HMCTTC Treasury Report

Budget Proposal to ASHMC '96-'97

1 set of table tops $20
Package of net, 4 paddles, 6 balls $30
Extra balls (5x6) $20
League Trophies $60
Tournament Prizes $60
Tournament Snacks $20
Club T-shirts (intial print cost) $50
Total: $260
Amount Approved: $200

Budget Proposal to ASHMC '95-'96

Ping-Pong Table $162
Paddle set (w/ balls and net) $32
Extra balls $10
Tournament Prizes $30
Materials to fix old muddhole table $20
Snacks $46
Total: $300
Amount Approved: $200

Log of Transactions

Date Description Credit Expense
9/17/95 ASHMC Funding '95-'96 $200.00
9/18/95 Sport Chalet - Equipment (1) $129.24
9/18/95 Sportmart - Equipment (2) $52.64
9/19/95 Sport Chalet - Equipment (3) $12.91
11/19/95 Donation from Chris Marble $13.50
2/25/96 Sears - C clamps for nets $7.52
4/30/96 Donation from Brian Hartmann $5.79
4/30/96 Action Awards - League Trophies $16.98
'95-'96 Year-End Treasury $0.00
9/20/96 ASHMC Funding Fall '96 $100.00
9/23/96 Sportmart - Balls $17.11
11/20/96 Sportmart - Balls, Net, Gift Certificates $66.44
11/23/96 Vons - Tournament Snacks $18.00
12/19/96 Social Committee Tournament Funding $50.00
3/9/97 ASHMC Funding Spring '97 $100.00
4/12/97 New ASHMC table - transportation costs $35.36
4/19/97 Walmart - Tournament Snacks $18.32
4/19/97 Sportmart - Tournament Prizes $45.73
Current Balance $49.04
(1) includes used Harvard American ping pong table and one set of used table tennis tops
(2) 2 paddles/net/ball sets, 3 extra 6 packs of balls
(3) 1 paddle/net/ball set