This is a good time to do this, because its a little more than a year since the last
WikiWhore. And with people having just gradumacated, its even less likely they'll be checking Wiki. Mwahahahaha!
Remember people, minor edits! You have 24 hours. All times should be given in Pacific time.
Created: 5/16/2005 2:04 PM by NickJohnson
- 5/16/2005 2:20 PM by AdamField, who thanks the creator for reminding him about the minor edit thing this time
- 5/16/2005 2:27 PM by RobinBaur, who is(n't) working on thesis
- 5/16/2005 3:00 PM by AlexUtter, who should be looking for an apartment
- 16/5/2005 4:18 PM by ChainMaille, during a break from PuzzlePirates
- 5/16/2005 4:41 PM by EvilSouthie, coming back from lunch
- 5/16/2005 4:53 PM by MacKenzieStuart, who just dropped ChrisErickson off at the airport with BrianYoung
- 5/16/2005 5:00 PM by WillShipley, who really really really should be getting ready to drive to LA.
- 5/16/2005 9:42 PM by EllenKephart, who just finished helping people move in.
- 5/17/2005 8:46 AM by BrianYoung, up bizarrely early
- 5/17/2005 4:50 PM by DuctTapeGuy, who missed the 24 hour deadline but made the somewhat more forgiving 27 hour deadline
- 5/18/2005 12:47 AM by JulieWortman, who's been traveling for the past couple of days, fer glayvin out loud.
i think im scared i know who most of you are --scary AncientMyth like person
- At a guess, MarkEphair?
- Check the domain name in the revision history... --slightly less AncientMythly one
See Also: WikiWhore, WikiWhore2003, WikiWhore2004, WikiWhore2006, WikiWhore2007