Literature;;In this novel, Christopher Coney digs up a corpse to retrieve four pence. The protagonist doesn't give Joshua Jopp a job, but hires a man he meets at the Three Mariners. He loses respect when he punishes a perpetual over-sleeper by making him work without his pants. That character, Abel Whittle, later reveals a bunch of love letters, which leads to a skimmy ride that kills Lucetta Templeman. The title character dies sad and lonely after learning that Newson is the real father of Elizabeth-Jane. Donald Farfrae takes the title position in, for 10 points, what novel about the fall of a man who sells his wife and daughter for five guineas, Michael Henchard, written by Thomas Hardy?;;(The) Mayor of Casterbridge Chemistry;;This compound constricts smooth muscle and is used as a laxative. It is used in the Kastle-Meyer test, where its oxidation is catalyzed in the presence of blood. Although this organic molecule is insoluble in water, it can be dissolved in alcohols, and is usually found in that form for laboratory use. In extremely acidic solutions it appears orange, but it can also be found in two other colors. Discovered in 1871 by Adolf von Baeyer, this indicator is produced by the condensation of an anhydride and phenol. Between pH 0 and 8.2, it appears colorless in neutral and acidic solutions. For 10 points, name this pH indicator that turns pink in basic solutions.;;ph(enol)ph(thalein)|HIn Music;;One of his compositions includes instructions like "open your head", "question", and "bury the sound". Another set of four piano pieces by this composer is written without bar lines or a time signature, called Ogives. One of his works consists of the same motif 840 times, Vexations. He composed pieces about a sea cucumber and two crustaceans, Dessicated Embryos, as well as Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear and six gnossiennes. For 10 points, name this composer who influenced Les Six, composer of three Gymnopédies.;;(Erik) Satie|(Alfred) (Éric) (Leslie) Satie World History;;He resigned as Mayor of Montmarte when he failed to resolve the Paris Commune crisis, but he successfully brought down Jules Ferry's administration by dramatizing the Tonkin disaster. After being defeated by Paul Deschanel in a presidential race, he resigned from his most famous post which he served under Raymond Poincaré. In La Justice he argued for revenge against Germany following the Franco-Prussian War, while it was in his paper L'Aurore that Zola's "J'accuse" appeared. For 10 points, what French politician known as "the Tiger" led France through World War I and argued for a particularly harsh punishment against Germany in the Treaty of Versailles?;;(Georges) (Benjamin) Clemenceau Earth Science;;One type is a main source of rubidium and cesium, and an important source of lithium. Their typical composition is of many T-O-T layers sandwiched between interlayers of cations such as potassium and calcium. The "black" type has a magnesium-to-iron ratio of less than 2 to 1, and is used in potassium-argon dating. Another type, known as isinglass, is colorless and was used in window panes. Occuring in pegmatites, some lesser-known varieties include zinwaldite, phlogopite, and lepidolite. A class of phyllosilitcates, they have perfect basal cleavage, allowing them to be split into very thin laminae, or sheets. For 10 points, name this class of minerals containing biotite and muscovite.;;mica;;silicate|sheet silicate|phyllosilicate|minerals Economics;;In one work, this man proposed that conservation and innovation are forms of "residues," which are then justified through "derivations". He introduced the Edgeworth Box in Manual of Political Economy. Kaldor and Hicks name the less stringent form of the concept he is best known for, which can replace monotonicity and non-imposition in Arrow's Impossibility theorem. He also names an 80-20 rule of thumb about the breath of income distribution. Mind and Society is a work of, for 10 points, name this Italian economist known for the situation in which no one can be made better off without making someone worse off, his namesake optimality.;;(Vilfredo) Pareto Miscellaneous;;This monarch is the 17,962th ruler of his land, and his major adviser is known only as Escargoon. His crown famously features a gold circle in the middle, perhaps symbolizing his wealth and girth. He helped the Subspace Army take the Halberd unknowingly because he attacked a major player. Knuckle Joe often called him "Tubby", only to be smashed by a hammer. His main goal is to conquer the world of StarPop, and in SSB Brawl he is a playable character, where his main weapon is the Jet Hammer. The major player he attacked, Meta Knight, appears on this monarch's side in some games. For ten points, name this King of Dream Land, the major adversary of Kirby.;;(King) Dedede Literature;;A notable translator of this work wrote Notes on Prosody as an appendix to his translation, and it commented on the meter employed. The protagonist makes bitter notes in the margin of his copy of Don Juan and is declared bankrupt just as his uncle declares him his heir. He only sees the beauty of the heroine once she is married off to Prince Gremin. Ironically, he had earlier rejected her despite her passionate love letter and instead carelessly flirted with her sister Olga, incurring the wrath of the poet Vladimir Lensky. The tragic love between the original "superfluous man" and Tatiana Larina is the subject of, for 10 points, what novel in verse by Alexander Pushkin?;;Eugene Onegin|Yevgeny Onegin World History;;One of this country's pre-colonial leaders was Mutesa, who enjoyed the activities of Alexander Mackay of the Church Missionary Society. A rival kingdom in this modern-day country was Bunyoro, and German claims to this country were given up to the British in the 1890 Heligoland Treaty, who set about building its namesake Railway from Mombassa. After independence, Milton Obote became the first prime minister of this country, and the commander of national forces during the Battle of Mengo Hill seized power in a coup in January of 1971, and who later practiced the ethnic cleansing of the Lango and Acholi. For 10 points, name this African nation once ruled by Idi Amin.;;(Republic) (of) Uganda Religion/Mythology;;The weapon of this mythological figure was a gift from Aiofe and forged from the bone of a sea monster. He once fell in love with the fairy Fand, although Manannán used his cloak to make them forget the entire affair. He was harassed by the goddess Morrigan after rejecting her, and his death came at hands of Lugaid after eating dog meat. He had fourteen pupils total, and he was trained by the woman-warrior Scáthach. He fought the Connacht army of Queen Maeve single-handedly during the Cattle Raid of Cooley. For 10 points, what nephew of Conchobar fought with the spear Gae Bulg and led the Knights of the Red Branch in the Irish myth?;;Cúchulainn|Cuchulainn;;Setanta World History;;Sicilian Muhammad al-Idrisi created one of these artifacts known as Tabula Rogeriana in 1154, while Anaximander's might have inspired the European medieval T and O varieties. The "Kangnido" one celebrated the new Joseon Dynasty, the Piri Reis one was created by an Ottoman admiral, and one by Venetian monk Fra Mauro features a circular planisphere and depicts an Indian junk. Ptolemy's version improved on Erastothenes', which was the first to include parallels and meridians. One by Martin Waldseemueller named a section after Amerigo Vespucci. For 10 points, name this type of representative depiction for which Gerardus Mercator was famous.;;world maps;;maps Biology;;These do not function well at high glycerol concentrations, which cause a loss of specificity, an effect known as star activity. They do not work on methylated substrates, allowing them to inhibit bacteriophage growth without harming the bacteria themselves. They can produce blunt ends, or if there is an overhang, sticky ends. The first one to be discovered was HindIII, and other notable examples include TaqI and EcoRI. They are used in genetic engineering to produce recombinant DNA, or to prepare DNA fragments for use in gel electrophoresis. For 10 points, name this type of enzyme that cuts DNA at specific recognition sequences.;;restriction (enzymes)|endonucleases Art;;Early paintings by this artist include The Daughter of Jephthah and Semiramis Building Babylon. A woman in a beige coat leans on the right side of a table containing a vase of flowers in his Woman with Chrysanthemums. A man in a top hat reclines reading a newspaper as other men handle the titular commodity in one of his paintings done during time spent in the title American city, Cotton Exchange in New Orleans. In another of his works, next to the title sad woman are an unhealthy man dressed in black and a glass of the title substance, Absinthe Drinker. For 10 points, name this French impressionist best known for his depictions of ballerinas in works like The Dance Class.;;(Hilaire-Germain-Edgar) Degas Physics;;Mark Kac improved upon a formula developed by this man to derive a solution to the heat equation with a cooling term. Along with Wheeler, he names an interpretation of electrodynamics based on time-inversion symmetry. With Hans Bethe, he developed a formula to calculate the yield of a fission bomb. In 1965 he received a Nobel prize along with Schwinger and Tomonaga for his work in quantum electrodynamics, and he developed the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. His lectures at Caltech were compiled into a physics textbook. For 10 points, name this American physicist whose namesake diagrams depict the interactions of elementary particles.;;(Richard) (Phillips) Feynman Literature;;One of this author's first works, whose protagonist is a vagrant on a train car to Tuskegee, is "Hymie's Bull". The protagonist keeps spinning the titular game's wheel in another story, "King of the Bingo Game". He pointed to authors like Conrad and Faulkner in expressing both social and spiritual dilemmas in his work of criticism, Shadow and Act, and the date of abolition of slavery in Texas is the title holiday in Juneteenth. His best-known novel begins with a dozen young black men boxing in a ring for entertainment at a white men's club. For 10 points, Tod Clifton and Ras the Exhorter appears in what author's Invisible Man?;;(Ralph) Ellison Philosophy;;According to this book, the conservation of motion is the cause of human thoughts. Stating that imagination is at the start of all voluntary actions, it sets forth the premise of a mechanistic universe. The author denies the existence of devils and suggests that a "confederacy of deceivers" creates "the Kingdom of Darkness". The third book about a Christian Commonwealth annoyed the audience because it declared civil laws more important than religious laws. It suggests that a social contract to obey an absolute authority represented by the titular entity is necessary to avoid the war of all against all. Life is "nasty, brutish, and short," according to, for 10 points, what work by Thomas Hobbes?;;Leviathan World History;;One ruler of this name and number was the son of Jeanne III and Antoine duc de Vendôme, and was known as le Vert galant. One known as the Righteous ruled over Krakow and tried to gain the guardianship of Wenceslaus, while another was "The Impotent" King of Spain who passed the throne to Isabella. Another ruler of this name of number was a Holy Roman Emperor whose reign was marred by the Investiture Controversy, while the king of England of this name and number was known as Bolingbroke, and came to the throne after the death of Richard II. For ten points, give the name and number of the king who founded the Bourbon Dynasty of France, a man of Navarre.;;Henry IV;;Henry Literature;;This author's nonfiction works include a study of religious fanaticism, Somersault, while the title isolated teenager sexually assaults women on crowded subways in his novel J. He wrote about a man's attempt to assassinate Patron in The Pinch Runner Memorandum, and in another work, a plague strikes a secluded valley where teenage boys have been evacuated. Bird tries to kill his deformed son in one work, while another ends with Takashi leaving a suicide note saying "I told the truth" to his brother Mitsusaburo when attempts to incite revolution through soccer fail. For 10 points, name this author of Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids; A Personal Matter; and The Silent Cry.;;(Kenzaburo) Oe|Oe (Kenzaburo) Music;;This artist led a quintet whose members included Tony Williams and Wayne Shorter, which recorded albums such as Nefertiti and E.S.P., while Chick Corea and others joined that group for an electric-based album including "Shh" and "Peaceful", In a Silent Way. His later albums include a film soundtrack, A Tribute to Jack Johnson, and Bitches Brew. The A-side of one of his albums features "Will o' the Wisp" from Love, the Magician, and another piece by a composer from a certain country. Another album has five songs, including "Freddie Freeloader" and "So What". For 10 points, name this jazz trumpeter on albums such as Sketches of Spain, Birth of the Cool, and Kind of Blue.;;(Miles) (Dewey) Davis (III) Geography;;It can be entered by traveling south through the Little Belt, and the Archipelago Sea is a northern portion of it. The Bornholm Basin is this body of water's central area, and the islands of Falster and Funen can be found in its western portion, where it joins the Kattegat. The Kalmar Strait separates the island of Öland from the coast, and Gotland is a prominent island in the middle of it. The Heligoland Bight is connected to it via the Kiel Canal. The Gulf of Bothnia is a branch in the north, and along the southern coast we find the Bay of Gda?sk and the Gulf of Riga. For 10 points name this body of water bordered by Sweden, Poland, and some former USSR republics.;;Baltic (Sea) World History;;One ecumenical council of this name condemned Arnold of Brescia, although its more important task was to end the Schism brought about by the rule of Anacletus II. The first council of this name reasserted that the king has secular but not sacred authority of investiture and confirmed the agreement between Henry II and Pope Callixtus II, the Concordat of Worms. The fourth was convoked by the man who ordered the Albigensian Crusade, Innocent III. It also names the treaty negotiated by Pietro Gasparri on behalf of Pius XI with Mussolini. For 10 points, name this adjective describing a "Pact" signed at a namesake Palace of the Popes in Rome.;;Second Lateran (Council);;Lateran (Council) Biology;;Like slime molds, this organism's blastoderm develops as a syncytium, a cell containing many nuclei, which facilitates the injection of DNA into its nuclei. Its salivary glands contain polytene chromosomes, which have distinctive patterns of dark and light bands, and form chromosome puffs in sections where gene transcription is occurring, allowing visualization of gene activity. Its phenotypes, such as those resulting from mutations studied by Thomas Hunt Morgan, include, white eyes, yellow or ebony bodies, or having legs on its head in place of antenna. For 10 points, name this insect of genus Drosophila, a model organism in biology.;;D(rosophila) melanogaster|(common) fruit fly;;drosophila Literature;;One poem by this author states that "the way to hump a cow is not / to get yourself a stool". In another, two of the title characters "came home with a smooth round stone" and "befriended a stranded star". In addition to "maggie and molly and millie and may," he wrote about a man who was, "unless statistics lie . . . more brave than me: more blond than you" in a poem about "a conscientious object-or", "i sing of Olaf glad and big". He talked about his time in a French concentration camp in his book The Enormous Room. For 10 points, name this author of "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r" and "anyone lived in a pretty how town," best known for his unusual typography and capitalization.;;(E(.)(dward)) (E(.)