Biology;;Gower and Portland are embryonic types of this molecule and the Bart form results in its namesake H disease, which is a type of thalassemia. The change between its tense and relaxed structure results from a 15 degree rotation between its two alpha-beta dimers. Its ability to neutralize hydrogen ions is described by the Haldane effect, while the impact of pH on it is described by the Bohr effect. Impacted by 2,3-DPG, a variant of this protein has a valine substituted for a glutamic acid. For 10 points, name this iron-containing component of red blood cells that carry oxygen.;;hemoglobin Geography;;This state had only one Senator from 1899 to 1901, when its legislature was unable to agree on a candidate after the dissolution of the People's Party and Liberal Party. It lost another Senator in 1906, when Arthur Brown was fatally shot by his mistress. It was unable to seat the winner of its first House election because of the effects of Reynolds v. U.S., a Supreme Court decision arising out of this place. Colonel Patrick Connor camped in this state throughout the Civil War, fearing another rebellion by the instigator of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. For 10 points, name this state, originally called Deseret, whose first territorial governor was Brigham Young.;;Utah European Literature;;She wrote "I am a word/ in a foreign language" in her poem "Disembarking at Quebec". In one of her short stories, Estelle has a fetish in which she escapes rape by helping her attacker reach catharsis. That story, "Rape Fantasies," was published in the collection Dancing Girls. One novel by this author features two characters who name themselves after animals featured in the game Extinctathon and attend, respectively, Martha Graham Academy and an institution nicknamed "Asperger's U". In addition to Oryx and Crake, she wrote Cat's Eye and The Blind Assassin. For 10 points, name this Canadian author who created Offred in the dystopian The Handmaid's Tale.;;(Margaret) Atwood American Literature;;One character instructs another, "Keep right on lying to me. That's what I want you to do" while discussing former lovers. That character's "toy riding-crop" belonged to a former love killed during the Battle of the Somme. The surgeon Rinaldi's high living and professions of love are attributed to syphilis by the narrator, who himself defies death to rescue a block of cheese. A hard-drinking ambulance driver, falls in love with a blonde nurse, who dies giving birth to a stillborn son, in this novel about Catherine and Lieutenant Henry. For 10 points, what is this semi-autobiographical novel by Ernest Hemingway?;;(A) Farewell to Arms Physics;;Svensmark and Friis-Christensen showed the correlation between these object and Earth's cloud cover. A high-energy variety violates the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit on their energies a Forbush decrease occurs in one type after a coronal mass ejection. A bi-static radar using VHF transmitters is used in the MARIACHI apparatus to detect them, and Shmoos are used in the CHICOS project. Detected by charge coupled devices or the particle track-etch technique, they help form the Van Allen belts. Victor Hess used Wulf electrometers to discover the extraterrestrial origin of, for 10 points, what charged particles composed mostly of protons.;;cosmic ray(s) Physics;;The Marder collection and a Poisson solve are used to correct error's in it when running algorithms for relativistic PIC plasma simulations. The gravitational application of this law can be used to prove the force of a spherically symmetric object on another can be considered as though both objects were point masses at their centers. Equivalent to Coulomb's law for static charges, it can be used to derive an equation for the electric field given a symmetrical charge distribution. For 10 points, name this law that states the net outward flux through a closed surface is equal to the net charge inside the surface, divided by the permittivity of free space.;;Gauss(') (Law) Music;;Each movement in this work is a major third higher in key than the previous movement. In the coda, a shocking orchestral unison passage introduces a new variation. The finale opens with four descending bass notes that lead into a horn theme reminiscent of the "Fate Motif" from Beethoven's fifth. That symphony's influence can also be seen in the structure of this composition, and in its nickanem, "Beethoven's Tenth". In the fifteen years between starting work on this composition and premiering it, its composer wrote the Hungarian Dances and German Requiem. For 10 points, name this C minor piece by Johannes Brahms.;;(Brahms('s)) (Symphony No(.) 1|(First|1st){1}? Symphony){1}?;;(Brahms('s)) Symphony in C minor Psychology;;Its formulator suggested that being taught authenticity, refreshing of conciousness, and the value of self-control would help people satisfy it, and the ability of thinkers such as Viktor Frankl to work while interned in concentration camps is a common objection to this concept. Kurt Goldstein's The Organism originated one of its basic components, it was described in the paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" and the book Motivation and Personality. It says that physiological requirements such as food, shelter, and sex must be met before self-actualization can occur. For 10 points, what is this psychological concept first proposed by Abraham Maslow?;;(Maslow's) hierarchy of needs (self-actualization) (before) European Literature;;This work says that one woman's "garments writhe and glisten like long snakes," while another part advises "ascend beyond the sickly atmosphere". In the preface, the author writes that "His Majesty, Satan Thrice-Great, lulls our charmed soul" before declaring that ennui is the greatest monster of all. This volume's poems "The Vampire's Metamorphoses" and "To She Who Is Too Gay" were censored and later published separately as Scraps. Dedicated to the "master and friend" Theophile Gautier, the book is divided into five sections, later adding the Tableaux Parisiens, and including "Spleen and Ideal". For 10 points, name this book of poetry by Charles Baudelaire.;;(Les) Fleurs du mal|(The) Flowers of Evil|(equivalents) Music;;Thirty years before his death, he published the 114 Songs and stopped composing. The title of his piano trio's second movement, TSIAJ, stands for "This Scherzo is a Joke" and exemplifies the folk humor and nostalgia that he favored. His second symphony incorporates a favorite patriotic folk tune, "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean," and a shocking "mistake" in the brass, a divergence from the influence of his teacher Horatio Parker. This was one of his first expeditions into the polytonality also seen in his Variations on "America" and The Unanswered Question. For 10 points, name this American composer of the Camp Meeting Symphony and Three Places in New England.;;(Charles) Ives Mythology;;She turned a gardener into a frog after accepting his baskets of dates, and she once cured the infertility of a king who was carried to her throne by an eagle. Despite the fact that she had a footlong beard and spent part of her time transformed into a chunk of rotting meat, she was able to use the musical accompaniment of Kulitta and Ninatta to seduce a man often stolen by the Gallu. She has to battle with Ereshkigal and strip naked before the gates of the underworld in order to retrieve her lover and revive the soil. For 10 points, name this goddess who was involved with Tammuz and sent the Bull of Heaven to Uruk after being spurned by Gilgamesh.;;Ishtar;;Inanna|Astarte British Literature;;A suggestion that a clergyman marry his cousin revolts the cousin in question, who later turns down yet another proposal in this novel. One character is bribed into marrying the younger sister of the woman he loves; that woman changes her feelings about his failed marriage proposal after seeing the display. Luckily, Georgiana and Mr. Wickham had never followed through on their plans to elope, leaving him free to marry Lydia. The opening of the work declares "that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife". For 10 points, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth marry after all in what "romantic comedy" by Jane Austen?;;Pride and Prejudice Geology;;Hoffland studied how fungi tunnel along natural productivity gradients in types of this mineral. Prevalent in arkose, these framework silicates of aluminum react with water to form kaolinite. High-calcium rocks tend to be enriched in the K-variant and two variants of this mineral in one composition can form intergrowths and twin-wall intersections. Albite and labradorite are examples of a type of one of these that are depicted on the continuous branch of Bowen's reaction series moving from calcium-rich to sodium-rich. Sixty percent of Earth's crust is composed of, for 10 points, what type of mineral that includes plagioclase and orthoclase.;;feldspar(s) American Literature;;At one point, the plot of The Third Policeman uses the basic structure of this story. The protagonist describes certain sensations as "streams of pulsating fire heating him to an intolerable temperature". He is "no vulgar assassin," but a planter with "long dark hair" and a "well-fitting frock coat". His home, "thank God, is as yet outside their lines," but when he successfully escapes to his wife and home, a man who had attempted to sabotage the title structure dies instantly with the discovery that the entire narrative has been imagined in the instant before his hanging. For 10 points, name this Ambrose Bierce short story about a strange happening to Peyton Farquhar.;;(An) Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Philosophy;;He criticized the sodomy laws in Offences Against One's Self. One of his sociological works was translated into French and published by Étienne Dumont twenty years before it appeared in English, and he alleged that Adam Smith did not follow his own principles in a work written in Russia, Defence of Usury, and he lambasted William Blackstone's work as "ignorance on stilts" in his Fragment on Government. He created the "felicific calculus" in An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. For 10 points, name this philosopher who attempted to promote the "greatest happiness principle," the inventor of both the panopticon and utilitarianism.;;(Jeremy) Bentham Art;;The ruins of an abbey near his home may have inspired such works as Cloister Graveyard in the Snow and Abbey in the Oaks. An ornate frame with five sculpted heads and a Masonic eye-in-a-pyramid houses a painting of his that shows three rays of light behind several pine trees on a rocky outcropping, where a Biblical event is taking place. A ship is capsized among several blocks of the titular substance in another painting, and he also showed the back of a man in a waistcoat, holding a long walking stick, in Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog. For 10 points, name this painter of Sea of Ice and Cross in the Mountains.;;(Caspar) (David) Friedrich World History;;The Hittite prince Zannanza was murdered while trying to marry this man's widow. Near the end of his rule, he dispatched an army to help the Mitanni against Aššur-Uballit I of the Hittites. His regime was dominated by the vizier Ay and general Horemheb after he succeeded his brother Smenkhkare. He largely undid the Amarna Revolution of Akhenaton, and he was later placed in KV62, only to be found by Howard Carter. For 10 points, name this youthful king of Egypt, whose fame lies in his nearly intact tomb.;;Tut(ankhamun)|Tut(ankhaten) European History;;He allied with Henry II of France to defeat a rebellion at Val-ès-Dunes, and this king patronized the scholar Lanfranc of Pavia, who later replaced Stigand in an important post. This man signed the Treaty of Blancheland with Fulk the Surly, ensuring the secession to the countship of Maine for his son, Robert Curthose. After this man's birth, his mother married Viscount Herluin and gave birth to his half-brother Odo of Bayeux. Much like Charlemagne, he was crowned on Christmas Day, though his ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey after his victory over Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings. For 10 points, name this duke of Normandy who seized England in 1066.;;William the Conqueror|William (I|the First){1}?;;William Geography;;The capital of the state by this name is home to Case de Montejo, and the state by this name borders both Campeche and Quintana Roo and is centered on Mérida. The region by this name produces the fiber henequen and gets water from sinkholes, locally known as cenotes see-NOH-tays. Islands off its coast include the Island of Women and Cozumel. It is the site of Chixculub, the impact crater of an asteroid that may have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. For 10 points, name this home to Chichen Itza and Cancun, a peninsula which separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea.;;(the) Yucatan (Peninsula) European History;;John Heathcoat and Charles Lacy were among the men targeted by this group, whose members were executed at the York Assizes. Originating in Nottingham, they dubbed themselves the "Army of Redressers," and George IV put up a fifty-pound reward for information about this group. Stanley Perceval mandated the death penalty for "frame breaking," targeted this movement, which followed a mythical King Ned. For 10 points, identify these workers who perceived a threat to their jobs from automated textile equipment, and whose name is used today as a pejorative for opponents of technological progress.;;Luddites European Literature;;The preface is relayed by man who entrusts the narrator with records labeled "For Madmen Only". The protagonist is suffering from "the sickness of the times themselves" and meets a drug-dealing saxophonist, who would rather listen to Mozart. The title character takes foxtrot lessons and picks up Maria. Later, the sentence of "eternal life" is handed down after an incident in a hall of mirrors, where Pablo's lover Hermine is stabbed by the title character. For 10 points, name this novel about Harry Haller, written by Herman Hesse.;;Steppenwolf European History;;His time in his highest post was interrupted for four years by the man who led the Soviet occupation of Latvia, Andrey Vyshinsky, and he gained that post because of the Jewish background of his predecessor, Maxim Litvinov. Following his inclusion in the "Anti-Party Group," he became a delegate to the International Atomic Energy Agency and ambassador to Mongolia. He took a pseudonym meaning "hammer," which lent its name to Finnish soldiers' anti-tank weapons. For 10 points, name this longtime Soviet foreign minister, who signed a pact with Joachim von Ribbentrop in 1939.;;(Vyacheslav) (Mikhailovich) Molotov|(Vyacheslav) (Mikhailovich) Skryabin British Literature;;One of her works concludes with Erminia's love for Philander being revealed. Another of her plays was based on Thomas Killigrew's Thomaso; that play follows a woman who has been alloted a period of hedonism before being put into a convent by her brother, as well as a ship's captain who is visiting a carnival. Hellena and Willmore fall for each other in that play, and this author also wrote a novel in which the King of Coromantien's desire for Imoinda leads the title character to become a slave in Suriname. For 10 points, name this author of The Forced Marriage, The Rover, and Oronooko.;;(Aphra) Behn Philosophy;;Carl Boggs slammed this book as a "political fantasy" written to make its author a celebrity, and alleges that it ignores the rise of gangs, self-help groups, institutionally connected environmentalists, and other institutions which the author dismisses as "countertrends". First published in the Journal of Democracy in 1995, it was expanded into a book subtitled "The Collapse and Revival of American Community," which claims that the civic institutions praised by Tocqueville are in decline. For 10 points, identify this Robert Putnam work which analyzes the "radical privatization" and "individualization" of leisure time in America.;;Bowling Alone American Literature;;A scoutmaster with the unlikely name Murray McMurray was the subject of his book For God and Country, one of many of his works turned into films; others include the novel Long Remember. Despite the failure of his first novel, Diversey, he went on to write a verse novel about the adjustment of World War II veterans to civilian life, Glory For Me. The characters of "Rebel" and "Yankee" make up another of his works, set in Georgia at an infamous Confederate POW camp. For 10 points, name this author of Andersonville.;;(MacKinlay) Kantor United States History;;In his last term in the House of Representatives, he helped draft William McKinley's Tariff Act of 1890. As state governor, he sent agents to read off the results of roll-call votes in the home districts of nay-voting legislators, and he formulated an "idea" named for his state, in which university professors played a large role in writing bills and filling regulatory positions. The "laboratory for democracy" that he produced propelled him to join Burton Wheeler on a third-party presidential ticket which took seventeen percent of the vote in 1924. For 10 points, name this Wisconsin politician and face of the Progressive Party.;;(Robert) (Marion) La Follette Mythology;;One of this deity's assistants was known as the "Lord of the Massacre" and was a lion-headed man who used his knife to fix those who displeased this goddess-fix them good. The glyph for her name is commonly seen as a platform on which Ptah stands. Appearing as a winged woman wearing a crown, she served her most important function in the Hall of the Two Truths, where she uses a feather to condemn souls either to Ammit or the Fields of Peace, depending on how much the heart weighs. For 10 points, name this Egyptian goddess of law and justice.;;Ma'at Biology;;The Duhem-Madelung model for it does not give a unique response for a given input and the Preisach model is considered the best. This property's namesake coefficient is found in Steinmetz's equation that measures loss of energy. If its namesake effect is small, the remnant field is nearly zero and Barkhausen pattern reproducibility depends on the size of its namesake loop, which is found on a graph plotting magnetic induction and magnetic field. A hard disk device takes advantage of this it, which often occurs in ferromagnetic materials. For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which a body lags in response to changes.;;hysteresis American Literature;;In a novel by this author, Hippolyte attempts to remake his life after his dreams. During the siege of Sarajevo, this author directed a 1993 production of Waiting for Godot in the city, and she also directed the Swedish films Brother Carl and Duet for Cannibals. Betsy, Lewis, and Kate respond to the AIDS diagnosis of their friend Max in her story "The Way We Live Now," and she also addressed AIDS in a work criticizing the militant language used to discuss disease. She also advocated experience over analysis in approaching art. For 10 points, name this author of Illness as Metaphor and Against Interpretation.;;(Susan) Sontag World History;;This group uses the tifinagh system of writing and was once called the Maxyes. The Kabyle and Chleuh belong to this group. A southern subgroup of this people is often called the "blue men of the desert" for their face-covering veils. Shluh, Zenaga, and Numidian are among the languages in their namesake branch of the Afro-Asiatic family. Also including the Tuaregs, this group uses the ja'amah as its basic unit of governance, and is found in Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, and Algeria. For 10 points, name this North African ethnic group that gives its name to the Barbary Coast.;;Berber(s)|Imazighen World History;;This state's "defeat" at the casualty-free Battle of the Ugra saw it lose control of some territory, and its leader Mamai was earlier defeated at "Snipes Field" by a man named for a river. Its de facto leader Edigü ended a plot by one of its deposed rulers to ally with Vytautus and seize its throne again. Economically centered at Bolgary, its cities also included the capital Sarai. Responsible for the 1240 burning of Kiev, this state was founded by Batu, and exercized suzerainty over Russia for several centuries. For 10 points, identify this Mongol polity, whose common name comes from the color of Batu's tents.;;(the) Golden Horde|Kipchak Khanate Music;;A quadruple one was written by Alan Hovhanness, while the first one to appear on a film soundtrack was in Virgil Thomson's score for Louisana Story. The "school" variety is seen in Ravel's Tomb of Couperin, and Arthur Honneger revised part of "Amphion" into a work entitled "prelude, this, and postlude for orchestra". Beethoven's Great one and Shostakovich's twenty-four preludes and these are other examples of this form, which begins with an exposition involving an instrument playing the subject and other voices repeating. For 10 points, name this musical form seen in Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier".;;fugue Religion;;The Shafiites support the total precedence of these, while the Malikiyah believe that r'ay and qiyas are of equal importance to them. Some of them are collected in the Book of Good Qualities. Each is composed of a matn and an isnad, the latter of which can be considered either sound, good, or weak. Deriving their name from the word for "news" or "story," they are sometimes ranked based on the quality of their chain of tranmission, with Shiites only accepting those passed down by relatives of Muhammad. For 10 points, name this extra-Quranical sayings of Muhammad, a supplementary source of Islamic law.;;hadith Physics;;When the dot product is taken between this and any unit vector, the directional derivative is obtained. Line integrals through it are path independent, as shown by its namesake theorem, which is also known as the fundamental theorem of calculus for line integrals. The tangent plane to any level surface is defined with this as the normal vector. The maximum value of the directional derivative at a point is its magnitude and is in the same direction as its vector. For 10 points, name this vector field denoted by nabla f and defined as the vector field whose components are the partial derivatives of f.;;gradient Biology;;Czyz developed a replacement for it to be used in marine environments. Developed by its namesake along with Frank Lee and William Durston, it requires mutations in the excision repair system and lipopolysaccharide synthesis, the latter of which makes the cell wall more permeable. A mammalian liver extra is often used in this mutational reversion assay that employs several strains of Salmonella typhimurium, each of which has a different mutation in the operon responsible for histidine. For 10 points, name this test used to detect carcinogens.;;Ames (test) World Literature;;At the end of this work, one character recites the couplet "I lost my way in the hills, having taken a road/That would lead, I hope, to a teacher of the Law" in the section entitled "The Floating Bridge of Dreams". It begins with the story of the title character's birth to a concubine whose nobility is questionable. The title character is exiled to Suma for fooling around with his half-brother's concubine. There, he finds a beautiful ten year-old girl who he kidnaps and trains as his ideal woman. For 10 points, name this eleventh-century novel by Mursaki Shikibu.;;(The) Tale of Genji|Genji Monogatari Art;;In one of his later paintings, a woman in a black dress is reading a magazine while a younger woman in a bikini sits on the side of a porch, and the right side is dominated by blurry trees. In another paintings, yellow and black shades interrupt the red painting of the exterior wall in his depiction of a deserted city block with a fire hydrant on the left and a barber's pole on the right. In addition to Second Story Sunlight and Early Sunday Morning, he showed two large percolators one one side of a triangular wooden counter, behind which a white-hatted man serves three patrons. For 10 points, name this painter of Nighthawks.;;(Edward) Hopper Chemistry;;A proton-ionizable group is found in the "lariat" form of these compounds, which are NOT cleaved into carboxylic acids during a positive result in the Zeisel method. Lithium-containing compounds are used to transform them in the 1,2-Wittig rearrangement, and they easily undergo oxidation to form peroxides. An acid catalyst and two primary alcohols are needed in a condensation reaction to create these compounds while the most famous way to produce them involves nucleophilic substitution of an alkyl halide by an alkoxide. For 10 points, name this class of molecules with formula R-O-R that are produced in a reaction named for Williamson.;;ether(s) Geography;;They were originally led by the strategoi, but the attempt to rely on these structures ultimately failed and was replaced by the use of the Varangian Guard and other mercenaries. Formally created by Constans II, they included a confusingly named "Thracian" one that was not in Thrace, as well as the Carabisiani and Anatolikon. Used to encourage the spreading of soldiers to farms throughout the empire as a bulwark against Muslim expansion, the eventual substitution of taxes for military service led to their devolution into feudal units. For 10 points, name these military districts of the Byzantine empire.;;themes|tagmata Biology;;The role of U2 auxiliary factor in it is to recognize a polypyrimidine tract and help BBP bind to the branch site. In Drosophila, Sxl is a repressor of this event that regulates sex determination. Inhibited by hnRNP1, the alternative type of it results in isoforms. Achieved by two trans-esterification reactions resulting in a lariat-shaped object, this event is carried out by a complex consisting of snRNPs snurps. For 10 points, identify this post-transcriptional modification in which introns are removed.;;splicing Chemistry;;Formulated in the 1880s, this reaction usually involves an anhydride intermediate followed by a keto-enol tautomerization step, although it competes with a free radical mechanism at low temperatures. The product of it is often reacted with ammonia to make alpha amino acids, or undergoes hydrolysis to create alpha hydroxy acids. This reaction, which is often catalyzed by a phosphorous trihalide, involves alpha-halogenation of carboxylic acids. For 10 points, name this triply-eponymous reaction.;;Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky (reaction/halogenation) Physics;;An example of the internal type of this effect is the longitudinal NMR in super-fluid helium. It allows a precise determination of the ratio e/h, and this effect can exist in AC and DC varieties. This basis for a SQUID can detect very small magnetic fields and was predicted by its namesake 22-year-old Brit. For 10 points, name this effect that can occur when a few nanometers thick layer of aluminum oxide separates two superconductors, which allows Cooper pairs to tunnel across the junction.;;Josephson (effect) Math Theory;;A root-finding method of this name does not need the formula for the derivative and can be generalized by Broyden's method. Related to cosh by the Gudermannian function, its derivative is secant times tangent. Equal to the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to a given angle, its value is always equal to or greater than one. For 10 points, identify this word used to describe a line intersecting a curve at two points, equivalent to the reciprocal of the cosine.;;secant Chemistry;;Switching between the two types of it occurs in expanded porphyrin analogues and molecules with an odd number of twisted carbon bonds possess the type of this property named for Mobius. It is characterized by negative values in the NICS method, and in NMR, de-shielding in molecules with this property is known as its namesake ring current. Furan and naphthalene are examples of electron-delocalized compounds with this property, which is generally seen in compounds that are planar, cyclic, and conjugated. For 10 points, name this property also found in compounds that have 4n + 2 pi electrons and obey Huckel's rule.;;aromatic|aromaticity American Literature;;One character in this play methodically tears apart a newspaper, and that man and his partner ultimately reveal that "the organization" and "Monty" will be seeing the protagonist. A female character attempts to seduce that protagonist with sandwiches, and is then seen engaging in foreplay with him after the lights come back on. One character is revealed as a defrocked priest, while another has a job as a "deck chair attendant". Lulu, Goldberg and McCann show up at Meg's boarding house and wreak havoc in this play. For 10 points, name this work in which Stanley Webber receives the title celebration, by Harold Pinter.;;(The) Birthday Party Music;;One of this type of work by this composer was orchestrated by Anton Seidl, and included the original movement "The Shepherd Boy," replacing "The Sound of Bells" from the earlier work on which that new composition was based. That one also contains the "March of the Dwarfs". Another one of this group of works is labeled "in olden style" and is dedicated to the "father of Danish literature". Another one of them includes the movement "Ase's Death" and "Anitra's Dance," and concludes with "In the Hall of the Mountain King". For 10 points, the Lyric, the Holberg, and the Peer Gynt are among what genre of work by what composer?;;suites (by) (Edward) Grieg (obvious) (equivalents) World History;;For a few days, this man was known as Salah Eddine Ammed, during a fake conversion to Islam which enabled him to scam two million dollars out of the Libyan government. This man appointed the first female prime minister in his region, Elisabeth Domitien, before Operation Barracuda ended his reign. He spent two hundred million dollars to re-enact the coronation of Napoleon and later responded harshly to a protest over school uniforms, killing one hundred students. For 10 points, name this man who overthrew David Dacko, proclaimed the Central African Empire, and was allegedly a cannibal.;;(Jean-Bedel) Bokassa (I) Computer Science;;Its namesake arithmetic is restricted in Cyclone, which allows only the fat type. Its namesake type of swizzling is performed when it is brought into the main memory from external storage. In Fortran-90, it can be used to encapsulate the lower and upper bounds of array dimensions and the XOR operation can be performed on it during a memory shortage when using linked lists. The smart type is used for exception safety and garbage collection but the dangling type can leads to unpredictable behavior such as segmentation faults. For 10 points, name this data type that must be de-referenced in order to give the location of something stored.;;pointer(s);;(reference) Religion;;During the Acacian Schism, emperor Anastasius I accussed Pope Symmachus of subscribing to this religion. Its founder wrote the Kephalaia, which identified that man with the "Paraclete" from the Book of John. That son of Patek was visited by an angel called "The Twin" before being martyred in the Passion of the Illuminator. According to this doctrine, those who eat meat, have sex, or own property are doomed to continue the entwining of spirit and matter. It inspired such Christian heresies as the Paulicians and Bogomils. For 10 points, name this eponymous religion which grew out of third-century Iran.;;Manichaeism (any) (word) (forms) (that) (involve) Mani Geography;;This state contains the "limestone coast," and its other regions include the Barossa Valley. Kangaroo Island lies off its coast, while its inland areas include the Flinders Ranges. The cities of Woomera, Barossa Valley, and Streaky Bay are found here, as are Port Lincoln and the western town of Nullarbor. Its capital