HMC Study Abroad as a CS Major

When you should go

CS majors typically study abroad in the fall or spring of their Junior year. Note that, in the example schedule described later, one could easily swap the Junior Fall and Spring semester schedules.

Some places CS majors have studied abroad recently

Department rules for transferring credit

For further advice

See Professor Belinda Thom (, a member of the Study Abroad Committee.

An example plan for Study Abroad in Junior year

Important Note: If you wish to travel abroad in the Spring instead of the Fall of your Junior year, those semesters' classes are interchangable.

Freshman Fall Units Spring Units
Chem 21 and 254Chem 22 and 264
Phys 232Phys 24 and 284
Math 11 and 124Math 13 and 143
CS 53CS 603
Hum 14Hum 23
Sophomore Fall Units Spring Units
E 59 Baby Stems3CS 703
Math 61 and 623Math 63 and 643
Phys 51 and 534Hum/Soc #13
Bio 523CS 813
Math 553Hum/Soc #23
Junior Fall - STUDY ABROAD! Units Spring Units
CS Elective #13CS 1053
CS Elective #23CS 1213
Hum/Soc #33Hum/Soc #63
Hum/Soc #43IE course3
Hum/Soc #53Free elective3
Seminar0CS 194 (Colloq)0
Senior Fall Units Spring Units
Clinic (CS 183)3Clinic (CS 184)3
CS 1403CS 1313
Hum/Soc #73Hum/Soc #93
Hum/Soc #83Hum/Soc #103
CS Elective #33Free Elective3
Free Elective3
CS 195 (Colloq)0CS 196 (Colloq)0

Note: This plan accommodates the CS Precedence Diagram and sums up to 128 units.

Upon your return

We would love to learn more about your study abroad, both in terms of academic insights, as well as cultural and personal ones. We ask that you meet with some of our faculty -- informally of course -- after you return. During this time, you can share your wealth of experiences with us, e.g. We'd also like to encourage you to write-up a brief essay on your experience so that we can share this with CS students who will consider studying abroad in the future. If you chose to do so, this will qualify as one of the seminars/talks required for colloquia transfer credit.

Last modified: Thu Sep 11 19:26:58 Pacific Daylight Time 2003