Editing ViolinS
Disreputable stringed instruments, considerably inferior to violas. (''Nice try, Eli. --WillShipley'') The following conversation occurred at an EastDorm Meeting, Fall '01. EricBrown (aka Wussy) was attempting to garner East support for BroomBall: "It's played on an ice rink, and it's full of violence!"--EricBrown "All I can say is that it's a stunning achievement, indeed an honor, that we can expect live musicians for our game!"--WillShipley Blank stares--EastDorm "I mean, you can never have too many ViolinS" --WillShipley, again "Oh, Will!", "Ouch!", "Ooooh", "That was bad" --assorted people "noooooooooaaaaaaaaaaRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG'''NOOOOOOOOOOO! SHOWER HIM! ''WHIRL HIM!!!'''''"--EastDorm ''In retrospect, the above statement may well have been a BadIdea. At least I got an extra shower that day.''
This change is a minor edit.
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