Tom fight over inheritance, and Tom's son Hanno dies during a typhoid epidemic, bringing an end to the family line. For 10 points, name this novel about the decline of the titular merchant family from Lubeck, a work of Thomas Mann.;;Buddenbrooks Art;;This man designed St. Paul's Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Madison, Wisconsin's Bradley House. He designed the three-zoned Guaranty Building in Buffalo with his partner Dankmar Adler, and the two also collaborated on the Transportation Building for the 1893 Columbian Exposition. He also designed the Carson Pirie Scott department store and a red, ten-story skyscraper in St. Louis. For 10 points, name this architect of the Chicago School and mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright, known for the saying "Form follows function" and designing the Wainwright Building.;;(Louis) Sullivan European History;;One of its provisions called for a joint expedition between the signatory parties to begin within ten months; that expedition never occurred. A dispute resulting from Ferdinand Magellan's discovery of the Moluccas was resolved when an eastern counterpart to this agreement was established by the Treaty of Saragossa. Refining a declaration made by Pope Alexander VI that benefited his home country of Spain, it moved the original line westward to three hundred seventy leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands, placing the area that would become the coast of Brazil under Portuguese rule. For 10 points, identify this 1494 agreement that divided the colonial claims of Spain and Portugal.;;(Treaty of) Tordesillas Music;;One composition of this type and number was based its composer's work as choir director at Central Presbyterian Church and consists of movements entitled "Old Folks' Gatherin'," "Children's Day," and "Communion". In addition to Charles Ives' The Camp Meeting, other examples include Mendelssohn's Scottish. Other compositions of this type and number was so named by August Manns due to its dance rhythms in the finale, Tchaikovsky's Polish, and one composed during its composer's tenure as conductor of the Dusseldorf orchestra and inspired by visits to Cologne, Schumann's Rhenish. Another example was originally dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte. For 10 points, give the number shared by these symphonies, exemplified by Beethoven's Eroica.;;third symphon(y)(ies) American Literature;;Despite having never visited India, this man wrote "Sketches of India," which was one of his two wildly popular travelogues. Late in his life, this man wrote such literary redactions as "The Boy's Froissart," while his earlier works, like "Thar's More in the Man Than Thar Is In The Land," are characterized by a distinctive regional dialect. His only novel is entitled Tiger Lilies, about the wartime experiences of a soldier, and his more notable works include "Centennial Meditation" and "Sunrise," which is contained in his set Hymns of the Marshes, which also contains "The Marshes of Glynn". For 10 points, name this poet of the American South, who wrote "The Song of the Chattahoochee".;;(Sidney) Lanier Mythology;;This figure finds a ziggurat pleasing, and thus promises Enmerkar that she will help him subject Aratta. The Lord of Aratta finally submits after seeing a jeweled scepter, and this figure's brother, Ishkur, causes a great storm to arise, which produces wild wheat and chickpeas. This figure's symbol is two twisted reeds of the doorpost. She also manages to elude the Abgallu when they are sent to stop her boat after Enki drunkenly gives her hundreds of themes. This daughter of Nanna and sister of Utu saves Lulal, Cara, and her messenger Nicurba, but when she comes upon her husband Dumuzi, who is not in mourning, she lets him be taken by demons. Saved by Enki, this figure must first hand over her lapis lazuli measuring rod in her descent into the Underworld. For 10 points, name this sister of Ereshkigal, the Sumerian goddess of love and war.;;Ishtar World Literature;;This author's works of translation influenced his novel which begins with the death of Gaspar Ilom, and deals with the conflict between the Indians, who consider themselves to be the titular figures, and those who merely grow corn. In one of this author's novels, Octavio Sansur attempts to organize a strike. That novel, The Eyes of the Interred, is the last in the "Banana Trilogy", which also includes Strong Wind and The Green Pope. Another novel by this author begins with the Zany killing Colonel Sonriente. Later, General Canales has a heart attack after reading that the titular figure was present at his daughter Camila's wedding and Angelface is arrested. For 10 points, name this author of Men of Maize and El Senor Presidente.;;(Miguel) (Angel) Asturias Music;;Levon Chilingirian reconstructed the final two movements of this man's unfinished String Quartet #2 in F, while his four Symphonic Dances took their themes from folksongs collected by L. M. Lindeman. One of this man's largest works, which features a secondary theme rescored for trumpets on the advice of Liszt, opens the third and final movement with a march rhythm in the clarinets and bassoons, but may be more famous for the tympani roll and crashing downward flourish that begins its first movement. His stage works include incidental music for Sigurd Jorsalfur as well as a collection that opens with the sunrise of "Morning Mood". For 10 points, name this composer who, like Robert Schumann, wrote a Piano Concerto in A Minor as well as the Peer Gynt suites.;;(Edvard) Grieg Computer Science;;The proto types of these are more lightweight because they do not contain a stack, while the break and squeeze operations are used in micro ones. Solutions to get around one of their problems can be found in Peterson's and Dekker's Algorithms, both of which are examples of mutex algorithms. Functions that interact well of these, such as reentrant functions, are characterized by not returning static pointers and by protecting shared variables. In C, the posix type of them is usually used, and semaphores and locks help avoid race conditions and help synchronize them.  For 10 points, name these programming constructs which allow for concurrently executing processes.;;(execution) thread(s) European History;;This man's claim to part of London forms the basis of the rationing-era film Passport to Pimlico. Although that claim is entirely fictional, in real life he did have very close ties to the English ruling house; he was married to Margaret of York, and gave shelter to her brother, Edward IV, when he was briefly deposed in 1470. He had previously married daughters of the King of France and the Duke of Bourbon. Despite these apparent dynastic successes, upon his death at the hands of Swiss pikemen at Nancy, he left as heir only his daughter, Mary, and, within decades, his realms were split between the Valois and the Habsburgs. For 10 points, name this man whose overreaching ambition to unite the Low Countries with the rest of his domain led to his being effectively the last Duke of Burgundy.;;Charles (the) Bold;;Charles Economics;;He was sued for defamation by economist John Lott in April 2006 for claiming that Lott had bribed the editors of the Journal of Law and Economics to publish his paper without being peer-reviewed, and was required by the judge to admit that this had not occurred. He studied the effect of prison population on crime by examining ACLU overcrowding lawsuits, and with Ian Ayres, he found a large positive externality for using LoJack. He has also studied the negative effects of incentives, as illustrated in his studies of cheating schoolteachers, cheating sumo wrestlers, and, most controversially, his claim that legalized abortion has significantly reduced the crime rate. For 10 points, name this University of Chicago economist who was awarded the John Bates Clark Medal in 2003 and who is the co-author, along with Stephen Dubner, of the bestselling book Freakonomics.;;(Steven) (David) Levitt Geography;;This place's Mount Isa Mines produce large amounts of copper, lead, zinc and silver. Its Far North portion, which occupies the majority of the Cape York Peninsula, recently considered secession. That area borders the Torres Strait to the north, and contains Cooktown and Cairns. Its capital lies on Moreton Bay and was originally called Edenglassie, after Edinburgh and Glasgow. Now that capital is known as the River City, for its namesake river. This place's Sunshine Coast gives it its nickname, the Sunshine State, and the city of Gold Coast is popular for surfing. The Gulf of Carpenteria lies to its northwest, and the Coral Sea is to the east. For 10 points, name this territory east of the Northern Territory and to the north of New South Wales, with capital at Brisbane.;;Queensland Physics;;When this is strong and temperature is low, electrons in the conduction band behave as oscillators and thus conductivity is quantized in the Shubnikov-van Alphen effect. Using the Josephson effect, a SQUID can detect this to high precision, and it can cause the separation of Landau levels, in addition to causing hysteresis, in some metals. Inducing a quantized resistivity in the quantum Hall effect, it is expelled from superconductors in the Meissner effect. Resulting in a split in p orbital energies of hydrogen in the Zeeman effect, for 10 points, name this type of field whose divergence is zero according to Gauss's law for it, thereby disproving the notion of its monopoles.;;magnetic field Art;;On the lower right, a green plant bridges the gap between a trailing white cloth and a dark space across the bottom. Of the six figures, only one, a bearded man in brown, looks towards the viewer; his haggard face contrasts with his sturdy, muscular calves. The main composition is a cascade that begins with Mary of Cleophas' upraised arms, is continued by the bowed heads of two other women and a shadowy figure in green whose fingers dig into an open wound, and ends in the arc of the central figure's arm, which was quoted by David in