is in the foothills of the Mount Lofty Ranges and is found near where the Torrens River meets the Gulf St. Vincent. This state has eastern borders with three other states, New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria. For 10 points, name this Australian state, whose capital and largest city is Adelaide.;;South Australia American Literature;;She calls herself a disciple of educational philosopher Paula Freire, and wrote about Freire's theories in Teaching to Transgress. This author denounced Asian-born feminists who claimed the need to "interpret" black feminism for whites in her "Third World Diva Girls," and she said that attributing black identity to experience as opposed to abstract thought was a form of racism in her essay "Postmodern Blackness". She criticizes the exclusion of women by the Black Power movement in a book titled for a Sojourner Truth speech, Ain't I A Woman. For 10 points, name this cultural critic, the author of Yearning.;;(Bell) Hooks|(Gloria) Watkins Biology;;Modified by the Sin3 complex, they have chaperones such as NAP-I and CAF-I while a variant of one of these named CENP-A generates new binding sites. Discovered by Kossel, these conserved proteins are replaced by protamines during spermatogenesis. Composed of a high proportion of positively charged amino acids, they have an N-terminal extension called a "tail" that can be acetylated. The linker type is not included in the octamer that consists of the core ones: H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. For 10 points, name these proteins that pack DNA in chromatin.;;histone(s) Geography;;In Nyamwezi mythology, the demon Katavi haunts these places, while the Arabic Ghaddar might eat your genitalia in one of these. You might also encounter the Plains Indian figure Cannibal Grandmother here. The Incan Coniraya made one in anger, and after overthrowing Yam, Baal ordered death to stay exclusively in these places. Anzu hid here after stealing the Tablets of Destiny, and the whole universe became one after Shiva killed Kama. In Egyptian myth, Pachet, Ha, Ash, and especially Seth were patrons of this place. For 10 points, name this biome that is unsurprisingly popular in Middle Eastern mythology.;;desert(s) European History;;One leader in this conflict became was a woman who always dressed in black and became known as "The Passionflower," who described her sloganeering campaigns in the autobiography They Shall Not Pass. Disunity on one side of this clash was exemplified by the recalcitrant POUM movement, and some of its largest battles were at Teruel and Jarama. Starting as a political dispute between the Popular Front and the Falangists, this war was the source of the phrase "fifth column" and included the American Abraham Lincoln Brigades. For 10 points, name this conflict of the 1930s which brought Francisco Franco to power.;;Spanish Civil War British Literature;;The group in this story sings "Cadet Roussel" after boarding a train at Westland Row. The main character meets a confused Frenchman who only showed his "shining white teeth" upon being introduced, and later takes a trip to Kingstown to board a yacht. The Cambridge classmate Routh and the American Farley join the French teammates Ségouin and Rivière in this story, which ends with Jimmy losing a pile of money playing cards. This story first appeared between "Eveline" and "Two Gallants". For 10 points, name this tale from Dubliners depicting a party following a road rally.;;After the Race United States History;;This body passed a bill which prohibited secondary boycotts and required union officers to swear off Communism; despite the President's veto, that bill, the Taft-Hartley Act, went through. One of its final actions was to ratify the War Claims Act, and some of the major bills passed by this body were the Marshall Plan and a package of aid for Turkey and Greece. The first Republican-controlled legislature since 1933, its failure to comply with more of the President's initiative led to its nickname. For 10 points, name this body which served from 1947 to 1949 and was assailed by Harry Truman for its inactivity.;;(the) Do Nothing Congress|80th (U.S.) Congress Art;;A flying man in red plucks a white-loinclothed figure out of a capsizing boat in one of this man's works. A pattern of blue diamonds adorns the white wrap around the red dress of a woman at the lower right of one of his paintings. That woman is being served fruit and handing some to a white-clad child. Two trees and a small brook separate the foreground from the priest walking in the middle, while the title action of that painting is going on way in the back, as a circle dances around an elevated idol. For 10 points, name this painter of St. Mark Freeing the Slave and The Adoration of the Golden Calf, who executed for the San Giorgio Maggiore of Venice his Last Supper.;;Tintoretto|(Jacopo) Robusti Philosophy;;Tom Regan wrote that this man was the "prophet" of his social circle, while William Shaw wrote a study of his views on right and wrong. He used the "open-question argument," which determined whether a definition was preserved by reversing the order of terms, to debunk what he called the "naturalistic fallacy," or the belief that non-intuitional sources can determine what is good. This longtime editor of the journal Mind wrote A Defence of Common Sense to debunk skepticism, a topic also addressed in his "The Refutation of Idealism". For 10 points, name this Bloomsbury Group author of Principia Ethica.;;(George) (Edward) Moore World History;;This man's legal reforms included starting the Court of Miscellaneous Claims and assigning provincial lawsuits to the Records Office. He escaped from the Oki Islands to take advantage of the suicide of an opponent who spent his days watching dog fights, but he ultimately broke with his supporters by naming Morinaga as regent, leading to Kogon pressing a rival claim to the throne. He had earlier ended the insei system following the end of Hojo rule, but his partner in the Kemmu Restoration, Ashikaka Takauji, founded a new shogunate. For 10 points, name this emperor from 1318 to 1339.;;Go-Daigo (Tenno)|Takaharu Physics;;It is used to find the values of a quantity that is raised to the fourth power in the Tully-Fisher relation. The inverse of this effect was first observed using a magnetic nonlinear transmission line by Seddon and Bearpark. Time dilation was confirmed by Ives and Stilwell by measuring a type of this effect, aspects of which have been proven by Russell and Buys-Ballot. It is applied to gamma rays around the resonance peak to measure the Mossbauer effect, which was shown to verify the transverse type. Used by Hubble to suggest the universe is expanding, an example of it is redshift in distant galaxies. For 10 points, name this change in wavelength or frequency as a result of motion.;;Doppler (effect/shift) Philosophy;;It begins by praising the creative capacity of violence, then moves on to a study of spontaneity. It says that the formation of a new middle class can threaten the unity of new countries in the section "The Pitfalls of National Consciousness," and its last full-length chapter is a list of case histories about individuals driven insane by the Algerian war. Originally titled from the first line of the Internationale, it was written while its author was dying of leukemia. Its author was the former head of psychiatry at Blida-Joinville Hospital in Algeria, who also wrote Black Skin, White Masks. For 10 points, identify this anti-colonialist major work of Franz Fanon.;;(The) Wretched of the Earth|(Les) Damnes de la terre|(The) Damned World Literature;;In one of his novels, a historian watches his cousin join a fascist gang, while his sister becomes a communist. In another novel, a cow's head is left on the doorstep of a school as a warning to an Italian-born slave, who is educating the king about science. He also described a lawyer whose brother and wife disappear at the same time. He inserts himself as the brother of Shekure in another novel. For 10 points, name this author of The House of Silence, The Black Book, The White Castle, and My Name is Red, a Turkish author who was once brought to court for discussing the Armenian genocide.;;(Orhan) Pamuk United States History;;He worked with Gamaliel Bailey to produce the Cincinnati Philanthropist, and he later joined with Thomas Earle and Thomas Morris in his national campaigns. This former member of the Alabama legislature led a faction of the American Anti-Slavery Society more moderate than William Lloyd Garrison's group, and this author of The American Churches, the Bulwarks of American Slavery helped swing New York away from Henry Clay in 1844. For 10 points, name this 1840 and 1844 Presidential candidate, the leader of the Liberty Party.;;(James) (Gillespie) Birney Biology;;Tangier's disease leads to irregular export of this molecule from macrophages due to defective ABCA1 protein transporters. Over expression of Rab9 can lead to restoration of its transport in NPC1-deficient cells and the StAR protein controls its transfer within the mitochondria. Mevalonate and squalene are precursors to this molecule that is prevalent in mammalian plasma membranes. Levels of it can be reduced with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, which are commonly called statins, an example of which is the drug Lipitor. For 10 points, name this steroid that attaches to lipoproteins such as HDL and LDL.;;cholesterol World History;;He created at-large seats in the legislature, which his opponents dubbed the "forty thieves". He invented a new office called the "interventor," a federally controlled state governor, and often filled that post with "tenentes," the junior officers who supported a move to fascism. He dubbed himself "Father of the Poor" and helped Francisco Campos rewrite the constitution, and he later ordered his supporters, the Queremistas, to vote for his successor, Eurico Gaspar Dutra. His second regime ended with his suicide. For 10 points, name this dictator, and then elected president, who implemented the "Estado Novo" in Brazil.;;(Getulio) (Dorneles) Vargas Geology;;Power dissipated within it contributes to flattening of the depth-age curve, and Saffman-Taylor instabilities in the oceanic type explain the formation of seamount chains. Fertile peridotite is used to represent this geological structure when calculating melting behavior and it can be detected because horizontally polarized shear waves travel faster through it than vertically polarized seismic waves. This source of most basaltic magma is made up of partially molten rock and begins at approximately 50 miles below the surface of the earth. For 10 points, name this weak plastic part of the upper mantle on which the lithosphere floats.;;asthenosphere Sociology;;She suceeded in getting Augustus Hand to legalize her cause, after she began her second marriage, to a man who had made millions selling Three-in-One Oil, This opponent of Archbishop Patrick Hayes used the alias Bertha Watson to flee to Canada. She adopted the motto "No Gods, No Matters" and coined a now-common phrase alon with Otto Bobsein for a newspaper, The Woman Rebel, which the post office called a violation of the Comstock Act. For 10 points, name this author of Family Limitation, who founded the predecessor to Planned Parenthood after her Brooklyn clinic became America's first birth-control facility.;;(Margaret) Sanger|(Margaret) (Louisa) Higgins British Literature;;The subject of this poem was also addressed by the same author in a poem beginning "Now that we're almost settled in our house," as well as in "Reprisals" and "Shepherd and Goatherd". In this poem, the narrator blames a "lonely impulse of delight" for his current situation and calls future years a "waste of breath". The speaker asserts "my country is Kiltartan Cross" after resolving "I know that I shall meet my fate/Somewhere among the clouds above". For 10 points, name this William Butler Yeats poem, written after Robert Gregory was shot down in World War I.;;(An) Irish Airman Foresees His Death Geography;;The origin of the Barada River lies within this chain. They end at the Zabadani Saddle, a part of Mount Hermon, and they also include Taa Musa. They are on the west of the Helbun valley, and their north abuts the city of Homs. They are found to the east of the Litani River, and the Biqa Valley separates them from a similarly named group. They are also the source of the Jordan. For 10 points, name these mountains to the west of Syria and the north of Israel, named for their position across from the Lebanon Mountains.;;Anti-Lebanon (Mountains)|Al-jabal Ash-sharqi|Lubnan Ash-sharqi World History;;While taking his post as governor of Fort St. David, he made a side trip to raid Gheriah, a pirate base. He replaced Henry Vansittart in his most prestigious role, and he managed to defeat a Dutch army at Chinsura without provoking war with the Netherlands. The definitive biography of this man is H.H. Dodwell's, which contrasts him to his French counterpart, Joseph Dupleix. His largest scheme saw him install Mir Jafar as the new nawab, deposing Siraj-ud-Dawlah. For 10 points, name this two-time governor under the East India Company who won the Battle of Plassey to secure British control of Bengal in 1756.;;(Robert) Clive Chemistry;;In the Wurtz reaction, this element is used as a nucleophile to prepare alkanes from alkyl halides. The liquid form of it is used as the coolant and heat-transfer medium in the LMFBR reactor, and the production of TEL involves an alloy of lead and it. Albite is a plagioclase feldspar with a high content of this element, which is also found in the mineral halite. The Castner process was once used to manufacture this metal, but now it is obtained at the cathode in a Downs cell. Noted for its bright yellow flame, this element has one electron in the 3s subshell. For 10 points, name this element found in table salt along with chlorine.;;sodium Mythology;;One of them mated with Pallas to produce Bia, the spirit of violence. One of them was the first being to ally with Zeus against the Titans, and another fathered a child who was turned into an owl after serving as the only witness to Persephone's illicit pomegranete consumption. Another can partially be found under a mountain in Cimmeria, where Hypnos lives. They represent woe, fire, lamentation, forgetfulness, and hate, and one of them was used to swear unbreakable oaths and gave Achilles immortality. For 10 points, Phlegethon, Cocytus, Lethe, Acheron, and Styx are what five waterways of Greek myth?;;rivers of the underworld|rivers of Hades|(obvious) (equivalents) Physics;;Together with Campbell, he is the namesake of a sunshine recorder. This author of Dynamical Theory of Diffraction is the namesake of I, Q, U, and V parameters that specify the polarization of electromagnetic radiation. His namesake shift states fluorescing light has longer wavelengths than the excitation light while his namesake equation relates the frictional coefficient to velocity and viscosity. This namesake of two components of Raman scattering has a theorem generalizing Green's theorem to three dimensions. For 10 points, name this namesake of some equations modeling fluid motion along with Navier.;;(George) (Gabriel) Stokes Music;;Some of the lyrics to this song translate as "one hand reaches, reaches for the bank, where the spring sleeps, and the birds, the birds sing". It is preceeded in the score by such pieces as "Blanche Dourga," and is followed by "Miss Rose, Miss Ellen". The servant Mallika participates in this piece, which occurs near the beginning of the opera on the banks of a river, as Mallika and the opera's title character gather the namesake objects. For 10 points, name this Leo Delibes-composed song from the opera Lakme, in which two sopranos sing about some attractive plants.;;(the) Flower Duet Viens World Literature;;In one of this Japanese author's novels, a barber describes a woman who demanded that a monk fornicate with her under the state of Buddha, while in another, a junior high math teacher disdains Hubbard Squash and assaults Red Shirt. In addition to the memoir Within My Glass Doors and the novels Botchan and The Three-Cornered World, this author wrote a novel in which an eccentric uncle carries a medieval weapon for use as a fan, and the title character reads the diary of a character whose name means "lazy teacher". For 10 points, the Kushami household adopts the titular Persian stray in what author's I Am a Cat?;;Soseki (Natsume) Philosophy;;Its seventh book compares reason's ability to cut through all ideas to fire moving upwards or a cylinder rolling down a hill. Its second book says to plan on meeting arrogant and deceitful men every day, but to treat such people as merely ignorant. This book claims that death should not be feared since the world is cyclical, and it advises against withdrawing from society, saying to seek harmony with both men and the universe. Its jagged style is explained by the fact that it was written amidst several military campaigns and political intrigues, by the sitting emperor of Rome. For 10 points, name this Stoic text by Marcus Aurelius.;;Meditations|To Himself|Ton eis heauton World Literature;;One character symbolically announces that mutton has made him sick, but is actually disturbed by seeing the sheep's horns, a symbol of double-dealing. At its start, Chispa sings and disagrees with the gambler Rebolledo's prediction of a bribe from the title figure, who later claims not to know how Captain Ataide was strangled. At the start of this play, Isabel hides in the attic, and Pedro Crespo is not disturbed by the requirement to board troops in his house. It ends with the title character being confirmed in his job for life by Phillip II. For 10 points, name this play by Pedro Calderon de la Barca about a rural magistrate.;;(The) Mayor of Zalamea|(El) Alcalde de Zalamea Art;;One of his paintings shows two red cows, a blue deer, and two green horses. In addition to The Fate of the Animals, this man painted the geometric scene as Stables. Late in life, he painted semi-abstract works such as Tyrol. His admiration for Van Gogh can be seen in his Cats on a Red Cloth, but he may be better known for an association with someone he met in the New Artists Association. For 10 points, name this man who organized the first exhibition of The Blue Rider, including the works of his colleague Wassily Kandinsky.;;(Franz) Marc Religion;;In Zoroastrianism, the most powerful method of this involves touching the left ear of a dog and takes at least three days to complete, though more often the padyab or nahn are used. The snana done at the end of a Hindu pilgrimage is one form, and in Christianity, the remnants of doing it may be put into a "piscina". In Islam, doing this removes the status of "junub" and is called "ghusl;" in extreme conditions, it can be done with sand. The temizuya is used for this before approaching a Shinto shrine, while in Judaism, converts and new mothers use the mikvah for this process. For 10 points, name this practice of religious cleansing.;;ritual washing|purification|ablution|ritual bathing Anthropology;;The location analyzed in the opening of this work was actually a place of sanctuary for fugitive slaves, not the kind of building the author claims. It claims that primitive people do not understand the difference between humans and the earth, and draws a connection between fire and the sun to explain why animal sacrifices usually took place in the summer, This book posits both "homeopathic" and "contagious" forms of a certain phenomenon, and it opens by examining a priest of Nemi, who is awaiting a murderer in Aricia at the grove of Diana. For 10 points, identify this "study in magic and religion," named for an item used in Book VI of the Aeneid, and written by James Frazer.;;(The) Golden Bough European History;;A 1444 "Truce" named for this city arranged a marriage between Henry VI of England and Margaret, the niece of the French queen. A synod which took place here in 1054 was part of Cardinal Hildebrand's attempt to end the transubstantiation controversy involving Berengar of this place. The Ten Books of Histories about the Merovingians were written by Gregory of this place, and one of its bishops, the father of French monasticism, is known as Saint Martin of this place. Another event here saw the defeat of Abd ar Rahman in 732. For 10 points, name this site of Charles Martel's "hammering" of Moorish invaders.;;Tours|Poitiers Biology;;The amphiblastula forms after inversion of the stomoblastula in members of this phylum. A member of it is affected by red band syndrome and another is known as Venus's-flower-basket. Members of this only phylum in subkingdom Parazoa survive cold and dry conditions by forming gemmules. The osculum is found in members of it, which is divided into asconoid, syconoid, and leuconoid types. Organized at the cellular level, they have a mesohyl with skeletal elements called spicules. For 10 points, identify this "pore bearing" phylum, members of which have choanocytes and are also known as sponges.;;Porifera American Literature;;This book ends with one character arranging his own kidnapping in Argentina and a letter in which the protagonist's former mistress announces her marriage to the mortician Flonzany. The main character and his Princeton colleague swapped blank checks with each other as a sign of trust, but the other man, who was based on Delmore Schwarz, used his to buy an Oldsmobile. The main character meets the mobster Rinaldo Cantabile and divorces Denise as he writes about Rudolph Steiner. For 10 points, name this Saul Bellow novel about Charlie Citrine, who receives the title manuscript in a will.;;Humboldt's Gift Geography;;One composer from this country wrote a "Solemn March in Honor of the Immortal National Bard," and another wrote the opera The Supposed Miracle. Another of its composers adapted Paradise Lost in 1978 but may be better known for the Anaklasis. That man wrote a piece, scored for fifty-two strings, which uses whistling harmonics and quarter-tone clusters to recall a 1945 event, the Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima. Another composer from this country wrote the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs, while another one wrote a big mess of nocturnes, preludes, and etudes for the piano. For 10 points, name this home country of Frederic Chopin and Krystof Penderecki.;;Poland European History;;Doctor George Wakeman received a rigged trial over his participation in this matter, which led to public disfavor for judge William Scroggs. Some participants were sent to incompetent executioner Jack Ketch, and this affair ended on the dissolution of the Cavalier Parliament. The murder of Edmund Godfrey was taken as evidence that this had begun, and one of the people involved in spreading word about it was the fanatical Israel Tonge, who supposedly wanted to install the Duke of York as king. For 10 points, Titus Oates was the chief fabricator of what spurious attempt to re-Catholicize England?;;Popish (Plot) British Literature;;He frowned on the Count D'Orsay's lack of commitment and praised the authenticity of Beau Brummell in the essay "Dandies and Dandies". In addition to such nonfiction volumes as Yet Again and Mainly on the Air, this author wrote a story about Eva's relationship to a doll, which perturbs Keith Tantalus. In another of his stories, an author is put into Hell after expressing a desire to see a future card catalog, only to find that the story itself is his only legacy. He also described the courtship of Noaks and Katie Batch, and the suicide of the Duke of Dorset. For 10 points, name this author of "Enoch Soames" and Zuleika Dobson.;;(Max) Beerbohm Physics;;The BaBar experiment found one of these objects with positive baryon number in Ds 2317, and the GIM mechanism refers to the necessity of these particles to suppress certain flavor changing neutral currents. A positive-sign subscript denotes the presence of one of these in a lambda baryon, and this particle is also found in a D+ meson. Proposed by Glashow shortly before the discovery of the tau lepton, it was discovered in the J/psi meson along with its antiquark. For 10 points, name this second generation quark with a positive two-thirds charge and a mass of 1500 MeV, the partner of the strange quark.;;charm (quark) European History;;He had the head of Syrian governor Avidius Cassius sent to him and it is debatable as to whether or not his wife had a hand in it. He would later drive out a Parthian force attempting to invade Syria and, during an expedition across the Danube led by this ruler, the Germans invaded and laid siege to Aquileia. In 34 he was granted the tribunicia potestas. Married to the legendary beauty Faustina, he declared his brother Lucius Verus co-emperor. His name was changed after his adoption by Antoninus Piu and he would be succeeded by his son, Commodus. For 10 points, identify this component of the "Five Good Emperors".;;(Caesar) Marcus Aurelius (Antoninus) (Augustus)|(Marcus) Annius Verus Art;;This painter commemorated Eddington's expedition to verify General Relativity with Mercury Passing in Front of the Sun, while a figure like Mercury is seen in Into the Night. His series of Irredescent Compositions are reminiscent of stained glass. His best-known sculpture, sometimes known as Lines of Force, is usually titled after a student's Fist. A crescent moon is dim compared to the title object of his Street Light. His breakthrough was Abstract Speed + Sound. A dachshund is walked by a woman in a black skirt in his Dynmism of a Dog on a Leash. For 10 points, name this artist, a follower of Marinetti and mentor to Boccioni and many other Italian Futurists.;;(Giacommo) Balla Philosophy;;A certain Aristotles takes the place of one main character for the second part of this work, which contains the earliest instance of the third man argument, that of infinite sequences of telescoping Forms, which can seemingly be resolved by the understanding that forms do not participate in themselves present in a later work. One side seeks to resolve an apparent paradox by positing that objects may participate in both the forms of Unity and Plurality, the latter of which was claimed not to exist by the other side in the beginning. For 10 points, name this Platonic dialogue in which Socrates debates Zeno and his master, the titular Eleatic philosopher.;;(the) Parmenides Geography;;This region, whose large cities include Katowice and Ostrava, was, by 990 CE, under the control of a nation that would control it until it became a duchy under a the Piast Dynasty. The lines of Dukes gradually died out, and this area passed to the crown of Bohemia, where it stayed until 1740, though the crown of Bohemia passed to the Hapsburgs. It was then as an Austrian possession that it was seized by Frederick the Great of Prussia from Maria Theresa during the War of Austrian Succession. For 10 points, name this region in central Europe, now mostly part of Poland again that also borders Germany and the Czech Republic.;;Silesia American Literature;;In one of his novels, a clothes presser, while reading a newspaper, has a premonition about a man entering his apartment. Another of his novels opens with a biographer writing about D. H. Lawrence. The maid of a liquor dealer likes to eat lunch in the bathroom in his short story "Black is My Favorite Color". A sculptor is put off by Rubin's commentary in Rembrandt's Hat. After besting Whammer Whambold, the protagonist of still another of his novels is shot by Harriet Bird and later gets involved in a plot to wrest part ownership from Pop Fisher. For 10 points, identify this author of The Fixer and a story about a star player for the New York Knights, The Natural.;;(Bernard) Malamud Psychology;;This work's first section aims to find an "Interpretive Theory" and is titled for a technique meant to impute meaning via context. Its sequel is 1983's Local Knowledge. Using thick description to discuss such situations as "Internal Conversion" and the Balinese cockfight, this work defines its titular concept as "a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means of which people communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life". For 10 points, name this work containing essays about the analysis of societies; perhaps the best-known work of Clifford Geertz.;;(The) Interpretation of Cultures(:) (Selected) (Essays) Astronomy;;Banana and superbanana particles can be found in one of these objects, which is separated from its companion by VLF wave-particle resonant interactions, which give rise to the "safe zone". Because their large gyroradius leads to neutralization, high-energy protons are depleted from the outer one of these, but not the inner. Sourced by solar wind, cosmic ray neutron decay, and perhaps the aurorae via Birkeland currents, these bodies were discovered by the Explorer and Sputnik satellites. For 10 points, name these torii of radiation entrained by the Earth's magnetic field, so-called belts named for an American astrophysicist.;;(the) Van Allen (radiation) (belts) American Literature;;This writer describes how "Commerce and Plenty shine" and recommends that America "sheathe the Sword that bade the Brave attone / With guiltless Blood for Madness not their own". This poet tells the glories of the imperial queen with a faithful tongue in "On Imagination". The author of an elegy for George Whitfield as well as a poem concerning the death of Reverend Dr. Sewell, she asked God to direct and guard from on high in "The King's Most Excellent Majesty" and, after a resettlement, she became aware "there's a God, that there's a Savior too" in "On Being Brought from Africa to America". For 10 points, name this colonial African-American poet.;;(Phyllis) Wheatley Chemistry;;One of these compounds sometimes called Kitahara is more commonly known as Danishefsky's one of these and, due to its electron richness, is highly useful in perhaps their best-known use. Allene is an example of the cumulated variety of these compounds, though the most stable type of these has conjugated double bounds separated by a single bond and is therefore known as conjugated. The Diels-Alder reaction occurs between a species named for its ability to attract these and one of these compounds. For 10 points, name these chemicals, hydrocarbons with two double bonds, which are perhaps best known in their 1,3-buta form.;;diene(s) United States History;;This person took was once ordered to occupy the State House until the state Supreme Court could sort out the mess. He served as president of his alma mater, Bowdoin College, and later as Governor of Maine, a position from which he was catapulted into by his fame as a Colonel in the U.S. Volunteers during the Civil War. During the war, he received the formal surrender of the Confederate forces at Appomattox, but he is most famous for his actions as commander of the twentieth Maine Volunteer Regiment. For 10 points, name this man, whose actions at Gettysburg earned him the nickname "Lion of the Round Top".;;(Joshua) Chamberlain Art;;A small hill at its upper right stands in front of a silvery tree which draws the eye to the background figures, one of whom is seemingly an adolescent tying up her hair. A study for the figure at right exists in the Art Institute and has her red plait obscured by her shoulder and her hands cupped, as she is in the act of tormenting the figure with sticks in her hair reclining on a white slip at left by splashing her. For 10 points, name this 1887 painting in which five nude or semi-nude women are engage in the titular activity; a well-known work by Auguste Renoir.;;(The) Bathers|(Les) baigneuses Mythology;;This creator of Penthesilea's double-edged halberd gave birth to the Kakodaimones, the causes of man's misfortunes, and was assisted in birthing Horkos by the Furies. Hercules was confused by Aporia and her after watching an apple grow after he hit it. She appears in the Iliad being sent to the ship of