Contest Digests (digest.X) Farmer Melissa runs her own Olympiad, the USACOW, to keep her cows on their hooves. FM's Olympiad is an event that has N tasks (1 <= N <= 10), each with T (1 <= T <= 10) test cases, with each test case worth a certain number of points P_i (1 <= P_i <= 400). At the end of each contest, FM posts the results on the barn wall, using a digest format in which '*'s mark correct test cases, '.'s mark incorrect ones, and a total number of points. Bessie entered FM's last contest and remembers the number of tasks N, the points available for each test case, and her total score S. She does not, however, remember which test cases she got correct and incorrect. Help her find a possible digest line (test cases marked correct and incorrect with '*' and '.' respectively) for her score. If there are multiple possible score lines, find the one that is lexicographically first when '*'s come before '.'s. Some solution will exist for each input set. PROBLEM NAME: digest INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and S * Lines 2..N+1: Many space-separated integers: T_i, ... . Each line describes the test case points for a single task with a number of space-separated integers. The first integer on the line, T_i, is the number of test cases. The remaining T integers are the point values for the test cases for that problem. SAMPLE INPUT: 2 850 3 100 200 200 2 250 300 OUTPUT FORMAT: * Lines 1..N: Bessie's results in the digest form: each task should be on its own line, represented by a sequence of '*'s and '.'s. Line i reflects the results for task i. SAMPLE OUTPUT: **. ** OUTPUT DETAILS: Bessie can earn a score of 850 by getting every test case correct except for task 1, test case 3. Bessie could also get every test case correct except for task 1, test case 2, but those score lines -- *.* ** -- come lexicographically later.