ERRATA for Elements of Artificial Neural Networks

(as of 29 Oct. 1997; please let me know if you find other errors):

p.42, Exercise 7a., first line, replace ``Present a 2-class classification example to illustrate that minimizing mean squared error'' to: ``For a two-class classification problem, discuss whether minimizing the Euclidean distance measure (p.36), averaged over all input data'' -- there is a corresponding error in the solutions manual mailed to instructors before Sept.'97.
p.58, fifth and sixth lines from bottom (equation lines), insert 2 before first left parenthesis.
p.96, ninth line, fifth word, replace ``are'' by ``is''; tenth line from bottom, replace ``equating'' by ``setting''.
p.97, first line, replace ``derivative'' by ``derivatives''; second paragraph, fourth line, replace ``The secant method, which'' by ``A simple method that''; replace the equation after the second paragraph by
dE'(w)/dwj =~ E'(w0,w1, ..., wj+t, ..., wn)/t
(in this equation, `d' is used instead of the partial derivative symbol, `t' is used instead of `tau', and `=~' is used to mean ``approximately equals''). Delete the sentence after next, ``By substitution...''.
p.125, Figure 4.13, to the right of the horizontal line, change the subscript of ß from 2 to 0.
p.138, algorithm in Figure 4.25, in the equation on the third line before the caption, replace zk by zl and `U union I' by `U'. Same changes also on p.139, same equation in fifth line from top.
p.146: replace each (xp - µi)2 by (||xp - µi||)2, and (xi - µi)2 by (||xi - µi||)2
p.147, Equation 4.21: multiply the right-hand-side by a factor of 1/sigma2.
p.155, ex.3c: an extra pair of parentheses is needed in the right-hand-side: it should read exp(-(d/c)2).
p.166, end of first line: under the square-root sign, change the subscript of the summation sign to `k=1', and the subscript of w to `i,k'.
p.176, lines 5-6: replace ``. In other words,'' by ``, e.g., ''
p.178, Fig. 5.12, Phase 2, item 2(c), second line: replace vk*j and vk*l by vj,k*
p.179, equation in sixth line: replace both occurrences of wj*l by vl,j*
p.196, first line (after figure): delete `then'
p.198, last line: replace `Lampinen (1993)' by `Lampinen and Oja (1992)'
p.201, lines 4-5: replace `has a fixed number of neighbors' by `belongs to some hyper-tetrahedron'
p.203, equation in fifth line from the bottom, replace `w' (after the comma) by `W' and replace `(i - wj)2' by `(||i - wj||)2'; in the next line, after `where ', add `P(i) describes the probability distribution of the input vectors, '
p.209, third line of second paragraph: replace `inverse' by `pseudo-inverse'.
p.225, Example 6.3, the weight matrix Omega should have been calculated in a different manner, using equation 6.11 (bottom of p.223), instead of as shown.
p.263, ex.1b: replace `generalized inverse' by `pseudo-inverse'.
[Thanks to Prof. Jim Reggia, Prof. Bob Keller, Jeff Miller, Bing Chen, and Ayed Salman for catching some of these errors.]