Death of Marat. Nicodemus' sharply highlighted elbow echoes the outward thrust of the stone slab on which the figures stand. For 10 points, name this Caravaggio painting that depicts Jesus' dead body being carried into his grave.;;(The) Entombment (of Christ) European History;;Exempted from obedience to local laws by one of Pope Innocent II's papal bulls, this group was aided by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, who advocated the creation of the Council of Troyes. After they were involved in several unsuccessful campaigns, including the defeat at the Battle of the Horns of Hattin, this group lost Acre, Tortosa, and finally Arwad Island. At the Battle of Montgisard, they helped defeat Saladin's army, and they were founded after the First Crusade by Hugues de Payens and Godfrey de Saint-Omer to protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. Pope Clement V was bullied into instructing monarchs to arrest all belonging to this group, and Philip IV of France led in the arrest and execution of its Grand Master Jacques de Molay. For 10 points, name this military order, which wore distinctive white mantles with red crosses.;;(Knights) Templar Math Theory;;For initial value problems, he names a boundary condition that is a weighted mean of the Dirichlet and Neumann conditions, and he names the existence and uniqueness theorem for analytical PDEs with Kowalevski. He lends his name to some equations that provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a differentiable function to be holomorphic in an open set with Riemann. On an inner product space, the absolute value of the inner product of x and y is less than or equal to the norm of x times the norm of y in a statement attributed to him and a German. For 10 points, identify this French mathematician, who names that inequality with Schwarz.;;(Augustin) (Louis) Cauchy British Literature;;In one of this man's works, he wrote that "dragonflies draw flame; as tumbled over rim in roundy wells". Homoerotic longing is expressed in such works of his as "Epithalamion" and "The Bugler's First Communion". In addition towriting "The May Magnificat" and "Heaven-Haven," this man coined the term "twindles" to express a combination of twine and dwindles, in his poem "Inversnaid". Religion inspired him to write a poem memorializing some nuns, "The Wreck of the Deutschland" and some of his other poetry includes "Pied Beauty," "Carrion Comfort," and "As Kingfishers Catch Fire". For 10 points, name this Victorian poet, author of "The Windhover" and user of sprung rhythm.;;(Gerard) (Manley) Hopkins Philosophy;;In this work's second book, the author states that "With music one can seduce men to every error and every truth: who could refute a tone"? in section 106, titled "Music as advocate". Its prelude includes such lines as "smooth ice is nice for those who dance with expertise" and "like the flame, unquenched, unsated, I consume myself and glow" among 63 rhymes, the penultimate of which is titled after another of the author's books. In one of its most famous sections, the author discusses how society has yet to overcome an immense shadow on the wall of a cave, and he also brings up a demon who reveals that life is to be lived over again eternally, foreshadowing a topic in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. For 10 points, name this work by Friedrich Nietzsche which asserts that "God is dead".;;(The) Gay Science European History;;Heinrich Sudermann filled the new post of Syndic and tried to revive its power in later years. Earlier, after a loss at the Battle of Helsingborg, it formed the Cologne Confederation. Broken into three parts, the most powerful of which was the Wendish third, it built foreign posts known as Kontor including Bergen, Peterhof, and the Steelyard. After a successful blockade of Copenhagen, it signed the Treaty of Stralsund, which cemented a victory over King Valdemar IV of Denmark by extorting 15 percent of Denmark's trading profits. It convened at a Diet, with representatives from 70 to 170 cities, which periodically met at the city of Lubeck. For ten points, name this alliance of trading cities and guilds that maintained a trade monopoly along the coast of Northern Europe during the late Middle Ages.;;Hanseatic League United States History;;Even though this was passed over a Presidential veto, that President went on to use it twelve. Written by J. Mack Swigert, more Democrats supported this than not, though the CIO continued to support them and campaigned vigorously based on a never-fulfilled promise to repeal this law. In addition to protection for workers' pensions, this act provided for more power by the General Counsel, who could seek mandatory injunctions against secondary boycotts. Additionally, this codified an earlier Supreme Court case which gave employers the constitutional right to express their opposition to unions and allowed states to pass right-to-work laws. In addition to requiring that union officers had to sign non-communist affidavits with the government, it defined a list of unfair labor practices on the part of unions. For 10 points, name this act which amended the Wagner Act, sponsored by republicans from New Jersey and Ohio.;;Taft(-)Hartley (Act) European Literature;;Despite her liberal leanings, Mrs. Busk is forced to fire Petra after receiving three anonymous letters. When Morten and Ejlif are sent home for fighting, their father resolves to open his own school and educate them himself, thus producing "high-minded men" capable of driving out the "wolves". The main character proclaims "the majority never has right on its side" in front of a gathering of townspeople at Captain Horster's house, leading them to call him by the title epithet as the publisher of "The People's Herald" turns against him. The main character's father-in-law offers him a deal if he will retract his statements that Morten Kiil's tannery is polluting the baths that the townspeople believe will bring them prosperity. Dr. Stockmann is, for 10 points, the titutlar character of what play by Henrik Ibsen?;;(An) Enemy of the People Music;;The final chorus of this opera, "Diecimila anni al nostro Imperatore!" is sometimes cut in favor of a pianissimo ending. The protagonist undertakes his challenge after "Signore, ascolta!" and proceeds to ring a gong before being asked questions whose answers are hope, blood, and the name of the female protagonist. In Act III, a slave girl is tortured to the horror of her father Timur, and Liu accuses the title character of being icy before committing suicide; all of this occurs as a result of the male protagonist's challenge and his aria "Nessun Dorma". The Prince of Tartary reveals he is named Calaf at the end of, for 10 points, what opera about the titular princess who kills her suitors, by Puccini?;;Turandot Biology;;Chemotaxis in these organisms is maintained by GPCRs on the cilia of neurons found in the phasmid at the posterior and the inner labial organs or amphid at the anterior. Possessing a 302-cell nervous system, these organisms will be used to study molecular atrophy on the International Space Station after it was found they survived the 2003 Columbia disaster. One of these was the first multi-cellular organism to have its genome sequenced, and because this organism eats RNA readily, RNAi studies are commonly performed on it. For 10 points, name this model organism for RNAi and apoptosis studies, a worm-like nematode common in biology research.;;C(.)(aenorhabditis) elegans Chemistry;;The Danishefsky Taxol synthesis replaces a hydroxyl group with a selenide for further reaction in the Grieco version of this, while in another variety of this reaction, a tosylhydrazone is formed from a carbonyl and then cleaved by an alkoxide in the Bamford-Stevens version. Alkyllithium can also be used in the Shapiro reaction of this type, while a hydroxylamine can be generated as a side product in the Cope version. More famously, methyl iodide and silver oxide can be used to remove an amine in the Hofmann version, which has selectivity opposite to Zaitsev's rule. For 10 points, name this type of reaction coming in E1 and E2 varieties, which culminates in double bond formation.;;elimination European History;;He staged a sea battle on the Fucine Lake with the silver Triton rising from the center to start the fight, added a Procurator of the Tiber Bank to the senatorial commission charged with preventing flooding, and completed the Anio Novus by bringing it over the Praenestine Gate. He gave clemency to Caractacus, who lived out the rest of his life in Rome after being part of the victory that gave his son his name. That son was with Messalina, but was murdered after this man's successor and son-in-law by marriage, Nero, took the throne. For 10 points, name this emperor who oversaw the conquest of Britain and was likely poisoned by his niece and wife, Agrippina.;;(Tiberius) Claudius (Caesar) (Augustus) (Germanicus) Computer Science;;One implementation of these data structures moves only items with a certain longer sequence, the "Robin Hood" method of its key step. Overlay Networks are often used to manage a variant of these, distributed structures which allow some BitTorrent clients to operate without a tracker. These data structures, which can be implemented with open addressing, are prone to secondary clustering when quadratic probing is used in their key step. Bucketing and chaining are two approaches to handling collisions in these structures. For 10 points, name these data structures which can give Big O of 1 access time by using a namesake code for each entry.;;hash table(s) United States History;;One of the concurring opinions used a mathematical formula that used data from 1950 to create fractions with denominators of 99. Frankfurter's dissent argued that Colegrove v. Green should cause the case to be dismissed for want of jurisdiction, and Harlan's dissent challenges Clark's math, saying that Moore County does not, in practice, have one third of a senator. Brought against the Secretary of State of Tennessee by