Odysseus and is cited in Seven Against Thebes as the deity of arguments. The only deity not initially present at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, she crashed it and ultimately started the chain of events leading to the Trojan War by throwing an apple inscribed "to the fairest". For 10 points, identify this companion of Ares; the goddess of discord and strife.;;Eris American Literature;;One character in this novel fires a small cannon at night, much to the amusement of the Aged P. In the end, Clarriker & Company acquires a new partner. One chracter dies after dreaming about his late wife pulling on him One character stays in Satis house, which has a brewery and iron bars on the windows, where all the clocks have been stopped. Mr. Provis becomes wealthy through sheep farming in New South Wales and dies after killing Arthur Compeyson. Whenever the protagonist needs money, he goes to Mr. Jaggers. Orlick does in Mrs. Joe, the protagonist's sister, with a hammer. For 10 points, identify this Dickens novel centered on Philip "Pip" Pirrip.;;Great Expectations European History;;This King of France was the last of the direct Capetian line, being succeeded by his nephew of the House of Valois, Phillip VI. He was a successful monarch, his own coronation established the concept of Salic law in France, thus disinheriting Edward III of England, who had more direct claim, and with help from his sister, Isabella, Edward's wife, he seized English possessions in France and managed to have Edward II overthrown in England. However, he also expelled the Jews from France and increased taxes for use in the Hundred Years War. For 10 points, name this King of France, whose name is not Phillip, though it is often affixed with "the Fair".;;Charles IV (of) (France) Charles (the) Bald (of) Navarre|Charles (le) Chauve (de) Navarre|Carlos (el) Calvo (de) (Navarre)|Charles I (of) Navarre|Charles (the) Fair|Charles (le) Bel;;Carlos (el) Hermoso|Charles|Charles I|Charles the Bald|Charles le Chauve European Literature;;The main character in this story imagines himself planting a tree at home, which his children consecrate with wine and milk. The protagonist compares his hatred for the man who teaches him the lute to hating heaving itself. He delays his wedding by two years but, after returning home, climbing a pear tree, and seeing his wife comb her hair, he returns to his teacher, whom he had met during a lantern festival. Taught by the Master of the Perfect Word, the protagonist stays in a bamboo hut until he becomes an old man. For 10 points, name this story in which Han Fook sets out to perfect the titular writing craft, a work by Herman Hesse.;;("The) Poet(") Physics;;A rank-two tensor in general, this quantity in no longer applicable when dislocation movement becomes important, a point approximately concomitant with the so-called proportionality limit. It is given for a homogeneous system as Lamé's parameter over Poisson's ratio times the quantity one plus Poisson's ratio times the quantity one minus twice Poisson's ratio. This quantity has units of pressure and is proportional to the spring constant for a spring since it gives the ratio of stress to strain. For 10 points, name this object, the constant of proportionality in Hooke's law, which is usually known for the British polymath who conducted a notable double slit experiment.;;Young('s) modulus|modulus (of) elasticity|elastic modulus|tensile modulus Math Theory;;An algorithm that approximately solves this problem is due to Rabin and Miller and significantly outperforms the basis for the Atkin-Goldwasser-Kilian-Morain Certificate. that deterministic solution uses the elliptic curve factorization method, but is still in EXPTIME. Wagon presented strong evidence that the deterministic form of this problem is in P in 1991, a suspicion confirmed with the release of the big-O of natural log to the twelve AKS algorithm, which utilizes cyclatomic groups. Not particularly good solutions to this problem are given by the Lucas-Lehmer test and Fermat test. For 10 points, name this problem of determining whether a number is composite or not.;;primality (testing) Geography;;The genus Sapindaceae is alternatively named for this object. Its name can be translated as "woman in ice" or "sacred winds of the moon". Located in the southern part of the Avenue of Volcanoes, its collapse temporarily dammed the Rio Chambo. About 20 miles northwest of Riobamba, it was first explored by Alexander von Humboldt. Its sister peak in the Cordillera Occidental is Carihuairazo. One of the routes up it is the Whymper route, named for the first man to scale it. Its summit is the furthest point from the center of the Earth. For 10 points, identify this South American peak, the tallest in Ecuador and second tallest in the Andes.;;Chimborazo Music;;This work was described as requiring its most famous performer to "forget you are a virtuoso," though it is not nearly so simple as the same composer's later Album for the Young. Proceeding in a cycle beginning and ending with G major, this collection's movements are almost all in ABA form. A harmonic resolution in the fourth piece is said to represent a granted wish, leading to the fifth piece, "Quite Happy". It opens with "Of Foreign Lands and People" and closes with "The Poet Speaks," and its seventh section is the famous "Träumeri" or "Dreaming". For 10 points, name this collection of piano miniatures by Robert Schumann that recall vignettes from his youth.;;Kinderszenen|Scenes from Childhood Biology;;The smaller subunits in these structures have a structural protein known as nebulin and are bound by the protein CapZ. These bodies' namesake reticula release a chemical that forces exposure of cross binding sites on a protein bound to tropomyosin dimmers; that chemical is calcium and that protein is actin. These structures' centers are in a region named for the German for bright, the H-zone, and are known as M-lines. Titin binds the thick filaments comprising theses structures to the I-band Z-lines that they lie between. Appearing as the striation in cardiac and voluntary muscles, for 10 points, name this basic unit of the muscular myofibril.;;sarcomere(s) Biology;;Its namesake "responsive megaloblastic anemia" is caused by a mutation in the SLC19A2 gene. Composed of a substituted pyrimidine joined via a methylene bridge to a five-membered ring with nitrogen and sulfur, this vitamin's structure was established by R.R. Williams. It is the namesake of a pyrophosphate coenzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism, such as the decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. For 10 points, name this vitamin, a deficiency of which is common in diets with high amounts of polished white rice that leads to a nervous system disease known as beriberi.;;(vitamin) B1 thiamin(e|)|aneurin(e|)|antiberiberi factor Astronomy;;Its geological period is divided into eras such as Mansurian and Kuiperian and in 2013, the BepiColombo mission will be launched to study it. A meteoric impact is likely responsible for it's Weird Terrain, which is near a crater filled with lava known as the Caloris Basin. Due to a liquid metal dynamo at its core, this body possesses a weak magnetic field that is only 1% the strength of the Earth's. Perturbations in the orbit of this planet supported Einstein's theory of relativity and the MESSENGER spacecraft recently made a flyby of it. For 10 points, name this smallest planet that is also closest to the sun.;;Mercury Art;;A grinning skull holds a scepter and looks across a green background at a group of intertwined people in this artist's late painting Death and Life. This artist illustrated many issues of the magazine Ver Sacrum. He created notable portraits of Fritze Riedler and his patron, Adele Bloch-Bauer, and used the Choral Symphony as the basis for his Beethoven Frieze. Another of his paintings depicts a man decorated with rectangles and a woman decorated with circles performing the title action. For 10 points, name this dude who used the flat, gold forms of Byzantine art in such Austrian Art Nouveau paintings as The Kiss.;;(Gustav) Klimt World History;;This man captured king Skunxa of the Pointed-Hat Scythians. The response of Artaphernes to the requests for help from Naxos led to a revolt organized by Aristogoras of Miletus against this man's rule. Scylax of Caryanda explored the Indus river during his rule, and his engineer Mandocles built a famous bridge, which would be used by commanders such as Datis, who was defeated in a battle which saw the death of Callimachus and the victory of Miltiades, Marathon. For 10 points, name this man who came to rule after the false Smerdises, an Achaemenid ruler who ruled from 522 to 486 BCE and was the namesake of one of Alexander's opponents..;;Darius I|Darius the Great;;Darius British Literature;;In the fourth section of this novel, the author of a treatise on concubines yells in pain when a hot chestnut falls into his breeches. This novel satirizes Francis Topham as the lawyer Didius, and includes a story about a man whose gigantic nose captivates the town of Strasbourg, written by Hafen Slawkenbergius. The protagonist is conceived because his mother associates the winding of a clock with having sex, and this novel's final sections recount the Widow Wadman's amours with the title character's Uncle Toby. For 10 points, name this 18th century novel about the "life and opinions" of the title character, a work by Laurence Sterne.;;(The) (Life) (and) (Opinions) (of) Tristram Shandy(,) (Gentleman) Geography;;The world's longest train passes from the coast of this country to the mining town of Zouerate zoo-WARE-aught in the interior. This country's namesake Thirty Years' War from 1644-1674 failed to bring the Sanhajas to power here. The historical ruins of Awdaghost and Kumbi Saleh, historical centers of the Ghana empire, are found within this country. It is home to people speaking a dialect of Arabic known as Hasaniya as well as French, and cities such as Tidjikdja, Nouadibhou, and Nawakshut. For 10 points, name this large West African country bordered by Western Sahara, Algeria, Mali, and Senegal.;;Mauritania Religion;;At the age of twenty-four, he undertook a mission to the Abbasid city of Samarra, after which he retired to Mount Olympus in Bithynia. He was an ambassador from the court of Michael III to the kagan of the Khazars, who wanted to determine a religion for his country, and he apparently could read the Norse Rus language he encountered in Cherson. He went to Rome with his brother to argue with the Archbishop of Salzburg and Bishop of Passau, who claimed lands that this man had been encouraged to convert by Rostislav. For 10 points, name this saint who, along with his brother Methodius, converted the peoples of the Balkans to Orthodox Christianity.;;(St.) Cyril (of) (Thessalonica)|Constantine of Thessalonica United States History;;Alexander Cuming and Ludovick Grant were introduced to the Uktena crystal of Jacob the Conjurer, the priest under Emperor Moytoy II of this group. They ceded lands near Charleston in the Treaty of DeWitt's Corner. They signed a treaty with the Kentucky government at Sycamore Shoals, and under Chief Junaluska, provided assistance to Andrew Jackson at Horseshoe Bend. The December 1835 Treaty of New Echota ceded all their land east of the Mississippi, and their removal was overseen by Winfield Scott and named the "Trail of Tears". For 10 points, name this group whose 86-letter alphabet was created by Sequoyah.;;Cherokee Biology;;Most of the world's petroleum can be attributed to a large sea circumnavigating the Earth during this period by causing a 15-20 degree temperature increase, which led to massive blooms of algae becoming petrol in fossil form. Towards the end of this period, cycad plants began to die out while angiosperms began to flourish along with their co-evolutionary partners, bees. Ceratopsian dinosaurs first evolved in this period along with the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, the tyrannosaurs. For 10 points, identify this last period of the Mesozoic Era that ended 65 million years ago with the second largest mass extinction of all time.;;Cretaceous (Period) World Literature;;This author recounts being mistaken for Qaddafi at a Red Lobster in A Turn in the South, and he spent a month studying economics to create The Loss of El Dorado. A bizarre love triangle develops between Roche, Jimmy, and Jane in one of his works, while Bobby and Linda must contend with the political climate in another. In addition to Guerrillas and In a Free State, he discussed his Indian heritage in The Enigma of Arrival and focused on another region in Miguel Street. Other novels detail Salim's enterprise in the Big Man's Africa and the titular Trinidadian's attempts to escape his in-laws. For 10 points, identify this writer of A Bend in the River and A House for Mr. Biswas.;;(Vidiadhar) (Surajprasad) Naipaul Art;;Among the works decorating its interior are an anachronistic depiction of Dante by Michelino, Gaddi's Christ Crowning Mary, and Donatello's Coronation of the Virgin. An equestrian statue of John Hawkwood by Paolo Uccello is also found in this building, whose façade was redesigned by Emilio de Fabris to depict Mary's interactions with various angels. Nanni di Banco assisted with the construction of its most famous feature, whose commission by the local wool guild allowed some revenge on Lorenzo Ghiberti for Filippo Brunelleschi, who designed its prominent dome. For 10 points, identify this cathedral found in a city on the Arno.;;(the) Florence (Cathedral)|(il) Duomo|Santa Maria del Fiore Physics;;The Miller Effect predicts that this quantity will increase in an amplifier by a factor of one minus the voltage gain of the amplifier. For alternating circuit currents it can be written as the angular frequency of the power source multiplied by the imaginary unit and divided by its reactance. For a coaxial cylindrical shell, this quantity is proportional to one over the natural log of the ratio of the inner and outer radius of the shell. Along with resistance and inductance, it makes up the three components of electrical impedance. Defined as the charge per unit voltage, for 10 points, identify this electrical quantity measured in farads.;;capacitance European Literature;;Aldo Bernardo discussed this work and "the Birth of Humanism," while contemporary drama inspired segments discussing the Lament of Magone and the tragedy of Sofonisba. The author discusses his incessant attempts to revise this hexametric work, dedicated to Robert of Naples, in his Letter to Posterity. The central figure, also discussed by the author in On Illustrious Men, is mistakenly identified as being responsible the destruction of actually carried out by his adopted grandson. It ends with Scipio's victory at Zama over Hanibal. For 10 points, identify this epic poem by Petrarch, named for the continent on which the Battle of Zama occurred.;;Africa World Literature;;It was preceded by strikes organized by EATUC, and began when the Forty Group joined with the KCA, who called it "the Understanding". It saw the popularization of the panga under General China in the Aberdare Range, while the misinterpretation of the "oath" associated with this event led to an incident at Hola. Its killing pf Michael Ruck shortly before the Lari Massacre inspired Ian Henderson to start torturing the local populace. Also involving the Meru and Embu, it primarily concerned the Kikuyu and led to increased coffee growing and democracy. For 10 points, Jomo Kenyatta came to prominence during what 1950s uprising against British rule in Kenya?;;Mau Mau (Revolt|Rebellion);;Kenya Emergency|(anything) (like) (that) Biology;;Major discoveries of fossils from this species have occurred at Zhoukoudian Cave. Their distinctive features included a projecting nuchal torus and a thick cranial bone, and they were the first species to use bifaces such as Acheulian handaxes. The Nariokotome boy is the most complete skeleton of this species to be discovered. This species exhibited a cranial capacity of 900 to 1200 cubic centimeters, and were the first hominids to leave the African continent. Eugene Dubois discovered the first fossils of this species, Java Man. For 10 points, name this species which evolved from homo habilis and whose name is Latin for "upright man".;;H(omo) erectus American Literature;;This book asserts that "the works of the great poets have never yet been read by mankind, for only great poets can read them" in its chapter about reading. Its conclusion uses the metaphor of a "strong and beautiful bug" gnawing its way out of an old wooden table to symbolize spiritual resurrection. The narrator observes a fight between red and black ants and attempts to overtake a loon, after stating that "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" in the chapter "Economy". That man explains that he "went to the woods" "to live deliberately". For 10 points, name this book describing the narrator's experiences at the title pond and written by Henry David Thoreau.;;Walden| (or,) (Life) (in) (the) (Woods) Music;;A notable section of this symphony was based on its composer's desire to outdo his former pupil Ignaz Pleyel. It begins with a brief Adagio cantabile in 3/4 time that leads into a vivace assai in 6/8 time, and its fourth and final movement, an allegro molto, features storming timpani. Its composer portrayed a plowman whistling a theme from this symphony in the oratorio The Seasons. Its second movement, an andante, features variations on "Ah! vous dirai-je maman," which is repeated pizzicato in the strings until the orchestra plays a sudden fortissimo chord. For 10 points, name this symphony by Haydn, his 94th, which is apocryphally named for startling sleeping listeners awake.;;Surprise (Symphony)|(Symphony) (no.) 94 (until) (mentioned) European History;;This man passed laws preventing the rich from hiring professional harrassers to badger ballot casters. Following the Battle of Arausio, he used his emergency powers to end the Cimbric wars. His earlier popularity stemmed from his rival Metellus's failure against Jugurtha, earning this figure the epithet Numidicus. A legend from his childhood tells of his discovery of an eagle's nest and was likely derived from his declaration of the Eagle as the official symbol of the SPQR. He also relaxed the 3000-sesterce requirement for military service and held the consulship a record seven times. For 10 points, identify this namesake of some Roman military reforms, who feuded with Sulla.;;(Gaius) Marius Philosophy;;The introduction to this work contains an analysis of the claim "Socrates is wise". Its penultimate section relies heavily on the Sheffer Stroke and argues for the transcendental nature of a certain area of knowledge. Other sections discuss the truth function and the identity of a thought as the logical picture of a fact, expounding on Russell's "logical atomism". It ends by declaring that silence must prevail when one cannot speak. The goal of embodying a logically perfect language inspired the structure of the work, a series of numbered statements from one to seven. For 10 points, identify this work which puts forth the picture theory of language, the longest of Ludwig Wittgenstein.;;Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus European History;;The Scottish-born Samuel Greig led this body to victory at the battle of Cesme Chesh-me and this body's indecisive result at Hogland lead to a rebellion by the Anjala league and the Lingonberry War. Notable members included Faddei Bellingshausen, and one unit of this body participated in the coronation celebrations of King Rama VI of Siam. It destroyed the Goya and put down a revolt that organized by Alexander Konovalov. In its most famous action, it fired on fisherman in Dogger Bank and Admiral Rozhdestvesky was defeated at Tsushima Straits. For 10 points, name this fleet of the Russian navy which began the Kronstadt Rebellion in its namesake sea.;;Russian Baltic Fleet|Baltiyskiy Flot;;Baltic Fleet|Russian navy Chemistry;;A modified form of this organic reaction was used by Wang in 2005 to synthesize multi-walled carbon nanotubes. A variation of this reaction involves a reflux of ethylene glycol and allows the reaction to occur in a one-pot synthesis, which is called the Huang-Minlon modification. The original method for this reaction involved heating a hydrazone with sodium ethoxide in a sealed vessel at 200 degrees Celsius. Accomplishing the same goal as the Clemmenson reduction is, for 10 points, what reaction that can reduce a ketone or aldehyde into an alkane and is named for two Germans.;;Wolff-Kishner (reduction) World History;;The U.S. Navy fielded five ships at this battle, the heavy cruiser Houston and four destroyers; of the five, Houston would be sunk while the destroyers managed to escape. The last major fleet engagement to be fought in the absence of aircraft carriers, it was prompted by the need to halt a Japanese invasion fleet that had fought off two prior attacks in the Makassar and Bandung Straits. Japan's Long Lance torpedo devastated the ABDA fleet and sunk the flagship De Ruyter, killing commanding Admiral Karel Doorman. For 10 points, name this February 1942 battle, which ended allied naval resistance to the Japanese conquest of the Dutch East Indies.;;(Battle) (of) (the) Java Sea Chemistry;;A lack of info about cation-anion distances can prevent the use of the Kapustinskii equation to determine this value. Another method of calculating it involves squaring both the charge of ions and electrons and knowing the Madelung constant. A process that involves the enthalpy of sublimation and the electron affinity is yet another way to calculate this quantity. It generally increases as ionic charge increases and it is equal to the negative of the energy of crystallization. For 10 points, name this quantity often symbolized U that measures how much energy is required to separate a solid mole of an ion or molecule into a gas.;;lattice (energy) Art;;One of them depicts its title figure with the niece of Hendrick Uylenburgh, while another depicts its subject in the role of a contemporary of Parrhasius. This series also includes one where the subject is "Leaning on a Stone Wall" and one where he is with either "Loose" or "Tossled" hair. One of the earliest depicts its subject "Leaning Forward" and several include the central figure "with beret" and "with Saskia". In others, its subject role played as the Apostle Paul and as "an Oriental Pontentate with a Kris". For 10 points, identify these images that depict the painter of works like The Prodigal Son, and The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp.;;(s)elf-portraits of Rembrandt (clear) (knowledge) (equivalents) United States History;;This chairperson of the Virginia Peace Convention died before he could take his seat in the Confederate House of Representatives, though he died before he could take his seat. Earlier, he had opposed Andrew Jackson's Force Bill and resigned his seat in the U.S. House during the nullification crisis. He may be better known, however, for his vetoes defeating the enactment of Henry Clay's American System, creating a rift that destroyed the Whig Party. Despite putting down Dorr's Rebellion, he was not renominated in 1844. For 10 points, name this "accidental" president, who succeeded to office upon the death of William Henry Harrison.;;(John) Tyler Biology;;One of these is the antigen of Anti Scl-70 and several inhibitors of them are found in genus Camptotheca, such as irinotecan and topotecan. Their mechanism involves the formation of a protein bridge and these enzymes discovered by Wang are able to catenate circular DNA. Type II, which requires ATP hydrolysis, changes the linking number in steps of two. Gyrase is a special bacterial form of, for 10 points, what class of enzymes that reduce breaking and supercoliling by introducing single or double stranded breaks into DNA.;;topoisomerase(s) Economics;;The author uses the example of the Amish being forced to partake in the Social Security system as a connection between economic and religious injustice. The first chapter posits that the Russian economic system cannot be reproduced without totalitarianism and it also criticized Bretton Woods in "International Financial and Trade Arrangements". For 10 points, the author's wife Rose contributed to what 1962 work about economics and politics by Milton Friedman?;;Capitalism and Freedom Mythology;;In some myths, this deity is the husband of the nymph Juterna and sired Fons or Fontus. In other traditions, he is said to have married Camese, and fathered the patron deity of the Volturnia festival. According to some myths, it was he who brought civilization to Latium, as he was its first king, and he was able to chase and catch the nymph Carna thanks to his extra eyes. He caused water to erupt from volcanic hot springs in order to thwart an attack on Rome by the Sabines, and as a result, the gates of his temple were open in times of war. For 10 points, name this two-faced Roman god of doorways and beginnings.;;Janus American Literature;;Towards the end of this work, an injured veteran from World War II fails to open the gates of heaven with his trumpet and does a dance instead. The protagonist works with his former prison mate Jim Bono and tells his son why he ran away from home at age fourteen. Some of the words of wisdom in this work include, "You got to take the crookeds with the straights" and "Death ain't nothing but a fastball on the outside corner," the first recalled by Lyons, and the latter by Lyons, Raynell, and Cory's father. For 10 points, identify this August Wilson play about Troy Maxon, which notes that the titular objects can either be built to keep people out or to keep people in.;;Fences Math Theory;;It does not add an edge at each step to create a subgraph. A hybrid algorithm first uses Big O of log of log of n passes in Boruvka's Algorithm before switching to it. With a simple data structure, it runs in worst case of Big O of V squared, but that worst case runtime can be improved to Big O of E plus V log V by employing a Fibonacci Heap. This greedy algorithm works by creating a heap of edge weights and at each step adding the edge with the smallest edge weight with a vertex not already in the graph to the graph. FTP, identify this alternative to Kruskal's Algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree of a graph.;;Prim('s-Jarnik) (Algorithm)|Jarnik (Algorithm)|D(jikstra-)J(arnik-)P(rim) (Algorithm) Geography;;This city is home to the Beth Elohim Congregation, considered the birthplace of Reform Judaism in the United States and the oldest surviving Reform Synagogue in the world. Home to Rainbow Row and Hibernian Hall, its downtown is situated on a peninsula surrounded by the Ashley and Cooper rivers. It is also home to the American leg of the "Festival of Two Worlds", also known as Spoleto Festival USA. It is home to The Citadel and is the second busiest port on the East Coast. For 10 points, name "Holy City", a South Carolina locale in whose harbor the first volleys of the Civil War were launched.;;Charleston(,) (South) (Carolina) European History;;The third large-scale offensive of this battle included the Battle of Flers-Courcelette in December, which was the debut of the tank in warfare, specifically the British Mark I. Although technically an Allied victory, there was only a gain of about five miles at the deepest penetration point for the British and the French. Although one of its original purposes was to draw German forces away from the Battle of Verdun, the final count exceeded that at Verdun, with one million killed, wounded or missing. For 10 points, identify this large WWI battle fought between July and November of 1916, near its namesake river in Picardy, France.;;(Battle) (of) (the) Somme Religion;;One of the characters in this work, Gurgin, is the ninth fighter to partake in the Battle of the Twelve Rooks, losing to Andariman. Another character, Giv, gets imprisoned in Hamavaran and seven years later finds a king that defeats Afrasiyab and the nation of Turan. One reoccurring character in the heroic age is the Simorgh, who raises the albino Zal and later saves Zal's wife and son. Perhaps one of its best known stories is that of a father accidentally killing his son, in the tale of Rostam and Sohrab. For 10 points, name this epic which runs from the Kayanian Dynasty to the coming of Zoroaster and finally to the Islamic period, Ferdowsi's national epic of Iran.;;Shahnameh|(The) Book of Kings Geography;;Fulgencio Yegros was the first man to hold the role of "consul" in this country. One early ruler of this country, nicknamed "El Supremo", got one of its ports blockaded in 1813. One of its leaders was eventually killed at Cerro Corá but not before that leader led some 20,000 of its troops to their death at the disastrous battle of Tuyutí. Rutherford B. Hayes helped it keep most of its territory, while later, a dictator rules from 1954 to 1989 at the head of the Colorado party. Francisco Solano Lopez led this country into a foolish war in 1865. For 10 points, identify this nation on the losing side of the War of the Triple Alliance, long ruled in the twentieth century by Alfredo Stroessner.;;(Republic) (of) Paraguay European History;;While serving as a legate, this man captured the Tectosages chieftan Copillus. Earlier, while serving as quaestor. he made a more famous capture of an enemy of Rome with the aid of King Bocchus. After a victory near Praeneste and the defeat of the consul Carbo, he invalidated all of the laws of Sulpicius, which had included removing him from the campaign against Mithridates and giving Italians representation amongst the 35 tribes. Famous for putting down a rebellion by Jugurtha this reorganizer of the government gained fame in the Social War. For 10 points, name this man who retired the post of dictator in the 80's and 70's BCE.;;(Lucius) (Cornelius) Sulla (Felix) Religion;;Disinherited by his father when attempting to restore the Church at San Damiono, he went on to restore the chapel of St. Mary of the Angels. The Portiuncula became his permanent abode and place of death, and during the Fifth Crusade, he attempted to convert sultan Melek-al-Kamil, offering to walk into fire to profess his faith. He would often retreat on the Mountain La Verna, a gift bestowed upon him by his future biographer, Thomas de Celano. He composed the "Canticle of the Sun", and a prayer attributed to him implores, "make me an instrument of your Peace". For 10 points, name this founder of the Order of Friars Minor and patron saint of animals.;;(St.) Francis of Assisi;;(St.) Francis Sociology;;The term "culture industry" was used by them to describe the mass-produced culture and financial necessities of society. They advanced many of their ideas through the "Journal for Social Research", and one of their later leaders is probably best known for analyzing "reason and the rationalization of society" in Theory of Communicative Action. They attempted to reconcile Communism in Russia with the rise of fascism in Italy, and prominent members of this neo-Marxist group included Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse. For 10 points, identify this school of Critical Theory resultant from Max Horkheimer's work at the Institute of Social Research in Germany.;;Frankfurt (School) European Literature;;This author uses pages of journal entries, poetry and drawings to describe Calcutta in "Show Your Tongue". Another work chronicles the sinking of the cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff and its subsequent effects on generations of the Pokriefke family. A tale based loosely on the Grimms' "The Fisherman and His Wife", reviews the history of women's emancipation and finds no convincing alternatives to male domination through radical feminists. In addition to "Crabwalk" and "The Flounder," he also wrote "Peeling the Onion," which reveals that this creator of Oskar Matzareth served