(stlin)) Cummings United States History;;The author of the majority opinion of this case was joined by William Douglas in his celebrated dissent in Adamson v. California, and the winning attorney would go on to become a Supreme Court Justice and write In re Gault, Abe Fortas. It involved incorporation of the 6th Amendment to state laws and expanded upon Powell v. Alabama, which concerned the Scottsboro Boys. Betts v. Brady was overturned because the plaintiff requested a case review after he was sentenced to five years in prison for breaking into a pool hall in Panama City, Florida. For 10 points, name this Supreme Court case that ruled that defendants have the right to counsel in criminal cases.;;(Wainwright) (v(.)) Gideon (v(.)) (Wainwright)|(Gideon) (v(.)) Wainwright (v(.)) (Gideon) Religion/Mythology;;Ahalya comes back to life when this character's feet touch a stone. He gains his wife by bending Rudra's great bow, and he conquers his nemesis with the help of that enemy's brother Vi·bhi·sha·na. Towards the end of a work in which he appears, he finds his sons Lava and Kusha fighting his horse, and this son of Dash·rat·ha and Kau·shal·ya was banished by Kai·ke·yi from A·yodh·ya. He lives in exile for fourteen years with his half brother Lakshman, and a bunch of monkeys built a bridge to Sri Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from Ravana back to Hanuman. For 10 points, name the seventh avatar of Vishnu who names an Indian epic poem.;;Rama Noncomputational Math;;A generalization of this result involves edge contractions and is named after Hugo Hadwiger. Kittel, Errera, and Soifer showed that Kempe chains can be tangled, disproving one erroneous proof of this. Its generalization, called the Heawood conjecture, contains the floor function and could not be proven necessary and sufficient for cases of genus 0, necessitating a separate proof of this. A crossed-prism graph can show that it does not hold for a torus. Its proof, demonstrated by Appel and Hakan, involved 1,936 configurations, each reduced to a smaller graph, then checked with a computer. For 10 points, name this theorem stating the chromatic number needed to draw a map.;;four (-)color (map) (theorem)|Guthrie('s) (problem) Art;;In one of his paintings, a nude woman sits facing the right, putting on long green socks; the wall on the left has his most famous painting in that work, The Models. Smokestacks and a bridge are in the background of another painting, which depicts a boy with a red cap holding his hands to his mouth while a reclining man in a bowler hat and his dog watch on from the left. His largest painting contains two dogs and a leashed monkey in the foreground and a lot of people with parasols. For 10 points, name this painter of Bathers at Asnières and Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grande Jatte, known for his use of pointillism.;;(Georges (-) Pierre) Seurat Miscellaneous;;Athletic Bilbao's Andoni Goikoetxea goi-ko-e-che-a broke this man's leg in a horrible tackle as he was battling hepatitis. One of his trademark moves was a reverse-cross pass shot behind the leg holding the body's weight, the Rabona, but he is probably better known for dribbling speed and technical skill with the ball. His best-known game featured one goal after weaving through 60 meters and dodging six English defenders, and another from punching the ball with his hand. For 10 points, name this Argentine soccer player who scored two memorable goals in the quarterfinals of the 1986 World Cup, including his "Hand of God".;;(Diego) (Armando) Maradona World History;;Prior to this battle, General Lanrezac was replaced by Franchet d'Esperey in command of the Fifth Army. The German commander noted that his army had made a "wheel inwards" "towards the Oise" WAHZ. In doing so, he exposed his right flank to General Maunoury, who promptly attacked, forcing him to open a 30-mile gap on his left between his First Army and the Second Army under Karl von Bulow. This gap was then exploited by the BEF and the Fifth Army, while Alexander von Kluck tried to rectify his "turn". The Sixth Army held on with the help of reinforcements rushed in by 600 taxicabs, forcing the Germans to retreat. For 10 points, name this September 1914 battle, a "miracle" which saved Paris.;;First (Battle) (of) (the) Marne;;Marne Philosophy;;This philosopher concluded that Enlightenment and Humanism are in a "state of tension rather than identity" in one work. This author of the essays "What is an Author"? wrote one work that begins by noting that leprosy had disappeared in the Western world by the middle ages. One work by this author of The Order of Things and The Archaeology of Knowledge centers on modern medicine, and is subtitled "An Archeology of Medical Perception," and this author of Madness and Civilization studied Bentham's Panopticon in one work. For 10 points, name this French philosopher of The Birth of the Clinic and Discipline and Punish.;;(Michel) Foucault Biology;;This compound reacts with malonic esters to form barbituric acids. With formaldehyde, it comprises a transparent resin used in adhesives. It forms up to 8 hydrogen bonds with water, so it is highly water-soluble, and it is produced in a process catalyzed by arginase. Synthesized from carbon dioxide and ammonia in the Bosch-Meiser process, it is used as a fertilizer. In 1828, while trying to prepare ammonium cyanate, vitalism was disproved by Friedrich Wöhler when this compound was produced from inorganic materials. A nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism, it is filtered from blood by the kidneys. For 10 points, name this compound occurring in urine.;;urea|carbamide (LC) Literature;;In one novel from this nation, the protagonist visits the author and learns that he can't die because he is a literary character. The author of that work wrote The Agony of Christianity and invented niovla, exemplified in Mist. Other works from this nation include a continuation of Orlando Furioso, The Beauty of Angelica, and one in which Clotaldo tries to convince Polish prince Segismundo that "Life is a Dream". In addition to Miguel de Unamuno and the playwrights Lope de Vega and Juan Calderón de la Barca, another author wrote the pastoral romance La Galatea. For 10 points, name this home of Sancho Panza and Don Quixote, as well as their creator, Miguel Cervantes.;;Spain|España World History;;In this act, the staged sabotage did not damage the railroad tracks much, but two hidden artillery pieces were fired on the orders of Colonel Seishir? Itagaki at the nearby garrison commanded by "Young Marshal" Zh?ng Xuéliáng. The Chosen Army was sent in after Shigeru Honj? in Dàlián agreed to the plan ex post facto, as the commander of the Kwangtung Army, which seized Kirin and Liáoníng the week of the Mukden Incident. Chiang Kai-shek adhered to a non-resistance policy, with hostilities effectively ceasing after the fall of H??rb?n in Februrary 1932. For 10 points, name this military action which led to the establishment of the puppet state of Manchukuo.;;Japanese (invasion) (of) Manchuria|Japan (invading) Manchuria|Manchuria (being) (invaded) (by) Japan ;;Japan (invading) China|Japanese (invasion) (of) China|China (being) (invaded) (by) Japan Psychology;;Eupsychia is the culture associated with this concept. It is characterized as "meta" or "being" unlike its related values which are denoted by the letter D, and unconditional positive regard is a prerequisite of it. Kurt Goldstein introduced this concept in The Organism, and it is accompanied by "peak experiences" seen in exemplary people like Frederick Douglas and Eleanor Roosevelt. Its most famous proponent summarized that "what humans can be, they must be" in Motivation and Personality. Often associated with transcendence and fulfillment of potential, it may lie below aesthetics but above esteem. For 10 points, name the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.;;self (-) actualization Literature;;In the final scene of this work, a ship leaves the city of Orphalese, leaving a woman named Almitra repeating in her mind the words of the titular character. In chapter 2, she asks him to "Speak of love" and becomes the first of a series of characters who wish to hear some wise sayings. He then goes on to discuss "Eating and Drinking," "Joy and Sorrow," and "Reason and Passion," among other things. These topics all name chapters of this book, which is a collection of discussion of the human condition by Almustafa. For 10 points, what is this work by Lebanese-born poet, Khalil Gibran?;;(The) Prophet United States History;;One participant in it was Colonel Cheeseman. The leader of one side of this conflict, who described the event in "A History of Our Miseries," was replaced by Herbert Jeffreys because of his harsh treatment of the losers. After Thomas Matthew was attacked by the Doeg, the opposing side listed eight crimes that the aforementioned leader committed in The Declaration of the People. That leader who intended to exterminate the Occoneechee and attack other innocent tribes died of dysentery. Although the House of Burgesses acquiesced, Jamestown was burned down by its end. Governor Berkeley quelled, for 10 points, what 1676 uprising by back-country farmers in Virginia?;;Bacon('s) (Rebellion) Linguistics;;It is unknown whether some word-final syllables in ancient Greek possessed a change in this feature, possibly inherited from Proto-Indo-European. The Romanized Popular Alphabet of Hmong uses word-final consonants to mark these, while one transliteration, known as GR, marks these by changing, adding, or doubling a letter. Yoruba and the Bantu languages have the register form, while others have the contour form. It is thought to have arisen in some cases when syllable-final consonants eroded, and Cantonese has six while Mandarin has four. For 10 points, name these features of some languages which English notably lacks, where the pitch of a word affects its meaning.;;tone(s);;pitch Literature;;One character in this play exclaims, "The bastard! He doesn't exist," after praying to God. That occurs after he bribes his father into listening to him for a sugar-plum. He insistently asks "Is it not my time for pain-killer"? but when he discovers that his servant has no more, he throws away his black toy dog and puts on a handkerchief on his face, preparing to die. Two characters kept in ashbins are the protagonist's parents, Nagg and Nell. Not much other than pointless arguments occur in, for 10 points, what play by Samuel Beckett about the mutually dependent Hamm and Clov that gets its name from part of a chess game?;;Endgame|Fin de partie Physics;;Cauchy generalized this statement to higher dimensions and related the two quantities involved to each other via the compliance matrix and the stiffness matrix. The ratio of the two quantities involved is also known as mu, or Lamé's second parameter. It can be derived in 3 dimensions using Poisson's ratio and the Young modulus. Sensitive to temperature and loading rate, rubber is a notable exception to this law. Stated as F equals negative kx, it states that stress is directly proportional to strain. Containing the spring constant, for 10 points, name this law of elasticity named after a British physicist.;;Hooke('s) (law)|equation of elasticity Music;;This composer's first opera contains the aria "Se come voi piccina io fossi", sung to Robert by Anna, the daughter of the forester Guglielmo. In addition to Le Villi, he composed a comic opera about Magda, La Rondine, and one trilogy of his works includes Il Tabarro and Suor Angelica. Like Jules Massenet, he made an opera based on a novel by Abbé Prevost, Manon Lescaut. This composer of The Girl of the Golden West also wrote a work beginning in a garret with Marcello and Rodolfo burning pages and ending with the death of Mimi, and another in which Captain Pinkerton deserts the title character, Cio-Cio San. For 10 points, name this composer of Tosca, La bohème, and Madama Butterfly.;;(Giacomo) Puccini Literature;;The prologue in one of his early works ends, "The human race was no longer alone". That work, which features the UN Secretary General Stormgren and the Overlord Karellen, was Childhood's End. In a 1972 work which won double crown of Hugo and Nebula awards, Captain Norton commands the Endeavour to explore the titular cylindrical starship, Rama. His ideas presented in "Extraterrestrial Relays" led to geostationary communications satellites. "The Sentinel" was a work by, for 10 points, what science fiction writer wrote the basis for Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey?;;Arthur C. Clarke World History;;One side in this incident responded by arresting people in Operation Jock Scott and more people in Operation Anvil after Oliver Lyttleton authorized Governor Evelyn Baring to declare Emergency. Ian Henderson was notorious for torturing prisoners, and the opposing side from the Aberdare Mountain resorted to guerilla warfare after the arrest of "General China" and the execution of Dedan Kimathi. The rebels were also known as the Land Freedom Army. Although the British had fewer casualties than the Kikuyu Central Association, its cost caused Britain to give up the colony. For 10 points, name this uprising in the 1950s, a manifestation of Kenyan nationalism.;;Mau Mau (Uprising)|(Rebellion)|(Revolt,) Literature;;In this novel, Captain Jacobi of "La Paloma" delivers the title object just before he dies of gunshot wounds. It can be traced back to a Russian general, who at the end of the novel turns out to have made a fake and kept the original for himself. Effie Perine announces the arrival of a customer who reports that her younger sister Corinne is missing and that she may be with Floyd Thursby. Thursby and Cairo turn out to be hired by Gutman to retrieve the title object along with Miss Wonderly, who is actually Brigid O'Shaughnessy. For 10 points, name this novel about the detective Sam Spade, written by Dashiell Hammett.;;(The) Maltese Falcon Biology;;This phenomenon is exhibited by the evolution of wild rye caused by the artificial selection of wheat crops, first noticed by Nikolai Vavilov. The Mertensian type allows predators to be injured non-fatally by a less harmful species, allowing them to learn that pattern. One type occurs when two or more harmful species both share each other's warning signals, while another type occurs when a tasteful species imitates a distasteful species. Exhibited by snakes and butterflies, for 10 points, name this biological phenomenon, whose best-known types are Müllerian and Batesian, in which one organism resembles another for protection against predation.;;mimicry Pop Culture;;One of their songs says to "Tell the people that arrive, / We don't need to multiply", while in another song, the singer is being taken away from "the strangest places" by "sweet Danny and Lisa". In addition to "X" and "Radio/Video", the title track of one album ends with the line "When I became the sun, / I shone light into the man's heart". In addition to "Prison Song", "Chic ‘N' Stu", and that one, "Toxicity", one song says, "Why don't presidents fight the war? / Why do they always send the poor"? For 10 points, name this Armenian-American alternative metal band headed by Serj Tankian, whose song include "B.Y.O.B". and "Chop Suey!".;;System of a Down;;SOAD Religion/Mythology;;His father Haran was burned to death in a fire by the builder of the Tower of Babel, Nimrod. He gets captured by Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and is saved when 318 men defeat that king at Damascus. In a cave of the mountains next to Zoar, he fathered Moab and Ammon, and proceeded to become the patriarch of both the Moabites and the Ammonites. He supposedly offered his daughters to a mob demanding to see angels that he had given refuge to, resulting in his eventual survival of catastrophe. For 10 points, name this nephew of Abraham, whose wife Irit was turned to stone for looking back while the family escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.;;Lot|Lut Art;;In one of his paintings, a smiling young woman in a white dress with brown spots stands on the left and a somber old woman in a black dress stands on the right while dancing couples fill the rest of the painting. The moon and its phallic reflection in the water appear in several of his paintings including Moonlight and The Dance of Life. His Madonna is nude and has long black hair and is surrounded by a red halo. It appears in his series, Frieze of Life, along with a painting called which depicts his sister dying of tuberculosis, The Sick Child. For 10 points, name this Norwegian painter whose most famous painting depicts the titular action beneath a swirling red sky, The Scream.;;(Edvard) Munch Literature;;Works in this language include The Maias and Message. One novel in this language is written as an autobiography by a dead man, and was influenced heavily by Tristram Shandy. In addition to the author of Philosopher or Dog? and Epitaph of a Small Winner, an epic poet wrote about the Isle of Love and Adamastor, the spirit of a cape, who harrasses sailors trying to round it. Another writer in this language wrote Tieta, the Goat Girl and Dona Flor and her Two Husbands, Jorge Amado. For 10 points, name this language of The Lusiads by Luís de Camões and the author of Blindness, Jose Saramago, spoken in Brazil and a country on the Iberian peninsula.;;Portuguese United States History;;Due to this man's economic policies, his entire party was dubbed the "Locofocos". This president was elected over his eventual successor and Hugh L. White, two candidates put forth by the same party in different parts of the country. After time in the New York Senate, he founded the Bucktails nationally, a political machine which became the Albany Regency. He sent Winfield Scott to solve the Aroostook War, and worsened the specie circular problem. He ran unsuccessfully on the Free Soil ticket in 1848 after being defeated in his reelection bid by William Henry Harrison. For 10 points, name this vice president and successor to Andrew Jackson known as "Old Kinderhook".;;(Martin) Van Buren Earth Science;;In this period, the Ediacara biota from the previous period diminished greatly, which is possibly explained by the Snowball Earth or the Light Switch Theory. It is divided into Terre·neuvian and Furongian epochs, and the first species with compound eyes emerged. The supercontinent of Pannotia broke up at the beginning of this period, whose fossils are preserved in the Doushantuo Formation and the Burgess Shale. Named by Adam Sedgwick from the old name of Wales, it is also known the Age of Trilobites. For 10 points, what geologic period is known for sudden appearance of diverse species, its namesake Explosion?;;Cambrian (period)|Age of Trilobites Literature;;In this play, a jester disguises himself as a priest to mock a servant who had chastised him for loud, drunk singing at night. Maria forges a letter about "M. O. A. I" causing that servant to wear yellow, cross gartered, stockings and smile randomly. The lady courted by both Sir Andrew Aguecheek and the Duke of Illyria ultimately weds a