a resident of the booming Shelby county, for 10 points, name this 1962 court case that ruled that not updating electoral districts to reflect changes of population violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.;;Carr (v Baker)|Baker (v Carr) Mythology;;He is the god associated with the Mazatl, or deer, day sign in the Codex Borgia, as well as with the diseases of dropsy and rheumatism. His father was occasionally said to be the moon god Tecciztecatl, while his consort was known as "She Who Wears a Jade Skirt", Chalchiuhtlicue. He was commonly depicted as blue with a mask or rings around his eyes, and during the sixth month of the year, his priests shook "fog rattles" and bathed in the lake to appease him. For 10 points, name this counterpart to the Mayan Chac, an Aztec god of water and rain.;;Ttaloc American Literature;;This author described the town of Eriecreek as "mortally dull, narrow, and uncongenial" as the hometown of Kitty who takes up with Arbuton, a personification of Boston, in A Chance Acquaintance. Some consider his character of Squire Gaylord to be modeled on Mark Twain, although probably not the part where he walks out on his wife Marcia, who then finds solace in the arms of Ben Halleck. In addition to the novel about divorce A Modern Instance, he is best known for a work in which Tom Corey falls in love with Penelope, who along with Irene, are heiresses of a paint fortune. For 10 points, name this author of The Rise of Silas Lapham.;;(William) (Dean) Howells Chemistry;;Industrially, pentaerythritol is produced by reacting this compound with acetaldehyde, and when dehydrated this compound yields trioxane. Under basic conditions, it undergoes the Cannizzaro reaction to create methanol. The most common wood adhesive is formed by combining it with phenol, and an elimination reaction between phenol and this compound creates bakelite. Iron oxide with molybdenum is the usual catalyst for producing it from methanol and diatomic oxygen, which produces excess water. Often used as a preservative in laboratory experiments, this is, for 10 points, what compound with formula CH2O, the simplest aldehyde?;;formaldehyde European Literature;;One of these poems asks Esau not to plant himself in the speaker's heart because the speaker grows too quickly. This evokes the first, which describes a growing tree that ushered in a silence where everything was new in an auditory temple. The fifth states that the title character is present whenever there is song, that the bars of the Lyre are no prison to him, and that no memorial should be built for him. The eighth of the second section mentions a child who sometimes steps under the falling ball and is in memoriam of the author's cousin Egon, who died in childhood. Written after the death of and dedicated to Vera Knoop, a playmate of his daughter, for 10 points, name this collection of Rilke addressed to the Thracian king who invented the lyre.;;Sonnets to Orpheus European History;;During this conflict, Danish and Frisian troops helped Sancho I capture Alvor, and Iconium was taken by a force that had earlier captured Adrianople; however, the momentum of the latter force was lost when its leader died near the Salif River. Another force had to detour to Cyprus in order to free Berengaria, the fiancee of one of its leaders. Finally united at Acre, the attacking forces won the city and then fought a pitched battle at Arsuf. It failed to take Jerusalem, and in 1192 Saladin agreed to allow pilgrims access to the city, thus ending the conflict. For 10 points, name this crusade which saw the peacemaking efforts of Philip II, the death of Frederick Barbarossa, and the quick return to England by Richard the Lion-Hearted.;;Third Crusade Linguistics;;His "normal form" involves rules that produce either two intermediate symbols or a terminal. Schuetzenberger's name is sometimes also attached to a system named for this man that divides families of strings into recursively enumerable, context sensitive, context free, and regular types with increasing numbers, called his "hierarchy". A series of lectures delivered in Pisa were published as his Lectures of Government and Binding , which was further developed in his Minimalist Program, which argued that the rules of language were inate. This man advanced his theory of transformational-generative grammar in Syntactic Structures. For 10 points, name this MIT linguist and political activist.;;(Avram) (Noam) Chomsky Art;;Its foundation used "pincushion" concrete posts anchored in mud inspired by Violet-le-Duc, and Peter Blake claimed that the door handles were placed so high that maids sometimes had to stand on tiptoe to open doors. Its construction was supervised by Antonin Raymond, whose wife once spent the night in bed with Miriam Noel and the architect of this building. Surviving a 1923 earthquake, it was eventually dismantled, and the facade and reflecting pool were taken to Inuyama. For 10 points, name this hotel constructed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan.;;(the) Imperial Hotel Chemistry;;Sulfonamides given to neonates compete with it for binding to albumin, which itself keeps this compound from passing through the blood-brain barrier and causing kernicterus. The Van den Bergh reaction has been used to quantify this compound, which is conjugated by UGT1A1 to become water-soluble.  Newborns naturally have more of this because in utero red blood cells have a shorter lifetime than in adults. The product of heme catabolism, it is commonly implicated in the discoloration associated with jaundice. For 10 points, name this yellow pigment found in the liver, a major product of bile.;;bilirubin British Literature;;One of his characters is annoyed when his girlfriend slips a gift of tobacco into his pocket, and appears in the same novel as Philip Ravelston, who edits the newspaper The Anarchist and is loosely modeled on the author's friend Richard Rees. That character is the best friend of Gordon Comstock, the author of London Pleasures and protagonist of Keep the Aspidistra Flying. In a similar autobiographical work, the author escapes hunger by remembering the deposit on lamp fuel and works in a French hotel in Down and Out in London and Paris. His time in India, Burma, and Spain is recounted in the autobiographical works Burmese Days, and Homage to Catalonia. For 10 points, name this English author best known for portraying the nation of Oceania and its ruling party, Ingsoc, in 1984.;;(George) Orwell Music;;John Phillip Sousa played a song from this work at the wedding of Grover Cleveland, plainly telling Frances Folsom that she had better succumb. Mike Todd and the WPA Federal Theater Project in Chicago both produced all-black versions of it, which added the adjectives "Hot" and "Swing" to the title, respectively. A racial epithet is usually changed to "banjo" in the song "I've got a Little List," which is very similar in its misanthropic vitriol to the song sung by the title character expressing his humanity. Inspired by a Japanese sword falling in the home of its librettist, its production was the subject of Mike Leigh's Topsy Turvy. For 10 points, name this operetta containing "Three Little Maids" by Gilbert and Sullivan about the faked death and marriage of the son of a Japanese ruler.;;(the) Mikado World History;;In what is now this nation, eighteen men under Gabriel Towerson were killed in 1623 at Amboyna. Senapati challenged the Pajang kingdom and formed the Mataram dynasty, and his successor Agung brought Islam to the region. Previously, Hayam Wuruk brought the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit to power. The first European settlements here were established at Banten and Batavia by the Dutch, who were expelled by Hisaichi Terauchi, who hoped to use this nation's oil resources. For 10 points, name this nation of southeast Asia that achieved independence under Mohammad Hatta and Sukarno and is now home to the world's largest Muslim population.;;Indonesia Math Theory;;He showed that, for a squarefree integer n in the equation x-squared minus n y-squared equals one that there are infinitely many x and y. In addition to creating continued fractions to solve Pell's equation, he also published the first proof of Wilson's theorem. He proved that, for any subgroup of a finite group, the order of the subgroup divides the original group, and also created a technique for performing constrained maximization that uses his multipliers. For 10 points, name this French mathematician whose five points in an orbital system are the positions where a body affected only by gravity can remain stationary.;;(Joseph) (Louis) Lagrange Geography;;This country is the home of the Impala Orchestra. Lakes Muhazi and Ihema are located in the east of this country, whose cities include Gitarama and Butare. Karisimbi is the highest peak of its northwestern Virunga Mountains, and it shares Lake Kivu with its western neighbor. It is located to the north of a country that shared in its mid-90s ethnic strife, Burundi. For 10 points, name this country that also borders Zaire, Uganda, and Tanzania, the site of a genocidal civil war between Tutsis and Hutus.;;Rwanda Philosophy;;He delivered a series of lectures on the political system of Greece and the role of technology in society as reflected in a poem about the Danube. In 1926 he was visited by a man whom he criticized for having a lack of historical understanding and prioritizing theoretical knowing. That former teacher was later removed from the dedication page of his masterwork upon the suggestion of Niemeyer. His former lover called his treatment of Husserl tantamount to homicide as he, acting as Rector of Freiburg University, expelled academics of Jewish descent. For 10 points, name this German philosopher and Nazi collaborator, proponent of the concept of Dasein, and author of Being and Time.;;(Martin) Heidegger Art;;In one of this artist's works, a red fleur-de-lis hangs from a heraldic trumpet and columns separate the work into three vertical sections containing heralds, nuns, and a