Achluophobic Angus light.X Bessie's newest calf, Calfbert, has become achluophic: she is afraid of the dark. Bessie has decided light up the entire field so Calfbert will be able to sleep soundly. Farmer John has already set up lamps in his field which light it completely, but, being an environmentally friendly cow, Bessie wishes to use as few of these lamps as possible. Farmer John's field is a rectangular grid with R rows (1 <= R <= 24) numbered 1..R and C columns (1 <= C <= 24) numbered 1..C with L (1 <= L <= 256) lamps located in some of the squares of the grid. Each lamp, when lit, illuminates a 3x3 region (9 squares total) with the center being the actual location of the lamp. The light from some lamps spills outside the field, with no effect that we care about. No square contains more than one lamp. Given the set of lamps FJ has installed, your job is to find the minimal number of lamps that will still light every square of the entire field. PROBLEM NAME: light INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: Three space-separated integers: R, C, and L * Lines 2..L+1: Each line contains two space-separated integers, L_R & L_C, that represent row and column respectively of a lamp's location SAMPLE INPUT: 5 8 7 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 4 4 4 2 7 4 7 OUTPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: One integer that is the minimum number of lit lamps required to illuminate each square in the field SAMPLE OUTPUT: 6