in the SS during his youth. For 10 points, name this German author of The Tin Drum.;;(Günther) Grass Geography;;Wainwright performed experiments at Walnut Gulch to observe the speed at which it could be re-established following disturbances. Due to an inability to accumulate silt, large volcanic pyroclasts are unable to form it. Developed by eolian deflation, it is often formed in regions close to bedrock or on parts of alluvial fans. Exposed regions of it with little iron can be covered with a dark surface known as varnish. It occurs when sand is blown away and only very small rocks remain, such as pebbles and cobbles. For 10 points, name this substance of closely packed and flat rock fragments in an arid environment.;;desert pavement European Literature;;The last chapter is an allegory of Christianization and involves a maid becoming pregnant after eating a berry. Louhi the Hag of the North pulls down the sun and the moon, steals, fire from the titular group and promises her daughter to Seppo in exchange for his building something for her. Such animals as the demon's elk and the swan of Tuonela are killed in this book, whose second and standard edition contains fifty poems, some of which discuss Illmarinen. The major plot arc involves the mysterious object called the Sampo and mostly concerns the hero Väinämöinen. For 10 points, identify this Elias Lönnrot-compiled national epic of Finland.;;(the) Kalevala Music;;He was likely influenced by the Ecce beatam lucem of Alessandro Striggio and used the Latin text, from the Book of Judith, in a piece that revealed his unfashionable Catholicism. Opening with a single voice, one of his pieces masterfully uses antiphonal construction to pass the sound between eight sub-choirs, each of five parts. This composer of an English mass in the Dorian mode wrote the aforementioned 40-part choral work, "spem in alium". He may be best known for the use of one of his "themes" nearly four hundred years later. For 10 points, name this man who inspired a "Fantasia" written by Ralph Vaughn Williams.;;(Thomas) Tallis European History;;Yevgeny Khaldei took a famous photograph of it, which subsequently added smoke to the background of the photograph. It was created according to a neoclassical design in a contest won by Paul Wallot, and it replaced a collection of smaller buildings on Leipziger Strasse. It was completed in 1894 and was acclaimed for its steel-and-glass cupola, although the famed inscription that now graces its architrave was not added until 1916. That inscription, "Dem Deutsche Volk", remains; the cupola has been replaced by a Norman Foster creation, and this building was "wrapped" by Christo in 1995. For 10 points, name this Berlin parliamentary meeting place.;;Reichstag (building) British Literature;;Saint Erkenwald is possibly by him, although works like Patience and Cleanness found in the Cotton Nero A x are generally attributed to him because of the West Midlands dialect they were written in. Because of similarity between the way c's and t's were written, there is open debate whether one of his characters is named Bertilak or Bercilak, although either way the man is beheaded by the other titular character at Christmastime. For 10 points, identify this assumed author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as well as an allegorical alliterative poem about the loss of a daughter, which gives him his jewel-like name.;;(the) Pearl Poet Music;;He wrote of a lion who calls all to rejoice after seeing "their monarch dine" in the poem "The Feast of the Monkeys". More notable as a composer, he wrote many unpublished musical fantasies and humoresques, including a "Humoresque on Swanee". His Gilbert and Sullivan-inspired musical style drove him to compose the less successful The Smugglers and his operetta, El Capitan, both of which feature a characteristic genre that is exemplified by "The Liberty Bell," "Semper Fidelis," and "The Washington Post". For 10 points, identify this late Romantic American composer of many military marches, including "Stars and Stripes Forever".;;(John) (Philip) Sousa European Literature;;In one of this man's works, Paul Ackerman is sentenced to death. He wrote about Shen Te, who fabricates the character of her cousin Shui Ta in order to protect her from greedy people. He also told of a child named Michael being pulled out of the titular region by his true mother but being awarded to Grusha by the judge Azdak. In addition to Rise and Fall of the City of Mahoganny and The Good Woman of Setzuan, he wrote about Anna Fierling, who lugs around a wagon and witnesses the deaths of Elfil, Kattrin, and Swiss Cheese during the Thirty Years War. For 10 points, identify this playwright of The Caucasian Chalk Circle and Mother Courage and Her Children.;;(Eugen) (Bertold) (Friedrich) Brecht Chemistry;;The Vilsmeier-Haack reaction is used to synthesize aryl compounds with these functional groups, while the ones formed by the ring opening of pyridines with secondary amines are known as the Zincke variety. They are transformed into alkynes in the Corey-Fuchs reaction and yield primary alcohols when attacked by LAH. Their oxidization by the Tollen's reagent results in the formation of a silver mirror. For 10 points, identify these compounds characterized by a carbon double-bonded to an oxygen and single bonded to hydrogen, whose simplest example is methanal.;;aldehyde(s) Mythology;;During the month dedicated to this deity, a priest led a procession around the city in impersonation of his lieutenant Paynal, while other priests burned giant bark versions of his weapon, the xiuh coatl. His sister ruled over snakes, scorpions, and the various insects of the desert, and he once sent a sign in the form of an eagle atop a cactus eating a snake to tell his followers to build a city. He foiled a plot to kill his mother, who had been impregnated by a ball of feathers, by leaping out of her womb and killing his sister Coyolxauhqui and 399 of his other siblings. For 10 points, name this patron deity of Tenochtitlan and "Blue Hummingbird on the Left," the Aztec sun god.;;Huitzilopochtli|Xiuhpilli United States History;;This law led to the creation of objects designed by George T. Morgan. Debate on this law was held up due to a related resolution advanced by Stanley Matthews. It replaced the "Crime of 1873" and mandated a 16-to-1 ratio after it was passed over the veto of Rutherford B. Hayes, who only complied with the minimum requirements of this law. Superceeding the Fourth Coinage Act and eventually replaced by the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, it was named for a Missouri congressman and Iowa senator. For 10 points, name this 1878 law that re-allowed the coinage of silver.;;Bland-Allison (Act) Astronomy;;U Geminorum is an example of dwarf novae that are one form of the cataclysmic type of these objects, and David Fabricius discovered the first object of this type, originally known as Omicron Ceti. The extrinsic types of these objects are generally caused by rotation or eclipsing, as seen with ones of the Algol type. One class of these objects was studied by Henrietta Leavitt, which led to one type of them being used as standard candles. For 10 points, name these types of stars that have noted relationships between their periods and luminosities, exemplified by the RR Lyrae and Cepheid varieties.;;variable (star(s)) Psychology;;The man who formulated this concept later published "The Effect of Attention on Brightness Contrast and Assimilation," and speculated about prehistoric social evolution in The Human Legacy. This concept was put forth in a book about the followers of Mrs. Marion Keech, who believed that the world would be ended in a flood caused by aliens. The theory was used to analyze the group's reaction when the aliens failed to arrive, and was experimentally investigated with J.C. Carlsmith. For 10 points, name this concept from When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger, which describes the results of subscribing to contradictory ideas.;;cognitive dissonance American Literature;;One character in this work claims that "Man is born broken. He lives by mending," after promising to glue back together a document. The prologue to this work takes place at a high school commencement dance, and one character claims that the work of another no longer resembles the "First Supernatural Bank". After the protagonist dies, his name is given as "Man," and two characters in this work confide in a prostitute named Cybel. This work features a draftsman named Dion Anthony, whose wife Margaret rejects him when she sees his real face. For 10 points, name this play starring the architect Billy, a work in which the characters all wear masks, by Eugene O'Neill.;;(The) Great God Brown Geography;;A nude man with a cloth draped over his left shoulder holding a staff in left hand represents this in a statue by Bernini in the Piazza Navona. Its low elevation leads it to be slow, and nearby people distinguish between its old and new alluvium called bhangar and khatar, respetively. The government of the country that contains this geographic feature began a namesake action plan in 1987 to treat and develop it while educating the public about keeping its waters free from pollution, and Kumbh Mela, a Hindu festival, is practiced yearly in it. For 10 points, identify this longest and most holy river of India.;;Ganges|Ganga (River) World History;;His "wide-open, fearless, dark eyes" were described as connecting him with the "immensity of the landscape" of his land by one interviewer. He once expressed lament that his country was "so far from God" yet so close to another country. He occupied his hometown of Oaxaca during the Reform War, and he later became the military commander of the Department of Tehuatepec. He served under Bernardo Reyes during the battle of Puebla, and he led a revolt against Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada after becoming dissatisfied with the politics of Benito Juarez. For 10 points, identify this nineteenth century general and longtime presidential dictator of Mexico.;;(Porfirio) Diaz Math Theory;;Donald Benson provided an elementary solution to it in a horizontal frame using Cauchy's inequality, and the absence of an explicit x term results in a simplified version that can be solved by the Beltrami identity. An approach analogous to optics invokes Fermat's Principle and Snell's Law, which was employed by Johann Bernoulli, while Leibniz, Newton, and L'Hopital solved it using the calculus of variations. For 10 points, identify this problem which seeks the path connecting two points on which an object can slide under the influence of gravity in "least time".;;Brachistochrone (problem) Art;;He portrayed a baby standing upright in the mother's womb as she hushes another figure in The Maternity. A soldier points at a cup with his left index finger and points out a window with his right thumb in another work, and a two-faced man is seen in Paris Through The Window. His stained-glass works such as The Tribe of Levi can be found in the Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, while other well known works include a Self-Portrait With Seven Fingers and several set in his hometown of Vitebsk. For 10 points, identify this artist of The White Crucifixion and The Green Violinist who is showed a large goat and a green-faced man in I and the Village.;;(Marc) Chagall European History;;One of his most successful underlings was Gil Eanes, and this man made his initial fortune as the governor of the wealthy Order of Christ, his country's successors to the Knights Templar. His brother Edward the Philosopher was crowned king in 1433, and his mother was Philippa of Lancaster, daughter of John of Gaunt. He was the driving force behind his father's invasion of Ceuta, and he became the governor of Algarve province. This son of King John I founded the city known as the Vila do Infante and oversaw the invention of the three-masted Cavarel. For 10 points, name this Aviz royal, the prince behind much of Portugal's world exploration.;;(Prince) Henry the Navigator|(Infante) Henrique (of) (Portugal,) (Duke) (of) (Viseu|)|Henry the Seafarer British Literature;;This man wrote a historical romance set during the reign of James I in which the title character falls in with the Duke of Monmouth after rescuing Decimus Saxon at sea. Another of his works was mistaken for a legitimate firsthand account of the sinking of the Mary Celeste,. In addition to Micah Clarke and "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement," he wrote about the discovery of the black pearl of the Borgias in a bust in his "The Six Napoleons". Characters from that story aided Jaybez Wilson in "The Red-Headed League" and Sir Henry in The Hound of the Baskervilles. For 10 points, identify this author of a bunch of stories about Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes.;;(Arthur) (Conan) Doyle Biology;;The mechanism of its circadian control involves 1,4,5 P-gated tonoplast calcium channels. Pierce, Winter, and Griffiths discussed the advantages of it in epiphytic bromeliads living in cloud forests, which display the obligate form of this mechanism. In the first step, PEP is carboxylated into oxaloacetate and is subsequently reduced to malate, and the "temporal separation" of its pathway is often confused with the "spatial separation" of the C4 pathway. CO2 is captured in the night because stomata are closed in the day time in, for 10 points, which photosynthetic mechanism common in desert plants.;;C(rassulacean) A(cid) M(etabolism) (photosynthesis/pathway/plants) Religion;;This man once was almost killed by a mob of Artemisian silversmiths and was mistaken for Zeus after he and Barnabas healed a disabled man in Lystra. Late in life, during his imprisonment in Rome or Ephesus, he sent a slave named Onesimus with a communiqué for his friend Philemon. He was more famously lowered in a basket in order to escape from angry synagogue leaders in a city to which he was traveling when he was briefly struck blind. and he wrote famous letters to congregations in Colossae, Thessalonica, and Corinth. For 10 points, name this author of many biblical epistles.;;(Saint) Paul (of Tarsus|the Apostle)|Saul Miscellaneous;;An Ani Difranco song with this title opens with the line "They told you your music/could reach millions". It names an irregular chess opening which develops the queen too early, likely contributing to its creator's loss against the Turk. It's the first name of the antiheroic murderer played by Darwin Joston in John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13 and the linebacker traded to the Minnesota Vikings in 2005 for Randy Moss. This first name also denotes a character who performed a dance to Jamiroquai's "Canned Heat" and is pretty good with a bowstaff. For 10 points, give this first name of a cinematic Idahoan played by Jon Heder, and of some short French dude.;;Napoleon European History;;One of them was also known as the Samoa Convention, and saw one party give up the North Solomons in exchange for Britain's dropping of claims in Samoa. Another saw the USSR and Germany agree to a five-year neutral period. The 1742 one saw Maria Theresa reserve the Troppau district for Austria and is paired with the Treaty of Breslau in ending the First Silesian War. The 1878 version created an independent Romania and revised the Treaty of San Stefano after a similarly named Congress. For 10 points, name these agreements, the most famous of which followed Bismarck's conference that divided up Africa between the colonial powers.;;(Treaty/ies) (of) Berlin (Congress/Conference) (of) Berlin (because) (we're) (generous) Art;;These items feature in the sculptures of Elie Nadelman; Mercury wears one in one sculpture, while one of these and a bow tie are notable elements of Man in the Open Air. Both a man in white in the background and a man lying near a dog in Seurat's Bathers at Asnieres are sporting them. A clouded silhouette of one of these casts a shadow on the moon in The Thought Which Sees, while three appear directly below crescent moons in Mysteries of the Horizon. Two men carrying a club and a net and wearing these are at the edge of The Menaced Assassin. They are also worn in Golconde and Son of Man. For 10 points, name this headgear, used to symbolize anonymity by Rene Magritte.;;bowler (hats)|derby(/ies) American Literature;;This man wrote "Lion-like March cometh in, hoarse, with tempestuous breath" in his poem Earliest Spring. Mary Wilkins Freeman shocked this man by infusing sexuality into Elizabeth Talbert, a character he had created for the collaborative novel The Whole Family. A short work by this man sees a woman convince her husband to fight in the Spanish-American War, causing his death. In addition to Editha, he wrote about the romance between Marcia Gaylord and Bartley Hubbard and the conflict among Dryfoos, Lindau, and Woodburn as observed by Basil March. For 10 points, name this author of A Modern Instance, A Hazard of New Fortunes, and The Rise of Silas Lapham.;;(William) (Dean) Howells World History;;Entities depicted on its coinage include Animos, Sarapis, and Oisho, reflecting its diverse religious background. Extenseive trade between it and the Roman Empire at its summer capital of Begram is described in the Book of the Later Han. It was first united under Heriaos, a member of the Yuezhi clan, and it was under the rule of this empire that the Gandhara kingdom of the Peshawar Valley attained its cultural height, producing gigantic statues of the Buddha. For 10 points, identify this first to third century CE Indian trade empire along the Silk Road, whose territories spanned from Afghanistan in the north to the Ganges River valley in the south.;;(the) Kushan (Empire) American Literature;;The speaker calls herself and another "Two small people, without dislike or submission" in the first stanza. The speaker claims that she "desired my dust to be mingled with yours" in the second stanza, while the third notes that the "monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead". The speaker begs her husband to "let me know beforehand...if you are coming down the narrows of the river Kiang" so that she can "come out to meet him / As far as Cho-fo-Sa". For 10 points, name this poem in which the title character's husband went "by the river of the swirling eddies," a poem by Li Po that was allegedly "famously" translated by Ezra Pound.;;("The) River-Merchant's Wife(:) (A) (Letter") Philosophy;;Its third book emphasizes that the separation of humans from animals can be outwardly seen in the place of the head in relation to the body, a fact that in this work is said to be epitomized by the Apollo Belvedere. In this work, its author describes his "great extension" by applying Hegel's Ding an Sich, or "thing in itself" from humanity to all phenomena. In the fourth and final book of this work, the author examines the "tat tvam asi", or "that art thou" Hindu principle, as an example of pure perception. For 10 points, name this pessimistic yet philosophically idealistic work by a man who hated Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer.;;(The) World as Will and Idea|(The) World as Will and Representation|(Die) Welt als Ville und Vorstellung Religion;;The Puritan William Prynne claimed the the initials branded on his cheeks stood for a kind of these inflicted by William Laud, and the Ghost Dance leader Wovoka created them himself as a symbol of devotion. Many cases of this have been admittedly falsified, such as that of Magdalena de la Cruz. More commonly it is associated with such figures as Lidwine and Gertrude, and it first happened on Mount Alverno in 1224, as witnessed by Alexander IV. The first case accepted as authentic by the Church was that of St. Francis of Assisi. For 10 points, what is this condition characterized by bodily wounds similar to those suffered by Christ?;;Stigma(ta) Physics;;Suppressed by the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect, its non-relativistic type's spectral radiation can be computed by Larmor's formula. This mechanism is the principal method of power loss during a fusion reaction and the Gaunt factor is needed in calculations involving the thermal type of this radiation. It is characterized by a minimum wavelength cutoff, where the total kinetic energy of the invading particle vanishes. For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which x-rays are emitted due to rapid deceleration of electrons traveling through ions, with a German name meaning "braking radiation".;;bremsstrahlung European Literature;;In Scene 9 of this play, Bonnefoi advises the title character and his wife, who then plots to send the title character's daughters to a convent. Louison, one of the title character's daughters, outs her sister's suitor as being disguised as a music teacher, but isn't seen in the rest of this play. The title character of this play wants Thomas Diafoirius to wed his daughter because of his profession, but Cleante is the preferred suitor of that daughter, Angelique. For 10 points, name this play which Moliere died performing, whose title character, Argan believes himself to be constantly sick.;;(The) Imaginary Invalid|(The) Hypochondriac|(Le) Malade Imaginaire Computer Science;;Zuse and Fredkin led to a farther reaching version of this idea that is supported by the Ackermann function because it is mu-recursive but not primitive recursive. Selmer Bringsjord has written "The Narrational Case Against" it and Paolo Cotogno paired it with "Hypercomputation" in a 2003 article. It has been applied to the halting problem to show that since it cannot be computed by a Turing machine, it cannot be computed at all. For 10 points, identify this thesis that states that every effectively calculable function is generally recursive, the result of two namesake computer scientists.;;Church(-Turing) (thesis) World History;;Idris Bitlisi mobilized the Kurds under this man's rule, and he appointed Al Asraf Bey to govern another conquered territory. He ordered the deaths of the Turkish Kizilbash in order to hurt a Safavid rival, whom he would eventually defeat after taking Amid uncontested. He achieved victories in the Battles of Radinayah and Marj Dabiq, and after he defeated Shah Ismail in the Battle of Chaldiran, he conquered the Mamluks. For 10 points, name this Ottoman emperor, the son of Bayezid II who added Syria and Egypt to the empire and fathered Suleiman the Magnificent.;;Selim I|Selim the Grim(,)|Selim Yavuz;;Selim British Literature;;He wrote a play about a wealthy old man whose desire to disinherit his nephew, Dauphine, drives him to accidentally marry a boy disguised as a woman, Epicoene. Another of his works describes the misadventures of a trio of friends, Littlewit, Quarlous, and Winwife, who drag Busy to a market in order to steal from his protection the widowed Dame Purecraft. That work, Bartholomew Fair, is probably less famous than another play in which Face cheats a series of fools by pretending to be a transmuter. For 10 points, name the playwright responsible for Every Man in His Humour, Volpone, and The Alchemist.;;(Ben) Jonson United States History;;In 1918, he was legal counsel to the US delegation to the Versailles conference, which also included his uncle, Secretary of State Robert Lansing. He engineered the CENTO alliance in Asia and instigated the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala. He always carried a copy of Problems with Leninism, and he famously said that "The United States does not have friends, it only has interests", and opposed containment in favor of a more aggressive "rollback" strategy. For 10 points, name this career diplomat, Eisenhower's Secretary of State after Dean Acheson and older brother to CIA director Allen.;;J(.)(ohn) (Foster) Dulles;;Dulles European History;;One participant in this battle landed at Milford Haven, while the opponent set up on Ambien Hill. This battle saw the death of John Howard, Duke of Norfolk, and the eventual winner probably would have lost if not for the timely intervention of Sir William Stanley, whose brother, Thomas, abstained from battle due to his being the loser's stepfather. For 10 points, name this battle that saw the ultimate defeat and death of Richard III and the Plantagenets and established the Tudor house, the last major battle in the Wars of the Roses.;;(Battle) (of) Bosworth (Field) (Battle) (of) Redemore British Literature;;The speaker of this poem asks, "why fear we to become" what the title character is, and those who have come to see the title character include "Desires and Adorations/Winged Persuations and veiled Destinies". A female character embarks on a four-stanza monologue, during which she asserts that "I would give/All that I am to be as thou art!/But I am chained to Time" before the Pilgrim of Eternity arrives. The speaker describes the title character's mother as "With veiled eyes/Mid listening Echoes in her Paradise" and says "Lament anew, Urania!" For 10 points, name this "Elegy on the Death of John Keats," a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley.;;(")Adonais(") Chemistry;;Westacott used it to investigate the effects of supercritical water density, and Winstein developed the Intimate Ion Pairs theory for this reaction, which often uses solvents of high dielectric constants. This ionization mechanism generates a racemic mixture of products after passing through a planar intermediate that contains only the substrate molecule. This two-step mechanism follows first-order kinetics and usually occurs with tertiary alkyl halides. For 10 points, name this type of nucleophilic substitution.;;SN1|substitution nucleophilic unimolecular United States History;;A party by this name nominated Heidi Hautala for president in the last two Finnish elections. One organization by this name was co-founded by Petra Kelly, formed a coalition with the Alliance 90 party, included Vice Chancellor Joschka Fischer. John Elder was the first state legislator from the American version of this party to be elected, and parties by this name in Europe often form alliances with so-called "red" parties. In the U.S., its nominee for the 2004 presidential election was a former shrimp fisherman and lawyer, David Cobb. For 10 points, give the common name of these partiis, one of which, in 2000, ominously nominated Ralph Nader for president.;;Green (Party) Linguistics;;He theorized the existence of laryngeals while still a student, and he described the development of the vowel a in Memoir on the Original System of Vowels in the Indo-European Languages. He also developed the idea of the linguistic sign and signifier. His most influential work helped to establish structural linguistics; however, it was compiled and published by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. That work distinguished langue from parole. For 10 points, name this Swiss guy whose notes were compiled into the posthumous Course in General Linguistics.;;(Ferdinand) (de) Saussure Geography;;He offered to colonize the Falkland Islands for his home country at his own expense, but the islands were sold to Spain soon after he established a settlement there. On his most famous voyage, he encountered a supposed race of giants in Patagonia, but described them as only having large heads and broad shoulders. His account of the native society in Tahiti, published in 1771, did much to create the myth of the "noble savage" in Europe. For 10 points, name this French soldier and navigator, the namesake of the largest of the Solomon Islands.;;(Louis) (Antoine) (de) Bougainville Music;;The protagonist troubles his adopted father, Mime, because he breaks his blades so quickly, but Mime does not have the skill to reforge the blade he cannot break. A Wanderer defeats Mime in a riddle competition and leaves Mime's head forfeit to the man who can reforge that blade. In the second act of this opera, the protagonist faces and bests the dragon Fafner, and he learns that Mime is planning to betray him. After dispatching Mime, the protagonist rescues Brunnhilde from the ring of fire. For 10 points, what is this mythologically inspired opera, the third part of the Ring cycle by Richard Wagner, coming between The Valkyrie and Twilight of the Gods?;;Siegfried American Literature;;One of this author's short stories deals with Nathan "Lardass" Levine helping in the aftermath of a hurricane in the town of Creole, and another discusses Victoria Wren and the spies Goodfellow and Porpentine. He published those stories, "The Small Rain" and "Under the Rose," in his collection Slow Learner, and also wrote about a party which Callisto is compared to a heat engine perpetrated by Meatball Mulligan. "Entropy" is not so famous as a novel in which Jesse Swanlake leaves Roger Mexico and a search for a German A-4 is led by Tyrone Slothrop. For 10 points, name this American, whose most famous novels are The Crying of Lot 49 and Gravity's Rainbow.;;(Thomas) Pynchon Art;;The people on the left side of this painting include a man in a brown turban, a capped ma in a white suit, and a seated man wearing a beret, all focused on a dog standing over a guitar on the floor. The background of this painting is a large curtain, a portion of which is being held up by a nude male. The right side is dominated by Charles Baudelaire, George Sand and Proudhon, all friends of the painter, and flanking the right of the central figure is a nude model inspecting the central figure at work. For 10 points, name this work premiering at the Salon des Refuses, a Gustave Courbet oil painting whose central figure is painting an outdoorsy scene.;;(The) Artist's Studio(:) (A) (Real) (Allegory) (of) (a) (Seven) (Year) (Phase) (in) (my) (Artistic) (and) (Moral) (Life)|(L')Atelier du Peintre World Literature;;This author's interludes into analytical biography include one on a sixteenth-century nun in The Traps of Faith, while this author's drama credits include a surrealist rewriting of Hawthorne's Rapacini's Daughter. His collection Eastern Slope contains his impressions of India, including the poem "Vrindaban". Another of his works involves the title character traveling to Galta, and that work's protagonist, Hanuman, is in The Grammarian Monkey, but a more famous poem is in a cyclical structure, and has a title object displaying the Aztec Calendar in "Sun Stone". For 10 points, name this writer who ruminated on white and Aztec influences on Mexico in The Labyrinth of Solitude.;;(Octavio) Paz Music;;This man composed a violin concerto based on a George Meredith poem and the string orchestral work, Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus. He composed some incidental music for The Wasps, and in one of his more famous symphonies has five movements, and the Prelude of that piece begins with a quote from Prometheus Unbound. In addition to Sinfonia Antartica, this man composed The Lark Ascending, and in another of this man's symphonies, he set Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass to music. For 10 points, name this British composer, who wrote the Sea Symphony and had a compound last name.;;(Ralph) Vaughan Williams Biology;;Kehr's sign in the left shoulder is most often caused by this organ, which is enlarged in patients with Banti's syndrome. The cords of Billroth are found between this organ's venous sinuses and parts of this ductless organ include the marginal zone, the B cell corona, and the PALS, or periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths, where T cells are prominent. Occasionally known to wander, this organ located behind the stomach is mostly composed of red pulp and is site of red blood cell disposal. For 10 points, name this organ "full of mystery" that filters blood and sometimes gets ruptured.;;spleen Geography;;Agracha and Bu Craa are some of the exciting mine centers of this place, which borders Cape Bojador and includes the city of Smara. The indigenous population of this area is composed mainly of ethnic Sahrawis, although many have been displaced and they may now be