woman in childbirth, respectively. In addition to this non-biblical nativity now known as the Berlin Tondo, he painted a work in which a man kneels into the water at the left . Another work shows an angel robed in red holding a sword above two weeping nude figures walking from an archway and can be found in the same Florintine church. For 10 points, name this successor of Masolino whose The Tribute Money and The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden can be seen in the Brancacci Chapel.;;Masaccio World Literature;;One of his poems mentions a "hated poet" who, after realizing that success and poetry are mutually exclusive, threw himself in a river in 278 BC. Another poem discusses the moon shining bright on a southern port city, his two children alone and not knowing why his wife is crying over his absence. His poem "Gazing at Spring" is recalled by a haiku about Yoshitsune's final defeat by Basho, as both note that rivers and hills remain where there was once a great battle. The author of "The Ballad of the Army Carts," his life was disrupted by the An Lushan rebellion, and legend states that he died after overindulgence of food and wine after a ten day fast. For 10 points name this younger of the two great Tang poets who wrote many poems addressed to Li Bai.;;Tu Fu Physics;;Page and Ceilker used a quantum decision process to determine the measurement procedure of this, while Saulnier and Frisch used ballistic motion to measure it. In the first experiment to calculate it, a small ball was placed to the outside of a larger ball within an isolating box, with the entire apparatus inside a barn with an opening for a telescope. The telescope observed the point when the torsion of the rope equaled the attraction between the two lead balls. For 10 points, name this constant measured by the Cavendish experiment that controls the weakest of the fundamental forces.;;(universal) gravitation(al) constant European Literature;;This man edited Bartolomeo Marliani's Topographia antiquae Romae for Sebastien Gryphe. This author published a mock almanac, the title of which refers to the Prognostications of one of his most famous characters. In one of this author's works, a character explains his cursing to a monk by suggesting that it is a Ciceronian embellishment of language and that title character is born through the ear of his mother after she consumed too much tripe. Bakhtin discusses the concept of the carnivalesque in a book about this author and his world, and this writer used the pseudonym Alcofribas Nasier to publish many of his works, for 10 points name this 16th century ribald Frenchie author of Gargantua and Pantagruel.;;(Francois) Rabelais Mythology;;One of this man's warriors has a magical love spot on his head that makes him irresistible to women. Though this man was grieving over the loss of his most recent wife, his associates find him a new one: the great-granddaughter of Conn the Hundred Fighter. But upon gazing on the love spot of his associate, this man's betrothed falls in love with Diarmuid, but this warrior pardons him. At the Battle of Gabhair, this leader's grandson is killed with a joke on his lips by the mortally wounded Lifechair, causing this hero to weep for the first time. The enemy of Goll MacMorna, the father of Oisin, and noted eater of the salmon of knowledge, for 10 points, name this semi-mythical hunter-warrior of Irish mythology, hero of the Fenian Cycle.;;(Finn) MacCool American Literature;;The author, publishing a brief analysis of this work, makes no claim of originality as its construction is attributed to Balzac's "Le Grand Breteche" and Browning's "The Ring and the Book". In one scene the title character concludes that Denis Eady, the son of an ambitious Irish grocer whose effrontery introduced "smart" business methods to the village, now deserved a horse-whipping after dancing with a young lady whom he had been sent to fetch. Earlier in this novel, the narrator, after speaking of an engineering job he had had in Florida, has his missing volume of popular science returned to him by the title character. Tragedy is set in motion during an erotically tinged scene involving a troublesome cat and Aunt Philura's wedding gift, a red-glass pickle dish. Set in Starkville, Massachusetts and centered on the ill-fated romance between the title character and Zeena's cousin, Mattie Silver, for 10 points, name this novel featuring a sled-riding accident written by Edith Wharton.;;Ethan Frome Chemistry;;If upon diagonalizing the Hamiltonian of the two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillators where g is quadratic coupling constant associated with this effect, in the case of vanishing g, the potentials of the equation are referred to as a "Mexican hat". Two adiabatic electron states can model the selection rule of vibronic coupling associated with the E x E version of this effect. The benzene cation often experiences multi-mode and pseudo versions of this effect and it frequently occurs in the d and e sub g orbitals in octahedral complexes. For 10 points, name this doubly eponymous effect which predicts distortions in molecular shape due to non-degenerate valence molecular orbitals.;;Jahn(-)Teller (Effect) World History;;One campaign against this people was led by 27 officers including: Redvers Buller, Evelyn Wood and Frederick Maurice, who would later be referred to as this polity's ring or in punning reference to its leader the "Garnet Ring". That leader would establish a West Indian Battalion at Prasu and a staging post at Formena in 1874 for an attack on this polity's capital. The conflict was initiated by the ascension of this polity's King Kofi Karikari in 1867 who had mounted two military expeditions against the Elmina. Upon which, command was given to Maj. Gen. Garnet Wolseley who generated a successful attack against this polity's forces at Essaman and decisively beat this polity at Amoafu, though when he arrived in this kingdom's capital, Kumasi, he found it empty and razed to the ground. For 10 points, name this West African Kingdom that was located in present day Ghana that possessed a sacred Golden Stool.;;Ashanti (Empire) Psychology;;This work closes with lines from Friedrich Ruckert's translation of Hariri's Makamen, as consolation for those unhappy with the faulting progress of science. Michael Poizat in The Angel's Cry offers that this work's titular analysis can help to explain why people would stand outdoors for more than a dozen hours to watch a performance of Tristan and Isolde. The author argues that only the traumatic, specifically war. genuinely contradicts the title concept. The author asserts that due to the primality of the inanimate over the animate, we conclude though acts of neurotic repetition that the goal of all life is death. Introducing "Thanatos" or the death instinct as a modification to a previous conceptual framework, for 10 points, name this 1920 work of psychology, representing a major theoretical shift in the thought of its author Sigmund Freud.;;Beyond the Pleasure Principle Art;;In one work, Lynda Nead suggests in regard to an event surrounding this work of art that it symbolizes a rather crude perception of feminist views of male-engendered images of femininity. This work's provenance is first recorded in June 1651 in the collection of the Marqués del Carpio. With a partially drawn red curtain in the background, the title character's attention is drawn to the center of the painting, and the object of the title character's gaze is slightly obstructed by a pink tassels. Titian's and Reubens's depiction of the same subject, unlike this work, has the title character sitting upright. One of this painting's alternate titles is due to its place in the Moritt Collection in Yorkshire and in 1914 the suffragette Mary Richardson famously attacked it. Also the title of a Francis Boucher painting, the only surviving female nude by its painter, for 10 points, name this work of Diego Valezquez showing the title figure looking at reflection of herself held up by Cupid.;;(The) Toilet of Venus|Rokeby Venus Math Theory;;A 1990 paper by M. J. Wiener showed that it could be made more efficient by using values like F0, F2, and F4, while PSS implementations are typically less favored over the PKCS#1.15 implementation of it. Another way to implement this algorithm, discouraged by ANSI X9.31, sets the two highest and one lowest bits of a number, and increments by two until the Rabin-Miller test returns true. Its speed is increased with a quintuple storing information like the coefficient of the Chinese Remainder Theorem.  Its key step computes an exponent, e, from the product of two large prime numbers.  