man whom she believes to be Cesario, and Antonio gives away his purse to a man he homosexually loves. Feste and Sir Toby mock Malvolio, and a sister of Sebastian hides her femininity to gain employment with Duke Orsino in, for 10 points, what Shakespearean play involving mistaken identities around Viola named for a Christmas holiday?;;Twelfth Night(,) (What) (You) (Will) Religion/Mythology;;This man tried to defend against his death at the hands of a mob with a pepper pistol but was shot in jail. He and his 10,000 followers were forced out of Missouri and into Illinois during a war that saw the death of 22 people in 1838. In 1827, he married Emma Hale, and in 1831 he tried to move his followers to Independence, Missouri. He established the city of Nauvoo in Illinois, which was the site of another war in 1844. This caused his followers to again move, this time to the West, where later they would perpetrate the Mountain Meadows Massacre. For 10 points, name this man who supposedly met Moroni, the first leader of the Church of Latter Day Saints.;;(Joseph) Smith World History;;For the sake of this man, Yamagata Prefecture in Japan banned the name Sanzo because a man by that name tried to assassinate him. 1,389 people stampeded to death on his coronation celebration due to rumors that there was not enough free beer and bread to go around. Sergei Witte wrote the October Manifesto for him, declaring freedom of speech and establishing the State Duma in response to the Revolution of 1905, which included the Bloody Sunday and Potemkin Uprising. His son Alexei's hemophilia was "treated" by the monk Rasputin. Rumors persist that his daughter Anastasia survived him, but he was assassinated in 1917. For 10 points, name this last Tsar of Russia.;;Nicholas II|Nicholas the Second|Nicholas 2;;Nicholas Physics;;This property is acquired not continuously, but in small discrete steps, as demonstrated by Barkhausen noise. It can be explained by the Ising model, and is exhibited by manganese-containing Heusler alloys. Materials with this property display coercivity and remanence, which are related to the size and shape of the S-shaped curves obtained by plotting H against M, the hysteresis loop. It is history-dependent and arises when dipoles align spontaneously, but when these Weiss domains are disrupted it can turn into paramagnetism above a certain temperature. For 10 points, name this type of magnetism exhibited at temperatures below the Curie point by cobalt, nickel, and iron.;;ferromagnet(ism);;ferrimagnetism Pop Culture;;In one hilarious scene in this movie, Coca Cola cans explode all over a man who tries to get some change by shooting the vending machine. Another character is obsessed with the "peace on earth" and the "purity of essence" of his precious bodily fluids. The pie fight scene was cut from its ending, which features Vera Lynn's "We'll Meet Again". Major Kong gets excited when he falls from his aircraft, and Buck Turgidson insists that America should not allow a "mine shaft gap". Lionel Mandrake, Merkin Muffley, and the title character are all played by Peter Sellers in, for 10 points, what Cold War satire by Stanley Kubrick?;;Dr. Strangelove (or:) (How) (I) (Learned) (to) (Stop) (Worrying) (and) (Love) (the) (Bomb) Music;;Conlon Nancarrow wrote about 50 studies for a special type of this instrument. In the Name of the Holocaust and Bacchanale are works by John Cage for the "prepared" type. Duets for this instrument include Brahms's Hungarian Dances and Dvo?ák's Slavonic Dances. Works for this instrument include Beethoven's Tempest and Waldstein sonatas, Debussy's Children's Corner suite, and Frédéric Chopin's Fantasie-Impromptu etudes. For 10 points, name this instrument which Tom Lehrer humorously called "an 88-string guitar", famous for having a bunch of black and white keys.;;piano(forte) World History;;El Badi Palace in this present-day nation was commissioned by Ahmad al-Mansur, a ruler of the Saadi Dynasty. That palace is in a city which the victor of the Battle of Zallaka, Yusuf ibn Tashfin, founded: Marrakech, the second capital of the Almoravids. The 1975 Green March by this nation forced Spain to cede territories, long after it was made a European protectorate through the Treaty of Fez. The appearance of Panther in Agadir caused a diplomatic crisis in this nation, while an earlier incident occurred in 1905, when Wilhelm II visited Tangier, necessitating the Algeciras Conference. For 10 points, what nation, currently ruled by Mohammed VI of the Alaouite Dynasty, has its capital at Rabat?;;Morocco Philosophy;;One member of this school of philosophy named desire, action, and assent in his outline of the "three topics" one must study. That man, who studied under Musonius Rufus, wrote two books compiled by Flavius Arrian, The Discourses and The Handbook. Its key concept was pneuma, the breath of life that gives structure to life, and its minor adherents include Panaetius and Posidonius. The pupil of Cleanthes, Chyrsippus of Soli, is said to be the second founder of this school, named for the painted porch that its teachers taught from. For 10 points, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius practiced what system of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium?;;Stoic(ism) Chemistry;;One substance containing this element catalyzes the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to carboxylic acids and ketones, and is called the Jones reagent. Uvarovite garnet contains this element, and stichtite is an alteration product from serpentine that bears this element. With potassium, its hexavalent ion forms a potent oxidizing agent, sometimes used to clean glassware. Two atoms of this element can form a quintuple covalent bond. Stainless steel contains this element, and metal things are plated with it to make them shiny. For 10 points, name this namesake of some green and yellow pigments, with atomic number 24 and symbol Cr.;;Chromium|Cr;;chrome Literature;;One work by this writer, in which Laurent and the title character begin an affair and kill Camille, was his first commercial success, Thérèse Raquin. He wrote the autobiographical Confession of Claude and a novel cycle subtitled "The History of a French Family during the Second French Empire". In addition to a novel about a girl who brings Georges Hugon to commits suicide with scissors, the high-class coquette Nana, the Rougon-Macquart cycle includes The Drumshop and Germinal. For 10 points, name this author who defended Alfred Dreyfus in "J'accuse".;;(Emile) Zola Anthropology;;This scholar's gift for music allowed him to write "On Alternating Sounds". He worked with Rudolf Virchow at the Royal Ethnological Museum in Berlin, and earlier, he analyzed the impact of geography on the Inuit in Baffin Island. He went to British Columbia to study the Kwakiutl Indians and learned about potlach. Believing that cultures are too complex to be analyzed from a singular perspective, he used archaeology and language in his four-field approach. For 10 points, what American author of The Mind of Primitive Man established the department of anthropology at Columbia and taught people like Zora Neale Hurston and Margaret Mead?;;(Franz) Boas Biology;;The secondary type can have dilated rays which result from localized anticlinal divisions. Specialized parenchyma cells such as albuminous or companion cells facilitate movements of particles into sieve cells, while apoplastic and symplastic loading allow translocation, a movement from sources to sinks driven by hydrostatic pressures and active transport. The primary type develops from the apical meristem, and it is generally considered the innermost layer of the bark. For 10 points, name this tissue concerned with the transport of food, contrasted with xylem.;;phloem Noncomputational Math;;The theorem that every positive integer is the sum of at most n n-gonal numbers is called this man's "polygonal number theorem". The set of numbers named for him contains integers of the form 2, to the 2, to the nth power, plus one. Another of his theorems states that given any prime p and integer a, a to the pth power is equal to a mod p. In optics, he gives his name to the principle of least time. His best-known theorem, proven in 1993 using elliptic curves and the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture by Andrew Wiles, states that there are no solutions for a certain Diophantine equation with exponents greater than 2. For 10 points, name this French mathematician known for his "last theorem".;;(Pierre) (de) Fermat Literature;;His poem "Icarus" is at the end of the essay that describes the relationship of his words and his body, Sun and Steel. He depicted an army lieutenant choosing to commit suicide with his wife rather than hunt down his friends in a coup d'etat in Patriotism. Shunsuke takes revenge on women by making them fall in love with a homosexual man in Forbidden Colors, and the protagonist admires the body of St. Sebastian in his autobiographical Confessions of a Mask. Shigekuni Honda and various reincarnations of the protagonist in his most famous work, which includes The Temple of Dawn and Spring Snow. For 10 points, what Japanese author who committed seppuku wrote the Sea of Fertility tetralogy?;;Mishima (Yukio) Art;;Many of this man's works were produced by family friends Hans and Florence Knoll, including one with a white frame and red cushion, the iconic Tulip chair. Collaborating with the president of the Cranbrook Academy of Art, he designed the Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo, New York. The roof of another of his buildings has 1/8th of a sphere, and serves as a concert hall in MIT. His other works include the General Motors Technical Center, the TWA flight center in New York, and Dulles International Airport Terminal near Washington, D.C. For 10 points, name this architect who designed the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, a man of Finnish descent.;;(Eero) Saarinen Literature;;This author's political works include one against his own government adapted from a lecture series, "The Coming Victory of Democracy". He wrote a tetralogy including the parts "At the Well" and "The Story of Dinah", Joseph and His Brothers. This author of Tonio Kröger wrote a story in which one title character, the hypnotist Cipolla, is assassinated by the other title character, Mario and the Magician. The narrator Zeitblom tells of his friend, a composer who sacrifices his soul for musical talent named Adrian Leverkühn, in another of his works. For 10 points name this German author of Doctor Faustus, as well as a novel about Hans Castorp's time in a Swiss sanatorium, The Magic Mountain.;;(Thomas) Mann Religion/Mythology;;One princess of this city, daughter of Pandion and sister of Procne, weaved tapestry to tell her story when she was raped and her tongue was cut out by the Thracian king Tereus. In addition to Philomela, other royal members of this city include one whose deformity brought Herse and Agraulus to insanity, the result of an attempted rape by Hephaestus, Erichthonius. After the death of Androgeus, this city had to give up young men and women every few years as sacrifice. The people of this city chose an olive tree over a spring of salt water after Cecrops challenged Poseidon and a goddess to give gifts. For 10 points, what city is named for the Greek goddess of wisdom?;;Athens|Athenai Philosophy;;In one work, the alter ego of this man attacks the empiricist position of Philalethes, arguing in favor of innatism. That alterego, Theophilus, rejects the "tabula rasa" in a work meant to rebut Locke, New Essays on Human Understanding. He also proposed that there is no physical causation; rather God designed everything to occur the way it does and created "pre-established harmony". This author of Theodicy and Monadology also believed in "sufficient reason," a concept for which he was satirized in Candide as Dr. Pangloss, a character who maintains the faith that he lives in the best of all worlds. For 10 points, name this rationalist who invented calculus independently of Newton.;;(Gottfried) (Wilhelm) Leibniz Physics;;Benjamin Franklin created the first flat version of these, called Franklin Squares. Early experiments used high voltages, which caused corona discharges to skew results. Failures in one type can cause production of excess hydrogen, making them swell and pop. The reservoir type acts as a rectifier, smoothing AC current, and boric acid or sodium borate is usually used in the electrolytic type. The earliest ones, invented by Pieter van Musschenbroek, were called Leyden jars. Made up of two conducting plates separated by a dielectric, or non-conducting, substance, their effectiveness is measured in farads. For 10 points, name these electrical components that store charge.;;capacitor|condensor;;Leyden jar(s) Literature;;One poet from this polity asked the Lord to "Make me . . . thy Spinning Wheele compleat" in his poem "Huswifery". In addition to Edward Taylor, one writer from here was praised by Jupiter Hammon and herself wrote the collection Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, as well as a work addressed to "His Excellency", the first leader of its successor state. An earlier author from this polity wrote "The Author to Her Book" in her The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung up in it. Phyllis Wheatley and Anne Bradstreet thrived in, for 10 points, what polity, the setting of The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter, a British possession made defunct by the Revolutionary War?;;colonial America|British America;;America|USA|United States of America World History;;One early 20th century movement in this country was led by bishop Fan Noli, while Noli's opponents formed the Legality Party during World War II. One hero of this nation helped cause the death of Wladyslaw III of Poland and defeat of John Hunyadi's armies under Murad II by skipping the Battle of Varna. In addition to that man who protected this nation from 13 Turkish invasions, Skanderbeg, one self-proclaimed king of this nation was deposed by Benito Mussolini in 1939 and fled to Greece. The Communist Party in this country completely closed it off from western influence under Enver Hoxha. HOH-dja For 10 points, name this Balkan nation whose rulers, including King Zog, would rule from Tiranë.;;(Republic) (of) Albania|Shqipëria|Republika e Shqipërisë|Shqipnija (from) (any) (Ghegs) Psychology;;He introduced the concept of mand, a verbal behavior with motivating operations, in a work that was heavily criticized by Noam Chomsky. He argued that cultural engineering is prevented by the belief in free will represented by the titular concepts in one work, while in another, Professor Augustine Castle dramatically leaves T.E. Frazier. Planners, Managers, and Scientists constitute the thousand members of an atheist utopia in that work inspired by Thoreau. For 10 points, what proponent of radical behaviorism who wrote Beyond Freedom and Dignity and Walden II developed his namesake box to reinforce certain rat behaviors through operant conditioning?;;(B.) (F.) Skinner Chemistry;;In the Criegee mechanism, this compound reacts through a 1,3-dipolar cyclo·addition to cleave double bonds in alkenes. Sydney Chapman discovered the process by which this continuously regenerates. Discovered by Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1840, it gives a thunderstorm its distinctive smell. It converts electromagnetic radiation into heat energy in a reaction catalyzed by hydroxyl and chloro·fluoro·carbons. At ground level, it is a pollutant and respiratory irritant, but it occurs in high concentrations in the stratosphere, where it absorbs UV rays. For 10 points, name this triatomic form of oxygen, which has a namesake "layer" in the atmosphere.;;ozone;;O3 United States History;;The lead-up to this event featured military training at Springdale, Iowa, and a constitution adopted at Chatham in Canada. Its leader took up residence to scout out the region going by Isaac Smith, and organized his followers by issuing General Order No. I. After seizing the chief location, the participants were spotted by a train and two days later, they were surrounded by Marines under Robert E. Lee. This event was intended to spark a rebellion of slaves and free blacks, but nobody showed up, and seven participants were hanged. For 10 points, name this 1859 event which more or less sparked the Civil War, an abortive attempt to capture a Virginia arsenal led by John Brown.;;(John) (Brown's) (raid) (of) Harpers Ferry Geography;;The Turan Lowlands lie to this body's southeast, while cities of Nukus and Muynok are in Karakalpakstan, which lies to the south of this body of water. Nuclear tests were performed on its Vozrozhdeniya Island, and deserts near it include the Kyzyl Kum. The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers both flow into this. Construction of the Qaraqum Canal off the Amu Darya to irrigate the desert for cotton farming was highly inefficient, allowing loss of 50% of the water it carried and was a chief contributor to the severe desiccation. Having lost more than 80% of its volume since 1960, this is, for 10 points, what formerly 4th largest lake in the world located in central Asia?;;Aral (Sea) Literature;;At one point, the main character, struck with an axe in the knee, bleeds profusely. It is only when he describes how iron originated from the breast milk of the daughters of creation that an old man helps heal the wound. In another story, Aino refuses to marry the main character and later dies when she tries to swim out