outnumbered by government-sponsored settlers. It is among the least-densely populated regions in the world, and over half its population lives in the largest city, El Aaiun. It is comprised of the former Spanish colonies of Saguia al-Hamra and Rio de Oro, and the Polisario Front seeks its independence. For 10 points, name this semi-independent area formerly claimed by Morocco.;;Western Sahara|Sahara' Al-Gharbiyah Religion;;Its eighth chapter tells of seven lamps being placed on the golden candlestick. Chapter ten tells of the silver trumpets, and chapter seventeen includes the story of the blossoming of the rod of Aaron, confirming his priesthood. In chapter twenty-five, twenty four thousand people are slain due to their idolatry and fornication. The thirty-sixth and final chapter tells that inheritances should not be transferred to other tribes and that marriages should stay within one's own tribe. Also included in this book is the census of the Isrealites. For 10 points, name this fourth book of the Old Testament.;;Numbers Chemistry;;Chris Wright was the first person to use this reaction with coordinated carbon dioxide nickel complexes and Nguyen performed "green" versions of this reaction without solvents to create ethyl trans-cinnamate. Used in the preparation of steroids, this reaction can also be used to produce large yields of unsaturated nitriles. Using excess lithium salts during the addition step allows selective formation of the product and is known as the Schlosser modification. For 10 points, name this reaction that reacts an aldehyde or ketone with an ylide to generate an alkene.;;Wittig (reaction) World History;;One side in this conflict was dependent on air supply drops when they ran out of ammunition at the Battle of Nanawa, and the other side in this conflict employed German World War I veteran Hans Kundt as chief of staff and forced indigenous people into military servitude. Major fighting began when the fort at Vanguardia was stormed. When a cease-fire was declared, one nation was given three-fourths of the disputed land. Later, it was discovered that the region did not have significant oil deposits. For 10 points, name this 1932 to 1935 conflict fought over the namesake piece of land between Bolivia and Paraguay.;;(Gran) Chaco War Anthropology;;C. Douglas Lummis argued that the author of this work presented its subject matter as "dead" and that its effect was to teach "a new and subtle form of racism" in a 1982 "New Look" at this work. In addition to the "shame culture" and the concept of giri, this work examines the cultural and social hierarchy of people who occupy their "proper rank" and feel they owe debts to society, ancestors, and the emperor. However, the author was unable to visit the setting of the work due to World War II, instead relying on interviews conducted at internment camps. For 10 points, name this study of Japanese culture written by Ruth Benedict.;;(The) Chrysanthemum and the Sword(:) (Patterns) (of) (Japanese) (Culture) British Literature;;This poet wrote of a group who "took their wages and are dead" in his poem "Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries". "From Clee to Heaven the beacon burns" begins his poem "1887," the first of a certain collection. That collection also includes the lines "Malt does more than Milton can/To justify God's ways to man" in a poem beginning "Terence, this is stupid stuff," as well as "When I was one-and-twenty" and a poem beginning "The time you won your town the race/We chaired you through the market-place". For 10 points, what British poet's collection A Shropshire Lad includes the poem "To an Athlete Dying Young"?;;(Alfred) (Edward) Housman European History;;This former Public Archives researcher's first government post was as first secretary in the Department of External Affairs, and he drew heat for a high-tariff budget planned by his finance minster, Walter Gordon. He was the senior adviser for his country at the Dumbarton Oaks and San Francisco Conferences, and his government saw the creation of a new national flag. His role in resolving the Suez Crisis as Foreign Minister propeled him into fame and helped him succeed John Diefenbaker as his nation's leader. For 10 points, name this man who served as Prime Minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968 and was succeeded by Pierre Trudeau.;;(Lester) Pearson Art;;In one of this man's paintings, a man with a knife kneels on the ground next to two men dueling on horseback. In another, a plain woman with a white shirt and brown hair looks to the right with wide eyes. In addition to Combat of Giaour and Hassan and Orphan Girl in a Cemetary, another of this man's works features a man wearing a turban overlooking the titular slaughter of Greeks and is titled The Massacre at Chios. A black servant is the only moving member of the titular group in his Women of Algiers, and another work features a woman walking amongst fallen bodies and carrying the French flag. For 10 points, name this artist of Liberty Leading the People.;;(Eugène) Delacroix Physics;;Phipps and Taylor modified this experiment five years after it was first performed and found that using hydrogen yields a similar result. It was initially seen as a test between the Bohr-Sommerfeld and classical theories of the atom, and part of the original setup was later modified by I. I. Rabi, replacing the T-field with a radio-frequency oscillating magnetic field. This experiment passed a beam of silver atoms between two magnets, and the beam split into two. For 10 points, name this experiment that confirmed the quantization of electron spin.;;Stern-Gerlach (experiment) European Literature;;The protagonist asserts that the country needs cobblers, tailors, and butchers more than it needs men such as himself at the end of this novel, while dying of a fever caused by being scratched with a scalpel used on a typhus patient. That man's talks of love and marriage are brushed off by Madame Odintzoff. Other characters in this novel include Pavel, who is wounded by the protagonist in a duel, and Fenichka, mistress to Pavel's father, Kirsanoff. The protagonist is a frog-disecting guest of Kirsanoff's other son Arkady, and Kirsanoff is dismayed to learn he is a nihilist. For 10 points, Evgeni Bazarov is the protagonist of which Ivan Turgenev novel?;;Fathers and Sons|Fathers and Children|Ottsy i Deti British Literature;;One character in this play is compared to a "she-dragon" and wonders if she really does resemble such a creature. That character is in love with an Irishman, who serves as a second in a duel with a friend of Faulkland. The main male character initially refuses to marry the girl his father chose for him, but soon realizes it is the same girl who rejected Lucius O'Trigger. The protagonist adopts the name Ensign Beverley, though he eventually reveals his real identity, Jack Absolute. For 10 points, Absolute wins the hand of Lydia Languish in what play noted for the mangled grammer of Mrs. Malaprop and written by Richard Sheridan?;;(The) Rivals Astronomy;;Michel Mayor used astrometric data provided by Hipparcos in conjunction with the radial velocity method to investigate ten candidates for them. S Ori 47 has the lowest mass of any known one of these and they release substantial amounts of infrared radiation. Known to fuse deuterium on a small scale, their name was coined by Jill Tarter and Gliese 229B was the first one to be confirmed. The maximum mass of one of these is believed to be approximately 84 times the mass of Jupiter, or the largest mass that is insufficient for normal hydrogen fusion. For 10 points, name this dimmest and least massive star, sometimes referred to as a "failed star".;;brown dwarf American Literature;;One character in this work starts looking older at the Newport Archery Club tournament, and Julius Beaufort's son marries the protagonist's daughter in an epilogue. Mrs. Mingott had helped the protagonist advance the date of his wedding, against the wishes of his fiancée's parents, who had been vacationing in St. Augustine. The protagonist beseeches the van der Luydens for aide and advises one character not to divorce a Polish count, and rails internally against the social forces controlling Ellen Olenska. For 10 points, name this novel about the marriage of May Welland and Newland Archer, written by Edith Wharton.;;(The) Age of Innocence Art;;This man's work includes Fort Wayne, Indiana's Concordia Theological Seminary. With his father, he influenced the design of schools with construction of the Crow Island School, located in Winnetka, Illinois. The only skyscraper he designed is the CBS Headquarters in New York, and he also designed Milwaukee's War Memorial Center and the Kresge Auditorium at MIT. He is the designer of the main terminal at Dulles International Airport and the TWA Terminal at JFK Airport. Another of his works is found at the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. For 10 points, name this Finnish-American architect, the man behind St. Louis's Gateway Arch.;;(Eero) Saarinen European History;;Louis de Beausobre wrote a book explaining why God allowed this to happen. Since this event happened at 9:30 in the morning on All Saints Day, most of the people affected by it were in church. The Santa Catarina, Basilica de Santa Maria, and and Sao Vincente de For a were destroyed by it. Afterwards, a fire destroyed the city's Royal Palace and Opera House, and a tsunami ravaged nearby cities such as Cascais and Peniche. It was believed to have occurred on the Azores-Gibraltar fracture zone and featured prominently in Candide. For 10 points, what 1755 event destroyed much of the capital city of Portugal?;;(Great) Lisbon Earthquake (of) (1755) (any) (answer) (including) (the) (words) Lisbon (and) earthquake Mythology;;When this man told Asopus that Zeus was romancing his daughter Aegina, Asopus went after Zeus but was hit in the leg with a lightning bolt. Two of his sons were killed by their mother Tyro. He also wed Anticlia, who he had earlier kidnapped; he did this to punish her father, Autolycus, who had been stealing his cattle. He was the son of Aeolus and Enarete, and he founded the Isthmian Games. This king of Corinth persuaded Hades to use a pair of novelty handcuffs on himself, preventing the dead from reaching the underworld, which eventually resulted in his punishment. For 10 points, name this man who was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity.;;Sisyphus European Literature;;One novel by this author tells of a man who films by day and writes by night, Gubbio, and another tells of a man who assumes the name Adriano Meis but is forced to resume his previous, officially dead identity. In addition to Shoot! and The Late Mattia Pascal, this man wrote plays, such as a story of Ponza and Lamberto Laudisi entitled Right You Are - If You Think So. Though he is not Shakespeare, he wrote a play called Henry IV. Another play includes a group of actors attempting to rehearse when they are interrupted by the title group, consisting of a father, mother, stepdaughter, son, boy, and child. For 10 points, name this creator of Six Characters in Search of an Author.;;(Luigi) Pirandello European History;;In the aftermath of this battle, the losing side travelled to the opponent's capital, believing it undefended, but the victorious army had beaten them back by one hour. The winning side captured seven of the opponent's ships, though Cynaegirus had his hand removed by an axe during one such capture and died soon after, and lost just 192 men as opposed to approximately six thousand of the opponent. Callimachus died during it, ensuring that Miltiades got the credit for the victory. For 10 points, name this 490 BC battle in which the Greeks defeated the Persians, after which Phidippides ran back to Athens carrying the news.;;(Battle) (of) Marathon Biology;;Membrane proteins with a tyrosine and hydrophobic amino acid sequence are associated with this cellular structure. The drug brefeldin A blocks transport to it by interfering with COPII vesicle formation. This site of heterococcolith formation and sphingolipid synthesis is also important in the production of cell wall polysaccharides, such as pectins. Known as a dictyosome in plants, it consists of stacks known as cisternae and possesses cis/trans polarity. For 10 points, identify this organelle that modifies, stores, and transports products of the endoplasmic reticulum and is named for an Italian scientist.;;Golgi (apparatus/body/complex/etc.) Geography;;Bodies of water in this state include Dworshak Reservoir, near Orofino, and Priest Lake in the north, and the Clearwater and Salmon River Mountains are found in the center of this state. Castle Peak is located in this state's Sawtooth National Recreation Area. This state's highest point is Borah Peak, and features in its southwest include the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Craters of the Moon National Monument, and American Falls. Its cities of Caldwell, Nampa and Twin Falls can be found along the Snake River. For 10 points, name this state whose other cities include Pocatello, Coeur d'Alene, and Boise.;;Idaho Math Theory;;Paulo Ribenboim proved in 1991 that the set of these is Diophantine, and in 1912 Edmund Landau proposed four "unattackable problems" dealing with them, none of which have yet been solved. The theorem named for them states that the number of them less than or equal to n is approximately equal to n divided by the natural logarithm of n. The GIMPS project seeks to find examples of the Mersenne type of this number, ordinary examples of which can be found using the sieve of Eratosthenes. For 10 points, identify these numbers whose only two factors are 1 and itself.;;prime (numbers) Music;;A former girlfriend of this composer inspired his Abegg Variations, and song cycles he wrote include A Woman's Life and Love and A Poet's Love, or Dichterliebe. When writing for the New Journal for Music, this music critic often used the pseudonyms Eusebius and Florestan. This composer of Dances of the League of David wrote the piano work Arabesque in C Major for his wife Clara. He is also known for Kreisleriana, the Symphonic Études, and Carnaval, as well a symphony which helped open the Cologne Cathedral. For 10 points, name this German composer of the Rhenish and Spring symphonies.;;(Robert) Schumann Philosophy;;This philosopher shocked his contemporaries by asserting in his treatise Ethics that the men who killed Christ acted in good faith and were therefore free from sin. Earlier, he was briefly imprisoned after his first work, Theology of the Highest Good, was condemned. His philosophy was a compromise between the nominalism and realism of his early teachers, Roscelin and William of Champeaux, and he proposed in his Dialectica that although God has foreknowledge of all human actions, humans still have free will. His Historia Calamitatum, a long autobiographical letter, was addressed to his wife, a nun. For 10 points, name this author of Sic et Non and castrated lover of Heloise.;;(Peter) Abelard British Literature;;Her first published novel describes Mary Turner's miserable married life and her relationship with her black servant Moses, while in another novel, which includes narrative sections entitled "Free Women", Anna Wulf struggles with writer's block, and eventually gives the title object to her lover. The fourth book in this author's science-fiction series Canopus in Argos Archives was adapted by Philip Glass into an opera, and she wrote a sequence following the life of Martha Quest, the Children of Violence quintet. For 10 points, name this author of The Grass is Singing and The Golden Notebook.;;(Doris) Lessing Physics;;The OZI rule states if a diagram can be cut in two by slicing only lines carrying this force, then the process is suppressed. It is governed by the inexact symmetry SU3, which causes the common octets of this force to have different masses and the different charges not to be orthonormal. A potential to explain this required the mediators to be massive, and the mediators that Yukawa was looking for turned out to be pions. Depicted using spirals that represent its massless carrier, this force is responsible for the asymptotic freedom inside a proton. For 10 points, name this interaction mediated by gluons that holds together atomic nuclei.;;strong (nuclear) (force) United States History;;This event was precipitated by receiving only $663 instead of an expected $3.8 million, outstanding debts to the Netherlands, and the veto of Robert Morris's twenty-five year plan. Another issue was an agreement between Virginia and Maryland about the navigation of the Chesapeake Bay that Delaware and Pennsylvania wished to join. An ill John Dickinson was unable to present his entire plan here regarding the proportions of financial contribution. A different plan here provided for officials who served terms contingent on "good behavior". For 10 points, name this meeting, where both "The Connecticut Compromise" and "The Three-Fifths Compromise" were made.;;Constitutional Convention (of) (1787) Philadelphia Convention|Federal Convention|Grand Convention at Philadelphia Geography;;It likely shares its origin with the Olgas and the Hatajuta. Possibly the world's most famous inselberg, it formed in the early Cambrian, and together with the formations at Kata Tjuta, it lends its name to a national park. Located to the west of Alice Springs, it was first seen by William Gosse, who named it after his boss, though the Anangu, who have their own name for it, now tell stories about its creation on tours. Made mainly of arkose, a type of sandstone, it has iron impurities that give it a trademark reddish-brown color. For 10 points, name this monolith in Northern Territory, Australia, the largest piece of exposed rock in the world.;;Uluru|Ayers (Rock) Music;;Current stagings of this work usually rely on the revival done by Mariia Gorshenkova, who commissioned a new Pas de Deux for Act I. Most performances also add two new dances composed by Leon Minkus in 1866. It is in Act I that the title character falls in love with a nobleman in disguise as a peasant, who is actually in love with Bathilde, daughter of the Duke. When the title character finds out, she dies, and as a result Myrtha makes Albericht dance over and over after being pursued by dead souls. However, the eponymous heroine saves Albericht, who had been disguised as her beloved Loys, and must spend eternity as a Wili. For 10 points, name this ballet by Adolphe Adam?;;Giselle Chemistry;;A reaction related to it occurs with copper iodide as a catalyst and uses carbon monoxide to produce benzaldehyde, while another can couple two arenes. Those reactions are dubbed Gatterman-Koch and Scholl. Another reaction of this type can occur between oxalyl chloride and indole, whose product can be hydrolyzed to a carboxylic acid. In the more common variety, a Clemmensen reduction can be used to reduce the carbonylated product. For 10 points, give this class of reactions that uses a Lewis acid such as aluminum chloride to either arylate or alkylate an aromatic system such as benzene.;;Friedel-Crafts (reaction);;electrophilic aromatic substitution American Literature;;The line, "Into each life some rain must fall," comes from his early poem "The Rainy Day" from the collection "Voices of the Night". Some of this man's other work includes The Spanish Student and Christus, while his poetry includes "The Belfry of Bruges" and "The Golden Legend". After seven years of courting, he married his second wife, about whom he wrote "The Cross of Snow" and "The Evening Star," this man's only love poem. This poet's more famous works include "The Jewish Cemetery at Newport," "The Psalm of Life," and an epic which takes place "by the shores of Gitchee Gumee". For 10 points, name this poet who wrote "The Song of Hiawatha".;;(Henry) (Wadsworth) Longfellow World History;;One side called this the "Eight Years War of Resistance". The Lytton Report condemned the actions of the aggressor after the Mukden Incident. Between the closing of Burma Road and the opening of the Ledo Road, foreign supplies for one side were limited to what could be flown over the Hump. After the USS Panay was attacked, the Flying Tigers first saw service in this war, in which one side "traded space for time" at the Battle of Marco Polo Bridge. For 10 points, name this war whose first phase saw an infamous 1937 atrocity, which began with Manchuria being annexed by an imperial power.;;(Second) Sino-Japanese (War) (descriptive) (answers) (such) (as) (the) (invasion) (of) (China) (by) (Japan) (during) (World) (War) (II) Physics;;In one field, this quantity is defined as a two-zero valent tensor in asymptotically flat space-time, while in another, its operators are proportional to representations of infinitesimal elements of the group SU two. For black holes, the magnitude of this value must be less than the square of the hole's mass in geometric units. One component of this quantity for a hydrogen atom is given by the magnetic quantum number multiplied by the unit of quantization, h-bar. For 10 points, name this quantity whose time derivative is torque, which is given in classical mechanics by the cross product of position and momentum.;;angular momentum Linguistics;;Rhyanus and Aristarchus of Samothrace helped develop Western understanding of it, and Dionysius Thrax wrote the oldest extant Western work on this topic, mainly to aid contemporary Greeks in understanding Homer. The Serbian one was reformed and codified by Vuk Stefanovic Karadžic, and the first codified one in known history is the Ashtadhyayi, written by Panini. Languages that can be decided by a pushdown automaton use the "context-free" king, and the transformational type was posited in Syntactic Structures. For 10 points, morphology and syntax are the components of what study of the rules governing the use of a language?;;grammar British Literature;;The old woman who raised this girl was sent by the king as a spy, but Leabharcham claimed that this girl had lost all of her beauty. Her lover was killed by a treacherous spear thrown by Eogan macDurthacht, after being tricked into returning home by an offer of safe passage and then forced to surrender at Emain Macha by his oath of loyalty. These events fulfilled the prophecy given to her father Fedlimid macDaill by the druid Cathbad on the day she was born. Fergus macRoth left the court of Conchobar macNessa in disgust over the way that the king voided Fergus's word and kill Naoise for her. For 10 points, name this Irish beauty, given the epithet "of the sorrows".;;Deirdre (of) (the) (Sorrows) World Literature;;The second chapter of this work describes a man who uses his impressive football skills to become Prime Minister. Another character becomes a monk after beating the ‘Lord of the West' to death; however, the abbot sends that man away for consuming wine and meat. Another man learns that Pan Jinlian murdered his brother and committed adultery with Ximen Qing, then kills them both. The downfall of the main characters is their acceptance of amnesty, which causes two-thirds them to be killed in their campaign against rebel Fang La. For 10 points, name this Chinese classic about the heroes of Mount Liang.;;(The) Water Margin|Shuihu Zhuan|Outlaws of the Marsh|All Men Are Brothers|The Marshes of Mount Liang Math Theory;;Examples include the principal axes obtained from the inertia tensor, a standing wave on a string with fixed ends, and the solutions to the Fock equation. A complex Hermitian matrix or real symmetric matrix has a basis of these, and an invariant subspace of a matrix A is spanned by one or more of these. They are also the null space of the map A minus lambda I for some value of lambda. Examples from physics include the solutions to the Schrödinger wave equation, which are molecular orbitals. For 10 points, name these objects which take their name from the German for "characteristic" and are the v in A v equals lambda v.;;eigenvector;;proper vector|characteristic vector European Literature;;The Countess Diana is in love with her secretary, who finally pretends he is a count's long-lost son in order to marry her, in this man's The Dog in the Manger. His sonnets are collected in Rimas Sacras, and he defended his style of drama in The New Art of Writing Plays In Our Time. His long poem La hermosura de Angelica is a continuation of Orlando Furioso, while in one of his plays, Laurencia shames the men of her town into killing the dictatorial Commander. For 10 points, name this Spanish author of The Sheep Well and about eighteen hundred other plays.;;(Félix) Lope de Vega (y) (Carpio) (if) (someone) (says) (The) Dog in the Manger|(El) Perro Del Hortelano (before) (the) (title) (is) (read,) (it) (and) (give) (the) (player) (a) (dollar) Biology;;Benomyl delays this event from occurring, while the binding of Mad2 prevents it. Cdh1 binds to its namesake promoting complex, which also polyubiquinates securin. Events in it are caused by the shortening of kinetochore microtubules at their positive ends, along with the destruction of cohesin molecules. During this shortest stage of mitosis, the spindle elongates, and sister chromatids disjoin and migrate to opposite ends of the cell. For 10 points, name this phase of mitosis found in between metaphase and telophase.;;anaphase World History;;Their most important city was sacked by the general Camillus in 396 BC at the battle of Veii. This people's city-states such as Chiusi were organized into confederations; they referred to themselves as "rasna," and genetic evidence suggest they may have come from Lydia. Their leader Lars Porsena helped Tarquinius Superbus in attempts to regain his crown. One legend involving conflict with them tells of Cloelia who, after being given to them as a hostage, swam across the Tiber to safety. For 10 points, name these people, whose influence once spanned from the Po to the Tiber before they succumbed to the Romans.;;Etruscans Art;;Two of its figures are in contemporary dress: one at the center standing with his back towards the viewer, and the other on the far right holding a cane. At Santa Maria del Carmine, this work can be seen opposite Masolino's Healing of the Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha by Masolino One theory suggests that its subject, an obscure episode from Matthew, was painted as propaganda for the catasto. However, it is unlikely that its patron, a wealthy silk merchant, would support an income tax. Ten other scenes from the life of St. Peter complete the cycle with this paitning in the Brancacci Chapel. For 10 points, name this fresco by Masaccio.;;(Rendering) (of) (the) Tribute Money Geography;;Its establishment was first announced in the Corfu Declaration of 1918, which raised the ire of the Peasant Party, and Alexander I became its king. One faction in this country durng World War II lost allied support after the Battle of Sutjeska and was known as the Chetniks. After World War II, power was seized here by the head of the National Liberation Army, also known as the Partisans. That man stayed out of the Warsaw Pact and made this country a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War. For 10 points, name this country, long headed by Josip Broz Tito, which began to dissolve in 1992.;;Yugoslavia|(The) Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes Philosophy;;In this novel, a character's cause of death is determined by finding that the pads of his fingers are black. The narrator experiences his sexual awakening with a peasant girl, who flees without her cow heart. The main characters had been called when a prized steed went missing, but investigate the murder of Adelmo. An argument about the nature of laughter leads to a discussion of works that have been missing since antiquity. Adso helps discover that some of these works are actually extant in a poisoned book, and that the murderer rampaging the abbey was actually the blind. For 10 points, name this novel about the monk William Baskerville, written by Umberto Eco.;;(The) Name of the Rose|(Il) nome della rosa Music;;One set of these includes Galamb borong, Fanfares, Disorder, and Vertigo, while another set, by Gottschalk, features Tremolo and Manchega. Charles-Louis Hanon is famous for his book of these organized by increasing difficulty, and Schumann's Opus 13 is a set of these unusually for symphony orchestra. Gyorgy Ligeti's are mostly extremely difficult show-pieces, as are members of S. 139 like Chasse-Neige and Feux Follets, while those of Czerny are part of the School of Velocity. For 10 points, name this style of musical piece once meant to improve skill, but now mostly known for Liszt's Transcendentals and the Black-key and Revolutionary ones of Chopin.;;etude World History;;This man ordered a temple built whose walls show his war council at Yahmai and decision to take a narrow passage over a mountain to surprise his opponent. Much of the construction work he directed took place at Karnak, where he intended to place his tekhen waty, but that tallest standalone obelisk was not erected during his life. He extended the southern boundary with Nubia to Kanisa Kurgis, and such victories, as well as one over Caananite forces at Meggido, earned him the nickname "Napoleon of Egypt". For 10 points, identify this pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty, who began ruling on his own after the death of Hatshepsut.;;Thutmose III|Thutmosis III|Tuthmosis III;;Thutmose Biology;;Troisier's sign is an example of a hardened one of these structures, one of which is named for Virchow. CCL21 is a cytokine most commonly expressed in them, and ones located between the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles are named for Rotter. B lymphocytes are localized in follicles that make up its outer cortex, while T cells are distributed in the paracortical area. The adaptive immune response begins here, where antigen-presenting cells and antigens are delivered. For 10 points, name these organs that often enlarge when fighting infections.;;lymph node(s) Physics;;Quadratic consequences of this effect can be measured by the Briet-Rabi formula, and in astronomy, it can be replaced by the Hanle effect. It can be studied with a Fabry-Perot interferometer, and one type of it occurs when the total spin of the initial or final state is nonzero, which is known as the anomalous version. Another type of it generates three closely spaced doublets and is known as the Paschen-Back effect. For 10 points, name this effect in which the spectral lines of an atom are split when placed in an external magnetic field, the analogue of the Stark effect.;;Zeeman (effect) Physics;;He calculated the collapse of a pressure-free homogeneous fluid sphere with Hartland Snyder, which led him to predict the existence of black holes. The effect in which two deuterons orientate so that constituent neutrons approach is named for Melba Phillips and him. Together with his advisor, he names an approximation that breaks the wave function into nuclear and electronic components. He is also the namesake of the maximum mass of a neutron star, along with Tolman and Volkoff. For 10 points, name this student of Max Born, a nuclear physicist who directed the Los Alamos laboratory during the development of atomic bomb.;;(J.) (Robert) Oppenheimer Sociology;;One of his works deals with the ability to extrapolate an individual situation into a structural problem and vice versa. Labeled a "utopian American" in Irving Horowitz's biography, he had a heart attack just before he was to debate Adolph Berle about another book, the product of fieldwork he did in 1960 in Cuba. A highly specialized, bureaucracy-dependent type of worker is the subject of another of his books, while such chapter as "The Warlords" and "The Higher Immorality" are found in his attack on America's most powerful people. For 10 points, name this author of The Sociological Imagination, Listen Yankee, White Collar, and The Power Elite.;;(Charles) (Wright) Mills Chemistry;;Tri-phenyl-phosphine