Week 0 ~ hello.X Farmer Ran wants to welcome his cows to a productive and enjoyable spring of problem-solving. To do so, he is creating an ASCII banner that repeatedly prints the pattern I I< I<3 I<3C I<3Co I<3Cow I<3Cows OR the pattern I<3Cows I<3Cow I<3Co I<3C I<3 I< I Your task is to create a program that will produce one or the other of these patterns a specified number of times. Somewhat unfortunately, the cows are quite fickle and have very particular rules about when they prefer the former ("growing") or the latter ("shrinking") pattern: - in general, unless otherwise specified by the rules below, the cows prefer the "growing" pattern - indexing from 1 (i.e., the first pattern == #1), prime-numbered patterns should be "shrinking" (1 is not prime) - except that prime-numbered patterns whose index has a base-11 representation containing the digit 1 should be "growing" - except that prime-numbered patterns whose index has a base-11 representation containing the digit 1 and whose binary representation consists of bits summing to a multiple of 4 should be "shrinking" PROBLEM NAME: hello INPUT FORMAT: * Line 1: Two integers, L and H, with 1 <= L <= H < 1000000000. Also, 0 <= H-L <= 100. SAMPLE INPUT: 1 4 INPUT DETAILS: The input indicates the span of indices (inclusive) for which Farmer Ran wants a cow-pleasing banner. OUTPUT FORMAT: * 7*(H-L+1) lines containing the patterns the cows want. SAMPLE OUTPUT: I I< I<3 I<3C I<3Co I<3Cow I<3Cows I<3Cows I<3Cow I<3Co I<3C I<3 I< I I<3Cows I<3Cow I<3Co I<3C I<3 I< I I I< I<3 I<3C I<3Co I<3Cow I<3Cows OUTPUT DETAILS: In this case, the indices are 1, 2, 3, 4, corresponding to 1: growing 2: shrinking 3: shrinking 4: growing