Barn Construction rocky.X Farmer Ran wants to build a new rectangular barn on a rectangular pasture measuring M (1 <= M <= 300) by N (1 <= N <= 300). The barn's sides will be parallel to the pasture's boundaries. Although he has the necessary materials to build an arbitrarily large barn, he notices that certain parcels of land have colossal rocks that preclude any construction upon them. Ever the engineer, he has obtained a device which can instantly vaporize large rocks. Its construction is such that it can operate up to X times (0 <= X <= 90,000) before its parts give out. FR plans to clear some land with this device and then build the largest rectangular barn he can using the clear land. Determine the largest size barn FR can build after removing up to X rocks. PROBLEM NAME: rocky INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N, M, and X * Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 describes the M parcels of row i with M space-separated integers that indicate respectively whether a rock is present in each column. '1' indicates that the position has a rock; '0' indicates that the position is clear. The first integer on the line describes column 1, and so on. SAMPLE INPUT: 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 INPUT DETAILS: FJ can remove at most one of the three rocks. OUTPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: One integer: the maximum area barn that can be built after optimally removing rocks. SAMPLE OUTPUT: 9 OUTPUT DETAILS: Remove the rock at row 2, column 2. This lets FR build a 3x3 farm with a total area of 9. He cannot do better than this.