Alien wars Glrk and Grlk, ordinarily very peaceable aliens, are at war. It seems that the three-eyed and five-eyed tribes just can't get along! Glrk is considering (1 <= N <= 10) war strategies, and Grlk is considering (1 <= M <= 10) strategies of his own (different from Glrk's). Fortunately, thanks to Farmer Ran's analysis, both Grlk and Glrk know the probability that Grlk will win for any pair of strategies that could be picked. However, neither Grlk nor Glrk knows what strategy the other will use prior to committing to a strategy. Help Grlk determine her percent probability of winning assuming that both Grlk and Glrk choose optimally. PROBLEM NAME: alienwar INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M. * Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains M integers, where the j-th integer represents the percent probability that Grlk will win if strategy i is used by Grlk and strategy j is used by Glrk. SAMPLE INPUT: 2 2 100 50 0 75 OUTPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: A single number, the percent probability that Grlk will win. Print your answer with two significant figures to the right of the decimal point, i.e., rounded to be accurate to within 0.005. SAMPLE OUTPUT: 60.00 OUTPUT DETAILS: In this case, the optimal strategy for Grlk is to use strategy 1 60% of the time and strategy 2 40% of the time. Note that 0.60 * 100 + 0.40 * 0 = 0.60 * 50 + 0.40 * 75 = 60.