UFget for Python

This site contains all of the relevant information for the python hook into UF Sparse Matrix Library. This is essentially a python port of the UFget library that has been written for MATLAB in order to allow for sparse matrix calculations to be done in Python.

For usage instructions for this library, please look here. A tar of all relevant files can be found here. For grabbing any single file, please use

Until there's a non-Matlab accessible index file, you'll also need UFPickle.pk, which holds the index using Python's object serializer

Bugs? Any questions? Feel free to toss me an email at koelze atsign cs dot hmc dot edu

News and Changes:

7/28/2008: Made the site slightly less ugly. It should be ready to move to its permanent home now.

7/24/2008: Site should be ready for all to see now. This would have been done already if my Ubuntu install hadn't died.

7/23/2008: All the files and stuff are going up: this should be ready to go live pretty soon.

7/22/2008: Hi, I'm just getting the webpage set up right now. Hopefully this will look better in a couple of days.