EmailAddress: fletchersa at
Room: TAH C 608
SuiteMates?: A molecular biologist who spends enough time in lab that she might as well live there instead.
- Graduated as a MathMajor in 2009 and is currently at Georgia Tech in the ACO program through the School of Mathematics.
- Lived in Long Beach, Mississippi; Eagle, Colorado; Daphne, Alabama; Kaneohe, Hawaii; Austin, Texas; Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Vacaville, California; Loveland, Colorado; and Waldorf, Maryland prior to arriving at Mudd. As such she claims to have no hometown.
- Spent the Fall 2007 semester in BudapestHungary? through the BudapestSemestersInMathematics? program. She thinks that StudyAbroad programs are wonderful things and that more Mudders should StudyAbroad. She had a travel blog at It was even updated fairly regularly. In summer 2008 she started updating it again ~weekly by popular request from her family... In fall 2008 she tried to continue updating it and failed. It continued to fail for sometime, but currently gets sporadic updates, either with random pictures she has take or food related things.
- Was one of two members of the four dimensional SuiteBaking?, along with AliLee.
- Absolutely loves the Canada/USA Mathcamp and was a JC there in the summers of 2006 and 2007 and has been back to visit every year since.
- Never, ever starts stories with the phrase "At Mathcamp..."
- Was dubbed Robin (aka dorm math tutor) and is still happy to answer math questions.
- Was a member of TimeSuckX with HeatherJustice, LindsayTice, NancyEisenmenger for the 2006-2007 year
- EasilyDistracted?
- Prone to making GiantStuffedAnimals? out of ChickenWire?, fabric and DuctTape. (See RhinoceRose and AdvectionWhale?).
- Was in charge of roll and pie creation for EastieThanksgiving05 and made 6 pies and several dozen crescent rolls.
- Organized a Thanksgiving feast in Budapest. This involved making pumpkin pie out of a squash that was not pumpkin, carrying a large tub of crescent rolls through the Budapest metro and other such exciting adventures.
Sarah has decided that that the
ReciPes page, while a good thing, has gotten cluttered and hard to use, so she has decided to make an
EastDormCookbook page to organize and sort the recipes. This is an on going project.
Collection of Quotes from Budapest Professors
- Set Theory
- Showing that something does not exist is harder. It requires you to actually be smart.
- I (the index set) can be larger than larger than infinite.
- From now on whenever we use the cartesian product you can ask "which one?"
Schedule for Spring 2009:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8:10 | | | | | |
9:35 | | | | | |
10:00 | | | | | |
11:00 | AlgebraicGeometry? | ThesisSeminar? | AlgebraicGeometry? | | |
12:00 | | | | | |
13:15 | LiteraryMoonwalkers? | | LiteraryMoonwalkers? | | HikingPE? |
14:45 | LanguageInTheField? | Topology | LanguageInTheField? | Topology | |
16:15 | ThesisMeeting? | | | | |
Schedule for Fall 2008:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8:10 | | | | | |
9:35 | | AnalysisII? | | AnalysisII? | |
10:00 | | ThesisSeminar? | | | |
11:00 | | | | | |
12:00 | | | | | |
13:15 | IntroLinguistics? | AppliedAnalysis? | IntroLinguistics? | AppliedAnalysis? | |
14:45 | ThesisMeeting? | | | | |
16:15 | | | | | |
Late | | PutnamSeminar? | DickensHardy? | | |
Graded and tutored for AlgebraI? .
Summer 2008:
- Graded for the first session of summer math - specifically, graded the ProbStat? quizzes and the MultiV? hw, to the great confusion of many of the frosh
- Researching zero divisor graphs at an REU in Springfield, MO.
Schedule for Spring 2008:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8:10 | | | | | |
9:00 | | Swimming | | Swimming | |
10:00 | GaloisTheory? | | GaloisTheory? | | GaloisTheory? |
11:00 | Econ150?* | | Econ150?* | | Econ150? |
12:00 | | | | | |
13:15 | IntermediateProbability? | | IntermediateProbability? | | ShakeSpeare? |
14:45 | | FoodAndAmericanCulture? | | | |
16:15 | MathForum? | | MathColloquium? | | |
She is also grading AnalysisI?.
- Econ150? is the PoliticalEconomyOfHigherEducation?. It is an on campus Social Science class that counts as an IE. This is the main reason she started taking it. As it turns out it was a really cool class. As a result of the final paper she now knows a LOT about the current state of study abroad and international studies in America.
Schedule for Fall 2007:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8:15 -10:00 | | | | Conjecture and Proof | Set Theory |
10:15-12:00 | | Conjecture and Proof | Set Theory | | Topics in Geometry |
12:15-14:00 | Topics in Geometry | | | | |
14:15-16:00 | Geometric Graph Theory | Hungarian Language | Geometric Graph Theory | | |
16:00-17:00 | | Hungarian Language | | | |
Time to get from my apartment to class: at least 30 min, assuming the bus is on time and there is little traffic
Summer 2007
- May 14 - July 8: Back in Maryland with the family
- July 8 - August 15: Mathcamp! (Colby College)
Schedule for Spring 2007:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8:10 | | STEMs Lecture | | STEMS Lecture | |
9:00 | CoreMath? | | CoreMath? | | STEMs Recitation |
10:00 | AbstractAlgebraII? | | AbstractAlgebraII? | | Abstract Algebra |
11:00 | GraphTheory? | | GraphTheory? | | GraphTheory? |
12:00 | | | | | |
13:15 | Analysis | | Analysis | | PostApartheidNarratives? |
She was also a CS81 grutor
Schedule for Fall 2006:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8:00 am | | Physics Lecture | | Physics Lecture | |
9:00 am | Intermediate Latin | Bio Recitation | Intermediate Latin | | Intermediate Latin |
10:00 am | MultiVII | | MultiVII | | MultiVII |
11:00 am | Bio Lecture | | Bio Lecture | | |
| | | | | |
12:40 pm | | | | | Physics Lab |
1:15 pm | AbstractAlgebra? | | AbstractAlgebra? | | |
2:45 pm | Physics Recitation | Computability and Logic | Physics Recitation | Computability and Logic | |
She was also a grutor for the new CS5.
Summer 2006
- May 15-22: Home with family
- May 22-June 29 : On campus (South 352C) working with Prof Benjamin
- June 29 - August 9 : MATHCAMP!!!!
- August 9 Back at Mudd and inhabiting TimeSuck.
Schedule for Spring 2006:
| Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
8-8:50am | FroshChem | | FroshChem | | FroshChem |
9-9:50am | DiffEqs? / MultiV? | Physics Lecture | DiffEqs? / MultiV? | Physics Lecture | DiffEqs? / MultiV? |
10-10:50am | Physics Recitation | | Physics Recitation | | |
11-12:15am | Building Community(Hum2) | Fitness | Building Community (Hum2) | Fitness | |
| | | | | |
12:40-2:40pm | | | | | PhysicsLab? |
1:15-2:30pm | ChemLab? | Discrete | | Discrete | |
2:30-5:15pm | more ChemLab? | | | | |
- She is also grutoring for CS60
She does not know what else should be on her page, feel free to add to it.