CS 125 Homework Assignment Chapter 5
Due: As Indicated by the Calendar

Chapter 5
As a team, use a text processing system (e.g., latex, troff, frame) to answer the following questions.
We will discuss your solutions tomorrow in lecture. You can turn in the hardcopy by Friday evening.
In order to ensure that each problem gets look at do them in a circular nature starting with the one designated for you group, i.e., group 4 does them in the order: #5, #7 #9, #14, etc.

  1. Peterson, #4, pg. 444
  2. Peterson, #5, pg. 444, group 4
  3. Peterson, #7, pg. 444
  4. Peterson, #9, pg. 445, group 1
  5. Peterson, #14, pg. 446,
  6. Peterson, #32, pg. 449, group 2
  7. Peterson, #40, pg. 445,
  8. Peterson, #47, pg. 453, group 3

    Mike Erlinger

    Last Modified Thursday, 17-Jan-2008 13:52:29 PST