Test type: thru Duration: 3665.11 seconds Callback period: 1 ms Load: yes Load matrix size: 289 Random seed: 12345 Note: all histogram bin labels are the left (towards zero) edge of the bin, except between-callbacks software latency, where they are the middle of the bin (since it goes - and +). Software latency histogram: between callbacks Times are in ms Latency Number of occurrences -1 12226 0 3636006 1 11750 2 46 3 34 4 23 5 18 6 1 7 0 8 0 9 2 10 1 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 2 17 2 Number of points below range: 0 Maximum negative latency: -1 Number of points above range: 0 Maximum latency: 17 Mean latency: 0 Stddev latency: 0.0853652 Software latency histogram: MIDI output API Times are in ms Latency Number of occurrences 0 3660109 1 2 Number of points above range: 0 Maximum latency: 1 Mean latency: 5.46432e-007 Stddev latency: 0.00073921 Software latency histogram: MIDI input API Times are in ms Latency Number of occurrences 0 3660111 Number of points above range: 0 Maximum latency: 0 Mean latency: 0 Stddev latency: 0