to an island that sinks. The main character helps his friend Ilmarinen recover the Sampo from the goddess Louhi. For 10 points, name this epic poem compiled by Elias Lönnrot detailing the adventures of Väinämöinen VAI-na-moi-nen, the national epic of Finland.;;Kalevala|(Poems) (from) (the) Kaleva District Biology;;The site of coil-shaped Cajal bodies, some of these contain about ten to thirty PML bodies. snRNP proteins are found richly in their splicing speckles, and they can be made visible by DAPI staining. Like mitochondria, these structures are contained in a double membrane, of which the outer one is continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and they communicate with the cytoplasm through their namesake pores. Parts of them produce ribosomes, and they contain histones and chromatids. For 10 points, name this organelle whose presence distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes, where a cell's DNA is stored.;;nucleus World History;;The assassination of General René Schneider cleared this man's way to power, and his Vuskovic Plan was Keynesian in principle. Early in his term, his government nationalized copper mining, precipitating a retaliatory US-led economic embargo. He created the Juntas de Abastecimientos y Precios to combat consumer shortages, but by that time his Popular Unity party was already facing stiff opposition from the Christian Democrat Party and fascist groups such as the Fatherland and Liberty party, armed and funded by the CIA. A September 1973 coup resulted in the death of, for 10 points, what socialist leader of Chile, deposed and replaced with Augusto Pinochet?;;(Salvador) Allende World History;;So-called human-jaguar copulation scenes can be found in the art of this people. A sacred bog in El Manati provides evidence of child sacrifice and also yielded figurines in this civilization's "elongated man" style, while stelae found in La Venta possibly indicate that site as a ceremonial center of the San Lorenzo phase, placed in the Early Formative Period. Depictions of these people are reminiscent of African or Chinese physiognomy, causing much speculation about these people's origins, who suddenly disappeared around 400 BCE. For 10 points, name this early Mesoamerican civilization most famous for 17 colossal stone heads carved from basalt.;;Olmec(s) Music;;This composer wrote "Sine Nomine" while music editor of the Hymnal of his home nation, and his cantatas include Toward the Unknown Region. He also made pieces from The Pilgrim's Progress and Riders to the Sea. A poem by George Meredith about the title bird inspired his The Lark Ascending, and he adapted his music for Scott of the Antarctic into Sinfonia Antarctica. He also adapted a ditty supposedly written by Henry VIII into part of his opera Sir John in Love, while his symphonies include A Sea Symphony and A London Symphony. For 10 points, name this English composer of Fantasia on "Greensleeves" and Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis.;;(Ralph) Vaughan Williams Literature;;In this novel, when a violent storm washes away the body of one character, some glowing fish surround his head as if he has a halo. After the disappearance of the boy with the "mulberry colored birthmark," every character in this novel suppresses their memory and forgets about him. The giant, deformed ape that Sam and Eric first see is actually only a dead parachutist, but the characters' fears are realized when the hunters confirm that there is indeed a beast on the island they live in. The head of a pig on a stick symbolized the title character in, for 10 points, what novel in which Simon and Piggy savagely murdered by frantic children, written by William Golding?;;Lord of the Flies Philosophy;;This scholar contrasted dead choices with genuine choices, which are live, forced, and momentous, and he argued that some propositions must be accepted without prior evidence in "The Will to Believe". He rejected monism and proposed a multi-verse in A Pluralistic Universe. His most famous work questions whether a man chasing a squirrel around a tree is going around the squirrel, and his Gifford lectures were collected in his The Varieties of Religious Experience. For 10 points, name this American philosopher who coined the term "stream of consciousness" and wrote Pragmatism.;;W(illiam) James;;James Literature;;Jaffier and Pierre are in a conspiracy and have passions for Belvidera in a play by Thomas Otway about this city "Preserv'd", while a visitor from this city refuses to talk about it when telling stories to his host in Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities. One character living in this city, Jashu, idolizes a Polish teenager who is loved by an aging German. Gustav von Aschenbach falls in love with Tadzio before dying of cholera in, for 10 points, what Italian city written about in the aforementioned work by Thomas Mann, of which Antonio is the titular "Merchant" in a Shakespeare play?;;Venice World History;;Colonialism in this nation was attacked in the novels The Reign of Greed and Noli me Tangere. One key leader exiled himself in Hong Kong having secured independence with the Pact of Biak-na-Bato, but it was actually the Tydings-McDuffie Act that led to its independence. The revolution began with an uprising led by Katipunan, although after the Tejeros Convention, its leader Andrés Bonifacio was killed. Apolinario Mabini served as Prime Minister under the first President, who later collaborated with Japanese. For 10 points, Macapagal-Arroyo is the current leader of what Asian nation, where Emiliano Aguinaldo struggled against the Spanish and the Americans?;;(the) Philippines Biology;;Genetic evidence from the basal types of these organisms suggest that the genus Amborella is sister to all species within this division. They have small male and female gametophytes, allowing faster life cycles. Double fertilization leads to the production of an endosperm, a tissue within the seed that provides the embryo with nutrition. Self-fertilization is prevented by having ovaries enclosed in a carpel, which later develops into fruit. They have a specialized reproductive structure consisting of pistils and stamens, unlike the other extant division of seed plants. For 10 points, name this division containing flowering plants, contrasted with gymnosperms.;;angiosperm(s)|anthophyta|magnoliophyta;;flowering plant(s) Art;;This artist painted the family of the namesake burgomaster of Basel into a scene with the Virgin and Child in his Meyer Altarpiece, while two series of his woodcuts are the Old Testament and the Dance of Death. A woman holds a jug in her left hand and holds out her right while Jesus backs away in his Noli me Tangere. A famous painting by this artist features a silver cross in the upper left and a lute and some globes on a table, along with an anamorphic skull in the foreground and two French dignitaries. Another job of his led to portraits of Sir Thomas More, Anne of Cleves, and others. For 10 points, name this painter for Henry VIII of England who also painted The Ambassadors.;;(Hans) Holbein (the) Younger Literature;;One of this author's poems says, "Our hands were firmly cemented / By a fast balm", while another asks, "Alas! Alas! who's injured by my love"? and begins, "For God's sake hold your tongue". In addition to "The Ecstasy" and "The Canonization", he tells the title character to "Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again" in "Batter my heart, three-person'd God". His collections include one of essays, Meditations, and one of poetry which calls the title character a "slave to Fate" and says that, after "One short sleep past", "thou shalt die". For 10 points, name this author of "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and a set of 19 Holy Sonnets, including "Death, be not proud".;;(John) Donne Music;;In this work, Giovanna is asked to "safely guard this tender blossom" in "Veglia, o donnma, questo fiore", but that character, being in love with a man she knows as Gualtier Maldé, sings "Caro nome che il mio cor" after his "E il sol dell' anima, la vita e amore". Marullo, Ceprano, and Borsa give a blindfolded man a ladder so they can kidnap his supposed lover, acting out Count Monterone's curse. The kidnapped Gilda is actually that blindfolded man's daughter, and Gualtier turns out to be the Duke of Mantua. For 10 points, name this opera with a canzone about the fickleness of women, "La donna è mobile", in which Sarafucile is hired to kill the Duke by the titular hunchbacked jester, a work by Guiseppe Verdi.;;Rigoletto Biology;;These react with carbenoids to form cyclopropane in the Simmons-Smith reaction. The alpha type can be polymerized by Ziegler-Natta catalysts, and their hydrohalogenation is governed by Markovnikov's rule. Highly substituted ones have Z and E isomers. Functional groups derived from compounds of this type include allyl and vinyl. Because the type of bond they have restricts rotation, these organic compounds have cis and trans isomers. Their general formula, the same as that of cycloalkanes, is CnH2n cee en aitch two en. Sometimes called olefins, for 10 points, name these unsaturated hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon double bond, the simplest of which is ethylene.;;alkene(s)|olefin(s) United States History;;As Chairman of the Public Service Commission of his state, this man fought the Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company, and earlier, he had won fame by opposing the Standard Oil. Although he was impeached by Cecil Morgan, he was able to choose his successor, Alvin King, to continue his reforms, and the preacher Gerald Smith supported this man by comparing him to a superman. He published his imaginary conversations with Roosevelt and Hoover in My First Days in the White House. Known for the slogan "Every man a king" and the "Share Our Wealth" program, for 10 points, name this man assassinated by Carl Weiss, the dictatorial governor of Louisiana known as Kingfish.;;(Huey) (Pierce) Long Astronomy;;The namesake cliff of this object occurs at the location of 1:2 resonance. First theorized by Frederick Leonard, the improved accuracy of charge-coupled devices was key to its discovery by David Jewitt and Jane Luu. The "classical" objects of this location are referred to as cubewanos, while the farthest ones from the Earth are two·tinos. The potential dwarf planet named for the creator god of the Tongva people, Quaoar, is in this region. The Centaurs are minor planets that lie inside it, and Nereid, Phoebe, and Triton are thought to have their origin here. Sometimes named for Kenneth Edgeworth, for 10 points, name this origin of short-term comets nearer than the Oort Cloud.;;(Edgeworth-)Kuiper Belt Miscellaneous;;This company was embroiled in controversy over the imprisonment of dissidents Shi Tao and Li Zhi, since it released previously confidential information to Chinese officials. CEO Terry Semel stepped down in June 2007 in favor of the company co-founder, who appointed Susan Decker as president. By 2005, this company had acquired Oddpost to add an Ajax interface to its email service, and had purchased and Flickr. Founded by Stanford grad students David Filo and Jerry Yang, for ten points, name this internet company which in 2008 was the target of a $44.6 billion takeover bid from Microsoft, which probably did not cause its shareholders to yodel.;;Yahoo(!) Literature;;This author's only poems were collected in Beware, Soul-Brother and Other Poems. He wrote about a day in the life of Jonathan in his short story "Civil Peace". He wrote about the titular Minister of Culture, a chief who becomes greedier as he adapts to modern politics, in A Man of the People. One of his novels takes place in the fictional country of Kangan and tells the story about the dictator Sam and a reporter he kills, Ikem Osodi, while the sequel to his most famous work is No Longer at Ease. That novel sees Reverend Smith replace Mr. Brown as missionary in Umuofia, whose inhabitants include Okonkwo. For ten points, name this author of Anthills of the Savannah and Things Fall Apart.;;(Chinua) Achebe World History;;Setting sail for India as supreme admiral with 13 ships, this man fell out with the zamorin of Calicut and retaliated the burning of its trading post by bombarding the city and massacring the crews of 10 Muslim ships, and obtained spices from Cochin. Earlier on that same trip, he had taken a "circle" route around the Gulf of Guinea to avoid the calm waters reported by Vasco da Gama where he sighted the Island of the True Cross, later to be renamed Holy Cross by Manuel I, and yet later to be renamed for a kind of wood. His claim on the land was valid since it did not violate the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas with Spain. For 10 points, name this explorer who discovered Brazil for Portugal.;;(Pedro) (Alvares) Cabral Physics;;A circular version of it is called the Corbino effect, and it can be measured using the Van der Pauw method. Used in a type of spacecraft thruster, two versions of it differ in whether the filling factor nu is integral or rational. A thin copper film can be used as a namesake probe, to measure large magnetic fields on the order of one tesla. With thermal, spin, and quantum varieties, it occurs because the Lorentz force pushes charge carriers to one side of the conductor, producing a measurable voltage. Used to determine the sign of the charge carriers, for 10 points, name this effect in which a perpendicular potential difference arises in a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.;;Hall (effect) Music;;In his only opera, Alidor is the lord of the Castle of Love and poses as Romualde to test Princess Elzire's love for the title character, Don Sanche. His Czárdás CHAHR-dahsh macabre was based on the Dies Irae, as was another piece which has a percussive piano introduction of a repeated four-beat phrase, his Totentanz. His twelve Symphonic Poems include one that refers to an ode by Lamartine, Les Préludes. "Mazeppa" was the fourth of his technically demanding Transcendental Etudes. For 10 points, name this composer of Mephisto Waltzes whose "Rakoczy March" is the 15th of his 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies.;;(Franz) Liszt Religion/Mythology;;In Basque mythology, one of these named Beigorri protects caves, while the Gauls worshipped a divine one named Damona. Cadmus was told to follow one to find his new home. Kamadhenu is the mother of these animals in Hindu myth, and according to the Prose Edda, one of these creatures created the first human Buri by licking salty ice-blocks. Daedalus makes a hollow one out of wood to allow Pasiphaë to fulfill her lust, and a gadfly pursues one relentlessly after Zeus turned Io into it. Audhumla and Hathor take the form of, for 10 points, what creature revered in Hinduism?;;cow(s)|cattle World History;;The locals called one of his castles the Castle of the White Demon, and in one siege, this man built a kilometer length causeway for his engines to reach an island. He annihilated the Sacred Band of Thebes as the commander of a cavalry wing of his father's army at Chaeronea, and after his death was followed by was the Partition of Babylon and the Wars of the Diadochi. In one battle, this man left behind the main body of the army while he surprised attacked King Porus by crossing the Hydaspes River with his horse Bucephalus. Tutored by Aristotle and famously solved the Gordian Knot, for 10 points, this is what victor at Gaugamela and Issus, the Macedonian king whose conquest ushered the Hellenistic culture.;;Alexander (the) Great|Alexander III Psychology;;This thinker studied word association at the Burghölzli Clinic, and his interest in Gnosticism and mysticism appears in The Seven Sermons To The Dead. He provided the basis for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and distinguished the male and female sexual attitudes as animus and anima in Psychological Types. He also named non-causal relation of events as synchronicity, which he explained by theorizing motifs like the Shadow and the Great Mother, archetypes. For 10 points, what author of The Psychology of the Unconscious proposed that humankind shares a universal background of collective unconscious?;;(Carl) (Gustav) Jung Literature;;The title characters "came from the sea" in one poetry collection by this author, originally published entirely in capital letters. In addition to The Black Riders, he wrote a short story in which Scratchy Wilson calls off a fight with Jack Potter because of the title character, but his Whilomville Stories do not include his "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky" or "The Blue Hotel". In one novel by this author, the title character drown herself in the East River after Nellie convinces Pete to abandon her, while in another, Henry Fleming receives the titular wound. For 10 points, name this author of Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and The Red Badge of Courage.;;(Stephen) Crane Economics;;Book V of The Wealth of Nations primarily discusses this concept. The Pigouvian variety is employed when individual and societal marginal cost curves are not equivalent, and "farming" related to this concept arguably led to the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Other historical examples include jizya and Danegeld. Milton Friedman argued for a negative variety of this cause of deadweight loss. Laffer curve plots its rate on the x-axis, and supply-side economists advocate lowering it in order to stimulate growth. For 10 points, progressive and