Editing ScariestProfsAtMudd
For various reasons, some of which are listed below, you should never mess with The Scariest Profs At Mudd, who are are (in no particular order): * ProfessorVanHecke, because he's pure hate. Ask him about WhirLing some time, or why he has a WestDorm t-shirt that says "Van Hecke 1, Danimal 0." Just don't ask him about ProfessorKarukstis. Redoes. * ProfessorEvans, because he's insane. You never know when he might summon demons or have his vampire friends come after you. * ProfessorDavis, because he could probably use his crazy political connections to get an air strike called in on you. * ProfessorMoody, because he's such a megalomaniac. Join the Dark Side.... I mean, MathDepartment, because under his direction it's just going to take over your department anyways. ** RIP Moody. * ProfessorBorrelli, because he's such the Godfather. Got a problem? Let him make a few phone calls... but you'd better hope those few phone calls are on your behalf, and not to destroy you, or you'll Never Do Math In This (or any town he's called) again. Some DumbAss who didn't get a job here back when they hired ProfessorSu and ProfessorWard made the mistake of bashing the Mudd math department at a retirement dinner for Profs. Alden and Pixley--and, well, suffice it to say that Moody and Borrelli got together to destroy him. Borrelli got on the phone (with among others the dean of another school DumbAss was applying for a position at), and I suspect it still sucks to be that DumbAss''''ed guy. * ProfessorEckert, but only for the first few seconds after you piss him off. In those few seconds, he might crush you with a lab bench or chainsaw you like a guinea pig. But if you got away quickly enough, you'd probably get away with whatever you did, DumbAss. * ProfessorPetersen, at least in physics lab. There are rumors that he's quite nice outside of lab. <i>But he even LOOKS evil! He's so scary and imposing!</i> ... the rumors <b>lie</b>. Both Eckert and Borrelli are real teddybears once you get over the past that they're terrifying, too.
This change is a minor edit.
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