Ice Cream Patrol Farmer Maria's farm lies within a village that consists of N fields, numbered 1..N, (1 <= N <= 1000) connected by M winding paths (1 <= M <= 10000). Two fields are of particular interest to FM: field 1, his farm and field N, the recently-opened Coldstone Ice Cream! Unfortunately, Farmer Maria has noticed that Bessie is often disappearing from the farm to visit Coldstone. Every time she does this, FM has to follow her footsteps from the farm to Coldstone and try to catch her red-hooved. However, Bessie is very clever and takes a path back from Coldstone that visits entirely different fields along the way so that FM can't catch her. (Bessie doesn't want to risk anything in her path back to the farm, so she cannot use even a single field she used on the way to Coldstone.) Before Bessie gets unhealthy, FM wants to place veracious dogs in some of the fields along the way and prevent Bessie from sneaking out for midnight treats. Help FM determine the minimal number of fields he must guard so that it is impossible for Bessie to travel from the farm to Coldstone and back without revisiting some field. (FM cannot guard either the farm or Coldstone.) The farm will never be connected to Coldstone by a direct trail. PROBLEM NAME: patrol INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: Two integers: N and M. * Lines 2..M+1: Each line contains two integers A and B that describe a trail joining fields A and B. It is possible to travel along this trail both ways. No trail will appear twice. SAMPLE INPUT (file 6 7 1 2 2 6 1 3 3 4 3 5 4 6 5 6 OUTPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: A single integer that tells how many fields FM should guard. SAMPLE OUTPUT (file patrol.out): 1 OUTPUT DETAILS: FM can guard field 2 (for example). FM could guard both fields 4 and 5, but that would require more dogs.