Networks-- CS 125

Computer Science 125
Computer Networks
Syllabus -- Fall 2018

Professor: Mike Erlinger
Office: Beckman B126x NOW: Olin B 165
Phone: x-18225

Lecture Times: Thursday, 7-8pm & Friday 1:15-2:30, Beckman B126
Lab Times: Thursdays, 2:45, Beckman B111 (Pair Pgm Lab)
Graders:: Chloe Elliott
Lab TAs:: Tim, Chloe Elliott
Secretary: Joyce Greene, Olin 1260, 621-8225

Course Description

Computer Networks investigates the 'System' of Computer Networking: its principles, its protocols, its implementation, and its analysis. The course has a significant laboratory requirement. The course prerequisite is CS 70, but CS 105 would be helpful.

Course Text

I informed Huntley Bookstore the details of the primary textbook. It is not the only book that is suitable for the course material. There are obviously many places to purchase books, e.g., Amazon. Do what is best for you.

Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach, 7th Edition, by Jim Kurose & Keith Ross, Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0-13--359414-0.

Other Related Texts

What Is This Course About?

There are many ways to approach the subject of computer networks. In early years, the course was centered on the analysis of the individual protocols in the TCP/IP protocol stack. In recent course offerings I have used Peterson and Davie, to investigate computer networking from a systems perspective. Peterson and Davie are strongly oriented towards the Internet and TCP/IP, but their presentation has a global view of the interaction of various protocols. The current text presents TCP/IP from the top down, while focusing on networking protocols and on analysis of networks traffic. The lectures and labs will be a combinaion of both approaches, something that I call "outside-in" because it is neither bottom up nor top down. We will experience the course at 3 levels: My lectures WILL ASSUME that you have read related material from one of the above books or other material (e.g., RFCs) and thus that you come to class with questions and some knowledge. I plan on starting each lecture section with some questions and concepts that you should be thinking about. Requirements and Grades I have no idea as to the best approach to encourage you to submit material on time, except to use the calendar and laboratory to try to control your activities and punish lateness.

Also, for a change I have a grader who will help in the lab, hwks, etc. But, I do plan on using the class to do some grading and to present in class. Thus, you will also be responsible for some critical evaluation of your classmates' work.

Make sure to read the late policy. There WILL be one exam!! I hate exams for this type of material, but multiple step problems can demonstrate mastery of the material. Your grade will be determined by your performance on all assignments. NOTE: historically it is the exam and 'lateness' that determine the grade, i.e., almost everyone completes the weekly material. The relative weighting scheme is:

Abstracts: and Homeworks: 25%
Labs : 40%
Term Paper : 15%
Test : 20%

Do them or lose the points. There will be NO course grade of 'A' without all abstracts being satisfactory completed.

Do them or lose the points. There will be NO course grade of 'A' without all homeworks being satisfactory completed. I would love everyone to get every problem correct, but the goal of hwks is for you to learn. A reasonable effort is what is necessary. Be sure to show your work!!

The laboratory aspect of this course will change as we progress. There are over 20 different labs that we could use. I will pick and choose as the semester moves forward. Thus, the various Web pages will be updated as the semester progresses. The labs focus on network investigation and code development. Labs will have a statement about grades such as: "Do parts 1 and 2 for a B; Do parts 1, 2, and 3 for an A". Just make sure in your writeups that you indicate what work you think you have done.
One thing that is certain is that each of you will be part of a team that will give a presentation on a tool or a protocol. The various Web pages will be updated as the semester progresses. Term Paper
We will see just how persuasive you can be. The topic will be to argue BOTH for AND against 'Net Neutrality'..... Collaboration Policy
Collaboration is encouraged. This means that you may discuss approaches to solving problems with anyone in the class, including myself, graders, and other students. However, copying solutions from any source (person or book) is disallowed, e.g., googling for information is fine, googling for the answer is not. You are going to have to be mature enough to recognize the difference. All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Harvey Mudd Honor Code. If you have any questions about what is appropriate or inappropriate collaboration, please talk to Me. Course Web Page
You should check the course Web page no less than every Monday Evening. My plan is to keep it updatedly weekly, i.e., by Monday night the week should be complete and subsequent weeks partially complete. Things way out may move, but they do show you direction. NOTE: Everything is driven from the course Calendar, so keep checking it. List of Topics

  • Course Overview - Intro to Network Architectures, Internet, IETF,
    Readings: K&R - 1,
  • Intro to Network Management & Performance - SNMP
    Readings: K&R - Netstat, Snoop, Wireshark
  • Applications
    Readings: K&R - 2,
  • Transport - UDP & TCP
    Readings: K&R - 3,
  • Network Layer - Data Plane
    Readings: K&R - 4,
  • Network Layer - Control Plane Internetworking
    Readings: K&R - 5, RFCs
  • The Bottom - Link Layer & LANs
    Readings: K&R - 6,
  • The Bottom - Wireless and Mobile
    Readings: K&R - 7, RFCs
  • Congestion Control & Resource Allocation
  • Network Security
    Readings: K&R - 8,
  • IPv6
    Readings: TBD
  • Multipmedia Networking
    Readings: K&R - 9

Harvey Mudd College strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can privately discuss options.

Mike Erlinger

Last Modified Friday, 14-Dec-2018 14:59:53 PST