Editing RosesAreRed
The 2020 LongTallGlasses prank, primarily authored by StuMpy, KatieJohnson, EricCorona, NickGrisanti, AndreaChen, StuMpy, KatieJohnson, RuthMueller, AndreaChen, StuMpy, RuthMueller, ValeGlasser, NickGrisanti, EricCorona, and ValeGlasser. This prank consisted of too many elements: *Troll faces with roses EVERWHERE (over 300) *Personalized roses are red cringe poems for every door *Generalized roses are red cringe poems hidden across North lounge *Giant troll face chalk drawing (courtesy of RuthMueller's formidable artistic skill) Most important meme/roses are red: (@ HarryFetsch) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716425885846339655/719024232562032740/froshchemlol.png Troll Face (can still be found in select secret locations in North) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716425885846339655/719021788322988125/troll_face.png
This change is a minor edit.
to set your user name.)