and diethyl azo-di-carboxylate are used to transform this class of organic compounds into other compounds such as esters and various types of ethers via the Mitsunobu reaction. An ester can also be formed from a carboxylic acid and one of these with the help of an acidic catalyst in a process known as Fischer esterification, and they must be made into good leaving groups, often with tosylate or mesylate, before they can undergo nucleophilic substitution. For 10 points, identify this class of organic compounds, represented by the general formula R-OH.;;alcohol(s) Religion;;Sometimes identified with his surname Thaddeus, he used a cloth bearing Jesus's image to cure King Abagar of leprosy, leading him to be commonly depicted carrying an image of Christ's face. He preached in Syria and Libya, as well as in Armenia, where he and his partner in a book of the apocraphya describing their "passion, Simon the Zealot, were martyred with a halberd. In John's description of the Last Supper, his name was followed by Not Iscariot to distinguish him from the similarly-named Judas. For 10 points, name this patron saint of desperate causes.;;(St.) Jude;;Judas Geography;;Some of its tributaries include the Tom and Sosva, and it is formed where the Biya and Katun rivers come together after beginning in the Altai Mountains. Another of its tributaries, the Ket, as used as part of a canal system in the 1800s to connect this river with the Yenisei, but this failed due to the superiority of the Trans-Siberian Railroad. It empties into a namesake gulf in the Kara Sea, and some cities along its length include Barnaul, Salekhard, and Novosibirsk. For 10 points, identify this Western Siberian river, which forms a system with the Irtysh.;;Ob (river)|Obi European Literature;;Near the beginning of this novel, Gringoire's morality play is interrupted repeatedly by a parade as well as by the news of a woman dancing in the street. That woman agrees to marry Gringoire for four years rather than see him hanged in the Court of Miracles. But that woman shows little interest in Gringoire after saving his life, as she has fallen in love with Phoebus de Chateaupers. Another of her would-be lovers that eventually brings about the death of that gypsy. For 10 points, identify this novel in which Archdeacon Frollo has Esmeralda hanged after she refuses his advances, despite the title deformed character's efforts to save her.;;(The) Hunchback of Notre Dame|Notre-Dame de Paris United States History;;Candidates in this race included Clinton Bowen Fisk, who appeared on the Prohibition Party ticket, and Allen G. Thurman, a running-mate to the major losing candidate. The winner became the first President to attend a baseball game and ran with Levi Morton to win nineteen states; four years later, that man was knocked out of office thanks to James Weaver of the Populist Party and a resurgent campaign from his Democratic opponent in this year, which was one of only four elections where the victor lost the popular vote. For 10 points, name this American presidential election that saw Grover Cleveland lose to Benjamin Harrison.;;(American) (presidential) (election) (of) 1888 Music;;Its artist's immediately prior works were "Milestones" and a new arrangement of Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess". Oscar Brown, Jr., later wrote lyrics to an instrumental piece on this album, a 12-bar blues piece in 6/8 time. The first session for it was held on March 2, 1959, when Wynton Kelly played piano instead of Bill Evans. Evans later claimed co-writing credit on one track of this album, which includes "Freedie Freeloader," "All Blues," "Blue in Green," and "So What". For 10 points, name this album masterminded by trumpeter Miles Davis.;;Kind of Blue World Literature;;This phrase originally appears between "toadsools, the potent ginger-lily" and "the speckled vulva of the tiger-orchid" in a list of things found in the title location from Derek Walcott's poem "Swamp". The novel titled after this phrase includes such characters as a former athlete and literature fan who is now a fat industrialist, Chui, and Inspector Godfrey, who reveals Karega's participation in the event that led to three deaths. The desire to free Wanja and allow Ilmorog to progress compels Munira to commit a certain crime. For 10 points, name this Ngugi wa Thingo novel in which a brothel is set on fire, producing flames which resemble the titular flower-like shapes.;;Petals of Blood European History;;He was made a Knight of the Bath after capturing Dongola from Khedival forces in 1896. Eight years earlier he had been made a Companion of the Bath for his services at Toski under Sir Francis Grenfell, whom he replaced as Egypt's Sirdar. He held a memorial service for Chinese Gordon in Khartoum, which he captured after defeating the Mahdi at Omdurman. This victory earned him the nickname "K of K," which stayed with him until his death in 1916, though perhaps he should be more remember for inventing "total war" against the Boers. For 10 points, identify this British general whose mustachioed face appeared on iconic World War I recruiting posters.;;(Horatio) (Herbert) Kitchener British Literature;;His library, currently housed at Magdalene College, contains over three thousand volumes, many of them collected and bound by Joshua Kirton. He conducted affairs with Mrs. Bagwell and his wife's maid, though he was intensely afraid that the "dancing-master" Pembleton was seducing his wife in turn. His wife Elizabeth's death in November 1669 came shortly after the completion of this man's longest work, which started on January 1st, 1660, after the removal of a kidney stone. For 10 points, identify this man who wrote of the Second Dutch War, Great London Fire, and English Restoration in his noted nine-year-long private diary.;;(Samuel) Pepys ('PEEPS') American Literature;;In one work, this name refers to a character with "yellow hair" who was presumedly married to Guy De Vere. She is "the queenliest dead" and the poem titled for her is also called "A Paean". In another work, her name is echoed by the poem's protagonist, who wishes to find this woman "within the distant Aidenn". Believed to have been inspired in one or both circumstances by Virginia Clemm, the narrator orders himself to "quaff this kind nepenthe" and forget about this character, a "sainted maiden" who was named by angels. For 10 points, name this creation of Edgar Allen Poe whose name conveniently rhymes with the repeated refrain of "The Raven".;;Lenore Music;;He wrote four cantatas in his attempts to win the Prix de Rome, but he was only successful with the fourth, Sardanapale. His literary-inspired pieces included Grande Ouverture de Waverley and an opera that features "the boxing fight" and "royal hunt and storm," the Aeneid-based Les Troyens. His interest in Shakespeare would inspire another work, including the "March to the Gallows," after he saw a production of Romeo and Juliet starring Harriet Smithson. For 10 points, identify this Romantic composer of Symphonie fantastique.;;(Louis) (Hector) Berlioz Art;;In one of his paintings, yellow and brown dominate the sky and the water around the title geologic entities, with just the tip of a small boat in the bottom left and an apparent animal in the right. That work was rediscovered in 1979 and is this man's Icebergs. He also painted a wide vista of a noted waterfall, and he visited Ecuador in order to stay in Alexander von Humboldt's old house, and he painted several views of Cotopaxi there as well as a painting in which a small waterfall is surrounded by detailed greenery in the titular mountains. For 10 points, name this painter of Niagara and Heart of the Andes, a member of the Hudson River School.;;(Frederick) (Edwin) Church American Literature;;The protagonist of one of this man's plays conceives a child with her physician after aborting her husband's baby, fearing the insanity that runs in the family of her husband, Sam Evans. He also wrote about Hattie Harris and Ella Downey, two women who display inconsistent racist tendencies. In addition to a work about Ned Darrell and Nina Leeds, this author also wrote another work in which Ephraim's new wife Abbie has an affair with Ephraim's son Eben. For 10 points, identify this playwright who wrote Strange Interlude, All God's Chillun Got Wings, and Desire Under the Elms in addition to Mourning Becomes Electra and Long Day's Journey Into Night.;;(Eugene) O'Neill European History;;The leader of one of the armies involved in this clash suffered a flesh wound while conducting reconnaissance outside his headquarters at Tallyallen. Count Meinhard Schomberg successfully forded the river at Slane in the face of harassment by Sir Neil O'Neill, but a wide ravine prevented him from engaging the Jacobite left wing at Roughgrange. The Jacobite right was overwhelmed by Dutch Blue Guards at Donore, forcing James II to retreat to Duleek. For 10 points, thus ended what 1690 Irish battle that saw the Glorious Revolution cemented as William of Orange secured his claim to the English throne over James?;;(Battle) (of) (the) Boyne Mythology;;She was portrayed as a woman carrying a jug of water and she also provided food to the dead in the underworld. The Virgin Mary once hid inside one of the turquoise sycamores found in this goddess's cult center at Heliopolis, the city where Ra began the daily journey that took him through this goddess's body. Ra forbade her from having children, but Thoth used moonlight to create the five extra days on which she gave birth to Osiris, Seth, Isis, Nephthys, and Horus. For 10 points, name this Egyptian sky godess, both wife and sister of the earth god Geb.;;Nut British Literature;;The retired Henry Pulling is the protagonist of his Travels with my Aunt. Other less serious novels like Stamboul Train and a novel about the professor "D". in the Spanish Civil War, The Confidential Agent, were dubbed "entertainments", as was his novella and screenplay, The Third Man. His work for the Foreign Office in Sierra Leone allowed him to write about the morally-plagued Catholic police inspector Henry Scobie in The Heart of the Matter. For 10 points, name this English author, creator of anti-heroes such as Pinkie Brown in Brighton Rock and an unnamed "whiskey priest" in The Power and the Glory.;;(Graham) Greene Religion;;The tale of Amalek from Deuteronomy is traditionally read on the Shabbat preceding this holiday, known as Parshat Zachor. Traditionally, its "Shushan" version is celebrated the following day in walled cities, and because the month in which it occurs follows the sad month of Av, celebrants are encouraged to make merry and give charity, this traditionally three halves of coin. The story of its origin sees Mordecai refusing obeisance to the Persian King Ahashuerus, who calls for his execution before being stopped by his Jewish wife. For 10 points, the fourteenth of Adar is the day for what Jewish holiday, on which is read the Megillah or Book of Esther about Haman's plot?;;Purim|(Feast) (of) Lots Biology;;Frey's procedure is used to treat inflammation of this organ, and the Whipple Procedure involves the removal of its head. Endoscopic ultrasonography is often used to detect the tumors on this organ that are caused by Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The head of this yellowish organ contains the duct of Wirsung, which is connected to the duodenum, and its tail stretches behind the stomach. For 10 points, name this organ that is home to the islets of Langerhans and produces a namesake juice.;;pancreas United States History;;One dissent written in this case said that the word "liberty" was perverted when it was used to prevent the will of the majority and thought the judgment was contradicted by usury laws and injunctions against Sunday trading. In Harlan cited a plague in Marsailles in 1720 that wiped out all members of a certain profession to show that the work was unusually harsh. Rufus Pekham's majority decision disagreed, and vacated the conviction of a Utica man who had been fined fifty dollars for having an employee work over sixty hours in a week. For 10 points, name this 1905 decision that stated that the right of contract could not be voided by a desire to protect the health of bakers.;;Lochner (v.) (New) (York)|(New) (York) (v.) Lochner Economics;;He helped implement an expenditure tax in India and Sri Lanka, but his Commodity Reserve Currency system was never implemented. He showed that price fluctuations could be caused by incomplete pricing information on the part of the producers in his "cobweb model". He modeled savings and investments as non-linear functions of income, thus showing the existence of his eponymous trade cycles. For 10 points, name this Cambridge economist whose criterion states that an outcome is preferable to another if those made better off could compensate those made worse off, and who names an "efficiency" along with John Hicks.;;(Nicolas) Kaldor Geography;;In accordance with geomantic principles, it is located in the Yamashiro Valley, which is bordered by the Higashi, Kita and Nishi mountains. Among its eleven wards are Nishikyo, which contains the Moss Temple and the Katsura Imperial Villa, and Nakagyo, which the Kamo River and Jidai and Gion Matsuri pass through. Companies with headquarters in this city include Nichicon, Murata, and Ninetendo. Other notable landmarks in this city include the Kiyomizu Dera, the Nijo Palace and the Kinkaku Ji. For 10 points, name this Japanese city located north of Osaka, the namesake of an accord on global warming.;;Kyoto Mythology;;He was associated with the thyrsoi and thyasi, and could be known by names such as Bromios or Taurokeros, meaning "bull-horned". In one story, he was known as Zagreus at the start of his life. Later on, he briefly took refuge with the nereid Thetis when expelled from Thrace, but got his revenge by turning the people of Thrace against King Lycurgus and forcing Lycurgus to kill his own son with an axe. In another tale, he causes Agave to rip her son Pentheus to shreds in Thebes, and his birth saw violence as well, with his father Zeus blasting his mother Semele into dust. For 10 points, name this Greek god of ecstacy and wine.;;Dionysus (do) (not) (Bacchus) Religion;;With John Burnyeat, he wrote a work partially entitled "A New-England Fire-Brand Quenched". In 1653, he was taken by Captain Drury before Cromwell, but was released from prison after offering a promise of non-violence. His first successful converts were in Westmorland and Lancashire, and when he was brought before Justice Bennet of Derby in 1650, those converts got the nickname by which they're best known. He was a primary proponent of a religion that forbade the swearing of oaths and violence but allowed women to preach. For 10 points, name this man attacked in a Roger Williams work that saw him "digged out of his burrows," the founder of the Quakers.;;(George) Fox Philosophy;;His "On the Rainbow" and "On the Calculation of Chances" were printed together posthumously. Decades earlier, while living with surgeon Hermann Homan, he penned the Korte Verhandeling and Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione. He made arguments about Old Testament prophets in 1663's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, and in 1662 he finished a geometrical version of Descartes's Principia Philosophiae, which influenced his most famous work, subtitled Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata. For 10 points, name this Dutch philosopher of Jewish origin and author of Ethics.;;(Baruch) (de) Spinoza|(Benedictus) (de) Spinoza|(Bento) (de) Espinosa Music;;An angry mob is diverted in this work by two characters who have swapped their cloaks. One scene in this opera features the characters singing "long live liberty" at a costume ball. A servant is enticed to remain employed with the song "Eh, via buffone," and Masseto sings another important aria in this opera, "Ho capito, Signor si". The attempt to get with Zerlina doesn't end well, as the employer of Leoporello is eventually dragged to Hell by an animated status. For 10 points, name this Mozart opera about a seducer of women.;;Don Giovanni American Literature;;This author wrote only one collection of poetry, entitled April Twighlight. Her collection of short stories, The Troll Garden, features a story about a man who chooses to die rather than abandon his fantasy world. One of her books tells the story of Doctor Archie's belief in chance and Thea Kronborg's rise to become a famous opera star, a novel entitled The Song of the Lark, and she describes the work of two French missionaries in New Mexico in Death Becomes the Archbishop. However, she is more famous for a novel about Jim Burden and a Bohemian family living in Nebraska. For 10 points, name this author of O Pioneers! and My Antonia.;;(Willa) Cather Art;;William Thackeray lauded this painting as the ultimately convincing "dabs of dirty putty slapped on to the canvas with a trowel" and pointed out that one part is painted with greens but convinces the viewer that it is red. The left features a ploughman working a field as well as people boating in a river. More individuals who are possibly bathing are evident on the shore of the river. The right features a structure designed by Isambard Brunel, located at Maidenhead, with a rabbit on it. For 10 points, name this Joseph Turner oil painting, depicting a train crossing a bridge during the titular atmospheric phenomena.;;Rain Steam, and Speed(:) (The) (Great) (Western) (Railway) Math Theory;;Stein showed that groups of this kind are free and the third axiom of Kolmogorov involves an additivity of this type. The Lowenheim-Skolem theorem states that if a first-order theory has a model, then it has a model with this type of domain. Sets with this property have a Hausdorff dimension of zero and Cieslieski defined this property as that which is equipollent to the finite ordinals. Cantor's diagonal argument shows that the real numbers do not have this property thought sets with it are typically finite or denumerable. For 10 points, name this type of set whose cardinality is equal to a subset of the set of natural numbers.;;countable Physics;;Shengdong Li operated the single-walled nanotube type at microwave frequencies for the first time. The behavior of one type of them can be modeled by the Ebers-Moll equation and the Miller effect can be reduced by using their cascode form. Two of these are found in a type named for Darlington and Moore's law states that their density on microprocessors would double every two years. Used to construct logic gates, they are divided into bipolar and field effect types. For 10 points, name this device used for amplification and/or switching of electric current.;;transistor(s) Physics;;William Jensen has suggested it must be modified when dealing with optical enantiomers although it holds for complex systems wherein equilibrium effects arise from such factors as surface tension, and magnetic fields. Syntactically transformable into Euler's polyhedral formula, it states the number of intensive variables, F is equal to the number of chemical constituents, C minus the number of states of matter in a system, P plus the number of non-compositional variables. Used for determining the possible number of degrees of freedom, for 10 points, name this thermodynamic rule deduced by its namesake Yale scientist.;;Gibbs' Phase (Rule) Math Theory;;The amino acid with this one-letter abbreviation is the namesake of a dehydrogenase that catalyzes the animation of a Krebs cycle intermediate. Oortmerssen created a programming language with this name and alpha-tocopherol is the most active form a vitamin with this name. Stress over strain and the middle layer of the ionosphere are often referred to by this letter instead of Young's modulus and the Heaviside layer, respectively. In organic chemistry, a stereoisomer with high priority substituents on different sides is denoted with this letter. For 10 points, name this letter that is used to denote a constant equal to 2.718.;;e|E European History;;The tenth one was compared to a "light intercepted by a cloudy medium" by an American commenter. It hedged by saying certain activities were only allowed when it does not trouble the public order. A plan entitled "On Property Rights" sought to reform these proclamations by adding a right-to-work clause and universal education, but was rejected. The last article allows for eminent domain, and a year after it was written, Olympe de Gouges wrote a version addressed to Marie-Antoinette about women. For 10 points, name this central document of the French constitution, adopted in 1789 by National Constituent Assembly.;;Declaration of the Rights of Man (and) (Citizen)|(La) Declaration des droits de l'Homme (et) (du) (citoyen) European Literature;;A reference to the author's cousin, who died in childbirth, may be seen in the fourth one, which notes "the boy with the brown, squinting, eyes," and that fourth one begins "O trees of life, O when are you wintering"? The tenth and last ends by remarking on "the emotion that almost dismays us when a joyful thing falls," while the first opens by asking "Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the Angelic Orders"? For 10 points, name these poems, completed around the same time as the author's Sonnets to Orpheus, a set of ten elegies by the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke.;;(the) Duino Elegies|Duineser Elegien British Literature;;One of his poems seeks forgiveness from a "Meek Daughter" for "shapings of the unregenerate mind," probably reflecting his deference to his religious bride-to-be, Sarah Fricker. who was also the sister-in-law of Robert Southey. This man conjectures that "all of animated nature" is affected like the title object by "one intellectual breeze, At once the Soul of each, and God of all". Beginning with an address to "my pensive Sara," that poem was written shortly before his "This Lime-Tree Bower my Prison". For 10 points, name this author of "The Aeolean Harp" who also described Xanadu and a penitent sailor in "Kubla Khan" and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".;;(Samuel) (Taylor) Coleridge European Literature;;One of this author's works begins with a servant with a name meaning "light" asking his master if Adam's fall was metaphorical, but it wasn't, as is revealed by Eve, who confesses that Adam's fall caused the titular event to happen. Other works concern a man whose two horses are stolen by Wenzel as tribute and leads an army to exact vengeance, and Jeronimo and Josephe, who are almost almost freed by a disaster in Santiago. In addition to The Broken Jug, and The Earthquake in Chile, this playwright and novelist also wrote The Marquise of O and Penthesilea. For 10 points, name this nineteenth century German author of Michael Kohlhaas,.;;(Heinrich) (von) Kleist World History;;He was captured by a Kansas soldier who recognized "Colon de Magdalo" as this man's Masonic name and disguised American soldiers as prisoners escorted by Macabebe scouts. Installed as president under the Malolos constitution, he had earlier agreed to leave the country under the Biac-na-Bato agreement with Spain. He drew the wrath of another occupying power and spent many years in Bilibid prison after serving as a Japanese puppet bashing the former U.S. occupiers. For 10 points, name this leader of Chinese and Tagalog descent, who saw Frederick Funston end his term as the first president of the Philippines.;;(Emilio) Aguinaldo World History;;The 9th Infantry Division and parts of the 1st Armored Division were almost cut off during this battle. The goal of the opposing forces was attacking the supply dumps at Tebessa. The losing commander, General Fredendall, was transfered to a non-combat position shortly after this battle, while the victorious general was eventually forced to withdraw east to the Mareth Line by the threat of the British 8th Army. For 10 points, name this first large scale World War Two battle between Romme's forces and the Americans, which resulted in a massive American retreat at its namesake pass in Tunisia.;;(Battle) (of) (the) Kasserine Pass Chemistry;;A reaction of this type results in the formation of triaryl halides and is named after Fritz Ullman. The Carothers equation suggests that a high fractional monomer conversion is required in order to achieve high-molecular weights in this type of polymerization reaction. In another other reaction of this type, a carbon-carbon bond is formed between two esters in the presence of a strong base, which is named after Rainer Claisen. For 10 points, name this type of reaction, the opposite of hydrolysis, which involves the creation of one larger molecule from two smaller molecules, usually involving the loss of water.;;condensation (reaction) American Literature;;The first section of this poem states that every slum around the world "had sent its half-a-score," yet the title character, "groaned for more". Inquiring about the divine cleansing power of Jesus nine times, we are instructed in the penultimate stanza to play a "grand chorus of all instruments" with the "tambourines to the foreground". The title character, author of In Darkest England and the Way Out, boldly led with his "big bass drum," and though he died blind "still by Faith he trod". For 10 points, name this poem, set to the tune of "The Blood of the Lamb" by Charles Ives, which praises the founder of the Salvation Army and was written by Vachel Lindsay.;;(")General William Booth Enters Into Heaven(") Music;;After befriending Ferruccio Busoni, whose Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Music influenced this composer, he moved to the United States, and dedicated to that country a piece featuring sirens and the recently constructed Ondes Martenot, called Ameriques. The name of a piece for solo flute refers to the metallic nature of the instrument, Density 21.5. Another work utilized two magnetic tapes of what he coined "organized sound," Deserts. He was called by Henry Miller, "the Stratospheric Colossus of Sound". For 10 points, name this French composer, a pioneer of electronic music in such works as Poem Electronique and Ionisation.;;(Edgar) (Victor) (Achille) (Charles) Varese Geography;;Its name refers to the fact that it was founded after the abandonment of the neighboring city of Parthenope. This place became an independent Duchy of Byzantium in 763 CE and was later ruled by Spaniards until the 1647 uprising led by the fisherman Masaniello. A popular vacation spot for such members of the Roman elite as Virgil and Cicero, it lost the Battle of Campo Tenese to Napoleon, who installed Joachim Murat as the king of this city. For 10 points, name this city, the second-most-populous metropolitan area in Italy, which sits in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius.;;Naples;;Neapolis Religion;;Its inhabitants were frightened that Nebuchadnezzar would rule over them when he arrived, and according to Numbers 16, after the sons of Korah were swallowed by the earth, they were sent here, where the angel-prince in charge of this place gnashed his teeth on them. It is large according to the Talmud, estimating the size at sixty-cubed times the size of the earth. Because of its extent, the setting sun receives its fire every evening. Its name also denotes the place where children were sacrificed to Moloch in the "valley of the son of Hinnom". For 10 points name this place where primarily the heathen are sent to according to the Book of Enoch, which complements Sheol.;;Gehenna|Gehinom World History;;During this event, the Bucharest was let through, because it was thought not to be a threat, but the Marcula was to be boarded the following morning. ABC Correspondent John Scali was dispatched to find out through his "back-channel" source, Alexandr Fomin, about the sudden mention of the Jupiters in Turkey in a recent telegram, unbeknownst to either of them that Ambassador Dobrynin had been asked to offer the deal to Krushchev in a secret meeting with Robert Kennedy. Finally resolved on October 29, 1962, after beginning 13 days prior, for 10 points, name this Cold War confrontation involving some weapons on an island off the coast of Florida.;;Cuban Missile Crisis Computer Science;;In a first draft of a report for the EDVAC, Von Neumann offered an elucidation of this fundamental structure. The Chromatic Research Mpact media chip had 450 of them and the Control Unit informs this element what operation to perform. It is required to use numbers in the same format as the rest of the digital circuit, which in the modern processor, is the two's complement. Consisting of an accumulator and general purpose registers, for 10 points, name this fundament unit of a CPU responsible for executing bit-shifting operations, the basic Boolean operations, as well as addition and subtraction.;;A(rithmetic) L(ogic) U(nit) British Literature;;Obsessed with her family history she wrote Gerald: A Portrait about her father and The Glassblowers about the family. Another study focused on her grandfather George, a novelist and illustrator for Punch. Her novels Julius and The Parasites dealt in especially psychological real terms with the presence of a domineering and deadly father. One of her most popular works begins, "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderely again," was published in 1938 and influenced by Jane Eyre, and was made into a 1940 Hitchcock movie starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. For 10 points, name this British novelist of such works as The House on the Strand and Rebecca.;;(Daphne) (du) Maurier Geography;;The gap sections of such rivers as the Hernád, the Olt, and the Váh are found within this range, whose geologic borders are the Timok River depression and the Leitha Gate. Just northwest of this range are such cities as Stryy, Kalush, and Chernivtsi. Their arc encloses both the Little and Great Alfolds as well as the Pannonian Basin. Stretching to the Iron Gate on the southeast, this mountain system includes Gerlach Peak, located in its Tatras range. For 10 points, name this mountain range which extends from the Czech Republic to southern Romania.;;Carpathian (Mountains) Karpaty|Kapnamu (mountains) World Literature;;In one of his works, often translated as "The Birth of the War-God," he describes how Parvati won the love of Shiva in order to bring into the world Kumara. Considered the most brilliant of the "Nine Gems" in the court of Ujjain, critics name Ashvaghoshha as a significant influence on him. In another work a missive is sent to the wife of a yaksha, who lives in the Himalayas, by the titular conveyance. Writing an influential genealogy of Rama, this devotee of Kali borrows extensively from the Mahabharata in a seven part drama alternately titled The Lost Ring. For 10 points, name this fifth-century BCE Sanskrit writer of such dramas as The Cloud Messenger and Sakuntaala.;;Kalidasa Biology;;Haldan Keffer Hartline won a Nobel Prize for his research on the electrical responses of this object in horseshoe crabs. This object contains Muller glia, which are mitotically active following damage to it. Coats disease causes the separation of this object and a cherry-red spot is found on it in children with Tay-Sachs disease. Horizontal and amacrine cells modulate communication between its cells, the inner layer of which contains ganglion cells. Composed of neural tissue, this innermost layer of the eye has a depression in its center called the macula. For 10 points, name this location of photoreceptors such as rods and cones.;;retina European History;;The palaces at Guînes and Ardres were both built for this summit, and a fountain which dispensed water, claret, and spiced wine was turned on here. It began at the Val Doré, and composer Jean Mouton created much of the music for this event; engravings of it depict a dragon in the sky rumored to have interrupted the final mass by Cardinal Wolsey. Little political capital was created, despite the significant investment into the lavish amenities present at this locale near Calais, which apparently went sour when the French king beat the English sovereign in a wrestling match. For 10 points, name this 1520 meeting of Henry VIII and Francis I on a gilded expanse.;;Field (of) (the) Cloth of Gold|Le Camp du Drap d'Or Economics;;This man's Cassel Traveling Scholarship funded research which asserted that certain entities are like "voluntary centrally planned economies" and answered the question of why General Motors exist in his paper "The Nature of the Firm". Another contribution, which was named by George Stigler, arose from his analysis of broadcasting frequency allocation and was outlined in a 1960 paper which addresses the role of transaction costs in dealing with certain problems. For 10 points, name this economist who stated in "The Problem of Social Cost" that any solidly defined system of property rights leads to a minimizing of negative externalities in his namesake theorem.;;(Ronald) Coase Art;;Jeff Koons used two brands of basketball in one of these, while Robert Rauschenberg used this term to denote such collages as "Airport: Cat Paws". Another one is mounted upside-down on a wooden stool, while a notable one was bought at the Mott Works in New York. Apolinére Enamelled was one of the "rectified" kind of these, whose most notable example involved a penciled-in mustache. A major example of this form was signed "R. Mutt" and was, in fact, a urinal. For 10 points, Bicycle Wheel and Fountain were what kind of dadaist "found art," ordinary objects which were displayed in galleries?;;readymade(s) World History;;According to this man's epic, transcribed by D. T. Niane, when a divine hunter came to the court of this man's father, Maghan Kon Fatta, he was told that if he married an ugly woman, she would birth a great king. That woman, this king's mother, would be called Sologon or "Buffalo woman" because of her reported hunchbacked appearance. She gave birth to a sickly child, a child whose entire family, including his eleven brothers, was killed by an invading Kaniaga ruler, though Sumanguru left this child alive because he thought this boy would die soon enough. He did not and, at the 1235 Battle of Kirina, took revenge. For 10 points, name this first king of the united Mali empire.;;Sundiata (Keita) Sundjata|Mari Djata (I|the First){1}?