Period of Words A string is a finite sequence of lower-case (non-capital) letters of the English alphabet. Particularly, it may be an empty sequence, i.e. a sequence of 0 letters. By A = BC we denotes that A is a string obtained by concatenation (joining by writing one immediately after another, i.e. without any space, etc.) of the strings B and C (in this order). A string P is a prefix of the string A, if there is a string B, that A = PB. In other words, prefixes of A are the initial fragments of A. In addition, if P != A and P is not an empty string, we say, that P is a proper prefix of A. A string Q is a period of A, if Q is a proper prefix of A and A is a prefix (not necessarily a proper one) of the string QQ. For example, the strings abab and ababab are both periods of the string abababa. The maximum period of a string A is the longest of its periods or the empty string, if A doesn't have any period. For example, the maximum period of ababab is abab. The maximum period of abc is the empty string. Task: Write a programme that: * reads in the string's length and the string itself, * calculates the sum of lengths of maximum periods of all its prefixes, * writed out the result PROBLEM NAME: okr (this is another problem whose acronym is in Polish!) INPUT FORMAT: In the first line of the standard input there is one integer k ( 1 <= k <= 1 000 000) -- the length of the string. In the following line a sequence of exactly k lower-case letters of the English alphabet is written -- the string. SAMPLE INPUT: 8 babababa OUTPUT FORMAT: In the first and only line of the standard output your programme should write an integer -- the sum of lengths of maximum periods of all prefixes of the string given in the input. SAMPLE OUTPUT: 24