Editing NikFloyd
Full name: Nicholas Alexander Cole Floyd * Notice that every name in my name is a boy's name...a friend of mine pointed this out to me once. Lives in EuGene, OreGon. Formerly of the HarveyMuddCollege class of 2010. * I guess this makes me a SeventhFloorEastie. New EmailAddress for reference of those who care: dragons.rise@gmail.com ---- Also known as DarkSide to the Claremont Ultimate Team, the BrainEaters. * Part of TheCanadianRunThrough * Member of TimeSuckXI ** FAIL! ''Meaning I left before I finished SophoMore year. See below.'' * CrackFrosh 2007 ** Cause of FAIL? ** Definitely a CrackWhore. Took a LeaveOfAbsence for the Spring Semester 2008 and never came back. * Yes, yes I did...I am very sad about that. I promise I will visit at some point, especially since my sister, McKenzieFloyd, is now going to ScrippsCollege. (think ParentsWeekend) * I ''actually'' left mid-November 2007, not that it really matters. Transferring to UniversityOfOregon beginning in Winter 2008-2009. '''GO DUCKS!''' * Fuck ya, GO DUCKS! Also, don't think you can just take my class for an easy A, if I have you as a student, I'm gonna be so damn harsh on you! -- JasonWinerip, currently teaching at UniversityOfOregon, as of Fall 2008. ** So which classes are you teaching again? Are you teaching any next term? ''This is not a shameless attempt to absolutely avoid you, I swear.'' *** Ummm, I'm teaching Math 111 (College Algebra). If you were taking it, I'd be a bit worried, since it's at least a couple years back of where you should be, based on core math. **** Ah, okay. I wasn't sure. I guess I didn't really consider the fact that there are actually college students who haven't taken/passed an Algebra class. I have a number of strange assumptions because of all the requirements for Mudd... Still a member of EastDormSchmack! Currently working on earning the title of WikiWhore. * Good luck on doing that mid-year. ** Yeah, I realize that, but right now I'm just getting in the habit of checking FunWiki every day. (or a number of times, depending on how bored I am) ---- ''I'l be adding a list of games, books, activities, etc. that I enjoy here at some point. In fact I might just do a bunch of reorganizing...'' ---- CategoryHomePage, TimeSuckXI, CategoryCrackWhore, CrackFrosh 2007, NeedsRewriting
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)