
Difference (from prior minor revision) (major diff)

Changed: 34c34
|RyanWaldman? ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦James White |
|SophieWaldman?¦ ¦ ¦ ¦James White |

See also: EastieMap/2009-2010,EastieMap/2008-2009,EastieMap/2007-2008,EastieMap/2006-2007,EastieMap/2005-2006, EastieMap/2004-2005


First Floor

 +=============+                                                                 +=============+
 |             |                                                                 |             |
 |     EDC     |                          LOUNGE TROLL                           |   LAUNDRY   |
 |   STORAGE   +=================================================================+             |
 |                   ¦  120   ¦  124   ¦  128   ¦  127   ¦  123   ¦  119   ¦                   |
 |-------------+     ¦ Jeffrey¦Benjamin¦Jacob   ¦Scott   ¦Karen   ¦Sonja   ¦     +-------------|
 |  116        ¦     ¦  Wong  ¦Freeland¦Scott   ¦Almond  ¦Gragg   ¦Bohr    ¦     ¦  115        |         
 |JayJonsson   ¦     +----   ---   -----  +-----------+  -----   ---   ----+     ¦SusanTan      |
 |JessicaStreitz                                                                  ZeweiWang    | 
 |-------------¦                                                                 ¦-------------| 
 |  114              ----------+  +------+             +------   ---   ----+        113        | 
 |AllisonCard  ¦      [[[[[[[[[¦  ¦ WC ¦                 ¦  125   ¦  121   ¦     ¦LaurenNishizaki 
 |AlexaKeizur  ¦     ----------+  +----¦                 ¦Michelle¦Alexa   ¦     ¦KatyAnderson | 
 |-------------¦        122   ¦  126   ¦      LOUNGE     ¦Seguin  ¦Serrato ¦     ¦-------------| 
 |  112        ¦     ¦Jenni   ¦William ¦      Stumpy     ¦Por Kata¦Sidra   ¦     ¦  111        |
 |TrevorApple  ¦     ¦Rinker  ¦Grabill ¦      Momar      ¦nutanon ¦Hussain ¦     ¦SamGutekunst |
 |RyanTakahashi      ¦======================   ===   ======================¦      JoshuaVazquez|
 |-------------¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦-------------|
 |  110              ¦                                                     ¦        109        |
 |AnakYodpinyanee    ¦                                                     ¦     ¦LeifGaebler  |
 |SophieWaldman¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦James White  |
 |-------------¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦-------------|
 |  108        ¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦  107        |
 |MaryStimson  ¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦____________ |
 |BerylEgerter       ¦                                                     ¦      KarenBeaty   |
 |-------------¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦-------------|
 |  106              ¦                                                     ¦        105        |
 |PaulRiggins  ¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦KathrynLingel|
 |AaronPribadi ¦     ¦                                                     ¦EmilyMyers-Stanhope|
 |-------------¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦-------------|
 |  104        ¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦  103        |
 |CarlingSugarman    ¦                                                     ¦     ¦JohnGrasel   |
 |MadelineGoldkamp   ¦                                                     ¦      JohnBremseth |
 |-------------¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦-------------|
 |  102              ¦                                                     ¦        101        |
 |AricHunter   ¦     ¦                                                     ¦     ¦CarloVaccari |
 |DavidLingenbrink   ¦                                                     ¦     ¦CoreyLoesher |
 |-------------+     ¦                                                     ¦     +-------------|
 |                                                                                             |
 |    ]]]]]]]]]                                                                   [[[[[[[[[    |
 +====================                                                     ====================+