regressive are two types of what primary source of revenue for the government?;;tax(es)|taxation Literature;;The mestizo Hunilla is stranded on Norfolk Island in one of the ten sketches that comprises this author's The Encatadas. The title character living in Acroceraunian hills is visited amidst a thunderstorm in "The Lightning-Rod Man," collected in his Piazza Tales. Amasa Delano learns about a mutiny on San Dominick in "Benito Cereno". Other famous creations of this author include a colleague of Turkey and Nippers who "prefers not to" leave the office, the Master-at-Arms Claggart, and Queequeg and Starbuck, sailors aboard the Pequod. For 10 points, name this man who wrote about Captain Ahab pursuing a great white sperm whale in Moby Dick.;;(Herman) Melville World History;;The Treaty of Constantinople set the Arta-Volos line as the northern boundary of this nation, which made large territorial gains in the Treaty of Bucharest. It was originally led by a Bavarian Prince, but a more important monarch, from the House of Glucksburg, was George I. The London Conference met after its first president, John Capodistria, was assassinated. Key victory that led to its independence was commanded by Edward Codrington, and its nationalism began in the "Friendly Society" led by Alexander Ypsilantis. For 10 points, Byron and others were inspired by the war of independence of what Balkan nation which was the ancient origin of the western culture?;;Greece Music;;His only opera, The Maiden in the Tower, followed such works as Pan and Echo. He destroyed his eighth symphony, which followed a one movement seventh symphony in C major that was called "sinfonia fantastica". His most famous work was originally performed under the title "Impromptu," while works like "Kullervo" KUL-er-vo and "The Swan of Tuonela" TWOH-ne-la, parts of the Lemmenkainen Suite, were inspired by the Kalevala KAL-e-val-a. For 10 points, what composer wrote a composition that aroused patriotic feelings against Russia, Finlandia?;;(Jean) Sibelius Chemistry;;MES, TAE, and tris are examples of these commonly used in biology. In 1966 Dr. Norman Good compiled a list of twelve of these with desirable characteristics such as enzymatic and hydrolytic stability, low cell membrane permeability, and a pKa, or acid dissociation constant, between 6 and 8. In 1908, an equation governing the effect of carbonic acid as one of these was written by Lawrence Joseph Henderson. That equation was later rewritten in logarithmic form by Hasselbalch. Their primary function depends on the common ion effect because each contains a weak base and its conjugate acid, or vice versa. For 10 points, name this kind of solution which resists change in pH.;;buffer (solution) Pop Culture;;One football player of this surname is a free safety for the Chicago Bears from Abilene Christian now running kick returns. In addition to Danieal, another player of this last name picked off Donovan McNabb three times in the NFC Championship game en route to the Super Bowl for the Carolina Panthers. Another player was an all-state wide receiver going to Ole Miss, who never played in the NFL due to spinal stenosis. That player, Cooper, was the son of a quarterback who was drafted in 1971 and started ten losing seasons for the Saints and fathered two current starting quarterbacks. For 10 points, give the last name of Archie, whose sons Peyton and Eli play for the Colts and Giants.;;Manning Philosophy;;This man commented on Emmanuel Swedenborg in Dreams of a Spirit Seer and discussed ratiocination in The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures. He proposed that the maxim Sapere aude is the answer to the title question, "What is Enlightenment"? Moreover, he asserted that humans should be treated as an end rather than a means to an end and that all people should act as universal legislators in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. He famously distinguished between synthetic-analytic and a priori-a posteriori and introduced the categorical imperative. For 10 points, name this German writer of The Critique of Pure Reason.;;(Immanuel) Kant Geography;;The Marble Hill Nuclear Power Plant is situated on this river, and other towns on this river include Lewisport and Wheeling. The McAlpine Locks and Dam can be found on this river, and the Green River and the Cumberland River both feed into it. The Great and Little Miami Rivers also empty into this river, and The Forks historically possessed great strategic value. Kanawha River is a major tributary, while its only rapids is located at Louisville, Kentucky. It is formed by the confluence of two other rivers at Point State Park. For 10 points, name this largest tributary by volume to the Mississippi, which forms from the Allegheny and Monongohela in Pittsburgh.;;Ohio (River) Religion/Mythology;;This mythological figure helped the Winnili defeat the Vandals by telling their women to comb their hair to look like they have beards. This deity lives at Fensalir, the Marsh Hall, attended to by Hlin, Gna, and Fulla. She is associated with Orion's Belt, which is also known as her distaff or spinning wheel. She is accused of having affairs with her brothers-in-law Ve and Vili, but more famously, she makes everything in the world except mistletoe vow to not harm her son. Her son Hod, however, does end up killing Balder. For 10 points, name this Norse goddess of love and fertility, the wife of Odin.;;Frigg Astronomy;;The Wolf number is calculated using k, the observatory factor, and the number of these present at any given time. They were very rare from 1645 to 1715, a period called the Maunder minimum. Spörer's law states that they usually appear in higher latitudes and later move towards the equator. Their area and latitudinal distribution is graphed against against time in a butterfly diagram, showing a cycle that repeats every eleven years. Coronal mass ejections and solar flares occur near groups of these features. Arising from increased magnetic activity inhibiting convection and thus lowering the surface temperature, for 10 points, name these dark regions on the surface of the sun.;;sunspot(s);;starspot Economics;;This man argued that economics is not "up to date" because it's not an evolutionary science, and that science is the defining characteristic of the west in "The Place of Science in Modern Civilization". In his most famous work, he asserted that the "belief in luck" leads to proclivity to gambling, which can be traced back to the human predatory culture. He also discussed technocracy in The Engineers and the Price System. Silverwares are product of barbarism according to, for 10 points, what economist who discussed "pecuniary emulsion" and "conspicuous consumption" in The Theory of the Leisure Class?;;(Thorstein) Veblen Literature;;This author wrote about Ainsley and Marian McAlpin sharing an apartment in The Edible Woman. Zenia fakes her death in college in this author's The Robber Bride. One sister drives her car off a bridge, leaving behind a science fiction book presented alongside the other sister's narration in one of her novels. Besides writing about Laura and Iris in The Blind Assassin, another of this author's novels describes the last man on Earth, Snowman, in a love triangle with Oryx and Crake. In another work, the title character lives under The Commander in the Republic of Gilead. For 10 points, name this Canadian author who wrote about Offred in The Handmaid's Tale.;;(Margaret) Atwood World History;;This event's target implemented the White Revolution, using the SAVAK to persecute the illegal Tudeh Party, which played a major a role in this event, along with the Homafaran. Another major opposition group contributing to this event was the Jebhe Melli, or National Front, founded by Muhammad Mossadegh. Demonstrations at Qom and Tabriz culminated in a massacre at Jaleh Square known as Black Friday. As a result, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi fled the country, thus allowing the repatriation from France of this movement's chief leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. For 10 points, name this transformation of a monarchy to a fundamentalist republic of a certain Asian nation.;;Iranian Revolution|Islamic Revolution|Enghel?be Esl?mi Biology;;95% of the cells in this structure occur in "grape-like" bundles around a central ductal lumen, and are shaped like truncated pyramids. The duct of Santorini in this organ is only present in some individuals. The duct of Wirsung leads to the ampulla of Vater, where it joins the common bile duct and collects the secretions of the acinar cells. It also has four other types of cells, including gamma and alpha cells, which secrete somatostatin and glucagon. Joined to the duodenum, it contains beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans. For 10 points, name this endocrine organ which secretes digestive enzymes and insulin.;;pancreas;;acinar cells Religion/Mythology;;Central notions of this group include marifa, while the hadarat are the levels of tajalliat and baqaa. Members hope to achieve fana, or self-annihilation, and muraqaba is used to acquaint oneself with the Six Subtleties. They are organized into tariqas, examples of which include the Chishti and Mevlevi. Famous exponents include the author of the Masnavi who founded the Mevlevi Order, Rumi, and in their search for love initiates are called dervishes. Taking their name from their wool clothing, for 10 points, name this mystical sect of Islam.;;Sufi(sm) Art;;In the back of this painting, man dressed in gold holds a blue and gold striped flag. In the right foreground, a white dog is seen looking at a drummer, who got into the painting for free. An upside-down chicken hangs from the waist of a midget woman clad in gold, the only female of the painting. Two characters in the center, one holding up his left arm and wearing a red sash while one dressed in white, are Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch. The dark varnish on top of this painting gave the common name of, for 10 points, name, what Rembrandt work that actually depicts daytime?;;The Night Watch;;(The) Company of Frans Banning Cocq (and) (Willem) (van) (Ruytenburch) World History;;He was able to write his mediation Infelix ego and the incomplete Tristitia obsedit me in prison because his torturers spared his right arm so he could sign his confession. His De Ruina Mundi and De Ruina Ecclesiae each attacked corruption and even went as far as to call the Roman Curia a "false, proud whore," and made sodomy a capital offence. Despite the Duke of Milan and Pope Alexander VI's efforts, he gained power due to the invasion of Charles VIII and a syphilis epidemic which weakened the Medicis' control over his city. For 10 points, name this man who became the dictator of Florence and famously burned frivolous art of the Renaissance in his Bonfire of the Vanities.;;(Girolamo) Savonarola|(Jerome) Savonarola|(Hieronymus) Savonarola Literature;;In one work by this author, an engaged journalist and photographer investigate the psychic prowess of Evangelina. Beyond Irene Beltran and Francisco Leal in Of Love and Shadows, this author followed Greg Reeves's trip to Vietnam in The Infinite Plan, while in another work, the title character is saved by Riad Halabi amid political turmoil and falls in love with Rolf Carlé. The best-known novel of this author sees three generations of Pedro Garcías, while the main character's husband, Esteban Trueba, built the title edifice, Tres Marías. For 10 points, name this Chilean woman who wrote about the clairvoyant Clara in The House of the Spirits.;;(Isabel) Allende United States History;;One man with this last name lost out to Thomas Dewey and Dwight Eisenhower for the presidential nomination in 1948 and 1952, but became Senate majority leader after the latter election. That man tried to balance organized labor relations with a namesake act co-sponsored with Fred Hartley. In addition to Alphonso and Robert, the most famous man of this name wrote the majority opinion in Myers v. United States as Chief Justice, and fired Gifford Pinchot and backed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff as president. For 10 points, name this American political dynasty whose best-known member was an advocate of "dollar diplomacy", president William Howard.;;Taft Physics;;Electrons can tunnel through a narrow discontinuity in one of these, even without an external voltage, according to the Josephson effect. Their coherence length and penetration depth are predicted by the Ginzburg-Landau theory. Those of type 2 transition gradually, and include layered perovskites like YBCO. A theory explaining how lattice vibrations, called phonons, and Cooper pairs work together to carry current in these materials is called BCS theory. When this type of material is cooled below its critical temperature, it becomes perfectly diamagnetic and expels a magnetic field in the Meissner effect. For 10 points, name this type of material with no resistance to electrical current.;;superconductor(s)|superconduct(ivity) Literature;;According to a fox in this novella, the sole interest of men is to raise chickens. According to the narrator, the planet Earth contains 462,511 streetlamp lighters, two of whom only have to work twice a year-those on the North and South poles. Upon landing on Earth, the main character finds out from a snake that he has landed in an African desert. Later on, he meets the narrator whose plane has crashed in the Sahara and asks the narrator to draw him a sheep. For 10 points, name this novella whose title character lives on the asteroid B612, written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.;;(The) Little Prince|(Le) Petit Prince Psychology;;In his semi-clinical studies, he sought to gain "spontaneous convictions" out of his subjects through unexpected questions. His constructivist position was that reality is developed not through copying but through construction, and he concluded that assimilation and accommodation are ways to achieve cognitive equilibrium. This proponent of genetic epistemology named new skills and knowledge as schema, and he wrote The Language and Thought of the Child and The Origin of Intelligence in Children. For 10 points, pre·operational and sensori·motor are two of the stages in the theory of cognitive development of what Swiss psychologist?;;(Jean) Piaget United States History;;Thomas McCoy and Robert Emmet Quinn were part of the Bloodless Revolution of 1935 in this state, which resulted in a Democratic Governor, Theodore Francis Green. Samuel Slater, who stole textile technology from Great Britain, founded the first water mill here. The "republican form of government" in this state was questioned in Luther v. Borden, which was a result of Dorr's Rebellion. The only state not to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention was, for 10 points, what state founded by religious dissenters like Anne Hutchinson and the author of The Bloody Tenant of Persecution, Roger Williams, with capital at Providence, known for being small.;;Rhode Island (and) (Providence) (Plantations) Literature;;In a novel narrated by one of these creatures, it spies upon the Goldfields and observes such characters as Avalon Coldmoon and Waverhouse. Owned by Mr. Sneaze, it is the title figure of a Natsume Soseki work. Another of these characters wreaks havoc in a department store with Korovyev; he is Behemoth in The Master and Margarita. A poem about one of these animals by Thomas Gray, which ends with the saying "Nor all, that glisters, gold" is an "Ode on the Death of a Favorite one named Selima, Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes". For 10 points, name this pet written about in "Old Possum's Book of Practical them" by T.S. Eliot, later adapted into a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.;;(house) cat(s)|F(elis) catus Chemistry;;Because of its dielectric properties, it is used as a material for printed circuit boards in microwave applications. Its synthesis by emulsion polymerization requires a surfactant, usually PFOA. This polymer has a coefficient of friction of less than 0.1, the lowest of any known solid, making it ideal as a lubricant. When bound to fabric fibers, it can repel stains. It is sometimes referred to by an abbreviation of its IUPAC name, PTFE, but it is most commonly known by a brand name owned by DuPont. Its inertness is caused by fluorine atoms completely surrounding its carbon atoms. For 10 points, name this material used in non-stick coatings on cookware.;;Teflon|(poly)tetrafluoroethylene;;PTFE Geography;;Babe Island and Cocos Island lie to the southwest of this one, which also contains the Fena Valley Reservoir. It has a natural harbor at Apra, and its mountains include Mt. Sasalaguan and its tallest, Mt. Lamlam. Andersen Air Force Base is on this island, as is the War in the Pacific National Historic Park, and villages here include Yigo, Dededo, and its capital of Hagåtña. Locals on this island speak the Chamorro language, and its motto in English is "Where America's day begins". For 10 points, name this westernmost territory of the United States.;;Guam Art;;He introduced "painting with scissors", and that technique involving paper cut collages was used in Beasts of the Sea. A hundred such prints were collected in the book Jazz, while his paintings included one depicting a woman on the right setting the table, which is decorated with a red and blue pattern that runs onto the walls of the room as well. His portrait of his wife is known for the prominent feature running down her nose. Besides The Green