Tara Laine Martin

taramartin at gmail dot com



Objective   I am interested in mathematical and molecular biology research.




May 2004  BS in Mathematical Biology, Harvey Mudd College  (GPA 3.25)

Relevant Courses:

á    Mathematical Biology Seminar

á    Molecular Biology

á    Ecology

á    Evolutionary Biology

á    Discrete Mathematics

á    Real Analysis

á    Applied Analysis (PDEs, Fourier transforms)

á    Intro Computer Programming (Java, Rex, Prolog)


Research Experience


2003          Undergraduate Thesis, HMC Dept of Biology

Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) to Identify Species-Specific Genetic Markers in the Soft Coral Genus Alcyonium 

2003          Research Assistant, HMC Dept of Biology

With Dr Cathy McFadden, developed AFLP protocol for soft corals.  Work leading to thesis.

2001-2002 Summer Research Assistant, UW Dept of Zoology

With Dr Ray Huey, created model of optimal behavioral thermoregulation in ectotherms.  Results presented at 2003 Evolutionary Meetings, manuscript in progress.


Other Experience


2004-2005 Thomas J Watson Fellowship

Traveling in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Cape Verde for one year studying cultural dances.  Acquired good fluency in Portuguese, Spanish, and numerous dance styles.

2003-2004 East Dorm Proctor, HMC (Dean of Students office)

Responded to emergencies, provided emotional counseling, and entertainment of about 80 students for the 2003-2004 school year.

2003-2004 Supervisor, HMC Linde Activity Center

Supervised student employees, organized recreational activities, handled equipment maintenance and budgeting.




Computer: Windows, Mac OSX, Linux/Unix, Microsoft Office, Matlab, Emacs, LaTex

Programming Languages: Java, Matlab, Rex, Prolog, S+ and R

Biology: Standard molecular techniques (PCR, DNA/RNA extraction), AFLP, microarrays


Honors and Activities


á       Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling ŇOutstandingÓ Award 2003 and 2004,

á       DeanŐs List,

á       Pre-O Hike leader,

á       President Claremont Colleges Dance Company,

á       Mudd Occasional Ball organizer


References   Available upon request.