# # Your name: # # Date: Mon. Jan. 27, 2014 # # Here is a short python program... try it out! # # Comments are in red. import time # includes a library named time import random # a random library name = raw_input('Hi... what is your name? ') print if name == 'Tom' or name == 'Colleen': print 'I\'m "offline." Try later.' elif name == 'Zach': print 'Zach Quinto!?!' time.sleep(.5) print 'No?' time.sleep(.5) print 'Meh.' else: print 'Welcome,', name my_choice = random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) print 'By the way, I choose', my_choice print # The lab problem (problem 1) is to run + submit this file, hw0pr1.py # # Submit it at www.cs.hmc.edu/submit # Login with passwd "asdf" (which you should then change!) # #