Stripe, he depicted five figures holding hands against a background of green and blue, performing the titular action. For 10 points, name this French painter of Harmony in Red and The Dance, the founder of Fauvism.;;(Henri) Matisse World History;;One of these events happened in 1066 against vizier ibn Naghrela and thousands others in Granada, while in 1190, another one took place in York, coinciding with the Third Crusade. An early 19th century German one was known as the Hep-Hep riots, and recurring ones occurred in cities like Odessa, where over 2 thousand died in 1905, and hundreds of these were sparked by the Tsar's October Manifesto. One notable 20th century one occurred in August 1929 in Hebron, resulting in 67 deaths, and these events are often associated with blood libels. For 10 points, name this violent action against a particular religious group, the most famous of which was known as the Final Solution.;;massacring (of) Jews|massacring of Jewish peoples|pogroms|massacre of Jews Literature;;In one of this author's works, the title character gets cast into a pit and Trygaeus has to rescue her. Besides Peace, a series of contests between a sausage vendor and the Paphlogonian appears in one of his works, while in another, one character challenges three crabs to a dance-off; that character, Procleon, is paired with Anticleon. In addition to The Knights and The Wasps, one title character orders women to be abstinent to prevent men from fighting in the Peloponnesian War. He wrote of Strepsiades bemoaning the wastefulness of his son Pheidippides to the Thinkery of Sophocles. For 10 points, name this playwright who wrote Lysistrata, The Birds, The Frogs, and The Clouds.;;Aristophanes Philosophy;;The lectures of Alexandre Kojève revitalized this philosopher in Paris. The title concept of his most famous work, often compared to a bildungsroman, ultimately culminates in the "Absolute Knowledge"; it also describes a death struggle of consciousness, which then becomes master and slave. This author of Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences and The Science of Logic famously used history as an example of the thesis-antithesis-synthesis process, his namesake dialectic. For 10 points, name this author of The Phenomenology of Spirit.;;(Georg) (Wilhelm) (Friedrich) Hegel Physics;;The Reissner-Nordstrom solution to Einstein's equations describes one of these with charge, and the Kerr solution describes a rotating one. The constant of proportionality for their entropy is k over 4 Planck lengths, and is proportional to surface area. String theorists describe them as "fuzzballs", and they indirectly cause the Lense-Thirring effect. "Mini" ones may have formed by the Big Bang, although they evaporate through Hawking Radiation. They can be completely characterized by only mass, charge, and spin, according to the no-hair theorem. Resulting from the collapse of a massive star, for 10 points, what astronomic object is surrounded by event horizon and possesses a singularity, where gravity becomes infinite?;;Black hole Literature;;One character in this work is found gathering herbs in a forest and is first seen putting his finger to his lips. Another character washes away her father's kiss in a river and refuses to repeat a catechism. Two characters plan to depart after one of them delivers the Election Sermon, and Mistress Higgins is involved in a witches' Sabbath. A pair of embroidered gloves forces a meeting with Governor Bellingham, who believes that Pearl should no longer live with her mother. That mother had an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale and has the letter "A" branded on her. For 10 points, name this Nathaniel Hawthorne novel whose protagonist is Hester Prynne.;;(The) Scarlet Letter United States History;;This man was injured while leading militia to dispel the Doctors Riot, and he drafted a petition for the New York Manumission Society, but abstained from formally petitioning Congress. His "An Address to the People of the State of New-York, On the Subject of the Constitution" was just as important as his Letters No. 2 through 5 of The Federalist Papers. This man declined an offer to be Washington's Secretary of State, and resigned as President of the Continental Congress to be Minister to Spain. His namesake Treaty with Great Britain was denounced by Republicans for not addressing impressment or neutrality. FTP, name this first Chief Justice of the United States.;;(John) Jay Music;;The second movement of this work, in allegro vivace, had a theme originally written for a fugue. The first movement, in sonata allegro form, has an unusually quiet development and a recapitulation that opens with a loud major chord and ends with a funeral march. The second movement is a scherzo in D minor despite its happy feeling. Its fourth and last movement features words addressed to the daughter of Elysium, the namesake of a poem by Friedrich Schiller. For 10 points, name this last symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven most famous for its last part, "Ode to Joy".;;Beethoven('s) 9th (symphony) (in) (D) (minor,) (opus) (125)|Choral (Symphony) World History;;Many illustrations in the Chludov Psalter mock this by comparing John the Grammarian to the crucifiers of Jesus. It arose out of a backlash to coinage issued after the Quinisext Council, and its opponents included Nicephorus and St. John of Damascus. The first attempt to apply this doctrine officially was met with resistance at the Chalke Gate, and it was condemned by the Second Council of Nicaea convoked by Irene. Followed under the rule of Constantine V and Leo III, the basis for this came from the Second Commandment. for 10 points, name this controversial doctrine which stated that Jesus should not be depicted pictorially, from the Greek for image-breaking.;;iconoclasm|destruction of icons|destroying icons Physics;;This man's namesake hypothetical particle is a small black hole whose Compton wavelength equals its Schwarzschild radius. He solved the problem of ultraviolet catastrophe present in the Rayleigh-Jeans Law, by developing his namesake law, which describes electromagnetic radiation of a blackbody for all wavelengths. His constant appears in expressions for reaction rate and activation energy in the Eyring and Arrhenius equations, and is defined as a photon's energy divided by its frequency. Other quantities named after him include his namesake length, mass, and time. For 10 points, name this German physicist who discovered the quantization of energy.;;(Max) Planck Literature;;The title character of a narrative poem by this author claims that "he did not understand" the game being played when 24 jacks are discovered in his sleeves. In addition "Plain Language from Truthful James," also called "The Heathen Chinee," he wrote about a town with only one woman, whose men reform their lives to help raise her baby. The townsman Kentuck and the boy die during a flash flood in that short story, "The Luck of Roaring Camp". For 10 points, what editor of the Overland Monthly wrote about a professional gambler who commits suicide during a snowstorm, John Oakhurst, in "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"?;;(Bret) Harte World History;;The sailboat Dignity was stopped for purportedly carrying medical aid to this group, and the Zeitoun incident occurred while targeting this group, famous for kidnapping Ilan Sadoon and Avi Sasbortas. Two of their laboratories in the Islamic University were bombed for supposed weapons research. The Massacre of the Black Saturday and the bombing of Ibrahim al-Maqadna mosque targeted them. Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades, its armed wing, was targeted by Operation Cast Lead, citing this group's use of rockets as a casus belli for air and ground assault against this group lead by exiled Khaled Meshaal. For 10 points, name this Palestinian organization targeted by Israel's recent Gaza conflict.;;Hamas (Harakat) (al-Muqa-wamat) (al-Isla-miyyah)|(Islamic) (Resistance) (Movement) Philosophy;;In his first important work, this philosopher noted that Egypt fell after philosophy flourished and praised Sparta for banishing artists and scientists. In addition to "Discourse on the Sciences and Arts," this author of Reveries of a Solitary Walker wrote about Saint-Preux who desperately loves the "New Heloise" in Julie. This contributor of music articles to Diderot's Encyclopedia asserted the importance of teaching self-worth in education in Emile. His most famous work, which states that "Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains," examines how society controls people through the "general will". For 10 points, name this author of The Social Contract.;;(Jean-Jacques) Rousseau World History;;The Piskaryov Memorial Cementary commemorates this battle, subject to Operation Nordlicht, where Georg von Küchler failed to win using artillery bombardment. Earlier, Wilhelm von Leeb was set back at Tikhvin, while the Volkhov Front was formed. Eventually decided by Operation Spark, this event saw the destruction of Peterhof and participation of Mannerheim, whose forces were positioned north and east of the Road of Life, a supply line running across the frozen Lake Ladoga. Over a million civilians starved to death through four winters in, for 10 points, what military event lasting 900 days during which Nazi Germany attempted to subdue the birthplace of Bolshevism?;;(Siege|Battle) (of) Leningrad Biology;;Some sea slugs have the klepto type of these. They contain translocons called Tic and Toc, which transport essential proteins into them from the cytoplasm. Multiple ones can function as a network when interconnected by stromules. When electromagnetic radiation enters one of these, an electron transport chain is set off, resulting in NADPH. Made up of stacks of thylakoids called grana, they are filled with a liquid containing ions and enzymes, including RuBisCO. Found in bacteria, algae, and plants, their distinctive color comes from the a and b types of chlorophyll. For 10 points, name these green organelles where photosynthesis takes place in plants.;;chloroplast(s) Literature;;He's not Thomas Pynchon, but in one story by this author, a character reads psalms over a young woman's corpse until the titular demon frightens him to death. In addition to Viy, he also wrote a collection of stories narrated by Rudy Panko, Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka. In one work, Ivan Yakovlevich searches for a lost appendage, until he wakes up thirteen days with it reattached to his face, and in another, Akaki Akakievich saves up for the title article of clothing, only to have it taken violently from him. For 10 points, name this Ukrainian author of "The Nose", and "The Overcoat" best known for Dead Souls.;;(Nikolai) Gogol Miscellaneous;;While in most nations this act is illegal, Sweden, Japan, and France notably do not prohibit it. Tantra Buddhists encourage it, and the implication of the alliance theory of Claude Levi-Strauss is that prohibition of it is at "the dawn of culture" and "culture itself" because it forces kin groups to interact. The Westermarck Effect suggests that it is avoided because of environment and not instinct, and it may not necessarily be biologically disadvantageous since some harmful genes are dominant. Freud's idea of Electra and Oedipus complexes suggests that children secretly desire, For 10 points, what act of inbreeding?;;incest World History;;The architect of the Lucknow Pact, this figure first rose to prominence with the Caucus Case, and in his later years, he would oversee the annexation of Kalat and Junagadh. This founder of "The Dawn" criticized the Khilafat movement, and, much like Woodrow Wilson, he posited his fourteen points in 1929, two years after his opposition to the Simon Commission. He is known as Quaid-e-Azam, and he advocated the "direct action day", or the "Great Calcutta Killing", part of the bloody civil conflict between Hindus and Muslims, and became the first Governor-General of his new country. For 10 points name this leader of the Muslim League and "Father of Pakistan".;;(Muhammad) (Ali) Jinnah Chemistry;;Deoxygenated blood has a greater affinity for carbon dioxide, according to the Haldane effect, which is derived from this statement. The van 't Hoff equation calculates the effect of this statement for temperature. Long term elasticity is higher than short term elasticity, according to the application of it by economist Paul Samuelson. Raising the temperature in an exothermic system decreases the amount of the product, due to this, and the common-ion effect is a consequence of it. For 10 points, name this chemical principle that states that when a system undergoes external stress, its equilibrium shifts to counteract the stress and minimize the change.;;Le Ch(â|a){1}?telier('s)(-Braun) (Principle) Literature;;A reply to this poem written by noted Australian A.D. Hope accuses him of "wearing my heart upon your sleeve". The narrator states that he "by the tide / Of Humber would complain", but that "worms shall try" a feature of the addressee. He suggests, "Let us roll all our strength, and all / Our sweetness, up into one ball," preferably before "the conversion of the Jews". He says that "Thou by the Indian Ganges' side / Shouldst rubies find", but hears "Time's winged chariot hurrying near". For 10 points, name this poem which begins "Had we but world enough, and time", about not waiting too long to have sex, by Andrew Marvell.;;To His Coy Mistress Pop Culture;;A fourteen-second song describes Herbie watching the "Thirty Dirty" types of these animals. In addition to the song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers off Freaky Styley, another song by the White Stripes off the album De Stijl has the lyrics, "I want to preach to" these animals and is entitled "Little one of these". A song by the Rivingtons declared that this is "the word", and the latter song is titled after a "surfin'" type of these. A Beatles song about the black variety of this is "singing in the dark black night". For 10 points, name this animal, which in another Beatles song, "Norwegian Wood", performs the act of flying, an action which is commonly associated with it.;;bird(s) Religion/Mythology;;The primary text of Theosophy, written by Helena Blavatsky, is named for this goddess "Unveiled". She is the mother of the four protectors of the canopic jars, and she teaches weaving, baking, and beer-making. In one myth, she makes the first cobra from Ra's tongue and obtains his secret name by curing his snakebite. She is associated with the star Sirius because her cry could cause the Nile River to flood every year. This daughter of Geb and Nut recovers fourteen pieces of a god, except for one eaten by a fish, and uses her magic skills to put together and resurrect Osiris. For 10 points, name this Egyptian goddess, the mother of Horus and the wife and sister of Osiris.;;Isis World History;;This man declared his support for the Antipope Victor IV at the Synod of Pavia after he was excommunicated. His defeat at Battle of Legnano and the ensuing Treaty of Venice was a result of Pope Alexander III refusing to acknowledge this man's supremacy, and his fifth Italian expedition ended in the Peace of Constance. He attempted to suppress the revolt of the Lombard League twice; the second time, the head of the Guelphs, Henry the Lion, refused to assist him. He took up the Cross at Mainz Cathedral and marched against Saladin, but died attempting to swim his horse across the River Saleph. For 10 points, name this Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Emperor, a redbeard.;;Frederick (I|the First){1}?