For 10 points, name this public-key encryption method, named for its three formulators.;;RSA (Encryption) European History;;While speaking at the defunct Dowlais Iron and Steel works, this man's comment "Something should be done," was interpreted as an attack on the current Conservative government's economic policies. In his most significant post he made a rare radio address from Fort Belvidere. The British Foreign Office objected to this man's plan to tour aboard the yacht of Swedish magnate Axel Wennergren, considered a close friend of Herman Goering's. Also a former Duke of Wuttermberg advised the FBI that this noble's wife was likely engaged in an affair with the German ambassador, von Ribbentrop, and his 1937 visit to Nazi Germany were all seen as evidence of his pro-Nazi stance. Succeeded by George VI, in part due to Stanley Baldwin's unwillingness to accept this man's morganatic nuptial with Wallis Simpson, for 10 points, name this king who abdicated the throne of the United Kingdom in 1936.;;Edward (VIII|the Eighth){1}? Music;;The 1893 program for this work co-written by the composer's friend Ferdinand Pfohl mentions the French Engraver Callot, though he is misidentified as the creator of a work, that is actually by the Austrian painter Moritz von Schwind, which inspired the third section of this piece. The opening bars have the strings play unison A over seven octaves. The final movement is described in the program, "like the suddenly erupting cry of a heart wounded to its depths". Audiences were scandalized when a double bass solo, in the third section of this symphony inspired by "The Huntsman's Funeral," introduced the canon Frere Jacque in the minor. Two of this symphony's titled sections including ‘Memories of Youth' and one of its discarded sections "Blumine" refer to at least two works by the novelist Jean Paul Richter. For 10 points, name this first symphony of Gustav Mahler.;;Titan (Symphony) Geography;;Isolation from the surrounding region occurred during the Yoldia Sea brackish stage and this body of water's initial formation occurred during the Younger Dryas stadial at the end of the Weichsel glaciation. A song title by the Dutch death-metal band Hail of Bullets suggests a massacre occurred at this place. According to the provisions set out by the Treaty of Tartu neither party could have warships above a certain tonnage on this body of water, and a common grave between the two signatories lies in Rahmaa Island located here. The Road of Life was a supply transport across this body of water and provided relief during the Siege of Leningrad, and major tributaries of this body of water include the Volkhov and Svir Rivers and its primary outflow is the Neva. Located east of the Karelian Isthmus in Northwestern Russia, for 10 points, name this largest freshwater lake in Europe.;;(Lake) Ladoga Art;;An attendee of William Shipley's "Academy in the Strand" who was later apprenticed to Richard Wilson painted War-Boats of this location, and Andrew Martin in The Enlightenment in Paradise critiques the utopian depiction of this place that Louis-Antoine Bougainville provides, dubbing it "New Cythera" in his 1771 travelogue, Journey around the World. The autobiographical novel The Marriage of Loti tells of the main character's love affair with a woman from this island and William Hodges also painted A View of Maitavie Bay from here. While on the HMS Resolution, Hodges accompanied James Cook on two voyages here, and a more famous painter arrived here in 1891 to escape European civilization. For 10 points, name this largest member of the Windward Society Islands in French Polynesia.;;Tahiti Art;;One painting in the Tate by this artist has his brother as a model, and its constantly reworked presentation evokes a sense of the artist's scrutiny in Seated Man. A head rises from a body that looks like it was formed by hardened flowing lava, in this artist final bust in a series Elie Lotar III. Among his innovations include his "cage sculptures" like No More Play and the macabre Point to the Eye. A man standing atop a slanted pedestal holds an invisible object in Hands Holding the Void and another of this artist's works includes a composition made of wood, glass, wire and string that features a mini-human skeleton and pterodactyl in Palace at 4 am. For 10 points, name this Swiss sculptor of Woman With Her Throat Cut and his wiry and extremely elongated Walking Man series.;;(Alberto) Giacometti British Literature;;Ralph Waldo Emerson in Parnassus, offers that this poem is about the death of a poet and his poetical mistress, but suggests a prize be given to an essay that explains its "frames and allusions". It describes the "mutual flame" of the two figures with a metaphysical conceit "Two distincts: divisions none/Number there in love was slain". This poem's preoccupation of the paradox of unity in duality is further illustrated by such lines as "Property was thus appaled/That the self was not the same/Neither two nor one was called". Historicized interpretations have offered that the title figures refer to either John and Ursula Salisbury or Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex. First published in a collection edited by Robert Chester, Love's Martyr or Rosalins Complaint; it attributes "Single Nature's double name" to the two titular birds. For 10 points, identify this poem by William Shakespeare.;;(The) Pheonix and the Turtle World Literature;;In Dryden and Lee's version of this work, they add a sleep-walking scene which resembles the one in Macbeth. Hofmannsthal's version includes a second title character and thus shares its title with a painting by Ingres on the same theme. In addition to Gide's darkly comic existentialist version, Corneille's version of this play attempts to maintain the bienseance of his time by exonerating both kings of the killing of Laius. Cocteau's treatment of this play introduces the Egyptian god Anubis and the description "the bitch that sings" refers to the winged creature that is killing the people of Thebes and is titled The Infernal Machine. For 10 points, name this Sophocles play wherein the title character blinds himself on the broaches of Jocasta's dress.;;Oedipus Rex Math Theory;;He defended his doctoral dissertation on "Tschirnhaus transformations: algebraic equations with one unknown" under the supervision of Franz Meyer. This physicist's most important contribution was partially anticipated by the work of Nordstrom and Larmor, who both used the flat Minkowski space, which could not explain the deflection of light in a gravitational field. He utilized a universal tensor from which the electromagnetic and gravitational fields arise, with a cylindrical condition or "fifth world dimension". For 10 points, name this German mathematician, whose work was modified by Klein and forms the basis of modern string theory.;;(Theodore) Kaluza United States History;;This event was precipitated by the Sun Dance Alliance, which encouraged a certain migration. In an attempt to subdue the exodus the Army orchestrated a three-pronged movement organized into the Terry, Gibbon and Crook columns. All went awry when the Crook column was held up at the Battle of Rosebud River, and the trail left by the 7th Cavalry scouts who were at the Crow's Nest were discovered, destroying any possibility of a surprise attack. For 10 points, name this engagement of the Back Hills War a victory for the combined forces of the Lakota and Northern Cheyenne, led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, fought on June 1876 and which saw Custer's Last Stand.;;(Battle of) Little Big Horn Religion;;The name of this event in the Septuagint is referred to in Deuteronomy and Exodus and the interval which sets the date of this holiday is determined from Exodus 19:1. In the Hellenistic Era, this religious celebration was associated with the renewal of the covenant with Noah as described in Genesis 9. The author of Acts gives new significance to this holiday; the lines "a sound like the rush of a violent wind" and "tongues, as of fire," refer to the arrival of a certain entity, and the tradition of glossolalia is associated with this festival. Coinciding with the Jewish holiday Shauvot or the Feast of Weeks, for 10 points, name this religious festival that in Christianity celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter.;;Pentecost European History;;Selection for participation in this event required having one's finger to be cut off or alternatively the uplifting of a root of a cedar tree. Detachments which participated in this struggle include the Tenth "Fretensis," the Third "Cyrenaica," the Fourth "Scythica," the Second "Trajana". Dio Cassius suggests that the incident which precipitated this event was the construction of a building in Aelia Capitolina though Eusebius suggests that the temple was built after this conflict concluded. The final major stand during this conflict occurred at the siege of Bethar, and the emperor requested the services of Julius Severus, whose tactic of avoiding open battle and blocking the Judean food supply proved to be effective. This rebellion saw its own coinage minted during the reign of Hadrian, for 10 points name this revolt begun in 132 CE whose eponymous leader was given the title of "Son of a Star".;;Bar Kokhba (Revolt) Biology;;In Drosophilia oocytes, the frequency of this event has been positively correlated with the number of dense spherical bodies bridging the central region of the synaptonemal complex. In 1931, using maize, Creighton and McClintock showed that in linked genes, this process was accompanied by a visible exchange of markers thus elucidating its physical basis. It is commonly preceded by the formation of the chiasmata and is a source for genetic variability. Occurring during prophase, this is, for 10 points, what process whereby alleles on one chromosome may be exchanged with their alternative alleles on a homologous chromosome.;;crossing over Philosophy;;This thinker utilizes Paul Valery's quote "A difficulty is a light, an insurmountable difficulty is a sun," in order to motivate his definition of ‘anomaly' in a work subtitled, "An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary". In his doctoral dissertation, this man delineates "six primitive" types, in an analysis of a theory of sequences as presented in Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica. In one work, he generates an existential generalization by replacing ‘Xanthippe' with the ‘wife of Socrates' in order to dispense with definite descriptors. This philosopher advances the work of David Hume in a 1969 essay to promote a form of ‘naturalized epistemology' and he suggests famously, "to be is to be the value of a variable," in his collection From a Logical Point of View. For 10 points, name this Harvard philosopher author of Word and Object and "Two Dogmas of Empiricism".;;(W(.)(illiam)) (v(.)(an)) (O(.)