|Sologon Djata European Literature;;When his major work premieres, one critic calls him aptly, "a god-witted man". While living at Palestrina with his friend Schildknapp, he creates his rendition of Love's Labour's Lost. His story is related to us by a friend, whose name means "the serene flowering of the time," Serenus Zeitblom, who describes with "a religious shudder" the encounter with Esmeralda which leads to his contracting of syphilis. Developing a twelve-tone technique much like Schoenberg, we also learn this character sells his humanity to the devil for twenty-four years of unparalleled music accomplishment. For 10 points, name this main character of Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus.;;(Adrian) Leverkuhn Philosophy;;Suggesting that Hegelian speculation was a way to obscure the title concept of a 1983 work, in which he describes that concept as the silencing of a player in a language game or parole, this French philosopher's The Differend was a general critique on the role of Enlightenment and its establishment of metanarratives. Another work, a direct response to Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus called The Libidnal Economy, is representative of a type of inquiry which this thinker is credited with identifying. He identified the influence of cybernetics on the "legitimation of knowledge" as the title concept of a 1979 work. For 10 points, name this author of The Postmodern Condition.;;(Jean-Francois) Lyotard Religion;;In one depiction of this scene, Lucas Cranach the Elder shows a character dressed in Renaissance garb with a long sword and donning a large red hat. In another depiction, this time by Andre Mantegna, the right foot of the other title character is prominently in the background. The scene portrays the exploits of a woman from Bethulia, under siege from an invading Assyrian army. In some depictions her servant woman Abra is directly aiding her in the main action, though in others she is just left holding the bag. For 10 points, name this Biblical scene, depicted by both Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi, of a Jewish widow assassinating an Assyrian general in his tent.;;Judith Beheading Holofernes (anything) (that) (mentions) (both) Judith (and) Holofernes Math Theory;;An adiabatic invariant is an approximation to a more fundamental type of invariant named for this person. An isomorphism exists between the Klein-Beltrami model and his namesake hyperbolic disk. His eponymous transformation is known as an inhomogeneous Lorentz transformation, while his namesake group consists of linear isometries of Minkowski space. Grigori Perelman may have recently proved, for 10 points, what Frenchman's namesake conjecture, which states that every simply connected closed three-manifold is homeomorphic to the three-sphere.;;(Henri) Poincar(é|e){1}? Mythology;;The fourth extant poem of Sappho, discovered in 2005, is partially dedicated to the story of this man. This Trojan prince, the son of King Laomedon, was the father of two sons, one who became an Arabian king and was killed by Heracles, Emathion. The other was an Ethiopian king killed by Achilles in the Iliad, Memnon. In the Tennyson poem in honor of this man, it's the title character who asks for the imperfect gift and not his lover, the Titan of the dawn Eos. For 10 points, name this mythological character, granted immorality but not eternal youth, who eventually turns into a cicada after withering away.;;Tithon(us) European Literature;;Lord Berners John Bourchier's now canonical translation into English is often presented in its redacted form by G. C. Macaulay and a notable illustrated manuscript was commissioned by Louis of Gruuthuse. Its author, receiving patronage from the queen consort Philippa of Hainault, devotes a lengthy section on her marriage to Edward III, and suggests that the work itself is based on an assemblage originally brought together by Jean Le Bel, covering such events as the Battle of Otterburn, Wat Tyler's Rebellion, and the Campaign of Crecy. For 10 points, name this work, an important source for the first half of the Hundred Years' War by its eponymous French historian.;;(The) Chronicles of Froissart|Froissart's Chronicles European Literature;;Its author was a medievalist, and as a result, seven of its twenty chapters concern medieval works. The author of, Dante: Poet of the Secular World, begins the first chapter of this work with a comparison of the narrative structure of the Homeric epics and the Bible, juxtaposing the telling of the discovery of the disguised hero by Penelope's servant Euryclea and the binding of Isaac story, in "Odysseus' Scar". Its title is taken from the Greek word for imitation or representation and it is subtitled "The Representation of Reality in Western Literature". For 10 points, name this work of literary criticism written by the German Eric Auerbach.;;Mimesis Physics;;A unit named for this scientist is equal to Dalton per charge number in homage of his invention of the parabola spectrograph. That instrument determined the mass-to-charge ratio of ions and is considered the first mass spectrometer. Together with F. W. Aston, he proved the existence of isotopes of neon, and in a series of experiments, he showed that cathode rays were composed of particles he dubbed corpuscles. For 10 points name this English scientist who proposed the plum pudding model and discovered the electron.;;(Sir) (Joseph) (John) ("J.J".) Thomson Religion;;Rogier van der Weyden included this scene on the left of his Colomba altarpiece, while Filippo Lippi's version of it includes the hands of God at its top. In March 2007, Italy's Ministry of Culture controversially loaned Leonardo's depiction of it to the Tokyo Museum; that version takes place over a tomb. Its key figures are separated by two panels in the second level of the exterior of the Ghent Altarpiece, and in van Eyck's "Washington" version, there is a small, cross-bearing winged baby making a bee-line for the female figure. For 10 points, name this scene where Gabriel tells Mary that she's pregnant with the Savior.;;(The) Annunciation American Literature;;One character in this work wears a yellow sweater with blue parrots, which is eventually carried away by Hiram and Bobby Lee, whose boss claims that he would have followed Jesus if he were sure he existed. Its central characters listen to "The Tennessee Waltz" and see a gray monkey during a stop at Red Sammy's, where one of them blames Europe for the title statement. After incorrectly recalling a mansion from her youth, one character jostles her cat and causes the car to run into a ditch, after which she unwisely declares her recognition of a serial killer. For 10 points, The Misfit proceeds to kill the grandmother's whole family in what short story by Flannery O'Connor?;;(A) Good Man is Hard to Find European History;;Its implementer defined it as "breaking down the braking mechanism" and "overcoming leveling tendencies in pay and consumerism" when presenting it to the Central Committee. The 500 Days Plan was constructed in response to its results, which were partly caused by limiting the power of Gosbank and Gosplan. Though its component Law on Cooperatives permitted private business ownership for the first time since 1925, the lack of a true market caused prices to drop, and the Secretariat head Yegor Ligachev was a major opponent of this initiative. For 10 points, name this program of Soviet economic reforms instituted by Gorbachev, paired with glasnost.;;perestroika Philosophy;;Jonathan Murphy made the first complete English translation of it in 2006, which included the section on a two-word question from Descarte's Meditations that clarified for English readers Derrida's essay on "Cogito and" this work. Key sections deal with the "last tragic expression" of its title state in Andromaque and how that state is enabled by the joining of body and soul in passion. It begins by discussing the eradication of leprosy before showing how classical society ceased to see the title condition as part of a dialogue with the unknown and instead confined those suffering from it. For 10 points, name this work of Michel Foucault, dealing with the treatment of the insane.;;Madness and Civilization|(The) History of Madness Folie et deraison(:) L'histoire de la folie a l'age classique (either) (underlined) (part) Art;;Yeats borrowed the conventions of this genre for his The Death of Cuchlain and At the Hawk's Well. In one work of this genre, a priest comes upon a monument to Autumn Rain and her title sister, while in another, the ghost of a tenth century woman speaks of how her husband left her for his childhood sweetheart. They are usually performed with a kyogen farce, and all of their performers, including the primary shite and secondary waki, carry fans. There are 250 plays in the national repertory in this style, including Kanami's The Wind in the Pines and Zeami's The Well Cradle. For 10 points, name this live-action Japanese theatrical style, which is more refined than Kabuki.;;Noh British Literature;;She declared "No threatened Hell, with quenchless fire/ Subdue this quenchless will" and that she is "No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere" in her poems "Enough of Thought, Philosopher" and "No Coward Soul is Mine". In her most famous work, one character dreams of the 491 sins described by preacher Jabes Branderham before entering a hall founded in 1500 by Hareton, where Nelly Dean tells him about the Lintons of Thrushcross Grange and the relationship between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff. For 10 points, name this author of Wuthering Heights, the sister of Anne and Charlotte.;;E(mily) Bronte;;Bronte|E(llis) Bell Music;;Michael Marissen wrote that Charles Jennens' libretto for this piece was anti-Semitic. Traditionalist conductors do not take the decelerando in this work's thrity-third measure, which precedes the text "The Kingdom of this World". The bassoon is the only instrument accompanying the strings in its introduction, which transitions the larger work to D Major after the air, "Thou Shalt Break Them". The choir chants "forever and ever" toward its climax while the tenors hold "King of Kings, Lord of Lords" finally celebrating the Last Judgment through repetitions of its central word. For 10 points, tradition has audiences stand during what most famous section of Handel's Messiah?;;(The) (")Hallelujah(") (Chorus);;Messiah Physics;;Noble gas atoms and a type of it are involved in the Ramsauer-Townsend effect while the Heyney-Greenstein function models it based on albedo. The interaction of laser and sound waves causes the Brillouiin type while photons are the subject of the Delbuck variety. This process is either coherent or incoherent based on the reemission frequency and the simplest type is dubbed Mie. A more famous kind is caused by an excitation of photons while the most famous kind explains why the sky blue. Raman and Rayleigh are two forms of, for 10 points, what process where particles are sent into different trajectories.;;scattering Music;;One character in this work sings "Hur hopp hopp hopp" after introducing herself as "Rosina Sweettooth". Earlier, a mother bemoans her poverty in "Da liegt nun der gute Topf" before her husband enters singing "Rallalala". In Act II, the title characters pray for a blessed sleep, between the appearances of the Sandman and Dew Fairy. The libretto, by the composer's sister Adelheid Wette, is based on a bowdlerization where Peter and Gertrude do not abandon their children in the Ilsenstein Forest, though the villain is still turned into gingerbread. For 10 points, name this Engelbert Humperdinck opera based on the Grimms' tale of two children outsmarting a witch.;;Hansel und Gretel European History;;A certain petition organized by Thomas Tooke opposed them, as did the Duke of Richmond's CAPS and the League founded by Richard Cobden and John Bright. Several sliding scales were introduced to limit them in the decade after their passage, but they were not eliminated until the election of Robert Peel, who, in reaction to the Irish Potato Famine, finally introduced a bill for their repeal in 1846. Their passage in 1815 helped provoke the Peterloo Massacre among working classes, who didn't want to pay more for food. For 10 points, name these unpopular British tariffs on imports, whose name derives from a generic European term for "grain" and not from maize.;;(the) Corn Laws Computer Science;;One type of it works in clusters and does not have a particular language. In addition to the parallel type, they generally use a level of indirection to achieve encapsulation. One of the first examples was the P-Code type for Pascal, while more recent ones include Parrot, Lua, and Simics. Divided into "system" and "process" types, the former lets users to see network infrastructures and can isolate multiple OSes, while the latter uses an interpreter functions such as online crossword puzzles. Macromedia Flash is a common type of, for 10 points, what software that executes programs, despite not being a real machine.;;virtual machine(s) Biology;;Mohri et al showed that in this disease, lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase mRNA is up-regulated. Similar to Sandhoff disease, this disorder occurs when a gene located on chromosome 15 mutates, resulting in the termination of the hex-o-sa-min-i-dase enzyme. That enzyme, which is found in the lysosomes of brain cells, is responsible for breaking down fatty acids known as gangliosides. Symptoms can begin to show at 3 months of age in, for 10 points, what disease prevalent in Ashkenazic Jews and named for two biologists.;;Tay-Sachs (disease/disorder) Linguistics;;This word is the first name of a co-founder of the United Democratic Movement, General Holomisa. As a religion, it names a sect of Brazilian Candomble that worships the god Zambi. As a language group, this word denotes the most abundant subgroup of the Niger-Congo family, which became dominant during a namesake millenia-long expansion that decimated Khoisan and pygmy populations and eventually coalesced in the Zulu empire. Hendrik Verwoerd used this term, along with "stan," to label South African black "homelands" under apartheid. For 10 points, name this term that broadly describes the tribes of sub-Saharan Africa.;;Bantu United States History;;He proposed a constitutional amendment that would allow the taxing of exports and later opposed issuing "irreemable paper currency". His name is applied to amendments in state constitutions that bar the use of government money at public schools, and his career was undone by rumors of his corruption at Little Rock & Fort Smith railway and by Reverend Burchard's dig at Catholics. This Secretary of State under Harrison and Garfield lost the votes of the Mugwumps to Grover Cleveland and thus couldn't quench "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion". For 10 points, name this Republican senator from Maine and leader of the Half-Breed faction who lost the 1884 election.;;(James) (Gillespie) Blaine American Literature;;In 1980, he wrote a fiction sequel to David Lindsay's novel Voyage to Arcturus, titled The Flight to Lucifer. In the following decade, he approvingly noted that the self-centered nature of American religion was turning the country into a post-Christian nation and that the Bible's J-Writer was female and "the most blasphemous writer, ever". He devoted all of his 1975 A Map of Misreading to Milton and claimed in his most famous work that Satan was the archetypal poet. For 10 points, name this morbidly obese Yale professor, author of The Anxiety of Influence and Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, who has defended the "Western canon" from books about wizards.;;(Harold) Bloom Psychology;;Aleister Crowley used the terms Dhyana and Samadhi to describe the state of being without one of these. Introduced in a 1923 essay, it creates reaction formation and can be altered by an anticathexis. Dreams are halfway synthonic to it, though they also try to escape it. It is the reservoir for the libido, and if it gains too much power, then feelings of guilt and inferiority arise, often causing the issuance of defense mechanisms. This Latin word is used to translate the phrase "Das Ich" into English. For 10 points, name this component of Freud's psychoanalytic division of the human mind, the supervisor of the id and the colleague of the superego.;;Ego;;(Das) Ich Chemistry;;A hydrazone is an intermediate in the Shapiro reaction, in which ketones are converted into these compounds and iodo-methyl-zinc iodide reacts with these compounds to make cyclo-propanes in the Simmons-Smith reaction. The Criegee mechanism describes the ozonolysis of these compounds, which are catalyzed by osmium tetraoxide to make vicinal diols. They are created by the addition of an aldehyde and ylide in the Wittig reaction, and a ruthenium complex known as Grubbs' catalyst is used in their metathesis. For 10 points, name these hydrocarbons with a double bond.;;alkene(s) (AL-KEENS) (do) (NOT) (alkanes)|(alkynes|) olefin(s) European History;;Part of the popularity of corsets came from her ban on thick waists at court, and she is responsible for spreading duck in orange and carabaccia to Europe at large. Her husband's affair with Diane of Poitiers limited her power until his death in a joust. She later allied with the Guises, and after the Surprise of Meaux she became so staunchly Catholic that her son-in-law abandoned her daughter Maguerite and converted to escape her. That son-in-law succeeded her son, Henry III, as king of France. For 10 points, name this mother of Francis II and Charles IX, who supposedly ordered the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre and was a member of a famous Florentine family.;;Catherine (de) Medici Geography;;This place is partially surrounded by the Gallatin, Beartooth, and Absaroka mountain ranges. Its namesake lake was once known as Eustis, and drains north through its namesake river, whose tributaries include the Lamar and Bighorn before it hits the Upper Missouri. Its namesake Caldera is the nation's largest supervolcano, and this area's geothermal activity also causes the world's largest steam eruptions at Steamboat Geyser, which is still less famous than its regular ninety-minute steam eruption cycle elsewhere. For 10 points, Old Faithful may be found in what first American National Park, located in Wyoming?;;Yellowstone (National) (Park) Religion;;This specific word is used in Numbers to describe the being God sends to kill Balaam, while Solomon uses it to describe all adversaries to the Temple. This term also describes the being who convinces David to hold a census in Chronicles, and the one who objects to Joshua's selection as priest in Zechariah. This may or may not be the same being that is instructed to kill Job's family, after suggesting that his love of God is contingent on his fortune, or the same as the one who will be imprisoned for 1000 years before deceiving the nations into war according to Revelation. For 10 points, give this proper name of a figure also notable for tempting Christ in the desert in Luke.;;Satan (exact) (answer) (required) Religion;;In two treatises by St. Augustine on this subject, it is arranged into eight degrees of severity, with the least important being those used to ward off "bodily defilement". Innocent III claimed this was never lawful "even to save a man's life," but the Bible also gives such examples as a harlot in the book of Joshua who does this out of faith; the widow of Manasseh, who prays for God to give her this gift; and a man who does this in Genesis 27 in order to fulfill God's word that "the older shall serve the younger". For Catholics, the eighth commandment, and for Protestants, the ninth, bar this activity. For 10 points, name this sin, which Satan is the "Prince of".;;lying|bearing false witness (word) (forms) (and) (clear) (equivalents) Music;;Playing through the first, Allegretto movement of this symphony, its composer said "Forgive me if this reminds you of Ravel's Bolero". Six minutes in, the snare drum begins 352 measures of the exact same pattern. The ending of its fourth movement mimics the opening of Beethoven's Fifth, while the fourth movement of Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra is a direct response to this symphony. Its most notable performance was conducted by Karl Eliasberg shortly after an artillery barrage ensured the work could be performed in peace by members of the piece's namesake Radio Orchestra. For 10 points, name this Dmitri Shostakovich work written during a German siege.;;Leningrad (Symphony)|(Symphony) (No.) 7 (by) Shostakovich| (Shostakovich) (is) (not) (necessary) (in) (the) (answer) (once) (his) (name) (is) (mentioned|) (obvious) (equivalents) Psychology;;Graham et al. proposed a 49-item scale designed to measure this in college-aged women. It is often grouped with PTSD, although Frank Ochberg, who takes credit for coining the term, notes that it does not occur "in the aftermath of a tornado". Minor acts of kindness are on of four conditions which group together to produce this effect, whose namesake case involved consensual sex between a teller at the Credit Bank and ex-convict Jan Erik Olsson. For 10 points, name this condition in which a victim internalizes the beliefs of a victimizer, exhibited by hostages in a bank robbery in 1973 that took place in the European capital which gives this syndrome its name.;;Stockholm (syndrome) Chemistry;;They can be enantio-selectively reduced with the CBS catalyst, and organo-zinc compounds are needed to derive them from thio-esters in Fukuyama Coupling. Fully substituted 1,2 diols can be converted to this type of molecule via the Pinacol Rearrangement while the Schmidt Reaction produces amides but not nitriles from them. Grignard reagents typically produce tertiary alcohols from these compounds, which are usually more stable than their enol tautomers. For 10 points, name this class of organic molecules containing a carbon double bonded to an oxygen and single bonded to two other carbons, the simplest of which is acetone.;;ketone(s) Geography;;The largest labor movement in this country was organized by Carlos Mahecha and Maria Cano, but was crippled when a general fired into a demonstration in 1929. Jorge Eliecer Gaitan orated against the "masacre de las bananeras" and presented its Congress with the skull of a child killed by the Army. Gaitan's assassination in 1948 is regarded as the start of "La Violencia", a still-existing war in this country between liberals and conservatives. Though once ravaged by a conflict over banana workers' unions, this country is now home to a group, often described as "narcoterrorists," which kidnaps politicians. For 10 points, name this country, the home base of FARC.;;Colombia Music;;A "tried friend to the end," it has gentle wings under whose sway "all that custom has divided" is reunited. Praised by those "who can call at least one soul theirs," it "gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine," and is tasted by both the just and the unjust, and drunk by creatures at nature's breast. It is a sanctuary tread by those inspired by fire, and a "bright spark of divinity," which inspired certain "more cheerful songs". For 10 points, name this "daughter of Elysium" used to represent "freedom" in a Friedrich von Schiller "ode," which was incorporated into the final allegro assai movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.;;(An) (die) Freude|(Ode) (to) Joy World History;;Its early history was chronicled by Ari the Learned. The Logretta was once the most powerful branch of this institution and included thirty-nine godars and a Lawspeaker. It was disbanded in favor of the High Court from 1800 to 1845, when Christian VIII allowed it to reconvene. Though it now meets at the Myndir frá, it first gathered at the plains of Thingvellir in 930, thus making it the oldest parliamentary institution in Europe. For 10 points, name this legislature currently overseen by Prime Minister Geir Haarde in Reykjavik, Iceland.;;(the) Althing(i);;(parliament|legislature){1}? (of) Iceland Astronomy;;David Jewitt and Jane Luu utilized a blink comparator to discover the first objects part of it, which were named Cubewanos after the prototype QB1. Possessing gaps due to orbital resonance, its size fluctuates from 2:3 resonance to 1:2 resonance. With its mean position inclined by 1.86 degrees, it resembles a torus. The discovery of Eris, an object in it, disproved the Titius-Bode Law governing the size of the semi-major axis of heavenly bodies. Sedna, Pluto and other Plutinos are, for 10 points, part of what astronomical structure beyond Neptune that is thought to be the "home" of many short-period comets?;;(Edgeworth-)Kuiper (belt) British Literature;;In a play by this author, a characters feigns pregnancy by hiding a pillow under her dress, and Mr. Loveby is the titular "Wild Gallant". This author's poem about an object cast in Poland by the Whigs was called "A Satire Against Sedition: The Medal", and his comparison of national dramatic traditional was called "Of Dramatic Poesie". The victory of the British over the Dutch inspired his work about a year, while Leonidus forgives Polydamas in another play. In addition to "Annus Mirabilis" and "Marriage-A-La-Mode," he wrote of Cleopatra and Marc Antony in "All For Love". For 10 points, name this author of the allegorical "Hind and the Panther" and "Absalom and Achitophel".;;(John) Dryden United States History;;A Supreme Court case arising out of this matter resolved the question of whether the President Pro Tempore of the Senate could arrest somebody for failing to testify before Congress. That case, Daugherty v. McGrain, arose out of an investigation of this matter by Montana Democrat Thomas J. Walsh. Some of the men who were brought down by the affair were the owner of the Echo Parks fields, Edward Doheny, as well as Harry Sinclair, though the biggest fish caught was Albert Fall, the Secretary of the Interior. For 10 points, identify this scandal involving oil-rich Navy land in Wyoming and California being leased to private firms during the Harding administration.;;Teapot Dome (scandal) British Literature;;This work includes a Christian named Frank, who believes that the violent aspects of the Bible should not be revealed to his son and thus tears down a graphic poster of the crucifixion. The protagonist's obsession leads him to temporarily kidnap Nugget from his workplace almost every night. When his date Jill decides to have sex with him in a barn, he feels that God is watching him through the animals and is frustrated not to achieve an erection. That protagonist must see Martin Dysart after using a horseshoe pick to blind six horses. For 10 points, name this 1973 play in which Alan Strang replaces God with horses, written by Peter Shaffer and named for the Latin for "horse".;;Equus United States History;;He returned to work on the Fairmount Park art association in Philadelphia after serving in Atlanta during Reconstruction. During the Battle of the Crater, he substituted an untrained white division over Burnside's black troops. This former lighthouse designer was only mention negatively in print after he disciplined Edward Cropsey. In one battle, he held position along with Washington when Longstreet recommended an unexecuted side maneuver. He assumed he was being arrested when the messenger arrived to give him his highest post, replacing Joseph Hooker. For 10 points, name this commander of the Army of the Potomac who won the Battle of Gettysburg.;;(George) (Gordon) Meade Physics;;In the Eyring-Polanyi equation, the result of Boltzmann's constant times temperature is divided by this quantity. In a recent experiment, a precise watt balance that could generate a current proportional it was used to measure its value although traditionally, it has been measured using a vacuum tube to generate a current proportional to it under exposure to radiation. Equal to the ratio of photon energy to photon frequency, it's known as Dirac's constant when divided by two pi. For 10 points, name this constant, symbolized h and named for a German physicist.;;Planck (constant) Religion;;According to one account, he was born from the skin rubbings of his mother, whereas another account says that he was born from the laughter of his father. One branch of Yoga places him in the first chakra, or wheel, upon which all divine force expands out. Sometimes shown with the snake Vasuki wrapped around his neck, he is called the author of the Mudgala Purana. As the scribe for Ved Vyasa, he wrote down the Mahabharata, and he once guarded his mother's bath chamber but got into a fight with his unrecognized father. This remover of obstacles then had his cut his head off by Shiva. For 10 points, name this son of Parvati who thus acquired an elephant's head.;;Ganesh(a) (Vinayaka)|Vigneshwara Philosophy;;One section of this work says that covenants formed with God are meaningless. It says that sense is simply objects pressing on objects, and explains a laundry-list of human emotions in the chapters "Of sense" and "Of the interior beginnings of voluntary motions". The first part of the work, "Of man," proposes several laws of nature which show that, although man desires peace, the desire for power results in a constant state of war with other men. The second part is "Of commonwealth," while the last part describes the "Kingdom of Darkness". For 10 points, text advocating an absolute monarchy, a work of Thomas Hobbes.;;(The) Leviathan|(the) (Matter,) (Forme) (and) (Power) (of) (a) (Common) (Wealth) (Ecclesiasticall) (and) (Civil) Biology;;Spin