|Frederick Barbarossa;;Frederick Art;;In one film from this country, a female character asks what "scumbag" means after betraying a Humphrey Bogart-obsessed fugitive to the police. Andre is shot by Schumacher in the best known work of the director of The Bitch and Woman on the Beach. The formulator of author theory, from this nation, directed Jules and Jim and Stolen Kisses as well as a semi-autobiographical work about a teen who is sent away to a juvenile work camp after stealing his father's typewriter. André Bazin was the founder of the New Wave in, for 10 points, what European country, whose Breathless and The 400 Blows were respectively produced by Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut?;;France Physics;;The Knudsen type occurs at low pressures in porous media and is governed by the Einstein-Smoluchowski relation, while the Bohm type occurs in plasmas acted upon by a magnetic field. Used in doping semiconductors, it is governed by two laws named after Adolf Fick. Another law states that the rate at which it occurs is inversely proportional to the square root of the particles' masses. That law is named after the man who first studied it in liquids and gases, Thomas Graham. When it causes a solvent to move through a semi-permeable membrane, it is called osmosis. Caused by the random collisions of particles, for 10 points, name this transport phenomenon resulting in a net flow of molecules from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.;;diffusion ;;effusion Philosophy;;This man equated matter with potency and distinguished between essential and accidental existence in "On the Principles of Nature". In response to Siger of Brabant's support of Averroes, he also wrote "On There Being Only One Intellect". His best known work was completed by Reginald of Piperno, because he had died on his way to the Second Council of Lyons. That work, which referred to Peter Lombard as the Master, consists of a series objections followed by refutations beginning "I answer that". For 10 points, Summa contra Gentiles was the work of what scholastic student of Albertus Magnus, best known for Summa Theologica?;;(St.) (Thomas) Aquinas Literature;;One character in this novel, George Sorensen, always washes his hands in the water fountain, and after being caught sleeping with the prostitute Candy Starr, another character slits his own throat. The character who compares a meeting to a "pecking party" arranges for Billy Bibbit to lose his virginity to Candy. He tries to undermine "The Combine" and becomes lobotomized. Chief Bromden suffocates Randle McMurphy out of compassion in, for 10 points, what novel about an Oregon mental hospital by Ken Kesey?;;One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Art;;One of this artist's works shows a boy holding a football and wearing the title piece of clothing, Plaid Sweater. He painted three chickens, one of which is standing up with an elongated neck, in Adolescence. One of his works shows the title biographer drawing back the curtain as a man in red bends a cherry tree while his son, George Washington, points at an axe, Parson Weems' Fable. A lithograph of Emmanuel Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware sits behind three ugly old women, one holding tea, in his Daughters of Revolution, while his most famous work shows a farmhouse behind a staid woman and a bald man holding a pitchfork. For 10 points, name this Iowan painter of American Gothic.;;(Grant) (DeVolson) Wood World History;;The four divisions of society were equalized through it, and one of its major consequences was the privatization of land, allowed for the first time in the Land Tax Reform. It was resisted by groups like the White Tiger Corps and the Northern Alliance. The slogan "Wealthy Nation, Strong Army" was used to promote industrialization and militarization, while one reaction to this period was the Satsuma Rebellion. The Charter Oath promised to break "evil customs of the past," and a more formal constitution was modeled after that of Prussia. For 10 points, name this period of modernization, named for the Emperor that ruled following the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate.;;Meiji (Restoration) Biology;;It can be graphically represented on the De Finetti diagram by a curved line. The F and P coefficients account for things like the Wahlund effect and imperfect panmixia. Karl Pearson confirmed it for one specific case, and his eponymous chi-squared test is commonly used to determine whether data matches this result. A small population may exhibit deviations from this result because of inbreeding and drift. In the simplest scenario it can be stated that p squared, q squared, and 2pq are the frequencies for each genotype. For 10 points, name this doubly-eponymous principle in population genetics which states that allele frequencies typically stay constant.;;Hardy-Weinberg (principle) (equilibrium) (law) Philosophy;;This philosopher wrote about Newtonian dynamics and other science in De Motu. He argued that distance is determined by the viewer and that sight is really a process of thought in his Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision. One of his works is framed as conversations between one student who dislikes skeptics who deny a "material substance," and another who claims that all matter is relative, culminating in the statement that "to be is to be perceived". For 10 points, name this Irish bishop, an empiricist who wrote Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous.;;(George) Berkeley United States History;;Derided by Karl Marx as a "Richelieu" and a "Demosthenes" for his party, this man gained national recognition with his defense of Henry Wyatt and William Freeman. He strengthened his position as a staunch abolitionist with his speech against the Compromise of 1850, in which he argued that there was "a higher law than the Constitution". In his most famous post, he successfully resolved the Trent Affair and secured that the Confederacy would not gain foreign recognition. Although he was attacked by Lewis Powell, unlike Lincoln, he survived the assassination attempt. For 10 points, name this Secretary of State perhaps best known for his "folly," the purchase of Alaska.;;(William) (Henry) Seward Literature;;The tailor Mustafa in this story is blindfolded and led by a slave girl to her owner's house, where he was to sew back together the four pieces of a corpse. A slave conceals the murder and suggests that Cassim was ill. One antagonist finds the house of Cassim's brother and marks it with a white X so he could come back later to murder him, but the slave Morgiana foils his plan by adding identical marks on all neighboring houses. Morgiana later kills 38 of the title characters as well as their captain with boiling oil. For 10 points, name this story about a cave full of treasure which is opened by saying "Open, sesame", a story told by Scheherezade in One Thousand and One Nights.;;Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves Philosophy;;This man argued that although primitive societies bind individuals to achieve mechanical solidarity, more complex societies achieve organic solidarity through voluntary bonds of interdependence. He elucidated his approach to sociology in The Rules of the Sociological Method. Based on his field work on Australian aborigines, he argued that religion reflects society rather than divinity in The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. This author of The Division of Labor in Society described fatalistic, egotistic, and altruistic varieties of the title phenomenon in his most famous work. For 10 points, name the French author of who introduced the concept of anomie in Suicide.;;(Émile) Durkheim Noncomputational Math;;Robert Carmichael names the set of false-positives in testing for this. Distributed asymptotically, a random number near a large number N has about a one over natural log of N chance of having it. Landau's problems, two of which are the Legendre and Goldbach conjectures, concern this property. Most algorithmic tests for this property are probabilistic, such as the Miller-Rabin test. The Sieve of Atkin is an optimized method of computing numbers with this property, based on the ancient Sieve of Eratosthenes. The infinitude of such numbers was proven by Euclid in his Elements. For 10 points, name this property of natural numbers with exactly two divisors, itself and one.;;prime (number)|primality|primeness Literature;;One character in this work is admonished for drinking too much ape wine through a straw, whereupon he gets angry and falls off his horse. Another character's greatest oath is "By Saint Loy!", and she speaks French like in Stratford. In addition to Eglantyne, the narrator talks about a man who "had a seemly nose", but is interrupted by a travelling companion, who prefers to hear about Melibée instead. This work begins in Southwark at the Tabard Inn, where the host, Harry Bailly, offers a free dinner to whoever can tell the best story. For 10 points, name this collection of stories told by characters like the Second Nun, the Wife of Bath, and the Knight, by Geoffrey Chaucer.;;(The) Canterbury Tales Literature;;This man talked of the country of his ancestry in books subtitled "A Wounded Civilization" and "A Million Mutinies Now", while he chronicled the history of his current homeland in The Loss of El Dorado. He created the prophet Man-Man, the poet B. Wordsworth, and a carpenter who works on the thing without a name, Mr. Popo, in his novel Miguel Street. Another character of his, Mohun, marries into the Tulsi family and tries to get his own home, while one novella features Bobby and Linda in the title location. For 10 points, name this Trinidadian author of a House for Mr. Biswas and A Bend in the River.;;(V(.)(idiadhar)) (S(.)(urajprasad)) Naipaul World History;;The protégé of this politician instituted the Cardwell Reforms of the British Army, while he sought to reform "fallen women". He defended the Anglican Church in The State in its Relations with the Church, and he negotiated the Kilmainham Treaty with Parnell. He devised the Midlothian Campaign and discussed the Questions of the East to attack the foreign policies of his rival, although he lost his popularity for allowing Gordon to die at Khartoum. His support for the Irish Home-Rule led to the split of the Unionist faction from his Liberal Party. Known as Grand Old Man, for 10 points, name this British Prime Minister and rival of Benjamin Disraeli.;;(William) Gladstone Religion/Mythology;;The predecessor of this religion was organized under the eighteen Letters of the Living, and its membership grew greatly during the Ten Year Crusade. The founder of this religion organized at the Garden of Ridván and claimed to be a Manifestation of God before he denounced his critic in "Epistle to the Son of the Wolf," while more recently, it was defended by its first and last Guardian, Shoghi Effendi. The Seven Valleys and Kitab-i-Aqdas are important in this religion, whose central belief is the unity of religion and mankind. The Book of Certitude is another key text of, for 10 points, what syncretic religion based on Bábism, founded by Bahá'u'lláh?;;Bahá'í (Faith)|Baha'i|Bahai Noncomputational Math;;The Erd?s EHR-dish-Mordell inequality applies to these entities, and in one of these, the Nagel point is the isotomic conjugate of the Gergonne point. Kimberling also cataloged the Spieker center and the Feuerbach point for one of these. The de Longchamps point for one lies on the Euler line, along with the nine point center, orthocenter, and circumcenter. Their area can be calculated using Heron's formula, and in non-Euclidean geometries, the sum of their angles differs from the usual 180 degrees. In ones with a right angle, the side-lengths can be calculated with the Pythagorean theorem. For 10 points, name these three-sided polygons.;;triangle(s) Music;;In Act I of this work, the protagonist's tutor gets drunk and completely misses when he tries to kiss a dancing village girl. That tutor, Wolfgang, accompanies the protagonist along with Benno von Sommerstern in celebrating his birthday, only to have the Princess-Mother come in and scold her son about his riotous living. The three proceed to go on a hunt, where the protagonist falls in love, only to later pledge his love to an evil double, Odile, who is the evil von Rothbart's daughter. For 10 points, name this work featuring Prince Siegfried and Odette, who dive into the titular locale and die once they realize they cannot be together in life, a ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.;;Swan Lake Literature;;In one on his works, a dove as large as a rooster forebodes the visit that the Burgomaster of Riva receives from a man from the Black Forest, "The Hunter Gracchus". This author's domineering father inspired the character who condemns his son to death by drowning, causing Georg Bendemann to commit suicide. In another story, an artist puts himself in public display and starves himself intentionally. In addition to "A Hunger Artist" and "The Judgment," he wrote about Karl Rossman in Amerika. A traveling salesman saving up money for his sister Grete, Gregor Samsa, is the most famous creation of, for 10 points, what author of The Metamorphosis?;;(Franz) Kafka Geography;;Leading into this city's center is the national highway N1 by way of Bellville, while N2 goes by its international airport, which is located north of False Bay. Table Bay lies northeast of this city. Devil's Peak and Lion's Head are prominent features that frame Table Mountain, located at the base of its namesake peninsula, and a popular tourist destination is Nobel Square in the Victoria and Albert waterfront. Islands near this city include Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was held captive. For 10 points, name this city which houses the National Parliament and was founded by the Dutch in 1652, the legislative capital of South Africa on a namesake feature "of Good Hope".;;Cape Town Miscellaneous;;He refused to sign with the Cincinnati Reds twice, choosing to go to Young Harris College, where he was an outstanding pitcher. His current team drafted him in 2003 and decided to convert him to a power-hitting outfielder. He played for Greece in the 2004 Olympics and since his major league debut in 2006, he has maintained a .299 average while slugging 59 homeruns. For 10 points, name this player, often considered the franchise player of the Orioles, their left-hand hitting right fielder, who recently signed a six-year $66 million extension.;;(Nick) Markakis Biology;;The "Barts" variant is a result of gene deletion in infants, and usually results in death from hydrops fetalis. When it breaks down, its parts are salvaged by transferrins and reprocessed to form bilirubin. Like chlorophyll, this protein is a chelate. The A type is normal and the F type is found in developing fetuses, while another type found almost exclusively in groups of African descent contains a mutation in the beta chain. That type, called S, causes sickle-cell anemia. Found in erythrocytes and synthesized in the bone marrow, it consists of four heme subunits, each bound to one atom of iron. For 10 points, name this oxygen-carrying protein that gives blood its red color.;;hemoglobin Literature;;One of this author's characters has a testicle the size of an ox kidney, fathers five thousand premature children, and is the unnamed General in The Autumn of the Patriarch. Angelica Vicario causes her brothers to kill Santiago Nasar in his Chronicle of a Death Foretold. A veteran of the Thousand Days War, who hopes to receive the pension promised for him fifteen years earlier, appears in No One Writes to the Colonel. Miss Lynch has an affair with Juvenal Urbino in one novel, and the history of the town Macondo is described in his most famous work. For 10 points, name this Columbian author of Love in the Time of Cholera and One Hundred Years of Solitude.;;(Gabriel) Garc(í|i){1}?a-M(á|a){1}?rquez Music;;In his first opera, Varneman is ordered to capture Volfram's daughters, only to be saved by one of their lovers, Junoš. Other than Brandenburgers in Bohemia, his other works in that genre include an unfinished based on Twelfth Night, Viola, and another whose titular knight needs to be saved by his lover Milada, Dalibor. His chamber music includes a string quartet nicknamed "From my Life", and the tragic Piano Trio in G minor for the death of his daughter. For 10 points, name this Czech composer who used folk melodies, most famous for Ma?enka, the titular character in The Bartered Bride, and a symphonic poem from his "My Country" cycle, the Moldau.;;(Bed?ich) Smetana World History;;The power of this group originated from the sultan as-Salih, upon whose death they murdered his heir and transferred power via his wife Shajar ad-Durr. Evolved from a previous Ghulam system as used by the Ayyubids, they named their two dynasties Bahri and Burji, after the quarters where they were originally stationed. They followed the furusiyya code, which includes cavalry tactics and horsemanship. Besides attempting to assassinate Muhammad Ali, other military exploits include their victory over the Mongols at Second Homs and their defeat by Napoleon in the Battle of the Pyramids. For 10 points, name these warrior-slaves who held power in Egypt.;;Mamluk(s) Psychology;;This thinker coined the term "cyranoid" based on Cyrano de Bergerac, and he introduced a term for a person recognized from daily activities but whom one does not interact with, a "familiar stranger". From an experiment involving forwarding a letter to a target in Boston, the Small World Experiment, he found "six degrees of separation". His most famous work, inspired by the Adolf Eichmann trial, involved 40 teachers who were asked to help the "learner," who was actually an actor. 