(rman)) Quine Chemistry;;Aqueous N-methylethylenediamine exhibits a rare binary complex form of this property, and a saddle form of this property exists as well for ternary solutions. The Gibbs-Konovalov theorem states that the vapor and liquid phases of one of these must be isotonic, as observed for minimum and maximum boiling points. Hetero versions of one of these include 50/50 mixtures of chloroform and water at 53.3 degrees Celsius, and the Dean-Stark Apparatus can be used to separate these mixtures, which can deviate either positively or negatively from Raoult's Law. For 10 points, name this type of mixture, whose components cannot be separated by fractional distillation.;;azeotrope Biology;;Its binding sites include the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the lateral septum. Secreted along with neurophysin-carrier proteins, it was the first polypeptide hormone to be synthesized. It differs from anti-diuretic hormone in two of its nine amino acids, and both it and vasopressin can be inhibited with Atosiban. This hormone stimulates contraction of alveolar myoepithelial cells and causes the ejection of fluid into associated ducts and cisterns. Myometrial receptors for this hormone appear late in gestation. For 10 points, what is this pituitary hormone that stimulates cervix dilation during birth and the ejection of milk for breastfeeding.;;oxytocin European History;;This document mentions the Partition of Poland as an example of self-preservation producing flagrant abuse but states that the action discussed would ignore the censure of the world. This document points out France's efforts at building a railroad across its length and notes that the Spain could build a similar railroad if it had the funds. Signed by J. Y. Mason, Pierre Soulé, James Buchanan, it was commissioned by William Marcy and allows for a sum of $120 million for purchase, and, failing that, military action to rest the central island from Spain. For 10 points name this letter named after the Belgian town in which it was written.;;Ostend (Manifesto) Philosophy;;One adherent of this philosophical doctrine attempted to used the Ramsey method to develop a criterion of significance for theoretical terms. Another proponent of this doctrine wrote The General Theory of Knowledge and was assasinated by Johann Nelbock on the university steps. Its developments were chronicled in the prefaces of successive editions of Ayer's Language, Truth, and Logic, which helped bring the movement to England. For 10 points, what is this philosophical doctrine that asserted that metaphysical doctrines are meaningless and was espoused by Schlick, Carnap, Gödel and the rest of the Vienna Circle?;;logical positivism Geography;;The northernmost point of this island group is Bomatu point and the island of Bomapua is located in Wagwama bay. The first Allied airstrips in the south-west Pacific were built on the island of Kiriwina in this island group as part of MacArthur's CARTWHEEL offensive to capture Rabual. Named for the first lieutenant of Bruni d'Entrecasteaux, they are located within the Solomon Sea and are part of the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. Inhabitants of the government center of Losuia might exchange greetings in the native language of Kilivila as they exchange kula in, for 10 points, what island group whose inhabitants are discussed in The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia and Coral Gardens and their Magic by Malinowski?;;Trobriand (Islands) Math Theory;;For supersymmetry to occur in four observable dimensions, the six unseen dimensions must assume this form, named after Calabi and Yau, and lower dimension varieties in the 10D space seen by strings are known as D-branes. A set of local Darboux coordinates can be found at each point on the symplectic type, and possessing a metric tensor allows them to be embedded isometrically in a Euclidean space according to the Nash embedding theorem. When also smooth, they are named for Riemann and whether a closed one is homeomorphic to the three-sphere is the basis for the Poincaré conjecture. For 10 points, name these topological spaces which generalize the concept of closed surfaces.;;manifold(s) Music;;Only percussion and brass, accompanied by the chorus, appear in the work's Ego sum abbas movement and violins are absent from the Olim lacus colueram movement; both these drinking songs are from the In the Tavern section. Its The Court of Love section contains a movement praising Blanziflor and Helena and includes licentious love songs derived from a thirteenth-century manuscript produced by goliards and found in a Benedictine monetary in Bavaria. For 10 points, name this scenic cantata composed of poems in Latin, Old German, and French set to music and book ended by two renditions of O Fortuna, a work by Carl Orff.;;Carmina Burana British Literature;;The prologue to this work is delivered by the character Mr. Woodward, who weeps for the "death of comedy". Dorthoy is envious of her neighbor's yearly visit to London, as her only visitors are Mrs. Oddfish and Mr. Cripplegate, the lame dancing teacher. The main character is nervously unable to talk to girls of his social standing, but is quite comfortable around bar maidens. This leads Kate, to undertake the title action, when the main character and his friend Hastings stop at the "Three Pigeons Alehouse". For 10 points, what is this comic play that primarily takes place at the Hardcastle mansion and involves Kate posing as a serving girl in order to woo Young Marlow, a work by Oliver Goldsmith?;;She Stoops to Conquer European History;;The Teutonic grand master Hermann von Salza was granted Prussian land for aiding Conrad of Mazovia under a charter of this name granted by the Hohenstaufen emperor Fredrick II. Another charter of this name stipulated that the king's county officials, foispan, could not hold hereditary positions and was issued by the Hungarian king Andrew II. The defeat of the Normans under Robert Guiscard "the Crafty" and Bohemond at Durazzo by the Venetians led to another one of these documents, issued by the Byzantine emperor Alexius, which granted the Venetian's the right to free trade and the ability to operate a bakery. A constitution of this name, concluded at Metz and first issued at Nürnberg by Charles IV, sought to eliminate disputes over the election of the Holy Roman Emperor. For 10 points, what is this decree, named for a certain type of seal used by Byzantine and Medieval rulers?;;golden bull European History;;One section established a court of auditors and another part of this treaty mandated budget deficits less than three percent of GDP and public debt below sixty percent of GDP. This treaty established a body of commissioners that currently numbers at twenty-seven and established the three pillars of Community, CFSP, and PJCC, which handles drug trafficking and organized crime. It created a 785-member elected body but stalled after failing to be ratified in Denmark originally and passing in France by a paper thin majority. For 10 points, name this successor the Treaty of Rome which helped establish the European Union in 1993.;;Maastricht (Treaty) American Literature;;One of her novels focuses on the Place-du-Bois plantation and the life of its owner Thérèse Lafirme and she wrote of a discussion between the lawyer Paxton and Madame Célestin concerning her impending divorce. In one of her short stories, the presence of Alcée Laballière spurs Bobinot to meet Calixta at the titular event, and, in another work, Bobinot eventually gets some during the titular weather phenomenon. In addition to "At the 'Cadian Ball" and "The Storm", she wrote about the separation of Armand and his wife after it is revealed that she produced a black bay in "Désirée's Baby". For 10 points, name this author who wrote of Edna Pontellier's experiences with Creole culture on the Grand Isle in The Awakening.;;(Kate) Chopin Religion;;Its first great apostles were said to be Thomas, Addas, and Hermas. It was the state religion of the Uighar kingdom of East Turkistan and its cosmology was expounded upon by Theodore Bar Khoni. The Father with the Four Faces represents the Good Principle, possesses five Tabernacles, and created the Protanthropos to battle the Prince of Darkness. Its adherents are divided into Perfects who seek to free light-substance from matter and the Hearers who maintained and worshiped the Perfects. Preached by the bishop Faustus in book 5 of Augustine's Confessions, for 10 points, what is this dualistic religious movement founded by the Apostle of Light and supreme Illuminator Mani.;;Manichaeism Art;;This artist assimilated Peter Paul Rubens' self portrait into his own 1899 self-portrait, which depicted the artist wearing an eccentric red floral hat, while a hypnotist wearing a large red turban attempts to stop death in his The Assassination. Three females figures, one of whom wields a broom and umbrella, fight over the body of a puppet-like man bearing the sign CIVET, in Skeletons Fighting for the Body of a Hanged Man and it was after joining "The Twenty" that he began producing grotesque fantasy works such as The Intrigue and The Banquet of the Starved. For 10 points, name this Belgian painter of Scandalized Masks and Entry of Christ into Brussels.;;(James) Ensor Physics;;The internuclear and interelectronic repulsions in an ionic lattice are named after this man, and those forces, when paired with the Coulombic energy in terms of Madelung constants, can be used to find the lattice energy via an equation name for him and Landé. Interparticle distance is preserved in inertial frames of a moving object in his namesake rigidity, and this man interpreted probability as the square of the wave function. With a student, he names the idea that nuclear motion can be neglected due to large relative nuclear mass in the Schrodinger equation. For 10 points, name this German physicist who lends his name to a doubly eponymous approximation with Oppenheimer.;;(Max) Born World History;;He cited the Wal-Wal incident in an address to the League of Nations and later took up residence in the King David Hotel during World War II. After returning from exile, he issued an unpopular flat tax and gave himself the power to pick his country's Orthodox Church patriarch. After the death of Empress Zewditu he was favored to take power over Lij Yasu, becoming the 111th emperor of his country in the line of Solomon, and changing his name from Tafari to a name which means "Power of the Trinity". For 10 points name this man who fought with Italy as the Emperor of Ethiopia and is