Simcir the circuit simulator

Version 1.2.1

Simcir is a simple simulator of logic circuit.
Let's try your logic!

Click here to run simcir

System Requirements

Simcir a browser or Java Runtime Environment that support Java1.1.
Successfully tested on following environment.


  1. Choice a device from the toolbox and move to right side.
  2. Connect them by drag operation.
  3. Click a input node to disconnect.
  4. Move a device back to the toolbox if you don't use.
  5. Double click the label to edit.


How to run

Append archive (lib/simcir.jar) to your classpath.
Then type 'java simcir.Main'.

You can set the file of default circuit as parameter 'file'.


<applet code="simcir.Main"
width="600" height="400" archive="lib/simcir.jar">
<param name="file" value="rs-ff.cml">


v1.2.1 (July 6th 2000)

v1.2 (March 7th 1999)

v1.1 (February 7th 1999)

v1.0 (November 30th 1998)

v1.0b (November 12th 1998)

Copyright © 1998-2000 Kazuhiko Arase