65% of subjects administered the final 450-volt shock in, for 10 points, what American psychologist's namesake obedience experiment?;;(Stanley) Milgram Physics;;The Kutta-Joukowski theorem is derived from this result, and Ludwig Prandtl used Euler's equation to expand it to non-ideal states. Pitot tubes measure velocity and are based on this result, and the Venturi Effect is essentially an expression of this law for an incompressible fluid bottlenecked in a pipe. During a hurricane, windows tend to explode outwards than inwards because of this. Due to the conservation of energy, an increase in kinetic energy necessarily causes a decrease in pressure energy. For 10 points, name this principle, named after a Swiss mathematician, which explains the lift which allows airplanes to operate.;;Bernoulli('s) (principle|effect|law|equation) Art;;In one of his buildings, he put pilasters instead of chapels at the ends of the transverse axis, and his later works include Amalthea with the Infant Zeus. Besides the Santa Andrea del Quirinale, Rome contains his Fountain of the Bees as well as his Fountain of the Four Rivers. Better known for the baldacchino at St. Peter's, his most famous work is surrounded by life size reliefs of members of the Cornaro family and sees gilded rays rain down on the title figure as a spear-bearing angel stands over her. For 10 points, name this creator of the Ecstacy of St. Theresa.;;(Giovanni) (Lorenzo) Bernini Literature;;Mr. Head disowns his grandson Nelson when he runs into a black woman's grocery bag in one short story by this author. In another work, the Bible salesman Manley Pointer steals the prosthetic leg of Hulga Hopewell. In addition to "Good Country People," this writer described the return to Taulkinham and the eventual death in a ditch of Hazel Motes in Wise Blood. A road sign provides the title in "The Life You Save May Be Your Own". John Wesley and June Star are killed by the Misfit in a short story by, for 10 points, what Southern Gothic author of "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?;;(Flannery) O'Connor Chemistry;;Working with Laplace, this scientist placed a guinea pig inside an ice-filled calorimeter to measure the heat production of respiration, concluding that respiration is basically slow combustion. He was the first to find that air is made up of two main components, one of which he called "azote". His wife Marie-Anne created illustrations for his publications, such as 1789's Elementary Treatise of Chemistry, which denied the existence of phlogiston. He found that weight changes during combustion were from combining with oxygen. Executed during the French revolution, for 10 points, name this "father of modern chemistry" who demonstrated the conservation of mass.;;(Antoine-Laurent) (de) Lavoisier United States History;;The commanding general of the Union was only in command because Major General C.F. Smith was injured. The leaders of the defense included William J. Hardee, who attacked William Sherman's forces on the left flank. In this battle, John McClernand attacked Leonidas Polk along the Purdy Road. On the second day of this battle, General Don Carlos Buell came down from Tennessee and forced the Confederates to retreat to the town of Corinth. The Union was trying to capture the Memphis and Charleston Railroad in, for ten points, which Civil War Battle of 1862 also known as Pittsburgh Landing, the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?;;(Battle) (of) Shiloh ;;(Battle) (of) Pittsburgh Landing Religion/Mythology;;One son of this god, who became a king of Alba Longa, came after he caught a flirtatious nymph who would tease her suitors and run away, Carna CAR-na. According to one source, he came from Thessaly to marry Camese, although he later married Juturna, by whom he sired Fontus. He prevented the invasion of the Sabines by making a hot spring erupt, and the gates of his temples are opened during war and closed during peace. One of his faces looks into the past and the other looks into the future. For 10 points, name this Roman god of the beginning and the end, the namesake of the first month of the year.;;Janus World History;;Despite his essay on gonorrhea and a translation of Newton's Opticks, he was never admitted to the Academy of Sciences. The author of The Chains of Slavery and A Philosophical Essay on Man, he was nearly deified after his death and placed in the Pantheon, although his body was removed after the Thermidorian reaction. While he showed a sympathetic attitude to the monarchy in "Offering to Our Country," he radically shifted his tone and attacked the Girondins. The publisher of The Friend of the People, he was in a medicinal bath combating his skin disease when he was visited by Charlotte Corday. For 10 points, name this radical French revolutionary whose death was depicted by Jacques-Louis David.;;(Jean-Paul) Marat United States History;;This man argued that lawyers, instead of serving as an independent entity, too often support large corporations in "The Opportunity in the Law". His dissent in Olmstead v. U.S. echoed the work he co-wrote with Samuel Warren, "The Right to Privacy". He also attacked trusts and monopolies in Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use It. Successor to Joseph Lamar, he used empirical data about the impact of working hours on the health of women in his namesake brief for Muller v. Oregon, and he is often regarded as "People's Justice". Woodrow Wilson appointed, for 10 points, what first Jewish Supreme Court Justice?;;(Louis) Brandeis Literature;;In this novel, a main character cites Paradise Lost, Plutarch's Lives, and Sorrows of Werther as the works that influenced him greatly. That character tries to befriend a blind man to become acquainted with Safie and Felix, but fails because of his ugliness. After Caroline Beaufort dies, the title character goes to Ingolstadt to study alchemy, and he becomes saved by the narrator, Robert Walton, when he goes to the Arctic Circle. The maid Justine Moritz, his wife Elizabeth and his best friend Henry Clerval are murdered because he refuses to create a female companion. For 10 points, name this gothic tale about a "Modern Prometheus", written by Mary Shelley.;;Frankenstein(,) (The) (Modern) (Prometheus) Physics;;At zero Kelvin the chemical potential of a system is equal to this man's namesake level. His namesake paradox describes the contradiction between the extreme age and size of the universe, and the lack of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Along with Dirac, he names a set of statistics used to describe particles that obey the Pauli exclusion principle; those particles, with half-integer spin, are also named for him. He also conducted an experiment at a squash court at the University of Chicago leading to the discovery of fission. For 10 points, name this man who won the 1938 Nobel Prize, an Italian-American physicist.;;(Enrico) Fermi Philosophy;;This scholar noted that philosophy serves as an antidote against false religion and superstition in a work often paired with "On the Immortality of the Soul," "On Suicide". In the third book of a work that "fell dead-born from the press," he argued that morality can not be explained by reason, and the copy principle is introduced in "Of the Understanding". He noted the circularity of inductive reasoning, and argued that constant conjunction of events does not mean causality. His namesake law relates to the is-ought problem, and Relations of Ideas and Matters of Fact form his namesake fork. For 10 points, name this Scottish skeptic philosopher of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.;;(David) Hume World History;;Working for the Muscovy Company to find a Russian Arctic route to China, this man's observations led to the foundation of the Spitzbergen whale fishery in Svalbard. He brought his son John with him during his last expedition for the Virginia Company and the British East India Company, but a mutiny led them both to be set adrift on a boat while the rest of the crew sailed away in the Discovery. His most famous voyage, however, was not for England and his namesake feature was actually discovered eight decades earlier by Giovanni da Verrazzano. For 10 points, name this explorer who aboard the Half Moon, discovered New York harbor for the Netherlands.;;(Henry) Hudson Religion/Mythology;;Orthodox Jews believe that this figure was one of the Pharaoh's advisers in Exodus, where he remained silent despite opposing the Pharaoh's intentions to kill new-born Hebrew males. He deems his wife's only line in the bible nonsense, and Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar sit by him for seven days and seven nights until he curses the night on which he was conceived, at which point they begin talking about how he must have sinned to have been punished by God, but Elihu enters and argues for God's absolute rightness. For 10 points, name this man, whom Satan causes to lose his fortune and children while getting boils in a test of piety by God, the namesake of a book in the Bible.;;Job|Iyyov|Ayyub World History;;Buildings of this civilization often featured relief sculptures of lamassu, the winged-bull protector deity. Its predecessor was established by Shamshi-Adad, and Austen Henry Layard excavated its capital. Before it was conquered by the alliance of the Medes under Cyaxares and the Neo-Babylonians under Nabopolassar, it reached its greatest territorial extent under Tiglath-Pileser III. Another famous ruler was Sennacherib, son of Sargon II. Known for its violent expansionism, it conducted massive deportation of the Jewish people. For 10 points, name this Mesopotamian civilization known for Ashurbanipal's library in its capital, Nineveh.;;Assyria Literature;;In this work, a character who destroyed a valuable lamp and gets stabbed in the chest 100 times every seven days as punishment. That character, a fierce sand-demon, uses a double headed staff with a crescent moon and a spade on each end, and gets defeated by the wielder of a nine-tooth iron rake. The protagonist beat up the Army of Heaven with cloud travel, 72 transformations, and a 7.5 metric ton golden rod that changes size at will. For 10 points, name this work featuring Xuán Zàng's trip with three disciples, including the pig Zh? B?jiè and protagonist S?n Wùk?ng, to retrieve some Buddhist scriptures, a Chinese epic by Wú Chéng'?n, sometimes known as Monkey in English.;;Journey to (the) West|X?yóujì|Xi You Ji;;Monkey Biology;;Jan Swammerdam tried to disprove this theory in order to prove the existence of God. In response to John Needham's attempt to prove this, Lazzaro Spallanzani performed an experiment involving a sealed container partially evacuated of air, in which he boiled soup. Despite its obvious flaws demonstrated by Francesco Redi, this theory persisted well into the 19th century because Darwinism suggested that life evolved from chemical substances. Finally disproved using a flask with a bent neck by Louis Pasteur, for 10 points, name this theory, also known as abiogenesis, supported by the observation that rotten meat seems to "give life" to maggots.;;spontaneous generation;;abiogenesis Music;;Frank Zappa's "Absolutely Free" is the first his "Underground" compositions of this type, and Eric Idle worked with John Du Prez to make comedic one based on Monty Python's Life of Brian. Another modern example was Paul McCartney's foray into classical music with his Liverpool one of these. Vivaldi's only surviving one is Juditha triuimphans, and other examples include Haydn's The Creations and The Seasons and Mendelssohn's St. Paul and Elijah. They are like operas but performed as concert pieces with little interaction between characters. For 10 points, name this type of composition which includes Bach's Christmas one and Händel's Judas Maccabaeus and Messiah.;;oratorio Religion/Mythology;;His shield was made by King Evelake and painted with a cross of blood. He cured the Maimed King by anointing him with blood from the Dolorous Spear. Along with Bor and Percivale, he was thrown in prison by King Estorause upon arriving at Sarras. The last descendant of St. Joseph of Arimathea, his mother Princess Elaine became pregnant by tricking his father into thinking she was Guinevere. He asked God to release him from life after he was the only one able to sit on the Siege Perilous because he alone achieved the quest of finding an object from the Last Supper. For 10 points, name this son of Sir Lancelot, the knight of the Round Table who found the Holy Grail.;;(Sir) Galahad Chemistry;;Raschig rings in packed beds are sometimes used in this procedure, as are Vigreux columns. The Perkin triangle is used in air-sensitive applications, and the pressure-swing type uses extreme positive and negative pressures. Another type can be performed in a bubble-capped column. Governed by Raoult's law, special techniques must be employed for mixtures of water and ethanol or other positive azeotropes because they are move volatile than each of their components individually. One type used to separate hydrocarbons in crude oil is called "fractional". For 10 points, name this method of separate mixtures by boiling them.;;distill(ation) Art;;One work in this medium depicts a dying girl, Fading Away by Henry Peach Robinson, while another famous work shows the sun setting between trees over the title entity, Pond-Moonlight. In addition to Edward Steichen and Eadweard Muybridge, one group of artists working with this included members like Imogen Cunningham, Willard van Dyke, and a man famous for pictures of the Manzanar internment camp and Yellowstone Park. Also used to make Robert Mapplethorpe's portraits and Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives, for 10 points, name this medium used by Alfred Steiglitz, Dorothea Lange, and Ansel Adams, traditionally created in a darkroom from negatives.;;photograph(y) World History;;This organization's foundation was laid with the Panchsheel, or the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence between China and India, which was expanded at the 1955 Bandung Conference. It was formally established six years later in Belgrade under the support of Tito, and held the first conference the same year in Cairo, forbidding "multilateral military alliance concluded in the context of Great Power conflicts". Past secretaries-general have included Gamal Nasser, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, while the current one is Raúl Castro. For 10 points, name this organization of Third World nations seeking independence from the bipolar Cold War world.;;Non-Aligned Movement Literature;;The original version of this poem had the line "Leave you not the little spot" in the first stanza and had "silent" instead of "mournful" in the last stanza. Its second stanza mentions a "bugle trilling" and "bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths" for the title character. The narrator describes the setting as "some dream" as that object "comes in with object won" as "on the deck the title character lies, / Fallen cold and dead". The narrator exclaims, "O heart! heart! heart!" as his "fearful trip is done". Originally published with "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd", for 10 points, name this poem describing the late Abraham Lincoln at the head of a ship, by Walt Whitman.;;O Captain(!)(,) My Captain(!) Physics;;The Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube uses centrifugal force to produce the same effect as this system. Szilárd and Brillouin challenged this concept, arguing that the act of processing information requires energy. In its original formulation, it consisted of two joined containers full of gas particles, which would be allowed to pass from one container to another based on their speed, resulting in a large temperature difference between the two containers. Proposed to challenge the Second Law of Thermodynamics, for 10 points, name this thought experiment named after a Scottish physicist also known for his work in electromagnetism.;;Maxwell('s) demon Art;;On the left side of this work there are white birds and a unicorn drinking from a small lake, and in the middle birds rest on a pink fountain. On the far right, a bird headed creature can be seen eating a human leg and defecating another person into a pot as fires rage on in the background. The central panel of this work also includes many nude people around a communal pool, as well as many strange animals and large fruits. Depicting Adam and Eve's marriage on the left and eternal damnation on the right, for 10 points name this 1504 triptych by Hieronymous Bosch.;;(The) Garden of Earthly Delights Philosophy;;This scholar supported the Lamarckian view about the inheritance of acquired traits in his early paper, "The Developmental Hypothesis". Like William James, he wrote Principles of Psychology, although he collected it with works like Principles of Biology in his Synthetic Philosophy. The concept he is most associated with involved the movement both from simple to complex and from military to industrial, and his idea that society and organism are analogous appeared in Social Statics. For 10 points, what man who applied evolution to everything and coined the phrase "survival of the fittest" is the father of Social Darwinism?;;(Herbert) Spencer Literature;;Title characters of one of his dramas include Dora Doulebov and Ivan Kaliayev. He never finished an autobiographical novel about Jacques Cormery, while his collection Resistance, Rebellion, and Death contains his Reflections on the Guillotine. Besides The Just Assassins and The First Man, one of his works features a bar called Mexico City frequented by Clamence, while another sees Joseph Grand, Jean Tarrou, and Dr. Rieux dealing with the bubonic plague. His most famous work tells of the shooting of an Arab by Meursault. For 10 points, name this absurdist author of The Stranger.;;(Albert) Camus United States History;;Pennsylvania v. Gordon used the example of "a moron" to dispute the prevailing test for this concept posited by Judge Cockburn in the British case Hicklin v. Regina. In one case involving this, Thomas Clark lamented in his dissent that the "community standards" test had been ignored by the majority in Memoirs v. Massachusetts, and in Jacobellis v. Ohio, Potter Stewart said, "I know it when I see it". Also discussed in Roth v. U.S. and Miller v. California, for 10 points, name this type of speech not protected under the First Amendment, which lacks serious value, appeals to a prurient interest, and depicts sexual conduct.;;obscenity;;pornography World History;;One side used white linen tied around the left arm and a white mark on the hat for identification in the dark during this event, while the Capuchins had helped build up tensions for it. Moderate elements reacting to this gave rise to the Politiques, and it destroyed the Peace of Saint-Germain. A failed assassination attempt probably orchestrated by the Duke of Guise against Admiral de Coligny sparked this, and immediately prior, preparations were made for the marriage of Marguerite de Valois to Henry of Navarre, causing much controversy. For 10 points, name this bloody day in 1572 which saw the murder of Huguenot leaders in France.;;St(.) Bartholomew(')s Day Massacre