venerated by Rastafarians.;;(Haile) Selassie (I|the First);;Ras Tafari World Literature;;This work ends with the "Uji Chapters," whose stylistic shifts have led some to speculate a second author. Previous sections include "Vanished Into the Clouds" and "Illusion," and the title character of this work has a name that roughly translates as "Purple". Taking place fifty years before it was written, the work is made up of almost 800 embedded poems called "wakas". Written by a member of the imperial court, it takes place in the Heian period. For 10 points, what is this novel, often considered the world's first, written by Murasaki Shikibu?;;(The) Tale of Genji Physics;;They can produce photons through a phonon-mediated process known as recombination. The spin-flip Raman laser consists of one in a magnetic field, and when exposed to an energetic photon, electrons in the highest occupied molecular orbital of these materials can be excited to the valence band, leaving behind electron holes. The introduction of electron donators or acceptors can yield the n and p types, which are subdivisions of the extrinsic type of these materials. Cadmium telluride and gallium arsenide are examples of, for 10 points, what materials that possess a small band gap between their valence and conduction bands, allowing for intermediate electrical conductivity?;;semiconductor(s) Mythology;;They served as nymphs in the train of Artemis and belonged to a group known as the Atlantides who were nursemaids and teachers to the infant Dionysus. Their brother Hyas died during a boar hunt and their sisters, the Hyades, died soon after from grief. Electra is said to be invisible due to her grief over the destruction of the house of Dardanus during the Trojan War and Merope remains invisible due to shame over her marriage to Sisyphus. Their leader was Maia, who bore Hermes with Zeus, and these daughters of Atlas, while being chased by Orion in Boeotia, were transformed into doves and placed on the back of Taurus. For 10 points, name these seven sisters who where the daughters of Pleione.;;Pleiades Art;;Due to the choice of an unconventional color scheme, municipal officials cut off the public water supply to a worker's city that this man built in Pessac based on his Citrohan House design. He proposed a failed "breathing glass" structure for the Salvation Army Hotel in Paris, and his design for the League of Nations was disqualified because it was not presented in Indian ink. His byname originated from the pseudonyms he and Ozenfant used while writing a series of articles for L'Esprit Nouveau that would be complied to form his Toward a New Architecture. For 10 points, the Palaces of Justice and Assembly in Chandigarh India were designed by this Swiss architect and proponent of the International Style born Charles-Édouard Jeanneret.;;(Le) Corbusier British Literature;;He spends his last days in the care of Whittle who he had earlier mistreated and he returns to present his daughter with a goldfinch at her wedding. His former employee, Jopp, uses knowledge of Lucetta's activities in Jersey as blackmail and reads his love letters to her in the local inn, triggering her subsequent death through a miscarriage. He informs Richard Newson that Susan and Elizabeth-Jane are dead and earlier mistakenly claims to be Elizabeth-Jane's father. He goes into bankruptcy after receiving bad advice from a weather profit and loses out to man who had shown him how to restore grain, his former manager Farfrae. For 10 points, name is this grainmerchant who, while at a village fair in Upper Wessex, sold his wife and daughter to a sailor for five guineas in Thomas Hardy novel.;;(The) Mayor of Casterbridge Physics;;For noncentrosymmetric crystal structures, this phenomenon can occur when mechanical stress excites trapped nitrogen gas via generation of electric fields at fracture sites. Its efficiency can be enhanced by alkali halides, which serve as coactivators or fluxes, and the sono- variety occurs when sound waves bombard gaseous bubbles in a liquid. It can be classified based on whether or not the electronic transition occurs between energy levels of different multiplicity. For 10 points, enzyme-catalyzed oxidation of a luciferin produces the bio form in fireflies of what phenomenon, the emission of light from a cold body, as opposed to incandescence.;;luminescence European Literature;;This poem describes spheres moving "far out in space/ Where our telescopes cannot reach" to describe the turning of the wheels in the "world clock," and toward its close it predicts "Delivery from the tyrants' chains/ Generosity also toward the villain," and "Mercy from the final judge". It thrice addresses the "millions," telling them to "endure courageously" and give "this kiss to all the world," though it also suggests that anyone who has failed to find a true friend should "creep/ Tearfully away from this band". In its first verse, it claims that "drunk with fire we enter" its title entity's "heavenly sanctuary," and calls that title entity the "beautiful spark of the gods/Daughter of Elysium". For 10 points, name this poem by Friedrich Schiller about universal happiness and brotherhood.;;(Ode) to Joy Music;;The first movement of Rachmaninoff's "Fantasie-Tableaux for 2 Pianos" is in this form. Unusually, the second movement of Bela Bartok's Out of Doors is a chromatic one, and, though simpler, the "June" movement of Tchaikovsky's The Seasons is also a relatively complex example of this genre. Gabriel Faure's ballade is often recorded together with his thirteen pieces in this form, the most famous of which is the third in G flat. Chopin only wrote one for the piano, his F Sharp Minor Op. 60, while the most famous begins "Belle nuit, o nuit amour" and is sung by Giulietta and Nicklausse in Act II of The Tales of Hoffman. Appropriately, one plays as Joseph Porter's boat enters in HMS Pinafore. For 10 points, name this genre of slow, rolling Venetian boat songs.;;barcarolle Biology;;De la Chappelle's syndrome indicates the biological, but not immediately apparent, appearance of too many of these entities, which Muller studied in fruit flies in considering dosage compensation. Lyonization is the process by which they become inactive, which is how calico calico cats get their color.This inactivation leads to the formation of Barr bodies from one of these, and it has the lowest density of genes of any chromosome. Turner syndrome is associated with its absence, while those with Klinefelter's have an extra one. For 10 points, name this sex chromosome that most women have two of.;;X (chromosome(s)) Art;;Among his few reliefs are his Annunciation for the Cavalcanti Chapel and the putti for his pulpit of the Prato Cathedral. His sought greater expressiveness with his early prophets Jeremiah though he created a very placid St. George for the Or San Michele. His middle period includes an enormous equestrian statue in Padua, while his late work includes a desiccated wooden Mary Magdalene, as well as a stoic Judith Slaying Holofernes, the latter of which stood in the courtyard of the Palazzo Medici opposite another victorious slayer he created who wears only boots and a feathered hat. For 10 points, name this Renaissance sculptor of the most famous bronze David.;;Donatello European History;;This country's land was apportioned through the law knows as "senatus-consulte". It was allegedly colonized in revenge for its ruler hitting an ambassador with a flyswatter, and it was later somewhat democratized by Chadli Bendjedid. This country was the home to the Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties, and its later independence activists included Houari Boumedienne and Ahmed Ben Bella. The Secret Army Organization attempted to prevent the independence of this country, whose namesake crisis brought down the Fourth Republic. For 10 points, name this Muslim country which became independent from France under Charles de Gaulle.;;Algeria Math Theory;;Compactness for a topological space implies that every ultrafilter has this property. The Wisjman variety of this applies to closed subsets of metric spaces, the Gromov-Hausdorff metric helps define it for sequences of compact metric spaces, a property which is named for those men. In a complete metric space, a sequence being Cauchy implies this property, and a test for it in series involves the ratio of a-sub-n over a-sub-n minus one being less than one. For 10 points, name this property which is possessed by a sequence that has a limit, indicating that its elements are approaching some finite value.;;convergence European History;;His first published essay was on "Dante's Patriotic Love," published more than a decade after he graduated from university, though he is more famous for the contemporary newsletter Apostleship of the People, issued during the English exile that followed his arrests in Paris and Geneva; a second exile fifteen years later caused his attempts at uprisings in Mantua and Milan. In between, he proposed such doctrines as "God and People" and "Thought and Action" after being invited to be a Roman triumvir with Armellini and Saffi following the defeat of Pius IX, though he had spent most of his earlier career urging republican ideals as a member of the Carbonari. For 10 points, name this man who palled around with Ruffini, Garibaldi and the Young Italy movement.;;(Giuseppe) Mazzini Physics;;One named for Cassini suggests that a moon maintains a constant angle of inclination with respect to its ecliptic. Kirchoff's indicates that the sum of the electrical potential differences around a closed circuit must be zero and is called his loop rule. Another rule referred to by this phrase is examined by exergy efficiency and was realized when Carnot noted the relationship between work and heat in a system. Mendel's indicates the independent assortment of allelic pairs, and yet another notes that an astronomical bodies sweeps out equal areas in equal time, as determined by Kepler. For 10 points, give this common term for a statement by Newton that F=ma.;;second law(s) European