Calendar for CS 136, Spring 2009

Reading assignments are in red.

All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday





















 Introduction to Architecture
 Ch. 1-1.6





 Introduction (continued)
 Technology and Performance
 Ch. 1.7-1.13

 Technology and Performance (continued)





Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Technology and Performance (concluded)
 Appendix A

 Pipelining (continued)
 Instruction-Set Architecture
 Appendix B




 Instruction-Set Architecture (continued)
 Appendix B


 Instruction-Level Parallelism
 Chapter 2.1-2.3
 Homework 1




 Instruction-Level Parallelism (continued)
 Chapter 2.4-2.5


 Speculation and Advanced Parallelism
 Chapter 2.6-2.12





 Limits to ILP
 Chapter 3.1-3.4
 Project descriptions due (beginning of class)

 FAST conference

 FAST conference

 FAST conference



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Limits to ILP, Simultaneous Multithreading
 Chapter 3.5-3.9


 Shared-Memory Processors
 Chapter 4.1-4.2





 Shared-Memory Processors (cont'd)
 Chapter 4.1-4.2
 Homework 2

 Directory-Based Coherence
 Chapter 4.3-4.4





 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break

 Spring break



 Midterm available
 Chapter 4.5-4.10

 Review of Caches
 Appendix C.1-C.3





 Midterm due 11 AM
 Cache Performance
 Chapter 5-5.3


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

 Cache and Memory Performance
 Chapter 5-5.3





 Midterm review


 Virtual Machines
 Chapter 5.4-5.8





 Virtual Machines
 Project outlines and bibliographies due


 Storage Reliability
 Chapter 6-6.4





 Storage Reliability


 Storage Performance
 Chapter 6.5-6.10





 Persistent Solid-State Storage


 Work on projects



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




 Presentation Days

 Projects Day

 Presentation Days

 Senior finals

 Senior finals
 Final projects due
























© 2009, Geoff Kuenning

This page is maintained by Geoff Kuenning.