The New Cow Dance The (Female) cows are designing a new dance technique and have recruited the (Male) bulls to dance with them. The dance requires all N (1 <= N <= 30,000) of the cows and bulls to arrange themselves in a circle, head-to-tail. A circle is described by listing the gender of the northern-most cow and then subsequently the gender of each cow going clockwise around the circle until all cows are listed once; this description is called a "circle". A "dance arc of length N" starts at any cow in the circle and lists the genders of that cow and the subsequent cows in clockwise order until N cows have been named. For example, the circle of cows listed as "FMFFM" has 5 length-3 dance arcs: "FMF", "MFF", "FFM", "FMF" and "MFM" (they are not distinct, but they differ by their starting position in the dance circle). A proper dance circle requires an acceptable number of bulls and cows. The required property for any dance circle is that for every arc-length between 1 and N inclusive, the count of males in any two arcs of the same length never varies by more than one (a property which will also hold for the count of the number of females). The dance circle listed as "MMFFMFF" is not a proper one since the length-5 dance arcs "MMFFM" (from position 1) and "FFMFF" (from position 3) have 2 and 4 "F"s respectively, so the difference in their number of "F"s is 2. Similarly, "FMFMFFMFFM" does not describe a proper dance circle because it contains length-5 dance arc "FFMFF" (from position 5) and "MFMFM", (from position 15) and the difference in their number of "F"s is greater than 1. Both the dance lists "FMF" and "FFMFMFFM" are proper dance circles; see for yourself. Given D (1 <= D <= 10) dance circular listings, determine whether they are proper dance circles. PROBLEM NAME: dcircle INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: A single integer: D * Lines 2..D+1: Line i+1 contains dance listing i. SAMPLE INPUT (file 4 MMFFMFF FMFMFFMFFM FMF FFMFMFFM OUTPUT FORMAT: * Lines 1..D: Line i contains 1 if the dance listing i is a proper dance layout or 0 otherwise. SAMPLE OUTPUT: 0 0 1 1