History;;The holder of this post officially bore the secespita iron knife and the patera dish, and posts overseen by this office included the flamines and the rex sacrorum. Originally elected by the comitia tributa, this person kept the annals maximi and at first headed a group of five, though that number grew to sixteen in the centuries after the Lex Ogulnia. Pope Damasus I may have been the first Christian to take this title, though it had been ironically applied to the 3rd-century Pope Callixtus I, after having been held by emperors from Julius Caesar on. For 10 points, name this title for the head of the Roman state religion, which is now applied to Catholic popes almost exclusively in Latin inscriptions.;;Pontifex Maximus Economics;;His two earliest works respectively claimed that economics theories should not be put into practice without declaring their value judgments and argued for government promotion of higher birth-rates; those are The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory and Crisis in the Population Question, the latter co-authored with wife Alva. He later wrote an encyclopedic study of the socio-political problems behind poverty in Southeast Asia, while his most famous work noted the contradiction between "The American Creed" and the wish among whites for there to be fewer black people. For 10 points, name this proponent of welfare states and author of Asian Drama and An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, a Stockholm School economist.;;(Gunnar) Myrdal Geology;;In the 1990s, Eric Middlemost argued that this group could best be classified using chemical means, showing the importance of the TAS diagram, though the QAPF diagram can be used if one has more compositional information. Miariolitic cavities can form in a type known as pegmatite, and the textures of these rocks are usually either phaneritic or aphanitic, depending whether they are formed intrusively below the crust or extrusively above it. Mafic rocks are a dark green subset of this class, examples of which include basalt and granite. For 10 points, name these types of rocks created from volcanic action, which are neither metamorphic nor sedimentary.;;igneous (rock(s)) Geography;;Just over the eastern border of this polity is a neighbor's town of Tungsten, and its northern half is bisected by the Rock River. Its southwest is home to Kluane National Park, which is located just beyond its towns of Hains Junction and Destruction Bay. One of this polity's northernmost settlements is the town of Old Crow on the Porcupine River. Its capital was named for its proxmity to rapids that reminded settlers of a galloping animal's mane. For 10 points, name this northern neighbor of British Columbia that also borders the Northwest Territories and Alaska, a Canadian territory with capital at Whitehorse.;;Yukon (territory) Art;;The more disturbing works in this group feature unusually angular combinations of people and animals, such as Woman with a Crow and Boy with a Dog. Famous nudes in this style tend to be sharply-outlined tanned youths in bare settings, one of which appears in Girl with a Goat, though it also includes the sickly semi-nude Madeleine in Girl in a Chemise. It sees numerous circus pieces like Acrobat and Young Harlequin, The Actor, and The Acrobats, though not the earlier Seated Circus Performer and Boy. Another work in this style features a blue-clad, tanned boy with flowers on his head, while another is a portrait of Gertrude Stein, whose mask-like face transitions into the painter's "African" period. For 10 points, name this period following the "blue" period of Pablo Picasso, which shares its name with a flower.;;(Pablo) (Picasso('s)) Rose (period) European History;;According to Stephen Bungay, victory in this battle was largely due to infrastructure set up decades earlier by Major General Ashmore; that victorious side also saw a debate over the effectiveness of the "vic" formation, nicknamed "the row of idiots," and the Big Wing strategy, contested by Park and Leigh-Mallory. This battle began after the Fairey and Bristol units retreated, after having been routed in the assault that followed the Phony War. Lead commanders Newall and Dowding had little time to replenish their forces, but despite being outnumbered 4-to-1, they prevailed, causing their head of state to remark, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few". Ending with the initiation of Operation Barbarossa against the USSR, for 10 points, name this series of air raids and battles during the summer of 1940, where the RAF bested the Luftwaffe.;;Battle of Britain American Literature;;One character in this play notes that, in his day, everyone either became a doctor, a lawyer, or worked in a shop, and later notes that once the star of one's honesty goes out, it can never relight. Its minor characters include Frank, who was always a year older than the drafting age and constructs an astrology chart for Larry, as well as the boy Bert, who arrives occasionally to ask for the keys to the jail. It begins as a storm blows over the tree in the backyard that commemorates an MIA pilot and brother of Chris, which foretells the arrival of his sweetheart Ann Deaver, the daughter of a man who remains in jail for his part in profiteering. For 10 points, name this play where Joe Keller realizes that the soldiers killed by his faulty parts belong to the title group, by Arthur Miller.;;All My Sons World History;;Robert Fitzroy claimed this document's second part should only apply to "a few patches of potato-ground, and rude dwelling places". Key liaisons in preparing this document were missionaries Edward and Henry Williams, who worked against the desires of James Busby. Commemorated every February 6 with acrimonious, ethnically-based protests, a namesake tribunal of this document was set up in 1975 to redress colonial abuses of this document, promoted by Governor George Gipps and signed by William Hobson and Hono Heke, highest of the rangatira. Its terms of which were crucially altered by an ambiguity in the word "sovereignty" in translation, which otherwise granted full use of lands to the natives. For 10 points, name this treaty that formally put New Zealand under British rule and sparked the Maori Wars.;;(Treaty of) Waitangi Mythology;;In a Slavic folktale, a peahen turns into a princess so her sisters can still these items, while in Romanian myth they are fought over by the zmeu and Praslea the Brave. Three of these were changed into lions by Hera out of spite when either Melanion or Hippomenes forgot to thank her for their use in defeating his beloved. Ladon was sent to guard them by Hera, but Atlas was tricked into acquiring them from him, though Athena had Heracles return them to the Hesperides. Freia's provide eternal youth, but the most famous of them was owned by Eris, who threw it on the ground at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, which caused a beauty pageant to break out under the judgment of Paris. For 10 points, name this discordant fruit that caused the Trojan War.;;(golden) apple World Literature;;Dollie Urquhart's father calls her by this name in a D.H. Lawrence short story, and W. Somerset Maughm wrote a children's story about one of them named September "and the Nightingale". Another title character who becomes one decides to go to a convent instead of marrying the Duke of Nemours after her husband's death; that character stars in a Madame de Lafayette novel set in Cleves. This word also describes Christina Light in the second novel in which she appears, after she has married Casamassima, and also describes a title inhabitant of Miss Minchin's boarding school, Sara Crewe, who is a "little" one in a Louisa Hodgson Burnett novel. For 10 points, name this word that also describes a Hans Christian Anderson character who discerns the presence of a pea.;;princess World Literature;;A Mary Oliver poem titled for one of these begins, "Who made the world"? Henry Longfellow noted that one of these "beside the sea" shall either be "to some the gravestone of a dead delight" and to others "to some the landmark of a new domain". Emily Dickenson wrote about someone who could repeat one of them, and that something in it "solemnizes" her as its "flambeaux burns away". William Blake likes to rise in the early parts of one of these, but notes that going to school in one "drives all the joy away". Another poem notes that in one, "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May," which demonstrates that the addressee is "more lovely and more temperate" than it. For 10 points, name this period of time to which Shakespeare compared "thee" in Sonnet 18.;;(a) summer's day World Literature;;This novel includes a history of how an Ainu youth leads a group of farmers across the Shiokari Pass to settle Junitaki, written by a nameless, ancient Professor. Its protagonist names a cat Kipper at the urging of a chauffeur after being hired by operatives of The Boss to abandon his translating and restaurant reviewing to investigate the title entity. After being abandoned at the Dolphin Hotel by Kumiko, that protagonist returns to J's bar to mourn an event that took place in a mountaintop Hokkaido cabin, where the Rat suicidally defeated the monstrous title creature. For 10 points, name this novel, followed by Dance, Dance, Dance, by Haruki Murakami, about a search for a mysterious woolen animal.;;(A) Wild Sheep Chase Chemistry;;Lignocelluosic biomasses can create its cellulosic variety, which is often produced from Switchgrass and Miscanthus. As a chemical, it combines with chlorine to form chloral and hydrochloric acid. Combining it with benzene in water yields a trinary that allows for the purification of its absolute variety, which is often assigned 200 proof, though 95% or 70% varieties are often used in the lab. It can be used to treat methanol poisoning, and in a Fischer esterification, it combines with carboxylic acids to produce ethyl esters. For 10 points, name this two carbon product of fermentation, an alcohol with formula C2H5OH.;;ethanol