label difference NMR reveals that its trans-membrane helices on 218 and 248 fold back on themselves and John Walker proposed that its configuration changes like a gun barrel upon binding of its substrate. Its gamma and epsilon subunits are found in concentric layers and rotate when protons enter and it is divided into P, F, V, and ABC subtypes. Its CF1 section sticks into the matrix and Paul Boyer discovered that is has F0 and F1 subunits. For 10 points, name this protein that uses the proton gradient generated by the electron transport chain to phosporylate ADP, making the namesake energy currency of the cell.;;ATP synthase|ATPase World History;;The Chronicle of Morea details the history of Greece following this event, and the Duchy of Athens was one of the states created in its wake. Foulques de Neuilly called for it, Thibaut of Champagne was its first leader, and Geoffroi de Villehardouin chronicled one of its acts, for which Pope John Paul II issued a formal apology in 2004. The Venetians' demand to be paid in advance for assembling the fleet may have contributed to the decision of the participants to violate Pope Innocent III's bar against attacks on other Christian states. For 10 points, name this crusade launched in 1202, which sacked Zara and Constantinople and never reached the Holy Land.;;fourth (crusade) World Literature;;A passenger on the Saturne realizes that this man is still borrowing copies of Gradus ad Parnassum and Historia Naturalis. This nineteen-year-old is described as "an untamed and vernacular Zarathustra", and he is disturbed that a dog seen from the profile has the same name as a dog seen from the front. The narrator first meets him on February 7, 1884, on his way back from San Francisco. In three wine glasses this man can see "all the shoots, clusters, and grapes of the vine;" his extraordinary talents can be traced to the "rainy afternoon" when he fell from a horse near his town of Fray Bentos. For 10 points, name this "Memorious" title character of a Jorge Luis Borges short story.;;(Ireneo) Funes (the) (Memorious) Art;;One of his works shows a man sitting on a lion-headed saddle with a rapier, fending off unseen attackers as his horse moves in the other direction. His Mounted Officer of the Imperial Guard was imitated by Delacroix in The Massacre at Chios. This student of Carle Vernet and Pierre Guerin drew Charging Chasseur and Wounded Cuirassier before executing paintings for Dr. Georget. This creator of Race for the Derby at Epsom depicted a kidnapper, a gambling maniac, and a kleptomaniac, all members of the insane asylum. For 10 points, name this French painter who researched a shipwreck off West Africa for The Raft of the Medusa.;;(Theodore) Gericault Geography;;"Eco-tourism" sites in this country include Lanbi Kyun in the Mergui archipelago off the southern tip and its biodiverse Inle Lake, where the Intha people row boats using one leg on an oar. While it is the world's leading supplier in teak, numbers have been dwindling, and a type of dolphin named for a river in this country is endangered. Minority groups such as the Mon, Rakhine, and Karen are found in this country, whose nominal capital is now Naypyidaw following a 2005 decree of its government. For 10 points, what is this country on the Irrawaddy, surrounded by China, India, and Thailand, whose major cities include Mandalay and Yangon?;;Myanmar|Burma European Literature;;In this work, the fugitive Altamira remarks on the paradoxical cruelty of the French. The protagonist meets the British philosopher Philip Vane, who tells him "the idea most useful to tyrants is that of God". When Elisa is rejected, she confesses to Chelan, causing the townspeople of Verrieres to grow suspicious. Unable to put up with Besan?on, the protagonist of this novel is introduced by Father Pirard to de la Mole and seduces Mathilde. Before they can marry, a letter from the wife of mayor de Renal reveals him as a rake, so he decides to shoot her. For 10 points, name this novel about a man who aspires to be Napoleon named Julien Sorel, a colorful work by Stendhal.;;(Le) rouge et le noir|(The) Red and the Black|Scarlet and Black Art;;Some bicyclists objected to its installation, though the location where it was built prohibits bicycling. Despite an eleven million dollar gap between its price and itemized expenses, this work was completed and uses twenty-foot tall sculptures, ranging from six to eighteen feet wide, including the oft-stolen portion in front of the Delacorte Theater. Covering twenty-three miles, it uses over seven thousand saffron flags and debuted in February 2005 in Central Park. For 10 points, name this art installation by Christo.;;(The) Gates British Literature;;This work's second section opens with the line "In my beginning is my end," while its first section opens with a reflection on time and roses, as well as a pool filled with sunlight. The last section takes its name from a lay community frequented by Charles I, and the first section takes its name from a burned-down English manor. Written after its author's baptism in the Church of England, its third section takes its name from a group of rocks off the English coast, "The Dry Salvages". It also includes the sections "Burnt Norton," "East Coker," and "Little Gidding". For 10 points, name this musically titled cycle of poems by T. S. Eliot.;;Four Quartets Art;;He developed a plan to convert the city of Lucca into an island, and he designed what is now the Scholar's Rotunda as a central octagon with sixteen-sided exterior at Santa Maria degli Angeli. Various shapes disappear in a systematic way when looking down the nave of his San Lorenzo basilica, and he designed the facade of the Foundling Hospital. He won a notable commission and showed that an armature would not be needed by using a herringbone pattern between eight primary ribs. For 10 points, name this early Renaissance architect who lost the competition for the Florence Baptistry doors but won the design for the dome of the Florence Cathedral.;;(Filippo) Brunelleschi Biology;;One form of it includes an omega subunit that helps in its assembly and may provide a chaperone effect for its binding beta prime subunit. The cofactor greA can increase its cleavage ability. In prokaryotes, it can bind to the Pribnow box, and the cessation of its activity is often associated with rho factor, after being initiated with the binding of sigma factor to make the holoenzyme. In eukaryotes, type two binds to factors recruited by a protein that binds the minor groove in the TATA box. For 10 points, name this enzyme responsible for transcription that makes a copy of its namesake substance from a DNA template.;;RNA polymerase Economics;;One of this group's prominent members published his views in works such as "Explication of the Economic Picture" and "The Friend of Mankind," which was strongly influenced by the work of Richard Cantillon. Their model of cash flow and support for a single tax may have been based on blood flow, as its leader was a physician who proposed a division among proprietary, sterile, and productive classes, the latter consisting of farmers, in his Tableau Economique. For 10 points, name this group of economists who held that land was the source of wealth, which included Le Trosne, the Marquis de Mirabeau, and its founder, Francois Quesnay.;;physiocrat(s) European History;;After she barely survived smallpox, she promulgated a general inoculation policy, and this female ruler also regulated the payment for peasant labor via the Robot Patent. The last major conflict during her rule was ended by the Congress of Teschen, and her husband had to give up Lorraine to marry her. She changed her country's allegiance from Britain to France prior to a conflict which kept Silesia in the hands of Prussia, which had invaded it to contest the wishes of her father, Charles VI. For 10 points, name this Holy Roman empress whose reign was secured by the Pragmatic Sanction and the succeeding War of Austrian Succession.;;Maria Theresa American Literature;;One of his early works follows Claire Boltwood on a car trip from New York to Seattle, and another sees Una Golden move to New York to become a commercial real estate agent and marry Edward Schwirtz. Besides Free Air and The Job, he wrote a novel featuring the travails of journalist Doremus Jessup against the fascist regime of president Buzz Windrip, It Can't Happen Here. His novel Dodsworth is set in the town of Zenith, the same setting as a novel in which boosters like Vergil Gunch strongly influence the titular realtor, and he also created the town of Gopher Prairie, home of Carol Kennicott. For 10 points, name this author of Babbitt and Main Street.;;(Sinclair) Lewis Physics;;A model of it can be extended into the 4-dimensional Coleman-Weinberg model, and a value of one over the square root of two for the model's namesake parameter separates two classes of it. The discovery of the isotope effect in mercury provided experimental evidence for another theory of this phenomenon and the ratio of the coherence length to penetration depth is the basis of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. Phonon exchange with the crystal lattice condenses two electrons into a Cooper pair in the model that explains the Meissner effect, known as the BCS theory. For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which a material has no electrical resistance.;;superconductivity (word) (forms) United States History;;They were a strong influence of the March First Movement in Korea, and they were recommended by a group known as the Inquiry, which included Walter Lippmann and Colonel Edward House. First enunciated before a joint session of the US Congress, they advocated an "absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims" and the readjustment of Italian borders, while the last one proposed a group strongly opposed by the likes of Henry Cabot Lodge. For 10 points, name this agenda, which focused on national self-determination and the establishment of the League of Nations, proposed by Woodrow Wilson during World War I.;;Fourteen Points European Literature;;Its third book opens with the description of a temple adorned with pictures of the victories of Augustus. Its last book includes an epyllion about the efforts of Aristaeus to regain lost bees. Its third book describes a plague in southern Italy, and its first book ends with a series of bad omens foreshadowing the death of Julius Caesar. Its first book also notes that one can determine the quality of a soil by taste, and its third gives advice on the raising of livestock. Its second book discusses the care of trees and viticulture, and its last book apiculture. Ending with an allusion to its author's Eclogues, for 10 points, identify this four-book poem about farming, written by Virgil.;;(The) Georgics|Georgicon World History;;In a ten year span, he held eleven different cabinet posts, including Minister of Veterans and War Victims and Delegate to the Council of Europe. He allegedly falsified health reports to hide his fatal cancer for fifteen years. In his most powerful position, he appointed Edith Cresson as the first woman prime minister, a post earlier held under him by Pierre Mauroy and later by Edouard Balladur. During a period known as "cohabitation," this Socialist shared power with the prime minister later succeeded him as President, Jacques Chirac. For 10 points, name this President of France from 1981 to 1995.;;(François) Mitterrand Geography;;This body of water contains the beginning of the Ninetyeast Ridge. The Coromandel Coast runs along it, and Sagar Island is found just off the coast of its namesake land region. The only notable island chains are found in its east, where the Nicobar Islands are joined in a union territory with the islands naming the sea to its east, the Andaman Islands. Connected to the Gulf of Mannar by the Palk Strait, its major ports include Trincomalee, Chittagong, and Chennai, and it receives the waters of the Cooum, Kavari, and Brahmaputra. For 10 points, name this body of water stretching south to the Indian Ocean between Sri Lanka and Sumatra, which lies east of India.;;Bay of Bengal Philosophy;;This philosopher used a pair of shoes from a van Gogh painting to distinguish real things from art in his The Origin of the Work of Art, and he defined "enframing" as the essence of the title entity in The Question Concerning Technology. His thought underwent "the turn" shortly after works like "What is Metaphysics"? signaled his split from his mentor at Freiburg, who was the dedicatee of his first major work, which uses existence, thrownness, and fallenness to describe the temporality of the existence that he called dasein, or "being-there". For 10 points, name this one-time assistant to Husserl, a Nazi-sympathizing forerunner of existentialism and author of Being and Time.;;(Martin) Heidegger Geology;;This region is the target of the current Chikyu Hakken mission. Lehmann and Hales discovered eponymous points of change within it, and a recent experiment refuted the thought that its D double prime layer, the source of a change in anisotropy named for Gutenberg, consists of post-perovskite. Heat rising as diapirs may create notable features within it that creates flood basalt upon decompression melting and are known as its namesake plumes. The Moho discontinuity is the upper boundary of, for 10 points, what layer of the earth above the outer core and below the crust.;;mantle World History;;This ruler adopted a name meaning "conqueror of the world," and he expanded his territory to the south through the conquest of the kingdoms of Bijapur and Golconda. He restored the long-abandoned jizyah tax and executed Tegh Bahadur, alienating many Sikhs, who began a long rebellion against his rule. The port city of Surat was twice sacked by his rival Sivaji, chief of the Marathas, who were instrumental in weakening his power after he expanded his empire to its greatest reach. As a child, he was held hostage by Jahangir after an attempted rebellion by his father, Shah Jahan. For 10 points, name this last "great" Mughal Emperor, who reigned from 1658 to 1707.;;Aurangzeb|Alamgir I|Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad Mythology;;In Sparta, she had the epithets "the Avenger" and "the Black One". Triptolemus was her first priest, and she had the lover Iasion, to whom she bore Plutus. The Haloa festival was celebrated in her honor, as was the Thesmophoria. She is the addressee of one of the longest Homeric Hymns, which describes her role in the creation of the Eleusinian mysteries. A sister of Zeus but not an Olympian, she is sometimes depicted riding a chariot pulled by dragons. The Chloia was dedicated to her in her role as "the green," the bringer of vegetation. For 10 points, identify this Greek goddess of grain and mother of Persephone.;;Demeter British Literature;;This author's first work began as a letter to his nephew Thomas and was then expanded into The Apprentice's Vade Mecum. Several women, including Clementina and Emily, romantically pursue the title character, who falls in love with Harriet Byron after rescuing her from Hargrave Pollexfen, in his work Sir Charles Grandison. In another work, Colonel Morden kills Robert Lovelace, the suitor-turned-rapist of the titular character, who earlier refused to marry Mr. Solmes. Another of his heroines is kidnapped by but later marries Mr. B. For 10 points, name this author of the longest novel in English and a novel parodied twice by Henry Fielding, the epistolaries Clarissa and Pamela.;;(Samuel) Richardson Art;;In a Lucas Cranach the Younger painting by this name, the central figure wears a suit of armor and raises his helmet's visor to look toward the red-caped figure in the top left. In Michelangelo's version, the main figure is supported by a man in yellow as he lies on the ground, holding his head, while others look up in terror. In another version, there is no choir of angels or figure of Christ, but only a bright light from above not seen by the servant or large horse that stands over the title figure, who lies on his back and reaches up. For 10 points, name this Caravaggio work depicting the blinding that led to the transformation of an epistle-writing apostle.;;(The) Conversion (of) (Saint) Paul (The) Conversion of Saul Physics;;They can be summed in a pair-wise fashion to create the generalized Hamaker theory. In addition to contributions from ionic double layers, they comprise a major part of DLVO theory, and they are the source of the term raised to the sixth power in the Lennard-Jones potential. Recent studies have developed carbon nanotube hairs able to exploit them in a manner similar to geckos, which use them to stick to surfaces. They include permanent, induced, and transient interactions, the latter known as London dispersion. For 10 points, name these general intermolecular forces, named for a Dutch scientist.;;van der Waals (forces);;London (dispersion) (forces) European Literature;;He visits a shadowy group known as the "Mothers" in Act I of a certain play, and takes up land reclamation in Act V. He helps out the finances of the Holy Roman Emperor by introducing a system of paper money backed by undiscovered buried treasure, and also helps the emperor win a battle. A homunculus is created on Walpurgisnacht in a play about this man, who fathers Euphorian with a woman he conjured, Helen of Troy. For 10 points, identify this title character of a two-part play, a German alchemist who sells his soul to the devil in the dramatic magnum opus of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe GERR-tuh.;;Faust European History;;One ruler of this house died after falling off his horse while torching Mantes. The third ruler of this house, known as the Lion of Justice, defeated his oldest brother at the Battle of Tinchebray after succeeding another older brother, who replaced Lanfranc with Anselm as archbishop and stopped an invasion by Malcolm III. A period known as The Anarchy followed the ascension of its last ruler, who also belong to the "House of Blois" and battled Matilda for the throne before agreeing that her son Henry of Anjou would succeed him, starting the Plantagenet line. For 10 points, name this English royal house including Henry I, William Rufus, and William the Conqueror.;;Norman (house/dynasty)|(House) (of) Normandy Mythology;;In one story he accidentally makes love to his sister after his nemesis gives him a potion that turns out to be alcohol. His twin is a dog-like figure who journeys with him into Mictlan to retrieve some bones, with which this god creates humanity. In another story he discovers corn by turning into an ant, and then makes a crack in a mountain so people can use it. After seeing himself in a mirror held by Tezcatlipoca, he immolates himself only to be reborn as the morning star. For 10 points, name this Aztec god known as the Feathered Serpent.;;Quetzalcoatl American Literature;;Glen McCloud has compared this poem to Marcel Duchamp's Fountain, while Roy Pearce identifies the inspiration for this poem as an object with the words "special" and "made in Canada" embossed on it, a "Dominion wide mouth" model. It first appeared between "Bantams in Pine-Woods" and "Palace of the Babies," and it describes the title object as "gray and bare" and "tall and of a port in air". The title object "took dominion every where" and "did not give of bird or bush" after the speaker attracted the "slovenly wilderness" around a hill by placing the title object on the ground in Tennessee. For 10 points, name this poem by Wallace Stevens about a food vessel.;;Anecdote of the Jar Art;;One of its creators claimed that, at its premiere, he filled his pockets with rocks to throw at the audience. The concept arose from a dream in which a cloud slices the moon in half. Eight years after the first scene takes place, a transvestite nun played by one of the creators falls dead while riding a bicycle. A woman defends herself from a sexual assault with a tennis-racket in this film, which also includes scenes of ants crawling from a man's hand and a man pulling a piano loaded down with two priests and a dead donkey. For 10 points, name this film in which a woman randomly has her eye sliced open by a razor, a surrealist work by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali.;;("Un) Chien Andalou(")|("an) Andalusian dog(") Art;;320 entities of this name, including 20 deluxe editions, were produced by Rrose Sélavy and contained 93 facsimile reproductions of notes, drawings, and photographs. The more famous entity of this name depicts "malic" molds that the creator claimed were "the projection of the main points of a three-dimensional body". These nine figures are aided by a series of sieves filled with dust and a coffee grinder in performing the titular action upon a figure in the upper part, whose sexual fulfillment is symbolized by a pink cloud. For 10 points, name this artistic work that depicts dressmaker's models denuding a strange female mechanical figure, a work by Marcel Duchamp.;;(The) Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even|(The) Large Glass;;(the) Green Box British Literature;;The narrator of this poem mentions how brightly the deeds of one group "might have danced in a green bay". The narrator extols men whose "blind eyes could be blaze like meteors" despite being "near death" because they "see with blinding sight". The narrator claims that even "wise men" heed his advice after realizing that "their words had forked no lightning". In addition to the wise, good men, wild men, and grave men all recognize that "old age should burn at close of day". For 10 points, name this villanelle in which the narrator urges his father to "rage, rage against the dying of the light," written by Dylan Thomas.;;Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Religion;;In a Nickolas Poussin painting, it can be seen destroying a statue of a dragon. According to one hadith, the Mahdi will remove it from Lake Tiberias during the end times. A man named Uzzah supposedly died while trying to correct the transport of this and a son of Solomon steals this object in Kebra Nagast, the national epic of Ethiopia. According to Exodus, a pure gold mercy seat rested on top of it and was used for sacrifices on Yom Kippur. For 10 points, name this Old Testament object which contained some mana, Aaron's staff and the Ten Commandments.;;(the) Ark (of) (the) (Covenant)|aron habrit World Literature;;The author wrote essays to accompany the photography of David Goldblatt in her the collection "On the Mines". Sonny tries to attend to his family and his upholstery business but gets drawn to the underground movement in this wrtier's My Son's Story, and in Adamson, Mwete receives power but abuses it in her novel A Guest of Honor. She wrote about Maureen Smales abandoning her family in another novel, while a man buys 400 acres to have a rendeszvous spot with his mistress in another work. For 10 points, name this author who created Rosa, the child of anti-apartheid activists, in Burgher's Daughter and also wrote July's People and The Conservationist.;;(Nadine) Gordimer Physics;;Variables from the Kompaneets equation can be transformed to its namesake y-parameter. The inverse of this effect causes the intensity of CMB radiation to be distorted when measured in the direction of a cluster of galaxies, which is known as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, and the quantum mechanical version of its cross section can be described by the Klein-Nishina formula. Discovered by using a molybdenum target, a graphite block, and a Bragg spectrometer with a calcite crystal, it is equal to the Thomas variety in non-relativistic cases. For 10 points, name this effect associated with the scattering of x rays by free electrons.;;Compton (effect/scattering) Chemistry;;The Bamberger rearrangement creates the aminated type of these compounds. The sodium salt of one of these compounds reacts under high pressure with carbon dioxide in the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction, and an aryl ester is promoted to a ring-acylated derivative of this type of compound in the Fries rearrangement. This class of compounds is created along with acetone in the cumene process and methylated versions of them with a pKa of approximately nine are known as cresols. For 10 points, name this class whose parent compound, which was used by Joseph Lister as a surgical antiseptic, is also known as hydroxybeneze.;;phenol(s) benzenol(s|)|carbolic acid(s) Math Theory;;Schopenhauer discussed various attempts to prove it and claimed it's a "synthetic proposition a priori". Klügel's doctoral thesis sought to demonstrate flaws in 28 proofs of it, and Beltrami showed that no proof was possible. A stronger form was developed by Playfair and Brodie that showed it was equivalent to the Pythagorean theorem. Abandoned by Bolyai and Lobachevsky in their independent development of hyperbolic geometry, it was also discarded in an elliptical geometry developed by Riemann. For 10 points,, give this axiom of geometry proposed by Euclid involving non-intersecting lines.;;parallel (postulate)|(Euclid's) Fifth (postulate) Music;;The first references the creator's wife, Alice, while the last is dedicated to Edoo. Although another bears the initials of the organist at Hereford Cathedral, George Sinclair, it is believed to have been inspired by Dan, Sinclair's bulldog, as he paddles about in the River Wye. The ninth, which allegedly captures a conversation between the creator and A. J. Jaeger concerning Beethoven's slow movements, is entitled Nimrod. The counterpoint to the central theme of the work has could be Rule Britannica or Auld Lang Syne. For 10 points, name this orchestral work which represents how fourteen individuals might play a certain piano piece, written by Edward Elgar.;;(the) Enigma Variations|Variations on an Original Theme for orchestra(,) (Op.) (36) Biology;;It lies within a saddle-like depression of the sphenoid bone known as the sella turcica. One of its regions develops from Rathke's pouch while another arises from neuroectoderm of the diencephalon. That region contains neurosecretroy neurons with cells bodies located in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of a superior structure. Cortiotropes and gonadotropes can be found within its pars distalis while its secretions include ACTH, somatotropin, FSH, and LH. Composed of the adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis, for 10 points, name this structure located below the hypothalamus that is divided into an anterior and posterior lobe.;;Pituitary (gland)|hypophysis Geography;;This country once had both an ordinary Communist party and a "national communist" group known as the Murba. In this country, General Nasution escaped the murder of six of his colleagues by the September Movement, which led to the fall of a man who thought the world was divided into "Nefos" and "Oldefos" and ruled through the "Guided Democracy" program. The new ruler skimmed money from the Pertamina oil concern and instituted a "New Order," which included seizing a Portugese colony. For 10 points, name this country long ruled by Sukarno and Suharto, an archipelago which contains the world's largest Muslim population.;;(Republic) (of) Indonesia United States History;;Richard King and "Shanghai" Pierce were some of the notable people who used it regularly, while the Pryor Brothers took a large commission to use it in 1884. It was first used in 1867 by O.W. Wheeler, and at its peak it ended at Joseph McCoy's depot, which linked to the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Its terminus was chosen as the most convenient point outside of the quarantine area declared to fight "Texas fever," and its southern portion followed the same route as the Shawnee Trail. It took three months for a thirteen-man crew to transverse, with 2500 units to sell at the end. For 10 points, name this cattle-drive route extending from the San Antonio area to Abilene, Kansas.;;Chisholm (Trail) American Literature;;This story is framed by the narrator receiving a letter with a photo of an African man holding a statue. That leads him to recall meeting the protagonist of the work after she had climbed up the fire escape into his room to escape a drunken date. Beginning "I am always drawn back to places I have lived," this novel reveals that the protagonist took a new name after becoming the child bride of a veterinarian and was born Lula Mae Barnes. After being abandoned by José, the main character flies to Brazil, abandoning the title New York jewelry store. For 10 points, name this novel about Holly Golightly by Truman Capote.;;Breakfast at Tiffany's Geography;;The Bahnar and Sedang groups are some of the "Montagnards" who live in the hills of this country, which was the birthplace of the secret society known as the Hoa Hao. Descendants of immigrants often live in Cholon, and its highest areas may be found near the Clear River. A notable museum here is the Cercle Sportif, while a refugee movement from this country in the 1970s was the origin of the term "boat people". Its large cities include Hua and a capital found on the Red River. For 10 points, name this country which also includes the Mekong River, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the city of Hanoi.;;Vietnam Philosophy;;At the end of his major work, he endorses the use of broad intellectual fields such as anthropology in place of the title approach, and says that Jacque Berke, Roger Owen, and Clifford Geertz are some authors who get it right. Susan Fraiman took this author to task for calling Mansfield Park a pro-colonialist work in his own study Culture and Imperialism. Sylvestre de Sacy and Edward Lane are some of the people he lambasts in another book, and he frequently refers to Hamilton Gibb, a Harvard professor who asserted that a certain group of people are incapable of thought. For 10 points, name this writer who attacked the way the Middle East is studied in his book Orientalism.;;(Edward) Said Geology;;In 2003, Wickramasinghe suggested that the SARS virus could have originated from here, and Paul Crutzen has suggested injecting sulfate particles into this location, which transports water vapor out via the Brewer-Dobson cycle. Home to horizontal wind currents and nacreous clouds, it was discovered by Léon Teisserenc de Bort, who noted its temperature increases with increase of altitude. For 10 points, name this region of the atmosphere situated between 5 and 30 miles above the surface, located above the troposphere and below the mesosphere, and home to the ozone layer.;;stratosphere United States History;;One of this President's Supreme Court nominees wrote decisions overturning laws against teaching German and requiring that all children attend public schools in the Meyer and Pierce cases. That man was his former Attorney General, James McReynolds. McReynolds prevented an official photo of the Court from being taken because he refused to sit next to a Jew, namely another one of this President's nominees, Louis Brandeis. His third Court appointment, John Clarke, replaced Charles Evans Hughes, who resigned to run against this man in 1916. For 10 points, name this President who "kept us out of war" until he didn't, the last Democratic executive before Roosevelt.;;(Thomas) (Woodrow) Wilson European History;;Don Carlos's victory at Bitonto in this war led to him becoming Charles III of Sicily. France's first ally in this war was the kingdom of Sardinia & Savoy, which helped besiege Mantua. The person who led the Confederation of Dzików had previously held the job in question under Swedish domination and was the father-in-law of Louis XV. Perhaps the most important result of the two peaces of Vienna, which ended this war, was the laying of seeds for a similar war a year later as France guaranteed the Pragmatic Sanction. For 10 points, name this conflict in which Frederick Augustus of Saxony and Stanislaw Leszczynski vied for a European crown.;;(War) (of) (the) Polish Succession