Second Floor

 +=============+                                                                 +=============+
 |             |                                                                 |             |
 |   STORAGE   |                                                                 |   STORAGE   |
 |             +=================================================================+             |
 |                   ¦  170   ¦  174   ¦  178   ¦  177   ¦  173   ¦  169   ¦                   |
 |-------------+     ¦Sabreen ¦Madeleine Dan    ¦Ann     ¦Kristine¦Rebekah ¦     +-------------|
 |  166        ¦     ¦Lakhani ¦Ong     ¦ Moore  ¦Johnston¦ Fong   ¦Kotcon  ¦     ¦  165        |
 |StephanieLevins   +-----   ---   -----  ------------   --   -----    ----+     ¦ MeganWheeler|
 |NikkiPeck    ¦                                                                 XandaSchofield|
 |-------------¦                                                                 ¦-------------|
 |  164              +----------  + --------------------------   ---   ----+        163        |
 |ShreyashaPaudel    ¦[[[[[[[[[   ¦ NN ¦/////////////////¦  175   ¦  171   ¦     ¦JuliaKraus   |
 |DariaRydzak  ¦     +----------  +----¦//// Lounge  ////¦ Henry  ¦ Chris  ¦     ¦TheaOsinski  |
 |-------------¦        172   ¦  176   ¦////         ////¦ Hwang  ¦ Cotner ¦     ¦-------------|
 |  162        ¦     ¦Matthew ¦Chris   ¦////2nd Story////¦ Obosa  ¦ Jeff   ¦     ¦  161        |
 |MattMcDermott¦     ¦Keeter  ¦Ferguson¦/////////////////¦Obazuaye¦Hemphill¦     ¦MorganLuckey |
 |AnthonyChung ¦     |=====================================================|      RebeccaThomas|
 |-------------¦     |   PROCTOR                                           |     ¦-------------|
 |  160              |    SUITE                                            |        159        |
 |PeterFedak   ¦     |                                                     |   BriannaBlanchard|  
 |MaxKukartsev ¦     |                                                     |     ¦LizSarapata  |
 |-------------¦     |                                                     |     ¦-------------|
 |  158        ¦     |                                                     |     ¦  157        |
 |AndresMorales¦     |                                                     |     ¦AbbyGregory  |
 |AriSchumer   ¦     |                                                    AudreyMusselman-Brown|
 |-------------¦     |                                                     |     ¦-------------|
 |  156              |                                                     |        155        |
 |CalvinLoncaric     |                                                     |    NicholasKincade|
 |KevinVarela-O'Hara |                                                     |     ¦BenNormoyle  |
 |-------------¦     |                                                     |     ¦-------------|
 |  154        ¦     |                                                     |     ¦  153        |
 |BryanVisser  ¦     |                                                     |     ¦ PrivateSide | TIMESUCK
 |CoryEvans-Klock    |                                                     |                   | JessiPeck
 |-------------¦     |                                                     |     ¦-------------| SarahJohnson
 |  152              |                                                     |        151        | EllySchofield
 |KevinLeyden  ¦     |                                                     |     ¦ PublicSide  | JessHester
 |RaiFeren     ¦     |                                                     |     ¦             |
 |-------------+     |                                                     |     +-------------|
 |    [[[[[[[[[      |                                                     |      ]]]]]]]]]    |
 |                   |                                                     |                   |
 +===================+                                                     +===================+

Third Floor (Inner Dorms)

+----------------------------------+              +----------------------------------+
|                                  |              |                                  |
|                                  |              |                                  |
|                                  |              |                                  |
|                                  |              |                                  |
|                                  |              |                                  |
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|                                  |              |                                  |
|        +----------------+        |              |        +----------------+        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
+--------+                +--------+              +--------+                +--------+

+--------+                +--------+              +--------+                +--------+
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
|        |                |        |              |        |                |        |
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|        +----------------+        |              |        +----------------+        |
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+----------------------------------+              +----------------------------------+

Third Floor (Outer Dorms)

   |                                     |
   |                                     |
   |                                     |
  ++                                     ++
  |          Lots of other people         |
  |                                       |
  ++        +--+             +--+        ++
   |        |  |             |  |        |
   |        |  |             |  |        |
  ++        |  +-------------+  |        ++                                         +----------------------------+
  |         |                   |SarahLoeb                                         |                            |
  |         |                   |SkyeBerghel                                  +---+                            +--+
  |         |                   |MattRichman                                  |                                   |
  |         |                   |PatrickMeehan                                 |                                   |
  ++        |                   |KevinLau++                                    |                                   |
   |JackMa  |                   |        |                                     |    +-------------+                |
   |EricAleshire/AaronGable  +--+        |                                     +----+          +--+                |
   |BenJones   |             |           |                                                     |                   |
   |Tugboat    |             |           |                                                     |                   |
   +-----------+             +-----------+                                                     |                   |
                                                                                               |                   |
                                                                                               |                   |
                                                                                               |                   |
                                                                                               |                   |     
                                                                               +----+          +--+                |
                                                                               |    +-------------+                |
                                                                               |                                   | 
                                                                               |                                   |
                                                                               |                                   |
                                                                               +---+                            +--+
                                                                                   |                            |

SuiteNsour includes CaitlinJacques, SvenWijtmans, GwenGroover, KatieBennett, JessicaStringham, EmilyFujimoto and ManyOthers

    +------------------------------+                             +--------------------------+
    |                              |                             |                          |
 +--+            +----+            +--+                            `      Lounge Pants      +---+
 |               |    |               |                    +--       `                          |
 |             +-+    +-+             |                    |   `       `                        |
 |             |        |             |                    |     `       ` ----------+          |
 |             |        |             |                    |       `                 |          |
 |      +------+        +------+      |                    |         `               |          |
 |   +--+                      +--+   |                    |          |             |LeeWiyninger|
 |   |                            |   |                    |          |              |(2nd floor)|
 |   |                            |   |                    |          |              |          |
 |   +--+                      +--+   |                    |          |              |          |
 |      +------+        +------+      |                    |          |              |          |
 |             |        |             |                    |          +--------------+          |
 |             |        |  SuiteNSour |                    |                                    |
 |             +-+    +-+             |                    |                                    |
 |               |    |               |                    |                                    |
 +--+            +----+            +--+                    +---+                            +---+
    |                              |                           |                            |
    +------------------------------+                           +----------------------------+

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Last edited August 31, 2019 17:00 (diff)